#these guys just can't catch a break
gethoce · 2 years
*Unleashes ULTIMATE CHEESE STICK ASSAULT on Arthur! Now the entire GSA is buried under cheese sticks*
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Sir Dragato swoops in and uses his Fire Ability to burn the cheese sticks to cinders!
Sir Falspar: Gato, did you just burn piles upon piles of free food??
Sir Dragato: Please tell me you didn't seriously hope to eat that, Falspar, they came from an unreliable source and were touching the ground... We have food in the canteen.
Sir Falspar: There were cheese sticks for everyone. :(
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Hooray for hugs
The new year did not really start off the best, in a number of ways. Firstly, Mary Lu tried to tell a joke to a Sim who wandered up to the front door, and that lady was not having it.
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I don't think a person has to right to yell at someone for telling a bad joke, when they went so far out of their way to a house and just started banging on the door, but whatever.
Later, the flea market was in town, and despite everyone coming along to peruse, no one actually bought anything, because for some reason there are never loveseats at the market, which really would be the only thing they would buy. While they were there, Susie practiced her karaoke skills in an actual booth, and seemed to think she did pretty well.
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That night, something happened that I was not expecting at all: everyone got a phone call that a family member had died. That family member was Ali. I was absolutely shocked, dare I say flabbergasted, when I saw the notification, and I was almost mourning along with the Brokes.
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Everyone was broken up, either because she was family, or a close friend.
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Flat came by, maybe as a way to mourn collectively with Buck and his family. He and Susie got to talk a little bit, but it was difficult for Susie to maintain a cheery demeanor at such a sad time.
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This inability expressed itself as anger later, when Buck was trying to cheer Flat up by remembering the good times, and Susie just started yelling at her dad.
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Fortunately for everyone, the next day was Love Day, which everyone definitely felt like observing.
Buck took Mary Lu out on a date, since they probably haven't been on a date since before Trigger was born, but the tides were still against them, because they got bad food, and Mary Lu ended up getting food poisoning.
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icarusredwings · 8 days
Thinking about Wade just running into a wall and Logan snapping his head around like "What the fuck are you doing !?"
Only for Wade to shake his head and hold it straight like some kind of cartoon charater. "Sorry! The player pushed the wrong button." And as he's stomping away, he's looking at the wall like "Really guys!? Infront of the Wolverine!? You're so embarrassing !!" Through grit teeth.
Logan blinks, and Al's like "Yeah he's just like that sometimes."
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esprei · 2 years
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warden ingo gives sneasler belly rubs (then promptly gets attacked for it)
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knightwhoisni · 1 month
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so, like, this is specifically arthur's kinepage. if it's not just a weird copy via Void Shenanigans, we really just waltzed in and stole this man's pager with help from kalymos.
bro is gonna go nuts looking for that thing only for drifter to turn up and go "yeah hey sorry i kinda borrowed this without permission by projecting myself back in time and following the doctor's giant cat. you can have it back now."
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last night i had a bit of a Revelation. literally. i borderline woke up in a cold sweat with this realization. the way i lunged for my laptop to scream at friends... ough. lets get into it
so. i do believe I've made a couple of theory posts about Barnaby not being quite as receptive to his and Wally's "forced" best friendship as Wally - since the show wrote them to be friends instead of it happening naturally. i thought it might be a point of tension for Barn. i thought a lot.
the bios state Barnaby as Wally's best friend multiple times over. it had to be regularly reinforced. their colors were chosen to mark them as friends.
but Barnaby - presumably - can't see the bios, he wouldn't know the scripts. the friendship would be natural from his perspective. how would he know otherwise? even if the relationship started out synthetic, i don't doubt that it became genuine. in the context of their world and perceptions, realistically speaking Barnaby probably wouldn't sense anything wrong.
the reminders to be best friends weren't for Barnaby.
they were for Wally.
i'm starting to suspect that Wally is Barnaby's best friend, but Barnaby isn't Wally's. i think that Wally's "best friend" is Home - or at least Wally has a closer connection to them / Home is more important to Wally than anyone else is.
i remember reading this livestream trivia (from theneighborhoodwatch's doc, if you haven't their resources yet what are you even doing?):
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and i assumed it was for Barnaby's side of the relationship. but it's not, is it? it's Wally's? and it makes too much fucking Sense! it fits! i can see it perfectly! i can feel things slotting together in my mind due to this shift in perspective, and i'm scared
Barnaby probably thinks the relationship is natural, just like how he thinks he's a real person in a real world. Wally probably knows that the relationship is a role, just like how he knows he's a puppet in a false reality.
that leaves me wondering how much of it is genuine on Wally's side. i don't doubt that they really are friends, but how deep does that connection go? in the interview, Wally sounded excited/proud about having a best friend, but how much came from a place of feeling, and how much came from a place of Fulfilling The Role? how much of it is performative? how much of it is a mask?
i've been seeing everything differently. Barnaby poses for Wally the most because he has good balance and is good at staying still, not because of favoritism or because he's Wally's best friend. in the 14 (15 including the hidden halloween) audios, Barnaby consistently seeks out Wally and checks in on him. Wally seems more casual about their relationship than Barnaby is.
i'm worried that Wally values Home & You/Us over Barnaby. that Barnaby is second or third place in Wally's heart. that Wally means more to Barnaby than he means to Wally. after all, only one of them needed their relationship to be reinforced on a seemingly regular basis.
i'm confident that Wally cares about / loves Barnaby, but the question is how much? to what extent?
#IM SO FUCKING ILL.#and by worried i mean Frothing At The Mouth. that would hurt so good. it would be delicious#i mean. it makes so much fucking sense. it feels Right!#and oh the ways this could hurt barnaby#i already suspect he has some Internal insecurities and shit but. oh man. if this is true it would break his heart wouldnt it#he has his hearts on his palms but wally's hearts are hidden on the soles of his shoes....#god. no this. this. i cant start ranting and raving about what this means for barnaby and how i think it might affect him#the picture all the pieces of What We Know About Him So Far paint#all i'll say is. comic relief characters are always a tragedy under the mask.#wh speculation#homebogging#wh theory#welcome home speculation#welcome home theory#the way i was losing my absolute shit in discord. Man.#i am continuously in premature mourning over barnaby.#eddie might be doomed by the narrative but barn is Screwed by the narrative#poor guy just can't catch a break#also the idea. the Concept. that wally might consider you/us a closer/dearer friend than barnaby#is. its. well its devastating and juicy as Fuck!#there's. there's so much to unpack here im gonna be honest#for the first time since getting into this project im feeling like im starting to see a cohesive picture#the implications. the connections. the way it ties into themes. man... oh man... And It Makes. Sense.#barnaby knows wally better than the other neighbors - Besides Home - but how much more?#does he think he knows more than he does? i mean absolutely. wally is still hardcore masking around him.#wally doesn't confide in him not really#but man. Man. oh i understand why completely. at least i like to think i do#oh boy this is gonna kill me and im gonna like it#i had this realization and i felt my neurons shift just a little. just Enough. FUCK#barnaby b beagle. baby. i am so sorry but you're gonna have a hell of a fucking time
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t4tadrienette · 4 months
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Be gentle with him, he's traumatised
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buglaur · 1 year
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sirhinkjinks · 2 years
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oh yeah this is gonna go FANTASTICCCCC what could possibly go wrong *penguin honking noises*
extra bullshit:
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presumenothing · 10 months
@ lianhua novel anon: just fyi that i saw your ask and yes would love to talk on it when the braincells permit!! (+ probably also when i finish watching, we're on ep36 rn)
…though i did just have unfortunate and highly cursed but not inaccurate thought that at least some of the plot/coherency issue may be familiar from acd holmes to bbclock adaptation issues, i.e. the addition of Big Backstory Plot followed by the shoehorning of said plot into what were mostly standalone cases in the original writing with varying degrees of success
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fans of legion characters rn:
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forcebookish · 1 year
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made myself sad because i cannot think of a time when top has been happy by himself or with anyone other than mew in the drama
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albino-parakeet · 8 months
The idea of "Hikaru" making infrasounds while being all devouring (or hell just existing in the same space) is haunting me, especially after reading the newest chapter.
(Adding a cut even tho its not a very long post just cause)
Its known as like the "fear" or "ghost" frequency and the kind of possible effects Infrasounds can have on people is fitting, so it wouldn't be TOO out of place if that just happens. I mean sound is already kind of a significant part in hgsn's story so why not lol.
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I'm a dino nerd so my go to example for it is this since it's more audible lol. (Headphones recommended)
More rambling in the tags
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maeraevokaya · 1 year
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*long sigh*
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trans-leek-cookie · 3 months
Thinking about geto because I want to pour milk on him and throw him against the wall. Imo his beliefs are inconsistent and self serving (which makes sense because he developed said beliefs at age 16/17 while his mental health was at an all time low). Because while he seems to have the primary motive of "only sorcerers = no curses" taking into account how he treats Maki, who has no cursed energy, it shows that the "no curses" thing isnt the main focus- bc while he decided on tbe "forced evolution" thing, theoretically he should not be Opposed to ppl w heavenly restriction bc. They still fuckin. Don't contribute to curses from what I can tell. Also heavenly restriction is pretty obviously something that is punished by uh. Is it just the Zenin's who have it. Anyway they hated Maki and they Hated Toji so he clearly isn't standing for "oppressed sorcerers" bc if so Maki should be like. The kind of person he wants to help more, as someone who would be oppressed by ppl who aren't sorcerers as well as the powerful clans.
Anyway. While getting rid of curses is for sure part of his motivation, as well as helping sorcerers (see Nanako and Mimiko) id honestly argue that his main problem that lead to him spiraling was. How do I put this. Being knocked off a pedestal
Because he was one of 3 people given the ranking of "Special Grade", and he and satoru are grouped as "the strongest". And consider that satoru comes from a powerful clan and literally has some weird omniscience and invincibility shit going on so that's a whole fucking. That's gotta be a wild ego boost, especially for someone who comes from a family of ppl who aren't sorcerers. Like you spend all this time being a fuckin weirdo and then someone finds you and it turns out you're actually incredibly special and strong, given the same rank as a fucking God Child? You're gonna have some wild self perceptions after that
Anyway then you get to watch your invincible friend get stabbed, watch the girl you became friends with and feel shitty about kinda ruining the life of get shot, and get your whole shit rocked by some guy who can't even use the magic power bullshit you have. (Though he's got a whole physical thing going on because of the trade off)
Also writing all of this out actually makes me understand the Cult Leader progression more, like besides the fact they killed ur friend and you want em dead. You're probably struggling with your ego (especially since your weird God like friend got a whole power boost from the situation) so you create a fucking eugenicist cult where you can consistently prove your superiority to yourself (surrounding yourself with people who will agree with everything you say).
Anyway in a similar vein I wholely believe in "a loving father is not inherently a good father" Suguru + Nanako & Mimiko dynamic
Final thought is roughly I feel like looking at Suguru thru the lense of "this character had a level of privilege that they felt they truly deserved, and after experiencing events that are genuinely traumatic and horrific for any person, they develop reactionary beliefs to try and regain a sense of superiority and control" rather than "oppressed minority who killed oppressors and wants to do eugenics"
#Eugenics TW#cult TW#ask to tag#Suguru when I catch you#Anyway this was me thinking Abt the fact that Toji ISNT a normal human. He just can't use jujutsu. He's like supernaturally powerful anyway#So Geto's whole shit is like. Pretty misdirected. Though also personal thought is I don't think His parents were good (and he's projecting#That onto every other person who's not a sorcerer) mostly cause like. Going straight to murdering your parents is not really expected#Progression in eugenics id think? Bc if you posit urself as the ''superior'' person theoretically ur parents should also b part of that#Bc genetics or whatever. Idk how genetic sorcery shit is but even tho his parents Weren't sorcerers usually ppl would make excuses I think#So. Basically I feel like he probably did not have a great relationship w them. Not that that makes him any better more just like. Thinking#Through what's happening in his head...why the fuck did he decide on a different last name for that woman. WTF is wrong with him#I am suguru's number 1 LOVER and his number 1 HATER. I'm suffering bc none of the fanfic makes him enough of a bitch#It's really fucking something bc like. Looking at him as someone who's had similar thought progressions and is unlearning the kind of toxic#Black/white extremist thinking he has going on. It's cathartic in a way to deconstruct that and be able to analyze my own thoughts as well#But then no one is putting in the effort to actually engage with his ideas and the flaws in them (INCLUDING THE AUTHOR.)#Anyway most people when they have a crisis and reach an extremely bad mental health situation would join a cult rather than take over a cul#But suguru is different. That's why I love him and also why I'm going to break his ribs.#Diversity win this autistic trans guy fucking sucks so bad you want him dead#I need to tag these damn posts w something but I'm too lazyyyu
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hydrachea · 11 months
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Thinking about how this confirmed Dan Heng and Blade put aside their many many many differences that one time so they could beat up a kid nearly to death. Guys...
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