#they are the most wonderful critters i have ever laid my eyes upon
spiffyspidr · 10 months
It is to my greatest honour and excitement that I present to you my newest little friends...
Bitey and Mighty!!!!
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Gundham angst. It’s after his execution, you & the Devas sleep in his cottage with his scarf heartbroken. The next morning the Devas wake you up & take you to Gundham’s desk. You open the drawer & find a letter that he wrote if he died. You read it & it’s him apologizing he’s not with you, how much he loves you, favorite dates, how you met. In the letter you find one of his rings that he would give to you if he were to propose. The Devas snuggle to comfort you and you feel better.
Oh my god....this is so....I love it.
His Last Wish-Gundham Tanaka x Reader
You felt numb.
You felt nothing but despair and sadness as you stared at the screen where you had watched your boyfriend Gundham get run over by a stampede of animals. Even as you heard the others walk to the elevator, you remained. You didn’t want to leave. You couldn’t. If you left without him, then it would become reality.
Eventually you heard footsteps come up behind you, though you didn’t turn around. “Y/N?” You heard Fuyuhiko’s voice. “You should come on. Staying here...it won’t do any good.”
You looked down at the floor. “...I...I can’t, Fuyuhiko.” You whispered. “I can’t go on without him.”
The Yakuza sighed. “I understand what you’re feeling right now, Y/N. It’s...it’s hard. Fuck, is it hard. But you gotta think about what he would want.” You bit your lip at that. “He’d want you to live. Those were his last words, remember? That was why he did what he did. To make sure the rest of us could live.”
You were quiet for a while until four furry little critters popped out of the purple scarf you had been gifted before Gundham’s death. They nuzzled your face, and you sighed. “Right. That’s right.” You turned and gave Fuyuhiko a very small smile. “Thank you, Fuyuhiko. I’ll...I’ll be going now.” As you finished speaking, you walked past him to the elevator.
You made your way to Gundham’s cottage and opened the door. You placed the Devas in their cage before stumbling over to the breeder’s bed and collapsing onto it. You held onto his scarf tightly, and you could still smell his scent of pumpkin and cedarwood. This only made tears well in your eyes as you clutched the fabric. “W...why? Why, Gundham?!” You cried into his pillow. “Why did you leave me?! I need you! I...I know you wanted to save us, but....b-but...I can’t do this without you. I can’t...I...” You whimpered softly as you closed your eyes, clinging to Gundham’s scarf as you slowly cried yourself to sleep.
You awoke the next morning to something gently poking your cheek. You blinked open your eyes to see San-D next to your face. You gave a small smile. “Hey, San-D.” You greeted the hamster quietly, your voice breaking. The Dark Deva squeaked at you before scurrying off the bed. As you sat up you watched her run over to a desk. You noticed the other three Devas were there as well.
Curious, you stood and made your way over to it. Jum-P leaned over the desk and pawed at a drawer. Furrowing your brow, you opened it. Inside, you saw a folded piece of paper that had the words ‘To my Dark Queen Y/N. Read only in the event of my death.’ on the front. You bit your lip before taking the paper and sitting down on the bed. You hesitated on reading it, just staring at it for a while. You only gave in when the Devas gently nudged your hands. With a sigh, you unfolded the paper. When you did, something tumbled out. You picked it up, and you felt like crying again as you recognized it as one of Gundham’s rings. You let out a shaky breath as you placed it to the side, then began reading the paper.
My dearest Dark Queen,
If you are reading this, then the impossible has come to pass. I have been struck down. I have no doubt the only way this has come to pass is I perished protecting you. If this is the case, I have no regrets. However, I sincerely apologize I can no longer be with you. I wish I could stay beside you and leave that cursed island.
I am sorry that cannot happen.
I love you from the bottom of my dark heart. You have made each passing moment in this miserable killing game bearable. You are the most incredible, stunning angel I have ever had the fortune to encounter, and even now I still cannot believe you wished to be with such a cursed being as myself.
But I am grateful. I am grateful for every time you held my poisoned hand. I am grateful for each blissful kiss you planted on my tainted lips. I am grateful for every moment I spent in your presence. I am grateful for you.
Do you recall how we met, my love? You came to the shelter I had been offering my assistance to requesting help for your familiar. You showed such worry and passion for your pet’s wellbeing. You were already aware of everything that was required to keep them healthy, and what you needed to get them well. I was so surprised and pleased with your love for beasts, I struck up a conversation. It turned out the two of us shared many passions, and we became friends rather quickly.
After that day, you visited me at the shelter. You spoke with me when I was not busy, and eventually you requested the two of us go and watch a movie together. So we did, and we quite enjoyed the other’s company.
You were not aware of it, my angel, but I had already fallen for you. No one had ever showed such an interest in my passions or myself before. You were special, and I did not need the All Seeing Eye to know that.
We continued to do this for quite some time, until eventually, you confessed to me. It took me completely by surprise. I never would have expected you to return my affections. You had assumed my reaction was one of disgust, so out of panic I kissed you. I was cursing myself for doing so when it was not even official we were dating, but I relaxed when you returned it. Ever since that eventful day, for a few wonderful years now, we have been together, and I treasured each moment.
I believe my favorite of our dates was the occasion we visited the local zoo. I do believe you were more excited for the event than I was. With each beast we encountered you would grow ever more excited.
I found it incredibly adorable.
I adored watching you gush over each creature, explaining facts I already knew, but I did not care. I loved how you looked while you were commenting on how well made the habitats were, or how cute you found the animals. I loved hearing you talk about your passions. The way your eyes light up and your mouth upturns and reveals your hidden dimples is one of the many things I am going to miss seeing.
Another date I adored was the night of our first real kiss. Of course the day we became official I kissed you, but I never considered that our first kiss, for I did that out of panic. Then came that night, where we laid underneath the stars and pointed out constellations. You became cold, so I shed my coat and offered it to you, laying it across you.
Of course, than I soon began to be stricken with the night air, so you came up with a solution. You pulled me close to you, draping my jacket across the both of us. I was completely surprised and unsure what to do as you held me close, nuzzling into my chest with the most adorable smile on your face.
As I looked down at you, I quickly relaxed, and made a decision. I gently caressed your beautiful face, and as you looked up to me I kissed your soft lips lightly. I could feel you smile into the kiss. It became a loving and passionate moment, one that I treasure to this moment. I wished for that night to have never ended.
I am sure this is going to be hard for you, my angel, but I know you can persevere. I may not be with you in body, but I shall always be there in spirit. I will watch over you and will never allow you to be harmed. It is almost as if nothing has changed.
There is one last thing I wish to mention to you. Enclosed in this letter you found one of my rings of power. There of course is a reason for this. This particular ring was gifted to me by my mother. I treasured it greatly. I had planned on using it to seal our love contract.
I was going to propose to you with it when the time was right.
I know we are still quite young to be considering such things, but that is how certain I am of my love for you. I was going to wait until after our graduation from Hope’s Peak, but because of our...predicament, that is no longer possible.
Because of our age, and our inability to wait any longer, instead of engagement, why don’t we consider this more of a promise ring? Will you promise me we will be together forever, even in our next life? Of course I cannot know your answer, but no matter what it is, my love for you will never falter.
Please do not give up, my queen. I know how hard it must be for you right now, but I beg of you to live for me. That is my wish for you. I shall see you again some day, but please do not make it sooner than it must be. I will wait for you for an eternity.
I am afraid it is time for me to go now, my fallen angel. I hope this letter has filled you with the hope you require to continue. You will never truly be alone, my love. I will forever be with you.
This is not a goodbye. This is simply an until we meet again.
Until I gaze upon your beauty once more,
Gundham Tanaka
As you finished reading the letter, your vision was blurred with tears, several of which fell onto the paper. You were filled with all of the wonderful memories you had made with Gundham, and a mix of happiness and pain filled you.
“Oh Gundham.” You hiccupped, holding the note to your chest. “I love you so much. I...” You wiped at your eyes and placed the note to the side, picking up the ring and inspecting it. You smiled sadly. “Of course I’ll promise that, my love.” You whispered, slipping the ring onto your finger. “I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.”
You felt soft pawing at your leg, and you looked down to see four hamsters looking at you. You smiled softly and picked them up. They crawled onto your shoulders and began to nuzzle you. You chuckled quietly. “Thank you, little ones.” You whispered. “With you four, it’s like having a small piece of him.” They squeaked in response, nuzzling you with their noses.
As the Devas comforted you, you looked to the side and grabbed onto Gundham’s scarf. You looked down at it in your hands and smiled softly. “I can feel you, my love.” You said quietly. “I...I know you’re here. You always will be, won’t you?” You then placed the scarf around your neck. “I’ll do it. I’ll live for you, Gundham. I won’t let your sacrifice go to waste, my dark king.”
As you said that, you could have sworn you heard a soft laugh, and felt a gentle hand on your face, but both sensations were gone before you could be sure.
The Devas buried themselves into the scarf, and as they did, you stood. You looked around Gundham’s cottage with a soft smile, looking down at the ring he had left you. “I love you, my king.” You whispered. With those last words, you left the cottage.
This almost made me cry. I hope you all liked it!
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
I want a dog. I have wanted a dog for years since my childhood dog passed away. So I was wondering... what if Arthur surprised me with a puppy one day?? How do you think he’d react to having a loving little critter around all the time?? To learn how to care for it and train it (by me probably lmao)? How would he feel when it shows him all the love and affection he deserves???🥺🥺🥺
Geeeeeeeeeeeen ~ 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺😊😊😊😊 I love you I love you I love you and this is such a sweet thing to get to write for you omggggg ~ I hope that you enjoy this, darling!!!!!💗💗💗💗
I CAN’T DECIDE WHICH GIF IS CUUUUUUUTERRR OMGGGG BABIESSSS 😭🥺 I wanna smother both in kisses asdfghjkl; THE STRUGGLE IS REAL skskksksks 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Word count: 2, 086
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Normally were you not concerned when Arthur was gone all day. He had a job, after all, and you knew that Hoyt was less than accommodating when it came to Arthur’s oddly timed gigs. You were sure that it was no mistake that Arthur worked later and longer hours than his co-workers, though of course was he paid the same rate as they were. It was more work for less money. The more you thought about Arthur’s job and the way that he was treated, the angrier you became; he was good at his job, you had seen him professionally perform as Carnival multiple times, and sometimes you even got to see him practice his act in front of you, with the soft orange glow of the street lights illuminating the rapidly darkening sky. The horizon was poisoned with grey high rise buildings, neglected apartment complexes and other ugly buildings, but Carnival, as he danced in front of the still open window, made it look ethereal.
Stardust was in his very veins, you were sure, as was music in his soul and love in his heart, and Arthur was one of the most beautiful creatures you had ever had the pleasure of seeing. He was more than his life, he deserved so much more, but though he struggled so deeply that not even Arthur was fully aware of the full extent of the damage inflicted upon him, most especially by the person who was supposed to love him the most out of anyone in the world, it was never in vain. How could it be, when he had you, his Gen, his one and only person who understood him and so did he consider himself to have the world.
You considered yourself to have everything you had ever needed or wanted in Arthur, too, and as your thoughts turned to him, as often did they, you became aware of the fact that he was late. 
Arthur was never late.
Always would he find a way to let you know that he was going to be home at a different time, whether he begged Hoyt to let him phone you from Hoyt’s office or whether he used his last $0.28 to phone you from the pay phone near the subway, Arthur always communicated clearly with you as best as he could. Though you did your best to not overthink, you couldn’t help it. Gotham was a dangerous city, it preyed on those who had not yet mastered the art of apathy, of living one’s own life passively. Dead were the souls of the citizens of Gotham, their bodies zombified under the mental strain of an increased living cost, though the hourly wage remained the same, of rising debt, and even of the city itself; a cruel, relentless mistress who took more than what she was given and gave nothing back. To live in Gotham was to die decades before your time in a spiritual sense, even if your body lived to an average age. 
You hated it when Arthur was late home. It always filled you with fear and anxiety, and just at the point when you were debating whether you should phone Hoyt at his office, there was that beautiful sound of a slightly bent key being jiggled as it was inserted into a rusting, ancient lock. You could hear Arthur softly giggling to himself under his breath and it made you smile from where you were stood in the kitchen making dinner for the both of you; so thin were the walls of the apartment complex.
“No, no - shush, you silly thing. Are you sure you’re not a worm? So wriggly,” You could hear Arthur still trying to vain to stifle his giggles and you wondered who he was talking to you. Not you, surely? You were always greeted in a similar fashion to the way the gentlemen in those old home films which Arthur so loved to watch greeted their wives. It was just something that Arthur loved to do, admire did he all those gentleman in the films. “Gen’s gonna love you, I - no, shush...” 
Curiosity may have killed the cat but satisfaction had brought it back and as you rounded the corner, you saw Arthur stood by the door, struggling to carry his usual brown paper pharmacy bag in one hand, the handle dangled between two fingers. He struggled to carry the bag because both arms were focused on the small wriggling lump under his well loved and much worn mustard yellow hoodie. Arthur heard your footsteps and looked up expectantly. When he saw you, he beamed. Momentarily were you stunned but his voice quickly brought you back down to earth, so grounding was your love. “Gen!” You smiled, of course you did, like there was a red string of fate tied between your mouth and Arthur’s did his smile always cause the same gesture on your own face, and the same was equally true in the reverse. “Come here, angel, I have a surprise for you.”
“A surprise? For me? Artie, I - “
Arthur’s eyes sharpened as he quickly grabbed whatever was wriggling underneath his hoodie and you realised that you needed to be quick - Arthur’s surprise wouldn’t remain hidden for too long. You stepped forward and Arthur smiled in silent approval; so intuitive were you. It was one of the things he so loved about you, your beautiful mind and all the ways in which it worked. He had known that you would understand him, even now when you had no idea what was happening, though your mind was beginning to assemble puzzle pieces which you hardly dared to believe.
“Hold your arms out and close your eyes, darling.”
You did what Arthur had uncharacteristically but confidently asked of you without thought, without hesitation and without question, so deeply and so completely did you trust him, and there was some shuffling, some more gentle murmuring, and then a weight was placed in your arms. There was a small yip, a hot tongue and you felt... fur?! Instantly did thoughts of your childhood dog fill your mind and you bit down hard on your bottom lip as those puzzle pieces slammed into you like a brick. No. No way were you living this moment. You had wanted a dog for so long and you knew not how Arthur had acquired you one, but it only made you love him more.
“You can - you can look.” Arthur sounded nervous, but you both knew that he had no reason to be. 
Your eyes shot open and your knees almost gave out. Had it not been for the way Arthur quickly wound an arm around your waist, perhaps sensing that you needed some extra support right now, you were sure that they would have. There was a puppy in your arms. Their fur was a bit messy, presumably from being stashed under Arthur’s cosy hoodie for who knows how long, and they were cold from the wind outside (now you understood why Arthur had stashed the dog in his hoodie), but the puppy was perfect.
You somehow managed to both coo at the puppy and speak Arthur’s name at the same time, and you ducked your head so that you could nuzzle your face into the puppy’s midsection, taking a few seconds to discreetly wipe your eyes and to just breathe in the scent of the fur and of the moment. The arm around your waist tightened and you were pulled forward into Arthur’s chest. It was a loose hug, though it was also warm and loving as kisses were rained down upon the crown of your head, a Queen were you. Aware was Arthur of the puppy, which accounted for the loose hold he had on you, and you knew in that moment that it wasn’t just this puppy who had found a forever home...
So had you.
In the hours and days which followed, your serotonin remained at an all time high. Every time you thought that you would turn around to find that the puppy you could hear even across the worn and threadbare carpet was just an intense daydream, you would be teary all over again upon discovering once more that it was real, so in love were you with the small creature. It turned out that Arthur had been taking on extra shifts and longer hours, rationing his daily cigarette intake and skipping meals for months, all to save up to buy you a puppy from Gotham’s only rescue shelter. You were rightly angry when you found out that he had been denying himself his only real vice and his basic physical needs for you, but that anger had come from a place of deep love and you had made sure to cook dinner for the both of you with extra butter for Arthur, just to help him along the way in regaining any weight that he had lost. So malnourished already was he and concerned were you for his physical health, though of course did you attend as best as you could to his mental health, too. 
You had to teach Arthur how to take care of the puppy but together did the two of you come to learn that the puppy was extremely affectionate. Rather than preferring one of you over the other, the sweet puppy preferred you both equally and it loved nothing more than to curl up on your lap or on Arthur’s but to stretch out so that their head rested on the other’s lap. It prompted the two of you to cuddle even closer together, and sometimes your legs were thrown over Arthur’s lap, and the puppy laid on the top of your legs. As yet, the puppy hadn’t laid directly on Arthur, it had only reached out for him or been stroked by him, but you knew that it was only a matter of time. The love which radiated off of Arthur was impossible to resist once one stopped to listen to it, to feel what he so willfully gave out to the world, though none of it had he received back in kind before he had met you.
On one such night as this, a week after Arthur had come home, a thought occurred to you and the words were half out of your mouth even before you had fully decided to speak it. “Artie, did I ever thank you for surprising me?”
Arthur paused, his pursed lips frozen around his cigarette. As he inhaled deeply, his hand moving to brush away the falling ash which dusted his lap, he shook his head and guilt overcame you, but as he exhaled, tilting his head upwards to avoid getting smoke anywhere near you or the puppy, he said, “You didn’t need to. You say thank you every time you look at our dog. Your tears, your smile... you always thank me, Gen.”
Ohhh, help you, there it was. Every time you thought that you couldn’t love Arthur any more than you already did, he said or did something which made you fall down the rabbit hole all over again. Just at that point, as your eyes met Arthur’s, the puppy jumped up from your lap and stretched languidly, one of its paws coming to rest on Arthur’s arm. Arthur’s green eyes fell upon the puppy and he leaned forward to stub out his half consumed cigarette in the pink ashtray which was on the coffee table. As he leaned back, the puppy wriggled into his lap and Arthur gasped sharply, sitting still. “Gen, what - “ 
Arthur sounded truly shocked and it broke your heart to know that he believed himself to be unworthy even of a dog’s love. You smiled sadly as you reached forward to scritch the puppy behind the ears and you leaned further forward to press a tender, lingering kiss to Arthur’s weathered cheek. His skin sunk under the touch of your lips and you kissed him again and again and again in that same spot, until he was giggling underneath your reverent touch. “Our dog loves you, Artie... and so do I.”
It was your simplest, deepest truth and you knew that you would be speaking it for the rest of your life, as would Arthur. The love which existed between the two of you would withstand the test of time, written were you into the very fabric of the universe.
AF/J @impulsiveclown   @astheworlddturns @fluffedstar @jokersqueenofchaos @germansarechill @tsukiakarinobara  @lynnesm @sagyunaro  @docsportello  @flowerglitterwoman @ben-solos-writing-avenger @jokers-doll @jokerslilhyena @arthurjokersgirl @antonija89 @lilliryth @hotpacino @obsessedandthirsty  @call-me-harley-quinn  @anais-angel
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silviiarts · 4 years
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Amazing cover pic by @venusedgedraws!! Her commissions are open, take a look at her wonderful work!!
Pairing: NONE (Geralt and Ciri have a father-daughter relacionship) Rating: G Words: 1.3 K Genre: fluff  Trigger warning: none  Summary: Ciri befriends a cat and Geralts gets to pet it without it running away from him for the first time ever.
"Where's Ciri?" The white-haired witcher asked, impatiently heaving the wooden sword they trained with in his hand. 
The youngest of his peers at Kaer Morhen shrugged, laying back on the grass. "Coming, probably."
"She's never late to a training session, Lambert," he replied with a desperate sigh. 
"Geralt, relax! Maybe you're just early?" But he didn't get an answer. Underneath all those layers of armour, the White Wolf was but a worrier. "She's not a kid anymore, dude. She'll be okay."
"She is a kid, though. She's just seventeen."
"Just?!" Lambert groaned, running a gloved hand down his face in annoyance. 
Fortunately, Ciri showed up before his father worried to death, running up to their mentors as happily as always.
"Hey!" She waved over at them, already wielding her own sword and attempting a strike at Geralt with a playful grin. 
The witcher blocked it quickly, despite the little time he had to prepare for it. She was a clever girl, but he was an expert. 
Brows knit together, he returned the swing and they both danced to the clunks and thuds of their weapons for a few seconds before he grabbed her wrist. 
"Ah! What-" She whined, caught in his grip. 
"What are those, Ciri?" He growled, although that was just his way of speaking, and she knew. 
She had to look at her hand to know what he was talking about. Her skin was covered in thin, barely noticeable scratches.
“Got caught in thorn bush on my way here,” she replied, without batting an eye.
Luckily, not even picking up her scent or her speeding heartbeat helped him detect a lie. 
She couldn’t just tell him that she had taking the longer way around the fortress to slack off before training and had encountered a cat.
She pulled her hand back under his narrow-eyed stare, and continued with the fight before he could think of another question for her.
Long after the sun had started its way down, as did the intensity of the training, the White Wolf decided that it was the moment to let his pup take a break.
As usual, the session ended by an Igni-casted fire, Ciri’s work. Geralt handed her some cooked chicken scraps to regain her strength, getting some for himself too.
Those late evening meals after training were a moment of leisure for them both.
They usually chatted about their day, at least about the part of it they spend separately, and then headed back to the fortress together.
But that day, she seemed eager to finish her food and leave.
“I’m so tired!” She complained, exaggerating a yawn and making the witcher roll his eyes.
“I’ll head back! You can stay here, don’t worry!” She was quick to announce, kissing his cheek goodbye and leaving before he could say a word.
Geralt didn’t wait for his medallion to start vibrating to worry.
He was too curious about her hurry but, luckily, he kept his head cool and came up with an idea.
“Hm. Okay.”
He let her leave as he finished his chicken by the fire- it wouldn’t be hard to follow her track even after a while.
The witcher tossed the chicken bones to the ground and put the fire out. Ciri had taken her rubbish with her, it seemed.
It took him less than a heartbeat to pick up her scent and know which way to go. He wiped the chicken grease off his hands on his trousers, already stained from the training, and quickly went after Ciri.
Although he seemed stubborn about witchers not being able to feel, it was different when it came to Ciri. After all, even animals nurtured their offspring with care.
He was often told that he was too protective of a father, but he couldn’t really help it. Taking care of Ciri and raising her as his own daughter wasn’t just another test for him, but the most important he had ever taken.
And, being as inexpert as he was with teenagers, worrying about such little changes in her behavior was inevitable.
That’s probably why confusion made all his worries fade away as soon as she spotted her.
The witcher apprentice was crouched down by the side of the thin path leading to Kaer Morhen.
As soon as she heard him approaching –little did she know that her quick reaction had made him proud-, she shot up into a defensive pose.
She hadn’t gone through the mutations Geralt had, so it took her a few seconds to realize that he wasn’t dangerous in the dimmest light of the evening. Seconds that the witcher could spend noticing the little, white creature that had taken shelter behind Ciri.
“Fuck, Dad!” She groaned, clutching at her chest and huffing.
“What is that?” He inquired, raising his eyebrow at the critter, a very startled cat that hissed at him. Nothing new. 
She let out a whine and crouched back down to pick it up, shushing it.
Geralt sighed and crossed his arms. Before he even started to lecture Ciri, she was already pouting a bit.
"Hey there, little one..." She tried to calm the cat down, petting it gently in her hold. It mewed and hissed at Geralt, but seemed to relax in Ciri's arms.
"I know, I know!" She sighed, looking up at Geralt. "I was lazying around and found him, I just couldn't resist! I know it's childish and you wouldn't approve!"
It was a well-known fact that cats hated witchers, but Geralt didn't hate them.
In fact, he felt a sting of... something in his chest everytime he crossed a cat on the path and it ran away from him like it had seen the most terrible of creatures.
"I left earlier because I wanted to give him some food," she admitted, looking at the ground. 
The bones left from Ciri's chicken laid on the ground, thoroughly cleaned of its flesh by the cat.
He rubbed his temples, sighing heavily. He really had worried that much for something so childish...
A meow dragged him from his thoughts. Despite these animals' cunning and ungrateful fame, this one seemed to trust Ciri after she had helped it.
"What's up?" She asked the cat, almost expecting an answer. "You want to say 'hi' to Dad?"
"Uh, I don't think..."
Nevertheless, Ciri had already held the cat out closer to him before he could finish speaking, with the brightest of smiles.
Geralt focused on the animal, whose eyes practically matched his. Maybe it was their similarities what made cats wary of witchers.
The white cat looked up at Geralt with its ears pulled back, but he wasn't hissing anymore, nor unseathing his claws.
"Go on, pet him!" She squeaked, stroking its soft fur.
The witcher was hesitant, but he couldn't just say no to Ciri's face.
He reached out towards the cat, watching his reactions closely. Its fur wasn't standing, and it seemed rather calm, although it didn't take its eyes off him.
He wasn't wearing his leather gloves, so the cat could pick up his scent before he gently ran his hand along its back.
"Isn't he cute?" Ciri squealed and grinned wide.
Geralt petted him for a few seconds more, until he felt a smile creep upon his features, before pulling back. 
That was the first time he had been so close to a feline and, of course, petted it. "Hm... He's cute. And very calm," he agreed. "But you know..."
"I know we can't keep him at Kaer Morhen! I know! But I couldn't resist!" She whined, dropping the cat back onto the ground before it got nervous. 
The witcher watched it rub its head against Ciri's boot as a farwell and disappear into the bushes with a gentle smile.
He snorted the lightest chuckle and put a hand on her shoulder. "It's for his good, really. He wouldn't enjoy living with us."
"I know, Dad," she shrugged, pout melting into a pitiful smile.
"But... I never said you couldn't have friends outside Kaer Morhen.
They were already walking back to the fortress together, as usual.
"Really?" She gasped.
"As long as they don't take a minute off your training," he grinned slightly, amused.
"Ugh... Okay!" She laughed, playfully shoving him.
He chuckled and ruffled her hair, sighing contently right after.
He was supposed to lead Ciri through life, yet she still could teach him some things.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up🎇
I’ve been in love with your IkeSen match up, and may I request on match-up as well? 😉 I’m an introverted teacher yet somehow my students didn’t believe it at all, since I can create a lively nuanse in classroom easily, yet I’m also well-known as a strict teacher whose her silent treatment is more infectious than any high-pitched scolding ever 😂. Apart from teaching, I found myself easy to approach others but a bit hard to be approached (or so they said xD). When it comes to romantic relationship, I try not to get involve too deeply again with men unless they’re serious enough to marry me. I love reading, drawing, and spending time inside my house. A thinker and planner but not a good executioner. I hope that’s enough for you. And thank you so much for taking your time to take upon my request! Have a wonderful day! 🍀✨
Hey there, love! Thank you so much for the request!❤ Soooooo sorry for taking forever to get it done! Hope you enjoy it dear 🎀
So I match you with……………….. Mitsuhide 
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The first time you arrived in Azuchi, everyone instantly fell in love with you. You have such a soft sweet nature that even Hideyoshi couldn’t help but drop all suspicions against you. You were as friendly and kind as you were naïve, something that didn’t go unnoticed by the resident kitsune. He was instantly taken by you, since the moment his golden orbs first laid eyes on you. There was just something about your sweet introverted nature that he couldn’t ignore. And oooh, he loved to tease you, so he could see all your different facial expressions play across your face. One of his favorite ones, of course, was your small blush that would spread all across your face.
Everyone quickly noticed that you may need some help adjusting in this time period as you were much to naïve and innocent, a perfect target for anyone with ill intentions. Nobunaga proclaimed that his left-hand man would be the one to teach you some life skills to help you survive. You laughed at the irony of it all, the teacher now becoming the student. Its been a while since you’ve been a student. Your first lesson went horribly, in your opinion, you had gotten 0 on the common knowledge test that he had given you. However, he gave you 1 point for creativity for your answer to the question about what Nobunaga’s childhood name was. He laughed for a good 20 minutes at your answers of Nobie. 
He couldn’t help but be impressed with how studious you were; you seemed to grasp concepts quickly, even writing down a summary of everything he was saying for yourself to review later. You lived for moments when you would surprise Mitsuhide. Just when this sneki boi thought he had you figured out bam, you would do or say something to surprise him. When you had revealed that you yourself was a teacher back in your hometown, he was most amused. The two of you decided to teach each other. Mitsuhide would teach you politics, economics, self-defense, and horse riding. And you taught Mitsuhide linguistic and everything you knew about that subject. As the two of you continued spending time with each other and teaching each other different topics, you found that you seemed to levitate towards him. You low key started falling in love with him
Although Mitsuhide wouldn’t admit it, he to had fallen in love with the little mouse who has broadened his horizons so much, long ago! As you were now so well versed in the happenings of Azuchi, Nobunaga decided to give you some more responsibility. He knew from the few conversations the two of you shared that you were an intelligent woman, so he declared that you were to help Mitsuhide with getting his official documents done on time. Mitsuhide was many things, but good at admin was not one of them. He would fall behind in handing in reports as he would be so occupied with gathering information and keeping Azuchi safe from the shadows. You, of course, were overjoyed at this task as your lessons with the man were starting to come to an end. 
The two of you would now sit together in his room writing, he would let you answer and fill out the easier reports while he would do those that were more secretive and critical. One day as you were sitting opposite him at his writing desk, a snow-white fox gracefully walked its way into Mitsu’s room. You hadn’t noticed the fox until the playful critter hopped onto the desk and grabbed the document you were busy with. The little thing then ran into the garden with it. You chased after her trying to get your work back. 
Mitsuhide chucked at the whole scene, he knew the little fox he kept was a playful little thing and would often pull this stunt when she was asking for some attention. The fox hopped around the garden as if teasing you with the papers she held in her mouth. You were so distracted by the little critter that you fell into the pond. The fox looked at you apologetically before scurrying off back to her den. Mitsuhide was now in full-blown laughter, walking towards you. “You look like a drowned little mouse”. You knew Mitsuhide well enough to know he too, like a fox, had a playful spirit, so you decided to splash him. You broke out in laughter as he was now soaking wet. “Takes one to know one, dear.” He gave you his slyest grin and cannonballed into the water. He then started ticking you. The two of you played in the pond the rest of the afternoon, duties long forgotten. 
As the sun started dipping down, the weather started cooling down. Mitsuhide picked you up and carried you back to his room. He called for the maids to draw each of you a nice warm bath. After your bathes, you put on Mitsuhide’s oversized clothes while yours hung to dry. Your hair was still soaking wet. When you walked back into Mitsuhide’s room, he grabbed you by the hand and lead you to sit on the pillow in front of him. He then gently dried your hair for you. You couldn't help but relish in the feeling of his slender fingers gently playing with your now dried hair. Sometime during the small intimate moment, the two of you shared the little fox made its way back into the room, carrying the stolen paper. She placed them down in front of you and looked at you as if to apologize for the trouble she caused. Mitsuhide smiled at the little fox and pet her head as if to say all is forgiving. The little thing then decided to curl up in your lap, she squeaked and barked at you until you pet her silky soft fur.
Somewhere between the relaxing feeling of Mitsuhide playing with your hair and the soft, warm fox sleeping in your lap, you felt yourself drifting off. Mitsuhide couldn’t help but laugh at the sleepy mouse. He gently cradled your head to rest comfortably on his shoulder and then picked you up and carried you to his futon. He tucked you in and gave your forehead a small little kiss. Just when did he fall so madly in love with the little mouse now resting in his bed.
Days passed as the two of you worked together, and with each passing day, you were falling deeper and deeper in love with the sweet kitsune. One day as you were sitting next to him, writing out documents as you had done a thousand times before, when you suddenly put down the brush and looked up at Mitsuhide. Mitsuhide looked up and gave you the softest look and smiled at you “What is it little mouse, would you like a break. I could make the two of us some tea if you’d like”. Mitsuhide is a master at teasing, so you were nervous to confess your feelings. What gave you strength and hope was the conversation you had had with Masamune a few days ago. He had stated that he had never seen Mitsuhide so happy or give anyone such a gentle soft look. Even Ieyasu chimed in saying they had never seen the snek give anyone a genuine smile before, until they saw him with you. You balled your fist and before you could speak Mitsuhide put his long finger over your lips “you know who I am mouse,” “I do,” “You know that I have done terrible things in my life and that I am by no means a good man,” “I know, and I don’t care,” “You know that I cannot change, and will always have to be the man living and working from the shadows.” It was now your turn to place a finger over Mitsuhide’s lips. “I know Mitsu, and I still love you. I know that you are also the sweetest, kindest, gentlest fox that I have ever met. I also know that you are probably going to give me grey hairs from all your teasing. Either way, I love you, Mitsu”. He gave you one of his rare sweet smiles and kissed you, it had been the first time he had kissed you on the lips.
The two of you made the sweetest couple. You would often spend time together in his room. Whenever he would be out and about doing his information gathering, you would stay up reading, waiting for him to come home. He loved playing in the garden with you and the little fox, just letting go of all the worries and cares in the world, to spend time with his two beloved girls. Mitsu loves nothing more than to kiss you and will often drop sweet little kisses on your cheek, forehead, or nose whenever the two of you are together. Before Mitsuhide would leave on a mission that would take an especially long time you would draw him a picture to act as a lucky charm. Mitsuhide would treasure the sketch and gaze at it whenever he was missing you. When he would come home, he would spoil you rotten with the sweetest kisses and caresses.
Other potential matched……………… Mitsunari 
 Thanx so much for the request love I hope you enjoyed it! ❤
21 notes · View notes
timeagainreviews · 4 years
Are you there Xoanon? It’s me, Leela.
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At the time of writing this article, many of you will have in your possession the season 14 Blu-Ray box set for Doctor Who. Within it are classics like "The Deadly Assassin," "The Robots of Death," and the controversial, but still much loved "The Talons of Weng-Chiang." However, today I would like to talk about an often overlooked gem in the form of "The Face of Evil." While the serial does introduce the companion Leela and showcases some classic Fourth Doctor moments, it has also received a fair bit of ire from certain fans over the years. I’ve found myself defending it in the past, to people whose opinions I value. My hope is that by the end of this review, some of you may come away with a new appreciation for what is one of my favourite classic Doctor Who stories.
For a little bit of background, when devising the character of Leela, producer Philip Hinchcliffe and script editor Robert Holmes were looking to do something new with the companion. They wanted a female lead that could also do heroics. The initial concept for Leela was a mix of Eliza Doolittle, Emma Peel,  and Loana from "One Million Years B.C." The decision to make the companion more of an action star was one that was met with resistance from Tom Baker, who in this humble writer’s opinion would have been happiest acting alongside a sock puppet. While he claimed not to like the violence of Leela, I often wonder if it wasn’t because such a dashing co-star would pull focus from the main event- the Doctor.
The writer tasked with bringing Leela to life was Chris Boucher, an avowed atheist. And remember this fact, as it will remain relevant throughout this entire review. Right away, Boucher’s knack for comprehensive dialogue is laid out as we meet Leela, a young tribal woman, being cast out by the rest of her tribe, the Sevateem, for heresy. However, it is her own father that offers to take her place in the "test." Leela’s tone changes from defiance to pleas of mercy for the life of her feeble, but proud father. Right away we’re struck with a series of science fiction tropes, and it’s one wonderful pulpy delight after another. Also telling is the presence of anachronistic technology. Such as the gasket turned into a chest-piece adorning the tribe’s local zealot and shaman- Neeva.
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In his element, the Doctor arrives at this frontier world by himself. However, as much as Baker would have relished travelling solo, it becomes immediately apparent why this would be a bad idea. Having no companion to sound off with, he resorts to directing his comments toward you and I, the audience. While I love the Fourth Doctor and his penchant for breaking the fourth wall, it’s not a sustainable recipe for good storytelling. The Doctor needs a companion, if for no other reason than to have someone to explain the plot to.
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The Doctor walks through this wilderness without a care in the world as little critters scurry past in a Star Wars or Dark Crystal fashion. It reminded me of moments like when the First Doctor and his companions come across petrified creatures on the surface of Skaro. I wish modern Doctor Who would do more of this- tiny creatures that have no greater bearing on the storyline other than world-building. Leela, having been exiled finds herself walking deep into the jungle. However, it seems that exile wasn’t enough, as she soon finds herself being hunted by her former tribesmen. It would appear that allowing her form of heresy to live is not something Neeva, or his god "Xoanon," are willing to let happen.
Leela dispatches one of her would-be assassins, while another is taken care of by a sympathetic friend named Tomas, who followed the killers after overhearing Neeva’s scheme. While they never touch on it, I wonder if Tomas didn’t have feelings for Leela. It would make sense as she is fierce, intelligent, beautiful, and around the same age as him. Had things gone differently, perhaps they could have had a life together. However, Leela is past the point of no return, and his boyish crush. She pridefully tells him to turn back but warns him not to trust Calib, a man she sees as having more ambition than sense.
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Leela walks past what is known by the Sevateem as a great protective barrier. Finding herself pursued by invisible monsters, she runs for her life but falls to the ground at the feet of a man unknown to her. Upon following her gaze up to the feet’s owner, she is shocked and terrified to see the Doctor, a face she of which she is surprisingly familiar.  Despite the fact that the Doctor resembles the "Evil One," the Sevateem’s own version of Satan, Leela doesn’t know what to make of his friendly demeanour. This is a moment of great internal conflict for her as only a few scenes ago she was telling her tribal leaders that their god Xoanon was a lie. Now here she stands, looking the devil in the face and he’s offering her sweets.
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I’ve always maintained that the story arc for Leela is one of atheism but in the most Doctor Who of manners. Much in the same way that the Doctor will go into a haunted house and prove that it’s actually an ancient alien force, the show has widely maintained the stance that the spiritual is just science we don’t yet understand. Leela’s first lesson comes in the form of the Doctor deftly dealing with their invisible predator. After discovering that a protective boundary is a machine that projects a sonic disruption, the Doctor deduces that the creatures must be blind and sense things by vibration. Using an egg timer, the Doctor distracts the monsters, while he and Leela make a break for it. It’s a great special effect, as even now I can’t figure out how they managed to crush a clock with what looks like nothing.
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Back with the tribe, we learn that Neeva speaks with Xoanon through a transmitter that he believes is a magic relic that allows only the holiest to speak to God. Xoanon commands Neeva to go to war with their enemies the Tesh. But the chief of the Sevateem, Andor, wonders why their God would have them go into battle on empty stomachs. A reasonable concern which is met by Neeva’s assertion that Xoanon will feed those of true faith. The tribe gears up for war, but on their way past the boundary, discover the Doctor.
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The men shoot a couple of warning shots across the Doctor’s brow, embedding themselves into a tree. While the men deal with the fact that they are now looking eye to eye with their version of the Devil, Leela slips away. Upon seeing the Doctor, the men do a sort of "Sign of the Cross," gesture with their hands touching their neck, their shoulder and their waist. The Doctor notes this is interesting as it’s also the method one would use to check the seals on a spacesuit. Using his newfound infamy to his advantage, the Doctor holds one of the tribesmen hostages with a "deadly," Jelly Baby. But the men call his bluff and the Doctor is taken to meet Neeva and Andor.
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Seeing this as an opportunity to prove their faith, Neeva declares they should kill the Doctor without haste. However, Calib, an atheist in his own right, sees this as an opportunity to make Neeva look bad in front of the whole tribe. He suggests they put the Doctor through the "test." Knowing that if the Doctor dies, it will prove that he wasn’t a god, and if he lives, Neeva will look just as bad, as the belief is that only mortals can survive the test.
Knowing her father to have died from this test, an eavesdropping Leela sneaks her way in to stop the Doctor from being killed. Leela uses local Janis thorns on one of the captors, paralysing him in a rigid posture with no hope of revival. The Doctor is appalled by this and commands her never to use Janis thorns ever again. After making a break for it, the Doctor and Leela make it past the boundary where the Doctor learns why his face is so infamous. Out across the horizon sits a giant mountain with his own visage carved into its precipice.
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Meanwhile, the rest of the warriors continue toward the mountain for their attack. I was genuinely surprised as I had never noticed the inclusion of a single female warrior with black braids in her hair. Initially, I had thought Leela was the only female in the entire story, but there comes braids looking like a badass. I instantly want to know more about her and to see her in extended media. Sadly, braids and a bunch of other Sevateem are cut down by beams of light before they can meet the impenetrable time barrier. Clearly, something about this was a trap put on by Xoanon, but why?
The Doctor decides that the only way to understand what is happening is by going back to the tribe, despite the death sentence. Upon returning, most of the camp is still deserted, allowing him and Leela a chance to snoop around. Upon discovering the room of "relics," kept by Neeva, the Doctor reveals them to be nothing more than the scientific instruments of the human colonists from whom the Sevateem and Tesh descend. The Doctor finds the helmet Neeva uses to speak to Xoanon and realises that Xoanon speaks with his own voice. Furthermore, Xoanon seems to think the Doctor and he are one.
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Being one of the first to return from battle, Calib discovers the Doctor and Leela. Afraid they will ruin his plans to make Neeva look a fool, he poisons Leela with a Janis thorn. With little time, the Doctor demonstrates to Calib that the equipment they've been worshipping for years is actually capable or analysing and concocting a cure for Janis thorn poison. Leela is revived but slightly incapacitated, which makes her and the Doctor easy to capture when more, including Neeva, return from battle.
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Now, remember the little critter I mentioned earlier? Well, it would appear that they're a carnivorous bunch known as the horda. Much like piranhas, they are able to strip a body of its flesh when in large numbers. The Doctor is made to stand above a pit of them while a rock tied to a rope slowly lowers, opening the pit more and more with every inch. Leela tries to give the Doctor a pointer, which causes one of the Sevateem to strike her. The Doctor's response is to kick a horda at him which causes him to run in fear. I mention this because any time the Doctor is violent is cause to pause.
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One of the things I find irritating with modern Doctor Who is the insistence that the Doctor is never violent. The Third Doctor used Venusian Aikido. The Fourth Doctor practically breaks a guy's neck in "The Seeds of Doom." Hell, even in modern Doctor Who we see it. Like when the Ninth Doctor punched that guy, or when the Twelfth Doctor punched that guy. Or how about the Eleventh Doctor teleporting a bomb onto Solomon's ship in "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship," written by Chris "I don't understand the Doctor's morality" Chibnall? My point is, that the Doctor isn't violent unless he needs to be. The Doctor is non-violent up until the point where either A) it's the only option left, or B) he's mad. In this case, it's B, he's mad.
What does it mean that the Doctor chose this moment to break his rule? I would venture to say he was punishing unnecessary cruelty in kind. But think even more about the theme of the episode. At this moment, the Doctor's morality isn't what's in question, it's his mortality. It's as if Boucher is taking this moment to compare the actions of a man to the expectations of a god. Before the Doctor shoots the rope with perfect precision, he's revealed himself to be a person subject to the whims of his own emotions. In this way, Boucher is asking the viewer to look at the vengeful nature of our own gods and to see the inherent humanity entangled within. Or in the Doctor's own words- "You can't expect perfection, even from me!"
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With the Doctor somewhat exonerated by being able to pass this asinine test, he is given a bit more freedom to move about. But this doesn't mean an end to the unrest. The Doctor reveals that the Sevateem are actually descendants of a survey team (creating a portmanteau), and heads back to the mountain to discover the secrets of the Tesh. Meanwhile, Xoanon removes the barrier surrounding the Sevateem, allowing the invisible creatures free roam to terrorise the simple tribe. The Sevateem are quickly overtaken by invisible beings, which kill Andor and many others. The Doctor takes his leave to climb up the mountain into his own face.
The Doctor discovers a spacesuited man within the mouth of the carving. He also discovers a derelict rocket for the Mordee expedition. It's about this time that the Doctor begins to remember having come to this planet in the past. In an attempt to fix the AI, Xoanon, the Doctor linked his mind. Only instead of repairing it, he created a duality that drove the AI to madness. Thus creating a desire in Xoanon to reconcile these two aspects in itself. Its solution for this quandary was to influence the two groups of humans into two very different evolutions and see who would come out on top. The primitive yet cunning Sevateem, or the brilliant yet passionless Tesh?
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At this point, the story takes a somewhat extreme turn as the Tesh are found to be rather advanced in every way by comparison to the Sevateem. The Tesh, being descendants of the technicians of the colonists, are more intelligent. They dress like the Great Gazoo if he went through a harlequin phase. They caper and cavort about in an almost jovial sense, but their belief in Xoanon is no less zealous than their primitive counterparts. They seem peaceful at first until the Doctor discovers they plan to atomise Leela. After showing his disapproval, the Tesh turn on the Doctor, subduing him with their mental powers which looks a lot like staring super hard at the guy until he collapses.
I absolutely love that with two reviews in a row I'm able to talk about two separate James Bond type laser scenes where our heroes are incapacitated in some way and are forced to escape the laser with a mirror. This isn't me calling out the show for overusing a trope. There were eleven years between these two episodes, and it's completely by chance that I decided to review them back to back, but how funny is that? And their titles both have to do with faces! I swear I didn't plan this.
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As I said, the Doctor and Leela escape with a simple mirror. The Doctor uses the technology to imitate Xonanon and communicate with Neeva. However, Neeva surprises the Doctor when he calls the Doctor by name, showing that even the most fanatical is not so forgone as to be unreachable. The Doctor tells Neeva to instruct Calib to lead the men to the mouth of the mountain where the invisible beings cannot reach. Soon, the Doctor and Leela find themselves running from the Tesh through corridors. It's classic Doctor Who with the bad guys giving chase through endless corridors which are actually the same corridor. After a scuffle, the Doctor once more is forced to use violence as one of the Tesh comes at him and gets kicked into an electrified wall. The Doctor notes that the man appeared to be hypnotised, as if under the influence of Xoanon.
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Leela is given a laser gun to fight off the Tesh, which I find to be the perfect metaphor for this entire story. The cave girl gives up her crossbow for a laser gun. It is as if her transition from a primitive to the scientist is coming full circle. It's as though she is claiming the birthright of her ancestors. She's gone from a person questioning her faith, to a person functioning within this new paradigm. Even though she still finds herself cowering when she hears the supposed voice of God, her confidence is growing. 
Leela continues trading fire with the Tesh, while the Doctor seeks out Xoanon within the "Sacred Heart," a large computer complex. An array of large screens project the Doctor's face. But as the Doctor enters the room, Xonanon experiences an identity crisis, causing it to repeat the question "Who am I?" The panic creates a psychic assault on the Doctor, causing him to drop to the ground. As the question repeats, Xoanon's voice fluctuates between the Doctor, a man, a woman, and a child. The child's voice is a particularly chilling juxtaposition with the Doctor's frantic orange face screaming in a panicked frenzy. Fun fact: the child's voice is provided by Anthony Frieze who won a competition at his local school to be in the episode. For a kid that won a contest, it's surprising how much he nailed that take. It's quite easily one of the most effective moments in the entire serial.
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The fourth episode of this serial is easily one of the weakest as it degenerates into a lot of your common science fiction tropes. As I said, once they enter the mountain, the tone of the entire story shifts. This is really my biggest criticism of the entire story. But it's also a bit of a further metaphor for the whole atheism argument. Man leaves the primitive world into the world of technology. But with false gods present, man still struggles to find an identity beyond their god. In their own way, the Tesh are no more advanced than the Sevateem. It would appear that Xoanon's little experiment in eugenics was all a bust.
The Sevateem arrive and fight back the Tesh. They also bring the Tesh's weapons into the fight against the invisible monsters, which turn out to be manifestations of Xonanon's id. This explains why the one time we do see them, they just look like a giant apparition of the Doctor's face. Having saved the Doctor from Xoanon's psychic assault, Leela and the Doctor continue trying to stop Xoanon. Because of this, Xoanon, in a last-ditch effort to stop the Doctor, takes over Leela and the rest of the Sevateem to kill the Doctor. However, having been broken from his own religious spell, the unlikeliest of heroes appears in the form of Neeva. Neeva shoots Xoanon long enough to stop the link and save the Doctor but loses his own life in the process.
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The Doctor finally repairs Xoanon but gets knocked unconscious in doing so. Upon waking, he discovers he had been out cold for two whole days. A casual Leela sits beside him eating chocolate in peace. The Doctor assumes this means his plan worked and that Xoanon was stopped. The Tesh and the Sevateem are living together in a sort of shaky truce. The invisible monsters are gone, and Xoanon is now at peace. To prove so, Xoanon offers the Tesh and Sevateem the option to destroy it at the push of a button. They discuss needing new leadership and decide Calib is not the right man. Instead, the people (see: Tomas) want Leela to lead. However, Leela turns down the offer to travel with the Doctor, much to his chagrin. Leela has seen enough of this primitive planet. It's time to see the stars.
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If you can't tell by now, the aspect I liked so much about this story was its delving into atheism and theology. It may seem like a heavy subject, but at its core, it's something that represents the show as a whole. The perspective that all problems, at their core, can be met with logic and reason. Furthermore, I greatly admire the way in which they continue this story arc for Leela over the remainder of her tenure as a companion. This idea of a woman raised out of ignorance into the realm of greater knowledge continues to build in her character until she becomes someone capable of living among the Time Lords themselves.
That is not to say this serial is not without its faults. For some, it may not be a fascinating storyline. They may not be as enthralled by its themes as I was. Which is fair. There are also some silly moments, such as the invisible monsters leaving footprints, despite being the projections of a giant head. The use of the word savage is also a bit dated, as is the whole concept of the "noble savage." Also, Xoanon got off a bit light. It was like at the end of The Dark Crystal when urSkeks leave like "Peace out, sorry about all the genociiiiide..." What kind of society are the Doctor and Leela leaving behind? Can the Tesh and Sevateem find common ground, or will it be war in perpetuity?
Truth be told, I rather like that it ends on a bit of an open-ended question. I don't believe it's always the Doctor's job to handhold and change the diapers of every developing society. The most the Doctor can hope for is that things have found some sort of balance, free from meddling or outside influence like aliens, robots, or in this case, himself. Furthermore, I love the concept of the Doctor taking a companion on reluctantly. It's almost a form of penance for the Doctor. You created this madwoman with a knife and Janis thorns, and now you've got to tote her around the universe. In many ways, I find Leela very sympathetic. Having come from a religious background, I know the struggles inherent in losing faith, how it shakes your foundation. This type of representation happens so seldom in fiction, and it's rarely a positive thing.
"I too used to believe in magic, but the Doctor taught me about science. It is better to believe in science." –Leela, from "The Horror of Fang Rock"
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She can tell by the way he knocks back his whiskey that this is going to be an interesting job, and has a personal layer to it, judging by the way his eye has a fire to it, and with the second round he orders. The story is a personal one that has left deep wounds. 
That's something she can relate to.
Every word of his explanation of what he was after makes her blood burn a little more, rage poorly hidden behind her eyes. Mothers and children? She had witnessed many a monster in her time in this occupation, but few creatures had made themselves so vile by going after only the most vulnerable like that. And in such a horrid manner....
Her hand grips her glass tightly, knocking back the rest of her glass in one swift movement, setting the glass down with a sharp thump. Her eyes follow every inch of the red scar she can see as he lifts up his shirt, feeling her blood boil in her veins. “I wasn’t raised in this life, either. I was seventeen when I started.” She said, shrugging her coat off a little, and undoing the top two buttons of her shirt, pulling it away to show off many pairs of small, dark scars that could almost blend in with the heavy smattering of freckles on her skin if not for how uniform each set of marks were. “I was sixteen, got snatched off the side of the road by a couple blood suckers. Got used as a juice box for a couple months. I didn’t take to kindly to that.” She said, letting go of her shirt and fixing her coat. “Hunting the critters of the night is a bit different than hunting critters for food, but I had a bit of a head start that way, I suppose.”She met his gaze, her eyes firm and determined, a fire in them itching for blood. “I’ll do it.” She said firmly, giving him a matching nod. “I’ll take half of what you we’re going to pay me. Keep the rest for supplies if we need them. “When I got home after what happened to me, I told myself I wasn’t going to let that happen to anyone else, and I won’t stand for a creature killing folks like that to keep living. I’ll hunt with you, and we’ll take that bastard down. We’re not going to stop until its in little pieces burning in a pit of fire. Sound good?”
She watched him with no small amount of curiosity as he seemed to slip away into his head, studying his face as his gaze seemed so far away. As if his mind was in another place entirely. She watched as he seemed to snap back to reality as if something had gone and snapped him with a rubber band or pinched him. “It was terrifying.” She replied, giving a small nod of confirmation. “I won’t lie, I had given up, and I think that's what made it possible to escape. I had given up, and they knew it... then one day, one of them came in for a midday snack and I... snapped, I guess. Managed to get his knife and stab him, and ran for it. But honestly, It wasn’t revenge that fueled me. I didn’t think about that until after. I just... wanted to go home and see my family again.” She said quietly. “They wouldn’t have ever known what happened to me and I guess I just couldn't stand the thought of that.”
“Alright then, how about a compromise,” She said, smiling at his earnest refusal. He had a good heart under that rough outer shell. Anyone else would’ve jumped at the offer to save themselves money. “I’ll take the half, we use the other half for supplies, and then we’ll see what to do with whats leftover from that half when we’re done.” She said. “I could’ve, but lucky for you I’m not one to shy away from a challenge, and I’ve got a bit of a weakspot for kids. I would’ve said I’d do this job for free, If I didn’t have to make some sort of earning to keep going.” She gave him a warm smile as he introduced himself, leaning over to offer him her hand. “Johanna, Johanna Adler.” She replied. “I look forward to working with you, Mr Chase.”She can see in the way his eyes widen that he truly did not expect her to insist on only taking half of the money. Not that she blames him. When it came to a hunter buying on anothers weapons and skills for a time, talks were often rough and harsh words and ruffled feathers were common. Though frankly the rough and harsh words seemed to be a trait ingrained in most of the older hunters she came across no matter the situation. She smiled as he took her offered hand. Hers so much smaller in his, but the callouses built onto deft hands tells of the work she has put them through over the years.
“When people like you and I have gone through living hell, it becomes a bit easier to stare down potential death.” She said. “Those kids, their families. I can’t hear a story like that and sleep at night having done nothing.”“I do my best to keep myself stocked on everything, so I’m set pretty well, but It never hurts to have more supplies.” She agreed, tipping back the last of her glass before she coughed violently, spitting back some of the whiskey into the glass as she gaped at him. “Ten thousand? You’re shitting me.” She said, setting the glass down and wiping at the corner of her mouth. “That would keep me well supplied for a long time.” She had expected a few thousand, at least. When one was trying to pay someone to risk their life, it didn’t do to lowball. But ten thousand? And that was just a deposit? She was a frugle, self sufficient woman, that would keep her going for a nice long time. When he went to dig in his pockets, she almost went to refuse it, to say it would be too much to take any more from him, but then she sees the way his pupils blow wide as his hand grips something she cant see, and shes too curious to know what it is to refuse it now.
She gave a low, quiet whistle as he pulled out the blade. It looked like it was probably worth far more than the hefty sum he was going to pay her. The sound of it cutting through air sending the hair on her arms raising.
“Truly? That’s truly incredible, then. Quite the relic indeed.” She said, blinking in surprise as the knife shifted before her eyes into one of the most beautiful guns she’d laid eyes on.
“I’m pretty sure that would be my favorite weapon too, if I were him.” She replied, watching curiously as he changed the weapon again. At first she wonders where it’s gone, but at the bartenders exclamation, her eyes dart to his hands, and she has to agree with the bartender. The ring is just as beautiful as the knife and the gun. She met his eyes, watching that deep sea eye of his, eyes flickering down for a fleeting second as he took her hand to slip the ring upon her finger before they met his again as if to ask if he was sure.
She smiled, that smile spreading into a grin. “Hell yeah. I think we’re going to get along swimmingly, Mr Chase. Lets celebrate!”
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magicalsalamander · 7 years
Copper Scales and Blue Wings
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Pairing: BTS Kim Namjoon/RM (Ravenclaw) x Reader (Hufflepuff/mermaid)
Genre: Fluff/Angst/Mermaid au/Hogwarts au/Soulmate au/Shifter au
Word count::5 K
Summary:  Kim Namjoon, a head boy for Ravenclaw, ends up finding out the deep, dark secret of a Hufflepuff (reader) girl by stumbling upon something he shouldn’t have seen. He entangles himself to protect her and her secret. This Leads to a connection they would’ve never expected. A forever promise
A/N: Hi. This is my first time writing a Hogwarts and mermaid au, I did the best research I could to make things as “accurate” as possible. I hope you enjoy this! I wrote this as an intermission and step back from Kitten’s Little Flame (Suga/Yoongi Dragon hybrid au). Check out my masterlist here when you finish this one shot! Thanks for reading!
Light filtered through the trees creating prints of erratically shaped gold stars painting the floor beneath the trees with. Oak trees stood tall and proud with centuries of time to provide a sturdy foundation surrounding vast lawn. The younger trees were close to the shoreline of the southern side of the castle. The water was a dark, deep blue and clouds of emerald glimmered on the sunny, end of Summer day. It’s been a month since Hogwarts is back in session for a new year, and already Namjoon was looking for a simple escapade from his head boy of Ravenclaw duties. The other boys were hanging around him insisting they should look for some mischief, but that only caused Namjoon to roll his eyes and wish the boys luck in their shenanigans. As long as he wasn’t caught up, or there to witness their mischief for today he was content. Being cooped up in the library studying for hours on end was really taken a toll on him. The lack of sunlight and contact with the outside has made him antsy.
During the Second event at the Black Lake last Spring, while spectating the Tri-Wizard cup hosted at Hogwarts, he came across a secluded spot where he could observe the whole event. It was hard finding a spot where you could watch in comfort and ease without being crowded out on the towers over the water. The rest of the group gathered and sat in the tree’s along with Namjoon in the secluded area to support Jungkook, a Gryffindor and the school’s representative for the Cup. Jimin, a Slytherin, transfigured branches of the trees to form seats for all the guys to sit in. They bundled up their cloaks to form small pillows or blankets to block out the cold of early Spring. From this spot they were clearly able to see their friend shoot out first and onto the landing of the tower with his pseudo-gills from the water with his rescuee.
Ever since then, Namjoon has been coming back every now and then to that spot as a hiding spot away and a little escape from his responsibilities. Even if was for just a few hours it still did wonders. The calming crashing of the waves on the shore and rustling of the leaves created a soft melody that made for the best background music. He walked down the hill, crunching on old leaves that haven’t been disturbed since a few weeks ago that he’s last visited. He climbed up his way up his favorite tree and took his spot in a tree chair. He removed his cloak and created a pillow the best he could out of it. It was a warm day, but the breeze in the air helped relieve some of the heat. He rolled up his sleeves to his elbows and reclined into his makeshift cabana and pulled out his potions textbook to start an outside study session.
The sun was now setting past the mountains casting the lake with an orange, pink and lavender shadow. Namjoon has been stuck in the same position for hours, even finishing the chapters he was supposed to read and then some. A splash and then the sound of water pouring tore his attention away, breaking the white noise of the Lake and his concentration.
You emerged from the lake with water flowing down your body, waist length hair covering your bare breast. Silhouetted by the sun behind you, copper and gold flaked off your every step closer to the shore. Your body transforming into your human form the more in land you emerged. You peeled off seaweed and other kelp stuck to you as you continued to a tree where you placed your uniform neatly folded inside.
Namjoon couldn’t believe his eyes that someone literal was walking out of the water, and nude! His lips were parted in surprise. He was so bewitched taking all his inhibition, he’s never seen someone like you. Your beauty was that comparing to Aphrodite. The river jewels and pearls strung in your dark hair crowed around you.  If he’s not mistaken you were a mermaid, a real-life mermaid. He couldn’t believe it, rubbing his eyes to clear any possible illusions. As far as his education has taken him, he’s only ever heard of sirens, not mermaids. They said mermaids went extinct centuries ago due to poaching.
By rubbing his eyes, the thick textbook sitting on his lap began to slip off and descended to the floor causing a thud near the roots of the tree he was perched on. Your pants were already slipped up and buttoned securely on your waist when you heard a thud a few tree’s away from the tree in which you stood inside. The tree provided a small cavern big enough for you to change privately in. The sound brought your attention away from changing and you turned on your heels as fast as you could. Wand ready in your hand while your other brought up your shirt to cover your chest. You stepped outside the cavern and was confronted by the just as shocked Ravenclaw. You met his eyes and then turn away looking for anyone else who could’ve been with him. You didn’t expect a perfect to be in your secluded area that you’ve laid claim to since your first year. The little cavern even had hooks now and little trinkets of yours you found at the bottom of the lake. You found no one else, but in fear of the boy asking you any questions you rushed back into your cavern, slipped on your bra and buttoned up your shirt. You didn’t bother putting on your cloak and you shoved your tie into your pocket along with your wand. Your shoes in hand not wanting to take time to lace them up. You were afraid to say the least. Was this the end of your secret? You hoped and prayed to Poseidon that he just thinks you’re just a swimmer who enjoys going in nude. You came out of the cavern with Namjoon still staring at you. You began to run back up the hill towards the castle, but he called after you. “Wait, wait, I won’t hurt you! Who are you? I promise I’m not a pervert.” You kept going even though he calls for you to wait and discuss the misunderstanding, but your so embarrassed. With flushed cheeks you keep towards the castle and leave the boy in the tree.
A few days has passed, and you’ve avoid Namjoon successfully so far, up until now. You both have History of Magic together today. It seems he’s never noticed you before, as when you were running from him you heard him ask who you were. However, you’ve known of him since your third year. During your third year you were walking with Jimin down the corridor to your shared potions class, discussing if it was better to use dragon scales or powder unicorn horn for the recent potion’s assignment. He’s a friend you met on the first day here sharing a cart on the train to Hogwarts, even though he’s a Slytherin he’s a complete Hufflepuff at heart. He’s become a person you treasure and feel the most comfortable with. Which is rare you don’t really socialize much outside your small circle, you fear that by getting close to people you’d eventually slip up and let them know you’re a mermaid. Your grandmother and mother always warned you to be careful and not let anyone know that our species was still thriving. Many members of your tribe and family have been caught by the poachers; even your grandfather fell victim trying to save other mermaids. He sacrificed himself to save some kids who migrated farther up the river than they should have. Jimin was best friends with six other guys from all different houses, one of them was Namjoon. Every time one of Jimin’s friend would come around him you told him you’d catch him later. Especially if Namjoon was around, you had a crush on him ever since you saw him in the Library. You were so attracted to how hardworking and kind he was to his friends. His patience to repeat and teach his friends and random students warmed your heart. You wanted to get closer to him, but your grandmother’s words echoed in your head. Jimin didn’t know about your secret, no one did, except now. Until Namjoon you’ve been able to avoid every possible exposing of your family, your species secrets.
You make your way into class and quietly avoided Namjoon as much as possible. You sat a few rows behind him, sitting next to your housemate and friend. You keep up a small conversation before the professor walked in. The class carries on as it would with a boring lecture on History you’re never going to need to apply outside of this class. None the less you still concentrate because good grades mean a lot to become a caregiver of magical creatures. You wanted to graduate Hogwarts with the best grades you could and attend Hogwarts’s University to become a Magizoologists with an emphasis in aquatic creatures. You enjoyed terrestrial creatures, but it helped being a mermaid who could communicate with the aquatic life. After all you were one of the main caregivers for the magical creatures on campus already, starting out third year with the smaller critters.
Today there’s a change in the flow of class, the professor announces that a joint history research project will be due in a few weeks. He will assign you a partner and you need to research an event in time and turn it in by the deadline. You don’t mind partnering projects, you work quite well with others, but now that Namjoon is in your class your palms start sweating. Your professor calls out student’s names and the list starts dwindling with possibilities of pairs. You start fidgeting your hands and pray you get paired with your friend, but she gets paired with a Gryffindor girl. The professor finally calls your name and you look up with wide eyes and he calls your partners name. “Y/N, you will be working with…Namjoon.” He reads off the remaining pairs and then dismisses class. You sit in your seat frozen. In the name of Merlin, what kind of luck do you have?
As your packing up to leave, he knocks on your desk changing your direction of motion from putting away your quills in your bag to his face. You take in his blonde styled hair and dark eyes curiously looking you over. You see the question in his eyes, but before you can run off again he asks, “Y/N, right? Hi, I’m Namjoon. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” He reaches his hand out for a hand shake, but you timidly grab onto his fingers and shake his hand. “Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you too Namjoon.” Your blushing enough to resemble embers. Namjoon notices and takes in your fidgeting and blushed figure. He thinks it’s so cute that you’re nervous with such a simple interaction. Before you turn to leave he stops you again, “Would you be able to meet me later tonight in the library after dinner for the project?” You turn to him and give him a nod in response and put your strap on your shoulder exiting the class. It’s still early in the day and you make your way over to your next class with the same girl who sat next to you. She elbows you and raises her eyebrows in suggestion at your interaction with Namjoon. You roll your eyes and lightly shove her causing you both to giggle. She throws her arm over your shoulder and you both make your way to Herbology.
After herbology you make your way over to the magical creature shelter next to Hagrid’s hut to tend to the animals. Your mentor, Professor Hagrid, tells you that some newbie upset the Fire crabs and they still needed cleaned. You facepalm and grumble as you walk away cursing the kid who now is probably going to cause you to lose your eyebrows. Surely enough, you almost lose your eyebrows to the crabs’ wrath. You walk down the corridor to the Hufflepuff’s common room, but you’re still lightly smoking. The ends of your hair got singed and were smoking, also your shirt had holes in it now from nearly dodging the fire blast from the feisty crabs. Black ash covers your face and arms almost like war paint as a sign of victory for cleaning the pen. As you shuffle down the hall at the other end Jimin, Jungkook, Jin and Namjoon are walking in your direction chattering about who knows what. Jimin is first to catch sight of you and calls out your name. He jogs up to you cutting of mid conversation with his friends asking what happened to you. He wipes off some ash on your face and you lick your index finger and extinguish the plume of smoke arising from the ends of your hair. “Y/N, are you okay? Did you get into a fight with Blast-Ended Skrewts?” Sighing you respond back, “No, Jimin. It was the fire crabs. Some newbie went in there earlier thinking it would be a piece of cake but angered them instead. I was sent in to clean up still.” Jimin turned back to his friends and introduced you. You shook everyone’s hands minus Namjoon’s as he let everyone know he’s already meet you. Jimin a bit surprised at you knowing Namjoon turning to you, in which you shrugged. Even though you were still embarrassed you weren’t going to be rude, but you really wanted to clean up before dinner. You excused yourself from the group and made your way to your room.
You entered the hall to see the seven boys of all different houses collected together at the middle table of the dining hall. Yoongi was smacking Hoseok’s back while he was coughing because he ate so fast he swallowed wrong. You could tell he was getting a scolding by his older friend. This caused you to laugh to yourself, but suddenly became sad wishing you could be a part of such a bright atmosphere. You carried on to your houses table and sat next to a few familiar faces and served yourself dinner. Namjoon was caught staring at you by Hoseok once he recovered. “Hyung, if you stare any longer you’re going to cast a curse over whomever your looking at.” Nonchalantly shrugging and bringing his eyes away from you as you sat down with friends to his dinner plate. Everyone at the table was laughing at how obvious he was being, Jin even cracked a dad joke. Yoongi rolled his eyes and ignored the joke all together grabbing a sweet off a plate. Jimin couldn’t help laughing harder at Yoongi’s reaction. Jimin began to entertain Namjoon’s interest in you. He told Namjoon as much as he could about how he met you your first year at Hogwarts, you were a quiet independent kid. You’ve always had accessories in your hair, but he just figured you liked to be extra. You never told him much about your personal life besides you wanting to become a magizoologists here at Hogwarts. Everyone listened attentively, but then continued with their shenanigans when Jungkook threw a bit of bread when they made a comment about his collection of white shirts.
Later when the halls were lit by torches and only a few souls and ghost wandered the halls, you made your way to the Library. He was hidden away in the corner of the library already with books covering the subject you needed to write about. Your heart was racing looking at his face, the same face that made your heart race when you first saw him. As he was lost in concentration studying whatever was in front of him, you knocked on the table interrupting his train of thought. He smiled up at you and pointed to the empty chair across from him. You sat down with a small creek of the chair and set your bag on the floor next to you. Namjoon and you without wasting time carried on a conversation about the project securing all parts and assigning who would cover what aspect.
Spending as much time as you could working on the project with bits of conversation here and there, the library closed before you knew it. At the grand Library doorway when everyone else was gone and it was just you two, you turned to him but not facing him directly you spoke softly, “Please, don’t tell anyone about what you saw.” You looked up at Namjoon with pleading eyes and he’s finally able to take in your (eye color) that sparkled the same color as when you emerged from the water. He was dumbstruck. He took in how pretty you were; the way your face looked at him pleadingly and trusting him with a life or death secret. “Of course, you can trust me. Can I ask something though?” You nodded your head in yes and waited for the question, “What are you exactly?” You look around once more assuring that the hallways are clear. For some reason you felt at ease and you could lean on him to trust him with your whole being. You figure since this guy has seen you as exposed as the day you were born, might as well clear up any misunderstandings. Namjoon reassures you as a head boy no one will question why you’re in the hallways and that no one is around anyways, not even the ghosts. As if a literal weight is lifting off your chest you reply, “I’m a freshwater Betta mermaid, well at least part. My mother’s side of the family are freshwater Betta mermaids from Hawaii, but my father was a human a wizard. Only my mother and I can go back and forth between forms as far as I know. Both my parents were students here and eventually fell in love. My father was even a Gryffindor Quidditch player at that.” Namjoon nodded along listening to your story, and you took a visible gulp. “Please, don’t take anyone about this. This could cause my family to truly become extinct.” Finally taking in the extent of your secret and letting the truth set in, he promised you to not tell anyone and that you’re secret will follow him to the grave.  Truthfully, he was shocked by your honesty and how interesting your story was. He wanted to ask more, but held his tongue questions for another time.
Another time did come, you spent more time together working on the project and even a few instances of just walking around enjoying a stroll together. Namjoon introduced you to his Siamese cat, who took an instant liking to you. Namjoon swore you were an animal whisperer and asked if he could come to you if his cat was ever sick. You giggled at how highly he thought of you but agreed and promised you’ll do all you can. Jimin even invited you to the table, you declined the first two times, but the third time was the charm. You sat down at the table next to him and greeted everyone, fully introducing yourself to everyone. They treated you as if you’ve always been a part of the group since the beginning. They took you under their wing even giving you a nickname the first time you sat with them. You were now (your nickname) to them. As you were taking a stroll with some of the guys Namjoon noticed bruises along your legs, he stopped you when the guys were walking far ahead enough. “Hey Y/N. What happened to your legs? Did someone hurt you?” You looked down at your legs and saw big purple and blue marks blossoming all along your legs. You knew they were from not transforming into your mermaid form, your body craves to shift every two weeks at minimum. The longer you go not shifting the more intense the bruises get and the pain reminds you to shift back. Brushing Namjoon off you simply lie and say “Oh, the goblin’s got a little aggressive because they weren’t feeling well and started stoning the caregivers. I’m truly fine, it’ll heal in a few days.” Unsure and not totally believing your answer, Namjoon decided to trust you and catch up with the rest of the group.
You have your own room in the castle as per request, so you don’t disturb anyone when you have to get up at night to answer an emergency call for any of the creatures. Realistically it was so you don’t have to reveal what you are to any unsuspecting roommates. Professor McGonagall and Professor Hagrid are the only one who knows about your identity. Professor McGonagall already knew your parents and your family secret even before you started schooling. She was able to set you in a room with a bathtub for anytime you needed to transform, but didn’t have time to go to the Black Lake.
One afternoon you opened the skylight on your celling in your bathroom and lit up candles by the frosted window on the adjacent wall. The fresh air already was unwinding your tense muscles and easing the itch to shift. Your body and soul were calling out to return to the water. Your bathroom was a greenhouse in the works. The vast amount of plants in your bathroom gave it the effect of being outside. You had ivy vines draped along the tiled wall and encircling your windows. Succulents were suspended at varying lengths from the celling in glass terrariums. You even had a small tree that acted like a towel rack. Being a Hufflepuff this was a stereotype you were totally buying into, plants were your second most favorite subjects after animals. Your family’s Aumakua was different species of turtles, and your snapping turtle name was Kahu. Your mother’s mother, grandmother, thought it would be a fitting name since he’ll be your little guardian. She was Hawaiian after all and wanted you to have a spiritual guardian to protect her little Betta. You set Kahu in his own little basin next to your in-ground bathtub and he started nibbling on one of the plants that dipped into his little pool. You filled the tub almost to the brim with lukewarm water to simulate the actual environment of lakes you were used to. It won’t ever compare the lakes of Hawaii, but it’ll do. You sat at the edge of your tub and began to undress. You slipped into the in-ground bathtub and began your transformation. Your rose tail hung over the edge of the bathtub with deep purples and reds reflecting off the light shining in from the skylight. You began to sing to yourself. The song was a song that has been passed verbally through generations of your people.
You were supposed to meet up with Namjoon in two hours, so you thought you would have enough time to soak and make it to the library. You didn’t realize time passed by so quickly and Namjoon was left waiting. He approached Hoseok and Taehyung and asked if they’ve seen you in the Hufflepuff common room or anywhere for that matter today. Pondering for a second thinking back to when they saw you last, Taehyung responded with, “a while ago in the morning, but not since then.” He told them he was supposed to meet you, but you were already half an hour late. Namjoon started to get worried because you’re never late, you were never one to break a promise. Loyalty was the prevalent trait of Hufflepuff’s. He couldn’t enter the Hufflepuff room since he didn’t know which Barrell to enter. Taehyung and Hoseok promised to let him in but they would have to leave him since they had herbology class to attend shortly. He’s been in here a few times with the others to hang out and nibble on snacks late at night from the adjacent kitchen, but he’s never made his way towards the rooms.
He walked into the common room and made his way to your room after asking your friends who were hanging out near the fireplace. They giggled and elbowed each other and as he walked away they after getting his answer, called after him “don’t forget to use a protection charm at least!”. Blushing like crazy he made his way up the stairs banking down the right hall not caring to entertain your friends any longer and made his way to the last room at the end of the hall. It was scandalous enough that he was in the female corridor, but your safety came first before any rules. He knocked a few times listening for a response but got nothing. He was quiet listening for any sound. The silence only made him nervous. What if you passed out? What if you were hurt? Those bruises on your leg looked painful. He took out his wand and pointed it at the door handle and whispered “Alohomora”. He rushed in checking around for you.
He called for you but stopped when he heard your voice, you were singing. The sound was coming from your bathroom. The song was enchanting him and drew him to you as if under a spell, all he could hear was your call. He opened your bathroom door and stood in the doorway taking in you in amongst your garden in your in-ground bathtub. He was mesmerized by your fluke, the colors reflecting off your rose tail. The way your scales trickled up your waist covering your chest like petals in the wind. Your dark hair was in a half up do with river jewels and pearls crowning around your head.
You turned your head to the side taking in the agape mouth man staring at you. You yell at Namjoon asking what he’s doing in your room by slipping further into the water. His eyes finally came out of their haze and he said “Huh, oh, y/n, I’m so sorry.” He turned around covering his eyes and then said “You’re late for our meeting and I was worried. I mean those bruises on your legs looked painful I thought you were hurt or something.” Gaining some confidence, you came out of the water and sat at the edge of your tub, you called him over saying it was okay to look. He already knew anyways. He turned around slowly and finally took a good look at you. Your eyes changed not a dramatic change, but now they seemed to glow warmth. He sat next to you by the edge inching closer to you. He asked with reluctance, “can I touch your tail?” You’ve never had anyone touch your tail before much less any skinship with Namjoon but, you knew he wouldn’t hurt you. He ran his hand over your thigh first to see how the scales felt. As he ran his fingers lightly over the scales they rippled gold and cooper. The sensation was more intimate than you expected, an electrical shock ran up your spine. That zing you felt is only felt by soulmates. Love was unique for mermaids. A mermaid only gets the zing once in their life, if its unfulfilled she turns into foam.
Your eyes widened because Namjoon must’ve surely felt it too. Namjoon felt a shock and noticed you shivering and removed his hand as fast as possible. You grabbed his hand before it could get far and said it was fine to keep going. Namjoon didn’t know anything about mermaids he even tried to do research, but the library had limited knowledge. He didn’t want to hurt you. He was sure the electrical shock he felt was sure normal; it’s not every day you touch a mermaid. He then went to your rose tail and traced his hand over the royal purple, burgundy, and gold of the fanned-out tail. He could only muster out a wow its beautiful as a response. You blushed and looked away from his wandering hand. He finally removed it and asked the questions he’s been holding back since you first revealed yourself. You answered everything to the best you could. You told him your mother and father lived together in the muggle world in London. Your father retired his career in athletics and now worked in a clinic as a physiotherapist. Your mother worked with as a professor at a local university teaching marine biology. He asked if transforming ever hurt, to which you replied the actual transformation doesn’t hurt, but it’s a funny sensation that takes time adjusting to when your legs fuse. Kahu didn’t even snap at him, but kept a watchful eye from his little basin. You ended up forgetting about working on the project and just stayed by your little pool and learned things about eachother.
Even after the project was done you still hung around the guys.
Two and a half weeks later coming back from the magical creature shelter after taking care of the Hippogriffs you were walking down the hallway humming a song to yourself. A throbbing pain shot through your lumbar plexus and then echoed all the way down your legs. This caused you to fall to the wall for any form of support. It took your breath away as the pain shot now all the way up your spine causing you to collapse on the floor in pain. The bruises migrated far enough up your leg all the way to your thigh. They were causing excruciating pain to the point your vision was getting blurry. Namjoon was monitoring the halls that night along with Jin, but he was in charge of the Northern side of the castle. He was reading his book and walking, confident he wouldn’t run into anything since it was now like clockwork to him. He heard a scream at the other end of the hallway. He neared your curled-up figure and sat you up from your fetal position. Your back was leaned against the wall, but sweaty strands of hair stuck to your forehead. Namjoon was asking you what’s wrong, what can he do to help. You tried to push him away insisting you were fine. He grabbed your shoulder with one hand and your chin in the other centering your hazy gaze on him. He told you he’s not going to leave you, not ever and that he’s going to help you whatever it takes. You sighed and asked him to take you to the lake. It’s been a while since you’ve last shifted.
Springing into action, Namjoon picked you up with you and told you to hold onto his back in a koala hug. Securely holding your thighs, he lead you down to the Blake Lake. He was able to avoid Mrs. Norris and Flinch. He approached the secluded spot that you both now shared and walked into the Lake with you still on his back. You were breathing heavily from the pain, but once you touched the water you sighed in relief. He let go of your thighs slowly lowering you into the water to be submerged. You began to transform with your uniform still on. Shyly you asked Namjoon if he could turn around please and sense your need for privacy he did as you asked. You removed your wet uniform and handed it to Namjoon. He took it form you without turning around but you assured him it was safe to look now. Waist deep in water he finally turned to you to see your full form only illuminated by the moonlight. He simply said wow. No matter how many times he’s seen you, it still takes his breath away. You giggled and thanked him. You told him he was free to go back and dry off you would return to the castle later, but he refused saying he’d rather stay with you. With the excuse of making sure you’re okay, but really it was to spend as much time with you and watch you in your other form.
You settled on his response and carried on swimming around the lake. Your tail rose out of the water as you dove in. As a trick you’ve learned as a young Betta you were able to call upon the fireflies. They flew around you in a swirling pattern up and weaved throughout your hair. Even tickling your nose. “Absolutely incredible” he breathed out in awe as he watched the light show. You whispered to them and then they circled around Namjoon and remained with him to keep his spot a light while you kept swimming the lake.
An hour later you had your fill of swimming and came back to shore to find Namjoon in the same position as the day you “met” him. You smiled and walked up to shore this time covering yourself with seaweed. You finished dressing in your damp clothing in your small cavern, using magic to dry yourself you came out and called to him. He finally looked down to you noticing your bruises were gone. He made his way down from the perch and you went to grab his hand. Surprised by your forwardness, he held your small hand in his tight in response. You asked him if he knew the legend of the mermaids. He shook his head with a no. You told him that mermaids only fall in love once in their life and that it’s a lifetime bond, kind of like werewolf matting for life. With a pause you grasped his hand tighter and looked up to him. “I like you a lot Namjoon, and hope to fall in love with you.” His heart swells at your confession and confesses, “I like you a lot too Y/N, I may have even fallen head over tail for you”. You smiled at his cheesy pun and he went to grab your chin to tilt your head towards him. His lips met yours in a gentle soft kiss that sent jolts of electricity through you. It felt so right, everything clicked. You parted both grinning ear to ear. He placed in your hand the scale he has been carrying around of yours the day he saw you emerge from the water, “My mermaid”. You smiled back, “My raven.”
Betta Fish Reference photo
Rose tail- shape of fin; resembled a rose petal
Aumakua- In Hawaiian mythology is a family god, often a deified ancestor. 
Kahu- in Hawaiian (according to Google) means little guardian.
Alohomora- unlocking charm
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #268
“Arden’s Dirty Hentai, The Master-smith’s Challenge, Aurum”
[Zeke] Is lingering outside his mom's room
[Arden] Is sitting at the big table reading on his computer- What do you think she's doing in there anyway?
[Zeke] Sighs - She says she's crafting, but it seems more like someone tending a stew.
[Lie] Is coming down into the lab to look for some spare potions-
[Zeke] Paces over and accidently steps on the plate that throws a statue out of a hole in the floor- AUGH!
[Arden] Are you okay?!
[Lie] Comes around the corner of the stairs- Yeah, that still catches me off guard too every once in awhile.  You two doing okay?
[Zeke] I just... I forgot it was there. Yeah... I'm okay.
[Arden] Sits back down. - Just reading ghost threads.
[Lie] - Oh!  I just remembered, I have something for you Arden
[Arden] Hmm?
[Lie] Pulls the comics out and plunks them down on the table next to him- From Ever
[Zeke] Only sees the colors from across the table- Oh! Comic books! Haven't seen any of those in ages-
[Arden] From... Ever...? - Looks up at her and down again quickly - How do you know Ever and WHAT IN THE-?
[Lie] Can't help but laugh a little- Well, you're thoughts were kinda loud that one day
[Arden] Is beet red -
[Zeke] Curiously comes over and suddenly his cheeks are flushed with purple as well.
[Lie] - You should probably at least thank Ever Arden
[Sylveon] Comes up out of Silver's room-
[Arden] I'd ask why he sent me porn but I know how he is... I- I will... - He opens a small window in the corner of his computer screen and dashes off a note before anyone else can read over his shoulder.
[Lie] Is wondering if she can bring it up again-
[Zeke] Sneaks a comic from the center of the stack and slides sideways to look at it.
[Lie] - It's not so bad Arden, even I read smut every once in awhile...  Usually CP enjoys that because it puts me in a mood
[Sylveon] Jumps up onto the table- Syl?
[Arden] Sputters a little-
[Zeke] Bites his lip and theres the faintest smell of spice coming from him-
[Arden] Glad for the distraction- Hi there!
[Sylveon] Steps closer, stepping on the keyboard as they go-
[Arden] Hey! Don't stand on that! - gentle shooing motions-
[Sylveon] Sits-
[Zeke] Looks uncomfortable. -
[Arden] Tries to push them off - Bad! Bad... Sylveon.
[Sylveon] Begrudgingly moves-
[Lie] Plops a comic in front of Arden- Come on Arden, it's not good to read on a screen for too long.  Read a book instead
[Arden] I think- I think I'd like to read this kind of thing alone, thank you!
[Lie] - Do you really think anyone here would judge you?
[Arden] It's not a matter of judgement!
[Sylveon] Is sniffing all around the computer-
[Lie] - Geez, and after everything I went through to get them for you
[Arden] Very uncomfortable-  I- I need to pee anyway! - He takes the comic in his hand almost without meaning too and charges up the stairs -
-There's a peeping from the computer as the door slams behind him upstairs-
[Zeke] Sets the comic back down with a slightly shaking hand-
[Lie] - Enjoying yourself Zeke?- Reaches over to hit a button on the computer
[Zeke] Whispers- If he likes these... I might have a chance...
[Lie] - That's the point Zeke
-A little window comes up with the message -
[CollaredEverestCat] Surely you aren't annoyed with me so much you're just going to tease me with keyboard smash?
[Zeke] Looks hopeful
[Lie] Quickly types back- It's Lie, and Arden did just run off with one of the comics...
[Ever] YES. I thought so. He just needs a little push.
[Lie] - Everything okay on your end?
[Sylveon] Goes over to Zeke-
[Ever] The fossil plant your friend made took over a section of the bookshelf.
[Lie] - Sorry...  He has a habit of watering everything...
[Zeke] Absentmindedly pets Sylveon, not noticing as his arm is suddenly patterned with hearts and stylized gym badges-
[Ever] It's okay. It's kinda neat. He did a good job on the really important one anyway. It's been way more robust since. Lots of fruit.
[Lie] - Good to hear, he actually launched me over your wall by watering my vines as I was climbing
[Sylveon] Wraps it's ribbons gently around Zeke's arm and makes a happy noise-
[Ever] I thought the foliage was looking more lush near the gate. I had to cut it down a bit so the... birds don't escape...
[Zeke] Hmm?
[Lie] - Sorry...
[Sylveon] Butts it's head against Zeke-
[Zeke] Pets them softly-
[Ever] I've got a weed whacker. Taking care of stuff like that is my job. You should see my riding mower, it's the size of a small car.
[Lie] - See, if we have grass higher then the blocks here, we just set the sheep on it, natural lawn mowers
[Ever] Oh yeah! You have sheep. I read up on your game a bit. How's the color update?
[Lie] - Very bright.  But we also have a lot of things here that aren't from the game
[Ever] You have no idea what a tempting thought that is.... To be able to have anything from any game? That's a dream come true.
[Zeke] Sits down thoughtfully. Still petting Sylveon
[Lie] - Well if you ever want anything, we might be able to arrange it
[Sylveon] Jumps into his lap-
[Ever] Typing very quickly- Anything?
[Lie] - Most likely, we have a neat trick in this game which allows us to copy things
[Ever] Do mechanical things work the same irl as in-game?
[Lie] - Most likely, we've had redstone work out there before...
[Ever] I'll get back to you...
[Arden] Comes back downstairs looking a bit flushed - Hey! Why are you on my computer?
[Lie] - Just updating Ever since you ran off
[Arden] Sputters in annoyance. He snatches the laptop off the desk and storms off back up the steps with the rest of the comics, almost as an afterthought.
[Lie] - Well that's a good sign, he took the rest of the comics at least
[Zeke] Nods wordlessly and looks down at the patterns on his skin- How odd-
[Lie] - You always make the most fascinating of patterns Zeke
[Zeke] What are they though? Looks like company logos or something?
[Lie] - I think they might be badges from the games
[Zeke] Ah... You're such a sweet little critter -
[Dolly] Comes out of her room and streches a little. She looks tired but elated, and theres a lingering masculine cast to her features. She looks healthier, and even a bit taller.
[Zeke] Mom!
[Lie] - Oh, hey Dolly!
[Dolly] Hello Lie. Did I miss lunch again? - chuckles-
[Lie] - No, I was just giving something to Arden
[Dolly] He's such a good child. Most would have fallen to troublemaking in this idleness.
[Lie] - So how have you been?
[Sylveon] Rolls over in Zeke's lap-
[Dolly] Just keeping busy- She opens a trunk under the steps and pulls out a few carrots to munch on-
[Zeke] mom...
[Dolly] Yes?
[Zeke] Are you... okay?
[Dolly] Oh yes! I feel like this place has cleared the fuzz that was filling my head.
[Lie] Frowns a little- You know, it's a beautiful day outside, maybe you two should go for a walk?
[Dolly] Her eyes flick for only a second back towards the room - I-
[Zeke] Please mom?
[Dolly] Ah... I just can't refuse my son... Just a short walk then... - She looks unnerved at the prospect of leaving the room for long-
[Lie] - If you have anything that needs watching I could watch it for you?
[Dolly] No. No... it's fine... things seem to mostly... tend to themselves here... I won't be gone long...
[Zeke] Helps Sylveon down and stands near her-
[Sylveon] Goes to rub against Lie-
[Dolly] Glances nervously back at Lie as she and Zeke leave the room-
[Lie] Waits for them to leave before going against her better judgment and looking inside of Dolly's room, the Sylveon follows her-
-The bedroom looks normal, but there just the slightest smoky smell coming from the vertical laddered shaft that leads down to the bathroom below-
[Lie] Moves closer and looks down-
-There's a bathroom below-
[Lie] Frowns- Smoke shouldn't be coming out of a bathroom- Carefully she climbs down the ladder
[Sylveon] Watches from the top of the ladder-
-At the back of the bathroom someone has cut a passageway into the stone, leading a bit downward-
[Lie] Follows the passage, becoming more and more unnerved-
-Down a few steps there's a wave of heat and the sounds of bubbling. Someone, presumably Dolly, has filled the small room with furnaces, trunks and brewing stands. The focus seems to be on a tangle of glass tubes with a large sealed flask in the center, the furnaces are obviously keeping it at a boil in the sweltering room.
[Lie] - What is she doing down here?
-The swirls of the fluid in the flask are almost hypnotic and the stuff inside seems to be a sea of molten metal being perpetully rained upon from the top of the alembic as it boils from below.
[Lie] - It's kinda pretty, I'll give her that...
-There are a few pieces of paper framed on the walls as well. The artwork on them was drawn by someone with more vision then talent-
[Lie] - Hmmm, I should probably head back up, before I get caught...- She turns and heads back up
[CP] Is lurking around Doc's place trying to find either Doc or TLOT-
[TLOT] Is sitting on the edge of the roof above the front doorway. He's alone for a change because he's nibbling on a bit of bread and a piece of the Golden Steelton cheese.
[CP] Sniffs the air and smells the cheese, he starts heading for it-
[TLOT] Leans back with a happy sigh, swishing a bottle of coffee before taking a slow sip. His exhale is slightly foggy from the cheese.
[CP] Teleports out- Here you fucking are
[TLOT] Hey Cp. Were you looking for me?
[CP] - Yeah, I think somethings going on with Lie.  She's being more irritable and griefer like lately
[TLOT] That's odd. Maybe she's just a bit stressed out. Cheese?
[CP] Grumpily takes it- Yeah, but it's really unlike her...
[TLOT] Everyone has their days. How are you doing?
[CP] - Would be much better if I could get fucking laid-
[TLOT] Small cough and thumps his chest a bit- Gah!
[CP] Scowls- Now what's your problem?
[TLOT] I just remembered what happened last time we had this discussion...
[CP] Backs off several blocks- No
[TLOT] Waves the suggestion away - Relax. I'm not proposing anything, Steve already banished me and my cheese from the kitchen. Heh.
[CP] - I've been banished to the couch for over a week now
[TLOT] A week?! That's quite a while. Is this still because of the thing with Markus's old coworkers? Or did you do something else?
[CP] - Yeeeeeeeeess, I have to fucking apologize to them if I want back in the bed...
[TLOT] That's harsh.... I don't know the actual details, just that you scared them. You didn't kill one of them or something did you?
[CP] - Left them in a sleep
[TLOT] Low whistle - No wonder she's mad... You have to know at this point that doing that upsets pretty much everybody...
[CP] - Shut up
[TLOT] Holds his hands in a placating manner - I still think it's a bit harsh. But that ability is pretty terrifying.
[CP] - Whatever, have you found anything on your fucking blacksmith?
[TLOT] Very little. His family tends to choose rather different names then the other Testificates on my seed and that might be signifigant... I don't know. He had an ancestor named Yttrium. I have no idea what it means.
[CP] Makes a serious face- One minute- He teleports off and returns a minute later with an old book.  He flips through it till he reaches about midway- Is this how it's spelled?- Points to the final name on a page
[TLOT] Squints and takes another small mouthful of bread and cheese. - Yeah... it is. What is this?
[CP] - The testificate that I've told you about?  This is his last descendent on that seed.  It is possible occasionally for a testificate to possess the ability to hop seeds...
[TLOT] You think he just showed up on mine and...? I guess it makes as much sense as anything else, its a really unusual name. But as I've told you before, Testificates that can go off the table a bit happen. It's normal.
[CP] - I mean...  There's probably one way to absolutely confirm that your smith is his descendent...
[TLOT] How? Are you propsing to read his codes or something?
[CP] - Nah, something simplier- He then teleports off
[TLOT] CP! - He takes off after the bigger brine-
[CP] Is grinning darkly as he appears outside of the new forge- Oh Tungsten~
[Drillby] Hears him and bolts nervously inside.
[Tungsten] Keeps his mate under his arm and a bit behind him- Y-yes?
[CP] - We're going somewhere
[TLOT] Right on Cp's heels - Stop scaring them. Aren't you already in hot water? You're not taking them anywhere without me either.
[CP] - Pretty sure I can
[TLOT] I guess I'll just go tell Lie you're scaring my Testificates again then -
[CP] - You wouldn't dare
[TLOT] Shark grin- Oh wouldn't I?
[CP] Growls at TLOT-
[TLOT] Sweeps past Cp and pats Tungsten's shoulder- It's okay. I'm going with you.
[CP] Flicks open an opening-
[TLOT] Kind of herds the Testificates.
-They enter an older seed at the edges of a long abandoned village.  On the far side there's a large stone building and the ruins of another next to it.  Other than those two villages, it looks like any normal village-
[CP] - It's been a long time since I was last here...
[Tungsten] Is holding hands with his mate- Where are we?
[TLOT] My thoughts exactly...
[CP] - This is where the smith who made my armor lived, that building back there?  That's his forge
[Drillby] Should we know what's going on?
[TLOT] Cp thinks Tungsten may be from some kind of a famous family.
[Tungsten] Scowls - I was all but exiled. Who cares who they were?
[CP] - Because there are things left unfinished- He starts making his way towards the building
[Tungsten] Gives a small snort. His thoughts are plain. He can't see why he should care at all.
[TLOT] Just follows Cp curiously and the Testificates trail him out of respect.
-The reach the building, one door has decayed away, but there is heat emminating from the inside.  As CP pushes open the other door they are greeted with an obsidian floor and nether brick troughs full of lava which falls from the ceiling.  There are long tables meant to be worked at and the walls are lined with pieces of metal work which would have been very difficult to make.  A large circle opening is in the ceiling where a glass dome once arched high overhead.-
[CP] Doesn't show much interest in what they can see-
[Drillby] Looking around interestedly-
[TLOT] Inspects the partial pieces.
[CP] Pushes open a couple of old metal door and looks a bit sadly at what's inside-
[Tungsten] Can't help but peek over his shoulder-
-Inside are unfinished obsidian pieces in the smiths private office, including incomplete pieces of a second set of obsidian armor-
[Tungsten] What happened to him... or her?
[CP] - He died of old age
[TLOT] Looks at the pieces as well. - A pity. That's beautiful work.
[CP] - Whenever I brought it up he always said it would be for my mate...
[TLOT] Seems like the kind of thing you would have hated someone for bringing up over and over...
[CP] - No shit
-There's a chest at the back of the room with a couple of papers sticking out-
[Drillby] peeks at the papers-
-They are plans for weapons and daily items made with various materials-
[CP] - He never got to many of those, he was constantly thinking and planning
[TLOT] His thought is not even a whisper, but Cp hears it anyway - Reminds me of Doc...
[CP] Gives TLOT a small barely noticeable glare-
[CP] Glances up and notices something high on a shelf- Ah, there they are- He reaches up and pulls down a pair of worn old gloves, which shimmer slightly
[TLOT] enchanted gauntlets Cp?  
[Tungsten] Tries to conceal his interest
[CP] - No, but one of the last things he made. They have blaze rods and magma cream woven and infused into the gloves. It makes them completely heat and fire proof
[Tungsten] Sounds useful...
[TLOT] For nabbing fiery Herobrines...
[CP] - And meant to be passed onto the next master smith in the family line. On this seed abilities like his are genetic, so he knew he would have a descendent capable of finishing and continuing his work
[Drillby] Too bad he died.
[CP] - But if my thinking is correct, then Tungsten could very well be the said descendent
[TLOT] Shrugs- even if he's not, he can do the work. Not much point in letting useful things languish in a trunk somewhere.
[CP] - Look, it's one of the things the old geezer made me promise alright? And until that one testificate vanished, I was keeping a close eye to see who would be next
[TLOT] So how do you intend on identifying if Tungsten is the descendant or not?
[CP] - The obsidian bow. It's how they all were traditionally tested to see if they were the next master, even the previous one went through the test
[Tungsten] You want me to string a bow? Or just shoot it?
[CP] - No, making it. Obsidian is a material that shouldn't bend, but a bow can be made from it
[Tungsten] That's it? You don't care about the specifics as long as it's functional?
[CP] - It might be more difficult than you think
[Drillby] Just to clarify, we can add any materials?
[CP] - Well it should be mostly obsidian
[TLOT] is already getting a shape from the small Testificates mind - how did you find out about those? [Drillby] Doc
[Tungsten] looks around for some usable materials - I need spider string...
[CP] - Third chest on the left out there
[TLOT] is conferring quietly with Drillby and gives him a coil of thick wire.
[CP] Is looking at everything in the office and a tiny chuckle escapes him-
[Tungsten] uses some magma cream to make a flat bow shape thoughtfully.
[TLOT] Gives Cp a questioning look.
[CP] - I know he was joking at the time, but these pieces of armor? Have a floral design to them
[Drillby] is fashioning some tiny wheels.
[TLOT] Awww. That's both sweet and fortuitous
[Tungsten] Is gouging out spaces at the long ends while his mate lays in the little wheels .
[Drillby] Turns the wires into some rather tiny springs-
[TLOT] Is just radiating pride in his Testificates-
[CP] Is looking at some of the old plans, including some which involve glass-
[Tunsten] Gives Drillby a small kiss and the two of them start sealing up the bow and adding the scrolling patterns.
[Drillby] watches his mate bend the bow slightly so it can be strung, and there's an audible creak as the springs inside draw it back open again against    two hinges on the top and bottom of the handle.
[CP] Heard the noise and looks up- That was fast...
[Tungsten] Doesn't say anything but the thought is plain. Two minds working together are better then just one.
[CP] Steps forward and looks the bow over. He's silent for a few nervous minutes- I think he'd be proud that his descendent is already so accomplished...
[Tungsten] With all due respect sir: bah. Drillby helped, and his parents were fishermen.
[Drillby] Looks down a bit shyly.
[CP] - So were you're like fourth great grandparents or something like that
[Tungsten] Shrugs- either way, I don't deserve all the credit.
[CP] - No but I'm fairly positive that you carry his blood, which means not only do these gloves now belong to you, but so does this forge and everything in it
[Tungsten] Looks around- it's very nice, but I'd rather work from my house, like I have been.
[Drillby] Same here.
[CP] - Still, if there's anything you want to take with you, you're free to do so
[TLOT] I think we should just take the lot. No sense in leaving it here. I'm sure you two could find a few weekend projects in all this stuff.
[Tungsten] Perhaps...
[CP] - It'll be weird seeing this place empty...
[Drillby] Well if no ones using it...
[TLOT] Takes out a bit of paper and sketches a rough design for the small building. - Do you come here a lot Cp?
[CP] - Used to, last time I was here there were still inhabitants in the village...
[TLOT] Do you think zombies got them or something?
[Tungsten] Bustling about packing things-
[CP] - No, villages tend to congregate where there are craft masters, they simply moved
[Drillby] Then at least we're not depriving them of anything.
[TLOT] True
[CP] Glances outside at the ruins next door- This village was unique in that it had two masters at once, next door was a master of glass
[TLOT] Mind if I have a look? If there's no one here. There might be something we can use.
[CP] - Go ahead, but I'm pretty sure everything's been broken over there
[TLOT] Wanders outside and into the small building. He's not used to broken pieces not despawning and picks around curiously
[TLOT] finds a lot of pretty colored shards and stores them in his inventory before coming back
[CP] While the others are distracted teleports a small way outside of town into a graveyard-
[Tungsten] What is it my lord?
[TLOT] Just pieces... It's a bit sad to see all these broken things just lying about...
[CP] Before him is a large tombstone with a single word inscribed on it. Aurum, the name of the only testificate CP has really had any respect for-
[Drillby] Sometimes it's best to just let the seed reclaim the past...
[CP] Stands there silently for a moment before returning to the group- There's one last thing I need to check on...
[TLOT] And what would that be?
[Tungsten] Has finished packing everything, he's carrying most of it in a trunk and Drillby has the box with the paper notes and diagrams.  
[CP] Grabs the new obsidian bow and heads into the office with it. He fiddles under the desk until he presses a button which opens a hidden door in the wall. Behind the door are three other obsidian bows-
[TLOT] Are you going to bury them with your friend?
[CP] - No, he said it was important to keep them where the current master could reach them... Never told me why...
[Tungsten] Shrugs- Okay. I'm sure I can find a nice place to store them.
[Drillby] They'd look nice in item frames, they're quite beautiful
[CP] Tosses one of them at Tungsten, it's smooth and you can barely tell that it's jointed-
[Tungsten] Runs his hands over it- an. Elegant solution to a strange challenge...
[CP] - That is the one Aurum made.  If you pull the string tight enough you should be able to see how he did it on the inside
[Tungsten] Pulls the bow and holds it so Drillby can see as well - Nicely done...
-Inside are spider strings coated in slime to make them a bit more like elastic so the bow would spring back silently-
[TLOT] Peeks as well. - Unlike you guys he'd never heard of springs...
[CP] - He also managed to make this when he was ten, his prowess as a smith was evident very early on
[Tungsten] Just thinking quietly-
[CP] - Although it probably has less durability then the one you just made...
[Tungsten] I'll take that as a compliment.
[Drillby] Big winning smile-
-As the string is let slack again it reverbs a little, the noise surprisingly filling the space-
[Drillby] Takes the new bow gleefully and steps into the doorway. There were a few plain arrows in the trunk of random stuff and he fits one to the bow and draws it smartly-
[TLOT] Looks over with interest.
[Tungsten] Saunters over to check the pull and Drillby lets it fly in a gentle arc.
[???] - Could use a bit of work, but the obsidian bow is more symbolic than anything else...
-The little arrow hits the gravestone and spangs off it with a loud plinking noise-
[Drillby] whoops! Sorry...
[CP] Is quick to turn towards the new voice-
[TLOT] Who's there?
-Leaning against the door frame to the office is a phantom of the past-
[CP] - Aurum...
[Aurum] - About damn time you brought my descendent here!  I was getting bored in that bow...
[TLOT] A haunted bow?
[Aurum] - I suppose so, the other two have their creators as well...  But they can only be activated by blood relations...
[TLOT] Would they like to be released? We know two different witches....
[Aurum] - Oh no, we're quite happy in the bows, we're here to help teach the next master techniques for...  Unusual things
[Tungsten] Do you really think we're related?
[Aurum] Laughs a bit- Boy, the only way I could be allowed out is if a descendent of mine pulled the string on my bow and if they were a master smith
[TLOT] Well at least we can take you somewhere more lively to hang around. As long as you're not... too old-fashioned.
[Aurum] - Old fashioned how?
[Tungsten] Very pointedly tips his head back and Drillby does the same so that their wedding torques are visible.
[Aurum] - Ah, I see.  Had five of those myself!
[TLOT] Laughs- I think you'll enjoy this quite a bit. Shall we head back?
[Aurum] - Where to?  Another city?
[TLOT] There's a bit of extra light in his eyes at the mention- Another server actually.
[Aurum] - I think I remember mister grumps a lot over here mentioning those before
[TLOT] It's lower resolution then this, but certainly more lively-
[Aurum] - I see...  Well, so long as I can do my job of teaching, I'll be happy...  Well that and continuing to annoy that one- Thumbs at CP
[CP] Rolls his eyes- Yes Aurum, you're lucky I can't stab you now...
[Aurum] - Ah that was always an empty threat when it came to me and you know it
[TLOT] Grins-  Wait until you meet his wife...
[Aurum] - Wait what?  Ha!  Good thing I started on that second set of obsidian armor then, mister I will murder you for even mentioning that!
[Tungsten] She's a lovely lady.
[Drillby] Titters - As long as you don't fall afoul of her lust blossoms.
[Aurum] - I think I'd like very much to meet her
[TLOT] Flaps out his cape in a gracious way - Shall we hence then Cp?
[CP] - Yeah yeah, what ever- He creates an opening and Aurum moves towards his bow
[Aurum] - When you need me just have...  Oh I'm an idiot, I never got your name!
[Tungsten] I'm Tungsten and this is my hubby, Drillby.
[Drillby] Charmed.
[Aurum] - So if ever you need me or just want to chat, just have Tungsten pluck the string on my bow, same goes for the other two.  Glad to see the naming tradition is still going on to!
[TLOT] Chuckles - Most of my village the people are named after foods. These two are unusual.
[Tungsten] Walks through the opening with his hubby and TLOT following
[Aurum] - Because our family is known for master smiths, we tend to be named after metals
[TLOT] I've never been able to figure out where they were getting them... some of them are things Doc says only exist in the real world that they should never have heard of.
-The group remmerges into the forge and the air is full of the little sounds of Testificates going about their business and children merrily playing-
[CP] Closes the opening behind them-
[Aurum] - Our seed had many more metals then normal according to the tall sourpuss there
[TLOT] We don't have much different that's found here naturally, but we do have a ton of stuff that's been brought in. We've got several rather outgoing Herobrine's around here.
[Aurum] - So multiples of him?- Motions towards CP- I figured as much judging by your eyes
[TLOT] Well we're all glitches but we vary depending on how we spawned and where we came from. This server is at the resolution I spawned at and I'm the native. Herobrine the Lord of Tears. TLOT for short. Your buddy here is our creepypasta Herobrine, so Cp.
[Drillby] Opens the door and the background noise goes up a tad as he lets some outside light into the room-
[Aurum] - I see, this does seem like a lively place though...
[CP] - I'm heading home
[TLOT] Perhaps I'll do the same - He breathes on his hand- I think I've talked out any possible cheese-breath.
[Tungsten] I'll show you around Aurum, they'll be plenty of time to talk to everyone.
[Drillby] I think I'll put the other stuff away. I'll have dinner ready when you get back.
[Tungsten] Small kiss to his mate-
[Aurum] - No need to make anything for me
[Tungsten] Small chuckle- It shall be a feast for the eyes then- Heads outside-
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#BreakFastTime #BDBRW
(I finished filling out my application to the Trainee Program for the brotherhood, and I would send it in tomorrow night to the designated delivery address. I was still at a loss as to what would go on next, but I am sure they would be contacting me letting me know one way or another what the next step would be. I tossed the empty bottle of beer into the trash and made my way to the back bedroom. I was trying to be a gentleman by giving her my bed. It was her lucky night, any other time my naked ass would be in bed beside her. I went in and checked on her, and she was sweating bullets and was hot to the touch. I supposed it was the alcohol burning its way out. I just hoped she didn’t get sick. I turned the heat down and grabbed a pillow, blanket and made my way out of the room closing the door behind me. I made up the sofa and grabbed the remote turning on the TV not paying attention to anything that was on, just using it for some background noise so if the female woke up she might not freak.)
~I woke in a daze. My eyelids felt like the lashes had twined together in an attempt to keep them from opening. I had to swipe them multiple times just to convince the mascara that it didn’t need to help keep my eyes from ever opening again. The blurred vision I got once I finally managed to open them peepers really didn’t do me any good either. Where the hell was I? It sure as hell wasn’t my place. That much I could tell by the smell. It was very… sniff, sniff… dudish…! Shit! What did I do last night?!! I curled up in a ball, head in my hands. Damn it, Zo. You know better than this. What if I ended up with a psycho? I could seriously be diced meat right now. Knowing my luck, that was far more likely than picking up the one guy who would actually be nice to me. I’d pretty much given up on the whole dating scene entirely. The last one ended up setting my car on fire. Honestly, I gave up on cars too. I’d walk and learn how to pleasure myself before I went down either road again. And yet, here I was. Well shit, a girl’s got needs. Right? Hell if I know. I can’t even remember what happened. That has to be the most disappointing part. I probably had a super good time and OF COURSE I don’t remember it. Wait a minute… Why was my head so hot? Do a vitals check girl! You could still be missing pieces! You still got your kidneys? I swiped a hand under the sheet, feeling my side where I imagined someone would take a kidney out. Nope, nothing there. Like REALLY nothing there!~ Fuck! I’m super naked!! ~I instantly clamped my hand over my mouth. You might not be alone here! And oh, my, god, what is that in your mouth?! I dragged my tongue over the roof of my mouth. It felt like a small, furry animal had crawled up in there and died. Just how drunk had I gotten? Apparently straight up plowed.~ Literally!!! ~I snorted out a laugh that was entirely too loud. I groaned and drew the pillow over my head, hiding completely under sheets and pillows. If no one sees me, I’m not really here right? Wait a minute. There’s my clothes. They were shoved all the way to the foot of the bed, bunched up under the sheets with me. Like they’d pissed me off in the middle of the night and I took them off. Yes, I did that sometimes, so bite me. Oh my! That brought back a memory! I ran a hand down my neck, trying to feel for a sore spot or a wound of some sort. What I actually remembered was how frickin yummy it felt. Calm down girl. You are getting yourself all worked up.~
(I woke to the sound of a rapid heartbeat coming from the back bedroom, MY bedroom. A smirk played upon my lips as I laid here thinking about what had occurred in the alley last night. The smell of sex was still in the air around her, and I was hard just thinking about it. I couldn’t wait until she made her way out of the room, I am going to guess she doesn't even remember what went on, with all the sounds I heard going on in that room throughout the night. I sat up, running my fingers through my hair, smoothing it down on my head before making my way to the bedroom. There was a lot of movement going on under the sheets, and hell, I was curious as fuck to see what she was doing in there under them sheets. Rising, letting my blanket fall to the floor I slowly made my way to the outside of the door. My sweats hung low on my hips, and I was shirtless as I opened the door, slowly peeking in. I seen her curled up in a ball with her head buried in her hands. Her heart was beating so fast now I thought it best if maybe I make a small noise to avert her attention. I let out a little cough…”Hello… um, sorry I didn’t catch your name last night, I hope you are feeling better.” I briefly paused for a few seconds before continuing. “I didn’t know where to take you. You know you really should carry a photo id or your driver's license with you.” I kept my eyes towards the floor; I knew she was naked by the sound of the sheets moving over her skin, and I could smell myself on her. “The bathroom is down the hall to the left; I will leave you a few towels if you’d like to shower.” I let my eyes travel up to the bed, hoping maybe she would peek out from under the sheets. “Hey, you hungry? I could make us something to eat.” Why the fuck was I being helpful to this female? Something about her made me feel sorry for her. I turned from the room and made my way to the bathroom leaving her some towels out and one of my clean shirts before going back to the kitchen to start breakfast.)
~I held very still as soon as I heard the cough of someone else in the room. I gripped the mattress, ready use it to propel me forward kamikaze style if this guy turned out to be the stabbing type. Better not. I'd claw his eyes out! Hang on a sec. He actually sounds super nice. My head tilted to the side and I pulled a section of the sheet up so I could catch a glimpse.~ Holy Hell!! ~I let out a wolf whistle at the stacked and packing piece of man meat that was walking out of the room. Dayum, Zo! You done good girl! I was leaning out of the bed to catch a better view and I ended up falling ass over tea kettle onto the floor. Sheets and pillows flying everywhere in a tangled mess. I hit my head with a loud thud.~ Umpf! Ugh... sonofa... ~I bunched and tucked all of the sheet around me as I somersaulted across the floor like I meant to do that. I scrambled to my feet with hair flying wildly and a near miss on the wardrobe malfunction. Shit girl, pull yourself together. This is serious. That guy is positively delish.~ I know what I wanna eat... ~I mumbled under my breath and then burst out laughing. Remembering myself I called after him.~ Thank you! Really. That's awesome of you. ~Wait. I didn't have my ID?! Shit! Where the hell did I leave it? I remembered putting in my purse. Least I thought so. I poked my head out of the room to catch the glorious sight of him heading toward the kitchen. I groaned and forced myself to dart into the bathroom instead of toward him. I really was nasty and I needed to fix that before I jumped on Muscles over there. Well maybe not jump on him... Although... It would be nice to remember him at least. Good reason. Let's go with that. I nodded to myself and turned on the water in the shower. The sheet fell to the floor in a florid swish of my arms.~ I'm using your toothbrush. Okay? Thanks! ~I didn't even wait for him to say no. This critter in my mouth needed evicting quick fast and in a hurry. By the time I was done with that the water was steaming up nice and good. I got in the shower and almost fell on my ass. One foot slipped and I grabbed the sides like a sucker fish. Nope! Not falling again this soon. Course it probably sounded like I was. That or killing something that came up from the drain. Crisis averted. For now. I rolled my eyes at my own clumsiness just before losing myself in how wonderful the water felt. I moaned like I was doing something naughty, lathering up with whatever products Gluteus Maximus used. I liked the idea of smelling like him. So what if I just met him? He was fucking hot and I was taking the win.~
(I couldn’t help but let a cocky smirk appear on my face. I heard every word the female had said, and although I was a hit it a go kind of guy, I can’t deny she made me kind of laugh. It had been so long since anyone had done that. I always said I would never mate with anyone, seeing first hand what heartache of losing your other half could cause and I did not want to partake of that. I also never fucked the same person twice. I did not do clingy very well, and now with me going to the trainee program, well, who would have time for that. I finished making breakfast, I made us both up a healthy portion and setting them on the table along with some juice and had the coffee going. I heard her in the shower, squirting out the soap, and oh My toothbrush!? Well, I could think of something else to stick in her mouth. I yelled after hearing her moan, “Everything going ok in there?” I fought back laughter and decided to peek in on my house guest. I walked all stealth like down the hall not making a sound as I approached the bathroom door. I grasped ahold of the handle, turning it slowly and pried the door open. There she stood, her back towards me as I watched the suds of the soap make their way down her curves. I held back a growl and the urge to rip the shower door off. I felt the need to press her against the shower tile and have my way with her. My dick was as hard as a diamond in an ice storm. FUCK. I backed away and shut the door without a sound. I quickly adjusted myself as I was still walking around in sweats. I yelled out, covering up what I had just done. “Breakfast is going to get cold if you don’t hurry up.” I walked over to the sink turning the cold water on taking some in my hands to splash my face with as I heard the shower turn off. Drying my face off with a hand towel tossing it on the counter before taking a seat at the table waiting on the female to join me for a bite to eat before finding out more about her.)
Zo: I'll be out in a minute! ~I felt more like a person after I got out of the shower. Between that and brushing the gunk out of my mouth, I was set to face the world. Or maybe just the guy in the other room. Damn. Was I set to face him? The dose of liquid courage that I had last night was no longer a factor here. What if he didn't actually care for the real me? I looked at myself in the mirror. Meh. Fuck it. What have I got to lose at this point really? Not a damn thing! I picked up the shirt that he left for me with a big old grin on my face. He was so thoughtful. 'Here. Wear a shirt and nothing but.' Why thank you, I think I will. I held it up to my nose and took a deep whiff. Very nice. Maybe I could steal it from him when I left. I slid it over my head, instantly getting lost in the fabric. His shoulders for miles equaled a dress on me. I laughed and toweled off the excess water in my hair before calling it good and leaving the relative safety of the bathroom.~ Whatever you made smells amazing. ~Always did like a guy who knew his way around a kitchen. I stopped when I finally saw him and gave a nervous grin. Damn. His backside wasn't the only thing appealing about him. Keep it together girl. I came over and sat down in the chair with a plate of food in front of it. My stomach growled instantly. I hid my laugh in my still wet hair.~ Guess I was more hungry than I thought. ~I forgot the food for a moment and let my eyes wander the many tattoos that I was seeing. Way I figured it, if a person has that much art on their body, they want people to look at it. It did nothing to hide bulging muscles. In fact it was hard to ignore the contours in favor of the ink. I probably looked stupid staring but I didn't care. My head tilted to take more of it in. There was a lot going on here.~ I like... that one, most of all. ~I touched a finger to the winged warrior on his upper arm.~ Though this one is a close second. ~Touching the dragon that curled around his neck and down his pec. I grinned wide and took my finger back, scraping teeth over my lower lip.~ So... My name's Zophya. ~I held out my hand.~ You can call me Zo for short. Everyone else does.
(I waited patiently as my house guest yelled that she would be out in a minute which gave my cock enough time to tame down. Taking a huge gulp of coffee, I heard her feet pad down the hall, my eyes focused on where she would appear never losing sight of her as she took her seat. A smirk played in the corner of my lips as her stomach roared out in hunger. “ Well I am glad, it smells good to you, I wasn’t sure if you’d be up for some food after last night.” I looked at this little female over my cup of coffee. I enjoyed her eyes raking over my skin gazing at my tattoos, but then when her finger touched me, holy fuck, it took all I had not to clear the food from this table and lay her out on it. The only thing that saved her at this moment was when she finally gave me her name and broke my train of thought. “Zophya, that is nice.” Her named lingered on my lips. “Mine name is….” Damn, how do I tell her my name is Dharkness and not send her running. “Donovan, but my friends call me Dhark.” I took her hand into mine, holding on to her longer than anyone should. I could feel my fangs drop. It was like her blood called out to me and my mouth watered just to taste her. My cock once again begging to be buried between the warmth of the thighs of this female. My eyes shifted down my shirt, the one that she was wearing. Stopping at her ever so perky nipples that were showing through the material I licked my lips and once again a feral growl that started in my gut made its way past my mouth. With one quick sweep of the table the food flew with such a force, the plates shattered against the wall as the food slid down piled on the floor as the steam still rose. I had this female on the table flat on her back before she could even speak. My eyes shifted from hers as  I tore at the shirt, shredding it with my teeth feeling her flesh now against mine. Without even asking my hand eased between her legs and my lips made their way to her ear tugging at her lobe before I spoke in a hushed tone. “Zo, It seems my appetite has taken a turn, I no longer hunger for food but you.” Scraping my teeth along her pink flesh, kissing down her neck as I cupped one of her breasts. I was intoxicated by her scent, or maybe it was her blood, but I knew she wouldn’t be leaving here anytime soon.)
Zo: ~My brow furrowed as he seemed to struggle to remember what his name was. Was he giving me a fake one that he just made up on the spot? The flicker of a warning was quickly dashed as I focused on the hold his hand on me. Strong, well used fingers. Just like the rest of him. I blushed as his gaze went directly to the girls that were cutting glass right now. I probably could have dried off better because the wetness of my hair was leaving nothing to the imagination on the shirt front. I could have probably come out in a parka and not stopped what happened next. Food flew everywhere. I might have said something but I didn't have a chance to get out more than a surprised squeak before I found myself laid out on the table.~ Holy hell!... ~One thing I had to give him, he didn't mess around. He went after what he wanted. And damn me if it didn't hit all the right notes with me. I'd come into the room aroused but now I was flat out dripping. My hands found and explored rich mounds of muscled flesh, greedy to know every inch of the guy who was above me right now. I almost forgot to breathe. It was a close thing and ended up coming out in a ragged burst that had my chest rising and falling. The shirt didn't stand a chance. Had I ever seen someone rip off clothes with their teeth? The answer was a huge, NO. But I could sure as hell cross that off my bucket list now. I arched into him and held on for dear life. It felt like I could melt off of the table and land in a puddle on the floor at any moment. My breath hitched once more and I surprised myself with a loud moan as his hand slid right between my thighs.~ Oh Shit!... ~My legs opened without a thought as to whether or not I should. I hooked both feet around his huge calf muscles. Pulling myself into him. It felt like my entire body was on fire and he was the only thing that could put out the flames.~ Fuck food... ~I gasped~ We can eat later... ~Nails dug into his back and shoulders, slipping and clawing through all those beautiful tattoos.~
(An animal instinct came over me as her nails dug into my skin. I felt her feet wrap around my calfs. Knowing I would break this table, but at the same time not caring, I ran my hand down her outer thigh all the way down to her ankle, breaking the hold she had on me. I glided down her body, worshiping every inch on my way down. Cupping her perfect, hard nipples that I saw poking through the now shredded shirt that sprawled all over my floor, giving them a nice squeeze. The smell of her arousal now filled the room. Letting loose of her breast my hands ran over her flat stomach, to her mound. I ran one finger down her soaking wet folds letting my index finger skim over her clit to her entrance. I licked my lips with anticipation of tasting this female. The arch of her body was erotic and made me want to do nasty things to her. I pushed my finger forward penetrating her core. I pushed her legs farther apart with my free hand dipping my head down between her thighs licking up and down both before I claim my prize. Flattening my tongue over I slowly made my way up over her juices sucking her click as I know added another finger, moving every so easily now in and out as I worked on giving her something to remember me by. My tongue ran up and down her, gaining intensity. I would show no mercy to her, and would not be satisfied until I felt the quiver of her legs vibrate so hard it would knock us off the table.)
Zo: ~I should probably be worried about what I was doing. I had only just now learned this guy's name and here I was spread out on his table like a Thanksgiving dinner. These were the kind of things that horror movies were made of. Single chick goes home with some guy she fucked while totally wasted. Next morning they find her hacked to bits in a dumpster somewhere. Did I even care right now? Not even remotely. He was hot and I was horny. It was that simple. Well... There was more to it. Like the fact that I couldn't remember ever even being horny before. Yeah, I had sex. I wasn't no dang virgin. But it was never... This!! I wanted to pull him down inside of me so bad that it hurt. When he unlocked my ankle and pulled away even a fraction I was ready go full Hellcat on his ass. I rose up from the table, supporting myself on my elbows, and almost fell right back down. I moaned loudly and pushed into the hand that he had on my breast. Hell, who was I kidding? This guy could do whatever the fuck he wanted to me. I made my arms hold me up as he descended. I wanted, no, I needed to see him. There was so much that I missed last night and I was sure as hell going to enjoy every minute of it this time around. I sucked in a breath that I almost forgot to let go. I don't know what I did right to get this kind of treatment but I was sure as hell sending up some thank yous right now. And there was his tongue... Something a little tamer than a scream came out of me. I started falling back and caught myself at the last second. Determined to stay right where I was, I grabbed his hair with both hands and used that to keep me up. I'd rip his frickin hair out before I fell this time. I damn near pushed and pulled his head to exactly where I wanted it. Though he didn't need any kind of direction to get the job done. It really didn't take too long before all my resolve flew out the window. There wasn't a muscle left in my body that was going to hold me up. I slipped down, maybe taking a bit of his hair, I wasn't sure. I was twitching and rolling with every small motion of his. My fingers found my nipples and I rolled them back and forth. I cried out to the heavens as I climbed higher and higher.~
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