#they’re so unhinged and I love them for it
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bunnis-monsters · 2 days ago
How would the bee hybrids (the one with a human queen) react to their queen being loved by normal bees. Like they actually tend to be around her most of the time and get angry if any of them gets closer without the queen telling them it's okay.
Like lil guardians
They’d be pretty jealous honestly!
All those bees get to hover around you, buzzing and landing on your soft skin… but when THEY hold on tightly to your body while buzzing and licking the sweat off your brow suddenly they’re being clingy??
It’s not fair!
It’s clear the pheromones you’re producing by becoming the human queen of the hive are not only attracting your bee hybrid subjects, but bees in general.
At first you tried to shoo them off, but now that they stuck by your side you can finally get some time to yourself without a bee hybrid wanting to hang off of you like some kind of needy toddler.
I mean you already have the baby bees, you don’t need your fully grown mates nearly suffocating you with their affection.
If you don’t give them enough attention, though, they may take drastic measures and kill the normal bees.
I think I’ve said this before, but the bee hybrids are so loyal, dedicated, and slightly unhinged with you that they border on being yandere.
You already have a hive full of bee hybrids, why would you even want the normal variety? They can’t produce nearly enough honey to satisfy you, and they can’t fill you with eggs!
Your poor hive will be so pouty, you’ll end up having to bring the bees to a beekeeper. Of course you’re escorted by armed guards who nearly decapitate the poor guy for getting too close to their queen…
There’s a lot you have to put up with lol.
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covenofagatha · 3 days ago
The psychology of love (Part 3)
Your first date with Morgan and a lesson in defense mechanisms and the delay of gratification
Word count: 4.1k
Warnings: none yet, slowburn
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Morgan and you go out to dinner the next day. You had seriously been considering just never texting her and making more of an effort to avoid her, but Wanda and Nat pestered you continuously during breakfast until you had given in. 
Turns out, you were both free that night. 
You had a class in the evening, so you meet her at the pizza place off-campus after. She’s wearing a light blue dress that brings out the color in her eyes and her Black Opium perfume makes you wish there was someone different sitting in front of you. 
“Did you have a good day?” she asks while you’re waiting for your pizzas to be done cooking. The awkwardness of a first date is hanging over you, coupled with the fact that her fingers were inside you on Monday. You’re still a little shocked that happened. 
But you nod and smile. Morgan is nice, and she’s trying. The least you could do is try as well. “Yeah, I had two classes. They’re both pretty easy. My hardest are definitely Physiological Psych and Personality Psych.” 
Even the mention of the latter makes your stomach clench. Agatha has wormed her way into your brain and you don’t know how to get her out. The perfume you ordered should be here tomorrow and you regret buying it. 
Realistically, what are you going to do with it? You can’t wear it—both Morgan and Agatha will pick up on it. It’d be absolutely pathetic to spray your pillow with it and imagine it’s Agatha next to you, plus Wanda would surely wonder about that. 
Which means you spent one-hundred dollars on a bottle of perfume that’s going to sit on your desk and serve as a reminder that you’re delusional. 
A waitress brings over your personal pizzas and sets them down in front of you, steam billowing off. 
Morgan’s looking at you, a little expectantly, and you clear your throat. “How was your day?” you ask, realizing that you never returned the question.
“Pretty good, thanks. I had an International Relations class. We already have a quiz next Tuesday, which is crazy considering this was our second day of meeting.” You learned that she’s a Political Science major while you were waiting in line for pizza. 
She doesn’t say anything else, so you chew on your lip and try to think of ways to get the conversation going. “So…how did you get into political science?” At least her face brightens at that. 
“My dad works in local government and I’ve always been really interested in it. I’ve interned at his office since I was probably sixteen? I’ll be able to get a job with him once I graduate and then hopefully I can be elected for something,” she says before launching into a few stories about town halls that she’s been a part of. She’s from a small town in Indiana and the people there are apparently a little unhinged.
Morgan’s just telling you about a petition one man started to make his birthday a town holiday when the door to the restaurant opens and a familiar face walks in. 
It’s Agatha’s standoffish TA. Morgan is still talking but your eyes follow Rio as she walks up to the counter and shows them her phone. The lady nods and picks up a boxed pizza that’s sitting next to her and hands it to Rio. 
As she’s walking to the exit, she tilts her head over to you like she feels you staring. You quickly look away but in your periphery, you can see her coming closer until you have no choice but to crane your neck up at her. 
“You’re in Professor Harkness’s class, aren’t you?” Rio asks, but it’s more of a statement than a question. She obviously remembers you from Agatha’s office yesterday. 
You nod and she chuckles amusedly, tongue bulging in her cheek. Her complete one-eighty of a personality change is throwing you off. 
Rio glances at Morgan and then back to you, a gleam in her eyes. “Good luck.” Before you can ask what she means—is she talking about Agatha’s class? talking about Morgan?—she shifts the pizza in her arms and strolls out the door without looking back. 
Morgan raises an eyebrow at you. “That was weird.” 
You choose to not say anything and take a bite of your pizza, instantly wincing when it burns your mouth. “Did the man get his petition approved?” you refer to what she had been talking about before Rio, and Morgan dives back into that memory. 
She talks for most of dinner, only really taking a break while she’s eating, and then you walk her to her car. Thankfully, neither of you wants to hang out in the resultant once you’re both done with your food. She’s parked right in front whereas you had to find a spot in the garage behind the row of restaurants. 
“Do you want me to give you a ride to your car?” Morgan offers and you pretend to think about it before shaking your head. 
“No, that’s okay. It’s not very far.” There’s a minute of silent shuffling while you both try to figure out how to end the date. “Um, well I had a great time with you tonight. Let’s do this again soon?” 
She smiles warmly. “I’d love that.” And then Morgan leans in to press a quick kiss to your cheek before getting in her car. Her perfume drifts into your nostrils and lingers and you hear Agatha’s voice telling you that you did very good. Heat flashes through you but you tamp it down. 
You wait until Morgan drives off before turning to head to the parking garage, but you see another person that you know in the shadows. 
Professor Harkness. 
Your heart lurches as she pushes off the building wall she was leaning against and steps into the light. She’s wearing blue pants and a matching blazer over a black turtleneck. The gold from her necklace catches the streetlamp glow. Her long, loose hair frames her face and you can see her blue eyes glinting even in the dark.
Swallowing roughly, you irrationally worry that she’s going to be mad about you and Morgan. A part of you wants her to be mad. 
But she just smirks instead. “Dinner with a friend?” 
“Something like that,” you mutter, shrugging inconspicuously. “What are you doing here?” It seems like she’s waiting for someone—a date? Not that it matters, of course. You just want insight into your mysterious teacher. 
She moves closer to you, close enough so you can smell her perfume. It’s getting really fucking confusing with both Agatha and Morgan wearing the same scent. “I’m just picking up dinner,” she hums. “Nothing as exciting as you.” 
Your cheeks burn. “That wasn’t anything, just a first date. We met at a party a few days ago.” When I let her fuck me because she reminded me of you.
Agatha nods like she knows something you don’t. “Do you remember learning about defense mechanisms?” 
“In a general psych class, did you ever learn about defense mechanisms? Freudian methodology, of course, that believes our ego unconsciously wants to protect the superego from the id when we do something that would otherwise cause us anxiety, guilt, and shame.” 
“I mean, yeah?” You’ve heard of them, but why is she bringing them up? 
She waves a hand at your apparent confusion. “We’ll get more into them later in the semester. I just think it’s neat, you know? How we can be doing something and not even be aware that we’re doing it. Denial, rationalization,” she fixes you with a pointed look, “transference. The mind does really work in interesting ways.” 
You nod and bite your nails, not sure what to say. It feels like you’re missing something by a mile.
But Agatha just smiles. “See you tomorrow in class, hon.” She winks before leaving you outside and you slowly trudge back to your car, completely dumbfounded. 
Once you get back to your dorm, the conversation with Agatha still fresh in your mind, you halfheartedly return Wanda’s greeting and take out your computer and type “transference” into Google. 
Transference is the psychological phenomenon where someone redirects feelings from one person onto another. It occurs when someone unconsciously projects feelings or desires onto someone else. 
“Holy shit,” you say out loud, your blood running cold. Wanda’s head turns toward you but it’s like you have tunnel vision. 
Was Agatha implying that you going out with Morgan is you redirecting your feelings toward your professor onto someone who looks like her? 
Your heart is thumping so loud you can hear it. Are you being that obvious to Agatha? Can she tell that you have a crush on her? 
As if to make matters worse, you get an email notification saying that a package has been delivered—the perfume. A whole day early, like the universe wants to prove its point. 
You let it sit in the delivery room all night because you don’t trust yourself not to go crazy if you smell it right now. 
But you barely get any sleep at all just thinking about it. 
The next morning, Wanda and Nat interrogate you at breakfast. You had told Wanda the general basics of how the date had gone last night, but now they’re pressing you for the details, which you reluctantly give. 
“It was good, she spent a lot of time talking about interning for her town’s government. She’s a Poli-Sci major—” Nat scoffs and rolls her eyes and Wanda laughs, “—and apparently her dad is like the mayor or a council member? I don’t know, I mean, she’s nice and all…” 
“Oh, come on,” Wanda says, fond exasperation staining her voice. “You always do this. You meet a great girl and then you decide that she’s boring or that you don’t really like her or you make one tiny thing of their personality into a big problem. Why can’t you just let yourself have something?” 
It stings how well she knows you. “I just…I don’t know…I’m just not sure we’d work that well together. And it doesn’t really make sense to get into a relationship now, does it? We’re graduating in the spring so why start something new if we’re going to end up in different places? She wants to go back to Indiana and I’ll probably stay here or go back home, so it just doesn’t seem like there’s much of a point.” 
Nat looks unimpressed. “Really? That’s your excuse for why you’re going to self-sabotage? If only long-distance was a thing, god.” 
Wanda pats her girlfriend’s hand and stifles a smirk at the sarcasm. “Just because it’s not going to end in marriage doesn’t mean it’s not worth it,” she says gently. “Why not go on a few more dates, just to see what happens? And who knows? She could be worth it.” 
It won’t work because she’s not at least twice my age. Except you can’t exactly tell your friends that. So instead you say, “Yeah, maybe.” 
“Even if it’s not a relationship, it could be a friends-with-benefits situation,” Natasha adds and Wanda snorts. “You’ve already had sex with her so you already know what you’d be getting into.” 
“Okay, okay,” you grimace at her crassness and push your chair back. “I have to get to class.” 
You have about twenty minutes before it starts, so you’re not in a rush, but you need the walk to clear your head and mentally prepare for seeing Agatha. The quip about transference has you still reeling and it’s only the third day of this class but it’s already the second time you’ve been nervous to look at her. You’re not sure you can get in trouble for having a crush on a teacher but you certainly don’t want Agatha being uncomfortable around you.
So you’ll keep your distance. You’ll go to class and take notes and answer questions, but you’ll leave right after. You won’t let her praise affect you and you will definitely not get close enough to smell her perfume that makes your cunt pulse. 
Practically everything you were just thinking goes out the window when you walk into class and see her standing at the front of the room. 
Agatha’s wearing another turtleneck, white this time, under a tan blazer and matching pants. You wonder if she’s been wearing them to hide hickeys on her neck—but then you remind yourself that you don’t care, despite the growing feeling of jealousy in your stomach from your absolutely baseless speculations. 
She smiles at you, something dark hidden behind her pink lips, and you shiver as you sit down. Does she know what she does to you? The praises, the projection tests from Wednesday, the way she looks at you? 
She seems to like you more than the other students in the class—is that just because you answer questions? Does she encourage you for that because she needs someone to? You’ve had classes where absolutely no one would talk and it was awful. Her praising you for that could just be her way of making sure there’s not an awkward silence. 
But it feels direct, pointed even. Like she wants it to be you.
Or is that just you hoping? 
Agatha isn’t the first teacher you’ve had a crush on, not by a long shot. There was the English teacher when you were in eighth grade. She wasn’t even your teacher, but you still found excuses to talk to her. There was your ninth grade Biology teacher, and then you took her Environmental Science class senior year just to have her again. Your Developmental Psychology professor from the spring semester of your first year in college. You’re sure there’s more. Each time, though, you were certain that you were special. 
Each time, you were sorely disappointed, but not surprised. 
You want to say that it feels different with Agatha, but you need to get a grip on yourself. 
She’s in her late forties, at least. She might have a partner. You glance at her hands as she’s typing something on the computer. No ring. That doesn’t mean anything, you tell yourself. 
But she could get in serious trouble for sleeping with a student. If everything else worked out, if all the other stars aligned and by some way, she did want you, she’d never risk her job over that. She has two doctorates and has published multiple articles about her research, which you’ve been meaning to read, and has won several awards for her work. She’s devoted her whole life to psychology and you are not going to change that. 
Agatha may tease, but at the end of the day, you feel confident that she will never be anything but professional, which means that you really need to get over this. 
“Okay, getting back into Trait Theory,” Agatha starts and you scramble for your notebook. She clicks present on the slideshow and you begin scribbling down everything typed on the first slide. “Theorists who approach personality through the Trait approach want to know what exactly traits are and what they do. Do they describe how we behave? Are they a sum of all we’ve learned? Do they reflect underlying personality? Are they the building blocks of our personality?” 
You chew on the tip of your pen and Agatha’s eyes flick to you with a glint in them. Her lips twitch up and you freeze. 
“The problem with traits is that people are inconsistent. We act one way when we’re by ourselves and a different way when we’re with friends versus family versus professors versus romantic partners. So do situations predict behavior more than personality traits?” 
Agatha surveys the classroom expectantly so you hesitantly raise your hand, wheels turning in your head trying to think of a sophisticated response. She smirks and nods at you. “I mean, I think situations obviously have some part in how we act, but it’s not like we’re completely different people based on who we’re interacting with. It could be kind of like, what traits do we use more of when we’re with some people and what traits do we use less of?” 
Her brows furrow and you can see her mulling it over. “So you’re saying that we have a bank of traits, of consistent traits, but which ones we tap into depends on who we’re with?” 
“Yes?” Your voice wavers but you hold eye contact with her. 
Agatha hums thoughtfully. “Very good. I like that.” Your cheeks flush and you duck your head, the eye contact becoming too intense. “And it brings us to an interesting thought. I want everyone to write down how you consider yourself personality-wise. And then write down some traits you’d use to describe your best friends.” 
You write some general words down for you and then for Wanda and Nat. It’s hard to sum someone’s personality up like that. Glancing around the room, you see everyone’s still working so you pick at your nails and pretend that you don’t feel Agatha staring at you. 
The compulsion grows too great in you, though, so you look at her. She doesn’t seem abashed that you caught her—if anything, she looks excited. You swallow roughly to get some moisture into your suddenly-dry mouth and your teeth sink into your bottom lip. Her eyelashes flutter, maybe just enough to be considered a wink, but then someone coughs and the moment is broken. 
Agatha clears her throat. “Take a look at what words you wrote for yourself and then compare them to the words you wrote for your friends. Chances are, there’s a good amount of overlap. Opposites attract sometimes, but it’s more often than not that we choose to surround ourselves with people that have similar personalities to us. If we do that, then our traits might be influencing the situations that we’re in, which influences our behavior. It’s a lot to think about.”
She clicks to the next slide. 
“Psychologists have found that both situations and traits influence behavior about equally after conducting some experiments that we’ll look at another time. Now,” she turns off the projection and the screen at the front of the room goes dark. Everyone looks at her. “I want to talk to you about an opportunity for next week.” 
Someone out of the corner of your eye perks up. “Extra credit?”
Agatha shoots him down with a glare. “It’s the third class of the semester, first of all. Second of all, there will be no extra credit in this course.” 
He slumps down, defeated. You think he might be the same person from the first day who was upset about only having five grades. 
“We will have a speaker on campus next Tuesday evening at six pm giving a presentation on fallacies from famous psychological experiments. I’ll be sending out more information about it, but I think it will be very interesting, especially for this class. It’s optional, but I do heavily recommend attending.” 
You raise your hand and she smiles. “What studies are they going to look at?” 
“Excellent question. The presentation will look at the Rosenthal study on expectancy effects, the Stanford Prison Experiment, among a few others, and one of my personal favorites: the study on delay of gratification.” 
“Is that the one—” a girl begins to say before Agatha interrupts her like she didn’t even hear the student. 
“Mischel and Ebbesen would call kids into a room one-by-one and tell them that they could either have a small candy bar right away, or wait some unknown amount of time for a larger candy bar. The researchers would leave the room and see what the kids would do.” Her blue eyes pierce into you and her face morphs into something almost predatory. “Is it better to get instant relief for something small, or to wait and let the anticipation build up for a better reward?” 
She prompts you with a tilt of her head and you wonder if she can see the slight sheen of sweat breaking out on your forehead. “If it’s going to be worth it to wait,” you rasp. 
Agatha licks her lips before nodding slowly and then settles back into her casual demeanor. “I mean, who doesn’t want a bigger candy bar?” she jokes and there’s a titter throughout the room. She gives you a smug smile and you face forward, cheeks burning. 
She continues talking but you’ve completely zoned out. You feel like a kid in the experiment—have something with Morgan, real but fleeting, or wait for even the possibility of Agatha? Once you’re not her student anymore, there shouldn’t be a problem. And you graduate in the spring anyway. 
But that’s if Agatha would even like you back then. 
What happens if the researcher never comes back with the big candy bar after the kid waits forever? 
She finally wraps up class, saying that she needs to rush off to a meeting and you slowly pack up your bag just in case she lingers. She may be in a hurry, but it’s nothing compared to the other students and it’s only a minute before you and her are the only ones left in the room. 
The air feels thick with electricity and tension and it’s like you’re rooted to your seat when she starts to slowly walk toward you. You can feel your heartbeat increase and your breathing quickens—your body wants to run but it can’t. 
“Great job today,” she mumbles and drums her fingertips atop your desk surface, her perfume rolling over you like a wave, and you don’t even realize that she’s gone until you hear the door shut behind you. 
You shakily stand up and swing your bag onto your shoulders and go to the library, desperately trying to ignore the heat between your legs.
After dinner, you pick up the package containing the perfume on your way back to your dorm. You’re almost afraid to open and smell it because you know your body will betray your mind. Your cunt has become conditioned to the scent—conditioned to Agatha—and you really need to figure out how to stop it. You’d throw out the bottle entirely if you hadn’t spent so much money on it. You’ll find some use for it, maybe for a party or something. 
Just as you get into your room, your phone buzzes with an email. Your heart starts to race when you see Agatha Harkness at the top of it and you quickly click on it. 
To your dismay, it’s just a course email. 
Hello Personality Psych, 
Here is the link for information concerning the speaker presentation next Tuesday evening that I mentioned in class. As a reminder, you will not receive any extra credit for attending, but it is an opportunity to learn more about flaws in renowned psychological experiments. Please email me if you are interested so I can get your name on the list. 
Professor Harkness
You chew on your lip. It’s not something that you necessarily want to go to, and for no extra credit, it might be a waste of time. 
But you do seriously doubt that anyone else in your class is going to go, which would make you stand out to Agatha. 
You imagine walking into a room full of people you don’t know, anxiously scanning the crowd, to find her smiling at you and beckoning for you to go sit next to her. She’d lean in to whisper some remarks about the speaker into your ear and her hair would tickle your skin. Maybe you’d be bouncing your leg because of your trouble sitting still and she’d put a hand on your thigh to help you focus. 
Fuck. Your cheeks are burning now and the temptation to open the perfume so it feels like she’s there is gnawing strongly inside you. 
Instead, you compose a new email. 
Hi Professor Harkness, 
I would love to attend the presentation.
You sign it off with your name and hit send before you can rethink it and then throw your phone to the end of the bed. 
The moment you press your hands to your face because you can’t believe how bad this is getting, your phone vibrates. You know what it’s going to be before you even look at it, and yet you’re still surprised to find that Agatha responded almost immediately. 
I’m very glad to hear that and I look forward to seeing you there. 
Professor Harkness. 
Only this time, instead of the regular email signature under her name, and every other professor’s name in their emails, that shows her position, the university name, and her email address, there’s something else as well. 
Ten digits. Your breath catches in her throat. 
She added her phone number. 
Taglist: @lostbutlovely33 @diorrxckstar @whoreforolderfictionalwomen  @katekathry @onemansdreamisanothermansdeath @tayasmellsapples @natashashill @mybraininblood @mysticalmoonlight7  @cactuslover2600 @loveem0mo @readysteddiero-nance @lonelyhalfwitch @lesbiantortilla @crescendoofstars @sol-in-wonderland @ahsfan05 @gbab09 @sasheemo @agathaharness @live-laugh-love-lupone @chiar4anna @fuckedupforkhahn @lowlyjelly @sweetmidnights @n3bula-cats @m1vfs @agathascoven1 @filmedbyharkness @autbot @claramelooo @dandelions4us @agathaallalongg @jujuu23 @21cannibal @angel-kitten-babygirl-u-choose @jeridandridge
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heraldofcrow · 22 hours ago
One thing about me is that if you shun or try to isolate a friend of mine (or just anyone who you’ve dubbed a “fault in the system” or harmful despite evidence to the contrary) after you misjudged them for being a bad or malicious or untrustworthy person, I am going to rabidly support them and be extra fucking loud about it and make sure their voices are heard from every corner and it will literally be my driving force to stay online and alive for years.
#“woah crow that was random”#ik but i’ve been dealing with this exact issue for about 4 years now with different people since i got more into fandoms#i am NOT tired of being the loud supporter but i AM tired of the bullies in these places that are supposed to be safe from irl stress#also it goes beyond fandom and into past experiences with literal cult shunning irl and you’d be shocked how similar it feels#i don’t believe in returning the shunning or attacking but i do believe in working against both#entirely through support#i mean sheesh…if i’m honest i don’t believe in this weird ass catholicesque shunning nonsense PERiod#if someone is actively harmful then you band together with others to stop them and deliver consequences#or blocking someone is fine#removing them if they’re a dangerous threat…yeah duh there are stalkers n shit#but the majority of people in fandoms are NOT at this level#i will talk to anyone with any type of perspective and try to reason with them first before withdrawing#people have changed their minds when i did this and it was incredible#that’s halfway because they aren’t all unhinged or dangerous people right off the bat#some can just have warped views while others can be thinking in a way you haven’t considered or that you misunderstood#and the rest of this shit….90% of the time is high school drama over nothing and people acting like it’s life or death when it’s literally#just miscommunication…and QUITE OFTEN just that#it’s so clear that we could all be friends sometimes but people choose to avoid talking stuff out and resort to shunning or whatever#anyway#there’s not much to be done as much as i’d love to change this….but the loud support is how i counter it#now you all know….if this were combat i would be in a support role…handing out food and drinks to the troops lol#CrowRant#fandom bs
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ushkoo · 11 hours ago
warning for them being mean to each other nd drinking nd a mention of drugs !
- looks more tired (let him rest)
- Pale asf
- Usually hangs around Sniper
- Nipples pierced (it was a dare)
- freckles!
- adrenaline junkie
- Smug little shit
- Depressed and sick of everything
- Slightly grown out buzzcut
- Loves Heavy like his father :)
- mild alcoholic
- Actually got into the army! PTSD from war tho :(
- Meaner
- Honestly just a total bully
- Clothes are more damaged and ripped
- Has a lot of scars from war
- Smarter than RED
- Actually kinda nice if you know him well but he struggles w expressing it
- A lot scarier than RED pyro
- Still likes unicorns but in secret bc the other BLU team members w mean to them ab it
- Mute
- Still a cutie
- Has really bad social anxiety, avoids people whenever possible
- Likes to stand creepily in hallways
- Doesn’t have any friends on the team :( everyone thinks they’re creepy
- hangs out with Scout and Sniper on VERY rare occasions, gets made fun of by them
- takes his job VERY seriously
- Still drinks but not as much as RED, has it more under control
- Rlly depressed :( misses home
- Hangs out with Soldier sometimes but usually just stays in his room
- Has a lot of anger in him, usually gets unnecessarily violent on the battlefield
- Keeps plants on his windowsill
- Feels bad that Pyro has no friends but is also a little afraid of them
- A bit more quiet but pretty similar to RED Heavy.
- Just gets on with his job, doesn’t really care for being social.
- Doesn’t take any joy in killing REDs, cries about it when he’s alone because he feels awful killing other people.
- Keeps Scout in line! Is more of a father figure to him than Spy is.
- Always worries about Scout and thinks that he’s too young to be doing work like this.
- Wears a scarf! He gets cold a lot.
- the WORST
- very mean, especially to Pyro and Scout
- Gets drunk with Soldier a lot. Often peer pressures Soldier into being mean to the others :(.
- Yells at Pyro for like.. existing
- Annoyingly good at his job, better than RED
- Unresolved trauma
- scary mf don’t let him perform surgery on you
- Stalks Heavy a lot
- REALLY wants to know what it would be like to violently kill someone (Scout is his first pick)
- Doesn’t wear glasses
- Scars all over his hands from grabbing scalpels wrong
- Probably an ex serial killer or smth
- tooth necklace (inspired by that one tiktok artist)
- Other miscellaneous bone jewellery
- More unhinged and bloodthirsty
- So fucking grumpy all of the time but also rlly smug and cocky
- Has a mullet
- Crazed gunman
- Sharp teeth (bites ppl) (esp Scout)
- Has various piercings around his body
- Probably hides coke in his room for special occasions (only Scouts allowed to have some)
- So so done with everyone on the team
- Really wants to be a father to Scout but he thinks its too late to fix their relationship
- Hates that Scout likes Heavy more than him
- Thinks that the rest of the team is full of psychopaths
- Feels a bit bad for Pyro but doesn’t understand them well enough to talk to them
- Actually quite nice, will offer you a cigarette
- Argues with Soldier and Engie a lot
aaa srry this is rlly crappy :( m all beaten up rn from a mosh pit so ive been resting all day
I felt bad for not posting smth so here r my blu headcanons aaaaa
Ill get to requests eventually!  o(T^T)o
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fellominaarcher · 22 hours ago
Got Married - Karina x idol!femreader
15. Special Content
chapters || prev
author's note: this was so fun to make lmao :p
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The internet right after Y/N and Karina hard launch their relationship:
[Trending on Twitter]
#KarinaYNOfficial – 2M tweets
#ITCoupleOfKpop – 1.4M tweets
#Sareureukgala – 780K tweets
📸 BREAKING: Aespa’s Karina and Daydream’s Y/N confirm their relationship at the gala tonight! The two idols were seen holding hands and sharing a kiss, making history as one of the biggest K-pop couple reveals! #KarinaYNOfficial
💬 512K 🔁 198K ❤️ 1.2M
Most relevant replies ↓
@nctmarkleecore: Kpop dating reveals are supposed to be a blurry Dispatch photo at 3AM, NOT A WHOLE RED CARPET MAKE-OUT SESSION.
@Ningningismyreligion: Ningning is about to say something unhinged. I can feel it.
@WGMRuinedMyLife: So they’re really out here giving us a happy ending after the emotional damage that show put us through.
@yutausedboxer: SM’s PR team is in SHAMBLES right now.
@NingNing4President: If they ever break up, I want a full Netflix documentary on what went down.
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Jimin & Y/N just confirmed they’ve been together for a MONTH… meaning they were already dating while Jimin was denying the rumors 😭😭
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@ex0l_legend: So we all just got GASLIT???
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anniedreamwilldo · 9 months ago
ahb barty and evan are so important to me and I need more people to talk about them
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calmlb · 1 year ago
I need to know whose idea it was to try to wake Sigma up by dropping him repeatedly
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blossoms-phan · 4 months ago
in their natural habitat. if you even care
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girls-and-guts · 1 year ago
what if i was traumatized outcast girl , addict, with an absent mother and you were a repressed, surly boy with daddy issues and we became the sole providers for a group of girls that tried to eat you once and i cut a ring of your dead dads finger for you, then i asked you to stay, and then your brother got lost and we spent months looking for him in the freezing cold while trying to find food so i made you think he died to save you the pain but then he’s alive but i get picked to be sacrificed by the spirit of the place we are trapped in and you save me even though you’re mad and your brother dies in my place and then you have to eat his heart and we eat him to survive and i become queen of this messed up wild cult and then we promise to live the rest of our lives because that can’t have all been for nothing .
what if.
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myficprompts · 11 months ago
maybe there’s already fics for this but the sheffield dinner is a gold mine for potential. like the fallout of anthony calling out the sheffields…
what if after the sheffields left, before the kate & anthony scene, there’s actual discussion in the dining room and anthony calls out that no one else was standing up for kate and i can imagine lady danbury as a subtle reminder being like “remember this was a dinner to meet your fiancée’s grandparents” and then edwina is catching on then and she’s like “you called them out because you love kate” or something like that and things fall apart there
imagine kate trying to tell edwina that she’s leaving for india so none of this matters and whatever passion the viscount may feel for her will fade and is just residual of the passion he feels for edwina and their marriage will be fine and he won’t be confused once she leaves for india and anthony cuts in, in front of everyone the whole “it will not be far enough!” line and the speech too, ending with the bane of his existence and object of all his desires ahhhhh
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carebooks · 9 months ago
watching nancy drew 2019 for the first time and yep, i can see how nancy and ace end up dating. they’re both unhinged in the best way.
nancy’s breaking and entering every two episodes, she’s currently investigating a psychiatric hospital where she goes somewhere specifically said that will kill you overnight and what’s ace doing? well he gets a call from nancy’s dad who’s unfairly jailed and within an hour he’s told off the rich prick who refused to help him, hacked into the police station’s server, stole a van, impersonated a police officer and got her dad out of jail. all whilst trying to keep her dad from returning to jail.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 3 months ago
When I find myself in times of trouble, South Park comes to me, speaking words of wisdom,
Whump the boys.
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secretly-a-catamount · 2 months ago
The fact that Annabel drags Dog!Malcolm around Thule with her is actually insane.
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aaandbackstabbed · 10 months ago
Goldie after she and the man she loves almost die bec of traps they set over 100 years ago: “You used to be soo much more fun!”
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thegrinningghost · 11 days ago
BLACK, The Night That Ends At Last!
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Prompt: what if Aerovive met Dazzle?
Information: Dazzle’s alt is a dazzle ship, and the war he fought in was WWII; oh, and he has a sort of chimney sweeper British accent mixed with southern lingo and an angry hippie/70s disco drag queen attitude =3
Characters: Aerovive, Dazzle
Credits: Aerovive belongs to sviidoll; Dazzle & moodboard belong to me
Tag(s): @sviidoll
The sea was good at drowning out most things. Sorrow, guilt, confidence, fear; the waves could take anything under, and that was a power to be in awe of. For all their years at sea, it was still an ability that wrought Dazzle’s spark with envy. To be able to remember but not be haunted. If only it were that simple.
The sky was a place to forget. When the wind sweeps up and over, around and past, it takes the terrors with it. To embrace the sky is to finally escape. An honor, it is, to have wings. A joy that Aerovive wished many times was easier to share.
Though the war from which they came had lulled into a peaceful truce, the memories danced as ghosts through many harrowing days and nights. With nothing to fight for, the weight of carrying a life to live finally crashed down on many weary sparks. Some allowed themselves to be buried under it, others dodged the weight in order to leap from one task to the next. Few began to wonder, searching and letting the dust begin to settle.
The beach held the aching rust Dazzle had learned to hide from years of activity at sea. It was one thing to fight a battle for your people, to interest yourself in another civilization’s war? The shame weighed them down. Perhaps it was because of the weight that they failed to recognize the sight of a jet hanging low from the clouds, disappearing and reappearing through the fog before landing on the soft padding of the sand. In fact, it wasn’t until the seeker settled next to them that their bubble popped, and the clouds began to clear. 
“Ya need something?”
The seeker looked over, as did Dazzle, who bounced their focus rapidly to different sights. “No,” the femme replied, finally. Then, she stuck out her hand, “I’m Aerovive. And you?”
His optics flitted back to her hand, then up at her and back down again. There was a certain restless uncertainty in the air around them, but eventually, they took it as a playful smile. “You can call me Dazzle. Say, what brings you here, Viv? Don’t imagine a bot would wander aimlessly towards the sea, much less a seeker.”
She laughed. “I’m just taking a break. I’ve been flying since sunrise. Why are you stuck on this shore,” Viv inquired, tilting her helm and adjusting her wings. Dazzle vented, looking back towards the faded crashing waves.
“I’ve escaped the sea, but not the memories of it,” he began, “and anyway, I can’t exactly leave. I can’t face anyone. Not after running like a coward.”
“But,” she interrupted, shrugging as she spoke, “you’re facing me right now. That’s a start.”
The remark was strange, but at a second-glance, Dazzle recognized it to be true, laughing. “I guess, I guess. But no, I know it might be hard to understand, but I ran. I mean, from the war back home. Even when it came here, I didn’t fight. I couldn’t.”
Aerovive hummed, thinking for a moment. “I get it,” she said at last. Dazzle shook their head, but she cut them off, continuing, “I do. I aided the Autobots because I believed in their cause, but after so long … the destruction began to seem all the same. So I left.”
“You,” Dazzle paused, wide-eyed, “left?” As soon as she nodded, he laughed. “I didn’t think those bots were capable of letting someone go, seeing how often they mourn one of their own every klik. You’re not jesting, are ya?”
She stared, watching as Dazzle burst into laughter, mocking and teasing, feigning the tears for Autobot comrades lost. “I’m not,” she finally snapped out of the daze, “and it’s not nice to make fun of them. Those are sparks gone, after all. Weren’t you just gloomy about war a few moments ago? How can it be so … funny to you?”
“It’s not a human war,” Dazzle exclaimed, standing up with a hand outstretched to Aerovive. As soon as they pulled her up, they started trailing across the beach with her catching up close behind. “What do you mean?”
“They’re feisty,” he explained, moving his servos in crazed gestures. “Fiery! Like the minicons! The clever little toasters. Humans come up with all these strategies and plans. It’s wild! Their wars end so quickly, meanwhile ours? I don’t know if it’ll ever see an end!”
“But–,” Viv tried to start, but stuttered, ideas and questions tripping over one another. “How do you know all of this? About the humans, and their wars?”
Dazzle vented, servos and helm lowering, their brief burst of dazzling energy fading. “I didn’t have a t-cog during the war, y’know. I fought best I could, but it was never enough. Not for him. Not for any of them! … so I left. Signed up for the G-force and abandoned the war. Most of us stayed here, and it wasn’t long before the humans broke out in war. Nobody really cared. Afterall, we came to Earth to avoid the war. But, there were a few of us. Rue and Rye; the trine and a select few others. We didn’t lose as many as the humans, but … it was more than we expected.”
The clouded sky darkened the monotone hues Dazzle wore, emphasizing the rust that should’ve been worn as a badge. Pride in survival. But there was no such thing, not after something that had gotten so many others killed. Aerovive weighed the options before reaching a gentle servo out for Dazzle’s shoulder, only for him to turn suddenly to face her. Their optics were a blushy pink that took the light of the sunset when a golden visor flicked down from the top of their helm.
“I want to bash their helms in and tear up their cybo-dendrons!”
“What?” Exclaimed Viv, watching as Dazzle shouldered past her and started off towards the other side of the beach. “Who? Dazzle!”
Swiftly turning around, they screamed, “Megatron! And Starscream! And his stupid trine and everyone else on that wretched ship we called the Nemesis! I’m going to find them, and I’m going to– going to … blast them to smithereens!”
The shift from playful mockery to solemn explanation to pure ire and vengeance was startling, to say the least. When their arm retracted to transform into a torpedo launcher, Viv had to halt her attempts at getting closer. That was a sign of no empty threat. Still, despite the bot's vigor and passion, there was something hanging in the air around them. Suffocating them. 
“Would you really,” Viv asked, slowly backing away, servos up in reassuring surrender. Dazzle pointed their launcher at her, but faltered as they processed her words. “I would … I would! Yeah!” They scoffed, “Of course I would! I mean, Starscream’s overthrown Megatron numerous times! It doesn’t seem so hard to … y’know … I mean, he attempted multiple times. It never did work out for him. His screams kept me up at night. Everything did. There was never time to rest on the Nemesis. Not during a war … but I’m not war-worn like them, so clearly I have an advantage! Ha-ha!”
Aerovive couldn’t help but laugh, trying best she could to hide it with her helm. Still, the bot caught on, lowering their torpedo launcher as it slowly transformed back again. “Would you stop? It’s not very compassionate for an Autobot to laugh at anyone! Don’t they teach any y’all anything?”
“You’re weird,” she finally got out. Dazzle stared, servo mid-action of flipping their visor back up, before deciding it wasn’t worth it. “Yeah I am,” he exclaimed, servo proudly on his chest plate. Back in a full swing of energy, and with more genuine playfulness than the attitude of playing with the mind of an enemy, Dazzle strode over and picked Viv up in a hug, squeezing her before setting her back down.
“You’re strange yourself. The Autobot that got away! … hey, that’s got a nice ring to it!” Dazzle hummed, grinning. “What do you think?”
“I think you’re a madman,” Viv explained, adjusting her wings, “but for you, I think that’s a pretty alright quality to have. So long as you don’t hurt anyone.”
Dazzle sighed, gesturing off-handedly. “No promises.”
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suckmyballshoney · 6 months ago
I bought a glass table and let me tell you
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Best. Investment. EVER.
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