#they already did saint Elimine
I hope one day heroes adds characters who we know exist but never see. Like there are so many characters: the twelve crusaders, the human forms of Indech and Macuil, Forneus, Anri. I want faces to these names. I want to know what sweet lore they know.
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{ TWIN FLAME - Aegon Targaryen + Rhaegar Targaryen }
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{ SUMMARY/PREVIEW CHAPTER }: Twins carry a shared soul, a force that only exists between them. One may pull, and the other may push, but by fate's hand, they’ve been conjoined by a shared will for power. The elder strays from the path of morality while the younger strides upon it with just as much pride. Both men share a desire: an attraction to what they are forbidden to have.
{ PRESS ▶️}:
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"To war then!"
Aegon's voice rang loud and clear through the council room, setting unease on those who sat on either side of him, but one man remained unmoved by his heady announcement.
Rhaegar smirked, a broad amusement in his expression, "Good..."
The two men share a fulfilled grin; the elder is pleased to see his dark-haired half so encouraged by his decision.
They'd never agree on most things, but inciting rightful violence to achieve personal satisfaction was a common interest.
However, you were another exception to their differing worldviews.
Aegon slid down into his chair, glancing away from his second younger brother to eye the men and his mother, who sat in tense silence. "You are all dismissed..." he left no room for debate on the command. Alicent swallowed hard, holding back the words of wisdom she knew neither man would listen to, and with a slow exhale, her anger dwindled to plain discouragement.
Rhaegar did not shrink under her turning gaze. Unmoved by her silent plea for help, he was firmly comfortable in his seat as she and the rest of his brother's councils rose from their seats.
"Arrogance.." she mumbled bitterly, walking past him with a swiftness he and Aegon had learned to overlook.
"They refuse to act and fear a war that's already started," Rhaegar spoke freely when the last council member had stepped out, the doors to the room slammed shut by the king guard on watch, and a moment of shared silence short-lived between them. Aegon scoffed loudly, a smirk plastered on his face, "That's quite obvious, brother. Our mother intends to be timid about bloodshed. It's quite pathetic." He tossed his hands up in apparent disbelief, shaking his head at the thought of the woman who'd so proudly pushed him to be sovereign now seeking a quick end to a great conflict, and Rhaegar shared his disdain for the anomaly that was their mother.
"She'd sooner trust the gods with our fate than be reasonable. I don't see why you keep her at this table.."
Aegon eyed his twin, his face dropping to a callous frown. "As relieving as it would be to put her aside, you know well how our mother would never cease prying into our dealings with or without permission."
A more accurate statement had never left his elder brother's lips, and Rhaegar was impressed by him for a solemn second.
"Hm. It's surprising to hear you, of all people, see my side of reason." He chuckles, taking a brave gulp from his wine chalice. "Need better spirits at a time like this," the brunette bit out, tongue-numbing from the dull sting of alcohol in the wine, and his observation drew an offended reaction from Aegon
"It's the best drink to my taste." His amusement faded quickly on the premise of his preferences being questioned. "Do you take issue with me-"
Rhaegar laughed, a hearty sound that eliminated anything his twin was apt to spit out, "Oh, don't you dare twist my words, brother!" He set his cup down with a firm shake, grinning wide as Aegon glared at him directly.
"You speak too freely, Rhaegar.."
His laughter halted, grin falling to a closed smile as he relaxed into his chair at the end of the unoccupied table, "I speak what I think, Aeg. Which is much more than you can offer..."
The silence returned, filled with mounting animosity between a brother of pride and another of worthy praise.
A king and a warlord.
A rake and a hidden saint.
Made of one blood but with many contrasts in life.
Silence and lingering hate connected them.
Aegon poised to further it with a heady retort, greedy for triumph in a conflict many knew to be brotherly rivalry, but a solid rap of knocking on the closed council doors stopped him.
Rhaegar raised a brow at the sound, intrigued rather than annoyed as his brother seemed to be.
"They've come back for another debate so soon?" He chides out loud, unbothered by Aegon's grimace.
"Bothersome imbeciles..."
The knocking came again, quicker and louder. Each tap was executed with an exciting pace, different from the slow, solid thumps of a man readied to spill his thoughts on warfare.
Aegon hesitated to allow the visitor entry, glancing at his brother, who already had his eyes on him.
"They seem eager.." he mumbles, finishing his wine without care for his brother's exasperated sigh.
"Enter..!" Aegon announced, taking a gulp of his drink and sucking his teeth at the bitter taste.
The king's guards swung the doors open, nodding their heads to the culprit of the sudden interruption. "Thank you, Ser Lanis and Ser Daleon." Your gentle voice cut through the air in a familiar cadence, alerting the two men of your presence before you came into their direct view.
Both knights showed you a grateful smile, quick to shut the doors again as you paced up the steps leading to the nearly empty table. Rhaegar greeted you first, smiling as he reached a hand for your own. You gave him the courtesy, slipping a hand into his open one, returning his smile as he placed a chaste kiss on the back.
"Niece..." he muttered against your skin, his voice tender and hardened eyes softening completely as you swipe your fingers along his jawline affectionately. "Uncle," you greet him back, chest tightening with pure delight when he chuckles upon hearing it. However, your shared moment abruptly ended as Aegon called you.
"You'd leave your King unnoticed, sweet girl?"
He did not attempt to mask his jealousy, and you yelled at it with practiced grace. "No, my King. You'll always have my attention." You show him a smile, not afraid to roll your eyes at him as you step away from Rhaegar and stride towards him.
Aegon is far less cordial when greeting you, standing from his seat to look down as you bow to him. You are respectful in your initial approach and stand up straight when he rests a hand under your chin. "I'll hold you to that, princess," he lowered his voice as if to tell you a secret, and you merely hum sweetly in response, accepting the lingering kiss he placed on your cheek. Unlike his brother, Rhaegar could hold his tongue to some restraint, seeing you receive affection from his counterpart.
However, it did not last long as Aegon stepped closer to you, clearly set on keeping your attention on him and him alone.
"Why have you come here?.." Rhaegar poised the question in earnest curiosity, satisfied to see it gain your focus and ruin his brother's apparent intentions. You shifted away from your eldest uncle, looking between him and his nearly identical half before divulging why you'd found your way into the council room.
You never seemed to stay away from either of them long enough, with little motivation not to when your mother had urged you to do so longer than you could recall. By consequence, you'd been left in their care at the turn of your grandfather's death, present at his side the night before he took his last breath in hopes of keeping him company since your mother could not manage it. Still, with little warning, you'd found yourself in opposition with your closest kin by association.
You found your position to be a cursed blessing. I'm glad to be within reach of the men you cared about most besides your older brothers; you were highly aware of the danger the nearing conflict of birthright claims would surely bring.
You tried hard not to reminisce about the war's aftermath, keeping yourself observant yet pliable in the grip of the Green faction.
Even as you stood in the presence of the men you'd grown to trust despite all outside protests, their very existence reminded you of fate's tricky hand.
"I've come for your help." You tread carefully with words, pacing them to carry on your voice softly, knowing well what a simple change of tone could do to either man. Rhaegar sat up straighter, eyes never leaving you as he inquired for a better understanding of your intended words.
"Our aid for what, ..?" You paused, hearing the doting nickname he'd chosen to call you since your first encounter, resolve to melt a little as he followed it with a reassuring smile.
Feeling Aegon resting a hand on your lower back did not keep your heart racing slower, his firming touch stealing your train of thought for a split second, but one glimpse at the head seat he'd been sitting in only a moment ago brought your sense back to you.
They had been your weakness for far too long, filling a craving for experience and attention you couldn't satisfy in your mother's household, but now the time for a stronger mindset was needed.
Your mother deserved the seat Aegon so proudly claimed now; no matter your love for him and Rhaegar, you intended to see her in it, and with a steadying inhale, you continued with your mission to do so.
"I've been...having some trouble finding peace as of late. Especially at night, the masters can't find a remedy for my issue.."
Sleep. You hadn't been able to rest since the coronation, and it was no help that both men had made it a point to create boundaries with you that hadn't existed before. You'd grown accustomed to seeking one or both out for a good night of sleep, never having to exchange any flesh for the security they provided, but not above laying your head on their pillow to dream of it.
Aegon smiled at you, his hand on your back sliding in a small circle as if to ease your strife as minimal as it seemed to him, and you flashed him a grateful upturn of your lips in return.
"I...I had hoped that either of you would give me peace of mind. I'm aware of many things but still am left in the dark in the light of the most important knowledge."
Your heart sank as the faces of your brothers, mother, and father crept past the forefront of your mind. Every single one of them dawned an expression of distant concern, so clearly betrayed. Imagine their reaction to the news of your lingering presence with the side of the family who had no right to the throne, which made your stomach twist with knots.
You wanted to get back to them, to be beneficial even if they'd never considered acknowledging you as applicable. Yet, as you implemented a plan to find your way back to them, you couldn't feel entirely confident in their presumable welcome when you did return.
Jace might be the only one who'd be genuinely happy to see you again and not hold a dormant grudge towards you for staying at the late King's side and inevitably supplanting yourself as a hostage for the Greens.
Rhaegar studied you, sensitive to the minor details of your request, discerning every word you spoke on instinct to hang onto each one.
"You wish to know of your place in..." he waved a hand, motioning to the air of war that loomed closer and closer with each passing day, and you nodded tentatively at his gesture. "Yes...or at least if I'm to be used as leverage..."
Your blunt reply cuts through both of them differently. Aegon glares, momentary anger consuming him as he inches closer to you, head lowering so that his voice reaches your ear directly. "You are safe with me. Here in my..." he hesitated, meeting Rhaegar's observatory gaze before finishing his quiet declaration, "...in our protection. That I can swear to you with certainty ."
His noticeable overconfidence peaked through his tone, and your anxiety was anything but calmed by his promise. Your chest lightened from relief, knowing he still harbored adamant devotion to your well-being rather than wishing to use it as an advantage over your mother.
Rhaegar held a similar attachment to you, expressing it with less egoism than Aegon did through an even response. "Our opinion of you has not changed. You shall be kept here in fair respect."
He stood from his chair, leaving his chalice with it as he came to stand on your unattended side.
Your gaze automatically shifted to him, struggling to stay there as Aegon's burned into you with unabashed envy. "You have the King's word and mine," he passed a thumb over your cheek, speaking directly to you as if his brother did not exist inches from you just as he did. Your breath caught in your throat, heat rising to your face and spreading to your lower belly as he took his time gauging your reaction.
"Let that be the answer to your questions. War plans are nothing for a young girl like yourself to be concerned with, understood?"
Rhaegar pressed you into submission with a tailored ease, pairing the underlying demand with a lazy smile that never failed to make your head spin. You bit back your own, nails digging into the draped sleeves of your dress as you clasped your hands behind you.
Of course, he'd seen right through you, cut off your prying for knowledge like any intuitive man of his nature would, and you desperately wanted to push past the restrictions he intended to set up. Still, the possibility of appearing too apt for valuable information made you hold your tongue.
You swallowed the pride, bubbling up to spill from your lips, pressing them into a small smile as you nodded in agreement. "I understand, uncle."
Rhaegar hummed in satisfaction, not bothered by his brother's palpable disdain. "She knows better than to ask us for such details, brother. You needn't mold her to be compliant." Aegon tugged you closer to him, hugging your side and making no move to let go.
You went still in his embrace, familiar with it, but not all pleased with how he spoke of your intentions or concerns.
Stupidity and obliviousness were never your strong suits, and having been pushed to the side and ignored by so many throughout your life made it easy for you to play on those faults better than most.
Rhaegar had grown wiser to your act sooner than Aegon, mentioning nothing of your love for secrets and manipulation to anyone in the simple efforts to bring you to heel at the direst times.
This was the perfect opportunity, and if his all-powerful brother could realize your intentions too, he could have the chance to relish in the delight Rhaegar did seeing your innocent facade falter. Aegon remained unwise to it, resting his chin on your shoulder after placing a ginger kiss on the exposed skin as a wordless apology for his younger's implication.
"No soul in this castle is out to get my throne, Rhaegar. Not my darling girl, anyway..." You shuddered against him as he kissed behind your ear, feeling the smile on his lips as he hugged you tighter. A blush painted your cheeks as his hands kneaded your waist through the fabric of your dress. This openly lustful action brought butterflies to your stomach and agitated Rhaegar to the point of impulsivity.
"Pawing at your niece is unbecoming of you, brother..." he made no effort to mince his words, mirroring Aegon's glare as you lowered your head in slight embarrassment. "She has yet to tell me to stop. It seems to bother you more than it does her..." Aegon chuckled at his blatant mocking, nipping at your ear to earn a soft whine and solidly his claim.
Rhaegar held his stare, failing to withhold an equally rousing laugh before lowering his head to meet yours. He found your eyes with his own as he spoke to you softly.
"Come to me.."
He says it only once, and you react with little thought, longing to feel him like Aegon held you. Your body shifted toward him, one step eliminating the space he'd maintained, and your lips found him with little hesitation or shame. Aegon grunted a scathing curse as you reached for his dark-haired twin, leaning back into him as the younger wrapped a hand around your throat, deepening the kiss with the slip of his tongue into your mouth. Rhaegar peered at his brother as you moaned against his lips, a smirk tugging at him the entire time.
"Bastard..." Aegon grumbled, refusing to show the shreds of amusement he felt seeing you crumble at the simplest pleasures, drooling trickling down your chin, and your weight pressing against him as the emanates of sense left you. It came as no surprise to Rhaegar when the older raised a hand to tangle in your hair, pulling on it so you had no choice but to break away from the heated kiss and his low whine of pain.
You let out shallow breaths, afraid to look into either of their eyes as you tried to compose yourself and ignore the needy warmth culminating in your belly. Aegon turned your head to him with subtle force, taking in the dazed expression on your face, the gradual swell of your plush lips, and the gloss of combined spit that lingered on them.
"Open." He commands in one breath, smiling when you do just as he asks and part your lips for him. He steals a glance at Rhaegar, smug as ever, and spits into your mouth with natural ease, turning his gaze back to you as it slides down your throat with a quiet whimper of his name. His lips come to meet your then, slow and harsh. A complete contrast to his brother's swift and sweet approach. He bites at your bottom lip, drowning in the muffled groan you give at the blooming pain he inflicts, returning it with a timid nip on his.
Your lungs burn for a breath. Aegon won't let you catch, so you peek at Rhaegar for help. You are torn between gratitude and confusion as he tightens his grip on your throat before using it to pull your lips away from his brothers and back to his.
He lets you go when your eyes water with tears, allowing Aegon to turn you around in his arms and hug you close. "It's been some time since we shared you, little one..."
It's a statement. It is a clear fact that you have no will to deny. Too lost in your head to respond appropriately or notice Rhaegar sitting in the nearest council chair. He lounges in it leisurely, head resting on one hand as he watches Aegon's hands begin unlacing your dress strings with unconscious finesse. You find your bearings then, feeling increasingly vulnerable as the eldest of them unties your bodice and steps forward until you have no choice but to be within his twin's reach.
"You've been so faithful and well-behaved for us, too. We'd hate to see you left unrewarded for that. Wouldn't we, brother?" Aegon eyed the brunette over your shoulder; a bittersweet smirk reflected as he nodded in agreement. "Wouldn't be very fair to her at all..." he speaks lowly compared to his brother's boastful tone, deeply embedded in his desires at the sight of your bare skin being exposed to him as your bodice slips to the stone floor.
You shiver as the air douses your skin, breasts pressed to Aegon's clothed chest, and the warmth he emits prompts them to be sensitive and pertinent. His hands find your sides again, steadying you in his hold while Rhaegar rips the fabric of your skirts. He does the same to your small clothes, letting them fall atop the torn clothing. "Wouldn't be very fair to us either."
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A/N: A cliffhanger on a smut?... yeah, I know. I'm sorry, but I must lead you guys on before giving you the complete filth of it all...
Credits to creator and I literally watch this edit on repeat …it’s so fucking good ;) 🖤
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thewertsearch · 5 months
@manorinthewoods submitted: ~LOSS (8/11/23) So, long scenario inbound. What if you tossed all the Sburb players we've seen so far (with their powers, but somehow reworked to fit with the Locked Tomb's necromancy stuff) into Canaan House? (My pairings for this would be, in the form of necromancer"mage"/cavalier, Aradia and Sollux, Karkat and Terezi, Rose and Kanaya, John and Dave, Vriska and Tavros, Feferi and Eridan, Equius and Nepeta, and by elimination Jade and Gamzee. Make your own if you want, or throw out the whole system.) What would happen? Who would die? Would anybody achieve Lyctordom?
Oh, I like this one.
[Locked Tomb spoilers abound below. You have been warned.]
I’m mostly keeping your pairings, because I like them. A lot of Homestuck’s powers would break the setting of The Locked Tomb, so let’s just assume the necromancers have the typical abilities of their House, and that the cavaliers don’t have powers. Let’s also assume that the Seventh House is still being impersonated by a Lyctor.
Second House: Captain Karkat Vantas & Lieutenant Terezi Pyrope
A very well-balanced duo. I suspect Karkat would be a half-decent necromancer if if wasn’t for his self-doubt, and Cohort training would replace doubt with cold duty. His magic is particularly destructive, and causes enormous collateral. Bucking tradition, his cav is effectively the leader, as she’s the superior strategist by far.
Endgame: They get pretty far – but when push comes to shove, Karkat would rather die than kill his closest friend, even though she thinks it would be funny. They refuse Lyctorhood, and are murdered by the Seventh.
Third House: Crown Princess Vriska Serket & Prince Tavros Nitram
Vriska embodies the best and worst of both Tridentarii. She’s ruthless, she’s quick-witted, she demands your attention, and she’s not above taking shortcuts. Her cavalier is a lot nicer than the canon one, but just as unlucky.
Endgame: You already know Tavros is ending this story the same way Naberius did. Full Lyctorhood, and the birth of the most dangerous necrosaint the Houses have ever seen.
Fourth House: Baron John Egbert & Sir Dave Strider
These goobers are too nice for the story they’re in. John is enthusiastic, and Dave is dutiful, but they lack the aptitudes required to obtain any keys. If it came to it, Dave is probably the most likely cavalier to pull a Gideon, especially given the Fourth’s tradition of self-sacrifice. John doesn’t have Harrow’s resourcefulness, though, and wouldn’t be able to preserve Dave’s soul.
Endgame: Murdered by the Seventh.
Fifth House: Lady Aradia Megido & Sir Sollux Captor
They’d honestly crush it. Aradia is a born Fifth House spirit talker, and the only Homestuck character to actually be a necromancer. Sollux isn’t a physical fighter, but he declares a laser pistol as his offhand, and no one wants to argue with the creepy scion of the Fifth, so a laser pistol it stays. Since Aradia isn’t a historian, they’re not targeted by the Seventh House Lyctor, and manage to complete most of the theorem rooms before shit hits the fan.
Endgame: Partial Lyctorhood. Aradia eats half of Sollux’s soul, he keeps the other half.
Sixth House: Master Warden Rose Lalonde & Kanaya Maryam
Now we’re talking! A Rose trained on the Sixth would give Palamedes a run for his money, and her partnership with Kanaya would be second to none. Let’s say she still has a romantic history with the Seventh House scion (Feferi, in this case) but is no longer in love with her, having got over her when she and Kanaya became a couple. Palamedes delayed his confrontation with ‘Dulcinea’ due to his feelings, and Rose would confront Feferi much earlier.
Endgame: Can a learned witch of the Sixth defeat an ancient saint of the Seventh? Maybe, if she plays it smart, and makes the right alliances. Write it yourself – I’ve got a liveblog to finish!
Seventh House: Duchess Feferi Pexies & Eridan Ampora
D------EAD before the trials began, Feferi is being impersonated by a sea-dweller Lyctor whose motivations I can’t dig into too much, or I’ll actually start to write this fanfic. Let’s just say she has similar goals to Cytherea, and leave it at that.
Eighth House: Master Templar Equius Zahhak and Nepeta Lejion
Come on, Equius, Your god commands you. Commit the cardinal sin. Become a saint. You’re not going to disobey the emperor, are you?
Endgame: I have just enough respect for Equius that I don’t think he’d kill Nepeta, even if ordered to. They probably go out fighting, before the final confrontation.
Ninth House: Reverend Daughter Jade Harley & Gamzee Makara
Gamzee’s useless, but at least he pulls off the facepaint. Jade’s not going to get much use out of him, unless she’s willing to siphon – as a highblood, he’s probably got a pretty strong constitution. Anyway, Jade’s wolf skeleton constructs are impressive, but she’ll be more or less attempting the trials alone, and that’s a tall order.
Endgame: Not nearly as important as in canon, the Ninth House might survive for a while by not really being a threat to anyone. Jade’s likely to befriend the Second and the Fourth, and go out in a blaze of glory avenging their deaths.
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crystal-cloudzz · 1 year
Heathers Incorrect Quotes because it’s my New Obsession
JD: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Ronnie: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. JD: Absolutely not.
Ronnie: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them. JD: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Ronnie: Bye JD! Bye Heather! Bye Heather! Bye Heather! Bye JD! Heather: You said ‘bye JD’ twice. Ronnie: I like JD.
Ronnie: Looking left cause you don’t treat me right JD: Looking right because you left Heather: Looking up cause you let me down Heather: Looking down cause you fucked up Heather: What is wrong with you guys
Ronnie: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground. JD: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
Ronnie, pointing: May I sit there? JD: That's my lap Ronnie: That doesn't answer my question, JD.
Ronnie: JD… Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor? JD: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. Ronnie: Ronnie: I wrote sanitize, JD.
Ronnie: Change is inedible. JD: Don't you mean inevitable? Ronnie, spitting out coins: No, I did not.
Ronnie: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. JD's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get them out…
JD: I can explain. Ronnie: Can you? JD: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
Veronica: So what do you do? JD: I work in genetic research, and I'm currently trying to eliminate all Cancers. Veronica: Wow, impressive. JD: Then I'll move on to Leos.
Veronica: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail JD: No it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police
Veronica: What is your biggest weakness? JD: I can be uncooperative. Veronica: Okay, can you give me an example? JD: No.
Veronica: What the fuck is wrong with you?! JD: Wow, you could start with a 'good morning'. Veronica: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?!
JD: Accidentally hits Veronica in the face JD: Trying to decide between saying 'I’m fucking sorry' and 'Are you okay' JD: ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?! Ronnie: What’s wrong with you?!
Veronica: WHAT’S YOUR TYPE JD: Anything, honestly, but nerds especially Veronica, desperately, as JD bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE JD: Oh! B positive. Veronica: DONT TRY TO CHEER ME UP JUST TELL ME YOUR BLOOD TYPE JD:
Veronica: How do I deal with my enemies? JD: Kill them Veronica: That's a bit extreme, I was hoping for a more passive solution JD: Kill them only a little?
Veronica: Go to Hell JD, tearing up: I wish I could
JD: Someone will die. Ronnie: Of fun!
Veronica: Is something burning? JD: Just my love for you. Veronica: JD, the toaster is on fire.
Veronica: JD, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power! JD: Well of course I have. JD: Have you ever tried going mad without power? JD: It's boring.
JD: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died- Ronnie: Twelve, actually. JD: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that? Ronnie: Yours! JD: That's right: no one's.
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myboyherodotus · 5 months
Fyodor's Last Words in Bungou Stray Dogs
Hello! I know I've been saying I was gonna do this for a long time, and I really did try to find my notes quickly, but I'm here now. This post is meant as a Religious Studies Analysis. As such I would like to state that I was a dual major in Religious Studies and History to qualify myself for this discussion.
I am also going to be writing this post for accessibility, that is to say I am going to assume the reader has little to no knowledge about the New Testament so I will be explaining or giving context to a lot of things, even things that may seem obvious.
What Were Fyodor's Words?
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Eli, Eli, Lema Sabachtani which as I'm sure you know is the Arameic version of Christ's cry to God as he was on the Cross in the Book of Matthew. The Book of Matthew is one of the four gospels in the New Testament. The Gospels (which translates to Good News) tell the life story of Jesus.
In the King James Version of the Bible these words are said, "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? (Matthew 27:46)
A disclaimer, I am using the King James Version of the Bible for its importance to the English Language. If you want to see Matthew 27:46 translated differently please check Bible Gateway.
The Significance of Matthew 27:46
Let's talk about the context of Matthew 27:46. Now, this line comes during the Crucifixion of Jesus. This was the ninth hour of Jesus being on the cross, or around 3 in the afternoon, and is said following a period of darkness from noon to three.
Now many scholars and theologians have tried to understand why Jesus would have said God had forsaken him, and this is the same for Fyodor too.
However, I would like to talk about Matthew 27:46 in the context of prophecy. Now, for many Christian scholars the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) contain several prophecies which Jesus later fulfills. In Psalms 22:1 "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" is said once again. Therefore, a popular interpretation of Matthew 27:46 is that Jesus is emphasizing how his death and eventual resurrection were all proclaimed long ago and fated to happen.
In short: the quote illustrates the prophetic nature of Jesus and how he is the Messiah.
And How Does Fyodor Connect?
Well, I believe that Fyodor's last words were a warning. A warning to Dazai that Fyodor knew he would "die" and come back, just as Jesus did when he said it on the cross. Maybe he planned this all out or views his life as some sort of prophecy to eliminate all ability users.
If we take the quote and apply the Psalms connection to it, it becomes evident that the "sacrifice" Fyodor took was fated to happen and he knew it. He knew he was going to come back, he possibly knew this was going to happen.
Moreover, this quote may also have something to do with his resurrection. Later in Matthew (Matthew 27:50-53), Jesus calls out and an earthquake happens, "and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose." (Matthew 27:52). Right after Jesus calls out to God, the saints rise from the dead and go to heaven. The quote is intimately tied with resurrection, and I don't think that's a coincidence that Fyodor said it and then comes back. I think Asagiri took this into consideration too.
Most people would think that "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" would be a plea of a man caught in a trap with no way out. But, this interpretation does not make sense with Fyodor or his "death". Therefore, understanding Matthew 27:46 has both a line connected with the resurrection of saints and prophecy is crucial to understanding why Fyodor said it during the helicopter crash. He knew he was coming back. I think it was a warning and to illustrate how "ordained by God" his mission is. There's probably more context to add, but it's late and I am sleepy now.
I know this all kinda confirms what we already know, but I think it really illustrates the depth of Fyodor's planning and that he might have known how Mersault was going to go the whole time. Which is terrifying if you think about it.
As always feel free to add things, ask questions, etc. If you disagree just keep it civil. There's probably some things manga wise I didn't add so if you have things to add please do.
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kilfeur · 11 months
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Voilà enfin fini mon nouveau comic Rayllum avec cette fois ci, un cauchemar de Rayla mais Callum est là pour veiller sur elle. A la base il y avait deux scènes que j'ai pas mit au final, la première est pendant la crise de panique de Rayla, Callum fait toujours le truc avec le pouls mais descend sa main vers sa coeur. Pour qu'elle puisse sentir ses battements puis l'allonger en lui demandant de se concentrer sur lui et sur sa voix. Au final j'ai opté pour autre chose qui on va dire plus réaliste même si je pourrais toujours placer ça ailleurs. La deuxième scène c'est qu'après la discussion du duo, Callum était censé jeter un coup d'oeil à l'arc de Rayla. Pensant aux dernières paroles de Claudia jusqu'à ce qu'il sente la main de Rayla et lui dise qu'il aime quand elle le touche s'en suit Rayla qui l'entoure dans ses bras pour se réchauffer. Je trouvais déjà que ça traînait en longueur et même si j'ai pu mettre le câlin, j'espère que je pourrais mettre la scène de l'arc sur un autre dessin ou bien un one shot par exemple.
At last I've finished my new Rayllum comic, this time featuring Rayla's nightmare, but Callum is there to watch over her. The first is during Rayla's panic attack. Callum still does the pulse thing, but lowers his hand to his heart. So she can feel his heartbeat, then lay her down and ask her to concentrate on him and his voice. In the end, I opted for something more realistic, even if I could always place it elsewhere. The second scene is that, after the duo's discussion, Callum was supposed to take a look at Rayla's bow. Thinking about Claudia's last words until he felt Rayla's hand and told her he liked it when she touched him, followed by Rayla wrapping her arms around him for warmth. I already felt it was dragging on and even though I was able to put in the hug, I hope I could put the bow scene in another drawing or a one-shot for example.
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Rayla : Where I am ?
Claudia : You're selfish, tell me why I don't have the right! All I want is to keep my father alive?! Everything I've done is for my family! To keep him with me! So why am I being robbed of what is rightfully mine?! So tell me you elf… Why should you be allowed to have yours back?
Rayla : Your father wanted to invade Xadia. He allowed a kingdom to be corrupted for his downfall. And you helped him, turning your back on your brother
Claudia : You know nothing! He did it for the good of mankind! Don't try to blame me for anything! When you've abandoned and hurt your loved ones. You came back like a flower, thinking you'd be welcomed. Nothing was going your way. You're no saint! So don't accuse me and see your own mistakes
Page 3
Viren : Tell me, elf, was my hunt really worth it?
Rayla : Ca... Callum. No... I beg you... Don't look at me. Outside, we'll be attacked! I've got to go! Otherwise we'll never reach the tower! Getting Nova's blade is the priority, we can't take a detour! I must protect you!
Page 4 and 5
Callum : Rayla, it's okay, you're not alone. You're here with me and Stella, remember. Can you feel my pulse and my touch? Rayla, relax. There you go, breathe just like me. Good again. We've eliminated the creatures that attacked us. And we've surveyed the area, haven't we?
Rayla : Yes, I remember.
Callum : That's good, Rayla, keep going.
Rayla : And the air dome you created at Umber Torr. You remade it for this cave.
Callum : See? Then breathe again. We're safe, you have nothing to fear. Do you want to talk about it ?
Claudia : You're selfish.
Rayla : Before that, I'd like to know… Why are you so intent on saving my family?
Callum : Eh… Well, why not? Recovering Nova's blade and saving them is like killing two birds with one stone!
Rayla : But...
Page 6
Callum : Rayla, in those two years, we created our own path. We've moved forward and sometimes lost our way, but we keep going. Because we want to achieve our goals. And we've done things for ourselves. Because we thought it was the right thing to do. But also for others, so that they can live in a better day. And finally, so that we can grieve properly. But you have the choice of reuniting with them. You shouldn't waste it when the opportunity is there. You could have continued your hunt. And yet you've come back to us.
Rayla : There are so many things I could have done better. So many things I haven't told you about my two years without you all. Even with Stella, I felt so alone. I was so cold and had nothing. I wish I could have stayed with all of you for those two years. I regret it but I'm here now and I want to stay by your side.
Callum : Rayla, you've always had a place with us. Even when you're reunited with them, that won't change. I promise!
Rayla : You always find the words to soothe me. They are magic! They make me feel able to face anything. You bewitched me and I've always been under your spell. So I can only love you more.
Rayla : I had a nightmare I thought I was going to die.
Callum : Really? And now you're thinking about it?
Rayla : Not so much now that you're here. Of course you do, Stella
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mydisenchantedeulogy · 5 months
Love Me Bitterly [Chapter Five] Labyrinth [Adam]
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Warning(s): Foreshadowing, OC, short chapter, Adam being Adam, mixed emotions, religious themes.
Tag list: @lala-1516
Previous Chapter
No Minors Allowed!!
“I'm so jealous,” Rilea whined. She fell back in her seat and despite Marcella's plea to be quiet, she continued to wiggle restlessly until the blonde turned to her and raised a curious brow.
“And why might that be?” She asked. She was not curious, but she knew Rilea would not be quiet until she asked. 
Rilea got up and moved to sit beside her near the viewing portal. Her green eyes stared at the glistening cosmos in front of her before she turned to Marcella. 
“Because Adam is so into you and he's hot.”
He's OK, in Marcella's opinion. His personality is terrible, but he can be nice if he feels motivated. 
“I honestly think he's into me just because he's bored.” 
Rilea frowned. “Did he say that? Assumptions and truth are frequent bedfellows.”
Marcella snorted. 
“So is love and desire.” 
The redhead turned up her eyes. She understood the point Marcella was trying to make, but honestly, she didn't think her assumption of Adam was the case. Yes, he was a jerk, but based on what Nera told her, he talked frequently about the Commander's daughter. Her recent performance in Seraphim Square really struck a chord with him. 
Even so, it was not her business to push them together. If Marcella gave him an option, something to think about, then it was between them. She and Nera were already giving Adam information; he was just too ignorant when it came to relationships to know what to do with it. 
Rilea took an uneasy breath.
“What do you want out of this?”
Marcella hummed. She reached forward and touched the portal, watching as it switched to Earth, a peaceful meadow somewhere in Iceland. 
“I'm not sure and for some reason, I'm fine with that.”
On one hand, a relationship with Adam seemed impossible. He was too loud; too full of himself. A one-night stand, on the other, meant that there were no strings attached. Adam did have sex appeal; his mouth made it hard to like him, however. 
“It's up to Adam at this point.” 
Rilea said nothing more about it. She sat in silence with Marcella until the door opened and Leena sauntered in. She was an anthropomorphic lioness with a brunette mane styled in dreads and dark fur. Sometimes she swapped duties with Rilea but today she was meant to be in the field. 
“Is watch over today, sister?”
Leena turned up her slitted brown eyes. 
“No. I left Earth early. The observee is grating my nerves.”
Marcella knew the feeling. She gave the lioness a sympathetic look. 
“I'm sorry, sister. Perhaps it will get better.”
Leena hummed.
“Perhaps. But I doubt it. I reported him to the Commander once already for misuse of his authority, but she insisted that I ignore it. You would understand, Marcella, he was yours before your demotion.” 
That creep. Marcella tightened her jaw and turned to the portal, switching it to a view of the man. He was Caucasian with salt and pepper hair, a charming manipulator, in her opinion. At the moment, he was writing in a ledger of some kind, listing names and ages.
“That is…ominous,” Rilea stated. 
No kidding. What was he doing? 
“Self-proclaimed Saint Hunter,” Leena mentioned with a frown. “He is currently amassing followers who share his views.”
“And Imelda is ignoring this?” Rilea asked in disbelief. 
Leena nodded. She had no idea why and based on the look Marcella was giving him, neither did she. 
“The best we can do is keep an eye on him.”
If things continued to escalate then Marcella would have no choice but to take the matter to a Seraphim. Wickedness no matter how small had a connection to the Root of All Evil, and it was the “Powers” job to find and eliminate it. 
This was not good. 
‘Saint’ Hunter stayed on Marcella's mind long after she left headquarters. He put her on edge and the more she tried to ignore him, thinking that things would fix themselves, the more worried she got. She was starting to question whether the Seraphim would intervene or not. 
Her mind was a labyrinth. Marcella did not even hear her name being called until whoever had addressed her chased her down, nearly frightening her when they leaped in front of her. 
“Sorry, mate. Yor an easy one to spook,” Willow stated with a laugh. She was the lead singer of Frisson, a songbird with white plumage and ombre feathers that faded to mint green.
Marcella sighed in relief.
“I'm sorry. I was distracted. How are you?”
Willow snorted. 
“Good ‘nough. Yor gonna freak when I tell ya this, but we got a gig.”
A gig. Marcella widened her eyes. 
“Where? When?” 
She honestly needed a distraction to clear her head, at least for a brief moment.
“At Seraphim Square in two days,” Willow chirped. “The Celebration of Lights festival, ya know. The band ‘as to keep it cleaner than usual, but that's no problem.”
“That's amazing,” Marcella stated. 
She was excited, but her mind was so exhausted, a notion that reflected on her face. 
“Yor up for this, right mate?” Willow asked, raising a worried brow. “I ‘eard the “Arches” might show. Ya know what that means.” 
Azrael. The blonde felt her face heat up. Was he really going to be there? She had never performed in front of the “Archangels” or the “Seraphim” before. All this was so exciting. 
“You don't have to worry about me. I'll have my head in the game by then.” 
“Rock on,” Willow retorted, bouncing on her feet. “I'll see ya at Lita's house tomorrow for rehearsal.”
Marcella agreed with a nod, then saw her off as she flew away. She felt a bit better, but work still put a damper on her mood. Opting to turn in early, after a long shower, she hurried home unaware of the attention that she had drawn.
Two months and fourteen days was what stood between the Exorcists and Extermination Day. Two months and fourteen days, Lute reminded herself, and Adam was not feeling it. 
The stoic woman watched him shove a donut into his mouth from across the table, having been dragged to some café on the square with him. At first, he was attentive, then like the flip of a coin, his attention went elsewhere. It was not unusual for Adam to lose interest in what she had to say, but when his attention diverted to a certain blonde-haired Heaven-born, she grew curious.
“She must live around here,” Lute stated. 
It was just a test, but Adam fell for it hook, line, and sinker. 
“Does she?” 
“I'd imagine, sir. The “Powers” set up their headquarters near here.”
Adam tossed her a glare. 
“No shit. Like I hadn't fucking noticed.” 
She knew he had. Adam went there to talk to their Commander. Her point was that it made sense for Marcella to live nearby. He could be dense. 
“That bird is a bandmate of hers,” Lute pointed out.  
Adam didn't seem to care. He puffed his cheeks and blew bubbles in his cup via the straw. Lute turned up her eyes. 
“They might play at the festival. You can see her there.”
Adam groaned. His mask flashed to show a look of annoyance. 
“If you don't want me to get to know you as a person, then we need to draw a line here and now.”
What did he want? 
“She wants to get to know me,” he blurted out.
“And?” Lute asked. 
Adam shot her a glare. What the hell did she mean?
“And what?”
“It's not my place to tell you what to do, sir, but if you want her to get to know you better you might want to put aside your insecurities,” Lute stated. She tapped her face to emphasize her point. 
Insecurities. What a joke. 
I'm Adam. The first-fucking-man. I don't have–
His mask glitched, interrupting him. Adam frowned. His mask. He hid his face for a reason. Hesitantly his hand went to his stomach, feeling the pudginess beneath his fingers. So what; he wasn't muscular, but he also wasn't overweight. It had been so long since he let a woman get to know him. 
What would Marcella even think? 
Insecurities. Yeah, he had a few, he reckoned. But he understood what Lute meant. For once he understood. 
Frowning, he took a drink from his soda. 
“Who the fuck asked you?”
His lieutenant grinned. 
“No one, sir.”
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sonderwrit · 9 months
C120: This is enough
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
Author's 木火然 Weibo post:
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Brother Yi and Mr. Qin wishes everyone Happy New Year!!! Let's walk towards the new year together! [love you][love you][love you] What kind of New Year's wishes does everyone have~
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Qin Xian: Mm.
QX: Come on.
Wang Yi: …..
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WY: [Ahh, I hate this feeling]
WY: [Of being overly protected by someone else)]
Y: [I'm not upset because of Luo Wenliu targeting me]
WY: [Or the packet of realgar that Qin Xian gave me.]
QX: Disci…ple?
WY: [But because I don't want to admit—]
WY: Hahhh—
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WY: Finally I feel more clearheaded.
WY: [The fact that I'm gradually falling behind S-0 and Qin's footsteps.]
WY: [I have no idea what they want to do.]
QX: ……
QX: No need for this. Biting me is the same.
WY: It's not the same.
WY: (Although I easily agreed to losing my memories, it doesn't feel good to be the only one who's protected.) [It's like I'm dragging them down.]
WY: Pain is better than drinking blood to clear the head.
QX: …..
QX: (Memories?)
QX: It's a Master's duty to protect the disciple.
WY: Huh?
WY: (What kind of reaction is this? Is that all he wants to say?)
WY: But disciples should respect masters too, right? How can I rely on you all the time.
WY: (I thought he'd question me on my chaotic thoughts.) [I even prepared an excuse in advance.] *rips fabric*
*can barely control himself from leaking any "fatal" intel*
QX: …….
WY: *doesn't treat the wound so the pain can keep him clearheaded*
WY: !
QX: Master isn't sure what disciple's being so stubborn about. Since you don't want Master to ask, then I won't.
QX: However, Yunshan Sect doesn't accept demonic disciples, so you can't return with your current symptoms of demonization. Master will find a way to solve…
WY: Master.
QX: ?
WY: It's fine, you've already helped me a lot. And you've always cared for me and accompanied me.
Young Wang Yi: Kitty! Kitty!
WY: This is enough.
QX: !
QX: What does disciple mean.
WY: Disciple hopes you won't consider my safety. Whether it's cultivation or eliminating demons, just do what you have to do.
QX: ….. I made an agreement with you to study all the contents of that book.
WY: Huh? Don't misunderstand, I'm not leaving you.
WY: That's not what I meant.
WY: It's just that you've been looking after me and staying by my side so long that it's time for you to take a break.
WY: (Haha, I'm so ashamed.)
WY: [I should've figured it out earlier.]
QX: ? It wasn't very long, I'm not tired. [Only over a decade or so.]
WY: To me it's a long time.
#Communication along different frequencies#
WY: [Since there's no way to change the status quo or the people]
WY: So coming up next—
WY: [The only way left—]
WY: It's my turn to chase you.
WY: [Is to change myself, right?]
WY: [I've never been someone impressive.]
WY: [And I've never thought of accomplishing great things.]
WY: [Although my friends did and I accompanied them]
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Friend: We're just catching a thief.
Wang Yi: Hello, is this 110?*
*110 is the equivalent to 911 in China
WY: [Since Mr. Qin has rushed to me again and again]
Qin Xian 1: Brother Yi.
Qin Xian 2: City lord.
Qin Xian 3: Wang Yi.
WY: [I too, towards him—]
WY: [Will take this step.]
WY: Urk. *blushes*
WY: In any case, just busy yourself and I'll follow you like death. If I can't catch up, don't worry about it, just treat it as me going out to gain experience, but I'll definitely find you after a year.
WY: (Since the story plot will begin then, I'll need to return to the sect even if it means spending points and using props.)
QX: ….. *Iceberg Sword Saint Trying to Understand Human Emotions.jpg*
WY: (So awkward…)
WY: (I never thought there'd come a day where I pursued someone myself.)
S-0: Host—
WY: (See, I'm even hallucinating S-0's voice.)
S-0: Host—great—
WY: (Damn! It's really him?!)
WY: Sao Ling! *blocking him from Qin Xian*
QX: ?
QX: (This cat again)
WY: Why did you run out again! Don't you need to hide?
WY: Master, go rest first. This spiritual cat seems to want me for "something unimportant."
QX: ? (High cultivation, heard every single word)
S-0: It's fine it's fine!
S-0: I came to tell Host that the Main System—
WY: ???
QX: *trying to understand*
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S-0: It's not time for the plot yet, so you and Sword Saint Qin don't need to worry about breaking character. [The novel doesn't record what happens in the downtime outside of missions.]
WY: *quietly* No, I don't understand.
WY: Rather, I'm not even sure what you two are playing at, I need an explanation.
S-0: Oh, how to put it.
S-0: It's more or less what you guessed, we put on an act to fool the Main System.
S-0: There was originally a little complication.
S-0: "It" finished inspecting the world and was too lazy to leave because it didn't find any loopholes.
(FLASHBACK: S-0 saying "Yes" to the Main System's declaration that they'd stay.)
S-0: I was almost scared to death and even considered messing with the world itself.
S-0: But then Luo Wenliu showed up.
(FLASHBACK: Qin Xian going "oh" to LWL's dramatic reveals.)
S-0: The Main System inspected him, found a fragment of data related the "Wanted Person" on him, and chased that fragment out of this world. (Lucky~)
WY: ? *Confused #1*
QX: ? *Confused #2*
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S-0: Forget it, you wouldn't understand even if I explained.
S-0: At any rate, the alarms are clear.
S-0: Before the mission starts one year later, Host can be your own person.
WY: ….hey. (Don't monologue to yourself.)
S-0: All you need to do is:
S-0: One, explain the situation to Sword Saint Qin and help him recover his memories.
S-0: Two, playact as before until you reach the novel ending, and that's it. (That's why I avoided telling Sword Saint Qin about this matter.)
(SCENARIO: Qin Xian going "Unfilial disciple! Master will clean up the sect today!)
WY: ……
WY: Hah…. *headache*
WY: (And I was just preparing to "reverse pursue" him.)
WY: God knows what you two were plotting. I'd thank the Heavens if it went as smoothly as planned.
WY: Master, you've more or less heard about the situation.
WY: May I ask what you're…
WY: Thinking, right now?
(look they have matching panels in this chapter hehe)
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joandfriedrich · 10 months
I have a what-if question for you. What if the Marches hadn't lost all their money?
That is interesting thing to ponder. I would like to think that they wouldn't lose much of their personalities, given how down-to-earth Marmee and Mr. March were. Aunt March would continue to try and match the girls up with well to men, not necessarily because of money, but because they should stay within "good society", but Marmee maintains that she would be happy to see her daughters as happy spinsters than marry men they didn't love just for more money or connections.
Meg would be sought after by many of the young men, and while she did enjoy the attention, she realized it wasn't as fun as the men see her as a means for her wealth, which is why she grows closer to the studious, but hardworking John Brooke, who talks to her as an equal, never as someone too high above him. When he proposes, he swears off using Meg's money to provide the house, and he wants to prove that he can provide for her and is deserving of her. This show of strong character helps him land a job in Mr. March's employ, where no one can question his social class anymore.
Jo would still be the "oddball" of the family, wanting to enjoy life and write despite having all the money she could ever want. She swears off marrying at a young age due to the many men around her wishing to marry her for her money, despite them thinking she isn't as pretty as Meg. She decides to get away from it all and has a vacation in New York, staying at a boarding house of a friend of the family. While there, she meets Friedrich Bhaer, a German professor who though poor in money is rich is kindness and generosity, and like Meg before her, finds it refreshing that she is treated as an equal and not just a prize (it helps too that Jo never reveals to any of the boarders that she is wealthy, choosing to work as the children's nanny). So when Friedrich visits, Jo is worried that he'll feel betrayed that she isn't exactly who she said she was, but he doesn't care, and loves her regardless, more concerned that she could never love him for how poor and how much older he is than her. But she doesn't care about that, and they marry, set up their own school where he is the professor (which is practically how Little Women ended)
Beth would use her money to help out hospitals, the homeless, and schools. People around Concord would call her Saint Beth, for how charitable she was, but she does so much more behind he scenes that people do not find out until her death. It's hard to say if Beth would live longer in this AU, because while the money would help to get her the best care, she was already a frail girl who seemed to never have quite recovered from her illness. But, if we are going with my train of thought, the Hummels would have been in a shelter or taken cared of by a doctor, thus eliminating Beth's need to visit them and getting sick herself. So, yes, she would survive, and I like to see her grow old, content to stay at home and live a simple life, despite having the advantages money could provide.
Amy would go to the best schools, especially for art, and when she is older, go with Aunt March to not only expand her skills, but for Aunt March to find her a proper husband. Amy gets plenty of offers, even from nobles like dukes and counts, but in the end, she will always love Laurie, who had once tried to propose to Jo, but after reflection realized he didn't love Jo like that, but loves Amy, and Aunt March's hope of marrying off to a well to do young man, especially a European, ends up still coming true.
Sorry that this post is late and a bit longer than I had expected, but sudden inspiration hit me.
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wilderebellion · 1 year
Citrina Rocks - What Really Happened?
Pure speculation about Ravening War based on "Seeds of Conflict" (episode 1) and the entirety of A Crown of Candy. SPOILERS AHOY for A Crown of Candy
Calorum's history is rich and complex and the fact that we're getting The Ravening War is part of that. Lots of things were mentioned or alluded to in ACoC or the Adventuring Party episodes of that time. (Also possibly in Discord Q&As). I believe Jacques Tomaté being the catalyst for the Ravening War was once such thing mentioned on adjacent media (like AP or Discord).
But Citrina, like many of the Rocks sisters, died over the course of the Ravening War, and Calroy spills almost all the juicy details about the demises of Amethar's sisters. Calroy knows that Citrina didn't die merely by accident, that she was run down in the streets on the orders of Belizabeth Brassica - the broccoli woman's motivations, however, were a mystery even to Lord Cruller. Even though Citrina had always "been sweet" to him, he didn't object or didn't show any remorse for Citrina being eliminated.
Prior to the Ravening War, Belizabeth was "just a bishop". In the first episode of the new series, we see her assisting the aged Archbishop Camille Colliflower and speaking in her stead occasionally. Citrina longs to be associating more with the Bulbian faith. Does she bond with a young Belizabeth over religious interest? Does she become such a shining star of Bulbian excellence that overshadows Bishop Brassica? Camille seems to be an elder,
The part that has always been most curious to me is that Citrina was canonized as a Bulbian saint after her death. I can't decide if that happened in spite of Belizabeth's actions or BECAUSE of Belizabeth's actions, so I'm curious to see if this story will give us more clues.
Ordered to be run over in the street = accident, and nothing to link BB to the scene of the crime. Was death truly the intention or did an attempt at harm go too far? Was it supposed to be insulting or somehow a declaration of higher status on Belizabeth's part?
What was happening on the streets at that time? Was it an uproarious mob of people fleeing, or others of the faith that needed guidance? If she was trying to rescue or help others, it would contribute to the martyrdom aspect that maybe encouraged her canonization.
While there are obvious similarities, I don't want to ascribe a one-for-one ratio of transference between the requirements of canonization for Catholics and Bulbians. But if performing miracles is a part of it, I'm very curious to see Citrina's miracles.
This is the writer in me, but it would be pretty juicy if young Belizabeth, already fueled by jealousy, hears someone talk about how good and saintly Citrina is before she finally makes the order. "The thing about being a martyr means is you have to die."
Especially with rewatching ACoC recently, I want to know more about Citrina's understanding of the world. She was deeply devoted to the Bulb, but we don't actually know how she felt about The Church prior to her death. 5A: During the flashback about Catherine Ghee, Citrina makes a subtle distinction between the judgement of The Church and the judgement of The Bulb. She is concerned with the latter, which makes me wonder if she already saw how the institution was flawed. 5B: Presumably Citrina never had any direct AND public criticisms of the Church. Given that her magic relic is about honesty, I have doubts that she would be talented at covering her tracks like Sapphria.
The honesty power of her Book of Leaves - did that only start after she died, or is it an echo of an ability she had in life?
Did Belizabeth WANT Citrina canonized, or was it a great twist of dramatic irony after wanting her eliminated?
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When the spirit of Sunset is summoned down, it's almost like how she'd imagined in her nightmare… except, there's no evil laughter, no darkening skies, no fire spewing out. The version of Sunset she sees before her, the real Sunset, takes her by surprise. She didn't know how to feel, seeing Sunset looking more melancholic. More sad. Part of her almost wishes she was in a demon form, this felt all sorts of wrong.
There's nothing but silence, as if all parties have trouble on how to move forward. Chrysalis takes a deep breath and puts on a stern look. If only to keep herself composed. She couldn't be too careful.
Chrysalis: So… after all these years, we're face to face like this once more, Sunset Shimmer.,,
There's clear disdain in her voice, but she's not flying off the handle at least.
Chrysalis: There's many things I've wanted to say to you, to DO to you. Not a day has gone by where I hadn't thought about how I'd exact my revenge… but...
She trailed off. Sunset could see that while her hatred was still there, Chrysalis was far different from how she remembered as well.
Chrysalis: I need to know the truth first, you killed my family and then ran off. Applejack can confirm what I'm saying isn't a lie. But will the same be said for you?
Sunset stands silent for a moment, trying to think of what to say. It's a predicament to try to speak to someone who accuses you of the worst crimes, and is certain in their view that you are guilty of said crime without any more evidence other than witness testimony that claims that they saw them do it.
Sunset: I... I first must say of course... that I'm not here to confess to what you say I did. I did not kill your family. Not a single one of them, I fought with your brother Tarsus... but by no means did I intend anyone to die. Not even him. If I weren't already dead, I'd have told you I'd swear that to my grave.
This makes Chrysalis immediately turn towards Applejack, hoping for any sign that she's caught Sunset in a lie. But to her frustration, Applejack simply shakes her head to indicate she detected no lies. Twilight stepped in front of Applejack just in case.
Sunset: I have however... held intense guilt from that day ever since... even the day of my own death doesn't compare to how much trauma that day left on me... even us spirits can't escape from remembering the worst days of our lives.. 
Chrysalis' eyes narrowed, of course she expected this to happen, Sunset denying it and Applejack confirming she's not lying. She grit her teeth, it was clear how agitated she was. But it's what Sunset said next that she had a bigger issue with.
Chrysalis: Intense guilt? INTENSE GUILT!? You cannot come to me and claim intense trauma over that! You completed your mission, didn't you?! You eradicated the main threat like you were supposed to? Isn't that the pony way, destroy or lock away in stone what you cannot assimilate?!
Celestia stood up at this, not wanting to sit idly by. She knew Chrysalis was speaking out of anger, but she wasn't going to let this slide.
Celestia: Now you hold on, Chrysalis. I have NEVER given the order to have the changelings be eliminated. Do not go putting words into my mouth. The only thing I had tasked Sunset with that day was to make sure your brother didn't do anything nefarious. You may not like hearing this, but he was no saint. Towards ponies or changelings. I aimed to prevent a needless war but I never had any intention of having the entire changeling hive be eradicated! We realized that day that ponies and changelings’ might never align for a generation afterwards!
Chrysalis whipped her head towards Celestia.
Chrysalis: I watched everything and everyone I once loved go up in flames, BECAUSE OF YOU AND HER! I'll admit, you’re right that my brother was no fan of ponies, but he was out to protect the hive! He's the reason I'm alive today! Had you never come to the hive that day, maybe… maybe… GRAAAH! 
Chrysalis slammed her hooves on the ground, while the floor around the physical ponies and gryphon rattled, Sunset didn't get affected by it at all. But instead of making her angrier, it actually deflated her mood. She knew that she couldn't do anything to affect Sunset… and vice versa.
Chrysalis: Tch... you have no idea how much I suffered because of you...
She sighs and quiets down, but it is clear she still blames Sunset.
Sunset: Sure... from a pure, if cruel interpretation of the Equestrian viewpoint it was a success, but it was certainly not in the way I intended it to go. I only wanted to take your brother in as I suspected he had plans that would be no good for anyone, not even his own kind. I even found it a little suspicious that he moved all of you to such a volcanic island. You're not dragons, lava and fire are in fact very dangerous to your kind.
The hope was that taking your brother in would allow the cooler heads of your other siblings to prevail. We weren't planning a coup where we planted ourselves as your new leaders, I very much wanted both Arista and Spur to remain in power. Tarsus was putting us on a path for a bloody war that would be too costly for both pony and changeling-kind.
And while from a pure, if heartless, look at the conditions of the mission was arguably achieved. That doesn't mean I was happy with the result. I'll concede that it was worse for you having lost so many of your beloved family and most of your kind, but I did not run off because ‘the job was done’. I ran off because I was trying to find shelter from the flying debris. And once I did find safety... my heart was pounding, my breath hyperventilating, and the only things I could hear were the screams of the dying... and the pure heartbreak that there was nothing I could have done for them! I was a powerful unicorn sure, but I was only in my late teen's and I wasn't so strong that I could reverse the miles of lava flow and suffocating smoke!
I had been in close calls before, but I... was not expecting the horrors I saw then... even years after I'd have nightmares. I even declined many missions to the dragon lands because I didn't want to step NEAR another volcano no matter how dormant!
And despite the fact that my target was your brother, I tried to save him too. What your eyes likely saw when you thought I pushed him in was me outstretching my hoof as he jumped off himself! Somehow he knew his death would accelerate the volcanic eruption to unstoppable levels. Once he died, things quickly escalated for the worse! It could have only been the dark magic released from his death!
Sunset's point about Tarsus moving the hive to a volcano made Chrysalis think back to Arista and Spur. They'd brought up the same concerns, but the fact that she was even relating Sunset to them made her blood boil.
Chrysalis: Don't you say their names! You… you have not earned the right to say them! And you say you ran off, but I heard your gloating! You can chalk it up to teenage bravado but clearly you enjoyed every second during your fight from how I saw things.
She looked baffled at the idea that Sunset tried to save Tarsus. Or that he knew what happens when someone with an evil heart dies.
Chrysalis: What utter nonsense! That memory is burned into my mind! I never once forgot. You didn't fail to pull him up, you PUSHED him in! I saw it! And while Tarsus was intelligent, a tactical genius, he wouldn't have known anything about the spirits or what happens when wicked creatures perish. Of course the fact that you equate him to such, sickens me. Where would he have possibly learned such information?!
Chrysalis' horn flared up, but it wasn't to attack.
Chrysalis: No, you need to see what you looked like in my eyes. While the steam of the volcano was rising, I had been told to go and hide. But I saw your face as he began to fall, almost intentionally looking in my direction. You looked just… like… this!!
She transformed into Sunset Shimmer, the younger one, however her face had been twisted into a wicked grin. 
Chrysalis: This is the face I remember! Go ahead, ask Applejack, ask if I'm lying!
Sunset: Smiling?! There's no way I was smiling! How many times do I have to tell you this, that day traumatized me! The very reason I began looking for avenues for a more normal life was because of that day. I came back to Canterlot in tears, Princess Celestia herself could vouch for that. I spent my first night back curled in her hooves like I was a little filly again! Nothing ever felt the same after that day... I was tempted to quit as Celestia's apprentice as early as the week after because I got scared wondering if more moments like this would be in my future...
Yes, I was a cocky, hotshot teenager. I will fully admit to having been over-the-top and taking things less seriously than I should have... but the smile of a psychopath is not a symptom of being a teenager. I don't know how you could've seen me smile, were you watching through a reflection mistaking my frown for a smile? Has your own nightmares of the day overwritten the real memory?
Sunset and Chrysalis both looked over to Applejack to see if anyone has been embellishing anything they've said.
Applejack just about stood there stumped as much as they are. Her mouth wide open.
Applejack: Neither o' y'all have lied... this is just like Chrysalis n' Starlight's argument back at the hive!
Starlight: Good gracious... how in Equestria are we going to find evidence one way or the other?! 
Twilight thinks for a moment
Twilight: Perhaps the best course of action right now is to talk about other things, obviously it can still connect to the moment. But there's got to be other subjects about what came after we can talk about. Like... Sunset, did you ever try to get in touch with Chrysalis after what happened?
Sunset: Well yeah... though it took me a while to even find out any changelings survived at all. Gotta remember that was almost a 100% extinction event for them. I wasn't completely sure Chrysalis survived until years later. Once I found out that she did, I did think about making amends. But... then I find these strange reports of any ponies going anywhere near the new hive suddenly losing their magic. But gaining it once back once they were out of range.
I immediately went to study it, and apparently in the time between the incident and when I found out Chrysalis was still alive. She had developed something that disables any living being’s magic that isn't a changeling. And it was potent stuff! As my daughter would find out, not even Discord can use magic in there while that was active. At the time, I didn’t know Chrysalis held me responsible for what happened. Though I still had a hunch trying to go there without my magic would be a bad idea.
That twisted expression was a far cry from what Sunset was really like. But seeing it would make Starlight understand why Chrysalis saw Sunset as a demon, especially with that being the memory of her. The revelation that they were both telling the truth only made things more confusing to the entire group. 
Chrysalis: This cannot be possible! Starlight defending her mother yesterday, I fully understand it now. But how can this one and I both be telling the truth yet remember it so differently?!
It was clear that there was a detail missing for the both of them, something they could have missed or overlooked. Celestia and Luna look deep in thought about this. Thinking of possible ways to go about this. While they were thinking, Sunset was speaking of trying to make amends and being met with a barrier. Chrysalis grinned.
Chrysalis: You're talking about my anti-magic barrier. Developed during the hive's reconstruction. I was not going to allow ANY creature take advantage of us again. But of course it was made with you in mind specifically, Sunset Shimmer. You're not entirely wrong, had we seen you step one hoof inside the hive, you would have been dead on sight… but it's quite clear another demon saw to that. But you're not the only one who'd done some reconnaissance, thanks to a benefactor of mine, we were able to learn where you supposedly frequented and as I've come to learn, where you lived after leaving Celestia's service, Sire's Hollow.
Sunset gasped
Sunset: Benefactor?! What?! Who? Somepony asked you or your drones to spy on me?! I do recall a time a changeling pretended to be Fi-Fi, so I'm aware you found out. But I didn't suspect you of working with someone within Equestria...
This breaks Celestia and Luna out of their thought processes as well. Nopony had known that Chrysalis ever received help at that time.
Chrysalis: Well to be honest, I'm not entirely sure who they were. Any letters they sent were not signed with a name, only a symbol. They offered information in exchange for information of my own. From what they said, they were a wanted pony with a hatred of you as well. 
Of course I was very skeptical of the information they offered, but if they hated you as much as I did then, they would be a tentative ally at best. Plus, the information they gave me not only gave me more insight on you… but also informed me of Cadence's existence as well. But their letters just stopped one day. I assumed they were either caught or something else, but I really didn't care to look into it. It was purely beneficial at the time.
Celestia: You said they signed each letter with a symbol, what symbol was it?
She asked with a seriousness that even Chrysalis was confused by. Surely one nameless criminal wasn't that important. Chrysalis looks at her and shrugs.
Chrysalis: If I recall… it was a chess piece? I thought it was silly, they probably saw themselves as some kind of mastermind or some other nonsense. Why do you ask? Does that mean anything to you?
Sunset froze on the mention of a chess piece. Sunset's brows furrow, as she begins to suspect who Chrysalis worked with. This also caused a stir on Starlight's face, as she's beginning to realize who it may have been too. But she stays quiet in hope that it's just a coincidence.
Sunset: It... no... it couldn't have been... Chrysalis, can... you tell me which chess piece it was? This is actually very important...
Chrysalis didn't know why the particular chess piece mattered. She almost laughed, wondering if Sunset had peeved off some chess nerds in school that she rejected dates from. But she obliged to Sunset's request to know which specific piece it was.
Chrysalis: Are you all serious right now? What is so significant about a chess piece? You look as if you've seen a ghost and Shimmer is right there...
She rolled her eyes, not knowing the importance of the question. This bit of levity for her did calm her mood though, even if tensions were high for everyone else. Chrysalis thinks for a moment, this was such a small detail for her to recall as she'd brushed it off as unimportant.
Chrysalis: It was… a king and queen piece if I recall? Sometimes just a king piece as well. What, is there some evil chess club I'm unaware of?
The realization hits hard for both Sunset and Starlight. Sunset was trying as hard as could to be calm and collected while she knows that Chrysalis blames her for everything. But knowing now who Chrysalis worked with, she can't help but have her temper break. Sunset's face at least temporarily made Chrysalis sweat as it was looking closer to her nightmares, at least of the dreams she had of Sunset going on a murderous rage.
Starlight wasn't too pleased either. Though she's still keeping herself collected, she doesn't want to fly off the handle like yesterday either.
At first, Chrysalis is taken aback by the sudden anger from their side. She thought she'd be the only one who's angry. When looking to Starlight or Luna for support, Luna is clearly disturbed and Starlight is doing her best to hold her tongue. Celestia's eyes narrowed, but gears were turning in her head. The only one who looked the least upset was Gallus but she wasn't expecting support from him.
Chrysalis: Who? You say that name like I'm supposed to know who…
Starlight: Obviously he kept his identity secret for a reason... but Chrysalis.... that was Cozy's father you assisted... he, his wife, and of course Cozy herself would together be the ones who murdered my mother... The very reason she stands before you a spirit right now... and why I grew up motherless...
Chrysalis: h-Hold on, what!?
She gasps when Starlight finally speaks up. She assisted the ones who ultimately killed Sunset. On one hand, she should be delighted that her actions did end in Sunset's untimely demise… so why didn't it feel good? Perhaps it was the relation to Cozy Glow, or seeing the real Sunset’s personality, plus the fact that holes had been getting poked in what she remembers… it made her question the truth. And the ponies can see that conflict in her expression.
Chrysalis: Cozy Glow… ugh, to think that wretched child and her family had been involved in my affairs for longer than I realized. Hmm… though wait… does this mean Cozy is older then she appears? Because this was quite long ago… Is she an adult that just never grew?
Sunset: No… she’s just as young as she looks… there was just… a bit of a twist that happened during the final moments of my life…
This put Chrysalis in some deep thought, just wondering how this all came to be. She doesn’t know if Sunset will even want to tell her this story out of fear of her laughing in her face about it. But Sunset isn’t laughing in her face about her family, so she may as well stay composed as possible in return
Chrysalis: Explain to me how they ultimately caused your death then. Starlight has mentioned it, but never went into full detail. This isn't for wanting to hear and delight in it… something about this sours it all for me. When and where did it happen?
Sunset still needed a little more time to cool down, but she was at least helped by the fact that Chrysalis did not know. So she can be forgiven, even if now a part of what Cheque Mace said before her death made a lot more sense.
Sunset: Ok yeah... my moment of death is probably quite important to tell you. This is fast forwarding a bit, but this is a good while after I had stepped down as Celestia's protege so I could live a peaceful life in Sire's Hollow with Firelight. Eventually, we decided it was time for a baby. And thus, Starlight was born. That one week I had to simply be a loving mother was one of the best times of my life. And I was looking forward to many more weeks... however, I knew at the time that Cheque Mace was on the loose and before I could retire from world-saving for good. I needed to make sure he faced justice. He wanted to either have all the magic in the world for himself, or allow no one to have magic. And regardless if he knew that would end life on the planet, he didn’t care. Cozy would even later become the closest to implementing that plan when she worked with Tirek. It’s thanks to Gallus here, your own daughter, and all their friends that magic wasn’t taken away. Going back to the past though, I eventually got a letter from the royal guard that they've pinpointed his location, somewhere near New Haven. A small town not far from the infamous Klugetown.
I went in alone, while Cheque Mace and his wife were a formidable duo as a unicorn and pegasus respectively. I have had experience fighting much stronger foes then they are. Cozy Glow was a bit of a wild card, but I didn't think a little filly would provide them much help.
But I was very wrong to underestimate Cozy. They used her as bait, she put up a crocodile tear act and pretended that she was an abused child that managed to refuse her parents indoctrination. And how they'd threaten to kill her if she ever tried to run away or call for help. It was a bit sketchy, but she was just a filly.... and that's exactly how she gets you. She takes advantage of the assumption that a child can't be culpable for their actions
They even set it up where her parents pretended to be upset by Cozy working with me. And I stood in front of her to protect her from them. Though... before we went outside to begin our fight... Cheque Mace said something that should have been impossible. He told me he was aware of my marriage with Firelight, something I didn't even share with Princess Celestia. When I asked how he knew... he said ‘I have more eyes then you think’... he must have meant you and the Changelings all along... 
This is still shocking for all parties, never had this come up in the lessons, the idea that Cheque Mace and Chrysalis were working together was a terrifying thought even if they never worked directly together. The more information that Sunset was giving about her death, things were becoming clear to Chrysalis on how that family saw her contribution. A feeling of dread filled Chrysalis, she knew something about Sunset's death that the rest of the group didn't know. She was already on thin ice and this may seal her fate even if it's something that happened years ago. Yet she knew lying was not a possibility as Applejack would call her out on it immediately. 
Chrysalis: Cozy seems to have a penchant for lowering one's defenses before stabbing them in the back. You lot learned that once before, and I know if our joint plan succeeded… she would have done the same to myself and Tirek eventually. 
We were already looking into you and your family, how they knew of such, I don't truly know… but it's clear to me they wanted to use my anger and hatred for their own gain. And I so willingly obliged… tch, he thought that my changelings were an asset for him!? Pawns in his game?!
She paused after the unintentional pun.
Chrysalis: However… there's something you should know, Sunset Shimmer, you'd mentioned it earlier. The changeling who posed as your husband that one day?
Green flames burst around Chrysalis to reveal a younger looking Firelight
Chrysalis: Who do you think it was? I don't need to refer to the element of honesty to know your story of your death is true. After all, it seems I'd given them the information necessary to seal your fate. Or at the very least, informed them of your whereabouts and your family. I will at least say that… I never found out that you had a child, which is part of why I flew off the handle when Starlight informed me of such yesterday.
She transformed back into herself and looked… guilty? At least somewhat.
Sunset visibly gasped that Chrysalis was in fact the changeling that fled once their cover had been blown.
Sunset: It was really you?! I... there's no way I could really tell. You ran off while still disguised so I assumed it was just some random drone that had stopped by to feed on our love. Hmmph, good thing you didn't know his penchant for nicknames... otherwise you could have used that form to end my life yourself in my sleep.
Chrysalis does grumble a bit that it was a simple quirk that blew her cover. In a bit of levity, Starlight has a small giggle.
Starlight: His nicknames are quite cringe at times... but hey, it saved the day that time. Though what's worse Chrysalis, is the nicknames he had for me was among a list he considered to be my actual name. Imagine if when we were still enemies, you would have had to curse like this...
Starlight crosses her eyes and overdramatically espouses a villain defeat mantra
Starlight immediately went into a giggle fit just imagining that.
A chance for the room to have a little bit of a laugh before Sunset can continue on with informing Chrysalis about the moment of her death.
Chrysalis: Hmph, You're quite lucky I was only trying to escape. I had no intention of fighting you on that day. Had I truly known who I was posing as at that moment, things might have been much different.
She can see Starlight giggling in the corner and groans.
Chrysalis: Don't get any ridiculous ideas. I'm not doing requests and now is not the time.
She huffed, but it was clear that she was trying to hide her own chuckle. The moment of levity for the entire group was quite good in keeping tension low. Of course things go back to being serious as they continue talking.
Sunset: Moving on... now that I knew that Cheque was aware about Fi-Fi. There was only one thought in my head, fine, not a lot of good came for them receiving that information. All it did was make me more determined to defeat them, although perhaps that anger is why I didn't realize something was looming over me later...
I fought Cheque Mace and Glitterani. And while they tried their best tricks, eventually I was able to blast Cheque off the cliff. Leaving just Glitterani to deal with… or at least, so I thought. 
I singed Glitterani’s wing now that Cheque's magic couldn't distract me from targeting her. But as I approached the injured pegasus... suddenly a huge stone dropped right at the base of my horn and broke it right off. Resulting in a loss of total control over my magic. And it was Cozy who had thrown down the stone while I was focused on her mother.
That little psychopath having the nerve to laugh and gloat over me. Despite my lack of a horn, I decided to try to do something to her in payback. It hurt a lot, but I wasn't going to let Cozy get away without some consequence. A blast came out of my broken horn, initially missing Cozy. But then the blast above her shaped into the form of a dome, iconic of Starswirl's time travel spell. And it sucked Cozy right in. From there, I had no idea where Cozy was sent to. With how volatile magic is when the horn is broken, especially of those from a unicorn with my raw power. It could have been anything from many years in the past, maybe even back to the prehistoric age for all I knew. As it would turn out, she popped up decades in the future... when she coincidentally popped up just when Twilight was starting her School of Friendship.
From there, it was just me and Cozy’s mother. I was still weakened, and very much hurt without my horn. But I foolishly approached Glitterani, who would grab me tight and proceed to throw both herself and me off the cliff…
I tried one last ditch effort with my broken horn to save myself. But Cozy's mother blocked my horn with a hoof, magic clogged up in my forehead and the most painful burning sensation rose out of my head before everything went black. We likely exploded just mere milliseconds from hitting the water below... nothing left of either me or Glitterani but food for lucky sharks.
The next thing I know... I'm in the soul shield... meeting up with my great grandparents and so on... leaving Fi-Fi and Starlight all on their own... and the worst part was... there was no way they were going to be able to find out what happened even if they eventually figure out that I must have died...
And as it turned out, it was very much a shock to Fi-Fi when I was first summoned. Having held on to hope for so long that I'd return, only for his worst fears to have been true all along...
Starlight: And I had told you back at the beginning of our talks a few days before the Laughter lesson about how my mother's death affected my life. Of course, it's a good thing I never mentioned her name back then. The lessons would have been over before they even started.
Chrysalis mulled over the entire story of Sunset’s death 
Chrysalis: That does explain why I stopped receiving the letters. They achieved their goal, and died in the process. I'm sure you already know the ultimate fate of Cozy Glow as well. I'm sure she'll just be gathering dust along with Tirek forever more.
Chrysalis couldn't help but laugh at the thought. Despite everything she's endured, she did find it funny that her one time allies and potential backstabbers were still stuck in stone while she's 'free'. But something else was eating at her. The group might expect her to be elated at the story of Sunset's final mission. But she had a more minimal reaction to it. Even Chrysalis was confused.
Chrysalis: (Because of the information I provided, she died… so why does it feel so empty? I spent most of my life fearing the day I'd face her but this… this isn't how I expected it to go. She's… ugh, she's like her daughter in many ways... but I know what I saw… and yet hearing her speak, knowing Applejack is capable of catching lies. What am I missing? Why is it all so… empty?! And why do I even feel a little bad for her death!? It… must be Starlight’s story, what she told me before the lessons began… how much her mother’s death affected her… I don’t know if I can say I feel bad for Shimmer yet… but in the case of Starlight… if I’m even partly responsible for her horrible childhood… well…)
Starlight even seems to pick up that Chrysalis is not looking as harshly at Sunset as she was even just a short time ago. There may be hope they can convince her that her mother is innocent. Though Gallus asks Starlight if he may have a comment on what's been said so far.
Gallus: Uh, Starlight. Is it ok if I give my thoughts on something earlier... I didn't want to say it since the discussion was so... serious but...
Starlight raised an eyebrow
Starlight: I guess? What is it, Gallus?
Gallus: It's the name of Chrysalis' brother... Tarsus... TarSUS... his name kind of gives away something about him... don't you think...?
The entire rest of the room either deadpans, groans, facehoofs, or all of the above
Starlight: ...You've been playing way too much of a certain murder mystery video game haven't you, Gallus? (Not to mention this is probably going to reignite Chrysalis' anger a bit... ugh...) A tarsus is an actual insect body part Gallus, did you not learn that in Fluttershy's biology lessons?
The griffon sheepishly grins, it's probably true he's been playing the game a little too much. And as much as he loved hanging out with his friends, there were probably times school still bored him to the point he doesn't remember all the facts he learned.
Chrysalis shoots a glare at Gallus, she's aware that he's one of Ocellus' friends but he could tell that her eyes were piercing into his soul. Even if she was starting to question her own memory, she still saw Tarsus in high regard right now and that comment got under her skin.
Chrysalis: You spent all that time around my daughter and yet never bothered to learn anything. Since you want to make foolish comments though, I do have a question for you. Why is a griffon here during a MAGIC lesson? You've yet to display any magic of your own. The princesses are obvious why they'd be here, Starlight and her ghostly mother makes sense too, and the dragon is quite necessary for the summonings… but what is it you add to all this?
To Chrysalis' surprise there are no hurt feelings, he simply just shrugs. He still gulps a bit with the look Chrysalis gave him. He's certainly glad he has so many powerful magic users here should Chrysalis suddenly decide to attack him in anger.
Gallus: Honestly, at first I didn't even get it either. Before the Tree of Harmony sort of assigned us our respective elements. I always thought I'd fit in with Loyalty, given I'm a flier and I was a pretty good athlete in Professor Dash’s gym. Not that I think I'm more loyal than Smolder or anything like that. Those weren't the only ones that we talked about and assumed. We thought Ocellus would fit in with Kindness, and maybe Sandbar was sort of our magic being he's the pony in the group. We at least guessed Yona and Silverstream right. But uh... I think Princess Twilight has an answer to why some who aren't necessarily obviously magic can still receive the magic element.
Twilight nods
Twilight: Yes, while it's true that it helps to have obvious control of magic of some sort. I should remind you again of course that we've found magic isn't just the flashy kind that allows Unicorns to do spells, and Pegasi to fly.I believe I've mentioned this earlier, but life itself is magic. In some ways, Magic is the one element that is within somebody no matter who they are even if another element of Harmony is more dominant within them.
Gallus is an orphan in the griffon village who has no known relatives. So the friendships he shared with Ocellus and the others was the closest he's ever had to a family. He even went so far as to try to sabotage a Hearth's Warming project that if it was not done in time, it would keep his friends from leaving him for the holidays. In some ways, it was greedy of him to want to keep his friends around as is stereotypical of griffins. But he only wanted to feel the warmth of togetherness in ways he couldn't have previously. He's made up for that since, and they all remain close.
The big takeaway here is someone with the trait of magic can also simply be someone who's the glue who likes to keep friends together and/or would not be the same without their friends. I certainly couldn't have come as far as I have without Spike, Applejack, and the rest of my friends. And Gallus needed his friends to experience friendship to make up for the lack of family in his life.
Gallus: ...I suppose it also helps that I signed up to be a royal guard under the Element of Magic herself. I imagine that doesn't hurt my standing as the Element of Magic in my group either.
Chrysalis rolled her eyes, of course Twilight would have an answer for this. She groaned and grumbled, knowing well that she was right. Chrysalis herself has been feeling exactly that from the lessons, experiencing firsthand what it is that keeps friends together, that unseen bond. Even if she doesn't want to admit it. 
Chrysalis: Hmph, always an answer for everything. But back to the main issue, there's no possible way both myself and Shimmer can be telling the truth when our stories wildly differ! I refuse to believe that!
She then shoots a look at Applejack.
Chrysalis: And I know you don't lie, but that in itself is muddying the issue!
(There's just no way, absolutely not. My brother was many things but he cared for the hive, he saved me…)
As Chrysalis was back to struggling with these thoughts, Celestia leaned over to Twilight, seeing a thoughtful look on her face. She whispered.
Celestia: I know what you're thinking Twilight, we may indeed need to do that to see the truth. I'll be honest, I need to know too. Seeing Chrysalis accuse Sunset of such an act makes me upset, but there's a fear behind that anger. This is our last chance to get through to her.
Twilight nods towards her former mentor, though who really needs to be made aware of the next stage in today's lesson... is Starlight.
Twilight: Starlight, you have done an honorable job just trying to help Chrysalis see yours and Sunset's point of view thus far. But what Chrysalis needs now is crucial evidence, and only the Plan B I hinted to you can provide that.
Starlight lowered her head, as if she failed. She knew this was something she wasn't going to like based on what Twilight said.
Starlight: (sigh) But... if I may ask Twilight... just how are we going to get evidence of what really happened? The whole island sank, remember? And there'd be so much volcanic rock to dig through to find even a little bit of clues... we wouldn't be able to find out what really happened unless w-
Then Starlight’s eyes widen as she suddenly started to realize what was Twilight's Plan B all along.
Starlight: N… n-no.... Twilight, p-please... don't tell me... it's... it's...!
Twilight nods
Twilight: Indeed it is Starlight, we need to time travel!
Everyone but Celestia, Luna, and Spike gasp at the very thought.
Starlight: TWILIGHT?! We can't just do that... what if... we end up creating a timeline that's even worse in the process?! You KNOW how guilt-ridden I still am about those previous timelines! 
Sunset herself is in a bit of shock at this plan. She knows it could end up showing what really happened, but is it worth having her daughter go through another set of guilt if things go wrong? And what are they going to do? Just watch what happens as they witness one of the worst days of their lives? Possibly traumatizing her daughter in the process?
Sunset: Twilight, I'm sorry... but I'm confused why you think this is a good idea... even if we know now that time travel doesn't affect our current timeline... there feels like there's a lot of risk involved... especially for Starlight's sake, not to mention Chrysalis re-witnessing the worst day of her life.
Even Chrysalis had reservations about this plan. From what Starlight told her about time travel, she'd come to the conclusion that messing with time was a terrible idea as the end result almost felt random.
Chrysalis: The fact that I am currently agreeing with Sunset Shimmer, sickens me to no end. What, are you planning to shatter my sanity by watching those I love die again?! You can't possibly-
Twilight gently smiles
Twilight: Trust me all of you, I've put that into account. We're not going to sit idly by and just watch Chrysalis' old hive die in front of our very eyes. In this timeline... we're going to save her hive ourselves. 
When hearing Twilight's intention, gears were turning in Chrysalis' head. There's still a big risk, but if she did this… she could see her family again. She could prove the ponies wrong and have closure! Of course, there was the feeling in the back of her mind that they were actually right about Tarsus but she tried to keep her resolve strong.
Chrysalis: Oh… oh I see now. You still realize how much of a gamble this is? Heh, but the results are something I will not argue with. You will all see what I saw that day, and the future will change for the better! I will not let my hive fall to ruin again!
Twilight: And I've also considered the caveats we'll have to take. We have to keep in mind the time period even if there aren't any consequences for our current timeline. Some of you will have an option to not go, some of you it will be recommended that you don't come along for one reason or another
Starlight, if you're still too unsure about time traveling again, we can go without you and we can tell you how things went.
Starlight thinks things over, wondering if maybe it would be best they leave this all to Twilight since Starlight still holds some guilt over the timelines she inadvertently created. Though the idea of making a timeline that's more positive then negative does provide an intriguing possibility.
There's still a part of her that isn't too sure, but eventually...
Starlight: I....I....I'll go... if not for my sake, but for Chrysalis’. Regardless of my thoughts on time traveling now... it might be important that I see some of what Chrysalis saw... even if we're going to make sure things turn out for the better this time. It won't reverse what happened in this timeline, but I must see Chrysalis' siblings rescued from their untimely fate. We'll also get a good idea of where to start once we summon the spirits of Arista and Spur later...
I also want a good look at my mother when she was younger... while she was still alive...
Twilight: I've already told Spike hours ago that if we deemed this necessary to do, he would be vital to this. Because of his invulnerability to lava.
Princess Celestia, you have the choice of coming along. But if you do choose to go, you'll have to pretend that you're that timeline's Celestia and you called us in to assist the younger Sunset. You'll just have to slip a note of everything that happened to your other self so she can get the gist and act like she was there.  I know it's not the most honest thing to do, as Applejack will surely attest to. But it's the best we can do for now if you think you must go.
Celestia: Believe me, Twilight, I know what needs to be done. I know this change will also put ease on my younger self's heart.
Twilight: Princess Luna, unfortunately you were still in the moon at this point in the timeline. So I'm afraid I recommend you must stay here.
Luna nods, understanding why she can't be there. She then looks to Chrysalis.
Luna: Even though I cannot be there to assist this time around, I know you are capable of making the right decision, Chrysalis. You can deny all you like, you know what you feel inside your heart though.
Chrysalis groans, but internally she's glad that Luna's still on her side. In reality, everypony there is, but she needs to learn to accept that. While Luna is trying to inspire Chrysalis. Celestia smiled at Twilight.
Twilight: Gallus, like all the others who weren't born yet. You have the full choice of going if you really want to
Gallus: I think I'll stay behind, not that I'm not interested in seeing this all play out. I'll just trust the stronger magic users are able to handle this. Also, while I'm sure you'd protect me if things got bad... I'mmmm not fond of the potential of getting my feathers burnt by flying volcano debris, heh heh...
Gallus rubs the back of his head sheepishly
Twilight: Sunset, we're going to be meeting your younger self. I think her seeing a ghost of herself is probably not the best idea…
Sunset: That's ok, Twilight. Even if you wanted me to go... I'm not sure I would want to... even if you are changing things for the better. Besides the fact my younger self is there... I don't want to be anywhere near that place ever again...
The spirit even shivered at the thought of witnessing what she saw that day all over again.
Twilight: And Applejack, you're about as vital to this as Spike for an entirely another reason: Your ability to catch lies.
Applejack and Spike just both nod for their important roles in all this.
Applejack: Gotcha Twi, and ah understand that this is one point where we kinda have t' lie a bit t' respect the integrity o' the timeline t' assure our yet unborn selves in the future timeline still have ah chance t' gain the lives we had or better.
Twilight: And Chrysalis... you need to be the one to cast the spell. In fact, we can't do this without you in the first place. The only other ponies here who can travel back to that time are Celestia and Luna since traveling back to the past via this spell requires having actually lived back then.
And even if we were to travel back ourselves, this is so you can't accuse us of manufacturing a different version of the events.
Chrysalis was touched by this effort, but still stood firm on her stance.
Chrysalis: You realize giving me access to such a spell could be considered a grave mistake, don't you? I stand by Tarsus. You'd best hope that you're correct about him.
Her voice was noticeably shakier, like her own faith was trembling and that alone terrified her, perhaps even more than going back to where everything took a turn for the worse. Her hooves were shaking. Even using the breathing technique that she'd 'borrowed' from Cadance and Twilight weren't really helping.
Chrysalis: So how do I cast that spell? I've not had the chance to do it before.
Twilight poofs up a scroll, very similar to the one Starlight almost ripped from before. Though obviously the coordinates are set to a far earlier time period and a different place then Cloudsdale.
Twilight: All you need to do is read this scroll, you should have more than enough magic between all the love you've gathered since you started these sessions with Starlight to perform this. Though even then, a nice assist from the Tree of Harmony will make sure this is stable. When Starlight used the time travel spell originally, she used the magic of the map in my Ponyville castle to help stabilize it. That map was created by the tree of harmony, so Treelight should be able to chip in here and help as well.
Is everyone ready?
Spike: Hold up, mom! You're not quite ready yet!
Twilight: Huh? What do you mean?
Spike points to Twilight's alicorn wings
Twilight: ...OOOH, that's right! Everyone there would be confused at the sight of another alicorn that they don't know... Good thinking, Spike!
Twilight made her horn glow, and in just a few seconds. Her wings fade out. And Twilight then shifts her flowing mane back into her old style. She was simply her unicorn genie self now.
Applejack: Heh, ya know. This is kinda nostalgic t' see ya like this again
Twilight: Ha, I suppose it is. I suppose last we need... is a replica of Celestia's Princess attire. 
Twilight glows her horn again, and pops in the crown, shoes, and neck brace that Celestia used to wear all the time while still ruling. Celestia receiving them to put on again for the first time in 10 years
Gallus: Sure hope you haven't been eating too much cake while in retirement to fit in those any more, ha!
It was a bit of a rude joke, but it probably made Luna laugh at least a little who probably needles her own sister about it too. 
Chrysalis is probably a bit amused by the jab at Celestia too. And seeing Twilight as a unicorn surprisingly brought back memories of the wedding she invaded. Twilight didn't have the genie attire at that time but it did still make her think of when things were a little more simple then they were now. Obviously her revenge for what she perceived Sunset to have done was still in her mind at the time, but she also invaded for her own personal goals and for the survival of her hive. Her hive was still nearly 100% behind her, and there was no conflict with her children or how these sessions have blurred the lines between her and Equestria more than she ever thought possible.
Part of her wonders if she'd prefer to go back to when it was simply just her hive against Equestria again, but would it really be the same after what she knows now? It'd take a complete memory wipe to really be back to where they once were. But then what stops all the events from before just repeating themselves. No, this isn't the time to repeat history. This is the time to find closure, all while seeing a better outcome for her old hive.
Chrysalis can't help but smirk, both at seeing Celestia in her regalia and Twilight as a unicorn once more, but also the joke made at Celestia's expense. 
Chrysalis: Oh yes, what a nostalgic sight. Though I believe that a good point has been brought up. Hopefully the years of retirement and cake eating haven't gone to your thighs. 
Luna looked off to the side, clearly wanting to pile on, but at the same time, she knew better. Though she absolutely found this funny. Chrysalis snickers as Celestia shoots a glare at both her and Gallus. Her cheeks were also a bit red from the insinuation.
Celestia: I'll have you both know that my body is still just as it was in its prime! ...give or take a few pounds. But I will fit in just fine! You're both lucky I'm not in charge anymore!
While Chrysalis laughed off the empty threat, she looked down at the scroll. It felt… heavy. Not in a physical sense but there was a weight to it on her mind and heart. Her smile dropped as she thought more. This was not going to be an easy trip. She looked at the group of ponies who'd be going with her and then lingered on Starlight, the one who for the most part, has been in her corner and she realizes this now. 
Chrysalis: (I… I don't want to mess this up. I cannot fail like I have in the past... This is one plan that must work, it HAS to.)
Alright, I'm casting the spell now. Those of you who are coming, get over here!
Her horn flashed bright green and the scroll began to glow, Chrysalis felt the love she'd been fed over the sessions as well as the boost from the tree of harmony, the scroll floated in the air and created a massive portal above them. Chrysalis hadn't seen this before and she still felt a nagging fear that what she'd see, she wouldn't be fully prepared for but she didn't have a choice now. It's now or never.
Once everyone has left through the portal. Gallus looks over to Luna, and to the spirit of Sunset.
Gallus: ...That joke wasn't too far, was it?
Sunset giggles
Sunset: Nah, Princess Celestia is used to being nagged about her love of cake. Luna does it, I did it to her when I was younger, and the Canterlot press has done it for generations.
The only time you should worry, is if she responds with ‘Do you like bananas?’
Gallus: Ahehhehheh... huh? What... what's the significance of bananas?!
Sunset: You don't want to know, trust me.
Both Sunset and Luna continue to giggle, while Gallus just contemplates in confusion just what has Celestia exactly done with bananas.
A younger Sunset walked on a large field of volcanic rock. She was getting a good look at the Changeling hive of Mt. Thrace. Though she's only here to see one target in mind
T.(een) Sunset: TARSUS! Where are you?! Come out of your burrow, and face me like a mare!
She yells in such bravado, even at the risk that Tarsus simply throws all her forces at her. But she also knows she can take on a horde of drones on her own. Maybe if Tarsus attacked alongside the drones she'd be overwhelmed. But Sunset knows Tarsus has too much pride at stake. It'd cement himself as the true leader of the hive to face Celestia's prized pupil alone and still win.
What Sunset doesn't know, is even if she overpowers him in this fateful battle. Tarsus has another scheme that will impact the whole world for generations to come. 
Tarsus: I'd prefer to face you like a stallion, you wretched little foal. Come and face me! I'm waiting for you!
There was a faint rumble that could be felt underneath Sunset's hooves. Though she might chalk it up to Tarsus' booming voice that she can hear coming from the heart of the hive. There was a stone bridge that was precariously above the magma below. A wicked grin on his face as he awaited Sunset's arrival.
Tarsus: (That's right, come here, this will be your final resting place. Everything is going according to plan.)
While most of the changelings were hesitant about a battle here and now, Tarsus convinced them that things would be fine. Even if he knows this is a lie. In the corner of his eyes, he sees his most trusted guard watching from a distance. He also could see Chrysalis hiding where he told her to. 
Tarsus: Perfect, it's all in place.
The younger Chrysalis watched on nervously. Not long after, a massive portal opened up out of the sight of any of them, dropping off the group from the modern day. The present Chrysalis shuddered upon seeing Mt. Thrace again.
Chrysalis: Here we are… back where it all went wrong…
As the fated battle continues in the background, the time traveling group of the present Chrysalis, Starlight, Spike, Princess Celestia, and Applejack. All set forth, albeit slowly.
Twilight: Alright everyone, we'll approach cautiously. If my calculations are correct, we should be right when Sunset and Tarsus are fighting as the volcano is erupting. I think by the time we get close enough to start changing the past, the pivotal moment of when Tarsus was injured and dangling will be upon us. On my signal, Spike will dive into the river of lava. And he'll stop Tarsus' death before it happens. 
From there, we'll move both Sunset and Tarsus to a safe spot. The volcano's eruption was not as extreme up until after Tarsus' death, so there will then be enough time to save the rest of the hive from the eruption as well. Got it?
Most of the group nods, though Starlight is on pins and needles about all this. Though she knows Chrysalis must be feeling even more nervous as she knows she's mere moments away from witnessing the tragedy she saw before her all over again should something go awry. Chrysalis knows Twilight and the others altogether should have the power to stop this, but it's not enough to ease her nerves right now. It might just be paranoia, as the surroundings around her only remind her of that horrible day.
Inside the hive, changeling scouts approach two other regal changelings.
Changeling Scout: Queen Arista, King Spur! Our scientists have picked up huge forewarning signs of an imminent eruption! King Tarsus' high command suggested we go further underground to where he said we'd be safe.
Both of them sigh
Spur: Ugh, as if he cares about our safety if he wants to plunge us into a war...
The four of them had just hours ago had a nasty argument over what to do about Equestria. As well as the deepening divide between those loyal to Tarsus and those who wanted to avoid a major conflict. It seemed like ever increasingly the hive was going to split into two. But if they were to split, Tarsus knows he wouldn't stand a chance against Equestria. When he left in disgust, he even creepily said to them "It'd be so much easier if both of you were out of the way" before walking off with some laughter.
Arista: Grrr... what is Tarsus even doing currently? And where's Chrysalis?
Changeling Scout: Tarsus is currently engaging in a duel with Sunset at the surface. And I am to assume Queen Chrysalis is currently at the surface as well watching the battle unfold.
Arista: WHAT?! Of all times for Sunset to be here, it had to be NOW?! Don't they know if one or both of them die whether due to the volcano or not, it's going to look like another international incident just like our parents' death?! We might not be able to avoid war even if Tarsus' dies! We gotta stop this at once!
Arista and Spur instantly start flying towards the surface hoping they can get Sunset and Tarsus to stop their battle before anyone gets seriously hurt.
Back up top, the duel had already gotten started. Sunset and Tarsus trade laser blasts, deflect with shields, and taunt the other across the volcanic rock below them. All in the mean while, rumblings are heard from the volcano. As lava starts to spew up on the top, Sunset is shocked to see that the volcano was active.
Sunset: What in Equestria?!! Tarsus! Did you know the volcano was going to erupt before I got here?! What, were you afraid you couldn't beat me without an environmental hazard to spice things up? Huh?
Arista and Spur tried on multiple occasions to have Tarsus reconsider the hive's location, even trying to go through Chrysalis but she would always take Tarsus' side. Though her reasons came from a different place compared to Tarsus. And now it seems like conflict is not only inevitable, but planned. They always did suspect Tarsus of having ulterior motives, but could not prove it 100%. Some other guards stop them from getting too close to Tarsus and Sunset, specifically Tarsus' personal guard.
Tarsus’ Guard: Fret not, King Tarsus will handle this accordingly. The volcano is going to be more active soon, you should head to our designated safe areas that he's worked out just in case.
The guard gave a smile, but he always looked and sounded like he knew more than he let on. Meanwhile over on Tarsus' side, he stood there on the stone bridge, grinning like a madman. He merely laughed at Sunset's comments.
Tarsus: Oh? And here I thought you preferred spectacle! What better for our last encounter, hmm? This volcano will be your end, you pathetic pony. I will show you my true might! Besides, an active volcano serves for excellent defense, nopony would be stupid enough to come here alone… well except for you that is. I'll see to it that your embers are snuffed out.
Their battle began just as Chrysalis had remembered. She knows they can only watch right now, going in too early would not give them the answers they're looking for, but being here again, it gave her pause. Her legs were trembling, it was clear she was terrified, but perhaps not for the reasons the group might think. She could see her younger self out of the corner of her eye, right at the perfect vantage point to see the fight, but far enough to get away.
Chrysalis: It's all… just as I remember… soon their fight will get intense… plumes of magma will rise along with smoke and steam...
King Spur got a little rough with Tarsus' guards, while Arista stayed back as she was most decidedly the most frail of the four. But Spur alone definitely couldn't get past most of Tarsus' guards and they realize there's no stopping this.
Spur: Hmmmph, Tarsus you fool...
Arista: *sigh* I suppose we should do what he wants. That volcano is looking quite ominous, Tarsus may be controlling. But he's done his part to protect us before... 
They're escorted towards where most of the other changelings are that Tarsus himself had built and claimed to be eruption-proof.
The battle between Sunset and Tarsus increased in intensity, the volcano almost seemed like it was going in rhythm with the battle as it too started to shake louder and more visible spews of lava could be seen, the dark plumes of ash filling up the skies.
Suddenly, Tarsus manages to make Sunset lose her footing and he quickly takes this chance to blast her off into the lava river below.
Starlight is about to scream
Starlight: MO-
But her mouth is instantly covered by Twilight's hoof. Luckily the sound of the volcano was too loud for Starlight's exclamation to sound like anything but maybe a strange twist of the wind to all the changelings and Sunset.
Twilight: Shhhh, Sunset will be fine. You should remember what skills you had even when you were this young....
Starlight was scared that simply traveling back here was enough for them to have accidentally caused the alternative result with Tarsus killing her mother here. But even as Sunset fell, her "scream" didn't even sound legitimately terrified, it sounded overdramatic, and fake. She stops mid-air as her horn glows and a red aura around her. And she has a amused chuckle and a smug smirk
T. Sunset: You thought you got me, didn't you Tarsus?~ Too bad for you that I've learned self-levitation~. 
She rockets up toward Tarsus and punches him in the mouth
The two are about evenly matched. Tarsus has more combat experience, but what equalizes this for Sunset is despite the relative lack of experience, a great teacher like Princess Celestia, and Sunset's ever growing raw power is enough for even Tarsus to start getting nervous now. He did plan for if Sunset defeated him, but that didn't mean he wasn't hoping he could just take out Sunset himself.
The battle then shifted to the air as Sunset continued to use self-levitation and Tarsus' had his wings. Both knew each other's weaknesses however, Sunset's self-levitation is a drain on her magic. If she's like this too long she could easily start to lose strength, whereas Sunset knew if she can ground Tarsus by injuring his wings, this fight would be well over. Sunset is aware of her own weaknesses like this, and starts counteracting it by jumping on pillars of rock like an extreme hopscotch game. 
Sunset's smaller size, and quick movement is frustrating for the powerful king.
Sunset: Hey? What's wrong? Am I BUGGING you?~ Bzzzzzzzzt!
She raspberries her tongue as she taunts, annoying her opponent to no end. Getting under Tarsus' skin by messing with his ego as he can't believe he can't hit just this one pony. He might just have to grow bigger, so big, that Sunset's speed can't possibly avoid his wrath. Tarsus is going to need to transform if he wants the upper hoof.
The younger Chrysalis cheers on knowing that whatever transformation he can pull off should change the tide of battle.
However, the older Chrysalis knew all too well this is actually where it started to turn out even worse for her brother... She just about silently whispers the opposite of what her younger self wanted to see. 
Y(ounger). Chrysalis: Do it, brother! Make her pay for the crimes she's committed against us!
Chrysalis: Don't… don't do it, Tarsus. That transformation will be your undoing...
It might be a bit strange for the group to see how different the two are, but it does show how far the present Chrysalis has come and also how much this day affected her. Tarsus meanwhile channeled his magic inward, clearly infuriated but acting as if he were still in control of the situation. Very similar to how Chrysalis would act in the future.
Tarsus: You insignificant worm! I will crush you and everything you are! You think you can best a king!? The one true king of the changelings!? When I am done with you, I will go for that worthless pony you serve! Your head will make an excellent symbol for those who try to oppose me! 
Every time he spoke, he only spoke of his own might, he saw himself as something above all life, not just ponies, but his own changelings. His form shifted and grew to a more viscous state. Still looking somewhat like a changeling, though he was far more insectoid and massive, looking like he could give Tirek in his normal form a run for his money. He roared as pillars of magma shot up around him. Sunset may be quick but if she took even one hit from him in this form, it would not end well. 
Tarsus: You are but a mere stepping stone in my path to an eternal rule! I will crush you beneath my hooves!
As Chrysalis and the group looked on, she felt cold, this fight played out so many times in her nightmares and it took everything not to look away. But for this plan to work, she had to inform the group when to change history. After letting out a sigh, she moved over to Spike.
Chrysalis: Get into position, it won't be long now... one or two more errant blasts from the both of them. Then we'll see the truth.
The smug, younger Sunset just shook her head.
Sunset: Tsk, tsk tsk, and I thought you'd be an actual challenge. You think your size scares me?! I've faced down full-size dragons since I was TWELVE.
Sunset also knew something about Tarsus that would be different from an encounter with a dragon. Normally getting closer to the volcano would be a mistake against a dragon, however, she knew Tarsus was no dragon.
Sunset teleports on the ground towards the foot of the volcano. As the eruption was intensifying further. Sunset mused that if Tarsus wanted a battle on an active volcano, he was going to get what he asked for one way or another.
Sunset: Catch me if you can, bugbutt!
Tarsus seemed to smile wide as Sunset went back towards the volcano.
Tarsus: (That arrogance will be your downfall. I just need you back on that bridge just as the volcano erupts. I play my cards right, she will die along with a majority of the hive. Any survivors will align with me in saying this was an intentional strike and attempted genocide on my species. And even if I perish, the grand explosion will still take her down and no one will trust ponies, it will unravel their so-called ideal society!) 
Very big talk from somepony who knows only how to run! You wanted to face me, didn't you!? I guess you're still such a child if petulant insults are all you can muster!
Tarsus blasts magic in Sunset's direction, ultimately guiding her back to where he wants her to be. The rumbling from the volcano grew more intense, it was getting ready to blow. The present Chrysalis was trembling as they all hid. Seeing the plumes shoot up, feeling the heat, she couldn't help but hear the screams of the hive already, even though in this timeline, it's yet to happen.
Chrysalis: M-make it stop… make it stop...
Sunset is indeed forced to get back on the bridge, despite her bravado she's actually breathing heavily. She doesn't know if she's getting tired or if the ever increasing amount of ash is affecting her breathing.  If she's not careful the volcano will be her doom. Another mild explosion from the top of the volcano occurred, the lava was clearly beginning to bubble up fast. As Tarsus approaches the lone pony on the bridge, everyone is on the edge of their seats. At this moment it looks like Tarsus has the clear advantage with Sunset on the Bridge, the large size of Tarsus covering a humongous area.
But despite the odds, Sunset was not deterred. She fires a laser blast that misses her target. Prompting the overlord to taunt her... 
Tarsus: Fufufu, you must be getting tired. Can’t even hit the broad side of a barn!
Sunset: Oh trust me, I wasn't aiming for you~
By the time Tarsus realizes what Sunset has done it's too late. She hit the side of the volcano creating a large hole that cuts straight to the basis, lava spewing out onto Tarsus' tail, the edge of his wings, and part of the back of his legs. Causing immediate pain on the lower side of his body. He instinctively shrinks himself, but while wincing in pain in the air he realizes he can't fly and ends up grabbing onto the edge of the bridge.
Twilight: Spike, now!
Spike salutes and dives into the lava river, swimming towards where Tarsus is likely to fall.
Despite having been fighting him, Sunset actually gasps as her opponent is in danger
Sunset: H-h-hey! Grab my hoof! You're no longer in any condition to fight! Let's end this before either of us or your kind gets seriously hurt or worse! The most you can do as a king for your kind is know when to stand down and help them in their time of need!
The younger Chrysalis is too far away to hear what either Sunset or Tarsus are saying  from the bridge, and it's also from a weird angle where it might look like Sunset is pushing him. But the present Chrysalis can now see it from an entirely different angle and somewhat hear what Sunset actually said.
Now that he was clearly defeated however, he had no plans to go through the humiliation of being rescued.
The younger chrysalis was screaming in terror at what she thought was Sunset about to murder her brother.
But the present Chrysalis got another image in mind... now that she sees it more clearly. it was just like when Starlight offered her hoof to her back when she defeated her in their first encounter.
Tarsus snarls in pain as the lava plume hits his back, while this was going according to his plan B, the pain was truly something else.
Y. Chrysalis: NOO, TARSUS!
Tarsus shot a look back at younger Chrysalis before her vision was obscured by smoke. She couldn't move from her spot, she knows the 'plan', at least the one he told her. The older Chrysalis winced as she saw Tarsus get hit, but now she was seeing things from an angle she hadn't before. She looked on in shock, the way Sunset was holding out her hoof. She looked to Starlight and then back to the scene below. Her resolve at that moment was shaken.
Chrysalis: She… you...  you two are so alike…
She saw herself in Tarsus' position, back when Starlight helped dethrone her. She watched as Tarsus swatted away Sunset's hoof just as she did towards Starlight. What confused Chrysalis was the smile he had on his face.
Tarsus: You think you've won? You think I'd take your hoof?! I'd rather plunge into the volcano below… in fact, you're in for our final show! Allow me to give you a taste of true dark magic!
The volcano shook and rumbled, as it was beginning to fully erupt. Screams from the changelings that were hiding in the 'safe area' could be heard from their position. The group knows that Spike will catch Tarsus, changing history but Chrysalis was now understanding that what she saw wasn't the whole truth. But she didn't understand, where was the look on Sunset that gave her nightmares for all these years? With one good rumble, Tarsus let go and willingly let himself fall, laughing as he did so. But when Chrysalis looked at her younger self and where she was looking… in the smoke was… a second Sunset?!
Chrysalis: W-what?! If she's there… who's that?!
As soon as Tarsus begins falling, a shadow from the surface of the lava emerges as the tall and lanky Spike speeds up and then catches the falling king. He's caught by surprise as the dragon takes him back to safety on land. He's too damaged from his fight with Sunset to do much about it. The timeline had been changed in an instant.
The young Sunset is just about flabbergasted as she witnesses a dragon bring Tarsus back up. And it only gets more confusing as more ponies show up, especially...
She then looks to her side to see... another her smirking evilly. Although this other Sunset soon sees that a wrench has been put into Tarsus' plans, As they realize the real Sunset can see them.
Sunset: ...Is that another ME?! WHAT THE BUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!?!
Once Spike brings Tarsus back to land. Twilight quickly uses magic to make some magic restraints. Covering up Tarsus' horn and tying his forehooves behind his back. He was obviously still exhausted by his fight with Sunset, but sometimes a cornered rat is more dangerous. So Twilight made sure, he couldn't resist much farther than struggling.
Perhaps the biggest surprise yet to Chrysalis was about to come. As Tarsus hardly looks grateful for the save. And off in the distance, younger Chrysalis couldn't help herself but fly on over. Probably about to tell the young dragon how thankful she is for saving her brother, although the younger Chrysalis is about to hear the same things present Chrysalis is. 
Celestia smiled at Sunset, it's been a long time since she's seen her former pupil in this younger state. She smiled but they couldn't relax just yet.
Celestia: Don't worry, Sunset. I'll explain everything in a moment, but we have more pressing matters right now. This volcano is going to blow, we must save the other changelings. As for you, impostor, you've made an unwise choice in your disguise.
Just like Twilight had done to Tarsus, Celestia placed restraints on the fake Sunset, specifically putting a magic blocking ring on their horn, revealing that it was Tarsus' right hand guard who had been in on his plan.
Tarsus: No, NO!! What in Tartarus is this!? You should not be here, Celestia! You're ruining everything! My death would have signaled your end!
While Spike and Twilight were handling Tarsus and Celestia speaking with Sunset. Chrysalis, Starlight and Applejack rushed to get to the other changelings. Chrysalis knowing this hive like the back of her hoof. 
Chrysalis: This way, quickly! The 'safe zone' was right around here! We need to get all of them to safety!
(Tarsus… you… you lied to me...you're the reason they're all gone. And you'll pay for this, brother.)
The volcano was still erupting, but it was nowhere near as intense as Chrysalis remembered any more. That 'safe zone' that Tarsus made, the fake Sunset, now she could see how both her truth and Sunset's truth were one and the same. It made her blood boil. She felt very much like the volcano that was erupting around them, ready to explode. But her priority lay with changing this world's future.  The changelings of the hive were not taken in the fiery inferno. The younger Chrysalis went down to Spike to thank him but she saw her older self speed by and looked incredibly shocked and confused by everything, her world view was just as shaken as her current self.
Y. Chrysalis: You there, dragon, thank you! B-but brother, what's the meaning of all of this!? Wh-why was your guard posing as Sunset Shimmer?!
From inside the so-called "safe" room were hundreds if not thousands of nervous changelings huddled together hoping for the volcano to calm down soon. Soon they all react in shock as a tall wraith-like changeling and two ponies come across.
Arista: Huh? W-w-who are you three?!
Starlight: There's time for that later, for now... you, all of you... are NOT safe here.
That got a bit of a skeptical gasp from the changelings. Especially those fond of Tarsus, the King specifically told them this was the safest area of the hive. They begin wondering if these ponies are here to put them in danger.
That's when Applejack starts inspecting the walls of the chamber. She feels an odd amount of heat in some areas. Some more than others, and a few areas look like they're weaker than the rest. Applejack decides to try a good kick to one of them. And a slow stream of lava starts pouring into the chamber. Causing immediate gasps and screams of panic. As it had been proven lava can still get in here.
Starlight's warnings were right, and not only were parts of the wall weakened to let a flow of lava in. Chrysalis flew up on top, and found parts of the ceiling that were weakened rock that would have dropped a lava flow straight onto unsuspecting changelings below and lit up the whole hive in a blaze. This is exactly how most of her hive died. And it made her all the more viscerally angry at her brother.
The changelings didn't object and followed Starlight and Chrysalis outside.
Once outside though it's not like the situation was looking any safer for them.
Spur: I get that the 'safe' chamber wasn't safe at all... but out here is not exactly the safest area either...
Twilight: Allow me to help with that!
Twilight charges her horn and creates a large shield that projects a large area. Protecting all the changelings and everyone else here from any debris from the volcano. The present Chrysalis would be reminded of Shining Armor's shield spell, only this time it was protecting her kind instead of kicking them out.
Chrysalis saw Arista and Spur again for the first time in years, if the situation wasn't so dire, she'd have burst into tears by now. She couldn't bring herself to find the right words, she just needed to get everyone to safety. Because of her appearance, they didn't seem to recognize her right away. But the way she looked at Arista and Spur, they'd know. Chrysalis may have aged a bit, her appearance not looking anywhere near what royalty should look like, but they'd know she's their sister. They may question why or how but they'd know to trust her. 
Chrysalis' anger towards Tarsus continued to bubble up, so much of his plan right there for her and everyone to see. She'd defended him, and believed in his cause. While it's true he did actually save her life. She now realized it was calculated. She was intended to be his living legacy. And what she might have considered a badge of honor before, it now filled her with rage unlike anything she's felt before. As everyone got the changelings to safety and regrouped, they'd all watch from the magic barrier as the volcano erupted. But unlike the one Chrysalis remembered, there's no dying screams; she's not seeing her entire family be wiped out. The blast from the eruption was nowhere near the level of sinking the island either. When it subsided, everything remained. She covered her mouth and started to cry as the realization that they did save their hive finally hit her.
Tarsus: No… NO! This isn't how it was supposed to go at all! You, Sunset Shimmer, I knew I should have killed you along with my parents! Then nothing would have gotten in my way!
The entire hive would gasp as they heard this. There had never been hard evidence of who had killed the previous king and queen, but now that Tarsus was angrily spouting off, he let the cat out of the bag. Chrysalis shot him a look, everything she'd ever believed in from him, it shattered. She looked like she might try to kill him herself.
Starlight saw this coming a mile away and instantly ran in front of Chrysalis and whispered
Starlight: Hey! Calm down for a moment, I know you're hurt to know the truth. But killing him might be exactly what he wants. Even if now everyone is safe, he probably doesn't want to live through the shame of his failure.
Chrysalis looked furious, more than she did when she nearly destroyed the hive. Her horn crackled, her fangs bared… and she was crying.
Chrysalis: Everything I've done, everything I believed in, it's because of him. I defended him for my entire life and now, now I know he's the reason they were taken from me! And you want me to calm down!? I had to struggle, I had to rule ALONE because of him! My choices were my own, but...
Celestia put a hoof on her shoulder.
Celestia: While your anger is understandable, look around you. We did it. They are safe. The thing about being a responsible leader is that you must set an example. If you go into everything with just anger, you'll be right back to where you were before your lessons. But worry not, we will guarantee that he never harms anyone again.
Chrysalis: I know… I know... It's just, all these years, I defined myself with revenge in my heart. And the sole reason for it all is right there...
Spur and Arista both have the most unpleasant looks on their faces as they approach Tarsus.
Spur: You have a lot of explaining to do, brother.
Arista: Is this why you moved the hive to this active volcano all along?! Not satisfied with trying to drag us into a costly war, you wanted to genocide your own subjects?! YOUR OWN FAMILY?! And now... you just admitted that you had a hoof with what happened to mom and dad back at the Summit that Princess Celestia hosted years ago...
I should be ashamed to even share the same blood as you...
The reveal of Tarsus' true nature also begins to have an effect on the populace. As those once divided by Tarsus' rhetoric immediately went to their more colorful friends and family to apologize. Some even immediately changed back to their former forms before they were instructed to go dark and let holes appear all over their body. Tarsus now going through the same feeling Chrysalis did as her hive turned against her after Starlight defeated her. A whole hive alongside ponies against him. And unlike Chrysalis, he's unable to escape, nor will they let him escape.
As Spur and Arista dug into Tarsus, he looked at them with a wild anger, similar to Chrysalis but far less intimidating.
Tarsus: Neither of you had the courage or the intelligence to get things done. You did not see what we were capable of, the power we could have had! So why not wipe the slate clean!? Chrysalis would have understood! She was always such an obedient pawn!
While present Chrysalis was infuriated, she did try to take the calmer approach, her younger self stomped over to him first.
Y. Chrysalis: Traitor! Is that all you saw me as, brother?! A pawn!? I believed in your cause! You… I will never be like you! You murdered our parents! They loved us, they would have led us to greatness! But I see now, you… you would only lead us to our demise! I should stomp you flat! Maybe you should have died in that volcano! 
Chrysalis: It would have ended with almost everyone's death. As much as I'd love to actually see him suffer...
Arista and Spur do however take some time to hug the younger Chrysalis who herself is probably torn by all the revelations that have come out. And as they get a good look at the present Chrysalis. They suddenly get a weird sense from the love they're tasting, the love coming out from this more wraith-looking changeling... was the exact same flavor as for the younger Chrysalis.
Arista: W-w-wait... it... it can't be... you're... also Chrysalis?!
It was now about time to begin explaining the complexities of time travel to the changelings that had been saved from an untimely demise. 
She looked at her brothers, her sister and her younger self.
Y. Chrysalis: You… you're me? But how?
Even Tarsus was confused, but he saw this almost as a false hope.
Tarsus: Look at you, that's the ultimate goal I was looking for! Oh my dear sister, you're far more evolved than I would have ever hoped!
Chrysalis: Shut your mouth, you insignificant worm of a changeling! You are no brother of mine, not anymore.
She took a deep breath and then looked at her family.
Chrysalis: Yes, I am Chrysalis… but not the one right there. I'm from… an alternate future. One where his plan went through. Had...
She paused for a moment and looked at Spike, even though they've already messed with time, they can't be revealing names of the others. 
Chrysalis: Had Talon over there not saved him from a fiery death. His death signified the darkest turn for the changelings in my timeline...
This information would confuse the changelings… all except for Tarsus but he tried to play dumb.
Tarsus: What in the world are you talking about? What would me dying achieve exactly? Yes, I'm not happy that my plans failed and I did indeed want the slate wiped clean, but I certainly wanted to be there to see the results!
A blatant lie that Applejack could call him out for. Sunset as well since she obviously tried to save him too but he swatted her away.
T. Sunset: Wait a sec... TIME TRAVEL?! But... isn't that...
Starlight: It's ok, Mo-
She covers her hoof realizing she was about to say mother before continuing on
Starlight: I-i-i-i mean Sunset... yeah... but... in our timeline it was found out that time travel is actually relatively safe. It's actually impossible to change the past and affect the present of the same timeline. It only creates an entirely new timeline, as we just did here.
Luckily for Starlight, Sunset doesn't probe into rather nervous mid-sentence change.
T. Sunset: Well, that's fascinating then. Makes me kinda interested in time travel myself if it's safe like that, oooh! What if I went back to see the dinosaurs?!
Some of the group just shakes their head and/or sighs
Twilight: Unfortunately… or perhaps fortunately for your safety…  the time travel spell only works for as back as their memory goes. I doubt you'll ever find someone who can travel that far back in the past.
The young, teenage Sunset immediately felt disappointed.
T. Sunset: Aw daaaaang.... Well, I guess while we're at it then... what even are all your names... besides of course the other Chrysalis and... Talon? Was it?
Spike nodded even if it wasn't exactly his name. He thought it was a pretty cool name change on the fly said by Chrysalis. The rest began to think of some sort of name that's short, vague, or otherwise different enough from their real name.
Starlight: My name is Starl- Star! Just Star. Ok?
Twilight: You can call me Spark
Meanwhile, Applejack has a hard time thinking of how to mask her name. Since it's difficult for her to lie to others.
Applejack: M-m-ah n-name i-is A-a-a-pple...
Twilight: BUTTERCUP! Her name is Apple Buttercup!
That helps Applejack a lot, and even gives some kudos to Twilight for using her mother's nickname as a part of this.
Suddenly, a little hamster runs out from the hive and scurries over to the younger Chrysalis. Though as she looks at the present chrysalis, she's noticeably a bit unnerved at the appearance. But at the same time kind of curious. Despite the vastly different appearance, this other Chrysalis felt familiar to her in a way the little rodent couldn't quite know for sure. The younger Chrysalis lets Spira approach this future self, and the hamster does cautiously but optimistically. Eyes shining in a way that makes Chrysalis' heart grow warm, her wings even seem to gain the glitter-like shininess. And this time possibly for a good while longer, no longer simply just fading back. This reunion with her pet alongside seeing her hive saved in front of her eyes has finally started to get to Chrysalis.
Tarsus just spits out his tongue, he can't believe Chrysalis would ever be so willing to trust these ponies over him. He tries to gaslight her one more time, saying she shouldn't trust them over her own brother who's made her so much stronger than the weakling she was. One more attempt to manipulate Chrysalis, only this time Chrysalis, both of them, shun him once and for all
Y. Chrysalis: You nearly just got melted in a volcano and now you wish to see dinosaurs?! Were you hit in the head or something?
She said to Sunset in a snarky manner. Though she did look a little ashamed as well. Because she'd gotten evidence of Tarsus' treachery now, she was more quick to righting the wrongs she's done with her beliefs.
Y. Chrysalis: I'm… sorry that we thought you had killed our parents. We didn't know Tarsus had done it. And you were trying to save him, not kill him… 
Chrysalis rolled her eyes as some of them found it difficult to come up with names on the spot. She can also see that even with the more arrogant personality, Sunset really wasn't the monster she thought she was. She sighs when she sees her younger self apologizing, knowing that she owed the present day one an apology as well. That would be a hard pill to swallow. What breaks her out of this mindset was that tiny hamster. Her eyes widened and she reached out for the little creature.
Chrysalis: Spira… that's right, she was still alive during this time...
Her wings sparkled and fluttered as she held the tiny hamster for the first time in decades. A tear rolled down her cheek as she nuzzled her, not caring that the others saw her being affectionate. When Tarsus spoke however, Chrysalis took a sharp breath before handing Spira back to her younger self.
Tarsus: It's a ruse, Chrysalis, you know how they hate us! With our power we can...
He's silenced with the glare that she was giving him. Tarsus had never felt so small before, the supposed 'most powerful' changeling, looking more like a scared foal.
Chrysalis: You shut your mouth. Let me give you some information from my timeline, I have more power than you EVER had, because of them. Not because of you. In fact...
She grinned wickedly.
Chrysalis: Your plan may have worked to end the hive. But it ultimately was a failure when it comes to it’s long term effects on Equestria. It didn't make a dent in the world's view. You wanna know something else?
Tarsus: What?!
Chrysalis: I realize now, I NEVER needed you to tell me who I am. You listen and you listen well, I am Queen Chrysalis. You aren't even worthy of a royal title. You are, and always will be scum, Tarsus. To think I once respected you. I see now, how weak you truly are… or should I say… how weak you’ve always been…
T. Sunset: Princess Celestia, I think it might be a fine time we give Tarsus the Discord treatment. Perma-petrification!
This Sunset of course isn't aware that Discord eventually is freed years in the future, at this point in the past it feels like Discord has been placed in stone so long that he may as well have been petrified for good. The problem was of course, they don't have an active elements of harmony.
Celestia must point to her young student that unfortunately they don't have all the elements on hand with them. Which is a bit of a bummer for the group. But that's when Starlight starts thinking, it takes her a while to connect the dots. But as soon as she does. Her ears perk up and she grins with a big smile. She walks on over to the present Chrysalis and whispers.
Starlight: Chrysalis! You collected positive love and energy from not just one set of Elements of Harmony. But three of them, you should have more than enough power within yourself to place Tarsus in stone. Just think of it, Chrysalis. All 6 of our sessions were leading up to this moment.. you harness the powers of love and friendship magic right now!
A chance for catharsis has arrived, knowing full well killing will make things worse. This is the next best thing, after a lifetime of manipulation that included his own death in one timeline, so many years ruling and mothering by herself, and so much time spent creating new plots on revenge against Equestria. Chrysalis can wield friendship magic for the first time on her own, and seal Tarsus to a fate equivalent to that of Cozy Glow's.
Chrysalis: That's not a bad idea at all. I've always wanted to be the one to use that power rather than be on the receiving end of it.
She shot a look that made Tarsus' eyes shrink in fear. Petrification was the last thing he wanted. And upon hearing about Chrysalis' power, he made one last play to try and sway her.
Tarsus: Sister, come now. With your power, you could just defeat them all instead! T-take control of this world! No one would be able to stop you! Free me, sister! Or at least let me die instead! Anything but being turned to stone!
Seeing this desperate attempt only now made her realize how similar she once was, though she never made such a cowardly plea for her life when she lost. And she knew what he was trying to get away with in asking for death. She did pretend to think about it, winking to the group behind her.
Chrysalis: You're right, it would be easy, and once upon a time, I would have gladly done it... but I can almost guarantee where that would have me ending up. No, Tarsus. Death is far too good for you, a mercy you do not deserve. I know firsthand the nightmare that awaits you, so suffer for all eternity you cowardly trash. As I told you already...
Her horn flared up, thinking back to every lesson, every bit of love she'd been willingly given. Before blasting him with the petrification spell.
Chrysalis: I don't need you to tell me who I am. You once took away those I cared for most, and you will never get that opportunity again.
With an angry and fearful look, Tarsus made a face similar to the one Chrysalis had when she was petrified 10 years ago. She then looked to the changeling guard that had posed as Sunset Shimmer. He looked just as terrified, realizing that he might not escape his king's fate.
Chrysalis: And as for you… what do you all think, I think it would be lovely to have a pair of statues rather than a single one. Don't you agree?
The changeling guard tries to give a quick plea. Something like that he was only following orders, he won't try to seek revenge for his king.
But his hopes are dashed when...
Applejack: Annnnnnd that's ah lie...
Starlight smirked smugly
Starlight:  I think she just gave you the greenlight, Chrysalis~
Arista, Spur, and many of the other changelings agree this is a good way that justice is served. That Tarsus, and anyone who still feels more loyalty to him then the hive will face consequences.
While the idea of some of the changelings following orders was true, for the right hand guard however, he was quickly petrified, almost making a pose like Cozy Glow. Something that the group from the future would find funny. 
Chrysalis: Now it's over, the hive can truly start to thrive again...
The past Chrysalis looked scared that she too would be next but her future self eased those fears.
Chrysalis: Don't worry, you're not on the list to be punished. You… we were used by his plans and now you're no longer on the path to becoming… me. You can still be who you want. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be strong for the hive, but don't go down my path and be a wicked leader...
She sighed, feeling genuine regret for the years she'd carved out her own dark path thanks to what Tarsus had put in her head. In a way, it was similar to Starlight's path to villainy. Chrysalis looked back at her, feeling a level of understanding she hadn't before. She then looked at Arista and Spur, now that things were finally calm, she trembled, all of her emotions that had built up over the years were coming out as she shed a few tears and pulled them into a hug. The two wouldn't have any idea of what she's done and gone through, but she was so happy to see them alive. Even if she ultimately knew that they weren't exactly her Arista and Spur.
The young Sunset, now that Tarsus and his most loyal guard has been dealt with, walks up to Princess Celestia.
T. Sunset: So um... now that things are calm again... can we talk about what just happened, Princess? How did you come across this alternate Chrysalis? And... all these ponies I've never met... especially Spark... she's amazing!... Wait, you're not going to replace me with her, are you?!
Twilight waves her hooves in reassurance
Twilight: No no no, I'm not here to take your spot as her student at all! I'm uh... just...
She has a bit of trouble thinking on the spot how to come up with a decent cover. Hoping Celestia maybe can think of something. Kinda awkward in that technically Twilight did eventually replace Sunset in the actual timeline, although across many years and after a tragic event had befallen Sunset.
For Celestia. It's also weird, but heartwarming to see both this young Sunset, and Twilight as a unicorn again together. Internally she wishes this meeting could have actually happened when Sunset was alive in her actual timeline. But it's still amusing to see both of her 2 previous faithful students standing next to each other in flesh and blood. 
Celestia took a moment to think, she hasn't really had to act like her regal self in a while. She put a hoof on Sunset's shoulder.
Celestia: Relax, Sunset. Let's just say I had a feeling something might happen. I know that doesn't sound logical, but this tends to happen when a major event is about to occur. I was worried and came to make sure everything went well. I'm certainly glad that I did come. 
As for Spark, she's a friend from the Saddle Arabia region as you can see by her attire. And don't worry, she's not going to replace you, believe it or not, she's a teacher herself. To Star over there. She along with her assistant, Talon, also happened to be around when I made the decision to provide backup. I've told them a lot about you and they were more than happy to help
Celestia looked proud of herself for coming up with that backstory.
Celestia: As for the alternate Chrysalis, let's just say the multiverse is a strange place where anything is possible. This Chrysalis came to us in a dire time of need and as you know, I've always wanted to help the changelings after that horrid incident at the world leader summit. So I'm glad that we can finally be on the same level for ponies and changelings.
Starlight approaches the younger version of her mother, noticeable tears in her eyes as she's beholding her mother while she was still very much alive. Sunset gives a welcoming nod.
T. Sunset: Why, hello there Star! Heh, what's the matter with your eyes? Got a little bit of ash in them?
Starlight shakes her head, before looking at the younger version of her mom with a nervous smile.
Starlight: No, no, that's not it... it's just uh... I'm... a big fan of yours! That's it ehehhehheh…
Sunset chuckles and gets a smug face
T. Sunset: Oh am I like super famous in the future~. Huh, I wonder if I've ascended... actually, on second thought… don't tell me if I have, I want no spoilers. I don't want to jinx anything!
Starlight just smiles but obviously a bit nervously
Starlight: Yeah... you're um... very famous in the future...
She grimaces as she looks away, not wanting to say the reason for that fame is now mostly posthumous. She turns around though with a smile back on her face.
Starlight: I'm just... glad to have met you like this... that's all.
T. Sunset: Huh, I hope that doesn't mean I turn into a grump that doesn't meet with my biggest fans... not sure I'd like that. But anyway, you're welcome!
Starlight: May I... may I have a hug?
Sunset raised an eyebrow
T. Sunset: Uh, sure I suppose. Anything for a fan!
The young Sunset gives a warm hug to Star. Though the hug releases some warm feelings that gives a nice treat to nearby changelings. Though it's a bit odd to Arista and Spur. Who whispers to the present Chrysalis.
Spur: Is it just me... or did I taste... a daughter's love from Star to Sun...
Arista: Shhhh, Spur! If that's true, don't say anything! That would mean they're making sure they're born in a similar way to their timeline!
Spur: OOOOOOH, sorry, sis!
With that, the Changelings make sure to stay quiet about any other relationships between the future selves. Up to and including the strangeness of a mother-and-son relationship between 'Spark' and 'Talon' although they presume correctly it's through adoption.
Celestia put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder, happy and proud to see Sunset and Starlight like this, even if Sunset didn't know she was hugging her future daughter. She's so glad to see this sight before her. She has Chrysalis to thank for this moment, something she never thought possible before.
Celestia: You taught her well, I hope you know that, 'Spark'.
Celestia smiled down at her. The nature of the relationships present do make the changelings wonder what the future must be like. But a bigger question looms over them, where does the hive go from here? Staying in Mt. Thrace was Tarsus' idea and it's clearly not safe, something Arista and Spur already knew even before they were betrayed. Chrysalis looked at them and her past self, already having an idea in mind.
Chrysalis: You all should leave this mountain, find a more stable place to establish the hive. If you'd like, I can tell you where I had to… rebuild in my timeline. I'm certain you will lead the hive to greater things. And...
She looked back at the ponies and dragon that helped save her family.
Chrysalis: Reject Tarsus' way of thinking… we know now that the ponies intentions to ally with us was legitimate. Take them up on the offer. They will give love openly and willingly. He may not be able to hear it now, but that does eventually happen in my time as well. But here, it can happen much sooner.
It still felt weird for Chrysalis to say that, but she knows who her allies are...who her friends are. She'd then look to Starlight and Sunset hugging, feeling the love from a child to their mother, and it gave her an idea. When Starlight came over, she then whispered something into her ear.
Chrysalis: Since we've already changed things here, perhaps giving a few more 'spoilers' couldn't hurt could it? I think there's more lives that can be saved in addition to my hive. I'm sure you know what I mean.
Starlight gasped, and grinned. Realizing that's a great idea.
Starlight: Oh yes! That's right! Thank you Chrysalis for reminding me. Um... Sunset... I actually have one more thing to tell you.
Sunset: Hm? What is it, Star?
Starlight: Um... in our timeline close to a decade from now. There's a trio of baddies that um... did some real damage on Equestria that I think would be important you know about. If you ever come across anypony named Cheque Mace, Glitterani, and/or Cozy Glow. You need to make sure to never come alone when dealing with them. The damage they did eventually got fixed, but we think it'd be better if you took care of them before any serious damage is done.
Sunset: Cheque Mace, Glitterani, and Cozy Glow huh? Hmm... Well, I'll make sure to keep a lookout on them. Were they like really strong? Heh, that almost sounds exciting if so.
Starlight gets worried that her mother's bravado might one day just get her cocky enough to face them alone anyway.
Starlight: No, it isn't that they're strong. You'd be disappointed by their strength actually, I want you to never underestimate their trickery. Do not let them fool you into a false sense of security, or in the case of a particular one, be fooled by their unassuming appearance. They're the types of ponies who can't be reasoned with. Or to put it more bluntly, personality-wise they're like three of Tarsus at once.
Spur: Hm… in that case, i wonder if maybe we can help keep an eye on a family like that too. We changelings make great spies after all. And anyone who's ever like Tarsus shall receive our wrath.
Arista: Exactly, we can help take down this terrible trio.
Spur: Just imagine it, they won't see just ONE Sunset...
Spur and Arista then giggle as they turn themselves into a copy of Sunset
Spur: But three of her!
Arista looks on over to the younger Chrysalis
Arista: Or even four!
Y. Chrysalis: You guys...
The younger Chrysalis smirked and nodded, happy to be accepted back so easily. Considering that she, Arista and Spur hadn't been on the greatest of terms after siding so much with Tarsus before. She was glad to know they still loved her, glad to know that their last interaction wouldn't be an argument. 
Y. Chrysalis: You can count on us to help you as you have helped us. It's only fair. Besides, the world can use less of Tarsus' mindset. I understand that now.
As the group from the present try to set it up so Sunset may well live far longer than she did in their timeline, this gives Applejack an idea as she heads up to whisper to Celestia. Applejack: Ah… ah hope ah’m not being too greedy… but… is there a way ya’ll can protect mah folks from their untimely demise while we’re changing fate and all that here…
Celestia gently smiles in response
Celestia: Of course, Applejack. I’ll instruct my past self to get our best scientists to start monitoring the Flame Geyser Swamp earlier like we probably should have… I’m so sorry such an awful fate fell upon your beloved parents. Just as we are doing with the changelings here, and Sunset… we shall hope your parents live far longer here than they did in our timeline.
Applejack tears up as she smiles.
Applejack: Thank ya… thank ya very much… Princess Celestia…
With the hive looking to be allying itself with the ponies of Equestria, and even potentially saving Sunset's and Applejack’s parents' life in the near future, things were looking bright for this version of events. Of course that meant that the group from the future would need to leave soon. Chrysalis took a look at the group and let out a small sigh. She could see Celestia also writing something down as well. She looks to her younger self, giving her a serious look.
Chrysalis: If there's anything I learned about having to lead alone, don't let your own arrogance cloud your judgment. Don't let your anger get the better of you either. It's taken me to some very dark places. I've done some terrible things, and I cannot fully put the blame on Tarsus, even if he led me to believe in that way of thinking. The decisions were mine alone. But Arista and Spur, trust them, let them in. Believe me, you don't want to know what it's like without them.
The younger Chrysalis nodded.
Y. Chrysalis: Right… right, I understand. They mean the world to me, and I'm so glad you and all these other ponies came in to save us. Are you going to be okay?
Chrysalis gave a sad smile.
Chrysalis: In time, I think I will be. I've got some f-friends who will see to that.
She whispers.
Chrysalis: But if they ask, I never said that, I'm not about to be mushy like them.
Her younger self snickers
Y. Chrysalis: Not openly anyway~
Chrysalis: Shush!
The group that went back to the past, or rather another timeline's past groups back together. Twilight and Starlight approach the present Chrysalis. While they're out of earshot from everyone that's from this timeline
Twilight: Well, are you ready to go back? We've done it. Even if you can't live to see how this timeline shakes out. It must feel good to know at least somewhere, your family survives.
Starlight: This... has been pretty cathartic for me too. To see that time travel CAN change a timeline for the better... not that I'm suddenly going to become a time patroller that seeks to create good endings out of bad timelines. Time travel can still be quite messy if we keep changing things too much. but... after all the bad timelines I created back when I was battling with Twilight... it's good to see that we created a timeline that has a great chance of bringing unity to the world faster than in our own timeline.
Twilight: And thank you so much Princess Celestia for a tremendous job... oh and Applejack, I hope you're fine having to hold in all the timeline-integrity lies we had to make.
Applejack is still sweating a bit nervously from having to keep her mouth shut, but she's slowly exhaling just prepared to be back to her timeline.
Applejack: Well fo' one thin' ah certainly didn't expect t' save two changeling hives within 24 hours o' eachother...
Spike: We did an awesome job, but we should probably say goodbye to our friends in the past now. They'll see us again, even if in a different context eventually.
The group then heads on over to the younger Sunset and the changelings that had been saved from an untimely demise. Celestia informs them that she will escort them before they use a spell to go back to their timeline. Sunset won't know that Celestia is actually going with them, but not before sending out her letter to her past self to make sure she knows every important detail of what happened. So it'll be still like it was her, she's always had a history of being cryptic like that to her students.
Chrysalis said nothing as she stood with the group, she was happy that her family was saved, but saddened by the fact that she would not get to live her life with them. She didn't belong in that timeline, and she knew that, but she wanted to take as much of it in as she could. She would also need to prepare herself to see her timeline's Arista and Spur. In this time, Celestia had sent the letter to herself, marking it in a way that her past self would know it's not some elaborate prank, but legitimately herself from the future. Like Chrysalis, she too wanted to spend just a moment more with Sunset before they departed. The group from the future made their way to a more open area for Chrysalis to cast the spell to return back to their time. Her horn flickered but she didn't open the portal. Chrysalis reluctantly looked at the time scroll and then back to Mt. Thrace, a bittersweet look on her face.
As everyone entered the portal gradually, the only one other than Chrysalis that hadn't entered yet was Starlight. Who holds out her hoof, Chrysalis flashbacks not just to when Starlight had done this the first time but when the younger Sunset tried to do the same for Tarsus. Only to be rejected by a rude slap, this time however.,, would be different. She grabs on to Starlight’s hoof wholeheartedly, as things come into full circle for them.
The two heading out, as Chrysalis doesn't hear screams anymore. Even if in the present she still has to live with what were the result of Tarsus' evil deeds, the joy she saw of her old hive surviving is enough to help wound the part of her brain that flashes back to that horrible day.
Once the whole group returns to their timeline. The spirit Sunset, Luna, and Gallus welcome them back.
Although it's apparent what's to come next. Chrysalis had found the truth of what happened and all those years ago, Sunset was innocent the entire time. She had nearly destroyed her new hive in anger over a false accusation. The group gives Sunset and Chrysalis their own space to talk this over once and for all.
Sunset not saying a word, even now that Chrysalis knows what really happened. Sunset herself still holds trauma of her own from that day, she's not here to gloat and tell Chrysalis she was wrong. She'd offer a hug... if she could anyway. The truth was that day was horrible for the both of them, and it drove them to the paths they landed in today. Even if in Sunset's case, her life was tragically cut short. And Chrysalis had unwittingly worked with Sunset's would-be murderers, and by extension was part of why her friend Starlight had her own dark deeds.
It filled Chrysalis with more guilt than she's ever felt before. She isn't even sure if she's worth being forgiven this time, all this time Equestria could have helped her all along. But now it all just feels like years wasted, and for what? Her terrible, no-good, deadbeat of a brother?
The only solace right now for Chrysalis, is that at the very least. Sunset isn't looking down at her in anger, while she frowns at first while herself going over her own emotions. She eventually gets the courage to manage a warm smile, one very similar to that of Starlight's own that Chrysalis has gotten used to when they've bonded during the lessons. Sunset finally gains the courage to speak.
Sunset: It's... it's ok Chrysalis. I promise I'm not mad. We've both been through so much since that awful day. Now that you know the truth though, I'd like to offer a chance to start over between us. Though more importantly, your friendship with my daughter will heal the wounds left on us from time. Just as Ocellus is your legacy, she is mine. Let's work so that both have a wonderful future ahead for them. From mother to mother.
Chrysalis: I… I'm sorry. I tried to hold it together in the past, I didn't want them to see all of my pain as it's not their burden to bear. As much as I wanted to remain, they aren't the ones I lost. All those years I spent looking for revenge...
Chrysalis looked down and shook her head. 
Chrysalis: After all that, I've tried to kill your daughter on separate occasions, I inadvertently was involved in your murder. Among so many other things I did and made my changelings do. And yet you still choose to forgive me...
She couldn't help but laugh and cry at the same time.
Chrysalis: It's that trait in you ponies that would drive me up a wall… it used to. But right now, I'm so thankful for it. You are correct, Sunset Shimmer, our daughters are our legacy… and we should be there to support them.
This made Chrysalis think for a moment as she wiped tears from her eyes.
Chrysalis: I'll need to give Pharynx and… Thorax an apology as well. I owe them that much at least.
Celestia went on over to hug Luna after returning from the timeline they changed. Twilight restores her Alicorn wings as well as her crown and her flowing mane and tail. She then gives Spike a big hug herself.
Starlight walks over to Chrysalis as they prepare for what's next.
Starlight: Now that we've finished time traveling, it's now time to go back to the current hive. It's time for you to reunite with the spirits of Spur and Arista at the very least. Though I wonder, should we also summon your parents too? It should be possible to do so. But we could also just save them for another time if perhaps you want to specifically see only Arista and Spur for now
I know the hive's probably still uneasy after what happened yesterday. But once they find out what you learned from our time traveling adventure, alongside meeting the spirits of the beloved family you lost. They should all understand not just how much you've been through, but also learn more about their heritage.
Twilight: You should all go ahead on to the hive. Me, Gallus, and Applejack have to... run some errands in Ponyville. 
She winks over to the farm pony
Applejack: Huh? Wait, we do? ...OH, yeah! Those uh... errands. O' course!
Applejack's tone kinda gives it away that this isn't just some errand. But they can't imagine Twilight is planning anything mischievous or anything.
Twilight: We'll be back soon, I promise. Celestia and Luna, you two are free to decide what you want to do from here. Though I'd like you to return shortly once I'm finished with our "errands" if you feel the need to go back to Silver Shoals briefly.
Otherwise... Spike, Sunset, Starlight, I'll see you soon, and you too Chrysalis. I hope your reunion with your family goes well.
Those who are staying to make the trip to the changeling hive nod as Twilight, Applejack, and Gallus head on back to Ponyville. 
Chrysalis: I'm not so sure the hive will still want me there even after I apologize for my actions. Understandably of course. I'm prepared to live out on my own if need be. You won't need to worry about me going rogue, I'm done with all that. Maybe… I just need to discover my place in this world before truly becoming one with my hive again.
Chrysalis sighed, while the Arista and Spur of the alternate timeline were more than happy to patch things up, she didn't know if she'd be so lucky with hers. But she wanted so badly to see them. She was prepared for whatever may come.
Chrysalis: I'm surprised you don't want to join us either, after everything we've just done. But fine, run your errands or whatever.
Celestia and Luna chuckled as Celestia took off her regalia.
Celestia: It was nice to wear the crown once again, but even better to be out there saving lives. It's much more rewarding to be playing an active role. And Chrysalis, I'm sure you'll be fine. But should you ever find yourself in need of a different home to broaden your horizons. I've found that Ponyville has always been able to bring out one's true potential as I'm sure Twilight and Starlight could tell you. Perhaps it can do the same for you.
Chrysalis didn't say anything, the thought of living in Ponyville never crossed her mind but she was at least considering it. She then looked at Starlight.
Chrysalis: Let's not waste anymore time here. But all of you, for what you've done… for me of all creatures... t-thanks...
She muttered it, but they all heard her. 
Twilight: Oh don't worry, my 'errands' won't take long. I shall be joining and meeting up with your family soon enough. These errands are just setting up a... special occasion.
She not so subtly looks at Starlight, and flaps her alicorn wings as she mentions those last two words. Starlight herself remains oblivious to what this is. So she just shrugs.
Starlight: You know you already celebrated my birthday a few months ago, right... I don't see what needs to be done for me. This should be Chrysalis' time to celebrate. Not me.
Twilight: I beg to differ, this was the penultimate result from your bond with Chrysalis that grew slowly over the course of these sessions. It's true it's not all about you, but it's also not completely Chrysalis' time. You've risked everything, even your own life in the pursuit of friendship with Chrysalis. I admit I still wish it didn't have to be that way, but it's a true testament of how much you believed in her.
Starlight is flattered but she wonders if maybe...
Starlight: ...Is this just going to be some Pinkie Pie party you have thrown for us?
Twilight: I shall neither confirm or deny~
Starlight: ...Knowing you, that's usually a yes.
Twilight chuckles
Twilight: Well, you'll see soon enough. Ok, Applejack and Gallus, let's go to Ponyville
The three then walk off at last. Starlight opens up another pack of portal gum for transportation back to the changeling hive.
Starlight loves the idea of having Chrysalis around to see Ponyville, no longer as a feared conqueror. But a staunch ally simply looking for her place in the world again.
Starlight: Say Celestia and Luna do you want to come with us? Or shall you be on your own a bit until Twilight's finished with her "errands" 
Celestia: Unfortunately we also must prepare, though if you do summon King Suture and Queen Elytra… tell them that they should be proud of what their hive has become. I'm sure we'll see them again, but this should be a moment for Chrysalis and her family first.
Chrysalis looked touched by that statement, her sparkled wings fluttered a bit. She turned away towards the portal, but there was a noticeable smirk on her face. She really wasn't used to being praised or complimented by Celestia of all ponies.
Chrysalis: Suit yourselves then.
Chrysalis and Starlight cross through the portal and back to the hive, though to her surprise, they weren't back in her cell area, but the throne room where Thorax, Pharynx and Ocellus were. Chrysalis froze for a moment before walking up to the three of them, she said nothing at first, and to their shock, she pulled them into a hug.
Chrysalis: I'm so sorry… for everything...
Ocellus: It's... It's ok, Mom... we... we understand.
Spike and the spirit of Sunset soon follow suit. At first the changelings weren't sure when Chrysalis came with just Starlight, but the presence of Sunset being there. And Chrysalis not seeming too upset with the idea of her being anywhere near her hive, must mean she had somehow learned that her lifelong blame has been misled. This is especially good news for Pharynx, who got to know Sunset long before he heard his mother's scathing opinion of her from just a day ago.
Even the rank and file changelings notice a strong change from their former leader. Even if some of them are still nervous after yesterday's events.
Starlight approaches to speak. As she walks up... she looks poised, and strong. Perhaps it's after a fair bit of practice from the time she was a dictator of a small town. But something about her felt captivating in a more positive light, some would almost dare say... Starlight looked more regal than she's ever had before.
Starlight: I'm sure many of you are still scared after what happened yesterday. But I want to assure you that nothing like that will ever happen again. Chrysalis now knows what really happened in her past. She now knows her reason for blowing up yesterday was misblamed entirely. The true culprit was someone she long trusted, and her perceived most hated enemy... who also happened to be my eventual mother... was trying to help her kind the whole time.
Today, we're going to be using Spike's dragon tear to summon Chrysalis' beloved siblings that sadly died at the hooves of another sibling that dastardly planned their demise from the outset. Their loss is why Chrysalis dared to rebuild, give birth, and recruit many of you to her mission of revenge. It's time this generation of changelings fully learned about Chrysalis' generation when she was younger. While I promise we won't force Chrysalis to bunk in awkwardly so fast after what had happened yesterday. As we’ve offered her the chance to live in say... Ponyville for a good while before she's finally welcomed back here.
But a full understanding of why Chrysalis did what she did shall now be public knowledge in the hive. In an ideal situation, this information probably shouldn't have been hidden from many of you. But Chrysalis simply feared something like what happened would do so again. It could have happened yesterday, if she hadn't hesitated.
As you've come to know, a changeling hive works best with multiple leaders. But since Chrysalis was on her own at the time, she feared if it was found out Ocellus was a royal. She was scared you'd think she was essentially a spy for her that would succeed to the throne and rule the same way. Even Ocellus herself had a great fear that she would have to rule like Chrysalis herself.
Now you will get to see who Chrysalis co-ruled with, and those she cared about and have missed for so long. The dark magic of her evil brother's soul was what sank the entire island that Mt. Thrace once stood. But these two were bright lights in her younger life that were taken from her too soon. Thus, we shall receive closure. The same kind of closure I had when I summoned my mother for the first time.
It's time for you all... to meet King Spur, and Queen Arista!
Starlight turns toward Chrysalis
Starlight: Are you ready, Chrysalis?
Chrysalis and the other royal changelings noticed this shift in Starlight as well. They already knew the position she was taking in life even if she hadn't noticed it herself. But when she asked if Chrysalis was ready, she shook her head.
Chrysalis: Before that, I want to say something to… my hive.
Chrysalis looked to the crowd, she didn't sound like the brash and cruel leader they once knew. Chrysalis' voice had a more sullen and calm tone. Many also gasped upon the reveal of Ocellus' status as a royal as well. Though some looked as if they knew. She could see some nervous faces when they looked her way, understandably so
Chrysalis: What Starlight said is correct. The hive once stood much differently, we all were brighter once upon a time. Not in the way you are now, but something more like… an in-between. Whole, for lack of a better term. I led in the way I believed my brother would have wanted but even then, those actions were my own. The things I made us do, the way I made you all try to see the world and the way I made us out to be monsters... That was something I will have to live with. I nearly went down the same path as my brother, I was not thinking clearly... I'm not going to ask to be Queen again. And although I’m unsure if I’ll take the offer of living in Ponyville… I’m… fully considering it. Some of you may never forgive or accept me, and I'm fine with that. But to all of you… I...
She took a deep breath, tears in her eyes, and actually knelt to them all.
Chrysalis: I'm sorry for the years of torment I put you all through.
She quickly got back up and turned away in a more tsundere-like fashion.
Chrysalis: This doesn't mean I'm going completely soft! B-but know that you changelings, this hive… it means the world to me and I will not be one to threaten it ever again.
She looked at Starlight.
Chrysalis: Now I'm ready.
Starlight nods before turning to Spike.
Spike approaches Chrysalis, and now Chrysalis can see the dragon tear closely.
Spike: Place your hoof on this tear, and then speak a message inside your mind alongside a desire to see your siblings again. I imagine it still seems so weird to you that this is possible, but I promise you. They do hear it from up there, and this is how it all works. As soon as you've said your message internally, then you only need to leave the rest up to me. 
Spike takes off his necklace and places the tear on a claw and outreaches for Chrysalis to touch. An actual chance to speak with her beloved lost siblings, and for a while she doesn't know how to start. How can you know how to start, the whole idea of speaking of the dead always seemed so improbable And yet the chance to do so is right there. And she's seen it twice now, having met with Applejack's parents and then Sunset Shimmer. This is a power Chrysalis still is in absolute awe over after less than 24 hours after learning that it's possible. 
She had once thought dragons were simply brutes similar to Tirek where their magic is simply their ability to breath fire and immunity to Volcanoes and/or heat. The latter of which she certainly wished the changelings had. But Spike was proof that dragons arguably have the ability to wield the strongest magic of all. Soul magic, a magic purely made of an uncorrupted lifeform's soul. Dragons do live the longest out of any creature on the planet besides maybe the alicorns, so perhaps it makes sense that they have unique abilities when it comes to this magic.
It's a fascinating subject, she wonders if by now there's books on the subject that she'll be able to learn more about what's been discovered about soul magic in the time she's been petrified. It'd be a nice read while she passes the time while alone.
For now though, it's time... her first message to Arista and Spur after so many years after that tragic day,,,
Chrysalis took a deep breath as she looked at the dragon's tear, an item that she may have tried to harness back in her wicked days. But now she saw things differently. Uncertainty filled her heart for a moment, wondering if they might just ignore her call, in all honesty, she felt like she would've deserved it. But she shook her head, shakily holding her hoof up to the gem and spoke with her heart, calling out to her siblings.
Chrysalis: (Arista...Spur... Please hear me. I know the last time we spoke it was horrible. But please I… I want to see you again. If not for me, come for your family. I have a daughter and two sons whom you should meet. So I hope you can indeed hear me up there. You two were good changelings, I know you're up in that shield or whatever they call it.)
She looked at Spike and took her hoof away
Chrysalis: I've called them. Now I suppose we'll wait.
The dragon tear glows once Chrysalis' desire had been made. Spike closes his eyes and takes a deep breath as he infuses the dragon magic within to call down two souls down from the soul shield. It only takes a moment where similar to Sunset's summoning from earlier two bright lights can be seen in the sky. By now, a brisk sunset lights up the sky that makes it easier to see the souls fast approaching. The crowd of changelings look in awe, obviously they've seen summonings before. But it's no less an impressive sight to behold. Two comet-like shapes swiftly move in front of the whole crowd. They begin to shape into distinct changeling silhouettes. When their colors and faces begin to fade in. Their eyes are closed with a neutral expression.
Both of them open their eyes, and the first thing they see is their sister. The neutral expression on their faces leaves Chrysalis nervous that they're not too happy about seeing her again.
But within seconds, their faces change... into smiles. Smiles that she'd never thought she'd get to see again outside of the Arista and Spur from the other timeline. It's Chrysalis younger sister that breaks the silence at last
Arista: We.... we've missed you... sis...
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like-sands-of-time · 8 months
Idk this is just personal but Rey being light itself, the balance to bens darkness, etc etc doesn't have to mean she believes the Jedi code? Like,,,, at all? It's actually kind of irrelevant really. If either of them holds any weight on Jedi beliefs it's Ben who studied them for ten years.
This is a girl who for her entire childhood survived. Not like Ben did, but Survived. She went hungry. She went without. She survived it, and came through with the instincts and skills to back her up.
A girl like that, Light and Good as I believe she is, is gonna be a bit less *gasp* *faint* about the concepts surrounding "darkness" and even the concept of death in general. All of them, really.
I don't believe she'd like the Jedi code at all frankly, and find it ridiculously stifling and judgemental and very hypocritical.
I also don't think she'd cry herself to sleep at night about the concept of killing someone. Not someone dying that she cares about but that she killed someone by her own hands. Perhaps that is entirely just me, but her will to survive would be strong. I think that when people throw in her not having etiquette or eating like a pig or not having a formal education in fics it's accurate but done in a sweet way. It's cute. Anything they do is cute, but it's an easy fix type situation.
But how about a Rey who has her own moral code that she sticks to (just like Ben that's familiar !!) And they're both morally grey, one leaning dark and the other leaning light, but definitely meeting in the middle. None of this Rey is a pure maiden saint stuff though you can use those concepts.
She was already a badass with a staff and it's hardly like she had sparring buddies. She Survived. We of course have to assume what that means but I assume that means she's a badass main character who isn't going to pull her punches when it comes to eliminating evil in the galaxy. She's not gonna let rapists or murderers go just because "it wouldn't be right to kill" she's gonna do it herself. I see her and her Light as Mother and vengeance.. willing and able to protect all those she cares for. Which includes Ben btw
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katenepveu · 1 year
I went to the Met yesterday—as I already noted regarding the bowl with feet and ladle with legs—and I am going to attempt to force Tumblr's post editor to do my will so that I can upload pictures here rather than futz with my own webhost.
This will be long, so if you don't want to see Van Gogh paintings, contemporary art, and various bits and pieces, don't hit "Expand."
First is the exhibit Van Gogh's Cypresses, which I'm afraid closes tomorrow. I did not take a picture of The Starry Night because it's one of the most famous paintings in the world and I didn't think my camera phone was going to add anything to the discussion. However, I regret that slightly now because standard photographs don't do the thickness of the paint justice, so that was really interesting to see up close. (It's on loan from MoMA, which has a virtual exhibition about it that may give an idea of its dimensionality; I'll look later or I'll never finish this.) It was also interesting to be looking at it in the context of cypresses, specifically; I'd never really focused much on the foregrounded trees because the stars are so overwhelming, but the exhibition's referring to the trees as "flamelike" made me notice the reddish parts of the trees, which seemed a lot more vivid in person.
It was also interesting to see The Starry Night just after Field with Poppies, as the exhibition notes that Van Gogh "classed this work with The Starry Night 'as exaggerations from the point of view of the arrangement,' dependent on 'lines [that] are contorted,'" because to me it doesn't seem nearly as exaggerated.
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The similarities with the work on the other side of The Starry Night, Wheat Field with Cypresses, was a lot easier to see. It was painted the same month, and the exhibition calls it a "stunning daytime rejoinder."
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Interestingly, the above was painted outdoors (in plein air); he later made a "definitive version" in his studio, and I personally think the thinner paint made it much less interesting, for all that the colors are brighter.
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Speaking of thick paint and working in plein air, there was next Cypresses, also painted the same month as The Starry Night and the first Wheat Field; the glare on my picture below is both bad and possibly gives a suggestion of how three-dimensional it is. The exhibition says that there are "scores of pebbles and vegetal matter embedded in the paint surface," which I tried to find in the close-up also below, but couldn't identify with any certainty.
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Finally for things I particularly liked in this exhibition, my picture of Two Poplars in the Alpilles near Saint-Rémy may have a bit of glare, but the linked picture doesn't seem to convey just how eye-catching those poplars are in person.
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And now for some random things!
This lizard buddy is, by process of elimination from the labels in the case, an Imperial Hand Seal by Fabergé, though sadly the Met doesn't have its own picture:
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I very much liked the face of The Old Actress, by Max Beckmann:
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I dug these Futurist & Cubist works, all from 1913-14: Development of a Bottle in Space, Umberto Boccioni; The Man at the Café, Juan Gris; Dancer = Propeller = Sea, Gino Severini; and Coney Island, Joseph Stella.
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I didn't quite connect with all of the works in the exhibition Cecily Brown: Death and the Maid, but I did like this set, consisting of (clockwise from top left): Untitled (Vanity), ca. 2007; Gossip (after G. A. Wotherspoon), ca. 2007; Untitled (Sled), ca. 2006; Untitled (Aujourd'hui Rose), ca. 2005; and Untitled (Vanity), ca. 2007.
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And wildly discontinuous in time (as in, from about 350 BC), but: look at this face! (Of God Horus Protecting King Nectanebo II, specifically.)
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Two big cats in the same case: a leopard by an Edo artist from the city-state of Benin c. 1550-1680, and a lion cub carved out of quartzite that's about five thousand years old. (The Met's official picture of the leopard doesn't do the leopard's face justice, which is why I've included two views. Alas, I omitted from the second picture SteelyKid standing next to the sculpture making the same face.)
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Finally, some extremely good finials from Java dating from the late 9th or early 10th century: from left to right, with a Kinnari; with lions and Makaras; and with a Makara disgorging a lion (sadly the Met's pictures are not much better than mine).
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And that's all I have! Which is a lot less than usual for me in a big art museum, honestly, but I was with family.
Edit: I forgot, I stopped very very briefly in the Afrofuturist Period Room which deserved way more time than I could give it (and my pictures weren't any good, which is why I forgot), but the Met's page on the exhibition is actually useful, unlike its page on the Cecily Brown exhibition.
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askbohemiancompany · 1 year
(for Piko) Might I ask how you became an enforcer?
Piko was taken aback by the mew's question.
"I was a child that was 'found' by my former 'headmaster'; Arcadie DuBois."
Arcadie. A name that had never crossed her mind in years. It felt like she moved long past that point in her life. The memory also had more catharsis to recall, so there was no trauma for her.
"Arcadie was a former fixer for Haines' father. She handled and trained the assassins of Arcadium's Six Saints, which is Arcadium's long disbanded illuminati. I only ever encountered one other member and that was my first job Haines asked of me, but I digress."
"As a weavile like myself, she had a specialty in training she 'asked' to train," the word ask was emphasized, hoping the dark type would not have to explain to the demigod euphemisms. "She was a nasty piece of work, but honestly in hindsight, she was the living testament to not doing well under panic."
By this point Piko had moved past her time with Arcadie and could point out how she was in her last week of life. How pitiful she was when it was her time to be eliminated.
"After Haines' father was killed, the other five saints began to panic, seeing the writing on the wall they began ramping up their respective fields. She became more active in kidnapping kids. The only thing that got worse were the beatings for the small ones that would not get in line."
While Piko was telling a grim story, a small smile crept on her face.
"I remember her last day, which is when I met Haines."
This is code red. Come on, most of you have already trained for...
These were Arcadie's last words as she was hit in the back with something. To this day, no one present knew what did Arcadie in. All that anyone could recall was Arcadie's eyes began to slowly turn red and blood began to froth from her mouth.
"Haines had killed her from several feet away, with what we honestly thought was a staff," the weavile chuckled. "The ones who did not want to fight ran, those who assumed we were also doomed to be next fought back. I was the latter."
One part of the story Piko never got tired of saying was what Haines did after Arcadie finally lapsed the mortal coil.
"Haines actually approached us, 'staff' behind her back signalling she did not intend to fight us. The two others who wanted to fight and I did not take the peace offering."
Uncharacteristically, Piko smiled, after months of melancholy and stoicism, was getting energetic, excited to tell on this more.
"It was legit her against three of us. We were relatively coordinated, but she never attacked, just dodged, parried or nullified our attacks without barely hitting any of us. Except for me.
"You ever been hit by a delphox's power up punch? Well Haines' actually had oof in it!" The enforcer began to chuckle. To this day, that was the most surprising move she was ever hit with.
Alright, are you all tired now?
"The three of us were panting. I tried my best to keep standing, but I collapsed. When I came to, we were all in a camp of some kind. Haines was close to the fire, but she kept all three of us away from her and the fire."
"She actually worked to try and get us to go back to our homes. I however, found my new one that day."
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forestcat000 · 2 years
i...like this ship...i guess? incorrect quotes
Zane x Katelyn, i have no clue why i find this appealing but i do. and what do i do when i find a ship i like? i make incorrect quotes for them
(my version of Katelyn is different then cannon Katelyn don't come at me please)
Zane: How do I deal with my enemies? Katelyn: Kill them Zane: That's a bit extreme, I was hoping for a more passive solution Katelyn: Kill them only a little?
Katelyn: I can explain. Zane: Can you? Katelyn: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie
Katelyn: I'm 10 times funnier and sexier than you Zane: 10 times 0 is still 0 though Katelyn: Jokes on you, I can't do math
Katelyn: You're right. Zane: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
Katelyn: Where are you going? Zane: To get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide on the way there
Katelyn: Can you keep a secret? Zane: Do you know anything about my life? Katelyn: No I do not. Good point.
Katelyn: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder? Zane: Stop romanticizing the past.
Katelyn: *Accidentally hits Zane in the face* Katelyn: *Trying to decide between saying 'I’m fucking sorry' and 'Are you okay'* Katelyn: ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?! Zane: What’s wrong with you?!
Katelyn: So what do you do? Zane: I work in genetic research, and I'm currently trying to eliminate all Cancers. Katelyn: Wow, impressive. Zane: Then I'll move on to Leos.
Katelyn: Here's some advice Zane: I didn't ask for any Katelyn: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me
Katelyn: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground. Zane: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
Katelyn: Fuck. Zane: We've got to work on your cursing. Katelyn: Why? I'm pretty good at cursing already.
Katelyn: That’s one of my biggest fears. Like, if I ever woke up as a donut... Zane: You would eat yourself? Katelyn: I wouldn’t even question it.
Katelyn: Am I going too far? Zane: No, no, no. You went too far about seven hours ago. Now you're going to prison.
Katelyn: I learned some very valuable lessons from this. Zane: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away. Katelyn: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
Katelyn: I turned out perfectly fine! Zane: Katelyn, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast Katelyn: I DIDN’T PUT THE BREAD IN! YOU DIDN’T PUT THE BREAD IN!!!
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wellthatsclever · 3 months
Do You Love Your Stomach?
Roosh Valizadeh
When the True God is abandoned, false gods rush in to take His place. One of the most treasured false gods in the Western world is the stomach. Whether through satisfying it with food or gaining pride by displaying it externally for others to admire, worshipping this hunk of human anatomy is causing many to risk their salvation.
Is my beloved stomach fed with delights? Did the last meal make me happy enough to feel that life away from God is worth living? Was I able to momentarily forget all my problems with meats and fats and sugars that produced a glorious mouthfeel of mush against my tongue and palate? For most people, every day is a feast day. Every day must have animal products and luxurious foods that excite the flesh and passions. There is no limit to our eating besides the physical size of our stomachs, but even that can be overcome by training it to distend beyond its anatomical size.
My life is far from God, my consciousness burns me, so I eat as much as I can. While chewing the sweet or savory food, there is no God but my mouth pleasure, and since food is often seen as life’s principal source of happiness, there are not two or three meals a day but one continuous meal, filled with engineered snacks and the incessant sip sip of caffeinated sugary drinks that give me the “energy” needed to compensate for my gluttony. When pleasure is sought from food, any hour is fit for eating, even if you just happened to eat. We don’t eat to live but live to eat.
If it’s not pleasure that I seek from food, it is vainglory and pride. Is my stomach flat enough? Does the opposite sex think my stomach is attractive? Is it pleasing to the eyes of those viewing pictures of my body on the internet? The gym is full of people who stare intently at their stomachs from every angle as if they were a scientist peering through a microscope. The smallest imperfection must be identified and targeted for elimination with religious fervor through strenuous workouts, diets, and intermittent fasting. The stomach has to be ironing board flat! It must look perfect in the mirror! There cannot be a blubbery bulge, a fold, or even excess hair around the belly button. YouTube experts must be sought and training programs studied so that this piece of flesh in the middle of our bodies looks perfect and sublime.
Who cares if the inside of our soul is filthy and full of darkness and demons and death as long as our stomach is flat and toned, with the muscular ripples that proclaim our bodily superiority to others? The blessed with washboard abs examine their stomachs in the mirror daily, caress them lovingly, the supple firmness, and select clothing to immodestly display it to the masses. Because of our stomachs, we are exalted, we are somebodies, we are loved by strangers who will desire us because of it alone. Even before old age arrives, we already have a bulletproof plan in place to ensure it remains the best-looking stomach around, and no expense, medical procedure, or workout regimen will be spared to ensure this end. To maintain our stomachs, we’ll starve ourselves if we have to, with a zeal that surpasses the pagans and their worship of stone idols.
“A soul moved by physical beauty reveals that it is moved only by this vain world; that it is attracted to the creation and not to the Creator, to clay and not to God. It makes no difference if this clay is pure and does not have the mire of sin in it. When the heart is drawn to earthly beauties, which though not sinful are still vain, it feels a worldly and fleeting joy. It is a joy that brings with it no divine consolation, no fluttering of the heart from spiritual exaltation. When however, we love and desire spiritual beauty, then our souls become whole and beautiful.” —Saint Paisios in Spiritual Counsels
The young fornicators make a god of the outside of their stomachs. The rest care about their hourly mouth pleasure. Both have strayed from the royal path, both have missed God and worship a part of creation instead of the Creator. Only the Orthodox Church, with its weekly practice of fasting, treats the stomach not as a god nor as a source of pride or vanity or pleasure but as a human organ that must function according to God’s plan. Its appearance is not treasured or glorified. It is not sated beyond what is needed to do one’s labors and worship Lord Jesus Christ. You don’t stare at your stomach longer than you stare into your soul. You don’t grab an extra bite if you already feel full, or eat beyond what you need for your daily duties, and to help you achieve this ideal, for approximately half the calendar year, you are told to constrain your portions and struggle against your desire for foods that contain meat and dairy, which comprise the ingredients of the tastiest, most satisfying dishes and sweets. And daily you pray to the Lord God in humility—not bodily pompousness—to recognize what a wretch you are, whether you have a six-pack or not. Outside of the Church, the royal path is impossible to achieve, and the stomach remains a god in one way or another, besides a host of other false gods empowered and promoted by Satan and his fallen angels.
“This kind [of demon] goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. (Matthew 17:14-23) If this kind goes out by the prayer and fasting of another person, then it is even less able to enter one who fasts and prays. What protection! Although there are a slew of demons and all the air is packed with them, they cannot do anything to one who is protected by prayer and fasting. Fasting is universal temperance, prayer is universal communication with God; the former defends from the outside, whereas the latter from within directs a fiery weapon against the enemies. The demons can sense a faster and man of prayer from a distance, and they run far away from him so as avoid a painful blow. Is it feasible to think that where there is no fasting and prayer, there already is a demon? Yes, it is. The demons lodging in a person, do not always reveal their presence, but lurk there, stealthily teaching their host every evil and turning him away from every good thing; so this person is certain that he is doing everything on his own, but meanwhile he is only fulfilling the will of his enemy. Just commence prayer and fasting and the enemy will immediately depart, then wait on the side for an opportunity to somehow return again. And he truly will return, as soon as prayer and fasting are abandoned.” —St. Theophan the Recluse
The stomach is not the only fleshly organ we make a god of, but it might be the most common. I insist to you that your stomach won’t save your soul, no matter how flat and toned it is. Your stomach won’t give you eternal life no matter how many delicacies you feed it. It was created by God as a way for us to digest food so that we may seamlessly live a life in Christ with Him at the center and not our appearance or the pleasure received from whatever Frankenfood laced with seed oil that titillates our taste buds. If we insist on making a god out of our bellies, putting it above Lord Jesus Christ, we will miss the reason for our existence, and have an eternity of tears to ponder our mistake.
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