#theyre just really close homies
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cryingboyy · 1 year ago
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kissing ur homie tighten the friendship !!
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midnight-mourning · 10 days ago
Sharing Isn't Caring
💘💘Midnight's DCA Valentine's Day 13💘💘
Hello! Finally finishing these up, bit of a busy weekend and this one in particular got VERY long lol, that being said hope you enjoy!
Prompt: i really liked that one promptober you made about the reader having robophobia ( cause sun killed a few workers and has been avoiding him ever since, scary ass animatronic) is it possible to have a prompt where yn is doing better, has work besties. Aside from the constant threat of being brutally murdered by a friendly animatronic, theyre work life is chill. Its around valintines day where y/n has made friends with the cute new girl. Both have platonic feelings for each other while also being flirty (satire, gotta kiss the homies goodnight) with each other, kissing cheeks, hold hands, other friendly touches. However this does not go unnoticed by our favorite daycare attendants. They too try to be playfully flirty and touches yn any chance they get. However envy gets the better of them when they want to be yn's valentine...
Word Count: 3475
Content warning: non-graphic mentions of death, dying, violence, etc.
Read here if you prefer ao3!
"Good morning!" A voice greets as you walk into the break room. 
You look up from your phone, small, tired smile on your features. "Ah, morning Jaz."
"You sleep alright?" She asks, taking a sip of her coffee. "You look exhausted."
You wince, a reminder of your nightmare last night coming forth. 
Running, running, running, tripping, falling. Claws sinking in, a scream ripped from your throat, cruel laughter ringing in your mind as it happens and being able to do nothing to stop it—
You shake your head. It was just a dream. They hadn't figured you out. At this point, you don't know if they ever would. Lucky, you'd been so, very lucky so far that they were solely focused on being your friend. Not a bit of suspicion in either of them as to what you knew. 
You hoped to god it'd stay that way, too.
Several months have passed, and you haven't beared witness to anything quite so terrifying since. Though, you'd made sure you wouldn't. You never let yourself get caught up in the evening hours, and you never let yourself be alone with either Sun or Moon. 
Save for the few times they'd managed to make such a scenario happen themselves, however.
Sun had meant it when he said he'd cure your 'robophobia'. They were sure trying their hardest, at least. 
Chatting with you every time you came to drop off a delivery or supplies, dragging you along to partake in some on days they were—suspiciously—lacking a helper. Sun particularly like to play hide and seek or house, whereas Moon wouldn't let you leave until you took a nap. 
Both made it their mission to be as up close and personal as they could too. Touches lingering just a tad too long, cornering you in one way or another, tones playful, cheeky. To an outsider it would seem like harmless fun, but to you, all it did was make you keep your guard up more. Which in turn, only made them try that much harder. 
It was a vicious cycle, but after the incident that occurred a little or a month ago, you could at least say—for now—that your chances of dying were significantly lower than you'd have thought otherwise. 
You'd forgotten your keys. Or maybe lost them, you still weren't entirely sure. You'd gone through every inch of the Plex where you'd been working that day, without a sign of them. There was only one place you hadn't checked, and it scared you to your core. 
You had debated whether to knock on the doors or not. Ultimately deciding that you'd rather take your chances slipping in and out unnoticed then actively invite the devil to your doorstep. Or you to the devil's, you realize there's little point to figuring it out much further. 
The speakers play the usual tune, the space is empty as can be as you peek inside. 
A quick glance around and you spy your keys on the desk. It takes everything in you to not make a beeline for them, instead walking calmly over and picking them up. You're about to turn back around when—
Directly. Behind you. 
"Hello Sunshine! What brings you here so late? Did you stop by just to see little ol' me?" Again, that cheeky voice that perhaps only you can hear the sinister undertones of.
You suppress the scream and the shiver you want to let out. Instead, you turn around with a small, forced, smile. "H-hi Sun! I was just um, looking for my keys. And what do you know, they were in here all along!" You lift them up, making yourself laugh to keep your nerves in check. "I'll get out of your hair now."
"Silly, silly, I don't have any hair! And besides,"—a hand to your wrist, tone dropping just a tad—"You just got here. Would be a shame to leave so soon, hm?"
You start to falter. "I—"
"So come on then! You look ready to fall apart at the seams, and I can't have that happening to my favorite little assistant!" Sun shifts his grip to your hand, pulling you further along into the Daycare. "Don't you worry, I have just the thing to ease that tension."
He pulls you over a set of beanbags, he guides you to sit down in one, while he does in the other. Before you can blink, there's a coloring book and crayons in your lap. 
"Coloring is always soothing for the soul!" He states, finger pointing up in an affirming manner, then gets to work on his own book. 
There's only one thought in your head at that moment; you're going to die here. 
But, you're not quick enough to make a break for the door, so you have no choice but to accept your fate. Shaky hands gripping crayons in an attempt to distract yourself from your impending doom. 
As you go along, Sun pesters you constantly with conversation and questions. It confuses you, does he just like playing with his food or what? 
You answer best you can, but all the air leaves your lungs when he pops a question you were more than simply fearing. 
"—since we're such good friends, right?"
You freeze, and curse yourself for it, mouth feeling like glue as you tumble out a stuttered response. "Y-yeah. We're friends."
"Best friends?" Sun presses, leaning in close, you're waiting for him to take hold of you and slam your face into the mats just like—
"A-ah. Um, I don't know, I-I guess so? Sorry, I've um, not really had a best friend before..."
You were so screwed. 
Yet, Sun doesn't miss a beat, words a light as ever as he pouts. "Oh, well that won't do. I'll just have to keep trying until you feel completely confident in the notion that we are!"
And you were still standing the next morning. You don't know if it was a fluke, or what, but it certainly didn't seem that way. You'd take what you could get, though, and double, triple checked that you had all your belongings in their proper places from then on. 
Jaz clears her throat. Right. Back to the present. 
She'd been a nice change of pace over the last month or so. A fresh face to help you with things or pass in the hall. You were the same age, and related to each other a lot. It was… nice. To have someone to talk to, even if she couldn't know even the beginning of what you'd witnessed. 
But, you could tell her little things, insignificant, things that nobody could pick up on. 
"I had a nightmare, is all. I'll be alright." You sit down in the chair beside her, sighing. 
She tsks. "You seem to have a lot of those."
"It's not a willing participation, I assure you." You're rubbing your eyes when you spy a steaming mug being held in front of you. "Oh, you didn't have to do that."
A shrug. "Wanted to. Now drink up, I heard from Gary that we've got a lot of inventory to move today."
"Going to be a great morning then." You mutter into your cup as she snickers. 
Work had in general been a lot easier with the additional help, and just in general because of your new friend. She made you laugh, cheered you up on your rougher days, and was just in general a light in your life as of late. Not to mention, she'd inadvertently managed to help you overcome your fear of being touched you'd developed from witnessing the Attendants' actions. 
It was simple things, like touches to your shoulder and arm. Holding your hand and dancing around at the end of the work day, jokingly flirting and cheek kisses and the likes. No double meaning or the likes either, Jaz was just like that with everyone, you'd soon found. It eased you in a way you couldn't describe. You could relax around her and it felt like you'd gotten a bit of normalcy back into your day to day. 
Not to mention, through getting to know Jazz you'd gotten a bit more confidence in talking to others at work, and now had several coworkers you'd consider friends both in and outside of work. Things were… weird beyond that, but at least for the moment they were going alright. 
"So then I finally just told him, 'boy if you don't get your act together, she's going to leave you' and do you know what he said?" 
You snicker, adjusting the boxes in your arms. "What?"
"'But that's so much work'" She exaggerates the tone, with an extended groan and you let out a shocked laugh. "Like? Excuse me? You can't be serious right now."
You're still laughing hard as she pushes the roll cart through the Daycare doors. "That's insane. Does he just not care or is he stupid?"
"Between you and me,"—she leans in, voice low—"I think it's both. Fu-freakin' moron."
You giggle, about to give a quip in response when a loud voice interrupts.
"Good morning Starshine! Oh, and hello Jaz!" Sun stands just to your left, you don't know how you didn't hear him. "I didn't know you knew each other!"
Jaz lets go of the cart, arm wrapping around your shoulder. "Sure do! We're stuck being storage monkeys together. They've been a big help in showing me the ropes."
"As if you needed help, it's pretty straightforward." You set down the boxes in your arms finally. 
You glance over and see Jaz put her hand to her chest, feigning misery. "Oh, but if it weren't for you, i'd be completely and utterly lost! I don't know what I'd do without you, my best friend." She makes kissing noises at you as you laugh, gagging. 
"Knock it off." You swat at her lightly, then you look up to Sun. "If you just tell us where you want everything, we'll move it, Sun. Stop it!" You shove Jaz away as she pretends to try and kiss you cheek again. 
There's a snap then, drawing your attention to the attendant, you see the marker he'd been holding is broken in half, movements stiff as he glances down to look at it. 
"Oh. What a shame. Follow me, I'll show you exactly where to put everything." He turns, steps precise as he marches across the Daycare. 
While you pick up on the shift, Jaz doesn't seem to, simply taking hold of the cart again and following after him. You debate for a moment, and against your better judgement, swipe a wet wipe from the desk. The supply closet is tucked away in a hallway lacking light. So much so that it's Moon who finishes leading you. 
While Jaz starts to unload things in the closet, Moon waits at the doorway, attentive, unyielding in his gaze.
You clear your throat. "Um, need some help with that?"
His faceplate snaps to look at you and you swallow. It clicks to the side a few times as he examines you.
You nod to his hand, which you've no doubt is stained a deep purple by now. "I meant with the um, marker."
"Ah, thank you, Star." Moon snickers, opening his hand for you to wipe it off. 
You take his hand in both your own, wiping off where the marker has changed the color. It's a bit harder to do in this low light, but you manage. 
You don't expect Moon to speak up again. "Best friends?"
It takes a moment to click to you. "Ah. Yeah. We are."
Moon makes a noise then, grating, you can't make sense of it. So, you just ignore it and finish cleaning him up before going to help Jaz. Had you paid closer attention, you'd have noticed how tightly his hand grips the doorway, making it creak under the pressure. 
After that day, you notice that both Sun and Moon have somehow become more clingy. 
It wasn't just short conversations and little activities anymore. It was full blown discussions and non-stop things to do. Anytime you tried to protest that you were far too busy to spend so much time with them, they simply argued that nobody would say a thing. Which, they were right, your manager didn't seem to care in the slightest. 
Those touches from before were ramped up, in that there was more hand-holding, more hugs, more everything, that you'd let them get by with, that is. All of their previous efforts from before felt ramped up, and you had no idea as to why. Not to mention that they appeared to be more flirty as well.
And then came February. 
Right from the start of the month, something was different with them, you could tell instantly. And you soon found out what. 
When you came in to drop off supplies or such, there'd be little notes or doodles waiting for you. You'd find their comments going from less friendly to having a more flirtatious connotation. And all of it only got worse the closer you got to Valentine's Day. 
"Sunshine, come dance with me!" Sun would say, dragging you with him to spin through several songs. Hand on your hip and words soft as he gave you compliment after compliment.
Moon would do similar, asking you to sit with him and read the children stories at naptime, watching over your shoulder and softly singing your praises. Or even better, acting out the stories with you, especially enjoying the more romantic fairy tales in particular. 
And the thing was, much like their attempts at friendship, all this doting felt genuine. 
It confused you beyond belief, besides the fact that it concerned you deeply. You were already struggling enough with this 'friendship' you'd been cornered into with the murder robots, the fact that they were acting as if they were romantically interested was only making things worse. 
The morning of Valentine's you were a ball of nerves. You were hoping—praying, really—that they wouldn't try anything, though you knew the unlikelihood of that happening. At this point, your feelings were so confusing, twisted. You thought they'd approached you because they knew you knew what they'd done. And yet, countlessly time and time again you'd been—seemingly—proven wrong. 
"You alright over there, Sunshine?" 
You jolt at the nickname, sending a scowl Jaz's way. "Not cute."
"I think it suits you well." She snickers, checking her phone. "What's on the agenda for today, boss?"
You tsk. "Not your boss. And I have no idea, I haven't checked yet." You rub your face, pulling up your schedule, only to find it's blank. You sit up, muttering. "That can't be right..."
"Something wrong?"
You try refreshing the page, no luck. "Yeah, my schedule's empty. See if you can pull up yours."
After a moment, Jaz holds up her phone, her own schedule showing up without issue. 
You both share a confused look. 
"Dude, did you get fired?"
You feel flustered fear build up in you then. "Better not of. They have no reason to get rid of me."
It's then that you notice an email in your inbox. Clicking on it, you see it's from your manager, telling you to see him in his office about a 'change of location'.
"I don't remember you saying anything about wanting to transfer." Jaz comments as you stand up. 
You shake your head, grabbing your jacket. "I didn't."
On your way to your manager's office, passing by the Daycare, you hear a low whistle calling out to you. 
You turn, it's dark, the only light is glowing red eyes on the top of the wall. Knowing you don't have much a choice, you walk over. 
"Hi, Moon." You say, unsure. "How's um, naptime?"
He twists, hanging upside down from the wall. "Boring. No one to talk to."
"Well what about Jean—" You cut yourself off, words dying in your throat with realization. 
Moon doesn't catch it, instead snickering to himself. "Sick."
Something in your gut tells you that's not in the slightest bit the truth. 
"Ah. Gotcha. Well, I should get going now." You wave and turn around. "See you later."
A hand resting on your shoulder, and the sudden up close and personal presence behind you startles you, to say the least. 
"Wait. Have something for you."
You swallow the urge to run away. "Oh?"
"Mmhmm." Moon hums, right beside your ear. "Close your eyes."
You do, it's not as if there's a scenario where you don't. 
A pause. You're half-expecting something terrible, be it something grotesque or even something as cruel as your own end—
Flowers. It's flowers. 
Origami flowers, at that. You're impressed by the intricacy of the folding, they're delicate, precise. Something that would have taken even the most skilled of individuals genuine time and care to make. 
And you're being presented a massive bouquet of them.
"Wow..." You trail off, consumed with genuine awe. "I, for me?"
Moon snickers, faceplate spinning once. "Happy Valentine's, Little Star."
Right, Valentine's. You'd entirely forgotten for a moment. 
While you're in your daze, Moon plucks a flower from the bouquet and tucks it behind your ear. He then sets the bouquet into your arms with a gentle pat, then hops back up on the ledge. 
"See you later~" Another giggle, and he's gone, leaving you dumbfounded. 
Your boss hardly glances up at you when you step into his office. "Ah, finally. Sit down, let's make this quick."
You sit down, still not quite thinking clearly as a stack of papers is tossed in front of you. 
"Sign these, and then I'll switch you over to the Daycare in the system. Their liability and the likes since you're working one-on-one with the Attendant. Fionna will be in charge of you from now on, paychecks, etc. Think she lets the robot pick the schedules, for whatever reason. Any questions?" He finally looks at you then, raising a brow. "Quite the bouquet you got there. Do I need to get you a relationship form from HR too?"
You shake your head. "I, no. No, not at all. I, why am I being transferred?"
"Well, you asked." Your manager states plainly, then shrugs. "And you got a couple good recommendations so I figured 'eh, whatever'. You can start today once you're done here. Or take the day off, I don't care, not my problem."
You just sit there a moment, taking it all in. 
'You asked.'
You, asked.
You know a sign when you see it. And you know when an alarm bell is blaring in your head, it's best not to ignore it. 
But when you've got a gun to the back of your head, that's much harder to ignore. 
You pick up the pen, and sign. 
Your steps are heavy as you walk back to the Daycare. Jaz has texted you a couple times, your like a zombie as you type by brief responses. You don't know what to think. Should you be relieved, or counting your days? 
They wouldn't have put in this much effort if they weren't genuine. Surely they weren't running this long of a con. But then that meant they were genuine. The killer robots were infatuated with you. 
You don't know which is worse, you don't know which is worse, you don't know which is worse—
"Hello Sunbeam! I'm so happy to see you!" 
You look up, Sun stands before you, rays spinning gleefully. You didn't even realize you'd walked into the Daycare. 
He claps his hands. "Oh! We're going to have so much fun, fun, fun! We get to spend all day long together! Just you and me! And well, the children too. But still, isn't it great?"
"I, um sure. I guess so." You mumble out. 
The slight twitch to his rays doesn't go unnoticed by you. The slightest of shifts in his tone as he glares down at you.
"Come now, friend. Aren't you excited? After all,"—He suddenly bends to your height, leaving you face-to-face and inches apart—"Aren't we best. friends?"
You struggle to maintain eye contact, focusing slipping to the bundle in your arms as you try to think up a way to respond. 
A low chuckle interrupts your racing thoughts. "Ah, but maybe that's not enough for you either?"
"I, um." It is a miracle you've lasted this long with how you're fumbling over your words.
Sun's hands cup your cheeks, tone still a hum. "Love, all you had to do was say so. In fact, we wish you'd done so sooner." His smile presses to your forehead. "Not to worry, we're more than happy to make up for lost time."
You can only stare up at him with smothered horror as his thumb strokes your cheek.
"And now, there's nothing that's going to get in the way of that."
Thank you @pip-plz for the request!! As you can see I had a lot of fun brining these two back lol
My writing Masterpost
DCA Valentine's Masterpost
Tag list (if you would like added, simply say so!):
@machopeach @beemyhuneybee @fishm0ther @deviouscrackers @elsajoyagent8 @luckyyyduckyyy @zenkaiankoku @jogimote @local-shrub @milosmantis @robinette-green @everlightreader @sinister-sincerely @starredeclipse @dangerva @juukai @crystalmagpie447 @mothgutz236 @lizyxml @divinit3a @amarynthian-chronicles @crystalfay @that-one-unknown-artist @rosescarletful @buzzybee3
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koiifiishy · 14 days ago
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:^)c hello back! @thedolmainblog heh heh heh...
small list of things i thought of while drawing:
the base had more clothes/underwear so i winged a bit of it. is that dick ridiculous??? maybe... but we can all enjoy it together lol
the base right figure had big tits. i was tempted to get rid of it completely, but technically eris' cup size went up from flat to small over the course of the game :"| and canonically he'd probably just leave it bc the alternative is going to the towns shady ass hospital/doctor
i hate designing tattoos i slapped it together on the fly. dont look at eris' tats too closely LOL,,
blythe has an earcuff in this?! yes, its intentional huhu a gift from eris uwu ~
i feel like theyre both thickheaded enough that theyd get to the point of being older without ever having properly confessed so theyre just in some weird limbo of fwb & theyre both self sufficient enough that their overprotectiveness kinda cancels out bc "my homie eris/blythe? he can handle himself no prob" which seems like a kinda key component in solidifying a relationships (at least from what ive seen with most blythe stuff youve shared!)?? 🤔
and lastly: no, aiden may not watch... LMAAAOO,, unless their argument for it is really good then MAYBE
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nippitydooda · 2 months ago
theo & draco — the straight male homies who always make moves towards each other for no reason. we ALL know them irl. I JUST FIND THIS DYNAMIC SO FUNNY I CANT NOT INCLUDE THIS IN MY HEADCANONS BETWEEN THE ONLY MALE BLORBOS I HAVE. theo is THE flirty, scandal-loving bastard, he is the one initiating pretty much every single joke - draco just likes being flirted with period, so you can ALWAYS trust him to play along perfectly.
this, my friends, is the kind of male friendship where they always joke about sucking each other’s dicks or making out and then laugh while people stare at them in outrage (every stranger) OR suspicion (every close proximity slytherin) OR exhaustion (every friend). the kind of friends that slap each other’s arses to only give a token protest before going back to their tasks. the kind that blow kisses at each other and call each other disgusting nicknames like “princess” (theo) and “my love” (draco) before going back to talking with another uninvolved, baffled party. the ones acting unabashedly GAY but they dont give a fuck!!!! theyre close!!! they know each other so well that they know nothing will ruin them!!!
okay — now im just looking for representation here because it’s fun to imagine how life would be if jk rowling wasnt transphobic —
theo being trans & straight while draco is cis & straight. i find it great how draco fits into every arrogant, pompous, annoying racist ideal EXCEPT— and here is the subversion part— that he isn’t actually RACIST or HOMOPHOBIC. formally, he is a blood supremacist actually, not a far right wing politician! he is an ALLY without KNOWING THAT HE IS. he doesnt care. wizarding society MOSTLY doesnt care.
(he retains the right to be straight because i fucking love astoria/draco - even if the marriage was so out of left field and we have NO crumbs of astoria at all except for my baby scorpius. i WILL bake the bread myself. i WILL make them healthy and sweet and supportive and good. love me a gay draco but this is not about him.)
about theo being trans — i have no further notes really... which is so frustrating. let me make some basic ones ASAP. his father was supportive on the condition that he still got them an heir because theo IS the only heir and theyve got HEIRLOOMS to pass on. if it came to it, theo and draco probably made offhand back-up future plans where draco could help arrange a surrogacy, but the conversation was so sparse neither of them even remember it. theo is treated well by his peers and receives no prejudice in daily life whatsoever (tbh 99.9999% of hogwarts dont even know he is afab — it aint their business LMFAO). his birth name was theodora, and he used to be called dora before he came out, so theo emerged as a natural alternative. draco learning to brew gender affirming potions for him because snape taught him, and after snape gave draco a warning about how the school supplies were running out, astoria and daphne greengrass gathered their own family-owned herbs for theo. pansy gave him damn good advice on how to style his hair to make himself appear more masculine. blaise also did something really sweet and kind I PROMISE i JUST dont have a personality concept of his character yet SORRY.
blaise. draco. theo. daphne. astoria. pansy. they are BEST. FUCKING. FRIENDS. your honour. THEY. ARE. RRRAAHHHH
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watashime-ciel · 6 months ago
RH headcanons before bed yay
hi yeah uh
Blue likes taking pictures of Yellow when he's not watching. most of the times he gets caught, but he enjoys it
J.J is the kind of guy that babysits a kid and plays heavy metal covers of kids songs.
FIVE LITTLE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👹👹👹🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️💥💥💥💥🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅
since they got into Visual Kei, Cecil promised to never cut out their hair... that, until J.J once left for a month to play with his old bad, not having much time to communicate with Cecil, making them super sad and entering theur bad guy arc, cutting their hair like a generic anime boy from a slice of life anime. J.J suffered the most out if it believe it or not
"J.J! You stayed up all night painting another canvas!?" "i drank the paint water thinking it was tea."
Yellow is an impulsive buyer. and then complains when he can't buy stuff anymore. "BLUE NO WAY THEY JUST CLOSED MY CREDIT CARD!!!!!... oh also i just got this really cool and big ass hatsune miku cendrillon dress which i have no fucking clue where to keep but lol yeah"
Blue's imagination can be "dangerous" for him in some situations... "some", as in: Yellow mentions his next feminine cosplan and Blue.exe stops working. for hours. the whole thinking process he has is up to you to imagine(?)
have i mentioned that Yellow and Connie are like super besties?? theyre sooo besties rhat they accidently broke a store window and got away with it together... it was an accident, Yellow was drunk, Connie was trying to stop Yellow, one thing led to another and they broke a store window (they werent driving they dont got a license)
oh yeah, did you know that technically Yellow is prohibited from drinking alcohol? at least when Blue's not present or he's at home. potential risks of him drinking without Blue present or at home may include tax fraud, kissing the homies goodnight with Kohai, falling down and not getting up for hours or more impulsive buying, but without proof of Yellow ever thinking of buying smth. "when the fuck did i buy a birds cage- i got no bird-"
Blue's favorite fruit has to be strawberries. whilst Yellow's is, obviously, lemon. his taste buds had stopped working since he was 13 years old
done idk lol
also semi face reveal because i felt bonita with my new hairdye and cut
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ukuraichu · 6 months ago
i was a teenage exocolonist is so fun so much so infact that i ran to my laptop to post my thoughts because i simply have so much to say and therefore have to type a lot.
ANYWHO. im going to document some things about my current runs. I've played the game twice and have amassed about 18h in the 2 days i've had it (woah.) so the hyperfixation is truly hyperfixationing. anywho x2. RAMBLING TIME. (under the cut)
SO IN MY FIRST RUN, i play as sol (they/them). i LOVE my dad, i love my mum but she's a little tough on me. i know she scolds me because she's worried about me and she just wants me to do well but it still. AHHH. i get frustrated and lash out sometimes. but i still love my mum. my childhood friend is marz, who i think is really cool but also i like to compete with her! she can't be the only coolest person ever. i don't remember what i picked as the augment though. ANYWAY.
i wasn't very close with tammy, but when she passed her presence was heavily felt. especially in the secret funtimes club. she would have loved to make friendship bracelets with us. i was enamoured by the very serious and focused and locked in autistic girl (tangent) who i grew up with. i went to classes mostly as an excuse to spend time with her and so that she would like me and pay attention to me, to think that we were of equal standing. her best friend was marz and i was jealous. i asked anemone to be my best friend and she said yes! but we grew apart over time anyway. I did some exploring, but not a lot of it. not enough to see a lot, but enough to sneak out with Dys. I explored and found a pet Hopeye, affectionately named Fungle (after the among us map LOL). I didn't know Dys very much though. he ran away, or went missing, or maybe blew up the colony when i was growing up. i never saw him again.
there was a famine and my mum died. my dad died soon after because of the shimmer. i never found out why. i just locked into robotics and engineering more and more. i named the little robot Ronaldine.
i don't remember the specifics of everything. the finer details are blurry. i just remember dedicating a lot of time with tang and spending time and time again with her, over, over, over. i didn't save the colony. we fell and died. also i didn't like the helios. but i was an obedient kid for the majority of my life up until my dad died and i started to become less obedient.
i grow old, i think. i made a lot of mistakes, but i still grow up. my partner at the time tang, becomes dejected and apathetic and hyperfocused on what happened to dys. i can't save her and she separates herself.
i start again
i wake up again
run 2!!!!!
this one went better. TLDR i saved tammy, not tonin or mum or dad i didnt know how. i become best friends with dys but also date his sister but also flirt with dys and his alien lover sym who i also flirt with but have to decline his advances because im dating tang and i cant tell her i made out with an alien </3. i also spent A LOT of time in the SFC, and work with marz to campaign to overthrow the government. also marz is one of my best friends in this run. also my nemesis, markedly, because i stole her dream job. but because im so close to sym like wow so close, he takes me to meet his big alien leader and is like. homie. i dont like humans but sym likes you and we could like. collab or something idk. like a peace plan. i accept his peace plan, im thinking so forward. so i bring about peace to the world. my mum and dad would have been so proud. i grow old and tang grows old and we break up but the love we shared was still there.
WAHHHH,...., thinking.
also i did NOT clock that tang was trans in the first run. when she said her body was modified i thought she meant. she literally used to be an actual robot. not genome therapy. my bad. love you tang. also when i become best friends with dys and he said he always knew she was his sister RAHHH it made me RGAHSGGFSDF because WOW. theyre literally SOUL BONDED whether they want to be or not. i want them to reconcile i need to get them to talk. idk how i build rex's bar but i WANT IT RAHHH
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ggukiepie · 1 year ago
bts as f1 drivers
retired f1 driver
was about to get his first world championship, youngest on the grid, but he crashed and was in a critical condition
oc is his high school sweetheart and by the time joon was in f1 they were happily married with 1 kid
joon quit being a driver after he recovered
didn’t want to risk his life and leave his family behind
he’s the team principal now and is way better at it than being a driver
won 6 world championships, people said he’s past his prime and that he peaked, was supposed to retire but because of that comment he won his 7th title just for shits and giggles
joon’s former teammate
oc is his childhood friend, she watches some gps but not all because she has work
jin is attached to her like crazy, needs her to calm him down before a race
slow burn, childhood friends to lovers
doesn’t know how he ended up in f1
just likes racing then suddenly he has 1 world championship
didn’t mean to win
he just wants to open a restobar (inspired by yuki ig 😭)
oc is the social media manager of the team; the public is always so surprised because during races and anywhere else he’s always 😐 but in videos he’s ☺️
workmates (?) to lovers, tho oc is a bit hesitant bc what if they don’t work out we’re in the same team it’s going to be awkward
very risky and fierce driver
but off track he’s so friendly, mr congeniality then boom he drives so close to one car and they go off track
him and oc are vvvv toxic, on off relationship
and whenever they’re broken up hobi takes it out on the race, after a win he’s always looking for oc
a lot of the other drivers complain about him bc he plays dirty but he gets away with it
stewards always only give him a warning lmao or some small ass fine that’s like..spare change to him
he’s on his third year, trying to win his first world championship
prev season - sometimes he wins but most of the time he would lose to long time rival slash bff kim taehyung
oc is…she kinda a homie hopper
a fuck girl
but oc hasn’t slept with neither tae nor jimin, but they’re both on her radar
theyre all friends
tae and jimin make a bet whoever has more points at the end of the season gets to have oc
oc knows abt the bet ofc
soooo much sexual tension
goes out on dates w tae and jimin (separately), but nothing more
oc has no sexual tension w tae
then she actually starts to fall for jimin, jimin feels the same but they’re both weirded out bc they haven’t even had sex yet they’re falling for eo; they’re both emotionally constipated
jimin wins his first world championship yay
“yeah tae i get the trophy and the girl”
pisses oc off like oh i thought we had something going on something real but thats how you see me
angst, they don’t talk to eo for a while
then they reconcile, happy ending
year after the bet with jimin
fourth year, really focused on getting his first world championship, he has more podiums than wins
super frustrated
starts getting his act together—drinking only to socialize, not much partying, no more sleeping around, always at HQ to workout, strategize, or practice
tae is super focused then boom season starts and he’s confused why is there a beautiful girl in the workshop tinkering with my race engineer ???? on my car ????
tae is a nepo baby but his parents don’t care about him, he’s super close to his race engineer
they talk a lot on the radio (engineer and tae) and have great communication; tae looks up to him a lot
then he’s like oh oc is always there and she knows a lot about f1 and he’s trying so soooo hard to just be friends
eventually they just get together
secretly bc “my father is the engineer whom you respect v much, tae”
tae fumbles during one race, crashes and retires from the race early
everyone is so worried bc the car spins in the air and crashes and they dont hear from tae but he’s ok and he gets back to hq oc cant help it she hugs him
dad sees and is furious
happy ending
rookie of the year without a doubt
idol is kim seokjin
trained by joon
wants to win his first world championship in his first year
which is impossible but go big or go home ig; jk is very ambitious
so handsome so cocky all the ladies want him
oc is an f1 reporter and ofc when she interviews jk..yeah
heart eyes
jk is such a flirt then he finds himself looking for her everywhere
takes her on a hot lap
oc keeps making jk chase her but also she’s not sure if his intentions are real or he’s just being a player but also she wants to remain professional
so she tells him to stop whatever he’s doing and jk gives her space then oc realizes like oh i kinda miss him
they get together after jk’s first season, he finishes like p6 or p5
a/n: yeah had this in my notes for theeee longest time, i don’t think im ever gonna write any of these so might as well post it !! for all the f1 fans out there 🫶🏽
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justsomerandomfanfic · 15 days ago
Heyyy, wassup? I actually find out your account yestarday and got really really invested! Its amazing, thanks for writing:) if possible i’d like to request some of your amazing matchup dynamics! A platonic and romantic one, if i can!
If i can proceed, the fandoms are the xmen and DC, thank you. I'm 20, she/her pronouns, i'm bixessual! But I have a preference for men. If that matters, I'm okay with women, tho. My physical characteristics are: I'm 5’4, I like to think of my body type as kinda Chubby, but not too much? Idk, because of my thighs and one of my most notable physical features at first (unfortunately 😭) my bust. My hair is red, Straight hair due to chemicals, i'm black/lightskin and from LATAM, Brazil especifically but i do speak english (Basic), dark brown eyes and i wears glasses, theyre really like bayonetta’s, you know?
My hobbies include writing, drawing, and cooking, specifically cakes and pastries. My favorites are coconut and pineapple cake! My favorite movies are Coraline and the Secret World and spiderverse. Series are peaky blinders, Bom dia, Verônica, Don't Hug me, i'm scared, The Boys and Chica Vampiro :D! My favorite artists are: Anitta, Beyoncé, Baco Exu dos Blues, Kendrick Lamar and Danny Bond. I like to think of myself as a really eclectic people about songs. My favorite colors are red, pink And purple. My other obsessions include anything involving Batman as a “concept” (I have a little pink ballerina lego of him) DC, Xmen, Naruto and One Piece. My personality? Weell, i'm gemini, intp (dont actually believe in these but they do describe me actually well), with ppl i'm not close i'm quiet, patient, shy almost, but with People close to me? Nah, i'm literally shameless, no filter, vulgar, floptok/twitter humor but I laugh at anything. Anything really. Extroverted, silly, kinda pervy sometimes, smiley. And i'm nerd nerdy, perfect grades, would be teachers favorite if i did shut up (with my homies i do NOT know to be quiet), yapper, rpgionist, strong political opinion (love you erika hilton<3). Besides that, i'm the psychologist friend. You know, the person who gives advice, the person they trust to vent to, to cry with. And who always gives gifts. And the one who will literally slap in ir face if your being dumb and repeating patterns please. Thats meee :D thank you already anyways 💗💗 sorry if its way too long! The chatter transfers to my fingers 😭 have a very amazing hyper good day!!
I am happy you found my blog and enjoy my work! Welcome!
And thank you for your kind words! :)
I would love to write you both romantic and platonic matchups for X-Men and DC!
I hope you like your matchups!
Romantic and Platonic Matchups; X-Men and DC
Peter Rasputin -
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You were both students at Xavier’s School, and while you weren’t in the same year, you often crossed paths in the common areas.
The first time you spoke, it was because Peter saw you struggling with a stack of books and just casually picked them up for you like they weighed nothing.
“Here, let me.”
You blinked up at him, slightly flustered. “… You didn’t have to.”
He just smiled softly.
“It’s no trouble.”
From that moment, he was always offering to help, which led to casual conversations, which led to friendship.
Peter became one of your closest friends - quiet, steady, reliable.
He loved listening to you talk about your interests.
You introduced him to Coraline and he was so invested.
“Why is this so unsettling?”
He loved your baking and was always first in line when you made pastries.
You doodled little things in your notebooks, and Peter?
He adored them.
If you ever gave him a drawing, he’d treasure it.
He admired your intelligence and ability to stand your ground in debates.
You had a fire he deeply respected.
He called you “солнышко” (solnyshko – sunshine) because your presence always brightened his day.
Peter caught feelings the moment he saw you smile at something he said.
He just knew.
You started realizing your feelings when you caught yourself looking for him in a crowded room.
He’d unconsciously reach for your hand when guiding you through the halls, always warm, always gentle.
It was slow burn central.
Peter struggled to find the words, afraid of ruining what you had.
One evening, while watching the stars from the mansion roof, he quietly said, “I care for you. More than a friend should.”
You turned to him, startled. “Oh.”
He smiled softly, nervously, his gaze warm.
“Is that… Okay?”
You took his large hand in yours.
“It’s more than okay.”
Peter is the softest boyfriend.
Protective, gentle, and affectionate in quiet ways.
Always holding your hand, rubbing circles on your back absentmindedly.
Surprises you with fresh flowers - your favorite colors, always.
You bake; he cleans up.
Perfect teamwork.
Reads with you, listens to you ramble, never rushes you.
Lazy afternoons in comfortable silence, content just being near you.
Dick Grayson -
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It was a regular day on campus, and you were walking with your friends, deep in conversation about something absurd - probably a meme or a completely random philosophical debate.
You weren’t paying much attention when - bam - you accidentally walked straight into someone.
Your glasses almost slipped off, and you felt a strong pair of hands steady you.
“Oh, my bad,” He said instantly, flashing you that signature charming grin. “You okay?”
You quickly apologized, flustered, adjusting your glasses and meeting his eyes - striking blue, framed by thick lashes, and a face straight out of a comic book panel.
You managed a stiff nod, too stunned to form words for a second.
He looked at you for a beat, something amused flickering across his face before he gave you a playful two-finger salute and walked away.
The moment he was out of earshot, your friends pounced.
“Hello? Who was that? He was hot.”
“Did you see the way he was looking at you? Girl, you fumbled that interaction.”
You tried to play it off, but deep down, your heart was still racing.
After that encounter, you started seeing Dick around campus more often.
One day, he waved at you across the quad like you were already best friends.
That simple gesture made you realize: oh. This man is dangerously charming.
He started making casual conversation whenever he saw you, effortlessly fitting himself into your daily life.
He loved listening to you talk - whether it was a passionate rant about a book, a conspiracy theory about Batman (ironic), or a discussion on political topics.
Your humor?
Oh, he lived for it.
You had him wheezing at the most unhinged jokes.
Eventually, you started studying together.
He was a “would pass if he just studied a little” type, so you dragged him through his coursework.
He found your passion for writing fascinating and constantly asked about your projects.
“So, am I in any of your stories? Am I the suave, handsome hero?”
“More like the comedic relief.”
He let out an offended gasp, “How dare you."
You, in return, admired his athleticism and discipline.
You once watched him flip over a railing for fun and nearly choked on your drink.
Movie nights became a thing - half to introduce him to your favorites.
Coraline confused him, but he loved Spiderverse.
And the other half to judge bad films together.
You realized you liked Dick when your stomach did a little flip after he laughed at one of your jokes.
He realized he liked you when you shoved a pastry you made into his mouth mid-ramble and said, “You talk too much. Eat.”
And he did.
And then he realized he was doomed.
The flirting escalated - touches lingering a little longer, casual compliments turning into “Wait, was that… Flirting?” moments.
Your friends noticed the way he looked at you.
“You realize he’s in love with you, right?”
Nah turned into "oh no" when he started getting oddly protective - throwing an arm around your shoulders when you walked together, scaring off creeps at parties, and looking way too smug when you got flustered.
One night, he walked you home after a late-night study session.
As you stood at your door, he hesitated, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Listen, I-”
You raised an eyebrow, “You?”
He took a deep breath, “I like you.”
You blinked.
“Wait, like like?”
He laughed, nodding, “Yeah. Like like.”
Your brain short-circuited.
He was patient, letting you process it, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“So… Can I kiss you now, or do I have to wait for an official verdict?”
You, internally screaming, but also said, “Oh, shut up and do it.”
Dick is such a boyfriend.
Sweet, attentive, affectionate, and annoying.
Random forehead kisses, stealing bites of your food, texting you “I saw this and thought of you” memes.
He hypes up your writing like you’re the next literary genius.
Dancing in the kitchen while baking?
He’ll spin you around like you’re in a rom-com.
Protective but not possessive - just very aware of who’s around you.
He’s obsessed with your glasses and will 100% try them on when you’re not looking.
Lazy Sunday mornings with tangled limbs, half-awake laughter, and whispered conversations.
Jubilee (jubilation Lee) -
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Jubilee knew about you before you even properly met.
You were the student who always had the best grades but also never shut up in class.
She was intrigued.
The first time you two actually hung out was during a group project, and you both instantly clicked over your shared love for chaotic humor.
It only took one afternoon of absolutely destroying someone in a debate class for her to decide you were her new favorite person.
The fact that you’re dating Peter Rasputin?
She loves it.
She calls you guys “Beauty and the Brick Wall.”
Pure girl best friend energy.
The kind of friendship where you can communicate with just one look.
You both hype each other up so much.
Outfit looks good?
“Oh my god! Who is she!?”
You make a good point in class?
Standing ovation.
You keep up with the news, and she pretends to listen, but then she hits you with a surprisingly insightful take.
Whenever Peter is being too serious (as he does), you both lovingly bully him into relaxing.
You two have the worst inside jokes.
Nobody else finds them funny, but you?
Absolutely losing it.
If you ever feel down, she’ll force you to do something fun - go shopping, sneak into a concert, or just have a dumb little dance party in your dorm.
All the time.
Painting nails, talking about crushes, watching bad movies, the works.
Matching outfits/accessories.
Maybe a cute bracelet or even matching sunglasses just because.
She lives for your commentary.
Cooking disasters.
You’re a great baker, but Jubilee?
Menace in the kitchen.
You try to teach her, and it usually ends in flour fights and laughter.
Stealing Peter’s clothes.
You both act like it’s your right.
Peter just sighs and lets it happen.
If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed, she’ll straight-up kidnap you for a fun day out.
”No sad thoughts allowed today. We’re going to the mall.”
She hypes up your art and writing like she’s your number one fan.
If you ever doubt yourself, she will fight you.
She refuses to let you be too hard on yourself.
You have high standards for yourself, and she’s the one reminding you it’s okay to chill.
If you ever get sick or sad, she’ll show up with your favorite snacks, a ridiculous playlist, and a million ways to cheer you up.
She knows you love Batman, so she specifically gets you the most ridiculous Batman-themed gifts just to see you laugh.
Jason Todd -
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When Dick first introduced you to Jason, Jason was not impressed.
Not because of you, but because he has a general distaste for people associated with his older brother.
But then you cracked a flawless joke at Dick’s expense, and Jason did a complete 180.
Oh, okay, you’re cool.
He didn’t immediately warm up to you, but he respected you for not putting up with Dick’s golden-boy attitude all the time.
The moment he really started to consider you a friend?
When you casually brought him some of your homemade cake.
Food is the way to this man’s heart.
Your friendship is pure roasting and ride-or-die loyalty.
If someone messes with you and Dick's not there?
Jason’s already putting on the Red Hood helmet.
"No, Jay, it was just a rude customer, chill."
Your humor meshes perfectly.
TikTok-level absurdity?
Dark jokes?
Making fun of Dick?
Jason lives for it.
You two could have entire conversations that make no sense to anyone else, but leave the both of you in stitches.
You two send the absolute worst memes to each other at 2 AM and somehow, they are the things that make you laugh until you cry.
Jason adores your baking.
He’ll act all nonchalant, but he’ll absolutely hover around the kitchen when he knows you’re making something.
Coconut and pineapple cake?
Yeah, he’s stealing a piece before it’s even cooled.
He trusts you enough to actually talk about his issues.
Not easily, but when he’s at his lowest, you’re one of the few people who can get through to him.
You don’t coddle him, and you don’t sugarcoat things - you tell him when he’s being self-destructive, and he needs that.
You always get him little gifts when you see something that reminds you of him.
He pretends not to care, but you know he keeps every single thing you’ve given him.
Late-night motorcycle rides where you two just rant about life, flipping off bad drivers and blasting Kendrick Lamar.
Watching old movies together, half making fun of them, half analyzing them in-depth like true nerds.
Mocking Dick together.
Bonding over shared grievances.
Jason knows you can handle yourself, but he insists on helping you get even better.
He’ll randomly attack you with a pillow to test your reflexes.
Sitting on rooftops eating takeout, just talking about everything and nothing.
He might not say it outright, but Jason is insanely protective of you.
You get home late?
He’s checking in.
Someone bothers you?
He’s handling it.
"No, Jay! Please, that co-worker was just joking!"
If you ever get sick or injured, he pretends to be nonchalant, but suddenly, your fridge is stocked, and there’s a ridiculous amount of painkillers and first-aid supplies in your cabinets.
He makes a killer homemade chicken noodle soup.
He’s one of the few people who can handle your chaotic, extroverted side and your more serious, intellectual side.
He listens.
He respects your political opinions and loves debating with you.
If you ever feel overwhelmed, he’ll just be there.
No pressure, no judgment - just a comfortable silence, a shared drink, or a sarcastic comment to make you smile.
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ashipiko · 9 months ago
Ashiii I hope you don't mind me askin a question about twst ashi!
I know the people she's close to are in her profile, like epel, floyd, leona, but exactly how do they act around her and vice versa? And are there any other characters? I'm very curious!! (also i'm working on something rn)
Take your time to answer if you need!! And you don't need to go through every character, just the ones that seem the most important/significant to you :D
HI TARURU!!!!!! 🤔 tbh this question isn’t really that hard to answer so I’ll go in depth about leona/epel? floyd used to be listed as a close relation but EHHH. tho I HAVE written little things for every single chara so that’ll be under the cut!!! (wrote it on discord so the like? rhythm behind the words might be weird cuz I cut them out www) 👁️👁️ TY for the interesting ask tho. hope you have fun w whatever you do!!!!
EPEL: yo the besties EVERRRRR!!!! their dynamic is countryboy that knows how to do so many things and princess who knows how to do so many things BUT neither of them know what the other does. THEY LEARN A NEW SKILL LIKE EVERY DAY THEYRE SO FUNNY. epel acts like his yeehaw self around ashi cuz they’re really close and he loves to catch a break wherever he can 🙏 ashi is more feisty and speaks her mind w/o worry (most of the time) w epel because there’s just a certain level of trust between them?? like you can speak your mind and really form a true connection. ashi who was never really close to anyone and epel who never really had friends his age growing up…… WWW I CRY. like imagine two elementary school students who are best friends. THEM.
LEONA: leona is his usual grumpy self and he doesn’t say it BUT he cares for ashi a lot. he’s not really a word person but more so an action type of guy? he’ll do things that’ll make her go “AWWWWWW” and stuff 🫶 ashi gets to be PEAK annoying and AGAIN doesn’t really worry about keeping up a front because she feels comfortable w leona. she’s the youngest at home after all!!! seems like they wouldn’t vibe at all but you’ll find em hanging out at the botanical garden together
RIDDLE: they’re pretty chills…… riddle likes ashi because she abides to the rules of heartslabyul (that she knows of) even if she’s not even a member of Heartslabyul herself <3 tho he does not understand what goes thru her head sometimes. “this slang is worse than cater sometimes and ACE??? ASHI YOU DESERVE BETTER YOURE TOO NICE FOR A RULEBREAKER LIKE HIM” vibes
ACE: do I need to even need to explain. I wrote 6K words about them and won’t shut up
DEUCE: THEY VIBE!!! NGL i do think that ashideuce have like sliiight similarities if you peek but deuce is more open and genuine than her 🤔 they’re very cute and I think Ashi wingmanning him could be cute <3 Ashi thinks he’s silly
CATER: people compare her to him sometimes and she’s like “……IMIG?” they would get along really well on paper but in reality they don’t interact all that often….. nothing special but I think they both know that they’ve got smth going on that’s not entirely the same
TREY: uhhhhh. TRULY JUST ACQUAINTANCES FRS <3 like he’ll ask her if she wants anything because she’s prefect and also cuz she’s like a regular at unbirthday parties but that’s bout it 😔
LEONA: accidental adoption at its finest. leona and ashi both have that bougie background even tho Ashi isn’t an ACTUAL princess so “out of pity” leona treats her 🙏 they have fun talks and ashi likes to draw w leona when she needs a break from ace or if he’s busy 🫶🫶 v chill……. leona could see right thru her act I think so he also likes to tease her and stuff. THEYRE FUN. i think they styled eachother’s hair to look like eachother once
RUGGIE: 😔 the person leona sends to do the dirty work to get food for Ashi…… they’re chill and they like to catch up!!!! ruggie tried to finesse her once and it almost worked 😭😭they talk sometimes when they both end up at Monstro lounge <3 homies!!! RUGGIE KINDA LEARNS TO ACCEPT HER AS A LITTLE SISTER TOO I THINK
JACK: truly just acquaintances pt 2 😔 it’s really hard to keep a convo going w these two and the only thing they’ve got in common is tsunderes. THE TYPE OF FRIENDS TO BE FRIENDS IN A GROUP but not 1 on 1
AZUL: she wants to punch him SO BAD. twstshi acts nice w him cuz he’s her boss and she’s very chill but she SWEARS everytime he opens his mouth she wants to sock him across the face. azul thinks they are great business partners HE MEANS FRIENDS. MAYBE
FLOYD: FLOYD LOOOVES ASHI he thinks she’s SO fun to rile up. will squeeze her very hard if he spots her at basketball matches and if crabby doesn’t point out that she can’t breathe 🫶 ashi likes him but she still finds him VERY scary. unreliable coworker 😔 tho I think wayy later on when Ashi feels more vulnerable their mood swings would be veeeeery uh. ruh oh
KALIM: they’re SO CUTE. ashi’s a foodie and so kalim invites her over to Scarabia a lot <3 slowly he helps her build up a spice tolerance…… slowly……….. both kinda naive but ashi’s more cautious than him I think
JAMIL: very skeptical of one another. vvvvvv sussy but ashi likes his food so. it’s okie <3
VIL: ADMIRES HIM SM vil’s very neato and espec after book 5 Ashi can’t even be MAD at vil’s overblot because she’s like damn fam 😔 i lowkey getchu. it’s okie <3 and she holds absolutely NO GRUDGE against him. there’s like nothing bad about him she can pinpoint and she thinks he’s really hypesies
ROOK: kinda scary but he’s fun so it works out 🫶🫶 rook is the type to joke and tease Ashi and make her laugh I think but give these one off lines and she’s like “???? WHAT’S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN.” they’re funsies
EPEL: BESTIES WHO LOOK SO CUTE BUT WOULD KICK YOU IN THE NUTS IF THEY COULD. ashi loves hearing about everything epel and is SO invested in his hometown. she also loves all the apple cider he brings over and thinks it’s SOOOOOOOO good 🙏 ashi’s walls naturally come down w epel and TBH he doesn’t really notice or make a big deal about it? so they act very cute and proper w others but you might catch these two on the roof of NRC one day
IDIA: ashi hates him so much. so many reasons and she wishes she could curse him with rabies.
ORTHO: thinks he is insane and was fine w him until he threatened to blow up the entirety of NRC and now she thinks that he’s terrifying but she can’t mess w him MORE SO THAN IDIA because 😔 child
MALLEUS: very scary. she gets so scared and yelps everytime she sees him. she’s like constantly shaking when she talks to him and malleus is like teehee <3 gargoyle
LILIA: KINDA FREAKY WHERE DOES HE COME FROM. lilia think she’s very fun and he likes to talk to her!! tho she cannot eat his food. holy moly my guy like WHAT
SILVER: ashi’s just awed by his existence NGL like damn fam. how are you just like perfection 😭😭 she doesn’t talk to him much tho. like that person you look at and think about but don’t talk to <3 silver thinks she is a very nice girl
SEBEK: one sided affection and ashi is very “😨 huh. stop yelling at me” 😔 she wouldn’t punch him but she will give him the silent treatment cuz she’s so annoyed <33 she laughs everytime Ace disses him
GRIM: IFS LIKE. WEIRD because I don’t think Ashi is ALWAYS putting on her front w him because they’re together literally 24/7 but they care for eachother a lot 😔😔 like Ashi will be moody w Grim but gives him discipline like a dog WITH JUSTIFIED REASONS so he can’t really get mad at her…… even if she is moody she still seems cheery so like. weird middle ground. Ashi still plays it safe but he still gets a good look at a wider range of emotions w her
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raven · 10 months ago
thoughts on Narumitsu?
love them. i do actually have a rich inner canon for them lol.
heres my vision: i believe they fucked after rise from the ashes and edgeworth left to kill himself the next morning. quite literally fuck nasty kill yourself immediately after--- AND i do believe he DID want to kill himself. then of course they fucked again after farewell my turnabout and left on good terms but they were not together. bridge to the turnabout you know what happened.. sex. and then edgeworth went on his epic journey. i feel like they were like "we'll talk about this when you get home." and then he got home. did all his bullshit. once edgeworth finished, magnifi died 5 days later. 5 days after that phoenix was put on the case.. they were fucked... edgeworth has experienced an arc. he knows love. he can be open. and phoenix has closed himself off again. what can edgeworth do? he just fucking.. goes to europe. he'll give phoenix and trucy a few vacations, and he and phoenix will talk, and probably have sex, and just know that it wont work. because now phoenix has that wall and DAUGHTER. and its kind of in limbo for those entire 7 years, which is also when phoenix is actually in a relationship with kristoph (TO ME) in order to get information and have an epic divorce #KRISNIX but edgeworth knows and hes fine with it. he'll be the side chick Because edgeworth also has a casual sexual relationship with shi long lang. but of course they are still #ineachothersthoughts. and bodies as much as POSSIBLE . after apollo justice... YEARS! after apollo justice. i think they do get together for real (like theyve already been acting like theyre together at this point too)(lang can hang out if he want.) but theyre not together in a boring way like everyone has it. their dynamics with everyone is crazy not just dads. oh but you know edgeworth is trucy;s dad though. but like people love to make them stable marriage from when theyre in their 30s like. no . they dont fully get together till much layter but ar e hoooking up throughout. or at least not married or anything. and they are NOT the dads. fuck athena all my homies hate athena shes not even here. fuck APOLLO phoenix HATES apollo hes not his dad hes his boss..! edgeworth respects apollo as a lawyer but will not really interact with him unless trucy brings him to family dinner and they get along. kay should hang out with trucy. edgeworth does not like klavier. but phoenix has forgiven him and is trying to guide him to the right path. and they have their own issuessss like . ok anyways. havent been in the aa fandom for awhile so i cant rememver other things i hate them for.
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icetobes · 1 year ago
my favourite bits and things i noticed when watching heartstopper 🍂
9th time watching notes but most are my first reaction opinions too
this is from april 28 2022 in my notes app but i wanted to put it here because i keep going back to read all my notes i wanna hear other peoples notes ahh !! (it’s long i’m sorry)
- the first time they look at eachother, charlie sees nick is attractive.
- as much as i hate b*n h*pe, “you’re so cute” charlie’s smile after
- nick and charlie literally just saying “hi” to eachother everyday even tho they hardly know eachother or have never interacted
- the smiley face on charlie’s hand stays there until the next day
- tao buying elles drink because he forgets she’s not hanging out with them
- charlie staring at nick “golden
- retriever”
- just them in the bathroom while nick washed pen off him, charlie didn’t NEED to be there but he was
- “… and likes being with me” - charlie to tori when she asks what type of guy hed like
episode 1
> “i like being with you” - nick,
episode 6
- nick when he looks at charlie
- *asks about charlie playing the drums* “that’s so cool” he’s so ahh
- isaacs face or snicker when tao says something funny
- “ where is your can do attitude” “oh she left, long ago”
- rugby lads cheering when he catches the ball
- charlie getting along with most of the rugby lads eventually
- 1 2 3 squeeze
- tao and elle looking at everyone after school wondering where the other is
- nicks concern watching charlie go to the music block instead of leaving
- nick following just to check he was okay, he didn’t even know if something was actually up he just wanted to know he was okay
- “you say sorry a lot” “don’t”
- nick smiling at thank you x
- nick literally stalking charlie’s insta
- the way they both can’t decide what the fuck to text eachother
- nick making sure charlie is really okay
- “but i am your friend and i do care”
- charlie actually telling someone about everything
- nick upset for charlie and angry at ben for what he did
- “please don’t ever talk to him again” PROTECTIVE
- ❤️
- nicks smile at the ❤️ then the realisation of “fuck im smiling at this”
- elles teacher is so sweet
- “bisexual people exist” charlie you’ll never guess what
- art teachers and art classrooms being safety - relatable
- elle painting on her pencil case !! she’s just like me ahh
- “monster munch” DARCY MY BELOVED
- “chin length or above rule” thinks about taos hair
- “best gal pals”
- “you should come round my house and hang out with me meet her”
- charlie checking his hair
- “you look… it looks great” no he looks great ? right…
- nick “you’re just good at everything” babe you like him
- charlie wearing nicks jumper that’s definitely too big “that one looks fine”
- lying on the floor together
- nick taking pictures of them both
- them just talking
- nicks mum “you seem more yourself around him” and nick hiding an excited/happy face “do i?”
- nick wanting to hang out again
- tao watching the boys play rugby because charlie plays now
- “we’ve been hanging out non stop”
- “he’s been acting a little bit flirty sometimes” homies
- “nick likes a girl” literally where bitch ?
- tao protective bestie ily
- “her names tara jones” charlie i have something to tell you
- nick shouting charlie just to wave at him
- “i wanna believe in romance” me too isaac me too
- “straightest person i’ve ever seen” i don’t think elle has seen straight people before…
- the group hug
- darcy and tara giggling “do you have a boyfriend” “yes i have a girlfriend” “oh whoops”
- “what, what’s up” he just leans closer he wants to be a good friend ahhhhh
- hanging out at charlie’s whoooooo
- the drums. the way nick looks at charlie, the way charlie holds nicks hands, they’re sitting so close
- charlie fell asleep watching a film
- the way nick looks at him, the wanting to hold his hand
- the spark animations when their hands are close
- they both didn’t want nick to leave
- “you look so cuddly like that” THE HUG
- *leaves in bi panic”
- nick looking at insta again
- why am i like this
- he’s just looking at their pictures together
- “am i gay” it’s funny because i did the same. the feeling of probably knowing but wanting confirmation from literally anything
- the conversion therapy and homophobia pages, the “if this is me my life is gonna change so much”
- imogen my beloved idk why people hate you, you’re just living your life
- the hearts on her head are so cute
- they’re talking about girls, and he’s like “but charlie tho”
- “do you wanna go to harry’s party… with me” WITH HIM, go together
- isaac completely ignoring the messsges lmao
- “ive been looking for you”
- the way they just stand in the middle not moving
- “she loves you more than me” do all parents like their kids friends more than their own kids lmao
- “well it’s not old times anymore” she’s so cute
- “i don’t think he’s there to see harry to be honest” true
- tara coming out to nick is so special to me
- “he’s probably my best friend right now”
- “that’s homophobic harry”
- “and i really don’t like you” HAHAHAH L FOR HARRY
- taos bedroom is my favourite, the polaroids on the wall are so cute
- tao and elle holding hands ahh
- nick frantically searching for charlie mans is down bad
- charlie sticking up for himself to ben
- tao and elle deep chat :D
- imogen’s dancing is so cute
- i actually like her she just has a boy crush
- “i’m gonna go find my friend” nick lmao
- nick being proud at harrys party when he sees darcy and tara kissing , also having a moment of realisation that he wants that for himself
- the subtle pride flag overlay on tara and darcy
- he looks so relieved to find charlie
- “ben?” he’s so concerned
- “i’m so proud” HAND HOLDING
- theyre still holding hands
- “wanna race”
- running through the corridor feels romantic and i don’t know why
- “you just going to assume they’re a she” he’s so inclusive
- charlie’s realisation that nick may not be straight
- nicks questioning his identity rn, it’s crisis time
- S H O E S
- their fingers touching
- “would you kiss me”
- “yeah” fuck
- they both look so unsure but ready and i just can’t
- properly holding hands
- they just lean in again
- the flower animations are so cute
- nick panicking when harry calls for him
- bAnTuH i hate him
- nick going back for charlie and he’s not there
- charlie’s dad telling him it’s okay “i’ve got you” he’s the best
- he ran. in the rain. to talk in person
- idiot endearing
- nicks smile at charlie in his pyjamas
- charlie blurting out everything’s while nick stands there like “bitch”
- NICKS HURT FACE “i shouldn’t have kisses you”
- the way he holds his face and they kiss again
- they’re both confusing eachother
- “full on gay-crisis” same
- the hug. they just hug and they look safe
- charlie smiling at him
- he just cries
- secret
- the borrowing the umbrella
- charlie just runs out in his pyjamas
- “did i forget something” yeah a kiss
- nicks so happy
- imogen messing with his hair is so cute
- his hair sicking up on the side bro please fix it
- <imogen3
- they’re so happy looking at eachother they look like their hearts are about to explode
- tara and darcy kiss
- “there’s a boy in there waiting for you”
- hand holding under the table
- “you’re nothing like him”
- “a lot of gay people are good at sports charlie” comic teacher reference
- charlie really trying to tackle
- “maybe you’re a lesbian and you have no idea” protect these children
- “i’m not like homophobic, im an ally” she’s so funny
- “it’s not even like they’re dating” “unless they are “ isaac you’re so right
- nicks so nice he hangs around with the wrong people im sad
- “i won’t say anything about us” nick looks kinda sad
- charlie and elle
- darcy and charlie friendship
- she just guessed
- “nothing but my gay intuition”
- nick looking kinda sad about not telling people
- isaacs giggle in the background
- nick wanting to help and not looks suspicious
- he goes to check on him
- you got mud on your face, he’s so cute
- the pink tint and leaves
- isaac just knows
- he looks really confused ahh
- isaac flipping the board lmao
- tao and elle pillow fight
- i assumed he was coming anyway
- “you don’t have to” “no i am” about charlie’s present
- nick sticking up for them
- “you came” “of course i did”
- nick not questioning anything about elle
- the fact they all suck at bowling apart from nick and elle is my favourite
- they went to hug but didn’t
- nick won
- “you have strong rugby arms”
- “i thought you liked me arms”
- F L I R T I N G
- “tao, tao no it’s his birthday” she doesn’t want charlie upset ahh
- nick paying
- “i’ll ask so accept a can of coke, if your paying” the way he said it is so funny
- nick hearing the argument
- bi lighting
- “hes, hes, hes my… friend” nick looks so sad
- he wants to be out so bad but he doesn’t even know as what yet
- the. hug
- nick and tao talking is so awkward lmao
- tao and elle running to machines
- nick trying to get donut teddies
- “i didn’t know how to say no… and then her dog died” charlie why are you smiling
- “i wish i’d known then what i know now”
- the stickers and the photo ahh charlie’s smile
- “i really like you” “you like me” “wasn’t that obvious”
- “i wanna kiss you so bad right now” “okay”
- this scene is just so incredibly cute
- tao and elle playing games together
- isaac on the coin machines is so relatable
- charlie and nick racing
- “you wanna get slushies” “god yes”
- the stars for elles realisation she really likes tao, the game noises too
- the talk with imogen
- “do you ever feel like you’re only doing things just because everyone else is”
- he is so special to me
- they’re besties now i decided that
- “you’re proper thick about girls sometimes” harry guess what he’s daring a boy
- “best lgbt movies”
- the fact he’s watched mamma mia 4 times this year already says something lmao
- the realisation from the film
- “girlfriends 🏳️‍🌈” they’re cute
- “i think i have a crush on tao” bestie tell him
- “i think you hurt his feelings” “good” lmao
- tara reading the mean comments is so sad
- tara and darcy just sitting together is my favourite
- “sit and gossip with your friends” bestie
- anti-homophobia cheese
- nick and charlie lying on the blanket together
- the subtle hand hold
- “it’s a good suggestion”
- nick sitting up looking like he’s about to cry
- charlie still not wanting to force nick to spend time with him
- darcy actually scaring tara lmao
- nick waving at charlie he looks so proud of his bf
- “we’ve found another one” another queer lets goo
- “im waiting for your mum actually”
- D O U B L E D A T E
- milkshakes whooo
- “kissing you was one of the things that made me realise i don’t like kissing guys” “happy to help”
- it feels good to have told someone he wants to be public so badly
- “i didn’t realise you were in a committed relationship” tori
- s i p
- nick catching charlie staring
- “i told her we’re going out”
- “that’s amazing” “you’re amazing”
- “i wanted to tell them”
- the way nick rolls them over
- “i’ve never been on a date” “me neither… wanna go on one”
- happy charlie stims
- darcys bedroom is my favourite
- “we are such meddling gays”
- “you’re just here for the milkshakes then” i would too
- a second round
- bubble gum i’d definitely not a crime charlie
- chocolate is also good tho
- “we can share, we are on a date” he’s so cute
- “we should go on a date just us”
- charlie nervous rambling
- “we should”
- “what do you mean” darcy is so cute i can’t
- “sort of no boys allowed conversation”
- “we though it would be fun to go on a triple date”
- “you and charlie”
- “charlie im SO happy for you”
- isaac definitely guessed
- elle and tao sharing headphones
- “i really love you” “i love you too” they’re so cute
- charlie letting nick play the drums again ahh
- telling charlie about his bisexual research “i think that might be me”
- tHe DoOr… oopsie
- darcys stickers on her phone
- “talk to me” the way they can just talk to eachother
- “i just wanna live my life” “we can do that” THEM AND ALWAYS THEM
- “you seem gay enough to me”
- it’s like hide and seek
- homophobiaaaa
- something about how nick crashes through the door…
- “you know i can’t run l relatable
- “thanks boy i kissed one time” “no problem girl i kissed one time” besties
- nick looks so proud of charlie
- the hearts when elle looks at tao
- “older sister magic”
- tori just knew
- charlie telling tori ahhhh
- you know you know
- charlie’s dad is a hero he just is
- they look so safe together
- “you kind of are a gay nerd” “shut up rugby lad” flirting
- they look so sad when they see ben and harry
- c h a r
- “uh, wow that just slipped out”
- “it’s cute” “now im never calling you it again” teasing
- L they jumped
- H A N D H O L D I N G
- their pinkies locked
- “you’re a dork”
- interlocked h a n d h o l d i n g
- “nicks not even my type” HE LOOKED SO SAD
- he ran after himmmmmmmm
- “im used it it” NICK LOOKS SO SAD FOR HIM
- charlie’s dad to the rescue
- nick back to F I G H T
- nick defending his bf
- h o t
- “probably used to it by now”
- s l u r throws up
- “he just used a really bad word”
- “charlie’s a really special friend isn’t he” SHE KNOWS
- “yeah he is” he really is
- not tired playing rn
- charlie ignoring his alarm
- “you clearly didn’t get hugged much as a child” im dead
- charlie is so concerned noo
- they both look so sad
- “you shouldn’t have to be” (used to it)
- he’s so angry about the boys bullying charlie
- “you’re not allowed to say the s word
- nicks head on charlie’s shoulder, my head in my hands
- any other way sobs
- charlie’s lunch… flashes of volume 3
- “is there something actually going on between nick and charlie” uh oh
- everyone but tao knows
- tao noooo
- charlie’s draft messsges break my heart
- the way tao stands on the stairs gets me every time
- nick looks so sad when charlie’s talking about how things are his fault
- the way they both instantly knew it would be tao
- the lads booing nick for breaking up the fight
- he tried to apologise
- man’s angry banging on the drums
- tori best big sister ever
- “both my fault by the way” charlie nooo
- charlie telling tori about ben
- “maybe i do just ruin peoples lives, and it would be better if i didn’t exist” CHARLIE BABY NO
- “you’re not ruining my life” they just sit and hug ahh
- nick wants to have lunch together
- he said nooo
- nick sitting with tao cause he thought charlie would be there
- tao and nick talks >>>>>>
- nicks concerned about charlie
- darcys “fake injury to get out of this” relatable
- surely nobody is actually this excited about sports daycinematic
- setup lmao
- charlie still avoiding nick my heart hurts
- “i haven’t signed up for an event” bestie same
- “there aren’t any sports day events on in the art block” that’s sad
- “don’t let anyone make you disappear”
- charlie switching bibs, running for him
- he apologised
- charlie winning lets go bestie
- he stuck up for himself
- charlie and tao besties again
- tara and darcys kiss
- go isaac !
- charlie holding isaacs book for him
- the butterflies for taos realisation he likes elle
- nicks face when he can’t find charlie
- charlie sitting with isaac besties
- when he sees charlie
- the flower animations
- walking to him
- go get him
- IN
- imogen’s smile
- isaac isn’t phased lmao
- “i don’t wanna break up”
- “my life is way better because i met you”
- “kindest, most thoughtful, caring and amazing in the whole world”
- “i want us to be together”
- “you’re my favourite person”
- “i need you to believe me”
- “i believe you”
- K I S S
- they’re so cute
- they’re on their date
- he’s so happy they’re at the beach
- hands on the face when they kiss is my favourite
- he teases throwing him off
- “what if i came out” baby
- “im definitely bisexual” bi king ily
- platonic bffs lmao
- “i wanna tell the people who matter”
- “oh my god i like you so much, and i love liking you”
- they’re literally perfect
- his shoes are wet wtf
- he carried him all the way back
- charlie lying on nicks chest is so cute
- he’s home
- thinks about telling her
- he’s ahhhh
- “you know charlie’s my best friend”
- “he’s my boyfriend, charlie’s my boyfriend” he said it
- his mums reaction is my favourite
- she’s so sweet
- “it’s called bisexuality” sir
- he’s crying
- “we’re gonna tell people”
- they deserve all the happiness ever and nothing bad
- nick wearing his blue jumper more when he sees charlie after charlie wears it at his house
- [gay panic]
- taos insults are the best
- nellie always lying on nicks bed with him
- the way nick sits with his arms crossed
- darcys rainbow tie dye jumper is EVERYTHING
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patchun · 7 months ago
some thoughts lately or a diary or whatever
i am lonely and my roommate bryan is the only person i know who somewhat shares my nerdy interests and he's moving out soon. i'm moving in with some acquaintances i met via my local bar but the reason they're acquaintances is because i have basically nothing in common with them so i doubt i'll have as satisfying a relationship with them even once we do get to know each other. i've always had a difficult time relating to other people and really getting close to them and i'm thinking this may play a big part in why.
i like anime such select and specific anime that i'm not sure i can accurately say "i like anime". the people i know who like anime usually like naruto/one piece, that kind of thing, and it's usually more of a passive interest for them. but then, you have the people who LIKE like anime, and they tend to be a little too weird for me to vibe with, not that there's anything wrong with the weirdness, i just end up not fitting in with them either. i'm at this weird point where i'm very socially "normal" but have interests that are very different from socially normal people? and those interests are what i spend most of my time thinking about, so growing closer via conversation about anything else can be difficult, as i frankly just don't know much about most topics, and am reluctant to speak when i'm not confident about my relevant knowledge.
so yeah i dont really know what i'm hoping for, am i hoping to meet my similar-interest dream girl who doesn't exist and even if she did the likelihood of ever a) encountering each other and b) encountering each other in such a way that shows we have things in common is basically nonexistent. i think that's maybe a silly thought process as that's not really how things work and it doesn't necessarily need to be a romantic relationship anyways.
oh yeah and i'm not doing makeup or eyeliner any more and i cut off my hair so now its short and brown and i look like an average 5-6-7 if were being generous white dude like i used to. i was really tired of being perceived as gay by seemingly everyone at a glance. but i'm definitely regretting it a little bit, looking in the mirror for that approximate year always made me so happy. i constantly would look at myself in my snapchat camera and take pictures and feel confident and such. now i kind of hate looking at myself and it was weird breaking the habit of constantly looking at my snapchat camera because of the negative emotions it caused. i was just feeling miserable one day and was so desperate for any kind of change that i cut my hair off, lol. i talked with my doctor about it and the idea that i could potentially have bipolar depression came up. which, looking at my past actions such as: quitting jobs, getting a nonsensical divorce from my loving partner of 10 years, moving to rochester, starting estrogen.......... maybe there's something to that lol. if any of my bpd homies read this let me know what u think im looking at u m if u get this far or check my blog lol
but yeah reading over this myself maybe i should go back to the eyeliner lol. i realized that i really like cute things. i like kirby and girl characters in video games and bla bla bla. i like cute things and i think it felt nice to be a cute thing. unfortunately i just don't know if the social niche it gave me was productive towards my end goal of finding a romantic partner. its got me thinking, once i have money again (oh yes i am extremely broke,,, i start my new job on august 12), how SHOULD i present myself if i want to work towards that goal? presenting in general is such a fascinating thing its like... you decide how you want others to perceive you, what notions theyre going to have. i dont know i dont really get it.
thankfully despite not being just super happy i am pretty mentally stable right now. no extremely low lows like it has been for a while recently
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nerdyenby · 2 years ago
Green time :D I’m watching Jojo
Gosh, she’s so pretty. Sorry, just had to get that off my chest
I know green got some bad luck but I’m hoping the energy survives and thrives, I’m ready for vibes!!
Jojo stays on the grind, she’s insane /pos
I know Kara would’ve said if it was H, but I like to imagine that it was H who just showed up and offered her bacon without warning
“Maybe there are kind people in this world” Jojo going through it, don’t mind her
Pete and Jojo are so freaking funny together. They’re both so deadpan it’s amazing, I’m dying
Haha who who have past MCC teams memorized, that’s so whack hahahah (it wasn’t intentional, okay? It just happens when you run two 64-spot team brackets ;-;)
Seriously though, no one can be expected to remember MCC teams from more than one event ago, if that, including (and dare I say especially) content creators. Those are your pals and you’re at work, why would you be expected to remember who you were with on a specific day??
“Oh you’re in MCC? Name every team you’ve ever been on” so true Pete
“I could probably name every single team I’ve been in” “Weird flex but okay” “Ok, I’ll go for it, here we go” Jojo really said bet
*EEEEI* “Wait, was that wrong?” “No, I just wanted to make a buzzer sound” Pete is so real for that, honestly
“Fuck vod reviewing, all my homies hate vod reviewing” Pete only has banger opinions, sot is the only vod review you need in life
Jojo’s skin is so cute!!
Pete and Jojo saying they’re excited for Michael’s ace race
Hi Hannah!!!
I love this team’s energy
Pete saying he wanted Jesus to take the wheel and Kara appeared from the heavens
“Pinged in real life” 😂
Them making plans to go to a concert together, content creators doing actual irl friend things together makes me so parasocial
Me when I have a resting tremor and my doctor has no idea why
THEYRE THE ONES THAT STARTED THE PUNCHING??? That’s so funny oh my goodness
The best reactions to the intros ever 😂
Grid Runners
This team is so go with the flow, I love them
“For team morale, any time we fail a game we need at least one person on the team that can take the fall, whether it was their fault or not. Grid runners is mine, so if we fail I’m the asshole” this is so iconic I can’t
“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen” so true Pete
Grid goes so quickly because it’s! the best! game!!!
“Guys we suck” that’s the spirit!!
“Let me check who’s to blame for this one.. Oh it’s me! Alright, lay it on me!!” “Damn Pete, what the hell?” I love this team so much
Parkour Warrior
I love the blame game they’re doing
Jojo’s popping off!!!
Jojo’s so good at this it make my heart happy but painfully, or it hurts my heart in a good way, whichever makes more sense
Rip Kara, it’s okay, it’s crazy easy to flop when the pressure gets that bad, no worries queen <333
Aw Michael was so close too :((
“As per the law, this is my fault […] I threw- oh, I’m top 5!!” Y’all don’t understand how I’m love I am with this gimmick, green30’s blame game my beloved
I love how parkour warrior isn’t just about parkour skills, it also really emphasizes time management. It makes it more variable and interesting because it’s not just gonna be the same three people winning every time because there’s no single right way to do it. It’s now a strategy game and I’m so down for that, you don’t understand
Sands of Time
“You guys suck! I’m taking about the other teams” “That’s fine” “We suck too”
Jojo my igl!!!
Michael doesn’t know our lord and savior HBomb94??? Smh…
Gosh, we’re watching a master at work, people
Michael is such a good sand keeper, he just has such “this is your captain speaking” energy
“Michael your comms are incredible, I need you to know that” yes Pete!! Hype him up!!!!
Jojo found the vault so quick but that tunnel is MASSIVE
And now we throw, so true
Ace Race
Michael be like: stonks
Jojo repping us anxiety girlies, as she should (I’m not a girl but I’m anxious enough that I think I qualify)
The turtles do go boing, so true Michael
Pete and Jojo are everything
Pete and Jojo holding hands for an entire lap and a half my beloved
Jojo giving Pete the strength to do the skip then missing it herself
Kara personal best yippee!!!!
Pete fastest lap my beloved!!
Michael is thriving this MCC, we love to see it
Ayyyyy halftime show!!!!! Get it ladies!!!
This is a phone flashlight moment right here
“Here’s the plan: uh, follow me” so true Jojo
Gosh, I love this team. No stress, no rage, just “okay, here’s what we change”
Kara 😭😂😂😂 the sass, my goodness
“I don’t care” Kara is so real for this, I strive to be that self-assured
“Everybody pause. Shut up now. Who?” “Where the fuck is Mumbo Jumbo?” Funniest part is that I don’t know if any of these people actually know Mumbo
Battle Box
“Everyone’s looking at me!! Oh, everyone fell. Oh my god, everyone died” 😂
Mmmm yes, tight corners my beloved /s
Prison my beloathed
I like battle box, I do, I just feel like I’m never paying enough attention ;-;
Winning against red was huge, they had such good comms too
We love finding a good groove :))
Gosh the vibes are immaculate, you expect them to be super sweaty but they’re just comming in gibberish
Jojo 13 kills?!??!!
“That’s my teammate!!” Heck yeah it is, gosh Pete and Jojo are everything
Michael willing to take one for the team, what a king
Sky Battle
Jojo igl my beloved
You got this, queen
Kara hyping up Michael’s kill :))
Rip, unfortunate spawn, happens to everyone
Pete’s tone when he said Michael’s name after he died 😂
“They need to give the chicken swap to two people and enable pvp” Pete is a genius
Hole in the Wall
The absolute sass, I love them
“It’s all your fucking fault” thank you Michael
I didn’t even realize they weren’t calling colors 😭
THOSE are the lyrics??? I thought it was “I believe” not “if I was green” lmao
Jojo flipped a switch in her brain and called the most supreme hitw comms of all time
“100- I mean, red” real
“Hey, guys? I’ll take the blame on this one” “Don’t.” “King, I’ll steal the blame from you” “I will too, I messed up” this is violating the spirit of the blame game /s
Pete and Jojo holding hands on the leaderboard my beloved!!!
“I would’ve appreciated if we would’ve like, said beforehand ‘oh hey, I’m gonna throw now’ so like, I would’ve been able to be emotionally prepared”
Maybe the real treasure was the parkour tag we skipped along the way
“Man, I even took my performance-enhancing drugs” KARA 😭😭😭
Cheering when Firecracker came and joined their screenshot, then keeping the energy when Fruit, Illumina, and 5up joined in too
Them all being so excited to team together :((
They’re such bad listeners /aff
“You guys don’t listen to each other, yet you listen to me when I make calls in skybattle? What the fuck?” Pete 😂
“When was the last time we saw numbers like that in sands of time?” The answer is never, Jojo!! Y’all made history!!!
Michael stop being self-deprecating, I swear, a good sand keeper is an absolute necessity and you killed it king
GREEN30 PLATE UP!!!! I don’t know it that well but it’s such fun chaos
I’ve missed these little post-mcc chats where a bunch of people join a random channel and just talk, it’s giving season one vibes :))
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funnyscienceman · 6 days ago
lowkey. always thought describing two close men as "brothers" was weird. like outside of yaoi mlm discourse it's still weird cus i mean there's a big difference between a Friend and a Brother, for me at least. like is it a cis male thing?? idk if my cis brothers would describe their friends as brothers. just because u call a fella bro does not necessarily make u brothers dhdbdh
idk i feel like homie/bestie are the closest words to describe Super Close Friend. you can be family even, bec family is more than strictly sibling/parent relationships and roles. "Brothers" just has a certain vibe to it different from any other word for close friend and if that's what really applies to a given pair of two guys, okay, but if they're not romantic but theyre still very close all the same, im sure there's some other word you can use than brother, right???
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idiotshriek · 9 months ago
if freddy was real i would b too busy laughing at him to notice he was trying to kill me and then id remember i was in a dream and not wake up on purpose bc for some reason i have that power but no other dream power (<- actual very real fact abt me i choose not to wake up in nightmares frequently idk why i cant even stop it either its just terrible like i want to not be in this situation anymore but i keep choosing not to leave it?) but yea anyways of all the horror villains that are realistically killing me in the first half hour of the movie freddys the only one i think could actually do in. id love to see pennywise try to come after me. what am i scared of dawg? accidentally fucking up my cousins credit again? whats he gna do? pull up credit karma on the ol clownputer? and im not worried abt jason or michael myers im just leaving town. theyre not very mobile guys. they kinda just stay in one town. my plan for surviving ghostface is just not to be involved with any close friends or relatives of past murder victims. fool proof. i wouldve just called my mom to pick me up from sleepaway camp. chucky doesnt worry me id punt that mf halfway across town if need be but i think we’d b homies so thats only if the need arises and things get dire. if a vampire takes me out i let it lets get that clear. erm yea cant think of anymore threats but im really not worried abt them genuinely
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solluxarts · 9 months ago
Intro post lets go
Its ya boi, Timothy. In case you dont know me, all my art accounts are by the name of SolluxArts. I'll try to keep this short for those small attention span homies.
For simplicities sake, all my things are linked here:
except my main, which is @the-names-kay, but its just for reblogs
No interest page, i just have too many for that, but generally if you ask ill be happy to tell you what i think of something!
I love getting asks and talking to people, even if its just silly things so if you have something you wanna hear me ramble about/conversate about shoot me an ask! I also love being asked about my ocs or blorbos so if you have any questions pleaaase ask even if you think they've been asked before, im a certified yapper I'll say it again
Anons ARE on, but that is a privilege, not a right, so behave. Same with messaging.
If you need something tagged let me know, and I'll do my best to tag it so you can block them!
More below the cut
No proshippers, transphobes, racists, overall creeps, etc.
if i find out anyone is anything of the above i can and will block you, that's the end all be all.
Commission info/updates:
Comms are closed but I'll post when they're open again. I don't know how often I'll post here, but I'll try to keep it as updated as I do my insta at the very least. Hope my art is silly and fun, and hope y'all enjoy it!
"solluxarts" - my own, specific, art. all art will be tagged with this :]
"not art" - often reblogs of memes, text posts, thoughts, etc. just things that arent art in general.
"art for me" - art that i didnt make but is characters i own, usually gifts or artfight!
"sol talking" - just me talking, random thoughts, oc info, just anything really
"asks" - theyre... theyre asks man this is tumblr /silly
"requests" - request drawings, via asks!
"comms" - commission posts, when those are posted!
oc names - fastest way to find my ocs
fandoms - tags that are simply things like "borderlands"
specific characters, with fandom name - example; "medkit phighting"
"sollux favs" - favorite creators or even just art i go back to often!
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