#theres Alot sorry
gwensy · 16 days
the "christ you are extremely fucking selfish, die" meme but for evil internship ... is this anything
OH MY GOOODDDDDDDDDD. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD hold on let me find the original i need to redraw this so badly
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wu-does-art · 1 year
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bad day,
boyfriend comfortable,
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kenjo-arts · 7 months
This probably doesn't explain anything because im terrible at putting words to my ideas but here's SBI in the AU
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and this is something about Philza's conclave
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there's also more info about SBI specifically in the character pages I made for them :D
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doisnuois · 4 months
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my little meow meow
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geospiral · 3 months
Those posts with pictures of people’s worn yet well-loved plushies with the caption “to be loved is to be changed" but applied to Sua and her porcelain doll symbolism. 
Because of the neglect Sua faced from her own Guardian as well as the ways in which alien society mistreats humanity in general, she was left with no real sense of who she was as a person or what she wanted, seen as nothing more than an accessory to be flaunted and then put away without any thought or care. Sua was made to be seen as the epitome of what a human should strive to be: aesthetically pleasing to her Seygein audience, well-behaved, and talented. And while having these attributes did nothing when it came to being treated with any kind of real respect by the Seygein, I think it was what initially drew Mizi to Sua.
But while Sua seemingly being perfect may have been what initially grabbed her attention, I think the reason that Mizi fell in love with Sua was because Mizi was aware of the positive impact she had on the other girl. Growing up with and seeing a being that you view as the embodiment of perfection become more open and visibly happy whenever they are with you and clearly being as attracted to you as you are to them must have made Mizi feel like she was the most lucky being in the entire universe. And Sua felt this way too! Because Mizi attributed all those supposed perfections to Sua as a person and saw all of Sua’s accomplishments as being her own and not an extension of her Guardian or anyone else's. When Mizi looked at Sua, she simply saw Sua—no one else—and that must have meant everything to her. Mizi made Sua feel human.
And while the two girls essentially became each other's universes, Sua, who previously had no hope or desires of her own, began to adopt those of Mizi’s. Mizi’s innocent goal of singing on stage was changed to wanting to sing with Sua, and Sua, despite knowing the truth about their circumstances, took that on as being her goal as well. Any wants and desires that Mizi had became Sua's as she centered her life entirely around the one that essentially breathed that life into her. Like how a doll adopts whatever fantasy the one playing with it imagines. However, when it comes to porcelain dolls, one of their most defining features is how fragile they are.
The more you play with a porcelain doll, the more likely they are to break, and while Mizi’s love was what saved Sua, it simultaneously doomed her. The more Sua grew to love Mizi, the more of herself she wanted to give. Round 1 was the last time that Sua and Mizi were ever going to play together, and while she knew that by the end of their performance she would be broken, Sua fell apart happy.
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myinnerartist · 5 months
*Kicks Down Door*
it's me, ya boi, Load.
And I have some things to say.
But i want to mention @-thevyladsafespace for their post;
^^^ this one ^^^
Where they asked what the inspiration(s) was for the boys' outfits. Having a few guesses of their outfits being inspired by chinese/japanese fashion or dnd/generic fantasy style of fashion.
And, in my opinion, yes!
But... also no.
Lemme explain, But first;
I want to talk about their Daemos outfits. And my thoughts/opinions on the...
Starting with their Daemos Outfits;
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And starting with
who i actually i think his outfit fits Japanese Inspiration the most!
(Before i explain, i want to say i am not from japan or have visited, nor am i an expert, but i have watched MANY videos about japanese culture from LetsaskShogo on youtube! I highly recommend checking him out. He goes into everything about japan, its history, its culture, its fashion, Noh thearte, tea ceremonies, everything!) (Japanese culture is a special interest of mine, ahah)
His left side of his shirt is over his right side, which japanese traditional kimono style of clothing MUST have! (Wearing the left over right is a MUST in their culture, for only the dead or non-living wear the RIGHT side over the LEFT. It therefore symbolizes death.)
The closest reference for his shirt i can find rn is this one; (which if i remember right are called dogi!)
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Useing this image as reference;
His pants are very similar to a style/type of Hakama pants (unfortunately, i have forgotten the name of them. I think a name for them was Karusan, but i may be wrong!!)
Image reference of the pants im talking about;
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(They were worn by 'samurai' or otherwise japanese soldiers as a better alternative to hakama due to the pants better ease of movement and more suitability armor.)
Other than that though, he doesn't wear anything else that is SIMILAR to traditional japanese fashion.
Onto my opinions and thoughts about his design;
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I love Noi's design the most. He is the most well designed out of the boys'. If i were to change his design, i would keep most of it.
He's an 8/10 for me.
Deducted points because WHY? WHY WITH HIS ARM. Omg. no... No. No!! his design literally would've been perfectly okay IF HIS ARM. WASNT-
give him his sleeve back pls... why was it taken away? What crimes did it commit?? Was color contrast against the armor wanted so badly ThEy TOOK AWAY HIS SLEEVE?? That's worse!! That's worse than just leaving his sleeve alone 😭😭😭
In fact, it would look BETTER if the sleeve was kept unyoinked!!
I apologize for how harsh i may sound. But i can't. I just can't.
Moving onto
My second favorite character~
I believe he is the second closest to having most Japanese inspiration.
With his utterly blue coat, that is the main point of interest in his design... that does look a lot like a kimono.
But i sure hope it isn't because the way he's wearing it makes me want to go
- (mulan/mushu reference)
And that what he SHOULD be wearing would be similar to a Haori-jacket
Which what it looks like;
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(The Haori is a traditional japanese hip or thigh length jacket that is typically worn over a kimono.)
His coat is, however, a Kimono's length. (Maybe even a little longer, actually, kimonos typically only reach the ankles. But the way he wears whatever he wears, could make it look longer than it should be or is.)
Additionally his sleeves and;
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The absolute abomination his outfits back is. What the genuine *🐬 noise* happened.
The way his the back of the outfit is, it means that if he wears the unworn sleeve, the back will be SO DROOPED!! It would not be funny or sexy 😔
Here is a reference for how a kimono (though with longer/larger sleeves) with one sleeve not being worn would look;
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(i am so sorry, but idk who the artist is and can not find them. Googling bee-com led to (i think) a bitcoin website, and katahada nugi was just for information for samurai armor.) (If anyone knows it would be very appreciated!)
Moving onto my thoughts and opinions on Pierce's design;
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Pierce's deisgn is... rather simple. Other than the pattern on his pants.
... tbh i dont really know what else to say. It's simple, basic, the coat, arm-brace, and patten on his pants are the only points of interest in his design. (Other than his tattoo but we'll talk about it later.)
I'd rate him 3/10.
There's... Something. Theres a something... But it's not executed well (or at all) in his design. His (disaster of a coat that deducted points) coat and that something, is his saving grace of a few points.
And i WANT TO CONTINUE THIS in the same post and I PROMISE YOU, i am going somewhere i do i do i just,
In order to continue i NEED the photo space, what do i mean? i mean THERES A PHOTO LIMIT OF 10 ON POSTS!!! TUMBLR WHY 10??? 10??? 10 PHOTOS ONLY???
***insert image of a depressed man bent over in a blue school chair meme***
But i hope you stay tuned and to see you in part 2!! (And most likely part 3... oh boy. Im so sorry)
Again, i promise im going somewhere with this i just need time to cook and get the foundations down first. AND THE PHOTO SPAc-
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oifaaa · 1 month
Now I don’t know much about anything, but is it weird to act like Gotham is so culturally distinct from everything around it and the rest of the state it’s in? People be saying stuff like you can hear the difference in how people in different parts of the city talk (especially crime alley. It’s literally one street there’s no way it’s that different from the rest of the city and the streets around it to the point where you could see and hear a difference??) but like, with most cities isn’t there a significant amount of people coming and going from the rural areas for work and school if nothing else?? Idk if I’m the crazy one or if this is a flandersization
Oh dear you might of asked this to the wrong person friend considering I'm Irish and the city I'm most familiar with is Belfast which if you know you know but yeah I'm aware America is probably very different but from my own experience yeah while it may be a little exaggerated gotham is usually depicted with a literal thunder cloud over it I would say a city can be vastly different especially a city like gotham which seem to have a lot of wealthy mixed with a lot of poor people which I'd also say would contribute a lot to those differences in regards to work and school yeah there is a lot of people who would travel into the city but there's still a lot of people native to the city i think if I'm honest you should ask someone from new York or at least someone familiar with that city since gotham is actually based on new York at night
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ganondoodle · 2 months
i wish confidence found its way into my head as easily as doubt does lol saw a single tweet about how a big problem in media criticism is alot of people think they can do the job of the devs/writers better when they dont and i immediately go ... oh god im one of those arent i ...
posts like those are probably rly obviously talking about a specific kinds of people but if its not clarified my brain just goes "could be you :)" and leaves it at that :^)
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superbellsubways · 1 month
hate being an artist that likes fictional characters i feel like everytime i post art of a character and tag it the people going through the tag absolutely hate my ass LOL
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typicalityness · 2 months
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milk-ducts · 10 months
I'm so glad to have encountered a fellow Cecil stan. I freaking love coming up with headcanons for Cecil, platonic or romantic, because he's such an interesting character. For real though feel free to dump any Cecil headcanons (platonic or romantic) on me anytime.
AWAAAA!! YES HAII OTHER CECIL AFICIONADO !!! im so glad theres more of us sprouting out here. my wife is so underappreciated, you have no idea how much he means to me. i'd love to req n swap headcanons anytime !! I have so many thoughts on that morally ambiguous gilf.
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[messy, disorganized surface level autism rambling ahead. this will be just random scenes and characteristics i like of him]
BUT YES .. cecil's character is just so interesting to analyze. he does unethical, necessary things. But he doesn't subscribe to idealistic notions of "the greater good" or justifying his actions to make himself sleep better at night. He knows the harsh reality that someone has to make the difficult decisions, no matter how unethical. The psychological toll it takes to calculate how many civilian lives can be spared, and how many are inevitably lost in order to achieve the optimal outcome. He doesn't celebrate after victories like the other heroes do. After the dust settles, his mind is already racing - calculating, strategizing how to prevent future catastrophes. How to minimize casualties next time.
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his methods are...questionable,, as ive said,, but there's a hint of nobility to it that just makes you respect him, A SHADY GOVERNMENT CHAR that does the dirty work and takes in all the heat for it so no one else has to? SIGN ME TF UP! i love exploring his character and all the little glimpses of humanity we get to see from him,, especially with debbie, SO SOFT FOR HER, there's so much depth there. that old fuck would MOVE mountains for her if he could,, TRUST. EVEN though he doesnt deserve her .. <<
LETS CONTINUE TO CIRCLE BACK TO S1 with his confrontation w Nolan in the desert, the way he entrusted his survival to the skills of his team operating that teleporter watch (I'm aware he can control it himself, I think this was just my interpretation of it since the employees seemed directly involved here). The margin for error was nonexistent. One miscalculation, one millisecond too slow, and Cecil would have been reduced to a red smear across miles of sand. MY WIFE HAS BALLS ON HIM. (also love walton goggins breathy lil giggles here .. hwaghffhh)
All this, All the whilst Nolan could have ended him with a casual backhand, as easily as swatting a fly. And for what? For humanity's (mostly his) right to know the truth. For Debbie's right to understand what she had truly married because Cecil respects her that fucking much for her to have a part in all of this, and what fate may lay in store for her son.
AND what I particularly liked about that scene is that unlike most SHADY GOV CHARS ™.. Cecil isn't afraid to regularly place himself in life-threatening situations, and for that im just.. FKING obsessed. finally. a hyper competent gov char that gets shit done and occasionally by his own hands instead of always puppeteering in the shadows. Love u .. love u honey snooch, please stop putting yourself in danger for your crazy alien side-hoes .
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but ahem ... back to s2.. and some flaws of his that i'm not afraid to point out. the way he's been treating mark is killing me. manipulating my son by comparing him to his dad then keeping him on lock by saying he's not like him??? The breadcrumming definitely didn't work out at all, cuz Mark is too damn stubborn to continue to be swindled by fear tactics he does not give a shit for anymore (homegirl DEBBIE taught him better) hes not gonna listen to a cranky skullet-having side bitch of nolans who clearly has been tryna manipulate him since s1. i HATED how he went "ur broke tyrannical bitch father felt the same way" in the last minute when mark tried to leave earth and yet i still lobve ceci cause ough,,.. my bastard wife knew something was probably up.
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Him wanting to keep a short leash on MARKY could be summed up after all that has happened in s1. i'm not going to justify his scummy manipulations or paranoia,, especially after all the shit mark has done and endured to prove himself over and over again that he's not like his father BUT its somewhat understandable for cecil 2 be wary if you look from it in his perspective.
moving on from that, lets dive back into ep 2 ..
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Debbie was semi-right in her deduction in s2 ep2, that this is what it's really all about for Cecil - being in control. Not of any situation, but of Mark. To ensure history does not repeat itself in the form of Mark becoming another Nolan. imo He likely doesn’t actually view Mark as his father, Not saying the possibility of it being a part of Cecil's subconsciousness is out of the equation but the way I see it? He was just exploiting that one weakness, that one insecurity Mark has - the fear of becoming like Nolan. And it’s a fear Cecil seemed to prey upon to keep Mark under his thumb and in the fucking GAME.
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awaaaa :3 !!!! psychologically damaging teens by comparing them to their abhorrently shitty fathers !! FUCK YOJ STEDMAN (love you snookums..)
,,,,I'd also like to think in my warped deluded perception (aka hcs) that he sees Debbie in Mark, so he can't help but care for the kid too. IVE ALWAYS seen a lot of comparisons between Mark and his dad, plus the whole motif of this new season hasn't helped it allay. But Debbie and Mark share so many similar characteristics as well and i wish that was talked a bit more often &lt; 3 (I will go in depth about it at a later post.)
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n umm like ...,,, bck to cici in gen. I guess the safety of earth is one of Cecil's redeeming qualities along with his compassion for side characters like Debbie. His pragmatism and utilitarianism define him. He lacks normal morals but has his own code that cultivates to his character. this ramble could not do justice to him ughfglg..,, what a compelling jezebel.. how can u captivate me so !!
My inbox is always open to discuss this multi-faceted rat man. here's to more cecil content in s2..,... hopefully with more of his dynamic with Debbie because I LIVE for that shit. though its unlikely their interactions could range to anything positive now since they may be hinting to cecil becoming an antagonist and/or taking extreme measures w/ mark. soo.. i dont think debbie's scolding was enough for that slut 2 take in ..
in the mean time i'll be catching up on the comics/re-reading them, look up more of his backstory and hopefully create 10 novels worth of google docs of analysis' of his character < 3 cuz .. he means .. that much 2 me.. and i want to prod at every crevice n brain matter he has inside that megamind head of his .
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((hwaghhhhhh << hoping that one day the discord moots ive been keeping in my basement and most invincible fans fall victim to cecil stedman propoganda.. no one should be immune to my girlboss and his awful skullet.))
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daily-pink-character · 4 months
I remember when i first started the blog i was scared i would run out of characters because “there arent many pink characters haha!!😆”
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Rewatched the lego ninjago movie and i can't stop thinking about garmadon w koko and when he's explaining why she left he goes "l could've changed.." and that whole scene and the other one where Lloyd is talking to the "cat" and he's saying that he knows he doesn't mean to destroy things and that he's just scared and oh my god how did I ever think this movie was bad
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dialtownbutinthe80s · 11 months
cellbit de purgatório
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yorkiepooh · 7 months
I dunno how serious yall are being about "Ahhh labru is taking over farcille" cause farcille still has like, double the amount of labru fics and with the bath scene coming up??? Oh man, the farcille stocks are gonna go up, I feel like if there should be an attack on a ship thats "threatening" farcille, its marc//elle x lai/os. On the fanfic side, not to much, on the popularity side? Most of the farcille and labru stuff are Manga based and I think if you take an average anime watcher and show them only the anime, the most obvious ship right now is those two
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The first pic beats any farcille art I've seen and the bottom is the higher end of what farcille art usually is, but it makes sense because of anime fans? I block lai//cille personally because I think Marcille is a huge lesbian, but it's alot more popular then I thought, I just wonder how big it's gonna be when the succubus gets animated
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beemintty · 1 year
One of my favourite stories in greek mythology is that of Persephone and Hades.
Ok ok let me explain because this is probably one of the most well known myths. There are mainly two translations, or two versions of the story that are told and they are quite different.
The first one (and probably the most true to the original texts) is that basically Hades thought Kore (Persephone) was a beautiful young goddess and he wanted her to be his wife (it's often said he did in fact fall in love with her) so he kidnapped her (basically) and she was forced to live in the underworld for half of every year tied to the place by being tricked into eating the pomegranate (it was magical hehe) allowing her only to go to earth and her mother in spring (which is how the ancient Greeks explained the seasons). And basically she lives a miserable life with a manipulative husband that is supposedly in love with her. (In some interpretation she falls in love with him after a while).
Anyway..... there is a much newer and personally my favourite version of the myth written about by many modern authors and it goes kind of like this: a misunderstood, rough, dark and mysterious king of the underworld (Hades) meets a young maiden while he's on earth. She is sweet and kind and beautiful (but also terrifying and soon gains the name Persephone which is much less innocent than Kore). They meet and Persephone finds this softness underneath all the king of the dead stuff and they slowly fall in love (a love which Persephone's mother (Demeter) is furious about). In an attempt to be able to love each other for eternity Hades poses a solution: eat the (magical) pomegranate and be basically tied to the underworld for the better part of the year (still explaining the seasons). She is torn between her love and her mother but decides to stay in the underworld with Hades. Here, somehow, the goddess of spring flourishes and transforms the underworld and its king into a much less melancholy place.
Personally I'm obsessed with both stories (the latter being my favourite still haha). I just think it is such a beautiful myth that explains sacrifice and desire and death and earth and anger and hard choices but it also demonstrates the deepness of people and the complexity of love.
Anyway I was just thinking about it and how much I loved it so I had to share.
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