#so i just want my free shit. an excuse to eat a cake. and to be left alone with my free shit.
ayyyez · 2 years
hi there! could I please request some headcanons for shikaneji newly living together for the first time?
a/n: ohhh yes it's been so long since I've done anything shikaneji
tags: headcanons, fluff, living together, domestic vibes, suggestive themes and vibes but nothing explicit
characters: Shikamaru Naru, Neji Hyuga (paired together shikaneji)
I feel like they're one of those couples who starts living together accientally before they officially move in together.
It's the same thing with becoming a couple. They get together by going with the flow and a massive build up of strong emotions and feelings until they can't keep them in anymore and it just happens one night and keeps happening.
There's no official couple talk at first until they HAVE to bring it up out of fear of losing the other to someone else.
It's the same with moving in together.
It starts by wanting to just be around each other as much as possible. It's hard to balance a relationship between missions but it works for them because this is the life they want to live.
Shikamaru is the stable one in that he's got a set routine. He's in the village most of the time doing he's duties and it is a lot easier to pinpoint his location. He's pretty easy to find once you work out his hide away spots too—a piece of cake for someone with the byakugan.
Neji is the wild card. He's sent away on missions that vary in location and duration. That means he's the one who is seeking out Shikamaru. Which also means they usually end up back at Shikamaru's place.
Now that Neji knows an existence outside the suffocating air of his clan he looks for any excuse to spend evenings away from there. It's like learning to breathe again, spending nights away with Shikamaru.
Sometimes he returns from missions in the middle of the night and he'll just head straight to Shikamaru's and climb into bed with him. Shikamaru never questions it either, just snorts and shuffles over like he's been waiting for him the whole time.
Other times Shikamaru will roll him over, pull his clothes off and make him forget there was ever a time before, a time before they created a little home together in their hearts.
It gets to a point where Neji barely goes home. Most of his clothes are mixed in with Shikamaru's. He eats there, sleeps there and spends all his free time when he's not out or in the village there. It's practically like they both live there.
It's solidified one day when Shikamaru is lying on the veranda, arms behind is head when suddenly says, 'It's getting colder.'
Neji hums in agreement, as he sits drinking his tea a few feet from him.
'So we should get a kotatsu table for our place.'
Neji almost chokes on his tea at the last few words. Shikamaru has always gone with the flow and fallen into things like feelings a lot more easily than he has but this? Declaring it is their house? That is something else.
'You alright over there?' Shikamaru asks without moving.
Neji clears his throat. 'Yes.' He shakes it off. 'A kotatsu table? I have one.'
'Perfect, I'll help you bring it over with the rest of your stuff tomorrow then.' He can hear Shikamaru's smirk from where he sat. 'It's about time right?'
'Right.' Neji tries to fight back the smile. He feels so warm inside.
Not a lot changes in their routine once they do start living together but they do become even closer. It's like they've cemented the fact they're together again like 'Yeah, you're my person.'
In truth there isn't even a lot for Neji to move in because most of his stuff is there. So once they're done something just comes over Shikamaru and he HAS to have Neji right there and then.
Most of the day is less about moving and more about intimacy. They go at it most of the day. And if they aren't doing it they're just kind of lying there having pillow talk and being vulnerable because 'shit we are officially living together now', no skirting around it kind of living together it's OFFICIAL and oop now they're doing it again.
In terms of what they're like together.
Neji is the one who is a spotless cleaner and a decent cook. Cooks more fish dishes and leaner meat dishes—healthier balanced meals that every shinobi needs. Loves tea! Always has a bunch on hand. Likes his baths. Not a fan of clutter but can deal with a little from others.
Shikamaru is somewhat tidy but he's too tired to keep things spotless and he doesn't see the point. He has a laundry pile on the chair he fixes every couple days (it used to be on the floor until he got scolded by his lover so he moved it to the chair—it's an improvement lol). Likes bathing with Neji but if he's not home he'll have quick showers.
Opts for balanced meals doesn't care about super healthy as long as it's tasty and everythings there. Loves meat and snacking. Sometimes leaves the dishes until the next day or two (feels guilty when he sees Neji doing them bc that man cannot stand dirty dishes in the sink lmao)
Neji grew up in an environment where everything had to be neat and presentable so Shikamaru tries to convince him that the bed doesn't need to be made. Neji promptly calls him an animal while shaking the blanket up and straightening it out maticulously. Shikamaru thinks its hot how he does that.
I mentioned the bathing together. They bathe and shower together as some intimacy time but also general prep/aftercare. Shikamaru also just loves unwinding at the end of the day with Neji this way. It's very relaxing and he can make him blush VERY easily.
The kotatsu also ended up being an excellent idea! They can snuggle together while Shikamaru has coffee and Neji has tea. Shikamaru naps there in the cooler months. Neji loves relaxing there knowing he brought in something useful to THEIR home.
Neji also brings some low maintenance plants to brighten up the place so Shikamaru doesn't accidentally kill them while he's away. Because he absolutley does forget to water them sometimes and he panics. It's okay Neji predicted this. Also bought some herb plants which he asks Hinata to check in on whenever he's away lol.
All in all they have a good balance and dynamic that only strengthens when they start living together.
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spurious · 2 years
laura seeing all your sga reblogs is making me want to read mcshep again. what are like... your top five fics. whether or not i might have read them before!
OH MAN okay so i have been wanting to make a McShep fic recs post for a little bit and now you've given me the perfect excuse...only FIVE though i am gonna do my best but idk if i can contain myself tbh. (narrator voice: she could not)
Silly wrong but vivid right by SquaresAreNotCircles | ~4k words, rated T
John is leaning in, head bent low towards the curly-haired guy he’s talking to. Rodney is a little annoyed instantly because hey, what’s so important they would need to whisper it? Why isn’t John pulling him into this?
And then John reaches out and pulls the other guy in. Over the table, by his neck, and suddenly this other guy is kissing John.
Or: With DADT gone, John starts kissing guys. Rodney is (very mysteriously!) not having a great time.
➞ the idea of Rodney being so out of touch with his own emotions that he thinks he’s homophobic rather than into John is just…chefs kiss.
Tutorial by objectlesson | ~3.5k words, rated E
This softness—John doesn't know what to do with how good it feels, how much he wants it. How temporary it probably is, how much it’ll hurt when it’s gone.
Or, Rodney's never touched John's dick, until now.
➞ ok it’s no secret that “we’re fooling around and I’ve got Feelings but he definitely doesn’t (but actually he DOES)” is one of my favorite tropes and this is it done to PERFECTION. (one of the great things about this trope is that it allows for sex scenes and pining at the same time and who doesn’t like having their cake and eating it too?)
Loop the Loop by alsaurus | ~9k words, rated T
One man's quest to comfort a friend. And maybe himself, just a little.
(AKA the one where John takes Rodney out on a million dates without realizing it.)
➞ Every time that someone mentioned Rodney's poor social skills, John had to suppress a smile. In the private universe of his mind he'd come to interpret "bad with people" as "made for me".
This line has lived rent-free in my head since I read this fic and it is wonderful. The whole fic is wonderful. They fit together SO WELL and it’s just. It’s nice ok
Harmonic Function by shaenie | ~8k words, rated E
"Let's go with Banach-Tarski as your safeword," McKay says almost absently, lips tracing lazily along John's hairline, and John blinks.
➞ alright this? This is just really hot. Like, really hot. I bookmarked it for a reason. You know my tastes so, you know. Lol
Little Storms by Chandri | ~18k words, rated T
None of them like to admit it, but sometimes John's wrong. Usually it's Rodney who has to say so.
-> I have several fics by Chandri in my bookmarks, and I felt it might be a bad idea to subject you to the one that’s 50k (though, if you’re interested…) so instead I’ve chosen this one, which made me cry in family mart at 11 o clock in the morning.
Rebuilding Babel by fiercelydreamed | ~20k words, rated E
He wondered if this was how it felt to go crazy -- you didn't lose your mind, it just stopped synching up with the world around you.
The Pegasus galaxy makes Rodney an expert in what he can survive without.
➞ I remember being just floored by this fic when I finished it, like just, daaaamn.
Holy Rivers by objectlesson | ~21k words, rated M
Once they’re back on Earth, things start falling apart.
➞ ok I intended to only link one fic per author BUT this is the perfect post-series fic where Rodney figures his shit out
Monomial Factors by anonymous | ~12k words, rated T
“A cat café,” Rodney says, as he sits—sprawls—on the loveseat. John scopes the terrain before settling himself down beside him, careful to keep his knees tucked safely away from where Rodney’s leg is stretched into his space so their limbs don’t knock together. “You remember that I had a cat, before Atla—we went away?”
John nods. “Sure, yeah. Quirk.”
“Quark,” Rodney corrects. “Well, he’s been with my neighbour for so long, and he’s getting older, and when we got back it just didn’t seem fair to upend his life all over again by having him move back here with me. Putting him on a plane, taking him away from his dog friend—so I’m, well, I’m interested in adopting.”
Rodney wants a cat. John's always been a dog guy.
➞ tagged “cat adoption as a catalyst to romance” I MEAN. HOW COULD I NOT. It’s soft and sweet and in character and I loved it.
It’s been absolutely insane to me to come into this fandom because like. You know that I spent years being The Person who wrote my ship and it’s like going from this tiny little trickle to a fucking…FIREHOSE of content and so much of it is GOOD? And LONG? Like……….how is this happening. Hence why I failed to choose only five fics lol. Anyway if you or anyone else want more recs or specific recs, hit me up because i am READY FOR IT.
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Episode 22 3o❤️s
I've just been sitting here rotating them in my mind so I'm gonna do another episode
What I love about podcasts is how they make me permanently associated a certain feeling with this opening music in a pure Pavlovian response. The absolute adrenaline hit I got from the Desperado opening music was craaazya an now three of Hearts makes me 🥰🥰🥰
Essay's ability to repeat the word "crystallis's" is astounding.
Namesake AND relative. Okay. Okay okay okay I'm normal I'm so normal!
Diamond agreeing with the plan or not is the difference between consensual kidnapping and uhhhh kidnapping.
"If diamond doesn't trust queer creeper we might be able to get away with just heisting diamond, we don't need diamonds cooperation" HFODGSODGKZVSZ THATS JUST KIDNAPPING BUT OKAY!!!
"we can kidnap diamond consensually or by force" 😂😂😂😂 okay I get this as like a witness protection thing but damn
"a find my phone but for the people you've adopted" VDODHKSBSKD. I love this podcast about vellum, spar, and their strange child who is their age
Loving this strange shadowy room that definitely has nothing lurking in the corner
Bxksgskdgs he says EXCUSE ME
A HILARIOUS introduction to voracity
I get this nagging feeling that no matter what diamond is not gonna be with the agents by the time shit shakes out.
"diamond has a method of circumventing free will" is diamond altered? This was definitely mentioned in just not sure. But that means they mind controlled Kurt or something, right? I wonder if voracity can suck people's alterations out of them or something.
Ooooh locate person spell yeah...
Spar just *goes*...yeah. yeah that's spar. Go get 'er!
"if something happens and spar gets murdered, whatever" NOT WHATEVER. I WILL CRY
Here I am like oh, I love this little fight it is so cute and harmless and really shows off who they are as people so nicely and then—
"are you saying I'm not a good enough fields agent?"
"yes. I am" spar noooo
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"and kaolin vellum can't throw a fucking punch" okay part is me is SO MAD right now but the larger part is me is eating up all this info about spar, I didn't know he got like this
'if you're gonna be dead can I at least uhhhh do my job?'
"This is what I'm for" ugh. Ugh. OUCH.
"I care too much about you for you to get hurt, you know that right?"
I was warned about this episode but I was not warned
"You got it kid. Sir" that's cute.
Wow I have so many emotions in my body right now.
"be careful"
"I always am"
"that's a lie—DAMMIT SPAR"
But the cheek kiss. Oh my god the cheek kiss. I feel like people get so wrapped up in mouth-kisses that they sometimes forget the simple shit like hugs and kisses on the cheek can be just as emotionally impactful if not more in context. The cupping his face. This. mmmmmmmmmmMMMM!!!!!!!
God I love them. I love them. I love them so much.
Spar and Xbala's friendship is so precious. Everyone is so precious. I'm gonna cry. but SPAR STOP DUCKING JOKING ABOUT THE IDEA THAT YOU'RE LOVED! GODDAMN!
I'm still loving the groove, this time I am bopping and weeping.
Okay but thinking about a last name in a hypothetical marriage that they hypothetically decide to want they'd probably keep theirs??? For work reasons?? But idk. I was just thinking that "Velspar" is a cool shit name. Kaoliam. Merlin. Maybe not merlin fksgsksgdjdgs
[spar bakes tiny pixie sized cakes for Sorel as he organizes her birthday yearly, doesn't org. His own lets someone else. He's confident in his cakes but otherwise can't really cook]
Ipswitch is a mood, I also love tasks.
Maybe my volume is slightly higher than normal but this end of midtro music seemed extra groovy
It just hit me that there was no heavy content warning at the start of this episode so spar's fine at least for now. I'm not feeling particularly anxious today but knowing that would definitely help a lot of j was :D
"she's not gonna blow up the car" awhhhh
I know he's fine and I'm still worried, but like, in an exciting way
He cuts the radio station in half <3.
I'm imagining Anya giving the guards bad legal advice because I think it's funny. Anya is a "vengeance is best served cold" kinda gal
I love spar saying he wants to pick Anya up because I know she is the size of maybe 2 footballs (exaggeration)
I LOVE THAT THEY KIDNAPPED CARNATION ALSO LMAO. sorry you got muzzled tho bestie that makes me sad....
How are we transporting carnation in the sedan? Or maybe carnation is just really fucking fast because pigs are fucking scary. And then this one has ANTLERS oh my god. I also need to draw carnation
Eughhhh I don't like where this incoming car is going
There are animatics in my head of all the fight scenes that I will never be able to make but know that they are VERY cool.
This does imply voracity has some sort of physical ability maybe.
>:( the hosts need to stop being funny they keep making jokes before I can make the jokes. But still "playing whatever card game is the gayest" is SO much fun.
the suits manual (which I know exists but I maintain does not exist exactly because it is funny) — "MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR GODDEX" FFFFUCK.
One success has ME making peace with my goddex.
Oh shit cool sword shit I love cool sword shit.
Spar I love you but your hubris —TWO JOKERS. The deck said "fuck you. The timeline."
Xbala's gotta be fucking flooring it.
Wheeeeeeew. What a fucking episode. Fuck. Wow. Fuck.
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papirouge · 1 year
I’m from the us and I wonder if some of these more hardcore trad girls who wish we all lived in the 40s and 50s are aware that their idolization of 50s housewives is based on fake ads. So many women back then were either on drugs given to them by their doctor or hid their true feelings out of fear from their husbands because husbands back then were able to throw their wives into psychiatric hospitals for lobotomies if they had a mental breakdown over their lives or anything. Some girls were lobotomized just for being more free spirited and less like a “lady” and their families sent them to those hospitals. My grandma who lived through that time worked as a nurse had a lot of sad stories of meeting women who were trapped in abusive marriages, having kids they didn’t want and since postpartum depression wasn’t understood well, the “therapy” offered was electroshocks to the head or something else. And they knew that they would be thrown into mental hospitals and kept there until the doctor claimed those women were “cured” - there are other things I remember talking to grandma about before she passed, and while I like some of the aesthetics of trad living, there’s a lot of ignorance from young girls who don’t know the reality of what a lot of women had gone through back then :/ it’s not just sitting in a kitchen eating aprons and baking cake all day.
Well, I have nothing to add because you pretty much said it all, but overall I'm SICK of revisionist vision about womanhood and how women have been treated in recent History
You nailed it about 50s/60s housewives, but tbh I'm still seething about how some radfem try to rehabilitate 00s icon as some martyr of modern pop culture when they have done objectively awful things and that the way they've been treated by media can't solely be inputted on misogyny
Paris Hilton? the woman who infamously said lesbians were disgusting on tape and has an obsessive hate boner against Black men (there's this story floating about her saying she and Vin Diesel hooked up in a club and when she realized how 'dark' he was on more natural lights, dumped him💀)?
I wouldn't be surprised radfem would still defend her though, saying shit like "sHe wAs so YouNg" .....when homegirl was already in her 20s and that being young isn't an excuse for homophobia or racism 💀 Paris Hilton was quite awful in her peak (mid-late 00s) and she being antagonized by media was quite understandable actually. It was literally her brand. Zoomers who barely lived in that era have no idea of what they're talking about.
Her PR machine went OFF with that documentary about her abuse in that rich kids school and did an excellent job glossing over the many shady shit she did afterwards under the "disturbed rich girl" shtick....
I have second hand embarrassment watching (lesbian) radfem who bought into it and jumped on the rehabilitation bandwagon....
And TBH /unpopular opinion/ but I feel the same about Britney. Homegirl went off the rails after her In the Zone album, and as shady her family was, there was solid ground in putting her under tutorship (her erratic behavior, marrying that paparazzi guys, shaving her head, then assaulting journalists.... Regardless her -understandable- reasons for behaving like this (mental illness, mind control, etc.) those were valid ground to put under legal check, and I'm sick of people acting that there were some sort of mediatic conspiracy against Britney to make her fall out... Media harassment was just the nail on the coffin - she being overworked and controlled all her life was the main reason for her snapping like she did.
And don't get me started about Amber Heard stans acting like anyone supporting Johnny Depp has been brainwashed WHEN JOHNNY DEPP IS A LITERAL HOLLYWOOD ACTOR WHOSE STARDOM/FAME PREDATES THE INTERNET CONTAGION EFFECT PARTISANSHIP. If anything the general public supporting him instead of Amber is the organic status quo, and the only 'internet brainwashing ' was those viral tweet/Tiktok seeking to "expose" Depp and rally people to Heard's cause, which is a tactic that even Heard applaud , see :
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You see TikTok defending Depp so you start being on his side? "YOu'vE beEn bRainWashEd"
You see Tiktok defending Heard so you start being in her side? "THats sO rEasDurIng to rEad #thetideisturning"
I just loathe how flipflopping these people are when it comes to interpret turn of events depending whether it fits their bias or not.
Also people need to stop expecting another #freebritney moment whenever they think a woman gets unfairly treated by the media. Britney was America's sweetheart. No other female celebrity comes close to the impact and influence she got on a whole generation of girls, who later on became publicist, journalists, blogger, etc. and held enough mediatic leverage to make that movement happen. That's not going to happen for Heard who, beside wifing Johnny Depp, is a literal "who", and is nowhere near having the endearing aura of Britney (doesn't Heard have the reputation of behaving poorly with people? She spat on her assistant face when she complained about some stuff💀)
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lightvsdark18 · 7 months
Vacation in The Human World 3.1
Followed LovesOfLauryn and Lavi Alraune's playthrough
"I've been good, and you?"
"The brothers would be happy to hear that, though they've probably kick my ass if they found out about my lack of sleep. You're killing me, Solomon."
Solomon ask them to meet an acquaintance of his (instead of doing a babysitting job.)
Freezes, slowly closes the door, then process who they just saw.
(Satan's shirt looks like a bowling shirt)
"What the fuck?" (Doesn't use the pacts on them.) "What are you guys doing here?"
"Where is Mammon anyway?"
You couldn't behave for me, you had to do something bad immediately when you got here.
"Excuse you, the human? I see how it is." Crosses arms.
Stands up on something and cuts the rope with their pocket knife. Then hugs him.
"This looks exactly like your actual bathroom in the House of Lamentation."
"Are the two doing well?"
Pats his head, then hugs him after teasing him.
Milady is going to use the theater often.
"Last weekend? Were you seven in the human for a whole week and just now invited me over? Hmph, I see how it is." Turns their back to him and pouts.
Smugly smiles. "Meow for me."
"What happened in the kitchen?"
Milady will definitely use the pool.
"How's Henry? Is he here with you?"
Pokes his cheek. "Nerd."
"I guess so."
"If they don't want me to listen, then they shouldn't be so loud." >:3
"Smells musky in here... and like someone dumped perfume on the carpet."
Gently smacks his cheek.
"Where did you and Beel go today?"
Chuckles. "No, Belphie, the truck sells normal ice cream. The music you heard is the trunk's theme song and let's people know it's in the area."
"Why am I in your arms?"
"Uhh." Because of their busy schedule with working and studying, they have been forgetting to eat or snacks instead of having a meal.
Waits patiently and looks around the twins' bedroom.
Kinda figured the brothers were planning a party for them.
"I don't trust the cooking. I'm joking, I'm just deciding on what to grab."
"My mom actually made it when I was still living with her. I made it a few times as well. Not bad, Lucifer."
Looks at him suspiciously. "I'm good, and also wouldn't your brothers notice we're gone?"
"They won't if we sneak away right now. They're too distracted by Beel wolfing down that entire ultra-spicy fire cake."
Looks at Beel. "Holy shit, no I want to watch this."
The plan was spending their winter break with Milady, but finding a place to stay was difficult and had to wait until their summer break. A year long wait to see them again and only staying for three months.
Slides over sunglasses to Satan.
"Like what?"
"? Who said I'm doing chores?"
"You're staying here too, Kate. Therefore, you have to take care of the house as well."
"But I don't have to stay here. If you guys want me to live with you until you go home, then I'm not taking care of your house."
They'll do their own laundry and cook if they're not busy that day.
When things started getting summoned, they ran out of the house.
(I can wake up the second before someone opens the door and enters my room.) Milady just lies there before rolling over to look at them, then question why are they doing in their room. They continue to lie there as the brothers enter the room, annoyance on their face. (Lucifer is the only person who knocked before entering! Also, don't watch me sleep, that's creepy.)
Lightly smacks Mammon's cheek.
"What kind of issues?" Holds his hand.
Raises a brow at the butcher, but doesn't say anything because the advice is a good one for any relationship.
"I would think so."
"Yeah, I'm getting hungry."
They're not going to complain about free pizza.
"No, unless you're a regular customer here, you can't say "the usual" because you don't have a usual."
"But that's what everyone always says in The Twilight of a Great Family."
"Because that's a TV show, the character is probably a regular so the waiters know what they want when they say "the usual." You have to pick something from the menu."
After ordering a third time, tells them to stop and explains, "you'll make them suspicious of you, and they'll probably throw you out."
"It's a slow process."
"I have a feeling Lucifer is going to kill you for abandoning him to Solomon."
"I'll go to the bookstore with you, Mr. Meow Meow." Satan gets flustered at the nickname as his brothers tease him.
"Eh, it's fine. If we can see the checkout sign, then we can find the exit."
Pinches his cheek.
Milady bought two books.
Glares at Solomon. "Sorry, I'm not hungry." Lucifer walks in and "invites" them for some tea and sandwiches. "Um, sorry, I got work to do." But drags them in as well.
(I'm the type of person who will gag if I don't like something.) Milady would slip the tea and find it terrible as well, then Mammon starts trying to make them eat the awful food before they pass out from nausea. Solomon feels bad.
"What do you mean? Why am I in the Demon Lord's Castle?"
"It'll be better than the one I had earlier."
"When you do visit, just let me know so I can work as a guide in a way."
"Hmm, maybe?"
"I know how that feels, but stay determined. If you can get through your work, then you can visit me and the human world. I can even show you my business."
"You have a business?"
"Yeah, a small one. I can show you what I make and how I run it."
"Lord Diavolo, you don't have to you send me away right now, you can make Lucifer wait. He dragged me into an awful afternoon tea with Solomon, so he can wait patiently as I have a proper one."
Makes a confused face at Satan.
"Hopefully he can get a good chuck of his work done so he can visit the human world."
"I have to check my planner first. I'm a busy woman."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
They're using Asmo's bathroom, not going to share a bathroom with six men. However, did make a few rules if they're both using it.
"Did they go out already?"
Damn Solomon, he's slowly killing everyone.
"Seems like it. Want to go out for breakfast?"
"I know another cafe we can go for breakfast. Let's quickly eat before getting the medicine. Hopefully it helps your brothers."
"Can I see it?" Sounding like they're interested in it. Then slip it into their purse.
"Hey! How are we going to buy medicine now!?"
"I can pay for it, don't worry about it."
He accidental says the newlywed part. They let it slide this once.
The butcher is confused. "Him and his brothers are my friends and they're visiting me for their summer break. I'm staying at their place until they go home and the man I was with yesterday is one of his brothers."
He is trying to see them as just a friend, but the hope they would fall for him is still there. He quickly switched the conversation to the human world.
"Really?" They just frown at his explanation.
Baby! Hugs their son. (Mammon, stop, let me hold my son.)
"What brings you two to the human world?"
"And the cafe?"
(But you already made me fall for you, Simeon)
(Luke is the secret weapon of mass destruction)
The two got coffee/tea and dessert.
"You could tell people the rumor is a lie or just wait it out, I don't think it would blow your cover. But if you're that worried, then I'll try to help."
Crosses arms and stares at him with that look. "I can't order you around? Are you sure about that?"
"Good job, Mammon."
"I don't see a problem with that plan."
"I know what you and Patricia were doing last night..."
"I can't continue this relationship with you after you betrayed me like that..."
You don't want to see me with other men? Got it, I'll just date women and non-binary people.
The brothers have been able to see them as a friend/sister with some slip ups, expect for Mammon. He was the first one to fall for them and had a crush on them for three years, so he's having a difficult time not seeing them as a possible partner.
Damn Simeon, calm down.
(Satan, stop being a brat)
"Want to try breaking up again?"
"Oh, trust me, I haven't show you my demonic side."
"Feeling better? If so, help us out."
"Satan, I'm going to smack you."
"Simeon, calm down. I can pretend a breakup with Satan or Beel if you're going to be like this."
Flicks his forehead.
"Beel." Slides their sandwich back towards them.
"Diamond, what is Michael like?"
"Uh oh, there's a water leak. What's the room above us?"
It's tea, not a coffee drinker. "It's really good."
"What's your thoughts on the human world?"
"Maybe he's dealing with something and that's why, but I don't think it's anything you need to worry about. It's probably dealing with the relations between humans and angels."
"We should turn it off."
"You can go when you feel better. Though, there's a chance you will be put to work."
Milady just falls over and gets caught by Asmo.
"Wh-What? Where am I?"
"Where? Where else, silly? You're in the Celestial Realm, of course. What's your name?"
"Uh, Kate."
"Uh, I don't really have a opinion on parties."
They're wearing a white dress. (That's just what I see)
"Are you sure I can have them?"
Surprise. "Who said I was a human?"
"Playing chess with the army isn't "innocent fun."
Looking around in wonder and staying silent unless the brothers ask them a question like if they know any angels which they answer, "I don't know anyone."
Doesn't open the door.
Gets sad at Angel Levi insulting himself, but stays quiet the whole time... Glares at Mammon.
Uh oh.
"I-I'm Kate, I got lost and they, um."
"I'm worried about him."
"Beel, kick down the door."
"I don't like using it, but STAAAY!"
(They didn't really do anything that will have an effect on them, so would Milady still have an eye kept on them?)
"Yeah, I think I had a weird dream, but I can't remember."
(The curse bit you on the ass, didn't it, Lucy?)
"Hm? We have a meeting with Solomon?"
"Sorcerers' Society?"
"What did you do?"
Slaps their left hand down.
"Why are you binding him?"
"He's so cute."
"I mean, I could keep him at my place."
"No, you have to face his brothers."
"Damn it."
"Hey, be nice to Luke." Pokey pokey.
"He loves his family very much, and would give his life to protect them. What else is there?"
The three left in the morning and return when it's nighttime. Screwing them over last minute, Solomon.
"I mean, I kinda have to."
"Well, yeah, but he's a hard ass so they have to bully him at every chance given."
Lucifer is sitting on their hand, then has their hand wrap around his chest and holds him close as the both get suck into the portal.
"Are you okay? I'm not squeezing you too hard, right?"
"I'm okay, Kate. You can sit me on your hand again."
"A location in Levi's game?"
"No, not really."
"Beat you up?"
Ask someone for advice.
(Lucy, as your master, put on the fairy outfit.)
Haggle with No. 2.
"If we do this, you'll give us the armor for free or you will never see your money again."
Cuts the pieces smaller. "No."
"I believe no. Honestly, I see him as an angsty teenager when Lucifer is involved."
"Are you worried?"
Leans against Beel.
"Beel, you know my opinion on fish, right?"
"Umm, right... But maybe the fishes is delicious and you wouldn't mind it, maybe even like it."
Sits by themself... with Lucy.
Flee. "Beel, attack!"
Squints at the outfit. "Cough up the money you stole, or Beel will kick your ass."
Holds Lucifer by the chest again to keep him from flying towards Mammon.
"It looks good."
(Solomon, you a hoe)
"Do you have to punish him?" "But yet, he still causes trouble."
"What are you doing, Beel?"
Their arm is getting tired from holding Lucy the whole time.
Stands a good distance away. "You open it, Solomon."
Hands Lucifer over to Beel and puts on cat ears. "Nyan!" with paw hands.
"... Someone get us a real cat, and fast!"
"Or I can act like a cat and rub myself on him ;)"
"Can you just pick him up and throw him off of the pathway?"
"I don't know, maybe."
"What are you doing?"
"... You have Simeon and Luke, and those in the Devildom."
"Depends on you."
(It's like the girl in Finding Nemo.)
"Satan! Stop being a dick."
"I want to be done with this."
They are fighting him instead of pointing out his bonds with his brothers.
They passed by kicking Satan's ass.
Lucy, what the fuck?
"Lucifer, get therapy."
"You're putting too much pressure on me, Lucifer."
"Lord Diavolo, you could turn Lucifer small again and keep him for a day."
"! Kate! What are you-!"
"Actually, that's not a bad idea, Katelynn. I'll consider it."
"Damn, rejected him before he even showed up."
"I can't really decide that, Levi."
(They're both right)
They think about it. "Lucifer, stay!"
"His phone isn't working?"
Smacks Asmo on the back of his head.
"That's a piece of technology."
He has an Alexa.
Levi, get therapy.
"Levi, that's a speaker you use to-"
"Guys, that's a speaker you-"
Sighs. "Stay!"
Pinches the bridge of their nose. How the hell?
"Why didn't you call us?"
"Wait, why the hell is something like this here in the human world?"
"Three-Legged Crow group?"
"Levi..." They're so disappointed they're lost for words.
"Relax, Avatar of Envy."
"Uh, no."
Punishment room? Monokuma?
Man, Beel, you better share.
"Technically, we could ask. Don't glare at me, he's the one who didn't warn us."
Slowly steals some food and starts eating.
"You're not exactly quiet."
"Not in the mood to sing?"
"Um, I don't know."
And it sucks.
Aw shit.
Levi, you're not helping.
"Um, maybe."
(That's so rude! Lucifer had some metal music going on and you just steal him before he could sing. Come on!)
What do you mean "erase button"?
Putting everyone first before himself? I don't know, Diavolo is pretty selfish at times.
(I do like the prep talk he gives Levi.) "Can you be a bit positive?"
That's some bullshit.
"But where are our friends?"
"You can do it, Levi!" (They're not a good singer, or calm enough to sing)
"And thanks to Levi."
"What're you doing?"
Pats his head.
"I don't know, maybe it's because you're the embodiment of envy." (The dialogue would be of a brother not wanting to lose his sister, no "be mine" stuff.)
"Just for now."
"I'll be there in a moment." Pouts at Levi teasingly. "I'll be right back."
"Okay, thanks."
(Of course Lucifer still has feelings for them, and doesn't want Diavolo to come in and take them away, but he has to respect their choice if they choose Diavolo.)
"What did you want to talk about?"
"A little bit."
No surprise there. "I know you didn't do it out of malice."
"Annoyed if anything. I don't appreciate being placed in a situation like that."
"I don't think it's immature. You're stuck working in the Devildom while people you know have fun in the human world. I feel a bit lonely when I return home after spending time in the Devildom since I'm used to the brothers' shenanigans."
"I guess I can." Teasingly says.
"Are you alright, Barbatos?"
(It's like when you bring a girl over and your mom still entering your room to make sure you two aren't doing anything, that's Lucifer.)
Squints. "Were you spying on us?"
Heads inside to witness chaos.
"What are they doing?"
"Uh, go ahead."
"It does look like it fits your aesthetic."
"I didn't know fairy rings have flowers that you can make tea of. It really is good."
"There's photos of mushrooms in a ring online, so I don't think they're extinct."
"I'm also curious about the treats."
Luke suggests finding fairy ring flowers. I guess I could use it as a break.
Helps Luke. "You really adore him."
"Crowe, where would fairies be located?"
"Lucifer is responsible and would get the work done, Satan is the same. Hmm, I think that's it unless we have Asmo flirting with everyone or Beel eating everything or Belphie sleeping instead of working."
"What about Leviathan?" -Luke
"What about him?"
"Come on, he's not going to be dick like that."
"Then it's decided, we'll ask Satan."
"Satan, work at Angel's Halo for a day. That's an order." They're not using the pact or lying to him.
"Me, I'm paying for the trip even if it burns a hole in my wallet."
"What? Kate, you don't have to do that. My big brother would happy to do that for us." -Mammon
"Wrong answer." -Lucifer
"Mammon, I'm fine with paying for the trip. I may have to use some of my emergency money, but I can afford it."
"No, not really."
(Mammon literally ran in and hugged his brother while the man is showering. Imagining him high pitch screaming is hilarious)
Already eaten and dressed before marching up to his room and slapping him awake. Hands him a protein bar and drag him out of the house to the train station before it takes off.
"No arguing, train time."
"No arguing, let's find our room."
Milady bought one room for all three of them since it's only one night. Mammon is sleeping up top while Luke and Milady share the main one. The boys aren't happy being stuck in a room together.
"We're about to see fairies, or at least the special flowers. Who wouldn't be excited?"
Making a face at Mammon.
"Mammon, it's his dessert and it's his choice if he wants to share with you or not. Stop asking."
Grabs Luke's dessert and gets up. "Come on, Luke, let's eat the dessert in our room." Glares back at Mammon before walking away with Luke.
"I don't think they hate angels, they're just hurt because of what happened. Even though it has been centuries since the Great Celestial War, it's still a wound on their hearts. It's complicated, simple as that."
Wraps an arm around his shoulders and leans him against them.
Turns away from Mammon without a word. He chases after them and keeps babbling on that they had to speak, "why do you have such a stick up your ass?" "You were very rude to Luke for no reason."
"There's a difference between teasing someone and being flat out rude." There's a hint of green in their blue eyes.
"By pissing him off? Luke has done some grown, and even if he thinks the angels are always right, why does that matter to you? He grew up with the belief that angels are the righteous, staying at Devildom isn't going change that unless that way of thinking is actually questioned. But attacking him and/or forcing him to see things your ways will only prove his beliefs as true."
Elbows Mammon, hard.
Wraps an arm around Luke. "What would you like do right now?"
(Did Mc climb onto the roof or did Mammon carry them as well?) Shrugs. "I got nothing."
(Lucy embarrassing his son)
"It's just stories, nothing to worry about."
"Okay." "Thank you, Luke."
Stares shocked and confused at the House of Lamentation in the human world.
"I don't know. But regardless, we need to take shelter."
0 notes
Yes! But...
Double counter!
Ashton: Don’t worry, I have a permit.
Ayame : ...This just says “I can do what I want”.
Ayame : Don't break someone's heart, they only have one.
Ashton: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
Ayame : A mosquito tried to bite me and I slapped it and killed it.
Ayame : And I started thinking.
Ayame : Like, it was just trying to get food.
Ayame : What if I went to the fridge and it just slammed the door shut and snapped my neck?
Ashton: Are you ok?
Selah: Why do you hang out with me?
Sky: You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me!
Selah: …
Selah: I feel a bit sorry for you.
Sky: Can we get a birthday cake?
Selah: It’s not your birthday.
Sky: The cake won’t know!
Frost: Happy October 32nd! Second Halloween!
Nia : That doesn't exist.
Frost: Not with that attitude.
Nia : Frost? What are you doing here?
Frost, wearing a hawaiian shirt, sunglasses and holding a gatorade: My best.
Alice, at Selina's funeral: I need a moment with them.
Everyone: Of course. *They leave*
Alice, leaning over Selina′s coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit. I know you’re not dead.
Selina: Yeah, no shit.
Alice: Eat shit and die, Selina!!!
Selina: Eat shit and live, Alice.
Alice: Hold the fuck up.
Selina: Excuse me?
Alice: I said hold the fuck up.
Alice: I’m the fuck up, hold me.
Deus: *casually taking four stairs at a time*
Viri, falling behind, taking two stairs at a time: Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fu-
Deus, trying to comfort Viri: What's the problem? Anxiety? Low self-esteem? Obsessive thoughts of random arson? I've been there.
Viri: According to the footage here, you shook the vending machine and when the shake alarm went off, you punched the glass and broke it.
Deus: …I was hungry.
Viri: Hey, wanna hear a funny joke?
Deus: I only like dark humor.
Viri, turning the lights off: What do you call a fake noodle?
Vitris: You’re giving me a sticker?
Holly: Not just a sticker. That is a sticker of a kitty saying “me-wow!”
Vitris: I’m not a preschooler.
Holly: Fine, I’ll take it back-
Vitris: I earned this, back off!
Holly: The universe is cold and unfeeling. The only constant is chaos.
Vitris: Was that place out of chocolate-chip pancakes again?
Holly, admiring a sleeping Vitris: You’re so cute.
Vitris, sleepily: I could beat your ass.
Holly, lovingly: I know.
Vitris: I’m a reverse necromancer.
Holly: Isn’t that just killing people?
Vitris: Ah, technically.
Holly: Why aren’t you sleeping?
Vitris: I’m too busy plotting your murder to sleep, Holly.
Vitris: ...The nightmares.
Holly: *wrapping their arms around Vitris* Awwww, sweetie-
Vitris: I hate you.
Holly: Well, according to this picture I drew of us holding hands, that is untrue.
Holly: Vitris, you do remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right?
Vitris, naked in Holly's bed: No, I absolutely do not.
Holly, already taking off their clothes: Fuck... Me neither.
Holly: And have you learnt anything this Christmas, Vitris?
Vitris: …Not really.
Holly: Nothing?
Vitris: Tell you one thing I have learnt—Christmas; ultimately, commercial holiday. Who's the real winner at Christmas? Amazon. they have drones now! Tiny little dystopian slaves delivering iPads and headphones. I ordered a toaster; It was on the doorstep five hours later! Do we need that? It was 4.99! For a toaster! I mean, someone's being exploited there.
Computer: Please enter a password.
Vitris: *types in Holly*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Vitris: How fucking DARE YOU-
Vitris: Holly... you've been cuddling with me for over and hour now.
Holly: *muffled* mm hmmm :)
Vitris: Fuck. I should be annoyed but you're adorable.
Holly: I like your new pants!
Vitris: Thanks, they were 50% off!
Holly: I’d like them better if they were 100% off. *winks*
Vitris: The store can’t just give away clothes for free.
Holly: Thats’s… not what I meant.
Vitris: That’s a terrible way to run a business, Holly.
1 note · View note
viewtifulsilverjo · 1 year
Back Here Again
It seems I’m back here again writing down what’s on my mind because nobody ever reads what is here. Its one of those late nights where I really feel alone and like nobody gives a shit and me being here and now makes it probably right. I really don’t know why I bother with my existence most days but I think its because I don’t really have the effort or time to be offing myself or some corny shit. Everything that I go through seems all for naught and I feel like I’m wasting my time. Is it bad that I feel like I’m better off when I’m going through extreme turmoil than when I’m trying to regulate things? My interests are lost to me. I don’t feel like gaming, I don’t feel like working, I don’t feel like hanging out or talking to anyone. It just all feels absolutely positively pointless. And you know, the one girl who I thought I was taking interest in, that shit seems pointless now too. I feel like she’s being incredibly selfish. I know she doesn’t owe me anything, but it feels like she’s just using me for energy. It feels like she feeds off of me in a sense. Thats why my self destructive behaviors probably annoy her because she cant feed off of that. She needs me seemingly happy and enjoying her for her to feast. She wants to have her cake and eat it too. And i feel so betrayed by that. The reasons she gives for not wanting to be with me really don’t make any sense whatsoever. I know I have no choice but to respect them but it feels like she wants all the aspects of a relationship but without committment so she can be free to do whatever guilt-free. And if something were to come up she could play the “Oh but we’re not together” card. And while that may be true, why bother making it feel that way for purposes other than abuse I suppose. I always feel like people mentally abuse me and have fun while doing it. I don’t know why I bother wasting my time interacting with people when no one wants what I want. Everybody wants what they want and nothing else. I give and give and give and everybody else takes. And i have some people that i have some balance with, but all of that feels fruitless in the end. It feels like everyone is just going to disappear and that I really shouldn’t bother. I’m probably right, in the end I’ll lose it all again and I’ll just be back to wallowing in my self pity until the day that I die. I wish I was a stronger person and could off myself. I envy those who have killed themselves successfully. Kudos to you for freeing yourself. If only I could be so brave, But im not. I’m just a sorry excuse for nothing who doesn’t deserve to be here so I’m stuck. All I’m going to do is go home and lay in my bed and wake up and work and pretend like I want to be here even remotely. And people wonder why I’m self destructive but don’t want to concern themselves with what I truly want. I want everybody and everything to leave me the fuck alone so I can dissasociate. Maybe if i didn’t have to pretend like I liked anyone or anything and was truly away from it all then I could be at peace. Maybe then I’ll have the power to end my life and never return. The end is coming for me soon, I hope. Until then I’ll just lay down and cry about it and pretend like I want to be anything with anyone, only for them to waste my time and get what they want and to leave me empty, again. Oh well woe is me, let me go be a bitch and  cry about it. Fuck I hate life. SOmeone please kill me, thanks. 
0 notes
curseofaphrodite · 3 years
pomegranates| r.l
summary: fake dating takes a whole new meaning when the two of you realize you'd rather have it be real. [ potter!adopted!reader, suggestive language, kind of enemies to lovers (?) ]
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written for harry potter writing event organized by @draconisxcaput!
Being James’ sister came with a lot of headaches but most of them were ones you immediately laughed at after. The only real problems you encountered were his birthdays. What do you get him when he never expresses what he wants? Well, that’s not true. If he wanted something, he usually got it, whether he’ll buy, charm his way into it, or borrow (steal) — was entirely upto him.
So you decided on a good-old surprise birthday party. You didn’t want to do everything on your own, and you definitely couldn’t ask Sirius, he’d give away the secret in a heartbeat. So you decided to ask Remus.
That plan came to bite you later that week.
"What's wrong with this?" you asked after you pulled him into a broom closet.
He looked at the cake you placed in front of him, the one he had Frank bake.
"Uhm, nothing?" Remus replied, tasting the frosting. "It's delicious. Don't tell me you don't like chocolate?"
You took the cake before he could touch it again. "What's wrong with it is that it's not supposed to exist!"
Remus was confused. “Obviously I didn't tell Frank to bake it a week early. This was just a test-run.”
Your mouth fell open. “I told you this party was supposed to be a secret. You shouldn’t have told anyone!”
“Relax, he was already going to bake one anyway and we can't do everything on our own-”
“I can!”
Elsewhere, James was going to Potions when he heard his sister inside the broom cupboard.
“Y/N?” His voice echoed through the door.
Just as you heard him touch the doorknob, you slammed yourself against it.
“DON’T COME IN!” you yelled.
“Why not?”
You took a wild look at Remus, his frost-covered fingers, and the cake out there in the open. You definitely can’t let James see any of it.
“Because uh - we're having sex?”
Remus's eyes widened in disbelief.
“What?” both the men yelled simultaneously.
You drew a deep breath in, realizing your brother heard him.
“WAS THAT MOONY?” he yelled after seconds of stunned silence. “ARE YOU SHAGGING MY SISTER? MOONY? I SWEAR TO MERLIN-”
He started knocking more fervently, making you run out of excuses. Remus looked hopeless but he was glaring too.
“Don’t make this worse!” he mouthed as you started to speak.
“You can’t come in, we don’t have clothes on,” you said firmly.
“I said don’t make it worse, he’ll kill me!” Lupin whispered, his eyes terrified.
“Fine,” James backed off from the door, making disgusted sounds. “You can’t stay there forever anyway.”
He walked away muttering under his breath about betrayals.
You heaved a sigh when you were sure there was no trace of him through the keyhole.
“What the hell was that?” Remus asked, his words shrill.
“I- I don’t know, it was the first thing that came to mind!”
“Oh please, you’re not really mad. You wouldn’t be blushing if you were.”
He didn’t have anything to that, so he said something inaudible and left the closet.
He again came back in, took the cake angrily, then left again, this time properly slamming the door in your face.
• • •
Dinner was a bit tense that evening. You wanted to eat the food without James glaring at you every few seconds, but that didn't seem to happen anytime soon.
“I don’t know what’s going on there,” Sirius said casually, doing huge hand gestures towards James. “And I don’t really wanna know. I heard Ravenclaw’s having a party in the astronomy tower later on. Who wants to go?”
“I’ll be free,” Lily said, nodding.
“We can go together,” James added. They have been dating for a few weeks now - which means they were at a phase where they did everything together. “Maybe even Remus and Y/N can come with us!”
You blinked.
“Like a double-date!” your brother finished.
Remus almost spat out whatever he was drinking. “Ex-excuse me?”
“Unless you’re not actually dating?” James rose an eyebrow. “You’re not just shagging my sister, are you?”
“No?” Remus looked at you for help, but you didn’t have anything to say either.
“So you’ll go on a double date with us?”
“Uh, yes. Fine, we will,” Lupin said, sighing.
“Oh man, you two are dating?” Sirius asked incredulously, popping back into the conversation after being distracted by a fly. “Fucking finally, I always knew you liked her, Moony.”
“I don’t like her—” his words were cut off as you kicked his leg under the table, reminding him that James was still there. Remus coughed to cover up his mistake. “I mean, of course I liked her. What’s not to like about my uh, sweetiepie?”
You glowered at him, but he only smiled in reply.
This was not going to be easy.
• • •
After the Ravenclaw party was over, everyone was either tired or already half-asleep, which provided the perfect time for Remus to talk with you. He pulled you behind the old staircase.
“Hi,” you began apologetically. He frowned.
“Hi? That’s all you have to say?”
“It’s not that of a big deal—”
“It is so that of a big deal. James, your brother, my best friend, thinks we’re dating!”
“Exactly, and his birthday’s in seven days,” you replied quickly. “Just seven days. We’ll tell him the truth after the surprise!”
“And what do we do until then? Pretend to date each other?” he asked, scoffing.
You smiled.
“No, no,” he groaned. “We’ll never pull it off.”
“It’s just a week,” you countered, using your pleading voice. “Unless you’re scared you’ll fall in love with me by then?”
“Don’t flatter yourself!”
“Hey, I’m just saying. Or do you want to ruin your best friend’s birthday party?”
He glared. “You’re impossible.”
“Must be. I’m dating you, aren’t I?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. Then you were off, leaving him in the dusty little corner of the castle.
Just seven more days, he thought, already tired.
• • •
The next day, he started playing the part of your boyfriend well. He even started bringing you flowers, for god's sake.
To others, it seemed like a happy couple, but everyone missed the angry glares, sarcastic tones, and kicks under the table. He used cheesy nicknames he knew you’d hate, and you returned the favor by kissing him on the nose too much, something everyone went “aww!” at.
If Remus hated one thing in the world, it was being the object everyone “aww!”ed at.
By the third day, everything got a bit normal. Him waiting by the hallway in the morning, making fake dates where you told everyone you’d go stargazing but end up doing your own things, the hugs, the lies, it sort of became a normal schedule.
Normal as something fake could be anyway.
• • •
“Have to take off, it’s time for our date,” you said pleasantly, standing up from the commonroom fireplace.
Remus followed your lead. “Yup, see you guys tomorrow.”
“Bye lovebirds!” Marlene called teasingly, making smooching sounds. You rolled your eyes but winked at her anyway, just so they won’t suspect anything.
By the time you had reached the hallway, Remus’s face was bright pink.
“What?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Nothing, James was talking to me earlier about...us. You know us dating-”
“Yeah yeah, what did he say?”
He looked straight ahead. “Something along the lines of how we looked happy together. He apologized for seeming so hostile at first.”
“Wow,” you whispered. “We’re really fooling them, huh?”
He hummed, his steps slowing down. The plan was for you to go separate ways right after lying about the date, but you were walking in a totally different direction with him.
If he asked why, you could say you didn’t notice it, but you just didn’t want to go back to your room. Fortunately, he didn’t care. Or maybe he was preoccupied with his thoughts too.
“I’m sorry for annoying you the past few days,” he said, stopping before the stairs to the boys' dormitory. “I’m truly sorry. You’re not half-bad.”
“I’m sorry too,” you replied just as fast. “If I came across as if I don’t like you, that is. I didn’t mean that.”
To your surprise, he laughed. “Actually, it’s pretty obvious you do like me.”
“Say what now?”
“Don’t forget how this mess started. You told James we’re having sex.”
Your mouth fell open. “It was an honest mistake!”
“But when I asked, you said it was the first thing you thought of.”
“It was!”
He stepped closer. “You were alone with me in a broom cupboard for completely innocent reasons. It’s interesting how the first thing you thought of was fucking me.”
His words were as casual as could be, and you swore sudden surprise was scribbled all over your face, and you really didn’t have anything to say to that.
So you grabbed him by his annoying brown tie and kissed him instead.
It wasn’t quick, wasn’t hurried. He had plenty of time to pull away, but when he saw you leaning in, all the humor in his eyes had disappeared, only to be replaced by desire. Of course he wanted you, and if he knew one teasing comment was all it took for you to finally break, he’d have done it sooner.
Your lips caught his, and it was all blissful from there. Remus cupped your jaw, pressing against you deeper, full of excitement and nervousness. He held you like you were tender and kissed you as if you were nothing but his. He could feel the increasing urgency of your need, the heartbeats going erratic. He could go on and on and—
“Hey!” Lily had appeared, a bit awkward at finding you both in that way. “Erm, I was just passing by- Prefect, remember? You guys should hit the bed. NOT together, not that it matters but-”
“It’s okay Lils,” you smiled, not meeting Remus’s eyes. “I’ll go back to my room.”
“See you at the party tomorrow?” Remus asked questioningly, wondering if you regret what you did. Wondering if it meant anything.
“Sure,” you answered quickly, then practically bolted when he turned.
• • •
Remus twisted and turned when he slept, hardly believing that the kiss actually happened. He wanted to store that memory in a little glass box and keep it with him for all eternity. He wanted to make more memories. He wanted you.
“Mate, can you quit it?” James asked from the above bunk. “I need my beauty sleep for my birthday tomorrow.”
His birthday. That’s how this entire mess started in the first place.
“Yeah, sure,” Remus snapped, pulling the blanket over him.
• • •
The next morning dawned bright and clear, but not so much for you.
You had to wake up early to fix the party balloons before James could come to the common room, get the cake from the kitchen (Frank had baked another one and the elves were kind enough to spare some space for it in the storage room), and basically run the whole show. You could have gotten all of it done faster if there weren't the thoughts of a brunette in your head, his lips on yours, and your hands on his hair. It replayed over and over, making you dread seeing Remus at all that day.
• • •
James did end up being surprised, and he seemed elated at the thoughtful gesture. He had hugged you a hundred times already.
"You're my favorite sister, I swear," he said, letting you go.
"I'm your only sister," you replied, rolling your eyes.
"Hey," someone said from behind. Remus appeared, looking like he didn't get much sleep himself.
"Happy birthday Prongs," he said, hugging your brother tightly.
"Happy birthday me!" James laughed, overwhelmed by all the affection he's receiving.
While they pulled apart, he coughed to let you know he wanted to say something else. "Uhm so, I know I haven't been the biggest fan of you two dating—"
"Actually," you said, a bit awkwardly. "We're not-"
"We're not sleeping together," Remus interrupted. "We never did. We were planning the birthday party when you caught us."
Lily's face fell.
"But we are dating," he continued. You blinked in confusion. "And she's the best thing that happened to me. I should have told you that earlier but I'm known to be an absolute idiot at times."
He turned to you, his eyes pleading. His message was clear - your move.
You hooked your hands into his.
"I like him too," you smiled. He sighed in relief, happy that the difficult part was over. "More than he knows."
"James, are you crying?" Marlene asked, walking up to them.
"No," he replied, his voice almost cracking. "They are so cute together, it's like two of my favorite puppies."
"So you're not mad?" you asked.
"As long as you're not meeting up in broom closets," James said, a bit more sternly.
"Of course not," Remus replied cheerfully.
"You could try to sound a bit sad by that, you know," you said grimly.
"C'mon sweetie, he didn't say our dormitories are off-limits."
"Funny!" James laughed forcefully as you two walked away to greet other friends. "Really funny!"
He then turned to Lily, looking serious. "They were joking, right?"
She patted his arm sympathetically.
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bernraccnt · 2 years
wolf with a s / o who’s the jealous type 
i made this into headcanons because i think it’d fit better
good god, i never considered wolf being the less envious one in a relationship, but you just take the damn cake
depending on what type of person you are, there are two ways this can be gone about. you’re either outwardly or inwardly jealous, my friend.
if your jealousy is expressed in a more outward way, then i can expect that you don’t like/get along with diane at all
you saw their chemistry firsthand and if you’re the jealous type, you will be vibrating angrily in the background anytime you see them together
even though their conversation is mundane as hell
“nice tie, poodleton. where’d you get it?” “can’t remember, i think i stole it off of the last governor.” from afar, you are stabbing your fork through the dinner table. snake, who is sitting beside you, is afraid he’ll be your first choice of murder victim.
of course, if you’re that obvious about it, wolf will dial back his more charismatic and flirty tendencies. the last thing he wants is to purposefully upset you over something like that.
but, he’s going to tease the FUCK out of you
“sweets, i was just telling diane she looked pretty in blue. is that such a criminal act?” he cooed into your ear, holding you around the shoulders. you slowly turn to wolf, eyes ablaze. “yes.”
and he also is willing to tell you when you’re overstepping your boundaries with him. no matter how jealous you can get, you have to respect his free-will as well.
“sorry, baby.” you shrunk under his disappointed face. you had just threatened some chick’s life because she decided to ask wolf a question and now, wolf wasn’t too happy with you. “don’t get me wrong, i’m glad you want me for yourself, but this is ridiculous.” he sighed, reaching out and smoothing down your hair. “just-- let me handle it next time? please?”
oh and you have 100% made out with him just to ward off the more persistent flirters
“fuck off, eat shit, and die.” was all you said to the stranger before grabbing your lanky boyfriend and dipping him dramatically. you then kissed him so passionately that his mind went blank, unable to protest when he had lost his breath from how good of a kiss it was. the stranger decided to not flirt with wolf after that one.
now, if you’re more of an inwardly jealous, then i feel like wolf wouldn’t be as reprimanding. mostly because he won’t be able to tell if you’re jealous unless you say so.
what most likely comes from this is you sulking in your own sadness, watching from afar as wolf chats up so rich lady. of course, you know he’s just trying to pick pocket her (even as a good guy, old habits die hard) but still, it doesn’t make you feel to great
but sometimes, it happens right in front of your face and the only thing you can do is give the other person the most angry glare
wolf does pick up on that
the girls kept chatting up wolf, going on and on about how wolf was such a good criminal, not at all giving you any attention, despite you standing shoulder to shoulder to your boyfriend. when wolf glanced down at you and saw how you were silently seething, holding in your emotions, he knew that it was time to call it a day with this conversation. “excuse me, ladies,” he had cut off one’s rambling, putting an arm around your shoulder, “but me and my partner have a movie to catch.” he gave you a sly wink when you turned to him.
he also urges you to tell him about your more jealous moments, since you’re prone to internalizing them quite often. and communication is key to a healthy relationship, so it’s good to be able to express something like this!
at the end of the day, wolf is yours and you are his, so even if you do get green with envy, he’ll remind you that you are the only person he has any romantic interest in.
not without a joke about you marking your territory, though.
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miekasa · 3 years
mie.. i’m going into another eren phase.. so can you pls tell me your fav boyfie eren hcs…
Yeah, why not. I have so many random ones because he is my boyfriend <333 so here you gp
Eren doesn't actually work out all that often. He’s always been athletic, so his exercise comes in the form of playing sports, but he doesn’t really go to the gym outside of playing/practice.
Loves cake pops, more often than not “treats himself” to one after an exam or assignment, or whenever he feels like it lmfao. He basically eats it all in one bite, keeps the stick in his mouth to fidget with until he finds a trashcan. 
Likes seeing you in his hoodies because, well, it’s his hoodie on you; but mostly because of the size of the actual hood on you. He thinks it’s so funny but also pretty cute how the hood alone swallows you up. 
Grocery shopping with you is one of his favorite activities. He rarely goes by himself—if not with you, then with Mikasa or Armin—and all he really does is follow you around the store and occasionally put some stuff in the cart, but he still loves it. He likes running and then jumping on the cart like it’s a scooter. 
No matter how many makeup tutorials he watches, or how many times he watches you do your own makeup, he doesn’t really understand how it works lmfao. He likes watching it, and he thinks you look pretty if wearing makeup is your thing, but he baffles him how a little tube of concealer brightens your under eye.
Speaking of which, he sits criss cross applesauce either on your bed or on the toilet if you’re in the bathroom, while he watches you do your makeup. Counts the steps in his head, always confuses the contour and bronzer. It’s okay, he’s learning. 
He both likes and dislikes FaceTime. He likes the convenience of it (and will abuse it by calling you even tho you’ve just barely left his house), but he would much rather just go and see you; so he does. Unless there’s something keeping you apart, Eren will make the effort and the trip to go and see you, even if it’s late at night. 
He gets warm very easily, but always has some sort of coat/outerwear on him, even if it’s just a light windbreaker. He usually ends up hanging it over your shoulders or telling you to wear it because you “look cold” when he wants to take it off. 
He walks just like a half step behind you; technically still by your side, but trailing you by the tiniest amount. That way he gets to be with you and watch you, and also steer you away from anything/anyone else he sees ahead while you’re walking. 
If he notices your shoelaces are untied, he gently pokes your shoulder to get you to stop, then bends down and ties them for you. 
His phone case is brown leather, and has your initials engraved at the very bottom in a very tiny, dark green font. 
Likes walking around with you at night so congrats on having your own personal guard dog for Safety lmfaoo. Sometimes you guys don’t even talk; he just wants to hold your hand and wander around, and just be with you for a little bit. 
He is the one putting hair ties on YOUR gear shift and around YOUR wrist. Marking his territory lmfaooo
Learns to like coffee in college, and learns your Starbucks order pretty quickly. He’s got a very small addiction, but he always buys you a cup when he gets his own, so at least it’s beneficial for you. He doesn’t usually have much an extreme sweet tooth, but he takes his coffee with quite a few pumps of syrup and/or sweetener. 
Eren loves hugs, and once he starts getting them, he refuses to go with out them. Back hugs are his favorite, whether it be you hugging him from behind, or him doing it to you; either works for him, both feel like heaven. 
You know when it’s time to head home after a party/hanging with your friends because Eren will drape himself over you and gradually apply more of his body weight the more tired/drunk he gets. Regardless of whether or not he’s sloshed, he’ll still press very light and innocent kisses onto your neck and ears. 
Turns out he really likes getting kisses on his cheeks. It always takes him by surprise; his eyes widen and his eyebrows raise just a bit, but he usually evens out his expression before you pull back, so you don’t see. What you do see is the sorta glazed over, happy look in his eyes, and if you look closely, you might see his pupils dilate, too. 
He actually doesn’t mind reading, he just never thinks to read in his free time. When he does remember, and what he’s reading is interesting to him, he finishes the book pretty quickly—a few days, maybe a week at most—it’s kind of impressive. Then he goes on to not look at another book for a good five months lmfao. 
Asked you what detergent and fabric softener you used on your sheets, then bought the exact same products to do his laundry with. 
He picks you up pretty often. It’s not always tossing you over his shoulder, or carrying you bridal style, but if he needs to get to something behind you in the kitchen he’ll just. Just pick you up, turn, plop you down, get what he needs, pick you up, turn around again, and plop you right back into place. Like a doll. 
Actually very good and very meticulous when it comes to cleaning. Not a single hard water stain in sight on your dishes. Sparkling countertops and tables, your oven has never looked shinier than when he’s done with it. 
Doodles on his notes when he’s bored in class. Doodles on your notes if he’s bored in class and you’re there, too. 
He claims to not get jealous easily, but he definitely does. His methods of dealing with it are either to (a) pout (usually only happens when he gets jealous of someone you’re telling him about), (b) find an excuse to pull you away from this other person, (c) be extremely cold to this other person, (d) pretend to be sick/tired/hungry as an excuse for you to be concerned about him/dote on him in front of this other person (this is his favorite method). 
Will push your phone down/into your face if you’re laying down using it or just scrolling through your feeds. Thinks it’s peak comedy, always runs away with a little shit grin on his mouth. 
He’s always tuned into you, and sometimes physically turned to you, even in a larger conversation with other people around. Finds a way to pull you into the convo if you’ve been on the quieter side, nudges at your side under the table to bother you when you’re distracted, frequently looks at you even if someone else is talking. 
Eren really likes lazy sex, and it’s arguably one of his favorites; and for someone who’s not a morning person, he sure does like morning sex. He does this thing where he wakes up at like eight in the morning, starts feeling up on you, and eventually very lazily fucks you before you even have the chance to say good morning, then crashes and sleeps for another two hours. Sometimes he doesn’t pull out. 
Always gets hard when you do try on hauls of the new clothes you’ve bought; whether it be via FaceTime or in person. You could be showing him your new sweatpants, and he’ll still find it sexy. 
Can and will find time to grope you whenever possible. Getting water from the kitchen means you’re getting your ass smacked while you open the fridge. Putting on your shoes also means you’re getting your ass smacked when you bend over. Standing around debating on what to wear for the day means he’s coming up behind you to put his hands on your boobs. Doing your skincare routine in the bathroom means he’s got his hands on your hips squeezing at your skin. 
Likes being bitten. Will tell you to bite him; he’ll lean down while he’s fucking you, smile wickedly when you grab and claw at his back, and you’re gasping against his shoulder, “Wanna hurt me? Go ahead, baby, do your worst.” 
He loves making out with you, even if it doesn’t lead to sex; actually, sometimes, he prefers it that way. You make his head spin just by kissing him, and there’s a special kind of bliss of just rutting against each other without fucking that he loves. 
Lovesssss taking mirror selfie’s with you on his lap and your back to the mirror, especially right after sex. Your head resting on his shoulder and he just barely murmurs, “Stay right there, don’t move.” Might start a collection of pics like that.
Tugging on his ear acts as encouragement, but somewhat surprisingly, that sole action doesn’t necessarily turn him on; it doesn’t turn him off, and he likes it, but it’s more... soothing? than sexual to him. What you should do instead is put your hand on the back of his neck/touch the hair near his nape. 
He could have done all the work, but will still wrap you in his arms and kiss your head and tell you how good you are, how good you were to him. He really does think you fucked him 9/10 times and takes pride in it too lmaooo
Holds your jaw open with one hand, presses the index and middle fingers of his other hand against your tongue, and watches your spit pool around him. He exhales slowly at the sight, moving his fingers around to coat them evenly before pulling them out of your mouth and separating them; watches a thin line of spit connect them and groans. 
Holds you jaw a lot, actually: when you’re kissing, when you’re blowing him, when he’s on top and fucking you, when he’s fucking you from behind, he’ll pull you up with one hand, use two fingers and turn your head to the side so he can kiss you. 
It’s him that kinda loses it first most of the time; that gets that fucked out, hazy look in his eyes, that makes everything feel like too much so his head drops to your shoulder and he resorts to biting at your neck to further stimulate you. 
Likes sucking on your tongue when you kiss. Falls in love with you all over again on the spot when you do it back to him. 
You could just barely put your hands on him and Eren will groan, mutter about how you’re so sexy and how badly he wants to fuck you. Could just lay back with your chest heaving from kissing him and he’s got hearts in his eyes and his dick is hard. 
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Here I am!!!!! Just requesting a date with Mirabel and her big butt boyfriend 💗💗💗💗
Yeah fuck his name, thats who he is now, big butt boyfriend-you made me laugh so im hopping on this now.
"Thanks for offering to pay for lunch, Isa."
"Course. I gotta be a nice sister SOMETIMES. And so do you."
"W-I'm GREAT? Why, I was tempted to 'accidentally' spill orange juice on you this morning, but I didn't! That's nice!"
They couldn't help but giggle. They had a much better relationship than before, but they weren't exactly saints. Isa had offered to take her to the market, and go sample some of the foreign foods. Though, ever since Isa had tried this 'scottish egg' thing, she kinda assumed this was just an excuse to get her hands on some more of them. Not that she could complain, she was HUNGRY. She was craving cake for some reason-
"Why did you stop?"
She was frozen. Why? Because THERE HE WAS. Fucking bug boy cute butt, just sitting at a table, eating and sketching, all by himself. Mirabel immediately grabbed her sister, faking a smile.
"You know what? Lets just. Go eat at home! I'll cook for you, even! Whatever you want! Come on!"
Isabela stayed put, and of course, knew IMMEDIATELY.
"Oh my god- is THAT the guy tìa was telling us about? Huh. He's kinda cute. Honestly if he was a girl, I'd snatch him from you."
"Oh relax, I'm joking! Why are you acting so nervous? He's your boyfriend right?"
"Uhm. No. Not officially. I mean in my diary sure-"
"Oh my god. Here, imma help you."
"W-Isa! Isa get back here!"
Mirabel watched in horror (through the bushes obviously) as Isabela approached him. She wished she couldn't hear them. But she could.
"Hey, bug boy right?"
"Uh...yes? It's Beckett, but this appears to be what I'm known as. Can I help you?"
"You know my sister. Short hair, glasses, little shit sister who I love terribly."
"Oh, Miraposa, right?"
Oh no. Oh he used that stupid name still. She had to scream into her hand to keep from losing her mind.
"Actually its Mirabel."
"Oh right right- sorry, the names are so similar. So your sisters are Luisa and Mirabel- any other sisters I should know about?"
"Nope. But you should know THIS, she thinks you're like, super cute. So, since you're sitting here alone, you should buy her some food, and chat it up."
She was going to kill her sister. Straight up murder. Beckett winced.
"I'm sorry, I can't right now. I'm only allowed a short lunch before I have to get back to writing my reports."
Of course. Of course he had an excuse. She thought about just sneaking off back home and scream into her pillows, when he spoke again as he started to pack up.
"But, if she's free tonight, I would uh...love to take her out. Assuming she still remembers my name by then. You live at the house up the road, right?"
Oh my god. She had a date. A date with brunette bug boy and his butt. Okay she really needed to lay off the butt thing.
"Yep, but don't keep her waiting TOO long. If Luisa doesn't kill you, I will."
"...yep, you're definitely Isabela. Dully noted, miss."
"Good. Oh and one thing, she thinks you have a nice b-"
"NO I DON'T!!"
Mirabel fell out of the bushes, people around them staring. She looked up at her smirking sister. She was nicer, but not by much.
"What? I was gonna say she likes your book bag."
"Truly? Thank you, it's my father's."
He walked up to her, offering a hand. She tried not to squeal as she felt his fingertips against her palm. No wonder bugs liked him, with a touch that delicate. Not when he smelled this sweet and had a smile so nice.
"Uh. Thanks."
"Not a problem. But uhm,"
He whispered to her, trying to keep Isa from hearing.
"Do you ACTUALLY want to go on a date? I've had girls tricked into this before. Usually it's losing a bet. And I don't know why I'm still talking."
She couldn't help but chuckle. He was a little awkward, and it was comforting.
"No, for once, I agree with her on something. I'd love for you to take me out. Give you an apology for my sister threatening you."
"I would like that very much, Mirabel."
He looked like he wanted to say something else, when he looked at his watch, and swore under his breath.
"Fuckin' shite- I'm late. I'll pick you up tonight, promise!"
He hurriedly packed his things up, and after giving her a wave, he turned tail, and ran off. Isa nudged her with her shoulder, proud as proud could be.
"So. Am I the best sister or what?"
"You EMBARRASSED me! Now he probably thinks our family is nuts and-"
"He's out of earshot."
She couldn't help but hold her sister's hands, squeal, and jump around like an absolute bimbo. Can you blame her?
"Oh my god Dolores told everyone already."
Mirabel knew the second she came back from lunch (though she was really too excited to eat, so they went jewelry shopping instead). Pepa greeted them first, all clouds and thunder and rainbows.
"Mi prima! Oh she has a DATE! And with such a cute boy!"
She squished her cheeks, and she was only given reprieve when Félix pulled her back, just a little.
"Mi amor, easy! Don't smother the poor girl! We're ALL excited!"
It seemed as if her getting a date was a damn holiday, given how everyone was just all over her. Luisa was absolutely giddy, Pepa wouldn't stop crying, Félix kept patting himself on the back for introducing them to each other- she barely had any breathing room.
"This is the first time I'm hearing of this. What boy is dating MY nieta?"
Camilo of course butted in, by transforming into the man in question.
"THIS slice of man meat. Seriously, jealous, dude's FINE."
Abuela cupped his face in her hand. She inspected him the same way one would a horse, even inspecting his teeth. She hummed in satisfaction, seeming pleased.
"Handsome boy. His hair is a LOT like your abeulo. What made you like this boy?"
"Think it's his 'assets'"
Camilo grinned, sticking his tongue out at Mirabel, before taking a step back when it looked like she'd attack. She would've too, had Abuela not been here. Abuela tucked a strand of hair behind her ear oh so tenderly.
"Well, regardless, we're happy to have him over for dinner-"
"Actually. I was going out with him. As in. Out of the Casita."
Everyone seemed to be astonished by that idea, especially Abuela. Thankfully, SOMEONE came to her rescue; Mariano.
"I'm with her on this one, actually. Love must be seeded-"
"Don't use seeded when talking about my daughter, please."
"Right right-love must be...grown, by itself first. Plus the whole family can be a bit...intimidating at first. I suggest we keep it to just a brief hello, and send these two lovebirds on their way."
Abuela really, REALLY liked Mariano. How did she know? Because she relented without much fuss.
"Very well. Perhaps a bit of...privacy, is warranted. I'll give you a few pesos from my pocket book, just in case."
Abuela wanted to say more, clearly, but she didn't. She raised a brow at her mom once Abuela walked away.
"Did she...look upset?"
"She's used to doing our hair before dates. Did it with us, even your sister. Her giving you space is a VERY big challenge for her. But, no worries, I'll help you get ready-"
"AND your tìa!"
"And your prima, obviously."
"And me."
Dolores, Pepa, and Julieta looked at Camilo. He gestured to himself, scoffing.
"I'm gorgeous, and not just because of my abilities. Trust me, I've got this."
Mirabel didn't have much as a choice as she was ushered into her room. She was set down in front of her vanity, all four of them studying her face curiously.
"We wanna keep the hair, or straighten it?"
"Ay mijo- lose these curls? Never."
"I dunno how white this boy is, I'm just trying to help."
Mirabel let herself be poked, prodded, prattled about. Regarding face washes, hair styles, earrings, even makeup. Then she held her hands up to silence them all.
"Okay, everyone, pause. Now. I have a few outfits to try, we're gonna pick what I look good in. But we're all gonna stay calm, it's a date, not my wedding."
Pepa covered her mouth with her hands in awe, cloud forming above her. Camilo helped fan it away with a chuckle.
"No mami, she just thinks she's got a handle on it. Let's let a girl try. Go for it, cuz."
With a slap of their hands, Mirabel excused herself to her folding screen. She put on one outfit, before walking out, letting herself be examined by her family. Camilo scowled.
"This was a mistake."
"Whats wrong with this?!"
Camilo nudged Dolores, who hesitated, before just coming out with it.
"It's...cute. But that yellow sweater is hideous, the turquoise under shirt with that purple ascot throws it way off, the orange under skirt clashes SO hard, the purple belt does NOT flatter your hips, the earrings look like a dead bird, the purple hat has just fucking faded- you look like I ate a fruit salad, threw up, and tried to clean it with one of Augustín's socks."
"...well. Tell me how you really feel."
Harsh, but hey, better than a lie. Dolores looked through her closet, even dipping around Mirabel to get to it, starting to pull things out.
"Try this."
She thought against it, before relenting. With a quick change, she came out, with everyone but her mami looking impressed. Pepa clapped excitedly.
"Oh! This one is SO pretty! Oye, why are you frowning, Julieta?"
She winced, trying to be delicate with her words.
"It's. Nice. But it's a bit...revealing. The belt hugs you a bit, and there's so much...shoulder."
"Right, that's what the burgundy scarf is for. Turns 'slutty' to 'cute'."
"So...I look good?"
Julieta bit her lip, before smiling apologetically.
"It's pretty. But more of a...later in the relationship outfit."
"Ay- you wore that thong once for Agustín, don't act like a puritan."
Mirabel sighed. Two outfits and she was already exhausted. Julieta let herself in the closet, handing her some clothes.
"Try these, mija."
She rolled her eyes, but obeyed. She came out a second later, wearing a bright yellow sun dress, a cream colored top, yellow earrings, and a sun hat. Pepa nodded, before scowling.
"It's pretty. Really pretty. But it's more 'going picking flowers' rather than 'romantic night out'."
Mirabel groaned, tossing her head back.
"Guys, come on, this is AGONY."
Camilo looked at his mom, gesturing to the closet.
"Etiqueta de equipo?"
Pepa nodded, and they both dug into her closet, dumping clothes into her arms. She gripped them tightly, her nose scrunched up in frustration. She got dressed once more, and looked at herself in her vanity. A turquoise blue top decorated in green pola dots, a green skirt covered in plant life that she sewed in herself, a salmon pink ascot, and a green headband. She wasn't gonna lie, it was...cute. She was expecting some problems with this one, before she saw a thumbs up from Pepa, Dolores, and Camilo. As for her mami, well-
"Oh que LINDA! You look so PRETTY! It's PERFECT!"
Julieta geedily held onto her cheeks to give her a bit of a smooch on her cheeks. Camilo dug into her jewelry box, and hooked her up with the right earrings, bracelet. He took a step back, nodding in approval.
"Not bad, cuz. We just need a little touch up. Sis?"
"On it."
Dolores had her sit in front of a chair, before pulling out her makeup kit. A little touch up of her brows, eyelashes, a touch of blush on her cheeks, and a VERY light brown lipstick. She still looked like herself, and she was thankful Dolores knew to not do too much. Her mom looked at her so fondly, it was a little embarrassing.
"Oh- I have to tell everyone to come up here! You wait right here!"
She rushed out of the room, and Pepa turned her chair to face her.
"Hold on, one more touch."
Pepa undid two bottons on her shirt, clearly trying to draw attention to her chest.
"Mija, you wanna see that butt or what?"
"Well I mean yeah but-"
"Then, you gotta give a little to get a little. Trust me, One thing I know, is how to get guys with nice butts to fall for me. Could make a sport out of it."
Pepa stood up the second the door opened. Mariano walked in with Isabela, who were both clearly impressed.
"Oh my god- Dolores you made her look so PRETTY! You're so talented mi vida!"
Isa nodded in agreement, but kept scowling.
"Hold on. It needs...something. Ah!"
With a snap of her fingers, a big, white lily appeared on her headband.
"Thanks, Isa."
"Anytime, sis."
Then came the crybabies. Aka, Luisa and Agustín. The second they saw her, they were in absolute tears, consoling both each other, and a now weeping Mariano.
Dolores nodded, with an expression that read endearing, yet exhausted.
"He will. Trust me."
She was about to thank everyone (while simultaneously telling them to calm down), when the doorbell rang, and there was just. Panic. People scrambled to see him through the window, to pick up the room, and Luisa fireman carried her downstairs like it was an emergency. He plopped her down as soon as she got her to the ground floor, just in time to see Alma talking to him. He looked nervous, poor guy.
She gestured for her family to stay put as she approached. Alma noticed her, and stepped back. Ugh, this guy. In a white shirt, a fancy looking waistcoat with just the prettiest embroidery and buttons, she was so goddamn under dressed. She actually wanted to apologize, when he chuckled.
"I. I'm terribly over dressed for this. And yet, you're far more striking than I."
Oh god he was so fucking sweet, she wanted to squeeze him and his tits (listen the suit was VERY firm fitting).
"Well, thanks. But don't discredit yourself, you don't look too bad, chico insecto."
"Heh. That's a new one. I like it. Though, I don't appreciate one thing, If I may be so blunt. Your sister lied to me, telling me you only have two sisters. If that's true, then who is THIS lovely woman?"
He gestured to Abuela, who was immediately charmed by him, given her chuckle.
"He's a sweet boy, Mira. But, he still has to bring you back by nine."
"On the dot, miss. Now, shall we?"
He gestured ahead of them, and she meant to wave goodbye, only to have those three erupt into tears again. She put her hand on his back, and ushered him forward.
"Move move move!"
She waited till she was out of the Casita to give herself a breath.
"Sorry. Everyone's just. Excited for me."
"Oh you should see my father, he was just as much of a mess. But at least we're alone, if only for a couple of hours."
She chuckled, before bumping her hips into his.
"So! What do you have planned?"
"I never knew this place existed."
"It's a bit new, friend of my father's just opened it up."
It was so quiet, relaxing in this tea house. She'd never been to one of these places before, much less one so fancy. She sort of felt a bit awkward, being behind on her etiquette and all.
"How much family do you have up here?"
"It's just me and my father. We moved here temporarily due to my work. You know, I kinda realize I've been talking about myself these past few times we've talked. Let's talk about you. I want to know Mirabel."
He propped his chin on his propped up hands, giving her enough attention to make her sheepish.
"I mean, I'm sure Luisa has talked your head off already."
"About the family in general, yes. About you, I-"
He was interrupted when a man set down a silver tower full of goodies, and leaned down to his ear.
"I got you the good stuff. You were right, she's a real pretty girl~"
"Benzo, she can HEAR you."
The man raised his hands up a bit in defense before backing away, smirking. Beckett's cheeks were rosey as he tried not to look at her. He was one to talk, calling HER pretty. He tried to cut the awkwardness by pouring her a cup of tea from one of the many teapots besides them.
"Here, try this one. Its 'perfect peach'."
She tasted it. Sweet, smooth, a bit fresh. He nudged her gently with his shoulder, clearly wanting her to speak about herself. She sighed, before relenting.
"Okay okay. I'm Mirabel Madrigal. My family is huge, I'm the only one without a power. What else...oh, my favorite color is blue, I like playing soccer, I sew. I sewed this myself actually."
"You? All by yourself? THIS?"
He reached over to fiddle with the ascot on her shirt, his hand just BARELY kissing the hairs on her skin. She froze up, and upon realizing what was the matter, he did the exact same, pulling away and clearing his throat.
"S-sorry. Keep going."
Why the ascot? Oh my god was he looking at her chest? If he was, should she be bothered by that? Or flattered? She couldn't tell. He wanted a distraction it seemed, plating a few little cakes and sandwiches on a plate for her.
"I REALLY like cheese?"
Something about that made him snort, and honestly she couldn't blame him. Cheese? Really? Cheese. He realized his sound was a little loud, for he cleared his throat.
"Sorry. I just. Wasn't expecting that one. Cheese. I mean, that's something we have in common at least. Even though I'm lactose intolerant."
"What's that mean?"
"Means cheese does not like me. But it doesn't stop me from eating arepas, I LOVE those. I had them from this one stand in the center of town from this lovely woman-"
"That's my mom, actually."
He had to do a double take as he stuffed a lemon square in his mouth.
"Oh I see the resemblance! Such a sweet woman. Take it you can cook like her?"
"Uh...sorta. That's more Isa's thing. I can tell a good joke though."
He washed his treats down with his tea, and she took a second to help herself to one of those little sandwiches. Bacon, celery, walnut, cream cheese, it was honestly REALLY good.
"Let's hear one then."
"Okay okay, this one really gets the kids. How much does a chimney cost?"
"No clue, how much?"
"Nothing, it's on the house."
He l looked like he wanted to groan, but he couldn't stop snickering. She couldn't blame him. It was a good one, but it was a freshly sourced dad joke, right from the mouth of Agustín.
"Terrible. I feel like I should stick you with the bill for that."
"Hey, blame my dad. He got it from his. Though, different language."
"What language?"
"Ah-donc tu parles français?"
She did a hand a motion that was a nice way of her saying she had no earthly idea. He had such a look of mischief on his face, and she was ready to punch it right out of him.
"Hey. No. I dunno what that smile is-"
"Oh no, truly, nothing. Just means you can't yell at me if I say something in French. Like, oh I don't know, Je pense que tes yeux sont beaux."
"Hey, no, that's not fair."
Great, now he was totally abusing his power.
"I'm sorry, it appears as if I don't understand you anymore. Tu as des lèvres douces."
She flicked a piece of bread at him, and he chuckled, clearly not feeling as offended as he should have.
"You wanna play that game? No problem. Tienes un buen culo. HA."
"Hey that one sounded like an insult!"
"How would you know?"
They were glaring at each other now, amusement on their faces. They were so into this idea of talking shit to each other, neither seemed to notice that their foreheads were pressed against each other's. At least, for a second. They both seemed to recognize it simultaneously, and both were so frozen, they just. Stared. His chuckle was very nervous, and feeling that slight moment of his breath against hers, oh it sent shivers up her spine.
"You know, I can't say I mind it. If insults mean I get to hang out with you, I'll take it."
"Then I GUESS you're worth insulting. Kinda."
His fingers were creeping towards hers, and she briefly glanced at his hands. His hands started fidgeting, he looked askance, though she had a feeling it was towards himself, rather than her.
"Can I say something that I hope isn't creepy?"
"I...really haven't stopped thinking about you since we spoke. When I was logging that butterfly in my notes, I drew it how I found it. On you. It's...sort of my favorite page."
Oh my god he DREW her? She had to kiss him. She had to. If she didn't, she'd be SO mad at herself. Everything was perfect, it was romantic, his stupid hair was soft and he was so cute. It was perfect.
Then she felt something run over her foot.
She jumped so sharply, she accidentally headbutted him, making them both wince in pain. She immediately swore upon seeing just what it was. A rat. No, no no no. She got up quickly, holding an apologetic smile as he sat there, rubbing his forehead.
"Listen I uh- I need to use the bathroom, wait just one second!"
She dashed to the bathroom, following the rat, and kicking the stall door down. Bruno cried out in surprise, holding his hands up in defense. She yanked him out of there, and glared sharply at him. He seemed to shrink on the spot, trying to chuckle it all away.
"Hey, Mira! What uh. What are you doing here? I'm having tea, having a great time-"
"Why are you following me? How LONG have you heen following me?"
Bruno winced as he relented.
"I followed you guys from the Casita. The whole time. You guys are cute, honestly, sweet guy. But really, telling him he has a nice ass? That's a BIT much."
Oh good god her uncle heard her say this guy had a cute butt. Of course. She groaned in frustration.
"Okay next question-WHY? Is it a protective thing?"
"Yes. But not from me. It was from Pepa. She said he was nice, but she didn't want him to try something with you, since Félix said he gave off...uh...'lowkey fuckboy vibes'."
"And you couldn't tell her no?!"
Bruno held onto her shoulders, gently shaking her.
"She threatened to give me an atomic wedgie if I didn't make sure you were safe. You have not known fury until you've had that woman force your underwear over your head-"
If you thought this couldn't get worse, you were wrong. Suddenly Beckett comes in, and punches Bruno in the face, sending him to the floor. Mirabel cried out in panic, gesturing to her unconscious uncle.
"I heard a grown man yelling 'force your underwear over your head' I thought he was a creep! How many relatives do you HAVE?!"
Mirabel knelt down and pulled him up, motioning for him to help.
"What matters is THIS one! Help me take him home!"
Bruno was light, but having an extra hand made the job SO much easier. She had to drag her uncle all the way up the hill, and immediately was greeted by Julieta.
"Ejole- what happened?!"
Beckett winced.
"Long story short- I punched him in the face, can we just bring him inside?"
Julieta nodded as she gestured them inside, letting them set Bruno down. Well. Could've been worse. Somehow.
"Hey. Wake up."
He groaned a bit as he was nudged awake. He didn't know how long he had been here, just that he had fallen asleep on the sofa, with Mirabel on the other side of him. He looked up at the person who woke him up-Pepa, if he remembered correctly.
"Mmph. Where's Bruno? Is he alright?"
"He's fine. It took a minute for him to wake up to be healed, but he's fine. You should go home, Abuela isn't happy."
He opened his mouth to explain himself, only to just nod.
"Yes. So sorry about...all of this, actually. Let me make sure she gets to bed, then I'll be on my way. Could you tell Bruno I meant no harm?"
"Oh he forgives you. That's the first thing he said once he was awake. We all understand it was a mistake, mijo, she explained everything."
"Thank you, very much."
He waited until she left, before he gently nudged Mirabel awake. She groaned, before slowly opening her eyes. She sat up, shaking the tiredness out of her hair.
"Ejole...what time is it? Where's Bruno?"
"He's fine, in bed and all better. Not to mention a sweet bloke, clearing it all up for us. Though, Alma definitely isn't too happy. But uh, can I take you to your room?"
She nodded, and he carefully helped her up the stairs. Poor girl looked tired, he felt just AWFUL. She yawned as she started to open her door, and he was about to leave without another word, when she grabbed onto his sleeve.
"Hey. Don't feel bad. From your point of view, it was kinda sweet. Plus how would you know my uncle is like, a professional...sneaky guy. Sure there's a word, I'm tired."
"I know, and I'm just, terribly sorry I ruined our date."
"Ruined it? You kidding, this was fun. Definitely gonna be a story to tell."
She chuckled, and he really, REALLY thought she looked her prettiest when she smiled like that, even if she was tired.
"So long as you're not upset. Glad I had a shot at least-"
"What? You think I'm not gonna take you out next time? Nice try, loser."
Wait. Wait. Did he just get another date? He tried not to sound too elated, less he give the exhausted girl a headache.
"I...we get to go out again?"
"Duh, you're fun. And you didn't immediately leave when you met this side of the family. You're a keeper. You and your stupid cute culo."
"You HAVE to tell me what that means at some point."
"Never. Night, bug boy."
He went stiff as a statue as she held onto him, and got onto her tippy toes to plant a kiss on his cheek. And she disappeared into her room, leaving him just awestruck. He leaned against the wall, hand against his cheek, feeling the ever so slight mark of her lipstick. Oh. Oh she was warm. She was sweet. He liked her. He really, really liked her. He forced himself to move, knowing his dad must be worried sick. He almost made it out the door, when a girl past by him. Hair taller than the sky, and eyes bigger than a fly's.
"Culo means butt, by the way."
He walked out of the Casita, and made it home. He made it to his bed, just before realizing. Culo means butt. She thinks he had a nice butt. He grabbed onto his pillow, and SCREAMED, legs kicking furiously.
He was absolutely bitten by the love bug.
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Eight-Part 1)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 11.5k (part 1)
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (!!!), mentions of sex, oc struggles with her future, mentions of vibrator, mentions of cum eating, dirty talk, vaginal fingering, oral (female receiving), masturbation, swallowing
Notes: I am having to post this chapter in two parts, I am so sorry about that! But here it is!! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter:) feel free to send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist or just want to chat about the story:) I LOVE talking with ya’ll!
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredscarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @aclowe13 @bishuthot @271101 @seagulljk @hass-mich-los @peachy-skz0325 @wonusbitch @not-your-lion @flowersgirl02 @justinetingball @fiantomartell @fairysunooo @taebae19
© taestefully-in-luv
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“What about this one?” You hold up another birthday banner, showing Vanessa yet another option.
“Ugly.” She says.
This is the fourth fucking birthday banner you’ve shown her and she doesn’t approve of any of them. But you have to admit this one is a little ugly.
“Vanessa…” you groan out, getting very obviously frustrated.
“I like this one.” She points to a banner. The very first one you showed her.
“Seriously?” you grab the banner and place it in your cart. “Okay, we still have to pick up the cake at 3. And we need to make sure we have enough plates for everyone…oh! We also still have to pick up the bottles at the liquor store.”
“I can get the cake.” She replies smoothly.
“We can just go together?”
Today is Jungkook’s birthday and you and Vanessa have been (Kind of) texting throughout the last week trying to find a good day to meet up. The day happened to be today of all days, so you’re feeling quite rushed.
“Fine.” Vanessa picks at her cuticles, just standing here looking gorgeous.
You on the other hand…were not expecting this to be a fashion show! You’re in shorts and a t shirt while she wears a flowy green dress and sandals.
“I want to be the one to present his cake to him though,” Vanessa begins, her eyes never leaving her fingers, “I am his girlfriend after all.”
You hate that your chest tightens at her words, you hate how her words affect you like this, how she affects you like this. Just being in her presence alone makes your heart twist.
“Got it.” You place some birthday plates in the cart, “So…what did you get him for his birthday?” you try to make conversation.
“A cologne.”
“You know he’s sensitive to smells—”
“He likes this one.”
“I know him better than you think y/n.” her smooth voice cuts you like a butcher knife.
You nod your head, not knowing what to say. Maybe she does. But like, you still know him better right? You got to, right?
“What about you?” Vanessa lifts her eyes to meet yours, her eyes are small and dark and inviting.
“Uh, to be honest…I’m meeting with Jimin after this so we can go shopping for his gifts. So, I don’t know yet but I have an idea.”
“And what’s your idea?” her eyes go back down to her nails that she keeps picking at.
“Friendship bracelets.” You state.
“Hm.” Vanessa pushes the cart forward and walks towards the isle with candles. “We still need nice candles for the cake.”
“It couldn’t have been that bad, babe.” Jimin holds up a plain black hoodie and nods approvingly. “Another one for his collection, what do you think?”
“Looks like something I’d steal, so yes.” You give him a quick thumbs up, “And it was bad dude. She’s so hard to talk to!”
“Yeah, I could see that.” Jimin stands in front of a full body length mirror and checks himself out, pushing his hair out of his face. “Forehead or no forehead, tonight?”
“Hmm, no forehead.”
“Forehead it is.”
“Wow, you never listen to me!”
Jimin chuckles wholeheartedly, shrugging his shoulders like he agrees with you.
“So, where are these bracelets you keep going on about?”
“That one weird shop buy the smoothie place has these cute bracelets with letters for names on them! I was thinking I could get him a black one with my initial on it and I would get myself one with his initial.”
“You guys are so…that’s cute I guess.” Jimin giggles, he holds up his wrist as if imagining himself with the bracelet. “I want one too!” he whines.
“Maybe for your birthday.” You wink. “Anyway, do you think Vanessa knows Jungkook better than me?”
Jimin stops walking to get a look at you, an expressions that reads: Are you serious? Plastered on his face.
“It’s a valid question.” You say.
“No one knows Jungkook like you honey.”
“Okay…Also, you’ll be meeting my friend Yoongi tonight!”
“The not date, date guy?” Jimin pouts, “I thought you weren’t going to lead him on…”
You scrunch up your face in confusion,
“I can have friends Jimin, I’m not leading him on!” you try to defend.
“If you say so. Just like, try to focus on one boy at a time, you know?” Jimin teases.
You two walk to the shop that sells the bracelets and go inside. You find the bracelets you’re looking for rather quickly, feeling nice and lucky. You grab them and go to pay, when you finish up at the register you notice a Jack Skellington key chain and add it on to Jungkook’s gifts. You always have trouble finding good gifts for people, okay? You take what you can get.
“Shit, it’s already 6. I still need to go home and get ready!”
Nick lets you and Vanessa use their place as the spot to celebrate, it’s bigger than your place and Vanessa agrees saying it’s bigger than hers as well. Nick and his bro that believes in aliens (You really got to learn his name but at this point you are too afraid to ask) are the only ones here as you and Vanessa set up.
“Bro AI is out to get us man—” Aaanndd you are tuning him out, you watch as Nick listens closely, nodding his head every few minutes and whispering ‘Bro’. You and Vanessa hang up decorations in silence, the sound of Nick and his bro chatting away filling the room.
“People should start arriving soon…” you try to make small talk with Vanessa, she only hums in response not even sparing you a glance.
“You look nice.” You try giving her a compliment, she turns her head to the side to look at you and a sly smile grows on her face.
“Do you have feelings for Jungkook?”
You immediately choke on your fucking spit, what the actual fuck? You try to compose yourself when you hear the front door opening. Thank God.
“It is I!” You know that voice. “Where is my Jungkookie?” You hear Jin entering the living room along with Namjoon and Hobi.
“Jimin should be bringing him in the next 30 or so minutes!” you yell out. Once Jin and the other two boys spot you they light up.
“y/n!!!” Jin hurries to your side and bring you in for a quick hug. “How are you?!”
“Good, good.” You laugh, hugging him back.
“Good to see you y/n” Namjoon says with a soft smile and then you hear your named being shouted even though Hobi is a foot away from you.
“Long time no see!!!” He hugs you, shaking you around in his embrace. You can’t help but chuckle at your friend.
“Hi guys, I’m so glad you could make it.”
“Would we miss our Jungkookie’s birthday? No way.” Jin says.
“Oh,” you turn around to see Vanessa just standing behind you, not saying anything just staring. “This is Vanessa. Jungkook’s—”
“We know!” Hobi says, “Jungkook has brought her to Jin’s. Nice to see you again Vanessa!”
Vanessa tilts her head and nods, her lips not even attempting to curve into a smile.
“You too.” She finally says.
This girl either has no manners or just does not know how to properly socialize? Maybe she gets anxiety being around too many people?
You feel your phone buzz.
Yoongs 7:14pm
Im outside
“Be right back guys, a friend of mine just got here.” You try talking over your group of friends. You head towards the front door, swinging it open to a Min Yoongi waiting patiently.
He smiles at you when he sees you, he holds up a bottle of wine and shakes it around a bit.
“For the party.” He says.
“Perfect, let’s pour us a glass right now!” you gesture him to enter the apartment.
You two walk into the kitchen, and you start searching for a wine bottle opener but can’t seem to find it.
“Hey Nick!” You yell out, hoping to get his attention, “Where’s the wine opener?”
Nick shuffles into the kitchen and gives you an expression that screams he has no idea.
“I know where it’s at.” Vanessa’s silky voice fills your ears as she enters the kitchen.
“Oh.” Of course she does. Why wouldn’t Vanessa know? She probably comes here more than you do…
“Thanks.” You finally say when she hands you the wine opener.
“Well, let’s open this baby up!” you turn to face Yoongi and he smiles at you.
“Hi Vanessa.” Yoongi waves at the girl and she hums in response, walking out of the kitchen.
“Sorry, she’s…” but you don’t know what to say. Also, why are you trying to excuse her?
You pour you and Yoongi a glass and gulp it down quickly, you finish your first glass in just seconds.
“I need another one.”
“What’s got you so stressed in a time of celebration?” Yoongi casually sips on his wine, one baby sip after the other.
“Nothing, nothing.”
“y/n…” his soft tone makes you feel comforted already and he hasn’t even said anything yet.
“I don’t know how to say it without sounding psychotic.” You admit, pouring yourself your second glass of wine.
“Try me.”
“I feel like I am competing…with…”
“With Vanessa?” He gladly finishes for you.
“Yeah, like…I don’t know, I feel like she’s trying to take my place. But my place isn’t ‘girlfriend’ so I don’t know what I’m freaking out about.”
Yoongi sets his glass down and studies you for a moment, you begin to feel antsy under his gaze.
“I’m obviously on your side,” Yoongi begins in a hushed voice, “But maybe she’s worried too?”
“I wish I knew if she felt worried, or felt like, anything. This girl is hard to crack!” you quietly say.
“Just try to enjoy the night, okay?” Yoongi smiles and you don’t even feel like smiling back but you do. Suddenly, you feel your phone going off.
Jungkook 7:32pm
Why is Jimin making me dress up? I thought it was just a couple of us? Why do I need to look nice, I’m tired from work
Jungkook 7:33pm
Seriously y/n…it’s just a couple of us, right?
y/n 7:35pm
omg yes Jungkook it’s nothing big I swear, he just wants you to look nice for pictures
Jungkook 7:36pm
I always look nice for pics lol
y/n 7:38pm
No comment
Jungkook 7:40pm
Don’t be fukin rude
` y/n 7:40pm
Can you guys hurry up?
Jungkook 7:44pm
Jimin is in the mirror deciding if he’s showing his forehead or not
y/n 7:45pm
classic Jimin
Jungkook 7:45pm
Classic Jimin
You stuff your phone in your back pocket and grab your glass of wine and begin sipping on it again. Yoongi eyes you up and smirks.
“That the birthday boy?”
“Hm? Oh, sorry…yes. He and Jimin should be here soon.” You watch as Yoongi nods his head and then you realize…”Oh my god, let me introduce you to the guys!” you set your glass down on the counter and reach for Yoongi’s hand and pull him towards the living room. Unfortunately for you, you miss the way Yoongi blushes at the contact.
“Guys, guys.” You interrupt the boys from their conversations, “This is my friend Yoongi…” you gesture towards the boy, “Yoongi, this is Jin…Namjoon, Hobi, and Nick and his pal, uh…” you blink at Alien Dude and he just grins at you, not realizing you don’t know his fucking name. “Yeah, anyway.” You decide to move on, “Jungkook and Jimin should be here soon—” Suddenly, there is soft knocking on the door. You raise a brow because who else could it be?
You walk towards the front door and look through the peep hole and much to your surprise you see Holly and Trina waiting outside the door. You’re quick to open it with a wide smile on your face.
“I thought you didn’t want to come?” You ask, your question directed towards Trina.
“I…” her eyes slide to Holly, “…Had a change of heart.” She huffs out quietly.
“You’re going to be civil?” you smirk at your friend and she rolls her eyes at you.
“She’s going to be more than civil.” Holly pipes up, “She’s going to be nice.”
“Hey we never agreed to that!” Trina crosses her arms over her chest, “But whatever.”
“Thanks for coming T.” your smirk transitions into a soft smile. This means a lot to you, that Trina is trying to accept Jungkook.
“Well? Are you going to let us in or what?”
“Right, right.” You move to the side and let the girls through. They step inside and make their way towards the boys.
“Oh? You must be Mister Oatmeal Raisin!” Trina grins towards Yoongi, who stands here chatting with Hobi.
“You’re…let me guess, Trina? And you must be Holly?” he nods at both girls, “I’ve heard a lot about you two.”
“I hope good things?” Trina teases.
“Only the best.” Yoongi raises his glass to her and she turns her head to smirk at you.
You watch as everyone gets along, talking, laughing and having a good time—all except Vanessa. She is sitting on the sofa on her phone, tapping away. She doesn’t even try to converse with any of Jungkook’s friends? Strange. You hate her, technically. But you can’t help but feel bad? Like, why does she isolate herself so much? Does she really just have some social anxiety or something? There’s got to be a reason for her odd behavior.
“Hey.” You say, sitting on the sofa next to her. “You okay?”
“Hm?” Vanessa doesn’t look up from her phone as she barely acknowledges you.
“Why don’t you come hang out with the rest of us?”
Vanessa tilts her head to get a look at you and she blinks at you repeatedly.
“Why?” she finally asks. “I’m only here for Jungkook.”
Okay, ouch.
“You never answered my question from earlier,” Vanessas coy smile begins growing on her face. “How you feel about Jungkook.”
You feel your palms get sweaty when you process her words. How the hell do you respond to that?
“I—I…” Then the front door is opening and you hear Jimin obnoxiously announce their arrival, that he has the birthday boy.
You immediately jump to your feet and rush towards the entrance of the apartment to greet your friends.
“Too bad you can’t admit it, “ Vanessa whispers, her eyes going back to her phone, “I could help you too.”
“JUNGKOOKIE!!!” Jin opens his arms wide, “Come and embrace me! It’s your birthday gift.” Jungkook stumbles in the apartment with wide eyes as he searches the living room. His eyes find yours and he smiles. He shows you his bunny grin and you can’t help but smile back. He looks breathtaking, Jimin didn’t play around picking Jungkook’s outfit. Ripped black jeans, chunky boots, a plaid shirt with a leather jacket—he looks hot as hell. Vanessa is a lucky girl, you think bitterly to yourself.
Jungkook greets his friends one by one until he sees Yoongi walk from the kitchen into the living room. Yoongi has refilled his wine glass and stops just in front of Jungkook and bows his head in greeting. You rush to the two boys, joining them in this awkward encounter.
“Oh, I invited Yoongi.” You begin to explain, “You remember Yoongi, right?” you ask Jungkook.
“Of course…” Jungkook tries smiling but it’s tense and strained. At this, Yoongi smirks.
Yoongi steps closer to you and wraps an arm around your shoulder and he smiles at Jungkook.
“I’m y/n’s plus one tonight—or I guess her…date?”
“D-Date?” You and Jungkook both stutter out.
Yoongi brings you in closer, nice and snug against his shoulder as he chuckles.
“Something like that.”
Jungkook tries releasing a breath but finds it to be troublesome. He looks at you with an expression you cannot really decipher, but he doesn’t look all too pleased.
“That’s nice.” He finally says, scratching the back of his neck.
“What’s nice?” It’s a smooth and silky voice. Vanessa. “Happy birthday babe.” She joins your circle next to Jungkook and places a kiss on his cheek.
“Right…” you butt in, “Happy birthday Jungkook.” You smile, still in Yoongi’s arms.
“What do you want to do first?” Vanessa links arms with Jungkook and you feel your body go tense. You don’t want her to touch him.
“Eat.” Jungkook laughs, “I’m so hungry.”
“Well, we have pizza for everyone.” You say loudly, getting the rest of everyone’s attention.
“You say pizza? Hell yeah.” Trina walks towards you four with Holly following behind her.
“Oh hey Trina…” Jungkook says, not entirely too sure how to talk to the girl that hates him.
“Hey Jungkook,” she says quickly with a smile, “So where’s the pizza?”
Jungkook and you share a look of pleasant surprise. Trina? Being nice?
The rest of the boys follow and you all head inside the kitchen to snag a few slices of pizza from the pizzeria that Jungkook is fond of. Vanessa stays close to Jungkook’s side, not that you are surprised. But what is surprising you is that Yoongi has suddenly become slightly more affectionate with you?
Yoongi takes any chance he can get to touch you in some way, whether it be picking a piece of thread off your shirt, or placing a wild strand of hair behind your ear. He doesn’t really strike you as the type to be so openly affectionate…at least not the one to initiate it.
But can picking a piece of thread off your shirt really be counted as affectionate? Maybe he’s just trying to help. What you don’t know though…Jungkook has picked up on too. He has watched as Yoongi smiles at you and you smile back, he has watched as Yoongi subtlety touches your arm when he talks to you and how your hand finds his shoulder when you laugh.
Jungkook sits on his couch, chowing down on a slice of pizza as he glares at you and Yoongi. He doesn’t mean to glare but why is he here? This is a small get together between close friends. How close have you and Yoongi gotten?
“And then bro, I was like no fucking way bro.” Alien bro talks animatedly, his hands motioning all around the place.
Nick stuffs another slice of pizza in his mouth, nodding along to Alien bro’s story.
“That is fucking wild.” You hear Trina pitch in, “Like, did that really happen to you?”
“It may have been a dream, but let me tell you…” Alien bro closes his eyes, “I think it was real, like a memory.”
You internally laugh, because this dude has got some wild fucking stories and you don’t know how to take him seriously. But everyone seems to be enjoying it.
“Let’s do cake!” You hear Jimin yell out, “I have such a sweet tooth right now.”
At this you see Vanessa actually light up, like she has been waiting all night for someone to mention the cake. You two agreed she could present it to Jungkook, maybe that’s why she’s so visibly excited.
“I’ll go get it…” She speaks up, “I’ll be right back.” She says, facing Jungkook. Vanessa stands from her spot next to Jungkook on the couch and heads towards the kitchen.
A few minutes pass by when you hear your name being called. You get up and walk to the kitchen when you see Vanessa with the cake in her hands, the candles already lit up.
“Can you turn off the lights?” she asks, “And you can start the Birthday song.”
You nod your head, walking back into the living room to switch the lights off.
“Okay, ready Jungkook?” you smile at him and he rolls his eyes with a smirk.
“I guess.” He says, amusement laced in his voice.
“Happy birthday to you!” you begin singing, the rest of the gang joins in and the living room is soon being filled with the sound of everyone’s voices singing Jungkook a happy birthday. You pull out your phone and begin recording, Vanessa walks in with the cake and she keeps her face neutral. She doesn’t even sing, wow. You can’t help but kind of laugh, that’s so in character for her.
“Happy birthday dear Juuuungkoook, Happy birthday to you!” You all finish up and start whooping and hollering.
“Make a wish.” Vanessa sets the cake down in front of him and Jungkook nods his head. He takes a deep breath before his eyes find yours. You guys share a brief moment before he’s blowing out his candles.
“What did you wish for?!” Hobi asks, excitement filling the room as everyone agrees that they want to know.
“Secret.” He says, still looking at you.
“Here,” Vanessa nudges a perfectly wrapped box in Jungkook’s hands, “Present.”
“You didn’t have to Vanessa.” Jungkook grins at her but he’s already unwrapping his gift, he throws the wrapping paper to the floor and takes a look at the cologne box.
“This is so expensive!” he whines, “But thank you!” He looks at you for a moment when he awkwardly pecks Vanessas lips in front of everyone.
“My turn!” Jimin shouts, “My turn, my turn!” he stands up and walks by the front door where he left the gift. He picks up the bag and walks back into the living room, standing in front of Jungkook, handing him the bag.
“You’ll love it.” Jimin wiggles his brows at the boy.
Jungkook wiggles his brows back as he opens up the bag and pulls out a black hoodie.
“Fuck yeah.” Jungkook stands up to hug Jimin, “This one is so soft.”
The rest of the gang gives Jungkook a gift one by one until all eyes are on you. Suddenly, you feel super fucking shy and lame that you got matching bracelets.
“Uh, I haven’t gotten anything for you yet…” you lie. “But I will soon, promise.”
Jungkook’s bunny smile begins to fade as he processes your words,
“No worries, y/n.” he smiles again, “You don’t have to get me anything.”
“It’s just a little late, is all.” You shift awkwardly from one foot to another. You wish you weren’t such an idiot. You notice Jimin staring at you from across the room, he looks disappointed.
“What about the bracelets y/n?” Vanessa’s voice can be heard by everyone. She looks at you with a blank expression and you never wanted to strangle someone more.
“What bracelets?” Jungkook’s curiosity showing.
“It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing. They’re friendship bracelets. Such a sweet idea.” Vanessa smiles at you.
“You got me and you friendship bracelets?” Jungkook stands up and walks to you, he extends his right hand out and waits expectantly.
“Thanks Vanessa.” You deadpan.
“No problem.”
“It’s really nothing Jungkook…”
“I want the damn bracelet y/n.”
You stare at him for a moment, his big doe eyes making you feel like you must give in.
“okay, they’re in my bag…” you turn around and search for your purse. You notice Yoongi trying to hand it you and you smile at him gratefully.
“Here.” You hand him his bracelet and he inspects it, rolling it through his fingers.
“Your initial?” Jungkook clenches the bracelet in his fist and looks up at you.
“I fucking love it.” He brings the bracelet to his heart, “I will wear it every day.”
“I have one too…” you pull it from your bag and dangle in around.
“It has a J?” Jungkook bunny smile grows ten times as wide. He takes the bracelet from your fingers and chuckles at the two bracelets.
“I love it.”
“I’m glad you like it—”
“No, love it. I love…” Then he’s clearing his throat, remembering he is in a room full of people.
“Thank you.”
“Oh! There’s one more thing…” you pull out the key chain and you watch as Jungkook’s face lights up. Of course he is more excited about the key chain, you laugh.
“Fucking awesome!” Jungkook takes it from you, “I’ll put it on my keys!”
“That’s the idea,” you chuckle. “Anyway, let’s play games now.”
You and Jungkook stand at the front of the living room, in front of the T.V in battle mode.
“You’re going down Jeon.” You snicker at him, he only rolls his eyes at you as he readies himself.
“I’m just glad I’m not going against Jimin.” Jungkook shoots Jimin a look and Jimin winks.
You two have to chug an entire beer can, trying to beat the other.
“Honestly, same.” You admit, if anyone can down a drink in seconds—it’s Jimin.
Trina stands up and joins your side,
“Okay, are we ready everyone?”
Everyone begins cheering, the sound motivating you and making you feel excited.
“Okay. When I yell…BAM…you start drinking and don’t stop until that can is empty…got it?”
“Yes, we know how to chug a drink, Trina.”
“Damn girl, I was just sayin’.” Trina throws a hand on her hip, “Okay, 3…2…1…BAM!”
You and Jungkook scramble to start drinking, the chilly liquid making its way down your throats. The drink is cold and carbonated and you’re trying to ignore the way it sizzles, instead pretending it’s as smooth as water and you down it back.
“Jungkook is going to win!” Namjoon yells out, he has risen to his feet, the excitement too much.
“No, y/n is! Look how much her head it tilting back!” You hear Jin chime in.
Truth is, you aren’t really sure how much you’ve drank, or how much is left! You’re just wanting it to be over!
“Holy shit, they’re both so close!”
And right as you’re about to finish your drink you hear the sound of a can being crushed right next to you. He won.
“WHAT’S UP…LOSER!” Jungkook shakes his empty, crushed can in your face as you finally finish your own drink.
“Okay, okay. Literally only let you win because it’s your birthday.” You snide playfully.
“Sure y/n, sure.” Jungkook grins down at you, his laughter bounces off the walls and you feel so whole when you hear the sound. He leans forward until his arms are wrapped around you in a quick yet loving hug.
“Whatever you got to say to yourself…loser.” He chuckles out, letting go of you.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Your pout is so cute, Jungkook thinks.
Yoongi stands up, his gummy smile lighting up the room as he approaches you two. He stands next to you and asks if you’re alright.
“You’ve already had so much to drink, I’m just making sure you can make it back to the sofa.” Yoongi’s shoulders shake as he laughs.
“She can handle herself.” You hear Jungkook say in a somewhat serious tone, “She knows how to drink.” He tries to say a little more lightly.
“But she doesn’t really have to do the penalty, right?” Yoongi asks.
“No, I definitely do.” You laugh out, “Where’s the shot, huh?”
Jungkook gives you a silly looking smirk as he heads towards the kitchen to fetch you that shot. He’s only gone for a moment when you realize he has returned with the liquid of fire.
“For you, princess.”
You roll your eyes at his little nick name he’s given you but you cannot help the blush that creeps on your cheeks…
“Please…please.” You pant, rolling your hips into his as you meet his desperate thrusts.
“Please what, princess?” he breathes out heavily, “Told you that when you’re with—” He begins fucking into you faster, “When you’re with me…to use your words.” His pace is bruising, causing you to choke on the air around you.
The little nick name causing you to remember something you have tied burying.
“I think you should take one too, since it is your birthday after all.” You tease.
“But I’m the winner…” Jungkook pouts, his bottom lip jutting out so far.
“Come on, I bet you won’t.” Jimin pipes in.
“Yeah dude.” You hear Nick say.
“FINE!” Jungkook throws his hands up in defeat, “But you have to go pour it for me.” He says, looking at you.
“Done deal, baby.”
“Pour me one too.” Vanessa walks up to you, her strap on her shoulder sliding down.
“Oh?” you ask, but you nod your head in approval and head towards the kitchen to pour two more shots.
You return with the shots, but feel your stomach drop when you see Jungkook and Vanessa laughing together, her hand laying on his chest, his arm wrapped around her waist.
“Oh!” Jungkook looks at you and smiles, “The shots!”
And then Min Yoongi is at your side with his own shot, he looks at you and gives you a sweet smile and eyes full of understanding.
“Let’s take them.” He says. His hand going to yours, he squeezes it tight and you feel yourself trying to breathe.
“Here you go.” You hand the two shots to Jungkook and Vanessa, they take them and you four look at one another before raising your glasses.
“Happy birthday, Jungkook.” You whisper, taking the shot.
Hours pass, and things are starting to wind down, you think. Jin, Namjoon and Hobi are at the front door saying their goodbyes and you feel your time is coming soon too.
“Us too.” Trina says, “Our uber is almost here.” Her and Holly gather their things and make their way out the door.
“Jimin, you coming with us?” Trina asks.
“Um, what about you y/n?” Jimin makes it to your side, his hand going to rub your shoulder.
“You guys go without me, I’m going to help clean up. Hostess duties!” You salute towards your friends and they giggle.
“Okay babe, I’ll see you soon?” Jimin goes in for a tight hug and you hug him back even tighter.
“I’ll help you clean up.” Yoongi offers, but you shake your head.
“No, I couldn’t ask that. Me and Vanessa got it. You go home too, it’s so late. I will come by to see you soon though.”
“Are you sure?” Yoongi asks as he catches Jungkook watching you two. “Well, if you insist y/n.” he inches towards you and to your surprise, you feel his lips leave a small kiss on your cheek. Yoongi smirks when he sees Jungkook react. Jungkook glares at the boy and Yoongi feels like hopefully he helped enough tonight.
“What was that for?” you feel yourself turn red.
“Nothing.” He whispers before he’s turning around and walking out of the door.
You are left here shocked and confused but you cannot help but smile at Yoongi’s small gesture. He really is too sweet.
“Well,” you turn around to face Jungkook and Vanessa, “Let’s clean up,” you say to Vanessa, “And then I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Actually,” Vanessa curls her lips upwards, “I am feeling quite tired.” Her eyes find yours, “So maybe Jungkook can help you clean up.”
“You’re going home already?” Jungkook looks confused. He was probably expecting birthday sex or some shit.
“Mhm.” She breathes out easily, “See you later babe.” She leans over and pecks his cheek, you immediately twist your head to look away. Vanessa notices and she fucking smiles that sly ass smile. “See you later, y/n.”
And with that she is out of the apartment, leaving just you and Jungkook and Nick and Alien Bro.
“We will be out on the balcony smoking, if you guys want to join.” Nick offers to you, but you’re shaking your head no.
“Nah, you guys enjoy.” Jungkook says. Nick and Alien bro (You really got to learn this dudes name) are opening the back door and leaving you guys for the balcony.
“And then there was two.” Jungkook jokes, he chews on his lips as he watches you begin the cleaning up process. You get a large black trash bag and start throwing away the empty beer bottles and other trash around the living room and kitchen.
“Help me clean, birthday boy.”
Jungkook grins at you and starts helping, he’s gathering the shot glasses and setting them in the kitchen sink. You two work like this for around 10-15 minutes when the place is finally looking like his apartment again.
“Well, I guess that’s it.” You set the last trash bag in the kitchen, “You and Nick can take these out later, right?” “Yes, y/n. You did enough, I swear.” Jungkook smiles at you. “Hey, where’s your bracelet?” he dangles his wrist around, showing you his.
“Oh…” You dig around in your pockets until you finally find the piece of jewelry.
“Let me.” Jungkook stands closer to you, reaching his hand out, expecting you to hand over the bracelet. You place it in his hand and he grabs your wrist and clips the bracelet on.
“There.” He breathes out, “Never take it off.” He half jokes.
“You really like it?”
“I really love it.” Jungkook pulls you in for a hug, but he’s letting go much faster than you would like.
“Wanna chill for a bit?” He asks you, his hands still on your arms from your hug that you just shared.
“For a bit, sure.”
You two walk to the living room sofa and plop down, the long day finally catching up to you. It’s around 1 am now, you’ve been running around all day.
“So…” Jungkook looks at you with an unreadable expression, “What’s going on with you and this Yoongi guy?”
“What do you mean?”
“Was tonight like, a date for you two?”
“What? No?”
“Really? Could of fooled me and like, everyone else.”
“He was just joking…I think.” You groan into your hands, and laugh. “Why?”
“I was just wondering.” He turns to face forward, his face hardening as he thinks. “Is he going to be like, your boyfriend?”
“What?!” you choke on your spit, “Yoongi is my friend.”
“Does he know that?” Jungkook continues to look forward, “He was all over you.”
“He definitely was not all over me. Oh my god. What are you getting so crazy for?”
Crazy. That’s the word you use, but he knows you mean jealous. Jungkook sits here, biting on his bottom lip. He has to admit, he doesn’t like this ‘crazy’ feeling. He feels like he’s suffocating just remembering you with Yoongi tonight. He has no right to feel crazy or jealous. He has a girlfriend for fucks sake!
“I just hope he’s treating you right.”
“He’s just a friend Jungkook. But you know what? And if he was trying to date me?”
Jungkook feels his chest tighten, not liking the idea already.
“Then like I said, I hope he’s treating you right.” He says more softly, turning to look at you again.
“Did you enjoy your birthday?”
“It was nice, thank you.”
“What’s your favorite birthday in your life so far?”
Jungkook tilts his head as he thinks, rocking it side to side. He folds his arms behind his head and lets out a long breath.
“There’s two I can think of.” He says, “When I was 10 all I wanted to do was see one of those drive thru zoo things. But I wasn’t expecting much because I guess birthdays and holidays were stressful for my parents…” he takes a deep breath, “they always fought so much and so I didn’t think we would be doing anything for my birthday at all. But they for once, they got along this day. They took me to the zoo and I just remember being so on edge like something may go wrong…but it never did, it was a perfect day.”
“I bet 10 year old Jungkook was so cute.”
“I was the cutest!”
“And what’s the second?”
“Sophomore year of college.” He states quickly making you choke on air. Really? That birthday of all birthdays?
“Jungkook, there has to be a better one than that…” you begin, “We literally didn’t even do anything.”
It seemed everyone happened to become busy the day of Jungkook’s birthday, everyone except you. You and Jungkook spent the day just the two of you in his dorm room watching movies and playing video games. You didn’t even buy him a present, much too broke!
“That day meant a lot to me.” Jungkook explains, “You didn’t leave my side, no matter what.”
“Well, you were my best friend.”
“And now?” Jungkook turns his head to face you, “Am I your best friend now?”
“Jungkook…” you caress his thigh, “Of course.”
Jungkook throws his head back as he smiles that bunny smile and you can’t help but giggle.
“Were you worried?”
“So worried.” He continues to laugh, “You’re my best friend too.”
“I don’t know guys!” you whine, bringing the cup of coffee in for a sip. “Marketing…can someone even be passionate about that?”
“What did I say y/n? You’re so concerned if you’re passionate or not, why don’t you start off small—finding something you just like.” Yoongi offers his piece of advice but you groan.
“What do you think Tae?” you point your head in his direction, “Wait, I am asking one of the most passionate people I know.” You complain.
“I agree with Yoongi, y/n.” Taehyung says, he drinks his water in gulps.
“Of course, who wouldn’t agree with Yoongi?” You hit your head on the table a few times.
You three are seated in Yoongi’s record shop in the cozy corner of the store, discussing the burden of dreams.
“I mean, guys.” You begin, “I don’t want to be making cookies forever.”
“But I really like them.” Yoongi whispers.
“Me too,” Taehyung says as he shoves a sugar cookie down his throat. “So good.”
“Guys, you aren’t helping.”
“Honestly y/n…” Yoongi stands from his seat to get some more coffee, “Stop trying to force a dream to happen. It will come to you naturally, just trust in that.”
“You make it sound so easy.” You hand Taehyung another cookie and he takes it with a grin.
“So y/n…” Taehyung swallows down the last bits of the cookie before he’s turning to face you in his chair, “How was Jungkook’s birthday, I forgot to ask.”
“It went really well actually.”
“Why do you say ‘actually’?” Taehyung laughs, “Were you expecting it to go bad?”
“It’s not that…I don’t know. Maybe.”
“Is it because of Vanessa?” Yoongi comes back with two fresh coffees.
“That’s his girlfriend, right? I just don’t get it. Should we come up with an evil plan to break them up?” Taehyung snickers.
“Tae, chill.” You giggle.
“I’m joking but I am also totally serious.” He comments. “Anyway guys, I gotta head back to the museum. But same time next week?”
“You know it.” You blow on your hot coffee, waving him goodbye.
The last few weeks the three of you meet up for coffee (Tae usually brings his own drink of choice, says coffee is too bitter for him) and chit chat just like now. It’s an interesting group but you feel comfortable. After time has passed, forgiving and moving on from Taehyung’s crushing you has gotten easier and now you even find his friendship to be quite valuable. You guess they weren’t kidding when they say time heals all wounds.
“Are you two ever going to tell me what happened between you? You were so tense when he first started hanging out.” Yoongi says, observant as usual.
“I will. But another day,” you smile.
“No rush.” Yoongi drinks his coffee slowly, “Whenever you’re ready.”
“By the way, did it work?” Yoongi asks between sips.
You can’t help but raise your brows in question,
“Did what work?”
“Did Jungkook say anything? About being jealous?” He gives you a smirk.
“What are you talk—wait, were you purposely trying to be affectionate with me to see if Jungkook would get a rise out of it?” You ask, completely shocked. That seems almost out of character for Yoongi!
“I tried. I’m a little awkward being the first to show affection, “ he admits, “But for you, my friend, I was willing to try.” He gives you a shy smile and you feel your heart race.
“You really don’t even have to answer because I know the truth. I could see it on his face, but I was curious if he said anything to you.”
You think back to Jungkook’s birthday and well…he technically did say something to you. He was being a little crazy (jealous) but you cannot understand why. Jungkook is your friend and not to mention he has a girlfriend.
“Sorry to disappoint Yoongs, but he did not.” You decide to say.
“Did you know you avoid all eye contact when you want to lie.” Yoongi takes another sip of his coffee, his sly smile telling you he knows the truth.
“Jeez, why do you pick up on things so quickly?!” you groan, “I can’t even tell one little nothing lie in front of you.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t try to lie to me then.” He laughs. “So what did he say?”
“He just—I don’t know. He just…wanted to know what was up with you basically.”
Yoongi opens his mouth to say ‘Ah’ and then continues to drink his coffee.
“He’s not going to be rude to you or anything!” you quickly say, “he’s just a little protective over me, is all.”
“Oh? That’s all?” Yoongi teases.
“Hey…” you set your cup down and fold your hands in your lap, “What makes you think Jungkook feels the same way?”
Yoongi breathes out slowly, his fingers tapping against his mug when he looks up at you and smiles.
“There’s an obvious tension between you two, “ he starts, “The way he looks at you. That honestly gave everything away. His eyes always find you, no matter what.” Yoongi quietly chuckles, “The way he’s threatened by me. He doesn’t even try to hide it.” Yoongi thinks for a moment, “And…you two, the way you are together…god, it’s like watching two people who are in a relationship but don’t know they’re in a relationship.”
“What—what do you mean by that?” you pry further. Curious about your own dynamic with Jungkook that maybe even you can’t see.
“I don’t know like, you guys act like boyfriend and girlfriend already!” he laughs, “That’s when I knew I didn’t stand a chance.”
“It’s okay,” his gummy smile lights up his whole face, “being your friend has been so much more rewarding.”
You feel yourself smile at his words…although, you do feel bad. But keeping a friend like Yoongi around has been amazing. And maybe if you weren’t already in love with someone else…no, you shouldn’t even think that, that’s not fair.
“Thanks Yoongs.”
“We need to talk.”
Jimin is shoving his way through Jungkook’s front door, his hair pushed back in frustration like his fingers have been running through it for hours.
“Jesus man, it’s like 8 in the fucking morning.” Jungkook’s low, groggy voice booms from his chest.
“This couldn’t wait. I have to be at work at 9 and I’ve been up all night with the same one thing on my mind.” Jimin takes off his shoes and makes his way to the couch.
“And what’s that?” Jungkook asks, clearly annoyed.
“You need to tell y/n how you feel.” Jimin decides to go with the straight forward approach, he does not have the time to beat around the bush today.
Jungkook closes the door and swings around to face Jimin,
“Listen man, I’ve been racking my brain about it all fucking night. It’s got to be you. You have to do it, she won’t.”
“Why the fuck would I do that?”
“Grow the fucking balls, man!” Jimin sits back on the sofa, his head falling into the cushion.
“Look dude, I don’t know what you—”
“You’re in love with her, you have been since freshmen year. You guys fucked, I know. She didn’t talk to you for however long, I know that too. But come on man, it’s so clear how you both feel.”
Jungkook continues to stand here, not knowing what to say. Where is all this coming from?
“I have a girlfriend, Jimin.”
“Oh please, give me a fucking break.” Jimin stands up, walking towards Jungkook. “There is almost zero chemistry between you two. Like emotional chemistry…I don’t know what your sex life is like…” Jimin holds up a hand, “And I don’t want to know.”
“Wasn’t going to tell you anyway,” Jungkook pouts. “Listen, how can you be so sure y/n would even feel the same way?”
“Can’t you just fucking trust me?” Jimin yells out, exasperated.
“Did she say the words Jimin?” Jungkook becomes very serious, making Jimin shudder. “Did she tell you she has feelings for me?” his dark eyes pierce into Jimin’s.
Jimin looks down at the ground, feeling defeated.
“You know I can’t tell you that.” Jimin finally says, “You just have to have the courage man. Are you really going to go your whole life not telling her? Why torture yourself like that?”
Jungkook stands here feeling so lost, and fucking emotional. Like, he could god damn cry about it.
“Because,” Jungkook sniffles into his sleeve. “It’s guaranteed she would be in my life. I can’t risk losing her. I couldn’t handle that man…” Jungkook begins to choke up.
Jimin walks closer to Jungkook and pulls him in for a tight hug, Jungkook keeps his arms to his side.
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Jimin whispers.
“I think though…that there will be a moment where you finally have the courage…”
“I don’t know.”
“You will, Jungkook. When the timing is right…but I don’t know when that is for you two.”
“I really do love her…” Jungkook allows a few tears to slip from his closed eyes into Jimin’s shoulder. “I’m so frustrated like, all the time.” He admits, “Seeing her, talking to her, I just want to tell her how I feel. I hate how hard I have to try just to stay in the zone of friendship. But you don’t understand the risk…” Jungkook leans back, pulling away from Jimin. “If she doesn’t feel the same, I could lose her.” His puffy eyes avoid Jimin. “Can I handle a loss like that again?”
“But she…” Jimin has to bite his tongue…seeing his two best friends like this hurts his heart beyond belief.
“Yeah, I understand.” Jimin decides to say, “But I think you might be surprised.”
Jungkook pulls his brows together, his face scrunching up and he scoffs.
“Maybe, but maybe not.”
“I’m sorry to bring this all on you so early in the morning…I’ve just been so worried about you two…” Jimin starts to put his shoes back on.
“Maybe you could stay until you really need to leave for work? You still go like 45 minutes, right?” Jungkook practically begs with sad, soft eyes.
“Sure.” Jimin takes his shoes back off and grabs a hold of Jungkook’s shoulder, “Let’s sit down for a while.”
The two boys head to the couch and take a seat, leaving little space between them. Jungkook needs the presence of another human being right now, he needs to feel real live warmth. Jimin wishes he could mend Jungkook’s cracked heart but he knows only you can do that. But Jimin can try his best. The two sit in comfortable silence, the only sound that can be heard is Jungkook’s light sniffling and Jimin humming a soft tune.
“It’s almost 9.” Jimin mentions regretfully.
“I know. Thanks for staying for a bit.”
“Of course.” Jimin rises from the couch, “You guys are my best friends but you two sure are fucking idiots.” He smiles and makes his way to leave.
Bored. So fucking bored. Trina and Holly went out for dinner tonight and you were not invited! You kind of wonder what’s going on between them…but that’s a thought for another day, right now you are so fucking bored.
It’s Friday night and you don’t know what to do with yourself. Jimin has some party he’s going to tonight but you didn’t really feel like going so you rejected his invitation, Jin and the guy’s invited you over for a cookout but you said no because you didn’t feel like driving all the way to Jin’s place—you know, lazy.
And you haven’t heard from Jungkook all day so he’s probably tired from work or worse—with Vanessa. But would it hurt to try? To see what he’s up to?
y/n 9:04pm
Jungkook 9:10pm
y/n 9:12pm
Whatcha up to tonight?
Jungkook 9:13pm
Nothing really, you?
y/n 9:13pm
nothing either…
y/n 9:13pm
Wanna have a movie night with some wine?
Jungkook 9:20pm
Jungkook 9:23pm
Lemme guess, I have to bring the wine
y/n 9:23pm
Jungkook 9:50pm
I’m almost there
Not even 5 minutes later you hear your door being knocked on, and you yell a ‘come in’. Jungkook pushes the door open and finds you sitting on the couch wrapped up in your favorite blanket. He shuts the door behind him, and walks to the kitchen for some wine glasses. You two only nod at one another in greeting, getting comfortable in each others presence.
“I brought 2 bottles,” Jungkook says, “One for you, one for me.”
“Wow, you’re so smart.” You smile up at him and his heart clenches in his chest. Your smile is so special, it’s so soft and so fucking pretty he almost cannot handle it.
“Y-Yeah.” He sets the glasses down on the table that sits in front of the sofa. “What movie do you have in mind?”
“You can choose.”
“Iron Man?” “No, not that.”
“Fine.” He pouts, “Let’s find something new on Netflix.”
An hour into some random drama, you find yourself getting sleepy.
“Wakey wakey.” You feel Jungkook’s breath on your ear, you open your eyes a little wider to prove your consciousness.
“I am awake…hey,” you suddenly get an idea, “Remember a little while ago you said you felt like our friendship kind of started over?”
“Hm? Yeah?”
“Would if we do?”
“I don’t get it?” Jungkook asks clearly confused.
“Let’s play a game! Of getting to know each other better. Everything out on the table.” You say with a pleased smile, obviously loving your own idea.
“hmmmmm…” Jungkook wraps his blanket closer around his body, “Sure.”
“Yay! I’ll pull out a list of questions from the internet.” You get your phone and google a list of questions. “You ready?” you say with a wink.
“I guess so.” He playfully shrugs his shoulders and shows you a small smile.
“Okay one…What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?”
“hmm…sleeping in, working out, playing video games, making videos, sleeping some more, hanging out with you.”
“Wow, honored.” You tease. “For me, it’s sleeping all day.”
“That’s it? That’s your whole answer?” Jungkook giggles.
“What type of music are into to?”
“y/n…” Jungkook whines, “You already know these answers…”
“We’re pretending we don’t!”
“Fine, I like almost all genres but I really prefer ballads.”
“I like music with meaningful lyrics,” you say.
“I agree.” Jungkook grins at you.
“Next…Do you have a favorite holiday. Why or why not?”
Jungkook nibbles on his lips as he thinks…is he honest?
“I use to hate holidays.” He admits softly, slightly slurring thanks to the wine, “But now it’s Christmas and New Year’s. And why? Both reasons are because of you.”
You feel your cheeks become warmer and probably pinker.
“Mine too.” You say quickly, “Next,” you are in a rush to change the subject. “Do you want a family of your own?”
“One day, yes. With the right person…”
“I’m the same.” You scroll through the questions, “If you had only one sense…hearing, touch, sight, etc, which would you want?”
“Touch. Imagine not being able to feel things?” Jungkook asks, he thinks about not being able to feel the soft touch of sheets on a bed, the feel of your hair between his fingers, your skin, your lips—wait, he needs to chill. “Yeah, touch.”
“Really? I would choose sight.” You say, “Who do you admire most in this world?”
“Mom.” Jungkook whispers, “She was so strong, she went through so much yet still found the strength to love me.”
“You.” Your hand finds Jungkook’s, you hold on to him softly, “My answer is you.”
“y/n…” Jungkook leans into your side, “Thank you.”
You clear you throat and continue scrolling through your phone, looking for the next question.
“If you found out today is your last day on Earth, what would you do?”
“Exactly what I’m doing right now.”
“Honestly? Me too.” You whisper, you feel your heart beginning to race as you and Jungkook admit that if it were your last day, you would spend it together. Somehow the thought almost seems romantic to you…that’s obviously your imagination but you can dream.
“What’s the last thing you do at night?”
Jungkook wiggles his brows at you and you hit his arm, laughing.
“Gross.” You giggle. “Something besides that.”
“What? You think it’s gross to mast—”
“Don’t!” you yell out laughing. “Don’t be gross.”
“Everyone does it y/n…I bet even you.” Jungkook voice goes low. “in fact, I have a question for you.” Jungkook scoots closer to you, “When was the last time you got yourself off?” your eyes go wide, “It’s not like you’re seeing anyone…unless you and Yoon—”
“No!” You begin to panic, “I’m not seeing anyone, you’re right.”
Jungkook releases a long breath and he smiles, “Thought so.” Then he’s scooting even closer to you.
“How do you touch yourself y/n?” He slurs out, “With your fingers only? Perhaps you use a vibrator?”
You push your head back in shock, there’s no way in hell Jungkook just asked you that? Is he drunk? Barely.
“Why do you want to know that?” you scoot a little closer to him too.
“Best friends know this type of stuff about each other all the time, don’t they?”
“Not really…but I’ll play. I use both.”
Jungkook raises a brow in amusement, he bites on his bottom lip as his smirks at you.
“You own a vibrator?” Jungkook chuckles darkly, “How come I didn’t know?”
“Why would I tell you that?”
“I bet Jimin knows.”
“Fine, he does.”
Jungkook narrows his eyes at you as he tries to hold in his slight laughter, his hand comes to his mouth and he chuckles into it.
“Thought so…when’s the last time you used it?”
“Last night before bed.”
“So, it’s the last thing you did at night?” Jungkook points his finger at you knowingly and you can’t help but laugh.
“Okay, I see where this is going. Fine, I get. We all masturbate. It’s completely normal and not gross and a totally valid answer for something you do before bed.” You throw your hands up as you giggle.
“Thank you.” Jungkook knees touch yours as he scoots just an inch closer, “But I wasn’t trying to make a point, I was genuinely curious about you.” He admits in a deep voice and you squeeze your thighs together, an action that does not go unnoticed by him. His eyes land to your lap and he chuckles. His voice is so low and inviting as he speaks, “Are you curious about me too?”
“What do you mean?”
“About when’s the last time I—”
“Fine, when’s the last time?” you ask lightly.
“Right before I came here.” He admits easily.
You and Jungkook stare at one another for what feels like at least an hour but in reality probably seconds. But his dark gaze is so raw and powerful, you find yourself leaning into his space.
“The last time I used my vibrator was yes, last night. But the last time I touched myself was tonight. Before you arrived.”
Jungkook nods his head in understanding, or maybe it’s approval? Either way he nods his head as a sly smile creeps on his lips.
“Can I ask you what you thought about?” Even Jungkook widens his eyes in surprise as he asks that. Where did that confidence come from? “Sorry that’s TMI.” He quickly rushes to say, not wanting to really hear your answer because he shouldn’t know what you fantasize about especially if he’s not in said fantasies.
You lean your head back and snicker. You wish you had the fucking courage to tell him the truth. Him. You thought about him.
In your fantasy his head was between your legs, licking you up and making you squirm. He would moan into your greedy cunt, basking in your juices. God, you can just picture it now. His mouth and nose covered in you, the shine on his face evidence of how well he’s eaten you. His fingers still buried inside you as he lifts his head up to smirk down at you, his hair a fucking mess from how much you have tugged on it.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t thinking about it right now and getting so heavily turned on. Your chest heaves just a little more than usual, and there’s an ache between your legs that you wish Jungkook would soothe. Your fantasy of him going down on you? You took that straight from your memories.
“Not going to say anything?” Jungkook leans in a little closer.
“Sorry, just thinking.”
Jungkook’s eyes expand as he processes what you just say until—
“Wait, wait. That came out wrong.” Your hands scramble to hold on to his shoulders. “I mean, I was thinking about you. But not like that.” You lie. Because you have to lie.
“Oh…right, that makes sense.” Jungkook visibly deflates at your confession.
“Anyway, yeah. That’s a TMI for sure.” You laugh awkwardly and Jungkook leans back away from you.
“For sure.” Jungkook leans back on the sofa, “So, what’s the next question?”
“Ever had a threesome?” you ask from your own brain.
“You already know I have.”
“With two girls or with another guy…?”
“Two girls.”
“Would you ever with another guy?”
“Maybe if it’s with a girl that doesn’t mean something to me…but if it’s with someone I care about, probably not. I think I may be too possessive. Don’t wanna share.”
“Ah, I see.”
“What about you?”
“I would do both.” You admit. “Sounds like fun…”
“It is fun,” Jungkook laughs, “But there’s something special about just being with one person, if it’s special…”
“Have you ever had sex with someone special?”
Oh. Jungkook’s never been in a serious relationship since you’ve known him so you weren’t expecting him to answer that with a yes…but he is with Vanessa now. So obviously…
“I see.”
“What’s the next question?”
“I’m looking up a new list. It’s kind of sexy, is that okay?”
“A list of dirty questions? I’m down.” Jungkook smirks and you feel the heat between your legs grow.
“Okay the first one is asking if you’re a virgin and I think the whole town knows the answer to that…”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?!”
You laugh out, “Nothing, nothing.” Then continue scrolling, “Okay, opinion on shower sex?”
“Hmm, I’ve done, and I will do it again.”
“For me, it’s a little uncomfortable but I’ll do it,” you say, “boob or butt guy?”
“Fuck. Both of them, can I say both?” Jungkook pleads and you giggle.
“Sure, both.” Your eyes light up when you find the next question. “Oooh. What is your most embarrassing sex story?”
“Oh god…okay. When I was in high school I was getting head from this girl…”
“Uh huh…and then?”
“We got caught by our teacher and that’s a total mood killer right?”
“Well, when the teacher was scolding me I popped another boner. And I was wearing sweats so it was super obvious and she was trying so hard not to make it obvious. But I don’t know, my body betrayed me.”
“You got hard from getting scolded?”
You burst out into giggles, the story absolutely killing you. Who does that? Who pops a boner from getting scolded…by their fucking teacher?
“Your turn, your turn.”
“Okay…one time I was giving head…”
“Uh huh…and then?” he copies you.
“And I guess I swallowed his cum too fast because it shot out of my nose like milk.”
“What the fuck y/n.” Jungkook laughs out hysterically. “That’s so awesome.”
“It wasn’t awesome Jungkook, it was embarrassing.”
“In what world is someone’s perspective on this awesome?” “Mine.”
“Well, you’re fucking weird.
“Maybe so.” Jungkook continues to laugh, “What’s next?”
“Do you prefer to give or receive?”
“Who doesn’t love to receive? That’s obvious. But me? I am a giver, 100%”
And he’s right. Hence why you’re able to use the memory of him going down on you as good masturbation material.
“I see.”
“I think I am a giver too.” You look down at your phone, “But who doesn’t love to receive?”
“You do give nicely.” Jungkook whispers, “Anyway what’s the next one?”
“Do you like sexting?”
“Fucking love it. I love the dirty words and pictures.” He admits.
“Yeah, me too.”
What would it be like to be texting Jungkook throughout the work day, sending one another your dirtiest fantasies and pictures to go along with it.
“I’ll read the next one now…If I came home from work stressed, how you do you relax me?” your eyes go wide when you realize, “Wait, pretends it’s asking about someone else. So a girl you’re with comes home from work stressed, how do you relax her?”
Jungkook is quiet for a few moments, he chews on his bottom lip and breathes out heavily.
“How would I relax you? I mean, some girl?”
“First, I would kiss you breathless.”
“You mean her.”
“Right. I would kiss her lips over and over, taking off one article of clothing at a time, sit her down on the couch while I make my way into the kitchen…pour her a glass of her favorite wine and hand it to her. Then I would kiss down her body, telling her sweet words. How much I love her, how much I missed her today, how much she means to me. I will kiss down until I am taking off her pants along with her underwear…” “And then?” you breathe out.
“Kiss her sweet, soft skin…taste her. Taste how fucking good she tastes. Eat her out while she sips on her wine…”
“Oh nice.” You laugh a little.
“Make her come all over my tongue, getting her drunk on her orgasm.”
“And her wine.” You point out.
“Yes, both. After she comes, I will kiss back up her body and hold her.” Jungkook releases short breath after the other. “Make her feel wanted.”
“That does sound relaxing…”
“You like?”
“Then maybe—”
“Next question is ‘What turns you on almost instantly?”
“Dirty talk.”
“I see.”
“You have to answer too, remember?”
“My stomach being touched.” You admit. “How do you feel about toys?”
“Not against them, could be fun to try out.”
“I agree…how do you feel about blindfolds?”
“You answer first.” Jungkook says shyly.
“I’m into it.”
“Being blinded? Or blinding someone?”
“Both? Yes, both.”
“Fuck, me too.” He folds his arms behind him as he leans back further into the sofa.
“Both for you too?”
“Yes. It would be boring if I was only into one thing right?”
You laugh, “Yes, I think we think similarly.”
“Very.” You smile at him and he smirks, “Would you like to watch me touch myself?”
“—Wait, like your partner, not me.” You both say at the same time.
“Oh, well yes.” Jungkook says again. “Watching your fingers travel down to your pussy, rubbing your clit…well, not you but you get my point.” He says, his breathing becoming heavy again.
“Oh. I would also like to watch you.”
“But not me.”
“Spit or swallow?”
“I like a girl who swallows.”
“I like to swallow most times and if I don’t swallow it’s because I’m letting the guy come on my face or my tits or—”
“God damn it, y/n.” Jungkook breathes out erratically. His hand goes to his crotch as he tries to hide his growing member.
“Rough or sensual?”
“Fuck. Both, definitely both.”
“I agree. Why not both all the time?” you squeeze your thighs together again as you watch Jungkook shift uncomfortably in his seat on the couch.
“Would you let me pleasure you as you drive? I mean, your partner. Sorry it’s just the way the questions read…”
“Yes. I would.”
“Seems a bit unsafe…but I would give it a try.” You say, “Do you like your hair to be pulled?” you ask with a smirk, already knowing the answer.
“Fucking love it.” He admits between heavy breaths, “But I like to pull hair too.” He winks.
“I do too, but I prefer being the one pulling.” You wink back. “Are you quiet during sex?”
“I—I don’t know…Am I?” Jungkook looks into your eyes, and you blank. Is he actually referring to the time you two had sex? Without him getting weird? “You aren’t the quietest.” You admit, “But it’s so fucking hot.”
“Well, you definitely aren’t quiet.” He says, “Can barely touch you and you’re already whimpering out.”
“Depends who the guy is.”
“Well, when it’s with me…sorry, I shouldn’t bring that up.”
“Right…” your fingers find their way into Jungkook’s hair, “But why not?”
“y/n…” he warns and you chuckle.
“What?” you decide to play innocent. “It was so long ago, Jungkook. We should be able to talk about it by now.”
But Jungkook can’t. Because although it’s almost been 4 years, it’s still so fresh for him. Not just the feeling of being inside you but the emotional shit he was feeling too.
“I’ll tell you one thing and one thing only about that night,” Jungkook decides to say, his hand goes to yours and gently places it back in your lap. “It felt so fucking good.” He whispers out and you feel all the heat in your body rush to your aching pussy.
“Oh.” You breathe out erratically. “I guess, I would have to agree.”
“Should we sleep soon?” Jungkook leans back as he asks you this.
“Don’t you want me to share one thing about that night?”
“You…felt so…good…inside me…” you say between deep breaths.
“You felt even better, y/n.”
It’s Saturday morning, and you find yourself waking up on the couch, a big blanket draped around your body and you can’t help but snuggle into it, not wanting to get up quite yet.
On the other side of the couch is a still sleeping Jungkook, his light snores filling your ears. You two didn’t even finish your wine last night, so you are waking up hang over free. The sun is shining today, it’s rays peeking through your window blinds and you want to throw the blanket over your head to hide yourself from the brightness but you decide to actually wake up and get up instead.
You throw the blanket off your body and on to Jungkook, who gratefully takes it and cuddles deeper into the covers. You stand up and head towards the bathroom to wash up, turning on a hot shower.
You wonder what you’ll be up to today, will you stay in? Go out? Hang with the girls? By the way, did they ever come home last night? You stop by Holly’s room to find it empty. Interesting, you guess they went to Trina’s.
The shower is ready for you so you slip in and let the warm water cascade over your tired body. You shampoo, condition and wash your body, when you hear insistent knowing on the bathroom door.
“y/n!!! I gotta pee!!” Jungkook’s worried voice is heard over the running water, “That’s it, I’m coming in okay?!”
And before you can respond, you hear the door being swung open and Jungkook lifting the toilet seat lid up and releasing himself. You fucking laugh. He literally says ‘Aaahhh’ for the same amount of time he is peeing.
“Fucking finally, I thought I was going to piss myself.” He says when he’s finishing up.
“Sorry.” You reply lamely. “Shower felt too good to leave.”
“Well, hurry up so we can go get something to eat. I’m so hungry!”
“Okay, okay.” And with that, Jungkook is leaving the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
You finish washing up, stepping out of the shower and drying off. You quickly leave the bathroom in just your towel to head to your bedroom. Thankfully, Jungkook is on the couch watching some show on Netflix—too busy to notice your half naked state.
You get dressed in a rush, not wanting Jungkook to wait much longer for you. You settle for some jeans and a cute yellow shirt.
“I like yellow on you.” Jungkook says when he sees you. “Pretty.”
You are sure your cheeks are turning a nice shade of red at his compliment but you cover them with your hands to hide yourself.
“Thanks JK.”
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jeongvision · 4 years
nct’s jaehyun’s perfume collection review!!
for part two, please refer to here!
hello, all! so some of you may have already known that in the past month, i have impulsively purchased various of perfumes, some of which are based on jaehyun’s personal perfume collection that he uses as mentioned on various platforms. some of the scents he uses are:
tom ford white suede
tom ford fucking fabulous
le labo neroli 36
jo malone myrrh & tonka
jo malone wood sage & sea salt
byredo bal d’afrique
as someone who loves collecting perfumes myself, this was a perfect excuse for me to buy some to get an idea on how he would ‘smell’ like!
some of you have asked for me to post a review of his perfumes! i will be primarily listing my reactions, experiences, and ratings for each scent, along with pictures of jaehyun associated with each scent and if the scent is masculine, feminine, or neutral. i have purchased all of them except for tom ford fucking fabulous. the byredo bal d’afrique will be reviewed at a later date after it arrives in the mail, so for now only 4/6 scents will be discussed.
disclaimer: this is NOT an advertisement but simply a fun and personal review of his perfume collection! but i wouldn’t be opposed with possible brand deals with any of them
before you buy!! some of the fragrances will react differently on your skin as the scents are based on your body chemistry with certain chemicals listed on their ingredients. thus, you may smell a different scent when sprayed on your body than on mine. not only that, some of the perfumes utilizes synthetic ingredients, which can be a deterrent for those with a sensitive nose. i strongly recommend sampling them out at local stores before purchasing as these brands are expensive.
without further ado, happy reading! please do tell me your personal experiences if you have also tried some of them (or perfumes from other members!) <3
warnings: heavy cursing, some vulgar language lmao (they will be listed as [**] if you would like to skip those parts, especially for minors)
“The addictive pull of leather and suede is channeled through an elegant musk-derived composition. Musk’s primal intensity is harmonized with saffron and thyme, heightened with velvety rose and warm amber. Warm, supple and sensual, a perfume with an irresistible expression of raw desire.” —Tom Ford
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first and foremost, i just want to say holy fucking SHIT HE SMELLS SO FUCKING GOOD WTF ASKJFKLSJ
like?? oh my god?????
i literally CRIED in my car after smelling it bc oh my gOD HE SMELLS LIKE THAT??!?!??
i can never look at him the same way ever again holy crap
[**] like honestly it makes me want to eat his neck and choke on his dick whAt
it has a leathery and musky scent to it with a mix of powdery!!
slightly sharp when you first spray it but once it settles and marinates on your skin and clothing, it’s PERFECT
listen i’m still shooked that he smells like THAT
my friend told me one day to spray it on a big sweater and wear it to mimic wearing one of ‘his’ sweaters and—
i wanted to kith him
and hug him
and cuddle with him
and never let him go aaAAAHHH
[**] oh daddy
masculine or feminine? androgynous
rating? “i’m going to name my future kid eleven because he is going to be better than you.” —liu yangyang to ten
“Neroli is another name for the essence of Orange Blossom. The unique quality of our Neroli is its sunny floral character with an extraordinarily warm, sensual base. Rose, musk, mandarin orange (slightly aldehydic), jasmine and vanilla, among other essences, complete the portrait, bringing Neroli 36 spikiness, ease, zest and heat... Well-being, elegance and charm all in a bottle!” —Le Labo
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okay so i purchased this (and many other scents) as a sample (1.5 ml) bc this shit is hella expensive
like bro the price of it as 15 ml costs more than jo malone’s 30 ml
maybe it’s bc they said lab techs compound it on-demand??
not sure
but anyways
this gives me straight flower boy vibes
like i’m in a flower shop and there’s a cute florist behind the counter trimming and tending plants with such careful hands
but the white floral kinds
if you like those kinds of scents, then this is definitely the scent for you!
seriously it smells like lilies and all the white florals alike
personally i like the sweet floral scents so this one is okay to me
still smells really good!
reminds me of glade’s fresh linen carpet powder so it unlocked a repressed memory of my childhood LMFOAODA
what a gentleman he smells like uwuuu
honestly if i was getting married to someone and he showed up to my wedding as a guest wearing this perfume i’d leave my fiancé on the spot
this man has quality tastes wtf
masculine or feminine? gender neutral (ish)? more feminine if i have to say
recommend? if you like white floral scents then you would go BONKERS over this!
rating? 7/10 only bc i prefer sweet floral over white floral scents but if i didn’t then i’d rate it 10/10
“Rich, hand-harvested sap of the Namibian myrrh tree, mingling with the warm almond and lush vanilla notes of the tonka bean. Noble and intoxicating.” —Jo Malone
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oh bitch
“noble and intoxicating” DAMN FUCKING RIGHT IT IS
my royal liege, jung jaehyun, i am at your SERVICE HELLO SIR WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU TODAY
he could step on my face and i’d thank him for allowing me to breathe the same air as him oh my god—
moving along now
it has a vanilla and amber scent to it! a very nice and sweet scent to it that’s not too overbearing
usually i’m not a big fan of vanilla or cake fragrances bc they tend to nauseate me
but this one?
this is the good stuff
i didn’t exactly purchase this one; i bought other fragrances from jo malone and they gave me free samples to choose from, and myrrh & tonka was one of them sO MIGHT AS WELL TRY IT OUT
so glad i did omg i don’t regret it
i might just buy a bottle of it
[**] another one bites the dust just RAIL ME ALREADY JUNG JAEHYUN I’M BEGGING YOU—
[**] daddy pls
masculine or feminine? androgynous, but leaning slightly towards feminine
recommend? YES OH MY GOD
“Escape the everyday along the windswept shore. Waves breaking white, the air fresh with sea salt and spray. The mineral scent of rugged cliffs, mingling with earthy sage.” —Jo Malone
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yo this shit smells good
like REALLY good
he smells like beaches and lemons hELLO THERE
no wonder this is one of their best sellers wtf this man has IMMACULATE TASTE EYE—
life truly isn’t fair, huh
okay god i see you with favorites
let’s see here
very citrusy!!
also has that marine type of scent to it making it exceptionally aromatic!
not too much of a boujee scent like m&t where you would use on special events
this is more like a scent you would use on a daily basis going out
but upgraded
like you would smell fresh and expensive
kind of like a lowkey rich kid type of scent but you’re humble about it but lowkey kinda flexing yk?
this smell is BEAUT i love it omg i cant stop sniffing it
i’m a sucker for citrus scents :(
i’d wear this shit to school everyday if i could and have all my friends smell me
damn i bet his sweaters smell hella nice with this perfume :(
masculine or feminine? gender neutral
recommend? yes, yes, and yes.
rating? 10/10
tl;dr— jaehyun has expensive tastes and smells so fucking sexy how is he even real what the fUCk
910 notes · View notes
silversupremacy · 2 years
ii s3 cabana house
This is the weirdest thing to focus on- but here’s my floor plan in my brain for a cabana in ii s3. A few things got swapped (in the bedroom part there were so many spots I realized it wouldn’t work w/ my idea of each room when they’re right next to each other >.> ) but it’s fine it works now.
This house plan is specifically New Pinker’s in mind because that’s where most of my writing and drawing has been for, but I’d imagine that all cabanas have roughly the same stuff, just slightly different floor plans depending on who’s in what room.
Pls excuse the messy sketches
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Everything is ‘wheelchair’ accessible for Cabby and Goo (though Goo can go up stairs it takes so long to do it it’s just easier to not have stairs.) The only exception is that I put a porch on the front of the cabana so that character’s can look out wistfully while sitting on the steps BUT there’s a ramp that’s easy access and not too long that it’s annoying.
The living room is a step down into a couch pit- like this
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Note nothing I am drawing is to scale so if you’re like “wow that’s not a lot of space for cabby to get around” I’m doing this quick man I’m not measuring anything it’s just the rough visuals.
The TV didn’t come with too much but they have the equivalent of a netflix subscription and some people brought dvds and their gaming consoles. Paintbrush brought their equivalent of a Switch console and the group plays mario kart like every night. Plus the tv can connect to laptop if you want to jsut pirate content Mephone literally does not care.
There’s a large dining table in the main room equipped w/ stools (fun fact there is not a single chair in any of these houses! It’s just easier since every one is a different size and has different tails and shit it just gets annoying to get custom fitted chairs :I ). Most food is gotten fresh from the pic-nix table, but they have a fridge in the kitchen to store things longer term (Not gonna go to magic table at like 2am).
Contestants are free to bring/get brought their own stuff if they want to, which is why they have an electric tea kettle in the kitchen that does exact temperature water because silver spoon is not going to drink green tea with boiling water now is he??
The kitchen is equipped with a fridge, oven/stove, sink, and counters/cabinets. There is a smaller dining table in the kitchen as well. There is also a door to outside from the kitchen, there isn’t a porch or anything on that side.
Everyone has like, their own little corner of a shelf in the cabinets in the kitchen where they store whatever they want. Balloon has a collection of stuff his family sent him from the ii-verse equivalent of Mexico (Hispanic/Mexican balloon headcanon my beloved... Also side note I’m not hispanic so my entire experiences of “family sends you shit from home country” is cause my family in france does that.) Silver spoon has jsut like so much tea, way too much tea, his side of the cabinet is just tea. Paintbrush has snack packages that they got sent from Lightbulb. I’d imagine bow just having like chocolate cake mix boxes and frosting tins that she jsut eats the frosting from w/ a spoon.
Ok ok uh next quick run down of the bedrooms. Two beds per room, they each get their own dresser where they can store things but they also get a small closet. Are the closets here just so I can write abt people kissing in them? Maybe so... The bathrooms are equipped with a sink and a shower. Random ginger objectkind anatomy fact they do not go to the bathroom, because ginger doesn’t like unsanitary >:(((((( but I excuse it as; objectkind creatures are optimized for using all aspects of food and drink they consume, turning all of it into pure energy. So like at worst they sweat out anything they don’t use.
Uuh otherwise the roommate pair ups in my stories for New Pinkers is Test Tube and Paintbrush, Bowbot and Silver, and Cabby and Balloon. Now technically Cabby wouldn’t have lived in the New Pinker’s cabana because the ep where they merge teams she also gets eliminated so there wouldn’t have been time for her to do anything BUT *waves arms wildly* leave me alone I want objects living their lives :(((
Misc note abt the Cabby and Balloon room, it has a slightly larger bathroom so it’s easier for Cabby to move around in it, as well as a larger closet cause I didn’t just wanna have a random bit of closet coming off the wall for no reason so like- longer one it is...
THATS IT that’s the whole post that was literally all I had to say abt this. Hopefully I didn’t forget anything??
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
omg hi love!! if you ever open request please consider this 🤲🏻 but the single mom scenario you did with some more characters like ex: atsumu, bokuto, or iwazumi or anybody!! anyway ur amazing 🗣
hello love! I'm so sorry for the late response, I was kinda getting my life together, but yes! my requests are open! I'll write Bokuto's on the next part 'cause these scenarios are long
Featuring: Atsumu, Iwaizumi
the calm music and people chatter contradicted Atsumu's idea of a party, which was loud music, people dancing in the dance floor, dj's and a lot of drinking
but then again, it was Meian's party at his house, he has a wife and two daughters, which was why he was stuck at the couch of his captain's living room, watching the wives of his teammates interact and his teammates were either talking to each other or watching over their kids
even Sakusa was invested in his conversation with Ushijima with his son on his lap
he sat there staring at his phone, aching to leave, but can't 'cause it was his captain's birthday
"Hi excuse me?" Atsumu glanced up and oh boy was he in for a treat
manz really freezes on the spot, did he die of boredom? was he in heaven now? is this the angel taking him to the afterlife? 'cause damn he'd go without any hesitation
you waved your hand in front of his face wondering if he had a heat stroke or something
"sir, are you okay?" you waved again
he finally snapped out of his trance and looked away
"uh y-yes?" he asked, uncharacteristically embarrassed
"are you okay?" you asked worriedly
"yeah, yeah I'm fine, do you need anything?" he asks
you scratched the back of your neck and asked shyly
"can you hold her for a while? I-uhhh- I need to go to the bathroom" you were red as a tomato now, you had no choice everybody was busy at the party and he was the only one who appeared free
Atsumu didn't notice the chubby baby girl you were holding, she had a round face with rosy cheeks, she got your eyes, your lips, almost like a baby version of you with two pigtails on
he was in love for the second time today, but realization hit him fast, and he deflated
he cleared his throat and asked "ohh shouldn't her dad help you with her?" he asks politely while smiling at the baby
"oh, he's not really in the picture" you explained
Atsumu's eyes widen, it's for you to decide if it was because of how embarrassed he is for asking that question or because of happiness that holy shit- this absolutely gorgeous woman is single
"sure, I'll hold her" he smiled and took your baby from you
"what's your name by the way?" he asks, situating your baby on his lap
"oh I'm Y/n, and this is Hana, she's ten months old, you?" you asked back
"Atsumu, Miya Atsumu, and ya prolly want to go to the bathroom now"
you nod and went off to do you business
"hey there angel" he coos at the little girl who was staring up at him curiously
the girl giggles at him and smooshed her cheeks against his hard chest
dear lord save this man from eternal rest
"ya really got yer looks from yer momma huh?" he smirks and bounces her on his laps which garnered fits of laughter and giggles from Hana also making him laugh
"looks like she likes you" you say as you smiled and attempted to go to get Hana from him, but the baby just turned her back on you and clutched his shirt tight
"Baby, Atsumu might be tired, come to mommy please"
"nah, don't really mind, ya should relax for a bit and accompany me instead" he smirks at you
you nodded and you ended up spending the rest of the party with Atsumu and talked about random things
by the end of the day, he got your number before you headed home
he was driving his expensive sports car and called his brother
"the hell ya calling for? ya twerp"
"'Samu what does yer daughter and wife likes to do?"
it was the end of another work day for Iwaizumi, he was feeling pretty tired after running around scolding three particularly hyperactive players and attending countless of meetings
and a sight of a little girl being bullied was the cherry on top
he didn't interfere quickly since they were not getting physical with her and just closely listened in
"ew so you don't have a daddy?" the girl in the middle of the group rudely says
the little girl stared down to the ground fiddling with her fingers "n-no, but I-I have m-mama and s-she's the best in the w-whole wide w-world"
"still, you don't have a daddy, that's weird" the other girl said
"you don't have someone to give you a piggyback ride when you're tired what a loser" the girl on the left added
"your mama is probably a loser too since she can't find you a daddy"
Iwaizumi had enough and felt the need to step in
"you should leave her alone" he says in an intimidating voice, but it didn't seem to faze the three girls
"she has a daddy now and that's me now head home brats" he says and went over to the little girl and rested him hand on her shoulder, the girl looked up at him, eyes glossy
"don't lie mister, she clearly said she doesn't have a dad" the girl in the middle says feistily
"well she does now, you better head home before I report you to your school for bullying"
this statement seemed to scare the girls as they retreated grumbling
"you alright?" he asks the little girl with a gentle voice
she nodded
"what's your name?" he asks as he leads her to a bench
"Sara" the girl answers timidly
"where's your mom?" he asks
"she asks me to wait for her here, she's working" she answers and sat on the bench
Iwaizumi nods, inwardly applauding the mom for raising a polite and respectful daughter, despite being a single mother
"I'll wait with you then" he says and sat beside her
"mister?" Sara called out Iwaizumi as he answers with a hum
"what's your name?"
"Iwaizumi, Iwaizumi Hajime"
"would you like some candied fruits Mister Iwaizumi?"
he looks at the girl and she was holding a container full of candied strawberries and apples with toothpicks on them
Iwaizumi nods and took a piece
"mom makes them for me to eat while waiting for her, isn't she the best?" she smiled happily and ate a candied strawberry
it was evident in her eyes how much she adored her mother
"I'm sure she is" he smiled and finished off his candied fruit
"Mister Iwaizumi"
"can I call you dad?"
Iwaizumi was taken aback by her question but smiled
"sure you can"
"Sara!" the two whipped their heads to your direction and saw you carrying a paper bag, a cake box, and your purse, in your office attire
you had a motherly look in your eyes and Iwaizumi was absolutely captivated by you, despite your disheveled state, you were absolutely gorgeous in his eyes
"so much for not believing in love at first sight" Iwaizumi could hear Oikawa's teasing from the other side of the world
"I'm so sorry, I had to get you your birthday cake and gift"
"I told you she's the best didn't I?" Sara whispers to him
"yes, yes she is"
Sara ran over to you and introduced you to Iwaizumi and how he saved her from the bullies
You apologized profusely and he just waved it off saying it was not a big of a deal
"well, would you like to join us for Sara's birthday dinner, Iwaizumi?" you asked politely
"just call me Hajime, sure i'll join you, and you didn't tell me it was your birthday doll, I'll just get you a late birthday gift then" he pats Sara's head
Sara shakes her head "It's fine dad, I'm just happy I got to celebrate my birthday with a dad"
Iwaizumi could get use to this, it was never really in his plan to be a dad at this age, but looking at you smiling teary-eyed as you look at your daughter smiling brightly at him, he would give up everything to see that everyday
was it possible to care for someone this much when you just met them? I guess he got his answer 'cause that's exactly what he was feeling right now
after a night of eating and celebrating, Iwaizumi laid in his bed, fresh out of the shower as he calls someone
"Iwa-chan you're in love are you?"
"how did you-"
"you only call me when you have a problem, I have a problem, or you're in love, judging by your less aggressive voice, I can tell my bestfriend he's in love"
"yeah, yeah, whatever shittykawa"
"so, who's the lucky girl?"
"girls, there's two of them"
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Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Present from Sakamaki [PART 1]
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ー The scene starts in the classroom
Health committee member (1): ーー There we go. That should conclude the check-up.
Yui: Thank you. Phew...
( Hm...I wonder if it’s because I’ve been having my blood sucked, but my weight has gone down a little. )
( I don’t know whether I should be happy or sad...It’s a complicated feeling. )
Health committee member: Is something the matter?
Yui: Ah, no. This is my health report card.
Health committee member: Yes, thank you very much. (2) ーー Ah.
Yui: ...? Is something wrong?
Health committee member: Oh no, that’s not it.
Here...Your date of birth. It’s your birthday tomorrow, isn’t it?
Yui: Ah, now that you mention it...
Health committee member: I’m one day early, but congratulations!
Yui: ( I honestly didn’t think I’d have anyone congratulate me for my birthday after moving to this city. )
Thank you very much. I’m so haーー
Laito: Nfu, Bitch-chan~! Laito-kun’s here to pick you up~!
Yui: Laito-kun...!
Kanato: You’re late. What were you doing? You really are such a slowpoke.
Yui: K-Kanato-kun as well...
I’m sorry for keeping you guys waiting. The examination has finished already so let’s go.
Laito: By the way, Bitch-chan~? What did you hand over to the lady just now~? 
Health committee member: Eh? Ahーー!
Yui: L-Laito-kun! Y-You can’t!
Laito: Aah~ Right, they took body measurements today, no?
Yui: I’m begging you, don’t look...!
Laito: Hm...? Oh dear, oh dear, what do we have here...? I see...~ 
Yui: Geez, Laito-kun...!
Laito: Well, I’m not really interested in this stuff so I’ll be nice and hand it back. More importantly, let’s hurry back home.
Yui: ( Thank god. He handed it back right away... )
U-Um...By the way, where’s Ayato-kun?
Laito: The・truth・is...~ He got such a bad grade on his test this morning. 
So he got called over to the faculty room~
Ayato: ...The fuck?
Laito: Ah, well done getting through the teachers’ scolding~! We were just talking about you.
Ayato: Che...The fuck’s their problem? They kept on naggin’ at me just ‘cause I didn’t get the best score.
Kanato: You reap what you sow. If only you were intelligent like we are, you poor thing.
Ayato: Aah!? You two aren’t much better, are you!?
Laito: Eh~~? We’re not on your level.
Kanato: You had a single-digit number, right? Please do not group us together.
Ayato: Che...
Yui: U-Um, Ayato-kun. Please don’t beat yourself up over it...
Ayato: Fuck off! Come on, Chichinashi. We’re goin’ home already!!
Yui: Y-Yeah...!
ー The scene shifts to the limousine
Reiji: Haah...Because of you lot, we are running horribly late.
Yui: ( Uu...I’m pretty sure I informed him of today’s physical examination before we left for school today though... )
Reiji: For one, people such as you lot who fail to stick to a time schedule on a regular basis, will surely experience problems in your daily life as weーー
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi. Give me your blood once we get home, ‘kay?
This irritated feelin’ is makin’ me thirsty, so I’ll suck you plenty.
Kanato: Could you not just decide that by yourself?
I am just as irritated because you kept us waiting.
I will be sucking her blood first once we get home. Right, Teddy...?
Ayato: Ah? Excuse me...?
Laito: Nfu~ Bitch-chan’s blood, how nice. I’m hungry as well, so why don’t we equally split it amongst us three?
Reiji: ...Haah...I wonder how I got stuck with a bunch of stubborn fools who refuse to listen to what someone is saying...
Shuu: ...
Reiji: ...That being said, I suppose they are still better than the guy who falls asleep before he can even listen at all...
This good-for-nothing...!
Yui: ( R-Reiji-san... )
I-I’m sorry. It’s my fault we were running late. We had a physical check-up today and...
Since I’ve been a little anemic, it took slightly longer than I expected...
Subaru: Hm? ...Oi, have you really been feelin’ anemic?
Yui: Yeah...
( Could he be worried about me...? )
Subaru: I don’t give a damn ‘bout what happens to you...But it’d suck if you’d run dry of blood. Make sure that stuff gets replenished, ‘kay?
Yui: R-Right...
Reiji: Exactly. Your blood is the only value you hold after all.
Yui: ( Of course. That’s all I’m good for to them. )
( What made me think they’d be worried about me...? )
( I should know that already but...For some reason, it makes me a little sad. )
Laito: ...Nfu~
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s bedroom
Yui: Phew...Somehow I’m really exhausted today...
Tomorrow’s a free day, so I’ll hit the hay early and spend some nice, quiet time.
Yui: ( Tomorrow’s my birthday, huh...? I wonder if I’ll be able to head out somewhere...? )
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Laito: Attention please~! Thank you all for gathering here on this fine evening~!
Ayato: ...Geez, what do you suddenly want? I was thinkin’ of droppin’ by Chichinashi’s room for a sip of blood.
Kanato: My poor Teddy had his snacks stolen by Laito, you know...!? I won’t forgive you if you made me come here for nothing!!
Subaru: Che...
Shuu: ...Pwaah...Sleepy.
Reiji: ...Now this is unexpected. I did not think you and Subaru would show up as well.
Shuu: No...I was already taking a nap here when you guys just started gathering one after the other.
Laito: Nfu~ I plotted this get-together immaculately, no~?
Reiji: ...I suppose one could say you used your brain for once, Laito.
ーー So, what is this about? Please stop beating around the bush, and explain to us what is going on.
Subaru: It better not be some bullshit or you’re not gettin’ away with it!
Laito: Hm~ Thank you for your typical input, Subaru-kun~ However, I’m pretty sure you’re going to love hearing about this?
Kanato: What do you have to tell us then!?
Laito: You see, it happens to be Bitch-chan’s birthday tomorrow~
Ayato: Ah? Birthday?
Laito: Yes, exactly!
So...I figured we would all throw a surprise birthday party for her!
Subaru: Ah!? Who in their right mind would waste their fuckin’ time on somethin’ so ridiculous!?
Laito: Oh come on~ I mean, she’s always giving us her delicious blood, no?
Ayato: ‘Giving’, my ass! It belongs to me either way.
Laito: Relax! That’s not what matters right now!
I don’t think it would hurt to show our gratitude and do something in return for once though~
Kanato: Surprise birthday party...
Ayato: Keh. Why do we have to show our gratitude? She’s our prey!
Laito: Eeeh~~~? I thought it’d be fun though. I mean, if none of you are up for it, I guess I’ll drop the ideaー
Don’t you think you’d get to indulge in plenty of takoyaki or sweets? It is a birthday party after all.
Ayato: ...
Kanato: ...
Laito: But well, seems like I’m out of luck, so I suppose I’ll have to give up~
Kanato: Please wait. I cannot possibly turn down an opportunity to eat sweets.
Ayato: I’m in too! Let’s prepare a whole mountain of takoyaki and throw this party!!
Laito: Nfu...~ Now that’s sounding more like a proper celebration.
Reiji: Haah...I feel ashamed having to call those three my brothers...
Shuu: ...Who cares. Just do as you please...
Ayato: Stop complainin’ if you’re not even gonna join in. That only means there will be more food for me, so don’t even bother showin’ up!
Kanato: Agreed. You won’t join either, Subaru?
Subaru: No way in hell I’m botherin’ with that annoyin’ crap!
Laito: Hm~ I would have loved it if we could all participate though. You’re skipping out as well, Reiji?
Reiji: Well, under normal circumstances, I would never consider taking part in such nonsense. Howeverーー
It cannot be denied that she has been donating her blood to us.
Furthermore, I cannot see things ending well if the three of you combine forces. 
Worst-case scenario, the whole manor will be blown into the air...Which would be highly troublesome, so I shall participate to keep an eye on things.
Ayato: Keh, there you go talkin’ shit ‘bout us again.
Laito: Well, I guess the four of us will celebrate Bitch-chan’s birthday together then.
Reiji: Halt. Do you truly believe that I can supervise all three of you just by myself?
Laito: I’m pretty sure we don’t need someone keeping an eye on us though~? 
Reiji: I am not that naive to fall for those words.
I am using my veto to impose mandatory participation on every member of this household, understood?
Subaru: Haah!? What gives you the right to do that!?
Reiji: Do you have any idea how much I look after all of you on a daily basis? 
Subaru: Aah!? Fuck do I know!? Besides, we never asked you to do that shit, nor do we actively try and trouble you!? 
Reiji: I suppose those being looked after do not realize how privileged they are themselves. ...That good-for-nothing over there is a prime example of that.
Shuu: ...
Reiji: Better be safe than sorry. You shall participate to protect the manor.
Shuu: Ahー ...What a drag. Fine, so just shut up already...
Reiji: Very well. Well then, Subaru. You will join in as well, no?
Subaru: Hell no.
Laito: Oh come on, why not~? You should join the fun as well. It’s not like you get the chance every day? Right?
If you continue to be stubbornー...
Nfu~ We’ll hold the party over at your room, okay?
Subaru: Haah!? No fuckin’ way!!
Laito: Perfect! That means everyone’s in!
Subaru: Oi!! Don’t make that choice for me!
Laito: Eeh~~? But then we’ll throw the party in your room though? Are you fine with that?
Ayato: Actually, didn’t you lose your temper the other day and busted another hole through the wall?
Shuu: Haha...Taking a nap while enjoying the night breeze honestly isn’t that bad though...
Subaru: ...Don’t come here to sleep...
...Fuck...! You guys better don’t make me do all of the shitty tasks!
Reiji: Well then, I suppose that wraps up this discussion. As for what we need to prepare, the obvious things would be...
Ayato: Takoyaki, duh!
Kanato: I want to eat a cake covered in whipped cream with a bunch of large strawberries on top!
Reiji: Those are the things you guys want to eat, no? We should at least try and consider what she likes.
Ayato: Ah? What are you sayin’? We’re already doin’ plenty by celebrating her birthday, no?
Laito: They say it’s the sentiment which counts, right?
Reiji: Guh...I am baffled to hear something sensical come from you lot’s mouths for once.
Kanato: So, what exactly do I need to do to get my strawberry cake?
Subaru: ...Aren’t we kind of missin’ the point now?
Laito: Oh well, wasn’t there this one important guy who said that participating is more important than winning?
...That being said, let’s go shopping for all the foods we want to eat!
Kanato: I don’t mind if you go buy it for me, but it better be delicious.
Subaru: Then go buy it yourself!
Kanato: Me? Going grocery shopping? Why would I bother doing something so troublesoーー
Right...In one of the books I read in the past, it said that a birthday cake is best when homemade.
I can put on as much whipped cream as I like, before decorating it with a bunch of strawberries...Fufu, my own exclusive cake.
Haah...Just imagining it is making my mouth water...I’ve decided. I will make a delicious cake.
Reiji: Not in my book.
Kanato: Why do I need your permission? I decided I will make it, so it’s already settled.
Ayato: Oh, sounds kinda interestin’! In that case, I’m gonna try my hand at some homemade takoyaki as well!
Reiji: You make it sound so easy...Do you truly believe you can pull it off?
Shuu: Haah. This situation is steadily going downhill...
Laito: Nfu~ Homemade, huh? It’s starting to sound more and more like a real birthday party.
Reiji: Laito, why are you pretending as if you take no responsibility in this?
You are the one who brought up the idea in the first place, so you should make sure things are kept in check.
Laito: Eh~~~? But that’s what you’re here for, no?
Ayato: ...So, what else needs to get done?
Kanato: You aren’t thinking of making us do all the work, right?
Reiji: Of course. For one...
I have yet to hear of a birthday party with only takoyaki and a cake.
Ayato: Haah? What’s so bad about that?
Reiji: It is a day on which humans celebrate their very short life, so do you not believe there should be a diverse, luxurious buffet as you would see at evening galas or dinner banquets?
Kanato: I do remember how noisy those evening parties would be. However, I am not interested in anything besides the cake.
Reiji: ...Haah, you are only thinking of your own gain. Truly what one would expect from you lot.
Ayato: I mean, I doubt Chichinashi will enjoy it, unless we’re having fun as well!
Subaru: Che...Ridiculous...
Reiji: Good grief...I suppose I have no other choice. In that case, I shall be in charge of making the main course...
Laito: In that case, I’ll help out Ayato-kun~ Making takoyaki sounds kind of fun, to be honest.
Shuu: Pwaaah~ ...Doesn’t seem like there’s anything I need to do...
Reiji: You shall keep an eye on her to ensure she does not leave her room.
It is a trivial task, perfect for someone like you, no?
Shuu: ...Che...What a chore...
Subaru: Haah, whatever.
Reiji: Subaru, you will be doing your fair share as well.
Subaru: Haah!?
Reiji: Do you truly believe I can trust Kanato by himself in the kitchen? Make sure to keep an eye on him.
Subaru: Why me!?
Reiji: Since you are the only one still left without a task, obviously?
I expect you to put your life on the line to ensure the kitchen does not go up in flames.
Subaru: Annoyin’...
Laito: Okaay~! Well then everyone, off we go! (3)
Ayato: Oi, Reiji! Step back! I gotta be the one walkin’ in front!
Reiji: Pipe down, Ayato.
Kanato: Good grief...I cannot stand all this noise. Say, you feel so too, don’t you, Teddy...?
Subaru: We’re not lil’ children anymore, so wouldn’t it have been better if just one of us did the shoppin’ by themselves...?
Laito: Oh come on, don’t you think it’s fun to all go grocery shopping together for once~?
Subaru: ...Che. Don’t talk to me as if we’re buds.
Reiji: ...Hm? Everyone, wait one second.
I cannot see Shuu anywhere around?
Subaru: Haah? Who cares? He’s probably snoozin’ again somewhere.
Reiji: Good grief...Here I thought he was actually joining without any protests for once, but there he goes acting off his own accord again...Truly infuriating.
Even though we have to ensure we are back at the manor by the time she wakes upーー
Ayato: Oh! They’ve got a takoyaki grill! Laito! Let’s go check it out!
Laito: Huh~? But don’t we already have one of those?
Ayato: Ah? Like I know where to find that thing. It’d be too much trouble lookin’ for it.
Laito: Good point! Let’s go have a look then!
ー The two of them enter a store
Reiji: Ah, halt! We should stick to the planning and only visit the necessary stoーー
Kanato: I simply cannot spend another minute with this rowdy bunch.
I will go my own way, so come look for me if you need me.
ー Kanato leaves as well
Reiji: Hey! Where are you going, Kanato!? I will not let this selfish behavior slide!
Shuu: Pwaah...Like this, I can’t relax no matter where I go...
Reiji: You good-for-nothing...You shamelessly come walking up to me and that’s the first thing you say...?
Shuu: Nn...I’ll be over on that bench over there, so just come wake me up once you’re done shopping...
Reiji: At this point, your laziness has surpassed the point of being disappointing, it almost feels refreshing.
Shuu: Thanks for the compliment...Sleepy...
ー Shuu steps away
Reiji: It honestly is not even worth insulting him...
Subaru: Haah...The fuck is this farce? I want to go back home...
Ayato: Oi, Laito! Do you know what ingredients we need to make takoyaki?
Laito: It’s called takoyaki, so octopus is a given, right?
Ayato: I know that much as well!
But I want to make takoyaki like nobody has ever tasted before!
I’m gonna make so many of them, they’ll pile up all the way to the ceiling!
Laito: Nfu~ Sounds like something you would do. In that case, we need to stock up on plenty of ingredients.
Ayato: Yeah! We’ve got plenty of people with us to carry the bags!
Laito: If we’re going through the trouble of making them, it’d be a little dull to stick to normal takoyaki, right? ...Ah, how about this?
Ayato: Wasabi? Whatcha gonna do with that?
Laito: Fufufu, that’s something to look forward to at the party.
Ayato: ...This and these, also those over there...
Laito: Let’s put them all in our basket! I’m so excited, nfu~
Reiji: Honestly those triplets, always doing as they please...
Subaru, wait right here. I will go call them.
Subaru: Haah!? Why do I have to...Wait, oi!
ー Reiji leaves
Subaru: ...Haah. This grocery run is fucked up.
Shuu: ...
Subaru: This guy is seriously out here snoozin’...
Shuu: ...Shut up. I’m still awake.
Subaru: The fuck!? You’re actually awake...
Shuu: Haah...I just don’t want to move because it’s too much of a chore...
Subaru: Then why did you even join us in the first place...
Shuu: I could ask you the exact same thing...Pwaah...
Subaru: ...Che.
ー Subaru starts walking away
Shuu: ...Oh? Going home?
Subaru: Shut up. Leave me alone.
ー Subaru leaves
Shuu: ...
Subaru: ...
Kanato: Aah, as if on cue. Subaru.
Subaru: Che, goin’ home now after he said that just doesn’t sit right with me...
Kanato: Subaru.
Subaru: That bein’ said, I don’t want to just have to stand there and play supervisor either. I’m goin’ home because I want to.
Kanato: Subaru!
Subaru: Ow, the fuck you doin’, bastard!?
Kanato: How many times do I have to call you before you come? Are those ears there just for decoration?
Subaru: Ah? I filter out that annoyin’ voice of yours.
So, what do you want?
Kanato: I’ve settled on the ingredients I want for the cake. Please carry the basket and follow me.
Subaru: Haah!? Why do I have to act as your personal carrier!? I was just ‘bout to head home!!
Kanato: What are you saying? The two of us are in charge of preparing the cake together, so it only makes sense for you to help out, no?
Subaru: You’re the one who wants to make that damn thing, aren’t you? Then shouldn’t you be carrying the basket yourself?
Kanato: I’m already holding Teddy. How am I supposed to do that?
Subaru: Aah!? I’m gonna punch you, you bastard!
Kanato: Punch me? You’ll ignore my request and hit me...? Even though you’re the one just standing around there, doing absolutely nothing?
Yet you trample all over my generous attempts to try and help you be useful...Who do you think you are!?
If you fail to understand that, then why don’t you punch yourself on the head instead? Come on, hurry up and do it!
Subaru: Haah...Shut up. Ahー Fine! I just have to carry your stuff, right?
Kanato: Hmph. ...You should have just done so from the very start. Right, Teddy...?
Subaru: Fuck off! I’m comin’ so shut up and show me the way!
Kanato: Fufu, it’s this way.
Subaru: Honestly...I seriously should have never tagged along...Fuck.
Reiji: ...That’s...
Subaru: ...
Reiji: Subaru. Why are you here?
Did I not tell you to wait by that bench over there earlier?
Subaru: Ah, geez! Stop naggin’ at me this whole time! I can go wherever I want!
Reiji: Do you not think you are at fault for not simply saying no earlier? Honestly, it’s always the youngest ones that cause trouble...
Subaru: Oi, you jerk. What didya say just now!?
Reiji: I only stated the truth. So, why are you on the move?
I gave you that task because I figured you would not want to have to walk around.
Take a look! I have brought Ayato and Laito along with me.
Ayato: Ah? 
Laito: Nfu~ You’re talking about us as if we’re your luggage~
Subaru: Not my fault! I’m not doin’ this ‘cause I want to! If you want to complain, then complain to Kanato instead!
Kanato: We’re going to buy the ingredients for the cake. You really are the very definition of a creep, trying to track my every move.
Reiji: ...
Ayato: Oi, Four-Eyes. I know what I wanna buy so gimme some cash.
Reiji: You sure have some nerve to ask me for money after you have been doing nothing but acting selfishly this whole time. Do you really think you can get away with that!?
Ayato: Ah? Why are you snappin’ at me? You’re such a cheapskate.
Kanato: Exactly. Why do you not try and keep your calm a little?
Laito: Nfu~ Perhaps you’re running a little low on calcium~? (4)
Reiji: ...
Subaru: ...
Reiji: ...Very well. Just do as you please. However, I do not intend to give you lot a single yen.
ー Reiji leaves
Ayato: Ah! Oi, wait! ...O-Oi, do any of you guys have some cash?
Kanato: Are you dumb? Why would I have money on me?
Subaru: Oi, what are we gonna do...
Laito: This is your fault, Ayato! Go apologize to Reiji!
Ayato: Haah!? Why do I have to say sorry!?
Kanato: That’s easy. Because you’re to blame for everything.
Ayato: Haah!? He was upset with you as well!
Laito: In that case, the two of you should go say sorry.
Kanato: Why are you trying to escape the blame when you’re the one who was together with Ayato in the first place?
Ayato: I’m never apologizin’!
Laito: Get going, you two.
Kanato: I’m not going either!
Subaru: Ahー God! Stop the damn arguin’! All three of you should go apologize!
Ayato: Why do I have to!?
Laito: Ehー?
Kanato: Under no circumstances!
Shuu: You guys are way too loud...You’re practically shouting for the whole store.
Pwaah...That being said...You’re still not done...?
Subaru: ーー There you have it. So Reiji, just give in already.
At this rate, we’ll never make it back to the manor.
Reiji: Even so, I cannot give in now.
Subaru: ...
Reiji: ーー However, right...I suppose I shall show my gratitude and let it slide this once. Although I have yet to hear an apology.
Ayato: What is this Four-Eyes goin’ on ‘bout?
Reiji: If you continue to call me that, I would not mind just heading home straight away.
Ayato: Che...
Reiji: Hmph...
Subaru, I will be joining the three of them.
Meanwhile you will go look for Shuu so the two of you can purchase the ingredients I need for my own dish.
Subaru: ...Hah? Why not just buy them yourself?
Reiji: Perhaps try using that brain of yours a little and you will realize that it is simply impossible to look for the items on my own list while also keeping an eye on those triplets at the same time.
Above all, I want to ensure that good-for-nothing at least does something as well.
Subaru: I don’t get it. I’m not doin’ anythin’, understood?
Kanato: How can you be so selfish?
Ayato: Exactly! Are you goin’ to ruin this whole thing ‘cause you’re being a selfish prick?
Laito: Reiji’s mood finally improved, but now Subaru-kun’s going to ruin it again?
Subaru: Fuck...What is your problem!?
Laito: It’s easy, no? If Reiji doesn’t give us any money.
We can’t buy the stuff we need for Bitch-chan’s birthday party, right? Ah-ah, I’m sure she would have been so happy as well.
Subaru: ...
Che...I just have to go buy that shit, right!?
Reiji: Very well. I have written down everything with the exact quantities I need on this note.
Subaru: ...You nitpicker.
Reiji: It would be bad to overbuy, no? Please call it effective instead.
I will pay for all ingredients together, so please wait in front of the cashier once you’re done.
Subaru: ...Hmph.
ー Subaru walks off with the memo
Subaru: Shuu!! Wake up!
Shuu: How could I sleep under these circumstances...? You guys are really noisy...
Subaru: I have to go through this shit ‘cause you were loafin’ ‘round! Now get up and make yourself useful!
Shuu: ...Haah...Guess I have no other choice. I heard most of the conversation earlier, so I’ll make an effort to move today...
Nn...So, what do we have to buy...?
Subaru: This.
Shuu: Haah, that’s quite the list...Subaru, you carry the basket.
Subaru: Haah!? You can go get it yourself, no!? Why is it always me!?
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...Nn...
( I wonder when I last got such a good night’s rest? )
( Usually, someone always barged in to suck my blood the second I try to go to bedーー )
Yui: W-What was that!?
( That sound just now...I didn’t just imagine it, right? )
Yui: A-Again!? Also, I can smell something burnt as well...
( I-Is everyone okay...? I should go check up on the situation... )
ー Yui tries to leave her room
Shuu: ...
Yui: ...S-Shuu-san! What is happening!?
( Why is Shuu-san lying on the floor in the middle of the hallway...!? )
Yui: Another explosion...!?
Shuu-san, wake up please! ...Shuu-san!
( Oh no...He’s not waking up at all. There might actually be something wrong with him... )
Um, Shuu-san...! P-Please wait right here! I’ll go call someone else!
Shuu: ...Shut up. ...Oh, it’s you.
Yui: Shuu-san...!
( T-Thank god. He was just asleep... )
Shuu: ...My muscles are sore...
Yui: Geez, it’s because you slept on the ground. More importantly, why are you here?
Shuu: Ahー... I have no other choice, do I? ...I have to keep an eye on you...
Yui: ...?
Shuu: ...No, it’s nothing.
Yui: ( ...!! )
U-Um...Do you have any idea what these loud blasts are about...?
Shuu: Hm? Aah...You’re just hearing things. Now hurry back to your roomーー
Shuu: ...
Yui: That sound again...!!
Shuu: ...Guess we’re not using the kitchen for a while after this...
Yui: Um, what did you say just now...?
Shuu: Nothing...Well, you can just continue sleeping, don’t let it bother you.
Yui: E-Easier said than done...
Shuu: Whatever, just go to bed....If not, that fussy guy will...
ー Reiji joins them
Shuu: ...Too late.
Yui: Ah, Reiji-san...!
Reiji: I came to check up on you because I could imagine you would be sleeping on the job again...
Yui: ( The job? What is he talking about? )
Reiji: You...You’ve woken up, I see?
Yui: Um, is something the matter? I’ve been hearing these explosions this whole time.
Reiji: No, it is nothing serious. You should return to your own room.
Yui: But, I’m worried about the others...
Reiji: Your concern is meaningless to us Vampires. Now get back to your room.
Yui: A-Again!? Um, Reiji-san...?
Reiji: ...Haah, for god’s sake...
Ayato: Uwaaah!? What the fuck’s happenin’!? Do somethin’ ‘bout this!!
Laito: The fire, Ayato-kun! Hurry up and extinguish the flames!!
Ayato: You do that!!
Laito: Okay, here I go!!
Ayato: Oi, that’s damn cold...!!
Kanato: What are you doing!? It nearly got on Teddy!!
Ayato: Complain to Laito, not to me!!
Laito: Ahaha! My bad, my bad~! My hand slipped a little~
Ayato: Ah! Hot, hot, hot! Oi, this thing’s hella hot if you touch it!
Subaru: Oi, you fool!! Of course it’s gonna be hot...Che!
Kanato: Why do you keep on getting in my way, Ayato!?
Ayato: I’m not doin’ it on purpose either!
Kanato: Then get out of my sight! You’re in the way!
Laito: Uwah~ This situation keeps on getting worse and worse. I feel like it’s beyond saving at this point?
Subaru: Don’t be standin’ there makin’ a calm observation of the situation and do somethin’ ‘bout it instead!
Laito: Ah~ No chance! Once things stop exploding, we’ll just have to start over from scratch, okay?
Kanato: Don’t be ridiculous! Do you have any idea how much time and effort I put into getting this far!?
Ayato: Crap! I think it’s gonna boom again!
Subaru: Oi, idiot! Don’t come my way with that thing!!
Subaru: Fuckーー!! Which one of you bastards thought this was a good idea!?
Yui: ( I could faintly hear Ayato-kun and the others in the background. I’m sure they’re the ones behind these loud noises... )
( I have no idea what they’re doing, but I can tell that the manor is on the brink of destruction... )
Reiji: ...
Yui: ( Reiji-san’s temples are twitching...I’m pretty sure he’s infuriated...? )
U-Um...If there’s any way I can help out...
Reiji: ...No, that will not be needed. I will take care of it...
Yui: I see...
Yui: ( Honestly, what is going on? I can still hear everyone shouting too... )
Reiji: Shuu, how long do you intend to sleep amidst this ruckus?
Shuu: ...Shut up, I’m awake. I’m doing the task given to me, no?
Yui: ...Task?
Reiji: Aah...It is nothing that should concern you.
I will come and call you later, so do not set foot outside of your room until then.
Yui: Eh? U-Um...
Reiji: Understood?
Yui: ( S-Scary...I probably shouldn’t ask any more questions, right? )
Reiji: Very well. Well then, good-for-nothing. You will be switching duties and head towards the kitchen with me.
Shuu: Haah...What a drag...
ー The two of them leave
Yui: ( ...What on earth is happening in this house? )
( However, I have no other choice but to return to my room after what Reiji-san told me, right? )
ー Yui goes back inside her room
Yui: ( I went back inside as I was told to, but... )
Reiji: Ayato! Cut it out! What are you even trying to do!?
Ayato: I just...!!
Ayato: Uwaaah! This damn thing exploded again!!
Yui: ( Don’t let it bother you, just ignore it... )
Subaru: Uwaah! The fuck you doin’, Kanato!? Don’t point that dangerous thing towards me! 
Kanato: ...Fufufu, I talked it over with Teddy, and we’ve decided to take down Ayato with this!
Laito: Then point it towards Ayato-kun instea...Uwaah!!
Reiji: Ah, you lot...Stop this at once!!
Yui: ( Peace of mind...Positive thinking... )
Kanato: Ayato! Keep still and let yourself get hit!
Ayato: In your dreams!
Laito: Ooh~ Nice catch, Ayato-kun! Now dump it inside the water...
Ayato: Kanato, you should go ahead and blow up!
Yui: ( ...Haah, I feel as if it just keeps on getting worse... )
( Speaking of which, I can’t hear Shuu-san at all. He can’t possibly be asleep amidst all of that...Right? )
( Even a Vampire would get hurt, no...? )
( Above all, it’s kind of rare for all of them to gather and do something together. )
( Hm...I honestly can’t imagine what they could be doing. )
Translation notes
(1) At Japanese high schools, they usually have a health committee with a representative in each class. This student is in charge of helping out during the physical examinations, will escort students when they are feeling ill or have injured themselves to the infirmary, etc.
(2) In Japan, it is quite common to say ‘I have received it’ when somebody hands you something. (People at stores might say it when you pay and give them the money as well.) However, the translation ‘Thank you’ just sounded more fluent and natural in English.
(3) 持ち場に着く or ‘mochiba ni tsuku’ usually gets translated as ‘to get to your station’ or ‘to get in position’. However, since some of them are actually moving places/leaving the house, I altered the translation a little. 
(4) I had never heard of this before, but I googled the terms ‘calcium deficiency’ and ‘irritation’ in Japanese and did find multiple articles talking about a possible link between a bad mood and lacking calcium.
[ Part 2 ] →
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