#they’re just always so amazing and interesting and also slightly pathetic
carlsdraws · 3 years
ah naddpod how i’ve missed u
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
Father Knows Best-Thomas Shelby x Shelby!Daughter!Reader
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(GIF credit to @devileyedbanana​)
Tags: @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @jenepleurepasbaby​ @amirahiddleston​ @bloodorangemoonlight @haphazardhufflepuff​ @mzcrazy2​
Requested by anonymous: ‘Can I request a Tommy x daughter angst one shot where she falls in love with a rival gangster and Tommy asks her to choose, and she chooses her love but then he turns out to be violent and Tommy comes and saves her.’
Characters: Thomas Shelby x Shelby!Daughter!Reader, Finn Shelby x Shelby!Reader (Uncle)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Alcohol, being drunk, swearing, mentions of a sexual nature, family arguments, domestic abuse, weaponry, fluff
(A/N: Matthew is a made up character, AND THIS IS MUCH LONGER THAN I ANTICIPATED)
I covered my mouth as I giggled uncontrollably, Matthew was shushing me despite chuckling himself. We held onto each other as we stumbled out of the club, our feet aching from all the dancing we had done, struggling to walk in a straight line due to the drinks. As we stood up straight, swaying slightly from the alcohol, Matthew took me in his arms, kissing me sloppily. Neither of us were anywhere near sober. 
“You’re so beautiful.” he breathed out, going in for another kiss.
I smiled into it, gripping onto his coat for support.“Tonight was amazing. I don’t want it to end.”
“It doesn’t have to.”
I groaned.“It does though. You know I’m already past my curfew.”
“Your dad should be happy that you’re out making friends.”
“You don’t know anything about my dad then.”
We hesitated to start the walk home, though both knew that Matthew wouldn’t receive the best welcome if he got me back any later. I was in trouble now anyway, but I didn’t care what any of my family thought. Time flew by too quickly when I was with Matthew, it was as if we never had enough of each other. And I wasn’t stupid, my father definitely knew about us. As leader of the Peaky Blinders, he had eyes everywhere, and if he wanted his men to follow me, they would. I had spotted several of them just tonight, but I didn’t care.
Seeing as these men would be reporting back to my dad as soon as the night was over, I didn’t want to wake up to a lecture from him. Instead, I decided to head to my uncle’s house. Finn had given me an extra key, just in case, and we were extremely close in age, he understood what I was going through; he also wasn’t allowed to do anything dangerous, let alone be involved in any plans, even tough he tried. 
“You sure your uncle won’t let me in? You can try to be quiet.” Matthew whispered as I stood outside of Finn’s house. 
I scoffed at him.“I can be quiet!”
“Well I have yet to experience that.”
“He won’t let you in. I’m sorry Matthew.”
“Don’t be sorry. I’ll see you in the next few days?”
“Of course you will.”
We slowly kissed, hands still wrapped around each other. It was always so difficult to let him go. This time, Matthew was the one to pull away, gently kissing me on the forehead before leaving. I watched him leave until I couldn’t see him before unlocking the door. Although I had been incredibly quiet, I heard a thud, someone (my uncle) was fumbling around, thinking an intruder was here. He had a gun in his hands as he whipped open his bedroom door. The panic in his face was replaced with annoyance.
“For fucks sake (Y/N), what do you think you’re doing?” he sighed, rubbing his eyes.
“Um, coming in from a great night out?” I said, chuckling to myself as I walked into a chair.
“Oh good, you’re drunk. Why didn’t you get the driver to take you back to your house?”
“Because I don’t want to deal with dad. You know he’s awake too, he would shout at me as soon as I stepped foot in the door.”
Finn rolled his eyes.“You were with that prick weren’t you?”
“His name is Matthew and he’s not a prick. He’s my boyfriend. And I know that dad knows about him.”
“You should really stay away from him. He doesn’t come from a good family. We’re in the same circles (Y/N), people tell me things.”
I groaned.“Urgh, I didn’t come here to get told off by someone who is literally two years older than me. I’m going to bed. Feel free to call my dad, tell him I’m fine and that I had a good time, cause I know he won’t ask that.”
“What do you mean?”
“As soon as you call, or he calls you, the first question will be, ‘who was she with?’. Yeah, my dad really cares for me.”
Even though I slept late into the afternoon, I still didn’t feel rested. My head was pounding, I felt as if I would be sick every time I moved, and my feet throbbed, so all in all, signs of a great night out. As I shuffled into the kitchen, Finn was sat at the table, arms crossed and staring at me. Oh no, he was not going to act like a saint right now.
“I’m not dealing with you right now Finn.” I said as I poured myself a cup of tea.
“Tommy’s coming to get you in an hour. Make sure you’re ready.”
I mockingly saluted him.“Yes sir!”
“Come off it (Y/N). I don’t get why you act like this. Sometimes you’re really sweet, other times you’re...”
“Go on, get it out of your system.”
“You can be a bitch.”
“Look, I understand what you’re saying.” I sat down across from him.“But dad really hasn’t paid much attention to me recently. He doesn’t even greet me when I come down for breakfast. I know he’s got a lot on his plate, and it’s a big plate, but lately he’s been really harsh on me.”
“It’s because of Matthew.”
“He’s going to have to drop that soon. I get that I’m his only daughter so he’s overprotective, and because I’m a Shelby, but he doesn’t have to worry.”
“That’s the thing (Y/N). This Matthew has made him worry even more.”
“Why? Because it’s my first serious boyfriend?”
“No because...look, what I tell you now, you can’t say a word of it to anyone else, do you understand?”
“Do you understand?”
I hesitated, but nodded, my curiosity getting the better of me.
“Matthew is....he’s part of a rival gang.”
I couldn’t help but laugh.“I get you don’t want me to date him, but that’s ridiculous.”
“(Y/N), I’m being deadly serious.”
“No he’s not. I’ve met his family, they’re sweethearts.”
“Because they want you to trust them.”
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“I’m not trying to piss you off, or make up something so you break up with him. He’s dangerous (Y/N), it’s all one big trap. They get Thomas Shelby’s daughter and they can bargain for anything.”
“Wouldn’t it be less hassle to just kidnap me? What if I didn’t fall for Matthew, what would they do then?”
“That’s not the point-”
“No, there is no point to this, at all Finn.”
“(Y/N), please, I’m trying to look out for you.”
“I’m going to get ready. I need to look decent for dad.”
Part of a rival gang? Pathetic. It wasn't even an interesting story. Yes, Matthew was a little wild, he brought out the party girl in me, but I was having fun! As long as he wasn't harming me, nor were we harming anyone else in the process, I saw no flaws with our relationship. We also had our downtime moments, times where we could lie down in each others arms, hint at our futures. Apparently not everyone could see that.
There was a knock at the door, and I sighed to myself, knowing my time of hiding was over. Luckily dressed, looking pretty decent after the night before, I took time walking out of the spare room, hearing some mumbling before I even saw my dad. Although he never showed much emotion anyway, I could tell he wasn't happy, staring me down as I approached him in last night's clothes.
"Morning dad." I greeted him kindly, hoping we would have this conversation away from Finn.
Dad looked at Finn in disbelief, then back to me."Morning? Fucking good morning?"
"Get in the car."
I obeyed his order but not before saying goodbye to Finn."Thanks for letting me stay."
He just nodded to me, awkwardly waiting by the door as I followed dad outside. I kept up with his usual long strides, bracing myself for what could end up as a screaming match. Thinking about it, I never argued much with dad, but when we did, it was over serious topics, never anything petty. I loved him dearly, he always looked out for me, gave me anything I wanted, ensured that I had a good life he never had growing up. So the guilt growing inside of me was huge, but my stubbornness was strong. I was an adult now, I was allowed to make these decisions.
Surprisingly, there was no driver for us. I slipped into the passenger seat, both of us remaining silent as dad started the drive. I watched the streets of Small Heath pass by, the regulars of the city slowly making their way to work, dirty from the shift the day before, probably drunk to keep themselves warm. It was a sad, poor place sometimes.
"Are we going to talk?" I mumbled, putting my focus on him.
He sighed loudly through his nose."Are you going to listen?"
"Please can we not be malicious about this?"
"Why didn't you just come home last night? Any bar would have let you use a phone, they know who you are."
"Because I didn't want the hassle. And I stayed at Finn's, so I don't understand why you're so angry?"
"You were with that boy."
"Dad, when will you just accept that I'm twenty one and I'm allowed to see people?"
"It's not that. If you had found someone who wasn't trouble-"
"Matthew isn't trouble."
"You don't know everything (Y/N)."
"Oh, don't tell me, he's part of rival gang, right?"
Dad's eyes widened as his head snapped towards me, his gaze flickering between me and the road."You what?"
"Finn told me."
Dad groaned, putting all of his concentration back on the road."Told him to keep his mouth shut. Neither of you seem to be able to follow orders."
I rolled my eyes.
"I saw that."
"Look, I'm sorry for not at least calling last night, I know that was wrong." Dad was silent.
"But I really like Matthew. I don't want you to scare him away, or make up ridiculous stories about him."
"Stories eh? That's what you think they are?"
"I know they are."
Suddenly, dad put his foot down, making us go faster than I liked. He ignored my pleas for him to go slower, somehow not swerving off of the country roads that lead to our house. He was driving at this speed for far too long, skidding on the gravel as we braked in front of the house. Dad hastily got out of the car, whereas I needed a second to get my breath back. He was already walking through the front door by the time I was shakily getting out of the car, stumbling in my heels across the gravel.
I called after him but he wouldn't listen. Storming towards his office, he flung open the doors, not even flinching when they whacked into the walls. Quickly following, I watched his manic actions, shuffling through paper work and slapping down files onto the desk.
"There's your story." he said, pointing at them.
Hesitantly I walked towards him, scanning my eyes over his evidence. There were pictures, reports, files containing personal information. I focused more on the parts about Matthew, reading things such as where he was born, where he had lived, the schools he attended....and none of them matched with what he had told me. There was a portrait picture of him, I didn't know where dad got it from, and another photo slipped out from under it as I picked it up. Only this time, it was a mugshot.
"So, do you still think we're lying?" dad said.
"I...I..." I was speechless.
"You know that everything I do, I do for you. You're my daughter, it's my job to protect you. You need to stay away from that man."
"Why wouldn't he tell me?"
"Did you really just ask that?"
"We've talked about everything. He didn't even hint at it." I was talking to myself at this point."I met his family. Why would they go through all of that? Host that dinner, make me welcome, say such nice things?"
"I didn't take you to be stupid (Y/N)."
"I know what it sounds like. But dad, Matthew wouldn't lie to me-"
"HE'S USING YOU!" he screamed at me."You're a fucking Shelby, you're the daughter of Thomas Shelby, you have a huge target on your head! It's an easy way to get to me, and to find out secrets about us!"
My mouth dropped open in shock."I would never tell him anything they he wasn't supposed to know!"
"Wouldn't you? He seems to have a hold on you, and it's scaring me. I've never seen you like this."
"That 'hold' you're on about is called love! Not that you would know anything about that, seeing as my mother was a whore!"
"Don't you dare speak to me like that!"
"It wouldn't be a surprise would it, if I ended up with a fucked up relationship? Because I had oh such a great example from you. Fucks a random woman, she knows who he is, so she dumps the baby on him, hoping he won't give her away to an orphanage."
"Stop changing the conversation. We are talking about how we get you away Matthew."
“You’re not going to.”
“I’ve been with him for months, why is this now just coming out? How long have you known about this?”
He didn’t have to say anything but I still got my answer.
“Ah.” I scoffed a laugh.“You have known about this. And for some reason, you have’t decided to mention this.”
“It was for-”
“I’m going to stop you right there. Dad, I am going to speak to Matthew about this.”
“You will not go near him.”
“Yes I will. I’m going to get the truth, right now.”
My words escaped me before I could really think about them. I was already walking away from him, back out to the front door. Opening a cabinet, I searched through the keys for any car, any vehicle that would get me far away from here.
“I’m having someone follow you.” dad informed me.
“I know.”
“You’re stepping into enemy territory.”
“We’re not in the war anymore dad. And you’re not a soldier.”
I finally found the right key, heading towards the only car I had ever driven. Making my way to the garage, I ignored my dad, not even looking at him. I definitely felt guilty for what I had said, and what I was about to do. But I needed to do this myself, I needed to speak to Matthew without the pressure of anyone else.
I was not a good driver. Everyone was safe whilst I was driving, I just wasn’t very fast or great with spacial awareness. In my head, I had expected to be racing to Matthew’s, getting to his in record time. This had ruined my fantasy. Once I did reach his house, I slowly lined up the car with the path, wincing when I bumped into the curb; thank god no one was around to see that. 
“(Y/N)?” I heard Matthew call me as I got out of the car. He was approaching me down the pathway of his house.
“Matthew, I need to speak with you, urgently.” I rushed out, pushing him back towards his home.
“Woah, wait, wait. What’s happened? Why are you in last nights clothes?”
“Just get inside.”
By looking at his house, you could tell he was well off. It was in a nicer neighbourhood, it was separate from the other houses and had multiple rooms. I asked him if anyone else was home, and when he said no, I was relieved. We didn’t want them getting involved, and I felt like shouting if this went wrong. 
“You’re worrying me (Y/N).” Matthew said.
“Oh, are you worried about me?” I sarcastically said.
“(Y/N), can you just tell me what’s going on?!”
“Are you part of a rival gang against the Peaky Blinders?”
“You heard me.”
“What makes you say something like that?”
“My family told me.”
“What makes them think that?”
“Matthew, I’ve seen the evidence. I didn’t admit it to my dad, but I believed him. I’ve seen your real information. You’ve lied to me about a lot of things. And why do you have a fucking mugshot?”
He exhaled through his nose, looking away from me for a few seconds.“I can’t lie anymore.”
“You shouldn’t have in the first place!”
He held up his hands in defence.“Alright, alright, let’s just use our inside voices. I’ll explain everything to you.”
Matthew directed me to his front room, sitting beside me, and although I initially wanted to shuffle away from him, I couldn’t bring myself to do it; especially when he took my hands in his, resting them on his lap. He wasn’t afraid to look me in the eyes, perhaps a sign of him about to tell the truth.
“(Y/N), your family is right. I am part of a company that rivals yours-”
I tried pulling my hands away, but he gripped onto me tightly.
“-but we would never cause any harm. We are only rivals in business. There is no bloodshed, no injuries, no deaths. The only thing we fight over are numbers.”
“That still doesn’t explain everything.”
“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know if you already knew who I was. You know how it feels to have everyone already judge you based on a name.”
“Don’t use that against me.”
“I’m not. I’m trying to connect with you on this. The mugshot is from a brawl we had with a couple of ex-employees, they wanted to expose us with lies. Unfortunately we were typical men, and apparently that was the only way we thought to solve it. The police were called and I spent a night in a cell, but I was released the next morning.”
“That’s it?”
He nodded.
“You promise?” 
“I promise. And my family have not been plotting anything like your father thinks they have. Of course, they had an idea when I told them about you, you know, to ‘unite’ our families to stop the feud. Obviously that was ridiculous because fights don’t just end like that. But when I brought you to them, it was because I was proud of you, I wanted to show them the amazing woman I had found and fell in love with.”
“Yes. I love you (Y/N).”
“I love you too Matthew. I’m sorry for attacking you with all these questions. But even if I tried to convince my dad that he was wrong, he wouldn’t believe me. I’m scared he’s going to try and separate us.”
“Then live with me!”
“What? No I couldn’t do that to you-”
“Of course you can! You’ve seen this house, there’s plenty of room, my family loves you, it would be perfect! And...” he leaned in closer to me, whispering in my ear,“they’re hardly here, so we would have a lot of alone time.”
Although my heart jumped at the thought of living with Matthew, being able to see him everyday, spending every moment with him, I also dreaded telling my dad. I was old enough to make my own decision though. I could move in with Matthew if I wanted, what was stopping me? I believed everything he said, he had an explanation for everything. If Matthew was in a rival gang, using me for their own purpose, wouldn’t he just threaten me or kidnap me when I confronted him? It all seemed like too much effort.
All of that information dad accumulated must have been biased, especially if our families were rival companies. Although I was leaning more towards staying with Matthew, I didn’t want to lose my dad. I would have to be an idiot to believe that he would let me leave home with a man he didn’t like, but on the other hand, I was at the age where I could do what I wanted. Just because I had the last name Shelby didn’t mean I was going to be trapped by it.
There had been a lot of back and forth that day, both emotionally and physically. But here I was once again arguing with my dad. Stupidly, I had let Matthew come along (he was very persuasive), though he stayed in the car. Set on convincing him to let me leave with Matthew, we shouted at each other, screaming our opinions. He didn’t believe a word I said. Tears streamed down my face as I grew more frustrated, pleading him to listen, to give Matthew another chance.  
“I don’t know why I’m bothering to ask! I could have left without asking, without even telling you. But I did it out of respect for you.” I suddenly exclaimed.
Dad stopped shouting for a moment, heavily breathing.“Fine. Go then. If you’re so grown up, pack your bags and move onto the next part of your life. I just hope for your sake that I’m wrong.”
I had never felt such conflict in my heart before. The first month of moving away was extremely hard, I cried most nights in Matthew’s arms. I had loathed every moment of collecting my belongings from dad’s house, saying goodbye to my family because I wouldn’t be seeing them as much as I was used to. They thought the same as dad, all had tried to convince me to stay. But Matthew was always by my side, reassuring me that we could start our own life now, not forgetting our old ones of course, but creating a new one. 
And oh, how quickly things changed.
Three months, three months of pure bliss. I was living with my boyfriend, having the joy of seeing him everyday when he came home from work, eating meals with him, sleeping beside him, not having to arrange weeks in advance when to next see each other. Matthew had even started talking more about our future, hinting at marriage, finding our own home to live in. It excited me. I was growing up, doing all the things a person should do. Perhaps this would show dad that I was happy, that he was wrong about those rumours, and I could finally see him again. I missed him so much.
It was like binding a contract with the devil. Once that engagement ring was slipped on my finger, my whole world was flipped. Matthew started staying out late. I knew he wasn’t going out drinking, he didn’t smell of alcohol when he returned, neither could he be cheating because I never caught a whiff of perfume, or found a hair on his jacket, or even see him come home disgruntled; he was just as immaculate as he had been leaving. Sometimes him, his father, his brother and uncle would come home, immediately gathering in the front room and slamming the door shut. They would be in there for hours, deep in conversation. And that scared me, because it reminded me of my family whenever they were scheming.  
“Matthew?” I had mumbled late one night, disturbed from my sleep when he opened the bedroom door.
“Go to sleep.” it was an order, no note of sympathy in his voice.
I watched him undress.“Are you alright? I heard you arguing downstairs.” 
“What did I just say?” I had never seen someones head snap around so quickly.
“I’m sorry,” I didn’t know why I was apologising,“I just wanted to make sure you weren’t upset.”
“I am now.”
“Because of you! Asking me all these questions! I thought you were smart.” he made a show of collapsing into a chair, starting to untie his shoelaces.
I sat up.“Matthew, there’s obviously something wrong. You know you can tell me-”
He suddenly threw his shoe against the floor, but for a split second I thought it was aimed at me.“Just go to sleep (Y/N)!”
I was scared to move, thinking I would somehow do something else wrong. But when he continued to stare at me, I slowly slipped back under the covers, clinging them close to me, trying to steady my breathing to hide how much I wanted to cry. I listened to Matthew get ready for bed, the silence making me more nervous. He climbed into bed, shuffling towards me. I flinched as he wrapped an arm around me, his body pressed up against the back of mine. Who was this person? What made him act like this?
“I’m sorry darling.” he whispered in my ear.
But I didn’t feel comforted by that, or feel like I should give him forgiveness. And I realised it wouldn’t have even mattered if I did, because it kept on happening.
Smaller things started to annoy him. I would simply ask him what he was doing with his day, and receive an eye roll. He would question why I was wearing a specific outfit, who was I wearing it for? His family would try to interrogate every detail about me, and it was suspicious from the beginning. I wasn’t receiving questions such as ‘How many siblings do you have?’, ‘Do your family get on well?’, ‘Where do they live?’; I wondered if it was because everyone knew about the Peaky Blinders, but it was getting too personal. I had been an idiot to become trapped by this man, however, I wasn’t going to let them use me against my family.
Some days I didn’t know how much I could take of Matthew. I was walking on egg shells around him. I quickly learnt what not to say or ask, how the tone of my voice should be, how I should look. It didn’t matter how many times he was sweet to me, apologised, bought me presents, I didn’t recognise the man I had wanted to marry. His hand held mine tighter, his grip on my waist hurt, and our intimate moments together...everything hurt me, and he didn’t care.
“Writing a letter to a friend?” Matthew startled me from the doorway of our room.
My head whipped around to see him standing there, casually leaning against the door frame.“Yes.” I quickly replied.“Well, it’s for my aunt, Ada.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m asking how Karl is. He’s growing up so fast.”
“Mention anything about me?” 
“Of course.”
“Can I read it?”
I handed him the letter, hiding my nerves. He read through it, no expression at first until he looked at me, smirking to himself. That wasn’t a good sign.
“(Y/N), my father was in the war. He’s told me about how they got secret messages out of the trenches.” he smugly said, walking towards a set of drawers and opening the top one. He pulled out a pile of letters, the envelopes opened, and the handwriting was mine.“Being Thomas Shelby’s daughter, I had expected more from you.”
“You’ve lied to me this whole time.” I shuddered at the thought of him reading my letters, begging for someone to help me escape.
“No, I haven’t.”
“You said you were only rivals in business!”I leapt up from my chair.“I fought my family to be with you! I am such a fucking idiot!”
“Isn’t that what we are? A business at the end of the day? Look, you’re here now. We’re happy. I can make us happier once we receive our upcoming bonus.”
“What bonus?”
“The bonus of having the Shelby Company all to ourselves.”
My eyes widened, screeching out as I lunged for him. I landed a good punch to his face, but due to his size and strength, he managed to grab my attacking arms. 
“Stop now (Y/N), before you get hurt.”
That was a threat from him, not a concern I may harm myself. But for once I didn’t care. They were going after my family, I would take all the beatings for them. 
“You’re a fucking liar! A cruel, terrible, waste of space!” I screamed, pulling myself away from him.“I vowed to never become one of those poor women who had to live this life. You were in my head, and I’ll admit it, you were convincing, but I know who you really are. You’re all a bunch of sad men who feel that they need to murder, threaten and mock anyone in order to make them feel better. You’ll never be as powerful as my dad, it  just won’t happen.”
“You’ve grown naive. I did like you (Y/N), once I got a good look at you, I wasn’t angry about the plan of marrying you anymore. And I’ll admit, you’re an interesting woman, easy on the eye which helps. And how loyal you were, standing beside me in everything. Don’t be upset (Y/N), we don’t want any blood on our hands, as long as your family are cooperative. And think, you will be in charge with me once they’re gone.”
“Gone? What do you think you’re going to do with my family?!”
“Nothing. We have a meeting tomorrow, you’ll be coming, and you will convince them to hand it all over to us.”
“I won’t.”
“That wasn’t a request.” he opened one side of his blazer jacket, revealing his gun.
“I would rather die than go against them.”
“You’ve done that already. And I would rather keep your brains inside your head.”
The next morning felt colder, more bitter than it usually did here; there was even a low fog creating a tense atmosphere. Although I didn’t want to comply with Matthew, I knew I had to go to this meeting if I wanted a chance of seeing my family and keeping them alive. Running on adrenaline and anxiety alone, I forced myself to get out of bed, having to get changed under the watch of the man I thought I knew. As I did my hair in the mirror, I had a sudden realisation that I wasn’t me anymore. I looked older, years older even, even though I had only been engaged to this monster for a few months. My skin felt...unusual, not right, it didn’t feel clean. The bags under my eyes seemed to droop more and more every day, as if they were dragging down my eyes with them, and my lips were missing the feeling of a genuine smile. 
Matthew kept a hand on my back as we walked downstairs, his family waiting for us. I wasn’t scared to glare at them. They weren’t going to kill me, not yet anyway. I still had some time to live, and I was going to despise them every second. They talked as if I wasn’t there, checking their weapons and the plan. Matthew had managed to confiscate my gun, I was left with my fists.
I was in the middle of the group as we made our way to the meeting point. I knew the area now, we were headed to the back of a factory. There was a lot of noise from the machines, no one would be walking around because they would be working, and Matthew’s family had a very good deal going on with the owner; they pay him large amounts of money to keep quiet, he takes that on top of his rich salary already and keeps quiet. 
As we rounded the corner, my heart dropped when I saw just my dad standing there. Out of instinct, I started to hastily move towards him until Matthew grabbed me, gripping onto my arms to keep me in place. I felt like a little girl again, scared and needing her dad to come save her. Although dad was expressionless most of the time, I was worried that he thought I was neglecting them all these months, when really, Matthew had stopped any contact between us.
“Mr Thomas Shelby, when I said about meeting, I didn’t think it would be just yourself.” Matthew’s dad started.“But that’s fine, you’re the only one we want to speak with anyway.”
“A business meeting outside, eh?” dad said.“Why do I think this is heading in another direction?”
“Let’s just get to the point, yes? You know what we want, we’re not going to stop till we get it.”
“Of course.” dad didn’t seem bothered.
“And we’re serious. But don’t worry, there will still be a Shelby within the business once you pass it over.”
Matthew urged me forward, staying very close behind.“Dad, I’ve been trying to contact you but they wouldn’t let me! I-”
“Shut up. That’s not important.” Matthew snapped at me. 
“Don’t talk to her that way.” dad lowly said, and I recognised the warning in his voice.
Matthew wasn’t bothered.“She does as she’s told.”
“I fucking don’t!” 
I stamped on his foot with my heel, quickly getting out of his grip and turning around, managing to knee him in the head as he doubled over. Another gang member pulled me away, and I didn’t know whether he was ordered to or not, but he held a gun to my temple, his arm in a choke hold around my neck. I had tried, but it was too risky to do anything when my dad and I were clearly outnumbered. 
Despite that, dad pulled out his own gun, aiming it at the man.“Let her go.”
Matthew’s dad laughed.“I know you’ll have some of your people hiding around here somewhere. But you’ve seen the weapons we carry today, and how many of us there are. You are under prepared.”
 Dad was still for a moment, suddenly whistling. I saw the men around me tense, wondering what my dad could be summoning. As expected, more men started to appear around my dad, a much larger group, some even rounding around the back so that we were surrounded. They all held weapons of some sort; guns, knives, knuckle dusters, anything of the sort. Matthew’s dad tried to not look effected, though you could tell he was shitting himself. 
“What were you saying about no bloodshed?" I smugly said to Matthew.
He frowned at me, taking me out of the man's arms and throwing me to the floor. He got out his own gun, once again placing it on my temple.
"I don't want to shoot her. But I will if you don't go through with our deal." he stated.
My hands were scraped, blood already trickling onto the ground. But I didn't moan, I didn't complain, worried that one slight move would set him off and he would shoot.
"You will put down your weapons, give me back my daughter, turn around, and walk away." dad said."We don't want to start a war between us. Look at my men, now look at yours. You will lose, and you will lose your lives along with it."
"How dare you threaten us-"
Matthew's dad interrupted."Shut up Matthew! This doesn’t mean you’ve won Shelby.”
Dad didn’t reply, lowering his gun but the others kept their weapons on display. Matthew’s dad was waiting for a reply, and when he didn’t get one, he sharply turned away. Matthew was shocked, glancing between me and him as he wondered what to do. Although I was desperate to run to dad, I slowly made a move to stand. Matthew kept his eyes glued on me. I slid off my beautiful engagement ring, now despising it, holding it up in front of his face, and letting it drop to the ground.
“In case you were wondering, the wedding is off.” I spat, instantly turning on my heel.
My body broke out into a sprint, throwing my arms around my dad’s neck as I burst into tears. My legs went weak as he clung onto me, reassuring me that I was safe now, I wouldn’t be hurt any longer. How could I have done such a thing? I turned my back on my family for a man I should have known more about. I had to face it, I was a Shelby, and it was going to be difficult to find someone who wanted me for me, not my name.
“I’m so sorry dad!” I sobbed.“Please forgive me! I don’t want to be hated by you forever. I need you. I love you!”
He calmly shushed me, as if I was a baby again.“It’s alright, it’s alright (Y/N). I’ve got you now. You’re my daughter, I would never hate you.”
“I’m sorry! I won’t ever leave you again.”
“Come on, let’s go home, eh?”
“You’re my family, you always will be. I’m always going to protect you (Y/N), always.”
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hermannsthumb · 3 years
possible prompt for a university au: newt is the biology major who maintains all the fish tanks in the physics building at 11pm and hermann is the physics student who likes to wander the halls to think. newt accidentally flings water all over the ground and hermann trips, hijinks ensue.
earlier today I was thinking about how I wrote a college AU fic almost 3 years ago to the date, and how I wanted to do more bc its fun thinking about newt and hermann as dumb college students
Newt's not really sure how he ended up with the weirdest work-study job on the planet, but honestly, things could be much, much worse (he could be stuck down in the dining hall, or dealing with confused freshmen in the school bookstore) so he keeps his thoughts on the whole thing to himself. Every Friday at eleven sharp, Newt pulls on his grodiest t-shirt and a pair of long rubber gloves and treks all the way over to the physics department to set to work scrubbing down the fish tanks that line the classroom walls. Why does the physics department have fish tanks? Newt's not really sure about that, either. It's kind of an insane amount of them, too, more than even the marine bio department has. Maybe it's supposed to boost morale or something. Hey, look at these crazy cool tropical fish who get to do nothing but eat and swim in circles, sorry you're stuck inside calculating velocity and shit.
Whatever, Newt's not complaining about that either. Let the physics nerds have their fun. It'll be good for them to branch out a little, realize there's life beyond robotics club meetings.
Also, Newt likes the fish. They're cute. He likes to think they like him, too, because they're very well behaved when he has to scoop them out of their tanks and plop them into smaller fish bowls (the kind goldfish in movies always use). He's going to teach them tricks eventually—he had a beta fish once who would do a little flip when Newt tapped the glass a certain way because he knew he'd get rewarded with dried worms, so Newt knows it's possible. Just imagine, a hundred fish doing flips on command. Newt Geiszler, fish whisperer.
Yeah, maybe the job could be more glamorous. It's really hard to get algae out of the gloves, and he hasn't been allotted the budget for a new pair yet.
"Hey, guys!" he shouts as he pushes in the door to room 214. The fish don't acknowledge him: they just continue swimming in their giant tank. In and out of plastic plants and rock caves. The rock caves were a gift from Newt three months into the job, and so were some of the moss balls—stimulation is important for fish! He wouldn't want to be trapped in a glass box with nothing to do, either. "I bet you missed me. Ready for a clean tank?"
Newt always talks to the fish, even if they don't talk back, because he thinks it's important to build their trust. He'll usually keep a running commentary of his week as he scrubs the tanks, just get everything off his chest that he needs to get off. Stuff he's worried about. Stuff that went well. Stuff that went badly. Therapy's expensive, and Newt's student health insurance can only cover so much, but talking to fish? That's free.
That's also kinda why he does it so late at night and over the weekend. The last thing he wants is an audience. Because, one, talking to fish is admittedly weird, and two, no one wants a glimpse at Newt's psyche like that, probably not even the fish.
The first step in cleaning the tanks is relocation. Newt digs his stereotypical goldfish bowls and an industrial-size mesh wand out of the supply closet, fills the former with some of the special tank salt water, and begins the slow and arduous task of scooping out the fish and depositing them into the bowls. "I had the lamest week," he announces once he's about three clownfish in. "I was working on a group project Saturday—"
Then Newt stops, because he hears footsteps in the hallway just outside the classroom.
Serial killer, Newt's instincts supply helpfully.
No, Newt corrects himself, that's dumb. Why would a serial killer wander into the physics building at eleven o'clock at night? Why would anyone, period? He's probably imagining stuff. Lack of sleep, stress over his upcoming projects, residual embarrassment from his disaster study session Saturday, all of it culminating in Newt thinking there's someone there. No, definitely imagining it. Newt can only even get in this late to the department because his ID swipe card is set up with the right permissions—not even the physics students have the permissions he does to be in this late at night. Well, not unless they clean the kitchenette in the student lounge or something.
Or if Newt left the door unlocked.
More footsteps. Closer now.
Newt's pretty sure he didn't leave the door unlocked, because he thinks it locks automatically behind him, and he would have to literally prop it open for anyone to get in after him. But anything's possible. The door could've caught on a dropped pencil or a paper scrap or other weird shit that physics students leave around, and a serial killer could've noticed and taken the opportunity to sneak inside on the off chance a hapless young biology major was scrubbing slime off fish tanks in the middle of the night. Any minute now, Newt's about to end up on an episode of Unsolved Mysteries. The Physics Department Murder. The Disappearing Biologist. (Nah, neither of those are very good titles, but that's why Newt isn't on the creative writing track.)
Step-tap-step. Closer now; Newt's heart leaps to his throat. Step-tap-step. Step-tap-step. Pausing just outside the door of room 214. God, why didn't Newt turn the lights off? Why didn't he shut the door?
Newt reaches for the first vaguely weapon-shaped thing he can find—an empty fishbowl, because Newt's not going to sacrifice any of the fish for this—and, as the door swings open, hurls it with a cry.
The bowl clunks on the ground. Except it turns out Newt grabbed the wrong fish bowl, because (even though it doesn't shatter, thank God) water quickly begins to seep across the slate floor tiles towards Newt's serial killer, a pathetic little clownfish (Newt thinks this one is named Albert, because the physics department is made up of nerds who do shit like name their random pet fish after their kind) flopping around in the puddle. Newt's serial killer, meanwhile, cries out similarly, his arms windmilling as he loses his footing and slips backwards, his cane—
Oh, fuck.
The intruder is not a serial killer. It's someone possibly worse, actually: Newt's mortal enemy, Hermann Gottlieb.
Newt's not really sure at what point Hermann became his mortal enemy and not just some guy I have class with that I hate, but he can pretty easily say that they've hated each other since the moment Hermann walked through the doors of Engineering 101 and was deigned Newt's lab partner by the Alphabetized By Last Name Seating Chart god. Something about Hermann just gets under Newt's skin. It's not his prissy English accent, or his oversized sweaters, or his absolutely horrendous haircut, and it's not even that he takes every opportunity to savagely rip apart every single thing Newt says in class. Don't get Newt wrong, that's all super fucking annoying, but it's annoying levels he can deal with.
It's the stuff they have in common that makes Newt hate him. It's like Hermann's a slightly broodier and more angular mirror that reflects all of Newt's most egregious faults—his arrogance, his stubbornness, his social awkwardness, his desperation to be taken seriously—right back at him. It sucks.
Plus, one time Newt caught Hermann ripping down the flyer he put up on the quad for Anime Club to advertise his stupid chess club instead, and he's never managed to forgive him for that.
Newt may hate Hermann, but he's not about to let him land on his ass in a puddle of fishy water (especially not on a freezing November night) just because the subsequent bitching would be unbearable, and, yeah, it would be supremely shitty of Newt, so he leaps forward just in time to catch Hermann and his cane before he hits the ground. He's so impressed with himself with his amazing catch that it takes him a few seconds to realize that Hermann is shouting and probably has been shouting since he slipped.
"—bloody maniac! What on earth are you doing in here? How are you in here? Did you just assault me? I'm going to phone campus police, you wretched—"
"Hold that thought," Newt says.
He rights Hermann and snags the mesh net and rescues poor Al before it's too late, dropping him back into the big tank with the rest of his friends. Newt can't be sure, but he thinks Al blows a bubble in thanks at him. Maybe he needs to make friends outside fish.
Hermann is still yelling at him.
"I am going to tell the head of the department you're—you're skulking about in here after hours!" he declares. "You're a menace. Pay attention to what I'm saying to you, Newton!"
Newt sighs and turns around. Hermann's turned an interesting shade of red—sort of like an over-boiled lobster, or if he fell asleep in the sun for too long. Newt wonders if it's from embarrassment (almost falling on his ass) or anger (almost being knocked on his ass). Probably anger. "Look, dude, I'm sorry," Newt says. His face twists like he ate a lemon, and he hopes Hermann doesn't notice. Newt hates apologizing to Hermann. "It's my job to clean the tanks every weekend. You scared the shit out of me and I freaked out—it's just that, like, no one ever comes by this late. Ever." He decides not to mention the serial killer thing. Hermann might make fun of him for being jumpy or paranoid or something.
Hermann's scowl doesn't lessen, but he does nod. Plus, he stops shouting. That's as much as Newt's gonna get of forgiveness. "Hmph," Hermann says. "You clean the tanks?"
"Every weekend," Newt repeats. He realizes he got some fish tank slime on Hermann's button-up when he caught him. Oops. Hopefully Hermann won't notice until Newt's in the safety of his dorm. "Gotta pay for my textbooks somehow." Then he frowns. "Wait, so what are you doing here? I didn't know you had access to the building this late."
Maybe Hermann is the kitchenette-cleaning guy after all. But, to his surprise, Hermann sniffs and casts his eyes to his dorky Oxford shoes. "Er," he says. "It's just—I was having trouble working out a solution to a problem, and thought a walk might do me good. Chilly nights like this one always do. And I quite like this building at night—it's calm, and much quieter than my dormitory." He fidgets. "And—well—only don't say anything to anyone, but I rewrote the permissions of my ID card so I could come and go wherever I please ages ago."
"You rewrote the permissions?" Newt says. "What the hell, wouldn't you have to hack into the security system or something to do that?"
"Well, obviously," Hermann says.
Despite himself, and despite Hermann being his Mortal Enemy, Newt is genuinely impressed. "Dude," he says. "That is so badass." Since when has Hermann been a badass?
Hermann's eyebrows jump, and he blinks at Newt behind his dorky librarian glasses. What twenty-one-year-old wears librarian glasses? With a chain? "You think so?" he says.
"Uh, totally," Newt says. "What problem were you stuck on? The one from Saturday?"
Being lab partners for engineering means Newt and Hermann have to collaborate on pretty much everything, including their midterms. Their midterm is what they've been working on for the past two weeks. On Saturday, though, they met in neutral ground to work on it (a reserved study room in the library), and, after a stupid and massive argument that had the librarians hoisting them out by their shirt collars and threatening to ban them for life, Hermann called Newt an idiot and stomped off into the night. Newt still hasn't gotten around to giving the problem another shot. Whatever, they have another week before the dumb thing is due. Plenty of time. Hermann nods. "Yes," he says. "Er—that one."
Newt glances at the clock ticking away on the wall. Quarter after eleven. Hermann's delayed him a whole fifteen minutes. Technically, he reminds himself, he doesn't actually have to have the tanks scrubbed by Friday night—he has the whole weekend to get it done. Also, he kind of feels like he owes Hermann for attacking him the way he did. Accidentally attacking. "Listen, Hermann," he says, feeling totally insane for what he's about to suggest. But he kind of wants to know more about Hermann The Badass. "What if we went back to my place and worked on it together? I'll buy us pizza, and I have, like, a bunch of energy drinks." The pizza place nearest campus is open until three in the morning, almost definitely because they get all of their business from sleep-deprived undergrads. Plus, they have midnight specials where you get free breadsticks with every pizza. Newt could go for some breadsticks. "It might be...fun," he adds.
Fun? With Hermann? Hermann will think he hit his head or something.
But to his surprise, Hermann doesn't hesitate even a second before saying "Alright, then."
"Oh," Newt says. He honestly thought Hermann would put up more of a struggle. "Cool!"
"But I might need to borrow a jumper," Hermann says. "If you'd be so...courteous, that is. I'm a bit chilly."
For some reason, the thought of Hermann (Newt's mortal enemy, but also a secret badass) curled up in one of Newt's baggy sweatshirts makes Newt feel all weird and warm all over. He swallows a few times, because his throat feels a little weird, too. Too tight. Like he just ate something he's allergic to. "No sweat," Newt says. "Let me just get these fish back in the, um, the tank. And—" He waves his slimy, gloved hands. "Take these off. And clean up that puddle. Gimme—um, gimme like, ten minutes?"
"Of course," Hermann says, and gives Newt a small, terse nod.
From Hermann, it's a smile. Newt almost slips on the puddle he's so blindsided by it. Stupid Hermann, making him feel all weird and clumsy.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hey Molly!!
I had to watch the finale of one of my favorite TV shows where they killed off the female lead right after she got together with the guy we’ve all been waiting for her to get together with - for 8 years.
It was depressing as heck! But you saved my depressed little heart with Anniversary so first off thank you so much for this awesomeness of an AU, I honestly can’t get enough of it!! ♥️
I read this interesting fic the other day and I was wondering if we could see something along these lines in the BSCU?
Forgive me if this sounds like super weird and feel free to ignore it but I’m a weirdo who likes a touch of angst mixed with the fluff ahhh
Kate gets appendicitis? Anthony is freaked out? Then fluff!
But again, sorry for such a weird ask! You don’t have to do it!!
As always thanks for being so amazing!
You’re truly the best ♥️
Hello! Hello! Hello!
Ugh! I hate when they ruin ships like that! Like thanks for wasting my time!!!
I'm so glad Anniversary made you feel better though!
Ooof Imagine Anthony going absolutely spare because his girlfriend just kind of doubled over and then went really clammy and like it's not because he said he wanted to marry her right?!
(Let's see if it is!)
Anthony couldn't quite put his finger on it, but Kate had been acting a little oddly this morning. They'd been laying in bed this morning, Anthony's arm cushioning Kate's head as she scrolled through social media. "Ugh! Fucking Hell!" Kate had groaned, rolling her eyes. Anthony had made a humming noise looking up from nuzzling at her collarbone. "A girl I went to school with just got married." She said a little scathingly. Anthony had felt his eyebrows raise, "And we hate that because?" His heart thrumming wildly, surely she wasn't upset because she wasn't-? "We hate that because she used to trip me in the hallway, and she also had guests sign their initials on a bird house. I would die." Kate said a little primly. Laughter bubbled in Anthony's chest, echoing through his bedroom. "I promise when we get married, there won't be a bird house in sight." He said unthinkingly. Kate stilled for a moment and then stood from his bed wincing slightly.
"I have to go to Mary's. I promised I'd help her with some stuff." She said quickly, making her way towards the bathroom, leaving Anthony in their bed wondering what on earth had happened.
He'd been making breakfast when she came downstairs, looking a little peaky as he slid the plate towards her, eggs and toast piled high. "Sorry, I'm gonna skip it. I'm feeling a little queasy, and I was just a little sick when I got changed." Anthony felt his brow furrow, anxiety bubbling in his stomach. "I better head off." "Are you sure you should go to Mary's?" concern colouring his voice, his hand reaching out for her forehead. "Anthony, I'm fine. It's probably just... my period starting or... not that I'll be fine." She said swatting his hand away. Kissing his cheek quickly "I'll be back later." "I love you." Anthony called out as she waved back at him.
Anthony spent all morning trying to busy himself around the house. Kate had left in such a rush, she hadn't even looked at her breakfast, had swatted his hands away and as pathetic as it was, he couldn't remember the last time she'd left the house without telling him he loved her. God, had his stupid comment about getting married made her panic? He wanted to marry her, he was certain and they lived together but maybe they weren't at the stage in their relationship where you could casually mention a wedding that hadn't technically been proposed yet. No, he was being ridiculous, he told himself, She'd said she was feeling unwell, she'd been sick, she was feeling queasy this... morning. Oh god. Kate was pregnant. Something fluttered in his stomach at the thought. Would it really be so terrible if she was? They were committed and he was sure that-
His descent into madness was stopped by his phone ringing Edwina Sheffield (Kate from Work's sister) flashing on the screen a smile coming to his face at the joke. "Hey Anthony," Edwina said quickly, continuing before Anthony greet her. "Um I'm going to need you not to panic but Mum and I are just driving Kate to A&E." Anthony's heart stopped he could hear Kate's voice in the background "For fuck's sake Eddie don't tell him like that!" A scuffle for the phone as Anthony fought for breath, panic welling up inside him. "Honey, please don't panic." Kate's voice winced, Anthony's panic abated only very slightly. "Don't panic?! Kate what happened?!" He choked out. "Please don't be mad, but I think I have appendicitis? Can you just come to the hospital?" Anthony was out the door before she could even tell him where.
He burst through the accident and emergency doors startling the desk nurse. "Um Hi," He said his voice high, his breath wrenching from his chest. "My ah.. my wife's mum brought her in a short while ago? Kate Sheffield?!" "Anthony?" Edwina's voice called out from behind the desk, gesturing him through. Anthony shot an apologetic look at the bemused nurse as he skirted around the desk following after Edwina. "So Kate's your wife huh?" Edwina said smirking, nudging his shoulder with her own. Anthony's eyes bulged as he realised what he'd said, floundering a little. 'Shut up, Eddie. Anyway, she might be dying. Hardly the moment for a romantic proposal." He quipped, his stomach rolling. Edwina fixed him with shrewd stare. "Is there going to be a romantic proposal?"
Anthony shrugged, unable to trust the words that would come out of his mouth for a moment. "Probably." Edwina smiled brightly. "Kate's fine by the way. She's being prepped for surgery which means she's a little...high honestly. She's high as a kite." Edwina said pulling back the curtain with a flourish to reveal Mary attempting to wrestle Kate back into bed. "I'm fine Mary promise I just wanna go home to Anthony and our dog!" Kate was saying her voice a little high. Mary sighed. "Katie, when the morphine wears off I think you'll feel differently." "Anthony!" Kate yelled suddenly realising he'd arrived. And Anthony felt himself relax just a little though worry still swirled in his stomach, he didn't have time to worry about himself.
"Katie, can you get back in bed for me?" He said softly, coaxing her back under the covers. "Mary Anthony came! I love Anthony!" Kate sing-songed happily taking his hand. Mary smiled gently. "I know Katie." "Anthony! They're gonna take out my appendix!" Kate said brightly, as though it was the best news she'd ever heard. Anthony chuckled as he ran his hands through her hair. "Do you wanna know a secret?" Kate said in what Anthony was sure was supposed to be a whisper. He nodded suddenly afraid of what she'd say as he sister watched on with amusement. "It's a really good one." She sing songed again. "Before the pain started, I thought I was pregnant!" Anthony's heart stopped as Mary let out an odd squeak Edwina a loud cackle.
"And like I wasn't even mad about it because I wanna have a baby with you! It would be so cute! It might have curly hair, and maybe your nose and your angry little eyebrows!" Kate said happily her finger running over his brows forcing them to frown as she chuckled. "Mary Don't you think my baby with Anthony would be so CUTE?!" "Okay! We're ready for you now!" A Nurse said making to wheel the bed away. "Just maybe think about it!" Kate said happily. "Kate I would love to have this conversation when you aren't high." Anthony said kissing her forehead lightly, his heart pounding as his girlfriend was wheeled down the ward yelling out "I'm not high thank you!"
"Please tell me I didn't say anything too terrible." Kate winced when she woke up, looking ruefully at her jelly as Anthony fussed around her. "Mmmm you just told Mary and Edwina how badly you want to have a baby with me." Anthony chuckled fluffing her pillows. Kate froze, her spoon halfway to her mouth. "You're fucking kidding." "Oh but I'm not. You want it to have my and I quote Angry Eyebrows." Anthony laughed settling himself on the bed beside her. Kate huffed, her eyes darting to him furtively, clearly gauging his reaction. "Well I'm not... opposed to the idea." Anthony's stomach dropped again. He cleared his throat. "Me either." He saw Kate's shoulders relax a smile threatening to burst onto her face. "I might let you recover from this surgery first though." "Oh my god, such a gentleman. Catch me I'm swooning."
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carlosxhook · 4 years
The Law Of Total Madness ~ H.H
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Pairing: Harry Hook x Reader (yes I wrote Got7 into this sue me) + (please don’t I’m broke 🤦‍♀️)
Y/N’s P.O.V
Being Chad Charming’s twin sister was an interesting occurrence, Ben being your best friend for your whole life and growing up around Chad expectation of the perfect sister was exhausting this was where you found your love for singing and dancing thanks to Ben. He also introduced you to your other best friend prince Yugyeom originally from Jypnation and 6 other his friends who made music together the 8 of you were always glued together, you stuck together and turns out it was good for you to get away from Chad he may of been your brother and yes you loved him but god was he unbearable! Even better the 8 of you talk in korean to confuse anyone trying to ease drop Princess love to be some nosey bitches, you were a hip hop dancing, princess role breaking rebellious free soul and Chad HATED that. Perhaps the icing on the cake was that you were secretly dating a Scottish pirate, the only son of Captain Hook, the love of your life Harry Hook. It happened when you and Ben were kidnapped with Ben after convincing him you should go with him for “protection” when really you just wanted to wag chemistry class they kept you and Ben seperate and you and Harry ended up in a long make out session about 15 minutes before the most epic battle you’d ever witnessed, Ben announced that after 6 months since Dizzy, The Twins and Celia came to auradon that 3 more vks would be coming over! Hoping it would be Harry, Uma and Gil you talked to Gil while ‘kidnapped’ you two were close it was nice he seemed genuinely like a good guy, it was nice that he’s loyal to his crew and today was the day they were to arrive. Ben, Chad, Mal, Carlos, Jay, Evie, Doug and I were all gathered around waiting for them to show them around and such, the limo pulls up and all three vks get out my chest gets tight thinking about seeing him again yeah we starting “being a thing” very quickly but I liked him a lot I knew that much “Welcome to Auradon” Ben smiles “Try not to break anything” Chad snarls and I smack him over the head earning a deep chuckle from Harry as he smirks at me “it’s very colourful here” Gil smiles he’s too pure omg “well I would love too stay and help but I promised NaNa I’d be at practice 10 minutes ago, it was lovely too see you all again.” I wave before running off towards the school dance hall and quickly issuing magic to get changed into a red crop top and some high waisted black shorts with black converse, damn I was too cute for my own good sometimes, poor Chad never got any magic my parents had me enchanted when I was little so I could protect myself.
Harry’s P.O.V
“I apologise for Princess Y/N’s departure she’s preparing for a very important event and competition as a representative for Auradon, if any of you need her she’s typically in the dance hall!” Ben hints looking towards me it’s not like her and I were seriously anyways, yeah I liked her, a lot but I’d barely say I thought about her. That’s a lie everyday that stupidly gorgeous girl plagued my mind and she just runs off before I can have her in my arms again, how selfish? Does she even still care about me, about us, we had a connection fuck I knew feelings and l..l...lov that l word made you weak, how pathetic I thought I had a happily ever after.
We go through the entire of auadorn and finally reach the Dance Hall we hear loud music coming from within and I peek in seeing Y/N practicing “let’s watch!” Ben opens the door and we stand at the back my eyes fixated on the gorgeous girl dancing her heart out, “she’s gonna win” Chad laughs at Gils proud statement “please who does she think she is this isn’t the isle she should be in a castle or locked in a tower” Chad snorts “I’m sorry say that again Princey” I growl “cool it” I hear Uma whisper “you wanna get found out huh” she follows. “He’s an ass” I mutter focusing back on the events in front of me Y/N walking towards us with a big smile “what did you think?” She asks as her sparkling eyes meet mine before Chad can even open his mouth I reply “Ye did very good indeed” winking at the now blushing princess “anyways” she chirps “we need 3 more female dancers to back up Yugyeom and I’s duo for the competition, because as much as I’d love too see Jackson, Mark and BamBam in skirts with wigs and heels... I don’t wanna frighten the audience” she giggles looking behind her at the 7 boys now making their way over once they reach us the throw Y/N a questioning look before speaking in what I can only assume in another fucking language.
Y/N’s P.O.V
I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss Harry I did and as much as I wanted to run into his arms and breathe in his scent and glory I know I can’t, I lean over to Uma to get closer to Harry “Hey Uma, I don’t know if ben told you but we are sharing a room, I’m barely ever in my dorm so don’t worry I won’t bother you!” I smile and she just scoffs she’s not the biggest fan of me I mean she did kidnap Ben and I after all, I couldn’t blame her though the Isle was shocking I would wanna get out too I am kinda thankful cause of it I found Harry. That was if he still even liked me, I heard from Mal he’s a player and no good that he flirted with anything that moved I mean one of the old exchange students Nana did that too, and he was harmless I was just hoping Harry’s flirting was too.
“Yugyeom, can we finish I wanna show em to the dorms?” I smile to the fluffy haired boy sweat dripping down his white shirt making it slightly see through “only this once ya, usually I’m the one to try cut practice shorty” he laughs “sweet, don’t forget we go all day tomorrow with the boys!” I point to our 6 other friends and wave shooting them a wink before turning around seeing everyone but the pirates had left “well I’ll shall show you to your rooms I guess” I lead the way to the dorms it’s a bit awkward and the silence burns.
“So Y/N” Gil cuts the air “what’s this competition?” He smiles coming and placing an arm around me I hear Harry growl but I just let Gil rest his arm on me “well it’s a multi-kingdom performance competition, we must sing and dance and the winner’s kingdom hosts a massive party and a heap of important musical performers come for all necks of the woods too play and come watch!” I smile getting excited just thinking about it “Yugyeom and I have a duo, I have a solo and so does he, then a boy group performance and then a girl group performance if we win 3/5 of the categories Auradon will host its first ever K fest, it’ll be amazing!” I stop abruptly “our duo performance is gonna be the best we’ve ever done, and we’ve done a lot” I chuckle “anyways this is the boys dorm 701 Gil and Harry are here and then just down the all at 690 is where Uma will be if y’all need her. Your belongings will be inside for you if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask” I turn around and walk to my room Uma in tow “so Y/N, been a while huh?” She laughs “indeed it has, how’re you feeling about all this?” I ask pointing around “it’s where I’ve always wanted to get my crew, I got Gil and Harry here, now I need to work on the rest” I see a glint of sadness in her eyes “I’m only really here because I care about those boys and they don’t deserve to rot on an island, yeah they’re dicks and trouble but they’re loyal to me so I am loyal to them, they fight for me so I fight for them. Always!” I was shocked Uma was really caring I didn’t expect this side of her “I’m only telling you this because I know you and Harry are a thing” she pays my back “wait we still are?” I ask hopeful “yeah, the moment he gets you alone he’ll be all over you like a hungry wolf, watch ya back” she laughs I take a deep breath “thank you Uma I wasn’t sure he even still knew me” I lay on my bed and my stomach grubmles “girl you’re so busy dancing you don’t eat” Uma scolds “come on” she grads my hand “were getting you some food!” Running out the door she takes me too the kitchen and starts making food “I used to have make chips all the time at the shop, so hopefully Auradon sir makes them taste better than the grubby isle ones” she scoffs “Uma, can I ask something?” I nervously fiddle “sure princess what’s up?” She says cutting up potatos “Did Harry’s father ever abuse him?” She seems taken aback “it’s just I remember telling Harry I’d stay behind he just had to pretend he had me at sword point, and he said he’d never even pretend to do such a thing because he wasn’t his father.” I wipe a few tears I was confused was Harry harmful “Harry gets his father’s temper or therefore lack of, he had outbursts, I’m sure he’ll still have them, yes to put it shortly his father before he was in the crew would often abuse him. But it wasn’t uncommon, not in the isle love is a weakness.” “Then am I weak for loving him no matter what Uma” why was I even opening up to her “no because I think you could be good for him, just don’t turn him” she jokes “or I’ll use this” she holds her shell out “yes captain!” We laugh. “Maybe finally having a roommate won’t be so bad aye” I smile as she cooks Uma might actually be a really great friend and she knows more about Harry than anyone else maybe Hook and I could work.
*The Next Day*
“Those boys I swear are always late” I mutter to no one in particular “now what’s a gorgeous girl like you doing standing ‘ere all alone?” My heart jumps hearing his voice again “Hi Harry” I turn around smiling “ye know isle got boring without a princess to kiss” she smirks “is that so, awe Harry did you miss me” I joke about he moves closer “believe me or not love, I actually did. Let’s say you left a bit of a mark on me so to speak” I giggle “now come here babe” I pull him in for a long and heated kiss “Lovely doing business with ye princess” he smirks spinning around and walking out. What the actual fuck was that, what is he playing at I’m not just some toy, I turn on the music and start dancing to Bonnie & Clyde by Dean nothing can distract me not even Harry.
Harry’s P.O.V
I fucked it up I panicked and played fuck boy player again the confident fascade is what I’m know by I must keep it up, show no emotion, no weakness. Sorry princess. It’s just how I am.
I walk to uma’s room and knock on the door “yeah what” I hear her shout “it’s me” and like that the door flies open “Where’s Gil?” She questions “running round with Jay apparently they’re besties or whatever I’m just letting the dog loose” I plop myself down on the princess’ bed “geez Auradon beds are comfy” I sigh “I don’t think your little girlfriend would appreciate your smelly leather and metal scent over her sheets” Uma jokes “not me girlfriend” I point out “I’d watch it if I were you then, she gushed on about that Yugyeom boy for a very long time, of she ain’t yours surely she’ll be his I mean they’re never not together.” As if on cue in walks Y/N “Hey Uma did you see where I put my tablets, the ones with the orange jar, I’ve got a massive headache.” She rubs her head still unaware I’m laying on her bed “yeah left hand side of the bathroom counter top” she smiles did I miss something what are they all of a sudden so... friendly...
“Thank you so much oh and by the way I’ll be back late tonight so don’t wait up I’ll sneak in, Yugyeom and I have to rehearse til late cause Ben wants to come watch us and make sure it’s all good” I watch as she leaves then I close my eyes and drift off too sleep surprisingly.
“Harry wake up omg” I hear as I open my eyes too see Uma standing above me “what?” I ask rubbing me eyes then picking up me hook “get off of Y/N’s bed and wake up she’s gonna be here soon” she scoffs “surely she wouldn’t mind a handsome looking lad in her bed waiting for ‘er” I laugh.
Y/N’s P.O.V
“Ben I don’t really understand?” I question “you want us... to kiss?” I point between Yugyeom and I “yes the chemistry is there I’m telling you it’s the winning touch, the performance is so dynamic it just needs the big ending, it’ll leave everyone shocked, stunned and more importantly it shows how well you work together.” The king smiles “are you sure this is a good idea?” He’s gone crazy completely mad oh this is not going to end well “let’s call it a day you two need to eat and back again tomorrow for more practice” Ben smiles holding the door open for us both, “he’s not serious right Y/N” Yugyeom whispers “I hope he’s not, but something tells me he is, it’s fine gyu we are the best this is nothing!” I smile placing a hand on his shoulder “what about that boy?” He asks in a small voice “we aren’t dating he made that very clear, who cares this is our dream we are so close!” I smile side hugging him and briefly laying my head on his “fighting!!” I smile before grabbing his hand and walking to my dorm he always walks me to the door of my room when we practice late “Thanks Yugyeom!” I smile “let’s work hard tomorrow!” I hug him really tightly saying goodbye and open the door to find Uma working on something and Harry asleep on my bed “I don’t remember ordering a strange man in my bed, Uma I think this ones for you.” I point to the pirate passed out on my bed “he’s been like that for hours, I don’t think he’s sleeping at night” Uma shrugs “I’ll be back I have to go try round up Gil watch the scot” I laugh before going to change clothes in the bathroom I walk out no more than 10 minutes later and he’s still there snoring away. “Harry I told you if you were struggling to come find me” I play with his hair and carefully remove the hook placing it right next to my bed I grab the spare blanket from the cupboard and put it over him and when I go to walk away I hear “Please, just stay with me love” he says almost way too soft “I’ll explain later just please” I notice he’s shaking must be nightmares or ptsd “it’s okay Harry I’m right here, I’m always gonna be okay” I smile placing a soft kiss on his forehead and jumping into the free slither of bed he’s left much for my surprise he moves and pulls me close with his arm around my stomach before I know it I’m fast asleep.
Harry’s P.O.V
I woke up and there she was in my arms and it felt right, it felt like nothing could ruin this moment until once again I panicked I’m not used to feeling this I grab my hook and leave her all alone, pangs if guilt hit me but I ignore them I’m a pirate the best one I don’t need feelings they make you weak and I will never be weak. I will make my father proud he will call me his son and I’ll finally have a family, I don’t need some stupid princess to distract me.
Y/N’s P.O.V
I woke up alone in my bed with nothing left but the memory and slight scent of metal and the ocean, or was it leather? Doesn’t matter now he used me again and I let him, I need to watch myself no distractions that would discredit all of Yugyeom and I’d hard work I’m letting Harry ruin this for me. That being said another day another practice T-minus 1 week until we gotta rock this competition he’s obviously gotta work himself else I ain’t here for his amusement ugh, today there’s a big school meeting where we perform some songs as a taster for the school and our sister school (team) Ateez High are sending over their recruits to perform, I can’t wait we have had these prepared forever so we got this in the bag.
{Might do a series on this one, kinda proud my first imagine for Harry Hook x Y/N reader I had to add something kpop okay just bear with me! Got a few requests so I’ll be getting right into them⚡️🤍}
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“I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile like that in ages.”
The first time Reki hears this specific phrase is at one of Miya’s legal skate matches. He and Langa had to sneak out of school to go see it, but they’d promised Miya and, honestly, school is boring anyway. It had felt like a spy movie trying to sneak off of school grounds. One short train ride later finds them in the stands of an indoor arena, waiting patiently for Miya’s race to begin, chatting idly. 
“So these jumps in snowboarding, are they-” 
“See, I told you we were late!” A familiar voice cuts Reki off, and he turns his head in the direction he’d heard it, gasping when he sees two of the last people he’d expected to see at a middle school skateboard race. 
“We aren’t late, look at the board dimwit! Chinen is next,” 
“We should’ve been here for the first race, it’s only polite! Miya probably thinks we didn’t come now.” 
“Well whose fault is it that the server you scheduled to come in for the time you’d be gone didn’t show?” 
“Not mine!” 
“Oh rea-” 
“Uh, Joe...Cherry...people’re looking.” 
Joe and Cherry seem to finally remember they’re in public at Reki’s quiet whisper, and they pause their search for an open seat in the bleachers. “Ah. Reki. Langa.” 
“What a coincidence.” Joe says, his cheeks dusted a light pink. He slips into the spot next to Reki. “Might as well sit here, eh, Kaoru?” 
Cherry grumbles, sitting delicately next to Joe, arms crossed over his chest. “I suppose. Aren’t you boys supposed to be in school right now?” 
“Half day,” Langa and Reki reply immediately, like they’d rehearsed. They both know that Joe and Cherry, of all people, know better; they also know neither of them could care less.  
“Sure, sure. Hey look- Miya’s match is starting.” They turn to look at the arena once more when Joe points, and he’s right; Miya is lining up at the start with two other boys his age. The timer counts down and the race begins. 
Watching Miya skate outside of S is interesting. Maybe it’s because there’s no sudden turns or extreme jumps, but he just seems so...bored. He easily overtakes the two boys and laps them once before he slows down, seemingly to allow the other boys to catch up so the race doesn’t end too quickly. Reki is amazed by some of the tricks he’s able to pull off, but he’s always impressed by Miya’s ability. By time the final lap comes around, Miya looks resigned to once again being the clear winner, and he looks resolutely to the stands only to catch sight of the strange quartet that is his friend group. 
A bright smile slips onto Miya’s face, and he looks like he forgets he’s skating a minute because one of the other boys passes him, and that finally snaps him out of it. He speeds up and is just barely able to pass the other boy before he meets the finish line. The arena is full of cheers, but Reki and Langa holler loud enough they hear their voices echoing even as the cheers die down. The next race is beginning, but the race they came to see is over and so they hop up and make their way down to the hallway just outside the main part of the arena to wait for Miya. As they wait, they see an older looking couple waiting by the doors as well. Reki doesn’t mean to evesdrop, really, but he can’t really help it- they're not even two meters away. 
“I’m glad we made it just in time. I feel horrible we have to leave so quickly after the race, though.” 
“Oh, he understands, dear. At least we’re always here for what counts.” 
“I wonder if he looks for us in the stands, before each match. Lord knows he doesn’t have the time to look while he’s skating. What if he doesn’t even know we’re here until he comes out?” 
“You worry too much. Didn’t you see him earlier? I don’t think I’ve seen our Miya smile like that in ages! He definitely saw us.” 
Those are Miya’s parents? 
Just then, Miya comes out and immediately locks eyes with Reki. He grins, running up to the group, and is immediately met with pats on the back from Reki and a noogie from Joe, Cherry and Langa choosing to more politely congratulate him for his win. Reki watches Miya’s parents as their faces morph into shock, and he feels bad kind of. Miya’s father’s phone rings before they can call Miya’s name, and they’re rushing down the hall before Reki can tell Miya they’re waiting for him. 
The second time Reki hears it, he’s at Langa’s place. They’d gone back to Langa’s after school because it was quieter, and they needed to actually do homework because they were both kind of sucking in Japanese lit; they blame it on skipping class to see Miya’s match, even though they were both doing bad before.
Sure, going to S later was also a benefit of hangingout after school, but it was mostly studying. 
Langa’s mother, at some point, had come home from work and started on dinner but she was so quiet that neither of them had heard her over the low music they were playing while they did (or, more realistically, attempted) their work. She was so quiet, in fact, that she genuinely scares Reki when she knocks and enters Langa’s bedroom- he isn’t able to hide the shriek that slips from his mouth, nor can he hide the fact that he’s so scared he falls straight off of Langa’s bed and onto the floor. There’s a moment of shocked silence before Langa bursts out laughing, falling onto his back on the bed as he hides his face behind his textbook. Reki’s cheeks burn, and he takes the first thing he can find from Langa’s floor, an abandoned house slipper, and throws it at his friend. He misses and the slipper falls pathetically between the mattress and the wall. 
“Hey! It’s not funny!” Reki whines. “Mrs. Hasegawa, I’m sorry, but you scared the crap outta me! We didn’t hear you come in!” 
Mrs. Hasegawa isn’t laughing at him, but she does have a smile on her face as she replies, “Sorry Reki-kun! I’m glad you two weren’t doing anything I didn’t want to see, if you didn’t hear me then. I just wanted to let you boys know dinner’s ready. I assume you’re staying?” 
Reki decidedly ignores the flush that climbs up his neck and ears at the suggestive comment. “Y- Yes please, Mrs. Hasegawa. Thank you.” 
“Just come out whenever you’re ready, boys.” Mrs. Hasegawa smiles once more as she ducks out of Langa’s bedroom, and Reki turns to Langa who’s calmed down slightly, but still allows chuckles to shake his shoulders. 
“You’re the worst.” 
“I’m sorry, I just didn’t expect that reaction. You’re really easy to scare, aren’t you?” Langa asks, still laughing. Reki rolls his eyes. 
“Whatever. I’m hungry, are we gonna eat or not?” 
“I’m almost done with this section, and I want to write what I have before I forget. You can go sit with my mom, I’ll be out in five minutes tops.” 
“As long as I’m allowed to start eating without you, otherwise I’ll just sit and wait.” 
“Go and eat while it’s warm, but I can’t tell you it’ll be good. Dad was always the cook.” Langa says, not looking up from his notebook, and Reki nods as he climbs off the floor. 
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” He calls over his shoulder, making his way to the door. It feels nice that Langa is slowly relaxing around him enough to talk about his dad, even if it’s just in offhanded comments like that. He’s never lost someone, himself, but he’s sure it’s hard to do. 
Mrs. Hasegawa is setting up three plates at the small kitchen table when Reki enters the main part of the apartment, and she smiles at him. 
“I know you two usually eat in Langa’s room when you’re over, but this is a little messy so I’d rather you eat in the kitchen. Sorry the table’s so small...” 
“Oh, it’s no problem, I don’t mind! I usually eat at the table with my family, so it’s not too different to me, really.” Reki rubs at the back of his neck, smiling shyly at Langa’s mother. They haven’t really interacted much, and he’s always felt kinda awkward meeting friends’ parents. But it’s alright. Langa’s mom is cool. She lets her kid sneak out well past midnight and doesn’t ask about it, and always sends Langa to school with cool snacks in his bag. “So, uh-  what’s for dinner, Mrs. Hasegawa?” 
“Nanako’s fine,” She says, smiling, and Reki returns it. “It’s probably underwhelming, Langa still prefers american food over anything, so it’s just alfredo. It’s kinda hard to find here, but I should’ve figured that, haha!” 
“Oh, I had that at Jo- at a friend’s place once! Langa said we could start eating, by the way, he’s just finishing a section on our homework.” 
“Hopefully not copying off of you,” Nanako says, and Reki can’t tell if she’s joking or not. She laughs, and Reki laughs along as they sit down, her on one of the wooden chairs and Reki on the fold-out chair Nanako pulled out for him. She sighs as she scoops some of the pasta on the three plates evenly, handing Reki a fork. “I never did say thank you for becoming friends with him. So, thank you, Reki.” 
Reki blushes and he sputters, looking at her. “Wh- What?” 
“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Langa happy. Since Oliver, he’s been...well, he hasn’t been himself. There were a few months where I wasn’t, either, before I realized I needed to take care of the both of us." Nanako says, her eyes sad as she looks at the pictureof Oliver they keep near the table. She turns back toReki. "And what happened, just now, I- Reki, I haven’t seen Langa smile like that in ages. Probably even before his dad died. So- thank you. You’re so important to him, and I thank the heavens every day for the change you brought to his life.” 
And then there’s tears in Nanako’s eyes, and Reki can’t breathe, and he searches for something to say but he can’t come up with anything, and he’s about to just up and hug her when a hand falls on Reki’s shoulder. 
“Did you make my mom cry for scaring you, Reki?” 
“Sh- Shut up, bro, I did not!” 
The third, and most unexpected, time Reki hears that specific phrase is actually at S. or, contextually, in Joe’s restaurant after S. The high of his near-win against Adam is beginning to wear off, and so while he waits for Langa to come back from dropping Miya off at home with the dope sketch bike he allows himself to lay his head on the table and close his eyes. His back and upper arms where he’d been dragged against the cliff are beginning to ache, and he’s sure he’s all scraped up, and he thanks the gods that the adrenaline at least carried him out of Crazy Rock and through a very carb-heavy late night snack. 
Joe is a bit tipsy, stumbling around as he works to clean up the mess they’d made; he’d been making conversation with Cherry through the open door of the kitchen, but Cherry’s responses had slowly begun to slow and slur until they just finally stopped, the pain killers he’s on knocking him out, leaving Reki and Cherry in similar positions next to one another at the table. Reki feels at peace with the gentle sound of Joe washing dishes and occasionally cursing when he drops one too hard in the sink. So at peace that he actually does drift off, until he feels a hand petting his head gently, and Langa’s voice returns to his ears. 
“..t home okay?” 
“Yeah. I stayed and made sure he made it through his window alright.” 
“Ah, I remember when Kaoru and I had to sneak out,” Joe sighs fondly. Reki keeps his eyes closed, suddenly exhausted. It doesn’t seem like they’re leaving just yet; Langa will shake him awake when it’s time. “It’s been a while since we’ve had to do that, though. Sometimes I wish we could go back to those days.” 
“Do you?” Reki can practically hear the way Langa cocks his head as he asks his question. 
“I mean, I wouldn’t want to be seventeen or making the same mistakes we did back then, but I do kind of miss the excitement that comes with sneaking out. Trying not to wake the parents, hiding the scrapes and bruises we got the night before.” 
“Yeah, I’m not sure how Reki manages to lie to his mom about half of the injuries he gets,” Langa says, huffing out a laugh. Reki hides his face in his arm, smiling. It’s a bitch lying his way out of things sometimes. “Luckily most of his injuries from tonight are under his shirt, but still...” 
Joe whistles. “Yeah, that looked like it’s gonna hurt later. You’ll make sure he cleans everything up when you get him home, and maybe do a concussion check before you let him go to sleep.” 
“Of course.” 
“Good, good...” Joe says, and then there’s a few seconds of silence before he lets out a sigh. “...God, that was a great fuckin’ race, though.” 
Langa chuckles. “Yeah.” 
“The kid scared me a bit, but that call with the wheels was a good one. Never in my years skating at S would I have thought to check the weather before a beef.” 
“Reki’s so smart. He knows so much about skating, and whenever I ask he somehow finds a new thing to tell me about. He’s amazing.” 
Reki fights the urge to groan, his face wrinkling against his sleeve. He wants to deny it, to whine and push Langa’s hand away in faux annoyance, but he just continues to pretend to sleep. 
“Reki’s a good kid. And he managed to humiliate Adam tonight, on top of almost winning against him, so I think that’s a win in itself.” Joe says, only sounding a little jealous that it wasn’t him that got to embarrass his childhood friend. “God, that was hilarious.” 
“It was.” There’s a smile in Langa’s voice, too. Reki smiles. He’d spent so long worrying that Langa would prefer Adam over him for nothing. 
“He fell off his board- ha, the asshole was covered in mud! Did you see him?” Reki peers his eyes open and sees Joe, his face flushed from alcohol, his hair pushed back with a headband, grinning up at the ceiling. “Ka- Kaoru, you should’ve seen him- I haven’t- I haven’t...I haven’t seen him smile like that in ages. Adam fucked him up, when we were younger, y’know...” 
Joe trails off, before he looks down and sees Reki’s now open eyes. He smiles. 
“Hey, speedster. How ya doin’?” 
Reki lifts his head and yawns, Langa’s hand falling from his hair. “’m fine, thanks Joe. Talkin’ about the race?” 
“Yeah. You did great out there, kid. Now you two should get home and rest; I’m gonna finish cleaning up and do the same. Get Kaoru back to his place.” 
Reki, still half-asleep, nods and allows Langa to herd him out the door. There’s a deep ache in his back and arms, a headache throbbing in his temples, but he can’t find it in himself to care. He settles in behind Langa and leans his heavy head against his friend’s shoulder. 
"Hey Langa?"
"...thanks for sticking around. I've got some cool friends."
There's a pause as Langa turns to look over at his shoulder at Reki. There's a crooked smile on his face and his eyebrows are raised. "I'm glad to have you as a friend too Reki. What brought that on?"
"Nothing. Just wanted to tell ya."
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imagine-that · 4 years
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Warnings: fluff, mild swearing, Peter Parker being more lovable and adorable than humanly possible
Pairing: Peter Parker x Rogers!Reader
AN: hey look, it’s Peter Parker word vomit round two!! I love most of this but Idk what I was thinking with that ending 😬🤦‍♀️ maybe you guys’ll like it though?? I guess I’ll have to wait and see. Also can you tell I’ve fallen in love with Peter? Because I definitely have.
With a deep breath you take one last punch at the bag in front of you, watching calmly as it goes flying across the gym.
“Woah!” A voice from behind you says, causing you to spin around.
“S-sorry! It’s just... that was.... that was so cool.” The boy says sheepishly.
“Yeah superhuman serum can usually make a person capable of stuff that others deem cool.” You say, unfazed by the look of pure amazement.
“Yeah that’s um... that’s true.” He stutters, his face going a bright red.
“Who are you exactly?” You ask bluntly, pulling off the mitts on your hands and grabbing your water bottle.
“Oh, I’m uh... I’m Peter. Interning for Mr Stark.” He explains nervously.
You squint at him, trying to figure out where you may recognize him from.
“He’s also Spider-Man.” Tony says as he passes by briskly.
“Mr Stark!” The boy groans, looking at him desperately. Tony merely shrugs as a response before being back on his way.
“Ok well I’m done here so I’ll be going.” You mutter, putting your fighting equipment back where you’d found it all. You grab the punching bag from the floor, hanging it back up with ease.
“I-I’m sorry? Is everything ok?” Peter asks, looking really confused.
You let out a sigh, finally looking over at him. “Look, you seem like an ok guy but the fact is, you’re one of the people who helped drive my dad out of the country so I’m not interested in making nice, alright?” You explain, walking around him towards the door.
“Don’t mind Capsicle junior, she’s/he’s/they’re hostile with everyone.” Tony says to Peter as he comes back into the room.
“Heard that.” You call over your shoulder.
“Not my fault it’s true.” Tony says with a shrug.
“Whatever tinman. If you talk to my dad anytime soon, can you just tell him how much a kid’s social life tanks when their parent is a wanted fugitive?” You ask as you pull one of your dads disguise caps over your hair.
You didn’t get to go on many missions and you never went undercover but you often used to take your dads hats when you were younger and he eventually just stopped protesting and let you take them as long as they were returned eventually. Now, it seemed they were all yours.
“If I talk to him, I’ll let him know.” He agrees.
“No, not if. When!” You correct.
You’d always been more optimistic than most but since your dad had fled the country, it’d become a rare sight which is why Tony was surprised at the statement.
“Alright, when.” He says with a small smile and you nod before making your way out the door, barely noticing the eyes on you the entire time.
As a car pulled up to the curb outside your school, you raised a brow at the driver before getting in.
“Nat? I thought you were on another mission off in the world somewhere?” You ask as you buckle your seatbelt.
“I was but then someone dragged me back so there was someone to keep you out of trouble.” She says with a smile.
“I’m guessing Tinman is that someone?” You ask and you groan as she nods.
“You know what happened the last time he was gone. He came back to find you completely drunk after some party.” She shrugs and you sigh, watching out the window wordlessly.
“The last time he was gone, he was going after my dad.” You point out.
“I know you miss Steve y/n. But you have to try to control your anger. No one wants you ending up in one of those cells like Wanda, Sam and everyone else.” She explains.
“At least then I wouldn’t have to listen to people call my dad a criminal.” You fire back.
“Oh forgot to mention but there’s a teenage boy in the backseat.” Nat says casually and you whip your head around to see Peter.
“Nat! You couldn’t have said something when I got in?” You grumble.
She gives you a small shrug. “Figured you would’ve noticed. You ought to train with me more, you’ll be more attentive to detail.” She says.
“Of course. Will do.” You mutter sarcastically, cursing a bit under your breath.
“Hi!” Peter says quickly, obviously very nervous.
“...hi.” You say hesitantly, peering over the headrest to see him and ignoring the little bit of butterflies you feel unexpectedly in seeing him in normal everyday clothing instead of his suit.
“I uh... I’m Peter.” He says awkwardly.
You roll your eyes a bit, a lighthearted smile on your face. “Yeah, I remember. We met like a month ago I think.” You remind him, obviously amused.
“Right...” he sighs, clearly cursing himself quietly.
You’d seen Peter around a few times actually, at Stark industries events and around the Tower and such. You’d basically avoided the boy at every possible interaction, not wanting to be anywhere near him. You’d gone as far as avoiding the gym completely for over a week, worried he might go through there to get to Tony’s lab.
The rest of the ride is spent in silence, you gaining the odd grin from Natasha when she sees you looking back at Peter in the mirror every now and then and you immediately avoiding the view afterwards.
It wasn’t as though you liked Peter. You couldn’t. It was a nearly impossible idea to even think of liking him. You didn’t know a single thing about him. You were still mad about everything that had gone on at the airport.
But you couldn’t say that he didn’t intrigue you. At least not without it being a flat out lie.
Once back to the tower, you quickly scramble out of the car, hiking your backpack over one shoulder as you rush into the building with your head down.
To your surprise, you hear the slapping of the bottom of shoes coming up behind you quickly.
“Sorry, I just... I- can we talk?” Peter asks, searching your eyes desperately for a way to read you or see at least a fragment of what you felt.
You could tell that’s what he was doing. It didn’t much affect you, having been trained to lie by Black Widow herself at a young age. You were quick to put up your defences at any sign of emotional situations which was why everyone resorted to calling you cold and distant. Especially since Steve was gone.
You nod, motioning wordlessly for him to go on.
“Well, I just uh... I just wanted to y’know, check on you. I um... I know our first meeting was a little... rough.” He explains and you sigh, relaxing your shoulders a bit to show a sign of less hostility.
“Look, I don’t hate you or anything if that’s what you’re worried about. I know being offered the opportunity to work with the great and mighty Tony Stark was probably too tempting to turn down.” You mutter sarcastically. “I’m just going through some stuff right now and you being the guy who basically almost got my dad caught isn’t helping matters.” You explain, running a tired hand through your y/h/c hair.
“Oh! That’s actually not what I meant. I can see why you’d not really like me right now.” He says with an awkward smile.
“So what are you talking about then?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Well, you’re a kid with superpowers for one. I can kind of relate to that.” He says with a laugh, making you smile a bit. “And your dad is captain America. That must be pretty cool.” He adds.
You laugh a bit, remembering bits and pieces of your moments with your dad. “Yeah... except when you get lectured for having detention by your dad in front of everyone at school.” You say playfully.
“Oh god, I forgot about that video.” Peter says, cracking up a bit.
“You don’t have a reason to hate it as much as me! I had to listen to it and then my dad lectured me about it when I got home. And so did aunt Nat, uncle Bucky and aunt Wanda.” You point out, your smile slightly faltering at the memories.
Peter is smiling but when he looks at you and notices the sad expression on your face, his smile falls even faster than yours had.
“Are... are you ok?” He asks hesitantly, head tilted in concern.
You sniffle a bit, annoyed at your sudden sign of weakness.
“I’m fine. I just... miss them.” You say with a shrug. You laugh awkwardly, wiping the tears from the corners of your eyes. “I’m a mess, don’t worry I know.” You add.
“You have a reason to be though.” Peter assures you nervously.
You laugh, a bitter and off sound leaving your mouth.
“That’s not what people at school think. You’d be surprised at how fast people will literally boo you during gym class when your dad pops up in a video to explain simple health or weight training or whatever. Or how quick they’ll be to shun you. They all think I’m hiding him, harbouring a fugitive.” You mutter, staring down at Peters shoes to distract yourself.
You shake your head a bit, trying to clear your thoughts.
“My dad is off risking his life and he still protected me from everything that happened so far. The absolute least I can do is to stop being pathetic and moping about it.” You mumble with a sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose tiredly.
Without warning, Peters open palm is against your back, moving in soothing circles over and over. To your own surprise, you don’t flinch away from the contact. You instead choose to embrace it, taking deep breaths to keep yourself calm.
“Thank you.” You murmur as you feel him pulling you into his chest a bit. You hesitate for a moment but ultimately decide it’s alright for you to let your head fall onto his chest, almost nuzzling it into his shirt.
You can feel him tense up in surprise, almost pulling away awkwardly.
Immediately, you straighten your posture from your previously slouched figure, back on high alert and embarrassed by your show of vulnerability.
“I’m sorry. Basket case, I warned you.” You say quickly, forcing a laugh as you point an index finger at yourself.
“Er... yeah...” He stutters with a tight lipped smile, causing you to nervously bite your lip.
“Excuse me.” You sigh, running off into the gym again, leaving Peter standing alone in the hall. Or so he thought.
“Well that was... strange...” Tony says, watching the space you’d just left with a perplexed look on his face.
Peter jumped a little bit, immediately standing with near perfect posture.
“Yeah- Yeah very strange mr stark.” He agrees.
Tony looks at him with a cocky grin.
“Kid, do you even know what makes that whole interaction strange?” He questions, leaning against the doorframe.
“Well no-“ Peter begins quickly and Tony holds up a hand to stop him before he gets the chance to yammer any longer.
“Well underoos, it’s incredibly strange because not once have I ever seen junior be in any way vulnerable with anyone before. At least no one outside of the Avengers.” He explains. “And the first time I see it, it’s with you, who she/he/they knows absolutely nothing about.” He adds when he notices the look of pure confusion on Peters face.
“Well it might just be because I was here. Or because I was being nice or...” Peter begins rambling, looking for any valid reasons you may have looked for comfort from him of all people.
Tony stops listening after a while and when Peter finally stops to breath, he puts a hand on his shoulder calmly.
“Kid, she/he/they is right in there. And she/he/they isn’t just nice to anyone for no reason.” He begins slowly as though talking to a child. “Go ask her/him/them yourself.” He says, giving Peter a gentle shove towards the doors to the gym.
Hesitantly, Peter pushes the door open and slips through, gulping a bit as he walks in to find you in the same place you were when the two of you had met.
As he notices you turning around at the sound of his entrance, his nerves take over and he finds himself using his webs to jump up onto the ceiling.
“Hello? Someone there?” You call out uncertainly as you survey your surroundings.
Your fists are up as you cautiously take steps forward, looking around for any source of the noise.
After another few seconds of silence, you figure you were just hearing things and go bag to throwing agressive punches at the bag in front of you.
The feeling of a pair of eyes on you throws you off a bit, suspicions creeping up your spine. You spin around in a circle like a dog chasing their tail, your senses on high alert as you try and shake the feeling.
As you turn with an irritated groan back to the bag, Peter finally decides to reveal himself, dropping down from the ceiling and landing poorly right behind you, causing you to swing around swiftly, socking him in the jaw with your gloved fist.
“Ow.” He moans, putting a hand over his aching jaw.
Your hands immediately go to cup your mouth in shock as you see who it was.
“Shit! Don’t sneak up on someone like that, what the hell?!” You cry out, looking at him with wide eyes.
“I- sorry!” He says, starting to mumble a bit.
You sigh, running a hand through your hair and groaning a bit.
“That was... sorry. That was fucking selfish of me.” You mutter. “Are you ok?” You ask, gently reaching over to examine his jaw.
“Fuck that’s gonna leave a mark. I’m sorry.” You say, trying to contain the laugh threatening to escape your lips.
“Don’t worry about it. I did kind of sneak up on you I uh... I guess.” He replies, laughing sheepishly.
“Yeah. Curse my damn reflexes I guess.” You say with a small grin.
“Junior, language!” Tony says in a mocking tone as he rushes past, clearly on his way to something important.
You scoff, raising an eyebrow at him. “Oh c’mon! That was one perk to my dad not being here.” You say dramatically, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
With the amount of sarcastic remarks and swears you uttered, many people would probably believe that you were Tony’s kid rather than Steve’s.
“Well sorry he asked me to look after you. Blame the old man, not me.” Tony says with a shrug.
“Of course he did.” You sigh but your eyes widen quickly as you look over at him, a light turning on in your brain. “When did he tell you that?” You ask hopefully, eyes baring into Tony at this point.
“Sometime last night? Oh and he said no s/o’s yet. Little late for that I think.” He says, suppressing a grin as he eyes a very red faced Peter.
“You-you talked to him?” You ask softly, too elated to notice the squirming Spider-Man beside you.
Tony nods and you grin.
“He’s ok?” You ask, blinking at him.
“He’s doing fine. Busy all around the world.” He confirms somewhat bitterly.
You were no stranger to the tension between them and somehow you knew that the last time they were physically near each other, it had gotten worse somehow. Still, you knew neither of them would ever break contact with the other for your own sake.
Ignoring the spiteful undertone, you jump around a bit excitedly.
Peter palms a snicker and you whip around, realizing he’s still there.
“My dad’s been gone for so long... I just...” you mutter, hardly noticing as Tony once again slips out of the room.
“It’s ok. I get it, if my parents were still around I’d probably feel the same.” Peter says, a lopsided smile on his face.
“It’s actually kind of... um.... kind of cute.” He admits, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck nervously.
Without thinking, you jump into his arms, nearly knocking him over as you hug him tightly.
“Thank you.” You breath into his ear, ignoring the internal alarms telling you to keep your guard up.
His mouth moves to speak but is quickly interrupted by yet another show of your boldness as you press your lips onto his, kissing him softly.
“I- I’m sorry? I don’t... I don’t know what that was.” You laugh nervously as you pull away, the adrenaline from the moment still pumping through you.
It turned out you’d taken a lot more of a liking to Peter than you’d initially fooled yourself into thinking you did.
“No! I-I mean-“ Peter exclaims, blushing furiously again. “I mean I kind of... I kind of wanted to do the same thing?” He sighs, looking up at you through his lashes.
You blink, your mouth opening and closing with no words coming out.
Before either of you can say much more, Nat walks into the gym and gives you a smug grin when she notices the proximity of your bodies to each other.
“Nat-“ You begin but she tuts her tongue to stop you.
“Your dad won’t find out as long as he also doesn’t find out that I helped Tony try and get you two together.” She offers, looking between the both of you again.
“Ok su- wait what?!” You cry, eyes once again widening in shock.
She grins again before walking out of the gym.
“I could kill them-“ you mutter and Peter places a hand on your shoulder.
“Or we could... er.... we could actually go out together? Like, on a... on a date?” He asks hopefully.
You smile softly, probably one of the first genuine smiles you’d had since your dad left.
“Sounds like a date. Pick me up from the foyer at the compound around six.” You grin, quickly pecking him on he cheek. “Oh, you might want to put some ice on that. I throw a pretty hard punch.” You add, pointing at his jaw and walking away, leaving the boy speechless and more smitten than he’d ever thought possible.
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Javier Prompt, if you're willing!! Javier comes home late from work to find the apartment empty, and begins to panic because his pregnant significant other isn't there. He's been nervous the last few months, and it's only gotten worse. When the phone rings and she's on the other end asking for him to come pick her up, he just imagines the worst possibilities.
I’m just...so...soft at the thought of dad to be Javi. Like...just imagine it... 🥺
I also realized that I read this prompt a little wrong and changed it slightly, but I hope you still like it!
Javier Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It was the heart of summer, the warmest time of the year, and Colombia was in the middle of a heat wave. It was a stifling heat, the kind that was pervasive and deep to penetrate deep into your bones no matter how hard you tried to find relief. Warm mornings turned to even warmer afternoons which led to balmy evenings. Normally, you’d be able to handle it fairly well, as the heat generally didn’t bother you that much. But the not so little fact that you were almost eight months pregnant during all of this did not help. It only served to make you more miserable and it was almost impossible to find any sort of relief.
Javier, your boyfriend and the most Nervous Nellie of a father to be, was attentive to your needs, finding all sorts of ways to ease your discomforts and make you feel better. You were pretty sure that he’d read more pregnancy books than you had, and there was a small growing library of them in the living room bookcase. As soon as you told him you were pregnant, something you had been reluctant to do since you had no clue how he would respond to this surprise, he had shifted into dad mood. Sometimes you were sure he was more excited than you were - the way his eyes had lit up when you had first announced the news and shown him the positive pregnancy test was forever burned into your mind. It was a treasured moment that you never wanted to let go of.
All the knowledge he gathered and all the little tips and tricks learned along the way had been helpful more times than not. But unfortunately, nothing could help you in this heat - no amount of cold showers and drinks and fans seemed to help. You could barely sleep at night, finding it hard to sleep any position with your large belly, and Javi’s warm body to you. He seemed to run warm as it was and it certainly wasn’t helping now..
The one little bit of relief you did find, however, came in the form of the frozen yogurt that Javier had found by chance at the supermarket, thinking you might like it. And you had; you’d almost devoured the whole container in one sitting, and it seemed to cool you ever so slightly. One late night, when you really couldn’t sleep, you’d gotten a hankering for the sweet dessert, and but also something sour. Imagine Javi’s surprise when he woke up to go to the bathroom and found you sitting on the couch watching late night television and eating pickles dipped in the frozen yogurt.
“Oh honey,” his voice was tired and thick with sleep as tried his best not to laugh at the sight. You looked up at him, with a small, sheepish smile on your face as you took another bite of the crunchy pickle. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to the crown of your before plopping down on the couch next to you, “pickles and ice cream?”
“Froyo,” you corrected him, waving the pickle in front of his face and offering him a bite. He shook his head before wrapping an arm around your shoulder and watching as you dipped the pickle back in and coated it in the frozen yogurt before eating it, “you should go back to bed, Javi. You’ve been exhausted, my love.”
“I couldn’t sleep...again,” he admitted with a small sigh, “and then I found you gone, and then I saw the light on. Why...why on earth are you eating that?”
“Your kid was hungry,” you shrugged lightly, looking pointedly between him and your large stomach, “and I was hot, so I figured this could solve both of my problems.”
“Hey, that is half your kid as well,” he snorted with laughter as put his hand on your belly, rubbing it gently. The baby always seemed to know when it was Javier touching your stomach, moving softly and kicked at the feel of his touch and sound of his voice, “they’re moving.”
It always seemed to amaze him, each time the same as it had the first time, his face lighting up with joy and sheer love. You tried not to get emotional, but with your raging hormones, it was hard to keep anything in check, and you felt that familiar prickling start at the back of your eyes. Putting a hand on top of his, you turned to give him a smile, a tear inadvertently slipping down your cheek. Javi gently reached over and softly wiped it away before giving you a sweet kiss, “honey, don’t cry, it’s alright.”
“I know,” you said softly, feeling the water works preparing to well up, “it’s just...I love you so much, and I’m so excited and happy, but right now being pregnant sucks and I want it to be over and I don’t at the same time because I’m so nervous to meet the baby, our baby, but I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready. I know you’ll be the best father, but I worry that I won’t be a good mother. I mean, look at me, I’m sitting here and eating frozen yogurt and pickles and crying.”
“Honey,” Javi put his hand on your cheek and leaned in closer to you, his lips brushing faintly against yours, “you’re alright, you’re going to be just fine. It’s just your hormones - I promise. You’re going to be an amazing mother - the best mother. I can’t even imagine what it must be like to be in your position right now, or how it feel at all, but you are incredible for everything you’re doing. I mean, think about it, you’re carrying our child right now. Do you have any idea what a feat that is, how amazing you are?”
“You’re just saying that because I’m pathetic and pregnant,” you sniffled lightly, but he cut you off with a firm kiss, his hand going to the back of your heading, holding you close. It warmed you up completely, in a different way this time, one that was not unpleasant and overbearing, but comforting, “Javi...”
“I know,” he whispered quietly, “I love too.”
“Really?” you asked, your voice but a mere, soft whimper. He nodded softly, nuzzling his nose against yours. Of course you knew he loved you; it was just all of these crazy hormones making you question everything.
“Really, mi amor,” he promised, “you, and our child, even if you’re resorting to silly things such as eating ice cream and pickles.”
“Froyo,” you laughed lightly, feeling a wash of reassurance flood over you. It was hard, especially this far along to remain positive, but it was always easier when you had Javi. He was your rock, your anchor, and helped you keep a level head through all of this, just like you often did with him. The two of you made a good pair, and you hoped that would translate into good parenting.
“Froyo and all,” he corrected, “I love every part of you. Always.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
On this particular evening, you were at home by yourself, boredom and warmth setting in as you couldn't find anything to hold your interest. You'd made dinner and saved some for Javi, who was working late. He'd told you when he left in the morning that it would he a long day, but a part of you had wished that something would happen and allow him to come home sooner.
But it was nearing ten in the evening and you weren't sure when he'd be back. He was on a stakeout with Steve, meaning it was anyone's guess. Feeling listless, you decided to go for a short walk. It would at least give you some exercise and maybe help to cool you down, should you find some sort of breeze.
You scribbled a note on the pad next to the phone, in the off chance that Javi would return before you came back. Perching the note up so it was easily visible, you walked, or waddled over rather, to your purse and grabbed a few dollars and your key before heading out.
It probably wasn't the best idea to go out, at night, alone, in the midst of everything going on in Colombia, but you really just needed to get out at this point. Surely Javi could understand that, right? But....perhaps he wouldn't.
He'd been such a mother hen lately, ensuring that everything was perfect and attending to your every need. While you didn't mind, not for the most part anyway, sometimes it was a little overwhelming. Being pregnant was enough of a chore, but having someone constantly underfoot wasn't any better. You loved him and he meant well, but sometimes you just needed a break.
Stepping out into the slightly cooler evening air, you let out a sigh of relief as you started your little trek around the block. Suddenly, a brilliant idea struck you; the supermarket where Javi had found your treasured frozen yogurt was close by. Making up your mind, you decided you'd pick up a carton of the stuff and a new jar of pickles.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
When Javier arrived home, he was tired, exhausted even, and couldn't wait to get in bed and have you in his arms. It was late, later than he would have liked but his long day was finally over. He'd even come to the decision that he would be working fewer hours and staying out of the field when possible. It was going to a be a big change, but his main priority was you and your baby and he wanted to be around should anything happen. He had a feeling that you'd try and argue with him, but his mind was made up.
"Hermosa," he let out a long sigh as he tried to unlock the door, but stopped, eyebrows knitting together in confusion when he realized the door was already unlocked. Strange. Neither of you ever kept it unlocked, and you definitely knew better.
A tingle of nerves started at the base of his spine as he opened the door and walked inside slowly, unsure of what to expect. The television was on and the window was open, all signs pointing to the fact that you would be home.
"Honey?" his voice faltered slightly as he walked down the hallway and poked his head his head in the bedrooms and bathrooms, trying to see if he could find you. But you were nowhere to be found.
His heart started to race slightly as he reached for the gun in the waistband of his jeans and pulled it out, holding it at the ready. His mind immediately went into overdrive as a million horrid, dark thoughts appeared. Every single bad thought he possessed within the far recesses of mind were suddenly right up front.
What if someone had come and taken you? If someone had broken in? What if something had happened with you and the baby? What if, what if, what if?
There appeared to he no signs of a struggle, but he knew better than anyone that appearances could be deceiving. Your purse was still here and the smell of cooking lingered in the kitchen.
"Fuck," he said softly to himself, running a hand over his face in exasperation as he came to the conclusion that something had to have happened, "Fuck!"
He grabbed the phone, throwing the notepad face down onto the floor in his haste and quickly dialed Steve's number. Anxiously waiting for him to answer, he almost shouted in the receiver, "she's gone! I just got back but she's not here!"
It took Steve only a beat to figure out Javi was in distress about you and he tried to calm him down. Surely there must be there another explanation, "hey, hey, hey, I'm sure it's alright-"
"The door was unlocked, her things are here, TV on. It looks like someone got in here and just took her," it was hard to remain calm when not only could you possibly be at risk, but also the baby, "fuck! Has she talked to Connie at all? Does she know anything?"
He heard Steve mumbling something to Connie, asking her if you had mentioned anything to her or spoken to her. He let out a heavy sigh before returning to Javi, "Con hasn't heard anything. Javi, just relax, I'm sure there's a reasonable-"
"She's missing, Steve! She's almost eight months pregnant and you expect me to calm down!?" he didn't mean to sound as harsh as he did, but he was extremely stressed. He couldn't even remember the last time he had been this worried.
"Make whatever calls you need to and I'll be there to help," Steve hung up the phone as Javi nodded, trying to focus as he tried to make a game plan for how to find you.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
After some time you'd finally managed to find your favorite flavor of frozen yogurt and a big jar of pickles, you made your way home, ready to dig in and wait for Javi.
The evening had cooled down further and you strolled back at a leisurely pace, not that you had much of a choice this far in, taking your time to get back. When you got into the complex and made your way to your shared apartment, you thought you heard some voices, and grew excited to think that Javi might be back.
Unlocking the door slowly you stepped in, mouth dropping at sight in front of you. Javi, Steve, and Connie were all around the kitchen table, pouring over what looked like a map, the phone next to them.
"Hey everyone," they were so immersed in their little discussion none of them had noticed you at first, "what's going on?"
Javi's dark eyes flicked up to meet yours momentarily before looking back down at the map. It took him a good few moments before he finally realized it was you, "honey! You're here...you're back! Where the hell have you been?"
"Yeah, of course I'm back..." you walked over to the table and set your bag down, "I live here? I went for a walk and stopped at the market for frozen yogurt and pickles."
"Your kid was hungry as normal?" you said as if it was no big deal, "and I wanted to get out for a little bit."
"The door was unlocked," he come over to you and put his hands on your face, a clearly distressed look on his face, "the lights and the television were on and I could smell dinner, and you weren't home. I was so worried."
"I just left everything on because I was just going on for a little bit. And in case you came home before me, I didn't want everything all dark," your heart sank a little when you saw how upset he is, "I'm sorry, Javi, I honestly thought I'd be back before you."
"I was so worried! I thought someone had come and taken you or something had happened to baby!" he threw up his hands in exasperation. You knew he wasn't mad at you, he was just in general panic mode over anything related to you right now, "what was I supposed to think?"
"Javi, I left you a note where you would see it," you let out a small sigh as you spied the notepad on the floor, your note still face down. Making your over to it, you tried to pick it up, but quickly came to the conclusion that it was going to be a herculean feat. Connie quickly came to your rescue and swooped it up and studied it before handing it to you, "how did this get on the floor? I left it up so you would easily see it."
Javi came over and took it from your hand, quickly reading it over. He hung his head when he realized he must have knocked it over, "fuck. I must have done that and not noticed."
"If you'd been in the office I would have called you, my love," you put a hand on shoulder and gave it a light squeeze, "but I didn't know if you'd be there...so I just left the note."
He let out a soft groan before taking your hand and pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles, "I'm sorry, honey. I just...the door was unlocked and I worry. Especially with everything going on right now and you're so close. I...might have overreacted a little bit..."
"You think?" you teased him, wrapping your arms his neck, holding him as close as possible, with the exception of your stomach, "trust me, if someone was breaking in, I would put up a fight and someone would have heard my screaming. If anything was wrong with the baby, I would have gone to Connie."
"But honey-"
"Just because I'm pregnant doesn't I can't put a fight. Anyone tries to come for you or our baby, they're going to catch sight of these hands," you insisted, causing him, Steve, and Connie to break into laughter, "what?! What's so funny?"
"Hermosa," Javi met your eyes for a moment, putting his hand on your face as he gave you a soft smile, "baby, you're 34 weeks pregnant, you cry when you can't pick things up off the floor. You cried at a commercial last night. I don't think you're going to kick anyone's ass."
"Try me, Javier Peña, try me," you put your hands, and tried your best to give him a mean look, "I've got that crazy pregnancy strength!"
"I love you," Javi just laughed before giving a soft kiss, "so much. I’m so glad you’re okay."
"I love you too," you grinned at him, "sorry for worrying you. The one time you come early! If I had any clue I would have just waited. Sorry Steve, sorry Con. You got dragged into all of this because of me. I should have just told Connie and made her come with me."
"It's dangerous to go out alone," Javi reminded you and just pouted your lips at him.
"I just needed to go out and damn kid just wanted a damn snack," you laughed lightly at yourself, "now half the city is probably out looking for me."
"Try half the country," Steve corrected as you just looked at Javi and he sheepishly shrugged at you. He gave Connie a look and the two of them shared a nod, deciding it was time for them to go, "glad you're okay and it was just a misunderstanding. I think this should serve as a lesson to keep calm, right Javi?"
"Fuck off, Murph," Javi flipped him the bird but gave him a thankful smile nonetheless. You gave them a wave before crossing your arms over your chest and shaking your head at him, "I was worried, alright? Every single thought bad of what could have happened to you went through my mind. I would never forgive myself something happened to you, either of you, because of me."
"I know," you put your hand on his cheek and rubbing your thumb gently over his cheekbone, "nothing will ever happen to me or this bean. At least not because of you, probably because I tried over my own feet, which I haven't seen in months, thank you very much."
"You don't know that-"
"Javi, I do," you insisted firmly, "you take such good care of us all the time. You do everything. I know nothing will go wrong, we're safe and sound, here with you.”
“I cannot believe I was this worried about my wife going out and getting ice cream and pickles,” he let out a long sigh of relief as he watched you with a small smile. He took your hand and laced your fingers together, “you are...something else.”
“Firstly - froyo,” you reminded him with a laugh, “and secondly - not your wife.”
“Not yet,” he beamed at you with a little wink. He had plans for that, big plans, but he wasn’t about to tell you that yet.
“Oh yeah, is that so?” you played it cool but internally you were bubbling up with excitement.
“Yeah,” he promised, giving you a nod, “but that’s a discussion for another time. Now why don’t get your...dessert? Snack? Whatever you call and we can go to bed. I’m exhausted.”
“That’s what you get for panicking,” you traced you a finger down his nose before kissing it gently. He held you there for a moment, resting his forehead against yours, “I love you, Javi. Really.”
“I love you too, honey,” his voice was barely above a whisper, “even if you do stress me out.”
“Out of love.”
“Aye, dios mio,” he made quick work of scooping you up in his arms, making it effortless and like you totally weren’t heavily pregnant, “you’ve lost all privileges now. Time for bed.”
“Okay, but when you say it like that, it doesn’t sound like a punishment, it just sounds sexy,” you giggled as he started carrying you towards the bedroom, “and that’s how I got pregnant in the first place!”
“And don’t forget my froyo and pickles!”
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Drabble Compilation (Trixya, Biadore) - Candy Cane
A/N: a bunch of drabbles ive written over on my side blog @sillylittlecandycane !! im accepting prompts over there if you are interested uwu here’s the list of everything in here: 1.) Trixya, half drag dance challenge 2.) Trixya, pregnant!Katya 3.) Biadore, “If I puke, will you hold my hair back?" 4.) Trixya, pregnant!Katya sequel 5.) Trixya, "You’ve been crying, I can tell." 6.) Biadore, Adore visiting Bianca in Palm Springs
1.) Trixya, half drag dance challenge For a split second there Katya was ecstatic about being Trixie’s partner for this challenge, then she remembered she has a huge fucking crush and is definitely going to wind up making a fool out of herself. Trixie’s clearly excited though, so Katya decides she’ll try to swallow down those feelings, and focus on keeping that smile on Trixie’s face.
Neither of them are really dancers, but Trixie definitely is a country girl, so she’s somewhat more familiar with it than Katya. The older is still nervous, she’s not used to this kind of thing, not by any stretch of the imagination. She’s done choreo before, any given drag queen has, she just hasn’t had to learn it in such a short amount of time before.
After learning what they could with the instructor and are back in the workroom to practice, Trixie turns to Katya and grabs her hands. Katya stares down at them with wide eyes, just now registering she’s been dancing with Trixie.
Cute, sexy, funny fucking Trixie.
“We have so got this,” Trixie says, all the confidence in the world embodied in that tone.
Katya looks into Trixie’s eyes and smiles back, “Okay, yeah. We’ve got this.”
It’s exhilarating to have so much confidence in herself, and then to have some in her partner as well. It’s so different from what she’s used to. They’ve still got work to do to make sure they nail this thing all the way to the core of the earth, it’s just not so terrifying anymore. It feels good, it really does.
2.) Trixya, pregnant!Katya Katya’s at the point where she is seriously regretting being pregnant. At the end of the day, it was her choice, but sometimes she thinks it was a bad one. Everything fucking hurts, she’s constantly hungry, she can’t sleep right anymore, and she is always horny. This is just the worst thing ever.
What doesn’t suck is how sweet and loving Trixie, her fucking wife, has been. Katya doesn’t think she’ll ever get over the fact that Trixie is her wife. It’s so surreal! She’s like the best wife ever. Always getting her whatever she wants or needs, even if it’s 2 am and she’s being absolutely ridiculous, Trixie is there to help her and make the best out of a sucky situation.
Katya cuddles closer to Trixie, listening to the soothing sound of the younger’s heartbeat. She’s going to have a baby with this girl. They’re growing their family and it’s just… it’s perfect.
Trixie gently tugs her fingers through Katy’s messy blonde hair as they watch some stupid Lifetime movie. The domesticity of it all is wonderfully stupid. But it’s still stupid. She feels restless, she’s unable to go out and at least dance, she wants to do something.
“I’m bored,” Katya says, frowning slightly.
Trixie giggles a little, and it’s so fucking cute it hurts, “Okay, what do you wanna do?”
“We should go bungee jumping,” Katya says, keeping a straight face.
“Yeah, and then we’ll eat live bugs,” Trixie replies with an eye roll.
Their eyes meet and they erupt into laughter, holding onto each other and enjoying the moment. Katya sighs, and lays her head back down to Trixie’s chest, frowning.
“I’m seven months preggers, there’s like nothing I can do,” Katya groans.
Trixie combs her fingers through Katya’s hair again, “That’s not true. We can still play like uh, board games? We can go back to thinking of baby names, too. Can’t do any worse than my parents.”
Katya looks up at Trixie, a content smile on her lips. At least Trixie is trying for her, which is so much better than she feels she could’ve ever hoped for. The Russian pushes herself up to kiss her wife deeply.
“Or we could…” Katya mumbles against her, a sly offer.
Trixie giggles again, like music to Katya’s ears, “Yeah. Let’s do that.”
3.) Biadore, "If I puke, will you hold my hair back?"
Adore has drunk herself stupid, or stupid-er, again. She needed a night of insane drinking, and boy did she get it. Everyone is looking at her like she should be at rehab, but she doesn’t fucking care. A broken heart can’t be mended with alcohol, but it can be forgotten, at least for a little while.
She downs another shot, and out of the corner of her eyes she sees Detox and Willam laughing at her, while Bianca looks incredibly exasperated. Adore groans and lays her head against the counter, she feels awful and it definitely isn’t just her broken heart.
“B…” she mumbles, lifting a heavy arm to poke her friend.
Bianca rolls her eyes but looks down at her anyways, “What?”
“I don’ feel so good…” she whines, her words slurred.
“Well that’s what happens when you drink more in three hours than Willam does in one night,” Bianca snaps back, the disapproval in her voice strong.
“I’d be offended but you make a good point,” Willam says, giggling.
Adore huffs and stares at her bright red wig and the way it’s sprawled out in front of her. It’s one of her favorites, but it was also her ex’s favorite… God, she misses him so much it hurts like a bitch. Maybe she should throw out the wig, if it’s going to hurt her so much. It’s still a favorite though, and she refuses to allow that dickhead to take more from her than necessary.
Adore realizes she’s been zoning out, and reaches her hand out for Bianca. Her hand finds Bianca’s, and she squeezes it tightly. Bianca’s eyes meet hers, and Adore is overwhelmed with how wonderful and amazing this person is. Bianca’s is basically the definition of perfect, and Adore knows she’s lucky to even be her friend. Though that doesn’t really stop her from pining after Bianca.
“Bia…” Adore whines again.
“What?” Bianca sighs.
“Can we leave?” she asks, quiet and sad.
Bianca looks down at her, and must take some kind of pity, “Yeah, we can go.”
Ten minutes later they’re climbing into the back of an Uber, and Adore is quick to lay her head down in Bianca’s lap. Bianca rubs the back of her neck, and it feels really good because she’s starting to feel really ill.
Adore moans pathetically, “Yanks…”
“Yeah?” Bianca answers her.
“If I puke will you hold my hair back?”
“Sure, but then I’ll beat you up for puking all over me and this fucking car.”
Adore giggles, feeling slightly better with their usual banter, “Love you, Bia.”
“Love you too,” Bianca smiles softly.
4.) Trixya, pregnant!Katya sequel
For almost a year now, Katya’s life has been totally changed. Deciding to actually go through with physically having a child was big enough, but when she was actually pregnant? Everything changed.
Every decision she made impacted the baby. What she ate, what she wore, what she did… Every little thing impacted not just her anymore, but her child too. And she wouldn’t give it up for anything, because sitting here, holding that child in her arms, she knows it was all worth it.
Sitting here in the hospital bed, Katya is mesmerized by her baby. Her eyes are so startling blue, like Trixie’s, and her smile is so vibrant, like Trixie. Katya thinks her baby will be just like Trixie in so many ways. Katya hopes her daughter gets all her good traits, and none of her bad ones. This child helped to save her from addiction, Katya doesn’t want her to fall into it.  
“What are you thinking about?” Trixie whispers, leaning over her shoulder to look into their baby’s eyes.
“How we still haven’t named her,” Katya says, cupping her pretty face.
Trixie rolls her eyes, “Well, we would’ve had that one figured out by now if-” “Really? In front of the baby?” Katya says, trying to play all serious at first, then bursts into laughter at Trxiei’s surprised expression.
“You bitch,” Trixie laughs, lightly slapping Katya’s shoulder.
“But seriously, the kid needs a name,” Katya frowns, “We can’t keep calling her ‘the baby’ forever.”
“It’s only been a day,” Trixie shrugs, “But you’re right.” “I should give her a really complicated Russian name you can’t pronounce,” Katya teases.
“Do you hate me? Is that it?” Trixie plays along.
Katya kisses her though, and the way Trixie turns bright red gets her all emotional all over again.
“I’ve been in love with you since we met,” Katya reminds her once they break apart.
“We should name her Barbara,” Trixie giggles.
“Nevermind, you’re right, I do hate you.”
Trixie cackles, and the baby starts to fuss in response. Both immediately try to calm her down, and luckily do so with minimal effort.
“Maybe… Cherry?” Trixie suggests.
Katya looks at her, then realizes she;s being serious, “Really? Cherry?”
“We could put down like, Cheryl or something on paper, but Cherry is like red, and sweet, and cute…” Trixie explains, blushing some.
Katya purses her lips, looks down at her baby, and grins widely.
“Cherry suits her.”
5.) Trixya, "You’ve been crying, I can tell." There’s tear tracks down Trixie’s cheeks, her eyes are bright red, and she’s even sniffling. It makes Katy’s heart hurt. She doesn’t like to see Trixie upset, that girl is the last person on this earth who should ever cry.
“Katya-” Trixie says, jerking back when she sees the older, clearly having thought she was alone.
“What happened?” Katya asks, stepping forward instinctively. She wants nothing more than to hug her.
“Nothing, it’s nothing,” Trixie says, unable to meet Katya’s eyes.
Katya frowns, “You’ve been crying, I can tell.”
Trixie looks shocked, but still persists, “I’m fine.”
“I’m never going to believe that,” Katya says, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Trixie finally admits.
“Okay, that I can understand,” Katya says, reaching forward to take Trixie’s hand in her own, “But… that doesn’t mean you have to be alone. We don’t have to talk, but let me be here for you. Please?”
Trixie looks up at Katya’s kind, worried eyes, completely taken aback by how genuine her friend is being. Trixie nods, unable to actually form any words, and is almost instantly wrapped up in a strong hug.
The younger places her head in the crook of Katya’s neck, and starts to cry all over again. She doesn’t feel so empty and alone now, though. She feels like maybe if she just stays in Katya’s arms, listening to her reassurances and absorbing her love, for a little while longer then everything will be okay.
6.) Biadore, Adore visiting Bianca in Palm Springs
The sun is shining brightly, the palm trees surrounding the pool sway in the breeze, and Danny feels more relaxed than they have in many, many months. They’re on their back in the center of the pool, letting themself drift and be one with the water. Usually they prefer to go straight to the source, they are a mermaid after all, but there’s something to be said about getting to be alone in the water with their boyfriend.
There’s no one else around, just the two of them, alone and having sexy, fun, romance together. Said boyfriend pops up out of the water  next to Danny, and peers over them, a smirk on his lips. Danny sits up so they’re not on their back anymore, and presses a little closer to Roy.
“Hi,” Roy chuckles, leaning in close to Danny’s lips.
Danny grins, “Hello yourself.”
Roy laughs, but kisses Danny anyways. The kiss is chaste, but still full of love and joy. Danny wraps their arms around Roy’s neck and goes in for another kiss, this one full and sloppy. Roy pushes Danny forward as they soak each other in, until Roy had Danny pinned to the concrete edge, his large hands spanning across Danny’s, currently tiny, hips.
The younger is bad at the whole self-care thing during work, which is one of the many reasons he’s happy to have them here. Now he has an excuse to get real food into Danny, and help them relax.
The two pull away from each other, breathless and smiling, and it’s perfect. The sun on their skin, the clear water around them, and neither would have it any other way.
“We should go annoy the neighbors with your golf cart this afternoon,” Danny suggests, smiling and close to laughter.
“Yeah,” Roy says, close to laughing himself, “We should.”
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To Touch, To Hold
So, for years, YEARS, I've had this headcanon that Emma has this thing with touch. I mean we all know touch is Emma’s love language, and I've always found it interesting that after they kissed in Neverland, it seemed like Emma went out of her way to avoid touching Killian. And I always thought that it was pretty clear that her dam broke after the ice wall, so I’ve always had this exact scenario in my head, so much that sometimes I forget it didn’t actually happen. So now, years later, I’ve finally found the time to write it out. I hope you enjoy it. The pacing is a little different than my usual style, but I feel like it fits. It begins immediately after the 4x03 kiss, so watch that to get yourself in the mood. Let me know what you think!! 
also on AO3
The kiss leaves her more than breathless, head cloudy with a kind of relief she didn’t expect. His fingers are still tangled in her tresses, his rings catching tendrils of the soft gold as he moves his hand to thumb at a tear that’s slipped down her cheek. She smiles, trying to convey with her eyes all she’s still not ready to say to him. A cool breeze flutters along the dark street, gently cooling their flushed cheeks. 
Killian is gazing into her face, seems to sense she wants to say something. But he’s surprised when all at once the scent of her floods him, her arms having wound tight and fast about his chest, head settling against his shoulder. He wraps his own arms around her, too, hand pressing strong and flat between her shoulder blades. He’s not used to this yet, even after her scramble for purchase against him once freed from the confines of the ice. Oh, but he will get used to it. There’s naught he loves more than his Swan like this, the simple touch of her body flush to his, allowing him to just hold her. He’s waited endless months to be honoured with this pleasure, and it’s not something he takes lightly. 
Emma sighs into his neck, trying to memorize this feeling of safety with each separate sense. The smell of brine on his collarbone, the way she can see his pulse jumping at his neck, the taste of his lips still fresh on her tongue. But most of all it’s his arms around her, his thumb rubbing a circle at the base of her neck, the muscles of his abdomen hard against her own, despite his many leather layers. She smiles ruefully to herself in the quiet sway of his embrace, contemplating how she lasted so long, resisting his every touch. It had truly been a conscious effort, for Emma knows herself. Touch has always been her way of communicating love, and after the overwhelming heat of that kiss in the brambles of Neverland, she knew she must hold this man at arm’s length, or she’d be fucked for him too far, too fast. She wasn’t ready to be so tethered to another, especially someone she could already tell came from an achingly similar past. So she had resisted. On countless occasions throughout their shared time these past months, her hand had twitched for his, heart aching for the contact. Both when she left him at the town line and when he found her in New York and made her remember, her body had screamed at her to touch, to hold. But each time she gritted her teeth, hard, and told herself not to make that irreversible dive, not yet. Not yet. 
All of her resolve had crumbled upon seeing his face through that little hole in the ice. She’d been nearly unconscious, her shivering long ceased, but somehow hearing him screech her name in anguish and seeing his face contorted in boundless worry for her had chilled her even more. And in a blur of flurried motion, resistance was forgotten as she sought warmth and refuge and safety in his arms. The weight of it robbed her of any ability to speak, and she was grateful knowing he’d simply blame the cold for her silence. 
Now, only a few days later, and she knows she’s addicted. Knows every fibre of her soul aches to touch him always, which is why she’d been so upset by his recent brush with disaster. Which is why, in the middle of the street this evening, she had mustered the courage to tell him she couldn’t bear to lose him. And now, in his arms, she’s loathe to let go at all. 
Moments pass, and he truly can’t believe his luck. She’s clung to him so tightly, her breath warm against his neck, so different from how it felt the last time they embraced. As thankful as he is for her newfound willingness to be close, Killian knows he must tread carefully. Oh, so carefully, now. “It’s alright love,” he whispers, daring to press a kiss to the top of her head. “All will be well. We’ll face what’s to come together, aye?”
Begrudgingly, she loosens her hold on him, enough to look up at him again. She breathes, nodding, almost more to herself than to him. Together. They would do it together. 
He turns slightly, moves them both away from the centre of the deserted street. “May I take you home, Swan?” he asks her, tipping his head in the direction of the loft. 
The burning starts in her then, instantly; suddenly and with fury. She tries to breathe against it, to get it to go away, but it doesn’t. It only roars in her throat, demanding her attention. Every ember screaming at her. Touch. Hold.
 No, she thinks to herself. No, you may not. 
Bloody hell, he thinks to himself, seeing clearly the wrinkle of her nose, some sort of struggle in her features. Have I upset her? I only- 
“Actually, I…” she says then, squaring her shoulders to face him, her posture almost businesslike all of a sudden. “I…” 
She stutters, and he waits. Patiently, he waits, unable to resist the tiniest encouraging nod. 
“What you said, about the weight of the world. I do. I feel it,” she confesses in a rush, and she looks down, away from his face, and puts her hands against his forearms. She feels the muscles jump beneath her fingers and the burning ebbs and flows, cooling slightly. 
“But I’d like it if you…held some of it. The weight,” she clarifies, exhaling deeply, daring to look back up at his eyes. 
They’re soft. So, so soft. He’s dumfounded, truthfully. Is this a trick? Is it real? He opens his mouth to reassure her there’s nothing he wants more than to help shoulder her burdens, but she soldiers right ahead, astounding him yet again. 
“And I’d like it if you held…me. I’d like it if you held me and I don’t want to go home.” 
“Oh, Swan,” he says reverently, heart breaking at the way her lip quivers, knowing how incredibly difficult it must have been for her to utter these words to him. He gathers her close again, hook firm at her hip and hand coming to rest again against her face. She leans into his touch, grips his forearms harder. He steadies his gaze, chest almost visibly swelling with the joy he feels. “I will gladly bear as much weight as you need me to, Emma. And it would be an honour to share my quarters with you, love. Please. Come.”
He holds her closely as they walk into Granny’s together, and already she’s burning for more contact. It’s a heady feeling, and again, she’s amazed at how long she managed to stave it off. He opens the door to his room and they shuffle inside, Killian quick to close it behind them. 
The intensity of the situation sits on Emma’s chest, and some of her feels shy, but most of her peels off her tan jacket, drops it to the floor, and immediately returns to the safe cradle of his arms, pressing as much of her body against his body as she can. 
He holds her again, flush to him, vowing to learn exactly how she likes it, vowing to do whatever it takes to make this woman want to stay with him forever. 
Her hands rove, they race, his hair, his back, his shoulders. She can’t keep still, wanting to touch him everywhere at once, everything she’s wanted for months suddenly beneath her fingertips. 
“You’re to tell me what you need, darling,” he whispers, his words briefly pausing her exploration. “Anything you need.” 
She eyes his lips and tugs on the lapels of his coat, drawing his mouth to hers for what he can only describe as a heavenly kiss. He reciprocates in kind, tongue tracing the seam of her lips in the way that made her groan in the jungle. 
She breaks for air, staring up at him again. “I think I…I think I’d like a quick shower. Could you find me something to wear?” she asks, voice soft and sweet. 
He chuckles at her request, if only because it’s the last thing he’d imagine her asking. So recently she’d been desperate to run from him, to bury her head in the sand of her made-up New York life. And now she’d like some of his clothes? 
“Of course, love,” he assures her, running his hand down the side of her neck to squeeze her shoulder. “Take your time.”
He fetches one of his thin button up shirts and some pants that will surely be too large for her, and she skitters into the little bathroom, shutting the door and feeling an absurd pang of loss when she’s separated from him. She grips the sink for a moment, and stares at her own green eyes in the mirror. “What are you doing?” She whispers to her reflection, considering her own question. 
“Giving in,” she answers, and she is baffled at how pathetically relieved her face looks. “Finally.” 
She takes the shower, and indeed keeps it quick, for she’s begun to burn up in longing again. She towels her hair dry, and picks up the clothes he chose for her. She puts on the navy button up, and finds it’s long enough to cover her ass; and so decides to skip the pants, just to drive him crazy. “Slow,” she tells herself in the mirror before opening the door to him. “Go. Slow.” 
His Swan emerges in naught but his thin shirt and he thinks he might bloody faint. Her long, creamy legs are torturously on display, and he clenches his jaw, hard, to keep his composure. Her hair is wet, the navy of the button down a lovely contrast against her pale skin. She smirks at him and he narrows his eyes playfully. “Did you find my pants unsuitable, Swan?” 
“Not unsuitable,” she teases, enjoying the way the tone has turned lighter, less intense. (For the moment at least.) “More like…unnecessary.” 
“Mmm,” he concedes, standing from his spot on the bed and beckoning for her to sit upon it. Her gaze is locked to his, watching him watch her. He doesn’t miss it, and once she sits, he leans to kiss her forehead. “My turn to wash, darling. I’ll be but a moment.” He says this like a promise, and it warms her in a way only he can.
He turns for the bathroom, and as soon as he clicks the door shut, her eyes come to rest on the other door in the room; the door out. What a perfect opportunity for her to run. She sighs, feeling a familiar, slight tug toward the escape. This is always the moment whenever she finds herself in a one-night tryst. The moment she darts and never looks back.  But this time, she bites her lip and shakes her head, leans further into the pillows that smell just like him. She puts a hand over her hammering heart, breathing through her nose to help her settle. This time, the urge to touch, to hold, will win. The urge to stay. 
He turns off the shower, and with a jolt, he realizes he’s given her a magnificent opportunity to run for the hills. Indubitable panic spikes within him, and he clambers out of the shower, drying himself in a fury and yanking on the pants she had forgone. Not wanting to startle her if she is in fact still there, he forces himself to open the door slowly, popping out only his head. Mercifully, she is still on the bed, long bare legs crossed at the ankles. He lets go of the breath he was holding and smiles. “Alright if I skip the shirt, love? Or would you consider me immoral?” His tone is teasing, but they both know that he really is asking. 
Her lips curve up into a hungry smile. “Fair’s fair,” she assents.
He opens the door wider then, and the sight of him bare from the waist up is not a sight she’ll soon forget. Lean, tanned muscle swathed in dark splendours of hair. Defined lines. His left wrist blunted, indents from the hook’s brace visible to her, even across the room. The jut of his hips. Oh, the ache and burn flares harshly now, scorching her. To touch. 
He is more than satisfied by how gobsmacked she appears now, but does his best to hide it. Instead, he fixes his gaze in that reverent look of wonder, drinking in the sight of her in his bed. His bed. 
At first, it frustrates her in that he doesn’t move to climb in the bed right away. She watches as instead he kneels on the floor, and reaches for her hands. She leans and turns to sit on the edge of the bed, facing him fully. The touch of his hand on hers is balm to her burning flesh. Suddenly her throat feels tight, because he’s gazing at her with so much love in his eyes; blissfully terrifying. 
He takes a steadying breath, measuring his next words carefully in his head before he speaks them. For they have made it so far this night, and he must not place one toe out of line. Regardless of how tempting she is with so much of her skin on display. He means to make her understand his intentions and his gratitude in a way that won’t make her feel suffocated. In a way that won’t make her regret not running when she had the chance. 
“Emma,” he starts, and already she is trying not to squirm, wants so badly to rake her fingers against the planes of his chest. “I need you to understand how grateful I am for what you shared with me tonight. With a past like yours...like ours…I know how difficult it can be to open up. And I…I’m proud of you, Swan.” 
The tears begin to well in her eyes then, and she squeezes his hand. Because he just…he understands. From the start, he’s always understood her. 
“And darling, to touch you…to hold you in my arms…I have yearned for it, for so long, love. But I need you to know that you will set our pace, Emma. Your comfort is all that matters to me. So you, love, you tell me what you need. What you want, when you want it. And I will gladly be ready, for whatever you wish.” 
His words wash over her like a tidal wave, and she’s overwhelmed. Your comfort is all that matters to me. 
“Killian, I…” she falters, unsure of how to explain that she needs to touch him, now. “Come up here, God. Please.” 
He climbs on the bed next to her, and at last. At last, he is hers for the taking. To touch. To hold. She waits one more beat. Takes one more second to appreciate what her life has been before this final surrender. For she knows, after this, there is no turning back. 
He sits patiently, watching her face, her every move. Her hands flutter upwards, and they shake, slightly. Slowly, she presses them, flat against his chest on the borders of his sternum, and he’s so solid. So real. She feels his skin move and stretch with his sharp inhale and she shuts her eyes, letting herself be soothed. His chest hair is as soft as she had dared to imagine it would be. She scratches through it gently, flips one of her hands over to feel it against her knuckles, and he finds his eyes want to slip closed under her tender touch, despite a deeper desire to continue to watch her. 
She smoothes her right hand up, over his nipple to his shoulder and down to rest on his bicep. It twitches under her hand and she smiles. She’s not burning anymore, but melting, and it’s so nice not to have to clench her teeth and resist. She watches his face carefully as her hand drifts lower, moves to cup the blunted end of his arm. She rubs her fingers over the puckered scars, her other hand jumping from his chest to cup his face, to nudge her fingertips through his stubble. 
I’m fucked, she thinks, knowing with certainty that she’ll never be able to be near him without craving his touch, ever again. 
As though he’s read her mind, tentatively he raises his hand. “May I touch, Swan?” 
“Yes,” she sighs, and she closes her eyes, so ready. 
With just two fingers, he begins toward her shoulder, tracing the outline of her collarbone. He pauses in the centre of her chest to stroke her throat, and her lips warble at how ridiculously gentle his touch is. She is well aware that he’s used that hand to kill, many times. But right now, she can’t see how it’s possible. He moves closer, hand moving up to trace the shell of her ear. He scratches lightly at the skin behind it, and she shivers, goosebumps everywhere. Her eyes open, and she reaches her hand up to circle his wrist, trapping his where it rests. 
And suddenly, they are kissing. Her mouth slants over his and he groans, his nose brushing along her cheek. She twines her fingers in his hair, and she’s sort of desperate to switch from touch and hold to pull and yank. She wants to let the fire consume her, but she knows if there is to be any chance of her solving this damned town’s many problems, she must. Go. Slow. He’s giving as good as he gets, this kiss so different than any others they’ve shared before. It’s intimate, it’s domestic. It’s new and it’s wonderful. 
She breaks it, but only to press her forehead to his, to breathe in his air. “Hold me, Killian,” she whispers. “Please, I need…” 
He reaches for her and she goes. Oh, she goes. He is breathless at the simple intimacy that is pulling her against him, like it’s the most natural thing in the world. She tucks her head under his chin, her cheek at his heart. Surviving, she remembers, from the street. He’s good at surviving.
She tangles her legs up with his in a near instant. He is amazed at how quickly she settles, nestles herself right in, her body pliable in his hold, molding her lines to match his. Every breath she takes he can feel, and the smell of her clean skin and her wet hair is better than he ever dared to imagine. He tries suddenly, to think of a time he’s ever felt more at home than this moment, and miserably fails. 
 The silk of the button down is slippery against his chest, but he anchors her there, all the same. She nearly combusts from the warmth of him around her, of him simply everywhere. She’s obsessed with the way it feels to press her face against his skin. Completely enraptured by his lips at her hairline, whispering nonsense about how precious she is to him. She feels his stumped arm kneading at the small of her back, and fuck, she finds herself wishing she had forgone his shirt as well. Slow, she reminds herself. Just take it slow. 
She flicks her wrist, and the room is dark. She delights in the fact that even though she can’t see him, she can feel him against her. It’s all she’s wanted every day since the blistering heat of Neverland. “It’s alright to sleep, Swan,” he promises. “I’ve a firm hold, now.” 
She closes her eyes, and drops three quick kisses to the base of his throat. She reaches her hand up to stroke his face in the dark, a silent prayer that he understands what she’s still too afraid to say. She is utterly relaxed, the burn for now, sated. For tonight, this is enough. To touch, to hold, to sleep, to stay. To wake in the morning, in his arms, where she...where she belongs. It’s enough. 
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Love and Lies
Chapter 1 - Remus: Two Truths, One Lie
Pairings: Romantic DLAMP, Queerplatonic Demus/Dukeceit
Warnings: Cursing, typical Remus talk
Summary: Janus finds that his heart has much more capacity for love than he originally thought. With the support of Remus, his queerplatonic partner, he decides it's time to go after that love.
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     “Remus?” He creaked open the door to The Duke’s room with care, knowing Remus could be doing a number of horrifying things. He was used to it, of course, but this conversation made him… more hesitant than usual.
     Fortunately, he wasn’t doing anything that would warrant worry - unfortunately, Janus had woken him up from a rather cozy-looking nap. “...Janny?”
     “Apologies. I didn’t mean to-”
     “Deedee!” Remus sprang from his bed as fast as he could, running up to Janus and greeting him with a tight hug. “I haven’t seen you all day! Haven’t been hiding from me now, have you?”
     “Of course not.” He wasn’t sure if he was lying or not, not that it mattered; Remus wasn’t as skilled as recognizing Deceit’s lies as Virgil was.
     Remus kept his arms around Janus’s shoulders as he backed away and, as always, gave the snake a genuine smile. It always managed to cheer him up, at least a little. “Good! You wanna join me in some napping and cuddles?”
     “Uh, in a bit, maybe.” As much as cuddling up with his queer-platonic partner sounded amazing at that very moment, there were much more important matters at hand. “Actually, I need to talk to you about something.”
     “Oh. Oh!” Remus lightened up with a look of realization, before giving Janus a sly smirk. “I know what this is about.”
     “Do you, now?” he responded with squinted eyes and a furrowed brow.
     In turn, The Duke simply grabbed his gloved hands and dragged him to the side of his bed to sit down. The whole situation was making Janus’s nerves spike up in a rare occurrence. He had no idea what Remus was about to say, but it surely wouldn’t be-
     “So you want to fuck my brother.”
     “Wha- Christ, Remus!” If he was drinking anything, he would have surely choked on it. Instead, he lightly pushes Remus down on the bed. “Yes, because my asexual ass wants to, as you put, ‘fuck’ anyone!”
     The Duke giggled and sat up on his elbows. “I know, I know, I just wanted to get a reaction out of you. You’re so tense!” He moved to sit up completely, wrapping one arm around Deceit’s waist. “The point is, you are in love with my brother. And Virgil and Patton and Logan but I’m more interested in how you fell in love with my brother, of all people!”
     “I- well I wouldn’t say in love, necessarily- uh…” Remus responded to his stutters with a cross of the arms and a raise of his brow, unconvinced and unimpressed. “How did you even know?”
     “The same way I knew you wanted to be closer with me. Different kind of close, of course, but same principle.” He flopped down back on the bed with hands resting behind his head. “You’re not as subtle as you think you are, Double Dee.”
     Janus buried his face into his gloves and groaned. “What am I supposed to do, Reem?”
     “I don’t know, kidnap them? Bury them alive and pretend they never existed? I don’t know why you’re trying to ask me for love advice.”
     “Who else am I supposed to ask?!” He groaned once again and flopped down next to Remus. He felt absolutely pathetic, falling in love with all of them. They may be okay having him around now, but how could they ever…? “Is it too late to take you up on that cuddling offer?”
     “Aww, c’mere Janny.” Remus adjusted himself against his pillows, opening up his arms for Janus to fall into them. He took the offer without hesitation and sighed into his partner’s chest. “Y’know,” he twirled a strand of hair on top of Deceit’s head, his hat discarded to the side. “Roman always smiles when I mention you. I think he’s quite fond of you.”
     Janus moved his chin up to look Remus in the eyes. “Even if that were true, which I highly doubt, that’s only one out of four.” While he’d be pleasantly surprised to have even one of them like him back, he’d rather be with none of them than not all of them. “You seem to be dwelling on Roman a lot. Are you not…?”
     “Oh, no no no, I just find it hilarious. No one expects the dragon to fall in love with the prince, do they?” The dark side moved one of his hands to scratch at his neck. “Well, it was admittedly weird at first, but I got over it pretty quickly- Anyway, What makes you think the other three can’t like you too? Morality adores you!”
     He huffed and rolled his eyes. Besides Roman, Remus still often called the other sides by their titles. He could only assume it was to keep a level of distance, which saddened Janus just a bit. “Patton ‘adores’ you as well now. Are you going to go around claiming he’s in love with you?”
     Remus immediately grimaced at the claim. “Can’t exactly argue with that one, though I do think it’s quite different. What about-”
     “Don’t even try to argue that Logan would like me. We are constantly butting heads.”
     “So did him and Roman, and now they’re probably butting something else right at this moment!” Janus gave him a furrowed brow, a look of ‘ what the fuck does that even mean, Remus,’ which only managed to make him chuckle.
     He sighed and buried his head back into his QPP’s chest. “And that leaves one.”
     “...Right.” He just barely catches Remus’s mumble, feeling his body stiffen just slightly. “He… I mean, you two are good now, right? He forgave you.” That one hurt the most. Remus avoided using any names or titles for Virgil, instead opting to just refer to him in pronouns only. Calling him by his name would hurt Remus, but calling him by his title would hurt Virgil.
     “Theoretically, yes.” The anxious side had even apologized to him; even though Janus had hurt him first (and had continued to do so), he admitted he might have been overly harsh to him as well. Janus appreciated it, but he also didn’t agree with the notion that Virgil needed to apologize in the first place. “But I could never expect him to trust me.”
     There was a pause, before Remus settled his chin into Janus’s hair. “There was always something special between you two.” There was a sting in Deceit’s heart at those words. They weren’t close in the traditional sense, but… they looked out for each other. And Janus ruined that. “I don’t think that ever really left.”
     “And when did you become such an optimist?”
     The Duke gave a gasp of fake offense. “Me? An optimist? Why, I’d never!” At Janus’s chuckle in response, he gave a quick ruffle to his hair. “I just know anyone would be a fool not to love you. I can’t say if it will be the way you want it or not, but they will love you.”
     From the bottom of his heart, he wanted to believe that. He was all too familiar with not getting what he wanted, and the others loving him as a friend would be more than he could ever ask for, but even that was just too good to be true. He wasn’t supposed to get a happy ending - but, then again, that’s exactly what he fights for every day. He breaks the code and forces what Thomas wants. Why couldn’t he do the same for himself?
     He couldn’t force someone to love him, but he can fight for it. He can try.
     “...Thank you, Remus. You are okay with this, right? If anything were to actually happen between them and me, I mean.”
     “Of course! None of my business what you do with that snake tongue of yours.” Before Deceit could express his distaste, he noticed Remus’s form tensing up once again, his face looking uncharacteristically sheepish. “Just, uh… If they’re not okay with us--”
     “You’re my first priority,” he interrupted him. “I was with you first.”
     Remus moved to rub at his neck, a sad sort of smile on his face. “I wouldn’t want to get in the way of your love life like that. That wouldn’t be fair of me.”
     “Bullshit.” Janus couldn’t believe he would ever suggest such a thing. All Remus ever wanted was to be heard and cared for, yet he was willing to let that all go for him. He’d never allow that to happen. “You are a part of my love life, Remus. It isn’t romantic, but it isn’t any lesser, either. You really think I’d throw you away like that?”
     He was happy to see Remus’s smile turn genuine, but he didn’t have much time to think about that fact as he was tackled back into a hug. “No, I was just testing you.”
     “I can tell when you lie, Reem.”
     “And I can turn your scales into exposed tissue, but I’m choosing to hug you instead.”
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Your writing is amazing!! So I’m going to make a request, and hope you decide to write it. I’ve recently watched Divergent and it sparked my interest because I have seen this yet. The reader, platonic or not, is mind controlled by a witch to kill Dean, or vice versa where Dean tries to kill the reader. It’s up to you if either one of them to kills the other, I don’t really care. You’ll do amazing, that’s for sure!! 💗💗 hope this made sense too :/
True Love
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Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: YN is being mind controlled by Rowena to kill Dean and Dean must do everything he can to save her and himself.
Warnings: Cursing, Fluff, Angst, Blood, Fighting, Suicide Mention
A/N: This got a lot darker as I kept writing. Probably not my best work because I had so many ideas and I tried to incorporate them all. Also some flash backs to Season 10 (a direct quote from Dean and Rowena that's one of my favorites). My ask box is once again empty! Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!
Dean: 42 YN: 39
After hours of arguing and fighting, Dean parked the Impala in the garage of the bunker. He got out and slammed the door shut, leaving YN in the car alone.
Tears were pouring down her face as Dean's words kept repeating in her head: "If I had the opportunity to not love you anymore, believe me I'd take it. I wouldn't have to save your ass everyday. I wouldn't have to deal with you not knowing what to do everyday. I wish this would just end."
Dean just saved YN from a hunt she was doing on her own. She was trapped in a barn in the middle of nowhere, about to be eaten alive. Luckily Dean knew exactly where she was or she'd have been dead.
The three hour drive back to the bunker was just a yelling fest between Dean and YN, and within 20 minutes, YN was crying.
Dean stormed into the bunker and down the hallway to his bedroom. He slammed his door shut then sat down on his bed.
"Why can't she just listen? Why do I always have to save her?" he paused and thought for a moment, "How can I show her how dangerous this life really is?"
Dean laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He was so exhausted as the argument took everything out of him. Slowly his eyes closed and he drifted off to sleep.
YN's blood curdling scream could be heard throughout the bunker as Dean sat up abruptly in bed. His face was covered in sweat and he was gasping for breath. A hand clutched his chest as he tried to figure out what was going on.
"Please tell me that scream was from my nightmare," Dean said to himself.
Just then, another scream was heard, "Dean! Help me!"
Dean shot out of bed, the knife from under his pillow in hand, as he ran out of his room. He stood in the hallway, trying to listen for YN.
"Dean!" he heard from the right. He ran down the maze of hallways, listening for YN screaming his name. After a while of running in circles, he was about to give up.That was until he walked into the library.
There stood YN, her hand and arm dripping in blood, head hanging towards the ground, and was almost limp. Dean slowly walked into the library, his knife raised for a fight and his eyes not leaving YN.
An eerie, dark chuckle escaped her lips, "Hello, Dean," she raised her head, "How's it going?"
Dean gasped slightly at the sight of her face. The swollen black eye, bruised cheek, and busted lip showed how hard she was fighting earlier.
"YN? What happened?" Dean took a step towards her.
"No, no, Deano. Just stay right there," YN said, a creepy smile across her face.
Dean stood still as he stared at YN, "YN, what's going on? What happened to you?"
In that moment, Rowena decided to walk around the corner. Her long black dress dragged along the stairs and the curls in her hair bounced as she slowly walked towards YN. 
Dean's eyes were locked on Rowena. His face changed from concern to beyond pissed off.
"Hello Dean," Rowena smiled.
"Rowena. What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this? I'm sorry. Did I say nice girl? I meant evil skank," Dean hissed at her.
Rowena laughed, "You say that like it's an insult. But nice girls," she smiled at YN, "they're pathetic. Here's to evil skanks."
Dean growled at her, "What did you do to her?"
"It's just a simple mind controlling spell, dear."
"Yeah, Dean. It's simple," YN smiled at Rowena, "I kill you, the spell gets broken, and Rowena gets what she wants. It's a win for everyone," she paused, "Well I guess not you because you'll be dead."
Dean was confused, "Wait a second, she wants you to kill me?"
YN sighed, "Yes, Dean. Keep up, will you? It's really not that hard."
Dean took a step towards her, "YN, babe. You don't want to kill me."
YN thought for a moment, "Yeah," she walked towards him and took his knife, "I think I do."
She swung the knife at Dean who ducked out of the way. Dean decided in that moment he had to save his girl. YN kept swinging the knife back and forth at Dean, but nothing hit him.
Rowena laughed as Dean, "Good luck, boy. She's got some killer instincts," she snapped her fingers and was gone.
"YN, stop! This isn't you!" Dean yelled as he ran down the hallway.
YN began to chase him, knife in hand, "Yeah, right. This totally is me, Dean. This is just the me that's been suppressing these feelings."
Dean turned a corner and stopped, "I know that's not true."
YN turned the corner, stopped in front of Dean, smiling, "You really think I ever loved you, Dean? You dragged me into this life. I could've been free. I could've had a normal life. But no. You decided to pull me into Hell with you," she swung and missed with the knife.
Dean grabbed her wrist and knocked the knife out of her hand, "You and I both know I never wanted you in this life."
YN grabbed Dean's other wrist and twisted it, "Oh yeah? Want to bet your life on that, Winchester?"
YN and Dean began to wrestle each other. Punches were thrown back and forth, kicks and scratches as well.
YN seemed to be winning the fight until Dean twisted her arm behind her back and he fell face first on the ground. Dean pinned her until she couldn't move.
"Stop!" he yelled.
YN was wiggling, trying to get out of Dean's grip, "Why should I?"
"Because I know you. You love me. And if you loved me, you wouldn't be trying to kill me," Dean said flatly.
YN scoffed, "Really? Because I recall somebody not caring too much about me anymore. Somebody who said 'If I had the opportunity to not love you anymore, believe me I'd take it. I wouldn't have to save your ass everyday. I wouldn't have to deal with you not knowing what to do everyday. I wish this would just end.' Remember those words, Winchester?"
Dean's eyes filled with tears when he realized what was going through YN's head. The mind control spell was feeding off of her anger and sadness from the argument earlier in the night.
"YN, what I said earlier, I didn't mean it," he tried pleading with her.
YN kept trying to get out of his grip, "Yeah right, Dean. You meant every word. I know you, I know how you think."
"We've been together for 5 years now. Not once have you even said that you loved me. How am I supposed to believe that you didn't mean it when you don't care?"
Dean loosened his grip on YN's arms, "Please, YN, listen-"
"And if you died, I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore. The feeling of being unloved, not cared for. It would all be gone. And so would you."
"Babe, I'm sorry you feel that way, but-"
"You hate me. I know you do. And I hate you too. I hate that instead of letting me help you, you push me away. When I try to impress you by doing a hunt on my own, I always get caught or hurt or both. You wish I wasn't here," she reached for the knife as fresh tears fell down her face, "Well, I can solve that for both of us," she held the knife in both hands to her chest, "I won't kill you. I'll kill myself instead. Save you the burden of having me around."
Dean's face was covered in tears as he slowly took the knife from YN's hand, "YN, no. That won't fix anything," he set the knife aside and took her head in his hands, "I messed up. I really did this time. You are the love of my life. You're everything to me. And if I were to lose you, I'd be devastated. I don't want you to get hurt. If you want to hunt that badly, I'll train you properly. And I'll hunt with you," Dean wiped the tears from his eyes before saying, "I never have told you I loved you because I always thought the first time you say it to someone means something special."
Tears were pouring down both of their faces. YN looked up at Dean as a smile formed on his lips.
"YN, I love you. I love you so much. Of course I love you. I've loved you since the first day I saw you. You're right, in 5 years I haven't done enough to prove that to you," he sighed as he locked eyes with her, "I was waiting until Sam and I could go look for a decently priced ring, but I've been wanting to ask for your hand for months now."
YN blinked rapidly as her eyes flashed a purple color before going back to normal. She went limp and fell against Dean. He caught her and held her tightly.
"I'm right here, YN."
She slowly looked up at him, "Did you mean that? You love me? You've been wanting to propose this entire time?"
Dean chuckled, "Yeah, I have. So what do you say?"
YN sighed, "I'd say skip the ring. Jewelry and I don't really go together."
"Is that a yes?"
YN laughed, "Of course, Dean," she kissed him, "I love you so much."
Dean and YN shared another kiss before Dean just held her in his arms.
"I always knew love was stronger than anything," Dean whispered.
My Cherry Blossoms
@mlovesstories @adorable-minibot @chessurkait
@idksupernatural @desiredposion @thevelvetseries @let-me-luve-you
@obsessedwithfandomsx @mangueweaschester @starchildwild @deans-baby-momma
@spnbaby-67 @unicornmadness2444
@emery--nicole--morrison @spnfamily-j2 @akshi8278
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wdwmarveldisney · 4 years
Stars and Superman-Racetrack Higgins
(GIFs isn’t mine)
Modern era
Summary: Reader is dealing with the lost of someone close to them when a boy in a Superman costume comforts them.
A/N: Got this random idea when sitting outside watching the stars and I couldn’t help but write it so yeah.
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The blanket didn’t make the ground much comfier but it did stop the grass from tickling the side of your face and the mud getting in your hair. It also stopped the ground from ruining your jacket, that was a navy blue shade. The blanket itself was black and was smooth on one side and fluffy on the other. Right now you ran your fingers across the fluffy side, staring at the stars.
You have this habit of going outside and watching the stars every night. Sometimes you sat on a chair, sometimes you would sit on the fire escape, sometimes you lay on the grass or sometimes you’d bring the blanket out but no matter what, without fail, you’d be out their. It was normally for an hour or two before going to bed. Sometimes in the summer you’d go out just before the sunset so you could read a book for a bit. It didn’t matter where you were, home, your grandparents’ house, a friend’s, you’d always watch the stars.
It started when you were five, you’d sit out there for ten minutes before going to bed because you wanted to remember ‘the pretty lights in the sky tomorrow’, as you used to say. Your mum had always sat out with you, occasionally reading a bedtime story. By the time you were nine, you had several books about space, taking up two whole bookshelves in your room, while also having watched almost every space related documentary possible.
Something about the stars seemed to call to you. Your mum was the only one to not call it a crazy obsession, the only one who would sit outside with you a couple of times and let you point out different constellations and explain them whilst also making space related puns. She’d let you point out the planets that were sometimes visible and let you inform her of the conditions of said planets, even if she’d heard it a dozen times before and knew the words you’d say off by heart.
Right up till last year, she’d be there with you, sometimes making her own jokes and adding stories from when she was little and thought that the stars were little fairies who had flown too far away to be seen clearly. Sadly she didn’t make it to the usual Halloween stargazing, where the two of would meet at the park round the corner. At first you thought she ditched you or forgot but then you’d remembered this was your mum, the woman who never saw you as crazy or obsessive but merely enthusiastic and passionate. She was the women who told you that if the person you end up with hated your love for stars, they wasn’t the right one. She was the woman who listened to you lecture her on the newest fact that NASA had posted or listened to you talk about your dream to see space. She was like an other half.
It wasn’t until a hour or two of you sitting alone when you’re dad had called you, asking why your mother wasn’t picking up her phone. At first, you were confused, telling him she wasn’t there, but he insisted that she had left the house and was on her way to see you. The police were called and she was filed as a missing persons case until she was found in a river, a day later. The police assumed she had accidentally fell in and drowned, they’d found a few belongings quite a while down the river.
You had cried for month after month, an empty feeling you knew would never go away. The night it happened you swore you saw one star shine brighter and had always said that it was her, seeing space like how she said she would. But now it had been a year. A long year of silent and lonely stargazing sessions from the fire escape of your apartment. You had spent the last few months debating about going to the park on Halloween, finally deciding that you would.
You had your jacket under your head as a pillow while you traced shapes into the blanket. It just didn’t feel right. You could hear kids laughing and joking and eating their endless amounts of sweets as usual but she wasn’t there complaining about how loud the neighbours were or how Helen down the street wouldn’t stop gossiping about one thing for two weeks in a row.
Your breathing became just a bit uneven as tears began to well up in your eyes. You’d came to honour her in a sense, to remember her, but as you stared at the lit up sky, that one star shining just as bright as last year, you couldn’t help the feeling that it was the wrong decision.
“Are you’se okay?” The voice was calm and collected (quite the opposite to you at this moment in time) but also sounding concerned. You turned your head to see a boy round your age, looking awkward yet confident. He had blonde curls that were extremely messy and the brightest blue eyes you had seen. You assumed he was on his way to a costume party as he wore a casual sort of suit but the buttons of the shirt were mostly undone so a Superman logo could be seen.
“No,” you’re voice was the complete opposite from his. It was the sound of a broken person who just didn’t know what to do anymore, you could both tell. He hesitantly stepped forward, careful about not getting too close in case you weren’t too fond of strangers comforting you. He was pretty sure most people (practically all) weren’t.
“Can I’se, er, sit?” He pointed to the space next to you and with an overwhelming need for comfort, you nodded. He was a stranger in a Superman costume and yet you didn’t care because you needed somebody with you, anybody. They could never replace her but they could at least give you the confirmation that you’re not alone.
“I’m Race,” he looked slightly uncomfortable before holding out his hand. He was sat next to you, knees pulled up to his chest, arms resting on his knees. You allowed yourself to smile and laugh slightly for a second. “Race?”
“Yeah, Race,”
You reached across, slipping your hand into his and shaking it. “Interesting name you got there,” you compliment with a small smile on your face from the sudden bright one in his. “Yeah, you got one?” Debating for a second or two, fiddling with your hands that now rested in your lap, you nodded. “Yeah I do,”
Race smiled still, though he was obviously slightly confused and curious. “What is it?” He asked and watched as you stared at the sky, changing to now lean back on your hands. With your eyes still fixed on the sky above, darting around to look at almost every spot, you mumble, “Y/N,”
“Well, Y/N, don’t wanna upset ya or anythink but you’se said ya weren’t okay,” he pointed out and you nodded at that, fighting back a sudden rush of tears. “I’m not,” you whisper and he gives you second, his eyes scanning over your features that held obvious sadness and heartbreak.
“Why?” The question slipped from his lips without any thought to it. You tensed at that word, your whole body becoming seemingly numb but also overflowing with emotions at the same time. “It’s, um, this day last year, er, I lost someone,” tears were freely falling down your face, your heart shattering again. You felt a hand rest on top of your one and looked down to see him lacing his fingers with your’s.
How was it possible that he, a stranger, had comforted you more in one move than anybody else had in one year?
“We, my mum, who...” you couldn’t bring yourself to say the word ‘died’. Race seemed to understand this as he sent a small reassuring nod in your direction as his eyes scanned your face in worry. “We would, um, come here every, er, every Halloween to stargaze but last,” you cut yourself off with the sob that left your lips.
Two arms wrapped round your shoulders, one rubbing your back in a sign of comfort. He was silent as you cried your heart out onto his old blazer. You couldn’t help that you were begging yourself to stop crying on a stranger’s blazer but it seemed to make you only sob more.
Race didn’t mind that much. You were in a bad place where you had obviously lost someone important to you and you were clearly suffering alone, at least he thought so because you were seeking the comfort of someone you didn’t know. He wasn’t going to leave you sobbing by yourself, he knew what that felt like. No, he was going to sit here next to you and comfort you and show you that someone’s there for you, just like he wanted when he felt like this.
He whispered small, sweet words in your ear as he held you. He listened to the heartbreaking sound of you calm down and say that you were fine only for another wave of tears to hit you and you trying to hold them back. He hated that you kept muttering to yourself saying that you were being pathetic for crying in public and repeating “Shut up,” multiple times.
It took a while of him telling stupid stories and asking random philosophical questions, that were extremely strange, for you to calm down to a point where you could talk properly. Immediately you had started to apologise but he wouldnt have it. Instead Race decisided to ask you a question about yourself after spilling most of his life to you. “You like to stargaze?”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, wiping at your eyes with such force that they only got redder. “I just, they’re beautiful. I know it’s weird but they’re just good at distracting me and they’re so amazing,” you add hesitantly. Many people didn’t unders the feeling you got, that far off world feeling, that you would escape to.
“It’s not weird, I’se get it. What’s your favourite, um,” he trailed off, snapping his finger as he pointed to the sky. He had forgotten the word and slightly gestured to the many bright balls of gas that lit up the sky.
“Constellation?” He nodded in answer, his cheeks going a light pink as you laughed lightly. It only took you two seconds before you pointed to the constellation that was luckily clearly visible from your spot. Race’s gaze followed to where you pointed, letting you explain what the constellation was and why it was your favourite.
He felt a smile stretch across his lips as he watched your once tear filled eyes light up with the kind of joy you got when you’re passionate about something. A small grin was visible on your face as spoke and wildly gestured with your hands as you talked. You didn’t seem so broken anymore but the evident pain was still barely noticeable in your eyes.
You finished talking about the constellation, having gone into several different topics as you did so but always getting back to the original explanation. It was then you remembered what he was wearing and you panicked slightly. “I’m so sorry, you must’ve been going to a party or something and you probably just wanted to go as soon as possible and here I am going on about stars when you don’t even care,” you said in one breath, refusing to meet his eyes.
Race looked down at his costume, finally remembering that he was heading to Jack’s Halloween party. He checked his phone to see numerous miss calls and texts from some of the boys and decided to quickly text to Albert that he probably wasn’t going to show up.
After sending the text, he turned back to you. As crazy as it sounded, he would rather spend the night listening to you talk about space and rambling about these random facts you knew and laughing at your terrible jokes then going and getting drunk at a party.
“I’se just not gonna go,” he told you before a worried expression crossed his face, “Are you’se okay now?” You looked to the sky as he continued to stare at you. Race being there gave you same that same strange escape feeling as the stars and you’d known him for less than two hours.
“Stars and Superman? I’m fine,” you joked, looking back to him and he immediately grinned. It made your heart flutter and skip a beat. You’d always wanted to believe in love at first sight but knew that you’d only find it in fairytales or fanfics and yet, sitting there with him at that moment, you thought, no you knew, you were wrong. If only you knew Race felt the same.
You spent the rest of the night talking, laughing and joking like you’d known each other for years. It was three in the morning before you had both realised how tired you were and had decided to go home. He walked with you back to your apartment and you both exchanged numbers. As soon as he had made your contact name, he showed it to you with a proud sort of smile.
You laughed before showing him the name you had given him.
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doof-doofblog · 3 years
"You Can't Even Say It, Can You?!"
Double Episode Post
Monday 29th March 2021 - Tuesday 30th March 2021
Hello again everyone! Hope you're week is going well so far! I apologise for being so late, but this post is going to cover this week's Monday and Tuesday episodes, that way I will be completely up to date! Unfortunately I do have plans for the rest of the week so I probably won't be posting again until next Monday, where of course I'll post double episode posts just to make sure I've caught up with you all! I just want to say thank you for your patience and support, it really does mean the world!
Anyway, let's jump straight into it, so much drama happening right now! The first thing I have to mention first is Whitney, Kush and Gray! After the way Gray had spoken to them the night before, but Whitney and Kush appear to be discussing Gray's behaviour. Kush completely believes that Gray was out of order for talking to Whitney the way he did, especially considering she's been at his every beckon call looking after his kids over the last few months! But Whitney seems to stick up for her friend, claiming that he's been through a tough time and it's understandable why he'd be stressed out. I'm glad that Kush is slowly noticing Gray's flaws, only ever so slightly though!
Later on, Whitney goes to visit Gray but interestingly before she arrives we see Gray pull out some kind of piece of jewellery from his blazer pocket, at first I wasn't too sure what this was for, was it Chantelle's? Was it the piece of jewellery that had gone missing? Or was it for something else completely?! As Whitney finally arrives, Gray happens to mention that he has a work Gala event to go go, but he doesn't appear to be in the mood, considering he used to go with Chantelle every year. Oooooo Gray is really good manipulator isn't he?! It's blatantly obvious that he's dropping hints, informing Whitney that he doesn't want to go, so of course Whitney offers to attend the event with him and be his plus one, and of course Gray is ever so thankful and appreciative of her for suggesting such a thing, but what else makes it more creepy - when Whitney mentions she has nothing to wear for the event so Gray give her one of Chantelle's dresses to wear!
As Whitney is at home getting changed, Kush walks in to find her wearing the dress. Needless to say she does look stunning in it, but as Whitney admits it's actually Gray's deceased wife's dress she's wearing, makes her feel incredibly uncomfortable! I mean it's no secret that Gray has fallen for Whitney, but is it some kind of twisted ploy to replace Chantelle?! Who knows?! Kush is absolutely baffled when he learns about the dress and states that Gray must be going insane! What normal person would do such a thing?! But regardless of the slight concern, Whitney still tries her best to stick up for Gray, claiming that he's still a grieving man and dealing with a lot of stress. Kush seems to understand that his girlfriend is just doing Gray a favour, which of course she is - little do they know that it means something more for Gray.
Ooooh so the piece of jewellery that Gray had earlier he had actually bought for Whitney?! Was this all part of his plan? Or was it only going to be an apology gift for the way he spoke to her the previous night?! Gosh, my mind is asking all sorts of questions! Don't you guys find it incredibly creepy?! It's like Gray almost has this slight obsession with Whitney and knowing that she's dating Kush, seems to really grate on him! It's almost as if he can't have her, no one can! Eventually Gray and Whitney make their way to the Gala event, and it seems as if everyone's eyes are turned towards Whitney, but not so much in a good way. Not even a year after his wife's death - technically, it's only been just over 6 months - people are concerned that Gray has moved on ever so quickly from his deceased wife, plus the fact that Whitney was once his client makes it even more weird!
One of the main highlights for me was during the event, it was clear to see that Whitney was getting bored of out her skull! As she spots Gray speaking with colleagues, she approaches him claiming that she's been doing the "Signal" for a good while, but Gray pathetically apologises claiming that he thought she'd just had an itchy nose! It's clear that she isn't enjoying herself and has concerns about people staring at her! But the most brilliant part of that scene was the look on Whitney's face after realising what she had just eaten after being offered a canape' - snail!!!!! That was a hilarious and a very relatable moment, brilliant acting from Shona McGarty! She's truly brilliant!  
After a small chat with Gray and a quick goodbye, Whitney finally leaves the event - much to her relief, but to her surprise, Kush is sat outside the club waiting for her. As they share a portion of chips together on the side of the road, it's funny to see how comfortable they are together as Whitney lets out a burp! It's a funny moment which they both laugh at, even though I never saw this connection before, it's clear to see that they feel truly comfortable with each other, it's a relationship that I never thought I'd actually enjoy, but yes Kush and Whitney have always been good friends, but being in a relationship - it just works! As they continue to laugh at Whitney's actions, Kush makes an interesting response that they're like an old married couple - now this is what I didn't see coming - Whitney does the most amazing, honourable thing and gets down on one knee and proposes to Kush. He is totally stunned by her question, but accepts her proposal and they both hug with pure excitement and happiness! I truly felt that this was a beautiful moment, I know it's not traditional for the lady to pop the question, but it is the 21st century, why shouldn't women propose to their loved ones, I'd love to see it more often!
Of course, Gray has no knowledge about Whitney and Kush's engagement, but the interesting thing is when he returns from the Gala, he removes his wedding ring from his finger! Like, why?! Is he really over Chantelle already?! It's not until the following day when Whitney arrives at his place to take care of the kids that Gray eventually finds out. Whitney begins to explain that she was going to text him when she got home, which kind of puts a small smile on Gray's face, making him think she was going to thank him for a lovely evening or something, but it turns out she was just going to tell him about her and Kush's engagement! As Gray learns the news, you can see he has to put on a front, claiming that he's thrilled for both of them, but deep down - we know he's not as thrilled as he makes out, deep down, he's seething! As everyone gathers at Ruby's club to toast the happy couple, Gray arrives late but once again he can't help but be completely manipulative! As he steps to the bar, Kush approaches him saying that argument from the other day has been forgotten about, but Gray seems to be really sly, claiming that he's luckily to have Whitney - stating that she'd be willing to wait for him to get out of prison and they may be able to walk up the isle in about 4 or 5 years time! Ooooo, he's so conniving isn't he? What do we think will happen for Whitney and Kush, will they be able to get married before he goes to prison? Or is something even more devastating going to happen?!
The second thing I have to mention is Sharon! Now she's moved out of the Vic, I have been wondering where she's been staying, it turns out that she has moved in next door to the Slaters! To be fair, I was wondering where she had gone, whether she had moved in with someone, but turns out that she's managed to get herself her own place. Unfortunately having the Slater's as her neighbours is the price she's had to pay! She happens to mention to Callum that she's desperate to have a new start for her son, Albie! Realising that she's had to depend on Phil for a few things in her life, she take the opportunity to approach him about becoming a part of his money laundering business, regardless of giving her son somewhere to live, she needs to have some kind of business opportunity for her son, to provide for him, but also for something for her son to be proud of.
As much as Phil is willing to help his old friend out, Ben can't seem to understand how his Dad is still clinging to straws where Sharon is concerned. I guess I can understand Ben's concern, he clearly doesn't want his Dad to be made a fool of again. He makes the valid point that Sharon would never had ended up in this mess if she hadn't have slept with Keanu in the first place. In an attempt for once and for all keep Sharon away from his Dad, Ben takes it upon himself to confront her, but Sharon - being the vixen that she is, gives just as good as she gets, claiming that no one would even bat an eye-lid at Ben if he didn't share the same surname as his Dad! But interestingly, Ben gives her some food for thought, which leads to Sharon changing her mind about being involved with Phil's business. She approaches and Phil and claims she wants something that Albie can be proud of, she's had to confide in Phil for too long now and she needs to do things her way, for her son - which I think is perfectly reasonable and understandable!
The next day, she's look through the paper for all sorts of business opportunities, but as does so, she happens to over hear Peter and Kheerat talking about fitness! Could this be something that Sharon could look into? As Peter arrives home, looking worse for wear - I genuinely can't tell whether he's been for a run or whether he's been out getting pissed again - however, Sharon approaches him with an idea of getting into fitness. But Peter, being the immature male that his is, scoffs at the idea of Sharon wanting to get involved in fitness. She stands her ground though and claims that she doesn't want him to train her, but somehow grow a business in fitness, to which Peter sarcastically responds by questioning that she's wants to become a Personal Trainer?! Realising she's not getting anywhere with Peter, she seems to visit an old venue of the Square, something which I always thought got turned into "Ruby's". We see Sharon look at her phone and contact Jack, purposing that she has a business opportunity for him, but we can see that she's stood beside a business of building of some kind named "Ronnie!" - was this Ronnie's club or something before she passed away?! I can't remember what this piece was, if anyone can remind me, I'd love to find out! What could Sharon's next business be?!
The next thing on my list is the Slater's - mainly Lily for a change this time! Can I just say how brilliant it is to see the young actors and actresses being in the centre of a story for a change? After learning that her Mum is going to be going to prison, Lily can't seem to understand why her Nan isn't doing anything to help. Poor Jean has so much on her plate right now, she's having to deal with her terminal cancer and the fact that her daughter is going to prison. Interestingly, she happens to mention that this day happens to be Stacey's final day of freedom! Does this mean she'll be going to prison or going to trial very soon?!
Meanwhile, in another part of the Square, Billy and Honey are waiting to hear news about Janet's audition, eventually both Lily and Will happen to meet up on the Square, together they share stories about their families being at each other's throats. Lily confiding in Will about her Mum going to prison, the fact she called Ruby her "Wicked Step-Mum" was brilliant! But Will also informs her that his family isn't as different, as he's having to cope with his Mum and Dad bickering over his Mum's new relationship with Jay - it seems these two youngsters have more things in common than I realised. They both have dysfunctional families! To cheer his friend up, Will invites Lily to the celebratory party that's been planned for Janet.
As Lily and Will observe the events and discussions taking place in front of them, Lily questions whether Billy and Jay are rowing or actually being civil with each other, but the next thing that Will says seems to play on Lily's mind. He mentions that since Honey had her fall, both Jay and Billy have been nice to each other, mainly because they've had no choice. As Janet arrives for her surprise party it's revealed that she's been given the job for the ad campaign. As Lily returns home, Will's words play on her mind. She finds herself at the top of the stairs, she can overhear her Mum and Jean discussing what's going to happen over the next few days. Suddenly we hear a horrendous scream, Lily is seen lying almost unconscious at the bottom of the stairs. The poor girl has thrown herself from the stairs in an attempt to stop her family from arguing. Will she be okay?!
The final thing I need to mention is Mick and Frankie! After trying to get to know his daughter a lot better, he's come to learn that Frankie hasn't got her driver's licence yet. Determined to teach his daughter to drive, he takes Frankie out in the car, unfortunately things don't go to plan when the car seems to pack in! As much as Frankie tells her Dad not to worry, Mick begins to feel distraught, considering the fact the he hasn't been there for her as a child, he's eager to be there for her now she's come into his life. Eventually they manage to get the car starting again, however they're met with another issue when a car-park attendant places a ticket on the windscreen of the car.
As much as Mick tries to co-operate with the attendant, things only seem to escalate when he's accused of being a repeat offender. Mick admits he's taught his other children to drive in the exact same way, but the car-park attendant seems to really insult him by claiming he's broken the law numerous amounts of times. As Mick appears to lose his patience, he rips the ticket off the windscreen and throw it back at the attendant, poor Frankie is silent as she watches the events happening in front of her, luckily she thinks on her feet, gets into the car, starts the engine and reverses quickly for her Dad to jump in! In Mick's shock at her driving skills, he lunges into the car and they speed off before the car-park attendant can do anything else.
As they get home they determined to try again, but I have to say I love Frankie's humour! Claiming that she'd make a brilliant get away driver, she hilariously puts on a pair of tights over her head to play the role! After another successful driving lesson, it looks as if the car seems to have another issue, as Mick continues to see to the car, his phone begins to ring. Frankie finds it, claiming it's a bloke called "Tom" - however Mick informs her to ignore the call, instantly Frankie is suspicious and begins to question her Dad, however Mick seems to make a comment which doesn't sit well with Frankie, claiming she's "Beginning to sound like her Mother!". Frankie is deeply hurt by this comment and walks away, making Mick realise he's said the completely wrong thing!
In a desperate attempt to make it up to her, he follows and claims that the bloke he ignored the phone call from was someone he was meant to speak to revolving around his sexual abuse as a child. Frankie completely understands and Mick states that because she's his daughter, she will be a Carter! As they return to the Vic, Frankie appears to be confronted by old school bullies who seem to have tracked her down after hearing the news about her Mum. Mick however seems to seething after hearing everything they're saying, but Frankie is proves that she is more than capable of looking out for herself, putting the bullies right in their place, which leaves a huge smile on Mick's face, she truly is his daughter! Only as they try again when she's behind the bar, Mick takes his chance to step in, however when he informs them to stop hassling Frankie her referrers to her as his "Staff" and not his daughter! This clearly upsets Frankie as she comes realise that even though she's longing to become a part of his family and become a real "Carter" - Mick finds it really hard to call her his "Daughter!" - even though he's said it directly to her, he can't seem to admit it to other people!
I really hope that Mick will overcome this fear of admitting who Frankie really is, if he's has any hope of building a relationship with her, that is the first thing he's going to have to do! I know I've said it once and I'm going to say it again, I really can't wait for Nancy to return, I'm really excited to the see the sister dynamic between Nancy and Frankie, it's going to be brilliant! What do you think of the soap so far? If there are thoughts and opinions you'd like to share, please feel free to leave me a comment or message, I'll always take the time to respond! Thank you all for your on-going support! Love you all xXx
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iheardarumorxxx · 4 years
Midnight Sun, Chapter 2 - Open Book
Not even a full paragraph in and I have to call Weirdo on something. In the Twilight canon, it is often mentioned that vampires are always always always cold. Like, big old blocks of perfectly sculpted ice. But here, Eddie boy says that his skin had cooled to match the air around him. Can’t work that way. Either Pires are heat sinks that are always freezing, or their temperature can change based on the temperature around them. Can’t be both.
Also gonna bring up the chapter titles real quick. Maybe SM will try to hamfist it, but in Twilight the chapter titles were (supposedly) related to the chapter. First Sight was Bella (supposedly) falling in love at first sight w Edward, and Open Book was Bella going on about how she was an open book and couldn’t hide anything and wore her emotions on her face etc etc. It doesn’t make sense to me to keep the same chapter titles when we’re obstensively living in the head of a different character.
Would have been, if I'd been able to really see it.
What SM was going for here was ‘Edward was so lost in his own head that he couldn’t even see the sky above him even though it was beautiful’ but this doesn’t work. Wanna know why? It’s because of this:  The sky above me was clear, brilliant with stars, glowing blue in some places, yellow in others. The stars created majestic, swirling shapes against the black universe - an awesome sight
Weirdo described the sky with perfect, flowery detail, expressed outright the colors that were swirling above him and the way the stars swirled and made shapes. He wouldn’t have been able to do that if he was too focused on his own thoughts to pay attention to it. This is what I mean when I say that SM hasn’t really mastered the First Person POV. This would have absolutely worked if instead of ‘I’ it had said ‘he’. 
As a note: Weirdo calling Bella ‘unremarkable’ in terms of how she looks just comes off as those shitty ‘you aren’t even that hot’ responses from people when they get rejected.
And Weirdo describing the way Tanya leaps at him reads really flat and boring. The play by play method to show how Graceful and Ethereal the Pires are is gross and the flat emotionless tone makes it read like a laundry list of actions. 
Chagrin sighting number two. And I’ve gotta say, this little thing with Weirdo and Tanya reads a little more realistically than any interaction between our main couple throughout the entire Twilight Saga. Sure, Widdle Eddie isn’t into her, but they’re openly and honestly communicating about it, which is more than Bella and Weirdo ever did.
Mostly Tanya preferred human men
This sentence right here completely invalidates Weirdo’s entire argument about how he would murder Bella with his Schlong if he ever gave into his desire for her, as there is clearly a way to hook up with a pathetic, weak human without killing them.
Two chagrins in one chapter, I am blessed.
though her feelings were not deep, hardly pure, and, in any case, not something I could return.
This goes back to that thing I was bitching about in chapter one about Weirdo and only reading surface level thoughts. He isn’t an empath, he can’t descern from her surface thoughts how deep her feelings might be. Based on how his power comes across, it’s likely that he can’t actually interpret any kind of tone at all, and is guessing at the emotion behind the thought. Just because Tanya makes a passing thought about Eddie that may be ‘unpure’ (gag) doesn’t mean that her feelings for him are strictly lusty and naughty.
By the way, it’s only chapter two and I’m already sick of hearing about Bella’s ‘chocolate brown eyes’.
That time jump that they did from Snowy Alaska back to Fork High cafeteria was jarring. We have literally travelled through space time to get back to The Plot(tm) as quickly as possible. Maybe, just maybe, it would have been beneficial to see some of Weirdo’s drive back, get some more introspection, more of an idea of how he plans to handle himself re: The Bella Thing, even if it is in his whiny, affected urple prose.
Humans were constantly desperate to feel normal, to fit in. To blend in with everyone else around them, like a featureless flock of sheep.
Unlike our great, wonderful, perfect Pires, of course. They would never dare to try fitting in with the Sheep that they have decided to live among and try to blend in with. This goes to prove my point that SM’s Pires don’t give a flying shit about blending in with humans, even though it is supposedly Vampire Mafia Law that they don’t get exposed.
"Maybe you're not as scary as you think you are,"
Despite the fact that SM tries so hard to make him come off as the stereotype of ‘dumb jock’, Emmett deserves a better series than this one. Not being afraid to roast Weirdo is absolutely fucking A+ in my book.
We are, yet again, applying Pire logic and physics to not Pire things to show how Strong and Powerful and Amazing our Pires are. I must once again posit that these things are not Pires, and therefore, would not behave in this manner, even when a Pire is interacting with it.
I am once again unconvinced by this Let’s Shit On Jessica Stanley thing I’m having to schlock through. Sure, she’s a lil petty, but she doesn’t come across as overt mean girl bully and she never has. SM never made her feel like anything more than a (in fairness, extremely stereotypical) teenage girl trying to be nice to the new girl in school and being put off by her weird behavior.
Small point to make here, just because I realized how bored I was with the debate over whether Weirdo would go to class and murder Bella or not. Because this is a companion piece to an already published novel, we know what’s gonna happen. Now, a good author wouldn’t let that stop them from making the tension feel real. Even though I know the outcome, I would still be focused on the journey to get there. But I’m not, because it reads as dry and dull. The tension isn’t there and I’m not enjoying the journey to get to the ending I already know. The characters aren’t even likeable enough to keep me entertained. This is why companion pieces and POV shift retellings are so hard to do.
it was hard to believe that anyone so vulnerable could ever justify hatred.
I feel like this is supposed to be the first lil glimmer that Weirdo is In LUV with Bella or whatever in this POV, but the thing is, his patronizing tone and the way he is seemingly always going on about how weak and pathetic Bella is just kinda makes it feel like he’s acting like her Dad. 
Though they didn't want to stand out from the herd, at the same time they craved a spotlight for their individual uniformity.
I only have one thing to say about this. Fuck You Edward Cullen.
I feel like Weirdo is starting to craft this idea of Bella in his head, much like he does with everyone else, but because he doesn’t have the crutch of using his surface thought mind reading powers, he has to guess at her thoughts (much like typical normal human people do because we’re weak and pathetic unlike the Pires), and he’s basically assigning her the thoughts he thinks she should be having. He’s crafting Bella into the perfect ideal for himself without taking her atonomy into consideration.
"Ladies first, partner?"
This is a continuity error. In Twilight, he did not say ‘Partner’, just ‘Ladies first’. It’s nitpickey, and I’m aware that it’s nitpickey, but it’s jarring if you know Twilight well enough to know the dialogue. If we’re going to see the same scene from a different POV, the only thing changing should be the inner monologue, not the dialogue between characters.
I could feel myself warming slightly to the higher temperature.
Bzzzzt, no. I already talked about this earlier, but everything established in canon shows that Eddie doesn’t ever warm up. He and Bella cuddle under a blanket and he is still described as rock hard marble adonis ice. He can’t warm up, according to established canon.
And in this chapter, we finally start the Shitting On Mike Newton run. Mike is the fucking worst in this book and is treated like shit, all because -- can you guess??? -- all because he thought the new girl was pretty and had a little crush on her. Mike gets shit on SO FUCKING MUCH in this series just for daring to think Bella is pretty.
Ignorance was bliss to the human mind.
OR EDDIE YOU’RE JUST ARROGANT AND RUDE AND NOT AS INTERESTING AS YOU THINK YOU ARE. The Cullens fucking PRANCE around this school in their designer beige turtlenecks with their flashy fucking cars and look down their noses at the pleb humans who could never be as good as they are, and especially with the way SM wants to paint Forks as this fucking insular hick town where everyone knows everyone and are probably socioeconomically lower than American average, its RUDE AND GROSS and makes them look like stuck up fucking JERKS. But sure. Keep touting on about how humans are scared of you.
And yet again, we get an example of Eddie boy ignoring the fact that Bella (for all of her faults) is a HUMAN PERSON and not some game for him to play. ‘Wahhh, I can’t read her thoughts, that makes me angy and frustrated’ and whining about how he wants her to GO AWAY because her blood makes his froat hurt but how he wants her to stay because she’s so MYSTERIOUS AND DEEP. 
This didn't fit with the scenario I'd been constructing in my head.
And this is exactly the point I was making up there. Edward is making wild assumptions about Bella based solely on his experience with the human condition from his immortality, but he is also crafting her into what HE thinks is the right way for her to be in his mind without taking into consideration that she is a complex human with feelings and emotions. But instead of actually correcting himself, he continues to do this, and we know he does because he continues to posit that she’s deep and wise even though we know different from being in her POV for three and a half books. 
A lot more of this dialogue is changed from the conversation in the original Twilight than I thought. It should be easy to keep at least the dialogue consistent.
I clearly was not as perceptive as I gave myself credit for.
This is the most true thing that Eddie is going to think in this entire book, and it isn’t even genuine and that upsets me so much.
my mother always calls me her open book.
I would like to use my solid four years of Twilight knowledge to point out that Bella Swan is not an open book, she’s a lying liar who lies about things, even though she says all the time that she doesn’t like lying. She was always going on about how she fakes her emotions for the benefits of others, she is not an open book at all.
The reason she was upset was because she thought I saw through her too easily.
And, of course, Weirdo eats this shit right the fuck up.
"I find you very difficult to read." "You must be a good reader then,"
This exchange didn’t make sense in Twilight, and it still doesn’t make sense here. Unless Bella is being sarcastic based on her previous statement, the exchange just... isn’t good. And it’s pretty clear that Bella isn’t being sarcastic. So. Explain it, someone, pls.
Emmett still deserves a better book than this one. He is literally out here like ‘Everyone makes mistakes, Eddie boy.’ But we are still talking about murder here, so... 
And that’s chapter two. I didn’t mean to do it all in one long post, but I couldn’t really see a good break in it to cut it in half. The human bashing is already getting worse and it’s making me annoyed. As you can probably tell from the Cap Locks. We get the first glimpse of Eddie being ‘protective’ that we know is gonna get creepy and paternal as the story goes along. And I know that SM was going for an old timey thing with Eddie, but Bella’s inner monologue was really dry and boring, and Weirdo is even worse in that area. Yet again, we see the First Person POV slipping. Little things that just don’t work in Eddie’s head.
Join me tomorrow for more, and thanks for reading along. 
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aatsms · 4 years
My Turn To Fix You (Connor x Reader)
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This is my first fanfic that I have ever written so pls be nice! I know it’s long but tbh I wrote this mostly for myself lol. It basically follows the story of a CyberLife engineer (the reader) and our boy Connor! I plan to write multiple chapters for this if anyone actually becomes interested lol!  
Chapter 1
Work at the station had been more intense than usual these past three weeks. Protesters  had been extra violent  in Detroit, protesting against the manufacturing of androids. They usually took their anger out on the police androids in the streets. You guess it made them feel more powerful to rough up an android that was supposed to act as a type of authority. You thought it was kind of pathetic and pointless to cause so much damage to android simply doing its job. It also gave you a shit ton more work than usual since you were the CyberLife engineer working at the Detroit PD to repair any police android that might need it. Police androids are only used for basic police work, such as giving tickets, stoping pick pocketers on the street, and staying alert of anything that might be suspicious or threatening. They don't even carry a gun or weapons, serving more as an extra eye for cops on duty. Connor, the RK800 that works with Hank, is the only android that acts as a fully working detective, able to have a weapon and upgraded with CyberLife's most advance technology.
 You had to admit, he was incredibly impressive. When you had received the blueprints and manuals on his wiring before he first arrived at the station, you found yourself actually a bit overwhelmed. He barely used any parts that were similar to the ones that most androids used, and his wiring was so intricate. He was the most advanced model of android you had ever seen. It took you a few days to get comfortably familiar with his systems so you would be prepared to fix him up if ever he needed it once he arrived. You figured you would be seeing him a lot since he was the only android in the front line of  dangerous work. 
Tonight is the first Friday in a long time you can remember being able to actually leave work on time. It was honestly a miracle. It seemed there was always paper work that needed filling out or an android that needed tending to. It was nice to be home on your couch, under a warm blanket, with food that wasn't takeout for a change, and all by 11:30. You were swiping through an article on the debate of weather android police dogs should also be used in police departments. It seems unlikely. At least until it is confirmed by CyberLife that they are reliable; that they can't disobey their orders or even go deviant. (If that's even possible for android animals.) You were thankful either way because android animals would require you to become familiar with a whole new type of engineering. Learning the ins and outs of Connor was enough. 
It was pouring rain as you were reading. The occasional crash of thunder and lightning was almost comforting to you. You began to dose off to the sounds of the familiar Detroit weather outside. You were suddenly jerked awake by a loud crash of thunder. Or at least that's what you thought woke you up. Standing in the frame of your front door was the RK800 android from the station. He had forced open the door, breaking the lock, and was completely soaked from the rain. He was hunched over, clutching his torso. His LED was flashing bright red. 
"Connor?! What the hell are you doing here?!"
"Sorry for the unannounced visit y/n. I hope it's not an inconvenience."
  You were suddenly aware of the massive flow of blue blood seeping from his midsection. He could barely stand. You rushed over to help him stay upright. 
"Oh my god Connor what happened?!
"Do you think maybe we could talk about the details once i'm not losing an unsafe amount of thirium?" 
"Right, right, right." You were trying to take deep breaths and not panic. He really looked like shit. "I have a  room in the back with a workbench and a whole bunch of extra android parts and emergency thirium. Let's get you back there fast."
You put his right arm around your neck to help him stand and used your other hand to apply pressure to the general area where he was bleeding. Based on the amount of blue his shirt was drenched in, you could tell he was wounded in multiple places. You quickly helped him as he limped to the back room.
 You shoved aside half finished diagnostic reports and old projects off the work bench and helped Connor onto it. His entire shirt was now covered in blue blood. 
"Connor, you're going to need to take off your shirt for this one. I can't even tell where the hell you're bleeding from!" He began to undress as you frantically searched for your crate with supplies to perform a blue blood transfusion. You were not used to having to repair androids at your own house. This was the first time anything like this had happened. You were wondering how the hell Connor even knew where you lived. 
Finally, you found the crate with the supplies you were looking for. Quickly, you turned around, looking directly at a shirtless Connor on your work bench. You weren't sure why, but you felt yourself freeze for a moment, taken aback by the android sitting in front of you. You couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was about him that was so intriguing in that moment. Maybe it was the fact that he was in such incredible shape. You weren't sure why you weren't expecting him to be so ripped. "I mean of course he is." you thought.  "Why wouldn't CyberLife give their newest super weapon abs y/n??" You chuckled to yourself a little under your breath at your own thoughts.
"Is everything alright y/n?" He seemed more concerned about you than the flow of thirium leaving his body.
"Ya sorry, I just... I don't know. Let's get you fixed." You shook away your thoughts and began to focus on the task at hand.
You immediately began work on him, having to use his shirt to wipe the blood from his abdomen so you could get a sense of where all the blue blood was coming from. You discovered 4 bullet holes. "Holy shit Connor what were you doing?"
"Well, my mission didn't go exactly how I expected" he managed to huff out. You could tell the loss of thirium was starting to catch up to him. God only knows how long it took him to find your house after he was shoot. 
Once you cleaned up enough of the thirium to see what you were doing, you began to work on assessing the damage and removing the bullets. You also decided to try to get some answers.
"You must have really pissed someone off for them to have shot you 4 times."
 "Well I imagine getting caught while dealing 20 pounds of red ice would be rather aggravating."
"20 pounds?! How do you even come across 20 pounds if red ice?"
"That's why I was put on this case. They want me to find out where exactly these dealers are finding so much red ice."
"Alright Connor, i'm removing the first bullet now. Be ready to apply pressure."
His LED flashed a quick red as you removed the first bullet. He barely flinched, letting out nothing but a silent grunt. You proceeded to the next bullet.
 "You're lucky you got here so quickly. Any longer and there would have been nothing I could do. How did you even find my apartment?"
"I knew I wouldn't be able to find you in the precinct because I overheard you talking to detective Reed that you were planing on getting home early tonight. I knew my mission tonight was dangerous so I saved your address in my database in case of emergency."
You let out a small laugh and smiled up at him. "You're lucky you were listening in." 
"My programming requires me to be listening to any conversations happening around me within a 20 foot radius."
You thought about what he just said as you finally reached the second bullet. You and Reed were on the other side of the precinct, opposite of where Connor's desk is, when you told him your plans of leaving early. Connor was at his desk, definitely farther than 20 feet away, when you were talking to Gavin. Was Connor....trying to listen to your conversation? Why? You shook the thought from your mind.
"Okay, next bullet out in 3..2...." You removed the second bullet right under his rib. This time he had to brace himself slightly by grabbing the edge of the bench. You put your hand on his shoulder.
 "You good?"
"Yeah" he huffed as he placed his hand over yours on his shoulder. "Move onto the next bullet, i'll be fine." 
You were amazed by how calm he was, considering you were on the edge of having a full fledged panic attack. Quickly, you moved to the spot of the third and fourth bullet. They were relatively close to each other.
"Thank god they didn't hit your thirium pump. It's hard to find those parts for a standard android, let alone an RK800. I don't think I even have one that would fit your model here in my office." 
"You're smart y/n. You would have figured something out."
You tried to convince yourself you believed that statement. Connor seemed to have a lot of confidence in you. Probably too much you thought.
"Last two Connor. I'm gonna take both out at the same time since they're right next to each other. Get ready." You pulled the bullets from his waist with one last tug. He let out a sharp whine, clenching his eyes shut and grabbing your wrist as you removed the last bullets. His grip on your wrist was surprisingly gentle and warm. You forgot that the flow of thirium through his body allowed for him to give off at least some body heat. CyberLife really knew how to make these androids seem so human. 
He slowly let go of your wrist, as his LED circled from a wild red back to yellow and then to blue. You let out a sigh of relief. Finally the hard part was over. All that was left to do now was transfuse some blue blood back into his body, and check to make sure none of his parts or wiring was damaged from the shots. He's able to heal over the wound himself with prosthetic skin.
"My diagnostics program is telling me that there doesn't seem to be any major problems. Only minor motor function issues that can be fixed with a system reset."
"You're lucky Connor. You could have been done for shit." You finished setting up your equipment for the transfusion. Thank god you were done. It was now that you realized that you were sweating. You were used to being under  intense pressure, that was part of your job most of the time. But never had it made you this stressed. Connor could have been gone....and it would have been your fault.
You sat yourself down on the center on the floor, laying your legs straight out in front of you and placing your hands behind you for support. For what felt like the first time in the past 20 minutes, you were finally able to catch your breath. You shut your eyes and began to take deep breaths. It was finally over.
"y/n, I noticed that the situation has caused your heart rate to increase rapidly. I'm sorry for any distress I might have caused you. It wasn't my intention." Connor was not knelt down beside you on the floor. His LED was circling yellow from scanning you.
“Of course you didn't, it's not your fault Connor. If anything i'm thankful you got here before it was too late."
He now sat down across from you, sitting perfectly in a criss-cross position. You both sat in silence for the next few seconds, taking the opportunity to rest after everything that just happened.
"Thank you y/n."
You lifted your head to look across at him. It felt like he was staring right into you. You knew he was an android, but the sincerity in his eyes seemed so real. You couldn't help but feel like he meant it. You gave him a warm smile. "No problem Connor." You started to get up from the floor. "And besides" you smirked, "it's kinda my job to save your ass."Connor looked up at you from the floor, the little light on the side of his head circling with blue. "So" you sighed. "What now?"
Connor swiftly stood up from the floor.
"I learned some critical information for Hank and I's investigation tonight, however I doubt he would appreciate a visit from me so late."
You started to clean up the supplies, parts, and thirium from your workbench as you talked to him. "The precinct is always open, you could go there and file everything in the database until tomorrow morning.
"I need to conduct my system reset before I do anything. If too many of my basic functions are down, my programming won't allow me to do much."
"How long does this reset take?"
"Four hours." Connor seemed annoyed with his answer
"You could just do your reset here. If for some reason anything goes wrong or I somehow missed something when fixing you up, you're right here."
He seemed to be considering what you were offering, his LED flashing yellow. "That would seem to be my best option. I hope you don't mind" The sincerity was back in his eyes.
"It's not a problem at all. Plus I'd rather be able to keep an eye on you for the night."
Connor made his way toward you at the workbench, reaching for his jacket. It was then that you realized Connor was still shirtless. You weren't sure why, but you felt slightly embarrassed as he come closer to you. He seemed to notice something was off. He turned to look at you, his face only inches away from yours.
"Is everything ok y/n?" he asked with genuine curiosity in his voice.
You turned your head back to look straight in front of you instead of looking at Connor.
"Ya sorry I...I was just thinking that maybe we should get you some clothes until I get yours washed." You glanced at him with a nervous smile, trying not to look at his bare chest. Even though he was an android, you still felt you needed to be respectful for some reason. Connor turned to look at his once crisp white shirt now covered in a milky blue.
"I would definitely appreciate clothes that aren't covered in my own thirium."
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