#they’re pretty much joined at the hip
paintedpeeta · 6 days
I’m obsessed with needy Peeta, he finally feels safe enough to just pull Katniss to him all the time. Bakery isn’t open, he’s going to keep her in bed all day. Tiring day at the bakery, he’s walking in the house right to embracing her. Katniss being scowly but cute, he needs kisses.
i can’t tell who would be more cuddly when they’re in a real relationship because we have peeta on one hand who has loved this girl for so long and wanted nothing more than it to be real, and we have katniss who expresses multiple times throughout the series how much comfort and safety she takes from his physical touch. granted that we probably spend a lot more time discussing katniss being cuddly just because we’re privy to her inner monologue, but peeta getting a chance to be needy and clingy is also top tier.
there are days she plans to get up early to go into the woods, and he wraps his arms around her waist and kisses all over her face and begs her to stay home until she’s laughing and giving in. she really doesn’t need much persuading, but she lets him think she does all the same.
they’re not big on pda because they have the luxury of keeping their romance private post-war, but he’s still always touching her in some way, like a comforting hand in her pocket or arm around her waist, especially in larger crowds where she’s less comfortable. at the bakery when she helps him out and there’s no customers around, he’ll come up behind her and give her the biggest hug just because he can.
haymitch thinks they’re insufferably touchy in their home, and when they have him over for dinner he fake gags his way through the evening because peeta rubs her back while they’re cooking together and holds her hand across the table while they eat. him and buttercup take turns staring into the nonexistent camera like they’re on the office.
and as for him needing kisses… you know damn well katniss ‘he’ll probably be kissing me, anyway’ ‘a cool kiss from the giver himself’ ‘his arms are there to comfort me and eventually his lips’ everdeen is going to give ‘em to him! those two will take any excuse to smooch (and good for them!)
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soaps-mohawk · 29 days
Cherry Red, Crimson Blood
Chapter 34: The Whole Truth
Summary: In life, we will be confronted with difficult choices. Sometimes you won't know you've made the wrong choice until it's too late
Pairing: Poly 141 x reader
Word Count: 12,582 words
Warnings: Dead dove: do not eat, Angst, graphic violence and torture, mentions of predatory behavior towards a minor, Phillip Graves is a major creep, lots blood and injuries, kidnapping and its aftermath, hostage situations, anxiety and panic attacks, language, very explicitly described torture, ‘mega gets hit a lot, choking, biting, ‘mega gets stabbed with an ice pick, author can’t write COD missions, vomiting, lots of heavy emotions, detailed descriptions of pain, guns, background character dies on screen, descriptions of guilt and grief, lots of POV changes, some descriptive language of gore and blood at the end, rehashing of ‘mega’s injuries from the last chapter, a lot of angst and very heavy content, Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Alternate Universe
A/N: This chapter deals with some pretty heavy content. Please, please, please read and heed the warnings. I have included content warnings for the more graphic parts before they happen, so if you don't want to read those, you can skip ahead to the next part. I suggest taking breaks if you need to, read it in installments if necessary. And I cannot stress it enough, please heed the warnings.
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“Hi darlin’.” His grin widens like he’s happy to see you. “Been a long time.” 
You squeeze your eyes shut for a moment, your brain still sluggish. You feel sick as you try to process, try to figure out why and how. You try to move your arms again, but your wrists are stuck, hands burning as you pull. You desperately want them free, desperately need them free. 
“Easy,” Phil says, putting his hands on yours, pushing them flat against the arms of the chair. They’re warm and calloused, the same hand that had been on your face a few moments ago. “You’re gonna hurt yourself. More than you already have been.” He lifts your left leg, making you groan quietly as a deep ache throbs down to your foot and up to your hip. 
Running. A gunshot. Pain.
“He had strict orders not to harm you.” Phil says, adjusting the bandage wrapped around your calf. “Don’t worry. We got you all fixed up.” He sets your leg back down gingerly, his touch lingering for a moment before he looks back up at you. 
“Why?” You croak out, trying to make sense of what happened. 
Corporal McKinney broke into the barracks and chased you into the woods. He shot you and drugged you and now you’re here, restrained in a chair staring at a man you haven’t seen for years. A man who was once your dad’s best friend. 
“A lot has happened since we saw each other last.” He says, pushing himself to stand. “I left the Marines after a few years, formed my own group of military contractors. Invited your dad to join, but you know how he is. All honor and duty and serving the country. Of course, you haven’t seen him in quite a while, have you?” 
You stare up at him, starting to get scared. You never liked Phil. There was always something about him that put you off. He always stared too long, always sat too close to you. He always greeted you with a hug that lasted too long, squeezing you too tightly against him. He was sweet on you in a way he wasn’t with anyone else. He could be intense, brash and almost downright rude sometimes. He was a firm believer in traditional packs too, even if he never spoke about his own pack, his own omega. He had to have one, if he was as dedicated as he said. 
He was far too much like your father. 
Phil was always kinder to you, though. Softer. Not quite as callous and bellicose as your father in public. He was polite, always happy to lend a hand, always glad to roughhouse with your brothers to get their energy out. You saw the way your mother looked at him though. Perhaps her apprehension bled into you, those dormant omega instincts picking up on something she was projecting. 
He made you uncomfortable, and she knew it. 
What could an omega do, though, in a world where they don’t have opinions, they can’t argue, they can’t disagree. Your mother never said anything because in the world your family existed in, the world Phil existed in, she couldn’t. 
“He was so angry when he called.” Phil continues, staring down at you. “Ranting and raving about how his oldest daughter betrayed him by presenting as an omega. He couldn’t stand having such a useless child in his perfect pack.” You flinch at his words, even though you heard your father spew those very words after your presentation firsthand. 
“He called you?” You ask, the pieces starting to come together as your brain finally snaps fully into awareness. You knew he called someone, but you hadn’t thought it would ever be Phil. 
“Of course.” Phil chuckles. “We were good friends, pals, buddies. He knew I could help him.” A shiver runs down your spine. You know what he’s going to say next. “So I did. I have some contacts in some high places, people who owe me favors. So I made some calls, pulled some strings, got you into FIOT immediately, with some strings attached of course.” He leans down so you’re almost face to face. “I wanted you. They put a note in your file. You wouldn’t be placed in the registry when you were old enough, you would go to me and my pack.” 
Bile churns in your stomach as you process his words. It all makes sense now. The stares, the hugs, the closeness with your father, your rapid enrollment in an institute that can take weeks to process applications. It was all so you could be his. Something he’s wanted from early on. 
“You would have been mine,” He pushes himself up straight again, starting to pace back and forth in front of you. “If the fucking CIA hadn’t gotten involved!” You flinch as his voice raises, the frustration starting to darken his scent. “They froze your file, made the claim null and void. All for what, their little initiative that never really existed in the first place?” He huffs out a laugh, a smirk tilting his lips. “Small world, though. Who knew we’d be seeing each other again after so long.” 
He steps closer, looking down at you. You hold his gaze, suddenly feeling afraid. Even though you know him, even though you spent a good part of your childhood around him, you’re afraid of him right now. Your mind starts to revert back, the urge to lower your eyes, break eye contact like you’re supposed to flashing through your mind. 
Don’t stare alphas in the eyes. They’ll take that as a challenge. It’s not your job to challenge them. Your job is to be subservient. 
You would have been subservient to him if the CIA hadn’t gotten involved. You would have been under his control, bowing to him and his will. You’d have pups by now, at least one. He’d always talked about having a big pack with lots of pups someday, always glancing at you when he said it. 
You’re going to vomit all over him. 
It’s not just the truth that scares you, though. You’re being held captive here. That thought has registered in your mind now, the reality settling in as you get over the shock of the last few minutes. Corporal McKinney kidnapped you from base, and now you’re restrained in a chair surrounded by unknown alphas. Phil isn’t going to help you, take pity on you. He’s not here to be nice, to have a little chat and catch up on life.
That possibly ended as soon as he was denied what he wanted. 
His hand cups your chin, holding your face up as he looks down at you. His thumb is rough as it strokes your jaw, a tickling feeling starting in the back of your mind again. There’s an almost bittersweet look in his eyes as he holds your gaze. You refuse to lower it, refuse to give him that satisfaction. “You’ve grown up a lot.” He says, his hand sliding down your neck to the collar of your shirt. “You always were cute, though. I knew early on you were going to be an omega. You were far too...calm and compliant compared to your brothers. Always so polite and eager to please. You can tell if you pay attention, you know. Those dormant instincts start to show themselves long before presentation.” 
His hand pulls your collar to the side, revealing your mark. His eyes harden as he stares at it, his lips turning down into a frown. A shiver runs down your spine as the darkness in his scent intensifies. He’s not holding you hostage just to tell you about what could have been, what direction your life might have taken. He’s here for a reason, and you know your pack is involved. Something has happened, something behind the scenes, something John was looking into. 
“What’s going on?” You ask as he releases your collar, taking a step back. 
“Well, you’re being held hostage.” He says, like it isn’t already obvious. “You’re...shall we say...leverage to ensure your pack follows orders.” 
You blink at him. You haven’t heard from or spoken to your pack in weeks. You should be relieved that they’re apparently still alive, but what if you had been right and they don’t want you anymore? Why would they take you if your pack has abandoned you? Or did they take you to ensure they wouldn’t...
“Laswell stuck her nose somewhere it shouldn’t have been.” Phil says, crossing his arms. “It’s only so long before your pack finds out. Let’s just say...they’re not going to be happy about it. So, to ensure they don’t do something impulsive and reckless as they are known to do, you’re going to play hostage.” 
You gulp as you stare up at him, suddenly feeling very afraid. Your scent spikes in the air, clouding it with the bitter scent of anxiety. It was the plan all along. You knew it even if you hadn’t been told outright. Deep down you’ve always known it wasn’t about strengthening packs. It wasn’t about studying how an omega would increase or decrease the efficiency of military packs. With the events of the last few months, the idea had started to form in your mind. You know you weren’t alone in those thoughts. John and Simon were digging into the cameras for a reason. They were put up for a reason. 
It was always about control.
That was the point of the initiative. That was why they put cameras up, that was why General Shepherd was so invested in the state of your pack and if you had been mated. He needed to ensure you were close enough to them so if something happened that wasn’t supposed to, you could be used against them. 
You’re nothing more than leverage. 
Your scent spikes in the air, clouding the room as reality sinks into you. Something happened that caused this. Something called your pack away to isolate you, to leave you vulnerable. They wanted you alone as a contingency. 
Something did happen. 
Now you’re here, being held captive by a man you used to know, a man who could have been your alpha had things not played out the way they did. The thought has your stomach churning. How far will they go? How far will Phil take things? Could he be merciful because of your history? Or will his ruined plan make him more ruthless? 
You’ll be punished for something you can’t control. 
Phil makes a soft sound as he looks at you, shaking with fear in the chair. “Don’t be scared. As long as your pack does as they’re told, I won’t have to hurt you.” He turns the light back to face you, nearly blinding you. “Now, smile for the camera.” 
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They’re safe. 
It had been close. A rough position to be in, but they managed it. He never doubted them and their abilities, but four against nearly fifty with no backup were not good odds. He’s been in tighter places before, and while he had his doubts, he is grateful Johnny and Simon were sent in when they were. Even if it was a bit suspicious.
“All accounted for.” John says as he sinks down onto one of the jump seats next to Kyle. 
They’re all battered and bruised from their final fight. He’s ready to get home, ready to get back to you. From the sound of it, things were not going well, according to Johnny and Simon. He has a lot to make up for, a lot of apologies to make. 
“Fucking Russian PMCs.” He says, speaking to Kate over the comms. “It’s not a coincidence Kate.” 
Kate lets out a sigh that crackles through the comm. “No, it’s not. My team and I came across some information while we were digging into the cameras.” 
“What information?” He asks slowly and carefully. He doesn’t like being kept in the dark, especially when it comes to his pack. Especially when it comes to you. 
“Not just information on the initiative, but information on General Shepherd.” 
“What information?” He asks again, slower this time as Johnny and Simon move in closer. 
“Shepherd was the one that sold those weapons to AQ and the Russians.” 
John looks at the other three members of his team. He knew something was wrong, something was off about the way Shepherd had acted while informing them about this mission. “He wanted those missiles found and destroyed so he could cover his own ass.” He says, his stomach starting to twist. He doesn’t like the way this is going. 
“But we found out the truth before you could find all the missiles.” Kate continues. “He sent you on a wild goose chase to give himself a chance to escape.” 
John’s hand tightens into a fist. “Where is he now?” 
“He’s gone dark. Totally off radar.” 
John pushes himself up to stand, the adrenaline pumping again. “I’m going to find that bastard-” 
“John.” Kate says, cutting him off. “There’s something else.” 
The twisting in his stomach intensifies. There’s a bad feeling tickling in the back of his mind. He doesn’t want to entertain the dark thoughts that are brewing. “What?” 
“They took your omega.” 
His stomach clenches, his breath catching in his lungs. The other three shift on their feet, all of them stepping closer. The scent in the plane thickens, anger and confusion mixing into a toxic cocktail. He hopes he heard that wrong, that there was some kind of interference in the connection and his brain made up the words he missed. “Repeat that.” 
“They took your omega.” Kate says again.
He lets out a long breath, his muscles tensing. He’s had a bad feeling tickling in the back of his mind for the last few days. Something was wrong, something was off. He should have known it was all a ruse. Why would AQ and the Russians store a missile in any of the places they had been sent to in the last week? It hadn’t made sense, and he had wanted to voice his doubts, but the consequences of a missile being launched because they decided not to look in one place was greater than his own perceived doubts. 
They had been right though. 
Of course it had all been a plan. Of course there had been something fishy about it. He’s hardly ever wrong. He’s been praised on his instincts on the field and off. He should have known. Pulling Simon and Johnny when they did should have been enough evidence, even if they had been needed in the end. 
“You’re positive?” He knows she is. There’s no mistaking something like that, there’s no doubting it. 
“There’s a video.” Kate says, John’s stomach dropping. “I’m sending it to you now.” 
John pulls out his phone, his fingers white as he holds it up. He’s angry, beyond angry. If they’ve laid a hand on you...if you’ve been hurt because of his own failings, his own inability to see the truth...
He clicks on the video when it comes in, a familiar face popping up on screen. “Hi boys. Been a while.” 
“Fucking Graves.” Johnny growls, his hands closing into fists in anger. 
“I have a little something of yours I think you might be interested in.” He turns the camera around, your face popping up on screen. You’re restrained in a chair, wrists red from the zip ties, but there’s a glare on your face, looking as mean and threatening as you can. There’s a bruise on your cheek and what looks like a healing cut on your lip. Someone hit you. 
“Smile for the camera.” Graves says, a bit too cheerfully. 
You don’t smile, your glare sharpening as the camera gets closer to your face. There’s still fight left in you. Whatever has happened hasn’t been too bad. Yet. 
“Let’s make this simple.” Graves says. “You stay away from Shepherd, and I won’t have to hurt this pretty little face. She is pretty, isn’t she?” 
You shift in the chair, your leg lifting before you kick outward. 
“Ow, you little bitch.” The camera jostles for a moment before it’s straightened back up, a hand shooting out to wrap around your throat. There’s no sign of any struggle, the glare still prominent on your face. “Feisty thing. Gotta keep up with those wild boys somehow.” 
The hand tilts your face just slightly, showing the mark on your neck. It is you, not that John doubted that from the beginning. It may have been almost two months, but he wouldn’t forget your face that easily. 
“Like I said,” Graves continues. “Follow your orders and she’ll be released unharmed.” 
The screen goes dark and John resists the urge to throw his phone. He shoves it back into his pocket, turning towards the wall of the plane. He throws his fist against the metal as hard as he can. It hurts, but he can barely feel it over the rage burning hot in him. 
“Fucking Shepherd!” He shouts, rearing back to throw his hand against the wall again.
Graves has his omega. Graves has his omega and now you’re being used as leverage. They’re all being played like puppets. 
A hand catches his fist before he can punch the wall again, easing him back. “Easy.” Kyle says, trying to soothe him as best he can. “We have proof of life, we know that she’s alright for now.” 
“For now.” He growls, looking around at the members of his team. “But for how long?” 
“They knew we’d go after Shepherd as soon as we learned the truth.” Simon says. “This has been in the plans for a long time.”
“They’re trying to get us to make a choice. Focus on getting our omega back while letting Shepherd escape, or go after Shepherd and let our omega be tortured.” Kyle says. 
“Those fuckin’ wankstains.” Johnny says, shifting on his feet. He’s angry, the bitter scent filling the enclosed area of the plane. They’re all angry, angry at those responsible, and angry at themselves for falling for it. “They were usin’ us the whole time.” 
John lets out a long breath. It’s a hard decision to make. Go after Shepherd and cut the head off the snake, or go after you and let the person orchestrating all of this escape. Graves won’t stop, even if they do manage to take out Shepherd. He has his orders, and he will follow them, with or without Shepherd pulling the strings.
There might be a second contingency. They kill Shepherd, you die too. 
No matter what, you won’t be safe. If they go after you, Shepherd escapes and if they try to hunt him down later, he’ll use you again, or worse. They don’t have to kill Shepherd, though. They have proof he’s a traitor. He can be brought to justice if he’s caught. Death is too gentle of a punishment for what he’s done. He deserves to rot in prison for the rest of his life. 
They have to make sacrifices for the good of the world. 
“We’re going after Shepherd.” He says, taking a deep breath. “None of us will be safe if we don’t.” 
“That’s dangerous, John.” Kate says. “We don’t know how far Shepherd or Graves will take this. You know how Graves is. He may not be able to be stopped, even if Shepherd tells him to.” 
He takes a second to breathe. His pack is silent, all three of them staring at him, waiting for him to make this decision. He is pack alpha, he is their Captain. They do what he tells them to do, follow his orders no matter what. Kate is right, this is a risk, but sacrifices have to be made. Hands have to be dirtied to keep the world clean. 
He just hopes you’ll forgive him. 
“We’re going after Shepherd.” John says definitely. 
“This is a bad idea, John.” Kate warns him. 
“It’s the only option we have. They’re trying to draw us away. It’s a risk we have to take.” He can see the apprehension on his packmate’s faces. They’re all feeling it, the drive to go after their omega, but deep down he is right. They’ll never be safe until Shepherd is taken care of. Going after Graves only removes one small piece of the puzzle. The job always comes first. 
“Get us locations, places he might try to dig in and hide.” He says, heading towards the cockpit. “We’ll find this arsehole and kill him ourselves. 
Kate lets out a sigh as the comms close off. It’s a mistake. She knows it is. The guilt is eating her alive. She fell for this, she brought you into this, and now you might get hurt because of it. How she didn’t see the reality has shame burning through her. They were all blind, all led astray, all fooled by the red herring. 
There was never an initiative. It was never about strengthening packs. It was always about control. They wanted a way to control packs. Shepherd knew if the secret ever came out, there would be no stopping the consequences. Legal or illegal, retribution would come for him if the truth was revealed. 
This was his way of stopping it. 
That's why the 141 were the guinea pigs. 
They are the most dangerous threat to Shepherd, and he handed them a way to control them under the guise of strengthening packs, experimenting on how their dynamics and efficiency would shift with an omega added in. Even worse, they all fell for it. 
John is making a mistake. Graves won’t stop so long as Shepherd knows they’re coming after him. The last thing she wants is for you to get hurt because of their decisions, their mistakes. Shepherd won’t order Graves to kill you. That’s too much of a risk. It would give the 141 nothing to lose, and that would put them at their most dangerous. 
Will Graves listen to that order? 
She can send out a team to get eyes on Graves, find his position at least. That way, if things do take a turn, she’ll at least have a direction to point them in. 
They were all too trusting and ignorant. You’re innocent in all of this. 
It’s her fault. 
They’re going to need help. 
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Christine can’t sit still anymore. She can't take it. It’s been almost eighteen hours since your disappearance and there’s been nothing. No word, no news. She knows you’re alive. Kate had confirmed that, but that hasn’t eased the burning questions eating away at her mind. What is your current state? Who took you and why? Where is your pack and are they even aware of what’s happening? 
She’s been sitting and twirling her thumbs. She can’t bring herself to do any paperwork, any research. What is there to do besides sit and worry? She doesn’t have a patient to take care of because she lost the one she was supposed to watch. 
She huffs out a breath, pulling her phone out of her pocket and dialing Kate. If Kate won’t call, she’ll call herself. Kate’s probably busy though, so Christine can’t blame her too much for not calling. She’s probably so far from the front of Kate’s mind right now. 
The phone rings twice before Kate answers, sounding tired and disheveled, just as much as Christine feels. 
“Kate, I need to be there.” She doesn't hold back, doesn’t try to make small talk. There’s no time for it. She knows how Kate is doing, and it’s not great. 
“Christine, I don’t know if I can take that risk.” She says. 
“I need to be there. I can't take sitting around here anymore, and when you find her, she’s going to need someone she knows there, someone that knows how to take care of her.” Christine lets out a breath, the relief of getting her thoughts out taking some of the weight off her shoulders. 
Kate sighs, but she has to know Christine is right. She’s not sure what state you’re in, and depending on how bad it is, and where your pack is, you’re going to need her. Even if you think she was behind this. “I’ll have a plane ready to go in thirty minutes.” 
“Thank you, Kate.” She says, letting out a sigh of relief. 
“Don’t miss the flight.” 
Christine hangs up, gathering a couple things from her office before closing and locking her door. She nearly runs to her barracks, packing a bag quickly. She’s not sure what to bring, or how long this will take. She’s not even sure exactly where she’s going. 
She hurries to the airfield, phone in hand. She’s not sure where the plane is or which one she’s taking. She’s just relieved Kate is doing this for her. 
Her phone buzzes as she reaches the tarmac, making her puse. She lets out an annoyed sigh before answering the call. 
“Of course you have to call at the worst possible moment.” She says. 
“I’ve always had the worst timing.” Alex’s voice comes through the speaker, and she can almost hear the smile on his face. 
“I can’t talk long. I’m about to board a plane.” She says. 
“I know. We’ll pick you up on the tarmac.” 
She blinks in surprise. It’s been years since she’s seen her brother, months since she’s spoken with him. Ever since he retired from Delta Force, his regular calls have been happening less and less, and they’ve reached near radio silence over the last couple years. Now he’s involved in this too? 
“Kate called in a favor.” He continues, and that’s all she needs to know. “We’ll see you in a few hours.” 
“Yeah.” She says, tears brimming in her eyes as she smiles. Despite everything, she’s glad she gets to see her brother again. Glad she has some support in this. Your pack will be mad. They’ll blame her. She’s not afraid of them, but she knows Alex will stand behind her no
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**Content Warning: light torture, ‘mega gets punched, further injury to previous injuries, panic attack**
Your hands are starting to go numb. The constant attempts to free yourself from the zip ties isn’t helping, but you’re beginning to get twitchy. Your omega is scratching at the back of your mind, begging to be free, but you know you won’t survive it. The room is full of armed mercenaries, and you’re sure if you tried to take out Phil first, you’d be pumped full of bullets before you could even do any damage. 
He’s leaning against the wall far too casually, staring at the phone he’d used to record the first video of you. His explanation had been simple. Your pack stops going after General Shepherd, you don’t get hurt. The longer they chase Shepherd, the more Phil gets to torture you until they decide your life is worth more than Shepherd’s. 
Will they choose you over Shepherd? What if they’ve already decided to abandon you? What if your fears were right and they’ve given up, and that’s why they were gone so long? They won’t care what happens to you, if they have written you off as a burden, as a loss. They’ll let Phil torture you to death and they won’t even blink an eye. You’ll just be another casualty. 
It makes your stomach hurt, the idea of your pack letting you die. Even the idea of someone who had once been a friend of your family being so cold towards you has nausea bubbling in your belly. He doesn’t care. His only worry is money, not the past. He doesn’t care. He’ll do the bidding of whoever offers the highest price. 
He lets out a sigh, pocketing his phone as he pushes himself off of the wall. “Looks like your boys don’t follow orders well.” He bends down, putting his hands on his knees so he’s face to face with you. “They’ve decided to leave you here with me. Looks like Shepherd was wrong. They don’t really care about you as much as everyone thought they did. Makes me sad, them abandoning you so easily.” 
You try to ignore his words, try to convince yourself he’s doing it on purpose, trying to mentally break you. Yet you can’t deny those words play exactly into your doubts, your fears. Have they really left you here, choosing Shepherd over you? Would they decide to do that? How easy had that decision been made?  
Tears blur your vision as you stare up at Phil, your eyes burning as you try to put on the bravest face you can. You won’t let him have the satisfaction of knowing he’s getting to you, playing into your fears. 
“Unfortunately, that means I have to hurt you.” He stands up straight, staring down at you for a moment before pulling his fist back, hitting you across the face. 
You see stars for a moment, your head snapping to the side. The left side of your face is numb, the taste of metal flooding over your tongue. You’re bleeding, blood pooling in your mouth. A hand grips your chin, pulling you back so you’re sitting up straight in the chair. You stare up at Phil, the fear fading away to anger as you glare up at him. Your face is throbbing, and you know it’s going to swell and bruise later, more than it already has thanks to Corporal McKinney. 
Traitorous bastard. 
They all are. 
“I do feel bad for hurting that pretty face.” He says, stroking your jaw with his thumb. 
The movement is impulsive, the anger becoming too much. You spit the blood in your mouth in his face, the droplets splattering across his skin. He turns his head away for a moment, bringing his other hand up to wipe at the blood. 
“That wasn’t very nice.” He says, looking down at you. 
“Fuck you, you fucking creep!” You yell, kicking at him with your bad leg. 
He releases your face, catching your leg easily. He pushes his thumb against the bullet wound, all the fight leaving you as pain tears through your body. You let out a scream, trying to pull your leg away but he won’t let you. He holds his thumb there as you scream, the tears streaming down your face. 
“Okay, okay please! Please stop!” You beg, the pain radiating up into your hip and side. You can’t take it anymore, your brain starting to go fuzzy as you hyperventilate. 
He releases your leg, his hand wrapping around your throat to lift your face. The tears are streaming down your cheeks, mixing with the blood from the cut on your cheek. There’s no sympathy, not even regret in his eyes as he stares down at you. 
“I don’t want to hurt you, but if you can’t behave, I’ll have to do just that.” He releases you as you continue to hyperventilate, your eyes starting to glaze. You’re distressing. Will Phil help you? Will he do what he has to do to keep you alive? If you die, there won’t be anything stopping your pack. The entire plan will be over. They’ll go after Shepherd, then they’ll hunt down Phil. 
Cold ice water hits you in the face, shocking you back into clarity. Phil is holding the cup of water he’d been letting you drink from periodically. You blink at him as water drips into your eyes, your breaths hitching but far slower than they had been. You’re awake and aware now. 
You didn’t even know it was possible to do that. 
“Don’t distress on me now.” He says, putting the cup down. “We have so much ahead of us.” He moves around to the back of your chair, bending down until his breath hits your ear. “Besides, you make me help you out of distress, I might not be able to stop myself.” 
Your eyes pinch closed as his lips brush the shell of your ear before he stands back up, tears mixing with the icy water still sliding down your face. 
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Christine nearly runs down the ramp once the plane has stopped on the runway. She’s jet lagged and worn out after eight hours of worrying, but she’s eager not only to finally get some news on you and your status, but to see her brother for the first time in a long time. 
It’s not hard to find him. 
“Chrissy!” He grins, hugging her tightly. 
She has half a mind to complain about the nickname she’d endured her entire childhood, but she can’t find it in her as she hugs her brother tightly. She’s missed him, more than she realized. Their jobs have kept them busy, her with her medical studies and practice, and Alex with...whatever it is he does. 
“It’s been far too long.” She says, pulling away from him. She’d love to stand there and hug him for an hour, but she can’t. They have more important things to do. Time is of the essence, if her worst fears are true. 
“A lot has happened, a lot has changed.” He says. 
She looks him over, spotting the more noticeable changes in comparison to the last time they were face to face. “You could say that.” 
“We can talk about it later.” He turns to the other person with him, a woman. “Christine, this is Farah.” He introduces her. “Farah, this is my baby sister Christine.” 
“Nice to meet you.” Farah says, shaking her hand. 
“You as well.” Christine looks between them for a moment. She knows that look in Alex’s eyes as he looks at Farah. 
“We should get moving.” Farah says, ignoring him. 
“Laswell has moved off the grid.” Alex says, opening the driver’s side of the SUV. 
Smart, if things are as bad as she thinks they are. 
Christine gets into the back, letting out a long breath. She’s closer now to finding out what’s happened to you. The guilt is still eating her alive. If she just hadn’t left, if she hadn’t believed the phone call, put it above your safety. 
Things might have been worse if she had stayed. 
“Kate filled us in about everything.” Alex says as he drives away from the airfield. “At least in regards to the pack and your involvement.” 
“There’s some things she’s not telling us.��� Farah says. “Though if things are as bad as they sound, I don’t blame her.” 
“I don’t know much of anything.” Christine says, staring out the window as they drive out of the city. “I feel like it’s my fault. If I hadn’t left her alone...” 
“It’s hardly your fault.” Alex says, glancing at her in the rearview mirror. “If this was all planned, there wouldn’t have been anything that would stop it from happening.” 
“They might have done worse if you had stayed there.” Farah says, speaking Christine’s own fears aloud. 
“I wish I could see her. Make sure she’s alright.” Christine says. “If something happens to her...” 
“From what I hear she’s a hardy omega.” Alex says, trying to comfort her. “She’s withstood a lot. She can survive the 141, she’s probably giving them hell as we speak.” 
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**Content Warnings: light torture, choking to the point of almost passing out, blood, very detailed descriptions of pain, non-fatal stabbing**
It’s getting hard to breathe. Phil’s grip around your throat is getting tighter and tighter, less and less oxygen getting to your bloodstream and your brain. Your mouth has an almost permanent metallic taste as blood drips down your chin. Blood stains Phil’s arm from where you bit him, teeth marks red and angry looking from where they broke the skin. 
“You fucking bitch.” He growls, jaw clenched. “Your alpha should have taught you some manners.” 
His hand squeezes tighter, cutting the air off entirely. You begin to panic, tugging against the restrains with your raw, cut up wrists. Black dots begin to dance in your vision, your legs straining against the zip ties keeping them attached to the chair. Your hands and feet are going numb, your entire body tingling. This is it. You’re going to be choked to death. 
He holds his hand there for a moment, letting you struggle before he lets go and you suck in a gasp of air. You slump over in the chair, blood splattering on the floor as you cough, your throat raw and sore. Tears burn in your eyes as you heave, trying to get the oxygen flowing through your body again. 
Phil bends down to your level as you sit there, head hanging as blood drips from your mouth. Your tongue is raw from how many times you’ve bitten it. It’s impossible to tell how much time has really passed. There’s no windows in the room. The only light source is the cracks around the door behind you. Even then with the bright light in your face constantly, it’s hard to tell anything anymore. 
“Feisty still, but everyone has their limits.” His hand cups your chin as he stands, lifting your face to follow him. His hand holds the back of your head up as he wipes at the blood under your nose and on your chin almost gently. 
Tears stream down your cheeks as you stare up at him, unable to even care anymore that his hand is so close to your neck. All he has to do is move it down just slightly and squeeze and you’ll be unaware of anything around you, at the mercy of his bidding. 
That would almost be a relief. 
He dumps another icy cup of water over your head, keeping you from slipping too much into a panic. The cold water stings the cut on your chest and the one on your arm as it slides down your shoulders. You’ve lost the ability to feel the throbbing in your calf, numb to most of the pain in your body. 
Why haven’t they come for you? Where is your pack? 
Have they written you off for good? Was finding Shepherd more important than you? 
Phil’s phone goes off, your stomach dropping. He stares at the screen for a second before turning back to you. 
You shake your head, the tears cascading down your cheeks. “No,” You start to shake. “No, please-” 
“You know I have to, darlin’.” He moves behind you, tugging on your hair to keep your head up as one of his men stands in front of you with a phone in hand. 
He counts down on his fingers before pressing record. 
“Seems you boys still can’t follow orders. Your omega sure wishes you would.” Phil says as he reaches around your head, holding your chin in his hand. He tilts your head back making you look up at him. “Don’t you, darlin’. Tell them. Tell them how much you wish they’d follow orders.” 
You’re still crying, unable to stop as you stare at the camera. They really have given up on you. They’ve deemed you unworthy of saving. They’ve let you sit here and be beat up and tortured all because they put the job first. 
They really have given up on you. 
Are they even watching? 
“Please,” You croak out, half begging your pack to care, half begging Phil to have mercy. 
“Since you can’t seem to bring yourselves to care about your own omega,” He shifts slightly, someone handing him something behind you. You catch a glint of metal, your heart rate picking up. You’re panicking, breaths coming in shaky gasps. You know he can do worse. He’s threatened worse, but what is he going to do? “It seems you need a little more...motivation.” 
You try to wiggle out of his grasp in panic, wrists bleeding again from tugging at the zip ties. They’re coated in your blood, your leg throbbing but you don’t care. You need to get away, get free. “No, no-”
You let out a scream. 
It’s sharp and piercing, but nowhere near the sharp pain in your neck. It fires through your very nerve endings, making you aware of the very cells in your body. It shoots up into your brain, igniting every neuron in your brain. Your very blood feels like it’s boiling, your skin on fire from the pain. Every inhale feels like you’re breathing in sand, and every exhale is like glass shards dragging through your lungs and up your throat. The tears streaming down your face may as well be slicing through layers of skin, every wound pulsing and throbbing with a new kind of angry vengeance. 
You’re sobbing, nearly choking on air as the pain continues to pulse in your body. It’s too much, every sensation inside and outside of your body meshing together in an agonizing harmony. 
“Shhh.” Phil tries to shush you as he bends down, his cheek resting against the side of your head. “I know, I know. You’ll be alright.” He presses a kiss to the side of your head before letting you go limp in the chair. 
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Your scream still hangs in the air even after the video ends. 
It’s otherwise silent in the room, all eight of them feeling the weight of their decisions on their shoulders. The scents in the air are full of pain and regret and guilt and anger. 
“Was that fatal?” Kate asks, breaking the tense silence. 
“No.” Christine chokes out, her voice shaky. Her hands are trembling where they’re tucked against her sides. Her arms are crossed over her chest, trying to bring herself some kind of comfort after what she had just watched. “He went for the scent gland. It’s not a fatal injury, unless you go too deep, but he knew what he was doing.” She swallows the lump in her throat. “It’s just incredibly painful.” 
Her words hang in the air for a moment, all of them still trying to process what they had just seen. 
John slams his hands on the table, all of them jumping. “I fucking told you.” He says, his voice laced with the deep growl of his alpha. “I fucking told you Kate, she should have been flown out here as soon as you made the call.” 
“I know.” Kate says, undeterred by his anger. She’s seen it many times, though she’s rarely been on the receiving end of it. “I know, I made a bad call. None of us knew they would take it this far.” 
“But we knew something was going on behind the scenes.” John says, still radiating anger. “All precautions should have been taken.” 
“There was no guarantee her being here would have stopped them. She might not have been any safer here.” Kate says, trying to ease his anger, even though she knows it’s completely warranted. “This goes far deeper than we thought it did. Even before this plan was set into motion.” She waits a moment, letting the air settle. “A year ago, a convoy was smuggling missiles and other weapons into the Middle East in an off-the-books operation. The convoy was attacked and the missiles and arms were stolen by a Russian PMC group. The operation was conducted under the command of Shepherd, and the soldiers in the convoy were all Shadow Company.” 
“That’s how Graves is tied into this.” Kyle says. 
“It goes deeper than that.” Kate says, pulling up a file and displaying it on screen. “The missiles and weapons being smuggled weren’t being sent to aid allies in the Middle East. Shepherd sold them to AQ and the Russians. The PMC group that attacked Shadow Company was hired by Shepherd to make it look like an ambush.” 
“Fucking weasel.” Simon growls. 
“I don’t know how much Graves knows, or how much he helped hide the entire operation, but his ties to this go even deeper.” Kate says, and they all shift closer. “Graves has history with your omega.” She says, pulling up an old photo. “We combed through one of her brothers’ Facebook pages. Found an old photo of her dad with Graves. They served on the same base when her family lived in Texas before Graves left to join MARSOC. She would have still been a child at the time.” 
They stare at the photo, Graves clearly identifiable as he stands next to another man, beers in their hands. There’s two other boys in the photo, young and grinning at the camera. Standing in front of Graves is a little girl, a happy grin on her face. They’re all in various combinations of red, white, and blue. 
4th of July, they assume. 
“That’s how she got into the institute so fast.” John says, staring at the photo. He’s never seen a photo of your father before. You must take after your mother. “Graves pulled the strings.” 
Kate nods. “He did, but under the condition he would be the one to claim her when she grew old enough. The CIA wiped out that claim when they froze her file.” 
The 141 all shift on their feet, sharing looks. John feels a sick twisting in his stomach at the implications. Your position in the photo suddenly makes sense. Anger burns in him, deep and bubbling like magma. He’ll kill the bastard. 
“This is revenge then.” Johnny says. 
“In a way, I think.” Kate says. “We took away what he wanted. Graves wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity. He’s not afraid to get his hands dirty.” 
“This all is what the initiative was created for.” Christine says, leaning against the table. “A contingency in case this all was uncovered.” 
“A way to control us.” Kyle says. 
Kate nods. “Yes. It was all a plan to give the 141 a weakness, a way to be controlled should the situation arise. In this case it just so happened to be the uncovering of his traitorous arms deals.” 
“We were all pawns in this.” Christine says. 
“We let them walk right in and take control like that.” John says, turning to Christine. “You let them walk in and take our omega.” 
She turns to face him, undeterred by his agitation and anger. “I did what I thought was right at the time. I got a call from one of the front desk workers in the med center saying that someone was waiting in my office for me.” She explains. “They wouldn’t say who it was, and the whole thing felt off. I knew whoever would be visiting me was not going to be friendly, so I felt it was safer to leave her in the barracks than take her with me and risk something happening in a place she doesn’t know well. In the barracks at least she’d know places to hide and barricade herself.” 
She takes a deep breath, still facing down John fearlessly. He’s coiled tight like a spring, ready to jump at any moment should he deem it necessary. It’s those protective instincts, the knowledge that his omega is somewhere else, taken unwillingly and being tortured feeding into that need to fight. 
“My office door was open when I got there.” She continues. “I always leave it locked. I went in prepared to fight, but I was attacked from behind. Hit over the head and drugged with something fast acting, something that would keep me incapacitated long enough for him to strike.” She stares up into his eyes, projecting her scent just a bit to try and get him to calm down. “We all made mistakes here, things we thought were the right choice at the time.” 
She’s not wrong. They all know it. They had just seen proof of it.  
“The assailant?” John asks, turning back to Kate. 
“Corporal McKinney.” Kate says. “He was in Shepherd’s pocket from the start. Someone who could watch first-hand. Someone who could sneak into the barracks unnoticed without many questions. He was likely the one that put the cameras up.” 
“Fucking wanker.” Simon growls. “He approached her once in the mess. Early on. Tried to introduce himself to her. Backed off as soon as I intervened. Never tried again, at least that we know of.” 
“She never mentioned him.” Christine says. “Or anyone else on base that might have tried to approach her.” 
“Where is he now?” Kyle asks. They’re all angry, frustrated. How had they not seen this happening? 
“Local police tracked his car to an abandoned airfield not far outside of Hereford.” Kate says. “He was dead inside. Police ruled it suicide.” 
“I’m sure it was.” John says. 
They all know it wasn’t. 
“Shadow Company likely picked her up from there with orders to stage a suicide.” Kate says. 
“One less loose string to worry about.” Simon says. “Covers their tracks in England.” 
They all go quiet. How this had all happened right under their noses? They’re all guilty of falling for it, for being too trusting in a world they know they can’t be too careful in. Allies can turn on a dime and become enemies. Betrayals can be easily bought. Things can turn downhill within a blink of an eye. They’re supposed to be prepared for the worst, ready for every possibility. 
They had written this off as a conspiracy, and now their omega is paying for it. 
“We need a plan.” Farah says, breaking the silence. 
“We can’t let Shepherd get away.” John says. 
“We cannae just leave her.” Johnny argues against his alpha. It’s a brave thing, considering his alpha’s current mental state.  
“I don’t know how much more she can take.” Simon backs his beta up, the desperation and pain on your face still visible in all of their minds. 
“Let us go after Shepherd.” Alex says, offering up a solution. “He’s obviously watching for you to come after him.” 
“We can move undetected.” Farah agrees. “He’s less likely to expect us. You need to focus on your omega. Shepherd will show himself again eventually.” 
“Do we have a lead on their location?” Kyle asks, turning back to Kate. 
She nods. “We do now. I sent a team out to try and track location through the videos and where they were being sent from.” She pulls a map up on screen. “We have a location.” 
“Texas.” Alex says. 
“He took her home.” Christine says. 
“We have a plan then. We go after Graves, Farah and Alex start tracking Shepherd. Kate is eyes in the sky for us.” John says. 
“She’s going to need medical attention as soon as possible.” Christine says. She looks at Kate. “Where is the nearest military base from their location?” 
Kate types on her computer. “Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base in Fort Worth.” 
“Get me there and I’ll be waiting. She’s going to need someone she knows.” She says, looking at John. “She’s not going to just let anyone close to her after this. She may not even let you close.” 
John stares down at her for a long moment. She stares back unflinchingly. She doesn’t get intimidated easily, not after years of dealing with institutes and alphas alike. 
He lets out a breath, staring down at her for a long moment before he nods. “I trust you.” 
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“Short reunion this time.” 
“I’m just glad I got to see your face again.” Christine says, looking up at Alex. 
“Things are...complicated.” He says. “Maybe after all of this is over we can go and get some coffee. Talk about our lives...as much as we can.” 
The corner of her mouth twitches up in a smile. “I’ll hold you to that.” 
Alex pulls her into a hug, holding her tightly. “You’re doing good work, Chrissy.” 
She shakes her head at the nickname, but she holds him just as tightly. “I’m trying to.” 
Alex pulls away, squeezing her arms. “I’d say you are. You care a lot. To the point some might call it a character defect.” 
She scoffs, slapping his chest playfully. “Not like you’re much better.” She glances at the car where Farah is waiting patiently. “I’m happy for you.” 
“Oh, we’re....” Alex blushes to his ears. “We’re not...” 
She gives him a look. “Mhm sure.” She looks up at him one more time. “Be safe.” 
“As best I can.” He says. “Take care of yourself. Don’t be too hard on yourself either.” 
“I try not to be.” She squeezes his hand before stepping away. 
She watches the SUV drive off, stomach churning with nerves for both of them. Shepherd is dangerous, but Alex has fearlessly faced down danger since he was a kid. He’s always been brave and determined, loyal and unafraid to do what he thinks is right no matter what. She trusts him to take care of himself, she trusts Farah to help him, even if she only met the woman today. 
She trusts them both to take care of each other. She trusts them both to help put an end to this. 
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**Content Warning: Blood, vomiting, 'mega forces herself into a panic attack**
Your body aches, muscles screaming. You can’t take much more. Your cheek throbs painfully, swollen to the point you almost can’t see out of your left eye. The pain burning from your neck makes the other pain in your body nearly irrelevant, nearly nonexistent. It’s like electricity, burning through your very cells. Every movement seems to make it flare, makes the electric shock jolt through you. The burning pain that follows makes you whimper, a pathetic choking sound squeaking out from your bruised throat. 
The pain makes you nauseous, vomit staining the front of your shirt and pants. It’s mostly bile and the little food you’ve gotten since your kidnapping. 
Nutrient bars, meant to keep you fed and nourished for a short period of time. 
You may never be able to eat them again. 
“Fuck.” Graves curses, staring at his phone. “They’ve backed off.” He steps up to you, looking down on your pathetic form. “Looks like your boys do care about you after all.” 
Do they? Are they really coming for you, or have they simply given up chasing Shepherd because they lost all their leads. Will they come for you, or will they leave you here to rot? What will Graves do then? Try to take you as his own omega? Kill you out of anger? 
Your stomach churns and you can feel the bile rising. 
You vomit again, the warm liquid splashing into your lap. You can’t lean far enough anymore, not without the risk of not being able to pull yourself back up, not with the pain burning your every movement. You can’t even lift your head anymore, your body weak and battered and bruised. There’s blood everywhere, on you and on the floor. You can still taste it in your mouth, mixing with the sourness of bile. 
Graves gives you a disgusted look before turning to the others in the room. “Duran, Lewis, keep watch. The rest of you come with me.” 
He leaves the room for the first time in what you assume is days. For once the cocktail of scents begins to disperse, all but two of the alphas finally disappearing. Where they’re going or what they’re going to do, you don’t know. You can’t bring yourself to care either way. You just want to go home. You want to see your mother again, your brothers and sisters, even your father would be a welcome sight after this. You want your alpha, you want him to hold you, to take you in his arms, keep you safe.
He abandoned you. He left you to suffer like this. 
Your breathing picks up as you sit there, chin to chest as you stare at your bloody shirt. The smells in the room are awful, the scents no longer there to block out the sour bile and metallic stench blood. Tears are streaming down your cheeks, pink tinted splatters dripping onto your pants. What are you going to do now? What are they going to do to you now? Will they keep you alive long enough for your pack to arrive then kill you in front of them? Will they torture them too, make them watch as the life slowly leaves your eyes in revenge for chasing after Shepherd? 
A sob rips through your sore throat up out of your lips. 
You just want to go home. 
You just want to be free. 
You can be. 
Distress. The final defense. The last ditch effort omegas have to save themselves. Distress will lead to your omega taking over, and if nothing else, a quiet death you won’t even realize is happening. Your body will give out and you’ll be safely tucked into the back of your brain, comforted by your instincts. You won’t have to worry anymore. You won’t have to care. 
If nothing else, the pain will be over. 
I’m sorry. 
You begin to breathe heavier, ignoring the pain in your body as you push yourself to hyperventilate. The alphas behind you might do something, might try to stop it. They could, but would they even know how? Would it even work if you got too far? They’re not your alpha. They can’t comfort you, bring you back from the edge without forcing you. Will they even bother? 
You tilt your head to the side, putting pressure on your injured scent gland. You sob at the pain, the burning flowing straight into your very cells, making them scream. You push through it, your wrists twisting against the zip ties, digging them further into your already damaged wrists. The pain pushes you to a point of panic, your heart rate through the roof. You can feel it, the tightening of your muscles, your joints locking into place. 
You’ve never done it purposefully before, but in this state, it’s not hard. 
They left you. They’ve abandoned you. They’ve given up. It’s all your fault they left. They’re not coming for you. You’re not worth it. 
The thoughts send you down the spiral, the edges of your vision starting to go dark. You’re floating away, hands and feet going numb as your wheezing, shallow breaths block the oxygen from getting to your brain. You’re sinking, your body floating as you begin to retreat into the back of your mind. The cage is open, your omega soothing you as you drift off, curling up in the back recesses of your mind. 
You’re safe now. She whispers. 
There’s no going back. 
You’re going to get out. 
Even if you have to do it yourself. 
The last breath you remember taking is shaky, making you cough before your vision begins to fade to grey, then to black. You’re getting out of here no matter what. You’re going to go to sleep. If you fail, you’ll never know it. Your death will be quick and gentle and you’ll never know it happened until you’ve moved on to whatever is next. 
You won’t remember any of this. That’s your only consolation. 
Your vision fades to black as all memory and awareness leaves you. The last thing you remember is the snap of the zip ties around your wrists as they break. 
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“Graves has moved with some of his men to the western building. It’s likely the hostage is being held in the eastern building. Gaz and I will go after Graves. Ghost and Soap will try to secure the hostage.” 
“Keller is on her way to NAS JRB as we speak. They’re on standby for medevac.” 
“Stealth is our priority. They know we’re here, we risk losing the hostage. Quick and quiet, take them by surprise. The faster we do this, the sooner it will all be over.” 
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**Content Warning: blood and slight gore, someone gets shot offscreen, some gorey and explicit imagery towards the end**
He’s not unfamiliar with high stakes missions. It’s his specialty. He’s cool and calm under stress and pressure, which is why he gets chosen for them. He can detach easily, get the job done and then go home and forget. 
So why are his hands shaking? 
This isn’t a high stakes mission, not like one he’s used to doing. The stakes are higher, higher than he’s ever had before. It’s not just eliminating some faceless target, it’s not just rescuing some faceless hostage. 
It’s rescuing you. 
He hates that you were involved in all of this. He hates that they all fell for it, blind to the truth, blind to Shepherd’s traitorous actions. They refused to entertain those conspiratorial thoughts, and now you’re paying for it. He knows why Price made the decision he did, he understands the logic behind it. 
He hated it, though. 
How far would Graves have taken it if they had chosen to go after you first. Would things have gotten this bad? Or would he still have hurt you, tortured you just out of sheer anger for what happened between the two of you? He wouldn’t give up just because Shepherd told him to stop. He’s ruthless and uncaring of who he hurts and why. He gets his orders and he completes them, no matter what, so long as whoever is giving those orders can pay a high enough price. 
How much did he get for this assignment? How much did he settle for once he learned you were involved? 
Far too much despite that fact, most likely. Maybe he should become a merc. Less rules and more money.
It’s not a bad idea. 
He lasers his focus on the building as they creep through the trees, moving silently. Two against however many are inside. It was impossible to tell with how many were moving between the two buildings constantly. 
He brought the whole squad. He planned on putting up a fight regardless. 
At least they have the element of surprise on their hands. 
“We move silently through the building.” He says as they approach the door. There’s two guards standing outside. “They know we’re inside, things could go downhill quickly.” 
“On you, LT.” Johnny says, taking point beside him. 
“Drop one, I’ll take the other.” He says, aiming at one of the two Shadows guarding the door. 
It’s quick and quiet, their bodies slumping onto the damp dirt. Simon scans the area before moving forward to the door. It’s unlocked, Johnny pushing it open slowly to check for a trip wire. 
Sloppy, or perhaps on purpose. They can’t be too careful. Shepherd will have let Graves know they’re not on his trail anymore. He’ll be expecting them. 
They split up, combing the bottom floor of the building. He takes out two more Shadows, checking every room for a sign of their target, but they find none. 
“Second floor.” He says, waiting at the base of the stairwell for Johnny to join him. 
“You think she’s in here?” Johnny asks as they creep up the stairs, careful not to make too much noise. 
“Well, we’ll find out.” 
It’s far too unguarded to where they’re holding you. Graves will have assumed they’d split up. He must have moved most of his men to the western building to put up as much of a barricade as possible. He can picture Graves standing there, the smirk on his face as he holds a gun to your head. Will he take that risk, shoot you in front of them and give them nothing to live for? Or will he use a knife, letting you die a slow, painful death in front of them? 
Or, maybe he moved them to the western building to make them think that’s where you are. Focus their attacks there so they leave you behind. He gets cornered, he send the word to kill you before any of them can get to you. 
More red herrings. 
He pauses before he reaches the top of the steps, taking out the shadow standing down the hallway. They split up again, looking through rooms at the top of the stairs, making their way down the hallway. 
One of the doors is open, and he silently motions for Johnny. He counts down silently in his head before rounding the corner, rifle up as he scans the room. His stomach churns as he looks inside, taking a couple cautious steps forward. He’s seen a lot of things in his time, done a lot of things, but this is different. 
“Screaming Jesus.” Johnny says, lowering his rifle as he steps in behind Simon. 
There’s blood everywhere. 
It’s coating the floors, leaving a sticky residue as it dries. It’s the room you were in. He recognizes it from the video, and the bright light in the corner is a dead giveaway. The chair in the middle of the room has been broken, the wood of the arms snapped off and splintered. There’s four bloody zip ties on the floor, along with several instruments on the floor including the ice pick. 
He wants to shove that into Graves’ eye for what he did to you. 
There’s two bodies on the floor, one of them dead in a pool of his own blood, the other choking as blood seeps onto the floor under him. He steps up to the shadow, putting his boot on his chest and pushing. The Shadow lets out a groan, coughing up blood. 
“Where the fuck is she?” He growls, staring down at the quickly paling face. 
“Fucking bitch went crazy.” He chokes out. “Went running.” 
Simon steps back, pulling out his handgun and firing two bullets into the Shadow’s head. 
“Price, we found the room.” He says into his comm. “The hostage isn’t here. A half-dead Shadow said she bolted.” 
“LT.” Johnny says, motioning to the door, the only other exit from the room. There’s a bloody handprint on the door, one too small to be one of the Shadows’. 
“I think she managed to get out.” He says, staring at the handprint. His stomach drops, his hand tightening around his rifle. He glances down at the bodies, throats cut and faces bloody. “I think her omega took over.” 
“You and Soap go after her. She’ll do the one thing she knows to do, the one instinctual thing she can do if she has nothing to fight.” Price says. “We’ve got Graves cornered.” 
Simon pushes the door open, cool air flowing into the stuffy room. There’s bloody shoe prints heading down the stairs. He can see the rapid turn on the concrete below before they head off towards the trees. 
“I’ve got a trail.” He says. 
“Go.” Price says. “Simon...you know what you have to do.” 
He does.
He motions for Johnny to follow before hurrying down the stairs. The longer they delay, the further you’ll get. He doesn’t doubt some Shadows followed you if you made that much of a ruckus. The more time they waste, the more dangerous things get, and not just because they might lose you or the shadows might catch up. 
He races towards the treeline, rifle in hand, but there’s no one else standing guard. Price and Gaz will have taken care of those in the other building, and those that were outside probably went after you. 
He slows once they break the treeline, trying to catch any hint of your scent that might be left. His only hope is that you’ve left a trail. He’s a tracker, he knows what he’s doing. His senses are stronger, more in tune. He can find you. He can track you down. He has to. 
The guilt is eating him alive. If something happens to you, he’ll never forgive himself. He’s right here, so close and yet so far. You’re running on borrowed time and there’s only so much of it left. Eventually you have to slow, eventually your body will start giving up. Will it be too late then? If a Shadow finds you when you can’t fight back...
“Dead Shadow ahead.” Johnny says, motioning to the slumped over body ahead of them. “We’re on the trail.” 
“Let’s hope she left more markers on the way.” He says, kicking the Shadow, but the stab wound in his neck is all Simon needs to know. “Keep going straight.” He says, continuing on the path they’ve been following. He needs just a whiff, a hint of your scent. Something. 
They come across another dead Shadow, this one off to the side of the path they had been following. He turns, making an adjustment before moving forward. Johnny keeps close, both of them watching for more Shadows, or for any glimpse of you. All they can hope is they’re on the right path. 
He nearly sets off in a run as he hears a sound ahead. It’s a yowl, almost like a mountain lion. It sends a tingle down his back, his alpha blaring warning alarms. A threatened omega is a dangerous thing. Fierce and protective of themselves, capable of great feats and lethal if you get too close. 
It’s you, no doubt. 
Price had been right. 
He has no choice. 
He pushes forward, his steps quick as he makes his way through the bushes. He spots you near a boulder, trying to fight off a Shadow. He’s got the upper hand, using his size against you. You’re getting tired, your movements slowing. Simon aims with his rifle, a shot to the head dropping the Shadow. You drop into a crouch, surveying the trees. You’re covered in blood, a knife in your hand as your wild eyes search for them. 
“Distract her.” He says to Johnny. “Make yourself as unthreatening as possible. I’ll go around and get her from behind.” 
He doesn’t even wait for an acknowledgement before he’s moving, slipping around to the side of the boulder. Johnny steps into the clearing slowly, holding his hands up, talking to you quietly.
“Easy, kitten. Ye know who I am.” Johnny is careful not to get too close, his steps slow as he moves to the side, getting you to turn. “We’re just here to help ye. Get ye home and safe.” 
You’re holding the knife up, brandishing it at Johnny. Simon isn’t sure if you’ve ever thrown a knife before, but he doesn’t put it past you to try in this state. 
He hopes Johnny’s reflexes are fast enough. 
He slips out from behind the boulder as you pause, wasting no time as he races up behind you and grabbing you before you can bolt or go for Johnny’s neck. You let out another yowl, struggling against him as he wraps an arm around your chest. Your teeth sink into his arm and he lets out a curse, but he doesn’t let go. He lets go, they won’t get another chance. It’ll be too late. 
He doesn't want to do it. His mind flashes back to his father and mother, one of the few times his mother fought back. It hadn’t lasted long before her body went limp, practically a ragdoll in his father’s hold. Simon had grabbed Tommy and ran, barricading them in his room. They didn’t want to see what was going to happen next. 
He doesn’t want that kind of control over you, he doesn’t want to put you through that trauma. The disorientation, the fear, the confusion. That must have been what it felt like after being sedated during your heat. You had been sick for days, crying in Johnny’s room. He had heard every sob, every attempt to soothe you. 
He put you through that. He made you face that down despite the fear on your face as Johnny escorted you to the med center. 
And now he has to do it again. 
He has to this time. He has no choice. His only other option is to let you die. Price will never forgive him. Johnny won’t even look at him again. He’d betray them worse than you did, worse than Shepherd, worse than Graves. 
You never really betrayed them in the first place, though. 
You were afraid, untrusting of them, unsure because of your past. He had been foolish to blame you, foolish to think it was somehow your fault. You acted out of fear, out of terror. How you must have felt in those moments when that beta showed up, when you faced down Shepherd alone, when you returned to find your space invaded and those cameras all over your room. They weren’t there to protect you, they weren’t there to support you. They left you alone and you hid it from them because you didn’t know any better, because you were so afraid. 
He’s a goddamn fucking prick he’s been. 
Tears blur his vision as he tucks his free arm behind you, shifting your position just enough so he can get his hand around the back of your neck. You kick out with your legs, releasing his arm, your head tilting back in a last ditch, instinctual effort to protect yourself. 
His eyes squeeze closed as you let out a yelp, his fingers digging into the back of your neck. It’s hard enough it will leave a bruise, but he has to be sure. It’s the only thing that might save you. It’s his only option, his only chance to keep you alive. 
“There you go.” He says quietly into your ear. “Need you to relax for me.” 
Your body goes limp in his hold, head resting back against his hand as he holds you there. Your muscles twitch as the tension leaves you, eyelids fluttering before they close. His arm stings where your teeth had sunk into his skin, hard enough to draw blood, but he doesn’t care. 
“Keep resting.” He says, easing his hand from the back of your neck as he shifts you in his arms. “Gonna get you somewhere safe.” 
You’re like a ragdoll in his arms as he lifts you up, cradling you against his chest. You’re warm, hair sticking to your forehead. 
“Call it in.” He tells Johnny, his eyes still glued to your face. “We need that medevac now.” 
“Price, we got her.” Johnny says into his comm. “We need medevac stat.” 
You look so peaceful despite the blood soaking your body. Partially yours, partially the Shadows you killed in your escape. You look like a gruesome painting, a gorey depiction of an omega pushed too far. Something they’d put on display in a museum, a photo that would win prizes in celebration of such a natural state caught on camera. It would be circulated for decades, something talked about centuries from now. 
A raw view of humanity’s inner beasts. 
He can’t stand it, seeing you like this. They did this to you. They are the reason you’re like this. They made the bad call in the end, they put you through this. You won’t forgive them, not after everything. You went weeks without them, without a word and then this happened. Innocence tainted in the blood of the guilty. The bloodstained omega held in the arms of the blood-tainted alpha. He should be the one covered in their blood. He should be the one carrying the weight of torture and desperation on his shoulders. 
The guardian dog covered in blood in the name of protecting his innocent sheep. 
How he’s failed you. How they all failed you. 
He pushes past the pain, past the grief, past the guilt and the horror of what they did to you, what they put you through. 
They’ve got you back. You’re safe. 
It’s over. 
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dragonsholygrail · 15 days
Imagine an entire bird colony of all male Bird Hybrids where you are their dancing instructor.
Every bird in the colony is absolutely feral over you. They desire you so much to the point where they started taking your class to learn how to woo possible mates but now they only wanna use what they learn on you.
They’ll do the steps wrong on purpose so that they can feel your soft hands on them when you correct it. Wishing you’d slip your hands further down till your thick fingers wrap around their aching cocks. You just smell so good and consume all their senses. Their adorable chirps fill the air whenever you give them any attention, their minds spinning with you.
Sometimes they’ll act like they aren’t getting it no matter what. You all know what’s going on and you’re not too shy to admit you love the attention they give you back. Your panties gushing with arousal as their eyes are trained on your every move.
So you tease them further. Inviting them to grab your hips and feel the way you move into the step, grinding against them every now and then. Loving the way their faces always drop, staring down at your wide hips and round bottom. Their feathers ruffling and wings flapping as they get more turned on. They try not to make it obvious but it makes you so hot to see how deeply you affect them.
By the end of every class all the bird hybrid’s cocks are rock hard and they’re in desperate need of you. They try anything they can think of to get you to stay after class with them. Showering you in affection they now want to drown in you in unimaginable pleasure. Stuffing your tight cunt over and over again with their cocks. Filling you up with all their cum till your belly bulges with it.
You always look so pretty underneath them. Especially as a handful of them always seemed to get you to agree to stay after. One after the other they take you hard, each of them coming inside of you until you’re all fucked out and cum is leaking into a puddle between your thick thighs. Of course they take the best care of you after.
After months of this you had realized that this colony was the only one you were teaching. And the bird hybrids make sure to keep it that way as they fill up all your available slots. Anyone can be competition and they don’t want your attention on another colony. Not that it ever would. You’re more than happy with the affection they constantly show you.
You always have more mating gifts than you know what to do with. Sometimes they give you pretty pebbles or other brightly covered objects. Other times they give you adorable little twigs and materials for a nest you don’t have. But they wanna help take care of you anyway. Then some give you food, wanting to keep your plump body healthy by making sure you’re eating good.
But the feathers that fall off their wings throughout class are your favorite. You put them up on the walls for decoration. The bird hybrids preen whenever they see their feather on the wall, viewing it as their claim on you. They boast to the other birds but then others point out that their feather is up there too and they turn playful as they try and say their feather is longer or fluffier.
Eventually they go to you, thinking that if they can’t prove they’re the better mate through their feathers, they can see which one can make you cum harder. It takes hours for them to come to any sort of agreement as they each use their fingers, tongues, and cocks to make you explode around them long past till you’re seeing stars.
They come from a place of love above all. Wanting to please you, their mate, more than anything. They’d do whatever they could to make that happen as caring for you is what they enjoy most.
I will literally beg for asks about them!! They’ve been a brainrot for me just about all week now. I’d love to see others expand on them and the idea. Or even just to join in the freak out and gush about the fluffy guys together!
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enoe-of-noen · 4 months
An Mc who is warm
It’s cold down in the Devildom, why wouldn’t those closest to Mc use them as their very own portable heater?
☞ Established relationships, lots of words
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Taking full advantage.
Steals Mc away on certain exhausting nights when the breeze is harsh. The scratching of branches raking the glass.
Loves to have you on his lap for maximum warmth.
Maybe, after he’s done with this pile, can you join him in bed?
Please take the offer. He won’t ask twice, but he really needs it.
When Mc finally agrees, after a bit of teasing, they’ll gladly snuggle in the eldest’s arms.
During the day, Lucifer makes it a point to have his hand on Mc whenever they see each other.
Whether it’s a holding theirs for a kiss, a hand on their shoulder, a hand in their hair, a hand on their cheek, etc.
Since he wears gloves, he finds it most effective to hug them briefly before leaving them to their activities.
He’s grabsy
“My human!”
Mc is always stolen away by him at any. Given. Moment.
They’re never safe from his grasp.
Mammon’s hands are all over Mc!
In their hair, under their shirt massaging their back, on their cheeks, on their thighs, on their hips, whatever he feels like
He loves hugging Mc from behind
“Mmn, warm, warm for me.” He cooes
“Mams. I have to go.”
“Nuh uh.”
“Fym nuh uh?!”
Mc will not be leaving his grasp any time soon~
Wow! Humans are really warm!
“Mc, Mc! I hope this isn’t too much to ask but, can you…sit here, while I game tonight?”
Levi pointed at his lap, blushing furiously.
This is embarrassing, isn’t it?
Is it too much?
Is it too weird?!
He won’t worry too long though, it is pretty chilly tonight and Mc is down to cuddle <3
Loves feeling their hands on his cheeks, squeeze them a bit if you wanna~
Hisses softly whenever he feels their warm hands, always accompanied by a cute smile
Hides his face under Mc’s chin, having easy access to their collarbone
Prefers Mc touching him rather than him touching them most days
Lets him know he’s loved and that Mc wants to be there for him
In public, he’ll always be holding their hand
Kisses their palm whenever they go to touch his cheeks.
Feel free to use him as a chair, he absolutely loves the warmth and attention.
Pets Mc like a cat, playing with their hair.
“Just a second longer, dear,” he hums.
“You said that 30 minutes ago,” Mc grumbles, feeling stiff.
Satan laughs whenever you complain.
Doesn’t stop his arms snaking their way around your waist though.
“Good book, at least?” Mc looks at the book in Satan’s free hand.
“Very much so.” He grins.
Otherwise around in the Devildom, Satan always lends a hand for Mc to hold.
His hands get chilly easily~
Y’all already know~
All over you, all the time!
I mean, who wouldn’t be down here?~
Your hands are easiest to access of course.
You have such nice hands to hold, hon~ <3
Loves it <33
Surprise hugs! Tight ones, might I add.
Humans sure are cuddly, I love it!!~
No moment together is spent apart by any means.
Hands, hair, hips, arms, cheek-to-cheek even!
You’ll never feel alone with Asmo around, that’s for sure!
Definitely gives Mammon a run for his money
Best hugger around totally not biased
Loves when Mc is able to face him, that way he can feel their breath
A little reminder they’re alive
Besides, gives him easy kissing access which is also warm in temperature
Always at Mc’s side; they radiate heat in the cold, dark Devildom
Loves resting his hand on their stomach, it’s the second warmest part of their body!
Whenever they’re sitting on the couch, Beel makes it a point to get between Mc’s thighs
It is so incredibly warm
He doesn’t care that he gets stares, it’s too comfy not to do
His naps have transcended
He is blessed to have Mc down in the Devildom with him
Uses you more like a weighted blanket sometimes
Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles
Always slumps over Mc’s shoulder in public or when he’s too sleepy
Instant smile on his face, even if for a split second
“You’re warm.”
Free head pats for being cute! That’s a win for Belphie!
His hands often travel
Maybe too much
This devious little shit
“Dearest Mc!”
Makes it a habit to ruffle your hair whenever he passes by.
You emit so much heat that he can feel it just by petting your scalp.
Humans are fascinating!
Whenever Mc gets to stay over at the castle, he adores resting his head on their lap.
Mc admits the slight bedhead he gets from it is adorable.
Big arms give big hugs!
Get hugged at the most unexpected moment, Mc! Hahaha!
Always catches Mc off guard (unlike with the brothers)
Busy man, unfortunately. Not many opportunities for him to appreciate your warmth.
However, when he does, his hands travel.
Skillfully removing his gloves desperately.
Your skin is soft under his.
“How about a massage, Mc?” He’ll offer.
Easiest way of feeling your warmth without too much creepiness.
Such a calming atmosphere.
How can one resist the temptation?
It was difficult moving from the Celestial realm to the Devildom at first.
Until, of course, he met Mc.
Gloves on, gloves off, doesn’t matter.
Holds hands, hands in hair, hands on shoulder.
Seems to instinctively lean on Mc.
Mc found it weird but more endearing the closer they got.
Touches go both ways, Simeon giving way more access.
Surprisingly, having come somewhat recently from the Celestial realm, Mc also feels warm back.
A win-win situation!
A little sappy to admit, but your warmth makes him feel so…human.
Reminds him of times he’d relax, longing for human interaction.
He’d gone so long without it, forgetting he was one himself.
Tears up when the thoughts get him late at night.
He’ll always have an arm wrapped around either your shoulder or waist.
Please keep close.
You give him so much just by being warm, his heart pounds.
No matter if his facade of being the all powerful wizard crumbles slightly, he’ll be human with you.
He is human with you.
Luke is clinging onto you everywhere!
Like a cute little koala
Holding onto your leg (if you’re tall enough)
Loves being carried by you (if you can), gets to snuggle real close
Holds your hand like a child being led by their parent
Reminds him of the warmth in the Celestial realm
Easily got close with you, no questions asked
Just a little bundle of joy!
Despite not being seen around together often, Raphael makes an effort to offer his touch.
Being quite new and unfamiliar with the Devildom, he’s also unfamiliar with its coldness.
“Hello, Mc. I know this is an odd request, but may I hold your hand?”
If he absolutely needs it, he doesn’t see the problem with calling upon his heavenly spears.
Watch yourself, Mc.
Ah, Mc.
Whenever he sees you around, he enjoys the heat you radiate.
Oh, come closer. The students here are quite dangerous.
That’s a ploy.
He just wants contact. You’re very warm, you know?
Flamboyantly steals you away, as any great trickster would!
Never a quiet moment with her, whether it be her inventions or her rambles, you’ll love it
If not, she can take a hint
Touch, touch, touch! Blush, blush, blush! You are now her big fat crush!
Be honored, human, hahaha!
Can’t believe humans could be so warm!
A treasure to hold and keep!
Often has to fight for it
Which is totally worth it when she wins
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Don’t know the last three well, so yeah. Hope you enjoy. This took way longer than it should’ve.
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ferrariseventeen · 10 days
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seventeen nsfw thoughts 18+ minors dni
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a/n: omg me making random nsfw posts again? who would have ever thought! so happy to be posting on here again and there’s already so much more to come! warnings: power dynamic,mentions of weed,high sex,hybrid
ceo wonwoo! i repeat ceo wonwoo who takes his pretty secretary into his office to use as a fleshlight before every meeting! just beckoning you in with a nonchalant wave of his hand,ignoring the other employees exchanging glances as you shuffle in the door behind him! they’re not stupid,oh no! everyone in the office knows what kind of relationship you have with the big boss,it’s what they talk about as they crowd around the coffee machine during breaks,it’s what they’re whispering about under their breaths around the lunch tables,”it’s the only reason she still has a job” they snigger to each other whenever they catch you slipping out of his office with your hair a mess and your skirt still bunched up around your thighs,a goofy smile on your lips. they’d never mention to each other that they wish it was them in your position,how their sharp words conceal how badly they wish they could be called in to join or fuck it,even just watch! sometimes it’s you wishing someone would be able to catch a glimpse of you on your knees on the carpeted floor of your boss’s office,mouth wide open as he fucks your face. you’re sure they must be able to hear you gagging around his length or the dirty words dripping from his lips as he ruts into your throat. he’s an utterly shameless man,the way he grabs the back of your hair and moans out what a pretty whore you are as he’s got you spread across his desk,balls deep in your dripping pussy,taunting you with that lopsided grin of his,to answer the phone that’s been ringing non stop beside your head
i’ve talked about this so much on my other blog but holy fuckkkk getting high with your best friend vernon and fooling around! like you’re just chilling in your room,lazily passing the blunt that he rolled back and forth as you watch some shitty comedy that neither of you are really interested in but you’re having the time of your life! you’ve never really noticed how gorgeous your friend actually is,sure girls and guys alike always fawn over him and he’s always telling you about who he’s pulled on nights out but the way he’s sprawled out now,eyes hooded as he takes a swig from the water bottle you’ve been sharing,you’re kind of feeling something different for him,it’s like you’re seeing him for the first time. is it the way his basketball shorts are laying so low on his hips or how his arms are flexing as he throws them behind his head…..anyway fast forward 5 minutes after a simple “hey i wanna kiss you” blurted out after you exhaled the last of the smoke in your lungs,you’re crawling into his lap,straddling him while you bring the blunt to his lips,watching how they wrap around it as he bats his lashes up at you. he’s taking absolutely no time to slip his hands under your shirt,watching through his red eyes how you bite your bottom lip when his fingers find your hard nipples. he’s pinching them and flicking them just to coax out that throaty moan he’s been dying to get out of you since the moment he met you
mingyu with his curly hair is just so puppy coded like not to go back to my hybrid!svt roots but he would make the cutest puppy boyfriend! like imagine patting down his curls while he tries to nuzzle his face into your palm,nipping at your fingers with his canines,the corners of his mouth turning up into a cheeky smile when you jokingly scold him. he’d be the worlds whiniest,clingiest thing known to man,never leaving your side! the little attention seeker would set up camp by your at home work station,chin resting on your thigh,looking up at you with those big brown eyes while you try to concentrate on the voice on the other end of the phone line. he just can’t go 5 minutes without your hands on him,he’s dragging himself across the couch just to curl up beside you,he’s wrapping your arms around him while you’re trying to cook,he’s pressing his nose behind your ear and moaning how hard he is when it’s time for bed!! he’s just so desperate for you and that’s the way you like it,he’s always so keen to be manhandled and pinched and prodded any way you see fit,you know what’s best for him of course! that’s why he wears his little collar with your initials on it with so much pride!
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eevees-hobbies · 3 months
Talk You Through It - NSFW (Fem!Reader x Hajime Umemiya)
Author’s Note: The number of attractive characters from Wind Breaker is a problem.
Content Warnings: Fem!Reader x Hajime Umemiya. A thirst. Sex is implied through quotes but not specifically described in the manner that I usually do. But, still, sex. Minors Do Not Interact.
Word Count: 470 (so short!)
Dividers by Saradika. Requests are as open as my legs are for Haruka Sakura's dick.
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Thinking about Hajime Umemiya, who likes to talk you through anything and everything. He has such a penchant for teaching, breaking down complex topics to the point that they seem so simple. As a leader and mentor, he likes to help people connect the dots. He loved it when Sakura’s eyes got wide, and he finally understood why fighting could be a conversation—an opportunity—to understand someone. He loves speaking to Hiragi about the impact fostering children can have when they’re brought up in environments filled with unconditional love and care. 
Most of all, he loves it when you join him in the garden, and he can sit behind you, his large hands nestled over yours, as he physically shows you how to replant a tomato plant so it has the best chance of thriving. Are you taking his words to heart right now? Maybe not. 
You’re a little too distracted by the way his chest, only covered by the thin fabric of his white tee, feels against your back. 
You’re a little too distracted by the way his breath tickles the nape of your neck and how much deeper his voice sounds in your ear. 
You’re a little too distracted by the overwhelming sound of blood rushing in your ears at being so close to one another. You can smell his body, the smell of the earth mixing with his sweat, and it gives you those old-fashioned schoolgirl crush butterflies. 
It’s flustering because Umemiya knows precisely what to say and how to say it, so you feel a slight burning sensation in your core over the most mundane topics. Who knew succulents could be so sexy?
And he’s no different in the most intimate moments you share. When you’re straddling his lap, leaning over his frame, with shakey arms barely keeping you up, he’s also taking the opportunity to talk you through your pleasure.
“You like that, don’t you? I can tell by the way she's squeezing me.” 
“Mm, baby girl, ride me just like that. Nice and slow, yeah, roll your hips.” 
“You feel that baby? That’s your special spot. See what happens when I keep hitting it…just…like…this.”
 “Please don’t look embarrassed; yeah, look at me with those pretty eyes.”
“I need you to look at me, babe.”
“You’re stunning, pretty girl.”
“Here, let me take over, baby. You’ve done such a good job riding my dick.”
“You gonna cum for me? You gonna cum on this dick, baby girl?”
“Nnngh, lose yourself on me. I don’t care. Make a mess. I want messy. I need messy, baby.”
As you reach your climaxes together, gripping one another with the tenderness of familiar lovers, foreheads pressed against one another, your fingers tangled in his sweat-drenched hair and dissolving into one another, you’ll look into Umemiya’s storm-blue eyes and see the look of someone with resounding pride—and it’s all for you.
“You did so good, my girl.” 
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murdrdocs · 10 months
thinking abt sejanus and coryo sharing a girl in their peacekeeper days ohhhhngmgnnggngkgg
god this got my little brain going walk w me here ... fem!reader
the differences in the way they fuck : sejanus is gentle. he cares about your pleasure a little more than his sometimes. he drives into you with gentle thrusts, even when they’re faster than they usually are. he’s never rough or incredibly fast about it. instead, he treasures the time he has with you. he’s asking for reassurance (“are you still doing okay? yeah? okay, just keep me updated”) with a dimpled grin. he’s reassuring you with moans (“you feel so good, love”). he’s truly a gentleman. someone you go to when you want to be fucked softly and cuddle with afterwards, taking about anything under the stars and feeling as if a proclamation of three little words are on the way.
coriolanus is nearly a stark contrast : he has his nights where he bears similarities to his friend, asking for reassurance and praising how good you feel. but his comments are harsher. dirtier. he claims you from the inside out (“my dirty girl” “my little slut” “mine”). coriolanus treasures his time in a different way, instead bending you and placing you in whatever way he wants, as if you’re an experiment for him to study. he treasures his time by fucking you relentlessly, working you to as many orgasms as possible instead of making the one incredibly worth it. coriolanus isn’t fast about it, either. he drags it out instead, edging a particular favorite past time of yours. and each time you cum, he makes it worth it with a cocky grin.
coriolanus is jealous : he likes to claim you as his, even when he’s well aware of your nights (and days, sometimes, if the loopy grin on the plinth's face when he returns from patrols is anything to go by) with sejanus. anytime the other boy brings you up, coriolanus can’t help the way his nostrils flare and the hardening of his eyes. he can’t help but storm off from his supposed best friend to find you as quickly as possible, without guaranteeing dishonorable discharge. he likes to make sure that the next time sejanus is with you, corionalus has left his mark somehow. whether it be as simple as hickies along your pretty skin, or as complex as a limp in your walk and bruises along your hips. and if sejanus comes to coriolanus about it, voicing concern with descriptions like “our girl”, coriolanus just smirks and claim that you like it. because with the way you were moaning when he did it, there’s no way you feel the opposite.
despite coriolanus reluctance to share, sejanus feels the opposite : sejanus constantly mentions the inconvenience of each boy getting with you at separate times, since they live together and it’ll be much easier for all three of you to act on your urges at once. coriolanus is quick to disagree to the idea, pouting and rolling his eyes and pushing the idea off before he can even truly consider it.
but then they run into you at a bar, catching you dancing to the covey's band. sejanus joins you first, moving around with you in a way that shows that you two know each other's bodies well. you cast a look over your shoulder, beckoning coriolanus to join you, and he figures that no one here, in this bar in district 12, will care if he joins. so he does. he presses his front against your back, and ignores sejanus' look of shock over your shoulder. he rests a hand on your left hip while sejanus takes the right. he kisses at your shoulders and neck while sejanus kisses your lips.
and for once, coriolanus doesn't feel jealousy. he finds the delight in sharing when sejanus fucks you from behind while you take coriolanus' cock in his mouth. he understands the pleasure in a threesome when you moan coriolanus' name, followed by sejanus'. he feels his ego swell when sejanus sits at the edge of the creaky bed and simply watches, palming his cock slowly while you ride coriolanus. he considers doing it again when you have both of their cum painted along your chest in pretty ropes.
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alisonsfics · 1 month
secret’s out
pairing: carmy berzatto x reader
summary: you and carmy have been able to successfully hide your relationship from your friends for four months. but when they all get invited to carmy’s apartment for a party, they find something that spoils your secret relationship.
word count: 1.8k
warnings: swearing, smut implications
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“We really have to get back out there, Carmy,” you mumbled against his lips. You tried to pull away from him, but he grabbed your hips and held you still.
“Don’t wanna. Just wanna stay right here with you,” he protested, moving your hands back to where they had been in his hair. Carmy loved the feeling of your fingers running through his curls. “They’re gonna realize we’re gone,” you tried to protest, but Carmy was making it difficult.
You hummed contently as Carmy’s hands ran down your sides. “You really wanna leave?” He teased you. Carmy could read you like the back of his hand.
“You know I don’t, but we don’t want all our friends to realize we’re dating, do we?” You asked him.
Carmy finally pulled out of the kiss. “I just miss you. That’s all. I see you everyday but we have act like we’re just coworkers. And we have to be so careful. I have to watch every move I make around you. I know we can’t, but I just wish I could flaunt you to everyone.” He told you, honestly.
You took his hands and interlaced your fingers with his. “I know, baby. I’ll make it up to you later, though.” You flirted, kissing the inside of his wrist.
Carmy huffed. “We have that party later at my place with everybody, where I once again won’t even be allowed to hold your hand or…do this,” Carmy said, trying to distract you. He attached his lips behind your ear, sucking softly on your skin. He knew how much you loved it.
“We always have after the party.” You said, pressing a kiss to Carmy’s neck.
“God, I love you,” Carmy said, with awe in his eyes. He pressed a quick kiss to your lips before sneaking back into the kitchen. You waited a few minutes before joining him, so no one would get suspicious.
Later at the party, you and Carmy were making sure to keep your distance. If you both were inseparable, your friends would figure it out pretty quickly.
Carmy was in the kitchen chatting with Fak and Marcus. You were sitting in the living room with Richie, Sydney, Nat, and Tina. Every once in a while, Carmy would meet your gaze and smirk at you as he took a sip of his beer. You tried your best to maintain a straight face.
Richie was in the middle of a rant about god knows what. You had been zoned out for the past few minutes, and now you had no idea what he was talking about.
“The fuck keeps poking me?” Richie grumbled, bringing your attention back to the conversation. Richie stood up and started pushing the couch cushions on the couch that him, Syd, and Nat were sitting on.
You all watched him in confusion. “What the fuck are you talking about? There’s nothing there, Richie.” Sydney told him. Richie kept searching the couch. “No, see. Right here,” he said, finally realizing where the mystery object was.
Richie stuck his hand behind the cushion, grabbed it, and then held it up.
The four of you froze when you realized what it was.
Richie was holding up a dark red lacy bra.
Your bra.
But no one knew that.
“Yo, cousin,” Richie yelled, successfully grabbing Carmy’s attention. “Yo, what’s up?” Carmy asked, walking around the corner. He froze when he saw what was in Richie’s hand.
There was complete silence for a second as everyone realized what was happening.
Then, chaos erupted.
Natalie and Sydney jumped off the couch. “I am never sitting on this couch again.” Natalie said with visible disgust on her face. Carmy’s face turned the darkest shade of red you’d ever seen.
Marcus let out a whistle, embarrassing Carmy further. “Who does this belong to, cousin?” Richie asked, intrigued by Carmy’s mystery woman.
You stayed seated in the armchair, trying to make sure there wasn’t embarrassment written on your face too.
“Fuckin’ give that to me,” Carmy said, snatching the bra out of Richie’s hand and storming into his room. You heard him slam his dresser drawer after stuffing your bra in there.
You remembered back to the night that your bra ended up in the couch. You had just bought a new bra to surprise Carmy. He was a big fan of the purchase. In summary, it didn’t stay on very long and you both never even made it to Carmy’s bed.
Carmy came back into the room and avoided eye contact with the whole group. “So, who’s the girl, Berzatto?” You asked, teasingly. You knew if you were the only one who didn’t tease him, they’d get suspicious. You watched a smirk start to form on his face, but he stopped himself.
“Wouldn’t you all like to know?” Carmy answered without answering. He retreated back to the kitchen, searching for his keys. Richie and Marcus followed right behind him, practically whispering in his ear.
“Who’s the special lady, chef?” Marcus asked him. “None of your fuckin’ business, you assholes,” Carmy said with a chuckle. Richie threw his arm around Carmy’s shoulders, holding him close. “No wonder you’ve been so much more tolerable lately. You’ve been getting laid.” Richie said, smirking at Carmy.
“I’m taking a smoke break. Please don’t follow me.” Carmy said, ducking out the door.
“Who do you guys think the girl is? Is it Claire?” Sydney asked, looking over at you and Sugar. Sugar was quick to shake her head no. “I don’t think it’s Claire. I don’t think it’s anyone we know. I mean, he’s clearly crazy about her, and that’s why he hasn’t told anybody. He doesn’t want anybody to scare her off.” She added.
“What do you mean? You think this is a group of people that would scare a girl away. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You said, sarcastically.
“Guys, he left his phone.” Richie cheered, running over to the living room. You felt your stomach drop. The only proof that Richie could find about yours and Carmy’s relationship was in your phones. Carmy always made sure to hide the pictures of you both in his apartment when he had friends over.
You mentally prayed to any deity that would listen. You needed Richie to not get into Carmy’s phone. Just like that, you watched Richie perfectly guess Carmy’s password.
“Alright, c’mon cousin. You gotta have a picture of this mystery girl.” Richie said, clicking on the photos app. You wracked your brain for any reason to get that phone out of Richie’s hand.
The first photo Richie pulled up was a picture of yours and Carmy’s shadows. You’d both gone for a walk along the river, and Carmy had taken a picture of your shadows as you held hands.
Marcus and Sydney started booing that they couldn’t see the girls face, so Richie kept scrolling. He came onto another gem that was just a picture of your hand holding Carmy’s. You felt yourself start to hide your hands in your lap.
Richie started scrolling faster, getting more desperate for answers. You felt your heart skip a beat as he stopped on a picture.
It was a spicier picture.
One night with Carmy, as things got a little heated, he stopped to take your picture. He said you looked like the most beautiful woman on the planet, so he took a picture to commemorate it.
It was taken from his perspective as he was straddling you. It showed you lying on Carmy’s bed in a matching bra and panties set. Your hair was messy, and your lipstick was smeared. And to top it off, Carmy’s very recognizable tattooed hand was resting on your stomach.
You practically leapt across the room and snatched the phone out of Richie’s hand. Every person in the room was staring at you with shock and disbelief on their faces.
“It’s you? You’re fucking Carm?” Richie almost yelled. You had worried that your friends were getting suspicious, but it was clear from their reactions that they didn’t expect it at all.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You lied, slipping Carmy’s phone into your back pocket. They all clearly knew you were lying, but you were completely on the spot. You didn’t know what to say, and Carmy wasn’t even there to take some of the heat.
“You’re fucking my brother? You’ve told me stories about your sex life. Those were about my little brother?” Natalie asked, once again disgusted. She retreated to the kitchen to refill her wine glass. “You know what? Good for you. You saw what you wanted and you got it, but at the same time, I think I know too much about you both know.” Sydney tried to be supportive. You giggled at her response and accepted the high five she gave you.
Then, the door flung open, and Carmy walked back inside. “Well well well,” Richie said, turning to face Carmy with an almost wicked grin. You could see the light drain out of Carmy’s eyes.
“They know, Carmy,” you filled him in. He took a second to process your words. He hoped you weren’t talking about what he knew you were. “You told them?” He asked you.
Before you could respond, Richie butted in. “No, she didn’t. Something else told us,” Richie said, still smirking. He loved watched Carmy squirm as he tried to figure out what was going on.
“What’s he talking about?” Carmy asked, looking to you for help.
“You need to change your phone password. Richie was able to guess it.” You explained. Carmy froze before patting his pockets to check for his phone. You slid it out of your pocket and held it up to show him.
“All I have to say is well done.” Richie continued to tease him. Carmy walked over towards you and nudged you out of your seat. He sat down and pulled you down onto his lap. If everybody knew, he wasn’t going to sit on the other side of the room from you anymore.
“What did they see?” He whispered in your ear. You gave him a look that made him question whether he wanted to know or not. You unlocked his phone, turned down the brightness, and then showed him the photo. “Oh, shit. They saw that,” Carmy said, his eyes growing wide.
“Yeah, we saw it. And now we can’t unsee our friend doing things with our brother.” Sugar called out from the kitchen.
“I’m sorry, Sugar. I really am. I wish I told you sooner.” You apologized to her. She quickly shook her head. “Fuck telling me sooner. I don’t want to know sooner. I want to un-know. Please wipe my memory,” she said, earning a laugh from the room.
“That’s my favorite picture of you, y’know?” Carmy whispered in your ear so no one would hear him.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @lillyssh-tposts @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @supernaturalstilinski @stephv213 @warriormirkwood @one-sweet-gubler @narliesstuff @bibissparkles @stupiidfrogs @navs-bhat @mattsfavbigtitties @the-sylver-dragon
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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verstappen-cult · 6 months
Lestappen and reader just having a super cozy morning 💗
Waking up in your boyfriends’ arms is your favorite thing in the world. Even if most of the time you’re being crushed between them and feeling too warm to the point of sweating. You like it either way. 
Saturday morning is no different. 
There’s times when the three of you want to sleep alone — each one has their own room, something you talked before deciding to move in together — but in times like these, when they’re about to leave for Australia knowing you’ll have little time to talk between their obligations and different time zones, they want to be with you as much as they’re allowed. 
You wake up with your head resting on Max’s chest and Charles stuck to your back, arms lazily thrown over you. 
“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” Max says, holding his phone away from his face. You can see he’s been playing some game while you and Charles are practically crushing him. 
“What time is it?” Charles groans, kissing your shoulder before rolling away to his side of the bed. 
“Is still early,” Max leaves his phone aside, turning to give you and Charles a kiss on the forehead. “You hungry?”
“Yes.” You and Charles answer at the same time, making him laugh.
Max gets up, only putting on some shorts, while you snuggle closer to Charles, who is more than happy to open his arms for you. 
“Are you gonna help me make breakfast or what?” The Dutchman says, hands on his hips. 
You stick your tongue out at him, accepting the shirt — Charles’ shirt — he’s handing you. Charles doesn’t waste any time either, getting up and grabbing Max’s white button-down from last night. 
Max is in charge of the pancakes while you’re by the stove taking care of the eggs. Charles, on the other hand, looks at you two while sitting on the counter, drinking some freshly squeezed orange juice. It’s always like this when they’re home; you and Max will cook while Charles looks pretty doing nothing just because the last time he tried to help, you ended up calling the fire department. 
You curl up with a blanket around your shoulders on the terrace, Charles and Max by your side, enjoying the view of the marina below you while you eat. 
You spend most of the morning there, talking about what you’re going to do when they return home and what race you’re going to attend next, Jimmy and Sassy roaming around trying to earn some ear scratches. Only when it’s too hot and the sun doesn’t let you stay outside anymore, you decide to go back to bed. Because you’re gonna miss them and all you want is to spend every second glued to them. And they can’t say no to you. 
Charles cuddles under the blankets with you, Max joining after putting something on the TV. You try to watch the movie, you really try, but you feel so safe and comfortable between them that you don’t even notice when you fall asleep.
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moonstruckme · 4 months
james x shy!reader first time?🤭🤭🤭🤭
Thanks for requesting!
cw: smut mndi
James Potter x shy!reader ♡ 908 words
James almost feels bad about the mark he’s surely leaving on your tit, but your hands are encouraging on his back and he’s yet to learn how to deny you anything you want. 
He can feel your heartbeat in his mouth as he sucks and teases your skin. It speeds up when he lets his teeth scrape lightly. Your breathing falters. 
James can’t help himself; he grins. “That’s it,” he coaxes. “Don’t be shy, angel, let me know what’s good, yeah?” 
Your reply comes soft and surprisingly teasing. “I think you already know.” 
A little laugh startles out of him, and he looks up in time to see your small smile. That smile is going to get James in trouble. 
“How’re you feeling, baby?” He runs his palms up and down your sides comfortingly. Your top half is bare, your shirt balled up and tossed into the hamper, but you’re still in your pants. “Are you ready?” 
You rub your lips together, showing your nerves. “Yeah.” You nod. James kisses you softly to try and settle you. “I’m ready.” 
“Okay. I’m gonna take care of you, okay?” You nod again, looking a bit more sure this time. He smiles at you. “Can I take these off?” 
You hum. “Please,” you say, lifting your head and reaching for the button of your pants. 
James bats your hands away, nipping playfully at the underside of your jaw as he undoes them himself and then easing them down over the curve of your hips. You sit up on your elbows to watch him. Underneath, you’ve got on a pair of underwear that’s prettier than anything James has ever seen (present company excluded). He can’t take his eyes off them as he tugs your pants the rest of the way off. 
“Sweetheart.” James is delighted. “Did you wear these for me?” 
You look like you’re contemplating smothering yourself with your pillow. “Yeah,” you murmur, not looking at him.
He plants a heavy, smacking kiss on your cheek. It’s burning hot under his lips. “You’re fucking adorable,” he says, running a finger over the waistband. “I almost don’t want to take them off.” 
“Please do,” you say in a hurry. 
Something frightening close to a giggle bubbles up in James’ chest. He’s continually surprised by your bouts of boldness. 
“Whatever you say, angel.” He gets his fingers under the pretty fabric, and they join the rest of your clothes in the hamper. 
It’s not the first time you’ve been exposed to him like this, but you never seem to get used to it. James can hardly blame you; he hasn’t either. He stares openly while you cover your face with your arms, taking one of your thighs in each hand and easing them open. 
“My shy girl, all ready for me,” he coos, dragging two fingers through your slickened folds. “Fuck, I wish you could see yourself, baby, you look so pretty. Probably won’t take long at all to get you ready for me, huh?” 
He looks up, but you’re still hiding under your arms. 
When no response comes, he hums, “Or, maybe I could take my time—” 
“Jamie.” Your voice is quiet and frail, directed towards the ceiling like a prayer. “Please.” 
“Okay.” He laughs, hands moving back up you until they’re clasped around your wrists. “Okay, I’m sorry. I won’t play with you too much, just don’t hide from me, please?” 
James gives only the slightest tug, but you move your arms of your own volition, peering up at him warily. 
“Good girl, thank you.” He rewards you with a kiss, his hand sneaking back down between your legs. 
Your lips part in a silent gasp as his thick fingers broach your entrance, and James slips his tongue into your mouth, cock aching at the tightness of you. His other hand finds your tit. Your gummy walls constrict on his digits, and he swallows a groan. 
“Fuck, angel.” He slips in a third finger, the fit easy when you’re already so worked up. “S’like you’re sucking me in.” 
Your head falls back against the pillows, but James doesn’t hold your lack of reply against you. He finger fucks you deep and slow, curling his digits every now and again in search of that sensitive spot on your front wall. Your cunt is weeping now, wetness slipping out of you and pooling on the sheets. 
When James sets his lips to your clit, you make the sort of breathy, desperate sound he knows will echo in his dreams for the next week. 
One of your hands burrows in his hair. He spurs you on by bullying the small bead, licking and sucking until he can feel that telltale trembling of your thighs. He lifts his head, and you look relieved. 
“I’m ready,” you say through soft pants, braver now that James has wound you up so tightly. “I think I can take—” 
You cut yourself off as he spreads his fingers inside you, testing the fit and hoping to numb you out in the process. 
“Sorry, angel,” he says. “That feel okay?” 
“Yes.” You nod, urgent. “Yeah, Jamie, can you—can you please—” 
James placates you with a soft kiss to your jaw, soothing his slick-soaked hand over your hip as he undoes his pants with the other. 
“Someday,” he promises, “we’re gonna find out what happens when you don’t get your way. But for now I’ll give you whatever you want, sweetheart.”
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luvyeni · 11 months
❛THEY’RE ROOMMATE❜ ( l.jeno & n.jaemin )
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p. roommate!nomin x fem!reader w. 4.7k+
warnings? pinning, threesome, meandom!jeno, softdom!jaemin, unprotected sex
— 𖦹 ( maybe those “jokes” your roommates play on you aren’t actually jokes ) !
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You and you roommates jeno and jaemin had and strange relationship — everyone saw it, except you three, you three just thought you were close friends.
“Yeah, close friends don’t joke about fucking each other on a daily basis.” Your friends would tell you, but you just shrugged it off, maybe they didn’t, but you and the two boys were comfortable enough to make jokes like that.
You first met the two on campus when you were freshman, jaemin was in one of your classes, and you two were partners for a project where you had to go over to his apartment — the apartment he shared with his best friend jeno, and you three instantly hit it off, you began to hang out all the time; movie night, clubbing, just hanging around, you guys were glued to the hip.
Then in your sophomore year you three both made the decision to move in together, it would take away some of the stress on bills — and you get to live with your best friends, it was a win win situation.
So, you soon moved in, jeno and jaemin sharing a room so you could get your own space, which you were so grateful for.
The jokes started before you moved in, but they got bolder and bolder when you guys moved in together. You’ll always remember the time when you accidentally walked in on jaemin in the shower, and instead of yelling he just smirked at you, telling you to join him. You quickly ran out, your face was warm, but you just chalked it up to the steam and not the fact that you had just seen your best friend's cock — and you weren’t mad at it.
Or with jeno, jeno loved to use his strength against you — constantly randomly pinning you down, his obvious bulge pushing against your stomach, bringing his face close to yours, like he was going in for a kiss, just to pull away with a smirk, leaving you breathless walking away with his day.
You also had your fair share of teasing the boys, probably more than them — wearing shorts that were too short and left nothing to the imagination, purposely bending over in front of them, giving them a peak of your ass, and most recently, and you didn’t even mean to do this, but you thought they both went to the gym, and you had time to yourself.
Yeah, they went to the gym, but they returned early due to it being closed, but you weren’t aware of their return, and your mind was to focused on reaching your climax with your vibrator that you didn’t hear them come in.
They didn’t let you live it down, for the next week, they tease you, telling you how they’d be so much better than the vibrator, only to laugh when you’d whine telling them to fuck off, your face warm, and your panties damp.
So maybe their words and teasing were starting to get to you, but you’d never tell them that, you’d never give them the upper hand, so you played them right back — tighter close, leaving the bathroom door open just enough so they’d see just enough to leave them wanting a full show — at the point people were just waiting for you three to break.
“Get the fuck up.” You were jolted awake by jaemin throwing a pillow that fell off your bed while you were sleep. “Get the fuck out jaemin.” You groaned, you didn’t have class today, so why the fuck was he disturbing your peace. “It’s almost noon, why the fuck are you still in bed?”
You ignored him, trying to fall back to sleep — but you were soon disturbed once again, this time jaemin was crawling on top of you, you felt the weight of his body crushing you. “j-jaemin, you are heavy.” You groaned — and then it hit you, it was hot last night, and your air-con wasn’t doing what it needed, so you stripped naked, and you fell asleep in the full nude.
Your eyes widened, “j-jaemin.” You stuttered. “jaemin get off.” You said. “Now i’m pretty comfy.” He smiled down at you. “I’m naked you asshole.” You gritted your teeth; he kissed his teeth unamused. “you’ve gotten me with with already sweetheart.” He said.
“Look on the floor.” His eyes fell to the floor, where your clothes were spread out. “Oh shit, you really are.” He turned to you. “Can I see?” You gripped the cover. “No.” he pouted. “Come on just a peek.” He pulled at the blanket. “jaemin stop!” you shrieked, and if things couldn’t get worse, jeno walked through the door.
“What are you two doing?” he stood against the wall. “you guys fucking?” You were trying to figure out how you ended up here, you were sleeping peacefully, now you’re naked with one of your roommates were on top of you while the other stared at you both in such a compromising position.
“No but she’s ready for me.” Jaemin smirked, “she’s naked under here.” You were stressed. “jaemin get off.” You whined. “Ah you’re a lucky bastard she’s whining for you; I told you I wanted to have her first.” You could no longer tell if they were joking or not and it was messy with your mind.
“You can still have her first, if she lets you under the blanket.” You gripped the comforter harder. “Okay enough, get off.” You pushed him off, he fell on the floor, you sat up covering your body. “i’m up, you both succeeded in waking me up and stressing me out before I even had a cup of coffee.” You said, pointing at the door. “Now get out so I can put some clothes on.”
They finally gave you what you wanted, jaemin got off the floor, both of them leaving you in peace. You sighed, fanning yourself. “it’s hot.” You said, “so hot.”
After calming down you finally got up, grabbing some lounging clothes for your shower. You tried not to think about the incident, but you couldn’t help it but think about it, your best friend hovering over you, and your other best friend claiming that “he wanted you first.” What the fuck did he mean by that? You got out of the shower, putting your clothes on, there was no point of makeup of anything, since you planned on staying inside.
“Ah there she is, you were showering for a really long time.” Jeno smirked, “where you doing something naughty?” you slapped his shoulder, he laughed. “Shut the fuck up.” You grumbled, pulling out all the ingredients for an ice coffee. “So grumpy.” He said, “frustrated?” he asked.
You rolled your eyes, “wouldn’t you like to know?” you fought back. “of course, I do baby, that’s why asked, maybe this time I could help you.” You ignored him, fixing your drink. “where’s jaemin?” you asked sitting back down.
“He went to the gym.” You nodded, taking a sip of your coffee, smiling at the taste. “Good?” he asked, you hummed. “So good, why didn’t you go?” you asked. “I went this morning, you should’ve come.” You shook your head. “And why would I do that, I work out at home, and you go hella hard on the gym for no reason.”
“You gotta go hard if you want muscles like these.” You rolled your eyes as he flexes. “And besides, it would’ve been nice, seeing you in your tight little gym outfit, a little motivation.” He smirked.
“Stop it.” You said fixing the rest of your coffee putting your cup in the sink, you’ll get it later. “And stop flexing your muscles.” You said. “Why, you get turned on by muscles?” He wasn’t wrong, you could feel your panties dampening, but you weren’t about to let him win. “Not really, jaemins are much better, be careful he may end up bulking up and passing you.” You winked going to turn away and walk back to your room, but before you could even process, you were pinned against the wall.
“Jeno!” you exclaimed at his sudden movement, how the hell did you not hear him get up, and why are you current pinned up against a wall by your best friend. “What are you doing?” you questioned. “Apologize.” He said, you dry laughed. “And why would I do that?” you teased. “You really want to find out?” his face was extremely close now; you could feel his breath on your face. “Now apologize princess.” He let one of your hands go, you pushed at his chest. “i-i’m sorry.” He smirked, his eyes quickly going to your lips, then to your eyes. “Good girl.” He let you go. “Now run along.”
You wasted no time, practically running to your room, closing your door. “Fuck.” You were heavily breathing; you felt your heart pounding out of your chest, jeno really had done a number on you, by simply doing nothing. You looked at the drawer where you kept your trusty vibrator — thinking about the pros and cons, if you covered your mouth, you might be able to get away with it.
You quickly locked your door, pulling down your sweatpants, climbing into bed, with your vibrator in hand. You got rid of your panties, your air hitting your cunt, you hummed in delight as you turned on the vibrator, pressing it against your clit.
After your moment to yourself, you sat the toy down on your bed — you were gonna clean it and put it up.
You cleaned yourself up, putting your clothes back on, making your way out of your room, heading to the bathroom to relive yourself. You reached for the door, but it opened for you — you would’ve fell had the person not caught you. “jesus if you wanted me princess you could’ve had me this morning, not when i’m freshly out the shower.”
You pushed yourself off of him, stepping back look at him — he was naked, the only thing covering him was a towel hanging on his waist. “My eyes are up here pretty.” You kissed your teeth. “d-don’t flatter yourself.” You said, he smirked. “you’re the one staring at your best friend like a piece of meat.” He laughed watching your eyes widened. “It’s okay you can touch me.”
“I don’t wa-.” He grabbed your wrist, slowly moving your hand across his abs. “You like princess?” he tried to move his hand lower, you quickly pulled away, turning running back to your room. “don’t you have to use the bathroom?” he questioned, “not anymore.” You quickly closed the door, he shook his head, making his way into his bedroom.
You were losing your mind, no they were losing their minds — they were becoming even more shameless, and your poor little heart couldn’t take it, neither could your vibrator, how much could it possibly take before giving up.
“Oh, they want to fuck you so bad.” Your best friend listened to your complaints, gathering information coming to a conclusion. “Yeah, they want to fuck you.”
“What are you talking about?” you said, “they don’t want to fuck me.” You said, laying on your stomach. “Really, well then it’s you who wants to fuck them.” She said. “Nobody wants to fuck anybody.”
“(yn).” She started, “think about it, when’s the last time they brought a girl over?” you thought about it. “jaemin did about 3 months ago.” You recalled the morning you walked out into the kitchen where a half-naked girl stood, and jeno passed out on the couch. “But that was the last time I remember.”
“And when was the last time you brought a guy home?” you thought again. “Girl that’s sad.” You rolled your eyes. “Oh, haechan about a month and a half ago, almost two.” You explained. “isn’t he friends with them? Whore.” You gasped. “Hey!” she laughed. “i’m just kidding, if you want to go through the whole group go ahead, i’ll support you.” You shook your head.
“Honestly girl, it’s clear there’s something going on there, and has always been there, how many sex jokes can jaemin make about your ass before it becomes clear.” You shrugged. “And jeno has never hid the fact that he wants to fuck you dumb.” You cocked your eyebrow. “Please you can’t be that stupid enough to think it was all a joke?”
“Babe no, they want to fuck you.” She said. “Stop being so crude.” You bit at your lip. “You mean to tell me those two sexy ass men, and they are sexy are walking around your house, and you haven’t thought about jumping their bones once?” you hid your face. “i’m embarrassed.” She laughed. “I knew it, girl you better take that chance.”
“How am I supposed to approach that, I want both of you to take me to my room and fuck me dumb?” She shrugged. “Yes, basically.” She said. “Do not miss out on your chance to fuck two hot guys.” She said. “If you don’t, tell them I would.” You frowned. “i’m hanging up.” You said. “Sorry I forgot they’re yours, maybe hyuck and that cutie mark would come do that to me.” You rolled your eyes. “Bye.” You hung up, closing your laptop.
Your stomach began to rumble, you groaned climbing out of your bed, sliding on your slippers, before making your way out the room, to the kitchen for some food.
Both jaemin and jeno were out there, jaemin was cooking in the kitchen and jeno was laying back on the couch, watching an anime on the tv, your mind going back to the conversation with your best friends. “don’t miss your opportunity.”
“Ah guess who finally came out from rotting in your room.” Jeno said, you rolled your eyes, like he wasn’t the reason you were avoiding the common area. “Shut up.” You went into the kitchen, standing next to jaemin, looking at what he was cooking. “What are you making?” you asked.
“Some ramen.” He said, your tummy rumbled. “Look at you, you want some princess?” you smiled nodding. “Say please.” He smirked. “Jaemin.” You whined, stomping your foot. “You must not be that hungry.” You pouted. “Please.” You spoke. “Please what princess?”
“Please can I have some ramen?” he smiled, satisfied. “Good girl, get a bowl princess.” You clapped, grabbing a bowl — he put some noddles in your bowl, with some broth. “Thank you.” You sat down at the table, jaemin made his bowl, sitting down next to you. “Is it good.” You took a bite, nodding. “Good.”
He smiled watching you, before eating his own food. “Who were you talking too for so long?” he said. “Oh um, (y/f/n).” you answered. “What did she want?” you thought about the conversation you had. “Oh, she wanted haechans number.” You said. “For what?” he said. “She wanted his number, and she knew I had it from the time we hung out.” You said.
“You mean when you two fucked in our bathroom.” Jeno walked into our kitchen. “I hardly call that hanging out.” You scoffed. “well, if you say it like that.” You mumbled. “Anyway, and we just talked about a bunch of other random things, we’re going out tomorrow to shop for new clothes.”
“Is hyuck gonna be there?” jaemin asked, why were they both so hung up on donghyuck? You haven’t talked to hyuck since the day he left your apartment, it was literally a one-time hook up, you doubt he even remembers, he’s slept with a plethora of girls after. “of course not, why would he be there?” they both shrugged.
You put your bowl in the sink, opening the fridge to pull out a juice. “you’re like a little kid princess.” Jaemin took the pouch out your hand, “you need to drink water, these drinks are super sugary.” You pouted, “I want my juice.” You whined. “i’ll drink water after I promise.” He shook his head. “Drink water.” You open the fridge, pulling out a water. “Good girl.”
His body was close to yours as you opened the bottle, taking a sip of water. “I drunk it.” You said. “Good keep drinking it.” He spoke. “Will you back up if I drink more.” He smirked. “Why am I making you nervous?” you went to turn and walk away, but he pulled you back. “jaemin.” You spoke. “Why do you keep running princess?” he said.
“I-i’m not running.” You said, jeno scoffed. “Really? you’ve spent all day in your room for what then?” he said, jeno stood on the side, you were now boxed in, your best friends had cornered you. “Well, that’s because — because what princess?” jaemin said. “Say it?”
“Because you both have been terrorizing me all day.” You spoke. “Terrorizing?” jaemins eyebrow quirked up. “Yeah, terrorizing, making me frustrated, flustering me.” You let everything fall out. “i’ve been so sexually frustrated all day and you both aren’t making it better.”
Your eyes widened, covering your mouth to keep from saying anything else. “so, we make you horny?” jeno said, “and that’s why you’re hiding from us?” you shook your head. “i’m going back to my room.” You tried to get away again, but they just moved in closer, leaving you little to no room to move.
“Poor baby just needs to be fucked?” jaemin said, you almost let out a whimper. “St-stop it.” You spoke. “If you’re just fucking with me, stop it, I can’t take it anymore.” You pleaded, jaemin turned to jeno. “She still doesn’t get it.” Jeno shook his in faux disappointment. “she’s a little dumb, you know you gotta explain.”
“Baby you’re the only one who was joking.” Jaemin said, “this morning, I was serious, i’ve been serious for the past few months.” Jaemin said. “And I have never said I was joking baby.” Jeno chimed in. “i’ve always been quite open about me wanted to fuck you.”jaemin moved to the side, letting jeno tower over you. “I actually claimed you first.”
You couldn’t believe the sudden confession; they were actually serious. “You know what jaem, maybe we should just show her.” Before you could even process jeno was pressing you against the counter, kissing you.
His hands traveled from your waist all the way to your ass, lifting you up sitting you on the counter, not taking his lips off yours, jaemin watching on the side. “How about we take this to the bedroom.” He said, jeno picked you up, obviously trying to prove how strong he was, carrying you to your room.
He tossed you on the bed, you hit the soft foam, bouncing a bit. “You’re trying to show off your strength.” You said, he smirked. “you’re really talkative.” He said, you smiled sweetly. “let’s see if you’re still talking with my dick in your mouth.”
Jaemin sat on the bed, he felt something on your bed, as jeno began taking your bottoms off. He felt around, grabbing the object, smirking. “I see taking to (y/f/n) wasn’t all you were doing, naughty baby.” He held your vibrator in his hands. “Put that down.” You go to reach for it, jeno swiftly grabbed your hand pinning it down.
“Look at that wet cunt.” He said once he got your panties off. “you’ve must’ve fucked yourself dumb with that thing right before you came out.” You recalled covering your mouth cumming all over yourself right before your phone call with your friend. “How many times have you used that thing?”
He pressed down on the clit, you moaned. “Th-three.” You honestly answered, you weren’t ashamed. “Three times, you came three times and you’re still so horny.” He tapped your cube. “So, fucking nasty baby, you’re a little horny slut, aren’t you?” Jeno groaned, your slit had become soaked, you were ready to take his cock. “N-not a slut.”
“Really baby, you’ve already came three times today, but here you are, clenching around the air, your pussy begging to be filled.” You moaned as he slid one of his thick fingers. “So fucking wet.” He groaned.
You heard jaemin turn on the vibrator, you turned your head, he smiled, pressing it against your chests. “let’s see how good this thing is.” He traced the toy around your chest, circling the toy around your nipples. “j-jaemin, oh fuck! Jeno.” You screamed your best friends' names, as jeno added another finger, speeding up his movements. “I need to stretch this pussy out for my cock.”
Jaemin finally reached your clit with the toy, circling the toy as jeno thrusted his fingers inside of your cunt. “Oh, fuck i’m gonna cum.” You moaned. “i’m gonna fucking cum.” Jaemin turned the settings up higher, the vibration taking over your body, jeno curling his fingers, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. “Fuck i’m cumming!” you screamed, eyes rolling back into your head, your body shaking as you came.
“Fuck look at your pussy soaking my fingers.” Jaemin turned out the toy, tossing it somewhere. “Be-be careful with, s’ expensive.” You said, jaemin smirked. “Princess after today you’ll never need that stupid fucking toy again.” Your pussy clench at the thought of fucking them again and again.
“Let me get a taste.” Jaemin sipped his fingers into between your legs, wiping up some of slick, bringing it to your lips. “mhm, shit princess if you aren’t full fuck out once we’re done, i’m gonna need a taste of that cunt, you moaned out, trying to close your legs, jeno slapped them open.
“Keep your legs open.” Both boys got off the bed, undoing their pants, taking them off. “I told you, that pussy is mine first.” Jeno rubbed himself through his underwear, hissing. “You want it, want my cock?” you nodded. “So bad, wan’ your cock so bad.”
He freed himself from his confinements, his cock sprung out, he was huge — his thick cock, his tip angry red, and dripping with pre-cum. “don’t worry princess, i’ll stuff your throat when i’m done with this slutty pussy right here.” He flipped you on your stomach, you yelped at him suddenly man handling you, your ass was up in the air, he rubbed his cocked on your folds, teasing his tip in your hole. “Pl-please put it in like.”
He pushed his cock into your cunt in one swift motion. “Fuck!” you screamed. “Fuck baby, your cunt just took my cock so fucking easily, damn slut.” He slapped your ass.
Jaemin on the other hand, undid his pants, climbing back on the, letting his cock free. He stroked it a few times, tapping the side of your face as jeno fucked into you. “Come on princess, nana needs you too.” He slapped his cock against your lips. “Open your lips for nana.” You parted your lips allowing him to slip his cock into your mouth, groaning as you bobbed your head along his shaft. “There you, suck my cock.”
Jeno kept rocking into you, his balls slapping against your clit, his hands gripping your ass as his roughly fucked you. “Look at the slut, played so hard to get, only to be drooling like a whore filled with her best friends' cocks.” Jeno slapped your ass, pushing you further on jaemins cock. “Fuck her mouth is fuck magical, m’gonna cum.” Jaemin groaned.
“Want you to swallow my cum, can you be a good girl and swallow for me?” you nodded his cock still in your mouth, he pushed your head down, grunted as you felt his cum fill your mouth. “Fuck!” he groaned, emptying his load into your mouth. “Swallow love.” You obeyed, poking your tongue out. “Good girl.”
Jeno pushed your hips down in an arch, fucking into you. “Fu-fuck i’m about to fill this cunt.” He grunted. “Pl-please.” You finally got to speak, your voice horse. “Please cum inside me.” He slapped your ass, fucking into you so rough, the headboard slapped against the wall. “jesus jeno.” Jaemin said. “You’re gonna break her poor cunt.”
“N-nah, she likes this -fuck- she likes being treated like nothing but a hole.” He cursed. “isn’t that right, tell jaemin how much of a slut you are.” He said. “I-i’m such a -fuck- s-such a slut.” You moaned out. “See -fuck- i’m about to cum.” He groaned. “Jeno!” you screamed. “jeno i’m gonna cum!”
“Fucking cum.” He growled, you screamed, legs shaking as you came, he thrusted once, twice and a third time before he came into your waiting hole, you sighed feeling his warm seed enter your womb. “Fuck.” He pulled out, watching the cum leak from your cunt. “Keep it in there, I want jaemin to fuck it deeper into you.”
He climbed from behind you, jaemin taking his place. “let’s lay you on your back princess, I know he probably did a number on you.” He was much softer than jeno. “Look at you all laid out all pretty for nana, you want nana’s cock, don’t you?” you nodded, your eyes were practically closed. “You sure you can handle it baby, you’ve been cumming practically all day today.”
You whined, reaching for his cock, stroking it. “Please, please nana.” You begged. “wan’ it so bad.” You spoke. “And you want me to believe she’s not a slut, she’s cum five times today, yet she’s still begging for cock.” Jeno scoffed, your pussy clenched. “But she’s so cute, begging for my cock.”
He pushed his tip in your cunt, you moaned. “You can have it princess.” He pushed his whole cock in, you moaned. “so-so full.” You stuttered, “yeah? You full on my cock?” you nodded, “please move nana.” He wasted no time, moving his hips. “Fuck.” He groaned. “Such a nice pussy.”
Jeno grabbed your face, making you look up at him. “Come on open up.” He slapped his cock on your lips. “Take my cock into your mouth.” He pushed himself into your mouth, grunted. “Fuck yeah, such a warm fuck hole.” Jeno held your head still, using your mouth. “Just let me use your mouth.”
Jaemin in contrast to jeno softly squeezed your boob, rocking into you. “Fuck princess, your cunt is so good, so tight.” He grunted, speeding up, you moaned around jeno’s cock. “Such a good girl, letting us use you like this, been waiting and waiting to finally fuck you.” Jaemin felt his movements faltering, his cock twitching. “i’m gonna cum, you want my cum inside your pussy too.” You hummed, jeno grunted.
“i’m gonna paint your fucking face.” Jeno pulled out you moaned. “i’m gonna cum.” You screamed out, jaemin rubbed your clit, fucking into faster. “Go ahead, squirt on my cock, make a fucking mess.” You screamed, clenching tightly as you your juices squirted out, covering jaemins abs. both the guys cursed, seeing the liquid squirt out of you.
“Fuck princess i’m gonna cum -shit- i’m gonna cum in your pussy, fuck!” he moaned, a second later, his cum was also filling your hole. “that’s it, take my cum princess, it’s all yours.” You moaned.
Jeno held your face still, jerking his cock over your face. “Fuck i’m cum, i’m gonna cum all over your face.” He tugged at his cock a few times, groaning as cum spurting from his cock, coating your face. “Oh fuck.” He groaned, covering your face in his seed. “Good slut.” He tapped his cock against your lips. “Took both our cocks like a champ.”
Jaemin helped you get cleaned up, jeno cleaned up the sheets. “I didn’t take you as a squirted.” You were too tired to come back with a rebuttal. “jesus baby, we did a number on you.”
“No you did a number on her, I was soft with her.” Jaemin helped you into bed. “Awe baby, I promise i’ll fuck you much softer next time.” He said, patting the type of your head. “But don’t beg me to fuck you like a whore when it’s not hitting right.” He left to the door. “i’m going to my room.” He walked out.
Jaemin stayed in the room with you, letting you sleep on his chest soundly, until he fell asleep in your room, next to your body.
Jeno came into your room early the next morning to eat you out as an apology for going so rough.
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hitomisuzuya · 2 months
HIII SUZU!! First of all happy birthday! My birthday is on the 9th so they’re pretty close together, 😭 I love your writing style and it makes my day. I think you were one of the first people I followed when I first joined Tumblr so thanks for that I think you’re r writing got me into it, so as a happy birthday to us can I request an NSFW stepcest Scaramouche, where it’s readers birthday and maybe sneak some overstimulation and multiple climax’s in there? And maybe reader has a big thing for Scara’s gorgeous fingers! They’re just so prettyyyy. Again it��s ok if not.
Stepcest, DNI if it makes you uncomfortable. Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Fingering. Fingersucking. Cunnilingus. Overstimulation. Multiple orgasms. Degradation. Scara's fingers are just😳
Happy Birthday, to both you and me. And thank you so much🥺 I am incredibly flattered. I hope you have a wonderful birthday 🎂💐
Scaramouche almost couldn't stand how hard his cock was getting, seeing you being reduced to such a state. And only from his fingers. When he asked you what you wanted for your birthday, you'd climbed into his lap, declaring that you wanted to suck on his fingers.
Since it was your birthday, he was determined to spoil his precious, delicate step sister and give you exactly what you want. And more. He had his own plans for you. In particular seeing tears of overstimulation welling in your pretty eyes.
You would cry and whine more for his fingers that way.
Scaramouche's eyes drank in the way you were starting to squirm. You were on your back on his bed, your legs spread while he worked his fingers over your pussy. "Remember what I told you, kitten," He purred, circling his fingers slowly around your throbbing clit, "keep your legs spread, and your pretty eyes on me," He pinched your clit to emphasize his words.
You nodded, writhing as you cried out in pleasure. You always listened to your step brother, especially in bed. Your hips jerked up from the sudden jolt of stimulation, grinding and further soaking your puffy pussy on his fingers.
"Scara, please, put one of your inside of me," You moaned shakily, to which you only received a "Hmm?" in response. You grinded more needily into his fingers, trying to urge the tips closer to your entrance. "Please, just a finger," You were on the cusps on begging.
You could barely keep your eyes off his fingers as they stroked and rubbed your pussy into a creamy mess. A few long moments went by as he continued to play with and rub your clit.
Smirking, Scaramouche took his fingers off your clit, offering his index finger to you, "Suck it nice and wet for me," A shiver went straight to your clit as he forced between your lips into your mouth.
You blushed tasting yourself, lapping your tongue worshippingly on his finger as you sucked. You muffled a happy moan, bobbing your head as he pumped his finger in and out of your mouth, pressing on your tongue so drool would pool from the corners of your mouth.
"Such a slut," Scaramouche pushed his finger into your throat, his cock pulsing feeling you gag on it. The blush on your cheeks darkened, your walls clenching around nothing. He chuckled watching you squirm and struggle to moan.
Pushing ahead with the goal to overstimulate you, he busied his free hand by playing your clit again. He kept constant stimulation on it, rubbing and pinching it until you were muffling whimpers of pleasure on his finger.
A line of saliva connected your tongue to his finger when he took it out of your mouth. A delivered pinch to your clit brought in the beginning twitchs of overstimulation.
Scaramouche reveled in the desperate look in your eyes as he parted your drooling folds. He was going to make you beg for a second one. Your eyes almost rolled closed as he pushed it inside of you.
"So fucking tight," He bit back a groan as he slowly pumped his finger in and out of you, "I doubt it will take much to make a slut like you cum," Your walls clamped tight on his finger as he hooked it into your sweet spot.
"I..I can't help it," You moaned, rolling your hips up into his hand, "Your fingers are just so beautiful," Your body twitched as he increased his pace. Your orgasm had been coiling up agonizingly slow while he'd relentlessly teased your clit.
You soon added shameless truth to his statement, cumming on his finger suddenly. He didn't relent his pace as he fingered you through your orgasm, pinching your one your nipples to stimulate you more as you writhed.
"Please, a second finger," You moaned, blinking back tears. You let out a frustrated moan hearing him "Hmm?" at you again. "Please, I need a second finger," You persisted in the way he was craving.
He would never stop corrupting you to crave him.
"You know the drill," Scaramouche replied, pushing two fingers into your mouth. He left your clit throbbing and unattended as he pumped them in out and of your mouth.
You eagerly curled your tongue around his fingers, bobbing your head as you sucked. Here he was spoiling you and yet you were the one worshipping him.
"Such a slut I have for a step sister," He cooed, pushing his fingers into your throat, "Such a good girl," Your eyes melted into further adoration for him as you choked on his fingers.
Your tongue lingered on his fingers as he pulled them from your mouth. Scaramouche moved down your body, licking his lips seeing just how wet your pussy is. He groaned flicking his tongue over your clit, swirling it around the sensitive nub before he latched his lips around it.
"Keep your legs spread," He reminded you as you grinded your pussy on his tongue, smirking as you could only moan in response. He pushed two fingers inside of you, flattening his tongue on your clit as he fucked his fingers inside you.
He scissored your walls apart, making sure his fingers rubbed along every sensitive part. Your second orgasm didn't take long to start coiling again. You writhed from how overwhelmed with pleasure you felt, your hands finding the back of his head to push his mouth down on your pussy.
Releasing your clit with a soft pop, he kitten licked it sensing you were close. Your body always has a certain twitch, your moans a certain pitch. He moaned in bliss seeing the tears you'd been blinking back before fall from your eyes.
You let out a broken sob of pleasure, cumming on his fingers while he teased your clit. Chuckling, he held your pussy against his mouth, replacing his fingers with his tongue to lick up your release.
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lovelyhan · 1 year
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— caught in the middle ⟢
mingyu knows. he’s perfectly aware that his best friend’s girlfriend is the last person he should end up wanting. but who is he to refuse when wonwoo invites him to join something he never thought he could ever be part of?
★ FEATURING; wonwoo x reader x mingyu
★ WORD COUNT; 15.8k words
★ TAGS; established relationship, streamer au, one-sided pining (or is it!!!), fluff, mild angst, smut (MINORS DNI)
★ WARNINGS; mentions of twitter porn, sex tapes, mentions of infidelity (there's none of that here though), lots of guilt-ridden thoughts on gyu's end
★ NOTES; i'm literally several days late but happiest birthday to the man i enjoy writing for wayyyy too much, wonwoo <3 it's been four months since i last revisited the streamer series, and i'm glad to finally make good on that teaser i left in the second part :]
★ BEFORE YOU READ; i highly recommend reading the first two stories in the series first bc as much as i wanted to let readers consume this as a standalone, context is still really important for the story i want to tell!
this is part of the game over series!
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★ SMUT TAGS; oral (m&f receiving), vaginal fingering, daddy kink, pet names (puppy for gyu), threesome, spitroasting, unprotected sex, creampie, cum eating, aftercare
★ PERMANENT TAGLIST; @cheolhub - @pretty-trustme - @just-here-to-read-01 - @ldkmelkro - @dejavernon - @venusrae - @jyiiscool - @jiniesclub - @junhui-recs - @bldelaine - @featmia - @fruitzcup - @hoeforhao - @candidupped - @billboard-singer - @caratochan - @novalpha - @dahliatopia - @0717luv - @shiveringgaze - @toruro - @mixling-blog - @minnie-mouser22 - @homerunhansol - @mirtaspace - @ti--red - @zzucculent - @woozarts - @rubyreduji - @mozellerra - @lllucere - @cheolzip - @jjjzzz - @lissiesykes - @jeonride - @meowmeowminnie - @colored-confetti - @partiallyinfluencial - @speaknowlwt
★ MINGYU & WONWOO TAGLIST; @yoonzinoooo - @emmmui - @swinterr - @wolfhardbby - @scandal-in-bohemia
★ FIC/SERIES TAGLIST; @ressonancee - @smooore - @wave2love - @jjongjjongiesworld - @mimi14berrybear - @hanniebanggi - @havetaeminforbreakfast - @slut4donghyuck - @delulu4-life - @aurumness - @mingyucookies - @noonareads - @hafuunkjw - @strxbrymilkkuu
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part one - part two - part three - part four
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This is, by far, the worst day of Mingyu’s life. 
Okay, maybe he’s exaggerating, but he likes to think that he’s a man of routine. If he doesn’t get to do his morning rituals right before his streams, it feels like the world has been tilted a few degrees off its proper axis. 
And that’s exactly what’s happening now, when Mingyu realizes that his favorite Twitter porn account is nowhere to be found. 
How the hell is he supposed to get his daily dose of relief now?
“Mingyu, you’re dragging your ass a lot today,” Seungcheol’s voice sounds pissed through his headphones and Mingyu can’t exactly fault him for it. Not when he ended up making their team lose their third Valorant match in a row. “The hell’s up with you? I thought you already practiced using Gekko with Vernon the other day.”
“We did and he was actually pretty good,” the younger man comments. “Dunno what suddenly got into him today though.”
“Cheol-hyung, you shouldn’t berate Mingyu when you royally sucked at using Neon during the time she was first released,” Wonwoo quips.
Seungcheol immediately makes a disgruntled noise at that. “I did not royally suck! She just doesn’t fit my playstyle. And I get that you guys are glued to the hip at this point, but you of all people should know when to call out your teammates especially if they’re being a bunch of noobs, Wonwoo.”
“Now, now, didn’t we already talk about this? No fighting when we’re only doing a bunch of scrimmages between friends.” 
A less abrasive voice flits into the call and Mingyu finds himself relaxing into his seat as he stares at the glowing red DEFEAT screen on his monitor. Ever since you and Wonwoo finally dropped the act of hating each other and started dating, you’ve constantly mediated any petty arguments that sparked within their group. Mingyu is all sorts of grateful, but also just a tad bit embarrassed whenever he’s part of the argument in question.
“Yeah, what she said,” Wonwoo agrees with a huff. 
“Whatever, man. Koyahngi has watered down your temper so much, it makes me look like the most easily tilted player on the team,” Seungcheol grumbles before adding, “Ugh. Couples.”
Vernon laughs softly. “Crazy how you’re the one who always insisted for Wonwoo-hyung to be kinder, but now that he is, you suddenly want him to go back to his trash-talking ways.”
“Now why’s everyone dogpiling me now!” the older man whines.
About half an hour and another lost match later, everyone decides to call it a day. Seungcheol and Vernon are going to hold a joint stream together and Mingyu needs to get ready for another modeling gig he managed to land a couple of days ago. He’s not sure what you and Wonwoo have in store for the day, but his best friend and roommate mentioned that you were going to drop by their apartment sometime today. 
But when Mingyu finally deigned to grab a towel and head to the bathroom, he instead makes a detour to the couch with a desolate sigh. He unlocks his phone and opens the Twitter app like it was second nature, tapping on the button that pulls up his most recent searches.  
He absentmindedly types the username to an account that’s been his constant companion whenever he needed to let off some steam. Though he hasn’t checked her profile in a while, Mingyu was under the impression that goodcat_badcat would still be there to give him a hand especially when his schedule has been driving him insane these days. 
But when the app redirects him to the main profile, the same words that greeted him when he woke up with his painfully hard morning wood stare back at him. Something went wrong. Try again.
She deactivated. His favorite Twitter porn girl is fucking gone and now he’s got nothing but despair and the bluest balls in the entire city. 
Mingyu jolts at the sound of Wonwoo’s voice, immediately locking his phone before tossing it on the other side of the couch as if it burned him. He’s quick to whirl around to greet him with a too-wide smile.
“Hyung, what’s up?” Mingyu asks, thanking the heavens that his voice didn’t crack.
His best friend looks at him weirdly. “Uh, do you have any plans today? We’re going out to go bowling today and she told me to ask if you wanted to come along.”
Bowling. Wonwoo sucks at bowling, but you managed to rope him into going with you anyways. 
“I’d love to, but I’ve got a shoot in…” Mingyu’s voice falters before reaching for the phone he just tossed away—heart dropping to his stomach when he looks at the time. “Shit. Forty minutes.”
He doesn’t wait for Wonwoo’s response before bounding towards the bathroom with a towel in hand.
The part-time model hasn’t gotten ready faster in his entire life. Though his manager told him that the brand he’s shooting for this time isn’t strict with time, Mingyu doesn’t want to make it a habit to show up late for his commitments. 
Streamers already have a bad enough image to those who aren’t part of the industry, and he wants to make it a point that not every single one of them is a slob who doesn’t shower and makes tardiness a way of life.
As he pulls on a snapback over his still-damp hair—opting to let the stylists on the set handle it for him instead—he faintly hears your voice outside of his bedroom door. 
“Aww, he isn’t coming?”
“Yeah. Let’s just invite him next time,” Wonwoo’s muffled response manages to reach his ears as well.
With one last glance in the mirror, Mingyu hoists his bag across his shoulder before opening the door to his room. He spots you seated on the armrest of their couch, kicking your legs somewhat adorably before you meet his gaze with surprise.
For someone who’s supposed to be bowling today, you don’t really look the part. Of course, your signature Koyahngi cat ear headband is sitting on top of your head, as in-theme as always. You also paired up your short, pleated skirt with lace-trimmed thigh highs, and chunky white boots. Not to mention the sheer, low cut top that gives him an ample view of your cleavage… 
“Gyu, do you have a photoshoot today or something?” Your question promptly snaps him out of his somewhat rude staring. “Here I thought we could team up and destroy Wonwoo together in the bowling alley.”
“As if I’d allow that,” his best friend scoffs. “Mingyu’s teaming up with me, princess. Then you’ll be crying like a loser while we get ourselves a victory treat from the snackbar.”
“We are not going to do that, and yeah, I have a photoshoot…that I’m already late for actually,” Mingyu replies with a bubble of laughter. “That’s okay. You and Wonwoo-hyung have fun. Pro-tip, he actually sucks at bowling, so you’ll score much better than he will.” 
You giggle before getting back on your feet, making your way over to Mingyu faster than he can prepare himself for. He hasn’t quite noticed it as vividly as he does now, but you’re so much smaller than him—even with the added inches of your boots. 
It doesn’t help that the way you’re cutely looking up at Mingyu with those pretty doe eyes as you examine his outfit is making sweat bead across his temples. Great.
“Doesn’t seem like you’re heading to a shoot though,” you laugh. “You’re going on a date, aren’t you? Who’s the lucky guy or gal? Why’d you dress up like Tadashi Hamada just to impress them?”
Wonwoo snorts. “You mean the guy who died in Big Hero 6?”
“Well, yeah, but he was also my childhood crush, so shut up, Wonwoo.”
Your childhood crush. Mingyu looks like your childhood crush. 
As Mingyu watches you bicker with his roommate—your boyfriend and his best friend—he realizes something that could change the trajectory of this friendship altogether.
He might have a crush on someone he isn’t supposed to want.
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Like any other sane person out there, Mingyu does his best to brush it off.
It shouldn’t be a big deal. He’s been fleetingly attracted to people who are taken before and it wouldn’t last for more than a few days before he gets over it. 
Mingyu simply chalks this up to hormones. After all, it was one thing to see your promiscuous outfits on streams, but it’s another to constantly be around you in those…rather unique get-ups. As degenerate as it sounds, he is just a man. Though he definitely won’t make a move on his best friend’s girl just because you like to show up to their apartment in short skirts and tight crop tops, he can’t help the physical reaction your presence evokes from him.
Which is his exact dilemma right now.
“Nonu, you got a silencer on you?” you mutter with your feet propped up on the coffee table—eyes glued to your phone while the three of you played a new mobile-based battle royale game in the living room. “I found a shotgun. Can you drop it for—Fuck!”
Wonwoo hums beside you, glancing at your screen for only a moment before focusing on his own character. “What’s wrong?”
“Someone fucking killed me with a Type 25!” 
Your boyfriend simpers. “That’s what you get for talking to me and not focusing on the game, princess.”
“I just remembered how much I hate you.” 
With sulkiness in your strides, you get up from the couch before plopping yourself on the armrest of the lazyboy Mingyu’s currently occupying. He startles at your sudden switch in seats—eyes darting between you and his phone before he tells himself to focus or he’ll get wiped off the map in a blink of an eye too.
“Gyu, can you do me a favor and just let Wonwoo die if he needs help?” you coo, wrapping your arms around his bare bicep. “Teach the fucker the importance of teamwork?”
Wonwoo laughs crudely from his spot on the couch. “What happened to ‘no fighting during scrims between friends’ huh?”
“That rule doesn’t apply when I’m the one being antagonized.”
Mingyu is a little busy evading a sniper that’s trying to take him out, but he does hear Wonwoo mutter, fucking brat, under his breath. He doesn’t pay it any mind—quite used to this back-and-forth dynamic between the both of you, even before you made it official. 
The rest of the round goes on for another ten or-so minutes. As if the gods answered your call, Wonwoo gets done in by a grenade, leaving Mingyu the only surviving member of your three-man team. 
“Uhhh, sniper—two o’clock,” you point out, leaning closer to his screen all while pressing your tits against his arm. Mingyu lets himself think it’s not intentional. “That’s the asshole who killed me! You’ll avenge me, won’t you Gyugyu?”
God. He hasn’t even gotten used to you calling him Gyu and now you’ve suddenly got another adorable nickname up your sleeve? 
But back to the sniper. He’s a little too far away for Mingyu to make quick work of and the only weapons he’s got equipped are close range. From what he can see on the kill counter, only three players remain and Mingyu just has to pray that the sniper and whoever else is left aren’t teammates and—
The flash animation of a sniper rifle going off illuminates part of his screen. The kill counter ticks up to 48 out of 50 players dead. 
Mingyu doesn’t waste any more time.
You’re practically shouting into his ear as he rushes to ambush the sniper on the second floor, clutching his arm tightly as you dish out helpful words of advice. (There’s a bomb in that stairwell. Chase him on the other side!) 
The game ends in a sound victory for your team when Mingyu manages to kill off the sniper with close range combat. Despite the added flourish to your reigning rank and win rates, you still tease him about how he fumbled with his weapon stash during those last few seconds—bringing out a molotov instead of a pistol like he initially intended. The six foot gamer argues that it was just the nerves and the fact that you were pressing your perky breasts into the curve of his muscles, but you don’t really have to know that last bit.
Mingyu gets so into it that he fails to notice the way his best friend’s eyes linger on him and his girlfriend for a beat longer than usual, nor is he privy to the way Wonwoo’s lips twist into a sordid smirk.
After borrowing some of Wonwoo’s clothes, you end up staying over for dinner—even going out of your way to help Mingyu in the kitchen as he whips up some kimbap for everyone in the house. Wonwoo at least has the decency to set the table while you two are busy doing the brunt of the work in preparing food and once everything is in place, you and Mingyu share a quick high five. 
“We actually make a good team, huh?” you snicker.
Mingyu feels his neck prickle with heat. “Guess you can say that.”
Once your stomachs are full and the dishes are washed and put away, Wonwoo puts on a thriller on the TV. You’re still pouting because of his shitty behavior during the game, but you ultimately choose to snuggle up next to your boyfriend despite.
It’s in rare moments like this where Mingyu truly gets to observe you and Wonwoo past the dynamic you both like to parade around other people. Your fiery personalities have been tempered into something calmer. Something he’d dare to call safe. 
No snide comments, no senseless bickering—only tangled limbs under a weighted blanket, snuggling yourself deeper into your boyfriend’s chest, and looking up at him with sleepy but loving eyes. 
So here’s Mingyu’s predicament: you’re ridiculously attractive but also ridiculously in love with his best friend. 
He blinks up in surprise when he notices Wonwoo standing in front of Mingyu’s lazyboy, carrying you in his arms as you doze softly into his chest. The sight makes his heart twist with a kind of fondness that he was never meant to feel for you.
“Hm?” Mingyu tries to sound as casual as he can manage—forcing his eyes on the TV and away from your vulnerable form. “Guess she’s sleeping over, huh?”
His best friend hums. “I was supposed to drive her home before meeting Soonyoung and the others to grab drinks. But she hates it when I wake her up after she falls asleep like this.”
Mingyu nods. “Okay.”
“And she also hates waking up in the middle of the night all alone,” Wonwoo adds. “Which is where you come in.”
There’s a long pause in their conversation that makes Mingyu hyper aware of the steady rise and fall of your chest as you sleep in Wonwoo’s arms. You really are out cold—too deep into slumber to have any awareness of what the two men are even discussing.
“What?” Mingyu whispers, unable to pay attention to the main character walking into her doom on the television screen. “What do you mean that’s where I come into the picture? Don’t tell me you’re still going out for drinks when your sulky girlfriend’s asleep in our house.”
“It’s only for an hour or two,” Wonwoo explains before padding over to Mingyu’s—yes, Mingyu’s bedroom—before gently laying you down on the bed and pulling his blanket across your dozing form. “We’re actually meeting with our manager so I can’t talk myself out of the schedule even if I really fucking want to.”
The disbelief is still evident on Mingyu’s face. “So you’re putting me in charge of babysitting her until you come back?”
“Don’t be so dramatic, Gyu. You’re just gonna sleep next to her, not clean up after her shit.”
Somehow, the fact that Wonwoo’s practically giving Mingyu permission to do that sounds more daunting than the latter. He’s much too busy gawking at the older man to give him a proper response right away.
Is this really the same guy who personally tells the perverts in your stream’s chat to fuck off when they’re being out of line? The guy who always has an arm wrapped possessively around your waist whenever you’re all out with your friends?
“Do I have a choice?” Mingyu sighs.
“If you want to deal with her all pissed off after waking up alone, then be my guest.”
“This wouldn’t be even an issue if you just did a rain check!” 
“You know I’d do anything to keep her happy if I could, right?”
The pleading tone of Wonwoo’s voice takes Mingyu aback for half a moment before he gets his bearings straight. It shouldn’t be a surprise to him, how your boyfriend treats you like a goddamn princess. No matter how much you rile each other up where everyone can see, at the end of the day, Wonwoo is still the type of lover who puts great value in the smallest things. 
The guy takes your fucking napping habits into consideration when making decisions between his personal life and his career. Even going out of his way to inconvenience his own best friend just so you wouldn’t wake up all alone. 
If that isn’t love, Mingyu doesn’t know what is.
“Fine,” Mingyu relents. “Just make sure you’ll be back in two hours or else I’ll call your manager and tell him the apartment caught fire.”
Wonwoo flicks him painfully on the forehead as he walks back to the living room, making Mingyu roll back onto the cushions with a groan. “Don’t crack jokes like that when my girlfriend’s over at our place.”
“Wow.” Mingyu scowls. “So it’s okay for the apartment to go up in flames if I’m alone?”
His best friend doesn’t even hesitate. “Pretty much, yeah.”
Thirty minutes later, Wonwoo has already left for his evening plans and Mingyu is left to clean the leftover snacks off the coffee table as the end credits roll on the TV. The door to his bedroom has been left ajar so he can at least keep an eye on you in his peripheral while he tidies up. 
He’s supposed to do a chill, late night stream, but seeing as his room has another occupant this evening, he might have to go on Twitter to let his subscribers know about the change in schedules. But that would leave Mingyu with nothing else to do aside from going to bed early. 
Meaning, he’d have to lie next to you. On his bed.
Mingyu immediately shoots the idea down, plopping himself back on the sofa all while trying not to glance in the general direction of his room.
This is fine. This is okay. There’s nothing remotely wrong about his best friend’s girlfriend sleeping on his bed even if Wonwoo could’ve just dumped you in his own room instead. He could just play a few games on his PS5 until you woke up on your own or until Wonwoo comes back from his night out. Whichever happens first.
So that’s exactly what Mingyu does. 
About an hour of playing through where he left off in his last Elden Ring save file, he’s so engrossed in the cutscene that he doesn’t notice you rising from the comfort of his bed—rubbing your eyes as you look around the room you’re in with mild confusion. 
Just when the next boss fight begins, Mingyu is promptly spooked when the cushions dip beneath the weight of another person, letting out an undignified yelp as his eyes dart to the unknown figure wrapping their arms around his bicep—
Then he realizes it’s you.
“Eepy…” you mumble, eyes still drooping as you nuzzle his arm.
Mingyu scowls for a moment. Did you just say eepy? 
Fuck, that’s so cute, he muses to himself before forcing his gaze back on the TV before Godrick the Grafted could cleave Mingyu’s character in half with a giant axe. 
The daunting in-game OST coupled with the jarring sound-effects of weapons clashing together probably isn’t the best thing to wake up to, but with how you quietly bury yourself in the warmth of his body, Mingyu figures that you probably don’t mind. 
He isn’t sure if you’ve decided to continue your nap or watch whatever he’s doing on the screen, given that he’s dedicated much of his attention span in trying not to get killed. But despite having been in the same position as other girls he’s dated before—them clinging to his arm as he plays through some gory open-world RPG—it’s the first time Mingyu has ever felt nervous. 
Maybe it’s because you’re a streamer yourself that he doesn’t have it in him to flex his superior gamer prowess like he usually does. But with that thought in mind, shouldn’t he be more inclined to show off? To brag about how he can dodge and parry the enemy’s coordinated attacks effortlessly when Wonwoo can’t even switch his healing items without fumbling with the controls? 
Then he remembers that tiny, minuscule crush he has. And the fact that the person he has that tiny, minuscule crush on is snuggling against him like a cat. 
Mingyu barely gets to the second phase of the boss fight without his head imploding from vertigo.
“That looks really…gross,” you murmur just when the next cutscene starts and Godrick the Grafted sticks his amputated arm into the corpse of a nearby dragon. So you are watching him play. “Is he trying to assimilate with it or something?” 
Mingyu offers up a soft hum. “He grafts his own body parts from other beings to get stronger, so…yeah.”
“Hm. So he’s using a dragon’s head to replace his missing arm?”
“You’re pretty clever for someone who just woke up.”
You huff. “For your information, I don’t just play cutesy games all the time. Who do you think finished Wonwoo’s save file for Dark Souls 3? 
Mingyu simpers as he jumps out of the way of Godrick’s flamethrower. “You? Playing Dark Souls, of all things? You don’t have to lie to impress me, you know.”
“Fuck you.”
Before he can let out a teasing laugh, you promptly yank the controller out of Mingyu’s hands—making your boyfriend’s best friend scowl as you take over the boss fight he can very much overcome on his own.
You don’t say a single word as you finish off what’s left of Godrick’s HP bar with more finesse than he���d expect for someone he thought only fucked around on Stardew Valley and Genshin Impact. Your eyes are completely glued on the TV, not even second-guessing the buttons you’re mashing. Mingyu can only watch in quiet awe when the boss belts out his death voicelines, fading into ashes as the ending cutscene comes to a close.
Then, you glance over at Mingyu with a smug look and if he thought he couldn’t be any more infatuated by you, he’s dead wrong.
“Maybe I should start playing games like this on my streams so people like you would start taking me seriously,” you flare before tossing the controller back onto his lap. “But then again I shouldn’t really give a shit about what others think about me.”
There’s a sharpness in your words that makes Mingyu think that it wasn’t just a baseless retort to his earlier jab. That makes him frown.
“What do you mean?” he wonders.
He half-expects you to trade that frown on your face with a sleazy grin in a gotcha moment he’s been unknowingly anticipating. That you’d wave away the seriousness of it all with your cheeky laughter before you’re back to watching him play again. 
But it doesn’t come.
You sink further into the couch with a sigh, crossing your arms together as you prop your legs on the coffee table. The fact that you’re wearing nothing but Wonwoo’s shirt makes Mingyu instinctively lead his eyes away from the way the hem rides up your thighs. 
“Nothing. Just go back to playing your stupid game.”
Unfortunately for you, Mingyu is having none of it. “Hey, I get that I said something that pissed you off and I’m sorry. But…do you want to talk about it?”
“Talk about what?” 
“Well…whatever’s bothering you.” 
You shake your head. “It’s nothing. I swear. I’m just feeling a little cranky.”
Oh. Right. Wonwoo mentioned how you hated waking up alone after naps. Well, technically, you weren’t alone. His bedroom door was still wide open when he started playing in the living room, but then again he doesn’t know you well enough to be able to tell what counts as waking up alone and what doesn’t.
“Should I call Wonwoo-hyung?” 
“And have him tease me to the ends of the earth when I’m already in a bad mood?” you scoff. “Pass.”
Mingyu considers his options for a moment. You’ve always been quite bubbly and energetic when you’re over at their apartment. This is probably the first time he’s seen you act so grumpy and it’s been a while since he’s dealt with moody girlfriends so he isn’t sure what to make of the situation. 
But then a lone thought wanders inside his head.
“Do you…want to go back to bed?”
He wonders if it’s a stupid question. You’re very much awake now that he accidentally tripped on the proverbial land mine that is your emotional disposition. Mingyu is already expecting you to decline, but the hard lines on your faces suddenly soften. 
Then, with a quiet and considerably less disgruntled voice:
“I’d like that. Yeah.”
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Maybe he should’ve worded his offer better. 
By ‘go back to bed’, Mingyu actually meant that he’d help you into Wonwoo’s room—into Wonwoo’s bed—because one: he’s your boyfriend; and two: given that you’re both planning to go to sleep for real, you wouldn’t have to wake up alone anymore since Wonwoo would already be home before morning. 
So why the fuck is he staring at the wall right next to his bed with your arm draped around his body as you dozed off behind him? Never mind that you were spooning a six-foot man with considerable body mass. You’re Wonwoo’s girlfriend. You’re not supposed to be sleeping in the same bed as your boyfriend’s best friend.
But despite his warring thoughts, Mingyu doesn’t move an inch. He doesn’t take any action to convince you to just sleep in Wonwoo’s room instead because that’s what’s right and proper, all things considered.
No, he just lets your hands dip beneath his shirt in your slumber, tracing the lines of his toned stomach every now and again. Mingyu tells himself it must be a habit you picked up from all the times you’ve slept right next to Wonwoo and that your body is just seeking that same kind of comfort in his absence.
You don’t have to know about how he feels himself grow hard when your pert nipples brush against his back every time you shift behind him.
And you definitely don’t have to know that he eventually peeled himself away from your heated embrace to jack himself off in the bathroom before retiring to the couch for the rest of the night.
It’s a secret that he simply has to take to his grave.
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“Mingoo-yah, you’re spacing out again.”
Mingyu only feels half as bad as he should be for not listening to Jeonghan when the older man was in the middle of telling him about a brand collaboration offer he’s contemplating on accepting. Being the only two out of their friend group of thirteen to actively take up modeling gigs on the side, he’s close enough with Jeonghan to know he isn’t the kind of person who easily takes offense in things like that.
But one thing Mingyu does know about Jeonghan is that the older’s intuition is much too sharp for anyone’s liking.
“You’ve been inviting me out a lot lately,” Jeonghan remarks as he points the mouth of his beer bottle at Mingyu. “Are you trying to avoid something back at home? Is Wonwoo being an asshole to you?”
The lilt in his words clues Mingyu in on the fact that Jeonghan knows damn well that’s far from the reason that he’s been out of the apartment more frequently these days. He wonders if there’s any use to lying to someone who can see through any sort of farce before letting out a withering sigh.
“Hyung,” he starts, taking a sip out of his own beer as he chooses his words carefully. “Have you…ever wanted something you can’t have?”
Jeonghan raises an eyebrow. “Kim Mingyu? Not getting something he wants? My, all those ambassador offers and that long line of men and women alike doing everything they can for a chance to even speak with you would beg to differ.”
Yeah, but those people aren’t my best friend’s girlfriend, Mingyu wants to say but doesn’t, for obvious reasons. 
“You’re avoiding the question,” he whines instead.
Jeonghan lets out a soft chuckle before popping one of the bar’s complimentary corn chips into his mouth. “Well, to simply answer that: no. I’ve never wanted anything I can’t have because I always get what I want. All I need is to set my mind on having it and I’ll figure out the rest along the way.” 
“But what if… What if I ended up hurting someone if I pursued it?” Mingyu asks, trying his best to make the topic as ambiguous as possible. “That’s the last thing I want to do so the only way I can really deal with it is to just stop wanting it, you know?”
For a moment, Jeonghan doesn’t respond—lazy eyes trained on the younger man as he assesses what he’s been told. His gaze makes Mingyu a little nervous. Has he already ratted himself out? Has Jeonghan already put the pieces together in his head?
“From the way you’re going about all this, getting over it seems like a far cry into the future. And I’m well aware that you’re not a patient man, Mingyu,” he chortles with a shake of his head. “You’re understanding—considerate, even. But if I know you as well as I think I do, then there’s only so much endurance you can exercise when it comes to something you want that badly.
“If you want my advice, then I’ll go ahead and tell you to just negotiate with the person you’re supposedly going to hurt when you finally go after whatever this thing of yours is. If he declines, then you can walk away knowing you tried. If he agrees on some sort of…compromise, then wouldn’t that make you less miserable?”
God. Fuck. Talking to Jeonghan about this was probably the worst decision he’s made in his life. Mingyu wonders if he’d still be saying the same things if he knew exactly what—more precisely, who—they were even talking about. 
You’re at their apartment right now, probably snuggled up on the couch again—watching movies while engaging your boyfriend in occasional banter like you usually do. It’s a routine that the two of you have lulled yourselves into ever since you started dating and Mingyu would be a fucking dick for wanting to ruin that all because he can’t deal with the fact that he’s helplessly attracted to you. 
He can’t even sleep in his own goddamn bed without his brain going back to the night you lied so peacefully right next to him. Whenever his thoughts start to swim into dangerous territory, Mingyu tries so hard to suppress them by just going to sleep—only to end up fucking his painfully hard cock into his fist before coming all over the sheets with the taste of your name still sizzling on his tongue.
Later that night, a woman in a pretty black dress goes up to him and Jeonghan with a flirtatious strut that Mingyu would’ve latched onto if he was the same man he was a few months prior. She offers to buy them a few cocktails as a treat before leading Mingyu to the dark hallway that led to the dingy bathrooms with an expectant look in her sharply winged eyes. 
It doesn’t really take much to get him hard—he’s just a man after all. So when the woman whose name he knows she told him but promptly forgot gets on her knees on the dirty tiled floor, Mingyu thinks it’s perfectly normal for him to let her take his heavy length down her throat for some much needed relief.
What’s not normal is the way he pictures you in her place instead. That it was you deepthroating him like you were born without a gag reflex. You choking so adorably around his length as tears start to make your makeup run in gray streaks across your cheeks. You swallowing every last drop he spills into your awaiting mouth as he catches his breath against the bathroom door.
The woman was probably expecting some reciprocation on Mingyu’s end and while he’s normally a gentleman about these kinds of things, he promptly zips himself back up before leaving her alone in that dirty bathroom without another word.
To his surprise, Jeonghan is still there at their table, tapping away on his phone with a look of mild interest lining his gaze. Mingyu asks him what’s up.
“Wonwoo’s celebrating his birthday this year with everyone,” he chimes. “You would know when Soonyoung’s blowing up gen chat, but you were kind of busy getting your dick wet.”
Now that genuinely takes him by surprise. 
While his best friend isn’t some brooding edgelord that thinks celebrating birthdays is overrated, Wonwoo has always preferred commemorating it in intimate spaces. He usually just orders some fancier take out than their usual Chinese fast food and Mingyu buys him a silly cat-themed cake for him to blow out the candles on. 
But as Mingyu brings himself up to speed about what went down in their server over the last thirty minutes, he can now confirm that Jeonghan wasn’t bluffing at all.
Wonwoo: Dinner at Jungsik Dang at 7 PM on the 17th. The actual thing starts at 8 but you assholes have a thing for being late all the time.
Soonyoung: nice. i’ll leave my house at 10 
Chan: Loser. I’ll leave at midnight
Seungkwan: Maybe you shouldn’t have announced the real time the program starts, hyung.
“You’ll be there, won’t you?”
Jeonghan’s question makes Mingyu look up from the Discord conversation on his phone and into the older man’s eyes. There’s a look he can quite pin down on his face and Mingyu isn’t quite sure what to make of it.
“Of course,” he says, throat tightening for reasons even he can’t name. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
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Mingyu doesn’t really count the time left before Wonwoo’s birthday—much too preoccupied with his own schedules to notice the days passing by. But as busy as he is, at least he doesn’t have to keep inviting Jeonghan out for an excuse to go outside the apartment whenever you’re paying a visit. 
If Wonwoo has noticed Mingyu’s evasive behavior, he never really shows it. The older man still greets Mingyu everyday with a curt nod, retreating to his own bedroom before doing his morning streams. Wonwoo seems none the wiser to his best friend’s predicament and Mingyu prefers it that way.
But while it’s much easier to avoid Wonwoo’s scrutiny, you’re an entirely different case.
Mingyu comes home late one evening after a niche fashion event that one of his contacts personally invited him to attend. He doesn’t really get why he even reached out to him, given the fact that Mingyu’s modeling scene is a far cry from whatever haute couture bullshit they’ve got going on there. 
The only reason he deigned to show up is because of the stories about the organizer’s after parties that his said contact mentioned in passing. Well, that and the invitation was extended to him on a night you were staying over at their place. 
Mingyu is more than a little drunk when he stumbles inside the apartment—kicking his boots off with a huff as his inebriated eyes parse through the dim lights. He sighs, an airy smile gracing his lips as he recalls this evening’s events. 
Sure, he enjoys those quiet drinking sessions he shared with Jeonghan just fine, but Mingyu isn’t past admitting that he misses partying like he did when he was still in college. In fact, he actually had the chance to go home with one of the pretty models that took the runway. 
She’d been making moony eyes at him all evening and Mingyu would’ve let her whisk him off to whatever five-star accommodation she’s staying in if only he hadn’t promised to guest on Soonyoung’s charity stream the next morning. 
So here he is, leaning against the kitchen counter as he drunkenly smiles at the last text his would-be conquest—her name’s Suji—sent five minutes ago. She told him to don’t forget to wash up before you sleep and have fun at your stream tomorrow <3
Suji is adorable. Fun to be with even if Mingyu only spent a total of two hours mingling with her in the high-end afterparty venue. Never did he imagine that a literal supermodel would even be remotely interested in what he does for a living, but the world is full of surprises like that.
In fact, it’s so full of surprises that Mingyu ends up dropping the glass of water in his hand when he sees you emerge from Wonwoo’s bedroom. 
“Jeez, Gyu,” you mumble as you stare at the mess he made—hundreds of shards glimmering against the wet floor. “I know you’re clumsy but you never really break things by accident.”
Mingyu swallows thickly, wanting to say that you were the one who surprised him out of nowhere, but his eyes completely zero in on the conspicuous bruises that litter your throat and collarbones like a disconnected necklace. 
All it takes is one brief glance at his best friend’s bedroom—to which you left the door completely open—for Mingyu to confirm the suspicions wriggling in the back of his head. 
Wonwoo is lying on his stomach, bare back sporting scratch marks that Mingyu has teased him about before while his lower half is completely hidden beneath your favorite weighted blanket. He’s completely still as he sleeps, chest rising and falling with steady breathing.
When Mingyu dares to look at you again, he suddenly forgets about what happened at the afterparty; about Suji and her thoughtful texts. 
Because how can he think of anything else when you’re right in front of him, freshly fucked by his best friend?
“What are you—?! Mingyu!” 
He doesn’t listen when you scold him for picking up the bigger glass shards off the floor with his bare hands. He needs to focus on everything but your pebbled nipples peeking through the fabric of Wonwoo’s shirt. The hem fluttering across your bare thighs. The way your face is still flushed with sleep and what Mingyu presumes is that post-orgasmic haze. 
Because if he doesn’t, he might just end up doing something he’ll regret for a lifetime and more.
But it’s just as you said earlier—Mingyu is clumsy; even more so when he’s had way too many Jägerbombs than his tolerance can actually handle. So he isn’t really surprised when one of the sharp edges splits the skin of his hand open, blood quickly seeping through the wound as he unceremoniously drops the shards he collected on the kitchen island with a hiss.
“You’re such a big idiot,” you groan before marching off to the bathroom.
When you come back with the first-aid kit that Mingyu himself had stocked when he and Wonwoo moved in, the first thing that comes to mind is how you’re pretty much a regular fixture in their home now. You know where the first-aid kit is. You know where Mingyu keeps the brooms and mops and dustpans. You know that he doesn’t like leaving messes in the house even if it’s a mess that Mingyu himself was responsible for making. 
You’ve inserted yourself seamlessly into his and Wonwoo’s daily lives and Mingyu isn’t certain how long he can keep pretending that isn’t the case. 
“Just leave the shards be,” you grumble before dragging him off to the sink. “Let’s clean it up after I clean you up.”
Mingyu remains silent as you apply ample pressure on the wound, listening to you mutter about how the bleeding has to stop first before it can be disinfected. He doesn’t really process much of what you have to say—too caught up in how his pulse roars in his ears from the way your fingers press firmly against his own. 
He’s vaguely aware of his phone buzzing every now and again where he left it on the counter, but Mingyu doesn’t even feel the least bit apologetic for leaving Suji hanging more than he already has. 
Right now, you’re the only one that matters.
“Alright, I think it clotted pretty nicely,” you observe with a small, relieved smile as you lift the piece of cotton you used to stem the bleeding. “Go wash your hands, big boy. Sit with me on the couch after so I can wrap a bandage around it.”
If he was even the slightest bit sober, Mingyu would’ve huffed and insisted that he can do that by himself. It’s not like he sliced off his entire arm like he did with Godrick the Grafted when you watched him play Elden Ring a few weeks back. 
But Mingyu isn’t sober and all his stupid, drunk brain is telling him is to do as you say because he knows it’ll make you less worried. 
Your touch is weighted with tenderness as you patch up the gash on Mingyu’s finger. There are no sordid remarks about his carelessness to be said—only the implicit concern that permeates off your being and rings in his ears. But even if Mingyu’s head is still swimming with liquor, he’s empathic enough to be able to tell that him dropping a glass of water isn’t the only thing you’re upset about tonight.
“Gyu, did I do something wrong?” you murmur, smoothing your thumb across the bandage once it’s in place. “You’ve been avoiding us a lot lately.”
He finds your choice of words a little…interesting. 
Of course, Mingyu wouldn’t put it past you to notice that he’s been noticeably absent in the apartment these days. But for you to assume that it’s because of something you alone have done and not include Wonwoo in the narrative? You know him so well, it makes his chest burn with an emotion he can’t name.
Or maybe he’s just really fucking drunk.
“Why would I be avoiding you?” Mingyu chuckles, resting the back of his head against the cushions as he stares at the ceiling in a pathetic attempt at playing it cool. “I’ve just been a little busy is all. Don’t tell me Wonwoo-hyung misses me or something.”
“Maybe. But what if I miss you, too?”
The silence that follows is a little too loud in Mingyu’s ears.
You can’t do that. You can’t ask him questions that he doesn’t know the answer to.
Mingyu isn’t sure which robs him of coherent thought more: you in killer outfits and flawless makeup or you in one of Wonwoo’s old white shirts, barefaced and vulnerable as you scrutinize him with a pleading look in the middle of their living room.
He wishes he could just go back to the time when he just knew you as an up-there Twitch streamer that he suspected his best friend was fucking around with. Things were much simpler when Mingyu was merely a spectator in Wonwoo's complicated love life. But now, he’s slowly getting to know you past all the sexy cat girl cosplay and the fanservice. Past the back-and-forth banter with your boyfriend that Mingyu was once content with observing from the sidelines.
Did Wonwoo suffer through the same kind of epiphany before you started dating? It’s no secret that your boyfriend had a stick up his ass when it came to acknowledging how he felt about you, but Mingyu doesn’t fault him for it. He knows damn well that there’s just something about you that attracts people like magnets with polar ends.
People like Wonwoo and Mingyu who are helpless to your unknowing charm. 
But the difference between him and his best friend is that Mingyu has no right to feel the way he does. He’s lucky enough to get to see sides of you that you’d never show to your subscribers and he told himself that he’ll never pursue anything past that—no matter how badly he wants to.
Yet the fact remains that Mingyu is just a man too drunk to deal with all of this right now, and you’re playing your cards a little too well, whether you know it or not.
“You’re saying that you miss me when hyung is already giving you splendid company?” Mingyu laughs airily, letting his eyes flutter shut because if he holds your gaze any longer, he might just combust right there. “You wouldn’t be hanging out here so much if he wasn’t, right?”
You’re quiet for a moment, eyes boring into Mingyu as if you’re looking for something he’s desperately trying to hide. He loathes and loves how perceptive you are, but if he isn’t careful, he might end up jeopardizing your friendship for good.
Then quietly, you ask:
“Have you not considered that maybe I hang out here a lot because of you?”
Before the words can even settle inside his head, you flatten your palms against his thigh, leaning in so close, Mingyu is certain you hear the way his breath hitches. Your eyes crinkle in the dim lights as you offer up a smile with just a little more intent than he’d expect you to show.
When Mingyu’s gaze flickers to the collection of love bites you’ve amassed on your neck, his traitorous brain wonders how it would feel like to sink his teeth into your skin. To litter your throat with his marks, to have you writhing against his touch. 
“I could always just invite Wonwoo to my place, no?” you murmur, each word making the back of Mingyu’s neck prickle with heat. “But I insist on coming over here instead ‘cause I actually like hanging out with my boyfriend’s best friend.”
Then, as if his entire world was plunged into slow motion, you press your lips closer to Mingyu’s ear—one hand braced against his firm chest as he feels you grin against his lobe. 
“After all, we make such a good team. Right, Gyugyu?”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuck—
“We do make a good team. See? You patched me all up!” Mingyu laughs heartily before begrudgingly peeling himself away from your touch. “I’m a little sleepy though. Do you want to help me clean up or not?”
He knows he’s overcompensating, but if he doesn’t get away from you now…
Mingyu doesn’t even want to know what he’ll do.
When he deigns to look at you again, the heated look in your eyes hasn’t dissipated. You even make a fucking show of swiping your tongue across your bottom lip, staring up at your boyfriend’s best friend like you want to just…eat him up. 
But that can’t be right. He’s seen how enamored you are with Wonwoo.
You couldn’t possibly be…
“I’m a little sleepy too,” you admit, stifling a yawn that’s obviously fake. “I think I’ve already helped you enough for tonight, big guy. You go clean up that little mess you made ‘cause I’m going back to bed.”
Back to Wonwoo’s side—Mingyu reminds himself firmly.
He doesn’t really have to be told twice, nodding in agreement as he shuffles over to the kitchen and grabs the cleaning paraphernalia you were kind enough to bring out earlier. The dull ache in Mingyu’s temples makes it easy for him to do everything in silence. But of course that’s the last thing you’ll willingly give to him.
“By the way,” you start, twisting your torso halfway around to face him. The action makes Wonwoo’s shirt ride even further up your thighs and Mingyu fears he’ll have to clean up another growing mess in his jeans if he wants to get some sleep tonight.
“Suji’s been texting you non-stop. It would be rude to just keep her hanging, no?”
Figurative alarm bells start going off inside his head as his mouth hangs loose. You flash him a grin that’s much too smug for him to miss, greeting him good night, Mingyu before shutting the door to Wonwoo’s room behind you.
When he’s just about done throwing the glass shards in the trash and mopping up the water he splashed all over the floor, he retreats into the comfort of his own bedroom. He doesn’t reply to any of Suji’s text messages even after he gets changed into more comfortable clothes. 
Not when he’s now fully aware that you know.
You know that he’s got the hots for you. You know that he’d drop any other semi-attractive person he’s using to distract himself the moment you throw him scraps of your attention. He feels like a helpless fucking puppy with how easy it is for you to unknowingly lead him by the nose.
Here we have another one of Mingyu’s many dilemmas in life. The object of his frustrated affections, the person he wants the most might just want him back. 
The issue? Her boyfriend—his best friend—has no fucking clue. 
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Vernon isn’t someone that Mingyu frequently hangs out with. Out of all the three other GAM3 BO1s, the youngest is probably the one that he spends time with the least. But that doesn’t mean that Mingyu enjoys his company less than the company of his other friends. In hindsight, Vernon could easily be his favorite of the younger streamers in their entire friend group.
So when Vernon asks him for some tips on making his own gym routine, Mingyu sees no problem in showing up to give his friend some advice. 
Surprisingly enough, when Mingyu arrives in his and Wonwoo’s usual place, he spots Seungkwan in the waiting lounge with Vernon as well. 
“What came over you guys when you suddenly decided that you wanted to work out?” Mingyu laughs as he leads the odd pair to the locker rooms. “When we last asked about it on the server, most of you were being such prissy little shits about it.”
“Hey, we so work out!” Seungkwan complains with a huff. “We just don’t go to the gym. Get your facts straight, Kim Mingyu.”
As things are, Vernon wants to build his core strength while Seungkwan wants to focus on cardio. He tries his best to instruct them as effectively as he can all while getting his usual routine over with. Mingyu was supposed to try adding more weights to his deadlifts but with his attention divided between his two friends, he figures that he shouldn’t risk accidentally dropping a 150-kilograms’ worth of weights on his feet. 
They’re all absorbed in their own work for about thirty minutes until Seungkwan eventually hops off the treadmill and collapses dramatically on the matted floor.
“I need a water break,” he wheezes and Mingyu laughs as he offers him a bottle.
During their quick break, Vernon whips out his phone and puts on a Twitch stream for the three of them to watch. Curiously, Mingyu peers at the screen, only to feel his stomach plummet to the pit of his stomach when he realizes whose stream it is.
Seungkwan scoffs. “There he goes again, watching Koyahngi like a closeted fan.”
“Hey, she’s playing Xenoblade Chronicles 3 today and told me to watch ‘cause I’m like, the biggest Xenoblade junkie on the server,” Vernon explains coolly while wiping off the sweat on his face. 
Mingyu frowns. “Xenoblade? On a PC?”
“Yeah. She’s using an emulator.”
“That’s illegal, isn’t it? Won’t she get in trouble for live streaming it or something?”
“Oh, sweet summer child,” Seungkwan sighs as he splays his legs across the mat for a quick stretch. “You of all people should know that pretty girls like our dearest Koyahngi can get away with absolutely everything. It’s part of her charm!”
Vernon elbows Seungkwan in the stomach, to which the latter reacts with another dramatized gesture as if he’d been shot instead. Mingyu lets them banter between themselves for a few moments—choosing to focus on the stream instead.
You’re still in the middle of preparing the game you’re supposed to play on an illegal platform, dressed to the nines in full Mythra cosplay. Of course, a pair of cat ears that match the entire fit sits comfortably on your head—as is your signature look in all outfits. 
“Oh wait, is Vernon here?” you muse out loud as you squint at the chat. “If you guys watch his stuff, you’ll know how crazy he is about Xenoblade, so I invited him as a special guest! Say hi to everyone for me, yeah?”
Vernon is so quick to snatch his phone to type in hi o/~~ in the chat, it even startles Mingyu. 
“There he is!” You giggle. “We should collaborate on another game sometime, yeah? Sucks that Xenoblade doesn’t allow you to coop.”
Out loud, Vernon snorts. “Yeah, I won’t be doing that.”
“Why not?” Mingyu asks, genuinely curious. “She seems cool with it.”
“Are you crazy? Wonwoo-hyung will kill me,” he chuckles with a shake of his head. “I know I’m the one who introduced her to the friend group, but we all know how Wonwoo-hyung is with her. If she was my girlfriend, I’d gatekeep her from the rest of the world, too. Maybe.”
The words ring in Mingyu’s ears like a stern reminder he should’ve heeded a long time ago. 
It’s no secret that Wonwoo is a little…possessive over you. He might even be acting as your pseudo-mod right this second—watching the chat like a hawk before doing public lashings for any weirdos brave enough to send anything inappropriate. 
He wonders how Wonwoo would react if he knew about that chance encounter he shared with you a few nights prior…
“True,” Seungkwan agrees before rising back to his feet with a hop. “The only person he’ll probably be cool with handing Koyahngi over to is Mingyu-hyung.”
His friend says those words while he’s in the middle of taking a huge gulp of water. It nearly goes down his windpipe when he makes a surprised noise, but thankfully Mingyu manages to not sputter out his drink all over Vernon’s face.
“What?” he asks raspily when he collects himself. “Why me?”
“Uh, maybe because he’s alright with letting you touch and hug her anytime, but we get warning glares whenever we get close to her?” 
Warning what? He’s got to be lying. Wonwoo is crazy possessive, but he does not glare at his friends just because they’re being affectionate to you.
Begrudgingly, Vernon nods at his side. “Mhmm. I think it has something to do with you guys living together for years now. You’ve shared practically everything up to this point, right?”
Mingyu scowls at them both. “You’re not suggesting what I think you’re suggesting, right?”
“What are you—oh,” Seungkwan trails off with his face reddening upon realizing. “I didn’t mean he’d be down to share his girlfriend with you like that! But hey, if Wonwoo-hyung is into it, then you’re probably the only person he’ll consider accepting.”
“Agreed,” Vernon chimes. “Anyway, are we going back to work? I can watch her stream while I’m doing crunches just fine.” 
As the three of them disperse back to their own corners in the gym, Mingyu finds himself mulling over that earlier conversation with Vernon and Seungkwan. They’re both aware of Wonwoo’s territorial nature, but openly admitted that when it comes to Mingyu, things might be a little different. 
Which doesn’t help his case at all. Because how the fuck is he supposed to move past his feelings now? Not only did you implicitly reciprocate his interest the other night to some degree, but now he’s got his other friends unknowingly rooting for him too. 
Mingyu breathes in deeply as he tries lifting 75 kilogram weights on each side of the bar all while thinking back to Jeonghan’s advice to just negotiate.
Do his friends’ words have any truth to them? Will Wonwoo actually agree if…if—
“Fuck,” Mingyu grumbles when he feels the force of the barbell’s weight flaring up his arms and muscles. But at the same time he realizes that it’s impossible to ask Wonwoo about what he wants because…
He can’t just tell him, hey hyung, how would you feel if I fucked your girlfriend? Wonwoo would probably chase him out of the apartment with a knife if he did. Worse, he’d end more than fifteen years’ worth of friendship and Mingyu loses not only that hair-strand thin chance of getting with you but also his best friend. 
That’s not a risk he thinks he’s foolish enough to take. 
As some sort of punishment, Mingyu forces himself to bear the barbell’s weight for about ten seconds before letting it drop back to the floor—the fibers of his muscles screaming in agony with what he just put them through. 
He probably, definitely deserves more than that though. 
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“Mingyu! You’re late!”
Soonyoung’s jarring voice is the first thing that greets Mingyu when he finally arrives at the restaurant. The tall man is immediately surrounded by his friends��getting roughhoused for being tardy on his best friend’s special day. He lets out an easygoing laugh to brush off their teasing, eyes observing the private room Wonwoo rented for the occasion. 
“What took you so long, man?!” Seokmin complains, throttling Mingyu by the lapels of his iron-pressed suit jacket. “You’re the one who always brings out the cake for Wonwoo, remember? Seungcheol-hyung nearly set the entire cake on fire earlier.”
“Fondant icing can’t catch fire, you ditz,” the eldest of their group scoffs. “Anyway, we might as well do the toast since Mingyu’s finally here.”
As his pack of rowdy friends ushers themselves back into their seats, Mingyu lets his gaze rove around again. On the end of the long, fancy dining table he spots the birthday boy waving over at him with a small smile. Right next to Wonwoo is, of course, you—flashing him a grin with those ruby red lips as your eyes crinkle with a smile that haunts him with his eyes closed.
If Mingyu came clean and said that you were the reason he almost didn’t show up to his own best friend’s birthday dinner, would everyone else in this room hate him for it?
Once everyone is settled into their seats, Mingyu gets served a full-course meal by the waiters bussing around the private enclosure. Everyone else was already halfway through dessert and they’re now being poured generous amounts of whatever champagne Seungkwan boasted about buying for Wonwoo as a birthday present. 
“C’mon, birthday toast!” Seungkwan announces obnoxiously loud as he eggs everyone on to raise their glasses. “So who’s going to do the honors and kiss Wonwoo-hyung’s ass for tonight?”
“Shouldn’t the latecomer do the honors?” Minghao suggests with a sleazy look. “Besides, he’s Wonwoo-hyung’s best friend anyways.”
“Asshole,” Mingyu mutters under his breath before swallowing a mouthful of his food and grabbing his champagne glass. “Uh, there’s nothing much to say. Wonwoo-hyung already knows everything I want to tell him.”
“Boo!” Chan yells from the other end. “You’re so lame, hyung. How would you feel if your best friend used that as your birthday greeting, huh?”
Joshua makes a noise in agreement. “Mingyu-yah, I’m sure there’s at least some things you want to tell him, right?”
With all eyes on him now, Mingyu feels himself flush several shades red. Goddammit. 
He forcibly meets Wonwoo’s expectant stare from the other side of the table, appeased by the warm look in his best friend’s eyes. That’s right…
Asking Wonwoo if he can have just one chance with his girlfriend is ridiculous and impossible. But saying nice things about his best friend? That’s always been Mingyu’s forte. Even if Wonwoo threatens to break his PS5 every three business days whenever the younger man pisses him off on purpose.
“This hyung of mine has grown a lot over the last decade and more. Not that being introverted is a bad thing or anything, but it’s nice seeing him become more outgoing and interactive with people outside our circle,” Mingyu starts with a small yet genuine smile. “Our dream of playing games for a living is all too real now. But for Wonwoo-hyung, he’s a brilliant professional who’s going to be scouted on the Worlds team roster pretty soon, I’m sure.”
“Now you’re just lying to my face to gas me up,” Wonwoo chuckles. 
He gestures for him to quiet down. “Ah! You guys wanted me to talk so let me finish talking!”
“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” Jihoon comments. “This guy says five hundred words per minute depending on how much alcohol he’s got in his system.”
“We’ll all end up going home super late at this rate,” Jun chuckles with a shake of his head.
Mingyu pouts for a moment but his friends eventually cut him some slack—keeping their teasing jabs to themselves first to let him finish his impromptu speech. 
“As I was saying,” the part time model huffs, “You’re an amazing player and an equally amazing friend. You always put up with everyone’s antics even if we all know you’d prefer peace and quiet. You’re the one who makes life just a little more bearable for me. And even if you don’t really show it much, we know how much you actually love each one of us. 
“So… Happy Birthday, Wonwoo-hyung. Please live happily and healthily for the next hundred years because I’m afraid that they’ll only release Dark Souls 4 by then.”
Once he’s concluded what he has to say, everyone at the table cheers—not for Wonwoo, but for how concise Mingyu’s birthday speech is. Those little shits. 
Either way, they all raise a toast for today’s celebrant—Soonyoung singing an off-key rendition of Happy Birthday on the top of his lungs as they all clinked champagne glasses together. Mingyu’s grinning from ear-to-ear as he watches his friends mess around with each other as per usual, thinking how he’ll never want any other constants in his life as long as they’re by his side.
But in the middle of all the commotion, his gaze tunnels into his best friend. 
Wonwoo is in the middle of talking to you with a loving smile on his lips. Mingyu is a little too far away to make sense of what you’re talking about, but you do lean closer to press a firm kiss on your boyfriend’s lips.
He can’t really name the emotion that prickles in his chest at the sight of it. The closest thing would probably be jealousy but it doesn’t sound quite fitting. Mingyu doesn’t really wish for his best friend to be out of the picture so he could be on the receiving end of your sweet kisses.
It’s more like…he just wants you to give some to him too.
But after weeks and weeks of fighting against his fatal attraction to you, he’s grown quite exhausted from all the senseless overthinking. Mingyu is now waving the white flag of surrender—ready to bury these feelings in the past where they belong. 
After all, he’d never trade all the years he’s spent with Wonwoo for a woman he’ll get over in no time. He’s better than that.
Until he’s not.
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Mingyu doesn’t really know how it happened, when it started, and why he even let things get this far. 
Wonwoo was generous enough to book everyone their own rooms in the hotel just across the famous restaurant he decided to treat them in. It was mostly for Soonyoung because they all know how that man can hardly handle his liquor. But still, it’s nice to be spoiled by the most stoic out of their friend group every now and again.
Before retreating to his own room, Mingyu decided to catch some fresh air on the open balcony on the tenth floor. The breeze blew past his face nice and easy, making him feel more relaxed than he has in the last few months. 
But then you swooped down on him like an angel of death.
It’s been a while since he talked to you one-on-one like this. The last time was probably the night he split his hand open and you had to patch him up. 
Mingyu is apprehensive during the entire course of the conversation, which is weird because he’s always felt comfortable in your company. It’s his stupid fucking feelings making things weird for him. 
If only he could just wake up one day and things were back to the way they were.
He hoped it would just be one of those regular conversations where you’d eventually excuse yourself to look for Wonwoo. Mingyu can handle that. He can pretend to be fine in the face of others even if he’s rotting from the inside out because of how badly he wants to tear that lovely dress off of you. That’s something he’s always been good at.
However, when he’s in the middle of telling you a story about how Soonyoung betted a large amount of in-game Valorant currency on the possibility of you and Wonwoo dating back then, you bring a single finger to Mingyu’s lips.
“Aren’t you tired of this, Gyu?” you sigh, pouting at him so tantalizingly with your perfect red lips as you bring your hand down. 
His brows furrow together, not quite catching what you’re trying to say. “T-Tired of what?”
The corners of your mouth pull up into a pretty smile that’s wearing down his defenses faster than he’d like it to. “Of this game of push and pull, silly. I’ve been trying to get you to sleep with me for ages, but you’re such a good puppy, aren’t you? Never taking anything you want unless someone gives it to you.”
Mingyu can hardly believe his ears.
“You’ve been trying to…what?” His mouth drops into a disbelieving look. “I— You— You can’t be serious. What do you mean you want to sleep with me? You have a boyfriend.”
You make a sound of affirmation before leaning closer to him by the rails, tugging on the lapels of his jacket to pull him flush against you. Mingyu has to physically bite down a groan at the feel of your perky tits pushed into his chest. 
“I do, but that’s not important right now,” you giggle as you let your fingers trail up the curve of his neck. “Don’t you want to fuck me, Gyu? I see the way you look at me, you know. You have a bad case of wandering eye especially when I prance around your apartment wearing nothing but Wonwoo’s shirts. I didn’t expect you to hold out for this long honestly.”
The fact that you have a boyfriend isn’t important right now? And you’ve been deliberately seducing him all this goddamn time?
What the ever-loving fuck?
Mingyu still remembers how you looked into Wonwoo’s eyes earlier after the birthday toast. The love and adoration laced in your gaze…was that completely fake? Were you just using his best friend so you could get to him? 
That’s not right. He at least knows the abridged version of yours and Wonwoo’s love story. Despite how unpredictable you can be, Mingyu refuses to believe that you’ll willingly put yourself through all that if you didn’t love Wonwoo in the first place. If he’s the one you’ve wanted all along.
But the fight in him has been fading day by day. Mingyu thought he was closer to accepting the fact that he’ll never really have you the way he wants to. But in truth, he’s on the complete opposite side of the spectrum. 
It’s just the way things were before—Kim Mingyu will come running once you drop him scraps of your affection.
“Do you want to kiss me, Gyu?” you murmur, lips ghosting across his own. 
No. He wants to say no. He needs to say no.
“Yes,” Mingyu breathes instead, a thousand sparks igniting in his chest as he stares at the plump curve of your lips. “God, fuck yes.”
You make a show of dragging your bottom lip between your teeth, looking up at him with so much desire in your eyes, he nearly melts from the intensity of it. 
“Okay, big boy,” you giggle before taking his hand in a firm grip. “Not here though.”
The short trip back to your hotel room is swift. Mingyu doesn’t think about anything else but the feel of your soft skin cradling his large hand in yours. He doesn’t even wonder where the fuck Wonwoo is during this entire thing. All that matters is the fact that this is real and this is happening. 
If things go the way he assumes they will in his head, he’ll finally get to have you for himself.
That’s the exact thought that makes the blood in Mingyu’s veins come alive with heady arousal—tapping his feet on the carpeted floor of the hallway as you scan your keycard on the lock of your hotel room. You giggle at his impatience tugging him into the room by his necktie before the door clicks shut behind him.
Mingyu doesn’t waste any time. He quickly crowds you against the wall of the narrow hallway entrance, hands on your hips as he crushes his lips with yours like your kiss was air itself. You moan into his mouth before hooking your thigh around his hips to let him grind his hardening length against your middle. 
“You have no fucking idea how badly I want you,” he hisses between kisses, migrating to your neck to continue his onslaught against your skin. “Always walking around the house barely dressed. You were daring enough to rub the fact that Wonwoo-hyung just fucked you in my face last time too. Did you want me to fuck you the same way that night?”
“Mmm… Gyu,” you moan as he sucks on the skin just above the thrum of your pulse. “Y-Yeah… Wanted you to stuff me with your cock when Nonu’s cum was still dripping out of me. Does that make me a dirty girl?”
“It does, princess.”
Mingyu knows himself to be a person that’s easily spooked. It’s for that reason that Soonyoung likes popping out of nowhere just to do that. The reason Seungcheol likes intimidating him with a single look whenever Mingyu pushes his buttons. But it takes a lot to genuinely scare him. 
Hearing Wonwoo’s voice on the other side of this room, apparently, is enough to make the color drain from his entire face.
Wonwoo is seated on a reading chair propped by the windows with the curtains drawn, scrolling through his phone with a bored look like the sight of his girlfriend being pushed against a wall by his best friend is something that doesn’t faze him in the slightest. 
“H-Hyung,” Mingyu stutters, swallowing thickly. “This isn’t what it looks like.”
His roommate chuckles. “Mingyu, you just admitted out loud that you want to fuck my girlfriend. This is exactly what it looks like.”
“Mmm, big puppy’s being so silly,” you giggle as you inch your thighs apart, poking the tip of Mingyu’s nose with your finger. “He’s been fighting himself all this time and now when he can finally have me, he chickens out again. What do we do with him, daddy?”
Wonwoo hums almost theatrically as he crosses his legs on the chair, smirking at the two of you like…like—
“Did you two plan this?” Mingyu asks incredulously, trying his best not to get distracted by your cleavage peeking from the low cut of your dress. “Hyung, why do you seem so…”
“Comfortable with the thought of you railing my girl well into the next day?” Wonwoo supplies and Mingyu winces at his crass wording. Well, he is right but— “Because I am, Mingyu. But since you’re a little slow on the uptake sometimes, she’ll spell it out for you in a way that leaves no room for misunderstandings.”
As if on cue, you give Mingyu’s necktie another firm tug, forcing the tall man to look at you with a bewildered look. You bat your lashes at him with a disarming smile before pulling him closer so that your faces are leveled.
“I told Wonwoo that I really want to know what it feels to have you inside me, Gyugyu,” you whisper. “If I mentioned any other guy, he probably would’ve killed them ‘cause he’s possessive like that. He’s only alright with it ‘cause it’s you.” 
“And she’s been seducing you for a while now. It really is a mystery how you managed to hold out that long when she had me wrapped around her finger in no time,” Wonwoo adds with a chuckle. “You’re better than me, it seems.”
Mingyu’s gaze keeps alternating between you and his best friend—unable to completely wrap his head around the idea that not only are you actually into him, but Wonwoo gave your sick fantasies his blessing beforehand. 
“You…” He breathes in deeply before turning to Wonwoo again. “You want me to fuck your girlfriend? On your birthday?”
The older man shrugs. “This could’ve happened much sooner if you weren’t so dense, Mingyu. But if that bothers you so much, then just think of it as another treat from me.”
“Gyu,” you whine, practically rubbing yourself against his thick thigh. “Stop thinking and just fuck me already, yeah? Doesn’t my big puppy want to feel me wrapped around his cock? I promise it’ll feel so much better than your hand.”
Oh. Oh. 
Mingyu isn’t sure what to focus on first—you calling him your big puppy or the fact that they know he’s been jacking off religiously to the thought of sinking his length into your wet heat. But it’s just as you said.
Mingyu should really just stop fucking thinking.
All the time he spends at the gym is put to good use when he effortlessly picks you up by your thighs and migrates to the mattress. You let out an adorable little squeal when he gently lays you on top of the sheets and Mingyu has to keep himself from moaning at the sight of you splayed out so prettily for him. 
“Are you just going to watch?” he asks Wonwoo without looking back at him, unable to tear his gaze away from you as you tug your dress down to reveal your tits. “I’d feel a little terrible if that’s the case.”
Wonwoo barks out a laugh. “Just a little?”
“Yeah,” Mingyu whispers before shrugging off his jacket and unbuttoning his dress shirt.
“Just a little.”
That’s how he ends up with his face buried between your soft thighs, tongue working on your glistening slit as your fingers tangle themselves in his mussed hair. The noises spilling senselessly from your lips are like music to his ears—egging him on to pick you apart with his tongue and fingers all while your boyfriend watches diligently from his seat. 
Eating pussy while Wonwoo acts as a willing audience is honestly the last thing on Mingyu’s lifetime bucket list, but he knows very well that life’s full of surprises. 
“Your tongue feels so good, puppy,” you whimper, thighs pressing against the sides of Mingyu’s head as he slurps at your dripping cunt. “More please. Gyu, I wanna come on your face so bad—oh!” 
He smirks against your sensitive flesh when you jolt at the sensation of him sliding his thick fingers inside your hole—two right away because you’re already so wet and ready for him.
“She can take three, Gyu,” he hears Wonwoo chime in from behind. “Four if you’re feeling a little generous.”
The idea of taking more of his digits seems to excite you more than Mingyu expected. He feels you tighten around the fingers already inside you and he groans before suckling on your clit with unparalleled fervor.
He does just as Wonwoo says—sliding in a third finger as he stretches your gummy walls open. You have all the time in the world and he isn’t in too much of a rush to make you take as many digits as he can give you. As things stand, you’re already on the verge of being fucked out of your mind from the way his mouth works on your needy pussy alone. 
“Mingyu!” you gasp when he crooks his fingers just so, making your back arch off the mattress so sexily, he has to resist the urge to rise and give you a long, sloppy kiss. “Fuck, fuck, right there! Feels so good, puppy. Give me more.”
He fucking loves it when you call him puppy and he doesn’t really know what that says about him. It’s not like Mingyu can bring himself to care though—not when you’re grinding your sopping cunt against his mouth like he’s your own personal toy. 
“Shit, princess. You’re not this demanding when I eat you out,” Wonwoo groans. 
“T-That’s cause—ahn, Mingyu…” A surge of pride momentarily fills his chest when he renders you unable to manage a coherent response. “You’re my daddy and he’s my puppy. I can boss my puppy around, right, Gyugyu?”
While Mingyu is just now getting to know what sort of dynamic you and Wonwoo have in the bedroom, he doesn’t really have any qualms about what you’ve decided on for him. He merely nods a bit too eagerly, unceasing on his onslaught of tongue and fingers. Your body is wracked with another full shiver when the ridge of his nose bumps against your clit, sparing him another beautiful moan that goes straight to his cock.
“‘m so close, puppy,” you cry out, riding his face as you squeeze your breasts in the hand not tangled in his hair. “Mouth’s so fucking good to me. Love how you eat me out s’much, Gyu.”
He doesn’t notice how he’s nearly rutting his hips into the bed in a desperate attempt at giving himself some much-needed friction. Your eyes flutter closed as your body stutters to a stop, shuddering as your orgasm finally washes over you. 
Mingyu growls as he slips his fingers out of your quivering hole, burying his tongue inside your cunt as you ride out your high. You buck your hips against his mouth and he’s much too eager to place his hands on your ass as you come back down to earth. 
To his surprise, you bounce back from that mind-shattering orgasm much quicker than he thought. Right when you stop trembling in his grasp, you’re quick to pull Mingyu up to have a taste of yourself on his lips—tongue swirling with his own as the tangy flavor spreads across the appendage. 
“Want your cock next, Gyu,” you breathe against his mouth, eyes hooded with desire. “You’ll give it to me, won’t you?” 
He’d be the biggest idiot in the world if he refused.
You quickly reposition yourself on the mattress, crawling towards the edge of the bed while glancing over at your boyfriend—still watching the show the both of you are putting up for him. Mingyu was so lost in the sensation of you grinding your pussy on his face, he nearly forgot Wonwoo was even in the room.
“Daddy, want yours too,” you whimper all while pushing your ass back for Mingyu’s enjoyment, the multitasker you are. “Can I suck you off?”
“Feeling greedy all of a sudden?” Wonwoo chuckles. “Do you really think you can take two cocks at the same time, princess? Are you that much of a cockhungry slut?” 
You nod, too high on arousal to give a shit. “Uh-huh.”
Fuck. Why was that so hot?
Despite how he initially reacted, Wonwoo gets up from his seat and pads over closer to you. Meanwhile, Mingyu takes his aching length out of his tight trousers—breathing a sigh in relief as he pumps his cock a few times. 
He feels like he should feel unnerved about taking his dick out in front of Wonwoo, but then again this isn’t something he hasn’t seen before. The college dorm bathrooms were an interesting place, but then again this is the first time he’s actually let his best friend get a look at his cock when it’s fully hard. 
The sound of him jerking himself makes you glance behind you and he swears hearts nearly dance in the pupils of your eyes when your gaze zeros in on his dick.
“You’re so fucking huge,” you groan as Mingyu rubs his length along your ass. “Daddy, you’ve got a best friend with such a pretty fucking cock and you didn’t even bother telling me? You’re mean…”
The laugh that rumbles in Wonwoo’s chest betrays the fact that he’s a little ticked off with what you just said. “Baby, I’m already doing a lot for you by letting Gyu fuck you open. Keep abusing your pretty privilege even more, and I’ll fuck your mouth until you can’t say ridiculous things.” 
Of course, Wonwoo’s threat garners the exact opposite of his intended reaction. Mingyu feels your slick gush out of your entrance at the prospect of being used by your boyfriend in such a demeaning way and he sighs with disbelief.
“Hyung,” he calls out as you work on Wonwoo’s belt and zipper. “Do I need to wear a condom or…?”
His best friend hums momentarily. “That’s up to her. What do you say, baby? Do you want to feel Mingyu’s monster cock raw or not?”
You pause from undoing Wonwoo’s pants to turn around once more, taking Mingyu’s heavy length in your hand as you practically salivate over it. Then, with careful movements, you guide his cockhead to your gaping entrance and Mingyu nearly comes right then and there.
“Wanna get pumped full of your cum, puppy,” you mewl. “Need your big cock to stretch me out so bad. You want that too, right?”
Of fucking course he wants it.
You let out a choked up noise when Mingyu eases himself inside you—trying his damn hardest to not just shove his entire length into you in one go. Wonwoo smirks at your reaction before taking out his own cock. 
Mingyu isn’t one to compare dicks with his friends, but he’s got to say that Wonwoo is definitely well-endowed. It’s no wonder that you were fucking around with him for as long as you were before finally dating the guy.
But Mingyu pushes all thoughts about that in the back of his mind, relishing in the feeling of your tight, warm cunt enveloping him in delicious heat. He groans when he manages to bury himself to the hilt—cock pulsating with each second that passes. 
“Take daddy’s cock down your throat while you let your cute little puppy fuck you stupid,” Wonwoo instructs as you open your mouth to do as you’re told. Then, when your boyfriend is sure you’ve adjusted well to Mingyu’s size, he meets his best friend’s gaze and gives him a minute nod. “Go ahead, Gyu.”
“Fuck my girlfriend just like you dreamed of doing.”
Never in Mingyu’s wildest dreams would he imagine getting to hear those words straight out of Wonwoo’s mouth, but he isn’t about to waste any more time processing the information. He simply pulls his hips back—letting you feel every inch of his engorged cock—before slamming back into you with enough force to drive Wonwoo’s dick further into your mouth.
Your moan is promptly silenced with your boyfriend’s length and Mingyu hisses as he palms at the swell of your ass. 
He’d hate to bust his load when it hasn’t even been five minutes since he’d slid himself inside you. But your pussy flutters around him so fucking good that he has to breathe in deeply to keep himself from coming too early.
“Gyu, look at me.” 
Mingyu’s momentarily puzzled by Wonwoo’s request, but he complies with a look of inquiry in his eyes. He then notices that his roommate is holding your hair up with one hand as you bob your head up and down and his phone in the other.
“We kind of have this…thing where we film ourselves during sex,” he explains. “Is it okay if I do that now? The footage will strictly stay between the three of us.”
Fuck. You film sex tapes with Wonwoo? Mingyu didn’t know it was even possible, but he just got harder inside you. 
“I-I don’t mind,” he manages to wrench out. “God, please airdrop it to me after, hyung.”
“You want a POV shot of her sucking you off, huh? Got it.” Wonwoo simpers as he unlocks his phone, tilting it high enough to get a good view of you with his cock in your mouth as Mingyu pounds you from behind. 
“What a pretty thing, getting fucked by two cocks at the same time,” he chuckles as he records the entire ordeal. “How can you ever go back to just having one, huh princess? You’re so insatiable after all.”
You’re unable to dish out a response of your own for obvious reasons, but as Wonwoo attempts to get you to deepthroat him, Mingyu presses a hand on the small of your back. Just a little so you wouldn’t lose your center of gravity, but it’s enough to make your spine arch into an angle that lets him hit it a tad bit deeper.
The reaction it incites from you is immediate and he can see Wonwoo’s smirk widen when you practically choke on his cock at the added sensation—tears gathering on your lash line because Mingyu just found your fucking g-spot. 
“Gyu’s cock is splitting you wider than you can handle, isn’t it?” your boyfriend taunts as he pushes you further against his navel. “You’ll let us finish inside you like the cumslut you are, won’t you? It’s the least you can do for tormenting Mingyu all this time.”
He says the words as if he didn’t have a hand in making Mingyu lose his mind for the better part of these last few months. But he can’t really pay much attention to his best friend’s hypocritical admissions. Not when your walls are clamping around his cock so tight, he can barely hold out even if he wanted to.
If anyone else is in his place, they wouldn’t stand a chance either. With the squelch of your cunt with each deep stroke of his cock ringing in his ears, Mingyu wants to burn it into his memory along with the sight of your cream gathering at the base of his cock every time he presses his hips flush against your ass. 
Not to mention the sight of you taking your boyfriend’s cock like a fucking champ. You haven’t once pulled away for a breather since Wonwoo slid himself inside the heat of your mouth and Mingyu can only wonder if his best friend would allow him to feel that next time.
If there’s even a next time.
“Pussy’s so fuckin’ greedy,” Mingyu groans through gritted teeth as he feels the release sizzling beneath his skin. “Can I come inside you? Let me stuff you full?” 
Still unable to verbalize your responses, you let out another muffled noise in agreement, tears and drool sliding sloppily down your face as Wonwoo chases after his own high. 
His best friend lets out another evil chuckle. “Take all of Gyu’s cum, princess. Can’t let a single drop go to waste now, can we?” 
That’s practically the last straw for Mingyu—hips stuttering to a halt as his white hot emission shoots into your swollen cunt. You moan around Wonwoo’s cock as your boyfriend batters your throat with the head of his cock, absolutely addicted to the feeling of Mingyu’s thick cock pulsing inside you as he dumps his load. 
Just when you thought he’d collapse onto the bed right away, though, Mingyu quickly scrambles onto his back—positioning himself underneath you as he hoists your hips to nestle against his face. Finally, you let Wonwoo’s dick slip out of your mouth with a surprised, “Puppy, what are you—”
The words quickly die on your tongue when you feel Mingyu slurping the mixed essence from your pussy, eating his own cum alongside yours as he lathers your quivering slit with the mess he’s made between your thighs. 
Wonwoo lets out an amused chuckle when you struggle to take him back into your mouth again, much too distracted by the overeager Mingyu cleaning you up in the most unorthodox way possible. 
“Pretty baby’s so fucking spoiled today,” he sighs, feeling his own orgasm just a few strokes away. “You’re close aren’t you? Go ahead, baby. Come on Gyu’s mouth again and I’ll give you my load as a little present.”
Mingyu groans against your sloppy cunt as he sucks on your clit, bringing you to that high he already coaxed out of you earlier. You’re full on crying now and Wonwoo’s got everything on film. 
He just knows this’ll be a night he’ll spend countless more nights jacking off to and he feels absolutely no shame admitting it to himself.
“Fuckin’ take it all, baby,” Wonwoo rasps as he finally comes—pouring his viscous cum down your throat all while your muscles spasm from Mingyu’s unrelenting ministrations. “That’s a good girl…”
He finds it a little endearing how you both came at the same time, but then again, Mingyu figures that if you’ve been having as much sex as he thinks you had with Wonwoo, equally timed orgasms are a regular thing.
When all’s said and done, Wonwoo takes it upon himself to properly clean you up in the bathroom. He tells Mingyu that he doesn’t have to come if he doesn’t want to, but the part time model still feels partly responsible for the devastated state they both left you in.
So there you are soaking in the bathtub that comes with the hotel room’s en-suite as your boyfriend and his best friend take turns in the shower.
“I can’t believe you two played me like that for so long,” Mingyu sulks, checking his reflection in the mirror as he towels his hair. “If you wanted to have a threeway, you could’ve told me without making me go through this entire moral dilemma of wanting to fuck my best friend’s girl.”
Wonwoo chuckles from inside the shower. “Now, where’s the fun in that, Gyu?”
“Mhmm.” You giggle as you scrub your sore legs with a sponge. “It was pretty amusing seeing you so torn up, puppy. But we’ve had our fun. I promise not to tease you too much next time.”
Silence falls between the three of you and nothing but the sound of water from the showerhead hitting the floor rings in Mingyu’s ears.
“There’s gonna be a next time?” he dares to ask before glancing worriedly over at Wonwoo.
His best friend emerges from the shower with steam billowing out of the door and into the vent. Wonwoo’s wearing a casual, laid-back look on his face like this isn’t news to him.
“Yeah, remember when you mentioned me being recruited on the Worlds roster?” Wonwoo asks and Mingyu nods hesitantly. “Yeah. I actually got an email offering me a spot as a T1 trainee.”
Mingyu’s jaw nearly drops to the floor. “You’re kidding. You’ll be on the same team as Faker?”
“Hey, I’m not sure yet ‘cause I have to go to this bootcamp thing and everything,” his best friend chuckles before padding over to where you’re still lounging comfortably in the tub. “But since bootcamps take months to finish, my princess over here might feel a little lonely without me.” 
You pout when Wonwoo plants a loving kiss on your nose. “I’ll die if I don’t get fucked stupid at least every three business days.”
“I know, baby. That’s why Mingyu over here is going to keep you company while I’m gone,” Wonwoo says out loud. “Right, Mingyu?”
With two pairs of eyes on him, the part time model gulps nervously. 
It’s one thing to join them in bed to fuck you at the same time. But for Wonwoo to willingly leave his girlfriend in Mingyu’s care while he’s away for pro gamer bootcamp? 
Part of him feels like he’s skipped several steps required to get to where he is now. That the offer is way too good to be true and that the universe will pull up with a fucking gotcha moment at him one day when he least expects it.
But Wonwoo seems so sure that he’ll accept and the look in your eyes glimmers with so much hope, Mingyu couldn’t bear to deny the implicit request even if he wants to.
So, with a deep, bated breath:
“Sure thing,” he says with a toothy smile. “What are friends for, right?”
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part one - part two - part three - part four
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⟢ end notes: hehe you made it to the end! thank god! this was meant to be concluded in part 3, but the plot line where mingyu finds out the identity of his favorite twitter porn girl is gonna take up tens of thousands of words again and i decided that it deserved its own chapter lol i still have much in store for this throuple so i do hope you tune into their sexcapades in the future <3 your reblogs and tags and other comments inspire me to write sooo much so it'll mean the world to me if you left your thoughts for me to read hehe~ p.s. i'll add links to the masterlist and other parts for easier access later bc tumblr is stupid when it comes to showing posts with links in the tags
this is part of the game over series!
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luveline · 8 months
Love love love your writing Jade, I must have reread everything a dozen times!
For a dad!character request, what would you think of Single father Remus signing up to chaperone a school event or field trip? Maybe he meets the newest teacher, who happens to be his exact idea of the perfect person for him…
(Lots of love<3)
“Don’t get– forget your coat, dad.” 
Remus grabs his coat from the passenger seat with a self-deprecating sigh. “I’m s’posed to remember things for you, Lia.” 
Cordelia smiles up at him, her shiny coat and boots already taking on rain. “Okay, so ‘member my lunch, then.” 
Remus turns back to the passenger seat to grab her packed lunch from the footwell. “Thank you.” 
Remus is the kind of parent who writes a list every week, budgeting to the penny and laying out uniforms the night before, but he’s off-kilter today. “I wish your teacher could’ve given me some warning.” 
“She’s new, dad. You have to be nice for new people, ‘cos they don’t know– she’s not used to it.” 
Remus locks the car door, already cold to the bone and wishing they could’ve called off sick. He offers Cordelia her lunchbox (which isn’t a box at all, but a padded fabric zip up pouch in fashion with the rest of the girls her age), and tugs on his jacket. It’s not his, it belonged to Sirius a few years ago, but it got left in his wardrobe somehow and he’s been wearing it since. 
“Okay, lovely girl, what’s the rules for today?” he asks, taking her hand. 
“To be good.” 
“Yeah, and what next?” 
“To stay with my buddy.” 
“Yes, and what’s the last one?” 
She beams at him and waves their joined hands. “To have fun!” 
Remus doesn’t think he’ll be having much of it. He isn’t on the PTA, he had no idea parents even went on these trips, but they’re short-staffed at Cordelia’s school lately and now the year two teacher is off sick, and the phone call was a shock. He didn’t have the wherewithal to say no. 
Cordelia’s class are waiting outside of the school gates near a big red and green bus. Remus is the only parent. Why is he the only parent? There are around thirty kids and only two teachers, the newest of which stands at the front, your hands behind your back and a massive smile on your lips despite the bad weather. 
You’re very pretty, Remus has already thought before, and you dress sweetly, happy colours and cute skirts and pants with flowers and hearts and stars. You’re reaching up into the sky as you say, “So they have lots of energy to grow big and tall like us!”
Most of the kids are listening aptly, though pods of them chatter or fight. 
You see Remus quickly and dodge around the children to meet him. “Mr. Lupin! Hello, hi Lia. I have a packet for you.” 
He smiles awkwardly. “Right.” What’s a packet? He looks down at Cordelia but she’s straining against his hand, desperate to go and talk to her friends. “You can go, lovely. I’ll be right here.” 
“Can I sit with you on the bus?” she asks.
He’d definitely prefer it. “Whatever you want to do. Want me to have your lunchbox?” 
“No, that’s okay!” She leans up for a kiss. Remus suddenly wonders if he’s any good at being a parent, knowing you’re watching, but he leans down for a kiss and gives her a quick pat on the back. “Love you.” 
“Love you.” He clears his throat and stands up. “The packet?” 
You’re looking at him funny. 
“What?” he asks. 
“Nothing, nothing,” you stay, still smiling. He’s ninety nine percent sure you aren’t making fun. 
You load the children onto the bus and have him stand at the front with you, squished together in the aisle. “This is Lia’s dad, Mr. Lupin. Can everyone say hi?” He’s sure he’s beet red. “He’s our chaperone today. You listen to him just like you’d listen to me or Mrs. Davies. If Mr. Lupin tells you to stop talking, to stop running, anything at all, you listen. But today is about having fun and seeing all the flowers and bugs, so let’s have lots of fun!” You touch his elbow gently. He smiles. 
Lia forgets that she wanted to sit with Remus by that time, and you end up hip to hip in the front row. The children are immensely loud, and Mrs. Davies has to constantly ask them to be quiet, but it’s not as though Remus would notice; when he woke up that morning he had no idea he’d be doing this, his schoolyard crush for you feels as though it’s written over his forehead, and he’s more nervous than he’s felt in years. 
Remus is cool. He’s the cool friend, the quiet, collected one, who doesn’t stutter nor falter, but he finds it harder to be that way with you when you’ve seen him pick Cordelia up from the yard and kiss every inch of her face and tell her in baby talk that he missed her so so much. 
“I got you something.” 
Cool, Remus says to himself. I’m cool. 
You unveil an informational packet and a small purple box. “That’s just the stuff I told you on the phone this morning,” you say, “and some emergency stuff you can read before we get there. God forbid something happen, but if it does, you aren’t liable. I, however, will get in lots of trouble.” You offer the box. Even your hands are cute.
It’s a rough day. The kids are rowdy, the weather is wet. Lia’s friend Kory keeps stepping in puddles and Lia herself won’t leave Remus alone. She wants to eat lunch in his lap and half gets her way, the two of them holding hands, Remus a big head surrounded by little girls. 
“What’s that?” she asks in a whisper. 
“This?” He knocks the purple box with his knuckle. “This was from Miss L/N.” He opens the plastic lid to show her the treasure inside, a caramel donut with chocolate shavings. It looks expensive and delicious. “Should we share?” he whispers back. 
“Yes, please.” 
Remus breaks it in half, and Lia breaks her half into half again to share with Kory. He feels eyes on his face and looks up to find you watching him with a soft look, but you promptly flatten it and look down. You pick at your lunch, and choke when someone asks you if you’re alright.
Oh, he thinks, giving Lia’s back a quick rub. Chaperoning really isn’t so bad.
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madamechrissy · 1 month
Fractured Desires
ꕥ Pairings: Suguru Geto x Satoru Gojo x Fem Reader It's a mess tbh lol
ꕥ Warnings-MDNI-explicit sexual content, threesomes/ foursomes/ complicated shit, infidelity and confusion. Angst and smut and yandere Gojo behavior. In this chapter- Cunnilingus, rough sex, infidelity, dirty talk, objectification, manipulation, Sugu is a hoe and awful (sry) Toru is a toxic hottie
ꕥ Word Count this chap- 10.5k
ꕥ Summary- You meet Suguru Geto at your work, he is charming, gorgeous, and has a poly lifestyle. You jump in, and you all share women and have way too much fun. But then it's starting to get serious between you, official even. He can't wait to have you meet his best friend. But... Satoru Gojo hates you. The minute you meet. He gives you no reason, but he's nasty to you, no matter what you try. Suguru finally has enough of Satoru being so mean and brings up the idea - 'let's have you two fuck this frustration out'
Satoru hates you because deep down wants to make you his. He doesn't even understand how Suguru could ever want anyone but you. Though it's a horrible idea, he agrees to share you with Suguru for a chance to touch you and... The moment he touches you...Rules are bent and broken, Suguru develops feelings for another girl, and Satoru gets further obsessed with you, while you're left confused... will everyone get hurt?
Chapter 2 - Masterlist
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Chapter 3
Satoru's POV
Sugu walks him in, and Shoko comes up to Satoru then, shoving at him playfully. Satoru smiles, hugging her tightly and making her wriggle.
“Miss me much?” He teases, she scoffs but hugs him back.
“A bit, maybe.” Satoru snorts, rolling his eyes, then Shoko snatches you by the hand, pulling you to her. “Heard you all are kind of friends now huh?”
“Nah, I still hate her.” Satoru comes and pats you on the head, making you scowl up at him.
“They’re bonding.” Suguru says, and Shoko laughs, shaking her head, brushing back her amber locks.
“That’s on par with Gojo, the hate love thing.” Shoko shoves at Satoru again, and he laughs, brushing his hair back, sliding off his shades then.
“No love here.” Satoru says, and he watches you falter a bit, fuck why are you always just ruining him by existing?! Would you just… not be so beautiful, not smell so good, not be so fucking perfect.
He watches Suguru kiss on Shoko’s neck and cheek then, and scowls angrily, because he literally can’t stand the fucking thought of how Suguru doesn’t appreciate you enough. You sip your drink, and Shoko pulls you to her, kissing on your cheek sweetly. At least Shoko pays attention, considering Suguru seems to be content.
“Let’s play a game, hmm?” Suguru mentions, finally brushing your hair back, but he has a hand on Shoko’s hip. Satoru remembers how bad he had it for her way back in high school. When Satoru looks at you, you’re staring right at him, desire stark on that pretty face.
You ruin him with a look.
“What kind of game, hmm? Are we going high school spin the bottle?” Shoko asks, grabbing her pack of cigarettes then.
“Pretty much, truth or dare but with alcohol.” Satoru rolls his eyes as Suguru speaks.
“Truth or dare, so high school. It’d be almost like a reunion, except short stuff here.” Satoru pats your head again and you smack at it.
“Sorry I’m not freakish tall!”
“Freakish! You’re so-”
“I’m going for a smoke first!” Shoko waves, and Suguru laughs.
“I’ll join you.”
He follows her out, and Satoru watches your eyes narrow as they walk to the balcony together, shutting the glass doors with the blinds. Satoru comes up to you, hands on your teeny waist, and you can’t stop the moan escaping from your pretty lips, eyes shutting for a moment.
“He like that with the other girls?” Satoru murmurs, leaning close, one hand on the kitchen counter as he grabs you tightly. Your eyes meet his, and you shake your head slowly.
“No, not like this. Usually more included. But…” You look up at him, running your hand up Satoru’s torso, and he trembles at your touch, cock rock hard just from that. You make him so pathetic. “You’re here now, aren’t you?”
“Think I’ll keep ya company huh?” He teases, and you nod shyly, but something in your eyes has shifted. “One time fucking me and you’re wrecked.”
“Shut it, Satoru.” He smirks down at you, caressing your face with the backs of his fingers, feeling the softness of your skin.
“Nah, you’re happy I’m here. Admit it.”
“Yes, but fuck off also.” He laughs then, and you tilt your head, smiling up at him a bit, an upturn of your lush lips, making his heart falter.
“So you and Sugu don’t play alone, right?”
“Um. He has but he videoed it.” Your brows draw together a bit.
“So do we do that? Video me fucking your brains out, I mean.”
“Mmhmm. Why not.”
“You’re… I… that seems…” You just trail off, then your pretty cheeks turn bright pink, making you look even more precious.
“You love that idea. Bet you never came so hard.” Now you are bright red, eyes just fixated on his chest, until he cups your face and directs your gaze up to his. Your pupils are already dilated so big it’s intoxicating. “Lie to my face, pretty.”
“Pretty, huh? You’ve changed a lot. Pussy that good?” You demand, and his heart slams in his chest, his thigh slipping between yours, as you both hear Shoko and Suguru laughing out back at something. How could Sugu just leave you here, especially with him?
A fucking mistake.
You cry out, biting your lower lip, as Satoru’s strong thigh slips between your lush ones, and he feels that heat radiating from you, and he pushes even more, as you shift your hips up, whimpering, your eyelashes fluttering. Fuck he could take you right here, lick that perfect pussy on this counter, bury his cock to the hilt, feel you cumming all over him.
He grips your hair, yanking it back, while his other hand grabs an ass cheek, up under your little dress. “So desperate, you’ll just grind on my leg. Pathetic.”
“Fuck you, Satoru.” But you do it again, your little hands clinging to his shirt, and he feels it then.
“Soaked. From nothing.” He was hard from nothing, but he loves to get that reaction, that glare on that usually sweet face, fuck you melt him. “You’re so easy for me, are you this way for him?”
“Shut up. Ugh.” You pull back, but he presses you down, holding your ass with both hands now, and you can’t stop the moan that breaks out.
“Bet I could get you off just like this.” He whispers, lips just a breath from yours, and he can taste you, your sweetness. You bite that lower lip to death, you always do, your brows drawing together in pleasure.
“You don’t act like you hate me at all.” You whisper, he sighs then.
“I do hate you. So much. Hate how you’re looking at me.”
Satoru does hate it.
He hates your dazed out eyes, it kills him.
“Kiss me.” He blinks, confused and you yank him by his shirt.
“Kiss you?” You nod, and he doesn’t need to be told twice, because fuck, he’s dying to taste you again, to feel you, to picture those lips are his and his alone.
Satoru slams his mouth to yours, kissing you so hard your teeth clink together, moaning into your mouth, sliding his tongue in and possessing it when you gasp. His hand cups your face, and fuck if your moans and your taste didn’t make him stupidly hard, so hard it hurts. He lifts you then, kissing you over and over, hungry, and you just fall apart in his arms.
“Such a slut. Aren’t you?” He says, meanly, and you just whine, grinding on him, soaking his pants, and Satoru is losing any sense of control. It takes everything in him not to slide into that little cunt.
“Sh-shut up.” You mumble, stuttering as your eyes roll back, as your head lolls to the side, and he starts kissing up the side of your neck, sucking then, your hands grip his hair, little body arching up for more.
You both hear it then, the door opening, and you jerk back, eyes wide on his, lips reddened from his kisses, eyes blown out. Satoru eases his thigh from it’s spot and you fucking whine so sexy he has to turn away for a moment, to breathe, to try to focus. He wants it to be just you two, he doesn’t know if he can handle it again, but maybe he could make you see.
That you deserve to be worshiped by him . And him alone.
But he won’t get to, will he?
And so he tries to hate you. But how can he hate someone who tastes so fucking sweet on his lips?
Your POV
Your cunt is just dripping, as you look up at this tall, white haired demon that has some insane effect on your body, on your mind. His blue eyes are dilated to pinpoints, as he runs his hand through those silky locks, gaze firm on your lips, before drifting down to your breasts. You embarrassingly notice that you’ve made a wet spot on his leg and panic then.
He looks down, grinning however, then knocks your cup over as Shoko and Sugu get to the kitchen. “Shit, clumsy brat! Y’know how expensive these pants are!?”
You realize then, Satoru is covering for you, and you bite back a laugh, because fuck he’s thrilling, everything about him. “Shit, I’m so clumsy, ugh sorry!”
“Spilling drinks, that’s a party foul!” Shoko yells out, and you giggle out loud at that, trying to catch your breath from that kiss.
There’s something so… different about it. You can’t fucking describe. It almost terrifies you. And as you see Shoko and Suguru so close when they walk in, Suguru just so absorbed, it makes you wonder. Did Suguru just invite Satoru so you would be occupied and not feel so left out?
You’re frowning, and Satoru notices, while Suguru’s nuzzling Shoko’s neck until she shoves at him, glaring then. “What?”
Suguru notices you then, and his brows draw together, when he sees the confusion in your gaze. You and Satoru are sneaking kisses as Suguru is clearly flaunting how much he wants to be near Shoko. He clears his throat, smiling and walking up to you, pulling you against him, but you’re tense in his usually comforting hold.
“He annoy you too much, Princess?” Suguru’s lips descend but you turn your head a bit, and they end up on your cheek. You smell Shoko’s cigarettes on his breath, and then you know.
But you’d done the same, hadn’t you?
“What’s wrong, baby?” Sugu looks at you, concern in his warm gaze, and you shake your head, sighing.
“Nothing. It’s all good.”
“Let me make you a new drink to spill on Satoru, hmm?” You nod, smiling a bit, but it doesn’t quite reach your eyes. Satoru’s gaze locks on yours, and it’s like he’s caressing you, making you ache, throb, the way he looks like you’re the only girl in the fucking world.
“You look so pretty today.” Shoko comes to you then, kissing your cheek, and you smile, kissing hers back.
“So do you!” You ease a bit, Shoko is amazing and you all had a lot of fun, she was very respectful too. It wasn’t her fault Suguru clearly…
“So, truth or dare, Suguru?” Satoru asks, as Suguru pours everyone a glass of a fancy blush wine. Suguru stands next to you, one hand around Shoko’s waist though, the other holding his glass.
“Mmkay, who do you want right now?” Satoru asks, and your eyes go wide, mouth opening at it. It grows tense, as he leans against the island, just smirking like the little shit he is.
“Satoru… you’re such a dick.” Shoko says, and he scoffs, as he yanks her against him, her back pressed to his chest.
“Yeah, yeah, wait what I got for you.” He smacks a kiss on her cheek, and she grimaces, rubbing it off, making him laugh.
Suguru is tense, and you look up at him, studying the set of his firm jaw as he just looks away then, at nothing. You expected him to say you, right? You all date… even if Sugu played, he’d always put you first. But, he doesn’t answer, instead he sips that wine for a moment.
“Asked you a question. You’re not playing the game right.”
“Well, I don’t want you Satoru.”
“Breaking my heart!” Shoko laughs, but you’re just looking at Suguru, and finally he clears his throat, smirking.
“I want both of you ladies. Sorry Satoru.” He tries to make it a joke, as he winks down at you, but your heart crushes, you are sitting here feeling horrible for wanting Satoru, when Suguru couldn’t even say he wants you .
You could have gotten over it if you didn’t know what it was like to have someone clearly obsessed with you, the fucking high of Satoru pushing cum in you, and it was all you could think of all night. The way he just looks at you, the man that ‘hates’ you, was addicting in itself, and it starts to shatter what you thought you had.
“Princess…” Suguru looks down, kissing your forehead then. You can’t take it though, you sip your drink and don’t even acknowledge him. “You know I think you’re so beautiful.”
“Yep. Thanks.”
“You’re my favorite.” He whispers, but you tense.
“Can’t say it out loud?” Your eyes lock, brows raised, and Suguru blinks, surprised at you apparently.
“When did I say that I wouldn’t? Do you just want to…”
“Truth or dare, Shoko.” You say then, loud enough to break the tension of the room, and Shoko and Gojo are shoving each other, him putting her in a headlock, clearly they were friends, and it was actually cute to see. You ignore Geto’s glare, boring into your face.
“Shit, off me dickhead!” She shouts, and he grins, letting her go, and then she straightens that pretty hair, smiling. “Go for it, babes.”
“Dare you to kiss Suguru.” You say, and now Suguru is really scowling, but you couldn’t fucking care less, and Satoru smirks right with you over the wine glasses. Shoko looks down for a moment, taking a sip.
“All right, let’s do it.” She comes up to Suguru, tiptoeing, and his big hands are on her slender body as he pulls her against him, and their lips meet. You turn to pour some more wine in your glass, and Satoru casually joins, sticking out his glass, as you hear Shoko’s little moan, and the smacking of their lips.
“You’re a little bitch, I’m so surprised.” Satoru murmurs, and you stick your tongue out, making him chuckle, your fingertips touch as you top his glass off, and you peek over, to where Suguru has Shoko lifted, clearly invested in the kiss. “How could he see anyone but you?” His whisper tears through you, and you open your mouth to say something as Shoko and Suguru separate.
You don’t even acknowledge it, the blatant desire that maybe last time you’d been too drunk to see, or perhaps it had been ignited from last time. It had been the only time you’d felt weird about sharing Suguru. But honestly, you knew him for a few months, he’d known Shoko forever, of course he’d pick her.
“Princess… wanna talk?” Suguru’s whispering in your ear, it’s not the same as Satoru’s nasty words, it’s like this…
Does he feel sorry for you?
Your mind whirls with self doubt, as you struggle to act nonchalant. “Why, we’re having fun right?” You sip your drink. “Who’s next hmm?”
“I’ll ask you, truth or dare?” Suguru says softly, and you tense just a bit, looking up at him.
“Dare, why not.”
“Dare you to kiss Shoko.” You smile and walk to her, and she grabs your waist, kissing you softly. Your lips press together, tongues teasing, and you hear a whole ass groan from Satoru, making you smile against her lips.
“So hot.” Satoru murmurs, and you two giggle, before your eyes lock on Satoru, who hadn’t had a dare just yet.
“Truth or dare, Satoru?” You ask teasingly, and he sips his drink, licking those full lips and wrecking you.
“You really hate me?” You ask, and he grins.
“Sure do. So much.” You roll your eyes, and the mood has lightened again, just a little less tense now.
“Truth or dare, Shoko?” Suguru asks, and she sighs.
“Dare you to kiss Satoru.” She rolls her eyes, as does Gojo, then she comes over to him. You watch, your heart racing, as Satoru looks at Shoko, then at you, a challenge in his eyes. He takes a step closer to her, his tall frame towering over her, and you feel a strange mix of feelings.
He leans down, and you see the way her eyes flutter shut, the way she leans into him, eager for his touch. Satoru looks at you though, his eyes never leaving yours as his lips brush over Shoko’s, and for a second, you feel like you’re the one being kissed. You can see the hunger in his eyes, the same hunger you feel deep in your core.
They pull apart, and you notice Suguru’s hungry gaze and flushed cheeks, as if anything Shoko did excited him. “Truth or dare, Suguru.” Shoko says as she pulls back, and he smirks.
“Dare, since everyone else is picking it.”
“Dare you to kiss her on the neck.” Shoko lifts your hair then, and Suguru leans forward, pecking hot kisses on your throat, as Shoko caresses your body. You still see Satoru just looking at you, it’s like his eyes are locked on every movement. Suguru tickles you as he hums on your throat, as he and Shoko touch hands on your waist.
“Truth or dare?” Suguru asks you now, leaning up.
“Dare.” You murmur, and Suguru grins.
“Take the dress off.” You tremble a bit, insecure suddenly, and Shoko is easing the straps off your shoulders.
“Let’s see this hot number you’ve got on.” She teases, and you step back a bit from them.
“Um… Satoru, unzip me?” You ask, lifting your hair, and his lips part, stepping closer to you, setting his drink down.
His warm palm is on the back of your neck, as he gently unzips it to the bottom, and your dress falls to your ankles. You step out of it, bending to grab it off the floor, ass pressed against his hard thighs, and you hear the hitch in his breath, you bite your lip as you set your dress on a nearby chair, and you stand there, nervously in the room, as three sets of eyes take you in.
“Ugh, so hot!” Shoko muses, as you’re in a dark blue set of lingerie, little garters and lacy bralette, and you fight the urge to cover up, but when Satoru’s eyes drink you in, and you see him visibly gulp, you let your arms hang down.
“Fuck.” Is all he says, and Shoko laughs at that, Suguru smiling.
“Beautiful.” But something feels…
Are you just in your head?
“Thanks you all. Okay… I’m the only one undressed, huh? Whose turn?”
“Gojo, truth or dare? Pick dare ya big baby.” Shoko says, and you all laugh a bit, and Satoru shrugs.
“Fine, fine, dare.”
“Dare you to kiss her… right… here.” Shoko comes to you, fingers grazing down your breasts, and Satoru is on you so quick you couldn’t have even blinked. “He’s eager, huh?”
“Very eager.” Suguru muses, and then Satoru’s got you in his arms, so fucking strong and the grip is bruising, then he places his lips on the peak of your breast through the lace, hot tongue lavishing it over the little fabric, and you can’t stop the moan escaping.
The energy shifts, as he looks up with those stupidly beautiful eyes, lavishing the other nipple with the same attention, making the bralette soaked, as your panties were sticking to you with how turned on you were. He kisses up your breasts, sucking, biting, leaving little pops and smacks of his lips as he devours you. Your back arches for more of him, craving him so badly.
“Okay, get carried away much?” Suguru cuts in, clearing his throat, but Satoru doesn’t let you go, he just hovers his lips over yours, sighing.
“Not my fault you ask me to kiss such pretty titties.” You’re flushed now, under his clear praise, the way he makes you feel so…
Fuck didn’t Suguru used to make you feel special?
Are you awful?
“Truth or dare, Shoko.” You murmur the command, as Satoru keeps holding you, and she picks dare. “Your clothes off.”
“Well, yes mommy.” You giggle, and Satoru won’t stop staring at you, even as he lets you go, even as Shoko’s getting undressed, and you watch Suguru’s mouth drop as he studies her body, but Satoru doesn’t even glance.
“That lingerie? Hot as fuck.” Satoru says to you softly, and you can’t hide the little smile as he runs his hands down your body.
“Thank you. Oh, you look so pretty, Shoko!” You say then, and Satoru does glance, as Shoko has a gorgeous little body in black lingerie, and Suguru’s hands already roam, as he continues to stare hungrily.
“Damn, high school crush still goes hard, huh?” Satoru quips, and Suguru’s lips tense just a bit, as he looks at his friend.
“Truth or dare, Satoru?” Suguru says then.
“Dare.” Satoru answers, pouting as he looks at you.
“Mmm, come lick Shoko’s thigh. Right here.” You tense, as Satoru sighs, peering at you before he comes over to her, on his knees then, and she laughs, as if it’s a silly little sight to see. Satoru laughs too, and Suguru is looking on, clearly hard in his pants, as you stand off to the side and watch.
Satoru licks her inner thigh, popping a kiss, before standing, and you don’t know how you feel. Seeing Satoru was sexy but…
“Mmmkay, Sugu, your dare is the same.” Suguru gets down on his knees, gripping her thigh firmly, licking up it and sucking, moaning as his hands slide up to her ass then. Satoru stands, watching with a bit of a glare then, and he turns to you, hands on your waist firm, looking down at you.
“Don’t need a dare for this.” He says, then he’s on his knees, kissing on your inner thigh, and you cry out at the sensation, earning a look from Suguru, who’d been kissing up further as Shoko had her hands in his long silky locks.
“Satoru…” You whisper, as his eyes look up at you, and that look? It’s so fucking intense, as he bites your inner thigh, making you cry out.
“Ah, we're done with the dares, huh?” Suguru muses, but Satoru just smirks on your thigh.
“You seemed to really be enjoying yourself, don’t wanna leave her out do you, now?” Suguru stands then, and Shoko and him walk to both of you.
“Do you feel left out, Princess?”
Sure fucking do.
Sure have.
But now… Satoru is on his knees before you, and fuck if you don’t feel incredibly sexy.
“N-no. Don’t worry. Have fun.” You say with a small smile, it’s what you’d said last time Shoko came, when it got to the point you were kind of in the way. Suguru frowns though, and Shoko pouts.
“I never wanted you to feel left out last time.” Shoko says softly, caressing your face and kissing your lips, which you sigh into as Satoru kisses higher.
“I know you didn’t, sweetie. You paid a lot of attention.” Your remark doesn’t go unnoticed by Suguru, who rightfully looks a little resigned. “These things can be… mmnh… tricky.”
“Someone dare me to lick this little pussy.” Satoru says down there, and fuck if you’re not dripping , but Suguru is kissing you now, almost desperately.
“Baby are we good?” He asks, as Satoru bites your thigh hard, and you don’t know how to fucking answer.
“S-sure.” You mumble, Satoru is climbing higher, and it’s too much, you want him so fucking bad you can’t think. You can’t be mad at Suguru for wanting Shoko.
Fuck maybe…
“Come here Princess.” Suguru is pulling you away, and you blink in confusion as he drags you to his room, shutting the door. You shiver as his room is ice cold, rubbing the goosebumps that rise on your arms.
“What’s wrong, Sugu? Am I ruining your fun?”
“You could never. What’s Satoru said, to make you act this way?”
“He hasn’t said anything. You’re just so into Shoko you couldn’t even say you want me. How do you think I feel?”
Suguru blinks, sighing. “I want you clearly. I just also want her, just like you obviously wanna fuck Satoru.”
“You pushed that on me, first off. Second off, you never said you wanted anyone we played with as much as me. You said you’re the one I want most. ”
“And I… I do. I didn’t know how to really say it on the spot.” You don’t believe him though, even when his eyes drink you in, when he puts on that seductive look, touching you so gently, carefully.
“It’s okay if you want her more, but maybe we shouldn’t… be together if you'd prefer her.”
“What the fuck? Really?” He’s glaring, and you just shrug.
“I’m fine with us playing but I think you want her so much more-”
“This is Satoru.”
“No, Sugu, I can think for myself.”
“Well I want to be with you. You . I didn’t ask Shoko out.”
“Really?” You just shrug again. “I’m sorry that I said it that way. Can you just… come here.” He pulls you to him, lips drinking in yours, arms wrapping you tightly. “I should have made you feel good, I’m sorry baby.”
“No it’s fine-” He kisses you over and over, kissing your little thoughts out of your mind.
“Have I been doing such a bad job at being a boyfriend that asshole Satoru makes you feel better?” He's sliding his hands down your body, pressing you into the door. You struggle to breathe.
“Sugu, I know you don't love me and that's okay. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. Maybe you love…”
“I never said I didn't.” He says the words through gritted teeth, and your resolve wavers, when he slides a hand down your soft stomach, down to your panties, as he looks down at you so sweetly. “Is that what this is? Did I hurt you…”
“I don't think I'm the prettiest but y-you made me feel like that. With the other um… ladies. But… it's fine if-”
“I am being a dick. Huh?” He murmurs, his fingers sliding under your panties now. You shake your head.
“No. You could never be.” You brush his hair back, and he sighs, kissing you softly, biting your lower lip, tongue sliding against it. You moan softly, arms sliding up to wrap around his neck then, as the familiar embrace feels so good. But your mind is just whirling with doubt.
“I hesitated.” Suguru speaks, popping kisses all over your face. “I'm so sorry baby. You should know you're important to me.” He says, and then you feel awful, for what you did, kissing Satoru. But… 
“You really like her, Sugu.” You say softly, and he sighs, finding you with his fingertip then, where you’re aching, and making you cry out softly.
“We're just close, baby. If it's too much I won't do anything with her.”
“No it… it's fine. I'm just getting in my head, huh?”
“Let me get you out of it.” You go to ask how then he's on his knees, sliding your panties to the side with a sure twist of his fingers. “Let me show you how fucking gorgeous you are.”
“Sugu…” His tongue finds you then, and you gasp at it, as he works you how he knows to, as two of his long, thick fucking fingers slide in your tight entrance, and you gush around them.
“Love how you taste. Love how you feel.” You fall into it, head slamming back against the door, fuck if he didn't know what to do, what to say for you to fall apart. You cover your mouth and he pulls back. “No, make noise.”
“No. They're…”
“Make. Noise. For me.” He spreads your lips, yanking one of your thighs over his broad shoulder then. You’re trembling as he flicks his tongue up and circles your little clit, twitching in response. 
“S-Sugu…” You’re gasping as he starts hitting your spot, the one he knows so fucking well, looking up at you with those seductive eyes of his, and you can’t help but forget everything for a moment. He makes you feel so desired, even if…
“Cum on my face, Princess, please, let me taste you.” He murmurs, as he pulls back and takes a breath, and you shatter then, falling apart, as he laps you up, until you can’t hardly function. You’re boneless, as he has to hold you up, before sliding back up your body, tilting up your chin.
“Y-you can’t just eat me out every time you want… something… mmm…” He’s rubbing up and down between your folds, and you’re so sensitive you hiss, hips bucking from the touch.
“I don’t want to not have you in my life, Princess.” He cups your face so gently, planting a kiss on your forehead, and your eyes flutter shut. “I’ll make sure I pay attention to both of you. I guess because Satoru’s here I…”
“No, last time it was the Shoko and Geto show.” You whisper those words, and Suguru leans back. “Yeah you can’t lick my feelings away, no matter how talented your tongue is.”
“That’s not what I’m trying to do. I just want to show you how much I desire you, beautiful girl.” You blink back some emotion. Just yesterday you’d been so in love with Suguru, how had Satoru made you question everything so quickly.
“Let’s just have fun, I won’t get upset again.” You say softly, and he exhales, smiling down at you, brushing back your hair. “It’s okay, Sugu, promise. I’m going to be having fun with your jerk of a friend too.”
Suguru smirks, rolling his eyes. “He is such a little shit, isn’t he?”
“He really is.”
“All right baby come on. Forgive me for being thoughtless?” He asks, as he runs his hands down your shoulders, and you bite your lower lip.
“I wasn’t even mad, Sugu, just…” Just thinking that the way Sugu looks at you is nothing like his psycho bestie. “Just things are a little complicated in this. I guess I don’t think I can compete with years of being best friends.”
“There’s no competition, me and her have only ever been friends. I didn’t sleep with her back in college, that was all Satoru.”
“Hmm.” Weird, because it was as if Satoru and her were friends, and Suguru just looked at her like…
Like Satoru does with you.
What sort of mess was this going to be?
“Suguru, y’know how you videoed being with a girl because you were out of town or whatever?” He frowns.
“Are you mad about that too? I thought-”
“No, no… just what if I did something like that. Would you really be fine with it?” He tilts his head, grinning then. “What!?”
“Yeah it would be fucking hot. Why does Satoru already wanna be a porn star?” You can’t actually believe he is okay with that.
If you were mine, I’d never fucking share you.
“No, it was just a thought, Sugu. Let’s go they’re probably fucking without us, hmm?” He laughs a bit, and then you all step back out into the living room, and Shoko and Satoru are just playing cards, laughing, Satoru’s shirt is open a bit, just three buttons, and his sleeves are rolled up.
But they’re nowhere near close. They both look up at you, Shoko smiling a bit, but Satoru is glaring as he studies your body, ever so slowly. Suguru gets a little red in the cheeks as he takes in Shoko’s still nearly nude form, and you see it, the look in his damn eyes, it’s just not what he gives you. You try to shake those thoughts off, as he’s holding your hand tightly.
Suguru is so good to you, why did Satoru have to ruin your thoughts?
“Bet you two had fun, huh?” Shoko winks at you, making you blush now, and Suguru pulls you close, arm around your waist, grinning.
“Just had to talk to the Princess alone for a few.”
“Talk… uh huh.” Shoko teases again.
“Talk to her-” Sugu starts and you shut his mouth with a hand, and then he laughs against your palm. He drags you over to where they’re re-stacking up the cards, but Satoru says nothing, as you sit down next to him, shivering a bit.
“You cold, brat?” He asks, and you nod, then he’s taking his shirt off, revealing his toned, hard muscles of his chest and abdomen. You damn near drool looking at his marble skin, as he wraps a shirt around your shoulders. You smell him, that clean scent that’s fucking intoxicating, some insane expensive cologne you’d like to bathe in.
“Thank you, Toru.” You say softly, and he just nods, going back to shuffling cards as you sit there in his stupidly expensive dress shirt over your lingerie. Suguru looks at you two curiously for just a moment before murmuring something in Shoko’s ear, and she’s laughing at him, shoving him.
“Toru, what’s up with this nickname hmm?” You just shrug, feeling the soft fabric on you as Satoru’s big hand goes to your thigh.
“I like it. Do you not?” Satoru leans close to you, brushing your hair back, but then he pulls it, at the nape of your neck, making you gasp a bit, as you meet his gaze, so vividly blue it hurts to look at.
“I hate when you say it. Hate what it does to me.”
You whine then, it’s unavoidable, and he reacts quickly, pinning you to the couch then, on your back, making you soaked, more soaked than you had been from Suguru’s expert lips. You errantly notice Shoko is in Sugu’s lap, straddling him, but it’s just an afterthought, because Satoru on top of you consumes you so much.
Satoru’s POV
“Still hate me so much, need to fuck me again?” Your whisper drives him insane, he moans quietly, as he looks at how fucking beautiful you are under him, your hair splayed across the couch in soft waves, framing your perfect little face.
He hates you.
Hates how good you look in his dress shirt, how pretty your curves look in that lingerie, hates having to do anything with Shoko when all he wants to do is rail that perfect little cunt. Fill you up till you’re dripping for days. You’re panting, that color on those cheeks making your eyes so bright, your lips parted just so, tempting him with every shallow breath you take.
“Didn’t Sugu please you enough, little whore?” He demands through gritted teeth in your ear, and you shiver at his words. He’s mean to you, would you just be mean back and not get… more turned on!?
“I don’t know, feel me and tell.” You whisper in his ear, breath tickling it, as your words make him spiral out of control. He wants you alone, he doesn’t want to fucking be around anyone else. God help him if Suguru tried to make him fuck Shoko, not that she wasn’t gorgeous, she wasn’t you. But you… weren’t even his.
It makes him insane.
“Beg for it, little slut.” He glides his hand down your soft tummy, which trembles under his sure touch, and you moan so sexy, arching your back, and your breasts are in his face. He yanks those cups down, eyeing your perfect, lush breasts, your nipples just begging for his mouth.
“Beg for it, hmm? You want it just as bad.” Your hand rubs over his crotch then, and he bites back a groan, he’s rock hard and it hurts, he grinds on your little hand for any relief, pre cum making him sticky.
“Then I won’t touch you.” He yanks his hand away, and Satoru errantly notices Suguru is going down on Shoko, and here you two are, in a little argument. He sees your gaze hit them for a moment, but your eyes go right back to his, pouting… fuck he’d give you anything when you look at him like that.
“Please, Toru.” He growls, grabbing your face then, your delicate little face in his huge hands, fuck you’re so tiny compared to him…
“Hate that. Shut your fucking mouth.” You bite that lip, killing him, wrapping a leg around his hip then, trailing your little heel down his thigh, and he trembles. Satoru Gojo trembles.
What you do to him…
“Fine… Satoru , please. Please touch me.” You barely speak, it’s only for him to hear, as you both hear telltale moans next to you, but everything faded as if it were just the two of you. Then you take his hand in your tiny one, pressing it to your panties, whimpering, and he’s done.
“Pathetic, begging for me. So desperate?” You just nod, and he hates it, he hates you, hates how soaked you are. “Holy fuck…”
“Want you.” Satoru’s chest tightens, as those words slip from your pretty mouth, the words he has ached for, though he would never admit. “S’much… want you… touch me oh please!”
“Fuck me…” He’s so hard it’s throbbing, he could cum right now if he just pressed against one of your plush thighs. He slides his two fingers in your slick heat, and your tight walls clench him, as you gush around them, soaking him. He watches your brow scrunch up with pleasure, your eyes dilating as your hips buck up. “Fuckin soaked… from what, brat?”
“You know why, shut up.” You gasp, your hands clinging to his bare chest, and he chuckles, kissing down your collarbone, pumping in and out of your dripping little cunt, so wet he can hear it squishing.
“Slutty little pussy doesn’t need much prep for me, huh?” Your mouth opens and you moan, so fucking sexy he can’t stand it, as he peels off your panties, and you’ve got a big wet spot on them, your wetness drooling out of that pretty pussy. He moans out then, how can he hold it back when he sees you? “Fuck…”
Satoru spreads your thighs, unzipping his pants and sliding them off, and he watches your eyes go dazed with desire, your little hand grabbing his cock, stroking, feeling like fucking silk. Satoru snatches your hands up then, by your dainty little wrists, in one of his hands he presses them over your head, into the arm of the couch.
“Satoru…” You whine, hips wiggling, and he looks down at the precum pouring from his tip, the cock that’s throbbing as he slides it between your glistening lips, and your eyes flutter shut when he rubs it on your puffy little clit. “ Satoru .”
Fuck, his name on your lips…
His eyes lock on yours, and he teases you with just the tip, holding in the moan of pleasure as he feels you, soaking wet, so fucking tight. “Why are you so wet from nothing, brat? Fucking say it.”
You look to the side, and Satoru sees Shoko and Suguru in his peripherals, weird he barely noticed them fucking, his best friends. No, nothing existed with you. Oh how he can’t wait to get you all alone, to truly ruin you. He can tell he already has had an effect, especially with your next words.
“It’s how you look at me.” You say softly, and Satoru tenses then, as your cock drunk eyes meet his, as your perfect breasts rise and fall with each breath. You’re so vulnerable, so beautiful, and fuck you feel so good. Satoru leans down then over you, his lips on yours, sighing as he tastes your sweet breath, the taste and feel of you that haunted him all damn night, and you’re right here.
If only you would be his.
“How I look at you?” He taunts you but you just whimper, rolling your hips up for more of his teasing, and you nod then, kissing him softly.
“Yes, how you look at me. It gets me so wet, Satoru.” You nearly just mouthed those words and he moans then, thrusting his hips and burying his length inside you, and fuck he almost cums just there, you’re so tight, squeezing him so much he has to hold himself back. You’re throbbing around him, tears in your pretty eyes as you cry out for him.
“All I gotta do is look at you, and you’re this ready?” He’s pressing down on you as he speaks, and you nod then, eager, eyes fluttering shut when he slides out and then back inside your soppy little cunt again. Your thighs tighten on his hips, as he rests his forehead on yours, wanting to say how much he craves you, how you are ruining him, how you consume him…
Does Satoru hate you or…
“You so easy for me?”
“F-fuck… p-please just…” You roll your hips, and he bottoms out then, you take him so well somehow, like you’re made for him. He couldn’t tell you that though.
“Desperate little slut.” He wants to tell you how gorgeous you are, how fucking lucky he is to even be inside you, but at those mean words you’re soaking him further, whining out. “Gonna fuck you s’good baby you’ll never be able to think of anything, all you’ll know is my name.”
Your POV
“Satoru!” You’re crying his name out as he starts fucking into you, and fuck he’s so long, the curved tip dragging on your walls, as he’s holding your wrists in a bruising grip, just staring into your eyes, and you almost cum right then. He has you so close with little to no touching and a few thrusts, you are pathetic.
No thoughts of anyone else or anything else exist, it’s like it’s transformed to where it’s only Satoru, owning you, his free hand yanking your thigh and pushing in impossibly deeper. Then you can’t take it, the pressure, his grip, those damn eyes that you fall hopelessly into, and then he lets go of your wrists, and you grip his shoulders, manicured nails digging in.
You can hear Shoko and Suguru moaning, but you really couldn’t bring yourself to care, all you care about is how you’re soaking the couch, how good it feels when Satoru owns your little pussy. He does own it too, he leaves no fucking question, as he’s smashing into you, it’s rough and you’re struggling to take it, but oh you want it, you love him bruising that cervix.
He presses his lips to your ear, and you hear that whimper, the one he tried to hide last time, as one of his hands finds your clit then, rubbing it between two fingers, and the pressure builds.
“Make you forget- ah- everything. But me.” His words intoxicate you, urging you on, and then you’re gripping tightly, crying out in pleasure.
“C-cumming…” You whisper back, in his ear, and then he audibly groans, pressing in deep, fucking you into the couch, cock wrecking you, as you cum all over it, dripping down his balls, your ass, his thighs. Fuck you’re soaking everything, just dripping from cumming so hard, and you damn near lose consciousness as he keeps fucking you through it, not slowing down.
“Make you stupid, forget your own fucking name. Forget everything.” He looks at you now, hand sliding up your throat, soaked with your arousal, pressing at your pulse point now. He pauses, eyes locking then, and you take his wrist, nodding silently, and then oh God he’s squeezing your little throat.
You’re fading in and out as he builds you up again, absolutely making you forget everything. What was your name again? Where are you?
Nothing but Satoru Gojo.
The asshole. Mean. Hates you.
Fucking you next to his best friend, your boyfriend, oh yeah… you have one of those don’t you? But you’re a little slut for Satoru Gojo and you couldn’t deny that fact, not when you’re pulsing around him, cum making it slippery as he continues to choke you out, taking your oxygen.
Then there’s really nothing but Satoru, blurry above you, as you feel yourself in a mix of lightheadedness and pleasure. Like you’re floating. You’ve never been choked, as if your life is in his hands, this man you should hate, but you don’t… no, when his blue eyes look down at you and your cunt is milking him for everything, you feel nothing close to hate.
Pure desire.
You cum again, gasping for breath, and he releases your throat then, laying on top of you, and it’s so intimate this position, his chest squishing your soft breasts, as he plants gentle kisses down your throat. His thrusts slow, and he looks right at you, as you blink and try to come to. He caresses your cheek so sweetly, as he rolls his hips, grinding that tip on your cervic.
“S-Satoru… s’good, too… too good… I…” You can’t form a word anymore, blinking and gulping for air, and Satoru studies you carefully, as your head lolls back, as your back arches.
“Fuck you’re pretty.” He murmurs, and you’ve heard it a ton from many others, but how he… “I hate it. How beautiful you are. Hate it.” There’s anger in his voice, as he shoves in deep and you cry out in pain, and shatter around him, while he’s whispering hate in your ear.
If hate is this, you could get used to it.
“H-hate you… too… mmm…” He smirks, kissing your lips, pressing his full ones on yours, and your tongues play, as your release drips around both of you.
“Need to cum in you. I’d put a baby in you if you were mine.” He huffs, his cheeks flushed, his eyes drunk off you, and you brush back that snowy white hair, staring at his beautiful face, as he says things he shouldn’t.
Suguru cums in girls.
Not you.
But could you do this? Are you so horrible?
“Don’t worry, I won’t. Yet.” Satoru says then, as if sensing your inner turmoil, but then he starts fucking you hard again, groaning as you cling to him, as he fucks away any brain cells left. “Not yet. Gonna be alone first.”
Alone with him.
Fuck you couldn’t…
“Cum one more time, be a good little slut would you?” He slams in deep, and you do fall apart, as if on command, and you’re still throbbing even as he pulls out and leans back, cumming on your tummy, his head thrown back as he moans, loudly.
Fuck it turns you on more.
You notice Suguru and Shoko seem to have finished, as Suguru’s laying next to her, brushing her hair back gently. And that’s where the big difference lies, because you’re getting called a slut, getting came on, and Shoko is getting aftercare, and sweet nothings whispered in her ear. But… did you want that, or did you want exactly what Satoru Gojo gave you?
He exhales, and you take your pointer finger, spreading his cum around, lapping it up on your tongue, and Satoru’s eyes widen, his jaw clenched with clear desire, as you moan while you taste him. He’s trembling over you, and in that moment you realize, Satoru Gojo desires you as much as you do him. Fuck, maybe even more.
How is it possible?
“Why you gotta look like that?” He says through gritted teeth, and you flush, as he stares down with those bright blue eyes, like you’re the only thing in the world, the look alone makes you ready to go again, fucked out as you are. “Hate it.”
“I know… you hate me, huh.” You lick up more of him, and he glares, snatching your hand up.
“You exist to fucking torture me.” But you cup his face, and he sighs for just a moment, pretty and vulnerable.
“You made a mess, huh?” Suguru mentions, as he cuddles with Shoko on the other couch, and Satoru flips him off, while just enjoying your touch.
“You’re like a hedgehog, so mean but then wanting a head pat.” You tease and he glares, putting your hand back down.
“Hedgehog huh? I’d say just a dick.” Shoko says, hopping up then, and Satoru and you both look to see her fully naked. You watch Suguru’s desire as he stares at her, even as you sit up with Satoru’s help, but Satoru just looks at you, at that cum drying along your tummy in white trails.
“I need to clean up.” You get up then, walking past Suguru, who smirks at you a bit as he helps Shoko get dressed.
“Suguru…” Satoru says then, and Suguru hums.
“Can I take her home for the night?” Satoru’s question stops you as you’re wiping off in the bathroom, and Suguru says nothing.
“Time for a smoke, bye!” Shoko says, and you walk back out to see Satoru and Suguru glaring at each other. You stand there, slipping panties back on, then picking up Satoru’s shirt, hopelessly wrinkled from being under you both.
“Satoru you for real?” Suguru demands, and Satoru smirks, sliding on his boxers and pants over those long legs.
“What, why not? Don’t you video fucking girls and send it to her? I’ll make sure to get such a pretty angle of that pussy sucking me in.”
“Satoru…” You murmur then, and he just grins, as Suguru is clearly angry, a vein in his throat popping out, scowling at him.
“No she’s not staying at your place, Satoru.”
“Why not? Give you smooch time with your high school crush. Let her come over and I’ll make her-”
“You can just go.” You frown then, snatching up Suguru by his wrist, looking up at him then.
“Want me to go home too?” You ask, and he frowns, shaking his head.
“No, I want him to go. He’s… done what he wanted, let me, you and Shoko spend the rest of the night. You two didn’t even do anything.” Suguru tries to purr those words, rubbing up and down your back, but you sigh.
“I’m kind of tired though.”
“Then we will just go to sleep. We can be done. No pressure, Princess. But I do want you to stay the night, I’ll snuggle in bed with you.” Suguru murmurs, and you watch Satoru roll his pretty eyes, as he gets dressed.
“Not Shoko?” You murmur, and he shakes his head.
“Just you. Satoru, I'll see you at work Monday. I’m going to have a smoke myself.” You frown.
“You smoke now?” You ask, and he shrugs.
“Nah just with Shoko every now and then.” He kisses your head then, tilting your chin up to meet his eyes. “We’ll cuddle, promise. Bye, Satoru.”
Suguru walks out then, and Satoru just glares at him, before taking the shirt from your hands and gathering his things. You feel so… disgusting suddenly, what are you even fucking doing? You don’t want to stay the night with your boyfriend, no you want… him, Satoru Gojo, the man who’s looking at you intensely as you slip on a dress over yourself finally.
“I hate you.” You roll your eyes, sighing.
“I’m aware. You like to say that.” He just sighs, then yanks out his cell phone, looking at it.
“I want a video of us so I can look at it if I gotta fuck anyone else.” He says then, and your gasp makes him smirk. “What? I won’t be able to get hard.”
“You say things like that and they ruin me.”  You whisper, blinking back odd emotions then.
“Well I can’t just fuck you, can I? You’re not mine.”
“I know.”
You both just stand there, and then he sighs, pulling you against his chest, holding you so tight you can’t breathe, but you don’t want to breathe. “Stop fucking looking at me like that.”
“Like what, Satoru?” He tilts your chin up, sighing, snowy white lashes low over his baby blues, licking his lower lip and making you ache with each motion.
“Like this I don’t fucking know. You torture me enough. Now I have to think of him on you, holding you, I can’t, I fucking can’t okay?” You blink back tears, and he slams his lips on yours, moaning into them, and you realize you’re awful .
“You ruin me.” You whisper, and he laughs, dark, not meeting his eyes.
“Haven’t ruined you yet.” You glare, but when he picks you up, dangling you off the floor, you greedily kiss him. “He doesn’t see what he has.”
“What even am I? A slutty bartender. Kissing his friend.”
“You are a slutty, short little bartender.” He keeps kissing you, as you cling your arms around his neck. “I hate you.”
“I know.” He’s easing you down, and you hate to let him go, the man that makes you feel so… “Thank you, Satoru.”
“For what? The dick? Didn’t even prep you.” He whispers meanly, but you just sigh, looking up, tilting your head back.
“No, for making me feel so special.”
He blinks, his mouth sputtering, then he glares, gripping your upper arms tight. “What the fuck do you mean. I haven’t done anything you deserve.”
“It’s how you look at me.” He leans in again, but his phone rings, and he sighs, letting you go and looking at it.
“Give me your number.” You look at him in surprise. He’d never wanted it before, in fact he’d refused. “In case you… ever need something I don't know.”
“Oh um… okay.” You grab your phone and he smirks. “What?”
“Baby pink. You’re so girlie.”
“I know… I like pink. I’d tie you up in pink ribbon.” He glares again and you actually giggle. Fuck he makes you feel alive. “There, got it?”
“Got it. Don’t annoy me with nudes please.” You roll your eyes as he walks out then, and you linger in the doorway. “I’ll nickname you short stuff.”
“I’ll nickname you Toru, since you hate it.”
He glares then turns, leaving, as you save him in your phone. You watch Satoru’s long figure leave as you walk back to Suguru’s room, plopping down on the bed, you weren’t kidding when you say you’re exhausted. You hear them giggling together, and you can’t find yourself caring, feeling left out. You just… don’t care. It’s oddly calming but also terrifying.
“Hey Princess, sleeping already?” Suguru asks later, and you realize you weren’t even under the covers. You yawn, nodding, and he kisses your cheek sweetly, making you feel horrible for how you felt about Gojo now. “I’ll be in a bit, it’s too early for me, sleepyhead.”
“Mmkay. No worries. Um… Shoko staying?”
He nods, and you tense a bit. “Don’t worry we will just hang out and unwind, I’ll be back in bed tonight.”
“Thank you, Sugu.”
You bleary eyed look at the little clock next to the bed and see it’s four in the morning, and you reach over to find the bed perfectly made, like Suguru never came. You yawn, then cough a bit, your throat is so parched that you feel it scratchy and annoying. You walk over through the room, and then pause when your hand hits the metal knob.
You hear moaning.
You tremble a bit, in anger, in embarrassment, because damned if Suguru lost his shit at Satoru’s suggestion, what did he even want you here for!? As some fucking joke? As the pathetic girlfriend? And he had promised you he’d come to bed, he promised…
You tip toe open the door and walk through the living room, they’re clearly in the guest room as you don’t see them, and you say fuck it, grabbing your keys, grabbing your clothes and putting on your shoes. You’re not gonna stay here to hear all of this, even if he ‘videos’ it, even if you’re kind of shit for wanting Satoru, you still couldn’t just stay there.
You weren’t even mad just…
“You’re so perfect, Shoko.” You hear, clear as day, and it feels like something is gnawing at your heart, as you struggle to get the rest of your things.
“Fuck you feel so good, you’re perfect … the most perfect-”
You drop your purse then, falling as you are hopping one one food clumsily to get a heel on, when they go quiet. Shit.
You struggle to leave when a shirtless Suguru comes out, and he is glistening with sweat and he looks at you, his eyes wide with surprise.
You say nothing, you just dart for the door, and he stops you, a hand on the door, another grabbing your waist, and you shove him off. “Let me go.”
“Come here, come here, let’s talk about it, I didn’t mean for you to be upset, I swear, I didn’t know-”
“No, don’t touch me. I'll leave you two to it. Just let me go." You speak through gritted teeth, and Suguru turns you, your back on the door, emotion stark on his face, but you can’t bring yourself to really look at him.
"Baby, look at me."
"Don't call me that.” You finally do look at him. “I don’t even care you fucked her while I’m asleep. It’s that… she’s perfect huh?"
He blinks, sighing. "You... I didn't... you know shit just gets said-”
“Oh so you never meant it for me.”
“No! You’re upset and you’re not thinking right.” You laugh, coldly then, shaking your head. “You seemed to sure enjoy fucking Satoru you know. Lost in your own little fucking world."
"Yeah but I never told him he's better than you."
"I didn't say that!" You shove at him then, glaring, as he desperately tries to kiss you, and you turn your head.
“You made these rules but you don’t follow them.”
“I would… I… fuck I’m drunk and high, I’m sorry okay?”
“Just be with her! It’s so fucking clear.”
“I can’t lose you. Will you just sleep here, and I’ll come to bed and we’ll talk in the morning. You're just upset."
"Fuck yes I am!" You yell out then, and he sighs, reaching out, but you flinch away. "I’m going home. Enjoy the perfect pussy."
"Fucking shit… at least let me drive you."
You shake your head, getting your shit together. "No, hell no. Not leaving my fucking car here.”
“It’s four in the morning!”
“Yep, sure is. And you’re not where you promised. This game, making me your plaything, no, just no.”
“I’ll not fuck her again then, I swear. Please just… let me take you home baby, we’ll talk more tomorrow and figure this out. It’s not like we’re… monogamous. So I don’t know what you’re that upset-”
You feel everything boiling over. This was all his idea, his rules, now that he breaks them he doesn’t even want to admit it? “Don’t fucking start, it’s not you fucking her while I’m asleep, even though it’s against your own goddamn rules. You refused Satoru when he asked.”
“Because he’s clearly obsessed with you! What, you want him? Want him to fucking hurt you?”
“Like you’re not.” You scoff at his angry expression, shaking your head, clenching your keys in your palm so hard it leaves marks. “Hurting me I mean. Clearly not obsessed, I really can’t even talk with you right now. I’m furious and I’ll say mean shit if I don’t just go.”
“It’s a mistake. You’re so unforgiving?” You shake your head. “Then just promise me we’re not done. I can’t handle it.”
“You’re handling it fine.” You nudge your head over to the door. “Just be happy and leave me-”
“But I do… love you, don’t you see that? I need you.” He’s cupping your face, kissing you, and you’re just sobbing now, as it’s as if you never knew him. “I hurt you, my Princess… I’m so-”
“N-no. Don’t lie to my fucking face. Let. Me. Go. I’ll talk to you when I’m calmer, if you want. Okay?” He nods then, exhaling, kissing you again, but you don’t kiss him back, not at all.
“Please just tell me you get home safe. Are you going home?”
“Suguru, you have no right to ask right now. Now please get off me.” He lets you go finally, and you rush out, heading to your little VW beetle in the twilight.
You watch him stand by the door, looking so upset, and for a moment you feel bad, but then you feel just devastated. Tears fill your vision as you start up the car with a hum, driving away finally, and every bit further you get, the more the tension releases, until you can almost breathe again. You hit a red light, and you laugh like a maniac, as you’re the only one on the road.
You look at your phone.
Fuck it.
He won’t answer right?
“Shit… what’s wrong?” You hear Satoru’s gruff, sleepy voice, and you just start sobbing again, so hard you pull over into a brightly lit gas station. “Hey, hey… what the fuck happened?”
“I’m so sorry. I woke you.” You sob out, and you hear him sigh.
“Yeah duh. What’s going on?”
“I just wanted to hear your voice.”
It’s silent, and you internally curse.
You said too much.
“I’m stupid. You’re Suguru’s best friend… I can’t just bitch to you right now, ugh please forgive me.”
“Take a breath, short stuff. Mmkay?” You do as he says, shivering as the wind rolls through the open windows. “Where are you?”
“Um, some gas station.”
“Shit, it was that bad? What did he do…”
“I don’t even wanna get into it, I can’t cry and drive.”
“Then just… come here. You know where I live. I’m not far.” Your heart races at the suggestion, thoughts pouring every way. “I’ll either fuck you, let you cry on my expensive shirt, or you can sleep in my guest room. And I’ll jerk off thinking of you. Hmm, thinking of you crying.”
“Satoru! You’re so stupid.” You’re laughing though, and hear his breathy chuckle, you vividly imagine him right now. “Isn’t that gonna make this worse? I’m so upset and I’m a mess.”
“Just come over. Yeah? I’ll serenade you with how much I hate you, put you to sleep.”
You giggle, you fucking giggle, as you put the car in gear, knowing it’s a horrible idea, that it would make shit so much more complicated, that Suguru had said he loved you… but…
“I’ll be there in ten.”
Chapter 4
Ao3 chap
214 notes · View notes
kolsmikaelson · 7 months
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NOTES — i’m sure this has been done but i personally haven’t read one for aemond so here we are :) this is completely canon aemond (as in non au aem) and if not it’s specified
WARNINGS — 18+ nsfw content, fem!reader, not proofread, mentions of canon typical incest
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
doesn’t really know what aftercare is but is so in love with you he’ll do anything you ask of him. whether it be run you a bath or just hold you for a while he doesn’t mind either way.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
idk if this counts as a body part exactly but his hair. aemond doesn’t love his appearance but his hair is something that he’s truly proud of and he loves it! but he loves your smile and your tits. he loves making sly little comments to see your smile and the feeling he gets when he sees a necklace he’d gifted you resting just above your cleavage is unexplainable
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
loves it when you cum all over his face. he’ll eat you out for hours on end just to have your cum smeared all over the lower half of his face
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
like the nasty mf he is, he’s fantasized of sharing you with someone else. whether that be aegon, jace or even daemon he just loves the idea taking you apart like that and knowing that at the end of the day you’re all his
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
not very experienced. after the, incident, with aegon when he was younger he vowed to save himself for whomever he married. he was happy to have his firsts (or most of) with you. it was worth the wait in his mind
F = Favorite position ( goes without saying)
whenever you’re riding him. he loves the easy access to your clit and your tits, groping and sucking on them any chance he gets
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
if we’re talking canon aemond, he’s very serious. he takes it as a way to show his love but also his dominance in a way. but if we’re talking modern!aemond, he’s mostly goofy. he just loves fucking you no matter what the circumstances are
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
not groomed well at all, he’s got a full on bush
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
it depends on the circumstances. if he were jealous, it’s all teeth clashing and hips snapping against yours but if it were your wedding night for instance, he’s slow and loving and sweet
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
never did it much, he didn’t see the appeal. he wasn’t usually attracted to any of the women he’d see around but once he met you it was like he couldn’t catch up on all those years that he’d missed before meeting you
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
choking is one of his big ones. and size kink is another
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
in the shadows in the hallways, he loves the thrill he gets knowing you could get caught. and he swears that you cum harder then rather than when you’re in your shared chambers
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
the sight of you wearing any jewelry he’s gifted you, or you using any gift he’s gotten you as well. you doing the little things for him, brushing his hair, braiding it at night, gently taking his eyepatch off
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i don’t think theres much he wouldn’t try at least one time if you wanted to, but no piss kink. it grosses him out and he wants nothing to do with it
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
prefers giving! he gets plenty of pleasure just from pleasing you and if he does get a blowjob he’ll be happy but if not it doesn’t bother him too much
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
fast and rough, usually. but if you’re alone in your chambers for the night, he’ll take his sweet time tearing you apart
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
kind of obsessed with them, he loves fucking you in the hallways so it kind of has to be quick
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
decently into taking risks, just nothing that’ll hurt you too much or leave any lasting marks on your body
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he lasts a decent amount of time, but he’s hard and ready to go again quickly
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
canon aemond isn’t very into the idea of something else other than him giving you pleasure, that’s his job. but modern aemond? whew that’s a different story
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
aemond doesn’t really tease you too much, but he likes it when you tease him, although he’d never admit it
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
not too loud, he mostly grunts and groans. trying to keep it down so that he can hear your moans rather than his own
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
some days he prefers you taking charge and babying him, he feels such a weight taken off his shoulders knowing you’re there for him
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
he’s hung, like it’s fucking huge
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
higher than you’d expected, but just above average
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he forces himself to stay awake until he hears your soft snores, he doesn’t like going to sleep knowing you’re still awake
© kolsmikaelson : please do not copy, repost, or modify any of my content.
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458 notes · View notes