#peri pregnant au
sandyferal · 3 days
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Thinking abt them
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A bit of rant (sorry😅)
Ok so in your au irep Wants kids
Most likely picked out baby names,already has a nursery etc
When peri Does get pregnant(mpreg is thing in this series) then won't erip ALSO be pregnant because of the whole when a fairy is born so is their anti fairy AND which one would be with which???
Peri with the anti one and irep with the fairy one?? But also the kids WOULD be mixed so which ones more(fairy/anti fairy) will be the parents that match more(like if one baby is more fairy there most likely in the stomach of peri) and i believe in canon no fairy and anti fairy had kids with each other
So how WILL they look like?
But i am wondering does PERI want kids i mean his job is dealing with a child/children(in the future) and there's worse kids then dev...
(Plus how many kids does irep want?)(how will cosmo and wanda be as grandparents)
SO, There's two versions of the babies, the normal AU with a domesticated Irep (they're silly hee hee hee) and the cupid's curse au:
In a normal AU I'd say Dev remembers what happened and Irep is being punished by being co-parenting with Peri, but he's only allowed to grant wishes that follow the rules.
Irep and Peri definitely want children but it's against the rules to have another baby... BUT DEV IS A SMARTASS, he says "the rules say that fairies can't have a fairy baby, but it doesn't say that they can't have a fairy baby AND an Anti-fairy baby"
So following these loophole they get their babies, twin girls Fiore (name picked by Peri) and Angel (name picked by Irep)
Cosmo and Wanda LOVE their grandchildren and Jorgen is about to have an aneurysm trying to get the rules about babies to be loopholeless, Wanda is definitely the one that does their girls hair, and Cosmo is the one they go to for permission to do something; anti-Cosmo is the one that taught the girls to style and anti-Wanda is the grandma that can't be 5 minutes without feeding her babies
Dev is a soft older brother, when the girls were born he was "you're welcome" on the outside and "OH MY GOD IM AN OLDER BROTHER" on the inside, he loves them even if he tries not to show it
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But in Cupid's Curse is different, Irep is the one to take it upon himself to have kids with Peri
Does Peri wanna have children with Irep in the AU? Of course he does! His beloved wants to be a father so he shall grant him children
Cosmo and Wanda didn't know about the pregnancy and kids until they were around 3 or 4 years old, so by then, the girls had been raised by the Anti-fairies, Fiore got her terrible-twos and her anti-grandpas spoiled her as much as they could, bringing her to the evil side, Angel got her terrific-twos and while she went to Peri for some comfort, Irep didn't let any kindness bleed into her, so by the time they're older, they're both on the Anti-fairies side. They were too late to do something and now their family belongs to the Anti-fairy world
Dev is still a good brother, he doesn't feel as attached to them because they weren't his wish, but his fairy godparents' children do look out for him and love him as much
And they definitely know about Peri's curse, in fact, they stole another arrow in case the first's one effect wears out
And they're both Edgy Babies like their father
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For both AUs, I say they can't be mixed races, but their powers do interwine, their magic cancels the other one's perfectly, however, if they work together, their magic can be incredibly powerful
Also, male Anti-fairies can't bear children, so Peri would just have twins every time
Irep wants as many children as he can get (but I'm NOT doing that many OCs)
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timperi-fan · 16 days
Peri was inspired by Cleft the boy chin wonder wasn’t he?
Is Timmy a college student here? Working at the fast food restaurant after classes to make some money?
Yes and yes.
What would Timmy be at school for? Game coding, electronics classes, art, law student, etc?
Timmy's major is undecided at the start of the story, and he eventually drops out to devote himself to becoming a hero.
Is this more of an X-men Au? They have characters with x genes, magic, with both, or non at all.
Kind of, I suppose. Heroes come from all sorts of backgrounds. But this AU has little to do with Marvel or DC, because I don't know anything about either of those properties.
I wonder how Timmy got adopted by Wanda and Cosmo?
It's a perfectly average story, really! After trying for years to have a baby, Cosmo and Wanda became foster parents. Timmy was four when they started fostering him, and they couldn't bear to let him go, so they officially adopted him when he was five.
Timmy's last name was legally changed to Cosma on his tenth birthday, when Wanda and Cosmo officially "popped the question," so to speak. He was delighted!
How much older is he than Peri?
Peri was born when Timmy was six years old. Cosmo honestly had no idea that he was pregnant until he went to the hospital for pain and they told him that he was in labor!
Did his power still cause the couple to have Poof/Peri?
Timmy has no powers. He's entirely human.
Why is Peri the only superhero? I imagine both parents have magic as well. Are they retired?
Peri isn't the only superhero, but he IS the most famous/powerful one in the area.
Cosmo and Wanda were heroes themselves when they were younger (that's how they met), but retired when they started fostering. Kids are a lot of work!
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tinybookgirl · 5 years
Phone Calls are Extremely Stressful- Chapter 2
((Human AU Amethyst meets her birth sisters))
Amethyst had her fingers drumming endlessly on the table. Peridot put her hand over Amethyst’s.
“You’re panicking,” Peridot said.
“I’m not panicking,” Amethyst pulled her hand away. The three of them were seated at a table in the back corner of Fish Stew Pizza. Only a couple other tables were filled. She almost wished she had picked some place less empty. She couldn’t figure out if empty was going to be better or worse. Amethyst checked the time on her phone. It was ten to six. “I’m- I don’t know what I am.”
Amethyst buried her face in her phone again. Jayna had texted her this morning to make sure they had the right place. They hadn’t texted since. Amethyst wondered if she should send another message to make sure they were coming. She put her phone down and shoved it away from her. She started tapping her fingers on the table again.
“Sisters. What do you do with sisters? Peri, what do you do you do with sisters?”
Lapis stirred her straw around in her drink. It was the only thing any of them had ordered so far. “I don’t think Peridot’s sisterly experiences are going to be much help here.”
Amethyst groaned, dropping her head onto the table.
“Are you sure this is right?” Gina asked. She leaned over towards Jayna in the passenger seat to check the GPS on Jayna’s phone. Jayna tilted her phone away and turned the GPS off.
“There can’t possibly be that many restaurants called Fish Stew Pizza,” Kaylee said from the backseat. She got out of the car and shut the door, gesturing down the boardwalk.
Gina turned the car off, the rest of them following her out. Jayna shoved her phone away in her pocket.
Gina reached into her purse and ran her hand over the picture frame.
“Okay, none of us have actually moved,” Jayna realized. They were all still standing right outside the car. “Are we doing this or not?”
Elle nodded. “We’re doing this.”
Peridot poked Amethyst in the arm. “Amethyst. Amethyst.”
Amethyst kept her head on the table. “What?”
“I think that’s them.”
Amethyst shot her head up. The four Deitz girls were heading back towards their table.
Amethyst felt herself enter some sort of actual panic mode. “What do I do? What do I do?” She whispered urgently.
Neither Peridot or Lapis had an answer, and there wasn’t time for one anyway before the four girls reached the table. Jayna spoke up first.
“Are you Amethyst?”
Amethyst nodded, looking up at them. They looked remarkably like her, despite all being quite a bit taller. “That’s me.”
Jayna held out her arm and shook Amethyst hand as the four of them sat down at the empty seats. The other three shook hands with her as well as they introduced themselves, but it was awkward and stiff. Amethyst hated it. Well, no. That wasn’t the problem. Saying names and shaking hands felt so empty. It didn’t mean anything. It was formal and weird and not much fun, like all five of them were intentionally holding back.
There was several seconds of silence before Amethyst remembered she hadn’t actually come here alone.
“Oh, this is Peridot and Lapis,” she gestured towards both of them. “They’re my-” she could say roommates, which wasn’t actually a lie and would easily avoid the possibility of them instantly disliking her for that fact alone. But she also didn’t want to lie to them. “They’re my girlfriends.”
Peridot thrust her hand out instantly. It didn’t look near as awkward when Peridot did it. Peridot was just about to say something when Lapis stood up and grabbed her arm.
“Let’s go order a pizza,” Lapis demanded.
“Wha-” Peridot was yanked from her seat, stumbling for once on her platform shoes. Lapis pulled her away, very intentionally leaving Amethyst and the other four alone. Amethyst tried to grab onto the edge of Lapis’s skirt, but they were already on the other side of the restaurant. They were not going anywhere near the counter, clearly having no intention of ordering pizza.
Amethyst didn’t like that it still felt awkward. She grabbed Lapis’s abandoned drink for something to do with her hands. Kaylee spoke up after a minute.
“Are you in school?”
“What?” Amethyst looked up from the drink. “Oh, yeah. I’m at the college here. I’m on a wrestling scholarship. Any of you guys still in school?” They looked older than her, Amethyst couldn’t guess by just how much. She wasn’t sure which one was actually the oldest. Everything that was being said still sounded too formal and boring. She didn’t want her sisters to be boring people.
“I just graduated,” Elle said, “Bachelors in Zoology.”
“I work at the South Side Mall in Empire City,” Kaylee said. “Security Guard.”
“I’m the only other one with a degree,” Gina added, “Associates in social work and therapy.”
“Hey, I do have a degree!” Jayna interrupted. “I’m a cosmetologist,” She told Amethyst.
“That’s not a degree,” Kaylee said, a tone that indicated this was very much a joke between them. Jayna smacked her on the arm.
Amethyst smiled, even though she didn’t actually get the joke. She could see Peridot and Lapis watching them from a table on the far side of the room. They were whispering to each other, and clearly paying very close attention to the conversation.
“You didn’t tell us your major,” Elle said. “What is it?”
“I haven’t decided yet,” Amethyst shrugged. “I probably should soon. I’m running out of general ed classes to take.”
“Any ideas?” Gina asked.
“I don't know,” Amethyst shrugged again. “PE coach or something maybe?”
“What about your adopted parents?” Kaylee said. “What are their jobs?”
The tension changed. Amethyst wasn’t entirely sure if it was for better or worse this time.
“My mom was… My step dad runs a carwash. So I don’t think I’ll be picking that as a career.” Amethyst said, half hoping they wouldn’t notice the mention of her mother. If they did, none of them said anything about it. Amethyst quickly changed the subject. “What did our mom do? As a job?”
This time Amethyst was sure the tension got worse. Elle slumped back in her seat and crossed her arms. Jayna was staring very intently at Amethyst. Kaylee wasn’t looking at any of them. Gina glanced at her sisters and took the picture frame from her purse. She set it flat on the table.
“She worked with the state parks for a while. She got fired when I was about five, just before she got pregnant with Kaylee.”
Amethyst pulled the picture towards herself. There was something extremely strange and thrilling about actually seeing an image of the woman who had given birth to her. It was somehow weirder than sitting in a restaurant with people who actually shared her DNA.
Elle was now staring intently at at poster on the wall. Jayna hadn’t looked away from Amethyst at all. Kaylee suddenly stood up.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” She announced, quickly disappearing to the back of the restaurant. Gina watched her go and then continued anyway.
“She had a bunch of jobs after that,” Gina said. “We ended up in foster care when I was ten. She would have been pregnant with you then.”
Amethyst looked up from the picture. “What about now?”
“Jayna and I got legal custody for Kaylee and Elle as soon as we both could. We all have an apartment in Empire City.”
Amethyst wondered what exactly was being left out of the story. Something had to be. She decided to leave it alone for now.
Kaylee returned to the table just as the bell over the door rang.
Amethyst looked up to see Steven and Greg. Steven ran directly towards her and pulled himself into Peridot’s empty chair.
Greg hurried up to the table. “I’m so sorry, Amethyst, I told him you looked busy-”
“Don’t worry about it,” Amethyst assured him, throwing an arm around Steven. “I’ve always got time for Steve-o here.”
Steve grinned and turned his attention to the four girls on the other side of the table. Every bit of tension had left the place completely when Steven had appeared. Gina had taken the chance to put the picture away. Elle no longer had her arms crossed, Kaylee was sitting down again, and Jayna was looking happily at Steven.
Steven held his hand out. “Hi. I’m Steven.”
The four girls repeated their names again and each shook his hand. With Steven, nothing about it was stiff or formal or awkward. Amethyst was pleased to see that they were all smiling this time.
Greg went to introduce himself as well. Amethyst took her arm off of Steven’s shoulders.
“Stevn,, Greg, these are actually my sisters.”
Steven gasped. He had stars in his eyes. “You have sisters?!”
Amethyst laughed. “Yes,” She gestured at Steven and Greg, “This is my little brother and my stepdad.”
“That’s so cool!” Steven burst out. “Oh! You guys should come to my Hanukkah party next week!”
“You don’t have to come!” Amethyst said quickly. Not that she didn’t want them to be part of things. It was simply that the idea of them meeting everyone, because Amethyst already knew that Steven had invited half the town and everyone he was even remotely related to, was nerve wracking.
Kaylee grinned, leaning back in her chair. “We’d love to come.”
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truly-a-snitch · 5 years
Hey I made this sorry not sorry haha
Heathers AU maybe???
Dear Evan Hansen (cleverly titled ‘Dear Percy Jackson’)
Be More Chill AU, where the gods are the Squips
Mean Girls musical AU
AU where it was just a musical performed by several theatre nerds
Mortal AU where Percy has a weird continuous dream and all his friends at a regular summer camp are totally invested and love it
GODSWAP. Dear gods, I love this one so much. Frank, son of Somnus. Jason, son of Terpsichore. Leo, son of Aphrodite. Percy, son of Apollo. Piper, daughter of Zeus. Hazel, daughter of Hephaestus. Annabeth, daughter of Ares. Gimme.
Genderbend. Another one I seriously love and I want more of tbh. Like, gimme an Aaron who’s taller than Peri. Gimme a Fern who is a Canadian Chinese baby girl and a Harry and a Janis and a Lea. I want a Peter. Please.
3am Denny’s AU where Percy, Annabeth, and Jason work, and Piper, Leo, and Hazel stumble in drunk and a sober Frank has to stop everyone from crying and/or killing each other
School AU, where each of the seven teaches a specific subject and they complain about students to each other
Time Loop AU where the seven have to stop Gaea over and over again until they do it ‘the right way’
AU where if your soulmate dies you stop seeing the color of their eyes (ie Piper would stop seeing blue after Jason’s death)
AU where reading a book brings you into it, so some poor 12 year old boy finds himself in the PJO books for several years acting as a second protector to Percy. Honestly, saw this in the ‘Avalon Green’ series on Wattpad, started reading it. Love it so far.
Gods... high school AU where they get assigned a group project or something bcuz it’s a big class and they have to have big groups and they decide to be little shits and make their entire project about the Greek gods and everyone is like ‘how do you know this, it isn’t in our textbook’ and all seven just stand up in front of the class like ‘haha fuck you’
AU where the whole thing is a fanfic someone wrote about ‘what if Harry Potter was Greek mythology’ and it’s on like AO3 or something and Annabeth is totally down twelve-year-old girl’s self insert because she wanted to be special or something
AU where all the gods can have kids because the chastity oath is lifted and Hera is like ‘fuck yeah retaliation time’ and has sixty kids to get back at Zeus for cheating on her so much
Someone going through like, camp archives or something as punishment and finding an old scroll just titled ‘Patroclus and Achilles’ and they take it back to their cabin and everyone in the cabin loves it but they can’t share because the person took it w/o permission
AU: Everyone is gay except for Nico and some girl, so everyone thinks he’s so weird because being gay is the norm and being straight is weird
Percy is a comic illustrator and Jason and Annabeth are publishers, and it’s him and the other four of the seven trying to convince them to let him publish his dANG COMIC
AU where everyone has incredibly detailed interests, like... Leo is obsessed with collecting Hex keys, Hazel is obsessed with conspiracies, Frank has an unhealthy relationship with drawing furries, Percy drinks too many energy drinks, Annabeth has so many beanies it isn’t funny, Piper loves 80s trends (with Nico) and Jason is addicted to broadway musicals and he’s actually written his own, etc
The fact that I haven’t seen this a lot but; Next Gen fanfics, but not of their kids. Just of other random people’s kids. Like, give me one that takes place fifteen years afterward. Percabeth is married, Annabeth is pregnant with their second and third child, Hazel and Frank are married, Piper is over Jason’s death and she’s grown into her bisexuality, etc. and these random kids show up and the seven are just like... A D O P T. And these eight girls are the ones in the prophecy of eight. Four from Camp Halfblood, four from Camp Jupiter. I actually started writing this but I want more of the ‘next gen that isn’t their kids’ thing
Dog sitter AU where Percy forces Annabeth into it and finds out that she’s allergic to dogs and he just had to say how sorry he is and wish he hadn’t made her do it
I just love AUs yall
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wishmakersblog · 6 years
Is Lapis a trans-woman in your re7 au? (Just curious on how Peri got pregnant if they're both girls =^v^=)
Yes indeed she is. She's the other mom to Pearl and Ame.
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thewildwilds · 7 years
I finally got around to posting this! As some of you may know, I got Kuzupeko fic ideas coming out of my ears. Along with my numerous one-shot ideas, I have a ton of longer multi-chapter story ideas that are probably close to impossible for me to work on all at once. So I’m opening up a survey to see what followers would be the most interested in reading!
The following are excerpts from the fics I’d like to gauge interest in. (Just FYI, these aren’t the only multi-chapter fic ideas I have, they’re just the ones I’d like to know if people wanna see or not.)
The Blackbird and the Hare
As the cloud of dust settles around him, he peeks out from behind his arms. His eyes widen and his hands fall to his sides.
Before him stands his Servant.
Not a man.
A woman.
She emerges from the circle clad in muted robes and a nun’s straw hat. Gripped in her hand she holds a bamboo sword, as equally unremarkable as her attire. He catches a glimpse of long, silvery hair peeking out from her hat, plaited twin tails. Slowly, she lowers her sword and tips her chin up. Beneath the brim of her hat, she peers at him with the most intense pair of eyes he’s ever seen.
“Are you the one who has summoned me?” she asks, her voice low and sharp.
“I… Y… Yes. I am,” he stutters, struggling to find his voice despite his best efforts to look brave.
She takes a sudden step forward, startling him to take a step back, but instead of approaching farther, she drops down to one knee, tip of her sword to the ground.
“With this, our contract is complete,” she says. “My destination has been decided. I, your faithful Servant, shall become your sword and shield. I shall guard your fate with my own two hands. I swear to protect who I must protect, cut who I must cut. By my blade, I pledge my life to you…
The Seventh Holy Grail War has come to Hope’s Peak, and from the night come forth seven Masters and their Servants. Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu is chosen as the Master from the respected Kuzuryuu magi family. Victory must be assured, even if it means his life.
A slow burn fate/Stay Night AU I’ve been talking about since forever. Doesn’t really require readers to know anything about FSN since I’m taking artistic liberties with it anyway. It’ll have plenty of other ships besides Kuzupeko, both romantic and platonic, character study, and a good helping of gen-fic goodness, but it mostly has a Kuzupeko focus.
Haunting (working title)
“Shit!” His knees hit the pavement as he throws himself to the side just in time. The biker whizzes by without stopping. “Hey! Watch where you’re going, asshole!” Fuyuhiko shouts after him. The biker keeps going without looking back.
Fuyuhiko growls in the back of his throat but doesn’t say anything more. He maneuvers himself around until he’s sitting on the ground and inspects the damage to the knees of his pants. They’re scratched up and dirty from where he hit the pavement. He can even see the makings of a tear in the right knee. Great.
Out of the corner of his eye, he spots a pair of shoes. When he looks higher, his eyes meet a pair of legs that most certainly belong to a woman. Heat crawls up his neck. Ah, geez. He scrambles onto his feet and looks up. “Sorry!” he sputters without thinking. A half-second later does he realize his mistake.
It’s her. The ghost girl on the bridge, and she’s looking right at him. He sees the recognition flood her expression; the way her eyes widen and her lips slightly part. He quickly averts his gaze and shoulders his bookbag like he hadn’t seen anything in the first place, but she moves herself into his field of vision, and he can’t help but meet her eyes once more.
“… You can see me?”
His stomach bottoms out.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu is a normal high school boy… if you consider seeing ghosts normal. He’s been able to see ghosts since the death of his sister. It’s not so bad. As long as he doesn’t make eye contact, the ghosts don’t bother him. Before he knows it, Fuyuhiko’s caught up in a whirlwind of adventure and intrigue when he accidentally meets eyes with the ghost of a girl he always sees standing at the bridge.
An AU where Peko is a ghost and Fuyuhiko needs to help her figure out how she died so she can move on to the afterlife. It’s a lot of the mystery unraveling genre that I love, mixed in with themes of self-discovery, loss, and learning to let go.
The Impossible Years
Their newborn daughter claims two lives before she is even a day old.
The Pekoyamas are poor. Everybody knows this. Once renowned for their prowess in swordsmanship, now struggling to get by in a rapidly evolving country. But even so, Nobuyuki and Kasumi Pekoyama want a child, someone who will carry on the family name.
It is not as easy as it sounds. They are older, and so conceiving a child at their age is difficult. They try time and time again with no result. It seems impossible. They are so desperate they even consider the inconceivable: taking out loans from disreputable sources to aid in their efforts. They are tempted. Extremely tempted.
Eventually pride wins out. They may have no money, but their honor is all they have left, and so they cannot give it up.
A miracle happens. Kasumi becomes pregnant with triplets. They’d struggled for years to conceive and now they will get three at once. Two girls and a boy.
They spend months finding suitable names for their arriving children. The son they will name Peri, after the American friend who aided their family after the war. And then there’s Yuriko, after the lily blossoms Kasumi favors. But they struggle to come up with a name for their third. Reina. Emi. Shinobu. Yume. Haruka. None of them sound right. After agonizing over it for weeks, they decide they will name her when the day arrives and they can get a good look at her face to know who she will become.
In the end, it doesn’t matter. Her brother and sister come out of the womb stillborn, their umbilical cords entangled. Nobuyuki’s heart plummets. In just a few seconds he changes from an expectant father to a broken man. He has no hope for the last, his final daughter who comes out looking so frail and tiny, but his spirits are lifted, just a bit, when the midwife manages to get her to cry. It’s another miracle. The doctors say she may not have survived had her siblings made it out safely.
The midwife hands the surviving child off to her mother. Weak, but breathing. Alive.
“Peko,” Kasumi decides, touching a delicate hand to the crown of the baby’s head before dissolving into tears.
A dark canon-divergence AU that explores what might’ve happened if Peko hadn’t been taken in by the Kuzuryuu family. Would these two children grow up to be happy, as they should? Or is suffering always meant to be their fate?
I don’t wanna spoil anything, but this fic is likely to be much darker than my usual work. But hey, if you like crying and screaming, vote for this fic.
Somewhere We Call Home
The automatic door squeaks open again, loud and grating. “You seriously need to get your manager to fix that, man. It’s killing me.”
Hajime ignores him and glances up to see who it is with his customer service smile, but something about the newcomer makes the smile slide right off. Fuyuhiko turns to see who it is too and instantly feels the color drain from his face.
She’s almost exactly as he remembers her. Tall, square glasses, twin braids. She’s wearing a cracked leather jacket and faded jeans and a distasteful glare she’s aiming his way. Mahiru says something, to him or to Peko he thinks, but he can’t make out what that is behind the roaring in his ears.
No no no no no. I’m not, it’s not, we’re not ready yet. Come back another day. Please.
His prayers go unanswered. She’s here and she’s not leaving. Peko doesn’t break eye contact for a second as she straightens her spine and, minutely, rolls her shoulders back.
“… Hey,” she says.
Inspired by Night in the Woods, a super self-indulgent Small Town America AU nobody asked for. Fuyuhiko moves back into his hometown, population 2,000, after living on his own for two years. But the town has changed in his absence, and he’s got a lot to answer for, including all the things, and people, he left behind.
In other words, Fuyuhiko hecked up really bad and moved out of town without telling Peko, his best friend since they were two years old. Now with him back in town, he reconnects with friends, forges new bonds, hecks up some more, and, eventually, grows up. (or, Fuyuhiko becomes an adult whether he’s ready or not and Peko expresses negative emotions without feeling like she’s in the wrong)
Please take a couple minutes to answer my survey and tell me what you think and what you would like to read!
I will be reblogging this throughout the week and closing the survey at the end of next Sunday. Sorry for the spam in advance!
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oderoil · 6 years
Interviu/ Luminiţa Odobescu, Reprezentantul Permanent al României la UE: “Tendința decalajelor dintre regiunile din Europa este de reducere și nu de creștere”
Într-un context geopolitic instabil, cu tensiuni din ce în ce mai puternice şi vizibile pe arena internațională, procesul de reformare al Uniunii Europene nu poate neglija modul în care statele membre își propun să se raporteze la problema stringentă a reducerii decalajelor de dezvoltare.
Ambasadorul Luminița Teodora Odobescu, diplomat de carieră şi doctor în relaţii economice internaţionale al Academiei de Studii Economice, Bucureşti, este Reprezentantul Permanent al României pe lângă Uniunea Europeană. În interviul pe care l-a oferit pentru Europunkt, Ambasadorul Luminița Teodora Odobescu a analizat perspectivele şi provocările privind politica de coeziune a UE.
Europunkt: Pentru început, pentru a dispune de o imagine de ansamblu în ceea ce privește politica de coeziune a UE, vă rog să ne spuneți care sunt principalele ritmuri de evoluție ale decalajelor economice, sociale și teritoriale între diversele regiuni și state membre ale Uniunii Europene. În ce măsură persistența acestor decalaje au dus la funcționarea unei UE cu mai multe viteze?
Luminița Teodora Odobescu: Aș începe prin a clarifica un aspect foarte important și anume că Europa cu mai multe viteze are în principal o conotație politică. Din punct de vedere economic, social și teritorial imaginea la nivel regional este mult mai complexă. Mai multe state membre ale UE se confruntă cu decalaje de dezvoltare regională la nivel intern și, implicit, la nivelul UE există diferențe de dezvoltare între regiuni.
Rolul politicii de coeziune este de a recupera decalajele de dezvoltare între diversele regiuni, de a asigura convergența și de a susține creșterea economică.
În realitate, așa cum bine știm, dezvoltarea regională a fost afectată de criza economică din 2008. Efectele crizei s-au simțit mult mai pregnant în țările foarte dezvoltate, unde și ritmul creșterii economice post 2008 a fost mai scăzut decât în statele membre ce beneficiază de sprijin financiar semnificativ prin politica de coeziune. Așadar, dacă vorbim despre decalaje economice la nivel de state membre, acestea nu s-au accentuat ci, din contră, s-au atenuat și acest fapt se datorează în mare măsură și politicii de coeziune. Să nu uităm că PIB-ul României a crescut în perioada 2010-2015 cu 10-15%.
Dacă vorbim în schimb despre atenuarea decalajelor, atunci, pentru a avea o imagine corectă, trebuie să ținem cont de punctul de plecare al fiecărui stat membru şi al fiecărei regiuni și de nevoile specifice de dezvoltare. În timp ce în unele regiuni politica de coeziune se concentrează pe nevoile de investiții în rețele de infrastructura de bază (de transport, energetică etc.) și reconstrucție economică, în altele politica de coeziune investește în principal în inovare. Bineînțeles că aceste domenii nu sunt exclusive. În România, de exemplu, din politica de coeziune s-au investit fonduri în extinderea rețelelor de infrastructură de bandă largă (de exemplu, proiectul RO-Net, care a dat acces la internet în mai mult de 200 de localități din țară) și în dezvoltarea capacității de inovare (cum este proiectul ELI-NP de la Măgurele, care va fi cea mai avansată infrastructură de cercetare din lume).
Un aspect care ne interesează în mod deosebit ca țară este decalajul intern între regiuni. Acesta se datorează în mare parte ritmului diferit de dezvoltare a infrastructurii și deficitului forței de muncă specializate din anumite regiuni. Accesibilitatea și forța de muncă sunt precondiții pentru atragerea de investiții, de aceea sporirea ritmului de implementare a investițiilor pentru reducerea decalajelor regionale în România rămâne o prioritate.
Este firesc ca toate statele să valorifice oportunitățile de creștere economică. În acest sens, sprijinul financiar din politica de coeziune este direcționat către nevoile specifice ale fiecărei regiuni. Și este normal ca, deși ritmul creșterii economice a fost mai rapid în România decât în alte state membre, să persiste în continuare niște decalaje, din simplul motiv că aceste țări au avut o altă bază de plecare. Însă, precum spuneam, tendința decalajelor dintre regiunile din Europa este de reducere și nu de creștere, așa cum o arată și al 7-lea Raport al Comisiei Europene privind coeziunea economică socială și teritorială, publicat în toamna anului 2017.
Care sunt principalele progrese înregistrate în ultimii zece ani în privinţa reducerii decalajelor economice, sociale şi teritoriale?
O să vă răspund prin prezentarea unor cifre concludente din punctul meu de vedere.
La nivelul UE, în perioada 2014-2020, cu sprijinul politicii de coeziune se au în vedere reabilitarea a 4.600 km de cale ferată, construirea a 2.000 km de drumuri din rețeaua TEN-T, în timp ce 750 km de linii de metrou sunt construite sau reabilitate (inclusiv extinderea rețelei de metrou a Bucureștiului). 17 milioane de oameni vor fi conectați la facilități de tratare a apei, 14.5 milioane de gospodării vor fi conectate la rețele de internet și 7 milioane de elevi vor învăța în școli modernizate.
Peste un milion de IMM-uri primesc sprijin din politica de coeziune, care a creat 7 milioane de noi locuri de muncă.
Cu sprijinul programelor de cooperare, 240.000 de oameni participă la inițiative de mobilitate trans-frontalieră, în timp ce 7.000 de afaceri și 1.400 de instituții de cercetare participă la proiecte de inovare.
În ceea ce privește România, progresele înregistrate se referă nu doar la creșterea PIB/cap de locuitor, care în cazul țării noastre variază între 5-15% în cele șapte regiuni de dezvoltare (exceptând regiunea capitală care a înregistrat o creștere de 130% față de media UE), ci și la alți indicatori care vizează, de exemplu, calitatea vieții, progresul social, calitatea guvernanței, calitatea mediului investițional, investițiile în inovație etc.
Lista proiectelor este lungă, politica de coeziune contribuind la construcția drumurilor de centură a multora dintre marile orașe, asigurarea conexiunilor rutiere și feroviare între portul Constanța și granița de vest, noile linii de metrou din capitală, creșterea eficienței energetice a clădirilor rezidențiale (ceea ce a dus la reducerea costurilor gospodăriilor), scăderea șomajului (prin intermediul sprijinului acordat IMM-urilor), modernizare de școli și spitale etc.
Pentru România investițiile din politica de coeziune în perioada 2014-2020 înseamnă 22.5 miliarde de euro, fonduri de la bugetul UE, la care se adaugă cofinanțarea națională. Proiectele finanțate în acest exercițiu financiar trebuie finalizate până la sfârșitul anului 2023.
Sprijinul oferit de UE prin politica de coeziune în implementarea reformelor structurale va avea negreșit un impact pozitiv asupra creșterii economice, prin implementarea reformelor putând fi asigurată o creștere economică de peste 15% a PIB, în următorii 20 de ani.
Pornind de la existența acestor decalaje, care este rolul politicii de coeziune a UE în raport cu strategiile de dezvoltare integrate ale UE?
Politica de coeziune oferă un sprijin important strategiilor de dezvoltare integrate ale UE.
Printre principalele direcții de sprijin ale politicii de coeziune și Agendei urbane a UE se evidențiază strategiile integrate de dezvoltare urbană durabilă. UE pune mult accentul pe susținerea dezvoltării policentrice, care să acopere zonele urbane și peri-urbane, dar și pe cooperarea urban-rural.
O altă direcție de dezvoltare se referă la strategiile macro-regionale. Prima strategie macro-regională a fost adoptată de UE în 2009 (Strategia macro-regională pentru regiunea Mării Baltice) și a fost urmată de alte trei astfel de strategii (Strategiile macro-regionale pentru regiunile Dunării, Mării Adriatic-Ionice și Alpilor).
Acestea sunt cadre integrate de cooperare și dezvoltare, bazate pe proximitatea geografică și a căror implementare poate fi finanțată prin politica de coeziune. Au ca scop cooperarea între state membre UE și state partenere (ne-membre UE) în vederea depășirii celor mai variate provocări (de la infrastructură la migrație și creșterea capacității administrative), specifice unei anumite regiuni geografice.
În ceea ce privește România, Strategia UE pentru Regiunea Dunării (SUERD) va continua să reprezinte o temă importantă în perioada deținerii Președinției Consiliului UE (primul semestru al anului 2019), țara noastră exercitând concomitent și Președinția SUERD (în perioada noiembrie 2018 – octombrie 2019). România are în vedere redinamizarea acestui cadru strategic de cooperare printr-o asumare politică continuă și antamarea unor activități care să conducă la mărirea vizibilității și, respectiv, la abordarea unor teme de interes la nivel european. Totodată, mizăm pe un parteneriat solid cu statele vecine pentru găsirea unor soluții comune la provocările actuale și viitoare (precum îmbunătățirea transporturilor pe Dunăre, protecția mediului, dezvoltarea turismului etc).
Finanțarea SUERD reprezintă un element esențial pentru România, din acest motiv vom continua să susținem în mod prioritar integrarea obiectivelor strategiilor macro-regionale în Programele Operaționale finanțate din fondurile europene structurale și de investiții, dar în egală măsură și la nivelul altor instrumente/programe gestionate centralizat de Comisia Europeană.
În ce măsură procesul de reformă al politicii de coeziune determinat de Cadrul Financiar Multianual 2014-2020, a contribuit la reducerea decalajelor între regiunile şi statele membre ale UE?
Este încă devreme să analizăm impactul actualului exercițiu și al programelor în derulare asupra decalajelor de dezvoltare. Impactul unor finanțări asupra structurii unei economii și a mediului competitiv se resimte la nivelul creșterii economice după închiderea proiectelor și a programelor. Există însă premise relevante (introduse prin reforma din exercițiul  2014-2020) pentru îmbunătățirea situației existente, inclusiv pentru reducerea decalajelor. Printre acestea se numără orientarea spre rezultate a finanțărilor, în sensul în care toate proiectele aferente unui domeniu finanțat contribuie la atingerea unui rezultat de politică publică, complementar altor intervenții naționale. Și introducerea condiționalităților ex-ante a determinat eforturi suplimentare în stabilizarea cadrului investițional prin documente programatice (strategii investiționale specifice fiecărui domeniu – precum Strategia de Specializare Inteligentă sau Master Planul General de Transport), care asigură premisele necesare dezvoltării echilibrate la nivelul regiunilor.
Care sunt perspectivele de finanțare ale politicii de coeziune pentru următorul Cadru Financiar Multianual? Care sunt principalele direcții de finanțare pe care le considerați necesare în contextul dezbaterilor privind reformarea UE post-Brexit?
După cum probabil știți, Comisia Europeană va prezenta propunerile legislative pentru viitorul Cadru Financiar Multianual la 2 mai 2018, urmate imediat apoi de propuneri sectoriale, inclusiv pentru politica de coeziune post-2020.
În contextul Brexit, există o presiune importantă pe buget, atât pentru completarea diferenței generate de plecarea unui important contribuitor, cum este Regatul Unit, cât și pentru a răspunde noilor provocări cărora UE trebuie să le facă față în prezent, precum migrație, protejarea frontierelor, securitate, apărare, terorism etc.
Pe acest fond, este important ca în noul buget, politicilor tradiționale, precum coeziunea sau agricultura, să li se asigure în continuare alocări financiare ridicate, având în vedere rolul pe care aceste politici l-au jucat și continuă să îl joace în reducerea decalajelor de dezvoltare, asigurarea securității alimentare și susținerea creșterii economice.
Suntem conștienți de presiunea existentă pe aceste politici, nu numai în termeni de reducere a alocărilor, dar și în termeni de modificare a criteriilor de alocare. Suntem, de asemenea, conștienți că nu va fi o negociere simplă. Este nevoie de un efort coordonat de apărare a politicilor tradiționale, care susțin obiectivele economice și sectoriale ale Uniunii.
În egală măsură, suntem gata să lucrăm pentru a face aceste politici mai flexibile, mai accesibile, prin simplificare, beneficiarilor finali.
În contextul exercitării Președinției Consiliului UE în primul semestru din 2019, care sunt direcțiile pe care România le poate promova în cadrul politicii de coeziune a UE?
România rămâne și pe perioada Președinției Consiliului Uniunii Europene de anul viitor un promotor al politicii de coeziune care să se adreseze tuturor regiunilor UE, ca principală politică de investiții, astfel încât să fie realizate obiectivele TFUE privind promovarea unei dezvoltări echilibrate și armonioase a statelor membre și regiunilor, precum și reducerea disparităților de dezvoltare regională.
Simplificarea, flexibilizarea, inițiativele în sprijinul specializării inteligente la nivelul regiunilor, mai ales cele rămase în urmă din punct de vedere al dezvoltării economice sau a regiunilor care traversează un proces amplu de tranziție industrială vor ghida acțiunea României.
Un dosar major care va fi gestionat pe perioada Președinției române a Consiliului UE va fi viitoarea perspectivă financiară post 2020, așadar inclusiv viitoarea politică de coeziune.
Ca regulă generală, obligația statelor membre care asigură Președinția Consiliului UE este de a acționa ca mediator imparțial. România va căuta, din această poziție, să faciliteze consensul între statele membre pentru a marca progrese importante în procesul de negociere a pachetului legislativ privind viitorul cadru financiar multianual și a celui privind politica de coeziune. Care este importanța acestui exercițiu? Pe scurt, cu cât procesul de negociere se încheie mai rapid și mai eficient, cu atât mai repede putem aproba și demara viitoarele programe operaționale, autoritățile de management având astfel mai mult timp la dispoziție pentru implementarea proiectelor.
În încheiere, aș dori să subliniez că, în cele 6 luni la Președinția Consiliului UE, ne vom concentra pe soluții și decizii care sunt relevante pentru cetățenii noștri. Președinția UE înseamnă responsabilitate și interese comune, Președinția UE este pentru și despre cetățeni, valori, unitate, solidaritate și viitor comun.
vezi sursa: http://europunkt.ro/2018/04/26/interviu-luminita-odobescu-reprezentantul-permanent-al-romaniei-la-ue-tendinta-decalajelor-dintre-regiunile-din-europa-este-de-reducere-si-nu-de-crestere/
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from politica astazi http://bit.ly/2w7gek9 via IFTTT
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sandyferal · 3 days
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sandyferal · 7 days
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Dev I don’t think you’re supposed to ask for that
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236 notes · View notes
sandyferal · 7 days
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First fairyworld shotgun wedding in over 1,000 years huh.
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sandyferal · 7 days
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sandyferal · 7 days
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sandyferal · 8 days
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Idk if y’all expected me to draw only one thing with this but I’m not, it’s gonna be a whoooole thing teehee :)
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sandyferal · 7 days
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Good question
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sandyferal · 5 days
Currently writing a super short prologue for the pregnancy fanfic that basically explains the divergence between this au and the canon of a new wish :)
If anyone wants the short version first though I’ll explain the gist below:
Essentially Dev working with the anti-fairies doesn’t happen. While he does end up finding ways to contact Irep, Peri watches over him a lot closer and the plan of taking over anti-fairy world doesn’t get room to grow.
Peri additionally does experience magical backup but not as bad as in canon because it’s stopped sooner. Him and Dev still aren’t entirely back to normal yet though.
Irep and Peri develop a more active back and forth dynamic, during which. Things happen. Essentially there’s a bunch of faded repressed feelings that end up bubbling to the surface. And before they actually have a chance to sort things out or come to terms with this, Peri becomes pregnant!
That’s essentially the setup. I’m hoping this makes sense but yeah. It is canon divergent definitively now, which is why it won’t address the finale.
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