#they really arent
bibibbon · 1 month
The funny thing with Bakogou getting so many votes, is that he isnt even really the "Sasuke" from Naruto - who atleast got so much attention, some fans even got angry cause one wouldnt see Naruto for many chapters lol.
Hell Sasuke actually kept up with Naruto, while Bakogou, after his weird win in the rematch fight, never really caught up again, especially not after the 7 qurik thing - not even getting a real villian fight against AFO
And even the AF0 defeat seemed lto me like a way to say "oh shit, I have to make Bakogou Dekus rival, so lets him blow up an evil baby" lol Hell maybe thats why there was that random murder of Kurogiri - to make it look like Bakugo saved Deku and the battle in the end?
This is out of topic but I hate seeing people say that izuku and bakugo are sasuke and Naruto in a different font because they are not!!
First of all bakugo and izukus rivalry is one sided. Izuku's character once used to admire bakugo and while I do believe that bakugo was supposed to be a challenge for izuku, Izuku ended up outgrowing him but hori still had to make sure that bakugo was relevant so he gave him power ups and made him kill kurogiri and watch AFO die. Bakugo's character revolves around izuku and in a badly written way (it's not like Narutos character that very much circles sasuke and learns from his experiences) and it's bakugo who ends up being extremely aggressive towards izuku while that's not reciprocated. Izuku simply takes the hits and moves on (this is unlike sasuke who actually got his comeback on Naruto when Naruto tried to trap him in the early arcs)
Both Naruto and sasuke get development outside of eachother and are able to feel good and bad emotions about one another but Izuku can't feel bad emotions about bakugo. Both Naruto and sasuke are well developed (to a certain extent kishi drops the bar when it came to the last arc) and kishi takes time to properly develop and delve into their characters while giving the perspective of both characters equally unlike horikoshi who robs Izuku of intropsection and agency while bending bakugos character so far that he seems ooc in some moments like the 'apology' he gave.
Both Naruto and sasuke have their own feats and accomplishments outside of one another's help but I can't say the same for bakugo and izuku.
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prezaki · 2 years
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I see Adam called "queercoded" so often and it really makes me wonder... why? Where is the line until we can consider a character actually queer and why the hell would Adam not cross it?
I'm sorry but there is nothing 'coded' about Adam - his character is loudly and unambiguously gay on-screen and can be called such!!
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He spends the entire show looking for a male significant other and professing his love for one of the male leads. His gestures and dialogue are overtly romantic, including physical touch. His whole storyline hinges in part on 'he is under pressue to get into an arranged marriage with a woman but he is seeking a male s/o'.
And we know the love thing is not just a meaningless gimmick - it even excludes characters he's not attracted to (like Miya, who is explicitely excluded on account of being too young for him)!!
In interviews about Adam falling in love, the Director of the show uses his canonical feelings for Langa as a reference point because... duh. That's his canon love interest, why wouldn't she?
And if that isn't enough, there is an episode preview in which he just completely blatantly states "Hello my name is Adam SK8 and I would like to have sexual intercourse with another guy, I'd love to just tie him up and service top him~".
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If "I want to sleep with another man" is not enough to consider a character canonically mlm, then what on Earth is?? Okay, the word 'gay' didn't fall but should it need to when we're operating on this level of explicit sexual attraction to the same gender?!
"But he is just into Langa because he is projecting his childhood trauma / dealing with his mental illness!!" - yes, sure, those are components on why he latches onto him. But those components don't override the presence of attraction - real humans also choose their partners based on a variety of psychological and/or shallow reasons!! That's just how it goes!!
SK8 is likely never going to be a BL romance, but that doesn't mean it's impossible for it to have explicitely queer characters.
Adam is into men. This is a major part of SK8's main plot.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Uhh so this happened...
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And I know we aren't supposed to care about followers, especially cause of all the bots and because tumblr doesn't work like that...
BUT I still wanna be appreciative that there are 300 of you guys following me for my content and ramblings and reblogs 👉🏻👈🏻
Thank you guys so much! I appreciate every single one of you! 💚🥺
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mugiwaraluv · 10 months
Quite honestly the arcs in the manga aren't too long they just make it seem longer in the anime cause of the extra flashbacks and possible side episodes
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adriles · 10 months
when we’re done with our overwhelming grief we’ll eat i guess
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loriache · 6 months
"I've been waiting for ages for somebody to unmask them."
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This moment tends to elicit negative reactions in a first read through, and I've got some opinions about why where Kabru is coming from here actually makes a lot of logical sense. So I thought I'd elaborate on that.
I think people hear this and go, "He thinks they must be hiding something because they gave money to someone? What a cynic." Or "he dislikes them because they did charity?? What's wrong with this guy!". And obviously, a lot, a lot is wrong with him. But I think this makes more sense than it seems at first glance! What people evaluating this judgement miss is why Kabru is paying attention to Laios and co to begin with.
Kabru knows of the Touden siblings because (he's a little bit of a stalker-) he is keeping an eye on all the relevant parties in events developing on the island, in order to be able to guide them to his preferred outcome. This includes adventurers because they are the ones actually exploring the dungeon! He's well aware that something as minor as internal tensions between party members could be key to the historical events that are developing. (He would love the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.)
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His desired outcome is that whatever the rewards are of breaking the dungeon's curse, whether that's kingship or the ancient elven secrets of dungeons, are claimed by:
A) a short lived person
B) Someone who will be a good, effective leader and/or use those secrets and the power they carry wisely, with foresight, and to establish a political bloc for short lived people.
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The person he can best trust to do this is, of course, himself. But due to his PTSD regarding dungeons and monsters, he's not able to develop the necessary skills to conquer the dungeon. Once he realises this, he starts looking for someone else who he can support to that end.
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But most of the adventurers don't have any intentions of conquering the dungeon, don't have the skills, or are unsuitable in other ways. In fact, it seems like some potentially suitable people are the Toudens. There are a lot of good rumours about them going around - they actually seem to have a very positive reputation! That's what Kabru means when he says "unmask".
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So when Kabru is observing something like them giving money to an old comrade from their gold-peeling days, he doesn't consider it a problem because "they're giving money to this person who doesn't actually need it" or because they must have some dark secret if they act superficially nice. I think he actually understands this situation and what it implies about Laios (in particular) perfectly well.
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Laios and Falin gave money to an old comrade who got injured and couldn't work. That person then healed up but kept taking their money. Then he used the money to start smuggling illicit goods to the island.
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The key is that for Kabru, the problem here is the same as with the corpse retrievers - people using the dungeon's resources to fuel dangerous, selfish, or violent pursuits cause problems for the island, attract more criminals and people with motives other than breaking the curse, and increase the chances of the whole situation ending in tragedy.
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Kabru is willing to work with the Shadow Lord of the island if it gets him to his goal - he isn't scrupulous - but the criminal element of the island increasing is something he sees as a major issue.
Also, when you're evaluating someone as a candidate for power, riches, secrets, potentially kingship - then being curious about how the money you give to people is going to be used is kind of a relevant trait!
Interpersonally, Kabru's actually very easygoing - I mean, Mickbell isn't exactly an upstanding guy, is he! But Kabru likes him and they get along well. These traits wouldn't be a problem at all in a friend, or a comrade, or someone Kabru was confident he could use. But he can't get a handle on Laios, and Laios is someone who has the potential to be a major player!
On Laios' end, this is the same as with the marriage seeker who joined their party. She kept asking for things and he gave them to her, because he tries to be nice to others. He even gives her money! It's the exact same thing.
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That's fine, but it became a problem because he basically wasn't interested in her motives, didn't notice she was trying to manipulate him, and it also didn't occur to him that the other party members would notice or be affected. We can assume the situation with the gold peeler is the same. When Kabru says that "It's not that they're bad people, they just aren't interested in humans," he isn't wrong.
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The extent to which this is true of Laios is linked to his autism imo, (because it isn't just disinterest - he genuinely isn't able to notice nonverbal cues that people are lying to him or have ulterior motives) but to a greater or lesser extent I think it's a very common trait. Most people aren't actually that interested in other people who aren't close to them. Kabru is the weird one here. It isn't an issue except as a leader - which is why we see an immediate comparison to the Island's Lord, because that's how Kabru is evaluating them.
And disinterest in/lack of ability with people to the extent Laios exhibits it, it does, actually, make him a worse leader... it's just that as we see in the story, people can help him out. The rest of the party tell him the marriage seeker is taking advantage of him so he tells her he can't give her special treatment anymore. They're pissed and it's a crisis point - he couldn't have recovered their trust without Marcille and Falin - but that's exactly the point. With Marcille and Falin, he was able to recover their trust.
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And he has other good traits that make up for it, such as his intelligence, strategic knowledge, open-mindedness and sense of fairplay.
Kabru doesn't disqualify Laios as a candidate based on what he sees about him from afar, though - he still tries very hard to get close to him, obviously hoping that if he manages he can steer Laios to defeat the dungeon and make up for his lack of people-skills in the aftermath. (Which... he does eventually achieve that goal!) He completely fails until the events of the story, so... definitely I think "They just aren't interested in humans" could also partially be a stung reaction to Laios' complete disinterest in him.
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Anyway, that's my read on what exactly Kabru's "issue" with Laios is. Obviously, once he does find out what Laios' true nature is like - about his love for monsters - he develops an entirely new set of fears about Laios' priorities. But since Laios kept that a secret until the start of the story, he has no idea of that yet.
Given all that, I think it's interesting that he says that he doesn't think that the Toudens are suitable to defeat the dungeon, and that he's hoping they'll turn out to be the thieves. As some of his few potential candidates, people who he thinks may play a big role in the island's future, you'd think he'd hope they would be good people!
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I suppose it's better, in his eyes, because it means that he's involved in something "interesting". They haven't just had their stuff stolen by regular criminals (boring, puts them further away from his goal) - they've been caught up in the beginning stages of "a historic event". The desperate and dwindling group forgetting morals in their quest to retrieve their lost comrade probably appeals to his sense of melodrama. Because he also just... loves drama.
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Despite it being "uglier than anything he was expecting", he still pursues Laios as the person he wants to conquer the dungeon pretty much as soon as it becomes clear that he won't be able to do it himself and they are out of time. That's because... well, to be fair, there aren't any other options. And he fits standard A: he's short-lived!
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and Kabru still hopes he can fit standard B, too, and be persuaded to use the power he wins for good. No matter how many nightmares he has about Laios, or whether he thinks about killing him. He doubts him, but ultimately he puts his faith in him and seems happy after the manga's ending that he made the right decision.
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ryssbelle · 5 months
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Drew a bunch of Marinettes in a bunch of different artists styles it was a lot of fun!!
Artists who's styles I mimicked: @buggachat @hamsternamedmarinette @ladybeug @sabertoothwalrus and @anna-scribbles all epic artists 🤟😎
#my art#marinette dupain cheng#miraculous ladybug#miraculous fanart#style mimic#sorry for the @s btw#yall should go follow those artists if you dont already also#this was sort of inspired by a post the three artists on the top row made#i think they all got together and drew with one another#which is really cool#but i was genuinely confused because i mimic styles a lot#and ive seen others do it too so i was just like#wow they really know each others styles really well#until i thought about it and read their posts some more#style mimicking is really freaking fun and i think its really good practice#and a good way to explore other ways of doing things#like you really have to learn new techniques and get out of your comfort zone#also anna scribbles i could not find a recent pic of marinette in her main outfit#so thats the only marinette i drew in different clothes cuz i couldnt find a more recent ref of you drawing it#anna scribble marinette has privileges thats the others dont#but ye#i also threw my own style in there as a frame of reference to what me draw like#ive drawn marinette before just not in a loooong while#sabertooth walrus was the hardest for me to mimic cuz they have a broad range in their style#so its like which sabertooth do i wanna be in this pic#Buggachat has such a distinct style thats very clean and consistent which is amazing so they were easy#being easy or hard arent bad things either it also has to do with like styles meeting up with one another#buggachats and mine arent too too different in some shapes and aspects#so yeah itd be easier plus they drew marinette like 3 sec ago so i have more recent of a ref#as opposed to sabertooth who i have a recent ref of ladybug but not marinette so we got two diff styles in one
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gammija · 2 months
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A little something silly in my werewolf/vampire jmart au, for @milkteamoon as part of @magnusforgaza. Thank you!
This specific project has now closed, but here's a list of artists who are still individually taking requests for Gaza donations - go check them out
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Love a self-inflicted time loop. The main character isn’t trapped.  They can stop whenever they want.  But how can they when things aren’t perfect yet?  They can do better than this.  They need to try again.  They can get it right this time.  They just need to try again.  They can stop anytime they want.  Just one more time.  They can fix this. They just need to try again.  There are still things to fix.  They just need to try again.
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I based these on the quotes most mentioned in the notes of that post about that telegraph article (btw jkr didn't even win the vote. Dickens did)
edit to show my tags: #i just really love books and want a collection of everyones favorite quotes#feel free to mention quotes that arent in english! it did say world literature
edit 2: I made another poll with non english quotes. And obviously you can make your own version
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abstractfrog · 10 months
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There's something on this ship that's so bad the TARDIS ran away?
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fox-guardian · 2 months
something something alice and celia are anagrams something alice is pulling sam away from the institute while celia is pulling him towards it, they're like the angel and devil on his shoulders, alice is his ex and he's trying to date celia now, parallels and whatnot aaaa
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tiptoethewordsgo · 1 month
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ford and billford enjoyers how we feeling
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bleekay · 2 months
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doodles from today cause i had a thought: water tribe dragon-blood boy who despite every attempt could not hide his true nature, and fire nation dragon-blood boy who despite every attempt could never take full dragon form
sokka maims himself in an attempt to look more human, breaking off his own horns, cutting his ears, picking at his scales, but everyone sees what he really is. the dragons were responsible for so much death and destruction and he hates being their kind, and so he runs. meanwhile, being able to embrace the dragon in him is all zuko ever wanted, his royal bloodline expecting it of him, but he fails and he fails and is humiliated, tortured, and cast out for his weakness.
on the shores they meet.
or something! :)
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holmsister · 5 months
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The smiling winkerrrr
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himejoshikaeya · 2 months
i truly believe that most white USamericans have never had a conversation with somebody who doesn't speak much english irl, and that's why they are so nasty towards palestinians online - bc not only can they not fathom somebody not knowing "casual" (americanised) english, they also see palestinians (and let's face it, poc who don't speak english well / at all too) as being less intelligent for it too. this is because of racism 👍🏾
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