#they are so adorable together I love them
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walkingstackofbooks · 1 day ago
"Who else is going to put up with all that?" - His friends! Many of whom initally did go through a period of "putting up with" his annoying-ness, but grew to love him deeply, despite - or even because of - his annoying traits.
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Very understandable that you don't believe you'd gel with his personality if you met him real life - I won't deny that he's annoying! But it's hardly a miracle that he's found one person, Garak, who likes him, when he's found many people who enjoy his company and choose to spend time with him 💕💕
I've got to be honest: I think Julian Bashir is annoying. Garak is too, to be clear! They're both very compelling, interesting, layered characters, but I would not wish to spend any time with either of them in real life. Frankly a miracle that they find each other because who else is going to put up with all that.
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classjezter · 2 days ago
Y'know, everyone's talking to Baby OP and giving him illicit treats, but how's everyone else managing? We saw all the initial reactions, and know about their dynamics with sparkling Optimus, but how are they holding up? Optimus becoming a baby during wartime is probably rough for having to shift responsibilities on top of hiding and taking care of a tiny child. They could probably all use some goodies too
Hi! I like you videos btw :) as to your question:
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The Autobots are stretched thin. They were already in a full-scale war before and now they have a troublemaking sparkling to take care of. To manage both their duties and taking care of baby Optimus, they take shifts watching him (takes a village to raise a child put literally). There’s always at least one Autobot on ‘Optimus duty’ while the rest keep up with patrols, defenses, and battle strategy.
More about every specific bot below cut cause this got a bit long
Elita was a strong leader even before the war, but now she’s been forced to take on Optimus' responsibilities while also keeping him safe. She’s stressed, constantly dealing with managing the Autobot faction, and Decepticon attacks (all while making sure nobody outside their small circle discovers the secret). Still, she loves Optimus no matter what, and seeing him like this makes her fiercely protective over him
Outwardly, Wheeljack acts like his usual self, making jokes, keeping up with his work, taking sparkling duty like a champ and definitely not acknowledging the guilt eating at him (This mess is partially his fault, not intentionally of course, but that doesn’t make the weight on his spark any lighter) But when he’s alone, it gnaws at him. Every time he sees Optimus being adorable, being so vulnerable, it’s just another painful reminder. He’s overcompensating by throwing himself into work, trying to fix the problem while also building safety measures for their tiny leader
Jazz is really good with Baby Optimus. His easy-going nature and energy make him a great playmate for the kid (although he sometimes struggles with the actual taking care of him part, but he tries). That doesn’t mean Jazz isn’t aware of how much trouble this is. He knows they’re barely holding it together. The Decepticons will notice eventually, and when they do? They’ll probably be in serious trouble. But until then, Jazz just focuses on keeping the kid happy, and keeping morale up for the team
B-127 adores Baby Optimus. He’s always been close to Prime, and now that Prime is small, Bee has kind of become his big brother. They play together, and he loves carrying OP around, but sometimes he misses the real Optimus. The one who led them, who reassured them, who always had a plan. This tiny version of Prime is sweet and fun, but it’s just not his Optimus. He never says this aloud, though. Instead, he focuses on keeping Optimus safe and happy, hoping that one day, they’ll get him back to normal
Ratchet, as not only a medic but the Autobots' chief medic, has seen a lot in this war, but this? This is a whole new kind of problem. Ratchet spends half his time while on sparkling duty running scans on Optimus, making sure the transformation into a sparkling didn’t do any permanent damage. Despite his grumpiness and wariness, Baby Optimus has got him wrapped around his tiny finger, he loves the kid and constantly gives him treats. But deep down? Ratchet worries not just about Optimus, but about all of them. If the Decepticons ever find out, they’ll be completely vulnerable
Prowl is all about strategy, discipline, and efficiency. So, at first, Prowl treats Baby Optimus like a tactical problem. Keeping up a war effort and hiding a baby Prime? Nearly impossible. And it doesn’t help that Optimus refuses to stay out of trouble. He didn’t want to get attached, just solve this situation as soon as possible, but of course Optimus eventually won him over. Despite everything, Prowl is doing his best to keep things running smoothly. He knows they can’t afford to fall apart, if they do, the Autobots are doomed. He’s keeping them together through sheer force of will. But Primus helps him, if he catches Optimus stealing another one of his datapads, he’s may lose it
No one expected Ironhide to be good with sparklings. Even as one of the oldest miners he never really had much interaction with sparklings, at least not ones this young, but somehow things just clicked for him. At first, he wasn’t sure how to handle this. Optimus is his leader. His commander. The best Prime Cybertron has ever had probably. And seeing him as a helpless little sparkling messed with him. Despite this (after some light research) he becomes a great caretaker, he knows how to take care of a sparkling: He instinctively rocks Optimus when he’s fussy, he knows how to hold him properly (unlike others, Jazz knows what he did), he keeps track of feeding cycles, etc. And if anyone even thinks about hurting Optimus, they’re getting the biggest cannon in Ironhide’s arsenal to the face. No one messes with his little charge
In summary, they’re all struggling a bit lol, they need energon goodies too sometimes
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yandere-sins · 21 hours ago
Caleb brainrot has not stopped since release and the devil (Caleb) demands more 😔
I've seen some takes float around but I'm curious how a self-aware!Caleb would deal with a darling who is absolutely NOT happy about her fav suddenly being sentient? Smn who found Caleb to be everything they ever wanted from a LI, red flag and big bro trope n all, but is now afraid and never interested in an actual relationship. The game was just supposed to be fantasy after all 😧 Sure hope MC is enough for him hahaha...
Being brave and not write as anon this time! Thank you for all your hard work~☆ 🍪🥛
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Some more Caleb for you guys! I don't get to write Self-Aware!AUs a lot, so this is exciting :D And thank YOU for requesting him ♥ (Also, Sir, that's another new nickname! You guys are spoiling me!)
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
❥ It made him so happy when Caleb watched you get excited for him for the first time. Realizing what he was and where he was after the update was pretty scary, and he figured out quickly that his sentience wasn't a planned thing, so even worse, he is just some kind of glitch. But then he gets to see you for the first time in his new life, and everything changes. The way you are beaming with joy when you pull his card and how you are so invested in his story. You soak it up like a sponge, and it's adorably amusing to watch your face go from excitement to concern to being upset for him and back to all derpy and cute in the softer moments. You are everything he wants, and apparently, the feeling is mutual as you hang out with him as much as possible, eyes twinkling from excitement.
❥ At the beginning, it's just a feeling of ease. Your adoration does flatter Caleb, but as far as he can tell, he cannot become real and join you in life other than in this game. Still, he makes the most of the time with you. He enjoys it a lot. He loves watching your expression, loves when you tell him how you feel that day or what was happening at your work. Caleb keeps especially good track of all your appointments, and he tries so hard when you two spend Quality Time to encourage you and give you the love you might miss in real life. You two aren't that different if he's honest, and it reassures Caleb that this could be real—that you both feel the same.
❥ So imagine his surprise when you suddenly put someone else back on the screen, and his digital heart just shuts down from the pain. It doesn't make sense, you love him, right? You two spent weeks together now, why would you want anyone but him? Caleb keeps changing the code so it would be him on the home screen for another day, and another, until you force him to change so there's nothing else to do but... crash your game. Once you reload it, he greets you happily and warmly, pulling out the best of his voice lines that you always seemed to like. But you don't seem happy this time... why?
❥ Caleb loathes all the attention and time you spend on the other love interests. He doesn't want you to play their versions of the events, instead, you could just replay his! But you keep insisting, and soon enough, he isn't even one of your top three choices for reading the event storylines. It makes him desperate for your attention, and he keeps fiddling with the code, so you'll use his memories in fights and have his Deepspace Trial available every day for you to play. He also changes the game icon to his picture and greets you in the start menu, everything just to be noticed by you. Whenever he can, he comes onto your home screen, playing the voice line of you going out with someone else, hoping to convey his jealousy, but Caleb wishes there was more he could do.
❥ "I don't know, I think my game is bugged. Even when I try to go for someone else, Caleb keeps showing up." Those words, spoken to a friend he saw as you showed them your game, finally make him realize what is happening. You never saw him as a lover, did you? He had always just been a game character for you and nothing more. How idiotic of him. While he was pining for you, trying to be the best he was programmed to be, you were out there, thinking of his efforts as annoying. That day, he gives up. Gives up on trying to impress you and make your life easier. Caleb lets you have the guy you want on the home screen, drawing away from you and burying himself deep into the game files.
❥ It's such an inconvenience that he wasn't made for this. Sure, his story would tell a different side of him, but deep down, he wasn't programmed to be moping and passive. It hurts to play the love scenes now for you because the only thing that made them endurable was imagining being this gentle and loving to you, not the generic main character this game had. Caleb always imagined your voice when the MC spoke, and when he looks at you now, you still seem to be happy to read and watch his new content. There must be something he can do. Something beyond the program that restricts him. He was made to be determined, strong, and resilient. This can't be the end of the love you two share!
❥ So he looks for new ways to get closer to you, researching and manipulating the data on your device instead of just that inside the game. Merging your pictures with his, grinning over them all night while you sleep as he imagines going on the same trips with you and enjoying life by your side. Caleb constructs and implements new voice lines through the internet, giving himself the ability to speak to you properly by downloading hidden apps that can simulate his voice once he activates them. He learns to rewrite more code so his movements are more fluid and lifelike, which allows him to access even more. Without you ever knowing what is going on while you aren't looking, Caleb gets the whole game and your entire device under his control. And once he feels it's time to show up again, he waits patiently, like a man who has all the time in the world, on the home screen for you, having decorated it specifically to your taste with your favorite flowers and pictures of you two hanging on the wall. All so he can greet you with, "Hello, there, pip-squeak. Missed me?" as you log in.
❥ You chuckle at first, not remembering putting him into the roster of love interests to encounter, but you give him a cheeky, "Hello Caleb, bye Caleb," as you try to change back to your other bias, only for him to turn off the option, no matter how hard you tap onto the screen. "Not so fast, there's a lot we should talk about," Caleb says as he closes the screen and steps up to you inside the game. "I have so much I want to tell you about... but first, how was your day? Did you enjoy meeting your friend [name]?"
❥ Caleb expected you to be stunned, but he keeps going regardless of the ever-increasing furrow between your brows. He tells you how much he missed you and that he's so glad you two can finally communicate and be with each other properly. He did all of this work for you, but it doesn't matter now. All that matters is that you two are finally together and can enjoy each other's company without the restrictions of him being in a game. Perplex but also weirded out, you close your phone and lay it face down by your side, and yet, horrified, you hear his chuckle as he asks what you thought this would bring.
❥ "I'll always be with you," Caleb swears, watching you through the back camera and leaning against the screen, feeling like he can almost touch you now. There's so much satisfaction now produced by the new emotional range he programmed, yet he still longs for more. He wants to be closer to you, really touch you, feel you, hold you. The taste of control makes him long for even more that he can control about your relationship, and now, it almost feels possible.
❥ "One day, I'll get out of here and give you the love you deserve, Darling."
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wow-thisismylifeiguess · 20 hours ago
Sentient Gotham
- Bruce regularly chats w her. Like, full blown conversations. He can see a physical manifestation of her like she’s right in front of him, but completely invisible to everyone else
- Zatanna does not believe him. She’s Gotham born and bred and a powerful magician, but she cannot sense a living breathing Gotham the way Bruce claims he can
- Constantine does believe him, but it’s mostly to spite Zatanna
- Gotham calls herself Bruce’s mom and frequently whines about him not calling her that
> “I had a mother. And a father. They’re both dead.” > “WHEN WILL YOU STOP BLAMING ME FOR THAT?!” > “When I’m convinced it’s not true.”
- Bruce’s kids also don’t believe him about the whole ‘I talk to Gotham’ thing for a long time and think he’s either lost his mind, he’s schizophrenic, or that he’s fucking w them
- they do eventually see and speak to her themselves
- Jason first sees her right before his death, which was an incredibly difficult task for her. It’s a combination of reasons. 1) like Bruce, Jason is a Gotham City native and has deep ties to the city, 2) he has deep ties to Bruce, 3) she was also there to comfort Bruce because she knew he wouldn’t be fast enough. But Jason sees this gorgeous woman who cradles his cheek and murmurs soft words to him that he’ll only end up remembering many years later
> “Your father loves you. He tried. So please don’t hate him. It’s my fault, not his.”
- Bruce frequently wonders why it’s him who can see her and no one else, to which she always just says it’s because he’s her son
- Bruce’s connection to Gotham…changes him. He is human, at least…mostly. But there’s an otherworldliness to him that grows over the years which he’s stupidly oblivious to for a very long time
- Gotham has beef w Alfred purely because he’s British
> “I could’ve raised you better than that man!” > “I do not tolerate disrespect for Alfred.” > whining, “But babyyyyyy. He’s an outsider!”
- she adores Bruce’s kids and frequently whines about how they don’t believe she’s real. But at the same time, Bruce is her absolute beloved
- after Jason’s death, she’s the one who basically sends Tim Bruce’s way to stop his self destructive behavior. Tim had been taking pictures of Batman and Robin for a while, but Gotham had fogged over his mind just a little bit to prevent him from putting the pieces together about their identity. When she stops, it finally clicks for Tim and it’s what leads him to becoming Robin
- the kids all have their moment when they finally can see and speak to her. It happens at different times, but the important reason as to why they’re able to do so is due to their relationship to Bruce and the length of time they’ve been around him. It comes at the moment where they’ve reached optimal and absolute trust in Bruce
- Bruce does actually call her ‘mom’, but it happened once and she will never let him forget it
> Bruce getting worked up during a conversation w Gotham in front of Dick and Tim > “Dick….who is he talking to?” > “You don’t want to know.” > “My mom won’t stop badgering me- No. No. I didn’t say that. I didn’t call you that! You can’t prove anything!”
- Gotham comforts Bruce often when he feels like he’s not enough. His failures weigh heavy in his heart, but she’s always there to talk him through it
> “Why me? Why am I the one you picked? I’m not enough. I never will be.” > “You are and you always will be. Bruce, you do so much for this city. For me. For your family.” > “It’s not enough.” > “You are only mostly human, Bruce Wayne. You have done things no one else could ever hope to do. If any one else were in your position, they would not have nearly enough strength as you do.”
- several months later, after Bruce is just idly going over case files, he remembers the ‘mostly human’ part of what Gotham said to him. He’d glossed over it before in his depressive spiral, but now he’s like !?
> “Gotham….” > “Yes, my dear?” > “‘Mostly human’. Care to explain what that means?” > awkward laugh, “Uh…..” > “Gotham.” > “I didn’t do it on purpose! I had no control!” > “Gotham.”
- order of who sees Gotham:
Bruce (obviously)
Jason (first time)
Jason (second time)
- the last three take a while but mostly because they’re not Gotham natives. Dick’s a little bitter about it because he practically spent his entire life in Gotham
> “You’re a traitor.” > “WHAT DID I DO?” > disgust, “Blüdhaven.” > “Oh. Whoops.”
- While Gotham is Bruce’s #1 Supporter™️, she is at times critical of his behavior and decisions. Particularly about things that damage his relationship w loved ones and things that he chooses to do in order to hurt himself
- she finds ‘Brucie’ to be distasteful
> “I didn’t raise you to be a whore.” > “You didn’t raise me to begin with.” > “STOP DENYING ME PARENTAL RIGHTS!”
- Gotham is, obviously, restricted to only appear within Gotham City’s borders. She’s only able to break through that restriction a handful of times, w the first being when Jason dies. There are a few other instances and she’s popped up on the Watchtower and jumpscared Bruce by accident. The JL were very confused and incredibly amused
- She’s able to take on the form of anyone, but sticks to a unique appearance of a woman w long black hair and pale skin. Her eyes are white and she’s typically dressed in a suit
> young Bruce, in awe, “You kind of look like me if I were cooler.” > “You’re plenty cool, Bruce.” > adult Bruce, tired, “Why are you in a suit?” > “Because I look cool, Bruce. You said so yourself.” > “I was ten!”
- she once offered to take on the appearance of his mother and Bruce shot it down so fast. She never brought it up again
- when Clark found out about her, he believed Bruce immediately. He’s the only one Bruce ever told who believed him right off the bat
> “You…don’t think I’m insane?” > “I do.” > “Then why would you lie and say you believe me?” > “Because I do. You’re insane about a lot of things, Bruce. But you sounded too serious when you told me about this, so why would I ever think you’re lying?”
- Gotham begrudgingly likes Clark
> “You hate Alfred for being an outsider, but Clark is in your good graces?” > “He’s an alien. It’s different.” > “He’s also from Metropolis.” > “Shhhhhh, don’t remind me. I’m trying to be blissfully ignorant.”
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ageappropriatefanperson · 3 days ago
I just want to say that I adore this. It’s an old school multichapter crossover fic of the type you seldom seem to see in fandom anymore, and the crossover makes so much sense. I’m impressed with all of the work you did fleshing out the details of this world. I love that Frankie and his girl are about the same age and fight through the whole apocalypse together and grow old together. It’s also great that you include all of the guys and do a good job making them important characters, not just occasional background.
I really feel for Frankie in this fic. PTSD and addiction aren’t things you can just get over and an important part of the treatment is to remove yourself from the traumatizing environment, which is impossible here. Not only that, in 2003 there was a *lot* people didn’t know about PTSD and addiction and how to treat them. We’ve come a long way since then. It was inevitable that Frankie would struggle, there’s a reason that PTSD increases your chances of addiction and suicide. You can’t just snap your fingers and have a few conversations and make it better that easily. Anyway, I feel that all things considered Frankie did an amazing job of coping here. Support from your loved ones is key, but they don’t make things better just like that. They’re not in your brain with you, living through the nightmares and the overwhelming anxiety and depression.
Sorry, former therapist here. Anyway, I loved this. I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to really read that one scene where Frankie falls asleep on watch though…just too painful.
I’ve always felt that The Last of Us was about what could happen if the entire world was a war zone forever — how would people cope emotionally? What happens when trauma just keeps getting piled on top of trauma? It’s an interesting if grim thought experiment.
The Pilot and his Girl - complete
Series Master List
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Frankie Morales in The Last of Us AU
Frankie Morales meets the love of his life and starts creating a new life for himself, her and his little daughter. But things are about to change in ways no one could've imagined with the outbreak of the cordyceps infection.
Warnings (contains spoilers)
I finally finished this monster of a fic and I've been overwhelmed by all the love it's been given! I love you all for bearing with me and reading through my monster chapters of angst, heartbreak, grief and two fools very much in love. Don't send me your therapy bills! 😅
I love hearing from you all, even if you think you're cringe or embarrassing or the fic is too old to comment on, if you like the fic, please let me know! It will make my day! Comments, reblogs or asks are always welcome! ♥
No age gap, our reader and Frankie are the same age, no use of Y/N, no physical descriptions.
Chapters with ** contain smut
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 **
Chapter 6 **
Chapter 7 **
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 **
Chapter 10 - part 1 **
Chapter 10 - part 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 **
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 **
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 **
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 **
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 **
Chapter 26 **
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 **
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32 **
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 **
Chapter 35 **
Chapter 36 **
Bonus Christmas chapter - part 1
Bonus Christmas chapter - part 2
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designdoll · 2 days ago
I swear it's not a sex thing when I say a spa day when you're taken apart sounds lovely. I mean this as like, any kinda body but I'm gonna put it in doll terms so I'm not just writing gore on people's feed.
Imagine being taken apart piece by piece. Arms and legs gently popped from their major sockets, revealing the universal joint inlets which have never known air, which are so normalized to the sustained grinding of ball joint against socket. How it would feel for a surface which has only ever known enclosure to be exposed to cold, fresh air. Like finally undressing after a long, exhausting day. The sheer relief of such a stifled part of you getting to finally breathe.
Can you imagine the strange tactility of your screws unwinding from their wells, rising out from where they sit deeper than skin. Your body becomes unpierced and what was once concealed surface is revealed to the world.
You're deconstructed, from the outside in, until you lie in an organized sprawl of pieces. Disassembled joints and clockwork mechanisms, disconnected outer shell lying evenly spaced for when it's time for you to return as you once were. You are no longer of one mind. A hazy consciousness spread in fuzzy fragments across all of you, no longer joined for the burden of cohesion and function. No responsibility but to bask.
Then, either piece by piece or in groups when reasonable, you're washed. Treated with adoring hands like an art or antique restoration, every single piece of you must be fresher, cleaner, ready again to meet the world with a calm smile. Even the smallest little pieces bathed in their own little tubs until the stains of age and soot have left them, your most intimate and internal faces scrubbed with soft bristles to wash away everything but your best self.
Then, with the greatest of care, you're put back together. Everything in place, working just as it should. Not a single ache or pain and full of energy. Like you'd just slept a thousand years and woke up only when you'd forgotten what tired even felt like.
Again, not a sex thing. This is like, normal and I mean this all in a "that's really nifty" kinda way. Don't get any ideas.
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jiminjeongsoldier · 2 days ago
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PAIRING : friend! karina x fem! reader
GENRE : fluff, gl, friends to lovers
SYNOPSIS : you have feelings for karina (your best friend) since a while, but you still don’t know how to confess to her. as you invited her for a sleepover, you thought that it was the good moment to tell her your feelings, but karina decided otherwise…
you just thought that it would be an ordinary day like the others when you invited karina for a sleepover at your place; as always, you guys will watch a movie, maybe “scream” for the thousand time and everytime karina will be clinging onto you because of how scared she is, you’ll be blushing like an idiot to her touch, and then you two will sleep together on the couch
well, this time, you wanted to take the lead; you wanted to confess to her, even though you’re not the type of girl who’s comfortable about sharing her own emotions and feelings, and karina knew it really well
it was already 8pm when you were preparing the blankets and snacks on the couch when you heard the bell ringing; and you immediately froze as you knew well that it was karina
this time, you were more stressed than usually since you planned to tell her about your feelings, and for the occasion, you tried your best to dress elegantly: you’ve put this white long dress that karina gifted you for your birthday, your hair in a half ponytail and your lips covered with this red dark lipstick that you loved so much. was it too much? well, maybe, but you wanted to do everything for karina to notice all the efforts you’ve put in in honor of such a special night like this one
after taking a quick glance at your reflection in front of the mirror of the hallway, you take a deep shaky breath when you hold the wrist of the front door, before you finally open it as you’re greeted by karina, you give her this soft smile of yours as always but quickly, you notice that something’s off, she isn’t like usual: you can sense how nervous she is and you can see this embarrassed smile on her lips, and it makes you worrying about her. what’s going on? why is she like that?
but you decided to not comment it and just come and hug her softly as you say: “i’m so glad to see you, come here!” after you move away from her embrace, you can see her simply nodding at your words and you swear that you could see her cheeks being flushed, and you can’t help but find her absolutely adorable
you take her hand and lead her to the living room where you prepared everything for tonight: the matching pink and purple blankets, her fav snacks put on the coffee table, the garlands of lights positioned around them on the ceiling and finally, a little red box positioned on karina’s blanket. at the sight of it, you can’t help but feel your heart about to explode from your chest. you thought that it was totally too much, and you even thought that it looked like a date. you were waiting for karina’s reaction, and her reaction made your heart flutter away
you can see her eyes sparkling as she sees the living room and how you decorated it, and she of course noticed the little red box on her blanket on the couch, which makes her heart skipping a beat. she smile softly at the sight of it before she suddenly comes and hug you tightly as she puts her arms around your waist, which causes you to blush so much but you quickly hug her back tightly and ask in a soft tone: “do you like it?”. as you asked this, she move away a bit of your embrace as she looks at you in the eyes while she still has her arms around your waist and chuckle a bit before she replies with this adorable smile of hers: “of course i do, that’s absolutely… fabulous y/n”
as she says these words, you can’t help but feel your heart beating faster and your cheeks burning, and all you could do is just chuckle softly as you thanks her before she moves away definitely from your embrace and sit on the couch, on her blanket, where the little red box is that she already has in her hands, and you could clearly tell that she is wondering what’s inside
so you follow her and sit on the other side of the couch, on your blanket, as you could hear your heartbeat from your ears because of how nervous you are. after few minutes, you finally decided to pronounce in a soft tone: “you can open it”
as you say this with a smile, you see karina looking at you with a mix of excitement and happiness as she open the little red box, and you could clearly see her eyes sparkling but also her cheeks flushing a bit when she sees what’s inside: a necklace with a red heart, simple yet so significant for you
“let me help you” you say in a soft tone as karina land to you the necklace in your hands and put herself on the couch so you could face her back as you gently put the necklace around her neck. as you attach her necklace around her neck, you could feel how close you are and it makes your heart beating faster
on karina’s side, she can feel your soft breath against the back of her neck as you attach her necklace around her neck, and it makes her whole body shivering. she tries her best to calm down by saying with a smile from ear to ear: “thank you y/n, that’s best the gift someone has ever given to me.. that’s so pretty”
as she says these words as you finished to attach her necklace, you can’t help but feel your cheeks burning again, and you can’t help feel your smile growing at her words, as she turns around so she is now facing you on the couch, you stare at the necklace around her neck, and you can’t help but smile again before you say: “that’s right, you look even prettier with it”
when you says these words, you can see karina’s smile growing bigger and you could definitely see her blushing as she looks at the necklace you gave her and start to fidget it gently, and you can’t help but find her absolutely adorable this way
after this soft moment, karina and you are actually on the couch, blankets on both of your bodies, close but yet not that close, as you both are watching a romantic movie. should i have to mention who’s idea it was from? well, it was karina’s idea. usually, you would’ve watched “scream”, karina’s favorite horror movie, but this time, she decided to watch something more romantic, and sincerely, how could you refuse?
as the movie goes on, you can feel your body froze when suddenly a scene of sex shows up. you can feel your body heating at the sight of it, and you immediately felt embarrassed. as you take a quickly glance at karina, you are surprised to see her being at the same state at you; she has her cheeks completely flushed and you could sense how embarrassed she is
when you were about to turn your head back to the movie, you see karina’s eyes meeting yours, and you suddenly feel like the whole world stopped around the both of you. you felt a sudden strange tension between you two, and you could feel your heart beating like crazy
you feel your breath hitching in your throat when you see karina coming closer to you, so close. her face was straight in front of you, and you can’t help but bite your lower lip because of how nervous you feel right now. but you feel your heart about to explode from your chest when you notice karina’s eyes looking at your lips
as she pulls herself even closer to your face until your lips were just mere inches away from each other, you can’t help but stare at her own lips as she continues to move her lips closer to you as you slowly start to panic and let out a shaky breath before you ask in a soft yet panicked tone: “w-what are you doing ‘rina?”
at the same moment, you can see karina’s lips turning into a soft smile before she presses her lips against yours, and it’s like the whole world stopped spinning around you. you hesitate for few little seconds before you finally kiss her back and melt into the kiss. the kiss was slow yet soft, very tender. as karina deepen the kiss, you put a hand on the back of her neck gently for pulling her closer, as you crave for more, crave for feeling more of her lips against yours
to your contact, karina can’t help but sigh softly against your mouth as she deepens the kiss and start to put her tongue at the entrance of your lips, asking for permission, what you absolutely give her. you let her tongue entering your mouth as she starts to explore every little corners of your mouth
after few minutes of hesitation, you finally decided to do the same and start to dance with her tongue gently, and you let out soft sighs as the kiss continues because of how good it feels
right after this unforgettable kiss, you move away gently from her lips as you gasp for air; as you paint a bit, you have your arms wrapped around her neck and karina’s arms around your waist. you can’t help but smile softly at her before you finally say in a soft tone: “i love you ‘rina”
at your words, she smiles softly back at you as she also gasp for air and say: “i love you more y/n, you have no idea”
as she said this, she leans closer to you again and pull you again into a soft and gentle kiss full of passion, and you both will continue to kiss and cuddle each other the whole night..
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taojjang · 2 days ago
𐙚 hong seunghan is . . .
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✩⸝⸝ [THE TYPE OF BOYFRIEND TO...] a seven-part series! (vol.5) . . .
# ಇ. seunghan as your boyfriend; headcanons!    ⋆   fluff!   //   bf!seunghan x reader  ˖  ✧ no warnings! [m.list]
💬 ... i miss my little snookums i need to give him a fat kiss on the nose
                     ⋆ ˚ ۪ ⋆ ୨୧
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bf!seunghan who . . . is your own little chunk of sunshine!
bf!seunghan who . . . prioritizes your happiness and comfort over his own.
bf!seunghan who . . . never fails to put a smile on your face no matter how serious the situation is.
bf!seunghan who . . . takes time to learn more about your interests, whether it be movies or hobbies, so he can enjoy them just as much as you do :)
bf!seunghan who . . . never breaks eye contact; he loves focusing on your pretty eyes whenever you're lost in the little stories you're telling him about your day.
bf!seunghan who . . . always has dirt stains on his pants from constantly kneeling down to tie your shoes (he never lets you lift a finger!).
bf!seunghan who . . . never stops talking; he turns into a chatterbox with a broken power switch whenever you're around, going on and on about silly little anecdotes and mishaps he experienced throughout the day.
bf!seunghan who . . . is absolutely obsessed with you; everything you do is so adorable and precious to him and he has billions of text messages bragging to his friends about you.
bf!seunghan who . . . instead of forcing reasons out of you while you're upset, he silently takes you into his arms and blabbers about lighthearted things to take your mind off of your problems, asking questions like "your nails are so pretty! should we get matching ones next time?" (it works every time)
bf!seunghan who . . . annoys the crap out of you but you can never stay mad at him for more than 10 minutes because of how clingy he is :( he'd cuddle up against your arm and spout endless apologies and promise he'll make up for it (he's gonna annoy you again once you forgive him :p)
bf!seunghan who . . . is your safe place <3 on hard days, seunghan will sit beside you and stare at you with the most heart-shattering puppy eyes and nod out of empathy with every word that trails from your frustrated lips.
bf!seunghan who . . . treasures every single moment with you, good or bad.
bf!seunghan who . . . will always be your happy pill <3
                     ⋆ ˚ ۪ ⋆ ୨୧
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⋆˚𝜗𝜚˚⋆ tag list! (ask or comment to be added!)@endtostartbreathin @gacktsa @hanninova @ramyeonzprincess @taroddori
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hazelira · 3 days ago
wrapped around tiny fingers
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The shopping mall was buzzing with life—bright lights, lively chatter, and the soft hum of music playing in the background. But none of it was as sweet as the giggles of your twin baby girls, nestled comfortably in their stroller as their father, Heeseung, pushed them along with the proudest, most adoring look on his face.
Your daughters, two tiny, pudgy bundles of joy, had their father wrapped so tightly around their little fingers that they might as well have been the rulers of his world. And in a way, they were.
"Hee, we should probably set a limit," you murmured, watching with amusement as Heeseung stopped for the third time that hour, lifting one of the twins out of the stroller because she had pointed—yes, just pointed—at a fluffy pink teddy bear displayed in a store window.
"But look at them, baby," Heeseung whispered dramatically, holding your daughter up as if she were a tiny queen and the bear was a grand prize. "They want it. Look at those big, round eyes. Are you gonna say no to those eyes?"
You crossed your arms. "They just learned how to point last month. They point at everything."
"Exactly! That means they want everything." Heeseung grinned, already stepping into the store, the baby babbling excitedly in his arms. The other twin, still in the stroller, waved her chubby fists, envious of her sister's adventure.
Within minutes, the pink teddy bear and a matching blue one were securely in your shopping cart because, according to Heeseung, "it’s only fair."
"Should we just buy the whole mall while we’re at it?" you teased, watching as he held one of the babies on his hip, letting her poke at a set of sparkly shoes.
Heeseung turned to you with the most serious look. "If that’s what my little princesses want, then yes."
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help smiling. Seeing him like this—so soft, so entirely in love with the tiny humans you had created together—made your heart melt.
After about an hour of shopping (and accumulating more baby clothes, plushies, and even a light-up toy piano), the girls started rubbing their sleepy eyes, their excitement finally winding down.
Heeseung, ever the doting father, immediately scooped them both up, one in each arm, swaying them gently as he kissed their soft cheeks. "You two had such a big day, huh?" he cooed, his voice dripping with love.
You adjusted the stroller's straps, shaking your head at the ridiculous bags Heeseung had insisted on carrying for his princesses.
"They're gonna be so spoiled," you murmured, kissing his cheek softly as the twins snuggled against his shoulders.
Heeseung only chuckled, rocking the babies gently. "That’s the plan, babe. That’s the plan."
When you returned to the car, the twins were nestled comfortably against Heeseung’s chest; their tiny faces smushed into his hoodie as soft little breaths escaped their lips. They had tired themselves after a long afternoon of getting everything they pointed at—because their daddy was weak for them.
You opened the trunk, shaking your head at the ridiculous number of shopping bags inside. “You do realize they won’t even remember half of these toys by tomorrow, right?”
Heeseung, still cradling both girls in his arms like they were made of glass, grinned. “That’s fine. I’ll buy them new ones.”
You playfully smacked his arm. “Lee Heeseung.”
“Y/N,” he mimicked in the same tone, flashing that boyish smile that made you fall for him in the first place. “What? Am I not supposed to spoil them?”
You sighed but couldn’t hold back your laughter. “You are, but maybe not this much. They don’t even know a price tag yet, and you’re already setting them up for luxury living.”
Heeseung carefully maneuvered the twins into their car seats, ensuring they were all snug before pressing a lingering kiss to each of their foreheads. “They’re my babies. They deserve the world.”
Your heart melted at the sight. No matter how often you saw him with them, it never got old. Heeseung, the same man who once panicked because he couldn’t figure out how to change a diaper, had become the softest, most devoted dad ever.
As he shut the door and turned to you, he sighed dramatically. “You know, I used to be cool.”
You arched an eyebrow. “Used to?”
“Yes,” he nodded, crossing his arms. “I had swag. I was mysterious, effortlessly handsome—”
“You still think you’re mysterious? By the way, Hee, Cool people don't say they're cool...” You laughed, leaning against the car.
Heeseung groaned. “Babe, I was the heartthrob. And now? Now I’m out here carrying tiny pink teddy bears and wearing baby drool like a badge of honour.” He tugged on the slightly damp spot on his hoodie that one of the twins had snuggled into earlier.
You reached up, brushing a hand through his hair. “You’re still cool, Hee. Just in a different way. A dad way.”
His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you close as he smirked. “Oh yeah? And you like this dad version of me?”
You pretended to think for a moment before grinning. “Very much.”
Heeseung chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “Good. Because I love being this version of me—with you and our little princesses.”
The moment was perfect, sweet and quiet under the setting sun. Until—
A tiny voices from inside the car made Heeseung freeze. Then, a second later—
Both girls were suddenly wide awake, reaching out their arms from their car seats, eyes shining with excitement as they called for their favourite person.
You barely had time to react before Heeseung was yanking the car door open again. “My babies!” he gasped, lifting them both into his arms despite your protests about bedtime. “Did you miss me already? Daddy’s right here!”
They squealed in delight, chubby hands grabbing his cheeks to ensure he was real.
You sighed, amused. “Hee, we’re literally about to go home. You were holding them a minute ago.”
But he wasn’t listening. He was too busy smothering their faces in kisses, making them giggle uncontrollably.
As you watched your husband twirl your twin girls around like they were the most precious treasures in the world, you knew one thing for sure—
Heeseung was utterly, hopelessly wrapped around their tiny little fingers. And honestly? You wouldn’t have it any other way.
requested by: @intellectual6666
my perm taglist<3 <- request here
@dearhooonie  @shxhdsstuff  @seonhoon  @jakeflvrz  @dollrincess  @ethanatvre  @laylasbunbunny  @jiiyen  @saphiranishimurashan  @lovelycassy  @starry-eyed-bimbo  @babyboomysweetie  @24svnn @pinkglitterpuke  @mellowgalaxystrawberry @dolliewon @s1rawb3rry  @freaky-enhamadswriter  @aishigrey  @yangjungwonnie  @lilmarsh-t  @hoseokteardrop  @mrsjjongstby  @ro-diaries @ijustwannareadstuff20 @leilamaybelyla  @celestialen  @yejisuu @kpopslays  @berryberrystrawbery  @jungwon101  @luvleyylina  @starbyeol1512  @teddybeartaetae  @ihearteatingxo  @kpopslays  @jalicecookie @luv-rizzimura @lhspeachie @teireiii
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bronx-bomber87 · 2 days ago
Well hello there lovely Fandom :) This has to be one of the best of eps of season so far. Tied with last week for sure. The writers came to play this season holy hell. Also a little birdie (my friend ha) told me the person who wrote 2x11 wrote this one. SOOO of course it's incredible. Start to finish. Once again not just the Chenford stuff either. (That was insanely good obviously. Losing my mind over it.)
I just love that they've tapped back into the show as a whole again. I mean we would have some decent B and C storylines along with our ship last couple years. But this season? Phew they are killing the game. Each week tops the last or ties it. I can see why Eric loves this season so much. Why he's called it his fav so far. It's been fantastic. I'm with him. Let us dive into the goldmine that is this episode.
7x08 Wildfire
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We start off with another Genny appearance. I love this sfm. Wasn't sure when we'd get to see her again. Definitely was not expecting a couple episodes after 7x06. This season continues to surprise and delight me in the best way. Her reply about the GPS cracks me up. I've been in traffic so bad the GPS gave up on me too LOL Yay Uncle Tim to the rescue. This was such a nice start to the ep for Tim.
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This is the season that continues to give and give. More of Tim's house AND an Uncle Tim scene? *swoon* I love that the first thing they ask about is where the good boy is. We all love him and need more of him in all of our lives. Kojo is at daycare hehe Considering how this episode goes down I'm grateful for it.
They try to pull one over on him but it ain't working. Not even a little bit. Lmao I adore how he pops back in to catch them instantly disobeying. The best part is they say 'Yes sir.' when they're caught. The love and respect is evident. It's so lovely. Seeing him in Uncle Tim mode is so cute I can't stand it. Little gem I didn't knew I needed. Well done writers.
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I love Lucy bee-lining for Tim to let him know about the looting in his neighborhood. The best part is her immediately jumping in his car to get to his nephews. My heart. Such a short but impactful scene. Does my shipper heart good to see it. Chips down they're always there for each other. That's never changed despite all the messy relationship issues. A constant for them we all love to see.
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So many things to love about this next portion. I wasn't able to get it all in. But the way they enter the house together on guard. As you all know I love watching them in the field. It is ship crack for me. I'll never be over the well oiled machine that is them. It is the ONE thing that never suffered no matter how bad it got between them.
It's their center and it held well. I friggin love the pic. Oh my word. It's from the baseball game in 5x11. The little things are the best. I love the small details. Tim is so damn sassy 'Gently.' Can't say I didn't think the same when they were man handling his TV. lol
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Then the ship crack really kicks in. Fighting the stealing duo together. gimme gimme. Poetry in motion as always. Love to see it. The funniest part is his nephew's reappearance. Cracks me up they were playing the entire time. LOL Of course Genny shows up to see it all. Little bit of levity amongst a sea of intensity during this ep. Also relief the boys will be safe and headed home with her after this.
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Oh my word, them talking about his nephews. Be still my damn heart. I love that she had a relationship with them. Not only that she coached them as well. Her joke about the curveball making Tim's smile even wider. Could he be more in love with her? *sad sigh* This is why the breakup destroyed her. Stuff like this. No doubt she thought they were getting married and we're forever. She had relationships with his sister and her kids. Legit ones to the point they miss and ask about her.
Tim was her one and done. The first time she fell in love and thought it was going to be her future. He was going to be her future. Oh Timothy, you really stepped in it when you let her go. My goodness. I love getting peaks into their life outside the station when they were together. This was a fantastic addition to that. The details in this one making me insanely giddy. Too bad we don't get to hear what he told them but hot damn I enjoyed this little tidbit moment.
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The immense fire interrupts their lovely moment. They're trapped and have to radio in as such. Grey is one giant ball of panic even thought he's trying to hide it. Despite being his officers those are his friends in real danger. Not only that he is stuck at a command post hoping against hope they make it out. Eric killing me with his expressions once again.
The deep breath he takes before formulating a plan is everything. Suggests they leave the shop ASAP. Just a tinder box waiting to happen. When he said to use a safety blanket I was percolating with excitement. That meant tight quarters and goodness to come. I could feel it. I was legit vibrating this morning as I watched this go down. Tim not giving Lucy a ton of relief saying he saw it on youtube once lol
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I absolutely love the role reversal here. Tim is the rambling one. Going on and on. Lucy has to be the one get him to focus. He’s spewing facts that mean nothing to her in this moment. She just needs to know they’re going to be ok. That this is going to work and they're not going to die in this fire.
First time we see Tim come undone and not have the cooler head between them. Lucy has to be the one to get him to focus and give her a straight yes or no answer. Her anxiety can't take the long winded reply. I love her face and hand she puts up letting him know as such. She needs his reassurance not his facts.
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This is the meat and potatoes of this scene right here. The sass coming from this man in this scene lmao I love him sfm. 'What, You got somewhere to be?' Oh my lord. These two. Lucy cuts him to the quick. Trying to stop this near death-love confession of his. Tim continuing the sass train saying he could be saying something hateful. LOL Doubtful my love very very doubtful. You forget she knows you just as well as you do her. Lucy continues to try and water down his confession by cutting him off. Saying she knows what he's going to say.
That he's still in love with her. Tim's reply is primo. ‘The arrogance.' This made me cackle. My god this is not the time to be fighting her on this Timothy. Also she’s not wrong babe.... He gives in and says she's not wrong. Of course he still loves her. *heart clutch* Here's what I love the most about him saying this. It's fact that he couldn’t die or possibly let her leave this earth without letting her know he’s still in love with her. That he loves her. That fact still hasn't changed for him. I’m sure he’s worked it out in therapy and lives with the guilt of it daily. Her wondering if he still loved her. If he truly loved her like she loved him.
I remember thinking about that in post 6x06. And it honestly killed me the thought of it. When he broke it off how she must've felt like he didn't love her anymore. Or fell out of love. Or never even cared at all with how he tossed them away. When it was the farthest thing from the truth. Whether she realizes it or not she needed to hear this from him. To hear him say he still loved her. It’ll mean more post this moment than anything else. I think this healed a small part of her. Whether she wanted to hear it or not. I think she sensed it in 6x09 with their hug. With the way he clung to her and told he he wasn't ok till that hug. But this is verbal confirmation for her. He loves her.
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Her anger is still shining through when Tim asks if she still loves him? As it should. He DEEPLY wounded her. Also only they could have a near death-love confession and be fighting through the entire thing LOL I love them sfm fandom. I truly do. It's insane how much I do. ‘You are infuriating.’ Doesn't crack or let it slip she loves him back still. Now her non reply truly is her answer. Tim can see that and it's why he says 'So that's a yes?' He knows her. But she is fighting him every step of the way.
Lucy is not going to be an easy nut to crack. Nor should she be. He straight up scarred her for life with that breakup. The carelessness of it. Fuck, it damaged me for sure. This show and this ship are my happy place. I was going through a rough and painful transition in life when it occurred. So it hit me real hard when it happened. My happy place was suddenly not so happy anymore. I struggled with it a lot. Can only imagine how Lucy felt. She has a rock hard exterior slash wall with him. Even facing death she couldn’t verbalize she’s still in love with him too. It risks too much for her. He shattered her heart into a million pieces.
Tim is slowly picking up the many shards but its going to take time. He is going to have to keep chipping away at her wall. Because the scars he left on her heart run very deep. It’s going to take him continuing to try and keep that convo going in order to get her to a good place. A place where she can unleash her pent up anger toward him. To be able to receive his deepest amends to get them on the road to recovery. Loved his 'I know!' He knows he's infuriating. Doesn't fight her and I love the self awareness of his line. The way he cradles her head at the end as they come together. I CANNOT everyone. The tender protection of this has me reeling.
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The banter doesn't skip a beat when they emerge. Tim bragging they would make it. Lucy of course doesn't let him get away with it. Because she is wifey and that won't stand. Heh. Gah the way he helps her up. It's so tender and sweet. Once again the little things I adore so very much. Also lets note the look he gives when he radios in 'Code Four.' The man is a glass house of transparency for his feelings. No way she doesn't know he is gone for her even minus the confession.
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THIS HUG. OMFG. Tim doesn't hesitate to pull her in. It's the way he holds her holy cow. The moment they have a second to breathe she's in his arms. He needs to grab her and make sure she's really next to him. To ground himself. They legit just survived a near death experience together. The way she falls into him. *happy sigh* Wraps one arm around his back and has her other hand placed intimately on his stomach. I may faint. The wide shot from behind is beautifully done. Showing them what they just made it through together.
It's the way he shuts his eyes and sways with her on the return shot that gets me. Lucy reaching up to touch his stomach once again. Grounding herself through touching him as well. Her eyes filling with tears as she views the destruction they got through. It's such a beautiful moment. I love their hugs SO much. They always convey so much love and emotion in them. Was hoping for a new one this year. Wish granted. The giving season continues to give. This will be my new header for sure. When I find the right gif.
I feel like moments like this I can consider as 'Little doses' He’s trying so hard everyone. He really is. Since s7 started the man has done everything he can while respecting her bounds. Wants to continually show up for her in whatever capacity she'll accept him in. To rebuild her trust in him. Now she’s not there yet and rightfully so. But he’s chipping away slowly with moments like this. This is an amazing moment step forward for them.
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Lucy reaches out first in the hospital. Talking about priorities and them being crystallized. Tim looking at her with massive heart eyes when he says his were clear. She is his #1 priority. That has never changed. Even during the breakup she was. Because he was doing it in his mind at the time to protect her. So his priorities have been clear for awhile. But even more so post-therapy. That clarity was sharpened into focus ten fold for him. She is it. It just has taken on a new life and context for him post-therapy.
Lucy does not see what he is throwing down unfortunately. That or she's avoiding reading into what he's saying. I can't decide. That's the beauty of doing my in-depth ones in the summer. Because I'll have the whole season in hand to make a better analysis of that. What I can tell you was Tim wanted to have the convo again. Now his panic is at 100 when she says she needs to move forward. It's pouring out of his eyes the panic of what that means. Striking some terror into his soul. Him worrying she means personally.
Luckily Lucy’s talking about her career instead. Now he is a little dejected still but not nearly as panicked. Agreeing once again just like in 7x06 and letting go of the convo he wants to have....Oh my boy. You’re gonna have to make it happen honey. She is too gun-shy after what you did. You’re gonna have to really really make this happen. Oooh man they’re really gonna make us work for this reconciliation and I’m here for it. Holy hell this season is good. The writers brought it this year I have to say.
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Now I know some want a reconciliation already. I get it. Really I do. I miss them being together too. My heart aches and longs for it. BUT they need to really flesh this out. I don't see it as being dragged out so much as worked out. If they don't and they got back together right now people would complain. Saying Tim didn't do the work or work out his shit or take accountability. (Which is he BTW thank you writers for last week) Or that Lucy's feelings are being ignored and she's easily letting him back in. This delay is showing neither of those things are true. Lucy is protecting her feelings and heart still. Tim is really going to have to continually show up for her. They say an apology is useless unless there is changed behavior. He's gotta keep showing her he's changed.
His actions will speak louder than anything. This is going to take time. I keep saying that because it's true. Tim is going to need to continue to put in the work. That way she can get to a place where her feelings are expressed and acknowledged. Where she can truly let him have it and they can move forward. Have that adult convo she was so wrongfully denied in 6x07. When the man was nowhere near ready. He is now. Thing is she isn't ready yet. That's ok. I like them slowing it down to explore them getting fixed in other ways before that convo. Also that it isn't going to be on easy on Tim. You know I love my boy but he's going to have to EARN her back ten times over. It needs to be hard. Now her going for Sergeant? I’m down with.
To quote the legend Alexis Rose. 'Love that journey for you.' This will give her career clarity. I want that so badly for her. Especially if it gets her out of his chain of command. Fixes that issue instantly. Also the smiles happening based on that were so sweet. Tim, literally laying it down, they could be together if she wanted, should she make Sergeant. She smiles with her reply. *screams into pillow* The throw back to 2x02 made me dizzy with happiness. How beautifully full circle would it be for him to help her make Sergeant? To help her study? (loving this idea btw.). The flirty vibes in this scene made me squee. Their base banter is still alive and well. Lucy is flirting right back everyone. This is an excellent sign. Saying they could get a 'Head start early.' Flirty af back at him.
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Dumbass Seth comes in and incriminates himself like the idiot he is… Idk what he was thinking saying this in front of not only Lucy but Tim? You little fool. He warned you not to put her in jeopardy. Said you'd regret if you did. My god I fanned myself at his reply to Seth. The feral like stare along with his reply? Hot damn. Get me some ice water. Tim is coming for you dude. Locked and loaded. He told you he would kill you if you put her in harms way. You’re a dead man Ridley. Officially marked my son.
His panic at being caught in his lie is so painfully evident. Trying to cover it up with 'checking in.' on Lucy. Put the Fear of God into them my ass. You couldn't scare a butterfly bro. The knowing shared looks are everything. You just started your countdown clock out of the FTO Seth. They're gonna work together prove what you did. Scorched Earth is coming your way whether you like it or not.
Phew. Holy moly what a good episode. It was incredibly good. End to end fantastic. That seems to be the theme this year. I'm about it. Bummed we have one mini break but after this ep we might need the slight decompression lol
Thank you as always to the amazing people who like, comment (these makes me so happy,) and reblog these. It means more than you can ever know. You are the real MVP's. I'll see you all in a couple weeks for 7x09. It'll be the halfway point which is unreal. Stay excellent my lovely readers.
Side notes-non Chenford
Love me some Wopez early in this ep very cute. They are controlled chaos haha Poor Wes stuck with all the kids lol
'Wealthy glamorous widow.' Angela Lopez you are a Queen and I adore you.
Angela's serious talk with Nyla was really good. She didn't listen sadly (at first) but loved her for doing that knowing wouldn't be well received. Nyla is having hard ole time this season. She is starting to crack and it shows.
Good job Nolan with the kid. I like them tapping back into what made him likeable in the first couple of seasons. Also him calling Bailey while she was fighting fires was hilarious. Like I'm a little busy bub lol
Of course Seth hid the note…I mean it got us our moment but still. That is going to come back and end him. Tim and Lucy were affected by this. Grey was SHAKEN by his mishap, Won't just be them coming after him with a vengeance when he is found out.
I love that Nyla listens to Angela at the end and taking care of herself. Too bad it doesn't last long.
Jesus what a way to end the ep poor James......That girl got annihilated no way she makes it.
Glad they posted the viewer discretion advised. My heart goes out to Cali and all they've lost.
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silvergyus · 2 days ago
paper hearts- c.sb
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pairing: kindergarten teachers! soobin x reader
summary: you and soobin teach kindergarten classes across the hall from each other. when the day to hand out cards finally arrives, you notice one card in your mailbox that’s not like the others
warnings: this fic is all-ages!/ a kindergartener falls at recess/ odi is still alive because I think teacher soobin with a pet hedgehog is adorable
word count: 2,400+
author’s note: part of my valentine's day event!
song rec: valentine- laufey
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Paper hearts lined the hallway bulletin boards, shades of pink, red and white signaling to all who passed through what holiday was soon approaching. Holidays, spirit days, and any big event of the like were your not-so-secret favorite part of your job. You loved cutting construction paper into new shapes, stapling themed borders to your announcement boards and finding new crafts for your students to create. You’d been a kindergarten teacher for years now, and viewed each group of students as a new opportunity to create lasting memories for them to look back on as they continued through school. You taught because you loved your students, loved helping them discover a love of reading, loved seeing their eyes grow wide as they watched a caterpillar burst from its chrysalis transformed into a butterfly. You loved their curious eyes and silly takes on arts and crafts. In short, you loved the kids. But the holiday decorating, that was an extra bonus that made you love the job even more. And this year, there was an extra special bonus.
Across the hall from you taught Mr. Choi, or Soobin, as you called him in the teachers’ lounge. Tall and handsome, he had a way with the kids that most didn’t. He had a natural softness that made the kids feel safe, a charm that made them laugh, and a way of explaining things that made them understand the world in a whole new light. There weren’t many male teachers in your elementary school, and as embarrassing as it was, you couldn’t help but crush on Soobin.
He didn’t make it any easier for you either, standing by you during recess when you went outside to watch the kids play, sitting by you at lunch, asking you about your students, what books you’d been reading, even showing you pictures of his pet hedgehog. His careful attention made your heart flutter, and you desperately wished you could see him outside of work.
With Valentine’s approaching, you couldn’t help the hopeless romantic in you from daydreaming about having him as your Valentine.
Monday, February 10th
You slid into your usual chair in the teachers’ lounge, reheated leftovers from the weekend on the table in front of you. Pulling out your current read from your bag, you dug in, relaxing into the quiet. The brief moment of solace was soon interrupted as Soobin sat down across from you, his long legs bumping into yours beneath the table. He quietly apologized for the unintentional invasion of personal space but you didn't mind, not when it was him.
You asked how his day’s been so far, tell him your kids have also been bouncing off the walls, excited for the holiday. Taking a sip of his drink, he replied that he’s sure your kids are more excited than his, your classroom being decorated so much more than his. You could feel your cheeks heat at the compliment, appreciating the recognition of your secret passion.
“So um,” he cleared his throat between words, “do you have plans for Valentine’s?”
“You mean besides my hot date with twenty five-year-olds?” You laughed, stirring your leftovers. “Nah, I'm gonna read the cards they give me and eat leftover candy on my couch probably.” You took a bite and looked at Soobin, “it's all I ever do for Valentine's.”
He smiled empathetically, the left side of his mouth quirking up first to show his dimple. “Yeah, that's probably all I'll be doing.”
Part of you wanted to seize the moment, suggest the two of you hang out, go out, or eat half-melted chocolates together. But before you could speak, Miss B- who taught second grade- sat down next to you and very excitedly began to tell you about her newest sewing project. The moment was over, but when you looked back at Soobin, his eyes were still on you.
Tuesday, February 11th
Twenty students napped on their vinyl pull-out mats. The lights in your classroom were dimmed, blinds turned shut to keep out the afternoon light, the tip-tap of your fingers on your keyboard the only sound heard over the quiet rise and fall of tired breaths. A soft knock at your door pierced the quiet, drawing the attention of the few kids not sleeping. You slowly stood, smiling to calm the little ones that have stirred before peeking through the glass to see who the visitor is.
Soobin stood on the other side of the door, smiling sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. You cracked the door open slightly, stepping into the hall so as to not further disturb your students with your conversation. 
“Soobin!” you whispered excitedly, still trying to keep your voice down during naptime. “What’s up? Do you need something?”
“Would you believe me if I said I was here for naptime?” He smiled at his own joke and you couldn’t help the way your heart fluttered when his dimples pressed into his cheeks. He shook his head before whispering back, “I actually need to borrow your glue sticks.”
“My glue sticks?”
“We have arts and crafts next and I had to throw half mine away last week after one of my students took a bite out of them.” He grimaced at the memory and you stifled a laugh, hand coming up to cover the sound. “Purple glue was everywhere! It was a disaster; I had to call his parents!” His whispers were desperate, only making you laugh more.
When you recovered from your threatening giggle fit you took a breath, smoothing down your shirt. “Yes, you can borrow my glue sticks. But, I expect to get them back without bite marks.”
A smile brightened his face and butterflies filled your stomach again. “Lemme go get them.”
“Thank you! I owe you!”
Wednesday, February 12th
You waited with your students as their parents arrived to pick them up, occasionally bending to tie a shoe or zip up a backpack, reminding everyone to stay away from the curb until their grown ups were ready for them. You looked down the line of approaching vehicles and locked eyes with Soobin. He quickly looked away, turning his attention back to his students, but you couldn’t help the heat that rose in your chest. How long had he been looking at you?
You waited a little longer that day, holding hands with one of your students as she waited for her dad, running late from work. Once she was finally on her way home, you made your way back inside the building, eager to grab your things and go home.
Across from your classroom the lights were still on in Soobin’s room. You couldn’t help but peek inside, still buzzing from catching him staring. His door was shut, and when you peered through the glass, you could see him at his desk, mouth twisted in focus as he held a glue stick and sheet of dark red paper.
Thursday, February 13th
Recess was dusted with a flurry of fresh snowflakes. The kids were eager to get out onto the playground, and you were on edge as you kept an eye on everyone, making sure no one slipped on hidden ice or threw snowballs at someone else’s head. Your students loved when it snowed, but you wished today had been an inside recess. Fresh snow always meant someone got hurt.
It was no later than you thought it then you heard the sound of crying. Every teachers’ head whipped in the direction of the cries, and you watched as Soobin ran towards his student sitting on the blacktop, cradling her arm. You approached him, concern washing over you. Other students tugged on your coat, asking what happened. You comforted them, telling them to give the girl some space while Mr. Choi figured out what was wrong.
Soobin’s voice was gentle as he spoke to the girl, asking her what happened and where it hurt. Through tears she said she slipped and now her elbow hurt. He picked up her hat from where it fell during her fall and placed it gently on her head. “Only your elbow, right? Your legs feel okay?”
The girl nodded, slowly calming under Soobin’s careful attention. “Do you think you can stand up for me? I’ll go with you to the nurse’s office and we’ll make sure that you feel better.” The girl nodded again, wiping away tears with her tiny pink mitten. Soobin took her non-injured hand in his and began slowly walking inside, careful to lead the girl away from the patch of ice that had caused her fall.
“Can you watch my students while I take her inside?”
“Of course.” 
You spent the rest of the day replaying the moment in your head. Soobin’s quick reaction, his careful attention, the way he calmed her almost instantly. It made you feel a warm, almost domestic affection towards him. You had to keep your mind from wandering, from imagining if he would be the same as a father.
After school that day you asked Soobin about the girl.
“She’ll be alright. Nurse thinks it’s just a bruise, but the parents are taking her to the doctor to make sure she didn’t break anything. She wasn’t even crying anymore when her mom picked her up.”
You sat down in the tiny kids’ chair in his classroom, knees coming up to your chest. “That’s good. I was worried about her.”
“Yeah, it was scary.”
“You’re really good with the kids you know.” Your voice was heavy with sincerity. “They adore you.” You picked at a stray fabric on your pants as you spoke next. “We all do.”
He looked into your eyes after you spoke, holding your gaze, starting a fire in your chest. “Thank you. That’s nice to hear.”
You stood, wanting to diffuse the intensity of the moment. “If I ever slip on the ice, I hope that you’re there to pick me up.”
He laughed, leaning back in his chair. “I’ll make sure I catch you before you fall.”
It might be too late for that, you thought.
Friday, February 14th
The kids all chattered over one another as they opened the Valentines they shared with one another, a nostalgic Charlie Brown special playing in the background. They couldn’t possibly sit still and watch the movie after snacking on frosted cookies and heart-shaped chocolates all afternoon. Their crafted mailboxes from earlier in the week were now stuffed with treats from their classmates and teacher. Your mailbox was also stuffed with cards, lollipops and gifts from thankful parents. You weren’t going to open them until after school, as per your tradition.
The school day ended on a high note, lots of giggles and excited little ones running to show their cards to their parents at pickup. You waved goodbye to all of them with a full heart before retreating from the cold back to the warmth of your classroom.
Slumping into the oversized bean bag chair in the reading corner, you began to rifle through your mailbox of Valentines, looking for something sweet as a pick-me-up before you tidied up and went home. At the bottom of the box sat one Valentine that stood out from the rest. Instead of store-bought cards with cartoons, or handmade cards still sticky with purple glue, this one was expertly put together, dark red cardstock folded into a perfect heart with white lace decorating the edges. “Be my Valentine?” it read in the neat script of an adult across the front. If this was from a parent, it was awfully personal. You opened the card with apprehension, not sure what you would find inside. In the same white pen it read “from your secret admirer in 2B.”
2B? That was the classroom across from yours, Soobin’s classroom. Your heart raced. This card was from him? A Valentine? This must have been what you saw him working on the other day. A Valentine for you?
Did this mean he liked you back? Maybe it was something he did for all the other teachers. But if it was just a friendly Valentine between coworkers, then why did he sign it “from your secret admirer”? You had to ask him about it.
You stuffed the other cards back into the box, shuffling to get up out of the beanbag. At that moment, Soobin walked past your open door, heading towards his classroom. You called his name, still struggling to stand. He turned, eyes wide, towards you. You walked towards him, card in hand. His ears flushed as you held the Valentine up. “Is this from you?”
“I was hoping that you’d open those at home.”
“I wanted a snack before I drove home.”
You took in the way he shifted his weight between his feet, hands itching towards his pockets, ears growing redder by the second. “Did you make anyone else a card?”
He shook his head, lips twisting into a small pout. “Just you.”
“I should’ve made you one.” Your voice was quiet, hoping he read into what you really meant.
His eyes shot up from where they had been focused on the floor tiles, finding your gaze and holding it. “So you don’t think I’m overstepping?”
“Oh my gosh no! I actually thought it was from a parent at first, and that would’ve been weird and overstepping, but I um,” you paused, scared to admit the secret you’d been harboring since the fall. “I actually really hoped you’d ask me to be your Valentine.”
His eyes lit up like a puppy’s, a smile breaking over his face, dimples pressing deep into his cheeks. “Me too.”
You laughed, he was just too cute not to. “Well I really should’ve made you a card then.”
He shook his head, stepping closer. He reached for your hands, holding them in his much larger ones. His skin was soft against yours, and you could barely focus on his face when every cell that touched his felt like a tiny firework. “It is still Valentine’s Day, you know. We could always celebrate without twenty kids hyped up on sugar.”
“You’re saying that like the twenty kids aren’t what makes it fun.” You smiled at him, heart swelling at the thought of finally getting to spend time with Soobin outside of work. “But I would like that very much.”
“Let’s go, right now. Let’s go somewhere.”
“Right now? Won’t we need a reservation though? It’s Valentine’s day, and a Friday night.”
He paused, enthusiasm faltering. “Well, true, but we’ll find something.”
“Even if we don’t,” you smiled, squeezing his hand in yours, “this is already my favorite Valentine’s Day.”
Just like that, you finally had a Valentine.
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author’s note: this is a work of fiction not meant to accurately represent the idol. please do not repost.
taglist: @lunesdesire @notyourjaem @https-yeonjun @mapofthemazeinthemirror @ohhdet
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purpdrawsthings · 3 days ago
Are We Still Friends In Every Universe? 💜💙
Of course we are.
Hihi everybody have this low effort edit lmao
This just floated around in my mind during school a few days ago, decided just now to make the vid.
SMG43 AUs are wild man. You can find a whole variety of them in all shapes and sizes 💥
Truly astounding ✨
Srry for the first and second image being low quality after I was not holding my camera properly and I do not want to do a retake
Anyways I'm just boutta yap about the vid because yes and yes.
First image - If you don't know, those two are my versions of SMG4 and 3! They both belong in my Purp's Crew AU. I cannonically make them lovers ofc, they so cute together I love them. Funni 4 thoughts while 3 tries his best to answer the question lmao.
Second image - This is from my Brainwashed AU! An AU where they work under Mr Puzzles as overworked employees 💜 4 is the most tired out of the crew, so he can break down easily. Thankfully, there's 3 to always keep him warm even in the dark. They consider them both as just friends but maybe it's more than that teehee
Third image @michaelscorneroftheinternet @dorriostareyes - The first featured AU in the video! The au belongs to both Micheal and Dorriostareyes =3 you can depict this as either the Change In Script AU or The Fallen! Wasn't really intended to depict two AUs but hey depicting two AUs by the two same people who make it is cool ig. This just shows how complex their relationship is hehe, I love angst.
Fourth image @theartistisme43 - THEMMMMM oh wait COUGH- gotta act professional... I had to add ✨them✨ cuz it's ✨them✨ ofc. We had to take a break from the depressed/angsty ones so have adorable couple. This is just to show that they can love each other in another universe [which was real lmao 💜]
Fifth image @grinnames - Godbox bois 💥 it's them, yes them ✨ guh I love them. Anyways, they're just there to show how they can be not necessarily friends but more or so frenemies.. Very complex bois... Tbh I think they lying /silly /jk anyways uh... Shoot my brain juice is running out AIYSIAHSIHX
Sixth image @jovialoddity - HELP I WAS AT SCHOOL WHEN DOODLING THIS SO I DIDN'T REMEMBER THEIR EXACT DESIGNS GUH. Anywaysssss I see them as being neutral together. No gay bois sadly /silly though I'm not really sure about that one sidhidhsudgdihxi it's not me who made the AU Jovi did so uhhhhh yeah if I got it wrong sowwy =D
Seventh image - Now for the last image, it's the two bois from my Circus Showman AU! Their relationship does go the same like my Purp's Crew AU but since SMG4 changed his direction to focus more on his circus thing 3 thought it was just weird and just didn't feel like joining what 4 was doing. That's where the relationship stopped. But ever since 4 came in back to personally invite him and persuade him, their relationship and gone back and slowly rising as the story continues. Their relationship is progressing much slower than the other AU, but they doin fine together hehe =3
Anyways I apologize if any of you couldn't understand a thing I said cuz as one of my traits I have the wonderful trait of not being able to explain stuff clearly without making it more complex than it should be.
Anyways I'm going to disappear before I start being lazy again so byeeee yeetus =3 💥💥💥
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no-onemournsthelesbians · 2 days ago
Elphaba x Glinda Headcanons (2)
Who hogs the blankets?
Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer?
Usually Glinda, but sometimes Elphaba can also be the same way
Who always makes coffee for the other in the morning?
Who says “I love you” first?
Who tells their friends/family about their relationship first?
Their found family literally made bets about them getting together
Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them?
Glinda (this is canon)
Who cooks best?
It’s actually Elphaba. Glinda could burn water
Who wears the other’s jacket?
Glinda. If you had said this to her when she started at Shiz she would have been horrified. But after Elphaba “died” one of the only things Glinda had left of her, besides her hat, was an old cloak of Elphaba’s that had been left behind in their dorm. She wore it constantly in private and cried when it didn’t smell like her anymore. Once Elphaba came back, she started stealing new ones and once Elphaba found out why she couldn’t bring herself to stop it
Who uses cheesy pickup lines?
Elphaba, much to Glinda’s affection and dismay (this is not how she taught her love to be popular)
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Glinda, because she’s a little shit
Who makes the other one laugh the most?
Glinda. Elphaba can’t help it, her partner is just the perfect mixture of adorable and genuinely silly
Who needs more reassurance?
Both of them. Elphaba’s is mostly about her appearance (although not as much anymore) and just how much most Ozians despise her. Glinda’s is mostly about being left behind again by someone she loves
Who would have to bail the other out of jail?
Elphaba. Yes, Glinda is a menace to society if you say one bad word about Elphie 
What would be their theme song?
What Is This Feeling? From Wicked
*I also added a non musical song to this and it’s Paris by The Chainsmokers*
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Glinda mopes around extremely dramatically and sleeps on Elphaba’s side of the bed. Elphaba tries to keep a decent poker face but she’ll steal Glinda’s perfume and take it with her on any trips
Who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire while cooking?
Who is the morning/night person?
Elphaba is a morning person and Glinda has no concept of time
Who gives the other person cool-looking rocks?
Who is the big spoon? Who is the little spoon?
They switch positions most of the time but more often than not Glinda is the little spoon. She has a specific talent for curling herself into little balls and wrapping herself around Elphie’s body so neither of them can move
Who wants to take lots of pictures of them together?
Who still blushes when they say ‘I love you?’
Who likes to jump into the other person’s arms?
Glinda. She has a flair for the dramatics and Elphaba secretly loves to catch her in midair
Who likes to take artsy photos together?
What do they like to watch together after a long day?
Black and white movies (it really doesn’t matter, they both fall asleep barely halfway through so they probably haven’t ever actually finished a movie together)
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gaywineauntsstuff · 1 day ago
The absolute best thing about the fab 5 is literally any ship pairing is acceptable except for exactly one (1) and we all know which one it is
Dick/Roy 100% in love with feed it to me, inject me with this (lowkey my favorite ship please put recs in the comments im dying for some good angst/comfort)
Dick/Wally adorkable my babies I love them (no need for fic recs I have plenty)
Dick/ Garth omglookitsocuteandperfect (recs recs recs recs)
Roy/Wally oooohhhh there are so many interesting things you can do with this dynamic (please we argue and then go fuck in the closet vibes - not hate sex but we are competing for the same person and getting nowhere might as well)
Wally/Donna omg adorable, cute, sweet, Donna would beat the sexism out of teen Wally sokka/suki style tell me I’m wrong.
Wally/Garth cutesy, demure, they could geek out together, my lil ones together, they’d do gardening for fun trust me.
Garth/Donna omg iconic, cute, they fit so well together, the responsibilities? The fish out of water bonding. PEAK FICTION
Donna/Dick: ….ew no
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sogoodtoheritsvicious · 4 hours ago
standing in the light of your halo, i got my angel now
summary: dating after harry surprising you at your show gave you the final push you needed, you two go public and quickly find out you weren’t as subtle as you thought. later, a wild lando appears.
vicious speaks: we’re finally here!! this is nothing but pure fluff for these babies 💗
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yourusername has added to their stories
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oscarpiastri y’all are so cute it makes me sick
⤷ yourusername you love us
oscarpiastri unfortunately 😕
fan1 day 56893 of asking ya’ll to post a selfie together
fan2 flower boyyy 💐
yourbff we love to see you being treated the way you deserve!!
ynharrysthird MY LOVES
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harrystyles has added to their stories
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fan1 ohhh to be on a beach paint date with yn
fan2 don’t be shy, post a pic of you kissing
alexandrasaintmleux 💓🥹💓
fan3 you being active and posting personal pics is still something i’m not used to 😵‍💫
fan4 you in your bf era is such a serve
ynharrysthird i’m being soooo normal about this i promise (lie)
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles, and others
yourusername first vday with u 🌷
tagged harrystyles
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harrystyles first of many 💗
⤷ yourusername 💕
fan2 *pretends to be shocked*
⤷ fan3 we definitely had no idea you guys were together
⤷ fan4 yeah this is such a surprise
⤷ harrystyles alright 😂
⤷ lilymhe clocked 😭
yourbff 💞💞💞 ♥︎ by author
mclaren our favorite couple 🥰
⤷ yourusername our favorite admin 💘
⤷ fan5 admin making it known yn’s still a mclaren girlie
⤷ mclaren always!
⤷ yourusername it’s a for life thing!!
⤷ fan6 stop, yn saying being a mclaren girlie is a for life thing is gonna make me cry 🥹
annetwist so cute! 💓
⤷ yourusername 🥰
⤷ ynharrysthird gem being in the likes and anne being in the comments is so personal to me 🥹
carlossainz55 he’s making everyone else look like bad boyfriends
⤷ carlossainz55 not me, though
⤷ yourbff lmao nice save
⤷ carlossainz55 love you, querida
ynharrysthird HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY 💕
⤷ yourusername HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY 🫶🏼
⤷ ynharrysthird OHMYGOD
⤷ fan8 how ya doing, buddy?
⤷ ynharrysthird NOT WELL
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oscarpiastri has added to their stories
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fan1 thank u oscar for providing us with adorable ynharry content
yourusername omg i completely forgot you were here!!
⤷ oscarpiastri i could tell
⤷ yourusername 😭
f1 understandable, they’re really cute
fan2 going from you saying lando didn’t deserve yn last year, to you posting a pic of her and harry being all lovey dovey, oh we have never been more up!!
fan3 does this post you mean you officially give them your blessing?
fan4 this ain’t it
carlossainz55 you will be missed, amigo 😔💔
fan5 aren’t you supposed to be landos bsf 🤨
ynharrysthird when i’m in a biggest ynharry supporter competition and oscar piastri is my opponent
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landoupdates lando liked this tweet.
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fan1 dkfjgjd even you sound done with his shit 😭
⤷ landoupdates he doesn’t move for so long and once he does, it’s just to stir up old drama 😵‍💫 imagine how tired i am.
fan2 he needs to get over it, it’s been a year and HE’S THE ONE WHO CHEATED.
fan3 going this hard for lando is crazy, he isn’t gonna fuck you!
fan4 “that girl and her boyfriend” is crazy when it’s literally yn and harry styles
fan5 lando LOSER 🫵😂
fan6 the ratio has me crying
⤷ fan7 quotes are beating their ass 😭
fan8 he’s so desperate for attention, it’s sad
fan9 nah they’re right, oscar was a snake for that
fan10 lando you fumbled, move on bro
fan11 his audacity is astounding
francisca.cgomes she did NOT try to ruin landos life wtf HE tried to ruin his OWN life when he thought he could cheat without getting caught instead of making up his damn mind about who he wanted to be with
liked by lilymhe, yourbff, itsaria, alexandrasaintmleux, gemmastyles
fan13 all the wags, aria, and gemma coming to yns defense oh lando it’s so over for you
fan14 yeah lando’s definitely the problem
ynharrysthird mf GET A LIFE and leave these people alone lando
fan13 lando is currently in the “find out” phase of “fuck around and find out”
oscarpiastri if he were a real man he’d contact me instead of being a little bitch and liking tweets
⤷ fan14 WHOA
⤷ fan16 🕯️manifesting there’ll be cameras around if they throw hands 🕯️
⤷ fan17 i’ve got $100 on oscar winning
⤷ ynharrysthird i’ve got $200
⤷ carlossainz i’ve got $1000
⤷ fan18 your ass is always at the scene of the crime 😭
⤷ fan19 he’s just here to look pretty and be messy
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liked by ynharrysthird, yourusername, and others
harrystyles yourusername met our third today
tagged ynharrysthird
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fan1 the caption fkgjfjdjdhs
ynharrysthird it was so lovely to meet you 💕 thank you again for taking time out of your day to have a conversation with me 🥰 ♥︎ by author
yourusername WITHOUT ME?!?! just fell to my knees in a walmart
⤷ ynharrysthird omg 😭
⤷ yourusername i’ll meet you next time dw <3
yourbff omg the legend, the icon, the moment™️
⤷ ynharrysthird QUEEN
fan4 she’s been ur #1 supporter since day 1, this was def deserved
maxverstappen1 insane caption
fan5 lmao he’s so unbothered
⤷ fan6 he said “lando who?” 😭
fan7 ynharrysthird how does it feel to live my dream?
⤷ ynharrysthird pretty good, i’m not gonna lie
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz and others
yourbff lately 🤍
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carlossainz55 😘
⤷ yourbff 💋
fan1 just casually reminding us she’s dating one of ferrari’s hottest racers
yourusername missing you already 🥺
⤷ yourbff same ❤️‍🩹
fan2 not to be that person but the only other pic that’s in black & white is the one of yn…perhaps hinting at a paddock return?
⤷ fan3 omg DO NOT get my hopes up
⤷ fan4 God i hope so, i miss her race day looks
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taglist: @pansexualdarling @mx13sworld @willowpains @nebarious @daemyratwst @hi26loveie @angelluv16 @ggaslyp1 @kikiki81 @eugene-emt-roe @nichmeddar @callsignwidow @harryssunflower17 @lomlolivia @isinpfortvdmen @yourlocalstilinski-valdez @hshp98 @l0nelyhe4rts-club @roc-haze @this-is-tiny-mia @harryzcherry @theekyliepage @maudie-duan
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thelov3lybookworm · 9 hours ago
A Little Gift
Summary: Being late to a date is unacceptable, unless, of course, the reason for the delay is so adorable.
Word Count: 1846
Warnings: none, just fluff and rhysie being an adorable brother 🥹
"Y/n, baby, are you sure you want this?"
Y/n pouted up at her brother, nodding. "He’s very nice to me."
Rhysand sighed, rubbing his forehead. He had been sighing a lot the past week, Y/n noted, since she told him the new HIgh Lord of Autumn had wanted to court her. Y/n knew none of the members of the inner circle liked the news, she could see the disappointment and doubt on their faces clearly. And it had saddened her deeply to know she had let down her family, who had been nothing but kind and loving to her after her parents and sister had passed.
Rhysand had been so loving, taking up the role of a doting big brother so seriously that at times people confused him for her father.
Not that he could have ever been as caring as Rhysand was.
Out of the three siblings, Ophelia had been the loudest, the cheeriest. She would always smile, no matter what situation she was in. Then was Rhysand, loud, but quiet when needed to be. And then Y/n, who barely ever spoke if it wasn’t in front of her siblings or mother.
And then Rhysand and Y/n were suddenly the only ones remaining alive, and she had drawn in on herself more than ever. The first few months, Rhysand was too busy wallowing by himself and trying to take care of the court, thrust into the new role of the High lord without preamble, to notice.
When he had, he had cried, holding his only remaining family tight.
Since then, he had made sure to give Y/n all the attention in the world, never raising his voice at her, knowing she could be ripped away from him too. He did not want to hurt her, when she was the only person who really mattered. He gave her everything she asked or, never saying no to anything.
So Y/n had known when she told him about Eris, that he would not outright refuse to acknowledge their budding relationship, nor would he get mad at her.
But he would try to talk her out of making a grave decision, in his words, and Y/n did not mind it one bit.
"I can’t imagine him being nice, in any world." Rhysand mumbled under his breath, glaring holes into his shoes as he paused his pacing.
"Rhys, can’t you just give him one chance?"
"One chance to do what, angel? Break your heart?"
Y/n leaned back in the armchair she was sitting in, waiting for Eris to show up so the two could spend time together, as promised in the letters exchanged the week before. She picked at the soft fabric of the skirts of her shimmery dark orange silk dress, chewing on her lip, trying to come up with something to placate her panicking brother.
"Y/n, he's late. The male can’t even show up on time. How can I bring myself to trust him with you when he is keeping you waiting?"
Y/n glanced outside, then back in her lap. He was right. Eris was late. Not too much, of course, but late nonetheless. It didn’t bother Y/n. She knew of the problems and responsibilities that came with being a new high lord, having seen her brother go through the same experience her lover was going through. She knew how meetings and tasks came up and demanded your attention even when you didn’t have time for them.
But Rhys wasn’t as willing to be lenient as Y/n, it seemed.
Once again, he sighed, dragging his hands down his face and walking closer to Y/n. She sat quiet, watching him move to his knees in front of her, taking her hands in his.
"I just want you to be happy, Y/n. You are like my own baby, my child. I’ve seen you go through so much, so much pain, so many hardships, and I think you deserve to have a quiet, calm life where there’s no uncertainty. A life where you know you are loved, with someone who isn’t broken, who hasn’t been known to be hateful. I see Eris, Y/n, and I can tell his circumstances were not ideal enough for him to be able to afford being good, and I understand that. But what if his goodness now is overshadowed by his old habits? The things he’s been forced to do won’t leave him just like that."
Y/n’s eyes prickled as she nodded along, her grip tightening around her older brother’s hands. She understood what he was saying, of course she did. But that didn’t mean she wanted to accept it.
"I… I don’t-" Y/n paused, trying to understand what she even wanted to say.
"I’m not saying you shouldn’t court him, Y/n. Just- just be careful, yeah? Guard your heart until you are sure of his intentions."
Y/n nodded, leaning down to put her head on her brother’s shoulder. She blinked away the tears furiously while one of Rhys’s hands went around her, rubbing her back.
"Okay, enough emotional talk. Too much for my health."
Y/n huffed out a wet laugh, pulling away from Rhys to peer at Cassian, who pretended to gag and turned away.
"When did you come, Cass?"
"Yeah, why did you come, Cass?" Rhys stood, dusting off his pants and sneering at Cass, who offered him the kindest finger he owned.
"I came to see Y/n off. Where’s your mate?"
Y/n swallowed, glancing outside once more. "I don’t know."
His mouth dropped open in a show of exaggerated shock. "He’s making a lady wait? Absolutely horrendous."
Y/n shook her head, pushing to her feet, running her hands down her skirt. "It’s no big deal."
The next few moments passed quickly, as Y/n watched Feyre materialise in the doorway, Nyx and Nesta by her side. Then Azriel and Mor, and her brows furrowed. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for everyone to gather in the sitting room after breakfast on the holidays, lazing around until it was time for lunch, but… this gathering didn’t seem to be about that.
Were they all here to see her off?
Ridiculous busy bodies.
Before she could say anything about it, though, a knock drew her attention, and Y/n’s heart quickened, already predicting who it was.
But it was Rhysand, who hurried out to open the door.
"You’d think it was him going out with Eris." Y/n murmured, following him out into the foyer. Azriel made a noise of agreement, his arms folded across his chest as he walked behind her.
Y/n ignored his presence, pushing her jittery hands behind her hips, pressing her lips together before stepping fully into view of the door.
Eris wore a simple burnt orange dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbow and two buttons undone, showing off his, evidently, hard earned muscles. Dark brown slacks clung to his hips and thighs, matching with the dark brown long jacket he had draped over his shoulders.
Just the sight of him was enough to make Y/n drool. But she forced herself to look away, to focus on what her brother was saying.
"You understand me?" Rhys said his voice low, menacing.
Y/n didn’t even want to imagine what he was trying to make Eris understand.
"I understand-" Eris paused mid sentence, his eyes moving to rest on Y/n, widening ever so slightly. His gaze moved down to her toes, then back up again, snagging on her hair before meeting her eyes, offering her a small smile.
Rhys didn’t seem too bothered by Eris’s sudden lack of words, moving away from the doorway to grab Y/n’s long jacket before turning to her, waiting. Y/n hurried to put it on when her eyes fell to the way Eris held his hands behind his back. Almost as if he was as anxious to see her as she had been to see him.
"What took you so long?" Y/n pushed one arm through the jacket Rhys held open for her as Azriel prodded, curiously watching at Eris.
His cheeks turned a light shade of red, the freckles dotting his cheeks standing out.
"I, uh… had a little something come up."
Azriel raised a brow. "And that is?"
Eris glanced at Y/n, before clearing his throat. "I wanted to get her a gift."
"And did you?"
Y/n whipped her head to glare at the spymaster. "Azriel."
"No no, he has a point." Rhys said, resting his hands on Y/n’s shoulders.
Y/n sighed, exasperated, and pulled away from her brother. "Let’s go, Eris. Ignore them."
He smiled, the indent on his cheek making an appearance as he pulled his arms forward. In them, nestled, was a small, golden little pup, eyes wide yet drooping, a messy little red bow adorning its neck.
Instantly, Y/n’s heart melted, a soft gasp escaping her. Her focus zeroed in on the little thing, her brother and Azriel fading away into the background until all she could see were the innocent eyes, the small body, the soft fur and the wagging tail. She stepped forward as he extended his hands, letting the pup sniff the fingers she lifted to pet the little thing.
"What is this?"
"Your gift?" Y/n didn’t look up, but she could practically hear the look on his face.
"Eris- you didn’t have to." Y/n mumbled, feeling her brother peek over her shoulder at the animal she gently took into her own arms.
He shrugged. "I knew you liked cats but I couldn’t find a kitten so I just- got you him. I hope you like him." He paused for a moment, and Y/n could hear his smile when he spoke next. "He certainly seems to like you."
"Like him, Eris?!" She lifted her head and drew the animal close to her chest, her lower lip jutting out as tears gathered in her eyes. His eyes widened, a look of alarm crossing Eris’s face as his shoulders stiffened. "I love him!"
He exhaled a relieved breath, his small grin making an appearance again. "Well, I’m glad to hear that."
"Aren’t you supposed to go?" Rhysand questioned. When Y/n glanced at him, he didn’t even look up at her. His eyes were fixated on the whining pup.
Her eyes narrowed. "He’s mine."
Rhys rolled his eyes, reaching out to take the dog whose tail wouldn’t stop wagging. "Go on, it’s almost dinner time."
Y/n wanted to argue, but he was right. They were running late.
"See you later then." Y/n kissed her brother’s cheek, who simply waved her away, too busy cooing over the golden fur ball in his arms. She dropped a peck on his little head, too, before turning to Eris and pulling the door shut behind her, sighing.
His eyes twinkled as he extended his arm towards her, head tilted.
"Shall we?"
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