#Finimun birthday
fini-mun · 3 years
Okay now that the dying rechargable battery that is my body isn’t depleted let me tell you about my fantastical birthday party experience, hosted by my beloved roomie, bestie, and overall perfect mozzarella stick @sally-mun.
SO I mentioned that it was Psychonauts themed, but specifically it was Psychonauts 1, and Leda went above and beyond with the whole thing.
When I went downstairs I was greeted with a sign above the kitchen doorway that said “WELCOME TO WHISPERING ROCK SUMMER CAMP”, and inside was the ‘camp store’, ‘selling’ all kinds of fun items like issues of ‘True Psychic Tales’, Raz’s hat, an awesome sketchbook that Leda made herself, etc-
Including a psy-core!
Each item had a price and a ‘rank’ I had to be at in order to unlock/purchase the items, meaning I had to find currency (psychic arrowheads) and had to achieve ranks by getting merit badges before I could buy!
The arrowheads were scattered around the house, with each arrowhead having an amount denoted on their backs- the common, easy to find ones were worth 1 arrowhead, while the hardest to find ‘deep arrowhead’ was worth 300! I think I managed to find all of them, but it was a bit difficult for me because a lot of them were placed at eye level, but I tend to search for things below eye-level so... oops!
While searching for the arrowheads, I had to find ‘challenge cards’, which I could combine with the psycore from the store to earn a rank- each card had a wonderful birthday message from one of my friends (Thank you guys!!)
I also ran across a piece of emotional baggage while searching, which was disturbing because it was crying (thanks to a cell phone hidden underneath it. I didn’t realize at the time because I was a bit overwhelmed with everything else, but it was actually a re-creation of Raz’s over the shoulder bag, that Leda had modified herself! It took me awhile to find the baggage tag so I could take the item (and stop the crying), but I managed.
Finding enough arrowheads to purchase the items wasn’t too hard, but I also had to raise my rank by earning badges, which was trickier because (don’t tell anyone), I don’t have psychic powers, but I managed- things like lighting a match when they didn’t see me strike the box (pyrokinesis!), or putting an item on the edge of the counter and concentrating (and blowing) very hard on it until it fell over (telekinesis!) The badges I got were actually REAL attachable patches! They’re super cool and extremely well made- Leda mentioned getting them from a seller on Etsy and when I can I’ll edit here to include their store link :)
When I finally got my last merit badge, I was awarded the official psychonauts badge, and I was allowed to have my cake, which Leda had decorated with the Psychonauts symbol!
There’s probably some other things I’m forgetting because it was all so awesome, and I’m sure Leda will post pictures, but it was just an amazing experience. Leda worked so hard and all the props she made looked -amazing- to the point where I had thought things like the bag were official.
It was a fantastic experience <3
Oh! And we had burgers, because you know, summer camp :)
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sege-h · 5 years
finimun replied to your post: Im 26 now
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fini-mun · 5 years
It’s super late but I’m going to write about how @sally-mun threw me an awesome birthday party.
Preamble for the uninitiated- every year, Sally-mun and I throw themed birthday parties for each other based on one of the other’s interests. It’s been fan stuff like Fallout, Undertale, The Sims, or even Bendy and the Ink Machine in the past. A few times have even had ‘general’ themes like ramen, bees, or donuts!
This year I was treated to an Invader Zim themed birthday. Sally-mun has already posted the cake, but let’s get into the details!
The day started with me sequestered in my room while everyone was decorating the house (theme is always a surprise until moment of reveal, so there’s always a bit of ‘prep’ beforehand).
And then... everyone filed into my room. The first thing I saw was that they were all, confusingly, wearing red shirts. I was presented with two different goodie bags and told to choose one. This is when the reveal happened, as the bags both had the Irken logo! I picked one bag and we all went through our bags- they contained packages of fun dip, squeeze-y rubber pigs, and containers of slime themed off of various planets. Apparently of the two bags I had to choose from, one contained the ‘Earth’ slime and the other had ‘Uranus’. I got Uranus and consider this a win because in my heart I’m 6.
It was then revealed everyone had a set of antenna headbands and backpack-PAKs that Sally-mun had made! I was also given a red, striped top that Sally-mun had also made. *Cosplay is very important to the party experience, you see*. I’m very impressed by the PAKs, and apparently they were originally Fortnite accessories that she had repainted. She always does such an amazing job with all her props.
Coming out of my room I could see the hall was space decorated, and Leda (Sally-mun, I just got tired of writing Sally-mun, so I did it twice more right here I guess) received a text. It was time for the Great Assigning- and a reminder to remember where we parked. All filing downstairs, Leda’s mum played the role of our Tallest, assigning planets to all of us. One of us got IKEA, the planet of wood planks. Sadly, it turned out I was never actually invited, and there was no planet for me.
Except maybe this mystery post-it note with ‘Planet ?’ on it!
Searching out this mystery planet, I arrive in the kitchen, full of all kinds of wonderful, delicious garbage bullshit food. Pizza, tacos, chips... there was even a waffle iron and mix available! On the wall there was also a giant recreation of the weird green monkey painting that sits above Zim’s couch, made by one of our talented friends.
All the gifts were Zim themed, including a dice game we all played.
Overall it was an amazing, fun experience. As always, I’m blessed for the people in my life. Thank you, Sally-mun!  I’m sure there’s things I missed describing here... there was so much, and it was such a great experience.
Anyway... my turn now.
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fini-mun · 6 years
Okay I should finally write up about the bitch’n party @sally-mun threw me- I should have done so earlier but I’m kind of in ‘avoid the world’ mode at the moment (and still kind of am. I’m sorry if I don’t respond to people right now, I just want quiet, it’s not personal).
But anyway, the theme this year was The Sims! Considering I’ve always been big on the series, I had kind of expected that theme a lot sooner, so it actually managed to loop around and surprise me.
This is going to be a lot of rambling so I’ll just cut here. Sorry to mobile users.
Sally-mun did an amazing job on all fronts- She decorated the kitchen in green and white with balloons and streamers, and even mimicked some of the decor from the games themselves!
This year we also actually had guests over too instead of being weird, cloistered nerds performing a bizarre ritual all by our lonesomes! The benefit of this is that she was able to assign them into different ‘roles’- she ended up mimicking the goaled party events in Sims 4, where one friend of ours was the ‘entertainer’, and the other the ‘mixologist’, and she herself served as ‘caterer’.
Speaking of catering, she and the ‘mixologist’ friend set up a ‘bar’ in the kitchen and everyone ordered food and drinks from them- the food being the traditional Sims style grilled cheese, and the drinks including the delicious ‘Sim-and-Tonic’ concoction. I remember thinking the plates she got for it were really cool, because they were square, clear green plates, but then it was revealed she got these types of plates for another reason beyond just eating off of them-
Sally-mun made plumbob headbands for everyone, and had cut up the sturdy plastic of the plates to make them! They’re amazingly well made and look perfect. I had trouble keeping my headband on, but that’s mostly because I have a weird ass shaped head.
We talked and had fun and listened to music, and the ‘entertainer’ told us a story about the first time he got drunk on something called ‘lobster punch’, and then it came time for cake.
I’m certain Sally-mun will post pictures of the cake after I’ve posted this (I’m sure she’s been waiting for me to post first) and when she does post I’ll reblog, but she made the ‘Birthday Inferno’ cake from Sims 3! It was lemon cake with vanilla frosting and tasted just as amazing as it looked.
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(A cake like this, but not nearly this many candles, though sometimes it feels like that many)
The gifts were all wrapped in green/white paper, and were all Sims related- I already own all the Sims games so it was things like special edition or bonus merchandise- I now own the Special Edition Sims 3 with the plumbob USB! I also have the complete guides for Sims 1 through 3, it’s pretty awesome!
The night ended with us playing card games (Red Dragon Inn), and after they left Sally-mun came with me into my room and I whipped up a quick ‘mock’ birthday on Sims 4 for shits and giggles.
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I’m luck to have an amazing friend like @sally-mun
... Now it’s my turn.
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fini-mun · 7 years
I started to do a write up of my day but honestly, like always, @sally-mun made it such an event that there’s a lot to write up. Hopefully by tomorrow I’ll be done!
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fini-mun · 7 years
Every time someone wishes me a Happy Birthday, I grow in power.
silkyskykitten said to fini-mun:
YOOOOO Happy Successfully-Revolved-Around-The-Sun-Once-More-Day! Or, erm... "Birthday", yes, the shorter way of saying it. Hope it's a rad one! =D   
robo-ant said to fini-mun:
-pokes head and hands ya a cupcake- Hap Birth!
elias-mun said to fini-mun:
james-penumbra said to fini-mun:
Happy Birthday, hope your day is going swell. (∩_∩)
simonsoys said to fini-mun:
Hey! Hope you had a happy birthday! :D            
Thanks everyone!!
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fini-mun · 8 years
So I somehow didn’t realize it before, but the entire theme of my birthday was BEES.
In fact, it took me an embarrassingly long time to realize the bee theme.
After we watched Bee Movie, we went down to the basement and played a board game called ‘Hive’. Perhaps this should have clued me in, but it did not. It’s a really fun game, too. I actually won and it was our first time playing it ever. The only reason I’m so proud of winning is because I know Sally-mun is a crafty as hell opponent.
After that, we went to dinner. I was given an inflatable crown and a balloon on a stick. It wasn’t until I saw the bee on the balloon and the phrase “Happy Bee Day!” did it suddenly click.
Anyway I had massive amounts of shrimp for dinner, and at one point the (i assume) manager of the restaurant stopped by and noticed my CROWN and asked me if it was my birthday and how old I was. When I told her she kind of had this expression of terror and exclaimed “OH MY GOD I THOUGHT YOU WERE 18″.
I informed her, while wearing my glow-in-the-dark skeleton shirt, my inflatable crown, and holding my ‘royal scepter’ balloon, that I was in fact an adult, and that I pay taxes.
I opened my gifts and got some AWESOME exclusive Fallout pop dolls, like, I didn’t even know they made a female power armor doll BUT THEY DID. ALSO, apparently @sally-mun, Sally-mum, @shm128iii and @jackcloverway had all chipped in together to buy me the exclusive Gold Power Armor pop doll! That’s a doll that I always kind of looked at and went “well, it’d be nice to have that to complete my collection, but with a price like that that’s -never- happening”, so I’m just really touched they all got together to make that happen.
When we got home, I got to see the cake. It was a honeycomb/bee cake! It was home-made honey cake with a home-made honey frosting, with honey comb and bee chocolate melt shapes. I think Sally-mun took some pics, so look forward to that soon.
I probably inevitably forgot some things, but it was a great experience and I feel really thankful for the people I have in my life. There was a time when things weren’t so great, but Sally-mun has made my birthdays so much fun, and I’m always constantly thankful for her.
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fini-mun · 9 years
Oh my god, @sally-mun has gone above and beyond with all this!
I said I had wanted pizza for my birthday dinner because I didn’t want to do anything pricey/fancy this year and just wanted to keep things simple (and I like pizza so hey), so we went to pizza hut.
Once we sat down, Sally-mun busted out the party hats. Three of them. And they were replicas of the ones from Fallout. That she made herself.
Then she revealed her card, which was a print of the “Grognak” comic from F3. Inside the card? The birthday poem from F3. Just. Fucking stunning. The card from her mum was the Wasteland Survival guide, and contained a preview of one of my gifts that wasn’t available yet-
Speaking of the gifts, I now own a nearly complete set of the Fallout Pop dolls!! Apparently it was a struggle to find some of them (Vault Boy had to be shipped to a store for pick up), but it’s fantastic. Everyone else in the household has pop doll sets of their respective fandoms, and before this I only had a “Sharknado” pop doll. Now I have a set!
And the day isn’t over- there’s still the cake to be revealed. I’m so excited, and honestly I have no idea what it can possibly be!
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fini-mun · 9 years
We played Fallout and then @sally-mun made me lunch, too!
This time it was ‘mirelurk cakes’ (fish cakes), with ‘blamco mac and cheese’ and... shoot what was the brand of chips? CHIPS TOO. And for dessert, ‘squirrel bits’, which was actually chocolate covered cake balls on a skewer. And a Nuka Quantum to chase it all down!
I don’t normally eat my meals so close to each other, but it was all delish!
<3 haa this has been fun
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fini-mun · 9 years
The theme of my birthday celebration is Fallout/wasteland!
Sally-mun made me a wasteland omelet with sides of ‘pinyon nuts’ (almond slices) and ‘crunchy mutfruit’ (black berries) and a nuka victory (orange juice with label in a soda bottle) to drink!
Then we watched Mad Max. So far this is turning out to be really fun <3
The omelet was delicious. She made ‘deathclaw’ bits out of kielbasa.
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fini-mun · 10 years
Thank you-
Like I mentioned before, I had too many birthday wishes to respond in the way I wanted to, and I didn't wait too much longer to acknowledge the well wishing.
So, a big thank you to the following:
somegamer91, amy-rosie, neonzephyrooc, radicalruster, excalibent, thekkm (oh man I remember Carnosaur and Theodore Rex), xd001pik-a-boo, tumblokami, the-anonymous-coward, stingybee365, frozenerma, ajackolanterncarnival, spiritsonic, monstrousknight, mightysen, octopud, eternityengine, kismeti, xericstudios, silkyskykitten, Anonymous, and blackjackaught!
I'm sorry I couldn't respond to you one on one- I really appreciate the thought :)
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fini-mun · 10 years
Black and yellow is like my fav colour combo and I like bugs so bees tend to be a theme with me- This year I got bee themed turrets from a friend, two 'Bee-Day' cards, a bee baggie for one of my gifts, and a new yellow wallet.
Bee movie was on when I came downstairs today.
Bee movie.
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fini-mun · 10 years
Oh, wow, is it your birthday today or was it yesterday? Either way, happy birthday!
Today, thank you :)
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fini-mun · 10 years
Today has been super amazing and really fun!!
I have a bunch of happy birthday messages I'll respond to in a bulk post so I don't flood my dash again (THANK YOU ALL YOU'RE ALL SO SWEET).
EVERYTHING WAS RAMEN TODAY. THE RAMEN EXPERIENCE~. Like, the AMAZING cake sally-mun made just set the tone for everything else- I actually got ramen and a ramen microwave pan as gifts and I THOUGHT NOTHING OF IT. Just "OH COOL I LOVE THIS FLAVOR OF RAMEN :B"
And we went out to eat at a local teppanyaki grill and I got my 'real' gifts then and it was just so FUN and I'm glad I have such good friends <3
And a special thanks to Jack <3 I was locked in my room while Sally-mun worked on my cake and thanks to you I was well entertained in the meanwhile.
Thank you everyone!
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fini-mun · 10 years
Happy anniversary of your escape from the flesh prison!
(I appreciate the well wishing
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