#they haven't announced anything major yet
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 9 months ago
I should try get June 23rd off for Sonic day
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m00nkissedlover · 17 days ago
・。A Drunk Valentine 💝
You've ordered: a dark chocolate liquor donut! enjoy!
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"But, hey, what can you do? I'm a touchy feely fool~"
Rafayel x reader | word count: 1,059 words
Summary: you accidentally leave out liquor chocolates...what's the worst that could happen? 💝
Warnings: mentions of liquor chocolates, rafayel gets a little tipsy (i imagine him as a lightweight-), mild spice (MDNI). not really a warming, but lowkey clingy rafayel 🤍
Note: my first love and deepspace fic! i haven't played the game (yet), so if anything in this fic seems inaccurate, feel free to (respectfully) let me know. happy valentine's day! 💕
Your Valentine's Day with your boyfriend was rather eventful and warmed your heart to its core. First thing in the morning, you woke up to a pleasant and delicious breakfast in bed. After feeding each other and sneaking kisses, the two of you relaxed in bed for the majority of the day, just enjoying each other's presence.
Later on, Rafayel took you out for a lavish dinner, set right by the ocean. And at the end of it all, you two exchanged gifts. He gave you the gift he'd been working on for weeks on end: a gorgeous painting of you as a merperson. You gave him clay figures you sculpted to look just like the two of you. The night ended off with you and Rafayel playing around in the ocean, splashing each other and having an all around good time.
You two finally made your way back home, stepping into your cozy shared apartment. You had dried off with the towels Rafayel had in the car, but your skin still begged for a shower.
"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go get in the shower." you told your boyfriend, getting a thumbs up in response.
As you disappeared down the hallway, Rafayel floated around the apartment, looking for something to hold his attention until you got back. His eyes soon settled upon two boxes of chocolate, one blue and one red. There weren't any names or labels on them, both boxes filled with the same chocolates.
Surely, you wouldn't mind if Rafayel snuck a few, right? After all, you two were probably going to eat them together after your showers.
You exited your shared bedroom, all cozy in your pajamas. Now all you needed was for Rafayel to shower and you two could spend the rest of Valentine's Day cuddling and watching a movie.
"Rafayel, the shower's free!" you announced, walking down the hallway. Usually, you'd already hear him making his way down the hall, but this time, you didn't get a response at all.
"Rafayel?" you called out, hearing a faint mumbling from the living room.
There you saw him, slumped onto the couch, his cheeks flushed and eyes half lidded. He was giggling and mumbling something incoherent, his fingers stained with a bit of...brown? Your eyes traveled down to where the blue box of chocolates sat, wide open with half the box gone.
"Rafayel, how many of these did you eat?" you asked, rushing over and taking the box.
"Why are you so...worried about it? Aren't those...for me?" he asked, his speech a bit slured.
"No! They're liquor filled chocolates, for my boss!" Rafayel raised an eyebrow, scooting over to where you kneeled near the couch.
"You...bought chocolate...for your boss?" he questioned, a frown on his lips.
"Of course I did. My boss gave everyone chocolate yesterday and I just wanted to return the favor." you said, sighing as you looked at the half empty box of chocolates. "I'll have to buy another one."
"Why are you...buying chocolates for...another man?" Rafayel asked, reaching over to tilt your chin up.
You almost burst out laughing at his question, taking his hand and intertwining your fingers. "Rafayel, my boss is a woman."
The purple haired male blinked at you, him frown now turning into a pout. "But maybe she-"
"She's married. And has kids." you said, already knowing what your boyfriend was thinking. He was so clingy when he was drunk, especially right now.
"Come on, let's go get you in the shower, and then we'll get you sobered up, okay?" you hummed, cupping his cheeks in your hands. You couldn't deny how cute he looked, all drunk and blushing and pouty.
As hard as it was to lug a six foot drunk man to the bathroom, you somehow managed to get him there. You let go of him to turn on the shower, turning around to take your leave.
"Let me know if you need anything." you said, sneaking a glance at him unbuttoning his shirt.
Before you knew what was happening, Rafayel pulled you into the shower with him, clothes and all. He pressed you back against the frosty glass, his knee moving to slip between your legs.
"What the hell?" you gasped, your own cheeks starting to heat up. He didn't say anything, just stared at you with those big and beautiful eyes of his.
"Rafayel, this is not the time for this. You need to shower and-!" He quickly silenced you with a kiss, his lips slowly moving against yours. Honestly, you didn't really mind, your senses going numb as you melted into it.
You could taste the sweet chocolate and bitter liquor on his tongue as he deepened the kiss, his grip on your hips tightening. Who would've thought that your Valentine's day would end with a steamy make out session, fully clothed, and in the shower? Obviously not you.
Rafayel let out a soft noise as he moved from your lips to kiss down your neck, a hand coming up to pull down the collar of your shirt. Your head was spinning, the warm steam enveloping you, your now wet clothes sticking to your skin, the smell of Rafayel's cologne in the air. All of it sent your heart into a mad frenzy. And you just wanted more.
You tangled your hand into his hair, sighing softly as his lips pressed to your collarbone. You were starting to feel warm and tingly all over, hearing his deep breathing in your ear.
"Rafayel." you breathed out, your eyes fluttering shut. He continued to kiss over your skin, his movements becoming a bit slower. Then, you felt him still against you.
"Hello? Rafayel?" you murmured, nudging his head with your shoulder. Oh, look at that. He got you all worked up only to fall asleep right in the middle of it! And this was why he didn't drink often.
You somehow managed to get yourself and Rafayel out of the shower and into warm and dry clothes. He sluggishly flopped into bed with you, curling up to your chest like a cat would and falling asleep almost immediately.
His soft snores made you smile as you ran your fingers through his hair, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
What an eventful evening.
Note to self: write names on chocolate boxes next year. 💝
© m00nkissedlover, 2025
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secretlysamcro · 1 month ago
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Female reader x Jax teller MAJOR SPOILERS! Violence (pregnancy) & Explicit language If you're under the age of 18. haven't finished the show or dislike any of said topics, please read no further.
Request: "The reader is Jax’s old lady and an rival club finds this out and kidnaps the reader using her for lovage against the sons, the reader is pregnant and hasn’t told Jax yet and when he comes to save her she gets injured and taken to the hospital during that he’s finds out and they get to see the baby for the first time together"
Backstory: The tension between the club and the Irish has been brewing for weeks now. Jax pushing to sever all ties with the IRA. Jax is determined to do so in order to protect his club and his family, no matter the cost. Galen on the other hand, isn't ready to let go of the SAMCRO connection so easily. He needs Clay out of prison, and the only people he knows that will get it done is the Sons. He knows Jax won't help him willingly, but he knows the one thing that Jax would do anything for, is you.
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“Just one more” he says his voice low and steady, hanging in the doorway like he doesn’t want to leave. His hand wraps around yours, brushing his rough thumb over your knuckles as he closes the space between you once again. The kiss slow and smooth, making it last.
“Jax, go” you laugh, shoving him away playfully, even though part of you wants him to stay. You know he needs to be at the clubhouse. There’s a lot of shit going on at the moment, but as his old lady, you’re only told the stuff he chooses to tell you, the rest is a mystery.
He grins, giving you one last look before jogging down the steps, his trainers thudding against the concrete. The roar of his Dyna filling the air as he takes off down the road.
Your hand drifts to your stomach, cradling the secret you’ve been carrying. The new life you’ve both created. Tonight was the night you were finally going to tell him.
You’d had your suspicions for a while, the doubt creeping in until that one morning when they were confirmed by the positive test. Even then, the shock hit you like a punch. For the most part, you wanted to run to Jax, to tell him right then and there, but you knew it wasn’t the right time. He’d been carrying so much on his shoulders lately, stress from the club, the Irish deal that seemed to be falling apart. The last thing he needed was more pressure.
“Yeah, I’ve got eyes on her now” one of Galen's men says, his Irish accent thick as ever. “I’m sure... he’s just left, she’s home al-...”
You step out of the house in your comfy sweats, car keys and phone in hand. You get into your car, sorting yourself out before starting the engine, completely oblivious to the eyes tracking your every move.
“...Change of plan boss, she’s on the move” He watches your car pull off, tracking your every turn as you head down the street.
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Jax sits at the head of the table, the presidential gavel in hand. “All in favour of the Sons breaking ties with the IRA?” he announces, Chibs already shaking his head, aware of the storm brewing.
“This is a bad idea Jackie boy” the VP warns, his voice tight with concern. “Galen’s a bloody butcher, and the IRA? they aint letting us go that easy” he says, Jax shooting him a look as if to say ‘do what I fucking say’ Chibs, screws his face in stubbornness. “Aye” he reluctantly spits out.
Jax bangs the gavel as the vote comes in as a yes. The other members leaving the room, Chibs staying behind. His eyes fixed on Jax.
“This is the only way we get out of this cartel mess” Jax says, his voice firm, truly believing this is the right move.
Chibs crosses his arms, his gaze still steady. “I really hope you’ve got a plan, Jackie” he says, the weight of the situation hanging heavy in his words.
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“They’ll have to do it” Galen speaks down the phone.
“He’ll do anything I need him to” he looks down to the floor, clearly frustrated “I’m getting him out...tomorrow” he says, before hanging up the phone.
“You really think the sons can pull this off?” Connor questions, his voice sounding doubtful, clearly concerned about where their ties land.
Galen looks him up and down, his gaze cold and calculating. “They don’t have much of a choice” he says, “but I don’t trust Jackson, not after what went down with Father Ashby, God bless his soul” he makes the sign of the cross as he continues speaking “I need Clay out, and I need him out, now”. “And when he gets out, what's his plan? You know the Sons aren't taking him back” Connor states, the doubtful tone still evident.
Galen glances towards him, the corners of his mouth tightening at the frequent questioning “Clay’s heading to Ireland, He’s planning to set up his own charter, make his own way” He then goes into his pocket, to grab the burner phone that’s ringing. “Aye” he says, answering the call.
“We’ve got her” the line hangs up.
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Jax and the club are still at the clubhouse. Jax sits at the bar, Chibs beside him. A text flashes on his phone from a burner number.
Unknown Number: Meet @ warehouse 13.00 -G
Jax looks up, his eyes sharp. “Galen wants us at the warehouse. Be ready to move” he tells everyone, making sure they're all prepared.
“Aye, but what for Jackie?” Chibs questions, not realising they would be facing Galen again so soon.
“I guess we’re gonna find out” Jax mumbles as he begins to text, not Galen though, you.
Jax: Hey babe. b home later than I thought. wait up 4 me. love u.
The guys ride in one by one, Jax leading the way as always, followed by his VP and then the rest of the crew. The warehouse looks empty, spookily quite in fact. Until the doors groan open. Inside, Galen, Connor and a few more of the Irish stand waiting.
Jax steps forward, entering first. His voice laced with sarcasm. “And to what do I owe the pleasure?” The footsteps of the others following close behind.
Galen offers a distant nod, his smile stiff as usual. “Things have changed Jackson” he says, no trace of regret coming from him.
“Hey, if we’ve got some kind of beef lets throw it on the table” he says, his voice sharp.
Galen looks away, almost amused before responding “Don’t be so sensitive Laddy”
Jax snaps, “Grow some balls, you Irish prick” his tone, still unwavering. The others step closer, sensing something could potentially pop off at any given moment.
Galen pauses for a moment, then steps forward to Jax, the sound of his boots crunching against the gravel. “Alright” he says, “I think you’re arrogant, selfish and explosive...” he begins “...The wreckage you caused in Belfast got a man of God, and my dearest friend killed”
Jax frowns slightly, a confused look spreading across his face “You talkin’ about the priest?” he asks, genuinely puzzled.
“Aye” Galen nods, his voice sounding bitter. “Father Kellan Ashby pulled me off the streets, saved my life” each word dripping with resentment.
Jax smirks, the tension getting thicker. “Gave you the Catholic blessing of the blood...made you Gangsta’ of Christ?” he mocks.
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Galen lunges forward, landing a punch directly above Jax’s eyebrow. The whole warehouse erupts into chaos as both sides rush to break them apart.
Jax still smirking as his adrenaline rises shouts “Now we’re making progress!” eager to keep the fight going. The men spill out into the open space in front of the warehouse. The fight continues, both men hitting and being hit, sweat and blood flying with every swing, neither backing down until finally the men watching, pull them apart.
Galen wipes blood from his lip, a twisted smile forming on his face as he looks over to Jax. “Oh, and by the way Jackson…” he says, his voice cold. “…Clay’s getting transported tomorrow. I need you and your club to stop that from happening, and bring him here, to me.” he demands his orders.
Jax laughs, spitting the leftover blood out from his mouth, the confusion spreading across all the faces present. “And why would I do that?” he responds, stunned by Galens audacity.
“Because Jackson...if you don't…” he pulls his phone out, unlocking it calmy before holding it up to show Jax. A woman sitting in a chair, her arms bound and her mouth gagged. The room goes still as Jax works out who the woman in the picture is. “…She dies”. Jax’s expression shifts, the gravity of the situation hitting him.
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The air is cold, the darkness surrounds you. Your hands are bound, your mouth gagged as tears trickle down your face, silently sobbing.
Deep down, part of you knew this was always a possibility. Being the lover of the notorious Sons of anarchy president, could you expect any less?
Footsteps approach through the silence, growing closer with each step. Your heart beating in your chest as he comes into view. Sliding into your peripheral vision. His face, now inches from yours. His breath warm against your skin. A sharp calloused finger brushes away your tear. “Cut the shite” he growls, standing tall once again.
“Those tears mean nothing to me” he turns and leans casually against a desk directly across from you. His legs crossed and his arms folded to match.
In a desperate effort, you manage to wriggle the makeshift gag away from your mouth. “what... do you want...from me” you manage to wheeze out, your breathing laboured due to fear.
He stares at you, not a slither of sympathy in his eyes. “I don’t need shite from you” he says, pointing in your face. “It’s your pretty wee lad we’re after”.
"Please, don't hurt me...I'm...I'm pregnant" you practically cry out.
"Well then you better hope, Jackson, does what he's told"...
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“You think this is gonna work Jax?” Juice’s voice echoes through the silence. Jax keeps his eyes on the the road, looking through the passenger side window, his jaw clenched. “We don’t have a choice” he wipes a hand across his face. The image of you alone, with the Irish, twists in his gut like a knife. “We stop the van, grab Clay, then hand him over to Galen. It’s that simple” he says, relaying the plan instructed by Connor.
The transportation van was forced off of the road, leaving slight chaos in it’s wake. Juice and Jax were in one van, with Bobby, Tig and Connor trailing close behind in the other. Together, they worked effortlessly, forcing the officers to surrender without much of a fight.
Jax, swinging open the vans back doors to reveal Clay, a slight confused look on his face. Jax takes off his ski mask, a smirk appearing as Clay squints up looking towards Jax, clearly not expecting him. “Where’s the Irish?” he says, realising this isn’t the original plan.
“No Irish” Jax replies, his jaw tense. “Just me”.
The job was done, more or less. The boys had managed to pull it off with only one minor hitch, Bobby had taken a bullet in the process. Jax though, is focused on what matters the most, The trade. Clay needed to be handed over to Galen without delay. Clay, for you.
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Jax strides into the warehouse, the club reunited once again. He heads straight for the small office in the back with Chibs and Tig only, the others hanging around behind the door. Inside, Galen stands waiting wearing his usual cocky grin. Jax doesn’t even give him the chance to speak. “You’ll get Clay, when I get y/n” he growls, his voice cold but firm.
Galen smirks, clearly expecting some sort of demand from Jax. He gestures to another Irishman lurking in the corner. The man follows his silent order, slipping out of the room only to return moments later.
He shoves you roughly into the room, you stumble and slam your side into the edge of the cabinet. Jax moves instinctively, about to rush to your side.
“NO!” Galen barks, stopping him from getting any closer. “You’ve seen her, now I want Clay” he spits.
Jax, who’s teeth are snarled, turns around to Tig, giving him a nod. The command clear, go and get Clay. He then looks back to you, sensing the fear rushing through your body. His gaze softens, seeing you in pain, seeing you like this. Your face is bruised, blood smeared across your cheeks. His attention now drawn to how your hands are clutching your stomach protectively.
Tig returns quickly, bringing Clay into the room. The tension is thick as the exchange happens all at one. Clay stepping forward beside Jax, Galen's attention now shifting to him.
You waste no time, you bolt towards Jax, throwing yourself into him. He catches you holding you close, then pulling you away slighting holding onto your shoulders, scanning your entire body for any injuries. “Its okay, y/n” he murmurs, his voice close to a whisper. “I'm so sorry” he says, knowing this is all his fault.
Just behind you, Jax catches Galen's movement. He steps forward, probably about to make some smug comment about the deal, but Jax doesn't wait to find out. “Close your eyes” he whispers into your ear. You barely have time to react as Jax looks over to Chibs and Tig, the three of them exchanging a knowing glance.
Within a second, their guns are drawn. Jax keeps you tightly against him, his free arm acting as a barrier around you as he fires. His bullet lands dead Centre into Galen's forehead, Chibs taking down one Irishman, and Tig dropping the other. The crack of the gunfire makes you scream into Jax’s chest, muffling the sound. Your knees buckle as you drop to the floor. Jax lowering with you, pulling you even closer.
“Jesus christ” Clay mutters, looking around seeing Galen’s lifeless body stretched across the floor. Jax looks over to him. “We had a vote” he says coldly. “This needed to happen” Jax, finally one step closer to cutting ties with the true IRA.
Jax’s eyes catch the way your hand trembles as it moves between your legs. when you pull it away, blood covers your palm. His heart dropping to his stomach as panic flashes across his face. “Shit” he shouts out, looking around the room trying to make sense of the situation.
“Did she get shot?” Tig questions, also trying to work out the cause of the blood. You don't respond right away, staring at your bloodied hands. This was not how you wanted Jax to find out. Your gaze slowly shifting to Jax, the look in your eyes breaking his heart.
“The baby...” you whisper, your voice exhausted
Jaz freezes, along with everybody else in the room. The words replaying in his head. “The... baby?” he echoes, his voice hard to hear.
It’s not anger or frustration but complete shock. However, there's no time for questions. His protective instincts kicking in like a flip of a switch. Jax shouts for Rat, it takes seconds for him to enter. “I need you to take y/n to the hospital NOW!” his tone sharp and commanding.
Rat, looking around the room taking in what has just happened. “What about-” he’s cut short.
“I SAID NOW!” he takes a deep breath, steadying his anger "please, just go now call me when you get there, I’ll catch up”.
You cling to Jax’s kutte as he leans down, cupping your face with both hands. “you’re gonna be fine” he says, his voice steady, even though his heart feels like its ripping apart. He places a kiss to your forehead. “I have to deal with this, but ill be right behind you ok. I promise... I love you” He kisses you again, helping you off the floor and passing you over to Rat.
As Rat leaves with y/n the other members pile into the room. Clay’s eyes follow, a look of resignation spreading across his face. “I guess you had another vote I wasn’t privy to” a short smile plays on his lips, as he realises what's about to happen.
“Yeah, we did” Jax nods his head slowly. “This time it was unanimous” they stare at each other for a while, before Clay finally speaks.
“fair enough” the eye contact lingering on a little longer.
Clay steps back, not fighting it and completely expecting what's to come. He says nothing, just looks at Jax with a hint of understanding. He moves slowly to the other side of the room, bracing himself in the corner. “This good?” he questions, his voice low as he takes one last look at club he used to call family.
“Yeah” Jax says, no feelings in his words what so ever.
Chibs silently steps forward, loading the gun. He hands it to Jax, who takes it with steady hands. Without hesitation he raises the gun, firing one final shot, hitting Clay straight in the neck. Clay falling to his knees, the blood gushing out like a fountain, he's flat on the floor, the life draining from him.
Jax hands the gun back to Chibs. “I’ve got to go” he says, sounding urgent. “You got this?” he asks his VP, making sure that the rest of the plan plays out just as well. Chibs nods, already moving into motion.
As Jax makes his way to his bike, Connor approaches. “Galen still in there?” he asks, completely oblivious to the mayhem behind the doors. Jax’s lips curl into a smile, a darkness forming over him.
“Yeah. He’s not going anywhere” Without waiting for a response, he jumps on his bike, speeding off doing his best to catch up with Rat, y/n and his unborn child.
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Jax’s heart pounds through his kutte covered chest, as he pulls into the hospital parking lot. The roar of his bike engine fading as he skids into park. He waste’s no time, pushing through the hospital doors with urgency, the sterile smell hitting him in the face.
His eyes scan through the reception. Rat, sitting nervously in one of the chairs, looks up as Jax approaches, his chest tight with worry.
“Where is she?” he demands to know, the anxiety creeping in.
Rat stands quickly, raising his hand in a calming gesture. “They took her in to check her over” the words rushing out but in a calming manor.
“She's fine, the baby...your baby is fine” he reassures Jax. The weight of those words hit Jax like a wave, for the first time in hours, he allows himself to breath. The tension in his body easing, as he lets out a long shaky breath.
Rat eyes Jax curiously, his expression cautious, not wanting to over step. “How did it go?”
Jax meets his gaze, his voice finally steady. “It’s done”. Rat nods, understanding exactly what Jax is saying, no need for a further explanation.
“The guys probably need you, take my bike, leave the van... and thank you Rat, for getting them here safe” Jax, pats Rat on the back.
Rat looks at Jax, blinking in disbelief. “wait... take your bike?” he repeats the words, unsure if he misheard. “Nobody rides your bike” he adds, still in shock.
A smile curls on Jax’s face, but the warning still stands true. “If you leave a single scratch on it, you’ll be meeting Mr. Mayhem next” he gives Rat a wink, masking the seriousness in his threat.
The gel that the nurse places on your belly is cold, sending an involuntary shiver down your spine. Your whole body aches, bruised from the events of earlier today. The relief however, over shadows the pain, you and the baby are fine and that’s all that matters. You try to focus on that, but your mind keeps drifting to Jax, wishing he was here with you.
Just as the thought crosses you mind, the door creaks open. You look up, and there he is, appearing in the doorway.
“Just in time” the sonographer smiles warmly.
“Hey Darlin” Jax murmurs to you, his voice steady with an apologetic look in his eyes. He slides into the chair next to you, leaning over kissing you softly on the lips. He lingers there for a moment longer, grounding himself in the reality that you’re both okay.
“okay, y/n are you ready?” The sonographers voice breaking the silence, her tone gentle as she prepares to scan you. She talks you both through what’s going to happen as she adjusts the machinery. You nod in response as Jax squeezes your hand, his eyes flicking between you, the sonographer and the monitor. His nerves still on edge, unsure of what to expect.
The room falls quiet as the sonographer moves the wand over your belly. The humming from the machine being the only present sound. Your focus shifting to the screen. A tiny unmistakable figure moving ever so slightly. “There’s your baby” she smiles, her presence warm.
“Oh my god” you sigh out, your hand moving to cover your mouth in disbelief. Jax is frozen, his eyes glued to the screen his grip on your hand tightens as it feels like the world has stopped spinning.
“Jax look” you say, looking over at him, admiration in your eyes. Jax is frozen, he blinks hard as his jaw tightens, his mood unreadable.“Jax?” you question, unsure of how he’s feeling.
His rough exterior begins to crack as he leans closer to the screen, his blue eyes shimmering with tears. “Jesus...” he mutters, as he wipes a tear falling down his cheek. He cracks a laugh in disbelief, returning the eye contact now. “That’s our baby” his vulnerable side now showing.
“From the measurements, I’d estimate you’re roughly 12 weeks, at the least” the sonographer speaks gently, her voice breaking into the emotion bubble you're both currently sat in.
“12 weeks” Jax repeats in a whisper, more tears slip down his face as he keeps wiping them away with the back of his hand.
It’s a lot to take in, everything that's happened in the last 48 hours crashing down on him at once. This wasn’t part of the plan, not at all. But as he stares between you and the little baby wriggling on the screen, his heart swells, a new level of protectiveness he has never felt before.
Jax holds the printed scan photo delicatley in one hand, holding you as delicatley around your waist with the other, as you make your way towards the van.
You glance around, noticing something is missing. “No bike?” you ask, confusion creasing your eyebrow.
Jax sighs, a small smirk growing on his lips. “I let Rat ride it back” he says, already regretting his decision
Despite everything thats happened, it’s as if this has shocked you the most. “you what?” you almost shout.
He shrugs, amused by your reaction. “Yeah, well desperate times babe. He knows what will happen if he messes it up” Jax reassures you, whilst trying to also reeassure himself.
You shake your head in disbelief , still trying to process what he’s just told you, as he helps you gently into the van.
The joy of the past hour almost made you forget what had happened earlier. But now, as you sit beside Jax in the van, it all comes rushing back.
The last time you saw him, he wasnt the man gently holding your hand like he is now. He was Jax, the president, Jax the outlaw, pulling the trigger without hesistation. You knew what he was capable of, but seeing it with your own eyes was a different feeling.
Jax notices the small shift in your demeanour and turns to you. “You okay?” he questions.
You nod, your voice on the verge of crying “Just... a lot to... take in” you manage to get out.
He sighs, squeezing your hand. “y/n I am so sorry you had to see that” he says quietly. “I didn’t want you too, but I had no choice” he reassures you, it wasn’t just for fun.
You look at him, his face so calm even though you know the burden he carries is much heavier than he ever lets on.
“I promise you, y/n. I’m getting us out of this” he looks upwards as if trying not to cry “I can’t ever have you, or our baby in a situation like that again… I don’t know what I’d do if…” he tries to catch a breath, you squeeze his hand as an act of comfort.
“I love you Jax, I love all of you, even the club” you breath out a small laugh, wanting him to feel secure. Even though deep down, the thought of your child growing up in this world makes you feel sick to your stomach.
“I love you too y/n, both of you” Jax smiles as he begins driving home, praying that the plan he set in motion, is enough to keep everyone safe.
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Photos & gifs do not belong to me. Just edited them together.
Who rewatches scenes to fit them perfectly into their story plot? Yes, it’s me.
Pls pls pls send me some Jax requests, I love writing but when it comes to thinking of something to write, that’s where I go blank!
Jax Teller Masterlist
Also, thank you all so much for your comments & feedback, love u all 🫶🏽
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qqueenofhades · 1 year ago
What do you think of the movement to vote "uncommitted" in the primary? Personally I think it's a good idea as a protest vote, while not "allowing Trump to win" since it's, ya know, the primary. You're voting for "the Democrat you want to be the candidate for president" not who you actually want to be president. Most of the arguments I've seen against it seem to forget primaries exist...
Well, since you came to me and presumably do want my honest opinion on this topic, I'll share it with you. However, this will also be very blunt and candid, including some things which I haven't yet said in the 4+ months since the whole Israel/Hamas situation kicked off, and therefore also frustrated. This frustration should not be read as/taken as being directed at you personally, but since you're the conduit for this question, that's just something I want to highlight.
So. Why should you vote for Biden in the primary, and not "uncommitted" or whatever else?
First of all, what I desperately want to ask all these self-righteous VOTE UNCOMMITTED IN THE PRIMARY TO SEND BIDEN A MESSAGE types is: what exactly the fuck do you want this message to be, and what action do you expect Biden will take as a result? Is this actually based on an expectation of what he can/and or will actually do, or is it just a froth of misguided Online Leftist "rah rah this Bad Thing Happening Is All Biden's Fault," as we also notably went through when Roe was overturned by the Trump-stacked SCOTUS selected precisely for the purpose of overturning Roe? My god, the amount of bad "THIS IS BIDEN/THE DEMOCRATS' FAULT" posts that appeared, and are still circulating on the particularly idiotic corners of this site. Nothing could ever be Trump/the Republicans' fault in that case; it was the same old same old "DEMOCRATS DON'T CARE ENOUGH TO STOP THIS!!!" puerile fantasy. That's what we are getting now with Israel/Hamas. This isn't Hamas's fault for attacking Israel on October 7 (god forbid; the online left loves Hamas) and it isn't even the state of Israel and Netanyahu's fault for responding with full-scale genocide on Gaza. Or it is, somehow, but not so much that Biden personally couldn't magically reach in and stop it "if he really wanted to." I'm sick and fucking tired of this bullshit sixth-grade bad-faith disingenuous approach to playing Super Moral Social Justice Yahtzee and refusing to acknowledge the thousands of complex factors at play, especially when it involves blaming literally anyone other than Biden, personally (just like the Trump cultists, for whom "IT'S BIDEN'Z FAULT" is the beginning and end of their political theory, just like the Online Leftists). I'm sure this will get me called a genocide apologist by the Very Smart Moral Twitter Thinker types, but I don't think "Biden has failed to magically single-handedly solve this crisis, which stems from one of the most major and long-running issues in post-WWII and indeed pre-WWII world history, in four months" is actually a good reason to vote against him.
Likewise: withholding your vote might make more sense as a strategy if Biden was still only blindly supporting Israel and refusing to do anything to pressure them, which is demonstrably untrue. I know it's hard for some of these people to actually read the news and/or anything outside their ultra-curated Twitter feed, but it's been well-reported and well-documented that he is. If the US was directly involved in the bombing campaign on Gaza, sure, tell Biden that you will vote uncommitted to increase pressure on him to pull out. None of that is actually true, and the "information" about Biden's action in re: Gaza on both Twitter and Tumblr is basically just entirely malicious lies. So again: what message are you sending when you decide to be all precious and announce you're not voting for him? You don't want him to pressure Israel? You're willing to blow this up entirely and increase the media nonsense about BIDEN WEAK DEMOCRATS DIVIDED and give Trump an opening to exploit? You really want to announce to the Trump/Putin/Netanyahu axis of evil that their anti-Biden propaganda is working (since all three of them are working as hard as they fucking can to get Biden out of office, and as someone who opposes all three of them, I think this is a good idea to vote for Biden!) and they need to hammer harder on this wedge issue? Because that's all your oh-so-moral Uncommitted vote is doing. It's not a protest. It's not leverage. It is the withdrawing of leverage. If you want Biden in office so he can be pressured to listen to you and take action that you agree with, you will vote for him. Yes, in the primary. Yes, when it's not directly against Trump.
You want a ceasefire, you say? GREAT! WE ALL WANT A CEASEFIRE AND/OR ACTUAL PEACE AND RECOGNITION OF A PALESTINIAN STATE! That's in fact why you should be busting your fucking ass to make sure Biden gets re-elected, and to give him a strong show of support in the primary. Biden is the only candidate with a credible long-term (and like, baseline functional sane adult) plan for Gaza. Biden is the one who has been pressuring Netanyahu in every single contact to tone it down and stop acting like an insane murderous maniac and therefore torching any remains of sympathy for the attack Israel suffered in October. Biden is the one who has his entire diplomatic team working on high-level contacts with the Israeli government and the Hamas representatives via Qatar, while sufficiently threatening Iran to back down from frothing at the mouth to destroy Israel (once again, just like the rest of the antisemitic western left). Biden is the one who is pushing for this not to be World War III, and yet we get Baby's First Social Justice Activist screaming at him for being GENOCIDE JOE and blaming him personally for not, as I keep putting it, shapeshifting into Netanyahu's body and making this stop. "He should publicly call for a ceasefire!" Or, and this is just a suggestion, he should DO HIS FUCKING JOB and continue to work on serious problems that don't have instant socially media marketable catchphrases and won't come with instant gratification. Also, please tell me how you plan to get both Hamas and Israel to accept the same terms for a ceasefire, abide by it, and do exactly what Big Daddy Biden told them, because you, the dedicated anti-western anti-imperialist, think that's the best course of action?
Like. I mean. As vice president and now as president, Biden is actually one of the least foreign-intervention-happy leaders the US has ever had. He was originally against the Abbottabad raid to take out Osama bin Laden in 2011; he wound down the overseas drone assassination program (at which the Online Leftists screamed bloody murder at Obama, ignored in Trump, and then refused to give Biden any credit for ending) to almost nothing, he pulled the US out of Afghanistan, and even though he's been supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russia, he's also been extremely slow and cautious (in my opinion, too slow and cautious) at giving them all the military hardware they need, even before this latest blockade of aid in the House by Putin's favorite little bitch Mike Johnson. He has already presided over a historic shift in US policy toward Israel, in terms of conditioning the use of lethal aid, imposing reporting requirements, starting to criticize them publicly, and calling for the recognition of a Palestinian state and more humanitarian aid to get into Gaza. Yet in the Online Leftists' mind, because he is not personally out there Captain America-ing away the Israeli bombs and/or calling for Israel to be totally destroyed "from the river to the sea" as the Tumblr activists are fond of using no matter how often Jews ask them to stop, there is nothing he's actually doing! GENOCIDE JOE!!!!! Like, I thought the anti-western anti-American crowd thought all overseas American influence was evil (but all overseas Russian and/or Chinese influence is fine). When Biden actually doesn't recklessly intervene in foreign conflicts like Kennedy/Johnson/Nixon/Reagan/Bush 1/Bush 2/pretty much every American president in the latter half of the twentieth century, you'd think that would get him plaudits? NAH.
"Biden should stop selling Israel weapons without Congressional approval!" Okay, sure, he should. Which he did one time, and he also repeatedly promised to veto and/or not pass any only-Israel aid package that didn't also help Ukraine and Taiwan. He's also not beholden to the frothing antisemitic Online Leftists position that Israel should just lie down and let all of its citizens be killed and its state wiped from existence. Like. We also remember that Jewish voters exist in America, right? And that Jewish lives are something which are repeatedly and demonstrably under threat in the rest of the world, including from Hamas and the Houthis (who are genuinely terrible people and the western left's warm embrace of them as principled anti-Israel actors is all we need to know about their inherent brainrot and moral vacancy). We know that maybe going full masks-off antisemite (which Biden isn't going to do anyway, for any number of reasons) isn't the greatest plan and nothing to which you should be conditioning your vote? Likewise, please tell me how you plan to make Congress (especially the GOP-led clown car House) "do what Biden wants," since you're still beholden to that being the be-all-and-end-all of moral action? Or how you account for Congress at all, and not just think The President is An Almighty King?
Aside from all this, I am sick to my fucking back teeth of the Precious Moral Princesses (gender neutral) who have spent four years lying about everything Biden has done. We had the personally blaming him for Roe ending (he could unilaterally overturn SCOTUS if he really wanted!) We had the endless bashing about student debt, only to ignore him actually making the most major effort to forgive student debt in all the post-Reagan years. We have had a complete ignoring and/or distortion of his domestic policy accomplishments, which are some of the most momentous since FDR and LBJ. We have had an utter ignoring, revision, and downplaying of the damage Trump did in one term and how very much worse his second would be. We have had to endure "WELL YOU CAN'T ASK ME TO VOTE FOR BIDEN" at every single second for every single thing, because this is such a terrible onerous thing to ask them to lift one single fucking finger to give us some more time to come up with a better solution. And yet, as astutely pointed out by one of my anons yesterday, they utterly don't care whether the obvious outcome of this action is to help Trump get back into power. Apparently that's not a moral reach too far, but straining their delicate tender moral sensibilities to fucking do the goddamn bare minimum to help us out -- both in America and around the world -- no, no. We can't have that.
Like. These people allegedly want a ceasefire, and they want it to come about by asking literally nothing more of them then posting snide anti-Biden diatribes on social media. That's the extent of the effort they're willing to put in. They can't even trouble themselves to take the first step of voting for people who want to address this crisis in a constructive way. So yeah, I have a hard time believing this is anything deeply felt in regard to opposing genocide, and just wants what makes them look morally superior. Also: I don't care if your feelings are genuinely pure and strong and you obviously oppose what's happening in Gaza (we all do!) and want it to end. In that case, why the fuck aren't you throwing your support (yes! Even in the primary!) behind the one guy who's actually working to fix it and not just posting empty platitudes on Twitter? It likewise does not excuse you from the harmful consequences of your rhetoric and actions, if you decide that the best way to act on your deep-seated and genuine desire to stop the genocide is just to blindly bash Biden all day every day. Not voting for Biden in the primary does not excuse the fact that this election is against Trump and everything horrible that he represents, and that we are in this situation largely because the online left has learned literally fucking nothing from 2016 and is eager to do it all over again. Not voting for Biden in the primary does not give you a special Gold Star Moral Activist sticker announcing that you were too virtuous to engage in the process now, but if you're sufficiently placated, you maybe will do it in November. Miss me with that bullshit. I've spent eight years pleading with people to help us fix this mess, by -- yes! engaging with the flawed process that makes partial changes!!! -- and all I hear is that same fucking nonsense. That is a large part of why this response is so steamed.
Anyway. In short, I don't think voting "uncommitted" is a good idea, I think it only helps Trump in the short and long term, I think it protests nothing, I think it represents the same old tired anti-voting schlock that I have had more than fucking enough of, and I don't endorse it by any means. However, you will see that while I can strongly and unequivocally give you my opinion that it is a bad idea, I cannot actually reach through the screen, take control of your body, and force you to obey me one way or the other. So maybe, just maybe, Biden can't do the same with Netanyahu. Weird.
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disneyprincemuke · 1 year ago
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my name on your ribcage
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charles leclerc x reader — series masterlist
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charles brought you back to life in one date. realistically, you shouldn't even be dating anyone right now, fresh out of the relationship with a guy that you thought you would end up marrying. yet here you are, swinging your arms with your hand in his as you navigate the tourist attraction together, with the widest and most genuine smile you've sported in weeks.
following your breakup, you had shut everyone in your life out. you've just been going through the motions while the grief of your relationship consumed you every waking moment.
until you decided to pick yourself up and put yourself out there again. it wasn't supposed to develop into anything serious: it was just to get your mind off your ex-boyfriend.
yet here you are.
"are you hungry yet?" charles turns to you with a smile, squinting slightly from the sun shining down on you. "you haven't eaten all day."
the tingling sensation in your stomach has not left you in days since you went out on your first date. that night, for the first time in three weeks, you would find yourself finally talking to your friends normally and laughing when you were in school with them.
but you still have not gotten your appetite back yet. which, is very visibly worrying for the monegasque. he had tried to get you to eat a full breakfast meal, getting you a small muffin from a bakery not too far away from his apartment. he ended up eating more than the majority of it after you announced that you were full after about two and a half bites.
you shake your head, squeezing his hand. "i'm not hungry yet."
"seriously?" he asks you, eyebrows knotted in concern as he turns to look at you. "we've walked for hours. you are still not hungry?"
you press your lips together and a small laugh. "not yet. thank you for asking, though."
you hear him sigh, prompting you to turn your head to look at him. he pulls you into his body and slings an arm over your shoulder. "you know, you've got to start eating properly. this isn't healthy, you know?"
you smile and lean into him, resting a hand on his chest as you walk. "i'll get hungry eventually. don't worry about me. let's just enjoy our date?"
"fine," he smiles, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "so, what do you feel like doing now?"
"anything, as long as i'm with you."
he laughs, eyes crinkling when he throws his head back. he grabs your cheeks, squishing your face slightly, as he bends down to press a loving kiss on your cheek. "you make me feel so much."
you shriek and try to pull back. you didn't spend almost an hour doing your makeup only for it to be grabbed and ruined by the touch of his hands. "my makeup!"
"right, i'm sorry," charles laughs, immediately tearing his hands from your face. "i couldn't contain myself. you make me feel so in love."
you look up at him, cheeks hurting from the smile that has not left your face since you started terrorising him on tinder with your antics. nothing has ever felt so right standing here with him.
for some reason, within the short amount of time you have known him, you're convinced that your heart fits right with his. even when you were going on and on about the heartbreaks of your previous relationship, he was somehow able to make you feel like it would all be okay.
even your pain fits in the palms of his warm hands.
he reeled you in with his sweet smile and played his cards right. he has, over and over again, told you his true intentions with you: treat you like you've never been before.
but there's always this nagging voice in the back of your mind that's telling you that it will end up falling apart and will leave you in the rubble of memories and remnants of the relationship by yourself.
like every other time you've let yourself fall in love.
but another voice's been added to the archive of voices in your head: charles' voice telling you that he will make you happy.
and you're only slowly starting to believe him. he speaks to you so tenderly, consistent with his claims to treat you the way you deserve. it's hard not to believe a man when his eyes looked at you like you brought about the meaning of life to him when he met you.
for once in your life, you feel like you're finally in the right place at the right time. like this could finally be it for you.
charles had filled in the void in your chest, shaped exactly like him.
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gen taglist: @cashtons-wife
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chamiryokuroi · 8 months ago
I'm new to DC, so I'm sorry for asking, but where did EMT! Bernard even comes from? i haven't seen anything like that in the comics yet
After Batman: Urban Legends (where Tim and Bern got together) and before the announcement of Tim Drake: Robin, fandom had absolutely no content to consume of Timber so what did we do? Go absolutely wild with headcanons.
One of the most popular ones was EMT!Bernard, because we all were wondering how was DC going to keep a civilian love interest relevant in the comic, many ideas were tossed around but EMT!Bernard was one of the most memorables, and it has stuck around even after confirmation that he is majoring in physics and biology, while wanting to become a chef one day.
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kurizeria · 2 months ago
Update on Eulogy of Starlight account shadowban
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(👆Wowie! A chapter 2 teaser!!!! my baby gorl.......)
So it looks like the shadowbanning is not just a me issue at all, and I've seen a lot of people mentioning on reddit that they've been shadowbanned and it's taken anywhere from a week to several months to hear back about it. I've had zero response from support so far, so I'm starting to expect it'll be around a month minimum since the subject of shadowban is a bit lower of a priority.
I thought about remaking the blog, but then what's the point if it might just happen again? Am I gonna make a new blog every time? Hell no lmao. So I've decided I'm going to hunker down and continue running the account as normal, BUT I'm making some compromises until support gets back to me... which is hopefully sometime soon.
What does this mean?
While @eulogyofstarlight is shadowbanned and cannot post in tags or anything else related to interactivity, any MAJOR announcements will be posted from this account (@kurizeria) for viewability, such as releases of chapters and anecdotes. Most other things will remain posted only on the sideblog (concept arts, fun facts, etc).
If I'm lucky, support will get back to me before chapter 2's release, and then I won't have to do any of this, but I'm not holding my breath.
Additionally, since it's probably gonna be a while, I've closed asks on eulogyofstarlight and forwarded the ask page to send to my main account here. The ask box in the FAQ has been removed for now. If I can tell that an ask was meant for EoS, any asks sent to my main will instead be screencapped and posted on eulogyofstarlight with the answer.
Once chapter 2 is finished, I plan to post the comic chapters on AO3 as well. (My account is empty, but it's here.) I'm not sure if I can make the images seamless yet since I haven't tried it myself yet, but every comic I saw on there has gaps between the pictures, nooooo my aesthetic- As for the anecdotes, don't think I'll post the anecdotes unless I can format the images the same way as I can on here.
In the meantime, tentatively gonna say that the original English version of chapter 2 will be ready to publish either at end of January or early half of February. I'm sorry for the large gap between the introductory and the 2nd chapter, I was really busy during November-December so I just didn't have the time to work on it.
I greatly appreciate the support I've received during this time, and hopefully this will be resolved soon enough. I look forward to sharing chapter 2 with you all soon. 💗
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putschki1969 · 3 months ago
Hi Sarah! Hope you are well! I will be in Japan on January 15th, so i can't lose the incredibile opportunity to go to the concert. I waited for the general lottery hoping that it would be aviable on the international e+ stite, but unfortunatley it seems it is not the case.
I tryed with sos japan but they are not answering me, and with bridge but they told me they are full or requests and so can't help me.
I would appreciate it very much if you can suggest me something to get these tickets. Thank you!
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Hello there!
I am so sorry for the late reply. You sent this while I was travelling last week so I didn't notice the new message in my inbox. I am happy to hear that you will be in Japan next January. Of course you'd want to use that opportunity to attend the Kalafina, I totally understand.
However, I am afraid we are already at a point where it's pretty tricky to get tickets.
Ticket sales are scheduled for the following dates: ■Wakana/KEIKO Fan Club Advanced Lottery October 10, 2024, 11:00 - October 20, 23:59 ■Hikaru X (formerly Twitter) Advanced Lottery October 25, 11:00 - November 4, 23:59 ■General Ticket Lottery November 9, 11:00 - November 11, 23:59 ■General Sale November 16, 10:00 -
We have gone through all the ticketing stages and it appears like there are no more tickets left on the e+ general sale. This is actually quite surprising since I didn't expect the concert to be sold out so quickly. The venue is huge and judging from everyone's dismissive reactions on Twitter, I had assumed that not many people were actually planning to attend. Guess the mood on Twitter didn't reflect the high demand of the general public.
From what I could tell, almost everyone who applied for the Wakana/KEIKO fan club ticket lotteries won a ticket so they must have had a lot of tickets available for those. A majority of all fan club members seems to have made use of that preliminary lottery because for the subsequent Hikaru lottery, there were quite a few people who didn't manage to win a ticket. The same applies to the general lottery. I saw several tweets of people being sad that they didn't win anything during that. Unfortunately, the general lottery period was very short so it would have been necessary to contact SOSJapan or a similar service very early in advance to figure out what you needed.
The general sale was over super quickly too so there are currently no official options available.
They might have plans to offer some left-over tickets on the overseas e+ site but they haven't announced anything yet in that regard. Knowing Space Craft, they will totally ignore Kalafina's overseas fanbase so I wouldn't count on that....
I know that a lot of tickets were bought by shady resellers who are now offering them for crazy prices on some random sites but for one, that's illegal so I wouldn't recommend going down that route and two, it would be a real hassle for a foreigner to even get their hands on one of those resold tickets so meh, not the best idea.
Your best bet right now is to ask around in fandom spaces and see if anyone got spare tickets. The good news is that many people applied for more than one ticket (myself included). The bad news is that most of those people will already have found someone to give their extra tickets to (myself included).
I will ask here on this blog and see if anyone can offer a spare ticket to you. If there's no one, you will have to ask around on other sites. You should probably check out the cantaperme forum or a number of different Kalafina Facebook communities and a post on Twitter can't hurt either (although you'll have to tag everything properly so the post reaches a good amount of people).
【Request】 Kalafina Anniversary Ticket
Does anyone still have a spare ticket for the upcoming Kalafina Anniversary Live? If you do, please contact me or @red------moon directly. Thank you!
【Update】 Spare Ticket Found
Great news! @hadi-sama has some spare tickets and is offering them to fellow loyal fans who are still in need of one. Thank you so much for your swift reply! @red------moon, please be sure to contact either me or him ASAP to figure out all the details. Thank you!
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mydarlingbat · 11 months ago
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Let's get down to business. I mean yes! I can talk about how long it took me to hunt down comics, but I rather skip all of that. It's not really irrelevant, although can I just say I adore this relationship. I might sound a little insane right now, but their relationship is just full of so many things at once. i can't even break it down right now, especially now. however this is going to focus on Batman and his other rogues unfortunately. I just want to announce and of course elaborate that I don't dislike any ships I'm about to mention. It's just to demonstrate the difference, in addition to that i do believe that mostly all of Batman villains has a level of like for the dark Knight. Maybe not romantically I suppose, but even perhaps so. Now sadly i can't post every villain on one freaking post, but I only can do one at a time. * Cries * nah, I'm just joking, but we are going to get a lovely display of both of their relationships. I will of course start off with theses panels.
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He leaves Riddler to die more than once?
Riddler desires a sort of relationship with the Batman, but he yearns it to align with Batman and Joker relationship, and that will never ever happen. I honestly can't ship Riddler and Batman. Batman treats riddler horribly and he's very hostile towards him the majority of the time, which makes the ship unlikable for me, however I don't have any issue with anyone who ships Batman with the Riddler. They're not terrible. In the meantime let's chat about theses panels. Batman leaves the Riddler tied up in a warehouse in a chair? Now don't get me wrong, he does leave a knife near him, but he shows absolute no remorse or any kind of concern for him. He even goes on to say 'partner' sarcastically. Batman has repeatedly demanded The riddler to not call him partner or friend, while the Joker has repeatedly called Batman friend and partner. This is just one example.
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Batman has never said don't call me partner to the Joker. He said don't call me bats, but partner? I haven't seen it yet, and let's not jump over the fact when you scroll up a little, Batman helps a tied up Joker. He helps a helplessly Joker. He goes down to see if a bloody half dead Joker is alive, and there's concern present. Not the ' are you okay ' Not the simple Riddler ' where's the sadness at Bruce? By the way this isn't Edward. He just thought it was at first.
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Batman doesn't enjoy The Ridder like the Joker? You know someone ask me this before, and I honestly didn't even really desire to give them an answer. I didn't want to ruin their ship, but no he does not in fact enjoy his time with The riddler like he does with The Joker. How i can prove that? It's easy.
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Batman is really over here saying. You missed me Joker? Bruce how gayer can you get. Haha! Now Riddler is practically begging for the dark Knight attention over here. I mean Batman doesn't even want to look at him, or acknowledge him. He just wishes this to be over with as soon as possible in this panel. Here's another example.
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Anything except him. God the way Bruce constantly yearns to disappear away from the Riddler, while he's here with the Joker smiling.
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Batman doesn't deny his dance with the Joker. He acknowledges it all the times, and even goes as far as to say I'm not in the mood. He doesn't tell the Joker to hire someone else to dance with, but he always dances with the Joker. Even if you say that Batman thought Riddler was going to die that night, but even Bruce wasn't an hundred percent sure if he would survive the bullet to his heart. The Riddler did wound up making it after all, so Batman was wrong about his calculations in the issue Batman #25 Jokes and riddles. When the Joker was dying on the Batman who laughs what did Batman do? He bought him back to life. He claimed he did it so the Joker could help him defect the Batman who laughs, but his own words demonstrated that that was not the reason. He told the Joker in these exact words 'you'll be safe here' This is why he bought him back because he didn't want him to live without his greatest foe. The Batman has let three people meet their demise to get to the Joker. It's not me trying make Batman into this heartless person, but this isn't the only incident that Batman has done this. What you all don't understand is that Batman doesn't have excuse for the Joker. He make a excuses. He like the Joker being alive. He goes out of his way to save him, and let's be honest the Joker was stabbed in the heart there was a huge chance the Joker wasn't going to make it in Batman cacophony #3, but he still let the killer go, and go saves the Joker. The point of this is to prove that Batman goes out his way to save the Joker, and go out his way to dance with him. Here's a reminder of that relationship.
This isn't finish yet. We need more proof right? I'm going to be talking about Batman confidential #27 and #28 which riddler makes appearance in.
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months ago
Into, Across and Beyond!: Happy 1st Anniversary!
(Anyone new here, please go check out the webcomic yourself! There's a link to its Master Post on my account's Master Post!)
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It's honestly hard to believe that it's been a whole year since I got Sonic: Into, Across and Beyond! going here on Tumblr, but I'm absolutely proud of where I've come with the project! It's not been easy plotting everything out, but it's definitely in a great state so far!
Of course, I haven't gotten this far on my own. I'd also like to thank some other individuals for helping me reach this point, as well.
@becdoesthings: for having helped with some writing, alongside some mockup work!
@mcgamejolter: for not only contributing here and there to the story, but also for bringing Mr. Needlemouse into IAB!!
SFG1235: for bringing his own little contribution to IAB!, alongside doing a fantastic job with the Mobiverse AU!
@robovoidfrog: It's been great seeing how Funkinverse could evenly tie in with IAB! without intruding on the experiences of both. You're doing well out there, dude!
@trocyte: for helping me keep on top of any important FNF tidbits for the Funkinverse side-story!
Anybody who has contributed a question to the Q&A for the project. I know it's not a load of questions as it stands, but thanks regardless!
The numerous great creators, both SEGA and the fans, that have helped shape the Sonic franchise into the diverse playground for creativity it is today!
So, then, what's next for the project going forward? Well, let's see...
Continuing to Write Any Absent Scenes
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There are still several scenes in the project that don't have their writing all sorted out yet, but I promise I will get down to them when I get the time to do so! Next up in line will be the second major fight in More than One Universe, involving both Talrareth and AVA!Corrupt, like in No Way Home.
I'll also ensure that each piece of the story is interconnected between posts to let you view the stories at your own pleasure. Considering a Tumblr post can only handle so many links, I might need to split some of the stuff up here and there, but we'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
A Journey into History
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In some other little news, there's a project that my friend, Nickbear/SonicFan50002 has in the works. I won't say anything major about it until he drops any personal announcement, but I can confirm that IAB!'s version of OMT!Tails is going to be amongst the game's playable characters!
Taking place between Across All Worlds and Many More Heroes, OMT!Robotnik had picked up some data revolving around an unnatural structure that showed up in another dimension, so Tails has decided to investigate the abandoned Death Egg solo to help build up his independence. Of course, the anomalies behind said structure have brought a certain old foe back to get revenge on him... one last time.
I hope you'll look forward to it when it's properly announced by Nick! It'll definitely be a change from the usual EXE formulas you've grown used to!
A Missive from 50 Years Ago
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At one stage, I'll be documenting the journey of Errorverse Shadow, the Ultimate Lifeform from 6 dimensions over. You'll find he's a tad less reclusive and moody than he usually is, considering he had a bit longer of a trip after Metal Overlord was overpowered.
I plan to cover the events of his beginnings, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic '06, Shadow Generations, Sonic Forces and any other events leading up to his present day, and how much he came to grow into his own person instead of abiding to the status quo of other Shadows, and how he isn't quite alone with his wish to just have a future with someone close by his side.
I'll just say this; while he sympathises with Boom Shadow for being the only serious villain amongst all the comedic ones in his dimension, he seriously dislikes how ruthless and uncaring Boom Shadow is about positive values in life.
Museum of Memory (named after a remark in AC:NH's DLC)
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The project's definitely come a long way since its inception. What you see above is one of the earlier mockups designed for the project, depicting an early battle in the storyline. The other mockups shown below are of earlier variations of the story's work before I nailed it down to a definitive version. Here's the stuff for you to see:
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(OMT!Tails and CR!Sonic running through Green Hill; old One More Hero work when the sprite choices weren't finalised)
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(The first depiction of the bridge fight between OMT!Tails and Shalian in More than One Universe; again, both sprite styles have changed since then)
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(An earlier depiction of the early-entry Blur Gang members laughing at the name of SoniKiller; as can be seen, Mini Sonic's sprites were once the chibi Sonic sprites from CD)
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(An early version of the arrival of the multiversal heroes; the older sprite choices for OMT!Knux, OMT!Amy and OMT!Cream can be seen, alongside an early draft of Nitro's then-recent redesign)
You'll notice that these four mockups are in a widescreen style compared to the Genesis resolution that I ultimately decided to stick with when I began to share IAB! on Tumblr. I'm honestly glad I decided to take those creative changes before I got started, since I'm prouder of the project that way.
A Potential New Logo?
Nickbear had considered the possibility of designing a new logo for IAB!. As of writing this post, it isn't ready just yet, but once it is, you'll see it front and centre on both the project's Master Post AND on the TV Tropes article for IAB!. Considering he designed the logo for what would've been Sonic.EXE Phantom Saga +, I can guarantee he's a master at this stuff!
And that should be all I'm covering for now. In the meantime, while you're waiting for new stuff, be sure to check these creators out!:
@akanemnon: Hijinks ensue when the protagonists of Undertale and Deltarune cross paths.
@cultofgalaxy: Kinoko's in-progress game of origin, featuring a Metroidvania approach and many unique planets!
@itscruiseelroy: Developer of the awesome arcade-inspired indie title, Annalynn!
@piink-rose: She makes such adorable Sonic art pieces!
@robovoidfrog: Check out the work he's done for Funkinverse! He's more active on Reddit, of course.
@son1c: Designed some sweet Shatterverse AU stuff to expand on what we were shown in Sonic Prime!
NotSoDevy: A small game dev in his own right! He is currently working on his own FNF mod and a semi-official game adaptation of Sonic.EXE 2.
@emistations: Does some cute Sonic art herself, and is a designer for the Black Knight Amy AU that's a part of IAB!. (I swear, Harmony Rose is just adorable! >w<)
JoeDoughBoi: The current co-owner of Sonic.exe, currently working on SonicPC and the Soulless Sonic series.
And be sure to support other little creators in the community as well! And if I'll give you one piece of advice, hold on tightly to any physical copies of media (video games, books, DVDs, etc.) that you own, since companies can't delist physical stuff from storefronts compared to digital stuff.
Well, that should be all from me for now. Catch you guys in the next post!
Oh, and have this art of Nitro and Kyuzi (once again by @mcgamejolter)!
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mrs-kmikaelson · 2 years ago
02| The Tribrid
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x daughter!reader Summary: You (with reluctance) and Marcel go to the Mikaelson's party. While Marcel is busy trying to stir up trouble, you unexpectedly meet a few people. Warnings: none Words: 1.5K
Masterlist | Part 3
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I clipped my earrings on and wiped away any of the red lipstick that might've smudged. I stepped back and looked at my ensemble in the mirror. I was wearing a black, long-sleeved velvet dress with a plunging neckline, and my hair was clipped up.
Damn, I look hot.
A knock on my door pulled me away from looking at myself and I hurried to slip on my heels before opening the door to Marcel who whistled. "Damn, Y/N/N." I held back a smirk, stepping out and locking the door. He glanced down at my shoes. "Red bottoms?"
"Damn right." He gave another whistle and I laughed.
For as long as I've known Marcel, it's been this way. We joke around and we flirt, and we've had a little fun sometimes, but it'd never go further than that. That's what makes it so perfect, even if he annoys me ninety percent of the time. 
Cellie didn't bring a car because everything in the Quarter was in walking distance anyway- or at least that's what it seemed like to vampires.
"So what's the game plan?" I quizzed, nudging him on the shoulder as we walked. "You gonna walk in there and announce your presence with a mariachi band?"
"No," Marcel snorted like that isn't totally something he'd do. "I'm gonna walk in there, talk to my people, and if Klaus sees me then he sees me." He shrugged. "I'm not gonna waltz up to him or anything, but honestly, I hope he sees me and I hope  he realizes that I'm not backing down."
I hummed. "So you aren't battling him for dominance?"
"I don't have to. Klaus may have built this city three hundred years ago, but when he left and everything went to hell, I was there to pick up the pieces." He was getting more passionate by the second. "The vampires don't respect Klaus. How could they? He's not a leader; he's a ruler."
Everything Marcel was saying was true. I knew all this about Klaus already, everybody did. Yet for some reason, hearing it still did something to me.
Because I knew a man like that couldn't possibly be okay with finding out he has a daughter, much less actually loving her. 
But like always, I pushed through it and tried to look as indifferent as I could. After centuries, I've mastered the skill. "Can I try and say something insightful and... psych-majoresque?" He nodded, looking curious and so I went on. "It may be true that the vampires respect you more than Klaus; you've shown them more respect and care than he has. But will this shift of power affect everyone else the same way it will affect the vampires?" I asked him, his brows furrowing, but I elaborated further. "The witches haven't been able to use their magic under your rule, which, by the way, would've never happen if I were there. And the werewolves haven't been able to enter the quarter at all. Klaus is a werewolf. To the majority other than vampires, this shift either isn't changing anything or is bettering circumstances." Marcel looked speechless, but even if he were to form a response in the next few seconds, we were already at the compound, so he had no time to answer. I shrugged and decided to let him think about it and I walked into the compound without thinking.
Immediately, I was hit with a sea of people, the sound of tens of lives beating in my ears and the scent of alcohol. Of course, I walked to the bar right away. I'd need a drink to make it through this.
The place was decorated to the nines, but I could barely pay attention to any of that. Suddenly, it was my own heart thumping in my ears as I realized that the Mikaelsons were in this building. Klaus was in this building. I don't think I've ever gotten so close.
"Whiskey, please. Neat." The bartender nodded at my request and started pouring while I looked around the room for people I knew. People found me first though.
"Y/N?" I turned in my seat to see Thierry, making my nerves lessen and a smile arise on my face.
"Thierry Vanchure." I went in for a hug and examined him when I pulled out. "Still wearing the caps, huh?" He laughed and nodded.
"You got an analysis on that for me, doctor? Do I call you doctor now?" I shoved his shoulder as he snickered.
"Shut up. And no, you don't call me doctor." I shook my head, unable to shake my smile. Thierry was one of the most human vampires I've ever met; he was a sweet boy, never a bother to be around.
Thierry grinned and was about to say something else, but something caught his eye across the room. "Is that Marcel?" His smile dimmed a little bit and he touched my shoulder. "Hey, I'll talk to you a little later." 
"Oh, okay." He got up and walked away, looking like he had tunnel vision and I tilted my head. Something was going on there, and Marcel did not tell me. 
I shook my head and opted to ignore for now and ask later. I got up and walked past the swarm of people, trying to avoid them actually, and beelined for where I knew the bathroom was.
I was just at the door when I stopped and slowly turned my head, walking backwards until I was face to face with a beautiful painting that had definitely not been there the last time I was here. 
It was of a woman. The backs of her shoulders were as low as the painting got, but her face was blurred out. It wasn't anything show-stopping enough to catch so much attention, but if you knew beauty, then you knew that this was that.
"She's beautiful, isn't she?" My breath hitched in my throat as my head snapped to the intruder's voice. English, but with a faint accent, elegant-sounding and all.
Elijah Mikaelson.
My words got caught in my throat, but I quickly collected myself and put back on the mask that I wasn't scared. I laughed in half-fake-half-real surprise, agreeing, "Yes, I'd assume so," I gestured to the painting, "even though we can't see her face."
A ghost of a smile rose on Elijah's face and he stepped closer, hands in the pockets of his suit. He stopped when he was right next to me and stared at the painting. "My brother- Niklaus, paints in his spare time," he admits, glancing at me. He nodded to the painting. "This is his."
I stop my jaw from slacking because if there is a list of things I don't know about Klaus, that was definitely on it. 
And I have to stop myself from being even more shocked that we share the same past-time.
"Oh, wow. That's incredible." I nodded to myself, not knowing what else to say. Honestly, I was praying he'd leave before I slipped up and said something I wasn't supposed to say.
Luck wasn't on my side, though, because Elijah looked away from the painting and suddenly his eyes locked on mine. Fuck. He tilted his head and asked, "Do I know you?" Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I tilted my head back as if to show confusion and he added, "I'm sorry, you just look immensely familiar."
In a split second, I came up with a half-lie that was pretty believable. I laughed again, "You definitely might've seen me around before. I'm Marcel's friend," I held my hand out, "Y/N."
His brows rose and I saw questions in his eyes, but I knew I'd just averted his thoughts to ones I'd be able to deal with more easily. 
He shook my hand and repeated, "You're a friend of Marcel?"
"Yeah, don't worry, though; I'm not here to cause any ruckus. I just live in the Quarter, is all."
Elijah didn't look completely convinced, but it was enough for me that my identity was (hopefully) not in question.
He looked like he was about to say something else, but suddenly, a woman walked up to us, calling Elijah's name and catching his attention.
My nose caught her scent before my eyes saw her face. When I looked up, I was looking at the pregnant werewolf from the alleyway yesterday.
My eyes widened and she mirrored the action. 
"Werewolf girl?" We spoke in unison, Elijah looking in between us both with furrowed brows. I shook my head. "What are you still doing in the Quarter?"
Werewolf girl responded, "I live here. In this exact building, actually." My eyes widened again, and she answered the question I was just about to ask. "The baby's dad insists on it."
My brows frowned as I looked to Elijah. "That doesn't make sense," I nodded to him, "he's a vampire."
"Yes, but Klaus is a hybrid." I stared at her blankly for a few seconds before what she said washed over me.
A hybrid and a human werewolf.
Klaus Mikaelson is having a baby.
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stormblessed95 · 8 months ago
BTS have always been the group to set their own course. They’ve achieved success beyond their dreams and dealt with their feelings about how to “land” successfully. Why not break the rules again and let Jikook come out after military service? Sure, it’s scary and somewhat risky. But this is what they’re all about, right? Jimin, in particular, is getting louder and louder in the queer coding. This travel show promises yet more questionable moments. Maybe next year really will be the year for him to address “all the things we couldn’t say before”…and I think the majority of ARMY can handle it.
I swear we just had this conversation a week ago right? Lol read these, my thoughts and opinions about this haven't changed in the last 6 days lol
I'll just put the paragraph from the last post linked that deals with this topic here for all of you too in case you don't want to read through the whole thing...
"As for KM coming out? It won't happen. And as much as they deserve to just love whoever they love, if that person is each other, that will firmly be kept a secret. Maybe one day after they disband and KM are possibly still living together and not changing their behavior or hiding it, it will be even more obvious. But I don't think they will ever confirm anything. And they shouldn't really have to. But if nothing else, it 100% will never happen before disbandment. Not only do they both still have to go through military service, where if you are caught engaging in homosexual activities, you can be jailed. Why give them more reason to look for that? Don't ask, don't tell. They probably won't come out after that either. As much as it SHOULDN'T matter if two members of BTS are dating each other, it would. It would take over headlines for months. It would be all anyone is talking about. It would be asked about in all the interviews. Their relationship would become world gossip fodder. And the focus would be less on the 7, less on the music they create and more on the social and political upheaval their coming out would be. That isn't fair to their hardwork, their passion and their life work. It also isn't fair to the rest of the band. Their sexuality would for a while, overshadow their music. I don't think they would ever take the risk of being remembered for who they love, rather than for what they loved doing. Hopefully that also made sense. Maybe one day they will feel comfortable sharing whatever their relationship is with the world, but they are under no obligation to ever do so and I personally don't think they will."
It would be wonderful if they ever did feel comfortable coming out and sharing more with us. That would be an ideal world. I just personally don't see that happening.
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starboltz · 1 year ago
Since a new TADC teaser came out, I really wanted to do an analysis of this post by gooseworx.
To start off with, in the quick flash of new characters we see in the trailer, 3 of them are seen in the teaser image - those being the cowgirl ghost, the candy princess, and the bubble man. The only character we don't see is the frog-looking character.
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While not obvious by the reflection, the round part of the ghosts head is likely a hat, as seen in the teaser on the cowgirl ghost. I am fairly sure that both of these ghosts are the same character based on the dress silhouette of the reflection, and the design of the upper body of the ghost in the teaser. (If I am wrong about the ghost's gender and/or pronouns, I will edit this post.) I find it incredibly interesting that this is the most humanistic character yet on TADC.
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The next character, the candy princess, has a silhouette that is very easy to match to the reflection. The only major difference is that her gloves and upper part of her skirt are a darker pink, but that could be due to lighting. She is very likely the princess of Candy Canyon Kingdom. If not, she's definitely royalty of some sort because of her crown. I did see a few people think that she was going to be similar to a betty spaghetti toy, but now that we see her in her natural setting, it seems like her arms are more like cake pops. The rest of her body seems to be a neat amalgamation of cake and other candies.
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I don't have much to say about the bubble man, other than he appears to be a customer at Spudsy's - where Jax is being forced to work for minimum wage. If you look closely, you can see Jax's reflection in the bubble man's face. His (or it's? again if I'm wrong I'll change it later) reflection counterpart is a much darker blue, which again could be lighting, but it could also mean that other customers at Spudsy's are bubble people. (Also I love how Spudsy's is a ripoff/homage of McDonald's, hopefully it'll make for some good satire of the fast food industry).
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While we don't see the frog character from Gooseworx' teaser image, a lot of people theorized that it is some sort of gummy frog or reptile, which makes sense when it comes to one of the other characters announced in the teaser trailer.
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The gummy gator appears to be in the Candy Canyon Kingdom, and looks to be some sort of cowboy or guide. He has a white belly similar to the frog, which is why I think they exist in the same storyline/location. Something hard to see in the trailer is that he starts fading to green from yellow around his shoulders. It's hard to tell what he's holding, but it's very possible it is reigns.
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Another character from Candy Canyon Kingdom is the chocolate ooze monster, who looks similar in style to the gloink queen. I love the details of candy corn teeth and jawbreaker eyes. It's difficult to tell if this will be the big boss of Candy Canyon Kingdom, or just an obstacle for the TADC crew.
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A fourth character from the Candy Canyon Kingdom is revealed in the teaser, and that is the periwinkle drawing mannequin. It seems to be the only character from the CCK that is not made of candy, which leads to some questions. In the teaser it is screaming its head off, so it's likely it is running from the chocolate ooze monster.
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Going back to the cowgirl ghost, another cute little ghost appears. It doesn't really have any defining features other than its puppy-like face, but its a ghost, so it works. This is the only other character in the western ghost town story revealed in the teaser. Though the gummy gator looks like a cowboy, I think the ghosts appear in a different location from the Candy Canyon Kingdom.
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The last character I haven't talked about is the tape recorder. It doesn't really look like an animate character, but if TADC has taught me anything, inanimate objects can always become animate characters. It's hard to tell what storyline it's from, but based on the lighting, it's from the western ghost town storyline. One of the most unnerving things about it is that it is one of the most realistic looking characters in the entire show.
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Overall, 4 characters were revealed for the Candy Canyon Kingdom storyline, 3(ish) characters for the western ghost town storyline, and 1 character for the Spudsy's storyline. I personally don't think all of these storylines and characters will appear in the same episodes, unless the TADC crew is split up like in ep 1. The Candy Canyon Kingdom and the Spudsy's storylines definitely don't, because Jax can be seen in the wagon, along with (at least) Pomni, Gangle, and Kinger, in the large image shot of CCK in the teaser. (I have no clue what kind of gummy animal is pulling the wagon.)
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I also wanted to briefly talk about the unfinished location that Caine showed in the teaser. My first thought was that it was a baseball stadium, but after further inspection the field seems a bit off to be a baseball field. Regardless it definitely is set up to be a performance space, whether it be a theatre or arena of sorts. From the design, I don't think it connects to the other locations revealed in the trailer.
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If you've made it this far, thanks for reading my theories on this teaser! If you have any thoughts, please comment or reblog to let me know!
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austinslounge · 5 months ago
I've been wrong about everything else, so I probably am wrong about my theory but here we go:
So I believe Austin broke up with her in late August. Right after the Canada trip. I think he was trying to make it through the summer and my guess was he didn't want to ruin a trip that was already planned.
But him missing her birthday wasn't that weird. For me it was all her family and friends rallying around her that seemed kinda sus. Like they were trying to make her feel better. Not to say her family wouldn't be there for her birthday but something seemed off. Like she was upset. She could've easily spent her birthday in NY with Austin if that's what she wanted. He wasn't filming yet and it's not like she isn't rich. But that ties into my suspicions that he broke up with her. So it wasn't an option.
Something was off with her at TIFF. I don't know if it was nerves or she was on something. But her need to hang onto Corey was weird. Deumoxi was at the afterparty and said Kaia was being protected that night. Like she was upset and her friends were rallying around her. Again, something that often happens when a break up occurs.
Then out of the blue comes these two L&S articles. Speculating about them having problems and Austin essentially wanting to end things. He's outgrown the relationship. Very similar to the article his team had put out there in May about them not having anything in common.
They hadn't been seen together in over a month. Kaia was in NY a few times but wasn't with Austin at any point. She was with Marcello. She was all over him. Two different occasions, she was with Marcello. She was acting like a single woman.
Then more articles come out speculating their relationship status. I'm sorry where there is smoke there is fire.
Austin had been busy working. Minding his business. Then he was needed for a pap walk to keep the break up rumors at bay. I think he'd be fine with the news coming out. but at the same time he's filming, so he doesn't need the stress of the break up coming out. Kaia did a lot of damage to her image and how people viewed her relationship with Austin the last few weeks.
Also the fact that nothing has changed in their demeanor either. If they had shown up together after a month and break up rumors soaring, looking happy and in love maybe people would buy it. But Austin is so done. He's just doing what he has to do to break away.
Just from what I've seen in past celebrity break ups. Often they've split before speculation even begins. But will go along with whatever plan their PR teams put in place. Austin and Kaia wouldn't be the first couple to be broken up and still have to act like they are together to keep up appearances.
Just a theory. Again where there is smoke there is fire. Saturday was way too much of a coincidence.
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You know what girl? This is a good theory. You're not the only one who's had this theory. It does kind of make sense.
Also, the weight loss thing is very important to note as well. I don't think it's from the stress with Presley either, because he looks fine now, and I've heard that he's even been going to rehab.
We first noticed that Kaia was losing weight around July. It's now October, and she still looks frail. It's the thinnest she's ever been since dating Austin.
Idk about others, but I lost a ton of weight when going through a major relationship heartache and heartbreak.
Not to mention, they still look miserable with each other.
These things by themselves might not say much, but when you put all of these little things together, they do seem to paint a certain picture.
The fact that their teams haven't really said anything is very interesting.
Also, like you said, most celebrities have already broken up long before the official announcement comes out.
Many times, people can even just look at a couple and tell when it's on its last legs. I agree with you, where there's smoke, there's fire.
I'm just going to eat my popcorn like the rest of you all, and will see what happens btwn now and the end of this year.
All I know is, I don't think I can take another Gerber Family Holiday Trip in Cabo at the end of this year again. 😩
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py-dreamer · 8 months ago
I can't believe this is the first goddamn video I post.
But times are funny like that aren't they?
Ok so as the thumbnail says, this is specifically for the first lmk fic I've written:
"When the sun sets forever."
Yes it's shadowpeach, how on earth did you guess. And if you've floated around my dreamscape for a while, you'll know my...
...very enthusiastic opinions of Macaque...
(I promise I do still like him, he's a great character, it's just I get pretty peeved by how the majority of the fandom portrays their relationship a lot of peeps bashing Wukong and saying Mac did nothing wrong-
I have a whole other post about this and the fic, I'm tired man, here're the links:
But regardless, if you enjoy some Macaca slander, hop on board!
If you don't , good for you! Please don't harass anyone who thinks otherwise.
But to sum up:
In this fic we explore a scenario where Macaque finds a time alterating artifact after a huge spat on the mountain (that resulted in the clip above), uses that artifact to make it so he killed Tripitaka during JTTW. Then we see his pov in this universe where things have certainly changed drastically
...and not necessarily for the better.
People change. Friends or foes found dead or alive. Cities fall and some thrive.
But one thing I can assure you?
Neither of our mystic monkeys are having any fun until the end.
But yeah! Formal announcement post for my fic!
Yes this is a big reason why I've been absent for like a month
No I won't stop posting art. I'm taking a short break rn to get into the rhythm of drawing again
No there isn't a formal posting schedule, but I do have it in mind
No this isn't the big BIG project I've been working on for a few weeks
(Forgive me if I missed anything from s5, this was planned and written before that and I haven't watched it yet)
But enough about me!
I want to thank anyone who's already seen the fic and/or left kudos or comments
And I want to give an especially huge shoutout to @furornocturna for beta reading this thing!
Their work is great! And is one of the most enjoyable reads I've read in a long while
And since I haven't seen an official post for it yet...
SHABAM!!! Another great fic! She recently updated it too! It's about amnesiac Wukong who thinks Macaque is still his mate and MK is their child!
Wham bam, pajama sam's christmas ham: hijinks ensue
Very entertaining, good ol Macaque bashing
(she and I like to stand around him in a circle and give him a good whack with the consequences stick sometimes. It builds character.)
And parental Shadowpeach is always appreciated here. 10/10
I have not linked it but also check out:
Fractured pieces make a mosaic
Also written by her! Another great fic that delves into more of the sins of Macaque against EVERYONE not just Wukong
But about the video, yea just heard the audio and thought it'd be funny
I feel like Chang'e would definitely comfort a friend after some harsh words like what happens in the 1st chapter
Or at least she'd hear what Macaque did from Wukong and give massive side eye
(Especially since I figured she'd have a damn well knowledge of bad men *cough* *cough8 the reason Zhu Bajie got kicked out of heaven in the first place *cough* *cough*
I know they've rarely interacted in canon but hey, they've at least met on screen and we know Wukong can build a rocket to visit. Plus both being lonely immortals with cute animal subjects being theri only companions for centuries...
I have a feeling they'd get along somehow
They remind me of friends who exchange pics of their cute pet, only it's more like children for Wukong since they're literally his Sun family
And anyway the fandom pairs Mac and Chang'e just because they have a moon motif so let me have this goddamit.
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bugsbenefit · 6 months ago
live geeked week event starting in 7 hours and there's finally a trailer where the stream will start later and stranger things is on there. i mean it was already pretty obvious it would show up in some capacity with them using it in the marketing of the event but official confirmation
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but i'm still not expecting anything too big. it only got listed on this one extra slide and didn't get a big a big presentation slide like a dozen other IPs that actually have big news coming out. (even though they did cut back to a Dustin and Steve clip three times for comedic effect, the choke hold ST has on Netflix even when it's a side act is insane)
arcane is the absolute star of the event by the way (am exited about that). followed by one piece, squid games, and avatar, those will definitely be the biggest features today (also all have new seasons dropping right around the corner so, obviously)
but yeah, i don't see anything Major happening but ST will at least get something. worst case to me would be something insanely boring like a "filming is two thirds done yippie" announcement, a ST5 logo reveal (since they haven't dropped it yet and it happened for every season, albeit around filming start), and even an episode title reveal would be a bit of a let down if there wasn't anything else to it at this point
i'm not expecting them to drop one of the actual pre trailer 1min teasers, like they started dropping for s4 around the 9 months of filming mark yet. we'll probably get something like that for ST day and since that is in less than two months they're probably saving it for then
so idk, i'm not expecting much, biggest thing i'm letting myself hope for is maaaybe another look at bts production, or maybe a set tour
[also here's the link to the trailer and later the broadcast btw, overpowering need to cite my sources my old friend]
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