#there's some seabound spoilers at the end of it
cyclondoojay · 6 months
a very dear headcanon to me in 3
yeah yeah okay okay all you want
rgb siblings is very cute and all that, but you can't change my mind about Lloyd seeing Jay and Nya as parentals figures. no. no you can't.
this is my religion and i belive in the jaya parents for lloyd and I'll take this hc to my death bed.
like one time, when Lloyd was still a child, but also after some time from "child's play" (don't really remember if this was the name of that episode, but you get it) and so around Nya's age, he called Nya mom by accident, and she was like "omg how you just called me-" (and if you think about her growing without one is even better) and then she was like the most Lloyd had spend his time with on the bounty, so for me it make so much sense, but keep listening.
yesterday i read this really cute oneshot where jay comforted lloyd and had some cute time together and then this really grow strongly on me (sorry i can't remember the name but it was really good and cute i can't.. but it was like arin & agentwalker bonding and then younglloyd & youngjay also bonding) (<- i really recommend it, it's on Ao3) anyway- (after a brother) he sees jay, with the years going on, more and more like a father
(cuz the brother role for him is mostly occupied by kai ofc)
anyway, also jaya was the firt couple that lloyd has seen and grow with even before pixane, and don't even get me start with when they broke up and lloyd was really sad for like the first months, hoping that they could go back together again (and when he sees them after all that trauma called "skybound" although some years had passed, he was happy that they were back again)
and yeah, you think now that he is all grown up, and everything, he changed his mind? I'll answer that for you
even if Lloyd did not call jaya dad or mom, he still sees them as, metaphorically talking, parents, and when he really need like a motherly hug or a fatherly talk he goes to them, and absolutely love and feels a child again when the three of them are together (even if it doesn't seem so from like Motm, but trust me, I'm like this to. like from my face it seems like am bored, but inside am so happy while doing something that i like, it's simply called teenage life... or trauma in their case)
anyway, i don't really remember anymore what i wanted to say, but I'll conclude saying that when Nya and Jay fights over something, Lloyd's "sad" too, or when they go out on a date or just act like a married couple he's just so happy. Let's talk seriously now, they're the first couple he's met since he was like 10 and he subconsciously associates them as second parents, so it's obvious that sometimes he feels like he's their child when he's with them.
(also don't totally saying that now his couple standards got better after skybound and ALSO after seabound... let's pretend all that harumi and lloyd stuff doesn't exist in this)
i know, you don't even know anymore why you reading this, and i don't even know what to write anymore, but if want to end this post well, i had to..
(its a really big SPOILER for DR2 Pt1 so read at your own risk)
now Kai isn't there again, but even before, they hadn't seen Jay, so now Lloyd is alone with her mother Nya (and also the others yeah but) and this means that his "parents" and brother aren't there for him (again) and i can't wait any longer for all the oooh so lovely angst- HELP ME)
okay, finally I'm done. thank for listening to... this.
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colekinnie-4life · 2 months
Part two of my rant cause I’m not done yet
I’m gonna take a hiatus from talking about the show however, and turn to the movie for a minute
I know, everyone hates the movie
But I don’t care and you can express your opinions towards it here 👉🏼🗑️
Anyways, the whole “being pushed to the side” thing isn’t just a Cole problem, this time, it’s everyone’s problem
All of them except for green bean are planks of wood with basic personalities written on them
Kai- loud
Nya- badass
Jay- shy
Zane- robot
Cole- music
Cole has the least amount of lines in the movie. I counted. He has 45 lines of his own, then a few extra with the other ninja
I like him in the movie too. Not more than og Cole obviously but the movie version is kind of relatable to me because of the whole music thing (I’m obsessed with music)
The song in the end credits says he’s “sarcastic”, but he has no sarcastic lines that I can remember throughout the whole movie
The only mildly sarcastic line I can think of is
“All I know is we really need a ninja master. And you are not a ninja master.”
And that’s not even sarcasm
Anyways, that’s about it for the movie since he does literally nothing
He does way more in the video game version of the movie, but I’m not gonna count that since it’s apparently not canon (booo)
Ok, now time for season 11
Y’all probably know I love lava. It’s so stinking cute and I would be infinitely happy if they turned canon
I mean I think the writers are leaning more towards geode becoming canon, which I am totally not against, I think they’re also super adorable (and I’m not being sarcastic)
For season 11 he doesn’t do much in the fire chapter besides get a new vehicle (with Kai~)
But holy shit, in the ice chapter? He gets lots of stuff to do!
He has the cute-ass interaction with Kai during Fire Maker (insert squealing here)
He loses the travelers tea
He has the dream where everyone hates him
He goes out to find the travelers tree
And he becomes a dad again, this time to Krag
Then he finds out Zane is the ice emperor and he does nothing again :(
To be fair no one does anything besides Lloyd and Zane in this part of the season but oh well
Next season
Prime Empire
Well he just does whatever the other ninjas do until he blows up
(With Kai~)
Season 13
So I’m not gonna say all the stuff he does this time, but he gets the most amount of attention because- it’s his season
Just go watch Tom Critic’s review of MOTM on YouTube, even though he calls it overrated it’s still a good review and it says everything I need to say
The Island
He’s hungry throughout the whole thing and that’s it :(
But he does trap ronin in a corner
(With Kai~)
Once again, lord have mercy
He does legit nothing and has like 4 lines
To be fair this was the season after Kirby Morrow passed away (rest in peace) so I can respect that
He does do some stuff in that one episode based in ninjago (with Kai~)
Anyways yeah. He gives Queen Vania the fake amulet thingy and that’s it
Season 15, he’s the one who finally gets everyone together. Then a whole lot of nothing happens to him specifically, he’s just doing what everyone else is doing
Until he (and Kai~) get into a car crash and he acts all loopy in save haven (greatest episode of crystallized for obvious reasons)
Then he powers up, takes care of Vangelis through the dumbest “defeat” of all time, then turns into a crystal zombie for 2 seconds and loses his powers
Ughhhhh not again…
They keep losing their powers and it’s getting annoying
Anyways, dragon’s rising
Just a note that this will have MASSIVE spoilers for part two of season two. You have been warned
Anyways, he’s not reintroduced until season 1 part 2
And like clockwork, he has adopted children again!
And he got himself a boyfriend in Geo
Like I said I’m a hardcore lava shipper. But hey, Cole has two hands, and both ships are adorable in their own ways, so I’m a multi shipper
Anyways, he’s in one episode then dips when he starts chasing after Wu’s ghost
Next season he actually kinda does stuff. He just goes along with Zane to find the sorceress or whatever they were doing (kinda forgot- haven’t watched part 1 in a while)
But hey, their duo is always awesome
Part 2 (once again MASSIVE SPOILERS)
He gets kicked off the tournament as soon as he fights off his opponent :(
But hey at least he isn’t shoved into a Chinese sweatshop like last time
Then he follows Wu’s ghost again and finds the new monastery
Then he finds the elemental mech and uses that to help Arin, then he just hangs out in that while fighting the bad guys
Then he- does nothing once again :(
And that’s where we end!
Well, at least with these seasons he, for the majority, got something to do. Sure he ends up mostly just going with what everyone else is doing but he does get his own thing to do sometimes
So these seasons were much better at giving him something to do :)
Anyways- there’s not much else for me to say besides give Cole more to do in season 3 whenever that comes out, and make Geode canon please they’re so cute
I mean I would be happier with lava but-
Ok bye
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didiersdragon · 2 years
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@lingering-there (gratefully accepts ur candy) your wish is yours to keep~
more baby lloyd headcanons!!!
sometimes lloyd would fall asleep on couches, training room floors, kitchen table, outside, anywhere and everywhere because he would be too stubborn to admit he was tired and go to bed. whenever this happens, cole would pick him up and carry him back to bed. when they're out and if lloyd falls asleep, he would carry the kid like a baby, with his face smooshed to his chest and drool all over his shirt but cole wouldn't mind. lloyd finds out about this happening one day when cole picks him up when he isn't fully asleep and lloyd loved it. so sometimes he pretend sleeps just to make cole pick him up. cole would be oblivious but some of the other ninja notice and would only laugh fondly at lloyd's antics. i think even after tomorrow's tea, cole would continue to do this and lloyd still being the little shit he is (and also who loves his older siblings' attention too much) would fake pretend sometimes too, maybe not as much before but it still happened
during winter, lloyd would be attached to kai. like you will not find lloyd at least five feet away from kai. he's always holding onto his arm or cuddled into him on the couch and even sneaks into kai's room to sleep because he hates the cold feeling (it reminds him of when he was out alone in the streets buuut lets not get too angsty) you'd find lloyd waiting outside the bathroom when kai's inside too.
alternatively, during summer, lloyd follows zane around everywhere. he's not too close with zane and he doesn't know if the guy likes cuddling like kai. but zane is super chill about it. he invites lloyd to make cold treats like milkshakes, smoothies, popsicles and more together in the kitchen and lloyd is happy to help (and eat!) he stays by zane's side who is happy to make sure the other was cool enough.
adding to that, i do think kai gets a little grumpy bc his baby brother is spending his time as far away from him and so he complains from the door to the kitchen and zane is teasing him saying that lloyd is his little one now. lloyd jokes with him too but does end up making a special watermelon smoothie with bananas, strawberries and extra ice just for kai.
jay takes lloyd to his first con. lloyd is starry-eyed and completely awestruck the entire time by all the cool stuff going around and the cosplays too. they couldn't cosplay for that con but the next one they went to, they both go as fritz donnegan! everyone loves their costumes (thanks to nya and zane's help)
he loves forehead kisses!! it was when nya had hugged him after he was saved from the serpentine and she had given him a big hug and a familial kiss to his forehead. it made him feel so happy that he had shyly asked her again for another one when she tucked him into bed. it always made him happy bc his badass big sister would usually always be very hesitant when it came to affection but she would always make sure to place a small kiss on his head before she goes on a mission or sees him when she comes back. (*seabound spoilers* little bit of angst, but after seabound, he regret never getting one from her one last time)
in contrast to nya, kai adored affection and was never afraid to show it. it was lloyd who was hesitant at first, but after a warm cuddle after having a bad nightmare, he would always go to kai for affection. he bonded with him due to the events at the volcano as well but that kinda set it off. you'd find lloyd holding kai's hand whenever they were out, napping on his lap after training, hugging him everytime he has to go somewhere and so much more. kai was always the first to make sure lloyd understood just how much they all loved him and accepted him into their family. lloyd definitely got addicted to the affection he received and was worried that after tomorrow's tea, kai would stop with it. but kai made sure he knew that no matter how old lloyd got, he'd always be his baby bro.
despite how i always write abt kai and lloyd being the best brothers, i do think it took them a long time to reach that point. with how vocal kai had been about his distate for garmadon, lloyd thought kai hated him for it too. and that hurt him a lot bc he felt most comfortable with kai out of all the ninja. but kai-after countless conversations with nya- did learn and grow. tbh this fic perfectly describes how that whole process would be (this fic legit changed me and became one of my fav fics of all time, 100% recommend it)
okay that's it for now, i hope it's all good!! (and for more candy, perhaps ill add more.....)
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annarts05 · 2 years
I’ve been seeing complaints that the crystalized ending was too easy, there weren’t any consequences, etc. But I am the only one who’s really happy with the fact that ninjago left us with a happy ending? Like, seabound’s ending left me in shambles (sob, still sad even now), so the ending of crystalized was long-anticipated (since april 2021, y’all remember), so for us to finally get the ending I’ve been dreading, only to find out it’s happy and no one dies, I’m just aoshfoashawaorqowfoqewifqwekfq
And no characters dying wasn’t the only reason I love it. Especially with the whole beginning of the series being about finding the golden weapons, and that they can never be united, and the moment they are, bad things happen. And then the series ends with the golden weapons being united and good coming out of it. It feels so clean. 
I’m freaking over the moon. ALSO
is anyone else obsessed with the Jay and Lloyd hug at the end? Like, finally, give their friendship some time to freaking shine <3333 And how nobody else joins in? They hang back, give these two a minute, I just ahhhhh They’re such good friends and no one talks about it, not even the show itself q.q
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orangeoctopi7 · 2 years
Ok so I finally watched the last few episodes of Crystalized! So here are some spoilers.
I enjoyed it! It wasn't as good as Seabound, but still pretty good.
I loved all the cameos. Me and my sister cheered when Skales showed up, really wish he'd had a little more screen time, maybe have him fight Pythor, but oh well. I know Skales hasn't been relevant for ages but he's still one of my favorite side characters.
I have mixed feelings on Garmadon and Lloyd though this season. On the positive side, I'm just happy they brought my favorite character back, and Garmadon is as funny as ever, which also makes me happy. And they do alude to the more serious parts of his character in his arc of trying to relearn how to be a good person. And I love that the plant is very obviously a metaphor for his relationship with Lloyd. Do I wish there were more hints to his time as Sensei Garmadon and maybe even a possibility of that part of him coming back? Yes, absolutely, but I'll take what I can get. And even though it takes a while, I like that we see Lloyd starting to trust his dad again even though it's **complicated**.
On the negative side, I didn't love how Lloyd has apparently forgotten all the time with his dad before Sons of Garmadon. And also apparently about Mistaké, which is especially jarring considering she freaking gave her life to help him in Hunted, and she's the one who told him about the oni in the first place.
Oh, and they finally confirmed my head canon that the Overlord possessed the Great Devourer to corrupt Garmadon! I made that theory ALLLL the way back in 2014 when I very briefly tried to make a review/recap blog of Ninjago. (I got through the first two seasons before giving up on it because Rebooted makes me... Conflicted)
I don't really have an opinion on Harumi's heel-face turn/redemption but I know my sister is happy, she loves **complicated** enemies to lovers ships.
I've been seeing a lot of people saying that this is the series finale, and it definitely feels that way, but with all the loose ends left over, I wouldn't be surprised if they bring Ninjago back in a "new" series the same way it's listed as a different series on Netflix starting with the Wild brain seasons. Another soft reboot that dives back into the lore as soon as they reestablish the characters and set a new tone.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Even if this is truly the end of Ninjago, I'll keep writing fanfiction for it, write about what I think happens after the series like I've done with Gravity Falls.
Either way, I freaking love this stupid Lego show and I'm so glad I rediscovered it last year.
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chococrystal · 3 years
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She’s been through a lot huh
Anyways, some Nya appreciation over here amirite? (long worded appreciation under the cut haha)
 fr I really love her, as a character and her values that she struggled with throughout the series. The value of Identity and Failure is something that was handled very maturely imo, and I esp love that she’s badass without being mean at all. I really like how Nya is just cool just because she's self made and fights her way to the top without that mean personality that’s associated with badass female characters sometimes... (I also see the appeal in cool hardcore girlboss characters haha I have some favs that are like that too, it’s just all I see sometimes like bro... ;-;)
Rewatching recently made me appreciate her even more, ignoring the funky love triangle stuff in s3 ahhahahaha, I liked how she was really mature as a friend at the start of Skybound just outright rejecting Jays feeling so he wouldn’t be lead on. She regularly has her moments in the show, and I love her relationship with everyone on the team (albeit lacking in sibling bonding ahu). I like that she has so much personality beyond being the inventor or “the girl”, she’s hotheaded at times, can be a bit impatient but overall a competent member of the team.
She literally brought herself up by being samurai X, and holds a special attachment to it. Someone on twit pointed out the scene in s7 when she’s packing up the samurai X gear and is legitimately sadden by inheriting her powers. Like you feel bad, along with the fact someone else took up samurai X also proved she can’t even go back to it even if she really wanted to was a huge step for her as a character.
I will always find her dying breath in s6 stuck w/ me,
 “It was always a boys club” 
like zamn, you’re dying and that’s what you really feel. None of that “girl wants to be a part of the team trope” at all, she wanted to be her own person and it shows. 
Which is something viewers kinda feel too? Crisis on what defines us as a person, is it our interests/hobbies (samurai X)? our professions? (water ninja) whether self imposed or forced upon us, what dictates a pass or fail to as a person? We want to be in control of our lives despite everything else is out of our control, we have to learn to not dwell on it and let it drag us down. I think out of most of the characters she’s the only one that is really cared for?? like she gets developed and goes through her arc consistently despite not having a focus season until seabound.
So speaking of HAHA I enjoyed seabound, was super stoked that Nya got a focus season but DAMN! Do I wish(haha) her end quote wasn’t the cookie quote but something similar from Maya and the Three:
 “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me” 
 bc that was her whole arc, fighting to define herself from what she WANTS to do against what she HAS to do. 
The cookie quote just had a layer of being so defeatist about the whole thing when that’s not Nya at all, I really just wished her final tie in as a character was resolving this identity value in her own way and not giving up her everything just because “that’s how the cookie crumbles” like zamn. :(((( It felt like the whole Nyad sacrifice thing was supposed to be a “I chose this” moment, not because she was supposed be like nyad, not because she’s the daughter of maya, not because she’s the water ninja but only because it was her choice in the matter to become Nyad, save ninjago and those she loves over her own future. Would’ve been a perfect call back to skybound too (in EP The Last Resort) when she threw Jay into the travelers tea:
Nya: But if I'm ever gonna have a say in our future, it's me who has to protect you because it's you who has the wish.
Jay: What are you doing?
Nya: I'm speaking up for my future. And it's never felt better... (then the whole save me Jay stuff)
because she’s once again back into that position of having a say in her future, along with saving Jay, but at the cost of what she holds dear since the beginning, her own Identity. And it just so... AAAAAAAAAAA really love Nya man. ;-;-;-;-;
Anyways, this is long now and I don’t want this to turn into a full on rant about seabound HAHA bc i still enjoyed it and teared up at the end too ahu 
SO yea, Nya is great and will always have a special place in my heart. I miss her greatly ;w;)b 
girl literally gave up her identity for the world guys, that’s real girlboss AHHAHA
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ambriel-angstwitch · 2 years
So I was thinking about Ninjago, as one does, and what I realized is that FSM’s Family has inter-generational trauma.
So there can’t really be any certainty when the spread started since FSM’s parents grew up on different sides of a war that has been raging for centuries, but I’m going to go more in-depth into all the members of his family we know more about.
Seabound Spoilers!
We’ll start with FSM himself. FSM was raised in a war. There is pressure put on him to fight in and/or end the war. This pressure becomes to much so he flees to another realm, unfortunately this realm isn’t free of conflict. He seems to form some kind of relationship with Nyad from what we see and we know how that ends. So he’s lost probably the first friend he ever had. Then from there because of his creation powers and longevity, he is hailed as a god, which I don’t really know if that’s what he wanted, he fled his original realm because of pressure and being a god is even more pressure. He then because of the way he grew up and the status he holds puts pressure on his children. They have to be good. Unfortunately the whole great devourer thing happens only adding to the problems this family has. Now one of his sons is cursed to be bad, no matter how hard he tries he’ll never be that perfect son. FSM seems to be mad at both of his sons for this occurrence but first and foremost he’s concerned, he loves both his sons and tries to help them but he can’t fix this.
Then we have the next generation which is Wu and Garmadon. Garmadon tries to be there for his son and tries to be a good father but then he’s sent to the underworld and when he comes back their destined to fight so well he cares he can’t actually be there for Lloyd. Then he’s actually a pretty good dad once his evil has been cured. But actually where we see the generational trauma more present is in Wu. Wu who used to be the mischievous of the brothers now feels the need to be the good one because his brother can’t be. He feels the need to undo the damage he is partially at fault for. So he studies the ninja ways and the scrolls harder. Then he finds his student Morro who he trains to be the green ninja.
Which brings us to the last generation Morro and Lloyd. Morro was raised by Wu. Wu placed high expectations on Morro because Wu had high expectations placed on him. Morro trains and trains under Wu and is told that he could be the green ninja. But he isn’t, Wu was wrong. But Morro can’t accept this because that’s what his purpose was, he was supposed to be great. So he tries to force destiny and dies and you all know the rest of the story. Then Lloyd has the opposite problem where he never wanted to be the green ninja but it’s forced upon him. So he has to train and he has to fight his dad. Once again there is so much pressure put on a literal child. Lloyd also has to then deal with much more trauma than just the inter generational kind. I mean all the battles and all his friends dying oof.
Also in case it wasn’t clear this is not a hate post towards FSM or Wu. While some of they’re actions may not be the best, they’re people and people are flawed. I genuinely believe that both of them were trying to do what they thought was best, but their experience may have skewed their decision making a bit.
(This has been in my drafts for so long. Oopsie)
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thoughts on and about ninjago crystallized so far
double spoilering bc i’m nice (also i havent watched island or seabound officially, but i did get spoiled for basically all of the major plot points and important endings, so it’s whatever)
i really liked that in the first episode the show went out of it’s way to portray how everyone struggled with the grief over losing nya, in some follow-up episodes i wish it kept at that instead of just showing jay being worried about nya and vice versa (like cmon, why was it “jay and the others”)
i love the pyromaniac vengestone villain, but considering i’m the self-proclaimed ninjago female villain lover is that any surprise?
nyad is so chill i love her
i hope the new ninja, with how much its being hinted at rn, are ploys by the new president and that the new president is involved wit hthe crystal king, or even is the crystal king himself
“why do I get the feeling they’re staring at us?” “They are staring at us.”
i did have mixed feelings on zane’s emotion meter thing initially, but it’s not really worht touching upon now that that’s over.
hashtag aspheera did nothing wrong lmao (like, half jokingly), and i was really hoping the first introductary episodes to her escape from prison would end up setting up some kind of redemption or her at least becoming morally neutral instead of associating wit hthe villain of the season. but who knows maybe we’ll still get that, i mean ninjago isnt the most complex of all shows out there so it may be a bit clunky but i think they could pull it off
more ultra violet, rn!!!
the benefit of grief is, out of the 12 episodes so far, probably my favourite. i love run-away-from-home roadtrip stuff, i would absolutely die for sally, and while i think family and forgiveness should be treated on a case-by-case basis, again, ninjago isnt the most complex or nuanced of all shows. and i can appreciate it for teaching us that even the unpleasant feelings are valuable and worth feeling.
i really thought that cop guy was clutch powers in disguise, but since we see clutch in ninjago city, i’m wondering if cop guy is just a joke or obscure reference, or also invovled with the crystal king
i was initially bummed skylor was there only to serve with her powers to help nya, when episodes later wu made a point about how nya isnt defined by her powers, but i can oversee it, as long as we see more of skylor being awesome this season
i may have become a fugijay shipper. or not, but i do know i love fugidove even more now
cmon dareth, you could have at least visited your criminal husband in jail, smh (not much to say on ronin while we’re on the subject, but i did like seeing him again, even just shortly)
lastly, calling it now, this ain’t the real harumi, or some sorta zombierumi lmao
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saline-coelacanth · 3 years
So I finally got around to getting caught up on Ninjago. (I actually watched it last night but the time I finished it was pretty late so I’m posting about it now)
So going into Seabound, I already knew about the big thing with Nya (you know what I’m talking about) I didn’t really care enough to block spoilers when the season came out so I had seen a lot of people talking about that. But even knowing what happens to Nya, that hit me hard. I was crying a lot during the ending. I really hope they’ll find a way to bring her back like they did with Zane because I don’t want Nya to just be gone forever.
But enough about Nya, there’s something else I wanna talk about. I knew basically nothing about this season except for 1. It was Nya focused, 2. Nya turning into the ocean, and 3. apparently the villain was very similar to Pythor. And if you don’t know, I absolutely LOVE Pythor, probably to an unhealthy extent. I mean, my oc is shipped with him and they have a kid for crying out loud. So I had some high expectations for Kalmaar as they only thing I had to go off of was that he was like Pythor. And let’s just say that Pythor might not be my favorite villain anymore.
I freaking loved Kalmaar. He was just Pythor but better. He was such an intimidating villain, but also really funny! AND he’s a squid! And I love marine life! I could ramble for such a long time about Kalmaar and I may make a separate post about him because he was just such a good villain, but I wanna talk about some other things real quick.
Seabound was SO GOOD. I was kinda put off from wanting to watch it after know Nya basically dies, but I’m so glad I watched it. It was definitely they best season of recent times. It also fixed some of the problems I’ve been having with the recent seasons. (By recent seasons I mean from season 11 forward) For one, the villain was amazing and with the exception of Aspheera, none of the other villains really stood out too much. The Ice Emperor was great in concept but not so great in execution, I absolutely DESPISE Vex, Unagami was great during the ending, but kinds boring until then, and the Skull Sorceror was pretty boring. I don’t even remember what his motivation or goal was. 
The other thing that Seabound fixed was how it acknowledged previous stuff. We got more lore about the elements of water and wind and how they’re different from the other elements. We got to see characters from previous seasons and locations from previous seasons. (Seriously, I was not expecting to see Shintaro again) And my favorite thing they did was we got to see Maya and Ray again! And we saw Nya and Kai have family interactions! And they also discussed how they previously had their elements, which is something we can’t really explore with the other ninja! Maya was so fun and sweet btw, I loved her. I loved Ray too, but he didn’t have as much focus.
There’s probably a lot more I could say about this season, but I don’t want this post to get TOO long. Seabound was really good and really restored my faith in Ninjago, because MotM was really good too, but sort of lacked that bug WOW factor that Seabound had for me.
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goldenheartstudios · 3 years
I watched the season Seabound from Ninjago and I have some thoughts about it
Disclaimer 1: Any strong emotion shown in this post is exaggerated for fun purposes and not meant to take it seriously. The genuine critiques are meant to be respectful or lighthearted
Disclaimer 2: I like making disclaimers (also heads up, there will be spoilers in this post!)
With that aside, this season was fun! Nya is one of my favorite characters, so I was eager to see a season focused on her, even if it was kind of short (I will elaborate on this point later)
First, I want to say that I haven't seen all the recent seasons yet (more specifically 9, 10, 12, 13 and The Island). I know what happens in them, but I couldn’t bring myself to sit and watch them yet, and being Romanian makes it a little harder to find proper sites to say the least. Thankfully, it wasn’t needed to watch them for this season, since I understood all that happened
This brings me to the first compliment I want to give for the season: the story was on point and not difficult to follow. They didn’t complicate it too much than necessary, which is nice! It left room for exploring relationships and emotions
Speaking of which, I always liked the way Ninjago handles emotions. They’re honest and quiet, in a way to show respect and understanding. You know that what happens matters to the characters, and I’m so glad they’re good at that because when Nya’s funeral came up, they put all the effort to show how much she meant for everyone
Nya’s relationship with her mother Maya was also so fun to see! I’m glad that they showed more of the Smith parents and the relationship between them and their children, it made me grow more attached to them and think they’re beyond just “parents”. The Smith family is on the top of my favorites, which I think it’s a good and bad thing at the same time
The dialogue in this season was also fun. There were many times when I felt what they said was genuine and smart, and the cookie line at the end was a simple parallelism, but an effective one. The fact that it was simple is what made it stuck to me and appreciate it (and if the fact that Kai and Jay, the ones who are the closest to Nya, almost drowned in this season for the intentional purpose of making the connection to water, then I will give the writers points for smartness)
And even if the main villain was not for me, I can see and understand why would people like him
Overall, this season was fun and emotional, and I’m definitely looking forward to how it will go next season!
Now let’s get on the negatives
Alright, to start it off, the season lacked in build-up for being short. I felt around the middle that it was moving from point A to point B without leaving time to process it. I know they have limited time, but I feel like season 11 did a better job at handling it, at least in the first half, and I use that as comparison
I definitely felt the rush in action the moment Benthomaar told the others about his past in “The Tale of Benthomaar”. Because even if they just met him, after he told them his tragic backstory, they were like “You’re our friend now and we trust you until the very end”, which it would have been better handled if it was at least one more episode where they get to interact more before this one
But I do understand the lack of time and having few episodes that limited how much they can show. With this time, each episode has to be meaningful, and they have to give much thought into what they can and can’t do
Well at least, I would have understood better if “Riddle of the Sphinx” dIDN’T EXIST-
Ok listen, I do get what they tried to do. They wanted to show that the others do something and are part of the plot, while going to a more lighthearted route. But did they really, really, have to go with one of the oldest riddles in history? And make that Wu, of all people, didn’t know the correct answer to it?? When Kai gave the right answer, I was relieved, not surprised, and got me thinking that Wu and Cole need to read the first chapter of a riddle book in the future
Seriously, that time could have been used for something else, or they could have at least given a twist to the riddle
The part when Nya has to learn to communicate to the whales doesn’t make it better, because I know they can use the dragons
We know they can use the dragons
I miss the dragons
For real tho, why do they want to acknowledge the existence of dragons in season 11, but never even consider using them? I don’t want them to constantly use them, since it can be dangerous, but I want them to use them when it’s really needed
I know the writers wanted to make Nya use her powers, but I don’t see the need for it. It’s not like she used this power to do something completely important other than getting away from the island
… When they could have used the dragons-
Going to a different point, there was a lack of comedy in this season, which is one of the things I’m sad about. The thing that I love about Ninjago (and lego related things in general), is its comedy, because even if the story can be wonky or very simple, at least it makes me laugh and I have a good time. “The Virtues of Spinjitzu” is a good example for this, because even if some things from the plot are on the nose, it was hilarious as hell, especially the beginning, which is what makes it memorable and makes me desire to rewatch it someday
Seabound… didn’t have that. The jokes were not that funny for me, which I find unfortunate. It was the first season where I felt that, and I hope it will be the only one
The last point I want to make is that it’s visible some of the characters took the short end of the stick in being relevant this season. I know, this is not the first time it happened, and the creators most likely wanted to concentrate on other characters to balance their lack of focus in previous seasons, but you can write a season focused on one character and make the ones around it feel relevant as well. I genuinely prefer not to be any focus character in the season rather than sacrificing characters for one’s main story
One thing that bothered me the most was the lack of focus on Kai specifically, because this season was about his sister, and in this season, Nya struggles with her family relationship and herself. I’m sad that she and Kai didn’t have a moment when they both talked about their different perspective about their parents, and I’m sad that Kai wasn’t much shown in this season when he loses his sister
The thing that I love the most in this series is their sibling bond, with how they can bicker but care for each other deeply, and it was unfortunate to see a lack of it in this season, especially since it may take a while to see them together again
I do understand that the writers wanted to go with Kai being in a state of shock/processing about Nya’s “death” at the end, but I want to see him grieve in the next season. I want that the moment he’s showing his thoughts and feelings about Nya, his sister he cares deeply, the focus will be on him, like it was with Jay this season
So, the conclusion is that even if I enjoyed this season, I do have my issues with it. And even if I’m looking forward for the next season, I’ll keep my hopes low until I see it for myself, no matter how much it gets hyped
I’m a big fan of Ninjago, and I genuinely want to see it getting better with the pacing, comedy, and characterization
And please Ninjago, no more riddles/hj
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ninjas-go-round · 3 years
Finishing this is a Happy birthday present from me to me (I’m surprised I actually got this done but I feel great that I did)
It’s 50% projection, and 100% self indulgent but that’s okay because I wrote this for me (but y’all should read it anyways)
Person HC that Kai is very open with himself and his feelings when he’s alone.
Title: Acceptance
Word Count: ~950
Summary: Kai has a talk with his sister
Warnings: Mentions of Major Character Death, Seabound Spoilers
“Hey sis. I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to say here. Jay says he comes down here a lot. That it helps. My therapist agreed it might be good for me to try it too. So here I am.”
Kai stares out across the water, unsure. Waves crash rhythmically below, seemingly unaware of his existence. He isn’t sure what he was expecting to happen. It’s the ocean. Even if Nya was listening, it’s not like the ocean can respond.
This whole thing felt weird. It doesn’t help that he’s not entirely comfortable standing here. The fact that the only thing separating him from a watery doom were the old wooden planks of the pier was not an appealing one. He wants nothing more than to turn right around and head home. Nobody would blame him, especially knowing how uncomfortable water made him.
But he’s not going to do that. When he’d agreed to get help, it meant he’d also agreed to actually do the things that might help, however stupid he thought they were. Or however uncomfortable he was. He just had to get ahold of himself long enough to say he actually tried.
‘Deep breaths.’ Kai thinks to himself. ‘In for four, out for eight. Just like LeAnne taught you. You can do this”
A few minutes of breathing later and his nerves are calmed enough that he can sit cross-legged on the pier.
“Sorry about that. This is…weird. I don’t really know what I’m supposed to be doing. Water isn’t exactly my thing either. But hey, what else is new?” He chuckles sadly, gazing out to sea once more. “I don’t know if you can hear me or not, but I miss you. I really really miss you. It’s been more than a year now, since you left. It’s been...difficult to say the least. You were my rock. You were always there for me, through everything, no matter what. You’d become such a constant that losing you felt like losing a part of myself. I didn’t realize how much I relied on you until you were gone.I didn’t know what to do next. I was lost, I was confused, I was scared. ”
Kai pauses, thinking. “I was angry too, you know. For a really long time. At you, for making the choice you did. At myself, for not being able to do anything. At the situation, for requiring you to make that sacrifice, and at Jay for...well I’m not really sure. I guess I didn’t know how to deal with everything so I ended up taking it out on him and everyone else around me. It was definitely the worst with Jay though. He and I fought a lot. Once that started...everything kind of fell apart. I left the team for a while.”
Just thinking of that fight made him want to shrivel up with guilt. He’d said some horrible things to Jay the day he left. They both had, but at least Jay hadn’t essentially wished him dead.
“I’ll spare you the details but it...it wasn’t pretty. There was a good chunk of time that I was sure our friendship was never going to recover. Things are better now, but I feel like I should apologize to you anyways. I know us fighting is the last thing you would have wanted to see. So, I’m sorry. It was far from my proudest moment.”
He lapses into silence once more. It's not that he doesn't have more to say (because much to his surprise, he does). It’s that there’s too much to say. He doesn’t know where he wants to go next. Eventually, he lands on the words he wants.
“You’ll be glad to know that Jay and I are doing a lot better now. I’m doing a lot better, too. I’ve got a therapist. Oh! And I’m back with the team. I don’t really do missions anymore though. I mostly do weapons. And sometimes I help Pixal run support. It’s nice. She-she’s nice. We’ve gotten really close since I got back. But that’s a story for another time.”
“But anyways. Things are getting a little easier, especially when I have others to help. Don’t get me wrong-we all still have a long way to go. Jay and I still argue sometimes. I don’t like it but we’re both still struggling. It happens. There are some days I know Cole doesn’t get out of bed. Lloyd is more reckless than I remember him being and sometimes Zane just doesn’t want to talk. There are days I'm so angry I have to leave so I don’t accidentally burn the monastery down. It’s hard, this whole ‘moving on’ thing. But I’m trying. Things are getting better. And I’m finally starting to believe that maybe, eventually, I’ll be okay without you.”
Kai pushes himself to his feet. A single tear tracks it’s way down his face.
“I’ll probably never stop looking for a way to bring you back to us. But even if you never do, I think I’ll make it out okay. Just promise me you’ll live your best life. Wherever you are. I’m going to try and do the same. Okay?”
The sea doesn’t answer. Kai casts one more look at it before he turns and makes his way back towards the shore. There is a figure waiting for him there.
“So was it as bad as you thought it was gonna be?”
“It was weird. But not awful.”
“Well that’s better than nothing, right?”
“‘Mmm. Maybe next time you come down here, I can come with you? Maybe we can talk to her together”
Jay smiles at him. “Yeah, sure. I think I would like that.”
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amour393 · 3 years
WOOHOO MORE SEABOUND ANGST (spoilers) (yo @only-lonely-stars here ya go)
Cole was tired.
He wasn't surprised. He'd been constantly doing something for three days. Comfort Jay and Kai. Keep Zane and Pixal from shutting down. Get Lloyd to get some actual rest. Stop Wu from locking himself in his room for "meditation" for hours on end. Talk with Ray and Maya before they go to the funeral.
No, Cole reminded himself. It's not a funeral. She's not dead. She's not. She's alive. She's okay. She's never-
Cole kept moving. He held Jay until he cried himself to sleep. He read a story to Lloyd like he had done when Lloyd was little. He reoiled Zane's joints. He worked with Pixal on her mech. He planned the fune- the memorial ceremony with Wu. He didn't have time for pesky things like sleep. He kept working.
Part of him knew why. The second he paused to let what had happened catch up, he would collapse. No. His family- the rest of his family needed him.
Cole had done this before. He had done it with Zane. He had almost done it several times. But last time was so much easier. Everybody left. They left, and they did their own thing, because they couldn't bear to look at each other without remembering they were missing someone.
But that was a long time ago. They were closer now. No one would be leaving, Cole was sure of that.
Cole was living off coffee and busywork. He hadn't slept in at least 48 hours, probably more, but he had managed by being needed.
After the memorial, he didn't have time to talk to people. Most everyone gave their condolences and left. Ed and Edna stayed longer for Jay. They disappeared into his room, and Cole didn't see them the rest of the day.
Skylor also stayed back. They went into the living room, and Kai fell asleep on her shoulder.
Cole forced himself to find something to do, but it was getting more difficult. He and Pixal finished the mech. Jay was with his parents. Kai, Lloyd, and Skylor were snuggled up on the couch, trying not to cry. Zane and Pixal were with Borg, and Wu was with Misako.
Cole had nothing to do.
It was dark outside. He brewed a cup of tea, got into his car, and drove.
He didn't think about where he was going. He kept his eyes on the road, on the horizon. He looked ahead. He didn't look back. He couldn't. Not at the Monastery, not at the memories-
He was at the beach before he realized it, knee deep in sand as the moon rose over the horizon. He sat there for hours. He couldn't keep track of how many. His tea turned cold, but he just watched. Watched the tide push and pull, watched the small waves lap at the sand and the big waves crash and spray white mist. Watched for animals in the distance, or for boats, or for light.
No. Not light. Not that terrible blue light that ripped his sister away-
He barely heard someone approach from behind him. Barely.
He didn't need to look. He knew who it was. A person landed on the sand, their soft footsteps trailing towards him.
"How'd you know I'd be here?" he asked, his voice a hoarse whisper.
Vania knelt next to him. "Had a feeling."
He spared a glance at her. She wasn't in her crown, or her fancy royal robes. Her golden hair fell loose around her shoulders, and she wore a simple white dress with a blue tie. Her sky blue eyes were silvery in the moonlight.
"I never got to talk to you," she said quietly. "I mean, besides when I told all of you how sorry I was. But that wasn't to you individually, so it doesn't count."
Cole let out a weak chuckle. "Glad to see at least someone hasn't changed because of this."
Vania tilted her head, eyes on the horizon. "You have?"
Cole followed her gaze, quiet for a moment. "I don't know."
Vania was silent for a moment, shifting her position to holding her knees and digging her toes into the sand. Cole followed her.
"You haven't slept since it happened, have you?" she guessed.
He looked at her. "How'd you know?"
She laughed weakly, hand rising to gently brush the bags under his eyes. "Gee, I wonder."
Cole chuckled softly, returning his gaze to the ocean.
"I have to keep moving," he muttered.
Cole shook his head. "If I do I don't have to deal with it. Remember it."
Vania placed her hand on his shoulder. "Cole, one of the things I admire most about you is how much you love helping others. But this? Cole, you have to let yourself grieve, or you're not going to be able to help anyone. And I know how much you'd hate that."
Cole rubbed his eyes and leaned his head on her shoulder, which somehow worked despite him being so much bigger than her.
"Yeah," he said quietly. "I would."
She ran her fingers through his hair, humming softly, and Cole finally allowed himself to cry.
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halfbreeddege · 3 years
Seabound Nya Headcanons
I tried tagging this with as many tags to avoid spoilers. If you haven’t watched season 15 yet, you might want to keep scrolling. 
Ok, looking at a majority of the Ninjago posts I've seen here on Tumblr since Friday, we're all depressed by Seabound’s ending (me included).
Let’s have some fun Water Nya headcanons where sure, she's still a living embodiment of the sea, but she still retains her personality and stays with the ninja.
- When she gets sleepy her form loses shape and she winds up as a giant puddle on the floor. There's been a few times where the others have accidentally slipped and fell on her.
- Then there was the one time she woke up in a bucket because someone (probably Zane) mopped her up.
- They got a nice sized aquarium in place of her bed now.
- She accompanied the rest on a mission once to an area with a colder climate. She didn't freeze completely but she more or less became a walking talking snowman. Once the mission was complete, they had their hijinks. Ever hugged a snowman before? Jay even gave her his scarf just for laughs.
- One time a bad guy thought he won a fight by smashing her to smithereens, only for her bits to reform into over a dozen angry mini Nyas and swarmed him like ants.
- Get her mad enough and she will literally start steaming and boiling.
- A dragon isn’t the only shape she can morph into. She’s changed her shape to look like the others. Usually Kai’s when he annoys her and mimics him in an insulting manner. “Oh, look at me! I’m Kai. Special talents is bad anime hair and being an annoying jerk!” 
- To get a chuckle out of the boys, sometimes she’ll dive into the ocean and come back with a fish swimming around inside her.
- She gets nervous around drains. She may have fallen down one or two a few times by accident.
- She loves taking Jay on rides in her dragon form.
- This one is more on the serious note - now she can join Zane and Pixal (and possibly Lloyd) in the "I'm Going To Out Live My Loved Ones" Club
 You guys got any headcanons yourself? I'd love to hear them.
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ns16 theory:D
(based off tommy andreason’s recent tweet about pixane, and one of the episode name leaks, so, spoiler under the cut - also, seabound spoilers-): 
nya is the ocean now, right? and the transformation was permanent - at least, according to kalmanaar’s brother (i cannot remember his name ahh-) so. we all know that no characters in ninjago ever ‘stay dead’- right?  and what’s something that characters have used to save others from death, twice? yep! time travel or time reversal.  the theory is basically that the others realise they can’t save nya in the present, but if they prevent certain things from happening, they can ensure she never turns into the ocean... so. since wishes were teased to be a part of the season, let’s say that the ninja get the teapot back from clutch. they outsmart nadakhan (bc they’ve done this twice, even if, yk,,) and wish to go back into the past. but it doesn’t work out quite right, bc, well, nadakhan, and they end up in s11-  the ice emperor cannot return, physically - there’s no way for them to travel back to the never-realm, and the scroll was destroyed. also, zane’s memory is probably much stronger now-  but this isn’t actually as bad as they think it is! bc, remember- aspheera, a sorceress, had the power to send people back in time w/ the fs scroll, right?  so. they track her down, grab the scroll,,, but they have to let zane get blasted with it first, because of the butterfly effect.  but when they threaten aspheera to use it on them (to send them to early seabound’s time), she sends them to the never-realm as well-  annddd, thus, the “not all kisses are happy ones”. because wouldn’t she be horrified to realize what he went through in the never-realm, and he, with her in the kaiju protocol?  so, the time travel ninja leave the never-realm using the teapot. they change seabound’s ending. HOWEVER, messing with time and space like that caused a villain - not from the past this time - to fall through the void that makes up time.  except, except- this villain? they’re from the FUTURE.  they’re lloyd garmadon. also, ack, i forgot skylor joins the team, let’s just say they thought they could use the help since, time travel-  anyways, this was such fun to write!:D what are some of your theories?:D
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nightshadowhawk · 3 years
rating ninjago seasons with explanations because i was bored (spoilers obvs)
way of the ninja: 6/10 - i remember watching this ages and ages ago, to me they were just filler episodes to me as i’d watched all the way to rebooted at that point, not super interesting but it started everything so extra points for that
rise of the snakes: 5/10 - YES its old i know but the… the GD attack should have caused more chaos… destroyed more stuff… it only moved a couple cars in this season (which entirely changes in SoG with harumi’s flashbacks) which i thought was … weird, even when i was younger lol… but theres development of characters n all i think a lot of it is rad !
legacy of the green ninja: 6/10 - pretty good, i haven’t watched this in a while so i dont remember much but the end battle is Legendary so there’s extra points for that and also extra points for dareth being introduced hee hee
rebooted: 6/10 - the whole overlord and nindroids thing is … pretty cool ?? pixal and cyrus exist now so !!!! that adds points !!! when i was younger i remember watching zanes sacrifice a lot cuz i couldnt get over it, and now i can recite all the words off by heart … lol anyway i think this seasons ok 👍
tournament of elements: 8/10 - very good, i loved seeing the other elemental masters !!!! and chen is actually a very cool villain, especially when i was younger, i loved him then lol … the ending is kinda 😟 bc garmy technically dies but yea its a gud season C:
possession: 10/10 - this season is EVERYTHING???? the intro SLAPS, the whole aesthetic is incredible and not to mention theres a whole bunch of favourite characters content in this season so that adds extra points !!!! the story all flows smoothly and its just Mmmm so gud. i love it dearly, defo a comfort season i’ve watched it so many times
skybound: 7/10 - i can see why some people hate this season as the whole nadakhan marrying nya thing is VERY weird (even my cousin who was 6 at the time when we first watched it could tell that) … but theres extra points for 1. the whole misfortunes keep crew, i love them, and 2. the ninja replacements team, i also care them all so dearly … the lighting in this season is super good, and also the storyline threads together well, i just find it very Appealing how it goes back to how it started
hands of time: 4/10 - idk man its just … boring, i can’t really be interested enough to watch to the end of the season? extra points for acronix being pretty and the scruff moments tho lol…. also whats with more snake people …. cant be ninjago without snakes ig LMAO
day of the departed: 5/10 - i also just see this as a filler… i mean yes it tells how cole turned back from a ghost but otherwise it’s just kinda random but i still liked it
sons of garmadon: 7/10 - pretty good ! harumi is a very cool character tho i do think shes kinda selfish … like a lot of others probably lost family in the GD attack??? kind of confused … but the SoG group as a whole is VERY epic i love the designs for UV and mr E (killows design just throws me off tho… why Real Hands..)
hunted: 10/10 - SO damn good the storyline is EVERYTHING and i love how it switches POVs every so often to keep things on edge. its also pretty dark for a kids show and that makes it better, and the cinematics for this are all just AMAZING…. i care the dragon designs so much, mmmmmmmmmm beloveds :^)
march of the oni: 6/10 - wasted!!!!! potential!!!!! the oni were such a good show of fantastic character design and they were just….. taken out in like 5 seconds despite them literally being the embodiment of destruction? there was literally two seasons before this of the ninja dealing with one (1) embodiment of destruction and then when theres LOADS that make tentacle death clouds and are super OP they just … are defeated????? ok…… also what was the point in coles fall fr it just made me sad for no reason🙁
secrets of forbidden spinjitzu: 6/10 - the fire chapter was … cool ? i guess, wasn’t the most interesting, aspheera is hot tho lol😝(LITERALLY !!!!! Funny joke pls laugh.)also clutch being introduced adds points, love the stupid explorer man. the ice chapter is super dark, i loved seeing the never-realm and how everything worked there, and ?? evil zane ?!??!? sheeeeeesh that was a bold move that was super epic … i liked this part of the season :^0
prime empire: 10/10 - another comfort season YEAHHHHH !!!! the aesthetic !! so good !!! the characters r RAD like scott and okino and seven I LOVE THEM SO DEARLY ….. the soundtrack is RAD as well i listen to it plentifully …… the ending is happysad and i always go a bit cry when unagami and milton walk away together :’^)
master of the mountain: 8/10 - the whole slavery thing is … questionable but the skull sorcerer’s design is super awesome ! and the upply … i care them … :^)))) AND A COLE SEASON !!!! i loved the development for him !!! and the way that vania and cole stayed a friendship the whole time cuz it never implied they were gonna date or whatever which made me happy honestly … i rated it 8/10 as the extra points are from the upply
the island: shit/10 - what the fuck was that. the islanders were cool i liked their designs but seriously i hated the ending so bad like there was no reason for ronin to be the antagonist again … just let clutch steal the amulet and there you have it all set up for the next season whoooo
seabound: 9/10 - again i love the aesthetic, the glowy-ness of everything is so pretty in this, and the design for wojira is amazing … tho this season is super sad, im sure theres reasoning for the ending of it :)))))) the storyline is also very good in this ! it does actually make sense which sometimes doesnt happen ……...
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cosmicish · 3 years
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#micheal looking at gregory and vanessa and the animatronics: hehe sorry folks my dad is weird sometimes. we'll take care of him.
My Top Posts in 2021
What if security breach ends with Cassidy just popping up out of no where and taking William back to hell.
59 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 19:10:41 GMT
hot take: Okay so, there has been a lot of controversy surrounding what the real yin and yang in atla ship is. (kataang vs zutara whats new?) And I found the answer. No, even though I am biased to kataang, kataang isn't the answer. But, neither is zutara.
I think zukaang is the TRUE yin and yang ship. It just makes sense for me. If you take a rewatch of atla, you'll notice that most of the things that they both do are revolved around eachother. So, I'm not saying that everything Aang did in the series was revolved around Zuko, but if you look at Zuko's character you'll have to notice he was literally was made for Aang. Really, not just in a romantic way. He was made to hunt Aang down, and even after that his journey was still revolved around Aang. And most of the stuff going on in the first season with Aang, was revolved around Zuko. Sometimes (actually a lot more often then you think) Zuko's decisions impact Aang is big and small ways. (in the crossroads of destinies, Aang almost dies) And vise versa. If anyone wants more on my hot take, then let me know.
81 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 23:13:08 GMT
the awkward moment when that ship you thought was canon because you watched spoilers, was never canon after you watched the entire show:
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133 notes • Posted 2021-09-17 17:17:23 GMT
Ninjago hcs ✨
‣ The ninja call Zane mom sometimes.
‣ Cole is great with kids, despite not admitting it.
‣ Kai is Lloyd's father figure and brother.
‣ Lloyd Definitely has some slip ups when it comes to Kai. In fact, sometimes, he calls Kai 'dad.' (Not that Kai is bothered or anything. It's just really awkward when Lloyd's ACTUAL dad is around.)
‣ Post-Seabound Kai and Jay go and visit any body of water they can in the mornings, just to greet Nya.
‣ PIXAL, Zane, and Nya are the brains of the group. Of course, Nya is always third-wheeling. (more like was)
‣Pixane became a thing during season 3.
‣ Jay can also use the wind power, (Morro and him are relatives) but since Morro still has his powers as a ghost, Jay can't use them as often.
‣ I know that the creator confirmed Misako and Wu are dating… But I still say it's platonic. (For the love of FSM, I just can't watch Lloyd's mother become his aunt and father become his uncle it's way too much)
‣ Morro calls Sensei! Garmadon Uncle.
‣ Lloyd originally had brown hair, there was just this costume party, and someone switched his blond hair chalk with permanent blond hair dye as a 'prank.'
‣ The overlord just gave up on taking down the ninja, he realized it's no use.
‣ Sensei Garmadon still exists in the departed realm.
‣ Zane has died so many times, it's gotten to the point he's dug his own grave in the ground for the next time he dies.
‣ Without the hair gel, Kai's hair is actually a mullet.
‣ When Garmadon was a shadow stuck in the underworld, he used to go and check in on his son once in a while.
[200 notes, everyone! I made the fanfic! Go check out my fanfic for wind!jay!]
206 notes • Posted 2021-10-09 14:39:46 GMT
Normalize admitting that some children cartoons/books/movies are better written than some adult/teenager shows.
1104 notes • Posted 2021-11-06 20:20:27 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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