#they know it's him and do their best to keep the other aurors away from his tracks
bombyxluna · 3 months
one day i'm going to write my murderer barty and aurors evan and regulus au . one day
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sitp-recs · 5 months
Hello heart ! I love your rescs and was thinking of ordering something! Currently I have already finished reading your 4 voolumenes (possibly have a session for this couple) the fact is that I am looking for something specific. I adore dramatic declrations! I was wondering if you had any fanfic in mind with anything related! I love it when Darry surprises everyone! It also works if they are declarations of marriage or even declarations of change of sides in the war! Anything drarry that surprises the world!
Hello hello! Oh that’s a really interesting ask, I love that concept! I have a reclist for dramatic love confessions here, but I think you might also enjoy these fics. This reclist clearly got a bit out of hand (as per lol) so I’ve shortened the summaries to keep it clean, hope that’s ok!
I, Ferret by curiouslyfic (T, 2k)
Draco's embraced his inner Ferret. Now it's Harry's turn. Starring Veela!Draco, mpreg, an old wives' tale, and a Weddiwizard.
Game On by @pennygalleon (T, 5k)
Draco blows Harry a kiss and the press goes nuts. Harry suggests they use this to their advantage.
(Un)Calculated Risk by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (E, 7k)
He thought about the way Harry looked at him, smiled at him; about the way Draco’s head was nearly always full of him, all day every day, and about the way Draco sometimes deliberately went to bed still smelling of him, refusing to acknowledge what it meant.
Gravity Centered by carpemermaid (E, 7k)
Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are two of the best flyers in the International Professional Broom Racing League.
Silence series by RurouniHime (E, 10k)
It was his battle, yet he never hurt me, and he could have.
A Song, Incomplete by RurouniHime (E, 11k)
Draco’s photograph took up the entire top half of the Prophet’s front page. Below the photo: DRACO MALFOY DEFENDS SON OF FORMER LOVER. As if that were breaking news.
I'll never be your chosen one by @andithiel (E, 15k)
Draco doesn't know what exactly he’s doing with Potter, he doesn't know how their unspoken agreement even started, and doesn't know where it will end. The only thing he knows is: he's not in love.
Two Zinnias and the Scent of Lemon by @the-starryknight (M, 16k)
Between covert Legilimency links and Polyjuice disguises and running and running and running, Draco has forgotten what it is like to have a safe harbor that isn’t a person.
Reparatio by astolat (E, 17k)
Draco snorted. “I’m not reduced to penury. I want something considerably beyond money, and I rather think you’re the only one can give it to me.”
Touch Me Fall by @lqtraintracks (E, 23k)
Malfoy was such a ponce. And he was a complete snob. And he was so fucking fit Harry wanted to jump him where he sat. It would be too easy to forget his objective tonight: to really, really, really get Malfoy out of his system.
Expecto Patronum by @writcraft (E, 35k)
As Draco Malfoy negotiates his feelings for the wizarding world's brightest star, he becomes increasingly attached to Harry and unravels the secrets he keeps hidden from the rest of the world.
The Wand Slipped by @unmistakablyoatmeal (E, 35k)
After a messy, public divorce and a disgraceful exit from the Auror Department, Harry is trying to rebuild his life as a private investigator.
Rush (For A Gap That Exists) by @sleepstxtic (E, 42k)
A story of love and loss that grew amidst the most infamous rivalry in Formula One history: the story of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.
The Greatest Game by @sleepstxtic (E, 45k)
The Greatest Game is something more. The drama, the tension, the narrative that the other games lack. There is a story here. Two rivals with a history spanning years; the oldest, most illustrious prize to be won.
Knockturn Soulmates series by @xanthippe74 (M, 60k)
Fate brought them together. Now the real work begins, as Harry and Draco try to merge their starkly different lives without being torn away from everything they hold dear.
The Compact by astolat (E, 64k)
Hermione frowned. “The real question is why the magic of Britain would be failing now, in fact.”. “That is not the real question!” Ron said loudly. “The real question is, how do we fix it?”
A Thousand Beautiful Things by geoviki (M, 104k)
Draco Malfoy struggles with changed fortunes, shifted alliances, an ugly war, and an unusual spell, with the help of a concerned professor, an insightful house-elf, and an unexpected Gryffindor friend.
Far From The Tree by aideomai (E, 112k)
The arrival of Harry Potter’s children—snapped back in time, the children themselves guessed, twenty or so years—was the most interesting thing to happen at Hogwarts for years.
When Times are Dire by @aibidil (E, 130k)
Magical Britain is screwed, and it's once again up to Harry to save it. This time, by marrying Draco Malfoy.
By the Grace by lettered (T, 139k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
Things Worth Knowing by Femme and noeon (E, 164k)
After the Battle, Harry thinks he's left Hogwarts for good, but Minerva insists that all students return for an Eighth Year if they wish to sit for NEWTs in the spring, and Harry needs those NEWTs to go into the Aurors.
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
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Hi Anon! 👋 I have taken a screenshot of part of your request, I hope you don't mind. Mainly because it has spoilers, and also the length. I really hope you see this!!! Brilliant request 👏
Sebastian Sallow x F!MC - dark/angst/fluff/eventual smut/multiple chapters 🔞 NSFW
No Light Without Darkness - Part One
The wailing from the cells was particularly bad tonight, the mournful cries echoing off the dark stone walls of Azkaban prison. A torch was lit in Sebastian's cell, the flames throwing flickering shadows across the floor, but it was cold, the fire an illusion of warmth. He had forgotten what it felt like to be warm.
He leant his head back against the wall, his arms balanced on his knees, his bare feet filthy against the stained mattress. He tried to remember how it felt to lay on something soft, to be clean, but all he felt was chill and hard stone. The very air he breathed was ice and shadow, empty, dripping with malice.
He had been staring into darkness for so long that it was beginning to feel like that was all he would ever know.
Outside the waves crashed against the smooth prison walls, the air filtering through the slit for ventilation had the tang of brine to it. He used to love being near the sea. Now, the waves were nothing more than a constant drone, another monotonous noise along with the hissing groans of the Dementors.
Sebastian tried to probe gently at the boy he used to be, the small part of him that was buried deep behind the thick shield he had mentally erected around himself. Every once in a while he tried to remember him, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. That part of himself was shrinking. Soon, he feared he would be wailing along with the others who had finally let go of their grip on reality.
He fancied that death would be kinder, and it wasn't the first time he had thought of it.
After five years, his inner strength was beginning to crack, the weight of the cold misery and horror that was Azkaban was slowly breaking him. If you were to ask him, and he could find the will to speak, he would say that it was no more than he deserved.
The Auror office was abuzz with activity. A major bust had just gone down and there were plenty of prisoners ready to be shipped off to Azkaban to await trial. MC stood in the office of her superior, hands clasped behind her back as he congratulated her on a job well done.
"You're one of our best, MC, and once again you didn't let me down," Jenkins said.
She bowed her head a little. "I appreciate you giving me the chance to head the raid," she replied. "Bringing down that poaching ring was a long time coming. I'm just glad we pulled it off."
"All thanks to you and that wonderful magic of yours," Jenkins smiled. He didn't smile often, but when he did, you knew you had done a good job. "Now, I want you to be on escort duties to Azkaban tonight. That ring leader is a nasty piece of work, and they will need you to keep him in check. Are you alright with that?"
MC felt her stomach clench a little. She had never set foot in the prison before. Not only had it never come up as a duty since becoming an Auror, she also felt trepidation. The horrors she had heard of the place since taking up position here at the Auror office slid through her thoughts. The heavy chain of her guilt squeezed tightly around her ribs at the thought of who was in Azkaban, who she had let down all those years ago. She had failed him in the worst way, being too late to stop it, pulled away by the responsibility of Ranrok, and then he was gone.
Sebastian's imprisonment was the biggest, most crippling regret of her life. She had never fully healed from the loss. Her heart was broken. She had even pulled away from her friends, not wanting to risk anyone mentioning his name. Even Ominis she had pushed away, as much as it hurt to do so. She was selfish, she knew. But self preservation was almost second nature after spending most of her life alone. She had let Sebastian in and lost him. Keeping people at arm's length saved her the pain of any loss. She didn't think she could carry any more.
However, despite all of this, MC looked at her boss and nodded, pressing her guilt and painful memories down. "Not a problem, Sir," she said, firmly. "I will make the trip to Azkaban."
As soon as MC's booted feet landed on the stone floor of Azkaban, she could feel the utter bleakness that permeated the very walls. Keeping her expression one of calm authority, she prodded her prisoner with her wand, shooing him in the direction of the processing office. They were following another Auror with a prisoner. Holloway was much more experienced in visiting the prison and led MC along through the cavernous corridors. The human wards of the prison had faces harder than the stone walls. You would have to. MC wasn't sure she could stand it, day in, day out. Her stomach twisted up at the very thought of it. How was Sebastian faring under this overwhelming cold misery?
Lost in thought about a boy she had once known, maybe even loved, she was taken by surprise when her prisoner elbowed her harshly in the side and made a run for it. MC lost her footing and hit the floor with a thud. She scrambled back to her feet, flustered and angry at herself for letting her concentration slip. Where the prisoner thought he was going to go, she had no idea. This place was inescapable. Holloway gave her a look, and MC gave her a nod of assurance. "I'm on it," she said.
She took off after the prisoner, wand out.
The poaching ring leader was a nimble little bastard, running swiftly despite the bindings at his wrists. MC cast a spell to slow him but missed, he dodged neatly and rounded a bend. MC ran, boots thudding on the cold stone. Torches lined the walls trying to lift the gloom, but a heavy darkness hung in every corner, the weight of the atmosphere attempting to suck MC down into the ground. She sucked in a breath and chased after the prisoner.
Inmates were picking up on the activity as she tried to hit him with another spell. Screeching and the clattering of pans against iron doors echoed down the corridor. MC ran past cells, filthy hands reaching out from the barred doors, mouths shouting abuse or glee at the chase.
Dementors were beginning to gather above her, swirling and drifting, the hiss of their breath like slippery ice. MC fought against the drain on her emotions, the feeling that all the light she had ever known was being drawn out through her skin.
Finally, MC had her prey in sight. She summoned the Ancient Magic and threw it full force down the length of the corridor, the white and blue glow filling the space. It spread upwards and outwards, chasing off the Dementors as though she was the embodiment of a Patronus spell.
The blast hit the prisoner in the back and he fell forwards, landing hard on his front and sprawling on the stone floor, out cold.
MC arrived next to him, panting, the aura of her magic receding and swirling to nothing around her feet. She kicked the prisoners foot with her boot. He was still alive, just. Assassination of prisoners wasn't exactly forbidden, but it was definitely frowned upon. "Nobody runs away from me like that," she said. "Nobody."
Now all she had to do was get him back to the processing office. Ignoring the shouts from the surrounding cells, MC stood back and aimed her wand, ready to cast Levioso on the unconscious prisoner. She paused, a prickling sensation on the back of her neck.
Immediately, she spun, wand up ready. The blood drained from her face, despite the way her heart jumped and began to pound at a ridiculously fast pace. In front of her was a cell door, and through the bars, locked on the other side, stood a man. He wasn't moving, his face blank, emotionless, his arms hanging loosely at his sides as he stared. His hair was an unruly mass of locks, limp and filthy, his face lean, harsh almost, but she knew who it was. How could she not?
"Sebastian." Her voice was strained, a breathless attempt at speaking aloud a name she hadn't said for years.
He didn't move, didn't even react. He blinked, slowly, staring at her with eyes that seemed empty, soulless.
Her heart crushed in on itself. She remembered a time when those eyes would light up with mischief, a smile at the edges. There was none of that there now. Just empty orbs, and it turned her legs to jelly. The realisation of how much those smiles had meant to her sharpened painfully now that his face was void of any emotion at all.
MC lowered her wand with a shaky hand. Tentatively, she took a step towards his door. He still didn't move. By the time she was right in front of the bars, her heart was in her mouth, her eyes begging for him to recognise her. She took hold of the cold iron with one hand and reached through the bars with the other, reached for him, but he was too far back from it.
"Sebastian, it's me," she said, softly. "Please..."
His chest was rising and falling rapidly with his breaths now, his eyes wide as he stared at her face. She pleaded again, arm outstretched as far as she could reach. A flicker, the briefest flicker of something in his gaze as his eyes dropped to her outstretched hand. Slowly, painfully slow, his hand moved towards hers. She licked her lips, fingers straining, the tips tingling in anticipation for his touch.
Just before they made contact he paused, his gaze darting up to her face. She sucked in a breath at the raw, savage pain in his eyes, there and then gone. He snatched his hand back from her, backing up quickly until he staggered onto the stained bed against the wall.
She shook her head. "No, Sebastian, it's alright. Please..."
But he turned away from her, curling up on the bed, his hands over his head. The sight tearing her heart into shreds.
Running footsteps down the corridor made her withdraw quickly from the door despite her reluctance to do so. Nausea swam dangerously in the pit of her stomach - to be this close to him and yet so far. She couldn't breathe, her eyes stung with the need to bawl and yet, she couldn't tear her gaze away from Sebastian's huddled form.
It was her fault. It was all her fault.
When the surge of blue and white had blasted down the corridor, Sebastian had turned his head towards his cell door. Somewhere, in the back of his shadowed mind, he recognised the magic that had caused it.
Limbs stiff from sitting in the same postion for hours, he had crept from his bed, shuffling forward. He saw the man drop to the floor, the smack of the impact not even registering as he drew nearer the iron bars. When she appeared, he almost flinched. His brows drew together in a quick flash of memory, the line of her jaw, the way she strode up to the body on the floor. He knew her. Something about her made that hidden part of himself, the boy he was, become restless.
He mapped out the slender form, the clean look of her, the scent of her filling the space like nothing had for time upon time. Something deep in his gut stirred. He paused, afraid to move any closer in case she disappeared. A few more minutes to just look. He just wanted to look.
And then she spun to face him, wand out, her gaze hard. He froze, his stone shield firmly in place, while he cowered behind it. The seconds seemed to stretch out even longer as she stared at him, looked at him with eyes that threatened to crumble all the hard work he had put into his shield.
The sound of his name on her lips almost made him move, but he held firm. His fear was a bitterness in his throat. Then her hand was reaching for him, long slender fingers that he thought may have run through his hair, the thought made his scalp prickle strangely. She was speaking softly, pleading with him, his name spoken in such a way that sounded odd to his ears.
Warm, safe.
He realised he wanted to touch those slender fingers. He wanted to touch them so much it physically hurt. He reached for them. They looked soft, so soft.
MC! That was her name. The surge of memories that flooded him was a torrent, powerful and suffocating. He snatched his hand back, overwhelmed, frightened. No, she shouldn't be here. Why was she here?
Panic seized him and then he was falling to his bed. He was underground, fire and death, she was screaming. Green light. No!!!
He hid from her. From the memories. It hurt, oh Merlin, it hurt.
Her rented room in London was small, practical and did what she needed it to do. She had lived here for a year now, ever since taking up the role of Auror for the Ministry. She supposed it was home, but tonight, in the depths of night, it was a prison. A prison of her own guilt and pain.
She lay on her bed, arms wrapped around herself, the image of Sebastian so broken and lost shredding her to pieces. It had been a while since she had allowed herself to cry over him, but tonight she gave herself the luxury. She bawled into her pillow, shattered for him, for herself, for the innocence lost.
For hours she lay there, still dressed, empty, her mind going over and over everything from that time when they had been just kids. Kids with no clue what they were doing, but with so much to carry on their shoulders.
She had let Sebastian down five years ago. Let him down in the worst way, and she would never forgive herself for it. But, she couldn't just ignore it either.
MC knew where he was now. She had access to him, whenever she wanted, her Auror license was her ticket in and out of Azkaban. Her heart sped up. She could see him again, if she wanted to.
And she wanted to.
To be continued... Part Two
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The Crypt
4000+ words
Tags: smut, fluff, friends to lovers
Characters are ages up! (7th year of Hogwarts)
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56319064
Summary: M/C and Sebastian walking through the forest.
Laughing back and forth at what the other'n has to say
Reminiscing this and that and having such a good time
Till M/C falls through ground on this beautiful day
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M/C and Sebastian are walking through the forbidden forest, searching for horklumps to brew a big batch of wiggenweld potion. It was nice taking little adventure like these. As much as they enjoyed fighting beside each other, they never minded just going off and foraging potion ingredients together.
Sebastian walks along side M/C, looking at the trees and scenery around them both
“This place is a lot quieter than usual...it's kind of refreshing to just come here and relax...”
“Tell me about it, besides the giant spiders and other deadly creatures, this place sure is peaceful when you just take it in.” M/C looks around, feeling the sunlight hit her face between the leaves of the trees.
“True true...”
Sebastian leans against a tree trunk, his brown hair slightly messy from all the walking. He gives her a bright smile as he shuts his eyes, taking in a nice relaxing breath.
“You know...I never would have thought my last few years at Hogwarts would have been as...interesting as these have been...mostly thanks to you...”Sebastian chuckled softly.
M/C laughs, “Interesting is one way to phrase it. Between escaping death to becoming the savior of Hogwarts, it seems like we haven’t had time to stop to breathe, I feel somewhat bad though. I brought more trouble into your life than you could bring yourself.” She playfully hit his shoulder.
Sebastian laughs along with her, gently rubbing his shoulder after M/C playfully hit him. “Well what can I say...I've always been a magnet for trouble...but I'd rather have interesting chaos than boring peace, wouldn’t you agree?”
Sebastian moves away from the tree, giving M/C a warm smile. “Besides, I wouldn't trade our...interesting adventures together for anything in the world.”
She smiles at him,
“ Well I’m glad you see it that way. If I’m being completely honest, I don’t know how I would have gotten through 5th year without you and Ominis.”
She reaches around in her bag grabbing the picnic blanket. “Are you hungry? I brought us some food. This would be a nice spot to sit down for a second. We aren’t having any luck with finding these Horklumps.”
Sebastian watches intently with a small smile as she gets the picnic blanket out”
Oh yes yes, I'm starving, let's take a break.”
He helps her set the blanket on the ground, sitting down on the soft fabric and leaning against the nearby tree. “You know for these last few months...you've been a great friend,”
Sebastian shuts his eyes again, taking another nice relaxing breath. “ I'm definitely going to miss you as I move on after Hogwarts...”
M/c starts to realize that graduation is coming up soon.
She thinks to herself, ‘I didn’t really think about the chance of all of us going off to do our own things. It makes me sad but I know I can always send an owl.’
She smiles bittersweetly,
“I’m going to miss you too. You better send me an owl while’s your out there becoming the best Auror this worlds ever seen! If I don’t hear from you I’m going to tract you down and give you an earful Sallow!”
Sebastian laughs, shaking his head jokingly. “Oh trust me, I'll be writing as soon as I can. Someone has to keep you from getting into any unnecessary trouble.”
Sebastian grabs a sandwich from the picnic basket and jokingly glares at you. “ So you better not be getting up to too much mischief without me around.”
He takes a bite from the sandwich and chuckles with a small grin. “ If I have to come back and save your neck again then you’re going to owe me a lot more than a butterbeer.”
She looks at him with a sarcastic look,
“Me? Getting into trouble?! Sebastian I think you’re talking about yourself here. I am a prime example of a law abiding witch!” M/C laughs out .
Sebastian jokingly rolls his eyes, gently shoving her with his shoulder. “Oh please, you and I both know that's a load of hippogriff dung. You've gotten into just as much trouble as I have during our time together...some of it wasn’t even your fault, but still.”
Sebastian shakes his head with a smile, munching down on another sandwich.
”Merlin...I'm going to miss your ridiculous sense of humor after we graduate...”
As you finish the last bite you look at him with a sad look.
“Sebastian don’t act like we are never gonna see each other again. We can always visit when we have the time.”
Sebastian's expression softens as he sees your sad look. “I...yeah...yeah you're right. Sorry...I...I don't know why I'm getting all weird and sad.”
He shakes his head with a small laugh. “Merlin, I don't know why I'm acting like we can’t see each other anymore after school. We do have owls and floo Powder we can use...”
Sebastian's expression turns more content, a small smile spreading across his face again.” I don't know why I was overthinking so much...”
“We’ll stop over thinking Sallow! Now come on! We have potion ingredients to forage and we are running low on daylight!”
With that M/C gets up and fold the blanket to put back in her satchel.
Sebastian gives a small laugh, standing up from the floor and stretching once he's fully upright. “Yeah, yeah. We can save the mushy sad talk for after we’ve found our horklumps and made a big batch of Wiggenweld potion.”
He gives you a teasing smirk. “Though I wonder if I need to keep an eye on you...just to make sure you won’t end up falling into another spider cave.”
As the two walk a little deeper into the forest they come across some ruins from an old temple.
“Oh please, I’ve fell into so many I can practically sniff them —“
Before M/C could finish her sentence, the stone floor beneath gave out causing her to fall 10ft down into a hole.
M/C hit a dirt floor. While on her back she looks up at Sebastian and the sunlight beaming in from the newly made opening.
Sebastian’s eyes widen with concern as the floor gives out. He rushes over quickly to the edge of the hole he just witnessed her fall into, quickly peering down and letting out a sigh of relief.
“Are....are you alright down there? Did anything break? You didn’t land on any stones or anything?”
Sebastian then peers up at the top of the hole and groans playfully. “I guess I should have expected you to jinx yourself into a pit.”
She looks up at him and groans,
“Yeah I’m alright, I’m just a little scraped up.” M/C stands up and rubs her ass from the soreness. She take a look around and notice that the crypt she fell into has a long dark passage way.
“Hey Sebastian,” M/C calls up, “you might wanna get down here. This is the perfect spot to find some horklumps.” She excitedly yelled.
Sebastian chuckles and then nods up at you. “Alright, give me a second. I’ll find a safer way down there.”
Within a few minutes, Sebastian soon jumps down into the hole, giving a small grunt as he lands on the dirt floor next to her. He gives a smirk.
“You certainly know how to fall into the most interesting situations imaginable, don’t you?”
His expression soon turns curious as he glances to the dark tunnel. “Do you think we should explore it?”
She looks at him with a smirk. “Is that even a question. Of course.”
M/C takes out her wand and cast Lumos. The light reveals a long passageway leading into what seems to be a room about 30ft down.
Sebastian gives a chuckle and smirks right back at M/C before pulling out his own wand and lighting it.
“You’re right, of course it’s not a question. Let's go!” He takes the lead and begins walking down the tunnel. “Just...try not to fall into anymore holes.” He calls back playfully.
The two of them walk for a few minutes, their wands being the only source of light as the two delve deeper and deeper into the long tunnel. “Hmm...I wonder what’s at the end here...”
As they walk towards opening, the pair is greeted with a very large room, and it in is enough horklumps to make plenty of wiggenweld potions to last them months.
“Oh my Merlin! SEBASTIAN LOOK.” M/C giggles with excitement. “We did it, we finally found them!”
She runs over and start plucking as many as she can and tossing them into her satchel.
Sebastian's eyes widen with surprise. He laughs brightly as he runs into the room, looking at all of the horklumps that were here for the taking. “Merlin’s beard, it's like we stumbled into a jackpot! We can make so many potions!”
He runs over to a nearby patch and begins carefully plucking as many as he can. The two of them have about half of the room cleared out when Sebastian suddenly stops, his expression turning puzzled.
“This feels oddly too easy. Something feels off here...”
M/c looks at him with a deadpan expression and opens her mouth to speak, but before she could, the passageway they came through suddenly starts to crumble, leaving them trapped in the large room.
M/c looks around trying to find another way out, but all she sees is some strange writing carved out on the stone walls of the crypt.
Sebastian freezes as the entrance starts crumbling, his expression slowly shifting from puzzlement to anxiety as the realization of being trapped in here settles in.
“Merlin's beard, no no no...We can't be stuck in here! “
He looks around desperately and suddenly catches a glimpse of the writing on the wall. “Hm...what is that?” He squints as he slowly walks over, trying to make out what the ancient writings said.
“Do you think those...”
His expression turns to shock as he suddenly realizes what he's reading.
M/c looks at him with horror.
“What?!? What do they say”
Sebastian rubs his forehead in worry, running his fingers through his black hair as he looks at the ancient writing.
“I can’t believe it...it says a curse was put on this room...it's suppose to trap treasure hunters and prevent them from escaping.”
He groans in frustration. “Dammit...I never should have trusted this room was so filled with ingredients.”
He turns to her with a concerned expression, his green eyes filled with worry. “We're stuck in here.”
“We are never stuck, there has got to be a way out of here.” She sit down to take a moment to breathe and collect her thoughts. “Let’s just come up with a plan, I know with the two of us we can put our heads together and figure out how to get the hell out of here.”
Sebastian gives a soft chuckle, a small smile returning to his face. “You're right...you're right, we can do this. We’ve escaped death together before...we can escape this room together as well.”
He shuts his eyes for a second and takes a moment to think.
“Okay...let’s see here…there’s no secret door way to this room. We could...Merlin, you're not going to like this, I know you won't, but we could try and wait it out?”
M/C leans her head back against the wall and sighs.
“Until we come up with a plan. We might as well.”
It starts to get colder in the crypt, it was already late in the day before falling into the tomb, judging by the temperature change, it’s already night fall. M/C starts to take whatever she can find that’s flammable in her bag to make a fire.
Sebastian begins collecting any sticks and twigs that were around the piles of horklumps and makes a little makeshift fire pit. He gets the fire started and warms his hands over the crackling fire. He glances over at M/C for a moment, his expression softening as he looks at her.
“Don’t suppose you have some butterbeers in your satchel do you? I could go for something strong to drink while we wait.”
M/C smile deviously,
“Welllll…. I don’t have butterbeer, but I do have a flask of fire whiskey I might be willing to share.”
Sebastian’s expression brightens as soon as you say you have whiskey. He chuckles and nods his head.
“Oh thank Merlin, I could use something strong to drink. You keep the weirdest things in your bag, you know that?” Sebastian laughs jokingly.
M/c passes him the flask.
“Hey I’m always prepared. There no shame in that. The only thing I don’t have in here is something to get us THE HELL OUT OF THIS DAMN CRYPT.” She groans.
Sebastian takes the flask and takes a swig, the liquor burning down his throat. He gives a small cough after the alcohol makes contact with his throat. He soon laughs and puts the flask back down next to him.
“You have no shame keeping stuff like fire whiskey in your bag and no shame in falling into a pit right in front of me.”He gives a chuckle and shakes his head in amusement.
“I can't decide if you always have the best or worst luck.”
She laughs, “Well you see, it’s more of a balance, I can’t always have good luck. I’d be unstoppable in this world.” M/C grabs the flask and take another gulp of fire whiskey and passes it back to him.
“So Sallow, how does it feel being stuck in a dark crypt with the Savior of Hogwarts.” She teases.
Sebastian laughs softly and takes the flask from her, taking another swig of the liquor. He lets the fire whiskey burn down his throat and warm him up.
“You're right...it’s gotta be balanced. It’s better than ending up stuck in a room with anyone from the Jackdaw family though. “
He takes another sip from the fire whiskey, raising an eyebrow at M/C. “You know, now that we have some time on our hands, I can finally get an answer from you about something we never discuss...”
M/C starts to feel heat in her face, not being able to tell if it’s from the fire in front of them or from the fire whiskey.
“Well ask away, I am an open book!”
Sebastian chuckles softly but then gives another small cough from the fire whiskey. He rubs his throat gently and lets out a small breath before looking back up at her with a playful glint in his eyes.
“Alright...but if I ask something, I want an honest answer from you.”
He pauses for a second and thinks on what he wants to ask.
“So...I know you’ve kissed Garreth Weasley and Poppy Sweeting and Amit Thakkar when all of those people were daring you to at that party last year.”
He pauses,
“But I was wondering...”
M/C laughs thinking back to the party. She had had way too many drinks that night and after a while things were just a little blurry.
“Yes I somewhat remember that instance, what about it Sallow?” She cocks her head to the side and smirks.
Sebastian laughs softly and takes another swig from the fire whiskey, letting the liquor burn down his throat before looking back to M/C with a smirk.
“Well...I know you kissed all of those people...and you never really mentioned why you didn’t kiss me at all that night.”
He rubs the back of his neck as he gives a cheeky smile. “I mean...I know I’m quite the handsome devil, I can’t think of any reason why you wouldn’t kiss me.”
M/C grab the flask and finishes off the rest of the fire whiskey. She looks at him with a great big smile.
“Well to be fair… you never really asked, and I wasn’t dared, so why would I?”
Her cheeks burn bright red from the fire whiskey, and her arms and legs start to feel a loose.
Sebastian laughs softly, shaking his head in amusement. “Oh really? You didn’t want to kiss me, a handsome devil like myself, because you needed to be asked first? I didn’t think you were such a good girl, M/C”
He then smirks playfully as he slowly scoots a bit closer to her.
“I’m asking now. What are you gonna do now?”
“Well that depends Sallow, am I being asked or being dared.” Smirking at him, M/C leans closer to his face, taking in his handsome features. his cologne fills her senses as her eyes slightly close.
Sebastian laughs softly as he meets her daring, teasing expression. His green eyes shine with playful flirtation as he sees her lean close to his body. He reaches slowly to gently cup her face in his hand and leans closer, his lips hovering right over M/C’s.
“Consider yourself dared.”
He smirks playfully before pulling her head forward and closing the space between their lips, planting a hot and eager kiss upon her lips.
She scoots closer to him and throws her hands in his hair, playing with the wild curly strands.
Sebastian presses his lips to hers with passion, his heart pounding harder and faster in his chest as her hands tangle in his hair. He pulls M/C closer against his body as he begins to explore her silken lips with his own. His tongue soon runs across her bottom lip and flicks against M/C’s own tongue eagerly, silently asking to deepen this kiss with each passing second.
She open my mouth to oblige, slightly tugging on his hair in the meantime.
Sebastian’s hands grip M/C’s hips firmly as her tongue meets his own and begin a heated dance between the two of their mouths. He presses his body even closer to her, a low groan slipping out of his throat as she tugs on his hair. He suddenly shifts his body, pushing M/C into the ground as he kisses her even deeper.
As M/C’s back hits the ground she lets out a low, quite moan in between kisses, “Sebastian….”
Sebastian groans as he hears M/C’s moan in between kisses, his body pressing against hers from above. He pulls back for a moment and looks down at her with hooded eyes filled with desire.
“Merlin…M/C…do you know how long have I waited to finally hear you moan like that?”
He leans back down and hungrily kisses
M/C’s neck, his kisses becoming more passionate and needy as he begins to grind his body against hers.
M/C lifts her hips up in response, trying to find some relief from the built up tension in her core. “Please don’t tease me… I can’t take it, I’m getting so hot.”
Sebastian smirks from this response, “Do you know how long I’ve waited for this? How many nights I’ve dreamt of having you under me? I’m going to take my time sweetheart.”
He then starts to guide his hands up to the buttons of her blouse, with one quick rip, her shirt flys open, buttons scattering all over the crypt.
He looks down at her breast and moans. “Merlin don’t you look delicious, I can’t wait to have you all to myself.”
M/C looks up at him with rosy cheeks, slightly from embarrassment and partly from the fire whiskey. She still tries to grind her hips upwards, attempting to satisfy her core that is screaming with need.
Sebastian snakes one hand behind her and unclasp M/C’s bra, pulling it off of her and throwing it in the near by corner. He moves his hand to her right breast and starts to pinch her nipple, rolling it in between his thumb and index.
She arches her back and moans loudly. “Seb… Sebastian please, I can’t take this much longer. Please… please don’t tease me.
He looks down at her and smirks, “Poor M/C, is your cunt throbbing? Here I might be able to help.”
He slowly drags his free hand down her abdomen and slips it under her skirt, pulling her panties to the side. He slowly starts to rub her clit and she moans.
“That’s a good girl M/C.” He groans out, lowering his face so he is whispering in her ear. “I’m gonna get you ready so you can take my cock. It might sting a little but it’ll feel so good.”
Without warning Sebastian inserts two fingers inside of her, pumping in and out of her tight cunt.
“Fuck, faster please, I need more please.” M/C begs out, throwing her head back from pleasure.
Sebastian pulls his fingers out without warning.
She leans up slightly, looking at him confused, ready to protest, until she starts to watch him remove his belt and pull down his trousers, revealing a very large and hard cock.
“You like what you see sweetheart?” He smirked deviously, “You’ve got a bit of drool on the corner of your mouth. I would offer to fill it but I just can’t stop thinking about how your pussy is going to feel around me.”
Sebastian then pushed her skirt up around her waist and lifts her hips. He lined himself up with her entrance and slowly pushed in.
They both moaned out in unison.
With a pained looks on his face Sebastian takes his sweet time pushing in all the way to the hilt.
“For Merlin’s sake, you’re a lot tighter than I have ever dreamed. I may not last long if you keep squeezing around my cock like that.”
Sebastian pulled out slowly causing
M/C to whimper from the loss. Before she could even catch her breath he slams back into, starting to thrust in rough rhythm.
“Sebastian..slow down! I’m going… to cu-..” M/C was cut off by her orgasm.
He continued to thrust into her roughly and fast. Looking down at her while eyes close and she moans loudly. He pulls out one last time, slamming into her, letting out a low moan.
“Fuck! Goddamn I didn’t expect to cum that fast. Your pussy feels like it was blessed my Merlin..” Sebastian huffs out, sitting back on his legs, trying to catch his breathe.
Trying to catch her own breath, M/C look up at him with wide eyes, feeling a slight breeze dance across her face.
“Sebastian, I’m not going crazy am I? I feel wind from somewhere.”
Sebastian snaps out of his lust-filled haze, breaking away from M/C’s face to see where the sudden breeze is coming from. His expression quickly shifts from playful and happy to surprised and confused as he looks around to spot the air source.
“…Huh? Where the hell is that coming from? I feel it too!”
He suddenly stands up and looks to the left of them. Sure enough, he realizes there’s a way out of here.
M/C look over at him,
“Sebastian! Wherever that’s coming from surely has to be out way out of this hell hole!”
Sebastian runs over to where the breeze feels the strongest.
“You’re right! There’s a crack in this wall! I can see the forest M/C! “
He quickly draws his wand casting bombarda. The wall in front of them crumbles, showing the bittersweet view of the forbidden forest. Both of them run out of the crypt, feeling relieved.
“Well damn! We finally got out of that hellish hole after all!” Sebastian laughs, smiling ear to ear.
M/C takes a look around, taking in a deep breath of the fresh air.
She turns to Sebastian overwhelmed with joy from their lucky escape.
“Hey Sebastian…”
He looks back at her. “Yes M/C?”
“I love you.”
“I.. love you too.”
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mastermindmiko · 1 year
pairing: Remus Lupin + reader
word count: 1004
summary: With NEWTs approaching, you and Remus have taken to spending time in the library to study, more often than not really.
warnings: none, just cute fluff
Hey! if you think this didn't completely suck, feel free to check out my masterlist.
I wrote this at one go, very late at night, so if there's any mistakes please don't mind them and lmk
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"Are you actually studying? or are you just ogling at me?" Remus asks, he looks up from his papers to look up at me, and I turn flushed. I have not been studying, but how can I when I just have this gorgeous boy in front of me.
"You should study, NEWTs are in a few short weeks." Remus says, and he dips his quill back into the pot of ink to jot something down on a piece of paper. I shrug my shoulders, and stretch my arms until I'm laying on the table. I tilt my head to look at him from the surface of the table, and say, "It's really your fault. No one should be allowed to look this gorgeous. It's distracting."
It's now his turn to blush. No matter how many times I reassure him that he's the best thing I could ever hope for and how pretty he is, he never seems to believe it. He waves my compliment off with a wave and it makes me smile even harder. I sigh and continue to watch him work.
"At least do some practice papers."
"I'd rather practice looking at you."
"Despite how wonderful that is..." He begins with a chuckle, "You're not going to be graded it."
I huff and begrudgingly sit up straight. I look at my papers with a pout and I hear him chuckle a bit at my expression. Remus has the exam schedule beside us on the table so he knows what to study first. He's had a schedule organized for about two weeks now. I just study with him, but almost all of the sessions are as productive as this one.
I flip open one of the papers where there are many potions questions from chapter ten to fifteen. I don't need to ace my NEWTs really, I'm going to be Hagrid's trainee here at Hogwarts. He's basically guaranteed me a spot, but just in case, I'd rather not fail.
A few questions in, he slips his hand into mine and rests them both on his thigh. I smile, before raising our hands to press a small kiss to the back of his. I lower them back on his thigh, trying not to act like I see the way he turns pink. He clears his throat and we hear someone gag.
"You two are disgusting."
"Don't worry James, I'm sure Lily will give in soon." I reply after James says his words. Sirius is next to him and they take their seats on the table. Madame Pince glares at them and keeps a watchful eye on them. She is most likely the person anticipating their leave the most. Remus asks them, "Are you here to study?"
"Unfortunately, yes." Sirius grumbles as he brings out a book that looks tattered like it's never been taken care of before but as he opens the pages, I notice that this is the first time he's ever opened them. I say, "Being a Auror is hard work Sirius."
"I know, I just wish Prongs here would study with me instead of with his precious lily-flower, he's even worse than the both of you." Sirius mumbles, and I smile, not minding the semi-insult. I say, "Don't be too harsh on him, he's waited a long time for this."
"A very long time." James adds, nodding his head eagerly. Sirius shrugs his shoulders, mumbling something under his breath. He turns to James saying, "You can go with her, I know you want to."
James presses a dramatic kiss to his best friend's cheek that has Sirius groaning and wiping it away. James grabs his things and moves to the other side of the library, but not before shooting Sirius a kiss and saying, "You were always my first love, Padfoot!"
Madame Pince shushes him, and he turns rigid for a second before running towards Lily who beams when she sees him. It's only a matter of time before she realizes how much she likes him. Sirius looks at Remus and huffs, "I guess I'm your study partner, just don't do any stupid couple-y shit, like giving each other a kiss each time you get a question right."
"That's actually not a bad idea." I teases and lean from my chair to press an overexaggerated kiss on Remus' lips. He turns red once he hears Sirius groan loudly. He lifts a hand to cup my face and then he parts away. Remus has never been one for PDA. I giggle as I watch Sirius give us a glare and sink into his chair.
"Let's just get this over with." Sirius says, and he starts flipping through pages, immediately overwhelmed by the amount of material. I return back to my work and so does Remus. The library is more crowded than ever with exams coming up, but still it's quiet, as if madame Pince would ever let anyone disturb her atmosphere.
Remus wraps his long leg around mine and pulls me closer to him, dragging the chair across the marble floor, creating a small screeching sound. Sirius mumbles again. Remus presses a kiss to the side of my head. He whispers, "I'm so proud of you."
"Turns out I wasn't in as bad shape as I thought I was." I say with a smile looking at the ninety two percent that I scored on the potions quiz. Remus teases, "You never are."
He grabs my chin in between his fingers and he tilts my head towards him. He gives me a big sparkling smile, and I return it, feeling those butterflies go haywire inside me. He presses a soft kiss to my lips. I return it in an instant.
He keeps on kissing me until he decides to insert his tongue into my mouth. I kiss him back, pulling myself closer to him. He squeezes my waist and I let out a small whimper. Sirius looks up from his papers and groans loudly, "For Merlin's sack stop snogging and get to working!"
an: sooo, it wasn't a Regulus one, it was a Remus one. Regulus is coming I promise you that.
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bridenore · 2 years
HD fic recs : mpreg!draco (part 1)
Here are a few recs involving mpreg!Draco. This is part one of two and focuses on shorter fics (up to 30k). Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
And Hope Says, Perhaps Today by @thisbloodycat [10k]
It’s for the best, Draco keeps telling himself—over and over like an endless mantra. But self-deception has never been that high on his list of coping techniques.
Azkaban Redemption by Sita_Z [15k]
Post-war Azkaban has no dementors, but Trainee Auror Potter still feels as if it is sucking out his soul. He would leave, if not for a certain inmate who clearly needs his help. Harry Potter is about to become obsessed with Draco Malfoy again.
The Baby by @kikibluemay [5k]
It was supposed to be an easy affair, devoid of complications. Then Draco got pregnant.
Close To Ever After by oldenuf2nb / @dianacopland [15k]
When Harry Potter finds he’s been cursed, he withdraws from the world and prepares to die. But when have things ever gone the way Harry Potter planned?
Coming to Terms by RurouniHime / @thegertie [16k]
Of all the lives in all the world, Harry had to own this one.
Dissonance by BummedOutWriter [17k]
Draco met Harry’s eyes directly, and spoke to him for the first time in eleven months, “Avada…”
 The rest was muffled in trauma as Harry felt a familiar warmth of magic, a flash of emerald light descending rapidly as he squeezed his eyes shut, and braced for—
Or: In which Draco becomes a death eater, has a daughter, and tries to forget about her.
Heal Me Slow (Love Me Fast) by crazyparakiss  [11k]
Being a father had never been in the cards.
Here Comes the Sun by ad_libitum [5k]
He’s touching me the way he did that morning, with a reverence I didn’t deserve then but now couldn’t be more fitting: this child we’ve made cradled within me and between us, flesh, blood, and bone spun from our deepest, most desperate desires.
Hold Close Your Heart and Take the Leap by  @dracogotgame [19k]
Draco knows he needs to tell Potter their lives are about to change forever. But ‘knowing’ and ‘doing’ are two very different things.
“I’d Rather Change Nappies Than Have My Cock Sucked” and Other Ravings of a Pregnant Wizard by Frayach [23k]
Like everything else between Harry and Draco, pregnancy and child rearing are fraught with drama
If Wishes Were Children by oldenuf2nb / @dianacopland [14k]
Harry Potter has tried to move on with his life after Draco Malfoy walked away from him months before with little or no explanation, but it’s been hard. Then, on a joyous day at the Burrow, Narcissa Malfoy makes an unexpected appearance…
If You Miss It, Try Again by dodgerkedavra [23k]
The healers promised Draco he wouldn’t get pregnant a second time.
They were wrong.
And this time, he’s pregnant with his best friend and roommate Harry Potter’s baby.
Nine months is all he has to figure it out.
In a party bathroom by KatieScarlet [16k]
He hadn’t even wanted to go to the ridiculous party, let alone planned on shagging Potter in a port-a-john while he was there. But he did, and oh, what fun the consequences it brought were…
Jolene by @romaine2424 [21k]
Harry comes back from a mandatory holiday and finds that an Auror raid on his favourite establishment could expose his biggest secret.   However, another has even more secrets than he does at stake.
Jolene Deux by @romaine2424 [5k]
Draco makes special plans after being told by his Healer that he’s fully recovered from being pregnant and having given birth to his and Harry’s daughter, Violet.  I hope you enjoy this little glimpse into Harry’s and Draco’s future life together.  The story begins immediately after where Jolene ended.
Jump Into the Fog by taradiane [9k]          
Draco returns to Hogwarts for his eighth year carrying a secret that will change not just his life, but Harry’s as well.
Never the Same Again by dragon_charmer / Frances Potter [22k]
The war is over … in fact it never really got started because the Dark Lord proved to be the more powerful. Now five years after Dumbledore’s death, Draco Malfoy has something else to worry about besides being a spy.
‘Ohana by plumeria47 [11k]
It started off so simple: sex whenever they wanted it, with no further expectations.  But life has a funny way of turning everything up on its head.
On Truth and Understanding by @iero0  [21k]
“I questioned it,” Draco says, factual as though to convince himself. “I questioned everything I’ve been taught as a child.”
“To what decision did you come then? Do you want children?” Harry asks.
“It’s sometimes hard to know,“ Draco replies oddly quickly, "what one really wants.”
Draco doesn’t know how to say certain things. Harry doesn’t know how to ask for them. On a sultry summer’s night, they finally talk about past wounds, current problems, and the future options that will change their lives forever.
One Day’s Difference by @melcalder [10k]
Draco’s sacrifices his god-given body and has (mostly) no regrets.
Take What’s Left of Me by Frayach [22k]
One day Draco just left without saying a word, leaving Harry reeling.   You’d think that after what Draco did, Harry could move on, but he can’t.  When Astoria miscarries and Draco comes to him pleading for a baby, Harry can’t say no.
Unbroken by taradiane [18k]
Memories make us who we are. What happens when they disappear?
Where You Belong by @coffeejunkii [11k]
“Harry Potter” and “impossible” cancel one another out.
you’re alive by KatieScarlet / @kat-the-wren [27k]
The most boring shift in the world, filled with Muggle car ride games to pass the time, was interrupted by a tow-head boy begging for help to save his papa and ultimately changed Harry’s life from there on out.   For the better, of course.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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weasley-clan · 9 months
Aurors and Dragons Chapter 1/? - Excitement
(Charlie Weasley X f!Reader)
Description: You’re just trying to spend a quiet evening at home after a long day at work, but among your snooty parents and crazy best friend, you can never get a single moment of peace. You’ve just given up on your relaxing evening, when your friend pops in with surprising news. Charlie Weasley is back from Romania? And he’s suspected of what?
Warnings: None! Unedited
At long last, chapter one is complete! Aurors and Dragons is now officially underway. Thanks to my friends for proofreading this!
@k-k-merlin @wisteria-blooms @sh-12h57 @idkwimdahyd (Let me know if you want to be added!)
Word count: 2.1k
“Y/N? Are you even listening to me?” Nymphadora Tonks, your best friend and partner, asks. “Hello? Earth to Y/N!” She morphs her nose into a beak to catch your attention. “Huh?” You ask. You snap your eyes open and jerk your head off the desk. Tonks rolls her eyes. “Honestly, are you so tired that you can’t even listen to me?” She teases playfully. Her shock of hair is in its default pink color. You yawn and mumble, “Sorry. It was a long night.” “Not another raid, I hope?” You shake your head. “Worse. I had to babysit my spoiled prat cousin. He’s almost seventeen years old!” You sigh. “But of course my mother thinks he’s an absolute angel. She’d trade me for him any day.” Your friend bursts out laughing, attracting stares from the other Aurors. Rolling your eyes and suppressing another yawn, you say, “You’d be exhausted, too, if you had to watch him. You’d think he was a toddler from the way he acted. Though I suppose it is a defining characteristic of the Malfoys.” “Wait, wait, wait. Which cousin is this again?” Tonks’ spiky hair falls briefly into her eyes as she turns her head to look at you. “Draco!” You moan. “The spoiled little twat you brought to work with you a few months back?” “Yep,” You say mournfully. You look back at the pile of reports needing to be filled out and sigh. As the sigh turns into another yawn, Tonks shakes her head. “Okay, Sleeping Beauty. Back to work.” You grab your quill back out of the ink pot and begin to fill out the first report on the stack. Tonks grabs one, too, and before you know it, she’s done with hers. You're nearly halfway done, but after you yawn again, Tonks yanks your quill out of your hand, blotting ink on the reports in the process. “Hey!” You protest. “On second thought,” Tonks smiles, “you’re way too tired to be in the office right now, much less be useful. Go home.” She points towards the elevator at the end of the hall to make her point. “What? I’m fine!” You try to argue, but just as you get the words out of your mouth, you yawn again. Tonks shoots you a knowing glance, amusement shining in her eyes. “Fine,” you mumble. “I’m going.” Truthfully, you were glad to go home early. You knew that it was a slow day and Tonks wouldn’t need you, so there wasn’t much keeping you from leaving. “Just promise me you’ll tell me if something important happens,” you mutter behind you as you walk away. Tonks giggles. “I swear to come get you if anything exciting happens!” She calls after you. ‘Close enough,’ you think.
And so, just a few moments later, you apparated in front of the Lestrange estate. Home. As you groggily shove the door open and walk into your house, a familiar voice calls your name. “Y/N? Is that you?” “Yes, Mum, it’s me.” You roll your eyes. Who else would it be? As you enter the lounge, your mother glances at you. Her frizzy black hair is cascading down her back. “Did you finish… whatever it is you do?” She asked lazily. It was no secret that your parents didn’t have any interest in your profession, much less approve of it. “Actually I came home early,” you state plainly. Your mother shoots a curious glance your way and you are quick to offer an explanation. “It’s just, staying home with Draco last night exhausted me. He’s a bit of a prat.” “Don’t say that!” Your mother cries. “Draco is a doll; I’m sure you just didn’t sleep well, that’s all.” “Nonetheless,” you cross your arms, “I’m glad it’s over. I shouldn’t be babysitting a seventeen year old.” “Well, annoying or no, he’s still your younger cousin.” Your mother’s tone makes it clear that she doesn’t think Draco is annoying at all. Before you can protest, there is a cracking sound in the kitchen—your father is home. “Don’t apparate into the house!” Your mother exclaims. Your father just shrugs and walks through the doorway. As he sees you standing behind the chaise lounge, his eyes widen. “Oh,” he says, surprised. “Y/N, I didn’t know you’d be getting off work so early. I thought the ministry needed all the extra help it could get from the Aurors.” The last word is laced with acid. “Well, as I was saying to Mother, I took off work early today to try and get some rest.” Your father looks at you, and actually has something akin to sympathy in his eyes. ‘Draco?’ He mouths. You nod in response. Your father considered the Malfoys as his highest acquaintances, but even he found Draco annoying, at the least. “So, Rodolphus, how did your meeting with the minister go?” Your mother eagerly asks, pushing you out of the way to pull her husband to sit with her. You take the opportunity to slip out of the kitchen before you get dragged into a discussion on the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt. Even now, as you silently stalk down the hallway towards your room, you can hear your father calling Kingsley every slanderous thing imaginable. When you push open the mahogany door to your bedroom, you immediately head for your navy blue chair in the far corner of the room. You sit down, relishing the feeling of the plush seat. This is something you’ve always done after a particularly tiring day; plop yourself into your chair and relax. Sighing, you throw your hands into the air and drop your head onto the desk in front of you. You yawn for what feels like the thousandth time that day and rest your head on your arms.
You don’t even realize you’ve fallen asleep until there’s a tapping on your shoulder and a voice is hissing in your ear. “Y/N! Wake up!” Your eyes dart open as someone pokes your cheek. Without even thinking, you slap the hand away. “Ow!” Your father playfully whines. “Haven’t you ever heard the phrase ‘don’t kill the messenger’?” “What?” You lift your head off the desk. As your eyes adjust, you father leans in. “Your mum told me to tell you that your ‘little half blood friend’ is here, waiting for you in the living room.” “Tonks?” You ask. He shrugs. “All I know is some witch with pink hair knocked on the door and said there was something exciting she needed to tell you.” “Exciting?” You ask incredulously. You vaguely remembered Tonks promising to find you if something happened a work, but you didn’t expect anything to actually happen. You stand up and smooth out the Auror’s vest you’re still wearing, deciding that there’s no harm in seeing what’s so ‘exciting’. You make your way through the house to find Tonks. You find her upon entering the lounge. Before you even see her, you know Tonks is here. You can tell because of the tension in the air and your mother’s rigid posture as she stands at the arm of the velvety chair in the corner. And then you see the tell tale bright pink hair and the unmistakable mischievous smirk on Tonks’ face. “Y/N!” Tonks jumps out of the chair she was occupying and runs over to you. You see your mother stiffen even more as Tonks grabs your arm and pulls you towards the front door. “What on earth? Tonks, where are we going?” “I’d like to ask the same thing, Miss Nymphadora,” your mother calls after you. Ignoring your mother, Tonks replies, “Back to the office. I told you I’d tell you if something exciting happened.” “Uh oh,” you sigh. “What? Don’t look at me like that.” Tonks is still dragging you outside. “You look scared; it’s not very flattering.” “Of course I’m scared! Last time you said something was exciting, it was a dragon rampaging through London!” But you let Tonks shove you out the front door. Though you would deny it, this is a welcome excuse to get away from your family. Once you’re out the door, Tonks shuts it behind you and grabs your hand. “C’mon!” She laughs. “We’re going back to the office.” “Can’t you just tell me now?” But Tonks doesn’t hear you. She’s already spinning on her heel and disapparating away, sucking you with her. When you pop out in front of the entrance to the ministry, you groan. “Really? We have to come all the way back to the office just for you to show me whatever it is you found?” “Trust me,” Tonks assures you, “you’ll want to see this in person.” You both enter the abandoned telephone booth and dial the secret number. The booth spins and shoots downwards, bringing you both back to the Ministry of Magic lobby. You’re in a sort of trance as Tonks pulls you through elevators and hallways, lost in your own thoughts. It’s not until you’re yanked into the Auror’s department that you finally take note of your surroundings. Every desk in the large office-like room is empty, and soon you realize why. Every Auror in the entire department is crowded around the notice board on the back wall.
“Tonks,” you ask, suddenly intrigued, “what’s everyone looking at?” Tonks looks at you, smug. “Told you something exciting happened.” You let her pull you closer, and the crowd parts for you and your partner. You can hear hushed whispers around you. ‘Ah, the daring duo!’ One voice whispers. ‘Told you they’d take at crack at this one.’ Tonks abruptly leans into your ear. “Do you remember Charlie Weasley?” She asks. You’re a little bit annoyed at her random question. Why does is matter if you remember Charlie Weasley? “You mean quidditch star Charlie Weasley from Hogwarts?” You ask sarcastically. “Yes, I remember him.” “Good.” Tonks nods in approval. As the final few aurors move out of your way, you can see the notice board. And right in the middle, you see the newest notice. As you read the page, your eyes go wide.
The notice reads;
Suspected Dragon Smuggler: Charlie Weasley
“Y/N? You good?” Tonks had noticed your silence. “Yeah, I’m fine,” you say. A lie. Charlie Weasley is a dragon smuggler? That can’t be right. You remember him from school; you were both in the same year. You remember his huge obsession with dragons. You remember the way he would secretly read books about dragon eggs into History of Magic. He even had a small Chinese Fireball stitched on the inside of his cloak. How can he be a dragon smuggler now? “So? What do you think?” Tonks asks, pulling you out of your thoughts. “About what?” “About taking the job…? Are you sure you’re alright?” Your friend grabs your hand. “It seems a pretty easy run, to me anyway,” Tonks continues, apparently not aware of your obvious. “The only hard part will be actually finding him.” The rest of what Tonks said was drowned out by your own thoughts. You stared at the moving picture below the name Charlie Weasley. It was a recent picture, probably taken in Romania; there was a green welsh in the background. His red hair was fallen into his face, but you could still see a pair of clear, blue eyes. You couldn’t get over how he looked so different-his nose, his eyes, his mouth.
Could Charlie—one of your best friends as students— be a criminal? And were you and Tonks really planning on arresting him?
Chapter 2: The Confrontation
Chapter Directory
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enbysiriusblack · 1 month
"Emmeline, hi." Remus smiled as she approached the small table in the library, he had picked one far in the corner, away from any other people.
Emmeline sat down opposite, glancing around curiously, "I didn't know the library was so big, it took me ages to find you."
"Oh, uh, I'm sorry. I usually study here since it's less distracting... I thought you spent time in the library often?"
Emmeline grinned, grabbing her handbag and pulling out a light blue quill, "Of course I do, I suppose I just always sit where the people and the lights are", she glanced up to the shadowed corner they sat in.
Remus glanced at her, "We can move if you want to?"
"No, it's fine! You're totally right, we should be concentrating. So have you got any ideas yet?"
"Me?" Remus frowned slightly, "Oh, well yeah I have a few."
"Great", Emmeline smiled at him, "Then we can just do one of those! It'll be easy!"
"Did you not have any ideas you wanted to put forward? It's fine if you don't, of course, I just thought you would."
"No, not really", Emmeline adjusted her headband before carefully writing her name neatly on a piece of parchment, "I've been swamped with other classes at the moment, you know how it is?"
"Yeah that's understandable, well I thought we could do our project on the imperius curse and we could reflect on its connections to amortentia, asking if it could be classes as a lower form of the imperius curse in a potion format, with both giving someone control over someone's being. Sirius was telling me the other day about amortentia making it easy to be controlled through manipulation of the obsessive love it gives you, and he said they'd have a lot of books here that we could use for our research."
"That sounds perfect! So have you read the books already?"
"I thought that's what we could do today?" Remus smiled awkwardly, "You could read one's about the imperius curse and I could read ones about amortentia, or the other way around if you wanted, then we can talk about what we found and compare and contrast them."
Emmeline nodded, "Yeah, sounds great. I'm good taking the imperius one, it seems easier."
Remus grabbed his cane as they both began to stand up, "Right", he glanced to her slightly confused.
An hour later, they were both back at the table, now filled with various books. Remus was messily scribbling notes as he read an old looking book. Emmeline's own book was open but she was instead doodling an owl underneath the two sentences she had previously written.
She glanced up to Remus with a small sigh, "How long are we doing this for?"
His eyes drifted up to her, "Oh, sorry, did you have something else to do?"
Emmeline shrugged, "It's not that. It's just we've been here for like two hours already. I cannot read anymore."
Remus nodded in understanding, "Yeah, of course. Um, I'm not quite done with my section, but if you've got enough notes on the imperius curse then I can just finish up mine alone and we could meet to talk more tomorrow?"
Emmeline immediately started packing up her things, "Okay, yeah, let's do that!"
"I can keep onto your notes for you, if you want?"
Emmeline passed him the sheet, and swung her bag over her shoulders.
Remus glanced at the sheet and then back to Emmeline, "You only gave me this one?"
"Yeah that's it", She smiled, reaching over the desk and kissing his cheek, "You're like the best project partner, we're gonna do so great on this!"
"Thank you", Remus mumbled as she took her leave.
James came running over a few minutes later, map in hand and still dressed in his quidditch uniform, "Hey, mate!"
Remus smiled up at him, "Hi, James. Um, So I just had my project meeting with Emmeline and-"
James winced, "Ah."
"I thought she wanted to be an auror and was constantly studying?"
James grinned, taking the seat Emmeline was previously in, "She wants to, but just never manages to get the willpower to do so, I guess. She was my partner in my potions last term, and I was expecting to get the best mark ever with her, but it was a total failure. I actually had to do work, like all the work. Well, okay my dad was owling me on what to do but still. She fell asleep or started gossiping with me most classes."
Remus passed him her work, "She drew an owl."
James snorted, taking the sheet for a better look, "Well it's a very good owl."
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dramioneasks · 2 months
I would like fic recommendations with a healthy amount of smut with substance and romance to beef it up. A short but well written story 12 chapters or less. I find the smaller dramione stories can pack more of a punch for me. Oh and only happy endings please xx
Ps. I like it when Draco has feelings for her stewing beforehand/ it doesn't take long for them to develop because his mental commentaries are heartwarming and tummy fluttering.
This is very specific, please don't specify fic length, because a 12 chapter fic can be over 100ks words too.
I don’t mind if you don’t mind (can you read my mind?) - SultryNuns - E, one-shot - She’s miscalculated, staring at him openly, so she captures the abrupt way in which his head snaps up from his work. As a consequence, they’re now looking at each other, which is awkward, but at least he doesn’t know what she’s been thinking about. And then, Draco, usually still as a graveyard if never as quiet as one, twirls his wand again. And again. Watching her all the while, considering her. Hermione has a good sense for when she’s in danger, or an overwrought system that feels as though she always is, but either way, she slams a barrier around her mind, exerts her own graceless occlumency. He knows. And worse, he’s been driving her insane intentionally. 
The Art of Wooing Hermione Granger: a 12-Month Affair by sad_millennial - M, 14 chapters - At a holiday party for Ministry employees, Granger explains the muggle tradition of setting a New Year’s resolution to Draco. Draco, who has recently discovered that his feelings for her are more than platonic, latches onto the idea. What better time to “buckle down”—as the muggle-borns say—on his efforts than January 1? And so, Draco has decided, in the amount of time it takes her to describe the concept, that his New Year’s resolution will consist of one lofty goal: to woo Hermione Granger. All he has to do is navigate decoy, mid, and quarter year resolutions, join a fantasy (American) football team, train for a sprint triathlon, keep an overbearing Theodore Nott away from Granger, and dodge suspicious looks from overprotective Potters.
Mutual, I’m Sure - LadyUrsa - E, 8 chapters - If Draco Malfoy could have one wish in his life, it would be to not be a Veela. Wait, no. It would be to not have Hermione Granger be his mate. Fuck, at this point he would settle for Hermione Granger just being aware of the painfully obvious fact that she was his mate. But only as long as it resulted in monogamous bliss. And getting a cat. ** Two meddlesome best friends, two idiots who are bad at feelings, and a snow-filled Christmas reunion in Vermont. The only thing this White Christmas is missing are some musical numbers.
To Woo a Witch - MyDelphi - E, 8 chapters - Single father Draco Malfoy adored his son. And had decided that for his first Yule, Scorp deserved a priceless gift for being such a good little boy. And what was more priceless than getting him a mother? Getting him Granger as a mother. (Which would be a very convenient present as Draco Malfoy was terribly and irrevocably in love with her.)
Tentacular - Kayka - E, 8 chapters - Auror Draco Malfoy suffers a mishap that renders him alarmingly altered. Lead Healer Hermione Granger has never been one to step down from a challenge, though this tentacle-y little problem may be the first to actually get the best of her.
The Choices We Make - flags_fiend - T, 18 chapters - Draco wants to get through his probation and avoid any further stints in Azkaban. Hermione just wants to get through each week. In many ways they’re more similar than Draco could have ever anticipated. Something’s definitely different about Granger, although what that is is as much a mystery as his new placement. Is it her who has changed or him? As his probation conditions bring them into closer and closer contact, could loneliness become friendship, and then friendship become something more?
My Best Friends’ Best Friend Draco Malfoy - GreenInk_RedLetters - M, 19 chapters - "Look, we obviously don’t get along.“ Malfoy rose a brow. “But Harry is my best friend and for some miraculous reason he’s decided to trust you so I’m proposing a truce." Malfoy crossed his arms. "A…truce?" ”Yes. No insulting my hair or my clothes OR my work habits.“ He looked like he wanted to interrupt her. "And I won’t intentionally insult your necessity for a house elf or your slimy personality." "In the same breath you’ve managed to propose a truce AND insult me.” He paused. “Very Slytherin of you.” Hermione ignored him. "Truce? For the sake of our friends?“ He smirked. "Alright.” Her eyes narrowed. She hadn’t expected it to be that easy. A true enemies-to-lovers Dramione story, with an added twist of the rest of Hermione’s friends having already adopted Draco into their group. But when the pair form a timid truce to work together to assist in Harry’s proposal to Ginny…maybe seeds of friendship (or something more) will start to bloom. Features classic Draco snark, humor, alcohol-induced decision making, and perhaps someone not hating the other *quite* as much as they’d previously alluded to.
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misguidedasgardian · 4 months
The Lifeaters (IV.III)
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III. Three Wizards... and Potter
Chapter Summary: The semester is getting really interested 
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: Cursing, magical objects, Mugglephobia, classism, charms and curses, might miss some warnings
Wordcount: 3.9 k
Notes: I want this story to make sense, I do, and I stick to the books, like Copy and paste entire scenes, and I realized, this isn’t fanfiction dude, You can make sense of it right now right? so now I’m paraphrasing jajaja, I will try to respect the timeline of course… but… you get it… and besides, the very existence of the reader might be able to change some things right? Now, besides the scene with the UC, the rest… you now. Besides… the last chapter was a bit messy, I won’t rewrite it, but I will be better on this one… 
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“So you know”, whispered Draco, “since when?”
“I discovered it during the summer, but nobody told me, I figured it out, found some old photo”, you whispered. You felt his gaze on you, but still you didn’t look back at him, “I don’t know what to tell you”
“So he is a Black”, he said slowly
“Yes…”, you whispered
“And what are you doing with this information?”
“I’m not even sure”, you said, you could not tell him not even a single thing that would reveal there was a third… or even fourth? person involved in this, because there was… your father’s murderous brother… Sirius Black
You did not want to discuss it further… so lucky for you, your friends came back from the Great Hall, with food for the two of you
“Oh are those lamb chops? my favorite!”, you cheered as Pansy brought you a generous plate. “You are the best!”
“I know i know”, she said with a wide smile 
“What were you talking about?”, asked Matthew, as you were stuck to Draco’s side with serious looks on your faces
“Nothing”, you both said at the same time, but nobody seemed contented 
Two days later, Wednesday after lunch, you were dreading the DADA class after what happened on the first first day of the week. You and Draco were concerned, and already made plans to sit together at the end of the classroom. You entered the room ignoring Potter, Weasel, and their mocking grins, you could tell that his ass wasn’t the only thing Draco had bruised, so you sat quietly at the back, Matthew, Goyle and the others followed suit 
You grabbed your book, “The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self- Protection”, and waited silently like you were waiting for your execution. You heard him coming even down the hall 
He entered quickly, he was actually nimble, you didn’t even dared to look at him
“You can put those silly books away, you won’t need them”, is the only thing he said while he walked to the front of the class 
He passed the list, he barely growled your name and once that was out of the way, after muttering some sort of, “glad I don’t have any cowards on my class”, he took a piece of chalk and started writing on the board 
“Alastor Moody…”, he wrote, “... Ex Auror… and MInistry’s malcontent… and your new defense against the dark arts teacher, I am here because Dumbledore asked me, end story, any questions?”, nobody said anything, they were all looking at him wide-eyed. “I spoke with your professor… Lupin… I can see you had seen all kinds of magical creatures, but you are very behind in curses…”, he looked all around, you felt chills when you saw his bionic eye looking straight at you, “so first… can anyone tell me… how many unforgivable curses they are?”, many raised their hands, even you but Granger was the one
“Three Ser”, she said with a choked voice, he turned to keep writing
“And they are so named?”
“Because they are unforgivable”, no shit, “the use of any of them on a human being will…”
“Land you a one-way ticket to Azkaban correct”, then he turned to you all, “the ministry says you are too young to see what these curses do… I say different!”, he said angrily, “you need to know what you are up against!”, he said, turning again, “you need to be prepared!”, he said then, :you need to find another place to stick your bubblegum Mr Finnigan”, you quickly catched on that his magical eye would let him see to the back of his head. “... Now Weasley”, he called
“Yes?”, the Redhead whimpered, seems like the two of you weren’t the only ones who were scared of Mad-Eye
“Stand!”, you were surprised he could stand on those wobbly legs, “Give us a curse”, you shared looks with Draco
“My dad told me about one”
“I bet he did”, Draco whispered
“The Imperius curse”, he mumbled. Now you did now about the unforgivable curses, everyone did, but you never really knew which were them or how were they called 
“Oh, yeah, your father would know all about that one”, moody said, “give the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago”, he then turned to the class, “Perhaps this will show you why”, he said, he directed to a jar at the side of the professor’s “space”, and grabbed a strange spider-like creature from one of them “Lovely little beauty”, he said taking it in his palm, “Engorgio”. 
Was he really going to…? You shared concerned looks with your friends, but they all seemed entranced by the professor and what you were sure about to witness
“Don’t you think…”, you started saying to Draco, but mad eye interrupted you
“Imperio!”, he chanted, and you swore you would be able to hear a pin drop in the classroom. The huge spider leaps from his hand into the table, at the flick of his wand, and then he sends it to Ron Weasley’s head, who whimpered in fear, “Don’t worry! It's completely harmless!”, he mocked, making it jump from student to student. You had to admit, it was funny, but the mere thought of Mad-Eye controlling it made your skin crawl. Everyone was laughing, watching the spider jump from table to table, Moody even made it dance.
You watched your friends, and they all seemed fascinated, laughing their asses off 
“Think it’s funny, do you?” Moody growled. “You’d like it, would you, if I did it to you?”, then, suddenly, everyone stopped laughing, “it’s total control”, he said darkly, “what should I make her do next?”, he said, he made her fly again to stick to the window, “jump out the window?”, then he moved her again, making the spider hover over a bucket of water, “drown herself?”, he teased, and then he took it back into his hand
“Total control,” said Moody, as the spider was more relaxed, right in his palm, “Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding under the influence of the lmperius Curse. But here's the rub: How do we sort out the liars?”, he said, looking at all of you, one by one
The room got all quiet. 
“Another, another”, he encouraged. You gasped when hands shot up in the air, “Longbottom is it?”
“There’s the… cruciatus curse”, Draco leaned in to you
“His parents were tortured to madness with the Cruciatus curse”, he whispered, and you gasped
“Correct! CORRECT!, come”, he invited him to stand and walk until he was right by his side. “Particularly nasty, this one, the torture curse!”, he said loudly, “CRUCIO!”, it was so… surreal, the delicacy with which he handled his wand, and then the screeches of the small creature. 
You felt bile crawling up your throat as your looked away from the scene, a wand a single green thread connecting it with its victim, that started shaking and twisting over the desk
Nobody was laughing now
You turned back to the scene, to watch that boy shaking, Longbottom, you couldn’t see his face, but you could tell he was extremely disturbed by the scene, as were you all
You turned back to your friends, and it came both as a bucket of ice cold water but at the same time not at all, when you saw Mattheos smirking
“Stop it!”, shrieked Granger, unknowingly, throwing you a lifeline back to the reality at hand, “don’t you see it's bothering him? STOP IT!”, she cried, Moody then raised his head, that had been concentrating on its victim all this long, and then… he released it from its torment.
Even from the back of the class, you could see the small monster still shaking, like it was suffering spasms 
Longbottom returned to his seat, and when he turned you could see his face, and a tear falling from his cheek. Its like he picked them with a twisted sense… he picked Weasley, knowing his father had suffered it, and then Neville, and then… well…
“Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse Miss Granger?”, but there was no answer, “no?”, he asked. And it happened. “Avada Kadavra”, a green light, and it was all over, the spider turned on its belly, just like, it was dead. “the killing curse”, he mumbled, “only one person is known to have survived it, and he is sitting in this room”, all eyes turned to Potter
Did “you know who” really hit him with the killing curse? 
The room was quiet, really quiet, nobody said a thing, you didn’t even realized you were grabbing onto Draco so hard that you were squeezing his arm, and he was so shocked he didn’t even protest. You released him gently, apologetically, and it all seemed to be in motion again when Moody began moving and talking once more
“Not nice, not pleasant”, he said, “there is no blocking it”, he said shortly, “but you can… fight the Imperius curse, and you can also get out of the cruciatus, if you are quick enough”, and he started writing on the board, “write this down”, he continued, “you need to be prepared for what’s out there, no dark wizard is going to come at you and tell you what he is about to do, you need to be in constant vigilance, and that{s what I{m here for, to teach you how to fight this things”
Then as you were looking over the classroom, you saw something you never thought you’d see
Matthew was raising his hand
“Yes?”, Moody was still with his back turned, but when he turned around to meet him, he stopped on his tracks, watching him, with something you even thought was admiration, what was going on?
“What if you practice those on… an animal… I mean, you just practiced them all and i don’t see dementors coming for you”, he said, his fascination was unsettling 
“Yes, only when you use them on a human being… you’ll get sent to Azkaban…”, he said slowly
“What if you practice them on muggles?”, he continued, and the entire room was conflicted, you could see it in their faces
“Muggles are human”, he said shortly, and then turned again, “now, the last one the killing curse, I can promise you, it requires a large amount of magic, and I’m sure, that if you all point their wands at me and mutter the words, it wouldn’t even tickle me”, he kept going, [it requires a dark will, a desire, to manage to perform them…”, and the class continued…
The unforgivable curses.
How could you have possibly known… that in a matter of three years… all of you would have used at least one of them.
. . .
To your delight… September passed by in a rush, and October came quickly. 
You could feel the excitement all over the castle, but the professors were anxious and a bit nervous. You could tell, the kid count was going up significantly, and as Dumbledore said, they all worked hard to ensure the safety of the most dangerous tournament in europe.
It was one of the most exciting events to ever be lived, for sure.
The Quidditch season would be starting by now, and you waited and waited, but no remaining teammate came to you, and they were not gathering together either, so you, with Draco, came to a solution, it was your opportunity to take control of the team. Marcus and Adrian did promise you to leave you as captain… so… you were claiming what would be yours by right. 
You knew the cup was out either way, but that shouldn’t prevent you from playing Quidditch, so… you came to the next conclusion. 
You needed a dispensation for organizing Quidditch friendlies.
So that had you and Draco side by side looking up at Snape with puppy eyes 
“You heard the headmaster”, muttered Snape
“Yes, I know, but we were hoping that you would give us a special dispensation”, you said softly, he stopped and looked at you with one of his eyebrows raised, “please?”
“To do what exactly?”, he said, already bored with you two
“Practice”, you answered quickly, “play against the two teams, the main and the spare one”, you answered, “it's the last year for many of the team and they would love to play… besides, it's only to keep practicing so next year… we can take a shot at the cup as both of us we still going to be here”, that seemed to interest him more 
“Very well Basilik, Malfoy, I will give you the dispensation, only if that’s the only way to shut you up”, he said, bored
“It will be!”, you were so happy. You ran when you had the parchment, shouting something in the lines of “no take backs”
You could already feel the chilly air in your face like when you were riding your broom and scoring many goals. This was going to be amazing
“We need to get Warrington, Montague and Bletchley”
“I got those, you get Derrik, and Boyle, our beaters”
You never thought what it was going to become of your Quidditch friendlies 
Word spread like wildfire, and soon, you had not only two but at least three teams only out of Slytherin, your organized little tournaments for after class and the weekends and you were having a blast! And the amazing part is… that the other houses also joined in
First was Ravenclaw, who you had noticed watching your training, then Hufflepuff, and soon, the three houses were organizing friendly tournaments.
You were so distracted, you barely noticed, that the day had arrived
It was Halloween already and was finally the day in which you were going to receive the new schools. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. The first one, the one you should have attended, and the second… not only the one Draco was supposed to go to, but… also… specialist in dark magic, really dark stuff.
This was going to be an interesting mix.
You waited patiently in your seats in the great hall, as instructed, right before dinner, this was going to be so, so amazing 
“Please welcome, the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic!”, presented Dumbledore, “and their headmistress Madame Maxine”
Against everybody would believe from tonight, Beauxbatons was not an only-girls school, but they chose to only bring a comitive of the most perfect looking young girls you had ever seen. As you saw those blue uniforms, you wondered how you would have looked in those. How would you be speaking perfect french, being in the beautiful school in the Pyrenees 
You were brought back to reality, with your friend’s cheers. You looked back at Pansy as she looked as annoyed as you were becoming when you saw him drool over the girls who danced by. You looked at Draco as he seemed just as spellbound as Theo and Matthew
“Hey!”, you called in, snapping your fingers in front of him, he returned is eyes to you in a second so did the other two
“I wasn’t looking”, he said quickly, like he had been caught doing something naughty, but you only laughed.
“Boys, am I right?”, you mocked to Pansy, she agreed, oh but you spoke too soon… 
“Now, help me welcome our friends from the North! the lads of Durmstrang, and their headmaster Igor Karkaroff”, a loud bang and a powerful entrance… the boys of Durmstrang entered in an epic show of strength and even pyrotechnics 
“You got a little something”, mocked Draco, pointing at the edge of your mouth, were metaphorical drooling
“Alright I see your point”, you giggled, but it wasn’t over yet, because you and Pansy, joined by Tracy and Daphne, dropped your mouth when you saw him
“Is that…?”
“Viktor Krum”, Tracy said, with a wide smile
“Its him!”, Said Daphne all enamored. And that did not seem to entertain the boys at all. The guy was impressive, although he did look like he could be the headmaster of said school 
“Welcome! welcome!”, said Dumbledore with big smiles, taking turns to greet both headmasters, Madame Maxine, who was possibly the tallest person you had ever seen. And Igor Karkaroff
You had heard about him
He was a Deatheater, one of the Dark Lord’s followers back in the day, which was… unsettling, but not surprising if you knew the interest of said school for the dark arts.
To your surprise, the boys took their seats at your table, as it had been enlarged for that purpose. 
“The Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear. lf chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when l say these contests are not for the faint-hearted”, he said strongly, “but more of that later!”, he clapped his hands and the feast showed up in front of you. You noticed different plates tonight, no doubt French and Bulgarian’s delicacies for your guests.
The ladies of Beauxbatons seated with the Ravenclaws, and you were genuinely happy and amazed of how easy they started mingled with other students, just as the boys started to speak with the foreign students
Draco started speaking to them too, as you managed to arrive early to the hall and get the best seats, you were right by their side.
You admired Krum because he was a great Quidditch player, well, he was handsome, but… you giggled, already smitten.
“You were at the final”, said Krum over Draco, as he had gone up the box to met the minister and all who had the VIP passes
“Yes!”, you said, more excited that you should be, “it was an amazing game!”
“Thank you”, he smiled softly.
But the hall got quiet again, the fast was over, and Dumbledore had risen from his chair, in the middle of the room, a huge golden box had been set up
“Eternal glory!”, Dumbledore started, “that is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament, but to do this that student must survive three tasks”, said what you want about Dumbledore, but something nobody could take away from him was that he was a great orator, “three extremely dangerous tasks, for this reason the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule…”, he said with a relieved smile, “to explain all this we have the head of the Department of international Magical Cooperation Mr. Bartemius Crouch”, a man you had never seen before stood up next to Dumbledore, and also present in the room was that weird man who still whore a ridiculous Quidditch suit, Ludo Bagman
“Thank you, thank you”, he said, “the Ministry has concluded that, for their own safety no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament. This decision is final” , immediately, boos and jeers could be heard in every corner of the room. 
“That’s bollocks!”
“You don’t know what you are doing!”
“SILENCE!”, demanded Dumbledore, without even doing a spell to make everybody quiet 
With a flick of his wand, the huge coffer opened to reveal a very old looking goblet.
“The goblet of fire”, he said, “anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament need only to write their name in a piece of parchment and throw it in the flames before this hour on Thursday night”, he said loudly, “do not do so lightly, if chosen, there is no turning back, as from this moment, the triwizard tournament has begun”
You looked down at the table, you didn’t know of anyone in Slytherin of seventh year that wanted to submit, but you saw a group at the end graving one boy who you couldn’t remember right now, Slytherin champion was looking sharp, you looked at the other side of the table, and you saw all the Bulgarian’s eye were in Krum’s shape
Having the other schools made you feel so strange, a strange sense of pride in you, you wanted your school to beat their asses, as you watched every class and every meal, of all the students together, an excitement filled you, you wanted your school to be the very best. 
The week went terribly quickly, you didn’t even get a chance to see who dropped their names in the goblet of fire. 
You knew the same Slytherin boy had dropped it, you also knew Cedric Diggory did as well, you also knew the twins wanted to, but couldn’t as they were both 16. You saw them walking around with beards and white hair, and they weren’t the only ones. Apparently that was the fate of everyone who tried to cheat and get their names in.
As you gathered again in the great hall a week later, you were so, so excited, but, as they named Cedric champion which wasn't a surprise, he was famous in the school for being… well, a great quidditch player, the smartest one and also,  well, very cute and sweet.
Viktor Krum was selected as well when his name came out of the Goblet after the flames changed colors, this was spectacular…
Fleur Delacour was chosen as well, as Beauxbatons champions, she was so gorgeous, it was known that she was a Veela from her mother’s side, it made sense, you had never seen such beautiful hair like she did. Three champions, fighting for their lives in a terrifying contest for eternal glory, and you were going to get to watch and….
For Merlin’s fluffy robes. 
. . .
Since Harry was chosen as a champion, Draco’s humor was in the gutter, so Quidditch practice was a good distraction for the both of you. A single place which didn’t revolve around Potter was always welcome.
Is not that you hated him, that poor guy had some serious messed up things on his plate, it was just tiring, every year something has disrupted your school year, and it was always his fault or he was involved somehow 
This year the Hogwarts’ Quidditch cup was suspended due to the Triwizard Tournament, but you had been so hyped up because of the World Cup you had asked Snape to give you special dispensation to play, just for fun, you called in the replacement team too,  and you played each other, it was quite fun.
“Head’s up, the Bulgarians are watching”, it was a practice and yet, when you looked up and saw Viktor Krum there your cheeks got so heated you thought you had a fever
“Not you too Basilik!”, Cassius mocked
“He is very handsome and nimble”, you giggled
“Head in the game Basilik”, he growled, as Draco frowned 
“Sorry”, you said quickly, shooking your head
And that is how you ended up playing Quidditch with Viktor Krum himself.
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childotkw · 1 year
Hi, do you ever think abt Voldie adopting/raising Harry in a purely platonic sense? Or like. Just Voldie & Harry… Acquaintance? Idk, i was gonna say friendship but it feels kinda weird
Anyways, they are so alike that they can vent to each other abt a lot of things, but also so different that they still get some kind of feedback and/or whiplash. What if their groups have an encounter for whatever reason and smth smth it’s completely fine if muggleborns know absolutely nothing abt magic before hogwarts or smthng and both are like “nO!” and stare at each other with the horrible realization that they Loudly Agreed on Something. Publicly.
I’ve just been thinking abt platonic relationships, it’s a weird mood hAHAHAHA
Have a cookie for your patience uvu 🍪 and another one for your service to tomarrymort fans 🍪 jsbfkdbfke anD REGULUS can’t forget Regulus! 🍪
Ooh the good old Voldemort raising Harry trope! 10/10 because it can be crack or angsty as all hell! Even just a friendship would be hilarious to me.
Like, say we do a same-era story, where Tom is the perfect Slytherin student and Harry is the golden boy of Gryffindor. Tom is prim and proper and polite, whereas Harry is rough and roguish and relaxed.
They’re polar opposites in temperament and attitude, and you’d think that that would mean they’d hate each other - but they…don’t??? Tom and Harry get along extremely well, and there’s a lot of respect between them?? Harry is the only one that can get away with being rude to Tom, and Tom is the only one Harry really stops and listens to.
No one knows where this friendship sprung from and half the schools think they’re fucking but they’re not and no one knows what’s happening?????
Harry openly calls Tom his best friend and Tom doesn’t correct him. Tom seeks out Harry’s company and doesn’t treat it like a transaction where he wants something out of it.
And this freaky friendship carries over into the war much to everyone’s confusion.
Tom is Dark Lording his way across Britain. Harry is a top-tier auror. And yet they still hang out casually sometimes and just talk???
Dumbledore keeps trying to pressure Harry into taking down Tom, but Harry is like “I’m chasing the Dark Lord Voldemort not my buddy Tom Riddle” (he absolutely knows who Tom is but there’s no evidence so he can’t just arrest him)
Tom’s followers awkwardly fight around Harry because they don’t actually know what their Lord would do if they hurt his apparent best friend.
Tom and Harry get into debates all the time with each other, and have only had One serious fight between them in the decade they’ve known each other. No one knows the details of their relationship and at this point they’re too scared to say anything.
Their friendship just boggles people.
(And thank you for the cookies!)
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sitp-recs · 3 months
hi! would you recs some fic where draco & harry are in a love/hate relationship ? thanks
Hi there! Some fics came to mind, you might also want to check these rec lists: enemies to lovers and hate sex. Enjoy!
Clean by @shealwaysreads (E, 1k)
Sometimes they fight, sometimes they do the other thing.
Defined Parameters by Amelior8or (E, 4k)
Harry is a security officer on a ship stuck in the far end of the Delta Quadrant. Malfoy is the Maquis First Officer they tentatively have an alliance with. If they're going to spend the next 70,000 lightyears together, they need to define the parameters of their power. They just so happen to define it on the Holodeck, during a bout of Turkish oil wrestling.
Between Two Fires of Beltane by secretsalex (E, 5k)
As the war drags on, Draco becomes a spy for Voldemort and works his way into Harry’s good graces—and his bed. When the Order prepares to invade Malfoy Manor, Draco is forced to examine his loyalties.
November Flush by @thecouchsofa (E, 5k)
Draco Malfoy might be an absolute raging arsehole, but he gives Harry exactly what he needs.
Let Me Have You and I'll Let You Save Me by Frayach (M, 6k)
Draco keeps coming back, and Harry keeps letting him. Draco can’t stay away, and Harry can’t live without him.
What I Do to You by gracerene (E, 9k)
These days, apathy fogs Harry's mind. Malfoy's the only one who makes Harry feel anything at all. Harry doesn't really care that the feelings aren't good ones. He deserves it.
I'll never be your chosen one by Andithiel (E, 15k)
Draco doesn't know what exactly he’s doing with Potter, he doesn't know how their unspoken agreement even started, and doesn't know where it will end. The only thing he knows is: he's not in love.
Vanishing Cabinets by Romaine (E, 18k)
Take one Wizarding Family Values politician who has a secret life, and add one Auror who detests discrimination of any type, but becomes a bit obsessed with said politician, and you have enough sparks to ignite a Beltane fire.
Another Mask Behind You by lettered (E, 116k)
Draco is a high-end prostitute who hides his identity. Harry unknowingly hires him. And then there is porn, questions about identity, domestic bliss, more porn, and truth as seen through a web of lies.
He Comes Like a Thunderstorm by korlaena (E, 140k)
Draco is doing his best to balance the life he wants to live and the life he’s forced to live. He’s nearing the tail-end of a long, post-war probation when Harry Potter crashes back into his life with all the grace of a charging Erumpent, breaking through his carefully constructed rules and routine. Caught up in a whirlwind of sex and lust, Potter unwittingly shows Draco that his life as an Incubus doesn’t have to be as lonely and unfulfilling as he thought, but how long can it last?
Temptation on the Warfront by alizarincrims0n (E, 180k)
Draco Malfoy is forced into hiding with the Golden Trio and dragged into their search for horcruxes. What ensues is a journey of redemption, unexpected friendships and an unwanted, turbulent romance with Harry Potter. Warnings for swearing, sexual content, and dark themes.
Bonus: Dronarry scene from a Dron series 👀
Hard to Explain by MildredMost (E, 6k)
Draco is so desperate to avoid the misery of post-war Malfoy Manor, that he and Ron and have fallen into an enemies-with-benefits arrangement. They don't expect Harry to catch them out.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 5 months
Until The Very End -(WITS Sequel)
A/N: I'M BACK-Danny
Words: 2,269
Previous chapter // Next chapter
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As far as everyone knew, Leon Regulus was a decent student at Hogwarts.
The accurate statement was, that Leon Regulus was the best student of his year, and to prove it now he had a Headboy badge. He was also Captain of the dueling club, and rather popular... and he didn't want his family to know.
He was still staring at his letter when Mel came down for breakfast with Lily in her arms.
"Morning," she said. "Is that your letter? We can go with the Flints—"
"Get mum," Leon said, eyes never leaving his letter.
"Get mum," he repeated. "I need to talk to her."
Mel sat her sleepy daughter on the couch and approached. "What is it?"
The young boy reacted, jumping out of his seat and holding the letter behind his back. "Get mum and then I'll tell you!" Mel stared at him and he got even more alarmed. "Do not read my thoughts!"
"I'm not!" Mel tried to hide her laughter, chasing her younger brother around the drawing room. "I wasn't snooping! I was just trying to—"
"No, don't do that! You're too smart and you'll figure out before mum!"
"Oh, bugger off, I'll do it," he complained, seizing his wand. "I'm allowed to do magic now, I keep forgetting it.."
With a swift flick of his wand, his Patronus—a border collie—ran out of sight.
"Now what, you'll avoid talking to me until Mum gets the message?" Mel smirked.
"You left a minor unsupervised—and that one likes playing with fire!" Leon reminded her as he rushed upstairs.
"Oh, Reg, don't be such a—"
Someone knocked on her door then, and Mel tensed. It'd been a whole month since Harry and Ron had gone away, and she was still waiting for news. She feared opening the door to a Ministry worker holding one of those dreadful burgundy envelopes, the ones reserved to notify the relatives of a deceased Auror.
Mel walked to the door and opened it, she visibly relaxed when she realized it was Emily Flint. "Hi, love!"
"Hi," the girl looked briefly over Mel's shoulder, she was holding her Hogwarts letter. "Is Leon still here?"
"Yeah, you want me to call him?"
"Yes, please. I was on my way already when he sent me his Patronus."
"Oh!" Mel blushed. "Oh, sorry, Emi, I think my brother made a mistake—"
"Hi, hi, hi!" Reg rushed down to meet the girl and stopped Mel from talking. "You got my message?"
"Yes," she smiles, but it looks a lot different than the way she usually grins at her friends. "I was actually on my way, I got my letter."
Regulus blushes. "Me too."
"I got great news," Emily continued, looking at them with excitement. "I'm the Captain of Slytherin's Quidditch team."
"Emily! That's brilliant!" Mel beamed.
"Dad wants to organize a dinner to celebrate my promotion, he asked me to invite you and your kids if you're, you know, in the right mood—"
"Of course I am," Mel pushed aside the little sting of disappointment when she thought of Harry, missing the milestones of people they cared about.
"We'll be there," Regulus said, looking anxious. "Mel, can you excuse us?"
She looked at her brother with a raised brow, but the boy just gave her a look to urge her to leave them alone. Once again Mel concealed her mirth and stepped aside. "Sure. I'll be in the kitchen with Lily."
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When Mel's mother arrived, Emily Flint was still with Regulus upstairs.
"Hey," Mel started, lowering her voice so her children couldn't hear their conversation. "I can't believe I'm asking you this, but..."
"Your brother has gone soft over Erick's oldest daughter, yes," the woman smiled. "But Mel, need I remind you it's rude to talk about other people's love lives, especially when they're young?"
Mel made a face. "I stand by what I said back then, it was wrong of you to bet on my life. But I'm not betting, now I understand why Regulus was so eager to come and spend the summer here."
"Well, he's always liked spending the summer with you."
"But this year he's barely been here at all!" Mel pointed out. "He's spent every afternoon with the Flints—with Emily. They go to the muggle town and come back at dusk, beats me what they can do there that could be considered fun for teenagers—"
"Oh, Mel," her mother rolled her eyes with a knowing smirk. "You and Harry would walk around Privet Drive doing absolutely nothing most days, and you still had loads of fun."
She smiled at the memories of her youth, a warm fuzzy feeling spreading on her chest. "So this means our Reggie has a girlfriend now?"
"I don't think Emily would date him without having her father's approval first," her mother grinned. "And we would've heard something from Erick by now if she'd asked. He would've come to you vibrating with the need to share the news."
Mel laughed, shaking her head a little. "Well, at least it's the one boy that Erick has known since baby. That ought to ease his mind."
"Might not be as lucky with the rest of his children," Emily smirked. "He could have a Mel in his home."
The woman scowled. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, nothing. Just, you know... how every time you dated I would always find out through other people or months after it had started—"
"Well, maybe if someone hadn't bet on my love life, perhaps I would've kept them in the loop."
"Mum?" Reg's voice came from the hallway.
Mel and Emily both stopped and turned to him. Emily Flint pushed the older boy forward, and he stepped closer to them, holding his Hogwarts letter.
"Hi, boy," His mother smiled. "Everything okay?"
He handed her the piece of paper. "I'm Headboy."
"What!" Mel seized the letter and read it hastily. Beside her, their mother gasped and covered her mouth with both hands in shock. "Reggie!"
Mel pulled her brother in for a hug, her mother soon joining in. Leon laughed, face flushed, and held onto them, he was shaking.
"I didn't know you were aiming for that!" His mother exclaimed. "I mean, when you got the Prefect badge you looked annoyed—"
"He wasn't annoyed, he was stressed," Emily Flint clarified. "Layla's a troublemaker, and she was counting on him getting the badge."
"Ah, your father went through the same with us," Mel grinned guiltily. "I personally, didn't make his job any easier."
"Yes, he has a lot of stories," the girl giggled. "Anyway, if you are okay with it, I want to share my dinner celebration with Leon, I think he deserves it."
Regulus blushed and turned to his friend. "No, I already told you I don't want that!"
"I've been trying to convince him for a whole hour," Emily turned to the older women pouting. "Please talk to him?"
"It'll be fun, we can invite everyone! Harry..." Mel stopped, her husband wasn't around to celebrate with them. Emily—her mother—placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed.
"First things first, how about we all go to Diagon Alley and get your books? I didn't get to take Mel to buy stuff for her seventh year, so we'll all have fun with it."
"Why not?" Emily Flint asked innocently.
"Mel didn't go to Hogwarts a seventh time," the boy mentioned as shortly as possible. "Because of the war." Mel and Reg shared a look, the air in the room suddenly getting a little awkward.
Emily's face got so red Mel took pity on her. "I was so ahead in my lessons by the time I was sixteen, that going a seventh time wasn't needed, if I'm honest. The war saved me the hassle of wearing uniform for yet another year."
Emily smiled shyly. "True... though I like the uniforms."
"You look nice in them," Regulus offered, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the kitchen. "Come on, I'll walk you out, Emie."
When the teens left, Mel took a deep breath and turned to face her mother. "I'm losing it, Mum," she pouted.
Emily hugged her, having to stand on her tiptoes to reach Mel's shoulders. "Still no news from Harry?"
"No," Mel sniffed, quickly drying her tears as they parted. "I have a bad feeling about this one."
"Been a while since the last time, that's all..."
Mel pushed her hair back. "It will never get easier, will it?"
Her mother's eyes softened, seeing herself reflected on her daughter. "My sweet Mel... the war ended so long ago and you still face everything the way Dumbledore taught you." Emily cupped her face.
"Is that... bad?"
"It's the only way you Dumbledores function, I've come to realize," the woman sighed. "But if you're scared, just say it."
Mel lowered her head and closed her eyes tightly. "I'm scared."
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Regulus's family tended to go big when celebrating his achievements, and somehow Rita Skeeter always made it sound way more classless and embarrassing than it actually was.
Most people had doubts when it came to the reporter, but that didn't stop his classmates from teasing him about his rich relatives' traditions. Emily and Elizabeth Flint were overly protective of him as well as Teddy Lupin and Vicky Weasley, which was nice but still just as embarrassing, considering they were all younger kids. In Regulus's eyes, it was like having an army of toddlers defending his honour.
He was complaining about all this to the only person he knew would understand how it felt to be judged by things that weren't even his responsibility: Mel.
"So what do you recommend?"
"You know what I recommend," the woman grinned. "You're bloody good at charms."
Regulus wrinkled his nose in annoyance. "But I don't want to jinx or hex other people, that is beneath me."
"Exclaimed the prince," Mel laughed a bit. "Are you sure you're a Gryffindor? I never knew of a lion who didn't like fighting. Even your professor, Neville had his fair amount of fights."
"Well, maybe I don't see the point of getting my cloaks dirty with losers's blood," he rolled his eyes.
"Ah," she smirked. "So you're a haughty one, like my dad and his uncle."
"Can you be serious for a moment and help? There is a reason why I'm not asking Mum for advice, I already know she would also choose violence."
Mel laughed good-naturedly and then sighed, a smile lingering on her expression. "I'm sorry, Leggie, most of your family is a bunch of hot-headed individuals. If you want a mellower response, call Uncle Moony."
"I thought I was talking to Mellow?" The young man smirked.
The woman laughed again. "You are, but I'm afraid that when it comes to my little brother's well-being I don't necessarily act wisely."
Regulus hummed. "So you're sticking to your first answer?"
Mel pondered, looking out the window of her drawing room. It was almost midnight, and Regulus had to go to bed soon. So did she, but lately she wasn't sleeping all that well either way.
"No..." she shook her head before glancing back at the two-way mirror she'd propped up on a pile of books. "If I were Uncle Lu... I'd tell you to pay them no mind. You have good friends willing to fight your battles—though they shouldn't—so I guess... indirect intimidation."
Regulus chortled and raised a brow, shaking his head. "You're useless."
"I think half the Ministry would disagree," Mel grinned. "But that is definitely the mellowest answer I can give you. You're Headboy now, and you have that Sultens thing about you that just screams danger when you get angry. And you have the cold-blooded Black mindset, so really, I think what's best for you is to have someone to talk to so you get all that frustration out. Someone like a Flint, maybe?"
At her knowing smile, Regulus made a face and adverted his eyes, mumbling his response. "I know what you're implying."
"Good, that was my intention."
"I won't date Emily Flint."
The woman opened her mouth to reply but then she heard a sudden commotion right outside her front door, like feet stumbling to a stop and then some groaning. Mel tensed and reached for her wand.
"I heard something," she said quickly. "I'll talk to you later, Reg, see you."
Mel placed the mirror face down on top of the pile of books and got to her feet, turning all the lights off with a swift hand movement the moment her front door squeaked open.
"Don't move!" She hissed, prepared to cast a hex on the person if they refused to cooperate. "Who are you?"
The person groaned again and leaned against the threshold, mumbled "Lumos!", and Harry's face looked up at her. "I'm your husband."
Mel gasped, turned the lights back on with a flick of her wand, hurried to the man's side, and lifted his face up to examine the wound on his face, messily bandaged.
"What happened?" She breathed, trying to stay quiet so the kids wouldn't wake.
"I was lousy," he winced, stepping into the house and closing the door behind him. "Don't worry, I'm not dying—just a cut."
"Harry!" Mel exclaimed in relief, wrapping her arms tightly around him. He smelled like smoke and coffee. "Where's Ron?"
"Alive, better than I look," he groaned again. "It's alright, Mel, honest. They barely got my face..."
Mel cradled his face and her gaze softened, a tentative smile coming through. "So another scar, huh?"
Harry sighed, returning the smile with irony. "Nothing new," his hand reached up and traced over the ones she had down her jaw and neck. "I missed you."
The witch hummed, brushing his hair back and helping him take off the cloak. "You look tired, I'll run you a bath."
"It's midnight—"
"I've been going to bed at two in the morning anyway," she brushed it aside. "It's nothing..." Mel grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs, lowering her voice even more as she continued with a playful expression. "I'll join you if you want."
Harry's whole face lit up at the offer, his smile turning genuine and slightly crooked. "How could I refuse?"
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Next Chapter –>
@dee123ksha @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @stardusthigh @mikariell95 @vernon-dursley @thesuitelifeofafangirl @tomshollandz @reverse-hxlland @hamiltonwc @omiwashere @t-rexs-world @21bruhs @dielgonacoffee @thelastpyle @cedricisnotdead @greengarsstuff @aconfusedslytherin @talksoprettyjjx @avengersz-biotch @23victoria @moonhoonie @raajali3 @peachyaeger @espressopatronum454 @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual @na1ven3vy
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drarryspecificrecs · 2 years
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2023.01 ~ Top 8 longest fics posted on AO3
1. Always Already by @aibidil [E, 170k]
►It's 2004: Harry teaches primary school and loves his job and friends; It's 1980: Harry has to fight Voldemort, again; It's 2004: Draco is a trainee Healer and reformed member of society; It's 1980: Draco has to face his father's cruelty; It's 2004: Harry and Draco definitely aren't lonely or depressed or traumatised; It's 1980: Harry and Draco listen to Kate Bush and watch Dallas and drive a 1979 Ford Cortina; It's 2004, it's 1980, it's...
2. where all the veins meet by @saxamophone [E, 146k]
►It's the summer of 1998. The battle is over, and Voldemort is dead, but Harry still has more questions than answers. Who is he without a piece of Voldemort's soul in his head? What is he supposed to do now? His friends try to help, but the only thing that can hold his attention—one of the only things that ever has—is Draco Malfoy, out on parole and weirdly hanging around the British Museum. As they keep running into each other, Harry sees that Malfoy is different, and he wonders if he can be someone else, too. [...]
3. Close Behind by @oflights [M, 134k]
►To rescue Draco from the Underworld, Harry has to look forward. Unfortunately, Draco has to look back.
4. Aerial Delphinium by Minttushka [E, 121k]
►when nothing has made sense in years except Teddy, Draco's life is far from what he'd imagined. But then circumstances out of his control arise - ones that happen to be intrinsically linked to Teddy's other father figure. Then it's no longer a question of what he's protecting Teddy from, but who. And how much of it can he blame on Harry Potter. Somewhere between forgiveness, acceptance, recovery, a Hero Complex and a Villain Complex, a broken family gets glued together.
5. Cherry Wine by SneakyBleach [E, 71k]
►Omega Harry Potter has been happily married to the love of his life, his Alpha husband, for nearly ten years (as far as anyone knows, that is). As the years went on Harry drifted away from his old friends and mostly fell away from the public eye, so no one could really be certain where Harry Potter had gone. When Draco Malfoy ran into him in Paris- beaten and bruised and barefoot- it was the first anyone had seen him publicly in two years.
6. Harry Potter the Part-Time Sugar Daddy by @shewhomustnotbenamed [E, 65k]
►Draco has been alone for a long time— by choice, yes, but that doesn’t make it less lonely. Over time he has convinced himself that it’s for the best, but this thought is threatened when he meets Harry Potter. After fighting his feelings and almost losing Harry in the process, Draco gives up and finally lets himself be loved.
7. Nights With You by @the-sinking-ship [E, 58k]
►Draco is mortified when moments prior to departing for the most anticipated destination wedding of the year, he is cruelly dumped. But when he learns that Harry Potter has, at long last, split with his horrible boyfriend, Draco is certain his luck has changed. Never a man to squander an opportunity for revenge (and what would probably be a spectacular shag), Draco vows to make Potter his for the weekend. Now all Draco has to do is convince him.
8. Polar Night/Midnight Sun by toomuchplor [E, 54k]
►Harry travels to arctic Norway on the trail of dragon egg poachers, only to find he's been assigned to work alongside the only NorMagPol Auror north of sixty: one Draco Malfoy. It's been ten years since they crossed paths, and Malfoy isn't exactly what Harry expected or remembered. For one thing, he wears a lot more hand-knits? When a sudden winter storm strands the pair, unable to use magic to rescue themselves, they take shelter in a one-room Norwegian hytte.
※ Word count: 1k ~ 15k
※ Word count: 15k ~ 40k
Garden of You by thoracicduck [T, 17k]
Harry Potter Comes Back To Life by Professor_Babbity [E, 32k]
Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, and the Least Fluffed Fluff Piece by CamWesley [M, 32k]
june, 1998 by bakunonist [T, 16k]
Reborn from the Ashes by Lili93Rosen [M, 34k]
We Are Once In A Lifetime by annanotherthing [E, 15k]
We Are the Champions by pir8fancier [E, 36k]
Weasley’s Burrow Ice Cream Parlour by @shewhomustnotbenamed [T, 23k]
Ongoing Fest/Exchange
※ Fics would be listed elsewhere.
25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022 | @slythindor100
Consent Issues Exchange 2022
Drarropoly '22: Magical Artefact Smugglers edition | @gameofdrarry
Harry/Draco Owlpost 2022 | @hdowlpost
Wheel of Drarry Mini-Exchange 2022 | @drarrymicrofic
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twopersoncult · 2 years
Secret Affairs (Dramione)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 1k
Summary: “Wait, is your mystery guy an Auror? Damn, do we know him?” His hand went to his chin as he pondered who it could be, Ron added bashfully, “I thought your mystery guy worked in a library, to be honest.”
Both men looked at her in earnest as they awaited her answer when the sound of a door opening dragged their attention to the hallway. ~ Harry and Ron find out about Draco and Hermione.
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley
Date written: July 27, 2022
Hermione was walking on air that morning. A sleepy, satisfied smile on her face as she made her way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. As she put the kettle on her mind was drawn back to the certain wizard who’d she left showering in her – their bedroom, as of last night it he was officially moved in. She still needed to tell her friends that her and Malfoy were in a serious relationship, but alas, she’d never found the right time.
The first time she almost told her friends were a few weeks after their third date but then Harry had announced his engagement to Ginny and Hermione thought it best to wait. Then a month after at a friendly quidditch match for ministry workers she’d intended to tell Harry and Ron about her and Draco, but the boys were bitter about losing to Malfoy and his team, so it definitely wasn’t the right time. Harry and Ron would sometimes get suspicious of her when she would disappear on them for days, but she’d quickly cover it up with her having to work extra hours as a healer in training. Coupled with the fact that Harry was busy with Ms. Weasley and planning his wedding and Ron being occupied with Auror work things worked out.
Even if she hadn’t found time to tell her friends it had nothing to do with her being ashamed of their relationship because she’d met with his friends more than enough times. Hermione wasn’t going to lie to herself and not admit that keeping their relationship to themselves – for the most part made it all the more intense. Fuck, just thinking about the way Draco claimed her after some poor ministry bloke had been flirting with her the other night had her blushing scarlet. Hermione was snapped out of her more than welcomed daydream when the sound of the floo activating had her pulling Draco’s white button up closed. As if now realizing she’d been naked underneath aside from some underwear, she turned away from the floo and hurriedly buttoned it up.
“Hey, Mione!” Harry called out as he and Ron entered the kitchen matching excited grins on their face, “Morning!” She said with a frazzled smile, “Harry, Ron, what are you doing here so early?” They each pulled a face, noting her frenzied state, “Uh…Hermione, it’s three in the afternoon.” Ron said cautiously brows furrowing, “Are you feeling sick?” Harry added, “Yeah Hermione you don’t look so good, your hairs a mess and you look a bit red, are you getting hot flashes?” Hermione resisted the urge to roll her eyes as they mothered her.
“I’m fine. I just slept in is all. I had a long night.” She bit the inside of her lip as she remembered just why she was up so late when her eyes caught on an Auror badge thrown haphazardly on the counter beside her. Trying to get the attention off her she said, “So, what brings you both here?” She said, slowly creeping her hand closer to the badge trying to keep her bottom half behind the kitchen island that separated her and the boys. Ron perked up saying, “You’re looking at the new Auror of the month, turns out with all the days Malfoy skipped I’ve finally beaten the git and got the position.” He boosted with a proud smile on his face and though Hermione should’ve felt guilty about being responsible for the days Draco missed she couldn’t. “Congratulations! I’m so proud of you.” She beamed at him, genuinely happy for her friend. When Harry hadn’t said anything, she turned his way to find his stare trained on the movement of her hand and she froze.
“Did I leave my badge here the other day?” Shaking his head as he tried to remember if he ever misplaced it, he moved forward to grab the golden badge when Hermione quickly snatched it to her, “Sorry, no, Harry this isn’t yours.” She said with a hesitant laugh, Ron added looking at his friend oddly, “Mate you badge is on your belt,” he paused before adding, “wait, Hermione why do you have an Aurors badge here?” Both men's eyes widened comically as Harry said, “Wait, is your mystery guy an Auror? Damn, do we know him?” His hand went to his chin as he pondered who it could be, Ron added bashfully, “I thought your mystery guy worked in a library to be honest.”
Both men looked at her in earnest as they awaited her answer when the sound of a door opening dragged their attention to the hallway. Hermione watched their reactions as she stood frozen behind the kitchen island as Draco Malfoy walked out in nothing but his towel resting lowly on his hips. Hermione licked her lips unconsciously as she watched water droplets trail over his chest, disappearing beneath the towel. Oh, how she wished Harry and Ron wasn’t here, but there were. “Malfoy!” They both shouted comically, and Hermione would’ve laughed if she wasn’t feeling so tense, “Potter, Weasel.” He nodded their way before walking the rest of the way to Hermione, ducking low her wrapped an arm around her waist and whispered lowly in her ear, “I was just about to come get you, but it seems you have your self-occupied at the moment, Granger.” Hermione clenched her eyes shut as she leaned further into him, before opening them and looking up into his grey ones, “I’ll deal with it and make it up to you later?” She bargained with a cheeky grin before pecking him on the mouth, but it seemed that he had other plans when his free hand swiped her thigh making her gasp as he slipped his tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss. She melted into him forgetting about their audience, but he pulled away all to quickly for her liking and kissed her forehead leaving her panting to catch her breath.
Stealing herself she said, “Just let me grab some pants and I’ll be back.” When she returned she sat with her best friends who still looked to be in shock but she was ready to hear the onslaught of questions they aimed her way.
Notes: was in the middle of an amazing Dramione fic and felt like doing a short one-shot because why not😂 Enjoy!
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bridenore · 10 months
HD BDSM fic recs
Here are a few BDSM fic recs. Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
Another Mask Behind You by @letteredlettered [116k]
Draco is a high-end prostitute who hides his identity.  Harry unknowingly hires him.  And then there is porn, questions about identity, domestic bliss, more porn, and truth as seen through a web of lies.  (And then more porn.  Seriously, if you don’t want sex scene after sex scene you probably shouldn’t read this.  And please read the warnings.)
Breaking The Line by @kedavranox [19k]
Draco was a Dom for hire. Harry was his best client. But Harry disappeared and now Draco’s retired. Draco’s doing fine (he’s even attending parties!) but who should show up to the latest BDSM shindig, but Harry Potter himself? Can Draco play with his ex-client without breaking the line?
Freedom to be by @quicksilvermaid [169k]
Harry Potter is the Boy Who Lived. 12 years after the war, he’s become the Boy Who Lived For Everyone Else. He has the perfect wife. The perfect house. The perfect job. The perfect friends. Only nothing feels perfect. Until one day he stumbles across a club called Release and begins a journey of self-discovery that takes him to a very different place.
Give Me Sweet Oblivion by @tryslora [4k]
Italy seems like a long way to go to keep a fetish secret. But the club is exclusive, and the far away location, and Muggle nature, promises anonymity from Wizarding Britain. The only problem is that sometimes, great minds think alike.
Hades Paradox by Romaine [32k]
For reasons unknown to most, Draco Malfoy came to Hogwarts soon after the battle and for five years had never left its premises. Auror Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts to deal with his psychological daemons, but soon realises Professor Draco Malfoy has his own magical and physical daemons to deal with. However, much to Harry’s surprise, Draco is coping well with help from the person Harry aspires to be.
The Hand That Feeds You by @gracerene09 [17k]
Harry needs something only Draco can provide.
Moneymaker by @dictacontrion [16k]
As a top trader, Draco has power and money, suits and cars, houses and good champagne - everything a person could want. So when Auror Potter comes looking for help, Draco can’t think of anything that might persuade him to lend a hand. Well…maybe one thing.
Take My Pure (Wash It All Away) by peachydreamxx [16k]
The only thing Draco is good at is using his mouth. The only thing Harry Potter is good at is everything, apparently. (The one where both of them are total sluts for each other and they don't care who knows it)
The Unspeakable by @the-sinking-ship [24k]
Healer Draco Malfoy took the job at the International Department of Mysteries for the paycheck and the prestige. But what he got was Unspeakable Harry Potter and the most fascinating curse he’d ever seen.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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