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heartofthewildequine · 28 days ago
Right now, five BLM Mustangs are running out of time. Each of them has already been failed once—if we don’t act, they WILL be loaded onto a slaughter-bound truck on different days this week. 💔
They are located at different lots. Stroud, OK kill pen lot, Tennessee ship pen, and Wish Upon a Horse.
We need 2️⃣4️⃣9️⃣4️⃣ to save them all. That’s the only thing standing between them and a second chance at life.
Every dollar counts—every share matters. Every moment brings them closer to a fate they don’t deserve. Can you help?
💰 Donate now: https://www.paypal.com/pool/9bYntIljXQ?sr=wccr
📢 Share this post!
❤️ Be their lifeline.
Together, we can give them the future they were meant to have. They deserve a future, not a tragic end. Let’s bring them home. 🐴💙
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catmigliano7 · 7 years ago
#FastRepost from @rescuemeorlando by @fastrepost_app ••• UPDATE 8/19: NICO HAS BEEN ADOPTED. 🚨NICO HAS GIVEN UP🚨 Nico #410955 is on the euth list with both his sisters (Chispy and Taira.) They only have until Tuesday at 6pm to secure a foster/pledges or committed adopter. You see, Nico was surrendered by his family. They wanted to board him and when the shelter said “no,” they dumped him. According to them, he is dog friendly. We have not personally temperament tested him, but slow intros are REQUIRED. Out in the yard, Nico doesn’t immediately “connect.” He needs a family who will build a bond with him and show him the world isn’t so cruel. This can’t be his fate at 7 years old. Dying by a heart stick is barbaric. Can you save Nico's life? He needs a foster/pledges or furever adopter. Located at Orange County Animal Services in Orlando. #URGENT #savealife #help #euthlist #theirlivesmatter #shelterdogsrock #adoptdontshop #adopt #foster #share #fosteringsaveslives #shelterdog #betheirvoice #lastchancedog #shelterdogsofinstagram #RMO #rescuemeorlando #orlandofl #orangecountyanimalservices Sorry that the first 2 statements are contradictory. I am sharing bc I believe #Nico remains at risk (at Orlando, Florida)
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tonzadruffin · 4 years ago
HAPPY THURSDAY Take a moment today to let the world know that the Black Men in your life matter! Music: Our Lives Matter by The Hamiltones #theirlivesmatter #dearblackmaniseeyou #hamiltones #ourlivesmatter #live #love #blacklivesmatter #empower #vibinwithtonza #woman #mom #sister #aunt #lawyer #blogger #writer #author #lifelover https://www.instagram.com/p/CNZyW2yjuJf/?igshid=1gq39rwy2w6po
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#Message #realshit #Bigfacts #theirlivesmatter #2015 #2014 (at Charlotte, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIMW2rglIt2/?igshid=ejlxnvxp0io7
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raisingbrowngirls · 4 years ago
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My heartbeats. My blessings. I love these two young ladies to the moon and back. There is nothing I would not do for them. #mybrowngirls #browngirls #rbg #browngirlsrock #theirlivesasbrowngirls #sisters #sistedhood #sisterswhorock #sisterlings❤️ #theyareworthit #theyareworthy #theirlivesmatter #theymatter #idoitallforthem #myheartbeats #myblessings #mycubs #dontcomeforthem (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFfMWjNgqnlEekpjTbr-OEScmqp1Nu963j3beQ0/?igshid=za9vnpezvcny
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chos3non3sp3aks · 5 years ago
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They will always try to distract you from the important things. Keep your focus, don't take your eyes off of the prize/goal/issue at hand. #Chos3nOn3Sp3aks #stayfocused💯 #theirlivesmatter #blacklivesmatter✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 (at Duson, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCsShbUg74w/?igshid=1v8u5mj9r7t3k
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madpitdiary · 7 years ago
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12/8/17 @patsgirl12_ohhailbrady Hazel #A1917863 2 yo brown/white pit bull girl. Little more than pocket pittie size she comes over to check me out without being coaxed. Quiet, calm, sweet girl. By Marta Sanchez . . . . Contact: 📝[email protected] with A#, to check: availability/status/request medical records. You may also ✅availability by clicking my bio, enter zip code 33175, click on Miami-Dade Animal Services, and then enter A# omit the "#" 📍New location: (3599 NW 79th Avenue, Doral, Florida 33166) or try calling 305-884-1101. For information on ✈️🚌 transportation please contact Shelly ‭+1 (786) 525-1721‬. Don't allow a little distance stop you from saving this baby's life. . . . . . . #crueltyfree #instadog #fortheloveofanimals #iloveallanimals #dogsofinstagram #rescuedog #rescue #foster #dontbullymybreed #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #dontshopadopt #fosteringsaveslives #loveyourdogs #shelterdogsarethebest #networkingsaveslives #killshelter #mdas #patsgirl12_ohhailbrady #Southflorida #miami #betheirvoice #theirlivesmatter #whyirescue #whywerescue #whosavedwho #fortheloveofdogs PLEASE REPOST/TAG/SHARE (at Miami, Florida)
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saraphia · 5 years ago
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Orange you ready for a change? We can end gun violence!!!🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 I am wearing orange today in support of @everytown + @momsdemand to help raise awareness regarding common sense gun reform. Gun violence awareness day was started by friends of Hadiya Pendleton (whose favorite color was orange) a 15 year old life taken taken way too soon by gun violence. More info at wearorange.org & on the swipe➡️ ***Today would have been Breonna Taylor’s 27th birthday. Bre was an award-winning EMT in KY who was shot & killed when plain clothed police officers raided the wrong apartment in the middle of the night without a legal warrant. Help sign the petition to bring her justice at the link in bio. 🖤#wearorange #timeforchange #gunviolenceawarenessday #commonsensegunreform #hadiyapendleton #breonnataylor #sayhername #theirlivesmatter #justiceforbreonnataylor #gonetoosoon💔 #notinvain #everytownforgunsafety #everytown #gunreform #endgunviolence #itmuststop #toomanyliveslost #popart #selfportrait #illo #illustration #sarahphelps #sarahephelps #saraphia #saraphia https://www.instagram.com/p/CBDqfSVlpe3/?igshid=h6jf421rj14g
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queencfromda6side · 5 years ago
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Together we stand tall. Divided, we will fall. 🤎✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿🖤 #BlackOutTuesday #JusticeForRegisKorchinskiPaquet #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #JusticeForDavidMcAtee #SayTheirNames #RememberTheirNames #TheirLivesMatter (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA78QksAa7U/?igshid=1vkzwgay5532
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pangerankodoksablon · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @felix.siauw Satu George Floyd yang meninggal kehabisan nafas, satu Amerika rusuh. Mereka katakan: diskriminasi ras, pembunuhan keji Satu negara melakukan kesadisan tak terkira, pembantaian tanpa henti, ratusan ribu nyawa hilang, bukan hanya diinjak, tapi jauh lebih buruk dari itu Lebih dari diskriminasi, mereka merampok negeri, bukan hanya pemuda, bahkan bayi dihabisi, ini kejahatan kemanusiaan Andai ada di tuntutan keadilan buat Floyd oleh solidaritas kulit hitam. Apa solidaritas kita buat saudara kita di Al-Aqsha? Yang kelak akan kita temui mereka di hadapan Allah di hari pengadilan? #justiceforfloyd #justiceforpalestine #icantbreathe #theycantbreathe #theirlivesmatter - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5ALwLg4IM/?igshid=12jat76ui95pc
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paparazzigyrl · 5 years ago
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My #blackmen ❤️ #theirlivesmatter #wifeofablackman #motherofblacksons #blacklivesmatter #mylifematters ❤️ (at Parkland, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA04YiXjwZa/?igshid=akebph0gw9yf
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pittylover728 · 7 years ago
Repost from @tanyasrocksforjustice using @RepostRegramApp - At risk because of a flue he caught at the Nyc ACC and is Rescue only due to NYC ACC stupidity! Please help share handsome sweet 3 year old baby boy Hutch #14822 who was surrendered by the only family he knew on Nov 28, 2017 because their landlord didn’t allow dogs...he has been at the shelter for month now, of course he caught a flue. He landed on Rescue Only list because of an “incident” that happened during adoption event...hmmm..hmmmm...hmmmm, a lot of people, a lot of dogs, stressful environment, let’s blame the dog for everything! No! Not cool! Please don’t let these horrible evil people kill this sweet boy! Please share to save this precious boy 🙏🏼 He needs to be pulled through a rescue at a Brooklyn shelter located at: 2336 Linden Blvd, Brooklyn, NY 11208, you can call the adoption line at: (718) 688-7411 please make sure to contact a rescue asap ☆★ THERE ARE 300 APPROVED NEW HOPE RESCUES, PLEASE CONTACT THEM TO HELP YOU PULL THEM. HERE ARE A FEW OF THEM: Second Chance Rescue, Rescue Dogs Rock, Imagine Pet Rescue, Zani's Furry Friends, Rebound Hounds, and many more☆★🙏🏼 #adoptdontshop #puppies #adopt #betheirvoice #voiceforthevoiceless #shelterpets #shelterdogs #theymatter #theyneedus #fosteringsaveslives #nycfurbabies #justiceforanimals #speakupforthevoiceless #voiceforthevoiceless #theymatter #theirlivesmatter #sentientbeings #shelterpetsrock #cutie 🐾💗🐾
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raisingbrowngirls · 5 years ago
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Right to assemble, gather and protest. BULive #bkunited #bkunitedmb #theirlivesmatter https://www.instagram.com/p/CBJHPTrhc4JBpq3zESYc0Ctqia48rxMjPb7g2A0/?igshid=1ph964pcwk2zq
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smalltownmetalarts · 5 years ago
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The Thin Line Always Has Your Back! #thinblueline #thinredline #leo #firefighter #firstresponders #alwayshaveyourback #theirlivesmatter #thinbluelinefamily #thinredlinefamily #smalltownmetalartshasyourback #smalltownmetalartshaveyoucovered #smalltownmetalartssupportsthethinblueline #smalltownmetalartssupportsthethinredline #shopsmallbusiness #shopsmalltownmetalarts #giveusacalltoday📲 #contactsustoday📞 #weappreciateyourbusiness #smalltownmetalartsishereforyou #smalltownmetalartsandpowdercoating #smalltownmetalarts (at Small Town Metal Arts & Powder Coating) https://www.instagram.com/p/B21psfBhc57/?igshid=1h46vny8dm781
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eventsbyhr · 6 years ago
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Tonight it was our honor to be able to photograph the WSP memorial dinner! This is a cause that is near and dear to our hearts and it is so amazing to be able to give back to the community that serves and protects us! This memorial dinner helps raise money to be able to support the families that have lost their loved ones in the line or duty. #wsp #wspmemorialdinner #theygavetheirlives #theirfamiliesmatter #theirlivesmatter #eventsbyhr https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwyin9tnDFo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vyvli391xxu8
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madpitdiary · 8 years ago
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7/5/17@patsgirl12_ohhailbrady My poor little girl, I met this cutie back in the old shelter, where she was adopted, then after a year of having a home to call her very own, the ultimate betrayal was bestowed, she was dumped back. She's a sweet and calming soul, who's sadly using the gate of her kennel to prop her little head up to sleep (swipe)... why? why? When they've collected over 78 beds, is she having to sleep like this, is infuriating. MDAS WHERE ARE THE BEDS DONATED? This is Nana #A1752121, a female white and black American Bulldog mix, approximately 3 years old and weighs 74 pounds. She's also good with other dogs. . . (Contact: 📝[email protected] with A#, to check: availability/status/request medical records. You may also ✅availability by clicking my bio, enter zip code 33175, click on Miami-Dade Animal Services, and then enter A# omit the "#" 📍New location: (3599 NW 79th Avenue, Doral, Florida 33166) For information on ✈️transportation contact Steve Nash at (954) 774-0934/Shelly Northern (786) 525-1721 (by text or phone call), don't allow a little distance stop you from saving this baby's life.) . . . . #crueltyfree #instadog #fortheloveofanimals #iloveallanimals #dogsofinstagram #rescuedog #rescue #foster #dontbullymybreed #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #dontshopadopt #fosteringsaveslives #networkingsaveslives #killshelter #patsgirl12_ohhailbrady #Mdas #Southflorida #miami #betheirvoice #theirlivesmatter #whyirescue #whywerescue #whosavedwho #fortheloveofdogs PLEASE REPOST/TAG/SHARE (at Doral, Florida)
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