#they’re adopted son trust me
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mmmmmmeow · 3 months ago
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they’re celebrating their marriage with there adopted kid trust me guys
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zhelin-thames · 3 months ago
The Chaos Escalates
Read the prev parts Masterpost (Wrong Number)
A few days after Danny was reluctantly inducted into the Bat-family’s group chat, things began spiraling into pure chaos.
It started with a random text from the group chat late at night.
Dick: Hey, Danny, are you busy?
Danny: It’s midnight. What do you think?
Dick: So not busy. Cool. What’s your opinion on capes?
Danny: ...Capes?
Jason: Don’t answer that. It’s a trap.
Danny: Too late. I hate capes. They’re impractical and get caught on things.
Dick: Blasphemy.
Jason: Told you it was a trap.
Tim: This is why I don’t wear one. Functionality > fashion.
Dick: You’re all ungrateful. Capes are iconic.
Danny: They’re also death traps. I’ve literally watched a ghost get sucked into a portal because their cape got caught.
Jason: See? Ghost Boy gets it.
Dick: This conversation isn’t over.
The next morning, Danny woke up to find at least fifteen memes about capes, all courtesy of Dick. Most were dramatic pictures of heroes with billowing capes, accompanied by captions like, “Behold, the majesty you’ll never achieve.”
Danny sighed, grabbing his phone to text.
Danny: You need a hobby that isn’t bothering me.
Dick: You’re my new hobby.
Danny: Fantastic. I’m deleting this group chat.
Tim: You’ll just get added back. Trust me, I’ve tried.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, later that day, Danny got a private text from Damian.
Damian: You are the half-ghost Jason speaks of?
Danny sighed.
Danny: Yep. And you are…?
Damian: Damian Wayne. The Blood son and The most competent member of this family. Do you also possess combat skills?
Danny: Uh, yeah? I’ve fought plenty of ghosts and a few humans.
Damian: Acceptable. Spar with me.
Danny: What?
Damian: You fly, yes? I wish to test my skills against aerial opponents.
Danny stared at his phone, dumbfounded. Who are these people?
Later, Danny complained to the group chat.
Danny: Who’s the kid who just demanded to fight me?
Jason: Ah, you’ve met Demon Spawn.
Tim: Be nice, Jason.
Dick: That’s Damian. He’s... intense. But he means well.
Danny: He literally challenged me to a fight.
Jason: Yeah, that’s him “being nice.”
Damian: Do not speak ill of me, Todd. Danny, I expect a proper duel soon.
Danny: Not happening.
Damian: Coward.
Over the next week, Danny received a steady stream of texts from various members of the Bat-family. From Jason’s snarky commentary to Tim’s endless ghost-related questions, and even Dick’s unsolicited advice on acrobatics, Danny felt like he’d accidentally adopted a whole new chaotic family.
It all came to a head when Danny got a message from none other than Lady Gotham herself.
Lady Gotham: I see you’ve met my knights, little ghost.
Danny nearly dropped his phone. "How tf is a spirit texting me."
Danny: Wait. You’re Lady Gotham?
Lady Gotham: Indeed. And you’ve done well to entertain my champions. I am most amused.
Danny: Amused? They’re insane.
Lady Gotham: And yet, you fit among them so perfectly.
Danny groaned. He was doomed.
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flwrkid14 · 3 months ago
Tim Drake, Son of Green Arrow: A Wild What-If Timeline
Okay, picture this: Tim Drake ends up being adopted by Oliver Queen. Wild, right? But hear me out.
It all starts with Janet Drake. Back in her boarding school days, she was close friends with Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen. As adults, they drifted, but she always trusted them. So, when drawing up a will with Jack, she names Oliver as Tim’s guardian if anything ever happens to them. Why Oliver? He’s got a stable family life with Dinah, and Bruce is still just “Brucie” at this point, with no Dick Grayson or Robin yet in the picture.
Fast forward. Tim’s parents die in a tragic accident, leaving him alone… until Oliver Queen steps in. Tim gets whisked away to Star City, where he finds himself in a home that actually feels like a family. Oliver, Dinah, and Roy include him in their lives in a way his biological parents never did. They’re attentive, warm, and actually there.
Tim’s obsessive interest in Gotham and the Bat still exists, though. Even as he helps the Queens behind the scenes (because, of course, Tim figures out their identities), he keeps an eye on Gotham and Robin. When Jason Todd dies, Tim immediately notices the shift in Batman. He sees how broken Bruce becomes and, unable to ignore it, brings it up to Oliver.
Oliver listens. He pulls some Justice League strings, and they all step in to help Bruce. But even with the intervention, Tim can see Batman isn’t the same. Batman needs Robin.
Tim, being Tim, takes matters into his own hands. He sneaks back to Gotham, tracks down Bruce, and demands to be Robin. Bruce, skeptical but too tired to argue, lets him. Tim starts living a double life—splitting his time between Gotham as Robin and Star City with the Queens, who have no idea what he’s up to. Bruce assumes Tim’s guardian is some guy named Eddie (a lie Tim pulled out of thin air), and Tim’s balancing this precarious act of being a superhero under two noses.
Then comes the reveal.
After the Tower incident, when Jason comes back and beats Tim bloody, Tim limps home to Star City, where he can’t hide the injuries anymore. Oliver and Dinah are horrified. They demand answers, and Tim finally confesses everything. Dinah is livid, Oliver is fuming, and Roy is caught somewhere between “I’m proud of you” and “I want to wring your neck.” Oliver decides he’s going to have a chat with Bruce about endangering his son.
But Tim? He begs them to let him stay as Robin. He swears he’ll stop as soon as someone else steps in, but Gotham needs Robin. Reluctantly, the Queens agree, but now they’re involved. The next time Bruce and Tim are working a case, Oliver is in the Batcave, glaring daggers at Bruce while Dinah insists on debriefing Tim like he’s an adult.
And oh, the dynamics.
Tim is fiercely loyal to both his families. He adores the Queens—they’re the parents he always wanted—but the Bats become like a second family to him. Jason, after getting over the guilt and anger, starts treating Tim like a brother. Meanwhile, Roy and Jason develop this weird rivalry over who’s Tim’s actual favorite sibling.
Roy: “I taught Tim how to shoot a bow. Can you even use a bow?” Jason: “I’m sorry, does the term ‘second Robin’ mean nothing to you? He’s literally following in my footsteps.” Tim: “I like both of you equally!” Tim, internally: It’s definitely Roy.
Bruce? Bruce gets jealous. He watches Tim laugh freely with Oliver or cling to him at the Watchtower, and there’s this pang of something he doesn’t want to admit. Bruce cares about Tim, but Tim’s already got a dad in Oliver, and it shows.
But at the end of the day, both families fiercely love Tim. Whether he’s in Gotham or Star City, he’s surrounded by people who’d do anything for him. And Tim? Tim wouldn’t trade either family for the world.
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geekishfangirl · 10 months ago
Seen so many Peter Parker in Gotham fics, and while I love them, I would love to see a Batfam in Marvel fics. Especially with the Richard Grayson is Richard Parker idea!
I like to imagine they somehow end up in Peter’s New York (idk how, haven’t thought about it that much) and in their attempts to find a way back to their home universe end up catching the attention of either SHIELD, the Avengers, or just Tony. They are confronted by whoever catches them and, maybe under duress or the idea that they don’t have the resources to get home alone, explain their situation. It all leads to them staying with Tony while they’re there and it all comes to a head when they meet Peter. Because that looks just like Dick! They start trying to spend more time with him to figure out if it’s just a crazy coincidence or not, and eventually realize this is the alternate universe version of Dick’s son!
I love this idea because it makes me wonder about so many things and I feel like it has a lot of possibilities. Like, the batfam is extremely cagey about who they trust, why and how do they end up telling the truth about what happened to them? If we’re talking the MCU (I honestly just like to pick things I like from each universe and make my own but whatever works lmao) Do they end up meeting the Avenger’s pre-Civil War or after? And if after, what would their thoughts on the Accords be?
How would they react to Peter’s story? He barely remembers his father, if he does at all. How would Dick react to the idea of his son growing up without him? To never meeting Bruce and his siblings (if they even exist in Peter’s world) and instead getting adopted by another family? There was never any Robin or Nightwing. He is DEAD in this universe and is watching his adult or near adult orphaned son look to a billionaire superhero as his father figure, just like he had! it would be interesting to highlight both the similarities and differences in the relationship of Tony and Peter to that of Dick and Bruce.
How would they react to Spider-Man and the snap?!
I need someone to write this honestly, there’s so much potential here, I can feel it in my bones.
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drdemonprince · 5 months ago
I remember when civil unions for same-sex couples were legalized in 2016. I was only 17 at the time, and I was still dealing with a lot of stuff. Marriage was only a very far thought in the back of my mind, but still, I remember being so happy to hear that news. It was a new option for me, one that could also open up to the possibility of having a child someday, something I had never really considered possible before that time. It’s been several years now, and little to no progress has been made. I hate how slow this process is. And now we’re going backwards I’m still quite young, only 25, but I already know I would like to become a parent. It’s a difficult feeling to describe. I want to love another human being in the same way that my father and my mother have done with me. I want my boyfriend to become a dad and I want to be by his side throughout all of it. When I see my boyfriend playing with my one-year-old niece, I daydream about having a son or a daughter of our own. I want to see my parents love my child like they loved me. I want to see their smiles while they’re rocking my baby to sleep. I want to tear up at my son or daughter’s graduation. I want to be nervous about the person they’re bringing home for dinner. I want to fear for their safety. I want to trust them to make the right choices. I want to be sad about seeing them move to another city. I want to be proud of their accomplishments. I want to hope that they’ll be happy with the life they’ve chosen and that I’ve helped them build. I want to feel all of it.
A heartbreaking piece from Giulio Serafini on Italy's universal ban on surrogacy -- a policy that I'm embarrassed to admit I was not aware of until just now. Surrogacy was already banned within the country prior to this year, but this new policy now bars prospective parents from conceiving via surrogacy anywhere in the world and then bringing their children back. Between this and the country's complete ban on gay adoption, it's now impossible for same-sex couples to have children.
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safely-in-vhagars-belly · 13 days ago
The Art of Torture
(Aemond x oc/reader)
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Concept: Aemond takes your home town.
CW: parental abuse, sex, titty sucking, incest, rape (not oc/aemond) childbirth, forced adoption, blood, gore, extreme descriptions of extreme gore and blood. torture. Murder, blood licking, tasting, tons of blood. Murder of innocents. Smut. Sex. loss of virginty, Aemond's sexual trauma, Aemond's eye trauma. Aemond being an idiot. I love forshadowing. Pay close attention.
There is more to torture than just killing. Torture, is an artform in a way. Only those with the right skills should perform it. Torture is breaking into someone's mind, understanding their thoughts, their fears and swaying them into trusting the enemy. An art on its own. Lost to most. You, you have been raised by the cruelest man alive. Brutus Bolton, your own father. And now, the gods, fate, destiny, however you want to call it: Has caught up with him at long last. And soon, your story will change.
The smell of blood hangs heavy in the air, choking the oxygen out of it. Aemond Targaryen’s long legs strut through the muddy snow, as he and his men look around for any survivors who can tell them where that coward fled to. It’s humiliating. 
Aemond wipes his brow, putting a loose hair behind his ear, as he tightens his braid, barely keeping his locks together. Everywhere he looks, he sees dead corpses lying in the snow, their throats slit or heads removed.  I’m not his dog.
A soldier runs past Aemond, barely paying him any mind, running off with a captured screaming, crying woman. They don’t respect me. He doesn’t respect me. I’ll never not be a shadow.
Screams, cries, begs, grunts, moans, all noise for Gods who do not listen. Prayers and begs for mercy that gods don’t have. A typical and yet unheard of war scene where Aemond’s troops play the main role. What did I do, but what was expected of me?
He would normally be disgusted by the behaviour of his soldiers. But today, today he does not care. He cannot bring himself to care about the life of the smallfolk on a regular basis. Today, they truly cross paths on an awful day. Let them rot in the deepest, seventh hell.
Prince Aemond had returned, carrying Lucery’s eyes with him. He offered the eyes to the Queen Dowager, his own mother. She slapped them out of his hands, cursing his name and embarrassed him in front of his brother’s court. Aegon agreed that Aemond had talents better suited elsewhere and now he’s up in the ‘’frozen shithole’’ as he calls it, capturing traitors no one truly gives a fuck about. Who cares what Brutus Bolton or his deranged sons are up to? They’re Boltons. They’re not Starks, they’re not Lannisters. Aemond being used to capture petty thieves is an insult that grazes and cuts him deeply. 
A little girl runs away from a home he passes, tripping over a corpse on her way to freedom. Aemond watches as the soldier catches up to her, slamming the axe on the back of her head. The axe hits so deep, that Aemond can hear how it leaves her skin and hits the stones of the road. At least, he thinks he did. He might be imagining it. 
One of the soldiers becomes a little bit uneasy, at this child dying. Aemond finds it strange. Why does a child matter above a adult? Is this some hypcrosim he’s too noble to understand? Or some matter of humanity he’s too dead inside to get?
One of his soldiers stares at the murdered girl. ‘’My Prince,’’ he falls before Aemond. Aemond feels the urge to kick him with his boots but resists the tempting urge for now. He knows this man. Lewin. Lewis? Lendry? Luckey?
The man reminds Aemond of his name. ‘’Aeron, my prince.’’ Ah. Not even close, oh well.
He does not like that name. ‘’You have something to say, Aeron?’’ 
Aeron seems to understand what a terrible mood Aemond is, and hesitates. But he does speak up to his Prince. ‘’I do. I know the Boltons offended you in great ways, but surely…This village belongs to the Starks. We should not loot, rape, pillage, and destory. We should only punish the Boltons.’’ The Prince laughs, barking with laughter at that idotic request. So he’s one of those fools.
Aemond leans in closer, staring at the woven small wooden beads the man wears. ‘’You think if the roles were reversed, they would think twice about raping your little sister in her maiden cunny? I have seen your sister. She’d be luckily if they slit her throat afterwards.’’ He waits to break eye contact to make sure the message is received. He pats his sword after.
‘’Either way you walk on, or you get on your knees and I’ll kill you for deserting. Your choice but make it fast. I’ve got other things to do.’’
As suspected, Aeron does not kneel and walks on, a lot paler than before. He reaches a strange house in the village. No warmth comes from it. No fire is burning inside. Who in their right minds-
‘’The Boltons have run. Can we now go join the others?’’ One of the other men asks Aemond, whining as a brat. Aemond looks at his face, filled with red spots, his crooked nose and his rotting teeth. Of course he would want to rape a woman. There’s no woman who would even touch that with a ten feet pole.  ‘’King Aegon promised us rewards.’’ That’s when Aemond snaps. 
Aegon is not here. He is. Aegon is laying in his bed, sleeping, warm, comfortable, when he’s out here, freezing, walking with blisters, wearing swords and daggers and protecting the kingdom, doing his duty when Aegon puts another bastard in some whore.
He does not warn the soldier. He just smacks him on the back of his head. ‘’You want to join your fellow soldiers? You can choose. You can join them into raping these whores after we are finally done, or you can join them in the afterlife after I’ve impaled your throat. Your choice.’’
‘’What a butch of men. Half of you are cowards, others of you would be better off at the wall.’’
And what does that say about Aegon? Either he didn’t know…
Or worse.
Aegon didn’t care to send good men with Aemond. Aegon wanted Aemond humbled, humiliated. Well, it looks like he’ll get his wish granted.
Aemond and his men pass the house, not paying any mind. Until Aemond hears a soft little noise that would go unnoticed for most inside the house. A very subtle breathe. Someone releasing their breath. He takes his sword out, and kicks the door open of the house. The door has been rotting from within, worms and other vermin greet Aemond as they slither and crawl outside, paying no mind to him or his men.
He pushes through, ignoring the darkness. The entire cottage is dark, said for the middle of the room, where a corpse is surrounded by four small candles. A young woman sits by the corpse, wearing a grey sack that barely suits her beautiful roundings. Aemond keeps the sword nearby, but does not bother to attack. It looks like he found Brutus Bolton, at long last. ‘’Who is that corpse?’’ Aemond asks.
One of the soldiers sets a step closer, but not too much. They seem to fear the woman. ‘’It’s Brutus. That must be his bastard. His daughter.’’ He says. ‘’We found no traces of her brothers. Maybe she knows where they went.’’ Aemond’s mouth makes a disapproving line when he hears the word bastard. But that does mean, she likely won’t have a husband. Her brothers fled, and her father is dead. She’ll comply, make a lovely hostage and if need be some company for the road. 
You hear footsteps approaching, and via the broken glazing plate you put by the counters of the kitchen, you can see the fearsome prince approaching you. You keep your head down, your body shaking as you look at your father’s corpse. Your hands red, stained with blood after hugging him after the unspeakable crimes committed upon him. You repeat the same prayer over and over. The knife is just a reach away. The knife that was used to murder him. Your hands are stained with patterns and prints of sin, death, murder. Crimson drips from your fingertips as you clutch your dress, leaving bloody prints.
The Prince seems to halt in his cold approach. He sees you the way a man sees a woman. He sees you weak. He sees an orphan girl, now at the mercy of a group of killers. He sees a deer lured into the wolf’s den. You allow him to approach closer.
He does pity her. She has a lovely face, said for a ugly scar by her throat. He wonders how she got it. She smells horrible. Like death and rot. But he does not care. He will have his answers. 
You scootch forward, ignoring the prince that was ready to put his hand on your shoulder, to alart you of his presence. Your father’s eyes are wide, and open, staring at the rotting ceiling.
His eyes describe horrors, Aemond notices right away when inspecting the corpse. Whatever killed him, it was gruesome. It was merciless and it was deadly. He smiles at the corpse. Whoever killed him, will be granted a reward. ‘’Find me who killed this fuck. They will be rewarded.’’ Aemond says, instantly. The soldier rushes off to spread his word, while the other four share confused looks. All but one.
The ugly soldier steps forward, and Aemond takes two step to protect his own nose. ‘’I killed him.’’ The ugly soldier says. Aemond does not even respond to that idiot. ‘’My Prince? I claim this girl as my reward…’’ He walks to the weeping girl. Aemond’s head bends in their direction. 
You shriek, backing away from the smelling soldier. You smelled some corpses in your life. Saw some rats. Lived in a room filled where hounds live. But none of it smelled as he did. You just don’t want to be near his smell. ‘’How did you kill him, you were with me the entire time, you idiot. That girl is my only lead. You’ll let her be or I’ll have your head.’’ Your eyes sparkle at that threat, smiling at the prince. He does not return your smile, ignoring your thankfulness. 
You think it’s time to let him now know. You played with them long enough.
You clutch your father’s dead corpse, and bend your head on his chest.  You open your mouth and instead of weeping…
A horrifying, disturbing, unworldly, and utterly terrifying sharp chuckles of pure joy escape you as you clap your bloodied hands in delight. The soldier that wanted to rape you earlier now quickly puts his tiny cock away, staring at you in shock. You don't even acknowledge him. You begin to tear and break the bones of your father, putting the knife in his skin as you pry loose bones and skin alike.
The Prince sets a step towards you, intrigued by what you are doing. Aeron, horrified, hides behind his commander, the Prince. He never saw such bloodthrist. “Good gods-” one of his men begins to mutter but Aemond silences his wordlessly, his eye resting upon the youngest Bolton as you begin to remove the skin of your victim. Your father. 
He watches with his breath as you remove the one after the other piece of skin; first timid and gentle, small pieces but eventually you learn what is in your blood, one way or another. The flesh tears loose and you rips it from the skin, flaying him fully. You release a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding. You always pictured this moment, every time he beat you, every time he starved or hurt you: You pictured this moment. And now, now it’s here. You revel in his blood, smearing it over your face and body as a cry of happiness.
You revel in the delight and the blood as you happily lick off your fingers and hands, staring at the Prince as he clears his throat interrupting you. “That man was to be my hostage.” he informs you, staring at you.
You need to take a closer look at him. So you do. You stand up, your grey dress following you around because it's so big. You tilt your head at the strange man. Studying his hair and his lovely scar. You never saw a Valyrian. He seems surprised by your length as most men are. 
Women are not supposed to be tall. Women are supposed to be fragile, weak, small, tiny and to be easily mastered. It is unlike their nature to assume that even the tiniest woman can reach up to grab a crown. And that even the largest woman can be seductive. 
He has to admit to himself, you have a pretty face. A face too pretty to be wasted on some Northern savage. “You're the Prince.” You say, your head tilted sideways, your eyes and brows betraying that you found his approach confusing. “Have I done something wrong? I thought you ordered the death of the traitor.” You let out another harrowing cackle, patting your father’s skull, stroking it as if it is a mere flower. “He will look so lovely when the crows pick his eyeballs out.” you fantasies out loud, sharing your disturbing fantasies with the Prince.
She stares at the ugly soldier, licking blood off her thumb that she did not quite reach the first time. ‘’And you, you wanted to claim my kill. Quite rude.’’ Aemond ignores confusing feelings as he stares at you lick blood. He is supposed to be repelled. Why isn’t he? Why does he find her…pretty?
You smile, offering the prince your father’s skull. ‘’Your skull, my Prince.’’ You make a clumsy curtsy that fails miserably. ‘’I’m afraid the rest of his body is not for you. I have my own plans with it. But you can show your brother that you did a excellent job, here in the North.’’ You think back of all the delicious cries and screams you heard earlier, and chuckle. They were never friends.
Aemond inspects the skull, or the head, rather, and nods, giving it to a very disgusted Aeron. ‘’Now I need to figure out what I’ll do with you.’’ Aemond says, hoping the girl offers him some options. He has a few things in mind. She smiles. ‘’My men are quite lonely.’’
You snort with laughter, so hard that you sound as a pig. Aemond’s mask of stoic seems to break as a slow smile appears. ‘’Your men are little boys and cowards. I would not call them ‘Men’.’’ You say, turning around to collect your dagger. ‘’I do have one suggestion. You can take it or leave it. But I bet you want my brothers too, don’t you, Prince Aemond One Eye?’’ You smile, staring at the lovely detailed scar. He scowls, offended you brought up his scar. You reassure him by walking around him, giving him a flirty smile. ‘’I always thought every man should have scars, each for every victory they fought. And I heard, you are quite the victorious man. Or did I misheard?’’
Aeron does not trust this strange woman. He does not like how half of the crew is afraid and Aemond is hanging on her lips. ‘’My prince, this woman is clearly a witch or mentally deranged. I think we should count our losses and leave this very instant-’’
‘’Shut up before I’ll take your tongue out.’’ Aemond growls. ‘’She’s right about you lot. Cowards and one ugly raper. You’re not men. Next time, I’ll set out with women. They clearly know what they’re doing.’’ He says as you remove a stubborn piece of nut from one of your teeth with the dagger. ‘’Continue. You were going to offer me something. Something even sweeter than the blood on your face, perhaps?’’ He leans in, scooping a bit of blood off your face. You do find him attractive. You watch as he mirrors your action, tasting the blood and licking his own fingers off. You chuckle, delighted.
The woman claps her hands, delighted and even jumps up and down. Aemond is confused. She seems very childish, in some ways. But he kind of adores it. He likes that free spirit. He likes her innocence, and yet her dark rotten nature. ‘’Oh, you have no idea. My brothers, I know where they are.’’ He can feel that this will end in a good way.  He can’t help but stare at her breasts.
The ugly soldier sadly tugs his coat, ruining his daydream.‘’You can’t believe this heathen. Who even would kill his own kin? Nothing so accursed as a…’’ The man stops talking, realising that Aemond has taken out his sword. He glares at the man, challenging him to continue. Kinslayer.
She smiles, lowering his blade subtly. ‘’I can find them for you. You’ll be back in your brother’s good graces.’’ But Aemond is not a fool. He knows that nothing comes without a price.
‘’And in return?’’ He asks, brows raised slightly.
You chuckle, liking the way where this is going. You could list all sort of beautiful rewards. Hm. What could you possibly want? ‘’You let me kill them. I want them to die a slow, painful death.’’ You tell him, staring at his hands. ‘’I want them to crave death. I want to inflict so much pain and misery on them that they already feel as if they parted this world and are in the deepest seventh hell.’’ You stare at the dragon pins on his coat, suddenly your interest peaking at seeing a dragon up close.  ‘’Oh, and I want to ride with you on the dragon's back. I heard you have one.’’ You didn’t hear anything, truth be told. You kind of guessed it.
‘’Vhagar and I would be honoured.’’ Your whole world stops spinning at that one moment. You pull your necklace in your dress, your walls crumbling and you feel exposed and vulnerable. You had no comfort growing up. Your own family were monsters. And so you longed for your own monster. A monster to protect you. To keep you safe. One day, you heard stories of Visenya, a woman who is according to some monsters too. She rode the big beast Vhagar. You fell asleep, wishing you had a visenya. You fell asleep, crying, wanting anyone, someone, to protect you.
And now here he is. The protector. Your chance for freedom. With Vhagar of all dragons.
‘’You have her dragon? Visenya’s dragon?’’ Your voice becomes soft, timid, unsure, something you weren’t sure you could even hear in your own voice. Hope.
Aemond seems to notice her changing body language right away. ‘’Indeed I do.’’ He folds his hands on his back, tilting his head, smirking at her big eyes, and her stunned expression. That might be the first time she’s genuinely sincere and in awe of him. He likes this genuine excitement more than whatever she tried to do earlier. 
You try to keep your walls around you, protecting your heart.
‘’Well, I must meet her.’’ You say, as a matter of fact.
The Prince stops you before you can rush off. ‘’First things first. Shall we go to my camp, mayhaps we can discuss our plans, and share a nice cup of wine while we’re add it?’’
His camp is nearby. You are allowed to bathe the blood away. You are led into the royal tent, the one where Aemond sleeps in. You marvel at his royal bed linen and his collection of books and swords. ‘’You can stay here. I don’t trust others enough.’’ He reveals to you, as he prepares two cups of wine. You know who he refers to. His soldiers. 
Aemond and you sit down. ‘’You want to work with me then? Even after I killed that village?’’ He keeps his sword closeby. It does sound like madness….
If those villagers weren’t the deepest cursed creatures of the seventh deepest hells.You feel the anger rise up inside of you. ‘’I wasn’t friends with that village. They knew. Everyone in that godsdamned village knew. If they didn’t end my pain, why would I end theirs?’’  Aemond is silent, but nods along, as if agreeing with your anger. ‘’My only regret is that their suffering was just a night and not from days to years.’’ You say, and you mean every word. No suffering is enough.
You notice you become distant, so you mask your emotions. ‘’You want to talk strategy?’’
You want to put your hand on his knee but he moves position so you cannot. ‘’Yes. Where are they?’’ Aemond does not wait for your schemes, waiting impatiently for answers. That is a complicated answer.
You laugh. He is funny. He thinks you’ll answer him right away. ‘’I’m not telling you. I’m worried you’ll drop me off and don’t let me come along once I tell you. But rest assured, I’ll lead you to them.’’
‘’That sounds like a trap.’’ Aemond says, observant. You roll your eyes, showing him your dagger. He nearly jumps, seeing the blade you had hidden away. You shrug.
‘’I have you alone here. If I wanted you dead, you’d be such a pretty corpse by now.’’ You say, touching his lips with your blade. You put it away, smirking, oblivious to his longing stare, and his silence. You notice his bloodied sword and his silent glance. You smile, crawling on his lap as you begin to clean the sword for him. ‘’You don’t mind me sitting here, do you? It’s a bit cold.’’ You lie.
You only feel his hands wrap around your throat. You are worried for one split second, afraid he’ll finally kill you. But his eye says something else. You are kissed the next moment. You allow yourself to nibble on his lips, feel his face, and quickly remove the eyepatch. Aemond pushes you off, hurt and shame burning in his eye. ‘’No.’’ He manages to croak out.
You freeze, eyepatch in hand. He covers his eye. ‘’I don’t…’’ He says, breathing heavily. You see yourself. You drop the eyepatch, but do return to his side. You take his free hand, feeling the long fingers. You gently remove his hand from his eye. He stares at you, ashamed as only one eye looks back now. One eye, and a hideous scar that no doubt brings him so much pain and shame.
‘’I told you before, men should have scars. I don’t mind that you have them.’’ You repeat, feeling the scar gently with your fingertips. You leave a kiss on his lips. You don’t expect him to return to whatever was happening, but you notice some determination breaking through him. He grabs you by your hips, kissing you back, first gently, then hungry, almost needy, as if he will die without you. You and him kiss as Aemond removes your dress, kissing your breasts and he halts by the scars on your throat. You don’t want to talk about it. But you know you must if you want to earn his trust. ‘’They threw me to the hounds when I was three.’’ You admit. Aemond doesn’t say a word. ‘’I didn’t die, unfortunately. I instead befriended them. I became their leader.’’ He is speechless still.
You carefully kiss him back, eager for something now that that pain comes back out of its shell. A distraction on your part, you are certain. You play along however, for now.
“What is it that you want?” He whispers in her ear. She has got to be the most haunted and cursed soul he ever saw. And yet he cannot deny that he wants her. But he has a mission, so he must bed her easily, and then she’ll leave his mind for good. “I'll be gentle.” He promises her. “And kind. You'll be taken care of.”
Her chuckle betrays that she feels better, and less upset, reminded by her traumas.
“What if I don't want it to be gentle and kind?’’ His mouth slightly opens in a confused manner, as you begin to undress him now too.  ‘’What if I want that man…” she reaches for his manhood, surprising and arousing him. “that took my home town?” You grin. 
He is aroused you can tell by all the signs. Yet he seems to deny himself this pleasure.
“You want that?’ He asks, confused. 
You roll your eyes, playfully. “I want you, Aemond. I want the Kinslayer and the one eyed prince. I want to see your darkness and that you poison me with it from within.” You bow your head to his cock and begin to gently suck on it, as Aemond relaxes, sighing.
“Gods be good,” He whispers. She laughs much softer and begins to trust her hips to his front, gently beginning what both of them wanted. She puts his hands on her hips, learning him a new exciting thing. He normally fucks women lying down.
“I am not very …” He knows he should tell her. But he cannot bring the words over his lips. Instead he stares at her, with a heartbreaking sadness in his eyes. She caresses his face again. 
You are dumbstruck. How can such a mighty creature think so lowly of itself?
“You'll be fine.” you promise him instead of laughing. “You ride fiercer creatures. You ride a dragon. How scary can a girl be, once you have tamed and claimed a dragon?’’ He seems to lighten up at this joke, joining you at long last. You feel him penetrate and you hold back the first soft moans. 
You smile, enjoying your position. But suddenly, something seems to click in Aemond’s mind. He seems to wake up for the spell you put him under. You are flipped within a moment, now under him. He pins you down and begins to roughly fuck you instead. ‘’You wanted me? You’ll get me.’’ He whispers, before slamming inside of you. You ignore the jab of pain and betrayal and let the man do as he wishes, knowing well you still will get pleasure out of it. But you aren’t sure if Aemond trusts you more or less after you and him have done this. Aemond isn’t happy with how things are going, and instead resorts to an older technique he learned in the brothel. He yanks her up by her long hair, bending her on the bed, ass towards him. He forces her down, climbing slightly on her body and fucks her from behind. He hears her approving cries as he begins to reach his height, ecstasy blinding him.
You never had done this before, and you are thankful for it. It is true that Aemond is not the most considerate bed partner, but you would have to be blind to not notice something is deeply wrong with him. He has some disdain and shyness towards the bedroom that seems to remind you of how girls who served your father acted. He might pretend he’s a tough prince, but deep down, you know he’s broken from the core, and only a few strings keep him standing up. Aemond groans, reminding you of your duties as your thoughts race, and you buck back, allowing him to take you as he likes. ‘’Fuck me, kinslayer.’’ You whisper, rubbing his legs. He groans a reply, in a strange tongue you don’t know and takes you much faster, much rougher. It’s less elegant and less gentle, it hurts, if you’re being honest. But you like it way too much to call him to a stop. You hear Aemond finally come, and its the most amazing feeling in the world, aside from killing as he fills you with his seed. He thinks he holds the power, but you do. You made him lose control. You made him come. You smirk, glad Aemond is still facing the other side. 
‘’I do mean it. I want to know where your brothers are. This distraction, it won’t save you.’’ He adds, panting heavily. ‘’I…’’
You ignore his stuttering and turn back around, gaze upon him as some smitten maid and kiss his lips again. ‘’Do not worry. I will have my revenge.’’ You say, clearly.  Aemond nods, agreeing to your words. ‘’And so will you.’’ You add. ‘’You will have it all. The realm..’’You rub his legs as he lays next to you, panting still. You are breathless too. You are also still aroused. You didn't get to finish. You kiss his balls. ‘’The throne..’’You add, making direct eye contact. Aemond’s brows frown, but his eyes are closed. He seems to know that its wrong to want, but he wants it regardless. You place yourself back on his cock. ‘’The world.’’ You finish, and begin to trust your hips, chasing your own pleasure. Aemond allows this, and holds you and takes you as well as he can but its clear that he didn’t keep your pleasure in mind. You come, crying out as you soak his cock. Aemond has his eyes still closed, but now there’s a pleasant cheeky smile on his lips. 
‘’I do want it.’’ He admits, holding your hands suddenly.
‘’The realm?’’ 
‘’The world.’’
‘’’Then what is stopping you? I saw you with the flock you call men. I saw you riding your horse, I saw you commanding your men. You are meant for all of it.’’ You tell him, smirking.
‘’You care for what?’’
‘’Maybe I’m hoping once you’ll become King, I’ll become your Queen. And we burn villages atop of Vhagar together. Drink wine out of our enemies skulls, burn houses of traitors with them locked in the basements, dance in blood, play games with bones.’’ You whisper, letting the fantasy take over.
Aemond avoids your eyes. ‘’I must marry to keep my blood pure, if I were the King.’’ He says, and you don’t like how much pain he causes with that little sentence. You nod, blinking as some idiot at his rejection. His eye sparkles, however. ‘’But, if you have some villages in mind, we can go now. I have a free hour.’’ He says. You dive atop of him, kissing his lips as you eagerly get into your clothes. Aemond follows, much slower, but also eager. 
Aemond prepares for Vhagar as you patiently wait, picking your dagger back up, hiding it in your boots. You hear Aemond laugh as he greets his dragon. You walk behind him, the dagger burning in your boots. The soldiers don’t mind the two of you, as night has befallen the camp. You wait until Aemond has come to fetch you. ‘’What is the matter? Have you changed your mind?’’ He asks. You feel the dagger burn. You stare at Vhagar. Vhagar roars, in warry.
‘’I have.’’ You proclaim.
Aemond’s smile dies as you take out your dagger.
You look at him. ‘’I was sent to kill you, Prince Aemond. I was sent and hired by your sister to kill you. She would give me so much riches if I did.’’ You recall your deal with Rhaenyra as Aemond gawks, the guards quickly surrounding you. You put your dagger back in your boot. ‘’However, I suggest we do something more fun. I suggest, we make her think I’ve captured you, and you show up with your dragon and burn her to a crisp. How does that sound?’’
Aemond only smiles. ‘’I accept. On one condition.’’ You wait, staring at him.
‘’You will ride beside me when I burn her and the other bastards. You will also tell me where your brothers are.’’ He says. ‘’Or I’ll kill you right now.’’
You chuckle again. ‘’My brothers are at different locations..’’ You say, grinning. ''One is at the Red keep. Another, at Oldtown. Another again, marches in the North.''
He frowns. He looks at your face, again, and again and it finally hits him. It hits him so hard, that the sword clatters from his hands and falls to the ground. He begins to cough, violently. You open your arms, smiling. Brutus didn’t father you. Brutus raised you. On behalf of someone in the Red Keep. Someone who wanted to keep you alive, but a secret. ‘’Hello, brother. It is a honor to finally meet you.'' You fold your hands on your back and wait for Aemond to speak. You give him a grin, but its a bit too much for Aemond. He is caught by two guards before he faints, hitting the ground as Vhagar huffs, returning to her sleep at last.
Idk whats even going on she was so keen on being Brutus' daughter what do you mean she is LARYS daughter with Alicent or maybe Cole and alicents daughter what do you mean?! WHAT DOES ANY OF THIS MEAN.
yeah, i dont write outlines so this is a surprise for me as much as its for you all! I do like Aemond fainting like thats fair, man. I'd faint too if that was my sister. Girlie needs help.
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thank you if you read.
let me know what you think if you stomached through it.
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lord-starman-wotton · 27 days ago
my (incredibly messy) list of completed wolfstar fic recs (all on ao3, list to be continued!)
fair warning— i’ve had this list for a long time and i usually just used it for my close friends, so not all of these have descriptions/the author’s names. theres random links, random anecdotes, etc. anyways enjoy!!!
Blackpool Rock by lord_starman_wotton (i had to start out with the self-promo lolll)
presque vu by bizarrestars. i almost hesitate to add this because it’s legitimately devastating. do not read the last two chapters unless it’s the middle of the night and no one will hear your sobbing
text talk
the cadence of part time poets by motswolo (fair warning this is twice the length of war and peace i kid you not)
everlasting love finds a way (one shot)
a brief history of dragons
like real people do (READ IT ANFBSJDJD)
blossoms burn and fume, where our flowers bloom (MY FAV WOLFSTAR FIC LITERALLY EVER)
shorn and scarred and yours
the lab (adorable but there’s a six year age gap which makes me kind of uncomfortable?)
the adventures of captain sirius black and his most excellent dragon padfoot (pirate dragons)
tu es la lune (dead poets society au)
the blood moon sinks (not perfect writing but very cute)
the spy who loved him (adorable, by the same author as the pirate dragons)
the oldest recipe for parsnip soup
ullswater (they go to a music college)
that old black magic
for here you are, standing there, loving me (whether or not you should) (sirius adopts every single order child, sound of music au)
the hut of the mistold (fairytale au)
stealing harry 
bindings, bindings (jily and regulus come back from the dead and break sirius out of azkaban)
a cure for nightmares
with great power comes great responsibility (spider man)
across the hall (another cute text fic)
james potter, remus lupin, sirius black, peter pettigrew, and (pause for the breath) the prisoner of azkaban 
suite nothings: wolfstar edition (they’re college roommates)
wading in waist-high water (great british bake off)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/33021643 (prince of england/first son fic)
http://archiveofourown.org/works/20287849 (another text fic. v cute)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/36291976 (THE SECOND BEST FIC IVE EVER READ READ IT ASAPPPP) 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47948368 (fake dating, remus and sirius are both single parents)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/34659874 (sirius is a ghost haunting rems flat. it’s SO cute)
ten reasons (to go to michigan)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/44271820 (figure skating fic. just read it, trust)
dear your holiness
lessen my load
you’re my kaleidoscope
happy birthday, you.
when it’s warm again
the player’s secret
take me as i am (sleep demon sirius. you’re in for a wild ride)
r.j.l reads a self help book
atyd sirius’s perspective 
second generation by msalexwp
a bird at your door by moongnome
where there is smoke by moongnome
everything under the sun by moongnome
tis the damn season by moonymoment
labyrinth by moonymoment
starlit left, moonlit right
show me everything i’ve missed
do you believe in fate?
the road not taken
godlight by badhairred
string the sinner by his wings by ludo_ten
of memories and milk thievery by moonymoment (this made me cry i love it)
Archive of Our Ownhttps://archiveofourown.orgAs the Moon Knows the Stars - Chapter 1 - mcdynamite - Harry Potter
Be my time-bomb lover by flora_tyronelle
We'll Make It Out Alive by orphan_account
the boy from beauxbaxtons by haey1
Teeth. - amour_anguis, regularis_vas - Jurassic World Trilogy (Movies) [Archive of Our Own] (jurassic world au. the literary equivalent of pressing on a bruise. it’s so so so so good)
i’ll be home for christmas by msalexwp
dear mr black by msalexwp 
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cabinseventheaterchick · 1 year ago
“Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping them up.”
—Jesse Jackson
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Portrait done by the incredibly talented @oceans-corals-and-poisons
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Kat if she had a Wikipedia page (her lore summarized)
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Oh, hi! Didn’t see you see there. I’m Kat Carter!
Okay, lemme think… I’m fifteen, daughter of Apollo currently at Camp Half-Blood with my homies <3
When I’m not at camp, NYC is my home base. You can probably find me in Apollo cabin: practicing monologues/songs, playing matchmaker (it’s not just for Aphrodite kids!), or staging a kitchen coup d’état so I can bake something delicious.
Shoot me an ask, camp can get kinda boring!
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he gets his own category:
@ellis--wakefield — my boyfriend <333
he’s really cute and he’s great at capture the flag and he’s nice to the newbies and damn he’s just idk how to even describe him ‘cause words cannot
Former… um… let’s just say people I used to know:
@lukemessedup — Good boss, bad business
@lieutenant-of-kronos — I regret letting him convince me to join up but he’s a nice guy.
@alabaster-c-t — Yep. You read that right. Bro is apparently not dead, nor has ever been.
@the-song-of-the-moon — We’re starting an ex-Titan Army therapy group together :3
Uncle Kronos (links to the Wayback Machine of the first version) — Literally cannot believe I wrote this. Uncle Kronos was a good person. I think I’ll always miss him, but I’m glad he found peace. Here’s to you, Uncle K.
@existence-is-pain-ahhhhhhhh — need I say more? He’s awesome. Case closed.
@the-better-castellan — new addition to the List Of People Who Aren’t Dead After All! They’re cool trust me
@peyton-is-cool — I missed him loads. Thank the gods he’s safe—he’s been in Texas? I guess?
Totally irresponsible pseudo-father to half of CHB (he does actually care about campers but he’s got a reputation to uphold):
My fellow campers, love y’all:
@thanatoss-favorite-demigod — best murder road trip buddy a gal could ask for
@thehadescabincounsler — I’ve adopted them into Apollo cabin. They’re now officially an honorary child of the Sun Dude.
@thatonebitheaterkid — my sibling. too many pets (affectionate)
@that-dam-daughter-of-poseidon — my absolute bestie <3
@poseidons-favourite-daughter — training together ⚔️! She’s so sweet and a year rounder so I won’t be alone come fall
@yes-im-a-daughter-of-hades — she just got back from Tartarus, so you know what that means!… binge watching everything pop culture. Phineas and Ferb say what?
@lady-ariadne-of-milan — my coolest big sister. Be nice, she’s been trapped as a flower since, like, the Renaissance.
@bill-son-of-boreas — Ayyy! My Norwegian bestie!
@internal-bloodshed — I’m like ninety percent sure he wants me dead. If I step a toe out of line and hurt Ellis, my body will apparently never be found.
@the-better-stoll-brother — If anyone messes with him one more time I’m throwing hands.
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(Psst. My general tag is #kat carter on the case, and my lore tag is #from the archives of kat carter)
(Extra psst. Do you want more Kat Carter content without actually having to roleplay? Send me an ask by picking something from my tag #ask game!)
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 6 months ago
Adoption Agency
Dean Winchester & Ben, Dean Winchester & Cassie Jr (OC), Dean Winchester & Charlie, Dean Winchester & Krissy, Sam and Dean Winchester & little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous (x2)
Synopsis: Dean is forced to take care of a kid he hasn’t seen for a while—and one he didn’t know he had
A/N: finally another fic! This one’s pretty long. I have the reader and an oc in this one, this is the first (and possibly only, we’ll see) fic I’ve done with this headcannon character I’ve mentioned before; Cassie Jr. She’s the daughter of Cassie, Dean’s old girlfriend who was in (I think??) the first season. I’m usually not a fan of OCs, but Cassie Jr is kind of my exception. Hope you guys like it! (Btw if you guys want to see more of my Ben/Cassie Jr headcannons, let me know and I might hunt down my old stuff and put it in a Masterlist)
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“Ben?” Dean lowered his machete faster than he ever had when he turned the corner and saw not a vampire, but a boy he considered his son. “Ben, what are you doing here?”
“Dean?” Blood drained from Ben’s face when he laid eyes on the only father figure he’d ever trusted. “I didn’t think you’d—I mean—“
“Ben look out!” Dean’s weapon was back up in an instant when he spotted a figure rounding the corner, but Ben jumped in the way.
“Dean, no! That—she’s not a vamp!”
Dean lowered his machete again, but he kept a firm grip on it as he glanced from Ben to the girl behind him.
“Ben, what is this?” Dean asked. “Why do you even remember me? Cas told me that he—“
“He did,” Ben interrupted. “But…but things have changed.”
“Dean?” Dean turned to look at the girl as she spoke. Something about her tugged at his mind, as if he knew her. “You can’t be Dean.” Her eyes turned to Ben. “Why is he—“
“We can talk about this later,” Ben interrupted. “But we’ve gotta finish looking before that vamp comes back.”
“Looking?” Dean asked, choosing for now to ignore the nagging question of why this girl seemed to know who he was. “Looking for what?”
“We took this job because a friend of ours had an uncle go missing in this area. We tracked the vampire kills nearby, and we’re thinking that maybe the vampire is keeping some of its victims alive as blood bags—that’s why only about half the missing people turned up dead.”
“Yeah, or they’re just good at hiding their tracks,” Dean argued. “The priority here has to be killing the monster.”
“That can be your priority,” the girl spoke up. “But we’re gonna find those victims.”
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Dean scoffed. He was surprised when the question stopped her short, and she looked to Ben for support.
“Later,” Ben insisted. “We can do this later. Look—“ he turned to Dean. “We’re going to check upstairs for any survivors. You can do what you want.”
“You’re not going up there alone,” Dean argued.
“Like I said; do what you want.” Ben turned, grabbing the girl by the arm and encouraging her along. Dean rolled his eyes and followed right behind them.
Dean wasn’t surprised at the first body they found at the top of the stairs—but the kids were.
“Just because one is dead doesn’t mean they all are,” the girl said. Dean grit his teeth at the sound of the shakiness in her voice; she was in for a rude awakening, he could feel it.
“Let’s keep looking.” Ben put his hand on the girl’s arm, and Dean wondered what the connection was between them.
“Watch out!” The girl spoke a split second before you rounded the corner and swung the machete. You froze mid-strike, yanking your arm back at the last second to avoid hitting Ben in the neck.
“Ben?!” You were slack-jawed before your eyes landed on your big brother. “Dean, what is going on?”
“I’ll explain later,” Dean huffed. “Right now we—“
“Oh no.” Dean’s senses heightened at the sound of Ben’s voice.
“What’s wrong?” He demanded, sidestepping his little sister to see what Ben was seeing. “Oh.” Dean couldn’t say he was surprised, but the sight of three more bodies in the entryway of the next room caused his heart to sink.
“They-they can’t…” the girl was gripping Ben’s arm, her voice quavering. “They can’t all be dead.”
Dean didn’t see why not, but he didn’t speak.
“I take it you’re looking for someone specific,” you spoke up.
“Yeah.” Ben’s voice was shaky too, but nowhere near as panicked as his friend’s. “We’re trying to help a friend find her uncle.”
“Then let’s keep looking.” Dean resisted the urge to glare at you for this statement—he wished you wouldn’t give these kids false hope, but he supposed you probably had plenty of false hope yourself; it was just a part of being a young hunter. You hadn’t seen everything that Dean had.
Dean trailed behind while Ben, his friend, and you forged ahead to look for any survivors. As he stared at the three kids, he couldn’t help the nagging feeling at the back of his mind…
The one that said that this was just the beginning—the one that said he’d be seeing a lot more of these kids, two of whom he considered his own.
Dean knew even before he entered the room that it was bad. He heard an intake of breath from Ben’s friend, he heard Ben’s quiet groan, and your “oh no.”
He rushed into the room just behind the three kids, cringing at the sight of half a dozen bodies strewn haphazardly around, all drained of blood.
“Cassie…” Dean whipped his head around to stare at Ben as he finally said the girl’s name. Ben was pulling Cassie into a hug as her eyes landed on a dead man near the center of the floor.
“Cassie,” Dean muttered under his breath, too awestruck to speak. That was why he recognized this kid—she was near identical to a woman Dean hadn’t seen for years.
“I take it that wasn’t a friend’s uncle,” you said quietly from beside Ben and Cassie.
“He was the only family I had,” Cassie whimpered. That sentence caught Dean’s attention.
“The only…” No. No way. He had to be thinking about this wrong, this couldn’t be Cassie’s daughter, because that would mean…
“Dean, look out!” At the sound of your warning, Dean didn’t hesitate. Without turning around, Dean ducked out of the way, stepping away from the doorway and lifting his machete simultaneously. It was good that he didn’t question you—not that he ever had—because the vamp missed him by mere inches.
You came forward swinging, but it was no use as the bigger and faster vampire dodged your attempted blow and grabbed onto your arm, twisting until the machete clattered to the ground.
“Dean!” You cried out as the vampire bared its fangs at you, but before he could spring into action Ben was there, ripping the vampire away from you and opening up Cassie for a shot; she took off the head in a single swing. “Thanks,” you breathed to the teens. “You guys are some decent hunters.”
“Which begs the question; why?” Dean demanded as he stepped closer to the three of you. “Ben, what is going on?”
“What, are you surprised that you actually have to take responsibility for your kids?” Cassie’s outburst surprised both you and Dean, but Ben just sighed exhaustedly.
“Cassie, you know that—“
“Yeah, you recognize that name? Cassie?” Cassie was ignoring Ben, keeping her eyes on Dean. “That old girlfriend you forgot about—my mother. After you left, she had me. And then she died—because she knew you.” Cassie was out the door before Dean could even begin to process her words. Ben was starting after her, but Dean grabbed onto his arm.
“Is…is she saying…she’s mine?” Dean didn’t look like he was breathing anymore.
“She is. And so am I.” Ben pulled his arm from Dean’s grasp and rushed after Cassie.
“Dean?” You grabbed onto your big brother’s arm, hoping to stabilize him.
“What’s going on up here?” The two of you turned at the sound of Sam’s voice. “There was a vamp downstairs, I took care of it…but it looks like I missed all the real action. I just saw Ben on the staircase.”
“It’s a long story,” you said. “Maybe we should bring those two to the bunker and have a talk with them.”
“Yeah.” Your words seemed to snap Dean out of his daze. “Yeah, I’ll go find them.”
“Let me,” you insisted. “I’m not so sure they like you right now.”
You found Ben and Cassie right outside the house—it looked like Ben was trying to convince her to go back inside.
“You guys should come with us,” you spoke up without waiting to hear what they were talking about. “We’ve got a bunker not far from here, it’s a good place to regroup.”
“With Dean?” Cassie scoffed. “I don’t think—“
“Cassie, hear him out,” Ben interrupted. “I told you, I don’t think it’s a bad idea to at least get to know him before you hate him.”
“It’s not like you’ve been searching him out to talk to him,” Cassie argued.
“Look, guys,” you butted into the argument. “I don’t know what you’ve got against my brother, but—“
“My mom is dead.” Ben’s word knocked the wind out of you, and you completely forgot what you were going to say. You’d stayed with Dean, Ben, and Lisa while Sam was in hell. You hadn’t formed a bond anywhere near as strong as Dean had with them, but Lisa was the closest thing you’d ever had to a mother, given that yours left you at John’s motel doorstep when you were a baby. When you and Dean got wiped from Ben and Lisa’s memories, it was one of the hardest things you’d ever done to walk away.
“L-Lisa’s…” you swallowed. “How?”
“Demons,” Ben deadpanned. “Of course, she didn’t know they were demons. She didn’t understand any of it, because she couldn’t remember.”
“Why do you remember?” The three of you turned at the sound of Dean’s voice—he’d come up behind you. You glared at him; he was supposed to let you handle this. But you softened when you saw the tenseness in his jaw and fists, and the pain in his eyes. He had heard Ben say Lisa was dead.
“Not long after you left us, I got into a car accident,” Ben explained. “Had a concussion. Whatever happened knocked those memories loose in my brain, and I started to remember everything that friend of yours made me forget. I didn’t tell mom—I knew she wouldn’t understand. But it didn’t matter, anyway, because she died not long after. You abandoning us didn’t protect us.”
“I wasn’t abandoning you,” Dean forced out through the lump in his throat. “I was trying to protect you.”
Ben’s expression didn’t change from a cold indifference.
“It didn’t work.”
Despite Cassie’s anger and Ben’s hesitance, the teens decided to follow you to the bunker. To your surprise, yet another teen was waiting for you when you got there.
“Hey guys,” Claire greeted before her eyes landed on the extra passengers. “Who are your friends?”
“Who’s she, another kid?” Cassie scoffed, and Ben shot her a look.
“Another kid?” Claire looked from the teens to Dean. “The heck are they talking about?”
“Claire, this is Ben and Cassie—they’re my kids.”
“Only biologically,” Cassie clarified.
“Cassie and Ben,” Dean continued as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “This is Claire—she’s a friend. What’s going on, Claire?”
“It’s Jody.” Claire must have decided her reason for being here was more important than Dean’s family drama. “She went on a hunt a few days ago, and now she’s not answering her phone.”
Dean was instantly stiff and alert.
“Tell us everything.”
“I will,” Claire promised. “But first—I recruited some help.”
“Charlie.” Dean grinned widely as he pulled the redhead in for a hug. “It’s good to see you.”
“You too,” Charlie said as she pulled away. “By the way, you have quite a good number of crazy kids in your corner.” Charlie eyed the troop of teens in the war room, including you, Ben, Claire, Cassie, and Krissy—who had come with Claire.
“Yeah, you’d think he’d be celibate by now just out of basic human decency,” Cassie scoffed, and Ben elbowed her.
“Hey, these aren’t mine,” Dean argued.
“That you know of,” Cassie muttered.
“Alright, that’s it,” Dean snapped. “Look, I know you’ve been through some crap, ok? But this chip on your shoulder attitude is getting old, especially considering I wasn’t even told of your existence until a few hours ago. That was your mom’s choice, not mine.”
“Oh yeah?” Cassie challenged. “And was it her choice to get killed by demons?”
“No.” Dean’s voice was solemn now. “No, it wasn’t. And I’m sorry, I’m…I’m so sorry.”
Dean’s tone surprised Cassie, and she went silent.
“I didn’t know she was in danger,” Dean said. “And I didn’t know about you. If I did, I would’ve—“
“What?” Ben cut in. “Would’ve made them forget?”
“Ben, you know why I did that,” Dean argued. “Your mom almost got killed—I didn’t want you to be in danger anymore.”
“Well it didn’t help,” Ben said. “They didn’t care if we remembered that we knew you, they only cared that you knew us.”
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Dean confessed. “I put you in danger by being there, I put you in danger by staying away. I can’t bring your moms back—all I can say is I’m sorry.”
A tack hitting the floor would’ve sounded like a bomb going off in the war room as the two teens eyed their father.
“Prove it,” Cassie spoke up.
“Name what you want, I’ll do it,” Dean promised.
“This Jody chick. I wanna help you look for her.”
Dean was surprised.
“What? Why?”
Cassie looked from you, to Sam, then finally to Dean.
“Families hunt together, right? You wanna prove you’re sorry? Then let us be a family. If I think I can trust you, then maybe…maybe we can move on.”
“The last thing I want to do right now is put you in more danger,” Dean huffed.
“Tough,” Cassie argued. “Because that’s my only offer.”
Dean eyed Cassie, then Ben. The silence in his indecision reached awkward quickly.
“They saved my butt from a vamp back there,” you broke in. “They’ve got my vote.”
“Maybe a new start is a good idea,” Sam piped up.
“Didn’t realize this was a group discussion,” Dean muttered under his breath. “Alright,” he decided. “Let’s go. But you’d better not get yourselves killed.”
“You’ve been pretty quiet, old man.”
Dean let out a huff as he glanced back at Krissy—just his luck she’d ended up in the Impala when they were separating into cars.
“Yeah, finding out about a kid you didn’t know you had will do that.”
“Well, she can join the club,” Krissy said with a shrug.
“Club?” Dean questioned. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh just the half a dozen kids on this hunt that you’ve adopted,” Krissy said. Dean scoffed.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“I don’t know Dean,” Sam piped up from his shotgun seat. “We seemed to have picked up a decent amount of wayward teens over the years.”
“Great, just what I need.” Dena rolled his eyes.
“C’mon—“ Dean had forgotten you were in the car until you reached up and patted his shoulder. “You know you love us.”
“So I hit a dead end trying to track her phone, but with her laptop I’ve managed to track her web usage over the past few days.” Charlie’s fingers were moving a mile a minute on her laptop keyboard as she spoke. She had a Winchester brother over each shoulder, watching her every move as she shuffled through page after page of Jody’s online research.
“Try the most recent search,” Sam offered. “Maybe she looked up a location.”
“Do we even know what she was hunting?” You questioned Claire.
“Werewolf, definitely.” Claire and Sam exchanged a glance—she was nervous. Her last encounter with werewolves hadn’t gone so well.
“Ok, she did look up a location,” Charlie cut in. “Looks like a passport office, except…it’s really sketchy.” Charlie spun around in her chair, and it gave you a view over her shoulder of a website.
“That’s a perfect cover,” Krissy said. “I mean, anyone going to a place that bad is probably looking to disappear—so no one notices when they do.”
“Sketchy is right,” you scoffed as you looked over Charlie’s shoulder. “Wouldn’t be surprised if Jody’s computer has half a dozen viruses now.”
“It did. I took care of them.” Charlie smirked. “She can thank me when we find her.”
“Dean?” You caught your big brother before he went outside.
“Yeah, what’s up?” He asked, glancing out towards the Impala before reluctantly looking back at you.
“Were—um—“ your voice caught, so you swallowed and tried again. “Werewolves…they don’t really keep hostages. What if Jody is—“
“Hey, no,” Dean snapped, but he softened when your lip started to quiver. “Ok, commere.” Dean pulled you into his arms. “We can’t do that, kid. We can’t lose hope.”
“I don’t want to lose her, too,” you whimpered. Dean’s arms tightened around you.
“We’re not losing anyone, ok? Jody’s gonna be just fine—we’re gonna bring her home. I promise.”
“I want to go in.”
“What?” Dean eyed Cassie suspiciously as he parked at the cracked pavement outside the passport office. “Why?”
“Why do you think I came here? Duh, I want to help.” Dean huffed at Cassie’s sarcasm, but he didn’t argue. “You can take me in—pretend you’re my dad getting me a passport.” Dean didn’t miss Cassie’s smirk at the implication. “Shouldn’t be too hard.”
“Fine,” Dean relented. “Sam, if we’re not out in half an hour—“
“I know what to do,” Sam assured him.
“Then let’s go.”
Dean had been in the office all of 2 minutes before he began to get nervous.
“I’ve gotta use the restroom,” Cassie had announced almost as soon as a man had come forward to help them.
“First door on the left,” the man told her; and she scampered off down a dark hallway.
Great, he thought to himself. I’m in werewolf territory with Nancy Drew.
Still, he let her go off to check the back while he kept the counter man distracted. He didn’t really have another choice.
“Do you think Jody’s ok?”
Claire’s question hit Sam hard—mostly because he’d been wondering that all day. Before he could speak, though, Krissy piped in.
“Look, I know I don’t know your friend—but from what you guys have been telling me, she seems awesome. I’m sure she knows what she’s doing.”
The tiny twitch of a smile on Claire’s face as she relaxed made Sam feel much better.
“They’ve been in there a while,” Ben interrupted. He hadn’t taken his eyes off the front door since Cassie disappeared behind it. Sam understood the feeling—the fear for your sibling, the helplessness when they went into danger without you. He didn’t know how Ben and Cassie got to be so close, but he couldn’t deny the obvious; they’d do anything for each other.
“Do you think we should go in after them?” Your eyes met Sam’s—you were waiting for his say-so.
“Dean said half an hour,” Krissy argued. “We should give them a chance to get some information.
“I’m not waiting any longer,” Ben insisted.
“Ben—“ Sam tried to reason with him, but Ben was already halfway out of the Impala.
You and Claire followed without a word.
“Hey!” Sam called to the two of you, but you ignored him.
“Ok.” Krissy shrugged, stepping out of the car.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Sam grumbled as he followed the teens. “These kids are gonna be the death of me.”
Dean was in the middle of pretending to fill out paperwork, and he was getting impatient. Cassie still hadn’t returned, and there had been no sounds of struggle either. He didn’t feel like he could go after her yet though—not with the desk worker hanging around; it would look too suspicious.
The moment the desk worker disappeared in the back, Dean dropped his pen and stepped into the hallway that Cassie had gone down.
“Cassie?” Dean hissed. “Cassie!”
A thud broke the silence from behind a door down the hall. Dean rushed towards it, his hand instinctively reaching behind him to pull out his gun. The door was locked, but it came open with a swift kick.
Dean held his gun out in front of him as he entered the room.
“Cassie!” Dean lowered his gun as he rushed towards his daughter, who was tied and gagged on the floor.
“She came outta nowhere,” Cassie gasped after Dean yanked her gag down.
“She?” Dean asked.
“Yeah. This isn’t a one-werewolf job, I guess.” Cassie shrugged.
“When is it ever?” Dean huffed as he started to untie Cassie.
“Dean look out!” Cassie’s warning came a split second too late as Dean felt a flash of pain as something hit the back of his head; then nothing.
“They’re not here,” you mumbled to Sam as the two of you trailed a step behind Ben into the passport office.
“They’re fine, we’re going to find them,” Sam promised.
“How can I help you?” A woman with an unnerving smile greeted as she stepped out from a dark hallway.
“That’s enough of that,” Ben huffed, reaching into his belt and pulling his gun on the woman. “The man and the teenage girl. Where are they?”
“Ben!” Sam glared at the teen. “Subtle much?”
“Subtle was Dean’s plan, and now he and Cassie are missing,” Ben argued. “It’s time for my plan.”
“Fine,” Sam grumbled, reaching for his own gun and directing his attention to the woman. “Answer his question.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” She insisted, doing a horrible job of looking aghast.
“Sam!” You we’re halfway down a dark hallway by the time you called out for your big brother. He looked to see what you were gesturing at—a door at the end of the corridor. “Hinge is broken—it looks like it got kicked in.”
“Dean,” Sam muttered under his breath. “Krissy, Claire, go with Y/N. Ben and I are gonna have a little chat with this one.” Sam instructed. He glanced at Ben to make sure he still had his gun up before putting his own away and pulling out a silver knife instead. “First things first—let’s see what you are.”
You slipped into the room with the broken door, Krissy trailing right behind you. You had your gun—the one full of silver bullets—up and ready.
“Dean!” You breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of your big brother, even though he was tied up and gagged. He started shaking his head the moment he saw you, which put you on instant alert. Despite this and Dean’s obvious protests, you stepped forward and pulled Dean’s gag down, keeping your gun ready.
“Two of them,” Dean gasped. “There’s two, and I don’t know where either of them are.”
“Krissy, wait.” You held your hand out to stop Krissy from untying Cassie. “One of us should be ready to fight.” She nodded, stepping away from Cassie and keeping her gun pointed at the door while you untied Dean and Claire freed Cassie.
“Where…where’s Jody?” Claire asked once they were both free.
“I don’t know,” Dean admitted. “I haven’t seen anyone except the werewolves. Hey,” Dean put a firm grip on her shoulder when he saw her countenance drop. “We don’t know anything yet. There’s gotta be more rooms in this place. Let’s keep looking.” Dean turned his attention to you. Where’s—“
Dean’s question was interrupted by the sound of gunshots.
Only about a minute earlier, Sam was questioning the female werewolf about Jody when a man came charging into the main room from a side hallway.
“Ben watch out!” Sam fired two shots at the advancing male werewolf. One missed, and the other buried itself in the man’s shoulder. It didn’t stop him, and Sam wasn’t able to fire off another shot at him because just then the woman pounced on him.
“Hey!” Dean’s voice—followed by the sound of his gun going off—came just in time, and Sam felt the werewolf on top of him collapse completely, three shots to her back finding their mark in her heart. It was only after Sam shoved the creature off of him that he realized it wasn’t Dean who saved him—Dean’s gun was pointed at the now dead male werewolf that had gone after Ben—it was Cassie who had saved Sam.
Sam watched as Cassie and Dean shared a look—a look that Sam didn’t have to be a mind reader to understand; they had earned each other’s trust in the deepest way. They had both saved the most important person in the other’s life—their brothers.
“Jody.” Your voice snapped the lot of them out of their moment.
“Right.” Dean holstered his gun and turned toward the dark hallway he’d just come from. “Come on, there’s gotta be more rooms down here. Let’s find Jody.”
“Hey.” Cassie’s voice got Dean’s attention, and he tilted his head towards her. “I guess you’re not so bad…you know, for an old guy.”
Dean scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“I swear, you teens and your jokes,” he grumbled under his breath. “You’re not so bad yourself,” he admitted. “You know, for a kid.”
Cassie’s lips twitched in a smirk.
“Hey, thanks,” Dean said. “For saving my brother.”
This time, Cassie’s smile was big and genuine.
“Right back at you.”
There were three doors at the back of the hallway. The first was a storage closet barely big enough to fit the ancient vacuum inside. The second, a bathroom. The third…
“Hey guys.” Jody’s grin matched that of everyone looking at her. “It took you long enough.”
Charlie, Krissy, Claire, and Jody all returned to their various homes after a quick reunion and goodbye.
“So what’s next for you two?” Dean’s eyes landed on his two children as they lingered in the bunkered war room.
“We have guest rooms,” you piped in, but at Dean’s glare you retreated to your room to give them some privacy, an action followed by Sam a moment later.
“She’s not wrong,” Dean said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, I don’t know where you guys are staying but, if you wanted to it wouldn’t be—“
“You’re babbling, old man,” Cassie interrupted her father with a cheeky grin.
“Ok, ok.” Dean held up his hands in surrender. “I’m no good at this, so I’ll get to the point—you guys have a place here if you want it; I know I wasn’t there for you for various reasons, but I’m here now. I don’t like that you guys are hunting, I think it’s too dangerous, but it’s not up to me. All I can do is let you know that you always have me to back you up.”
Ben and Cassie were quiet while Dean gave his speech, and when he was done they shared a long, near telepathic look.
“Hanging around a while couldn’t hurt,” Ben said finally.”
“Yeah, might even be fun,” Cassie admitted. “I hope you like teenagers, old man.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl @casmustdiee @987coley @deadlymistletoe @wayward-impala83 @whump-loverz
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su-whisterfield · 4 months ago
Nightcrawler Week day seven, free choice, so it’s slash, of course, as I’ve been slashing Kurt/Logan since 1980.
Light, short, mostly safe for work, hurt comfort, following on from Wolverine 1 by Saladin Ahmed and Martín Cóccolo.
Family Affairs.
He jerks out from deep sleep with a gasp and a string of German obscenities.
“Hey, hey,” I reach out to him in the dim light. “It’s okay, Elf, it’s okay.”
A couple of deep breaths. “Ja, ja, okay, I’m okay.” Except he’s shaking an’ he’s clearly ain’t okay. He settles down again, head on my chest, I keep my arm around him.
I know what trauma looks like, been there done that, most recently at the hands of someone I thought was a friend; not sure I’ll ever want to around McCoy ever again, not sure I’ll ever trust him again or trust myself not to end him.
“Want to talk about it, about her?” He’s quiet for a while, I can tell by his breathing that he’s still awake. Bad enough to be betrayed, used, abused by a friend, but Margali fuckin’ Szardos is his fuckin’ mother. Foster mother, splitting hairs, mother enough to count. How could she? She didn’t just turn her son into a monster (this gentle man who so values his humanity), she sold him to Orchis, to the goddam enemy. Bitch. She been on a slippery slope for years now, well, next time she shows her horned head, it’s going to be the last. She ain’t gonna hurt him anymore.
He sighs and sits up. “Sorry.”
“You ain’t got nothing to say sorry for, Elf.”
“I woke you,” he knows I don’t sleep well.
“Nah, I was awake,” I was thinking about the Mounties that Silas slaughtered. An’ the hunter. An’ my pack. All dead, because of me. But he doesn’t need that right now. I hold my arms open and he gets the hint and lies down again.
See, I know my lad, know him well, he don’t bottle up shit like most of us. Wears his heart on his sleeve, always has done. And he cares, cares about all of us, his team, his people, those Mounties, Dave the hunter, even my pack.
But what his mom did to him, it’s eating him up, that’s what the nightmares are about, and he needs to talk it through.
So he talks, I listen. He cries, I hold him. He talks some more.
He came up into the mountains to find me, because our people need me, but he needs me too.
Then he tells me about Mystique and Destiny.
“Yer joshin’ me!?”
“Nein,” he’s smiling, I can hear it in his voice. “She is my papa, not my mutter.”
I let that wash over me for a while. They’re a nasty pair, Raven an’ Irene, made all the worse whenever they’re together. They make the lives of everyone around them miserable and neither him nor their adoptive daughter, Anna Marie, our Rogue, owe them anything.
“You sure?”
He raises his head from my chest, the dressing is shocking white against the blue. “It is her truth, at least for now, whether it stays the truth, I don’t know.” He trusts her no more than I do. Good.
“How?” I’m having real trouble getting my head around this. “What about what’s his name? Aster?”
“Yeah, him. Asterisk.” I’m doing it deliberately now, mangling the name and he’s letting me, the mischief is back in his golden eyes, the smile not just for show.
“You could ask her?” He is well aware of Raven’s history with me. No, no thank you, I’ve had enough of that toxic bitch to last a lifetime. I give him a hard stare. “I mean, you and her were…” he continues, waves his hand for emphasis, he really doesn’t want to say it. Neither do I. “I’m sure she’d love to tell you how she uses men for their… genetic potential .” Little shit is openly smirking now.
“Hey,” I scowl. Time to get off that particular subject. “I thought I told ya’, Misfit. No one laughs at The Wolverine.”
He bows his head and blows a raspberry on my shoulder. He’s been laughing at me all these years, showing no sign of stopping now. I hope he never does.
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anemonelovesfiction · 1 year ago
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Kinktober 18- Mirror Sex
Rotxo x human fem reader
Warnings ⚠️: Fingering mostly, Insecure reader (just slightly angsty I guess?)
Translation Station
Olo’eyktan: Clan leader
Tsahik: Clan spiritual leader
Marui: home
Syulang: flower
Yawntutsyìp: darling
Word Count: 4.1K
Becoming one with the Metkayina wasn’t hard, there were slight differences between them and the Omatikaya, but that was from a human standpoint. The expectations of the Na’Vi- the Sully’s- were different, hence their harsher orientation. But there were times where we could chat and get caught up over everything that happened, mainly with Kiri, it helped being the same age and having similar interests.
She’d helped me get used to their new way of living and even spilled the gossip on whatever was happening around us. But most importantly she’d told me about the bullying they’d experienced around the son of the Olo’eyktan. I’d refused to become an easy target for him, especially since I was human myself, so I often beat him to the punch and called myself out or made comments about our ‘incapabilities’ before he could.
“Don’t let go of the-“ Lo’ak stated as I attempted to hold on to the net before it started slipping in my hands, burning my palms. The pulling never stopping and I’d been forced to let go, placing my burning hands into the water to cool them down, I wasn’t expecting the fish to fight back or even being strong enough to do so.
“Are you okay?” Neteyam asks as he walks over to check my hands, lifting them out of the water, carefully running his thumb over the reddened mark. I could hear Ao’nung sucking his teeth, he often did this whenever I messed up, pissed him off, or showed up to work with them.
“I get it. I’m weak and you can’t trust me to do anything.” I rolled my eyes and take my hands from Neteyam’s while glaring at the teal boy. He makes a face and appears to have wanted to say something before glancing over at his best friend- and adopted brother- before turning his head and furrowing his brows like a child.
“Do they hurt?” Rotxo manages to take my gaze away from the rude teal boy and I give a soft smile, shaking my head, but turning to look away from him just as quick.
“I’ll be fine, gotta stay useful for you guys.” I say and hope it comes off as a joke but after a while of having to say these things I started to believe them, not even bothering to put on a playful smile on my face.
“We should probably try again.” I stated and lean into the water, picking the net up, and feeling a hand hold my wrist before the net slips out of my grasp.
“Go see the Tsahik.” The nicer of the two boys stated, this was the first time his stare reached my soul, the objection died in my throat and I simply nodded, walking off but still hearing the boys start to argue. I couldn’t make out exactly what was said as they talked too quickly but I didn’t want to turn around and get caught in the middle of it.
“How are your hands?” Kiri asks once I’d finally sat next to them. Eclipse was due soon and we were supposed to have met for dinner, I resist the urge to roll my eyes, I knew she’d find out because of Lo’ak’s big mouth.
“They’re fine, did Lo’ak run his big mouth to you again?” The question was rhetorical although Neteyam could have also mentioned it.
“No.” She answered truthfully and I sit by her, a bewildered expression glued to my face, the question was rhetorical until she said that. I raised a brow but she only offers a smile, she knew something I didn’t and I hated when she did that, I suck my teeth.
“What?” I asked her.
“You’ll see.” She says ominously and it irked me when she acted all mystical.
Most of dinner went by normally and everyone was busy having their side conversations, we typically talked as a family on our way back to the marui and into the night as we lied on our mats, it was always nice to hear how everyones day went, but I was about ready to sleep myself. I’m not excited to have to fish again tomorrow but I knew I had to pull my weight.
“Hey,” A teal body sits next to me just before I found it in myself to leave for bed, I was tempted to call it an early night and let Jake and Neytiri know I’d be going to the marui, but it appears life had other plans for me.
“Hello,” I respond toward the nice boy, I had a bad habit of using their monickers instead of their names in my head. Ever since Kiri and I talked about what had happened to them, she often used the little nicknames for me to keep track of her story, and I continued using those nicknames to describe them.
“How are your hands?” He asks and peers over as if wanting to look at them, I had no idea why I found myself showing him my bandaged palms. I’d been given some kind of salve to help with the burning sensation mixed with something for swelling, the thinnest of bandages placed right on top to help my skin absorb it.
“They’re fine.” I responded as I look down at my hands, I’d trained myself to never look the bully in the eye, and ended up losing my confidence for silently challenging Spider and the rest of the Sully’s with my eyes as well, I had a hard time looking directly into anyone’s eyes anymore.
“I’d like to show you something, if you’d allow me to, of course.” He stated calmly, I didn’t feel a sense of urgency to agree either, he had kept it pretty nice and open for me and it made me smile internally. I always wondered just how close Ao’nung and Rotxo had been considering they both seem completely different.
“Uhm-“ I look back over to notice the Tsahik had sat down at some point with her husband and they conversed with Jake and Neytiri.
At some point of the conversation Tsireya and Ao’nung had joined between Lo’ak and Kiri, Spider sitting between Kiri and Lo’ak, closing off the circle and excluding myself, whether that was accidental or on purpose I’d kick his ass later for it, he hadn’t been sitting there before.
“You do not have to-“ His tone sounded as of it held slight disappointment and I found myself staring right into his honey green colored eyes, tempted to make the boy feel better, and embarrassing myself with how abruptly I’d stopped him.
“No, no.” I stated rather quickly, eyes widening at my reaction, before looking away from his eyes with a blush dusting my cheeks. “I don’t mind, I can go.”
“Okay, come on.” He holds his hand out for me to grab and I eye it suspiciously, him and Tsireya had been the only ones to not make fun of my extra finger, but it still made me wish to have hands like theirs. I hesitate before grabbing his hand and he smiles, standing himself up and waiting for me to follow his lead, I look between our hands and his eyes before settling my other hand on the ground to help me stand up.
It doesn’t take long before we escape the prying eyes of most people. Some stared at us as we walked away and it was funny to watch how many of them failed to be discreet about it, I knew everyone was nosey, but a lot of them were too comfortable showcasing it. I laughed internally, they thought something was going to happen and it wasn’t.
“What do you need to show me?” I asked as I finally come within his home and notice a gigantic glass-like object hung on the wall of his marui, how he managed to do that I was unsure but I could see my reflection and looked away again, turning to face him.
“I wanted to show you,” He starts while placing a hand on my shoulder lightly, pressing against it to turn me, my brows almost kiss in confusion but allow his hand to turn me around. I still face the ground but keep my ear on alert for the rest of his explanation.
“Yourself, through my eyes.” He stated and I turn my head back to look at him, wondering what he meant, before feeling my chin being redirected at the mirror, never once having caught a glimpse of his face, until I looked through the mirror at it, already catching his eyes on me.
“Wha-what do you mean?” My furrowed brows could already tell him I had no idea what he meant and he just smiled at me. He settles himself down onto his knees and we’re almost the same height, if by almost I meant a full head taller than myself.
“I do not like when you say negative things about yourself.” He stated and the confusion starts again, was he just going to compliment me? Even before being the way I was I never accepted compliments well.
“I’m just beating Ao’nung to the punch line.” I laugh lightly, not really how I would have laughed had I actually found it funny, his lips thin in disappointment.
“Why do you feel the need to do that?” He asks, eyes still on mine, and I could feel my throat becoming dry, making sure to thickly swallow whatever saliva I could gather.
“N-no reason?” I asked pathetically, but my answer was honest, I had no real reason to have started saying those things. I guess I got in my head about Kiri’s story and figured the only way to prevent the bully- Ao’nung- from making fun of me or a reason to hate me was to say what I felt he would say in that moment.
“Hmm.” Rotxo hums but it didn’t seem to be about my terrible explanation.
“Has anyone told you to stop?” He asks with genuine curiosity twinkling in his eyes and I seem transfixed on them, unable to look away, tempted to turn to face him again, eyes turning toward my left before he speaks up.
“Look at me through the mirror.” He stated so sternly that my eyes fly back toward the mirror, giving him a slight nod, showing I understood that he needed me to look through the mirror and nowhere else.
“Well?” He raises a brow and I feel weirdly warm, he had asked a question beforehand and he needed an answer, I draw in a breath and answer.
“Kiri and ‘Teyam said to stop.” I admit and feel relieved having been able to answer his question.
“I’m telling you right now, it needs to stop.”
I just stare at the man on his knee’s beside me, his body was comically large compared to mine, yet found myself compelled by him at the same time, allowing myself to nod along toward his words as he stares at me expectantly.
“I need to hear you say you won’t say those things anymore.” His voice was stern, his facial expression was stern, my legs felt like jelly.
“Or what?” I raise a brow in interest and he thins his lips once more, I had no idea what had caused me to defiantly say that, but I had, and it upset him.
Although we didn’t stand face to face with the mirror, I could see some emotion swim through his eyes. I could feel myself turning my body getting ready to say something smart, before seeing him shuffle and end up in a seated position, scooting further back on the floor of his marui, and dragging me down with him, landing on my bum and kind of in his lap. His legs were outstretched beside mine, allowing me space but keeping an arm wrapped around my belly to keep me seated.
“Rotxo-“ I begin to protest but am cut off by his gruff voice.
“Say it.” He demands.
The tone of his voice makes it harder for me to want to turn around, so I look back toward his eyes, fury swimming through them. He was waiting for me to say what he wanted me to say, but this was ridiculous, right?
“I- I won’t sa-say those things a-nymore.” I find myself stuttering as I struggle to get through the phrase and am tempted to look down but I would have missed the sweet smile tugging at his lips, my heart started beating erratically and I wanted to see him smile more often.
“Is that all?” I asked trying to appear bored and wondering if I could go back toward my marui I shared with the Sully’s but he shakes his head.
“No, syulang, we’re just getting started.” He whispers in my ear and I gasp, shocked at how I had reacted, turning my face and end up smashing my lips on his, he backs up quickly.
“That was meant for your cheek.” He stated as if he too had been shocked, glad to know he wasn’t planning this, but I let out a nervous laugh.
“Yeah why would anyone want to kiss me?” I asked mid-laugh only to finish with my own lips thinned as a frown forms, eyes widened slightly, as if I had just been caught red-handed saying something I wasn’t supposed to. His own brows furrowed in slight frustration, he is looking directly into my eyes -through the stupid mirror- and I can’t find it in myself to look away.
“Maybe something other than intimidation will get you to stop saying those stupid comments.” He grumbles placing one hand on my hip, the other trailing down my jaw, taking a hold of it semi harshly. It doesn’t hurt but I wince at the action, he turns my face toward his and I can practically see the frustration permeating off his body.
“Like what?” I wanted to smack myself after those words left my mouth. A smirk painted his features, as if he was waiting for me to challenge him, I’d never seen him smirk, just the bully, but I liked it a lot better when Rotxo did it.
“Keep your eyes on the mirror. Do not turn your head for a second or I stop. And when I ask, you will say only good things about yourself, yes?” He isn’t really asking, it was rhetorical, but I nodded either way, feeling my lungs ache for a breath which I feel is granted to me once he lets go of my chin. My head snaps back to look at the mirror and I catch his eyes.
“Can you tell me something you like?” He asks and I resist the urge to groan at his sparkling eyes, shaking my head and I could feel the frown tugging on his lips, not because I didn’t like anything about myself, I could feel the heat starting to travel down south and I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of this gentle giant.
“I like your eyes,” I felt my breath escape me after I stated that and he chuckles, kissing my temple again, his hand had slid off my chin earlier but was placed on my chest, ready to grab my chin for attention, but I wanted his hand to wrap around my throat and choke me.
“I meant about yourself.” He smiles, the hand on my hip gently stroking that side of my body, not dipping below my tewng or above my beaded top.
“I can’t think.” I admit and the hand on my side stops moving but I that wasn’t the hand I was needing to move, my chest felt heavy and I could feel my heart continuing to thump against the ribcage, I know he could too.
“Your eyes are beautiful, especially when they catch the sun just right, they look like they glow.” He stated and it feels like all breath is knocked loose from my lungs.
“Your nose is different and adorable. Your lips are full and plump, I often wonder how they’d feel against mine.” He stated in my ear again, shit.
“Rotxo, what?” I cut myself off as I feel his lips trailing my jawline. I need him to stop for a second, but a second is all it takes for him to turn my face toward his once more, planting a soft kiss on my mouth and feeling the heat coming off his lips and onto mine. I whine at the loss of heat on my lips, having felt my face move back toward the mirror on its own, just to find myself capturing his eyes with mine, my breath hitches and I can see his smile.
“Now you say something.”
“I like you.” I blurt out as I attempt catching my breath and his smile is wider now.
“I mean about you, silly girl.” The hand on my chest slides down between my breasts and I moan at the slight feeling of the beads sliding against my nipples, feeling ashamed at how overly sensitive I was at the moment.
“I like when you touch me,” I let the words fly out, I knew I wasn’t answering his questions but being around him as he caresses my body like its a fuckin’ fiddle wasn’t going to help me say anything less embarrassing.
“Hmm, yeah? I like touching you too.” He digs his lips onto my neck and plants kisses there and it causes me to gasp.
“Please,” I throw the word out there, not even sure what I was begging for, but wanting him to continue pushing whatever agenda he had planned, I just needed to feel his hands on me.
“Not until you say something you like about yourself.” He’s a persistent man, thats for sure.
“I like myself, I do,” I attempt to plead with him and he chuckles, bringing his eyes up to meet mine. I knew I looked as pathetic as I sounded, but seeing him look back at me was worth it.
“Of course you do, yawntutsyìp, but I need an honest answer.” He explains and I let our a short frustrated grunt.
“M-my hair, I like my hair,” I answer honestly. My hair was pretty to me, I could put it up easily, I could braid it beautifully, it was long, its the reason I was particular about who cut it.
“I like the length, I like how shiny it is, its the thing I take care of the most.”
Just then I felt a hand caress my hair gently and felt my spine shudder at the sensation. I was also particular about who got to touch my hair but his touches were gentle, caring, soft, he could definitely touch my hair anytime he wanted.
“I can tell,” He smiles and places a kiss right on the back of my head, right where my hair was. “I always wanted to run my hands through it.” He comments sweetly.
“Please touch me,” I stated pathetically to feel his hand stroking my belly gently.
“What else, syulang?” He asks and I feel like I’m about to lose it, but just as quickly think on my feet, feeling accomplished in my answer.
“M-my legs,” I admit.
“They’re long, hel-helps me swim.” I stutter and feel his intense stare on me, but my eyes were closed, until he pinched my thigh with the hand that had been on my hip. I opened them just as quick as the pinch had come.
“Eyes on me, pretty girl.” He stated but doesn’t allow himself to kiss on my neck or jawline, I pout slightly, I liked feeling his lips on me.
“Why are you pouting?” He asks as a hand comes up from my belly and underneath my beaded top, my breath hitches as he cups my left breast, feeling its weight in his hand and allowing his thumb to stroke up against my nipple, my gasp clearly audible as his ears flick at the sound, standing at attention to focus on me, my cheeks heating up.
“Answer.” He reminds me and I moan lightly as a response.
“Need you,” I admit with a whine. He seems pleased with this answer and smiles once more.
“What do you want me to do, pretty girl?” He asks and I felt dizzy, his second hand caressing my thigh from where he’d pinched it while lazily running his thumb over my nipple again.
“Everything,” I mumble and feel my eyes closing again to enjoy the feeling of his hands coming closer toward the spot I needed it most. “Please,” I beg again, moving my hips slightly.
“What do you like about me?” He asks so quietly I almost miss the question, my eyes find his and a lazy smile spreads through my face. He’d placed his hand overtop my loincloth and stopped moving it.
“Your eyes,” I stated in one breath, continuing, knowing that wasn’t enough. “They’re honey-green and make you look so handsome, like a pretty boy.” I mumble and his face softens sweetly, hand pushing my loincloth to the side, thumb pressing between my lips and applying gentle pressure on my engorged clit, rubbing small circles on the already slick covered bud.
“Ro,” I sigh happily and close my eyes, biting my lip, feeling his caresses, only to feel him stop all motions, reminding myself to open my eyes.
“Good girl.” He praises and I whine.
“You promise you’ll stop saying those bad things, right?” He asks and I nod.
“Good girl.” He repeats and kisses the side of my neck and I find it easy to move my head to the side to accommodate him. He also wastes no time sliding a finger in, a long moan leaving my lips as be continues paying close attention toward my bundle of nerves, my thigh shaking.
How is it that he’d just started all of this hard work but managed to get me soaked by doing minimal shit, the man had only started kissing my neck when I became a mess for him, holy fuck.
“Oh shit,” I let the English phrase slide out as he picks up speed.
“Can you take another finger?” He asks and I hesitate to answer.
“Just wanna make you feel good, pretty girl, can you?” He asks again and I nod.
“Put them all in, fuck,” I mutter in-between moans as he sticks a second one in and I feel full. The feeling of his fingers settling in my cunt had me feeling hot all over.
“Look at yourself yawne.” I look up and see his fingers shoving themselves deep inside my pussy, slick covering his entire hand, and I’d failed to notice I was moving my hips to match his thrusts.
I could feel my hands squeezing flesh and realize I’d grasped his beautifully thick tattooed thighs in the palms of my hand, hence the slight burning sensation. I let out a gutteral moan and watch him smirk in the mirror just to insert his third finger, scissoring his fingers to stretch and I couldn’t hold myself back.
“Ro, I’m close, so close.” I try grounding myself by squeezing his thighs but feel like I’m on the edge of a cliff and feel the need to jump without a parachute.
“Be a good girl and come for me, syulang, I want you to drench my hand in your juices so I can taste you before shoving my hot, thick cock inside of you.” His voice had deepened a bit as he said that, I could feel my cunt squeezing his fingers.
“Let go for me, pretty girl.” He begs sweetly and its as if he coaxed the come out if me, my walls fluttering as I came, a pitched moan leaving my lips as I stare at my gaping pussy greedily clamp down around his digits. I kept my eyes down low and couldn’t find it in myself to look away, mesmerized by the workings of his fingers inside of me as I kept coming.
My labored breathing was hard to try and calm down after the events that had unfolded. His hand had already been covered in my juices, but at this instant, it was dripping. He could only pull his fingers out, I hissed at the feeling, and watched him through the mirror, bringing his hand up toward his mouth, closing his lips around his fingers and letting his eyes shit as a moan rumbles through him. I could only bite my lip as I felt another wave of heat awaken within me.
“You’ve taken cock before, right pretty girl?” He asks as his dry hand reached over to untie the knot that held his loincloth together. No hostile tone in his voice and I nod at his question once more.
“Good,” He seems to smirk again while settling himself on his knees, cock hanging low, it curved downward and seemed pretty fucking hefty.
“Same rules as before, syulang, keep your eyes on the mirror, if you don’t, I stop.”
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everlasting-rainfall · 1 year ago
I'm imaging a platonic version of your pages au with Whitebeard...
Maybe the book is about found family with a "larger than life" pirate who adopts the MC and Whitebeard reads it during his medical appointments and believes it's about him and his "new daughter", so he tracks down the author and abducts her so she can join her new family.
Any thoughts? 👀
Thank you so much for sending this ask in, dearie!! I’ll make sure that it’s a lot of fun to read!! And for any of you reading this, feel free to send in some more stuff about platonic yandere’s especially if it’s Familial Yandere’s!
God, I love it so much!! It’s so freaking cute!!
Anyways before I start exploding like fireworks sprayed with a flamethrower, let’s get into it! Shall we?
I hope this is what you want! Also keep in mind that there’s no romance here, it’s all Platonic!!
Delusions, Kidnapping, Getting Heavily Babied, Character Death, Spoilers for Marineford, No Chance of Escape, Trapped Forever
Okay so let’s say that the books are still about romance like there’s still the Pirate versus Marine love story but you decided to take a break from writing about that story to focus on something else like maybe you wrote a new book in the series
And this book entirely focuses on the main character getting separated from the love interests like maybe there was an accident at sea that made the MC fall overboard and they wind up being found by like this other group
This group takes them in and they’re kinda hostile at first but they become more trusting and caring over time eventually deciding to basically adopt the MC into the group as like the youngest sibling to the parent of the group
It doesn’t last forever though as at the end of the book, there’s a tearful goodbye between the main character as they’ve been found by the pirate and the marine so they have to return to their old life, a promise is made to not forget them and the group even helps the main character and their friends escape some pursuing enemies
End on a note of the parental figure of the group watching as the main character vanishes into the distance with their love interests and quietly saying “May you always find happiness, my dear son/daughter” or something to that extent
So with enough time, this book eventually lands in the hands of Whitebeard like let’s say that Marco got it for him to keep him from getting bored during his medical appointments and he appreciates the gift from his son so I’d say that he reads it
Like he’s sitting there getting a check up for his health and at first, he’s a little bored especially as he has no clue what’s going on due to this being a book later on in the series but he does know that he doesn’t like the Pirate or the Marine as they both seem annoying to him
He was about to put the book down and never touch it again but figured that he had about an hour left on the appointment so he might as well keep reading so he does getting to the part where the MC meets the group and gets taken in
Now he’s getting a bit interested and so he keeps reading getting more and more interested, he’s actually smiling quite a bit when the Main Character gets adopted into the group as the youngest sibling but when he finally reaches the end of the book and finds out that the Main Character leaves with the two characters that he finds annoying
God, you practically see the despair in his eyes…
His hopes perk up a little when he reads that the group arrives to save the Main Character and the two annoying ones (his words, not mine) from an enemy as he thinks that the leader of the group might take the MC back telling the two of them to get lost
But instead, the MC sails off into the distance and Whitebeard is left staring at the final sentence of the book alongside the illustration of the leader of the group looking off into the sunset
He can’t stand the idea of this and when he finds out this is a series of books, he remains somewhat hopeful that maybe the MC will go back to the group to be part of their family again so he asks Marco to buy the other books in the series when they reach a new island
Marco does of course and gives them to Whitebeard so now anytime that he’s bored or getting a medical appointment, he picks up one of the books and starts reading in hopes that what he wants will happen but alas… No such thing happens…
Throughout the books, there is brief mention of the group but they never appear again as maybe that book didn’t do too well with the audience that primarily reads your books or you just didn’t wanna include them again
The MC never goes back to the group, it’s enough to make this poor old man’s heartbreak and when he sees who the MC wound up with in the end it’s just about enough to make him want to get rid of these books
He almost does too like he was this close to ripping them up but instead he sees one last thing that makes him stop, he looks at the back of the book and sees your picture thanking your readers for the support along with telling them that you’re going to move onto other things but he doesn’t care much for that as he keeps staring at the picture
Is it just him or do you look just like how he envisioned the Main Character to look?
And now that he really thinks about it too… Is it just him or did the group seem eerily similar to the Whitebeard Pirates?
I mean the right hand man is a bird and the group leader is described as being as big as a whale plus a gun slinging cross dresser, a cook with a pompadour, and a narcoleptic with fire powers? There’s no way
He goes back and reads the book that introduced to the series and he sees even more similarities however whether they’re actually there or not is up to you but lord knows that it’s unintentional if it’s true
With this, Whitebeard basically has a lightbulb go off in his head as it’s clear to him now that you’re the youngest member of their family and he needs to go find you as clearly you’re in an unhappy relationship and just want to come home to Pops and your brothers
Well don’t worry as Pops is coming and he’s bringing the family who with some brief convincing have wound up just as deluded as Whitebeard is as they all really think that you’re some kind of lost member of their family
It’s gonna take a while to find you like I’d give it about a week at the least but a month at the most, he’s coming for you and it’s not like anyone can stop him as no matter what island you’re living on and no matter who it belongs to, he’s still coming
When he finds where you are, prepare to be almost immediately hauled off back to the ship with your screams and thrashes being shushes like you’re some kind of child throwing a temper tantrum
“We’re here to help you, stop thrashing!!” “Don’t you recognize us, *MC’s Name*?! We’re your family!!” “Quit screaming already, we’re taking you home!!”
Literally no matter what you do, there’s no chance once they’ve found you as you’ll be hauled back to the ship like you’re some kind of treasure then once they’re done on the island they’ll be sailing out into open waters so even if there was a chance now there’s -10000% chance of escape
Chances are that a big party is going to be held on the ship in celebration of you finally being back with them even though you were never here in the first place, everyone’s having the time of their lives though and no one is listening when you try to ask to be set free
You attempt to jump overboard and swim to safety while no one looks but I’d like to see you try as you’ll likely be found before you can even get close to the edge and if you do make it then you’ll be pulled up within seconds
You’re going absolutely nowhere and the only thing that you can convince them of is to at least use your real name when they talk to you
Honestly as well, something in me says that you should prepare to be babied as you’re the youngest sibling and you can’t even fight plus they haven’t seen you in so long like Whitebeard claims you were like that big when he last saw you
Like imagine going from a life of independence and doing things on your own to never being left alone and having people do a lot for you like you aren’t even allowed near the stove as you might burn yourself according to Thatch
You should just let them take care of everything for you now, they’ll take good care of you and someday when they deem that you can get married then they’ll help you find a suitable person that they approve of and who treats you right
You’re allowed to do some things for yourself like bathroom stuff and getting changed but other than that, it’s honestly a wonder to you that they don’t also have you wearing footie pajamas with a pacifier in your mouth considering the way that they treat you
Even if you attempt to bring up your problems with this to Pops and request to leave, Whitebeard will simply say that he’ll think about it but always he’ll get back to you under an hour and tell you no as you’re staying like this plus you’re not going anywhere
Why would you want to go anywhere anyways? They can give you everything that you’ve ever wanted or needed right here on the Moby Dick, you should be really grateful that they’re doing this for you as they found you and rescued you after all this time
I wouldn’t recommend trying to raise a big stink about wanting to leave either as it’ll likely just be seen as a temper tantrum by the Whitebeard Pirates which will just get you an early nap time like imagine being scooped up in this man’s hand and forced to take a long nap on his chest because clearly you’re fussy from sleepiness
Now you might think that you have a chance of getting away when you hear that Whitebeard dies and the Whitebeard Pirates get scattered by Blackbeard like you definitely feel sympathy for them but this could also be your chance at freedom
Yeah, no sorry… Marco is definitely not letting you go ever after what happened like you’re on such a short leash that it’s practically non-existent like hell, I can see him legitimately child leashing you in public…
Also dating and getting married someday is completely out the window now like if someone takes even the slightest interest in you, Marco is going to scare them off so there’s no chance for you to ever escape
Your fate was sealed the exact moment that Whitebeard picked up one of your books, you’re his youngest child and you’re not leaving your family ever even when he’s gone…
The family will be together forever even if they have to put you on a child leash…
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fictional-orphan-smackdown · 11 months ago
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All propaganda and what each competitor is from under the cut
Dick Grayson (DC Comincs)
So a bunch of Robins are orphans or orphan adjacent but Dick has the strongest case in his birth parents, whom he was raised by, being very very dead. The kind of orphanhood that sticks in the characterization marrow. Plus in some versions he was carted off to the orphanage and everything, starting his "what if I fist-fought my parents' killer myself" arc early until Bruce ultimately decided to pluck him off his warpath and adopt him.
Dick Grayson is truly the orphan of all time not only is he the ward of another famous orphan (batman) but he really was able to surpass his mentor after being orphaned and used that anger towards his parents death to immediately start fighting crime under the Robin Moniker. The other orphans in dc wish they could do it like him. Plus his name is Dick which is objectively funny.
Dressing like a stoplight and kicking people in the face under a bat furry's direction was the MORE reasonable coping strategy than his original plan. Of singlehandedly taking down the entire mafia even though he was a baby.
Think Batman had issues? Well, consider what happens is he raises his mini-me. This guy is waaaayy too tactically driven and ambitious for a thirteen-year-old. And awesome. And the adult version is —- somebody append a photo.
Okay I submitted Bruce Wayne but like I can’t not submit my beloved boy as well! Anyway his parents have the nebulous honor of being so fucking dead, like literally never coming back to life ever. They died in that circus and the only time I can possibly think of them as ‘coming back’ in any way is in Darkest Night, where there were zombies everywhere. So even when they return to the story they’re still fucking dead! Anyway Dick is like super orphaned, I love him but you look at him and you know his parents are dead.
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
Trust me bro
Tim Drake (DC Comics)
An early reader-insert character, Tim had all the traits the average comics fan at the time wanted: money, martial arts skills, cool skateboard tricks, lots of girlfriends, secret knowledge about Batman and Robin. He volunteered to be Robin, because what comics fan wouldn't in his place? Continuing to be relatable, he's now bisexual, depressed, and living in a crappy apartment. Which is also a boat, because comics readers think it would be cool to live in a houseboat.
His biological mother, Janet Drake, was murdered in the carribean. In the same attack his biological father was hospitalized for injuries and in a coma. Janey Drake was buried on Christmas Eve. During the period that Jack Drake (his biological father) was in a coma he was temporarily under the care of Bruce Wayne. When Jack got out of the coma he was confined to a wheelchair while he went through physical therapy. He would meet his future second wife, Dana Winters through the physical therapy. The two would get married later, Tim having a good relationship with Dana. Her mediating between the father and son during some of the misunderstandings. Jack would find out that Tim was Robin, then realize Bruce Wayne was Batman, threaten Bruce with a gun, and order Tim to quit being Robin. Though later, Tim would get approval from his father to be Robin again and the two would start improving their father son relationship. During the event of identity crisis Tim's indenture would be at stake and Captian Boomerrang would break into the Drake's house and murder Jack just as Tim arrived. Tim having heard his last words over Comms. His stepmother Dana Winters would be hospitalized in Bludhaven for the mental trauma this inflicted on her, and would soon find herself a victim when Bludhaven was bombed/nuked. Tim would then be adopted by Bruce. Though in 2008 Bruce would be supposedly killed by an Omega Beam, leaving 17 year old Tim as a three times over orphan. Though Tim didn't believe Bruce to actually be dead, but lost in the timestream and would go on a Brucequest to get him back. On this trip he would lose his spleen, and nearly die multiple times.
Doomed by the narrative to become an orphan. Tim had a good thing going for a while, but after he started getting involved with the Bats, his life went downhill from there. He became Robin on the day of his mother's funeral. (I should note that the racism I mentioned in her cause of death is that the person who kills her is an awful racist caricature, NOT that she's canonically a POC.) From there, he spent a while balancing Batman (mentor) and his biological father (who was rendered comatose in the incident that killed his mother, but woke up not long after). Both the Robins that came before him were orphaned. As one Tumblr user put it: while Tim Drake managed to beat the odds and remain not an orphan, eventually, the writers succumbed to the calls of orphanhood. His father dies after he finds out Tim's identity, and it is because he knows the secret that he is ultimately targeted and dies. In the aftermath, Tim attempts to get revenge by assassinating the culprit, but ultimately is unable to betray his personal values and go through with it. He has one of the more realistic parent-child relationships among the Bats because it is down to earth in spite of the eventual doom. Really, it comes down to this: Robin isn't just Batman's sidekick, he's Batman's child. And that meant it was only a matter of. time before Tim Drake was orphaned
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chiliger · 2 years ago
I’m sure someone has done this already, but AU idea where Jaster Mereel is somehow alive and after years of recovery, tracks down Jango to Kamino a few years before the canon events of “Attack of the Clones.”
After a strained and emotion reunion, and introduction to Boba, Jaster is like, “Amazing. I love him. When are you going to introduce me to the rest of my bu’ade?”
Jango, blinking, confused, “The… rest?”
“Of course, the rest! I saw some of them on the way here.”
“Oh, uh, no, Buir, they’re not—”
Now, Jaster definitely knows there’s something up, no one would just commission millions of clones for no reason. But he wants to hear it from Jango first before he makes a decision. Which is the fairly obvious: “Well, I’m going to ignore the whole ‘canon fodder’ bit. We will talk about that later, though. Get you to a proper therapist. Now! It’s only midday, I’ve got a lot of ade to meet.”
So basically, Jaster strong-arms his way through Kamino by essentially adopting the clones as his grandchildren (yes, all of them, he has plenty of love).
Meeting the Alphas is a little awkward because they’re all teenagers on the cusp of adulthood and have never so much as seen a shred of genuine care and kindness from Jango, so they’re a little put off. But Jaster is willing to put in the work to gain their trust, as minimal as it might ever be.
The command class are a bit put off, but I think the first to warm up would be Wolffe and Bly because they’re more emotionally intelligent and can tell Jaster means them no harm. Cody takes the longest (besides the Alphas) to start trusting Jaster because of his strained relationship with Jango, which Jaster eventually learns about and has some words with his son.
Jaster continues through to the younger clones, as much as he can realistically meet because there are so many of them.
The tubies and littler cadets almost immediately have Jaster wrapped around their little fingers. He absolutely adores them and maybe cries a little while holding a couple of sleeping tubies.
Boba is still young enough that his viewpoint of the other clones can be changed into a more accepting attitude, but he still harbors possessiveness over Jango.
Jango himself is experiencing all sorts of emotional whiplash because he never wanted to think of the clones beyond what they were made for. But now Jaster is there as if from the dead, treating them as if they are just regular children, and it’s just a lot for Jango to process.
And idk, there’s a lot of fluff, a lot of angst, a lot of stopping the plot before the plot can happen because Jaster will be damned before he lets any of his grandkids fight in a war that isn’t theirs. Whether they were made for it or not.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 months ago
Snowstorm truce; Eddie Munson x reader
*Author's note*
Like I said in my John Wick oneshot, I've got some more goodie fanfics for you guys that I want to start posting up. This came after watching one of the GREATEST movies of this year, The Wild Robot. And this also can serve as a sequel oneshot to this oneshot.
But for those who see this first, this is my superhero AU where Eddie Munson is a master waterbender and you the reader are the adopted daughter of Daredevil himself, Matt Murdock.
Warnings: some fluff, bit of angst, snowstorm graphic level injuries, swearing.
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It was unlike anything that Hawkins had ever seen.  Now we have had some pretty rough snowstorms in the past but this one that we’re suffering from this year is unlike any others in the past.  People have been calling this our infamous Snowmageddon and honestly I believe it.  I’ve heard about them happening everywhere else in the country but never did I think we’d get it ourselves.
But with this Snowmageddon, that’s when the heroes really had to step up and help out everyone in the town.  Providing services like extra clothing and blankets, snow plowing, backup generators and heating, and bringing in extra food and water.
I was currently with my girl crew of Robin, Vickie, Max, Jane and Nancy helping bring the civilians with extra blankets and clothes.  We were going around the neighborhood going from apartment to apartment in downtown Hawkins when we took notice of the waterbenders that were currently bending the snow out of the roads.
“Hey (Y/n), no offense to you but why haven’t I seen Eddie helping out around here? I know he doesn’t normally like to get involved in big time superhero stuff but this storm affects him too.” Robin said to me.
“When I went to visit him yesterday I had seen how he was the only waterbender to truly help out at the trailer park. Also he told me that the mayor himself had sent a letter of concern of how the town didn’t feel comfortable about the Son of the Puppet master helping out the community.”
“Are you serious? It’s been nearly eight months since he helped throw his father back in prison and they’re still giving him heat about it?!” exclaimed Vickie.
“Trust me Vic, if it were up to me I’d paralyze those corrupt politicians downtown until they came to their senses. My dad’s even tried to speak on Eddie’s behalf but the city council refuses to listen.”
“The corruption and prejudice in Hawkins is nothing but bullshit.” Max sneered lowly.
“Yeah bullshit.” Parroted Jane with a firm nod.
“I agree girls it’s complete bullshit but what else can be done? We’ve tried everything and Eddie’s just come to accept it.” I sighed heavily.  Nancy placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.
“Once I’m out of school, you know how I’m trying to apply for city council. I’ll make sure and get those old laws extinguished and those old bastards out of office.”
“Please Nance with your powers you could do that right now. Send them off a cliff for all we care.” Robin said.
“I prefer to gain my seat in a fair trial and election. We already live in a corrupt, misogynistic world already.”
“Amen to that sister.” Preached Max. 
“That’s why my dad, uncle Foggy and aunt Karen prefer the freelance independent law firm. Mostly going pro-bono until the bills start piling up. But of course uncle Foggy still likes to go on about how his mom wanted him to be a butcher.”
“Oh my god not that story again!” whined Max.
“Seriously (N/n) now you’re starting to go on repeat with that story.” Complained Vickie.
“Hey if I had to suffer with it, I’m taking you all with me.” I said as we continued down the street passing out our supplies until we had ran out.
After doing my bit of community service, I finally arrived home and was greeted with the warmth of our fireplace roaring nearby.
“Take a seat by the fire sweetheart.” I heard my dad call out from his room.
“Don’t have to tell me twice. Heck I bet you heard my teeth chattering from a block away, right?”
“Yes but I mainly say that because I want you to get warmed up. I can’t have my daughter become a human ice sculpture now can I?” he came over in his old college hoodie and sweatpants on, his red glasses taken off his face and for the first time I could see him without any signs of bruises or blood stained skin.
“Must be a relief to get more than 4 hours of sleep these past couple of weeks.”
“In a way. But it also riddles me with anxiety. For as long as I can remember I’ve always kept myself busy. But with both sides of myself not doing much of anything, I’ve gotten a major case of cabin fever and I hate it.”
“Welcome to the world of normalcy. It sucks but you can manage it.” I mocked as I came up to him and embraced him while he rocked me from side to side.
“God you feel so cold to the touch and your heart’s barely beating.”
“My heart’s just fine dad, though my legs feel like they’re on fire.” I said as I leaned down and began scratching at my legs from the sudden itchiness I was feeling.
“That’s your blood trying to pump as much blood back into them. C’mon sit by the fire like I told you.” He guided me over to our small fireplace and set me down on the couch before grabbing my snuggie and placed it over me.  I put my arms through the sleeve and briefly shivered.
“So no one’s been coming into the firm from what you had said earlier?”
“Mostly we’re getting phone calls since no one is daring to brave this weather. But just recently the phone lines went dead in our area of the city so we decided to just call it a day for a while. If anyone needs us, they’ve got our email.” Dad said as he cuddled close to me bringing me into his lap.
“Do you think—this is more than just a storm dad? Like could this be like a mutant gone rouge or some sort of monster?”
“No news has come from the Heroes council about anything like this. But we have seen reports that this storm has happened in different parts around the world. So it’s not just us.”
“I’m all about winter fun but I’m starting to get scared dad. What if this never ends? What’ll we do? Where would we go?”
“Hey,” he cupped the side of my face and brought me to look into his eyes.  His unfocused gaze stared deeply in my general direction and he told me, “We’ve been through worse predicaments and world ending disasters than this. As long as we got each other, we’ll be okay. Okay?”
“Okay.” He pressed his forehead against mine and I softly smiled feeling his confidence and strength flow within me.  “Listen, I got word from the Mayor about our evacuation tomorrow. We’ll be assigned to the Hawkin’s Global theater. So make sure you pack a bag tonight cause we’ll be leaving as soon as we can. Landlord said they’re only having this generated power go on till tomorrow afternoon once the evacuations start.”
“Got it. Think I’ll have time to go see Eddie before then?”
“I’ll give you one hour. Then I need you back here so we can leave, okay?”
“Thanks dad.” The two of us spent the rest of the day cuddled up by the fire playing trivia games or doing some training to help keep our bodies warm.
The next morning I had my bag packed and ready to go and I got bundled up to go over to see Eddie and Wayne before I’d be heading over to the Global theater to seek shelter.  Thankfully this morning there wasn’t any snow falling so it made the walk there slightly better.
With another foot or so added, the waterbenders were once again piling up the snow on top of their work from yesterday.  Now would be the day they’d get to work dissolving the snow back to water and deposit it wherever they’ve been told to take it to.
I soon arrived at Forest trailer park and was greeted by the large shelter in the shape of a large dome shape.  Made completely from ice and snow but made to withhold the cold as well as the fire I could see from the smoke coming up from the open part of the roof.
“Was beginning to think I’d never get to see you again!” Eddie’s voice proclaimed as I saw him come out from his storm shelter.  I jogged over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck while his arms rested at my waist.
“You saw me two days ago.”
“Far too long for me my love.” He kissed my lips which sent warm shivers down my spine and goosebumps on my arm.
“Unfortunately I can only stay for an hour. Evacuation and all that, my dad and I will be at the Hawkin’s global theater along with uncle Foggy and Aunt Karen.”
“I’ll take what I can get. But you know Wayne and I are more than willing to offer you our shelter here. I built it for that reason.”
“You know all you’d want to do is make out and we could never get away with that with my dad just a few feet away from us.”
“Yeah and Wayne probably would keep telling me to only strip out of my clothes if I had fallen into the lake and was desperately freezing.” I playfully slapped his chest which made him chuckle and kiss me again.  “Come on in and I’ll give you some of Wayne’s infamous hot chocolate.”
“With extra marshmallows?”
“What am I a savage? Of course with extra marshmallows.” He then guided me into his storm shelter and there I saw Wayne pouring two cups of his hot chocolate over the large firepit that stood at the center of the shelter.
“I swear I have never seen such dedicated lovebirds like you two to brave these blizzards just to see each other.” Wayne said to us.
“Nothing’s too good for this girl right here.” Eddie said as he brought me in closer to which I chuckled softly and tried to wriggle out of his grasp.
“Actually when I heard you were making your famous hot chocolate I just had to come and get a cup for myself.”
“Oh I see how it is. Just using me to get a hot beverage, I see you Murdock.” Eddie gasped before turning away with his arms crossed over his chest turning away from me.  I rolled my eyes and went over and Wayne gave me a cup of his hot chocolate while I added my seven marshmallows and let out a loving hum.
“Still don’t know how you do it Wayne. You gotta give me the recipe I just know my dad would flip once he took a sip of this.”
“Sorry doll, old family secret recipe. If you stick around that knucklehead for a little while longer I might be tempted to share the recipe.”
“Using me as a way to get a recipe, that’s cold-hearted sweetheart. And I thought you cared about me.”
“Aww Eddie-bear.” I cooed. “I do care about yah puddin.”
“Don’t seem like it to me.” I set my cup down by the firepit and walked over to him.  I once again wrapped my arms around Eddie’s neck stroking my fingers through his locks the way I knew he’d like it and gave him my best bunny eyes to him.
“How bout now?” Eddie hummed as he looked down at me before smiling softly.
“Now how can I resist those cute eyes?” I smiled then just before we could kiss for the third time that day, Dustin’s voice proclaimed.
“Eddie! Open up it’s me Dustin!”
“I’m gonna kill that little shit.” Grumbled Eddie for ruining our moment.
“Hold on, something doesn’t sound right.” I quickly raced over bringing Eddie with me and we raced out to see Dustin, his mother, Steve, Robin, Vickie, Nancy, Mike and their family all racing over toward the shelter.
“What is it Henderson?” Eddie proclaimed.
“It’s Lucas. Their entire house suddenly got caved in by snow and ice and their all trapped inside!” Dustin exclaimed.
“Why not get some of the waterbenders that are closer by to help out?” Eddie asked.
“You might wanna take a look up at the sky first.” We all then looked up and unlike before, the clouds were starting to spin almost as if there was going to be a tornado or a typhoon about to touchdown.  The winds suddenly started to pick up.
“The city is on a sudden shutdown. The evacuation plans have been cancelled and sudden ice winds have suddenly trapped hundreds of people in their homes.” Nancy explained.
Oh no dad! Uncle Foggy and Aunt Karen they’ll…..they’ll die if I can’t get to them.  Just before I could run ahead, Eddie grabbed my arm and said.
“What the hell are you doing?!”
“My family’s out there Eddie! I have to help them!”
“No babe if what Nancy said is true you won’t be able to get through the ice. And with a sudden snow typhoon coming you won’t survive a second out here!”
“I promise, once I help get the Sinclair’s out, I’ll head over and get your dad as well as Foggy and Karen. I promise.” I cupped his face and gave him a kiss.
“Promise me you’ll bring them to me safely. And that you’ll come back as well unharmed.”
“I promise sweetheart.” He said crossing his heart.  I embraced him and he whispered to me.  “I leave you and Wayne to take care of everyone here.” I nodded then Eddie took off with Steve, Robin and Nancy while Vickie, Mike, Dustin and I got the parents and younger siblings inside Eddie’s shelter and began to prep for all the families we’d be bringing into the shelter.
*Eddie’s POV*
After getting the Sinclair’s out of their house and racing across the rooftops, I finally made it to (Y/n)’s apartment and water bended the snow off of the fire escape of her bedroom and snuck inside.  I shut the window before calling out.
“Mr. Murdock!? Mr. Murdock can you hear me?”
“E-Eddie?” a female voice soon spoke up.  I came around the room to see not only Mr. Murdock but also Foggy Nelson and Karen Page also in the apartment.
“Well less work for me.” I muttered first before asking them out loud, “Dumb question but are you guys okay?” I asked.
“Oh you know. Could be better but at least we’ve got proper attire this time around. Not like that one time our dorm’s heater shut off that one year, right Matt?” Foggy said.
“Yeah. Cheap blankets and overworn college hoodies.” Mr. Murdock chuckled sarcastically.
“Well luckily for you guys I’m here to get out of here. The guys and I have been gathering people to my snow shelter. It’s not much but it’s big enough to hold as many as we can fit.”
“Well then lead the way waterbending Master Munson.” Foggy said as he got up huddling himself deeper into his thick winter coat.  I lead them to (Y/n)’s room and opened up her window.
“I’ve managed to keep the fire escape waterproof for now. Should be enough time for us to get to the ground safely before the storm freezes up the metal again.” I explained.
“Wow. Since wh-when were you able to do that?” asked Karen shivering from the winds that were starting back up again.
“Just now actually. When we got Sinclair’s family out I had accidentally managed to keep their sidewalk from freezing back over after clearing it. But of course that only lasted just long enough for his dad to get off the driveway.”
“We’ll take what we can get. Go ahead Karen you first I’m right behind you.” Karen first went down the stairs with Foggy right behind her.  Just as I went to head down I felt a tight grip on my arm, I turned to see that it was Mr. Murdock who had his iron grip on my arm and I knew it wasn’t because he needed any assistance.
“I’m only gonna say this once Munson. Are (Y/n) and your friends gathering everyone who couldn’t make it to the school?”
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! No wonder why (Y/n) can never lie to her father.  Not only is he human lie detector but when he puts on the ‘Devil’s tone’ I knew he wasn’t messing around.
“Hmm? Uhh…hmmm…..” I hummed lightly as I could almost feel the intense stare behind his red shades, his frown deepening.  “Yeah.” Just before I could water whip his hand off my arm, he grabbed my other wrist tightly and I let out a groan.
“Foggy! Get Karen to Eddie’s shelter. We’ll meet you all there!” Matt called down to them.
“Matt you’re seriously not thinking what I think you’re thinking!” Foggy called up to me.
“Just get her there! Her temperature’s dropping faster by the second. Before long she’ll get hypothermia.”
“Matt! Be c-c-c-c-careful.” Karen shivered out.  I sighed heavily and told Foggy.
“The shelter is right at the entrance of the trailer park. My uncle will be there to help you guys out along with the rest of the parents from Hellfire. Just follow the pathway I made coming over here.” He nodded then he held Ms. Page close to him before walking down the open access path I had made while hopping over the roofs to get here.
Mr. Murdock finally released me from his iron grip before taking my scarf and wrapping it over the upper half of his face.
“What no suit?”
“There’s no time. Now c’mon, there’s a family that lives around the corner that’s been chattering their teeth since this morning.” He leapt off the fire escape and I followed behind him.  I snow bended a path to the apartment complex as I said to him.
“Are you sure you wanna do this? Besides isn’t that the apartment of the Prosecutor that doesn’t like you?”
“She still has a family that needs help. Eddie why are you insistent on letting everyone else in this city die?” I turned to him and said.
“Do you really need me to answer that question? Surely (Y/n) told you what the Mayor himself said to me.” I crossed my arms over my chest huffed annoyingly.
Sure even though I don’t care whether I end up being a villain or hero in the eyes of the public because of my dad, I still wanted to at least help my girl and her dad out.  Waterbending the snow from my entire trailer park since no waterbender dared to come into my neck of the woods.  Building the shelter for everyone there but nope.
All anyone in this city will see me is the son of the infamous Puppet master.
I felt Mr. Murdock’s hand on my shoulder this time he had a more empathetic touch and I looked up at him as he told me.
“I know. But right now you’re their only chance. I can’t do this without you Eddie.” Damn you Daredevil and your clear conscious.
“Okay.” I groaned as I first made a clear path beneath the whole apartment complex.  I then gathered the snow together and formed it into a giant staircase then with my ice breath, the staircase hardened and Mr. Murdock was able to walk to whatever level he needed me to get him do as I would either raise or lower the icy staircase.
“Get me to the 9th floor 12th window to the right.” I moved the staircase to where he needed and while he went up, I walked over towards the building, took a deep breath and by placing both hands on the foundation, I absorbed all of the ice that collected from the bricks to the windows.
I looked up to see how Mr. Murdock was now able to get into the Prosecutor’s apartment and after a few minutes I saw her and her three kids coming down the stairs.  When she caught sight of me, she first picked her youngest son in her arms trying to keep him warm before giving me a grateful nod and said.
“Thank you.” I nodded.
“Where to next Daredevil?” I called up.
“7th floor, 5th window to the left.” Mr. Murdock called down to me.  I guided and adjusted the staircase to the 7th floor, 5th window to the left.  We continued to gather any person who wasn’t able to get to Hawkin’s high and after gathering almost 30 people, Mr. Murdock and I lead them through the storm toward my shelter.
Blocking the harsh winds and continuously making a clear pathway towards the trailer park we finally got the people to my shelter where (Y/n) and the others were all gathered.  The large fireplace was roaring with life, people were huddled up together with blankets and drinking Wayne’s famous hot chocolate or being given medical treatment thanks to Jane’s abilities.
“Eddie! Daredevil!” (Y/n)’s voice called out as she came up and embraced the two of us.  “What took you both so long I was—” that’s when she noticed all the people behind us at the entrance.
“Some of these people need immediate medical care. Think your friend Jane can handle more?” her dad said.
“Yeah, yeah she’s almost done with Karen.” We allowed the 30 people to come inside.  As they walked past us, (Y/n) cupped her father’s face and said. “Your lips are almost blue. You better let Jane have a look at you too.”
“I’ll be fine. There’s still more people out there. Where were Steve and Robin gathering people at?” Mr. Murdock asked me.
“They had gathered the people around downtown. Steve’s parents have some civilian coworkers that needed help getting out of the storm.”
“Then downtown’s where we’re going next.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait, wait. You guys aren’t thinking about going back out there are you?” (Y/n) came in front of us blocking the entry way.
“(Y/n) there are people still out there who need help. We can’t just limit this shelter to those we only care about. This city needs us now more than ever.” Her dad said to her.
“But the storm’s getting worse by the second. And if you guys stay out there after nightfall…..”
“C’mon babe. You’re talking to the number one ranking waterbender in Hawkin’s High. Not to mention the Man without fear. We’ll be okay. And he’s right, we’re their only chance of getting out of the storm.” I came up and cupped her face stroking her chilled cheeks.  She placed her hands over mine and said.
“Just be careful.”
“We will.” I leaned down and kissed her cold lips.  “Look after things for us while we bring more people here.” Mr. Murdock and I headed back out into the storm and I had us sledding on a mountain of snow all the way towards downtown.
As we arrived in downtown it was worse than anywhere else in Hawkins.  The snow had piled up almost half the height of some of these skyscrapers and office buildings while others were practically buried within the snow.  Together Mr. Murdock and I worked on getting various of people out from their office buildings, when we got to the same orphanage where (Y/n) had been sent when she lost her parents as a kid, I saw about 12 kids all cuddled around both Robin and Steve for warmth.
“Harrington? Buckley?”
“To-took you long enough M-Munson.” Chattered Robin with a weak smile.
“Are we safe now, Steve?” asked one of the orphan boys.
“Yeah Timmy, we’re gonna be okay now.” Steve comforted the young boy.  I never knew him to do this but Mr. Murdock revealed his face to the kids and he told them.
“We’re gonna do everything we can to get you kids to safety. But in order for us to do our job, we need you to do one thing. Be strong. It’s gonna be cold and merciless out there but I believe you kids can make it. Like Steve told you all at the graduation class parade, anyone can be a hero.”
The kids nodded and Mr. Murdock and I helped them stand up.  I helped Harrington up and asked him.
“Storm too much weight to burst through the walls Harrington?”
“Even if I could, we would’ve flooded the building with snow. Plus I—didn’t want to scare any of the little ones more than they already were. Caretakers were found frozen in the basement probably trying to find more blankets when the doors began to freeze over trapping them down there.” I looked down solemnly.
“Luckily they had you. This place will be lucky to have you once we graduate.”
“Let’s hope we live to see that day happen.”
“Hey I’m supposed to be the cynical one here.” I shoved him playfully as I picked up a young girl who wanted me to carry her while Steve picked up Timmy.
The people we managed to save helped pick up the orphans so that they wouldn’t have to track through the snow and I lead them towards my shelter.  After ensuring the orphans and people of downtown including Robin and Steve were taken care of, Mr. Murdock and I continued on our search for more people trapped in the storm.  Civilians, heroes and even some criminals were all trapped within the storm but they still needed our help.
I opened up a balcony to a very big manor that I knew all too well but really wish I didn’t have to come here.
“Wha-what are you doing here, f-f-f-fr-freak?” the voice chattered.
“Bummer Daredevil, this guy’s dead!” I slammed the balcony door shut then before I could snow bend the snow back over the window, Mr. Murdock stopped me spoke my name in the Devil’s tone gripping my wrist tightly.
 Groaning exasperatedly and throwing back my head I opened the balcony window again and gestured.
“You can either come with us if you want to live Carver or you can sit here and become a human ice sculpture, your choice.”
“I can’t move.” He said with a shiver of fear in his voice.  Something I never knew Carver to actually admit. “My le-legs…..I can’t….feel them any—more.” We came up to him and Mr. Murdock gently hovered his fingers over the covers where Jason had his legs covered.
“No blood is circulating into them. Could be stage 2 possible close to stage 3 hypothermia. He needs to get to Jane and fast. She might be able to reverse this.” Together Mr. Murdock and I hoisted Jason’s arms over our shoulders and carried him across his room.
“I-I’ve been reduced….being saved by the fr-freak.”
“Hey!” Daredevil snapped. “Consider yourself lucky he didn’t turn you aside once he saw your manor Mr. Carver. So either you swallow your pride and let him help you or you can just wait here and lose your legs as well as any chance of becoming the hotshot hero you claim yourself to be. Your choice.” Damn go Mr. Murdock!
Without another word, Carver allowed us to take him to our shelter and we went back out to search for more people.  It was starting to get dark and the storm was really starting to pick up.  The harsh winds felt like knives on our faces and we were both starting to lose feeling in our limbs but we kept pressing on.
Mose people we managed to save but like what Steve had told me with the caretakers at the orphanage, there were families who didn’t make it and were found dead huddled together trying to keep warm.  It broke my heart knowing that we had let these people die, especially the elderly folks who had been left behind.
But Mr. Murdock told me to not give up and I had used that to push myself to fight off the storm.  By the time it grew pitch black and we came back to my shelter with the rest of the people we managed to save, both Mr. Murdock and I collapsed to the ground.
“Okay that’s it. You both have done enough. I’ve counted over 298 people here. You guys can rest now.” (Y/n) said as she came up and held me in her arms while Foggy came up and helped Mr. Murdock up.
“She’s right. You both are exhausted, bleeding and turning black at this point. We’ve got enough people.”
“Not……all…..” panted Mr. Murdock.
“You can’t seriously be thinking about bringing him in here.” Foggy demanded in a hushed tone.
“Wait does he mean…..” (Y/n)’s muffled voice came in and out of my ear.  Mr. Murdock stood up and I saw him stagger around till he leaned up against the entry way.
“He dies……no true justice…..will be served.” He then went back out into the storm but just as he started to fall, I came and helped him up.
“You’re not going without me.”
“Not….this time…..not with—him.”
“No offense Daredevil but you can barely stand now. We’re going together whether you like it or not.” He turned toward me panting heavily.
“You’re…..made……for…..each other. Stubbornness……”
“She gets it from you too.” I helped him through the storm as we headed toward our last and final destination.
The High rise of the ruthless crime boss next to my father.  Wilson Fisk aka The Kingpin.
*My POV*
 It was shortly after Eddie and dad left to go get Fisk that things suddenly started to get bad in here.  Villains who were now recovering soon spotted their nemesis and fighting soon began to spring out.  Civilians were blaming and arguing with some of the heroes for not evacuating them sooner and fights and brawls started between them.
Screaming, shouting, laser eyes, fireballs, any type of powers were being fired across the entire shelter.  I tried to keep the peace as did Foggy and a few other people but that caused some of us to get the repercussions of a punch to the face or a type of power thrown at us in the crossfire.
Children crying in fear, every curse word under the sun was being screamed out as everyone was trying to rip each other apart.  And it only got worse as some people began to panic once Dad and Eddie brought Wilson Fisk in along with his wife Vanessa.
“What the fuck is he doing here?!” asked a petty thief that was under house arrest exclaimed as he and a few other people ran away from the Kingpin’s unconscious body.
“Oh great, this’ll help immensely. Hey! No! No! No! That belongs to Eddie’s mom! Put that down!” I snapped as some of the kids trying to take Eddie’s mom’s staff.  I shooed them away before I felt a literal knife nearly stab me through my hand.  I recognized the pattern and exclaimed.  “Really Tommy!?”
“(Y/n)….what is happening?” I could faintly hear my dad from all the commotion.  I saw as Jane was now trying to heal both him and Eddie at the same time.  I walked over to him and said sarcastically.
“Gee I don’t know. Hmm you put a bunch of angry, starving humans together in one room. Half of them with super powers to use either for good or evil, mix them together with normal civilians and oh yeah you get this! But who’d knew this would happen?” 
 “(Y/n) I get your angry but now’s not the time for any sarcastic remark.” Uncle Foggy tried to reason with me.
“Babe.” Eddie called out to me.
“What!?” I snapped.
“Help them.” I let out a groan as I stood on top of the large firepit that was now roaring and being our only source of warmth in this shelter.  I took a deep breath and with my own She-Devil scream I cried out as loud as I could through the clamoring crowd.
“SHUT IT!!!!” but even as my voice echoed through the shelter, it did nothing to deter the fighting.  That was until Nancy came up and stood beside me and as her eyes glowed red and with a wave of her hand as it glowed red, the fighting soon stopped and everyone turned towards us.
“The She devil wants to speak.” She then released everyone from her mind control and got off of the firepit. I glared at her briefly at the nickname but turned my attention back to the crowd.
“Some of you hate me and I’m really starting to hate most of you. Everyone in here hates someone else right now.” Everyone nodded at my statement and I heard a few people verbalize their agreement.  “Yet here we are. And here’s the deal, first person to walk out those doors is dead. And if we can’t keep our shit together, everyone’s dead. We all got one chance to survive this storm because of them.” I said circling around the firepit before stopping and pointing at my dad and Eddie.
Jane, now having healed them of their frostbite and stages of hypothermia, stood up and her father Chief Hopper and Joyce were now putting heating blankets over them.
“The Man without fear and freak. The son of the vicious Puppet master! Well their names are Daredevil and Eddie Munson. And while everyone in this room as either ran from them, cheated them, or insulted them. All they’ve been trying to do is make this city a better place. To be two of the greatest men that this city should be lucky to have even though no one would give them a chance!”
I hopped off the firepit and walked over to them and continued to say as I sat between them.
“They’re the ones who got you out of the storm. Eddie Munson himself built this place, and despite wanting to let you all freeze, he and Daredevil risked everything to bring you here.” As I spoke, I could see heroes, criminals and civilians all starting to feel bad about what I was saying and take it to heart that Eddie Munson and Daredevil weren’t the bad guys here.
“I know this storm has tested us all in more ways than anything else in the past. But sometimes we must come together in order to survive and come out stronger.” My dad spoke exhaustedly.
“I’m not one for motivational speeches cause hell I’m too cynical for that type of stuff.” Eddie chuckled softly before letting out a hacking cough.  I rubbed his back before he continued, “But if there’s one thing Daredevil taught me tonight, it’s that there is hope for community. So just while we are in here, can we not come together in a truce?” Everyone stared at Eddie in silence until the most unlikely voice spoke up.
“The boy….is right.” We all turned to see that it was Wilson Fisk himself that spoke.  “Daredevil is right as well. I promise, I will not harm anyone. Not while we’re in here.” Wilson Fisk brought his wife close to him and what surprised everyone was seeing one of the orphans that came with Steve and Robin walk up to Fisk.
The Kingpin looked at the young boy then removed his coat and gave it to the young boy.  He then allowed the child to sit on his lap for warmth while Vanessa also cuddled up to the boy to keep him warm.  With a scene like that, it proposed everyone to gather around and help one another out to keep warm.
This was truly a sight that I’ll never be able to see again.  Civilians, criminals and heroes all huddled together and helping aiding anyone who still needed medical treatment or extra warmth.  I turned to see Frank Castle walking over to my dad holding a heating blanket.  He and my dad had always butted heads when it came to ‘doing what was right’ but he soon said to me dad.
“Gotta hand it to yah Red. You proved me wrong tonight.” He then covered my dad up with the extra heating blanket and my dad gave him a nod in gratitude.  I then saw Wayne sit close to Eddie and bring him close as he said.
“What’s going through your head son?”
“W-would……she be proud of me?” Eddie said exhaustedly.
“She’d be damned proud of what you did tonight. She’d probably say she’d be lucky to have a son like you, I know I am.” I walked over to them and put myself between my dad and Eddie.  I took both of their hands in mine rubbing my thumbs over their chilled skin.
“You both may say you don’t like the term heroes being associated with your names, but you both proved to be the greatest heroes Hawkins is lucky to have. And I’m proud to call those heroes my dad and boyfriend.” I felt Eddie cuddle himself closer to me on my right side while dad took the extra heating blanket he got from Castle and wrapped it around both me and Eddie.
Throughout the night, we all kept warm throughout the worst of the storm and not once did a single fight break out within our sanctuary.
When the storm finally blew over and passed us the waterbenders, now including Eddie in their ranks, cleaned up the last remnants of the snow.  The mayor of Hawkins also appointed to honor the brave heroes who helped save the people of Hawkins but it was my dad and Eddie that received a special type of reward.
The Mayor personally called it the ‘Hawkins Medal of Truce’.  Eddie occasionally jokes that he was only given the Medal cause the Mayor didn’t want to lose his position in office but he can’t deny that after what he did alongside my dad, the town of Hawkins really came to see him in a new light.
No longer did anyone call him ‘The Freak of Hawkins’ or the Prodigal son of the Puppet master.  And surprising even, Jason Carver would snap at anyone who dared to try and give Eddie a hard time at school.  Now not saying their friends or anything but there seems to be a gleam of gratitude for what Eddie did and that he was able to save Jason from losing both his legs when his own parents just left him to die in the storm.
Eddie and I were currently doing some stargazing after finally being able to see the night sky after all this Snowmageddon BS.
“So you’re not going to get a big-head now that the town’s calling you a hero?” I asked him.
“Me a big head? I am deeply offended that you’d suggest such a thing.” Eddie gasped exasperatedly while holding his hand over his heart in mock offense.  I raised my brow at him and he brought me close into his lap and said, “To be honest it feels a bit weird. I mean one second I’m the town’s pariah and the next I’m treated like I’m a Harrington or something.”
“You and my dad saved 300 people Eddie. From your average Joe’s to high ranking political personals. From the slum down criminals to the fucking Kingpin himself. Orphans, heroes, and everyone else inbetween. I’d be shocked if even one of those people forgot about what you did for them.”
“Still, it’s weird to see Carver suddenly tone down his bullying against us especially since he’s had an axe to grind with me since we were in kindergarten.”
“Yeah but be thankful that your actions at least humbled his ass. Just promise me that when you do finally become the Hero I know you can be, you don’t forget the people who really matter.” I cupped the side of his face and tucked the wild strands of his hair behind his ear.
“Me? Forget about you and Wayne? Never.” He leaned in and we kissed each other lovingly.  “You guys are the ones that truly matter the most to me.”
“Don’t forget about the others.”
“Yeah but those guys are not as important as you and Wayne are. In my life I just want to make both you and Wayne proud.”
“You already have babe.” I cupped the side of his face and he turned his face toward my palm before giving it a loving kiss at the center of it.  “I love you, Eddie Munson.”
“I love you (Y/n) Murdock.” He leaned in again for a more passionate kiss and that’s what we did for the rest of the night under the full moon.   
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starkdirewolflove · 6 months ago
Only Murders in the Building
Really enjoying season 4 so far and glad they’re confirmed for season 5 already. We’re almost halfway through this season and I have no idea who killed Sazz or if Charles was really the target. That cliffhanger with Bev Melon was suspicious as fuck but I doubt she is involved in any murder/assassination plots. I still don’t trust the Westies, they are far too cult like and close knit to just be participating in a housing scam (although kudos to them for getting such a bargain on a New York apartment and cutting Mabel in). I think Mabel should go through those files hidden in the wall behind her huge bed that Eva Longoria gifted her.
Some people that are missing from this season and haven’t been mentioned so far are puzzling me to. Did Howard and Jonathan break up after opening night of Death Rattle Dazzle? He seems to have a lot of free time and keeps adopting new animals this season which may be his way of coping if they did break up.
What ever happened to Oliver’s dog Winnie? And how come we never see his son Will anymore? Even if he just appears in one scene to check in with Oliver after his multiple heart attacks last season.
Speaking of absent children, what ever happened to Charles’s step daughter Lucy? They never mention her anymore and reconnecting with her in season 2 was such a big deal for Charles and part of his character arc. She could even send him a text checking in and asking about his movie deal or something.
Lastly I wonder if we’ll see Theo again since he and Mabel became good friends and she was crashing with him last season when she was homeless and fell out with Charles and Oliver. He even helped her with the Ben Glenroy investigation since he was a CoBro fan.
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