#they raised the bar so high - im afraid that no one will be able to clear it anymore
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divineandmajesticinone · 1 month ago
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THAMEPO: HEART THAT SKIPS A BEAT (2024-2025) I EP. 9 "Looking at him, I think the mood was definitely right."
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musubiki · 3 years ago
Okay so I saw the word "Royal" in your last post and so like do you have an idea about the Royal Family or anything like who is in charge can we get the deets on that or is that spoilers? 👀
the .,..country? region?? mochi and lime live in is ruled by the central kingdom. m&l dont live in the capital, instead living in a city actually pretty close to the borderlands between the central kingdom and the mountain region
as you can probably guess the capital is where the palace is and indeed the central kingdom is ruled by a monarch (not a figurehead, he actually does have quite a bit of power, but not all-powerful)
the royal family passes down from generation to generation, and for a LOOONG time the royal agenda has been very anti-magic. not publicly and outright because theyve actually been doing a pretty good campaign of convincing the public slowly that magic isnt really a thing.
but under the hood theyve established anti-magic things like the m34th, they have barriers in place to bar magic from entering the palace, etc
they central kingdom hates magic because theyre afraid of what it can do and what it has done. they dont believe when witches say they are bound by blood oath to never harm humans, so they do whatever they can to destroy witches/mages/magic creatures
similar story to the m34th, they started as a strong fight against magic but over time realized killing the witches wasnt really doing anything so they settled for "allowing" them to live among humans while keeping a close eye on them
currently, there is the king and queen and their two sons. as of whats going on in my head right now, the story surrounding that is that the first son is,....somewhere. gone?? i dont know. hes not at the palace and not in line for the throne. i dont know what he did.
the second son was mentioned a long time ago but his story runs into the frog witch!!
while the father is very anti-witch, the prince (second son) is secretly a bit of a witch sympathizer. the stories his mother told him have him curious and hes the big hearted type, so when his father goes on and on about witch extermination etc the prince....does not agree
im not sure what the in-between is, whether they have some falling out or something but one way or another, the prince ends up running away (eventually after getting himself in a lot of shit finds himself in the swamp region and in the hands of a witch - literally begs her to let him stay and learn from her because he wants to k n o w)
and this subplot actually ends up involving mochi and is her little episode for when she meets the frog witch!!
what happens is the m34th shows up on mochis door one day, not to threaten her, but to bring her in to see the king because he demands her help
supposedly though he doesnt like magic, hes been trying to find his son and hasnt been able to, so he turns to the strongest witch in the lands to help find him. in exchange he promises appropriate compensation and to leave her and her guild in peace.
(i dont think the king is an evil man, just conditioned to think a certain way after being raised and immersed in generations of a certain way of thinking. but he really does love his son and wants him safe and home, and is willing to work with magic things if need be to make that happen)
and mochi DOES NOT LIKE THE CENTRAL KINGDOM. AT ALL. but, after much deliberation, comes to the conclusion that the king is coming to her for help as a father and not as a monarch, so eventually takes the commission and goes on her frog witch meeting adventure
and at the end we find out that one of the women close to the king, either the queen or one of the royal advisers, is actually secretly a witch (or former witch) herself (perhaps the dog witch or something with a cute lil black Pomeranian familiar or something), and mochi earns several friends in VERY high places which will probably come in handy later on (madam royal witch as well as the prince)
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kaz11283 · 4 years ago
ok ok idk if ur still taking request but can i have a drabble or a one shot or anything of loki dealing with/ taking care/ drinking with drunk y/n??? i’m drunk rn and that’s allll i need in life
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The party at Starks compound was going off without a hitch, celebrating the man himselfs birthday. The music was to loud, lights flickering everywhere, and laughter bouncing off the walls.
"Come drink with us y/n!" Thor bellowed to you across the bar montioning you to follow him to the group that was sitting around one of the back tables. You flopped down next to Loki and let out a sigh.
"How are you this evening y/n?" He asked moving his leg over slightly so that he wouldnt have to touch you. That was your power, being able to read people minds with a simple touch, nights like tonight all ways set you on edge with to many people bumping, shoving, touching. The whole atmosphere drove you mad most of the time.
"Handling it." You forced a smile looking over at him. "Alcohol helps repress it." You said picking up your drink and giving a silent cheers to the handsome man that had decided to dress in a black dress shirt and dark colored jeans. You threw your head back and took the shot.
"Starting the party stong this evening y/n?" Tony asked raising his eyebrow at you.
"Putting everyone elses thoughts on the back burner for tonight Tony." You said smiling sweetly at him before taking another shot.
"So whos on babysitting duty tonight then?" Bucky laughed looking around the table.
"I'm not that bad-"
"Thor had to pull you off the bar last time before you started stripping." Your face turned bright red as you glanced over to Thor whos face was the same color mounthing out sorry.
"Dont worry I've got her this time." Loki laughted taking a sip of his wine.
"Babysitter." You rolled your eyes again taking a sip of the mixed drink that Nat had put in front of you making sure her hand grazed your.
Loki seems quite excited to be on babysotting duty tonight, you might be in for another private stripping session tonight.
You shot her a look that sent her into a fit of laughs.
"Another round then!" Thor yelled at the bar tender. "We are celebrating the Man of Iron tonight." You sighed slouching back in your chair.
"Relax, darling, I've got you tonight." Loki whispered leaning over to you. "I won't let you make a complete fool of your self."
As the night grew so did your buzz, your cheeks were getting warmer, and the dress you had on now started feeling constricting. You started pulling at the bottom and then neck.
"Your fidgeting darling." Loki said placing his hand on your leg causing you to jump.
"My dress is to tight. I just need to get up for a second." You said standing to walk over to the bar.
"Dress to tight?" Steve asked looking over at Loki.
"She had to get up for a moment." At that moment there was whistling coming from the dance floor.
"Umm, babysitter." Tony said pointing behind Loki. As he turned around he noticed that you had already started to pull the dress up more than you should have. Loki jumped up running toward you.
"Y/n, what are you doing?" He said grabbing your hands causing your dress to fall back down.
"Lok, I'm hot. So freaking hot. This dress, its to tight. I need it off." You said trying to shake him off.
"Come on then, lets get you out of here." He said pulling you out the door. You bumped into a man standing near the door.
Wish she would have finished. He doesnt deserve to be able to see all that undressed.
You stopped suddenly looking at the man before raring back and punching him in the face. "I dont think its any of your concern who sees me like that." Loki stopped and stared at you before escourting you out of the crowed room.
"Asshole." You huffed behind him. He was able to lead you to the floor where his room was. "You could have just taken me back to my room so that you could go back." You sighed flopping down on his bed. The buzz had slowly started wearing off but the room was still spinning.
"Its ok y/n. Besides if I'm taking care of you then I cant go back to that overrated party then can I?" He laughed sitting next to you.
"I get so tired of being able to hear what people are thinking. It is literally exhausting. Trying to find somewhere to sit thats not to close to someone. Especially one of the guys, all of yall are perverts. Course the girls are just as bad most of the time." You put your head in your hands tearing up. Nope, the drunk still wasnt over.
"The power that you have makes you you y/n. If you didnt have that power you wouldnt be here with your friends."
"Yeah friends that I can hug because im afraid that I might hear something that I shouldn't. I made that mistake once. I hugged Steve not even thinking and he was thinking about Nat. Like thinking about something that no one but those two should know about. After that I just stopped touching everyone. Do you know how bad that sucks?"
"Ah, touch starved." He said laughing. "May I try something?"
"Its no use, everyone tells me they can shut it all off but theres always something on their minds." You shrug.
"Give me your hand." He saod placing his hand out palm up. You begrudgingly put your hand in his causing him to smile. "Well?"
"I think im about to be sick." You said jumping up and running to his bathroom silently thanking Tony for sticking with one layout for every room.
"Oh dear." Loki said following you in there and grabbing ahold of your hair that had fallen. "I think you will live." He helped you sit on the side of the bathtub as he got a clean rag for you to whip your face.
"I'm sorry you got stuck with me tonight." You whispered closing your eyes.
"Stop that nonsense. I volunteered for it. I knew what was coming." He laughed as he walked out to his room to get you a clean shirt. "Now tell me. Did you hear anything when I touched you?"
"Actually no, I didnt even realize it when you was pulling me from the party." You said putting the shirt next to you. "How?"
"I can 'turn it off' if that makes any sense. Telepathic people drive me insane. Always trying to figure out what your thinking. I learned at a young age how to block stuff like that out. Wanda tends to be the worlds worst."
"Its nice. The quiet. I havent had that, ever." You leand your head aginst the cool wall closing your eyes.
"Hey, no no no. Lets get you changed and laid down in bed before you pass out." He pulled you to your feet and looked at you. "Do you need assistance?"
You laughted as him. "No. Its fine ive got this." You pulled your dress off and pulled his on before walking out and flopping down on his bed.
"Do you mind holding my hand? Its nice not having to worry about what i might hear." Loki laid down beside you and placed his hand in yours.
"If you ever need some quiet time you are more than welcome to come find me." He sais placing a kiss to your temple before you fell asleep.
Thank you so MUCH for the request! I hope you like it. I had one, erased it and restarted so thats what took took me so long to write this one. If you have any more please feel free to send them in!
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lostmotherhood · 3 years ago
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I don’t dream of a career anymore… or some sort of vocation…
Slowly over the course of my life I stopped dreaming… the last I can recall I wanted to be an author in high school. I wrote a few books technically speaking. (Lost about half of them in the last 17 odd years.) Wrote a bunch of poetry too, something like 200 pages worth. My favorite class was English, didn’t overly care for my teacher but enjoyed the class. Enjoyed it in the one semester of college I completed, too. I love writing and reading. Have for a long time. I don’t do them very much anymore, not surprised though.
Im not really sure why. Or why I lost the dream of being an author. I mean, I remember as a little kid having fleeting moments of dream jobs. Ice skating is one of the few I can recall. Writing was the only thing that stuck for any period of time. But I never truly pursued it, or anything else really.
I did gymnastics around 4, that didn’t last long. Vaguely remember being deathly afraid of the bars, no confidence that I could do any of it. I bowled with mom around the same time, only one season from what I can tell. Basketball and track in fourth grade. Violin in fifth grade, that I wanted to be able to fiddle, but when explained what I’d have to do with my fingers I didn’t even try. Just gave up and told myself I couldn’t do it. Sixth and seventh grade I played field hockey, ended up the goalie. From what I can remember I enjoyed it. Loads of gear to protect my ass, smallish goal to cover, more defense. I had a decent coach too, which helped it carry over two years. But that fell off too. I’ve told myself it was because of how clique-y teenage girls were. I’d guess it was more that I lacked self confidence to hold my own in a group. That was the last sport or instrument I did.
Pretty clear pattern of lack of self confidence and self esteem. Writing, just as a hobby, low standards and low pressure. Perfect, but that didn’t go anywhere either. I also wonder if that really was a dream, or did I fall into it because it’s a single person activity and didn’t create external pressure for me. I’ve been complimented in the past on my writing skill, nothing out of this world, but compliments none the less. So I have some talent with it at least.
Some days, I wonder what would have become of me if I had just had different parents raising me. No genetic difference, only the environment and parents. Is it really worth it to wonder though? Time wasted on something that can’t be changed? I suppose it could be a possible story line… LOL!
Hopefully, getting this down will help me process somewhere in my subconscious. I’m really tired of all these parts not being on the same page, or even in the same country… a little harmony here and there would be awesome. 💜
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ptersparkers · 5 years ago
party mishaps and helpful brothers
summary: when you’re unable to help yourself, your best friend’s brother’s the one to help. 
warnings: mentions of alcohol, spiking a drink, illusions to assault (not graphic but it’s implied indirectly) and typos, probably.
notes: this probably isn’t in rafe’s character but it’s my world and for now, you’re all living in it. also im so bad at titles ahsjakskl.
add yourself to my taglist!
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Rafe Cameron did not consider you a friend. You were just his younger sister’s best friend and a Pogue and as far as he was concerned, you were nothing but a side character in his one man show.
There was nothing special about you in his eyes. You hadn’t made an attempt to make yourself present in his life and he felt no reason to pay attention to you. You were the friend of his annoying little sister who happened to spend more time in his house than he would’ve liked. He could recount the times he could hear you and Sarah laugh a little too loudly in her room, when you would walk downstairs and eat “his” food, and when you’d let yourself out of his house early in the morning.
It’s not that you’d bother associating with the brunette who seemed to look for trouble when he was bored. He was undeniably attractive, there was no doubt about that, but you had barely uttered a sentence since you met him for the first time two summers ago.
It wasn’t like Rafe would willingly associate himself with you at public events either. You two had your separate worlds and preferred to stay in them. There lay no malice between the both of you, but you were his annoying little sister’s best friend and he was her arrogant brother. Rafe didn’t need an excuse to talk to you because he didn’t want one.
But that was before he witnessed someone spike your drink.
He wasn’t stupid; Rafe knew you didn’t drink a lot at these Kook events because you preferred to keep yourself in check around strangers and preferred not to drink in front of adults because you weren’t of legal age despite none of them caring. You opted for virgin versions of popular alcoholic drinks, water, or juice.
You were sitting at the bar when Sarah abruptly stood up after looking at her phone, apologizing profusely. JJ had texted her and reported John B. had passed out due to heat exhaustion. It was no big deal. You’d been to these parties plenty of times before.
The Cameron residence only a block away and you debated on staying for a little while longer and asking Rafe if he wouldn’t mind walking you home or risk the dark journey to the house. You quickly shook the first idea out of your head. There was no way Rafe would pause his fun for you, so you grabbed your cup and drank the last of the virgin strawberry daiquiri.
Rafe was talking to Topper, Kelce, and a few other boys who always accompanied the group to these parties. He wasn’t nearly as drunk as he had hoped, but the bar was crowded and he didn’t have much energy to fight his way to the front of the bar nor cared enough to get drunk that night. Topper finished telling a funny story that had all the boys throwing their heads back in laughter when Rafe was able to catch you from the corner of his eye.
The scene that had unfolded in front of him made him do a double take and sober up quickly. Someone he recognized from his high school days had dropped something into your drink as he watched Sarah leave and witnessed you turn around to down the drink. You tried to stand up, but your balance failed you just in time for this person to catch you in his arms.
“Hold this,” Rafe said to Kelce without looking at him. He gave the confused boy his glass and walked away without another word. Topper and Kelce, who hadn’t engaged in the next conversation with the other boys, opted to follow their friend instead.
“Hey!” Rafe called out as the stranger had hoisted you up. The boy, who he recognized as Steven, looked up and gave Rafe a big smile.
“Rafe! Haven’t seen you in a bit. How you been, man?” he said.
“What are you doing?” he asked, looking between your barely conscious state and him.
“We were just going home,” Steve replied. “Isn’t that right?” He looked at you and you were just sober enough to flutter your eyes.
“I don’t think so, man,” Rafe said, stepping forward. “I saw you spike her drink and that’s not cool.”
“C’mon,” Steven reasoned. Topper and Kelce had walked over and stood behind Rafe, curiously eyeing you and Steven. “Who cares about a stupid fucking Pogue?”
“Steven,” Rafe said assertively, “leave this party and leave Y/N alone.” Steven’s grip on you became tighter and you tried to pry your body away from his.
“Man,” Kelce muttered, putting down his drink to grab Steven by his arm. Topper followed suit and it wasn’t hard for them to pry him off of you. Rafe was quick to let you use his body as a crutch and he watched as Topper and Kelce forcefully walked him out of the event space.
“Jeez,” he mumbled to himself, looking down at you. You were conscious, but barely so. He had watched Sarah leave the party and opted to walk you out, hoping he could take you back to his place and come back to the party quickly.
But his heart tugged at the sight of your red eyes, your red nose, and the sheer notion that your body was laying nearly limp against his. Your dress was hiked up at an inappropriate level and he fixed your outfit before anyone had time to notice something was wrong.
“Let’s get you home,” he said when he facilitated you outside of the large wooden gate. You were able to walk and he figured the effect of whatever drug Steven used hadn’t taken affect yet, but you were soon tripping over yourself on the cobblestone on the outskirt of the house. Your arms were dangling by your side and he tried to assist you walking, but upon realizing you were barely sober enough to get yourself out of the party, he gritted his teeth and carried you in his arms, bridal style.
“Sarah, you owe me,” he muttered to himself despite knowing this wasn’t your fault. You raised your head to see the boy’s eyes looking straight ahead of him and let out a chuckle. Rafe was taken back by your sudden noise but was happy to know you were still breathing.
As he approached his house, he struggled to open the door. He was successful and turned all of the lights on before opening the door to a spare bedroom and gently set you on the cream comforter. Rafe looked at you and nodded, walking out the door.
But halfway down the stairs, he stopped. There was no way he could leave you alone after what he saw, much less leave you there alone and have to explain to Sarah was happened. He walked downstairs and grabbed two glasses of water — one for you and one for himself — before walking back upstairs.
“Up,” he said, more to himself than you. Somehow, he was able to get you to drink the water and it seemed to help sober you up, but you had spilled a significant amount of water on the dress you were wearing.
“I can’t feel my arms,” you said with a groan.
“Here, ah,” Rafe said, putting the water down. He left the room for a moment to grab a shirt from his room and put it on the edge of the bed. Upon realizing you weren’t going to change, he timidly approached you. “Y/N, I’m going to take your dress off and put this shirt on, okay? That’s all I’m going to do.”
Rafe didn’t move until he saw you move your head. With a large breath, he unzipped the back of your silk slip dress and tried to avert his gaze to anywhere but your bare chest and slipped the large shirt over your body, pulling your hair out from underneath and tucking you in carefully.
Now that you were somewhat peacefully laying there, Rafe debated on going back to the party. You were safe and in his house and he knew you’d wake up in a familiar space instead of in a stranger’s bed. But the thought of leaving you alone didn’t sit well with him. He knew you weren’t adventurous when it came to drugs and alcohol, and seeing someone take away your choice to try it at your own risk covered his body in chills.
Rafe was careful to lay on the bed gently, putting himself as far away from you as possible. He stayed above the sheets and tried to calm his breathing down, looking at the ceiling that was illuminated by the moon from the window.
He turned his head to look at you. There was no denying how pretty you were and even he had to admit that. You looked so peaceful while sleeping — almost like you were dreaming instead of being forced to be unconscious.
He just hoped you didn’t freak out when you woke up.
When the moon was replaced by the sun, your eyes fluttered open and the first thing you saw was your dress hanging in the chair in front of the bed. You looked down and saw you were wearing a shirt you had seen Rafe wear so many times before scanning your surroundings.
Rafe woke up before you did and opted to let you sleep in. He was afraid of waking you up and wanted you to do it on your own accord, so he moved himself downstairs and made the both of you a little breakfast after a weird night.
Almost as if on cue, Rafe came back upstairs with orange juice and a bowl with a parfait.
“Good, you’re awake,” he said.
“Do I even want to know?” you asked as he placed the glass by the nightstand. You had never seen Rafe speechless but he was rocking in either side, avoiding your gaze.
“Do you remember anything from last night?” You paused.
“We didn’t—”
“No,” he interrupted.
“The that means....,” you trailed off. “Oh goodness.” You looked down at yourself. “And the shirt?”
“You spilled a lot of water on your dress,” he said. “I didn’t look, if that’s what you were wondering.” You nodded.
Just as you had never seen Rafe be so quiet, he could say the same for you. You were a loud honorary member of the Cameron family and he knew your footsteps all too well. He knew you were in his home by your melodious laugh. Seeing you in such a tranquil state last night had thrown him off because he has never seen you so peaceful, but also because he knew what would’ve happened if he hadn’t intervened.
“Are you okay?” Rafe asked after a period of silence. You swallowed.
“You never really think it would happen to you, you know? This is why I avoid drinking with people I don’t know, but I guess I couldn’t outrun it.” He watched as you drank the orange juice. “I-I mean, I don’t want to think what would happen if you hadn’t been there.”
Rafe was quiet again.
“I know I’m just your sister’s annoying friend but you did me a solid last night.”
You didn’t need to say it. He knew what would happen if he hadn’t been there and if you had gone home with Steven instead of him. Rafe didn’t want to think about it. He didn’t want to think about you being hurt by someone when you couldn’t fight back.
He wasn’t sure what prompted him to walk to your side of the bed and pull you into a hug, but he did it anyway. You were taken back by the unusually affectionate gesture but welcomed it nonetheless, letting your arms wrap around him as your head lay against his chest. You remained with many emotions as you let a few years slip past your eyes, not yet ready to confront what has happened last night. Rafe was the first to pull back and wiped the tears from your cheeks.
“I can’t even begin to tell you how angry I was last night,” he said, looking down at you. His hands had found his way to your jaw, cupping you as if you would break if he added any more pressure. “You couldn’t walk back to the house and your eyes were so red, Y/N, I thought that something serious had happened to you.” You smiled softly.
“I hate men,” you uttered. Rafe laughed, for once not feeling offended but shared the same feeling.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” he said, taking a step back. “I’m gonna let you freshen up. There’s a towel in the bathroom and I think you know where everything is.” He looked at you once more before leaving the room.
There was no pride or a boost of ego of Rafe’s end, only a sense of protectiveness that had overcome his once animosity towards you. Annoyance was replaced with admiration and frustration was replaced with duty. Sarah hadn’t come home last night but he felt like even she would be happy with him.
Rafe wasn’t sure to make of you, the first Pogue he didn’t hate from the inside out. All he knew was you were no longer his annoying little sister’s best friend.
@princessdolan​ @ashyramblings-ficrecs​ @fanficscuziranout​ @caswinchester2000​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @simonsbluee @karleeluv​ @briannarto @pogue-h​ @hyluas @angelic-ashleyaileen @mfmaddyperez​ @sspidermanss​ @outerbankslove​ @bxbyyyjocelyn​ @jjsbxtch​ @rudethchalamet​ @srirachibi​. 
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vs-redemption · 4 years ago
Aaa im so sorry for bothering you! Can uou do my request from before (homeless kid) but now with hawks, shigaraki, and fatgum please? Im so sorry if its any trouble but your writing isFANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!
A/N: Phew! Sorry for the wait, but I wanted to make sure I gave you something I was proud of. And don’t worry! You aren’t bothering me. I was actually kind of wishing you’d included Hawks in the first request, and Shigaraki was a fun challenge to write! I really hope these meet your expectations.
A Surprise Meeting (Hawks, Fat Gum, and Shigaraki meet their abused child)
Warning:⚠️Mentions of child abuse and homelessness.⚠️
You can read the same scenario but with Bakugo, Iida, and Aizawa HERE You can read the same scenario but with Todoroki and Dabi HERE
Hawks knew his patience would be put to the test whenever the Hero Commission called him in for a face-to-face meeting. He’d opened up his agency as far away from the head office as possible for the sole purpose of avoiding their overbearing attempts to control not only his career, but his personal life as well. He appreciated everything the Commission had done for him to an extent. After all, he never would’ve ended up as such a successful hero if they hadn’t taken him in as a child and given him intensive training to perfect his quirk. There were a lot of things he’d hated about living under the Commission’s thumb though. Because of that, he really hated whenever he had to go back there.
“Thanks for coming today, Hawks.” The president of the organization herself had come to greet him. He gave her a roguish grin despite the fact he wanted to role his eyes. He hated when they thanked him for obeying when it wasn’t like he had a choice anyway. “There’s someone we’d like you to meet.”
Hawks followed the president as she led him deeper into the facility than he’d been in a long time. His wings twitched behind him as unpleasant memories began to surface in his mind. He felt confused and uncomfortable when he was brought into a small observation room that had a view of one of the commission’s training spaces behind a large two way mirror. “Are you going to explain what this is all about?” Hawks jokes to try and ease his own tension, “Or are you keeping me in suspense on purpose?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing,” The president’s face remains stoic as she turns away and speaks into an intercom. “Bring her in.” Hawks looks into the training room on the other side of the glass and sees a random agent of the commission step through the door with a tiny little girl following closely behind. She looked to be around two years old. Hawks’ jaw drops in disbelief when he sees the two fluffy wings sprouting from the child’s back. He’d seen other people with wing quirks before, but this kid’s resemblance to him was uncanny. Her hair was darker than his, but the black markings around her golden eyes had his mind reeling.
“Of course we did a DNA test,” the president says flatly. “She’s definitely your child.”
Hawks steps away from the glass and runs a hand over his face, letting the information sink in. The commission had so much influence over his personal life that he’d mostly stayed away from any sort of relationship, knowing that there’d be too much drama over maintaining his image and reputation for him to actually enjoy having that kind of connection with someone. Admittedly, he had bent his own rules and caved into pressure once or twice after graduating the commission’s program. He wasn’t proud of it, but he’d mostly done it out of spite for all the years he’d spent being micromanaged.
“A woman dropped her off a few days ago,” the president’s voice turns sharp. “How could you let this happen?” Hawks wasn’t interested in a lecture at the moment, so he ignores the question in favor of moving closer to the glass and looking at his daughter more intently. She was cleaned up and wearing a standard uniform provided by the commission, but Hawks didn’t miss the painful looking scratches on her face or the raggedy, burned up ends of the feathers on her wings.
“What happened to her?” he asks, surprising even himself at the low tone of his voice.
“The mother admitted to doing most of it,” the president rattles off the information in a clinically detached way. “They’d also been living out on the street for a while as well, so who knows what might’ve happened.” The news was heartbreaking for Hawks. He hadn’t lived in ideal circumstances at that age either, and he wouldn’t wish that sort of life on anyone.
“Your wings didn’t start to grow back until you were a bit older, so we’re assuming it’ll be the same for her,” the president seemed oblivious to the emotional state of the hero standing next to her. “We’ve already started her on a special diet though, and she’ll begin her training regimen at the beginning of next week.”
Hawks wasn’t sure if it was some bird trait related to his quirk or just the knowledge that he was the kid’s father, but some sort of instinct kicked in with such intensity that it washed away any feelings of duty or habits of obedience that had been programmed into his brain.
“You’re not keeping her,” he says fiercely. The president just raises her eyebrows at him.
“The mother left her in our custody,” she states. “You should be thankful that we’re willing to overlook your mistake. With any luck, we’ll be able to groom this girl into a hero just as spectacular as you.”
“If you don’t release her to me, it’ll be you that’s made a mistake,” there was a promise of something terrifying in Hawks’ tone that seemed to finally shake the president’s resolve.
“You really think you’ll be able to be a decent parent?” she asks coldly.
“I won’t let her be robbed of a childhood like I was,” Hawks declares firmly. “If she wants to be a hero, she can make that decision when she’s old enough to do so.” Thankfully, the president decided not to argue any more. Hawks turns back to the window and allows himself to relax a bit. Looking over his daughter again, his heart filled with a love so strong it threatened to overwhelm him. He made a vow to love and protect his little girl so that she had the safest and happiest life possible.
Fat Gum
There was nothing quite like the feeling of walking around the lively streets of Osaka at night. People of all walks of life tended to come out around this time, and the delicious smell of cooking food filled the air. Taishiro Toyomitsu, better known as Fat Gum, could think of no better city to do his hero patrols. The crime rate was a little higher than in other places, but it was worth it for him to have easy access to the yakitori, yakisoba, and okonomiyaki stands that kept his quirk plenty fueled up.
Tonight he was in high spirits as he walked down one of the more famous shopping streets, stuffing his face with incredible snacks, and having friendly encounters with both locals and tourists alike. A couple of young musicians were playing on one of the street corners, so he tossed a few coins into their cup. Everything seemed to be fine basically, other than a few people who’d stumbled out of bars and needed help getting to a taxi. It was one of his more tame patrols, but he wasn’t going to complain about that.
He noticed that he was being followed near the end of the night, when most of the shops and restaurants were starting to close up. The busy streets began to empty as people hurried to catch the last few trains, and only when there were just a handful of people left out sweeping the sidewalks did the figure emerge from the shadows. Fat Gum was surprised to find that his pursuer was a young boy around nine years old with strange, aquamarine colored hair.
“Hey there, kiddo!” he kept a huge grin on his face but still kept his guard up just in case. “Can I help you with anything?” The kid looked to be in pretty rough shape as he gazed up at the BMI hero who towered over him. Fat Gum didn’t like the poor condition of the boy’s clothes, or that he appeared extremely dirty. The most concerning thing of all was how emaciated the boy looked. He could practically see the bones in his arms, and his cheeks were sunken with hunger. He wondered when the poor thing had last eaten a proper meal.
“I’m sorry to bother you,” the kid finally speaks up after a moment. Fat Gum finally noticed that the boy had started shaking like a leaf. He wasn’t sure if the boy was just cold, or if he was actually afraid. He watched as the kid reached into his back pocket and pulled out a tattered old photograph. “By any chance, do you know this woman?” The boy flinches away while holding out the paper for Fat Gum to see.
“I’m not gonna hurt ya, buddy!” the large hero says while taking the photo as non-aggressively as possible. “Let’s just take a quick look at this and… oh.” He recognized the woman staring back at him from the picture. He hadn’t seen her in almost a decade. He’d lost contact with her once she’d broken his heart after a short romantic affair. “Uh,” Fat Gum felt a little awkward, “Is this your mom?” The boy nods his head while keeping his eyes closed. “Then,” Fat Gum chuckles nervously, “am I your dad?”
“Yeah,” the boy mumbles before letting a few tears slip out, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” the need to be a hero for this boy was stronger than his discomfort with the situation. “If anyone should be sorry, it’s me. How could I have not known about this until now?”
“Mom wouldn’t let me tell you,” his voice cracks with emotion. “She said you’d be mad.”
“Well, that’s just silly!” Fat Gum shakes his head in disbelief. “Where is your ma’ now?” The boy finally glances up and meets his eyes. They were the same shape and color as his own.
“She got arrested yesterday,” he admits, sounding embarrassed. “Another hero caught her pickpocketing. She sometimes asked me to help her, but I haven’t been feeling well lately. We don’t have a place to stay either, so we had to find a way to get food.”
Fat Gum hated the thought of that woman not only keeping the existence of his son a secret, but also forcing a young boy to break the law. Perhaps that was why the boy looked so scared. He probably thought he was going to get in trouble too. Fat Gum had other ideas though.
“I’m really sorry that happened to your mom,” he says sincerely, “but she will have to pay for the crimes she committed.”
“I know,” the boy looks back down at his feet.
“But there’s no reason you have to follow in her footsteps,” Fat Gum says cheerfully. “I’m more than willing to take you under my wing. That is, if you don’t mind.” The boy finally allows a tentative smile to grow on his face. He clearly liked the idea.
“Well then, first I think we should get you to a doctor,” Fat Gum reaches down and gently pats the boy’s head. This time, he doesn’t flinch away. “And after that, I’ll make sure you get a decent hot meal! No kid of mine is going to look like skin and bones.” The boy eagerly agrees and allows Fat Gum to scoop him up into his arms. He had a feeling it was going to be a dream come true to finally have the fun and affectionate father he’d always imagined.
People were always going on and on about how hard public servants worked and how important their jobs were. Heroes, police officers, firefighters, health workers… sure, they all had hefty responsibilities, but nobody ever considered the absolute nightmare it was being the leader of the League of Villains. Shigaraki wanted to see someone else try to manage the group of ragtag, lawless, misfits that he’d been left in charge of. It’d be one thing if they were all there to support him and his diabolical plans, but unfortunately a good number of his followers were just hanging around in the hopes of an opportunity to continue the work of the Hero Killer, Stain.
Stain had always been a sore spot with Shigaraki, ever sense the man had shown up at his hideout just to criticize him for not having a clear goal. He’d never admit it out loud, but the jerk might have had a point. At first, he’d just wanted to kill All Might, but that was only because it was what his master, All For One, had wanted. After All For One had been arrested, Shigaraki was sort of left without a guiding hand or a clear path to follow. He still wanted to kill All Might. And he wanted that annoying Midoriya kid dead too. When he really thought about it, Shigaraki just kind of wanted everyone to be dead.
The door to the villain’s hideout clicked open suddenly, making everyone in the bar turn to see who’d arrived. It was just Dabi, trailing in the scent of burnt corpses. Shigaraki clenched his teeth and sighs in annoyance. That ugly fire user was supposed to be out recruiting people to the League, but all he ever did was incinerate any potential members he came across.
“I didn’t know we were running a daycare service now,” Dabi comments lazily while grabbing a stool at the bar and signaling Kurogiri for a drink.
“What are you talking about?” Shigaraki felt the prickling urge to scratch at the flaking skin on his neck, but managed to control himself. Dabi was always trying to get a rise out of him and the worst thing he could do was take the bait.
“Some crusty looking rugrat is hanging around outside,” Dabi shrugs. “You might want to do something about that.” Shigaraki wasn’t sure if the annoying man was messing with him or not, but he sent Twice to check it out just in case. The last thing they needed was a lost child attracting the attention of any heroes. A few minutes later, Twice returned with what looked like a four year old boy trying to claw his way out of his captor’s arms.
“Put me down!” The kid protests before opening his mouth and biting down on Twice’s fingers. The villain drops the kid who lands with a thud on the floor.
“There really was a kid out there!” Twice gestures to the boy dramatically, “He’s completely rabid though! It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!”
“You picked the wrong place to run away to,” Shigaraki walks up to the boy feeling irritated. “You should’ve stayed with your mommy and daddy.” The boy glares up at him from the ground and Shigaraki gets a big shock. Aside from the hair color, it was like looking into a mirror. The boy had the same piercing red eyes as him. The skin around those familiar eyes was dry and irritated, just like his own too.
“You ARE my daddy!” The kid blurts out and the atmosphere in the bar gets extremely uncomfortable. Of course, the silence is broken by a snort from Dabi.
“Oh man,” he shakes his head. “I can’t believe someone actually had the stomach to sleep with you.”
“Shut up, Dabi!” Shigaraki tries to swallow down the panic and horror bubbling up inside him, but the persistent itch on his neck seemed to double in intensity over this unexpected news. He gives in, reaching up to scratch at the damaged pale skin below his ear. It had been All For One’s idea for him to have an ‘experience’ with a lady. He’d said it was an important part of becoming an adult, but now Shigaraki could only see it as a huge mistake. A voice drifted through his mind, telling him that it would only take five fingers to make this whole problem go away.
“Where’s your mommy?” Toga skips over happily, unable to resist inserting herself into the situation.
“I don’t know,” the boy was putting on a brave face, but it was clear that he was afraid. “We had to leave our house and sleep outside. Mommy said it was because my dad was a villain, but then she was gone when I woke up.”
The story struck a chord in Shigaraki. He’d been left abandoned without a home as well at a very young age. The last thing he wanted to do was sympathize with the brat though. What he wanted was for the kid to disappear. The idea of a guy like him being a parent was laughable. He was barely an adult himself, and he had enough on his plate right now. A small child was only going to be a burden. His fingers twitched, ready to activate his quick as he continues to look down at the helpless boy at his feet. The conflicting feelings inside him were making the itching flare up terribly. Every inch of skin on Shigaraki’s body felt like it was on fire now.
“You’re just like everyone else, aren’t you?” the boy suddenly slumps forward, the fight going out of him. “You hate me.”
A weird resolve washes over Shigaraki at those words. No. He wasn’t like everyone else. If there was one thing all the member of the League of Villains had in common, it was that they’d all been rejected by friends, family, and even heroes for traits they had little or no control over. This boy was just as much a victim of this crooked society as the rest of them.
“You’re forbidden from ever leaving this building,” Shigaraki states flatly. “And don’t expect anyone here to coddle you or clean up after you. The moment you become a nuisance you’re back out on the street.” The boy nods in understanding while finally pushing himself off the ground. Shigaraki wasn’t sure what he’d just signed up for. The only thing he knew for sure was that his job had just gotten a lot more complicated.
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stuffingisforfools · 4 years ago
So I can’t stop thinking about Bobby killing his own father at like 12 and burying his body in the back yard and the implications of him chasing off John with a gun when Sam and dean were young cause spn never followed up of that because why would they.
But anyways I was thinking about that and about young dean who would do anything to protect Sam and refuses to say a word against a father who most definitely hits him and what would happen if we made John just a little bit more unstable. Sam just a little weirder. But leave dean the same.
What happens when Sam’s psychic powers start themselves earlier. Say he’s 8 years old and sometimes when John is out for a couple weeks and he gets angry or hungry or just frustrated and dean can’t calm him down the lights start to flicker and the shelves start to rattle. Or how sometimes he’ll wake dean screaming babbling about things he shouldn’t know about yet. And it scares dean ofc it scares him. He’s only 12 but he already knows he can’t tell John, knows he wouldn’t take it well and he can’t pinpoint why but he’s so so afraid of what would happen if he finds out, he tries to tell himself that John loves Sammy, that he wouldn’t hurt him, but he doesn’t quit believe it, can’t quite convince himself of a lie that big.
Anyways let’s say that’s been going on for a year or two at this point. And dean has been doing his best to keep it from John. There’s been a couple of close calls but they’re still in the clear. Maybe John is getting a little suspicious maybe not but then dean fucks up and John leaves him at sonnys (Listen I know the wiki says dean was 16 at this point but Sam was definitely not 12 in that flashback and the script says Sam is 9 so I’m going with that) and all of the sudden Sam is alone with John for the longest time since he was little little, since before he started coming into his powers. Let’s be real here John has no idea what to do with Sam on his own for 2 months, he fucks up and Sam is a stubborn shit and they’re so similar that Sam gets angry and shit happens. Maybe the lights flicker or maybe johns glass of whiskey gets knocked over, just enough for John to snap out of his rage, just enough for John to get suspicious but not too big that he can’t brush it off as something he imagined. But still the door has been opened.
Fast forward a couple months, dean is back from sonny’s and things are still tense and dean is so so afraid of being sent away again, of leaving Sam with John, when John comes back from a hunt shaken, dean can instantly tell that something wrong, he won’t stop glancing at Sam when he thinks dean isn’t looking, there’s something in his gaze that dean doesn’t like. Deans on edge for a couple days but John never says anything, even if he does act a little shifty, but the day Mary died is coming up so dean jsut brushes it off as grief, tells himself they just have to make it through the next week and then things will be fine.
But things aren’t fine.
John had finally managed to pin down a demon long enough to get some answers. The demon tells him that Sam is corrupted, that Mary made a deal for access to Sam and that Sam is theirs, destined for greatness he can’t even imagine, that this is the reason that Mary is dead. And John tries to deny it, tries to tell himself its nonsense, that the demon is lying to try and get in his head, but then he remembers what happened when dean was gone, and all these little incidents over the past two years that he’s been brushing off start clicking together, and he knows the demon is telling the truth.
The demon escapes and John goes back to the motel they’re staying in. He can’t stop looking at Sam, trying to see the evil that’s coursing through his veins. Sam is the reason Mary is dead. The thought keeps building and building in his head, he can’t stop thinking about it. And then all of the sudden it’s the day Mary died and things come to a head.
The day starts as it always does it’s not even noon and John is already at the bar, drinking and thinking about Sam and the demon and his beautiful Mary burning to death over his head. Dean is sitting with Sam back at the motel trying to keep him entertained, on high alert making sure to listen for when John gets back because dean knows there’s a couple different ways this day could go and he has to be ready. Last year was a bad one but maybe this year will be different.
It’s midnight by the time John staggers back from the bar, sams all tucked in bed asleep but dean is still up keeping vigil, a gun on the bed next to him. Dean doesn’t know what it is exactly, maybe it’s the way John turns the key or the cadence of his footsteps but dean knows that it’s going to be a bad one again, that John is angry angry angry and he’s going to have to do his best to calm him down before he wakes Sammy. Kid can sleep through almost anything so if dean can get John asleep and calmed down fast enough he’ll never have to know. Dean doesn’t want Sammy to ever have to see John like this.
Except when John falls through the door there’s something different about him, something that wasn’t there last year or the year before that. Dean quietly tucks his gun under the pillow next to him and goes to help his dad to a chair. Dean manages to get John situated and goes to get him a glass of water, but John hasn’t even glanced at him, won’t stop glaring at where Sammy is hidden under the blankets.
and then quicker than dean can react, way faster than a man as drunk as john should be able to move, he’s up and marching towards sam. Dean doesn’t know what going on but dean knows that whatevers about to happen isn’t good, so he does what he always does, and puts himself between john and sam. John staggers to a stop, and roughly motions for dean to get out of the way, but he doesn’t move. And if john was angry before it has nothing on how he is now, he is RAGING. He starts yelling, telling dean to get the fuck out of the way, to let him at the little beast that stole his mary away from him. And dean is in shock, asking john what hes talking about, desperately trying to calm him down, your drunk dad, please please, what are you talking about, lets sit down and talk about this. But john won’t be calmed, you think i didn’t know?? you think anything happens in this family i don’t know about?? and dean is like what dad what are you talking about, he’s trying so hard not to cry rn, and john is like, i know what sam’s done, i know what he can do, and i have to stop him before he hurts anyone else, and then all of the sudden john is puling out a knife and hes shoving dean to the floor, saying im sorry dean but it has to be done, hes evil and someone has to pay for what happened to mary. 
and then theres a loud bang, and john falls to the ground, bleeding out from a gut shot. and dean is looking down in shock at the gun in his hands, he’s shaking. He doesn’t remember reaching for the gun, doesn’t remember pulling the trigger. but john is wheezing and bleeding out on the floor so it must have been him. 
Everything’s a little fuzzy and hes not sure if this is really happening but then sam is crying and dean is on autopilot. He gathers him up in his arms (dean can barely carry him at this point hes getting so big) presses sams face into his neck so he can’t see where john is lying on the floor and walks him out of the room to the impala. The motel is shittier than usual and there was a silencer on the gun so dean is pretty sure no one is going to come looking anytime soon, dean is an expert at knowing what places won’t ask questions, but he knows they cant stay there. Dean shushes sam, tells him to stay put and walks back to the room. 
In the interim john has managed to pull himself upright into a seated position, pressed up against the wall with a hand against where he’s bleeding out. Despite everything john is still angry, he can’t yell but dean flinches anyways when john starts cussing him out, telling dean that he expected more of him, that he didn’t raise him like this, that they need to get revenge for mary and that sam isn’t human, is something that needs to be put down. And dean makes a choice. 
The gun is sitting on the bedspread where he dropped it when he grabbed sam. He may have reacted on instinct when he first shot john, did it without even thinking. But this is different. John has been telling dean his entire life that he has to protect sam, that nothing is more important. And so dean does what he needs to do. And shoots john point blank in the head. 
Everything is a blur after that, when he think back to it he can’t quite pinpoint how he got from the room to the impala to out on the road but hes a good little soldier so he knows what to do even when running on autopilot. He strips the room, gathers up all their things and cleans up as much evidence of who they are as he can. Does his best to keep from looking at where john is slumped against the wall. 
Dean doesn’t remember the walk back out to the car, doesn’t remember telling sammy to be quiet or even making the choice to drive. The next thing he knows he’s is pulling up in front of bobby’s house, staggering to the door with a passed out sam in his arms. It isn’t until bobby opens the door and hands him sam that dean finally gives in to the exhaustion and the stress and the shock and passes out. 
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lavenderclearwater · 3 years ago
Tears & Rainbows
Throughout his time of living the life of a demigod, one of the children of the big three, and participating in two wars, he has somewhat been able to have complete control over his abilities. He even learned how to make rainbows, making it much easier to IM his friends (and Annabeth) while he is away from camp. Now that he was back at home, he had to master the ability to be a good big brother to his four-year-old sister. One of their favorite activities to do together was to go to the park after it rained.
She loved splashing in puddles as well as the ‘tricks’ he could do when no one was looking. His mom only allowed it if he promised that they would both come home dry, which he was able to do once they finished and hid in the bathroom while he used his abilities to draw the water out of their clothes. He often used these trips to bribe Estelle to do her homework or help pick up the house. It was that very reason why she sneaked into his room at 7:00 a.m to wake him up so they could go to the park together, reminding him that he promised before he could even try to refuse.
It wasn’t really wet outside, so he let her play on the playground section of the park while he watched from a nearby bench. He had been so out of it, he almost didn’t notice that she had fallen off of the monkey bars. He jumped into action and picked her up off of the wet rocks where she had landed. Her blue skirt and purple leggings were wet, but thankfully intact (they were her favorite pair) except for the small spot of blood on her knee. She burst into tears as soon as she was in his arms, latching onto him as if she was afraid to fall again.
“Sh, sh, it’s okay,” he said softly, trying to calm her down. He immediately dried her off in hopes that it would get her to stop crying. There was nothing he could really do to stop her pain, but he did have an idea of what to do to take her mind off of it. “Hey, Stelle, look at this.”
She unburied her face from his chest and looked at the puddle of water he was moving. He raised it high enough to reach the sunlight peeking from behind the clouds and spread it, causing a small rainbow to form. Her sobs turned into sniffles, then she began to giggle and point at the rainbow. He let her down so she could get a closer look, she was jumping and laughing like the incident never happened.
“Rainbow! Rainbow!”
He decided against telling his mother about her little fall, no point in worrying her over nothing. Estelle agreed not to speak of it once he promised her, again, to go to the park. Estelle never forgot about that day though. Whenever she was sad, all she had to do was ask her big brother to make a rainbow, which he happily did for her. That was also the reason why he started to carry a water bottle on him at all times, just in case.
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years ago
You meet the League and butt heads with Clark.
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Panic attacks
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You sat in the back of the batmobile for what felt like hours lost in your own thoughts, you regreted this already, why rock the boat now? you were fine, you were learning how to do this on your own, you didn't need anyone they'd get in the way Or hurt! Then they'd hate you, hunt you down, you wouldn't get away! Either that or they'd see you for the monster you was and just leave you somwhere this was a stupid idea, a silly childish hope of a fairytale ending of a home ,acceptance the hope of finding people who will understand, they wont, no one understands they can't. You panicked your breathing shallow, out! you had to get out slowly you looked around looking for the hinge that held the door infront of you closed it had flipped up like a trunk but in your panicked state you wouldnt be able to concentrate enough to send out your ripple instead you had to touch it you fumbled with the harness style seat belt cursing when your fingers couldn't grip finally useing your power the split the mechanism down the seam it must have sent a warning to him in the front as you heard his voice a few seconds later.
"Kid? Calm down Whats the matter?-" 
"NO! Let me out stop, I've changed my mind I can do it on my own!" You cried out leaning forward blindly running your hands over the top of the door sliding your palms hurried wanting to find the weak spot to tear at sniffling as tears began falling blurring your vision 'stupid your so stupid!' You thought repeating over and over scrabbling over the top you couldnt find it! He continued talking low and calm trying to ease you out of your panic attack.
"Hey kid its okay your scared its natural to be scared okay? But I promise whatever your think is going to happen isn't, none of us are going to let anything happen to you, just take some deep breaths for me in......then out.....again for me in ...... and out....." you closed your eyes doing as he said kneeling on the floor shivering from the aftermath of your break down as you felt the vehicle stop. You slumped resting your head on the door in front of you and spoke in a quiet voice
"I can't do it again" You held your breath when you got no reply had he listened? 
"Do what again?" You stayed silent he wouldn't have it and asked again in a different way
"What are you afraid of? Tell me so I can help, we just want to help"
"....I'm better off alone.." and there it was your words were loud and clear Bruce read between the lines the truth behind your fear and panic,abandonment, a kid who lost her parents and has been passed here there and everywhere thrown from home to home until finally you run away deciding you dont need anyone else he sighed.
"We wont leave you, not now your here weather you belive it or not the second you stepped into this car you were one of us and the others are eager to meet you" 
"And when I hurt one of you? It will happen it always does its why they get rid of me." You venom in your voice made his blood go cold, you sounded like one of the many nut jobs he put away behind bars, the ones that wanted to watch the city burn with everyone in it ,all he could do was hope he wasn't to late.
"The only one you could hurt is me and if I'm not mistaken we have been over that already and you said so yourself you caught it, was I angry? Did I shout and attack you? Or call for back up? I could have but did I?"
 You looked down fidgeting with your fingers a little feeling small he almost sounded like a parent and not in that hyped up I'm right and your wrong way you were used to it was more like trying to get you to understand him something you hadnt heard in a long time.
"Well? I expect an answer young lady"
"No, you didn't do none of those things"
"Right and you know why? It was an accident and accidents happen, besides one of us will always be there to watch out for you,everyone in this place is faster then you physically we are all stronger than you there is no need to worry, now lets go meet the team, We are already here." You sniffed a little wiping at your eyes.
"I suppose....I'm scared" He chuckled at that you sounded so tiny and vulnerable 
"No their not scary at all come on" you waited a few breaths then the door opened and he was in front of you he sighed quickly lifting you out palcing a comforting hand on your shoulder. You looked around this place was huge with various different vehicles air land and sea all in matte black spanning the length of the huge space.
"Holy shit..." he hummed in agreement 
"Immpressive huh?" You looked around some you recgonized from news footage in gotham.
"Yeah you have a lot of.....weird  things here" he shrugged just happy that your little break down had passed, he knew the others were watching through the security eager to meet you, but he wanted to make sure you were okay. He cleared his throat nodding to the elevator that would take you up into the main tower.
"This way we can go and meet the team then get you settled in for the night" you blinked at him
"What?" He crossed his arms standing tall
"Well it is nearly eleven pm and your only what fourteen? you shouldnt be up this time, what about school?"
"Im sixteen and I don't go to school I do online...when I can be bothered" he sighed walking to the elevator you trailed behind him as he sent it moving up.
"Fine, either way you can stay here tonight, there is a room ready for you" you nodded a little apprehensive finally the doors opened revealing a huge room with a large round table the others sat around it smileing at you batman pushed you forward when he saw you freeze a little the small nudge sent you walking forward into the room. Wonder woman was the first to approach you with a smile
"Hello Im Diana its nice to meet you we're glad you decided to come" she was beautiful ,polite and looked kind, you almost forgot how powerfull she was just by speakjng to her
"H-hi Im y/n its....nice to meet you too" you said quietly scanning the room still nervous looking for escapes just incase, the window, thick glass but doable not sure how far the free fall would be- your thoughts were interrupted by a gruff voice
"I wouldn't we're pretty high" you snapped your gaze up to Aquaman he was....unerving to say the least, he gave of a chill and slightly playfull attitude.
"What?" He smirked nodding to the window
"Your checking for escape I could see it in your eyes, hell sometimes I want to throw myself out the window to escape this lot but were pretty high, I mean wonder boy over there would catch you no doubt but still waste of a window dont ya think?" You smiled a little blushing tangling your hands in your hoodie.
"Itd be fixed before I was a quarter of the way down, its just a habit.Sorry" He smiled waving it off
"Nah your fine its smart you want a back up plan I'm Arthur by the way." You nodded still lookkng around everyone noted you didn't drift to far from Bruce which in a way was good he become a sort of saftey net it seemed. They all new what happened on the way here and downstairs. You were holding up well considering how terrified you were. They all drifted to the table taking their seats, when you didn't follow Bruce came up behind you taking your bag walking to the huge round glase table you followed behind him.
"Jesus what do you have in here? Thats way to heavy for you to be lugging around" he complaind as he set it down lettingnyou take a seat next to him.
"Books,clothes, my phone ,headphones and purse I take everything with me when I leave the homes, its easyier that way don't have to go hunting for it later" you shrugged everyone in the room frowned. It was Clark who began speaking
"So thats everything you own?" You nodded a little scared of him if you were honest you were scared of all of them.
"Pretty much, when it comes to foster homes in Gotham their not the best to put it bluntly us kids are money makers, the state pays them to take me in, when your younger theres more to it they put you somewhere nice with good poeple that care, you know try to make you a model citizen all that crap but teens no we get the shit ones given a bed and told to get on with it we are lost causes by this point just waiting to age out and be fucked off, I haven't been to my foster home in three weeks they haven't tried to get in touch or anything they dont care, occasionally they file a missing persons report and police find you and take you back but thats only cos of the inspections if I aint there when the do a spot check the money stops and they can be stricken off the register loose about $400 a month, but I prefer being out on my own" He frowned crossing his arms infront of his chest taking a deep breath leaning back, you fidgited a little under his intense gaze leaning to Bruce he didn't look happy at all and you weren't sure what you'd done but you felt like you'd irritated him, you cast a glance to Batman who was giving you a similar look making you gulp.
"So where have you been sleeping then for these three weeks?" you snapped your head back to the Man of steel.
".......with freinds and stuff....." he raised an eyebrow he didn't need to hear your pulse change to know you were lying it was clear from the way you spoke quiet and high but he would leave it for now.
"Well from now on you will be home by eight at the latest" you blinked you were expecting an argument or some dismissive 'oh it can't be that bad' but not a curfew... honestly you wasn't sure what to make of it and that made you angry, you wasn't used to people caring for you, your first instinct is to scare them away.
"err what? not being funny but I'm here to get my freaky power under control not to get a fucking life coach, had one he quit...like not just me he quit completely something about having the devil inside or something...Not sure if that was aimed at me tho...Probably...He was old as shit" you shut up when he tilted his head leaning back it was a very...Parental gesture you swear your dad did the same thing when he was alive.
"Well that was before I learned of your situation and the fact that your living on the streets at the moment." you growled at him any fear replaced with anger and a little panic he knew... he definitely knew you were lying the air rippled around you coming to life.
"Are you deaf? I've been staying with friends.... Not that its any of your fucking business" 
"Friends from your online classes you never do? now I don't see that somehow" you shook glaring at him 
"Fuck you!" he stood up not taking notice of the way your eyes glowed you panicked normally that was enough to make them back off he wasn't, standing you faltered not sure what to do you wanted to scare him off, make him back down but you didn't want to hurt him, you freaked out a little as he continued coming around towards you swearing trying to pull back your power not wanting to attack him but in the state you were in it was hard you couldn't grasp it you winced hearing the crackling of the floor beneath you fighting it as it tried to rise up toward him.
"Calm down. I know your lying I can hear it in your pulse now I know for a fact that you've been on the streets and I'm guessing its more because your frightened of hurting them rather than all this teenage 'better of alone' bravado your trying to play it off as. And as for having a life coach Instead of that you'll be getting a family"
"Shut up!" you were really panicking now he had managed to figure you out break past your walls quick and you wanted him to stop.
"...I know your a good kid and have had a rough ride having to grow up to soon now its time to be a kid again. So from now on you will have a safe place to stay each night sometimes that will be here other times it will be with one of us" he kept coming slowly towards you, you stepped back only everyone watch tense but not out of fear or trepidation just ready to dodge what ever you might do.
"I'm not going to be a fucking charity case- this was a bad idea Im leaving" you made to grab your bag  but it wasnt by you chair anymore you swore 
"Your not leaving and your not going to be a charity casenow calm yourself down" 
"What you can't force me to stay here!" You backed off now sending out your power feelkng for your bag wanting to get out of here fast, this was a stupid thing to do, trust people? You cant trust anyone.
"I will if I think thats whats best for you,you can't hurt me... You can't hurt any of us and that is probably scaring you isn't it? its been a long time since you wasn't the strongest person in the room, since you were able to be yourself with out having to have absolute control of every thought and movement... I know because I've been there myself when I was growing up and the shock and fear I had fighting Zod and Batman it was frightening realizing that I could be hurt, its terrifying having something you don't understand or control and you think no one will understand, thats the same for each of us at some point we realized we are not like everyone else and we were alone wanting help someone to turn to thats why we are going to help you, so you can have some form of normality" you gave him a side glance shaking he understood? you thought he must of had it worse you couldn't imagine having to deal with his abilities. 
"Normal? Thats not an option for me, people can't even touch me" you cried out as he sped towards you tuggeding you forward to him making you jump everything happed so fast you couldn't catch it you closed your eyes tight shaking like a leaf knowing that you'd just attacked him unintentionally probably killed him you whined waiting for the inevitable attacks from the others instead the hug tightened he chuckled 
"Look its okay"slowly you opened your eyes looking down the small spikes had snapped as they touched him instead of impaling him you gasped stepping back.
"They didn't?" he smiled shaking his head.
"No they cant...I told you, you cant hurt us" you smiled a little sniffling as tears escaped you felt silly but happy relieved you might be able stay here... you could be here with them with out worrying about loosing control they can handle it.
"I-I dont have to run?" he smiled pulling you back against him
"No you dont have to run...I'm sorry I had to make you attack me it was the only way to make you see you can't hurt me and its the same with Victor, Arthur and Diana Barry is to fast and Bruce well he will think of somthing he usually does, here you can be yourself and relax a little be a kid again and yes that means rules and curfews" you smiled nervously as he retreated a little he was sad you hadnt returned the hug he could tell you were touch straved and you probably didn't even know it.
"I-I cant stay what about the social workers-"
"Hey what did he just say? you be the kid we will deal with all that." it was Diana who had interrupted as supes made his way back to his seat faster then you could register pulling back looking at the floor correcting it as you sat back down.
".... was a dick move tho supes"
"Clark call me Clark, no need for our other names here we're family" you nodded a little it sounded strange when he said it. 
"and I would appreciate it if you watched your mouth its not lady like" you snorted 
"The only lady like thing on me is my v-jay" you deadpanned Arthur roared up at that as Clark rolled his eyes next to introduce themselves was a man who didn't look much older than you.
"Hi I'm Barry, its great to have someone not old here now, they look fun but they are all boring" you laughed at to chorus of grunts and scoffs.
"Well I can't promise I'll be much fun.." he shook his head
"Seriously? I cant wait to see you in action properly, its one thing to see it on screen but honestly, I wanna see you do the glass thing how does that work anyway? Like how do you do what you do?" You leaned back into your chair.
"Err its kind of weird.... its like ripples?" he tilted his head
"Ripples?" You nodded nervous knowing everyone was listening.
"Yeah o-or waves, Im always sending them out  and I can feel everything they feel.... so sitting here I can feel the wall over there.....its close so I can make better sense of it and have better control I can move it like clay.... then to fix the things I break I just zip them up....I can show you if you like? and its okay?"you looked around the room everyone nodded a gruff
"Just be careful" came from behind you, within seconds your eyes glowed bright and the huge table shattered into hundreds of thousands of tiny pieces across everyone they stayed still holding there breath.
"did you hit it? To make it do that?" Arthur asked wanting to understand how it works.
"No I pulled it from all sides ,It feels like pulling apart a huge jigsaw when I do that.....tugging I can stretch it two but that makes it weaker I just make it thinner and larger when I do that.....then I just think of the pieces edges being a zipper that fits back together. Its ends up being so tiny you can't see it" You did as you said pressing them together slowly but surly the table mended itself creating three thirds then used the floor to push them up until it mended from the center out becoming crystal clear glass again.
"OH GOD THAT WAS SO COOL! Can you fix my phone screen its been annoying me for weeks?" You nodded as he produce the phone and you quicky fixed it for him he stared at it in awe running his fingner over wheee the cracks were
"Thats so cool...And usefull"
"Phsychokinesis" you turned slowly to the final man.....cyborg 
"Phsychowhatsit?" He chuckled at you
"Thats your gift its called phsychokinesis like telekinesis but instead of moving things without touching them you can manipulate physical things, their forms, but my geuss is for some reason you can pinpoint actual molecules instead of clumps of them together" you tilted your head at him you it had a proper name.
"Yeah thats right I can't make things float, only move and change em and I can't do it on anything living no plants or animals." He nodded 
"Im victor, the one who found you, I've seen you do some incredible things.....Are you aware of everything that you do or does a lot of things just happen?" You shrugged
"Most just happen, the table I did but.....when people make me jump I try to attack them" you cast a guilty glance at batman behind you he waved you off.
"I dont mean to and if I trip or fall the ground softens ,if i fall really high it rises to catch me...water to I can't go onnthe diving board it gets weird...I don't do any of that either just happens....but I catch them most of the time before things go to bad"
"Self preservation, you said you send out these....Ripples all the time? You cant pull them back?"
"No I tried once it really hurt it was like....It felt like someong ripping my skin off, of burning my nerves i passed out in under a mineut....my fault tho" Arthur sat up leaning over the table
"Whats your fault?" You smiled sadly
"I- after I killed my parents I put it away it was an accident but it was me who did it.....Stopped useing it completly I'd suppressed it then about a year ago.... yeah I had to use it to save my freinds on a school trip... I tried to sheild them protect them, but the oil tanker was huge! I couldnt hold it for long and as much as I wanted to I just couldnt push it back to the water and......my gift it was much stronger then I remembered it hurt.....couldn't hold it... since then I can't put it back" 
"So you've always had it? Then surpressed it for years and then it blew up and now you can't control it?  I think it reacts to protect you, when you fall you don't want to hit the ground and be hurt so it moves to accommodate you instead your power is trying to protect you." 
"That....makes a lot of sense.... shit word tho my names gonna be fucking lame...." Barry laughed.
"eh we can thing of somthing.... well I can they all added man and woman to something" you giggled a little Diana got up smileing at you
"Y/n its late we should probably get you to bed" you blinked at her then got up slowly. Everyone said their good nights as you left the room looking around wearly
"Dont worry, nothing will happen here" she said moving closer slowly hooking an arm across your shoulder you tensed but it only flicked across the floor, like a stepping into a puddle of sand then levled again you relaxed again.
"See? Like Clark said we are family here so just think of us as your aunt and uncles we will protect you...now this is your room you can decorate it soon and there is a small ensuite to, all of us have rooms here homes away from home and soon you will probably be coming with us to our other homes aswell but for now you will stay here training for a while while we sort out the legal side of things. Im across the hall Clark is next door and Bruce two doors down"
"Bruce?" She rolled her eyes a little snorting
"Batman, he always finds a way to hide his own name paranoid bat" you sighed frowning
"ho-how are you going to sort out the social worker thing? I know you said not to worry but I wont be able to sleep..." she smiled patting your shoulder sitting on the bed with you.
"Adoption and as much as I would love to adopt you from what just happend I'm pretty sure Clark isn't going to let anyone else do it"
"Sounds like you knew my situation befor I got here, you can't just adopt me tho thats like a lot of home checks and and you have to pay a lot of money thats not fair-"
"We did know...Bruce has adopted his fair share already and will be pulling a few strings for us tho as I said I'm pretty sure Clark has decided already you need a more quiet stable home, as lovely as Bruces children are they are boisterous and human which can put you on edge which isn't what we want. Clark has one kryptonian son who is older than you and would be well equipped to help you over come any hiccups.Now just relax, go have a shower brush your teeth and get some sleep?" you looked at her wide eyed adopted...By Superman....and having a brother who you also cant hurt.
"Im not tired-" she tilted her head raising a brow at you
"You need sleep your a growing girl, I expect you in bed in half an hour I will know if your not and if your not I'm sending in Clark" you nodded in a way it was nice having someone who cared.
"Good night I will see you in the morning" she said closing the door. You looked across the room it was nice a large twin bed, your bag had been placed on it somehow, a desk tv on the wall built in wardrobe and a door in the corner what you assumed lead to the ensuite. after a few moments you got up using the shower and brushing your teeth before changing and crawling into bed, tonight was strange but it was nice to have somewhere safe to sleep and you was happy you couldnt hurt superman. you fell into a deep sleep fairly easily to warn out not to vaguly aware of someone pokeing their head in the room to check on you.
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nastybuckybarnes · 6 years ago
Sick Day
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Summary: you tell a little white lie to escape Avenging for a day, and Bucky finds out. He’s hurt and upset, until he finds out your reason why.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Strong Language, Making Out
Word Count: 1.5K
A/n: hi sorry if this is shit. Im tired and I have ideas but idk how to make them good.
Would you mind doing a fic where Bucky finds out you faked a sick day to have a day off away from him and all the avenging to hang out with some old friends (one of them an old flame). A fight ensues but it ends in fluff 
“You okay, (Y/n)? You don’t look too hot,” Steve says upon seeing you walk into the kitchen.
“I feel like shit.” It’s not a total lie, what with your ability to heal or harm with your mind, you’ve given yourself a little illness.
“We’ve got an assignment though. Are you... will you be able to go?” Wanda asks gently. You shake your head, pushing your hair back to try and cool yourself down.
“The last one took a toll on my body I guess. I never get sick and my powers need time to restore.” That’s not a lie either, the last mission was brutal. With nearly everyone having an injury, you almost passed out after healing them.
“Go lie down in bed, Doll. I’ll give you a kiss before we leave.” You look up at Bucky then nod, rubbing your eyes and half-stumbling to your room.
True to his word, Bucky kisses your heated cheeks and forehead before apologizing that he couldn’t stay with you.
Waving off his apologies you let him leave, waiting for half an hour before healing yourself and hopping out of bed.
You dress quickly then leave the compound, excited to finally have a break from the heavy life of Avenging.
(Y/n)! You came!” Dean exclaims, pulling you into a tight hug. You giggle, looking up at him and then his younger brother. “Of course I did! I needed a break from anything anyway. God, it’s so good to see you guys again! I honestly never thought I’d say this, but I missed your stench.” The two men laugh, sharing a look with each other.
“Yeah, you haven't exactly smelt like some roses yourself,” Sam says while wrinkling his nose.
Did you have a history with the brothers? Yes. Dean specifically? Yes. Is that all in the past now? Yes yes yes yes yes.
“So, how about some nice juicy burgers and a couple rounds at the bar? On you, (Y/n). Of course.” You punch the elder Winchester in the arm but agree, getting into the Impala with the two brothers, quickly falling into an old pattern.
“(Y/n)? Doll? You okay in there?” Bucky asks from outside of your door. He knocks a few more times, worry filling him as you don’t answer.
“Doll, I hope you’re decent ‘cause I’m coming in!” He pushes the door open and frowns as he looks around, not seeing you anywhere.
“FRIDAY where’s (Y/n)?”
“Agent (Y/l/n) left the building two hours ago. Her phone indicates she’s at a diner ten minutes from here.” He furrows his brows. “Is she alright?” “Yes, Sir. She seems to be having a good time with two men. Sam and Dean Winchester.”
He frowns at the names and leaves your room, ready to do some research on these two strange men.
“So, is there anyone special in your life now, (Y/n)?” A tipsy Dean asks from across the booth. You roll your eyes but nod. “Yeah. He’s... he’s sweet. I really like him and I mean, we’re kinda getting somewhere. It started when we were sparring. I... I was doing that thing that I do, you know, where I kinda get onto their shoulders and thrust my hips to get them to fall back?” The two men nod, amusement written clear as day on their faces.
“Well I tried that, but he’s so fucking solid that it didn’t do anything and we were just kinda stuck with my fucking cunt right in his face. It was awkward cause we stayed like that for a few moments but then he helped me down and it’s just kinda been flirty since then.” Dean smiles and elbows his younger brother. “(Y/n)’s in love.” You stick your tongue out at them but don’t disagree, warmth filling you as you think about Bucky.
“Well, I think you should go for it. Tell him how much he means to you. How much you care about him. Then pop out a few babies and name ‘em after me.” You throw your napkin at him and laugh, enjoying the break from avenging.
When you get home a few hours later, your stomach drops as you enter your room.
“Did you have a good time with Sam and Dean?” Bucky asks harshly, glaring up at you from the bed.
“Yes. I did,” you reply softly, knowing there’s no point in lying to him. “Dean your ex?” You sigh and set your stuff down. “Yes. Why? Do you have a problem?” He stands up and glares at you. “Yes, I do. You faked being sick! I was so fucking worried about you (Y/n)! I couldn’t fucking believe it when I found you weren’t actually sick. And when I came home and saw you and you weren’t here... fuck I couldn’t believe it. I was panicking. I thought that you were in the hospital o-or that you got caught and taken. Fuck you scared me half to death. But no, you were out with your fucking ex-boyfriend.”
You turn and glare at him. “What’s the fucking big deal?! You’re not my boyfriend Bucky! You’re not my dad and you’re not the boss of me! I can go out with whoever I want to go out with and you can’t fucking stop me!”
He stalks towards you but you stay planted firmly in place.
“I’m not your boyfriend, no. But I thought something was happening between us. I fucking thought...” He scoffs and shakes his head, glaring at you. “I never thought you would stoop so low. You fucking led me on just to be like everyone else.” You glare up at him, grab his throat, then spin around and slam him against the wall with a strength you didn't know you had.
“You absolute oblivious fucking asshole! You wanna know what Dean and I were talking about?! You! How much I fucking like you and how I should make a fucking move! But you’re too fucking stuck in your ‘poor me’ headspace to think that maybe not everyone is out to hurt you! Maybe, just fucking maybe, someone wants to give you a chance and open up to you and love you!”
You’re panting hard and glaring at him as angry tears fill your eyes, only frustrating you further. You let go of him and turn away as the tears drop down your cheeks.
“You of all people should understand what it’s like to need a break from avenging. I thought you’d understand. But you clearly don't, so leave.”
It’s quiet for a few moments, besides your sniffling, and you can’t help the sobs that threaten to overtake your figure.
A cool hand is suddenly on your waist, pulling you back against a warm torso.
“I’m sorry (Y/n). I’m so so sorry.” You can’t contain your tears anymore. You sob softly into yourself, squeezing your eyes shut as he wraps his arms around you.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize...” He trails off and presses his lips to the top of your head as you cry out all your frustrations.
“You mean the entire world to me. When I came to check on you and found that you weren’t here... I was so afraid for you. And then I found out you were out with your ex and... I was just so consumed by jealousy that... I wasn’t thinking. And I’m sorry.”
You wipe your nose on your sleeve then turn around, looking up at him. “You hurt my feelings a lot, James.” He cups your cheeks and sighs. “I wish I could take back what I said. I was out of line and I was wrong. Forgive me?” You nod, closing your eyes as he leans down a fraction of an inch.
His warm breath hits your lips and you wait to feel the softness of his lips against yours.
It takes him a moment to build up to courage, but when he does you’re more than grateful.
His lips taste salty, from his own tears, you realize. They’re soft and gentle and slightly chapped. You can’t get enough of it.
Your hands find their way to his hair and you tug gently, gasping as he nips at your bottom lip. One of his hands finds its way to your lower back as he slips his tongue into your mouth. You can’t hold back the high-pitched whimper that leaves you at this, and Bucky chuckles softly, pulling back and looking into your eyes.
“That’s what I should've done instead of getting mad at you,” he whispers softly, his nose bumping against yours. You nod, eyes hooded as you look up at him.
“Yeah. But you didn’t. So I think that means you have to make up for it.” He raises his eyebrows then hoists you up, giving you no choice but to wrap your legs around his waist.
“Oh, I plan to.”
PERMANENT TAGS: @smolbeanbucky  @wildefire  @inumorph  @impalatobakerstreet  @nanna022  @mummy-woves-you  @m-a-t-91 @wtfholland  @bookgirlunicorn @beautifulwisdom2001  @deep-sea-glitter @mrhiddles-81 @iamwarrenspeace @bitchacho25 @escapetheshackles @i-know-i-can @buckyssoul @avnngrs
MARVEL: @fallenangelfangirl @look-to-the-stars-and-wish @maladaptive-ninja-returns @cliffordasparagus  @april-14-blog @potteritis
BUCKY: @chuuulip @nerd-without-a-cause @natashasnight 
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dujourmeans · 5 years ago
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boone mooney / twenty-two / ‘boarder / psychic.
face tba ‣ the product of a one night stand with his now married parents: forsyth “goose’ mooney, self-proclaimed “bi-legend”, and tanya kim, a former professional mechanical bullrider. ‣ works at his dad’s super shady but “fun!!!” theme park, goose’s world. ‣ has two older (but very close in age) half-siblings that grew up only spending weekends and holidays with goose while he was lucky enough to get the whole raising experience with him during the peak of his mom’s international “touring”. ‣ starting skateboarding after playing his first tiny hawk (aka tony hawk) game some in the early 2000s. ‣ is really good at it and was briefly sponsored by a local sporting label that helped him get into a few competitions aired on espn and shit before he flipped off someone on screen and got cut out of his contract … at sixteen. ‣ has at least three pet names for all of his closest friends, and sixteen to twenty for his current girlfriend, the babely nancy myers. ‣ has about sense as anyone who actively / willingly participated in stunts on jackass. ‣ has six pairs of kickass pepperoni pizza; they literally look the same and he wears them around all the time. but it’s never the same pair!!! guess which one it is on any given day though and he’ll be able to tell you by an impossible stain or some random wear and tear. ‣ uses “big” words ala bill and ted, but doesn’t always know what they mean. ‣ not not smart, but not … actually smart either. ‣ into that sexy classic rock or … you know, old adult contemporary. ‣ just a hyped nice guy looking to have a nice sexy time. 
his half-brother!! who’s requested here!! another guy and two girls to join a hellion crew with him, asher and dominic!! (read more about it #here). someone that he used to date that now works at cvg or something that he always runs into and awkwardly tries to shoot the shit with. friends??? millions of them. also people that he can show his pet opossum, trash baby, off to.
rocky im / twenty-five / profesh hellion / dark.
face tba ‣ aka roxanne. ‣ three years into a job at mortem manor; juggles running the coffin experience with managing the “exit” gift shop. ‣ how she turned out is a classic result of a childhood spent being able to get away with almost anything she wanted to thanks to tired parents who were virtually done trying to be too strict after going through with the motions with their older kids. ‣ always going way harder than she probably would be, even when it comes to something as mundane as shuffling a deck of cards or helping her mom out with clipping out coupons. ‣ had to be talked down from spending half a years worth of savings to down south to make a play at beating the record time for someone lasting at mckamey manor. ‣ was sixteen when she convinced her parents to let her go skydiving for the first time - she’s gone five times since. ‣ wants to get her pilots license, but she’s an terrifyingly bad driver so the people in her life had kind of made a vow to distract her from ever being able to. ‣ was a background player for a short horror movie called slasher by the mononymous local legal director, seth, that revolved around a killer who slashed people’s asses ‣ (she’s proud of it too). ‣ isn’t the best at holding her liquor, but likes to think she is which is kind of an issue ‣ isn’t necessarily competitive … unless we’re talking about board games, bar trivia or mario kart - all bets are off with those three. ‣ likes wearing dungarees. ‣ very loud .. but if you’ve been around her you probably know that already. ‣ super charming which is probably why she’s kept her job for as long as she can (considering how often she accidentally breaks shit on location while trying to prove a point). ‣ makes a mean grilled cheese sandwich. ‣ equal parts lover and fighter; she is not afraid to fight you if she has to.
the one friend left in her childhood friend crew!! (request can be found here!) two older and one younger sibling!! (req here)  other childhood friends?? more coworkers? people that she went to high school with? fellow adrenaline junkies (ie: people with questionable decision making skills)? a few past casual relationships?? like … really casual. because she’s too long term wrapped up in her bff to ever get legitimately serious with someone.
gideon kan / nineteen / university student / ice.
felix lee ‣ the more rebellious half of a set of fraternal twins … and there was def a point a few years ago where he wouldn’t let anyone forget that. ‣ comes from an incredibly catholic third generation korean american family. ‣ was homeschooled until he was nine, went to a private catholic school until he was thirteen, and spent the majority of his summers attending bible studies and bible themed summer camps. ‣ started attending public high school during his freshman year, which is when the chaos beginning (in the words of his parents). ‣ spent the majority of his high school days being a total brat to everyone in an attempt to push back from how he was raised; did virtually everything you’d expect a ~wannabe rebel~ to do from socially smoking to sneaking out in the middle of the night to go to trashy bog parties. ‣ kind of started to scale back from that sort of rebellion during his last year of high school in favor of general moodiness. ‣ currently finishing his first year at university of central florida, where he’s studying radio and television broadcasting. ‣ “aspires” to become a radio dj right out of graduation. ‣ currently co-hosts a late night radio show with two of his closest friends that juggles discussion of popular culture and ~giving advice with #good tunes. ‣ terrified his parents into tears when they listened to his first broadcast and he gave painfully descriptive advice about a threesome; they haven’t listened in since. he’s become even more of a lost cause to them since then. ‣ not as above it all as he tries to act like he is.
his twin sister and older siblings!! (click here) two best friends who’re also the co-hosts on his radio show??? people that he grew up with?? friends from high school???? probably some sort of ex from high school that he had a very brief relationship with?? someone that he had a mild friends-with-benefits thing going with at the start of the school year that kinda just … stopped out of nowhere?? or they decided they were better as friends, whichever.
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ozzo-the-wozzo · 6 years ago
“The episode idea I have no name for” (Part 2)
Part 1
Anddddd it’s here! The moment literally no one has been waiting for!
Before we start, here’s some important announcements:
Im slowing down the pace a little. What was supposed to be a 2 part thing is likely turning into 4 parts. So... that’s fun
I’m tagging people in parts! For this part, I’m tagging some people that showed some real interest in part 1, because I’m sure they’d want to be informed ;) If you want to be tagged in the next part, tell me!
@fluoroidtheauthor @wase-line
Sorry if I didn’t tag you :(
Anyhow, on we go!
Everyone shows up to the event. It’s magnificent! It’s pretty late at night, and the moonlight is streaming in through the high ceilinged windows. Some adults are drinking champagne, and Marinette’s parents are setting up the dessert table for later on in the evening.
Marinette and Alya are giggling together about the way Nino and Adrien are fussing about their neck ties. Adrien makes eye contact with Marinette, and her heart thumps.
He starts walking over and... Lila walks in between them. Marinette clenches her fists, ready to snap at her, but Lila doesn’t acknowledge her or Adrien. Instead, she gestures at Alya’s necklace.
“Oh, what a pretty necklace Alya! Can I see it?”
Context. In this story, Master Fu has been found and needs to go into hiding again. He tells Marinette that as much as he hates it, she should give at least Alya and Nino their miraculous permantly, just until he’s safely hidden again. So, Alya has her miraculous.
Alya says “Sure thing!” and lets Lila observe it. As Lila is holding it, she “slips” and the necklace chain breaks off.
Alya helps Lila off the floor, and Lila says “oh my gosh I’m so sorry! Here, let me fix it.”
Alya says she doesn’t mind, but Lila insists she knows a famous jewelery store owner at this party that can fix it for her good as new, and before Alya can say anything more, Lila walks away.
Marinette is basically ripping her hair out. She can’t yell at Alya “you IDIOT. YOU NEVER PART WITH YOUR MIRACULOUS” because, uh, secret identities. So all she can do is scowl and “accidentaly” step on Alya with her heel.
Adrien and Nino walk over. Mari notices that he’s frowning at Lila as she walks away, but before she can say anything Nino offers Alya a dance, and they head off. Mari and Adrien are left alone, swaying to the music.
Adrien breaks the silence by laughing as he looks around the ballroom.
“You know, it’s funny. My dad hosts this big event, and he’s nowhere to be seen.” He turns to Marinette, and although he’s smiling, Mari sees the glint of sadness in his eyes.
Mari decides it’s now or never, so she blurts out “aDRIENWOULDYOULIKETOBLANCE”
Adrien, who’s known Mari for a while now and now knows how to decipher her blabbering, raises his eyebrows and asks “you mean.. dance?”
Mari nods, blushing, and Adrien grins a very Chat like grin and they go off and dance together.
Adrien is gazing at her lovingly. Mari can’t take it anymore and opens her mouth to say something-
Suddenly the buildings outside the venue burst up in flames. Everything stops as the fire consumes everything but the venue itself. The first responders rush towards the exits, but metal bars close over the windows. The doors are turned to metal. Everyone is trapped.
Screams starts. But all is interrupted by a loud voice from overhead.
“SILENCE! I am hawkmoth. I’ve taken Gabriel Agreste and everyone outside this venue prisoner. Ladybug... I know you’re here. And if you and Chat noir don’t revela yourself and hand over your miraculous, Paris burns and innocent people die”
Just then, a stream of feathers fall through the ceiling. Everyone runs for shelter, but not until a few chosen people are struck. They transform into their Mayura-style akumas and are allowed out into the streets of Paris, ready to trap anyone and everyone left outside of the venue’s walls.
None of the miracuclass is struck, which they find odd. Marinette runs off, going towards a door and barricading it behind her. She finds that behind the door are stairs, and she runs down them until she reaches the basement. There, she sees that there’s a window left slightly ajar with no bars over it.
Marinette turns around to go back up and lead everyone to safety, but Tikki stops her.
“Marinette, you have to go. You can’t be trapped here too.”
“But Tikki, I have to help everyone escape!”
“Hawkmoth has this place on watch. If you go up now, he’ll bar up this exit too. Come back for them when you’re transformed.”
“But Adrien-”
“He’ll be fine! He’s ca- c- capable of taking care of himself”
Mari transforms and jumps out the window. Little does she know that hawkmoth watched her go from a camera set outside the building.
“So our little bug friend was at the party.” He grins. “Just as I thought”
Meanwhile, Adrien runs off, but is grabbed taken by the collar of his suit by Nathalie. She is pale and coughing into a handkerchief, but with a strength Adrien didn’t know she had she drags him off to the side and shoves him in a trapdoor built into the floor.
“Nathalie- wait! Let me go-”
“You’ll be safe here Adrien. Trust me.”
Before Adrien can protest, Nathalie closes the top and locks it. She then shoves a piano over it.
“There. Just as Gabriel wanted.” She glances sadly down at the doorway. “I’m sorry Adrien” she says softly “but we need you trapped here for the illusion to work.”
She looks down at the blood in the handkerchief she just coughed into. “We all make sacrifices. This is for you Gabriel. And for you, Emile.” She stares down at the miraculous pinned to her, then at the trap door. With a tear rolling down her cheek, she silently says “And for you, Adrien.”
I know, most of this was boring. You’re probably wondering “What’s the big idea here? Why is this so much lamer than part 1?” And I here ya. But trust me, this is going... somewhere.
And I’m sorry for the grammer disatser™️ this was. It was all over the place in general but my brains been kinda off lately, so I hope you were able to scrap what you can.
Anyway, it’s 1 am and I’m tired. Remember to comment if you want to be tagged in part 3! Reblogs are also appreciated :)
(Also if you have any ideas for a name for this absolute mess or recommendations and critiques for what to do in the future, don’t be afraid to ask :) love y’all and have a lovely day <3)
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jenegetoutdaway · 5 years ago
A Moment.....
I was listening to a brandy song...I’m yours, it was on her very first album, which I owned, along with several others because for 1 cent you could get 10 tapes. I had just learned too braid my own hair, I was practicing back then...alot lol... I was struggling to figure things out... ugh...tween years are really tough... that”s why I don’t give my kids a lot of crap lol... anyway here comes Brandy and she wears braids lol... I was lit, for whatever that was in the 90′s...95.7 Jams had a radio show... and, the Birmingham Heritage Festival was going to be in event for that or the next weekend.... I spent all the time I had, on the phone, trying desperately to win tickets.... I mean... I was relentless..... I won!!! I won 2 tickets, To the Birmingham Heritage Festival.... I was High!!!! I mean I was very High!!!! My mom and dad argued... who’s gonna take me, and always, anytime something like that happened, He took me... He couldn’t take just me though... the way the devil works is... 2 free tickets, dad agreed to take me... ok...we are going... now... He has to take my little brother and sister.... he has to buy them tickets... ugh I cant remember how old they were... elementary school age... young too... and they have to go...my sister cried most of the day... my little brother kept running off constantly we dragging  crying sister looking for a busy brother... lol.... we had lunch... I think my dad bought 2, we all had to share... he didn’t eat much of his, he fed the most to my sister, I think by that time, he was over it,it had been all day...then it started to rain...That was it we had to go, Brandy be damned... I laugh about it now, cause I got kids of my own... but that shit was absolutely not at the time... I was pissed, I didn’t say shit the whole way home...my dad came to my room after a couple days, I was Not talking to my dad.... that would get him... that would get him good... he hated when I wouldn’t talk to him... most times it was because he always took up with girlfriends or wives, like why when you got a whole daughter with kids, and here I am struggling to keep it together, I wonder if he once thought... let me just go stay with my daughter cause she got kids.... and do this as a unit cause she needs me, and I need the woman I raised in her, this is ridiculous....like I laid next to so many of the wrong partners at night and thought...I was not talking to my father!!!! I was maaaaad at him.....He got married again!!! and he left me again!!! and I was pissed I was not talking to my father!!!! I went through a marriage with my dad, I did what he said, I prayed, and I left, and My father had just gotten married... I couldn’t trouble him...I couldn’t trouble him... I don”t date men with daughters... I was a daughter of a man, and I know the bible... My fathers money, belonged to his daughters until they were married, off and I made it my business when I had daughters of my own to make sure that I gave them everything it was they needed, so they wouldn’t have to ask no nigga that wasn’t they dad, for nothin... My father felt like I only called him when I needed something, and if he was around... but I know that he knew... news about me doesn’t take long to get around, it never has...He was my last resort....cause if you were raised properly, you would know that you can’t daughter or not, call upon a man with a wife....and ask for anything, and I would rather struggle than call and ask them people for anything...the same way I would struggle before I asked my mom for anything... I respected the women my father was “WITH” and before I’m anything Im a woman so there you have it... I was pissed.... the last few years of my fathers life... he lived with my ex-wife and I...people stayed in my business... about my dad not paying rent... he doin this...he doin that... I didnt care I was just happy to have my dad....My father saw, first hand, what I went through, who I was, and he would argue with me... My dad was the only person in the world who was not afraid of me... the only person who could make me shut my mouth, just by things he would do... As soon as I told him I had separated....He was angry and said...”I knew that shit was gonna happen”. Im mad. Im mad because I need my daddy and he not here, Im mad because I need his honest opinion, cause all I got around me are people who lie.... When I heard that song I thought of him, and I laughed... like I told my dad, “if you ever leave me again for a woman, I will not ever speak to you again”... my father left me... the last time I talked to my dad... he did what no one asked me to do, he asked me not to leave” I didn’t believe him when he said he wanted to work it out... bar-b-ques, and Sunday dinner... he begged me to stay...and I ignored him, because I was mad at him....I never talked to my dad again...He brought home my grandson, to my moms where I was staying at the time, 2 days before he died... and I didn’t go down and see him, I couldn’t... I didn’t want him to see me in the state I was, I would have broken down.... then he died, and I thought I had accepted that, and today I think is the day, because “where the fuck is my dad?” has been building up in me.... and all I can think about is how one day he said I was gonna have to use the skills he taught me because he wasn’t gonna be here.... I was talking to my aunt... she said that it was funny cause her and my mom was, just talking... and the question was “what was I gonna do now that I can’t run to my dad”.... Tuh 🤣 bitch run wit my dogs.... cause that’s what my dad taught me to do. Anyway, My father came to my room that day, and was laughing but said he was mad, we left to come home at like 1 when it started raining after lunch, it didn’t rain for that long, and “THE GIRL” (Brandy) came on at 2 as scheduled... and if we would have been able to wait...then we gave each other the look... and we knew what it was hittin for...
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angrylizardjacket · 6 years ago
time’s arrow {Roger Taylor}
Anon asked: Hi, I love your roger/ben imagines so much and was wondering if you could do some angst with Roger x female, maybe they are good friends and she sees him with another. Whatever you would like! Thank you x :)
A/N: 2727 words. A story told through Seasons. I took a little bit of liberties with the prompt, if that’s okay? This hit me like a lightning bolt and I had to write it. Angst with a happy ending. (I’m just trying to show I’ve got versatility in writing, okay?)
Warnings: Implied sex.
You meet him in Spring, before it all begins, he sits up the back of your Intro to Head and Neck Anatomy lectures, the only class with open spots available by the time you were looking for a science credit. You find out he’s in a band three weeks into the first class, finally going to the local bar, sick of cramming your brain full of information you’re not even sure is necessary for your degree. He grins at you and wow okay, you didn’t even think he’d recognise you.
“You’re in, um,” he’s leaning against the bar next to you in this dimly lit pub, grabbing a drink between sets. Faltering for a moment, his eyes travel down before you clear your throat, angry at yourself for blushing, but his smile widens, “my class.” He finishes, taking a sip of his beer. You agree, rolling your eyes at him, but even that seems to amuse him. He asks your name. The guitarist is calling him over, setting up for the next set, but you tell him before he leaves. Something tightens in your chest when, later that night, he catches your eyes mid-song, his look of intense focus shifting for a moment as he grins, giving you a wink.
He takes to sitting next to you in lectures, chewing the end of his pencil and taking occasional notes in a falling apart notebook that looks as though he uses it for every class. You catch lyrics in the margins and at the bottom of some pages, but he’s cagey about that in a strange way, just says you’ll have to come to a gig to find out what they’re about. So you do.
Gigs become a regular for you, and you start to become friends with the girls who frequent the shows, often hosting predrinks in your dorm room for Mary and her friends on a Friday night. You learn on one of those nights that at least two of the girls have hooked up with him, and there’s a strange, sinking sensation in your chest. You’re not sad, or at least, you tell yourself you shouldn’t be. You and Roger are just friends, it’s not like there’s anything going on there, sure, sometimes after a really good show he’ll give you a pash, but it’s- that’s just him. 
It’s not like you’ve never thought about it, but you also know his reputation, and that it’ll do more harm than good to get involved with that. He’s the one mistake you don’t think you want to make.
It’s Summer, a few years later, when they trade in the van to get money to hire the recording studio. Roger had really loved that van, and he lay on your sofa for a solid hour grumbling about it, about how Freddie had some kind of nerve. You roll your eyes at him, call him a drama queen, which he takes offence to, but moves obligingly when you sit down, letting him rest his head in your lap.
When you raise the point that it might be worth it, he looks frankly aghast, griping about how he has to catch lifts everywhere now. He calms down somewhat when you start carding your fingers through his hair, though he still pouts.
“If it comes to it, I’ll buy you a car, you baby.” You snort, despite the fact that you’re currently barely making a living wage on some retail job, it’s not where you’d thought you’d be after university, but sometimes that’s just how it is. He looks up at you, and when you look down at him, he’s looking very intense. Perhaps he might say something poignant about your offer, you think, but instead he reaches up and pokes your nose.
“I can see up your nostrils.” He tells you, and you smack his hand away, scowling. You stand abruptly, ignoring his complaints, smoothing your pants out against your thighs.
“Come on,” you offer your hand, which he regards with both confusion and a bit of disdain, “you can’t mope around my apartment and complain about the band again. We’re going out.” That gets his interest.
You’ve been to bars with him before, and usually you go home alone while he gets the pick of the prettiest girls of the night, or he decides to wingman you, which hurts your heart a little, but you won’t decline. You were attractive in your own right, you won’t deny that, you didn’t technically need his help, but a selfish part of you likes the way the attention to you, even if it’s to help you get with other people.
Tonight is different, tonight he doesn’t leave your side, he slings an arm around you as the two of you stand by the bar watching the truly mediocre band they had on that night. 
“You know why they aren’t recording an album?” You ask as the set ends.
“Because they didn’t sell their van?” Roger mused, vaguely bitter, but not melancholy as he swirled the last of his drink in his free hand.
“No, it’s because they’re terrible.” Turning, you smile at your own blunt remark, and when he looks back at you, he’s grinning with a little disbelief. There’s very little space between the two of you, but that doesn’t make your heart race anymore, he’s your best friend, close contact was part of the bargain. But he kissed you, quickly, without warning, and when he pulls back, he turns away to order another drink like nothing had happened.
Your mind is spiralling, this isn’t post-gig excitement, this wasn’t something you were expecting. The selfish creature in your chest that you tried to deny for so long was crowing with victory. Taking a quick look around the bar, you don’t recognise anyone, though there are a few girls who look like they’d be his type- but his hand is moving to wrap around your waist as he turns back.
“What was that?” Voice quiet, you take his drink and have a sip of it yourself, the movement done from muscle memory alone. He raises his eyebrows at you, not regarding the drink, that was a usual occurrence, but at the question. He doesn’t seem to know how to answer, baffled at the question. Dropping you gaze, you take a sip of your own drink. “Why me? Why tonight?” You asked. Looking incredulous, he stepped back, looking you over.
“Have you seen yourself tonight, love? Couldn’t help myself.” You’ve heard him talk like this before, to other girls, not as blunt, but with you he can get away with it. The creature in your chest is elated, and you find yourself smiling, actually blushing. He moves closer once more, his arm around you, voice low as he spoke into your ear. “Trust me, you look very fit tonight, any man would be lucky to have a crack at you.” Heart in your throat, you hope you’re reading the situation right, at the same time ignoring the part of you that knew this was a bad idea.
“Even you?” You turned to face him, watching the way his smile shifted to a smirk, and he pulled you a little closer.
“You know I’m always feeling lucky.” 
You kiss him, feeling your blood thumping in your veins, selfish and excited in equal measure, but with his hands on you, you can’t find the focus to care about the former. 
Once the bad starts up again, Roger pulls away, making a face at them, asking if you wanted to get out of there. You do, and the two of you are elated on the quick walk back to his apartment, stopping only when he pressed you up against the wall of an closed shop to suck a hickey into the skin of your neck. You catch sight of it in his bedroom mirror, but he’s pulling off your jacket and you have better things to worry about.
It’s not weird, like you thought it would be, when you wake the next morning and he’s curled up, fast asleep with his back to you, but your chest aches just a little. He avoids eye contact over breakfast, though you chat like normal. The gripes about his van have died down, though he makes an offhand comment about things are changing that you read enough into to realise what had happened.
“You’ll always have me, Rog.” You reach across the table to take his hand, and he finally looks you in the eye, he looks so relieved, not that he’d ever say it. Afraid of losing another thing he cared about, he had panicked last night and tried to keep you close in the only way he knew how. He certainly loved you, but not in the way you wanted him to. Giving his hand a gentle squeeze, you give him a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes. It’s not his fault.
Bohemian Rhapsody airs in Autumn, you’re regional manager now, and you’re sitting in your office when you hear for the first time; you almost scream when the first harmony comes in after the radio host introduces the song.
“You’re a star, Rog!” You gush over the phone on your break, unable to wait until that night when the band was having a celebratory get-together to talk to him.
“Of course, I am, you think I sing that high to be paid in peanuts?” You can hear the smile in his words without even seeing him, and being able to hear his voice warms your heart.
“That was you?” You laugh, the ‘Galileo's playing back in your head, and you try to picture him singing it, which only made you laugh harder.
“Oi,” he bristled, indignant at your laughter, “I’m the only one with the range to execute Freddie’s vision.” You could see him in your mind now, proud and stubborn, standing tall to defend the decision.
“I’m proud of you.” Suddenly sincere, you find your smile turning to something more genuine as you think back on far he’s come.
“Thank you.” His own voice has become less animated, more sincere, though you can still hear him smiling.
“Love you, Rog.” You tell him, just as you always did when you parted ways.
“I’ll see you tonight.”
He’s grinning, draped with casual confidence in an armchair in Freddie’s living room when you arrive, and you feel like you’ve been taken back five years, the casual enthusiasm he’s exerting. Smile brightening, he stands when he sees you, striding across the room to enfold you in a hug.
“Good to see you!” He practically beams at you, holding your shoulders as he looks over you, as if assessing you, seeing if anything has changed.
“Of course, you’ve been holed up for weeks, I wouldn’t miss this for the world!” Though he’s in front of you, you’re words address the room as a whole, and when he steps back, Brian moves in to hug you as well, asking how you’ve been.
The boys are your friends, all of them, you’ve been around for most of their big band moments, and it eases something in your chest to be here for this one too. But then the ease sharply tightens as a woman you’ve never seen before sits on the arm of Roger’s chair, and he rests a hand on her thigh, smiling up at her.
Mary follows your gaze, and her smile is sad as she pulls you down to sit beside her, asking you about your thoughts on the single. You answer, though your heart’s not in it, and the selfish creature in your chest rears it’s ugly head after such a long slumber. 
The monster has shifted, changed and grown, it hadn’t cared about him running around with any pretty girl he could find for the past few years, but this was different. Roger had made it clear that he was far from sacred, but this was the band, this was Freddie’s home, this was the place of some of your happiest memories; this was yours. 
You stay well into the early hours of the following morning, despite the interloper, but Roger still stopped you at the door.
“I’m really glad you could make it, I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages.” He’s smiling at you, but you don’t smile back. It’s been a long night of being kind and pretending that you’re heart didn’t hurt.
“Well, you’ve very busy.” You shrug, punctuating it with a yawn. His expression turns confused, and you open the door.
“Y/N.” He tried to get your attention, but you left, throwing a goodbye over your shoulder to him. “Love you.” He calls through the door, but you stay quiet, refuse to say it back, just keep walking. You’re too tired to be upset, but maybe you’ll get there tomorrow.
Things change, and you’ve grown to accept that, but sometimes old aches don’t heal like they should. Or at all.
“I’m getting married.” He calls you at the end of Winter.
Your relationship’s been on the mend in the years since the Bohemian Rhapsody launch night. You two smile and laugh like you had when you were younger, and you’ve learned to listen to his exploits and his gripes about women, offering your own about your partners, though they’re few and far between. He’s still your best friend, and you learn to act like it. 
“Congratulations.” Your voice is flat. It had been a shock, you’d heard about his latest on-again off-again girlfriend, and had even offered advice in certain situations, actual advice, no malice at all.
“Thanks.” He doesn’t seem to know where to go from here, and silence stretches out between the two of you.
“I should go.” You finally murmur.
“What? Why?” He spluttered, and you sighed deeply.
“Was there something else you wanted to talk about?” You asked, closing your eyes and leaning your forehead against the wall.
“I- no, but I want you to be there.” He paused. “And I wanted to be the one to tell you.” Clenching your jaw, you make a snap decision.
“I can’t-”
“Why not?” He actually sounded angry, which was perhaps warranted, though your next words shut him up.
“Because it hurts, Roger.” After a beat, your voice is quiet. “Because I love you.” Taking a breath, you let yourself relax. “I want you to be happy, but I can’t watch you marry someone else.” There’s silence for a very long moment, but you hang up before he can respond. You take the phone off the hook. You need to be alone, just for now.
“After everything, you still-?” It’s the first day of Spring, and he’s on your doorstep, seemingly unable to say the word love. You’re wearing your pyjamas and he looks like he’s just walked out of a Rolling Stone cover shoot, though he just sort of looks like that now, you supposed.
“Don’t worry about it.” You try not to betray how much his visit shocked you, or the way his very presence after your recent conversation hurt you.
“You’re my best friend! Of course I’m gonna worry about it!” He threw his hands up in the air, exasperated. Sighing deeply, he stepped forward. “I thought I fucked everything up when we hooked up, I’m sorry, I panicked.” He was looking at his fidgeting hands, rather than your surprised expression. “And then... I thought I fucked it up again when I chose the band over you.”
“You never-” You tried to protest, but he smiled self-deprecatingly.
“No, I did. I loved you, and I thought that would get in the way of the band.” Clenching his jaw, he looked up and you could see the regret in his eyes. “It was easier to fuck around that tell you I love you.” Your breath stopped in your throat as he finally walked closer. “And I thought after everything, that you deserved better; you know what I’m like, why would you-?” But you cut him off with a kiss.
“You’ll always have me.” You murmured, finally letting yourself smile. Nothing about it felt selfish, in fact, it felt as though the sun was finally shining on you, warming you from the inside out.
“I know,” he agreed quietly, wrapping you up in a hug.
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just-my-fandom · 6 years ago
Love through bars (Spencer Reid x Wife! Reader)
Request; Hi, Im sorry I dont mean to bother you. Do you take requests for Criminal Minds (2005)? If so, can I have a Spencer Reid x Reader where the reader, spencers wife, is also taken to jail after being drugged up along side with Spencer and I dont really know if they do this irl, but an officer on the readers side finds her in her cell crying, and allows the reader to see Spencer because the officer feels bad? I know there are good people out there. Thank you! When Spencer and the reader are released, they are able to be with each other again and its just tears and smiles,
"They're not letting you see him? Still? Its been weeks,"
You press your lips together, eyes downward as Garcia scanned your face, trying to detect your emotions,
"Um," You swallow thickly, and look up to meet Garcias eye's, "I havent asked. I was afraid I would get in trouble, maybe because they would think if they said no, I would try to find a way to see him anyways?"
Garcia watches as a tear slips down your cheek, your hand swiftly wiping it away, "The last I saw him was at the court room. What if I dont get to see him? What if the next time I do, it'll be when I get out in twenty five years?"
Garcia bites the inside of her cheek, trying desperately not to reach over the short wall and squeeze your hand,
"I'm sorry," You whisper, hand covering your mouth silently, "I just really miss you and the others. Rossi came by yesterday and I couldnt handle it, I was forced to leave visiting hours because I cried so much,"
"Hey, hey," Garcia leans forward, looking for officers before swiping her thumb over your cheek, quickly retracting her hand, "We are going to get you out of here. You and Spencer, you've been in here too long, you will be with him again and we will catch the son of a bitch who did this to you, and erase your name, okay?"
You nod, eyes pinching shut as your head ducks down, "Okay,"
"Hotch came by to see you. You want him to come in?" You raise your head, eyes wide, releasing two more tears,
Garcia nods, sending you a blow of a kiss, jogging outside, a man in a suit replacing her,
"You have no idea how hard I am holding myself back from hugging you," You whisper to the man, Hotch smiling weakly,
"How have you been, Y/N?" He asks quietly, and you shake your head, gesturing a hand up,
"What do you think?"
"Right," Hotch chuckles, weakly, "I heard you havent been able to see Reid. Hes pretty broken,"
"He is?" You breathe, and shut your eye's, "They dont allow opposite sex to see one another. It hurts,"
"I know," Hotch soothes, "Listen, Garcia is going to let me know when you and Reid are out. I'll see you again, okay? Stay strong for us,"
"I will," You nod, just as a guard calls an end to visitor time. You stand up, waving to Hotch as you watch him step back, and meet Garcia at the exit
You release a breath, wiping your chin and following your cell mates through the halls,
"We're taking you home,"
Spencer releases a deep breath, JJ walking up to him and embracing the taller man,
"What about Y/N?" He asks quietly, as JJ pulls back, a smile wide on her lips,
"They're releasing her. It'll take a little longer, she has to fill out paperwork, but you'll be together again Spencer, I promised didnt I?"
Spencer nods, smiling, and she walks out, telling him she'll see him up front, allowing him to change back into his suit,
Garcia looks around anxiously, eyes staring at Spencer walking out the door with JJ and Luke, a grin stretching her face as the two make way, arms open,
"You're okay, you're going home," Garcis soothes, and reminds him that you will be with them soon,
"Thank you,"
The group looks over, as a officer hands you your things- a jacket, your Journal, and a small bag of books- and directs you out of the gate,
You shift your items in your hands, eyes looking up, directing back down before snapping up, your things leaving your grasp, piling on the floor,
Spencer quickly makes his way past his workers and friends, your legs taking you closer to him as you cover your mouth, your body colliding with his,
Your arms wrap at his torso, a hand sliding up to entangle your fingers in his dark locks,
You lean back, Spencer caressing your head and guiding your lips to mold against his, a strangled sob leaving your lips as you pull him closer, then pull away to embrace him again,
"Ive got you," Spencer whispers in your ear, lips at your temple as his thumb rubs circles at your lower back, "I got you, lovebug, I promise,"
JJ walks up, your things picked up and in her possession, eyebrows raised as if asking for her own hug, where you laugh and pull away from Spencer, JJ smiling
"We caught that son of a bitch!!" You look over, Garcia punching the air and skipping up to you in her high heels, "And our babies are safe back home where they belong,"
Her eyes stop at your cheek, where a deep gauze was patched up on your cheek and jaw, "Angel, what happened?" She asks, and you move your hand to the patch, licking your lips,
"A group of girls decided to pounce me during lunch two days ago. Im Okay Garcia," You soothe, and the blonde nods, muttering to herself how you didnt have to go back into the hellhole called prison,
You smile, just as a figure walks up next to Garcia, her smile widening as you look up, to meet Hotches smile,
"Glad you two are out," He says calmly, "Stay out of trouble," He winks, as Spencer chuckles, and you feel his hand press to your back,
You close your eye's, pinching the bridge of your nose, "Now I can go home and get some sleep,"
The group laughs, and you are led to Garcias car, sitting in the back and remaining a conversation you have been missed out on for weeks
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alo-piss-trancy · 5 years ago
Decided it was probably time for me to post a list of my omo hcs for this game since I did the THH chars! Like with the other list, I'll be excluding a couple I have no interest in thinking of omo content of (in this case, Hiy/oko and Teru/teru). I'm breaking this one into multiple posts throughout the week as I compile my thoughts (I'll add a link to all of them on the fic masterlist page later so you can find them all) because I feel this is gonna be a lot longer than my THH post haha!
Here we go, the first 3 (or 4) chars! Please stop reading now if you don't want spoilers for the game bc there will be several!!!
* I firmly hc him as vegetarian (not vegan. He will consume byproducts like milk/cheese/eggs/etc, but only harvested himself or from small farms/sources that he has personally vetted/researched where he knows 100% that the creatures are treated ethically.)
* That's actually not omo-related besides milk oops but it relates to my next point, which is that for the most part he prefers Natural food/drink. Water, fruit or vegetable juices/smoothies, etc. He's not really used to strange 'Human' confections like soda or coffee, so the caffeine and diuretics hit him hard and fast and make it difficult for him to estimate how much time he has. It also makes him jittery/hyped as hell which Does Not Help.
* As long as he isn't screwed over by caffeine or a ton of drinks, he has a decently strong bladder and can hold for a long time. He has a lot of practice from hiding/waiting to help certain animals, laying trapped under sleeping cats/dogs, etc. And also avoiding public restrooms like the Plagues they are for most of the day...
* He's bladdershy AF and has been since early childhood. I saw he had signs drawn on the doors/curtain in his room during my playthrough (including the bathroom) and that is definitely his safezone. Can't go outside either bc 1. He's paranoid he'll be seen by other ppl and 2. That feels disrespectful to the nature deities despite the logic that animals do it all the time. He knows that's dumb and he hates himself for it.
* Sometimes I do like to ignore the bladdershy hc just for some variety. Even in that case tho he'd still be a bit of a diva about which public bathrooms he uses. If it's gross or weird he's gonna avoid it/complain/refuse to go even if bursting. He's stubborn af
* We all know he canonically goes commando. Therefore he is in extra danger because any leaks will go straight to his pants RIP Since he usually wears black it isn't that visable (as long as it's just a bit and not a full wetting), but if he ever has to wear smth else u know he's screwed c':
* He's not very vocal when desperate at all. Mostly strangled whines or grunts (only when alone or if so urgent he can't hide it), he's just so easily embarrassed that he can choke most sound.
* He can also hide his body language pretty well. He can manage to keep himself to rigid posture and the occasional shudder or fidget if needed. Only when he's beyond caught and about to wet will he resort to obvious grabs or dances in front of others.
* Even if he wet he wouldn't cry (I don't seem him crying much for anything tbh, barring extreme things like death). He's angry at himself and extremely ashamed. He would get red as a tomato, attempt to slink away and avoid any witnesses for several days. Could get snippy or hide in his shell all pitiful, depending on the person.
* When alone or sure he can't be caught, he'll fidget more once things are dire. Mostly his long-ass legs. Jiggling, crossing, bending at the knees or bouncing up and down, shuffling from foot-to-foot, everything. He doesn't really do much with his hands beyond a quick crotch-squeeze.
* He'd def let Haj/ime or So/nia dom tf out of him as far as making him hold/lose control, he's submissive and enjoys the challenging test of limits. However, I could also see him totally having a thing for 'marking' his partners during the times he doms.
* Lowkey has a bladder of steel tbh, tho you'd never expect it by looking at her. It takes a lot to get her desperate and even more for her to crack enough to show her needs to others.
* She had a lot of long lectures/lessons, meetings, social events, formal balls, etc. growing up, so she just got used to waiting a lot between breaks so as not to interrupt or be rude to her guests. This also makes her wicked good at remaining completely calm on the outside and keeping the quiver out of her tone even when she's absolutely dying.
* Even once people know her problem, she would NEVER grab herself or dance. Literally the most you'll get out of her is legs crossed at the ankles. For the most part the only sign of her desperation is the slight fullbody shivering where she has her muscles and posture strained. If you're very lucky she may wince or her voice will start shaking/get breathy (her breathing gets super fast and shallow when at her absolute limit. Like nearly hyperventilating fast).
* While not shy at all about asking/telling others where she's going, she was raised with manners. She refuses to interrupt while others are busy, and will wait until she feels the time is appropriate to but into convos or leave the room, even if that could take a long time. She will not skip out on a group task if she can help it bc she feels very strongly about doing her part and not coming off as a slacker (so group investigations/new island exploring/building for Us/ami in Island Mode are all LONG tasks she will force herself to stick out without complaint, even if she's about to wet herself).
* Despite being a princess, she definitely doesn't view anything as being 'beneath' her. If someone asks her to just go outside/in a sketchy place/strange receptacle, she'll do it without question as soon as they agree to glance away. In fact, sometimes it's actually a little thrilling.
* If she did wet herself she would certainly be embarrassed, maybe even teary-eyed depending on the situation/who was around. However, it certainly isn't the end of the world for her, and she would be able to brush it off fairly easily once she got cleaned up and had a chance to breathe. Could probably start making jokes about it by the next day, or just wait patiently for everyone to forget about it.
* Probably has a big piss kink (for others. She isn't much on doing holds herself, minus an occasional 'Damsel in Distress' type roleplay). And honestly just a big one for domming others (sometimes sweetly, sometimes cold/cruel like True Royalty). She looks cute but She Nasty (tm). Gun/dham and Haji/me (to a lesser extent, bc his smart-ass take-no-shit attitude makes him a bit of a brat sometimes lol) are her bitches.
M/ikan (I have to split hers in two bc I have polar opposite hcs) :
Non-Despair M/ikan -
* Is every bit as shy uwu ohnoooo~ as you'd imagine. Super blushy and fidgety and teary-eyed but never admits what's wrong even once it's obvious, to the point of potty-dancing in place (but she's Totally Fine she can hang in there and doesn't need to stop what she's doing)! You literally have to drag her away to the bathroom if u don't want her to have an accident. Would rather die than inconvenience anyone by telling them she has to go, will berate herself for the inconvenience when that backfires and she's made a mess of herself, 120% convinced everyone hates her and p much refuses any comfort bc she's so trapped in the spiral. Bawls her eyes out.
* If on a rare occasion she does work up the nerve to speak up and is denied, that's it. She will not dare ask again even if the person didn't realize how badly she had to go. Nope. Clearly her only option is to hold it until she can't anymore, or until she's alone and can run off by herself.
*Also she totally would whimper to herself in The Worst omo video star voice lmao "Oh noooo I'm leaking into my panties~, it's cOmIng OuTtttt~ uwu uwu uwu" (i'm not making fun of those istg but u know Exactly what 'sexy baby' voice I mean. That is Mi/kan. Don't be so fake bitch We Know u didn't fall spread eagle naturally)
* Says 'Potty' unironically. It's the only word she uses for the bathroom.
* Surprisingly not bladdershy at all. She's actually the opposite. Will go Anywhere (but will be embarrassed while doing it).
* She's used to holding a lot bc afraid to leave class/stuck helping patients for hours on end. However while she has a wicked high capacity and stays very hydrated, she has pretty shaky control. Leaks A LOT, be it in general or bc she gets startled/nervous. She's like a chihuahua lmao. She wears medical liners when on duty as a nurse or during school, but for general hangouts she forgoes them (totally bc she forgot and Not bc she wanted to show her wet panties off to strangers/peers when she falls again, that would be Slu/tty and Improper).
* Once held for ages and then ended up wetting herself just bc Hiy/oko told her to. It wasn't actually a request, just a one-off snippy comment that H forgot about like 10 min after she said it and walked away. When she found out Mi/kan took it seriously she absolutely lost it laughing for the next few days
*Her potty dances include lots of thighs rubbing together/hunching over, hands wandering dangerously close only to pause and grip her skirt/dress hem, hopping from leg to leg and shaking at the knees. She's pitiful when desperate and very cute. Pants and whimpers near constantly, nibbles at her knuckles to try and muffle it.
* Knows when she's at risk of actual damage from holding, but it's still a 50/50 shot of whether she'll break down and go or keep trying to hold. She knows it's unwise, but due to her complete lack of self worth she doesn't really care if her own body is damaged.
* That said, she monitors everyone else very closely and will harass them firmly to take breaks if they're at risk.
Despair/True Mik/an -
* MASSIVE PISS KI/NK. Loves to be dommed/told to hold until she wets. LOVES to do the same to others and tell them all the mean things for a change. She will borderline Break You.
* Takes great satisfaction in watching others struggle. If given an opportunity to make others desperate/prevent them from getting to a bathroom without revealing herself, she will definitely take it. She has no sympathy.
* The Queen of lacing things with diuretics, but can also often find that boring/too easy. A bit disdainful of that method tbh.
* Tying ppl down to hold or hooking them to IVs and 'misplacing' the call button is more her style.
* Used to hold for Jun/ko a lot to appease her. Would be willing to hold for Na/gito, but tbh he's just as willing to hold for her so it's a bit of a stalemate and they've yet to work out who does what.
* Will piss on her victim/lover while staring them directly in the eyes. Does not flinch. She toes the line between sexy and just plain creepy lol
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