#they are of the mentality that just because they provide food and shelter for me
sheryl-lee · 2 years
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mad-hunts · 3 months
thinking about barton doing baby talk to his kids, even though he was eighteen when marcy gave birth to both matilda + louis and thus was a COMPLETELY different person, is honestly both super surreal to me and also surprisingly... sort of makes sense. because barton can NOT bring himself to be mean around babies; i mean at all, and this man loved his kids so much, which 😭 well — let me just say that his behavior has greatly changed since then, to say the least. though barton still believes he loves them in his 'own way'
#OF MONSTERS AND MEN: musings.#ahhh yeah... i just. idk what this mood is that i'm in right now but i just pictured barton being one of those dads that their toddler-#kids seem to ADORE but like 😭 obviously he is no longer the same person because man's used to be able to comfort them relatively-#well and actually made more of an effort at emotionally supporting them. though i guess part of the reasoning for this could be that-#barton was trying to hold back his quote unquote 'blood-thirst' at this point and be like everyone else buttt now he doesn't care about-#fitting in with the rest of the population much at all. because his main job is literally to serve criminals (albeit medically) and he's a#freaking ORGAN tr*fficker for crying out loud. but the strange thing is is that this trait of his where he just can't be mean to babies-#has carried on throughout all these years with him + whenever barton's around one he mayyy or may not sometimes get baby fever 💀#so yeah. that's fun LOL but idk it just makes me a little sad thinking about how good barton used to be with them whenever they were small#and now with his mental health pretty much being on a steady decline + him seemingly turning more and more monstrous by-#the years it's always a gamble with the mathis kids as to whether they'll get to see a glimpse of this again or if they'll just get more of#the same father who provides for his kids physical needs such as food and shelter but not so much emotional needs + can be manipulative-#as HELL sometimes too#tw: mental illness.#tw: manipulation.#tw: mentions of organ trafficking.#tw: emotional neglect.
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doraambrose · 8 months
I see this alot in fanon and I think jason Todd's parents are completely misunderstood.
Disclaimer: I am not a victim of parents with drug abuse nor have a I ever done drugs. I sympathize and emphasize with people who struggle with drug abuse as there are many reasons to get into it and it's very hard on your body to get clean, I will link help organizations below. This does mean that I can be a little ignorant to the struggles so if I say anything offensive or wrong, please call me out and educate me so I don't make the same mistake
Jason's family has been retconned so many times, it's hard to keep it straight. But this is my headcannon based on what I've seen:
1. I feel like a lot of people write Willis Todd to be this awful abusive scumbag who hated his kid and his wife. If you are talking about young justice or arkhamverse, this canonically true, but I think that's far from the truth in the main universe, prime or whatever it's called. In batman 411, jason is clearly distraught by Willis' death and does try to avenge him by lashing out at Two face. We also can't forget about the incident with the penguin that led to the worst Bruce and jason characterization before gotham war. And that's because of one rhato issue where jason finally reads willis' letters (a truly heartbreaking issue: rhato rebirth 23)
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I believe that Willis wasn't a bad dad. Not a good dad, but not an awful abusive one. I 100% believe he has never abused his family in this universe. And you know what, he wasn't a great person. He was a drug dealer and then a henchmen. But he CARED. He cared about his family. He tried so hard to provide for Catherine and Jason for their medical bills, food, shelter. He just had a poor upbringing and some real shit luck, trying to survive in poverty in Gotham city.
2. Catherine has been written in fanon to be a perfect caring mother who was nothing but a victim. I believe that she wasn't as good of a mother and a person as people make her out to be. And we haven't seen everything, but I believe this because she seems selfish. She seems to put herself and her drug addiction before her family, doesn't seem to even try to get clean or take care of jason or provide. Look at these panels:
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She neglected Jason. He had to go out and put his life on the line day after day when it should've been the other way around. Jason was a kid. And don't get me wrong, she probably loved jason and had good intentions, no, she definitely loved him, or else jason wouldn't canonically think as highly of her and take care of her the way he did, but she wasn't perfect and I don't think she was as good of a mother as she's made out to be.
3. Canonically, jason seems to really care for Catherine, but not Willis. I have a theory about that. For why he thinks so highly of catherine: I've never had a parent who suffered from drug abuse, but I do have a parent who suffered from a lot of mental health issues like depression, diagnosed, and I feel like bpd, though it was never diagnosed. When things were bad, they were BAD. I witnessed a lot. But when things were good, things were REALLY GOOD. I feel like when Catherine would come off the drug haze, things were like that. She probably took care of him during those times and was loving and all that. Catherine is the one parent figure Jason has to hold onto (because of all the shit with Bruce, Sheila, etc.). He forcibly removes the bad shit she's done and hangs onto the good things she's done because she really did care about him and in life, it seems harder to hate your mom than your dad (from what i have heard when i did research on this from friends). I've done that for years, and idk if I'm explaining it right, but I think that's the best way I can. For why he doesn't love willis: I think up until he read the notes, he didn't have the full picture. From his perspective, willis leaves to do crime and then eventually gets caught and left forever. I think he blamed willis for making jason become "the man of the house" and have all this extra responsibility. Willis also strikes me as the type of parent who has trouble expressing feelings, so jason probably rarely, if ever, heard "I love you" from his dad. Willis also strikes me as the person who would believe that he needs to make his son stronger in order to survive, and there are a lot of parents like that, especially parents from a low income household or a history of poverty.
In conclusion, both parents were FAR from perfect parents, but they're not as evil or as innocent as people write them in fanon. They're just...people. fanon likes to write comic people as black or white, innocent or abusive, but in reality, It's a gray area. Willis had his flaws, I hc him as one of those old fashioned kind of dads who wants his son to be tough and strong and isn't good with sharing his feelings, but does truly care about his family and NEVER was abusive. Catherine was a mother who definitely cared about her family, but wasn't an innocent victim and had her own flaws.
Anyway, thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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joels-shitty-puns · 5 months
Kings & Queens
Pairing: Post-Outbreak!Joel Miller x Reader
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Summary: I saw a list of reverse writing tropes, one of which was "too many beds" which I thought was hilarious until my brain went crazy. So here's where my mind went when there are oddly... too many beds.
Word Count: ~900
Warnings: None! This could even be read as platonic.
Other stuff: No descriptors. It can be romantic or friendly. Choose your adventure.
To those of you who are reading this: Thank you! I know I haven't written in months. I have barely even been on here. I want that again, but mentally I just haven't been feeling like much of anything lately. That being said, I saw the trope and I had an idea and quickly scribbled this down. It is short, not my best work, and doesn't have much emotion, but I did it :) To those of you who might also be struggling, I see you! You'll get through this. I hope all my tumblr buddies are doing well. I miss you guys.
It had been nearly a year of patrols with Joel. A year of nasty buildings and hard rocky floors to take shelter for the night, a year of either taking turns on watch, or being stuck sharing the same sleeping bag. Or the same mattress. Your only reprieve was your nice bed in Jackson, which you knew was safe, and warm, and most importantly… yours.
Joel was… alright. You two were friendly at best. But for the most part, it was all business. He didn't like to talk much, and you became tired of receiving looks or grunts when asking about Ellie, or Tommy, or his former life. But you worked well together, you made a good team, and you trusted each other to stay safe. You had run into trouble before, and you always had each other's backs. Words were often left unsaid, but you both knew what you meant to the other.
So when you stumbled upon an abandoned shopping mall while scoping potential areas of left-behind goods, it was a breath of fresh air. Malls could be dangerous with so much ground to cover, and so many potential hiding places and dark corners for the cordyceps to fester.
But the mall could also be a light at the end of the tunnel. A plethora of abandoned items to loot and sell or keep for yourself.
After hours of digging through every nook and cranny, you managed to fill a couple of bags full of items, and planned to make it a regular stop on your raids. But as the time grew later, the long-broken clock didn't tick on, and the windows grew dim, you knew it would be an overnight stay. However, choosing a sleeping spot was becoming exhausting with Joel around.
“I saw a sporting goods store. They probably have some sleeping bags, or maybe even a tent,” you provided.
“Nah, we're indoors. I wanna sleep like I'm indoors,” gruffed Joel.
“Oookay. How about that old food place? I think I saw a conveyer belt in the kitchen, next to the oven! It looks like it was used to make pizza,” you chirped excitedly. “I bet we could set up some blankets and make it like a bed.”
“Look, I know that machinery and oven have been dead for years, but on the off chance there's some malfunction, that just seems like a Final Destination event waitin’ to happen,” Joel shook his head.
“Wow you're difficult..” you huffed. “What if we go into the old children's photography studio and make a fort! The walls are even painted to look like a sky,” you offered with doe-eyes.
Joel just looked at you before grumbling back a “no. My back would kill me. There's gotta be a bed in here somewhere.”
Upon finding an old, faded mall map, Joel studied it before picking up the pace with a clear destination in mind.
He came to a stop in front of “Royal Mattressty.”
You raised a brow before saying “royal… mattress-tea?? What?”
“It's a play on words. Royal majesty.” 
“That's the stupidest thing I ever heard,” you rolled your eyes.
“No, no, it's because mattresses come in Kings, Queens, and-” he broke off at your grimace.
“You're such a dad!” 
The two of you made your way inside, only to find nearly 100 beds. Memory foam, spring, water, reclining… the possibilities were endless.
“WOW!” You squealed, running from bed to bed. “There's too many beds. I can't choose!”
Joel stretched, moving to a bed near the back corner. “I'm gonna set up here for the night. Sleep where y’want,” he gestured.
Sitting on a few different beds, you finally settled on one. A perfect, firm yet soft bed at the far end of the store. It was against a wall, allowing you to still see the door and keep your back safe. Perfect.
But as the night ticked on, you tossed and turned. You weren't at your home in Jackson. This bed was nice… but it wasn't your safe, cozy cabin.
When you aren't home, you're with Joel. All this time you've been wanting space at night, but now you feel scared and alone. Even a bit cold. But Joel was over on his own bed, probably sound asleep. You wouldn't dare take that away from him.
Until what felt like an hour passed.
And then another hour…
Finally, it had been about an hour and a half when you gave in. You wouldn't be getting any sleep at this rate. Fatigue is a dangerous fate when you need to be alert in this world. So you swallowed your pride and walked over to Joel's bed in the far end of the store.
But he wasn't there…
You wandered back, a bit nervous, until you spotted him. Curled up on a mattress only a row away from yours, you saw him blink in the night.
“You moved beds?” you whispered.
“Yeah, there was a draft over there…”
“A draft? In a mall with no electricity and no windows in this store?” You asked skeptically.
“Mmhm…” he grunted, sleepily.
“Sure. Well… turns out there was a draft over in my corner too. Move over,” you nudged.
“Draft, huh?” He wiggled over, letting you in the bed.
“Mmhm…” you mimicked his earlier grunt, settling in next to him.
“Good night Joel,” you whispered.
“G’night,” he replied, pressing his body closer to yours in the king sized bed.
Maybe there is such a thing as too many beds after all.
Thanks for reading!!! Let me know what you think, and be sure to check out my masterlist for more. Reblogs are appreciated! Xoxo
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AITA for fostering/taking in a stray cat even though i'm not allowed to?
CW: animal abuse/neglect, suicidal thoughts.
I'm a college student with barely any income and can't get a job because of my tight schedule and mental illness + other neurodiversity issues, i'm very well aware of this and only planned to get a pet cat after i graduate and get a stable job. The cat in question is one of the stray cats in the area i live, i didn't intend to keep her, she followed me home and stick around after i gave her some food once. Since i've fed stray cats before and they always leave after a while so i didn't think too much of this and keep feeding her.
The problem came in when she decided that i'm her human now, at first she only show up during the night to ask for food but now she's wait in front of my room 24/7 and even greet me at the gate. The people managing the building said i shouldn't feed the cats because they would poop all over the place, my parents don't like cats so obviously they didn't approve either.
I've been trying to find her a new home but since she's not a fancy cat breed or a kitten, no one want her. I couldn't send her to a shelter because shelters in my country are overstocked and some even taking in animals to scam for donation money while abusing them. There no animals protection laws in my country and people eat cats here (it's frown upon thing in our society so the cat eaters usually steal pets or tricking shelters to get them) so finding her a good home is a really hard thing to do. Also, because i barely have any money, i couldn't fully provide for her beside buying cheap cat food and a deworming pill. Pet stuff are luxury in my country so they are very expensive.
Another thing that make me feel like i'm an AH is that i felt like i might have sabotaged this cat's chance as a stray. I noticed that after i started feeding her, she started to rely on me for food and became really agressive toward other strays in the area despite seemingly getting along with them before.
I will have to go back home in another city for the holidays for at least a week at the end of this year and can't take her with me because cats are banned from my parents' house. I have no friends and don't know anyone that can take her in while i'm gone. I couldn't just abandon her because this cat means so much to me, i'm still here right now because i think about her whenever i feel suicidal. I feel like i wouldn't have gotten into this mess if i didn't led the cat into thinking i'm her human.
AITA for taking in a cat even though i couldn't care for her properly nor even allowed to have her in my home?
What are these acronyms?
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always-is-always · 3 months
Monetization -it's all about profit
It really is, when one steps back and looks at the massive business that has been created around BTS. Of course they are going to monetize everything possible, because they know that ARMYs are going to spend their money on it. Even when it is useless stuff that isn't worth 5% of the price they charge for it.
Maybe it's because I see what they are doing as one who looks at the bigger pictures in life. Maybe it's because I see photos of ARMY's who have obviously spend tons of money on stuff that really has no long-term value. Maybe it is because I am a self-supporting woman who works hard to keep a roof over her head, while paying her bills. Maybe it is because I understand corporate mentalities, and corporate greed.
Maybe it is simply because I believe that it is really TOO MUCH, to expect ARMYs to fork out their money for every single little thing.
That latest pop-up thing that they've connected to Tae is what got me started on this little rant. I know it isn't Tae. He just happens to be the member that HYBE decided to use for this particular little "event" that they have scheduled in multiple cities across the world.
Spend $50 and get a FREE STICKER!!!
You've got to be kidding me.
Spend 50 freaking dollars on MERCHANDISE, and they give you a "free" sticker? Do they think that ARMYs are that easily convinced that that is an awesome deal? Like Win/Win? Like you get a freaking sticker for spending what amounts to a tank of gas (for my car)?
Sorry, not sorry. It urks me beyond what I can type here.
This is the stuff that gets me. They know that many ARMYs are going to do it. They know it, and they don't care that it is money that might need to actually be spent on things like food, shelter, bills...
I know that it is a choice for people to spend their money on that stuff, but I also know that a lot of those people believe that it helps the members when they do. The members are all multi-millionaires. Bang PD is a billionaire. None of them have to work another day in their lives. They are not living paycheck-to-paycheck, like I do....like many do.
So yeah. I do think that they could do more for ARMYs in providing content that is FREE, like they did with Yoongi's show. I do think that they could bring the price of their merchandise down, and to make it more affordable, for us. Especially when you factor in the shipping costs. They really could, if they wanted to.
I've done my part in buying CDs, when I wanted to and could spend the money. For the most part I have sworn off any urge to buy a tee-shirt or some other merch that I don't need. (I have 2 hoodies and 2 tees in the closet, that I never wear.) If anything I'll save up and hope to have enough for a concert ticket, if they ever come close enough to my part of the world. For me, seeing them in person still lives on my Bucket List. A live concert is a justifiable way to spend money, for me.
Sorry for this rant. Frustration over that stupid "free sticker!" got the best of me. It's probably due to just some general stresses in life that are not related to this in any way. It's just Life.
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obislittleone · 3 months
It has been brought to my attention by a grand total of four people now that a certain shithead in the fandom is trying to dox me yet again. Though I don't care if someone disagrees with me and can move on with my day, someone posting misinformation about my blog and getting others to block me on the account that I am a 'genocide supporter' is not something I will stay silent about.
So, for the last time... here is my stance.
I do NOT support genocide, and will never support the mass killing of innocent people.
I have, and will continue to publicly condemn Bibi Netanyahu for his actions and use of the Israeli government.
I will keep working closely with the organizations I've volunteered for in collecting funds and aid for Palestinian refugees and families still caught in the crossfire.
I will always call out Islamophobia when I see it, as it’s very common in the far right communities on tumblr.
I am a proud zionist, and I want to reiterate yet again that TRADITIONAL JEWISH ZIONISIM DOES NOT EQUATE WITH FAR RIGHT 'ZIONIST' BELIEFS.
Once more, for those confused, here is the jewish meaning of the word zionsim: the belief that the jewish people have a right to self determinate in their homeland (in most charters stated 'to protect themselves from another holocaust') which as you'll notice, does not say anything about an ethnostate or the rights to wipe out innocent civilians in another territory. It quite literally just means that jews existing in Israel get to keep existing and shouldn’t be wiped out either. It's pretty reasonable of a belief if you're not mentally demented.
I have family and friends in Israel, who are not immigrants, and their lineage far surpasses even the concept of Roman mandated Palestine. They are also traditional Jewish zionists, and I completely stand with them. One of my friends was a survivor of the music festival slaughter by Hamas, and her mother was killed.
I will never stop bringing awareness to the hostages remaining in Gaza , and will always call anyone out who says the hostages are, and I quote 'being treated well' by Hamas. They are hostages. They can not leave, a lot of their family members have been killed, and they have to go through this time wondering if they will also die.
I will continue to block people who interact out of poor faith, or are of the mindest that 'these jews aren't on my side, so I'm going to harrass them.' That’s antisemitism, bub...
I can't believe I even have to say this but: newsflash! Israeli citizens are not evil, and are not responsible for their government, as you should be well aware of, at least if you live in america. Another newsflash! You can support the indigenousness of Jews while ALSO supporting the indigenousess of Palestinians!!!
I am so tired of asswipes virtuesignaling on this site, doxxing jews and crying their eyes out about a word they don't even understand, when I live literally done more for Palestinians than they ever have. It's antisemitism at its absolute worst, and it pisses me off to no end.
As I like to say:
Oh brave tumblr goy, what have you done for Palestine today? Because instead of harassing jews and harassing zionists, I sent actual aid to Palestinians.
For those who would like to actually contribute, here are some links to verified organizations (that ensure your donations will not be stolen by Hamas or their sympathizers):
Water For Gaza
World Central Kitchen (provides food directly to citizens without going through Hamas or UNRWA)
Shelter Boxes
And for those who would like to donate to an emergency fund for Israeli citizens being harmed by incoming rockets and attacks near the border, this org is partnering with a few medical associations in Israel to supply more ambulances to the hospitals:
Israeli Ambulances (Magen David Adom Fund)
And for those interested in donating to both Palestinian and Israeli children that have been caught in the crossfire, visit this link:
Save the Children
I may be keeping this as my pinned post for a while, just because my masterlist links haven't been fixed yet, and I need to keep this at the top of my blog for a while.
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notnights · 9 months
As someone who’s be committed to asylum before; one of the things I haven’t seen people discuss with Digital Circus are the parallels to being institutionalized. The existential of having all your needs fore-filled, being taken care of but, put in a sanitized and happy vibing place, but have your sense of agency & personal-authority taken from you.
This is probably just a personal interpretation as tends to happen with art, and being admitted for mental illness is probably a rare experience for some. So I’m not saying there was intent made for the world by Gooseworx and writers, but just something interesting to me as everytime I watch the pilot I’m reminded of the same atmosphere I felt from each time I’ve been admitted.
The sanitized world the characters live in and the care but misinterpretation of Caine’s actions. The daily adventures and activities seem optional though doing them would benefit you, but you’re allowed to say in your personal dorm. Provided with food and shelter though unneeded for our characters are just the same as the the three meals you’re given a day, even if you get hungry there are snack times and you’re never far from ending that hunger quickly.
You’re never given agency for basic tasks that make us feel like normal people, and admittedly, and sadly, this might be needed depending on your condition. In modern day patients are separated and organized differently than how they are in the movies portraying these places from only just 30 years ago. But the state of our human characters I can liken to some of my fellow patients I stayed with.
The characters don’t seem close at all but have a solidarity with each other, namely them vs the AI and NPCs. When in hospital this is you and your fellow patients against the staff. Both Caine and the staff mean well but they’re treating you in a situation that makes you feel inhuman. You and your fellow patients are associates but you’re rarely ever friends because everyone is in and out so often, and odds are they’re not people you’d have got along with outside this specific situation. The background of the dorms in the Circus show us lost souls maybe through abstraction. But if this is a common threat it makes sense why these characters wouldn’t get close to each other.
Anyway this is why my personal Amazing Digital Circus AU would be about a psychiatric hospital and Caine is a good but silly little doctor.
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taraljc · 1 year
The thing that pisses me off about people opposing universal basic income is that late stage capitalism and Western civilisation require that people uphold the lie that people deserve the circumstances they are born into--whether that is poverty or generational wealth.
It's impossible for so many to confront the reality that the wealth that allows generations of people to live in comfort and ease was bought at the cost of taking comfort and ease from other people.
That the richest nations on earth subscribe to the idea that there is such a concept as the 'deserving poor'. That poverty is a moral judgment and not the most telling symptom of a sick and decaying society.
Every single time I've tried to talk about how awesome it would be to have $2,000 a month to cover all of my bills so that I can pour all of my energy into actually living my life instead of scrambling to come up with $2,000 each month to pay all of my bills, I hit the brick wall of 'no-one deserves to get something for nothing. everyone should have to work hard for what they get'. from people who are perfectly comfortable with the idea of the 1% getting everything for nothing and not having to work at all for what they get.
In America especially it's like we left a constitutional monarchy for a reason. We rejected the divine right of kings for a reason. We came to another country to have the freedoms to practice our own religion without persecution or genocide. and then we turned around and oppressed the fuck out of everybody else the exact same way we had been oppressed, and the idea that our way was smoothed by the colour of our skin or the Anglo-Saxoness of our names or the acceptance that comes with evangelical Christianity's us-vs-them mentality offends us so deeply that it is rejected out of hand over and over again.
Because it's impossible to recognise the universal unavoidable truth that people do not deserve the circumstances they were born into. There is no moral judgment from God that says anyone deserves to be rich or poor.
However the basic tenants of almost all religions do teach that it is the moral obligation of those with more to give to and protect and raise up those who have less. To literally share the wealth, look after not just our neighbours, but strangers and foreigners and even the people who do not share any of our ideals--and provide shelter, food, and clothing for those in desperate need.
And you have all of these supposed Christians ignoring everything they loudly and frequently profess to believe in, while constantly trying to shove everybody who doesn't meet their arbitrary criteria out of the lifeboats to drown.
And it all comes down to this idea that people are worthy or unworthy not based on their actions or inactions, but simply by existing.
That is so fucked up. How is it the 21st century and we are still acting like bronze age barbarians, raiding our neighbours' villages, raping and killing, trafficking in slave labour, and burning their libraries and places of worship to the ground?
It is all such fucking bullshit.
These thoughts brought to you by the facts that I need a root canal and a crown that cost $2,000 I don't have. I need to bring in at least $2,000 a month to keep the lights on. I need $6,000 to drop out of the sky to wipe out credit card debt. I need to never leave my home state for extended periods of time because I can't get the medications that help me manage my physical and mental health because my Medicaid coverage is limited to the state of Illinois.
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becomingpart2 · 5 months
I'm watching the wire and it's the only thing keeping me sane rn.
If you've seen the news, the state where I live in, Rio Grande do Sul, in the southmost of Brazil, is currently going through the worst climate catastrophe in its history and probably the worst in Brazil history too. There are over a hundred of confirmed deaths, over a hundred of people missing and entire cities destroyed by flooding and mudslides. There's no water supply (it comes and goes where I am), roads and bridges collapsed and communication is compromised in so many places. Food prices and prices in general are crazy at the moment. Entire cities are isolated which hinder their access to food, water, medications and help.
And to top it all off, people are creating Discourse About It: the far-wright is using this tragedy to attack the government, create panic and spread fake news; influencers that provided immense help in the beginning are now getting upset because the government's efforts are taking away their spotlight; some people's homes (that are literally underwater) are being robbed and there are cases of children and women being sexually abused on shelters... I'm just so tired. The whole thing has become a political battlefield and both sides are wrong. It's very hard not to lose faith in humanity right now, despite all the solidarity we've been getting.
I'm okay though. My TV burned out, there have been leaks in my house and the water supply situation mentioned above but nothing too serious. I'm just mentally exhausted and can't concentrate on anything. It somehow feels wrong to do anything else while the state is collapsing. The rain doesn't stop and the weather forecast says it's going to get cold now... If this is what the end of the world looks like and how climate change will affect us from now on... We're so screwed.
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ghostcasket · 1 year
living on your own is hard, you know? especially in the beginning, especially when you’re a student, especially when you have mental health issues, especially when you also have chronic physical health issues. it’s hard and if you’re like me living in a studio, like, actually by yourself, nobody around to hold you accountable—or to gently remind you, hey, you haven’t eaten in a while.
and while for most of us, moving out is an overwhelming gust of relief, i think it’s just as important to acknowledge that sometimes, it’s hard.
if you have barely managed adhd like me, and sometimes the bare minimum of self care seems unattainable—well, you’re on your own. it’s easy to let yourself slip into unhealthy patterns and neglect yourself.
but then, here are some ways my cat pulled me out before i could slip too far.
there are 2 constants i can always count on, day in day out, no matter how chaotic or disorganised i am, how out of routine; his feeding times. morning and evening, he has to have food. this little creature is everything to me. it’s my job to keep him safe and happy and healthy.
and then, as i pour kibble into his little bowl, i might remember i also haven’t eaten in a—wow, it’s seven p.m. already—so while i’m up, i might as well throw some leftovers in the microwave or grab a slice or 2 of dry bread. i’m in the kitchen anyway. giacomo absolutely scarfs down his dinner and i watch him.
he’s a kitten, still. he wants to play all of the time and when he doesn’t he’s sleeping but oh my god he loves my feet. he’s bitey. i absolutely cannot get too lost in my own head when he wants to play. i have to be careful to emerge with all of my fingers still attached to my hand. fucking ow, dude, what’s wrong with you.
his litterbox needs to be maintained regularly, too. i can’t let it get disgusting because a clean littlerbox makes for a happy cat, so i have my little poop baggies that i deposit by the door and then when i go to school i can take them down to the trash, but if i’m going to the trash anyway i might as well grab my own human trash too and throw that out as well, and then that’s one more task crossed off the list.
speaking of litter—that shit runs out fast. i don’t know how big you guys’ bags of cat litter are, but i can get around 3 uses out of a 10L bag, and then i have to go to the store to buy more. and, you know, i’m at the store anyway, so i may as well grab some essentials that i know i’ve run out of—pasta, tomatoes, cream cheese, bread—and then i have enough to eat for the next few days again. and i’m outside, too, at least while i walk to the store, which is a 2 minute walk and that’s doable even on a bad day, and 2 minutes outside is better than no minutes outside.
my little man needs to be safe and happy and healthy. i have to be at least some degree of functional to be able to provide that for him. and as thanks, he bites my toes and jumps at me in the face and shoves his cold little wet nose in my ears like they hide forbidden kitty treats and whines until i cuddle him and climbs in my lap and naps there, purring so loud i can feel it reverberate in my whole body.
and it’s just, he needs me, you know? so i have to be at least a little bit okay. and because he doesn’t allow me to actually deeply spiral into the throes of depression et al, it’s easier to pull myself out again.
i wasn’t sure for a while if he’d be allowed to move in with me, and then when i got the green light i found out that his adoption fee would be a lot higher than expected and i couldn’t afford it, but one clandestine extraction mission later (shoutout to Quinn, you’re a real one) (nobody cancel me, i did not actually steal him from a shelter) and he was napping on my lap like he’d never known any different.
so i just can’t help but feel like this was kind of meant to be, you know?
and i’m really grateful. like, really, really grateful.
so even on days where i can’t do anything—when it feels genuinely impossible—you can count on me to drag my ass to his food bowl when he screams at me that it’s dinner time. and maybe i’ll grab a slice of bread on the way.
(the toe biter in question, giacomo poopy)
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(feel free to add your own toe biters to this post. this is a Creature Appreciation Post)
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houseofbreadpakoda · 1 year
Avalai Marakathaan
Her scream still echoed in his ears.
"vendam.....I beg of you, spare him"
But at that moment, Aditha was deaf to Nandini's pleadings. He was blind to her, begging at his feet, with folded, blood ridden hands.
His mind was clouded. Clouded by the fact that she had gotten over him. Clouded by the fact that she was in love with another man.
Veera Pandiyan lay on the cot, blood oozing out of his wounds, clinging to every millimetre of his body. With his breath beggining to run shallow, his eyes blurry, he faintly managed to call Nandini.
Ah, to hear her name, burnt his heart.
But hearing Veera Pandiyan say it burnt his soul. A soul he had considered lost when he was seperated from Nandini.
Before he himself could fully comprehend what he was doing, Aditha had strode forward and slit Veera Pandiyan's throat. Blood splattered all around the hut. It splattered on his skin and armour, quenching his thirst for revenge.
For a split second, he felt at peace which immediately turned into regret as he heard Nandini whimpering on the floor.
Her scream still echoed in his ears.
Her silhouette trembled, blood sprayed over her face. She had slouched down to her knees, falling on to her side.
"How could you forget about me Nandini?" Asked Aditha, still looking at Veera Pandiyan's corpse. He had finally begun to let his emotions surface. "How could you forget about me, our love? Was it even love? Or was it just so you could ascend the throne and become Thanjai Illaya Rani?"
Her eyebrows furrowed and eyes widened. "Why would you say something like that?" Nandini asked after a long pause.
"How could you fall in love with Veera Pandiyan!" Aditha exclaimed turning around in rage "or was that another play too, to get access to royalty?"
Nandini rose slowly, her body still shaken by the incident that had just taken place. She stared into Aditha's eyes for a minute and sighed, still maintaining eye contact.
"He was like a father to me Aditha. He took me in, gave me food, shelter and most of all, dignity."
The regret had now turned into guilt. His mental state had manipulated the situation.
"How could I ever forget you Aditha?"
Aditha looked back at Nandini, but this time he saw the old Nandini. The Nandini he'd take on horseback rides. The Nandini he'd lurk around the temples to see. This time there was a glimmer in her eyes, a slight smile on her lips.
She still loved him.
Maybe he'd be forgiven for the sin he had just committed.
He took one step closer to her, but she stepped back. Aditha looked confused.
He saw a tear trickle down Nandini's cheeks. A tear as red as blood. He tried to wipe it, when Nandini drew out her dagger. He stopped in his tracks. Her lotus like eyes looked weary, her delicate milk like skin was coated in blood, her hands which held garlands of flowers now held a dagger.
That is when it struck Aditha. Nandini had changed. And it was all because of him. She had turned into a snake, but it was he who had provided the poison.
His eyes burnt, facing the reality.
He could see the life he had imagined with Nandini burning in flames. Aditha heaved once and then again, before he dropped to the ground and began sobbing.
"Lets run away Nandini. Run away from all this mess. Run away where it's only you and me" asked Aditha with the final little hope he had.
"I can't Aditha. We can't. This was never meant to be" Nandini had completely broken down. That scarred Aditha. To him, he was always meant for her and she for him, since childhood.
Aditha was no longer the warrior who had killed thousands and conquered hundreds of kingdoms. He had crashed to the ground, trying to convince the love his life to run away with him.
For a second their eyes met, and suddenly they knew. They knew just what they hadn't known until that moment.
One arrow came through, and then another. In a second's time Nandini's body lay on the floor.
Aditha's body froze for a second before he frantically crawled to Nandini. Her body lay limp in the pool of blood. He took her into his arms, shook her and screamed to her in an attempt to bring her to consciousness. But she was gone.
"Karikalar is safe! He's well and alive!" shouted Parthibendran. And soon an army of soldiers came cheering, running towards the hut.
The chozha soldiers had found Aditha in the hut, and had seen a woman with bloodied hands, holding a dagger in front him. With the compromising position they saw Aditha in, they had assumed it would be right to shoot down the woman.
"Are you alright arase?" Parthiba whispered getting closer to Aditha. Aditha drew out his dagger in fury.
The hilt hit a glass of wine on his table, toppling it over, waking him up.
He could see the fabric of the tent wavering above him. Soon he could feel the silken sheets around. It took him a while to get up. It was a nightmare. Not the first. Not the last. Not for the sin he had committed.
One tear followed the other. He began to weep. Aditha howled in pain, he couldn't tolerate it anymore. He couldn't live like this anymore
He poured himself a glass of wine and gulped and shoved it down his throat to silence himself. He wished he could pierce that dagger of his through his heart and end all of this.
Her scream still echoed in his ears.
Had to write this after that frantic bed scene from Chinnanjiru Nilave MV.
For the "....and they knew" line, i really can't explain it. It's something i know they would want each other to know, and i let them, let the other know. It's a feeling i can't explain. I'm sorry, I'm not high i promise.
Yes, i did just make Parthibendran more horrible for myself.
It's the first fic I've ever posted, please ignore if the writing was a little weary at places. I'll work on it to get better.
(idk y'alls ids to tag, ping me so i get your Id)
@vibishalakshman @thegleamingmoon @thelekhikawrites @whippersnappersbookworm @harinishivaa @chiyaanvikram @nspwriteups @willkatfanfromasia @yehsahihai
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random-twst-things · 1 month
This is Eman a Biotechnologist from Gaza. Asking for help is not easy. It's not easy at all. You have no idea how mentally and emotionally tiring this is. But when thinking that the price is my family's life, getting out of here safely and achieve my doctoral degree dream, it just pushes me more and more to do this until we reach our goal. I'm here as I try to reach out to more people asking for their help to support our family's campaign so we can survive while all you have to do is literally donating even by just the price of your morning coffee or maybe a simple breakfast, So I think I'm not asking for so much. We're really tired of living under these catastrophic conditions for a whole 10 months. Your generosity will not only change our lives but also remind us that even in our darkest hour, we are not alone. https://gofund.me/d597b8e2 Vetted By 90-ghost
my research may lack, but please-
If you are able, donate.
If possible, donate.
If you're unable to donate due to reasons, reblog/share.
Reblog and share is something you can do if you are unable to donate due to reasons!!
Words from her GFM:
Forced to flee with nothing but the clothes on our backs, today, we find ourselves sheltering in a displacement camp lacking access to sanitation, medical supplies, food and drinkable water. Over time, the situation here has become more dire and unbearable, just destruction, bombing, starvation, and extermination that does not stop day and night. The loss of my job, my home, and the comforting presence of my loved ones weighs heavily on my heart. Nevertheless, I refuse to surrender to despair, clinging to the belief that brighter days lie ahead. The good news in the midst of this tragedy, that I am one of the 22 women from the developing world who have been awarded OWSD- PhD fellowship to pursue my PhD study in Malaysia. But now I am stuck in Gaza unable to achieve my dream because Israeli army has occupied and closed all the border crossings.
It doesn’t stop here, Israel limits the humanitarian aids for Gazans including foods, drinks and medicine, which leads to real and painful famine. basic goods become unaffordable so, we spent most of the money we have been saving before, and now filled with terror, with uncertainty about our ability to survive. It has been 10 months of hell and horror. This genocide has been too long to bear, and our mental health and lives are in constant danger. We have reached a point where there is no hope left for us here in Gaza, where we are unfortunately just waiting for our turn to die.
Eman Zaqout and her family have only raised $20,372 of $40,000.
Her GFM page provides much more detail about her circumstances. Please go read it!!
You can also go to her own account and read what she has shared!!
Eman's clickable GoFundMe can be found here!!
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briochebrioche · 2 months
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 ( gamer moment )
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I’ve never played this game and was only familiar with it because the characters Pyra and Mythra are in the Smash Brothers game.  The Titans in "Xenoblade Chronicles 2" are not just the setting but integral to the lives of the inhabitants of Alrest. Each Titan, a massive, sentient being, supports diverse ecosystems and human civilizations on its back. This setup highlights a direct, symbiotic relationship between humans and nature, showing how deeply interconnected their fates are. As Titans age and die, their ecosystems collapse, forcing humans to find new Titans to inhabit. This cycle reflects how temporary human settlements are and underscores the dependence on and respect for these colossal creatures.
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Another fascinating aspect is the Blades, mystical beings who serve and fight alongside their human Drivers. Blades are personifications of natural elements and forces (Pyra is fire and Mythra is wind for example) symbolizing the bond between humans and nature. When a Blade is awakened from a Core Crystal, it forms a bond with its Driver. This bond is not just a simple master-servant relationship but a deep, symbiotic connection. The Blade supports the Driver in battle, providing various abilities, while the Driver supplies the Blade with energy called Ether. Also, there's the fact that titans are actually former blades, so the blades also help the humans with having places to live when they're no longer used as weapons. Overall, the game highlights the importance of having a good relationship with nature. That humans and the environment are not separate from each other but are one. We depend on nature and nature depends on us.
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This makes me think of the real life parallels. Nature provides us with food, materials for shelter and technology, entertainment, and our overall mental and physical health. We have the power to stop forest fires, cure animals from diseases, save species from extinction through conservation efforts, build irrigation systems that can help local fauna flourish, etc. The game reminds us that we should exist harmoniously with nature and have a relationship of mutual aid.
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sphynxskitty · 1 month
Hairless Cats for Sale: What You Need to Know
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Hairless cats, often recognized for their striking appearance and unique personalities, have become increasingly popular among pet enthusiasts. These cats, most famously the Sphynx breed, stand out due to their lack of fur and distinctive look. If you’re considering adding one of these fascinating felines to your family, here’s everything you need to know about finding and caring for a sphyne cat for sale near me.
Understanding Hairless Cats
The Appeal of Hairless Cats
Hairless cats are not just a novelty; they offer a blend of charm and intrigue that many people find irresistible. Their lack of fur means less shedding and fewer allergens, making them a suitable option for individuals with allergies. But it's not just their appearance that makes them special. Hairless cats are known for their affectionate and playful nature. They love attention and are often described as "lap cats" because they enjoy cuddling with their owners.
Popular Breeds
Among the most well-known hairless cat breeds are:
Sphynx: The Sphynx is perhaps the most recognizable hairless breed. With its large ears, wrinkled skin, and prominent cheekbones, the Sphynx has a strikingly unique look. This breed is known for its energetic and friendly disposition.
Donskoy: Originating from Russia, the Donskoy has a similar hairless appearance but with a more muscular build and a slightly different skin texture. They are also known for being very affectionate.
Peterbald: Another Russian breed, the Peterbald, has a similar hairless look but with a more elegant and refined build. They are known for their playful and loving nature.
Where to Find Hairless Cats for Sale
Reputable Breeders
Finding a reputable breeder is crucial when looking for a hairless cat. Here’s how to ensure you're dealing with a responsible breeder:
Research: Look for breeders who are well-reviewed and have a good reputation in the cat breeding community. Online forums, cat shows, and breed clubs can be valuable resources.
Visit the Breeder: If possible, visit the breeder’s facility to see the conditions in which the cats are raised. A responsible breeder will maintain a clean environment and ensure their cats are well cared for.
Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask questions about the cat’s health history, vaccinations, and any potential genetic issues. A reputable breeder will be transparent and provide all necessary information.
Adoption and Rescue
Adopting a hairless cat is another option if you prefer to give a cat in need a loving home. Here’s where to look:
Animal Shelters: Some animal shelters and rescue organizations may have hairless cats available for adoption. Check with local shelters to see if they have any hairless cats in need of a home.
Breed-Specific Rescues: There are breed-specific rescue organizations that focus on finding homes for hairless cats. These organizations can be a great resource for finding a cat that fits your needs.
Caring for Hairless Cats
Health and Grooming
Despite their lack of fur, hairless cats still require regular grooming:
Skin Care: Hairless cats have oil on their skin that can build up and cause skin problems. Regular bathing is necessary to keep their skin clean and healthy. Use a gentle, cat-specific shampoo and consult your vet for recommendations.
Temperature Regulation: Without fur, hairless cats are more sensitive to temperature changes. Ensure they have a warm, cozy place to sleep and avoid exposing them to extreme temperatures.
Diet and Exercise
Maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise routine is essential for hairless cats:
Nutrition: Feed your hairless cat a balanced diet that meets their specific nutritional needs. High-quality cat food that is rich in protein and essential nutrients is recommended.
Activity: Hairless cats are active and playful. Provide them with toys and playtime to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.
Hairless cats are more than just their unique appearance. They offer a loving, playful, and affectionate presence that many people find endearing. Whether you choose to adopt or buy from a breeder, ensuring that you find a reputable source and are prepared for the care they need will help you enjoy a rewarding relationship with your new feline friend. If you’re ready to welcome a hairless cat into your home, they are sure to bring a touch of excitement and affection to your life.
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dropintomanga · 10 months
Anime NYC 2023 - I Still Have a Place
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What a weekend.
Anime NYC 2023 just ended and while there were a few things I didn't like, I really enjoyed my time there this year. And more importantly, it was a personal epiphany for me.
I started the weekend by attending the Viz Media panel. There weren't really any significant announcements, but Yoshifumi Tozuka, the creator of Undead Unluck, stopped by and he was great. It was a teaser of his own panel the following day, but Tozuka-sensei did enlighten fans about Undead Unluck and how he wanted to present the series to fans worldwide.
After that, I went to the Autism in the Anime Fan Community panel. This was a live panel version of the "Autism in the Anime Fan Community - Solo Version" video by James Williams, an anime fan diagnosed with autism and a public speaker on autism awareness. James has been doing the panel at various conventions over the past couple of years. It was a very raw and vulnerable panel on the challenges those with autism face at conventions. James also had a special guest, Larissa Grabois, an artist who uses music and art to teach people about children living with autism. She has music videos and books pertaining to autism on her website and I will be paying very close attention. This provided much food for thought.
After that, I didn't stick around for the night panels. Though It was nice to hear Denpa license the ODDTAXI manga as I know people who adored the anime when it came out.
So onto Saturday, I went to the Yen Press panel and was impressed with what they did. They did a fun "Know the Editors" section alongside their announcements, where each editor would promote a title they work on and provide "Useful Nihongo" (which isn't actually useful in a regular context) to use. It was pretty funny to see. Yen Press also gave a shout out to The Summer Hikaru Died, which I yelled "YES!" to. Not many of the new titles they licensed caught my eye, but the one that did was She Likes Gays, But Not Me. I will say this - the manga isn't a romantic comedy and that's why I can't wait for its release in 2024.
Afterwards, I went to the Dark Horse Manga panel. There wasn't really anything new announced per say, but they did promote the latest Deluxe Edition of Berserk and the 1st omnibus of Innocent coming out very soon. Also, Carl Horn and Zack Davisson are truly the manzai duo of the manga industry scene. They have a very fun chemistry that really takes the best of both of their personalities and mixes them into something you really don't see in manga publisher panels. Both also know A LOT about comics in general. If you ever get a chance to see a Dark Horse Manga panel, do it. Carl and Zack really make worth it your while.
I didn't stick around for the later panels on Saturday night, but I know the Kodansha Manga panel that happened that night was great. There's a LOT of fun stuff coming out from them in the future. Blue Lock has become arguably THE big mainstream manga hit of 2023. I love a lot of their titles as their stories are often ones I value highly. What I'm looking forward from them? Home Office Romance (which was REALLY popular in the manga Reddit) and Sheltering Eaves (Another Rie Aruga story? Sign me up).
On Sunday, I only attended the Star Fruit Books panel. I got to learn a lot about the company being there and it was actually a small group of people who attended. So it made for a more intimate experience compared to other industry panels. Even though the publisher started during COVID, they have made huge strides in being an strong publisher of independent manga (alongside Denpa). I actually inquired about them possibly licensing manga stories from indie creators about mental health/illness because I have heard there's a lot of manga out there in Japan that covers those topics.
After that, I was done with everything. I did manage to get some nice items from booths and played mahjong with the Riichi Nomi club.
I think the convention was fine for the most part. It was crowded, but I didn't feel overwhelmed. I always had space to move around. The only things that stood out to me were that some of the panel rooms were a bit too warm to my liking and that the gaming area just felt too tight. In particular, mahjong. My club's presence last year had a good amount of space for mahjong. This year, we were relegated to the show floor and to a far end corner of the convention center. I hope this changes next year.
(Side note: NYC public transit on the weekend continues to suck ass. Why have a train stop right next to the convention center when weekend construction would prevent trains from stopping there? Sigh.)
And speaking of next year, Anime NYC 2024 will happen in the summer - August 23-25, 2024. It's going to be the bang that ends summer convention season in the U.S. after Anime Expo, San Diego Comic-Con and Otakon. There's definitely concerns about the timing, but they will have the FULL convention center at their disposal. I don't mind honestly as I dislike going to a convention when it's happening a month before winter starts.
Anyway, I'm going to finally make a reference to the headline of my post. For those of you who read my birthday post, anime and manga don't seem to inspire me a great deal lately. Getting into mahjong was one of the best things I did for my mental health over the past 2 years. Despite being a manga blogger, I was becoming more of a mahjong addict.
However, when I arrived to the con on Friday, I was greeted by a manga journalist/colleague that I hadn't seen in years. It was a surprise to see them and we caught up. We had a wonderful discussion about manga, comics and pop culture.
And then on Saturday, I got to meet people I followed on Twitter that I never met in person. I even reunited with a few blogger folks along the way. We talked about manga and convention trends that made me smile. I also met up with Anime for Humanity (who I volunteered in the past) and finally met its founder at the event. I even reunited with a local Japanese culture personality that I hadn't talked to in years. It felt really cool.
To cap it off, I finally reunited with Peter Tatara, who was working the Japan Society booth. For those who don't know, he is the founder of Anime NYC and now Director of Film at Japan Society New York. He also has a long and established history of promoting anime in New York. When I first started my foray into anime fandom in 2008, it was Peter who MCed events at the Kinokuniya NYC store that got me hyped. We worked together at those events a few times due to a mutual connection we both shared. Even though he's a huge and very busy personality now, Peter would take the time to talk to me in years past. We both shared laughs and talked about how long we known each other.
Ever since I got so deep into mahjong, I questioned my place in the manga fan community. I wasn't active as much on Twitter as other online manga personalities these last few years. While I do get hyped, I don't get heavily excited covering manga license announcements. I don't have a huge manga collection at home. I struggle to keep up with everything.
And then someone at the con told me that because of my interest in what's happening the world regarding mental health problems that plague communities, I still bring a certain view that's unique and refreshing to hear. After meeting and reuniting with a bunch of faces, I can't leave the manga blogging scene. I just can't. I love talking about manga so much still. Mahjong still has a place in my heart, but there's nothing that gets me going like talking about the stories and characters that shape people's lives.
What's more important is that being around the industry/pros/press folks I was with at Anime NYC tell me that I still have a place here. I may not be attending everything manga-related, but I want to be the person from the shadows who talks about things that definitely deserve to be heard. Besides, it's much cooler doing things in the shadows than being in the spotlight.
An old friend I saw at the convention on Sunday said that I looked the happiest I've been in years. Mahjong definitely played a huge part in that and I want to bring that energy back into my manga blogging.
I've been going to conventions for 15 years now. So many people in my life that I met via conventions have come and gone. People that I wish were still here. I have often felt lonely. Being 41 now also doesn't help either.
And yet, I keep meeting new people at conventions like Anime NYC who inspire me and value my take on things. I may not be living the best life, but I'm definitely happy-ish with what I have now. And that's all I ever wanted to ask for.
Also, thank you to everyone I talked to at Anime NYC. I'm now really ready for the 2nd half of my life.
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