#they are a weird type in relation to me because we share all the same functions in the top 4
oiblackestsheep · 5 months
Letters to MBTI: ISFJ
Dear ISFJs,
Being an ISFJ is like saying "tell me you're the hardest worker in the room and get a fraction of the recognition you deserve without telling me".
You guys carry an incredible emotional load almost 100% of the time that tends to go unnoticed. This is in part because emotional labor in general tends to go unnoticed compared to other types of labor, and also because most of the time, ISFJs don't necessarily mind operating behind the scenes.
ISFJs love to do things the way they are "supposed" to be done, and to do the things that they know will help as many people as they can. And that is such a noble purpose to assume! Again, it is not what one immediately thinks, but ISFJs really do embody the "strong, silent archetype" in their own unique way.
They don't do things for the spotlight, and it shows. This makes ISFJs a great support person in a team environment, and great romantic partners and friends. One pitfall of ISFJs is that they could get a little too comfortable being a supporting team member and nothing more.
ISFJs need to remember that everybody is the main character in their own life and to treat themselves as such. There may be a tendency to rely too heavily on tried and true ways of doing things, and ONLY doing things for other people/the greater good. Remember to look inward and realize that you, too, have the capability to think of new ways of doing things that haven't been done before! Also that you can put your own, independent logical spin on why doing something is important.
It can be hard to grapple with, but sometimes the better decision isn't the one that makes everyone comfortable; sometimes it's the one that makes more logical sense. And it's okay if you struggle with that! Finding ways to become more confident in your ability to think of new ideas and implement them logically will actually allow you to appreciate your natural tendency towards standard operating procedures and doing things for the greater good.
This is because mastery both sides will prove to yourself that because you are capable of both, you choose to lean towards tried and true methods that help other people, not because you have to or aren't capable of anything else.
You may prefer to be a supportive team member, and that is a completely valid and necessary thing to be, but you are capable of being an effective leader with logically consistent, novel ideas that can be adapted into standard operating procedures that help everyone in the long run.
You are more than you think you are, ISFJs. You're more than everyone thinks you are. If you haven't already, you can tap into this potential to prove it to yourself and everyone else!
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byhees · 2 years
high-school boyfriend.
엔하이픈 ・ female reader + word count 1700 genre fluff established relationship high school au warnings not proof-read kissing skinship petnames mention of food, rain — more
a/n. revamped version ><
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even though you both aren’t in the same classes, he’d always try to spend as much time as possible with you; would often offer to walk you to your classes, despite his own being on the other end of campus; would walk you to and from school, even going as far as to take your usual bus to accompany you home— he’d be more than willing to take a detour, or four, for you; while walking you two might even take a break, and grab a few street snacks from nearby stalls.
if it were to rain, he’d tag along with you on your bus trip, wanting to keep you company— and to shield you from the downpour, because you had a tendency to forget your umbrella; playing little games with one another, because what better way to pass time than to carry out a raindrop race? “i bet two dollars that that raindrop will pass the finish line first”, and you’d be met with a, “hah, you’re so on. my bet’s on that one”; gawking at the window with such anticipation and excitement, unintentionally making brief eye contact with passers-by.
him draping his school blazer over your shoulders, so that you’d be warm in the midst of the chilly rain; “what’re you—“, and in an instant, he’d cut you off with, “nope, nope, no protests, baby”.
would purposely bump into you in hallways, just so he can say, “oh wow! not even fate can separate us from one another, babe”.
a little bit clumsy and forgetful, but he’s got the spirit! the type to go “huh, we had homework?” right before the teacher enters the classroom; being the very loving, amazing, stunning girlfriend that you are, you’d give him gentle reminders of the upcoming examinations and assignments.
little ‘tutoring’ sessions in the library; well, if you could consider giggling over absolutely nothing and doodling random animals on the side of your workbooks, tutoring?
would proudly show off his little bento boxes after every cooking club session; “look, babe! this is what we made earlier today, pretty cool, aye?”; and when you happen to forget your lunchbox, he’d scoot over to you, offering you half of his metal tiffin with a small smile. “good thing i made extras this morning! want a bite? i even got your favourites!���; is willing to give you his portion in a heartbeat. “don’t worry about me! i can manage, y’know? it’s more important that you’re well fed! after all, you’ll be busy later on, right bubs?”
given his love for maths, he would definitely have some liking towards little math-related pickup lines— in fact, he would’ve went out of his way to search ‘lines to absolutely blow my girlfriend away with my charms’; funny thing is that you’d actually get flustered over them.. one example would be the infamous 128 √e980 question; he’d ask you, in a very inconspicuous way, to solve it, no explanations given— and when you gaze at him with full-blown confusion, he’d cover half the expression, the words ‘i love you’ staring back at you.
the type to create weird code-names for practically everyone— shares it with you, and only you, because he likes the specialness of it; it’s a unique little way of communication that you two have.
would buy an extra portion of his usual sandwich, and leave it by your tabletop; “breakfast is very important, babe. can’t leave it out, m’kay?” he’d say, draping an arm around your shoulder to pull you close to his side.
would plant little kisses on your cheek before parting for class; “don’t miss me too much, baby!” he’d chime, a cheeky smile tugging on the corners of his lips.
would, very coincidentally, forget his textbooks nearly every day; he’d often come up to you with a pair of pleading doe eyes, and go, “babe..? i kinda need to borrow that calculus book again..”— it genuinely leaves you wondering if he comes to school empty-handed; whenever he hands the book back to you, he’d always mention one page in particular— “make sure you flip to page 233, okay?”; every time you do so, you wind up seeing a piece of folded-up paper tucked between the pages. unfolding it, it’d read something like ‘i love you my little mcmuffin’, or ‘it seems that you get impossibly more beautiful every single day’. alternatively, he’d do something like a post-it puzzle, where each post-it would be a part of a big picture.
would doodle little drawings on the corners of your notebooks; it might be a small portrait of you, it might also be a shaky drawing of shrek, you never know.
loves giving you his hoodies because he finds that you look really endearing in his oversized clothes; a bonus if his name is embroidered in the corner of the outerwear— never fails to bring a little smile to his face.
would be a little more shy in terms of his expressions of love; definitely the type to buy subtle matching accessories, like rings or bracelets, because he thinks that they’re pretty cute— gets ones that he thinks would compliment you the best.
has a whole candy, or chocolate, supply in the front pocket of his backpack, because he knows that you love snacking on little snacks when stressed; slides it on your table with a small smile— “here… for you, love”, and you’d simply melt right then and there.
the type to embrace you from behind, and nuzzle his nose into the nape of your neck, a bashful grin playing on the corners of his lips; “good luck for your exam, love”, he’d mumble, eliciting a soft giggle from you.
is so, so clingy; practically misses you 24/7, without fail. and he isn’t one to hide this, despite being in the middle of a class— in fact, he’s so criminally unsubtle with it as well; he’d be staring at your direction for ten minutes straight, clearly standing out from the rest of the class, whose heads are turned to face the whiteboard; gets caught by the teacher, and makes excuses like “oh, there’s a gigantic bee near the window”; would shamelessly pass notes to you in class— whispers to his seat partners to “give it to yn, please”. they’d probably say ‘i miss you so much, i can’t even concentrate’, or something along the lines of ‘were you formed by water eroding rocks over billions of years? because you are GORGE-ous’.
shares his earphones with you during lunch, or when you both are waiting for a bus by the bus stop; makes cute little playlists for you— titles them as words that remind him of you, like ‘pretty’.
has a habit of linking arms with you; being little menaces and walking down the hallways that way— “i’ll walk you to literature, how about that?” he’d ask, flashing a sweet smile, dimples making an appearance.
loves to bother you like it’s his favourite pastime; is seated right behind you in nearly every class, and so, he has the very amazing privilege to tease and bother you infinitely; “hey babe,” he’d lean forward, tapping you on your shoulder. following which, he’d tilt his head, leaning close to reduce the proximity between your faces. he’d then whisper into your ear, “wingardium leviosa”— and he’d just shuffle back to his seat, as though nothing had happened.
likes stealing your stationery, because he lowkey finds that irritated pout of yours, adorable; purposely holds it high up above his head, arm outstretching towards the ceiling, because he’s well aware of your height difference— another point to tease you with.
has a habit of planting soft kisses on your forehead— loves the way the corners of your eyes crinkle, and the way your lips curve up in the wake of a grin; loves resting his head on your shoulder because it makes him feel at ease.
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
This might just me being tired and dumb, but I kind of get how Ace having a more supportive family would lead to isolation? Like. People who have no family to rely on form their own, and that kind of bond can be beat by very little else. There's not only possibly shared trauma, but there's probably also a shared understanding that "we all we got". It gives a weird sense of hope to see someone else in your situation, someone who relates to you even a little bit, and you want more anything in the world for them to make it out and thrive, and you can trust that they want the same for you.
So with Ace, who's trauma (that we know about) mainly comes from association and the iverblot fights, it's a bit harder to make that bond. He (assumably) got all the love and support that he was supposed to get from his family. And yeah! Sure! He can still seek it out elsewhere! But it's a thing he already has, he already has somewhere to go at the end if the day for comfort.
This is actually a theme that I'm gonna play with in my 80s fic, Deuce is lower middle class, while Yuu is just a slightly glorified version if homeless. Ace is squarely middle class, if not upper middle, he never has to really want for anything. Not like Deuce and certainly not like Yuu.
Learning how to pinch for pennies and find deals are things that makes Aces life more convenient, but it's something that Deuce and Yuu need. And that's where the divide is.
He wants to take care of his friends (he's still in denial) more than anything, but he also feels like there's this weird line he can't cross, with him on one side and Yuu and Deuce on the other. It honestly doesn't help that Yuu has a separate, small friend group outside of him and Deuce that are all in the same "Shit is completely fucked right now but by God are we gonna make it out" boat. A boat that Ace will probably never be in. Ace loves his family and is grateful, and knows exactly how much he lucked out. But he still wants to have that bond. That "the world feels like it's ending but atleast we'll be going down together" type of bond. Comforting Yuu while they cry about not having heating in the winter will never be the same as having to suffer alongside them and know they were in this together. Trying to find the cheapest possible version of a food products with Deuce and discovering knock off brands that Ace would never imagine existing (who the hell made knock off cheerios?) Will never be the same as actually having to rely on those knock off and part time sales, and feeling a sense pride that they were able to save enough money this month that they could actually buy something nice. Ace probably won't ever be on that side of the invisible line.
He'll bring them to his side though. Ace wants to take care of them more than anything. He wants them in his life more than anything. And he'll have them. No matter what he has to do to make that happen.
Sorry if I missread your post and just dropped a huge angst bomb in your inbox! I just have thoughts and there are a lot of AceYuu and ADeuce moments in chapter three and one or two of them digs into this a little.
You didn't misread my post at all I swear we are sharing custody of a braincell because this is just *chef's kiss* exactly what I was thinking.
Having that solid middle class stability and parent's who genuinely love you and each other is nothing to be ashamed of, not that I think Ace has enough humility for that, but it does mean that he has a gap in his understanding for Deuce and especially Yuu's situation. I keep thinking about how he ended up eating those tarts because he skipped a meal over worrying about Yuu and their circumstances, he cares. He is crass and rude with it but he cares! I love how you say he'll bring them to his side of the line, that's exactly how I see him thinking about it.
Ace's isolation (in my view) seems to come from how much more he values his friendship with Yuu and Deuce over literally anyone else in the school. He'd benefit from talking to Jack and Epel more, they also have solid home lives and Jack at least I think has financially stable parents, but those guys aren't his people. For better or worse, for sickness or health, Yuu and Deuce are who he is sticking it out with. He'll never say it in game, but he really does love you both, in what way is of course up to the interpretation of the player.
but you know which one we both prefer frfr
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wutheringskies · 1 year
Wangxian is that dynamic: Rant Post
I personally think Wangxian is one of the most complete, compelling and near-perfect dynamics to ever be written. Like, think about it. All of our favourite pairings generally include one T (Thinking-type) and one F (Feeling-type), or both Feeling types as they are easier to relate to.
But then you have Wangxian - an ISTJ and an ENTP. Such... annoying personality types.
You have Lan Wangji, who's going to fight your procrastination for you. The guy who's stability personified and Mr. He Is Indeed Better, and then you have Wei Wuxian, who's going to argue his mouth off than take a hint; a little too aware of just how great he is and constantly onto the search for new angles of discovery.
Generally, these sort of personalities are put into the background while an INFP (or whatever) find love. These are the cliche best friends. But never the main leads.
But look at Wangxian!
Look at them being so smart together, sharing the same values. Look at Lan Wangji showing his anger by frosty, cutting words (just a few) or worse... utter disregard for you. The guy's going to glare at you with such frosty chill or go out of his way to ignore you. You're not going to get to him, and it's going to PISS you off.
Then there's Wei Wuxian and it's like...are you getting to him? Or, is he getting to you?? If you argue with him too much about his alleged failure and arrogance and quirks, he's gonna tap into them, and make you feel unstable. He's going to wield his flaws like a blade at you. You're going to just want to avoid him and the snark that filters in through his sunny disposition.
And... look at Wangxian taking the "scientific way" to sex.
"What am I supposed to do?" / I cannot believe I'm asking Lan Zhan for sex advice.
"Relax." / To the point answers only.
Also in the Extra, when discussing their CNC kink they go all the way into the story of how they're going to scene:
"So I'll do this and you resist and then I'll do this."
"Sounds difficult."
"Okay, let's switch positions."
Like... perfection??? Like go, find yourself a partner who's equally as weird as you and have your happy ever after with them: accomplished.
Not just that but the aftermath of the bichen incense burner:
"I have never been treated like this before."
"Mn." (fond smile)
"I'll chop you if you do that again."
Like... how easy is it to communicate ? Without any fears, without any remnant feelings, without guilt - how easily they understand each other.
And not Wei Wuxian showing his love by gifting Lan Wangji a numerous weird things, and constantly talking about exactly what he loves about Lan Wangji. Not Lan Wangji doing every sort of act of service for Wei Wuxian (and Wei Wuxian allowing it), and being calm but not quiet with his words.
"It is as it is" - loving Wei Wuxian is a fact for Lan Wangji, backed up by his actions.
They never go out of their way to think of certain events differently. Perhaps, that's what takes them so much time and 2 life times to get together. Because, hell, it's obvious to us. But you're telling me Lan Wangji wouldn't stand up for anyone who's in the right and framed incorrectly? He totally would. Lan Zhan is just that nice. Similarly, Wei Wuxian is also just that nice.
He took a brand for Mianmian. He couldn't remember her for a minute afterwards. He saved Su She. Twice. He has no idea who Su She is. So, yes. He did a lot of things for Lan Wangji but what is he supposed to be?
I love how their relationship is built upon a pact of no apologies and no thanks. Loving each other isn't a duty, a responsibility or a debt. It is just natural. There's nothing to be repaid. There's only things to discover together.
You don't need to thank me because thanking means you recognize my effort as helping you, but you are not required to - as it is the nature of things. I will help you. You will help me. We will never measure who helps each other more. You don't need to apologize for your actions, because I trust that you will not do wrong unto me. Never by intention.
And, let's talk about how they gravitate towards each other ?? Lan Wangji sitting in Gusu thinking about Wei Wuxian and his lotus seeds and stems theory. Wei Wuxian sitting in Lotus Pier thinking of Lan Wangji. Analyzing every word the other has said, thinking back to all that they have done for each other, lingering not on the pain they have caused each other but the happiness, and you know, that they'll be able to talk about the pain, through the pain, because they are people rooted in the present.
I imagine just how insane it would be for Wei Wuxian, the no golden core until the age of 9 to head disciple to one of the strongest cores to the reason why Yunmeng Jiang win every night hunt event at Discussion Conferences, to lock swords with Lan Wangji and feel, "Ah, this is an equal. This is a new puzzle to be solved. This is a cabbage to be pricked (canon)."
And for Lan Wangji, who's equated insolence and disobedience with poor performance to suddenly come upon someone who appears larger than life, raking up answers and top spots in tests, and duelling as an equal yet never adhering to the rules, finding loopholes and shaking up Lan Wangji's whole dimension.
Another thing I really love is how Lan Wangji isn't, like, his uncle. Or his brother. He isn't his uncle in the ways that he allows himself to break rules when they don't align with the rules he considers superior - his moral calling. His hanguang-jun-ness. He absolutely loves rules; he does; and he loves his stability but he's not afraid to embrace change if it is required.
And, Lan Zhan just isn't his brother. He doesn't like you? Trust, you're gonna know. He thinks you're stupid? It's going to be translated across. He's not going to appease you, or make his presence or his wishes lesser to comfort you. He is his own person (which is so similar to how Wei Wuxian is; like poor boy was punished all the time for being himself, at Lotus Pier by Madam Yu, and yet he never downplayed his talents. He never bowed down.)
And I think it's obvious just how well Lan Wangji knows how worthless words can be if they're not followed with actions. Similarly for Wei Wuxian, he speaks a lot. But he does do what he speak. Protect Jiang Cheng? He will. Fight for Lotus Pier? He will. Protect the Wens? He will absolutely.
Thus, you see, as a couple they will never have to face those sorts of arguments where someone seriously states how they feel about A event but behaves differently when they can do something about it. As a couple they will never have to worry about the other not being themselves. Compromising is one thing - pretense is another. Wei Wuxian compromises and doesn't try to break rules. Understands that he's going to insult Lan Wangji's position by acting out. Lan Wangji compromises and breaks some rules for him. They both compromise and take care of each other's needs and habits to cohabitate together successfully, and at the same time, there's no pretense. No lying. No manipulation. No "I'm fine when I'm not."
Think of them going to night hunts together, with Wei Wuxian's easy brilliance and Lan Wangji's easy dependency. Like that guy, is strong and capable enough to protect Wei Ying. He knows that. Wei Ying knows that. The cultivation world knows that.
Think of how both of them are such healthy adults and loving to children. Lan Wangji isn't a cold dad and Wei Wuxian isn't an irresponsible one. They're both so very capable.
So, my point is - Wangxian is perfect. I will die on this ship.
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janesgms · 1 year
Astro Notes - 08
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✨️ General Edition ✨️
I hope this makes sense but having venus overlays in the houses related to your venus sign is one of the best placements to have in a romantic relationship, even if is not a house known for being romantic. For ex: there's a boy I'm getting to know who's a gemini venus, and i am an aquarius venus, his venus falls in my 11th house and my venus falls in his 3rd. These 2 houses are known for friendships but in this case they work differently and we have a lot of chemistry and lovey feelings for each other, far from being a friendly connection!
In my experiences, having moon conjunct moon is a total hell to me. There's just a lot of "emotional" tension who gets unbearable most of the times and you can be so similar that you don't understand each other and may hate each other. I think this placement at its worst is a war of egos 24/7. Also being deeply hurt by anything the other do, you may feel much more emotional than the usual. But idk bc every placement works differently for everyone. And this can be similar to moon opposite moon, even though I still prefer moon opp moon over moon conjunct moon.
HOWEVER, having moon in the same sign but not in a conjunction is such a paradise to me, it's truly a blessing to have in any type of relationship because u understand each other in a very nurturing way, so sweet, you feel at ease with this person.
And talking about moon, the sweetest thing to have, even if cliche, is definitely moon trine moon or moon in the 4th house overlay, it's way better than conjunctions or oppositons, because these two are very intense and may never end well, even if you felt like you've found a soulmate at first, it's truly karmic, but with the moon trine moon/moon 4H overlay is so good, specially if they are in the same synastry >>>
Moon 7H overlay it's a weird feeling for me as the moon because i feel so appreciated by the house person. The house person usually sees the moon person like an inspiration, and they find the moon so but SO perfect at everything, you have no idea, sometimes i even get shy. If you're looking for someone who worships you or just really compliments you naturally then find someone who has their 7th house in your moon sign (thank me later). Also i feel like the 7th house person do not see any imperfection in the moon person and can help them to overcome their insecurities. When I'm the house person, I even get jealous at the moon person because they're treated literally like royalty. Just remembering that this also depends on other aspects and the whole synastry guys bc the 7th house can be a tricky one, so don't come at me later, but for now I'm loving it
Something interesting is that i keep attracting guys with cancer/pisces venus or mars and i literally have pisces venus and cancer mars in my mars persona chart 🤯 pls leave me alone i don't want uuuuuuu,,, jk but i think this is cause I need to deal better with this energy internally so they're necessary for my jouney 🔪🔪
Now talking about the apocaliptic 8H and 12H synastry. There was a guy I've had something with, I'm gonna call him T, so T has his venus/asc/SATURN!!!! in my 12th house and mars/uranus in my 8th house, and i have my moon/mc/juno in his 12th house and venus/chiron/neptune in his 8th house, and let me tell you this was one of the most painful things i've went through, this person left unhealable scars in me, and the worst is that it seemed like a fairytale to me most of the times. So, summing it, this synastry is hella karmic and can be dangerous to your mental health if you're not careful, but everyone needs to go through it to learn something in this life so we have to move on. But i'm not saying it is terrible all the time because it depends on both people's maturity, I just had the bad luck of sharing it with a heartless person, and I was the one hurt in the end 🖤 but anyways life goes on i still cry to this date thinking about T
Talking about karmic relationships, i believe South Node in 4H in synastry is a huge indicator of past life conections, or just a comfortable feeling generally if not this kind of connection, so that can explain why you can attract certain ascendants more than others. For ex: I always attract cancer ascendants and my south node falls in their 4th house
Another ascendant I attract a lot is sagittarius but this ain't good always because they can be so stressful when underveloped. And this can be to the fact that my sun/mercury falls in their 1st house and my moon falls in their 7th house so they feel pulled to me in a sense? But as you all must know these overlays can be super superficial at times and I don't enjoy it always as the planet person... But overall I still love my sagittarius risings most of the time <3
There's something so sweet about Taurus Mercuries when they're talking that i find it underrated, yes everyone talks about how they have sensual voices but sometimes they're just cute. There's an undeniable charm in the way they talk like i just want to hear them talk all the time (this applies to both vedic and western)
Now to be honest one of the best placements for physical enchantment in synastry is ASC in the 5H overlay, as the asc person i just feel so much attracted to the asc's appearance and aura it's crazy, but i wanna experience it as the asc person too (hey aries risings how u doin)
This one's also a cliche but all of the twins i know have at least one placement of their big 6 in gemini! also as a gemini moon i've always attracted a lot of twins in my life and i've always wanted to have twins, still a dream though. But it runs in my mom's genetics since in her family there are thousands of twins so i still have chances guys!!
Not to brag or anything because i say it basing on other sag mercuries I know *yes we apparently attract each other like moths to flames lol*, but sagittarius mercuries are so fun to talk to when they want to, and specially online, they text like the most excited person ever with a lot of emojis and all of that, also their laugh are always gonna be loud or straight funny, be it personally or virtually. But i realize we only do that to who we really like and obviously the house placements also matters!! But yes independtly of anything ALL (I really mean all of them) sagittarius mercuries always want to be right and have the last word even if they know they're obviously wrong
Aries venus in the composite chart is so hot. Like i know it's in detriment but is just really fun and fiery to experience, specially if the house is favourable. Also, a lot of sparks coming out from each other when they're together and a palpable chemistry, everyone ships you two so get together already damn
Aquarius mercuries and their diction that makes them look like they're talking a language from another planet sometimes. Also, they seem like they're always talking weird things all the time, in a good way of course, I love them my babies! Also, they always seem to know random facts about literally everything and they have such a diverse taste for music, movies, ANYTHING. But they can be very misunderstanded sometimes because they're not gonna say what people expect them to say. But anyways aquariuses and sagittariuses always seem to get each other because they have similar tastes.
7H placements are people pleasers to the point where is destructive to themselves, but they can't help it, it's in their nature to do this. They all need a hug right now I love you, please take care of youself more and learn how to impose your boundaries, it's for your own health (a self-criticism)
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stay with this dancing lady right here guys bye (me in the next party)
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celestie0 · 2 months
First time asker but long time reader 😭 I’m sorry that you got that shitty ask. It’s such a weird fucking thing to ask someone “hey when are you making these two fuck?” like… does that not feel weird to type out?
The gojo x reader tag has at least 5 explicit smut fics minimum daily, go read through those if you genuinely need sex in everything you read (it’s time to reflect on the porn addiction you have).
Regardless, I’ve been reading your fics on Ao3 and I absolutely LOVE the banter between gojo and reader 😭 it flows so fucking well I can feel the chemistry radiating from my screen. When I first started reading IHM, I was also an ancient hag like reader (29) so I found myself able to really relate to her. Usually when I envision Y/N, it’s a random person in their place but with this fic specifically idk why I lowkey insert myself? Everything she does, I would probably do the same and it makes me nervous (in a good way) that I’m gonna get attached to gojo and y/n’s relationship 😭
I absolutely love how gojo provides the security Y/N so desperately needs in the span of the fic. She has been suffocating on her own for so long that he just provides some fresh air. Dare I say meant to be?
The domesticity is everything and I like how we’re learning more about him alongside Y/N. So far we’ve seen just how supportive gojo has been and I’m excited to see how y/n comes through for him because my spidey senses (and your amazing writing) shows me that he has some baggage and it might resurface soon.
The build up to them realizing they love each other is making me giggle and kick my feet. I will happily eat whatever you feed us, thank you for sharing your writing with us. You absolutely have a talent for writing and fleshing out characters/relationships.
I appreciate you and will do my best to support you vocally from here on out 🥹 have a great week pls!
hi my love!! first of all thank you SO much for this supportive message, i srs teared up when i read it 😭 idk if that’s embarrassing to admit lololdjfsdfh but yea omg yesterday was rough so i can’t tell u how much it means to me
i agree on the porn addict thing omg like i love smut as much as the next person, but likeee to go into an author inbox after they just posted a 14k chap of their fic n say “are we gonna get smut soon?” like 💀 that’s sortaaaaa. i’m getting porn addiction vibes
aaaaaaaa i’m so happy you’re enjoying the banter in ihm :’’) and that you’re able to see yourself in reader’s shoes!! that’s such a wonderful thing n one of the aims of my writing ♥️ ♥️ also pls 29 is not ancient hag oml i mean there will be lots of rhetoric in ihm where reader thinks she’s old but like ultimately i want the message of the series to be that it’s never too late to start over and find happiness & joy :) i think that really applies to everything and everyone. and ahhh yes there will be some pretty angst stuffs BUT there will be happy ending <33
yes ihm gojo def got some baggage 😂😂 i need my men like that LOL. but thank you so much for being excited to see how reader comes through for him as well!! i know she’s going through a lot on her own, and that can sometimes cause her to neglect the things outside of her…but i think she has capacity to really be there for him too
oh my dear i really am so lucky to have you as a long time reader and i’m so grateful to hear your thoughts, but also please send them whenever you want to and without pressure <33 i will eat it tf up if/when you do but yea xD never feel burdened to! you have a wonderful week as well omg imma eat u fr
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bubblegumrush · 1 year
S𝕖𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕥'𝕤 𝕠𝕦𝕥⌇𝙼𝚊𝚔𝚘𝚝𝚘 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚠𝚊 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛⌇𝖬𝗒 𝖫𝗈𝗏𝖾 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒!!
Chapter One
You might have been born in the same womb. But when it came to looks and personality, you two were nothing alike. Your brother, Takeo Gouda, was strong and manly, almost like a gorilla; he might even start to resemble one. He’s also sweet and caring. So, you often wondered how you were related. Since you looked nothing like him, and you were nothing like him. 
You might have been twins, but that doesn't prove anything. At least not to you. Your dad likes to tell you how sweet and kind you are and that you’re the sweetest girl in the world. And your mom always tells you how such beauty and grace was born out of her stomach. That, in the womb, you stole all of Takeo’s beauty, so that’s why your beauty shines brighter than anybody else’s. 
You and Takeo share the same golden heart, but you just won’t admit it. In your head, you're trying your best to be like Takeo—kind and selfless; otherwise, you would never feel part of this family. You’re so in your head that the thought of being kind out of your own volition was impossible to believe; you did it to be like Takeo, not because you’re nice. 
You and your brother were close, but as you grew older, you grew further and further apart. You used to be able to read him like a book, but now it seems like you guys are just not in sync anymore. Nevertheless, you knew something had changed in him these past few days. He’s been acting skittish, always daydreaming during dinner, laughing to himself, and telling you how happy and fulfilled in life he has become.
"How weird..." you said to yourself, looking at Takeo enthusiastically typing on his phone.
Suddenly, he got up and exclaimed, "I’m heading out!" He shuffled quickly to get up and head towards the front door to put on his shoes.
"Hey, wait up!" You blocked the door with your body, ready to interrogate him. "Where do you think you’re going?"
He took a minute to come up with an answer, starting to sweat from the tension, as lying was something he had trouble doing. "Umm... to meet up with some friends?" He questioned, not sure if that was the answer he wanted to go with.
"You don’t seem so sure for someone who was excited to go out a second ago." You pushed even more.
You could see the sweat drop from his face; he was clearly hiding something, something he clearly wanted to tell me but was not sure if he should.
His face was turning red from biting his lips so hard that he forgot to breathe. 
"You breathing?"
He shook his head, scared that if he spoke, he would spill out his secret.
"So, is it a girl?"
All of a sudden, he started coughing profusely, saying, "I-i got to go!" He let out while dying in his shoulder.
He lifted you up, plopped you away from the door, and quickly rushed to put on his shoes.
 You grabbed him by his shirt, making him stop what he was doing. "Takeo, wait."
He looked at you, his face still full of sweat, as he felt that you were going to interrogate him even more. "Y-yes" He managed to let out.
"Look, I get it. You have things you don’t want people to know, especially your family. But please, Takeo, remember that I’m your sister, your twin sister. I’m always here if you need me; I’ll never turn you away." You said it confidently, seeing if he'd fall for your words. You did mean what you said, of course, but this has been going on for too long for you to not pull out the ‘we are family’ card.
He gulped as he decided whether or not to tell you. "Y/N…"
"Yes!" You exclaimed, ears wide open.
"Yes, Takeo?"
"I-I’ve got to go!" He said, getting out of the house. "But I promise, I promise, I’ll tell you soon. Very soon, Y/N!"
He left you dumbfounded—dumbfounded by the fact that even after you pulled out the irresistible card, he didn’t tell you.
Something smelled fishy, and you had to know!
You run up to Sunakawa’s house, which is just next door, just like Takeo would usually do. You barge into his room without knocking, surprising him since he expected Takeo and not you."Sunakawa! You have to tell me what’s going on with Takeo!"
He put down the book he was reading and let out a sigh. He promised Takeo he wouldn’t spill the beans and would let him tell her at his own pace, but this has been going on for too long. He’s been tortured for too long by dealing with his shtick. From being dragged along to a mixer to getting used like a kissing doll, he had enough of Takeo’s buffoonery.
"I can’t; I promised-"
"C’mon, you can’t leave me out of this." You pleaded, kneeling down in front of him as he sat in his desk chair. "I’m your best friend’s sister; I’m your only friend’s sister. You can’t tell me that doesn’t mean anything?"
He seemed slightly annoyed that you had to mention that he only had one friend. "Fine, but you can’t tell Takeo I told you."
You sat, legs crossed, in front of him, listening carefully to what he had to say. You and Sunakawa had a very weird relationship. You obviously knew him from childhood, but that didn’t exactly make you friends. It was more like acquaintances who've known each other for more than a decade. Well, I guess you two were more than acquaintances…
"So…?" You waited as he thought about whether or not he would tell you. But finally, he decided to tell you, after a long sigh of disappointment in himself for letting him cave to you. "He has a girlfriend."
"…" You shot up from where you sat and gasped very loudly, "Really!?"
You gripped his arms and shook him. "Does he really!?" You pulled him closer to your face, awaiting his answer. Eyes staring deeply into his, patiently awaiting his answer.
He gave out a small chuckle, laughing at your antics, and said, "Yes, really," and gently pushed away.
"Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to..." You apologized, realizing how you might have made him uncomfortable with just how close you were.
"No, it’s okay. But don’t forget. You did not hear this from me."
"Of course, I would never betray you."
"Sunakawa told me." You let out a sigh as you felt a glare behind you for betraying a promise.
All three stood in the living room as you confronted Takeo about his so-called girlfriend’.
Takeo shot a glare towards Sunakawa, who stood behind you, and as he did, he looked away, pretending not to notice his look.
He still doesn’t know why he told you because you clearly can’t keep a secret to save your life, just like your brother.
"Sorry, I couldn’t keep it in." You looked back at Sunakawa. "But you! You can’t keep this kind of secret from me!" You stated this disappointedly, turning back towards your brother.
"B-but Y/N, I didn’t know how you would react…"
"What do you mean?" You shrugged your shoulders, looking away, feeling slightly guilty.
"Remember that time when you fought a girl because she liked Suna over me?"
That wasn’t the only reason you fought her…
"Meh, I was six. You can’t blame me for sticking up for you. You were saying that you were in love with her. And she rejected you and went for your best friend. In my opinion, she deserved everything that came to her." You said that, proudly remembering that fight.
"And that time when you cursed at a girl because she said I was weird."
"Well… That was five years ago, when I was eleven. How can you blame me for standing up for you? That girl had no right to call you that; only I can." You confidently stated this, slowly starting to see where he was coming from when he said he didn’t know how you’d react.
He had a huge smile on his face when, suddenly, you got tackled into a bear hug. "Oh, Y/N. I love you so much. You’ll definitely be the first to meet Yamato!" Lifting you off your feet and swaying you left and right.
"Can’t…breath…" You mumbled, your life flashing before your eyes.
He freed you from his arms, letting you breathe. "Tomorrow! You’re going to meet her tomorrow!" he said, holding your hands and jumping up and down like a little kid. "I’ll go see her right now and tell her! She’ll be so excited!" He squealed, running off to go see his girlfriend.
"Well, that wasn’t so bad, was it?" You turned around towards Sunakawa, who still looked disappointed at you for calling him out. "I’m so sorry. I promise I couldn’t keep it in; I just couldn’t lie to my brother. Could you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?"
You walked closer to him, giving him puppy eyes. He took a step back as he was stunned by how close you were. "Y-yeah, of course."
"Good, cause I don’t want to have bad blood between us." You said this, relieved from the thought you may have upset him.
"Well, it’s not like I didn’t expect it. You’re a bad liar; I can’t really blame you." He insulted you casually, probably because of the earlier comment about him having no friends. "But I’m not sharing with you any more secrets; you can’t be trusted with that big mouth of yours."
He looked at you with a slight smirk. "Wha-? I wouldn’t go that far. I mean, bad liar, maybe. But not sharing with me your secrets? I’m offended." You smirked back.
"Offended?" He questioned, moving closer to you. "Sure, I’ll share with you a secret, but you can’t tell anyone." He leaned down at you and looked you straight in the eyes.
You started to sweat, nervously laughing as you avoided his eyes. ‘So close…’ you thought, your cheeks slowly turning red.
He opened his mouth and slowly whispered, "I’m going home."
He stood back up straight, a smirk still plastered on his face.
"What? Wait, that wasn’t even a secret-"
He walked toward the door, ready to leave. "Hey! I’m not finished." You ran up to him.
He turned around for the last time and smiled at you before leaving home for the apartment next door.
"Jerk" You murmured under your breath as he left.
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katyspersonal · 3 months
More SOTE progress!
1) Met some red bear in the lake, failed to kill it, also met Leda again! I decided to give up on that location skill issue lol and go explore previous one instead
2) Speaking of Leda, I found a set like hers!
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Where cape though...? 🤔
3) I was really surprised to find a friendly Kindred of Rot:
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I was sharing various observations with @val-of-the-north along the way and asked WHAT, also HOW, so he said he also didn't know. + he also added that he didn't know whether he dropped anything unique or not since he never killed him, to which I instantly said "I'll do it. For science." Vgfghggb Well,
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The guy never aggroed and never attacked me once ;-; It felt terrible to kill him ;-; Worst experience ever. (Also no, he doesn't drop anything unique)
4) @val-of-the-north made a post about it already I believe, but there is actually a secret near this guy: a circle of greenish spirit graves that hide a weird variant of Larval Tear:
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The thing is? They are only visible at night!! We found out together because Val went at night and I went at day and I haven't seen anything XD
5) I thought that if there is a Larval Tear nearby, maybe this Kindred of Rot is not Kindred of Rot after all, but was reborn as one so that's why he isn't hostile, but I was wrong as there was another one on the bath to Cerulean shores(?)!
6) So apparently Messmer soldiers and Knights do the same type of stomps as Godfrey and Crucible Knights 👀 Maybe I was right about him being a child of Marika and Godfrey after all? Just not the 'golden lineage' one!
7) Was really surprised to see Godwyn-related stuff!!
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So basically I have a normal screenshot that isn't a phone for later, but here you fight boss Knight of Death who doesn't deal Deathblight, however has a grab attack where he recovers a lot of his HP by stealing it from you :p He drops these weapons and this medallion, so yeah, he is one of Godwyn's best Knights! This is cute how Godwyn gave his best Knights a medallion of red Erdtree's sap styled with a flower! But yeah... apparently his Knights went into Realm of Shadow after Godwyn was assassinated, presumably for that Eclipse thing?
8) Speaking of colorful Erdtree sap, was surprised to find this variant:
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9) Ansbach also gave an interesting dialogue regarding cross where Miquella abandoned his eye, continuing that theme with how one's eyes is one's very essence of gold and fate, especially for Empyreans *looks at two new eye items with Marika's rune I found yesterday* *looks at Melina, Messmer and Ranni with sealed eyes*
Really excited to explore blue and red shores now!! Also two-parter because Tumblr is back on its '10 images per post' bullshit for some reason fvfgbggh
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arminreindl · 1 year
Prehistoric Planet Croc Ideas
So this was a thing I did on Twitter in anticipation of Prehistoric Planet. Obviously crocs (in this case meaning crocodylomorphs) were a pretty massive part of earth's fauna during the late Cretaceous, and seeing as the first season featured NONE I came to speculate which taxa could hypothetically make an appearance. Now part of the challenge for myself was to come up with a new, interesting contender every day in anticipation of the show's release, each based around the confirmed episides we had and restricted purely to taxa from the Campanian and Maastrichtian. While it took a lot of energy, I did manage to do so. Hell, halfway through they dropped the reveal of Simosuchus, which I had saved for later.
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Obviously we didn't get much still, but I'll regardless post my list of candidates and ideas here, perhaps third time's the charme for a lot of these (tho for convenience I'm still ordering them by S2s episode titles). I'll also try to break them apart roughly by biome, starting with islands. PS: I'd love to hear which crocs people would have loved to see themselves. Any on this list or stuff I didn't even mention? Let me know I'm curious.
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We got a shit ton of island crocs from the Cretaceous actually, which you can broadly divide into two categories. The crocodiles of the European archipelago as seen in the top row. Featuring the small, possibly shellfish eating Acynodon (art by Adramelech89), the incredibly widespread Allodaposuchus which did have some possibly semi-terrestrial forms (art by Alejandro Blanco, Aina and Agnès Amblás) and Aprosuchus, a tiny terrestrial critter from Hateg (art by @knuppitalism-with-ue). They already give a nice diversity between tiny durophages with blunt snouts, large, more traditional crocs and lanky land species.
The other island category concerns Madagascar, which had a lot of attention in season 2. Discounting Simosuchus, we got Araripesuchus tsangatsangana (art by Scott Hartman) and Mahajangasuchus (art by Mark Hallet). Both are really cool. The former is yet another smaller terrestrial species that may not actually be part of Araripesuchus, while the later is a massive, 4 meter relative of the famous Kaprosuchus that took to the water independently from all other crocs and has been nicknamed "Hippo croc" for its weird skull. Really I'd have loved to seen an episode entirely dedicated to this place.
Next up we had the badlands episode, which oh boy has a lot of contenders from the clade Notosuchia. Brace yourself.
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Here again I could split these in two categories. The first is just general badland taxa. There's Ogresuchus for example, from Spain's Tremp Formation (art by Aina and Agnès Amblás). A relatively small sebecid found in a sauropod nesting site. And we all know what PhP does with baby sauropods. Or the long-necked Gobiosuchus (art by @yoofilos) from Mongolia, which may look like its related to the other ones in this category but actually is a far more ancient type of croc.
The far bigger group concerns South America's Notosuchians. ALL OF THESE are from the Bauru Group, with some even from the same single formation. You got Stratiotosuchus (again by Joschua Knüppe), a large terrestrial baurusuchid that filled the nische of mid sized carnivore in an environment shared by sauropods and abelisaurs. There's Pissarrachampsa (by Felipe Alves Elias), another baurusuchid I decided to feature because we have evidence of a nesting site that shows they only had few eggs. A great opportunity to show their tender side. Uberabasuchus (justin_an74), part of the bizzarly proportioned peirosaurids. Adamantinasuchus (by Deverson da Silva), a small, lanky Notosuchian and of course the heavily armored omnivore Armadillosuchus (by the ever talented Júlia d'Oliveira). Hell you could do a full episode just on the foodweb of the Bauru Group (Godoy et al. 2014).
Then there's swamps, which I'll just use to dump all the crocs that don't fit into the other categories.
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As you'd expect, freshwater would be ideal for crocs with a more traditional semi-aquatic lifestyle, here represented by three forms. Jiangxisuchus (image by Li et al. 2014) is a paralligatorid, which are tiny crocodilians from the Cretaceous and Paleogene of east Asia. We honestly don't know what they are, some say alligator relatives, others say they are closer to crocs. But its small and cute. Then there's Roxochampsa (artist of the model I couldn't find), which looks suspiciously crocodilian but is actually a relative of Uberabasuchus from the badlands, hell it appeared in the same formation. Still, I reasoned that I'd throw it into this category because I already proposed so much for badlands (none of which came true but hey). And then there's Denazinosuchus (art by Andrey Atuchin). Again it looks deceptively like a modern croc, but is actually the last remnant of the goniopholids, crocodyliforms that were prominent animals in the Jurassic and early Cretaceous. It could have brought both taxonomic diversity nad highlighted croc resilience till the end.
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When it came to picking out crocs for Oceans, it got tricky. Obviously season 2 tried to differentiate itself by being set more in the open ocean, not the coast, and true pelagic crocodiles weren't around by the end of the Cretaceous. So I had to settle for coastal animals. There's Sabinosuchus (Schiller II et al. 2016), a cousin to Sarcosuchus and, like Denazinosuchus, one of the last of its lineage. Also its from Mexico which is rarely talked about for its fossils. Rhabdognathus (Ghedoghedo) is a distant cousin, a slender snouted dyrosaur. Unlike pholidosaurs, dyrosaurs actually did really well after the KPG impact and spread around a lot, living way into the Eocene. And finally Chenanisuchus (art by artbyjrc), which like Rhabdognathus was found both before and after the impact that killed the dinosaurs.
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And the final two I shall talk about, both of which I thought/hoped would appear in the North America episode. Again, there's certainly overlap, both would have just as much fit into swamps, while many others would have also suited North America. Regardless, here's Brachychampsa (Tom Parker) and Borealosuchus (Chris Masna), both iconic animals from the Hell Creek Formation. One closely allied with alligators and caimans, the other more basal with a head-shape more similar to todays crocodiles.
Now obviously there'd have been a lot more. Part of the challenge to myself was to try and be as diverse as possible, rather than just listing 10 different baurusuchids I went with only two, tried to include as much of the world as possible, etc.... There's also the fact that some really awesome taxa, Titanochampsa, Brachiosuchus and Eurycephalosuchus, all incredibly unique or interesting, were published too late to have been considered for the show. And now, in hinsight, we obviously know that with the exception of Simosuchus none of them made it in. Which is a shame, but maybe next time.
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virtchandmoir · 5 months
May 10, 2024
“It’s definitely a bit of a rollercoaster. It’s a tour definitely mixed with some reflection of previous tours and how I remember it,” the 33-year-old Chan says on a day off from Toronto, before the SOI cast headed off to Regina for a show on Thursday night. “I saw Scott (Moir) in London, he came to the show … just hugging him and talking with him, I got really emotional for some reason. It brought back a flood of memories of what it was like touring with Scott and what that meant to me. And the memories we made and the things I learned, the stupid things we did … just everything came rushing back. “We went through the juniors together and all the way to the top. I have moments like that where I just reflect and reminisce a lot on how things used to be. But at the same time, I miss my family, I miss my wife (former pairs skater Elizabeth Putnam), I miss (his son) Oliver a lot … I think I’m stepping away at the right time, considering where I am in my life and how hard being away from my son for four weeks has been already. I knew it was never going to be easy; these types of decisions are always tough.” [...] “You know, this cast has changed a lot. It’s been a changing of the guard. I’m the only one left from back when Scott and Tessa were doing tours, and Eric (Redford) and Meagan (Duhamel) … I’m really the only one left. I do feel that. It is a pretty stark reminder every show,” he said. “It’s not such the case now, because everyone is still competing and everyone is younger. I connect the best with Deanna (Stellato-Dudek, the ageless 40-year-old who just won a World pairs title with Maxime Deschamps), actually, because I can just relate to her — we’re in similar places in our lives, and share a similar perspective.” [...] “It taught me the hard work, the dedication, putting your mind to something and finishing it and all that. Most importantly, it taught me how to be a professional, how to carry myself and hold myself to a certain standard. Being around other champions from multiple generations —you’re talking Elvis (Stojko), Kurt, also Scott and Tessa —they were all such successful individuals, but also different,” he said. “But at the end of the day, when it comes to being professional and showing up and doing your job correctly, we held ourselves to that standard. And then being a good person. Knowing when to have fun, when to be serious. And also, how to get through the struggles, how to figure things out when things aren’t clicking at 100 per cent. [...] “I didn’t get to go to university, I didn’t have that key development time (in my life). Scott was my guy, and all these other cast members. Andrew Poje and Eric Radford … all these skaters were more than just my teammates, they were my life and my social circle. It does feel like it’s all coming to an end and it’s weird that Stars is kind of marking that last chapter.” [...] “For me, Halifax always stands out. I always have really fond memories of Halifax, because it would be the end of the season, the weather was changing, and I’d sit by the harbour in Halifax and reflect on the season. And then I’d get really excited about seeing my friends and developing a show together,” he said. “Spending hours together on the ice, but also goofing around and finding that good balance of work and fun. Halifax was just such a great city to start in. And there were the bus rides and traditions that I try to keep going and pass onto the next generation, but I’m finding it harder to (do that). I’m not Scott. I realized that pretty quick.”
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yuseirra · 1 month
I think there's a god that's actively trying to make Hikaru (who's forgotten he's a god) fall into despair and ruin his life in order to corrupt him. That must be the "star" that's mentioned in Fatal:
You have given me a fatal flaw
Selfish giant star, ruined lives
I don't think it's the same "star" Ai has or Ai is if she's one, it must be the black one that's been trying to cause the
Burnt eyes, stripped feathers, creative fall from heaven
These sets of lyrics seem to indicate it's not only Ai that's special, but that he's some sort of special being that's been "flawed" and stripped of some sort of grand powers under the influence of some being with powers.
What Ai's done is so far from trying to harm him. She protects him and is very concerned over what happens to him, she wants to bring him back if "he's lost".
I think it is "the god who loves absurdity and unreasonableness" that's doing this to his life because the stuff that's been happening's been really absurd!! People around him seem to turn crazy and act out and do things Hikaru's never wanted to happen...
The thing is, Hikaru STILL is capable of believing in people and gives them chances to redeem themselves after everything he's been through, despite the ugly things he's faced and the mess he's been in. He's still not entirely corrupt!! You see Aqua suffering and being pretty unstable when his eyes turn black, he's still kind inside but he can use people and become pretty cold, right? But this guy has been under the influence of the black star since.. he was at least 14? That makes him having endured for 20 years and he's STILL trying to give Nino a chance and stuff, this guy.. I think he IS originally someone who's really sweet. And he was like that the way he was depicted in the movie arc. But so many terrible things keep happening to him in ways he can't predict and he falls back into despair whenever he has something good and has some light in his life. It's unfortunate and miserable, to the state it becomes ridiculous, when you see it, when he shares happy moments with Ai, the next scenes we see him being tormented and abused, we see him believing he's going to be okay as long as Ai's with him and then Ai leaves him claiming she can't love him. It's such a weird cycle he has. He seems cursed!!! I don't think he'd have found it entirely despairful when Ai's reached out to him to come see their kids. It wasn't a bad thing that's happened to him- well, when that happens to him, SHE DIES. Nothing good happens to this guy. It gets reaped away before he can fully enjoy it. and he still manages to be so tender; it's kind of incredible how he can still be like this actually. Do we ever see him lashing out to people? Not at all. He tends to them with a smile and is still polite... I wouldn't be surprised if he grew insane after all this but he doesn't seem like a maniac. He just seems to be really depressed and hurt (yup but he could have still killed Yura o<-< let's see how the truth about that will be uncovered)
He really does seem like some type of benevolent god in nature. It's a strong part of him that doesn't seem to shift so easily. Him and Ai, they never gave up on love or tried to love people. They still treat other people pretty kindly;; And seeing how the story went, Ai really wanted to pull him out of his miseries. She probably WAS his friend or his partner or even his wife when they were both gods, if they were one.
EHHH?? and I just looked it up, Amaterasu(related to Ruby) and Sarutahiko(husband of the god of entertainment and the god of "bright lights") and Ame-no-Uzume(the goddess of entertainment) all seem to be interlinked one way?? Huh??
Here's what I found in the page I just linked:
"SARUTAHIKO-NO-O-KAMI who is in charge of all things on the Earth (everything inside the atmosphere) as the ancestor Kami of all Earthly Kami and carries the great mission to teach mankind and lead/guide us into balance with Divine Nature.
SARUTAHIKO-NO-O-KAMI cannot produce anything by himself. Equally important is the Divine Female Power of AMENOUZUME-NO-MIKOTO in all things we need the balance of IN/YO (yin/yang, uchiki/sotoki).
The plan for all things in Nature (including human beings) was made by AMATERASU OMIKAMI (Kami of Sun, Taiyo-source of life, leader of Ten-no-Kami [Heavenly Kami]), but the mission to supply the actual guidance is entrusted to SARUTAHIKO-NO-O-KAMI."
All three of these gods that I believe are related to these three characters do something regarding the balance of nature.
So if there's SOMETHING that's been trying to get at him, and make every part of his life miserable to resort in something that'd corrupt him (and you see, doing so to HIM alone wasn't enough to make him take aggressive action. It had to take the death of his lover to make Hikaru do things that'd make him be so.) It'd disrupt the balance of the world. That's some serious stuff that'd make the gods themselves to act, right? Tsukuyomi says in 144 that there's the god who's created the world. They must be the most powerful god of all, right? In any case, they'd definitely NOT want this to happen.
The hoshino twins have some sort of mission assigned from the gods, no?(ch 75?) They are born with destinies? (ch3)
I have a feeling the reason they are reincarnated have to do with their parents. The fact that they are specifically chosen as Ai and Hikaru's children should be important, and their mission doesn't seem to have been completed yet.
Their dad is in danger. For a while now too. Their mom wants them to help him. Well, he's probably turned a new leaf and he decided to turn himself in, but is this really everything there is? Is this going to be it?? When there are CLEARLY gods that are involved in the story watching the twins and guiding their fate?? So yeah.
If Ai is the god "who loves people", then she's probably not in good terms with the third god that's mentioned, "the god who loves absurdity and unreasonableness", that one is actively hurting her husband and it's ruined her peaceful life with her kids too. I think it's that god that's going out of line, and it must be stopped from causing even further harm. I think "the god who loves people" blesses people with white stars and gives people the power to thrive in the entertainment industry(Ame-no-uzume is the entertainment god) I'm not sure what god would be the third one, is there a Japanese god with that sort of nature? Well, that one must be the one responsible for the black star. That one's probably the real mastermind behind everything, and why Tsukuyomi's come to the human world. Probably under the creator god's orders. She'll need Amaterasu(Ruby) and Maybe Susanoo(Aqua), her sibling gods, to help her bring order and restore balance.
I feel that's why gods are mentioned and are brought up time to time in this story, they must be important... it must have to do with Aqua and Ruby's destiny... It works with the songs too.. and how Ai wants to save her boyfriend...
so let me throw this out there!! I think this can be it!!!
Do you think this might actually be true? I’m being serious; the more I look into mythology, the more I see similarities between the relationship of Amaterasu and Ame-no-Uzume and the relationship between Ruby and Ai.
Ame-no-Uzume is a goddess who has a husband and is often mentioned together with him. Her husband happens to be the god of bright lights. When I looked up more about him, I found out that he’s a god who leads beings with goodness. This kind of explains Hikaru’s personality in many ways. His character is incredibly kind, almost to a strange degree. Even though there's some ambiguity in his actions and we still don't know enough about him, it makes sense to believe his personality remains consistent with how he was depicted in the past from his recent actions.
The god of light or earth gods are usually associated with order. In Norse mythology, for example, Balder (or Baldur), who is the god of light, was the most righteous god and had never told a lie, making him a noble god. When he died, it triggered a great chaos in the world, marking the beginning of Ragnarok. In myths, "light" is usually associated with order/rules, which is the complete opposite of "absurdity and unreasonableness."
I just found out today that the couple Ame-no-Uzume and Sarutahiko were assigned by Amaterasu to maintain the balance of the world. What if the god of absurdity and unreasonableness, who corresponds to the black star, saw these two who had become human and thought, “This is my chance,” and tried to completely ruin their lives? Ai ends up dying, Hikaru falls into despair. If he fully falls into that god’s grasp and becomes corrupt, it would disrupt the balance of the world as planned by that god. That’s why Tsukuyomi was dispatched by the creator god to stop this. Tsukuyomi then calls upon the divine powers of her sibling gods, Susanoo and Amaterasu, and grants those powers and destinies to the two souls she cherished and wanted to give another chance at life. Since they’re people who loved Ai, it would also be a good connection for Ai, the god who loves people. In this sense, Tsukuyomi is really looking out for them. Aqua and Ruby might be resenting this god, but to them, she’s actually their benefactor. Remember when she asked, “Why do you hate me so much?” She's actually really helping them a LOT.
If the story unfolds like this, it means Kamiki has been enduring these absurd events without fully understanding why for at least 20 years (and it seems his family situation was a mess even when he was much younger so that makes it his entire life having lived as human), all while maintaining some level of goodness. He hasn’t fully fallen into corruption yet. That’s why there’s still a chance for him. The fact that his character seems almost ridiculously kind when he appears, if it’s like this, it actually makes sense.
I think Ai, who is really a god who loves people, caused Hikaru into the human world after she hopped in in eagerness. That’s why Ai subconsciously felt drawn to Hikaru, worrying about him and caring for him so much, to the point where they almost became married... because they were originally a married god couple. I think the story would work well if it develops in this direction!!
If this kind of theory were completely far-fetched and nonsensical, there shouldn’t be any mention of gods at all. But instead, they keep being referenced, even in the later parts of the story. Honestly, I hope there’s something to this. Otherwise, why did Tsukuyomi even appear? Why are gods being mentioned at all? The protagonists are said to have a mission, but we don’t know what it is!!!
Looking at Ai’s traits, she represents the "love of the star", right? She definitely seems like "the god who loves people". And there’s this idea that there are gods who don’t know they’re gods. Ame-no-Uzume must be Ai, and because that goddess has a husband god, it'd mean Hikaru is a god too. If you look at the songs, there are hints about this!! And there’s a being that’s trying to corrupt him. That being likely caused Ai’s death, manipulating him into taking extreme actions with the intent of seeing her again. That must be the black star.
Ai managed to defend her man against that. Impressive.
I think this makes for a pretty good narrative! That would mean Aqua and Ruby have saved the universe!! They’ve protected the balance of the world!! XD Since making the movie was something beneficial to Tsukuyomi as well, she ended up helping them, and through the movie, they managed to turn Hikaru’s heart around. Tsukuyomi is probably Ai’s friend. She could be an acquaintance of both Ai and Hikaru. So she probably wanted Ai’s love to be properly conveyed to the people Ai loved, while also trying to save her fellow god who had gone astray. That’s why she’s involved. Doesn’t that make sense?
Now that Hikaru hasn’t fully fallen into corruption, maybe the god behind the black star will finally step forward? Isn’t that god the final boss?? Is this getting too fantasy-like? But... if so, then they shouldn’t have included fantasy elements in the first place...
Doesn’t this story make more sense this way? Explain why things turned out like this?
Yes, that’s right! I’m throwing this idea out there! I don’t think there’s absolutely nothing to it!! There’s definitely something here. Something related to the gods.
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ryuichirou · 6 months
A couple of replies today!
Anonymous asked:
Edmundedmundedmundedmundedmundedmundnebulacollegeedmund YESSS I have been fed content and I'm so motherfucking happy
The boy looks wonderful in both bunny suits ❤️
Hehehe thank you so much!! I love love love drawing boys in bunny suits, so I am very happy for the opportunity to draw Edmund wearing it…both options~
Anonymous asked:
If Jack and Ortho sees Vil in that outfit, I'm sure they find it attractive.
Of course they will, everyone would~ not only these two.
(related to the latest event)
But I would love to see their reaction to Vil in that outfit as well… I feel like Jack would get visibly flustered, but wouldn’t look away even for a moment.
Ortho would take pictures and record Vil just so he always has the image of Vil looking so good in his head lol
Anonymous asked:
Ok, but those Crewel/Deuce comics, fulfilling another fantasy of mine 😩👌
Actually, the funniest thing is that I've always imagined that those two would have a secret relationship and only would start "officially" dating when Deuce graduated nrc. Like on the weekends, Deuce would tell people that he's going to visit his mom or a cousin, but in reality, he's going to Crewel's place for "extra credit."
Funny scenario: 19/20 y/o Deuce posting on Magicam that he's in a relationship with Divus and all his notifs are from his friends blasting "ayo? 🤨" Then he gets a text from his mom like "DeeDee, you know I will support you in everything and anything but don't make the same mistakes as I did when I was younger, this is how you were born 😔"
(related to this comic; sorry for the late reply!)
Thank you, Anon, I am happy you liked the comic!
Out of all the first years, Deuce does feel like the type to officially go out with a teacher after graduating lol I can’t explain it, but it feels right in a weird way. I wonder if any of the first years would suspect that Deuce isn’t really visiting his mom or a cousin whenever he leaves to spend time with Crewel…
Also! His poor mother, this boy just keeps making her worry lol At least Deuce isn’t going to get pregnant, so that should be a relief…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
If we had a battle of crossovers, who would win: GreenViolet or LilIdia
Hmm, how are they fighting? Is this a fist fight? Then Lilidia, because Lilia would outsmart Greenhill, and Violet and Idia both are wimps who can’t fight lol
In terms of a relationship… it’s a bit difficult to compare them because both couples are kind of confused within themselves. Greenhill is a bit oblivious about Violet’s feelings, and Lilidia are both confused about them being online friends lol so now I imagine these four looking at each other confused because they don’t know why are they even here and what is going on.
If both ships are established relationships though, it would be a tough fight, because Greenhill and Lilia are both competitive.
GreenViolet could win because Greenhill knows Violet better than Lilia knows Idia. And Lilidia could win because Lilia is a war veteran who would get super excited about winning and then teasing Idia about them being the best couple ever…
Anonymous asked:
All You Wanna Do by Samantha Pauly, the live Broadway version reminds me of Alois. Especially the last two minutes…
Wow, listening to this while thinking about Alois was quite a journey! 😬 It really does fit him in a lot of ways, and the last two minutes are especially heartbreaking. Ghhh I love Alois’ story so much.
Thank you for sharing, Anon.
Anonymous asked:
The last ask regarding the Leech parents and their reputation if both of their sons started dating. Out of all the characters you ship them with, which one would make the best impression? My first thought was 🥁 Riddle 🥁
If Floyd would ever settle down (which is hard to imagine with his unpredictable personality), it would definitely be with Riddle. I also think Riddle would make a great son-in-law. Even though Riddle would be very nervous meeting The Leech parents. Riddle Leech has a nice ring to it. Maybe Floyd would take Riddle underwater  to live in the coral sea. Goldfish Riddle confirmed??
But then again, I wonder how Mrs. Rosehearts would feel if her son decided to marry the son of a "Yakuza" boss. Mrs. Rosehearts and Mrs. Leech meeting each other?! 👀
(this is related to this reply)
Sorry for the late reply, Anon! Your ask got me thinking as well, as you can see lol
The Leech parents would absolutely love Riddle! Both because he is hilarious (so uptight, I mean, upstanding!) and because he is genuinely a surprisingly good pick. Just like you said, he is so polite, so well-educated, at times it almost feels too good to be true, how come Floyd of all people brought home such a good boy? They always expected Jade to be the one…  They’ll absolutely let the boys know about it lol embarrassing all of them.
Riddle would be super nervous and a bit scared, but parents are parents, even if they are scary fish mafia parents. So he has to be respectful and polite. Which is honestly only going to amuse Mama and Papa more – Riddle is so tiny and cute with his baby face and tiny hands and stuff, but oh so serious. He’s like a baby doll… they would woobify him a lot lol and tease him in general, but always try to be stealthy about it. Maybe they just don’t want to scare him away because there is no way Floyd finds someone else similar to Riddle lol
Also! Riddle being a goldfish merman is such a fun theme, I love it when people draw him like that. Floyd really should turn him into a merman, poor Riddle is going to be so confused. He is reversed Ariel lol
Oh Mrs Rosehearts is going to hate this so much… Leaving her alone with Mrs Leech is such a bad idea, because Mama Leech is going to play along at first, complaining about how having sons is such a huge source of stress, how rude and ungrateful they are sometimes, and just how much she wants them to just be good and proper at everything that they do. Mama Rosehearts could even think that they are on the same page at first (even though this Leech woman is way too dramatic…)… Mama Leech would just troll her the entire time, just as she does with everyone she talks to… but she’ll like her a lot, she’ll consider her a good friend afterwards <3 and call her every day.
Another potential partner that the Leech parents would love is Idia, and we have some thoughts about them, but I’ll share them a bit later – there is another ask related to this topic that I’ll try to write a proper reply tomorrow. So consider this a teaser and thank you for your patience 👀
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aestherians · 1 year
Defining Paratypes - Once and For All
Word count: ~1450 Estimated reading time: 10-12 minutes
1. Introduction
Language is a funny thing, huh?
In June 2018 I erroneously coined the word “cameotype” — English is my 2nd language and I’ve picked up a lot of words by just noting in which contexts they’re used and then never looking them up in the dictionary. Usually this works, sometimes it doesn’t. I thought a cameo meant an addition, something secondary, or something along those lines. When people discussed cameo-shifts, I knew they were discussing brief, temporary shifts, but it was only after coming up with this word that I realized what “cameo” actually means: A minor role.
That’s absolutely not the meaning I was going for when I made up the word “cameotype,” and I backtracked as soon as I realized my mistake. But I still needed a word to cover that concept I’d originally intended for “cameotype” to cover — to quote my original post: “You know those characters, animals, and so on that make you feel all shifty but aren’t technically kintypes or [hearttypes], yet are still important enough to your therian/’kin experience that you feel like mentioning them somehow?”
In March 2019 I finally shared a follow-up post where I suggested a few alternatives: Paratype (from para-/beside), fratertype/fratype (from frater-/sibling), and sintype (from sin-/together), all of which better describe the concept I was going for. My Anglophonic readers helpfully pointed out that the latter two words sound weird in English, and “paratype” ended up being the most popular word.
And then I never made another follow-up post.
2. An Ill-Defined Definition
I’m not sure why I never wrote a concise definition but in hindsight I’m glad I didn’t. It allowed for 4 years of input and discussion of the term and its scope. Originally, I wanted it to be very broad, covering “anything that doesn’t fit neatly into the established [alterhuman] categories but is still important to your nonhuman identity,” and I thank the gods that that didn’t become the go-to definition. It’s too poorly defined to be useful, and the broadness I was going for is already covered by synpath and vaguetype.
It did, however, end up with a not-much-better definition in Kiera’s Alterhuman Dictionary: “A character, animal, or mythical creature that is not a kin/therio/fictotype or a hearttype, but somehow feels important to your established identity. Some examples of how it may manifest include: inducing shifts of one or more of your established ‘types, showing up as a cameo shift that somehow feels related to your established ‘type, or feeling similar to a hearttype because they remind you of your kintype in some significant way.”
I never got around to asking Kiera to change that definition.
3. Covering all bases
Like I said, I’m glad I ended up waiting so long to write this essay, even if it wasn’t intentional. It allowed me to see a lot of perspectives that I wouldn’t even have considered on my own.
First of all, how do you know if something’s a paratype or something else? After all, it’s possible to have two kintypes that are extremely similar, like two species from the same genus, or two characters who fit the same archetype. If they feel obviously connected, how do you determine if one of them is a paratype or something else? The annoying answer is that you don’t — not really. Alterhumanity isn’t a hard science, we can’t run calculations to determine which identity facets fit into which categories. All our jargon should be opt-in, not something you feel forced to use because you fit a dictionary definition. If your kintype is a labradoodle and you later learn that goldendoodles exist, and you feel like you’re a goldendoodle concurrently with your labradoodle kintype, you can choose to call the goldendoodle a paratype, a kintype, both, or neither. “Paratype” is an opt-in category (no one is forced to use it) and it’s not an exclusive category (if something’s a paratype that doesn’t mean it can’t simultaneously be another kind of ‘type too).
The only requirement for something to be a paratype is that it has an associated identity. It doesn’t exist in a vacuum, it’s always an offshoot of something else. I was a bit wishy-washy about this at first since I was more attached to the “it feels like a hearttype/kintype/something else, but it’s not” part of the concept than the “it feels that way because it’s connected to your preestablished identity” part. But no, no matter how a paratype presents itself, or what the experience of it is, it’s defined by its origin: If your paratype-like feelings don’t exist because of another identity facet, it’s not a paratype.
Paratypes are not defined by their origins in the same way that some folks try to define kintypes - whether a paratype is psychological, spiritual, or something else is irrelevant. A paratype can be a quirk of the brain just as well as it can be a past life. As long as the paratype/your connection to the paratype is an offshoot/extension of a preestablished identity, it counts.
The example I’ve used most often to get the idea across is that I am a bison, and because I’m a bison it’s only natural that I feel a connection to domestic bulls. This connection does feel like a hearttype. Unrelated, I am also unicornhearted. The difference comes down to whether I can separate my otherhearted feelings from other parts of my identity. If I can (like with unicorns), I call it a hearttype. If I can’t (like with bulls) it’s a paratype. It’s definitely splitting hairs, but the distinction is valuable to me.
I did get a question once, asking if a paratype had to be an offshoot of an alterhuman identity, or if it could be connected to a gender identity or a disability. I had not considered that possibility, but I gave it a tentative yes. Especially in light of Mord’s “Alterhumanity is Queer” essay, queerness and alterhumanity is not something I want to split hairs about. If you feel connected to dogs because of your gender, or cats because of your disability, and you want to refer to those connections as paratypes, I’m not gonna stop you. More power to you!
It's also worth noting that throughout this essay I have been using animals as examples, but “paratype” is by no means limited to therianthropic/animalhearted identities. Plantfolk, fictionfolk, objectkin, conceptkin, and factualkin can all use it if they want, and the term can be used for any identity category, from kintypes and hearttypes to headmates and past lives to constels and linktypes. It can even be used for paratypes - in theory, a paratype can have a paratype can have a paratype, ad infinitum. Personally, I’m spiderhearted and as a result I feel strongly connected to other arachnids, including ticks, and as I feel connected to ticks, I feel connected to other ectoparasites, like mosquitoes and lice.
A paratype can have any kind of connection to your preestablished ‘type. I use the bison <-> bull example often because it’s an easy way to explain the concept, but other examples may include a lion therian whose paratype is gazelles, a reptile with a sun paratype, a rabbit with a hawk paratype, a robot with a glitch paratype, a mushroom with a tree paratype, a werewolf with a silver paratype, and I could go on. Even something like a lost love from another life or an entire universe could be categorized as a paratype if you wish to do so.
You can also get noemata from a paratype, or only have one specific version of a species/object/character be your paratype. A paratype can be as vague as it can be specific - it can be every single type of dragon ever, or it can be a specific interpretation of a specific dragon species from a specific book. Essentially, you can have any kind of alterhuman experience be classified as a “paratype” as long as it meets the “offshoot/extension of a preestablished identity” criterion - which led to the excellent essay “How a hearttype gave birth to a parallel life of a paratype - a view on the connection between spiritual and psychological roots for otherkinity” which I implore you to read - but not before you’ve finished the final section:
4. A definition - finally!
paratype, plural paratypes (noun) From para- (prefix): beside, alongside, related to; and type (noun): a particular kind, class, or group
1. (biology) a specimen of a type series other than the holotype 2. (biology) the environmental component of a phenotype 3. (alterhuman community slang) an identity facet that only exists in relation to a preestablished identity
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merakiui · 6 months
my favorite part is just how different the reader is from the norm. like in a way, you know how you’re used to reading readers that fall into a couple different categories? imperfect, borderline bad people are my fav type to read because they’re just so… honest
you don’t understand how weird yet fulfilling it is to read a story where the character i’m supposed to be inserting myself into is me?! we share the same horrible habits and deadass are in very similar situations. if i disappeared for days on end no one else would know because i detach myself from others and ghost them when i get too close, i’m too scared of myself to get into a relationship with my situationship and he knows not to ask cause ill say no even though i well aware he’d do anything for me, i detach myself wayyy to much to be healthy—both from myself and others.
mera you don’t understand, this is me. you’re writing about me! it’s sooooooooo rare to find a work of fiction that defines you so much that it shakes you to your core. thank you so much! i’m so happy right now
Σ(°ロ°) omg!!!!!! Thank you for reading and enjoying DRU!!! I'm really happy you like the reader's character in this story and that you can relate to her so much!!! <3 I think writing about imperfect, honest readers is such a fun thing. DRU Reader is so flawed, yet so human compared to Jade. I'm glad you can resonate with her and all of her habits (good or bad).
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byghostface · 7 months
Look I dunno what this Daminika shipping drama is all about. (I followed you because I like your Rayllum art).
but it's not a cool thing to do to share stuff calling Jon Kent/ Damian Wayne ship "pedophilic yaoi". sounds homophobic.
We should only call the actual crime of pedophilia that and not use the word like a petty insult. Also all this rage gave me the impression that Jon/Damian was like a super twisted ship or something but I googled it and they are 17 and 13 y.o. which would be weird irl yes but that's still literally not pedophilia. they are both teens and people draw them looking the same age in fan art anyway.
If you are not in the dc fandom then maybe don't speak on something you think you know.
But it's not a cool thing to do to share stuff calling Jon Kent/ Damian Wayne ship "pedophilic yaoi". sounds homophobic.
Damian and Jon always have 3 years age gap, even before dc age up Jon, they are like 13 and 10, And after age up(Jon is stuck in space had lived through years and is back on earth) they are now 14 and 17. In most of the fan art, you see people who draw them looking the same age pre-age up, because Damian is really short at 13. And people started to ship them when Jon is 10 year old child. You don't date a child when you're a teen, or date a 14 year old teen and being a college student, that is weird.
In the current comic Jon Kent has a boyfriend-Jay Nakamura(Gossamer) whom he met in college and still happily dating.( then there are racist thing ppl would said about Jay on twitter just bc he is a Japanese character and the other shipper use that to attack him too bc they doesn't like Jayjon as a ship )
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-[Action Comics v1 1059 (2024)]-Artist: Marguerite Sauvage-
As an asexual, I mostly headcanon Nika and Damian as nonbinary and asexual. And a lot of the ppl who like Daminika see them as trans for trans too.
You said you followed me for my rayllum art. So you don’t know what the characters I’m talking about, have been drawing about in dc fandom. In my previous vent post is referring to the weird age gap ship, and the maturity of different ages and mentalities when characters are being ship together. And that ship's shippers + incest proshippers are being misogyny towards Nika relentlessly. It's not about against mlm ship, or being homophobic like you claimed.
Maybe you are young and see the fanart and can't think clearly what the issue is. That I can understand, because a few years ago(when I was young and dumb!! and didn't/unable to use my brain to think clearly!!!) I used to think the weird age gap was nothing but now I'm looking back and regret the weird ship I used to ship and draw (Toph and Sokka), I don't ship them anymore + Suki x Sokka superior!!
I have deleted some of Toph and Sokka art and the remaining ones have changed titles and tags to platonic sense. I didn't delete them all because they are still part of my (dumb and reckless!!!) art journey and the things that I'm now getting over and will not ever draw as a ship again.
Which would be weird irl yes but that's still literally not pedophilia.
You admit that would be weird irl and yet tired to dismiss me when I express my uncomfortableness and wanting those ppl to leave the characters(Nika & Respawn) I care about alone. If you are the type of proshipper that says fictional doesn't affect reality… then stop talking to me + invalid opinions‼️ (don't affect reality?? Of course it is! You are a person in reality who argues with me about fiction and conception/representation that affect all of us)
Like I said in my vent post, I never want to interact with them and I don't go into their page or cross ship tags and comments on things or anything related to their ships before. And this is the first time I have spoken up and tried to defend Nika here on Tumblr. Because I'm the only one constantly making contents about her and love her as a character and the only person here on Tumblr who wants to talk about/express my love for her through my art for nearly three years.
And I can't speak up when they want to tools Nika and Respawn for their own ships and set them up as toxic made up characters in their head?!? And I should let that kind of blunt lies disguise as "playful! fun even!!" fanon and let it slip and damage Nika and Respawn's character!?!?? And let that MISOGYNY energy towards Nika fly into fanfic further misconception both of their character and personalities?!??? Similar things that had happened to Talia being constantly demonized through racism and misogyny by fanon?!?!?? A reappear theme by shipper/yaoi incest proshipper tools her as a bad Asian mom to make a sad and twisted background for Damian to need to be protected by the characters they ship him with?!??
Not all of the shippers/fic writers do this but still, I'm meant by the misconception fanons that spin out of control… then SOMETIMES THE ACTUAL COMICS WRITES(different ones/weird ones) WOULD MAKE IT CANON AND DAMAGE THE CHARACTERS‼️IT HAS HAPPENED BEFORE‼️‼️
I know the shippers and the fandom will always be there because of the internet. And I can't control it, so I set up boundaries now by speaking up and defend my favorite characters while I still can.
You can comment under this post if you still disagree with me(unless you're a proshipper then stop interacting with me‼️), and don't hide behind anonymity before you understand what I'm talking about and don't twist my words for your own comfort.
(Again, sorry if you are not in the dc fandom and catching strays of my discomfort and anger. But I love Nika too much so I had to speak in my page)
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cat-in-a-mech-suit · 29 days
Re: https://www.tumblr.com/cat-in-a-mech-suit/760173505957576704/can-we-make-a-genderless-and-non-exclusive-but?source=share
(Impunkster-syndrome is a sideblog oof)
I've sort of come to a similar conclusion with a catch-all term I've had rolling around in my head for a while for anyone who is feminine but is not welcome to hegemonic femininity- trollfem (reclaiming it from the NFT project and niche radfem use as a derogatory term for transfems). My whole thing was related to homestuck and how troll femininity is still femininity but not human and therefore seen as alien by the reader. Still typing a whole post on it and it's got me in a weird place since I'm literally a Vriska and Porrim fictive in a system (I hate the term fictive when used for me but used for simplicity due to my identity situation being more complex). It would be inclusive of anyone who experiences a feminine identity and gatekept from it due to systems of oppression that consider us a threat to the "ideal feminine."
I do think there should be an equivalent term for mascs, neutrals, and androgynes- anyone who may benefit from it. Trollmasc is on the table and would sound awesome, but I do have a Homestuck Problem and I know not everyone would want to self-identify with that. There's definitely a need for wide terms like this for solidarity-building on common experiences and oppression being experienced in different ways by different groups.
If I misread the post, oops.
I love this response! Thank you for this explanation, I think the term trollfem in this context is very interesting and cool! I will admit I don’t understand the fandom references but as a fellow system with many fictivelike alters who experiences gender differently based on that I really appreciate hearing your experiences nonetheless. I honestly could identify with the term trollfem as an autistic person - even trying to pass as a cis woman before coming out as trans, I ran into some issues because my femininity wasn’t “right.” Trollmasc is a good term too, and could work as a placeholder, but I’m not sure if the metaphor holds the same way as it does with feminine trolls.. and I might want to use a broader term. I welcome as many terms to be created as anyone would like though.
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