purpdrawsthings · 18 days
Heya Smg4 and Smg3!
Do you think Mr. Puzzles is a nice person¿¿¿
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Both look in the distance
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... =]
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Both visibly scared
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Context :
As Puzzles having a literal contract to their lives and also being their boss, no wonder why they were both scared of that guy menacingly watching them answer form the distance! =D
He probably didn't even mean that face, he's just a lil silly goober =3
But if they were to answer honestly, they would probably say he's the worst person. And yeahhh, they ain't wrong.
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purpdrawsthings · 3 months
Some character concepts for the Brainwashed au! I'm actually quite proud of the designs hehe. I tried to go from a classic design cuz Puzzles personally customized these outfits. Tho, I don't know how to do Bob or Boopkins 😭
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purpdrawsthings · 3 months
How's life being... Well, like that? Are you two being treated at least semi-decently? You're not being used as punching bags for Mr. Puzzles's emotions, right? Right?
SMG4 : Oh! It's... Not bad actually... Aside from having such terribly planned deadlines and overworking because Mr. Puzzles always gets ideas from... Who even knows who, to the point you even question your own mental stability... It's decent I guess. This is better than what we expected...
SMG3 : As for that semi-decently thing... I guess you could say it's like... Decent? It's like a normal worker and boss relationship but worser? He is a decent but a bad boss at the same time, moreee on the bad side cuz he's him. Also, we are not used as punching bags for Mr. Puzzles emotion. He does let it out sometimes but whenever it's in front of us he would make that crazy face for a second then go back into his office and scream so loud that everyone could hear it. He really thinks we wouldn't notice.
SMG4 : Huh, speaking of decent things, I actually got this "Best Writer #1" mug from him a few months ago because I was doing a good job as a lead script writer. I'd never knew he gave gifts.
SMG3 : And here I was thinking where the hell you even got that.
SMG4 : It's my emotional support mug by the way.
SMG3 : What.
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PS : Yes I'm adding context to my older posts so people would actually understand.
Context : They live in actually pretty stable and decent environment. Think of it as a movie/office studio or whatever. Butttt due to them being kinda clumsy and very tired, the place got a bit dirty. Still nice either way. Though, it isn't nice that they don't get fresh air and are always stuck in there for eternity.
As for how Puzzles treats them, I would have to say kinda bossy. He always gives them work and well, other stuff. Like editing videos late. Buttt when they get a little sick, he let's them rest. And by rest I mean only for a day and nothing more than that. He wants to keep his movies coming out as consistent as possible. The reason why he acts like this is because all his time of making low quality films, he was just making them alone with nobody tbh. That's why he manages them so poorly
And no, Puzzles does not use them as punching bugs. He actually doesn't even use violence. He just shouts and gets way too frustrated. If he gets a little stressed, he would just go in his office and scream to let his stress all out. Great way of coping Puzzles =D
As for the last part, that was just a funny last part I just wanted to add because I thought it would be fun. I decided that if an employee [ basically one of the crew ] did a great job, he would reward them. In his case, 4 got three mugs with messages that were way too relatable to him =]
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purpdrawsthings · 3 months
hey 4 and 3¡¡¡¡ which one do u guys prefer, waffles or, pancakes¿ me personally, i like waffles¡¡ (-:
SMG4 : Pancakes!
SMG3 : Waffles.
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Both : ...
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SMG4 : Complex ass >=)
SMG3 : Soft ass.
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[ let's take a break from the very very edgy stuff for a second and enjoy some 4 and 3 wholesomeness =) ]
Context : no need for context do we?
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purpdrawsthings · 21 days
To Mr. Puzzles:
How many people that have you brainwashed?
(A funny question :))
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" ...! "
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" Hmm.. "
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" Maybe... "
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" ... An entire city? "
[ time for context part! The part you've all been waiting for >=]
I planned on actually having Puzzles have full control over the entire world y'know like... THE WHOLE EARTH?
But that felt a bit WAY too exaggerated. Besides, the only instance we've seen of his 'worldwide' brainwash was only within [ and maybe to some extent near the area too? ] the city. I felt it was a bit way too much for him to have that much power over the entire earth.
So I decided with him having full control over the city and everyone inside it. Of course, all of the tv channels would all directly lead to his shows and nothing else.
I'm assuming at this point he would actually cut off any sort of connection to the outside city so they would know. If anybody questions it? Well why don't we sugar coat it and lie eh?
That's what he would do to maintain his reputation lmao.
Tbh, this is only just the early phase of this au and I'm still planning more to make this au as consistent as possible. Besides, I change ideas way too much so it may take a while before I make anymore final decisions for this au.
Soooooo yeah! That's about all for context =3
Yeetus ]
Note from creator :
Hey heyyyyy how are y'all doing? Yes I know I haven't replied to any asks since I was so busy working on 3 animations and a couple of fan art projects for ppl I really adore =3 I decided to answer this ask because I felt like I should actually post more brainwashed au content. I'll try and answer more of these as time goes by ^^ cya =D
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purpdrawsthings · 3 months
[ This is ask I accidentally deleted and I couldn't find it back 😭😭😭😭 I deeply apologize to the person asking the question because I'm not really used to Tumblr yet... Srry 😭😭😭 ]
Ask :
How are you all feeling?
Good? Bad? Need help?
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SMG4 : Oh! We're doing fine! Besides us being in a void for some apparent reason with voices coming out of nowhere, it's been pretty chill and I appreciate that.
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Especially when there's so much work and deadlines that Mr. Puzzles gives us to the point I'm actually gonna-
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what was it again?
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SMG3 : I'll tell ya something, 4 is always enthusiastic whenever he interacts with people. He never shows off his true colors, that's why he's so jolly right now. I've tried to talk about this to him but he's a stubborn ass. He's actually really sleep deprived. And, I'm not sure if some voices are really gonna help us with how we are stuck with that sick ass Puzzle man. The entire world is... Under his control. Can't do anything about unless someone interferes. We've tried to escape, but the plan never works and we get... Punished. 4 would mostly take responsibility of this and get a punishment of having to do a bunch of assignments in a tight deadline. Some days, he doesn't sleep. I honestly do feel bad about him but, what are we gonna do?
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H-hey! What do you mean I care about the bastard?!
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Context : They all wanna escape from there real bad =]
But they maybe got a lil attached to the place in the process?... And maybe to Puzzles too 👀
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purpdrawsthings · 1 month
Teasers are being fr rn...
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purpdrawsthings · 1 month
Y'all can't believe what I'm making
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purpdrawsthings · 2 months
The crew lineup real?!
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purpdrawsthings · 2 months
What’s up with those static eyes? And what jobs do each of you do for the most part?
Also, to Mr. Puzzles, why have them work like this instead of as brainwashed actors?
WARNING : THIS IS NOT FINISHED! This is merely a wip I posted on accident. So some stuff may come off as weird.
My apologies ^^'
SMG4 : We uh...
SMG3 : We don't really know.
SMG4 : It just appeared right after we signed the contract I think?... Maybe it's a side effect? A mark? Who knows...
SMG4 : Now about that job part, I usually take lead in script writing cuz... I'm just the lead script writer. Other than that, my other main job is just being an actor. Other than those, I help 3 in taking care of the pets, I'm basically the mascot of the studio [ besides Mr. Puzzles ] and just an assistant.
SMG3 : looks off to him, still concerned on why tf he still has that many jobs Uuuuuuh, anyways, I help 4 with the scripts, I'm basically the person who mostly takes care of the pets, I'm also the cameraman and... Just an actor. But mostly the taking care of the pets thing and cameraman.
SMG4 : I think Meggy is a choreography teacher or something... Tari is a bug finder because of her abilities... Boopkins is is just a postman guy... Bob just guards the weapons room. Mario... Doesn't even do anything, besides acting.
SMG3 : Makes sense.
Mr. Puzzles : Why? Well... Why should I tell you folks that? Just because you all get to ask me questions doesn't mean you can sometimes pry into some secretive and personal stuff. So don't bother asking!
[ ok, time for context part!
Yeah so, everytime an ask gets answered, I'll leave a context part if necessary for those who don't understand or need more info.
So for the first one, the eyes were just some design choice at first but I decided to add some stuff about it. These static like eyes were some sign that "hey, these guys are owned =D". Maybe some sort of trademark, well, that's the thought I had to mind. Tho, other characters besides 4 and 3 have different ways of showing this. Tari from example, hides her left eye cuz it was dripping a lot and also, she just didn't really like showing it. Other than that, it was a coolio design choice.
For the second one, I'll just put it in some format here. Oh and btw, I'm not afraid to change these if necessary.
SMG4 : Puzzles assistant/Lead Script Writer/Main mascot/Part time-pet caretaker/actor
SMG3 : Assistant script writer/Lead pet caretaker/cameraman/actor
Meggy : Choreography teacher/law assistant [ incase of legal action ofc ]/Prop setup helper/actor
Tari : Bug finder/Assistant for visuals/actor
Boopkins : Prop setup helper/sender [ aka postman or something ]/Guard assistant/actor
Bob : Lead guard for the weapons room [ yes that exists lmao ]/Part time cameraman/Actor
Mario : Actor
Mario doesn't even get to do much considering with Puzzles giving him some freedom over his actions, he can do some random ass shit. Mario just spends his time in his room, memorizing scripts and probably just eating spaghetti so that he would calm down. [ this is subjected to change... ]
Puzzles just felt a lil lonely. Imagine you control everyone but all of them are just mindless and emotionless people? Yeah, that's gonna be boring sooner or later.
Fun fact : Puzzles actually has some empathy for them after a few months of working with them. But to maintain his image, he never told anyone about this. ]
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purpdrawsthings · 3 months
The second part =O
I just now discovered Tumblr can't contain more than 10 pictures.
... Dats crazzzzzzzzzzzzzy
Overworked PT.2
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purpdrawsthings · 3 months
I guess this is used idea already? Not sure... But I hope y'all enjoy this au, let me know if y'all want more 👀
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purpdrawsthings · 3 months
I'm going to use my ask box as a place for people to ask questions... And also ask questions to the sillies from my own au, The Brainwashed au! Here's how it goes.
The questions will be answered by 4, 3 and ofc, why not Puzzles too? You can also ask me questions about the story and etc! I probably didn't give the rundown in my previous posts so... Here it is!
It takes place after the Puzzlevision movie but with a twist, Mr. Puzzles actually kept his 5 stars. Meaning, Mario never interfered/tripped and ruined his entire set keeping the crew and Mario himself, brainwashed. Eventually, after a months of having... Puppet like actors... He felt a lil lonely and decided to unbrainwash them! With the condition, that he stills has control over them, owns the entire crew [ Mario included ofc ofc ]. So with that, the crew signed a contract that would forever owe their life to Mr. Puzzles till the end of Mr. Puzzles production studio. This takes place a year after these events. Enjoy the mentally unstable, overworked goobers as they go and answer yall's questions =D
That's the rundown... Happy questioning!
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PS : A couple of lil points in here may be a little outdated and not cannon anymore. Thx for reading =3
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purpdrawsthings · 19 days
Laughs "That's quite the fine smile you have!"
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The man laughs as he watches him.
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purpdrawsthings · 3 months
Facts about the Brainwashed au!
Random idea I got ehehehehe ok I'll get to the point now pls don't leave-
- Most characters in here follow my own personal headcannons! For example, unlike the 4 in the show that is obsessive over memes, and kinda crazy sometimes... My headcannon makes him a more normal person, just wants to make videos, doesn't obsess over memes that much, overall a chill and kind guy but still a little stubborn and chaotic sometimes hehe. Most of these were formed after the events of IGBP ofc.
- 3, ever since working in the studio, has been less cocky and sometimes checks on his friends, especially 4. 4 just kinda worries him sometimes.
- Oh and don't worry, Beeg and Eggdog live in the studio now =DDDD
- Whenever 3 wants to let out his emotions, he would always go to 4. Besides, the others wouldn't understand tbh-
- 4 always works overtime. Sometimes a little too much. Too the point that he would actually work from 1am to literally 3am. This is because if he messes up the deadlines, Puzzles would just give him more work. Which he ofc, obviously does not want to do.
- 4, 3 and some others don't usually even comb their hair much anymore. Unless it's for any important occasions. That's why you could see their hair pretty messy sometimes. This is due to how early they start and also overworking ofc.
- Puzzles is actually not all that bad. He just doesn't know how to manage employees cuz he's been working alone all this time.
- The ones that would probably be the least overworked would be Boopkins and Bob. They rarely even have any eyebags [ idk how Bob even gets those 💀 ].
- 4 is more clumsy than before, easily not even noticing things. He sometimes even slacks off during acting.
- The crews room doesn't contain any cameras, because Puzzles kinda doesn't wanna intrude in their privacy. So they usually use the room as an opportunity to plan on some secret projects.
- Mario sits in a seperate rooms than the other because Puzzles does know his potential to fuck up everything in a millisecond.
- Unlike the others, Mario actually doesn't get overworked and usually spends his time memorizing scripts, acting, and spending time in his room. Puzzles already knows Mario can't do anything without messing up.
- Puzzles only gives gifts to his favourite employees [ speaking of which, didn't 4 get a gift from him one time? ]
- Just like on the movie, the entire world is under Puzzles control ofc.
Anyways, thats about all I could think of! I hope people get to enjoy this au as much as I do =)
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purpdrawsthings · 3 months
Never gonna give you up~
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Creative Control - SMG4
00:52 ━━━━●───── 01:56
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ᴠ���ʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮
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Hello hello! Welcome to my introduction post =]
It has seem that you have stumbled across my profile! Good job, =D
I'll get on with the intro, my name is Purp! Call me Purp! Don't try and confuse me with my oc called Purp hehe-
I am a Muslim that currently lives in a hot ass place called Malaysia 🇲🇾
My fav color is Purple is you can't tell 👁👄👁
I am artist, animator and overall, just a chill person who wants to make content that people would enjoy =3
I sometimes draw lore, and also stuff with blood! But not that often =]
Here's my sona ^^
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I will mostly do SMG4 content but I'll try do other content for fandoms I'm also in!
Such as...
Among Us
Murder Drones
The Amazing Digital Circus
And etc =D
I have also written a couple of stories, like my book in Wattpad called "Purp's backstory"
Do go check it out! It delves into the story of my oc Purp's traumatizing past... That's fun =]
I have created a couple of aus such as...
The Seven Gods AU [ Among Us ]
The Unknown AU [ Among Us ]
Lost AU [ SMG4 ]
Brainwashed AU [ SMG4 ]
The Brainwashed AU is probably the most known here!
I tend to be on the neutral side of things like stating my opinions and mostly staying away from controversial topics.
I love drawing my fav artists! You can see them in follow section =]
Please do not share anything negative here! I want it all to be good.
Please do not speak anything negative about my own opinions, I am extremely sensitive and I get overwhelmed easily.
I have school! So I will not be as active from Monday to Friday.
I will go absolutely BONKERS if someone makes fanart. Please do please do please- /jk
OCS that belong to me will sometimes have a hashtag for themselves! Here's some.
Purp : #Purp's Purp
Here's are my socials! If you see a version of me, or any form of copy on any other social media, that ain't me.
Twitter : @Purp_IsSus
YouTube : @PurpIsSus
Amino : @PurpIsSus
Reddit : u/Purp_1456
Wattpad : @PurpIsSus
I do have Discord but thats private =]
I have a couple of tags that you can explore for specific stuff =3
For brainwashed au content, it's this hashtag =]
For asks specifically at the au, it's this one =3
For all asks that I've answered, look at this hashtag kayyyyyyy?
#Purps silly questions =]
For characters that are related to the au/have been featured/shown, this is the hashtag
Anddddddddddddd that's about it for now. If you want to ask any questions, feel free to go and ask me on my ask box =D
And with that, I'm out =3
While you're on that, have some art heheheheheheheheheheheh
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