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babyawacs · 2 months ago
.@elonmusk @elonmusk @dogecoindesigner @dogedesigner @potus @vp .@potus #on #un #unitednations @gop @dn c @thedemocrats @ivankatrump  how does that makethe usa stronger? #keypoint specific values defined precisely invaluable after ww 2 many of americas enemies cannot stand they cannot hold out a day under light of what is defined in un #keypoint the problem is they highjacked procedures of the un a nd turnedit against the us and west and the us and west committed many dirty crimes which enabled themto : easily. #keypoint besides they have no muscle the best intent is helple ss and relies on the us and west to enforce.  which then, willbe brokendown by the enemies of the us and west  thisis not understood aswellas how they mitigate on the fringe of mankinds ills the p r o b l e m s the firstworld catches then indirectly if not tackled early on: #digression inmany ways the chinese model of investing and buil dingup places incontrary towest subdue feed them forever as dependant misery is in many ways a not so bad thing at all. very. itjust doesnot gives west leverage but makes chinese markets additionally andnow youknow why theymatter more than manythink but are disfigu red #keypoint reform instead cut : consider hard what to enforce jointly with all west if necessary when: the legitimation is in thatplace if not weaseled the procedures by adversaries: which it currently i s asthedefault  
.@elonmusk @elonmusk @dogecoindesigner @dogedesigner @potus @vp .@potus #on #un #unitednations @gop @dnc @thedemocrats @ivankatrump how does that makethe usa stronger? #keypoint specific values defined precisely invaluable after ww2 many of americas enemies cannot stand they cannot hold out a day under light of what is defined in un #keypoint the problem is they highjacked procedures of the un…
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asoulsfriend · 4 years ago
little things do matter, they do! literally smile at me and you’ve made my day..!
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writtenbysyahirahbee-blog · 5 years ago
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Help me to raise our voice for our rights
Please share this and make the world a better place
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tomkiesche · 2 years ago
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I know all of them and most of them VERY WELL. NOTE: rescue groups need fosters and adopters to step up in order to pull dogs. Repost from @northcentralshelter • These are some of our overlooked dogs. We’d like to see all of them find safe exit and forever homes. ❤️‍🩹 *Rico #A1961023 - waiting 490 days Rescue Only (501c3 only). 3 years old neutered male *Blue #A1978851 -waiting 480 days recent @k9youthalliance graduate. 9 years old neutered male. *Rocko #A1980354 - waiting 472 days Rescue Only (501c3 only). 4 years old neutered male *Maxim #A1982658 - waiting 460 days 4 years old neutered male *Hona #A1587774 - waiting 431 days recent @k9youthalliance graduate. 7 years old spayed female *Dutchess #A1987508 - waiting 416 days Rescue Only (501c3 only). 3 years old spayed female 👉Tap their ID # to see previous posts. DM us with questions- we are happy to assist. 🚩Help them by sharing, pledge towards their care through Rescue (rescues also always need fosters!), or come visit to meet our adoptable dogs! __________ Visit the shelter to adopt! OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Sat & Sun 11-5; Tues and Thurs 8-5. Appts available Wed & Fridays. For more info ☎️ 888-452-7381 or laanimalservices.com *Rescue partners please contact [email protected] and [email protected] if you can help our Rescue Only dogs 📍North Central Animal Services Center – 3201 Lacy Street, Los Angeles, CA 90031 __________ #rescueme #foreverhomeneeded #shelterdogs #rescueneeded #theymatter #adoptabledogs #laanimalservices #takemehome #savealifeadopt #startastoryadopt #waitingforahome #adoptLove #losangeles #seenequalssaved (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiSQ3v_ubxf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gabavaldman · 7 years ago
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When you try to make a very inspirational #gishmeme and well... #gish #divercity #inclusion #theymatter #memefails #like4likes
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thedrewway · 4 years ago
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I would go as far to say I'm obsessed with HORSES 🐎😍😊😊 In the first two pics the barn hands started to close the gates on my Guy stating he was bitting people when they came up to him and people are getting SCARED. I told them don't close him in and I'm good. Some people talk to dogs 🐕 some people connect with cats 🐈 for me since I was 5 years old and fast forward to 9 when my mom signed me up for horse back riding lesson have talked to them as my friends and apart of my soul. My goals is to rescue as many horses from AUCTIONS AS I CAN AND BUY ACRES UPON ACRES OF LAND TO FREE THEM NO MATTER THE PHYSICAL CONDITION. I WALK IN PASTURES WHEN THEY SAY OH THAT HORSE IS 🐎 CRAZY WHILE SO AM I AND THEY GET MY MINDSET. Just felt the need to share because not everyone knows the Gentle side of the Big Dog AT Drew aka the horse whisper 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊👏🏾✊🏾❤❤ #horses #resuce #goals #grind #lovethem #beendoingthis30years #land #letsdothis #theymatter #mysoul (at Towson, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/COyWdeIjkBr/?igshid=1vyycno17lah2
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dudeistrash · 4 years ago
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Key word: gently. Don’t come around here looking like octomom. #babymamadrama #babymama #theymatter https://www.instagram.com/p/CNC-PR_h-WC/?igshid=1gnd0rcqj272l
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janslocum · 4 years ago
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catmigliano7 · 7 years ago
#FastRepost from @tanyasrocksforjustice by @fastrepost_app ••• Listed 3rd night 😭 Oh my my 😍 so so cuteeeee! But she’s in danger tonight 😭 Please help save two and a half year old baby girl Angela #20822. She was brought to the Shelter on 15-Feb-2018 and is at risk tonight because she caught a flue 😭 Please share to save this sweet girl 🙏🏼 ___________________________________________________ She is publicly adoptable from the Brooklyn shelter located at: 2336 Linden Blvd, Brooklyn, NY 11208, you can call the adoption line at: (718) 688-7411 please make sure to contact the shelter or a rescue asap, or visit the shelter before 12PM ___________________________________________________ ☆★ TO ADOPT THIS BABY THROUGH THE PUBLIC ADOPTION SITE, PLEASE GO TO NYCACC.ORG/PublicAtRisk.htm AND SCROLL DOWN TO BOTTOM TO LOG IN AND RESERVE THE FUR BABY. THERE WILL BE A $202 DEPOSIT REQUIRED. $150 WILL BE REFUNDED ONCE PROOF OF SPAY/NEUTER IS SUPPLIED.☆★ ____________________________________________________ #adoptdontshop #puppies #adopt #betheirvoice #voiceforthevoiceless #shelterpets #shelterdogs #theymatter #theyneedus #fosteringsaveslives #nycfurbabies #justiceforanimals #speakupforthevoiceless #voiceforthevoiceless #theymatter #theirlivesmatter #sentientbeings #shelterpetsrock #cutie Video by volunteer 🐾💗🐾 (at Shelter)
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writtenbysyahirahbee-blog · 5 years ago
Follow my Instagram for more content @writtenbysyahirahbee
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raisingbrowngirls · 4 years ago
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My heartbeats. My blessings. I love these two young ladies to the moon and back. There is nothing I would not do for them. #mybrowngirls #browngirls #rbg #browngirlsrock #theirlivesasbrowngirls #sisters #sistedhood #sisterswhorock #sisterlings❤️ #theyareworthit #theyareworthy #theirlivesmatter #theymatter #idoitallforthem #myheartbeats #myblessings #mycubs #dontcomeforthem (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFfMWjNgqnlEekpjTbr-OEScmqp1Nu963j3beQ0/?igshid=za9vnpezvcny
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deniserenee24 · 5 years ago
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Challenge Accepted @christinamilian We will continue to get justice for Breonna Taylor and #Vanessa Guillen!!!💜💜💜✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼 They Are Beautiful And They Matter!!! #BeautifulChallenge #BreonnaTaylor #VanessaGuillen #TheyMatter #Justice #Angels https://www.instagram.com/p/CDXvIIVlkdGQkANwUKqeafi9g0ErizlcClh-PA0/?igshid=munpcs2kjmms
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gabavaldman · 7 years ago
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When you try to make a very inspirational #gishmeme and well... #gish #divercity #inclusion #theymatter #memefails #like4likes
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pittylover728 · 7 years ago
Repost from @tanyasrocksforjustice using @RepostRegramApp - At risk because of a flue he caught at the Nyc ACC and is Rescue only due to NYC ACC stupidity! Please help share handsome sweet 3 year old baby boy Hutch #14822 who was surrendered by the only family he knew on Nov 28, 2017 because their landlord didn’t allow dogs...he has been at the shelter for month now, of course he caught a flue. He landed on Rescue Only list because of an “incident” that happened during adoption event...hmmm..hmmmm...hmmmm, a lot of people, a lot of dogs, stressful environment, let’s blame the dog for everything! No! Not cool! Please don’t let these horrible evil people kill this sweet boy! Please share to save this precious boy 🙏🏼 He needs to be pulled through a rescue at a Brooklyn shelter located at: 2336 Linden Blvd, Brooklyn, NY 11208, you can call the adoption line at: (718) 688-7411 please make sure to contact a rescue asap ☆★ THERE ARE 300 APPROVED NEW HOPE RESCUES, PLEASE CONTACT THEM TO HELP YOU PULL THEM. HERE ARE A FEW OF THEM: Second Chance Rescue, Rescue Dogs Rock, Imagine Pet Rescue, Zani's Furry Friends, Rebound Hounds, and many more☆★🙏🏼 #adoptdontshop #puppies #adopt #betheirvoice #voiceforthevoiceless #shelterpets #shelterdogs #theymatter #theyneedus #fosteringsaveslives #nycfurbabies #justiceforanimals #speakupforthevoiceless #voiceforthevoiceless #theymatter #theirlivesmatter #sentientbeings #shelterpetsrock #cutie 🐾💗🐾
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coachrodnightingale · 6 years ago
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Love is a muthafucka... and yes it hurts to love someone but Love is not death... If it doesn't work, just walk away and try Love again another day & time. 🖤 I can remember when I divorced, my world had changed and it hurt like hell. I didn't want to talk or be around anyone, not even myself. I didn't give #2Shzts what was going on, I just wanted to be in my own cave... But I couldn't... Love wouldn't let me... for me, there was one that wouldn't let me sulk or sit or become non-existent ... but made me get up off my azz and put rubber to the road to get it together and keep pushing, for she is apart of Me and I must live for her to learn how to Love too... That's my story... And I know everyone has a different tale... But don't let situation and circumstances cause you to make a permanent decision about something temporary... Love YOU and Walk away... Someday YOU will love again in time. 🚫 #DomesticAbuse #Life #Love #LoveYou2WalkAway #LifeMatters ❤Matters #YouMatter #TheyMatter (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzlj2I2nBmz/?igshid=1cwxrerzq2r0n
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animalsmatter · 6 years ago
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We are matching All donations to @dogsplayingforlife for the month of June. Play groups are essential to quality of life and faster adoptions while dogs wait in the shelters. Get involved. Donate, Volunteer, Share. #❤ . . #animalsmatterinc #madeinusa #itmatters #theymatter #donate #forthedogs https://www.instagram.com/p/By23BY4g8z5/?igshid=1t71mnzvewjzb
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