justcallmeasmodeus · 6 years
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2K notes · View notes
spn-quality-memes · 6 years
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ontheavalanche · 6 years
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I made this hip meme about inclusivity for gish but frankly it’s just quality all on its own
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fluffycastiel · 6 years
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Please like and reblog so we can get 400 notes!
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casismybestfriend · 6 years
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revwinchester · 6 years
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#GISHmeme This doggo and I both love inclusivity! We need 400+ likes/reblogs before 8/4/18 (or 4/8/18 for my non American friends). Help a girl and an adorable puppy out?
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hankypranky · 6 years
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Reblog for kindness, good cheer, and love. Also, honey is delicious.
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catsandviolence · 6 years
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400 notes needed to qualify! Hello humans, this year gish has asked us to make inclusive memes and I’m only 80% ace but talking to others, we all agreed it took us 84 years to figure it out because there just isn’t enough representation. Ace awareness for all you baby aces out there. You don’t have to pick another human, you can pick yourself and that’s ok
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dorkael · 6 years
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Post-GISH Update: I loved this enough that it’s now a sticker and a notebook on Redbubble!  Yay!
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HEY EVERYONE!!! I NEED 400 likes on Instagram for this one Gish item. Would you mind clicking the link and liking my post? https://instagram.com/p/Bl6oeMmhe84/
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cinnabron · 6 years
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tluminareth · 6 years
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show some love for GISH!
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beanmom · 6 years
I’m struggling to complete some of my GISH items. If anyone wants to help, you could do any/all of the following:
go like this twitter post
donate to this Crowdrise
send me a picture of you holding a printout from this website (or one like it -- google “voter registration status [your state]”) that confirms you are registered to vote, along with a sign (fine to just write on the printout) that says I WILL VOTE. Fine to obscure your personal details on the printout, although your pic will be one of many many on a collage so don’t stress too much about it
share the link to the twitter post or the Crowdrise or the pic request
It’s time like these, and only times like these, I wish I was social media famous. *sigh*
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ontheavalanche · 6 years
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theloft-malec · 6 years
Can you help me out by clicking this link and liking this post for GISH and retweeting to Save Shadowhunters? xoxoxoxoxo
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For real tho. It true.
18 notes · View notes