#they're not ever gonna be healthy but they'll be so so happy
thefuturewithoutus · 2 years
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what's making me tear my hair out is how in the end they gave up their lives for each other both metaphorically & literally. wilson sacrificed time and money and energy to be with house and to help him in anyway he could over and over again. he never had a lasting marriage or family or a longterm meaningful romantic relationship. all because house was his best friend. and house gives back in his own fucked up little indirect way too. in return house ruins his life so he can be together with wilson in his final months. just insanity
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megameatymatt · 2 months
dad!matt and dad!chris is all i want in life
A Day with Dad - Chris Sturniolo
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Summary: Chris is left at home with his two daughters
TW!: none really
Requested?: yes
A/N: feedback, interaction, and requests are appreciated! ( im also very sorry if this sucks i don't read a lot of dad!chris or matt fics😭)
You and Chris have finally started building the family you've dreamed of for so long. You have two daughters: Avery who has just turned 4, and Scarlet who is 1 year old. You and Chris couldn't be happier living this life, but Chris noticed you've started to become more tired and tense, so during summer break, when the kids were home. He planned a day out full of activities for you and your friends.
It was 8:30 in the morning and you were leaving the house to get to the Breakfast place Chris put in a reservation for. "I'll see you soon," you say as you grab your house keys. "Have fun baby" Chris says as he grabs your chin and kisses you. "I'm gonna miss my girls," You say thinking of their cute chubby little faces. "They'll be with the fun parent, they won't miss you one bit," Chris says with a sense of pride. You roll you're eyes and laugh. "Whatever, Chris, I love you." "I love you more baby", and with that, you're stepping into the car and driving off. Chris waits outside until the car has fully left his sight before heading back inside.
As soon as he steps inside, he hears crying. "Scarlet" He mutters under his breath before running up the stairs and into the girls' room. He turns on the light and lifts Scarlet out of her crib. As soon as she's in his arms, she quiets down.
"Good morning sunshine, how are you?" Chris' presence wakes up his second daughter Avery. "Daddy!" Avery squeaks, wrapping her arms around Chris's leg. "Hey, bunny. You're pretty happy today!" He says, setting Scarlet back down in her crib. "Ok girls, Mommy went out today so guess what? You're gonna be spending the day with the best dad in the world," He says pointing both his fingers towards him. The girls cheer and Chris laughs. "Let's start by making some chocolate chip pancakes!"
It didn't go as planned. Chris ended up burning the pancakes. So now the 3 of them sit in the Mc. Donald's drive-thru picking out items from the breakfast menu. "I can't believe we are having Mc. Donalds for breakfast, this is the best day ever!" Avery says, waving her arms in the air. "Technically, they're breakfast foods so it's healthy. Also please don't tell your mother" Avery laughs as Chris picks up the food from the window and drives back home.
It's 4:40 in the afternoon. Chris got Scarlet to take her nap, and somehow he ended up sitting in front of Avery while she braids his hair into pigtails. "Done!" she says, grinning ear to ear as she hands Chris a mirror. "Wow sunshine, I look amazing," Chris says holding back a laugh.
"Now tell me, what would you like for dinner?" Chris asks handing her back the mirror. "Pizza, pizza, pizza!" Avery says jumping around. Chris sighs, "You sure you don't want something healthier sweetie?" Chris asks. "Healthy food sucks," Avery says crossing her arms. Chris lets out a chuckle. "How bout' we get pasta instead, huh sweetie. We've had a little too much fast food don't you think?" "with meatballs?" Avery asked. "With as many meatballs as you like princess," Chris says as he tickles Avery. Almost right after, Chris hears Scarlet cry again.
It's 11:30 and Chris and Avery have fallen asleep on the couch. Scarlet is in her crib, and Moana still playing on the TV. Keys jangle at the door before it finally unlocks. You walk into the living room and see Chris and and Avery snuggled up on the couch asleep, you smile and pull out your phone to take a picture. You tap Chris on the shoulder and he jolts up, then falls back down when he realizes it's just you. "hey baby, you're back" he says, flashing you a tired smile. "I am. How'd it go" "Let's just say i'm the favourite now" You laugh before taking a closer look at him. "What the hell happened to your hair?"
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ghostsandfools · 2 months
The psychology behind Lumini
Would Lunar and Gemini be a healthy couple? I don't fucking know, I've never read or consumed anything to do with psychology in my life, I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about here, I genuinely don't know shit about mental health, BUT I'M GONNA TRY ANYWAYS! So if my takes here suck then sorry.
Lunar idolizes Gemini WAY too much. And that's absolutely going to set their relationship back. It's good to admire your romantic partner, but you need to realize they aren't perfect. YOU aren't perfect, so if you view your partner as a perfect person, you're going to end up feeling like you'll never be enough for them.
You have to realize that you and your partner both have flaws, and recognize that you can work through them together as a team. Gemini, despite how much I love them, has flaws. Lunar is going to have to realize that eventually, but I don't think that'll completely get rid of the issue.
Lunar is just a guy. He got thrown into all this star power stuff randomly. and Gemini is his TEACHER. It's okay, because they're both adults so it's not creepy, but even then, you should never EVER be in a relationship with your boss/educator. Gemini's job is to make sure he's progressing steadily with his star power abilities. And since the astrals are so impatient, they kinda have to hurry him along with his learning. Having your partner teaching you something is stressful, because you want to impress them and do well for their sake. It's even worse because for Lunar and Gemini, it's not "I have a hobby i think you'd enjoy, how about I teach you?" For them it's "You NEED to learn this quickly and without struggling or else my brother is going to fucking KILL YOU." Star power is a life or death thing. Lunar having feelings for Gemini is definitely going to make learning harder for him, not because he'll be distracted by them instead of learning. but because Star power is his entire life purpose now and if he doesn't learn how to control it, the consequences could be very grave for him.
On top of that, he doesn't know Gemini very well. Which is fine, people get crushes of course, but they'll need to take things slow with each other if they want to get to know each other better and work through their other issues.
Gemini needs to be more understanding of Lunar's emotions. It's clear that they care for Lunar, but they're very tough on him, and I don't think they understand the mental effects of that.
Gemini feels things differently than any regular earthling. Their feelings are clearly more rooted in logic. They can feel angry and sad and happy, but it's different than how we would. For example, when they rejected Lunar, they gave him a logical explanation as to why they didn't want to pursue a relationship with him, then didn't understand why he was so sad. They thought explaining it logically would help him feel better, but that's not how feelings work. Sometimes people feel sad or happy or scared or angry for no reason, and that's okay. You don't have to justify your feelings or have a logical reason behind them for them to be valid, but I don't think Gemini understands that, and that's okay, but it's something they'll need to work on. Right now, they seem to think Lunar is immature or over emotional, but that's not true. He's been through a lot, and they really need to begin to understand that.
Now. The elephant in the room. When Lunar killed Eclipse, Gemini got pretty mad at him. Which is reasonable, he did kill a guy. I don't really think either of them were in the wrong in that situation though. I've seen some people say Gemini was downright abusive in their reaction, and I've seen some people say that they should've been harder on Lunar, but I wanna see things from both of their points of view. When Lunar saw Eclipse, he was scared. Seeing an abuser again is terrifying, I don't know what I would've done in his shoes. With the way Lunar's mind works, he could've just lost control of himself, he could've regressed from the stress of the situation and not known what to do, and with the way Eclipse was taunting and threatening him, it makes sense that he'd have a violent reaction. It doesn't justify what he did, but it does explain it. Gemini had every right to lash out at him though, because they trusted him and they spent a lot of time training him so he wouldn't do something like that again and he still did. And maybe, for the first time in a while, maybe they couldn't control their emotions either. Maybe they let their anger get the better of them.
Now, I think it actually shows how strong they are, because they were able to recover from what happened. Lunar apologized for what he did, and they've started to rekindle their friendship and build up trust again, and that's good! Because it shows that they can have arguments and still get over it. I've just got one issue with how their arc is going. I wish Gemini apologized too. I know Lunar did kill a man, but they really, REALLY hurt him. I wish they said sorry. But generally speaking, I'm glad that they're becoming friends again.
Another thing about Gemini is their upbringing. They don't talk about the other astrals very much, and I wonder what their life has been like so far. The other astrals seem more like coworkers to them than siblings, and I wonder if anyone other than Lunar has shown them affection before. Did Aries ever play games with them? Did Libra ever comfort them when they were feeling sad? Did Taurus ever show them how to use their powers? Or did they have to learn everything on their own? Sadly, we don't know. But based on how they talk about the other astrals, I'd wager not. And if that's the case, being in a relationship might be a challenge for them. They don't know how to respond to affection, they don't know HOW to be in a relationship. And in all fairness, neither does Lunar. They would be each other's first lovers, which is even more stressful, because neither of them know what the hell they're doing. If they want their relationship to last, they'd have to be perseverant as HELL.
Anyways. I just spent 45 minutes writing that....
Again, I'm not a psychologist! I'm just some random person! I have never studied mental health in my LIFE! Not to mention, I was gaslit A LOT as a kid. I have some pretty sucky parents, so I don't know what a healthy relationship really looks like either! That being said, if I said anything so unbelievably, ungodly incorrect, please correct me! I need to learn more about mental health so maybe then I can ALSO start feeling better.
I have been shipping Lumini since the episode where they went to Paris together, and I was NOT expecting the shows to actually explore the possibility further. I would LOVE for them to get together in canon, because they both need some love and affection. I think it's good that they have these flaws, because they can grow together and progress as characters, and I'm glad they aren't just some cookie cutter automatically healthy no issues whatsoever relationship. I really do hope things end up working out for them.
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hajihiko · 1 year
If you feel up to it, I'd really like to hear more of your thoughts/takes on HinaKoma. I recall you saying that they make the most sense as love interests (aside from Chiaki, R.I.P. class rep) but you also seem to also have very different view about them than what I'm used to seeing. Your opinions and thoughts regarding the cast in general tend to be very interesting and kinda deeper? more detailed? than the people I tend to interact with, and I love reading all of them.
Ok so what I mean is basically;
Reading the narrative as a story, it makes sense that Hajimes primary love interest was Chiaki, as the game sets the two up as an investigation duo from the start, and there's definitely some intent there. The narrative sets Nagito up as this weird friends-to-enemies-to-respect-to-maybelovers, which is interesting, and I think the narrative definitely keeps the idea of Nagito and Hajime as love interests completely open (to the standard of the game in general). They're foils, they're a pro-deuter-antagonist knot, they have an interesting dynamic, a long way to go, and the story generally seems to support that, no matter what, they are Involved with one another, to a degree that really exposes how much interest they have in each other. Like they're a bit a LOT interested and it's like, inevitable, that they'd have a massive influence on each other's lives, even when it's not in the most healthy way. I think they are sort of inevitable together, and they gotta find a way to bridge that crevice and make it work, because its GONNA happen no matter how stubborn they are. And making it work is gonna be HARD, it takes so much effort and reflecting and growing and understanding, lots of heartbreak and breakthroughs, but by the end they're much more realized people and they Get It Now and can make it happen healthily.
(If they fail and get unhealthy with it, they'll be a really toxic and bad relationship that nonetheless cannot seem to fade away, and they keep trying to simultaneously understand and condemn one another to their own detriment.)
If they try and succeed, it was always gonna happen but they made it into a happy happening with a lot of effort and growth, and can have a fully realized relationship that could probably withstand most anything.
That's how I consider them Love Interests, it makes the most story sense and is definitely supported by the narrative (as much as any queer elements ever are, I guess), I just think it would be a LOT of work and almost unwilling effort.
(It's rotten work, he says.
Yeah, I say, it really fuckin is, especially to me, especially when it's you. I mean I'll do it of course, but Christ alive.)
It's just still not what I'm most interested in, even if it's the most narratively satisfying and I consider it an intentional hint at a subplot. I just like to draw what I'm interested in.
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sweetbabymantykes · 5 months
urgent wuestion: mom bought me a sharpedo ive never trained pokemon before what do i do
Wait wait wait, time out. She...bought you a Sharpedo? As your first pokemon??? Has- has SHE ever had a pokemon before? Have you ever expressed interest in raising a Sharpedo? Where the hell did she go where they were just SELLING SHARPEDO???? I have so. So many questions. Anon, if she didn't get this pokemon from a certified breeder or a shelter, PLEASE look into the legality of wherever she got it from, there are VERY FEW places that will just sell fully-grown pokemon to someone, much less one as care-intensive as a Sharpedo.
That being said, it sounds like you want to make sure this pokemon is happy and healthy regardless, which is a good thing to want! There's a few basic standards of care to establish first- food, habitat, and trust.
Luckily, food is by far the easiest part of caring for a Sharpedo. Sharpedo, unlike their juvenile pre-evos, are obligate carnivores- which means they NEED to eat a diet of primarily meat in order to live. Outside of this requirement, though, they're some of the least picky eaters I know. You should keep them primarily on a seafood diet, and you can feed them any fish you want. There's standard water-type carnivore food they sell at the Pokemart, if you're able to get them fresh fish you can feed them almost anything, but in my experience their favorites are Lanturn, Veluza, Lumineon, Squirtle, and Wishiwashi fry- you don't even need to get stuff from an aquarist, you can just buy some fish at the store. Any seafood that's safe for a human is more than safe for a Pokemon. You can also feed them land meat, but most kinds tends to have much higher fat content than their natural diet of fish. Keep burgers and fried Combusken for occasional treats, rather than their main diet. Try not to let them eat wild pokemon, either. It may be tempting to let them just act on their instincts, but you cannot possibly know if that wild Lanturn it just ate had parasites or a communicable disease. If it eats one anyway, get it to a pokemon center asap to be screened.
For their habitat, you'll ideally want access to the ocean. If you're worried about them swimming off- don't be, they can go really fast, but only in short bursts. You should be able to keep up with them on foot. If that's not an option and they don't have a ball, consider getting them one, it'll make it a lot easier to train them. If you don't have access to the ocean, you will at LEAST need access to a clean body of water large enough for them to go full speed for a while- a quarter to a half mile long in either direction. They can zoom around on land too, but vastly prefer the water. That's just for enrichment, you won't be keeping them there while you're at home. If you have them in a ball there's a lot of habitat building you can gloss over, but as a matter of good husbandry you'll still need a saltwater tank for them to rest in. If they only swim in freshwater, they can swell up and get sick, if you keep them on land for more than 8 hours a day they'll shrivel up and get sick from dehydration. You'll need, minimally, a 500 gallon saltwater tank. Remember, this is a pokemon roughly the size of a grown adult, even if a lot of the height and width is just fins. You could maaaaaybe get away with 400 gallons, but it's gonna be tight. At the very least you won't need to worry about tank decoration. Aside from substrate/sand/gravel, you at least won't need to worry about decorating the tank. Sharpedo isn't that concerned with having hides or rock, they're more content to just swim around aimlessly. If you don't have the room or access to a tank like this, a lot of aquarists and aquariums have spaces for people to let their friends recharge in the water- but this is usually for people who are travelling and are away from their usual tank, not for people who live in the area and don't have a tank.
The hardest part, more difficult than finding the space for your Sharpedo, is building trust. The most common way trainers will build trust with their Sharpedo is by raising them from a Carvanha, but you unfortunately don't have that kind of luxury. And depending on where your mom got this pokemon, you could be at an even worse disadvantage, potentially having received a pokemon that has already learned to be wary of people. The first thing you'll need is a lot of patience. It takes a lot of time for even a wild Sharpedo to trust a human, but once you have that bond they're fiercely loyal. Despite their reputation as fearsome violent killers, they're generally a lot more curious or energetic than they are malicious. At the very least, their 'bloodlust' tends to be pretty well sated after a filling meal. I don't know how your Sharpedo will react to you, but here's my advice for getting it to trust you. Firstly: Don't touch it. I mean it, do not touch this pokemon unless you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO, and if you DO have to, wear gloves, and do it fast. Sharpedo skin will absolutely tear your palms to shreds if you aren't wearing any protective gear, and getting your hands in biting range of an already-stressed predator is a very good way to lose your fingers. Actually building that trust is going to depend a lot on what your Sharpedo's personality is. More energetic and aggressive natures will want to spend a lot of time doing things- battle training, agility courses, learning tricks, whatever. The more quiet and contemplative ones will just need time, there's not much you can do there except calmly spend time in their vicinity, feed them, and regularly bring them places where they can zoom around in the water to their heart's content. My own Sharpedo didn't really see me as someone worth trusting until after I had already won two badges with them- not all Sharpedo will be like that, but most of the stories I've heard from other trainers have had that similar thread of taking a looooot of time and effort until they truly trust you enough to exhibit that loyalty and comfort.
I just dumped like eight paragraphs worth of advice here, but I'm barely scratching the surface. For sure take this Sharpedo to the pokemon center to make sure they're up to date on their innoculations and see if there's any medical issues to be aware of, bring your new friend to a local aquarist to get a one-on-one professional opinion, spend time with your Sharpedo as an individual and pay attention to their likes and dislikes. They're far from mindless killing machines, they're complex, intelligent creatures with a discerning eye and sharply honed instincts. If you find yourself unable to care for your Sharpedo and are unable to find a friend or trainer able and willing to care for it in your stead, make sure whatever shelter you bring it to IS prepared to care for it- though I do still encourage you to try caring for it, anywhere that will just...sell pokemon FOR MONEY without any real vetting process will probably not leave their pokemon with strong senses of trust or very good mental health. Please care for this Sharpedo as best you can, and see what in arceus' name your mom was THINKING when she picked this up, holy hell.
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torialefay · 2 months
I'll change the conversation a little if you don't mind?
What do you think of mama's boys? I think some skz members are
i want to preface this by saying that these are just MY opinions. i love women & i love being a woman, but a lot of the time, "mama's boys" are 100% created to be like that by their mothers themselves.
okay "mama's boys," let's do this:
1) think there is a HEALTHY LEVEL to which a guy can be a "mama's boy"... sort of. the problem is, i'd argue the vast majority aren't in this category 😭 there are some really fucking rad moms out there who are just super fun & close to their kids, OR maybe they have a son who was always just not really into the "typical masc" things or didn't get along with their father, OR maybe the son didn't have a dad in his life so he was close to his mom. in any regard, none of these are inherently bad things. as long as he was raised by a mother who was NORMAL, i think it could actually be a benefit and he could possibly come to understand women a lot better. a lotttttt of the time though, that mama is NOT normal 😭
2) the majority of mama's boys i've met have been made that way by their mothers. it's usually been from moms who were either overprotective and/or emotionally unsupported at home. i think some of it stems from women not always feeling loved or wanted by their male partner, so in turn, they try and "invest" more into their son, show him a lot of love, so that he won't turn out the same way. they think that if they teach their son to have this personal connection with them & give them unconditional love, then they'll be a good man in the future and know how to value a woman... at least, that's what their brain tells them. it can start with good intentions, but over time, i think a lot of these moms end up depending on their sons for emotional support & love. kind of seeing them as a "project" that they've created, that they now can't let go of. they start to see them as perfect & like they're really too good to move on from them... so when these mama's boys DO grow up, it's really fucking hard for them to see this person that they've basically "trained up" to be the perfect partner leave and go find someone for themself.... leaving them along again.
it's honestly so fucked up for the mom to feel that way, but now the son has that psychological shit going on too. he's been babied and mothered and shown unconditional love his entire life. in his eyes, he probably doesn't think he can do any wrong. and now he ALSO probably expects anyone he's with going forward to behave just like his mother. and if you don't... well he's probably not gonna be with you. or if he does, he'll have his mom in his ear the entire time telling him you aren't the one. i swear in these relationships, the only time the mom is EVER happy is when her son chooses someone who looks like her, acts like her, and lets her be 100% involved in their lives. and the whole time, in this guys head, this is all completely normal.
do i get "the ick" from the vasssssttt majority of mama's boys? yes. but do i also kinda feel bad for them sometimes because a lot of them have simply been groomed this way for their entire lives? also yes.
as horrible as it sounds, i just don't really see a way to have a good relationship with an extreme mama's boy if he doesn't recognize that she's problematic. if he's putting you first & fighting for you every time, then sure, whatever & you can work on it. but if he's taking her side all the time? well then, he's made his pick. and that's sad and no one deserves to have to go through that. no one will ever live up to the stabdards his mother has set.
that's some hardcore stockholm syndrome shit right there let me tell you.
so nowwwww, i NEED to know who you think could be a mama's boy in skz?!?! i'm so curious 🤭
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golbrocklovely · 6 months
i saw someone on twitter seriously have a go bc snc were focusing more on their social life than their professional life. like what? thats insane. they’ve worked 24/7 for the last 10 years. they deserve to enjoy themselves for a while.
and i have to laugh. people saying theyre going to stop watching snc and laugh as their careers fumble? babes, if they depended solely on yt views for income they’d be uploading far more frequently. besides, they have 12 million followers and easily bag a million views on a video in the first 24 hours. a few dozen fans boycotting them is not going to make even an ounce of difference. but hey, if it makes you feel better, all power to you. (“you” being those fans ofc). not to mention they have investments and other business endeavours outside of youtube. your online hissy fit will do jack shit. (again, “you/your” being those fans)
i think that's the thing i find so funny about this fandom. first off almost 99% of the drama is started by twitter. or at the very least they're the loudest at all times. they also think a lot of us feel the same way as them just bc it's an echo chamber over there. so when they all start calling snc out on something or think that that everyone feels the same way, they feel like they are making an impact by saying they'll leave or stop supporting if snc don't meet their demands.
and babes, if you really aren't enjoying your time here, you can go. it's fine. no one is holding a gun to your head and telling you to stay. but don't expect snc to do everything you want them to do. it's just not gonna happen.
sometimes i don't get this fandom. bc look, when i was here back in 2020/21, i got some of the backlash that the boys were facing. i understood parts of it, for sure. but there was a lot, and i do mean a lot, of extra shit that went on that made it much worse. and that side of the fandom… they cried wolf too many times. you don't get to do that repeatedly and then think that snc are gonna stick around to actually hear what you gotta say.
and especially rn, what exactly are ppl pissed off about?? bc look, you wanna say you miss when they were posting a lot more, sure. i get that. i miss them posting more often too. but you gotta also realize maybe WHY they aren't posting so much. and blaming their new gfs isn't one of those reasons.
they have explained that they basically had little to no personal life at one point, that all they were doing is working. that they didn't get to spend time with their friends or gfs bc they were working so much. sam, the man that never addresses drama, is asking fans to cool it. he full on said that he was miserable a year or so ago bc of all the stress he was under. and then colby, the man that doesn't cry ever, had a full on break down in 2022. and didn't even admit it until midway thru 2023. he doesn't read comments anymore bc they get so bad sometimes. or how about that colby even stated that he didn't even want to tell this fandom that he had cancer bc he knew how everyone would react if he went bald………. what does that tell you???? that we aren't trustworthy. that snc feel the need to pull back bc we are all toxic.
at what point do we turn the mirror on ourselves and realize hey, maybe i've taken things too far??
and reality is, a LOT of this only popped up once they both got gfs. a lot of fans say those two aren't to blame or they're not upset or they don't actually want to date snc, but at the end of the day them finding someone to love was the straw that broke the camels back. and you gotta sit back and wonder why does seeing snc happy make me upset and want to leave?? (if someone reading this is one of those fans)
bc rn, i'm more into snc than i have been in a while. i want to see them happy and healthy and enjoying life. sure, colby being in his feels (or sam even) was a fun time, sure. i love me some balcony tweets. but at the end of the day, i don't want him jaded and unable to find love again. why the fuck would i wish that on someone i love dearly??? same with sam. sure. i can joke about kat and how i want her new song to tear him a new one, but i still want him to be happy. i want him to be able to move on from his relationship with her. and that's not a cut at her. no one should be stuck feeling like shit. take it from the person that has been like that for years and still really is in one way or another: i wouldn't wish heartache on my worst enemy. so why would i do that to someone i say i care about??
but back to your ask lol
yeah, the twitter fandom thinks it's all high and mighty but it lost that spark by 2022. their words mean nothing, snc have pulled back bc that side of the fandom sucks (but also bc they want a break), and now they are facing the consequences of their actions and don't like it. womp womp. there's still almost 12 million of us babes. a couple 100 of you leaving ain't gonna do shit.
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heretherebedork · 11 months
About Boston ending, it’s not the fact that he ends up all by himself, without the group and single. I knew one couple was not going to have an happy ending and felt that it was going to be Bostonick for sure. It’s the way it all ended for him. He never got an apology back while he made sure to apologize to everyone, Mew was in his right to not want to be friends with him anymore (even if they barely were friends) but the way of saying it was so condescending and the last scene of them where he told him he forced himself to stay cordial with him for the party at cheum demand was so cruel. Nick and Boston not ending together is logical as they don’t want the same thing in a relationship but it’s the way once again it unfolded. Boston who was the only character that state exactly what is expected of him, forgot to mention that he wanted an open relationship. In every single scene of the final episode, he ended up humiliated and ostracised and that was painful.
But he's gonna go be happy in America. I swear it. Boston is going to leave this behind and find a new group of people and he's going to build a new, much brighter, future of people who care about him and won't judge him and will care about him for who he is and if they're assholes, they'll apologize just like he will and he'll grow into a healthy, open relationship and it'll all be great.
And none of his friends in Thailand ever need to know.
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balkanradfem · 2 years
It's time to up-pot, move and save some little seedlings!
Most of my plants haven't grown big enough to out-grow their pots, but I've been noticing some problems caused by me, and caused by weather, so I figured I should fix it. I prepared a big bucket of soil, lots of cups and little pots, and it's a nice day out, so I get to do the messy work on my balcony.
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This plant you see on the picture, is a dwarf tomato. They're a balcony variety, she won't ever be planted outside, and, she's just about to outgrow her pot. I don't want her roots to start circling this cup, so I'm moving her before she gets too big. I grew these for several years and the bigger container they have, the more tomatoes they produce. They give produce as early as late May, which I love about them. So! I'm up-potting her to this big plastic bucket:
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This plastic cup is very pliable, so I'm taking the plant out by pushing with my finger on the bottom, and flipping it upside down, so the gravity helps me get the plant out. This plant is so small and vulnerable, it would be easy to cause damage if I were to pull on it, this way she is safe. As soon as she's out, I flip her around and place her in the bucket, already half-filled with soil. Then I just bury her roots in more soil, water her, and she's done!
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So now I've taken this tomato out, I have a little cup, free for another plant! Next thing to tackle is this problem:
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See this little plant container with 12 spaces? That thing is horrible, it was my first time using it, and I'm never gonna do it again. it's atrocious. Since the spaces with the soil are so small, it dries up insanely fast, and it's impossible to keep it watered. I found it completely dry several times, and some of the plants just died in it. The soil inside also gets super packed and plants have trouble pushing their roots in, look at this:
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Even though it's such small amount of soil, the plant managed to overtake only half of it. SAD! But, it's going to be all good now, because I'm taking all of these plants out, and putting them in proper cups, where they'll be happy and healthy. You can see on the picture I'm putting these plants on the balcony floor, and the little tomato is now being bottom-watered. Bottom watering means you have a container with holes on the bottom, and you put it in a bigger container, full of water. That plastic food container is filled with water, and the soil and the roots are able to draw this water in, making the plant watered just the correct amount. I'll keep adding plants in there.
The next project is this kale that needs to be saved. What happened to it is this: I planted it early January, and then it was just, very cloudy, rainy and dark outside, for the entire week. This means the poor fella didn't manage to get enough sunlight to grow a good stem, and instead it grew leggy. Leggy plants are those end up arching too much and growing too long in order to get some sunlight, and as the result, the stem is weak, flimsy, breaks easily, and cannot hold the plant. That's exactly what this kale is doing:
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See the first picture? Cannot hold the leaves up. I've seen several people save seedlings like that by planting them a little deeper, and having soil hold up the stem. I'm not sure if it will work with kale – it might, it might not, because stem isn't exactly supposed to be underground, it can grow sick. But it's worth trying out, I believe in you kale.
And now, for my own mistake – this container of tomatoes has been planted too shallow! I love shallow planting because it means the plants push their way out of the soil fast, but it can also mean that they can't gather enough purchase with their roots underground, and they end up falling over. This entire container fell over. Luckily, you can transplant a tomato as deep as you want. Tomatoes are special in this way; their stems will grow roots if in the contact with the soil. So If I plant them deeper, I will push them to create a better root system. This isn't applicable to other plants! Only tomato family does this. They're going to have a better time growing with only their leaves over the ground, like in the picture:
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If you look at the second picture, you can see that I'm just compiling these plants on the floor, and I kept putting down new ones until I had about 20, at which point I have had to make another bucket of soil to keep going. I also ended up not having enough space in the kitchen for all of them, but I found a solution to it.
I have more light on the balcony currently, and some of these plants can withstand a freeze – kale, broccoli, cabbage. They'll be alright even if I leave them outside overnight. So I did a little moving around, and this is my current kitchen plant situation:
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This picture is taken the next day, and all of the up-potted plants here have recovered from the ordeal, and are doing great :).
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scenetocause · 2 years
the way you write lando and max is so viscerally them that it gives me butterflies every time please don’t ever stop pressing keys on a keyboard thank you
heh i cannot. actually process praise because i am very mentally unwell but thank u anon here is a ficlet of them being hungover
Obviously, it was a terrible idea to get drunk at the F1 Arcade party. Firstly because everyone knows who they are and secondly because Max gets the worst hangover anxiety known to man and they're in a hotel and now he's agitating while Lando's trying, like any reasonable person, to become one with the mattress in the hope it will somehow stop his head hurting.
"Stop, look-" he grabs for Max, blindly. "C'mere."
Taking advantage of being bigger than Max these days to pull him down into the pillows probably is a little bit unfair but Lando can't deal with the way he's frantic-scrolling his phone. "No one's gonna have taken pictures of you checking my arse out or whatever, it was dark. And anyway, you do that normally, why are you worrying about-"
"Because," Max looks a bit tearful, from the way they're pressed very close, faces almost touching. "I can't remember what I did or how we got back and that's - fuck, I need to sort myself out."
Oh. Oh. It's not anxiety, not really or at least if it is it's about bigger things than Lando ordering them an Uber. It's that every brush with racing stuff reminds Max he isn't a driver anymore, lets him pick at himself and see every bit of his body and mind that's changed as a problem, not a success. Turns Max Fewtrell, happy and healthy on a sabbatical into a negative compared to Max Fewtrell, lost and spiralling in racing. Puts himself back in the place where it was his fault, where there's another reality he could go back to and prod and poke at it until something else happened.
Lando opens his arms, pulls Max close, lets him snuggle in. It's weird, that their size difference is the other way now and Max is so tiny, tucked against Lando's chest with his face in the crook of Lando's neck.
"Do you want avocado toast or, like, proper greasy breakfast?" Lando's trying to get his body as moulded to Max as possible, which he could justify as being like, Max's weighted blanket or something but is mostly just because there's never going to be a time when being in bed with Max, in just their boxers, isn't going to be exciting to him.
Max makes a humming noise. "Probably the avocado. It's your off-season though, you pick."
There's just enough movement between them that Lando manages to get a hand on Max's arse, so he can get their hips in line for some not-exactly-rutting but like. Just knowing their dicks are in the same place, reassuring more than horny.
"We're getting McDonalds," Lando decides. The hotel probably does Deliveroo and if not, they'll eat it sitting on Max's car's bonnet because he hates the smell getting in the seats.
Formalities over, he gets back to the real task of tracing circuit maps on Max's lower back and sucking his earlobe and pushing his leg between Max's until Lando can roll them over, be on top of Max while he's gently, like, ravishing him or some shit.
Max lets it happen, moans and arches his back when Lando sucks his nipple, bites at the chest hair he's kind of jealous of. By the time he pulls Max's boxers down he's basically all the way hard and a few seconds of Lando mouthing at the tip of his dick gets him the rest of the way there.
It's salty, velvety, nice. Max has a pretty dick, pink and easy for Lando to swirl his tongue around, hold in his mouth more than sucking, heavy on his tongue. He always ends up having to use quite a lot of hand but that's ok because Max likes it and it's not long before his balls are tight, under Lando's palm and then Max comes in his mouth and lets him keep going, basically making out with Max's dick as it softens.
By the time he's satisfied, wriggles back up the bed to drape himself on Max, he's kinda but not very surprised that Max is crying. Not a lot, just enough to say it was intense for him and sometimes Max doesn't have the words for whatever he's feeling. Doesn't matter, they'll work it out together, once Lando's head feels less like it's in a bear trap.
"Thanks, Bob." Max kisses him on the forehead and it's almost as good as paracetamol. "I'll get you back when we get home, yeah? Blowie in the streaming chair."
That's the best suggestion Lando's heard all morning, so he just unlocks his phone and shoves it in Max's hand, Deliveroo open. "I wanna double sausage muffin."
"Sure you do, buddy," Max says while squeezing his arse and. Ok, yeah. He does.
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velvetineblue · 1 year
romance & relationship headcanons / accepting ♡! from @ofgentleresolve , who asked for 17, 18, & 20 for Taiquinn , ( ft. @uroborosymphony )
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( how does your muse feel about marriage? would they ever want to get married ? )  omg this is gonna be a long one . . . I'll try not to let it get too long ksjasjk but there's a LOT to say. to start, Taiyang's parents had a unhealthy marriage, and bearing witness to that (among other things) during his formative years deeply affected him. he developed very complicated feelings toward the topic of love: he simultaneously longed for it, longed to belong somewhere, to feel wanted ( because he didn't feel any of that growing up ) . . . while on the other hand, he also harbored a deep fear and mistrust of the very idea. being treated with open affection and warmth felt highly unnatural to him, first of all: and secondly, some part of him always saw it as doomed. because in his experience, love usually didn't end well. (either it didn't last, or it killed you.) so love & attachment resurfaces a lot of fear and anxiety for him. yes, he fears getting hurt; but much more than that, he fears hurting the people he loves. he fears letting them down, or not being good enough for them, or letting something bad happen to them ( not protecting them ) . . . so honestly, romantic love is not something he daydreams about or idealizes. he is not the type to be in a rush to find lifelong romantic love or marry. ( that applies to all verses. ) but. . . when he meets Ara, I think his feelings on the topic would begin to shift. yes, he still fears all of the things I mentioned . . . but his love for her is stronger than fear. he would decide he is not going to run away out of fear of what might happen; he would instead fight very hard to make sure none of it happens . . . growing up, seeing people being cavalier with their love, or giving up on the people they claimed to 'love'... it never sat right with him, as a kid who desperately wanted love but could never seem to grasp it. so, he takes commitment very seriously, and marriage is of course no exception. he wouldn't rush into anything, but when he decides to commit to someone, it's forever. it's for life-- if they'll have him that long. . . and that is definitely how he feels about Ara !!!! so, tl;dr: YES YES he wants to marry her!!! THAT'S HIS CRIME WIFE !!!!! wifey forever asjajja ( how does your muse feel about public displays of affection? would they engage in them ? )   hehe, I know some people hate PDA, and Tai also makes fun of people who do it around him . . . but honestly?? that’s just because he’s a freaking troll ajsjaj; he actually thinks PDA is harmless, and can be perfectly healthy. he resents the idea that it is cringey to show affection to someone you love, and he also hates being told what to do... so if someone implies to him that he should refrain from PDA because it makes them uncomfortable . . . well, unfortunately for that person, that information will do nothing to stop him asjajj he tends to engage in ‘casual’ PDA very frequently– constantly, even, lmao. he almost always has an arm around Quinn when they’re together; hands on her waist or around her shoulders, or she’s in his lap if they're just chilling and sitting with a group— things like that. and if he wants to kiss her, he’s going to, and if they end up making out in public . . . well, so be it. akjsa no but he would behave if there’s young, innocent eyes around, though. but other adults?? he's just like :shrug:, 'look away if you don’t like it'. he doesn't care if it bothers other people; he loves Quinn, loves being around her, loves touching her and being near her and cuddled up to her, and he has a lot of nice things to say about her. he's really happy to have her in his life and although he has done things he's not proud of -- he is proud of what he and quinn can accomplish together. he's proud of her, and the family they've made out of black fang . . . and he doesn't see any reason why he shouldn't be open about that. he's a pretty straight-forward, sincere person when it comes to that, so . . . yea. sorry PDA dislikers, but he does engage in it: that's just how he is jkasjj
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userparamore · 11 months
Maybe it’s cause tour is starting soon and I’m just baffled by all of it so I’m sorry for ranting. But I genuinely don’t understand how paramore thinks all of us fans are just gonna ignore and move on with the fact that they’ve been silent about a genocide when a lot of aspects of their concerts have speeches about the state of the world and the second song of the setlist is literally called “the news” which they wrote about the Ukraine war. I’m sorry but their silence is so cowardly and embarrassing like imagine spending a whole album cycle saying shit like “very comfortable at talking politics” and promoting different congressmen and us representatives and now there’s an ethnic cleansing funded by US taxes and you’re gonna promote an interview?? promote a podcast?? like do they not realize how every single one of their past activism just seems so performative now? 
I love the band and I’m gonna be at the NZ show but it’s crazy that this political and environmentally conscious band is just not gonna call out the government for playing a part in one of the worst crimes ever committed in human history. They’re gonna donate portions of their concert money to KiwiHarvest so I know they care about feeding people and making sure it’s all healthy so where’s the outrage for Palestinians who don’t have clean water and are all eating very little cause the bakeries got bomb. Where’s their cry for the environmental damages that Palestinians are going through with the white phosphorus bomb and fires all around sacred olive trees? 
I hope they know that thousands marched for Palestine here in NZ and I know many people from the protest are also going to the paramore concert. I really hope the band don’t pull those “we just want peace and Israel has the right to defend itself” type of shit cause we booed a member of the NZ parliament off stage for saying something like that and as much as I admire this band, I will not hesitate to do it for them too 
hi anon <3 don't worry you can rant if you want!
their silence have been extremely disappointing and have honestly turned me off them a little. maybe it would be better if they were completely silent between tours – completely on social media hiatus – but when we see them promote stuff and be active it just makes it worse. they're actively not saying anything. if they're going to be political this era they can't pick and choose which causes makes them look the best.
in the dolly parton interview hayley just did also made me more disappointed:
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her saying that her speaking out and trying to make a difference doesn’t do much in the way of action. her saying this is very confusing to me especially after making a statement like “very comfortable with talking politics”, and them supporting different organizations like support + feed, and kiwiharvest. it's crazy to think that them speaking out or supporting these organizations doesn't make a difference. it does. it would make a difference if they spoke out about the genocides happening right now. they have the power.
i'm happy for you being able to attend the NZ show and i hope you have a great time. my guess is they'll keep their mouths shut and not say anything at all before they would show support for isreal (if that's what their beliefs are).
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hazel-tv · 2 years
attacking you based off of your favourite evermore song <3
how does it feel to be the therapist friend? how does it feel to want to reach out but none of ur friends know ur in the lowest moment of your life? stop acting like you only need yourself!!!
champagne problems
stop projecting ur emotions to things that will NEVER help you. listening to music isn't gonna make you forget all ur problems, eating or sleeping is not a good replacement for ACTUALLY letting all the anger and tears out. the repression is honestly just sad now. i hope you get better soon.
gold rush
the moment someone shows you a hint of care and affection, you get attached. then the moment they walk out of your life, you think it was your fault.
NEWS FLASH! it was NOT ur fault. u just hate to think about them in a bad way because ur so blinded by love.
'tis the damn season
you hold grudges. you don't make it obvious, but you do. you make sure that the amount of attention they give you is the same amount of attention you give to them. you try so hard to balance everything it just ends up hurting you.
you literally trust NO ONE. you've been betrayed and hurt too many times. when you do find someone who makes you happy, who gives you every idea that they will never do anything to hurt you, you run away, because you think when you get too close, they'll break ur trust (how can something so frail ever be whole).
no body, no crime
how's it feel to be touch deprived? you so badly want someone to hug you but even just a poke on the arm scares you. you hate touch but the idea of it brings you comfort.
you so badly want reinvention. you wish to become someone else, someone who you're not. you wish for everyone to just forget you and you could live the life you so desperately want. you want a new identity and just run away and forget everything in the past. it really is cold tonight, and all your friends really are 3 years away.
you're a damn spy. you're always checking in on people even if they're not in your life anymore. you always want to see if they're doing well, and that upsets you if they are. it upsets you that they're happy without you. because you're miserable without them.
cowboy like me
no one truly knows you. your family thinks of you differently, your friends don't know ur deep secrets. ur secretive. you don't like telling people things about you, because you feel like there's always ill intention behind it. that may be a good way not to hurt. but it's a hard way to live bestie.
coney island
you hate social interaction and you hate meeting new people. but you have no trouble doing that online. that's why you're so stuck on the internet because the people you meet through the internet makes you so much happier than the people around you physically.
long story short
you rush to do things, time bothers you, and you always wish you could do so much more. you feel like there should be no limit. you overwork yourself, you want to reach your goal quickly, you feel like anything could happen, so u focus on getting things done. a serial procrastinator my beloved.
every time you were so close to finding love, it didn't work out. that's why you believe you'll never find it, because at every opportunity it never worked. you want to love someone so bad, but you haven't - couldn't - found the person who deserves you.
people tend to take advantage of you. it's hard for you to say no to people. you please people, intentionally or unintentionally, you find it difficult to get rid of toxic people, so you wait and wait for the world to do it for you.
it's not healthy to constantly run away from your problems. look hey, maybe it gets better, maybe it doesn't. but you have got to stop PRETENDING that it has nothing to with you. you are NOT the product of all the things that have happened to you. you are you. whatever you want that to be. just stop running. please.
it's time to go
you've been gaslighted in a friendship or a relationship. it's hard for you to never feel guilty for things even if it has nothing to do with you. you sometimes unintentionally guilt trip others, and the moment you realize, you drown in guilt yourself, guiltfest. I wish I could tell you it gets better. perhaps.
right where you left me
you're still so stuck in the same damn time. you've perceived life to be still in the time where u were happy. you don't want to move on. you don't let go of the past as it's keeping you back. u hold on to it because it's the only thing that makes u happy. you can cling onto the past as much as you like my love, but that familiarity gets old (ironically). remember that no matter how tightly you hold on, it's already gone <3
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lunagojo · 2 years
Uzui Tengen and Rengoku Kyojuro w/ a S/O That Sleeps A Lot
(aka me. hi depression how are ya <3)
A/N: I'm gonna reopen requests soon I promise, I just needed a bit of time after my grandma passed away to just breathe. I appreciate you all for your patience <3
Uzui Tengen (and wives c:)
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Let's say for the sake of these headcanons you're his fourth spouse :)
All four of them absolutely adore you and would do anything to keep you safe and happy, they're all extremely good listeners and very emotionally supportive <3
However they do tend to worry a bit about how much you sleep
Tengen does his best to make sure that there's a space in his estate for you to be comfortable. He goes all out and gets you the absolute best pillows, blankets, sheets, etc. and also makes sure the space is in a part of the home that is quiet
He also checks in with you when you've been sleeping for a long time, usually after a few hours he'll come in and ask you if you need anything or if you're feeling okay (sometimes -- often -- all the time it ends with him snuggling up to you and squishing you in his big ass arms)
He also always asks about your dreams that you have because he finds them extremely flamboyant.
Hinatsuru will bring you tea and snacks if you've been asleep for awhile to make sure that you're still eating/drinking. She constantly frets about your health and does whatever she can to keep you in tip top shape.
Makio, at first, won't understand why you sleep all the time. She sometimes would snap at you when you wake up or come downstairs in the middle of the afternoon after sleeping half the day away. However, when she realizes that you're just constantly exhausted, she'll soften up a bit. She'll never openly admit it, but she loves the way your face looks when you're asleep, she thinks it's very cute :3
Suma meanwhile always comes in and snuggles up to you. She was very worried for you for awhile because she thought you were either sick or dying but once you assured her that you were just always tired she was relieved. She still snuggles with you every time though because she wants to make sure you're okay
If anyone ever accuses you of being lazy or makes fun of you for it, best believe they'll have one pissed off Hashira and his three shinobi wives on them in a SECOND.
They are all very protective of you, 10/10 spouses that will love you for all your quirks and whatnot.
(can you tell i am a hardcore s i m p for these guys)
Rengoku Kyojuro
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At first, this man was VERY worried.
He honestly thought you had an illness of some sort which terrified him to no end (since he lost his mother, he's so scared of losing someone else he loves)
He made you go get checked out by a doctor and everything just to be 100000% sure
Once that was done...well he still worried but not as much
Can and will lend you his haori for you to sleep in (it so warm and smells like him, so comforting and nice)
Since he's away for his work often, he'll leave you with his little brother to watch over you. Senjuro is someone he trusts more than anyone else (besides you of course) so he has no worries while he's away
Let's...just forget the comments Kyo's father had about you and your sleeping habits, yeah?
When he comes back from a job, you're the first person he goes to
Usually you're asleep but he doesn't mind, he'll still crawl in beside you and pull you close to him
You typically make this small noise of contentment and nuzzle into him, which he just... MELTS at
It's those moments with you he lives for
This guy loves with all of his heart, he would never ever ever let anything happen to you or hurt you.
Your sleeping habits are just another thing that make you, you. As long as you're physically healthy and mentally healthy, he's happy, too.
Though...if you're not well mentally, he is always there for you, if you need to talk or just need to be hugged and held. He wants you to know how loved you are, by both him and Senjuro
Kyo will also bring you tea each morning before he goes off to train. Bless his heart <3
All in all 11/10 king boyfriend / husband
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hiiii can I request a little V x MC one shot where MC is like
"They always say theyre going to stay, that they'll stay forever. But after a week, a month, a year, everyone always leaves. You say you wont leave me but.. what if you do?"
Something like that! Sorry its a bit angsty 😅
I can't tell you how much I love you for this request! Honestly!
I hope it's okay for you that I turned it into some hurt/comfort. Because wouldn't we all like to get reassured that V wouldn't leave us? xD
I really enjoyed writing this request and I hope you like it, too 💕
"I won't leave."
V/Jihyun x Reader
For the first time in years, you felt truly happy. Things were going great, everything seemed to be falling into place. Recently, you even moved into your dream house with Jihyun.
Moving had been exhausting, but the outcome of finally having everything in place and just the way you two wanted your home to look like made it all worth it.
All in all; Things were perfect.
Though over time, there was this voice in the back of your head. At first quiet, whispering and planting a small fear inside your heart. Until it eventually grew louder and louder. Threatening to suffocate you with every passing day.
Things were going too well. And that usually ended in heartbreak for you.
"My love?", his voice pulled you out of your thoughts, making you blink a couple times. "Is everything okay?"
His eyes were filled with worry and he reached out to take your hand, giving it a light squeeze. It was grounding. Still you had to swallow thickly as you debated whether or not you should tell him about what was troubling you.
It felt silly, because that man never showed you anything but unconditional love, so there was no need to be worried, right?
But then it had always been like that before... People telling you it didn't work out anymore, out of the blue. With no prior indicator that something had been wrong.
A lump began to form in your throat, the more you thought about it.
You weren't sure you could survive another heartbreak like that. Not this time. Not when you were so sure to have met the love of your life. That one person you wanted to spent the rest of your life with.
"Please talk to me... Whatever it is that's on your mind, please tell me."
"I-", you began, swallowing thickly once again, trying to hold back the tears that already began to form at the corners of your eyes. "You're gonna leave me... It's just a matter of time."
Your boyfriend was quiet, lips slightly parted in shock at your exclamation, turquoise eyes big and round.
"Why would you think that? Did I do anything to make you feel like I'd leave you?" He pulled your hand closer, now clasping it in both of his. "I would never even think about leaving you."
Oh, how you wanted to believe him. But you were scarred from the past. Scarred from the many times people have just left you behind, with no explanation, after claiming so often how much they loved you.
"They always say they're going to stay, that they'll stay forever. But after a week, a month, a year, everyone always leaves. You say you wont leave me but... What if you do?"
The first tear fell, rolling down your cheek and Jihyun was quick to reach out, his touch ever so gentle on your skin, as he wiped it away with the pad of his thumb. You instinctively leaned into his hand, your eyes squeezed shut.
"Y/N... I won't leave you, no matter what. You're my everything, my heart. You're the one who showed me what it's really like to love and be loved, in a healthy way", he began.
At first when he pulled his hands back, your eyes flew open in sheer panic. Was he about to take everything he said back? Was he gonna tell you that it won't work out because of your irrational fears?
Though your frantic thoughts came to a rattling halt the second his arms wrapped around your slightly trembling frame.
The embrace was warm. Soothing. Making you feel like he was mending your broken pieces back together with his love. Preventing you from falling apart completely.
And you? You were pretty much holding on to him for dear life. Fingers digging into the soft fabric of his cardigan, with your face buried on his neck.
The nasty, little voice inside your head was still there, though. Still loud. Telling you that he was too good for you. That he'd find someone better and leave you behind in the end.
"I don't know who was stupid enough to let you go", he whispered and you felt the vibration in his chest, with how close you were, "but I won't do that. It would make no sense to leave the love of my life. You're stuck with me until we're gray and old. With a bunch of grandkids running around the garden."
His voice, smooth and gentle, yet firm enough to leave no room to doubt the honesty in every single word that left his lips, was what led you forward. Out of the fog and twisted labyrinth that occupied your mind. The nasty voice getting quieter with every step you took, until it died down completely. Making you feel lighter than you had in days.
"I won't leave. I promise with all my heart that I won't ever leave you. I couldn't."
He began to rock you slightly from side to side, one hand rubbing soothing circles into your back, while the other one was buried in your hair. "I love you too much. And I won't go anywhere, unless you tell me you don't want me anymore."
"Well, I'm sorry to inform you that you're forever stuck with me, then", you mumbled with your lips pressed against his skin, followed by a quiet sniffle.
Jihyun pressed his lips to the top of your head and you felt him smile. The way he held you even tighter slowly easing you into relaxing again. You felt safe in his arms. And a part of you knew that your heart would be safe with him as well.
"I like the sound of that", was his answer.
He had never given you a reason to doubt his feelings or intentions with you. You two had always been upfront when something was bothering you, so you could immediately work it out, before it only had the potential to snowball into a big mess.
And maybe telling him about your fears was the step you needed to start leaving the past hurt behind and focus on the happy future ahead of you with the man you loved and who loved you just as much in return.
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@ayamewhump @the-purpleblushh @ultrasupernini @just-a-key @bootiful-face
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posi-pan · 3 years
Not going to lie, it's kind of funny how pissed off exclusionists get over.... *checks notes* people being decent, well meaning, and even kind human beings. Like? They'll seriously be so offended at others not lashing out their insecurities on others? Or at the idea, and fact, that people just let other people exist?
I often wonder what a day-to-day life existence is for these people. How much anger they feel and experience over people being happy with their identities and being supportive of others. It's so mind-blowing, and sounds so utterly miserable and exhausting. Yet they've somehow convinced themselves to be the heroes of the LGBT community. Exclusionists are complete enigmas that I don't think anyone will ever truly understand.
pan people are just living our lives, trying to survive, and trying to make other people's lives a little better by spreading love and positivity.
meanwhile, panphobes are seething on tumblr about people using different words to describe themselves. they are so angry and hateful over something that has no impact on them whatsoever. they exist in a little corner of the internet where any and all happiness and healthiness goes to die. they are truly miserable people.
and they honestly do think they're the saviors of the community. yet i saw a panphobe laughing about their ex no longer identifying as pan because they told him they would break up with him if he didn't stop using the label. in what world is queerphobic abuse benefiting the community? and laughing and bragging about it? my god, they singlehandedly ended queerphobia. /s
and it's a little hard for me to even take these people seriously, or be truly hurt by them. sure, it annoys me or might piss me off for a minute, but like, why am i gonna be in my feelings over a bunch of fucking nobodies screaming at each other about how much they hate other queer people? it's so pathetic that it's almost laughable.
like, they're not even worth it. they can keep stewing in their hatred and live in their little bubble of vitriol, while the rest of us carry on existing and actually try to make the community a better place by being kind, supportive, inclusive, and informative.
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