#they are so obsessed with each other i can't
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doubleslashkarma · 1 day ago
The Pangi Lukey Pili dynamic is life-changing because it's like. What the fuck.
Lukey has both Pangi and Pili around his finger. Pangi and Lukey are best friends. Pili has a one-sided crush on Lukey but they've talked it out and have a mutual respect for each other. Pili doesn't give a fuck about Pangi besides distant concern for his general wellbeing. Pangi hates Pili with the strength of 1000 suns so he acts really jealous of Lukey to piss Pili off. Pili is actually two people and the secret Pili 1 fucking hates Lukey and wants him dead, while being obsessed with Pangi. Lukey knows about the two Pilis but Pangi just thinks Pili is a two-faced freak and hates him even more. Lukey relentlessly makes fun of Pangi for still being hung up on Pili. Pangi thinks Lukey and Pili are dating. Lukey barely corrects him because he loves being a problem.
Disaster triangle I hate them. Can't wait to see more
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advluv4life · 1 day ago
"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to."
I'm dying. Andrew's killing me. This is killing me. Oh my god. Why did I think of this quote right now? I'm going to keel over from this quote. I'm in love with them.
what would I give you? anything. I would do anything. anything. for a car? nothing. for you? I would do anything. I would do anything.
I'm dying because this is all that is playing in my head right now. These two are literally everything to me.
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l0s3rd0wnt0wn · 2 days ago
I imagine Robin Reader with the same style as Moon Girl
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Robin!Reader is probably the cutest of all the Robins. She's energetic, bubbly, and excited, but don't let that cute smile fool you; she's mean. I think Robin!Reader's main weapon would be electric brass knuckles made by her personally, and our little Robin is pretty flexible and athletic, making her a great fighter. She doesn't take fights seriously, cracking jokes whenever she can: "Yeesh, I’d rather go to a Weird Al show than listen to another pun at his funny." He hates you as Robin so much, and Robin!Reader has a crazy rivalry with Deathstroke!Reader. Whether they're in the same AU or two different people entirely, it's like the song "Girl" from Charli XCX; both match each other in fighting skills and personality, bouncing well off each other, but they can't seem to get along at all. "At least I'm not flat-chested like you. No wonder why boys friend zone you; you're like their little sister." Deathstroke!Reader is brutal, but when they go low, you go lower. "Well, at least I don't dress like a hooker to get some guy's attention; your daddy issues speak for themselves." And now they're both on the ground pulling braids and ruining silk presses. Think of Panty and Stocking, except they don't have their sister moments—it’s just fighting. Maybe you both need to work together for a mission, and everyone sees how good you are together, but at the end of the day, the hatred never dies. Since Reader is a Robin, she's her own super or speedster. Cassie is your super; she's the one carrying you around since you can't fly, holding you close to her chest to get the other Young Justice members jealous. Tim isn't a fan of this at all; he's using your cape to block you from her and everyone else's advances. You're his little bird, and he'll do whatever it takes to protect you, even if it means going into Bruce's secret stash of Kryptonite for Conner's little crush on you—more like obsession, really. He uses your heartbeat to fall asleep at night. Bart is too sweet, and the two of you are on the same wavelength at all times. No matter what, he feels like he’s found his soulmate, platonic or romantic; the two of you just click like Lego pieces. But he'll go crazy if you have that same click with anyone else. In the Justice League, you’re their emotional support Robin. Hal's down in the dumps thinking he’s a bad Lantern, and you pick up on it real fast during a mission: "You're so strong, Mr. Lantern! I could never think of something like that!" Now he's thinking about making you a sidekick. Diana? You're a strong young woman, and she adores you. Next thing you know, you're on Themyscira, and you're their new princess. You're a busy little Robin!
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nylwnder · 2 days ago
muddy mess
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a/n: hiiiiiiiiiiiiii my bbs!!!!!!!!! okay, i have made you guys wait so long for this and i honestly never expected this to end up at 6k?? didn't even know i am capable of such a word count but its all for uuuu guys!! i hope you love it as much as i loved writing it (even if it took me longer than i would have wanted, in which sorry pls forgive me <3 i hate uni) i added some suggestions from u guys (like making the reader latina again!). also yes, this is indeed the end of the smutty series and i absolutely loved this opportunity to be soooo slutty with you guys!!! dw, i have a lot of ideas still flowing and i can't wait to share that during the rest of 2025 :) enjoy whores!
pairing: william nylander x latina!reader 
warnings: SMUT!! oral (f! receiving), fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, dog walker!reader, use of spanish (with translations in brackets), swearing, mutual pinning, just being lowkey obsessed with each other, pablo and banksy referred to as willy's kids (cause they are), beau mention!!!!! (my dog <333333)
word count: 6.3k
taglist:  @shoot-the-puck, @lukepangburn118 , @hawkeyefierce , @boqvistsbabe , @sweetiet , @p1tstop , @occasionallyaurora , @laurenairay , @fallinallincurls , @andrea9 , @dylpickle4791 , @biznastysloneshift12 , @dramatic-queen , @willianmylander
series masterpost 
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the day was nice, one of the reasons why autumn was your favourite season. the air is a welcoming crisp, enough to wear a long sleeve or a lightly layered outfit, complimenting the bright and shining sun that grazed everyone’s faces. the city was bright with warm tones, the yellow and orange leaves littering the ground like a sunset. 
you had gotten ready in the morning to head to your first client, your only client, your favourite client. you hooked the leash on your own dog, beau, and headed out the door. walking to the apartment building you know all too well, welcoming yourself to the front desk per usual. 
once the elevator doors sprung open to the correct level, beau had made his way to the door in excitement. smelling through the crack and wagging his tail. cracking open the lock with your key, you’re met with your usual sight: three dogs greeting each other in pure joy. afterwards, the other two greet you with licks to any and all exposed skin. 
“hola chavalitos, ay si mi preciouso!” (hi kiddos, oh yes you cuties!!) you exclaim. 
you close the door behind you, as the pups run to the living room to continue saying hello. beginning to play with some toys while you grab the necessities for pablo and banksy. willy always left everything you needed neatly for you on a table everytime he left them for practice, a game or a road trip. you always appreciated his consideration, sometimes wasting far too much time trying to find a leash or a harness in a crowded mess with other clients.   
you call pablo and banksy over, kneeling down to get them all geared up while beau waits patiently beside them. “you are such good boys aren't you!” you smile, patting one before turning to set up the other. 
you must admit, you have never walked more well behaved dogs in your life. sure there was the odd excitement for a squirrel or an eager pull to the dog park, but never a hassle and always something you could manage. in all honesty, you didn't even really need the leashes, since william has accustomed them to behave perfectly fine without them. but for safety and formality, you chose to do so. 
that also meant you couldn't deny working full time for william, when he asked. with the way his schedule seemed to mesh perfectly with your life, not to mention the way beau had managed to bond with his adorably curly rascals—and william—it seemed like an easy decision. willy also made sure to meet up to expectations, to make sure it was worth it to invest all your time in him and his pups. sure, you would have done it for free, out of pure love and care for pablo and banksy… and william, but this was your job. your source of income for the moment. and will understood that. 
that also meant the butterflies and fuzzy feeling you felt whenever you would catch willy still in the apartment, fresh out of the shower, shirt nowhere to be seen and sweats hanging deliciously low around his waist, was to be pushed aside. and buried. deep, deep underground. 
you had to ignore the way your heart pounded a little faster and a little louder when his hand would gently touch your waist to catch your attention on a matter before he left. or the way his fingers would grace your own when he would take the boys’ stuff out of your hands. 
or hide the blush that laced your face when he would offer to hang out when he was back. or call you on his free days. you didn't have to say yes, maybe you really shouldn't have, to maintain a sense of independence and professionalism, but you said yes, because you wanted to. you wanted to so fucking bad. 
and you definitely had to stop feeling the small ounce of jealousy whenever you found a particular article of clothing that certainly belonged to a girl, scattered somewhere on the edge of the bed or near the back of the couch. not to mention, that one day you were met face to face by a girl in the kitchen, startled by your presence. you were about to explain yourself before william came out to introduce you to her. 
you could notice the way her eyes watched you with a layered sense of bothersome, and you couldn't help but smile. when she noticed the way william spoke to you, with joy and ease. words laced with love and gratitude. with the way he hugged you, in front of her, holding you against the stern build of his chest. his hands falling low, to the small of your back. he thanked you quietly and gently in your ear. not just for taking care of pablo and banksy, and loving them like him (if not more), but for being there for him. and with him. for making him smile. for being you. 
he did that often. 
you guys did your usual walk around the yorkville area. heading to the park and letting the boys roam around and enjoy their time together. you always stopped to let them smell and explore, it was their walk after all. 
you made it to the off-leash area, unhooking their leashes and closing the gate behind you, making sure no other pups escaped while you entered. the boys ran around, greeting other pups and engaging in playful games and fights. beau wasn’t too much of a social dog and easily gets overwhelmed, so after a few sniffs he makes his way back to you. he hops up on the bench that you were sitting and watching from. 
you gave him a few pets around the ears, “all done today, bubs? buen chico!” (good boy!) your phone then suddenly began to buzz in your pocket. 
standing up slightly to grab it, you see your mother’s picture on the screen. “hola mami” (hi mom) 
“mija, como estas?” (my daughter, how are you?) 
“bien mamá, estoy en el parque con los chuchitos. y tu y papi?” (i’m okay, just at the park with the dogs. how are you and dad?) 
“ay chavala, siempre estás en el parque, siempre con esos perros. cuando vas a encontrar un buen hombre mija, ah?” (you’re always at the park, and always with those dogs. when are you going to find a good man, huh?)
“william! siempre estás con ese william. y él? estás seguro de que solo cuidas a sus perritos?” (you’re always with william. what about him? are you sure you only take care of his dogs?)
“si, mamá. for the hundredth time, i'm just the dog walker.” 
“mhmm, y yo solo soy tu madre. y le has dicho que te gusta? no estoy diciendo que tengas que casarte con él mañana, pero—” (and i'm only your mom. have you told him that you like him? i'm not telling you to go marry him tomorrow but—)
“ay dios mío, mamá no estoy saliendo con william!” (oh my god, mom im not dating william!)
“entonces, por qué sientes que desearías estar saliendo con él? estoy segura de que a él también le gustas, nena.” (then why does it feel like you want to date him? i'm sure he likes you too, sweetie)
you play with your hair, standing up and turning to check on pablo and banksy, completely distracted by your mother’s interrogation. not like you should have been surprised, this isn't the first time. 
“okay. lo único que digo es que si no te arriesgas, el universo podría empujarte en la dirección correcta.” (im only saying, if you don't put yourself out there, the universe might just push you in the right direction)
“okay mamá, tengo que ir. te amo, cuidate.” (okay mom, i have to go. i love you, take care)
“te amo también, cariño. tu papá te llamará después del trabajo, vale?” (i love you too, sweetie. your dad will call you after work, okay?)
“okay, bye.”
only a single breath after your words, you find your foot slipping in a hidden patch of mud near a part of the fence. you go flying forwards, your phone tumbling down in front of you. you crunch the dry leaves on the floor and begin feeling the cold and moist ground under you. the dogs bark, coming to your face and sniffing all around you. banksy jumps on you, you gently push him down to allow yourself to get up as quickly as possible. 
this cannot be happening right now. 
groaning, covered in mud from knees to torso, you mumbled to yourself…“she cursed me”.
there weren’t many people inside the dog park at the time, that doesn’t mean you didn't feel a heavy wash of embarrassment flood over you. not to mention the fact that the people who did witness the accident didn’t offer a hand or ask if you were alright. perhaps because you leashed the dogs and left equally as quick as you fell. 
you walked all the way back to william’s apartment with a huge brown patch of dirt covering the entire front of your body. you kept your head low, and walked until you reached the comfort of the familiar sliding doors of the elevator. turning to look at the mirror behind you, you looked hilarious. 
the elevator opened and you unlocked willy’s door, letting the dogs free. you made sure to not step too far into the apartment, not wanting to make too much of a mess with your muddy shoes. you left them neatly in a corner, planning on cleaning them after you cleaned yourself up first. 
yes, you could have walked back to your apartment and gotten into your own shower. but you did not feel like walking another 10 blocks with eyes scattering towards you while you smelt like dog shit. because you did. since it probably was a mixture of both that you so beautifully chose to land on today.
william was supposed to make it home from a road trip sometime in the afternoon, so you knew you had time. plus, he had mentioned that you could use anything you wanted when you were over, “whatever you need” he assured you. anyways, you have stayed over at his place when he's been gone for long roadtrips, to ensure his boys eat well and are taken care of besides a walk. you knew the place like the back of your hand if you were being honest. hell, he’s even caught you singing to selena and dancing with the pups when he’s come home. 
did he join you? perhaps. he can't deny that he enjoyed the view. the domestic-ness of it all. it was always him & his dogs in the city they call home. but when was it going to grow by one? the one. 
that being said, you never actually used his shower before, going as far as stopping by at your own place to do anything like that. plus it allowed you to switch out the clothes you had packed. it was something you felt you should do, to establish those boundaries and solidify your professionalism. but right now, he would understand the situation that you were in. no, he wouldn't mind you assured yourself.
you walked into the bathroom, grabbing a plastic bag on your way over to put your clothes in so they wouldn’t dirty the floor. you got in, relishing in the welcoming drip of water, and awaiting the fresh and clean scent of soap. 
his body wash. it stood on the shelf before you grabbed it. the smell was intoxicating, as you poured it into your hands. it smelled like him everytime he passed by you after practice. everytime he left before a game. the days he's hugged you, the scent still lingering in his neck and his hair. 
it felt wrong. maybe you really should have gone home. but you were already in here. “its fine i’ll be done before he gets home.” you mumbled. 
clothes. what were you going to wear? no you couldn't possibly grab one of his hoodies and sweats. maybe you could put them in the washer. yes of course, thats what ill do… but what if he comes home by then? what will i wear? i’ll be naked!
you quickly scrubbed yourself clean, all over your legs and stomach, the dirt having transferred through your clothes and stained your skin. you could do this fast and he wouldn't even know you were in there. but then the door opened and you heard footsteps and waddles and happy whines coming from the dogs.
he's here. 
you heard him greet the dogs like usual, and could sense his figure getting closer towards the bathroom. he called out your name. 
ay dios mío, “in here!” 
“everything alright?” he asked, standing near a corner so that he couldn't see through his standing shower, respecting your privacy. 
“had a bit of a, um- muddy mess…” 
you heard him giggle, and you couldn’t help but feel a tad embarrassed again. he mentioned he saw your shoes at the door. 
“i’m sorry, i didn't really wanna walk all the way home like that. plus i'm pretty sure i fell in dog shit.” 
he shared a chuckle again. “that's okay, told you, whatever you need.”
you continued to rinse. “i’ll be done in a sec.” silence fell between the two of you but you could feel william hadn't moved from his spot. 
“do you want some help?” he asked. it could pass as a gentle, genuine and innocent question from the outside. but was it more layered than a friendly check in? oh most definitely. 
yes. yes. yes. “no i’m fine. i can manage.” 
another silence hit the air, but your mind was racing, and your mouth spoke before you had time to acknowledge that fact. 
“just, my clothes. need to wash them.” 
you heard the bag rattle from outside the shower. “could help if i rinse them under the water first” william says, tone calm and calculated. 
this between-the-lines conversation between the two of you was beginning to feel more real by the second. the feelings the two of you have for each other are beginning to get stronger and stronger. you didn't know how much longer you could rub it off. 
“is that okay?” he asked, the words like a spell lulling your rationality away. 
“yeah. thats okay.” more than okay. 
you hear a bit of shuffling before the shower door opens. your heart is racing, pounding in your ears. 
his eyes catch yours the second he makes his way inside. he makes sure to keep them there, never going down, not even if he wanted to. because he really wanted to. 
you're known to be such a poised person. presentable, confident and almost always at ease. but william makes you nervous, not like anything you’ve ever experienced. it's insane really. 
he inches closer to your figure, your clothes in his hand. you're backed up against the wall, noticing the way he's fully clothed. and the more he got closer to you the more his shirt started to get wet. and his pants and the ends of his hair. 
“willy” you mutter, soft and sweet. 
william had been fighting the urge to grab you by the hips and kiss you for two years now. a cruel amount of time really. “baby, can i?” he asks, quietly and gently. 
“mhmm” it comes out more whiney than you had anticipated. your composure completely lost. 
his lips connect with yours and they mold into each other like you’ve done it before. forming a rhythm together like it was habit. your hand dug into his hair, making a home at the nape of his neck. his body pressed into yours, your nipples hard against his cold wet shirt. you felt a shiver overcome you when his lips parted yours for a breath. 
“you pinche cabrón” (fucking asshole) 
“excuse me?” he asks playfully, with a smirk on his face. he knows the word, he's heard it plenty from you. 
“you made me wait that long?” you say, looking up and gaining a bit of your confidence back. 
“i made you wait? what about me?” he said, a smile on his face. 
“it's not my fault you didn't ask me earlier.”
“well i asked you now..” he says, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in for another kiss. 
“you better show me what i've been missing for two years” you say against his lips, with a smirk.  
“oh älskling, you don't even know.” he says, looking down at you with his signature grin. you giggle back, god you're a sucker for him.  
he hangs your clothes over the gap of the shower door while you tug at his own. he pulls his shirt up and over his head looking down for the first time since he came in here. 
a part of him feels the need to look away, to give you your privacy, but as you stand there before him, your skin covered in water droplets, warm against his own, he can’t do anything but stare. he takes in the curve of your breasts and how the light coming into the shower softly hits your nipples. his hands feel their way down your body, caressing the curves of your hips. his hands continue making their way down, rubbing over your ass and squeezing the bottom of them. a hushed moan escapes you. 
“you're beautiful. truly beautiful.” he says, one of his hands reaching for the back of your head, making you look up at him and smile. blushing just a bit, you're not immune to his charm. you’ll never be. 
his finger comes up and wipes off a smudged mark of mud from your jaw. your fingers ache to reciprocate a touch, so you bring your hand to rake down his torso, feeling the tufts of hair that litter his chest all the way down to the lines that sculpt him. you can feel the heat radiating off of him, alluring and comforting. 
your fingers go for his pants button, willy looking down as you unbutton them and yank them down, along with his boxers. he helps kick them off, grabbing them and hanging them near your own. 
you really don’t know what else to do but stare. “bueno mierda” (well, fuck) you whisper subtly. 
he grabs your chin and tilts your head back up towards him, letting his lips meet yours once again. his arms wrap around your lower back, making you arch off the wall and press yourself against him. water fell through the cracks between the two of you. sliding over your body, you don't know how much it's masking the pool between your thighs.  
you try your best to buck your hips, trying to seek any friction against william, his cock getting hard against you making you spiral. sensing your neediness for a while now, he gives you one last kiss before making his way down, leaving a kiss between your boobs and one on the curved line below your stomach. you hear your heart beating in your ears again, equally as hard as the thud in your core. 
his mouth leaves a sloppy wet kiss right on your clit. “got such a pretty pussy, princess” 
“willy” you moan, he looks up at you with a smirk.
“what's wrong baby?” he asks sweetly, hands on the sides of your thighs. 
you give out a whimper, “please” 
“what do you want, älskling?” he wants to pry those words out of you.
“eat me.” por favor!!!!! 
“that's it, sweets.” he praises, not a single word said without that stupid smile. you keep feeling it against your folds, when his tongue licks a long stripe against your pussy. he groans at your taste doing it once again and again and again. you should be embarrassed by the way your thighs are shaking by his head, william in love with just how reactive you are to his touch. to him. 
“feel better, baby?” 
you internally scoff. “more” you mutter, jerking your hips. 
his smirk takes a bite out of your clit, rolling and sucking it. he moves back down, his tongue piercing your aching hole, his nose bumping into you, your eyes roll back. he was trying to be sweet, soft, gentle—he really was—but you, god, you drive him fucking crazy and all too quickly he's getting rough as he delivers hard sucks to your clit, mouthing at your pussy. your sweet sounds echoing in the small space, it's downright sinful that you could hear the way he's eating you out, even against the shower, the slurps and licks of a man starved ring in your ears.
his eyes flicker up to you to watch the way your face contorted in pleasure so gracefully. he's surrounded by your smell, the warmth of your thighs and your moans and he wouldn't want it any other way. you can't form a coherent thought, your mind is gone and all you can focus on is how good his tongue feels on you, how he eats you with such hunger, dedication and consideration no other man has taken the time to feed you. he lets you grind against his face, lets you use him for your pleasure.
“fuck!” you moan. the tight tug on his hair and your heavy breathing alerts william that you're close. moving his hands up to your hips, he pulls himself up, wasting no time to stick two fingers inside of you. you open your eyes and find his own, glowing with lust, and your lips part when you feel his cock lined up to your entrance, pushing in with one strong thrust. god, he slips all the way in. fills you up so full that you cry, stutter a sob, breath caught in the back of your throat. brain going cloudy, body melting into his and you question if this is real.
but then william grabs you by the ass to wrap your legs around his, pinning you to the cold tiled wall of the shower and you want his arms to keep you stable and grounded. one of his hands is glued to your side, the other kneading one of your breasts, pinching your nipple and making you bite your lip to suppress your moans. 
“you’re so tight, älskade” willy says, suppressing his own whimper. your walls contract around him as he speaks, as his mouth leaves kisses to your collarbone and teeth graze your pulse point. 
a few thrusts was all you needed. 
all you needed until a mumbling spanish mess escapes you. where your hands scratch into william’s shoulder and willy groans at the overwhelming grip you have on him, both inside and out. where your core is a warm and wet and snug nirvana. 
the water hitting you wakes you back up, helps you blink back into reality. held by your utopia, except the man in front of you is real this time, and not just the leading man of your dreams. the face you would pray for at a time you never thought that any of this could happen, that you could never be together.
you keep asking yourself what was that rule you felt you were breaking, when you look into his eyes now. sure, he was your employer, but what HR department can forbid this? when you are two grown adults in a mutual agreement with shared love for two poodle mixes. when the two of you bonded and understood each other more than some of the couples you would see out on the streets and at events. it wasn't pretend between the two of you. it never would be. how could it be? this is the realest thing that could be happening to someone. 
“been thinking about this the second i met you” he murmurs against your lips.
you whined again, pulling him closer with your arms, desperate for more. “then don’t stop”
his grin is contagious, you swear. and you can't help but giggle when he turns the water off and carries you all the way to the bed. throwing you gently on the mattress, letting his cock slip out of you momentarily. 
your wet curls flicker water droplets to your face and neck. william shakes his head and more fall off, each one falling on you. you’re a giggling mess, pushing him gently by the chest and telling him to stop. he shares a laugh, leaning in to kiss you for what seems like the millionth time in the past sequence you two have shared. and yet it's not enough. he needs more, to feel and taste every single crevice of you. love every single atom of your body.
his tongue licks the smeared wetness on your neck, leaving open mouth kisses on the droplets that remain untouched on your skin. your skin grows hot yet goosebumps appear one by one over your figure. the reaction your body has to him is confusing and exhilarating. william is caressing parts of yourself you hadn’t known existed, and each with little fuss. he moves, and you fall apart at the seams. he breathes, and you would crumble at his feet. he looks your way, and you are prepared to kneel at his altar. you get lost in the moment, in his mesmerizingly blue eyes and upturned mouth. 
he licks a stripe up your stomach and a shiver rolls over you. his mouth then attaches to one of your breasts and a gasp escapes you. he rolls it around in his mouth and sucks, reciprocating the action to the other one. your hand moves to the nape of his neck, sharing a light tug on the strands that sat there. “will” you whined, relishing in the movements of his mouth, however eager to feel him deep inside you again. 
“m’sorry sweets” he says, apologizing for his little sidequest. you were just so mesmerizing, he couldn't help but get distracted by you. you smile while he looks up at you. he grabs your hips and shifts you higher up the bed, so your head could lay near a pillow that he dragged down for you. 
he fits in between the slot of your open legs perfectly, leans down to greet your lips so swiftly, grabs the back of your thighs with grace and lifts them to sit on his shoulders with ease. “this okay, älskling?” 
“perfect” you reply, hands gripping his forearms tightly. slowly, he guides himself to your entrance again, rubbing the tip against your clit before swiping down and pushing in. he gives a good hearty thrust, making sure to bottom out, and your breath stutters. you will never get enough of the way he stretches you. 
your fingers move upwards on his arms, letting your nails gently graze him. you look up at him, memorizing every single crease and crevice on his body. he's licking his lips, watching the way your eyes explore him and your cheeks blush at him reciprocating the action. both of you engrossed by the idea of being together like this, while he's stuffed deep inside you, like your cum isnt all over his mouth and fingers and cock. 
will you two ever get enough of each other? no, you simply couldn’t. 
william leans into you more, feeling the way your thighs push into your body. his thrusts began to find a steady pace, one that feeds every single spongy part inside you. the sound of your pussy squelching fills your ears, followed by william’s soft moans, the grumble spilling into your open mouth as he lays a kiss. 
“goddamn sweets, hear how wet you are for me?”
a pathetic whine leaves your lips. the sounds coming from the two of you are so lewd but your toes curl and your head spins and your heart pounds and it's the best fucking feeling you have ever experienced in the world. 
you have never had a man take the time for you. make sure he reaches parts of your body that you weren’t even sure were there. now you know and you don’t ever want to go back.
“cariño” you moan, yanking at the chain that sits around his neck. you pull him down to you, biting down on his lips as you clench around and you hear a whimper escape him. 
the effect he has on you is the same as you have on him. the way you look up at him, with so much love and appreciation. like he is capable of giving you everything you have ever wanted, his heart cant help but swell. he cant help but make sure you feel that love back, cause fuck do you deserve it more than him sometimes. for everything you have ever done for him, for being undeniably you every single fucking day and giving him the priveledge to witness that as close as he has. he's been enamoured by you for so long, he didn't know what to do for much longer if he couldn't have you. 
as both your needs become more demanding, his hips begin to slap against yours. moans and whines slip past your lips before you can even begin to try and stop them, and you cry out as he continues to speed up. the noises he is drawing from your body are embarrassing if you didn't adore the way he feels inside of you to the point that you can think of nothing else. you wish to be like this as much as you can, full to the brim with his cock.
he begins to twitch inside you the more you begin to tighten around him. he even felt it hard to exit you with the way you squeezed him so hard, like you feared he would leave and never come back. he has never felt this deliciously overwhelmed. 
not too long after, you feel a warmth calm the pressure in your stomach, both of you having a sense of heavenly pleasure wash over you, one you both only dreamed of sharing together. one william would wake up in the morning to, cock hard and sore against his boxers. like he didn't have to act normal around you when you came to pick up the kids, but his cheeks couldn’t help but blush. 
“attagirl” he whispers in your ear, as you take all of his cum with open legs in one single final thrust. you blush at the feeling, at his words, at the fact that he has marked you, a silent call that you are his and he is yours and there's no looking back. 
he slides out of you, letting your legs fall slowly to the sides and wrapping his arms around your back, arching you off the bed and pulling you to sit in his lap. he moves the two of you so that he can sit against a pillow and his headboard. your lips connect with his, kissing as your conjoined cum begins to drip out of you and into william’s lap. 
you look back to see, and begin to feel a little shy, a ball of butterflies forming in your stomach, the ones that frequently visit you when you’re around will. you tuck your face into his neck scooting closer to him, wrapping your legs around his form. “you're so hot, baby” willy says, knowing his praise will make you feel less embarrassed by the crude site. 
little does he know his praise makes you all the more needy. 
you feel a desire deep in your core again, and you grind your wet pussy against his softening cock—a surge of confidence has come back to you. 
he gives out a little moan into your hair, hands moving to your hips where he squeezes. “you want more, älskade?” 
you bite your lip, “is that okay?” you can't get enough of him, sue me! you think to yourself. 
“i thought you'd never ask” he replies with a smirk, and you can't help but giggle back. 
you place your hands on his thick shoulders, letting yourself slide down onto him. both of you gasped, he went in so easy with your conjoined juices still around your walls. you rested there for a second, leaning your head back with a moan. you feel william twitch inside you, more sensitive to your core than before. 
“you’re so pretty like this,” willy mutters, slotting his lips over yours, “stuffed with my cock.”
“oh my god,” you quiver, shaking your head, begging for him to just shut up cause he’s making you lightheaded. he’s so deep inside of you, hitting that spot so far back that you so deliciously discovered today. his cock keeps twitching every now and then, forcing a pout onto your lips as he looks at you. you haven’t even moved and you feel so fucking close already.
you begin to roll your hips around, letting his pubic bone rub your clit every time you grind down. willliam’s hands move up your sides, cupping your boobs as they sway with your movements. he shares a whimper at the sight, as you start bouncing on him. though it isn’t much longer before your thighs begin to shake, already inching closer to that sweet release. 
willy wraps his hands around your frame, tightly pressing you into him as he lays down and thrusts up into you. you whimper repeatedly, body instinctively tightening, and he groans roughly, as if the way you clamp down around him is testing every last ounce of his control. 
as william’s thrusts get faster, they also get sloppier. he’s insanely pussydrunk and the only thing going through his mind is you. your name, how good you feel, how pretty you look. you're biting his neck as he pumps into you, sure you're seeing stars as the divine sting between your legs continues. 
you both don’t seem to last long, getting lost in each other once again. willy’s hand is in your hair, digging his fingertips deep into your scalp and yanking just a bit. his own thighs stutter and shake a bit as he cums into your already drenched cunt again. your pussy makes sure to milk every last drop from him as you needily bite another mark into his neck. you’ve wanted to mark him for so long now. 
now you can.
you lay against his pillows, the aftershocks still honey-sweet where they thud in your core. your legs still recovering from their jelly-like state as you have them sprawled out. william’s head resting on your propped up thigh. looking up at you while you played with his hair. he reciprocated the tender affection by rubbing small circles on your other thigh. 
he looked at you in awe. proud that he finally had succumbed to his love for you. that he didn't have to keep holding back, telling himself he couldn’t touch you, or kiss you, or spend every waking moment with you. that you didn't have to go home and leave him every time. he couldn’t stop thinking about you since the moment you were mentioned as an avid dog lover by his teammates, a recommended nanny for his boys. he couldn’t get over the way pablo and banksy were so loving and friendly with you on your first meeting and every single one thereafter. the way they would wait for you every single time. 
you are the one.
“when do you have to go?” you asked. 
“like 4 hours or so…” you liked that answer, smiling and running your hands through his hair again. even so, it wasn’t enough. this was your first taste of intimate, domestic life with willy. you didn't want to let go of it yet…. dreaming of staying in this apartment with him, not leaving until you’re left weak in the knees, reaching unwritten orgasm records. just all of it, you want all of it.
“can you wait till the very last minute?” 
“come with me. wear the jersey i got you and come with me.” the jersey in mention obviously being his own. you wore it to a game already once, and felt the tension with him when he came over to greet you after the game, the way his eyes hit yours and his hands lingered around you and the way his jaw seemed strained and tight every time he would see his name written on your back. you went home incredibly flustered that night, that you can admit.
“i can finally do what i was dying to do last time.” he says mischievously, your pussy throbbed at the thought. a thought you had since that night, and one your pathetic fingers couldn't have possibly held up to. 
“hm, but i was going to invite my dad,” you joked, your purposeful mood killer. seeing the way he rolled his eyes and huffed. “he would love to see you, he loved the game last time.”
“another day, i promise. just not tonight, please.” he says, grabbing you by the hips and bringing you down the bed to reach eye to eye. his cock now tucked against your thigh, semi-soft. 
“fine, but he would have loved to see you guys fuck the bolts.” you both giggle. 
“you better win, by the way. or no extracurricular activities like you have planned out in that head.” 
“is that a threat?” his grin unsurprisingly present.
“you bet on it” you inch closer to his face, words spoken against his lips. “necesitas ganártelo, cariño.” (you need to earn it, honey) william understands your challenge.
“well i will, you can mark my words.” he says, giving your plushy hips a squeeze. his lips envelope yours in a series of kisses, arms wrapping around his neck. 
maybe this would have happened eventually—once you both stepped over this nonexistent barrier between the two of you—but god are you grateful that being covered in shit brought you to this bliss. 
…maybe your mom was right after all.
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yanderes-galore · 2 days ago
Doflamingo vs Crocodile from One Piece rivalry concept??
Yandere! Doflamingo vs Sir Crocodile Concept
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Possessive behavior, Violence, Kidnapping attempts, Ownership/Dehumanization, Attempted murder, Blood, Forced relationship(s).
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OKAY, the cool thing about this rivalry is the fact these two are very similar to one another.
However, that doesn't mean they'd share.
They're both Warlords and pirates and aren't the sharing type.
Far from it, honestly.
The two tolerate each other due to their group and influence.
Or... Crocodile tolerates him... Doflamingo wants to partner with him.
But Crocodile often just feels Doflamingo is a pain... and Doflamingo finds messing with Crocodile amusing.
So... Doflamingo might share with Crocodile... Yet Crocodile is going to be the one adamantly against it.
Which Doflamingo takes as a challenge... Since he's also a possessive man.
Oh? His cohort doesn't wish to share the pretty little thing they both found?
Well... Doflamingo doesn't mind a bit of competition between Warlords.
These two are pretty brutal in canon.
They're both willing to sacrifice those who work for them.
Not only that, but I would not be surprised if the two had their own little war with one another.
Crocodile doesn't work with anyone or trust anyone on a personal level much.
You're probably the only one he's willing to have close to him.
Although your position will look a lot more like a lapdog than anything.
Crocodile prefers making you a pet.
Doflamingo, on the other hand, certainly prefers dolls.
With Doflamingo you're made into a toy... metaphorically.
The title or demeaning name doesn't matter though.
Both put you in the same position.
You're still a plaything... they just have a different name for it.
Their form of love is more ownership than anything.
Sure, they occasionally call you sweet words... give you affection... however...
Doflamingo will still drag you along like his personal puppet using his strings.
Crocodile himself is threatening with his organization, poison, and sand.
You can't get rid of either of them on your own.
With how One Piece heights work, they both tower over you.
They have loyal pirates at their side and I highly doubt they're willing to admit defeat in this competition.
I don't think your fate changes much between them either.
Which makes it hard to make alternate endings.
The two are different forms of one another, simply taking part on opposite sides of the timeskip after the Paramount War.
The difference is just if you're dragged to a desert and hidden underground... or if you're locked away in a palace.
They won't admit it, but they're practically two sides of the same coin.
It's rather unfortunate that these two were the ones you got the attention of.
Are there worse pirates? Yes.
But that doesn't mean these two aren't bad.
They are fully ready to kill one another if they are given the chance.
Suffocation, strangulation, poisoning...
They have their methods.
They may be Warlords, but that does not mean they like each other.
In fact, competition between Warlords is common.
Meetings rarely go well between them, as one of them will bring up you, leading to an argument.
I would not be surprised if they exchanged kidnap attempts.
You're trying to live your own life, now constantly in hiding because of the two Warlords.
What's worse is it's not like the Marines will help you.
Warlords work with the World Government.
So, essentially, you're stuck between a rock and a hard place... until your demise.
You'd be lucky if one of them got their Warlord status revoked and were incarcerated.
Although... You'll always have one to deal with.
If we want to stick to canon, you'd probably be stuck with Crocodile... Then get rescued once he's sent to Impel Down.
Although... you then deal with Doflamingo next...
Then Crocodile again when he's let out.
With this rivalry, you are not going to have a fun time.
Even if Crocodile said 'yes' to sharing, you'll still be taking constant sea trips with at least one of them.
In the end... you are no more than a plaything and trophy for them to fight over.
Between them you've seen violence... bloodshed, even....
It's worse if someone tries to help you out of the situation.
Not many are loyal to the Warlords, so there may be at least one soul who wants to help.
Yet... if they're ever found out and have no strength...
There's a good chance you'll witness them slaughtered like an animal, blood coating the grass or sands as one of your stalkers approaches you.
If you're lucky, maybe someone like Luffy will come to save you?
Other than that... well...
Feel free to pick how your new prison will look like... It's the same either way...
Are you a doll... or are you a pet?
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sharrrrt · 2 days ago
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The grumpy cynical awful evil man and the little girl he totally definitely doesn't care about <3
Skarra and Dee headcanons below 🥺 and also a fic idea cuz I got carried away with ranting 💀
Dee definitely does bad stuff just because it's fun and that's why she went along with Skarra's scheming. But she also looks up to him in some way, otherwise why would she copy his look☝️ she would never admit that tho cuz it's cringe
Dee is a bully at school. Skarra tries to tell her off but he can't help laughing at some of the stuff she does 💀
Dee's parents travel a lot for their work so she's usually left with a hired caretaker
One time tho, Skarra was free to look after her and ever since then they usually leave her to stay at his place (Dee really liked hanging out with him and annoyed her parents to death about it)
Skarra hates how Dee's parents are and once he realized how often she's basically left alone he makes the most of their time together yayyyy healing his inner child
Skarra loves Dee's personality but he also doesn't want her to end up like him :(
They practice soccer together sometimes. Dee isn't seriously into it but she has fun learning tricks
Skarra would make fun of her fails and then pick her back up the very next second
God forbid Skarra leaves anyone in IU to look after Dee 💀💀 he caught her talking to Dooma once and the man was about to list his entire criminal record 😭
So Skarra definitely spoils her right. Like yea the pink buggy wasn't her style but that must have cost some pennies, and most importantly her custom jersey awwwwwww 🥺💕✨️ srsly if Skarra didn't care he wouldn't have spent a dime for her✋️
Next few are a continuation of this post which I MIGHT turn into a fic no promises:
Shakes helped a lost Dee find Skarra and once they found each other she kicked Shakes in the shins and they both laughed at him 🫶🥺
This happens on the same day as a game against IU so Shakes honestly thought it was a ploy to get him to miss it
Dee kept running around and being generally annoying so Shakes at his boiling point said "fuck it" and left Dee to wait by herself (remember this is the same guy that didn't give a damn about that kid in japan 💀☝️)
On his way to the stadium tho, he spots Skarra!!! Asking people around, looking for Dee!! He's missing the game to find his neice...who Shakes just abandoned...for the game...
He leads Skarra to Dee.
They have a nice reunion :) and figured at this point they can't make it to the game. No second-half surprise entrances this time!
This fic idea is basically my answer to what !should be! Shakes' biggest flaw and that is his unwillingness to compromise soccer for anything. Like in "beautiful gaming" as mentioned it gets to a point where it goes from admirably fighting for his dream to an unhealthy obsession that's a coverup for some deep-seated trauma and self-worth issues
The guy needs to get a life🙏
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whateverisbeautiful · 2 days ago
Richonne in Retrospect - The 💋 List
(every Richonne kiss ranked)
#4: The First Kisses (6.10)
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The iconic, game-changing, OG Richonne kiss scene. 🤩 This is where Richonne's physical intimacy really took flight and man does it never get old seeing Rick and Michonne's very first kisses. Still as fire today as it was all those years ago, so of course it had to secure a spot in the Top 5. ❤️‍🔥 Reflecting on this scene in retrospect, knowing how many golden kisses would be in store for the remainder of Richonne's journey - including a miniseries with 100+ kisses - it makes me all the more appreciative of this season 6 scene that birthed Richonne's official romance and launched the many kisses to come 👏🏽...
It's this scene that proved that the longstanding chemistry between these characters pre-canon would elevate perfectly as Rick and Michonne finally acted on all their love and desire and became an official couple. I love the way their comfortable conversation and the mints lead to a handhold, which leads to them slowly looking into each other's eyes, which leads to their first soft and slow kiss, which then leads to the two going all in and making out in pure bliss. Slick Rick managed to get on top of Michonne with a quickness on that couch, and I love how Michonne was all the way here for it.
The way they can't help but smile throughout all these passionate kisses just lifts my spirit. This whole scene means so much to me and it warms my heart that this moment means so much to the characters too. They've found the one they were meant to love and the one their soul's most needed. And to see that bring them so much joy in this moment is great.
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I often note how Rick and Michonne have had partners before but never like this. They kiss like they know this is different. Like they now know what true soulmate love should be. And again, I love the enthusiasm they both express over finally being together in this way. I'll never get over the fact that this kiss wasn't rehearsed. I love that. ☺️ Especially because Richonne's love already was so organic and then this kiss being a true first for the characters and actors makes it so compellingly organic as well.
All that sexual tension between Rick and Michonne had been brewing since the early prison days and the time had finally come to act on what their eyes had so often looked like they longed to do. These are 100% the kisses of two people who were already deeply in love. This next step in their relationship was just so right and you can tell every part of them knows this is right too. It feels like in this moment they're not just acknowledging they're in love and that they've been desiring each other for the longest - they're also acknowledging that this is who they want to spend the rest of their life with. This is it. I love that they seem to know that so quickly and that they never look back.
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And considering my Richonne obsession began about here, this scene had quite the impact on my life as Rick and Michonne Grimes became and remain my ultimate definition of what true love should be. This is one of TWD's most joyous moments and it means everything to see Rick and Michonne experience their very first hot and heartfelt kisses and get such a rewarding win in embracing a love supreme with each other. ♥️
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obsidianpen · 2 days ago
I don't know how it's possible, but ever since the snippet, I've been more obsessed with BG than ever.
I have so MANY questions and I honestly can't even comprehend how you're gonna answer them in such a dangerously low number of chapters!!
You mentioned earlier that we were gonna get an alternative ending - is that still on the menu? Also a POV from TOM??? Is that the chapter after this one? Holy shit, I am so not ready.
I think I can kind of see where you're going this (I have absolutely no fucking clue and I'm pulling this out of my ass) - this NIGHTMARE that H is in, is literally insane with muggleborns being reduced to almost sex slaves/toys/something worse? But clearly the Dark Lord, aka Mr I-will-break-the-sky-for-you is very much well and alive. What the hell motivated him to go, hmm, my girl was marked up like this, so every motherfucking mudblood is gonna get the same goddamn experience? He did see her die for him right? Or did he think she left him there alone to die? Cause I thought once Won-won did the death (pls tell me you get that reference - if not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m64nl087M5s (2:42 onwards)) her body had to kind of land of Tommy?? Kinda devastating way to wake up to not gonna like. Can't even blame him for being Voldemort after that - like his literal worst nightmare of 'Death' came to life and almost killed him, but his girl got hit in the end. AND he lost his wand. Did he have to bury her? Did he let her burn (that doesn't sound right)? Did her body disappear?
ANYWAY back to my point, H communicates with T in dreamland, T thinks he's delusional, comes anyway, loses his shit when he sees her alive, kills anyone that touched her- I'm looking at you Greyback, have freaky reunion sex (T and H specifically), H comes clean, they change the world and they ride off into the sunset.
OR H communicates with T, Tom thinks he's gone cra-cra, they both meet up somehow and H realises that T has gone to far/unlikely to change things/to much death etc etc. Finds and kills horcruxes, and then MAD (mutually assured destruction). Find each other in death???
As you can see I'm very much on Team they-have-gone-through-to much-shit-to-not-be-together,-people-come-on. So that's my hypothesis. Pls take this with the grain of salt it deserves. You are a godsend and your story is the only thing that's been keeping me sane this past month. Thank you for your service queen.
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as I cannot respond to your novel length theorizing, please accept this picture of my dog and cat when we first got them
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suempu · 2 days ago
heavy make out session w kabru perchance ??? w a his quiet/reserved s/o who is super horny pls👀👀
-> i hope you like this one anon <33 -> reader is shy but like not in a cutesy way. ooc kabru. he's obsessed. established relationship!!! less horny and more love-y???
he presses a slow, soft kiss onto your cheek, smiling at your flustered expression.
you’re both tucked in his bed, the rumbles and laughter from the tavern above are hushed and muffled in the background of your intimate moment.
kabru has a hand on your arm, soothingly rubbing it before he slowly moves down to take your fingers into his.
“what are you doing?” you whisper with slightly narrowed eyes, looking at him in warning.
he laughs softly, “i’m kissing you? is this okay?”
“its… um— yeah.” you mumble offhandedly, trying to ignore the beat of your heart.
he cradles your head, a thumb circling on your temple in a gentle manner. “you’re cute.” kabru scoots closer, smiling before pressing another kiss between your eyebrows.
“shut up.” you groan while he giggles in response. its unfair how much of a flirt he could be.
he peppers kisses around your face before placing a peck on your mouth. kabru smiles when he pulls away, swiping at your bottom lip before he leans in once again.
humming against you, he wraps his arm around your torso, slowly bringing you two together.
“hm—“ he licks your lips before diving in, making you whimper at the wetness of his tongue and warm mouth. you feel his hand carding through your hair in beat with his other one that was squeezing at your waist lightly.
"god... mnh— you drive me—" kabru breathes out inbetween kisses, "—you drive me crazy."
the wet smacks and pops of your lips along with his reluctantness to be a breath away for more than a few milliseconds makes your stomach flip and turn. your whole body tingles with need and want as you unconsciously rub your thighs against each other.
"worked so hard on my persona, yknow?" he mumbles, bedroom eyes staring deep into yours. "can't have anyone else knowing... how insane i am with you."
"kabru..." you whisper out, unable to form words at his confession. pursing your lips together and too shy to spill out your own secrets to him, you opt to reach a hand out to cradle his neck, your smile shaking nervously at him. "i..."
your man shushes you with a kiss, the hand on your waist moving down towards your thighs to lift them before placing them around his hips. you two were successfully pressed up on each other now, bodies molded while your breaths mingled together.
"you don't have to say anything but," kabru smiles reassuringly. "i love you."
you let out a small gasp, feeling your face go hot. but before you could give a response, he laughs, "annndddd... i'm gonna go crazy if i don't go down on you in any second now."
"you can't just say that..." you turn your head to hide into his pillows, making him spill out more laughter. you groan, not knowing what to say or do in your flustered state.
"can i, dear? will you let me?" kabru presses fluttering kisses across your arm to your shoulder. "please?"
oh... really, how were you supposed to say no to that?
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thegapbetweenmoments · 15 hours ago
"If it's only the two of us, don't worry about the formalities," Oliver remarked casually, stepping further into the room and pretending to give the room a proper inspection as though he hadn't been obsessively contemplating each new choice in decor. "No one who has my trust should feel the need to jump through hoops just to speak to me in private. If you want to use my name, that is more than fine. I can't expect honesty if I make people submit for every small moment. Even the cook calls me Oliver if there aren't other nobles around."
He hoped that his habit of not standing on ceremony needlessly wouldn't be off-putting, but they had just planned out how to have a public fake relationship, so it wasn't as though it was that far of a jump either.
Eve gave a small giggle at his remark. She noticed the slight distant expression as he seemed momentarily lost in thought. She was about to say something however he seemed to come back to reality and she closed her mouth. She chewed slightly on her lower lip as she then followed him.
She was excited and wowed by the room she’d been provided. Her hand brushed the surface of the bed covers, “I have not a single complaint. This is lovely Oliver…” she paused in her step, “sorry.,,” she apologized for the informality of using his name. “…I love the colors…it’s cozy and rich” she added. Turning back to the room features.
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obsessionatthemoment · 3 days ago
Byler quote of the day to make up for not doing it this past week (also not really a quote because I'm a cheater this has been in my drafts, unfinished, for several months):
Buckle in, folks (I'm sorry this is so long, but I tried to keep it as brief as possible. Also bolding the important bits, if you want to skim).
Okay, so I'm not usually big on music analysis, but I noticed this as I was listening to songs from Stranger Things while falling asleep, and I couldn't not comment on it.
I know people have analyzed the "every breath you take" part of the snowball dance many a times, but I feel like I don't hear people talking about the song prior to it, "time after time" enough. They're both great separately, but when you look at them together, it becomes nearly undeniable Byler evidence.
I will almost entirely be focusing on Byler, and Mileven, so please don't be surprised when half the song is skipped.
When "time after time" begins playing, the caption reads "slow romantic song playing." Lucas asks Max to dance, and she agrees. As they walk off, Dustin watches forlornly, and the lyrics "almost left behind" play almost perfectly in time. This establishes that the lyrics matter.
Next, a girl walks over to them, and asks Will to dance. Will is unsure, but after Mike does what Will reads as a "accept it" gesture, he says "yes." As this happens, the lyrics "Sometimes you picture me, I'm walking too far ahead." Play, and as Will walks off to dance with the girl, it shows Mike watching, with an upset, regretful facial expression, while this lyric plays: "You're calling to me, I can't hear what you've said."
A few moments later, slightly overshadowed, by the focus on Dustin deciding to go ask a girl to dance, Mike is shown still staring at Will and the girl, and for the first time, the chorus plays "If you're lost, you can look and you will find me. Time after time."
Though we don't get to see Mike again until "every breath you take," this scene heavily implies that Mike continued to stare at Will and the girl until El arrived.
And, they very specifically waited for El to walk in at "every breath you take," instead (which's captions do not read "slow romantic song," by the way) , even though directly after "time after time" ends, Hopper and Joyce are together. El was already there. She could have entered the scene during the song, but she very purposefully didn't. You know why? They can't count on each other in the way the song portrays. El wasn't there when Mike needed her, and vise versa. When they "fall" (struggle) the other doesn't "catch them" (support them).
Instead, they waited for El to walk in at "every breath you take," in theory, both songs have a similar idea, of being there romantically, however one song is saying "I'm going to be there and support you during the hard moments. You can always fall back on me." And the other song is saying "I'm going to watch your every move, because when I'm without you, I start to go crazy. This is happening even if you don't want to date me, by the way."
Basically, what I'm trying to point out here is that El and Mike's song is creepy, codependent, and invasive. Then, the song that features that wonderful gay panic on both Will and Mike's part, is about being there for someone no matter what. Mike and El can be "obsessed" with each other (or the idea of each other) all they want, but when it comes down to it, Mike is always going to lean on Will, and Will is always going to lean on Mike. They're there for each other, no matter what. Time after time.
*Mic drop (almost accidentally spelled "mic" "mike" which would have been funny).*
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garageofshumii · 6 hours ago
back with another bearnelli primer! this time, let's talk about the interview. emphasis on the because holy crap, it is absolutely insane.
so, what is the interview exactly? glad you asked. published by formula 2 on october 30th, 2024, the interview is essentially just a series of questions that someone asked kimi and ollie about their relationship. let's get started:
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all images taken from this interview
first question: how would you describe your teammate?
kimi: well, ollie's really funny and nice and he's an amazing teammate and i'm learning so much from him because he's so talented and our relationship is perfect-
ollie: he's beautiful.
oh dear. message to mercedes and haas and ferrari- never media train these two. they're too precious ❤️
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question two: what's your teammate's best quality?
kimi: he's got really good one lap pace and his race starts are incredible. he's just so good at racing!
ollie: idk, maybe his lips.
you can't make this stuff up 😭 ollie if you keep saying things like that they're going to pr train you. you can't let that happen!! just keep it less obvious, okay?
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question three: if your teammate wasn't a racing driver, what would they be?
kimi: did i mention ollie's tan line? yeah, he has the perfect tan line to be a cyclist, about midway up his thighs-
ollie: i know kimi's family really well.
this one's not that bad. ollie's showing that he knows kimi extremely well and kimi's making it very clear to everyone that he has a picture perfect memory of ollie's thighs for some reason!
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question four: what's your teammate's most annoying habit?
surely there must be something kimi does that ollie doesn't like and vice versa? everyone has annoying habits, even if it's not that big a deal there still must be something-
ollie: he's not annoying at all. he's a little late sometimes but i'm also late and we are late together and if we arrive late together then that's early for us.
kimi: he's not annoying. although we do annoy other people because we stole his coach's ID so we could terrorise him together like the power couple we are.
-nevermind. they come as a package. do not separate them!!
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question five: who's the funniest?
kimi: i'm not sure.
ollie: we're both funny and he makes me laugh a lot but i make him laugh a lot as well! it's so dangerous but i love it since he's just amazing.
kimi: together we can make people laugh. we laugh all the time together and we also have inside jokes that make us laugh so hard we can't focus! like "a la frutta", which is also our new favourite word, yes, we have one-
wow. they're hopelessly obsessed with each other.
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question six: what's the most embarrassing thing you've done whilst on the same team?
kimi: the pictures of us wearing the costume. the horrors.
ollie (explaining the horrors): there are pictures printed out of me and kimi when we dressed up for easter. they are everywhere. kimi was a rabbit and i was a bunny. i was yellow and he was pink and the photos are everywhere.
the photos in question:
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photos from @bestofbearman on x
video from prema's youtube
ollie... that's a chicken. oh well.
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question seven: if you had to cook a meal for your teammate, what would it be?
kimi: pasta (which is his favourite dish).
ollie: you'd make me pasta?! what kind?!! do you remember the pasta we always get in jeddah together?
kimi: yeah!! ragu d'antra (duck ragu)!
ollie: bigoli all'antra! (with bigoli pasta)! and we have the same order, so i'd make the same thing for him as well ❤️
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question eight: who's the better looking?
ollie (lying): me.
kimi: there's no one more beautiful than i am.
yeah... hey kimi, i'm sure ollie thinks you're the most beautiful as well.
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question nine: who knows the most about cars?
ollie: kimi knows a lot about lap times.
kimi: i'm obsessed with ollie lap times. i remember all of them. but ollie knows a lot about historical cars.
ollie: we're both amazing at knowing technical aspects.
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question ten: who's on their phone the most and who takes the longest to reply to a text?
kimi: it depends on the message, i leave some people on read.
ollie: hmm. hey kimi, how many messages have you not replied to?
kimi: it's not that bad. look- five!
ollie: i have 267.
kimi: ...how?
ollie: it depends. i don't respond but i respond to kimi straight away.
lies!! he replies to kimi gay away. to quote @lewispitlane: "ollie, stand up"- he's so down bad. someone pick him up off the floor...
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question eleven: what is the biggest thing you've learned from each other?
ollie: he's turning me into a proper italian, the next step is to get married and i'll have italian citizenship-
kimi: i'm teaching him italian.
ollie: i'm teaching him life lessons.
kimi: we talk so much about our life and it's not just about racing it's about so many other things i know lots of bits of information about him and he knows things about me.
ollie: we are really equal on track, he's just as good as me and we're just perfect.
kimi: but we always learn from each other and share tips on braking in corners or things like that and our relationship is so good because we talk about our life as well-
kimi, at this point you're just repeating yourself. it's okay, we know you're ollie's biggest fan. you'll be fine he's your biggest fan as well.
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question twelve: what is one thing you've always wanted to say to the other but haven't yet?
kimi: ...
ollie: we can't say here. oh- i want to go to his birthday party though!
kimi: he does have an invitation to my birthday, he just doesn't know it yet. but i do have to tell him when it is... ollie? hey, i have to tell you something really quick-
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question thirteen: who spends the most time in the gym and who's on the sim more?
ollie: when he's not with me, kimi's constantly in the sim.
kimi: whenever i can i am in the sim.
ollie: i scroll on tiktok and my algorithm shows me kimi in the sim.
kimi: for the gym, it depends. our trainers set us on different programs but he cycles a lot, remember my earlier point about the thighs? and i am definitely spending more time in the sim, because i am a bit crazy about it. and ollie as well.
ollie: when we had a bad week kimi said he was going to simrace during the night. and i was thinking "why would you"? only kimi would do that and i love him so much for it.
kimi: i actually did do that.
ollie: yeah, and you crashed into some people.
kimi: ...yeah.
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question fourteen: who would win in an arm wrestling match?
ollie: i think you have to say yourself but i do have longer arms.
kimi: i don't want to try.
ollie: i have heard some scary stories where people break their arms. maybe after abu dhabi, we can try.
kimi: we can do it at my birthday!
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image taken from this interview
bonus: would you rather do a shoey out of your teammate's shoe or your boss's shoe?
kimi: oh definitely ollie's shoe.
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creds. @lewispitlane (this is the bearnelli interview. i miss those prema boys.) | @cafekitsune (for the dividers)
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gangsteri-aine · 3 months ago
The Thrill of the Hunt
“Oh, I can't wait to watch your life fade from your beady little eyeballs,” Foolish says, the word wait sounds more like snap with the way Foolish's teeth clash together. His eyes flick around Bad’s face before returning to his eyes. “And I can’t wait to gaze into your beautiful gumdrop eyes while your giant muscular arms are ripping me apart,” Bad says as he takes half a step forward as he speaks and leans in closer. His tail swipes up from behind him and reaches to touch Foolish’s bicep. or; Bad is ready to hunted down
Bad has experienced several executions during his lifetime; as a witness, as an executioner and as the executionee. But he doesn’t think he has ever been as excited as he is for this one.
And he's not the only one. 
There is a crowd gathered below the castle stairs, anxiously waiting to see Bad die. Or “pay for his crimes” as they would say. 
It’s not the biggest crowd that has watched Bad be executed but it’s decent. A lot of people showed up.
And all of them don’t even want him dead! That’s slightly surprising. 
Pili is standing in the front crowd, his eyes keep jumping between Bad and the axe on Bad’s neck. He’s holding his own axe tightly in his paws, and Bad knows his inventory is filled with potions. He would fight for Bad which is nice. He didn’t seem to understand Bad’s eagerness for the execution.
Pili didn’t understand that the point wasn’t dying. It was what came before that.
Up on top of the stairs, Bad is standing with his back straight and tail calmy swishing back and forth. Every once in a while, it hits Sneeg’s ankle. The first time Bad’s tail touched him, Sneeg got startled enough to jump a little but every time after that he just scowled at Bad and tightened his hold on his battleaxe. That’s boring, Bad thought his jumpiness was funny. 
On the other hand it’s probably good that Sneeg isn’t that jumpy. It would be a shame if Bad got executed before it was the right time. You see, Sneeg’s axe had been steadily placed against Bad’s neck ever since they climbed up the castle stairs. 
Owen is standing on the other side of Sneeg. His axe is not pointed towards Bad at the moment; he's too focused on following Foolish’s movements as he readies himself for his speech.
Speaking of the only reason Bad hasn’t started running yet; Foolish looks magnificent in his hunting outfit. It perfectly matches his emerald eyes and highlights his strong arms. In Bad’s opinion, it’s one of the best outfits Foolish has ever worn in one of Bad’s executions. 
He is standing a bit further away on Bad’s other side, against Ros’ wishes. She would have wanted Sneeg to stand between them for Foolish's safety but Foolish had waved off the idea. According to him he wanted to show his beloved subjects that he wasn't afraid of Bad, that he was in control of the situation. But Bad knows that Foolish wanted him to stand there for other reasons. The same reasons why Bad would have chosen to stand there himself.
He wanted to be close to Bad. 
But this wasn’t close enough, there were still several feet between them. Much too much space. 
“Hello my dear friends!” Foolish yells. The king's speech has officially started. Bad can’t wait for it to end. Everyone below them in the crowd quiets down and nervously moves their attention to their king. "Welcome, everyone, to our first official execution Monday!" 
Foolish pauses as if to wait for applause and cheering to stop. In reality, only Ros and Tango let out a delighted whoops and cheers. Most of the other people clap their hands unenthusiastically; they seem confused. Maybe this is their first execution, they will understand the thrill and excitement later.
Foolish doesn’t let the awkwardness of the crowd bother him. Instead, he turns his body slightly towards Bad as if to address him but he’s still speaking to everyone around them. His attention is still mostly on his subjects and Bad doesn’t like that. He doesn’t like sharing Foolish. That attention is supposed to be on him. 
"Bad, you have mercilessly murdered-"
"Not murdered. They were all accidents," Bad helpfully points out tilts his head towards Foolish. 
Foolish pauses his speech and narrows his eyes. Bad can’t help but to smile at his annoyance. Excellent, Bad has his attention now. 
"Fine. You have accidently but mercilessly slaughtered numerous people and have been sentenced by court to death via a royal hunt." Foolish rolls his ‘r’ on the word royal and waves his arms upwards as if he’s imagining a title screen for Bad’s death. 
The crowd below them lets out a surprised gasp. Bad doesn’t know how many of them actually knew what kind of execution they came here to watch. 
Also, there is no court. At least not one that ruled this death sentence; Foolish came up with the idea a week ago and proposed it Bad. He was almost more excited about it than Foolish was. He even gave Foolish a couple of ideas on how to make the execution into a real spectacle. 
“You now have a chance to say your last words,” Foolish drops his 'speaking to the public' voice and steps closer to Bad. “Maybe start by apologizing for murdering your king. Maybe that will help you to get closer to Heaven.”
Bad almost laughs, Foolish would never even entertain the idea of Bad getting back to Heaven. To him, Bad has always been a demon.
“I,” Bad starts before turning to look deep into Foolish's shining emerald eyes. He can feel the anticipation emanating from the crowd, and Sneeg's axe follows his movement, “have done nothing wrong.”
Foolish tilts his head upwards and lets out an exasperated noise of frustration. And he's not the only one, many of the people watching, waiting for him to be hunted down, let out annoyed yelps. Next to him, Sneeg rolls his eyes and lets out a huff.
With Sneeg’s focus broken, Bad doesn’t miss a beat to side step his battleaxe and take a long stride towards Foolish. 
There is panicked shuffling around them. Sneeg, no doubt, rushing after him and other members of the kingdom pulling out their weapons. 
But no one manages to do anything to stop him before he's face to face with Foolish. That’s what you get by not training your guards properly. Kingdom full of fools, truly.
Foolish doesn’t move. He doesn’t even flinch. 
There is only a foot between them now. Bad still wants to be closer. 
He locks eyes with Foolish and sees the same hatred he feels. The same wanting. The same... something else. Even after all these years they have never managed to name that feeling.
Foolish waves his hand and all movement around them stops. Bad can feel everyone watching them but he doesn’t care. Foolish’s eyes are on him. That’s all that matters. 
“I didn’t do anything wrong,” Bad repeats, his voice lowered this time. 
“Just admit you fucked up, you scumbag!” Foolish spats out and leans a little closer. His eyes are flashing in a way that tells Bad that he has also forgotten everyone else around them; that he’s ready for the hunt to start.
The hidden excitement in Foolish’s eyes almost makes Bad smile but he forces his face to morph into an expression that can only be described as a pout. He can’t let Foolish see that easily how happy Bad is about this. That’s not how this works. “Language.”
Foolish rolls his eyes but they quickly return to Bad's face. Like he physically can’t look away for longer than he has to. 
“Oh, I can't wait to watch your life fade from your beady little eyeballs,” Foolish says, the word wait sounds more like snap with the way Foolish's teeth clash together. His eyes flick around Bad’s face before returning to his eyes.
“And I can’t wait to gaze into your beautiful gumdrop eyes while your giant muscular arms are ripping me apart,” Bad says as he takes half a step forward as he speaks and leans in closer. His tail swipes up from behind him and reaches to touch Foolish’s bicep.
Surprisingly, Foolish doesn’t slap his tail away. Instead, he lets it rest on his arm. 
Bad can't tell whether everyone around them has gone deadly quiet or if his ears have just decided that nothing apart from Foolish matters. Which is true. Nothing else matters right now. 
“You,” Foolish starts as he in turn leans in closer to Bad. Bad knows Foolish is not doing it deliberately; he never really thinks when they are like this. And neither does Bad, he just does what feels right in the moment. Their noses are almost touching now. “are a freak.”
Bad can’t stop the excited grin spreading on his face “Don’t act like you don’t want that too.”
Foolish doesn’t answer but there is a small smile tugging on his lips. 
“Never in a million years,” Foolish says and lets the smile take over his face. Bad feels his own grin widen. 
“I can’t wait for you to hunt me down,” Bad mumbles. They are close enough that Foolish definitely feels Bad’s breath on his face. 
“Then start running,” Foolish snarls, his sharp shark teeth shine in the setting sun.
Bad tilts his head a little to the side, bumping their noses together. He doesn’t need to look at Foolish to know his eyes flick down for a fraction of a second. Before Foolish can move or say anything else, Bad quickly whips around and lets his tail smack Foolish in the face. 
Foolish lets out a surprised yelp but Bad can’t stay to laugh at his expression. 
“You motherfucker! That was my royal nose!” Foolish yells after him as he sprints down the castle stairs. 
Everyone in the crowd below the stairs was staring up at them with shocked expressions. None of them recover from the sudden turn of the events fast enough to do anything to stop Bad. He’s able to run through the crowd without any issues as Foolish yells insults after him from the top of the stairs. 
After getting a safe distance away from the crowd, Bad turns to glance behind him. 
Foolish has stopped yelling and is now standing on top of the castle stairs with his bow in hand. He’s ready to mark Bad as his property, as his target to hunt. Ready officially start the hunt.
A smile spreads across Bad’s face; some would call it creepy, others full on insane. Bad doesn’t think it’s either. It’s simply the smile that represents the feeling he gets when he knows Foolish is going to be after him. Foolish is going to be after him and he’s not going to stop before one of them is dead. And neither is Bad. 
It's going to be a good hunt.
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mwagneto · 1 year ago
the companion will go oh god doctor who is that?? and the doctor will get all serious and somber and say listen. he's the most evil creature in the universe. he's the worst enemy i've ever faced. he's horrible and unpredictable and you can never ever let your guard down. and then the villain will walk into the room like this
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months ago
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ryllen · 1 year ago
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I was just THINKING OF HOW ANNOYING Sebek is, H O N E S T .
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