#they just love each other so much :((((((
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yamisnuffles · 2 years ago
It's Crowley asking for holy water as protection and Aziraphale hearing suicide pill. It's Crowley wanting a way to fight for what they have, even if it means destroying everything around them, while Aziraphale fears Crowley will destroy himself for it. It's them both loving each other so much but being pushed apart by it all the same.
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thatzombiecat · 5 days ago
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Little sweet things are always creating the brightest memories
⋅⋅ Rogue Trader Elise von Valancius and Kibellah ⋅⋅ Two voidborns enjoying a rare peaceful moment together and sharing a plate of delicious fruits and desserts of the Expanse.
For @mallaqite as the part of @rt-gift-exchange❤
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fucktheuniverse-1987 · 2 months ago
In case you needed some love to start the year with - I just found the two full videos of this moment and had to put them together (at a slightly lower speed) for a better experience:
I don't know. Just something about their friendship and how candidly they show their love that makes me believe that a better world is possible :')
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mikibaby94 · 9 days ago
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He’s not as innocent as he looks guys trust me! Another thing I thought of for my au hehe, in my casino au he’s pretty handsy with Daisy… actually they both are with each other haha
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crispywizardtale · 3 months ago
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dragonsir · 18 days ago
Thinking about how shadow loses the 2 people closest to him and almost gives up his life in adventure 2 to save people he doesn't actually know.
Thinking about how in his next appearance, even though he doesn't remember anything and thinks he could be an android, he finds Rouge and Omega, 2 people with goals similar to his own and immediately helps them. And then he never leaves them again. They're right there in his own game, trying to help him and also get his help. They show up at the end, and then never leaves his side. Even when things look bleak in Sonic 06's future, they stay by his side. Omega waits 200 years to help him fight Mephiles then admits to Shadow that he's the one who captures him when the world crumbles. Rouge tells Shadow that even when the world turns on him, she'll fight on his side no matter what. And they stay by his side to fight mephiles, to try to stop that future.
Thinking about how in every game Shadow is in from then on, Omega and Rouge are there too.
Thinking about how Omega, a robot made by eggman, wanted to overthrow his creator and start a robot uprising and rule over all humans, but abandoned that to stay at Shadow's side instead.
Thinking about how he saves Rouge from prison island even though he doesn't know her because he thinks about how he couldn't save Maria, and decides if he has a chance to save someone, he has to take it. And she stays by Shadow's side while staying a treasure hunter and a GUN agent.
Thinking about how Shadow joins GUN, the people responsible for Maria's death and Gerald's insanity. All they had to do was recognize shadow was not at fault and give him a chance, and he takes it. He joins Rouge as an agent and brings Omega with him.
Thinking about how they banter in game. How Rouge is playful with him, how Omega is straightforward. Maybe when Rouge smiles, maybe when Omega recites facts, Shadow sees the ghosts of Maria and Gerald.
Thinking about how even though Shadow lost everything, he still found new friends. They don't ever leave his side. And he never leaves theirs.
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brooksdavis · 2 years ago
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These art pieces all over? These are all my stories. But the shells? That's ours. I like our story. Yeah. Me, too.
CASTLE 6.08 | "A Murder Is Forever" (2013)
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agalychnisspranneusroseus · 4 months ago
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My pretty girl ;-;
Finished reading it. Now i'm gonna go lie down and cry for a bit
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apollodreams · 8 months ago
The finale did exactly what it needed to do for me and that was make me root for loustat in a way I never have before
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eirianerisdar · 9 months ago
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Or read from the first chapter
Fic Summary:
Daniel loves to fly, but he needs to race. Every F1 driver joins the grid knowing they have a choice to keep their wings or trim them for less weight, sacrificing flight for race pace. Daniel has always promised himself he will never trim his wings. Until he comes to McLaren, and the choice is made for him. In which the most-loved driver of the grid has a long, slow fall, and nobody notices until it is too late.
Chapter 35/?: The Cuckoo's Call
Australian GP 2023. Max finds himself faced with questions he can't answer about Daniel's departure from Red Bull a few years earlier. All the while, the spectre of Jos looms from every corner.
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infinityinakiss · 2 years ago
i know, i know, i don't normally talk about the marvelous mrs. maisel on here but i need to say something about the 'were you ever a blonde?' scene in the last episode, because it was so just frustratingly beautiful. susie's out there absolutely baring her heart to midge, in a way that she never has before, and she's sort of mad at herself about it (which is honestly relatable, i too have been pissed that i had the audacity to fall for a girl.) she's accepted that this is it, this is her love life, she is forever doomed, stuck falling for rich, impossible girls that she will never truly have a chance with. but there is a sweetness to the hell she has chosen, something that makes their love worth any heartache susie goes through. midge is the love of her life, and a sweet hell with her is infinitely better than a empty heaven with anyone else.
and then there's midge, sitting across from her in her perfectly monochromatic outfit, pretending to drink coffee, and it is so glaringly obvious that they're soulmates. the way she listens to susie and compliments her from a place of genuine admiration is so perfect, so lovely, that anyone who sees them together can tell that they love each other. two remarkably different puzzle pieces that somehow fit perfectly. soulmates, in the purest definition of the word. not romantic, not platonic, but filled with the love of a lifetime.
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cinnamontoastcrunch-15 · 2 years ago
You know how with hippies they sometimes meet new people and instantly vibe with them because they're on the same spiritual level? Yeah this happened to Remus once with another person and Sirius was not having it. S was convinced that R would get it in their head that it was a sign that they're dating the wrong person and leave him so he just sort of tries to be a hippie for the day. Remus thinks it was adorable.
So this oneshot takes place much earlier in their relationship just to make it a bit more feasible because I fully believe that after a few years Sirius was part hippie by nature, so here’s hippie Remus and scientist Sirius a couple of months in :)
Sirius glanced around the small bookshop and bit back a smile. Of course Remus worked there. Everything about them was becoming less and less surprising. Remus had said he’d probably be on till, so Sirius strolled past the shelves adorned with vines and string lights, some with old books, some new, some full of crystals and cards called… tarot? The moment he saw the till, his face brightened. God, what was happening to him? He hadn’t been this sickeningly into anyone since he was 14!
Remus was stood with his elbows resting on the counter, talking to someone who was presumably a customer and laughing. A lot.
Why were they laughing so much?
Sirius stepped a little closer, catching the end of their conversation.
“Sorry, I just have to ask; are you an earth sign, by any chance? I usually get along really well with earth signs.” Remus asked the guy, and Sirius frowned, confused.
What the hell was an earth sign?
“Yeah! Are you a water sign?”
“Yeah, I am.” Remus said with a smile, and Sirius’ heart dropped just a little.
“I’m Edgar, by the way.” The guy introduced himself, as Sirius reached a conclusion that he really didn’t want to reach.
Sirius was… boring.
“I’m Remus.”
He stared at a fucking microscope all day. His house was full of notebooks and equations.
“Well, Remus, we’re meant to be friends.”
Remus was free, interesting. Amazing.
“I was thinking the same thing.”
He wasn’t good enough for Remus, with his extensive jewellery, dark purple flowing skirt and white shirt, a gentle brown eyeliner accentuating their amber eyes. Remus lit up a room, Sirius just walked in and analysed stuff. Christ, Remus was probably going to leave him. It had only been a few months, he was probably going to get bored of him in five minutes. He was too sheltered for someone like Remus.
Throughout this very minor and not at all terrifying panic, Remus had looked over and spotted him.
“Sirius! Hi!” Sirius snapped back into reality, trying to slow his own heart. His eyes met Remus’, and everything melted into a smile.
How the hell they could do that, Sirius would never know.
Maybe he really was magic.
“Hi, Rem. You nearly ready to go?”
“Yeah, yeah, almost. As soon as Marlene arrives we can get out of here.” He said, reaching out and squeezing Sirius’ hand, sending a jolt of electricity through him and making his breath hitch. He really couldn’t think like a normal person when he was around Remus. “Oh! This is Edgar!” Remus turned and indicated to him enthusiastically, Sirius’ brain switching back on. He turned and smiled politely at Edgar, ignoring the fact that he wanted to scream. Edgar was covered in crystals. More so than Remus, to the point that it felt like he was 50% stone. Not only that, but they were the ones that Remus had said were his favourites.
It was like the universe was dropping people in between Remus and Sirius in an active attempt to split them up. Sirius almost wanted to start pre-grieving the relationship to prepare for the inevitable breakup. How the hell was he meant to hold on to someone as amazing as Remus when he was just… him?
That was when it hit him.
Surely it couldn’t be that hard to be a hippie. He loved it in Remus, he must have been able to do it himself. There went the next week, while he figured out what he was meant to do.
He was going to be interesting enough for Remus if it fucking killed him.
Sirius had been acting off all week.
Remus was good at reading Sirius, and he was pretty sure that Sirius ending any messages complaining about employees with ‘what an air sign’ or ‘the vibes are off with that one’ was pretty out of character. Still, it wasn’t anything too noticeable, not until Remus went over Sirius’ that Saturday.
The moment he opened the door, something felt different.
Firstly, the lights were dimmed, and there was… incense burning? What the hell was going on with Sirius?
“Uh… Sirius?”
“I’m in the kitchen!” He called, as Remus ambled over. The moment he got into the kitchen he stopped, stunned into freezing.
Sirius was wearing a skirt.
A long, flowing, sandy orange skirt.
While Remus’ first thought very well may have been that it was insanely fucking sexy, his second thought was what on earth he was doing. He really wasn’t one for wearing skirts, no matter what a crime it was that he didn’t, and he was baking. As in, not sitting and getting excited about his work like he usually was. It was nice to see Sirius trying new things, but there was something off about it. Like he was trying to fit in to something that he didn’t quite fit into. Not yet, anyway. It seemed like it was making him slightly uncomfortable. He turned around and his face lit up.
Okay, something Remus was used to.
“Rem! Hi!”
“Hey, Sirius. You alright?”
“Yeah, I’m great.”
“Are you sure?” He asked, wanting to get some sort of an answer. The switch had happened so suddenly it was like he had gotten whiplash, and he was desperate for answers.
“…yeah? Why, what’s going on?”
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it. How was work yesterday?” Remus asked, walking over and kissing him quickly.
“Oh, I- I didn’t go.” Sirius admitted, cringing a little, and Remus almost cringed right alongside him, with the internal struggle Sirius seemed to have had with himself. “Gave myself a day off, you know? To be more… free.”
“Right, Sirius, what’s going on?” Remus asked. As much as he was enjoying Sirius baking in a skirt, him missing work was so odd that he had to get to the bottom of it. According to Sirius, the only other time he had was when he was so ill that James had forced him to go home.
“What d’you mean?”
“I mean you never miss work. You’ve found something you love, that you’re passionate about. That’s important. You’ve been acting different all week, what’s going on?”
“Different as in… bad?” Sirius asked, looking slightly stricken, and Remus’ heart immediately gave a slight tug.
“No, not bad!” He said hastily, quickly composing himself. “Just… different. It feels like you’re not being all that authentic to yourself.” He answered calmly. “You can talk to me. What’s wrong?”
“I just-“ Sirius’ breath caught in his throat as he let his eyes slide shut and took a deep, stabilising breath. “I’m so boring, Rem.” Remus frowned, confused.
Since when was Sirius boring?
“I- I saw you talking to that guy, Edgar, at the shop. He was just- he was interesting, and you two got along so well, and it just made me think.”
“Think about what?”
“Remus, you deserve someone like that! Someone who knows which signs are fire signs and won’t talk your bloody ear off about cells!” He exclaimed, going to pace and finally morphing a lot more into the Sirius that Remus was used to. “It felt like a wake up call that, at some point, I would get too boring and you’d leave. Rightfully so. So I took it upon myself to make sure I was someone who deserves to be with you.” Remus watched him for a moment, processing.
Honestly? That was so bloody endearing.
Sirius looked like he was about to start up again any moment, arms flailing just slightly as he paced, pushing Remus to step forwards and grab his wrists gently to stop him. Christ, how Sirius could think he’d ever want anyone else, he’d never know. Couldn’t he see just how completely and utterly perfect he was? Sirius paused, turning and facing Remus, slightly wide eyed.
“Sirius, I don’t think you understand how much I like all of that about you. I really love how passionate you are about your work, how much you care, and how much you care about learning about the things I’m interested in. Just because Edgar knew what they were doesn’t mean I’m going to run away with him, or something. Surprisingly enough, Sirius, I actually love listening to you talk about work. You should see the way your eyes light up. I’m not going anywhere, and you sure as hell don’t have to prove yourself to me.” As he spoke, he slid his hands down from Sirius’ wrists until he had both of his hands in his. He knew he was going to have to tell him. For someone who was typically pretty sure of himself, he was nervous as fuck to tell him. “Christ, Sirius, I don’t just like you, I’m in love with you.”
He had thought Sirius’ eyes were already wide, but it was nothing compared to once he had gotten the words out. Fuck, had he freaked Sirius out? He hadn’t meant to, he had just wanted Sirius to stop panicking about changing. He just wanted Sirius to know he thought that he was perfect-
“I love you too.” Sirius admitted softly, a smile starting to form on his face. Remus smiled straight back, breathing out a relieved laugh.
“Well then we’re set.”
“But what if-“
“No ifs, just kiss me.” Remus answered quickly, moving his hands to pull Sirius in and kiss him. He pulled away shortly after. “I do love the skirt, though. It suits you.”
“Y’know what? I do too. It’s making me question quite a bit about myself, though.”
“Question away, love, I’ll be here for it.”
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wickedcoeur · 9 months ago
i see so many contet of remus being maddly in love with sirius before sirius even realizing he's queer i need the opposite. like, sirius coming to hogwarts and the first thing he does is to realize he'se queer as fuck, and immediately falling for he's friend, meanwhille remus is so preoccupied with the werewolf thing that he doesn't really care about anyone around him besides the fact the they might discover his secret. and not really noticing sirius as a love interesting until long after sirius is all over heels with him.
and the potencial angst??? the fanon is that remus feel first but didin't persued nothing w sirius bc he thought sirius might not like him bc he's a werewol and general lack of self-esteem. but sirius falling first and having all types of crises caused by his family bigotry's and values, him finally accepting he's queer and coming out to his friends after he runs from home, THAT being remus's wake up call that queer people exits and he starting to questioning himself - he was, after all, extremely isolated by his dad, so he had no contact w outed queer people, not mentioning the fact that he was so afraid to get involved w anybody bc of his "fury problem" that beign in a romantic relationship never even crossed his mind, the marauders almost gave him a heart attack in the daily basis for him to consider to get close w other people, thank you very much.
remus then starts to notice sirius more, be for the queer representation or for he (FINALLY) realizing how he's very pretty. meanwhille, sirius had gave up the hope for remus liking him back after the prank, and goes living his life being free and exploring his sexuality (healthly, we stan health representation of queer youth in this blog), but never getting over his crush on remus, and also helping remus figure out his own sexuality.
when remus finally gets the nerve to ask sirius on a date he's suprise by the reaction from the other boy (he almost faint and immediately starts to cry bc he's pining over remus for so long, poor boy) anyway, they start to date and live happy ever after bc i hate cannon and want my boys to be safe and happy
authors, please do the god's work, thanks <3<3
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loxenask · 10 months ago
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pocket-lizart · 2 years ago
Crowley wants to abandon the entire world for being unworthy of his beloved angel.
Aziraphael wants to fix the entire world to make it worthy of his beloved demon.
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jackmkelly · 1 year ago
jack crutchie & race need to win an award for the way they ruined my life. the best found siblings in the world.
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