#they’re occasionally supportive pals
simppuart · 1 month
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”you’re tolerable enough”
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palfriendpatine66 · 6 months
Your Pal’s Hayden Review: Higher Ground
What? Yes. I’m going to take a second away from my 24/7 Ewan obsession to throw a little love Hayden’s way and talk about Higher Ground. I had heard a lot about the series before I decided to check out the series and I’m so glad I did. It can be really difficult to track down but right now it’s streaming for free for a limited time on the CW website (and app) as well as tubi.
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TLDR: I highly recommend a watch for a great Hayden performance in an angst ridden, emotional teen drama about kids working through their trauma in a therapeutic wilderness school. Many many content warnings for difficult topics and content warnings after my general review below the cut.
This was seriously the role Hayden was born to play. He plays a broken, sulky teen who lashes out in flashes of anger before he breaks down and cries AKA he is modern AU Anakin. It’s no wonder he was cast as Anakin after his work on this. His performance is emotional and vulnerable and shattered my heart multiple times.
The show is never quite able to make the viewer forget that they’re watching a teen drama with a cast of actual teens playing the teenage characters filmed in the year 2000, but I was able to forgive it for it’s occasionally overacted and/or not quite realistic dialogue and key moments accompanied by in your face soundtrack choices to pump up the drama and I think you will too. A very diverse collection of issues that impact real teens but are rarely talked about were depicted surprisingly realistically and sensitively. I was really impressed that the show consistently emphasized - over and over again - that the traumas the kids went through that were behind the problematic behaviors that landed them in their one stop shop rehab/intensive therapy/social and life skills group/high school program were not their fault, but only they could be responsible for how they coped and chose to go forward with the rest of their lives. The councilors on the show had healthy, caring, supportive relationships with the kids in their program, and the advice they gave was (generally) actually helpful and real life strategies. What I liked the most about this show was that it was realistic in there is no magic cure or happily ever after, but there is hope and there is healing and there are opportunities for a positive future even when everything is awful.
Content warnings below - feel free to dm if you want more details if you’re considering a watch. Also if you have watched please let me know if I missed any. For the most part these weren’t graphic depictions (they were rated TVPG in 2000) but the emotional impacts and aftermath are focused on in detail and can be very heavy.
- depictions of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks with flashbacks - drug addiction - drug use - overdose death - alcoholism - teen runaway - rape - sexual abuse of a minor - sexual abuse of a minor by a parent - sexual abuse of a minor by a step parent - emotional abuse - gaslighting - abuse allegations being dismissed, not believed - eating disorders - discussions of self harm - graphic depiction of cutting - scenes and discussions of suicide and death - death of a parent - gang involvement - domestic violence - physical abuse - infertility - drowning death - teen prostitution -
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vanitythevantropist · 26 days
THIS IS AN APPRECIATION POST!! Featuring some of my followers and a few dudes I think are cool😌
@mydoodlearts/@thedesignfox (AKA my Irl bff); Pretty self explanatory, I love you💞 My art wouldn’t be what it is today without you! All your OCs are interesting and well rounded and your art is GORGEOUS!!!
@clown-sip My newest friend and my first online pal, fun fact👀 Your blog and characters are super cool and interesting and I love all of them! Also, talking with you is fun✨ Keep up the good work and make sure to take breaks!
@ask-smolder34 I’ve seen you a lot around here and I appreciate your support greatly! Every time I see you reblog and like something at the same time, it makes me feel happy an supported :> Also, your blog in general is fun and I like it!
@ask-coppertop We’ve had a few interactions but I’ve liked them a lot! Your enthusiasm and interest is dope as hell and your blog is fun! (To the mod themselves, the design is beautiful and unique and I love it!!)
@askbananapie I appreciate your general existence, honestly👀 Idk, I like your quest, and I appreciate the banan🍌
@spookys1fan You were the first person to actually PM me about enjoying my art and it was honestly one of the biggest confidence boosts Ive ever gotten in my life
@fish-popsicle Don’t think I forgot about you👀 You’re one of the little fellas who hang around here and I enjoy seeing your name pop up! (Yes, I do notice repeat demons and gouls and I appreciate all of them :3) Also, your art is pretty as hell!!
@pencileyed-crow Just like Fish (above), I’ve seen you around here a lot and I enjoy seeing you! You were one of my earlier followers and have done a lot for my confidence! I like going through your blog when your posts pop up cuz they’re fun✨
@imtheflu Thought you were insignificant? THINK AGAIN! Seriously, I see you around occasionally and, like some of the other demons around, I recognise you and am happy to see you whenever you pop up in my notifications :3 Also, your art is AMAZING and you’re a huge inspiration!! Every time I see a piece of yours, I lose my mind
@semolinaart I love you and your art, seriously!!! It’s all so beautiful and realistic and pleasant to look at and it’s insanity😭 You kinda just showed up one day and I’ve remembered you ever since
To everyone following me that I may have missed; I apologise, my memory bad💀 Just know that I luv you and I appreciate you!!
So! Why am I doing this? Weeellll, Tumblr’s been insanely good for my mental health and confidence lately which is all thanks to you guys!!
As a little thank you, I wanted to draw attention to some of the people I like in hopes they’ll get a lil confidence boost, too🥰
Flail on, demons and ghouls❤️
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mikeandikeschmidt · 4 months
Could you do hcs for Mike & long distance girlfriend ? Like where they only text and call occasionally, and they’ve never met in person, but he has her picture on his nightstand thxx 💕
You’ve Got Mail: Long Distance!Relationship with Mike Schmidt Headcanons
• • •
• This all started because Abby thought Mike needed a girlfriend.
• He does so much for her, and all he does is work. So he deserves someone to make him happy, right?
•Abby found an ad online about a pen pal-like system where you can exchange emails with a stranger from anywhere in the world. How could she pass this up? She put in Mike’s information and signed him up.
•After a week or so, she forgot about it until Mike got an e-mail from some random girl who was interested in getting to know him.
•After some interrogating and light scolding, Mike knew what his sister had done. He was planning on telling the stranger what happened and politely cutting things off, but…
•Then he read her message. Found out her personality, her interests, saw her picture. Then curiosity got the better of him. He was hooked.
•A few months later, they were officially a couple.
•They called, texted, e-mailed. Abby had never seen her brother so glued to his devices but yet so happy. Genuinely happy. His sleep schedule didn’t get any better thanks to how late he stayed up writing this girl, but Abby had to pat herself on the back. It was a match made in Heaven.
•The change in Mike was clear. He started taking better care of himself and his appearances, he was more optimistic and energetic, he was more motivated just to live—carpe diem—because he had found someone who really liked him for who he was. Who didn’t just glance at him and judge him from there, but knew him for who he was as a person. And he’d never experienced that before.
•But one month later, things started getting harder. Mike’s coworkers laughed at him, thinking it was a ‘girlfriend from Canada’ kind of thing, or maybe it was an internet scam. Why would some amazing girl want him? Mike laughed it off at first but then it started to sink in.
•He’d never met this girl. He’d never seen her face in person, he’d only heard her voice through a muffled and staticky phone line. He never got to hold her. Or kiss her. What was their relationship built on if they’d never even met?
•He talked to her about it, hoping for her to ease his anxiety. But she was struggling in the same way. Her parents were less than supportive, more suspicious. When they heard of his poor living conditions, his minimum wage job, and his lack of ambition…well, on paper, without getting to know him, he just sounded like a bum.
•It hit Mike in the gut, hard. This girl had been the first to see him as a person. And now her parents and his coworkers were throwing every one of his insecurities right back into his face. It was like the rug had been ripped out from underneath him.
•Fearing she would agree with their concerns, Mike said something very, very stupid, “Maybe they have a point. I’m not exactly the average girl’s dream guy. But it’s not like this kind of thing was meant to last forever, right?”
•It was stupid. So-very-stupid. He just threw it out there in his frustration. He didn’t actually want this to end. He was just hating himself in that moment.
•But she obviously took it that he was breaking up with her. He could hear her soft voice quivering when she told him goodbye. Before he could apologize or fix what he’d done, she hung up.
•Then Abby could hear Mike barely able to keep it together in his room. She asked what happened and after some begging and prying, he told her how stupid her brother was.
•But Abby said something very wise, “Her parents don’t like you because they don’t think you’re committed to her. Like, that you’d fight for her. And now she thinks they’re right.”
•Mike scoffed. She watched way too much TV. But…”What should I do then?” And she replied, “Fight for her.” Then Abby went to bed like nothing happened.
•Mike didn’t even know how he was supposed to do that. He’d called her, written several emails and text messages apologizing, but she didn’t respond. So, he gave up. He threw himself into bed…
•But he saw her picture at his bedside. And he imagined himself standing beside her, holding her close, and he knew Abby was right.
•Mike got out of bed and went to his computer. Not to write another email but to buy plane tickets. He was going to prove he was devoted to her. At the very least, he was going to finally meet her.
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(A/N: Thank you so much for this! This is my first time getting a headcanon request and I was surprised by how motivated this got me. I really hope you like it 💕))
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spook-spectre-ghost · 2 years
Ray Stantz: Mom Friend
because he needs more love <3
He’s everyone’s therapist but if Ray breaks down, EVERYBODY drops everything to help in their own awkward way.
Makes breakfast for the others and knows exactly how each of his friends like their eggs.
Will fight anyone who messes with his friends.
The guy who insists on doing team building exercises. Also the one who came up with “two in the box, ready to go, we be fast and they be slow”.
Very supportive of the others and is incredibly proud of them for any achievements. He gives a ridiculous amount of high-fives on busts and constantly compliments his friends.
If Ray is the mom friend, Winston is the dad friend. The two of them tend to team up when the other two are being stupid or reckless.
He’s the medic of the team because it turns out that Boy Scout first aid training actually comes in handy. Egon and Venkman are his most frequent patients because Egon has surprisingly poor self-preservation skills and Venkman is generally so cocky that he thinks he’s invincible. Venkman is a big baby about it and both of them get candy or a mint after Ray is done patching them up.
He carries snacks all the time. Egon has a high metabolism so he’s generally the one who requests snacks most often.
Will let his friends nap on his shoulder when they’re dead tired from running around busting ghosts.
Undisputed king of affectionate nicknames. He calls Winston “Z” or “Zedd”. Peter gets called “Venky” or “V”. He occasionally calls Janine “Neen”, “J” or “Miss J”. Louis is called “Lou”. Egon surprisingly gets the most nicknames — Egie, Eeg, Eggs, Spengy, or Spengs. All of them will occasionally be affectionately referred to as “pal” or “buddy”.
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The Critical Role reddit is wild, man.  Every now and then I check over there, and I am consistently amazed by how ... out of touch that entire community feels?  I know it’s a reddit thing that no one hates a thing quite like the reddit community for that thing, but damn do they really not like CR.  Most of them seem to have not liked it since, like, C1, but they keep tuning in every week for 4+ hours?  It’s bananas!
There is also a definite vibe of really wanting Senpai Travis to notice them.  He and Sam get rained with praise.  The girls are mostly ignored, except occasionally Marisha, which I feel like might be compensation from the old days when she was the favorite punching bag.  Taliesin is now the favorite punching bag.  They fucking loathe him for no reason in particular, but every post praising his work is inevitably filled with people hating on him.  They also seem to forget Liam exists most of the time.
They hate C3.  They’re divided on C2.  They love C1.  They seem to think that there’s no way Imogen and Laudna are getting together because they’re Gal Pals.  Even after the last episode, when it was more or less confirmed that was the direction Laura and Marisha are going with the relationship, they dismissed that and talked about when Laudna and Ashton were going to hook up, because if an even-sort-of-male-presenting person and a woman talk in depth, they have to hook up.  But god forbid lesbians exist in this not-at-all-queer TTRPG show.  Another apparently popular theory over there is that Matt is going to kill off the C3 characters to bring back the C1 characters for this campaign, which ... huh?
It’s like they’re watching this show, but reacting to it like it’s a 90s network television show rather than a live-play series filled with actors who are both very progressive and at least two of whom are openly queer, and all the others seem intensely supportive of that and interested in exploring their own sexualities and identities through roleplay and acting.  They have this weird, warped view of the cast wherein the ‘normal’ jocky and funny men (Travis and Sam) are the obvious protagonists of the group (this is completely ignoring the actual unhinged and delightful personalities of Travis and Sam and instead slotting them into these weird stereotypes), Laura’s okay because she’s with Travis but is rarely acknowledged to be her own person, Marisha is the girl who got a glow-up (they no longer acknowledge how they treated her pre-glow-up), Liam and Ashley are ... there, and Taliesin is the weird guy that everyone else secretly hates.
They cling to C1, I think, because it’s ‘traditional’ fantasy, with clear tropes and a bunch of non-colorful, potentially straight-presenting characters (most of the characters were, in fact, bi, but most also ended up in opposite-sex relationships).  Queer and ‘weird’ and ‘cringe’ characters were the least prominent in C1, so C1 to them is the best one.  C2 is ‘edgy’, and C3 is ‘cringe’.  And despite all this, they still watch every single week just to complain?  Do they not have anything better to do?  That sounds fucking miserable, but then again, maybe they’re into being miserable. 
Sorry to rant, but every time I go over there I am promptly reminded of why I tell myself NOT to go there.  It’s like watching the worst wildlife documentary.  The Twitch comment section may be the biggest cesspool for CR, but the Reddit is the most persistent.
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nerdyenby · 2 years
Breaking down my headcanons/interpretations of the ninja’s relationships:
Jay and Nya: they dated s1-s3, friends after that and later developed into a qpr. Jay had a crush on her pilot-s3/4ish when Nya realized she was aromantic. She enjoyed spending time with him and affection but the whole love triangle debacle helped her realize she doesn’t love anyone like that. Jay needed some time to get over his feelings so things were stilted for a bit but they were still friends. Nya found herself missing some of what they had before around s9 and they settled into a qpr not long after that.
Cole and Nya: pals. Cole is a giver, he enjoys and prides himself on supporting others. Nya didn’t get a lot of emotional support growing up so they tend to fall towards each other. Their side of the love triangle was Nya struggling with comphet and Cole largely being clueless with a little “messing with Jay” on top. Cole figured out he was gay and aspec before the pilot, and was the one to tell Nya about aromanticism. They talked a lot out together, Nya landing on aroace and introducing Cole to his label (grayromantic (his full identity is gay grayromantic asexual)) during her research. They’re close and are who each other go to when they’re going through something.
Kai and Nya: siblings of the “no one gets to bully my ______ except me” variety. They really rely on each other when it comes down to it. They don’t spend too much time one-on-one nowadays because they have a larger support system now, but they’re each other’s core and always will be.
Zane and Nya: probably the most conventional friendship either of them have. They’re close, they matter to each other, they’re good at reassuring one another, but they’re just friends. Except that Kai and Zane are a thing, then Zane’s the in-law Nya likes better than her own brother.
Lloyd and Nya: siblings. Evolution from “if I have to watch this child for ten more minutes I will throw him into a wall” to “lowkey my best friend but I’ll sooner throw you into a wall before saying it to your face” on Nya’s side. “She’s so cool” to “we’re so cool” on Lloyd’s side. Classic younger sibling idolizing their older sibling. The love each other so much but Kai was their only real model for affection so it manifests exclusively in hair ruffles, shoulder punches, and the occasional motivational speech.
Pixal and Nya: bffs. They don’t talk a ton but they trust each other with their lives and that’s good enough for them. They work in amicable silence most of the time, 90% of their dialogue is affectionately roasting the others.
Jay and Cole: guys being dudes being bros being boyfriends. They teeter the line of /p and /r, and no one knows for sure except Nya until like… s10, everyone else is too embarrassed to ask at this point. Some paparazzi took a picture of them kissing so that kinda blew their whole schtick with the gang, but the still mostly deny it publicly. They’re the “you’re my whole world, bro” meme. They are snarky bffs first and romantic partners second, as it should be.
Jay and Kai: not actually dating but fluctuate between flirting and bickering enough that people get confused. They don’t clarify anything because they think it’s funny and their boyfriends agree.
Jay and Zane: bffs. Jay often recruits Zane to be a part of his pranks or bounce ideas off of for his creations. They info dump to each other regularly and watch a ton of movies together. Basically qprs but have never made it official and don’t feel the need to.
Jay and Lloyd: brothers that steal each other’s comic books. They annoy each other to death and are 10x as unbearable when around each other, unclear whether or not it’s planned. Surprisingly protective of each other when it comes down to it.
Jay and Pixal: friends. Jay thinks she’s amazing and Pixal appreciates his cleverness that usually goes under everyone else’s radar. They don’t usually work together because their styles clash but they really value each other’s strengths and ideas. They occasionally have brainstorming sessions together and no one sees them for the next five days.
Cole and Kai: ambiguously romantic. They don’t call each other their boyfriends unless it’s for a joke but their respective boyfriends ship it. They’re a “thing” starting in or shortly after s10. They care very deeply about each other but are pretty casual about it.
Cole and Zane: guys being dudes being pals. They’re platonic but pretty physically affectionate with each other. They don’t talk a ton just the two of them but lean on each other regularly (literally). Their friendship is a soft and quiet one. As many, if not more, casual “I love you”s between the two of them than any of the actual romantic relationships. They are friends, your honor. They also like to tease their boyfriends together.
Cole and Lloyd: brothers of the more understated but just as earnest “I’m proud of you, kid” variety. That dynamic where they’d love to be closer but the age gap never really gave them the opportunity (just vibes, Cole and Kai are the same age, lol). The love each other in a way conveyed through supportive gazes more than words. They trust each other to take care of themselves but look out for each other regardless. Every now and then they spontaneously break out the “I have never seen that man in my life, your honor” energy and it catches everyone not in the family off guard.
Cole and Pixal: insane mutual respect. Cole has next to no understanding of machinery but he’s good at and willing to follow instructions and Pixal appreciates that in a man. They are friends. I’m running out of steam lol.
Kai and Zane: for as much as Kai flirts, he’s rather private with his actual relationships. They were a “Thing” starting in s3 but didn’t tell anyone except Lloyd, Pixal, and later Nya for a while. There wasn’t a specific moment where they leveled up to officially dating (idk, maybe in the year between s7 and s8?), but they were more open about it when Kai and Cole got together. They’re pretty understated unless playing it up to annoy someone. They love each other and convey it through looks and acts and physical affection more than words. They’re that couple that can convey paragraphs of information with 2 seconds of eye contact.
Kai and Lloyd: brothers of the “I got you, pipsqueak” variety, canon and real.
Kai and Pixal: friends who fluctuate between pretending to hate each other and flirting like there’s no tomorrow. They play-argue a ton but it’s all in good fun. Kai flirts with literally everyone, but Pixal matches his energy and they just run with it, it drives Zane insane /affectionate.
Zane and Lloyd: siblings of the “put on your seatbelt” “no” *reads entire handbook full of statistics on why seatbelts are lifesaving* variety. Need I say more?
Zane and Pixal: dating since s3. Everyone knows they’re together but they aren’t very public about it. Neither of them are very verbally affectionate so people who don’t know them well think they’re arguing or just don’t like each other but they love each other very much.
Lloyd and Pixal: pals. They really appreciate and rely on one another. It’s not very acknowledged but they both know how much they need the other and it’s very wholesome. They literally never talk about it but they would die for each other.
All this was spontaneous brain spew so it’s probably not very cohesive but have at it, hope you enjoyed :D
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andie-cake · 11 months
ooh how about 7 for jasper and 9 for nicholas?
7. How easy is it to make them cry?
jasper's a tough kid who has kinda forced themself to grow up a little faster than usual, so they're not easy to crack. but not impossible. he's bottled up a lot of negative emotions bc he doesn't want his folks to worry about him, and they come pouring out when he least expects it. intense arguments tend to end with tears streaming down their face, much to their embarrassment. on a lighter note, he damn near started bawling out of sheer elation when the family bought their new pinebrook house with the rollerama money he earned. he was very overwhelmed with A Lot of feelings.
9. Are they looking for someone to save them or do they think they’re beyond saving?
honestly, neither i think. despite the shit he's seen and gone through, nicolas is a pretty emotionally mature dude with a stable life, occasional otherworldly visits from his family's old eldritch pen pals notwithstanding. as far as he's concerned, he saved himself, with jimmy's love and support helping him along of course.
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shepevansfm · 3 months
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PARENTS: country music star, dwight evans & former super model, mary evans (Divorced)
OLDER SIBLING: samuel evans
YOUNGER SIBLING: stacey evans
YOUNGER SIBLING: saylor evans
BEST FRIEND: through thick and thin these two have been there for each other through it all. shep really isn't sure where he would be withouth miles. — miles hudson
SMOKE BUDDIES: just a couple of people who get their kicks smoking some weed when theyr'e not in classes — ali rutherford
PARTNER IN CRIME: getting into trouble and talking their way out of trouble is what they do — noah puckerman
FRIENDS: shep met avery met because of their parents. dragged to various country music events is where they got to know each other. they aren't necessarily the closest of friends, but avery appreciates his place in her life. — avery dunn
PLATONIC SOULMATE: they’ve been attached at the hip after they met and even though they have no romantic connection they have plenty platonic connection. — jemma sylvester
PARTY PALS: these two used to party together when they started at psu but now she’s there to support him through his sobriety — dani flores
FAVORITE PROFESSOR: shep has been in a few of sam's different level english classes and has loved every one. — sam pierce
ROOMMATE: yep they live together
SOBER PEEPS: anyone else who is living sober like he is
TUTOR: shep hasn't always been the brightest, especially when it comes to math and science so he needs a tutor.
UNREQUITED CRUSH TURNED FRIENDS: based solely on looks and never having held an actual conversation, shep had a little crush on them, and as a result, asked them on a date. they let him down quickly but gently, explaining he was adorable but she isn't into him. from this, a friendship blossomed, perhaps a little awkward at first but much better with time
CHILDHOOD FRIEND(S): would have to be from nashville
BEST FRIEND(S): a close circle of friends
ACQUAINTANCES: they're both seniors who have seen each other around campus and have shared friends so they're casual
RIDE OR DIE: that one person that matters more to him than anyone else
FRIENDS: people he’s getting to know better
FRIENDS WHO DRIFTED: were close possibly freshman year but have managed to drift apart
ROLE MODEL: someone she looks up to
UNLIKELY FRIENDS: these two you wouldn’t necessarily pair up together but they work well together
DEALER: he smokes weed so he needs someone to buy from
DISLIKE: jake and bree have a past, shep is currently fake dating bree. they're both protective and defensive of her. so, you can see where both boys don't get along. — jake puckerman
RIVAL: could be anyone that was also on the football or basketball teams before his injury
INTIMIDATED BY: someone who’s doing everything right and getting what they want
DISTRUST: for one reason or another, could just be vibes, he doesn’t trust them
YOURE MY BEST FRIEND BUT IVE BEEN IN LOVE WITH YOU FROM THE DAY I MET YOU: will and dwight were both judges on a reality tv show when they met. because they had kids around the same age the two would run around set together. though they weren't always together after that, shep did his best to support charlie through his transition and now they trauma bond over hatred of their fathers, lol — charlie schuester
PR RELATIONSHIP: currently together just for the cameras their publicists thought they would help each other’s careers and image. they occasionally hook up but it's nothing serious - bree brown
EXES ON BAD TERMS: marley and shep dated when he was 21 and she was 25, making a connection thanks to a mutual friend they dated for a few months before shep cheated on marley with a friend from home. — marley rose
FLIRTATIONSHIP: they’re having a lot of fun just flirting with each other, shep finds morgan very attractive and can’t help but have a little fun — morgan weston
CRUSH (FOR HIM): been crushing on them a little while now
CRUSH (FOR THEM): someone who’s doing everything has a crush on him
FIRST TIME: he lost his virginity freshman year
FIRST LOVE: the first person to really make him know what love was
EX FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS: anyone in the past that was a casual fling
HOOK UPS/ONE NIGHT STANDS: self explanatory
FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS: a good hook up never hurt nobody… or did it?
++ = future plot, has yet to happen in game
hit me up for more plots, i’m always up for it!
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chaosxkids · 4 months
Rose's Connections
most of these are open to multiple unless stated
{ && wanted connections }
**—— long-time friends ;; they have been friends for years, whether they met at college or were pen pals. when she mentioned about wanting to move out of LA this friend suggested she come to cardinal hill (can know her secret or not). **—— past haunts them;; someone who really knows why she is here. could be blackmailing her and she does what she can to keep them quiet. (only other person who knows her secret as to why she left LA.) **—— roommates (?/1) ;; had a spared room in their apartment that wasn't being used and figured why not rent it out to someone. not the best roommate as they can be up real late into the night and have their things lying around everywhere. but will always have fresh coffee in the morning and snacks. also has a familiar (an grey scottish fold cat) who is the real owner of apartment.
{ && friendship connections }
—— platonic soulmate (?/1) ;; best friends, a partner in crime, the ying to the yang. the pair or more that are typically attached by the hip, consult each other, and couldn’t live without one another. —— bad influence ;; friends who constantly encourage each other to do bad things (partying/cheating/etc). —— good influence ;; friend who look out for each other and often act as a conscience to each other. —— drinking buddies ;; a friendship that relies on nothing more then drinking, whether they talk or just sit there drinking together. you could add more to this by having them occasionally hook up or something like that. —— confident/cornerstone (?/1) ;; someone who acts as a shoulder to lean on and someone to vent to. —— dislike turned friends ;; a pair of people who didn't like each other but ended up becoming friends because they realize they actually have alot of things in common.
{ && enemy connections }
—— frienemies (?/1) ;; they’re nice to each others faces and act like friends but are constantly talking badly about each other. —— friends turned enemies ;; a pair of people who were friends up until a certain point, but either realized they never really liked each other or one just dropped the other. —— heavily dislike each other ;; just two people who generally don't like each other, maybe find the other annoying, etc.
{ && current romantic connections }
—— friends with benefits (?/1) ;; friends who hook up and either have or haven’t blurred the lines between the physical and emotional connection. —— one-sided / mutual crushes ;; either they both have feelings for each other that is p obvious but aren’t ready to take the next step. or it can be one sided or both could be completely oblivious to the other liking them. —— one night stand/casual hook up /fling ;; this is pretty straight forward. could have been a in the moment thing, alcohol could have been involved. they could either be acting as if it didn’t happen, or completely awkward around each other because of it. a type of thing where both know it’s not going to last or go past a certain point. maybe like a rebound. plot twist one actually catches some heavy duty feelings. —— will they, won’t they (?/1) ;; a pair of friends or maybe not friends who constantly flirt and act like a couple but it’s teetering on a cliff on whether or not they’ll take that step.
{ && past romantic connections }
—— exes that ended good terms ;; a pair of exes that were on the same page when they broke up and have remained good friends and supportive of each other moving on/forward. —— exes that ended on bad terms ;; a pair of exes that were 10/10 not on the same page and it’s all animosity between them and hate and aNGST. maybe one cheated, or just thought their shit didn’t stink and bailed with no explanation. the skies the limit for this. —— exes that still hook up ;; a pair of exes that broke up but there is still that lingering sexual chemistry between them so the most talking they do know is without their clothes on. —— ex friends with benefits ;; they thought they had it, but in the end it didn’t work. could be because deeper feelings got involved, a relationship started with someone else, fighting, etc. —— first loves (?/1) ;; they dated when they were younger and were each others first serious relationship. now they are really good friends. that person that will always have that place no matter what and still get along as friends.
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animalsmealbuzz · 10 months
5 Compelling Reasons to Have a Dog
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Humanity has made numerous mistakes throughout history—practically every conceivable wrongdoing has been attempted. However, let’s clarify one thing: domesticating wild wolves? That was definitely not a misstep. Kudos to our ancestors for bringing dogs into our world. Whoever first offered treats to those wild canines 30,000 years ago? They likely have a VIP spot reserved in the afterlife. Here’s a nugget of insight: to gauge someone’s true character, observe their response to dogs. If they’re not head over heels for these furry friends, it might be time to make a quick exit! After all, only the heartless don’t adore dogs. There’s no excuse for not having a puppy in your life. And for those needing a little push, we’ve created a list of reasons why you should own a dog. If life hasn’t nudged you toward adopting a furry companion yet, perhaps our list will do the trick! 1. Companionship By now, we’ve all had our fair share of betrayal from the ones we held dear. Trust us, we’ve got firsthand experience in this department. Guess who’s never going to double-cross you? Your loyal, tail-wagging furry friend? Besides your mom, the only one who matches that unconditional love is, of course, your canine pal. 2. Increased Physical Activity  Feeling like a certified couch potato, stuck in the shadow of your couch for ages? Fear not! The ultimate fix: get a dog. While we’re lounging, these furry pals are wired to frolic and burn off energy. Taking them for walks means stepping into the outdoors, soaking up sun, and a bonus: burning calories for both of you! Image Credit: the.goldenboy.murph 3. Structure and Routine Embracing occasional spontaneity adds fun, but too much can invite chaos. That’s where routine brings stability. Having a dog makes you a creature of habit! Maintaining a schedule keeps the pup content; otherwise, they’ll be your new alarm. Feeding, playtime, walks—it’s all part of the routine that keeps life in order. Image Credit: haruto.shiba  4. Better Mental Health Having battled various mental ailments ourselves, owning a dog felt like finding light in the darkness. It won’t solve all issues, but having a dog makes tackling problems easier. If you ask us, dogs seem made of sunshine and rainbows, improving almost everything, even mental health. They’re a joy that brightens life’s struggles and makes coping a bit easier. Image Credit: happypawpalgallery_ 5. Improved Cognition Surprisingly, having dogs can aid cognitive functions and development. When you’re in a good mental and physical state, cognition improves. Dogs ensure this by promoting physical activity and emotional support. They stimulate you physically and emotionally, aiding rational decision-making by keeping you in a better overall state. Image Credit: qira_the_berner If you’re not yet sold on the idea of getting a dog, swing by this link and dive into our full listicle. We’ve rounded up a whopping 40 reasons why you shouldn’t just walk but sprint to the pet store to find yourself a furry life buddy. Trust us, it’s a tail-waggingly good read! Read the full article
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
The imperfect system of re-drawing and balancing the population for House of Commons ridings is once again underway, frustrating several Ottawa-area MPs in the process.
It’s a process that has happened once every decade since the 1960s, as a federal electoral boundaries commission for every province tweaks lines on the map so that a riding in Cornwall, for example, has approximately the same number of residents as a riding in Oshawa. The intention is to give every Ontario voter equal influence in a federal election, but moving even a single line on a map to shift voters from one riding to another can cause angst amongst both voters and politicians.
In Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston, for example, Conservative MP Scott Reid’s riding could lose the last third of its name and 8,300 residents to Kingston and the Islands riding for the next federal election. The Federal Electoral Districts Commission for Ontario wants those 8,300 residents north of Highway 401 in the same riding as those on its south side because they’re all inside Kingston city limits.
Reid is strongly opposed because the redistributed ridings would leave a large imbalance between how many citizens are represented by a single MP for those ridings. Kingston and the Islands would have a population of 134,415, while Lanark-Frontenac —losing 8,300 residents —would leave the riding with 103,120, meaning that the vote of a person living in Kingston and the Islands is now worth only a little over 70 percent of a vote in Lanark-Frontenac, which is obviously unfair," said Reid. He says he may file an objection with the House standing committee.
Reid acknowledged the argument in favor of preserving communities of interest. “But do the residents of the City of Kingston have a common interest in being collectively underrepresented for the next 10 years?”
Meanwhile, Kingston and the Islands Liberal MP Mark Gerretsen supports the change, believing it recognizes the community's interests. "We are one step closer to having all residents of Kingston in the electoral district of Kingston and the Islands for the next federal election. The House currently has 338 seats, but a formula within the Constitution Act means it will increase to 343 going forward, with 122 ridings in Ontario and 78 in Quebec.
Using those numbers, divided by the 2021 Census population figures for the two provinces, the average, or "quota", for each Ontario riding is 116,590 residents. For Quebec, the figure will be 108,998. The Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act requires that electoral district populations be within 25 percent of quotas, except in extraordinary circumstances, though the current Quebec and Ontario commission reports set out to limit that to 10 percent.
That task is put to the independent review commissions, which consist of a judge appointed by each province’s chief justice and two other members appointed by the Speaker of the House of Ottawa. University of Ottawa law professor Michael Pal says some boundary commissions stick closer to representation by population than others and that the voters who pipe up in the process are typically more engaged—and want to stay in the same riding.
"The kind of more abstract constitutional law concerns — that the Charter says your vote should be worth about the same as someone else’s, so every riding should have about the same population — that usually isn’t what people worry about," Pal said. "They want to be in the riding where their kids go to school, where they play hockey on Tuesday nights, where they go grocery shopping, all that kind of stuff."
Occasionally, the concerns have nothing to do with changing boundaries. Cheryl Gallant, MP for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke, vows she’ll collect the required 10 MP signatures and file an objection to the proposed riding name change to Algonquin-Renfrew-Pembroke.
The commission said the change was necessary because only a portion of Nipissing fell within the district, while Algonquin-Renfrew-Pembroke recognized "the importance of the Algonquin people’s history and presence in this region" and is pleased her riding boundaries remained unchanged but argues "Nipissing" is an Indigenous word and "Algonquin" is too Franco-European to appropriately honor Indigenous heritage.
“I think leaving it the way it was is the way to go,” she said. “I’m doing what the vast majority of people want to do.”
In terms of each vote having more-or-less equal weight, all eight Ottawa ridings currently surpass Ontario’s quota of 116,590 per ride and will do so even after redistribution. The region's most striking population change in the past decade was in Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre’s Carleton riding, which soared to 131,375 residents from 89,522, according to Census population data.
The Ontario Commission will reposition the Conservative leader’s riding to 124,416 residents. Liberal Marie-France Lalonde’s Orléans riding spiked from 119,247 to 139,309 residents since the last time the riding maps were redrawn; the commission proposes moving boundaries to decrease that number to 126,662, partly by shifting Blackburn Hamlet to Ottawa-Vanier, which would be renamed Ottawa-Vanier-Gloucester. Its current MP is Liberal Mona Fortier.
The only other Ottawa riding to receive a proposed trim following boundary changes is Nepean, down 10,540 residents to a total of 122,229; boosts from the proposed new include: Ottawa Centre (220 to 126,580); Ottawa South (1,701 to 126,791); Kanata (4,107 to 121,458); Ottawa-Vanier-Gloucester (8,449 to 127,255); and Ottawa West-Nepean (12,183 to 128,592).
Kanata-Carleton Liberal MP Jenna Sudds said boundary changes were necessary after hearing from rural and suburban constituents and considering population growth in communities such as Nepean and Bells Corners. "Riding redistribution is intended to ensure that all ridings have equal populations and that constituents are represented equitably," Sudds wrote in an email. "I am satisfied that the commission has achieved these goals."
Meanwhile, in Quebec, the change in the Outaouais involves the riding of Pontiac, where the headcount soared from more than 23,000 to 129,781 over the past 10 years. The commission initially proposed cuts to three Outaouais ridings, including 24,815 for Pontiac, but was swayed by public-hearing interventions, including Pontiac Liberal Sophie Chatel’s submission for the region’s four MPs.
Fellow Liberal Steven MacKinnon, who represents the riding of Gatineau, said the MPs like that a preliminary report created "hybrid" seats mixing Outaouais and Laurentian communities and suggested that we should keep the Outaouais the Outaouais and the Laurentians the Laurentians," MacKinnon said. That meant several reasonably minor changes had to be made, although surgery was needed in some rural areas.
Geneviève Tellier, a professor in the School of Political Studies, said Pontiac sparked debates during the 2012 redistribution because voters that used to be part of Pontiac were included in the Gatineau riding. "You have two extremes: one very rural riding, which is Pontiac, and another very urban one, which is Gatineau," Tellier said. "If you live… in a small town in Pontiac, you will hear your MP talking about public transit and bridges, which are important to you."
The speaker of the House will issue official “representation orders” until the fall. Following a governor general’s proclamation stipulating orders are in effect, it would still be another seven months before a general election could be conducted using the new boundaries.
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critical-goat · 3 years
The Brothers Animal Forms
I know animal forms are something talked about a lot, but... I also wanted to chip in my two sense on the matter <3
Also thank you to the Discord server pals for inspiring this. All chosen for fun rather than realism.
 general head canons
while they can choose what animal they turn into, it takes extra energy to maintain a form that isn’t their familiar animal
they can’t exactly how that form appears, so their appearance for that form is consistent each transformation, but not necessarily the same compared to other forms
His default animal form is, unsurprisingly, a peacock. He’s been known to occasionally turn into a bat or a wolf if the need arises.
His feathers are solid black and shiny and his tail feathers sport blindingly white eye stalks (if you stick him in a dark room they glow!!)
If he has to go with you while shapeshifted, he WILL park himself right on your shoulder like a cantankerous shoulder ornament. His tail feathers are always draped over your shoulder, looking like a kick ass cape and if he tucks his head around your neck just right, he could be mistaken for a weird and clunky accessory. He does eventually get to be too much for your shoulders (bc these bastards weigh like 20 pounds, its ok at first but after awhile it gets HEAVY)
Even as a bird, he has a stare that would make all but the hardiest turn tail and run and given that peacocks are dicks and prone to violence, no one would think twice about getting close. (it goes double when they realize holy shit its the freaking Avatar of Pride)
You’re going to be hard pressed to convince him to turn into anything else. His wolf form closely resembles Cerberus but don’t mention it or accuse him of loving his dog, he’ll deny everything.
If you try to convince people Lucifer is your emotional support animal, he will bite you when no one is looking. Affectionately and in a very unsexy manner.
Default is a magpie, shiny black with a big white patch upon his chest. Sees no reason to turn into anything else. (I can see him taking a liking to ferrets just to hang off your shoulder like a floppy noodle)
Mammon refuses to NOT go with you, so he’ll sneak his little birdy butt into your bags when you go somewhere and hide out until you get somewhere he can (spy on) guard you from afar.
He’s found its a lot easier to snitch anything that catches his eye when he’s a bird, but he also doesn’t.... really have a way to distinguish bird instinct saying “oh, shiny. must keep” and “oh that’s something actually valuable” and at the end of the day he has more stuff that bird brain thought was valuable than things that are actually valuable.
Might explain why he tends to get away his thievery.
Itty bitty little snake!! Only alternative is Very Big snake. Bigger than a house. Could probably bite a ship in half (are we sure that’s a snake and not his true form??)
Narrow face and dark sleek scale. Longer than he is thick (wait are we still talking about snakes or- *bonk*)
Wraps himself around your neck like a scarf, and as much as he wants to hide away from prying eyes, could NEVER work up the courage to hide himself in your clothes, especially wrapping around your torso. What, are you trying to give him a heart attack or something!?
Please bring a sufficiently large enough bag for him to hide in, he can’t take all the stares.
Has the most boopable snoot. Do it. He’ll be upset if you do it in front of anyone.
Despite the current reputation of the unicorn in pop culture, there’s a reason they’re Satan’s familiars. The real ones are spiteful creatures and prone to fits of mischief.
But unicorns aren’t exactly..... inconspicuous or allowed into enclosed spaces. So he does have alternatives he often turns to instead. Go ahead and guess what he turns into...... If you guessed a cat, you are correct.
As a unicorn he’s a pale sandy color, with slender legs, hoof ‘feathering’, the traditional tufted tail, and a branching, jagged horn.
Cat Satan is rather petite, and ginger in color and the type of cat that will knock over a full glass of water for your attention. PET HIM DAMMIT. (Also has a boopable snoot, more receptive than Levi)
If you must bring him along as a cat, he will insist on trying to balance on your shoulder. Eventually gives up and settles for letting you cradle him oh so gently as you walk.
... It’s not that bad. Oh wait, is that Lucifer staring him down? Suddenly its become the best and only way to accompany you places. take that you cantankerous bastar-
Scorpion bab. As much as he finds beauty in his insect familiar, they’re not for travel. Can usually be found as rabbit instead. (insert horny joke here) The prettiest little bun you’ll ever see. Has also been known to turn into a sparrow and a stag.
Tiny bun, can fit in your hands for optimal ease of carrying. Champagne colors, with cute lil droopy ears and a dark nose.
He insists you carry him with you one of two ways. On your shoulder and continuing to pet and cradle him or in a fashionable bag. No compromising on it either.
Adores the attention he gets from strangers. He is rather adorable, isn’t he? <3
Wait, Asmo stop charming people into giving you more pats you fiend.
Good luck getting untangled from all the crowding people.
A fly. Has been known to turn into other bugs (mostly beetles) and not much else.
As a beetle, he’s a very bright and vibrant red color.
He’s followed you around as a fly before and it was ok for a bit.... but you keep mistaking him for a regular fly and swatting him, much to your horror. Its ok, he knows you wouldn’t have if you remembered (somehow that makes you feel worse than if he’d been upset)
Eventully he opted for the beetle instead (its not any less confusing some times but the number of swats goes down significantly)
You don’t know why, but for some reason you were possessed to bedazzle beetle Beel exactly once. He came out so very pretty. You even managed to tie a ribbon on one of his atennae. Very pretty indeed. You still have pictures of the incident.
Beel was a very good sport about it.
Cow man. He refuses to turn into anything else. Too much effort. Once he turns into a cow, you’ll have a cow on your hands for quite some time, finding that he doesn’t care enough to turn back just yet.
Fuzzy cow, very long fur, droopy ears, and big soulful eyes. Wicked dangerous horn, though. He’s tried to trample Lucifer a large handful of times, Diavolo at least twice, and tried to gore Satan once. (Satan won that battle and he decided never again)
You’re not getting him to go anywhere. Even if he could be convinced to physically moce somewhere, its not like anyone is gonna let a whole cow in.
And so, for a great many reasons, cow Belphie happens very rarely
He makes for a wonderful pillow though.
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OKAY, let me start by categorising what spoilers I know as best I can, going (mostly) in chronological order AFAIK:
Clarota betrays them (VERY sad, when I first watched those first 10-ish episodes I was fully behind Keyleth’s ‘trust him’ train)
Vax loses a foot to lava and also his snake belt rip
Kima and Allura are the cool, trustworthy PCs, as is everyone’s favourite, Gilmore, a shopkeep with a black belt in karate
The dragonborn guy’s homeland gets dunked on and then later he dies offscreen
Percy’s sister is alive and betrays them but only kind of? I think? She was held captive by the Briarwoods for years and Percy thought she was dead, but she was blackmailed/brainwashed/tortured?
Vax gets cornered by the Briarwoods alone by accident (classic)
There’s a chick called Ripley who makes guns A Thing for the wider world
Something about a sun tree? It’s a creepy tree? They hallucinate their own corpses on it? Or something?
They probably kill one of the hottie vampires at the end of Percy’s arc, I think the male one? Because the lady vampire shows up later?
Percy dies in his arc and it’s the second res ritual they do, after Pike’s one pre-stream
“Take off the mask, darling.” I still don’t care about romance but I feel obligated to mention that I know that famous line
I also know the equally famous “I thought he’d never leave” bubble bath bit, ah Laura
There’s a CHROMA CONCLAVE attack right at the end of Percy’s arc, somewhere
Rashian is a dragon or something, everyone laughs at Liam for not knowing this. I know nothing else about who the Chroma conclave is (3-5 chromatic dragons??? One of each colour????) or what they want, except Vax levels up in the middle of fighting one and Keyleth yells at one
There are communication earrings. There is also a weird black powder man. Victor?
They actually have a permanent home/keep unlike the Mighty Nein?
Vex dies because Percy didn’t check for traps, this is the start of some deal of Vax’s with the Raven Queen which means he multiclasses into paladin?
Vax can fly, he can fly, he can fly!
Uhhhh there’s a couple cursed swords or something in there lol
Percy sells his soul briefly? Genius move Smart Guy lmao
Feywild??? Somehow????? They meet Artagan and make a deal with him for a doorway, and they spend an episode as cows somewhere in here?
Keyleth has Mom Trauma, I don’t know how much this will feature in the campaign
Vax and Vex’s dad suxxx or something, mother is dead
Scanlan hits on his surprise daughter and everyone screams
They have some kind of year long adventuring group break for some reason?
Keyleth makes a storm on an airship (???) and this is cool. Also she turns into a fire elemental a lot and this is also cool.
There’s a kraken fight? It goes really badly, like LEGENDARILY badly, and ngl I’m kind of looking forward to it
Scanlan #LOSESIT and has his legendary ‘what’s my mother’s name?’ rant, after which he leaves for an undetermined number of episodes and is replaced by Tary
This leads to Grog spelling C-A-T for some reason and this???? Makes people cry???????? Truly something you had to be there for
Pike tries to commission drawings of VM for Tary (who calls Vex “little elf girl” and braces for impact when Laura’s nostrils flare) and this goes Very Wrong in a funny way
Tary’s dad sucks
He writes a book
Some NPC reads said book in campaign 2, hence why I know about it
Grog has an arc to do with the other Goliaths who beat him up for defending Pike’s dad?
When Scanlan comes back he tries to sneak in, Vex chases him and he panics and casts modify memory on Vex, it fails several times, an angsty moment becomes comedic very fast
He is received with Mixed Emotions lmao
Keyleth turns into a goldfish and kills herself, this is both apparently extremely painful and extremely funny
Vax gets disintegrated and dies in a beholder fight (rip)
Gilmore is not a dragon but everyone was fully convinced he was. He also gets bodysnatched or something at some point to freak out VM, but they figure out very quickly it’s not him
Scanlan is Ioun’s chosen? Whatever that means, something to help fight Vecna I think
“It was an honour knowing you” sad! Sad! Sad line! Gilmore doesn’t understand, cheekily responds, and leaves!!!! Liam looks on the verge of tears!!!!!! SAD!!!!!
There are so many true love nat 20s. I don’t know what any of them are except that Pike has one and Ashley looks like she’s about to cry
They win the Vecna fight and Keyleth gets the HDYWDT, Scanlan wanted to save a Wish spell for Vax but couldn’t, so he stays dead
Everyone cries here but at least the rest of the party is okay
Keyleth is the last woman standing and everyone cries at this too
And then Grog uses the deck of many things, spawning two oneshots to clean up his mess
Also somewhere in here Vex steals a broom from a guest (lol)
More tears than campaign 2 I think, since there are at least two resurrection rituals we see on screen that I know of
The fights might be more stressful since they’re higher level?
Scanlan is going to be the most sexual and lewd character because he is played by Sam
Vex is going to be the second most sexual and lewd character because she is played by Laura
Vax will still instigate most of the one-on-ones so Liam can have as many heavy conversations as his theatre kid’s heart desires
Keyleth will try and fail to make the group more moral
Pike will not try to be moral at all despite being four feet of blessed armour and adorable hair
I think other characters try to make Percy feel remorse for Murder Reasons, but I suspect he’s not going to feel that guilty (I will likely support him in murderous endeavours unless they are FAR more messed up than I currently believe)
From what I understand Grog is Loveable but not hugely layered or complex, and I know Travis was proud he didn’t cry this campaign. I suspect I may be surprised at the character depth Travis gives him, however.
Keyleth also thinks the gods are overrated and I AGREE
Percy is three feral and eldritch raccoons in a trench coat, held together only by sheer force of will and the fragile shell of a posh accent. No one notices because it’s a really cool accent.
There will be a lot more money/shopping/drinking elements than in campaign 2, since I know Vex is a haggler, Percy is a Lord, and Keyleth is a day-drinker? As are Grog and Scanlan
It will be funny for me to see Taliesin play a smart character and Travis a dumb one, though I know that the whiplash went the other way for most people lmao
Vox Machina will be less team-heavy than the Mighty Nein? I gather they’re more of an ‘individual hero’ makeup than an ‘everyone has support abilities’ makeup
It will be more fast-paced than campaign 2? It seems like a lot of the arcs lead directly into each other, with only the occasional shopping episode break
It feels like it might be less friendship heavy than the Mighty Nein? Like they seem more like ‘we’d die for each other’ pals who otherwise spend all their time trying to draw dicks on each other’s faces
They have a more clear “party leader” than the Mighty Nein, who might be Percy and/or Keyleth
I think most PCs and NPCs are more morally clear cut than in campaign 2, like most towns and people in positions of power are either “cool guy who can pitch in” or “get rid of this abomination immediately” territory
I think my favourite character will be Vex, Percy or Keyleth. I just feel it in my bones. 
I think I may also get an extreme soft spot for Grog and Pike, however
My main sources of surprise will be, I think, how things fit together? Like I have no idea WHY they’re in the Feywild, or most other places really, or what any villains’ motivations and backstories and personality traits are, and how they end up fighting any of them in any particular place for any particular reason. I don’t even really know characters’ abilities or literally anything done in any of the fights, aside from “they win/nearly die” and “Scanlan uses Wish and Bigby’s Hand against Vecna”
I assume most plot threads all lead into each other fairly solidly and that they don’t actually seek most of their stuff out?
This assumption will either be fairly right or hilariously wrong, but -- I assume that I already know almost everything important or shocking? I tried really hard to avoid it but being active in campaign 2 meant that over time I got exposed to more and more of campaign 1, and I genuinely believe that I have almost everything down, if not details or order. I don’t think I’ve missed any big moment or impactful arc
Let’s see if I’m right
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optimistpax · 3 years
I was listening to the devil wears a suit and tie now all I can think about is a western transformers AU
Wheeljack would be the cowboy protagonist who likes tinkering with tech in his free time and does odd jobs around the town
Ratchet is obviously the town doctor. He has a one sided beef with Wheeljack bc he wants Wheeljack to stop putting all his patients in peril with his weird inventions meanwhile Wheeljack thinks they’re great pals
Bulkhead and Breakdown are rival cattle ranchers
Arcee and Greenlight are also farmers and have a rivalry with Flamewar and Shadowstriker. Every year there is a competition to see which farm managed to grow the largest squash and theyre always neck and neck
Knockout is the town barber, tending to the both the towns aesthetic and... questionable dental upkeep. The red and white striped dentist pole is red and white for a reason yall
Optimus is the only school teacher and is beloved by all the kids
Drift is the bounty hunter that occasionally passes through (and trouble always seems to come with him)
Bumblebee and Hotrod are farmhands and are a menace to the town both for trying too hard to be helpful and getting into constant trouble
Starscream and the seekers are the local sherif + deputies. The town does not take them seriously
Rung is the town’s pastor who may or may not be having a crisis of faith but he doesn’t have time to unpack all that bc everyone in this town is emotionally constipated and need all the moral/mental/theological support they can get
Megatron is the wealthy business man who wants to buy all the land around the town for its resources (and consequently drive out all the local towns people)
Shockwave and Soundwave are prospectors with a weird rivalry
The DJD are pinkertons and out to get everyone
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I finally did the kaiju males!! it took longer than expected but im glad i finished them
some of them looked rushed so im sorry for that 
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heres the female anthro if you’re looking for it! 
Godzilla is the king of the monsters in the original au , but in this au . Godzilla owns a succesful  company  where a bunch of kaiju works in , he’d mostly overwork himself and sometimes takes breaks , he’d sit in his office doing his job so he can both support his company and family , but whenever he is at home he mostly  sleep for hours due to the non stop working , but when he’s not sleeping he’ll try his best to interact and play with his kids and having outings with a family  Godzilla and mothra own a two story house with his wife , kids and his retired veteran brother in law battra , he’ll mostly be in his office working day and night , and maybe get interrupted by his kids Godzilla is a hard working husband and father , who doesnt know that needing a break exist , but also a good drinking pal to be with 
Rodan used to be a employee for both godzilla and ghidorah , but now hes a full time youtuber who makes videos about gaming and cooking , he owns a youtube channels  like “Fire demon’s gaming” and “Fire demons cooking time” , he also owns twitch where he live streams his gaming and cooking! , Recently he made a youtube channel called “FiredemonVlogs!” where  like the channel names says ,vlog , he will vlog his daily life and help promote company and other things alike , he’s currently promoting kongs bar which both godzilla and ghidorah were upset at first but they’re okay with it now ! as long as he promotes theyre company too
Rodan owns a big house with a pool , he lives alone and will occasionally host parties for his friends or fans , he also has his own gaming room in there , and has a specific room for his achievements.
Rodan is energetic fire chicken and always likes to cause abit of chaos either for his fans or just for the fun of it! 
wooo someone grab godzilla theres another king! , In this au Ghidorah owns a successful company too that it rivals godzillas , ghidorah has pride in his company and will do anything just to piss of godzilla  
Ghidorah owns a really big mansion full of expensive items in it , and of course two big ass pools and a garden  Ghidorah is a proud of his company and himself and will literally flex his money on you. 
battra is the twin brother of mothra and is a retired veteran , he was once in the military but later on dropped or disqualified for his mental health  deteriorating and for his loss of his left arm( he currently has a robotic arm)  and lost of his left eye  , he currently stays at his sisters, brother in-law nieces and nephews place . He rarely goes out and will spend most of his time sleeping in the couch and watching shows in the tv , he tries his best to help out in the house but mothra will just tell him not to worry and just to relax , the only times he does come out thou is when he visit appointments with ms manda for therapy. Battra has his own room but he’d rather sleep in the couch saying “its much more comfortable” and the tv static gives him a easy time to sleep. Battra was once a brave and proud person , but now he’s just tired and is just a shell of the person he once was , thou he still have some emotions  but he rarely expresses them.
okay looks we have three kings in the house (or five if you count the heads) , Kong once lived somewhere far away where he owns a small restaurant but then he found out about the inheritance he had gotten from his parents company so he  then moved  took over his parents company and made abit of a name for himself , his company started to grow and grow more and still is! , even for having a growing company , kong still isnt  satisfied yet , so he build his own bar , where kaijus alike can hang out in, Kong lives in a house near a subdivison , where he lives in a one floor house with his pet doug and his hellhawk ! kong is a optimisitic but serious kaiju who can take things seriously and if anything bad ever happens he’ll try his best to make things better again!
Spacegodzilla is the older half brother of godzilla  and biollante and is the fiance of destoroyah and the father of the twins krystalak and obsidious and the baby aurora , in this au spacegodzilla is a famous celebrity , he acted in famous shows and movies and even acted in a movie about him! , he won grammys and starred in magazines! , being a famous celebrity meaning he has a busy life of course and most of his life is recorded in the public eye, Spacegodzilla owns a tall penthouse where he and his famil. stays in, Spacegodzilla is a laid back man who have a very charmy personality.
Behemoth is a friend and roommate of biollante and barb!, he also helps biollante with her garden shop and helps with the shipping of the plants , in his freetime he goes to methuselahs library and reads novels and stories in it and is also currrently writing a book novel!! Behemoth lives with biollante and barb , but has his own room where his equipment where he writes his book and his small collection of books and plants! Behemoth is a calm and collective guy who doesnt talk much but whenever someone asks about himself or about his books he goes all out!
Mr manda 
As you know or you might not know , in this au there are two mandas! and they are a couple!! and they both own a hospital! , Mr manda is a doctor and a owner of a well known hospital and he helps patience with theyre health and theyre injuries! , he is a really serious kaiju who is really dedicated into his work, but he is a really grumpy guy and stoic guy and has a bitch resting face! He and his wife live in a apartment , where they work on theyre bills and on theyre jobs , they’d often get breaks causing them to have a different sleeping schedule  , but they still love each other regardless.
Mr manda is a grumpy stoic old guy who would not hesitate to scold you for doing something wrong and he wont hesitate to tell the truth even if it hurts . 
Methuselah is a old kaiju and he owns a big library  that he owns for quite a long time , he mostly sits in his chair as he watch kaijus come in and out and read his books and will always let schools let theyre student visit the library to read the books and even borrows some . he is currently taking care of his granchildren anguirus , baragon and gorosaurus , since theyre former caretakers passed away. and loves them dearly. Methuselah and his grandchildren  lives in a old cottage house  where he also reads his books  and where he helps tutor his grandchildren and read them to sleep.  Methuselah is a kind and wise old kaiju who loves to help and educate people if needed to , thou he might act kind and frail due to his age, he can still fight and he wont hesitate to hurt anyone who dare threaten his loved ones and his grand children.
Rhagor (Leo) and atlas
Rhagor is the first son of mothra and godzilla , older brother to the twins atlas and eve (evelennia) , Atlas is the second son of mothra godzilla the younger brother of rhagor and the twin brother of eve. both brothers along with theyre sister go to school! , rhagor is 9 yrs old while atlas is 6 yrs old ! ,  even thou theyre brothers they’re both opposites, Rhagor is popular kid in his class meanwhile atlas is the least popular in the class and sometimes is a target to bullies but luckily his brother rhagor and his twin fight off those bullies away. they both live in they’re parents home they shares a room with they’re sister rhagor sleep his own bed , meanwhile atlas sleep in a bunkbed with his sister,  atlas is always the first to be awake but rhagor is always the first  to finish breakfast and getting ready. Rhagor is a energetic boy who is secretly a mommas boy and always love to seek attention from his mother meanwhile atlas is a quiet boy who does whatever his parents ask him to do and loves his parents equally. woof oki this is long 
i can finally sleep after this 
i hope you guys liked this!! 
when i wake up i might try rewriting this DFFE
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