#they're my absolute favourites this season :D
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nezhanetwork · 1 year ago
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the round mound astounds
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repressionmd · 5 months ago
a selection of housefics i love!
i will make a part 2 when i reach character limit :D currently there is just 11 fics here but i WILL be updating!
Playtime's Over or The One Where Cuddy Forces House to See a Child Psychologist - mskullgirl
author summary: Following the events of "Skin Deep" (season 2, episode 13) House spirals out of control and stops eating and sleeping. Cuddy eventually offers him a deal; five sessions with Dr. Addams, the hospital's resident child psychologist, in exchange for three months off of clinic duty. What could go wrong? word count: 48k my notes: SO GOOD!! such a fun analysis of house and it has potentially my favourite accidental child acquisition of all time
Everything He Wants - the_northwind
author summary: House discovers that Wilson is a better coping mechanism than Vicodin. There's no way this could go wrong. A rewrite of the season six finale and beyond where instead of Cuddy, Wilson goes to House's apartment after the crane collapse. word count: 11k my notes: has one of my favourite hilson fic argument scenes. they're dysfunctional and messy and SO in character i couldn't recommend enough
Hypothesis - IreneSpring
author summary: At the beginning of the month, James Wilson decides to break out of his depressive spiral by having an affair with the first woman who is not needy. By the end of the month, he is facing an existential crisis decades in the making. word count: 15k my notes: haha wilson you are gay (jokes aside this fic is actually so fun and silly and made me LAUGH at the hoops our wilson jumps through to eventually realise he didn't get anywhere anyway)
Under My Skin - rhythmofsnow
author summary: Thirteen has a meltdown. House is there to ground her through it. (Post 5x05 "Lucky Thirteen") word count: 1.4k my notes: caring house my beloved... autistic solidarity my even more beloved <3
Composed - ferretwhomst
author summary: compose verb /kəmˈpəʊz/ 1. calm or settle (oneself or one's features or thoughts). 2. write or create (a work of art, especially music or poetry). or: a sick, restless Wilson finds himself in need of House’s company late at night. House indulges him. word count: 2.2k my notes: SO BEAUTIFUL.... wilson is so gay and so melodramatic and house matches his freak so well and WRITES HIM A PIANO PIECE....... they're so soft with each other idk its just beautiful. please read this
Soothe me now, soothe me, old friend (eng) - culturenana
author summary: Wilson would love to – Wilson would like to do so many things, make the most of countless wasted opportunities, erase every mistake, since his time has shortened without any warning, cruelly consuming itself under every cough. / House holds him close as if he is about to slip from his arms, and neither of them has the courage to discern what this thing between them is. There is no excuse or rational diagnosis that could cover it up. word count: 7.2k my notes: oh my god this fic made me want to bawl its so beautifully written and i have been shying away from post-finale fics purely to save myself the heartbreak but im SO glad i didn't do that with this one. they mean everything to me ;-;
'Samson's Mistress Cut His Hair, Thus Removing His Strength' - Sparklesinthewater
author summary: Set in season 3. Stacy doesn't come back. Tritter doesn't interfere. But the drugs and the infarction keep getting House into trouble anyway. Wilson is trying his best (but his best may not be what's best for House). / Or, House gets himself a girlfriend. Life goes downhill from there. word count: a beautiful 129k my notes: hello? hello!!!! can anyone hear me!! fic of all time!!!! a novel in its own right, and i did in fact stay up till 3.30am finishing it. impossible to put down and did make me want to cry in places. absolutely stunning. would recommend to everyone
a thousand teeth (and yours among them) - itooaminthisepisode (anarchy_opossum)
author summary: Sometimes, when House gets too overwhelmed by his emotions, he gets a little bitey. This is five times House bites Wilson, and one time Wilson finally bites him back. word count: 10k my notes: GORGEOUS STUFF!! amazing characterisation with lovely internal voices <3 they're so them and it makes me so happy
i let you win, i love to lose - sesamie
author summary: a short thing inspired by the thought, "what if amber and wilson's sex tape was ***for house***?" it seems like exactly the kind of toxic manipulative thing amber would pull and bring wilson along for. so here it is! set after the finale of season 4, and wilson and house haven't spoken about everything yet. things are bad between them and that's where the angst in this comes from! word count: 4.6k my notes: this fic did irreparable things to my psyche i mean ACTUALLY i do find myself thinking about it as im going about my day. genuinely was blown away by the sheer power of the prose i'll be honest 😭
we peeled the freckles from our shoulders - flowersinapril
author summary: Greg is twenty-three and James is nineteen when they first meet as counsellors at a sleepaway camp in the Adirondacks. word count: 2.1k my notes: GOD THIS WAS SO BEAUTIFUL... AAAHHHHHH i dont even have any words. please read this. crops watered joy delivered will to live restored etc. oh my god.
I'd Make a Deal With God (I'd Get Him to Swap Our Places) - TheFandomLesbian
author summary: When Wilson receives his terminal diagnosis, House flees to the hospital chapel. He doesn't know how to pray, but he strikes a deal: his soul for Wilson's life. When Wilson goes into remission, he has no choice but to uphold his end of the bargain. / In which House learns nothing about God, but everything about worship, in the arms of his husband. word count: 11.3k my notes: HOLY FUCK.. obsessed and i mean Obsessed with love as religious Especially when it comes to gregory 'religion is meaningless' house like this was so... good. it was so good. house is so desperate and so in love and its the most delicious thing ever
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xxfanfiction-emo-trinityxx · 8 months ago
Mcr headcanon: y/n (gn) is starring in a horror movie and they’re character d!es in the movie.
Like they d!e in a HORRIBLE way, like horrifying way, how do the boys react to it?
TW: mentions of a fictional character's death, mentions of food, mentions of jealousy
I'm literally on my way back from a Yosakoi festival after getting up at 3am (it's 9pm currently, I had 4 hours of sleep), and my feet have been in soaking wet shoes for the past 10 hours (I think they're starting to develop gills) because the rainy season decided to made a comeback and they had to cancel the fireworks because of that (at a festival that's called a "fire carnival" of all events), and you're coming with this? Not formatted properly because I'm literally sitting in a bus, that's driving through the Kyūshū night while I have glitter stones stuck to my face and two braids with Yukata-hair-accessories on my head.
WC: ???
Assuming Gerard knows what's gonna happen, he's probably looking forward to it. He's sitting in your living room, watching the screen attentively, the snacks you were sharing long forgotten as his eyes follow the action. He's leant forward, ellbows on knees, asking "oh, is this where it happens?" in an almost gleeful voice. Depending on how sudden the scene happens, he either gets jumpscared or just follows the story like the most interesting lecture. Either way he ends up laughing, and leaning back into the couch once it's over, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and kissing your forehead. "Well done," he'll tell you with his lips pressed to your forehead.
Would he watch that movie again: sure! It's a good movie! Next time he'd like to discuss the foreshadowing of the ending through the use of colours and the weather in the early scenes of the movie.
Mikey loves horror movies, and that his s/o is staring in one is just a major plus to him. He has a lot of experience with horro movies, so he catches on pretty early that your character is going to die, even if you didn't tell him. He would low-key get excited about it. A voice in the back of his head tells him that 15 or 20 years ago the idea of watching a character that has the face of a beloved person die on screen would have terrified him, even though he was very well able to tell fiction from reality, but now he just enjoys the action, as he feels you cuddled into his side. He might even go as far as offer ideas for even more gruesome deaths, or ways to make the character's death even more painful for the audience.
Would he watch that movie again: absolutely! Has the potential to become a new favourite of his.
Side note: my seatmate just fell asleep on my shoulder. I shall not move until she wakes up.
Ray would generally be pretty chill about it. He grew up with horror movies too, and he is used to seeing you on screen, so he isn't all too bothered by it, but probably more bothered than Gerard. He doesn't show it all too openly, only pulls you in after the scene is over and praises your work. The only indication that he is more affected by it than he lets on is when he pulls you in a little tighter that night, holding you close to his warm body with his nose buried against your neck. (Seatmate just tried sitting up, and failed. Head is back on my shoulder.)
Would he watch that movie again: he wouldn't necessarily bring it up by himself. If he wants to see you act, there are other movies you're in, where you get a happy end, or at least don't die (he prefers watching those over watching your character die, even if he has to suffer through watching you kiss another actor or actress in front of the camera. It always makes him a bit more self-conscious watching you kiss those perfect people, even if it's not real, and he get a bit more clingy than usual for a few days afterwards.)
Seatmate sat up again, is leaning towards the other side now.
Frank plays is cool, but isn't. Like the others he has seen enough horror movies and has seen you enough on screen. He's even okay with your characters making out with other characters on screen, even though he does have a (well controlled) possessive side that usually tries to act up when some person is hitting on you. (Seatmate's head is back on my shoulder. She's so cute.) So he knows he shouldn't feel that pit in his stomach opening, it's just fiction after all, you're right here next to him, babbling about how hot the studio was that day while playing with his fingers. Still he closes his eyes at the last shot showing your character staring up right past the camera with lifeless eyes. He has watched your characters die on screen before, but something about the way this is portrayed hits different. "Whoa, that looked pretty real," he'd chuckle, his voice a little more shaky than he'd like to admit, "rad acting there!" Luckily you know him well enough to see through his facade. You know he's self-conscious about his feelings towards this scene, so you don't address it directly, but you scoot a little closer to him at night, and he takes the invitation, and wrappes you in his arms (which is rare, since he usually needs a little bit of space to fall asleep).
Would he watch that movie again: only if you asked and he couldn't come up with an excuse not to watch it. He'd rather not see this last shot of your face again.
And since nobody asked, you get a picture of our banner
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cosmmicdancer · 21 days ago
The people want to know- please share Jean Andrew thoughts 👀👀👀
hello anon, thank u for coming into my inbox and giving me the excuse to share more about my jeandrew au that's been living in my head rent free for the past few weeks
you can read the jeandrew fic i posted for kinkuary here
it got real long so im gonna put it under the cut, hope u enjoy <333
- in this au kevneil get together in college, andrew is their best friend. Jean still leaves the nest and goes to the trojans
- jean and andrew get drafted to the same pro team, neither of them interact much, maybe a nod or half smile after a good play. stays that way until they play kevin amd neils team, who invite them out after the game. kevneil are being argumentative and flirty so jean keeps making sarcastic comments under his breath and andrew doesnt laugh but he does buy jean drinks for the rest of the night
- they start bonding at an away match when neither of them can sleep they don't talk much but there's an understanding
- they're fwb whilst they play for the same team & the mutual understanding of their similar trauma allows them to experiment sexually in a safe environment
- andrew gets drafted away after a couple of seasons, cue both of them pining because turns out they def want to be more than friends
- jean flies out to whichever state andrew ends up at, legit romcom moment, standing in the rain, jean has a bunch of flowers because he is a romantic goddamit
- andrew is fucking obsessed with thia giant stood on his doorstep like a bedraggled cat & hates that he absolutely loves the fact that jean wants to romance him
- cue years of long distance, whilst they play on different teams. when they both retire they move in together, in the same city kevneil are still play. renee and jeremy are also close by. family finally together yayayyaya.
- their favourite date night is going to their local pretentious arthouse cinema then going for ice cream afterwards and shit talking whatever they saw
- jean write andrew poems, which andrew never mentions but keeps in a box in his bedside table
- they both love watching cooking shows, and andrew recreates whatever jean seems most interesting in
- kev and neil get cats and neil is convinced that cats are the source of pure happiness so when jeandrew are still long distance neil shows up on andrews doorstep with a cat hands it over without a word
- he does the same thing to jean
- kevneil love to argue about who clocked jeandrew first but what they don't know is that renee placed a bet on them with jeremy the second andrew started on jeans team
- jean is the only person andrew would ever submit to in the bedroom and jean takes this v seriously
- Andrew drives most of their d/s dynamic, jean only feels comfortable trying things that andrew wants
- jean will eventually ask for things but not until a few years into their retirement
- once they retire they get a dog, and then another one, and then another cat
- all of their pets come from Neil showing up, knowing exactly who can look after a small animal that needs a gentle home
- jeans favourite part of retirement is taking the dogs out on a hike, andrew refuses to go but saves all the photos jean sends him from his walks to a special folder in his phone
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ladyhedoniste · 6 months ago
Oxventure spoilers!
I'm genuinely so happy with what I've seen so far from the new Oxventure D&D world. The character choices they've started making and the their role-playing skills have grown so much since they first started playing.
The characters they've chosen to play are interesting and fresh, and I'm glad to see they're going in directions they haven't always gone before.
I also really enjoyed watching the Wyrdwood Unraveled first video on Patreon. Zack and Johnny discussed some behind the scenes stuff from the Geth days that many of us had been thinking for a long time, about how it was time to say goodbye once it got the point where the Oxboxtra folks had outgrown their first campaign and become better players than the campaign they were playing, and that Johnny had been nerfing a lot of fights during live shows.
I'm really glad that there was a lot of discussion and planning that went into figuring out the tone of the new series, and pushing their own boundaries so that the stories they told could progress and mature.
As for the first episode, I am beyond myself. I could gush all day about the choices made.
Jane: playing an absolute darling Cleric, so sweet and capable. It was nice seeing her play merciful when it's not usually played in TTRPG's because it's usually inconvenient.
Mike: the pass-ag barbarian, not just defaulting to strong but dumb, seemingly starting to carve a new path (Hopefully. It's a little harder to tell with how low he was rolling, but we've seen him as Barnaby in Blades; I have faith).
Ellen: once again playing against the *idea* that everyone has of her play style (people forget that Merilwen was actually Truth Neutral, like, all the time), and wow, she was really channeling posho elven bitch.
Luke: Of course he went for the really hard but very interesting mechanic (having seen him do the Dark Souls randomized playthrough, I really had to laugh). I mean come on, the luck pervert thing ("Nat 1! Praise Cadence!") is so fucking funny. I'm really looking forward to seeing the story evolve in regards to Happen's good luck/bad luck deal.
Andy: I fucking knew he was going to be playing my favourite character...characters. They're both fun. I love that Robin is just some sweet but very basic stat guy who does his best, and I love that Morven is a seemingly the woman of my dreams, a cool spooky revenge witch. I'm really glad that Robin didn't die off immediately, because that would have been such a bummer to go through in the first episode after the thing with Corazon, and also Nate, even if that was supposed to happen.
I am extremely optimistic about this series, and where they are going to take it, in ways that I wasn't really anymore in the two to three seasons before the G'eth series ended. I'm really happy for them :)
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thlayli-ra · 6 months ago
🥤 🔪 🪲 🐝
Hello Anon!
🥤 - Recommend an author or fanfic you love;
First one that immediately comes to mine is the wonderful @stripeydani and their incredible fic Ginger and Lime which they wrote for me! It's so hot!!! And I absolutely adored their characterisation of LA Knight - he's such a wonderfully cocky little sub who'll willingly be taken down a peg or two. Everybody, please go read and tell Dani how amazing they are!
I have also currently obsessed by Dastiel4ever's fic Simply for Fun but Certainly not for Revenge - it's just good old fashioned whump! A bunch of wrestlers get kidnapped and tormented - it's all I need in life! Especially when all of my favs are involved! 😈
🔪 - What's the weirdest topic you've researched for a writing project?
Recently, it was German dog commands (tee hee) but I've also had to research what medieval people eat for breakfast - fun fact, they don't!
🪲 - Add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here;
Ok dokey, here's a tiny snippet I've just added to the epilogue of Stray:
Punk was staring out the coffee shop window, chewing on his thumbnail when Joe came back from the counter with their order; two large cups of coffee and a piece of pie. 'This to share?' Punk's eyes lit up at the sweet treat.
'Course not,' Joe shook his head wryly. 'It's all yours. A little 'farewell treat' from me.'
🐝 - tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them;
AAGHH!!! I have soooo many!!!! But here goes!
@selamat-linting - the only blog I regularly stalk for updates because he always posts interesting things. My fellow PDS sufferer and vampire au appreciator, her comments fill my life with so much joy!
@stripeydani - hello again Dani! I reckon we would be great friends irl and go to wrestling shows together and wax lyrical about our respective favs and what we're currently writing about them!
@seasonal-depression-of-punk - I adore your art, your fics, your twisted mind! I always love it when you reblog from me with your affectionate ramblings
@d-lanx - A looooongtime sufferer of PDS - I salute you and always enjoy your Punk post-dumps!
@blowflyfag - All of my fellow Yeah! girlies (ng) mean so much to me, but you're probably my favourite!
@elementaldoughnut12 - my own little magpie, leaving me shiny gifts in my inbox every day. Your fics inspire me so much (I want to draw something for all of them and I will one day!)
@afterdarkprincess - I just fucking love your Punkintyre fics so damn much!!!!!!!!!!! So!!!! Damn!!!!! Much!!!!!!!!
@tache-noire - Most of the time you just scream at my posts and I will never not appreciate it! ❤️
I'm positive I'm missing a whole bunch of you (there's also the mutuals I'm a little in awe of and intimidated by because they're so cool - looking at you @dilf-in-peril @pepsi-maxwell @realworldchamp and @are-we-really-doing-this )
And, of course, the lurkers who go on 'like-and-reblog' sprees, so that I wake up in the morning to dozens of notifications, including but not limited to; @ramblingenzyme @xxrabiesxx @milesworld96 @wammbam @unrealunearth honestly there's too many to name but please know I appreciate you all! 😘
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sunbeamah · 6 months ago
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "sunbeamah "?
I currently have 999 bookmarksgdfjh so this is gonna take a moment. And I've also been in many, many fandoms over the years, so please forgive me!
As for my name— there's only a little story!
One of my (many, lol) names mean 'sunrise', and one of my nicknames is Mah (that's the shorter version tho). Sunrisemah was a little strange imo, and Sunraymah reminds me of my Aunty's name, so Sunbeamah it was! It rolled off the tongue a little nicer too, I thought!
When I first made this account I would sometimes get confused and accidentally type in sunbae mah haha. I was reading too many manhwa!
Below the cut, in no particular order, are some of my top favourite fics that came to mind!!
Nobamaki (JJK)— witches x mafia au, what a mix!!! Absolute genius, I need to re-read this fic, it's part of what got me into nobamaki and urged me to finish jjk season 1 last year. I love Nobara and how feisty she is, and how powerful Maki is. The power struggle and I really enjoy fics with magic, and this one has a really cool system mixed with cursed techniques! I've read heaps of Rigamaroler's works, they're so good
Dabihawks (BNHA)— I remember being on Tumblr the DAY the hotwings ship started. I can't remember the exact user who started it up, but I remember in the week following it just ramped right up. I hopped on the hotwings train immediately-- even though I was even worse at using Tumblr than I am now. These 2 are fics that I LOVE, they're tied! Both set in canonverse, top one is a soulmate au, angsty with a happy ending and reformation (SUCH good angst, sometimes when I cry I come back to read it). Second one is an au where Rei divorces Endeavour and Hawks is saved from the Commission, it's so good!! Juurensha is awesome
Zolu (One Piece)— THIS ONE GOES CRAZY!!! So the backstory is like one of those christmas movies where a woman (Sanji, ironically (jkjk)) with a high powered city job goes back to her snowy home village and reunites with a charming man she grew up with, a lost love if you will (Ace), falls in love and realises her relationship with boyfriend (Zoro) is going nowhere. And said boyfriend comes to surprise her, only to find she's moved on. WITH A TWIST! A zolu twist. I love their instant attraction, they're so funny in this fic. Very real of them. Background Frobin, too!!
Karonico (Runaways)— Does anyone remember runaways?? I loved Karolina and Nico when I watched it. I hadn't read any hades/persephone au's until this fic, and ever since I've always been reminded of this one. Love their relationship, Nico's gentleness shining through the walls she's built around herself, Karolina wanting to be with Nico no matter what. It's how I like their relationship, as two girls who have been through a lot and when they come out of hard times, they want to be holding each others' hands. Very sweet!!!! This fic made me want a relationship so bad when I was younger. I still remember the OCs this fic lowkey inspired, too.
Fraxus (Fairy Tail)-- university au where Laxus is a wrestler and Freed becomes the wrestling team's social media manager. It's so so good, I love their relationship and their raw attraction. All of Eryiss' fics are amazing, I binged every fraxus fic they ever posted while I was recovering from surgery earlier this year. So good, alleviated my pain 100x better than medication haha
Klance (Voltron)— ahh yes, my voltron phase. My dark past, if u will. Jk jk. I made on ao3 account just to bookmark this fic haha! It's been so long, but I have to give this fic its roses. Lost in space au, injuries, fighting, angst, getting together, the whole lot. It was amazing, changed my life, genuinely. Cw for past non-con in Lance's life.
Elhani / Teleanor (The Good Place)— I can't figure out which ship name I like better. This is the fifth fic I ever bookmarked, I read this instead of studying for an important test. It was absolutely worth it. I remember it took me hours to read 'cause I kept trying to picture every scene perfectly. And also because I'd stop to 'study' haha. Tahani and Eleanor struggle with their attraction to one another, and yet it's love at first sight (I LOVE love at first sight..).
Sasunaru (Naruto)— I have to admit something. I love omegaverse. I know it's not for everyone, but it's definitely for me. Usually I go for F!omega x F!omega (i have a nobamaki wip of this), M!alpha x M!beta, those dynamics are super fun to me. But this one is M!alpha x M!omega, which I also love of course.
Anyways, I loved this fic, read it all in one night and then re-read it the next day, and when the final chapter came out I reread it all again haha. I'm a Naruto glazer, every time I read a fic and Sasuke acts like he's doing Naruto a favour by dating him, I want to claw at him. He doesn't know how lucky he is! In this fic, Sasuke knows his place! Jk jk, but I really do love their all-encompassing love for and devotion to each other, and I think it's especially present here!
Viktuuri (YOI)— Another omegaverse! This is also royalty au, Viktor is a little dark here but not to Yuuri and that's what I'm all about loll. It also has mpreg. Anyways, the protectiveness and cold opulence is something I really enjoy, and whenever I feel terrible and don't want to write, I'll read this and feel comforted that, between me and him, at least one of us is having a good timejfbhdgk.
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aziraphales-library · 1 year ago
Hi!! Do you have any good streamer AU recs? I'm a sucker for a good streamer AU. Preferably one where Crowley and Beelzebub are friends. Thank you!!
We have youtuber fics here on our #social media tag, so check those out. Here are a few more...
Of Love and Loss (RIP Ms Beakman) by lucky_spike (T)
Crowley is a little bored now that he is no longer on Hell's payroll. He finds something else to do. Aziraphale is supportive.
My Love to Keep Me Warm by slateblueflowers (T)
The January after the apocalypse doesn't happen, Aziraphale and Crowley get a little restless and decide to challenge each other to a contest: who can take the other on the best human (winter-time) date? To the victor go the bragging rights! Watch the dates on Aziraphale's YouTube channel. Who do you think wins? ------ Date #1: An Old Favourite. Channel: Aziraphale Fell’s YouTube Channel. Views: 8 • January 3 Likes: 7 Dislikes: 1 Share | Save | Report [A man withdraws hands from the camera lens and crouches over, revealing a shock of unruly blond hair, a gleeful smile, and rosy cheeks. He steps back and turns to face a man leaning insouciantly against a kitchen countertop.]
i am just the (new invention) by littlesnowpea (T)
A list of hobbies Crowley has picked up over the past 6000 years: -gardening -cooking -fashion -pining for Aziraphale -making YouTube videos A list of hobbies Aziraphale has picked up over the past 6000 years: -reading -book restoration -music -pining for Crowley -commenting on Crowley’s YouTube videos When Aziraphale starts giving Crowley flowers, Crowley takes to his YouTube channel to discuss the meaning behind it, where Aziraphale comments encouragement to confess his feelings – under an alias, of course. There is absolutely no way any of this could ever go wrong.
The Tenant by MarisFerasi (E)
They Were Roommates Human AU Trope set during Lockdown 2020: Crowley got kicked out by an ex a few months ago and has couch surfed his last wave of his few friends' benevolence. He finds a listing for a bedsit in Soho and goes to check out the place, and finds the fussy little angel of a landlord quite charming indeed. He moves in and they quickly become friends, but both desire more and pining ensues. The real issues begin when Crowley loses his main job during major cutbacks because of the pandemic, and has to rely on his side hustle of online sex work to pay the rent, and Zira finds out. What will happen? Will the two part ways? Will Zira ask Crowley to leave when he finds out his "dirty little secret"?
Changing of the Seasons by AppleSeeds (T)
Confined to his bookshop, Aziraphale joins a virtual training session about urban foraging led by botanist and natural wellbeing practitioner Anthony Crowley, and feels some relief from his anxiety for the first time since lockdown began. After that, he watches every video Crowley has posted online, but will he ever get up the courage to actually interact with him? After all, Crowley keeps giving him opportunities to do so... Perhaps once the lockdown is over, some one-to-one nature-based relaxation therapy might be just what Aziraphale needs?
Talk about the weather by nightbloomingcereus (M)
Television meteorologist Aziraphale Fell and Youtube storm chaser A. J. Crowley have nothing in common aside from a purely professional interest in the weather and a mutually beneficial arrangement to lend a hand when needed. So what if they bicker and flirt more than your typical professional acquaintances, or if their arrangement inevitably veers into more personal territory? It's not as if they're in love or anything. Absolutely not.
- Mod D
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cowboymantis · 2 months ago
Random yapping once again but currently getting some random cool and/or funny toku clips for another propaganda post and like. I'm skipping through the whole of Geats for the second time now after watching it (first time was right after Geats ended to get some edit clips and gifs/screenshots of my favs, the usual after finishing a toku show), this time more specifically skimming through the story and dialogue to decide which are good clips to show that are out of context, yet still entertaining and not to spoilery.
And I just wanna say how much I love Kamen Rider Geats, it has a special place in my heart. It was the first season I've watched "live", aka while it was running and the experience was so much fun. Of all the toku shows I've followed so far, Geats and Donbrothers were definitely my favourites to watch in real time and seeing fandom theories, memes, etc.
Something about Geats being all about the audience watching the characters and all that really added to that live experience I feel like?
And then of course, the usual tokutwitter thing where, after a season ends, everyone suddenly hates it 😭 But you could never make me hate Geats, I love this season sm.
((In general, it's probably best to stay away from the fandom, especially on Twitter, since there's so much negativity and everyone just ends up hating every season and will bring that into every conversation, but hey it's still fun being in the fandom if you ignore the fun police :D))
It's kind of funny, people often hate Yuya Takahashi, but I somehow end up reaaally loving and being obsessed over his seasons?? Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, Zero-One and Geats! I LOVE those seasons and all of them (Ex-Aid being bit more of an exception, since this one is more widely loved) are kinda controversial on Twitter especially, like damn. People HAAATE this guys seasons.
And I mean, the writing often has similarities, like for example when I watched Ex-Aid after Geats, I often thought oh. That's. Yeah that sure is written by the same person. But that's not a bad thing to me??? It's not like EVERY Kamen Rider season is written by him and the same. Just a handful that share one or two similarities, but even then, they're completely different.
Sane with Inoue honestly...although I get the love hate relationship between the fandom and him. OUGHHH WJEN I GET YOU INOUE.
Yeah but anyway, Oddly specific thing I've noticed with Takahashi seasons is that I will have one favourite character that I become really attached to fairly early on and then towards the end a completely different character that I either didn't mind much or hasn't appeared much before will fight for the #1 favourite spot with the other one.
For Zero-One, definitely Jin was my main fav at first, and then Horobi took over. Like, BY FAR
Then, for Geats, Keiwa IMMEDIATELY was my fav and then later, Daichi. But I can't say who I love more, so they're both at the #1 spot :3
And theeen Ex-Aid, Taiga, once again quickly became my fav and then. The beginning of my downfall. DAN MASAMUNE. Yeag I'm very normal about this character who is my absolute favourite Kamen Rider character 😭😭 I couldn't pick just one single favourite before watching Ex-Aid, because there were so many good ones. But then it happened in like 5 seconds I feel like 💀
But for ALL 3 OF THOSE SEASONS I keep on coming back to think about them, watch edits, just skim through some scenes because I just loove their characters sm.
So this is what this is now too, to combat all the hate I always see on Twitter this is an APPRECIATION POST FOR TAKAHASHI SEASONS. (Not for Takahashi, just his seasons #sorrynotsorry)
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levandright · 3 months ago
hihi lovie !! before the ask, i wanted to tell you that your works are absolutely scrumptious i love reading them sm <3 and this is my first time sending an ask in tumblr, so if there's something wrong, please don't mind >.< soo i'm sending an ask for the matchup event ^^ infos are below!
i'm a 5'2 girlie and a minor, i'm ambitious and somewhat reserved (i'm friends with almost everybody but there's only a few selected ppl who know my life details), i'm pretty soft hearted and clingy with major attachment issues, i get emotional easily jhgtdewdfjm, i excel at academics bcs i crave validation (sigh), aaand i might have childhood trauma of feeling neglected and alone, which kind of reflects in some parts of my personality or behavior :D
i'm a virgo, my favourite season is winter. my hobbies are watching movies, reading novels, and going to museums, especially art museums! my ideal type is someone tall, loyal, caring, patient, intelligent, and someone who will treat me differently than others (yes chat im an attention seeker sigh), my ideal relationship is one in which i'll feel protected and cared for, and as for the trope i don't have anything specific in mind lolol, but when reading, i loooveee books with the arranged marriage trope :) this matchup request is for among enhypen members btw!
i'm hoping i could send the request properly! sorry if i overshared or wrote too much lmaooo 😭 anyways, make sure to take care of yourself and remember to stay hydrated cutie !! byebye >.<
MATCH FOUND! your match is... KIM SUNWOO
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SUNOO relates to how emotional you can be, he's often teased by his members for it so he enjoys having someone he can relate too.
SUNOO loves it when you're clingly, absolutely adores being the center of your attention, don't worry though! he always make sure he reciprocate your affection 10x ;)
SUNOO matches your freak (both of you are just two koala's clinging to each other fr) he smothers you with his love just like how a cat would sit on the face of their owners face when they sleep.
SUNOO takes you to go on musuem dates ALL the time. he's always beside you holding your hand while you talk about the paintings, and sculptors in the musuem you find cool, and interesting.
SUNOO secretly takes photo's of you when you aren't looking, he has an album full of candid pictures he takes of you.
SUNOO might not look like it but he will confront people when they're treating you like badly. this is the rare occasion you see sunoo's serious side.
SUNOO often worries you're studying too much, makes sure he checks up on you when he can so you won't overwork yourself by studying too much. often scolding you like a mom if you don't rest immediately and continue studying instead. " you need a good night's rest to be able to work at your full potentional- so get up from your chair and go to bed!" something like that.
your custom playlist ۶ৎ
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۶ৎ lev notes :happy you love them hehe (//-v-//) and don't worry you did great <3 excuse any misspellings and stuff cause i did nawt proofread this. like im kinda lazy to do allat... im just letting all my ideas out before i forget them so yeah :] and yeah i def need to take care of myself better... i keep forgetting to drink water these days and to take my vitamins on time >.> ۶ৎ want to find your own match? apply here! curious about other matches?
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mrs-monaghan · 2 years ago
My ask is! What is your fav trait or habits or like one thing which is particular to jikook which u adore or makes ur heart all mushy? It could be a moment or like particulr thing .
For me it is the way JK takes care of JM. In one run episode he puts the socks on JM. It was a simple gesture but damn that one moment made my heart melt, jimin sitting cutely like a baby while jk put on the socks . I repeatedly watched that clip, it is one of my fav jikook moments.
Thanks for this question anon. Here is something that makes me all mushy. This behaviour from JK makes me believe we have lost him and he ain't never coming back to us. He's too far gone... fr.
Jeon Jungkook is a man whipped.
Exhibit a) BTS at Atomix. It's a good restaurant, right? And I'm sure they had fun. Ate good food and what not? We know JK loves to eat, so I'm sure it was a good time. But when the infamous tkk photo was brought up months later JK only remembers that day because Jimin said "I'm sorry"
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Umm... okay. Moving on.
Exhibit b) Run BTS episode 10. It was a continuation of several episodes where they rode on ATVs, did a bunch of shit, among them, bungee jumping and we know how much JK loves that. But his favourite thing about all of that when asked, JK said;
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Again, what?
Exhibit c) When JK was asked what his most memorable thing about the Tokyo trip with Jimin was he says 😬😬😬
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I mean....
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For me this is the cringiest Jikook moment of all fucking time. I cannot watch this. I just can't. And if it comes up I watch with one eye closed because it's painful AF to witness. Especially members' reactions. Even they know JK is whipped. So Jikook go to Tokyo. Beautiful city, they moved around, they explored, even had fun on Halloween with Scream costumes and everything. They were there several days and even went to Disney where it looks like they had a blast. But this, this? Is JK's most memorable moment?! Are u kidding me? Unless "playing on his phone" is code for something else, this is whipped behaviour right there. And look how proud he is while recounting this. W.H.I.P.P.E.D i say!!
(Sidebar: JK is wearing Jimin's photocards as earrings. ☺)
Exhibit d) JK's reaction to Jimin sneezing.
That's it.
Exhibit e) JK reacting to Jimin slurping noodles
He is adorable. Fr fr. But listen, Vhope DGAF but here JK is being endeared AF by Jimin's simple act of eating noodles. I mean... come on dude, really? I mean I get it, its Jimin. But really? 🤭
Exhibit f) JK's reaction to Jimin's pinky. The absolute cutest. He's so whipped y'all
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Exhibit g) "You owned Run Bts"
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First of all, JK sounds adorable when he says this. I just wanna put him in my pocket he's so cute 🥺 But also really? I mean okay. If someone held a gun to my head and told me to prove I was Army of course I will go "lagibolala!" It's one of the most iconic BTS quotes right up there with "party party yeah, niagara popo, listen boy, etcetera" But still... Jimin owned ALL of Run Bts because of this? Really JK? Tell us you're whipped without telling us you're whipped. I can't with this guy.
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Exhibit h) One of my favourite JK moments of all time. When he was asking Jimin for pork. Gosh, how is this man so macho and yet so adorable at the same time??? Istg I could listen to this all day. Someone make it my ringtone already!
Anyway, the thing that is easily missed is the fact that Jhope who was next to JK offered his pork. But JK didn't want that one. Nope. He wanted the one from Jimin who was allllllllll the way on the other side
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Exhibit i) Last but not least. I already brought this up but it deserves to be brought up again. BV season 4 members in New Zealand enjoying the beautiful view. They've never been there before. Its their first time. They're all in awe. Its amazing, incredible and they all pretty much "wow" the entire time. But JK, JK is like fuck the view. Staring at my boyfriend is all the view I need
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The camera keeps panning out. And JK keeps staring. What did I say? JK my dude, you are
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So yes, anon JK is a man in love and he makes me go all mushy when I see him get amused by the most mundane things as long as they're coming from Jimin.
A member will do one thing and JK won't care. Won't even notice sometimes. But as soon as Jimin does that same thing, suddenly its the funniest thing JK has ever seen. Or the cutest, or whatever. To JK, certain things are "meh" until Jimin does them. Then he absolutely loves it.
When I tell you Jungkook is a man in love, I mean it.
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phantom-of-the-501st · 1 year ago
Thoughts on TBB 3x5: The Return
*stares at sheer number of bullet points in phone from this episode*
I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY THIS WEEK!!! PROPER ANALYSES MAY BE BACK!!!!!! (if I have time because I have so much to do D:)
ECHO'S IN THE THUMBNAIL!!! *cue biggest freakout I've had this season*
I genuinely let myself believe that we weren't going to see Echo this episode because I was so desperate not to get my hopes up. I though they were going to try and sort out some stuff between Cross and the other Batchers before bringing Echo into the fold but he's back!!!
The lighting is so pretty 😍
The shaky hands are making me so upset 😭
But I'm glad that they're exploring something like this. It isn't just a case of Crosshair losing his spot in the Empire, it's about him being faced with something that affects his ability to be a sniper in all situations. His purpose was not the Empire, it was being a soldier, and that's what he's afraid of losing.
"IT'S ECHO!" Absolute mood and the only appropriate reaction to Echo being in an ep
Okay this may already be one of my new favourite eps
*replays hug 5 times before continuing with the episode*
"No hug for me?" "Depends on how good your intel is." Echo is defo still a little wary but the fact that the sass and sarcasm is strong between them is giving me life
There's been a lot of discussion about the parallels between what Echo went through and what Crosshair went though and I think that this is a perfect demonstration of the dynamic that stems from that. Echo knows what it's like to have your mind taken and to be used as a weapon against your brothers. He knows what it's like to not instantly be trusted. And because of that he has a leniency with Crosshair that the other Batcher don't. He isn't completely trusting but he's more willing to give Crosshair some grace because he understands better than the others.
"I'm older than you are, little brother." The script for this episode is the greatest thing ever and I genuinely can't tell you how much the sass is giving me life rn 😆
Less than 10 minutes in and this episode is already killing me
Echo being the mediator in the group feels so appropriate
I adore how much focus Echo is getting this ep. They didn't bring him back and give him nothing, he's absolutely serving this episode and I am obsessed! 🤩
I'm in love with the fact that the Batch now just have a family pet
"I guess it served it's purpose." "Huh, sounds familiar." Initially this feels like a jab towards Cross but I don't think it is. That statement applies to all of the clones: they served their purpose and then they got ditched. It may have taken longer for Crosshair to accept the fact that the Empire didn't like him, but it is a statement that applies to every clone post Order 66. I think that that is what Echo is getting at: not a direct jab at Cross, but a general statement about something that Crosshair has finally come to terms with
Mayday meant a lot to Cross and I think it feels particularly poignant now. He's back with his squad, but they don't all trust him. Crosshair could probably do with someone like Mayday right now, someone who trusts him enough that Crosshair doesn't feel as alone as he does.
Omega trusts him, and Wrecker is kind of there (as is Echo), but Cross still doesn't feel like he's home. He's missing one of the few friends he had.
Also, this is just evidence that Crosshair isn't the cold. heartless bastard that loads of people wanted to label him as 😌
Crosshair moving the helmets is such a simple thing, but it's so meaningful. The helmets were discarded and left in a heap, which represents the exact attitude the Empire had towards the clones. Picking them up and laying them out gives them a small amount of dignity.
It reminds me of the burial of the clones that died in the crash at the end of the clone wars. They may be in a remote location where they won't be visited, but they haven't just been left in a wreck, discarded. They were given at least an ounce of respect by their brothers and that is what Crosshair is giving to the clones at the outpost
Slight interval as I realise just how much I wrote down about this episode and just how much I have left to write 😵‍💫
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Sensors down? That doesn't seem like that's going to go well
"So yes, I did betray them, after they betrayed me."
This is all what it boils down to: they both feel betrayed. The thing is, both Hunter and Cross' feelings are valid, but they need to talk through why they made the decisions they did so that the other person understands. It's complicated because there isn't a good or bad side right now, they just won't listen to each other, nor will they talk things through because they don't trust the other person enough to be honest about their decisions.
"She went through what she did because you failed" OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH
I'm not angry at Cross. Don't get me wrong, it's brutal and harsh and a dick move but Crosshair is getting defensive because Hunter is being confrontational. They're both messing up here. I can guarantee that this is going to cause discourse among the Hunter stand who are going to get pissed at Cross, but you have to understand that his actions make sense. They're not good (in the same way that Hunter really needs to ease up) but it's behaviour that makes complete sense.
We know that Crosshair's way of defending himself is to be an arsehole. He puts up walls and he lashes out. And Hunter rn is mostly stewing in his own self-loathing (which is why Crosshair struck a nerve).
Hunter is likely taking his self-hatred out on Cross and trying to shift the blame so that he can tell himself that it isn't his fault. The problem is, it's making Cross defensive, so Crosshair is pushing the blame back and sticking Hunter where it hurts. They're both stuck in a toxic cycle.
Oh dear (I literally wrote down nothing else here. This was just my reaction to the giant worm)
Echo is so on it in this episode and I love it! ❤️
Oh shit bye Hunter
This season looks so pretty and the animation is gorgeous ✨
The worm reminds me of that thing from HTTYD2 👇
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"And I don't even see any blood this time. That's progress" ECHO I FUCKING LOVE YOU OMG 😭
On a side note, we talked about how Echo's humour and sass kind of deteriorated after Skako Minor but it's coming back in full swing! It shows how comfortable he's become and is evidence that he's healing 🥲🫶
Echo talking to Omega actually has me crying. He's so fucking supportive!!! 😭
"There might just be hope for us yet" followed by a shot of the ice vulture flying towards the light. It's a good way of showing Cross' journey away from the darkness of the Empire and back towards a place of healing.
Okay so this episode just means like... everything to me. The humour was on point, the emotions were on point. We got some good content from every member of the Batch. ECHO CAME BACK!
I'm just so obsessed with this episode omg
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emocl0wnpp · 9 months ago
Because i'm in a fankid frenzy again,time to properly introduce my babies!!(part1)
(Also in the current canon they're all adults-)
Also they're all in the same friendgroup-
So first we have Claws' and Jack's kids,Liam and Lau
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A little about them
He was adopted when he was 7(he died as a human and due to a mistake,ended up in hell where Claws found him as a little ghostie creature-)
The doll he "uses as his body" was made to look like Jack(duh) because he looked up to his father as a child
Though as he grew older he looked up to Claws more and more
The doll is made out of porcelain btw-
He knows how to play the piano :D
He was in his school's sport team(main reason why he's buff as hell)
He's very much..expressionless,and has trouble expressing his emotions in general
He's kind of like a mime
But he's a very sweet guy tho!
He's gay..very gay #manlover
He owns a casino in the underworld and is kind of a maffia leader,but still works under Zalgo
Lost some of his colors :((
Mama's boy(the good kind-)
His best friends are Floss,Jay,Corn,Berry and Alan(they'll be mentioned later)
Absolutely spoils Alan(his bf) even if he can't show affection/love properly
Knows his way around guns
If you need a gun he knows where to get them(from him)
Very much overprotective of Lau
Jill's favourite (and only) nephew
Now Lau!
Same story as Liam,except she was adopted when she was 6(Liam was 12 by that time)
The pretty pink princess of her family
Very much a daddy's girl
Jack spoiled her rotten when she was a kid
But thankfully Claws didn't let her to become a spoiled brat
...she's still a brat though,but a likeable one
She was the pretty cheer captain of her school :D
And she was in the theatre club too
Pretty much a Draculaura, Regina George, and Heather C. kind of gal
She works as a model in the underworld (she rich rich)
Loves having girl's only days with Claws(we love a wholesome mother-daughter duo)
Her besties are Cheryl,Jenna and Floss(will be mentioned later)
Makes Jack carry her stuff when she goes shopping
Actually she makes Jay(her husband),Liam AND Jack carry her shit-
Biggest girl's girl out there.
HUGE Millionares and Britney Spears fan
Despite her "bimbo" persona,she's hella smart
Jill's favourite (and only) niece
Next up are the trouble trio..Vicky and Candy's sons Candy Floss(just Floss or Flossy), Candy Corn(or just Corn) and Jay(the pics are in this order)
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First, Floss:
The oldest twin
Takes a lot of pride in being the oldest twin
He's a loveable jerk
Trans guy!! (Still dresses kind of feminine to break stereotypes)
Has a deep ass voice
His hair is dyed. Non if it was his real hair color(his og hair is the same color as Jay's)
He takes after his dad Candy a lot..like a LOT
But he's a momma's boy like Liam-
He had to do cheerleading instead of being in the sports team bc his coach was an asshole,but during his senior year he was allowed to play in the team :D
Bullies his brothers as a form of love
Ngl he's kind of a jerk to everyone but it's his love language
Pretty boy™️
Does modelling with Lau :D
His best friends are Liam,Alan,Jenna,Cheryl and ofc,his brothers
Has a ferret named Noodles
Despite his jerk personality,he's an absolute loverboy when it comes to his lovely wife Jenna
Next up,Corn!
The middle son of the 3
Pretty much the quiet artsy kid
Who knows how to make bombs
Half of his face is burned,but he covers with it makeup
He has a strange shape-shifting ability that makes his colors change according to the seasons(will post it either here or in a p2 post)
He's probably the closest to Candy from his brothers
But he learned witchcraft from Vicky and very much enjoys it
He has a prostetic leg because of an accident(same as his burn marks)
He usually wears funky clothes
His wife is named Halloween :D (she's not my oc but one of my bff's,and idk if he has tumblr or no so i can't show her-)
Even tho he's quiet,when he snaps it's over. He can be a big bitch let's just say that-
But i swear he's a cool guy
His best friends are his brothers,Berry and Liam
He was also in the sports team alongside Liam
He stores stuff in is hair (his hair genuinely works as a portal-)
And last but not least, Jay and his assistant Opal the snake!
The youngest of the twins
And probably the oddball-
The sweetest guy alive
Literally THE husband material
But his heart already belongs to Lau :3
Matching west and bowtie with Liam!!
The patches on his shirt represent his brothers and friends
He owns many snakes,but Opal is his baby
Again,best husband out there,also spoiled Lau rotten
Got bullied by his brothers but loves them regardless
He's has a dad bod!
He has a little portal in his hat
He got Vicky's thick german accent-
Unlike his brothers,he learned a lot from Jason actually
His best friends are his brothers,Liam,Berry and Alan
Lau made him dye a pink strand in his hair-
His dream is to make his own circus and he works HARD to achive that
He's very The Greatest Showman coded
He'd probably love that movie too
Next iiiiis Jenna! The daughter of Jason the toymaker and Jade(i STILL didn't make a post of her-)
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Prettiest doll out there!!
Looks a lot like her mom :3
Her eyes are made from glass
The sweetest girl out there
Daddy's girl,learned a LOT from Jason
Literally just a ray of sunshine
The kindest killer out there if there's a thing like that-
Besties with Lau and Cheryl <33
She did cheerleading too
But she loves all of her friends equally
Also an art kid like Corn-
Even though she's a sweet and well mannered girl,she got her anger from her dad-
She has a slight french accent because of her mom
Her parents did not approve of her relationship with Floss but she didn't care
She's pretty rebellious ngl
But other than that she's just a bundle of joy
Despite all these sweet things i listed for her she's lowkey like Jecka from Class of 09-
Also she's very much a Heather M. and Gretchen girl
Next up,Cheryl and Alan :D
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First Cheryl:
Alan's twin :3(the older half)
She's mute and uses her mask to talk
Modded her mask to sound like Hatsune Miku once
Both of her arms and legs are prostetics(lost them in a fire related accident,along with her voice)
She's a proxy for Slendy
She usually hangs around Clockwork and Kate the Chaser when she's with the other proxies
But her besties are Lau and Jenna of course<33
But she's also friends with BEN and Toby
Both her and Alan are raised by their older sister Natasha
Lesbian women kisser woman lover♡♡♡
Heather D. and Karen kind of gal(she ain't dumb she just loves Karen with all her heart)
Girl failure but it's okay I love her
Did cheerleading with Lau and Jenna as well
Very good around tech and hacking
Her and BEN make a great duo when comes to tech
She learned sign language just to cuss people out
Now Alan:
Cheryl's twin(the younger half)
He gets bullied by Cheryl for being 0.1 second younger
He loves her with every fiber of his body tho
He's dyslexic
He's also a proxy for Slendy
He usually hangs around Masky Hoodie and Toby,they're like the brothers he never had
He looks up to Masky a LOT
But his best friends are Liam,Cheryl,the trouble trio and Berry
And Liam's biggest fan(we love a supporting boyfriend)
He used to be scared of Liam's family,especially Lau since they are in the same friendgroup
He got his burn mark in the same accident as Cheryl
Ngl he's kind of a jock himbo
Unless Liam is around then he's just a simp
Borrowed Hoodie's old,well,hoodie-
Helps Cheryl with tech stuff
Now time for the oddball of the group,Berry
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Zalgo's son
No his full name isn't Berry i just forgot his actual name
Berry is just his nickname
Yes Zalgo got himself a son
Though Berry ain't nothing like him
He's canonically autistic btw and his special interest is humans+human biology!!
Let's not count how many humans Zalgo got killed for Berry
He surprisingly gets along with Lazari
Claws had to babysit him when he was little
Till this day he calls her mom by accident
His bestfriends are everyone in his friendgroup but he's the closest to Liam and Lau
He can be hella scary ngl
When he's mad or just really overwhelmed all hell is unleashed
He's over 5 meters/16 feet tall damn
He's fluffy unlike Zalgo
He made a lot of comments about his dad being all bones AND being bald
Zalgo babies him to death and he hates it a lot
He loves his dad tho
The person in the back holding him is his wife Y(who also belongs to the same friend as Halloween does)
He's a pretty sweet guy who can and will do wrong,but usually he's very friendly to those who are friendly to him
Corn's different season looks along with some other kiddos will be included in another post bc i can't add more pics</3
Hope you enjoyed this tho!!
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panelshowsource · 2 years ago
hi, sarah! i see you've watched a lot of british panel shows/comedians and i need a specific recommendation: where to start with dara o briain? he's right now my favourite taskmaster contestant ever and after listening to his episodes on the tm podcast and off menu, and watching him on wilty, i'm completely in love with his humor and manner of speech. what are the "must see" things he's done in the past? he's such a prominent figure in british tv but idk how to choose what to watch next
i have watched a lot of panel shows...you got that right hehehe...
i'm happy for you that you found someone you really like and get to explore a lot of new content! i gotta say, that doesn't happen often for someone quite so famous and prolific like dara, so it's fun for me to think back to all the stuff he's been in :')
he's a comedian, but he's also known for being mr big smarty pants, so he's done a lot of comedy programmes as well as smarty pants programmes & documentaries. you may choose to start in one of these distinct directions if there's a side of dara you like best! let me start with a few of my own faves...
he's probably best known — definitely by my followers, but also in general — for being the long-time host of the news-focused panel show mock the week, which JUST ended after 17 years. of the panel shows about news, of which there are many, this one is the most accessible and the most silly. dara is a GREAT host and has hilarious dynamics with the regular panelists, especially his literal best friend ed byrne (who we heavily stan). in fact, on mtw, you'll also see lots of other taskmaster contestants you may recognise, including panel captain and cult fave hugh dennis, frankie boyle, russell howard, and ed gamble. i know 17 years is A LOT, so if you've never seen the show and aren't sure where to start, i'm gonna recommend you give series 15 a go — as a new-er panel show fan, i think a more recent season like this one will be most accessible. also, this compilation of comedians roasting dara on mtw for half an hour is fucking hilarious lmaooo
dara has been on tons of panel shows as a panelist opposed to hosting, and you'd be amiss not to catch up on him on qi! one of stephen's smart lil boys and a clever laugh, he was made for that show. you can find dara's episodes here and i have all of qi linked on the masterpost! if you've never seen qi here's a silly clip that is mostly sean being one of stephen's naughty lil boys but it's a great example of the learning a lot/learning absolutely nothing dichotomy that can happen with a great panel (including dara!!)!
apart from that, i'd highly recommend you watch his stand-up! i put two specials on drive for you, 2012's craic dealer and 2015's crowd tickler (sorry for the mid quality — they're just dvd rips). these are pretty perfect for blossoming dara fans because they're funny, witty, clever, goofy — all the things we love about dara at once!!
as for my final personal recommendation, you should definitely check out dara & ed's great big adventure, a bbc two miniseries where the besties travel along the pan-american highway! they have top-tier wholesome bantz, ed is very fucking goofy (you will find quickly that being a fan of dara is being a fan of ed hahaha), and they explore some very beautiful cultures. i will work on getting decent rips of the show for my drive, but in the meantime you can watch this on dailymotion!
it would be amiss if i ended the recs here, because dara has hosted a lot of different series — but these series are based around very specific interests of his. some of the big ones include the following: go 8 bit, one of his most recent shows about classic and indie video games, very nostalgic with fun guests; science club (if you need full eps of this lmk, i should be able to get them but it will just take a lil time) and school of hard sums, nerds talking about science and maths, def have qi vibes; and the underrated stargazing live, broadcast every winter and when dr brian cox & our fave amateur astronomer mr ó briain talk about stars and shit! these are less necessary watching and more worth watching if the topics tickle your fancies~
okay i hope that helps!! there is obviously so much more to his career — including his many books — but i think this is overwhelming enough and i hope you don't mind the long post! feel free to catch us up on what you're enjoying down the line, we love dara and hearing what others love about him too :')
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greencloakedfae · 3 months ago
Thanks for the tag @ferociouslycreativemystery :D
3 non romantic duos:
1. Charles Devereux & Nell Jackson
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I mean ofc. They're both such little shits on their own and when they're together they just amplify that in eachother. The way they just mess with eachother, trying to set eachother up for embarrassment when pretending to be Lord and Lady Shankley having tea with the rich people, insulting eachothers wanted posters, and their entire exchange with Nell pretending to be a doctor. They fall into such a great duo almost instantly, and I think that they could have been great emotional support for eachother if we had seen more of their relationship in a second season. All the fanfic for their platonic relationship written holds a special place in my heart.
2. Merlin & Gwen
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Merlin will forever be one of my hyperfixations I come back to over and over again, and these two are always so sweet together. I wish we got more of their friendship in later seasons, but early show Merlin and Gwen is so special.
3. Ellie and Joel
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The Last of Us will probably always be one of my favourite video game series. Both because the story of both games is absolutely amazing, but also because I played both games and then watched the show with my dad, and being able to enjoy it together was just really fun and sweet.
A ship that might surprise others: I mean I'll happily entertain almost any ship of any type of dynamic so there's probably heaps that fall into this category. But staying on blog theme I've been turning over the chaotic mess that would be a Polly/Nell/Sofia ship in my mind a bit lately, especially Polly/Sofia honestly.
I feel like all dynamics at all stages would be really interesting to play with. Especially cause Polly and Sofia probably represent what they each hate about upperclass society to eachother, with Polly being hyperfocused on romance and more 'frivolous' things, and Sofia on the more business side of social heriachy and such. But they're both women who just want control over their own lives to do what they want rather than what others want them to do, and they're both intelligent and strong women in their own rights, and I feel like they would respect that in eachother once they get past the initial surface level distaste. Then throw in Nell, forced into the middle of this strange situation thanks to the other two's crushes/obsessions/whatever you wanna call it, just trying to get on with her life and not quite sure what to do about the attention (but also not really hating it) (at least from Polly, she probably would not appreciate Sofia's attention, especially at the start lets be real). I'm gonna stop before this post accidentally becomes a headcanon dump, but many thoughts are brewing if anyone is interested lmao.
Last song: Wishing Well by The Oh Hellos. Been on a big The Oh Hellos and The Crane Wives kick the last few months. Just really fun, story telling songs (that are great for applying to fictional characters lmao)
Last film: JOY - The Birth of IVF. Ofc I watched this cause Louisa Harland is in it, but I fully recommend it to anyone. It was such a good movie and a really interesting story, and I definitely think I cried a little. It's streaming on Netflix if you're interested.
Currently reading: I'm so slack at the moment with reading, but I've got a few in my TBR. Mainly the rest of the Lockwood and Co series, but also Celestial Monsters (which is the second book to The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas, and I absolutely loved that book)
Currently watching: Nothing at the moment :/ I've just been rewatching shows lately. But I am planning on finally watching Arcane with a friend whenever I finish my honours application and my current work contract !
Currently consuming: If this is about media, then I'm currently watching minecraft videos from ItsMarloe lmao. I don't have time rn for a minecraft phase and his videos are sweet soooo. If this is about food, then mango :D
Currently craving: uhhh for ADHD to stop kicking my ass and let me write my lit review and finish any of my 4-5 wips
Tagging a few ppl who might be interested, and no pressure ofc. Also feel free to count me as tagging you if you want to do it: @greencheekconure27 @not-a-hawk @arya-skywalker @butts-bouncing-on-the-beltway @broodytinygaycarmilla
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yourpalwhale · 10 months ago
HIHIHIIIII wanna geek out abt the comics?? :D
YOU'RE ALL SO KIND HERE........ I ABSOLUTELY DO!!!!! Granted I only started the comics last week and just got to shattered grid yesterday, I am still absolutely insane over it.
I was NOT expecting these comics to be as well written as they are. I love the shows as much as the next person but there are certainly hit or miss seasons and a lot of it is toned down for the kid audience, but the comics have NONE of that. Mmpr especially has a much more serious tone,(granted I haven't gotten that far into ggpr yet bc of the reading order I'm following) and it's so refreshing to see. Like Tommy has Trauma from his time under Rita and having that loss of control and being made to hurt people, that AFFECTED him and it's shown! Rita literally Haunts him and it's so good.
We see so much more of the team dynamics and I LOVE IT!! Don't even get me started on Trini and Billy because they are the best of friends and learn so much from each other, there's so much trust and love there it makes me insane. Zach and Jason's relationship is so sweet too because they care about each other even if it's not said, it's shown through actions. Zach regularly comes to check on Jason while he's at HQ burning himself out and Zach says it's because he was bored, or just wanted to train, but he and Jason know it's because he's worried about him and doesn't want to leave him alone. Neither of them are all that open with their emotions but they're still so There for each other. This team is everything to me because they're just so close.
And now the first shattered grid issue...... dude... DUDE. I was CRYING!!! Time force is my favourite all time team so I got so excited when they showed up and OW.....??????? I don't know what that crack did to the team but I am hoping so hard that at the very least Lucas, Katie and Trip are alive. I also have hope about Wes but that may just be denial....... he's one of my favourite red rangers I'm sure he has plot armour or something. And JEN.... I have that full page panel of her w/ Kimberly and Tommy as my lockscreen because it's so.... everything to me. Jen is an Adult with experience in the field as a time force officer and as a power ranger and she's holding it together because she's the only one who knows what's going on and she has to be strong for these Teenagers looking up to her. They just lost one of their own and the universe is at stake, and they're just Kids. Jen just lost her team and her LOVER but she has to be strong for them right now. I don't know.... Jen and her grief. She's one of the most well written power rangers characters and it shows!!!!
I have a lot more I could say (LORD DRAKKON...?!?!??) but it's pretty late rn and I'm probably forgetting somethings but I'm SO excited to get into the comics more
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