#they are entitled to their opinion
russilton · 3 months
“They all take money to get there so what does it matter where the money comes from” is an astoundingly privileged take to have on sport. Holy false equivalency, Batman.
You can BOTH accept the reality of unethical money sources in sports, especially motorsport AND still criticise truly egregious sources and unfair advantages. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to agree that a 15/16 year old selling themselves and their body to corporate sponsors dependant on performance is VASTLY different to having a family member pay for your seat where you have the luxury of extra support. It doesn’t mean they don’t deserve to drive- it just means they’re privileged and you can’t argue away from it.
Whataboutism is right out of conservative playbooks and you all need to be able to recognise it. You can and should be able to have reasonable discussions about different issues without someone telling you “shut up because you’re bad too actually” bc it drags you into being apathetic about everything
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grungekitty-77 · 2 years
Someone on my dash posted a god awful take this morning. It made me angry. They were very wrong and very offensive about it.
So I unfollowed them.
That’s it. No anon message telling them that they should be ashamed. No reblogging with a rant about how wrong they were. No direct messages telling them how out of line they were.
They make me upset. So I walked away.
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unwisegirl · 8 months
listen like. people are totally entitled to their opinions and criticisms of the pjo show but. sometimes it’s just hard to hear/read. I know the show isn’t perfect but seeing the cast & producers talk about it and seeing the level of love and excitement theyve put into the work, idk, I feel for them having people tear it to shreds. criticising the author himself for not adapting it well when he’s doing something different with a new medium, saying they’re sorry for the kids who love the books but have to act in this “terrible” show as if these kids aren’t THRILLED by the opportunity and just so committed to giving the show their best.
(watch the behind the scenes documentary. seriously.)
again totally valid criticisms & opinions!! but you win some and lose some in an adaptation. eg. trying to expand on themes, keep a consistent tone, appeal to a broader audience (including those of us who loved the books as kids but are now!!! adults!!!), keep within budget, etc etc all these things involve some trade offs. sure some of the humour and goofiness has been lost but we also get amazing beautifully acted scenes that really expand on core themes of family or who is a monster etc etc.
speaking on a personal level I have had a hard time these past few months and this show became a genuine escape, a way for me to connect with my sister watching the episodes together, a rediscovery of my inner 12 year old who waited so long for this. and I know there are people who are like me and they had certain expectations and that’s why they’re disappointed and that’s so valid, but it’s a lot of negativity sometimes, & I just wish we could give a little grace bc making a creative thing is hard, and pleasing everyone with that creative thing is impossible, and most of all, maybe we could revel a little bit more in this unique complex piece of work that lots of people poured their hearts into with nothing but the best of intentions.
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ninawolv3rina · 2 years
My spouse when I asked if he's been on tumblr recently:
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tibbycaps · 8 months
people who dont want skizz on hermitcraft r wild because he would thrive. i know this to be true. i think its safe to say most hermitcraft fans’ favorite parts of the series are the shenanigans and interactions with other hermits right. you know how people praised tcg and decked out for bringing all of the hermits together more. now imagine if that was a Person. Skizzle man
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poisonedfate · 5 months
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bbc merlin - 03x08 The Eye of the Phoenix
the guy who can barely get the words "we're friends" past his lips vs the guy who will call you his best friend within the first day of you meeting aka the different representations of love and affection in bbc merlin
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onyx-was-here · 7 months
“tumblr is a website with no censorship” is a factoid. tumblr has no censorship unless you’re a meanie to the ceo and hurt his feelys :(
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tremendously-crazy · 1 month
sometimes, i forget that people ship sherlock holmes with characters other than watson. genuinely startles me
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tripleaxeldiaz · 7 months
i think the collective 911 New Season Resolution should be to give the show room to breathe. yes sometimes things happen that don’t make sense, or characters make decisions that are annoying. but in almost 100 episodes of this show, rarely has there been anything done for no reason or something that wasn’t circled back to at one point or another. maybe we can just trust the writers with their own material for like a minute. and maybe if we don’t like it we can just stop watching and stop making how upset we are everyone else’s problem
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“Chloe fell first, Red fell harder” “No Red fell first and Chloe fell harder” “No! Chloe fell first and fell harder” “Nope! Red fell first and harder!”
No! Hear me out please.
They BOTH fell at the same time! BOTH were horribly fallen for one another but BOTH were absolutely clueless in different ways, and BOTH are horribly obsessed with each other and can’t bear to spend a second without the other. Chloe was clueless in comphet denial and Red was clueless in “I don’t get love, why is my heart palpitating immensely every time I look at Chloe? Am I dying? [Gasp] Did someone put a curse on me for every time I look at Chloe I almost get a heart attack and my body temperature increases in my face?”
This leads to a lot of horrible situations where one desperately tries to tell the other but the other just doesn’t get it and they’re stuck in this horrible loop until one of them has enough and they pull the other in the kiss.
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mostly-functional · 2 months
I need to talk about the scene in episode 5 where Crystal confronts Charles about his anger problem. I saw another post where people were calling her a badass or a girlboss, and I interpreted the scene very differently.
If you don’t remember, she says “you walk around like the sun always shines and then you lost your shit while beating the Night Nurse. Edwin and I are walking on eggshells around you instead of just saying ‘what the actual fuck?’”
Keep in mind, she’s yelling this whole time. She isn’t saying “you have a problem and I’m here to help,” she’s saying “you are a problem and I need you to fix it.” And sure, Charles does have anger issues, but can you blame him?
And in this situation, he was being pretty reasonable. The Night Nurse showed him memories of senseless violence and then she pretty much threatened to send Edwin back to Hell. I get that she might not know all that, but that’s not really the point.
When I hear this speech, I pretty much see it as her saying that Charles is the same as his father. She’s saying that everyone around him is afraid of angering him, that they’re all walking on eggshells to keep him calm. That’s exactly how he described his relationship with his father. No matter how good he was, his father found something to be angry about. And that anger was something to be afraid of.
Later on in this same episode, Charles laments that he doesn’t want to be a bad guy. Brad and Hunter were bad guys, and Crystal pretty much called him a bad guy to his face. And I do think it’s part of the reason he rejects Edwin on the staircase. He’s afraid of turning into his father and hurting Edwin the same way his father hurt him and his mother. Crystal isn’t the only reason he feels this way, but she did feed into these fears.
Now, I know that Crystal has her own shit going on. Especially after the nightmare she had at the beginning of the episode where she saw Charles as David. I understand she’s a flawed character and I do love that about her. She makes mistakes and she can’t always fix them. Everyone in the show is deeply flawed and that’s what I love about it.
All I’m saying is that I didn’t think this scene was a girlboss moment. I think it was an example of how she can be judgemental and rigid.
Of course, I’m not saying anyone else is wrong for interpreting this scene differently. I just wanted to give my opinion, too
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fortheloveofexy · 1 year
nothing will get me to block you faster than saying shit like "everyone who read aftg agrees that the series is awful."
like please for the love of god at least be original if you're going to be fucking annoying.
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specters · 4 months
in 'i saw the tv glow' when Maddy is trying to convince Owen that they are in the midnight realm and Owen lists off good (but vague) memories they have of their family and childhood to show that everything is As It Should Be and Fine but then Maddy says something to the effect of "those memories were planted to keep you trapped" 🧍‍♂️... when you're trying desperately to grasp at anything to show that you're happy, that you've lived a good suburban life, that the people who are supposed to watch over you have exelled in their duty to love and support you unconditionally when it couldn't be further from the truth... you want so badly to live up to their expectations and "follow the right path" but the road you're on only leads to a life of suffocation. But is that really a life at all?
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libakarm · 1 year
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torchflies · 4 months
 Hi TG Fandom! 
Okay, so I’ve seen a couple of posts about Bradley calling Maverick “Dad” or not and I just wanted to throw my own two cents in — as someone who lost their own biological parent at about the same age (2-5). 
Yes. He would absolutely call Maverick “Dad”. But he would never do it in front of Maverick, if that makes sense? And he’d probably never do it in front of his Mom, or Ice or any one of the flyboys. 
But in conversation with his friends, his teachers, in casual interaction with the public and on documents? Yes, 100%. 
In his own mental dialogue? Yes. 
But, I think he would stick to Mav with the people who knew Goose and the man himself, for their benefit and not his own. 
Goose isn’t a person to Bradley as an adult, Goose is someone else’s memory. His father that he tries to emulate from Polaroids and bedtime stories, but Goose isn’t his Dad. His Dad is Maverick. But he loves Maverick enough to refer to him as Mav where the man can hear him. 
Just my thoughts 😉💜
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dnpbeats · 3 months
laylo, email domains, and danandphiltour.com
okay so i've been trying to think of why dan and phil would even use the tour email in the first place (assuming they knew we'd see it), regardless of if the project is a tour or not! so i've been looking into how laylo works and if dan and phil were the ones who picked the email domain, if they knew we'd see it, etc.—the answer is yes, they did. they had to manually enter the domain they wanted the emails to be sent from, as well as the email that replies are received at. all of my information comes from this page on laylo's website, including the video :)
disclaimer: i'm not an expert on this stuff! i'm just making educated guesses based on the information available to me. if somebody has firsthand experience with this and i'm dead wrong, please feel free to let me know. also i'm not trying to sway people one way or another if they're announcing a tour or not—just presenting info on how laylo works and a possible reason for why they started with certain emails and then switched to others
for the sake of clarity: original emails were sent from "[email protected]" and the reply email was "[email protected]." after a bit (a couple of hours maybe) the emails were switched. currently they get sent from "[email protected]" and the reply email is "[email protected]"
okay, so, long story short: when dan and phil (or whoever they had doing this for them/helping them) set up their laylo account, the email page looked like this:
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they would have been prompted to send emails from whatever domain they chose, meaning when they entered danandphiltour.com, they did it fully knowing that people would see the emails sent from it. if it is a tour that they don't want spoiled, or if it isn't a tour at all, why would they even pick this domain to send emails from?
my best guess is that it's because danandphilshop.com is hosted through shopify, and danandphiltour.com is just a webpage hosted by cloudflare (as far as i can tell the dnptour website itself is just an html/css page). if you watch the video from laylo, they talk about how certain domain providers have special tricks you have to do when editing the DNS settings. the example given in the video is squarespace, and they have a few more domain providers listed where issues can come up. while shopify isn't one of the ones listed, it's a similar type of host to squarespace. it's not hard to imagine that there are similar (but not identical) tricks to changing DNS settings for shopify. for comparison, squarespace's page on DNS settings is pretty similar to shopify's. in a world where it's difficult to get the custom domain working with shopify, it would make sense if they tried to use other domains they own that weren't hooked up to shopify—namely, danandphiltour.com
(note that the method for editing DNS settings on cloudflare seems to be pretty similar to the other two listed above. the reason why i'm guessing that clouldflare might be more straightforward than shopify is because shopify is a whole platform with a lot going on in the backend (similar to squarespace), whereas cloudflare is just hosting the domain. but again this is just me guessing!)
so yeah, that's my guess as to why they chose to use dnptour as the email knowing people would see it! as to why they changed it, who knows. maybe for whatever reason they wanted to use dnpshop and just couldn't get it working in time, maybe it was because people were getting the wrong idea with the tour email, maybe it was because people were getting the right idea with the tour email! but i think the reason they used it in the first place is probably just that they were having trouble with the dnpshop domain and were like fuck it let's try dnptour and that went more smoothly :)
as to why the reply to email was originally dan's email and then it switched to the random-ass dnpshop gmail—no guesses on that, if anyone has any thoughts lmk 😂
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