#they all seem so well and actually fantastic and im so so glad for everything
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mustkillfrankiero · 23 days ago
shit i fukking hate this rat bastard he just looks all pretty & happy up there not even knowing i love so muchhh stupid fukking idiot dumbass somebody just kill me pls
OMG!!!! Brendon!!!! He is so happy and looks and sounds amazing!!!! He performed at a benefit concert in LA with friends.
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oatmealdoodles · 8 months ago
Apology tour spoilers
I kept putting this off because I pretty much agree with everybody else's takes on this, but I just want to get my opinions out anyways
So right off the bat we get THIS line from Blitzo
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wow, gee, i wonder how that must feel like. Oh how i wonder
Anyways Stolas goes on directly to say that he doesn’t want to talk to Blitzo right know.
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And you know what, thats vaid. All Stolas is saying in this entire interaction is “It’s too soon and i still mad at you, leave.” And i’m sorry but thats not an unreasonable request, especially after a fight that big. I was actually really impressed with how Stolas voiced his feelings thorough the entire confrontation: “I don't want to do words with you, so how about you respect that” “Seeing you right know is hard” “I don’t want to feel worse than I already do” “Im uncomfortable with how you’re speaking to me” This is textbook definition of healthy language.
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And Blitzo for some reason just can’t respect that. Because he’s so dead set on getting things back to the status quo, what’s comfortable and familiar to him: this transactional relationship with no feelings, that he ignore Stolas’s requests blindly.
I saw someone claim that the show was trying to make it seem like Blitzo likes Stolas’s abuse, and I don’t think that’s what’s happening at all. Blitzo loves Stolas, that much is clear. But that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. And sometimes going back to an unhealthy relationship can feel better than without it, because that’s what’s familiar, what’s comfortable. Even if it’s not good for you. Especially for Blitz who already has so many abandonment insecurities. This actually happens a lot in real life and Im glad that HB decided to explore it.
But Stolas doesn’t get off the hook that easily
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My dude, WHAT? Listen, Stolas, you are my favorite part of this episode. Nay, this show. But JESUS CHRIST WOULD EVEN AN OUNCE OF SELF AWARENESS KILL YOU???? “Impish little plaything,” “itty itty imp,” “you are so cute when you are serious,” “Blitzy,” none of that ringing a bell? SERIOUSLY??
Ok in all seriousness I think this line really emphasizes that Stolas is completely ignorant to the very prevalent power dynamic between them. He has no idea that all these actions and things he says to Blitzo hurt him. And that doesn’t makes it ok. Listen, Stolas has demonstrated that he’s willing to put in the work to improving himself. Just now I mentioned how his language changed to be more constructive and effective. The Stolas from the pilot and the Stolas in the last few episode are drastically different people. What Stolas needs is his own call-out episode, someone to give him a slap in the face and say “What you did is F’ed up” and for him to APOLOGIZE to Blitzo.
Also my man ate up this entire exchange
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I have a bit less to say about the Striker stuff, I honestly don't think t was too relavent to the conversation, it’s just more well-written angst with fantastic animation and expressions. And seeing Blitzo slowly realize he screwed up was great too.
Unrelated but this probably to the biggest laugh out of me this episode
Brandon Rogers and Bryce Pinkham continue to be the best voice acting pair I’ve seen in a long time
and guys we FINALLY got Blitzo airing out his feelings to Stolas, completely dumping everything on the table. And then he just backpedals so violently because he’s scared of letting people see his true self, in fear they might hurt him. Also Stolas’s face be like “that escalated quickly…”
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To be honest i could go on and on about all the little charachter detains and mannerisms, the animation, and how BEAUTIFUL the colors are. I want to talk about the section at the party, but this is already long enough. I might make a part two if i find the time, but those were just my thoughts
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layraket · 11 months ago
theres so much going on jokes that i will deffinetly take advantage of theories of the meaning of things the goddamn art everything
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first of all apparently Malo Mart turned to a mega corporation???? well sorry twi no 60% of discount for you that sucks
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thats rough buddy
i cant take it seriously poor Four, look at that face
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thats the face of someone who will be grounded for some time after all this madness and is totally not happy about this
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Sky was waiting letters from Sun, maybe she couldn't write something for him? either way poor guy look at his sad face :( the heart makes it better
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baby? baby??? smol???? smol hylian???? tiny cute litol hylian????child????
ahhh Time dont just say yes and left it like that! i need to know!!!
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Twilight my man at this point you will be grounded dont test the old man's patience
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Time knows the dangers of excesive courage, yes it can keep you going and maybe make you win the battle, but can also kill you if youre not careful. This is what almost happened with Twilight, this almost might have happened to Time too
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He's scared that for this reckless courage he might loose his descendant, the one who brought hope to him and his wife to form a family and live happy
(also he saying this makes me think more about the posibility of Malon being pregnant, too much mistery please old man just tell me i will not say anithing ur secret is safe plweas)
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not much to say here, it might be a wrong translation that im doing but hey! it reminds me that Twi already knows that Time is the Hero's shade but like. with flesh and eyes. alive.
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When Wild asks Twilight's face changes inmediately, he doesn't want to look down, he still feels the need to be strong in front of the younger heroes, worrying them is the last of his desires
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Four is not stupid, he notices the actual mood of Twi and ask again, but with different words. It looks like it really made Twi reconsider things
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doesn't exactly talks what was having him a little down moments ago, but at least it seems to calm them, again, they shouldn't be worried after what happened
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Twi for hylia who were you thinking he was talking about????
no really i have that question who was he thinking that was asking for him?????
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"who kicked the fuck out of that bad lizard??? who did that???? yes you did!! you did it amazing!!! im so proud my beautiful exterminator of dumb lizards!!!"
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Hyrule ����🥰🥰🥰🥰💛💛💛💛💛✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
hes so badass jumping off heck yeah stairs are dumb
also Wind thats a cool move you too legend jumping and rolling are so cool love you guys
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Wars dont ruin the fun nono guys keep doing it i'll even give you chips if you do that
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oh they really think that Wars is broke and has no money alright
im glad that this bit kept going i love the boys teasing each other (Lege and Wars specially)
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hey listen
i dont want to ruin it
it would be funny
just listen
would be very funny that
it just
hey it would be funny cmon
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andddd theyre off!
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Hyrule learns from watching, from the actions and movements that he sees in the enemy, and uses it to make a plan to attack, learn patterns and be ready for anything
yep hes gonna play an important role in the next arc i have a feeling
now buildings art aprecciation cuz holy shit theyre so pretty
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fantastic work i feel blessed
(all art credits obv goes to @linkeduniverse ! )
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deerspherestudios · 1 year ago
I've really, really enjoyed the demo! All of it was great but I'd like to point out my favourite bits.
I loved the colour palette you have chosen. It looks so soft and cosy, from the starting screen, to the character design, environment design, too. The little mushrooms next to the choice options are such a nice touch and even the food managed to envoke a very homely feel. (And listen, seeing the chickens? I just about melted, I adore them.) You just make the player feel so safe at Mychael's home! Why would you ever want to leave, right? :)
Which brings us to the man himself. I want to pinch his cheeks and ruffle his hair and tell him that he's a cootie patootie. He's just so sweet and non-threatening until he actually is a threat to the player character. And he's so well-meaning about it, in theory, right? more like self-serving He just cannot let you leave, for good reasons! Gotta find your cat still after all! It has nothing to do with the fact that he wants you to stay around. And that he's manipulating you with false information. And, see, the forest is so pretty to look at and if there's danger, he has a crossbow! Mychael will keep you safe and sound. Even though he seems so harmless...
He's so well written and I want to point that out, specifically. You've created a solid character with him, very much a fantastic job.
Bonus: I greatly enjoyed the screen and text effects, oh man. The 'dripping' letters especially.
Overall, thank you for your hard work. The game's been lovely thus far!
Owaaa tysm for the-- everything ? ? ? Reading over this message just about overdosed me on serotonin im sobbing. I'm soso happy you enjoy Mychael as a character!!! I always worry if he's badly written or unconvincing but I'm glad so far I'm doing ok!!! ;;;v;;;
I can't take credit for the magic text however!! All of that is owed to this wonderful project called Kinetic Text Tags by Wattson!! I highly recommend for other VN devs to check it out if possible <3
Ty again for this lovely message, definitely one I'll re-visit in the future <3!
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blondeaxolotl · 10 days ago
🧣anon here! im literally screaming crying throwing up from the last ask. other anon, i love you and your mind oh my GODDDDD that was fantastic i am frothing at the mouth actually ohhhh my god
mono. mono my dude, you are so good at furthering this angst stuff i am LOSING it
just, the thought of floyd realizing it first!!! knowing jamil THAT well bc when floyd loves he loves with EVERYTHINGGGGGG but to jamil, upon their breakup, he thinks 'oh. he didnt love me at all.'
godddd this hurts 10 times more omg. i love it. anon, mono, your MINDSSSSS
like, this is gonna fuck jamil up so bad i love it. he's gonna internalize it, all those moments of 'freedom' he had, basketball club and floyd, both so deeply linked, are gonna be tainted by the memory of floyd letting jamil go with no complaint, just content. the moments he thought he would be able to treasure, to think back on and yearn for when he's stuck in this life, this role, that claws at him, that chokes him, that takes everything from him---he cant even have that. bc it wasnt real it was a trick and shit he shoulda known. never trust anyone from octavinelle.
and shit. he told floyd so much. floyd was there, and witnessed jamil's most intimate failure, his desperate bid for limited freedom--and then jamil kissed him. loved him. and it wasnt. real. none of it. are they laughing? jade and azul and floyd? or was it even worth that, like was it just some idle entertainment and floyd got bored? jamil loved him.
and he supposes the only bright side here is that he wont be upset about the breakup. he'll only be upset it didnt happen sooner. he wont miss floyd now.
(he misses floyd still. hes angry and bitter and hurting but he misses floyd and that makes it worse. kalim comes to him all excited and says he managed to get jamil a break to go visit floyd if he wants. jamil takes the break. he doesnt go to visit floyd tho. he goes somewhere else. anywhere else. he comes back and goes back to work on time and kalim is staring at him, forlorn, because jamil came back with the same closed-off expression, the same walls up, coming down only when najma and kalim really need it. people smile and jamil and ask him for his number for his name for a date and jamil. jamil's eyes are blank, his expression placid, he has work to do, and kalim and najma can tell no one's getting in.)
Heheh thank you! I have history when it comes to talking about angst of my favourite characters/ships, it's all fun for me so glad you're enjoying it (with tears)
Poor Jamil... my shayla.. pats him on the head, my boy does not deserve this poor treatment mwah mwah, shame on you floyd tsk tsk (I say as I'm not the one who's making him do this).
It wouldn't surprise me even while on break, Jamil did end up seeing one of the octatrio in public, and what did he do? Dipped, ran even. Screw talking, I don't think he'd even want to look at them after what happened. I'd imagine after that "harsh break up and reality check", Jamil sees nothing but a bunch of good for nothing liars and manipulators, even if he still loves Floyd, I'd imagine the sight of him would piss him off through the ROOF. Cause all he is thinking about now is that break up and how unnecessary "chill and not bothered" he seemed to Jamil.
Now with Floyd.. I'd say he's still suppressing his emotions like usual but he IS showing off signs that he misses Jamil, by being annoying about it. Not in the boohoo I miss Jamil way but in a "This is so boring, Sea Snake would've made this more fun" or "Sea Snake could do this better than you lmao". Basically a bunch of this/you suck, Jamil does it better/much cooler, and he's repeating them like a parrot. There were many MANY times where Azul contemplated taping his mouth shut because it's that annoying, sorry you miss him but also shutthEFUCKUP.
Now hear me out, what if close around the end of Jamil's break. Kalim decided he wants to go out as well since it's been a while he went anywhere without Jamil by his side. It's like a once in a lifetime experience for him, he never went alone anywhere without Jamil by his side. So why not try it at least once? (What's the worst that could happen.) And during Kalim's adventure, HE ends up being the one to bump into the octatrio, guess they still ended up sticking to eachothers sides even after graduation. Now they catch up, Kalim is happy to finally see old friends/classmates again, one of them being Jamil's boyfriend- Ex? He doesn't know exactly, but he's happy to see him too.
Now Azul questions where Jamil is since it's strange seeing them separated. Kalim explains that Jamil is on break and it's also why he decided to go out, it's been a while since he went anywhere alone. Floyd doesn't say much besides a quiet "aww man" and Azul seems to curse under his breath as if he was so close to finding the one thing that'd shut up this annoying sound that keeps screaming in his ear for months now but I guess not. Now let's say, mid through the convo the four are having, Jade spots a shop in the distance he wants to go to (most likely something to do with mushrooms probably), he demands to go check it out, Floyd refuses to and decides he'll just wait with Kalim. And so poor Azul gets dragged away by Jade and just waves at them "we'll be back" because this is the closest Azul got to almost getting a business deal through Kalim's money AND HE DOESNT WANT TO LOSE IT CAUSE OF JADE'S HYPERFIXATION. So they're both told to wait, alone.
Now that the two are alone, Kalim doesn't know yet that Jamil hasn't actually gone to see Floyd like he expected him to, I mean, that's the whole reason Kalim managed to get him a break, to go see Floyd. So without much thought, Kalim decides to ask Floyd about it. Like "So did you and Jamil catch up? It's been a while since you two seen eachother! Did you have fun?" just an innocent question, a question Kalim didn't realise will cause major problems. Floyd stares at Kalim dumbfounded, clueless, what is lil bro yappin' bout, so he asks him what he's talking about, isn't Jamil on break? And Kalim replies with a confused laugh
"Yeah he is, I gave him a break so he could go see you. I thought he did that already.. Did he not?"
The moment Floyd heard those words, his whole world shattered. He just stood there frozen, staring at Kalim. Jamil is on break, a break he was supposed to use to come SEE HIM, but he did not do that, and he wouldn't have known if Kalim didn't say anything about it. So why, why did Jamil not come and visit him? Did he get over him? Was HE supposed to get over Jamil? Or did Jamil find someone else that he likes more than him, and therefore went to see them instead of him? Floyd didn't know, he didn't know ANYTHING ever since graduation. Hell, he didn't know if Jamil HAD the options to contact him at all, Floyd just sat and waited, like a dog waiting for his owner to come back from the store. But that didn't happen, apparently Jamil isn't coming back, and he wouldn't have known that. If it wasn't for Kalim.
Now Floyd's head is just all over the place, it's like his brain just did a factory reset on him, his emotions were everywhere and all his brain understood was "Jamil had the chance to see him, and he chose not to" and he's losing it. He forgot where he was for a moment until Kalim shook him with worry, "Floyd! Are you okay?? Your eyes are red??" and he suddenly clicked back to reality, now silently panicking after Floyd realises he stopped masking his emotions and is now on the verge of a crash out. He has accidentally made himself "vulnerable" to Kalim, he doesn't know for how long but he knows it was long enough for Kalim to start apologising profusely for upsetting him. So, what will he do now?
Well, he's going to run away of course! He is NOT going to continue standing around in public like a lost dog while Kalim is worrying asking him multiple times if he's okay. So Floyd just books it, no hesitation, last thing he wants is for Azul and Jade to see him in this state. And not shortly after, the rest of the octatrio come back confused to find a worrisome, concerned Kalim with an expression that screams "I fucked up" and a missing Floyd. Kalim doesn't say much, he tells them Floyd just got up and ran, but he doesn't want to say why, out of pure worry he might make things worse than he already has, so he just stays quiet and tells them he has to go as he hurries up away from them (RIP Azul's business opportunity...) Now hours later, Jade and Azul finally end up finding Floyd, probably back at where ever the 3 of them are living now. And he's just laying on the couch, kicking his feet in the air while messing on his phone, he is back on his cheery goofy old self, almost like he didn't just full on run away from Kalim after finding out Jamil chose not to visit him. When Azul asks him why the hell did he just dip, Floyd gives a typical "Ehh I got bored of Sea Otter so I went home", he didn't tell them the actual reason, hell you couldn't even tell he was upset earlier (he already embarrassed himself in front of Kalim, last thing he wants is to do that in front of his brother and Azul now). So Azul just punched him in the arm for making him miss a business opportunity with Kalim because he was "bored" and left without a notice. And so after that, everything went back to normal with the trio. Except, the lack of constant annoying blabbering about a "Sea Snake" suddenly stopped without a trait. I guess Azul's wish of wanting to shut up that annoying noise finally happened, though, now he kinda wishes it was back, because an awfully more silent than usual Floyd is way more uncomfortable than a loud and repetitive Floyd.
Now switching to the Scarabia duo, Jamil comes back from his break. Same closed off expression, ready to go back to work and act like everything is same as before.. Only for Jamil to immediately notice Kalim is acting strange. Sighing and imagining up whatever shenanigans could've Kalim caused while he was away, he asks him what did he do. But Kalim just.. refuses to answer. And that makes Jamil concerned, WHAT the hell did this guy do while he was away and how the hell is it so bad that Kalim can't tell him.
And honestly how WOULD you explain what happened? "Yeah so I ended up bumping into your ex boyfriend and I made him cry after accidentally telling him you didn't come visit him while on break, my bad" YEAH NO KALIM ISN'T SAYING THAT NOPE, so poor boy, now being a nervous wreck just yelps "I'M SORRY-" before he quickly sped away before Jamil can say anything else. Leaving him confused and now praying Kalim didn't possibly kill a guy.. Which tbh, would've been better than what he actually did.
OUF okay yapped more thank usually so I decided to doodle a lil moment of Floyd losing it and Kalim trying(?) to comfort him as best as he can lolz
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banana-pancake5 · 4 months ago
Dude I finally read the neon void and I’m going a little crazy.
I just kinda really really love it. I knew it was good but I didn’t expect it to be that good. So that was pleasantly surprising. I also for some reason didn’t expect to get Leo narrating for whatever reason but I’m so glad we did. It makes me so sad the misunderstandings the boys had when Leo’s being Leo but with a darker appearance (and being so unnecessarily aggressive with the remarks toward himself like baby no 😭)
I can’t exactly speak from experience but the way grief was written was so so nice. I guess I could be completely off base bc I have yet to experience that type of grief (the perks of not getting close to too many people I suppose) but it feels really realistic. I super appreciate it bc I’m gonna use it as an actual reference bc it’s written in a way that’s understandable? I guess? Like I didn’t really get the specifics of grief before and I guess I can’t really now, but I do have a better grasp I think. Ah it made me hurt a lot tho
I’m still kinda taking it all in but all of everything was just so so good. I would love to hear about all your favorite moments and aspects bc I feel a ramble on my bones but it needs to be awakened teehee
Yesssss im so glad you read it dcisjncedjindecinwdijwdcnijcen it so GOOD!!! (Also I literally went insane when I read it XD)
A reason I’m so obsessed with TNV is how Leo is characterized. I’m sure I’ve said it before, but I LOVE crazy/insane characters Idk what it is about them but they always peak my interest. And the way @/sugarpasteltmnt writes Leo’s madness just feels so real!!! Insane characters + unreliable narrator (especially if it’s the insane character) = NCSDJHDSCNDJSJCN#NJISCDNDC I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!! The misunderstandings of the brothers is also written so incredibly well. Again, it just feels so real. Their theories of who Neon Void is, their greif, their reactions to the taunts, etc. is all so realistic dfhuncfeuhncefihncufehneuhfcn
Oh and I also want to mention this fic made me LAUGH OUT LOUD. That does not happen with me!!! Especially with a fic????? Unheard of. (Specifically it was the Highschool TV show chapter)
Another thing I really like is how Donnie is written!!! I don’t even know what specifically about it, it’s just perfect!!!
Yeah I know what you mean!! The greif is written incredibly well, and though I haven’t experienced a loss like that, it definitely seems like a valid and (like I’ve said above) realistic way for each of them to react. I think it definitely does give me a better grasp on how some people grieve as well!
Hmmmm more of my favorite moments and aspects let’s seeeeeee
OKAY WELL THE WHOLE SPACE ODDITY SCENE MAKES ME WANNA SOB AND DIE OF EXCITEMENT AT THE SAME TIME. ESPECIALLY, IF YOU HAVENT ALREADY SEEN IT, LOOK AT THIS ANIMATIC BY @bowandbrush!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS PHENOMENAL!!!! I think a (small) part of this is I’ve realized when a song I know and like is referenced in a fic it makes me go “edcjhefncihednchdiencsidjncdeijnjicedniscdjnds”
Literally every scene with Leo is so cinimatic I can’t ndeicndwuchsdnuhnd
Whenever Leo is talking with his brothers and feels their Ninpo and such is so heartwarming and tragic
Oh! I really like the detail of him HATING that Cassandra is like “a part of the family” because it makes sense (SHE WAS IN THE FOOT CLAN, FROM LEOS PERSPECTIVE WHY WOULD THEY TRUST HER!!?!?!)
The chapter when Mikey rips off his arm is fantastic (I really like Leo’s reaction!!!)
I’m trying to remember all these scenes rn but I think that’s all I’ll say for now
If this invokes the ramble inside of you, you know I’d love to hear it!!!!!
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tiny-sassy-aggressive · 1 month ago
S2 ep11-18
Hell yeah Maddie ! New beginnings!!!! Punch buck!! Woooo!!!
the shark storyline seemed so unnecessary?? I loved it?? Go sharky go!!!
I LOVED Athena’s entire story this episode and I’m glad it didn’t end with a resolution. Some things just can’t be resolved so easily. There is some deep rooted. Issues. And it can’t be solved with one conversation.
Oh shoot oh chimney. I’m actually in tears this entire episode. CAN I JUST SAY SCREW GERRARD EHAR THE HECK FOR BOTH HIM AND HEN GEEZ. Tommy. Oh Tommy Tommy. I see you.
this is a fantastic origin story. And such a sweet family with the lees. Non blood families are still families
Ep 13
I can’t believe buck found chimney oh my damn goodness. Why did he think he could steal the phone. Oh that little interaction between Eddie and buck was everything- buck will do anything for Maddie. I’m crying
MADDIE. Maddie. Is so damn strong and resilient it’s. Terrifying bc it. It’s a reality. This is real. Everything with Doug and her pain is so. Real. Jennifer is truly an amazing actress. I was so scared the entire episode. Everything she lived through and the flashbacks to her life with Doug.
Wait- Christopher’s first instinct at the hospital was to abandon his parents and go sit in the chair next to chims bed???? He is the sweetest child I am dead
When Chim and Maddie realized they were both Alive oh my heart
Ep 14
Is it bad I started every episode with “oh great who’s gonna die today”
Bobby having Buddie be his glamorous assistants I cried? Buck loves KIDS OH MY GOSH. And and the little baby bringing his mom back to life? Speaking of amazing actors Hen??? Her collapsing got me hard. Amazing vs miracle damn straight
the gas line explosions were so scary!! Nobody looked concerned either buck hanging from the ladder I screamed but OKAY SPIDER EDDIE??
so glad Bobby and Michael were able to talk!!!! Their fight left me worried for a second!
And okay okay Maddie and chimney just need a minute! JUDT a minute. Makes sense! They need it
Speed running Ep 15-ep 17
I LOVE A GOOD HEIST. I was raised on Brooklyn 99 baby heist season was the best. This was executed so well I loved every bit. The questioning scene was executed so well I swear this show has the best interactions(?) the way conversations flow easily between different characters but is creating a cohesive line? Does that make sense they do it all the time
What are the chances Maddie texts buck about money RIGHT at that moment lmao they look guilty as hell
Okay well now I wanna watch Chris surf??? Bet?? Sounds fun?? How DOES Eddie have all this money to afford all this? I’m with Shannon tbh I’d worry too
Oh and LOVE the Marty reveal scene at the 118- man are they intimidating
Ep 16
Anything to do with Bobby’s storyline I am OBSESSED WITH. Every church scene is perfection. I’m Catholic so those scenes hit DIFFERENT AND are also very appropriate and real! Whoever workshopped that scene actually understands Catholicism which you don’t see that often!
I also really liked the cinematography floating in the smoke and the flashes- very similar to chimneys which I loved.
I didn’t. I didn’t loovveee the ep ending on a happy note bc we know from the season prior that Bobby was still intending on. Harming himself. Once the book was complete so that felt weird. But overall great episode and insight
Also I like Tommy. He started iffy but grew to like him especially that chicken scene lmao
Ep 17
CAPTAIN HANNNN love to see it :)
So so cute that chimney called cap- he IS a chef it was a good all for a unique rescue.
Ohh nooo she wants a divorce from Eddieeeee
Maddie is SUCH. A great dispatcher calm quick and resourceful - that scene was a little kitschy but cute ! I’m glad she’ll stay in dispatch
If I thought Gerard was gonna have to catch these hands OHHHHHH the Diaz parents?????? Shannon’s body is still warm and you’re insulting her and telling Eddie to move back home?? Absolutely not. Absolutely NOT. How dare you.
Ms becca this was hilarious #ThoseTwoFirefighters I needed this. Also what was with the comment saying buck/eddie should be a couple?? Such a random thing to drop. Again like the elf, scene was complete with out that addition imo??
Bomb at Athena’s house was terrifying I was screaming at Harry to stop
oh buck
Okay so the 118 witnessed Shannon’s death and then buck being crushed can they catch a break????? One after the other??? Sobbing at how the community came together to rescue him i cried. The music didn’t help.
Lowkey happy it was Carla whom buck saw when he woke up! But. Idk. Nde. Nobody from the 118 was there for that Scene. Felt weird tbh given other hospital trips.
Concerned with bucks immediate fear driven anger about returning to work. I know what’s coming so I’m going to be careful to document each perspective I see!
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odiesdayoff · 2 years ago
Parent-Teacher Conference
pair: Burt Fabelman x fem!reader
summary: As Sammy’s teacher, you request a meeting with his parents. Maybe you get a bit too close to his recently-divorced father...
warnings: inappropriate relationship & age gap (all legal no worries); drunk kisses
im sorry steven spielberg for writing about your fictional father. ur fault for casting paul dano.
originally supposed to have smut but then i put off writing this for months.
this is not very proofread, i needed this out of my google doc
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You were always glad to hear the final bell of the school day. All the students in your last-period class spilled out of the room and you were left with a silent room for the first time throughout the day. As much as you loved teaching and all of the students you had, there was something special about not having them around.
Just as your bag was packed and you nearly started to put your jacket on, you heard a knock coming from the doorway. A man stood in a brown suit with a white button-up shirt underneath. His hair was neat and only a strand fell in front of his face, right in front of his circular glasses. He looked familiar and you guessed that he was a parent of one of your students, which was highly unusual.
“You’re Miss L/n, right?” You nodded and his confused expression turned into one of satisfaction, “I’m Sam’s father. I believe you sent a note home wanting to talk?”
You waved him inside and gestured for him to pull up one of the student chairs to your desk, “I have to say, it’s unusual that I see a father come in for a meeting like this. Nice to show involvement in your child’s life.” He grinned in response, awkwardly sitting in the chair that was a little bit too small for him.
He folded his hands and rested them on the desk, “Well, my- she’s very busy right now.” You caught his smile falter for a moment before he returned to his cheery disposition.
“I’m glad you’re here. I just wanted to talk about Sam’s performance in class. For the past few weeks, I’ve noticed him becoming a bit distant during class. His performance on assignments hasn’t changed, he’s still quite the exceptional student,” You tried to search your desk for his latest essay, a creative writing piece that you were absolutely blown away with. It seemed to be under the pile of useless announcements and other things the administration had given you during the day.
You finally pulled the essay out and handed it to him, “He's about to start filling out college applications and I think that it would look better if he was in a higher-level class. I only teach A-track classes, but I spoke with the honors English teacher and she would be more than willing to accept him mid-year. It’s up to you to decide if that’s a good idea for him.”
He let out a sigh and a bit of a laugh, “I thought this would be a disciplinary meeting, so this is fantastic to hear.”
“Don’t worry, sir, he’s a wonderful kid. I just think he’d be happier with more stimulation, especially with all of those films he’s making,” You never actually saw one, but you certainly heard all about it from the students and faculty, “I usually let parents discuss this at home before making a decision, unless you’re on the same page as Mrs. Fabelman.”
He scratched the back of his head, “My wife, she’s, well, not really my wife anymore. Sam was the one that discovered everything first, actually. You see, she’s actually in love with my best friend and now my girls are in another state with them, and Sam’s with me.” The silence in the room was a bit deafening. You had no idea how to respond, “That’s primarily why I was so concerned with this meeting. He’s dealing with that whole situation and I just want him to be happy, you know?”
Hesitantly, you nodded. 
“Oh dear, what am I doing? You don’t want to hear any of this,” He wiped his face with his hand and stood up from the chair, making a screeching noise against the floor. 
You followed his movement, standing as well, “It’s okay! I was gonna leave after this, would you say yes if I offered to buy you a drink?”
It wasn’t California’s nicest bar, but it gave a sort of homey feeling that you--and by association, Mr. Fabelman--needed right now. Not many people were here, given the fact that it was barely five in the afternoon. 
Sitting next to each other in a booth, he spoke about his life while you listened and nursed a long island iced tea. Other than a few antics from his wife--or ex-wife?--and children, it seemed highly normal, and if you were being a bit rude, mediocre. You could tell by the more personal he got about his life story, the more the alcohol was in the driver’s seat.
Once he asked about you, it seemed to have snapped you out of your listening mode. You took a sip of your drink, “There’s not much to say about my life, really. I had a pretty normal childhood, went to college, and now I’m working.”
He raised a brow, “What about romances? Surely, you’re married or at least dating someone!”
You could feel the heat rise to your cheeks before you shook your head, “It’s not really a priority for me. The last time I seriously dated someone was in college, but obviously, that didn’t work out.” 
“It’s hard to believe someone as beautiful as you is still single,” He stared into your eyes, almost in a daze, or perhaps, he was mesmerized by you. The alcohol was definitely in his system, but there was enough in yours as well to find it a bit endearing. He was a good-looking guy with a few family issues, not too much of a red flag. The age was a concern, though.
He kept his blank stare for a moment, then leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. You weren’t sure how to react, looking back at him with doe eyes once he pulled away. He shuttered, maybe out of embarrassment, and quickly began to stutter through an apology, “I don’t know what came over me, I-”
Without much thinking on your end, you grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a second kiss. You could taste the faded chapstick on his lips even once you separated. 
It was a sort of post-kiss clarity that suddenly hit you and the situation you were in finally was realized. Your eyes widened and your hand went to your forehead, pushing some of your hair from your face, “Oh my god. This is so unprofessional”
You quickly grabbed your bag and jacket before rushing out, despite Burt’s protests. You couldn’t believe it, kissing a student’s father deliberately. If anything gets out, your job is gone.
“Once again talking about our short stories, I want to remind you all that there is a twenty-page limit and it is due on Friday. Write about anything you want,” You leaned against your desk while the students rolled their eyes and groaned over the big project of the semester. This was usually the case for anything you assigned, despite how fun you might've thought it was.
Before anyone could complain any more about the assignment, the bell rang. In mere seconds, your full room of students was empty. You sat on your desk and pushed some ungraded tests aside. That was a job for you tomorrow, or maybe tonight if you were bored. It’s not like you had much going on in your life.
A few birds flew past the window and for a moment, you longed to be one of them. Your concentration on them broke with a knock at the doorframe and the familiar Sam Fabelman standing next to the light switch. 
You gestured for him to come in and watched as he anxiously walked into the classroom and sat at the frontmost desk, “I’m moving classes on Monday. It’s official.” He had a faint smile, but it didn’t look necessarily happy. He was a boy that had naturally sad eyes, much like his father. They were much more noticeable now.
“You’re an exceptional student. As much as I love having you in class, you’re just too advanced for it. It’ll look great on your resume for schools.” You tried to reason with him. He sighed, fiddling with his fingers in his lap.
He looked down, “Can I still have lunch here?”
With a soft smile, you nodded and checked your watch, “Aren’t you going to miss the bus?”
He flinched for a moment, then realized the time as well. He sprang from his seat and rushed out of the classroom, waving a quick goodbye before disappearing completely. 
He was a good kid. You couldn’t help but admit that you were a bit sad not to have such a kind soul in your classroom every day. It certainly beat the cookie-cutter California kids that drowned the population of the school. 
You didn’t want to get attached to any students, knowing that they would leave after ten months and be replaced like clockwork. Hopefully, when he eventually gets famous for his little movies, he would remember you. Or thank you, if you wanted to be a bit delusional.
More papers were stacked in front of you, finally meticulously graded. The weekend was upon you. No more students and your clock was going to run out in just a few minutes. No longer contractually obligated to be in the building. Like Cinderella, but instead of midnight, it was 4 pm.
You locked your classroom door behind you and fixed your bag on your shoulder. As you turned, there he was, standing right in front of you. You jumped back and held your chest. 
Burt Fabelman in the flesh.
“Oh! Hello, Mr. Fabelman.” You caught your breath and regained your normal stance.
He smiled at the sight of you. “I just wanted to make sure that everything was okay with Sammy and his class transition,” He paused, “And between us.”
This wasn’t exactly what you wanted to deal with at the moment or deal with unprepared, but such is life. You looked at him with a soft smile, “Of course it is. Look, we’re not bound to a parent-teacher relationship now, so we can just call it water under the bridge.”
You nodded and began to continue your walk to your car, hoping that he wouldn’t follow. You weren’t exactly so lucky in that department.
He was hastily following you, now stuttering over his words and making whatever he might be trying to say incomprehensible. You could hear his footsteps over everything else. He caught up, “Would it be unprofessional to ask you out, for real this time, considering that we technically have no relationship with each other inside the school?”
You knew that this was coming and every cell in your body was screaming at you to decline his offer. You knew what that might entail if one nosy parent or student caught wind of your escapades and eventually traced your relationship with him to the parent-teacher meeting. However, he was attractive. And you would be lying if you said that you didn’t think about kissing him again or doing more.
“I…Yeah. I’d love to go out with you.”
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stormyoceans · 1 year ago
Ok ok ok random observations i had while watching ep 1 of LT, which was amazing wonderful heartsopping showstopping breathtaking etc etc. (In all seriousness, it really exceeded my expectations)
- .... is it just me or did we get a flirty vibe, they might kiss vibe from august and day? No? Just me?
- i am so glad sea can play badminton bec they sold the intensity of the scene so well!
- not mork betting against day's team, which is his own country's lmao. Also not to be my overthinking self, but mork going from rooting against day to rooting for him, his wellbeing, happiness etc etc later on
- that transition between the match and the fight where both of their lives will forever change.... peak cinema
- day calling out for his mum (i might have teared up)
- the dread falling on mork's face when he kept asking porjai about his sister and THE DESPERATION IN HIS VOICE (i might have teared up x2)
- YAAAAS give me that lakorn intro-- this is when you know shit is good
- something something commentary about how the stigma of going to prison never leaving ex-convicts because society refuses to accept their reintegration into society something something
- porjai is so good, i love her already!
- Rung nooooooooo. The way mork's character is already fleshed out so perfectly in just 30 mins.... cinema. "The one who should feel guilty is her" omg
- the way day's internalized pain seeps into every word he says, every cynical comment. If people are going to treat him like he's invisible just because he lost his sight, he's going to force them to "see" him through his shocking words and attitude
- the interview scene was GOLD. I love how it's already telling us their dynamic and laying down the groundwork for their personalities together and how they'll constantly challenge each other
- The bandaid.... mork in rung's car remembering her with tears in his eyes (i teared up x3)
- Something something about how night's shirt is light blue (like the day) and day's is dark blue (light the night) with strips of light... i am thinking thoughts, not sure exactly what it is yet but i have them!
- ok but I LOVE how mork is just observing day and noticing how day is way more independent than his family makes him seem to be. I just really love how he didn't interfere and was /watching/ him, trying to figure him out
- Damn day harbors a lot of resentment towards night... this brings me back to the two photos we see of them in the very beginning and the contrast between them.... again, i am having thoughts...
- Day getting overwhelmed with the sounds of the cars and honks... mork saving day... mork giving day agency and asking where to take him.... CINEMA
- LIterally the first thing that came to mind when i saw the little prince was when your genius self said this:
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- "I'll see you." When both of them are falsly perceived by those around them. CINEMA
That was a FANTASTIC first episode. I can't wait to see how day and mork are gonna from this to this
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and this
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One thing i am also so intrigued by is all the relationships they've hinted at so far: Night and Day as well as their relationship with their mom. Mork and Porjai. Day and August (and Gee). I cannot wait for all of this to be explored in the upcoming episodes!
I also have a feeling day's mom is not gonna be on board of this arrangement? but we'll see. FRIDAY WHEN?
as it is, please accept some of my very messy thoughts!!!!
- .... is it just me or did we get a flirty vibe, they might kiss vibe from august and day? No? Just me? <<< IT’S VERY MUCH NOT JUST YOU BECAUSE I HAD THE SAME FEELING. i actually got a message about august and day that i still didn’t get around to answer (because im terrible ;;;;;) and i wanted to go more in depth about their relationship there, but yeah, even if it was a very brief scene, i love how they already established their dynamic: you can tell that they both have very strong personalities and that as friends and as badminton partners they snark at each other but also deeply care, and the fact that this immediately makes you wonder if there ever was something more between them is incredibly effective because it will help the viewers understand how mork feels watching them from the outside and ask himself the exact same thing. sea and ohm also have a very nice chemistry, which isn’t only nice to see in itself but actually serves the narrative as well in this particular case
- i am so glad sea can play badminton bec they sold the intensity of the scene so well! <<< THAT'S OUR PROFESSIONAL BADMINTON PLAYER SEA TAWINAN ANUKOOLPRASERT AND NO ONE SHOULD FORGET ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!
- not mork betting against day's team, which is his own country's lmao. Also not to be my overthinking self, but mork going from rooting against day to rooting for him, his wellbeing, happiness etc etc later on <<< BRITNEY_YEAH.GIF I FEEL SO INCREDIBLY NORMAL ABOUT THIS IT’S HONESTLY INSANE HOW NORMAL AND HINGED AND SANE AND FINE I FEEL ABOUT THIS
- day calling out for his mum (i might have teared up) // - the dread falling on mork's face when he kept asking porjai about his sister and THE DESPERATION IN HIS VOICE (i might have teared up x2) <<< jimmysea showed up on that set and said we are ACTORS who ACT and then proceeded to indeed OUTACT OUTPERFORM OUTSELL OUTSERVE OUTSLAY the majority of the artists in the industry I SAID WHAT I SAID AND I WILL SHUT UP ONLY WHEN PEOPLE ARE GONNA STOP SLEEPING ON THEM. these two moments alone are already giving performance of all time!!!!!
- something something commentary about how the stigma of going to prison never leaving ex-convicts because society refuses to accept their reintegration into society something something <<< SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK!!!!!!! wish i had the time, energy and intelligence to write about the way both mork and day are being stigmatized (defined as the co-occurrence of labeling, stereotyping, separation, status loss, and discrimination) and how the label of ‘deviant’ (defined as departing from usual or accepted standards dictated by society) is altering their own perception of self BUT ALAS. SOMETHING SOMETHING INDEED
- porjai is so good, i love her already! <<< SAME!!!!! IM SO IN LOVE WITH HER AND HER FRIENDSHIP WITH MORK i love exes who realized that their love for each other has always been platonic and are now the most supportive friends to each other!!!!! unfortunately there's this theory im pretty much sure of that her current boyfriend is an asshole so IM READY TO FIGHT EVERYONE FOR HER
- the interview scene was GOLD. I love how it's already telling us their dynamic and laying down the groundwork for their personalities together and how they'll constantly challenge each other <<< NGL THIS GENUINELY MIGHT BE MY FAVORITE FIRST MEETING IN THE HISTORY OF FIRST MEETINGS. JUST THE CHEMISTRY THE TENSION THE SPARK THE ELECTRICITY THE MAGNETISM THE CHALLENGE THE SNARK THE SEEING THE PERCEIVING THE PULL TOWARDS EACH OTHER THE CHIN GRAB. i know im just screaming without adding anything of importance but GOD. i love to see two actual strangers with no previous attachment to each other meet and develop an interest in each other born from their actions and words and personalities. THEY HARDLY MAKE THEM LIKE THIS ANYMORE NOWADAYS
- Something something about how night's shirt is light blue (like the day) and day's is dark blue (light the night) with strips of light... i am thinking thoughts, not sure exactly what it is yet but i have them! <<< YOU AND ME BOTH FRIEND LIKE. im already having so many thoughts about the lighting in the show going from dark and blue/gray to light and yellow/orange as mork and day get closer and start to change each other's lives, but now it also seems like their clothes are also gonna go from muted and more neutral colors to brighter and warmer ones, and then there are night and day as well and the way they both wore stripes in this episode but night's were vertical and day's horizontal AND I KNOW IT MEANS SOMETHING AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR SMARTER PEOPLE TO WRITE ABOUT IT AS I SCREAM WAIL HOWL SCREECH YELL IN THE DISTANCE
- ok but I LOVE how mork is just observing day and noticing how day is way more independent than his family makes him seem to be. I just really love how he didn't interfere and was /watching/ him, trying to figure him out <<< the aforementioned smarter people have already talked about this way better than i ever could, but i really do love how, in a world that wants them both to be invisible, mork and day are the only ones seeing each other. like you said before, part of the reason day is acting the way he is is because he doesn't want to become a ghost haunting other people's lives, the monster locked in the attic (if we want to use a literary reference), he wants to live and to be seen too, and i think it was so important to include a scene where mork is just WATCHING him, because being perceived may have become a meme, but that's what can eventually lead to curiosity and interest and understanding and love. you can't care about something you don't (want to) see, but fortunately, mork does
- Damn day harbors a lot of resentment towards night... this brings me back to the two photos we see of them in the very beginning and the contrast between them.... again, i am having thoughts... <<< not sure if you've seen it, but the current theory is night being somewhat responsible for day's accident, which i got the chance to talk about here if you want to check it out and then let me know what you think!!!!!
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bmpmp3 · 1 month ago
impromptu movie review again but i just watched the 2017 released The Evil Within. the soundtrack was preddy good and of course the absolutely insane visuals and special effects were fantastic - that's why i specificed "2017 released" since it had technically been in production since the early 2000s. which shows. in both good (sfx) and bad (i'll get to that in a second) ways.
ive only read a tiny bit about the production but from what i can tell A Lot happened - including the direction passing away and the film needing to be released 2 years posthumously.
its interesting that so much criticism about this movie is about the "unrealisticness" of the dialogue; i thought 1) the weird looney toon bizarro world dialogue in the last third with all the people in the town was great and really fitting for such a dream logic movie and 2) half the the dialogue wasnt even that weird it just wasnt like the hyperrealistic movie dialogue. like how some sculptural traditions (ancient roman? art history education save me) seem realistic because they're like wrinkly and stuff but half of it was an invention of the sculptor, deepening wrinkles to look wise, exaggerating scars and everything, making things more real than real life. movie dialogue is like that to me. im getting distracted. i thought the dialogue worked
wait i wanna talk about another unrelated thing. i wonder why they changed the name to the evil within. i think the storyteller (original title) was way better, more fitting, and didnt have the SEO messiness between this and the video game. yeah sure evil within 2 wouldnt be released for like half a year but evil within 1 was out. i mean its not the biggest game on earth but it makes searching for this movie really hard LOL maybe the original name didnt test well at festivals? it seems like the name change may have been really late, like during distribution? crazy
back to the actual movie. so. how this movie handles disability. okay. um.
neurotypical actor playing someone with a disability: not good but also expected for 2002 and also unfortunately even now.
the whole twist about dennis's disability in the first place - kind of incomprehensible but again 2002
interestingly dennis's reactions to having killed were horrifying and heartwrenching because while the actor was trying to do an impression of a disabled person he actually was just doing what most people regardless of disability would do if they killed someone. again movie dialogue "realism" is not super realistic after all <3
MOST IMPORTANT PART the ableism from the abled characters was where the real actual harrowing horror was for me. dennis's self hatred was also painful. i do wonder how much of it was intended as horror from empathy/sympathy and how much was horror from abled condescension and gawking: its often really hard to tell with movies like this. the clapback matthew mcgrory's character gets against john about physical differences was preddy great and makes it feel like the former (almost even feels like its talking directly to the audience!), same with the violence and loss of agency dennis experiences from john as his caretaker in the beginning. but im never sure. i dont know if i'll ever be sure. how can you account for what the audience sees even if the director is sympathetic. im just never sure.
it did make me realize in general ableism is like the scariest thing i can see in a horror movie. thats why i can never watch hereditery again LOL im not scared of demons or whatever. but not to be all ableism is the real horror but ableism is like. the real horror. to me.
ANYWAY yeah preddy good movie A LOT DID NOT AGE WELL not in the slightest BUT the awesome visuals and bizarre structure make me very glad it was able to be released at all. despite ratings making it seem like 60% 6/10 stars type deal i think thats because its a very divisive movie. i dont think its a movie that will make you bored. i dont think its a movie you'll forget. i think its a movie that will make you feel something. make you feel what? that is the question
the other question: is the evil within ableist or not ableist? and the answer is yes
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daonedaonlysk · 3 months ago
oh I’m not going to do justice for expressing my feelings towards any of the people listed. just know I love you all more than a blurb can describe.
also cringe warning bc idk how to express my feelings without thinking im coming across as creepy. that’s not my intention.
I wrote all of these at like 2 am last night and then forgot to post them. I just didn’t change them so yeah. enjoy
@hellincarnation - oh my fucking god where do I even start. genuinely one of the nicest people ever (don’t listen to him saying he’s a meanie pants. he is a liar) and is actually just the best. words cannot describe how great he is. he is worthy of everything and more. love you (/plat) lots man <3
@lovely-rants-alot - my test subject for all of my ideas with my silly little brain creatures. also my favorite Australian. also one of the best human beings ever. fantastic, incredible, amazing, 100/10 would find in every universe.
@totally-not-castor - born to be in the same time zone and talk all the time, forced to never be up at the same time. we have some of the best late night chats that I wouldn’t trade for the world. we simply make (well, type) birb noises at each other and know what the other is talking about, and if that’s not true frenship idk what is. impeccable human, would start a murder of crows with.
@yourfavoriteearthshaker - my siblong! well, not really, only in character, but still! never fails to make me smile with everything they tag me in. especially if it’s incorrect quotes the came up with. peak sense of humor. great person, would 100% be happy if we were actually half siblings in another universe.
@thementallyillapollochild - sweetest silly billy. super ultra kind and caring. bestie frens both in character and out of character. they love up tot he Apollo child title, because they are very much so the personification of the sun! fantastic human, I want to bake cookies with you.
@the-official-failure - one of the first people I ever talked to on tumblr, and was my first ever tumblr dm! and even after like… 8 ish months I think, we’re still frens! which is both kinda surprising and kinda not at the same time, but hey, I’m just grateful they’ve stuck around <3
@your-dazzling-sun - genuinely one of the kindest people ever. wrote me a whole little oneshot in like an hour upon finding it it was my birthday, when they didn’t even have to do anything at all. super kind and caring, love you (/plat) lots <3
@ja50nt0ddwa5h3r3 - I want to give you a hug. you just seem very huggable (that’s meant to be a compliment). we share the same brainrot over epic/myths therefore we are besties. I just need to remember to talk to you more, because you are so cool <3
@unhinged-as-hell - kind, caring, and not afraid to speak her mind, all traits I admire very much! although I just admire Leigh in general because she's so cool but yk. She's a very cool human being both in her pjo oc character and out. 100/10 would be half siblings with in the pjo universe
@psychicbluebirdmiracle - the adopter of all my traumatized brain critters. literally though, Penelope has decided to turn them into Pokémon, because she’s gotta catch em all. someone’s gotta do it though, and I’m glad it’s someone as incredible as you <3
@perseus-oh-my-perseus - one of the first people I actually grew very close to on tumblr! I started helping him out with a project of his (which was very fun by the way) and our frenship continued to grow from there. super kind and nice person, and very knowledgeable on lots of subjects! and for those of you who know my pjo oc Elektra, you can thank him for helping me come up with concepts for her lore! Love you (/platonic) loads Aridane <3333 /gen /pos
@gaygirldoodles - the bestie of my brain creatures. they have befriended all of them. wether the critters want to be befriended or not (ahem eLEKTRA) they have persevered and befriended them all. therefore, by that logic, they have befriended me <3
positivity train!
if you see this or are tagged in it, tag a couple of your favorite mutuals/blogs and let them know you appreciate seeing them on your dash!
@h0neysugarfree @blueberrylovv @bequiteanddriveeeeeee @cherri-bomb-bomb @eg0mechan1c @fatrexicisback
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sagau-my-beloved · 3 years ago
also for the reverse isekai venti-centered requests, what will be ventis reactions if he finds out that hes not the only one loving reader?? what if the creator has other admirers/suitors??
Headcanons about Jealous Sagau Venti:
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Ok yes, jealous Venti hc's let's goooo, decided to make reader a semi popular social media person, that way the attention both comes from online and in real life, but the actual source of the popularity is up for interpretation
Warnings: general sagau, obsession, minor manipulation ig, general yandere behavior
• He should have expected it honestly
• Of course you, glorious and divine you, would have admirers both in his world and your own
• It didn't stop him from feeling as though someone had stabbed him directly in the chest (and he knew what that felt like), upon seeing the many many nice words that were given to you constantly
• Of course you deserved it, there was no question about that, you were everything anyone could ever hope to be
• But it was the compliments on the street from strangers, the flood of people commenting on your appearance online, the many friends you had that seemed to be vying for your attention, hoping for more than just a platonic relationship
• He never felt insecure, he was Venti, the fantastic and widely known bard
• But that title didn't have any weight in your world, nothing that would make somebody look twice at him, consider him a threat when it came to your attention
• He knew you deserved it, but that knowledge did absolutely nothing to ease how cast aside he felt when you were constantly gracing others with your attention
• The same attention he so desperately craved
• Venti hated feeling so helpless, so he pushed back against that feeling the only way he knew how, by beating everyone else at this new little game
• He became your most outspoken supporter
• If someone complimented you, he would do so three times as much after
• "Oh, of course your eyes are lovely, but why stop there? Your lips are beautiful and your nose is absolutely perfect, you have the most incredible voice and your laugh is the most beautiful sound in the world."
• He would continue the rapid fire compliments until you had to physically pull him away
• He started putting more effort into finding odd jobs to gain money in order to buy you things
• Flowers were a big one, soon your house was completely decorated in them
• Venti soon decided that the only way he was going to come out of this victorious, was to gain some sort of title, for you to consider him your lover
• He doesn't have a lot of knowledge on how to modernly 'court' someone, so he defaults to what he knows
• Venti sings your praises, serenades you whenever you seem down, writes your name in all of his songs
• Will compare you to the birds and the wind and the angels, to life itself
• Starts writing handwritten letters much more, poetry and various forms of heartfelt confessions
• He already has a canonical knack for rhyming, that's being used to its fullest extent as he continues to think up metaphors for how incredible you are, how much he can't live without you
• If you seem as though your attention is being stolen away by somebody you're texting, you suddenly find him begging for a hug, complaining how he wasn't feeling well
• You always seemed to pay attention to him when he wasn't feeling well, so he might just start lying about that more often, only when he was really desperate though
• "Are you sure nothing is wrong? This is like the forth time this week you've said you feel sick, should I take you to a doctor or something?"
• "I don't need anything but your divine touch your grace." Venti replies in a sing song voice as he squeezes you tighter, "You have the ability to heal me to the fullest extent, nothing else needed."
• He would never be the type to just outright threatened somebody, that's way too violent, too hostile, so far from his style of doing things
• But if he does see someone flirting with you, his passive aggressive meter is quickly turned up to dangerously high levels
• "Oh my lovveee? Am I interrupting something? Oh, you both are friends?? Sorry, I wouldn't have guessed, since he looks to be so much older than you and all."
• "He's closer to my age than you are."
• He pouts at that, it wasn't his fault that he was an Archon, and it wasn't as if he looked nearly as old as that guy, so
• Venti now likes to have more one on one time with you in public, kind of to show off the fact that the two of you are 'together'
• Doesn't really care if other people stare at him strangely while he plays you a song in the park
• Might even slip in a few formal titles when referring to you as to let everyone know that you are the one in charge of him, that you willingly chose him and he didn't have to force his spot like these other people
• Venti is the only one that knows you're a God, the only one that could ever possibly hope to treat you the way you deserved
• You can tell that his jealousy is at a very high level when he starts going on and on about how above everyone you are, how you shouldn't even waste your time talking to anyone that doesn't fully believe that
• And he doesn't mean it mean it, but his life would be so much easier if you could just see that these people don't respect you as much as he does
• It does eat at him, but he'll just have to continue putting in more effort until you finally see now he's the superior choice, your perfect match
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mellarkably · 4 years ago
first of all. that was a crazy ass season. so much happened and i can barely keep up or remember. so while this probably won't be a coherent or well worded recap, yhat defintely won't go over everything that i just watched for the past six hours, it'll just be my thoughts for now.
personally, i really liked the kamala plot and her struggle in the workplace. it was probably one of my favorite parts of the season. i'm not sure if kamala will be ditching prashant for mr. kulkarni but if she does i wouldn't be shocked. considering how prashant played into the whole workplace problem. also rip steve lol who remembers him. homie got done dirty.
now speaking of devi. there were many things she did this season that were not at all good or rational. however, i do like the fact that they delved more into her grief, and overall she actually seemed to develop over the season which made me happy. there are aspects of her grieving process that kinda felt unanswered, but hey, it is what it is. for what it's worth, im happy with the amount of growth she had over ten episodes. i actually felt like giving devi a hug so many times towards the end. and maitreyi killed it as always.
regarding the new kids! malcolm, well, i honestly kinda have intense apathy towards him as a character. he was cool at the start, a dick at the end—so yeah, i feel like he served his purpose overall. i felt extremely bad for oliver the entire time. and aneesa! she was the coolest addition they could honestly have had to the team. she's fun, charming, and fits in very well. i felt extreme sympathy for her ed and im glad they put a hotline at the end of those episodes. she's a great girl.
i'm very glad they gave paxton more of a well fleshed out personality this season. he seemed much more personable overall. although i felt like his episode at times fell a bit flat or felt too preachy regarding the whole hot people can be smart too concept, it was overall a fantastic episode and gigi hadid was a great choice as narrator. also loved the little switch to ben's pov when andy steps in. that was funny. i also liked the fact that they went into his ethnicity!
regarding his romantic feelings for devi though. i feel like i can't understand? like does he like her? does he not? is he embarassed of her? is he not? i failed to understand where he was most of the time. the mixed signals, like. paxton. i like you, but huh? well, to be fair, the romance in devi's life this season was pretty much a rollercoaster ride anyways so. i do love paxton's obijan though. great guy. we didn't get enough of rebecca though!
out of the two besties, i honestly liked fab's story a lot more. it felt relatable, that whole feeling of not being able to fit in as a new sapphic. and i adore fab and eve. i'm glad they didnt make their relationship too cookie cutter.
eleanor's subplot was alright. again, it was really hard to kinda, if i put this blatantly, give a fuck about malcolm and whatever their relationship was. (loved tyler alveraz's performance though) but i liked her talking with her stepmom sharon. i wish they spent more time on that rather than malcolm but again, they don't have much time to waste.
i loved nalini's subplots. all of them. she was honestly one of my fav characters this season, as well as devi's grandma. we got to delve into the indian culture more too, so that was very cool. her relationship with dr. jackson was also nice for the short time they had with each other. i didn't expect them to breakup, i kinda just expected devi to learn to be okay with her mother moving on, but then again, i also agree that it felt a little fast. i loved the flashbacks with mohan too.
i feel like i wanna save ben and benvi for last because i have too much to say. it was an absolute rollercoaster ride to be a team ben while watching this season. i'm a bit dissapointed that we didn't get any individual plot regarding him, stuff that didn't have to do with girls, but i get why. he got that in s1, and it was paxton's turn to shine.
regarding the whole ben and aneesa thing; honestly, i think they're cute. i love aneesa and i love ben. i just want him to be happy. but it's clear he still has feelings for devi and he doesn't really know what he wants, which sucks for everyone involved. i think that he just assumed that devi liked paxton more than him, that he was her second choice (which honestly, considering the things that transpired, it's not very hard to see why he though that, and he was clearly hurt with her clear choice of paxton over him on multiple occassions) but oh well.
i feel like ben was a catalyst for a lot of the things devi needed to do. like apologize to aneesa, for example. and in that way, they still work well. i loved their banter, whenever we got it. i have hope for them in season 3 (if it happens), considering the way they ended it, but eh. aneesa is also a great girl, so it sucks that this is the direction we're going. but yeah. i am a bit bitter with the dreadf lack of benvi i kinda got this season, but their conversations and the way he helped push her development did make me feel a little better.
as for what team i'm on or whatever, i don't feel like i'm avidly on any team tbh. i'm still lowkey rooting for ben and devi. the reason why i'm not completely getting behind daxton is because i didn't really like what paxton did in episode 10, with the whole not wanting them to be public thing. the entire season felt like he was sending mixed signals. not that i'm saying hes a shitty guy or anything, but yeah. and the reason i'm not completely team ben is because he seems to be teetering between aneesa and devi, so yes, again with the mixed signals. kind of. but the reason i'm still rooting for ben is because i really liked the way they pushed each other, or majorly, he pushed her development, with asking her to apologize, etc. and although him getting together with anessa was not a win for me, a benvi, to relish, i think it helped devi learn to act a little more mature and less territorial.
if i'm being completely honest, i think that devi needed to be single at the end of this season, at least for now. i read the synopsis of episode 10 and was kinda hoping that she'd make that choice, that she'd choose herself, because what she needs isn't a boyfriend. what she needs is just to recover. and i honestly still don't feel like she completely got over her dad's death.
OVERALL THOUGH. this was a much better season than the first one. i feel like they finally got into their groove in terms of acting and comedy. (also trent is the funniest >>>) although i felt like this season was kinda like the first one but on steroids, which at most times was very anxiety inducing to watch, i did like the episodes and i was heavily entertained. go watch it!
i also really need a season 3 so—
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fe3h-incorrectquotes · 3 years ago
hi hello i have time now let's talk about the new three hopes trailer and part of the recent feh channel!
feh channel time first, because this one has a lot less to deal with:
directly after introducing the game, feh refers to the characters as "students of garreg mach". this could mean exactly Nothing, but choosing to refer to them as students makes me think this is almost definitely a pre timeskip or early mid skip game. the fact that the mobile game's new summoning events are only academy arc heroes supports that, too.
okay new trailer time now that that's out of the way:
i'm pretty much certain at this point that arval is a sothis equivalent, and the fact that byleth doesn't know where shez's power comes from is mildly alarming. the glowing eyes though??? SO goddamn cool but also agarthan-looking.
"we've gotta win. for a new fodlan, one that will go down in the history books as the best ever!"
again, this could be me looking into things too much, but the "best ever"? shez you're looking a little sus, for lack of a better word. how would you have something to compare your new fodlan to if you hadn't seen other potential futures?
yuri's "let's do this, wolves" had me HYPED. his new voicelines are sounding so goddamn great and i like the slight change in his hairstyle!
his interaction with constance is fantastic as well, i love watching him rile her up, it's very funny. ngl i kinda wish constance had kept her curls but she doesn't look bad by any means! the fan being a part of her spellcasting is such a nice touch!
balthus really doesnt look that different to me lol but that's not an inherently bad thing. i just see very little change. nice to see he's still doing well!
HAPI. MY WIFE HAPI. THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE MY GIRL MY EVERYTHING. I LOVE HER NEW LOOK SO MUCH YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SHE MEANS THE WORLD TO ME. the little bit of armour, her new hairstyle, the fact that SHE HAS A GODDAMN WOLF IN HER ATTACK AND TELEPORTS OUT OF THE WAY OF IT??? SO excited for her!! im really really glad they incorporated the monster summoning in her attacks too!!
expeditions?? neat?? i wanna know what that entails! teatime is back but i'm gonna be real with you i kinda wish it wasn't. i really wanted tea to be byleth's thing.
"how many times have we fought now? either way, this will be the last." TIME TRAVEL SHENANEGANS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
this game might actually get me to like rhea a little more. we'll see. just based off her 2 lines in the trailer, there's a decent chance of it at least somewhat changing my mind about her.
"what if all this was just some horrible mistake? what if there was another way we could have solved all this?" oh No. i dont even wanna think about what this could be referring to.
i can't quite catch sothis's line word for word but it sounds like "we must now send the whelp to an early grave" and i just. okay?? goddamn??
i'm gonna be real with you i am Very scared of shez. the fact that they can change the fate of the game, that it seems they can remember fighting against byleth many times in the past, and again, the teleporting, i'm kinda terrified. i doubt byleth will actually die in this game but that doesn't stop me from being alarmed at the last scene of the trailer.
anyway. can't wait to go home and get the demo!!
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dootdootwriting · 4 years ago
i have followed the primogem here✨✨🤲🤲
primos pls— /j
on a seriouser note (if thats appropriate), i hope you're doing well!!! i am Here With a request of a tsundere reader or like reader 'who is normally seen as cold but tends to soften once you get to know them' hcs with zhongli and childe (separately) hc? 👀 and whoever you'd like to add!
im not sure if this is considered specific traits (?)— and if it is, and if you don't do specific traits, it's alright!! either ways i hope you'll have a fantastic day/night 😌
YEA also me too anon... *looks at my 124 primos and 0 fates*... my pity is over 50 now so maybe the game will decide i deserve One (1) five star soon...
also i added kaeya because imagining him with someone like this makes my brain go brr he would be So annoying but also very endearing yk. Man after writing his now i am Sad. kaeya my beloved you deserve so much more ;x;
Format: Headcanons Characters: Zhongli, Childe, Kaeya (separate) Pronouns used: none but i call you bro during kaeya’s bit Type: fluff Warnings: like one mild swear
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- when he first meets you he sees how you present on the outside and decides to respect your boundaries and give you your space
- he’s very good at reading people and also a very patient person, so when he finds someone he’d like to get to know better, he pursues the most sensible path: make sure they’re comfortable with him first
- since externally you’re so cold, he assumes you just like your space, so he takes his time to let you warm up to him
- he’s also pleasantly surprised when you come out of your shell!
- it’s a nice reveal for him; you must trust him and enjoy his presence, so you’re softer and more open with him
- it makes him feel proud :)
- of himself and also of you! he’s managed to get to know you fully and you’ve managed to open up to someone (and he’s so glad it’s him too man’s smitten)
- he learns that his original “diagnosis” was correct when he sees how you act around other people you don’t knoW (cold, like you were to him at first)
- he’s so happy and feels so lucky like “this person chose me to be close to”
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- polar opposite of zhongli. does everything in his power to break down your cold exterior As Fast As Possible
- man it gets annoying sometimes
- but this guy’s on a mission. he’s got his mind made up. and when he puts his mind to something NOTHING can stop him, not even the walls of ice you’ve worked so hard to build up towards strangers
- it’s actually kind of cute how persistent he is. he really cares about you now and genuinely wants to know you
- at first it was a challenge against himself to see if he could thaw your mask of ice but now... he’s gone too deep. he‘s invested in your life and in you and actually, he like you a lot
- it’s around the time he realizes this that you warm up to him and are softer around him
- i think he deadass forgot this was his goal. he‘s just too happy that you actually seem to enjoy him
- will tease you about it though
- “oh? you want a kiss now? i thought you were all mean and scary though... WAIT NO COME BACK I DIDN’T MEAN IT I’LL GIVE YOU KISSES”
- save this man
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- another relentless one but this time! he just flirts with you! good luck bro!
- he flirts with everyone but when people shun him like you do it becomes a competition. who can cave first? again: good luck bro
- he’s also got his flirty mask though, so... he’s one to talk
- you actually gradually discard your masks at the same time. and then somehow he’s his genuine self around you and you don’t act so cold to him all the time
- you become someone he can trust and vice versa, and he really really values that and then SOMEHOW you guys are tight friends and THEN you start dating
- sometimes you wake up and he’s next to you because there was a storm and he spent the night and you look at him and you’re like. man what how did this even happen
- he sees you act cold to strangers and looks at YOU and is like. man what i am so happy How did this even happy
- you no longer need luck <3
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aitarose · 4 years ago
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hi! i’ve been so inactive lately and wanted to post something today, and i realized i haven’t made an appreciation post for my moots in a hot minute—so hey hotties, here’s some cute words about uu. oh and this isn’t all of my mutuals, just the one’s i’ve spoken to outside of the discord lol asjfdkl
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@hesthermay —❥ you’re one of my best friends and ilysm and i hope that we get to meet in person one day, so you can endlessly hear me talk about how much i love jimmy woo. also i want to get matching marvel bracelets or smth, gonna look on etsy later for us ajskdlf
@probablydisgusting —❥ you’re like actually so funny and sweet, whenever you pop in the gc on snap just to say goodmorning or goodnight—it really makes everyone’s day and we love having you around. plus, you were one of the first people to pop into my inbox when i was an atla blog and i think that’s so nice.
@imarizaki —❥ i literaly love you sm mari, like you’re adorable and i want to give you a hug, i feel like you give rlly good hugs. and congrats on 400!! you deserve it and i hope 500 comes rolling around fast so you can hit another milestone in the near future ajskfdl
@tsukishumai —❥ cam i swear i know your name like I SWEAR I DO! you’re like an older sister to everyone in the discord and you bring such a comforting presence like it’s so nice to have you in the chat whenever you choose to pop in. you’re quite literally the calm to our insanity
@fukurodianthus —❥ dani you’re asleep rn but when you wake up and see this i want you do know that ily wifey. pls i love it when you harass me in my inbox, i think it’s so funny AND IM GOING TO FLOOD YOUR’S EVENTUALLY I JUST NEED TO BECOME ACTIVE AGAIN ASDJKL
@missmorosis —❥ you’re literally one of my favorite moots ever and you’re always so sweet to me and everyone else around you, it’s so heartwarming to see your positivity and happiness on tumblr and how hard you work! pls ilysm
@ray-ofmoonlight —❥ I LOVE TALKING TO YOU ABOUT THE BACHELOR. i haven’t responded in a hot minute, but dw i’ll answer in a bit i have to go through my messages jaksfld. you’re so nice and fun, and literally the sweetest ever
@diorzumi​ —❥ hi rheya! i’m so glad you took the time and all that hard work to make the server, like that’s insane and i still can’t believe you did all of that. pls the amount of effort you put into keeping it up is so evident and amazing!! also ur rlly pretty, like RLLY pretty
@luvoikawa​ —❥ gigi!! my face literally lights up whenever i see you in my notifs or on my dash pls. i love your energy sm and the presence you bring to the discord. like idk, you just seem really cool to me, does that make sense? like you have cool girl energy.
@sugas-cookie​ —❥ hello rissie. you should be sleeping rn, but ily and you’re my favorite and only child, and no matter what i say i would never bring you back to the ditch. but like...the frogs? i fucking hate the frogs, abolish all frogs they make me physically cringe i cannot.
@kei7ime​ —❥ CHLOEEE!! every time i see your theme i feel so satisfied, like it’s so pretty it rlly is. you’re so fun and i love talking to you or just popping in your inbox to say hi. omg hi chloe!! ok ok ily
@pxnk-velvet​ —❥ angie your drawing of us are so cute and i love them sm, and i can’t wait to read the story that you’ve been writing of our gc as a volleyball team, like pls i’m so excited. also the line “just shut up already, angie” lives in my head rent free
@miyalove​ —❥ hi dylan! i haven’t popped in your inbox in a while but i just wanted to tell you that i love u and you’re so nice and sweet and ilysm. you give off hot girl energy dylan, like for real, you rlly do.
@iwaizoom​ —❥ HI JADE. you’re so nice and your blog is so pretty, like the light green jaskljl PLS ITS SO PRETTY. i love the vibes you give off like you’re so chill and so easy to talk to sjakljdkl pls ilysm
@kageyuji​ —❥ lore i love you. like i love you. every time i talk to you i just feel happy like idk it’s this overwhelming feeling, you just have this gift where people feel comfortable when they’re talking to you. and your blog is so pretty pls asdjl
@hikariakaashi​ —❥ you’re one of my favorite moots, firstly bc of our interactions on tumblr in the early days of the discord and now on snap too. you have rlly good style, like rlly good style—and whenever you do your voice asks, your voice is like rlly pretty! girl you have a rlly pretty voice!
@ceci-chan​ —❥ hi twinnie! pls i think it’s so funny that we have literally the exact same nose, that’s actually wild. it’s so fun to watch your blog grow and your events are so cute and ily
@nekomabvc​ —❥ i buried you in here so you’d have to search for your part. literally going to say nothing i’m tired of writing about you goodbye. you called me a whore this morning. that’s not very swag of you, i’m going to report you to mab and cancel you on corpse tumblr.
@bellesowl​ —❥ hi isa! we haven’t interacted all that much, but in the times we have you’ve been so kind. and you’re rlly pretty, just sayin. you’re blog is also super aesthetic and i literally live for it, pls the muted tones are everything ajsdlk
@gellysticks​ —❥ angela pls you’re actually so funny like you’re so funny. every time your tiktoks come up in my suggested they literally make me laugh pls—but the frogs are terrible. abort frogs. this is a frog slandering blog. me and all my homies HATE frogs.
@cafemiya​ —❥ issy you give off such hot girl energy (and you are a hot girl anyways) and your energy is so contagious, like idk how it just is. you bring this positivity to the discord just by being there and i know everyone is so thankful that you’re so interactive with us jaskfdl
@biqherosix​ —❥ DANIZA I HAVEN’T OPENED YOUR SNAP YET BUT I RLLY WANT TO HEAR YOUR BAND PLAY. pls that’s literally so cool, like i wish i was in a cool band with my friends jsakdljkl. i love talking to you and we’ve been friends for like a good three months now which is crazy
@velvetfireworks​ —❥ rach i literally never read fics but yours are so good and they live in my head rent free. PLS THE SAKUSA ONE FOR THE BROKEN HEARTS CLUB AUDHS. you’re so nice and so talented and i reread your masterlist OMG I JUST REMEMBERED THE MOB AU ONE THAT ONE IS PERFECTION.
@hajiswife​ —❥ hi gabbie! your blog is gorgeous and your so nice pls!! like i literally can’t believe we’re mutuals it hits me like a brick. i love your works and your energy sjaklfdjl i’ll probably be popping in your inbox later just to say hi lol
@svgashi​ —❥ NIKE!!! omg we’re literally sister wives. you’re the first moot i had on tumblr that understood how great sugawara is and it’s like a breath of fresh air from the constant slandering my friends give him. ILY
@sexy-bee-juice​ —❥ aja!! i love getting your messages and just saying the most out of pocket things with you, and your reblogs make me laugh so hard like you’re rlly funny. also my broken french is terrible but i’m glad it makes you laugh ajskfdl
@koutarousangel​ —❥ MICKEY PLS YOURE SO FUNNY. I LOVE YOUR VIBES AND EVERYTHING LIKE YOURE FUNNY. and ily too. just putting that in there in case i haven’t said it in a while <3
@hvnlydmn​ —❥ hi ains! congrats on 5k!! that’s literally so insane like omg you must be reeling rn jadskfl you really really deserve it tho, everyone sees how hard you work and how much content you produce in such a short amount of time CONGRATS ILY
@akaashi-bby​ —❥ victoria you were the first person i talked to teen wolf with in like three years pls. i’m listening to a song from the show atm and it’s making me sad but ilysm and i love talking to you about literally anything
@laineywritesstuff​ —❥ LAINE!! hi! you’re so pretty like you look like you give the warmest hugs and i feel like if i ever met you in person i’d just get engulfed does that make sense? you’re so nice and ilysm and i hope you’re have a fantastic day!
@kiyoalex​ —❥ you’re rlly funny. like rlly funny. and i feel like we match each other’s energy pretty well in pms. pls my insanity is too real back there BUT IT’S OK I THINK BC YOU SEEM TO UNDERSTAND IT LOL ILY
@shoutamajiki​ —❥ hi nana!! you’re so nice and i’m so glad you joined the discord! and i’m so sorry i added you to my terrible private story on snap pls it’s so bad i’m very very sorry about that jksalfjdl
@sunacity​ —❥ nea i love your works so much like literally they LIVE in my head. you’re so talented and i can’t believe we’re mutuals that’s literally insane bc i love your stuff pls. and on top of being talented you’re so nice, like the nicest jaskdflj i can’t
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ok ok i think that’s it for now, this isn’t all of my mutuals—but it’s the one’s i interact with the most and if we are moots and i didn’t include you pls my inbox or pms are always open to just like go insane in. ok have a great rest of your day!!
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