#they are so goofy and silly
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ostdrossel · 8 months ago
Some Oriole babies made it to the actual feeders but some also just follow the parents and sit nearby. I added the CY95 trailcam to the pole where the jelly feeder is because that is a bit of a blind spot for me but a spot where I know birds sit and wait to get fed. I love the sounds of the babies, and their goofiness.
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nalooksthrough · 6 months ago
Pe-Az Canon Analysis
I think before I start making headcanons about the Pe-Az. I should do an analysis on what the show has already told and/or shown us. I'm writing it out because writing helps me form more structured thoughts.
Be warned this is a rather long post.
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Going to start off with their ship. It's in the shape of a pod because 'peas in a pod' and all that, very goofy. It also glows a bright green leaving behind a small green trail when they travel. Speaking of travel, they don't move in a straight line, they pilot in a zig zag pattern.
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They also fly their ship backwards which is a weird choice but okay you do you.
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They refer to themselves as an intergalactic peace negotiating team called the Pe-Az. So yeah, Pe-Az isn't the name of their race, it's their team name. Their team consists of a Statistical Leader (top), an Optimism Captain (middle) and a member simply known as The Closer (bottom). Who remains mute until they exhausted all other options. Basically he's their trump card. They are also call each other brother so that's sweet. Siblings working in a intergalactic peace team together.
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They say that they have been setting human disputes for centuries (with pictures to prove it) and they personally have helped with 293 negotiations before the events of "Peace of Pizza". And yet somehow out of 293 disrupts they never once came across a person whose lactose intolerant or has an allergy to dairy. In fact they don't even seem to know that it's a thing.
Now I'm not sure if they mean they as in the team or they as in they themselves have been helping settle human disputes over the centuries. The three of them could possibly be centuries old.
Also want to point out that fairies are only present in the 1950 burger fry treaty which makes me think that they have only just recently started to work with them.
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They also seem to be overly confident in their belief that pizza is like the key to all negotiations, that it's the universal incentive and that everyone loves Pizza. Which okay sure, good luck trying that with the Yugopotamians.
They are so confident in this fact that they even made an on/off switch for it. Their technology must to insane if they create a device to turn the concept of pizza off (and remove Italy from existence) like that's scary man.
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Also they just carry around different types of pizza with them in briefcases, which might just be disguised pizza boxes. Even for non-existing pizzas like ice-cream pizza. Wonder how many other types of pizza they have hidden away?
And I guess if they are being this non descript and vague about what a pizza is than it very well could be the universal incentive.
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Their written language has a lot of arrows, lines and dots. Also that's a lot of repeating characters for such a short text. They must not have a big alphabet.
They have rules when it comes to their negotiations! The only one we know of so far is that if someone manages to out negotiate them, they have to go on their side. Even is they don't want to and it ends with the removal of all pizza in the world. They have no choice.
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This isn't totally related to my analysis but think it's sweet that even though they are clearly uncomfortable. They were still willing to play video games with Dev or maybe it was just out fear. Dev was the first person to ever out negotiate them. The lactose intolerant child scares them.
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Apparently they are monsters and eat their pizza crust first.
They also not only managed to sneak into the Galax institute completely undetected but also none of these parasciencist are even questioning their green colouring at all? What are they even doing there anyway? Are they trying to keep tabs on what the humans know about alien life?
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Going to start with the one they use the most. Their ability to Assimilate. They can seemly sprout humanoid forms from their sphere bodies and are relatively good at mimicking the human form with only minimal hiccups. And given they are intergalactic peace keepers this most likely extends to other non-human forms as well.
But they can't seem to change their colouration which you think would be a problem but no. No one seems to question them about it, no one even seems to even question where they came from or how they got here. Which makes me think they also have a way to mentally assimilate, not just physically.
I like how even in these forms, they will naturally assume their normal stack positions. They even do it in their proper order (Stat top, Opt middle, Close bottom). They can't help it!
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The next ability I'm gonna talk about is their screen projection. Which they can not only use to display written text but also screenshots of what may be their memories but I'm not sure.
At first I thought it was just Opt who could do this. But Stat also does it, so it must be something they can all do.
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Another ability which might not even be an ability is their ability to teleport objects. This might just be done with tech since they don't really do this often. But it also has a similar effect to when they display another ability that I will soon mention so I can't fully rule it out.
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They can also seemly float/float objects but they can seemly only do this when they are in their true form. Their assimilated forms must take energy for them to keep up or something.
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And finally their weirdest and most disturbing ability. The ability to turn living beings into pizza. Which brings to mind the horrifying question of "is this where they get all their pizza from?"
This also shows that while they promote peace, they are willing to use more forceful methods if pushed. So they're not fully pacifistic.
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Hello? Sir? What are going to do with that pizza slice? 😥
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trustymikh · 9 months ago
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there are many benefits to being a ground-type pokemon trainer
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techutones · 8 months ago
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forecast0ctopus · 10 months ago
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robinsleeping · 3 months ago
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xxplastic-cubexx · 6 months ago
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something about first impressions idk
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bloominglegumes · 10 months ago
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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bloomdoom1 · 5 months ago
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applesaucefilledsocks · 10 months ago
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Max Goof :)
I drew him a bunch to appease my brain cause my TikTok fyp has been FULL of him and Bradley lately HAHA
I love him so much. A Goofy Movie was my JAM growing up. I still listen to power line all the time (I know it’s only two songs but shush)
I love that people are giving max the attention he deserves after all these years :))))
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No Thoughts, Only Goof
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notherpuppet · 2 months ago
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WIPs and sketch dump
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multimemes · 1 year ago
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laurellala-comics · 2 months ago
Examples below:
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revvethasmythh · 4 months ago
blackwall's whole situation is hilarious to me because he's posing as the warden-constable of orlais and this is never interrogated by anyone. what the fuck do you mean the warden-constable of orlais is chilling in my adventuring party after apparently being no-contact with any other wardens for multiple years and was found living in fereldan for some reason. leliana has a file of warden-constable blackwall's speech to his soldiers (in orlais!) during the fifth blight when blackwall outright tells you he was in fereldan during the blight and then after the truth comes out cullen is like "yeah even leliana didn't know blackwall was lying because she has a blind spot when it comes to the wardens". girlfriend that is not a blind spot that is a black hole. do we not communicate did i not tell you that blackwall said he was in fereldan. what breakdown in communication had to occur to allow this ruse to continue
also if he's the warden-constable of orlais that means he's clarel's second in command and this NEVER comes up. you leave the warden contact behind in the fade and some junior warden scuttles up to you like, "but we have no one left of any significant rank!" okay well the guy claiming to be warden-constable is literally stood five feet to my left, how's that. no one's ever like "hey blackwall wanna take over command of the remaining wardens" despite the fact that his own cover story outright makes him their commander. like the way blackwall lies is hilarious but also he should NOT have feasibly been able to get away with this. claiming to be the warden-constable is a level of audacity rarely witnessed in nature. what the fuck even happened here
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spacizia · 8 months ago
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he’s just a swinging space age bachelor man!!!!
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astrophilio · 4 months ago
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“Skizz is just frolicking in the flowers instead of doing anything” indeed he is and we love him for it
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