#they came to these conclusions on their own
Something Good - 8x01 coda
Read on Ao3
“It was a bee-nado,” Evan said. “You should have seen it.” 
“Here’s what I don’t get,” Tommy said, “I make a perfectly good reference to literally any movie and you have no idea what I’m talking about and yet you somehow know about shark-nado?” 
“Shark what?” Evan asked with a laugh. 
Tommy should have actually just known better. Of course Evan had no idea about Shark-nado. 
“The bees were literally in a funnel, weren’t they?” he asked as he pulled into his driveway. 
Evan nodded. “Yeah. Yeah. It was crazy.”
“And they’re still out there,” Tommy said. 
“Yeah,” Evan said. “And they’re angry. Kinda like Chris, I guess.” 
They had left Eddie’s house after Eddie insisted that he’d be alright on his own. That he didn’t need their help to take down the decorations or for the party to become some kind of pity party. Evan had tried to argue and yet in the end they had both realized that maybe Eddie did want to take a moment for himself. 
“He’s a teenager,” Tommy said. 
Evan nodded as they walked into Tommy’s house. “It’s just…it sucks.”
Tommy gave a nod. None of them had thought that Chris would still be in Texas after a whole three months had gone by, but he really was still mad. None of them could blame him for it either, though it probably didn’t help that his grandmother seemed to love having Chris with her. Was she even trying to encourage Chris to forgive his father? The whole thing was murky. 
“Like I told Eddie, he’s trying and when Chris comes around — and he will — he’ll know that the whole time Eddie was trying. That’s…it means something.” 
“Yeah,” Evan said. “It really does, doesn’t it?” 
They had talked about it a little. Evan at least did still have contact with his father even if it seemed to be minimal and mostly conducted over email. Still, Evan understood exactly what Tommy meant. Maybe not in the same way because their fathers were very different. It all came to how they could both agree how good of a father Eddie was in comparison. Not perfect, prone to mistakes, but still a good dad. Chris would come to that conclusion again one day. 
“I think I was hoping for something good to happen tonight,” Evan said as they headed towards the kitchen. 
“Hmm,” Tommy said, “that could still be arranged.” 
Evan laughed and let Tommy grab hold of his hips and pull him closer. He was never going to get enough of Evan. He leaned towards Evan and Evan met him in a kiss, their lips slanting together in what was becoming very familiar but not lacking in how amazing it was. Evan pressed himself even closer together and before Tommy knew it, his back was against a kitchen counter and Evan’s hands were under his shirt inching up slowly, torturously. 
It was a revelation, to know how eager Evan was, to know how much Tommy was wanted by him. He’d been more than a little cautious about how Evan would take to more than kissing, but any fears had been unwarranted. Evan threw himself right in with curiosity and enthusiasm that made up for the places where he lacked experience.
They made it, somehow, up the stairs and to Tommy’s room, clothes getting discarded as they went and then Evan crawled onto the bed, eyes blown wide and his lips parted enticingly as he looked at Tommy. 
“Want you,” Evan said. “Want to feel you.” 
And how could Tommy say no to that? 
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callalillywrites · 2 days
Shooting His Shot Part 2
Here is the conclusion of Shooting His Shot, and I really hope you enjoy this little AU as much as I had in writing it.
Please let me know what you think and if you might want to see more of this universe with the other characters featured here. Seriously, it wouldn't take much to convince to create more. Also, would love some suggestions on a good name for this AU if you've got any.
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Other notable characters: Bucky Barnes, Jake Jensen, Sam Wilson, Ari Levinson, Natasha Romanoff, Peter Parker, and honorably mentioned Curtis Everett
Word Count: 3880
Summary: Steve owns a steakhouse that you used to frequent before your ex came into the picture. Now, your ex is gone, and you're ready to head back to the one place you've always felt welcome and wanted. What neither you nor Steve count on is his staff, led by Bucky, launching a full-one assault effort to get you two together. It's time the two of you realize your feelings for one another.
Warnings: abusive ex (Reader's), pining, so much pining, fluff, two ridiculous idiots in love, a whole bunch of matchmakers
A/N: This is a completely self-indulgent story made like one of those cheesy rom-com which is my bread and butter at this point. It's proofread, but any mistakes are my own.
I also do not give permission for my work to be copied or posted on other sites or fed into an AI machine.
Coming into the room, Steve can’t help taking in the changes himself.
How they managed to clear out the old office and transform it into a decent private dining area is amazing. The amount of time should’ve been far greater than the natural lull between lunch and dinner service. Yet, his staff somehow pulled it off.
“Nick work,” he murmurs as he passes Jake and Peter on his way to the small table.
His words are enough to puff up both their chests and bring pleased grins.
They barely wait long enough for you and him to sit before they approach the table once more. In seconds, they have his and your drink orders before hurrying off.
“I hope they aren’t neglecting their other tables,” he can’t help mumbling though he knows them well enough.
Peter���s been so grateful for the promotion and has been working hard to prove himself. As much as Steve and Sam have continued to praise Peter and his skills, it doesn’t seem to have sunk in yet with the younger man. They’re not giving up as they’re sure he’ll eventually get there and realize they aren’t messing with him.
As for Jake, Steve’s never really had reason for concern. Jake can be a bit awkward, especially around the prettier clientele, but he’s always maintained his professionalism. That awkwardness has even worked in Jake’s favor a time or two from what Steve can tell. He’s certainly drawn in a few of their regulars between his professionalism and his natural ability to put others at ease.
Without Jake, Steve’s not so sure he would’ve met you or had you coming back.
Little does he know that it’s his kindness and his own awkward shyness that made you a regular.
“I have no doubt they’re handling them just fine. Sam and Nat would never let them live it down if they weren’t. You have a good team here.”
Hearing your praise, Steve can’t help but exhale a little. While he knows how good his team is, it’s nice to hear you defend them. Your opinion matters. Maybe more than it should, but then, you matter to him. Since that first day you walked in, you’ve mattered.
Not that he’s ever let himself show you for fear you might not be interested.
It’s why he’s let so many years of silence sit between you when he might’ve taken a chance. Sure, he can blame it on his honor of not hitting on customers. Then again, you haven’t really been considered a customer by him or his staff for the longest time now.
When you brought Brock into the steakhouse almost a year ago, Steve believed he lost his chance. The way you looked at Brock was the same look of love and adoration Steve wanted for himself. He couldn’t help disliking the guy though he’d done his best to remain professional while you and Brock dined.
You only came a few more weeks after that first dinner with Brock before you stopped.
At each of those meals, Steve couldn’t help noting how you said less and less. Your bright friendliness and warmth dimmed more and more though you never stopped being nice to the staff. It didn’t take a genius to see the cause of those changes within you.
He’d grown more brash and rude after that first meal. No matter how much you tried to intervene and beg him to stop, Brock not only didn’t listen, but he tried to verbally annihilate you.
It was during that last meal that Steve had had enough. Not only had it been clear that Brock had taken away your confidence and your happiness, but he’d also taken away your ability to fight for yourself.
When you’d gone to the bathroom, Steve had stepped up to the table and asked Brock never to return to his steakhouse. He also made it known that such behavior towards his staff and towards you were not only unwanted but punishable.
As much as Steve wanted to deck Brock, it was one of the only times he’d kept calm. Because of you, he didn’t do what he’d done in the past. Brock got to walk away with his nose intact and his skin unblemished. There was a promise that if Brock ever returned, consequences would follow.  
What Steve hadn’t counted on was not seeing you again until all these months later.
Glancing at you across the table, he can see your quiet confidence and bubbliness has come back. The dark cloud looming over you is nowhere to be found. It makes him happy to see you hadn’t let Brock keep you down. That would be the real shame.
“Do I have something on my face or something?” you ask, breaking the brief silence.
Steve shakes himself before shaking his head. “No, you’re perfect, bijou.”
Butterflies erupt when you beam at him.
Jake and Peter return with your drinks and a sampler platter that you didn’t order.
“Ari made you a fresh mocktail since Sam swept you away before you could finish the other one,” Jake says with a small wink, setting your drink in front of you. At least some of your training on flirting hasn’t left him since your absence. “Said not to worry about it, either. It’s on Sam.”
“Bucky also sent us out with this platter. Said he wanted your thoughts on a few new items he’s been considering for the menu.” This came from Peter who set the platter carefully next to the tiny vase of flowers. The platter contains several different foods from cheese sticks and poppers to some tiny ribs and wings.
You’re quite impressed by it all, yet you can’t help saying, “This all looks so wonderful, but I really hope you’re not going through a lot of trouble just for me.”
“No trouble, future Boss Lady.”
You hear Steve choke on the drink Jake just gave him though he recovers quickly enough.
“We’ll be back soon with your order,” Peter says, giving Jake an exasperated look. He shoves Jake from the room, muttering words too low for you to make out.
Neither notice when you call after them, “But we haven’t ordered yet.”
When they don’t come back, you turn to Steve with what has to be a comical expression as you ask, “Future Boss Lady? The free drink, the hugs, and everything I’ve gotten since I walked in. Are they…”
You pause in the hopes of Steve finishing the thought for you.
He sets his hand on the table, palm up and open in invitation.
There is no hesitation when you place your hand in his, relishing the warmth and the soft callouses that line his fingertips. Working man’s hands as your father used to call them. You have never appreciated the feel of another’s hand until that moment.
The soft smile you’ve grown to love over all the years you’ve known him peeks out as he finishes your question, “Trying to woo you for me? Yeah, I think they are. Well, that and they have genuinely missed you these last six months.”
That has your attention.
The answer isn’t something you expect because you’re still so sure that Steve isn’t interested in you. As if to prove your previous belief correct, you ask, “What about you? Did you miss me?”
A part of you wonders if he’ll even answer the question. You’ve never really been so straightforward with him before. This changes the little dance you two have done since that first meeting a few years back. You’re not even sure you’re ready to hear his answer.
Not that you’ve given yourself a choice.
He doesn’t keep you waiting long. His thumb runs over yours while his gaze meets yours. His voice is low, conspiratorial as he admits, “Mon bijou, the last 187 days have been the longest of my life.”
You suck in a breath as his words wash over you. It’s the first time he’s ever added ‘my’ to his nickname for you. Before, you were always ‘jewel’ and you liked it, but this is something else. It gives you the courage to press for more.  
“You’ve counted the days since my last time here?”
Pink tinges his cheeks while his other hand comes up to rub at his neck. Despite the embarrassment of his confession, he doesn’t seem all that upset about having admitted it. In fact, he nods.
An almost hysterical type of giggle escapes as you admit, “I counted them, too.”
New tears, happy ones, burn at your lash line and threaten to spill over.
His hand tightens on yours. “Please, don’t cry.”
“I’m not,” you say though your conviction is shaky to say the least. “So, if I were to ask you to join me for an art show next week, you would…”
“Love to go,” he finishes without hesitation.
“Ugh, Mr. Rogers, you’re supposed to ask her out, not the other way around,” Peter grouses from the doorway before Jake can cover his mouth.
The two grapple for a few seconds, earning them a raised brow from both you and Steve.
“Apologies, Boss Man,” Jake finally manages when he’s got Peter in a loose chokehold, his hand firmly over Peter’s mouth, “but he’s not necessarily wrong. Smooth finish though. Mentally noting that with all the training future Boss Lady’s given me.”
You turn your face away before your laughter escapes you. To help, you even cover your mouth to keep the giggles in. It’s taking all your ability to keep yourself from just losing it in the moment. Your love for this group of people is overflowing with how much they aren’t subtly trying to help you and Steve out.
When you finally regain your composure, you meet Steve’s equally amused expression as he asks, “Did you two need something? Forget something perhaps? What about your other tables?”
“Checked them. All good, Mr. Rogers. We did forget to take your orders earlier, but Mr. Barnes says he’s got it handled.”
“Of course, he does. Thank you, Peter. Why don’t you and Jake head back to your stations?” His gaze softens the longer he looks at you. “I think we’ll be okay here for a bit.”  
Heat suffuses your cheeks, but you nod, happy to have more time with Steve alone.
Peter and Jake hasten back to their stations, content they’ve done their parts for the moment. You can see their happiness in the way they smile at you before disappearing down the hall. Jake even sends you a pair of thumbs up and a wink.
“I apologize for them.”
You shake your head. “Oh, please, don’t. It’s nice they care so much about you. You’re a good boss. Maybe even the best out there from what I’ve learned over the years.”
“What have you learned?” He arches a brow as he leans forward. His hand still holds yours on the table; his thumb has taken to rubbing a steady path across yours.
With a sip of your new favorite mocktail, you offer him a smile before diving in. “Well, I know that you and Bucky have made it so everyone starts at a living wage. From your dishwashers to your managers and even yourselves, you pay each and every employee enough to live without having to necessarily fear paying their bills each month. I also know that you and Bucky aren’t greedy with your earnings, either. You two are never making more than five times what your lowest earners make. You’ve even lived on zero salaries during some of the leaner years, so you could keep all your employees.”
Rather than the challenge he’d given you earlier with one raised brow, both are now touching his hairline as you reveal all you know.
But you’re not done yet.
“You’re also generous with paid time off and sick days compared to almost any employer out there. While you do occasionally ask your employees to help cover each other, you don’t guilt them or make them feel bad if they can’t cover. You’re not above rolling up your sleeves and stepping in when necessary. Hard work doesn’t scare you from bussing tables to managing customer complaints. I don’t think anyone out there has a negative thing to say about you or Bucky. You have their respect and their devotion. It’s why your restaurant has the lowest turnover rate in the city.”
You take another sip of your mocktail, needing a moment to catch your breath.
“So many companies tout the whole idea of their employees being family to them, but they’re empty words. Used as a manipulation technique. That’s not the case here. You and Bucky really have created a family here. You celebrate your employees’ victories and help them through tough times. You care about them and their lives outside the restaurant. It’s not because you want to pull more work out of them, but because you actually care about their well-being. Do you know how rare and precious that is? Is it really any wonder that I have had the biggest crush on you since forever?”
It takes less than a second for you to realize what you’ve admitted.
Now, you just need the floor to open and swallow you whole.
Steve’s heart leaps at your last few words.
You have a crush on him.
That’s something he thought not possible despite his ever-deepening feelings for you over the years.
Yet, that’s nothing compared to how much you’ve learned about him and the steakhouse. He’s not sure how you came by all this information, but he’s certain he doesn’t care. The fact that it’s enough to impress you with all he’s firmly believed in doing for his staff makes it that much easier to fall for you even harder.
“You really noticed all that?”
You nod, your gaze lowering to where he’s still holding your hand. “Yeah, mostly from Jake and Nat, but also reading what are supposed to be puff pieces about the place. I think I might be a little invested in the success of this place.”
He tightens his hold on your hand, needing to know you aren’t some figment of his imagination. No other woman he’s ever met or been interested in has ever been so deeply sincere as you’re being with him now. They certainly hadn’t cared about the vision he and Bucky had for their restaurant so much as what they could get out of it for themselves. You care about his staff almost as much as he and Bucky do, and he can’t help loving you even more for it.
“I know I should’ve done this ages ago,” he swallows, then pushes on, “but do you think you might have dinner with me?”
Your gaze bounces to his before you motion toward the table and the appetizer that’s still sitting between you.
He chuckles. “Not this dinner. I mean a real one. I pick you up, hold the door open for you, and woo you properly. No assistance or machinations from others. Say, Monday night?”
“If I say yes, does that mean this one has to end? I’ve really, really been looking forward to one of Bucky’s creations and seeing everyone here, especially you.”
“Nah, I don’t want this one to end, either. Besides, it looks like the others have gone to a lot of trouble to make this happen. Don’t want to let their hard work go to waste.”
That earns him a beaming smile, and he’s more than ready to make it happen as often as he can.
“We should probably eat this before it gets cold.”
Nodding, you pick up one of the cheese sticks and take a bite while he chooses one of the poppers.
Both of you have to bite back moans, but the food is worth every bit of praise that’s sure to pass through both your lips before the night is over.
Talk soon turns towards the food and how good it is. You even offer Steve a sip of Ari’s latest concoction since he hasn’t been allowed to try it until your return. He finds it delicious though maybe not as much as you do. Every sip you take, he notes the little happy wiggle you do. It’s another thing he’s missed seeing these last six months.
Your enjoyment of the food and drinks the steakhouse offers is nothing short of wondrous to watch. None of it is faked to spare hurt feelings. The rare occasions you don’t like something, you share your thoughts with great care, couching your criticisms with plenty of positive feedback and constructive notes.
When the food is gone, Steve glances to find you biting your lip before you seem to come to a decision. Your gaze meets his as you say, “I, uh, I know this is one of your usual nights off. As are Mondays. Can I ask why you’re here really? Is it really to catch up on paperwork and handle payroll? Seems like those would be handled as necessary during the few hours between lunch and dinner.”
Steve blows out a breath.
He wonders how long you’ve been holding onto that information and which of his staff might’ve revealed this little tidbit to you.
Knowing you’ve revealed something deeply held, it’s only fair he does the same. If he wants to prove he’s all in, then he needs to step up and do it.
Another breath, he admits softly, “This is the day you usually make a reservation. Your early victory for surviving another week. Has been since the day you graduated with honors from university. So, it’s become a tradition for you to come each week. Your chance to spoil yourself. Since meeting you, mon bijou, I’ve found myself not wanting to miss an opportunity to see you again. Even if it’s in snatches on Thursdays, I’ll take it. You’re the greatest highlight of my week.”
Your eyes widen at his confession, but then, he’s certain he did the same with yours.
Though, you seem to recover quick enough as you ask, “Does this mean we’ve been pining for each other this entire time? Are we really those idiots in love you see in those Hallmark movies?”
Steve chuckles and nods. “I think we might be.”
“Oh, you most definitely are, but we love you both anyway,” Nat says from the doorway, her signature smirk in place. “Dinner will be out shortly.”
She takes off then.
When his gaze meets yours, you both burst out laughing.
“Well, my fellow idiot, I have one more question before I finally answer yours.”
Steve grins. “Lay it on me.”
“Why do you call me ‘bijou’? I know it’s French, and it means jewel. I’m just not clear on the why.” You prop your chin on your free hand and lean across the table towards him. 
The desire to lean in, to close the distance between you, is overwhelming. He longs to learn how soft your lips are against his, but he swallows the desire. Maybe one day real soon, he’ll have earned the privilege. All bets will be off then because he has no doubts that he’ll never want to stop kissing you.
“I took French in high school. Second language requirement. I ended up really liking it. Still pretty decent at it though I don’t practice half as much as I should. Back then, I really wanted to see Paris and be in the City of Love, you know? I got that chance with the army. Spent about a week between tours there and got to see some of the sights, but I’ve always wanted to go back. To really see all the sights. Share it with someone I really care about.”
He stops then, needing the moment to gather himself. For what, he can’t really say. It’s not lost on him that his next words have the power to either woo you or send you running in the opposite direction. All he wants is to keep you as close as you’ll allow for as long as he can.
“When I first saw you, I thought you were an angel. You certainly looked like one that night, but you were also so precious, rare. You took your time that evening learning about Jake. The tip you left was more than generous, even by normal tipping standards. Not once did you ever make someone feel inferior to you. I saw the way you stood up for Peter when that customer tripped him. I’ve never been more impressed with someone who wanted to do what’s right and not for what they might get in return.”
Your hand tightens around his, temporarily stopping him. He sees you blink rapidly. Your attempts to stop the tears are unsuccessful.
Reaching across the table, he gently swipes at the corners of your eyes and offers a smile.
“I don’t think you know how much of an impression you made on all of us that night. You were the most precious jewel I’d ever seen, and I’ve seen the English Queen’s jewels on a brief layover in London once. You don’t know how much I fell for you that night and having been falling ever since.”
His fingers continue to try and stem the flow of your tears leaking freely down your cheeks at his confession. The sweet smile on your face is almost as wondrous as you nuzzling your cheek against his hand, seeking his touch.
With a sniffle, you ask, “Do we really have to wait until Monday for that date?”
“It’s my next day off,” he says with a soft laugh, happy you’re agreeing to go out with him, “but I promise to make it worth the wait.”
A loud round of applause and several whoops echoed through the room.
Steve’s head shot towards the doorway where his entire staff are watching. Bucky stands at the head of the group, two plates in his hands and a wide grin on his face.
“Bout time you finally shoot your shot, punk. Doll here is a real saint for waiting on you so long.”
Steve rolls his eyes, but he doesn’t refute Bucky’s assertion.
“Kiss her already, man,” Sam hollered from behind Nat and Jake.
Before they can start chanting because they would, Steve leans in close to you, whispering, “Is it alright if I kiss you? Not because of these fools, but because I want to.”
Your smile contains a hint of mischief even as you nod.
When he’s within a breath of your lips, you let him know exactly what’s on your mind, whispering, “You know I’m an interior decorator, who’s just gotten a promotion. I could do wonders with this room of yours.  Maybe make it a place to turn the tables on these matchmakers you seem to have.”
“Mon bijou, you can do anything you want as long as I can call you mine.”
His lips touch yours, and you both forget about everything but each other.
Well, at least until Bucky sets your plates down on the table and sends everyone back to work. He’s the first to congratulate you both with hugs and well wishes for your long and happy future together.
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relaxxattack · 2 days
I humbly request your dave nonbinary thoughts, we may not be ready but I want to know, I want to be enlightened
okay so here’s the thing.
dave strider is a closeted and repressed queer boy in 2009.
in the culture at the time (especially on the internet where he basically grew up) "gay" is used as a catch-all for basically all things evil, stupid, and wrong. as kids grow up they learn that— because patriarchal privilege is something you can lose the second you’re not performing your masculinity to an insane degree— being gay makes you not a real man. being gay means you’re an effeminate little freak, a subversion, a pervert. something to be scorned and taught a lesson. which is terrifying to these kids.
on top of all this, dave is being abused daily in the name of becoming a hero (a real man). his ultimate example of heroism is a hypermasculine freak who physically, mentally, and sexually abuses him. of course dave doesn’t want to do introspection into the idea of liking men. being a man is a burdenous ideal, and the sexuality of men is something that has been consistently used to harm him.
that’s where we come to the meteor trip. after three years of humanity being dead, dave obviously goes through a lot of introspection about stuff he’d previously been repressing. dave seems to be of the opinion that because earth is gone, a lot of those restrictive social conventions should be gone as well— especially things like toxic masculinity and gayness as a complete “other” that you have to “turn” to; he claims (correctly) that a lot of these restrictive social ideas are imaginary lines built by prejudice.
so, dave does not subscribe to the idea of hard labels.
it’s important for him to reclaim the idea of gayness, of course. dave has been agonizing over that for the entirety of the comic. his own sexuality is something that terrifies him, to the point where he cannot even manage to date women he actually likes. even if he really is truthfully interested in women, he cannot really handle that until he’s finally come to terms with himself as “gay”. (which is why i don’t think dave would use the term bisexual. even if he does know what that means, that’s not the word he’s been terrified of embracing for the past 16 years. dave strider is gay. his entire arc revolves around accepting this.)
but i think if dave was thinking about gender as much as he was contemplating sexuality on that trip, he would come to a similar conclusion about labels. and besides, masculinity isn’t exactly something that he’s had a positive relationship with.
this is why i think he’d be some form of nonbinary or agender. dave calls himself gay because of his hard-earned reclamation of that word, not specifically because he is never interested in women. i think if he were to call himself a guy, it would be along those same lines.
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(i could also go on a tangent about dave’s existence as a hussie self insert and his arc and dialogue with these concepts as a reflection of someone who eventually came out as agender, but this post is long enough as it is)
basically, gay nonbinary dave strider. he’s real.
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yuujiheart · 19 hours
honestly it kinda reminded me of the gojo megumi relationship. As I feel sukuna must have saved uraume from somewhat a similar situation to his own ig.. like gojo saved megumi . But uraume decided to dedicate their life to sukuna and accepted them as their master. ( more than benefactor)
I am seeing many interpretations of this page but what i believe is sukuna had the opportunities to change himself before too, one was through a shrine maiden girl and second uraume but instead of caring for them as a family or as a guardian he chose to include them in his endless journey for revenge.
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Basically he rejected both choices since he couldn't forgive those who cursed him...must be a wound too deep..But after coexisting with yuji and fighting him he lost and changed, was able to recognize his flaws and faults.. See the smile on his face. He feels so relaxed.. Yuji really freed him from his curse...
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He realized he could have lived too but chose to curse them.... And now he wishes that if a chance comes again he would go for a different path... Here he decides for uraume too that they too will go North since he was the one who put them on this " Throw away the humanity" path so it's his responsibility to guide them to their new life too.
Now about that shrine maiden girl. I don't think it's his mother or yorozu... And the reason is this
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Here Yorozu thinks sukuna already knows love and i don't think she was referring to motherly love here..
Moreover it feels like he was an active curse user and was mature when these choices came before him . So naturally it can't be her mother. Another thing is miko is supposed to be a young virgin girl and that's visible in the panel..
I personally believe if what he's imagining is his mother then she wouldn't look that young. .. If gege wanted us to think it's his mother he would have drawn her a little old Ig.. Maybe like maki's mother...
Now that we know sukuna was not truly honest to himself, this actually made me question why he decided to become a cursed object and cross ages... . Was it only just to fight?? Was there something else too... Did kenjaku know and that's why they forced him to coexist with yuji?? Did they know yuji is capable of handling sukuna emotionally.? And the way he dodged kashimo's question also didn't help ..
So i would like to play safe and wait for gege's confirmation.. Because I don't think he brought that up only to not address it again..
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sandyferal · 2 days
LET’S GO Perirep “play” vs. real dynamic essay. And I’m going to actually go in depth on this. Like actually. It’s going to be long. With references to other media and shit. (I’m gonna be real there’s like a few paragraphs talking about Megamind but I promise it’s VERY RELEVANT.) Only read if you’re interested in that!!
But anyway uh. Very opinions, don’t take this as me trying to make an objective statement. Cause it’s really not. Please Perirep fandom don’t get mad at me for trying to dictate their dynamic I’m really not trying to do that especially since I’m mostly talking about my au
It also very much states things I’m trying to convey more subtlety in my fanfic so if you don’t like that don’t read 👍
NOW. To start off, what is a play dynamic? It’s entirely possible there’s an established word/phrase describing what I mean, but if there is, I’m unaware. So for now that’s what I’ll call it. And what a play dynamic is, is a performative dynamic between two characters that does not reflect how they would interact genuinely, or how they really feel. You could think of bedroom roleplay/dynamics as an example, but it definitely applies in non-sexual settings. Case in point! The movie Megamind.
Now, in the movie, Megamind has two relevant play dynamics. His interactions with Metro Man, and his interactions with Roxanne. His interactions with MetroMan are relevant when talking about Perirep for the rivalry aspect, and for how it affects the “villain’s” sense of identity. His interactions with Roxanne are relevant when talking about how it affects the development of romantic relationships.
First off, Megamind defined his own identity through his rivalry with Metroman. This is extremely relevant to Irep! From young ages they were presented with a “good guy” who was more loved and more successful than them. And for the majority (or all in Irep’s case) of their lives, the only goal they strived towards was “defeating” that enemy. But I think Megamind shows that in reality, accomplishing that goal would eventually leave Irep somewhat depressed and empty. Because that’s not how he really feels. And because he doesn’t truly know who he is outside of his rival. So that play dynamic isn’t something that can work if played out to its natural conclusion.
Then there’s Megamind’s dynamic with Roxanne. Many people have noticed that even when Roxanne was the “damsel” and Megamind the “villain” there was a little bit of banter. Maybe even flirty banter. Or tension. Because that can often arise from play dynamics. But in reality, that dynamic was performance. It’s implied Megamind was not used to her being so unaffected, meaning she may have played along in the past, but it’s clear that she had gotten used to it a long time ago. No real danger. And even being tied up, there barely even felt like a true power imbalance.
Despite all this, their romantic relationship only really worked when they moved past that dynamic. Truthfully, they couldn’t have created a real relationship with that play dynamic, because it didn’t reflect the reality of who they were, and because Roxanne clearly did not want Megamind when she viewed his villainy as a genuine threat. And I think Perirep is very similar.
At the beginning of my au, Peri and Irep haven’t gotten past their play dynamic. They were in this performative mindset of “scary evil domineering anti-fairy” and “soft goody two shoes fairy” that only truly existed for public perception. They have some sort of real feelings for each other, but they’re so so so buried that there was no possible way they would be acted upon genuinely. So the way their feelings eventually came out was through sexual tension via their play dynamic. And that’s how the pregnancy happened.
That causes a layer of insincerity and awkwardness, specifically on Peri’s part. Because their relationship was started because of that play dynamic. Something that Peri understands is performative and not accurate to who they really are. In which case he questions whether they are capable of a real relationship, because he doesn’t know what their genuine relationship is at all, or if they even have one. Meanwhile, Irep literally defines himself through it. It’s how he sees himself, and all he’s ever been told to be.
In reality, Peri is not soft. He’s irritable, and tired and sassy. He’s occasionally sweet or anxious or pathetic or over-dramatically upset, but he’s not truly vulnerable to Irep. And in reality, Irep is not that domineering. He’s failed almost constantly from birth, and has never actually overpowered Peri. He’s a silly little over dramatic loser who tries too hard.
Does that mean he isn’t possessive or protective? No. Irep is those things I think. Or he tries to be. But there’s not a definitive power imbalance in his favor. At least not once they’re in a relationship. No matter how many times he says Peri is “his” or “belongs to him,” Peri could easily leave. Any time. Not even an issue. And Irep would be sobbing and wailing and begging him to come back.
Now do neither of them enjoy or play into the play dynamic? I don’t think so. I personally think they find it kinda fun. And Peri can get flustered by it (although sometimes Irep is too lol). But they have to realize how performative it is if they want to stay together. Because in my mind, if Irep takes his act too seriously and tries to genuinely enforce that dynamic on Peri in a romantic relationship… Peri would straight up just leave. Like no he would not take that.
In regards to what I think their genuine dynamic would be like. I think Peri struggles to be affectionate and express his feelings. Sometimes he will get anxious or flustered or be a little pathetic. He can also be very confident, stubborn, and independent in the relationship. He wants to have the assurance that he’s capable without Irep. He can get a bit distant or snappy at times, but deep down he cares a lot.
Irep on the other hand can get very needy and clingy. Things can set him off, making him insecure, possessive and jealous. He’s very protective during the pregnancy but less so afterwards. Deep down though, I think he wants someone he can be mushy and sappy with. To the point that he might develop codependency issues. Over time he starts to think of himself as scary and evil and powerful like a dog does. In the sense that he likes it when Peri pats him on the head and tells him he is.
Now!!! All of this is very much my personal opinion! I will clarify, this is obviously not the only way to think about their dynamics. This is how I write them but ppl who write them differently are super cool and awesome!! I just. Think of them like this myself. As a reminder, I am also writing them for an au! So I expect them to not be fully canon accurate. Especially since I’m pretty sure their canon rivalry is meant to be genuine to some degree.
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sunnyshinesunshine · 20 hours
Okay so I’ve finally solidified my opinion on The Rings of Power and given that it is my opinion it is therefore very important and I’m sure everyone is dying to hear it (this is sarcasm)
I’ll start by saying I’m not a critical person when it comes to things. I consume media to enjoy myself, not to pick apart its literary or thematic flaws. It’s fine if you do, but that’s just not me.
I will also say I’ve never read the Fall of Númenor as its own story, so any Tolkien primary sources I’m vaguely alluding to (this isn’t a research paper been there done that got the high school diploma I bake cookies for a living I ain’t citing shit thanks <3) are the Silmarillion, LoTR, and The Hobbit.
I didn’t like TROP for the first season, but after catching up on S2, I’ve come to enjoy it.
S1 is the full of world building, setting up the political stage and the relationships between the characters that lead to the creation of the rings and all the other bad hullabaloo that ends in the Last Alliance.
Safe to say, I spent the whole time going ‘what? why is he/she/them saying/believing/acting like this? why is it/this portrayed like this???’ and felt very irked by the whole thing.
S2, the rings are being created, familiar events start happening, the puzzle pieces from S1 that were so unfamiliar and bothersome to me then come together to create a picture that I knew.
Once I got to thinking I realized I actually know a whole lot less about the fall of numenor and the creation of the rings than I thought I did.
When Tolkien writes about those events, he gives the broad strokes in a very history-book way. Celebrimbor creates the rings because he is deceived by Sauron. Tar-Míriel is overthrown by Ar-Pharazôn and marries him against his will. Elrond is with Gil-Galad as his herald.
These are the things, amongst others, that we know. Unlike in the Hobbit or LoTR, we aren’t given any glimpses into the heads or relationships of the characters in anything other than what amounts to almost a timeline of events.
This, of course, leaves a lot of room for Tolkien fans to ask questions. Questions that can be answered through imagination. Imagination becomes ideas, ideas become discussions, discussions become a collective understanding of what happened (fanon*. I’m talking fanon. please read the note at the end because I think fanon is awesome and deserves to be defended)
For example. We know Celebrimbor and Narvi built the Doors of Durin together and added possibly the most ridiculous riddle password possible.
When the Doors are first introduced in LoTR, it is also in the middle of Gimli and Legolas’ semi feuding, and before both of them have some serious moments regarding their histories and cultures (Khazad-Dûm and Lothlórien respectively).
All of this to conclude that at some point between Gigolas’s inter-species feuding and the password to the damn doors being ‘mellon’, as Tolkien fans, we came to the conclusion that Celebrimbor and Narvi were close friends.
Celebrimbor and Narvi are not really much more than acquaintances in TROP. And that isn’t inaccurate. The source material doesn’t have an opinion on it really.
Fanon says Celebrimbor and Narvi were pals. TROP says they weren’t. Canon doesn’t care either way.
I mention this example to explain why TROP felt so wrong especially at the beginning. Essentially we, or at least I, had this idea of how things should be, and when TROP diverged from that I felt lost and annoyed.
Now, I find watching TROP to be honestly kind of fascinating, like watching someone else painting using a model and comparing it to the painting I had already created of that same model.
It’s kind of fun. And every Elrond deserves all of us cheering him on.
*about Fanon:
I love fanon it’s awesome and great and it’s fucking collective story telling in a way that hasn’t really existed in modern times. Thousands of people from all over the world create and agree and discuss and add on to stories. The marauders fandom is almost completely fanon and that’s wonderful. Every single one of you who share your ideas about characters or settings or clothes or even (especially) who create the elleths who exist in the Silmarillion but don’t at the same time, you are awesome.
You’ve created a story and world together. Without being paid. You’ve agreed and created simply for the love of creation. And that’s so amazing.
Fanon is awesome and I don’t care for anyone who calls it cringe.
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yuutaguro · 4 months
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guess what starts tomorrow 🙂‍↕️🤚
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strawberriederror · 1 month
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i HATW it, but ig someone’s gotta get me off my high horse once in a while
“Cuando tengo que admitir a mis propios errores para aprender y crecer:”
Odio estar en lo incorrecto pero alguien tiene q ponerme en lo correcto de vez en cuando 🙄 (broma)
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evilcokito · 4 months
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I lied. He wasn't blushing, he was crying. Like the Black Sabbath song: Lonely is the word-
Actually Angel Sam would wear a modern white and purple suit but i nedded to do something Barroque, bel composto, Mochi this time... you know.
the Au belongs to @ceruleancattail IF YOUR AU IS SO DIVINE, GLORIOUS AND ANGELICAL, WHY ARE IS SENDING ME TO HELL??? love it
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vyladromeave · 9 months
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oh yeah, this isnt really anything but a little while ago i took like an hour to paint over a screenshot just for funzies. might as well post it. here go. o7
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lucalicatteart · 11 months
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 sculpted a strange shimmery two headed snail, speckled with wild flowers on it's shell~
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touchlikethesun · 2 months
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shen yuan… baby… shen yuan my sweet summer child… that’s not… okay shen yuan i am holding your hands soooo gently as i say this but that is not a very straight thing to say. yeah- yeah i know you think you’re straight, and if you’re straight and saying this then it must be a thing straight guys say, i know you think that, but… no straight man in the history of the world has wanted to “cling to” another man’s thighs. even metaphorically. so sorry to break the news to you honey….
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askblueandviolet · 3 months
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solidwater05 · 9 months
I thought too hard about Among Us and now I have serious concerns regarding that reactor
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xlillyle · 7 months
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"We can delay the mission for another two minutes."
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See, I don’t usually like to think that Hashirama would’ve killed Tobirama if Madara hadn’t given the choice between Tobirama and Hashirama, because those kinds of thoughts usually only come from the anti Hashirama side of the fandom which I could not agree less with if I tried.
The fact remains that Hashirama at some point went from “I will protect my last brother at any cost” to “I will kill anyone who threatens Konoha, even if it were my brother or even my own children” and it’s never fucking shown when that change exactly happened.
Was it when he reached adulthood and he realized for himself that the bigger picture—in his case, peace—matters more than anything else? Was it after Konoha was built and he became Hokage and his responsibilities grew? Was it after Madara left and his heart grew cold?
I imagine it must’ve been a mixture of being Hokage and therefore having more people to protect besides his direct family, and Madara’s betrayal that must’ve struck him pretty badly that he let his heart grow so cold to the point he’d rather kill his best friend/brother/child if they in any way threatened the village resp. peace as a whole than attempting to talk with them first.
But the question remains: What would have Hashirama done if Madara had demanded Tobirama’s life with no other option? I don’t like to imagine that he actually would’ve killed Tobirama, but as much as I devour fics in which Hashirama goes absolutely batshit after his brother dies with relish, canonically speaking, peace would always be Hashirama’s biggest goal. And it’s driving me utterly nuts that I cannot for the life of me say how Hashirama would’ve reacted in this scenario.
Anyway, Idk where I was going with this, I just had to think once again about this and what a fascinating character Hashirama actually is and how little we know about him at the end of the day…
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