#they homeschooled remus and loved him
galadrail · 2 months
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impishtubist · 19 days
So I know that James and Sirius's friendship is fundamental to Sirius's character, but bear with me: a universe where James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus never met. Maybe Remus was homeschooled, maybe Sirius went to another school, whatever. James and Lily still die, and Harry gets shipped off to the Dursleys with no godfather.
Years later, when he starts Hogwarts, he likes all his teachers, but he REALLY likes his DADA professor, Professor Black. Professor Black met his husband Remus after the war and they live in a cute little cottage in Hogsmeade, where Remus tends to their menagerie of frankly terrifying magical plants and creatures, and Professor Black teaches.
And Sirius is drawn to this scrawny, too-thin kid who very obviously does not have a good home life. He starts being friendly with Harry, inviting him to his office for tea, helping him with his assignments, probing a bit into his home life, but not too much, because he doesn't want Harry to shut down. Harry stays at Hogwarts over the holiday breaks, so Sirius stays too. He's really suspicious of the Dursleys, and keeps badgering McGonagall to let him take Harry for a break - maybe Easter, or a week in the summer. Harry gets to know his professor and Mr. Lupin really well, and always looks forward to seeing them/staying with them. Eventually, Remus clandestinely manages to gather enough evidence that the Dursleys are mistreating Harry, and Sirius makes a move for custody.
Basically, I love Sirius and Harry finding each other in every universe, even if Sirius doesn't know James or Lily 🥺
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winnienora14 · 2 months
Okay so there’s been a whole debate going on about how Remus is characterized so here is my take on the matter
I personally hate the whole Casanova of Gryffindor tower thing. Remus is constantly terrified of being found out. He doesn’t want any one paying attention to him so he’s quiet and reserved. He spent his entire childhood locked away (I believe he was homeschooled)because his dad was ashamed of him and his mom was scared for him. Not being accustomed to social interactions at a young age definitely made him extremely socially awkward. So in my opinion, there is just no way he is the smooth flirt some have described him to be.
I also don’t like the super soft Remus. He is angry, ashamed and frustrated. He feels like the whole world is against him. But we still have to balance both out. He does not make scenes to express his anger, he just lets it boil inside.
Honestly if I had to describe him, I’d say he’s kind to those who deserve it (he’s not the kind of person who believes everyone deserves kindness ). His humor is self deprecation, sarcasm and being mean (he’s actually really funny). Humor is kind of an armor for him. It helps him threw hard times.
He is extremely anxious/paranoid. He doesn’t talk much but he’s not extremely quiet. He’s an incredible listener. Since he’s so paranoid, he’s always surveying how people look at him, their behavior... So he’s extremely observant. He knows most things before others do. He’s hard working because his father finds that important and he’s desperate to make him proud. He’s extremely empathetic because that’s a value his mother holds dear.
He doesn’t like school. He’s a queer man in the closet in the 70´s, a halfblood and a werewolf. School is basically hell for him. He gets more than okay grades but he’s not a prodigy and he doesn’t try to be. He only does the work because he doesn’t want to be called out by the teacher for getting a bad grade. Otherwise, he wouldn’t do the work at all. He loves reading because he can relate to certain characters and escape reality.
He has this ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude when he’s talking to strangers his age. If they are older though, he is remarkably polite. He is respectful towards his teachers and or any figure of authority. He doesn’t break rules because he’s scared of being called out by teachers,so he helped the marauders plan the pranks but he wasn’t the one to make them come to life.
He tends to take the easiest course of action even when it’s not necessarily the good one. He’s curious and he loves to learn. He absolutely despises change. He is a control freak but most of all he’s a perfectionist. He always feels like he has to compensate for his lycanthropy by being perfect at everything. He’s an amazing friend: caring and always ready to listen and help.
The best way to make him really really mad is to show him pity. He’s a raging pessimist. He gets angry rather easily and he as trouble controlling that anger. He makes fun of things like influencers and fashion. He refuses to go to the gym, plan his outfits or have a skincare. He never gets into fights because he thinks they’re stupid. He’s uncomfortable in group settings.He is easily annoyed.
This is way too long for no reason but I put too much effort into this to just delete it. So yeah… enjoy I guess.
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am3li420 · 5 months
Remus Lupin head canons i’ve been collecting for 10+ years
- this hoe loves books, i know that’s a common head canon but let me dive deeper;
- he definitely is checking out matilda level amounts of books from the library every week before going to hogwarts.
- homeschooled by his mother 100% and she would make him write book reports so he learned to love annotating books
- cut to lily seeing him writing in a book in 1st year and being absolutely disgusted but eager to make friends so she asks him his favorite books and authors.
- remus goes on like an hour long tangent about tolkien and c.s. lewis and how much he loves fantasy and how he’s so excited he gets to be at hogwarts because it’s so close to his escape from his lycanthropy as a child.
- lily tells him all about literature and they start a book club right then and there.
- remus also studied piano from his mom as well, and then eventually when she couldn’t teach him anymore his parents saved up to pay for a teacher.
- he loves his piano teacher and over summer breaks goes back and takes lessons
- bonds with sirius because of this as sirius had to learn violin to become a “well rounded heir”. they play duet covers as entertainment for gryffindor parties and everyone fucking loves it.
- eventually mary joins in and plays guitar and they have a cute little peter paul and mary vibe going on.
- remus is so outspoken, and truly always the first to be informed on politics or news
- was very forthcoming on his views about the war, along with james and sirius. i believe remus was the most “radical” of them though, and wanted freedom/ equality for all creatures not just wizards.
- he also felt unease at the ministry and wanted systematic changes as well as wanting to fight against voldemort.
- extremely distrustful of dumbledoor towards the end of the war, and it caused division between him and sirius until the second war when sirius realized remus had been right.
- remus had a magical proclivity for defense, and was a great dueler. the only person who he was evenly matched with in his class was sirius. they often fought to draws. they absolutely keep count of their wins.
- remus, lily, and mary all collectively give james and sirius their music tastes. they have new records every time they come home from break.
- remus is absolutely a stoner and loves smoking joints, reading, and listening to music during his free time.
- him and sirius smoke together sometimes but remus smokes a lot more than sirius because it really helps him with his chronic pain and depression.
- oh remus rolling a joint is like the most sexy thing anyone has ever seen. sirius frequently uses those memories for….personal time.
- remus uses an expansion charm under his bed and grows his own weed, eventually becomes hogwarts resident dealer and always puts freebies in his deliveries
- the freebies include:
- little drawings made by sirius
- chcocolates
- sometimes if he’s hanging out with marlene and has to deliver an order she’ll draw a tarot card for the person and write down a little reading for them!
- remus’ own handmade stickers!
- yeah he’s everyone’s favorite drug dealer seriously 10/10.
- he operates this all under minnie’s nose and is forever smug about getting away with it.
- i could probably think of a million more because i just love him so much but ive been hitting my pen while writing this so i’m gonna go make a snack!!!
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cheeryknots · 10 months
wolfstar raising harry. and remus is a professor at hogwarts while sirius homeschools harry. but they all live at hogwarts, so in his free time, harry gets to run around the corridors and makes friends with the students and the ghosts and the professors and everyone looks after him and loves him and he belongs to all of them. and by the time he’s actually old enough to go to hogwarts officially, he runs the whole school and knows all the secret passages and gets away with anything he wants and sirius and remus are oh so proud.
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soleilnewspaper · 4 months
Remus John Lupin ☾₊ ⊹:
A collection of my favourite headcannons and some of my own personal ones relating to Moony.
𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
"Starman - David Bowie" 
02:23 ━━━━●───── 04:11
      ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻    ☆
Dividers: @strangergraphics
James ver
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Background: ════ ⋆★⋆ 
Hope Lupin (nee) Howell, his mother originates from Southeastern Wales where she grew up on her family farm which had been in their family for generations.
 Lyall Lupin grew up in an orphanage in England, which is why Remus knows none of his paternal family. 
Up until he was four years old, the Lupin family resided in a flat on the outskirts of London within good distance to the Ministry. 
After Remus was bitten, he and his family were forced to bounce around for a few years as his parents were afraid of his secret getting out. 
Hope inherited her parents' old farm from back in Wales, this surprised her as they had not seen her parents since Remus had been bitten from constantly being on the move. The family of three had to travel back to Wales to sort out affairs and plan the funeral. After the funeral they remained on the farm to sort out family affairs, while Hope and Remus tried to convince Lyall to let them stay. Lyall was hesitant to the idea at first, however he could not deny the hope of giving his family a home after years of not having one. The look of pure childlike joy in Remus’ eyes was one Lyall had longed to see again, and he finally had it back. That mere look is what managed to send him over the edge and sign the documents and take ownership of the farm. 
Lyall continued his work remotely and would commute occasionally when needed, to try to make the family extra cash when needed. Hope would go into town to run errands and collect the supplies, but Remus remained on the farm. 
When Remus’ came of schooling age, he was not allowed to attend the school in the village because of his condition. His parents feared for what would happen, so they decided against it. However, Hope being a muggle still wanted Remus to receive a non magical education. Out of love for her son Hope quit her job to become Remus’s teacher and be a stay at home mom for him. Hope took classes to get her qualifications and began homeschooling Remus. 
Lyall had to take on more odd jobs to support the family with Hope staying home with Remus and to support the demands of the farm. 
Hope taught Remus how to care for the farm animals and in turn he developed a deep love for animals. 
Besides subjects such as Math, English and Welsh, Hope taught Remus how to bake, cook and clean to give him a well rounded education. 
On special occasions, Lyall took Remus to the village bookstore for a day out. This was one of the rare times where he was allowed to leave the farm. They wanted to avoid any clues to his condition or that Lyall was a wizard.  
They were poor in money, but rich in love. 
Hope and Lyall did everything they could to protect their son and show him he was loved despite it all. However, even as a young boy he developed his self loathing tendencies because he knew how people took to his kind. 
Despite being only four at the time, Remus still vaguely remembers the incident and what his father’s views on werewolves were before it. Remus knows how much his father regrets it, which is why he has never brought it up as he doesn't want him to view himself as a bad father. 
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Appearance: ════ ⋆★⋆ 
As per canon we know Remus has various self inflicted scars across his body from his wolf. 
His eyes are honey brown, and appear golden in the sun almost as if there is gold shining directly through his irises. 
Curls on the end of hair hair give it a fluffy look, the colour is a sandy, very warm toned brown.
Standing between 6’2-6’5 feet, he is taller than all the marauders
However his posture is terrible making him appear several inches shorter than he actually is. 
His body is skinny with long limbs and torso with a slim waist another result of his condition
He has a academic aesthetic bordering on grandpa vibes.
He layers his clothes to hide his body, and make it look distorted in shape.
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Characteristics: ════ ⋆★⋆ 
He is a clinical smoker, and goes through multiple packs of cigarettes, especially when he’s stressed 
Despite being well mannered and polite, he is quite vulgar more so than any of the marauders. He swears like its a second language. Which always surprises people given his approach with teachers.
He’s highly protective of his loved ones, but he’s more subtle about it. 
However, when the full moon is close he is far from subtle 
He’s not all that much into PDA unless it’s a special occasion or if the full moon is close. Otherwise he just prefers small things such as interwinding hands. 
All of his friends own a sweater of his or more 
Introverted but extroverted in the presence of his friends 
He’s book smart, and highly intelligent but most of his knowledge is due to how much he reads 
He has to put a lot of work if he wants to maintain his good grades
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Fun Facts: ════ ⋆★⋆ 
The library is one of his favourite places  
His mother taught him how to cook and bake 
He makes the best worlds brownies 
Uses sarcasm as a coping mechanism 
He’d love to work in a bookstore, or do anything related to literature 
He didn’t have any friends growing up so he found comfort in his books 
His first year of Hogwarts his suitcase was majorly filled with books as he thought he would need extra because no one would be his friend after they learned of his condition 
In later years he still brought his books, but not as many as he knew he would have friends to spend time with. 
He’s left handed 
He draws on his shoes 
His clothes are thrifted and vintage 
Secretly he writes stories but never shows them to others
He visits his ma whenever he can 
He has the boys do movie nights with him so he can educate them about muggle culture 
He’s a film geek as much as he is a book nerd 
The clothes he wears are always muted colours and colours that he can see 
Since began bitten as a child, over a span of multiple years he began to develop dichromatic vision
This is why he wears muted colours, browns, beige and ect as he always knows what they are 
Sometimes he has to ask the marauders for confirmation on colours 
He also prefers these colours as they help him blend in more so he can avoid attention 
He’s always involved in pranks but never gets caught
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enbysiriusblack · 1 month
12 + remus !
12. how i think their childhood was like
very lonely but warm and nice. i imagine he grew up in a very small welsh village and was never allowed to leave the village or join school (he was homeschooled by both parents). helped neighbours with farm chores often, played a lot in the garden and woods, talked to the sheep in a nearby field like they were his friends. very loved by both hope and lyall, who doted on him a lot but were also extremely overprotective of him after he was bitten and would worry about him if he was out their eyesight for even a minute (which did make him feel that they were worried he would hurt someone). he loved to read and garden and knit and play adventures (eg. arthurian legends, pirates, etc.)
ask game
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0-l-b · 11 months
Marauders/Slytherin skittles (Olympians) and others as songs pt. 1
From <<GUTS>> by Olivia Rodrigo : All-american bitch - Sirius Black Lacy - Sunseeker / starchaser / jegulus, both povs depending on the moments but mostly Regulus' one Ballad of homeschooled girl - Regulus or Evan maybe also James Making the bed - Regulus or Remus Logical - Pandora's writing this in a diary during/after a toxic relationship probably Get him back ! - Rosekiller during their "break up" Love is embarrassing - Pandora to Lily Grudge - Bellatrix to Rita when she published "the dark secrets of the Black house" article. Pretty isn't pretty - Marlene McKinnon in her journal. Teenage dream - Dorcas and/or Lily Bad idea right ? - it's screaming Sunseeker/starchaser after every fight or when they "try" to avoid getting caught by Sirius. Vampire - Narcissa when Lucius tells her he only with her because of his parents and also Sirius "drama queen" Black when he learned that everyone lied to him about Jegulus
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dufferpuffer · 19 days
what types of books do you think remus would be into, if any? i see a lot of people tend to view him as a big fan of ancient greek/roman literature or just classics in general and while i do like the idea I'm very curious on what your thoughts would be about it.
Remus book taste HC:
Mysteries, Murders, Detectives - the occasional Spy or Sci-fi... the occasional sweet romance, and the occasional cheap smut. He likes stories of regular, unassuming people being clever and righteous, going on adventures - and getting to know others on a deep, personal level, even if it is just to 'read' them for a case. Non-Fiction - especially when he was a kid - especially magical.
For comics he likes comedy and children's adventures (not heroes)
More below:
I do think he is a bit of a bookworm. It's something quiet to do between jobs, while traveling, while resting (when it isn't too exhausting to read) that takes his mind off of reality for awhile. Being unable to make friends as a kid he probably read a lot then, too.
His father working - his Muggle mother was likely home taking care of him and homeschooling him, so he would be very familiar with Muggle authors, though his dad would have passed down Wizarding stories too. I like to think his mother, an imaginative woman, enjoyed them just as much. They left out any story with a Big Bad Wolf.
I think he would have always struggled a little with stories about friends going on adventures (The Famous Five/The Secret Seven, that sort of thing) - but have loved them the most. The idea of a group of friends going on adventures, solving mysteries was just... an impossible dream. Reading them was bittersweet.
For similar reasons - superhero stories didn't fully appeal. Someone having secret powers, or transforming, wearing a costume so nobody could recognize them... it just didn't hit for him. It felt a little sad that they had to hide themselves, too... that they had to work so hard just because they had a 'responsibility' to keep others safe.
With a dad whose job was studying non-beings, and probably took him out on adventures to find little Dark Creatures and such - He would have devoured non-fiction. Especially magical non-fiction. Seeing the world made him feel more connected with it - and he could talk to his dad about stuff when he was home.
He has a slight taste for the morbid, the dark, the spooky - it's what his life is after all. There's catharsis in engaging with terror when you're in control of it for once, when it is just a story. Spooky stories - as he got older, proper mysteries became his favourite. Agatha Christie is a beloved Muggle author and his mother jumped on the chance to introduce him, as cliche as that is. (It was something Albus picked up on - and shared with him. Agatha was just a little younger than him, and he was rather enamored with her publishing's as they were coming out - he has a personal collection of first editions.)
He stuck with mystery's as he got older, too - the best part about them was they were often about an unassuming hero, a simple detective or a lovely old lady, working largely on their own to do the right thing. Using their minds and never quite trusting anyone. THAT speaks to him far more than any superhero.
Muggle sci-fi could be fun, as could Spy novels... ...But his guilty pleasure, one that physically hurts him to read in the MOST bittersweet way, is romance. Romance and Porn. He rarely does it - it's embarrassing, for one thing - but he longs for connection... and the constant "Wife strangled her husband to death" of murder stories can get depressing.
Sometimes he wants to read about an awkward, stern but thoughtful guy falling for a simple, bubbly dame... he can experience a little bit of love and romance in his life, though he knows its impossible. Sometimes he also wants to read about a flock of Veela fucking the absolute brains out of an unsuspecting captured researcher, too.
With all the stereotypes of "Werewolf libido" (which are not true) he feels guilty engaging with his sexuality at all... stories about men being able to safely let go, lose control and be looked after are a weakness.
He was caught once reading a romance novel at school - and was teased for it by his friends. They'd all look at raunchy magazines together, they were teens. He pretended to be less interested. "Come on Moony - isn't it close to Full Moon? Where's your fire?!" Just another jeer he shook his head at... and worried whether or not the stereotypes were true. He should push it all down, just in case...
... I don't really see the 'classic literature' or 'Roman/Greek' angle. Why? To make him seem smart? He reads old plays from an ancient Muggle period - and 'the classics'...? What enjoyment does he get from that? Like where does that specifically piece into his character? I can see him enjoying some classics, and enjoying some Roman stuff, sure - but he never comes across as a history buff. He comes across as a lonely nerd.
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 2 months
The Black Brothers relationship according to my headcanon:
They were raised to be enemies. To always compete with the other. They weren't particularly friends but they didn't hate each other as well.
Orion clearly preferred Sirius while Walburga preffered Regulus. They fought to see who would be the best Heir.
As kids, before they went to Hogwarts, they were homeschooled so they didn't have anyone else. So they played together. And they got along well. But they were also very different.
Sometimes there were things Sirius wanted to do that Regulus didn't and that frustrated Sirius and called his brother a "pussy". Regulus ended up crying and that caused Sirius problems with their strict nanny. Then they fought when Sirius called Regulus a "snitch".
Sirius was Regulus's role model and authority since their parents were neglectful, mostly missing. So as a kid, he trusted his brother more than he trusted his parents.
Although Sirius wasn't precisely a good influence.
Regulus was that kid that believed everything his older brother said.
Sirius wasn’t always pendant of Regulus. Of course he cared when Regulus cried or something happened to him but he was not the protective big brother everyone seem to believe.
Sometimes they supported each other when they heard their parents fighting which was constant.
Sirius was mainly on his own world. He was a rebel kid and a troublemaker. Cocky and self centered. Regulus was on his own. A shy, and pacific kid. Always putting himself down.
In my AU, Sirius met Remus first at ten. When he was Rosie (he is trans). And immediately replaced Regulus with him.
Regulus tried to play with them but Sirius usually pushed him away.
When they got to Hogwarts, Sirius met James and he became his favorite person. And let's face it. Sirius considered James more of a brother than Regulus.
As time passed, and they grew older, they started breaking apart. Sirius became popular, a mischievous lad, and with a reputation of a womanizer. Regulus became invisible, never talked with anyone, and only had Barty as a friend and practically everyone knew him mainly as "Sirius’s little brother".
They were friendly during the summer or Holidays because Sirius’s friends were not around. But when they got back to school, Sirius’s friends were his priority.
They were friendly when they bumped into the halls. It usually involved Sirius teasing his brother until Regulus got annoyed and told Sirius to fuck off.
Regulus secretly liked to get attention from his brother during these times. But he hated his friends, especially James Potter. Regulus couldn't stand him.
They held on to the nice moments as kids to base their relationship. And I am not saying that they didn't love each other. But they weren't that close. And they were immediately jumping into fights before hugs.
When Sirius left, their relationship was even more complicated than before. They were constantly at each other's throats until they had to sit down and talk and kind of fix their relationship. It was hard but they managed it.
Regulus left the country when he finished Hogwarts to study music in Rome. Sirius stayed in London with his friends. But they Skype every now and then.
Brothers who occasionally are friendly but mostly fight. Not best friends.
Different to the Black Sisters who were each other's best friends. For me, when Andromeda left was even more tragic than when Sirius left.
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impishtubist · 4 months
Okay im having Thoughts while I’m in between delivering exams to anxious children. What if Sirius were the one who was bitten by Greyback as a child (not Remus!)? Like would he lean into the werewolf thing? Would his parents abandon him? Would he still go to Hogwarts? If not, would he end up being some sort of pack leader? I’m buzzing from too much caffeine and thinking werewolf Sirius thoughts.
Ooooooooooh, interesting.
Given what Walburga's portrait shouts during OOTP, I lean towards the Blacks not being accepting of Sirius being a werewolf. However, when it's their pureblood eldest son who is the werewolf and not a half-blood nobody....hm. I wonder if their attitudes would change. Not that they'd become werewolf activists or anything like that, but I bet they'd go to great lengths to conceal it from society and would demand that Hogwarts do whatever it can to protect their heir (i.e. Sirius would not be transforming alone in a rickety shack). I wonder also if the wealth of the Blacks leads to the Wolfsbane potion being invented earlier? I can see them just...........throwing money at the problem to see if they could cure Sirius/make him more acceptable during transformations.
I can see Sirius leaning into the whole thing! I also don't think he'd feel indebted to Dumbledore the way that Remus does, so Dumbledore won't have a pet werewolf to order around during the wars.
Hm. Would Sirius even go to Hogwarts? Or would he go to Durmstrang? Or be privately homeschooled through his teens?
I don't know. This raises a lot of questions that I don't have answers for. I do love the idea of pack leader Sirius, though. I think that's the part of this that makes me the most feral 🤩
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theresthesnitch · 1 year
Remus specific headcanons?
Alright, alright. Remus, my love. ❤️
Remus Lupin is not his real name. After Remus was bitten, Lyall took them into hiding, which meant changing everyone’s names. Lyall thought he was hilarious with all the wolf references in their names, and Remus shares his amusement and nerdiness with it.
(Bonus Lyall HC): this also means that Lyall changed his job. Before Remus was bit, Lyall worked in the ministry, particularly focusing on werewolf tracking, containment, and management. After, he moved them into hiding, he worked as a for hire magical creature exterminator/manager (which Remus helped him with, and did some of the same work after he graduated from Hogwarts).
Remus never thought he’d go to Hogwarts, and his dad told him it wouldn’t be possible. Lyall planned to homeschool him. When Dumbledore showed up to tell him it was possible to attend, Remus was excited and his parents were afraid.
When Remus found out that James, Sirius, and Peter knew his secret, he thought he was going to prison. He’d never believed they would be okay with him staying.
Lyall did not like that Remus was friends with the marauders, and was livid when he found out they knew Remus’s secret. Particularly that Black boy was dangerous, given who his family was. He thought they’d exploit Remus for his secret, and honestly, Remus was surprised they hadn’t yet, too.
Remus knew they were becoming animagus, and he thought it was brilliant. The confidence of youth kept him from worrying that it would be dangerous for them. He didn’t care. he wouldn’t be alone during the full moon for the first time in his life.
Thaaat’s enough for now, but I might have more. 😉
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midnightstargazer · 1 month
11 & 12 😎
Thanks @petalsthefish!
11. what i think of that character's friends
I think it's interesting that even though the Marauders were supposedly "the height of cool," James was happy to befriend kids who would've probably been seen as uncool if they weren't part of the friend group. Not so much Sirius but definitely Remus and Peter.
I especially love his friendship with Sirius. That he was able to judge him for who he was and not his family. That he and his parents took Sirius in when he ran away from home. They were such an important part of each other's lives. How could anyone believe Sirius would betray him?
12. how i think their childhood was like
I think James probably had the best childhood of all the Marauders Era characters. His parents had him later in life after many years of trying, so he would have been very wanted and very loved. Probably quite a bit spoiled as well.
Maybe a little lonely, though? I imagine most magical families introduce their children to each other before Hogwarts, unless (like the Lupins) they have a reason not to. But he would've probably been homeschooled, and with that combined with being an only child, he wouldn't have spent a lot of time around other kids his age. I think he's a naturally warm and generous person towards the people he loves, so he adapted easily to living with the other Marauders in Gryffindor Tower, but he never really learned to get along with people he dislikes as a kid.
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monkeythefander · 2 months
So I posted some Yandere Roman AU art yesterday and ended up coming up with a story/fic idea for the AU. I don’t know if I’ll fully write out a fic. I’m not sure if I’m skilled enough to write out all the typical Yandere violence and stuff. But I thought I’d post the outline/storyline I have so far to see what people think of the idea so far. I also want to try and post more writing besides Headcannons, so that’s another reason for me posting this.
Yandere Roman AU
Content warnings: mentioned fighting/violence, briefly mentioned intrusive thoughts (not in detail), online stalking, obsession (typical Yandere stuff)
Ship mention: Logince
Click below the cute to keep reading
- Roman had a good childhood. He grew up with his twin brother Remus and two loving parents. Roman also was very social and had a group of friends. He did get jealous a bit easily when his friends hung out without him or started talking to other people over him, but he was able to push those feelings aside quickly.
- Towards the end of middle school, Roman developed him first crush. It was a guy named Luke. Luke was a new friend of Remus’. Luke would come over to the twins house often to hang out with Remus, and Roman couldn’t help but notice how cute Luke was. Remus noticed how Roman looked at Luke and soon started inviting his twin to hang out with him and Luke.
- Roman learned so many cool things about Luke. His favorite color, his hobbies, what classes his took (he also went to their middle school), and Roman became more interested in him. Luke was funny, sweet, and they had some things in common. Roman wanted to spend as much time with Luke and possible and started hanging out with him with Remus around. Luke seemed to enjoy Roman’s company too, so everything seemed perfect.
- This friendship continued in their freshman year of high school (they went to the same school again). As Roman’s feelings continued, staying very strong, the desire to confess grew. But one day at dismissal, Luke approached Roman and Remus holding a girl’s hand. Luke introduced her as Emily, and said she was his girlfriend. Roman was suddenly overcome with overwhelming anger and jealousy. He had never felt so mad before and wanted to punch something (mostly Emily). Remus seemed to sense Roman’s jealousy and said they had to go home now, so conflict was avoided.
- Once away from Luke and Emily, Roman started crying and Remus comforted him. They went home and quickly did homework before watching a happy movie and eating ice cream.
- The next day at school, Roman saw Emily and Luke talking by her locker. The anger and jealousy were back full force, and before Remus could guide Roman away Roman walked over towards the couple and started to hit her. Emily was shocked and tried to fight Roman off and Luke tried to pull Roman away from her, but Roman just shoved Luke away, causing him to hit the lockers and slump against them in pain. Roman kept attacking Emily, not really thinking or seeing clearly, blinded by his rage. Most of the other students in the hallway were staring in shock, and some were even recording. Remus wanted to stop his twin, but after how to shoved Luke away knew it was dangerous, so Remus ran to get a teacher.
- The next thing Roman knew, he was sitting in a chair in the principal’s office, his twin sitting next to him as they waited for their parents to show up. When their parents arrived, the principal informed them of what Roman did and said he would be expelled. The twins’ parents were horrified and disappointed, and didn’t speak a word to Roman on the car ride home. They just asked Remus about his day.
- At home, Roman was finally lectured by his parents. They told him violence is wrong, and when he said he was just very angry and jealous, his parents said that wasn’t an excuse and sent him to his room. He was grounded and had his phone taken away for a month. His parents decided to homeschool him for the rest of his high school career and sent him to an anger management class.
- Remus never brought home a friend again after that day, and Roman could tell his brother was a bit nervous to be around him. Considering Remus deals with some violence related intrusive thoughts, Roman was a bit surprised that Remus wasn’t being more understanding. The twins friendship became fractured that day.
- Once high school graduation came, Remus left for college and didn’t look back. He didn’t talk to Roman over the phone or texts. Roman was left alone with his parents. Roman’s parents didn’t want to send him to college, and just told him to get a job. So Roman got a job as a barista. He enjoyed getting some social interaction, since his family didn’t really talk to him that much after the incident. He thought maybe he could eventually save up enough money to move out into a cheap apartment.
- One morning while working, a cute man walked into the shop and Roman felt his heart skip a beat. The man wore a black polo shirt with blue tie, with some black pants and shoes. His hair was styled nicely and he wore a pair of black glasses over his piercing gray eyes. The man ordered a coffee and blueberry muffin and said to put “Logan” as the name for the order. Roman wanted to try and make conversation but had to focus on taking other people’s orders, and Logan seemed busy checking something on his phone, so didn’t say anything. Logan soon got his order and left, leaving Roman longing to see him again.
- Once home, all Roman could think about was Logan. He hadn’t thought this much about someone since Luke, but his interest in Logan seemed even stronger. Maybe because it’s been so long since he’s desired affection. Roman doesn’t know. But he ends up typing the name Logan into the Instagram search bar to try and find an account that looks like it might be him. After a lot of scrolling he sees a profile picture that looks like Logan. The account @ is loganberryreads. From the looks of the account, Logan is a book YouTuber. His posts vary from photos of books he buys to clips from full YouTube video book reviews. Roman ends up staying up late into the night watching his videos and becoming more entranced by this man.
- The next day at work, Logan appeared at the same time and ordered the same thing. Roman got to be the one to prepare the order this time, so Roman’s heart fluttered as Logan’s hand brushed his as he grabbed his order and thanked Roman before leaving.
End Notes: As said above, this is just an outline/story idea at the moment. I don’t know if I’ll try and make this a full fic or not. But this is what I have so far, so I hope you enjoyed reading.
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marlesbian · 2 years
How i perceive Remus Lupin
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disclaimer: im not gonna talk about his life after the war, after he lost all of his friends bc i don't want this to be depressing.
Remus John Lupin
Born March 10th 1960
Bisexual and Demisexual
he/him cis male. (Love the trans hc though)
WELSH white/jewish/arab/black idc i love all of these hcs he just HAS to be born in Wales.
Life, family and history:
His family was working class, his dad worked a minimum wage job at the Ministry of Magic and his mother was a History teacher.
He was born very loved, he was so welcomed and celebrated.
He spoke welsh fluently and had a very strong welsh accent.
Hope and Lyall’s marriage was happy and it was obvious they loved each other. They were that leftist couple where the woman was treated like a person and the others would get all surprised. They went to protests and riots together, they were very open minded and believed that love was the answer for everything.
They lived on a farm, a small cottage on wales. The house itself was small but they had a garden and a huge space in the back where they raised chickens and an old dog who grew up with Hope.
His parents were maximalists, their house was small and full of stuff, full of books, candles, mugs on random places and cute decorations.
He was a mummy's boy, his mother was his best friend. He and Hope always had their afternoon tea together, each reading a book or gossiping about their neighbors. She loved to hug him. She always made him biscuits and she was an awesome cook.
Lyall was also a great dad, he read to Remus every night, he took Remus on walks and taught him carpentry (because that was his hobby).
Lyall made every single furniture in the house, their favorite was the bookshelf he made as a wedding gift.
They married at 22 and had Remus at 25.
They spent their weekends making picnics, playing in the grass, watching the sunset. They took Remus to the beach on the last sunday of every month for good luck and to wash away bad energy, starting the month right.
Whenever Remus got sad or had a bay day Lyall would make him hot chocolate and bring it to him.
After the attack on Remus, their relationship got a bit rocky but they got through it. Their love for their son was the greatest thing so they worked it out.
After the attack, they got extremely overprotective of Remus. Wouldn't let him go out, wouldn't let him make friends, they doomed Remus for a lonely life out of fear that their son would suffer.
Lyall didn't leave them after the attack, yes the guilt and regret almost took him, but he stayed. Because his son needed to be taken care of, he needed to be loved and so did his wife.
Their house was very secluded, they didn't have any neighboring farms or houses, so nobody noticed the screams of the change and they were safe. Remus did not go to school and was homeschooled until he was 9.
He had a cool lesbian aunt (Lyall’s sister)
They only let him go to Hogwarts because Dumbledore himself went to convince them to, saying that Remus would be safe and everything would work out. Dumbledore did not do this because he was good, he did it because he knew someday there would come a war, and that having a werewolf on his side would be useful. It was part of his strategy.
Hope got very sick when Remus turned 16. She had breast cancer. She died when he was 20.
They both accepted Remus warmly after he came out. Lyall always knew ever since Remus was a kid. When they first met Sirius they figured out he was in love with their son and that their son loved her back.
Lyall died in 1997. He helped his son all throughout the 80s, he took care of him, he helped him, loved him.
Hogwarts years:
His first friend was Peter. Peter was quieter than his other two roommates and easier to talk to at first, because he was not as agitated and as nosy. They befriended playing chess (Remus was terrible at it but he wanted to try)
Remus was very smart but he studied really hard, nothing in life came easy to him. He was hard on himself and craved academic validation.
His favorite teacher was, of course, Prof McGonnagal. He had Madam Pomfrey as a motherly figure (even though nobody would even come close to his mam)
He loved DADA and care of magical creatures, he was actually quite terrible at potions and it was his worst subject.
He was the prank master, he always came up with their best ideas, but he rarely got detention because he was a great liar and had an awesome poker face.
He got extremely close to James in 3rd year, for some reason, in 1973 they were inseparable (probably had a crush on each other). James always followed him to the library and Remus went to see him at quidditch practice. James was his best friend in the whole world, they could talk about everything with ease, no shame and no filters, James was always accepting.
His platonic soulmate girl best friend was Lily, though. Lily was one of the first people to figure out he was a werewolf, she was the first person he came out to. They just understood one another, just with a look they shared a whole conversation, he could read her better than anyone. The whole school thought for years that they were dating, but their relationship was exclusively platonic. They were like brother and sister.
Every single person had a crush on him at least once in their lives. It was impossible not to.
He taught younger students with subjects they were struggling. He made sort of a club and many people joined in, specially on exam season.
Random headcanons:
Remus is actually the most complex and interesting person. He is so soft and easy to break, he loves tea and hot chocolate and reading in the rain, he is also hard and brute and loudmouthed, he fights people when he is angry and he can be mean if he wants to.
He drinks whiskey and smokes cigarettes and pot, he listens to loud music and goes to protests and he also reads romance novels from the 1800’s and talks about philosophy and greek tragedies, Remus has layers, PEOPLE HAVE DEPTH. He doesn't just have one aesthetic or one shallow personality, Remus is much more than the soft boy or the cunt.
He started smoking marijuana at 15, his Da gave it to him to help soothe the pre moon pain.
His disability was an intrinsic part of himself, it affected his mood, the way he behaved around people, it affected his social life and as he got older, it affected his mobility as well.
He started using a cane at all times to walk when he turned 27, before that he only used it after bad moons or before when he was too sore.
He had an absolutely filthy mouth, swore like a saylor.
He appeared to be quiet and shy but when you got to know him he was actually very easy to talk to and always managed to surprise you. To people who didn't know him, he seemed very mysterious but in all honesty he was just secluded. He had trouble talking about his feelings, about his thoughts, about everything, he thought he was a burden and a mistake, but he knew how to put up a face.
He listened to rock, glam rock, hard rock, rock n’ roll and punk (and jazz when he was with his mam)
He did a lot of drugs, it was the 70s and Remus loved drugs, he snorted coke, he took shrooms, he smoked weed ALL THE TIME, he took acid, and every single hallucinogen you can think of. It was just a phase in his life, he only used them socially, on casual occasions, after he turned 19 he just stopped. He had a high tolerance for alcohol but he didn't really like to. He used drugs to keep his mind quiet but he was very uncomfortable with it because he lost control of himself, of his mind and he had enough of that feeling of helplessness once a month.
He was a marxist-lenininist, a big radical leftist (like the rest of his family) and he went to protests, walks and manifestations. He gave everything on those and sometimes got a few hits from the police. He mainly fought for workers rights and unionized since he was 15.
His laugh lit up the world.
He secretly loved puns and make terrible jokes sometimes. He was great at self deprecating jokes.
Sarcasm KING.
He ate a lot, everyone was scared of much much he ate and never seemed to gain any weight (because of the werewolf metabolism).
He loved reading the news.
He drank his tea with a slice of lemon and drank it unsweetened (when he was feeling sick he sweetened it with honey) and put just a spoonful of milk in it. He wasn't much of a coffee person but he drank it occasionally.
When he and Sirius moved in together, just the two of them, Remus gave them a wooden spoon he carved himself. He carved little stars on it and a moon, a half moon because that was his favourite, it meant that he was himself, and that he had full control over his body and mind.
He always wanted to be a teacher. He loved helping and teaching people but he was very insecure about it.
Physical appearance:
Tall, 193cm. Big nose wonky nose (he broke it a few times, either punches or the moon). Freckled face, light brown eyes and sandy wavy/curly brown hair. He was very skinny had some muscle. Ugly hot (so so so so hot). Crooked teeth and the most beautiful smile. His lips were full and soft and deeply red, almost purple.
Grandpa sweaters, wool sweaters, jeans, overalls (especially when he was taking care of the farm). Caqui pants, plain white shirts. Didn't really like wearing clothes that showed his scars, so he avoided wearing shorts and short sleeved shirts around people he didn't know well, when he became an adult he decided to not give a fuck. He wore loads of oversized band t-shirts and jean jackets.
Color pallet: Brown, beige, olive green (and green variations), petrol blue (and blue variations), mustard yellow.
Sirius was literally the love of his life, they were connected by the red string. Their love was the most raw, pure, intense, true love in the world. They were each other's soulmates. He never stopped loving Sirius, not even for a second, not even after all the mistakes he made, his love for Sirius was unconditional. They understood each other, they talked about everything. He literally worshipped the ground his girlfriend walked on. Stan wolfstar forever.
(this isn't very long but i want to add on this in a few days when i get more inspired)
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
Hey Cas! So I'm a queer teenage girl, but I'm homeschooled, so I have no clue if my friends would be accepting or not. There has never been an opportunity to bring up LGBTQIA+ rights, to see how they react , and I know for sure that at least one of my friends has no clue what gay people even are, because I mentioned that I could ship Sirius and Remus, and she said "Wait, but they're both dudes? And dudes cut marry each other?" But not even in a homophobic way, she was legit confused. Ive only told two people. The first is my BFF, who've I've known since I was 5 days old. She was the first person I told. I've also told my mom, and she's been super supportive, but I don't know how or when to tell my dad. He has a gay brother, but the relationship there is pretty much none (My uncle just moved away and never visits) , so I don't know how hell react. I was thinking of writing a letter, but I don't think that would work.
I'm know I'm attracted to multiple genders, because even before I knew what sexualities were, I wrote a story about two lesbian spies. I also get that happy feeling when I see queer people out in public. I have fantasized about both men and women before, so I do know I'm attracted to both men and women (And possibly non-binary people), but I don't know if that makes me Bi, or Omni, or Pan?
Oh, and I LOVE your blog. I get so exited when I see you post something, because Microfics are the perfect length for my ADHD brain to actually focus on. I hope you have a great gay!
P.S. Drink some water :)
Hi! <3
I'm so glad your mom is supportive!
For your friends, I'd try to warm them up to the idea a bit first, lol, especially since they genuinely don't know a lot. Bring up some queer ships, talk about LGBTQIA+ people in the media, that type of thing. Then ease into it.
As far as your dad, I think a letter is a great idea! It can be scary to tell someone big news like that, so getting all your thoughts down in a letter is super smart. It also gives him time to think about his reactions.
As far as your sexuality, have you researched each of those identities? They're very similar (though different in some ways as well), so it might help to look them up and really think about which one makes the most sense to you. Also remember that you're young, and you don't necessarily need to label yourself! Knowing who you're attracted to is a great start! As you get older and start dating more and more, you'll start to realize your preferences and it'll help you figure that out as well.
Let me know if you ever need to talk!
(Also I am naming all the anons who write to me in case they want to write in the future, and I am using a random positive affirmation generator to do so. So I dub thee: sincere anon. Enjoy your free tag!)
(also you made me drink water. so rude 😋)
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