#they don't got a name yet but i'll think of something maybe lol
yenpondering · 1 year
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introducing one lil clownling! and just for fun some color variants✌️🤡
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sysig · 1 year
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If your eye causes you to [fear], pluck it out (P1 | P2 | P3 | B) (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#NEJ#Captain Sterling#Blood#Body horror#(I'll put the spoilers further down in the tags so if you'd rather wait to read all the way through first just ignore these for now)#Hey it's not spooky season yet! What the heck!#NEJ got me bad I super didn't expect it but thinking about his scopophobia exploded my brain#I don't know why! It's not like I forgot! Details just fuzzy enough to feel like novelty again I guess lol ♪ I'll take it#It was a fun concept to play in :D I guess I've never really thought about it but I do actually enjoy eye horror? :0#I have for a while when I look back at it I just never put the name to it haha#Poor Sterling haha he's only had a few sets to himself and then I do this to time - well he seems fine! Lol#Well maybe not Completely fine there's something weird about him hmm ♪#[Spoilers starting] I know Sterling hasn't had a lot of screentime so far but I can tell you this isn't how he'd normally talk#He /is/ still a human Captain so take from that what you will - he has some of his own mannerisms - at least enough to be recognizable#But there's something Not Quite Right about him besides the obvious lol#No he hasn't been possessed but he is Something of a puppet at the moment :3 How we appear to others through their own lense and all that#This is NEJ's interpretation of Sterling through his VUX frame hehe - probably not difficult to guess but NEJ isn't having a fun time of it#How might his fears manifest inside his mind? /And/ the opportunity for horror and blood? How could I resist?#[/Spoilers]#I really am quite pleased with how it turned out :D I initially intended for it to be a Scratch comic but then it kept turning out pretty!#I especially like the panel of Sterling leaning towards him and NEJ leaning away with his head tendrils up ah <3#His expression is intentionally hidden but you can still tell what he's feeling! Large and fearful! ♥#I also rather like Sterling's first panel of his eyes missing I think the toning came out particularly nice there :)#The guilt of putting my lads through Things is always outweighed by how fun it is to do so haha
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lovverletters · 8 months
Been waiting for this lol
*Ahem* I introduced Yan husband! Finally, after years of waiting and stalking and murdering (if that's cool), he finally has you! He worships you every day and reminds you how lucky he is, and he tells everyone how he's so lucky and how you're perfect!
Yandere! Husband
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A/N : Thanks for requesting! Hope you like it, 🌻 anon!
T/W : soft yandere, stalking, implied murder, non consentual photographing, stealing items, this is late asf
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"Honey, do you remember how we met?"
[Name] asked their husband of 6 years as they flip through their old journal, reliving their countless embarrassing, bitter and sweet memories of their youth.
They had been sifting through the storage closet earlier when they stumbled upon a box containing their old belongings dating back from when they were still studying in high school until they got married to their husband, Derek.
"Of course I do, it's the day I met the love of my life" He says with a smile on his face.
"Psh.. you're so cheesy Derry" [Name] swatted their husband's shoulder playfully, flustered at his words.
"What? I'm being honest. Every moment spent with you is unforgettable" A dark glint was present in his eyes as he uttered his reply.
How could he ever forget the day he met his beloved [Name]?
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Derek had been in his senior year of high school by the time he met [Name].
They had only recently moved to his hometown and enroll to the high school. He could still recall their timid expression as they asked him for directions, at that moment Derek brushed off the encounter as a one time thing.
He was graduating and they were a junior, he'll probably won't see them again.
Until Derek started to bump into [Name] more frequently albeit it being only a coincidence. [Name] would notice his presence and greeted him with a small wave everytime they pass by each other in the hallway or waiting in line during lunch.
Eventually, he finally spoke to them one day. It felt odd for him to be around them yet never uttering a single word.
It was the best decision he ever made.
"Uhㅡhey" Derek cursed himself inwardly for choking on his words.
[Name]'s eyes widened, spooked to hear him talk to them. They mustered up a crooked smile after recollecting themself to reply to him.
"Derek, hi. Sorry, I was on my phone that I didn't notice you behind me"
From then, something shifted in him. Their conversation faded into a white noise in his ears as his thoughts became fixated in [Name]'s voice.
He had heard them speak before but it felt different when they're talking to him. Their voice engraving itself into his brain like an earworm.
It doesn't stop there, their interaction expanded as their friendship blooms. [Name] would seek him out on subjects they were struggling on despite having other student who would eagerly help themㅡ his heart swells with pride knowing that it's him whom they're relying on.
Derek would also began inviting them to his football practice as an excuse to invite them for an ice cream laterㅡ and to also flex his athleticism in hopes of receiving praises from them.
He's not stupid, he knows that he likes themㅡ loves them. Maybe he had been a fool for underestimating his feelings for them.
It had been an unfortunate timing that he had never been able to confess to [Name] as his graduation passes and he was wrapped up with preparing for his higher education.
Those times away and distance from [Name] were hellish. Derek felt his sanity wanning with each day passes and his thoughts were constantly thinking of [Name].
What are they doing, Where they're at, Who they're withㅡ They don't have a partner don't they? They didn't replace me did they?? I'll kill that bastard who took my placㅡ
He finally cracked after stalking through their social media page and seeing the other student having grown close to them within months of his absence.
Derek decided that he's had enough sitting around in the sidelines with an aching heart. He'll make his move and insured that [Name] will be his.
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"I then drove back to back from my university to yours for years until I finally had enough and decided to ask you to move in with me" He traced the picture they took on their first day moving into his house.
[Name] snorted and pinched their husband's cheek, laughing as they teased him.
"Silly, you, I can't believe you rent out an apartment just because you can't be away from me anymore"
Derek huffed and flipped to the next page, tracing [Name]'s photo as he always does everytime he sees it.
"I love you too much, it hurt's to not be around your presence. I feel like I was going to die with each hour passes without you"
"Mmh sure, how come you never died after leaving me everytime you have to go back?" [Name] attempt at poking at their husband again.
Only to receive an unexpected answer.
"I never left" Derek uttered. No elaboration whatsoever.
Silence follows after as the cogs in [Name]'s brain turn to process what their sweet stupid dork husband just said.
Derek closed the journal shut and stood up, planting a kiss on their temple.
"I'm going to prepare dinner now. You better come and eat when I call you before continuing your clean up! No buts and ifs, okay love?" He gave them another kiss before disappearing into the kitchen.
Come to think of it, Derek had re-entered their life at a time where their newfound friend tragically passed in a mysterious incident. [Name] had been devastated and clung to Derek for comfort before it eventually delved into them being in a relationship with the man.
Everything was perfect. Too perfect if they had to be honest. It's almost as if he had planned it.
They shook off the thoughts and continued sorting through the old boxes when one of the contents surprised them.
It was the items they thought they had lost or threw away. But how could Derek have it when they had lost it before they begun dating. The polaroids were also odd as Derek weren't around during their senior year when it was takenㅡ if the dates marked was correct.
"Honey! Dinner's ready"
They'll ask him about it later.
«────── « ⋅ʚ💌ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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saeist · 2 months
a/n: cant believe bakugo is 24 now lol
you've seen him around for the past few weeks now. every weekend at your local laundry shop, doing laundry like any normal person would
black tank top and ripped jeans. his usual go-to outfit when you see him. it should be a crime how his biceps would involuntarily flex when he picks up his laundry basket from the floor
he meets your eye for the first time and he smiles for a brief second. you could only muster a small wave at the sudden interaction but yet the way he smiled managed to pierce your heart like you were a teenager all over again
who is this man?
a week passes and you see him again at his usual spot in the laundromat, washing machine number 17. he is wearing the exact same thing the last time you saw him. you're starting to think that was his laundry uniform
the hot hunk looks up from his laundry and meets your eye again. this time he flashes a wink as his form of greeting
he laughs and you hear it loud and clear when you busied yourself into your own load of laundry, hiding your now blushing face from the hot hunk behind you
this was your second interaction since and you're starting to think it would be the perfect time to introduce yourself
you take a deep breath and muster all your courage to turn around and face the stranger. ready to introduce yourself and ask for his number
when you turn around, his back was facing you. perfect, he won't notice you coming near him.
you slowly make your way to the other side of the laundromat. the closer you got to him, the more your heart beats louder and louder against your chest
"excuse me.." you say, fiddling with your fingers when you finally reach him. the hot hunk doesn't say anything and continues to do his laundry.
weird, did he not hear me?
"uh, excuse me" you repeat, this time a little louder. still, he didn't budge. you then notice that he had his earphones on.
how embarrassing
you are about to take your leave when hottie mcdreamy suddenly turns around and takes a bud out of his ear
"did you say something?" he asks, leaning down a bit to hear you better
you open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out. you must've looked like a fish out of water just looking at him with eyes wide, mouth agape
the stranger waits patiently as you calm yourself. he gets rid of his earphones and tucks them inside the front pocket of his jeans
"i'm baku-"
"here's my number!" you blurt out, cutting him off by accident
a moment of silence passes by. only the sound of whirrs and burrs from the washing machines evident in the room
"sorry?" the stranger stifles in his laughter when it finally registers to you on what you just said
"oh my god" you breathe out, a hand flying to your mouth when you realized you just fucked yourself over. it's over y'all. you just lost your chances into bagging this hot mess in front of you
"i'll take it, don't worry. but you gotta tell me your name first" the hot stranger laughs heartily. it honestly sounded like music to your ears and you were not complaining
"i'm bakugo. you?" he holds his hand out for you to shake. to which you do, obviously
"well y/n, if you don't mind me asking, can i have your number too?" bakugo flashes you his signature smile. the same smile he gave you the first time you two made eye contact
you didn't just score his number that day but maybe a date too
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danieyells · 4 months
@mayoigotokurousagi TIME FOR OUR FAVORITE FRANKENSTEIN'S MONSTER INSPIRED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. I mean. Maybe there's another you're into. Idk. I like Jiro. He's so. . .blunt. I'm so curious about him, I really really cannot wait until we get the Mortkranken chapter.
also, uh, brief content warning for a mention of assisted suicide? It's under the 'Default' lines, if you feel the need to avoid that.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Oh, there you are. I was about to go give you a health check. This saves time and effort." ああ、そこにいたんですか。今からあなたの健診に行こうと思ってたんです。手間が省けました
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Are those letters piling up over there? It's interesting that doesn't bother you.  Not that my opinion is relevant." そこに溜まってるのは手紙ですか?よく気になりませんね。 まあ、俺には関係ありませんけど
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"I don't like unproductive discussions. Like this one." 非生産的な議論は嫌いですね。例えば、今のような会話です
"They said they wanted to die, so I prescribed them what they needed. I don't see the point of discussing ethics after the fact." あちらさんが死にたいと言うので、必要な薬を処方したまでです。今更倫理を持ち出されても、困りますよ
Hey. Buddy. Jiro. That's fuckin' dark dude. This is why you don't joke about wanting to kill yourself. Someone will take it seriously. Jiro will just hand you cyanide pills, a bottle of water, and direct you to a hospital bed to die in. Like jesus christ.
"I save lives that can be saved. It's part of my job to decide the order of priority though." 救える命は救いますよ。まあ、そこに優先順位をつけるのがこちらの仕事なので
"part of my job is to decide if your life is worth saving" IS ALSO A VERY DARK THING TO SAY. I love that his default lines are all very dark and callous. It kind of drives home a dichotomy between how he feels about just anybody and how he feels about you. I also like that he's just. . .kind of dark and gloomy and like ASPECTS OF HIM ARE VERY UNPALATABLE. Like I'm sure there are a lot of people who see those lines and think "that's gross why would anyone like him he's the worst" and THAT'S A GOOD KIND OF CHARACTER TO HAVE ESPECIALLY AS A LOVE INTEREST okay moving on
"One of our patients is thrashing around again? That's inconvenient. I'll administer a shot." また患者が暴れてるんですか? はあ……面倒くさいですね。1本打っておきますよ
jiro stabbing you with a sedative filled needle like 'stop moving. you are annoying.'
"You should—  Hurk... Hm, I let my guard down. I better go back to Mo— Orgh... Hurk...!" あなた、そろそろ…… うっ……まずいな、完全に油断してました。早く帰っえ、うっ……おえっ……
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Good morning. I'm going to take your pulse, so could you sit down?" おはようございます。脈拍測るんで、座ってもらえます?
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I was in a prolonged coma, so I haven't fully recovered yet. It's been a long time since I ate anything." 俺、長いこと昏睡状態だったんで、まだ本調子じゃないんですよ。飯なんて、しばらく食ってませんし
i wonder when he woke up. it must have been a few months ago at most.
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"What do you want? I'm conducting an incubation experiment. Please wait till I'm finished." なんですか? 今、培養実験中なので。話なら後にしてください
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm about to receive my medication. It should take approximately one hour. Are you going to wait for me?" ああ、今から投薬の時間なんです。多分1時間くらいかかると思いますけど、待ちますか?
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I attend classes every day since Yuri does, but sometimes they mark me as absent. I'm supposed to reply when they say my name? I didn't know that." 佑理に付き合って毎日授業に出てるんですけど、時々欠席扱いになってて。 返事が必要? 知らなかったな
"yeah you're supposed to let them know you're there." "i am one of the largest people in the room at any given time. that seems unnecessary." also it's cute that he only goes to class because Yuri does, but also he doesn't learn anything from it since he studied it all independently lol
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"The blood? I believe one of the wounds on my stomach tore. I'll have to get Yuri to suture it." ああ、この血ですか? さっきから腹の傷が開いてるみたいなんです。佑理に縫ってもらわないとな
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"What's the purpose of educational facilities like this? You can learn everything you need through self-study." こういった教育施設って、なんのためにあるんでしょうね? 勉強なら自分ですればいいだけですし
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Who is that noisy blond person? He runs away whenever he sees me. That's rude, isn't it?" 時々見かける、うるさい黄色の人は何者なんです?  俺の顔を見るといつも逃げるんです。失礼ですよね?
i love the 'isn't it?' like he doesn't know normal social convention but he's pretty sure you're not supposed to run from people like that.
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"You don't have to mind me. Go ahead and eat. Even in childhood I never really had an attachment to food, clothing, or shelter." 俺のことは気にせず、飯食ってください。元々、ガキの頃から衣食住にあまり執着がないので
hey jiro that's uh that's kinda fucking depressing you good?
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Yuri's holed up in the lab, so I'm going out. If he comes looking for me, tell him I went to bed." 佑理が研究室に籠ってるので、今のうちに出かけてきます。もし俺を探してたら、寝たと言ってください
Wouldn't Yuri just check your bed and not find you there though??? Also when will you sleep???? like i know he doesn't realize a week of allnighters isn't normal but jfc
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Your face looks terrible. Come over here and inhale this. They're mild smelling salts. They'll wake you up." あなた、ひどい顔ですね。ちょっとこっち来て、これ嗅いでください。 軽い気付け薬です。目が覚めますよ
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Hello. I'm here to pick up Yuri.  Hm, that's strange. I thought he would be here." こんにちは。佑理を迎えに来ました。 ……あれ?ここにいると思ったんですけど
. . .i wonder why he thought yuri would be with you? how often does he lose track of where yuri is? and why pick him up wouldn't yuri be able to get home himself? unless he figures yuri fell asleep somewhere lmao
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I can just manage to ingest water, so I brew herbal tea as an indulgence. Would you like some too?" 辛うじて水分なら取れるので、嗜好品としてハーブティーを淹れるんですよ。あなたも飲みます?
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"Yuri wouldn't get up, so I was about to give up on getting my morning medication. He got up after the ninth time he used the snooze button though." 佑理がなかなか起きないので、朝は投薬を諦めようかと思いましたよ。9回目のスヌーズで起きましたけど
Yuri and Jiro, like Rui and Haru, need healthy sleep schedules please.
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"What's this? A rice ball? I suppose I might be able to eat some of it." なんですか? これ。 おにぎり? まあ、少しくらいなら食べれるかもしれませんが……
can't you only eat fluids. . .are you gonna throw that up later. . . .
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"You already had tea at Frostheim? The tea I make tastes better though, so please drink it anyway." フロストハイムで紅茶を飲んできたんですか?  まあ、俺の方が美味く淹れられますから、飲んでください
lmao the mortkranken boys really do not appear to have a great opinion of frostheimers!!! "you had tea at--pfffff nah their tea sucks ass drink mine instead."
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I enjoy being alone. The noise doesn't really bother me when I'm reading though. Can I go now?" ひとりの時間は好きですよ。まあ、本を読んでいる時は、周囲の喧噪も気になりません。もういいですか?
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"What am I doing? I'm making confections. I'm used to making precise measurements when preparing medications, and it's quite similar to that." 今ですか? 製菓をしてるんです。 計量は薬の調合で慣れてるので、まあ、似たようなものです
jiro makes cupcakes and candies and stuff. . .he can't even enjoy them though. . . . .
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"See you tomorrow. ...What? You're the one who told me I should say that while smiling." また明日。 ……なんですか?こう言って笑えばいいと、あなたが言ってたんじゃないですか
i love lines where it's like 'you told me to do this so now i'm doing it.' especially when the pc is shocked when they actually do it lolol
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"We're doing a complete check up today, so please change into these. ... Do you need me to help you undress?" 今日は精密検査なので、この検査着に着替えてください。 ………… 脱げないなら、脱がしましょうか?
strip faster bitch
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"You want to know why I started studying anomalous infectious diseases? I don't know. I just became knowledgeable about them at some point and kept going." なぜ怪異伝染病の研究を始めたか?さあ、気がついたら詳しくなってたので。何となく続けてるだけです
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"My wounds often tear so I've told Yuri deep dermal suturing would be more effective than simple interrupted, but he won't listen to me." よく傷口が開くんで、結節縫合ではなく真皮縫合の方がいいと言ってるのに、佑理が聞かないんですよね
I get the feeling Yuri doesn't listen to most people. . . .
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Yuri's combat skills are poor, so I have to protect him. If he dies, there won't be anyone left who can treat me." 佑理は戦闘が下手なので、俺が守るしかないんです。あの人が死ぬと、俺を治せる人がいなくなるんですよ
"if he dies i die so i'm just kinda protecting him because i have to." kind of an oof lmao
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"It's been a long time since I had a family, so I don't know what you're supposed to do in these situations. Could you teach me?" 俺には長いこと家族がいないので、こういう時、どうすればいいかわからないんです。教えてくれません?
GET FAM-ZONED HAHA aaaaAAAAAA HE SEES YOU AS FAMILY AND HE WANTS TO TREAT YOU THE WAY HE'S SUPPOSED TO TREAT FAMILY. . . . . . ;0; just be yourself jiro we love you as you are, dark and morbid and a little distant but actually quite sweet--
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"There's a high probability that your curse is related to my field of research. It's a problem for me if you die." あなたの呪いは、俺の研究分野に関係している可能性が高い。 あなたを死なせるわけにはいかないんですよ
the bluntness and distance in this one is so perfect for Jiro haha ESPECIALLY AFTER THE "I WANT TO TREAT YOU LIKE FAMILY" ONE BEFORE IT. . .he went from being kind of sweet to being like "if you die it'll be a problem." and not even in a tsundere way just 'it matters to me if you die for academic purposes.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"I'm going to see some flowers on Yuri's orders. Do you want to come? I'll be harvesting mandrakes." 今から佑理の指示で花を見に行くんです。あなたも一緒に行きますか? マンドラゴラの採取ですが
"Yuri told me to take a break so I'm gonna go work near some flowers i guess."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Cases of the infectious disease gastroenteritis explode at this time of year. It's boring prescribing the same thing all the time." この時期は感染症の胃腸炎が爆発的に増えるんですよ。次から次へと、同じ処方ばかりで飽きました
attention darkwick students: please catch more interesting illnesses. thank you -jiro
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Ha ha ha ha! I observed Yuri fighting the urge to fall asleep during class today. Would you like to see the photos?" はははは! 今日は授業中、ずっと眠気と戦っている佑理を観察してたんですよ。この写真、見ますか?
i really wish it were during the hours this one can play because i wanna record it lolol Jiro smiling and laughing because Yuri's trying not to fall asleep is so precious. Tiny little humanization for our monster boy.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"There are rumors that pollen contains ephedrine, a central nervous system stimulant. They're false, though." 桜の花粉に、興奮を誘発するエフェドリンが含まれるという噂があるそうですね。 まあ、それデマですけど
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Good, today's temperature matches the forecast. I'll be starting a new experiment this afternoon, but the temperature regulation is difficult. It should be fun." 今日の気温は……予報通りですね。 午後から新しい実験の着手をするのに、温度管理が大変で。楽しみです
temperature regulation experiments are fun! i'm glad Jiro enjoys what he does.
(between 11am and 4pm)
ああ、また手足口病の患者でした。本来子供に多い感染症なんですが、免疫がない人は可哀想ですね "It was another case of hand-foot-and-mouth disease. It's an infectious disease usually more common in children. People without immunity are unfortunate."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"A dare? Okay, I'll do it with you. I've always wanted to try screaming in fear." へえ、肝試しですか。 いいですよ、付き合います。恐怖で叫ぶ経験を、一度くらいしてみたいので
"a dare" isn't really a good translation here--肝試し is a "test of courage", an activity usually done on summer evenings where you go someplace scary with your friends to overcome fear together! Or something like that. It's most often done in summer because that's when it's believed there are more like. . .supernatural occurrences? several other characters' summer lines mention more anomalies in Japan in the summer as a result of these beliefs. Either way it's cute that he's like 'oh. that sounds cool. i hope it'll make me experience fear.' I want him to scream in an exaggerated way, just SHRIEKING for the sake of it, not even because he's really that scared just "this feels like the appropriate situation for screaming :)" lmao
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Ha ha ha ha! Oh, sorry. I tried letting the stag beetles I caught for an experiment fight, and it was funnier than I expected." はははは! ああ、すいません。 採取の時に捕まえたカブトムシ同士を戦わせたら、想像以上に面白くて
i feel like that's something that comes up now and then as like. a thing young japanese boys do. which makes jiro kind of childish in a way which is super charming? it sounds to me like he didn't have much of a childhood. so i'm happy he can explore it now and have fun.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"I don't understand why you would go somewhere without a purpose. Why would you go to a mountain if you didn't need to harvest something?" 行楽ですか? いえ、単純に何が目的か理解できないんです。採取もせず、山を歩くんですか?
mods, show him the beauty of nature.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I went to the botanical garden to get some ingredients and I was given these yams. Do you like candied yams?" さっき植物園に原料をもらいに行ったらサツマイモをもらったんです。スイートポテトは好きですか?
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"A lot of people in Mortkranken dislike exercise.The sporting clubs in Darkwick must be made up of people from other houses." うちの寮は、体を動かすことが嫌いな人が多いですね。学内でスポーツをしてるのも、他寮の人ですよね?
i am once again asking why i was put in fuckin frostheim--
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I read books every day, not just in the fall. I like medical journals best. I don't remember what made me start reading them." 秋に限らず、本は毎日読みますよ。特に医学の専門書は好きですね。 いつからなのかは……忘れました
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"Hurk...! Phew... I'm fine... The change in temperature between indoors and outdoors this time of year causes my physical condition to deteriorate more frequently." うっ……はあ……大丈夫です……この季節は室内外の寒暖差のせいで体調を崩しやすいので……
i remember someone i followed also gags when going from a cold place to a warm one lmao. . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I found an anomalous plant that can only grow in extremely low temperatures and successfully created a medication with it. It was just a coincidence though." 極低温のみ自生する怪異植物を見つけたので、試しに原薬にしてみたら上手くいきました。まあ、偶然です
'i made a medical breakthrough but it was just an accident' is the medical equivalent of 'i'm not a model'. also Yuri has a line referencing this one!
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Streptococcal infections are on the rise. They're spread through droplet and contact infection. Have you been taking precautions?" 溶連菌の感染が増えてますね。飛沫感染と接触感染が経路になります。 あなた、ちゃんと予防してます?
(between 8pm and 5am)
"There are no merits to lowering your body temperature when you're not experiencing inflammation. I made some herbal tea that warms the body. Do you want some?" 炎症時以外、体を冷やすメリットはないですからね。体を温めるハーブティーを淹れたので、いかがです?
His birthday: (October 13th)
"Whose birthday? Oh, mine? I forgot. Did Yuri leak my medical records?" 誕生日? 誰のです? ああ、俺のですか、忘れてました。カルテ、佑理が漏らしたんですか?
"did yuri fuckin dox me--"
Your birthday:
"Oh, it's your birthday today, isn't it? What should I do? I suppose I'll go to your room later." ああ、あなた今日、誕生日じゃないですか。何をすればいいんですか? まあ、後でそちらの部屋に行きます
jiro no you don't have to do that you are moving so fast WHAT HAPPENED TO BEING FAMILY WAIT--
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. Why are you looking at me like that? Even I celebrate New Years." 明けましておめでとうございます。 なんですか? その顔。正月くらい俺だって祝いますけど
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"What's this packet? I can't eat solids. You made it? Oh. I can probably eat some of it then." なんですか? この包み。俺、固形物は食べれませんけど…… なんだ。あなたの手作りなら少しはいけます
bby if you can't eat it don't make yourself sick with it. . . . Actually since the PC feeding him let him eat food, maybe if it's something the PC makes he can eat it???
White Day: (March 13th)
"Here. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, something handmade for something handmade. Eat it here and tell me what you think." どうぞ。目には目を、歯には歯を、手作りには手作りをと思いまして。ここで食べて評価を教えてください
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Yuri's kicking up a fuss and saying I deceived him? I don't remember doing it. It doesn't matter though." 佑理が、俺に騙されたって騒いでるんですか? そんなことしましたっけ。 まあ、どっちでもいいですけど
i wonder if he actually pulled a prank and he's just hiding it really well. . .or if Yuri is just paranoid lol Yuri's for the record:
"Hmph, did you honestly think you could fool me? I won't fall for your cheap tricks. I've already been fooled by Jiro seven times today!" ふんッ。貴様も僕を騙すつもりで?その手には乗りません。今日はすでに、次郎くんに7回騙されたのでね
Halloween: (October 31st)
"I don't know much about Halloween. I can't eat candy though, so I have to play a trick on you, right?" ハロウィン? よく知りませんが、俺、お菓子は食べれないので。 あなたに悪戯すればいいんですよね
Christmas: (December 25th)
"This tree? It's a fir tree. Yuri told me to get one, so I cut it down and carried it back here. My special artifact doesn't cut very well." この木ですか? 佑理に言われて、モミの木を切って持ってきました。俺の特質怪具、切れ味が悪いんです
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Are you dead? Oh, you're alive." ……死んでます? ああ、なんだ。生きてたんですね
jiro poking you with a stick like 'you dead?'
(13 affinity and above)
"Oh, Yuri's calling me. It'll be annoying if I pick up, so I'll just ignore it until you're ready to go again." ……ああ、佑理から連絡です。出ると面倒なので、あなたが動けるようになるまで、無視しておきます
'yuri is the only reason i'm alive but he's gonna yell at me so i'll just wait to pick up the phone' why??? i guess he wants to go back with you if yuri's telling him to come home lol ALSO DON'T YOU THINK IGNORING YOUR PHONE RINGING WILL WORRY YURI. . . .
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"You've skipped too many appointments. It's been a long time since your last check up...  I suppose I'll have to re-examine you." あなた、受診サボりすぎです。前回からかなり間が空いてるな…… まあ、今から再検査すればいいです
time to fill out your whole chart again! examination from top to bottom!
THERE WE GO. sorry that one took so long!! He's actually a bit of a goof but his no-affinity lines make him come off as extra cold and cruel. He just has to get used to you!! But I think it has a very charming contrast. AFTER THIS IS JIN! Tomorrow night maybe? it's almost midnight and i have to wake up early again and my insomnia kicked my ass last night. . . .
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huexuri · 9 months
i have a thought! soob sending u a whimper audio or a lewd ass clip of him playing w himself bc he's so desperate for u to come back lol
yes omgeeee anon u are so smart !!!! i was thinking of something like this earlier but this seems like a better idea😭 also u are my first ask THANK UUUUUYYYUUUU
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⋆ please come home (switch!soobin x switch!reader)
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(warnings: soob is switch(very sub lean) in this, reader is switch(dom lean), fem!reader, protective!soob, bratty!soob, degrading, masturbating, whimpering, sexting, dry humping, pet names: [good boy, baby, slut] thigh humping, tell me if there's more!)
note: ive been dying to get a request like this omg what a way to start the new year (HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERUONE)
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"soob," you sighed.
you'd only be going out for a few hours to a party that one of your girlfriends practically begged you to go to, and since you haven't met her since the pandemic, of course you agreed to go. yet when soobin said himself that he absolutely didn't mind yesterday night, it didn't occur to you that 5 minutes before you head out, he'd be holding on to your arm asking who's gonna be there, where are you off to, etc. maybe it's just one of his protective traits, but you two agreed on this, so you weren't sure why he was so protective of you now.
"just promise you're not gonna go and let other guys hit on you okay? you know you get tipsy so easily right? i'm not saying i don't trust you at all ... i just don't want other guys to look at you! because you're so pretty in this dress... but only my eyes are allowed on you right? just don't go ar—"
"soobin!! i won't drink or anything okay? don't worry about me so much, just send me a message when you feel lonely okay? i'll talk to you on the phone if you need to. it's gonna be fine, soob.." you cut his words off, gave him a peck on the lips, smiled at him with reassurance and waved him a goodbye before he smiled back at you hesitantly.
"bye!! be safe!!!" was what soobin yelled as you were about to shut the front door, and all you could respond with was a louder "mhm!!!!" followed by the door flying shut.
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an hour later, and you're sitting at the bar gossipping with all of your girlfriends. other than that, they constantly persuade you to drink. but knowing you, after one shot you go all red... which, sipping your iced water you decline their offer... over and over and over again. they just won't stop bugging you!!!,, so, you excuse yourself to the bathroom just to text your beloved.
sneaking yourself into a stall, you open your chat box to realize you'd left him on delivered for an hour ... "damn," you muttered to yourself, feeling bad that you possibly left him worried, but only 2 unread messages greet you with : "i miss you already!!:(" followed by a 2 minute long voice note.
you immediately plug in your earphones, ready to listen to whatever song he wanted to sing or whatever gossip he had to tell you.
"haa... miss you s-so bad.... mmh... come home pretty please?—a-ah fuck....."
immediately your eyes widened at the lewd sounds he made, you paused the voice note with a look on your face as if you just got caught commiting a crime. it caught you SO off guard, that was the thing you least expected ...., he knew you had a thing for his moans. in fact, it was one of your major turn-ons.. but soobin was never a vocal person in bed, he'd deny it even. if he made any sounds, he'd get flustered immediately. he thought it made him seem too feminine, so he never believed you when you said you liked it.
was this really him? you thought to yourself..
your finger hesitantly pressed the resume button on your screen.
"f-fuck, baby.. i'm c-cumming, aah,, you like it? come... c-come back for it.. ss—shit !!.."
2 minutes in, the audio coming to an end, you felt your thighs squeeze against each other, you felt your walls clench around nothing. my god, he sounded heavenly. you could hear the squelches of him stroking himself up and down, you could practically hear his pace fasten as his breaths became more irregular and his moans slowly increase in volume. you could literally tell when he busted all over himself. and oh, you did not know how much this aroused you until today.
screw this party, screw the drinks. he SO knew how to get you to come back home.
"i'm coming." you simply sent him, then you get ready to leave. after you left the stall, with a "sorry everyone, i have to go back, it's urgent.", you hastily left the party.
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you practically bust the door open when you reach back to your apartment, panting as you see soobin lying on the couch scrolling away on his phone as if he didn't just get you leaking out of your panties. this son of a bitch, seriously.... teasing like that and acting like nothing happened??
"oh hey! you're finally back!! i missed you~" soobin happily exclaimed as got off the couch and walked up to you to give you a peck.
when you don't reply, he has the audacity to ask you what's wrong. towering over you, he still acts cute and ignorant until you nudge him against the door as it flings shut. your knees are in between his slightly bent legs and immediately you shove your lips into his, cupping his face as your tongues fight for dominance. your free hand reaches down to his bulge to stroke it through his pants. he moans into your mouth and oh my fucking god did it turn you on even more. how badly did you miss his beautiful voice? you could feel his erection start to fill in the space in your palm as it grew bigger and harder. pulling away from the kiss with both of you panting, soobin only pouts at you..
"what did i doooo? why so rough?" he looked at you with glistening, innocent eyes. not so innocent though, because he knew what he was fucking doing.
squeezing his clothed cock in response, he let out a soft moan at that. "soobin you fucking brat ... you KNOW what you're doing." you say in between breaths.
in a blink of an eye he'd flipped you over, now your back leaning the door with a soft thud, "brat, huh? say it again.." soobin responded, with a smug smile on his face.
when you don't respond but smash your lips back onto his, his dominant composure melts away into your kiss and he desperately grinds against your bare thighs. you rock your hips in response and his moan travels down your throat again. your hand wanders around, tugs on his waistband and sinks under, where now you feel the material of his boxers and his cock that twitches in your palm. your other hand runs up his shirt and tugs at his nipple, which he bucks his hips in response. he finally pulls away from the kiss, this time sloppier, and runs a finger though your hair. you took your hand off his boxers and your other hand out of his shirt, and placed them both on his shoulders.
"do you want it?" you muttered.
"i've been waiting for so long," soobin whispered, barely able to make out words.
"promise that you'll put those vocals to use?"
now your hands leaving his shoulders and holding onto his wrist, you lead him to the sofa and pushed him onto his back.
"couldn't even wait until i came home, huh.." you muttered as you quickly unbuckled your tight leather dress. soobin only looked up at you with eager eyes when your dress fell off of your shoulders, exposing your body to the cold air. throwing the dress on the ground, you pull his pants down as well. just as he was going to take off his boxers you grabbed his wrist, and instead sunk down onto his hard on, the both of you clothed.
"soobin, patience.."
you interlocked your fingers with his and started to grind down on him. his precum and your slick starts to seep through the cloth and soon you were sloppily humping him. he didn't lie when he said he was going to put those vocals to use, because as you rocked against him, he let out the most heavenly sounds you'd ever heard from him. those broken moans, only he could see how badly it turned you on. his fucked out face and his wet hair weren't helping either.
"i r-really want to cum ... p-please!—" soobin was only able to mumble between whimpers.
"not yet, hang in there..." you cupped his face, then thrusting a finger into his mouth. "take it like the good boy you are, and maybe i'll let you cum in me.."
soobin only nodded in response, his eyes squeezed shut as he sucked on your finger like his life depended on it — his saliva coating every surface of your finger.
"gooood boy... so needy just for me... huh? sent me a clip of you playing with yourself just so i can help you finish?"
his eyes fluttered open with the neediest look someone could ever look up at you from, in response to the pet name. you smiled at that and let him release your fingers. you pulled down your soaked panties and motioned him to do the same, he looked at you with a "really?" kind of look, and when you assured him, his cock immediately sprung out of his boxers— tip fiery red and shaft twitching like it's deprived of touch.
"do you wanna fuck me?" you said as you lied down on your back, looking down at him, looking like he's been desperate to fuck you.
"oh my god.." soobin panted.
soobin positioned himself in between your legs, his twitching cock against your aching cunt, he looked at you with a final confirmation.
"go ahead, baby."
with one full thrust he thrusted into you. unaware about his bigness, when you winced slightly in pain he was worried if he'd done anything. but since he was so desperate... you didn't want to ruin his moment, so you let him.
"s-soobin... fuck.."
"shit, baby.. you're so fucking— t-tight..."
eventually, your walls had moulded into the shape of him, and each thrust became less and less painful, more and more pleasurable. you were so focused on how good he felt when it caught you off guard that he started to play with your clit, long, veiny fingers flicking up and down on your swollen bud as he thrusted in and out of you at a controlled pace.
"fuck, fuck— when did you— get this g-good with your fingers... mmh..." you muttered.
soobin looked down at you with a satisfied smile and continued to rub circles on your clit,, soon his thrusts became sloppier, strings of saliva mixed with all sorts of other bodily fluids connecting soobin's body with yours...
"i'm—fuck, c-can i please!! please please... please let me c-cum.. mmh—!" soobin moaned, with obvious need in his voice, beads of tears welling up at his eyes, sweat dripping down his chest and soaking his shirt,,
"s-soobin... you can cum, baby ..... s-shit i—i'm—" your voice shakey, you could feel yourself reaching your climax. you fisted his shirt and pulled him closer to you, now chest to chest, you pulled him in a sloppy kiss, he moaned into you as you felt his warm seed fill you up to the brim.
you both stayed like this for a whole 5 minutes in silence. you thought he'd fallen asleep until..
"thank you.." soobin whispered.
"thank you for coming back home."
"do you really like it when i'm vocal?"
"are you fucking serious, soobin?" you playfully smacked his back in a effort to hit him.
you could feel soobin grin against your ear.
"let's go get you cleaned up, pretty." soobin patted your head as he got off of you.
"hey, you too.." you weakly responded.
soobin could only giggle at that, and you scoffed.
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hello gorgeous! if you don't mind modern au, i have an idea. if you don't feel like writing anything it'd be great to hear your thoughts abt it. daemon x wife!reader (who's somehow connected with magic but not targaryen) who are devoted to each other like madly in love. before daemon has to go to war they're saying goodbyes kissing, crying and not being able to let the other go. feeling like something's off he says smth like "i'll find you in another life. i'll find you in any time we'll be existing. i will love you any time i am alive" (in high valyrian or calling her some name in it) kissing her knuckles and going away. unfortunately, he was right. reader died some way while he was away and he remains faithful to her for the rest of his life (oc but whatever) and in the modern world he does find her. maybe targaryens are some sort of royal family, maybe they keep a family business or an ordinary family with lots of relatives. but he fins the reader and they somehow just feel. sorry if it's too much. i'd really like to read something about it but it absolutely ok if you don't feel like it. thank u in advance! take care!
Waiting For A Lifetime
Part 1 2 3 ?
Daemon Targaryen x Reader + Aegon Targaryen x Reader cos it just sorta happened
Summary: Overcome by grief, Daemon turned to black magic to revive you. Moved by pity, the witch who casted the spell promised you would live until you met your love again in his next life.
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Modern AU, fem!reader, mentions/depictions of death/still birth/war, my pretty boy aegon whom i would die for, angst, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: i saw this last night when i woke up in the middle of my sleep and couldn't stop thinking about it. I changed a lot about your req nonnie. I do hope you still like it though. I absolutely could not help myself with this one and I got so carried away T_T also a lot of facts about the Targaryens have distorted so just just just roll with it ok ok ok thank you And yes i know this is a gif from the crown but i love it so much the hat falling off the kiss ITS EVERYTHING I WANT TO BE HERRRRRRRRRRRRR also i do acknowledge the fact that this anon came to me with this idea after i reblogged this amazing moodboard sooooo yeah i think this post sparked this fic idea lol ALSO ALSO ALSO 2022 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! LOVE YA ALL imagine seeing this post in like 2032 or smth shit thats like 35 years from now Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda @targaryenmoony pssst i made p2 "Never Before"
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Daemon's face was streaked with tears and sorrow. His eyes were bloodshot and his voice was as sure as it was grave as he repeated the word he uttered to the shaman, "anything."
She looked at him, able to taste the desperation in the air, "even if it costs your life, prince?"
Daemon looks at his love before him, his love that was carrying his child. He places his bloody palm on the gaping wound on her stomach.
"Your child will not live even if she does."
Daemon screws his eyes shut tightly. He begins to quiver in anger, in grief, in pure sorrow. He mutters, "anything," he slowly opens his eyes to gaze upon her lifeless face, "better it me than her. There is no world worth living without her."
The woman narrows her eyes at the prince. She knew he was the Targaryen, once heir, known to be rugged and harsh. The Rouge Prince. Yet, there was no trace of malice within his being, only what she would describe as true devotion, true love.
"So, may it be done by the gods old and new," she says, drawing the prince's attention to her, "I will plead for her soul that she may live."
Daemon watches the witch, as she stands to her feet from the ground they were both sprawled on, in front of the body of the dead woman.
"I will plead that she may live long enough to meet you again in another life, so that you may have the love you have now once more."
"Another life?"
"Yes," she says, "the gods recreate humans they are pleased with to grace the earth again. I am certain they will let you be reborn to be with her again. I will make it certain."
Daemon grabs the cold hand that was beginning to stiffen.
"Although, I am unsure if they will allow you to remember her."
"I will remember her," Daemon retorts, kissing the hand of his love, "I will remember her no matter form I take... I will, I must."
"So it remains to be seen," she says before speaking out her incantation.
And it would not be seen until nearly 2000 years later.
The times have changed drastically. Women wore pants and voted. Men where made to take more responsibility for their actions, though still got away with things.
And yet...
... my love for him never faded.
Every prince that was born and named Daemon, I hoped would finally be him. It went about like this century after century, war after war, plague after plague, rise after fall. I had feared the Targaryens would die out, but they proved to be as strong as the very foundations of the earth.
And it took the televised of the marriage of Viserys XXIX to Duchess Aemma of Eyrie for me to see the face of my love: Daemon, the Wild Child, the Knight of Knickers, as penned by the press. Ultimately, the prince of my heart.
I burst into tears when I saw his cheeky face as he nudged his brother at the isle. I pressed my hands on the screen, thinking to myself, the wait was finally over, he was finally here.
All that was left was for me to meet the Prince of Valyria.
Yes. That would be no problem at all.
Except it was, because Daemon was just as mad as he was in this life as he was in the last.
After all, he did not get those nicknames from the press for nothing.
I used up so many of my resources to even just get a glimpse of him. It was hard to catch him in one place. I mostly caught him with a scandalous headline in the cover of magazines and newspapers.
Tonight, it was a newspaper.
"You know," the bartender taps his finger on my newspaper that was sprawled out on his bar, "he's a frequent here."
I turn to the blonde, in his white dress shirt, black waist apron, and black slacks. I raise a brow as he purses his lips as though the information was ground breaking. He wipes on a glass with his blue towel.
"Gee, Aegon," I lean on the surface before me, "I would have never guessed that from the picture on the wall."
I nod at the said picture. It's one of Daemon and the current owner of the bar, Tywin Lannister, who also happened to own Lannister Land Corp, shaking hands. Oh, Lannisters.
"Hey," Aegon shrugs, pulling his lips down in a nuff-said manner, "it had to be said, since you're literally the only patron here that has not interrogated me with questions about the Knight of Knickers."
I snort, "then allow me to change that," I rest my head on my hand, "is he truly so dashing that his looks practically steal the knickers of the ladies around him?"
Aegon finishes buffing his glass and puts it down, looking up in thought, "mmm, I think it's mostly cause he's a prince that he's got the effect he's got. I've got no idea what possessed the first girl to throw her panties at him."
I giggle, "are you saying the prince is ugly?"
"Bit harsh, innit," Aegon pulls back, getting another glass, rubbing it down with his towel, "your words, not mine."
I roll my eyes, shaking my head, as I laugh at the light haired boy's muses, "you know, if we had been living at the height of the Targaryen rule, Daemon would have had your head for that, pretty boy."
"Gods, to be beheaded," he sighed, "a dream, rather than working here, taking about some monarch who lives off the money of the people."
I snort once more. Aegon's face softens as he breaks into a laugh himself.
"No, but honestly," he says putting down the glass and the towel, "you, my dear, are my saving grace. The highlight of my begrudgingly stretched out day," he stretches out a hand to me.
I chuckle at him as I take his hand. He presses a kiss on the back of it, making me grin at him in amusement.
"You're the only sane person here," he releases my hand, "everyone else is so desperate to brush shoulders with the prince, or simply even catch a of whiff of his flatulence."
I break out into a fit of chuckles, slamming firmly at the wood between us.
"No, I'm serious! I heard the fittest gal, a total bombshell, boasting with pride about how she managed a sniff of the bloke's fart."
I'm wheezing with laughter, unable to believe what I'm hearing.
Aegon releases a deep and dramatic sigh, "what has the world come to?"
I wipe a tear as Aegon watches me empty myself of laughter. His face crinkles in a pleased expression, Adam's apple bobbing as he chuckles airily.
I sigh, catching my breath, "well, if I ever become that desperate, I ask that you pray for my soul."
Aegon presses his palms together, "praying for that girl as we speak."
I chuckle, folding the newspaper before me, "I must say, I am actually desperate to meet the wild child myself."
Aegon drops his hands along with his humored expression.
I cannot help but laugh at him as I continue to fold the paper, "though, I would say I am the desperate kind that is so desperate..." I eye him as I press the grey material together, "that I, somehow, dread to meet him at all."
Aegon snorts, screwing his eyes shut as he wipes his face, "the Stranger. Don't say things like that! I nearly had a heart attack believing you."
"No, but it's true, Aegon!" I say with a faux wounded pout, "prince Daemon is my great love, we have been destined to meet for millennia!"
Aegon leans on the table, humming as he nodds his head, "yes, and I suppose I am Aegon the Conqueror."
I lean towards him and grab his jaw, "no, you look more like Aegon II. The spitting image, I dare say."
He scoffs, swatting me off, "I'm hotter than him."
I pull away, "yes. That I can agree with, pretty boy. Personal hygiene does wonders."
Aegon snorts and plays off the blush on his cheeks by wiping his nose with his thumb, "you speak as though you met him."
I straighten up, "that's because I have. He was once my nephew."
He narrows his eyes and crosses his arms. His face contorts at the thought.
I raise my brows at him, "have I not told you I am not only a Targaryen historian, an expert at that, but I am also a patron of the Museum of Ice and Fire? I'm married into their family."
"Okay," he raises a finger, "ew."
I snort.
Aegon lifts his jaw and hums, "well, now that you mentioned it, I always knew you were one of those insanely rich blokes who frequent here. I was thinking you were a mafia boss or something though."
I scoff in amusement, raising my brows at him.
He pushes his white sleeves up then raises his hand in defense, "you have a very intense aura about you."
"That's because you trigger my fight mode," I retort.
He huffs, "do I? I'm scared to know what you'll do to me when I've seen what you do to men who hit on you."
"Aww, don't worry," I coo, "I wouldn't hurt my pretty, baby boy."
Aegon doesn't get to reply when a customer calls his attention. With this, he pulls away and leaves me to my own devices.
We don't get to continue our conversation at all, for it was clear that the rush hour had begun.
I eventually pulled back and decided to entertain myself while my favorite bartender was busy. I swiveled on my stool, looking out to the room, spotting the jukebox collecting dust in the corner. I smile at the sight of it, thinking about how it was still here after all these years, in spite of being older than Aegon.
I stand from my seat and walk over to it.
Aegon, finding one patron missing, frantically looks around then calms, raising a brow.
I place my hands on the jukebox, bending over to check if it was plugged in.
Aegon snorts as he hands a man a beer, eyes not at all fixed on him, "that doesn't work, love."
"Mmm, ye of little faith."
Aegon is annoyed by the man that sits on the vacated stool, blocking his vision. In retaliation, he blocks out the sound of his voice. Aegon calls out, "if you can make that hunkajunk work, I'll clear your tab for you."
I chuckle as I pull the machine forward, checking its wiring, "I wouldn't want to make a kid working on minimum wage to pay for me at all."
"I only said I would clear your tab, doll face," is all he replies before he goes back to tending to drinks again.
I break into chuckles as I fiddle with the wires on the back. I admit, it took me quite a while to go through everything, which was why Aegon warned that he would not call an ambulance for me if I got electrocuted.
The sight of the jukebox coming to life was enough to shut him up.
I get to my feet with a huff, brushing my hands off with each other. I turn to Aegon, who was already looking at me in astonishment, along with a few other people in the room.
I smirk, "my tab then?"
"Good as gone," Aegon shakes his head in disbelief, cutting his hand across his neck.
I release a satisfied sigh as I punch at the hardened buttons and play whatever it was that was available to be played.
When the music starts, I close my eyes and allow myself to drift off with the music. The sound brings back some memories I had in the 1940's. If I recall correctly, it was around this time Daemon's father, King Baelon, was crowned.
I slowly moved to the rhythm of the song, swaying my hips, waving my extended arms out as I made my way to the center of the room.
Aegon stilled in his spot upon seeing this. His breath caught in his throat and he was only brought back to reality when someone demanded a gin. He looked around the room as he poured that idjit his drink and clenched his jaw tightly when he saw the onlooking crowd.
He snorts loudly, grabbing his towel, throwing it over his shoulder roughly, clearing his throat with more noise than necessary.
I smile to myself when I hear Aegon's familiar coughing. He had a tendency to do this whenever men around me started to be a bother. And I loved him dearly for it. He was a sweet boy.
With my eyes still closed, I continue dancing to the soothing song. My smile grows bigger when a section comes that tickles my musical senses. I chuckle as I twirl in my spot.
When I felt a hand come to my waist, I didn't have to open my eyes to know it was Aegon. He wouldn't have let anyone come near me at all without barking up a storm.
I hummed at the scent of him, familiar yet foreign to me at once. He must have changed his cologne. I prefer this one better. He pulls me close when I reach out to him, grabbing one of his hands and placing a palm on his shoulder. His dress shirt is softer than what I imagined it to be.
I am surprised when he leads us into a ballroom dance. In fact, I am so shocked, I open my eyes and see a blur of his white shirt and blonde hair as he spins me around.
I break into a fit of chuckles, screwing my eyes shut in pure bliss when he dips me, "I had no idea you were a dancer, pretty boy."
"Yes, well, journalists don't find it interesting enough to write about."
My eyes burst open at the sound of the deep voice.
My heart is pounding at the sight of the smirking man with silver hair. I nearly faint at the violet irises so close to mine.
"I do say," his hot breath fans on my face, "if we were spotted by one now, they'd have a field day."
I jolt upright and shove the man away. He doesn't seem to be offended by my harsh actions, and, in fact, chuckles as he reels back from my action, "not what I had expected and not the reaction I usually get, but there's a first for everything."
My breath hitches when he smiles at me. I turn from him, to Aegon, who was staring coldly from his place behind the bar. It seems the rest of the people here were doing the same as well, gobsmacked by the presence of the man in the middle of the room
I roll my shoulders back, turning to my dance partner, "Prince Daemon," I mutter, bowing my head slowly, "pardon my rudeness."
He chuckles, waving me off as he stuffs a hand in his pocket, "oh, no need to be so formal, my dear. I can understand the shock," he tilts his head at me, lips still curved, "you surely weren't expecting to be dancing with the prince and thought me to be someone else, no?"
I look at him and stare in silence. For the first time in my life, I was at a loss for words.
Everything was suddenly so real, and it was making my mind and my heart race.
Aegon watches this and clears his throat loudly.
It does not help anyone.
Daemon raises his brows at me in expectation, placing his other hand in his pocket as he leans on one leg.
I open my mouth. A second passes before I mutter, "I thought you were my pretty boy."
His lips spread into a toothy grin. Airy chuckles leave him, "I can be your pretty boy."
When he extends his hand out to me, it was like the heavens opened and I could hear the angels sing.
This was the moment I have been waiting for since that day that I came back to life and kissed him goodbye with a promise of finding him in his next one.
My breath was heavily taxed when I lifted my hand.
My soul nearly leaves me when I jolt in shock over the sound of a record scratching and jumping, repeating over and over again.
In that moment, I am hit by an epiphany. I am so overwhelmed with emotions that I could barely breathe. The sight of Daemon before me brought tears to my eyes. This was all I ever wanted, and yet-- and yet-- I was drowning. I could not breathe properly.
"I..." I shudder, making Daemon's face fall, "I have to go," I mutter through a strained breath.
Daemon knits his brows, shifting in his spot with his hand still out, "what?"
Aegon watched with tightly knit brows as I ran out of the room.
The prince drops his hand and spins on his heels, eyes locked on the runaway. His nostrils flare as his face contorts in confusion, "wait! Stop! Where are you going?!"
I heave heavily as I push past people on my way out. I am absolutely winded when I exit the establishment, hands shivering from both the cold and the nerves that were getting to me in this moment.
I walk aimlessly farther out, down to the lawn that was now dark, since it was gods-know-what hour.
My heart drops.
I spin around when someone grabs my wrist. My heart is still quick in my chest when I see Daemon, heaving. His short, light hair was slightly tousled in its place. He knits his brows at me, tilting his head, "you dare leave your prince, Cinderella?"
My jaw hangs low.
He releases a sigh, shaking his head, "I forbid it."
Seeing him here and now made everything feel more Real with a capital R.
Daemon adjusts his grip on my wrist, pulling his hand back, so that he was now holding my hand.
I look at him, blinking the glassiness of my eyes away, still in shock of his presence. A million questions were running through my head, and I was glad to be able to even have the mind to ask one in this moment, "do you know me, Daemon?"
He tilts his head upon hearing this, brows knitting, lips curving. He releases a chuckle at the lack of formality and how haphazard the question was, but finds himself further drawn because of it, "no," he shakes his head, "but I would love to know you."
Hearing the words come out of his mouth shatters something in me.
He did not know me.
I turn away from him as I try to even my breath. I retreat my hand and step back as a shiver runs down my spine.
And yet here he was, chasing after me.
Daemon steps forward to make up for the space between us, "don't leave. Come back inside with me. I'll give you my coat, then you can boast that the prince of Valyria gave it to you."
I continue stepping back as I shake my head, "you don't understand," I mutter under my breath in High Valyrian.
"Then make me understand," he retorts in the same tongue with a chuckle as he shakes his head and takes a wide stride over to me, grabbing my hand again.
I gasp at the warmth of his touch. When I turn back to him, tears have finally fallen from my eyes.
Daemon's face hardens at the sight of it. His hand reaches out to my face, wiping the wetness away. The sight of his torn expression tears at me, bringing me more tears.
"Why are you crying?" he asks in High Valyrian.
I do not get to reply, as suddenly there is a loud burst from behind us, commanding both our attentions.
It's Aegon. He busted through the door with my things in his hand. Upon catching the sight of the two of us, he freezes, breathing heavily as the looks out.
Daemon's expression hardens; his grip on me tightens. He turns to me, jealousy coating his mouth when he catches I where I am looking, "is that your pretty boy?"
I do not reply to him as Aegon walks over.
Daemon pulls me close to him. I look up at him with teary eyes. Aegon looks between us, jaw tense as he hands me my bag, coat, and newspaper.
"Thank you, bartender," Daemon dismisses, patting Aegon on the shoulder, before turning from him to face me again.
When I catch Aegon's face, I finally have the wits to move.
I pull away from Daemon to put my coat on. I swallow a heavy lump in my throat at feel of the stares of the two men.
Once I have my coat on, I pull a card from my bag, handing it to Daemon. He wastes no time in taking it from me, immediately scrutinizing it.
"I'd..." I start, taking a deep breath, "like to see you again."
Daemon's eyes dart to me, breaking into a smile.
Butterflies explode in my stomach at the sight of him.
Aegon's face tenses.
I release a breath before asking, "when are you fr-"
"Whenever," Daemon blurts. He places the card in the breast pocket of his white shirt, "I'm free whenever."
I nod slowly at his words, "I have work tomorrow, but I do have a long lunch at 12-
"I'll call you a 11:55."
I purse my lips at his words, trying to hold back my chuckle, but failing, "11:55?"
Daemon grins, nodding once, "on the dot."
I chuckle, turning to my feet as I nod at his words, "11:55 then."
"On the dot," he nods, extending a hand out to rub his thumb on my cheek.
I turn to him just as Daemon pulls away and stuffs his hands back in his pockets, "I'll walk you."
I shake my head, turning to Aegon, who was still standing there, watching the whole interaction between us, "you don't have to. I have a car parked nearby."
"Then I'll walk you to your car."
I turn back to Daemon, who then offers his arm out to me. I smile, unable to deny him, or myself, of the offer. I take his arm, and the next moment, he leads us off.
I turn over my shoulder, raising a hand at Aegon while I offer him a smile, "see you, Aegon."
Aegon watches as I turn back.
There is a twisted feeling inside him that grows. He mutters softly. It is too soft for anyone but himself to hear, "see you."
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saintslewis · 11 months
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˖ ࣪⭑ pairing: sir lewis hamilton x fem!oc
˖ ࣪⭑ summary: it’s Nads’ first day on the paddock at the Miami Grand Prix!
˖ ࣪⭑ warnings: cussing, outfit descriptions, some seriously bad flirting, lots of name dropping
˖ ࣪⭑ wc: 6.7 k
˖ ࣪⭑ saint’s team radio: my babies, hi! i ain’t got no backstory, it’s just been tough to write lol. this chapter is my baby so i hope you all enjoy it 🥹. dedicating this to @httpsserene (twinnnnn) because she knows how much i back my man all the time lol. okay okay on with the story!
pls like, reblog and comment!!!
renaissance:the series ��� previous chapter
The sounds of the F1 cars and the noisy commentators went through Nadia's ears quite noisily. Fixing the position of her headphones, she held her phone horizontally as she watched through her husband's various wins throughout the years.
Her Tuesday was busy, well busily spent watching over previous races and anything related to the sport that Lewis was in. Nadia was determined to get onto the Miami paddock and not fuck up her first public appearance by not knowing anything about F1 and as much as she wanted to research a little bit more on Lewis, she decided against it, solely wanting him to tell her everything.
Her suitcases sat nicely next to her couch, the same couch that would be in her storage unit by the time she gets back from the states. Knowing that the weather that side would be ridiculously hot, she made sure to pack good outfits, enough to be Miami-approved along with all her good wigs.
It has been almost a week since she met Lewis' friends at his - their home and to think that she would be travelling the world with them so soon was not something she thought would happen. The next day, she spent it ogling at her screen on things to do in Miami. The rest of the weekend was dedicated to maintenance; wigs, nails, lashes, waxing with the occasional facetime sessions with Lewis just sharing all types of jokes to distract her from the prep.
Her phone rang in the middle of her binging Brazil 2021, showing a call from Natalia. "Hello?" Nadia answered.
"Nads, hey. I know we're literally going to be together tomorrow on the plane but i just wanted to check in to see if you're doing okay and if you're ready for Miami?" The ever so hyper girl asked excitedly.
"I've got my stuff ready and I think I'm clued up on the sport enough." Nadia's voice was clear yet soft, balancing her phone on the coffee table. "But are you wag ready?" Natalia asked, earning one of Nadia's infamous side eyes.
"Girl, what?"
"Nads, please don't tell me you don't know what that means." Natalia stressed as she ruffled around to sit up straight.
"Then you won't like my next answer." She smiled, standing up to go to the kitchen. "Oh my days, one of the most famous wags right now and she doesn't even know what it is." Natalia laughed, continuing with her explanation.
"So basically, it's a wife or girlfriend of an athlete. All you're gonna do when we get there is maybe make some friends with the other wags and just be his biggest supporter, even if it means we throwing hands." The girl laughed even louder, their laughter bounced off the walls.
"Now you're speaking. I think I'll be good as long as I have someone to guide me through it, y'know?" Nadia said, fidgeting with whatever is in front of her which in this case, was a fork.
For the umpteenth time in the last 3 weeks, Nadia was nervous about everything changing so quickly. This was her first public appearance as 'Mrs Hamilton' and knowing that she will have to face so many eyes on her was something she couldn't bear to think of.
"Here's my ting, Nads. You're not just the wife of any driver there, you're lawfully linked with the literal face of that sport. That man is beyond famous and keeping up with his life as his friend group is so exciting yet so fast paced so if you need anything, you got us. Genuine chats." Natalia smiled, watching her friend fiddle with the fork.
"I just need to keep up and plus Lew said if it gets too much, I can always just come back and chill at home which is something I will definitely do." Nadia said, picking up her phone.
"Exactly babes! Anyways, I'll pick you up later then we head to the airport together?" She offered. Nadia just nodded before posing in the kitchen. They wished each other their goodbyes and Nadia immediately got to work, sorting out her outfits for the third time.
The drive to the airport felt so surreal, the tiny droplets of rain sped down the car window as the music blared through Nadia's headphones. A sleeping Natalia layed across her lap, barely moving unless there was a slight bump on the road.
Preparing herself to go on a plane for the first time in 12 years , she breathed in and out and went very deep in her thoughts. The slight breeze of the air conditioner in the car raised hairs on her arms, definitely regretting putting her emergency hoodie in one of her suitcases and not in her carry on.
She had just decided to run on autopilot for the rest of the trip, every single thought of hers gnawing at her causing a headache to form. The feeling of constantly having eyes on her was overwhelming, every time she wants to run an errand or or go on with her maintenance day, she would always be stopped for a picture or even worse, have a camera following her around. She now understood why celebrities would always have their headphones on in public.
Heathrow Airport appeared in her vision, her hand immediately landing on Natalia's arm and shook her a bit so that she could wake up and prepare herself.
"We here yet?" The woman said, rubbing her eye and blinking quite quickly. All Nadia could do was nod and slightly smile at her friend who immediately felt Nadia's vibe. "Okay Nads, I don't know what your thoughts are chatting about but think about it like this: a cute little trip with new friends and experiencing new shit while looking good at the same time. I can feel your overthinking from here." Natalia said, cuddling into her friend.
"You know, you say some cute shit then you violate me after. Is this your thing?" Nadia chuckled as the driver drove towards the main entrance of the airport.
"Y'should hear the shit I say to Miles."
The process of getting checked in went incredibly smoothly, considering the girls met Tia when rolling their suitcases. It was all relatively easy as they were flying private, the jet waiting patiently for its passengers. The short drive in a different SUV to the jet had Nadia's stomach flutter as she took everything in. Stepping out the car to a very gloomy night sky, the crème white jet stood in all its glory and Nadia battled herself to not take pictures but she couldn't help it.
Nearing towards the steps with her carry-on, the flight attendants smiled with champagne flutes in their hands. "Welcome Miss Tia, Miss Natalia and Mrs Hamilton. I do hope you have a wonderful flight to Miami." One of the woman had greeted with a blinding smile.
Accepting the champagne although utterly creeped out, Nadia greeted everyone back and made her way into one of the most beautiful private jets she'd set her eyes on. Hermés blankets were placed on top of the seats, charcuterie boards were set and the night lights were on, referencing the stars in the night sky. Seeing how relaxed Tia and Natalia were, she took a deep breath and took a window seat.
Next to her were different types of chocolates and sweets, water bottles, sodas, spritzers along with champagne sat aesthetically all around her. Settling across from her, Tia whipped out her iPad and immediately got to work, hoping to talk to Nadia while she was still awake.
The two spoke on many different topics pertaining the marriage and Nadia's new found fame. "To summarise before we dive deep. I already opened up an Amex bank account for you because the money you'll make throughout all this is insane. You've got a lot of people to meet on Friday but I'll take you through everything on Thursday."
Nadia just listened to everything. "So while Lewis has a photoshoot tomorrow, we'll meet with your new team which by the way, have already prepared outfits for you for the coming weekends because i know you brought your own this week. Just remember, don't be too hard on yourself. I know it's a lot but you two can get through it. Oh, and you can finally open up your social media profiles." Tia smiled, closing the iPad with its cover and handing her a black card, mouthing that it already has money on it.
"Now we can sit back and relax for the rest of this 8 hour flight." Natalia said, eye mask already covering her eyes with a blanket enveloping her. The plane had already taken off during Tia speaking so she didn't have much to be nervous about in the moment.
Stepping off the jet steps, 4 bodyguards stood as Nadia's sight immediately went to the three large escalades, reminding her of how a president would be transported. Greeting everyone a very tired good morning, she spotted Lewis climbing out one of the cars along with Miles. A smile appeared on her face as she saw them, the nerves being pushed away at the sight of people she recognised.
"How was your flight, bruv? Got some coffee to wake you up." Lewis said with a smile, putting her suitcases in the car, his sweater sleeves lifted and showed his tattooed arms flexing as he lifted them.
She knew it was too early into the friendship to be having such thoughts but she couldn't help but feel some way about him as she watched him and he glowed in the morning sun, laughing at a joke Miles had said. Not to mention how her heart fluttered knowing he got her coffee although he himself doesn't like the hot drink.
"Nads?" He called to her, seeing her in a dazed state but quickly snap back to it. "It was great, Tia distracted me from the flight takin' off so that's a plus. Had one too many croissants and before I forget, I got us something that I hope you'll like." She said, climbing into the open car door and put her tote bag next to her.
On the way to the hotel, the two played some Raye while making jokes and talking about the rest of the weekend, assuring Nadia that if she wasn't comfortable going to all these events that she could stay back at the hotel. All she knew was that she was definitely going to watch him play some basketball the next day.
"And the pants are pink? Like your trousers are hot pink?" She asked the man as they drove through Miami, oblivious to the copious amounts of billboards with his face on it be it about Formula 1 or IWC, the watch brand that he was ambassador for. "And I was told to show you my outfits for the whole weekend for your first well, second public appearance." He said, sitting comfortably on his seat, playing around with his phone but not using it.
"That's very kind of whoever told you that. Before I regret my gift, do you wear grills? Or tooth jewellery in general?" Nads asked, unconsciously holding onto her tote bag.
"Are you about to say what i think you're about to say?" Lewis asked, turning his whole body towards her. "Do you know how hard it was having to describe your teeth to the person who made them? Anyways, I thought we could wear the grills the same day as like a statement, y'know?" She said, taking out two cases with the same branding.
"That's a great idea, I truly love it and these grills, man. Might build a mini collection." Lewis sounded impressed, bringing the jewellery closer to really look at it then looked at Nadia with a feeling that he was struggling to decipher but he get genuine appreciation towards her.
"Thank you pookie bear for these, i'll cherish it forever." He smiled, his eye wrinkles prominent.
"Oh my days, you said it." She covered her mouth with both hands, the ring shining as the rays of the morning sun hit it.
"What? Pookie bear?"
"Yeah, you barely say it! Oh my days, say it again so i can record it." Nadia said, bringing her phone out, making Lewis laugh so hard as they drove to the hotel.
Thursday afternoon could not come fast enough with Nadia standing in the large hotel bathroom, scratching her bald cap as she stared at the two wigs in front of her. The one was a light pink, wanting to support Lewis in pink and the other was black, very neutral but was quite long.
Her outfit was laid out on the bed, consisting of a denim mini skirt with pink low cut nikes, her reflective diesel bag that she received the night before and a dark gray tee with Baby Lewis on it. For Nadia, this outfit was quite simple as she liked to branch her style out, no matter how bold it might be.
The memories of the night before started to flow through, smiling by herself. When the crew had come back from dinner in the ever so luxurious hotel restaurant, she came back to all types of gifts on her bed, a note from Lewis reading 'for your first grand prix' with a heart next to it.
New Van Cleef and Arpels bracelets as she jokingly requested, the Diesel bag she would be sporting at the IWC event, two Dior saddles bags and two new pairs of sneakers that she had yet to open. The tears that were in her eyes dropped down her face as she opened her gifts, texting a sleeping Lewis a selfie with all her presents.
"Okay girl, let's do the black wig because the shoes and bag are already pink." Nadia decided, her voice echoing as she spoke to herself in the spacious bathroom. Putting some music on, she continued getting ready whilst waiting for Lewis to pick her up as he's coming from the track.
As if someone heard her thoughts, she heard a knock on the door followed with the wood creaking beside it and she instantly knew it was Lewis. Opening the door with a smile on her face, she saw him with the same beaming smile as she displayed. It looked as if he already changed his outfit from this morning, keeping up with his activities on social media.
"Well good afternoon sir." Nadia greeted as she walked back into the room to grab her handbag, phone and sunglasses, walking out as soon as she got everything with her.
Now, Lewis was someone who would subtly blush at the slightest compliment he would receive or whenever anyone mentioned that they liked his outfit, he would be grateful then brush it off with one of his smiles. However, hearing his assigned title come from the lips of his wife - new friend and not to mention her wearing his t shirt, made his chest warm. Same feeling he got whenever he would gift her anything and just see her smile.
There are just friends who just so happen to be married.
"Hi Nads. I'm loving the shirt by the way." He complimented, watching her lock up her room and place the key card in her bag. "Oh thanks, some guy i'm married to gave it to me. Do you think this kid is a legend now?" Nadia joked as they both walked to the elevator, relieved to have no one inside.
"I heard he's this really cool driver. Also props to that random dude who gave you the tee, super stylish and amazing." Lewis spoke as he leaned on the railing of the elevator.
"Okay not too much now." Nadia scoffed, followed up with a giggle.
Upon arriving at the place, it was truly crowded with fans and many camera crews all facing an incredibly large billboard with Lewis' face on it, his arm showing off the expensive watch. Majority of those involved in the event were wearing pink and many of the fans standing outside had a mixture of colours, including neon yellow and purple.
As their Escalade rolled up to the main entrance of the event, the cheers were heard from all around the car. Playing with her hair nervously, Lewis watched as he was getting ready to get out the car. "D'you mind if I hold your hand? Just noticed you were nervous." He voiced, seeing her snap out of her mind.
Looking down at his large open hand, Nadia didn't think twice about grabbing onto it and holding it tightly. As he stepped out of the car, the screams became louder as he waved to everyone with his other hand whilst Nadia scooched out with the car step helping her. As if the screams and cheers couldn't get any louder, her foot touched the ground and people were shouting out all types of things.
Although Nadia was nervous, she felt Lewis squeeze her hand and prompt her to look at him, his eyes more comforting than anything. Shooting a quick smile and wink at him, she went back to greeting everyone clawing for attention. He stood for a moment, in awe of her instant switch from what he saw in the car. Remembering where he was, he too snapped up and walked towards fans to sign stuff.
About an hour into the event, Nadia sat and cheered underneath the VIP section of it all. Starstruck event workers stood close to her, offering anything she would want from the stalls all around. With a pink lemonade in her hand, she watched Lewis play basketball with the widest smile on his face as he dribbled the ball and put the ball through the next.
To get better sight of her hunk of a husband, she sat closer to the kids who too watched in awe of everything and it isn't hard to believe that she began playing some hand games with them while workers were busy. While Lewis stood to the side of the game, he watched as Nadia interacted with the kids sitting on chairs clearly made for children but it was the pure joy she radiated that struck him the most.
Digging his phone out of one of his many pockets on his hot pink pants, he snapped a few photos of her surrounded with kids and he was very sure that the many camera crews also captured the adorable moment. Looking up, Nadia locked eyes with Lewis from across the court, waving excitedly which prompted the kids to wave as well.
After a while, Lewis was asked to do an interview and one of the questions were where else he would like to race and to get a reaction out, he uttered the words "I would like to race in South Africa, my wife's home country and definitely because it would be an amazing track." Little did he know that that clip would send the internet into a frenzy.
Ultimately deciding to show face in the paddock on Qualifying Day and definitely ruining Tia's master plan, Nadia placed her earrings on before taking pictures of herself in the mirror for her to post later on in the day.
Fixing her top a little, she held onto it while looking for the small case that held her grillz and finding them on the nightstand, securely placing them on her teeth. She quickly switched her heels for sneakers knowing that she would be walking around the whole day.
Her mood was all over the place from the moment she woke up. She knew going into another deep dive was going to affect how she would be with everyone she was supposed to meet but she did so in the late evening after the day she had. She hadn't fully memorised names but she could identify them in an instant if anyone were to show pictures of F1 drivers.
Natalia, Miles, Charlotte and Spinz had already left earlier on, leaving Nadia and Lewis to get to the track together as planned. The knock resonated through the door, signaling that Lewis was here to pick her up. Grabbing everything she needed including the paddock passes, she got to the door with a slight scowl on her face.
"Woah, you're blonde now." Lewis pointed out, leaning against the doorframe with his hands in his pants pockets. His red sunglasses matched the parts of red on his Tommy Hilfiger sweatshirt with his blue sneakers matching the blue parts. He flashed his smile, showing off his grillz.
"That FIA president better watch his mouth when it comes to you, talking some bullshit so early in the morning." She warned, locking the door with her key card once more and she placed her all black sunglasses on.
"Nads, wait. What's going on?" Lewis stood there. "Went on a deep dive last night and developed a deep resentment towards the higher ups of the sport." She said, shrugging her shoulders then leading the way towards the elevator.
As confused as he was, Lewis walked quick to catch up with her as she walked closer and closer to the elevator.
"And before you say anything peace instilling, I'm not going to beat anybody up...yet." Nadia said, crossing her arms as she stood next to Lewis in the large metal box. "..You look really nice today." Lewis chose his words carefully, not used to seeing her in this mood.
"So do you, very chilled out. Well, until you smile then you'll send those geezers into a heart attack." She snickered, showing the matching grillz. "I think they'll be fine. They saw a glimpse of my stomach yesterday and told me I looked like Magic Mike." He said, laughing at the ridiculous comments he heard yesterday.
"Not them comparing you to an unsexy white man?" She jokingly said, with them falling into a fit of giggles. "I know this is going to sound out of pocket but did you know that your arms look very bite-able? Like I could just take a munch out of them."
"Nadia, what the fuck?"
It was evidently clear that this was a huge weekend for Miami, thousands of fans walking the streets in merchandise from their favourite teams or drivers.
The motorcade they were riding in could be compared to being presidential, people cheering whenever it drove by and getting out of windows to cheer at the red lights. Reaching the Hard Rock stadium, it shocked Nadia to see how many people were in attendance with probably thousands more already welcomed in. With the touch of a button, Lewis' window went down as he greeted everyone with a wave and a smile, gaining a positive reaction from everyone.
Eventually slowing down within the private parking, the pretend couple climbed out the car with Lewis opening the car door for Nadia. Waving to the crowd with him made Nadia feel slightly overwhelmed, noticing how the crowd grew even more when he appeared.
Leaning down a little to whisper into her ear, "You can be with me for now then we can walk in together." Lewis' breath tickling her ear, fighting a shy smile towards the man. Walking with him to his supporters or literally anyone who shoved anything in his direction, Nadia took out her phone to capture this moment and how loved he truly was.
A few fans were signaling to her to sign some stuff and for pictures, surprising her at the excitement of the fans. Leaning over to sign stuff, she received a few friendship bracelets, a few gifts that she handed over to security and some many compliments that her cheeks were starting to hurt.
"Bye everyone!" She exclaimed, signaled to finish up and head into the paddock. The crowd responded and she felt a large hand intertwine with hers, relieved to see that it was Lewis'. Cameras had begun to follow them, her hand squeezing his in nervousness. Reaching the official entrance of the paddock, he stepped back to let her sign in first then he did afterwards.
Flipping her blonde hair and fixing her sunglasses, their hands intertwined once again as they began to walk down the incredibly long pathway. All types of media was running around them like headless chickens, hurling questions their way but all the two did was smile and greet everyone who greeted them.
The power that resonated through the pretend couple as they walked towards the Mercedes hospitality inside the stadium, everyone could feel it. The pure confidence and kindness they showed on the short walk was enough to keep the world talking for a few weeks, grillz shining as they grinned and Lewis fist bumped people as he usually did.
Once reaching Mercedes, Nadia and Lewis weren't aware of the small crowd that had gathered behind them as they walked, everyone intrigued with the sight of Nadia next to the 7x World champion of the sport. "Lewis! Nadia, hello!" A short woman with a blonde bob enthusiastically said, standing up from one of the chairs inside the building.
"Susie! How's it going?" Lewis said, hugging the woman. "I am doing quite well," Susie said. "Who is this beautiful woman?" She asked, setting her eyes on a nervous looking Nadia.
"Hello, I'm Nadia. It's such a pleasure to meet you, Lewis told me about you." She smiled, stretching her arm out for a handshake that Susie happily accepted. "Oh my, likewise. I will have to steal you away from him now as he has to get ready for quali. Toto has meet you as well." Susie said.
"I do have to go unfortunately so I'll see you later in the garage?" Lewis asked, placing his hand on her waist whilst looking into her eyes. "Yup, have fun bruv." Nadia winked then placed a kiss on his cheek, the lipgloss leaving a residue on his cheek that he didn't dare to wipe off.
He winked back (dismally), then left the two ladies, greeting everyone in his way before walking off with Rosa, his Mercedes media personnel.
As Susie and Nadia had the cutest bonding time, including a very giddy Toto Wolff who was excited to see Lewis' wife to make sure that he wasn't seeing things. Nadia walked out of the hospitality with a chocolate bar in her hand, trying to remember the directions Susie had given her to the Paddock club.
Having no clue where she was going, she approached a woman who looked quite kind, donning the same passes as she was across her chest. "Hi there!" Nadia greeted as she stopped in front of the woman who's eyes went wide at the sight of Nadia in front of her.
"Holy shit, you're her." The woman blurted out as she then proceeded to slap her hand on her mouth afterwards. Nadia giggled at the woman's reaction, watching her as she swallowed whatever was in her mouth. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. You're just so pretty in real life. I'm Lily." She rambled out.
"Hey Lily, I'm Nadia," the older woman tilted her head a bit and maintained eye contact. "Don't know if you're busy right now but do you mind showing me to the paddock club? Thank you for the compliment, so are you!" She spoke, seeing Lily lose her breath a little when making direct eye contact.
"Oh! Of course, that's where I'm headed right now. You can join me in my walk there, it's not too far." Lily offered, to which Nadia just nodded and the two conversed all the way.
Once reaching the overly luxurious and crowded space, Lily guided Nadia towards a private section of the already exclusive space. Greeting those who waved at her as they walked by, she spotted a group of younger looking women who were eagerly looking around until their eyes landed on Lily and Nadia, smiles growing larger with them all standing up in excitement.
Deciding to greet the group first, she held her arms out and they fell into a huge group hug. Nadia felt surprisingly safe and definitely knew that these were the wags that Natalia was speaking about a few days before.
"Super sorry for the ambush, once we saw you enter the paddock we've been excited." The calm brunette woman grinned. "I'm Carmen, I'm with George." She tucked her hair behind her ear, her aura very classy.
George Russell, Lewis' teammate.
"I'm Kika! Francisca but I prefer Kika." The tall girl introduced herself, resembling a deer. Her eyes large with a beaming smile. "I'm with Pierre."
Pierre Gasly, apart of that one pink team. French guy.
"I'm Alexandra, so nice to meet you." The last girl introduced herself, voice very soft but visibly excited. She looked like she would be with someone from Ferrari. "I'm with Charles." She beams, Nadia's guess being correct.
"Well hi everyone, I'm Nadia." She said, opting for all the girls to sit. Kika gasped before she sat down, "oh my goodness, I just realised that you look like Tinker Bell."
The other girls looked at Nadia properly and agreeing with Kika, giggles floating around.
A lengthy conversation from fashion to careers to food, the group of women were interrupted by a Mercedes employee, asking for both Carmen and Nadia in the garage. Grabbing each other's hands, the two women greeted their friends goodbye as they walked out of the Paddock club.
The Mercedes garage was everything that Nadia imagined it to be, people wizzing in and out of there with both cars proudly displayed as the crowd gathered to take pictures of each car or simply wanting a picture in front of the driver's garages.
Spotting her husband's braids over everyone in front of him, she carefully walked over to him, not wanting to trip over anything. Locking eyes with each other, Lewis quickly put his airpods back into their case and stuck his hand out for her to hold onto. Manoeuvring his arm around her shoulder whilst holding her hand, Lewis held Nadia closer to him. Avoiding the cameras and the watching eyes everywhere.
"So? How was it? Heard you are quite the star today." Lewis teased. Glancing up at the man through her lashes, she smiled and bounced on her feet a little. "Everyone is so nice. I met the other girlfriends and bruv, you should've seen them. It was like I was holding the universe in my hands." She joked, earning a nod and a smile.
"Do you think you have one more introduction left in you? I have someone I'd like you to meet." He said, looking forward then at her, his sunglasses sitting on his forehead. Turning her head in the direction he just looked, she spotted someone familiar and as they walked closer, she recognised the tall figure and her stomach dropped.
"Lewis, hey man! What's good?" Pharrell Williams greeted her husband with a handshake then hug, letting go of Nadia's body for a brief period of time. Nadia couldn't believe the sight in front of her, her idol was chatting it up with her husband.
"And i want you to meet my wife, Nadia. My guardian angel through all this shit." Lewis beamed at her, holding her closer once again to bring her towards Pharrell. "Ah, it's a such an honour to meet you." The man exclaimed, his grillz shining as well. "He's said so many good things about you after the reveal, I was genuinely shocked that you two could keep a secret like this." Pharrell snickered.
Processing the fact that Lewis had spoken about her to her idol and that said idol mentioned that it was an honour, all she could really do was smile and nod. "Well, I'm glad we're finally out now." Nervously chuckling, Nadia tucked her hair behind her ear.
With a light conversation and a few pictures, Pharrell ended off with words that Nadia couldn't believe she just heard. "I hope to see you two in Paris, remember front row and I'll be sure to send some stuff from LV." The older man remarked, slowly walking away as it was almost time for Quali to begin.
Nadia sat with large headphones on her head, Bono's voice occasionally chiming in to Lewis. The screen in front of her showed all the cars racing on track, starting off quite smoothly in Q1. Whenever the camera would pan to her during a pit stop, she would smile or wink, quite literally the only actions she's been able to do this whole weekend.
As if it was clockwork, she sat in the same chair with her hands balled up in front of her mouth and her eyebrows furrowed as she watched Car 44 whiz around the track.
Being behind the scenes the day before had truly helped her understand the dynamics of the sport, Nadia's eyes snapping between watching the car drive and the current position he was in. P4 and there were only a few laps left of the race. Miles and Natalia were seated next to her, stressing just as much as Nadia did.
The atmosphere in the garage was tense, only audible sounds being heard in Nadia's ears were the car's engine and occasional groans or cheers from the crowd outside. Feeling all her senses show in anticipation, her clothes felt tighter than they actually were and her hands were shaking as she watched her husband turn the car into the specific corner that has been an issue the whole race.
As the last 2 laps went on, she stood up abruptly as anxiety seeped through her body. Nadia knew it was going to be a good position but seeing Lewis come alive in the final laps could put him anywhere. His car swiftly overtook Alonso’s, the finish line just a few metres away from him and Natalia stood next to her as they all watched Lewis finish the race.
The cheer that erupted from her was genuine, a few people celebrating all around them with the pit crew giving each other hugs.
“Nadia! Let’s go to the podium!” Rosa exclaimed, a giant smile on her face as she held her hand out. Looking back at Natalia and Miles, they both urged to go. With a grill filled smile on her face, she waved to whichever camera was on her and ran out excitedly with Rosa to where most of the Mercedes team where going to be along with media.
Upon getting to the infamous barrier as they waited for all three winning cars to arrive in parc ferme, Nadia held her head as she expressed her excitement to the woman. Members of the media could see that Nadia was making her way there, her own little paparazzi forming with many questions being asked but Rosa managed to guide her to the very front.
Lewis climbed out of the car, the neon and purple helmet sitting pretty as he walked towards the team doing a little dance on the way. Spotting Nadia first, his grin widened with his eyes closing a bit as he approached her. Once in front of her, Nadia threw arms around him and kissed his open visor, a brown and glossy residue sticking on there. Their eyes locked once and it was such an intimate yet soft moment between the two.
Her eyes filled with pride and happiness and his filled with gratitude for the woman in front of him, a special bond building right in front of the world. Planting the forehead of his helmet with her head, they scrunched their noses as they maintained eye contact with each other, not even realising that they were holding hands.
The moment was shortly interrupted by the noise of fans and the Mercedes team screaming in joy as he moved on to celebrate with them before hurrying to take his weight and get ready to go to the break down room before stepping onto the podium.
Minutes later, the drivers reappeared onto the podium, each one waving at their respective teams along with the crowd. As the English national anthem began, Nadia’s eyes went to the figure of her smiling husband, hands tucked behind him. Looking at the man and not the obscene amount of cameras on her at that moment, Nadia had to remind herself that all this was to benefit their parents’ feelings and to simply help Lewis.
This wasn’t real.
The trophies were being handed to the drivers, Lewis immediately lifting his and pointing to his team then Nadia, winking at her before waving to the screaming crowd. Watching him in his element was never going to get old , that was for sure and thinking about how all this could end one day made her stomach drop, her facade still showing the proud smile as she watched him leave the podium.
At least two hours later, Nadia, Miles and Natalia sat on one of the benches outside the Mercedes hospitality with their ice cold waters in front of them. The two teased Nadia to no end about her meeting Pharrell and how most of the interaction was caught on video by fans, posting on twitter.
“Listen, when you’re a stylist and you see your fav fashion person in real life, you’d scream too.” Nadia laughed as she hid her face in her hands.
“Just saying Nads, the shocked look you gave him when he was about to walk up to you lot was so cute. Gonna get that shit printed.” Natalia joked, earning an eye roll from Nadia.
“Aye! There’s the man of the hour!” Miles exclaimed, watching Lewis walk up to the building with Rosa right next to him, the Mercedes shirt flowing in the light breeze.
Giving his friends their own handshakes, he sat next to Nadia and gave her a fist bump, the two of them giggling right after that. “There’s no way you just fist bumped her?” Miles said, pointing at his friend then Nadia.
“It’s our thing, don’t worry about it bro.” Lewis said , a mischievous smile on his face. “So how was your first race, bruv? Susie said you should try be a team principal.” He asked, turning his body to face her once again.
“My days, Lew! That shit got me on my toes. The numbers took a while to understand but I eventually got it. Also which ones Leclerc?” Nadia asked, looking at the others.
“That one’s Charles. He’s a good one.” Natalia responded.
“Oh okay, he’s cool in my books. Those two red bulls got on my fucking nerves though. Driving like maniacs and that other one almost pushing you off the track?” In all fairness, Nadia was fuming at the thought of it. It was one of the moments that constantly replayed in her mind.
“Oh Perez. They’re okay, just glad I was able to get on podium.” Lewis shrugged his shoulders as he relaxed his arms onto the table. “There are no cameras here, bruv. I don’t fucking like them or that fuck ass team with their team principal. A bunch of pricks.” Nadia cussed, her friends watching her and giggling at her reaction.
“That’s how we feel as well but mr nice guy doesn’t think so. Welcome to the club, babe.” Natalia reached out her hand to Nadia’s. Accepting it, she breathed out and looked at Lewis once again who gave her a little smile.
“Tell those guys to get their shit together or else I’ll deal with them myself. Anyways, your drive was amazing today.” She smiled as if she wasn’t pissed two seconds ago.
“Y’know what, Nads? I totally get it.” Miles said, fist bumping her, adding a little gimmick after it.
“Anyone want ice cream?” Lewis proposed, watching his friends and their interaction, his attention on Nadia and how passionate she felt about the race. His eyes stuck on her the more she spoke about her weekend, her lip gloss from earlier still shining with their interaction at parc ferme replaying in his mind.
nadiahamilton • 14 min. “Miami, you’ve been good!”
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taglist: @non-stop-imagines @folkloresthings @tispys-blog @userlando @lorarri @thisismeracing @thatsdemko @myescapefromthislife @slytherinjimin3nthusiast @jamie2305 @like-fire-love-blog @sugardontbesweet @simpfortoomanymen @mauvecherie-writes @queenshikongo3 @eugene-emt-roe @deepgothfiremuffin @18754389 @cherry2stems @anubisnoir @littlelizzies-world @httpsserene @apenasumlug4r @youre-sooooo-funny @eddiesbitch83 @arshiyuh @alika-4466 @peyiswriting @sunfairyy @roseseraj @vsfavs @goldenalbon @mistruscity @tian-monique @hopefulromantic1 (i admire your work sm!)
(if your acc is blank, that mean tumblr couldn’t find you!)
dividers by: @cafekitsune
nadia’s fc: @/unclewaffles on ig!
all pictures are from ig and pinterest!
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chaysreality222 · 6 months
Introduction to my Hogwarts Dr Self!
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hey guys, it's c! in this post i'll be introducing you to myself in my hogwarts dr :) i feel it will give you guys a more in depth of my hogwarts dr. to put it out there to not confuse anyone, i have not yet shifted to this dr. i merely want to share about it so that when i do shift, you guys have some backstory <3
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my time ratio is 1 hr = 1 week. i'll be shifting to 4th year- a little before 4th year technically. my first day will be the day of the quidditch world cup which is also the day of my birthday! i'll wake up on an early morning at my house by my s/o (i scripted in my irl boyfriend!!). i made my bf a potter meaning he'd be harry's older brother (also because when he wears glasses i and other people say he looks like harry potter).
ps: i am shifting for the plot but i've changed it a little bit and have included myself in the story instead of fully making myself the main character. meaning i don't want to take harry's place but always somehow be connected to the things that happen.
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introduction + backstory
name: c(real name) authorne-lestrange hogwarts house: hufflepuff year: 4th blood status: pureblood patronus: a dragon wand type: 13 in. Ebony wood intertwined with silver, glistening unicorn hair
backstory: so in my dr, i am the daughter of leta lestrange. due to the lestrange reputation, she wants me to go by the last name authorne which was supposedly my father's name who has passed long before i was born. also so that it would make it hard for voldemort and the other death eaters to find me, due to my mother making an unbreakable vow that she and i would be by voldemorts side when the time was right. trying to imply that it's the destiny for all lestrange to serve voldemort. leta has constantly thought of any and all loop holes out of the vow. she doesn't want that life for me and so she got dumbledore to take me in at hogwarts thinking i'll be safer there.
disclaimer: i understand that the timeline between fantastic beasts and when harry exists is like a 70 year long stretch but i'm shifting to a reality to where she is alive to be my mum.
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my house
located: cambridge, england exact address: unknown
here are some pics of the house! go to my pinterest board to see more details or rooms of the house to get a better look. of course, the middle photo is my bedroom where i'll be first waking up in my dr! i'm really excited to wake up there and take a look around. i'm also excited to be here on break or holidays!
you may have some questions on why the address is unknown. i scripted it to be like that because i felt that's something leta would do to keep me safe. also adding to the fact, i scripted she placed a protective barrier around the whole property that leads anyone who's looking in from the outside to hear nothing and see nothing but a thick forest.
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my pets
their names are soren and sage! soren is my male barn owl and sage is my female cat. i'm allergic in my cr so i scripted that out so i can experience having a cat lol. i just had an idea that maybe i should script that sage fly's around on sorens back?? imagine how cute that would be.
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my dorm at hogwarts
so i scripted that i have a personal dorm there at hogwarts and honestly, i'm kinda in love with the room and bathroom <3 as you guys can see here, i have a pics of my dorm! the first image, that door is the entrance into my room and then the second door in my third image is the door to my bathroom. for the last image, i added one pic of how my bathroom looks like.
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i think that's pretty much it! i'm so excited to shift to my hogwarts desired reality and finally experience life as a wizard. i'm working on my shifting routine as of right now to help me get in the mood and get ready to shift! get ready for shifting storytimes <3 as always, Happy Shifting!
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xoxo, c.
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Raincode forte swap au character introooooos!!!! Part 3!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the last one as far as I know and I have plenty to ramble about! Seriously major spoilers for the og mdarc below the cut! (I super mean it this time)
Gosh I felt like such a mastermind genius writing the other intros and not name dropping The Chief - cuz I already knew Yakou and his Wife are swapping places too!
Introducing Yvette Furio: The Chief of the Nocturnal Detective Agency! I don't have much to say about her design this time honestly... gave her some simple office wear so she can blend in well with the other Kanai Ward residents, made her a little thicker and gave her the dead anime mum side ponytail cuz... well... technically she's dead in more ways then one- (Canonically, chapter 4, homonculi etc etc-). She took over from the previous chief to fulfil a debt she was unable to pay back before he died and keeps a photograph of him on her desk as a reminder to keep pushing forward. Though, it's more like the NDA was living on in spirit, since she doesn't know the first thing about being a detective and The Peacekeepers make it so nobody seeks out detectives anyways. The WDO themselves were never notified of this though, sending their Master Detectives to Kanai Ward thinking they're being put in good hands. Instead... they get a new wine aunt figure in their lives who'll be sobbing about being broke one minute and happily throwing them 20 shien and telling them to "buy yourself something nice, sweetie" the next.
Makoto is by far the most canon inkeeping of all. He's still Number One's homunculus and thus his original personality and demeanour remain more or less unchanged. The one exception being that he definitely asks Desuhiko about his opinions on the ethics of clone fucking at least once! His body and face are of course now carbon copies of Desuhiko's now instead of Yuma but I found that keeping his long hair a shade of blonde worked much better then the dark browns I was initially considering. His outfit is kinda a combination of Dazai and Chuuya's from Bungo Stray Dogs. Bolo tie, waist coat, jacket over the shoulders... the resemblance was unintentional but hey! Happy accidents! Made some alterations to his mask too - mainly I gave him red pikachu cheeks as well as a different nose shape. The thing I'm most excited about though are his earrings. They're basically just cattle tags that say "001" because of course the people who'd first created him wouldn't see him as anything more then just an animal - if not less then. Don't fret, though, these aren't stuck on him! He got a custom pair of earrings resembling the tags made as a sort of way to reclaim his origins. After all, earrings are cheaper then therapy!
And that's everyone so far!
For the record, I think it's important to say that I haven't played any of the rain code dlcs yet. I've been holding off on watching them on YouTube for like... 10 months now... cuz I really wanna play them myself. I'm hopefully getting them in a couple weeks time but this is a disclaimer that I know Yakou's wife shows up at one point but I have absolutely no idea what happens with her. All I know is that she doesn't have an official name cuz otherwise, I'd have been able to find that out on Google I think-
I think I'll take a few days break from drawing now since I've posted daily for over a week- I can feel the burn out brewing so I'm stopping while I'm ahead lol- maybe I'll focus on writing instead. :>
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starbunii · 3 months
HIII HELLO can I request non-despair HPA Rantaro x Reader? I am such a sucker for high school romance it’s sooo so cute… and maybe I am a liiittle biased towards this idea LOL but 😇 I figured I’d ask!! Thank you sm!!
. kiss, kiss fall in love 𓂃 ♥︎
𝜗𝜚 ┈ rantaro amami x reader ! 。
notes: THIS REQUEST WAS SO CUTE AWAWWAWA IM ALSO A SUCKER FOR HIGH SCHOOL ROMANCES, SO TYSM FOR REQUESTING WAHHHH <33 also!! the reader here is kind of based off of coco's yume!! please go check out their account, bc yamabuki is so cute and their art is amazing!
oneshot ノ fluff ノfem! reader ノnon-despair hpa au!
second person pov !! please enjoy! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
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He was so...interesting to you. The moment he walked into the classroom, he immediately caught your eye.
Now, you knew love at first sight was hard to come by; it was rare, and would only strike when the universe deemed fit. But god damn, there was just something about him.. Those eyes that were reminiscent of precious gems, the slight tan of his skin combined with the freckles littering his body, his piercings; a mark of a life well lived.
At lunch, you couldn't help but stare. There was just something about the way he tilted his head back slightly when he laughed, slender fingers covering his mouth. He was wearing so many rings..so many bracelets, yet somehow, it didn't clash with his uniform.
You had never seen a guy seem so fashionable, sweet, and daring all in one package...yet here he was. What was there to do? Should you say something?
Yeah...yeah, you should say something...
You awkwardly shuffled your way over to his table, lunch tray in hand. He was in the middle of a conversation. Once you thought he had finished, you nodded slightly.
"Um...hi.." you smiled politely. "I just...I noticed that you and your friends are having a lot of fun...I don't mean to impose, but is it ok if I join you?"
"Yeah, of course you can...we don't mind a bit.." he smiled back. god, who knew he had a voice so deep?! why was everything about this guy so...perfect?!
You fought back a small blush and sat between a boy with dark blue hair, and the guy you were developing a crush on in question. It was so, so hard not to stare at him, his perfect teeth sparkling whenever he smiled at his friends, combined with the shine of his eyebrow piercing and stud in his nose? he was too bright, you were doomed!!
From time to time, you'd join in on the conversation, finally learning that your mysterious prince's name was Rantaro, before lunch eventually ended. Class came and went, and soon enough, it was time to head back to the dorms.
To your understanding, the library was open until 10. You checked your clock: 8. Perfect.
You quietly crept into the large room full of elaborate staircases and towering bookshelves, settling yourself down on an ever so comfortable leather loveseat, curled up with a book.
You stayed there peacefully for about an hour, before looking up upon hearing a small creak from the other cushion beside you. Sure enough, it was him.
"Amami..." You bit your lip, suppressing a giggle as you set your book back down.
"Hey.." He smiled up at you. "So...Anna Karenina, huh?" he pointed at your book. You had only just started it, but it had caught your attention so far. You simply nodded.
"You know, I haven't got the chance to read it yet?" He chuckled. "Well...I have. But Tolstoy's work is so long, I think I'd rather just read a summary..."
Your hands shook a bit at his closeness; at his eye contact. He was talking to you so sweetly, as though you two had been friends for a long time. It made you feel...overjoyed..yet...scared..
"...M-Maybe I'll write you a summary..someday..."
"If it's from you; I'd be happy to read it."
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starbunii 2024 — all rights reserved. do not redistribute or translate to any other platforms
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thetreefairy · 1 year
an euphoric night
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p.1 - masterlist
@slasherscrybaby here is part two to your request
Warnings: yandere themes, reader lies to erasermic telling them that their new friend has a partner, erasermic are gaslighting reader into not working, yandere shigaraki is a warning on its own, eri and hitoshi are also kinda yandere for us, this shit long AF. they/them reader
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Shigaraki tomura couldn't believe it.
Aizawa Reader, gave him, their number.
Eraserhead's child gave him their number.
And they healed them, without even knowing his name.
When he was at the hide out, he immediately got animal crossing ready. He needed an excuse to talk to them, he needed to know how much they even know about the League of Villains, he needed to become their friend.
He just needed to text them, but what should he say?
Tomura to Reader: Hi, we met at the game shop...
No... That didn't seem right....
Tomura to reader: 'Hi, it's Tomura, is this Reader?'
Yeah, that seems right... Then he can confirm that it's truly Aizawa Reader.
Reader to Tomura: Hii Tomura, this is reader :D, I'm so happy you decided to text me :D
Tomura couldn't help but chuckle at the quick response, it seems that the rumors are true, Eraserheads and Present mics oldest child truly is desperate for friends.
Yet it seemed endearing and cute to him.
Tomura to reader: Thank you for healing my neck, and a new gaming buddy? I am not going to pass that up.
'This won't scare them off right?' He thought as he scratched his neck. Then he got a notification:
*Reader changed Tomura to Tomu-Tomu*
he chuckled, they truly are cute.
Reader to Tomu-Tomu: Its no problem, just make sure to not scratch your neck that much. Well I hope we can be great gaming buddies Tomu!
Perhaps he should give them a nickname too. And he has just the one in mind
*Tomu-tomu changed Reader to player two*
Tomu-tomu to player two:
Send me a list of games you play, player two~ maybe we can play multiple games together :D
Tomura couldn't help but feel giddy, Eraserheads child, talking to him, without knowing who he truly is. Oh how exciting.
Player two to tomu-tomu:
I have to focus on dinner right now, my dads are glaring at me lol, I'll send you a list afterwards :D
Tomu-tomu to player two:
Alright, eat well.
Reader themselves were eating dinner with Erasermic and their siblings as their phone pinged the whole time. And with every ping Reader picked it up, typed something and then put it down.
"Are you done?" Shota asked annoyed. "Yes, sorry." Reader whispered as they ate. "who is texting you?" Hizashi asked. "tomu-tomu! I met him at the game shop with his partner!" Reader lied smoothly. The eyes of their siblings and fathers softened instantly.
"Thats great, but why is he texting you so much?" Eri asked, tilting her head confused. "Oh, he wanted me to send a list of games I play so that we can see how many games we can play together. I told him I would later."
Shota hummed in agreement. "I heard from Hitoshi that you went to a cat Cafe with him and that you got a job offer there." Oh, reader already knew how this would go, Reader glared at Hitoshi and said: "They did, I told them I would think about it, apparently I fit their aesthetic."
This time Hizashi spoke up: "But don't you already have enough allowance?" Reader gulped at his tone, it was clear he didn't want them to work there. "I do." They admitted but continued: "but I would like to work for my money too. It gives a sense of fullfillment, I guess."
"then you can do extra chores for extra money." Hizashi said. "Don't you agree, Shota?"
"Indeed, it seems like a way beter idea then working in a café." Shota agreed, Hitoshi nodded in agreement causing reader to groan in annoyance. Eri sudddenly asked; "what if you get kidnapped by a villain and get experimented on like me?"
Reader stared at their younger sibling in shock. "Eri, did you have a nightmare again?" They blurted out. "Do you want to have a sleepover in my room?"
It seemed that Reader was oblivious to how they wear their Heart on their sleeve. To the point even Eri could manupilate them with ease.
"We can have a family sleepover." Hitoshi counter suggested. "Okay!" Eri shouted happily, she knew that she did exactly what her parents taught her. They must be so proud of her! And they were, Erasermic smiled at their youngest child.
"I'll decline the offer." Reader told Eri with a small smile. However everyone in the room could sense Reader's disappointment.
They were always quite easy to read.
"Can I be excused?" Reader asked. "Of course." Hizashi said with a smile and then asked; "Are you going to send that game list and rest?"
"Yeah, if we are going to have a sleepover, sleeping won't be a top priority." They teased their family, causing Eri to giggle.
When Erasermic saw reader disappear upstairs they couldn't help but think:
I hope that that 'Tomu-Tomu' won't take Reader from us.
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If anyone wants me to make a taglist for this post, tell me and I'll add you to it.
this is kinda long ngl
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pixiedust-poppers · 6 months
you know funny enough, I feel like Jake and the neverland pirates would actually do really well as a Disney channel show for older kids (like say Gravity falls) instead of a preschool show. You’d be able to get more into lore and emotional stuff. Maybe even plot?
I don’t know, if they ever did decide to reboot the show it’s a neat idea.
*grabs your shoulders and shakes you excitedly*
Ok, I think there is something to be done with Jake and his crew and his dynamic with Peter and Hook. Like for example how do the kids feel that Peter is only here for a day or a few hours, just enough to help with their issue? I'm sure the kids have a bit of an unhealthy attachment to him as he's really the only guardian figure they know, and as shown in Peter Pan's return, they all crave his attention so bad that they fuck up the mission trying to impress him! Like sure they can call him to bring him back to Neverland, but they don't perhaps he implemented a rule that they can only call him for emergencies. Which is also kinda hm. But you know he doesn't completely neglect them.
Word vomit incoming
Now let's take this a step deeper; what about Peter's relationship with them individually, it's clear he has a favorite, and it's Jake like that isn't a contest. Even if the show tries not to portray it in that manner it's obvious (I mean for fuck sake his name is in the title lol). His item(s)? A wooden sword personally hand-carved by Peter himself. After completing the Forever Quest, a golden sword called the Destiny Sword (towards the end of season 3) turns him into Captain Jake after giving the others a rousing speech about teamwork and how they can all get together to defeat Fathom with it. So it's clear he's the chosen (I'll touch more on that pressure later) by Neverland. But what does that mean for Izzy and Cubby? I mean sure they got items from him and he does care about them, but they're not as special as Jake. And they're never going to be, I mean god, Disney didn't even bother to make them Birthday episodes yet gave Jake two, then gave Skully and a minor character one. So it could develop into them realizing that while they are well-liked they aren't loved by Peter, Cubby is in denial about this revelation as he has gotten more gifts than Izzy. Izzy, the only girl in the main cast, is grated by this knowledge, she KNOWS and she has known for a long time. Enough to the point where perhaps she deserves a villain arc (then a redeemed villain arc) with the help of Captain Hook, who sees this opportunity to manipulate her for his gain.
Ok so jumping, let's go back to that Captain Jake issue. I personally didn't like Season 4, I thought it was shit BUT this new Captain Jake in a reboot could bring up an interesting little angst point called, "The pressure of being forced to be THE responsible one when you're only still a child." You might have all these other well-established Captains around you but, they depend on you to think of ideas, and come up with solutions to save the day, if you fail then it's on you but you're only 8 or 10 years old!!! A user mentioned this before but Jake could develop an entirely new personality as a Captain to make himself seem smarter and more capable than he actually is! This can go two ways A) he burns out and he burns out REAL bad and rather fast. B) The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and the realization of how much power he holds makes him realize he can almost do whatever he wants because he IS the 2nd most powerful person after Peter. This then comes his Power-tripping arc and the consequences of Peter not dividing this power between the trio, and being gassed up everyone, which raises his ego through the roof. This can only end badly obv and it does, how? idk but just know it does.
As for Captain Hook, because this is New Disney he can't be 100% back to his OG self but he can absolutely be raised to be more of an asshole in a Disney channel show and probably a bit fucked up. But you also would have to thread carefully on how you do these things, because one wrong move and Disney will have you rewrite the whole thing and tone it down more than need be. I also think there would be more to explore with the kids and their dynamic with him, since they also would have more nuance to them. They could have more stakes with him, and could honestly do more messed up shit with them he could make them have an inner conflict, he could manipulate one to join his side temporarily. Put the kids in more life-threatening situations that they don't come out unscathed from. Hell, you know what, I want him to win some episodes and get his way with Jake and his crew being powerless to stop it. It would teach a lesson that some days, you just can't win, someone who is nasty will win and get away with it and you have to be ok with that! (if you have resourced all your options first) Life will not always go your way. As for him and Red Jessica, show a toxic relationship, I mean come on do you REALLY think she has a thing for hook lol, it was shoehorned Hetero-shipping bait and it worked now can we do something else with it? As for smee, sharky and bones? I guess they can be less friendly to the sea pups, it would be more of a loyalty thing rather than a personal thing.
Also, the show could bring back the lost boys, to make the island seem less empty than it is, and maybe a different set of kids to replace the Native Americans.
Finally, to end this word vomit, the relationship between the kids. I really beg it be explored more. Now don't get me wrong they can have a wholesome and loving bond but not everything has to be peachy-keen. Like sure Jake is their captain but do they, not envy or resent him in some way? For example, they're all bright but Izzy is shown to be the brightest she has more knowledge about Neverland and its artifacts, so why is she not captain? Is it because she isn't naive enough? She isn't as nice or forgiving as Jake? She has no issue snapping at you when she's fed up? Then there's cubby, does he even have the real guts to be cut up for this type of thing? The classic "why him and not me?" type of deal. Then there's Cubby, does he hate being just stuck as coconut boy by his peers and other pirates? Will he ever break out of his shell, does he have a breaking point with his friends? Then Jake gets annoyed that they're not as in sync as they once were, he kinda hates that they're developing on their own and steadily gaining more and more independence. They're willing to talk back to him, be rude, and do less trio activities. Which leads to more conflicting ideas, possibly fights, and less "what I say goes!". He is scared of them changing and becoming their own individuals, he's scared that they might be growing up.
Sorry this is so so so long and rambly, I just have a lot to say about a reboot for this show that I cannot help myself.
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jennay · 11 months
Come Back Home
Jolly x reader
An: Random idea I had that I got stuck on and required way too much help from @a-villain-vying-for-attention then decided to make her a character since she basically came up with the ideas and I wrote it. Lol thanks for being my shadow writer for times when my brain decides it's done thinking.
Words 2200
Jolly Master List
This is chunked into four sections bear with me. I hate transitional writing 😂
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"Please don't tell them. They'll just worry, and next thing you know, they'll be at my door, and it's just not the right timing for me to come back. I need to finish my work here, and it's not completely horrible. I think I just miss everyone, and I feel isolated." You admit over Facetime to your best friend, Kayla. "It just wasn't supposed to be like this. “Moving away from you guys was literally one of the worst decisions I've made."
Kayla sighs, "I don't mean to say I told you so, but I did." She laughs, "But the worst part is, Noah told you, Jolly told you, and you still just said bye bitches. Do you know how sad it is not to have you here? I have to deal with them all the time, by MYSELF."
You peel yourself off the couch, dragging your feet through the dining room and to the back door.
You brace yourself for the inevitable assault of the sun, but it still hurts like hell when you open the door and get blasted by its rays. "Fuck." You groan. "It's bright." You squint your eyes and cover them with your hand as you stumble to the camping chair you set up on your porch for such occasions. You hated the daylight. You wished you could be a nocturnal creature, but sadly, you had to pretend to be a responsible adult, even if you sucked at it.
"Wow, look at you, Dracula." She mocks you from the other side of the video call. "You look like you're about to die over there, paler than a ghost and skinnier than a twig. Do I need to come over and feed you some blood? I know it's only been six months, but I will literally come over and mother you to death. I'll bring Noah too, and we'll play house. God knows we need some practice." She flashes a big smile. "You know, for the future and all that jazz."
You laugh, shaking your head, "This is new for you!"
"Yeah, well, now I'm just working on convincing Noah that it's a good idea." She tucks her hair behind her ears. "So I need you to come back because I'm not raising these imaginary kids without their badass aunt."
You roll your eyes at her, "These kids don't even exist yet, so I think we have some time, and besides, I don't know if I'll feel any better moving back. If I have to watch HIM date other people and it not be me…well, I'd rather stay here and suffer in silence."
"Well, he's miserable without you, and why are we not using his name?" She laughs again. "Mopping and shit, constantly.”
You shrug, "I think he's probably fine. I basically threw myself at him and got no reaction. I literally slept in his bed the night before I left." You pause, growing frustrated. "Maybe we're just supposed to be friends; maybe he only sees me as a friend. That's OK. I can't be mad about that, but it always felt like there was something more, you know?"
Kayla groans loudly, "You both suck. If you would've just let me meddle, I could've set you two up."
"I don't want you to set me up! I wanted something natural." You say with all seriousness. "I wanted him to say it."
From behind Kayla, Noah pokes his head into the view, "He's dumb...guys are dumb." He gives you a face that says, duh.
"Well, now I'm here, and I can just say fuck it. I'll find someone here."
Noah's laughter rings through the speaker, "And then break up because all you're gonna do is fucking compare the two and be a whiny baby about how he's not Jolly, so you had to break up? Fuck off, y/n." He chuckles again. "Just come home."
You shake your head, "No. You will have to come to drag my dead body home before I willingly come back."
Noah grabs the phone from Kayla's hand, and you meet with wide eyes. And in a serious tone, Noah says, "Dead or not, at least you'll be home where you belong."
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Kayla, Noah, and Jolly were lounging on the couch, munching on some greasy take-out that Noah had ordered from the nearest pizza place. While Jolly was engrossed in the latest episode of Bob's Burgers, Kayla was shooting daggers at him with her eyes.
She couldn't stand the sight of him, acting like nothing was wrong, like he wasn't the reason her best friend wasn't living with them anymore.
Noah noticed his girlfriend's glare and chuckled softly, nudging her elbow with his. "Chill," he whispered in her ear.
"NO!" Kayla shouted, startling both Noah and Jolly. She slammed her food on the coffee table and turned to face Jolly with a furious expression. "I'm sick and tired of pretending like everything is fine. I want my friend back, and if this is what it takes to make you use your brain, then so be it!" She pointed an accusing finger at Jolly, who looked confused and scared. "You need to go get y/n back right now or get on the next flight to Sweden because I can't stand having you around. You make me so mad, both of you, pretending you don't care about each other. She's depressed as shit living there with her fuckin awful family, but she'd rather stay there than come home because of you!" She roughly gets off the couch and storms out of the room, heading for the stairs. "You're such an idiot," she yelled over her shoulder at Jolly.
Noah raised his eyebrows and bit his lip to stop laughing as he saw Jolly's dumbfounded face. Jolly put down his food and looked at Noah with a puzzled expression. "What did I do?" he asked innocently.
Noah shrugs and says, "I think it's more of what you didn't do…"
Kayla comes back down the stairs, holding her food in her hands. She glared at Jolly one more time and flipped him off, then walked out of the room. "Buy the damn ticket!" she screamed from the hallway.
Noah heard the door slam and shook his head. "Well," he said, standing up and grabbing his food. "There's your answer. Bring y/n home."
"How am I supposed to do that?" He loudly asks.
"I don't know but you need to figure it out, Kayla might actually kill you in your sleep."
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You grab your coat and head for the door, feeling a sense of excitement and anticipation for the day ahead. You were going hiking with your sister and her husband, and you couldn't wait to explore the great outdoors with them. As you glance at the clock, you groan in annoyance, realizing you're running late again. You can't help but wonder why you're always so disorganized and frazzled.
You pull the door open, taking a deep breath of fresh air as you step outside. Suddenly, you're nearly choking on air as you see a familiar face staring back at you. Jolly stands there with a backpack over his shoulder, his long hair draped over his shoulders, and a black backward hat covering the top of his head. He's dressed in black skin jeans and a deep red plaided flannel, looking effortlessly stylish and cool.
Your shock disappears as quickly as it came, replaced by annoyance at the sight of Jolly. You can't help but feel irritated that he's here, disrupting your plans for the day. You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel a little bitter still.
"Hi." He quietly says, looking from you to the ground, feeling awkward. He hadn't planned what he was going to tell you.
"Can I come in?" he quietly asks.
You nod your head, stepping aside. "I was leaving, but I guess this kind of changes my plans," you say, rolling your eyes. "What are you even doing here?" You say as you follow him to the living room. "I've tried so hard not to think about you; I moved states, Jolly, and now you're at my house. Are you trying to make my life hard?" You don't sit down knowing you're too heated to stay in one place.
Jolly doesn't sit on the couch either. Instead, he sits on the armrest, staring at you with confusion and annoyance; he folds his hands in his lap and allows you to continue. Why was everyone so irritated with him? He didn't know what he did in the first place. "What did I do?" He questions.
You're eyes dart back to him. "You treated me like I was special, OK? I thought I was special to you…then, you go and date other people." You say, running out of breath. "Then I dated other people because I thought you didn't want me and I was right, you didn't care at all, but then I dumped them because all I could think about was you!" You dramatically cover your face with your hands, pacing back and forth. You enter your kitchen and stare out the sliding glass door. Your back facing Jolly as he observes you. "I stayed in your bed the night before I left, and you still let me go."
"I thought you were leaving for a job! I didn't want to be the reason you didn't go!" He whines. "You told me you were leaving for a job."
You still don't turn around to look at him, knowing he was right, "I just thought you'd ask me to stay if you really wanted me."
He stands straight, walking toward you; you feel his hands on your shoulders, spinning you around to face him. His dark eyes scan your face, wishing he wasn't the reason you were upset.
He leans in close, his breath warm on your face. "You were always special to me," he whispers, his voice low and sincere. "I never meant to hurt you. I was just confused and scared. I didn't know how to handle my feelings for you. I was afraid of losing you, so I pushed you away. I never stopped thinking about you. I came here to tell you that. To tell you that I'm sorry. To tell you I need you."
Jolly pulls back slightly, his eyes searching yours for a sign of forgiveness. He gently cups your face in his hands, his thumbs stroking your cheeks. He smiles softly, his eyes shining with hope. "Can you give me another chance?" he asks, his voice pleading.
You feel a surge of emotion, a mix of anger, pain, and love. You want to scream at him, to push him away. But you also want to hug him, to kiss him, to hold him close. You're torn between your head and your heart. You look into his eyes, and you see the sincerity and the regret.
You see the man you fell in love with, the man who made you laugh, the man who made you feel alive. You feel your resolve weakening, your walls crumbling. You lean in and press your lips to his, answering his question with a kiss.
"So I'm bringing you home." He smiles against your lips. Pulling back, his brown eyes search yours, "This long distance thing isn't how I want to start this." he gently kisses your forehead.
You nod knowingly, "I guess we should start packing."
Jolly smiles, running his hand through your hair, "I'm pretty sure Kayla has a timer set."
You giggle. "She is absolutely crazy." You lean up, kissing Jolly again. "But it's why we love her."
He nods in agreement, "Plus she's Noah's problem."
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With a cautious glance, you gently push the front door open, hoping no one will notice your arrival and ambush you as soon as you enter the house.
You sneak into the living room on your tiptoes, holding Jolly's hand.
Noah and Kayla are so engrossed in the TV show that they don't even look at you.
You pretend to be nonchalant and sit down on the recliner next to them, giving them a hard stare.
Her eyes widen as she realizes who you are, and she jumps off the couch and runs toward you. You're home! This is fucking amazing!" She screams in your ear. "I was expecting you guys to take more time, to be honest…you both suck at directions. I don't know how you managed to drive all the way back here." She laughs as she releases you from her hug and embraces Jolly instead, "Look at you. I can finally be in the same room as you without being pissed off. I'm so proud of you." She jokes with him. "Wow," She scans the room and sees the three of you together. "So, is it official now? Can we all just admit how stupid the two of you were? I mean, come on, you could have just moved down the street instead of moving two states away." She snuggles up to Noah on the couch. "I'm not going through this again. You guys have to sort things out by yourselves from now on." She says and acts like she's dismissing you.
Jolly chuckles, sitting in the recliner; he grabs you and makes you sit on his lap, catching you off guard.
You shake your head light laughter falling from your lips, "Well, I missed you too, dick."
You lean into Jolly's chest and wrap your arms around him, feeling his warmth and heartbeat. You sigh in contentment and happiness, glad to be home with the people who loved you the most.
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bitsbug · 1 year
Hey! So I saw your slugsign stuff a few days ago and it has caused some pretty serious brain rot (pun intended!).
I’m planning out a fun little comic where the scugs work together to rebuild moon (got the idea from a Reddit post) and I was wondering if you had any ideas for slugsign names for the main slugcats? (Arti,hunter,etc.)
Because yeah, I can just call Arti scav predator, but then it gets confusing after a while with all of them. I don’t see much reason to use name-signs like this in co-op because you’d just use “you” instead, so you probably don’t have any. But do you have any ideas for them? (Also, is there a sign for ‘friend’? Because I think the scugs calling Rivulet Moon friend would be adorable)
Ooh, this is a great question! Hope you don't mind that I showed it to Phen so we could brainstorm, lol. Also goes without saying that this comic concept goes INSANE and I'm so excited to see it.
In-lore, you can either use an existing word or some unique motion. Whether it's high (jumping/standing on toes for in-lore), middle (standing normally), or low (crouching) also matters, since it can indicate personality and how the scug presents themself. I'm going to be using existing words here for ease of interpretation.
^I should also note that in-lore, [me] is held while doing the other part of the name sign, using both arms at once. It's only sequential in-game cuz you can only use one arm.
- Gourmand is probably some variety of "I make food"; simply translated as [me][make](food). Make could be like, pressing your hands together in a pantomime of how Gourm crafts in-game. Likely a middle namesign, but low could work.
-it would be REALLY FUNNY if Arti's name was something like "I kill scavs", but a cooler alternative could be "I am a weapon", which would be signed [me][object](kill). Hers is a high namesign because of the kill motion.
-Spearmaster is a bit difficult to pin down.. maybe "I hunt with spears"? That'd be [me](predator)[object](kill), which is pretty long! Using a unique motion here could cut down the length.
-Rivulet could be [me](fast) ! If you want it more water related, an alternative is [me](rain). [Fast] is signed by pointing at a down diagonal, then up diagonal, and [rain] by doing rapid, tiny hops. Definitely a high namesign.
-For Saint, "I am peaceful" as [me](peace) is the obvious choice, but I feel like "I cycle", [me](cycle), is more befitting of their.. deal. Maybe they use both. You could actually do either a low or middle namesign.
-Conversational slugsign can get pretty hands-on, like with [you] involving patting the other person, so "friend" could be literally hugging the person in question! Hugging yourself is how you say "friend" in the abstract.
Building on that, Monk's name could be "I am a friend", signed [me][friend]. Also a middle namesign, but maybe low or high? depends on how you characterize Monk.
-Survivor's might be something like "I do not die" or "I persist", which could be translated in multiple ways.. [me][cycle][no](kill) is how that'd be signed, but that's long. Inventing a unique motion would be better here.
-I imagine Hunter's is simply [me](predator), literally "I am a predator/hunter". One of the few low namesigns.
I believe that's all the canon scugs! Ofc, you don't need to use these, just what came to mind.
I should also note that, for the longer ones, I'm using an as-of-yet unposted grammar system we've been working on! It's kinda complex, and we're still ironing out the kinks. Maybe I'll post abt it soon.
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yelow-heart · 11 months
That Census Bureau live huh.
....Let's revise it!
First things first, That was hands down, no questions asked, Osito Bimbo.
How in his reports he was only using lower cap writing, his good sense of humor. The tea and popcorn farm (🥲 Jaiden'd be so proud). So yeah.
And yeah, the Eye guy sequestered the islanders. The moment the cucu weather broadcast of eggisland got glitched, we knew something was up. (On the first days I thought that was the case. But then I started leaning into the theory some folks have, like Bagi, that it was a plan of the Feds to make the islanders long for Quesadilla island and stuff. I think I just fckn forgot about the broadcast and weird way they were called to the train lol)
Also also. Quackity (f on the chat) was kidnapped by ElQ before he could kill Fred. So our boy is prob still out there somewhere, let's not panic. Good to point out how ElQ looked like he wasn't very happy about it. And how he kept saying sorry and that it was for Quackity's own protection. Could it be? Could bitch man ElQuackity be one of the good guys??
Another thing, Feds still have no clue how to deal with "■■■■■". We know from foosh's pov that they had managed to capture them briefly, but eventually it escaped. Btw have we decided on a name yet? Is it going to be Judas? I do, like many things, have a thought for this too: is him a corrupted ":)"? I'll talk more about it on the cut.
Also, code entity captured? That's new, is it CodeFlippa?
Dude, theory time: I don't think the code entity faction is necessarily a goodguy faction. They could be just a rival of the Federation. U know? Like McDonald's and Burger King is. And they could have the same goal as the Fed do, just working for it in a opposite way. Like, Federation is very Order and Perfect coded, and the code people are more on the Chaos and Flaw (glitched entities) route.
As u can see, I have way too many thoughts kkkkk
But ACTUALLY, the thing I wanted to talk about is, Where tf is Cucurucho?
Ok, so for some context for the pals that don't watch Jaiden's pov: Cucurucho was acting pretty weird when he asked for her help. He was erratic and repeating himself many times, clearly upset that Osito had broken the thin line of "perfection" he is tasked to defend. Like dude, he was actively panicking.
But anyways, he chased the guy, captured him and calmed him down and that's when he comes to Jaiden for help.
But ever since that, Cucu hasn't really stopped with the strange behavior. He's always on the edge, only interacting with Islanders to deliver tasks and nothing else, super cold and distant (more then he already is). Always a little distracted. And he's been actively avoiding Jaiden. Like, for real for real. Almost like he's prohibited to see her or something.
He's been distant even with Osito, is what it looks like. And, thinking back a little, I don't really think he has showed up to any Islanders for like, a month or so. Like, The last time we saw him for sure was at the A0 presentation, maybe not even that. Osito got really good at masking ever since Jaiden trained him.
He didn't show up to any of the events on the week leading to purgatory, too. Like, I thought he was the one to send Forever to the Nether, but apparently that was Osito, as we see him on the live asking for forever to give him a feedback.
So my take is that, whatever Cucurucho was cooking ever since the eggs disappeared have finally catched up to him. And I don't think he's safe. He was probably the one leading the operations to stop Cucurevil (Evilrucho? Judas? Truth? We need to decide on a name), and was probably the one to capture him too. But alas, Oscurucho (I really like this one btw) got out, and it does align with the time Cucu has been quite absent.
So yeah
Where the fuck is Cucurucho?
Was he the fed agent Federation sent to look for the eggs on the nether after Forever apparently failed? (It could've be Walter Bob, since he is a escape goat for the Federation)
Does the Eye of Sauron has him? Is he on another place entirely? Was he the one that sent the "I found them" message that they received right after Forever went to the nether? And that's why Forever has no clue about that?What the f is going on?!??!?
And, for the "■■■■■ could be a corrupted ":)"". I've had this ideia bugging me ever since they were introduced. He seems to be in reverse and the fact that the Federation actively goes on ways to stop them suggests they are not on the "perfect" path. Perhaps a deserter. I think dude was another one of the experiments, but, like the hybrid islanders, failed. And somehow got corrupted to whatever it is that the Feds are working against.
Ok, so, we know the key thing for the Feds are clones and Perfection right?
But like, my take is that the two things are combined. Like. The Federation makes it very clear they want to achieve perfection. Or at least, they want these "entities" aka Cucuruchos to achieve it. But what they need perfection for?
And the "threat worse then the Federation" makes it interesting. What if the thing they been trying to make is the Perfect Soldier? That's a thing that would connect almost, if not all, of the Islanders backgrounds and how they got fcked over by them. Putting kids to fight eachother, testing with memory and mind manipulation. And most importantly, Hybrids. So many of them. Hybrids everywhere.
And look at that, what is Cucurucho? A fckn hybrid dude. A polar bear walking on two legs.
And about the mind manipulation. Well, the perfect soldier doesn't question orders. They just do what they are fucking told to. Only remembers what is pratical for the leader cause. Doesn't get attached. Doesn't have an individuality.
And cucurucho cannot lie, like, a lot of islanders don't know this. Maybe only Jaiden does, actually. He literally is incapable of doing so, that's why he uses "classified" so much. And that's why Jaiden absolutely trusts what he says. Because it is his truth.
He doesn't have a voice. He's obligated to not have an individuality with his own personality (that's why Osito freaked him out so much) or even a name, like the incident when Cellbit asked him to put his name on the room he chose and how he wrote ":)", suddenly changed it to "cucurucho" and then went odd and quiet for awhile and changed the sign back to ":)". Cellbit said how it looked like he was told to change it back. The way Osito had to learn how to mask and appear as Cucurucho also reflects the "forced to be a hivemind" thing.
He, literally, doesn't have a voice.
Also also, clones. Is there more then one cucu? Yes, there is. Are there other clones on the Island? Yep, Baghera and Quackity say hello.
And finally, to the grand finale, we have project A0. Wich are what?
Fucking clones. Little soldiers, that can be created in mass, work in a hive mind, don't question their leader and can be optimized to good fighters. Perhaps even, with different skils depending of the source of their cloning.
Like, dude hahahah they did it. The mad lads did it. Baghera, Quackity, Jaiden, Niki, maybe Roier, Cucurucho.. all of these tests and experiments was for this: perfect soldiers that can be spawned in mass and multiplied with very low cost.
But now that they're here.. when will they be sent to fight what they're meant to? And how terrifying is it?
And back to Cucu. I think he could very well be rebelling. Who knows, maybe even corrupting. For the very fact that he's no longer "perfect". He got attached. He cares for his blue bird. A lot. That would explain his absence, his odd behavior, the way he is around Osito. He also found a name for himself. The thing that might very well started his metamorphosis.
Jaiden showed him things to like and experience, the islanders, specifically Foolish, Roier and Felps, taught him how to have fun. Cellbit taught him about hate kkkkk. He got attached. He changed. He is his own person now. He found his humanity.
Cucurucho is no longer perfect.
P.s. rip coffee machine
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