#theyre literally the same person in different fonts
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nagitosstolenhand · 1 year ago
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i dont know quite how to describe it but. cinematic parallels.
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chaellooo · 3 months ago
Episode 3 anakin is actually so fine like Shatterspin Garmadon is so fine they're both fine to me........
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dwtlvr · 3 months ago
Me to Jinx haters that love Caitlyn and Caitlyn haters that love Jinx
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afantasyoffiction · 29 days ago
Evan "Buck" Buckley is just Dean Winchester if he'd had Sam’s childhood instead...
...And Dean is just Buck if you told him all along that his brother’s death was his fault  
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memeticallyengineered · 1 year ago
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so. dancers huh
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year ago
why ottojuli would literally be the most toxic julius ship of all time (arc 8)
ok but i was talking about this recently with @deafknell and @mynameisrobiniamadumbass (a lot of the points in this analysis are due to them and also they really fed my brainrot aldsjflsjdflj so big thanks to them HAH) but julius and otto genuinely would be extremely toxic together. as of arc 8, their uglier traits have come to light, and being in each other’s presence has helped reveal that. (this analysis is also kind of building off my Other arc 8 ottojuli-related analysis here)
** im gonna analyze ottojulis relationship in CANON mainly, but i also analyze the possibility of romantic-leaning julisuba and ottosuba—either way, julisuba and ottosuba, platonic or not, are extremely important to both julius and ottos characters and how they interact with each other as well 👍
to start off—their relationships to subaru are quite literally almost the same dynamic in Very Different fonts. theyre subaru’s two closest male friends around his age, they both debuted in arc 3, got off on the wrong foot with him (julius dueling subaru vs otto pushing subaru off the wagon), but went out of their way to save him (again, julius dueling subaru to prevent him fromt being killed by other knights, otto trying to go back for subaru after pushing him off the wagon in arc 3 + otto in arc 4), and as/once they develop a friendship with subaru, its a tsundere + tsundere relationship where both sides end up bickering and teasing each other to show affection. you could even read julisuba and ottosuba as paralleling relationships—otto is the one being teased + getting flustered most of the time by subaru who is the one being teased + getting flustered most of the time by julius. and subaru brings out different sides to otto and julius too—for julius, he’s learning to gradually let go of his repression and not be so “perfect”… for otto, he’s developed a fixation on subaru, and it brings out More of his uglier traits.
subaru is someone that both julius and otto care deeply about even when subarus actions Repeatedly frustrate and even anger them. but because they care about him, they Want to be more gentle with him in their own ways. julius stays honest and tries to break the news to subaru about louis Without compromising on his own beliefs because its the awful truth that subaru needs to know (on top of trying to aid the emilia camp in vollachia in general). otto on the other hand, hides things from subaru and maneuvers events from behind the scenes for subarus sake. otto didnt plan on telling subaru something along the lines of what julius just said about louis needing to be dead, which is why otto gets pissed when julius flat out just tells the truth—subaru still needed to hear this, sooner or later, bc if he really wants to find a way to keep louis alive, he needs to be aware of the reality of the situation. but otto didnt agree with julius saying this regardless, which is likely bc otto feels julius ruined his plans on how he was going to handle the louis situation and/or otto is mad that julius made subaru upset.
so when otto and julius face each other, they’re strangers. they only know the other person as a friend of a friend (subaru), a merchant vs a knight. but unlike julius, who’s a knight through and through and yet is close to and wholeheartedly supports a merchant, otto is a merchant who’s always had a distaste for knightly ideals, and so HE’S the one who emphasizes this distance between himself and julius. this is even more interesting when you remember that julius, again, is a knight loyal to a merchant, while otto is a merchant who is loyal to a knight (subaru), so theres an interesting dichotomy going on there. but otto cant let go of his own beliefs, so he proceeds to place the same expectations that julius continues being boxed into—julius being the finest knight.
its even more important to remember that because julius’s name was erased, julius absolutely is even more of a stranger to otto. otto couldnt accompany subaru and other emilia camp members to the tower, and otto expressed his disapproval of the decision for them to even go to the tower in the first place (because he doesnt want them heading into danger again). on top of that, julius—a complete stranger—was accompanying them into the tower. ricardo entrusted anastasia to julius—a stranger—which is a decision that otto with all his paranoia could never do. and then julius comes back waltzing into vollachia and otto becomes frustrated.
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julius apologizes to otto for interrupting in emilia camp affairs regarding louis, and he thinks otto is upset because he stole ottos role in the situation as internal affairs minister. but otto is really upset because he wouldnt have told subaru what julius just told subaru then about louis, despite the fact that subaru needs to learn this information (that louis will be found guilty by the world and Needs to be punished for her crimes). and julius knows that subaru needs to know this, which is why he said it. and its this misunderstanding between otto and julius that lets otto know, for certain, that julius really is like emilia and subaru. and its this realization about julius—that he walks in the light with otto’s friends—makes otto angry and frustrated and bitter enough to try and punch the wall and break his hand again.
this is also because theres a possibility that otto is jealous of julius. this post is a rarepair analysis too HAH so you could Definitely read it as otto being jealous of julius as well. because ottos anger, frustration, and bitterness towards julius mirrors arc 3 subaru’s behavior towards julius. otto and subaru were both pissed at julius for interfering as an “outsider”, and i think that, like subaru in arc 3, otto is upset at the idea of being left behind in the dust by julius in regards to subaru and emilia. julius is someone who can walk in the light with emilia and subaru, which is something otto cant do, and julius is a strong combatant thats especially useful for vollachia, which is yet another thing otto cant do, and julius agrees with otto on killing louis despite also being idealistic like emilia and subaru, which is something otto cant do. julius can have both—be with emilia and subaru while acknowledging that louis needs to die—and it angers otto, who not only needs to be needed but also is questioning his worth here in vollachia. julius throws a wrench in all of ottos issues and worsens it tenfold, Especially when you remember how similar otto can be to subaru. otto and subaru are stubborn, especially when it comes to their goals and beliefs, prone to sacrificing for the people they care about most, prone to keeping secrets, need to be needed, and question their own worth.
and also the way they get flustered when teased is Similar. theres that too. (which is yet another ottosuba vs julisuba parallel.)
but subaru was jealous of julius, so what about otto? well—otto is someone who might be prone to getting jealous. in an otto’s diary episode of breaktime season two, this happens:
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(sorry about the timestamps at the bottom wkdndnd im too lazy to grab new screenshots)
so basically whats happening here is that otto hears emilia gush about subaru and tell stories about subaru to frederica, and otto feels envious listening to this. you could interpret that any way you want, but i think that the implication is that in this moment, otto is envious of emilia and subaru being so close to each other. you could also interpret it as otto being envious of emilia because HE wants to be closer with subaru, which i think is also entirely plausible because in this exact same scene, he notes:
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the whole point of ALL otto’s diary episodes in breaktime season two is that otto is writing in his diary about all his experiences in arc 4, many of which involve his developing relationship with subaru. and theres no denying that by the time we get to arc 8, otto is now at LEAST a little bit fixated on subaru (ill go more into this soon). ottos now aware of julius and julius’s close relationship with subaru after all theyve gone through in arc 5 and 6, and so now otto is in direct competition with julius. physically, in terms of the difference in their physical power, politically, in terms of julius being part of the anastasia camp, and emotionally—in terms of julius being so close to subaru and being exactly what otto wants. otto wants to be useful. otto wants to have the power to accomplish his goals. he wants to walk alongside emilia and subaru, but he cant while julius easily can.
another important thing is that the key difference between julius and otto is that julius’s “ugly” traits are Barely even bad, while otto’s are far Worse.
and this is further highlighted by the fact that julius’s development in arc 6 mirrors otto’s current arc in arc 8. julius got so stuck in his head that he kept trying to fight his own idol over and over again, hurting himself repeatedly in the process, trying to prove he was useful because he needed to be needed while no one around him really needed him in the way he wanted. the only person he couldve depended on was subaru—until subaru forgot him. of course julius undergoes some development and subarus memory comes back, but julius still cant rely on others. julius Still depended on, needed, and hes there to help in vollachia while, as i said earlier, otto is questioning why hes even here if he has no use. because julius and otto cant depend on others. theyre depended on by many other people (otto playing a key supporting role to his camp), so theyre not allowed to falter.
but otto is faltering, while julius has managed to pick himself back up again even after arc 6. youd think that out of most people, julius is someone who would be able to understand how otto feels—ottos desperation to prove that he has a reason to be here and his desperation to prove his usefulness—but, as ive mentioned earlier, ottos flaws are glaring now. julius’s flaws are different—the gluttonies mention iirc that he was a little mean to his brother at points, which quite frankly isnt that bad especially when you remember how joshua is as a person + julius is Quite Literally an extremely good person otherwise, and then theres the fact that julius wants louis dead, which. yeah thats completely understandable after what louis did to him and his brother. and he most certainly is far from the only one to want louis dead. julius still has good intentions at heart, and he doesnt mean anything regarding louis lightly. in the ex novels, he feels guilty about balleroy (another enemy that julius fought) dying and wishes it didnt have to turn out this way. this is even more poignant when you remember that balleroy happens to be one of the dead that comes back as a zombie in arc 8. its a physical manifestation of julius’s guilt, and knowing julius, he will/likely does feel at least a little guilty about louis given 1. subaru cares about her and 2. she acts exactly like a little kid now.
as for otto—while being a realist is understandable, hes actively withholding information. he kept the tome secret for a year with the intention of restoring it just so HE can read the information in it and then destroy it afterwards so no one else gets to it. he didnt want to tell subaru that louis will likely need to be dead anyway. he doesnt voice his own desire to kill louis. he doesnt reveal his dps ability to read intent. he doesnt reveal that bc of his dp he knows louis is Innocent now. and other than actively withholding information, he outright says / tries to do things like the following quote:
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julius doesnt want to hurt anyone. julius wants to save as many as he can and his last resort is hurting people—such as wanting louis dead. but for otto—if its necessary, no matter how morally wrong it is, he’ll do it for subaru and the emilia camp’s sakes. otto is actively malicious AND manipulative.
which is why i think otto is fixated on subaru. otto has a lot of parallels with arc 3 rem—otto was the second person to die for subaru, and the second person to give subaru an important arc-defining speech to uplift him. otto, like rem, is willing to do anything for subaru. except ottos definition of anything doesnt just mean risking his life for subaru. it also means that ottos willing to sacrifice almost anything and anyone else for subaru. otto in arc 8 straight up thinks this:
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“his reason for being was to keep saying that the point of compromise subaru had found was unacceptable”—otto places his reason for existence, his reason for being here in vollachia, his purpose, and the reason why hes Needed, on opposing subaru. on doing the dirty work for subaru.
its interesting, then, that both otto and julius’s fights against gluttony in arc 5 mirror each other. julius loses his name because he gives it in battle. otto figures out how erasing works and instructs everyone else not to say his name. julius is injured by gluttony in that his name is gone. ottos legs are injured by gluttony. and when otto fights ley and julius fights roy respectively, ley impersonates rem and roy impersonates joshua.
i mentioned the otto/rem parallels already, but its poignant that joshua was the one roy chose—not only bc its confirmation to us and julius that joshua got eaten, but also in that joshuas relationship to julius is complicated. joshua hates julius. joshua has this massive inferiority complex regarding julius, because julius can accomplish all these things that joshua wants to accomplish but he cant, and yet joshua keeps this hidden by gaslighting himself and everyone around him by playing up the adoring younger brother to an EXTREME. not that joshua doesnt admire his brother, because joshua does, just that its messily tangled with the envy and resentment—but joshua hides all his feelings behind the adoring younger brother act. to otto, ley appeared as rem—another lover to subaru (apart from emilia of course, along with the fact that otto himself Does love subaru) that otto doesnt know at all and yet parallels heavily. to julius, roy appears as joshua—the brother julius has now forgotten, the brother that resents julius and is jealous of julius in a similar way to julius being jealous of reinhard. julius does parallel joshua, in some way, and he doesnt even know.
and if ottos jealous of julius now, it mirrors joshuas jealousy regarding julius. if you put julius and otto together, theres the potential that julius will unknowingly “ruin” otto in the way that he “ruined” joshua, placing even more pressure on julius while otto and joshua stay in the background, in the shadows, and grow bitter of everyone shining in the light. and as for otto, ive mentioned all the things that julius has above otto already, but heres one more—
you could interpret julisuba as a healthier version of ottosuba.
as ive stated earlier, ottosuba and julisuba have Parallels. and of course, im not saying that julisuba are perfect people either, but the thing about ottosuba is that—like otto as a character—it seems innocent at first. with julisuba, its derogatory at first—subaru is the aggressor and the party in the wrong, while julius is forced to publically beat him and humiliate him in order to save his life. but julisuba later grow a very close bond (with…. quite a lot of homoeroticism HAH). meanwhile with ottosuba its a little Less rough. apart from otto pushing subaru off the wagon in arc 3 (which again, ended in otto dying while he was trying to save subaru bc he regretted what he did), ottosuba stays more in the background until otto takes more action in arc 4. and when we get to know ottosubas developing friendship in arc 4, we agree with otto. otto, who tells subaru that theyre friends, who goes out of his way to help subaru, who snaps some sense into subaru and makes a plan with him to tackle the obstacles in arc 4. but the thing is, we knew ottos flaws from the start. he does whatever necessary to accomplish his goals even if its morally wrong (pushing subaru out of the wagon in arc 3). otto gets mad at subaru for being reckless, grows violent with subaru as a result, and helps subaru in any way he can whether subaru wants it or not (arc 4). but in arc 4, ottosuba seems more like a nice friendship. its a breath of fresh air to see someone go out of their way for subaru like this. and im not saying that ottosuba isnt a great relationship, but by the time we get to arc 8, theyre codependent. otto needs to be needed. otto needs subaru to stay alive and out of more trouble, so otto decides to do whatever it takes to do that. otto gets mad at julius for trying to interfere in that, and otto also gets mad at roswaal and proceeds to assume—in his paranoia and anger—that roswaal only wants otto to be less difficult so its easier for roswaal to complete his own scheming. ottos protective of subaru to the point where you could interpret it as obsessive /possessive.
julius, on the other hand, is honest with subaru, as ive said, about what will likely happen with louis. julius is honest. sincere. he refuses to ever betray his loved ones, but he also refuses to lie to them and be their yes man—because its for their own good. otto is not. otto is willing to lie and play dirty even with his own loved ones if he thinks its for their own good. like joshua, otto hides his true feelings on certain things until it bubbles up to the surface—which is why he ends up punching walls out of anger and stewing in his frustration. julius has morals and ideals that he wouldnt want to cross. julius hates the idea of even hurting people. otto has next to zero reservations about this, if not none. once he deems it necessary, if theres something stopping him from doing it, it definitely wont be himself.
and—just a quick mention of ottos possible jealousy again + julisubas homoeroticism (that is, by the way, acknowledged by canon in the form of reid thinking theyre boyfriends), if you want to interpret ottosuba as romantic as well, you could easily interpret part of ottos anger towards julius being the result of him wanting to be the only man around subarus age whos close to subaru. julius is a direct competitor in that aspect too. because otto is genuinely happy for emisuba, especially when theyre both his friends, so while he did get jealous over them (which is canon, according to ottos diary), he doesnt have a problem with them. meanwhile, julius is a complete stranger to otto that got to accompany subaru to the tower—as the one other guy in the party too, by the way—while otto couldnt because he was injured by ley, who was impersonating rem, another one of subarus romantic interests. otto is already mad that subarus chosen vollachia and louis over ottos desire to just choose their self preservation. julius is salt in the wound because to otto, subaru leaving for the tower kinda looks like subaru chose julius over otto—and then julius came to vollachia and reunited with subaru, which is more salt in ottos wounds.
and if you want to make this more messy, ottos admiration and endearment to subaru can easily be paralleled to julius admiring reinhard. subaru and reinhard already parallel in general, but otto and julius were quite literally pining (platonic or otherwise) for subaru and reinhard before those two even recognized otto and julius as friends. make of that what you will.
so additionally—like how julius could “ruin” otto, otto could “ruin” julius. julius can beat otto in a physical fight without breaking a sweat. but unlike subaru, otto has no morals holding him back and hes absolutely capable of figuring out how to beat julius psychologically. otto also has no problem using julius if he really needed to. additionally, if you happened to put otto in a situation where he had julius’s life in his hands and he could get away scot-free with just killing julius—theres a good chance that otto could go ahead with it to remove julius as a threat + cripple anastasia substantially. and, like subaru, otto is capable of really Testing julius’s patience. if you forced them together for long enough with the way their characters are in arc 8, julius very well could snap. julius and otto are both characters whove been dealing with a bunch of shit and are growing tired of it, especially julius. otto may be more volatile in comparison, but julius of course is only human and will crack a bit under the pressure. because otto would place all these standards on him that julius is always cursed to have—ottos already done that in arc 8 by just referring to julius as a knight and therefore his enemy. and thats on top of otto and julius’s relationships to subaru making this Already Complicated.
and if subaru saw two of his closest friends fighting like this, all three of them would be Very Upset about it.
regardless, anastasia camp and emilia camp relations in general are fascinating because at this point, with ottos whole Thing against the ana camp, julius + his friendships to emilia and subaru, and garf and mimi, the two factions are closely connected now. julius and otto though? yeah theyre a powder keg of a rarepair bc i think theyd end up strangling each other wkndjdndjd. and what i mean is that as a rarepair, julius and otto and subaru are in the weirdest most fucked love triangle of all time right now HAH.
also in this scenario—when anastasia finds out about otto messing with julius, otto is not gonna be safe.
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meek-shall-inherit · 5 months ago
U HAVE NO CLUE HOW EXCITED I WAS WHEN I SAW IT WAS PLAYING HIS GAME another andercard oneeee :3 gonna do both the original japanese one and the english demo lyrics
english demo:
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the whole parallels-so-hard-they-accidentally-made-soulmates . theyre literally just the same fucking person but in different fonts
original japanese (ignore how long this is about to be!):
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-note: both helena's nail and just the whole self recognition through the other
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the japanese ver fits them way better but only the english one is on spotify 😔
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door430 · 1 year ago
It's theory time! (Deltarune edition)
I've seen the theory going around that Deltarune's Gaster is actually multiple Gasters, since he was shattered across time and space. This will be adding onto that.
There's a lot of weird characters in Deltarune and Undertale that we don't actually know the true identities of. The Mystery Man, REDACTED, the man who gives you the egg, the person writing entry 17, the two people speaking at the beginning of deltarune... and I have reason to believe that most, if not all of these characters, are separate pieces of Gaster.
Gaster is often associated with the person who speaks to you at the very beginning of Deltarune due to their similar dialects and personalities. I fully believe this theory myself. But what if the person who discarded the vessel isn't Chara/Dess/whatever people are saying these days... but an alternate version of Gaster? A lot of things suddenly fall into place. This person seems to have similar abilities to the first person, with them both manipulating game files and having some level of control over your vessel. It's possible that this is just a coincidence, but I have more evidence.
Another character commonly associated with Gaster in the fandom is the man behind the tree who gives you the eggs. He never shows himself, and he immediately disappears after you take the egg (Mystery Man vibes, anyone?) However, it's been bugging me that this characterization wouldn't quite line up with the Gaster from the beginning of the game. He's too friendly and casual. However, if this was an alternate version of Gaster, it would make sense why they wouldn't act exactly the same.
Now, we know that Jevil and Spamton have both spoken to mysterious individuals that completely changed them. I believe it's possible, and even probable, that these people were not the same person. After all, Jevil's mystery person presumably revealed the nature of his reality, while Spamton's made him a successful businessman. I believe these people were actually two individual pieces of Gaster. I also believe that every future secret boss will have spoken to a different version of Gaster.
Time for my favorite part of this theory. If there's multiple versions of Gaster just running around this world... then any one of them could be the knight. There's been so many theories about the identity of the knight, accusing Kris, Dess, Papyrus, and even Gaster himself, but I think this theory adds a little more context for the accusation against Gaster, and why the knight may be similar but still different to the Gaster we know.
Now... time for the crazy part of the theory.
Remember Sans and Papyrus from Undertale? Remember how they supposedly just showed up one day with no histories to speak of? Well, what if I told you that Sans and Papyrus are actually pieces of Gaster? Sounds insane, right? Well, hear me out.
Sans and Papyrus share a lot of similarities to the few depictions we have of Gaster. Physically, theyre all white and vaguely skeleton-esque. Speech-wise, they all speak in odd fonts, and Papyrus speaks in all caps like Gaster. But in regards to their personalities and interests, Sans particularly shows an interest in science in his genocide dialogue and with his quantum physics book/joke book gag. Hell, he literally has a key to a secret laboratory in his basement! And Papyrus isn't exempt, either. He creates and solves surprisingly complex puzzles, and even has a book titled "Advanced Puzzle Construction for Critical Minds". Most damningly of all, sans has an attack called the Gaster blaster. I don't know how much more obvious it can get.
But this is just my take. Sorry for the long post, but I'm too tired to condense it. If anyone else has any theories to add on to/contradict this one, I'd love to hear them!
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bibimbinge · 2 years ago
I know logically and literally they dont look alike. I know for a fact theyre two different people. I know they're not related by any means.
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BUT Khaotung & Ten just remind me so much of each other every single time I see a new interview or something... LIIIKE!!!!! they're the same person in different fonts babes
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mossfeathers · 1 year ago
im so unwell about grian and tma
tell me grian and jon arent the same person in different fonts
u cant
they are literally the same like hello watcher ???? chaos ??????? blowing stuff up ????? same person
this is so true- I read most of from the archives (stopped to catch up to 155 so i could the bdubs statement tma-spoiler free) and GOD they fit so well together. theyre both so utterly deranged. also i got to the bit in TMA where besera confronts jon about his eating habits and hes like ":( fine. whatever. guess ill go on a diet. god forbid i do anything huh" then says "im gonna go get a snack" AND STARTS READING A STATEMENT??????? he makes me sick to the stomach. i love him so much. (also jellyfish anon im writing a secret life+tma statement with scar and the lonely im so excited to post it)
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tryhardgwen · 1 year ago
rs archive 03/11/2024:
hiii i love listening to you talk (well, read it really). your take and interpretation of gumakeria is amazing. like the way you write their dynamics>>>> something about their unending love and devotion, i love it so much like--- so pls talk more about them AHHAHA i would like to hear more of you views and takes on them, yap more to me pls
UM ??? 🥹anon u r literally the sweetest. thank you so much for this submit??? all i ever wanted with my retrospring was an excuse to yap and you just gave it to me ily. and gumakeria literally runs my whole world. LET THE YAPPING COMMENCE!
so first things first i gotta talk about my gumakeria music. my main artists are between friends (duh), the neighbourhood (wiped out!), niki (moonchild), taylor swift, del water gap. i can find them everywhere. something in the water, we could be so electric, ditto, self-destruct, the beach, cruel summer, WEST COAST, so it goes, ode to a conversation stuck in my throat, SHUT UP MY MOMS CALLING, die for you, alma, eyes on my baby, collide. i will not stfu. i could easily give you a lyric analysis of any song (actually i lied i cant with some songs bc its just the vibe yk?) but ill spare you.
OK so the thing about gumakeria is like. theyre an obvious pairing. yes, everyone ships botlanes together. its a pandemic. the govt assigned ships are taking over. but. BUT. they are so much more than a govt assigned ship okay??? THEY MAKE SENSE. they are so devoted and so soulmates and just so !!!!!! i fell so hard for them and then couldnt get back up. the way gumayusi is so outwradly/openly affectionate while keria is more silently supportive. their parallels in game with their personalities is so insane and interesting actually. because yeah, the adc is the center of attention. guma shines and keria, well, supports. same with their personalities, guma is open and keria is quieter. guma praises and waxes poetic about keria all the time while keria is... quieter. but despite the traditional lane roles, whats also interesting is the rise of keria being the star of the t1 botlane (what with his picks and insane talent) rather than guma. contrast this with the rise of more keria-pov gumakeria fanfic...??? (bear with me i have a point, i swear.)
so, yeah. there are less canon-compliant fics in gumas pov. more in keria pov. why is that? im just speculating, of course, bc like. myself included... i mostly write keria pov! the thing is, because keria is "quieter" and less overt i think people are drawn to him so they can figure out whats underneath the surface and write that. its easier to find, in a way, because hes quieter and mysterious, /ofc/ hes going to be more emotive in that way. and like, yeah, guma is overt and bright. so much so that, oftentimes, its harder to look underneath the surface. he's the sun, yeah? bright and brilliant and glaring. it hurts to look at the sun. keria is covert, and "softer" and easier to look at in that way. you can spot his ulterior motives faster. hes greedy, hes desperate, hes cruel (im using all these adjectives artistically, bear with me). with guma, hes already so OPEN you're tricked into thinking he doesnt have any ulterior motives. everything is already out in the air, right? NO. HE HAS ULTERIOR MOTIVES TOO BUT NO ONE EVER NOTICESSS. HE WILL STRAIGHT OUT FUCKIGN SAY THEM AND NO ONE BATS AN EYE OR THINKS TO LOOK A LITTLE CLOSER BECAUSE HES SO UPFRONT ABOUT IT. he wants this he wants that—noone truly knows or cares to find out how MUCH he wants it. hes also greedy and hungry and never satisfied. hes also emotive and desperate and--guma has so many layers that he hides. theyre the same like that, you get what i mean? and keria is the one person that sees guma for who he really is, and vice versa. theyre each others sanctuary; their escapes. gumakeria are the same but in different fonts. theyre equally devoted, and show it in their own ways. it truly is a push and pull. (i really need to write more guma-pov non-au gumakerias)
one thing that lowk pisses me off is the assumption of gumakerias dynamic being a sun and moon dynamic. theyre not. like, if you want to get superficial about it, they are, sure, aesthetically and when it comes to the "common pairing." but if you look deeper and try to find more meaning like i inevitably will bc im like that, you'll see theyre not the sun and the moon. theyre the sun and the stars (in the case of celestial bodies, and in the case of bodies of nature, theyre the sun and the sea). im not just saying sun and stars to be dIFfEREnt here. keria has always been a starboy to me, not a moonboy (oner is quite literally a moonboy lmao). so it sort of frustrates me. heres a line from one of my wips using sun/star motifs for guke: “The sun is a star, and I am yours.” (spoken by guma). THE SUN IS A STAR. and THAT IS THE FUCKING POINT. THAT IS EXACTLY THE POINT. the thing about the sun and the moon is that the moon reflects off the sun's light. the stars? the stars are the sun. the stars burn by themselves. THE SUN IS A MOTHERFUCKING STAR. gumakeria are both luminous and incandescent and theyre burning. they are both burning with want. guma is more overt, sure. keria is subtler. what he lacks for in mass, he makes up with quantity. they are the same, and that is the point. in my last retrospring submit, i called them two forces of nature, and that is exactly what they are. they collide and it's like two binary stars coalescing into one. its got the impact of a supernova, and its hot and bright, and... thats them, you know? that's gumakeria.
and you can translate their dynamic into so many things. so many aus, so many versions of them, so many... them. one sided, or reciprocated. them fighting for each other. someone struggling, one being so desperate. one being stable. one being fleeting. at the end, its just them. theyre so strong both romantically and platonically because of how much they get each other. like, do we even need to specify? its all and its both and its everything. they are everything.
part of what draws me to gumakeria is... well, that. theyre twin souls. they are so in tune with each other. they get each other. they are virtually the same, and see each other as that. its two people that want and are hungry and who will never get enough. keria is never satisfied: have we ever stopped to think if guma is? the thing is, the thing the two are satisfied with is one another. it will be them, forever. they are just bound. they are just together. i think they see each other like no other. and its their personalities and their ways of showing love and their selfishness and their wanting and their dynamic that just kills me. they have that surface layer of fluff and cuteness and govt assigned ship, just like guma has his surface, and how their dynamic has the surface of sun and moon. but underneath they are so perfect and introspective and moody and ITS FUCKING RIDICULOUS, HOW MUCH THEY LIVE IN MY BRAIN. how can someone be so in tune to someone else's emotions?? how can that happen? how are they so similar yet so different? theyre each others' grounding force. guma's the stability, sure, but hes nothing without the stability of keria and vice versa. they play that role for each other. they play all the roles for each other. they are vulnerable and emotive and there for each other. and, thinking back in rookie years, they grew with each other. theyre so strong and they have almost... unwritten history. theres just so much about them that i will constantly be in awe of. or, well. theres so much my mind builds. i have a whole palace of gumakeria floating in my head, and im finding so many nooks and crannies every time i look.
so! i hope you enjoyed my yap. ily, and thank you for reading :> gumakeria soulmatism! that is all.
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getlostsquidward · 3 years ago
lowkey tempted to write into the spider-verse and attack on titan crossover just to have an olivia octavius and hange zoe interaction 😮💨
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jeccoart · 3 years ago
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link me a piece/several pieces of mine u like so i know what vibe to go for!! below is a general overview of what im offering
-rendered sketch. 25€
these are fast n loose, some bits remain messy but the important stuff is there and each piece has its own look!
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-lined + colors. 50€*
lining takes time so the price reflects that but cause theres more clearly defined steps to this u also have better control on how it turns out. pros include (optional) colored line !
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-fully rendered painting. 75€*
i work on these over several days but theyre my favorite thing to do ever and they look really cool. + the way i do them means (almost) anything can be changed anytime if needed
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-i will color your lineart for you!! 35€*
if you give me ur lineart in .sai or .psd or a transparent .png i will color it for you however you like!!
payments via paypal! contact me on tumblr here my DMs are open! or on discord nikokushi or my personal twitter @ canardgeant
(more info under the cut)
*prices change depending on the scale of the drawing. something smaller w just 1 character is cheaper than a full poster w 5 characters. same with simple backgrounds/complicated backgrounds, let me know what ure thinking about n ill give u a quote! i will add speech bubbles n text n whatnot for free using a font, hand lettering costs extra cause it takes me a while
WILL do: OCs !!! fanart, ship art, etc. pride flags, diversity headcanons, memes & jokes, screenshot redraws/paintings from reference, GNC men, GNC + trans/nonbinary characters in general, blood n scars n small injuries (no big gore), little jester outfits!
WONT do: mecha/furry i am just not good at drawing it, real people unless from direct reference for the same reason, anything even remotely NSFW (sfw fetish included) for different reasons i wont draw characters making out either. other kisses are okay and swag <3 + anything that makes me uncomfy and/or i dont know enough about to comfortably draw
i give lots of process shots as i go along to make sure everythings to ur taste n ill tweak anything u want me to until the drawings done. i spent 5 years doin requests on deviantart w a couple repeat clients, im used to working w people this way. also whatever you want me to draw will NOT be the weirdest thing ive heard about and u will never be the most unpleasant person ive had business with literally do not even worry about being weird. 👍
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spiders-notagain · 2 years ago
Vulcans dont have novels; a headcanon
As a planet with few trees, Vulcans had less paper. (Also many of the techniques humans use to make paper use water and Vulcans had less of that too) That doesnt mean they had NO paper. After all they did have some small forests. Aside from writing things on clay and sand tablets, ancient vulcans experimented with several different materials for paper. But eventually settled on two main products. A kind of regional variant of cotton and a type of relatively common brittle rock.
Thus Vulcans didnt really have alot of books and relied primarily on paintings and tablets to store information for future use or even future generations. Paper (and especially books) were seen as a certain sign of luxury and only used for important documents. The common people passed down memories and fictional stories by word of mouth/mind melds through generational lines. And it was very common for clans/families to have important traditional stories. In some families, being given the story was an important rite of passage.
There was alot of poetry though as it could be stored on single sheets of paper or immortalized in tablets. Even for the common people, learning about different types of poetry was a sign you were well educated. As well as other types of art forms but especially the rare written word.
Sometime before the nuclear wars they developed technology that allowed them to store large amounts of information digitally. All but removing the reliance on books to store important data. With that freed up, books were more accesible to the common people. Or rather what we would call middle class. Poor people could still not afford books.
And thus the return of the short story and the long short story/novelette. They were about the same product in thickness, except the short story is usually cut in half lengthwise. While there was a standard size, some bookmakers elected to use custom cuts.
A bookmaker did two things, binding and printing. First by hand, later when a simplified font was created, with letterpressing. Except when they were making journals in which case they would leave it blank.
Empowered by their new avenue for creativity, many simply wrote down the stories that had been passed down to them, some wrote fanfiction of their generational stories that nobody in their family wanted to pass down, some wrote brand new stories, some wrote journal entries about their own life or just detailed their family tree, and some wrote fanfiction of their favorite plays.
Most of the stories written in these formats did not have the 3 act story structure and since they had no audience to pander to, personal stories were self indulgent. They were often left open ended or devoid of context. (And some of it was literally just smut with plot)
Really savvy authors would use this gap of information to their advantage the way some human authors do. Others would make historians cry because for example their story is about this guy being enemies with this other guy because he stole his sister from a respectable family so the girls brother is trying to hunt them down and try and figure out some things about the guy but the author never mentions any of that in the story so you dont find out her name till halfway through, theyre running from an unseen enemy, and you dont even get to find out what happens after the brother finally catches them because the story was about the culture clash they experience being on different social statuses and also the weighing of love vs responsibility, and also kind of a rebuttal to a play the author saw 4 years ago that included a subplot that romanticized young love and they thought the premise was stupid. So they imagine both characters dying at the end at the hands of the brother and none of the aforementioned themes are immediately obvious anyway because their writing style was super poetic and flowy and they handled all their mature themes very subtly.
There wasnt really a book industry for published literature nor libraries as we think of our local ones. That did not mean they didnt have long stories. The closest equivalent were plays or interpretive dance which were around for millions of years, even beyond the earliest days of paper. (A handful of classic dance styles were preserved to modern day, not quite as fervently as martial art styles but respected for the cultural value they possess) They were revered as one of the most popular forms of entertainment and since many saw them as a kind of treat, they were drawn out to increase enjoyment with some of the better ones being 4-5 hours long.
They did eventually start adopting a sort of publishing industry. The earliest version of it was during post-reformation when they improved society as a whole. And the technology they used to store information digitally was more readily available than books. (Partially because pre-reformation it was considered a war technology) So the first industry was scientific articles. Particularly after they started going to space and really started learning things.
Although a few vulcan writers had experimented with common fantastical (re: genres that feature impossibilities) human book genres like sci fi and fantasy and to some extent horror, they didn't actually really delve into it till they met humans and those kinds of book genres became normalized throughout the federation.
Well thats not entirely true. Vulcans did have horror in the form of ghost stories. Not that they always included ghosts but urban legends, scary campfire stories and the kind of stories you tell your kids to scare them into behaving. Those had all been around for centuries but no one really wrote them down before the popularity of books so theres a lot of missing context from the various stories that just mutated or merged with other stories over time. Urban legend history is a category almost no vulcan wants to get into. Not necessarily because its full of the distasteful fantastical but because of how 'pointless' and low-payoff it is to comb through artifacts and old texts for hints about what might be relevant to that one story about the mystery le'matya where some texts only describe it as a shadowy unerving figure that doesnt do anything but seriously freak you out. But some texts describe it as three times the size of a normal le'matya and having knife sharp claws and pure white eyes and can kill a grown man with two slashes. One for the neck and one for the poison. And then while youre paralyzed it eats your guts out. If you hear it coming, it means youre already a goner.
But like, that shares a bunch of characteristics with this other nightmare creature so they think at some point someone merged the two stories to make it scarier. But they're not sure because most of the texts they have concerning the terrifying deadly le'matya were written before the ones they have about the mysterious unnerving le'matya. Except there's also this one poem that could be about the other nightmare creature or it could be about the deadly le'matya because the contents sorta fit both. But it does have an extra detail that they used to time date it so if they could figure out which one the poem is about then it would solve that earlier question.
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sortagaysortahigh · 2 years ago
No bc robin and argyle are the same person in different fonts. Theyre variants of each other so i never understand why people hate argyle so much??? Like hes not stupid??? Hes quirky??? And a pothead??? He literally solved like every california problem??????? Pothead king deserves more lovr TO THIS DAY
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nulltune · 3 years ago
hakuno isn't bob the builder hot cause the difference between drunk girl and btb is a btb doesn't have as many internalized personality problems and a drunk girl is more passive in their support (does not at all diminish the kindness of importance of meeting the drunk girl) compared to the active energy of a btb 'i'm going to fix you and take care of you no matter what' personality
TSUUUUNNNNN OH MY GOD not u making this intellectual observation on hot diagnosis.... UR SO RIGHT THO!!!! i never rlly thought of hakuno as those sunshine types that light up a room bc her presence and the kind of support she gives is (like you've said) much more subtle.... much more passive! which also why i def get more of moonlight vibes... starlight vibes... like the moon that gives you a sense of comfort as it watches over u from afar...... also, talking abt this really reminds me of hakuno interactions with jinako! bc i'd imagine the more assertive btb to encourage jinako to get out and drag her by the hand to get out of her shell — whereas what we see with hakuno in canon (which may actually be due to writers doing it for plot purposes but like </3 SSSH) she wants jinako to be able to find the courage to step outs on her own, gives her support in her own way and just makes sure to remind her that she's not alone. BOTH R REALLY GOOD AND VALID BTW DON'T GET ME WRONG but the difference in approach rlly gets mee..!!!! hakuno def has some traits of the btb imo but it's in a different font ✨️✨️ the same good intent is rlly there but i just think my hakuno's more,, awkward n clumsy! I RLLY LIKE THAT PART OF HER THOO every action of hers doesn't come so naturally, she fumbles a lot but sincerely tries her best ;w; and wow not me actually going bonkers bc it rlly ties in with the part i bolded too: "looking like an angel aside from the slight sway in her step" (side note: also thinking abt extella and how they wanted fem! hakuno to have a pure holy maiden imagery there... Hm!) she's not perfect!!! also a thing vvv important for my own portrayal too bc despite that image of hers, hakuno has a heck load of her own problems which tie in with exactly Why she's so kind and caring
> enter: internalized personality problems. OKAY BUT U SAYING IT LIKE THAT MADE ME LAUGH GSJFHSJD BUT!!!! this is actually so true..... so true!!! drunk girl being drunk is the important part to me because she's in the same boat as the you in this narrative that's also drunk. with hakuno, her extreme compassionate + worrywart nature makes it so that she's a naturally caring person but i think what makes her so understanding of others (with what we've seen in canon fate extra too, actually! prime example i'm thinking of rn is julius but i'm gonna ramble rn and their development is too frikkin good to be properly talked abt in just one post 😩) is bc of her own experiences and how she can empathize with a lot of the pains that she sees. also think it's that very reason that makes her someone who's sensitive to those suffering... someone who can understand so well too, because she knows that kind of pain as well! :,) hakuno has a big heart so it's not like she'll only be nice to certain ppl don't get me wrong, but gotdanggg do i love the ?? how mutual and reciprocal the bond is when it's between two individuals that understand each other....!!!!! but yes! main part of this is literally summed out so well the last part of the description for the result which i also bolded too cuz oh my gawddd "...who stand up for people even when they might have trouble standing themselves" i don't even have to say anything for this part i think bc tHAT'S JUST FRIKKIN HAKUNO!!!! IN A NUTSHELL!!!!!
also yq vc (blasted) stop it. let me drive -steers them off a cliff-
i've been trying rlly hard to think of an ic response for this but i can't i'm just laughing too hard at this egkrhfjs yQ NO THEYRE GONNA MCFRIKKIN DIE!!!!!!!!!!!! TASUKETE
—also tunglr was lynnphobic it gave me an error so here's a screenshot of da tags i salvaged b4 i had 2 reload for this site 2 function <3
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