#they are not afraid to kill
Tags: Battle at the Department of Mysteries. Use of Guns. Torture under Crucio. Violence. Body parts being shot at. Bleeding.
Everything is going wrong.
His friends are all still alive, but they were struggling to keep up with the Death Eaters. Though one could observe that they were rather calm and focused, thinking rapidly of strategies and spells to overcome or at least shield themselves from the rather skilled duelers that are on the Dark Lord's side, it isn't really a fair fight.
Right from the start they were at a disadvantage. He hadn't taught any of them dark curses and spells to easily throw off enemies, he hadn't taught them auror-level tactics and the likes and only relied on the books in the library as well as Hermoine's own repertoire.
They were doomed.
"So, you see, Potter," Lucius Malfoy said stepping towards him, an arrogant lithe to his steps, "you think that you have what it takes to defeat us, but it seems that you have overestimated yourselves."
Mocking laughs echoed around the room, though he knew that it didn't get to him and his friends. He eyed each and every single one of them, all held at a wand point by witches and wizards that were well-learned in all kinds of curses and spells. Even if they managed to distract them to run, they would undoubtedly catch up or worse, they'll have no qualms but to cast THAT one unforgiveable on them.
They were only giving him and his friends a chance because of the prophecy on his hand.
"Come on itty-bitty Potter! If you don't give Lucy the prophecy," Neville groaned as the crazy woman harshly tugged him towards her and pointed her wand on her neck, "I'll assure that he'll also have a place with his parents on the hospital ward."
He himself felt Lucius Malfoy cast an Imperius on him, though he did throw it off after a minute or two. Usually, it wouldn't last that long but he was dead tired, and he was certainly not focused on throwing the unforgiveable off of him.
But it did hurt like hell trying to fight it off.
"Nice try," he took a deep breath as his legs turned to jelly making him fall on the floor, "Malfoy." He could see Ron gritting his teeth, his face turning the same shade as his hair, obviously enraged.
"Harry!" Though it was Hermoine that was the first one to call to him. He tried to turn towards where Hermoine is, but before he could, Malfoy casted the crucio on him, making him convulse and shout in pain. It seems that playtime is over then, they really wanted to get the prophecy from him.
"Come on! Let's give these children a taste of what real life is!"
One by one, despite his own suffering under the curse, he could hear each of his friend's shout. The loudest of them all was Ron, though it didn't seem like it was out of pain, but rather out of anger. He could barely hear Luna's, but hers were the most painful ones to hear as it was small whimpers here and there, too choked up to scream.
Neville's started off quite strongly, but as time passed by it occasionally stops then starts again. It seems that the Lestranges were taking turns on him. Hermoine's screams were muffled, as if she doesn't want to give these people what they want to see. Ginny's was continuous, but abruptly stopped after two minutes.
His friends' voice gradually stopped, but there was one that was left behind. He realized it was his.
"S-Stop! Stop it!" Ginny shouted, though her voice was coarse. Ron tried standing up and walking towards him, though he was still twitching in pain.
"That's too much! Stop it!" This time it was Hermoine.
"Harry!" Neville tried crawling towards him but to no avail.
It was quite miraculous that he was noticing these things while under the spell. Lucius Malfoy may be a coward but he isn't lacking in the dark spell's department. The bastard can hold a dang spell if he wants to.
After what seems like forever (which later on Hermoine would inform Sirius that it was actually a total of six minutes of him under the spell), Lucius Malfoy stopped. He himself was twitching, he was breathing hard, but he has a crazy glint in his eyes.
"Now Potter, I don't think you have the ability to stand. I shall take this now." Malfoy started reaching towards the prophecy. He gritted his teeth, focusing on the goal despite having been under a painful spell for more than a minute. He clucked his tongue, a signal that his friends have been waiting for.
"What was that for, Potter? Are you unsatisfied with what has happened to you?" Malfoy said, a mocking grin present in his face. He turned his head towards the Malfoy patriarch, an equally mocking grin on his face to which the blonde scoffed at. However, he could see Hermoine subtly taking something nearby her feet.
The Death Eeaters didn't notice, or they were confident enough to believe that just because their wands were not with them, that they have nothing more to use. Well, his close circle of friends have a very special training session that he and Hermoine conducted, as two of the only people that really grew up in the muggle world.
"Bang." He said.
Two consecutive bangs echoed around the room, followed by a scream and an ominous thud. Hermoine and Ron, the ones most comfortable with a gun, have shot two Death Eaters. Hermoine shot hers on the forehead, while Ron's on the wand hand.
Despite the excruciating pain on his body, especially on his nerves that made a few of his body parts twitch, he quickly brought out his own gun from a holster that was on his ankle.
He shot the frozen Malfoy patriarch on his wand hand, with the man's wand being destroyed. The wood screamed as it broke landing behind the man along with his thumb and pointing finger.
"What is happening?" Rabastan Lestrange's unfortunate last words as Neville shot him directly from his stomach. He let go of his wand, falling down to eventually bleed to his death. Rodolphus Lestrange tried coming to his brother's aide, a spell on his lips thinking that he should just close his brother's devastating wound. But Neville, though he was the most reluctant one out of them all, shot him on both of his shoulder rendering him useless and bleeding.
"That was for my parents, you bastards." The only one left uninjured was Bellatrix Lestrange, who was frozen standing in her place, unsure of what she should do.
The minute Neville shot his own captives, Luna and Ginny did the same, though one could say it was Ginny's shots that were the most brutal. She was lying flat on her face when they got the signal, she immediately took the gun strapped on her right leg, looking for an opportunity to do her thing.
When the commotion arises, her two captives both stepped near her, as if debating on what they should do now that they do not have the upper hand. She scoffed as she loaded her own gun, these pureblood wizards do not even know how to make shields against muggle weapons.
"Can your dark magic stop this?" She aimed in between the legs of the two Death Eaters holding her, and a total of four shots came out of her gun. The two Death Eaters screamed in pain, making them drop their wands and fall on their backs. Luna Lovegood's own captors tried helping their fallen allies, with them shooting a rather dark spell that Ginny is unfamiliar with towards her. She jumped out of the way, while Luna simultaneously shot the caster on his wand hand, redirecting the spell towards their fallen comrades.
The poor (not really) Death Eaters started screaming as their veins started boiling.
"That was a rather dark spell," Luna said, walking towards the man who casted it. Ginny have shot Luna's other captor down and was proceeding to help Hermoine and Ron's with theirs and trying to move a bit closer. Though she is not hesitant to pull out a gun, she knows that their ammo is limited, and she should not waste so much on trying to kill every enemy present (which she would if she could).
"Luna! Don't play with the enemy!" Hermoine shouted, as she shot another Death Eater on the head. Ron, on the other hand, favors to aim on the legs, incapacitating them and then proceeding to get their wands out of their reach.
"Sorry!" The blonde answered. She hummed, aiming the gun directly on the man's heart.
"You know," she has the man's full attention, who is also cradling his bleeding wand hand that was missing a few fingers, "not even nargles are crazy enough to steal what I'm carrying right now." The man could only look at her in confusion before she shot the man dead on his chest, at the part of where his heart is.
Ginny witnessed all of this, clapping and laughing at what Luna said.
"Why are you laughing there?!" Neville asked, a satisfied smile on his face. Behind him are two bleeding Lestranges, with one Bellatrix clutching both her hands that are missing a few fingers and one of her legs bleeding profusely.
"Luna is a menace! I'm so proud of her," Ginny wiped away imaginary tears, walking towards Luna who is giggling as well. Almost all of the Death Eaters are incapacitated, with the exception of Lucius Malfoy that is. But he is still staring at his destroyed wand, not far from it are his two fingers that his sight is also looking at from time-to-time.
"Harry!" Both Ron and Hermoine ran towards the still down boy. He is still shaking, which had them all wondering just how the boy had a perfect aim on Malfoy Senior's wand hand.
"It seems that the extra time really paid off, guys." Harry said, though a shiver could still be heard in his voice. Luna tried to walk towards him as well, only to fall from the painful twitching on her left leg. Neville grunted and approached her and Luna, loading his gun with another run.
"I wish we could have bought those machine guns thingy." Ginny whined, favoring her left side, "then these bloody Death Eaters would have been gone in a flash." A chuckle broke out of Harry as Ron and Hermoine helped him in standing up.
"Honestly Ginny, we were lucky that we talked to someone willing enough to sell us these glocks." Hermoine answered to which Ron grunted in agreement.
"But still, who would have thought that my ickle brother Ron has connections in the muggle world? And even Harry for that matter." Harry winced as the two tried to help him stand up, only for his right feet to start twitching. Well, there goes his plan to sleep it off. He's pretty sure that it is not normal.
"Those blokes were alright people, I guess. Met them when I wandered around at night." Ron said, giving up on helping Harry stand up. They all are still pretty twitchy, but most especially Harry who was under the curse for a full six minutes and is being casted by a rather crazed Malfoy.
"What in the hell happened here?!" Someone asked rather loudly. Which really isn't the right thing to do around armed and twitchy teens. To their surprise, it was Neville who took the first shot. He was so fast in locating where the voice came from and in aiming at the person who foolishly surprised them.
"GUYS! GUYS! It's me!" Sirius was fortunate that Neville is still practicing on his aim. He missed, which he is really very very thankful for.
"Oh, Sirius," Luna greeted in her usual dreamy voice, though she winced as she tried to walk towards the man. Said man looked at the carnage before him, unsure of how to react. Other Order of the Phoenix members started apparating in, wands at the ready for a battle.
But of course, the battle has long been finished, with the enemies bleeding to death slowly. Everyone was stunned, with Lucius still shellshocked at what happened, and the still alive Death Eaters silently crying in pain.
"Uh... I think Rabastan Lestrange is dead." Neville said after a moment of silence. This set off a chain reaction, with Bellatrix screaming so loud and horribly. She looked even crazier now than before, with her husband and her brother-in-law bleeding alongside her. Other incapacitated Death Eaters started shouting as well, with one of them trying to stand up, only to shout in pain as another bullet embedded itself on the man's right leg curtesy of Ron.
"What happened? What did you guys do?" Remus asked, the first of the order to break out of their shock. Hermoine stood up and started telling everyone what happened. Harry told Ron to secure Malfoy, to which the red head immediately followed. He brought out something from the back pocket of his jeans and pushed a small amount of magic on it.
It enlarged to its original size, showing that it was a rope. He walked towards the frozen man, moving him around and tying him up with a knot that Hermoine taught him. By the time he was finished, Hermoine got to the part where they were crucio'ed.
"All of you?! Are you guys alright?! We should get you to a mediwizard and quick!" At the mention of crucio, other order members started moving. Tonks moved towards Luna and Ginny, looking at their wounds and if there were any aftereffects left behind by the curse. Kingsley went to Neville, while Remus approached Ron and Hermoine.
Sirius, familiar with the effects of the curse, rushed towards Harry's side.
"Whoever casted the spell on you wants you dead, or mad." Sirius said as he started wiping Harry's forehead. He looked at his wounds, a bleeding here and there, large bruises forming, and the likes. But what has everyone's attention are their continuous twitching.
"We need to get them to St. Mungo's. The curse is casted by rather dark wizards and witches, and to this extent." Tonks said. She signaled everyone to help two person up, with Sirius carrying Harry on his arms due to the teen not being able to walk.
Unbeknownst to all of them, while they were checking on the students, Moody was taking in the rest of what has happened. He saw the guns on the holsters, he remembered the Longbottom aiming and shooting a gun without hesitation. He knows what they did, and there is only one thing he could say about it.
"Constant vigilance, eh?" He said, his voice echoing in the place. The others looked at him questioningly, while the teens understood what he said. Their eyes darkened, their hands casually moving towards where their guns are stored in.
"These students have solved half of the problems in this war. I'm going to contact aurors and have the remaining alive Death Eaters here up for questioning." The man casted spells on the still alive wizards, stunning them, though he did take a long look at Malfoy Senior, satisfied at what he have seen.
"This is war, and it seems that nobody understood this with the exception of these children." He smirked, clapping Neville Longbottom in the shoulder.
"If you guys want to work for the ministry, just tell me. I need people like you. Negotiations have long been over," then the whole place shook quite violently, with the teens moving away from the adults that has been carrying them. They ran towards the place where the shaking may have originated from, but not before picking up their wands from still bleeding Death Eaters and cold corpses.
Unflinching, unafraid, though not completely unaffected. He watched as they stumbled a bit, especially Harry Potter who needs to be supported by his two mates.
"Everyone after them!" Kingsley shouted, though they were slowed down by another bout of violent shaking. Moody was left behind to watch the remaining wizards here and as he surveyed the carnage before him yet again, he only has one thought in his head; these kids would either be seen as cold-blooded killers or heroes by the end of the day. But at the end of it all, he would be making sure to reward the children for what they did.
"War is inevitable. Especially, with adults like Dumbledore." If the children are trying to do something, then he would be an adult that would support them.
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iwasbored777 · 1 year
Barbie movie never said "we need to stop men" it said "we need to stop toxic masculinity" and if that made you feel called out I got some news for you
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lazylittledragon · 2 months
taking all my american followers by the shoulders. listen to me. just because you have a more promising candidate now doesn't mean you just assume it's going to be fine and don't bother voting. assuming trump wasn't going to win is how you got here in the first place so you go out and fucking vote for harris and give everyone a fighting chance.
also if you're still in the 'they're both as bad as eachother' delirium, please take your head out from between your cheeks and consider that your options are an imperfect president and the literal worst person alive who is going to get masses of people killed. i've said it like this before, but it's like deciding between maybe getting food poisoning or definitely having a brain aneurysm. take your pick i guess but don't be surprised when you drop dead.
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aarghone · 1 year
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He's just a gunky goopy lil guy
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mipexch · 9 months
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since layer 7 dropped you can send literally any enemy to go kill something wicked repeatedly & v2 being the one to do that is just really funny to me
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lazycranberrydoodles · 11 months
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everybody go home. this is my magnum opus
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ofswordsandpens · 1 year
actually I also wanna talk about the part where Percy convinces Bob to kill Hyperion because even though Percy never says anything outright sinister, the way he handles the entire situation with such cool ease, playing on Bob’s emotions... its so insane???
Because Annabeth’s reaction to the three of them encountering Hyperion reforming is: “oh this is bad we need to get out of here” She knows if Bob remembers himself, that it's not going to play out well for Percy and her. She also thinks about how they're being pursued and don't have a lot of time. Her solution to the problem, seemingly, is to leave.
But Percy's solution is to work the situation to his advantage. He re-affirms Bob's loyalty to him:
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Percy then re-establishes Bob's moral code: "Some monsters are good. Some are bad. This Titan is bad. He tried to kill me and a lot of people. He's not good like you are."
And it ends with Percy leaving the choice of whatever to do with Hyperion to Bob but of course, is it really what Bob chose to do? Bob decides to kill Hyperion. It's not what he may have done, if Percy hadn't intervened. But it's exactly what Percy was oh-so-sweetly leading Bob to do.
And listen, I'm not claiming that it was exactly morally bankrupt of Percy to take advantage of a once-evil titan who could get him and his girlfriend through hell in one piece. Percy, Annabeth, they manipulate monsters and enemies all the time. Annabeth ended the previous book with manipulating Arachne into weaving her own web. So it's not exactly like she's against using manipulative tactics, in theory.
But Bob, at this point, is not just some monster. He is so painfully sincere in his belief in Percy and their friendship, so yes, it does feel a bit sinister whenever Percy uses Bob... and he really uses Bob.
And I think what makes the scene so unsettling, it isn't just that Percy manipulated Bob, its how well Percy manipulated him. He manipulates Bob so well that Percy doesn't even have to kill Hyperion... because Bob does it for him. He manipulates Bob so well, that Annabeth couldn't tell if Percy was purposefully trying to manipulate the situation. (Newsflash, he most definitely was). Like holy shit.
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artofdoubt · 8 months
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killing eve x twilight parallels
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theloveinc · 1 month
Just thought about … oh my god. Bakugo’s first real battle with a formidable villain after your kid is born; he’s not exactly “out of shape” (he never quit the gym, routine, etc… just changed it), but he’s thrown down hard in the first couple seconds, and he’s slower to get back into position—taking the time to steady his feet and assess the terrain, pushing out the lil tummy he gained feeding you postpartum delicacies as he cracks his back—
And the villain, god help them, decides to call out to him as they use the few seconds of vulnerability to attack again, screaming, “hey pop pop, don’t tell me parenthood has made you soft! How ‘bout I start calling you ‘daddy,’ too?”
Just as Bakugo’s turning back around with a new fire in his eyes, blood all warmed up, and shooting off to grab them by the throat to end the fight in one single move.
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tazmiilly · 11 days
thinking again about that "curse the fate that brought me here" line they just threw in the journal.
considering ford had felt so drawn to the town because of its weird and unique qualities, he had attached a sense of connection to it with himself. for so many years he had felt like it was a place of sanctuary where he could be the scientist and the man he wanted to be. to now view that fate as something to be regretted is so heartbreaking. he no longer feels that safety and that happiness he felt being there. in the time that he was quickly losing his mind, he probably felt like all the amazing things he once enjoyed were a illusion for something else. something really awful that ford unintentionally had a hand in. the town is no longer the place he finds a sanctuary in. it's actively trying to kill him. and we can imply he's saying that, in that very moment, he wish he never came.
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radiance1 · 1 year
Alfred Pennyworth has in fact, perhaps, in the slightest of chances.
Picked up his Master's habit of collecting children as if they were on sale.
He was spending his time on one of those rare vacations he decided to take, it was nice, to relax with only the vague overhanging worry of something going wrong back at the manor that he's gotten very good at ignoring.
Only to come across a child bleeding out in an alley, heavily injured.
He would not be able to live with himself if he didn't at least try to help them however he could.
Such is how he acquired a child he later found to be a meta who whished to learn the ways of a butler.
Danny had escaped from a GIW compound, after having been handed over by his family a while after his reveal. He felt, completely and utterly betrayed, when it happened. His parents, while hurt, he was at least capable of actually seeing them do it, but never would he have thought Jazz would do so as well.
They did it so happily, that he wondered if letting him go really was the greatest thing to happen to this family.
He chained, muzzled, all the ways to bind him they pulled all the stops too, knowing how dangerous he was. He wouldn't have even done anything then, too stunned by his families apart willingness at handing him over to the government.
He hated them.
He hated them so much.
The GIW facility was a terrible, cold, unfeeling place. One where they drilled thoughts into his head again and again until he found himself unconsciously repeating them when his head felt empty, one where his body gained a new mark day by day and pushed through tests, he had no clue of even hoping to comprehend what they would gain out of it.
It was a cold, unfeeling place. Placed in a cell of white and nothing else, with low walls and chains binding his body in place until the time came for another experiment.
It was a room he grew used to. One he even held some kind of strange, twisted affection for.
It was a room that held a tiny piece of safety, of rest. It was a room that taught him to hate.
A deep, powerful, disgusting, twisting hatred that crawled from the depths of his cells, corrupting his blood and carving itself deep into his bones. Forcing it's out of his pores until it practically oozed from his flesh.
It drowned his mind, tainting each and every thought, every memory, every dream, every waking moment until he could feel nothing but hatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehate.
When he was taken out of that he could feel nothing, with the drugs swimming their way through his blood that snapped the thin string keeping him between a person and an emotionless puppet.
He thinks that's what the GIW thinks he is.
And when he was placed back in that room, he could only hate.
It was a cycle. Stuck between feeling either nothing or hatred.
He hated feeling nothing, it made him feel like he wasn't real. Like it snapped the thread that held him between what a real person was and a dream.
So, he allowed himself to drown deep into his hatred. Until the white walls of his far to small room seemed to fade, until whatever sound he could have heard became nothing but dull noise.
Until the passage of time seemed to become just a blink.
He didn't know what day it was, when he saw it. Saw them. He didn't know the time, the date, the day, the hours. He knew nothing.
But he could recognize his family. Recognize one of the objects of his intense hatred that he forced his thoughts too. The people who willingly gave him up just like that and one of the causes for his current life.
He didn't know why they showed him them, he felt it some sick, utterly cruel joke. A joke he didn't know the punchline for, a joke the universe sent his way to make his life all the more miserable.
There were multiple of them. Multiple clones of his family. Som within test tubes, some being pulled out from the tubes, some walking around in lab coats. A waste of talent, they called it in his dad's case, a waste of intelligence in his mother's, and a waste of intellect in his sister's case.
His original family was already dead, he was told. Replaced by clones, clones that took over the legal decision to change his guardianship. Clones walking around twisting and desecrating his family.
'At least it was painless.' One of the clones said, talking with his mother's face. 'Far more than they deserved for having keeping a thing like him' spoken by his father's imposter.
The drugs pumping through his system to keep him calm, to keep him feeling nothing was suddenly pierced through by an intense feeling of horror, hate and self-loathing.
He should've known it wasn't his family. He should've done more! More to protect them! To keep them safe! The could've still been alive if he just knew.
In that moment, watching imposters speaking, walking, talking, breathing, with his families faces. He exploded. Exploded with a power fueled by nothing but his intense hatred for every. Single. Living being in this goddamn facility.
He killed whoever stood in his way. Managing to get his hands on relatively newly designed weapon, an ectoplasmic scythe (that also apparently could revert into an everyday item). Which he used to rip and tear throughout the entirety of the facility. He got injured, of course, he couldn't dodge everything, but he didn't care.
A body stuck between life and death, incapable of fully going one way or the other no matter what happened. Gifted supernatural powers fueled by wrath and twisting hatred and a weapon made by man yet in the range of the supernatural.
They didn't stand a change. He killed them all. No matter who it was, man, woman, clone. He didn't, couldn't care. He could only kill, only maim, only hurt.
And that's what he did.
It was then, when the facility was blanketed with silence tainted by despair, death and hysteria. When previously white walls were covered by blood, and the halls turned into rivers of blood and corpses. That he broke down, the overwhelming hatred he felt replaced by relief then sadness then self-loathing.
His family didn't give him up! But they were killed. Kill because of him. He couldn't stand being in this place, anymore. His body felt as if it were moving on unseen strings as it walked through the halls, the scythe shrinking back what it was when out of combat, his mind too occupied by thoughts and feelings.
It walked through a portal, one to the ghost zone, and then promptly into another portal and spat him out into an alleyway. Which he then promptly collapsed and curled into a ball, curing the shrunken scythe in his palm and he was out like a light.
A few days after he woke up, he found himself growing attached to the human that found him in that alleyway. An old man, maybe, but a nice one. He didn't want to meet anyone, besides that man, so he turned invisible when anyone else come into contact with him.
Alfred Pennyworth.
It was a name he clung onto mentally and a man he clung onto physically as well. He wanted to be like that man, someone so nice and caring, someone who didn't mind that he turned invisible at the sing of another person, who let him cling onto him both invisible and not whenever he wanted to.
He did panic when he heard Alred saying his vacation was over, and such that he had to leave. He didn't want to be left alone again, he didn't know what he would do if he was left alone again.
Until Afred said we were going home.
We. As in, him plus another. Alfred plus Danny.
Heat blossomed in his chest, seeming to replace the constant, low hum of hate sitting beneath him skin.
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10zitten10 · 1 year
Do you like to use the Mushroom Cloud as a fun Barbieheimer meme? If you do, it's fine so long as you know what the cloud caused and what it symbolizes. If you don't know the circumstances of the mushroom cloud, please search ''Hiroshima Nagasaki atomic bomb people (with your safe search off)' on Google Images. *The images are very disturbing. Please DO NOT try it if you are sensitive to extremely disturbing images.
I'm Japanese. In Japan, unfortunately, many people have never seen the old pictures of the real effects of the mushroom cloud. We learn about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (both are cities in Japan) in primary school or junior high, when we are about 10-14 years old. Many adults think it's too risky to show children the pictures because it shows human bodies, which look like human charcoal. Living people got severe burns on their faces, their backs, and their whole bodies looked like melting wax (additionally, most of the people in the pictures are citizens, not soldiers. There are many kids, babies, and old people, of course.) Even though it happened in our land, many people (including me, I'm ashamed to say though) don't feel it was an actual event because it seems very unreal and it happened almost 80 years ago. Fortunately, I had a chance to learn about the atomic bombing and see several pictures of it. Now I know what happened in 1945. I think some people here/outside of Japan realize it as well.
I don't blame people born outside of Japan who have never known/learned about the effects of the atomic bombing. I want to ask you to learn and understand what happened under that iconic mushroom cloud before you make a meme with it. If you think 'So what?' after that, I will have nothing more to say to you.
I've not seen Barbie or Oppenheimer because they are not released here yet. But I feel they are both very interesting. I'm looking forward to watching them. I wish I could have fun watching them without any distractions before going to the theatres.
Don't get me wrong. I know that during World War II the Japanese government did tons of terrible things to people outside and inside of Japan. I just want people to know that atomic bombing is a very serious issue, and using the images of the mushroom cloud as a meme/design is like using a symbol of the Nazi/KKK as a fun meme. It's not fun. Atomic bombing should never happen anywhere in the world.
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shotmrmiller · 24 days
virgin simon being so cuz he has no interest in anyone at all until he comes across some girl that looks like she's on the verge of psychosis and he's just like gotta follow that home and tell the guys im married.
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paintsplash1712 · 1 month
Something I feel like people forget about Ford is that the dude legit had a shine to Bill in his house!
Even post break up, when Bill threatened to send a guy to steal his eyes he still kept the posters and statue in his house!
Like... Ford why did you keep those?
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notebookpapers · 2 months
I see your “Cecil could survive TMA but Jon couldn’t survive Night Vale” posts and I raise you: Carlos (the dad, the myth, the legend) could survive both easily
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darunyama · 10 months
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Yuri effect 🫶
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