#they're basically the same but the timelines are slightly different
greentrickster · 8 months
Can we just take a moment to consider how freaking cool it is that Western countries developed forks while Eastern ones developed chopsticks? Like, both groups figured out knives and spoons, there's some differences in shape but they're recognizably the same utensils used for the same purpose.
But then we get to forks and chopsticks, and they're such different utensils being used for basically the same purpose (ie, eating hot and/or slightly messy food without getting it all over your hands or potentially burning your fingers). Like, both work really well, both have they're strengths and weaknesses, but the key point is that they're such different answers to the same question. And that's so cool! How could that not be cool, it's so cool, I love that this happened, I love that I live in a world where this happened, there are instances when we're absolutely living in the coolest timeline and this is one of them!!!
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literallyjusttoa · 3 months
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I have been obsessed with the idea of Paris coming to the modern day in the same way Midas, Lityerses, and Medea did. Like, If anybody had some unfinished business, it's every citizen of Troy. Anyway here are some different little scenarios I've cooked up about how this silly little war criminal fared after making a mad dash for the doors of death in HoO.
Ok, so in this scenario, Paris is recruited by Gaea just like all the other spirits who come back from the dead. He ends up being tasked with working alongside Octavian. At first, he's driven only by grief and anger at the loss of his own family and city. As they approach Camp Half-Blood, Paris regularly remarks on how happy he is that's he'll be the one storming the walls this time. But over time, he slowly finds himself growing worried about Octavian's sanity. He tries to steer Octavian away from making reckless decisions, but Octavian refuses to back down. Paris sees the deadly fervor of his fellow soldiers in Octavian, and pulls away. From here we split off into two endings. 1. (the sad one) Octavian's fate plays out the same as the books and Paris just has to deal with how his actions unintentionally spurred the young man towards his own death. Or 2. (the happy one) Paris leaving is the wake-up call Octavian needs, and he pulls himself out of battle at the last second, breaking the cycle of hatred and wrath that started at Troy. Pick your fighter I guess.
In this scenario, Paris is not the only one who comes back from the doors of death. Half of the Argo II crew find him in Ancient Greece (Don't ask why he's there instead of Turkey idk shhhhh) And he's very helpful to them in whatever quest they're trying to complete at the time. All's well that ends well, except the OTHER half of the Argo II crew actually just met up with Hector on the other side of Greece lol. Turns out neither brother knows the other is alive, and the Argo II take the time to reunite the pair. I would specifically set this in BoO, and have the focus be on Jason and Leo as parallels for Hector and Paris, especially with them both thinking about sacrificing themselves bc of the prophecy (the whole "storm or fire" thing). Like, my idea is that a lot of emphasis would be put on Hector dying first, and how he sacrificed for Troy, and how Paris wishes he could've saved Hector. And Jason would come away from that thinking "Yes, I want to be Hector, i've made peace with making the final sacrifice to keep my friends safe" and Leo thinking "I'll do what Paris couldn't and give my life so that Jason doesn't have to" and ahhhh angst.
This is a ToA scenario instead of an HoO scenario. Paris and one of his siblings come back to life like in the last one, but instead of it being Hector, this time it's Cassandra. Idk when this would happen in the timeline of ToA, bc those books are so tight knit (maybe the infamous TTT to TON roadtrip) But I would add a little side quest where Apollo and Meg have to find Cassandra bc Nero's trying to kidnap her or smth. They run into Paris while they're searching for Cassandra, and the three of them team up for a lil bit. In this scenario, Paris works as a direct parallel to Apollo, all though he's a bit further behind on his redemption journey. Basically, Apollo feels like he's looking at slightly embarrassing old pictures of himself. When they find Cassandra, Apollo offers a genuine apology for everything he did to her. Emboldened by Apollo's example, Paris also opens up to Cassandra in a way he'd never done before. The two are finally able to air out their shared grief from Troy, and they set out to ... idk New Rome or the Waystation or smth. Either way they're a lot closer as siblings now, and Apollo promises to visit them once the Trials are over.
Of course, these are only my ideas that kinda fit into canon, I have a whole bunch more that go entirely off the rails. Anyways this pathetic little failure of a man has bewitched my body and soul or whatever I love rolling him around like a balled up chewing gum wrapper.
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colourful-void · 1 month
[truly off the charts levels of aitsf nirvana initiative spoilers]
some thoughts on mizuki date and mizuki kuranushi
the whole timeline switch thing is admittedly: cool as fuck. love it conceptually. its neat as hell. in practice i think it required some of the game to be a bit... strained in logic and perhaps if we were less committed to clone Mizuki and some other aspects it would feel a little less like we had to rob Mizuki (Date) as a character to make it work.
I can explain why i feel this way:
Don't get me wrong, its set up really really well in a lot of places. i see now which is awesome. the set up isn't so much the problem, there definitely could've been a bit more in the set up but overall it's solid.
my problem is that, in order to make this work, Mizuki and Bibi need to be functionally indistinguishable from each other not just in appearance but in personality. NOW there are key differences I noted which was very good!!! I did see this, i just think like, the fundamental concept means they have to be significantly more similar than they are dissimilar and that makes for....
Okay like:
Mizuki and Bibi having the same scooter? Fantastic, it's mentioned early on that's abis provided, of course they're the same. having the same gun, sure even, it might be a 'mizuki custom' but if we assume mizuki date didn't actually care that much about her gun's specifics I totally see boss replicating the first one. I'm sure bibi would've wanted that too. Having the same PIPE is bothering me. Because now we're verging into some nature over nurture territory.
Mizuki Date loved that pipe when she was 12, it's something she picked up afaik after coming to live with date even, bcs she didn't have it when she was getting bullied in school. Her having one makes sense. But bibi has a pipe, seemingly because... Mizuki has one.
So then, was it a unique choice Mizuki made when she was younger, or does 'being mizuki' mean predestined to wield a pipe? (i can also see Bibi like, watching over mizuki and deciding she also wants a pipe but that's only slightly better because it's still externally denying the characters individuality) [A minor way of adjusting this could be having Mizuki Date only ever use the pipe, and Bibi only ever use the Evolver.]
There are some good moments of them being different i can recall off hand, bibi talking about her younger sister (mizuki) for example, to shoma, etc. but like. 90% of the time you're not supposed to be able to tell them apart. So they think the same way, and act the same way, and when you're playing a game literally in the brain of a character its hard to even pass off as just, presentation or a front. and i wanna be clear i know there are minor differences.
Bibi doesn't react to Date's appearance in the warehouse (because she didn't know him like Mizuki Date, but also looking back since that was in the past like, Mizuki Date wouldn't have reacted either.), I think there's a little difference in how bibi and mizuki treat boss, maybe? But since mizuki is still playing around with boss and giving her puppy dog eyes in the first investigation scene when That's Mizuki Date and not Bibi, it doesn't quite land.
Because the small pool of people who actually know, Ryuki and Boss and all have to TREAT Mizuki Date and Bibi basically identical for this to work. And again, you can stretch it. Boss is trying to maintain professionalism, etc. But it's another layer of them being... basically the same.
Mainly, my biggest problem is less everyone else and how Mizuki Date and Bibi think and act.
Mizuki Date and Bibi are allegedly two different characters. They're given two different backstories, and lived two very different lives. Despite that, aside from a few minor hints and character quirks, they behave and interact indistinguishably from each other. And that kind of cheapens both of them as people.
Like, we just had this whole game that had everyone saying "if this hadn't happened, if my father hadn't been killed, if this child hadn't been kidnapped, if So Sejima had just kicked it at 20, maybe none of this would've happened, life could've been so different" and then also showed us 'Even if your life was extremely different you would still think and act exactly the same'.
TC-PERGE and alcoholism was a huge part of it, but the cited reason for a lot of Ryuki's behaviour is the trauma right?? Like it comes up multiple times, but the unique traumas that both Mizuki's faced? I guess impacted them exactly the same. or not at all, in Mizuki date's case because we never get proper resolution on the whole 'you were adopted and then your adopted parents couldn't or wouldn't raise you properly so gave you off to Date, who then disappeared." i'm still entirely unclear on who was the guardian of this 12 year old child after that.
i think a lot of this twist is really cool conceptually, i'm on board with a lot of it. But in practice, Bibi and Mizuki are only different characters because of their wildly different backstories. They think and act identically, despite having such different circumstances which should lead to different thoughts and actions. In a game where the final Somnium ends in a long chain of "What ifs" where it's characters ask if they could've lived differently had just a few things been different, the central characters appear to demonstrate that no, they wouldn't.
and that kinda bums me out.
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Concept: seemingly-ordinary Star Trek episode where it starts with a typical-seeming plot, things look like standard act-1 establishing moments. But then suddenly, several of the protagonists twitch and look startled, and start looking around as if shocked by perfectly ordinary things, like a crew member of a particular species, or the computer's voice, or a Vulcan's emotionlessness, and so on. Also at least one of them has a completely different personality, with a complementary set of character flaws. The affected characters get together privately to try to figure out what the hell is going on ...
... and then Q shows up and reveals that he's brought them into an alternate timeline!
Which is to say, he's brought them into the show's timeline, from an alternate timeline.
He describes ordinary, familiar parts of the show's setting and story as if they were novel changes. "In this timeline, the polity running most of the Alpha Quadrant is called the United Federation of Planets! Also, (such-and-such basic part of the show's premise), and very recently, (quick summary of a relevant previous episode)!" He gives his typical non-answers as to why he did this, and the alternates spend the bulk of the episode trying to juggle the ostensible main crisis of the week, hiding the fact that they're alternate versions of themselves, and figuring out what lesson Q is trying to teach them or whatever.
The writing is careful not to directly reveal any clear details about the universe they came from, in exactly the same way that a more typical "alternate timeline"-episode wouldn't go into too much detail about the show's main timeline on the basis that the audience is presumably already familiar with it; however, given the things they react to and need explanations for, the implications about what it's like are objectively unhinged.
At the end of the episode, Q snaps his fingers and vanishes, and the protagonists return to their usual selves ... and then immediately reveal that the show's main versions of the characters were also transported to the alternate timeline their other selves came from, effectively switching places. While they're trying to do damage control over what their alternates got up to, someone goes, "So, what, is Q lording it over multiple timelines, or did our Q switch places with their Q?" and no one is able to answer this. It also never clarifies what the real protagonists were doing and what crisis they had to deal with in the alternate timeline.
The final scene shows the alternate timeline very briefly, we don't get to see more than a slightly different color scheme in the lighting of the starship's bridge; we see the alternate version of, say, a recurring Vulcan crew member, who rushes over and goes "Oh thank the gods, you're all back to normal! You won't believe what those strange versions of you were doing --" Smash cut to closing credits.
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tashacee · 1 year
Adding onto the AoC idea, the Chain ending up in the actual AoC universe (rather than just the same era from his own past) and Wild going to explain that look! baby him!, only to realise that this is some weird parallel version of his world where things just aren't quite the same (his own mildly tragic backstory, tampered with? An outrage?) And so he abandons Mission Explain Self entirely just to figure out how this version of him won the first time around
It takes a while of madly sprinting around playing tragic charades (and Wild internally screeching because why is sign just slightly different enough here that communication is still a struggle???) to figure out the key differences between their worlds:
1. Age didn't find the Master Sword in AoC until he was an adult, days before the Calamity and after all the Champions were chosen (Wild freaks out because how did Age miss it??? It was yelling at him for weeks from that random scary forest when he was 12???)
2. Zelda never hated Link because he didn't have the sword until they were already basically friends (Wild is visibly offended Age never had to deal with this too but also happy they could be friends immediately)
3. EVERYONE IS ALIVE??? (Wild starts sobbing as soon as he sees one of the champions. He seriously considers murdering the King. The Chain is Concerned)
4. (Optional angst) Guardians
5. (Optional angst pt. 2) It's only when they're leaving, literally stepping through the portal, that Wild realises there's probably also an ancient Ganondorf sealed away under Hyrule here, too. It's too late to warn them by then, even if he could communicate effectively, so once through to the other side he ends up just praying to whoever will listen that the other stories of Ganon are true, the ones where the Calamity is just an echo of a king long dead, from the era of the Hero of Time (he doesn't scream after praying for once and now the Chain is even more worried)
Sorry for the long ask! The differences in canon between BotW's backstory and AoC's fascinate me because it isn't even a regular timeline split, Terrako really was just out here creating weird alternate realities with the perfect new backstory that would make his mission work (and let the devs make a cool Master Sword cutscene they wouldn't be able to do with the actual BotW backstory without flashbacks to even tinier Link lmao. I can and will talk about the time travel in this series for way too long if anyone lets me).
Age never had to deal with the level of pressure Wild did as a result, and everyone was just way nicer to each other because they all had each other from the beginning of this little adventure for support (ignoring the ten years before that where Zelda was Struggling, her dad still sucks)
Also of course you can use the screaming after praying thing if you like! -Farosh :D
Age is seventeen, I reckon, and in comparison to Wild, is tiny. Even though he is a legitimate, fully fledged Hero in his own right, Wild goes out of his way to protect him, to the extent that it almost starts to chafe.
Still, Age can't bring himself to be mad when he finally starts to understand Wild and gets to know him better. Here is this Random Cat Boi who just is weirdly delighted that he didn't draw the sword until (in his opinion) it was almost too late? That he is just so happy that Age is friends with Zelda? And he looks at the Champions like they're walking miracles?
He'd almost be embarrassed if he wasn't so fond of Wild and if he wasn't so very good to him. He figures that Wild must be from the Sheikah Golden Age, given how much he knows about their technology - although it's more than a little alarming to see how violently he reacts when he sees a guardian.
(Age notices how Wild's hand drifts to the scars on his chest as it patrols past him and wonders if they could have lost control of their armies in the ancient times, if they could have turned against their hero)
(He doesn't bring it up because he's not rude, but he does go out of his way to quietly make sure Wild doesn't have to see the guardians (which is hard because Wild seems determined to show him all the best ways to kill one (they manage)))
As they leave Wild begins to pray harder than he ever has prayed before, begging the goddess to protect Age, to keep him safe. The Chain don't know how to respond to his sudden change in demeanour, but Wild just finishes his prayer and moves on.
A few months later they end up back in Age's era and he immediately runs up to greet Wild, pulling him into a huge hug. "Thank you!" he whispers into his ear.
Turns out that in his panic as he left through the portal, he turned around and managed to knock something over. Something old and ancient, and it revealed a passage. A passage into an old room full of a lot of tablets in ancient Zonai tablets. Enough for them to piece together what is underneath the castle, to prepare and to destroy it before it can hope to rise again.
And somehow, although it is an accident, Age knows that it is nothing short of divine intervention, and knows that Wild is behind it.
Happy endings all round I love these boys so much
...okay i may have an Age chapter now
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hongtiddiez · 2 months
(please bear with me this is the most convoluted question known to man, but whenever you post for asks I can't help but want to scratch my weird lore theory itch, sorry not sorry)
So, like, the chomer's got fancy magic powers, right? And there were those photoshoots back during Treasure where each member had some kind of prop, right? And we've seen a couple kind of appear in other mv's like the telescope showing up in Answer, or Mingi's lines all coming through the radio in Fireworks when he was the one who had the ham radio as a prop. And, arguably, the candelabra Seonghwa has in the photoset and then the lantern he has in Wonderland. (I personally like to think that there are a couple other magic pirate artifacts already in play and its just that whatever they do hasn't been relevant to mention in the diary lore or the point of the timeline we're currently at yet).
I was just kind of idly thinking about how Hongjoong had a wand in that photoset, which hasn't specifically shown up anywhere again in that exact same form, (and quite frankly how in the heck they would ever work a wand into an mv)
and then I was like 'a wand is basically just a long stick, how would you adapt-... wait a minute'
a cane is also basically just a long stick. That he has in Guerrilla and Don't Stop, (and I know Don't Stop is not part of main canon and its own thing, but I love how they just spin slightly different AU flavours of their own lore as it suits them, and the cane in Don't Stop is.... kind of significant in the mv soooooo)
This was my crazily-roundabout way of asking if you had any thoughts/theories etc about Hongjoong and wands/sticks/canes, normal, magical, or otherwise and the lore
AAH LORE ANON YESS thank you for gracing my inbox its always a treat
so i kind of have weird theories on this? my friend [@pop-off-nabokov] and i were doing some Cromer Silvia conspiracy board theories one night and we realized something really interesting about trends in ATEEZ MVs and their themes in general.
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so the captains symbol looks A LOT like like The Wheel tarot, a card that essentially breaks down the alchemical symbols of life (with EIGHT in the outer ring)
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and then you have their entire last album theme The World
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the wands could either be a reference to a 'of wands' tarot or the wand-like objects shown here in The World
and one of the big themes i noticed throughout Halazia is Hongjoong and Seonghwa play off each other in a theme of 'as above, so below' - Seonghwa is bathed in light and on the surface and we meet Hongjoong as Wooyoung gestures down and the camera pans downwards where Hongjoong, dressed in dark colors, seems to be a figurehead of a different gathering.
as for the lantern in Wonderland, well, i've got something for that too
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The Hermit also depicts a lantern!
we also have...
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The Fool - okay this one is a bit of a stretch but the pose is pretty spot on and the meaning of The Fool feels very lore!San (and really, all of the boys entering their journey in the Z World)
so i don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that ATEEZ features a lot of nods to tarot and perhaps some of the artifacts may be related to them in some way. now if they're magic like the Cromer or not? who is to say. i certainly would love to find out the looking glass allows you to see through the dimensions or something similar, or that the staff/wand has the same abilities as the breakers or who knows.
and if we want to be extra ridiculous about it, well, i hope this is at least good for a laugh
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please always come to my inbox with any thoughts or questions. i hope my answers are always at least a little fun to think about.
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railingsofsorrow · 1 year
can I request Seth Clearwater x male reader
plot reader and Seth was always close when human but when Seth phases he leaves reader later reader phases and Seth and reader imprint on each other but reader struggle with abandonment issues and Seth has comfort reader
Invisible String
[seth clearwater x reader]
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A/N: I've never written about seth. this is my first work on him (I loved the experience), I hope you don't find this awful, terrible and trashy. I tried my best, enjoy your reading <3
A/N²: I took some liberties in the werewolf transformation aspect. I picked up different things from research + tv shows + the twilight movies. the wolves turn in the full moon but they have control of their minds during it, at least jacob's pack does. they also have the ability to turn whenever they want to. also, this is not the timeline from the twilight movies. keep that in mind. but some characters are mentioned.
summary: It's you and Seth. Seth and you. Always. Until it wasn't.
pairing: seth clearwater x male!reader; jacob black x platonic!male! reader
w.c: 3.5K
warnings/content: abandonment issues; insecurities; tw!sexual assault is implied (not btw reader and seth!); reader is bitten but the process is not described; break-up (not really); friendship miscommunication; heartache; leah and sam are a thing in here just a warning; explicit description of missing someone; arguments; discussions about transformations and imprinting (I wrote it in another perspective); angst basically; tw!death is mentioned once or twice; jacob is an awesome best friend <3; fluff!!; la push is the actual mc in this oneshot. please tell me if I've forgotten any warning
t.s anthology masterlist
“Hey, is Seth here?”
Your fingers were curling around the door handle as you pushed it open after two soft knocks. The Clearwater's recognized your entrance by now. After hearing the same pattern over many years, it was too familiar not to connect it to you instantly. And your scent, of course. But that, Leah suspected, Seth noticed it before anyone else did, even if he hadn't shifted yet.
“Seth!” Leah yelled out in the house, greeting you with a wink and gaining a nudge from her mother in protest because she was yelling. “Your twin is—”
Seth rushed past them without a second thought. You only had time to say goodbye to Sue and Harry before he pulled you towards the path to the beach.
“... here.” Leah sighed with a shake of her head. She pointed at her mother. “They're doing it again. Bet in twenty minutes his mother's gonna call asking if Y/N is here.”
Sue peaked through the window towards the two teenagers, her smile growing in the corners of her mouth. “I'll deal with her.” She promised, finishing up drying the plates.
Leah scoffed.
La Push was the meeting point for you and Seth. You had your own little spot between the rocks to watch the water. Some days it was wild, almost dancing nearby your feet. Other days, it was peaceful. The waves barely moved and the wind held you quietly like a blanket.
Today, it was a cloudy day in Forks — not that you had lots of sunny days, because the city was practically a walking melancholy. You and Seth sat down in the sand, you crossing your ankles against your thighs as Seth splattered out his long legs in the sand.
“God, I can barely see your eyes,” you touched one of his long dark strands. “How do you handle it?”
Seth slapped your hand away, glaring slightly. You raised your hands with a small smile.
“I'm joking.” You nudged his feet with yours. “You're probably the only guy who looks good with long hair.”
Seth rolled his eyes, turning his face quickly so you wouldn't see the blush coating his tanned cheeks.
“Are you excited about going back to school?”
Pursing your lips, you focused on drawing a letter in the sand. “Sure. New semester.”
Seth let out a chuckle, tilting his head to look at you. “You sound so excited.”
“Why should I be?”
He gave you a smirk, “Okay. Fair enough.” His smiled died down a bit, a serious expression growing as he inspected you quietly. That's something he enjoyed doing when you didn't notice. You never noticed. Seth didn't think you ever noticed him like he noticed you. Which is sad, but he didn't have the courage to change that and ruin your friendship. “We'll meet in the first day of school, right?” He whispered softly, refraining from moving an eyelash that had fallen on your cheek.
“Of course.” You replied. “I'll meet you at your place before. As always.”
Seth was an extrovert through and through. But he hated arriving in places on first days, that's speaking in general. Even at school, where he frequented his entire life. He liked to have you there, by his side. Your presence made everything okay.
You didn't have a problem with that. You and him had always been by each other's side, ever since you can recall your memories. It's you and Seth. Seth and you. Always.
You didn't expect that to drastically change overnight.
Weeks went by since the last time you saw your best friend. According to his family, he was sick on the first day back to school. When this excuse wore out, they'd made up some other one. Always that pity look towards you.
Not even when you stopped by his house, he'd leave his room to speak with you. And you knew he was home. You knew that by Leah's urge to pull you way from the house so you could take a walk at the beach.
What had you done to have him withdraw from you like this? What was happening that everyone was walking on eggshells around you?
“You're hiding something.” You kicked a rock. Leah's gaze laying heavily on your back, that didn't make you stop. “Is he mad at me? Because if I knew what I had done—”
“It's not you.”
You spun around frustrated, “It's not m— It's him, then? Did Seth send you here to break up with me? Cause that's what it feels like, Leah.”
“I didn't know you two were official.”
Letting out a groan, you turn away, ready to leave Seth's older sister alone at La Push, when your arm was pulled back softly, causing you to halt in your steps.
“It's not you.” She said sternly. “Do you trust me? Do you trust my idiot of a brother?”
A pause.
“I don't know,” you said. “He kind of broke all of his promises.”
Her lips quirked up in a smile. “Yeah. But that doesn't mean he doesn't care, alright? Seth cares. He's just...” she hesitated. “He's going through something. And he needs space to deal with it.”
Concern fell over your features and your heartbeat failed for a hot second. What was going on with Seth?
“I don't know how you can do that so effortlessly.”
Jacob was laughing beside you. His hair was damp, clinging to his forehead. You couldn't help but think that if he still had that long hair, it'd be a nightmare to untangle.
The rain picked up quickly. You were lucky to seek refuge under a tree before Jacob could. He was looking like a wet dog.
Well, he was. Kind of.
Forks really was a box filled with surprises. You used to think that the only different occurrence that could happen in the city was the sun coming up for once. But, apparently urban legends were a thing, too. And you were a part of it.
Jacob helped you get used to your transformations after you were bitten — get used to is saying a lot. Feeling your whole body break and twist every full moon couldn't be defined as anything remotely enjoyable. No. It was awful. Some nights you actually felt as if you were about to die. The pain was unbearable.
It would be worse if Jake wasn't there.
He helped you control your anger, how to properly channel it so as to not affect your relationships (to a worst extent, at least). He was your rock in a moment of turmoil. A spot that was commonly Seth's, but he disappeared out of the face of the Earth.
Your Earth, at least. Because Jacob has seen him and even Bella, who you recently met, had seen Seth. Your best guess was that he really was running away from you like you previously thought and Leah's entire speech about him dealing with something was complete bullshit so that he could have his easy way out of your life.
Well, he did it. A round of applause because you would've never expected that from him.
“You see no effort because I practiced a lot to reach this place.” Jacob pulls you back from your wondering. You give him a look. “You'll reach it too. You'll see.”
“Pain makes you human, right? So maybe that shouldn't change.”
Jacob rolled his eyes at your dramatics.
“That's not the point of the saying and you know it.”
You rest your chin against your knee, eyes traveling through the horizon. The rain stopped but the sky was still gray, it almost looked as if it was the start of evening although it was still morning.
The sound of a branch snapping a little far from where you where made you snap your neck around in alertness.
“It's nothing.” Jacob said and you frowned, surveying the forest with narrowed eyes.
“Didn't you hear—”
“Do you want to do it one more time?”
The thought of turning was enough for bile to rise up in your throat.
“I have homework. Lots to do.” You turn away from the forest to stand up. Jacob was shaking his head at you. “I'm not a robot. And I'm not an Alpha. I'm a student and I have responsibilities. Shouldn't you like... praise my good behavior or something?”
Jacob flipped you off.
“Get out of here.” He said as you smirked. “Same time tomorrow!” Once you were far enough, he yelled, which made your ears almost explode.
The sounds were still too loud for your sensitive ears, you were adjusting back to everything.
Not only that but you had that hole on your chest along with a constant guilt swerving at your mind. What had you done to push him away? Is he really okay? Did he just want you out of his life for good?
One thing you knew for sure: if you had known that that day would be your last day together, you wouldn't have let it end so quickly.
You missed your best friend. You missed him so much.
His scent was everywhere. In the clothes you borrowed and never gave it back, in the pictures that had the two of you that were scattered around your room, in the path you took to go home from school.
Seth was everywhere. And nowhere at the same time.
He was there, in front of you. Sometimes you imagined your best friend appearing on your front porch to say it was all a prank that he was playing on you because he wanted to see how much time you could go without him.
You froze in your step.
He awkwardly greeted you with a small wave.
“Hi, Y/N.”
You blinked twice, analyzing the frame in front of you to make sure he wasn't an hallucination. Then, you took three steps back and walked away. Yes, you walked away from your own house.
There was just no way you would face this now. Not after all this time. So you turned your back on him in the same way he did to you.
He didn't take that answer.
“Can we talk?” Seth said in a plea, right behind you. His voice was the loudest thing you could hear, not even the birds and the sounds of the forest tuned it down. Upon realizing you wouldn't stop, he groaned. “Y/N.”
“Give me one reason!” You spat out angrily, turning towards him. His widened doe eyes stared back at you. You had caught him by surprise. Good. “Give me one reason for me to listen to anything you have to say, Seth Clearwater,” your tone balanced to a softer one but it was still shaking in anger. You were so angry. So frustrated. So... overwhelmed. He didn't have the right to make you feel like this again. Your body didn't have the right to react to him like this. It's like you didn't have any control.
But you did. And you couldn't just lose weeks of progress.
“I'm— I'm sorry.” Seth stammers, walking forward but immediately halting as he sees your threatening gaze. “Y/N, I didn't... I didn't know what to do, what to say—”
“To whom?” You asked. “About what, Seth? Because you just vanished, I have no idea why.”
“That's why I'm here.” He walked over to you this time and you didn't react. “I want to explain. I wasn't ready then but I'm ready now.” His features softened slightly and you almost melted at his kicked puppy eyes.
And suddenly, there it was. That pull towards him. That comfort your body felt, that safety your mind cradled in. You weren't angry anymore, but you were trying to hold onto that anger as much as you could. It wasn't fair to just forgive him like this. He left you without an explanation. Without a goodbye.
Your eyes hardened as you folded your arms across your chest. He was staring. Waiting. “I'm waiting.” You said shortly.
Seth seemed to wake up from his daydreaming. He hesitated for a second but then he blurted out something that might have been a joke to you a month ago. But now it couldn't be anything less than the truth. You didn't know if you should be mad or laugh until your lungs screamed.
“Okay.” You cut him off mid-explanation. He blinked up at you. “Sure, Seth. You ghosted me because you're a werewolf. That's a great excuse.”
His face twisted in confusion. “You think I'm lying.” You raised an eyebrow and his brows furrowed. “But you know I'm not lying, right? You can hear my heartbeat.”
You sucked in a breath.
Seth tilted his head, “You can hear my heartbeat, can't you?”
No. Jacob wouldn't do that, would he? He wouldn't tell anybody about... about your condition. No.
Your fingers dig into your arms. “What?”
Seth sighed, “Can you look at me, please?”
You did, albeit against your will. Staring back into his eyes caused all your breath to dissipate. They weren't in their usual dark brown shade, leaning towards a mocha brown. No. They glowed yellow in the same way yours did.
He attempted a smile but he quickly went back to apprehension.
“Do you believe me now?”
You stammered out a response, forcing your head to travel back to all of the moments you missed the signs.
“I'm sorry.” He said softly, his fingers ghosting over the skin of your arm, sending shivers down your spine. “I didn't know how to tell you. When it happened I wasn't—”
“Seth,” you shook your head. “Why didn't you say anything?” And you looked at him as if it was the first time you saw him. His slightly matured features, his now short strands. God, all that hair was gone. He looked different. But his eyes remained the same. That playful kid you met in your ten years of age was still there. Maybe, that boy from months ago was still there as well.
“I was scared.” He croaked out, leaning closer. His eyes sparkled with unshed tears. It physically pained you to see that image. “I never meant to avoid you for so long but I— I was scared. I was scared to hurt you. You have to understand—”
“Stop,” you squeezed his hand. “Seth. It's okay.” your fingers grazed his wet cheek, he immediately melted under your touch.
“I'm sorry.” He let out in a whisper. You involve your arms around his neck, feeling his warmth travel through you. “God, I missed you so bad.”
His nose buried into your neck as you adjusted to his hold, closing all the space you could possibly have. You finally gave in to the feeling of being close to him. This is what you needed. This is what you've been craving.
“It's called imprinting.” Jacob said, pulling your attention away from Leah and Sam. He leaned back on the three you both were resting against. His damp hair sticking to his forehead. “It happens to two people, usually shape-shifters like us, when they feel this gravitational pull towards one another.”
You turn back to the couple that was playful fighting in the water. They looked like children when they were together, Leah and Sam. You couldn't remember a time where they weren't like this. But you didn't actually know when it started.
“Is it like love at first sight?”
“No.” He shook his head. “It's more like a... strong pull towards someone else. Things make sense with them, they hold you together and they keep you grounded. Have you ever heard of a soulmate bond?”
You nod, shifting closer as your internet spiked up. “Through bedtime stories.”
Jacob hum in agreement. “Yes. It's like your missing piece is finally in its rightful place. A puzzle completed.”
“Have you ever found it?” You ask. “Your... soulmate?”
Jacob took his time to reply to you. And you chose to not question the heavy silence that laid upon the two of you.
“No.” He settled for. “Not yet.”
Seth didn't let go of you for a while. He also explained everything from his first transformation, the main reason why he pushed you away, to the newest gossip in town. It never occurred to you how much you were missing by not having Seth Clearwater at your side at least half of the day — it did occur. A lot, actually. It was all your heart could think of.
“How did you know?” You asked. Your walk took you back to the beach. The first time in a long time since he joined you there. “About me.” You clarified, voice small.
Seth kept on wiggling your fingers in distraction.
“Your scent.” He replied, glancing at you carefully. “It changed.”
A bitter smile graced your lips. “Right.” That's something else you had learnt recently. Humans and shape-shifters don't smell the same.
Seth inched closer, intertwining your fingers. An action that called your attention and made you smile in his direction.
“I'm sorry about the way it happened, Y/N.”
You were aware of what he was referring to. Underlying his words were a melancholic tone accompanied by his soft doe eyes.
Your transformation wasn't the worst thing that occured to you — being bitten was. That you never asked. Something was taken from you that night, you still haven't fully recovered.
“It's a process.” Jacob said once. “One step at a time. And you're not alone.”
You laid your head in his shoulder basking under his warmth in the cold air of La Push.
“Yeah,” you croaked out. “Me too.”
But you were alive and that's what mattered. Someday, the pain would stop waking you up with a bad nightmare that stole your peace in nights and days.
“I should have been there. I'm sorry I wasn't.”
He hummed softly in acknowledgement. You pinched his side and he emitted a sound of protest.
“Stop apologizing, Clearwater. I already forgave you.” You gained one of his grins that hid his eyelids almost completely. And you shook your head, fingers grazing the crinkles beside his eyes. “Just don't do that again. Or I don't want to see or hear from you ever again.”
He pulled your hand to his chest, mumbling a promise under his breath as if he was scared someone might hear it. “Never. I'm not going anywhere, okay? Well.” You frowned and he chuckled. “I mean, it's not like I can, right?”
It took you two long seconds to understand what he meant by that. When you did and he watched realization enlightening your features, you turned your face away to hide the inevitable blush that coated your cheeks. That only sent him into a harder laugh, but he didn't let you bury in your embarrassment much longer because he started kissing every part of your face until you whined and pushed him away, threatening to drown him in the sea.
He said he wouldn't mind because if he died by your hands then he'd happily go into the afterlife. You called him a sap and he agreed.
Your evening was swarmed by his smile and the new things you had missed in the past few weeks. You still knew him and he still knew you. But there was so much more to see, to feel. One thing was very much clear: you weren't the only one that felt that pull. You knew he felt it too.
You'd happily figure out the rest with Seth by your side. You knew that, from now on, he wouldn't be going anywhere.
“I can properly call you Bambi now,” you mocked him, earning a loud groan.
“I am not a deer, Y/N.”
“Eh, you act like it, so that's enough, Bambi.”
sources: [1] [2]
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kylejsugarman · 2 months
as a dedicated andrea crusader i must know, how does au^2 impact andrea and jesse's relationship? do baby and brock get along? i'm picturing it in my head and🥹🥹
ANDREA CRUSADERS UNITE, u are one of the ultimate andrea understanders 🥺 so their relationship is a little different in au squared!! around the time that jesse infiltrates the recovery group and actually meets andrea is the same time that demi moves back to abq and tracks him and baby down. he and demi have a weird, semi-formal relationship for a while before they start developing romantic feelings for one another and during that time, jesse dates andrea. any initial plans to just sell meth directly to her as a recovering addict and put together his own walter white-esque "fund" for his daughter instantly evaporate when he sees brock and realizes that andrea is also just a single parent trying to navigate addiction. they're so similar and jesse, having not encountered anyone in this specific situation yet, kind of desperately clasps onto her. he really likes her and she likes him, but a big part of it is truly just. jesse desperately wanting to be around someone who Understands. and andrea does understand!! she has support from her mom, but she had to figure out a lot of this child-rearing stuff by herself and sees a lot of her slightly younger self in jesse. the way he wants to provide the Best for his kid, but doesn't trust anyone else to give it to her. she feels the same way about brock a lot of the time, even though she knows now that its not necessarily them vs the world.
the thing about au squared andrea is that she realizes through observing jesse's behavior and his feelings about raising baby that he's a very sweet guy who is great to be around, but they are not on the same timeline and she doesnt really feel like "dating" is the right arrangement for them. andrea's not in a place yet where she wants to incorporate a romantic relationship into her life and jesse, god bless him, has an overeagerness to him that tells her that he's diving into this because he badly wants A Connection, which doesn't necessarily have to be romantic!! she talks to him about this and asks instead if they can just be friends, so that's what they become. andrea is his dear friend :') jesse still cares very deeply for her and brock and tries to spoil them both (if he's going to get baby a swagged out play mat, then its only fair that brock gets a sick new transformer toy and andrea gets memory foam slippers for after long shifts on her feet at work. u know. if he's already going to be out). brock adores him, but is initially less enthused about baby because well. she's a baby. she can't really talk coherently or play a significant role in his games and he can't use his toys with smaller, choking hazard parts around her, so he doesn't really know what his mom expects him to do with baby while she and jesse are talking. but he realizes that it's actually kind of fun to assume a "big brother" role (brock's a sweet kid :') he likes to be helpful) and teach baby things; she basically copies whatever he does after a certain point, which is extremely validating to him. plus, she's a pretty patient, docile little playmate, so she can play the role of "building that is on fire that the brave firetruck must extinguish" with tremendous skill. the highlight of his month is when they all go to the zoo together and brock gets to feed a handful of feed to one of the giraffes while baby looks at him just shocked and awed like :O
andrea remains a source of support and eventually befriends demi too, but as things get darker towards the end of the show (post-drew shooting), jesse withdraws a little from her to try to protect her. he already feels responsible for tomas being murdered and drew's killing just reminds him of how nobody, no matter how innocent, is safe from this shit. andrea and brock are too important to him to endanger, even if it means cutting himself off from a good friend. demi visits them a few times while jesse is in captivity just to be around Someone and so baby can play with brock, but it's weirdly uncomfortable and baby isn't acting the same without jesse there and demi soon worries too that the cantillos might become endangered through association with them, so she reluctantly withdraws. once jesse escapes and he and demi and baby make the trip to alaska, he still writes a letter for brock that he gives to ed, but he also writes one for andrea. he wants to thank her for the support she gave him, for guiding him and baby through so much uncertainty, for being such a wonderful woman and friend. "i hope baby grows up to be like u. i want to make sure she grows up to be like u." andrea never learns what became of jesse and baby and demi after the news breaks, but she keeps that letter in her nightstand drawer along with a messy scribble drawing that baby made for her and the ticket stubs from that zoo trip. she doesnt care what the news says. she doesnt care what the dea agents who come to question her think of jesse or their friendship. she knew him, the real him, and she will always love him.
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nordiccowgirl · 8 months
I was thinking about the Sonic movies recently and noticed that the theme of the movie is reflected in the people that Sonic interacts with and builds a relationship with through the movie. And maybe all this has already been said before, but I want to put my thoughts out there. Long post ahead.
Sonic 1 is about finding and making home. Tom's arc is thinking that he wants to leave Green Hills for better things and then by the end, he realizes that Green Hills is where he belongs and, more importantly, where he fits and where people love and care for him. Sonic's arc is finding strength in the relationships to the people and place that he's called home and using that to fuel his defeat of Robotnik. Although it's mostly played for laughs and not something that should be thought about too hard, the fact that Green Hills accepts Sonic without question at the end shows that Sonic belongs in the town and that his place is with his family, even though technically, he doesn't consider the Wachowskis his family until the second movie.
Sonic 2 is about loneliness and building relationships. This theme is carried over a little bit from Sonic 1, but Sonic 1 was more about finding home whereas Sonic 2 is more about finding family. Knuckles especially reflects this theme, but Tails does to some degree as well with his comments about being seen as a freak in his home world. That's really all we get about Tails, but the fact that he sticks around through and after the movie for basically no reason other than Sonic's unconditional acceptance of his friendship says a lot, I think. Knuckles is the more obvious foil to Sonic and directly connected to the theme of loneliness.
Knuckles and Sonic are stated multiple times to have lost everything in whatever event happened between Longclaw and the Echidna tribe, but the obvious difference between them is that Knuckles grew up bitter and alone where Sonic grew up kind and alone - it's kind of implied that he's been on Earth and in Green Hills long enough to have kind of been raised by the Wachowskis before the movie timeline even started, but I might be stretching on that one there. I think some of Sonic's optimism is just being Sonic, of course, but I think it's important to see the ties back to the first movie as well. However, during the course of the movie, Knuckles gets to observe Sonic's love and friendship for the Wachowskis and Tails and it chips away at his certainty of what and who Sonic is. This coupled with the betrayal from Robotnik at the temple to the master emerald is what ultimately brings Knuckles into the found family and after Maddie says "let's go get our kid," the entire cast is pulled together in this theme of found family.
Side bar: Even Rachel's hilariously weird side story ties into this theme. She's slightly less hostile to Tom in Sonic 2 and is ready to throw down with G.U.N. to help Maddie save Tom, Sonic, and Tails - yes it's fueled by perfectly understandable rage against Randall, but it's still an improvement from her moments in Sonic 1, where she's so hostile, she clearly displays a subtext that San Francisco is not where Tom belongs. It's unnecessary, but it's cool that it still fits perfectly with the theme of the rest of the movie. I also love her and find her an amazing side character. No notes.
I remember the Sonic movie creators saying that Shadow's arc in Sonic 3 is going to be an incredibly difficult challenge for Sonic, because Shadow doesn't have the same underlying emotional base that Knuckles does. (I couldn't find the article though, I'm sorry y'all - I'm writing this on Feb 2 and there has been a deluge of Sonic news today)
So this all got me thinking about the main theme that we generally see in Shadow's story - grief. Sonic Adventure 2, which they're going to pull from extensively for Sonic 3, is ultimately about how Shadow deals with the grief of losing his only friend/family. Yes, his memories were manipulated by Gerald, but even that stems from Gerald's own grief and rage at losing Maria, which parallels Shadow's emotional arc.
Sonic 3 is going to, if my theory and observations are correct and not just coffee fueled speculation on a cloudy Friday morning, explore themes of grief. Sonic himself is going to have to confront grief in a way that he hasn't yet in the movies before in order to get Shadow on his side (or as much on his side as Shadow ever is, amirite Shadow besties?) and that has me very worried about what that's going to mean. I love the Wachowskis but they're Sonic's family - if Sonic needs to confront the grief of a loss of family, one or both of them might have to meet the same fate as Maria.
Tragically, this would be a very strong tie in to the themes I've been discussing. Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 have been about finding home and family - Sonic 3 may be about maintaining that home and family, even when that family is gone. G.U.N. swooping in after Shadow starts running amok and killing Tom and Maddie would allow the movie to explore how Sonic deals with the loss of family versus how Shadow deals with the loss of family. Sonic, as he is characterized, would find a way to throw himself into the good of protecting Green Hills in Tom's absence - and eventually the Earth, because we all know how Sonic Adventure 2 ends - while Shadow deals with his grief by trying to nuke the earth until the end.
I would hate to see it but in a way that would make me absolutely feral, because as I said, I love the Wachowskis and I think they actually bring something to the Sonic franchise that other stupid human character inserts haven't, but I think that it would be a fascinating exploration of the Sonic and Shadow dynamic that we've never really seen before.
I can't tell if I want to be right or not, and maybe there's a less tragic theme that the movie could explore that could focus the foils of Sonic and Shadow. I'm sure there is. I'm typing this out mostly off the cuff and several years removed from my last revisit of Sonic Adventure 2, so I could easily be missing something. But I think that it's certainly an interesting way they could take the movie.
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osleeplessflowero · 1 month
my interpretations of different AU skeletons(for the Neighborhood AU)🌺✨
Your typical lazy guy and cool uncle that lets you get away with stuff and can randomly infodump about the wonders of space when possible. The most chill and comforting guy you could know. Pretty close to canon but just Slightly fanon. No, he doesn't know about Resets. He DOES know the Timeline theory exists as there are other versions of him literally walking around, but he has no clue about time suddenly stopping and restarting. That's something only Frisk and Flowey know of.
The coolest dude ever!!! A well mannered man skilled in combat training and happens to like a lot of action movies, especially ones like Batman or Deadpool for the more brutal themes and humor. (He watches them with various others.) He genuinely wants to see the good in people, and believes in being kind until proven he should think otherwise. He doesn't hate puns, he just hates when they're basic! When there's more thought put in, that's when he enjoys them, even cracking a few of his own. His favorite color is green.
Another case of "cool uncle that lets you get away with shit", though in this case it'd be more like
"yo red I got in a fight"
"..did you win?"
"good. 's all i care about."
He works on a lot of old junk to try and fix it up, it's a fun hobby for him. He's also in a band! Pretty skilled with the electric guitar. He's a bit more reserved when you first meet him but when he gets comfortable he'll warm right up to you. He even gets a bit more confident. Though he does have his moments where confidence seeps through anyway, like when he's performing.
Edge is the embodiment of Sass. If he has something to say he WILL say it. He's a bit cold to anyone upon first meeting them, kinda like a cat. But once he grows to appreciate one's presence he's a lot softer towards them, more welcoming. Especially when they understand him. He's also very stylish! Has a lot of cool name brands in his closet (that he'll share with you if you're nice enough/can fit the stuff). Also absolutely adores cats, Doomfanger is his number one though. Always and forever. He can also play the piano!
The most energetic guy in the group, and also the one that works out the most. You need him, he's there right away. He's very optimistic about things, and like classic Papyrus, wants to see the good in everyone around him. A walking green flag, one of the most trustworthy characters here alongside Papyrus. He's also kinda like a single father when he has to take care of Blueberry so that's a thing- it's kinda a mix of a sibling dynamic and a parent-child dynamic between the two. Is a coffee addict, just like Black. Take it away from him.
One of the more chill and mellow characters, usually found high. But he's fun to be around when he isn't high as well, and can usually get along with people. He and Rus often get into chaotic shenanigans together, staying up late to do dumb stuff. You could probably see them building a tower of cards on top of Red's head while he's sleeping or something. His hoodies usually smell like honey, he has a bunch of them that look exactly the same like he's straight out of Charlie Brown. That isn't to say he doesn't have other outfits, though. He likes to write his own stories.
Officer, it's this one, this one's the overworker!!! He's the wine aunt of the group. Has an addiction to coffee he shares with Blue, and also likes to indulge in different kinds of wine from time to time. He and Edge have similar fashion tastes, only he likes to go for shades of purple where Edge prefers Red. He often has to be forced to rest due to wanting to work on projects overnight. LOOOOVES to gossip about workplace drama and other things, and will be very happy to tell you about anything.
Get this man some sleep he is TIRED!! But yet he refuses to get rest until someone makes him. Rus is an artist, often doing commissions and working on silly projects with Stretch. He's probably one of the quicker ones to befriend you, and once he does his usual quiet demeanor fades away. Likes to lean on people he likes a lot as long as they don't mind it. He has some tattoos drawn onto his arms. They're just made with marker though, so he can change them anytime he feels like it.
Mars is one of the more reserved members of the group, he often instigates fights with Red because he thinks his reactions are funny. Will tell people like it is, and doesn't hold back either. If he doesn't like someone, he'd exchange very few words with them. But if he does like someone, he'll be more open to talk with them and slowly grow more and more comfortable. Yes he has the pet bird here too, it's in every timeline. He's still taking the time to adapt to a peaceful timeline where nothing's wrong. Has memory problems, and keeps a notepad in his pocket to remember everything crucial. Sometimes he has to be reminded to eat, because he forgets. Will appreciate anyone being patient with him. He can be a liiiittle bit of an asshole sometimes but we still love him.
Another guy that absolutely loves gossip, often talking about it with Black. He can be a little loud sometimes without meaning to be, due to his hearing struggles. Got his teeth and eyes fixed a few months after living in the universe, has a little gap between his front teeth. He loooves making sweaters for everybody, and acts a lot like a Mom friend. After taking classes he became one of the better cooks of the group!
I have a more detailed post about this guy already so if you want elaboration go there, but i can describe him in two words:
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vacantgodling · 2 months
hiiiiii work is wild today. so i have a question for you.
i'd like to hear about some of the different foods available in tcol!! regional delicacies, staple crops, rare treats... anything you can offer me.
or, alternatively, tell me about some of the main cast's favorite and least favorite foods!
oo this is an interesting question in the sense that food, flora, and fauna are like my least favorite worldbuilding things so... i tend to build them in such a "dude because i said so" kind of way. there is no rhyme or reason to it it just has to happen when i need to think of something LMAO
all of that to say this will be extremely all over the place PFF.
so the one food i DEFINITELY know exists is a labyrinth honey loaf, which is like... basically a sweet bread. i mention it in mukul's profile, because that's currently his biggest goal--to make the perfect batch of one of these. the reason it's so difficult to make is that it basically requires labyrinth honey, which needs to be tempered like chocolate. but its hard to temper because its slightly explosive if you cook it at the wrong temperature, or it just turns to uneatable sludge. its an absolute delicacy if you can make it correctly though and that's why he's very fixated on it atm. (he loves baking). so i think a lot of labyrinth foods from its strange flora and fauna are just kind of Like That. amazing if you know how to cook it but absolutely dangerous to try and work with LMAO.
when it comes to regional delicacies.... i gotta get more into the weeds of city worldbuilding. each major city in terrae is basically its own cultural center (though some influence each other; kingsburrow and lathsbury aren't too different culturally because they're so close to one another and were established at p much the same time in history) and i have somewhat vague inclinations about each of these... but its sort of next on my list of to dos.... my long... neverending list of to dos..... (y'all should see how long the timeline is now and if i told you how much shit i still needed to figure out... GOD) anyway though; i do know that Diisaians in general are huge drinkers.
in general, one of the first crops in terrae that existed was because of the god of harvest, alcohol, and partying KIBARUM waaaay back in like the 100s, when eros and argos were first being established. and that was a crop which i'm just worldbuilding on the fly rn but its kind of a cross between wheat and rice. like similar properties of both. don't ask me how it works, idk man. but its something that can be grown dry in one way and creates a certain staple grain, but the same crop can also be grown in marshy/swampy lands like how rice is grown (cuz eros and argos are very marshy/swampy) and it acts differently. a multifacted, fast growing crop that can be manipulated in a variety of ways based on the fact that in the early days of terrae, shit was BAD bro like 2/3 of the pop was passing away like every year or something ridiculous like that due to monsters until the citadel of Argos was finally finished.
but that's more into the history weeds and my forte and not related to the question at hand so i will steeeeer away from that.
said crop... which i will name eventually... can be made in a multitude of ways like i said like it can make breads, porridges, slurries, meals (like corn meal or grits), etc. its pretty much the basis for the terranean diet altogether because its so versatile. the only place where it doesn't grow is kiskkaddon because kisk is a giant "all consuming" desert. tm.
in kiskkaddon and diisai, speaking of, they're the only places on all of terrae where there are "wild monsters" aka monsters who were not driven by lath and ensio into the labyrinth, just bc those lands weren't connected to terraneans and terraneans ventured into those lands tm. they live virtually alongside monsters in these regions and have created cultures centered around fending off and killing these free roam monsters, who, tend to be weaker (but still a problem) than labyrinth monsters bc they aren't affected by the influence of either The Thicket or The Demon King (i'm just saying words at you now sorry). all of this to say, diisians and kisks are very good at cooking monster parts, better than other mainland terraneans.
i could keep going to stall but tbh that's a long enough rant. i need to figure all of this out more anyway, but first things first i gotta name this crop LMAO
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just-a-carrot · 2 months
Hello Carrot!
Ok so I was the anonymous poly asker but since I wanna draw some of the Au’s I yapped about I don’t see a reason to ask anonymously anymore.
that and I was originally soo terrified of asking a question cause I’ve been in many many toxic fandoms (I had to be hyped up to even originally ask my question )
First of all, this fandom has been one of the nicest and most respectful fan bases I’ve ever encountered.
Second, Ow was one of the first media’s to ever make me shed a tear I honestly loved everything about Ow (I also developed I mini obsession with Jerry, that and I sounded like an absolute crazy person playing the game while on call with friends and during arc 5 I out of nowhere yelled “NO MOTHER JERRY”)
But the reason I wrote Is because I got an Au idea and ist been plaguing my mind all day.
Basically at the end of every arc Iggy wished for smt and the two that stuck with me where the wish he never existed and the wanting to make his friends happy one.
And in the Au that popped up he kinda gets that wish with everyone waking up back at home with like a déjà vu feeling and since I think bucks ended up there too ig the reason she goes to wonderland is to save their kid.
They all end up in Wonderland at the same time with the feeling of wanting to find smt and end up hearing a conversation of one of the bunny soldiers scolding someone for exploring all by himself and that dinner would be soon.
Fast forward and their at the town and find the younger versions of Bucks and Gidget and they offer to take them “home” witch is similar to Gidget’s house in arc 5 but with the downstairs area being filled with toys and plushies with caretaker bunnies running around and the upstairs being more nicer and put together kinda like an apartment
They they end up meeting Iggy who’s like also kind of a caretaker with him occasionally joining the kids for dinner or to play games with them on their request (which refers slightly back to the wanting to make all his friends happy wish)
But the others want him back of course, which would lead to like a minor conflict of him not wanting to leave the kids but also wanting to make Wonderland safer because it was not safe when he first entered etc.
I’d dunno how I’d end it might make a comic about it cause I feel like there’s some potential in the Au I’ll have to see.
I’ll most likely take a brake of asking questions (and also learn to yapp less) to focus more on drawing Ow stuff until I get a good grip on how to draw everyone.
Again soo sorry for yapping this much 
ahhhhhh i'm sorry you felt nervous!! i get it though it's really hard for me too to reach out or message someone / send in an ask, etc.
i never mind long asks! though i don't always know how to respond very well all the time lkdjfad so you'll have to sometimes forgive me. and hahaha i'm really glad you liked jerry!!
that sounds really interesting. like an AU where somehow the kid versions of them are also there in wonderland or something?? unless i'm misunderstanding. admittedly the "make my friends happy" wish was the wish he made AS a kid (and why he's now stuck in loops trying to make them all happy, except that he can't), but i could see like, some interesting possibilities where it somehow becomes even more morphed and convoluted with the different versions or something, perhaps if like, there just get to be too many different timelines so they all start to converge perhaps. i've never thought about something like that before
a version of wonderland that's NOT all messed up even when they're adults would be particularly interesting to explore. well, i suppose that's what bucks, gidget, and orlam experienced at first when they first went in LOL
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reddy-reads · 2 months
moon day books (books for 7/20/24)
Moon Day* is coming up, and that sounds like as good an excuse as any for talking about some books
Here's my list, rationale is below the jump
The Lady Astronaut series by Mary Robinette Kowal
by Becky Chambers, Record of a Spaceborn Few (or The Galaxy, and the Ground Within. Or Psalm for the Wild-Built)
The Last Hero by Terry Pratchett
So You Want to be a Wizard by Diane Duane
The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin
Martha Wells's Murderbot Diaries series
*Moon Day is the anniversary of the first Moon Landing, July 20 :) I'm aware it's not really a holiday but I love the idea
The Lady Astronaut series by Mary Robinette Kowal This is a really excellent series. It's an alternative history of space travel. It has lots of women, and there are characters of colors (although they're thus far limited to the supporting cast). They're exciting, emotional, and gripping. I loved these books.
SUMMARY: A meteor decimates the U.S. government and paves the way for a climate cataclysm that will eventually render the earth inhospitable to humanity. This looming threat calls for a radically accelerated timeline in the earth’s efforts to colonize space, as well as an unprecedented opportunity for a much larger share of humanity to take part. One of these new entrants in the space race is Elma York, whose experience as a WASP pilot and mathematician earns her a place in the International Aerospace Coalition’s attempts to put man on the moon. But with so many skilled and experienced women pilots and scientists involved with the program, it doesn’t take long before Elma begins to wonder why they can’t go into space, too—aside from some pesky barriers like thousands of years of history and a host of expectations about the proper place of the fairer sex. And yet, Elma’s drive to become the first Lady Astronaut is so strong that even the most dearly held conventions may not stand a chance.
2. One of Becky Chamber's books, probably Record of a Spaceborn Few or perhaps the Galaxy, and the Ground Within.
These are both standalone set in the same series. Record of a Spaceborn Few follows multiple characters whose lives intersect but are not especially intertwined. All these characters live on or are visiting the Human Fleet, which is the uh the… vessels that humans left the Earth on, as we jettisoned ourselves into space? I mentioned this one a little while back in conjunction with the waves hands Ship of Theseus and museology thing. The Galaxy, and the Ground Within like… doesn't have humans in it? It's basically a book-long bottle episodes, and it has themes of what is the significance art, what does it mean to negotiate one's identity as an individual and with respect to one's group identity. (By this I mostly mean like. the characters are all nonhuman alien species, and several of them negotiate their relationship between being a "typical" whatever vs being themselves.) One thing I love about Becky Chambers's books is that the aliens actually feel alien to me. They don't just feel like a different kind of human, they feel like they have meaningfully different biology and this affects their worldview.
Also on my Becky Chambers thoughts is her book Psalm for the Wild Built. I love how she spins the setting, presenting a very rosy concept of how humans could renegotiate our use of the planet we live on. One of the appeals of the Lady Astronaut series (above) is the realism. For the Psalm for the Wild Built, it's kind of the opposite; I love the… almost courage of imagining "what if we collectively did do better? What might that look like?" In a world where cynicism seems like a pragmatic form of self-protection, this sort of imagining almost seems brave.
3. For a slightly off the wall book idea, how about Sir Terry Pratchett's The Last Hero?
I love this book, it's a relatively quick read due to its format. The art is gorgeous. The story is wry and warm in that special Discworld way, and altitude is a factor in the story :) So that's the moon connection.
Cohen the Barbarian. He's been a legend in his own lifetime. He can remember the good old days of high adventure, when being a Hero meant one didn't have to worry about aching backs and lawyers and civilization. But these days, he can't always remember just where he put his teeth… So now, with his ancient (yet still trusty) sword and new walking stick in hand, Cohen gathers a group of his old -- very old -- friends to embark on one final quest. He's going to climb the highest mountain of Discworld and meet the gods. It's time the Last Hero in the world returns what the first hero stole. Trouble is, that'll mean the end of the world, if no one stops him in time.
4. As a YA lover, I have to include a shout-out for So You Want to be a Wizard by Diane Duane. This is the first of the Young Wizards series, which I love, and the characters (and I believe Ms Duane) LOVE the moon. It's really heartwarming, it reminds me of those videos of the astronaut talking about what going to the moon means to him.
Nita Callahan is at the end of her rope because of the bullies who've been hounding her at school… until she discovers a mysterious library book that promises her the chance to become a wizard. But she has no idea of the difference that taking the Wizard's Oath is going to make in her life. Shortly, in company with fellow beginner-wizard Kit Rodriguez, Nita's catapulted into what will be the adventure of a lifetime—if she and Kit can both live through it. For every wizard's career starts with an Ordeal in which he or she must challenge the one power in the universe that hates wizardry more than anything else: the Lone Power that invented death and turned it loose in the worlds. Plunged into a dark and deadly alternate New York full of the Lone One's creatures, Kit and Nita must venture into the very heart of darkness to find the stolen, legendary Book of Night with Moon. Only with the dangerous power of the wizardly Book do they have a chance to save not just their own lives, but their world…
5. Not to be cheeky, but if that's too wholesome, perhaps The Fifth Season by NK Jemisin will hit the spot? :D
This is the way the world ends. Again. Three terrible things happen in a single day. Essun, a woman living an ordinary life in a small town, comes home to find that her husband has brutally murdered their son and kidnapped their daughter. Meanwhile, mighty Sanze -- the world-spanning empire whose innovations have been civilization's bedrock for a thousand years -- collapses as most of its citizens are murdered to serve a madman's vengeance. And worst of all, across the heart of the vast continent known as the Stillness, a great red rift has been torn into the heart of the earth, spewing ash enough to darken the sky for years. Or centuries. Now Essun must pursue the wreckage of her family through a deadly, dying land. Without sunlight, clean water, or arable land, and with limited stockpiles of supplies, there will be war all across the Stillness: a battle royale of nations not for power or territory, but simply for the basic resources necessary to get through the long dark night. Essun does not care if the world falls apart around her. She'll break it herself, if she must, to save her daughter.
6. Final one. Why not use Moon Day as an excuse to reread Martha Well's Murderbot Diaries books? (Paper-thin excuse: MB's favorite TV show is… sanctuary moon!)
In a corporate-dominated space-faring future, planetary missions must be approved and supplied by the Company. For their own safety, exploratory teams are accompanied by Company-supplied security androids. But in a society where contracts are awarded to the lowest bidder, safety isn’t a primary concern. On a distant planet, a team of scientists is conducting surface tests, shadowed by their Company-supplied ‘droid--a self-aware SecUnit that has hacked its own governor module and refers to itself (though never out loud) as “Murderbot.” Scornful of humans, Murderbot wants is to be left alone long enough to figure out who it is, but when a neighboring mission goes dark, it's up to the scientists and Murderbot to get to the truth.
[I said I wasn't going to add Andy Weir's The Martian because it's a gimme, but I'm a liar! I also love The Martian. Yes I know it's on Mars, not the moon, but! Humans! In! Spaaaaace!]
If you made it this far, what do you think? What books does "moon day" make you think of? Which books are on YOUR list?
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reirexx · 2 years
Idk why this personal shigadabi playlist of mine somehow made a story/fic timeline? Like, hear me OuT- //btw I've never written anything so pardon me-
The two have been together ever since the first ever they decided to take a first step to getting along when in need of working together. They tolerated each other first after days, weeks, months even, of denying their not-so-different background after opening up to each other one day on a rooftop after hours, sharing some smokes courtesy of Dabi being the influencer. It was funny given how Dabi is the type to keep everything to himself, yet there he was, borderline vent out to his boss. And vice versa. They both understand how not giving any two cents after is respectable, it was the last thing they need anyway. Months of a relationship have lasted enough for them to get comfortable around each other. They even share a room under the hideout roof.
You see, Shigaraki is the one who has the tendency to question —everything— in this defective funky relationship. He's very verbal, contradicting Dabi in which he'd prefer to act it out rather than spew meaningless empty words. He had enough of empty compromising words from his father back then, so words are more likely meant to be empty unless it's acted out. Yet whenever Shigaraki would call him beautiful every time they kissed, he'd melt away. He's literally smitten.
Honestly, it was a game of cat and mouse, pulling and pushing, but they managed to get things through. Unfortunately one day, they had a significant disagreement on both ends.
For Shigaraki he couldn't even figure out what he had to say to save this relationship, and as for Dabi, he did the wrong thing to leave him alone in his thoughts and began his self-destructive routine. It was torturous. Shigaraki couldn't be saved from his ongoing anxiety-inducing thoughts unless there was an external factor that could ease up his mind. Dabi's been the reason Shigaraki is calm and collected whenever he's around. But Dabi likes to run. He would leave the premise to calm himself up before he could ever backfire the situation on himself. Sure hurting Shigaraki was probably the best answer for the conflict they have inflicted on, but seeing him getting hurt was another thing he'd never forgive himself for. Shigaraki loathe the idea of separation. He ended up pinning the hatred onto Dabi. He could've easily dusted him out of his existence, but Shigaraki also loathes the idea of where Dabi is gone forever. They're both in a dilemma for a good amount of time. They weren't even sure if they were still a thing or not.
It's been long enough for both of them to be in their withdrawal stage. But eventually, they adapted to their own situations. Keeping their distance even in the same room was probably best for them to keep everything to themselves. Ever so slightly though, they'd steal a glance at each other. Fickle of moments where they were together would crawl out. They —hate— it.
How they relied on each other, how they were both the most thoughtful of each other, how they both understood each other, how calming it was for Shigaraki to be around Dabi, how amusing it was for Dabi to tease the hell out of Shigaraki, how admittedly jealous Dabi was whenever he sees Shigaraki game with Spinner sometimes, how addicting it was for them kissing all of the scars they have on each other every night, how they were all over each other. How basically perfect they are for each other.
Dabi couldn't take it, his thoughts were running all over the place. He even almost got himself exposed and probably killed on his scouting. So he chose to drown it out by drinking a. lot. one day. That was where Shigaraki found him by his bedroom door. Honestly, the man himself was unfazed yet very much anxious. Dabi was about to pass out by then but thankfully still functioned enough for Shigaraki to easily dragged him inside and let him rest on his bed for the night. Shigaraki sometimes knew Dabi would recklessly drink to the brink of passing out to avoid problems, or in a recent case, runoff. As Shigaraki was about to go out and decided to crash on the couch, Dabi said something Shigaraki wished he was rather be deaf for.
"You're the only one, Shig."
Then there was a long pause, Shigaraki wasn't sure if he should reciprocate or not.
"I admit.. it was scary at first knowing I'm capable of.. the fuckin L word." Dabi scoffed. Shigaraki could sense Dabi grimaced at that even without looking, but he would also do about the same anyway.
"You've changed me in a way that made me feel human again somehow."
"You should sober up."
"No. Shut the fuck up and let me do the talking now, and I'm sure as hell I will remember shits."
Shigaraki decided to turn around and finally face him, still keeping a good distance.
"It was very wrong of me, I knew. But really it was best for me also to distance myself from you given I know how overwhelming this can be for you. All the things you said to me, I know damn well you mean it. And I'm very grateful for that. For everything you did too. Frankly.. I don't want us to separate, ever."
Dabi sat up to meet the red eyes staring, honestly, those eyes were the first thing he had fallen for. "I don't expect you to forgive me, I just wanted you to know how much I've been introspecting myself for us. Well, if you want this to continue that is. I-" he paused, almost choking on his words "And I'd agree to whatever really... Just, let's drop this, Shig. We had many fights before but this one.. for once in a lifetime I regret choosing the fleeing option. You did say I could have anyone I want, right? Well, I'm sorry to say that I only want you, no one else."
Shigaraki stood there astonished, for once he couldn't say anything. He stepped closer holding out his hand and hovered it beside Dabi's face.
"Just say the word, Shig. Then I won't bother you anymore. You can decide."
Shigaraki couldn't come up with something that could be the answer to that, no. He was sure he didn't want Dabi out of his life, and he finally got the things he always wanted with him around. Though with how he implied it, he thought he had enough of him on his end. But he kept it at bay to prevent any more damage and repeat the thing he probably did on his term that landed them in this situation. With how little Dabi talks anything can be so ambiguous. Poor Shigaraki with his next to zero knowledge of relationships, well that was before Dabi. They really have been influencing each other to be a better version of themselves, on their own term that is. He knew one way.
Shigaraki lifted up Dabi's jaw for him to meet his gaze only in a matter of seconds before closing the distance between them. He could feel Dabi tense up a little before finally melting on Shigaraki's touch, he reciprocated well at that. Dabi hooked his arm around Shigaraki's neck to hold him and Shigaraki's around Dabi's waist, they needed it. Eventually, they had to break the contact for some air, their foreheads touching.
"If you're dying to know, I'd say let's keep this. Heck even stay by my side, always, please."
"Your pleading is the last thing I want to hear, I'd unconditionally give everything I have of me, boss." Dabi slurred out his words.
"Dumbass." Shigaraki chuckled under his breath, relieved at how things turned out.
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enigmatic-prismatic · 1 month
hello hi what are your ocs called and what do they do
You weren't specific with a fandom so I'll just ramble abt the general stuff of the ones I can remember rn,,, this will likely be alot
Madoka magica, the human witches(idk if I can call them ocs but ehhh) are a bit self-explanatory, I haven't actually fully figured out a story though, they're just humanized versions of the holy quintets witches that find themselves in present time
Creatures of Sonaria, my oc-universe and story is the most fleshed out ig for this fandom- chapter one is based around the events and happening that all lead up towards the defeat of the void god who desired to consume the universe, and there are multiple different endings to the first part,,, I haven't figured out the next chapter
Rain world, all of my stuff for this fandom is a huge wip and I'm still working on the general timeline even(and im a lil scared to talk abt them)- I consider my oc stuff au because it probably wouldn't make any sense in whats there in canon rw, but for my ancient lady- best I can give you rn is that she's an ancient who did not wish to die, rather, wanted eternity and preservation so she experimented with the possibility of an iterator that could completely repair themselves when needed and didn't require as much resources but could still do as much as the others- with how the giant supercomputers seemingly fucked up the world's cycles but idrk, her first even slightly successful attempt was that white iterator I've shown(no name yet) but she could hardly consider them a success with how she could just barely do her purpose(she got better at moving around and repairing herself but creator stopped caring and left before that) and only had a slight decrease in resources needed. Ancient lady moved on and started making an "iterator" that didn't even have a structure eventually resulting in the creation of Terror after who knows how many attempts
I'll talk a bit about a couple of my favorite ocs, but it's mostly creatures of sonaria
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Technically the same person, my favorite out of all my characters- Lorcan and Faolán! Humans and things on earth get thrown into sonaria via getting snatched by the void(lor arriving was an accident).... I'm not too sure how to explain the full story atm, but mentally unstable child eventually becomes god and rewrites the universe- then creates a puppet body to exist in the world again, that puppet being Faolán
(Size of humans are also alot bigger than the game, regular angelic wardens are around 7 ft to them)
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Second fav, td! A creation of the void who escaped the god's rule and rebelled. Mf basically went on a whole ahh journey to gain the ability to heal others after his adoptive mother got murdered and got well over 10x the trauma along the way. Atleast he gets an actually good boyfriend in present time?
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Ami, a girl from the same forgotten town as lorcan- she's one of the closest people to him! Kinda, they grew up together but started to drift apart. What happens with her really depends on the timeline
...I've said alot
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multiverse-imagines · 2 years
1. Are Knives and Vash still plants or are they regular humans?
2. Do Knives' fanbase know about the polycule? Have they seen MC on stream by accident or on purpose, if at all? Do they ship the crew in any way, as fanbases usually do?
3. Do they all live in the same house? Like do Knives, Vash, Wolfwood and Legato live in the same house as the MC or do they all live on their own?
4. Any chance for a tooth-rotting fluff fic? Absolute 100% fluff? Please?
I absolutely adore your AU, I love love love how you write the crew!!! I think it was really nice how Knives was worried for Vash in the laser tag fic. I understand if you don't wanna release too much about the au, but I'm already a massive fan!! Keep going!!
Omg thanks for enjoying my reverse isekai stuff!!! I've been writing it for 13 months now, and it's word count is nearly at 60k!
I don't often share much about it, because it's such a work close to my heart. When I write for it, I'm making it completely a personal fic, and it's basically my maladaptive daydreaming in script. If I do publish anything from it, anything I share is altered and made vague to suit a general audience. In addition, it's like, 70% smut, and I don't feel 100% comfortable sharing my sex life with my partners on the internet (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
During the laser tag fic, I didn't intend on having Vash, or anyone, get triggered, but sometimes the characters write themselves. Knives and Vash have a surprisingly close relationship, and hang out quite often!
Now for your questions,
1. Yes! This is a straight pull Isekai. Vash and Knives are immortal, and have plant powers. They do their best not to think about what they'll do without mc when they pass, but at least they'll have each other on earth like they always wanted.
Also noting that this brotherhood works because they're from slightly different timelines, Knives being of the manga, and Vash from T98. They both acknowledge they're only 99% related, and it makes the grudges they would have had fallen away, and allow them to start over.
2. I have a bit about Knives' fanbase learning about MC. It's super cute, and I'll tag you when I post it! (I should probably make a reverse Isekai tag list…) MC is already an underground person if media as well, being a successful audiobook narrator.
as for the polycule, as far as the world knows, the polycule is filled with "Trigun kinnies" people who have dedicated their entire lives to being the essence of the character they adore. (Some people who figured it out, don't really say anything because why?)
The polycule itself is very messy, and the fans just kind of roll with it. They basically tag their Trigun fanart with things like #Impiricule (imperium polycule) I need to post an update picture of the polycule later. A lot has happened after the laser tag story. New characters, new adventures, etc, and I'd also like to post a generalized timeline as well.
Also, within the fanbase are the other characters from other media who kinda help keep his secret. Tamaki Suoh insists the two of them went to elementary school together in Virginia, and 29 year old All-Might and Knives were "college roommates" Different characters from various media end up on Earth all the time, apparently it's the Elric Brother's fault.
3. Yes! They do all live in the same house for at least the polycule. There are a few characters of Trigun who aren't in the polycule who live elsewhere. As for other media, they usually end up bonding over being displaced entities, and being online friends.
4. I'll pick out a fluffy bit, or make one, and I'll tag you when I post it! Thanks again for all the questions! It makes me so happy to hear you like it!!!
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