#these songs are amazing give it a listen!
siddyyyyyyyy · 3 days
Pretty Saviour
Dick Grayson x Metalhead!Reader
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wc: 1.2 K summary: You save Nightwing and Batman one night in a close call, being stuck with Dick forever warnings: fluff, none, no y/n used a/n: (divider), i know that pic is probably overused but i'm still weak for it.
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Ever since you‘ve spontaniously patrolled a new route in your neighbourhood and miraciously saved Nightwing and Batman, that blue bird has been attached by your hip. It‘s not like he annoys you, but sometimes you start to prefer the black bat rather than the overly happy-sunshine vigilante.
Like now, talking your ears off about his favourite band he used to listen to in his angsty teenage years. You don‘t interrupt him, not wanting to make him feel bad about getting some small facts wrong since that band is the most mainstream rock band you have ever seen and heard.
To avoid his constant yapping, you‘ve tried to change your patrol route completely, but it‘s no use. He always finds you and claims it‘s just ‚a lucky coincidence‘.
In reality, Dick has been completely smitten over you from the moment he saw you effortlessly take down several men in front of him who were about to kick his ass. You saved Batman‘s ass too, but he refuses to acknowledge either that fact or you.
Eventually, he continues to talk on and on about that super-cool and ultra-heavy band, really just making you smirk in amusement. There is no need for music at work when you have a walking podcast following you around and helping you take down muggers together with insanely impressive acrobatic skills. You still wonder how his bones move like that, because there‘s no way a normal human being is capable of the same things he does.
But he is just as amazed by you at the same time, always staring as subtly as he can, wanting to take in every detail of your unique suit and accessories you wear with it. Yes, he never saw your face before, but he is in love. It‘s gotten to that point where even Alfred awaits you for dinner any day.
At the moment, he is crouching down beside you at the edge of the rooftop, keeping watch over a troublesome area in this part of the neighbourhood. He glances at you every so often, finally catching a glimpse of your ear under your shagged hair. Dick keeps his eyes on the shiny piercings, eyes widening once he spots the stretched earlobe. It‘s not much, but adds an even extremer look to everything else.
»Woah, you have stretched ears?«
You share a glance at him, tucking some hair behind your ear for him to see better.
»Just noticed?«
He gives you a goofy smile in return and reaches up to lightly touch it, admiring the plug you have in it. It‘s shiny in the moonlight, seeing the spiral design on it. Dick smiles softly at it, keeping his eyes on you while poking it gently.
He sounds like an amazed child who sees the ninja turtles for the first time. It‘s amusing and also flattering to know that someone as big and strong thinks you are cool.
The patrols always have some kind of routine between the two of you. You both take a break at some point, making him discover another small detail about you and asking questions for the rest of the few hours. He has also learnt about the bands you listen to from your various pins and patches on your vest, listening to some of their songs once he gets back home. Just to expand his music taste and playlist, of course.
But he won‘t lie; he loves every single detail and fact about you, likes how casual you are when explaining new stuff to him, or gets into your element if he luckily asks you about an interesting topic. Like, the evolution of the emo and metal scene throughout the years. It‘s as if you get even more passionate talking about those than beating and locking up criminals.
Dick has learned a lot from you already, considering himself an expert at this point because of how detailed you explain certain topics and bands to him. Even his brothers know some stuff about certain bands because he can‘t stop talking about you around them. Every time you aren‘t around, he misses you a lot more than he‘d like. It‘s a shame you haven‘t exchanged any kind of socials or numbers because of your safety. This is one thing he is starting to hate every day more and more about you. The fact that he can‘t contact you in any way is humiliatingly sad.
And every once in a while, he gets you small gifts. Such as new pins of that one band you once mentioned to him, new ear plugs with a cool design, and silly stickers he knows you‘ll like.
You have a total of fifteen pins, four pairs of new gauges for your ears, and an endless amount of stickers because they‘re too easy to find. All from Dick, from the past month.
These gifts and the way he always listens and remembers details about your interests make you fall harder and harder for him. At first, you didn‘t really see the appeal of him. But now, hanging out with him unwillingly, has shown you just how cute and attentive he really is. You even got him a shirt of his own favourite band one day, and it seemed like he would drop down to one knee and propose at any moment. But he held himself back, he still has some self-control after all.
Once he noticed the new style in your hair, he really tried to think of ways on how to impress you in more ways than knowledge. He tried to convince Alfred to dye his hair blue, or at least get some stripes into it, but he refused, saying he shouldn‘t make impulsive decisions like that. But once Dick mentioned it‘s because you got these silly stripes and racoon tails in your hair, he teased him for the rest of the evening of his painfully obvious crush.
»I just like their style!«
»That‘s what you have been telling us for the past three months.«
And it went on with Dick showing you endless tricks and athletics, explaining the theory of each move and how to not break your neck while doing so. You are impressed by his skills, it feels like being children again, showing each other what cool stuff you know and are able to do, getting still impressed by the easiest and normal stuff.
You both go on bike rides together from time to time, competing sometimes as well. He is able to do wheelies, but that‘s a little too dangerous for you to copy.
Eventually, your friendship got really close after those three months of patrolling together and sharing knowledge with each other, of Dick making a fool of himself just to impress you in some way, and endless small gifts.
Despite everything, you‘re trying to keep it professional with him some way. But it doesn‘t help when he is using every single opportunity to touch or stay close to you. It‘s not like you are complaining, you secretly enjoy him being more touchy and sweet to you. You mostly mask it with being playful and pretending to not get the subtle hints he is dropping at you.
There‘s still some sort of trust you have to gain from him in order for you to reveal your identity to him, even when he is smart enough to find it out himself. But he won‘t do it, both in respect towards you and in hopes you will actually trust him enough some time to reveal yourself.
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a/n: an open ending, how original. anyway, hope you enjoyed it!!
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head---ache · 2 days
yknow what since its chiles national holidays (fiestas patrias tikitikití) lemme share with you some chilean music tehee
Francisca Valenzuela.
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One of my faves!! I grew up listening to her and still love her so much. I got to see her live somewhere around 2018-2019 and it was such a great experience!! She's a fabulous songwriter with really nice vocals<3 Also she's currently pregnant so thats a fun fact!!
this was my fav song as a kid^
Los Prisioneros.
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One of the most influential bands in Chile! Especially from the 80's. Today they're the chilean equivalent of dad rock, which is cool. Back in their day, they openly spoke against the active dictatorship in Chile, and other issues, such as mysoginy and capitalism.
the intro of this song recently became a mini-trend on tiktok^
Mon Laferte.
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One of the biggest chilean artists at the moment! She has amazing vocals and songs that reach the hearts of many. Wonderful songwriting with an equally powerful voice! Totally worth it giving her a chance!
Chico Trujillo.
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The soundtrack of every fiestas patrias! I grew up with his music and honestly? Still just as fun. Really, if you're not listening to him during your parties, what are you even doing?
Anita Tijoux.
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Another wonderful songwriter. She's an amazing rapper with a very respectable flow and lyrics. If you want to give latinamerican rap a chance, I totally recommend giving her a listen.
31 Minutos.
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Listen, 31 Minutos is a kid's show, but don't let that deter you from giving the music a listen! These fun songs are enjoyed by multiple generations in Chile. I just happened to be born in the generation that grew up watching 31 Minutos, and still look back at it with a lot of fondness. But really, what makes the show as good as it is, is the music.
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Recently discovered by the extended public thanks to her cooperation with another popular chilean band, Los Bunkers (who even if they arent on this list, you should still listen to), as their (temporary) live drummer. Everyone seems to think she only plays drums, but no! She has her own music! And it's really nice!!
And that's it! Really, I'm only making this post because I love talking about artists I like tehee. I hope you enjoy them!!
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hwnglx · 22 hours
that shuffled song is cute, what a plot twist. the lyrics do fit. this reading was quite extensive though, he has so much depth to his personality.
lee know's real personality behind the scenes
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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shuffled song: sunshine by stray kids
+ lee know is an incredibly independent guy. he seems to have overcome a good amount of hardship in the past, which has equipped him with this profound ability to heal himself, and led to him being pretty self-reliant. he's always been sensitive, still is sensitive; but good at handling it now. he's an example of someone who took the pain in his life, and has been able to turn it into a valuable lesson for himself. not only that, the things he went through shaped him into a person full of wisdom and depth, who has a good understanding of life. i can see him giving valuable advice to people, and being this person you can comfortably seek in times of tribulation.
he is an amazing listener as well. people feel comfortable talking to him about anything, really. he's someone who's good at attuning himself and his energy to people's specific needs, which can make him very pleasant to be around.
hugely perfectionistic. lee know is the type of person who works quietly but puts in consistent effort. i got reminded of when skz filmed their survival show back in the day, and lee know got eliminated. even after dropping out, he continued to practice tirelessly by himself. that seems to be a good reflection of the type of hardworker he is behind closed doors. he holds himself to insanely high standards, and wants to continue discovering an even better and improved version of himself all the time; especially in regards to his career. he isn't the type to work for other people's approval and crave their validation, but moreso his own satisfaction and fulfilment. he feels his best when he's able to conquer challenges with his own strength, and isn't dependent on anyone's assistance.
there is this very slow-moving and patient energy to him, where he isn't impulsive and doesn't rush into things. he makes sure he contemplates his actions several times before actually going through with them. this makes him a considerate guy who respects people's boundaries. the people he surrounds himself with, lee know choses wisely and carefully. he won't just give his precious time to anyone. but the people he does spend it with, he cherishes dearly.
this is so interesting, because on the one hand he can give off this immensely individualistic energy, where he just kinda lives in his own world to his own accord, yet on the other hand, he's someone who deeply values the handful of people he's close to. there is this nurturing and loyal side of lee know only the ones close to him could tell you about. he puts a lot of importance into looking after his intimate circle of friends and family, and making sure they feel cared for.
- lee know is quite conventional and more traditional in his views. i don't necessarily see him being judgemental or condemning things or people different to him out of malice, he just consciously rejects them for himself since they're so foreign to him. he prefers staying in his own bubble and living the lifestyle he's already familiar with and accustomed to. he hates when people stick their nose in his business though, or pretend they have a say in his life. he lives his life based on his own beliefs, values and desires, and will get genuinely annoyed if someone pretends they know what's good for him.
his caution can also go to extremes sometimes. he's the type of person to only invest energy into something, when he himself sees substantial benefit behind it. if something feels empty to him, he won't entertain it any longer. he also seems to be a person who doesn't enjoy the feeling of regret, it just seems to kinda linger in him and nag at him for a while, which is why he's extra careful about how he proceeds in several areas of life. even if, let's say he has this seed of an idea for something in his head; it's likely he won't always bravely go forward with it, out of fear of it potentially going wrong. he's hesitant to take any risks out of fear of losing his grip on what he's built till now. almost like he has this house of cards, and is trying to hold back any wind from making it fall down.
lee know is a person who doesn't enjoy displaying his negative and more self-deprecating emotions (like self-doubt, lack of confidence, insecurity or regret) externally and can therefore be prone to swallowing them, and internalizing them. this can lead to them potentially coming up in a more rash and stronger manner later on.
he will not hold back if you manage to provoke him, or rub him the wrong way. in general he actively avoids conflict or drama, but if he catches someone intentionally sticking a dagger in him, he won't be the type to just stay silent. he can get very offensive and blunt, his words can get sharp as a knife, they're often quite hurtful. (very scorpio mercury thing) he just knows how to push people's buttons. he's excellent at reading people, and has a quick wit. so he'll probably have your vulnerable spots already all figured out before you even know it, and hit you at places he knows will trigger you.
a lot of this seems to stem from him just being on guard a lot. he doesn't wanna get hurt, so if a person manages to make him feel threatened, he's likely to go into verbal offense mode out of self protection. i just heard “hurt people hurt people”. as mentioned before, he's gone through his fair share of struggle until now. reason why he seems extra protective of his peace at this point in time.
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itzynabi · 2 days
nasan making us look like idiots
warnings: none that i can think of
an: to that one anon who asked about this... this is for you! feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💐
nabi’s masterlist
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clip one: 210306 music core interview
nabi and lee know were introducing ateez and talking to some of the members
throughout this san was staring at eve with heart eyes
nabi: san-ssi, please can you demonstrate some of the choreo for us
the way everyone was standing staring at the camera like 🧍‍♂️😀 waiting for san
nabi turned around to find san staring at her fondly
the eyes were very much so hearts
this man wasn’t paying attention and yeosang had to nudge him 😭😭
clip two: mama 2023
this clip was taken during ateez’s performance when san took off his shirt
nabi immediately averted her gaze and took a sudden interest in the architecture of the venue, looking at the roof
sakura was laughing at her and nabi was even pointing at the ceiling, marvelling at the detail
the clip was posted by a nabi fansite after nasan was made public and the caption was “this explains her reaction”
clip three: eternal sunshine vs deja vu
they were both so giggly it was actually cute
and wooyoung was just there like 🧍🏻
we all know that nabi doesn’t care all that much for sexy concepts, so when san told her that eternal sunshine was a refreshing concept, she immediately chose it
but san had to remind her to listen to both songs
the entire time, he was staring at her with heart eyes
during hongjoong’s “okay cheese” line, she held up a peace sign
and san giggled
by the last chorus she was dancing along to the choreography
and she voted eternal sunshine obvi but wooyoung forced her to watch deja vu
she stayed loyal to eternal sunshine bcs it was right up her alley
then san suddenly said he also really liked eternal sunshine
and wooyoung was just there like “that’s not what you were saying yesterday 🤨🤨 what made you change your mind? 😏😏🤭”
and san just blushed and mumbled cutely
then he told atinys to check out itzy’s comeback
but the entire video he was just staring at nabi and whenever they made eye contact, he’d smile a little
clip four: 1n2d itzy in namyangju part 2
it was during the random play dance and bouncy started playing
chaeryeong: nabi unnie knows this dance 🤭
yuna: she knows it really well 😏
and they all stepped back to let nabi dance to it by herself 😭😭😭
whole time she was just blushing
when the video got posted, fans didn’t really understand why the members were teasing her but they found out eventually
clip five: that’s so evie episode 13
this was peak nasan content tbh
for their episode they made scented candles (which has nothing to do with the comeback but name one person who cares🤨🤨🤨)
arguably the best moment was when san was picking his svent perfume for his candle and he said “this one smells like you” and then used that scent
yunho quickly jumped in to make it casual and said he would also choose one that smelled like the amazing host
and then san started sulking
san: you should do a different scent
yunho, trying to make sure no scandals occur: we. will. both. choose. scents. that. smell. like. her. 😁
and then at some point in the background of the video you could hear san say “biyah”
it’s honestly a bit surprising that nabi did a good job at pretending that her and san were nothing more than close friends
she even controlled her facial expressions for the first time in her life
give her a round if applause everyone
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tagging: @seolboba // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea // @smh-anon // @alixnsuperstxr // @cosmicwintr // @girlzwfun // @txt-yaomi // @vhsdolly [send as ask of dm to be added to or removed from the taglist]
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©️ kim nabi
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jullythevamp · 3 months
giving k-pop songs to interview with the vampire characters
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midas touch - kiss of life
lipstick - nct 127
naughty - red velvet (irene & seulgi)
baby don't stop - nct u
i am the best - 2ne1
dejavu - ateez
lucid dream - aespa
levanter - stray kids
off the record - ive
oh my god - gidle
28 reasons - seulgi
monster - exo
black mirror - kai
run away - itzy (ryujin)
full moon - sunmi
mr. vampire - itzy
un village - baekhyun
overdose - exo
whiplash - nct 127
taste - stray kids (lee know, hyunjin, felix)
icy - itzy
all of stayc's discography
oh! my mistake - april
picky picky - weki meki
impurities - lesserafim
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catliker49 · 7 months
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AAAHHH I am going insane! I have been finding it So difficult to think of things to draw so I may not post as much!! I apologise!
The outfit in this was based off of an Animal Crossing outfit Clown had posted for Wally a little while ago! I messed around with it a Little bit, haha!
I am still working on a style I like also! So expect a lot of changes!
Oooh... I have been thinking of drawing Eddie and Frank together at some point though! I also would really like to make a mini.. storybook type panel.. thingy mabobby.. I'm sure someone understands what I mean!!
I might post some sketches of what I do!!
Thank you so so much for the continuing support!! It really does make me Happy seeing tags people put on their reblogs!! AAH! I am so so Happy!! Thank you thank you thank you!!
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xviruserrorx · 6 months
Something that The Amazing Devil does so beautiful is that even though a lot of their songs are very wordy they don't rush or skip over the rests in-between. And my favorite examples of this are Elsa's Song and Old Witch Sleep/Good Man Grace, because in old with/good man the beggining is so nice because they put so much pauses between each phrase and even parts like the "Sleep now, oh, she said" there is this smallest rest between the "Now" and "Oh" and it's so subtle but if you don't do that rest it's very very noticeable because your just slurring these two (almost) very short phrases of their own. Then in Elsa's Song l love how the tempo and when they come in, is almost dragging, they are coming in at the very last second of the beat and it makes the tone of the song so so so good
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emily-mooon · 6 months
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So honey take me by the hand, and we can sign some papers
Forget the invitations, floral arrangements, and breadmakers!
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thought about how some of Jhariahs songs would be perfect for some tma animations and found this
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I mean...
(the song is "RISK, RISK, RISK!" btw I can't figure out how to properly add a Spotify link)
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aphicidi0 · 23 days
i lovelovelovelovelovelovelove matt maltese
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when the stupendium described figuring out your trans identity as "exploring what it means to be you when you find that maybe there's more 'you' than you thought". they were insane for that
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mollymarymarie · 10 months
I need you to know that Dear Your Holiness is my #7 most listened to song on spotify wrapped, and Comfortably Numb is #11, both because of your fic playlist! 😂
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p4nishers · 1 year
can we actually take a moment and remember swan upon leda? can we actually shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down and think about our lord and savior swan upon leda because i'm tired of doing it alone every single day guys
#the title itself!!! THE FUCKING TITLE#swan UPON leda#god he's an actual genius THANK U HOZIER SO FUCKING MUCH#i hate how that myth is portrayed and received and objectified bc they make it out to be such a funny little chuckle story like 'hahaha led#is SO easy that she fell for a swan isn't that actually the funniest thing you've ever heard omg like women are literally so easy to please#whatever whatever blahblahblah yes that's fucking hilarious matthew thank u SO much for that absolutely fascinating commentary on a women#getting raped by a god really truly an amazing insight into ur pea fucking brain#like fuck sorry but i just absolutely despises how this myth is made out to be and i remember learning abt it in class and being literally#nauseated bc guess fucking what it's literally not hard to understand wtf is happening and while u r laughing away about i repeat a WOMEN#getting RAPED some fucking of us have brain enough to be mortified#jesus ANYWAY#hozier dropped that song after roe v wade was over turned and i just i love him so fucking much he cares SO MUCH and before anything else#he's an activist and he actually gives a shit about women's rights and he dropped this song as a comfort as something to hold onto but also#as a social commentary and he linked charities and resources to help women and keep them safe and this song just means everything to me#bc greek mythology often gets reduced to children stories bc most ppl know myths from children books and obviously a book for kids not gonn#outloud say the word rape or even imply that that's what's happening and that's fine ig but bc so many ppl know it from there it gets#reduces to a joke and a raped women gets ridiculed but hozier actually took one of the few poems about leda being raped and it being a rape#at all and made it into a song during a time that was so traumatizing for ever afab person in the world basically and it just says 'i see#you i see what you're going through and i'm listening and i actually care and i want to help you' and he's helping by writing a song yes bc#he's spreading the word that way bc that's how movements are spread and people listen to him when he's singing and that's how he helps and#i did i mention that i love him? bc i'd actually do anything for him and to meet him and tell him how much he fucking means to me#the line that always gets me is 'a crying CHILD pushes a CHILD into the night' bc yes she was a fucking child who had to deliver 4 KIDS BC#AN ASSHOLE DECIDED SHE WAS PRETTY ENOUGH TO FUCK and nobody ever cares that she was just a child and her child helen was just a child when#she was abducted and raped and impregnated (JUST LIKE HER MOTHER) by theseus a supposed great hero and im genuinely sick she was just a#child like so many women or girls in greek mythology and ik it was a different time back then or wtv but they were just GIRLS and nobody#cared about that or cares now. but this song does.#bc of course it does it's hozier.#hozier#swan upon leda
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oh so that's what's gonna give me the strength to survive the rest of the semester
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cadaverette · 10 months
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