#they all pitched in to make this celebration special for him ok? they love him
childoftherock · 11 months
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myfictionaldreams · 10 months
Family // Poly!Marauders x Fem!Reader
Summary: Sirius Black, the usually happy prankster within Hogwarts, had a special skill for hiding his emotions. Until one day, he's forced to face the realities of the troubles with his family.
Requested by: @bullets-from-another-dimension Thank you so much for the request and for showing me that Sirius needs a little more love! I hope you like this fic, and thanks for your support with the poly!marauders ♥
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, angst (lots!), fluff (also lots!), emotional hurt, discussion of Sirius' abusive family, disowned, crying, hugs/kissing, polyamory relationship, nipple play, body worship, making out, oral sex (m receiving), happy ending
A/N: This is just a little PSA that I'll be going through my other Poly!Marauders fics sometime soon to change some bits to make sure that each of the boys is getting enough love! It won't be anything major for the overall story, just spreading the love equally as it appears Sirius may have been skipped a few times (and I don't want that!), so check for an 'edited' note on the story. Thank you for pointing this out to me!
Words: 4.8k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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The last 24 hours had been an emotional rollercoaster, with both positives and negatives coming to light. It had started with the ultimate showdown game of Quidditch between Slytherin and Gryffindor; with both Sirius and James on the team. You and Remus had been nervous wrecks just for the game, let alone all the tension drowning within the two enemy houses. This escalated outside of the pitch, with wands having to remain in hands between lessons to prepare for sabotage attacks from either team.
It was endlessly tiring the days leading up to the events, and it was some kind of a miracle to be standing in the Gryffindors' stands without a single injury. Now, however, you and Remus had to live through the fear of watching your boyfriends fly around with their roles as Seeker and Beater.
You were sure you’d accidentally bitten your nail down to the cuticle by the end of the match, and your throat felt as if you’d swallowed sandpaper with how sore it was with the screaming and shouting you’d been doing in support. There was instant relief as James finally caught the snitch, and everyone cheered.
“Do you think he’ll be ok?” you shout up to Remus, who, with his height difference, could see over the crowd to where the commotion was occurring on the pitch. As James had dived for the snitch, so had the Slytherin’s seeker, who just happened to be Sirius’ brother, Regulus. However, in mid-dive, Regulus accidentally knocked into one of the goalposts, hitting his head and falling from his broom. Thankfully to the Slytherins, Sirius had been close by and caught his falling brother from gaining any further injuries.
Remus was nodding to your question, “Yes, he’s walking away, well - he’s pushing Sirius away, so I’m sure he’s just fine”, he explained, watching Regulus shove Sirius, so the man stumbled away. A pang of guilt settled heavily in your stomach at the thought of the brothers arguing. You knew that the relationship between Sirius and his brother was non-existent these days, and it only made you feel more awful for your boyfriend, understanding how difficult it must have been to lose his family in the way he has.
You couldn’t ponder on these thoughts as the entirety of Gryffindor and the vast majority of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff began celebrating the win. This included Sirius, who scooped you into an exaggerated hug, spun you high into the air, and carefully placed your feet back onto the floor.
“Was your brother alright?” You shout to Sirius over the noisy crowd forming around the winning team. For a split second, you witness sadness filling his grey eyes before he snaps out of it and a beaming smile replacing the momentary lapse in his emotions.
“Oh, he’s fine; I’m sure a quick knock to the head will bring some sense to him. Anyway, come on, let’s all go back to the common room; I have a special surprise for everyone”. Sirius was great at many things, and covering his emotions was one of them. Any attempts to open up about the situation regarding his family would change the subject within the blink of an eye. You respected that he didn’t want to talk about any of his family members, but you still kept a close eye on him, making sure that he didn’t pent up his emotions until he was at breaking point, which you feared would occur one day as there was only so much one person could go through.
The interaction with Regulus seemed to have been forgotten in the madness of celebrating, which ran into the early morning hours in the Gryffindor common room. It would have continued later, but Professor McGonagall arrived in her dressing gown and demanded everyone go to bed. Sirius needed the most help to bed, having drunk the ‘surprise’ fire whiskey he regretted deeply in the morning.
“I’m never drinking again. Who’s idea was it anyway to bring Firewhiskey?!” came the deep groan of the man lying face first beside you, his face thoroughly buried into the pillow. Your temples were pounding slightly; you’d felt worse hangovers, but it was still uncomfortable as you rolled over towards Sirius.
Your arm wrapped over his naked back, face pressed over his shoulder blade as you could feel the toned muscles adjusting to your presence as you melted into his warmth. “It was your idea. I’m never falling for your charms ever again, Sirius”, you mumbled against his skin, reminiscing on his sweet talking skills from last night that convinced you to have a drinking competition with him.
This pulled him out of the half-unconscious state as his mop of hair turned in your direction. The movement caused you to roll off him and witness the beautiful sight of his morning glow; even in his hangover, he was handsome with one eye squished closed as the room was too bright.
Sirius turned his body entirely towards you, huffing as he moved, and you refrained from trying to reach out and control the usually silky locks of hair that were now all knotted and tangled on the top of his head. “Oh yeah? I’m pretty sure my charms made you cum three times before the fire whiskey joined the party,” he commented confidently and admired the warmth that filled your face. You attempted to hide your smile at the memories but were soon fully scream-laughing as Sirius tried to break your facade by tickling your sides.
Pushing him away, you turned and nuzzled into the naked chest of James, who remained asleep even through your loud laughter, but his arms still wrapped around your shoulders protectively. Besides James, you could see Remus was awake, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “Remusssss, Sirius is being mean to me”, you drawl childishly.
The man sighed, dropping his hands to give you and Sirius a pointed look, “Please, children, it’s too early, and my head is too painful for you to make this much noise”.
Sirius smirked as he spooned in close behind you, wrapping his arm around you and James as everyone tried to have a few more moments of beautiful sleep before breakfast, and class pulled the four of you from the safety of the bed.
The food helped to settle the hangovers that the majority of Gryffindor seemed to be nursing this morning, much to the displeasure of McGonagall, who was glaring at her house from the Professor’s table. Sitting beside James, you leaned across him for another slice of toast as Sirius sat opposite you with Remus next to him.
As everyone started to be rejuvenated with energy from the breakfast, the owls began to swoop in and deliver the mail for the day. An emerald-coloured envelope landed on Sirius's lap, which caught the attention of you and the fellow Marauders. You already had your suspicions about who the letter was from. Sirius mostly confirmed it, as he had hardly read the letter before shoving it into his bag and brushing off any attempts at discussing who it was from.
“It’s nothing, just some spam letter. So, who do we have first today? Is it transfiguration? I can’t imagine that will be fun with how angry McGonagall looks right now.” Sirius changed the subject, but it didn’t convince any of you as you eyed him sadly. He didn’t wait for a response as he stood, gripping his bag so tight that his knuckles turned white. “Come on, otherwise we’ll be late”.
You knew something was off just by the quipped tone of his voice, and the humour and light that always seemed to dance in his eyes had been significantly dimmed. Even as James tried to humour him with his usual party tricks and jokes, it only earned him a half-assed chuckle from Sirius. Remus even attempted to pull him aside before entering the classroom to see if he needed a moment alone to talk, but Sirius just distracted him with a quick kiss and said he was fine.
You were quick to sit next to Sirius near the back of the classroom, smiling brightly with the hopes that he would return it, but it seemed he was lost in his thoughts as he idly arranged his parchment paper and quills. Thankfully, as the class began, his hand rested on your thigh so you could link both fingers together, lifting it and kissing the back of his hand.
As McGonagall began to teach the class, you leaned closer to Sirius, savouring the warmth that radiated off him and smelling the citrusy scent from his aftershave. “Is everyone ok, Sirius?” Your voice was barely audible so as not to disrupt the class, but you knew he heard as his posture stiffened, and he nodded his head, fake smiling for a second before returning his attention to the teacher. “I know there’s something wrong. Talking might help; I mean - I want to help-”
“Excuse me at the back. Is there something more important than my lesson?” McGonagall demanded with a passive-aggressive raised eyebrow as all other eyes turned to look at you and Sirius.
As your mouth opened to take the blame, your boyfriend beat you to it, “Sorry, Professor. That was my fault I was distracting her”.
“You’re already on thin ice after last night's antics, Mr Black. See me after class to arrange a detention”.
Your mouth drops open to retort to her and tell him it wasn’t Sirius, but the hand holding yours squeezes, stopping you from saying anything. As McGonagall turns back to write on the chalkboard, you lean close to harshly whisper, “You didn’t have to do that, Sirius! That should have been my detention!”
“It’s only one detention, I don’t care”, he shrugs nonchalantly, releasing your hand to begin writing his notes. You frown so deeply that a line forms between your eyebrows as you glance towards Remus and James, who have similar expressions of worry, especially as Sirius hasn’t even attempted to have any sort of friendly banter with McGonagall like he usually did.
At lunch, Sirius had somehow managed to slip away from the group, and your head seemed to be fixated towards the entrance to the Great Hall, neck straining to see over the other students as you waited for him to walk in.
“I mean, it’s not just me, right? There’s definitely something wrong with him”, you say before nervously nibbling on your lower lip.
Remus’ hand cups your shoulder, gripping gently as he agrees, “It’s not just you. I tried to talk to him before the lesson, but he just pushed me away. He just wants to be by himself; I’m sure he’ll be just fine”.
You nod to yourself but don’t believe his words. Yes, Sirius was strong and had been putting on a strong appearance for years, but he never pushed himself away from the three of you. It was like an invisible angel on your shoulder, trying to nudge you towards him, knowing something wasn’t right.
“Have either of you got the Marauder's map?” you ask Remus and James, who then check their pockets and school bags but cannot find the map.
“Sorry, Love, he’s probably got it with him”, James reports, appearing as deflated as you felt.
Standing from the table, the anxious causing your stomach to clench with unease and unable to eat, you inform the two of them, “I’ll be back later; I just need to make sure he’s ok and safe”.
Remus and James nod in understanding and watch you go. As you stand in the entrance to the Great Hall, you’re unsure where to start and what's worse is that he could be in his Padfoot form, which means he’d be able to hear you coming and run away. There were the grounds to search, Hogsmeade, the entirety of the enormous castle; there were plenty of places for him to be.
Taking a deep breath to steady your nerves, you decided to search the dormitory first, hoping the map had been left in a draw up there.
Opening the door to the dormitory room that you shared with your boyfriends, you were welcomed to the sight of Sirius, lying face first on the shared bed, his head turned away from the doors but from the noticeable sniffling noises and his shoulders shaking, you knew he was crying. Your heart felt like someone had reached inside your chest and squeezed as the sight rocked you. Silently as you could, you slipped your shoes off and placed your school bag onto the floor.
You knew he was aware someone else was in the room as his cries softened, and he subtly tried to wipe his face into the pillow. As you began to crawl onto the bed, you could see he was spooning the pillow you usually used to sleep on, clutching it desperately close to his chest. You had to remember to breathe through your nose, remain strong, and not descend into your emotions.
Kneeling next to him, your hand gently met the centre of his back, rubbing slow, comforting circles into his white shirt, hoping the action would comfort him. “Sirius, what’s wrong?”
“What? Nothing's wrong” he tried to brush it off, but you could hear the thickness of his voice as he tried to hide his face further in the pillow beneath his head.
“Is it about the letter from earlier? Who sent it to you?” Even though you knew he didn’t really want to talk about it, you knew he’d also built a wall around his emotions and wanted him to feel like he was in a safe enough space to talk, like the many times he’d done the same for you. Reaching over with your other hand, you ran your fingers through the long strands of dark hair, brushing them out of his face that was still turned away from you. “Talk to me, my love, please. I want to help you”.
Reluctantly, Sirius turned over and began to pull you down to lie in the centre of the bed. You did so and spread your arms wide as he moved to lie on your chest, the top of his head resting beneath your chin as you hugged him closely.
“No one important sent me the letter, it’s fine. I just want to cuddle”, he admits with a sigh, relaxing into the hold, the pillow he’d been spooning now forgotten about as he had the real thing instead, finding comfort instantly. In this position, you could hold him close and do the same actions as before, stroking gently up and down his back whilst also playing with his hair.
You want to tell him that you knew who the letter was from, but he seemed content with being held instead for a couple of minutes until you felt dampness seeping across the column of your neck and down your chest as his shoulders began to shake once more.
“It was from my parents. The letter, I mean. Fuck! I don’t know, it's so stupid.” he sits up abruptly, aggressively wiping away the leaked tears he’d been desperately trying to stop.
Sitting beside him, you rubbed his shoulders while trying to calm him down from his overwhelming emotions. “It’s not stupid, my love.” As you talk, you grip his twists to pull them away so he can look into your face and hopefully see the love there. “Your parents, they’re awful people, Sirius, and anyway, you’re perfectly within your right to show emotions every once in a while; I just need you to know that I’m here for you, we’re all here for you, no matter how you are feeling. It’ll be ok”.
Even though it was comforting for him to hear the words, it still seemed to break something within him. Like a crack had formed in the dam as he relented with his cries, openly sobbing into his hands. Whilst trying to swallow the lump that had developed in your throat, you pulled him close, kissing every part of him that you could reach whilst wiping away the cascading tears.
“You don’t have to tell me what was said in the letter, but I just need you to know that they’re not your real family; you know we’re all your family”. Sirius pulls back from the hug, and your bottom lip trembles at seeing how heartbroken he looks. The area around his eyes is swollen and red to match the shade at the tip of his nose as wetness covers the length of his cheeks.
His mouth opens to say something, but he’s interrupted by the door opening and James and Remus stepping into the bedroom. The two men pause, not expecting to find either you or Sirius here, but as they see the sadness and pain on Sirius’s face, they immediately drop their school bags.
“You missed it”, Sirius chuckled, trying to hide his upset behind humour, “She called me an emotional prick, and the waterworks started”. James and Remus gave him sad smiles, but neither fell for the attempt to change the subject as both sat either side of him on the bed. Remus reached for him first, stroking his scarred fingers through the strands of dark hair that had fallen over Sirius’ face, but only so he could kiss the area beneath. Sirius closed his eyes at the touch and leaned into it, releasing a deep sigh through his open mouth.
James grabbed each of his hands, lifting them to his lips to kiss the palms lovingly and rest them on either side of his cheeks, nuzzling into his hands. “Whatever is going on, you know we’re always here for you, Sirius”, James mutters against the palms on his face.
Sirius sighs even heavier as if trying to will the anxiety away through the breaths. “It’s my parents. I mean, should I even call them parents when they’ve already disowned me? But they’ve just sent me more threats today after what happened with Regulus yesterday. They say things like I should have let him win and wish that I had been hurt.”
He takes a moment to compose himself as you grab one of his hands from James, needing to link your fingers together and squeeze to know that it is a safe place for him to continue and talk. Sirius looked into his lap as he spoke, “They’ve burnt my face off the Black family tree. Not that I care; I expected it, but it just all feels so real now, you know? I feel like I shouldn’t even be using the surname Black with how much they detest me. I also kind of expected Regulus to have my back a little bit, but he’s young; I can’t expect that from him, especially as I know what my parents are like, but he doesn’t even say hi to me in the corridors anymore. I don’t know. I guess I’m just a little all over the place, and with the positivity yesterday, just to have my family metaphorically kick me to the curb again, I should have expected the joy wouldn’t last long”.
Sirius sounded empty and emotionless as he expressed how he was genuinely feeling, struggling to come to terms with the repercussions of the events that occurred with his family that continue to affect him.
“Fuck them”, James says with all the venom and confidence that he could muster. Sirius grunts half-heartedly at the declaration, not seemingly convinced, so James turns his face towards him so that he is looking into the stormy hazel eyes. “I’m being serious, fuck them. You’ve been my family for years now; you know my parents consider you their son as much as I am. Nothing has changed. You live with me and my parents because that is your home. Wherever any of us go is your home because we love you. We wouldn’t make you feel half as rotten as those scumbags, do you understand?”
Sirius nods, swallowing thickly, causing his Adam’s apple to bob. Before he can respond, Remus once again holds onto his face, turning him in the other direction to look at the calmest Marauder. “Sirius, next time you receive a letter from them, don’t open it. They are cruel humans who have no love for anyone but themselves and the prejudices that they live by. You had so much joy and love in your heart; don’t let them destroy you and ruin everything you cherish. And that is exactly what James has said. You’re our family. We’re each other's family. You’re ours, just like you’re mine. Get it?”
Sirius’ eyes have dried as he looks up at Remus, and briefly, a genuine smile welcomes across his face as he leans in to kiss him deeply but then pulls back.
Squeezing his hand, you draw his attention towards you. “You deserve the surname Black more than anyone because it’s what makes you, you—breaking the stereotypes of those evil people and making it mean something that doesn't symbolise hatred. However, if you want to have another surname, you can! Sirius, you’re your own person, and your surname doesn’t define you. You could even make up a whole new name! Maybe you could have one of our surnames”, Sirius laughs at the possibility of a name change. “I love you so much. Your family's opinions of you aren’t how anyone else in the castle sees you. You’re perfect the way you are, Mr Black”.
You couldn’t wait any more time to kiss him, needing to feel his lips against yours and reassure him further with these intimate touches.  Thankfully, to your pounding heart, he smiles into the kiss.
“Maybe we could put all of our surnames together”, he jokes as you move to kiss each of his cheeks. 
“If that’s what you want, I’d do it”, you reassure him with a kiss on his temple.
“Almost sounds like a proposal”, he casually mentions, causing your heartbeat to increase rapidly. Sirius smirks at your face but reassures, “Maybe we’ll sort out surnames once we’ve finished our exams”. You press your lips against his once more for reassurance until he looks between the three of you. “Thank you. I don’t know what I’d do if it weren’t for you three. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed before coming to Hogwarts, let alone feel love like this”.
Remus could see the tears pooling along Sirius’ lashline, so he gently cupped the side of his head, wiping away any that fell. “No more tears for them”. The gap between their lips was closed as Remus kissed him passionately, holding the back of his head carefully as they breathed each other in.
Sirius’ head dips slightly, but only to whisper against the man’s lips, “Can you make me forget? Please?”
“I’ll do whatever you want me to do, Sirius”. Remus kisses him again but with more urgency, pushing his body back until Sirius is lying in the centre of the bed with the taller Marauder hovering above him. Their mouths moved together as one, tongues twirling together, heads tilting one way and then the other.
As Remus distracts and devours him with his mouth, Sirius’ hands move around the back of his head, holding him close, which gives James the freedom to move his hands to Sirius’ shirt. With a simple flick of his fingers, James could undo the buttons down the centre of his chest, releasing the toned chest and abdomen of the man whose legs you were sitting between.
You watched with the sadness seeping away and becoming replaced with arousal as James leaned over and licked the nipples of the man who moaned into Remus’ mouth. James was calculated with his movements, making sure to leave teasing licks and bites over the areas that Sirius was most sensitive whilst then worshipping the perked nipples on his chest, his hands caressing the areas where fine dark hair was beginning to grow back from being previous shaved, mainly the snail trail leading beneath his trousers.
Smiling whilst watching them all move together, you were gifted the view of watching the tightness forming in his trousers as his cock grew hard and thick. Without any rush and admiring the desperate moans coming from the man on his back, you began to stroke up his thighs, over his crotch and pausing over his zipper.
Undoing it slowly, you waited to see if Sirius was even aware of what you were doing as he was so distracted with James and  Remus. However, with the sudden lift of his hips to help you pull the material down his hips, you knew he was very much aware of your intentions.
Freeing his cock from the restraint of his trousers and boxers, you watched as Sirius lowered his hips back onto the bed, and his member now throbbed on his abdomen, thick and hard. A pearly drip of precum had already formed at the tip, and you were quick to hold the base, lifting the cock until your lips were wrapped around him.
Your movements continue to be gentle and soft. Licking and sucking without any rush to build the tension and hopefully show how much you worship the ground he walks on by paying particular attention to him when he needs it most. James continues to tweak his nipples, and Remus devours his mouth, absorbing every little moan until Sirius needs to pull back to suck in air.
“Fuck, you’re all- Fuck!” Remus distracts him with his mouth once more, dominating him entirely and causing more whimpers to burst from his chest. The veiny length that was being leisurely sucked in your mouth began to harden further, throbbing as you knew he was approaching closer to his orgasm as your hands fondled his balls.
“So good for us, aren’t you, Sirius? Say it, tell us you’re ours”, James demands, pulling on the back of Remus’ hair so that Sirius can tell the group how he is feeling.
“Yes! I’m yours, I’m all of yours! I’m cumming, holy shit!” he shouts out desperately, face scrunching up like he is in pain but is actually experiencing the opposite as overwhelming pleasure pooled in his abdomen.
You moan around his cock, causing it to vibrate slightly against your tongue as his hot seed begins to coat your throat. You swallow every salty, thick liquid drop until you’re popping off and looking up at his half-lidded, satisfied grin.
James and Remus give you room to crawl up his body to kiss him sweetly. The three of you watch and admire as he comes down from the high, carefully tucking his half-hard cock back into his trousers and doing up the zipper once more.
“Thank Merlin that we have no classes this afternoon”, Sirius jokes as he rests back on the pillows with his arm behind his head. You laugh and collapse onto his chest, hugging him closely as the four of you sit in comfortable silence. You listened to the thump of his heart beneath your ear, but after a while, it increased in speed as he became restless.
“Can I tell you all a secret? I’ve um… I’ve kept all of the threatening letters they’ve sent to me, " Sirius admits as he carefully pulls out of the hug to climb out of bed and dig his way through the suitcase with his name on the side. From within, he pulls out a large stack of letters that are all opened and in the same shade of emerald as the one earlier this morning.
“You kept them all? Oh, Sirius”, you say in shock, only guessing what horrible, hateful words are written on those pieces of paper.
Sirius awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, looking embarrassed, “Yeah. I don’t know why. Some weird part of me thought that if I burned them all, they would know and come to the school or something. But, I want to get rid of them if you’ll all help me?”
Neither of you have to answer as you climb out of the bed. After dressing appropriately, the four of you walked down to the lake, where Remus carved a hole into the soil. Sirius chucks the letters within as you all form a semi-circle.
Holding onto his left hand, Sirius raised his wand to the right, pointing it towards the letters and shouting ‘Incendio’. The four of you stand together as the letters burn. Sirius sighs shakily as he holds back tears. “It’s weird. I know people say it’s like a weight off your shoulders, but it genuinely does feel like that”.
“That’s because you’re free, Padfoot!” James shouts enthusiastically, grabbing the boy around the waist and lifting him into the air, hollering and whooping until Sirius laughs. The two crash to the ground as Remus throws his arm around your shoulders, watching the pair finally have some fun today as the smoke billows into the air surrounding you, the ash from those horrible words written on the paper disappearing across the Scottish mountains.
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lucy90712 · 1 year
Hiii can you do a pedri x reader where his girl is at the atletico game with his family & she starts to freak out when she sees him on the ground again (girl no joke I was almost in tears at home) & Fer, pedri’s brother comforts her during it & after she sees him in the tunnel he insists he’s fine. When they get home she takes care of pedri (as if she hasn’t been already & more since his injury) & his brother makes fun of them for being whipped & in love…kinda based off his story of the pic of pedri & him saying how he isn’t even that muscular in person…ok this was long but uh yeah thank u bestie 🫶🏼
WC: 1.8k
A/n: I can’t believe that we actually just won the league it doesn’t feel real yet
Finally the day I have been waiting for has arrived, Pedri is finally back to playing after over two long months off. These last two months have been tough as Pedri has been really struggling with not being able to play and I've been having to try and keep his spirits up and take care of him which has been tough. All of that is behind us now as Pedri is finally back in the squad and will be coming on in the second half of the game. He was disappointed not to start but I thought that was a good decision seeing as he has been out for so long but I didn't say that as I knew he wouldn't want to hear it. 
Like always Pedri had to leave earlier for the game but I didn't have to go alone as his brother was coming to the game so we went together. Of course I had to wear Pedri's shirt to support him but this shirt was special as it was the first one Pedri gave me of his after we started dating so it holds special memories which seemed perfect for this afternoon. Even just watching Pedri warm up had me smiling non stop as it has been so long since I last saw that as recently he has been sat right next to me as we watch the team together. Since there wasn't many people in the stadium yet as all the players were going in Pedri easily found me and Fer so I blew him a quick kiss which he returned before going down the tunnel. Of course Fer teased me for it but I didn't care as I love supporting Pedri. 
The first half of the game flew by but Ferran managed to score right at half time which gave the team more confidence going into the second half after not scoring for so long. About 20 minutes into the second half it was announced that Pedri was coming on and of course my smile got even bigger seeing him coming on to the pitch where he belongs yet again. The whole stadium started chanting Pedri's names showing that he missed him being out there just as much as he did. It was a surreal moment to hear so many people chanting my boyfriends name and I hope to hear it again but next time I'd like it to be celebrating something better than him being back after being off for so long. 
There was so much action once Pedri came on it was hard to keep up so I just kept my eyes on Pedri as I wanted to see him get back into the game and hopefully play well. Pedri got the ball a few times before he received it at the edge of the pitch where he had to defend against one of the atletico players. The next thing I knew he was on the ground and clearly in pain. I was hoping that he would get up after a few moments but he didn't he stayed laying on the floor holding his leg which is the last thing I wanted to see. Immediately you could feel tension in the stadium but no one was more anxious than me in that moment I could feel tears welling up in my eyes at the thought of him being hurt again. I can't bare for him to be out again as it made him so upset and it was a really hard time for both of us to the point that we had more arguments especially after the set back in his recovery. I just can't go through that again so soon as I think it may break both of us. 
After seeing him lay there for longer than I would've liked I couldn't stop a few tears leaving my eyes and my anxiety showing. Luckily Fer was with me as he put his arm around my shoulder and tried to tell me that everything would be alright although I could tell he wasn't totally convinced with what he was saying. As we waited for something to happen Fer gently rubbed my shoulder and helped me calm down a little bit which didn't work too well but I appreciated him trying. We waited for what felt like forever before Pedri got up and seemed to be doing fine as he got back to his position. Fer seemed to be fine after that but I was still nervous as Pedri would definitely pretend to be fine just to keep playing and helping his team as thats just the way he is. For the rest of the match I watched him intently just to make sure he was fine but I wasn't convinced especially when he kept being tackled and having to stretch his leg after. 
When the match was finally over it felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders as I could finally go and see Pedri and check on him myself. Fer and I stayed in the stands for a while to enjoy the celebrations before heading down to the tunnel ready to greet Pedri. Naturally he took an absolute age to get ready but eventually he came out of the locker room and greeted Fer before picking me up to give me a hug. Before I could say anything he was giving me a kiss and of course I had to kiss back despite the clear protests from Fer. Even then he didn't allow me to speak as instead he just peppered my face with kisses which was sweet but I wanted to ask him how he was.
"Ok love that's enough" I said eventually 
"But I could never get enough of you" he said 
"Well you are going to have to at least for a little while" I half teased 
"Fine but we are celebrating when we get home" he said 
"Ew gross" Fer shouted at us while walking away 
"About that are you alright you seemed hurt earlier" I said 
"I promise you I'm fine amor" he said 
"Ok I believe you but I'm still going to take care of you tonight you are not risking straining your muscles anymore than necessary" I told him 
He didn't argue with me instead he just winked at me and I knew exactly what that meant but I just rolled my eyes at him and grabbed his hand so we could go home. Along the drive we talked about the game and how happy he was to get back to playing which was really enjoyed as I took these conversations for granted before he got injured. His good mood didn't stop when we got home either as he ran round the car to open my door for me like he always does but this time he picked me up and carried me inside. When we got inside and to the sofa he finally put me down and flopped next to me and got me to cuddle into his side. 
We laid together for a while before we both got hungry so I got up to go and make dinner leaving Pedri with strict instructions not to get up and to relax. He tried to get up but every time I told him to go and sit back down and eventually he listened to me. Pedri is definitely stubborn at times so even after dinner it was a struggle to get him to sit still and not want to do everything and anything now that he can. Once I had convinced him to just sit down for a while I took my opportunity to make sure he was really telling me the truth about his injury. While he was off I was helping him with physio so I learnt the best way to massage his muscles and get them moving so I did just that to test if he was in any pain. 
To massage his leg I used to sit on how lower legs as it gave me more leverage to really massage him well. This time was no different so I sat myself on his legs and began doing what the Barcelona medical team had taught me. Of course Pedri gave me a cheeky smirk but I just ignored him and kept going as I'm used to his attempts to seduce me into doing what he wants although they never work. When he realised his tactics weren't working Pedri tried something new which was pulling me into a kiss every so often just to keep my attention. I must say that his distraction was working a little bit but I stayed strong and kept massaging Pedri's muscles. Just as Pedri kissed me again I heard the front door go which meant that Fer was back and would see us in this sort of awkward position. 
"I didn't come straight home to give you two time to do whatever you wanted but yet it clearly wasn't enough time" he joked 
"I promise nothing is happening I'm just making sure he's ok you can blame your brother for how this looks" I said 
"She's taking care of me and I want to show my appreciation" Pedri defended 
"Aww look at you two being so lovey-dovey you are so whipped man" Fer teased 
"I sure am but I'm ok with that" Pedri smiled 
"You know she wouldn't need to be taking care of you if you weren't so weak" Fer laughed 
"Hey I'm stronger than you" Pedri said 
"Sure you are" Fer said before heading upstairs 
By that point I had stopped what I was doing as I was laughing so hard which earned me a little shove from Pedri but I didn't care. I love his relationship with his brother the two of them never fail to rip each other to pieces and make me laugh. Pedri soon stopped me laughing though as he pulled me in by the back of my thighs so I was leaning against his chest and wouldn't let me move. He then started to tickle my sides which he knows are very ticklish which had me in fits of laughter all over again. I tried my best to get away from him but his grip was way too tight so I just had to take the attack while begging him to stop. Eventually he did stop and just held me to his chest while gently stroking my back. 
 Pedri held me for a bit longer before getting up and taking the both of us to bed where instead of celebrating like he suggested earlier we just cuddled while he showered me with compliments. I don't think there was a single part of me that he didn't compliment which meant by the time he was done my cheeks were very hot from blushing so much. By this point it was late so I just wanted to go to sleep as I have work in the morning and Pedri was happy to oblige. Once I laid down he got comfy right next to me and played with my hair which always makes me fall asleep and soon enough I did. 
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fiddlin-across-faerun · 3 months
Twenty Tav Questions Meme!
tagged by @clandekariios idk who to tag
I. what do they smell like at their freshest? (and/or after a tenday. your choice)
Probably pine, you can actually make soap out of pine tar and remember the inspiration for him is "Devil Went Down to Georgia" and pine trees are super common in Georgia...don't ask about after a day of fighting or working on the farm you don't wanna know.
II. what would their blood taste like to vampires?
Either incredibly sweet, or like whiskey. Depends on if he's had access to sweet tea lol.
III. how would they kiss their LI?
Depends. Could be just a cute little peck on the cheek all the way up to the we might die in this next fight so let's make out like our lives depend on it. Without any constraints I think he'd just like a long slow kiss.
IV. how do they sleep with their LI (what position, does one steal the blankets, is one too hot/cold, etc)?
I think this is going to vary depending on the love interest. But I imagine Johnny runs a bit hot so he probably doesn't like too much cover, but he likes to cuddle so...good luck.
V. what does their tent area look like? where do they prefer to pitch their tent (next to water, covered on three sides, etc)?
He'd have a very simple tent, he's not a fancy guy. Probably a stool or a rug to sit on. His violin and a bottle of whatever he's drinking. He would probably prefer under a tree or by the water. Later it will be whichever spot is closest to the companion he's the most interested in.
VI. if they had a set of dnd dice, what would they look like?
Ah...blue? He likes blue.
VII. do they collect anything (gems, bottles, keys, etc)?
Instruments, hats, boots, animals and booze.
VIII. if either, are they part of the astarion/gale book club (magic & literature) or the wyll/shadowheart book club (trashy romance novels)?
This man can't read. He's either in the animal loving or whittling corner with Halsin or having three am thoughts with Karlach.
IX. if they had to be put in a “get along shirt” with a companion, who would it be?
Either Minthara or Astarion. He legitimately tries to get Astarion to like him, but is always putting his foot in his mouth. Minthy just scares him.
X. do they prefer speak with dead or speak with animals?
Speak with animals 100%.
XI. what are their thoughts on clowns?
Johnny likes clowns...up until Dribbles.
XII. their companions are gossiping about them behind their back! who is it and what are they saying?
Could be anyone. Complaining about his accent, phrases they don't understand, his music and when he's opted to practice, bringing in another stray, bad decisions, his intelligence, and maybe an instance or two where he failed persuasion or performance rolls.
XIII. what makes them laugh? what does their laugh sound like?
It's pretty easy to make Johnny laugh. It's a pretty warm laugh, but also a little goofy, the kind that makes you want to laugh too. He will also do the classic slap his knee and you'll probably hear "Oh/now that's funny!"
XIV. do they have any inside jokes among their companions?
Probably the fact that only Wyll and Halsin know when Johnny says "Bless your heart" that's not a good thing. Maybe he might have a silly one with Karlach.
Ok this is a correct me if I'm wrong, but I think one companion has a line that's like "They could argue in an empty room." that's a southern phrase and Johnny would agree with them
XV. what’s the description of their camp clothes in the inventory menu?
Johnny's simple sleepwear, These well-worn clothes have been repaired several times, but some fixes are coming undone. As if whoever was repairing hasn't been able to do so in some time.
(his mother)
XVI. what’s the description of their underwear in the inventory menu?
Johnny's "drawers", surprising to find these in his inventory and not in someone's tent.
XVII. how do they celebrate their birthday?
Nothing too special, maybe have a casual hang out with friends and or family. Maybe sleeping in and having breakfast in bed with his partner.
XVIII. what modern day tv show would they binge over a weekend? do they get their LI to watch with them?
He would probably be into shows like Yellowstone, maybe the singing contest shows like American Idol. Then again he'd probably watch a lot of stuff like America's Funniest Home Videos and Ridiculous. The man appreciates some good slapstick humor.
XIX. do you have a playlist for your tav? if so, what’s the title + description
Yes...it is 81 songs long (bc I am a country music girlie). Just his name, and it's nothing but country music. As recent as Dixon Dallas's latest song all the way back to Conway Twitty.
XX. if you were to try pickpocketing them, what would they be carrying?
Fiddle, harmonica, Bean, shovel, at least one bottle of whiskey or moonshine, a few pieces of gold, lasso, crossbow. If you're pickpocketing him in Act 3 you can get his recently obtained golden fiddle (yeah the one he bet his soul for).
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sunder-soul · 3 years
A1, B6, C7, D4 and E2 pleaseee! Congratulations! LOVE YOUUUU! ❤
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A/N: I looooved this idea, made it Quidditch bc what else could sporty mean at Hogwarts, hope that's ok :D
1k special! 8/10 💖
Please note: prompts for this event are now CLOSED!
Permanent Tags: @grimdevil @voidmalfoy @weirdowithnobeardo @pearlstiare @fromthehellmouth @moatsnow @lucys-brain @arana-alpha @tallyovie @expectoscamander @nothinghcppens @itsjustfics @mikariell95 @suicide-sweetheart636 @toasterking @empath-bunny @hueanhdang @chanultis @seriouslyginnychase @whoreforgeorgeandfred @lemirabitur @tm-mrvl-rddl @fish-eg @silverdelirium @cranberrypills
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
The Bludger had come from absolutely nowhere, hitting you so hard you’d heard your shoulder pop out of its joint before the pain had even had a chance to register. If it weren’t for Hadley grabbing your other hand and hauling you onto his broom, you’d be nothing but a yellow and black smear on the green of the Quidditch pitch by now.
It takes the Matron a good twenty minutes to clear you, sending you away with a large jar of thick, noxious bruise cream that – thanks to your usual slew of Quidditch injuries – you’re entirely too familiar with. Bludger hits are just like that, all those charms make the bruises last for weeks.
You make your way back to the Hufflepuff common room to find the corridor outside in absolute mayhem, the barrel door half-hanging open as students clamber in and out, Butterbeers in hand and reedy music blasting from an indiscernible source, the flagstone floor littered with bottle caps, crumpled cups, and whizzing paper confetti that splutters bright sparkles when anyone stands on it. It's not just Hufflepuffs, you can see Slytherins and Ravenclaws in the crowd, too – it seems that despite your premature exist from the game your teammates still managed to crush the Gryffindors, and the whole school is seeing fit to celebrate. A huge cheer goes up when you round the corner and your heart hammers a bit with the sudden attention.
Hadley’s beaming face appears before you as he shoves Crockett out of the way (impressive, considering the Slytherin captain is at least 180 pounds of extremely intimidating muscle). “How’s the shoulder?” Hadley bellows over the deafening music and raucous clammer. Someone forces a Butterbeer into your hands.
“It’s fine!” you shout back, leaning in to hear him. “Just badly bruised!”
“Let’s see!?”
You grin and tug your Quidditch shirt off your shoulder, showing him the very ugly yellow-green bruise with its purple edges stretching over your skin.
“That’s a good one!” Hadley nods, impressed.
But your attention is elsewhere. You’ve caught sight of a face in the crowd, his eyes fixed on you and his expression carefully set. He doesn’t have to push people out of his way like Hadley, it’s like people move from his path on instinct.
“Tom,” you say a little nervously when he’s finally in earshot, “I –”
But Tom doesn’t stop moving closer until he’s right in front of you, his hands coming up to rest on your arms. “You’ve been to the hospital wing?” he asks as his brow creases, his dark eyes roaming over you attentively like he’ll only accept his own evaluation that you’re okay.
“Don’t worry so much, Riddle, it’s hardly the first time a Bludger’s popped a joint,” Hadley snorts from beside you, lifting his own Butterbeer to his lips.
You catch Tom’s eyes flicker in annoyance, but his expression is polite enough when he looks to your teammate. “You’ll have to permit me to worry, Hadley,” he says with all the appearance of a wry amusement. “Though I do believe I owe you my thanks for preventing a much more serious injury.”
Hadley shrugs good-naturedly, throwing you an amused smirk over Tom’s shoulder the second he returns his attentive gaze to you. “Are you alright?” Tom asks quietly, his hands tightening on your arms.
“I’m fine,” you say gently, smiling at him as you place a reassuring hand on his chest. “Hadley’s right, you worry too much.”
Tom’s lips tighten slightly, his grasp turning even more brittle, and he exhales slowly like he’s suppressing the urge to push you away from the crowd right there and then.
“Come on,” you say with no small amount of fondness, taking his hand and turning back down the corridor. “Let’s go.”
It’s not hard to slip away from the party, and the second Tom shuts the door of the Room of Requirement before you he turns to you with something very serious in his eyes, something heavy and penetrating that makes you freeze where you stand before him.
He steps closer, his fingers gently sliding under the strap of your sports bag still slung over your good shoulder, travelling slowly up the band, lifting it from you and placing it with great control on the ground beside you. You watch, entranced, as he slowly curls his fingers under the hem of your Quidditch shirt and he pulls it up. You lift your arms, wincing a little when the movement hits your bruised shoulder.
Tom’s eyes flick to yours at your reaction, expression unchanged, and he proceeds even more carefully as he draws your shirt over your head and lets it fall to the ground. His gaze drops to the bruise and you watch him assess the colourful stains, his brow furrowed. His fingers come up and hover just above your skin. He doesn’t look happy.
“I’m alright,” you say quietly. “It’s just a bruise.”
Tom meets your gaze and your heart gives a tremour in your chest. The dark weight in his eyes only makes his beauty more hypnotic. There's something dangerous to that, you think distantly. “It’s very frustrating, you know,” Tom says smoothly, his lingering fingers lifting from your shoulder to brush your hair back so gently that it sends a shiver down your spine. “I’m quite powerless from the stands.”
“You’ll just have to trust that I’ll be fine, then,” you say over your racing pulse. Tom’s other hand has slipped around your waist and you’re wondering if the Room will summon the bed that pops (impulsively) into your thoughts at his touch.
“You were thrown off your broom,” he says very dryly, arching a brow.
“And I’m fine,” you grin, slipping your arms around his neck.
“This time.”
“It’s a team sport, Tom, it’s not like I’m out there by myself,” you smile with a roll of your eyes.
He doesn’t seem very convinced, his palm settling against your cheek as he exhales again, long and strained, his expression still heavy and conflicted.
“Trust me,” you murmur, nudging him slightly.
Tom’s eyes flick between yours for a second, dark and muted. “Alright,” he says quietly, and he leans in to kiss you.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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illuminiscentboba · 3 years
[𝟐:𝟑𝟔 𝐚𝐦] ; another step into his galaxy
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warnings; previous bad relationships, self doubts/insecurities
Oikawa laid awake staring at the luminescent green stars encompassing his ceiling.
It wasn't the first time he was up in a half awake, half asleep daze past midnight or the first time he suddenly desired to do something about his life in the middle of the night. But during this sleepless moment he found himself thinking about you.
You were another brilliant star in his galaxy, except you were brighter than anything else he's ever seen, bright in ways light and space couldn't compare, the star that fell from the sky and found him. Too cheesy, makki would remark.  
But it was true. He thought that about you every time you laughed, smiled, the way you would look at him, even blinking brighter as you teased him, stirring laughter from his 'friends' who were too amused to find someone that could keep up with him and keep him on his toes.
He smiled at the very thought, waiting.
Waiting, as his eyes flitting from one star to the other. Waiting...for what wouldn't come.
Here past midnight tooru was waiting for the negative part of his mind to work into overdrive, to supply him with something to worry about, something to disturb his peace, to tell him that his happiness was wrong. 
But surprisingly, he felt ok. He felt alright, better than other nights. Nights years ago before he met you.
The nights that he felt even the darkness coiling around him and his mind eating itself alive, he felt bitter, anxious, frenzied, and then before he knew it, it would be morning again.  
Tonight on the other hand was peaceful, like he was bouncing along the planets in space. The space called his room, gazing at the green stars with love.
He didn’t feel like the small insecurities that sporadically crept over him in relationships. The small worries of ‘will they like this?’ ‘What if this is too overboard?’
Those "what ifs" kept him up, holding him back on a lot of things, like sending a message because ‘what if I’m bothering them?’ ‘Am I too clingy?’ 
And god, the heavy thought that brought tears to his eyes as he tried to argue with the negative side of his mind, ‘am I good enough for them?’
You see, it took Oikawa maybe a bit too long to discover that his significant other had to also be his best friend.
A lot of long months and a lot of years of fighting himself and about everything in to stop running away and avoiding his feelings.
He was afraid.
Afraid of a lot of things but most of all, afraid of being honest, of people seeing who he truly was. A vision even he was wrong about with how distorted he would think of himself as.
But you, thank you. Thank you for giving him room to be honest, for being patient, for having deep late night conversations with him and then laughing with him about his most recent shower thought moments later.
Thank you for celebrating his small and big achievements with him, spoiling him when he felt down and going out of your way to make him feel special.
Tonight his mind was clear of negative thoughts, and his heart felt a little lighter. 
You were a treasure, easily the kindest star he's ever known. Around you, he didn't have to fight to prove his worth. He could talk in high and low pitched voices, he could wear that ugly outfit and wear matching boas and goofy sunglasses as you guys did some chaotic karaoke.
You guys could laugh at each other getting brainfreeze over slushies, text each other all night and regret it but never trade it for anything else.
Everything was okay around you, no more than okay. It was timeless.
He could be honest, vulnerable but feel so safe. He felt like he was on cloud nine and instead of being afraid of getting attached to you and having to push you away he felt like he was dancing on mars, fingers intertwined with yours as he spun you, in a melody only you two knew.
It was funny how the small details could pile, the small acts of caring and loving others and yourself made everything so different.
He got to feel excited, almost like a gradeschool kid with their first crush. This wasn't his first crush, first time liking anyone or anything, firsts no longer held a special ring to him.
Or that was what he thought until he realized that he wanted to be around you forever. It would be the first time he wanted to fight to keep someone around. 
And the first time he also picked himself first. He wanted to remind himself that he was enough, to take care of himself, to smirk at the mirror, to say his affirmations and to believe them. 
To polish not himself, but instead polish his love through his actions, to wipe off the dirt on his heart and practice self care, not polish his personality. Another late night aspiration.
But he was looking forward, and that was a start. 
That brought a smile to his face, one of relief and genuine happiness, a rare one.
Happiness that grew as he lifted his phone to his face, squinting against the brightness as he skimmed through the photos he took today. You were grinning up at him, sitting at a table with your drink before he got there.
And he continued thinking as he scrolled through the other photos suddenly remembering...THE EMBARASSING THING HE SAID TO YOU TODAY JESUS CHRIST, WHY-
He pressed his face into the pillow resisting the strong urge to scream into it, eventually resorting to sitting up with his legs crossed, uncurling his spine in a form that vaguely resembled meditating as he breathed in slowly and carefully, mentally warding away the embarrassment.
That was another thing he had to deal with for a short while that he expressed his feelings and communicated. Embarrassment.
 But he was tooru, oikawa, a little embarrassment was to be expected, right? Surely he could endure it, alongside all the other embarrassing things that's happened throughout his life. 
And maybe he really was getting better at enduring it because he didn't feel embarrassed about being vulnerable as much anymore.
Because when he talked with you about his feelings and was honest with you, he felt relieved, seen and loved, wondering why he agonized by himself for so long with someone like you around to listen and reassure him with full confidence. There was nothing better than feeling loved, cared about and connected with someone. 
Perhaps he was as down bad as Mattsun claimed he was.
Maybe his head really always was up in the clouds like dear Iwa-chan insisted it was.
And maybe for once his heart and mind had settled down like Makki concluded it did.
It made him a little too happy that his friends were happy with him about him thinking of trying to get back into seeing someone after a bit of self doubt and overthinking. 
Ah, overthinking...but what if it could all work out like this? What if all the heart break and pain was preparation for something better? What if his messy love life would finally warmer, sweeter and as loving as you?
What if he was to find someone with room in their heart they’ve made themselves on purpose to love him? With full intention to and without regrets? 
He didn’t wish for a lot of things but he made a prayer deep in his heart. For that someone to be you.
But he knew better than to sit around and daydream. Positive results didn’t come from doing nothing.
And so with lots of hope, a random bout of courage and a lot of other emotions, he dialed your number, on purpose, will full intention of loving you as he pressed the phone to his ear. 
And so when the ringing ceased, and you picked up, that was how tooru oikawa made one of the most special late night decisions of his life, and said the words he's been wanting to for a lifetime. 
 "Hey y/n?"
"I love you."     
a/n; I’m alive guys 😭 and I can’t believe that this is the first thing I’ve ever wrote for oiks 😵‍💫🧍‍♂️ tho after reading it, it felt less like the fluffy piece i expected, more like an oiks mental health and struggling and wanting to and making steps towards the life he wants- if the text starts repeating pls tell me 😭
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cornishkat · 3 years
Gibbs x F!Reader
Warning:  None just fluffy Christmas one shot.
Summary:  Gibbb celebrating Christmas just to make you feel better.
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You had to admit this year you were not feeling any Christmas spirit, you were not sure how you felt about this year at all.  It was going to be your first Christmas since you had lost your mum and the memories were swirling around your mind, some making your heart ache.  Half of you was hoping for a case to come in, then at least you could work through Christmas and maybe forget about it.  You had always loved Christmas but all you could do at the minute was think back to your Christmases as a child and remember how lovely they were, how happy, but also how they were long gone. 
You sat there all day listening to Dinozzo moan about his family Christmas with his dad and McGee making plans for his first Christmas with his girlfriend.  The only one not talking about the holidays was Gibbs, you couldn’t imagine he was one for fairy lights and eggnog.
He must have picked up on your mood though as after the others had left for the day leaving the two of you alone, he broached the subject.
“So, Kat what are your plans for Christmas”
“Nothing really, just thinking about letting this one pass me by”
He had left it at that, he was not one for big conversations and knew when not to push you.  It was now the day before Christmas eve and still no cases, even the bad guys must have taken the holidays off.  Ducky had asked if you had wanted to spend Christmas day with him and his mother, but you had politely declined.  Everyone else who asked you managed to fob them off by just saying you were up to the usual and no one pressed you further.
You had all headed out to the bar once you had called it a day at work and before everyone headed their separate ways.  As you sat at the table looking at the decorations you almost felt the stirrings of a festive feeling.  You missed your mum, but you knew that she would not want you to be alone and unhappy at Christmas, but it was too late now.  As you pulled yourself out of your thoughts you noticed Gibbs watching you across the top of his glass of  bourbon.
“So, what are you really doing tomorrow. Kat? And don’t say the usual, that may work with the others but not me”
“Honestly, nothing I thought I wanted to ignore it all but now I’m kind of wishing I had made more of an effort”
“Well, it is probably not going to be what you are used to but be at mine tomorrow afternoon, your spending Christmas with me”
“Gibbs you don’t have to do that, I’ll be fine.  I don’t want to intrude”
“Nothing to intrude on, just make sure your there”
Now there you were on Christmas eve standing in front of Gibbs door, you had been out this morning and picked him up something for him.  You couldn’t have pitched up empty handed, you knocked on the door and waited. Gibbs opened the door and waved you in, you couldn’t believe your eyes as you walked into his living room. There was a beautiful tree in the corner of the room, fairy lights twinkled around the room and a fire burned in the hearth.  As he took your coat you could feel a lump rising in your throat, he had done all of this to make your Christmas just a little special.
“You ok there Kat?”
“It looks lovely in here”
“Thought you would like it”
“Thank you, Gibbs,”
“Please call me Jethro”
Smiling you remembered the present you were holding in your hands.
“For you, it’s not much”
Smiling he took it off you and placed it under the tree, you could see one other present nestled under there too.
“Thank you”
Disappearing into the kitchen her came back with two glasses of eggnog and handed one to you as you sat on the sofa in front of the fire.
“Now I didn’t take you for an eggnog drinker”
“It’s Christmas and I wanted you to enjoy it”
“Why Jethro, you didn’t need to do any of this”
“I get what it’s like to be alone at Christmas after losing someone.   Didn’t want to you to be alone”
“It means a lot to me, thank you”
“Save the thanks until you see if I can manage to cook at Christmas dinner tomorrow, been a while”
When you woke up the next morning for a minute you could think where you were, but then you remembered sitting with Jethro last night drinking eggnog in the glow of the fire.  As you made you way downstairs you could smell coffee and hear sounds coming from the kitchen.  Smiling you stood in the doorway and watched Gibbs bustling around the kitchen while listening to Christmas music.
“Morning, you sleep ok?”
“Good thank you”
You spent the morning helping Gibbs in the kitchen and you both sat down to a lovely turkey dinner.  After as you both sat on the sofa drinking wine, you saw Gibbs look over at the tree.  Getting up he reached for the two presents under the tree and handed one over to you.
“It’s nothing much, just thought you may like it”
Smiling you gently unwrapped the parcel to revel a beautiful wooden jewellery box.  It was hand carved with a soft velvet lining.
“Jethro its beautiful, you made it yourself?”
“I did, its nothing”
“Stop saying that, it means a lot to me, open yours, sorry it is not nearly as thoughtful”
Gibbs pulled off the paper and turned over the bottle of bourbon in his hands.
“Kat you didn’t need too, but nice choice.  Shall we open it?”
“Would be rude not too”
Gibbs poured to glasses and passed one to you,
“Merry Christmas Jethro”
Chinking your glass against his you lent forward and kissed his cheek.  Taking your glass and placing it down he gently cupped your face in his hands and pressed his lips gently to yours.
“Merry Christmas Kat”
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Taking Care
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Spencer needs Reader to help him relax after some people were unkind to him.
A/N: This is my last and final fic for my 750 follower celebration!! Thank you for all the support I received on all of the fics, I’m glad people were just as excited to read them as I was to write them. Thank you to all the people who helped me work out all the ideas for the fics- extra special thanks to @spencers-dria who helped come up with a few of the ideas and helped me edit sometimes! This fic was a request from @safertokiss and I felt like it was a good one to end on. Hope you all enjoy! Next week I’m going to knock out some of my requests and then- the first part of my series is coming out!
Warnings: 18+, Mommy kink, Spencer is a sad boi at first, Lots of praise, Oral sex (F receiving), Handjob
Main Masterlist Word count: 1.4K 
As soon as Spencer came through the front door you could tell something was off. His shoulders were slumped forward, his hair hanging over his eyes, and he didn’t give you the normal greeting he gave when he came home.
“What’s wrong, baby?” You approached him slowly. He was toeing off his shoes to put in our shoe rack, but all his movements were tinged with lethargy. He looked absolutely exhausted; what was supposed to be an easy paperwork day had obviously turned out to be anything but easy.
“Nothing…” His tone did little to convince you that ‘nothing’ was wrong.
“If you don’t want to talk about it that's fine, but I know it’s not nothing.” You opened up your arms a little and prompted him to move closer to you, “Come here.”
He gladly took your warm embrace and practically slumped into you. You could feel the tension already starting to melt away from him just from a simple hug, fully showing how much he needed to relax. Normally, he didn’t like people touching him, but there was something about you that made him want to hold you tight and never let go.
“Um-Well, what happened was that-gosh it seems so silly. Morgan and Elle laughed at me before we all left when I ranted about the new Star Trek episode we watched together...” Anger started to radiate through you at his words, you never understood why people would make fun of Spencer for his ranting, it was one of your favorite parts about him. You were already planning in your head on giving Morgan and Elle a piece of your mind the next time you saw them. You were slightly surprised he was opening up this quickly to you. Usually, it took him at least a few hours for him to be able to speak with you about troubling events.
“Your feelings aren’t silly baby. It’s ok if you’re upset about it.” You spoke soothingly to him while rubbing circles with your thumbs into his shoulder blades. An idea of how to further take care of Spencer then sprung up into your mind. “Do you need Mommy today? Would that make my baby boy feel better?”
He ducked down into your shoulder in response to your whispered words into his ear. You couldn’t see his cheeks, but you were sure they were flushed a deep red.
“Yeah, I’d like that, Mommy.”
You then gently guided him towards your bedroom, having him sit down at the edge of the edge of the bed while you sat above him. When you began to kiss his beautiful plush lips he moaned into you, clearly craving your touch. But, when you moved to start undoing his slacks to try and relieve some of that aching tension he stopped you hands.
“Do you want to stop, baby? We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Worry instantly flooded through you, afraid that Spencer felt uncomfortable all of a sudden and wanted to be left alone.
“No, I don’t want to stop. Can I make you feel good first, Mommy?”
“No, baby boy it’s all about you tonight.” Most people would probably call you insane for turning down such a sweet offer, but you wanted to take care of Spencer tonight.
“Please, Mommy?” He begged with the sweetest puppy dog eyes that melted your resolve.
“Alright, alright I’ll let you, no need to pout, baby.” You peeled off the leggings you were wearing to reveal a basic red thong you had pulled on without much thought this morning. They may have been a simple style, but Spencer’s eyes went wild when your lower half was revealed to him. He still didn’t reach out to you yet, you hadn’t given him permission to touch you yet. When you eventually got comfortable laying down on the bed propped up on your elbows you crooked your finger towards Spencer, beckoning him over. “I give you permission to touch me.”
“Thank you, Mommy.” He said before hooking your thong to the side, he was far too impatient to take them off himself. Whenever Spencer got permission to eat your pussy he went absolutely rabid, his tongue gliding over you so fervently it felt like your nerves had been lit on fire.
After he was sure he had explored every part of you, he dipped his head down to circle his tongue at your dripping entrance. You reached your hands up to pinch your hardened nipples through your shirt as Spencer continued his assault on your core.
“Am I doing a good job, Mommy?” He mumbled right into your core, just loud enough that you could hear him. God, his mouth was so skilled. He had been so inexperienced when you first met him and now he knew how to get you over the edge in a matter of minutes.
“Y-you’re doing so so gooood for Mommy.” You moaned out hotly, teetering close to an orgasm while rolling your hips into his face. He let out a hum of satisfaction into your core, then sucking your clit between his lips. It only took a few more seconds of his ministrations before you were falling off the edge, cumming right on his face. Spencer greedily licked up all your juices causing you to involuntarily squirm from the slight overstimulation, he always loved the way that you tasted.
Once you had caught your breath you engulfed Spencer into a bruising kiss that you made sure to dominate swiftly by slipping your tongue into his mouth. You released his lips after a few minutes of appreciating them, now more focused on giving him what you had promised.
“Thank you, my good boy. Now, let me reward you, baby.” You praised while peppering hickies and pressing kisses down his exposed skin until you fully slid down onto your knees.
Delicately you pulled his belt out of its loops and undid his slacks, revealing his tightening blue boxers that also had started to get soaked from his precum. You reached forward to stroke his cock still confined by his underwear, pulling a needy whine from him.
“Aww, you need Mommy to take care of you, don't you?” He bobbed his head eagerly at your words, prompting you to free him from his boxers that were keeping his aching cock caged. The head of his cock was flushed a deep red and glistening, standing up curved against his belly, serving as a testament to how much he needed you.
You grabbed a bottle of lube from your bedside table, popping the cap and dripping it all over his cock. The weight of him in your palm was heavy as you started to stroke his cock, making sure to drag over every inch of him slowly everytime you pumped your hand. Precum was dribbling down heavily from him and mixing in with the lube as you deftly worked him up to euphoria. A particularly breathy noise left his lips when you started to focus your attention around the head of his cock, flicking your thumb slightly each time to brush past the slit slightly.
“I’m sorry- Mommy I can’t hold it, I’m gonna cum.” His words high pitched and whiny with tears prickling in his eyes while he bucked his hips up desperately into your hand. It wasn’t surprising to you that he wasn’t going to last long, poor baby needed to release all of that tension.
“No need to say sorry, today’s all about you. Go ahead, baby boy, cover my fists.” You used both of your hands to jerk him hard and fast, you didn’t want to drag it out for him, he had been so good for you. He let out a few ah, ah, ahs! before spilling over and covering your hands. His eyes went wide when you then leaned forward, licking up all the evidence off of your hands and his belly. Then, pressing one kiss to his cock that made him shiver.
“Thank you for taking care of me, Mommy.” Spencer whimpered out as he watched you carefully clean up the mess you had made of him. He then remarked bashfully, “I’m sorry for cumming so quickly.”
“No more apologies, you were following the directions I gave you like the good boy you are. Thank you for letting me take care of you, Spencer. Mommy loves taking care of you”
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works:
Spencer Reid/CM:
@calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss
Sub Spencer:
@thatsonezesty13 @pastathighs @virtualpeanutartisanjudge
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popatochisssp · 4 years
ok poppy i'm rereading some of your stuff and reading about proposals and my hopelessly romantic ass needs, NEEDS, to know how the new bois would propose to their s/o.
*cracks knuckles*
Romance ahoy!
Ash (Undergloom Sans): Pretty mundane, all things considered, he’s not really an over-the-top sorta guy. By the time he proposes, you’ve almost definitely had at least a handful casual conversations about getting hitched, just to make sure you’re on the same page about the idea. And then, you find the ring, hidden at the bottom of a basket of fries at Grillby’s (because of course it’s at Grillby’s) and the question in his eye-lights when you look back up at him. He won’t say it out loud, he wants you to have the out of shoving it back at him or maybe just quietly taking it if you’re not up for a scene--but if you lick the grease and salt off that puppy and slip it on your finger, you’re already in the best place to celebrate your engagement with all your friends and family!
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): Paralyzed by indecision on how to ask you, quite frankly. You’re his s/o, and very special and important to him, so he wants it to be perfect, exactly what you want... but how??? He spends months looking up proposal ideas, asking friends and family for advice, practically stressing himself to tears over how much he wants this to happen but just can’t decide on how to do it! You’re almost guaranteed to find out about it before he follows through on anything, and honestly, you should probably propose on his behalf. The tears will finally come then, but they’ll be happy ones, and hopefully the two of you can laugh about it later that it was his idea and he had everything ready, but you had to be the one to ask just to make it happen.
Brick (Horrorfell Sans): Once he’s decided that he really wants to be with you on a permanent basis, he’d like to make the proposal really special and memorable for you… but he doesn’t really have any ideas. He’s…not the most creative, or spontaneous, and everything he’s come up with feels boring or clichéd… In the end, the only thing he can think of is to just... rehearse and memorize a little speech-- the usual pre-proposal stuff, like what you mean to him, how much he loves you, the future he wants to have with you... He writes it all down, everything he wants to say to you, and drills it, over and over until he’s got every word down perfectly with no pauses or wrong signs or stand-in-words for what he actually means, like there usually are when you talk to him. When the time comes, it’s the skeleton-equivalent of muscle memory and he delivers his speech perfectly, flawlessly for you, ending on the classic ‘will you marry me?’ and watching carefully for your answer. (If it’s ‘yes,’ you can bet he’ll still remember the speech, word for word, years later and be able to repeat it to you whenever you ask-- your fifth, tenth, twentieth anniversary and beyond.)
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): Probably disappointing, honestly. He’s a very restrained and understated type of person, not the type to make a fuss, even about this. Honestly, you’ll be with him so long and so harmoniously that everyone you know will be assuming you’re already married before he’s ever said anything to you about it. And then, one day... he tells you that he’s looked into it and that it’d be relatively easy to make things official, he already knows the forms to fill out and the pieces of identification you’ll need, if that’s something you’d like to do. Not...very romantic...definitely not much of a wow factor... but you might feel at least a little flutter if you agree, because he’ll take your hand and press the back of it to his teeth and follow it up with, “GOOD. LET’S GET ON WITH FOREVER, THEN.” And he does mean that-- he only plans on marrying once, and you’re it for him.
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): You’ll find him in the kitchen, getting a little baking done. He’ll tell you, straight-faced and straight to your face, that he’s making a proposal cake...and ask if you’d like to help. You’ll probably assume it’s a paid project of his, for a client, and he’ll encourage your misunderstanding every step of the way. (Bonus points if you happen to have any comments--positive or negative--about the guy who’s proposing to his datemate with a cake!) The two of you will be flirting and cooperating and having a nice afternoon together making this cake--mixing the batter, putting on the frosting, carefully decorating it-- and it probably won’t occur to you that every part of it, from the flavors to the colors are exactly to your tastes... at least, not until he’s piping ‘Will You Marry Me’ on top and then spells out your name. The cheeky son of a bitch got you to help him bake your own proposal. He’ll slide the cake over to you with a patient smile while he waits for it to click, and to hear your answer to the question.
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): He’s definitely going to take a long time to get around to it, lots of hesitating and talking himself into and out of it. You’ll mostly likely be cuddled together, in the middle of the night, when he can’t wait anymore and nudges you awake to ask how you feel about doing something stupid. (It’s a prime opportunity for an ‘I’m doing you, aren’t I?’ joke, and honestly that might loosen a little bit of the tension for him if you’re quick enough on the draw to make it.) He’ll hem and haw and talk around it for awhile if you choose to probe into what he had in mind, but he’ll go for broke sooner or later and say that it’s marrying him, that he was thinking about. The stupid thing. That he...wondered if you would...do... He has a ring, which he fishes out from underneath the pillow, but the self-consciousness will start hitting him around then, and he probably won’t be able to look you in the eye as he sheepishly nudges it at you, waiting for your answer. If it just so happens to be ‘yes,’ well... he’ll probably be smiling into your shoulder all night and well into the morning.
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): He wants an organic moment and he’ll wait as long as he needs to for a natural, intimate moment where it just feels right to ask. It’ll probably be a morning, early but not so early that the sun isn’t coming through the windows and making everything feel warm and pleasant as you start the day. Domesticity in its purest form, he’d most like to catch you getting some chores done with a little music playing, the perfect excuse to sweep you into a playful, spontaneous waltz across the floor... And somewhere between the twirling and the laughter and the kisses ruined by smiling, there it is--“MARRY ME...” No ring, no collar, and no real plan for what you might say after, but you can figure that out together, can’t you?
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): He pops the question as far from home as possible, out in the great big world. The specific location isn’t important to him, it could be anywhere as long as it’s beautiful and new to him and he’s all the way out there with you. He may not have intended to come on vacation just to do this, so he’s definitely not prepared, but it reminds him how far he’s come and how he never could’ve predicted he’d end up here, with all this, and that inspires him; giving him the confidence to propose without hesitation. He’ll take your hand in his, look you in the eye, and just ask: “will you marry me?” He just...knows that it’s something that he wants and he hopes that you feel the same way.
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): Guaranteed to be a spur of the moment thing, completely off-the-cuff. After you’ve been together awhile, after it’s clear that you two are a Serious Thing and probably in it for the long haul, it could happen pretty much anytime, anywhere... but probably on some adventure you’re on, whether that’s an aimless drive to nowhere, a ‘hey I’ve never done that before, let’s do it’ outing, or even just hitting up a convenience store for snacks in the middle of the night. You’ll just be laughing, having a good time together, living in the moment, and he’ll catch your eye and… “hey. let’s get married!” Spontaneous, but not thoughtless-- if he says it, he means it completely, so there’s no need to worry about him taking it back. He’s just too excited about the idea to not tell you about it immediately, as soon as it pops into his head. Still, he won’t be offended if you doubt the offer at first, and he’d be very happy to talk it out with you--where it came from, how he feels about you, why he wants it-- until you believe him and can maybe start thinking about an answer to give him. Take your time, he can wait, as long as it’s with you!
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): His is very much the Traditional Romantic Proposal-- a meaningful location for the both of you (where you met, first date, first said ‘I love you’, take your pick) where you can recreate that lovely evening with each other’s company and your fond nostalgia. You’ll probably have the sense that it’s coming long before he ever actually asks, but he won’t be hurried along for anything. You’re making memories here and everything in its own time! The biggest difference from his and the Traditional Romantic Proposal is that when it is finally time to pop the question, he won’t go down on one knee. He won’t do anything that might draw unnecessary attention to himself and to you, and won’t involve anyone else in this—no friends and family, no helpful waiters hiding rings, no spectators gawking at you in passing. This moment isn’t for sharing, it belongs to just the two of you: no pressure, no judgment, and no expectations, just a very simple, earnest question, asked with your hand in his. Before you’ve decided, he wants you to be comfortable enough to choose wholly without influence... and if your answer to the question is something to be celebrated, if your choice is him... Well, he’s happy to share that with anyone and everyone you please.
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theleftovertaco · 4 years
April Fools
I’ve always wondered if April Fools existed in the wizarding world. I’ve come to the conclusion for this fic that it doesnt so the reader can introduce the Weasley twins to it. Chaos ensues. This takes place in harrys 3rd year and the twins 5th year. Technically you would be in 5th year as well, but your gender nor house are specified.
You were writing your potions essay in the quidditch stands when an identical set of loud voices brought you out of your trance.
“Hey, short stack.” Fred and George flew up to your section.
“Oh look, it’s the demonic duo.”
George smirked, “Because we’re so devilishly handsome?”
“No, because your both so ugly that even Jesus couldnt save your face so satan had to take you.” You heard two squawks of indignation but continued on.
“Also, I’m not that short. Y/H is average.”
“Ah,” Fred sat down to your right, “but your shorter than us, so your short.”
“Everyone’s shorter than you two beanstalks.”
“You’re still short.” You stuck your tongue out at George and he mirrored you.
“What do you two want?”
“I’m hurt... always assuming we want something..” Fred trailed off.
“Yeah, we can’t have a conversation with our best friend?”
“I feel betrayed.”
“Is our friendship a lie?”
“Enough!” You giggled out.
“You don’t have to need something, but you stopped in the middle of practice for a reason.”
“Well... Gryffindor team likes to listen to music when we practice right?” Fred leaned in and put his chin on your shoulder.
“Ok and?”
“Well, all we have is Celestina Warbeck music and your muggle music just is much better than ‘a cauldron full of strong, hot love’”, George sung that last bit.
“So we wanna know if we can borrow your CDs and player?”
“Flawless impression. Yes you can use them, I’ll bring them out next practice. Though honestly, I really ought to get you one of your own so you don’t have to keep asking every time u want to listen to music.”
George hummed in agreement next to you.
“Maybe that’ll be your birthday gift. When is it anyways... I’ve known you two for almost a year and you never told me.”
“It’s in about a month. April 1st.” George confirmed.
You let out a bark of laughter. “Yeah, that checks out.”
You got a rare pause of silence.
“What do you mean ‘that checks out’?” Fred looked honestly confused, and so did George.
“Are you both messing with me? You have to know what holiday is on April 1st right?” They shook their heads no.
“Really? Hold on a second let me ask Hermione if she knows anything. ‘Mione!” You got her attention from a few stands over and she jogged over to the three of you.
“Yeah, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, can you answer a question?” She nodded and you continued, “ without saying it out loud, you know what holiday is on April 1st, right?” She nodded again.
“Yea, why is that relevant?”
“Because they don’t!” You motioned frantically to the twins behind you and Hermione shook her head.
“Do not tell them they don’t need another reason to go around causing more chaos.”
“Oooh,” Fred lifted up his head in interest, “this sounds interesting. What holiday is on April 1st that we don’t know about?”
Hermione shook her head as Harry flew over and dismounted. “What’s going on, practice is over, why aren’t you lot leaving?”
You turned to him quickly, “Harry, without saying it, you know what holiday is on, April 1st, right?” He nodded before realizing what was going on and started laughing.
“Don’t encourage them Harry!” Hermione pushed him slightly.
“Why not? It would be funny to see what they do with that.”
Fred and George were getting frustrated, “With what?”
“Don’t tell them, Y/N!”
“Tell them, Y/N!” “Tell us, Y/N!”
“Ok ok I’ll tell you!” You conceded and Hermione threw her hands up in exasperation and left to collect her bag.
“On two conditions!”
Fred and George whispered to each other for a second before turnin to you and nodding.
“Of course.” Said George with a sly grin.
“What are these conditions?” Fred finished for him.
“Number 1. When I tell you the holiday, I get full immunity from the days effects.”
“But of course.” They spoke in unison
“Number 2. Anyone asks, I had nothing to do with this.”
Fred shrugged, “That’s fair. So, what holiday is on April 1st?”
You grinned before replying, “April Fool’s!”
“What is April Fool’s?” George’s eyes went wide.
“A holiday dedicated to playing pranks on people. Muggles prank their friends, family, teachers, principal. In my primary school one of my friends put a bunch of live chickens in a teachers car.”
They looked at you with pure glee.
“Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!” Fred and George each planted a kiss on you cheek and ran off.
Fred and George dropped into the library chairs in front of you two weeks later.
“So we were thinking.” Fred grinned from the chair closest to you.
“And since you were the one to tell us about this glorious holiday, you should be part of the celebration.”
“Why nooooot?” George whined, setting his chin on the table and looking at you with his best puppy eyes.
“I’m not going to get in trouble for a holiday and besides, its your holiday. You don’t need me interfering.”
“But we want you there so you should do it, right? And you wouldn’t be interfering. Please?” Fred joined his brother in puppy eyeing you.
You sighed and nodded in agreement.
“Yay! So we were thinking that maybe we could pull something minor on each of the teachers and then something major on the whole school. What do you think?”
“It could work, but you would have to tailor it to each teacher. Snape can’t stand background noise and high pitches, McGonagall hates being even remotely interrupted, Flitwick can’t stand his bookstack being messed with, and Lupin, for whatever reason, doesn’t like fish.”
“Fish?” George tilted his head like a confused puppy.
“Yeah, he thinks they’re gross or something.”
They both nodded before Fred spoke up, “Ok, so what are you suggesting?”
You thought for a moment before responding, “For snape, I have this little old transportable music player. We could charm it to follow him around and play a bunch of kazoo noises in the background. The more he tries to get rid of it the higher pitch and louder it gets.”
“Ooh, I like that. What else?” George nodded for you to continue.
“We could find a spell where every time McGonagall tries to speak, she gets interrupted by, I don’t know, a horn or something? Flitwick I don’t really have anything.”
“I like the way you think.” Fred grinned and added in, “ . We could turn Lupin’s class into a tiny lake and fill it with fish while he’s up in his office?”
George nodded, “And we could make Flitwick's stack fly around the room while he’s on it?”
“You’re both evil. It’s fantastic.” You high fived them and the three of you left to enact your plans.
The next two weeks were a never-ending whirlwind of prank planning and late night kitchen runs, but finally the three of you were done. The plans were set up and now all there was to do was wait.
First class of the day was McGonagall’s and the three of you walked in trying to wipe the grins off your face.
“Good morning class, please turn to-” *HONK* Your professor whipped her head around to see where the sound was coming from to no avail. She shook her head and continued on.
“As I was-” *HONK HONK* “Where is that noise coming from?”
The class stifled laughter as she ran around looking for the origin of the honking.
For twenty minutes.
“I swear to” *HONK*
“Oh for the love of” *HOOOOONK*
Eventually McGonagall grew tired and dismissed the class half an hour early.
Snape was next on the hit list.
Your professor strode into the classroom, looking obviously annoyed. A tiny radio followed after him playing a nonsense tune with kazoos. The class  burst into laughter but was promptly shut up by a particularly harsh glare.
The next hour was trademarked by Snape repeatedly trying to destroy the radio physically or through magic while he had the class make a healing potion. The noise just got louder and louder and when the bell rang for the last class before lunch Snape barked at everyone to “GET OUT NOW”.
At lunch, you, Fred, and George each grabbed a sandwich and an apple and were about to rush out to have time to set up Lupin’s prank when Harry, Ron, and Hermione stopped you.
“The radio in Snape’s class, who’s bloody idea was that?” Fred and George pointed to you and Ron responded with a high five.
As you three left you could hear Hermione reprimanding Ron for encouraging you.
Lupin’s class took time to set up, but he always took lunch in his office and rarely opened the door.
The three of you placed a tiny device in the center of the floor, rushed out of the classroom, and waited.
You heard a loud BANG and then a stream of curses before running off to hide.
By the time you three returned for class, a student had opened the door to find Lupin taking refuge at the staircase and yelling that class was cancelled for the day and to read Chapter 17!
This brings us to Flitwick’s class.
The plan for his had already been enacted. Since when the three of you stepped into his class, he was clutching onto  Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 and yelling out instructions while also asking that someone help him down.
You three took pity halfway through class and found a ladder for him to use.
The four pranks had gone off without a hitch, now you just needed to pull of dinner and everything would be perfect.
Fred and George snuck into the kitchens and as food was being prepared to go out, they placed a few drops of a specialized potion on about half of the platters.
So they reconvened with you at dinner.
You each sat there, and then you waited as people dug into their food.
After about thirty seconds the chaos you had been waiting for occurred. Half the Great Hall turned into various zoo creatures, all frantically running around the tables and crashing into people. The human half of the hall was torn between laughing and running.
They ultimately settled on running.
As everyone cleared out of the hall, the students were ushered back to their respective dorms, and the three of you escaped to the kitchens.
As soon as the portrait entrance was closed, the three of you looked at each other before bursting into laughter.
“AHAHAHAHA- OH that was BRILLIANT!” You half screamed.
“Did you see the look on Sprouts face when Snape turned into a peacock? A PEACOCK!” Fred screeched, nearly on the floor.
“I don’t know if we could ever outdo that!” George replied, who was on the floor.
Eventually the three of you calmed down and you caught your breath to reply.
“Knowing you two, you could. Before we leave, come on. I got you something.”
You brought them over to a table in the middle of the kitchens where two cupcakes and a CD player was set up, along with around 10 CDs next to it.
“I completely forgot about that!” Fred exclaimed.
“Thank you so much!” George and Fred leaned down a little to hug you at the same time.
“Uh, guys, getting a little crushed here.”
“Right, sorry.” George detangled himself from the hug.
“I’m not, gonna keep crushing you.” Fred squeezed tighter.
You laughed and hugged him back.
“Happy Birthday.”
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What I couldn't see
Chap 1 to 4
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Blind from birth, you never imagined that one day you would be married to such a wonderful man as Choi Seughyun. When you met Kwon Jiyong, employed to ensure your safety, you discovered that this paradise that was offered to you was artificial and that the man you loved was nothing like you thought.
Mafia au serie
Pairing Kwon Jiyong, female reader and Choi Seunghyun as her husband and mafia boss.
WC: 5266
Warning: In this part: mild violence, Top as a sweet husband (god! I fell for him in chapter 1), drug and overdose reference but not in details. 
Special thanks: Marie, my sweet little sis, thank you so much for finding the name of her guide dog that had such a wonderful meaning. It was perfect. I love you. My princess, thanks for reading me and commenting me. You boost my ego each time.
I hope you’ll enjoy it <3
Chapter 1 Tenderness before the storm
“Get ready love, they will be here soon” your husband pleaded.
“But I never wanted to have guests tonight! I wish it could be an ordinary night. Just the two of us” you pouted.
Seunghyun chuckled softly as he pulled up the zipper on the back of your dress. He snaked his arms around your waist and pressed his chin on your shoulder, cheek to cheek. When your back settled against his chest, time seemed to stop for the two of you. His arms tightened amorously.  You were savoring this peaceful moment before your house will be filled with people.
“The thing is, you always want a quiet evening. I’d say you want a night alone with your piano more than one with me, though” he teased before he softly kissed the crook of your neck.
“True. I hate people” you sighed . “Anyway, get away from our room now, if you want me to be ready on time. You’re too much of a distraction and you don’t like when I’m late”.
He didn't make an attempt to move back. Instead, he lazily caressed your stomach through the velvet of your gown.
“You’re always late” he scoffed “I guess 5 more minutes won’t make a big difference at this point, right? I missed you so much today, let me hug you a little more”.
None of you moved for a moment, feeling good in each other’s arms. Three weeks ago, you have celebrated your first wedding anniversary.  Seunghyun wanted to have a big party but you preferred a private weekend for just the two of you. You came to a compromise when he offered a week in Bali. You couldn’t say no to that. It was a happy and lustful week. 
“If you don’t go right now, I’ll change my mind and will stay in bed all night long while you entertain your guests”.
“Fine, I’m going,” He had to face his upcoming responsibilities and let you finish getting ready, the house will soon be full of people. “I’ll ask Hanako to come and help you”
“Perfect” you turned around to face him and placed your hands flat on his chest to have your repairs. Then on tiptoe, you pecked his lips. 
“Can’t wait to take that dress off of you”.
“AGAIN? You’re unstoppable” You mocked, although clearly on the same page. “The day you won't tell me that you want me, I'll suspect you of having an affair”.
“I don’t need it, my wife is too good for me”.
Instead of pulling away like he should, he trapped you in his arms, his big hands taking their ease on your butts. Surprised, he stepped back and observed you from head to toe.
“Love, where are your panties?” his voice was deep, low in his throat.
“I didn’t find any. Oopsie” 
“Damn woman! You’re driving me crazy! How can I stay focused, knowing what’s waiting for me after the evening? ”
“You wanted to marry me, now deal with it”.
“Oh lord!” he walked towards you again and captured your lips. As always, the kiss was feverish, full of languid promises. It was 3 delicate knocks on the door that stopped your outburst.
Hanako, knowing that you needed her tonight, entered the room. Since you got married, she has become a second mother for you. She was the person who assisted you with the tasks you couldn’t accomplish by yourself. The makeup, the styling and matching accessories, the house chores, the grocery and more.  She had always been working for the Choi family as a domestic. When the oldest son got a wife, she followed him.
Due to the fact that you were blind , you never really cared about the way your hair looked as long as they smell good. You always made sure that you would look presentable and it was enough for you. But now, it was a little bit different. Because your husband owns pharmaceutical subsidiaries and you needed to attempt many formal events, you agreed to receive help for your makeup and styling. What was supposed to be for special occasions became a daily routine and you came to like it, that short moment alone with the soft and quiet Hanako. After all, it seems to please Seunghyun a lot, each time you would come out of the room with your hair done and some makeup on, he complimented you. Before that, it was your mother that would come to your apartment and prepare clothing for different occasions. She filled your drawers with piles of clothes matching together. Cold days, working days, relax days, etc. Now that you live with a rich man, you can afford having a personal helper for those kinds of things and it was a relief not to be a burden on your family members anymore. 
“Close the door on your way out. And please, don’t leave me alone with all those annoying ladies tonight, I beg you”.
“I’ll be having professional discussions, baby! You know how it is.” his voice was low and deep. You always loved the way it sounded.
“I know. I just hate when our house is noisy and filled with cheap perfume”.
“Their perfume ain’t cheap, it’s your nose that is too rafinate. Plus, you’re way too antisocial but at least, you’re not so bad looking.” he teased, clapping your butts. His remark made Hanako laugh. 
“Oh my god!  Go now!” you gestured as you smiled in his direction.
“Yeah, yeah! Take your time, beauty. Thank you Hanako, for making my wife look even more stunning”.
“Of course, Seunghyunie, but you always found her beautiful” 
“Because she is. See you later, baby”. 
He went out of the room. Until the last minute, you wished he would cancel the business diner but no. At least, the food will be good, you thought.
“Mrs Choi! What color would you like to have your makeup today? I suggest something in the orange palette” she stated, thinking out loud.
“I’ll leave it up to you. It means nothing at all to me, you know it”.
“We’ll go with something a little peachy tonight, it will be perfect with your dress and your new tan”. 
“I”ll take your words for that”.
When you arrived at the last step with Ken, your guide dog on your left, your husband welcomed you by passing his arm under yours. Even though you never mentioned it, you didn’t like this gesture. It gave you the impression of being mothered. 
“God, I have no words to tell you how much I found you beautiful. You’re stunning”.  He exclaimed proudly.
“You tell me this every single day! Thank you, Hyunie” you blushed
“It’s true, Mr Choi. Your wife is exquisite” a voice you never heard stated. 
“And here we go” you thought for yourself “it’s only for a couple of hours, I can do it!” you tried your best to be positive. Small talks, superficial conversations with superficial people you have nothing in common with was never something that you enjoyed. Since your marriage, it was unfortunately something you had to comply with. Tonight though, you heard stuff that you never thought you would hear in your own house.
You were having a boring encounter with the wifes of Seunghyun associates. Both of them were rambling about their apparently beautiful summer dresses and new shoes. Nothing that you ever cared about. You were having a hard time to follow the thread of the conversation and were trying to figure a way out of it.
“Yes.. hum hum… aah!” you said from time to time as you paid attention to the men that arrived on your back.  What caught your attention was the tone of their voice. The pitch indicated to you that they were trying to be loud and heard but they were murmuring. It seemed staged and something was off.
“I’m telling you, it was mixed with something we couldn't identify yet. 2 overdoses dude! Not one, 2 fucking overdoses last night. You’ll have to be more careful if we don’t want the cops on our back”
“Believe me, it will be worse if it comes to the boss’s ears”. 
“We are so screwed! He will have our heads. Let’s end this and call it a day...”
“Fuck, he’s coming… fuck! fuck! ok, he didn’t see us. Let’s go”
This is exactly why you always hated having your house filled with your husband’s affair partners. They were complete strangers to you and you never know exactly who was in front of you. Without knowing it, you have found yourself with drug dealers and it scared the shit out of you.  Seunghyun took place by your side.
“Hello beautiful, having a good night?”
“Bring me somewhere we can talk,'' you demanded.
“Now? Are you sick?” he asked, lifting an eyebrow as he scrutinized you.
“Yes, I’m fine but it’s important.”
He cuts you off before you could add anything.
“Then it will have to wait. We’re in the middle of something important”
You grabbed him by his clothes and brought him close to you. This is how important the situation was for you, you were normally in complete control of yourself.  
“Hyunie, I think that some of your partners or employees are in fact drug dealers” you murmured very low in his ear. “I just heard a conversation on my back…”
“Yes beautiful, don’t worry about it. This is exactly what I need to take care about. Don’t worry, ok?” 
He was trying to be reassuring but in fact, you felt a rage invading him. His breathing changed, became shorter and a little faster.  Others would not have noticed but for you, it’s with these little details that you could recognize the mood of people, not having access to their facial expressions. The hatred in his tone, you weren't used to hearing it. 
“Refer them to the police okay? I don’t want you to be in a dangerous position. I heard that these people could kill without leaving a single trace, drug dealers are unscrupulous”.
“What? Of course I won’t put myself in danger, you know me… Listen, I don’t know what’s really happening with my employees but I’ll dig into it, don't worry.  I can’t stay with you any longer. Would you like to go upstairs? You look pale”.
“No, Hyunie, I’m fine. Go! I’ll stay with those annoying ladies”
“They left already, I think they went to the bar”.
“I’ll find another annoying person to entertain me then” you smiled but you still felt uncertain. 
There was still a little something in the air that made you feel uncomfortable.  The impression that someone was observing you from afar.  That something bad was gonna happen. When a murmur rose from your guests, you found yourself placed behind your husband, the latter making a screen between you and the rest of the assembly. Suddenly, hands grabbed you from behind and then nothing! Total emptiness invades you as a sharp and violent blow hits your head.
Chapter 2 Thanks to you Jiyong, she’s alive.
The first time he saw you, it was two weeks ago, the day after you came back from Bali. He was in your house, in a discussion with his new direct boss Choi Seunghyun. They were having a general conversation when suddenly the latter had stopped and stood in front of an open double door. Following the boss’s gaze, he discovered you sitting on a piano bench with your head tilted slightly to the side while you were playing a joyful melody. Your face was radiant. You had a lovely smile, red on your luscious lips and rosy cheeks. Your long hair were hanging loose on your frail shoulders. You were absolutely ravishing. It was already well known that the boss’s wife was a gorgeous woman but Jiyong was not prepared for that much beauty. 
The higher he went in the hierarchy of the organization, the more he heard about the legendary distant boss’s wife. The things he heard about you was a mix of everything. People didn’t seem to really know you, your personality. It was quite normal, considering all the efforts Choi was making to keep his wife out of his illegal business.
Therefore, the gossip was so contradictory that he had no idea what you really were like. Apparently, Seunghyun had met you during a concert you both attempted and soon you lived with him.  Two months later, you were happily married, in a private ceremony in Jeju Island. According to his files, you were raised in a poor but loving family and had no siblings. You have 2 best friends that you see occasionally. Jiyong knew that you were an exceptional pianist. That you earned your living by teaching piano in a reputable conservatory downtown Seoul. That your parents were honest people who own a tteokbokki stand in the countryside. Those were the facts he knew about you.
Of Choi Seunhyun though, he knew a lot. The man was the biggest drug importer in South Korea. He laundered his money with the many pharmaceutical companies he owned around the world. No one had ever managed to catch him and this is exactly why Kwon Jiyong was trying to make it to the top of the hierarchy. To be the best, you have to beat the best. It’s as simple as that. 
Jiyong knew how to trace his way through the hierarchy of crime. From the street, he was now considered an important member of the organization, having even access to the boss’s house. Very few people had this privilege. It was common knowledge that the boss did not mix home and his illegal business. He didn't want to involve his wife with any of it and it was clear and precise. Those who would expose his double life to you would be immediately beheaded along with a family member of the culprit. Definitely, you were the boss’s weak spot and you’d be hard to use against him if need be. But Jiyong was willing to do anything to climb the ladder and reach the top of the organisation.
Seunghyun being the careful person he was, always hired the best trained members of the organisation to protect him. They were selected for their discretion and skill with combat, firearms and technology. Few could accede to this position and they all had to have proven themselves more than once. They must be unknown to the police too, not to draw the attention of the authorities on the legal companies.  Tonight, it was Jiyong’s first mission as Seunghyun’s security members. It was a pharmaceutical dinner, with only mondain rich people. When he noticed that someone from the outside had infiltrated the dinner, he took the opportunity to climb another step in Seunghyun’s trust. He placed himself close enough to you to be able to protect you in case of an assault. The man was watching over you, it was easy to say you were his target. It’s exactly what happened. The second that the intruder hit your head, he was already taken down by Jiyong. Being a ferocious street fighter, it was easy for him to put his opponent on the ground and keep him there without even having to take out his pistol. Tonight was easier, having anticipated the attack. He could have prevented it completely, but it wouldn't have the same effect on the boss. 
“I think that I’ve never been more thankful in my entire life. I have no actual words to tell you how grateful I am”.
Seunghyun told him as he poured them whiskey on crystal glasses, in his office after the diner.
“If my wife would have died tonight… I can’t even think about it” 
His fist hit the wall on his left, anger and fear coming out of every cell of his body.  Jiyong had always imagined Seunghyun as someone who knew how to control himself and didn’t show his emotions. Like a professional, this evening he had settled the situation and what had been an attempted murder against his wife, passed for a vulgar accident. He had an obvious talent for convincing crowds, Jiyong was impressed to see him in action.
“I can only imagine how you feel, sir. I would also be in fury”.
“How can I repay you? What do you need, what do you want?”
At this specific moment, he knew he had to play it low profile. If he shows too much interest, he will be seen as a rival, he didn’t want it. 
“I just did what I was paid for, sir. There is no need for you to thank me”.
“I insist. You saved my wife’s life. Isn’t she the sweetest person alive? How could I survive without her?”
“I swear, you don’t need to thank me. I did my job, that’s all, I received my salary already, so, it’s perfect”.
“Do you have a girlfriend? A husband maybe? A significant other?”
“With all your respect, I don’t think I need to answer this question”
Seunghyun burst into laughter. He liked the answer, Jiyong was impressive. He loved his rebellious attitude.
“That's a good strategy if you ask me. The less your enemies know about you, the less they can hurt you, right?”
“Exactly, sir. For now, I’m in your good graces but it can always change with our lifestyle. Also, we both know that if I’m in your house right now, it’s because you went through all my life history already. Therefore you already know the answer to that question”.
Seunghyun knew Jiyong’s background, of course. From his shoesize to the woman he likes to fuck, every single part of Jiyong’s life was in a file that Seunghyun carefully kept in his office. He was doing extensive investigations of every member of his gang, having the money and the ressources to do so. What he didn’t know is that Jiyong also had ressources and the things in his profile were all set up. Seunghyun will access only what he wants him, Kwon Jiyong, to show.
“I’m asking because I thought that I could congratulate you with some special treat. I know a few women who would be willing to take good care of you, one phone call and you'll have the night of your dreams. The whole week, if you want to. The year! I won’t be greedy with you”.
“oooh! If this is what you have in mind then I cannot refuse” Jiyong smirked. He knew he could never refuse such an offer, in order to get some rank. “For tonight, it will be enough. But I’m surprised, aren't you happily married? I thought you would know less about escorts now”.
“Well, I have to know what’s on the market, right? On paper, of course, I don’t test them anymore. Anyway, any preferences? Blond? Brown? Even better, red hair? What nationality? We can arrange it if you want a man as well. We now have some boys on the menu” 
“I’d say, one lady with a mouth that does magic!”
Seunghyun laughed, a big fat laughter that Jiyong hated with all his guts. One day, he will bring this man down.
“Aaaw! I know exactly what you mean. A woman’s mouth can do miracles, right? Go home, I’ll send some ladies to you”.
“Thanks sir, I appreciate it”.
“Now, I’ll go see how my wife is doing, if you’ll excuse me”.
With a pang in his chest, knowing what he’ll have to do when he’ll get home, Jiyong left the boss's house and drove back to his apartment. He never really liked to fuck a whore, but a man’s gotta do, what he’s gotta do. He also had to admit, it was not the worst part of the job!
Chapter 3 Headache 
“Hyunie? Seunghyun?” you called when you woke up with a migraine the next morning.
He was watching over you in bed. He prepared what he would tell you. Knowing you were very good to detect someone’s lie, he had to be extra careful. You never doubted him, mostly because he never lied to you, yet. He just hid some details, here and there. But he was not in his normal state right now, he was still panicked about what happened last night and didn’t had enough time to cool down. He’ll have to be extra convincing.
“Hey sleeping beauty, how are you this morning?” He tried his best to sound light.
“What happened? My head is about to burst!” you asked, in sharp pain. 
“You don’t remember? Oh no, that’s not good”.
“What? Why?”
“Last night, you fell on the floor for no reason. You became a little confused and then boum!”.
“What? Can you come closer, I know you are there but I can’t feel you”.
He tried to avoid it. He knew that you can read in him even more easily when you touch him. He knew that you would feel his pulse, feel every single tensed zone under your fingers. You were a pro to detect his emotions.
“Sorry, I stayed away because I didn’t want to hurt you. Here I am”
He crawled closer, grabbing one of your hands and holding it. His skin was warm but his hands were sweaty unlike usual. You also detected a slight tremor. You could tell he was nervous.
“Why is my heartbeat pounding against my temples? It hurts so bad”.
“As I just said, you became a little confused last night and you started to say strange things. I think you drank too much, even though I only saw you with a glass of champagne. Maybe you drank more? I don’t know, I was pretty busy. When I came to talk to you, you started to say weird things, showing some signs of paranoia. When you stepped back, you got crammed into a foot and fell backwards, banging your head on a table in the process”.
“Oooh! Yes, I remember now”
“You do?” he asked nervously.
“Yes, I was talking to your partners' wives and I heard two men talking about drugs and overdoses”.
“Oh, this is new. This is not what you told me last night! Last night you were talking about somebody frauding the company… Love, are you okay? Do you have headaches often? Do you feel dizzy? Do you take drugs?” 
He hated that. With all his being he hated lying to you. But he had no choice, he could not let the slightest doubt about his activities interfere in your couple. You would leave him and it was not an option.
“What? Of course not, come on! Plus, I only had two drinks”.
“I see… maybe someone put some drugs in your glass”. 
“Really? Oh! My! This is very strange.”
You were wondering if you should laugh or cry about the situation when you remembered that last night you were in front of Seunghyun’s employees and associates. For his part, Seunghyun seemed relieved. You didn’t know that he was in fact, he was just happy to have passed the “lie detector” test.
“I’m so sorry, I made a fool of myself in front of your guests. You must have been so ashamed”.
“Nah, I could never be ashamed of you. Come on” he gently brushed your hair beneath your ear.
“I think I won’t be able to go to work, my head is about to explode”.
“I already took care of it. I sent an email to your director saying that you were sick and taking the day off. I used your professional account, of course”.
“What a lucky woman I am, my man takes really good care of me” you state holding your temples in between your hands.
“Yes, maam. Plus, I’ll put some ice on your forehead right now. Lean back, I want you to rest a little more”.
He was already in the hallway when he heard you ask “Why do you know the password of my mail account?”  When he came back in the room with ice and painkillers, you had fallen back asleep. He had avoided the question, for now.
Chapter 4 Meeting Jiyong
A couple of days had passed. You needed a little time to get rid of this bad headache that kept you in bed. Loud sounds made you feel terrible therefore, you couldn’t play the piano at all. Even the sound of your own footsteps was painful. You were more than happy to feel better.
As you walked through the door of your room, with Ken in a harness, you froze. It was the second time this morning that you felt a presence but this time you couldn’t ignore it. You were supposed to be alone on the second floor now, even in the whole house, Hanako has left for the grocery store, Hyunie has left for work and Youngbae hasn't arrived yet.
“Who’s there?”  You asked, unsure.
Even if you felt a presence, you didn’t really expect someone to answer you. When you heard his voice, you jumped out of fear.
“I’m sorry Mrs Choi, I failed my mission. I was supposed to go unnoticed before your husband would talk to you”.
“Who are you? What do you want from me?” You asked, stepping back.
“I’m really sorry to stress you. My name is Kwon Jiyong. I was hired by your husband to assure your security”.
“A bodyguard?”
“Well, I think we can call it like that”.
“Why would I need a bodyguard? No, Seunghyun would have told me. What's really going on?”
“With all your respect, if I wanted to harm you, I would have done it long ago. You are an easy target, Mrs Choi”.
“True” you thought for yourself. But still, Seunghyun would have said something, of that you are sure.
“Why would I need a security guard in my own house?”
“Why don’t you call your husband, his plane is only due to take off in 20 minutes. You should have time to catch him”.
“What plane? He went overseas?”
“Listen, it’s not my role to tell you where he is and what he’s doing. Can you please call him?” he had a short temper, it seemed.
You didn’t need to call him, your phone rang at that exact moment. It was your husband, checking on you to see if you had woken up. He affirmed that he hired Jiyong to assure your security, that he will explain the reasons later. After a short conversation, you hung on.
“So, feeling less scared now?” Jiyong asked.
“I’m sorry. I was not prepared for that. I thought I was alone. You should have announced yourself.”
“My mistake, I apologize. But, in my defense, I was supposed to be discreet. Actually, I had the order not to make myself visible before he could talk to you. I guess, I failed lamentably”.
In fact, he did it on purpose. He wanted to surprise you. He wanted to see how you would react to the fact you now needed a bodyguard. Normally, people don't need to be protected. He wanted to see if the rumor was true among the gang members, that you really didn’t have any clue about the criminal activities. He was secretly wondering how he could use you against your husband. Choi also threatened him: you tell her the slightest word about the illegal business, you’re dead. You touch her, whatever the reason is and you’re also dead. You make her doubt me? Dead again. Along with a family member that Choi himself will choose, depending on the thing he holds against him.
“Why do I suddenly need a bodyguard? Oooh, I see! You are a private detective and you are supposed to report all my doings to Hyunie. Is that so? But that is also not credible. He knows I’m not cheating” you scratched your head, thinking out loud.
Jiyong smiled. If anything, he didn’t saw it coming, a talkative woman. You were never portrayed like that.
First thing he could tell about your personality: you were clever. Jiyong analyzed you from head to toe. Slender but with sensual and delicate shapes, silky and shining hair you wore loose each time he saw you. Gorgeous eyes that always seemed to instinctively look in the right direction. Small and delicate hands with long fingers. You had luxurious clothes that flattered your hips. You also seemed like a kind person, in contrast to what he had heard. He also likes the tone of your voice and the color of your skin. He had to admit, when it comes to women, unfortunately, the boss and him shared the same taste, at least aesthetically. 
“Now that we’ve met, may I know your plans for the day” he was abrupt, more than he wanted to sound like.
“This morning, I’ll practice piano. I have to go to the conservatory in the afternoon, I neglected my students the last couple of days”.
“Fair enough. I’ll have to go with you”.
“I’m sorry but no”.
“This is not something you have control of. I’ll follow you, that you want it or not”.
“Why though? Hyunie said he will tell me tonight! But I want to know, right now”.
“It’s not my part of the deal. You’ll have to ask your husband maam.”
“But, he’s not here, isn’t he?  And I want to know in order to decide if you will follow me or not. I work in a conservatory, your presence could affect the students even if they are adults”.
He didn’t want to be on a mission with you. He wanted to be with the boss. He wanted his head, quickly. Playing bodyguards with a rich woman wasn’t going to get him there. But since he was thus delayed in his mission, he thought it would be better to use you as much as he could. After all, maybe you knew more than he thought. Maybe he could use you against him. In order to gain your trust, he needed to cut some loose.
“I’m gonna tell you something, but it’s only because you seem to be a nice person”.
“Look at this, a charmer!” You crossed your arms on your chest, mocking him. 
There was nothing haughty in your tone, you were rather teasing. Your reputation was nothing true to what he could see. You had nothing cold, nothing distant.  Maybe the only thing that could pass for arrogance was your determination, and even then…
“Okay, she will stand no bullshit” Jiyong thought for himself. “She’s brilliant, assertive, she catches people’s intentions quickly and she’s intuitive. I’ll have to be extra careful, the boss informed me earlier, he was not exaggerating”.
“I’m not trying to be charming, Mrs Choi. I’m just saying that I don’t have the right to give you this information. But because it seems to make you anxious, I shall give you a hint”
“Then, you should have told me this, instead of telling me you would because I am a nice girl”. You said, lifting your chin up, smiling. He was not sure if you were serious or teasing him, you were halfway in between.
Jiyong knew that not to be discovered by you, he’ll have to always give you a part of the truth. You were a ferocious adversary. He cannot blow his cover like that. He’ll have to be on his guards.
“I’m really sorry Mrs Choi. Let me be completely honest with you here. I didn’t want to be your personal bodyguard. I accepted to come here only because Mr Choi offered me a considerable amount of money to keep you safe. But let’s say, I’m not used to boring tasks, I’m a man of actions. Forgive me if I upset you”.
You were touched by this sudden confession. You appreciate the man that was standing in front of you because at that very moment, he was vulnerable. At least, he showed a vulnerable side of himself. Plus, you could be sure of one thing, if he was in your house, having the mission to assure your security for whatever reason, it was because Seunghyun trusted him therefore, you should do the same.
“I see.  Ok, you can continue.” you answered and Jiyong smiled for himself. You had nerves, for sure.
“Right. So, the reason why you need to be protected is because your husband has received threats. He didn’t want to take any chances and sent me here. You know how fierce the competition is in the pharmaceutical industry”.
“What kind of threats? Is he in danger? Am I? Why didn’t he tell me?”
“I can’t answer for him but I think it’s because you were still asleep when it happened. He didn’t want to disturb your sleep”.
“Well, two things. First, I’m really sorry that you had to come here against your will. I hope you’ll find a way to enjoy it, nonetheless. Secondly, I hope you are a better guard than you are at being silent because then I’ll be dead the second someone breaks in”
If the words were harsh, your smile was tender and the laughter that followed was sincere. You just wanted to tease him.
“Yeah, well…” he scratched his head, shy.
“Relax, MrKwon, I’m just teasing you. And I’m not scared at all, if you wanna know”.
“That’s good. I won’t let anything happen to you so you don’t have to worry. You can go start your day while I report myself to your husband”.
“You need to report yourself”?
“Wow! He’s a strict boss, that’s sexy!  I didn’t know him like that”! 
“You have no idea how he really is,” Jiyong thought to himself. That will change soon enough and when you will learn, Choi Boss will fall into pieces.
NOTE: sorry for the black dots before the dialogues. Something went wrong when I transferred the google doc file here... since it's not that much of a mistake, I'll let it here for this part but I'll change it for the next uploads. Sorry 😞
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Ok but imagine Demetri celebrating his first birthday without eli by his side. The rest of miyagi-do try to make it special for him but it's just not the same
How dare you Anon, my heart hurts now ;____;
Legit I do think the other Miyagi-Dos would do the best they could to make it special for Demetri--I like to think Sam coordinated and planned a surprise party for him at her house, and Chris even baked him a cake from scratch (idk why but for whatever reason I have a headcanon that Chris is good at baking lol). They all pitch in and get him gifts too, like new issues of comic books he’s been wanting to read, Doctor Who and Game of Thrones merchandise, and other general nerd paraphernalia. And Demetri is lowkey really touched by all this, and he does enjoy himself a fair bit, but underneath it all, he just feels...empty. Like Eli has been at every birthday “party” he’s had since they turned 6--the ONLY guest, in fact. And his absence is just...a big glaring hole, so palpable that it almost feels like an entity in of itself. Everything just feels...wrong without Eli there, like there’s a big wet cement block weighing down his stomach and refusing to ever leave.
On the upside, I feel like this could lead to a really sweet friendship moment between Sam and Demetri eventually. Like when he starts opening presents, it gets to be too much for him, because some of the stuff people got him is exactly the kind of stuff Eli would’ve bought for him in past years. And he just...feels this devastating wave of pain every time he unwraps another Harry Potter shirt, or Doctor Who mug, or comic book, and all he can think of is how excited Eli used to look when Demetri was opening up the birthday presents he got him. How eager he was to see Demetri grin a huge grin when he saw whatever nerdy thing it was for the first time. And something inside Demetri just...breaks. And he fakes a smile, and keeps opening up all the Miyagi-Do presents, but as soon as the attention is off him and people go back to hanging out and chatting, Demetri can’t take it anymore, and needs a break from everything. He steals off into some back room or closet in Sam’s house and just...sits there, feeling utterly awful and completely empty.
And that’s how Sam finds him after a while, just...hunched on the floor in silence, gazing off into space with this almost thousand-yard stare type of look. She sits next to him and asks him what’s wrong, and all of the sudden, he just...can’t hold the grief in any longer. He just starts talking a mile a minute, ranting and venting about Eli and how much he misses him and how everything feels wrong without his best friend in his life anymore. Sam just listens, knowing that’s all he really wants right now...to just finally air his pain out in the open and just let it be seen by someone. And before he knows it, he’s sobbing--not little sniffles, but huge, gross, ugly sobs, with massive amounts of snot and everything. And Sam just hugs him really tight and comforts him the best she can and lets him cry all over her. If he really unloads, he might even blurt out that he’s always been in love with Eli--but Sam doesn’t judge, or demand how he can still feel that way about someone who’s been treating him so horribly lately. She just reassures Demetri he still has people who care about him, and it’s honestly Eli’s loss that he didn’t want someone as awesome and funny as Demetri in his life. And hey, maybe there’s still hope for them to mend things eventually, if she and Aisha did. Maybe if Eli is as good a guy at heart as Demetri claims he is, he really will come around eventually.
And then, after what feels like a long while, Demetri’s gotten the worst of everything out and the sobbing’s finally slowed down. Sam helps him compose himself enough to go back to the party, calming him down and soothing him until he’s gotten the last of the tears out. Then he’s like “Heeeeeey can you like...never tell a single soul in your entire life about this? Please? This is beyond embarrassing.” and Sam pinky-swears not to. They go back down to the party, and Demetri admittedly DOES feel a lot better and has a pretty good time for the rest of the night. Still...what feels like at every turn, at every moment, he has to make every effort not to think about Eli.
God DAMMIT the next Ask will not be depressing I promise
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unimooshi · 4 years
Christmas Fluff Snippet Megapost
(brought to you by your host Mooshi bc I’m stuck at home and wanna procrastinate cleaning my room :) )
Rated: G/Fluff
Relationship(s): Literally as many I can think within the span of 3 hours as they’re all basically 1 paragraph long. Feel free to read whichever ones you want I’m making word soup rn. We smackin’ tonight kings, queen, and royals in between😌😭✨
All relationships can be whatever universe you want, unless stated otherwise. Have a good time
Also please keep in mind that I haven’t read a lot of the comics and have a limited knowledge on the cartoons bc I haven’t watched some of them, but I’ll try my best to write out the dynamic as I see it.
1) Starscream/Optimus (StarPrime) you knew we were gonna start with OTP
“I know you wanted to visit Earth for a small vacation, but did you really have to choose the coldest of Earth months to visit?”, Starscream said with borderline disgust as he stared at the snow at the bottom of their ship, the only redeeming thing about the environment was the setting sun.
He kneeled down and scooped up a pile of snow, watching it crumble away between his digits. His internal heating system kicking into overdrive to compensate, little puffs of steam floating into the air. It wasn’t that it was cold, the issue was how wet it would be. The mess that would be made inside their circuits and the water dripping from exposed wiring made Starscream shiver.
“No, I didn’t have to but Earth has such a happy culture this time of year and I wanted to share that with you. I think you’ll like Christmas. Cheer up, let’s take a walk.” , Optimus planted a small peck on the side of Starscream’s helm and stepped outside, the soft crunch of snow following the Prime.
Starscream reluctantly stepped into the snow and groaned with how much water his sensors were already detecting, “How happy could this holiday possibly be with frozen condensation falling from the sky and getting into your circuits?”
“Well, according to what can be found on the internet, it’s an annual religious festival, but most humans use it as a time to see loved ones and celebrate their love for one another.”, Optimus took Starscream’s servo and interlaced it with his own, removing his battle mask to reveal a soft smile with blue optics to match, “and besides you can take a warm lather in the washracks later while I warm up some energon. I know you like watching Earth movies every once in a while.”
Starscream really couldn’t argue with his conjux and just vented out more heat, the puff leaving a trail of white steam as it floated into the evening sky. If being on a mud ball planet meant Optimus would be relaxed then he supposed it would be worth getting his circuits drenched for. Honestly, doing anything was worth it if it meant his Prime would stop thinking about his responsibilities even for just a cycle.
“Your strobes are blinking by the way.”
Starscream stopped walking and flapped his wings into view then dipped them low, brushing it off.
“It doesn’t mean anything.”
“I’m sure it doesn’t.”, Optimus rolled his optics and laughed, holding his conjux’s servo a little tighter.
2) Knockout/Breakdown (KOBD)
“Merry Christmas Knockout!”, Breakdown burst into the Medbay with a clumsily wrapped box.
Knockout nearly dropped his datapad and jumped from the sudden intrusion, his servo switched out for his buzz saw until he saw who it was.
“Breakdown!”, Knockout vented out and transformed his servo back, “Don’t scare me like that so suddenly.”
“I’m sorry, but I just wanted to finally give you this. I knew you just had to have it when I saw it and I really hope you like it.”
“All is forgiven. Thank you.”, Knockout casually tore away at the wrapping and lifted the lid, his optics glowing brighter.
“Well...do you like it?”
“Like it? I love it!”, Knockout unfolded the white stripe vinyl inside to it’s full length, laughing with a full smile, “You always know just what to get me!”
He put his gift down on the examination table and went to go hug his conjux, climbing up a little to properly plant a kiss.
As high as the mood was brought up, it was quickly shot down again.
“Wait, I’m not done with your gift yet.”, Knockout left for his datapad and scrolled through something.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to give me one. Your company is the only gift I need.”, Breakdown tried to comfort his conjux, but Knockout held out a servo to stop him.
“That’s a sweet sentiment, but it doesn’t feel fair if I had my gift before yours is even done and I don’t want you seeing it while it’s incomplete.”
“I’m sure I’ll like it even if it’s unfinished. The thought matters more than what it is. Can you tell me what it is?”
“Are you sure?”
Breakdown nodded excitedly.
Knockout sighed and handed over the datapad, “It’s only about 75% of the way done, but it’s a transcription of that Earth book you wanted to read but couldn’t find an online PDF version of it.”
Breakdown scrolled through the pages of words and felt his frame melt.
“I know it’s not as good as what you gave me but—”
“I love it!”, He lifted Knockout off the ground and squeezed, “Thank you!”
“You’re welcome but watch the paint!”
3) Bumblebee/Blitzwing (TFA Blitzbee)
Bumblebee wasn’t one for snow to be perfectly honest. Sure, making snowmen and having snowball fights with Sari were fun, but he mostly did those activities to make her happy as her best friend. The frosty windows on the base served as another reminder as to why he liked to stay inside where it was warm and there was plenty of oil to drink, so it was rather ironic when he started seeing a mech who could make ice and enjoyed just burying himself in the frozen stuff.
“Come outside my little bee~”
Random sang softly and taunted him from outside the Autobot base. The heat from Blitzwing’s system fogging up the window further. Everyone else in the base had retreated back to their rooms for the night, leaving Bee free to do what he wanted in the living room. At least, he would be if there wasn’t a giant beige and purple bot trying to get him outside.
“No way Blitzbrain. It’s beyond freezing out there. I’m not locking up my servos just so you can eat street snow again.”
Bumble whispered harshly and opened the window, a gush of frozen air creeped their way through the cracks of his frame. His central heating system kicked online.
Random’s glossa slithered out of his intake, “Aww why not?”
“Because it’s gross. And that’s saying something when it comes from me!”
“I suppose that’s true.”, Icy’s lips pouted outward as he pressed his digits to his chin. His sharp features standing out in the crisp darkness of the night, “But aren’t you the one always wanting to go out? Why is it so different this time?”
“Because time impossible to drive in snow and I don’t wanna deal with traffic.”
“It’s the middle of the night.”
“So why don’t you want to come out here and spend some time away from this stupid base you tiny bug bot!”
Bee held a digit to his intake, “I’m right here idiot, you’ll wake everyone up and then they’ll see you and then we’ll have to fight.”
“You’re afraid of the snow aren’t you.”
“What? No. That’s not—I’m not afraid of it are you kidding me? Only sparklings are afraid of stupid things like that.”
“Ok, so you just don’t like the cold.”
“So what if I don’t?”
“Even if you can’t drive, it’s still a nice night for flying.”
Bumblebee’s optics widened, “Flying?”
“Yes. Calm winds, clear skies, no organics or bots in the streets, what more could you wait for?”
“You’re gonna take me flying?”, Bee’s voice rose in pitch and he looked up at his mechfriend with stars in his eyes.
“If you keep repeating the same thing I’ll crush you with this wall!”
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen something go splat!”
Random laughed at his own morbid thought.
“Ok, first of all, don’t crush me. You’re like three times my size, you don’t need a wall. Second, as long as I don’t have to get my servos wet I’ll be there in a nanoklik.”
Bumblebee gave a quick peck before racing away to touch himself up a little for his small impromptu date.
4) Megatron/Soundwave (MegaWave)
Megatron was busy. Again.
Soundwave didn’t mind it much as he just worked on his reports, but deep in his spark he really hoped he would’ve made some time to be with him. There was no such luck unfortunately. Soundwave knew his leader was always busy which is what made their small times together all the more special and intimate. Nobody ever saw the side of the warlord that he did and he was quite proud of that. It made him feel special.
A private communication line blipped open from Megatron. What convenient timing.
>Yes, Lord Megatron?
>I need you to send a message to Shockwave about the latest export of energon. There will be a delay because of Autobot meddling, but it shouldn’t take more than a couple earth cycles to have everything in order.
>Message received. Will be sent as soon as possible.
>Good. By the way Soundwave, I’ve left something for you in your desk compartment. Consider it a token of my appreciation for all you’ve done staying loyal to the Decepticons.
>Understood. Thank you Lord Megatron.
With that, the line cut off and Soundwave was left alone again in the communication center. His optics glanced over at the large compartment in his desk and opened it. Inside he found a small stack of datapads and one single use datapad filled out.
‘To: Soundwave
Silent as a thief in the night
You crept into my spark and took flight
Your visor so full of mystery
Yet take away much of my misery
In war there is treachery
In war there is loyalty
No words could ever be strung to say how much you mean to me
Merry Christmas,
From Megatron
A/N: I’m done with this post. Whoop. 4 short stories in one post. This is all I could crank out in a few hours. I didn’t anticipate this day to be so busy for me😭😭. I’ve been hanging out with family and dropping off gifts for friends at their door step. You can kinda tel I gave up at the end and poems aren’t really my thing. I’ll finish the rest tomorrow, so just pretend that whatever I post tomorrow was done today. Tell me what you think and have a nice night. I’m gonna pass out now. Mwah.
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roll-da-credits · 4 years
A Bunny with Bunny?  -Tamaki x reader-
Word count: 2k
Tamaki was someone who needed constant reassuring, you knew that when getting in a relationship with him. But sometimes, you forget. With a new tiny addition to your family distracting you and taking all your time, its hard not to get insecure and jealous.
A/n: AHHHHHHH, I can’t. I hope you guys enjoy the first fanfic I post here. I’ve literally never posted in Tumblr ever. I’ve always used Wattpad.
Tumblr media
It was common knowledge by this point that Tamaki Amajiki had a lot of insecurities and anxiety. It only heightened when it came to you.
Although, a lot of the time you diffused his anxiety and insecurities pretty quickly once you realized. Whenever it came to you, he found himself deep in thought at night thinking if he deserved you.
In his mind, you were an incredible person with an equally wonderful personality. While he, on the other hand, was shy and riddled with nervousness at any social interaction. You shone bright, much like Mirio, he thought of himself as nothing compared to you.
Every single time he's had one of those thoughts, you'd be able to sense his doubts by the way he carried himself. Not doubts about your relationship or you, but on himself.
So, the entire day you'd stick close to him, showering him with light affection that you knew won't embarrass or make him feel even more embarrassed.
He considered himself EXTREMELY lucky to have someone as understanding and caring as you in his life. He knew dealing with his myriad of issues was difficult. But you went through them with no problem.
You even helped him with helping himself. By your constant words of affirmation, he's been able to be a bit more confident, even when you weren't there to help him.
Time went on, and by the second year you were dating, he barely had any doubts about himself in your relationship.
That is until he heard your conversation with Nejire.
"Just look at him!!!" You squealed in excitement.
 He was going through a hallway when he heard your and Nejire's voice when the hallways separated to the right and left. He stopped to listen in, curious about what you were talking about.
 "He is adorable." Nejire seemed to agree with you, peeking at the corner. He saw how you gushed about whatever photo you were showing Nejire.
His heart sank a little bit, but he wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it was a photo of a family member.
"I just met him like last week and already have A LOT of photos of him."
Ok, this is starting to not sound like a family member.
Maybe it's a friend's baby brother. You have a lot of friends outside of the school you were close to their siblings as well.
"I just want to pamper him with all the kisses in the world and give him world!!!" You gushed.
 Tamaki felt his heart drop. There's no way you were talking about a family member. Not by the way you seem to be enamored by them.
He tried to think back on when you seemed to lose interest. Thinking back to last week, did you act any differently?
If you did, he didn't notice it. The problem was last week you said you were ridiculously busy with stuff at home. He could even see from the tapping of your foot to the ground when it was last period you were aching to go back home.
Was it because of this new guy?
His heart clenched at the thought.
"God, I love him so much." His mind begged him to stop listening.
But before walking away, he wanted to hear what Nejire might say. There's no way his best friend would be ok with this.
There's no way she wouldn't protest at you being infatuated with another person when you were still in a relationship with Tamaki. That's just what a good friend would do. Instead of that, she said jokingly.
"Watch out a certain blue-haired boy might get jealous." You both laughed at her remark.
Did you think he wouldn't get jealous over you doting on another guy?
Did the nights you spent together cuddling and napping together really meant nothing to you?
His insecurities crept back into his mind. Tiny voices whispered about how he should've expected it. He should've expected someone as radiant as you would never want to be with someone like him.
His vision was blurred by the lot of tears that came down as he furiously tried to wipe them away.
He didn't watch the way he was going, and as a result, he bumped in head first to someone's chest.
He tried to mutter an apology, yet it came out as a stuttering mess of squeaks. "Woah! Slow down, Tamaki. What's wrong?"
Thankfully the guy he bumped into was Mirio, one of the most understanding guys he ever known.
Mirio pulled Tamaki to the side, where they both sat on a nearby seat. He patiently waited as Tamaki rubbed his eyes red, trying to clear his eyes from tears.
When Tamaki finally calmed down a little and is now just sniffling once in a while, Mirio braved himself to ask the question.
"Hey, Tamaki, what's wrong?" Tamaki's gaze still fixed to the ground, spoke in a voice barely above a whisper. "I think Y/n doesn't love me anymore."
Mirio's eyes went wide in shock. He didn't believe that in a second. You're the person who'd take any chance you can get to attack Tamaki with kisses or force him to cuddle with you whenever he felt unloved.
"Why do you think that?" Mirio composed himself. "I overheard them and Nejire talking about some guy she found cu- cute."
He stuttered a little bit at the end, finding it hard to believe that he would ever say that out loud.
"There has to be a misunderstanding here. Are you sure it's not just some celebrity or a family member?"
Tamaki heard the small panic in Mirio's voice. He knew Mirio didn't want to accept the fact either. "I heard them say that they just met him last week and that they wanted to give him kisses."
Mirio rubbed his temples to try and cope with the upcoming headache caused by stress.
There would be no way that you'd do that to Tamaki, is there?
There was a possibility that you and Tamaki's relationship didn't work out. He knew relationships aren't always permanent. But he didn't believe that you'd be such a coward, flirting with other guys when you were still in a relationship with someone who's head over heels for you.
"Tamaki, how about this." Mirio wanted to come up with a plan. Since it was already time to go home anyway, he thought it'd be a great idea to do it. "You and I can both go to Y/n's house, where they're most likely at right now, then we can talk about it."
Tamaki looked like he was about to disagree until, Mirio cut him off, "We need to make sure we read the situation correctly. We don't want to assume the worse, but at the same time, we shouldn't be needlessly positive either."
Tamaki gaped at Mirio's calmness. He knew he was so lucky to have Mirio as a friend. Someone level-headed that was able to bring Tamaki's mind to the situation at hand.
Tamaki agreed with Mirio together made their way over to your house. Albeit, both of them pretty nervous about what they might uncover.
When reaching your front door, Tamaki noticed how your parent's car wasn't there, which meant they weren't home. Tamaki took the spare key you gave him and opened the door.
It was relatively quiet until there was a high-pitched squeal from your bedroom.
Tamaki jumped at the sudden sound, and Mirio identified it as Nejire's voice.
"HE LOOKS CUTER IN PERSON!!!" They both heard Nejire scream.
Both the boys had incredibly bad feelings about this. Nejire's statement only confirmed the fact that you had brought this guy to your house.
Tamaki shook his head when Mirio motioned him to open the door to your bedroom.
He didn't want to see you all over a new guy who took your interest.
Hell, he didn't even want to be there in the first place.
Mirio sighed and nodded. He understood the circumstances his best friend was in and decided to open the door first.
When he did, the sight made his mouth gape open.
"Mirio!" You greeted the Tintin looking man (he looks like Tintin sue me.) "I've been looking for you everywhere. I want you to meet a special someone."
Tamaki, from behind Mirio's muscular physique, was still hidden from the two other people in the room and also couldn't see anything.
He only assumed the worst.
"This is Shiro. My parents bought him as a gift, and isn't he just the cutest little thing."
Tamaki pulled Mirio away from the door frame and looked at the sight that made Mirio so speechless.
Nejire was sitting cross-legged on the bed, her hand filled with fresh and clean greens.
You were sitting cross-legged as well, but on the ground. In the middle of your legs slept a tiny little black and white Dutch rabbit. (search them up they're adorable)
Now he understood why Mirio was speechless.
It was never a family member.
It was never a new guy.
It was never even a human being.
It was a fucking bunny.
He got so jealous to the point of crying, over a damn bunny.
Embarrassment seeped through him and he instantly walked to the corner of the wall to face it.
He should've noticed the litter box in your house. And how there were tufts of fur stuck on your clothes.
God, he felt so dumb.
You were so confused at your boyfriend's sudden timidness, but because of the tiny little ball of fur currently sleeping where you're sitting. There's no way you'd move and stir him from his sleep.
Mirio laughed out loud, and you quickly quieted him, explaining how bunnies are easily spooked.
He apologized and sat cross-legged in front of you, examining the tiny bunny thankfully still deep in slumber.
"Tamaki heard you talking about little Shiro to Nejire today." You nodded, while your hand softly caresses Shiro's head.
Tamaki shuffled closer into the wall, wishing to any god out there to melt into the wall. "After he told me, we genuinely thought you found a new boyfriend."
Your eyes widened and you looked over to your shy boyfriend.
Your heart ached at the thought.
Luckily for you, Shiro began waking up. Upon waking up, he promptly walked away from you to examine the new human being in the corner of the room, Tamaki.
You stood and gave Tamaki the biggest hug from the back you could muster.
Shiro nuzzled on Tamaki's ankles a little bit, making you giggle. "He seems to like you a lot!" Tamaki still refused to turn your way.
"You know in the RARE chance that I find someone even better than you. Which may I add is close to impossible I would never lie to you and still be in a relationship with you." He valued your honesty and the way you didn't try and make empty promises.
Mirio and Nejire took this as a cue to leave. Nejire, leaving the leafy greens on your bedside table above some tissues.
You took Tamaki's arm and turned him to look at you.
"Hey, hey. Have you been crying over this?" His gaze still fixated on the floor, he nodded.
You sighed and took one of your hands to his cheek to caress it. He enjoyed the warmth of your hand and leaned into it more.
Still trying to reassure him, you gave him a small peck on his lips.
Reminding him that right now, he was the most precious HUMAN guy in your life.
Shiro suddenly thumped at the ground with his two back legs. Both of you glanced over at the tiny bunny.
He looked pissed. He seemed to be demanding your attention and is furious to not be getting any.
Both of you burst into laughter at the silly behavior your bunny was now showing. You both sat down on the floor and began to give the bunny attention.
"See even he's jealous of you." You picked Shiro up on both your hands, all his four feet safely planted on the palm of your hand close to your stomach and not high from the ground.
Tamaki looked at you and Shiro and smiled intently. "Bunny with their pet bunny."
Your face heated up at the comment he made using your pet name, "oh shut up." You tried not to sound flustered but failed miserably. By the dopey smile you have decorating your face right now, Tamaki knew you were still ridiculously in love with him.
Even if one day you're not, Tamaki feels good knowing you'd break up with him before you hurt him any further.
After all, you are his most precious, incredible, kind, caring, daring, loving, patient.
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twomoonstwosuns · 4 years
back to you [series masterlist]
previous part · next part
pairing: professor!poe dameron x reader
warnings: smut (18+), delicious tooth-rotting fluff
word count: 3.4k
a/n: thank you guys so much for being patient, I know this took way too long. if you saw my posts you know I was dealing with some medical stuff and ended up in the hospital for a few days, but I’m better and back at work. And thank you to everyone for your kind words <3 anyways here’s some soft af smut, I hope it makes you feel feelings.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It had been the longest three and a half weeks of your life. 
Ever since you found out he had threatened to expose your relationship, it was like you saw Hux everywhere. You had never really seen him around campus before, but now he seemed to be around every corner or in every coffee line and you could swear he was watching you. 
You had shed a few tears when you got back to your apartment, your roommates immediately sitting you down and listening to the entire story. You were still in shock that someone could be so selfish to use something so personal to someone as a weapon. Hux was a professor that neither you nor your roommates had had, but he was known as a decent teacher around the school. 
Though decent teacher and decent human being were clearly two different things. 
The collection of your boyfriend’s sweatshirts had slowly started to build since the beginning of March but there was one particular sweatshirt of his that was incredibly soft from being washed so many times that you loved. He always teased you about it because it was also his favorite. So you were surprised to find that sweatshirt plus a ratty well-loved t-shirt that featured a band you’d never heard of before in your bag when you got home, tears welling in your eyes at the touching gesture. 
Class was painful. Twice a week you were able to actually see Poe, but you had to stop yourself from staring at him like you were completely infatuated when there were other people around. Conversations with him were class-related and boring, not exactly the pillow talk you’d grown to love. It rubbed the whole situation the two of you were in right in your face. 
The closest you got to touching him was when he handed you back a first draft of a long essay he had assigned. Your fingers accidentally brushed against his as you took your paper from him and you didn’t get the chance to react because Kaydel leaned over and asked how your paper was looking. You flipped through the pages and were reading through some of the comments he made when you saw two tiny blue post it notes on the fourth page, one with an ‘I miss you’ and the other with a ‘you look beautiful today’ and a drawing of the heart eyes smiley face. You bit your lip to keep from smiling too widely, but you were swooning inside.  
Being told you couldn’t have what you wanted sucked. 
You woke the morning of your birthday with your two roommates bursting into your room blasting Taylor Swift’s “22” and holding your favorite scone and mixed coffee drink from your favorite local café. They had surprises lined up for you that night, starting at seven when you were all done with classes. When they left your room, you laid back in bed and willed the motivation to get ready for class to come to you. Your phone dinged beside you and a smile immediately formed on your face when you saw it was from Poe. 
At least you were still able to text him and call him and FaceTime him. 
You opened the message he sent, seeing an audio message instead of a text. The sound of his guitar filled your ears and the strings plucked the familiar tune of “Happy Birthday”, his voice soft enough to send you back to sleep.
“I miss you, baby,” he said as finished playing “Happy birthday.”
You wanted to text him ‘I love you’ right then and there, but you didn’t. It kind of scared you how strongly you felt about him after only being with him for a few months and the last thing you wanted to do was make this separation permanent. So you stayed quiet, saying it in your head as you drifted off to sleep each night. 
You hated when your birthdays landed on weekdays. There was something so much more fun about making a day out of your birthday than spending over half the day stuck in class. You paid very little attention, going through multiple happy birthday texts and social media posts from friends and family, and of course texting Poe when he was in between classes. 
Your roommates treated you to dinner at a local bistro, a place you had all been eyeing on going since you were freshmen. It was a little more upscale, so you promised yourself you’d make time for it before you graduated. Jessika had left before you and Karé to stop by work, a scheduling issue that she said would take ten minutes to fix turned into twenty and made her late for dinner. The service at the bistro was surprisingly quick for a Friday night and she had to order after you and Karé already placed yours. 
Dinner turned into wanting to grab drinks at Maz’s, the special birthday drink famously known throughout campus. On the way to the bar you got on the phone with your mom and sister, confirming the plan to drive home the next day to celebrate your birthday with them. You were so wrapped up in the conversation of what your mother was going to make for your birthday dinner that you didn’t even notice you weren’t at the bar until the car had stopped and you hung up the phone.
“Wait, what are we doing back at the apartment?”
Jessika leaned forward onto the console and looked at you. “Will you run in and get my card?”
“What? No.”
“Why me?”
“Because you used it last.”
“Um…no I didn’t.”
“Yes you did, last week when we ordered pizza.”
“I gave it back to you.”
“No you didn’t.”
“Yes I did.”
“No you didn’t.”
“Oh my god, will someone just go get the card?” Karé said exasperatedly.
“Y/N, go.”
You look back at Jessika and narrow your eyes. 
“You’ve been missing your card for a week and you just noticed it was missing?”
“No time for judgment, just go find it please. I think it’s in the kitchen.”
You rolled your eyes and opened the car door, slamming it on Jessika’s “thank you”. You rushed inside, your phone buzzing with Jessika’s name flashing across your screen. 
“I swear to god Jessika, if you tell me you just found your card in your wallet—“
“I didn’t, I just remembered a few other places you could check in case it’s not where I think it is.”
You took the elevator up to the third floor where your apartment was, Jessika chattering away in your ear. You speed-walked down the hallway, pulling your keys out of your pocket. 
“Are you there yet?”
“Calm down, I’m unlocking the door now. Where am I supposed to look for your credit card?”
“Did you take it into your bedroom at all?”
“Then try the kitchen counter first.”
You walked into the apartment, confused as to why it wasn’t pitch black. “One of you left a light on!”
Karé and Jessika both mumbled something incoherent into the phone as you walked towards the kitchen and you suddenly stopped cold in your tracks. Standing in front of you was Poe, his eyes lighting up and a wide smile crossing his face illuminated by the lamp in the living room when he saw you. A single cupcake with a lone candle sat in his hand. 
“Happy birthday, Y/N.”
You were speechless, your mouth attempting to form words but failing miserably as your brain wondered if you were hallucinating. Birthday or not, he was the last person you expected to see. 
“Surprise!” Jessika and Karé exclaimed into the phone, taking your silence as the sign you had found your surprise. “We got you for the evening so Poe’s got you for the night! We’ve got Beebs and we’re spending the night elsewhere. Have fun, we’ll see you in the morning!”
They hung up on you but you still didn’t move, still too stunned that this was real. Poe chuckled and blew out the candle on the cupcake so wax wouldn’t melt onto it before setting it down. He tilted his head to catch your eye with a smirk on his face. 
You set your phone and keys down on the counter and walked swiftly towards him, throwing your arms around his neck and burying your head in his shoulder. Poe returned your fervent embrace, lifting you off the ground as he hugged you just as tightly as you were hugging him. He pressed a kiss to the juncture of your shoulder and you brought your head around to crash your lips onto his. 
Poe’s hand came up to cup the back of your head, strands of your hair slipping between his fingers. You cupped his cheek with one hand, the feeling of his lips finally on yours bringing back the familiar butterflies you’d been missing for weeks. 
You pulled away breathless, a laugh of disbelief slipping from your lips as he set you back down on the ground but keeping his arms tight around you. 
“Jessika snuck me in here after you left. That’s why she was late for dinner.”
Tears welled in your eyes and you let out a watery laugh. This was, by far, the best birthday present you’d ever gotten. Poe looked at you in concern. 
“Hey, are you ok?”
You nodded and gave him a sure smile. “I’m fine. Better now.”
Poe placed his hand on your cheek and brought your lips back to his in a short, sweet kiss. He then reached behind you to the cupcake off the counter, only removing his arm from around you long enough to re-light the candle. You smiled as you blew out the candle, taking a bite of the red velvet cupcake and getting another kiss from Poe to get the frosting off of your lips.  
“I got you something.”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know,” Poe said with a soft smile as he reached his hand into his pocket. “I did anyway.”
You set the cupcake down and he placed a tiny drawstring bag into your hand. You opened it and a silver bangle fell into your palm, a small hockey skate charm hanging off of it. You laughed as you ran your thumb across it. 
“Now I’ll have daily reminder of how badly I skate,” you laughed, looking up at Poe to see a humorous smile on his face. “I love it, thank you.”
Poe grabbed it from your hand and clasped it around your wrist, the tips of his fingers moving gracefully against your skin and sending goosebumps across your skin. You admired it as you rested your hand against Poe’s chest, his hands settling back onto your waist.
“So, I get you for the night huh?” You asked, your fingers running over the collar of his shirt. 
“The whole night. Whatever you want to do.”
“How long do I have you tomorrow?”
“Just until the morning. I’ve got a ton of grading to do you and you’re going to see your mom and sister.”
You sighed. “I could ditch them. Say I have homework or something.”
“I can’t have them hating me before they even meet me.”
You giggled and glanced at the clock on the microwave. “Twelve hours isn’t enough time.”
“I know,” Poe said, squeezing your waist and leaning down to kiss your cheek. “We better make the most of the time we have then.”
Placing a hand on his cheek, you brought Poe’s gaze to you. You gave him a small smile before leaning in and placing your lips on his. Your lips moved slowly together, every intention of your desire for him expressed in one simple action. His eyes were dark when you broke the kiss, studying your face as if deciding where he wanted to kiss you next. Stepping out of his embrace, you moved to the living room to turn off the lamp before holding out your hand. He took it, squeezing it gently as you led him to your bedroom. 
You undressed each other slowly, taking time to kiss or touch every new piece of skin exposed. Looking down at you with a hand on your lower back, he guided you back to your bed. His eyes were dark but he wasn’t looking at you like a predator hunting its prey; dare you say there was complete adoration sparkling behind his brown eyes. 
Poe kissed you once more before moving down your body, kisses being pressed wherever he could reach. His lips moved along the outline of your bra, nimble fingers circling behind you to take it off and throwing it aside. He suckled your breasts, tongue gently flicking against your hardened nubs and making you sigh in complete delight. He gave your breasts equal attention before moving down your stomach, the lightness of his lips tickling your stomach. 
Poe’s fingers dipped into the waistband of your underwear and his eyes connecting with yours looking for the ‘okay’. With a sure nod of your head, he tugged them down your legs and tossed them into the growing pile of clothes on the floor. His fingers curled around the bend of your knee, lips connecting to the spot next to your kneecap and moving upward. His lips ghosted up your thigh, breath hot against you and long eyelashes tickling your skin as his warm breath hit your slick folds. He pressed a kiss against you, a quiet gasp falling from your lips when his tongue ran along you up to your clit. Your hands flew to his hair, a quiet “fuck” mumbled breathlessly and you briefly wondered if it would be selfish of you to ask him to stay between your legs for the rest of the night. 
He grabbed one of the hands that was in his hair and brought it down to rest against your lower stomach, fingers tangling together as he held your hips still while he worked his tongue against you. He sucked your clit between his lips, a high-pitched whine escaping you as you squeezed his hand. 
“Poe, please…” Your voice was breathy, like all the air had been sucked out of your lungs. A light tug on his hair made Poe move back up your body, leaving chaste kisses all over you until he hovered over you, chest pressed against yours and his cock nestled against the juncture of your legs. He brought your hands up next to your head, holding them down with light pressure. You breathed heavily, eyes raking over his face from the shine of your arousal on his lips and the slope of his nose to the crinkle of his eyes. “I need you.”
His dark hooded eyes took you in, the pink tint of your flushed skin and the way your lips were swollen from being consumed by his. He had completely melted you into a puddle. He let go of your hand to line himself up to your entrance, his eyes never leaving your face. You leaned up and brushed your lips over his as his forehead came down to rest against yours. He pushed inside you slowly, a quiet moan coming from your throat as he settled inside you. He held still to let you adjust around him, his hand coming up to brush the hair out of your face. 
“Fuck, I miss you,” he whispered as he started to move, his hips rocking into you with a tenderness you hadn’t experienced with him before. A quiet gasp fell from your lips, eyes fluttering shut at the sensation. Your arm escaped his grasp above your head to wrap itself around his neck. 
Poe brought his lips down to yours, swallowing every noise you made as he kissed you deeply and slowly, the pace of his thrusts deep and deliberate. His hands ran over your body, already familiar with every curve and every place that drove you wild. Poe connected his lips to your neck, gently sucking reminders of your night across your neck and collarbone. He drove his hips into yours, the movements deep and precise and you felt like he could push you straight through the mattress. 
If he did, you’d hold him tight and drag him down with you.
You put a hand on his chest and he stilled, looking down at you. You gave him a knowing smile as you pushed against him lightly. He smiled and wrapped his arms around you as started to sit up, sitting back and pulling you into his lap. Your hands rested on the side of his neck as you ground your hips against his, the new angle sending ripples of pleasure through your bodies. Soft moans left your lips as Poe guided you up and down his cock with his hands on your hips, his own sounds against your skin making you shiver. You threw your head back, whispered praises from Poe said against your chest. 
He met the movement of your hips, the angle making his cock brush against that spot inside you with each thrust. You clenched around him, the warm feeling in the pit of your stomach beginning to form. Poe kissed up from your chest to your neck, nuzzling his nose against it and letting his teeth gently scrape the outline of your pulse point. 
“Baby…” Poe formed the word against your skin, tears pricking your eyes at the affection behind it. “Let go, I’ve got you.”
Neither of you were going to last long but the amount you cared about it was very little. You wanted it to last, but you also craved the way he made you fall apart, and you knew it would be the first of many rounds that night. Poe claimed your mouth for the hundredth time that night, another kiss of many more to come, before kissing back down your neck to your shoulder. You held him close as you fell over the edge, your whole body trembling and the the rush of your orgasm almost making you cry from the flurry of emotions you felt at that moment. Poe grunted into your shoulder, his breath hot against you as he came, stilling his movements and holding your waist tightly as he spilled inside you.
You felt like you ceased to exist, as if you had come together in the throes of pleasure and become one. 
Neither of you spoke, both of you too afraid of blurting out your shared secret. So you kissed him. You let your lips say the words you were scared to say, but you felt them. Oh, did you feel them. Poe held you impossibly close, as though he could absorb every part of you and take you back with him. His fingertips ghosted up your spine and you rested your forehead against his, breathing the same air as the euphoric high settled into a dream like haze. 
You stayed in that position until you couldn’t, the call of the bed beneath you becoming too great to ignore. Poe laid back, bringing you with so you laid on top of his chest, completely relaxed and moving your head between resting your chin on his chest to look at him and laying your cheek against his beating heart. He stayed inside of you and stroked your hair, neither one of you in any hurry to move. 
You were mostly quiet, too busy basking in each others company to have in depth conversations. Any conversations you did have ended in laughter and the swapping of kisses, limbs tangled together as you held each other as close as you could. Once again, you and Poe fought off sleep as long as you could, dreading the coming of daybreak when you’d have to part until the next time you’d be able to see each other…whenever that would be. 
But you still had that night and while you couldn’t bring yourself to say the actual words, you’d show Poe just how much you loved him over and over again. 
taglist [open!] - @ah-callie @darksideofclarke @gloomygoregirl @leilei-draws @imaginecrushes @i-ievu @brianamaree @yeeintensifies @spider-starry @krazykatkay456 @fanfiction-trashpile @afootnoteinyourhappiness @easterncryptid @my-child-gaara @myrandom-fandomlife @onebatch--twobatch @the-cry-of-youth @p3nny4urth0ught5 @porgiez @galaxy-of-stories @seeking-a-great--perhaps @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @dameronsgalaxygal @mserynlarsen @yougottakeeponkeepinon @linibirdimagine @goddamndameron @starrykitn @cloud-leader @damnyoudameron @liadamerondjarin @april-14-blog @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol
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Imagine buying a body pillow case of your fave character and it turning into the actual character.
Bokuto Kotaro x reader smut.
Body Pillow
I light candles around the room. Tonight is a very special night. It’s my birthday night. This day has been really perfect. I hung out with friends, they treated me to dinner and entertainment. They made me nearly forget about tonight’s actual celebration. I pulled out the Amazon box that I had tucked under my bed and finally opened it. I closed my eyes praying it was my birthday order and not some other order I forgot about. I peeked open my eyes and squealed. I saw Bokuto’s face smiling and a brand new vibrator. I pulled out the pillow case and immediately stuffed it over the satin case that’s already over my body pillow. I leaned him against my head board and went to tear open the new vibrator. I immediately charged it and looked around. You deserve this. Yes the hell I do. I picked up my phone and shut it off, I don’t want any interruptions. I then went into my draws and pulled out my new lingerie and ran to the bathroom to get in the shower. I shaved nearly every inch of my body, even my anus too. After my shower I put on lotion and coconut oil.l, to make me smooth. I used Shea butter on my bare areas. I came out the bathroom and tossed my towel on the side of my bed. Just in case I need it later. I check the vibrator and it was working pretty well. I unplugged it and started my night. I climbed over my new pillow, looking at every crease and fixing them. His body looked nearly real, nearly. My hands rubbed against his flat silky chest. My hips started to move too. I was grinding over the pillow, the new thong I brought now tugs at my clit when I move and I let out little huffs as a result of the smooth friction. I reached for the vibrator and turned it on. Changing through the different pleasure options. I settled on a constant vibration, a masturbation classic. I moved my thong to the side and gently placed the silicon toy on my clit. I jumped at the contact. I put the vibrator on my clit again and my legs shook a little. “Oh,” I said unconsciously. I rubbed the toy up and down until it touched a area that had my legs wanting to wobble. “Ah! Hmm!” I let out little high pitched moans and bit my bottom lip to stop me from getting too loud. My stomach caved and I squeezed my eyes shut. My body collapsed backwards onto the bed. I raised my legs and literally gave my pillow a view from the south. My legs were spread and the vibrator still on my clit as I shuddered from the toy. As if a gust of wind came in my room, which is impossible since all my windows are closed so is my door, all the candles went out. It was pitch black for a second before they lit back up again. But I was too busy chasing an orgasm as I had my eyes shut tight to even notice. “AhhH Bo!” I let out a strangled moan calling out his name. I gasped sharply when I felt something pull me. I opened my eyes a little and saw his head eyeing my vagina. Who? Bokuto dumby. He had his arms wrapped around my thighs as he stared at my clenching hole. “You’re really leaking.” I blinked and he was still there. “B-bo?” I stuttered. When his eyes looked up at me I instantly orgasmed. My eyes rolled back and my hips bucked in his face. I cried as he watched me descend from the high I climbed. I quickly removed the vibrator so I wouldn’t overstimulate myself. Bokuto’s hands held my thighs tightly as he ducked his head and sucked my my clit. I squeaked and he chuckled against my sensitive nub. “No, stop!” I pushed his head but it didn’t do anything except make him growl. His eyes were closed as he literally made out with my clit. “S-stop! ‘S too mu- Ahh!~” I moaned out during my next orgasm. He slowly let my hips hit the bed as I bucked against his tongue. He left my vagina with a long lick and kissed my pelvis. “You are the most beautiful girl in the world. I could watch you cum 24/7.” He trailed his kisses up my body. I covered my face embarrassed that this is really happening and I’m letting it. I mean I daydream about this man everyday, I prayed a man like him would come into my life and here he is. The man himself.
I watched him kiss my nipples and play with them in his hands and mouth from under my hands. “Bokuto?” I called for him. Turning my head to the side, afraid of making eye contact with him. “Look at me.” He said. I glanced at him from the side of my eyes. His lips still kissing my flesh. “You can do better. I want to see your whole face, beautiful.” He lifted his body and towered over me his hands caging me in. I turned my head fully, and stared into his golden eyes. His stare was intense but it filled me with a nice sensation. Like he was shouting “I LOVE YOU!” through his eyes. His lips tugged into a smile. “Can I?” I pointed down to his erection. His shorts weren’t high enough to cover the tip that was sticking out and leaking cum on me. “By all means baby. Just be gentle with me.” He kissed my cheek and leaned back. I followed and laid on my stomach. “Damn your ass is fat.” His long arm swatted my left cheek and it jiggled. The he did the same to the right, and soon he started to just make it bounce in his hands. I pulled his shorts down as he was occupied and his member continued to leak out small beads of cum. I stuck my tongue out and caught a dripping bead and used my left hand to push him back into his spine as I tried to catch all the cum on my tongue while pulling myself up enough to engulf his huge erection into my mouth. His hands went back to touching me though. One hand hooked the back of my neck while the other pushed my hair up trying to help me keep my hair out of way. He slowly helped me sink further down his shaft. My lips passed the tip and I started gagging when he pushed my head down more. “It’s ok, just breathe through your nose.” I pulled back suddenly and coughed. “Oh baby. We can stop if you-“ “NO! I wanna make you cum just like you did me.” I interrupted him. My hands wiped the saliva from the tip of his dick down the shaft and I drooled over my hands making them more slippery and wet as he moaned from my stroking. “Ahh ha, just like that. C’mere!” He pulled my bra and kissed my lips. His other hand squeezed my ass and gave my butt a hard slap. I yelped into his mouth, he soothed the pain away by massaging my bum. His hips jerked a couple of times. I used one hand to find the vibrator as we continued to kiss and I continued to give him a handjob. When my fingers brushed across the toy I immediately placed it on the tip of his dick. He didn’t seem to care or know what it was. I clicked the vibrator on and he moaned loudly. “FUUUCK! Don’t stop!” His hand gripped my wrist and helped me pump him faster. He stared at me as groaned, a hand clutching my hair forcing me to look at him as he was about to climax. “Can’t wait to fuck you stupid. Make you dumb for my cock. Ahh oh princess!” His hips stuttered as he came all over me. I watched as ropes of his cum landed on my stomach, breast and thighs. He yanked my head back and crushed his lips on mine. He pulled me back as he climbed on me. Using his other hand to push up one of my thighs and angle me. “Bokuto, I’ve never d-“ he shut me up with a chaste kiss. “I know. Trust me I’ll make sure you love it dirty girl. You’ve treated me so well now I want to make sure you see stars.” He aligned himself and my breath hitched. Was I ready for this? I gave him a scared look and he smiled at me, reassuringly. “Tell me when to stop.” He pushed against my vagina and I felt the tip trying to squeeze its way in. I hissed at the feeling of him slowly tearing me apart. He slowly dropped his weight on me, trying to keep me from moving away. I clutched sheets with all my strength trying to ignore the pain. Bokuto planted kisses on my jaw. I whined and let out tiny cries. The further he pushed in the thicker he got and the harder it was for him to fully be inside me. “I know I know.” Do you fucking know?! I yelled in my head. He entangled his hands in mine and placed them above my head. “You’re doing so well. I’m almost in.” He sat up, leaning his weight on my hands and his knees. I stared at him in awe, taking in every inch of his body as he was becoming one with me.
Suddenly his hips thrusted forward. Pushing the rest of his dick in me. I cried and felt a terrible sting at my vagina. I tried to pull my hands out of his but he was too strong. “Shh shh shh. It’s over now. Give me a kiss.” He kissed me but I moved my head and continued crying. “It hurts!” I yelled at him. Each move of my hip rekindled the pain and I kept on crying. He leaned in my ear and whispered, “forgive me.” His hips raised and slowly came back down. His hips moved up and down, sliding his dick in and out of me. “Bokuto, please wait.” I pleaded. “It’ll feel better I promise.” His hips kept moving slowly. He kissed my neck as his dick made my vagina puffy and sensitive. “You have no idea how amazing you feel. Your pussy wraps around my cock so perfectly. Such a good girl for me. You’re taking me so well, so proud of my big girl. I love you YN, I love you so much. Feel good with me.” He said into my neck before sitting up to stare down at me as I tried to hold back my cries. He began to drag his hips against mine. His pubic hair brushing against my clit making me clench around him. “Moan for me. Say my name, I wanna hear you.” He commanded. I bit the insides of my lips and held back my lewd sounds because, why not? He grinned at me sadistically and removed his hands from my wrist. His hips stopped moving, halting his thrusts. His nails raked down my breast, even scratching my areolas, and down my belly making me suck in my gut and shudder. His hands settled on my hips and held me tightly. His hips quickly clapped against mine making them slap loudly. I let out a moan/groan from his thrust. Each slap made me wetter from the sound alone, it was so erotic. I kept groaning between my teeth as he repeated his assaults on my gentals. His dick was hitting what I assumed to be my cervix. It hurt so nicely, I nearly let out an actual moan from it. My voice picking up pitch. I shut my eyes trying not to moan like a porn star but it was getting harder and harder. I felt myself melting more and more. My eyes, half lidded and clouded with lust. My hands held the sheets in a tight grip, my knuckles nearly turning white. “My my, I seem to have a very stubborn little puppy.” He laughed. His pace was slow but hard. One of his hands lift up one of my thighs. He kissed my leg and sucked on some of my fatty flesh. “Oh, look at that face. You like me kissing your body? Do you like being worshiped physically? I can do much more for you, I just need you to say so. Beg for my touch I promise it’ll be worth your wild.” I stubbornly reached to touch my clit but he slapped my arm away. I tried again and he smacked my hand again. He stared at me, eyes full of impatience. I’m sure he wanted to threaten me, or force me to actually beg. But he just waited it out, mentally timing how long it would take for me to give in. I couldn’t handle his eyes anymore, they were getting too intense. So I started begging, with my eyes. He didn’t like that though. His hand quickly grabbed my neck, squeezing with two fingers under my jaw. My eyes rolled back and I finally let out a moan. “Ahh Kotaro! Please! Touch me please!” I yelled, hands gripping his wrist and body rocking with his thrusts. My bed hit the wall every time our hips collided. “Oh now you want to speak?” His hips came down pretty harshly. Sending sharp pain throughout my body making me babble bull shit and moan out ridiculously. “Kotaro! Oh fuck! Slow!- Down!” He didn’t stop though. He had me drunk in lust and pleasure. Drowning in a sea of my juice. “Damn baby. You gonna cum?” His other hand went to flick my clit with his thumb. My body spasmed, I couldn’t handle the sensitivity. Nearing my next climax he slowed down. He put all his weight on me and pushed my thighs to my torso, trapping me under him in a mating press. The position had him hitting my cervix more. He pushed three fingers in my mouth and his other hand flicked my clit. He raised his hips high and quickly dropped them, a scream erupted from my mouth. He did the same thing again, my cervix now feeling abused too much.
My vagina felt swollen. Abused. Weird. I screamed in his ear but he ignored it as he pumped deeply inside me. Pushing my walls apart with each insertion of his dick. “Kotaro,” I whispered his name. It being barely audible to him because of his fingers. “Come with me! You’re taking me like such a good girl. Oh fuck yeah! I’m going to fill that womb up! Fuck! Fuck! Shit!” My eyes crossed as he got rougher. He felt my walls pulsing around him. His tip giving my cervix a hard pounding. My nails raked down his back. Leaving huge red scars down his shoulders and spine. He groaned from my finger nails clawing him. He bit down on my shoulder and as if things couldn’t get better I felt a snap in me and so much pleasure washed over my body. I bit his fingers and he gave me harder thrusts in return. This man was unbelievable. My toes curled and my thighs were about to get a cramp. His hips stopped and he clenched his teeth. Pushing in further as he came inside me. “You’re squeezing everything out of me.” He pulled out and ran out of my room. I felt so sore. It hurt to put my legs down and I was too weak to even move. My mind too clouded to even wonder where he went. I felt wrecked. My eyes were slowly closing as I stared at the ceiling. It was hard to stay awake, but I wanted to wait for him. I wanted to see him again. I want him to hold me. I fought the impending fatigue that was plaging my whole body. When I heard my door open, I wanted to turn my head but I couldn’t even move my neck. His lips pecked my cheek and his hand played in my hair. I wished I wasn’t dreaming. His arms scooped me up and moved me further into the bed. He laid beside me and sling an arm over my body. He gave me a final kiss good night and my eyes shut finally. My subconscious dreaded the wait to the morning. I didn’t want to wake up next to a pillow.
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