#they don’t have S4 on Netflix
teafiend · 1 year
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janetsnakehole02 · 1 year
when we already had to deal w season 3 going to polin instead of benophie and now i see people saying philoise should be next because it “flows better chronologically”
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ariana1881 · 1 month
Uuuuuuh I finished Umbrella Academy and I really don’t know what to say rn
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impala-dreamer · 6 months
Who We're Pretending To Be
A Story from the YOU Universe
~Joe finds himself getting too close to one of his grad students and he fights the urge to fall completely.~
Joe Goldberg (Jonathan Moore) x F!Reader
5,019 Words
Warnings: NSFW.
A/N: If you've not seen the Netflix show YOU, this may not be your thing. Still a great story, but it helps to know the show. Also, if you've not seen the show, I suggest you get right on that because it is AMAZING.
Set between Seasons 3 & 4. Slight spoilers for s4, but not really. 
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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The classroom seems cold today, like there’s something missing. It’s distracting. I can’t quite put my finger on what’s off, but there’s a charge in the air like something’s about to happen; as if lightning could strike at any second.
I don’t mean proverbial lightning, as none of my students seem to have grasped any of the contextual undertones of the book we’re discussing, but actual, live lightning. If I opened the windows behind my desk just a crack, a bolt would sneak through and bury itself in the base of my skull. Maybe that’s what I need- a jolt of electricity, something to break me out of this fog that crept up around me and climbs forever higher threatening to suffocate me.
I think I’d take the lightning to the skull over suffocation, but we don’t always get what we want.
I’m perched on the edge of the desk when the door opens and Y/N comes rushing in.
Suddenly, all of my attention is on her.
She’s never late. Never rushing, always at least ten minutes early for every appointment, every class. She seems- off today, as well. Perhaps she can feel the imminent lightning strike as well. Wouldn’t that be funny? I find a kindred amongst these idiot grad students who can’t even seem to end this horrid debate.
“I am so sorry, Professor Moore.”
Y/N’s voice cracks a bit, which in itself isn’t very unusual. She’s one of the quieter students I’ve encountered, and the only American in my current circle of acquaintances. Her accent is faint, as if she’s attempting to hide it from her schoolmates. She’s been here a while, I can infer; sprinkling in local slang and adding letters to words where back home there would be none. She’s trying hard to fit in, but why? Why not be herself?
“I got held up by-”
I hold up my hand and smile softly. “It’s fine, Y/N. Please take a seat and try to catch up.”
For fuck’s sake, she’s only twenty minutes late, but it looks like every second has weighed her down like lead.
The others pick up their debate and I sit back a bit, cross my arms, pretend to listen. This teaching thing isn’t as hard as everyone makes it out to be. Occasionally, I toss out an idea and let them run with it. Sometimes, I pay attention, mostly I don’t. Mostly I’m thinking of You. Of how beautiful You looked at that art show, of how You gasped when you saw me like You couldn’t decide if You wanted to run to me or away.
From the corner of my eye, I see Y/N timidly raise her hand and You are temporarily pushed aside. She keeps her hand up but close to her chest, as if the very act of asking to speak is somehow terrifying.
How can someone so brave be so terrified to do something as common as speak in class? She’s clearly not a scared person by nature- she moved across an ocean to attend university when she could have gone for free back home to whatever state college she decided to attend. I’ve peeked at her transcripts- she’s smart. Not win a genius grant or a full ride smart, but smart. Why is she so nervous?
I smile and a bit of her nerves seem to quell. Her shoulders relax an inch and she smiles back.
“You know you don’t have to raise your hand, Y/N,” I tell her, laughing gently to put her at ease.
She dips her chin and then looks up with the most beautiful gaze I have ever seen. Her lashes flutter upwards in slow motion, the darkness of her pupils expand, pushing nearly every fleck of color away except the gemlike glow cast by the stained glass window over my head. She smiles and her lips shine like glass. Soft, pink, beautiful glass. I can’t look away and yet I absolutely have to. Thankfully, she speaks and I can act like I’m moving away to sit in my chair and not to get away from her.
“Sorry,” she says, sweet voice sweeping over the room. “I just didn’t want to jump in because I was late but-”
“But you have something to add,” I finish for her.
Her eyes float back to me and the atmosphere shifts. The foreboding of a lighting strike vanishes and the room seems to warm up. Quickly, I sit and scoot the chair close to the desk, set my elbows on the top, clasp my hands near my lips. I can’t stop staring at her.
She nods. “Yes. If that’s alright.”
There it is again, the tiniest speck of British on her tongue. How long has she been living here, and why? It can’t just be for school. She’s too interesting for that. She dresses to blend in; muted colors and clean jeans, her hair always swept back, face free of plastering makeup or too much color. There’s only ever that pink gloss and a gentle brush of mascara. It’s as if she doesn't know how beautiful she is, or perhaps, she doesn’t care.
Or was she one of those kids who never really got any attention until they blossomed but by then it was too late to fit into their personality?
She chews her lip nervously and shyly looks away from me.
No, she knows. She knows how beautiful she is, she just isn’t one to flaunt it; doesn’t need the attention. Or is that how she draws them in?
She’s already talking, but I can’t hear a thing she’s saying. I can hear her voice, that honey like glaze she adds to things when she’s speaking passionately, but the actual words, the meaning- I can’t follow a damned thing. I’m too busy trying to figure her out.
You flash through my mind for a moment; a sweet memory of a smile in the library when You didn’t think I was looking.
What is it about a smile that says so much without words? Does it show who we really are or who we’re pretending to be?
“I just think that love shouldn’t be so easily condemned.”
Y/N’s comment breaks through my thoughts of You and I clear my throat, straighten up in my chair, focus.
Across the room, Nadia rolls her eyes, clearly disagreeing with Y/N’s interpretation. “This isn’t love, it’s obsession. The two can’t and shouldn’t be intertwined.”
Y/N bites her bottom lip and shakes her head.
What does that lip gloss taste like? Berries, perhaps… No. Stop it. Focus.
“I disagree.” Y/N sits forward and tucks her hands below the table. “Love is obsession. Obsession is love. It’s not a tautology, no, but you can have one with the other. If you’re not even a little obsessed with the person you love, is it really love at all?”
My mind is zinging, my ears ringing. Does she truly believe that, or is it all for the sake of debating Nadia? They’ve been at war most of the semester, but this seems truthful, deep.
The bell rings before I can recenter and add anything. I give my head a little shake and stand up, the chair rolling back behind me.
“Class dismissed. Great job today. Lively, wonderful discourse.” I fake a smile at the rest and then settle on Y/N.
She’s taking her time, hanging back as she gathers her things. She stuffs a notebook into her bag and the pen she’s been using rolls away from her.
“Crap.” She lunges across the table for it, but it’s too close to the edge, too far from her reach.
I drop down at the last second and save it from a dusty fate of rolling across the floor. “Gotcha.”
She’s staring when I stand up. Our eyes meet and she doesn’t shy away, but looks even deeper somehow. A smile lifts her cheeks and my pulse quickens.
She holds out her hand and there’s a fleeting second when I want to trace my fingers across her palm, feel how soft and warm she is, but no. I toss her the pen and turn, trying to get her out of my head.
I have more important things to do than become a tired cliche. Some professor falling for a student. It’s an outrageous thought, and besides, I don’t need Y/N, I have You.
I hear the zipper close and a chair being pushed in. She’s leaving.
She lingers in the door and turns back to me with a sweet smile. “Have a good weekend, Professor.”
Her tone is so genuine, so kind that it nearly knocks me backwards. I can’t remember the last time anyone has truly wished me a good time. It’s such an overused pleasantry, so common and boring, but not when she says it. Not when she smiles at me like that, with her eyes still and focused on me.
The warmth spreading through me is real as well and I can’t seem to push it away. “Thank you,” I managed, barely able to stand let alone return the sentiment. “You too.”
The rest of the day goes by quickly but it feels like forever. Two more classes, two more groups of students droning on about what the author really meant, when none of them, not a single one seems to be able to read between the fucking lines. None of them can step back and see the whole picture, capture the meaning as a universe unto itself and not just a line in black and white on an otherwise blank page.
Y/N could read between the lines. Y/N would understand the sum of it all. She would get it.
Stop. Thinking. About. Her.
On my walk home, I think about You. Wondering what You’re up to, where You are tonight. The sun is setting, dragging the sky down into a deep pink and I wonder if You are seeing the same colors where You are. Someday, we’ll sit together on an island in the Pacific and see what that sunset looks like. Would You paint it for me, I wonder…
Y/N crosses my mind for a moment as I gaze at the light reflecting off a window as I pass. Would the sunset hit her shining lip gloss in the same way? Would the pink deepen with the sky? Would she smile if she caught me staring, back away if I leaned in to drag my thumb across her juicy, pink bottom lip?
Darkness has settled and I haven’t moved to turn on a lamp. I’m stuck, glued to my sofa, my hands nailed to my thighs. I keep my eyes open for fear of seeing her face, but bouncing around the room looking for a distraction is only giving me a headache. I need to get out. I need something to do. I need-
A knock at the door.
Who would be knocking at my door at nearly ten o’clock at night?
Curiosity pulls me off of the couch and I switch on the lights as I head to the door. The peephole is clouded as fuck, but I can see her outline. My stomach tightens, my shoulders tense.
What is she doing here?
Her hand raises to knock again, but I unlatch the door before her knuckles hand. I find her dangling in the air, her startled face the most appealing thing I’ve seen in ages. Her eyes go wide, her jaw drops just enough to give me a peek at her tongue. Quickly, she rights herself and shies her gaze away. She chews her lip and I notice the pink gloss is gone, replaced by a deeper red.
Everything about her is different tonight. Her hair is down and fresh, her eyes are lined in black and the color blended above brings out the prisms in her eyes. Her clothes are strange as well: a short skirt, tall boots, a blouse that’s too tight to hide anything. There’s a gold string around her throat, something old, a gift perhaps from a dead relative, or a chance find at an antique shop. She would like diving through boxes of discarded wares looking for treasures, wouldn’t she?
Or maybe I’m just distracted by her appearance. Maybe I should stop trying to pick her apart and send her far, far away.
I’m not that man anymore. I’ve changed. I’m good. I have to be good for You.
It’s been too long since either of us has said anything and the fact of it is hanging in the air between us like some kind of glowing, awkward sign.
Thankfully, she speaks.
“Um… Hi.”
It isn’t much, but it breaks the painful silence.
I smile, confused but curious. My ultimate downfall.
“Y/N. What are you doing here?”
I should say something about it being inappropriate, something about contacting me only during office hours, but she knows. That’s not why she’s here. I can see it in her eyes.
Her hands are tucked behind her back, I notice. She’s holding something, not just shoving her tits in my face, although, I can’t say that I mind. She sees that I’m looking and turns to the side a bit to hide it more.
She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, calming herself, steeling her nerves. Why is she so nervous? What secret is she hiding? What plan has been brewing all day in her head?
That’s it, isn’t it? She was late this morning, distracted and timid because she was planning to come here.
I should be flattered, but I’m too intrigued by her boldness as she slides past me into my flat.
“I know this is highly inappropriate,” she says, the confession like a song on her lips. “But… I… Well…”
Her nose scrunches up in the most adorable way while she searches for the right words. It’s endearing and makes me want to sit for hours and listen to her talk, discover exactly who she is and why.
I’m still standing in the open doorway, I realize, so I move aside and let it close. My back presses into the door and I hold my tongue, letting her get to the point.
She’s struggling, dancing around it in her head.
I want to crack open her skull and watch the thoughts spark through the gray matter like shooting stars.
“If you’re worried you’ll get in trouble,” I say, trying to get things moving, “you won’t. I’m just wondering why you’re here and how it is that you know where I live.”
She laughs and digs her tooth into the corner of her lip. “I’m not… stalking you or anything, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
I almost laugh. Almost.
“Nothing that nefarious,” she goes on. “But I did do something bad.”
The nerves seem to fall away from her the more she speaks and her demeanor changes. Her voice deepens ever so slightly and her hip pops to the side as she looks me over. Is she… flirting with me?
“I doubt you’ve done anything newsworthy, Miss Y/L/N…”
She takes a step forward and her lips pucker gently.
She is flirting with me.
“I hope not,” she says with a little laugh. “You see, I work part time in the admin office…”
I didn’t know that. I don’t know a lot about her. So many things to uncover, so many artifacts to dust off and examine.
“OK…” I push off from the door and take a step towards her. She counters, stepping backwards, guiding me to follow.
“And, well, I accidentally was looking at your files and-”
She presses her tongue between her front teeth and smiles, eyes falling across my face. “Accidentally on purpose,” she clarifies. “I was… curious.”
“About me?”
Another step closer but she doesn’t move this time, letting me close the space between us by a few forbidden inches.
She sighs sweetly. “A little, yes.”
I dip my chin and look up, lifting my brows in question. She pulls in a quick breath, clearly enjoying the look I’ve given her.
“OK, maybe a little more than a little.”
One more step and I’m closer than I’ve ever really been to her, except just now when she invited herself in. I take a breath and she smells warm like vanilla, sweet like honey. The fantasy of berries on her lips falls away and I suddenly want to bury my face in the crook of her neck and do nothing but breathe in her scent, feel it invade my senses, infect my bloodstream.
Her chest heaves with a heavy breath and her eyes grow a little darker. She wants me.
“Maybe a lot curious,” she whispers, lifting her chin and blinking slowly.
Is she daring me to kiss her? Can she feel the lightning between us? Dare I?
No. She’s a student. She’s off limits. She’s not… You.
She must notice my hesitation and steps back a pace. She clears her throat. “Anyway. I saw that it was your birthday today.”
It’s not my birthday. Not my real birthday, anyway, just the one on the fake passport with the fake name and real photo.
I smile because I have to. “It is.”
Whatever she’s hiding behind her back shifts between her hands. “And, well, it’s presumptuous of me but I’ve never heard you talk much about friends or family and… you don’t wear a… ring. I just… Well, I know how hard it is to be a world away from what you know, and this city isn’t exactly kind in general, so…”
She’s rambling and I don’t ever want her to stop. Her voice ebbs and flows over me like a sultry tsunami and I can feel my fingers twitch, my blood rush through my system faster and faster.
“I just don’t think anyone should be alone or forgotten on their birthday so-” Finally, she reveals the mystery behind her back and holds out a green glass bottle. “I took a chance that you were a scotch man. At first I thought wine, but I know nothing about wine, and the guy at the shop said this one was good, so… Happy birthday, Professor.”
She hands me the bottle and without thinking, I take it. It’s not expensive by any means, but it’s the gesture that counts. She doesn’t let go right away, holding it with me, as if she can communicate her desires through the blown glass.
“Thank you.” I smile, let my finger brush against hers. “This is… very thoughtful.”
She lets go but doesn’t move otherwise. Her eyes are locked on me, her stare so pure.
I have to get her out of here.
Y/N shrugs and smiles, so confident now, so sure. “It’s nothing, really. I don’t even know if it’s any good.”
Her meaning lingers and I nod, gesture to the sofa as I start to peel off the seal on the top of the bottle.
“Join me for a glass?”
She bites her lip again and I nearly lose it.
“Love to.”
The scotch isn’t terrible but it’s not great. More like something you’d grab if you were just looking to get drunk, not necessarily gift someone you’re trying to impress.
Is that what she’s doing here? Trying to get me drunk? Surely, she knows she’s impressed me long before today. The looks between us in class, the lectures directed almost entirely at her have not gone unnoticed, but this, this is different. This is dangerous. She is dangerous.
The sofa suddenly feels too small. We sit close, drinking and chatting about life in London. She tells me about her family back home and how she had to cross an ocean to escape a misspent youth and an abusive father figure. I lie my way through a few answers but mostly, I let her talk.
The more she drinks, the looser her tongue gets, the freer her gestures. More than once, her hand falls to my knee and even though I should, I don’t push her away. Even though I should stand up, take her glass, ask her to get the hell out of my house, I can’t. I can’t do anything but stare at her lips as she speaks, drown myself in the tone of her voice, memorize the shape of her ears, her nose, slope of her shoulder. I’m lost in time with her and even though I know the clock is careening past midnight, I don’t care. I don’t want her to leave. I don’t want her to move. I want to be frozen in this moment with her. I want to die in her arms but not before…
“Professor?” She laughs gently, loose and relaxed from the alcohol. She leans in, her shoulder pressing against mine. “Are you even listening to me?”
Honestly, I have no idea what she’s been saying, but I can’t let her know that. I shift a bit, turning towards her. There’s barely room left for the Holy Ghost, as they say, but I doubt he’d begrudge me a little closeness, especially on my- on Jonathan’s birthday.
“I’m listening,” I whisper, captivated by the way she’s glowing. “I’m always listening to you.”
She squirms a bit and smiles behind her glass, takes another sip, downing the rest. There’s a drop of amber gold on her lip and it takes every ounce of restraint in me not to sweep it away with my tongue.
She pats the back of her hand against it and the moment is gone.
“Ya know, you’re one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. And I’m not just sayin’ that. You really are. I get you. I see you, Jonathan Moore. I see inside you.”
She slurs a bit, but not enough for it to be considered a crime if I touch her. That’s all I want to do, just a simple touch. Just to feel how soft she is beneath my fingers, how smooth the curve of her cheek.
Ripping myself away from the impulse, I take the glass from her hand and set hers next to mine on the coffee table. “I think you’ve had enough, Miss. Y/L/N.”
Her hand lands on my chest, right in the very center of me. Can she feel my heartbeat? Does she know how much I want her?
“You can call me by my name, ya know,” she says, dropping her chin and smiling. She’s so close that it would take but a tiny nudge to taste her. “Everyone just calls me Y/N/N.”
This is insane. She needs to leave. I need to slam the door behind her and never open it again.
Her name falls from my tongue like an incantation and her eyes go hazy. She leans closer, her breath fanning over my lips.
“Say it again,” she asks, nearly begging, “please…”
Fuck, this isn’t good. I can’t do this. I shouldn’t do this. I need to- Fuck, what does it all matter? She’s beautiful and interesting and smart and sitting next to me barely dressed and all she wants is me to whisper her name. What’s the harm?
The spell falls over her and I know it’s too late to back away. Her eyes fall closed and she leans in, pressing her crimson painted lips to mine. She exhales, pushes herself into the kiss, lets out a tiny moan.
She feels so good and it’s all I can think about. She pulls back and I lean in, needing more. My arms wrap around her, stealing her away. She melts against me, opens her lips to my tongue. The vanilla on her skin mixes with the scotch on her tongue and I’m blown away.
If feels wrong, so fucking wrong, but I can’t stop tasting her, can’t stop breathing into her with every ounce of air in my body.
I let her go for a second, thinking she’s changed her mind, but no, she’s even more ready than I am.
She stands up, fits her knees in between mine and slowly unbuttons her blouse.
My eyes are huge, I know it. I must look like an idiot but I can’t help it. She’s here, beautiful and curvaceous, teasing me, undressing for me. It’s all for me. She’s here for me.
The blouse floats to the floor and she looks down at me, a hint of previous nerves returning. Her bra is pale pink and covered in lace. Something so pure and innocent covering up something I would kill for.
I would, I realize. I would kill for her.
She wiggles out of her skirt and her hips are distracting. I want to touch, to feel my bones crushing into hers, to sink myself deep inside just to see what it’s like, to know her, to feel all of her.
“You like?” she asks, innocence ringing in her soft voice.
What happened in her past that would make her ask such a thing? Who hurt her so badly, who crushed her self esteem to the point that she wouldn’t be able to tell if I was enjoying her delicious display?
“Of course. You’re… absolutely stunning.”
I can’t say more or I’ll break. I reach for her and she slides into my lap, locking her thighs around mine. She presses down on me and my cock responds, all blood and logic rushing down to push back at her ass.
She wraps her hands around my neck and bends to kiss me. Her fingers tangle in my hair, she curls them, tugs gently, testing, enjoying. Her kisses deepen and her hips roll. I’m about to lose my mind.
“I’ve wanted to do this since the first day of class,” she moans, scraping her nails across my scalp.
The sensation is intoxicating and my eyes roll back a bit as she tugs hard. Her right hand is locked in my hair and her left is dragging down my chest. I should stop her. I should stand up. I should…
Her hand sneaks into my slacks and she scoots back onto my knees for better access. I can’t even think straight as she rubs at my cock. Her hand is soft, warm, firm. I know I’m moaning, but I can’t help it. I might just die here beneath her.
Her tongue glides across my lips. “So hard to sit in class and not dream about fucking you…”
Something snaps inside of me and I let go. I grab at her tits, peel the delicate lace down and pinch her nipples hard until she’s crying out and arching against me.
“I can’t even read anymore,” she admits, nearly breathless as my lips seal around her left nipple. “Every page makes me think of you. I can hear every word in your voice. I- oh God-”
I bite down just enough to stop her train of thought and I look up to see a blank, beautiful stare.
“I want you,” she whispers, lips never quite closing after.
Fuck. This is what I was trying to avoid. This feeling, this hunger inside of me. This need to fall into someone else, this treacherous lust that forces me to act.
Her hand falls to the nape of my neck and it’s so delicate, so tender that I break.
Wrapping my arms around her, I stand and twist, flipping her over onto her back. She gasps and reaches for me, kissing through the shock while I tug the slacks from my hips. She yanks at my shirt, fumbling with the tiny plastic buttons, licking at every new inch of exposed flesh.
“Want you inside me so bad,” she sings, nearly praying as if I’m some ancient god on high that can make all her dreams come true.
I don’t know about all of them, but this prayer, I can answer.
I tear the lace from her hips and fall down over her, crushing her into the old sofa. Her breath stops for a blessed second and I swear I can hear her heart racing through the silence. She runs her hands across my shoulders and down, curling them around my hips while spreading her legs wider.
“Please… Please… Please…”
Her whine is pathetic but I can’t get enough. If I had it in me to drag this out, to tease her for hours, I would, but the scotch has clouded my head and the sight of her strung out and desperate makes it impossible to wait.
She inhales hard when I sink into her. I can feel myself falling but I press my hands beside her head and hold on as best I can.
She feels like heaven.
Or the closest thing to heaven I’ll ever know.
Wet and warm and tight, I can feel her throbbing around me. Every thrust is like magic, making her shiver and squirm and tighten up even more. She clings to me, nails digging into my arms, mouth searching and thirsty for more.
I almost go insane. It’s not even my name, but it feels so right on her lips that I wish it was.
I feel her orgasm; her body clenching down on me and pulling me in deeper. It’s so hard not to scream her name at the top of my lungs. Nearly impossible not to stay here forever.
I fall down, shove my face into the crook of her neck and thrust a few more times. I know it’s over too soon, but she doesn’t seem to mind.
She rakes her hand through my hair, gently this time, and finds my lips, kissing me sweetly.
“Hi,” she laughs when our eyes finally focus and find each other through the afterglow.
God, she’s beautiful. So giving, so loving, so perfect in a million different ways that it’s actually breaking my heart.
I smile and peck her lips as I go soft inside of her.
“Hello, You.”
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lovelysilence14 · 3 months
How many of us want Netflix to release ALL the deleted Polin scenes? Or even the original version of their story?
(I heard some of what we saw were reshoots and story changes. And while there may or may not be a lot of deleted scenes—I want whatever we can get!)
Because while I personally don’t think what we saw was terrible and am pretty much happy, I would loved it if we got WAY MORE happy Polin.
Where was my promised Polin romance post LW/wedding?? I sure didn’t see a lot of it! 🤔 Give it to us Netflix!
We deserve it if we have to another 2 years for S4! (Honestly, why is it taking so long for new seasons to be released? What’s the hold up??)
If that’s the case, we all need something to hold us over in the meantime. 😤😤
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lukolabrainrot · 2 months
Do you think if L/N discussed anything in Toronto about using A as a cover up to draw focus from their chemistry until they got back on set to film S4… hence why he went back and started liking As posts to make it look like they were still involved. The whole thing just seems like a big set up to me. The biggest thing for me is the fact that Netflix, Shondaland, Jack, Ryan cast and crew are all shipping Lukola, there is no way L and N wouldn’t have ok’d that if they weren’t already a thing. Also about the intimacy scenes I don’t think they would have been allowed to free range those scenes unless they were already an item and agreed it seems completely different to the other leads experience.
Ok I want to clarify something. I 100% do not believe that A is a cover. A has been around for almost a year. I think that there was some overlap between N & A during the PR tour, and L/N are trying to keep that private from the GA.
Lastly, I believe that a lot of the public shipping we saw from Netflix, Shondaland, Jack, Ryan, and cast and crew was to promote the show. However, I also think a lot of them know that there are genuine feelings between L/N.
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davenweenie · 1 month
The Umbrella Academy S4 Spoilers Ahead
I have just finished TUA season four and I have some thoughts. Firstly, I thought most of the main characters personalities were stripped and changed completely. I think we’re all in agreement that Five and Lila would never and should never have happened. I don’t care that Five is supposed to be physically twenty five in this season, Aidan Gallagher was still too young to be kissing a 35 year old woman on camera imo. If the roles were reversed, people would be in total uproar. An 18-19 year old should not be kissing a 30 something year old. Yes, it’s legal but it’s just icky. I can kind of understand where the storyline came from, being trapped with someone for seven years with nobody else around you is sure to cause certain feelings but there are boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed.
I just thought it seemed rushed overall. Like they wanted to get the show over and done with as quickly as possible. This is probably Netflix’s doing as I’ve noticed they’re finishing off a lot of their big shows as of late (Stranger Things, Sweet Tooth etc) so I can understand that they were on a time crunch. There just seems to be a lot of plot holes but again, time crunches. Like how did Jennifer end up in the squid? What is that subway station? Why are Viktor’s powers more like Harlan’s this season? Why does Luther turn back into the half-gorilla when he consumes the marigold? Surely that would just restore his powers, not the treatment he received to save his life.
The only good thing was the ending. I can also understand why people were upset about the ending but in my opinion, this has been the obvious ending for a long time. Sacrificing themselves was the only way to end all of the apocalypse timelines and as sad as it was, it was the inevitable outcome. I also loved seeing the past characters just living their lives normally at the end. The Swedish brothers, Hazel, the Handler etc, it was just nice to watch. TUA did get a mostly happy ending imo. They saved the world, they stopped the apocalypse. In my books, that’s a happy ending. The team knew they had to die, they accepted that and they died together like they were always supposed to.
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alexthefunniest · 7 months
Funniest mileven arguments to why byler won’t be endgame
I’m sorry if there’s any grammar errors or mistakes, I wrote this angrily at 2 am when I couldn’t sleep.
1. “Its the 80’s”- as if there isn’t any movies that have happy queer endings that were made/set in the 80’s, yall are just lazy and don’t want to actually do any research.
2. “It’s a Netflix original”- ok? And? Like we literally get a new mlm/queer show on Netflix every year, byler is a mlm relationship which Netflix has a lot of, young royals, heartstopper??? Are you guys ok?
3. “Cuz it’s too popular” - we already have over two queer confirmed characters in stranger things, the show that’s about fighting forced conformity ?? The show that focuses on nerds, losers and people that don’t ‘fit in’ ? And y’all find it so hard to see ur two main characters being gay? Read the room respectfully.
4. “It’s one sided” - if it was one sided they would make Mike tell Will he doesn’t like him in s3 and give Will a new love interest in s4 (it has been confirmed that there will be no new characters in s5 and that the producers want every character to have their ‘perfect ending’) Will believed he was a mistake and thought he wouldn’t fall in love, because he is queer so he most definitely will have a queer love interest and it will be Mike.
5. “Mike is in love with el”- is he tho? He never actually said he loved her to her face without the world and her life depending on it, he’s been pressured to say it twice and when she told him she loves him back the man didn’t look happy but conflicted.
6. “Mileven endgame” - it’s really not, the amount of symbolism that points to their downfall (such as everyone calling them the ‘star crossed lovers’ which are basically lovers deemed to fail, and more) is HUGE, they have too many familial parallels it’s insane, why parallel the it couple with family themes and relationships? Another problem I have with this it’s the fact that it’s very rare for the first ‘original’ pairings to stay together till the end of the show (like with Bob and Joyce or Steve and Nancy)
7. “Byler wouldn’t make sense to the plot”- watch the show again, just because somethings more subtle, doesn’t mean it’s not there, y’all will always say that about queer relationships but whenever u guys see a straight relationship in these subtle moments you jump into conclusions that they might end up together, it’s called being a hypocrite.
8. “Mike isn’t gay” - it’s what he’s been telling himself too, the guy was obviously made fun of and called slurs like Will, everyone already thought and knew their relationship was ‘special’ and everyone suspected something, that’s why Mikes own dad was surprised and said “our son, with a girl?” Also your so called straight Mike has a room filled with pictures and posters of buff men, he’s never shown any interest in girls or women (except el who’s been said, looked like a boy in s1) not to mention the first song on his official Spotify playlist being “small town boy” (yk the song about a young gay man running away from his homophobic small town??).
9. Mikes love confession- if u call that a love confession I wouldn’t wanna date u brother, he was pushed to say ily by Will, the same Will that was in the frame of Mike lying when he said that his life “started” when he found El in the woods, which was obviously a lie because Mike called El a weapon and said he’ll “send her back to pennhurst or wherever she comes from” after they found her, also if the love confession was honest why would El be still upset with Mike and not talk to him after??
10. “El wasn’t upset at Mike but was sad about Max” - me when I’m in denial, she wasn’t sad about Max until she found the coke bottle underneath her bed, then we get the flashbacks of her and Max having fun in s3, she wasn’t thinking abt Max before that, its called common sense and logical thinking skills.
11. “There would be no time for byler to develop in s5” - it might seem crazy what I’m about to say, they were literally childhood best friends and it’s been confirmed that Will had a crush on Mike since s1, they literally started to build their romantic relationship MORE in s4, with all the ‘[emotional, tender music playing]’ and parallels between byler and jancy, also even if they haven’t started to build their relationship up in a romantic way in s4, y’all remember how in less than a season Jonathan and Nancy slept together or how Max and Lucas got together in a spawn of a season (mind u they met in the same season). Byler knows each other since little kids and always had potential y’all are just in denial.
12. “Why make Mike queer” - why not? Do y’all actually believe that one of the main characters plot line is just about getting with the girl at the end? Even if it was (which lets be so fr now) why would Mike get with El from the first season (they kissed in s1 and basically u can count that as they’re together wtv) if that was his main goal as a character? Well written shows have something called a “character development” which the producers of st love apparently, so why make Mike just a bland character that just gets with the main girl character, and why have El date the first guy she ever met, I just think it would be very shallow.
That’s all, this was written in a silly way cuz it’s basically me talking to myself, it’s okay if u ship mileven I just really don’t like disrespectful fans that yell at bylers and call the ship disgusting, I don’t care about what who ships as long as we all just have fun and not yell at each other 🫶🏻
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toomanyopinionss · 1 month
My thoughts while watching
The Umbrella Academy (S4)
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ummmmm i’m sorry, what the ever loving FUCK did i just have the displeasure of watching?
spoilers btw, this is gonna be very raw and off the chest
i don’t know what to say, this was disappointment after disappointment. i don’t want to dog pile automatically though, so I’ll list out the very few things i liked about this season before i descend into madness:
The first two episodes. well paced and entertaining. although this could easily go on the bad list, cause they gave me false hope for this season.
nick offerman and megan mullally. ALWAYS a treat to see them on my screen.
Klaus’s relationship between Allison and Claire. very sweet.
a couple songs on the soundtrack
the fact that this season was short
i’m not joking that’s literally it. this was sooooo bad, i’m actually shocked.
let’s address the elephant in the room.
the character assassination of five needs to be studied
what the hell happened?! What happened to the guy that genuinely cared about his family? he didn’t abandon his family after FORTY some years in the future, and a jaunt to the past, but all of a sudden, he was ready to give up just like that??
his character this season was unfocused and lame. he looked bored half the time and unconcerned the other half. LUTHER felt more connected to this story than this mf did. remember when he murdered a room full of people? remembered when he kinda comforted klaus, or helped diego out, or had a heart to heart with viktor? this seasons five is like night and day from the old one.
and him and LILA?! barf
i refuse to watch this sixty year old man in the body of a literal teenager poorly masquerading as a man get together with the wife of his brother, i won’t do it. the boy looks 18, come on are you fucking serious?!
oh but that’s not my only issue i ASSURE YOU
this season was a half baked, rush job to line netflix’s pockets.
and it could have been sooo good.
what do you mean, no one knows how ben died??
what do you mean the timelines are merging in on each other and people are noticing??
they completely dropped the ball off the face of the planet. this felt like a 10 page paper that was written in an hour. there’s soooo many plot holes, there’s no antagonist, nothing felt like it had meaning. nothing really mattered.
and speaking of not mattering, you know what completely breaks my heart? Ben.
i want someone to look me dead in my eyes and tell me that man was actually a legitimate character and not a plot device. ive never seen a character done so dirty in EVERY SINGLE SEASON ARE YOU JOKING? they never let his character breath. the only tear i shed this season was when he looked at viktor and cried, saying he was scared. that’s when i realized that the writers really don’t give a shit about him… they don’t care about his character arc, HE NEVER EVEN HAD ONE. it felt weird and disgusting.
i’m not gonna talk abt the end.
i’m done, i can’t do this anymore. i feel deceived. i feel like i wasted my time watching this series. the people behind the show clearly didn’t care about it, so why should I?
2/10, fuck this.
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oursonwithagirl · 2 years
i saw someone say that their byler confidence is so high now due to the shift in marketing from stranger things day, and i have to agree
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they made merch for the painting. i don’t feel like i have to explain how important this will be to the plot if they’re spending this much money to get it out to the public.
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in the theatrical showings, there would be a glitch transition that would get used between videos and within it, it always ended on mike or will looking at the other. additionally, these would last for a few long seconds each time.
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this :))
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the powers, dialogue, plot lines of the st puzzle game are suspiciously full of byler.
just the overall utter lack of attention towards mike and el’s relationship during st day. if a big couple on the show got a love reveal/love monologue in the most recent season, i feel like it would get heavily treasured and incorporated into s5 content. but, i mean, the “you’re my superhero” was utilized so…. win? 😏
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new st art is getting commissioned by the netflix and stranger things team, mainly dealing with s4/s5 concepts. this is also getting mass-produced and sold. the blue and yellow, proximity of mike and will on this poster, the heart between them is just soooo foreshadowy
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this is included on the back of some of the painting merch like… we understand. hearts. love. romance.
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the duffers have been laying out hints for the next season since july, but this article discusses character arcs and final reveals. i wonder what surprises are left to be revealed? i’m sure it has nothing to do with a so-called painting and love confession based on a lie 😁
and here’s the thing, i had no idea what direction the creative team wanted to go with marketing. they might have chose to overtly go in the way of promoting mike and el’s relationship in order to have more of a surprise element for the next season. they also could have equally balanced mike + el with mike + will to keep the tension and interest drawn towards both sides. however, it seem that what is happening (at least so far), is a lot of subtle hints and nods in the byler direction. i wouldn’t say they’re pushing the romantic aspect hard at all, but just like blue and yellow, they’re using a marketing tactic to get audiences minds to think of a certain thing once they’re shown another. the facts are: mike and will are intertwined a lot more than they have been previously. el had a separate solo journey throughout season 4, but mike didn’t. he was stuck to will’s side the whole time. even when she was back. it seems like this is the direction that they’re going in for the rollout of the final season. and with what’s being given, it’s likely that wide scale preparation for the audience of this s5 pairing is underway.
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herejusttosufferalong · 3 months
On the timeline speculation I agree we might see a hard launch soon but only in retaliation to all the heat he’s getting.
No man in love and proud of his girlfriend waits 9 months to show off the relationship, 6 of these months flirting heavily with another woman. I don’t believe for a second Netflix or Shondaland made him hide his relationship. Corey was allowed to openly talk about his gf while promoting the show. Why would this be different for Luke? Also, you wouldn’t have seen A anywhere near the premiere if that was the case.
I think this is a situation ship ar best. A is doing her best to make it look like it’s serious and some gullible fans fall for her games.
It will give it 3-6 months max. Once they start filming S4 it’s game over.
welp anon....
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lordystrange · 1 year
Byler not becoming canon until the last season is the best move the Duffers could have made
I know many of us would have all wanted to see more build-up for byler in s3-4. We would have wanted mileven to already break up and to see inside Mike’s mind.
And while a gay romance definitely deserves not to be hid away and to be handled equally to straight ships, the Duffers had to choose either that or what they’re doing now.
And the thing they are doing now is making sure that all these heteronormative/homophobic viewers will be exposed to this gay romance in s5.
Because if Byler endgame was any more clear or seemed any more possible in the end of s4, certain people would start boycotting ST and not see s5 at all. Some of them already unsubscribed Netflix because Noah came out.
And we need those people to see Byler endgame. We need them to see queer couples on screen in a positive light. We need them to see that how the people/characters they know, like and relate to (Mike) can be queer. We need them to see happy endings for gay people.
The only way to get rid of homophobia and heteronormativity is to expose people to queer romance. And they wouldn’t have kept watching ST if Byler would have become canon/been implied to become canon earlier.
So as much as I would have loved to see more byler, I know this is for the best.
Also I’m pretty sure that they thought they made byler more clear in s4, but because they work so closely with it, they don’t see how the GA doesn’t see it
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makaylan · 27 days
hey, hey everyone! this is gonna be a little bit of a diary-entry/mini rant, so if my ramblings-on don’t interest you, please scroll ahead! though i would really appreciate if you stuck around :)
If any of my dear friends have noticed, i have been MIA on here for quite a while now, but especially since s3 aired. I have felt a huge disconnect from Bridgerton and the fandom as a whole, from around the time that promo was really heating up for s3. I’ve spent the same amount of time wondering why, over analyzing my feelings, and just generally being confused. I initially brushed it off, as I’ve had a lot going on in my personal life that was taking much more of my attention, but now that I’m feeling a little better mentally, the questions on why i feel so disconnected have come back.
Firstly, i think the way s3 was promoted left a bad taste in my mouth. I won’t go on about Nic or Luke N because they are certainly not the first leading couple of a piece of media to promote in this way, and they certainly won’t be the last, but yeah, weird. Additionally, all of the Bridgerton themed advertising was so over the top, that I was seriously wondering if Netflix was going bankrupt. I mean, a Bridgerton themed allergy medicine? What the fuck? What happened to the weirdly flavored teas with badly photoshopped pics of characters slapped on the front?
Then, s3 dropped. I binged part 1 in one sitting, and was left feeling very confused after i was done. I felt numb, almost. Here was a love story I was so anticipating watching come to life, finally in front of me on my screen, and I felt..severely underwhelmed. The acting felt stiff, the script felt shoed-in and cheap, just generally off??
Part 2 was much better in my opinion, and it even moved me to tears a few times, but i had to agree with the majority of the Polin stans- there were too many other storylines. Now, this isn’t a new thing for Bridgerton by any means, but this season just felt REALLY overpowered by way too much shit going on. I felt very confused by where the Kanthony storyline went, Ben’s storyline felt forced and like a shoe-in for fans begging for him to be queer, and it felt like they kept changing where they wanting Cressida to go AS they were filming. Those are just surface-level thoughts and feelings, but i hope it all made sense.
I would really love to be back in the Bridger-verse with all of the incredible friends I’ve made, but I don’t want to force myself to feel a certain way, I’ve never been able to fake it till I make it, and I would never want to lie to to my friends. However, I do really miss my friends and would love to talk sometime if they were also somehow missing me like I miss them. :)
If you’ve read this far, thank you. I really am looking forward to s4, to the knowledge that we now have our Sophie!!! She is gorgeous and I can’t wait to see where Luke T goes from here. I haven’t lost all faith. I’ll most likely be back as things pick up again, when filming is supposed to start in Sep.
Love you all, and I hope to hear from you/see you soon!!!
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byclairs · 1 year
Lucas's arc seemed like he deserved to be put in his place and recognize that he was wrong for believing he could hope for better? And they did not even focus in his character that much. Most people say Mike has a spectacular forced conformity storyline waiting for s5 when we had a forced conformity storyline for Lucas but it was so sloppily written. I thought the forced conformity narrative is suppposed to be written good in any case for poc too, not just for your white character that you send a message with.
it feels like the duffers just don’t care enough to convey a cohesive message for lucas’ arc and/or don’t know how because on the one hand they’ve acknowledged several times the racism he faces both on and outside the show so they can’t even play dumb and yet they then constantly downplay what he goes through and so you end up with scenes like the end of s4 where he basically learns to know his place or whatever like..lucas is not in same boat as someone like mike who’s mainly bullied for being a nerd. he’s ostracized in a way that mike and dustin will literally never understand but the show almost never makes any attempt to show how he deals with that yet it’s explicitly talked about in an official book from his perspective (and i know lucas on the line is not technically canon but it’s still tied to netflix/st and if they had someone in the writer’s room who could’ve incorporated even part of the type of material from the book into the show i think it would’ve done wonders to flesh out his story) like i’m sorry if you’re gonna acknowledge that his situation is different than the rest of the party’s then you need to put more care into following through with that because the whole “i thought i wanted to be like you—popular, normal” scene was just..it felt like they were insinuating his main reason for joining basketball was just to be cool when we know it’s a lot more complex than that; he was trying to protect not only himself but his friends too even though they don’t face the same shit he does. and possibly even enjoy something new in the process god forbid. and you would think that he was ditching his friends and other interests for the basketball team when that’s not what happened at all? like he never started acting aloof with them or ignoring them, he was still very much in hellfire and he never turned his back on them he even used his status on the team to lure them away from where eddie was hiding even though everyone was saying he killed chrissy and lucas didn’t know what was going on yet. he never let his desire to fit in turn him into someone unrecognizable who needed to be taught a lesson and that’s why it pisses me off so bad that he was made to feel this deep regret in the end as if he made some huge mistake that he learned from because in reality he’s never been anything short of a loyal friend or strayed from his morals. and to top it all off mike and dustin get off the hook without having reflect on how they hurt lucas because apparently you should never support your friends unless you fully understand and agree with the things they want 👍🏼 idk.
i also think his conflicting feelings about helping his (ex) girlfriend deal with her grief for her canonically racist brother who traumatized and literally almost killed him would’ve been really interesting and important to explore especially since that most likely relates to the reasons he started feeling like it was urgent to fit in more in the first place but. none of that because this boy’s feelings are never taken into account
i also think everyone should read all of this
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campbyler · 6 months
HELLO I just finished catching up, started around Christmas time. The summer vibes were just what I needed to fight the January blues, omg. So descriptive it feels like I’m actually there in the sunshine when I read it, fr. It’s also healing part of my inner child that never got to go to summer camp and have that experience. But now idk what to do with myself now I’ve caught up haha, guess I just gotta doom scroll this whole blog now while I wait for 9.2 🤭
((I admit I was very sceptical of this fic at first, cause I couldn’t imagine byler working so well if they were anything but attached at the hip and bffs since the start, and while I still somewhat think this, it just *chefs kiss* works so well for this au. Btw I felt this way about stranger things itself, I’m not in to horror and everyone and their mom was losing their minds over s4 of the Netflix monster show, so I wasn’t interested. But one day I just got curious, and now here we are 😂 my most favourite shows/movies/stories I got in to this way, now I think about it….))
Yeah. Three cheers for neurodivergent Mike, too!!! 🥳 Can I ask - are any of the writers using their own experiences? For adhd, asthma, anxiety etc? Just curious, but you don’t have to answer this part.
AHHH i'm glad that the feeling of Summer is palpable and that your inner child is healing 💛☀️ and hopefully you survived the wait for 9.2 as well!!
that's a super fair skepticism tee bee atch! we honestly had them a lot more hostile towards each other in our original draft and ended up altering it to be this quasi-rivalry bc it didn't feel like Them otherwise. we are definitely happy with how everything turned out and we're glad you are too!! also i am a fellow s4-bandwagoner who was skeptical of the show itself for a very long time so i'm right there with you 🫡
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Nancy Wheeler
A lot of fics will make her the “bad guy” to help push their ship of Steve/whichever guy they’re pairing him with. Nancy deserves better than that she is a great character with a lot of depth. While she and Steve don’t have to be besties I hate it when they turn her into some homophobic or bitchy ex just there to propel the story 
Poor girl can't get a break ever
I got back into ST right after S4 came out, and I almost stepped out bc of how rude people were being to Nancy. She was called a bitch for dumping Steve (which was 2 years ago in canon and 6 years irl???) and she was blamed for Steddie (and in at least 1 post, harringgroove, which ugh) not getting together. Basically she got a lot of uncalled for hate for existing, because how dare she be so stubborn and get in Steve and the other characters way!
She is the best character on the show... scratch that. She is the best character on Netflix. She is kind and sweet, a great friend and a good person. The most underrated character in the show and she is literally the main character.
She's the MAIN CHARACTER and she gets so much hate and I won't even get into the mileven vs byler discourse
She did nothing wrong ever in her life. Constantly shit on by byler shippers
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