Avatar Fandom Police
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avatarfandompolice · 2 days ago
I have to say: some people's insistence on stripping Azula of her villain arc, and stanning her to the point she can only be viewed as a victim of circumstances and a misunderstood little girl will never fail to baffle me. Why would you do that, if that pretty much removes what made Azula unique in the first place? Azula is a fantastic character! - because she is a fantastic villain. To strip her of her villainny is to strip her of her agency, and isn't that a shame?
The whole point of the fire siblings (or one of them, at least) was to show two abuse victims' vastly different ways of dealing with their trauma. ATLA reallly shines in this part of the narrative. Was Azula a victim? Of course she was. But she was also an abuser, which is just something that happens in abuse victims sometimes. In fact, maybe Zuko could have ended up like that, too, if certain circumstances were different - and the way the show highlighted the different paths you can take is really such brilliant, brilliant storytelling. Erasing that just makes the writing, and Azula, more bland.
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avatarfandompolice · 3 days ago
Wow you’re so smart for saying Ozai wasn’t evil. That’s definitely a thoughtful observation and not you completely misinterpreting a character and spinning your lack of comprehension as clout.
Ooh, now you’re saying Aang was abusive and the real villain? Boy we’re getting so clout thirsty now. You’re definitely a super smart viewer above these pesky “general audiences” that just don’t get it. Your hyper-fixation on and removal of situational context from a single scene where he does something bad is totally making your point appealing to us mere mortals.
No, no, no, don’t worry that millions of people don’t share your opinion! You’re smarter than them for not being able to properly identify a protagonist and antagonist in a children’s show! They’re just not bright enough! Keep it up queen! You got this! Post that meta about Mai actually being responsible for the Air Nomad Genocide!
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avatarfandompolice · 4 days ago
The Maiko fandom is one of the most baffling ones out there. Like at least the Zutara shippers are unanimously brain dead.
You have them going to bat for Izumi being their child and upholding everything canon that has happened, then you have them absolutely HATING comics like Smoke and Shadow that show their relationship growing. They can’t take Mai breaking up with Zuko in The Promise for completely valid reasons and having her grow as a character.
It’s the same problem with the other annoying shippers in the fandom: they ship based on aesthetic rather than character progression and compatibility. It’s just especially weird here because the characters ARE compatible and absolutely progress in a way that makes them work together. It’s so funny to see them hate on their own ship when all the work is being done for them.
Absolutely wild to me that some Maiko shippers blatantly agree with takes that are like "Mai's ending is terrible because she ends up with a terrible boyfriend and in a position she hates that she's basically trapped in." Like...why are you even a Maiko shipper then, if you hate them and also miss the GOOD about them. Literally what is the point here. If you think Mai is "settling" or "downgrading", then you don't like or understand Maiko. Simple as that
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avatarfandompolice · 4 days ago
Or that the kid who took down said father, who was also planning on killing/oppressing hundreds of thousands of people, was also more of a villain than him.
atla 'fans' on tiktok will try to convince you that the physically abusive father that publicly burned half of his own son's face off isn't as much of a villain as his teenage daughter
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avatarfandompolice · 8 days ago
Please for the love of god PLEASE
avatar fandom I'm not so much holding your hand as I am anxiously gripping your shoulders when I say this: you need to start learning how to have a normal non-parasocial-adversarial relationship with the writers artists storyborders and actors of a thing you like STAT like start practicing RIGHT NOW do it NOW
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avatarfandompolice · 10 days ago
Avatar fans: “We want a new avatar!”
Avatar studios: “Okay cool but that means the prior avatar has to be dead.”
Avatar fans, entirely forgetting the lore of the shows:
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avatarfandompolice · 10 days ago
You can’t be on the “People never gave Korra a chance and should stop hating her” and the “I’m not watching the new avatar show because Korra is dead and that’s disrespectful to her” trains at the same time. You are a pot calling a kettle black.
Also if you’re not just throwing the worst possible scenarios and headcanons into your assumptions as to how the premise gets set up for Seven Havens then maybe you’d realize that Korra being dead just means that time has passed. Aang was alive 12 years before Sozin threw everything into a shitstorm. Who’s to say all the crazy world-destroying stuff in the new show didn’t happen after Korra died, or that it will in no way be her fault? If you’re just assuming Bryan and Mike will do the worst because some Zutara shippers convinced you they hate their own fans back in 2012 then you need a reality check.
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avatarfandompolice · 10 days ago
1 - They’re bi
2 - The entire franchise has moved immensely towards showing LGBTQIA+ characters since the end of LOK. It’s definitely not just a quota. Just look at the Kyoshi novels alone.
But yes get very very angry with absolutely no proof of anything to be angry over. Very healthy way of living.
Mark my words.
They will absolutely destroy every good-will for Korrasami, with a stupid "burry your gays" trope.
I wish it wouldn't be so, but we all can feel it.
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avatarfandompolice · 14 days ago
The whole “Lin good vs. Suyin bad” thing is so frustrating. I like Lin as much as the next person but holy hell is her inability to process trauma toxic. And yes, I think that toxicity is a net positive to the show as it makes her an interesting and flawed character.
And yeah Lin being a tragic character to an extent makes you root for her, but Suyin isn’t an obstacle to Lin’s betterment but a way for her to help heal herself. Su was more than willing to help Lin through her issues, and it took Lin a hell of a long time to figure that out. I think that conflict is interesting and makes both of them more engaging and relatable, and not once is Suyin meant to be or portrayed as the villain.
Fandom being too black and white again I guess.
I probably shouldn't take a children's cartoon so seriously, but there's something deeply interesting about watching a fandom collectively defend and glorify a character for dwelling in their issues and stagnation while demonizing someone who largely processed their trauma and grew from it.
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avatarfandompolice · 18 days ago
As much as none of the critiques here are remotely valid beyond just being personal taste, you just wanted Aang to stand idly by while Zuko violently restrained Katara? Yeah that’s totally fine. Nothing wrong with that :)
The comics were so bad
Katara was just Aang's girlfriend / she acted like book 1 katara-they literally named her "the avatar's girlfriend" like wtf she's more than that
Sokka was just a comic relief and nothing more the guy who is literally smart and the LEADER of team avatar
Zuko was just emo idk but what were they doing with Suki and Zuko wtf
Azula oh azula they didn't understand her character AT ALL
Aang entering the avatar state to kill zuko bc zuko fucking hurt katara please what were they thinking a
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avatarfandompolice · 25 days ago
You guys are pussies for sending anon asks to avatar confessions or whatever that shitty blog is to fight people. Just post on your blogs lol we all know your takes are shit anyway.
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avatarfandompolice · 28 days ago
me when the best evidence for my shit fictional ship is an animation error
Kataangers: Aw, look, he made her a necklace.
Me: Katara literally loses or removes the necklace by the time they enter Makapu Village. Never to be seen again.
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avatarfandompolice · 1 month ago
Just saying that I find it interesting that the comics give female characters like Mai, Ursa, Ty Lee, Azula, etc. some agency to craft their own destiny rather than it being guided along by a male character and every mouth-breathing pseudo-fan coincidentally thinks this is OOC and bad writing
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avatarfandompolice · 1 month ago
We’re not gonna fall in love with the characters in NATLA because that would imply that they’re actually characters and not walking Wikipedia character summaries of the OG ones.
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The Kiss of Suki and Sokka in Season 1 makes us fall in love with them. And Expect More of These in Season 2.
And i have a very strong prediction that Maria Zhang and Ian Ousley will do this in 2026. Maria will kiss Ian while wearing a Makeup.
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avatarfandompolice · 2 months ago
like Mai was in love with Zuko since childhood, and then he was sent away for years during his banishment. There is no evidence that Mai ever blames Zuko for this, but overall it might still have left some lingering abandonment feelings. Especially when Zuko breaks up with her after coming back, without a real explanation to her face.
Then Mai betrays Azula for Zuko, and brings herself in danger for him... on top of her already showing him that she cares about him, which isn't easy for her.
That's what "don't ever break up with me again" meant. It's not some psycho stalker ex-girlfriend physical threat to Zuko. It means Mai is willing to forgive, on the condition that Zuko will not repeat those mistakes, because it hurt her before.
Which is completely normal expectations to have after your partner have caused you hurt or betrayed your trust in some important way. You will move on, but not forget. It's implicit Zuko needed to work on those things.
So when he didn't really improve his emotional availability and kept important information from her, due to his duties and own struggles, it's completely sensible for Mai to feel so hurt she needs distance from him. Because the condition for re-starting the relationship is that Zuko would not make such mistakes again, so Mai's patience with her own heart would naturally be lower than without a history of previous hurts.
Making it so Zuko would need to prove to Mai he actually wants her back and will work hard for it, that he misses her when she isn't around him, that he won't take her for granted again is great writing and only improves the relationship from the show.
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avatarfandompolice · 2 months ago
I was chillin and then remembered how the live action Netflix ATLA decided to make Katara walk up to Aang who literally just realized all his people got brutally murdered by a pure evil regime and she was like “well that sucks but you’re stronger now :)” shut the fuck up lmao don’t piss me off
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avatarfandompolice · 3 months ago
because it’s funny bro stfu
Why are we still clowning on the "we popping the BIGGEST bottles when makorra happens tomorrow" person like the joke's gotten so old at this point and rebloging that post just to ridicule them after 10 years when they're still an active user seems excessive.
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