nintendonut1 · 9 years
therealsuperpowerofteamwork replied to your post: i can’t be mad at the world when this ...
where’s luigi
in the kitchen, cleaning up. he made the pasta for mario as a gift bc he loves him
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therealsuperpowerofteamwork replied to your post:At times like these I used to think about leaving...
I really do hope you’re safe out there and that this guy gets brought to justice
Thank you;;;;
I'm sure I'll be fine, just extra cautious I suppose
And same
I'm tired of these monsters getting away with all this shit
Just so, so tired;;;;;;
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"I'm sucking Sonic the fucking Hedgehog"
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shadowofthelamp · 10 years
therealsuperpowerofteamwork said: Nah, it wasn’t for that, I actually kinda ship it. Also, my thought was it would perhaps be the whole ‘sharing’ thing at first but Amy and Shadow would try to bridge their relationship so it would feel more mutual on all sides. Ah, sorry... Yeah, if I ship poly ships, then I tend to want to ship all the characters with the others so it seems even? (For sonsalamy, I ship sonic with amy and with sally, and amy with sally and with sonic, and then sally with amy and with sonic. So, it all seems mutual and fair.) I don't ship shadamy at all, so a poly with the three of them doesn't really appeal to me. Go ahead and ship whatever you want, though, this is just my personal opinion. Trying to bridge the gap would be good, though!
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fini-mun · 10 years
Oh, wow, is it your birthday today or was it yesterday? Either way, happy birthday!
Today, thank you :)
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tails3-blog · 10 years
Augh, I'm really sorry that people keep calling you over-sensitive about it. You're not being over-sensitive at all and your age also has nothing to do with it, and none of your opinions should be judged based off of your age. It'd be easier to discuss it if we simply treated each other with respect.
yep! thank you so much! also i KNEW at least one person would bring up my age but. this is ridiculous
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shadowofthelamp · 10 years
sonadow, au in which sonic always had that werehog side and was trying to hide it from everyone else. whatever other details are yours~
Sonic woke up to the sun squinting through a small window high above his head, trailing lazily along the wall.
The chains had held overnight, and he was about to let out a sigh of relief when he realized that someone was settled in front of the door.
He stared, wrists slumping with a loud clank. The key was only a few feet away- he simply couldn't get the metal box it was in open in his primal form- but he didn't want to move.
"That was rather impressive." Sonic's ears perked at the voice, and he squinted, the sun casting the figure into shadow.
"Shadow?" His voice was far too weak, and the word died halfway through, his lips puckering into a soft 'o' but losing the sound before finishing his friend's name.
"Why didn't you ever tell anyone?"
"How did you find me?" Sonic wasn't ready to give in just yet. He'd kept it hidden so long, he'd started to assume no one would ever know. Stupid.
"I followed you. I was curious." Shadow stood up, strolling over and leaning against the wall, inches out of Sonic's grip. Sonic didn't move.
"Well, you saw the show. Should be glad you're not a hedgehog steak right now." Sonic crossed his arms, the chains almost comedically large on his thin wrists. "Are you scared of me?" Shadow thought for a moment, drumming his fingertips against his arms, before dropping his gaze to meet Sonic's upturned eyes. Red met green.
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fini-mun · 10 years
I remember Taxidermy Tails omfg remember when I played that Tails without a Sonic who named him Stitches omfg
Yes I remember! Good times! :D
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skytroops · 10 years
therealsuperpowerofteamwork replied to your post:just how big is your ash and shadow folders?
Well, do keep in mind that pictures are usually measured in KB and KB is a much smaller measurement than MB, so a difference of 10MB is quite a lot of pictures depending on the size.
Tumblr media
      Oh yeah! I think I know why now. A good amount of my Shadow icons are over 100 x 100/125 x 125 because I wasn't used to making icons back when I started RP'ing as my Shadow.
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therealsuperpowerofteamwork replied to your post: THIS GAME IS SO HARD AND PANICKY
why did you do this to yourself
if I issue a challenge I should probably attempt it myself
except I've done it 3 times now but that's not the point
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blazichu · 10 years
therealsuperpowerofteamwork replied to your post:Oh my god. They didn’t. They did not. Well,...
what’s up?
Ah, it's nothing serious, I just got seriously fed up with tmnt 2k12's season finale. They've handled characterizations so terribly, left a multitude of gaping plot holes and generally been awful story tellers over the course of the season, and it didn't do anything to break away from that. In fact, it did one worse. 
Sorry if that was cause for worry. I didn't mean for it to be.
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shadowofthelamp · 10 years
hey you have you written sad bruise boys yet. if you haven't you should
All right, here’s a few. Some of them are from AUs, a few of them aren’t so sad as just sort of melancholy, but whatever.
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I'm choking on Sonic the hedgehog
- ready (therealsuperpowerofteamwork)
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