#they are creation both haunted and holy 2 me
ups3tti · 5 months
Euphrasia & Morro as foils
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@emerald-cloud23 HI OKAY YES ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. Euprhasia is so important to me I'm so glad you asked JFHEKTJ (Morro too obviously but yk.). This is going to be a bit long, apologies in advance.
Dragons rising season 1 spoilers if that matters to anyone.
- To start off, the difference between Euphrasia's quote of "Time to make *our* own destiny!" and Morro's "Well *I* make my own destiny!" Is incredibly important to me. Euphrasia is connecting herself to those around her from the start, even when defining herself, whereas Morro defined himself *by* being set apart from everyone else.
- Something that immediately stood out to me was how Euphrasia's first major beginning moment as the master of wind is by being the main force used to drive back massive tentacled monsters out of/in order to protect cloud kingdom and back into a rift. This is such a contrast to how Morro's story ended, with him summoning a giant tentacled monster from a portal and destroying a Stiix in order to see it through.
- Speaking of Euphrasia's first fight, she is consistently using her elemental powers as a support for others. She saves Arin and Sora from falling, she helps the ninja launch spinjitsu attacks, and while she does still do damage herself, she prioritizes finding ways to support the others.
Morros style is not based in teamwork that way at all. Even with his ghost gang, he usually has them doing their own separate thing. "I control the wind, YOU control the situation" and all that jazz. He climbs the peak to blind man's eye on his own, confronts the ninja on his own, confronts nya and lloyd on his own, etc etc etc. When he has his gang do stuff, like distract Nya or the other ninja, he's normally watching from the side, or doing his own separate task. He's using the wind to get on the offensive or to get *himself* out of harms way.
- all in all, Morro uses the wind for offense and agility, Euphrasia uses it for defense and support.
- Euphrasia greatly values her culture, community and loved ones, to the point where she was intending to forgo use of her elemental power entirely in order to remain with them, AND risked exile in order to protect them. After she was able to reveal her power and wasn't shunned for it, she stayed on at the Cloud Kingdom as its protector.
We don't know where Morro came from, who his parents were, any of that. He had Wu and that was it. His entire identity was forged around what he wanted to become, instead of who he was to begin with.
- A more obvious one is their personalities, I feel the differences are pretty clear and I don't need to specify a whole lot but a big one is Morro's arrogance vs. Euphrasias uncertainty, especially as it translates to being a wind elemental.
I really love the choice to have Euphrasia wanting to write her own destiny but taking it in an entirely different direction than Morro did. Every element seems to have some concept that connects one master to the next, and I don't think Wind is any different.
Thats all I got for now! I could probably think of more if I rewatched certain episodes but I'm a bit tired. PLEASE let me know if anyone thinks of other stuff I would love to hear it
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pampushky · 2 months
Creature (Both Haunted & Holy)
Vinsmoke Sanji/Reader - whump, smut, healing
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You’re a selkie with a rare talent to guide the very water you swim in, stolen from your village nearly two years ago. After having reached adulthood, you are Arlong’s greatest prize, someone who can give him an heir with the potential to raze the very foundations the world stands upon while being forced to help the fishman you so despise by making note of the currents and fastest ways to travel the Grand Line and Calm Belts, all setting the stage for his reign of terror.
That’s all well and terrible until the Strawhats come to Arlong Park, and you catch a certain cook’s eye. The events unfolding before you push you into a life you had not expected, nor realized was possible for yourself after all you had lost, suddenly presented with not only freedom but a family, as well.
ao3 link | masterlist
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Chapters with depictions of rape/dubcon, trauma, child abuse, etc. will be marked with a 🕊️, while chapters with consensual smut will be marked with a *.
This is a fic that I wrote to work through some of my own past experiences with SA & harassment. Don't read it if you don't want to. All I ask is that you are polite, safe, and don't try to force yourself to read something that has the possibility of upsetting. I understand that everyone deals with their own traumatic happenings differently— this is my own.
There is also, because it is a Sanji story, mentions of child abuse. Because Judge is a dickhead.
Much love, and many good vibes to you all. You are stronger than you know, and are capable of wonders.
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1.) look inside of me 🕊️ 2.) and see that I am not afraid 🕊️ 3.) to walk inside the void 🕊️ 4.) like a kid inside a cave 🕊️ 5.) discovering the patterns 🕊️ 6.) of my soul 7.) and where it's placed 8.) I've been mapping 9.) many caverns 10.) but it still feels like a maze 11.) I know I'm made of clay that's worn 🕊️ 12.) blighted by imperfect form 🕊️ 13.) but I will trust 🕊️ 14.) the artist molding me 🕊️ 15.) I am creation 🕊️ 16.) both haunted and holy 17.) made in glory 18.) even the depths 🕊️ 19.) of the night 20.) cannot blind me 🕊️* 21.) when you guide me 🕊️ 22.) creature only 🕊️ 23.) look inside my heart 24.) and find a perilous ravine 🕊️ 25.) carved within the beauty 26.) the darkness in between *🕊️ 27.) standing in the balance 🕊️ 28.) of complete and incomplete 29.) I identify the echo
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Official art of the selkie! Art of Tide!
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siberian-xanadu · 2 months
Now, obviously, the title track is split into seven segments, and I will be sort of... treating each segment as their own song for the sake of my Rushathon live-blogging. 1a. "2112- Overture"- HOLY GOD I MEAN. From the opening ghostly synths, to the just powerhouse of drumming, to the faint haunting of an "ooooh" in the beginning, this is a proper overture that hints at everything to come. Not to mention, it quotes the 1812 overture during the ending, and has that Bible quote "And the meek shall inherit the earth" which, when viewed with the full song and the ending, sort of hints that the protagonist's cause does win out eventually. 1b. "2112- Temples of Syrinx" - Opens with that epic riff, and sets up the antagonists of the story, which takes places under a theocracy that worships technology, with the Priests and their "great computers filling their hallowed halls". There seemed to be quite a lot of talk about technology around this time, and I wrote up a comparison last year between this epic and ELP's "Karn Evil 9" and the dangers of AI technology (that's on my essay account). Both epics feature a struggle between man and machine, which I find very interesting. 1c. "2112- Discovery"- Starts with gentle guitar playing and water flowing in the background. In the liner notes, it says the protagonist (never named) discovers a guitar in a cave, after the personal creation of music has been outlawed by the Priests of Syrinx. This is about discovering the joy that creating and writing your own music can bring you--- and how music can inspire protest and individual thought. A young musician can relate to it on a personal level--- the discovery of their instrument, and learning to master it, and it also has parallels to real-life theocracies, where sometimes all secular music is banned. There's also a bit of naïveté here, where the protagonist thinks they can take on an entire system alone. 1d. "2112- Presentation"- I just. LOVVVEEEE this part. I love how Geddy jumps the octave between the character of the protagonists, and the priests, who are practically shrieking at this person. They're giving the protagonist the excuse that him playing his guitar doesn't fit whatever has been calculated for them by the computer, and smashes the guitar. I do wonder if Geddy was inspired a little by Peter Gabriel's voices in Genesis, like when he's playing different characters in "Get Em Out By Friday", for example. 1e. "2112- The Oracle"- This is where the protagonist inadvertently contacts the "Elder Race of Man" --- ngl I got a little distracted singing it instead of writing for this part LOL. 1f. "2112- Soliloquy" - This is my favorite part of the entire song. The pain in the protagonists' voice when he jumps the octave makes me shiver. It's a heartbreaking end to the protagonist, but so so well done.
1g. "2112- Grand Finale"- HELL YEAH HERE WE GOOOO!!! I love the ambiguous ending to 2112, where one doesn't know if the Temples of Syrinx were overthrown following a rebellion, or whether they were the ones to "assume control" once more, or if they did succeed, if they were replaced by something just as bad. It's just so open-ended, and I think one's interpretation of it says a lot about them as a person. ALSO!!! "Attention all planets of the solar federations" - said 3x is 21 words "We have assumed control" - said 3x is 12 words, so the ending also spells out 2112!!! 2. "A Passage to Bangkok"- Now, following one of the most famous prog epics of all time is... a song about smoking weed around the world. It sort of reminds me of how, immediately after the epic that is "Tarkus", ELP launches right into "Jeremy Bender", which is another humorous sort of song. I guess it's sort of a palate cleanser, in a way. The interesting thing about APTB is the bong hit right before the solo, and the way that the drums actually lag behind the guitarist and the bass, by adding an extra beat I believe, adding to a sort of psychedelic feel that is never the same. My only criticism of this song is the sort of orientalist motif that recurs a few times, which is a bit of a stereotype. 3. "The Twilight Zone"- This was the song that started the tradition of Rush recording a last-minute song on their records, and is, of course, an homage to the television of the same name, describing the plot lines to several episodes. Funnily enough, the prior album, Caress of Steel, is also dedicated to Rod Serling. I also love the overdubbed whispering in the choruses after the first one--- that's always made me laugh. 4. "Lessons"- The lyrics to this song are written by Alex, and would be his last lyrical contribution until the final contribution by Geddy and Alex on Signals, "Chemistry". I do love the guitar on this song, and I think I like it a little more than Geddy's lyrical contribution to the album, "Tears". To me, it feels like a callback to some of their earlier songs, with a little more sophistication and experience. 5. "Tears"- I'm a little torn over this song, admittedly. On one hand, I think it's beautiful and touching, and on the other, sometimes I feel it's a little melodramatic. I'm never sure if it's coming from a place of sincerity or not. Right now, I think it is, but when I was younger and perhaps a touch more cynical, I thought it was almost sarcastic, and making fun of people who wrote songs like this in order to get laid. Either way, it is a gorgeous song, and I think there's a synth in the background as well (sounds like a mellotron, but I don't think they had access to a mellotron). It does credit Hugh Syme with keyboards on this track, so perhaps that does include a mellotron. 6. "Something for Nothing"- This is my favorite non-2112 song on this album, and might be one of my favorite Rush songs period. I had the lyrics to the bridge tucked in the back of my phone case for a while, and it always motivates me to go and do something. Because things can't get better if you don't work for it--- which doesn't even mean on a personal basis. If we want the world to be a better place, people need to fight for it. I know that Neil was heavily influenced by Rand at that time, but you can look at this from a leftist lens of criticizing Rapture culture--- that someone will come along and save the world and make everything better.
Okay, I'm not entirely sure if I want to do AFWTK/Hemispheres next, so I think I'll wait until Moving Pictures to write again.
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risingsunresistance · 6 months
21 25 30
For the song thing
21. three songs of your childhood
midnight - coldplay feels weird calling this my childhood but. it was 10 years ago. i was 13 😭 i remember when ghost stories dropped and i was scrambling to find a cd. got to midnight on the album and was just sitting there staring out my window like "........ THIS IS COLDPLAY?"
swedish house mafia - don't you worry child this song left me in shambles fkjhdg. also WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE OFFICIAL VIDEO HAS NEARLY 1B VIEWS HUH??? i have no scope of how popular things are-
linkin park - valentine's day the first time i heard this song was on the way to an easter church service *(&#@(*%^*#@& it took me so long to find out which linkin park song it was i had heard and tbh i'm still not 100% sure this was the right one. the radio we had at the time didn't have a display so all i have is my terrible memory to go off of lmao
25. three favorite songs of 2017
i dont even remember 2017 tbh but another light released in 2017 so
memories lie - red vox
settle for less - red vox
this was technically RELEASED in 2018 but recorded with the rest of another light so i'm counting it. please listen to stranded - red vox it is a masterpiece
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above)
errasuriz - kiltro the part at 2:49 kills me it changed my life forever
creature - half alive i am creation both haunted and holy, made in glory... GOD.
honeywell - clem turner this is actually one of the best songs i've ever heard and i'm really mad that it hasn't even hit 250k
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marknee · 2 years
mists of celeste
a series by @hongism: by marknee
(contains spoilers! please be wary when reading)
let me start you here, with the understanding that this isn’t - in any way shape or form - an essay, nor is it an attempt at such. i rather just want to blurt everything into writing regarding my thoughts of this incredibly crafted series, so my head may feel that bit lighter. because holy shit. i have a lot to say. and i cannot ask anything of you, but to believe me when i say i’m not one to sugarcoat my words, leaving you with only the purest of faith that everything i write here, i undoubtedly mean. with that trust in mind, i present to you a very unorganised mind dump (?) of mine from over the span of a fortnight of reading.
i had to pick this series up twice during its entirety as i had an unfortunate epiphany halfway through, and i only just registered the hefty loss i knew i was going to grieve over the moment my eyes gazed upon the last word, causing me to postpone reading as much as i could — which, if you should know, didn’t last for a full twenty-four hours either time. i managed five, perhaps six, at most.
if i had a physical copy of this series, a highlighter, and a shit ton of index tabs, i fear what would become of me. the author has this series so incredibly well written that every single sentence deserved highlighting and placing into a buzzfeed quiz titled, “choose a quote and we’ll guess the state of your mental health,” ‘cause fuck me, i had a lot of self reflection to do after some of the chapters. at least one thing is clear, both the characters and i need intense therapy. and maybe a warm bubble bath with a cute rubber duck.
however, i will spare you the sob story and list some of the quotes from this series i either, 1) cried about, or 2) added to my list of topics to bring up with my therapist when i see her next.
“constantly looking at the negatives will get you nowhere in life. just thinking: what’s going to go wrong? that’s a recipe for disaster, as is only thinking about the past. what went wrong in the past doesn’t necessarily mean that it will go wrong in the future.” — seonghwa to y/n, chapter 17.
“you love her. what is love compared to duty?” — jisung to seonghwa, chapter 33.
“you would do well not to romanticise love in such a way otherwise you will be sorely disillusioned. love contains the freedom to choose what you want without the other person making any decision for you.” — seonghwa to jisung, chapter 33.
“what makes me more deserving than the man who died for me?” — y/n to seonghwa, chapter 33.
“oh, darling, if you could see yourself through my eyes, you would know that you are the most deserving person in the universe.” — seonghwa to y/n, chapter 33.
i want to give you beautiful and happy memories, my darling. i want to see you smile everyday for the rest of my life, even if it’s just for a moment. i want so much for you, and selfishly, i want to be the one to give it all to you.” — san to y/n, chapter 41.
“in answering the haunting question of “what do you want from me”, perhaps, simultaneously, you want everything and nothing at all.” — chapter 41.
“whoever came up with the saying ‘the truth will set you free’ clearly should have left paragraphs worth of fine print detailing how atrocious and painful it would be before that freedom.” — chapter 45.
“should this be a monster of his hatred’s creation, you will put your hands to the clay and mold its grotesque features further into obscurity.” — about yeosang, chapter 45.
“do you wish for me to bear it on my shoulders so you can sleep comfortably at the devils side?” — hongjoong, chapter 47.
“if love is meant to be part of life, then why is it draining seonghwa of his?” — chapter 48.
perhaps i cried! honestly, the two most impactful quotes on this list for me were, “what is love compared to duty?” and “what makes me more deserving than the man who died for me?” i think they both represent this story in the most heart-rending, glorious and tragic way possible as everyone is trying to confront the demons of their past, but of course, there is no reward without sacrifice.
in a way, every crew member on the horizon sacrificed something — perhaps, in their own personal way but still, all their wounds are equal in validity, so they’re basically on the same playing field of what it means of sacrifice. y/n lost her memories. most of them lost their freedom. half of them were subdued to others control and dehumanised and belittled. and every backstory broke my heart the more the pieces were revealed throughout.
i’m praying as the story unfolds further, every member finds their own redemption and closure, and allows themselves the peace they’ve deserved from the very beginning — in whatever form that may take. i just want them to be happy. so, author, please leave my boys alone. they’re tired. i’m tired. my poor y/n has been through more shit than i can comprehend. we’re relying on you, love.
also, i want to lay out all my cards on the table right now and admit there are the two members i genuinely want to physically fight (fists ‘n all): yeosang and hongjoong. the pair of them i want to throw off the airlock myself, never mind them threatening to do it to me. watch me do it. firstly, starting with the former: what the fuck is my guy’s problem? i cannot count the amount of times i got punched in the gut, slammed against a wall, choked (not in that way, people), almost DIED because of this motherfucker, and for what? it’s not my fucking fault wooyoung and i are halves of one soul. like i asked for this shit? dude needs to get his shit together ASAP, and i’m not saying that for his behalf (even though i’m sure therapy would be very good for him), i’m saying it for my behalf. because best believe he tries me again, i will swing, and i will absolutely clock his crown jewels, no pun intended. i’ve been sparring with jongho recently, and he tells me i’ve gotten better. so don’t even try me, mate.
his ONLY redeeming feature and the last remaining bit of patience i have for him relies in how good he was in bed in chapter 45. that’s it. i don’t fucking blame wooyoung. for anything. because i understand it all.
secondly, the absolute audacity personified himself: kim hongjoong. him and i are on a poorly constructed rollercoaster at the moment where the worker is dozing off behind the control system. one minute, the man has me seething, and the next, i’m wildly attracted to him. and then he says something shitty and the rollercoaster starts again. they’re not allowing me off at all, so i suppose i’ll be here forever. unless… they solve their problems within the sheets. and hear me out, okay? it (kinda) worked for yeosang, so sex with the captain? how scandalous. and it would help let off some of that pent up frustration between the two of us — my frustration with him, mostly. he genuinely gets on my tits. but i love him.
(don’t think i forgot that bath scene, miss author.)
on note of that, i actually made a list in my notes app at the beginning of reading this series where i ranked how good the sex would be with each crew mate (that’s if she were to do it with all of them). however, i did remove the members we’ve already done it with, so here’s my hypothesis (of the members we still have yet to):
rank 5: mingi. cons include, haven’t actually had a proper conversation with him ever, he scares me still a bit, i wonder if he even knows my name. pros include, has the power for it, no doubt he’s probably amazing, but please take me to dinner first.
rank 4: jongho. cons include, dude is like my little brother, would be very very awkward during and afterwards, endless teasing from the others and i’m too sensitive for that right now. pros include, he’s a berserker so no doubt he has the capabilities in him, he’s not a touchy person, sigh.
rank 3: yunho. cons include, is still figuring out his feeling towards seonghwa and hongjoong, would hate to become between that, he’s my doctor so also very awkward. pros include, my man is hot as fuck, would be an absolute boss about aftercare and take it seriously (as he should), very romantic and sweet.
rank 2: wooyoung. cons include, yeosang would fuck me up, like seriously. i’d probably die. he’s half of my soul, so… no comment there. pros include, an absolute tease, the fucker, so caring, though he would definitely want yeosang there (is that a pro or con i can’t decide?).
rank 1: hongjoong. cons include, literally none. pros include, that man hates my fucking guts so no doubt i won’t be able to walk for the next month (not complaining), immediate bragging rights that i’ve fucked the scourge of the black sea yeah get fucked everyone hahaha, would genuinely ruin me, i get to sleep in the captains bed like how exciting is that? i haven’t even been in his quarters never mind his bed! will be a very interesting and intense chapter.
now, moving on to later in the series with that choice with the serum for mingi. i simply cannot fathom the amount of voice messages i recorded over this. it was gobsmacking to me that everyone was against her for wanting mingi to have a choice, instead of lacking him of such a ghastly thing apparently. she didn’t want to deprive him of making his own decisions and deciding his own fate, and the fact the entire crew got mad at her for it, knowing they didn’t even ask for his consent in the first place?! nah, i have beef with all of them at this point. literally fight me, i don’t care that you’re pirates. i’m a raging woman, i’m worse. and don’t even get me started on the jisung and hyunwoo ordeal. actually, let me start a new paragraph for this one because it’s gonna be a long one.
the whole situation is genuinely indescribable of how upsetting it was (not to me, but to y/n. well, i guess to me also, then). hyunwoo is very much worse than jisung, but jisung still fucked up from his shitty choice of decisions. y/n’s backstory is very unsettling and she’d never really had a solid ground and people to rely on, until she had her team in the military. perhaps they weren’t exactly a family, but they cared for each other. and that was enough. but, what hurts the most is she genuinely believed they were good people (i quote: “hyunwoo was like a brother to me”), trusted them wholeheartedly, openly defended them, and even spent years of her life to pardon the guy she thought died for her (ouch). in return, they manipulated her, backstabbed her to the gods, and planned on injecting her a third time to keep the good image she had of them for their own benefit— fuck me, i’m seething just writing this. however, i too, am mourning their deaths for the sake of y/n. they were the closest thing to family to her, and knowing hyunwoo had a family of his own… but, i guess the lesson we learnt here is once you make your bed, you have to lie in it.
i realise this story isn’t over yet, but so far, it was been such a incredible ride. the world-building is out of this world— can we take a moment of appreciation for the google docs of each planet? what. i’m so excited for what’s to come, but i just wanted to share everything. i have cried too many times over this series that it felt like a reblog wasn’t enough appreciation for me. i wanted to do more. my love language is words of affirmation for a reason!
main points of this rant (of sorts):
if hongjoong and yeosang piss me off any further it’s on sight. there’s nothing scarier than a woman whose been messed with for too long, i’ll tell you that.
i fucking loathe hyunwoo, and i hate jisung slightly less, but i mourn for them also. and for the sake of my own pride, i will not enclose how hard i sobbed over that scene. i will not. ever.
hongjoong and y/n need to fuck already. there i said it. the tension is too much i’m sure mingi could sense it from another fucking planet.
san and wooyoung and jongho deserve the world. i love those sweethearts. they could never do me wrong. i will love them ‘til the end of time.
the yeosang sex chapter was everything and more. etched in my mind eternally. incredible.
i’m so mad i can’t add this to my shakespeare series as it’s not a bts fanfic, but i am seriously thinking about making a series for ateez just to add this in there. should it be charles dickens or jane austen? ahh, don’t tempt me, please.
that’s it! a literal dump of my entire thought process going through this 48 chapter-ed (for now) series! i wanna take a moment to thank @hongism for spending her time writing and creating a piece of art for us. i, and many others, owe it to you :) we appreciate you so much.
if you do want to read this (if you haven’t already spoiled it for yourselves), the link is under ‘a series’ right at the top of this post. or you can go on @hongism’s account and check it out there!
thank you for reading,
nini x
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riverdamien · 2 years
Short Shifted
Short Shifted!
John 5:1-16
THE EIGHTH STATION Simon the Cyrenian Helps Jesus Carry the Cross MARK 15:21 Leader We adore you O Christ, and we praise you. All Because by your Holy Cross you have saved all of creation. They pressed into service a passer-by, Simon, a Cyrenian, who was coming in from the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to carry his cross. Leader Those in charge of the crucifixion of Jesus compelled Simon, a man from the country. They had to compel Simon, he knew little of Jesus, but what about us? We know all about Jesus, and his ministry of serving the poor, and yet we have to be compelled to house, feed, clothe, and provide health care to our homeless neighbors, and little at that.
All Jesus said: “If anyone wants to become my follower let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me!”
THE NINTH STATION Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem LUKE 23:27-28
Leader We adore you O Christ, and we praise you. All Because by your Holy Cross you have saved all of creation. A large crowd of people followed Jesus, including many women who mourned and lamented him. Jesus turned to them and said: ‘Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep instead for yourselves and for your children.’ Leader: Compassion means literally, to suffer with someone. Empathy means to feel with them. These women displayed both qualities as they accompanied Jesus. We are called to show both of these qualities in our accompanying our homeless neighbors on their journey.
All Jesus said: “If anyone wants to become my follower let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me!”
"Short shifted" is a word that means "to pay little or no attention to a subject or person."
But what I did not know was the "formal", "archaic" definition of "short shift". It shocked me: "Barely adequate time for a confession before execution."
Figuratively this is the way many homeless people feel. They are treated differently, people really never treat them as "human beings". I remember a time in Portland being very sick, a minister "friend" told me he could pick me up after his dinner, meaning I would wait two hours; a homeless friend ran and got  his car and took me to the hospital, and my minister friend commented later, "how could you ride to the hospital  with a person like that?"
My friend was "short shifted." I have been talking to several elderly on the street. They sleep in the doorways of closed businesses, and I am told how they are  simply ignored and sometimes spat upon. This is "short shifting".
St. Clare of Assisi tells us: "We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become."
On Good Friday as we begin the Stations in front of City Hall, we enter the Tenderloin, a stand end for ancient Jerusalem, where Christ is right in front of us and see him crucified every day on the streets, he is real, and calls us to a life of  compassion meaning  literally, to suffer with someone. Empathy means to feel with them!
In doing so we will be "short lifted" with Jesus! But O what a great time we will  have!
Deo Gratias! Thanks be to God!
"Today I choose.
Today I bear witness to grace.
Today I practice kindness.
Today I choose love over fear.
Today I am not afraid to be generous.
Today I belong to the whole world, not merely a portion of it.
No matter what others around me choose, today I choose to live  in peace."
Steven Garnaas--Holmes
Fr. River Damien Sims sfw, D.Min, D.S.T,
P.O. Box 642656
San Francisco, CA 94164
The Twenty Second Annual Stations of the Cross
"Our Haunting!"
April 7, 2023
Civic Center
Noon-2 p.m.
Food Provided By:
in alliance with Fr. River Damien Sims of Temenos
Please help support a Good Friday initiative. Fr. River Sims aims to serve 200 folks with Irish Soda
Bread, the food that supported many Irish during hard times. It’s in the spirit of community and
There’s a legend that when a cross is made in each loaf before baking, all the good fairies are released. We like to believe in that.
$15/loaf payable through www.temenos.org , pay pal, or Aunt Barbara’s Kitchen/Temenos Catholic Worker, P.O. Box 642656, San Francisco, CA 94164
Aunt Barbara’s Kitchen is a Cottage Food Operation from a home kitchen in Marin County.
The business started with $10 and Aunt Barbara’s great grandfather iron skillet with the intention to build
a business model that feeds the hungry and revenue that goes to youth in college. The owner volunteers
her time to this endeavor and takes no revenue for herself, at this time. She hopes to reshape the model
of what businesses can create for communities, especially our youth, to cultivate and showcase the
power of human investment. 415 717 0151 https://barbaramcveigh.com/aunt-barbaras-kitchen/
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thehoundwrites · 3 years
Desire: Part 1
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Priest!Grayson x Fem!Reader (afab and feminine descriptions)
Authors note: Thanks to some Mutuals and Friend I was able to come up with this idea, it was supposed to be straight smut in a confession booth but instead the reader used to come to the church and left due to religious trauma regarding sexuality and had kind of a dodgy life and had no hope left so she went to church and Father Grayson helped her get her life back together and she has a big fat crush on Grayson! 
Also Sorry for disappearing there's been a lot going irl Ireally hope to be back! Please help me get motivation by sending in asks, comments on my stories, praise or others! Its really motivating knowing people are enjoying my work!
CW/TW: Religious traumas regarding sexuality, Abuse mention, Masturbation, Fingering, Church, Homophobia mentions, Priest kink, Father Grayson, Power Dynamics, Theres gonna be more drama in part 2!
Word Count: 2,628
Your dreams were quiet and peaceful, your body was basking in the warmth of the summer sun, grass beneath your feet, a dress covering your frame as you smiled. You'd been in a gorgeous field. Unlike most nights this dream felt good, your heart was beating normally, a wide smile stretching your lips as you danced in the light of the day. A normal song you'd listen to was playing, but it faded from thoughts as your head emptied. But a new song rang in your head piercing the air as the light within your reality entered your thoughts... Her.... Thoughts emptied once again as lyrics strung through your head; "I am creation, both haunted and holy. Made in glory. Even the depths of the night can not blind me. When You guide me. Creature only" Your sensations quickly became overwhelmed with the presence, mixture of the blinding sun and the shrill song. Thoughts flying out of your brain quickly became replaced with the safety you found in her arms when she comforted you. The sympathy you'd find in her beautiful gray-blue eyes whenever she'd look at you. The way your heart fluttered when she'd watch you, direct you.
Thoughts flashed through your mind once again deciding to partake in the forbidden thoughts, an innocent dream now corrupted by sinful visions.The gruffness of her voice stood out foremost in your head, sending shivers down your still unconscious body, goosebumps littering the soft skin across your body. Her confidence was enthralling, preaching so passionately, loving so sincerely speaking so kindly. As much as you tried to focus on her words your eyes watched her soft lips move as she talked. You'd imagine them running over your neck, husky voice praising you as you so desperately wish she would. "Good girl" In reality, away from your dream your body squirmed the thoughts of her making your face red and your stomach clench. Lust, Greed two of the biggest sins. You felt so guilty but you couldn't help it. Father Grayson... Was just so captivating.
Thoughts drifted on when you watched her sway her gloved hands as she spoke to the crowd of parishioners. The hands that remained covered with leather gloves were bare despite never having seen them. They were so vivid in your head. soft palms with slightly calloused fingertips, protruding veins covering the back of them. The reverend's long fingers began tracing your soft skin. Cupping and touching every part of you that yearned for her touch, it felt better than what you could ever do to yourself. She'd expertly message your sensitive skin, curling and twisting. Her soft lips kissing bliss unto you. It felt as close to heaven as you dared to dream.
Heaven however was interrupted, a blaring alarm scared you awake, ecstasy leaving your body as you rose from silk bed sheets, a growing knot in your stomach as your legs twitched, needing so desperately for her to touch you as you dreamed. Your heartbeat quickened as you remembered the thoughts you had of Father Grayson, the dullness of reality beginning to swallow you. You felt incredibly guilty, and since you returned to the church you realized it was now somewhat progressive.
But then again sexuality wasn't what you were worried about, you'd accepted yourself fully including your love and admiration of women as a part of you, something that will never change. Despite people's contradictions or hatred you'd love who you’d want. However the guilt was the fact that the object of your desire was her, your pastor made you worry. Would she look at you differently if she'd known about your feelings for her.
However much you wanted your desire for her to leave your head, or at least how you wanted to stop thinking of her, she wouldn't leave your head. Flashes of her teachings ran through your head; you'd sit in a pew quiet in the middle, people surrounding you as you'd try to blend in with everyone else, try to lose yourself in her tales and teachings. Your mind couldn't stop ruminating on how she would stand so tall in front of her parishioners. She was so fervent and animated, gray eyes scanning the rooms as she read from the book she'd hold in her strong hands, then how'd she ask you for help every time knowing you needed to be here. You still didn't know if she understood just how much you really did. Knowing how she saved you from the destructive spiral you'd been on, how coming to the church that night was everything. How she changed your life and helped you get your shit together. But you shouldn't feel special right? That was her job.... A light blush covered your cheeks pondering whether you really were special or not for maybe just a bit too long. A small smile played on your lips, thinking of how the two of you would talk as you helped her take care of the mess that was the children's room where faithful parents could let them play and learn as they worshiped, of how the two of you seemed to get along so well. How she always made your heart flutter. Before letting those thoughts disappear ground yourself to reality once again, realizing you were sitting up on your bed in nothing but a tank top and underwear thinking these things about your pastor. It was wrong. Very wrong. But why did it make you so happy to imagine her next to you, holding you... touching you.
You sat there for a moment lost in thoughts coming down from the highs of your dreams. They died down however when your alarm went off for a second time. You sighed wishing you could have affections for anyone but Father Grayson, trying to convince yourself it'd never work. But God how you hoped it could, you smiled with a devious thought in your head, you'd decided that you would get yourself dolled up. You never really tried to wear anything too fancy, nothing besides putting your hair up and wearing casual attire, a sundress sometimes, other times you'd wear a simple plain dress, or a skirt or even dress pants. But maybe. Well maybe she'd notice you if you put more effort in. Without a second thought you'd start your morning routine. Getting a little snack beforehand then stepping into the shower feeling the hot water drip along your skin, hoping that maybe the dress you wore today would make Father Grayson look at you in. A different light.
Your heart started beating as your thoughts once again found their way to her, it seems even when you can focus on your life Grayson entered your mind. However you felt much more vulnerable this time with your bare body open to the room, water hitting you back, dripping from your hair over your eyes. Dribbling down your sensitive stomach. The heat of the pouring water began radiating off of your body, a pulsing in your stomach. Immediately regretting indulging in these thoughts once again, and then again and again, you let your back rest against the cold tile which was a bad move. With the heat of the shower water, and the humidity of the air the tile had shocked your body, you tried to relieve yourself by letting your thighs squeeze together the ache in your stomach from when you woke only got worse by the minute,
Maybe. Maybe if you could relieve yourself then you wouldn't melt when you greeted her. Right? When she'd take your hand and bring you into the warm hug she'd always greet you with. You gasped lightly thinking of her muscled arms squeezing you the way she always did.
Fuck it. You REALLY couldn't go to church horny for your pastor with tingling between your legs and wetness pooling at the thought of her.
Your heart was pounding, you closed your eyes, hands reaching to your chest to pinch your nipples, rubbing them between two fingers trying to stimulate yourself without stepping over the line. But What if it was her mouth that rested upon your chest, her tongue flicking at it, her hands rubbing right at your waistline teasing you ever so painfully. You'd imagine how she'd smile as you melted for her, giving into her. Letting her strong arms hold you up and her expert hands pleasure you. you switched to the other side once your nipple felt painfully hard, your legs shaking as you let your hand move to your downwards your palm rubbing and massaging your stomach then lower and lower.
You used your middle finger to rub your clit, circling it painstakingly slowly, then just a bit faster, the hand on your chest moved to your mouth wrapping your lips around two fingers and slowly sucking on them. the hand between your thighs began to add more fingers, your pussy aching for more friction and relief. Aching for her. Your lips let go of your fingers with a small popping sound. You bit your lower lip grinding more crudely against your hand gasps escaping your throat, eyes closed tight ivinsioning Fathers perfectly sculpted face, the way her robes hung, the way her lips moved. Cold water began to drench your skin, you'd have to hurry now there was too little time. You didn't want to be late. You tried to finish yourself off by thinking of all the things you'd let Father Grayson do to you, before your phone buzzing loudly on the sink frightened you. Pulling you back to reality. Crumby reality. You had to stop, you prayed that Grayson could finish it for you later.
Your heart was beating, your body was in even worse shape now as you let out a whine. You'd still have to do your hair and makeup, but that alarm was the final one. The one that reminded you that you'd have to leave now, be on your merry way. You'd be late now for sure, you sighed. Upset that you'd be missing part of Father's sermon. But nonetheless you'd continue, dressing yourself up perfectly. Your eyes staring back at yourself, making sure you looked exactly how you'd wanted. And you did. A beautiful dress you'd only worn for special events and plain white but matching bra and panties. Adding the makeup you wanted was not too much but enough to look how you wanted.
The last moments of you leaving your house were a bit rushed, your mind only praying you'd have everything you needed. Luckily you only missed a few moments, unfortunately you'd walked in at just the wrong time. Everyone had their head bowed in silence, everyone except Father Grayson who looked at you with her soft eyes. You couldn't help wondering if those beautiful eyes would look at you differently if she knew. You'd wonder if she could see your sins on display. With your soul at her mercy.
|Flash Back|
Father Grayson was the person of your desire, your comfort, the woman that lit up the dullness of your gray life. Long ago you left this church and its previous priest, coming out of the closet was hard and even harder when the place of worship you went to for so long had rejected you. The one you had gone to since you were a kid, you knew that some people of this religion could be cruel but you'd never thought your own church would practice those old ways. You thought... more like you hoped they'd be accepting, that God could still love you. They thought differently never out loud of course, you knew from the coldness in their eyes, how they'd avoid you or go out of their way to tell you that God loves you. That you need a mad that you'd get over it.
You had never planned to go back. Ever. Until one night, when you had no one else. When you had run into just the wrong person at just the wrong time. You'd gotten hurt, and you were alone, friends too busy in the darkness of the night that swallowed you whole, your shaking body had been coursing with adrenaline, with nowhere else to go you stumbled into the familiar church thankfully it was open with a tall woman talking to a young man a concerned look in her eyes staring downward before patting the man on his back as he walked out mumbling something under his breath in a gargled voice.
Tear streaked cheeks as you stood there frozen like a deer in headlights, red on your face as you looked around growing anxiety that was building off of the previous anxiety you'd held in your gut. Her brows scrunched together as she slowly walked over. You were going to step away but there was a kindness in her blue eyes you hadn't seen in so long and warmth you didn't expect tonight.
"I didn't know where else to turn."
"You've come to the right place darling, please. Let me help you."
You explained, explained what happened last night, how you knew about this church... why you left. And surprisingly she sat there and listened. The look in her was eerily similar to pity which made your heart tinge guilt eating at you. Until it clicked, she was concerned she was trying to sympathize with you; however, you couldn't bring yourself to look at her, no matter how kind and welcoming she was. It hurt to be here.
"God brought you here tonight my child, it seems as though God wishes to help you in your struggles. As everything happens for a reason, so must this.'' Her voice was soft, gruff and caring. Your eyes wandered back to her. "How- Wh- What am I supposed to do." You didn't know how a complete stranger would help, or how she had gotten you to open up so deeply. But you were at wits end and you needed something. You didn't know what. But it seemed she did.
The two of you sat in a pew almost 2 feet away, normally this would be the time for a confession boothe, but neither of you expected this, but before you could react two clothed surprisingly muscular arms wrapped around you gently bringing you into a hug. It was warm, and you felt so safe despite being terrified of church. You closed your eyes letting your fidgeting hands fall to your sides not knowing what to do with them and simply let her comfort you.
"God has brought you here for a reason, perhaps It is his way of calling you home. Perhaps it's time to accept yourself, so that others will accept you as well."
|Present time|
You felt her eyes before you could see them, as you walked awkwardly across the large room with only a few seats in the back and a couple in the front. So much for blending in. You walked quietly until you were able to find space to sit, which unfortunately was the very front pew in front of Father Grayson.Feeling even more vulnerable than you did in the shower…. OH GOD. You closed your eyes. The shower. Even though your head was bowed you could still feel her gaze lingering on you,your face had tinted with a bit of a blush, but the feeling of her attention disappeared after the silence in the large room broke and she continued with the sermon. Your heart is beating too fast. The sermon felt much longer than usual and instead of having you help her with the basket, the money, and the collection she asked some new person.
That hurt more than it should have. You weren't special? Were you?
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His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful—Great God! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of arteries and muscles beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion, and straight black lips.
[id: An aesthetic post with a series of images combining lyrics from half alive’s ‘creature’, quotes from Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’, and various related art. Each image is numbered and described below.
1: “I know I'm made of clay that's worn / Blighted by imperfect form / But I will trust the artist molding me” (’creature’, half alive)
"His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! Great God!” (’Frankenstein’, Mary Shelley)
2: ‘Lucifer’ by Franz Von Stuck; a classical painting depicting Lucifer as a thin, pale man with dark shorn hair and pale yellow eyes (making it appear like he has no irises, only pupils). He stares directly at the viewer with a serious expression, his chin resting on his left (viewer’s right) hand. He is hunched forward slightly and sitting in the dark, with his black wings barely visible behind him, but his eyes shining in the dark.
3: “ I am creation, both haunted and holy / Made in glory / Even the depths of the night cannot blind me / When You guide me / Creature only” (’creature’, half alive)
“Remember that I am thy creature; I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel, whom thou drivest from joy for no misdeed.” (’Frankenstein’, Mary Shelley)
4: ‘Fallen Angel’ by Alexandre Cabanel; a classical painting depicting Lucifer as a thin, pale-skinned young man with curly auburn medium-length hair, posed with his arm covering the lower half of his face. His brow is deeply furrowed, and a tear escapes from his right (viewer’s left) eye.
5: “ Early days and sleepless nights / Death and resurrection, life / My body is a sacred note / Sung between the flesh and hope” (’creature’, half alive)
“He held up the curtain of the bed; and his eyes, if eyes they may be called, were fixed on me. His jaws opened, and he muttered some inarticulate sounds, while a grin wrinkled his cheeks.“ (’Frankenstein’, Mary Shelley)
6: A black and white illustration by Bernie Wrightson from the 1983 edition of ‘Frankenstein’; the creature is curled up in a ball in the shadowy corner of a derelict outbuilding, with torn clothes and long, unkempt dark hair. He has his arms wrapped around his head, mostly concealing his face, but his left eye (viewer’s right) is visible, glaring in front of him.
7: “Haunted by a darker side / Transcends to walking in the light / And slowly I'm recovering / The beauty of discovery“ (’creature’, half life)
“I cannot believe that I am the same creature whose thoughts were once filled with sublime and transcendent visions of the beauty and the majesty of goodness.” (’Frankenstein’, Mary Shelley)
8: ‘The Wounded Philoctetes’ by N. A. Abildgaard (cover art for the Penguin Classics edition of ‘Frankenstein’); a classical painting depicting a naked man with dark, short wavy hair, hunched over with his right knee raised to his chest. Most of his face is in shadow, but his chin rests on his knee, which he is holding with his left hand, and he glares at the viewer.
/end id]
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hekateanwitchcraft · 4 years
An Introduction to Worshipping Medeia
As a Hellenic witch, the worship of Medeia is an important part of my practice. She was a witch and priestess of Hekate, possessing nearly unparalleled knowledge of magic and poisons. I wanted to write this post to give some background on who Medeia is, her role as a witch and a priestess, and how I have come to honor her in my practice.
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Who is Medeia?
Medeia (Μήδεια) is given mainly two parentages, either Aeetes, son of Helios, and Eidyia, daughter of Oceanus, or Hekate and Aeetes. Hesiod offers us a description of the first, writing:
“To the tireless Sun the renowned Oceanid Perseïs bore Circe and King Aeetes. Aeetes, son of the Sun who makes light for mortals, married by the gods’ design another daughter of Oceanus the unending river, fair-cheeked Idyia; and she bore him the trim-ankled Medea, surrendering in intimacy through golden Aphrodite” (Hesiod 31)
Alternatively, Diodorus names Hekate and Aeetes as her parents, explaining:
“Perses had a daughter, Hecate, and she excelled her father in her brazen lawlessness...She was a keen contriver of mixtures of deadly drugs [pharmaka], and she discovered the so-called aconite. She tested the powers of each drug by mixing it into the food given to strangers...After this she married Aeetes and gave birth to two daughters, Circe and Medea, and also a son Aigialeus” (qtd. in Ogden 78)
Either of these parentages could make sense, but I personally observe the first.
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(Art: Medea by Frederick Sandys)
Medeia as the Witch Priestess of Hekate
One of Medeia’s most important roles in literature and myth is that she is a priestess of Hekate and a witch, being called “Medea of the many spells” (Apollonius of Rhodes 109). In most literature there is no way to separate these roles. 
She was extremely devoted to Hekate, Apollonius of Rhodes stating that “as a rule she did not spend her time at home, but was busy all day in the temple of Hecate, of whom she was priestess” (116). Euripides also writes that Medea says “I swear it by her, my mistress, whom most I honor and have chosen as partner, Hecate, who dwells in the recesses of my hearth” (Euripides 13). Clearly, the relationship between her and Hekate was very close, and it was said on occasion that she even learned magic from Hekate, Herself. Apollonius of Rhodes writes that “[t]here is a girl living in Aeetes’ palace whom the goddess Hecate has taught to handle with extraordinary skill all the magic herbs that grow on dry land or in running water” (123). Diodorus also claims this, but adds an interesting addendum that attributes to the character of Medeia:
“They report that Medea learned all the powers of drugs from her mother [Hekate] and her sister [Kirke], but her own inclination was the opposite. For she continually saved the strangers that put in from dangers” (qtd. in Ogden 79)
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(Art: Medea the Sorceress by Valentine Cameron Prinsep)
Regardless of the origins of her powers, they were no doubt incredible. Apollonius of Rhodes explains that “she can put out a raging fire, she can stop rivers as they roar in spate, arrest a star, and check the movement of the sacred moon” (123). In one instance Apollonius states that “the beautiful Medea spell through the palace, and for her the very doors responding to her hasty incantations swung open of their own accord...From there she meant to reach the temple. She knew the road well enough, having often roamed in that direction searching for corpses and noxious roots, as witches do” (148). This is clearly an indicator that her powers are incredible, but what is even more awe-inspiring is what Apollonius says happens next:
“Rising from the distant east, the Lady Moon [Selene], Titanian goddess, saw the girl wandering distraught, and in wicked glee said to herself: ’So I am not the only one to go astray for love, I that burn for beautiful Endymion and seek him in the Latmian cave. How many times, when I was bent on love, have you disorbed me with your incantations, making the night moonless so that you may practice your beloved witchcraft undisturbed!” (148).
Medeia is said to be able to actually banish the moon Herself from the sky, an unimaginable feat. This is indicative of the degree of power she possesses, having sway over nature itself.
She is most known to have used her knowledge and powers repeatedly to help Jason, her husband, on his quest for the Golden Fleece. The first instance of this was that she made Jason an ointment which would make him invincible. Apollonius describes this in length, writing that:
“She had twelve maids, young as herself and all unmarried...She called them now and told them to yoke the mules to her carriage at once, as she wished them to drive to the spending Temple of Hecate; and while they were getting the carriage ready she took a magic ointment form her box. This salve was named after Prometheus. A man had only to smear it on his body, after procreating the only-begotten Maiden [Hekate] with a midnight offering, to become invulnerable by sword or fire” (131-2)
He continues, detailing the ritual of how she obtained the plant she used to make this ointment:
“Medea, clothed in black, in the gloom of night, had drawn off this juice in a Caspian shell after bathing in seven perennial streams and calling seven times on Brimo, nurse of youth, Brimo, night-wanderer of the underworld, Queen of the dead. The dark earth shook and rumbled underneath the Titan root when it was cute, and Prometheus himself groaned in the anguish of his soul” (132). 
Here we see a process that is depicted often, the bathing of Medeia and her ritualistic harvesting of herbs. We also see her here call on Brimo (Βριμω), an epithet of Hekate, in Her role as nurse of the young (Kourotrophos/Κουροτρόφος), night-wanderer (Νυκτιπολος/Nyktipolos), of the Underworld (Χθονιη/Kthonia), and Queen of the Dead (Ανασσα ενεροι/Anassa Eneroi), indicating the importance of Hekate to her witchcraft. 
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(Art: Jason and Medea by John William Waterhouse)
A similar harvesting of herbs and roots is seen in fragments of Sophocles’ play The Root-Cutters. What we have of the play states that “She [Medea] covers her eyes with her hand and collects up the white-clouded juice that drips from the cut in bronze jars...the covered chests conceal the roots, which this woman reaped, naked, with bronze sickles, while crying out and howling” (qtd. in Ogden 83). Hekate is then said to be “crowned with oak branches and snakes” (qtd. in Ogden 83). Then the women chant “Lord of the sun and holy fire [Helios], sword of Hecate of the roads, which she carries over Olympus as she attends and as she traverses the sacred crossroads of the land, crowned with oak and the woven coils of snakes, falling on her shoulders” (qtd. in Ogden 83). In this short but incredible fragment we see that Medeia calls on both Hekate and Helios, her grandfather, to bless their ritual. We also see a repeat of incantations to harvest magical herbs, and an introduction of her association with bronze. 
Another one of Medea’s feats was charming the snake that guarded the Golden Fleece into a slumber. In the Argonautica, Apollonius of Rhodes writes:
“The monster in his sheath of horny scares rolled forward his interminable coils, like the eddies of black smoke that spring from smoldering logs...But as he writhed he saw the maiden take her stand, and heard her in sweet voices invoking Sleep [Hypnos], the conqueror of the gods, to charm him. She also called on the night-wandering queen of the world below [Hekate] to countenance her efforts...the giant snake, enchanted by her song, was soon relaxing the whole length of his serrated spine and smoothing out his multitudinous undulations...Yet his grim head still hovered over them and the cruel jaws threatened to snap them up. But Medea, chanting a spell, dipped a fresh sprig of juniper in her brew and sprinkled his eyes with her most potent drugs and as the all-pervading magic scent spread around his head, sleep fell on him.” (150-1). 
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(Medea and the Dragon by Maxwell Ashby Armfield)
She was also said to have killed the giant Talos, a gift given to Zeus from Hephaistos, with her witchcraft, specifically the Evil Eye. In this more horrifying passage, it is said that:
“[W]ith incantations, she invoked the Sprits of Death [Keres], the swift hounds of Hades who feed on souls and haunt the lower air to pounce on living men. She sank to her knees and called upon them three times in song, three times with spoken prayers. She steeled herself with their malignity and bewitched the eyes of Talos with the evil in her own. She flung at him the full force of her malevolence, and in an ecstasy of rage she plied him with images of death” (Apollonius of Rhodes 192). 
In this passage, she calls on the Keres, and with them is able to use the evil eye to bring immediate death to a direct creation of the gods. This is a horrifying feat, not only for the power it must require, but for her ability to kill in an instant. 
Finally, she also is said to have rejuvenated Jason’s father Aeson. In Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Jason pleads with Medea to take years of his own life to give more to his father, but she rejects him saying that Hekate will not allow such a thing to take place. Instead, she offers that through her witchcraft, instead, if Hekate is willing to help her, she may rejuvenate him. Under the full moon, Medeia performs the ritual. She calls on Hekate, Night, the Moon, and Helios to aid her in her task (126-7). A chariot drawn by dragons appears to her and she takes it to gather herbs harvested with her bronze scythe. After nine days and nights, she returns to Jason to perform the ritual. The ritual is extensive and is essentially repeated in full. She builds two altars, one to Hecate and one to Hebe. She also digs two ditches on sacrifices a black sheep into the ditches, also pouring wine and milk into them. She also calls on the “deities of the earth” which may mean deities of the land or chthonic deities, and Hades. Once she appeases these gods and goddesses, she spells Aeson to sleep on a bed of herbs and tells Jason to leave her to perform her magic. She then dips sticks into pools of blood and lights them with the flames on the altars, then purifying the man once with fire, three times with water, and three times with sulfur. 
She then adds many herbs, roots, and flowers to her bronze cauldron as well as “hoar frost gathered under the full moon, the wings of the uncanny screech owl with the flesh as well, and the entrails of a werewolf which has the power of changing its wild-beast features into a man’s. There also in the pot is the scaly skin of a slender Cinyphian water-snake, the liver of a long-lived stag, to which she also adds eggs and the head of a crow nine generations old” (Ovid 129). Then, she slits the throat of Aeson and replaced his blood with her potion, finally rejuvenating him. 
There is more descriptions of Medeia’s magical feats throughout literature, but these are simply some of the most detailed and famous. She is clearly a very powerful witch and a significant figure within the history of Hekate worship. With her bronze cauldron and chariot of dragons, she is quite awe-inspiring.
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(Art: The Sorceress by R. Willis Maddox)
Medeia’s Character
One of the issues we run into with Medeia’s mythos is her defamation and portrayal as a child-murdering and vengeful woman. She is indeed vengeful against Jason, and rightfully so, for he bade her to leave her homeland, murder her brother, and constantly had her aid him with her witchcraft, only to abandon her for another. However, Euripides’ tale of her brutally murdering her children has some criticisms from scholars who note that there are other versions of the tale. 
One such tale is that from Apollodorus who writes that “Another tradition is that on her flight she left behind her children, who were still infants, setting them as suppliants on the altar of Hera of the Height; but the Corinthians removed them and wounded them to death” (1.9.28). In the modern era, a scholar named Sarah Illes Johnston, author of Restless Dead and Hekate Soteira, also writes that Medea prays to Hera Akraia to make her children immortal, and Hera either declines or breaks her promise to fulfill this task, leaving the children to die (62-3). Johnston denies the implication of Medea in her children’s death, instead attributing it to circumstances outside her control or by the hand of another.
These different tellings of Medeia’s story fits with the Colchian princess who aids Jason in a much more believable way than the suddenly spiteful women who murders her children. This variation is less popular, the other being popularized perhaps to demonize magic and women of power.
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(Art: Medea by Eve De Morgan)
Worshipping Medeia
Now that Medeia’s character and mythological status has been discussed, I think it’s important to talk about how I actually go about worshipping Medeia. I worship Medeia in both divine and ancestral ways, which I suppose could be attributed to methods of hero worship in Ancient Greece. Worshipping Medeia can be done alongside Hekate and/or Helios, as well as alongside Kirke. If you observe the Mighty Dead or Witch Ancestors, she could also be worshipped alongside them.
Offerings for Medeia can include wine, frankincense, milk, honey, food, poisons, sacred plants, bronze artifacts, candles, snake parts or figurines and dragon figurines, artifacts of witchcraft, and even Hekate iconography. One could also offer her blood, but that is up to your personal discretion. 
Names and Epithets
Names/epithets I call Medeia include ‘Of the Many Spells,’ ‘Vengeful Maiden,’ ‘Witch Priestess of Hekate,’ ‘Medea of Poisons,’ ’She Who Knows All Herbs,’ ‘Giant-Slayer,’ one that could also be said of Hekate, ‘Princess of Colchis,’ ‘Granddaughter of Helios,’ ’Daughter of Sun and Moon,’ one I use to indicate her relationship to Helios and her devotion to Hekate, and Medea Pharmakeia, or Medeia of Witchcraft/Magic. 
Sacred Objects
Sacred plants of Medeia could include any poisons, juniper, olive, and aconite specifically. Sacred animals include dragons and snakes. Bronze is also sacred to Medea, as are cauldrons of any kind. 
Medeia can be called upon for justice and vengeance, especially for spells of justice and vengeance, witchcraft of any kind, to bless herbs, for gardening, for aid in Hekate worship, for the downfall of your enemies, for protection from harm, for protection from snakes, and for guidance in magic.
Prayers to Medeia
Prayer for Medea’s Aid in Witchcraft
Prayer to Medea for Vengeance
In conclusion, while Medeia may not be a part of the usual canon of hero worship, or worship in general, if you are a devotee of Hekate or Helios, worshipping Medeia might be right for you. Likewise, any witch who observes the Hellenic pantheon should give serious thought to venerating Medeia in their practice. 
Works Cited:
Medea by Euripides
Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Ancient Greek and Roman Worlds by Daniel Ogden
The Voyage of Argo by Apollonius of Rhodes
Theogony by Hesiod
The Library by Apollodorus
The Metamorphoses by Ovid
“Corinthian Medea and the Cult of Hera Akraia” by Sarah Illes Johnston
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(Art: Medea Casting Spells by Henry Ferguson)
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crystalnet · 3 years
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Dave Sim’s Spawn #10
Holy multiverse, Batman! This early (1993) issue of McFarlane’s Spawn penned by Cerebus creator Dave Sim is nuts! Kind of a fun read in the context of the upcoming Spawn “universe” that McFarlane/Image is launching in the post-issue-#300 landscape. This ish has a lot to say about artists’ ownership of intellectual properties and the hope that Spawn represented in the face of the Big 2′s mechanization of their corner of the industry. (Also, a lot of great, eerie art). 
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Spawn was coming up on its first full year of publication when this issue hit the newsstands, and McFarlane was celebrating by having some guest writers hop on for a one-off. Gaiman had introduced an angelic huntress Angela in the prior issue (#9) and Frank Miller would write a surely hard-boiled ish #11 after this. But here, Dave Sim in the form of his Cerebus aardvark was to be Spawn’s Vergil through an afterlife of meta-textuality of authorship and the capital-i Industry. 
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There’s this weird Plato’s Cave-esque metaphor where the creators of famed superheroes from throughout time are held prisoner at the mercy of the Industry because they Sold Out. Or something. It’s sympathetic of course-- as we know, people like Bill Finger (Batman!) had no say in the way that they were left without credit, not to mention control, and an actual finger(s) is pointed at Marvel and DC for controlling and withholding the fate and marketing of properties that shouldn’t belong to them in the first place.  
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I haven’t read any Cerebus so I can’t speak to that, but I assume this meta, noir tone is commonplace in that book. Spawn up to this point--even in the nightmarishly lucid fantasy romp of Gaiman’s issue-- has been dark, brooding and violent, but not exactly intellectual. A surrealist issue of commentary like this might make us question whether we are to read all of Spawn’s edge-lord grim-dark as actually deep metaphor. 
Then again, there’s still some Megadeth-style cheese. Even though the artists, creators and heroes-- which have inspired and paved the way for Spawn and McFarlane-- are all imprisoned, they are still able to blast Spawn full of their magical fourth-world Creativity energy. 
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There’s enough detail and intention to warrant reading into this metaphor somewhat, and a lot of heart behind the heavier-handed moments too. 
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It’s a little off-the-rails for me at the very end when some point is made that his daughter who isn’t actually his daughter is proof that Spawn isn’t sold-out. But uh, sure. And here we are a year or so short of three decades later and Spawn is about to have a big push. I would use the term “come-back” but that honestly isn’t right. Indeed,  Spawn enjoyed their big 300th issue a year and a half ago and even then it didn’t seem so much a surprise they made the big 300 and more just a confirmation that Spawn was more than just a 90s trend after all. 
Thus the issue takes on more resonance in this context than if, say, Spawn had been acquired by DC or Marvel at some point. Ironically maybe, this very issue would never be truly “acquired” by McFarlane himself, given the appearance of Sim’s aardvark. In fact, Sim sold re-drawn versions of this issue just last year (I’ll leave speculation about McFarlane ironically being stingy himself re the ownership of the parts of Spawn’s mythos that other writers like Gaiman brought to the table to others...). 
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And to be clear, I’m not saying that anyone is out here hyping all 300 issues and 3 decades of Spawn. It was never about telling the most well-written stories. But Spawn and Image Comics as a whole, and everything McFarlane, Jim Lee and Liefeld were trying to do back in the day during their big shift away from the Big 2 is still pretty endearing, and Spawn is emblematic of that pathos. Of course, the creation of Image ended up being less a departure from the Big 2, and instead re-insisted on the importance and autonomy of the Artist and Creator, so that these artists could eventually return to the Big 2 if/when they wanted. It amounted to a bit of a scolding in the end-- if not an important and due one that should continue to be heeded. 
Skip ahead a couple decades and a half and Image and Spawn have both stuck around. Hell, Invincible is currently airing on Amazon Prime, an Image property, created by the guy who also launched a little zombie universe that you might have heard of through the very same publisher! Alas Image opened doors for great creators like Rob Kirkman and by so doing became one of the Big’s itself in a way, and I guess that was always the idea. 
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And so now Spawn is launching a couple extra books for the first time in a while. Just because it can maybe? In the very first issues of Spawn, McFarlane was insisting on Image Comics as its own universe. The Young Bloods and Savage Dragon all kicking around on the same planet. While Grifter has wound up in the clutches of Gotham recently though (a new trophy for DC colonialism), perhaps Spawn itself has always been enough to sustain his own universe-- no forced, nonsensical Walking Dead or Invincible cameos needed. 
And by surviving into the 2020s, Spawn can prove that it was more than just the launch-pad for a franchise of (admittedly excellent) toys. And if naysayers say that a little too much of the 90s itself, hanging like an albatross on Spawn’s shoulder, would be an issue, well, they’re not wrong. The dude still evokes hair metal and speed-metal/thrash alike. Al Simmons reeks of cliche anti-hero power-fantasy and edgy, adolescent machismo, not to mention the actual whiff of molten slices of pizza at scuzzy after-school arcades, amid endless flashing neon screens of side-scrolling beat-em-up’s. [early ‘90′s]. 
But doesn’t the entire genre have the ghost of the Golden and Silver age haunting its every step? The Old Gods still loom so large, and likely always will. Our current stable of mainstream heroism pulls from the 30s through the 60s basically. Fantasies and fables of the Greatest and Lost Generations through to the Boomers. So, with that being the case, then I suppose Spawn can be the first classic “Bronze age" anti-hero main-stay, a gen-x product if there ever was one. And if you ask me, he made the Hall of Fame in record time. 
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whumpshaped · 2 years
Good evening. I haven’t been very consistent interacting lately because I have adhd and am on break. So anyways take the song that has been consuming my entire being as a queer person who gets gender envy from reclaiming religious imagery in a way many consider blasphemous: creature by half•alive
Listen. LISGEN. This song makes me foam at the mouth. Nearly decided to write poetry before I fucked around with eyeliner and instead did a gender makeup look inspired by this song. Just. Did you just ask me what my gender is?? My gender is creation both haunted and holy, made in glory.
Also I found this song on tiktok and a trans person said “the sculptor never told the marble it wouldn’t hurt” and I am FOAMING AT THE MOUTJ UOU DONT UNDERSTAND.
Jus. Jus. The sculptor never told the marble it wouldn’t hurt, but the marble never realized it would hurt to be carved out bit by bleeding bit into who they’re meant to be in the sculptor’s eye. The sculptor never told the marble it wouldn’t hurt, but is it selfish that the marble wishes they had? Anyways it’s nearly 2 AM and I should probably go to sleep ~🐸
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neworleansspecial · 3 years
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It's time for the year in review! Here's some statistics, some information, and some recommendations.
lesbianettes AO3 2021 Stats:
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prettyboyreyes Must Read 2021:
When the Party's Over
He's Ours
Favorite Non-Self Fics of the Year:
mercy, mercy (Put Me in Check) by @reindeer-reyes
All the Rumors are True by @lesbianbuck
Blogs to Keep an Eye On:
Looking Ahead:
"Blood on a Marble Wall"
Lucky (Black!AU)
"I am Creation Both Haunted and Holy (Made in Glory"
Carlos Whump Bingo (Continued)
Greatest Accomplishments:
Allusion (WTPO)
Characterization (Black!AU, WTPO, Dysregulation, He's Ours)
Continuity (Black!AU)
Imagery (Non-911 Content)
Original Works:
"Death of a Laughing Crowd"
"Pomegranate Juice"
"To Marry a Widow"
Followers to Blocked Ratio:
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trixree · 3 years
Creature Only
“I go where you go, you shebs’palon,” he says, fierce as a rancor. “If we go…” his eyes flicker over Beeps’ shoulder, to the vod sleeping oblivious mere feet from them. It seems impossible that anyone could sleep while Beeps’ whole universe is busy rearranging itself around the beskar-hard look in Ciryc’s eyes and the wet hitch of his breath when he confessed for the first and only time: I can’t. Beeps has never heard Ciryc say those words before. “If we go, we go together."
A continuation in the Creation Both Haunted and Holy universe for @arboreal-elm-ash-oak following Captain Beeps in the months after Cursod squad's transfer. Thank you for giving me the motivation and opportunity to keep writing in this world, Arboreal! <3 RATING: M, WORD COUNT: 11k+, CHAP: 2/3
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mimik-u · 4 years
“Homeworld Bound” Thoughts:
I wasn’t going to watch this one today, but then I realized that I really missed the Diamonds and wanted to consume novel content, so!
OOH, good on the show for taking us directly to the aftermath of “Fragments” instead of putting space between the episodes. That’s just... a really good choice narrative wise.
Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl’s expressions are so distressing here. He’s been gone for three days; they must’ve been so worried.
Jasper steps aside to reveal an absolutely ruined Steven.
He just technically killed a gem and then resurrected her. How intensely will that forever lie on his psyche? Oh my g od
“You can’t just disappear for days without telling us!”
Steven silent walking up to the Observatory as the Gems continue to freak the fuck out is harrowing. And Dee Dee Magno Hall is killing it with her voice acting here. The simultaneous fear and anger and horror in her voice. Oh my g d
“You guys... I love you, but you can’t help me anymore. I’ve been avoiding the only people in the entire universe who can.” 🥺 This is sad, but I’m also, like, problematic grandmas time!!!!!
“Find something better to do with your life.” God, Jasper’s look of disbelief and sadness here. I didn’t really delve into this during my “Fragments” watch because I was just roridoodwrjfkrkeke reeling, but her reaction to being accidentally shattered is psychologically devastating???? I’d wager that she simultaneously respects the fact that she’s been subjugated by a being more powerful than her, that she’s grateful to Steven for being both subjugator and savior, and likely, she’s conflating this new loyalty with her former loyalty for Pink. This is a really complex psyche (a tragic one most of all).
Garnet: “Steven, remember, we’ll always be your family.” I’m so fucki n emo
YO!! Homeworld has a democracy now!! The Zircons!!!!!!!
Can u imagine being a wall cursed with sentience. that is so funny on so many levels
But it’s also really interesting, too. If the Wall Gem is a gem in the way say Topazes are gems, which, judging by her mobility, she is—then her explicit purpose in Era 1-2, as molded by presumably Yellow, was to b a wall omg. (Or, arguably, I think it can be argued that the inanimate object Gems, like Comby, were probably accidental sentient creations, made in relationship to their proximity to the Diamonds during their various secretion rituals!!)
Anyway, I love thinking about Homeworld worldbuilding. It’s fascinating.
Her heart eyes!! She looks so happy!
Steven, angry af: “Spinel, what is wrong with you?” / Spinel: Oh, you know—the usual.” KEKDSKDK
Also, Steven really wanted to say fuck there. NEKDDKKSSKKS
“I was such a wreck then, but I am so much better now.” We stan character growth 😭😭
One thing I have loved the Crewniverse so much for doing is never taking away the physical signs of gems’ mental distress, even after they’ve gotten better: Blue’s eye bags, Volleyball’s eye, Spinel’s running mascara. That is so important.
(I’m sorry in advance. The rest of the live blog is just going to be screaming about the Diamonds.)
“I can permanently alter any physical form!” She’s so proud of herself. 😭😭😭 I fuckin’ love her.
Yellow laying down on the ground like that is SENDING ME SKSKSJSJ.
Ugh, and her being such a good mom to Spinel. I’m cry in f
“If anything’s out of proportion, it’s your temper. You can be big if you want to, or you can be small if you want to, but if you’re going to be upset no matter what, then this problem isn’t physical—it’s emotional. Go see Blue.”
I really like her advice here because it’s advice that comments so clearly on her own character arc. At her lowest, she was quick to anger, aggressive, and temperamental, which she diagnoses in Steven here. Additionally, she was the Diamond who was concerned largely with physical actions. She coped by maintaining the Empire through conquering planets and maintaining the minutiae of leadership; she thought the only way to receive justice for Pink was through the physical act of destruction. And in doing so, she pushed her own emotions deep, deep down until they manifested in anger, aggressiveness, and temperamental outbursts. This hurt the people she cared about, and it hurt herself most of all.
Also, “Go see Blue. That is her department.” Ejdoiddjdjjsjdjdks, “go see ur other grandma.”
“Your powers have been causing you dramatic mood swings? That seems awfully troubling Steven.” God I love her
“You don’t seem troubled.” This is a really interesting line because it comments on how Blue’s emotions, especially her negatively charged ones, used to be so visible all over her; indeed, she both wittingly and actively used to project them on other Gems, forcing them to feel her suffering, too.
“Back before you came into my life, Steven, I wanted every one to feel the pain I felt. I realized I must make up for my awful behavior by bringing joy to others.”
Another thing I’ve appreciated about the writing in this episode: So far, both Blue and Yellow have used the adjective awful to describe their former actions. It’s the self-awareness and the refusal to try to excuse themselves that powerfully shows how much they’ve grown. And it’s their continuous endeavors to keep moving forward, to help the Gems that they’ve hurt, that indicates that they’re willing to constantly keep growing and atoning.
Sick vape clouds, Blue
This is such a pretty line: “Cold palace walls, and endless empty halls, haunted by echoes of laughter.”
“I’LL NEVER MAKE YOU CRY.” This line is particularly lovely because I think it plays well with Steven’s line to her in “CYM:” “How many times did you make her cry?”
The way she sings the last “loving you.” 😭😭😭😭 I’m gonna weep. I love her so fucking much.
“I found happiness. If that's not something you think you deserve, then I suspect this is an issue of self worth. I suggest you go to White for assistance with such matters.” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 And like Yellow did, Blue gets to the heart of her arc cleanly.
Before Steven and before her own emotional reckoning, she didn’t think it was her place to be happy: “I know my purpose isn’t to be happy.” But in learning to love others, Blue has found true, inner happiness, which she literally shares with others. Wow.
And I think there’s something powerful in her distinction between true happiness and self-worth. You can’t find one without espousing the other.
White’s room is so pretty. 🥺
Steven’s horrified expression omg
“I’m scared I’m gonna hurt people; I guess I already have.” God.
And that’s another thing that this episode has called to mind. Blue, Yellow, and White alike once used their insane powers to hurt other Gems and to hurt themselves, and here, throughout this series, we see Steven discovering that same capacity for destruction and self-destruction. Along with the systematic oppressions they facilitated, a big part of the Diamonds’ modus operandi was that their powers were directly correlated to their mental states and their various inabilities to confront their own selves and effect inner change. The corrective wasn’t necessarily Steven; the corrective was him helping them to do that initial act of introspection and looking inwards. And so, too, will Steven have to do the same by the end of this series. But I presume that his family, all the people and gems who have loved and cared for him, will in effect be his Steven, just as he has always been for them.
“Half a Diamond, half a creature of Earth—in all the universe there's no one else that could know what you’re going through, so maybe it's time you talked to yourself.” This is so viscerally sad. White hits the nail on the head here. Steven’s human friends/family and his gem family and even the Diamonds, who come the closest to matching his own strength, can never fully understand him. It’s the tension that underscores a lot, if not the entire show.
White briefly touches Steven with her nail, and you can viscerally see the trauma on his face; he hasn’t forgotten her act above all, wrenching his gem out, nearly killing him.
“I’m... I’m a Diamond.” Steven, in looking at White Diamond, realizes that she’s a mirror of himself. Holy fucking shit
“I don’t want to be you! I don’t want to be anything like you!” HOLY FUCKING SHIT
“Don’t hurt me! She can’t hurt me! I’m controlling her...” And here, Steven doesn’t light upon the essential thing... in making White punch the wall, nearly knocking a huge rock into him, he’s the one hurting himself.
This show, oh my g o d
“She’s the one who should be afraid.” STEVEN?!!!!????!??!
“No, stop it! I don’t like this!” / “Please, you’re scaring me.” OH MY GO D
“What... what was that?” Christine’s delivery here. Holy shit. 😭😭 And both of them are surrounded in the carnage of Steven’s wrath. Holy fucking shit.
This act is fundamentally different than him accidentally shattering Jasper in “Fragments”; this was an intentional attempt to hurt White, to crack her, to break her. Holy fucking shit
Spinel, Blue, and Yellow waiting for Steven outside of White’s door has my heart a little and a lot tender 🥺🥺🥺🥺
SPINEL SINGING I CAN MAKE A CHANGE SO DRAMATICALLY DJDIDJDJDJDJD. (But yeah, lmao, this will absolutely be the conclusion of Steven’s arc at the end of Future.)
“Steven! Let us help you, Steven!” The Diamonds are so concerned (mirroring the Gems back at home, too). 😭😭
He leaves a flip flop behind like Cinderella lmao
“Steven, let us help you!” / “We’re your family!” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭����😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
And just as he implored the CGs, he tells the Diamonds not to follow him either.
Steven is completely and utterly alone.
Not by necessity.
But God, by choice.
Okay, this is my new favorite Future episode.
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letisnotonfire · 3 years
my top 5 half • alive songs based on how much comfort they bring me:
1- RUNAWAY: listening to it will usually make me stop crying or make me want to cry (but in the best way). It's kinda cathartic
2- What's Wrong: catch me screaming the chorus and living my best life
3- still feel. : no 🚫🙅‍♀️ intrusive thoughts 😫😤 when I'm singing this one💃🎶
4- arrow: comforting lyrics and a beat that makes me forget that I'm sad. Oh and "this heart is afraid to beat slowly" 😫🤌✨
5- creature: I'm not even religious but "I am creation both haunted and holy made in glory" you know???
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onetrainscifi · 3 years
1-15 for Melanie/Snowpiercer
Under the cut!
A song that reminds you of [character/ship].
This changes on the daily but currently it's Well-dressed by Hop Along
A song you always create [show/movie/etc] music videos for in your head.
Oh No! By Marina.
A song you wish was in [show/movie/etc].
Lena Hall's cover of Someone Saved Your Life Tonight.
A song you associate with a headcanon you have about [character/ship].
I Knew You Were Trouble (Taylor's Version) cause a, she is trouble, and b, it fits her and several others.
A song that you associate with [show/movie/etc] because of exactly one (1) applicable lyric.  Share the lyric!
creature by half•alive and the lyric is specifically "I am creation, both haunted and holy-made in glory"
A song you really want to make a [show/movie/etc] edit or fan art for (consider using this as an excuse to do so and share it!)
I would LOVE to make a full edit to This Is War by Thirty Seconds To Mars
A song your fandom constantly talks about fitting the [show/movie/etc.] perfectly but you just Don’t See It.
Uh...none? None as far as I know.
A song you think fits perfectly but no one else Sees It.
I also can't think of anything? Phanta by Le Tigre maybe.
A song you wish didn’t remind you of [character/ship] but it does.
Fucking Zydrate Anatomy from Repo! The Genetic Opera.
A song that makes you feel angsty about [character/ship].
The Beer by Kimya Dawson.
A song that makes you feel happy about [character/ship].
Darling by Halsey
A song you associate with your favorite character.
Cry by Ashnikko
A song you associate with your least favorite character.
Verbatim by Mother Mother.
Top five songs you would add to a [show/movie/etc] playlist.
1. I am not a woman, I'm a god by Halsey
2. Devil Town by Cavetown
3. This is War by Thirty Seconds to Mars
4. House of the Rising Sun by The Animals
5. A World Alone by Lorde
Top five songs you would add to a [character/ship] playlist.
1. Mama's Broken Heart by Miranda Lambert
2. Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off by Panic! At The Disco
3. Nightmare by Halsey
4. I/Me/Myself by Will Wood
5. Wet by Dazey and the Scouts
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