#they're meant to be your honor
demigods-posts · 3 months
we have yet to realize the opportunity that stands before us with nicknames like seaweed brain and wise girl. just imagine percy making a really good point. and annabeth pulling a 'i like your brain, seaweed' just to fuck with him lol. or annabeth saying something profound and percy going all 'girl, you're so wise' just to throw her off. think about the implications. i beg of thee.
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fiepige · 8 months
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Noir and Hobie doing swirly hand gestures
(Part two of me desperately trying to make Noirpunk GIFs 😭 Part one is HERE)
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turtleofthehollow · 7 months
The best way I can describe how I ship radioapple is “intimacy through hatred”
They hate each other, they never stop hating each other, but they grow so used to each other that they look like they’re dating from an outsider’s perspective
Lucifer knows Alastor hates being touched, so he keeps putting his arm around him and finding any excuse to invade Al’s personal space
Knowing that Lucifer hates his opinion, Alastor goes out of his way to advise the King of Hell on all his problems. Lucifer especially hates it when it’s actually good advice, and has no choice but to accept it
They both enjoy pissing each other off so much that they can often be found laughing together, and everyone thinks they’re just having fun
Luci once insulted Alastor's culinary skills, and it somehow lead to them starting a cooking competition to see who was the better cook. It's been ongoing for years because they keep trying to poison the other, so they're never able to declare a winner
Everyone is super confused about their relationship, and insist that they're actually in love and just living in denial, but they do really hate each other, they just can’t explain it in a way that makes sense
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taesnix · 1 month
hear me out: Connor and Mitchell but have their first proper interaction be going on a quest (3rd quester is Lou Ellen because I need more Lou Ellen + Hermes kids shenanigans content) to retrieve a special conch shell that requires the cunning and craftiness of a Hermes and Hecate kid and a connection to the sea that only an Aphrodite kid has. Percy offers them a few pointers on sailing but after that, they're on their own.
not sure what exactly the quest would entail but at one point they stop by a port town and Connor steals a bunch of pearls from an extractor. Mitchell reasonably panics a bit when he finds out because oh gods barely a day in and he already has to charmspeak someone into forgiving and forgetting them but Lou Ellen discovers that the extractor was doing detrimental damage to the sea life, so not being able to profit off of the pearls and harming the business is actually perfectly alright in her books.
Connor: perfectly alright, you say?
Lou Ellen: yeah, why allow some assholes to make money off of animal abuse?
Mitchell, seeing the glint in both of their eyes get brighter: ... sigh. Fine, I guess we can fit ruining their operation in today's itinerary.
They go haywire. Lou Ellen works the mist to give them more cover than usual, allowing Connor to have his fun completely messing with the extractors by setting up (relatively) harmless traps and stealing a little more with each passing second, while Mitchell distracts and deflects any concerns the extractors have
One of the extractors: oh, uh, yes! I can definitely show you where we keep the metal pliers, it's somewhere in the back. Let me just—wait, where the hell are my keys?
Mitchell, leaning in heavy with charmspeak: I think you left them near the back door, right? We can just go there now.
Exactor guy: ... yeah, of course. I always do that, easy access you know? Follow me.
And when they reach the door, Lou Ellen knocks him out and Connor unlocks it, a silver set of keys appearing in his hand seemingly out of nowhere. He winks when he catches Mitchell staring.
The rest of the quest follows pretty much the same: with one of them getting sidetracked and the others jumping in to "have a little fun", as Connor likes to put it. They eventually find the conch shell and return to camp, a little wounded but a whole lot closer.
As soon as Connor is let out of the infirmary, he dashes to the Hephaestas cabin. Mitchell is curious, but no one seems to know anything. Lou Ellen just cackles like a madman when she hears. "Ha, he was so antsy for most of the quest. Glad he's able to do something about it now."
Mitchell has no idea what on earth she's talking about, which takes him more off guard than he'd ever thought it would. Because he really believed that him and Connor had become close friends after everything they'd gone through. And surely, he would’ve known if Connor had something else going on. But apparently not. And Lou Ellen did.
And so what if it makes something burn in his chest? To know that Connor is keeping something from him when he thought they'd passed that hurdle long ago. To have that one conversation under the stars, afloat at sea, just drifting calmly and releasing their worries to the wind, that meant so much to him, not hold that same weight?
So what if he had feelings for Connor?
Mitchell doesn't sulk, because an Aphrodite kid will always retain most of their pride in the face of rejection, dammit. Connor seems to be—not avoiding him, but a little distant than he'd grown familiar with, and it hurts a bit. He can admit that.
It isn't until a few days later that there's a tentative tap on his shoulder after lunch and Mitchell turns around to see none other than Connor Stoll with a face so red, Mitchell is genuinely concerned he's going to pass out.
Mitchell: Connor? Are you okay? You look like you're going to explode or something.
Connor, fiddling with something in his pocket: ah ha ha, um, well. I have—something. For you.
Mitchell, completely taken aback: what? For me?
Connor: yeah, I— uh, I had to ask Nyssa for some help and then I had to go steal—I mean, borrow another one of yours because I wasn't sure how many to use and Nyssa wouldn't stop teasing me even though it had to fit perfectly—but t-the point is! This is for you.
And carefully, he pulls his hand out from his pocket and opens it. Laying gently in the center of his palm is a pearl bracelet. It's beautiful.
Mitchell: wait, are those...?
Connor, fingers tapping restlessly and somehow blushing harder than before: the pearls I stole on the first day? Yeah. I saw them on that boat when we were pulling up to the harbour and I just—
He pauses to let out a low, quiet breath, as though steeling himself.
Connor: I noticed your weren't wearing your favourite bracelet when we left for the quest and Lou Ellen told me that it took some damage from the lava wall the other day and you were heartbroken about it— so, I figured... well, you deserve something as beautiful as you.
And Mitchell is just speechless. His heart is pounding so loud and he melts on the spot because it's the sweetest thing he's ever heard and Connor is the sweetest person ever and gods, it was all for him?
Both of their hands are shaking as Connor helps Mitchell with the bracelet's clasp. And of course, it fits perfectly. Snug but not tight, a comfortable weight like it had been there all along.
Connor begins to pull away but Mitchell grabs his hand properly before he can. With hesitant maneuvering, Mitchell interlocks their fingers. The pearl bracelet subtlety reflects the light from the sun, making it look like it's glowing between them. Mitchell softly gazes at Connor, who tentatively matches his smile.
Mitchell: I love it, I really do. Thank you so much, Connor.
Connor: I'm, I'm really glad you do.
Mitchell: I want to take you somewhere. Follow me?
Connor: of course, anywhere.
So Mitchell leads Connor to his favourite spot near the strawberry fields, where there's enough shade under the sturdy tree but still bright and alive with the sun. Somewhere where they can once more lie down and hear the distant waves, free to drift off calmly and release their feelings and dreams, not just worries, to the winds, side by side.
They run into Lou Ellen on their way there. She takes one look at their intertwined hands, the new bracelet around Mitchell's wrist, and she lets out a triumphant whoop!
Lou Ellen: oh let's GO!!! Connor Stoll, bless your little heart, Cecil owes me 10 drachmas now!
Mitchell: huh, so I'm guessing you knew about this?
Lou Ellen: Mitchell, sweetheart. Every time you looked away, he had the worst case of lovesick puppy eyes I've ever seen. I thought it was bad at camp but this guy was clearly holding back. And I had to put up with Solangelo getting their shit together first-hand.
Connor: wh— I— wait. Did Cecil bet against me? Also...Solangelo?
Lou Ellen: Will and Nico, their last names. And Cecil didn't think you'd ever get the guts to properly talk to Mitchell after the quest, never mind enough to give him the bracelet. I, on the other hand, am familiar with what the sheer powers of long time pining can do. Also, having to stare into each other's eyes for like, 5 minutes while holding the conch shell pretty much sealed the deal.
Connor and Mitchell, now BOTH bright red:
Lou Ellen, snapping her fingers with a wild grin: hang on! Connor, Mitchell, conch shell... holy shit maybe this was fate.
And that, folks, is how Conchell came to be.
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Also... Post-canon lovesong... If you even care... "Is Sparrow still with Rebecca?" that part is a choose your own adventure babeeey~
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teemdark · 10 months
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Anyway. Thinking abt this again <333 Here we have people being really fuckin nervous bc this teenager is straight up floating a container like it weighs nothing and I like how Surge isn't the only one sweating a lil bit-- we get a fellow Restoration member eyeing it warily! This isn't just a "gotta be careful around powerful potential enemies" thing for the bad guys undercover-- and then. AND THEN.
There's Blaze, walking right beside Silver, right beneath the big ass container he's carrying, and she doesn't even spare it a glance. I like to think it's because she trusts him very very much and is one hundred percent confident in his ability to keep that thing in the air for as long as it's needed.
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akk and aye are a gold standard example of a relationship where Person A just has absolutely zero filter whatsoever and Person B has a solid impenetrable wall in the place of a filter. because on one hand we've got akk who's on the verge of a breakdown and and 5 different existential crises every time he even thinks about the truth and on the other hand we've got aye. who looked kan straight in the eye and said "akk tastes good 😄" with his whole chest in front of all his friends and god and HIS TEACHER
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Jason: You use emojis like a straight person.
Dick: That’s literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me.
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voydhund · 11 months
OK but real question.
Who comes up with the dumb nicknames?
(Assuming you meant Byler (Idk man)) Mike says stupid shit, Will finds it funny, Mike keeps using it. Will tries to say stupid shit, Mike gets all blushy over it, Will keeps using it.
They're idiots in love <3
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rosstrytobe · 1 year
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This show is really popping out something 🤔🤔
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shadowlikesvsynth · 3 months
IDK why this took so long for me to get to posting-- probably because of other stuff-- but here's the pride art I promised (kind of?)
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This was originally just a sketch I did in a sketchbook -- I wanted to make a digital art for the pride art -- but I kept running into difficulties and wanted to see what would happen if I colored the sketch since I had pictures of it.
Here it is without the colors and also with mechanical pencil.
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I decided not to crop out the "I love gay ppl ♡" in the digital colored vers for some reason.
I may pick up the pace with the digital version soon but it may not get out in time hhhh ^^'
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freebooter4ever · 5 months
Ok, during lunch i was goofing off by browsing the dat*ng app and came across a profile who 'liked' mine that was some blonde haired pretty boy with this as a tag line: "looking for the sophie to my howl". My heart flew into my throat....was i about to live out some teenage fantasy? I got incredibly excited until i realized with dawning horror that this dude possibly meant movie!sophie...
Full offense to the movie but the artists shaved off all the harsh edges on both sophie and howl to the point of unrecognizability beyond basic plot points. So anyone who is searching for the soft, gentle, pleasant version of sophie in the movie absolutely could not handle the slightly manic cleaning lady who enjoys bullying fire demons from the book. Book sophie is quite literally a bit of an obnoxious witch(with a b). She gets angry and expresses herself by murdering weeds. She enjoys teasing howl mercilessly. She gets panic attacks and wears the curse around her like a blanket to protect herself from anxiety and uncertainty. Book sophie is a fully flawed three dimensional character in the same way that movie sophie is a picturesque daydream meant for someone more in love with the idea of being in love than wanting to actually be in love.
But it also just annoyed me because this dude was unwittingly buying into the exact flaw of movie howl. Movie howl was remade into the idea of what women want: he's perfect, he's courtly and an utter gentleman, he acts like a prince. Movie howl is what book howl pretended to be when he went off on dates.
And the entire point of the book is that it took these disguises coming off (howl's princely fake romance character and sophie's literal old woman curse) for these two idiots to fall in love. Sophie starts out as a shy timid mouse, too scared to even talk to howl - she literally runs away from him when they meet in the market. She's so insecure and unable to be selfish that the curse is a blessing in disguise for her. The minute she becomes an old woman she no longer has anything to lose, all her fucks are gone, she's for once in her life just being herself. And she marches into howl's castle looking for a place to sleep because she thinks an old woman would be safe from howl's heart stealing (womanizing) ways.
And howl, meanwhile, doesn't know anything about this crazy old woman except Calcifer likes her (and calcifer represents howl's true heart so it's essentially his gut instinct), and he sees through the old woman disguise before she sees through his but the point is he's still seeing the real sophie - not the shy timid one (movie sophie).
And sophie sees behind howl’s entire facade! The book emphasizes that howl's towering powerful ‘castle’ is hollow smoke - it’s really a tiny three room cottage. Sophie gets to meet howl's real family and find out his working class plain mouse-brown hair background from an unmagical unglamorous world. Sophie cuts up his fancy suits immediately when howl tries to put on his disguise and ‘steal hearts’ again. That was the entire theme of the book: real love doesn't need disguises and artifice.
THAT was the teenage daydream: struggling with insecurity and posturing and a whole bunch of nonsense to discover honest true love underneath. And the movie was about none of that.
Teenage me never wanted the stupid princely version of howl. Teenage me wanted the messy, vain, spider loving, too soft hearted, cowardly, loyal, andre aggassi, stubborn-assed wizard from the book. I will never never forgive the movie for taking all that and turning it into something some guy who fancies himself a handsome courtly prince can put into his d*ting profile. 
Anyway if any wizards are in need of an old cleaning lady to befriend their fire demon let me know. Fire demon not required - i have my own, my blue teardrop of a car named Clacifer. And i have the spiders. And i have the facade of success thats on the brink of crumbling. And i keep heartlessly rejecting everyone who wants to date me. Shit fuck ive turned into howl. Except im also my own manic cleaning lady so maybe ive just hyper independently doomed myself to lonliness \o/
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mediterraneanmenace · 5 months
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"The scent of labdanum incense Lingers on your warm skin, smooth and dark With bare throat made to bite I surrender to this hunger, to your luring eyes and lips As your provocative laughter draws me forth"
Finally finished this drawing of Raksha and Raphael in their human forms. Which to be fair, I should be drawing more so I don't have to deal with their horns.
(You can find a close-up on my Twitter -> [link] )
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kattythingz · 2 years
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(Speaker tags listed below the cut)
In absolutely no particular order, at all (headcanons bolded):
Aoi ⇒ Splinter (the lovely, precious source)
Berry-Blue ⇒ April
Leo-chan ⇒ Usagi
Sensei ⇒ Casey Jr.
Champ ⇒ Raph
Pepino ⇒ Señor Hueso
Nardo ⇒ Donnie
Leon ⇒ Mikey
Blue One ⇒ Casey
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yesand87 · 3 months
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undergrowth echo BELOVED????????? NEVER in my life have i met someone so correct about everything
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