#they would've deserve it
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puemort · 8 days ago
Neil Josten better than me bc I actually would've punched everyone in the first book I don't even care Andrew cut me open with your knife but I'm gonna punch you, your cousin and kevin in the face first.
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egophiliac · 9 days ago
I loved your drawing(and I love your style in general) with Leia in your recent post! If/when you have time can we see more of her in your style? I get so happy whenever I actually see people mention/talk about her and she’s not just forgotten because we didn’t get to see much of her. 😭
thank you! 💙💙💙 Leia/Leah/Lea/whatever is fascinating to me. she is the ultimate unknown. what was she like? how involved (or even aware of any details of the invasion) was she? Silver's basically a physical carbon copy of his biodad, so what did he get from her? like, I understand why the two of them kind of have to stay as these super vague and mysterious figures -- the whole point of them is that their story ended 400+ years ago and they're not really relevant anymore (and. well. the more that gets explained about them, the less that can just kinda be handwaved as "oh the politics were Very Messy") (we can sit here and theorize all day but let us acknowledge that, ultimately, canon gave us almost nothing about them post-Meleanor and we'd just be making things up). I do still wonder about her though! RIP Lea, we never knew you and we probably never will.
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actually you know what, as long as we're here, I think I WILL go ahead and just make some stuff up about what Silver might've inherited from her instead.
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#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 13 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 13 spoilers#there may be answers somewhere that i just forgot about so uhhh if so#whoops ( ᐛ )#having one of those art days where chances are good i'm just gonna wake up and throw this post out the window so be warned#but yeah idk. i've talked before about the parallels between silver and dawnatello and how i see him as basically bad end silver#he chose the easy option that let him stay loyal and fulfill the obligation he felt to his adoptive family#he knew it wasn't right and that he was being manipulated but he went along with it anyway until it was too late#i think he ultimately had a good heart but my man folded under the slightest bit of social pressure like a wet mcmuffin#so while i'm continuing to make things up out of whole cloth i wanna say that by contrast#lea never had a chance to do shit but if she had i like to think she would've had a spine like galvanized steel#like just personally i don't think she knew much about what the silver owls were actually doing#seriously does henrik seem like the kind of person who would tell her shit about anything#i think he basically took advantage of their dad's failing health to go off and be a warmonger#and if he thought about lea at all it was to be like :) you stay here and do boring domestic princess stuff#while i tell your husband to Do It For Her#i mean this is 100% me writing baseless fanfic here#i just think it'd be fun if the part of silver that was IMMEDIATELY like 'actually no. we aren't doing this.' might've come from her#she just never got a chance to show it#(it didn't seem to come from the knight is all i'm saying)#lilia might've given silver a billion complexes but at least he raised him to do the right thing#man someone left a reply or reblog on an older post and i cannot find it so i apologize for the lack of credit BUT they pointed out#that one of the big differences between silver and the knight is that the knight's family did not really seem to like him very much and lik#yeah i think so. lea might've been the exception there for him.#rip ma'am we'll never know if you deserved better or not
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nat111love · 1 month ago
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mikakuna · 1 year ago
i see this jason todd who actually looks his very young age (instead of the 30yr old man that comics like to portray)
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and feel my heart breaking just imagining bruce beating him up, almost killing him, mind-breaking him, and just overall being a total piece of shit father towards him.
a huge chunk of the reason why people don't view bruce's actions towards jason as abusive or wrong is because jason doesn't look his age. he's drawn to be this 35yr old father of three who looks even older than dick (and way too on par with bruce) that people see their fights as one between batman and any of his regular rogues. when they fight, it just looks like batman is fighting a man his age and not an actual young person. it doesn't look like batman is fighting his son who's barely even drinking age (and who def wasn't drinking age in utrh). their fights are portrayed in a way that eliminates the very real power struggle between them.
this applies to jason's entire character as well. a lot of people don't sympathize with how he died or his actions as robin or his fights with the other bats because he doesn't look his age. he always looks older and scarier than everyone else. tim has many sympathizers from the titans tower incident because jason just looked like a grown man fighting a 12yr old (even tho i disagree, tim was built and like 17 lmfao).
anyways, i just wish comics would actually draw jason to look his age, which literally ranges from 19 to early twenties. he's young- so young, and it's so annoying to see him drawn and written as someone older than even bruce.
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sooz-again · 4 months ago
Rambled a little about this on discord last night so apologies to those who get to read this twice--
I really wish that the writers had really leaned in harder to Sokka's love of shopping and accessories. Like, imagine, as they traveled around the world, if Sokka slowly acquired different articles of clothing or jewelry and added them to his outfit? And that his every day outfit by the end of the series was almost like a scrapbook of where they'd been? Like, he takes a part of the Kyoshi Warrior armor (the gloves or headband) and incorporates it into daily wear. He buys earrings from the pirates. The fisherman he helps during The Storm gives him a scarf. Yue gives him a bracelet. Just think of what he could have bought in Ba Sing Se!
And yeah, I know from a production standpoint, it is far more cost effective to make as little changes to character design as possible, but I would've loved to see him at the very least wear the Earth Rumble tournament belt for a few episodes.
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canisalbus · 2 months ago
Sobbing over Machete, who can only be seen smiling in one part of the growing up compilation, as a wee little lad.
Sobbing over the face that he was a toddler in that part, a child who had yet to be separated from his family or know the abuse of his "teacher," who only knew the joys of cute snails and holding his favorite pet chicken.
It seems like all of his issues were compounded after his family left him :(
It is what it is. Considering the cards he was dealt, he managed to play his hand pretty well, I think. I've been mulling over this a bit lately, and I'd go as far as to say that in the eyes of his contemporaries, his childhood probably wouldn't even have been unusually unhappy or unfortunate. By most metrics he was a wildly successful individual.
Historically speaking, child abandonment has been more widespread than a modern day person might initially think.
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I'd also like to believe that his parents meant well and the decision to give him up wasn't an easy one. They were going through an impossibly tight squeeze of financial and emotional hardship, and Machete, the youngest child, was constantly sick with mystery illnesses they didn't know how to deal with (anemia + weakened immunity system being the main cause for most of them). Rather than having the entire family suffer and starve, they arranged to have him be left at a monastery, hoping to give him a fighting chance to survive.
If there's a silver lining to it, it was a immense stroke of luck he ended up somewhere where he was looked after (monks were known to have better understanding and access to medicine than commoners). Moreover, he was also taught to read, a rare and priced skill at the time, which ultimately enabled him to claw his way into the upper echelons of the society. Not only did he survive, he prevailed against all odds.
Machete himself probably has mixed feelings about his childhood. He doesn't like to think about it, and (like most people) doesn't realize or admit the extent it affected him. His parents only exist on some conceptual, untouchable level to him, and I don't think he has any desire to try to find out who they were and if they're still alive. He might harbor some repressed, aimless and faceless resentment for them for deciding to wash their hands of him for a reason for another. Maybe it's the root of his inferiority complex and persistent sense of inadequacy, knowing there must've been something wrong with him for that to happen. But then again, it's hard to truly miss something or someone you don't have a personal connection to, or any memories about. In the end, he wasn't worth their time then and they're not worth his time now.
He can recall some of his time in the monastery and it was mostly a pleasantly uneventful existence, filled with strict but soothing routines and a sense of community. His mentor (father-figure, whether he likes it or not) was a cold and brutish man who disciplined him harshly. His relationship with him is tense and inflamed, but he realizes he wouldn't have gotten as far as he did without his tutelage, connections and patronage. If he hadn't sponsored his studies in Venice, he would've never crossed paths with Vasco either.
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heartistii · 2 months ago
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oh how hard it must have been for iris... loving a man while he thinks she's someone else...
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mydarlinglaszlo · 4 months ago
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never gonna stop losing my mind over this scene i fear
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bizarrelittlemew · 1 year ago
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Finally gaining approval and popularity in a world you always craved being a part of vs. watching the other person enjoying the very thing you're trying to escape
One difference:
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themightymoose · 7 days ago
oh no not me thinking of a swap NPMD au where Max lives while Ruth and Richie die for unknown reasons and now both of them are out for vengeance against all the popular kids but most specifically Max because of course. And instead of "Nerdy Prudes Must Die" it's "Stupid Jocks Must Die" or something like that idk what the title would be
But the ones that would die would probably be Jason and Kyle. Or maybe those cheerleaders that Stephanie is friends with.
Idk I just think the nerds should kill. As a treat :)
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heyitsme-ana · 19 days ago
honestly when you think about it Jason really dealt very well with his breakup with Piper because if my girlfriend (who I partially trauma bonded with over having our minds messed with by a goddess and going through a literal war together) broke up with me right after I had everything else in my life fall apart (losing friendships of years, getting replaced at my job twice by people with way less experience than me, almost getting killed by my former colleagues, confronting some deep abandonment issues after seeing the ghost of my mom, realizing I don't really fit anywhere and probably never will, going through war, my best friend dying) because she's not sure if she loves me for me or if she loves a version of me that doesn't really exist (just like everybody else in my life) I think I would've been a little insane about it.
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mischievous-thunder · 3 months ago
Wade: I used to categorise the events of my life as "my life before everything went to shit" and "my dreadful existence after everything went to shit".
Wade: Now it's "my dreadful existence before I met Logan" and "my colorful life I enjoy living after meeting Logan". He's my entire world.
Laura: So, you are the world saving type. You saved him.
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mikartwheat · 1 year ago
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Redrew them almost 4 years later!!
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ammy246 · 1 month ago
It'll never not bother me how Izuku's poor mental health was never addressed. Izuku literally saw his childhood friend's body, and he killed the villain he was trying to save. You can't tell me he is OK after that. Meanwhile, Ochako is allowed to have her breakdown and her friends support her including Izuku himself. Why can't the protagonist have the same treatment??? His character arc feels unfinished, and it bothers me.
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sleep-nurse · 3 months ago
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this is lore accurate @zorbs64
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iregularlyevadetaxes · 4 months ago
clicked "not interested" on a pro ED tiktok and scrolled instead of leaving a soul-crushing hate comment because i'm a chill girl
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