#these kinds of messages are fun to answer. feel free to send me any ships like this though I apologise in advance if I don't answer
wellship · 1 year
I love youuu hope youre having a great day <33 also thoughts on sanlu as a ship?
I really like SanLu! They were not on my radar much until some friends started shipping them and that made me understand their appeal... I don't really ship them until after the timeskip (pretty much same as SanUso) but I think they're very sweet. There's something appealing about their dynamic - Sanji with his self-worth issues, and Luffy who loves everyone and all his crew members, but still loving Sanji most specially of all... Whole Cake Island makes SanLu EXTREMELY shippable haha. Sanji has only ever wanted to cook for the people he loves and he found a captain who doesn't want to eat anyone else's cooking for the rest of his life!!
Also for a chef who would rather die than waste food, there's something cute about him ending up with a guy who has an almost bottomless stomach and who will eat any disaster... Sanji can probably experiment so much more in the kitchen knowing that even if it turns out weird, Luffy will still eat it all and nothing will get wasted LOL. Zero waste chef X garbage disposal boyfriend OTP ♥
I think due to his trauma, Sanji can be a very emotionally needy person in a relationship, which might cause issues in with other people, especially if they have their own emotional hangups (like Zoro or Usopp). And obviously it's best for Sanji to address his emotional needs properly and unpack his trauma... but in the short term, it's also just very comforting and refreshing to see him with someone who has literally endless love and time and attention to give. Where Zoro might get annoyed or Usopp might get anxious because Sanji is in a "why would you even love me" spiral, Luffy would just be like UHH I LOVE YOU CUZ YOU'RE SO AMAZING!! LEMME LIST OFF MY TOP FIFTY REASONS. REASON NUMBER ONE: YOU SMELL TASTY ALL THE TIME. REASON NUMBER TWO: YOU HAVE A PRETTY SMILE. REASON NUMBER THREE: IT'S FUNNY WHEN YOU GET EMBARRASSED WHEN I SAY YOU HAVE A PRETTY SMILE. REASON NUMBER FOUR: FRENCH PASTRIES. REASON NU-
Anyway, it's a very cute ship! I kinda have to be in the mood for it, but I've made a bit of SanLu (implied) art before. My "Food As A Love Language" comic isn't explicitly intended to be read as romantic but you can certainly interpret it that way if you want and it explores an aspect of Sanji & Luffy's dynamic that I really like. Thank you for the message! I hope you're having a great day too!!
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ninjago-drabbles · 5 months
Bruiseshipping Exchange 2024! (Sign-up, how-to, and rules)
I've gotten a good few people that say they're interested in reblogs and DMs so I decided to go ahead an get the ball rolling with the sign-ups! (We'll see how the turn-out is and go from there.) Fill out this below to join as an author or (multimedia) artist! (What is an exchange? What's the schedule? See the read more below!)
Sign up here:
An exchange is a fun opportunity to put more content into the world for our favorite ship! In the sign-up form, you'll put a few prompts (of any level of description) for fic/art you'd like to receive, and then describe some things that you'll be willing to create yourself. I'll go through the entries and match people based on compatibility, and you'll soon be emailed with the "wishlist" of a fellow bruiseshipper! These will be your guidelines to create either your art or fic. On May 25th, you'll post your work and reveal who you are to your giftee!
Fic: Minimum will be 1,000 words, as of now. (If you want to join but are unsure if you can meet this in the time frame, please reach out! We can work something out.) No maximum limit! Make sure to tag properly and reach out to me if you have any questions about content.
Art: Digital and traditional pieces of course, and if you want to join with something such as edits or any other kind of media that's not mentioned, please mention so on your sign-up! This exchange is to simply put more bruise into the world, so we don't want to limit what kind of creativity that takes the shape of. Finished drawings must be colored and lined. Videos must be at least 30 seconds. For visual edits such as moodboards, gifsets, etc., I'm roughly putting the minimum at 2. It will be case by case (email to talk about specifics if this applies to you!)
Anything goes as far as content, as long as you meet the criteria provided by your giftee (you will be emailed all this information once you've been matched!) If you want to use any tropes/ratings/etc. that you're unsure of, please reach out to me (NOT your giftee) to act as a liaison to double-check.
Don't tell your giftee that you have them! We'll be operating secretly to add a little extra fun to the exchange, so wait until the posting date to let your person know who you are!
Communication is welcome, so please feel free to send a message or ask if you have any questions or things to say :)
See previously asked questions here
✅ Sign-ups: thru March 1
✅ Giftee info sent out: March 4th
✅ Check-in
Gift reveal: May 25 (Bruise Day!)
Take all of this with grain of salt, as if not enough people sign-up I might switch this over to a Bruise Week or something like that. Anything to bring this fun ship fandom together and spur more fanwork <3 No worries if this is the case, we are an old fandom after all! (We're all a go for an exchange, y'all are wonderful!)😊
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blorbosdotcom · 9 days
roleplay request?
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I know I've been advertising my RP server for Sam & Max quite a bit, but I'm also open for 1x1 roleplaying! I'll be putting my information under the cut, so feel free to message me AFTER reading it over if you'd be interested in RP!
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.. Basic Information ..
Open (1/3.)
As I am 18+, I do not roleplay with minors. I am just not comfortable with it whatsoever especially since the genres I tend to write.
I try to keep my portrayals close to canon, though I do tend to add my own personal flare to them as well. If you do something similar/have headcanons about the canon you're portraying, please reach out! I think adding to characters just makes things more fun. 
In all honesty, I mainly just rolelplay Freelance Husbands. Nothing much with OCs or focus on characters outside of the pair. What can I say? You can't improve upon perfection.
If you don't reply to me without notice after a week or so, I will close our DM. If you need a break/want to end RP, just tell me. I know how it is. But ghosting is just not cool.
I roleplay over discord, exclusively.
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I write in a third person, semi to literate format. I typically write three paragraphs as a minimum and expect partners to match my length. Often I write more like 3-5+ paragraphs, it just depends on my muse and what's going on in the roleplay. In order to be my RP partner, I do require an example of your writing. I can send one back as well.  This is simply a measure to ensure we both vibe with each other’s styles before getting into roleplay! 
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Timezones and availability.
I will not always be available as I am an adult with a significant other, work and other responsibilities. Please respect that and don't spam me for replies. If I have an event coming up I will try to keep you informed + hope you'd do the same. I live in Central Time.
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Non-con, ageplay, p3dophilia and that other nasty stuff. I don't mind writing heavier topics, but going into graphic details with things such as Eating Disorders and Self-H@rm is too much. No other specific triggers come to my mind, but I will be sure to tell you if something makes me uncomfortable. 
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Types of roleplay.
Admittedly my primary interest in roleplaying is shipping. I tend to get bored with platonic roleplays. I am a sucker for a good hurt/comfort! Some genres I enjoy are angst, thriller and AUs of all kinds. I do not roleplay unless there is a plot, either. I do love brainstorming them together+hearing your ideas, and I also have some ideas already. I will add I tend to go hardcore into angst at times so if that isn't for you, I may not be the best fit for roleplaying. That being said, a good fluff or other genre can be just as fun. It really depends. I do ERP as well, but only if there's a plot involved. I can't get invested otherwise. DM me for more ERP specifics.
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Max the Lagomorph.
You know him, you love him - the rabbity thing ever.
Jurgen the Vampire.
The guy ever.
I can do other characters as side characters, as well!
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Freelance Husbands (obviously)
Jurgen x Superball (my guilty pleasure)
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If you've made it this far, congratulations. Feel free to message me with any other questions I haven't answered in post, and of course - if you're looking to roleplay. Cheers!
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kigozula · 1 year
300th Chapter Celebration Weekend
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All readers!!
We prepared a new fun event for Gladiator.
17th - 18th June
After 10 years we officially reach the 300th chapter. This event is not only to celebrate the 300th chapter, but also for appreciating and revisiting the second part of the story. The other two events from the past took place before part 2 even ended.
Below (under the cut) are different kind of questions. Most of them are part 2 focused.
If you want to partake in this event, all you have to do is answering the questions, choose and guess. The last part contains a guessing game and a quiz, which is new. This event is more expanded than the previous ones.
Feel free to reach my askbox or message me if you do have any questions. I will be posting my answers early that day or even one day prior. You can take a look if it might help you with ideas.
CHANGE: The correct answers of the quiz will be posted on Sunday before the event ends!
Doesn’t matter if you have a Tumblr account or not. Everybody can participate. You can post it on your blogs or submit it to me here. I will post it then.
Another change:
A friend just brought to my attention that tumblr does not allow people without an account to send asks or submissions anymore. I didn’t know that.
If anyone wants to take part, feel free to send your entries to my fanfiction account if you have an account there, I am also Kigozula there.
My account on FF. Net
If I had known this new policy I would have thought about something else... sorry guys. If you see this after this weekend, you can still send your entries ;)
Don’t forget to tag us @kigozula & @seyaryminamoto and use the tags #sokkla & #gladiator300thchapter (and any more you feel like). We can find the posts and try to reblog everyone’s entries.
We wish you fun and hope for many participants!
Important note: I am making something nice here. I talked with Seyary before starting this event. I made it for her, for readers to have a chance to share their favorite stuff and because I love Gladiator. Nobody has to take part. Please be respectful, careful and have fun! =) As mentioned above (askbox/pm), if there are questions.
Pair/Couple (besides Sokkla)
Suitor for Azula
Place (any houses/island/cities…)
Event (weddings/festivals…)
Sokkla Kisses in Part 2 when they become finally a couple
Sokkla Love Making
Part 2, or Part 3 (so far)
Zuki Family or Mai Jian Family
Festivals Arc or Anniversary Arc
Captain Rui Shi or Captain Fei Li
Ozai or Zhao
Gladiator Brawl, Sponsor Race, Pairs Tournament or Scavenger Hunt
Xin Long or Appa
Azula’s Squad or Sokka’s Squad
Ty Lee or Mai
Shoji or Kino
Ruon Jian or Haru
A Place you would like to visit or live
If you could give Part 2 a title it would be
Something you look forward to
Best Arc(s) in Part 3 (so far)
Favorite Sokkla Artwork from Part 2
Future Ships you think will happen
Azula and Zhao will divorce when/because of …
When Hakoda meets Azula and Hotaru for the first time …
When Ozai and Ursa see each other …
I think Ozai's future looks like...
When Azula finally visits the south pole, I hope/wish/think …
First things Azula and Sokka will do after their reunion
QUIZ: (The correct answers can be found in my post on June 16th)
Name of the first Gladiator Sokka fought against?
How many years are Azula and Sokka a couple now?
Which character found out about Azula and Sokka’s secret relationship first?
Which character felt something might be going on/will be going on between Sokka and Azula from the beginning?
What’s the name of Ozai’s first love?
What was the first Gladiator event Azula and Sokka took part in?
How often did the Blue Wolf fight in the Slate?
Who would have almost been the potential future prince?
How old was Aang when he was forced to freeze himself and Appa?
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Figured it was time to make a little introduction !! :D
Hi everyone!! I'm new on Tumblr and still getting to know how stuff works around here :) My english is kinda wonky, so please be patient with me!
I'm a little brasilian critter called by many names, the main ones being Thales, Thai or Tê, but y'all can call me Tata too! I'm autistic and have a invisible disability!
I'm a gerderfluid creature that goes by he/them/she. I don't use any neopronouns, but that's because I'm too lazy to colect cool ones hehee. I love and respect all my homies with the cool neopronouns !!!
I'm a polyamorous pansexual and ace :)
I take long a time to answer messages sometimes due to anxiety (and i'm also very forgetful-) so please be kind, i'm not ignoring ya i'm just a tidbit slow :)
✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚FANDOMS ✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚
ROTTMNT, BayTMNT and TMNT12, trying to get time and watch all others;
Mob Psycho 100;
Dungeon Meshi;
I'm cool interacting with any iteration of TMNT, even tho I not very familiar with all of them, I love turtles and that's what matters. I'm not really a TOH fan, but I know tidbits about it and think is a good show in general, same goes for Amphibia and MGDD
✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚Little things about me✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚✧゚
My favorite color is pink, my girl kisser awakening was Lady Dimitrescu and my favorite thing besides turtles is character designing!
I love drawing extremelly big, tall, and strong characters, pretty women and disabled characters :D I might post my character designs and OCs if u guys are interested too
I have 3 cats, Maria Señorita, Frederico and Teodoro.
I talk in the third person a lot, like: "Tata loves this" or "Thales' not feeling so well today".
I dream of being big, buff and so gender that everyone around me is confused (also working on animation lmao).
I'm okay with friendly flirting in a platonic way, but please don't be pushy with me. Some jokes might make me uncomfortable, and I will make sure to make it clear if it happens.
I LOVE to interact and to read comments, even if it's just the silly tags!! Asks make me very happy, so feel free to send 'em!! :D
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❌❌ DNI LIST ❌❌
Proship - Tcest/incest - anti-jews - anti-muslims - transphobes/homophobes - people that don't respect neo-pronouns - people that make fun of tone tags - anti-spectrum - TERFs - Pedophiles/MAPS - Noncon/r-pe play - z00philes - nazis - Zionist/Pro-Israel I also don't want to interact with Rise Apriltello and 12!Leorai. They're siblings. Shipping them is creepy and wrong.
I will not tolerate any interaction with any of you. I hate you and want you very far from me /srs
This also aply for neutral/"anti-anti" people. I don't care what excuses u use, being tolerable and apologist for all this stuff is not okay and just as wrong as them. Stay away.
if any of my moots/followers ever see me following one of the above, please tell me because I would never follow someone like this knowingly!!
On a lighter note, I don't have anything against NSFW artists who do safe, sane stuff with adult characters. Y'all are cool.
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askgangle · 5 months
Gangle sniffled as she opened her bedroom door. She was greeted with a new addition to her room, a red and white CRT computer monitor sitting on her desk, its screen a bright light in the dark room. Gangle blinked as she recalled what Caine had said before disappearing at the end of today’s adventure.
“And you will all find little surprises in your rooms now! Something that’ll let you have fun even when you aren’t on an adventure!”
Huh… Gangle didn’t know what exactly she had been expecting, but it wasn’t this. She walked into her room, the lights turning on automatically as she stepped inside, and made her way over to the desk. She gasped as she recognised what was on the screen, the blue background and ‘t’ logo dredging up a memory from her long forgotten past. Carefully setting down the shards of her comedy mask, Gangle sat at the computer and started filling out the details the site requested for a new blog. 
Gangle sat back as she admired the work she’d put into her little blog, she doubted anyone would ever follow it or ask her questions, but she was still proud of what she'd made. Her eyes were drawn to the search bar in the upper corner of the site. Had Caine given them access to the entirety of the site, or just their personal blogs?
Gangle glanced behind herself, making sure her door was closed and there was nobody else in the room, and then she searched for ‘azumanga daioh’. Even though her mask was currently tragedy, a small smile spread across Gangle’s face as fanart from her favorite anime appeared on the screen. This was one of the greatest things Caine had ever given her since she appeared in the circus, maybe even as great as her comedy mask, and Gangle got comfortable in her chair for a long night of internet surfing.
[Rules and Other Important Info to know when sending asks are under the cut!]
[Hello there, I am Mod Vian, and this is my little Gangle askblog! Anytime I am talking OOC it will be within square brackets like this.]
Important Info
-Gangle is not able to physically interact with anybody that sends her asks, however if you wanted to send her a physical item you can, I have a plan for what happens if somebody does.
- I'm open to asks from anyone, including other TADC ask blogs/RPers and even other Gangles!
-I am fine with magic anons, although there’s a good chance things might not work how you expected. I do ask you to keep how long Gangle is affected by magic to only a handful of asks, maybe no more than 10, if you don't give a set amount I will default to 5 asks. I’d rather space out magic anons, so if I get multiple at once I’ll hold on to the extra asks and use them at a later date.
-While I relate to Gangle a lot, I am not a hardcore anime fan. If Gangle is asked about any shows/media that I don't know, I will do a little bit of research to try and answer in character as best as I can.
-I crosspost to AO3, so if you'd like to read my posts in order, head over here!
-I have a zero tolerance policy for any kind of hate speech in my askbox/messages. If you do send any I will be reporting you, blocking you, and deleting your message.
-I’m okay with questions related to shipping canon characters, but I will be deleting any questions regarding self-insert/OC shipping or that imply something suggestive between Gangle and the asker. Asks like that make me uncomfortable, since I have no way of knowing if they are about a minor.
-I am a multi-shipper and enjoy most Gangle ships, however this Gangle is not in a relationship nor do I plan on her getting into one. Though feel free to ask her about her crushes and such.
-To follow on with that, any asks that are hating on certain ships will be deleted, I am not interested in that sort of drama and will not get involved.
#Gangle Talks - For IC posts
#Mod Talks - For OOC posts
#My Art - For any posts that have art I’ve made
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lis-likes-fics · 1 year
lis-likes-fic’s pride party
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hello, everyone! i decided (super last minutes, it’s like 12am of june 1st as i type this) that i am going to do a month long, mini celebration for pride month! i’ve never done this before, so bear with me.
since this is a small celebration, it will have way fewer options than my sleepovers - three, to be precise. asks, aesthetics, and drabbles.
but here are some guidelines before we get into it!
1) when referring to this with reader inserts, it will likely be female readers. if i go lax on that general rule, it will likely only be geared toward gender neutral readers. (but keep in mind, i have never done gn before. i will give it a try for june. :) )
2) aesthetics and drabbles must follow characters/ships that are        a) in a fandom i know of (check my masterlist or just send me a message/ask)        b) pride oriented (does not need to be canonical. where’s the fun in that?)
3) no hate or disrespect. this is a rule on my blog period. i will not tolerate any kind of slander toward any part of pride. just be a decent person. this is an all-inclusive blog, everybody is welcome.
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now that we’ve got that out of the way, here are the categories!
🌈asks: ask me a question from this list! it’s just a collection of pride questions for if you want to get to know me. i will answer your questions openly and honestly, so long as i am personally comfortable with the question. please do not feel targeted or offended if i do not answer your question.
✨aesthetics: send me a character or a ship that you would like to see an aesthetic for! i will gladly create an aesthetic based around your ask. i will do my best to deliver.
🦄drabbles: send me a character (x reader) or a ship with a situation that you would like me to write a drabble for! please keep in mind that a drabble is short (no more than 900 words will be my limit).
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this party will be open for the whole of june, so claim these fast before time runs out and have fun!
feel free to check out my side blog @lis-makes-dividers​ for more concepts like the aesthetic categories. also! whenever you reblog/post something for this celebration, please use the tag #lis has pride. thank you again and happy pride! <3
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threeclovers · 1 year
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to let me know you've read these, please like the post! thank you :D
i do not interact with doubles! i am very picky with who i follow and interact with. i'm a selective blog, and i prefer to stick within the fandom--i'll interact with muses from other fandoms if they have a lackadaisy verse, though! and i am oc friendly :]
shipping's allowed! nothing gross--no absurdly large age gaps or anything like freckle/rocky--they're cousins. get that shit outta here. i'm partial to freckle and ivy's relationship, but i can write based on chemistry with other characters or even ocs. feel free to reach out about it!
nsfw policy. i'm 18+, but not interested in writing sexual nsfw content. please do not ask me to, i will say no and, if you try to push the matter, i will likely block you. i'm alright with suggestive jokes and violent nsfw, but nothing sexual!
formatting & reply length. don't feel pressured to go ham on your responses--i'll do my best to match your replies, but sometimes i might get a bit out of hand and write... um, a lot. i don't judge based on post formatting! do whatever is most comfortable for you. i format with small text, so let me know if you need that changed for accessibility.
content warnings. lackadaisy as a source material contains some disturbing content. guns, gun violence, blood, swearing, mental health issues, physical injury, and talk of religion & struggles with religious beliefs will be present on this blog! let me know if you need anything tagged--i'm more than willing to do so!
ask memes & starters. every ask meme i reblog will always be accepted. spam my inbox. i love it when people do that. that being said, due to this, i am more likely to disregard asks that i'm not interested in writing responses or starters for. send as many asks as you want--i try to answer as many as i can!
be nice. i mean it's kind of self-explanatory. be nice! no homophobia, racism, ableism, etc. i am very free with my blocking and unfollowing. if you're mean, rude, discriminatory, annoying, an asshole--you will be blocked! practice kindness on the internet motherfuckers. we're here for a good time not to be bitches to each other. with that being said, you totally have the right to unfollow or block me as you see fit. don't vibe with my writing? don't vibe with me personally? that's fine man. you don't gotta explain anything. have a good one i'm glad you're curating your online experience :]
drama policy. i will not get involved with drama, period. do not send me asks about other roleplayers or message me about any interpersonal drama going on in the community. i am here to write and have fun. if i really need to know something, i will review the facts and make my own judgements based on what i see. i'm here to write mafia cats. not to publicly execute a tumblr user.
have fun!!!! have fun writing motherfucker!!! feel free to message me or ask for my discord, anything!! i love chatting with writing partners ooc, plotting and stuff like that!!
thanks for reading!!
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fuckyeah-hetalia · 2 years
About this blog:
This is basically a one-stop shop of all things Hetalia! I'm keeping my queue stocked with art, edits, fics, etc, and if you have stuff you'd like to promo --it can be your own creations or someone elses!-- go ahead and submit it ☺️ Or if you want to do it anonymously, tell me who or what you want to shout out in my inbox!
All ships are welcome, and gen fics are too! I will do my best to tag for things, so if you are submitting a story from like Wattpad or FFN, please add tags to help people avoid it if there's something in it they blacklist.
That said, things do slip through, and I am running this blog by myself. I will not be able to read every fic that is submitted or even all I reblog or post the link for, so if there's something in it you need tagged, let me know but don't be mean. We're all here to enjoy the country gijinka, after all.
For fic submissions, I only have a few rules:
Give appropriate warnings.
Add the fic's status! Meaning if it's complete or incomplete. If it's incomplete, please note the date it was last updated, and if the author has stated somewhere they abandoned the fic, mark it as abandoned, please. 🙏
While you can submit classics ("Gutters" or George deValier fics for example), I'd like to focus on works by fans currently creating. Still feel free to submit your favorite LJ kinkmemes and fic that was abandoned or orphaned years ago, but we keep fandoms alive by helping new creators 💞
If the fic is n//sfw, please use the "spicy" tag, since I think "n//sfw" keeps posts from showing up in searches.
General rules:
I, the Admin, am a human being. I may get tags wrong, and I have a life outside this blog. So if I need to be corrected, please be kind and also patient. I may not check this blog every day, so if you send me a message or ask, I may not see it right away.
Related: I do not have the time or energy to do background checks on every creator. If I reblog someone who is bigoted, let me know but with proof. If you want me to believe Goody Proctor danced with the Devil, you need to show me evidence.
Also related: This is not my personal blog. I will not be answering any personal questions, even who my favorite characters or ships are. That's what my main is for. This blog is only for sharing other people's work.
No ship or character bashing. There's a huge list of characters and even more ships. Make use of your tag/content filter and the block button if you can't stand seeing something.
No bashing others' interpretations on characters either. Someone portrays your blorbo in a way you don't like? Block them and filter their URL.
These are fictional characters from a comedy skit-type web series/manga/anime. I will not answer questions or take submissions relating to current events.
Lists may expand as time goes on, but mostly I just want this to be a place we all have fun 💞💞
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softersinned-arc · 1 year
before interacting.
About the writer: Marianne, 30, she/her, EST. I’ll answer to Ani or Mari, as well. This blog will feature triggering material, including plot-appropriate violence, sex, drug/alcohol use, discussion of abuse, and other potentially triggering content. I will tag all common triggers, and almost anything I am asked to tag (formatted as #tw: [trigger]). Please take care if you follow!
Please tag cancer, sexual violence of any kind (including ‘dubious consent’ and somnophilia), and images of spiders.
on interacting & following.
This blog is mutuals only. If I follow you, I want to write with you! OCs, multimuses, and crossovers are always welcome! I don’t make starter calls, so if we’re mutuals please feel free to send memes, turn meme replies into threads, message me to plot, or like my plotting call if you’d like to interact.
My time is limited and this is for fun and I will not follow, unfollow, or block users as I see fit. If I unfollow or block, it’s simply because I don’t want to see something on my dash; it’s not a personal statement against someone. For my own comfort, I will only follow back writers who are 21+ and have that age range present on their blogs. If I unfollow because your blog has been inactive for a while, please let me know when you come back! I don’t experience duplicate (character or face claim) anxiety or insecurity.
Standard rules apply: don’t romanticize Nazis, don’t be an asshole about “dark themes” (which can be written well & respectfully), and don’t guilt and manipulate your followers. I won’t interact with portrayals that engage in whitewashing or racist recasting, or transphobic recasting. I don’t enjoy writing with characters that are completely devoid of flaws, vulnerabilities, or weaknesses; it’s just not any fun for me when the rules of whichever universe we’re playing in don’t apply to one of the characters involved.
I don’t have a lot of patience for public nastiness. Everyone vagues from time to time, and that’s not a huge deal, but everyone here is an amateur and publicly disparaging another amateur’s harmless work — which has been presented to you without layers of editing by various professionals — doesn’t make you funny or interesting, it makes you kind of an asshole. We’re all too old for this. On that note, I’m not interested in seeing callouts that amount to airing personal grievances.
on canon & fandoms.
I love crossovers and AUs and have a million of them. Any verses with significant canon divergence, or significant canon intervention, will have extended biographies available to read. There are only a handful of fandoms I will not interact with, for my own comfort and preferences. Find the list here.
on relationships.
I love playing with established relationships of any nature. Come and plot with me if you want to jump right into a dynamic of any kind! I am always open to new ships — I love shipping, and it’s one of my favorite things about collaborative writing. You are always welcome to approach me to talk about ships; it’s not force-shipping in the slightest, and chances are, I’m already excited about it. I won’t write incest (relationships between second cousins, or closer), and while I am very comfortable writing complicated relationships, I won’t romanticize abuse or toxicity, or write explicit abuse scenes.
Here’s a quick rundown on my shipping policies.
on content.
Please understand that the source material I draw from deals with potentially triggering material, including (but not limited to) violence, sex, drug/alcohol use, and abuse. All of these topics will be dealt with on this blog with care and gravity, and will be appropriately tagged. Please take care of yourself!
All NSFW images and text will be tagged as #nsfw; and will neither write nor reblog NSFW content regarding minors.
My formatting is minimal and I don’t use icons often, or unless requested. I use the beta editor. I don’t care about perfect grammar or spelling, and will ask if I need clarification on anything. I won’t follow anyone sacrificing accessibility for aesthetics, including with photoshop replies, impossible-to-see icons, and purple prose excessive to the point of being incomprehensible.
If you are uncomfortable with anything you see here, please let me know. I am not perfect and I am sure I’ll make mistakes; if that happens, and you’re comfortable, tell me, and I’ll make every effort to fix it and to be better in the future, in the case of me doing something harmful.
exclusives and mains.
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brooklynbred-closed · 6 months
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below are the rules for this blog. any changes are additions to the rules will have a post on the blog to direct people to have a look. please look over the rule before following.
.001 - FOLLOWING.  This blog is a private roleplay blog. This means that I will only be writing threads with mutuals. Mutuals are blogs that follow me , and I follow back. It’s nothing personal. I just run several blogs and this allows me to keep track of things easier. You are however more than welcome to send anon asks or random questions to Steve and he’ll be happy to answer them.
.002 - RATING. This blog will have a mature rating , and mature content will appear on this blog. I will be tagging anything nsfw with #nsfw and any triggers will be tagged #cw trigger here.
.003 - FORMATTING.  This blog will be using icons , small text , bold , italics , and underlined text on occasion. You are not required to use any of this to write with me. This is all for my own amusement and will not decide on whether or not I follow and write with you. That is completely based on our writing chemistry.
.004 - SHIPPING.  I love a good ship. Who doesn’t. That being said , I am going to be EXTREMELY SELECTIVE on who I ship with. I plan to write Steve being bi on this blog , leaning toward men. I will not write a ship with someone without discussing it first. If you do not ask before sending something shippy , it will be ignored. That being said Steve is a slow burn kind of lover , but passionate when he gets there , and a service switch.
.005 - CHILDREN.  Wanted to give this it’s own section. I love oc’s who are kids or something of that ilk with Steve , and am very open to it. If you are interested in something like that , feel free to send me a message and we can get some ground info figured out. While I don’t ship Peggy and Steve , because I see them more like they are in the comics , I am open to children of there’s in a way of multiversal mixups or something like that. Again , just come ask.
.006 - SCHEDULE.  Because this isn’t my only blog , and I have several mental and physical illnesses that make it hard for me to be here , there may be times when replies are coming faster , and slower than normal. I will do my best to remain consistent but please be patient when I have moments where I can’t be on this blog. I promise if I end up going on a hiatus of any kind that I will let you all know.
.007 - DRAMA.  I’m not here to play the drama game. I am here to have fun writing the characters that I love. My feelings won’t be hurt if you don’t wanna follow me for whatever reason. What i will not allow is drama on my dash or in my asks. This sort of behavior will result in maybe one warning , and then from there it will be an unfollow and possible ban , depending on the situation.
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jackstingy · 9 months
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# JACKSTINGY – an independent, mutuals only, 18+ roleplay blog following the semipiternal woes of a) some nerdy english kid waffling between uni and an internship at the local retirement home and b) the maleficent spirit of a machiavellian drunkard now attempting to permanently possess the body of said nerdy english kid. triggering content such as religious theming + imagery, references to alcohol use + physical violence, and dissociation will make frequent appearances. rules below the read more, though saint peter and satan have one little thing in common and that’s knowing quite thoroughly that the spirit of old stingy jack isn’t reading through shite. 
(you probably should, though. shutting up isn’t quite a part of either of their personal dictionaries, and neither is using parentheses in the manner they were meant to be used.)
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INTERACTING. will not be open to bigots, white-washers, or fetishisers. it will, however, be open to any and all mutuals (which is a status reserved for anyone and everyone who is a cool, respectful, talented writer – id est, you!), regardless of plotting status and whether or not we’ve talked ooc. feel free treat memes as starters, reblog memes and prompts from me instead of the source without sending anything in, delete anything from me that you’re too busy to answer; i’m really just here to have fun and find new people to write with, so as long as you respect my rules and i respect yours, we’re cool.
WRITING. will be tagged with applicable triggers as “trigger tw”, posted using beta editor, and mainly occur in two modes: anxious third person rambling from j.d. and atrocious first person misanthropy from jack with an italicised and bolded transition between them. while my writing may look lengthy, you are in no way obligated to match word count or force replies out quicker than you can handle. basic etiquette applies: no godmodding, no metagaming, and no powerplaying without discussing the parameters of any of these acts beforehand. all this being said, roleplaying is a hobby, and if you ever want to drop a thread or get something a little shorter in your notifications, i am more than willing to oblige you.
SHIPPING. in terms of romance will happen selectively and exclusively with j.d for the foreseeable future, be based on chemistry after a substantial amount of threads and plotting, and in no way be forced on you. i love pre-established relationships of the platonic or hostile kind with reckless disregard for my characters’ established timelines, though, so i’m always open to editing plot points in and out as development happens and stories are made. i’d rather not write smut on this blog, but suggestive content will be tagged as such and fade to blacks may happen.
UNFOLLOWING. will be done with a heads-up through private messages and a softblock on my end unless you’ve stated prior that you’d rather be hard blocked. of course, i don't expect a heads-up from anyone who wishes to unfollow or block me; do what you need to do to keep your corner of the internet comfortable!
FORMATTING. will be minimal, with small text, single spacing, italicised words, and 100x100 static icons. if there is anything you’d like me to change about how i format my posts, please let me know via tumblr ims or discord.
OOC. talk will be attempted! i’m seb, 23, he/him, now kicking it in gmt+11, with ‘it’ being the metaphorical bucket that is writing. i love commenting on posts (i know most of tumblr hates it, but i truly do believe that the reply function was made for me and me alone), sending in asks, and falling to my digital knees at the sheer quality of writing and emotion to be found in this community. i am slightly terrified of returning to indie roleplaying after a long stint in just group rp sectors, but hopefully j.d. and jack can bring some existential fear and festive cheer to you all!
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soundingstars · 11 months
1. Starters of all kind are welcome! I am an OC/Crossover friendly roleplaying blog and willing to roleplay with anyone that wants to RP. This is a hobby of mine that I have been doing for a few years. Hope that we have a fun time roleplaying though!
2. I will only interact with fandom related OCs in the series that I will be roleplaying in, no fandomless OCs. I’ve had too many issues with them in the past that I want to avoid unless I know the person behind the fandomless OC.
3. I am a multiship blog, I don’t force ships onto role-players if the don’t roleplay that ship or anything that deals with shipping. Just let me know during the roleplays or in messages about the shipping parts of roleplays.
4. Battles and angst roleplays dealing with injuries, emotions or anything that myself or anything can think of is allowed. I’m a big angst fan.
5. AUs - I am a big fan of roleplaying AUs as I find them a lot of fun. AUs can be anything from school, different careers to even fantasy roleplays. I am up for any type of role-playing as long as it follows my rules. Crossovers are allowed also from anime to movies as long as I know the series.
6. My writing style is paragraph since I like to add a lot of detail to them. I have a detailed roleplay style usually written in third person like using “Yoichi” and he instead of talking in first person being words like I and so on. Spelling mistakes happen so no worries if they are made, I’m not gonna make a big deal out of it if they appear since I’ve made them before myself.
7. Silly/goofy roleplays are allowed. Gotta have fun with ones that can make anyone laugh once in awhile. Sometimes taking a break from serious roleplays needs to happen and turned into something funny.
8. NSFW threads are for the blogs that I ship with only.
9. Please feel free to remind me about forgotten replies or if I owe you a starter. I am a college student and my classes are important to me right now. Just send me a message or whatever you want to remind me. If anyone wants to, you can randomly tag me in roleplays if anyone would like to roleplay with me.
10. Just have fun! Main purpose on this blog is just to have fun roleplaying! I want to keep this blog drama free as possible because that doesn’t make things very fun at all. Hope that we can have a good time roleplaying together though!
11. Do not reblog roleplays that you aren’t apart of, I will block you if you do reblog any roleplays of mine. It makes it harder for me and the other roleplayer to keep track of it. Liking is just fine, but please DO NOT REBLOG!
12. Roleplays that haven’t been answered in two months will be removed from my RP tracker unless I’m told otherwise or reason given on why RPs haven’t been answered. Just makes it easier on me instead of dealing with a cluttered mess of having a large number of inactive roleplays on the tracker.
13. Do not use me as a meme source! If you want a source go to @mkayswritings
14. I will not follow blogs that don’t trim their threads or put asks in a new post since it just clutters up my dash. I don’t like scrolling through long untrimmed threads. Sorry!
15. Personal blogs will be blocked unless their roleplay blog is a sideblog.
16. I will be following back from @theallblue since this is a sideblog. 
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• This is an 18+ only space. If you are under the age of 18, do not interact with this blog. At all. Even on anon. Just stay out of here man, I don’t mean that as like a cutesy- ’aha, go ahead and do it just don’t tell me.’ I mean that as a, ‘DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS BLOG IF YOU’RE A MINOR.’ Doesn’t matter what it’s in regard to. 
• Due to the fact that I am a low-activity blog; this blog will be Mutual Exclusive. Anons are still free to send in asks regarding headcanons or drabble requests, however, if I do not feel comfortable answering them then I will delete them. If you want to RP and you are not a mutual, please message me and talk to me to remedy that. Art responses and asks are likely to be rare- that being said I still may do them but do not expect them often.
• I do not care what fandom you are from or if your blog has graphics or not, if you have a muse that wants to interact- go for it.
• Doubles are more than welcome; each variation of a muse is different per mun so if you see that I’ve interacted with a character already and you also have them as a muse, you are more than welcome to still interact.
• I obviously welcome OCs but I need information about them beforehand so that I can properly RP with you, the more information the better but please also be patient with me when digesting that information so that I can figure out how best to approach your OC or even if it is something I am willing to do.
• If it seems as though someone else’s threads are taking priority over yours, it is simply because I am more comfortable writing with them or have a better idea of where to go with a thread and need more time to figure out where to go with yours. It does not mean that I am uninterested.
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• Please keep in mind that this blog is something I do for fun and self-indulgence. I have other things that can and will take priority; as such, it is very possible that I might disappear without much notice. If I can, I will check-in and tell you or give some kind of update but unless I explicitly say that I am not returning; I will be back. It just might take some time. That being said, please be patient and don’t give up hope completely, alright?
• Sometimes I can’t coax out a muse for a reply or am not in the correct headspace to write for them, if this is the case then you might find it will take me a little while to reply to you. I’m not in the habit of forcing writing to happen because that diminishes the quality and if you are an RP partner of mine, I want to be able to give you the reply both you and your muse deserve. I do not like half-assing anything so again, be patient.
• Should there ever be a time where you want to drop a thread or are uninterested in continuing/unsure of how to; please message me and just tell me. I won’t have any hard feelings about it.
• Drabbles are completely acceptable to reblog, RP threads if you are not my RP partner are not. I am completely fine with turning drabbles into threads, but please talk to me first. All threads that are posted on my blog are closed unless otherwise stated; you are free to ask me about plotting or joining in on future threads at any point in time but please do not self-insert yourself without permission.
• Please keep in mind that I am not my muse. If you have an issue with me, do not take it out on my muse and vice versa. Communicate with me beforehand if you’d like there to be a pre-established relationship for a thread or for something specific to happen as I am not a mind reader.
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• So long as there is foundation and interaction that warrants a pursuing of a relationship then it is a fair game within reason. I do have boundaries and limitations with certain relationships but I will discuss that with you should the need arise and establish mutual lines and all that if the time comes.
• Please don’t force ships. If our muses have never interacted and you want a pre-established relationship that is contradictory to the lore of that verse or au, then you must talk to me about it first. If I don’t think there is good chemistry there or am uncomfortable with the ship, I will tell you.
• Multiple ships are welcome here. If you can manage it, I encourage it.
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Other Things of Note
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• I know this seems like a lot and some of these may seem harsh to you but it is where I stand currently. Over time these things may change but due to how my life is right now, I feel these boundaries and rules will help me to minimize stress and keep this space a place that I can enjoy and have fun in. My hope is to be able to share that with mutuals and those that enjoy reading it all.
• I reserve the right to remove myself from situations, threads, and even people if they have made me uncomfortable, crossed lines, and ignored any warnings or attempts to remedy any of these things.
• No hate of any kind will be tolerated. And I do mean any kind toward myself, my muses, or even my mutuals.
• My replies can be quite lengthy, that being said- please do not stress yourself over matching lengths or pacing. So long as there’s something I can go off of and you show interest, I will be more than content. I just enjoy writing.
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deathturned · 1 year
before interacting.
About the writer: Marianne, 30, she/her, EST. I’ll answer to Ani or Mari, as well. This blog will feature triggering material, including plot-appropriate violence, sex, drug/alcohol use, discussion of abuse, and other potentially triggering content. I will tag all common triggers, and almost anything I am asked to tag (formatted as #tw: [trigger]). Please take care if you follow!
Please tag cancer, sexual violence of any kind (including ‘dubious consent’ and somnophilia), and images of spiders.
on interacting & following.
This blog is mutuals only. If I follow you, I want to write with you! OCs, multimuses, and crossovers are always welcome! I don’t make starter calls, so if we’re mutuals please feel free to send memes, turn meme replies into threads, message me to plot, or like my plotting call if you’d like to interact.
My time is limited and this is for fun and I will not follow, unfollow, or block users as I see fit. If I unfollow or block, it’s simply because I don’t want to see something on my dash; it’s not a personal statement against someone. For my own comfort, I will only follow back writers who are 21+ and have that age range present on their blogs. If I unfollow because your blog has been inactive for a while, please let me know when you come back! I don’t experience duplicate (character or face claim) anxiety or insecurity.
Standard rules apply: don’t romanticize Nazis, don’t be an asshole about “dark themes” (which can be written well & respectfully), and don’t guilt and manipulate your followers. I won’t interact with portrayals that engage in whitewashing or racist recasting, or transphobic recasting. I don’t enjoy writing with characters that are completely devoid of flaws, vulnerabilities, or weaknesses; it’s just not any fun for me when the rules of whichever universe we’re playing in don’t apply to one of the characters involved.
I don’t have a lot of patience for public nastiness. Everyone vagues from time to time, and that’s not a huge deal, but everyone here is an amateur and publicly disparaging another amateur’s harmless work—which has been presented to you without layers of editing by various professionals—doesn’t make you funny or interesting, it makes you kind of an asshole. We’re all too old for this. On that note, I’m not interested in seeing callouts that amount to airing personal grievances.
on canon & fandoms.
I have watched both seasons of The Legend of Vox Machina and read the Critical Role: Vox Machina comics. I am currently watching the stream (albeit slowly—I've just finished the Briarwood arc) and reading Kith and Kin, and am relying on what I've engaged with (as well as the wiki and my friends) to pull together a functional canon. If you have recommendations for anything I should look up, or if you notice something I should correct, please feel free to (kindly) let me know!
I love crossovers and AUs and have a million of them. Any verses with significant canon divergence, or significant canon intervention, will have extended biographies available to read. There are only a handful of fandoms I will not interact with, for my own comfort and preferences. Find the list here.
on relationships.
I love playing with established relationships of any nature. Come and plot with me if you want to jump right into a dynamic of any kind! I am always open to new ships — I love shipping, and it’s one of my favorite things about collaborative writing. You are always welcome to approach me to talk about ships; it’s not force-shipping in the slightest, and chances are, I’m already excited about it. I won’t write incest (relationships between second cousins, or closer), and while I am very comfortable writing complicated relationships, I won’t romanticize abuse or toxicity, or write explicit abuse scenes.
Here’s a quick rundown on my shipping policies. Under construction!
on content.
Please understand that the source material I draw from deals with potentially triggering material, including (but not limited to) violence, sex, drug/alcohol use, and abuse. All of these topics will be dealt with on this blog with care and gravity, and will be appropriately tagged. Please take care of yourself!
All NSFW images and text will be tagged as #nsfw; and will neither write nor reblog NSFW content regarding minors.
My formatting is minimal and I don’t use icons often, or unless requested. I use the beta editor. I don’t care about perfect grammar or spelling, and will ask if I need clarification on anything. I won’t follow anyone sacrificing accessibility for aesthetics, including with photoshop replies, impossible-to-see icons, and purple prose excessive to the point of being incomprehensible.
If you are uncomfortable with anything you see here, please let me know. I am not perfect and I am sure I’ll make mistakes; if that happens, and you’re comfortable, tell me, and I’ll make every effort to fix it and to be better in the future, in the case of me doing something harmful.
exclusives and mains.
0 notes
13thwitch · 1 year
before interacting.
About the writer: Marianne, 29, she/her, EST. I’ll answer to Ani or Mari, as well. This blog will feature triggering material, including plot-appropriate violence, sex, drug/alcohol use, discussion of abuse, and other potentially triggering content. I will tag all common triggers, and almost anything I am asked to tag (formatted as #tw: [trigger]). Please take care if you follow!
Please tag cancer, sexual violence of any kind (including ‘dubious consent’ and somnophilia), and images of spiders.
on interacting & following.
This blog is mutuals only. If I follow you, I want to write with you! OCs, multimuses, and crossovers are always welcome! I don’t make starter calls, so if we’re mutuals please feel free to send memes, turn meme replies into threads, message me to plot, or like my plotting call if you’d like to interact.
My time is limited and this is for fun and I will not follow, unfollow, or block users as I see fit. If I unfollow or block, it’s simply because I don’t want to see something on my dash; it’s not a personal statement against someone. For my own comfort, I will only follow back writers who are 21+ and have that age range present on their blogs. If I unfollow because your blog has been inactive for a while, please let me know when you come back! I don’t experience duplicate (character or face claim) anxiety or insecurity.
Standard rules apply: don’t romanticize Nazis, don’t be an asshole about “dark themes” (which can be written well & respectfully), and don’t guilt and manipulate your followers. I won’t interact with portrayals that engage in whitewashing or racist recasting, or transphobic recasting. I don’t enjoy writing with characters that are completely devoid of flaws, vulnerabilities, or weaknesses; it’s just not any fun for me when the rules of whichever universe we’re playing in don’t apply to one of the characters involved.
I don’t have a lot of patience for public nastiness. Everyone vagues from time to time, and that’s not a huge deal, but everyone here is an amateur and publicly disparaging another amateur’s harmless work—which has been presented to you without layers of editing by various professionals—doesn’t make you funny or interesting, it makes you kind of an asshole. We’re all too old for this. On that note, I’m not interested in seeing callouts that amount to airing personal grievances.
on canon & fandoms.
THE SOURCE MATERIAL FOR THIS BLOG IS EXTREMELY DISTURBING AND FEATURES TRIGGERING CONTENT. PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW THIS BLOG IF IT WILL BE HARMFUL TO YOUR WELL-BEING. Canonically, the show deals with topics including cancer, parent death, adoption trauma, drugging, rape, incest, abuse (including psychological, emotional, physical, and sexual) and gaslighting, forced pregnancy and childbirth, and both pregnancy and childbirth as horror themes. Major, recurring themes include bodily autonomy, gaslighting and abuse recovery, and generational trauma. Please proceed with caution and only follow this blog if you're comfortable seeing those themes represented and explored.
I love crossovers and AUs and have a million of them. Any verses with significant canon divergence, or significant canon intervention, will have extended biographies available to read. There are only a handful of fandoms I will not interact with, for my own comfort and preferences. Find the list here.
on relationships.
I love playing with established relationships of any nature. Come and plot with me if you want to jump right into a dynamic of any kind! I am always open to new ships — I love shipping, and it’s one of my favorite things about collaborative writing. You are always welcome to approach me to talk about ships; it’s not force-shipping in the slightest, and chances are, I’m already excited about it.
This show deals very heavily with incest, generational trauma, abuse, and sexual violence. While any and all of these topics may be referenced (in threads or in her backstory), I won't write incest (relationships between second cousins, or closer). I will not at any point ship Rowan with Lasher; while I will explore the abuse to which he subjected her, and her fascination with and even attraction to the power he possesses, he did abuse her (and her mother, and likely every other designee). Whenever that relationship is referenced, it will be treated as abusive. While I am very comfortable writing complicated relationships, I won't romanticize abuse or toxicity, or write explicit abuse scenes.
Unlike the show's writers, I do not see Ciprien as "deranged," "controlling," or "just like Carlotta," and will not be writing their relationship as such, nor will I write Rowan as considering him to be any of those things.
Here’s a quick rundown on my shipping policies.
on content.
Please understand that the source material I draw from deals with extremely triggering material, including (but not limited to) canonical violence, sex, drug/alcohol use, abuse, incest, and forced pregnancy and childbirth. All of these topics will be dealt with on this blog with care and gravity, and will be appropriately tagged. Please take care of yourself!
All NSFW images and text will be tagged as #nsfw; and will neither write nor reblog NSFW content regarding minors.
My formatting is minimal and I don’t use icons often, or unless requested. I use the beta editor. I don’t care about perfect grammar or spelling, and will ask if I need clarification on anything. I won’t follow anyone sacrificing accessibility for aesthetics, including with photoshop replies, impossible-to-see icons, and purple prose excessive to the point of being incomprehensible.
If you are uncomfortable with anything you see here, please let me know. I am not perfect and I am sure I’ll make mistakes; if that happens, and you’re comfortable, tell me, and I’ll make every effort to fix it and to be better in the future, in the case of me doing something harmful.
exclusives and mains.
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