#theres a reason you only have one living room if your family is small!
bees-with-swords · 1 year
Joining a Discord server with too many channels is like walking into a mcmansion, I swear. Half the rooms are full of dust sheets and the family has just been shouting at each other from across the house for the past year.
#I see multiple channels that haven't been touched in months and I'm like. you live here?#you need this much space??#genuinely the servers with like 200 people and 70 channels are! scary!!#downgrade to a cottage! make it cozy!#if your members can't coexist with each other and can only stand to parallel play in different channels#maybe you need to ask some questions about the nature of the community you're fostering.#nothing against parallel play!#but when it's the only thing left#and your community has died down a bit#why do you still have different channels for every topic under the sun#downsize!#it's always better to feel a bit too cramped in a little cottage than feel like you're exploring an abandoned mall#'second general chat' has killed more servers than I can count#theres a reason you only have one living room if your family is small!#the internet 'discomfort with being unable to talk about exactly what you want whenever you want' is such a problem#you literally can't socialise or make friends unless you join in on conversations you aren't super interested in#please stop sitting next to each other and shouting into the void#the point is talking... to EACH OTHER#walking into the living room and being an active listener. laughing at someones jokes#lying around sleepover style and letting the conversation take you places#like I struggle with not changing the conversation completely to something else#but you gotta FIGHT that#it's the gremlin in your brain that doesn't like being bad at things#it doesn't want to have a conversation it isn't in control of. because of social anxiety#but you CAN'T be in control#conversations are COOPERATIVE. they're RECIPROCAL#and it SUCKS but it's life
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stanathanxoox · 3 months
Our Babies
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“Our babies would be so cute.”
“Oh, yeah?” - Ominis Gaunt x MC
You had just escaped from the hospital wing, your boyfriend helping to escort you there when you had began to feel incredibly nauseous and dizzy during potions class with Professor Sharp. Matron Blainely had insisted that you spent the rest of the day in the hospital wing until whatever ails you passed, having sent Ominis back to class straight after he was sure you were settled. Matron Blainely had run some tests throughout the afternoon and come to only one conclusion, one that you should’ve probably suspected given your most recent turn in your relationship with your boyfriend. You made your way through the door into the room of requirement, having sent Ominis an owl when you were being released from the hospital wing for him to meet you there. You settled on the couch having noticed that he hadn’t arrived yet. Deek appeared a couple minutes later and bowed in front of you saying
“I have a plate full of plain crackers and some soup at Matron Blainely’s request for you Miss Y/N, she said that given your certain situation at the moment you may not feel like eating what is being served for dinner in the Great hall”. You take it gratefully, and chew slowly on the crackers
“Thank you Deek, I appreciate it greatly. Do you mind giving me and Ominis some space while I tell him?” you ask and Deek nods, taking your hand in his small one before he says
“Mr Gaunt has been worried sick about you all day Miss Y/N, kept on calling me to see if I knew any more about your condition. I’m sure he will be positively thrilled to hear your news”. And with that theres a poof and Deek is gone.
You don’t have time to even think or dwell on what Deek had just said to you because the door cracks open and you hear the worried voice of your boyfriend call out
“Y/N? Are you in here? I got your owl and came as quickly as I could” he says as he rushes into the room. You stand and make your way over to him, suddenly very nervous about the whole situation. You had known right from the beginning of your friendship with Ominis that he didn’t care much for his family or for what they had done and how much he wanted to escape. How much after this last year of school he wanted to leave and never return to his families home ever again. You hadn’t really talked about children apart from that if you had them they weren’t to be anything like his family. But you couldn’t help but worry what would happen given that you were both unmarried and - you couldn’t think of that. Your hands are ringing together, a sign of how anxious and nervous you are, something that even though Ominis can’t see he can still pick up
“My sweet Y/N, what is wrong?” he asks, placing his hands gently on your arms to reassure you
“Our babies would be so cute” you say, blurting the first thing that comes to your mind, another anxious trait you had. He raises an eyebrow even more confused as he asks
“Oh yeah?” and you nod your head before gently taking his hands and placing them on the slight bump that is your growing baby. You watch the different expressions flicker across his face, from shock, astonishment and wonder, to happiness and excitement
“Are you serious right now?” he asks, his voice a whisper and you nod leaning in and whispering
“Yes Ominis, we’re having a baby, Blainely thinks I’m about 12 and a half weeks pregnant” 
“We’re having a baby” he whispers before pressing a kiss to your lips and you smile
“Ominis, what does this mean for us and the baby?” you ask and he places a kiss to your forehead
“We have two months left till graduation my sweet girl, and then we can marry and raise this baby  together” he declares as if it was the surest thing in the whole world.
“Are you sure?” you ask and he nods
“Of course I’m sure my sweet girl, a life without you in it just doesn’t seem worth living and now that I know we’re having our own precious little one well that’s even more reason for us to be together don’t you think sweet girl?” he asks and you nod, as tears slip down your face
“I love you Ominis” you whisper and he beams. 
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
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luxxid · 1 year
hii!! omg i just read your tartaglia as a father fic AND IT WAS SO CUTE ANJDSHJA can i ask if u can write for my skrunkly princess dottore a fic where he becomes a dadttore🤭🤭 ik it sounds impossible but what if ‼️‼️
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dottore was actually shocked when he found out you were pregnant. he was excited to become a new dad, but also scared and uncertain about what the future held for him and his life.
don't get me wrong, but his mind was fully occupied with the thought of becoming a father and the responsibilities the future held for him. he had never known that he could bloom a life with you.
being a dad was a daunting thought for him, he was scared of the unknown and the thought of not being able to provide all the needs of his future child worried him. but he was determined to face the future head on and make sure he did everything in his power to give his child the best life he could provide.
when the child was actually born though, his demeanour flipped a whole 360°
despite his initial trepidation, he was filled with joy and optimism when his new arrival was placed into his arms, and he knew he would do anything to ensure their future was filled with love and opportunity.
this man would never leave their sight. literally, he is so overprotective of your child.
this man was now a dad, and he was determined to be the best one he could be. he was entering a world he had never experienced before, but he was determined to learn and do whatever it took to be a great father.
he only allows you, him and the tsaritsa to even touch your child. he's that overprotective.
he's tall alright, so whenever you see him with his child, they're either dangling from his arms or they're holding onto his shoulders. as a result, he often towers over them, providing a visual representation of the safety and security he provides for his child.
pierro is the godfather.
he loves having his child present in his lab when he works, he had a separate space especially for them so they can watch their dad do nonsense things they don't even understand.
definitely teaches them big things that's hard to process for their small minds.
when they're seven years old, they already know half of the periodic table.
"so what's Lr in the periodic table?"
"it's lawrencium... alright, good enough."
he doesn't spoil them, but he does buy them things that are necessary for them. he thinks spoiling kids won't get them anywhere in life.
he gives them their immunization shot himself. just prepare for a lot of crying and curse words to be heard from his room.
there are some moments when you stumble upon dottore and your child sleeping together on the sofa, his slender arms wrapped protectively around them as they're buried on top of his warm body.
he has a mini version of the fatui coats, so whenever he goes to fatui meetings, he has a mini dottore on his lap.
talking about fatui meetings, whenever he brings his child with them, they're either running around or they're either having a staring contest with a certain ginger.
overall, he used to think life was a word that held agony and despair. but, now that he's come to realise that theres alot more to life that isn't just agony and despair.
but if theres one thing he had to admit that made his life full of life and light?
it would be his family, his reason to live, his everything. everything else may have ebbed and flowed, but his family was his constant; a source of joy and comfort that he could always rely on.
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garbinge · 2 years
Best Friend
Opie Winston x TellerSister!Reader
Summary: Dealing with the after math of Jax’s death. 
Warnings: Canon level mentions of death, suicide, cigarettes. Cursing. Angst. tons of angst. when you think there’s been enough angst, oh look theres more.  *All my fics are 18+. 
A/N: Me? Back from a multi month long writing hiatus with a super angsty reader insert SOA fic? Who would have thought. Not me! This is my first ever reader insert so please be kind. If you notice anything that gets too descriptive, let me know and I’ll happily edit it! Also my first time writing for SOA. As always thanks to Tay for chatting this through with me. xo Enjoy! 
Word Count: 2.3k
SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc (Not sure how many SOA fics i’ll have in the future but happy to add anyone to any potential future fics!)
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The clubhouse was packed. It was a sea of kuttes, Harleys, and people from all different charters, all different clubs, and they all came to pay their respects for the late and great Jax Teller. 
You sat inside, surrounded by people you’ve known your whole life practically, yet the disconnect you felt might as well have you surrounded by strangers. People approached you, paying their respects for the loss of your brother. And your mother. And your sister-in-law. They would have offered their condolences for your father but that was 20 years ago so it wasn’t exactly socially acceptable anymore. 
As people offered their sorrows and condolences your eyes didn’t leave the casket. It represented so much. The death of your baby brother, for one. But also it felt like the last conscious piece of you was sitting in that box with Jax. He was really the only one that got it. The life you lived, the choices you made. Perfect siblings were definitely not the way anyone would have described the two of you. You fought. You hated the decisions he made, and likely vice versa, but he was blood. Your little brother.  And now you were left with the numbness of the same cycle all again, but this time, alone. 
The service wasn’t long, it was just a few people saying a few words and the casket would be taken over to the cemetery tomorrow. You opted out of any last parting words, it definitely said a lot by saying nothing, but after 3 funerals in the past year, there wasn’t much more you had in you to say. Leaving before the post-funeral party began was a must, something about getting drunk in the place that caused the downfall of your family wasn’t exactly high on your to-do list. You grabbed a pack of cigarettes that was left unattended and snagged a lighter before quietly sneaking out without saying goodbye to anyone. 
The lit cigarette hung from your mouth as the car key sputtered in the ignition of your car, causing a couple pairs of eyes to glance over at the noise. There was no problem ignoring the glaring eyes until your eyes met his. Opie nodded to you and you fought back every instinct you initially had to flip him off and just nodded back keeping your face solemn, praying your car would start and you could just get the hell home. Just as it seemed like he was going to get up to help, the car started and as the relief filled your soul, you pressed the gas like your life depended on it. 
Home didn’t feel much like home anymore, but lately thoughts had you wondering if it ever really did. You clicked the answering machine that was blinking obnoxiously to let you know there were multiple missed calls. More condolences. One after the other. The frustration and emotion was so built up that you finally had just lost it and you threw the phone off the small entry table, pulling the cord out of the wall on its journey flying across the living room and into the wall leaving a nice mark to commemorate the moment. A scream left your mouth and just as you fell silent your cell phone began to ring. 
“You gotta be fuckin’ kidding me,” you mumbled, closing your eyes in defeat. The name was mocking you as you stared at your phone ringing. Opie Winston. But for some reason, you didn’t hesitate much. You answered it, staying silent for a minute, not really sure what to say but after a couple seconds you spoke up. 
“What’s up?” the attitude dripped off your tone. 
“Didn’t think you’d answer,” he sounded surprised. 
“Didn’t think you’d call,” the annoyance in you grew. 
“You’re my best friend, why wouldn’t I call you?” Opie responded. 
You scoffed at the use of the endearment. Best friend. Best friend? There was nothing about yours and Opie’s friendship as of lately that could be considered best. Hell, you wouldn’t even have considered it friends. Sure, you met Opie first and were even friends first. You were the reason he even knew Jax. But the minute he met Jax was the minute it all changed for you and your friendship with him, especially as you all got older. Sure, there were moments in time where the 3 of you were inseparable, throughout middle school and high school, especially. But the minute Opie joined the club with Jax it was like you were voted out of the friendship. There was apart of you that wouldn’t even have been surprised if Clay had brought it up for a vote between the boys. The club ran deeper than whatever friendship you held with your brother so it definitely would overrule your friendship with Opie.
You held on for as long as you could to the trio but eventually it was a lost cause. You and Jax made it work, with the involvement of Gemma in the club, Jax didn’t hide much from you the same way he wouldn’t with her, even despite Clay’s arguments. It’s not to say you knew all the club secrets and moves but you had the big picture shit painted for you just fine. But Opie never felt like he could be the one to be honest with you like Jax could, and that put a wedge there. You tried a lot, and just when it seemed like it had maybe turned in your favor, Opie got locked up and right then and there was when there was no coming back. There was a glimmer of hope for the friendship when Donna died, as fucked up as that sounds. But death brings family closer, right? Wrong. 
So that’s why you sat there rolling your eyes as Opie casually called you his best friend when you honestly felt like you hadn’t really known the man in years. 
“What do you want, Ope?” You asked plopping down on the couch bringing your hand to your temple to massage the headache that was forming. 
The line was silent for 30 seconds as Opie thought about what to say. 
“It was a nice service,” he said, thinking quickly off his feet. 
“It was a fucking funeral, Opie. There was nothing nice about it.” You spoke just as quickly back to him. Before he could respond you spoke again. “You realize my brother is dead right? Your best friend. He killed himself. Right into an 18 wheeler like beloved JT, and you’re calling me to tell me it was a nice service?” You scoffed before finishing your sentence, “respectfully, please just leave me alone. You had no problem ignoring me through your prison stint, you had no problem ignoring me when you came back to the club, and you had no problem ignoring me every other time I fucking needed you, so please have no problem doing it now.” 
It was definitely a build up of tension that you held against him coming out right now, mixed with the overwhelming feeling that tomorrow you had to bury your baby brother next to his deceased wife and your deceased mother and father. 
“Okay,” he said, but didn’t hang up. 
That irritated you more. “Okay?” you frowned and huffed, mocking the words out of his mouth. 
“Not sure what you want from me, Y/N.” Opie kept his voice steady. It wasn’t mean or rude, it was simply the truth. This was Opie Winston, he didn’t know what you wanted. 
You took in what he said. What did you want? 
He broke the silence, which wasn’t exactly like him, which meant he was trying. 
“You know I lost everybody too. That’s why I called you.” 
“So I’m a last resort, cool.” You weren’t sure how much more Opie was going to dig himself into this hole but at the same time you knew you were digging one also. 
“You know what I meant.” His tone was exhausted, not wanting to fight with you.
“No Opie, that’s the problem I don’t ever know what you mean. I don’t know you anymore.” 
There it was. This was either going to stop here before it got any deeper or this was going to get messy, fast. 
“I’m sorry,” he said, defeated. 
“Yea, me too.” The breath you took was deep as those three words left your mouth.
“I’m here if you want company,” Opie added, hoping to break the tension, but instead making you break. 
“I don’t want to chill and act like none of this is happening. I want to get the fuck out of here, I’m sick of Charming. This town took everything from me. Your stupid fucking club took everything from me. What am I left with? Nothing.” You began your rant which was far from over but Opie decided to speak up.
“I’m telling you I’m here for you.” There was frustration in his voice now, annoyed that everything he said was causing you to fight back.
“Why are you still here?” You asked him, seriously. The line was silent. 
“Y/N..” He eventually let out under his breath. 
You shook your head. “Save it, Opie. You didn’t call when Gemma died, you don’t need to offer me your helping hand now that Jax isn’t here. You dealt with Donna’s death just fine, you don’t need me and I don’t need you,” you shrugged as if he could see you. 
That one cut deep and like clockwork, Opie cut back deeper, “you didn’t even like Gemma.”
“I could say the same for you about Donna,” your rebuttal was quick, and just like he put a knife in you, you put one right back. It was a game now for you two, but this jab might have taken it too far. 
“I loved Donna.” 
“I did too. I was there. While you were away,” your voice cracked and trembled at the memories. “Jax didn’t visit. Jax didn’t take his paychecks and buy groceries for your kids. He didn’t check in on Donna. I did. Because you were my family, despite all the bullshit. And you know what makes me even more of a fool? I would have done it all again even if I knew that when you came home you were going to toss me to the side for my brother, for the club. Because that’s how much I cared. But time and time again you never show up for me and I’ve had it. It took for me to lose everything to realize it.” You were staring at the picture of your family. You, Gemma, JT, Jax, baby Thomas. 
“What do you want me to do?” It was a typical response from Opie, looking for direction. It caused a genuine but sad laugh to escape from your mouth. 
“You do what you do best, Ope.” You nodded your head in approval as you spoke, “wear that reaper patch with pride, every time you look at the blood that drips off the scythe, remember everyone you’ve lost. Including me. Then look around that fucking god forsaken table while you’re in church, take in those faces around you, look at that skull on your rocker and bask in it. Because they all mattered more than every single person you lost.” 
Tears fell from your eyes as you said it. It was harsh, but it was the truth. You weren’t going to hold back anymore. 
“What are you going to do?” Opie didn’t seem phased by the words, but he was also good at hiding his true emotions. 
“I’m going to pack my shit up and leave. Tonight. Because I can’t bury my baby brother. I won’t do it. I’m taking the kids and I’m leaving.” 
Opie was silent. You knew he wouldn’t tell anyone. They’d ask him and he’d lie, while you might not have known Opie anymore, you did still know him at his core. He wouldn’t rat you out. 
You nodded your head at the silence on the line, “thanks for checking in Ope, have a good life.”
And with that you hung up. It was the oddest sense of closure. It was everything you’ve ever wanted to say to him, but the numbness of everything happening made it impossible to feel completely relieved. You didn’t dwell in it too long, you got up, wiped your tears, and held yourself to your word. Beginning to pack up your necessities, you quickly sent a text to Nero that you would be at his place soon to pick up Abel and Thomas. There wasn’t much to pack, clothes, some mementos. But not much, just the photos you held dear to your heart, some jewelry Tara had given you, some things that were left behind in Gemma’s will and that was it. A new life meant a new life. Despite the hold this town had on your brother, you knew this is what he would have wanted. If you couldn’t do it for yourself you would have solace knowing you were doing it for him.
Your whole life sat packed by the door in 3 bags total. The keys swung around your fingers as you headed toward the door to go pick up the kids before you’d come back, pack the car up and go. 
Without a thought, you swung the door open and jumped back when you weren’t met with the usual open space. A 6’4” tall body stood at the door. No kutte in sight, his beanie snug on his head. He effortlessly held a backpack slung over his shoulder and a duffel bag in his left hand. 
Taking it all in, you finally felt it. Closure. 
“If you’re gonna take that shitty car on your Charming dash, I figured you were going to need a mechanic on the road with you.” Opie said, staring down at you. 
“I don’t need a mechanic,” the words would have gutted Opie if you didn’t follow them up with your next few. 
“I need my best friend.”
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faded-euphoria · 2 years
I'd actually really like hearing more of your creepypasta room headcanons
Creepypasta's Bedrooms and then some Headcanons!
First off Masky and Hoodie. I feel like they would either share a room or a suit. i can see them needing to be near eachother and knowing when the other needs space. While they live in the mansion, their room(s) is very bland for the most part. The walls a beige color, with either a brown carpet, or a hardwood floor. They both have full sized beds with basic brown or white sheets. Nothing about their room screams personalized at all and most of the time they don't want to be in there.
Jeff's room is weird. It looks close to his room from before his family moved. So blue wallpaper, might be striped might not be up to you. His bed is a twin sized bed, full black sheets that are torn in some places cuz I refuse to believe this guy doesn't sleep with a knife. Theres blood stains all over that make people not want to be in his room at all. Theres one really dark one that even he doesn't like looking at so he covered it up with a carpet that he stole.
Ben's room is linked to a computer. Yup Ben lives in a computer. I fully believe this and I will die by it. That said, I think he lives in a non-glitched out Clock Town without the Moon in the sky. Everything there is just like the original Majora's Mask game minus the Moon. Thats all.
Eyeless Jack's room is interesting. I think it would be mighty nifty if this guy continued to do doctor stuff after everything happened. So he kinda has a room attached to a surgical room or a hospital type room. his bedroom area is like super small and only has a small bed and dresser, but the hospital room has a few beds or cots for bodies/other creeps so he can either dissect or patch up someone.
Sally's room is your basic little girl's room, pink walls, one wall has a bunch of little paintings on it because the Bloody Painter 100% would paint princess stuff on there for Sally because she is loved by everyone, thank you. She also has a replica dollhouse version of the mansion with little dolls of the pastas that she plays house with, the only two that she plays with by herself are her and Slender, she has to get the others to move their own dolls if she wants them moved, totally not her rules tho(they are).
Laughing Jack doesn't technically have a room but you can find him in Sally's room most of the time. Its not a creepy thing, she just happens to have created a special bond with the clown and called him Papa once and he's taken her as his own daughter now even though he hates every other kid in existence.
Toby's room is more of a safety net than anything. His ticks can get so bad that he hurts himself and adding the voices to that makes it even worse. his room is right next to EJ's room for this exact reason. Toby's room has weirdly soft carpet and his bed is just two mattresses on top of one another. He doesn't have anything hard in his room and he has to leave his hatches in EJ's lil hospital.
Bloody Painter's room is a simple white room. His bed is shoved into the corner, aswell as everything else. The only thing that makes his room special is that he has red paint smeared on his walls. And yes, it is red paint, not blood. Not saying there isn't blood stains in his room, but he doesn't like the way dried blood looks.
Creeps like Sonic.EXE, Lost Silver and Dark Link also live in similar places like Ben's, but instead of Clock Town its their own place like Lavendar Town or something.
Creeps like the Rake and BOB live in the forest mainly. They're invited into the mansion; they've just never picked out a room i guessidkwhyareyoureadingthisstill.
Most creeps, have rooms at the mansion but are never there enough to actually decorate them. They typically spend the night out at other places.
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uyjji · 11 months
Hello this my first fanfication in English. Im sorry if my English is bad, hope you enjoy it.
Btw this not ship FF, i can't ship the young character cause they still too young and manga is too dark. 🙏
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The night is so beutifull, but the sky isn't more beautiful than all womans in Yakiniku Q.
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Lady Tsunade was come too Konoha after several time. She ask for all "girls" too eat and drunk in Yakiniku Q.
Now Shizune, Temari, Sakura,Ino, Hinata and Karui sit together in that place. Tenten can't come now beccause she was on mission in Kumogakure.
Lady Tsunade smile while see the girls her meet grow up beccome mom even there 2 new face now. But while she thinking again that just only 1 face, cause she meet Temari since her young age too.
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While she see all of them talk, eat yakiniku and drunk. She thinking something weird question in her mind.
Tsunade : Girls can i ask you some funny question?
The girls see lady Tsunade that time.
Hinata : What is that?
Tsunade : Sakura, Hinata, and Karui. All of you have daughter right? And Temari, Ino and Hinata you have son too.
Sakura : Why you asking that Shisho? Isn't that obvious?
Shizune : No that not, all of you look like 20th years single girls. Esspecially Ino.
Ino did pose and make everyone laugh at that.
Tsunade : Back of topic, can i ask a question?
All of "girls" see her with serious face.
Tsunade : Hinata, Sakura and Karui all of you need answer my question in same time.
Sakura, Karui, and Hinata look her verry serious now.
Tsunade : If your daughter will marry your friends son, who is he?
Sakura, Karui, Hinata : SHIKADAI...
Everyone look at Temari in sametimes.
Ino : WTF why no one choice my beautiful son?
Hinata : It's ok Ino-chan, theres no one who choice Boruto too.
Her smile with angellic face. (OH I MiSS HER)
Sakura : Inojin, is beautifful but who want her daughter get married with boy who with sharp tounge like that? The most important his father in law is have same sharp tounge too.
Ino : Ah, i can't denied that. He was Sai in blonde hair.
The hall is full of the laugh now.
Shizune : So back too topic, so why Shikadai?
Temari sit there with bossy pose.
Temari : So girls, tell me the reason.
Sakura : So let me first. Shikadai was really smart, kind and he was the first chunnin in his generation like Shikamaru. But to be honest I want Sarada meet his destiny by her self. So sorry Temari-san.
Temari : Great idea, but why i feel like get rejected?
Everyone in that room laugh while see Temari reaction.
Hinata : Ok let me do it. Shikadai is really carrying person even he was only child in family he give older brother vibe. He was care with Boruto, he always said Boruto don't do something bad cause that can make Naruto name bad too. He look like Boruto older brother even he was younger than Boruto. Maybe that the reason.
Tsunade : That look like you want Shikadai marry Boruto than Himawari.
Temari : I'm sorry Hinata, i can't let my son marry Boruto. Temari talk that when she try not laugh .
All girls can't handle Temari face and laugh together now.
Karui : So the last is me, let talk with serious lady Temari.
She said that while she sit front of Temari. That make really fun and serious time.
Karui: Listen lady Temari, forget Inoshikacho tradition. Our husband is bestfriend since the child. Our child together since they baby. Let's beccome family.
Everyone give serious face, even Temari. That look like Shikadai get married proposal in 12 years old.
Karui : The most important, he have a lott money. He almost always pay for his teammeates and he have small portion eating. So Chocho can eat more and more. Hahahhahaha.........
Temari : Absolitelly no. You can't get my son, he will get malnutrition.
Everyone in that room laugh really hard with that session
They maybe grow up, getting older even get more but they still same. They enjoyed they live. For several time that make me happy too have longer live. TSUNADE SENJU
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makahimetenshi · 1 year
Fooling around together - Paladin Danse x Sole Survivor Fanfic
This is the 5 part of a series of fics im writing lately, the order will be:
May I use your shower?
Volver a tener algo
Addicted to Chems
This one: Fooling around together
Traumas at the Commonwealth
Being awake
Since im in a rampage writing with this new ship I want to make some announcements
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and coments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive coments of wanting to know what happends next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
  Danse didnt know how much of his life was actually…his life…
There was Haylen and Rhys since all the other members of his squad died under his command…theres also the registers on the brotherhood…but he cant access anymore since he was banished and there also was…
But he didn’t have much record, a few months maybe.
Now and on he has Nate to count on him, of course the man wouldn’t only be a register of his existence but…he is a relieave proof of existence…
Maybe Nate can ask about the registers of his ADN on the brotherhood files but…
Danse sighted, he didn’t know how to ask that…
He didn’t know a lot of things. He was so unsure of everything…well Nate also was unsure, more paranoid than anything…
But now he had him, and Nate refused to let him go despite his true identity
-I love you beyond that-the man said to him in an ocation he was having a dark episode, is not like he didn’t care or take it on consideration but…-I love you Danse- love was stronger
A blush appeared on his face, and when it was time to came out his thoughts…
Ok it was 19hs and they were lucky to find an abandoned house with  the walls in almost acceptable state, the rest of the house of course had already been looted and scrapped but…having 4 walls to sleep was a start, at least to avoid the commonwealth animals around…it was getting dark and they needed a place to sleep for tonight, Nate learned the bad way to not  travel at night so when Danse said a few hours ago to start looking for a place to settle…he obey.
It didn’t pass much time since…they confessed, and expend together their first sleep, it wasn’t a big thing tho, just a few blowjobs and handjobs, this days weren’t nice and they didn’t find a nice spot to sleep or bath, at least he can think that’s the reason why they didn’t advance much…there was rush there was definetly rush but…Nate wanted to stop, and he was fine with it, but it makes him wonder what was happening since the vault man was the one who started…and seem more hungry of his body even but he always wanted to stop at some point…
Tonight…he sighted…well it was still an awfull place for that…maybe that was the reason? A special place and ocation? It was weird since they were both pretty adult man and that was…a really childish reason…a hygiene thing? Sure they didn’t bath but sometimes Danse think that Nate was going to devour him and then stops!
Grieve? He was a widower after all…maybe he is dealing with some feelings…
The house they were now setted…was weird…small, one of that classic wood American houses of less than 10m but two floors…beautifull garden and terrain but small house, as he saw in Santuary Hills Nate had one completely different, modern, he will say,  large with a low height but 4 rooms…this was weird because you enter, see the living room with the table and tv for family dinner,  a little kitchen to the side… a door out to the garden…a circular stair to go up and two bedrooms but…where the hell, where the hell where the bathrooms!? This was weird!
Not like he didn’t care about the poor choices an arquitec made building this house 200 years ago but this was weird, and a lot of houses around the commonwealth have the same problems, you see that wooden furniture full of decorations…so this people had money…but not a bathroom!
-Are you done with the checkings? –scream Danse to the upside floor, they went in the house and agree that there was no much time to keep wandering at open field to walk, so better just take this one to sleep and make a fire, but but but always was important to check out, you never know when theres a feral ghoul sleeping under the bed…maybe he was a normal person until a week ago an just transformed while cooking and out of nothing you get a bit on the neck trying to rip you off, so the procedure to find a place to sleep was…
1- Find a place
2-Check open spots on the rooft, find a place to put a bed
3- Look out for people, ghouls, or some animals
4- Loot if theres anything
5- Secure doors and open windows
6-Step out the power armors and park them in front of the door the room you are sleeping
7- ?????
Finding a place with a bathroom was secondary tho, there wasn’t much of that around so better not have hopes about it…
I mean they can poop in a bag and trow the bag away from a window at least, of course that wasn’t the best but is not like there was another option…
-Seems fine…theres a lot of furniture we can use to seal the windows, help me with the power armor- As soon he went up the stairs Nate was waiting for him with a wooden table flip to the side –help me to move, I preffer to not have sunlight than let a pack of flys get inside in the night –the ex-paladin nooded and help the new-paladin to place the table as a woodenboard –theres that drawer, crate,  organizer and bookshelds…none of this windows have glass so…-again, the ex-paladin noded like he was the soldier under the commander officer…but he was now so, better help…
Once the original order of the room has been complete changed in order to protect their asses, practically boarding the entire room booth looked at their work, Nate sighted.
-There are some matress here we can use? Or better unpack the sleepingbags?
-Nono…apparently two adult people lived here, no childen, theres one matress on each room, lets pick them, move them here and trow the beds into the stairs, I don’t thrust the entrance of this house, better have the way blocked.
-And how are you planning to get out the house in the morning? We cant just make our way out with the power armors its difficult to move and punch stuff, better not get stuck.
-Lets jump from the windows, we are not that high from regular ground, but imagine if some raiders have in the night the same idea as us, these roads at not so lonely as you may think, theres a lot of caravans also so better make this place…unusable for any one that isn’t us…after all this house doesn’t have a bathroom what the fuck
Danse giggled, he had his same idea, it was silly because it was an obvious thing to notice but…it melted his heart.
-Let me force the door, put a booksheld in the front, get up and then we are trowing the beds down and let them crash okay? –Nate nooded and Danse went down, as he see around  the little kitchen still have the refrigerator, so with the power armor strength he took out the steel door, use it as a block on the main door of the house, and then, just for security, picked up the entire refrigerator and trow it to the entrance, crealy blocking the way out…
Well there was open windows around the living room…but thing wasn’t to let people know they were setting up for the night so the less scandal they do the better, after all it was just a place to sleep…just 8 hours and out it cant be that difficult…he went up and meet his partner, then both went to the room and pick up the bed each one from one side, moved a bit to the stairs to position and…Danse kicked it down the stairs, obviously the crash against the bars and walls make the furniture break and collapse, making a mess difficult to clean up. Then the process was repited with a second bed, and now there was two broken wood beds in the middle of the stairs, blocking the way to the first floor of the house, if anyone wanted to surprise them it would surely have to explode the entire floor to make them come down.
That was unlicky to happen, possible yes but pretty crazy also…
Behind him, Nate went to pick up another booksheld with the hands of the power armorand kick it where it was the start of the stairs, moving it, still blocking the way, more even, surprising Danse at the harsh sounds of everything crashing and breaking.
The man was paranoid lately.
-Help me with a second one-said the man looking to anoooother booksheld not so far but…
-Don’t you think is enough with this? If we block out the only source of air we left we might intoxicate if a fire starts or something
-I mean its not like the room is hermetic but…you have a point, alright –then, Nate take out his headpiece, letting it rest over his hands –lets go to the room, im all sore from walking in this all day
The ex-paladin laughted, his partner never was a fan of using a  power armor, too much worry he said, it breaks so easy he said, it uses so many materials to repair he said…so winy.
He started wearing all the time after they left the brotherhood behind…well Nate didn’t say he did
Danse sighted  at thinking in that and went into the room, the procedure was as always, close the door, block it with drawer and then park the power armor in front of the furniture that blocked the way…Nate did that, apparently in a hurry to be normal again and not a steel doll, the man still have his fusion core on the hand…
-Want me to have it for a bit? –Danse offer his best help at seeing him so exhausted, but it was useless, since he came back from the institute he always looked this way.
-No, just came off yours so I can hide your fusion core too, park it in front of the matress, back to us like always.
The ex-paladin was actually happy of having this security procedures together, it went all one day that one caraban stole one of Nate power armors…the ones he collected at Santuary Hills…he always left them with the fusion core on until a woman name Carla stole one and refused to get out, the vault man didn’t want to kill her but he went sure to make a few holes on the armor with a  carabin…..
Still, not enough to scare her and have the armor back so…never a fusion core at anyones reach, too risky
He did as he was told, after all Nate was a paladin now and he was a…citizen of the commonwealth…not a paladin anymore…damn he broke his ass for that title…but Nate too, still he didn’t have to obey him for that but it was time to rest anyway, the day was long and difficult as most days wandering in the wastelands…
Danse sighted at coming out the power armor, and then feel the other man hugging his waist, placing his cheek over his arm, the ex-paladin place a hand over the one on his waist and smiled, Nate craved sometimes for the touch, he didn’t like being separated with the armors.
-Do you want to start a fire or better eat some cans?
-Lets eat cans, I need the aluminium and the weight off, the water ones specially…is 1lt of water so…its weight…-the ex-paladin nodded and went to pick up their stuff, getting a can of purified water and some 200 years old pasta they found somewhere…radioactive? Hell yeah, it does matter? Well not exactly now for him as he was a synth…and Nate said something weird of not being affected by rads in the food after leveling up or something he didn’t pay too much attention.
Was he now or maybe always not affected by radiation? Was his human synthetized body affected or not? He was a bio-robot, clearly bio, Nate explained him the process how a synth is created in the institute and they managed to create life…soulless life, bodys without purpose until they put synth components to give them a personality, a memory bank, a processor…his mind wouldn’t be affected never by the radiation but his body…maybe yes…but what was the limitations of a super human robot? Maybe they were designed to not be injured by radiation, after all they were designed super human robots, why not delete all flaws? If they were trying to continue human species like before the war…
Don’t keep thinking on it.
His brain repeated, for the third time in the day.
Sometimes he looses on the confusion of now being a synth but all life before being human…his sane mental state some times appeared to take him out the thinking depressive things hole, he was gratefull that still being walking on this difficult new path he was sane and conscious of how things were developing.
And Nate was right there to help him too.
They didn’t have forks or spoons to eat, they mostly put the can in their mouths and pray for the food to decide to come down onto their throats, then clean with a tissue, poor? Yes, the only option they had now? Also yes? Confortable? Well definetly not but…Nate say they were still together like this, that it wasn’t going to be much different for him to be all alone in Post Bravo…
The new paladin sat over the matress and went to open the pasta cans, Danse was so unsure of so many things lately…does he need to eat? He preffered to give Nate the food if he really was a robot but he remember feeling hungry or fainting from starvation before…those were really vivid memories…
-You seem in pain –said Danse sitting next to him, the man looked uncomfortable, the way his back was arched didn’t look right.
-You know im not fond of 24/7 power armor as you, it wasn’t a good idea to travel with one…I don’t wanna leave it behind but I don’t wanna use it either…-it was funny how there wasn’t a real currency and still Nate managed to be miserly about resources –I could hide my face some other way…
-I preffer your safety, is important to use it
-I been picked up and trow to a wall more times than my hand fingers can count without a power armor –said giving Danse one of the cans, the man picked it and moved the cold pasta a bit with his finger to make it loose
-I still preffer you with one on
-Im eating, make a pee and go to sleep, tonight is cold and im tired, we walked a lot
-Want me to take a guard?
-No, lets sleep together, I need your warm –Danse cheeks burned, it wasn’t like a code or anything but lately that phrase ended up with them getting all horny whenever they are sleeping, it was true they sleep more confortable in each other arms but it was also true that most of the situations ended up with them making up.
Alright then, this would be the night maybe?
Danse place the can over his lips and open his mouth, waiting for the pasta to go down to think in something else.
Situation wasn’t perfect, hell yeah it was shitty, they been in this exact same position before so it wasn’t new but there wasn’t any hope of a hot shower for Danse anymore now, there wasn’t a clear future for him, it disappoint Nate so much that the only thing he can offer the man was this…poor living conditions…better this than let him sacrifice for the Brotherhood ideals but still…he save him and force him into a crusade to run around the Commonwealth and avoid his responsabilities…this was the best he can offer right now…
Of course, he can come back to Sanctuary, Codsworth was always waiting for him but…one day he saw a small camp with a perfect view to the vault 111 in the forest with one small symbol drawed very similar to the ones the Railroad uses…that realization make his spine shiver, he would never feel safe at home again, someone is always watching, no matter on which side.
The thought made his body tremble, and as fast Danse noticed this, he put an arm around his shoulders.
Nate thought that Danse did it because it was cold, but the ex-paladin knew that Nate has demons just like him inside his mind, all the time…
There was noise, a lot of dark and ugly noise around them and it was their duty to mutually take care of each other and disperse the noise away from their minds.
He often find the man zooning out, trembling, falling, sighting or wanting to suppress a unexpected cry.
And just like Nate did it with him, he would watch over him too.
Danse finished his can of pasta, trow it to the next wall and then place his head over Nates shoulder, placing a hand over his knee while the man eat.
The man became a mistery after coming back from the institute…well both have flipping life changing experiences after all…like seeing the world burn wasn’t enough for Nate…
After Nate finished eating and drinking for the night, the miserly man pick up the cans and let them next to his things, preparing to go to sleep.
-Do you realize we need to find a station to fix your power armor right? Im not going to carry your trash until we find that –Danse was already laying on the matress, looking at his boyfriend peing against a hole in the wall, goddamit the new paladin find it hilarious to do that silly stuff and Danse didn’t get it, I mean it was practicall since the liquid and the smell wouldn’t stay with them but he did this in everyplace they sleep.
-Im not planning to, when did I ever gave you my trash?
-Im still carrying your fat-man
-Oh no im not hearing this, you are carring it because when I tried to get rid of it you said “nonono you cant go around dropping valuable things like that” like a angry dad, even if theres fat-man all around the corners…
-Well i…
-If it bothers you so much I should scrap it…
-Don’t even think on that
There was a brief silence, then a buckle from Nate, and then one from Danse, both laughted.
Nate tucked his dong after using a tissue, but didn’t actually fix his pants, when he turn around Danse saw him and blushed a bit, yeah, he suspected well…The man slowly made his way to sit next to him in the second matress and hold his cheek, looking directly at his eyes.
-Are you alright? –this was a way Nate had to ask him if it was okay to…advance…if he was unconfortable, too tired, too cold, sick, hurt or emotional he preffered to wait for the next day, but yeah, today he was fine, a bit tired just like him but…as fine you can be in the wastelands…
-Im okay –Danse hands went to the sides of Nates hips, making the man tremble a bit at the touch, but as soon he did that the new paladin lift his leg to sat over his stomach.
The positive thing about being on top of Danse was the view…Danse was actually a bit skinny but in comparision he was huge in size and Nate was so in love with that...both hands went to his cheeks, caressing the tick hairs of his black beard…gosh it was so masculine and handsome…
-I look at you and I cannot think on another thing more than telling you how much I love you…-the ex-paladin laughted a bit, enyoing the sensation of his fingers in his jaw, moving his fingers in circles over his hips
-You sure you are not just lusting?
-I think I have reasons to say that I love you deeply –Nate gave him a playfull smile at it, getting more closer to his face, and then out of nothing Danse hand moved to his crotch, pressing over the pants and the underwear,  surprising Nate but taking a soft moan out.
-I have my reasons too –Nate laughted and his torso went down, laying on top of Danse chest, his mouth looked for his and  he was well received with a deep and warm kiss, moving his head to the side to make them space confortable.
Yeah, this was right, this was definetly the thing he looked all over the day, if they could just disappear and be this close together without having to worry about surviving…
Danse hummed on his mouth and that surprised the other man, apparently he was having a blast with just a kiss, his hands moved to his wast, securing his grip at hugging him tightly, Nate moved his head a bit and the ex-paladin went desesperate to eat his mouth, they were not getting separed for  oxigen until someones head gets red and both separate laughting from the intensity
Nates hands went down, moving all around his chest, pressing firmly with the tip of his fingers all it was avalible to touch, he loved how the man feel so firm and hard anywhere, the thing that really make him have doubts in the first place was how handsome and perfect he was and…he was having it, it was his, after wishing it for so long…
Nate went off the kiss because he was smiling, took some air and then went back to eat the ex paladin mouth in a tongue kiss, hands getting brave to get under his shirt and feel the warm of his skin, not to mention the beautifull sensation of the hair of his torso and arms…
Danse felt hot, really hot, Nate always rushed, had a level of intensity hard to keep, same as fightings, the man jumped directly in the face of danger and in bed he jumped directly to what he most desired…He loved that hands, hands that didn’t despise him for what it was, he could believe that as a synth he had no right to be loved or desired but it wasn’t like that, the other man was so fonded with him that he couldn’t care less about it, having that deep conection really make the ex paladin head fly…yeah…he liked this…he whished for this moments with him…a moan died between  their tongues and he could feel how Nate went more exited from it, the man moved to sit more confortable over his hips and have a better pose, moving his hands to the side of Danse body, firmly grabbing and getting delighted with his abs, again, making the ex paladin moan, it tickle but also feel good.
Danse hands moved down again, placing over Nates pants in his clothed ass gripping with a bit of strenght, the man on top of him shiver at the touch, but as he bite his tongue and rob a moan he didn’t pay much attention to the rest…the feeling of Nates fingers tangling over the hairs on his chest make him snap a bit and pay attention to the sensations over his body, above being hotheaded, he was hard, very hard, his buldge was against Nates leg where he was sitted and take a moment to check over the situation, looking down, confusing the vault man who was enjoing the kiss at being separated like it…
Well look at that…an unconscious reflex made him buckle his hips, making the man on top move a bit, a groan came from the back of his throat at how good it felt, calling Nate attention, who stood up just to look too…Danse hands secure his grip onto his hips and set a peace where he would buckle slowly and soft into him and would move him a bit, trying to be circular but of course it wasn’t perfect, he close his eyes, goddamn it felt good, the rubbing with his crotch and his body was amazing but…
-Danse –Nate called for him, Danse was in a trance that took a few more attempts of him calling his attention before he could snap-Danse! –he sluddenly open his eyes…why wasn’t Nate moving? His hands went down, wasn’t he enjoying it as much as him?
-Are you alright? –said the ex paladin, it was true, the man didn’t make any move but he also wasn’t playing much attention. Nate seemed a bit…conflicted…not confortable…
-Sorry theres something I want to tell you –the ex paladin went up on his elbows, looking at his face, Nate went to cup his cheeks with a hand and place the other over his hot neck, liking how thick it was under his fingers.
This was it, this was the moment where they stopped but he never ask to…talk before…it was good it was good it was an advance…
-Sorry i…-the man sighted for a moment, taking a breath before looking down again- I been thinking a lot this days…and I really try to be open and give it a chance…to like it…-one of his hands grabbed Danse to put it over his crotch, sure he had an erection, he was hot but…all rubbery…not hard hard…it was very different from him, that sadded Danse for a moment but he was willing to hear his concerns…-I do not feel comfortable receiving…this…-he said as he pushed his ass against Danse buldge- doesn’t feel right for me…
Danse sighted in surprise…ok he could deal with this is it was nothing…
-Its okay, do not feel bad for it –while this is clearly a turn off because of how much he was enjoing it he can understand the man worries…
-I do, because I want you…but I know I don’t like this…-said again, jumping a bit over the ex paladin erection still on his underwear, he was doing it on purpose- sorry I been trying for days to try to feel confortable with the idea but I cant…
-We can do another stuff…-this hit hard because lately he was thinking what was his real sexual experience…he cant make differences between the memorys implanted by the Institute and the ones he at least lived the last months so…
-You don’t get it –the vault man went down, facing him, lips against each other, talking with his warm breath against his skin while looking directly at his eyes –I want you…
-Oh…-Danse hands moved up, to catch his shoulders and secure him there, it was a nice pose, he liked how his eyes melted over his…
God this was hot, so hot, body was burning in desire right now even if the goddamn conversation was just about not doing it…His head moved to the side and sighted frustrated but then, out of nothing, Nate went to his ear and left a little wet kiss before whispering with his hot breath..
-Don’t worry ill just have to find the best way to fuck you –hearing that last one make the ex paladin slurp saliva hard, frozen…but not frozen…completely still on his place but burning like crazy, a wave of heat danced from his toes to forehead at hearing that. God having pants on now was killing him, he didn’t want to make the other man uncomfortable but…
-I think we are kinda familiar with anal sex at his age…
Nate went back and had to use his hand to cup his mouth, snorking hard from the nose, Danse see the little wet drops from his nose as he tried to not burst in tears of laught, seeing him like that make the man also laught silly, it wasn’t actually that funny….but it was enough to trigger the silliness in Nates mind, and that always make Danse laught with him…
A few hands fly all around, playing with each other, laughting loud at the bad joke, Danse hands went to his stomach to pinch and play a bit making tickles and Nate went to defend himself from the little attacks, hugging the big man and moving around the matress.
Joy, this moments with him bring Danse joy…he could feel the man smile against his arm and shoulder and it make him feel his chest full of a very nice sensation.
A few moments later they relaxed a bit, Nate hugged him by the waist and make a hand find a way under his pants, finding so amazing how warm the skin of that zone was…
-I can help you for tonight…
-You don’t want anything? –Nate denied with his head, his fingers went more brave and down at meeting with his pubes, playing with the thick dark hairs at their encounter
-When I say im tired from the day I mean it…and I finally let this off my chest…I been forcing myself to try to like it so this is a relief
A bit disappointing? Yes but they weren’t in a rush or anything, and it could get better, he trusted the other man…habilities…
Danse kissed his forehead.
-You sure? –while he also desired the other man, to touch and kiss and bite and get off all the goddamn clothes off him…it was okay for this night, he admitted this wasn’t the best place and the conditions weren’t favorable –Okay…
Fingers went down down, getting lost between his dark hairs, making Danse shiver at expectation.
Nate moved to be between his legs, locking their eyes together and just make the most sexy smile he had ever seen, Danse feeled like he was going to be eat…and expected it harsh
-Stay with me for the rest of the night okay? I want your warm…-wait didn’t he say before that he needed the warm? the way that words left his mouth make his cock twitch, and the next thing Danse see before being obliged to close his eyes is the other man pulling his pants down to devour him entirely.
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The ไถ่ชีวิตโคหน้าโรงเชื่อ Case Study You'll Never Forget
One of the most common reasons people give when asked why they are improving their home is that home improvements increase house value. While this can often be true, it is by no means as universal as some people assume it is. When youre about ไถ่ชีวิตกระบือหน้าโรงเชื่อ to pay out lots of money for a home improvement, its worth checking whether the value of your house will increase by enough to pay for it or, worse, whether it might actually force your house value down.
Lets start with bathrooms and kitchens. While well-maintained and nice-looking ไถ่ชีวิตโคกระบือ kitchens and bathrooms do add value to a home, theres nothing to say that they have to be the very latest thing. An older room that is well looked-after and wasnt a complete abomination to begin with can often help the value just as much as a newly-installed one.
Extensions, on the other hand, almost always increase the value of your home, as they make it bigger. A four-bedroom home can be significantly more valuable on the market than a three-bedroom one, as a bigger family can live in it. However, you need to watch out for building too far out into your garden if you only have a small one: get rid of too much of your garden, and you could knock even more value off your home than you gain from the extra bedroom.
Although it might seem strange, this same rule also applies to garden features such as swimming pools and ponds. While you might like them, not everyone does and youve just taken a piece of garden that could be used for almost anything and turned it into a single-use feature. Also, swimming pools especially can be very expensive to maintain, which can put off potential house buyers.
Overall, its a bad idea to make home improvements just to make money, as you will almost always fail. Instead, just make the improvements that you want, while avoiding any that will really hit your houses price.
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lecliss · 4 years
Gave my mom my birthday list today and realized there's techincally only two things on it, with another being a pre-order thing. I swear I think I ask for less and less every year.
#i just care less every year#and i even told her i just want a small cake to eat alone in my room and for no one to look at me all day#but nowadays theres the issue that my grandparents are getting older so we have to savior every celebration that comes up#and like. i get that. theres(at least) not many years left to spend with them. or any of my grandparents#but the feelings of embarrassment and other things that come over me every year with my birthday are unbearable#do NOT look at me. i am not real. do not acknowledge me. do not waste your time on me when all i do is cause inconveniences#and theres other reasons too like me wishing i could have a huge cool party with only a ton of friends but.#when i was young and you had to invite the whole class only like 3-5 kids would show up#and when i got older and could just invite friends only like. 3-5 out of maybe 10 i'd invite would actually show up#its embarassing cuz with friends i get real excited and can be myself but with family its like.#'cool thanks for getting me the stuff i knew was getting cuz i gave you a list'#i faked screaming from excitement one year just to not make my mom worry and over did it a little#like. im grateful. but its hard to express it around family. im always just like. 'yeah thanks.' all nonchalant#and i know that makes my mom worry that im not happy or not satisfied#and its just. hard to express is all. i cant. and even if i could. like. i already know im getting it. i cant be happily surprised#i gave a list for gods sake. the only surprises are the pajama clothes i get for christmas and i never want that shit anyway.#so i just wanna avoid the hassle of people i view myself as a burden to being forced to give me attention#and them thinking im not happy cuz i cant properly express that i am#and then every year i get reminded im just with family instead of going out with a ton of friends#that either i dont have or dont live nearby or arent available at the time#so i just want my free shit. an excuse to eat a cake. and to be left alone with my free shit.#cuz then im not worrying anyone. im not being forced to acknowledge im real. im not feeling like im missing out on experiences#i should be having#and none of this is even mentioning that now that my dads back in contact hes gonna ask me what i want#and i always tell my mom what i want so what can i even tell him i want? he'd have to send it and it cant be expensive either#and then i feel bad cuz i know he wants to get me something cuz im his kid and he cares#but then its too much pressure cuz im always put on the spot about it#and it doesnt even matter anyway. like i said i just want my free shit and to be left alone and only hear from friends that i dont even have#thankfully i have my sino guild this year and can have tiffany and saz and crom and all them tell me happy bday. thatll be nice#personal
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
instead of mirabel not getting a door in this Au,she gets a door but the door shows a small her in the middle (as a child) then different versions of her, suddenly theres a knocking on the other side of the door. and another mirabel is standing on the other side albeit older.
Oh my god hell yes.
The Bels AU
When Mirabel grabbed her doorknob, her door appeared.
Everyone celebrated, but when Alma and the other parents looked at the door, confusion intensified.
There was Mirabel in the middle of the door, but many people where behind her, they guessed it the future version of Mirabel.
But it looked... wrong and right and the same time.
There were diferent versions behind her, one held her fists raised in a fighting stance with bandages.
One looked like a pirate, one held a kind of sword on her chest (Alma was shocked because it looked a lot like the sword that killed Pedro)
One held a tablet with glowing eyes, one had a candle and had a serious face, and one held her glasses up grinning (canon Mirabel)
But the most noticable one was the Mirabel on the top middle of the door, wearing a poncho and had glowing eyes, looking downright unsettling, much more creepy than Bruno's.
They were all happy and confused, until they heard a bang knock on the other side, loud enough for everyone to hear.
Everyone went quiet, Mirabel thought it would be a good idea to open it without permission.
"Wait nieta don't-!"
The newly gifted one opened it right before an older Mirabel was about to knock on it.
The older Mirabel blinked.
"Ah- your gift kid?" The older one asked while smiling.
Mirabel nodded, everyone behind her were shocked and confused.
The older Mirabel told Dolores to cover her ears, and proceedes to yell behind her, "OI! I KNOW THE REASON WHY WE WERE TELEPORTED HERE!"
Multiple Mirabels looked to where the new door was at, some yelled and some groaned.
"Thank god I was teleported away from my family for this." "You hate your family Observer" "Shut up Scrap."
Apparently the whole family and the Encanto was still behind her.
The older Mirabel that greeted the recent one told her they would get a tour of her room/base.
Everyone was shocked but excited because it had a pool, a lab, a big living room, several guest bedrooms, several bathrooms, a massive kitchen ("MIRA DON'T YOU DARE SET THE MICROWAVE ON FIRE!" "BUT I'M AN ADULT???" "I DON'T CARE!") And more.
Modern!Mirabel pointed out that the room of Mirabel is 3 times larger than the wayne manor.
Observer Mirabel immediately knocked her out unconcious when she mentioned "wayne".
And the kid just learned a new word, yay!
Isabela looked excited when she saw a large garden, a few Mirabels chuckled when they saw her squealing happily when she summoned a new plant with her Mirabel.
Years later, it was now Antonio's Ceremony, Mirabel woke up and got dressed, but when she was about to open her door, Bruno!Mirabel tapped her shoulder.
"Uh- sorry to say this but er- you kinda have an undecided future like the rest of us." And proceeded to tell her to find the cracks.
"Calm down Mira! I'm not sure because me and Bruno himself are two different people!"
The other Mirabels heard her, and was panicking because the same future was casted upon her. Again.
Observer Mirabel guided her on how to do the right actions so the fixed casita would happen.
Mirabel is like the canon, the only difference is that she got warned that there will be cracks later on. And the fact that the whole family's trauma was erased by a fraction, but it's still huge.
When she and Isabela dropped from the rooftop and was confronted by Abuela, something changed.
"I don't know why you weren't given a gift, but it is not an excuse to hurt this family!" Abuela yelled at Mirabel.
Mirabel began to cry, but she was grithing her teeth, while Isabela began to shrink on herself. Abuela was about to speak more when suddenly.
All heads whipped to Mirabel, who stared at Abuela in unfiltered rage.
"You gave your family trauma Abuela, generational trauma."
"I get why you're scared of the candle dying Abuela, because it's from Pedro, but the fact you care about the candle and the Encanto more than your family's sanity is just full-on BULLSHIT! THE MIRACLE IS DYING BECAUSE OF YOU!"
A crack appeared below them.
The fall of casita happens, but Mirabel's door is the only one that survived, and it's opened, the magic of the door is gone, but not the magic of the room.
Abuela found Mirabel talking with a random Mirabel wearing a white pintuck shirt and black cargo pants with a back pack on her and a machete on her hip.
The canon scene happens, they rebuilt the casita with the help of the Mirabels.
Just as the picture was about to be taken, a random Mirabel suddenly becomes Pedro, some of the Mirabels throw her/him to the area just as it was about to be taken. (Reincarnation!Mirabel)
The picture can't be complete without a Pedro in it.
Sorry if it sucks lol- I'm rushing
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marvelsbanner · 3 years
Part of a Team
Summary: Wanda is the newest Avengers recruit and she’s having a hard time finding her place in this new life- maybe she can find it in you?
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x y/n, you
Warnings: Brief mention of death and blood, minor language (if you squint theres kind of compromising situations? nothing outright sexual)
Word Count: ~2700
A/N: Reblogs, likes, and comments are VERY much appreciated, all mistakes are my own! xx 
**I don't own marvel and if I did Natasha would be alive**
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Something was wrong. You were just in Strucker’s lab- just on the trail of one of the enhanced twins. The alarms were going off around you and your boots clanged on the metal floor- before you froze in your place, a red haze overtaking you and suddenly you were thrown into the daylight.
You felt tingles run through your veins and down your spine; your head throbbed. You felt vulnerable, seen. What the hell is going on-
You’re in the forest, you think. No- there are rocks. Big rocks-
No, not rocks. Graves. Gravestones. Where the hell are you?
You drag your heavy feet over to the nearest, it takes a moment for your vision to focus.
Who’s grave? Who’s grave? Oh god.  No no no- this, this can’t be-
Natasha Romanoff.
You felt like throwing up. This couldn’t be real. You dragged yourself to another stone situated nearby: Clint Barton. Beloved husband, father, and friend.
It felt like you couldn't breathe, you were just there with them. You were just there.
Your body jerks as cold hands grab your shoulders and spin your body to face them-
You throw your arms around his neck, “STEVE! Oh god Steve! You’re okay- you’re.. cold” you feel something wet and sticky on your hand, pulling it back and seeing red. So much red.
“Steve..” you quickly stumble back, tripping in the process. It’s then you see- it’s too late. His body was grey and lifeless. He falls onto his knees and then collapses totally. You scream and scramble backwards, head hitting another gravestone in the process.
You turn to face it, to read another name of one of the team members you’ve come to call family- but it's not one of theirs. It’s yours.
It’s your name. A graveyard for the Avengers, Earth’s mightiest heroes.
Suddenly your body jolts and you take a sharp intake of breath- your ears are pounding. Everything hurts. But you see her- the enhanced. She’s looking at you with a look you can’t describe. It’s not fear, it’s not anger.. Pity? Empathy? You can’t look away from her, the glowing red eyes capturing you as their prey.
And then there was black.
A few weeks later and you’re back at the tower. Things have changed- the entire world has changed, really. The battle opened up new doors- literal new doors to new realms- that the world had previously thought impossible.
The team had expanded, with Steve’s friend Sam joining the team, as well as Vision, the synthezoid that helped the team to defeat Ultron.
There was also her.
Wanda Maximoff was one of the enhanced twins from Strucker’s experiments, you eventually learned. It was voluntary, but after learning about her backstory you think you would have done the same in her place. 
She lost her brother- Pietro- in the battle and she took it hard. She didn’t come out of her room when she could help it. Clint was rather protective over her, maybe it was the fatherly figure coming out of him- maybe he was feeling guilt over being the one Pietro sacrificed himself to save. Either way, he was able to get her out of the room a few times and get her to eat. Vision also struck up a strange friendship with the girl- but then again, Vision was easy company, and rather empathetic for a synthezoid.
Everybody took a hit from when Wanda messed with their heads, some more than others.
You didn’t talk for a week.
Didn’t even talk with Clint’s kids when they wanted to play with you.
You didn’t hold it against her. She proved what a valuable asset she was to the team as she fought alongside the group. She did what she thought was right at the time, and that’s not something you could hold against anybody.
Ever since the Battle, Wanda has been staying in the Avengers facilities with the rest of the group, an official Avenger, but you could tell she was still uneasy around the team. She only talked when she was directly talked to and didn't come out of her room but for a few times a day for food and training, sometimes not even then.
And then there was you.
She seemed to avoid you like the plague. You weren’t even sure you two made eye contact for the entire first few weeks she was there.
At first you thought she just didn’t like you, that something about you rubbed her the wrong way, or something you had done had offended her.
But it was her eyes that gave it away- the same soft look that she gave you right after exploring the deepest and darkest parts of your mind that day at Strucker’s lab. She knew from the second it happened that she had hit a deep nerve, and she would continue to give you that damn look every time she thought you didn't notice her.
But you always did.
You couldn’t help it, the way you were drawn to her. She reminded you so much of yourself before joining the team, broken, and alone in your head. You wanted to know her. You wanted to be there for her, be someone to her, you didn’t want her to keep walking on eggshells around you.
And so, you told her.
You found her in the kitchen late one night. She was wearing flannel pajama bottoms and a garnet tank top with a plain gray robe overtop. Her hair was a mess, roughly shoved into a ponytail and her hands were cupped around a mug. She was blowing on what looked to be dandelion tea, and as you got closer the fragrant earthy smell confirmed your suspicions.
She looked adorable.
And slightly startled to find you alone with her.
“Evening” you said as a greeting as you made your way to the counter top.
She gave a tight-lipped half smile with a timid “Hi” before going back to blowing on her tea. She made a slight movement that looked like she was going to try to slip away before you continued,
“You did really well in training the other day. Cap can’t give you enough praise” you say, taking a seat on one of the counter barstools.
She looks puzzled for a moment over your attempt at small talk before getting out a “Thank you.”
You both stood there in silence for a moment, just looking at each other, feeling the air grow thicker with each second ticking by.
“I like the pajamas” you say with a small smirk. You yourself were still dressed for the day in your leather jacket and black jeans. You could have sworn you saw flush creep up her neck before she swallowed it down with a sip of her tea.
There was another silent moment as she gave you a quizzical look, “I don’t quite understand what’s happening here.” She says with a vague hand gesture to the space between them.
You gave a slight chuckle, it was very on-brand for Wanda to be straight to the point.
“Look, Wanda,” You rotated your body on the stool to face her more comfortably,
“I see the way you look at me when you think i’m not looking. You avoid me at any given opportunity, I actually think this has been the most words we’ve exchanged in your whole time living here.”
She raised her ducked head to look you in the eyes and gave a small shake to her head, “I don’t understand.”
You don’t break eye contact, but simply offer a small smile as you reply “I’m not afraid of you, Wanda. And I don’t hold anything from that day against you. All is forgiven, and I would like to move past that. I understand you believed everything you were doing was for the right reasons, and the only thing that it shows me is your dedication and loyalty to a greater cause. Even if it was the wrong one at the time.”
She looked shocked, to say the least. Her mouth slightly opening and closing as she pondered what to say in response.
“You all should be afraid of me. You see the chaos I’ve created and you think you know what I can do,” her voice caught before she continued, “But the truth is I don't even know what i'm capable of. I don’t belong here.” she says softly.
You give a sad smile before slipping off of the stool and moving closer to her.
“We all thought that, at one point or another. We’ve got a whole freak circus here, we’ve got more baggage than Delta flies in a year- that's, that's uh, an airline. My bad.” You elaborate after she gives you a puzzled look, holding back a smile at your stuttered explanation.
“Aaand I ruined the moment.” You give a small chuckle, before continuing “But my point still stands. Nobody belongs here more or less than anyone else. We’re all just here, that's the truth of the matter. We’re just a bunch of unlucky misfits trying to figure out how to work as a team. Just give it a try, and maybe you’ll find you fit in better than you imagined you would.”
At some point during your speech you had moved close enough to take her hand, and you look down at it now, blushing before going to move it away.
Before you could, she gives your hand a squeeze before moving in to place a gentle kiss against your cheek.
“Thank you, y/n.”
And with that she slips away to her room, leaving you alone with your racing heart and her lukewarm mug of tea.
The next morning you found yourself awake bright and early for another morning training session with Nat and Steve- but you had a guest this time.
“Wanda” you greeted, which she returned with a timid “Good morning.”
“I’m glad you could make it” you say, sincerely.
“I decided to take your advice.” She replies with the smallest smile pulling at her lips.
The two of you stood there for a moment, just taking each other in before Steve cleared his throat, “Alright, we should get started then. Wanda, I'll spar with you to start. Nat, you take y/n. Try not to kill each other, please.” He said with a humored smile.
You make your way towards the corner with Nat on your heels. She gives you a quizzical look with a raised brow, glancing between you and Wanda. You roll your eyes and shake your head, only responding with a pointed “Later,” before your legs sweep under hers and an arm wraps around her torso, flipping you both to the ground and landing with you on top of her.
“Using my own move against me, that’s a low blow y/n.” You both laugh, and you barely respond with a “I learned from the best” before she wraps a leg around your waist and grabs your wrists with one hand, flipping you over and pinning you to the ground. She winks and replies “Damn right you did.”
It went like that for another half an hour, the two of you going back and forth battling for the upper hand. Natasha was the one who had trained you since the beginning, and you could almost say you were near her equal now. Well, you could at least give her a run for her money in a spar.
The two of you were panting and glistening with sweat, cheeks flushed from the exercise when she gave you a mischievous wink and called out to the other two, “Hey grandpa, I think I’m done getting my ass kicked by y/n for the day. I want someone easy, come spar with me”
If looks could kill, the look you were giving her would have the assassin dead on the floor.
Steve only looked amused, grabbing a towel to wipe his own sweat as he responded “Bring it on, Romanoff. Try not to break anything, though. I’ve been told they want my bones for the Smithsonian” Nat rolled her eyes and gave a pointedly fake laugh before they made their way to the other side of the gym, leaving you and Wanda alone.
“Hi” you greeted. She responded with a small smile and a “Hi” in return.
She looked as though she were still catching her breath, the rise and fall of her chest was noticeably fast and her face was still adorned with a glisten of sweat and pretty pink flush.
The same flush you saw from her last night, standing in the kitchen with the dim light around her.
Oh God you were in deep now.
“Nat and I were just wrestling around, hand to hand combat kind of stuff, but I see you and Steve were boxing so it's up to you what you’d like to do.” you say quickly.
“Well.. I do have this,” She waves her hand to show her flicker of red powers “for missions, so I don’t think I really need that kind of training.” She says with a smirk, “But I admit, you seem like a good teacher. Maybe.. some basics?”
She was pushing it. Pushing at this, the same way you were pushing last night. Alright, maybe you could run with this.
You give her a teasing smile, “Alright then. We’ll start slowly. May I?” You ask, reaching out for her, but not quite touching.
“By all means” she says, and you can feel the familiar flush creeping up your neck again. You release a puff of breath and shake yourself out of your thoughts before stepping closer to Wanda, and in one fluid motion you had one leg behind hers, your left arm resting against her upper chest and your other at the small of her back, pushing her flush against yourself.
You could hear the small gasp she let out, smirking to yourself.
“This is a simple take down, easy to get out of, but good for beginning. Now i'm just gonna pull you down as slowly as I can-”
You bring her left leg out from under her and carefully let the two of you sink to the floor, leaving you straddled on top of her and pinning her arms to the ground. The air suddenly felt a lot warmer.
You meet her eyes, breath hitching as you feel her pulse quicken beneath your touch.
You clear your throat and begin again, “Like I said before, it’s easy to get out of, but you want to keep the element of surprise. Use your opponent's body weight against them, if you can twist your wrist to slip it out of their grip and use your hips to to flip-”
Before you could even finish she had you pinned beneath her, wind knocked out of you from the impact.
“Like that?” she said, looking down at you through hooded eyes, thick accent teasing- flirting?
You were suddenly very aware of your close proximity and compromising position- flush against each other with her hips straddling your waist; close enough to feel her rapid heartbeat. 
“Yeah- that was- that was good” you sputtered out, barely able to hear yourself over the rapid beating of your own heart. Or maybe it was hers- you aren't sure you could tell the difference between up and down right now.
She gave a proud smirk and opened her mouth to say something before a certain synthezoid floated through the gym walls, clueless to the moment he was interrupting.
“Mr. Stark requests a team meeting and would like you to meet him in the conference room.” He said simply before turning and leaving through the wall again.
Wanda gave you a look that seemed to say we’ll finish this later and moved off of you. You missed the heat of her body immediately.
She offered you a hand up and you gladly took it, the two of you walking side by side in silence to the meeting, shoulders bumping and small smiles shared between you two as you think to yourself that maybe you could get used to this. 
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princeanxious · 3 years
New au idea just dropped: abducted by aliens + found family; familial anadukeceit addition with a twist:
tw: minor abducted by aliens, mentions of illegal scientific experimentation on a minor, general au theme following the rescues of ppl getting abducted, those are the big ones, lmk if i missed anything!
Virgil and Remus are normal adult humans that are part of a galactic crew that specializes in rescuing aliens that were abducted for black market trade and experimentation purposes and rehabilitating them
Janus is a young teenage human who'd been abducted and experiemented on for two years before his rescue, leaving him half-covered in abnormally healthy scales, sharp fangs and coldblooded-like qualities, and without a way to talk like he used to.(he can growl and hiss and whine ect., but they mostly ruined his ability to mimick sounds without it being painful and thus he cannot actually try to speak without pain.) He's not seen another live human in years, and is way too young to know how to cope with it, so he doesn't trust anything anymore and often comes off as extremely violent because he doesn't know whats a threat and what isnt, and isnt honestly sure hes not experiencing a vivid nightmare half the time.
Cue this team getting a report from a different rescue group about requesting help for a specific rescue from their mostly human rescue team, this time its about a small earth-like dealthworlder that had been discovered and rescued as one of the few surviving aliens from an illegal testing facility.
Report lists it as extremely volitile and hostile, but only when provoked(see: any attempt to interact with it). If left alone, it simply cowers in a corner and cries. There have been efforts to get it to eat that have only been semi successful due to the poor thing seemingly not being able to digest certain foods, and they worry it will simply die of starvation, or loneliness, if they cant get it's condition stable.
The reason theyre requesting Virgil's team is because the original rescue has never seen this kind of alien before, but it looks mostly human and thats the assumption. Humans are known to have high-packbonding instincts, and that persistence for kinship is pretty much this rescue's last hope.
To the humans, its a bit of a far leap seeing as they arent provided with any clear pictures of the thing, but its their job and theyre getting paid to do it, might as well try.
They.. They arent prepared to arrive to the sight of a child. Well, sort of child. A teenager? Whose regardless way too thin and quite too small to look anything but vastly unhealthy.
From his one side of his ribs curled up all the way around one side of his face and down that arm are rich yellow scales, that perhaps look like the healthiest part of him.
He wears a blindfold from his previous containment, and word has it the first alien to try and take it off was met with the worst lash-out yet and was still in recovery. They had kept it on him because he wont let anyone near take it off. It keeps him calm to be sightless, and its unfortunately all they can do to keep him that way.
And well, while Remus has always been the best at taming some of the wilyest deathworld creatures, its actually Virgil who has skill in taming those few labeled 'deadly.'
He sees this 'dangerous' behavior for what it really is.
This is a child who is scared, terrified, and lashing out at anything that doesn't feel safe.
So you can imagine the brief uptic in nervous alien chatter from the main observation room when Virgil decides to walk straight into the containment room with no gear, no food, nothing but himself and his jacket.
Its a little jarring to hear a teenager hiss angrily at you, but Virgil used to Be That Teenager, so he doesn't really react. And he can see it when he speaks, using a soft and comforting voice, the way this kid freezes at being spoken to. In a langauge he understands.
"Hey buddy."
There's an immediate growl of uncertainty, pressing himself further away. Disbelief. It cant be, right? It's been 2 years since hes been in a room with another living human, there's no way.
"Cmon now, none of that. It's just me here right now. My names Virgil."
He doesn't really want to believe it, that hes hearing another human. But he cant help the instinctual need to turn and hide the scales, the thing that makes him a freak of nature, no human would want him after what had been done to him.
Its a slow back and forth, really. Virgil asking a mundane question and getting some cautious hiss or growl or click in reply. But slowly, ever so slowly, the boy is relaxing.
"Can I reach my hand out? I wont touch you, okay? I want you to reach out too, if you're okay with that. We can move at your pace, okay?"
And maybe he gets a slightly petulant whine, but theres no aggression. Just. stress.
He holds his hand out, palm down, and waits. And is rewarded with an extrsmely shaky hand reaching out and grasping his own with a little fumbling. And then theres a pause, where the boy is taking thw time to register the hand.
And then the boy is all but flinging himself forward, blindly reaching out with a sob. Maybe some aliens in the observation room tense, but the humans in the room remain completely calm.
And now Virgil has a lap full of entirely too distraught child and no say in the matter, but thats fine. Hes content to just hold the poor thing and let the kid cry it out, god knows he needed this.
They learn this kids name, Janus, through some shake tracing of fingers on skin, then pen to paper. He's barely 16, and was abducted at age 14.
They learn one eye had been tampered with as well to match the scales, but all that was successful was a color change to yellow. It fortunately affects Janus's sight very little, except when hes tired and finds himself with migraines from his eyes being tired.
Janus is a special case, because he cant go back home, not with the things hes seen and experienced, as the galactic rescue is still a bit of a secret to earth. But hes a minor, so he cant very well join the rescue yet, even if he wanted to.
So, Virgil and Remus adopt him. Janus is more than happy about it, despite his struggles to show it.
They have a number of humans and humanoids on their team, one of which is a therapist named Emile(human), and another who is their navigator and unofficial translator named Remy(half-human).
Janus p much gets unofficially adopted by them as well, standing in as the cool uncles most likely, but through them he learns to deal with his trauma, and gets to learn how to communicate via galactic hand-sign language.
Sometimes a family can be a Team Rescue Group Leader, his Danger Tamer Chaotic Boyfriend, and their Half Danger-Noodle Half-Sassy Human Son, and two fun uncles who collectively know how to heal trauma and 47 different ways to say 'fuck you' in alien.
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jojoboisimagines · 3 years
Club BIZARRE (Jojos 1-8 x Pimp! Reader) :: Chapter 1
Summary: You are a pimp that owns a rather popular nightclub with the Jojos as your employees competing with Club Passione. What antics will ensue?
A/n: Hope you guys enjoy the first chapter! Its moreso an introductory chapter, the next one will have more story to it! And just to be clear, the Jojos aren’t related in this fic!
If someone asked you what you thought your job would be in the future, rest assured your answer certainly would not have been ‘managing 4-5 male sex workers in a fairly popular nightclub’. 
Its a complicated story how all of you met, but all of you built this little business together. The Jojos were moreso your friends now than just guys that worked for you. If a client treated them badly or without respect, you (along with the others sometimes) would put them in their place. You wouldn’t even allow anyone to call them ‘whores’. 
When there was no work or clients, the group would chill in your personal lounging room. It had kind of become a safespace where all of you could hang out. There were purple neon lights hung around the room, with a few lava lamps to brighten it up a bit. A mini bar was on the right side of the room, the black leather couch everyone loved so much, and a TV on the wall where Josuke would usually hook his games up.
Right now, thats where all of you were. Everyone was doing their own thing, if not having a conversation. Your eyes scanned the room, looking at them one by one.
Jonathan was writing in some kind of book. He was a little shy and reserved, it made you wonder why he participated in this line of work. From the vague stuff he told you, it seemed like he came from a rather wealthy family. As long as it made him happy though.
He could also make some pretty mean drinks. His job doubled as the bartender, despite not drinking much alcohol himself. You had to admit, he looked pretty good in the uniform too.
Your eyes turned to Joseph, who was texting on his phone. He was the most wild one next to Jolyne. His crossdressing act brings in quite a few clients, though his makeup could use a bit of work. If everyone else was low energy on a given day, you could at least expect him to be annoyingly cheery (unless he was upset). Joseph does tend to complain the most about some of his clients though.
Jotaro was outside on a smoke break. You wondered if he’d ever quit, but you had faith in him. You couldn’t entirely blame him though, he is always the most requested. You didn’t really understand why, perhaps it was the cool guy act? Why he worked here was also a mystery, seeing that he complains everyday when he comes in. Everyone has the suspicion that he didn’t really mind it as much as he pretends to.
Josuke was playing the game. He didn’t take the job too seriously but he did bother to come everyday. When he’s not strapped for cash, he’s usually in this room playing games.
Giorno was watching the game while also taking some notes. He was your assistant, and perhaps the backbone of this business when you had no idea how to make a decision. Opposite to Josuke, he takes this job very seriously and tries to keep everything in order. The only time he’s ever taken a client is when a hefty price was paid by someone who spotted him in the club and thought he was attractive. 
Johnny was having a conversation with Jolyne and Gappy. It was honestly shocking the latter two were even present today. Jolyne used to show up everyday but as time went on she came here less and less. Everytime you ask whats the deal she waves it off and insists theres no reason. When she does show up these days, she’s usually mingling in the club and dancing with her friends.
Gappy only comes on weekends, thats the agreement the two of you have. You aren’t sure what he does the rest of the week, but that was none of your business.
It made you happy Johnny was actually talking to his coworkers. He stays latched to your hip so much you feared he’d never even spare a glance as someone else, even if he needed to. Everyone knew Johnny was pretty attached to you. Even when he had potential clients he always turned them down. Perhaps you had spoiled him a bit. After all there was no reason for him to come if he didn’t take any of them. Joseph had started a little rumor that he was maybe in love with you, to which the disabled man effortlessly found out and got annoyed over. 
You loved your little group. Its pretty small, but the business was still enough to compete with Passione, the nightclub that was a few blocks away. You didn’t know much about them or their boss, aside from Giorno telling you about them and how they might affect the income. 
He had gone undercover, checking out the club and what it was like. It was much bigger and extravagant than your own place, and there were more workers. From Giorno’s report, it intimidated you a little bit, but you had faith in your workers.
The blonde suggested doing some renovating (which he would be in charge of) to make your club a little more lively and appealing. It probably had a much longer way to go than you thought it did, but you trusted Giorno. Not to mention once everyone else had caught wind of the news, they wanted to pitch in and help too.
The nine of you would make Club Bizarre the best club it could be!
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swtki · 3 years
My Game - Spencer Reid x Reader
This is a part 2 to Teachers Pet
SUMMARY: After Y/Ns little test, she takes Dr. Reid up on his offer. She also takes him back to the apartment. 
It had been three days since Dr. Reid emailed me. I hadn’t texted him yet, too afraid of not knowing what to say. When I pulled that little stunt at his desk, I expected nothing to come of it. Just seeing his cute and pink face was enough of a reward. But it was obvious to me in the days following, he wanted to cross his finish line.
My phone sat comfortably in my hands, the series of numbers lining the top of my screen. I had not an inkling of an idea of what I would say. Should I go casual? Professional? Sexy? I mean, did anyone ever know how to aproach their crush?
Y: It’s Y/N, sorry I took so long. I’ve been kinda busy.
S: No worries, I was beginning to think I had read the room incorrectly. What are your plans for Saturday night? Theres a great Italian restaurant next to where I’m staying in DC.
Y: That sounds wonderful, actually. I’ll meet you there at 7?
S: Perfect.
I reluctantly pulled my figure from the sofa, and soon eagerly jumping into the shower. When the water hit my face the entire day melted away, and left only the anticipation of that night. I felt so special, I mean I was living my most vivid fantasies and not every woman gets to do it with a genius professor.
With my makeup carefully applied, and my dress matching my shoes, I started down the stairs. As my heels made a clicking noise, I started to feel a familiar flutter in my stomach. I was nervous; First date nervous. Though I had met him many times, and most recently met his body with mine, the event of a first date was a pâté of emotions.
The door of the restaurant was cold against my hand. I didn’t expect a high end dining experience, and when I walked in the entry way I was glad it wasn’t. The entry way was filled with cozy items. The faded rose pattern on the wallpaper complimented the display of family photos.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for a tall brunette man, it was a table for two.” I said to the hostess. She paused for a second, tapping on her tablet as she checks the current table descriptions.
“Ah yes, party of two for Reid?”
I confirmed and she led me through a hallway to our left, which led into a small dining area. The room walls were a burgundy color, illuminated by the candle sitting at the head of each table.
I thanked the woman as I walked toward Spencer. He looked a tad bit cleaner than usual, his hair was combed and tucked away behind his ears.
“Oh, here let me get that for you.” He rose from his seat and rushed over to the chair across from him.
“How gentleman like, Doctor.” He laughed and we both took our seats.
“Please, call me Spencer.” His form was more relaxed than it usually was in class, giving him a calmer and peaceful demeanor.
Dinner progressed, a glass of wine was nursed, and he insisted on paying our check. Though I had been on dates before, this felt like my first real adult date.
“How did you get here?” He inquired as we stepped onto the rough parking lot terrain.
“I took a cab, I’m thinking I may catch the train though.” I said. His mouth spread into a displeased expression.
“Nonsense, please let me drive you home. I would hate for those statistics we learned last week be applied in this manor.” I laughed and rolled my eyes. I hesitated to answer for a moment, instinctually I looked down and shifted my weight on my feet. The thought of him driving me home could end up in a number of ways; Mostly good. But, if I did take the train, it would end in a few ways; Mostly unmentionable.
“Alright, since you asked nicely.” His cheeks grew red as he avoided eye contact with me. I knew right then where our night would likely head.
“Would you like to come up? We can have a drink if you aren’t hell-bent on going to sleep before nine-thirty.” I joked with him.
“Are you sure? I wouldn’t want you to feel forced into anything because I know that theres a certain expectation when-“
“Spencer, if I didn’t want to fuck you, I wouldn’t have asked you up.”
Sure, having to say it in blatant terms is less than sexy, but thats what I adored about our dynamic at that point; I led the relationship.
I leaned into my fridge, purposefully bending over so my skirt lifted to show my ass.
“Well...fuck,” I said, “As it would turn out, someone stole my wine bottle and filled my fucking vodka bottle with water.” I stood up and shut the door, walking over to the counter inches away.
“One time I took the drink turn when it came to our friend-team-dinner-night, the bottle was forty dollars, which granted is the cheap wine more or less. To this day I still have no idea who stole the bottle, because I wanted to take it home.” Spencer reminisced. I laughed at his unusual way of trying to understand.
“Wasn’t really mine to begin with,” I started walking over to the sofa where he patiently sat. “I’m not of legal drinking age. But of course it tastes better when its forbidden, everything does.” I stepped in front of the man, his knees only an inch from my shin. "Can I touch you, Spencer?” I said in a soft voice, the lids of my eyes relaxed in a sweet shift.
“Y-yes.” He gasped, obviously so turned on by the way I stood over him, in power of him. I threaded his hair through my fingers and tugged back, pushing his head as far up as I could. His eyelids fell and he was no longer looking at me.
“Look at me, sweetheart. I want you to see everything.” He opened his eyes, his irises were colored with lust and desperation. I connected our lips in a long a sweet kiss. Rather than just having a mess of tongues, the kiss was filled to the brim with emotion, of pleasure that this was happening again. His lips were slightly swollen when I pulled away to unbutton his shirt. While I fiddled with the garment, he put his hands on my hips firmly.
“Can I- can you sit on my lap?” he asked, a red tint forming on his face. I smiled and obliged, sliding his shirt off of his lean torso. I started kissing him once more, this time I made sure to press my dripping panties against the large tent in his trousers.
“Would you like to take this to the bedroom?” I ask,hands resting comfortably on his neck.
“Please”, I stood and laced our hands together, leading him to my bedroom. Once we both entered through the doorway, I pushed him onto the bed, he fell softly.
I reached my hands behind my back to unzip my dress, as I felt it fall past my legs and onto the floor, I saw his eyes scan every detail of my body.
“One might say you were planning this.” He eyed my matching lace set.
“Wanted to make sure Spencer Reid had the best.” I replied, climbing on top of him so that I would be straddling him. I felt his hands connect to my waist as we kissed, his hands were warm and excited me even more. He pulled away, quickly pressing his lips to my neck and collarbone. My breath hitched in my throat as he bit down lightly on the skin. “Lets get these off, shall we?” I motioned to his pants, which had to be killing him right now. While he does that, I reach into my drawer and retrieve a condom, laying against the plush material of my pillows after I set it down on the table.
He gets on top of me , pressing his lips with mine as he rubs the back of my bra, signaling he wants me to take it off. I ,of course, reach back and unhook it, tossing it onto the floor. He grabs my tit while dancing his tongue with mine, making me more wet than I thought was possible. Usually, these actions signified a need for control, but when Spencer did it, it was like a desperate sixteen year old boy. Its clear he needed me.
“Can I...” he nods down to my cunt, still covered by the thin material of my panties.
“Can you what, Spencer?” I lace my fingers in his hair and pull, earning a soft groan from the man hovering over me.
“Can I please eat you out?” He begged. I smiled and pushed his head down, spreading my legs when his face met my stomach. He started by taking his thumb and rubbing over my clothed pussy. I bucked my hips, desperate for more friction. “Is it okay for me to take these off?” His eyes met mine, searching for confirmation. I smiled and nodded, moving my hands to stroke his hair rather than tug at it.
As his fingers latched onto the last piece of fabric that covered me, instinctually I pushed my hips upwards. He looked at me, silently asking if taking the garment off was still okay. When I bit my lip, a rose hue covered his face. He was flustered by me, by the escalation of us. But nevertheless, he slowly pulled off the last piece of modesty I had.
To re-assure him, I lightly tugged at his hair. Thankfully, he took the hint and licked a long stripe on my clit. My voice was caught in my throat as he continued making flat-tongued movements. I felt his hands slowly wrap around my thighs, pushing my heat into his face more than it already was.
He devoured me without hesitation, but when he pulled away for air he replaced it with two fingers and then when my stomach tensed and my eyes rolled back into my head, he used three. I finished with his mouth sucking on my bundle of nerves and his fingers buried inside me.
“Do you want to keep going?” He raised his head up and his thumb stroked my thigh, which he was still grasped onto.
“Yes, God yes please, Spencer.” I whined, the high fading away. He stood up off the bed and removed his strained boxers. He was beautiful; His lanky form was now a lean masculine type. I smiled at him, to which he obviously thought he was being laughed at. He couldn’t make eye contact with me, resulting to the floor instead. “Spencer,” I crawled towards the edge of my bed and placed my hands on his shoulders, “You are so gorgeous, the reason I’m smiling is because you always hide it in those sweater vests.” he relaxed.
“Thanks” he mumbles, still avoiding my eyes.
“Now please, come back here and let me take care of you.” He climbed back onto the bed while I rested against the pillows. He was nervous, and obviously he wanted to do it right. I could see his hands shaking as he unwrapped the condom and put it on.
“You’re sure?” He asks, the tip of his cock resting on the top of my inner thigh. He was easily six inches, my hand could probably wrap around and be too small.
“Yes, please fuck me.” He slowly inserted himself into my dripping cunt, causing me to let out a lewd string of words. Once again, my hands flung to his hair and tugged harshly, causing his arms to almost buckle beneath his own weight. I could feel his pelvis against mine, his muscular bottom torso pressed up against my clit. “Move, baby, its okay.” I reassure him. His hips pull away from mine, then snap back with a nice pressure. He quickly started to pick up his pace, small grunts escaping through his clenched jaw. “Do you like the feeling of your pathetic little cock inside my cunt? I bet you feel like a special little bitch now.” I moaned into his ear. “Well, are you going to tell me how much you enjoy my cunt?”.
“God, yes! I love it so fucking-“ his moan paused the sentence and he focused on getting his movements right.
“So fucking what? Go on, finish the sentence baby.”
“So fucking good, I love being inside of you so much!” He was practically whimpering in pleasure.
“Be a good boy and make me cum all over that pretty little cock of yours?” I struggled to contain my moans, I could not fall apart this quickly.
“Yes I will!” His fingers reached down to rub my clit, impressively keeping a steady rhythm. I felt the knot in my stomach becoming hotter and hotter as the minutes passed by.
“Oh my god, such a good- oh my god!” my eyes rolled back into my head as the impact of my orgasm was full forced. When my head cleared, I tugged on his hair, pulling his head so he could look me in the eye. “Gonna cum soon? Are you going to cum all inside of me?” his thrusts got off beat, he was close.
“Yes, I’m gonna-“
“Ask permission to cum, Spencer.”
“Can I please cum inside of you? Please?” He whines.
“Of course you can, baby.” With that he makes a strained moaning noise and his hips slowly stop moving. We’re both panting, while he flushes the condom I walk into the bathroom next to him. I turn to the shower and twist the hot water knob.
“We might as well get clean together, yeah?” I said.
“Yeah.” he smiles and kisses me once more.
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prof-peach · 3 years
Hey Prof, I need your advice.
My sister recently decided she didn't wanted her bulbasaur anymore (she got him on a whim about a month ago) and gave him to me, he is quite violent and tends to attack when I try to get close to him.
Now, that wouldn't be a huge problem, but my Purrloin has gotten hurt trying to befriend him, she's quite outgoing and never really liked fighting (we enjoy contests so she knows a few more flashy attacks), so she couldn't even defend herself properly.
I don't want to give up on him and my local rescue center is filled with Bunearies (you know, after Easter kids don't want their Bunny anymore) so they can't take him in right now, any advice in how I can go about this situation?
Sounds to me like you have a tricky little dude on your hands. So you're not battle orientated which will make this harder, Bulbasaur in the wild are actually quite combat minded to defend their families and territory, and a lot of their herds consist of strict hierarchy based on power and skill, often led by older, fully evolved members of their group. 
Before you take any actions to befriend them, its worth noting that any pokemon who comes into your care showing aggression is usually doing so for one or two reasons that are pretty universal for any species. Fear being the main issue with pokemon who have been ditched, if a pokemon is unwell, if it feels exposed, if it is unsure of you or your home, your partners, it may lash out because it is afraid. Even what looks like pure anger can stem from a fear. Of course some individuals are just full of rage, its not unheard of, but for the most part it comes from somewhere else. 
For a moment, take the time to put yourself in this pokemons shoes. It was chosen, with hopes and ambitions of its own, by your sister, a stranger to them, and for whatever reason they were cast aside. This reason may be unclear to the pokemon, it may be unfair, unkind, or even without malice just out of pure indifference. No matter the reason, this pokemon has been left behind by a trainer it at one point probably wanted to try to get along with. I don’t know what your sister may or may not have done, or provided for the bulbasaur, but it will help you understand how its feeling, if you were to ask her about their relationship prior to you receiving the pokemon. If it has always been aggressive and angry, i’d seriously consider talking to it about release, not rehome. 
We humans have a preconceived notion that pokemon are pets and things to keep with us. This may be true for some sure, but not every pokemon wishes to be a captive to a human, they may want more for themselves, and wish for a free life with their own kind. We cannot put our wants and desires above that of the pokemons, so you two need to have a talk, at a respectful distance for safeties sake, to see what the Bulbasaur feels they may want. These are herd pokemon, born and bred to be with their own kind, if not a larger group, if its lonely, if it wants to go home, to start a family, or simply to not be held in a ball as some creature to be owned, then you as its current carer must give it what you can. You can always find another pokemon who wants to be your partner, but you cannot give back lost years to a pokemon who has lived a life its unhappy with. Treat them with respect, and be open and honest. At the end of the day we have a chance to help pokemon, and forcing what we want onto them is a hinderance, and will lead to them feeling unsatisfied and bitter in the long run. 
Some pokemon lash out due to the process of being handed off to someone else, trust is earnt, not always just simply given to whoever holds the pokeball. Remember this as you move forward, and try to keep your other pokemon away from them, Bulbasaur are territorial species, and have to accept pokemon into their families before simply allowing them to come and go freely into their personal space. Despite their grouchy natures at times they usually do have a morally positive compass, and defend with ferocity when they love something. Perhaps in you showing genuine concern for their welfare and future, offering them not what you want, but instead what they want, they may give you a chance to get closer, but take baby steps, and try to be their friend above all else. I bet they're feeling pretty lonely right now. 
Its worth sharing interests with the pokemon, talk about contests, see if they're interested, some pokemon have a predisposition for this, others have no interest and prefer more battle based lives, or even peaceful non-competitive existences. no amount of pressure will change a pokemon’s nature, and some just aren't cut out for the fine art of showmanship that contests require. You can however use powerful attacks in showy ways, so theres always hope that they could enjoy it, if you can work with them to their strengths. 
If possible, work to getting them outdoors, cooping grass types up can lead to stroppy, testing personalities, many thrive in the outdoors, he may need some serious outside time to compensate for the lack of exercise and natural stimulation they may have not been getting prior to your ownership. There are plenty of areas in public that are much like tennis courts, areas of space you can book for a set amount of time too exercise difficult pokemon, these locations are often secure facilities, both outdoors and indoors, to suit a range of species. find one that has outdoor facilities and book a few hours per week to go there, increasing the time whenever possible. This exercise and time with you may help to find common ground, and topics that you and the bulbasaur can bond over. This can be anything from battles, to sun bathing, playing sports, games, swimming, running or digging, and everything in between. Bulbasaur naturally are great foragers and tend to like to snaffle about in long grass and shrubland, hiding treats like berry slices in a secure environment is good enrichment and can tire the pokemon out. a tired pokemon is usually a little less aggressive, having lower energy levels and less want to expend attacks. this process also associated you with something fun, and your scent will be on the treats too, so they'll know you were the one to provide this activity for them.   
I’d also take plenty of time to observe the bulbasaur, as your sister got them on a whim, they probably had no prior knowledge of the species, or how to correctly care for them. In a month, a health complaint could have begun to show, so observe their colouration, feet, walking gait, sleeping patterns, feeding habits, and general behaviour. Excess scratching, heavy breathing, or unusual shaking or moving can suggest a health condition is starting to take form. Most can be helped if caught early, but some illnesses give the pokemon discomfort, and can lead to snappy tempers and irritability. It could be that this individual is in pain, or finding life difficult due to its health, which can cause a lot of hostility as i’m sure anyone would agree. It can suck to be sick!
This species can be won over if you can prove you have a skill of worth to them. This is the case with a lot of pokemon, having respect for something they cannot do, and learning that they need things from you can lead to them at least tolerating us humans. Its a foot in the door. A trick i like t use with particularly difficult bulbasaur is to give them their fav food, whatever it is, then put it in a clear container the pokemon cannot open. They have no thumbs, and their vines though dexterous, aren't able to open every kind of container. The pokemon will want whats inside, and be unable to access it. they will eventually give up out of frustration. this is where you come in. enter the space, don’t let your pokemon approach as this can be threatening, and open the container. leave it on the floor open, making sure they've watched you get the thing open. They can then approach and enjoy their fav food, all thanks to you and those wondrous thumbs you have. repeating this process yields good results, and starts a mutual relationship of tolerance and acceptance between you and a bulbasaur. Most will accept they want the food more than they want you gone, and you provide something they can’t get to. whatever you do, don’t let them see that you were the one to lock the food up in the container. Get a friend to do it, or do it in the room, and leave it in place on the floor, before allowing the bulbasaur to enter and investigate the item. If they see you're the one doing it, the trick is foiled, and your back to square one. Eventually this does tend to lead to the pokemon becoming less stressed with you around them, and eventually it leads to trust, and even friendship. This trick is good to use to get them use to you, once they're ok with you being around them because of your use to them, they may start to take food from you directly, engage in play, or even just sit and tolerate company for short periods of time. Do not expect this to be quick, but it does usually do the trick. 
Regardless, i do have concern that the pokemon may want to be with its own, should you discuss this and find they're not interested in being housebound and a pet, feel free to send them our way, we had exactly this situation in mind when setting up the islands facilities, and have extensive locations designed with grass pokemosn needs at the forefront. Theres a small herd of about 12 bulbasaur evolutions that live north of our labs, no people see them, they are happy as a unit, and are left alone to go about their lives, with the only interactions between humans being us giving them their yearly health check, or should we spot them with an issue, we may intervene. They live away from others and pretty much free, in a poacher safe environment. Its not ideal, we like to keep pokemon in areas they come from, with people who love them, and you show great concern for the pokemon so it would be a shame to have to let them go, BUT sometimes thats just life, and theres nothing to be done about it other than accepting that the pokemons wants come first. They may just be mistrusting so try everything else first, and see how you go. hopefully you’ll yield some results from this all. Good luck out there trainer. 
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Toki’s Psychological State Through the Seasons
Toki is by far for me personally the most interesting member of Dethklok; I know to some degree he’s deemed as a potentially over hyped character by fans and even the show itself, but there’s countless reasons why people cling onto that character, and they’re good reasons. Even if said reasons just come down to “I think he’s neat.” that’s valid.
For me I am so fascinated with his character development, personality, and the varied chunks of background information we get about him throughout the series. A big part of this character is that when you look at him in season one compared to season four he is very different or at least he appears to be much different. Season one does establish that Toki does have a childish personality, his bedroom looks more like a room for a kid than one for a guy in his 20s. Season one establishes those basic facts about him that do heavily carry out through the show, but also increase as the show goes on.
Toki goes from immature but not overly immature to....a complete fucking wreck by the finale of season four (before Doomstar) and the reason for it is simple; it’s trauma.
Toki starts to act differently in season one after the Dethfamily episode; he spends practically that entire episode in a catatonic state, his parents always looming nearby like figures of danger and doom. After this we do get to him being bitter about being seen as immature and seen as the kid of the band (despite the fact he was barely 16 when he joined Dethklok) and when a charity informs him that a dying girl wants to meet him he turns into a complete prick. He finally comes out of that when he sees a video the kid made of herself singing a song about death and hatred, with that scene we see a small flashback of Toki’s childhood; him about the little girl’s age standing out in the snow staring up at his parents looking confused and a moment later he’s being smacked across the face. 
We could already gather beforehand when we found out he came from a very devout religious sect outside of Lillehammer that his childhood was sketchy, plus how he locked up when around his parents, but seeing the flashback of him being hit as a little boy.....Answers the obvious question of “did they beat him?”
Season one is the least eventful of the seasons. Season two is when shit begins changing drastically.
Season two Toki receives a call to inform him that his father has cancer and is on his death bed, the family and the church wants him to return to Norway to see his father. He acts completely fine about this initially, the phone conversation and the way he announces his father’s terminal illness to the band is as if somebody just asked to borrow his car. When it gets close to time to actually go and when they are in Norway it’s different though; he becomes anxious and clearly uncomfortable, in Norway he stays in town mostly, stalling around places he went to as a kid and a teenager before he ran off to America. 
He does handle his father’s dying well once he finally convinces himself to go inside his house and see him then follow through with his father’s dying request to carry him up to his old childhood home (which goes wrong because his friend’s are dicks.) 
I am not going to go into personal detail at all and my situation was nothing like Toki’s (it’s incredibly rare to hear situations like that anymore), but Toki handling his father’s passing freakishly well kind of was a red flag for me, because I know from my own experiences that when you find out something complicated like a terminal illness or the death of your abusive parent theres’ a chance you may respond way too calmly to it, and then later down the line days or months or years later something will trigger a big reaction to it. Which is what happens.
After handling his dad’s death well we get the most iconic scene involving Toki at that point and honestly still the most iconic; he beats a man to death with his bare hands. The thing that triggers this is a hallucinated image of a rabbit, an animal he associates both with his father and his childhood, the image of it triggers him to fly into an insanely feral blind rage taking it out on a guy who had been annoying him all night. Toki has always throughout the entire series shown signs of being a tad violent, but never THAT bad. Sure he shot down a plane and had accidentally caused a death or twenty (the whole band is, it’s part of the sacrifices to the Gods deal) but we had never seen him before or after that moment beat somebody to death. That is new and it came from a place of pent up....shit. Shit he never worked through and even after that continued to not work through.
Because after this we lead into him worsening further; he begins drinking. A lot. The band consist of dudes with addiction issues, mainly alcohol, but Toki never seemed to drink quite as much as them until after he went feral on that straight edge guy. 
Toki deals with his childhood trauma in several ways:
He drinks. A lot.
He focuses on fantasy and daydreams to keep himself from focusing on his past.
He spends a lot of time with Dr. Rockso who takes advantage of his kindness often, he also spends gross amounts of money bailing his clown buddy out of jail. Constantly.
He occasionally gets violent, but never to the point of manslaughter.
Seasons three and four are when we get fully introduced to Toki acting like a kid more than a guy in his 20s and it makes sense. Toki didn’t have a childhood; we learn that his parents essentially made him into a slave at a young age having him do pointless “chores” like sweeping snow during a storm, carrying stacks of wood much too heavy for a small child, etc. and when he failed to work quickly enough or failed a task they punished him. They punished him by locking him in a shed, they punished him by chaining him up like an animal, they punished him by smacking him, by beating him with a bull whip, and worst of all (who knew it could get worse) they would force him to stay for long periods of times in a deep hole dug into the ground. A hole where he hid a clown doll made of twigs and straw, the only friend he had as a little kid.
From all that we can gather through the show he didn’t exactly have a social life of any kind until his teens, the older he became the braver I think he became, and that was responded to with worse violence from his parents. I think the statement in season one about a vision of father killing son wasn’t totally off, I think if Toki had never run away from Norway that his father would have murdered him. I think his parents knew somehow that he isn’t entirely human, they knew he was something else, and I do think his parents had plans to kill him before he could become “too powerful”. 
That aside though.....Once we the audience as well as his friends find out far more details about his horrifying childhood Toki changes. A lot. He’d already been immature and a tad bit off but he regresses further after that, more prone to depression and outbursts, clinginess, and a need to feel like he’s loved by pretty much anybody.
This is a dude who is about my age that came to the horrid realization that any person or animal he loves will die because that’s his “gift”, the gift of death. He works his ass off to repress and rationalize a brutally nightmarish childhood, and the guys he’s in a band with who he loves and sees as his family....are dicks. We know that when he joined Dethklok before they got famous that they were all close, but when they began becoming popular and became immensely wealthy the others became more focused on self indulgence and power, less focused on this still a child who desperately just wanted a family.
I think a key factor with Toki being the way he is comes down to the band’s “no caring” rule. A rule that only existed because of Magnus. Toki is the baby in a group of people who have known each other for a good while, people who came to an agreement to not give a shit about each other for a reason they never explained to him because it’s too painful for them to think about. I think he always tried to live by that rule of not caring, he tried to bury all the shit wrong with himself the best that he could but he was never good at it. It’s also clear they all care about each other and they definitely care about Toki; Nathan and Skwisgaar often being the most protective of him. 
In season four aka the season where the show becomes less of a comedy and more of a drama with stunning animation. Toki is immensely more immature and awkward, he’s clingy with the band especially where Skwisgaar is regarded. Near the end of season four he’s completely fucked up; he splits his time between Rockso (his comfort object) and Magnus (a father figure to replace Nathan) in the dinner episode which has so much going on in it. So much. Toki is at his lowest point in the series; he shows up late, drunk as fucking hell, shirtless, and covered in bruises and cuts. Rockso is with him and when Charles tries to tell him Rockso shouldn’t be there Toki goes into a full fucking anxiety attack until Charles tells him it’s fine to have the clown there. Toki’s heavily dependent on Rockso by that point; his found family is quickly falling to shit. God knows what kind of shit Magnus might have been feeding him about the band at that point. 
Toki’s entire thing from day one/the pilot of the series is that he just wants a family. When he feels like he doesn’t belong in the one that he found and was taken in by he searches for family in other places, when he can’t handle the memories of his childhood he spirals hard. I understand that the guys didn’t really know how to handle it after they heard about Toki’s childhood so I can’t fault them completely for just.....shoving him off onto Rockso after that, but I still think they should have tried to be there for him more so, more directly. I think an outlet that isn’t a drug addled clown might have helped him in some way, I think if when he’d been a teenager if one of them had found out about his upbringing and just pointed out “that isn’t okay, at all.” then things might have panned out differently. 
Mental regression isn’t uncommon when it comes down to victims of trauma caused by extreme abuse. Especially considering his trauma all occurred basically from the get go; he was a child slave, the closest I would guess he ever got to having a childhood when he was a kid was seeing other kids childhoods. Going into town and seeing kids playing, sneaking into birthday parties just to be around other kids his age, etc. and he definitely was childish as a teenager, but I think he tried to bury that side of himself when his bandmates started teasing him or pointing out how unmetal it all is.....But then a douche bag journalist brought his parents to America, a little girl died, his abusive father died horribly (as he should) in front of him, he beat a man to death (allegedly), etc. 
He spent a lot of years away from all the trauma and the death and the bull shit then suddenly it started piling on top of him again and his escapism was fantasy, clinging onto a junkie clown, partaking in childish hobbies.....because why not? 
Each member of the band suffered some messed up shit when they were kids and it shows in different ways, this is Toki’s way of dealing with it....or not. I’m not entirely sure what his psychological state would be post Doomstar; the way he bounces back from immense trauma makes me think that he would be okay given some time and that’s a safe assumption to make, especially now that his bandmates/family will be there for him the way he needs them to be.
I want to tag @theidiotwiththepaintedface who hopefully will enjoy this painfully long deep dive into a character’s psychology lol.
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