#I love exploring Kai and his possible emotions
dropout-if · 1 year
I dont know who to romance 😫 everyone is so amazing
Thank you💕💕💕💕😭 I hope I can help anon.
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Romance Jade/Jean if you want to feel like you're repeating a past mistake, if you want to explore the depths of the person you thought loved you and who you thought you loved. If you want fiery debates, deep conversations, and very rare moments of vulnerability. J will hurt you, and they won't realize half of the time, and the few times they do notice, J won't act apologetic. At all. It's reconciling past and present in order to potentially rekindle the spark between J and you. Being in a romance with them, though, pays off. They're loyal, protective, worried about you, they want to be involved in your life.
Romance Uma if you want to mend an open wound, if you want to explore the meaning of loneliness, of art and creativity. Uma's relationship with you is built on a very strong emotional connection that has since been neglected and left to rot. Romancing Uma means regaining their trust, revisiting the meaning of friendship. Uma's calming presence serves as a safe haven for you, their route is marked by genuine support and acceptance, it's embracing the unexpected.
Romance Statler if you want delayed gratification. If you're willing to take the risk of everything going wrong in every possible way—if you want to make terrible decisions, too. If you manage to overcome the major obstacle that's their partner Noir, Statler's route is mature and grounded. It's about quite literally forcing Statler to enjoy life, to fight for their dreams, to discover what they truly want to do. Their romance goes beyond being an old unrequited high school crush.
Romance Wanda if you want a bold and passionate experience, an unanswered question of "what went wrong?" Wanda isn't about the baggage, she won't create needless drama—there's enough surrounding her life as it is—and she expects you to do the same. Her route is built on a mix of flirtatious charm and genuine affection, a relationship that is characterized by bold gestures, heartfelt confessions, and a sense of adventure. Wanda seems like the least angsty route, and if you believe that she's without worries and concerns, she has fooled you too.
Romance Kai if you want to meet your opposite in life. If you want the kind of experience that your entire family is going to disapprove of. If you want to discover the limits of physical attraction, if you want to blur all the lines and watch as someone with very noncommittal tendencies experiences a very intense chemistry with you. Kai's route is full of witty banter and surprises, it's about opening up and overcoming past mistakes and traumas in order to properly enjoy the present.
Romance Travis if you want a grueling experience with very little communication. If you want to feel truly and genuinely hated prior to the reconciliation. Unlike J, Travis knows he can potentially hurt you. He knows you well enough to know and remember all your weaknesses, he knows how to exploit them, and he won't hesitate to do so—Travis is hurt enough he feels justified in all he says and does. If you endure Travis (regardless of a positive or negative reaction), romancing him means peeling off all his layers, slowly meeting again your old best friend.
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Romance J&Kai if you want to dive headfirst into a complex web of emotions and attraction, if you're prepared to juggle the enigmatic J and the intense Kai. Both J and Kai have their quirks and challenges, and navigating their romantic dynamic is no easy feat. They're driven individuals who often clash, attempt to tear each other apart, and who will try to drag you along with them. It's about reconciling differences, and exploring the depths of your connection with both of them.
Romance Uma&Travis is like looking into a mirror of a past could have been. It’s about mending old wounds, embracing the beauty of art, and rediscovering the meaning of friendship. Uma, with their calming presence, provides a safe haven for all three of you, fostering genuine support and acceptance. While Travis may initially resist, this route is about peeling back the layers of his defenses and finding the camaraderie that was once shared in your close friendship.
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weekend-whip · 1 year
Ninjago Fic Rec Week: Day 2
Prompts: AU+Movieverse/Jay Recs! *vibrates at the thought of Jay content*
AU/Movieverse Recs:
if you could date any of the ninja, which one would you date?: Lloyd experiences the world's worst second-hand embarrassment and the rest of the ninja absolutely are not helping. Not actually shippy, just really funny and Lloyd has a (mostly) light-hearted hard time.
Reference Letters: Kai is tasked with recruiting some fresh talent to the Secret Ninja Force, and what starts as a joke to welcome Lloyd Garmadon into the squad turns into a genuine crusade for his friendship. The Green Ninja, however, is having none of that. (It goes exactly how you expect it to and gah it's beautiful. Kai and Lloyd duo forever!)
Who's the New Guy? He Looks Awfully Green: Movieverse fic in which Lloyd is the last to become a ninja, and the last to learn everyone else's identities. It's full of team-bonding (collectively and one-on-one!), hilarious Wu moments, and Movie!Lloyd being Movie!Lloyd ;w;)/
Jay Recs:
Unfortunately, You're Amazing: Jay faces the dilemma of *maybe* possibly kinda sorta having a small little totally non-consequential thing for Samurai X. But beyond that Jay just gets to be his dorky, smart, snarky, easily impressed self and it's so fun and delightful to read, I go back to it all the time!
Play to Win: An au/ canon divergent whump fic where Jay and Cole are roped into a round of Scrap-N-Tap...and that description does NOT do it justice, but if you like emotional tension, a heaping of personal distress, and a Jay who is unfortunately one step ahead of everyone else, you'll love this. Probably not for the faint of heart, definitely for the angsty daredevils (such as myself)
Jay and the Important Differences Between Spider Pokemon: Pokemon AU that explores Jay's "perplexing" fear of spiders post S6. A fascinating and fun idea for a plot, plus, there's Pokemon. it's all good stuff!
And She Wore Blue, Right?: Jay starts suddenly having reason to look into who his birth mother is...was. Hits just right for people who've always wondered how the show might have tackles this little interesting conundrum.
turtle or the hare: WOW I forgot I read this one aaaaaaaa BUT Jay inadvertently meets his bio mom in a rather...expected place. God their personalities are so similar yet mesh so well hnnnnnnnng (we could have had it aaaaaaall)
Jay and the Deafening Sound: ...this one's mine BUT I've got all three categories covered—extremely about Jay, takes place in the movieverse, and has shades of my legacyverse au to boot <3 Not-so long story short, Jay finds himself up against the main faction of the Shark Army all on his own and finally has a good excuse to pop off with his powers <3
this doesn't really have a title but it IS really very good: A scene or so where Jay and Kai spat over caring for each other too much and it's just such a beautiful depiction of their relationship, rocky tho it may seem ;w;)/
The Fantastic Mr. Walker: All these years later and it's still my favorite Jay-related thing to exist. Really gotta re-read it again so I can be delightedly distressed all over again <3
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iknowshocker · 4 months
you’re querying a bonkai inspired book? AHHH i hope it finds an agent and gets published because ive been looking for their dynamic in trad pubbed work + other media. hmm basic question but what was it about the ship that made you want to write original work inspired by it?
hii!! yes, it's called The Forgotten Legacy (or maybe The Unwanted Heir, that's TBD lol). I'm pitching it as a Witch-coded Bridgerton inspired 8 book series (Witcherton, if you will), and I'm so unbelievably obsessed. I've had such a fun time injecting it with true to life witch lore and specifics on covens/pantheons/and practices across the globe.
Each book will focus on one of the Attwood siblings - starting with a childhood friends to rivals to lovers new adult story.
I run a yt channel where I recap fantasy media and the stars aligned for me creatively this time when I reached tvd s6. I had just finished a project and was ready for something new, and Kai is like the closest thing I have to a muse. He sneaks his way into all the MMC's I write, but this time I just went all in.
I've always been drawn to the secrets of the gemini coven/the flashbacks from their childhood we don't get to see. So I decided to build my own magical family/world where I could figure all of those things out, add to them, and do what I wanted with the all the intersecting arcs.
The biggest thing I changed is that only the dad is cruel, so my MMC grows up with a mom/siblings/and specifically a twin that truly love him. The family is still majorly screwed up, don't get me wrong, but they have this drive to take care of each other that makes my heart ache. I liiiiive for sibling angst, so figuring out the individual dynamics between the siblings has been ridiculously fun. Close sibling friendships might be my true weakness ?? so it was really important to me to develop that relationship between my MMC/his twin sister and explore what it looks like for them to go into my version of the merge loving each other the entire time.
imo if you boil Kai down to one core emotion its Desperate with an underscore of Rage, and my MMC is Desperate with an underscore of Sorrow. He's living with the knowledge that he could single handedly destroy his entire family, or save everyone with his death at his sister's hands. He gives up basically everything to be a good big brother and protect them, sacrificing his own happiness in the process. (don't worry tho he still has the inherent darkness, sarcasm/the wit we all know and love - he's an emotional mess and i adore him!!)
As for why I find Bonkai inspiring, again I think it's all the possibilities of the ship itself. I was so excited for Bonnie to have someone who was 100% obsessed with her, and I think if given the chance she would have been that person for Kai, too. He's never had someone love him/protect him, and if they'd been a couple I think Bonnie 100% would have stood between him and the rest of the geminis.
I wanted to finally see a badass (mostly healthy) witch couple, and bonkai would have just ?? decimated everyone else on the board. So with my writing I explored the dynamics of them being willing to do anything to keep each other safe/plus the complexities of their individual power/what it would be like if they could work together.
I focused a lot on the opposing personalities/undeniable understanding that bonkai has. So they still fight but there's that element of ...uh, do you guys need a room or ?? They remind me of magnets - you can never tell if they're going to make out or try to kill each other or both. I added the elements of a childhood friendship between my FMC and the twins, so there's some fun friendship dynamics there, too.
thank you so much for asking, anon! I hope I answered this okay, lol. I have so many thoughts bouncing around about the series as a whole it's hard to condense them.
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relicsongmel · 10 months
you should. tell me your thoughts about ray shields
OH GOD OH FUCK OKAY IF YOU INSIST. I hope you’re ready cause hooooo boy do I have some for you HERE WE GOOOO
Where the hell do I even start. Raymond Shields…my ray of light. My hotshot wonder. My weirdgirl king. I guess before anything else I’ll tell you about how this man absolutely blindsided me—Uncle Ray put your friend Mel through a turnabout of her own and she’s gonna explain how it happened so buckle in. I’ll try to make this as coherent as possible but I need you to understand this man has way too much power over me and a single fleeting thought of him can melt my brain into mush so. Apologies if this comes out as completely nonsensical it’s his fault not mine
I’ve been in the Ace Attorney fandom for a little over a year and had a couple of things accidentally spoiled for me as a result (some of which was my own fault, admittedly) but when I started Investigations 2 last September all I knew about Ray was his name and (sort of) what he looked like. Like a lot of English-speaking fans, I was initially put off by his portrayal in the localization. This immediately stuck out as odd to me because my personality is such that I don’t have a lot of characters I genuinely dislike, especially if they’re part of the main cast—even if they’re not my favorite I can almost always find something to love about them. It made me wonder if maybe some of his quirks got lost in translation somewhere (and I did find out later that this was indeed the case), but I didn’t actively seek out that information at the time for fear of being spoiled, so I just suffered through the early parts of The Imprisoned Turnabout doing my best to ignore what I perceived as questionable behavior on his part.
However, if I’ve learned anything from my time in this fandom it’s that nothing in Ace Attorney is surface level—one of my FAVORITE things to do when playing this series besides voice acting the characters is figuring out what makes them tick and speculating character motivations as the game progresses using the little hints scattered by the writers here and there—I was already somewhat intrigued by Ray’s apparent grudge toward Miles but when the revelation of his partnership with Gregory dropped my brain immediately went BRRRRRRRRR. I started wondering what that experience of working for him was like and how it affected him (and if his unwavering loyalty to Gregory was related to his grudge toward Miles). I started exploring the whole WEB of parallels between him and Gregory and Miles and Phoenix and Mia and Maya and Kay (and probably more but those are the main ones). I fell in love with the beautiful mentor-student relationship he developed with Miles, even if in the moment I was baffled by the weirdly flirty things Ray sometimes says to him (like the line about swapping clothes in the Winter Palace. What the fuck was that about sir) and VERY confused/worried about whether Miles had met him as a child or not (I still don’t know/can’t remember if the game ever gave us a concrete answer on this btw—if any of you know please do enlighten me). And above all I knew—I KNEW that he was hiding a boatload of trauma regarding the DL-6 incident; made even more clear to me by the contrast between his teen and adult selves once I got to The Inherited Turnabout. I knew he was using humor as a mask to hide the pain of what happened. I knew from the fact he still had Greg’s old coat and wore his hat every day that he hadn’t moved on. This, I thought to myself, is a deeply emotional man deathly afraid of emotional vulnerability haunted by the ghost of a loved one. And let me tell you, as someone who’s been in a similar position myself, to say that really struck a chord with me is an understatement.
AND THEN THE THIRST. Oh boy. If I’ve sounded really eloquent up until now that shit’s about to go out the goddamn window because SWEET MOTHER MARY I AM DOWN SO BAD IT’S EMBARRASSING. I recorded my playthrough starting from Chapter 2 (just for fun—I’m not nearly brave enough to post any of it on the internet except maybe some short clips here and there) and you can literally see the clear turning point I had after hearing his Objection voice for the first time. I started making innuendos left and right (IT’S NOT MY FAULT his dialogue lends itself really well to that sort of thing ok). In true Ray Shields fashion it started half as a joke but devolved into absolute chaos. This coupled with the fact that I was slowly but surely becoming more invested in the inner conflict of his character? I was beyond saving at that point. No hope for me. Nothing left but to leap into Uncle Ray’s arms and let them wander where they will. “Ride that stallion into the sunrise,” as it were. I could go on but quite frankly the things I want that man to do to me (and what I want to do to him) are too unholy for this world so I’ll leave it there.
And that’s the story of how Raymond Shields permanently infected my brain. It’s been an absolutely wild ride but I hope you enjoyed the journey—glad we can share our love of this silly disastrous emotionally repressed paper-eating man together <3
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leianaberrie · 9 months
I saw your recent post about your rewatch of S6.
Things that really needed to be address and explored.
Kai being Bonnie’s first kill. I would’ve love to see a scene where this is addressed. Damon should’ve pointed this out to Bonnie. I mean I know from an out-of-universe perspective this was done so that it can later be a surprise reveal that Kai can resurrect. But still the choice that it was Bonnie who was gonna kill him was deliberate. They could’ve found another way for him to die. I would’ve liked to see an emotional intense argument during Bonnie and Kai’s confrontation where Kai brings this up.
Another thing. “He left me all alone.” Ok again this was the writers just pulling b.s out their ass for plot convenience but from an in-universe perspective I think this line says a lot about how Bonnie is willing to sacrifice so much for her friends and not admit to herself they don’t do the same in return.
Like I would’ve loved to see a scene where she realizes she was only left behind in the 1994 prison world cause she thwarted every attempt at leaving with Kai all for her friends sake. I remember Chris Wood even replied to a tweet and said Kai would’ve gladly left with Bonnie.
So it be really nice if Bonnie had a scene where she is getting flashbacks of her time as the anchor and all the pain and sacrifice she has done for her friends and admit to herself that Kai is just being used a scapegoat to prevent herself from facing the truth about her toxicity of her friendships.
In my own little fics (that I write in my head lol) Bonnie leaves Mystic Falls, in fact leaves Virginia entirely and distances herself from the gang and reunites with Lucy. Abby actually becomes a present caring mother. And Jo reaches out to Bonnie and becomes close with her as well.
And Beremy have a proper goodbye and he tells her that he saw her in the garage getting ready to kill herself and that Kai (despite nearly dying himself) was the one who made that possible.
lol, you just meta'd about 80% of the plot - and motivation - the s6-time-era flashbacks of Long Shadows! Everything you mentioned here - Bonnie realizing that her friends keep letting her down, and she gives them more than they give back, that Damon basically used her to free his mother, finding out that Kai saved her life (although in this fic it was from Kai himself, but Jeremy collaborated this later), and Bonnie leaving Mystic Falls and telling them to never call her again... I really, really wanted s6 to be Bonnie's Watershed moment of realizing just how much her life was messed up because of misplaced values. Loyalty is all well and good, but it has to be reciprocal. Bonnie consistently sacrificing herself for people who treat her as an afterthought needed to be addressed. Bonnie dealing with a lot of her trauma over the seasons - from her grandma dying to her mother being turned to her father being brutally murdered - all because of her involvement with her friends's crisis. Bonnie herself dying. Literally dying. Then becoming the Anchor which was a special form of torture. The Prison World was just the last straw because she'd been breaking for years.
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lobyuslucas · 1 month
Talking about my musical choices for Splatoon 4 and what I wanted for the next game in this franchise
General context:
The music from Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 in multiplayer:
An undeniable fact is that Splatoon would probably be better off in the hands of SEGA directors, taking into consideration Jet Set Radio and most of the Sonic games, just seeing the soundtrack of both games that fit into Multiplayer and Story Mode, since Rock with Sonic Adventure to Jazz punk and acoustic instruments with Sonic Unleashed and Sonic Colors, or even more ambient music and the totally surreal sounds of Hero Mode, with Hideki Naganuma's Sounds in Jet Set Radio. Even more so, the urban culture theme of Jet Set Radio would be perfect for Splatoon 4, as this is not as well explored and seen in Splatoon 2
Pizza Tower Soundtrack:
In addition to the Goofy sounds and good rhythms, a sound like "Bye Bye There" being the final farewell to humanity and to Splatoon 1 itself would be ideal to replace the same massive plot of Idol songs played at every holy end of the game. The Noise Update Soundtrack for Salmon Run fits Salmonids' Spicy Little Gremlins personality, perhaps "World WIde Noise" would be a great theme for Salmonlings if we get that one day
Jet Set Radio/Bomb Rush Cyberfunk in Hero Mode:
"The Concept Of Love" is a good choice to be in the style of "Shark Bytes" and "Hide and Sleek" but much more punk, "Sneakman", "Fly Like A Butterfly" and "Teknopathetic" are good to play in confrontations against Rival Octolings (Although I wanted more of Inklings and Octolings in general, without the cliche of Rival Octoling Hair, which would be good to have available as available hair for an Octoling), and some separate aspects as something for more nocturnal activities , like "watchyaback!" and "Electric Tooth Brush", something in the style of "Nine Out Of Tension" and "Tentacular Circus", as well as "Right There, Ride On", sounds for stages with a focus on Ink Rails being something like "Ride Of Fry", as well as "Feel The Funk", and other specific things
Most memorable areas:
Some songs from Sonic CD I included because I wanted more memorable areas, this would serve to make the hero mode more memorable, just like Sonic was a classic era, it would bring more memories to those who play the game, that's why songs like "Metallic Madness" or "Spring Yard", something that was variable where each sector has its specific challenges and its focus that could vary between puzzles, speed, quick thinking or just stopping to appreciate the level design
Agent 4 and his "Endless Possibilities" :
Most people are probably thirsty for Agent 4 in the next Splatoon, I'm the type who compares Agent 3 with Shadow, so such an emotional sound for a final battle like "Endless Possibilities" would be perfect for a face-to-face fight against Agent 4, especially considering what this song is about
The Idols of the next game:
I thought a lot about a group of 4 idols, to finally be able to put at least two men to break the standard of women, in addition to putting more songs from that party atmosphere with Funky rhythm like something like "Soda City Funk" and "Next To Me " as the main theme, in addition to electronic breakbeat rhythms from Hideki Naganuma for Turf Wars such as "GET ENUF" and "Never 4ever", or even classic video montage types. EXE" such as "YO-KAI Disco" and " Radical City: Living In The City" (by the way, Sonic R's OST would be a good inspiration as it is this fast and energetic House Music). My choices come from the fact that I wanted an aesthetic that ranges from POP of the 90s and EDM of the 2000s, with its members inspired by classics from those times.
Bands in general:
We would probably have a continuation of Punk Rock, but I would prefer something more Industrial Rock, a style of music more like "Boarder 70" and "Rhythm and Balance... for White Jungle". There could be exploration of genres such as Breakbeat with acoustic Jazz instruments, such as "Windmill Isle" and "Sweet Mountain", Big Band as in the Team Fortress 2 OST but more similar to the community remixes. The band "Chirpy Chips" could adopt a style from Scott Pilgrim's OST or HI-FI Rush, and could expand these genres to remix the already famous songs in Splatoon
...if I have the option to have Octoling Rival Hair, I'll be happy enough
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wildwoof · 6 months
Koga's thankful to have the dorm room to himself this evening. It'd be far more awkward to explore anything with the presence of another. Leon's head pokes up over the edge of the bed, tongue hanging out with a grin upon their face. A small frown curls to the edges of his lips with a low sigh. "Go lie down in your bed for the night, Leon. Just for tonight, 'kay? I got some stuff I gotta do tonight." Though the look on their face appears more in confusion, the pup hops back down the steps beside his bed to head to the pet bed not far off. Usually, the spot it used only when Koga has to leave Leon behind, but at least they understand enough that they cannot sleep together tonight.
Something new came over Koga he's been shoving off to the side rather than acting upon it.
Once he knows any disturbances are gone, he shifts his attention to the new information he chose to look up. Koga momentarily thought about checking out porn, but the idea of watching someone else do anything to someone proved to be far too awkward and uncomfortable. Why the hell would he gaze upon some random person he feels nothing for? It fuckin' stupid! A waste of his time truly. Though, as he knew exactly who he emotionally felt drawn toward, there came one thing he needed to learn about.
How the hell do two guys do it?
They can jerk each other off. Easy enough. He knows of blowjobs, which also an option. How the hell does a dick fit up someone's asshole? Lubrication. Fingers. Dildos are an option -- UGH, why the hell should he use some kind of object? Not that he even owns one for that matter.
Eyebrows furrow with a scrunch up of his facial features. No need to be embarrassed about this shit! It's all normal bodily functions. The flow of excitement and hormones. A growth of need for the intimacy to be so close in proximity to their body and feel them completely surrounding him in warmth and scent. Just the thought alone proves to bring about a small amount of need.
Still, he wouldn't be caught dead forcing this closeness upon them. He knows better than to push his own emotional needs upon them. He cannot dare to make them do exactly as he desires ultimately. Work's one thing, but this... Momentarily hand lifts into a small fist to press against the left side of his chest. The thought hurts alone for a brief period, but he need not allow such desolation to take root. He already sent Leon off to sleep. This happens to be his time alone.
Deep breath in. "Don't be a fuckin' wimp about this, Oogami Koga. Ya ain't no baby. Ya ain't a fuckin' wimpy bastard who gets hurt by the smallest of thoughts. Ya know how ya feel. Ya know what ya want." Yes, he knows exactly what he wants. What he desires. Exactly what he extends his hand out toward to grab a hold of. They aren't entirely out of his reach.
[ Maybe one day I can touch ya 'n' you touch me back... but for now, I relish in the very thoughts of what may be. ]
The silver-haired boy at last pushes his boxers down as he tosses his phone to the side. No need to gaze upon anything. Their image already so burned deeply into his mind he almost feels he might be able to reach out and touch it in front of him. May he dream of their cooler touch upon his heated skin. Is it fair for him to think about them in this light?
So scandalous the situation his mind plays out. Encasing him and swallowing him whole. They aren't his to claim, and yet he so damn desires that to be possible. No... they're not his... but his love blossoms so powerfully. Hand reaches to encircle around the flaccid length. It twitches and quivers by the thoughts rising up in his mind.
To imagine them holding onto him. Strong arms surrounding him no matter how many times they attempt to play off something feeble. Scent thick in his nostrils as the memory boils up. A heat. A lecherous drive. Position shifts upon his bed to maneuver his legs out of the way. Heart begins to race, a pound in his chest, with the flow of blood pooling to lower abdomen.
Squeezing around the gradually hardening length, the wolf begins to stroke the sensitive nerves quicker. He takes the time to allow the pace to pick up than going right into it before he's even at full mast. At first his thoughts stick to just picturing them around him. He's touching himself. It's his hand. No one else.
But, what if... what if they're touching him, instead...?
No, no, he shouldn't think of them in that situation! It's not fair on them, but... he hears their voice whispering in his ear. [ Are you feeling good? ] "Y--Yes..." he softly breathes out in a heavy pant. Inserting words into their mouth. The throws of pleasure reaching out those claws to sink in and drag him downward. Eyelids flicker shut as the heat builds not only in his center but also throughout his entire body.
A shiver traversing along his spine. Certain they could be behind him at this point, larger hand encircling him and stroking harder. Thighs twitch and head tilts a tad to the side. Would they bite him or allow him to bite them..? He wonders. Shit, he'd truly like to sink his teeth in and lay his claim--
They're not his, but fuck does he wish --
Grip squeezes tighter while momentarily halting his pace of jerking himself off. Can he... Should he... What's it like to be underneath or even on top of them? To feel them entirely captivating him with a charm never experienced before? Slowly eyelids reopen. Right, how two guys do it...
A man's g-spot. He looked up what the possibilities were. Idea completely embarrassing, yet how else may that connection come to pass? This is his own fantasy, so who the fuck cares? No one else will know except for him, and he never plans to shove it on them. Lock it up deep in his heart and mind. Rather die than say it out loud.
Koga lashes his hand outward to the stand beside his bed to pull the draw out quickly to the condoms and lube he chose to buy recently. A secret transaction done with minimal interaction. One condom collected and the lubricant popped open. Get it done quick. It might hurt at first, but it's supposed to feel good. That's what he read! Positioning himself upon his side, condom over a finger and lubricant poured over it, his free hand returns to his erection.
Veins pulse with blood flow as the guitarist starts up once again stroking the nerves from the hilt up over the glans before back down again in repeated motion. Pleasure to distract the potential of what's to come. Reaching behind with his other hand, a leg props itself up to give him better reach. No point in hesitating anymore. The first push into the twitching muscular ring elicits a small gasp out of his mouth.
Would they be coaxing him in this moment for the first time? Would they call him a good boy for following instructions? Would this even be the position he's in with them? No point in wondering too much. Allow the fantasy to take its root in his mind and envelope him like a weighted blanket. Crushed by the weight of the pleasure enveloping him.
Pain and pleasure.
A single finger shoves right up inside of him. A pressure in his lower abdomen. Features scrunch up once again. It feels more awkward than pleasurable. The hell they talking about?! Soft gasps escape his parted lips as he once more returns to distracting himself by the motion of his hand. Koga feels around a bit before beginning to move his finger in tandem with his hand stroking his length. A rhythm sets itself in place with the angle he's contorted into. Weird but good. Awkward but lecherous.
Only need think about them. Their vocals whispering against his ear in his imagination. One hand tending to his ass while other tends his erection. Squeezes it while pressing his insides. The longer this continues the more he finds himself squirming upon his bed. Pants heavier and low moans sputtering out of his lips. More... more... Why the hell can he not gain more?!
If only they were here with him... If only... He wants them. He desires them. To sink his teeth and claws into as he cries out in a deep pleasure. One finger's the farthest he goes for a first time as the bells ring in the back of his mind. Ecstasy boiling over the lip of the cup as eyelids shut tightly. Pace quickens as he rolls himself over into climax. Hips sway upon his bed in motion with his hands while the young adult cries their name out of his lips. Sputtered and shaken. Koga lets himself go. Admittedly, been a while since he last took the time to masturbate, but his first time truly thinking about them in such a light...
Well, he'll still be able to look at their face tomorrow.
Heavy breathing, he pants to ease his heartrate back down. Pull of his finger uncomfortably from his rear, a toss of the condom used to the side with the bedsheets beneath him soiled now thanks to his cum. A small frown pulls against his lips as eyelids slowly open back up to stare into the darkness of the surrounding room.
[ Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid -- ]
Without presently caring about the mess he just made, the guitarist proceeds to roll himself over to face the opposite direction while coiling his body up together, arms tuck his knees in against his chest. Why the hell did he have to think about them...?
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nulltune · 1 year
plots please maybe?
plots please,  open !    @resolutepath  ♡
SCRATCHES OUT THAT MAYBE BECAUSE CHAAARLIEE i'm always down for plots with u!!! ❤️❤️ you're always providing be with such great ideas so it's about time i get 2 return the favor!! >:3c
i am not up 2 date with genshin at all but i stare respectfully at your genshin muses always (me always learning more abt them thru ur portrayals and just absolutely loving it 🤧💖) and I RLLY ENJOYED READING YOUR HC POST ABT FREMINET WAHHH it made me wanna interact with him so bad!!! and also pat his head but i think that'd make him feel comfortable so i shall refrain u_u🙏 i think they both struggle with expressing their feelings and while freminet has the ocean hakuno has nothing- so methinks she'd be really curious about that! i read from the wiki that many people would ask freminet if he could do things for em so how would he react to someone who's just genuinely interested to know about his feeling about diving? 🤔 and i know absolutely want to explore emotions with them because i see some bits about freminet wanting(?) to be like an unfeeling machine and that'd be interesting to explore with hakuno who's more of the opposite- she wants to be more emotional and more human. add in their reasons for being like this and i just think it'd be really neat to explore!!
i've seen some stuff abt lyney and 👀✨️ (BASSBOOTED) CHARLIE AND LYNN BACK AT IT AGAIN WITH EXPLORING IDENTITY ?! listen i saw his line about the "real me" and i went So Bonkers. the one who knows his true self but can't express that and the one who doesn't know herself but wants to find it??? idk i feel like there's sooo much to unpack there and i am extremely intrigued!!!! on a lighter note though! wow lyney pls show this moon lady your magic tricks because i just think she would be so fascinated by it! 😳✨️✨️ it doesn't have to be anything fancy either! he could just take a coin from her ear and she'd be like O_O How Did You Do That. her expression is stoic but i feel like he could see her eyes all sparkly like ooh... ✨✨✨
thiis is gonna sound kinda wild but i want hu tao and hakuno to talk abt death!! :D SVJCJWFN HEAR ME OUT- hakuno's someone who very strongly does not want to die (even though she has no reason to live either </3) so interacting with a funeral director? it could be rlly neat! hakuno's living status is Weird(TM) but i think it'd rlly help her to understand that it's how you spend your life which is important- and that she should live it to the fullest! hakuno tends to be on guard and serious all the time so being around someone as playful as hu tao could really help methinks! 🥺 and for how calm and reserved she is, hakuno's got a pretty mischievous side so her pulling a (hak)uno reverse card and pranking hu tao for a change? very possible! and it'd when she least expects it too ✨️
charlie you were so gigabrained about bringing up bosacius btw... it'd be super interesting to see em interact with someone in the same boat and i especially wanna know their differences when it comes to this!!! i'm also peeking at your misc hcs for him and first of all I LOVE HIM 😭😭🫶🙏💖💞 ( and second of all- i love the difference in vibes?? temperaments?? whatever you call it!! bosacius having those naturally welcoming presence and hakuno just being so aware that she is not like that at all. for all her efforts to do so, she really struggles in making that personal connection with others and always feels isolated on some level so :,) i just wanted to say thaaat </3 there might be some comparisons that she unintentionally makes between em methinks, and she'd definitely admire him in a way + think he's much better than her 🥹✨️
i'm staring at kai and his genshinverse (but i'm also down with exploring other verses too >:3c) because as the darknight hero's no. 1 fan i need hakuno to somehow stumble on him fighting and seeing the similarities between his fighting style and diluc's!! and from there i really want em to talk about why they fight ??? hakuno only does it when necessary and she doesn't care about strength and all that- she really only fights out of self-defense/self-preservation or to protect something and idk i feel like that difference in attitude also reflects their approach to interpersonal relationships 🤔🤔 idk but i just think it'd be pretty interesting 2 explore! and ough man i just think if she someday found out about his past and upbringing then 💔💔 IT'S GONNA HURT and hakuno would have a lot of Thoughts(TM)
i also want to talk about elio real quick because i adore their interactions so far and i just think the concept of fate or destiny in general would be real interesting to explore with these two!! elio being like a slave to destiny has me all 👁👁✨️ and it definitely seems like a heavy weight to carry?? i can't even begin 2 imagine it 🤯  but i want to know more abt it!!! hakuno def would be curious too ! and like- her whole character is about identity and the free will to be who you are so i think she'd definitely wonder- if everything is predetermined then what's the point of making choices? definitely would be lots of mixed feelings abt that concept! on a sillier note, if hakuno finds out that elio has a black cat form then she would be 👁👁✨️ Especially Intrigued (<- cat luvr)
i read lynx's line about how "In the Landau family, things are quite simple: If you want to do something, just go ahead and do it." and the hakuno muse just went what i want to do... do i even have something like that....? 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️hakuno does have a tendency to overthink things though, so i think that kind of simpler way of thinking could be pretty good for her mayhaps! also maybe have em talk about socialization because hakuno would think that "aren't all socialization necessary..?" (<- girl who really wants to properly interact and connect with others) alsoo methinks hakuno would def ask lynx for some wilderness survival tips!! 🫡🫡✨️✨️ i think she'd be interested in seeing in exploring more of the world and it definitely won't hurt to be better at surviving! and imagine them exploring the snow plains together 🥺 could be fun methinks!!
also this is getting pretty long already BUT I JUST GOTTA SAY- i rewatched bnha recently so i'm staring respectfully at them 🥺✨️ big yes to the ideas from your post from a while back (ALWAYS BIG YES TO ALL DA PLOTS WE'VE TALKED ABT OKOK 🫶 I ADORE EMM) and i'm grabby hands at kirishima in particular just bc he is so your brand methinks!!! i think they both have issues with self-confidence and deal with it by doing their best to help others ..... idk just yet but i think that'd be p neat to explore!!!
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years
top 5 atla characters? top 5 lok characters?
ooh this is a fun one!! sorry if i end up writing way too much here lol
1. Zuko - So much of my taste in fictional characters has undoubtedly been influenced by him, lol. An angsty boy who was abused and indoctrinated and who struggled so much, but broke free and realized the truth? Who went from trying to capture the avatar to joining him in achieving peace and balance for the world, and who revealed that underneath all of that anger and pain he's really a kindhearted, socially awkward dork? His growth is just amazing and I love him so much.
2. Katara "I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me" of the Southern Water Tribe is such a great character and I love how her rage at the world's injustice fuels her empathy, compassion, and drive to do as much about it as she can. She fought against misogyny to become a master waterbender. She saved an impoverished Fire Nation village from tyranny. And she's just so loving and optimistic despite everything she's been through.
3. Azula - Delivered SO many of the most iconic villain lines ever. "Don't flatter yourself, you were never even a player." "Maybe you should worry less about the tides, who already made up their mind about killing you, and more about me, who's still mulling it over". "I'm about to celebrate becoming an only child." She's such a fun villain. She's also fascinating to me because, as many people seem to forget, she is younger than Zuko and was raised in the same horrible environment as him. I love seeing her character be explored more in fics.
4. Sokka - The best possible way to write a comic relief character! He has so many hilarious and memorable moments. "Can your science explain why it rains?" "My first girlfriend turned into the moon". The fucking cactus juice. But he's also strategic and intelligent, and Sokka's Master is such a great episode for showing how the gaang would be incomplete without him. He has such great dynamics with all of them and the scene in The Runaway where he talks with Toph about Katara filling in the void that was left by their mom makes me so emotional.
5. Kyoshi - Okay, I won't say much about her because not everyone has read the novels and they're 95% of the reason she's up here for me. But seriously, her story in the novels is so cool and she's such a good character in them. She's every bit as fierce and badass as we see in the show, but we also see that she's compassionate and doesn't want anyone else to suffer the same hardships that she has. She has her own struggles and growth before becoming the badass that killed Chin the Conqueror and founded the Kyoshi Warriors. And she's bisexual and has a girlfriend!
...Okay, I won't write an essay here like I just did for ATLA. Partially because I don't really have the same passion for LOK as for ATLA, but I do still love the characters! I think my top 5 would be:
1. Korra - Idk how people can hate her, her personality reminds me so much of Zuko and I love her for that. I also think she manages to have the best character arc in the show, and she's a bicon!
2. Bolin - He's just so fun and I love his dynamics with the rest of the krew! And lavabending is so damn cool and I wish it had been explored more. I also really wish we saw some flashbacks of his and Mako's backstory because it's such an interesting concept.
3. Jinora - Something about her is just neat, her personality feels so unique among the LOK cast and I'm so proud of her for becoming an airbending master.
4. Asami - No way I could leave out the other bicon in this series! I feel like she did kinda get done dirty by the writing and, like with Bolin, I particularly really wish we got some backstory flashbacks for her. But I do enjoy her arc with her dad in books 1 and 4 and love how intelligent and creative she can be.
5. Kai - I really wish we saw more of him in the show, his backstory and personality are great and he and Jinora are so cute together.
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jzontheazarian · 1 year
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Self Care Sunday - May 7th, 2023
Even though self care should be practiced daily from emotional, physical and spiritual standpoints, Sundays should be days you give yourself added grace and extra tender care for the week you’ve had. With “Self Care Picks,” we select songs from the previous week to help give you that refresh that your mind, body and soul deserve. Also included are three additional songs that accent the forms of self care needed for an additional boost to provide you with all you may require for what lies ahead in the week to come.
‘Love Me Right’ - Pairing with Sevyn Streeter, Omarion sings a short but sweet duet that awakens the soul. With Sevyn layering on the tones of heaven and Omarion coming through with the bass (and excuses in song) behind him, makes for a quality ear pleasing experience.
‘Hold On’ - Reminiscing on the memories, Kayam along with an acoustic guitar looks back on the past highlighting the best parts of it, holding on to the best memories. Tone quite subtle and the lyrics memorable… The song gives calm after the storm and is a good closing or opening track to begin any activity of a self care day.
‘Mac N Cheese’ - There’s no better way to relax than to “go crazy” and Kay Cola does that with her latest offering of a sensual, sexual and informative song sure to entice your emotions from top to bottom. Breaking it down in the best way possible it’s a good way to explore something different and you may discover something you can find yourself returning to just as we did with this song.
‘Boys Do Cry’ - Getting straight to the point as the beat drops, Piff Marti gets to the issue at hand.. Individuals not giving men the space to be human and it is a much needed staple in the music space especially in Hip-Hop. A go to pick for Mental Health Awareness Month and everyday reminder that it's ok to not be ok.
‘Luv (I Know I Want This For Real)’ - Tackling a topic that is never easy to discuss regardless of the millions of songs about it, Q brings that nostalgic 80s Phil Collins ‘In The Air Tonight’ feel to his debut album “Soul, Present” and it can be heard in this track heavily. An addictive trance of some sort, Q makes falling in love (and even wanting love) as beautiful as his voice.
Songs we also enjoyed:
‘DND’ - Will Gittens
‘Eve Gene’ - Kirby
‘Like I Should’ - Amari Noelle
‘Summer Hunger’ - Jidenna
Self-Care Spotlight: ‘Can’t Change’ - ChoMbae
Listen to this week's "Self Care Picks" on Audiomack and YouTube Music.
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wangxianficrecs · 7 months
Wangji by AbysmalJezebel
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by AbysmalJezebel
G, 2k, Wangxian
Summary: In the end, he picks the guqin. It is the exact opposite of who Lan Wangji is; it is loud, and it is passionate. The thrum of the strings demand attention and evoke raw feeling. It is everything he has ever wanted to be. And so he named it Wangji. Kay's comments: I love stories that explore how Lan Wangji came to name his story Wangji and this one was perfect, I loved the ideas behind it and Lan Wangji's characterization. There's just a hint of canon divergence in this, could be read a canon compliant as well though! Excerpt: For the next eight years, Wangji becomes his everything. His entire being and essence, his emotions and his face. All of it translates through Wangji. Without his guqin, he becomes cursed again. That faceless, soulless boy that people were unsettled by. And he absolutely hates that. He never wants to be without Wangji again. Unsurprisingly, It is not long before he’s the most talented musician in all of Cloud Recess and, by default, in all of Gusu. Every hour not spent in class or other duties is spent on Wangji. He composes music, he creates renditions of his favorite songs, and he cultivates in a way nobody has ever cultivated with an instrument before. He is happy. He is free. It matters not if he’s drowned in thousands of rules that mean to repress. With Wangji, he needs nothing else. He will follow every rule as perfectly as possible if it means he gets to keep his beloved guqin. And then, a disruption to his tranquil life, Wei Wuxian happens. He is fifteen years old and for the second time Lan Wangji falls in love.
pov lan wangji, canon compliant, canon divergence, pre-relationship, character study, light angst, soft, musician lan wangji, music
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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dropout-if · 1 year
I am so obsessed with your writing, it is just so incredible! You are obviously a master of angst (and I mean that in the best way possible!) but do you have any fluffy facts to tell us about how the ROs are in a relationship? I need something to help me me get through your delightfully angsty drabbles ❤️
Omg thank you so much💕 that's really high praise😭
But you're right let's take a break from all the angst work a little fluff~
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J would be fiercely loyal and protective of their partner.
They'd express their affection through quality time, small acts of service and thoughtful gestures.
J might struggle to open up about their own feelings, but they'd always be attentive to their partner's emotions.
They'd enjoy planning fun outings and dates to keep the relationship exciting.
Their s/o is the only person in existence who gets to see J being soft and caring.
Uma would shower their partner with love and attention, often expressing their feelings through artistic creations.
They'd be highly intuitive, understanding their partner's emotions even when they're not explicitly communicated.
Uma might have moments of introspection and need alone time, but they'd always come back to their partner with renewed affection.
They'd appreciate a partner who encourages their creativity and gives them space to explore their passion.
Sends very random sweet texts at ungodly hours when they're high.
Statler would be a devoted and caring partner, always ready to lend a helping hand.
They'd create a warm and welcoming home environment, often preparing meals or doing thoughtful things for their partner.
Communication would be key for Statler, as they'd want to know their partner's thoughts and feelings.
They might occasionally doubt their own abilities or worry about living up to expectations, seeking reassurance from their partner.
They're a huge gossiper lol and would tell their s/o every remotely juicy detail they know.
Wanda would be the life of the relationship, always finding ways to bring joy and excitement to her partner's life.
She'd be spontaneous and adventurous, suggesting new activities or surprising their partner with fun outings.
Communication would be open and honest, and Wanda would readily share her thoughts and emotions.
Would brag about what a catch her s/o is. A lot.
She'd be supportive of their partner's dreams and goals, cheering them on every step of the way.
Kai and their s/o would greatly enjoy quiet moments together, whether it's stargazing, playing video games, or binge-watching a favorite TV show.
They'd offer unwavering support for their partner's individuality and would respect their need for personal space.
Kai might struggle with emotional expression at times, but they'd show their love through their actions and loyalty.
Aka: would pamper their s/o with heartfelt gifts.
They'd be up for trying new things and exploring various interests together as a couple.
Travis would be a reliable and steadfast partner, always there to offer support and guidance.
He'd show his affection through quality time and acts of service (he's very attentive to his partner's needs).
Travis might be reserved when it comes to verbal expression of emotions, but his actions always speak volumes.
He'd be a protector, always ready to stand up for his partner and defend their relationship.
Cat parents™
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bleuflwrz · 2 years
☆ & * .   ♡  i n t r o d u c t i o n  . . .
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[ HARRY STYLES, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ] ; have you seen BLEU DU PONT around VIRGINIA BEACH? the TWENTY EIGHT year old HEIR TO THE DU PONT FORTUNE is known for ( shoulder length locks, icy blue eyes, old money, family galas, vacationing in prague ) … around the SANDBRIDGE district they have a reputation of being CREATIVE and PASSIONATE but also CONTROLLED and PEOPLE PLEASING. rumor has it they’re hiding HE IS STILL SEEING HIS FIANCE AFTER HIS PARENTS ARRANGED A MARRIAGE FOR HIM TO SOMEONE THEY APPROVE OF…let’s hope their family doesn’t find out ! kay,25,est,she/her.
bleu du pont was born an heir to the du pont family who originate out of wilmington, deleware. conspiracy’s whisper about how they are part of an elite 5 family’s who control most of the world through wealth. they are among one of the most powerful old money influences in the world. bleu has two younger sister’s but is the eldest son and first born. this makes bleu particularly important to his parents as he will one day be responsible for their part of the du pont fortune and is expected to remain in the family business and politics. from a very young age he’s been trained and groomed to be the next powerful du pont male heir. each branch of the family has different rankings in regards to how deeply tied they are to the family business, how much they know about the secrets kept within the family that are not allowed to spoken about to outsiders, how involved in politics they are, and how much of the du pont wealth they have inherited. some parts of the family are more important and involved than others, and others like to distance themselves from it as much as possible and enjoy a somewhat regular life, enjoying the fortune they have instead of choosing to be involved. unfortunately forbleu, his parents are high up in the rankings and are important members of the family and how the business runs.
from the moment bleu was born, he had his entire future planned out for him. he was always set up to have the very best the world could offer. he always lived in exquisite manor’s, had the best education could buy at fancy private schools that only other families of his caliber could afford, and by the age of five he could speak three languages. he now can speak over ten fluently including, french, german, spanish, portugese, chinese, russian, japanese, korean, italian, and arabic. bleu was always incredibly curious about the world around him and his parents were ecstatic when they realized he was exceptionally gifted when it came to his intelligence level. still, even at a young age, he knew he was different from his parents. they lacked emotional depth, and he never seemed to be able to connect with them on a deeper bond, they provided him with everything he could ever need or want materially, but what he truly craved was that one on one attention that they simply just didn’t know how to give and didn’t have the time for. and though he always sensed he was different than them, they didn’t understand until he started to voice his dreams about being a musician, something he didn’t have the luxury of choosing for himself. sure, they encouraged it as a hobby, but it was more than that for him, he wanted it to be his life.
piano, violin, guitar, flute, the harp. it didn’t matter what instrument it was, bleu could pick it up and seemingly play it from pure instinct. he was naturally gifted and could play things strictly from ear, though he had the best lessons money could buy. Ivory held onto this talent and any alone time he had was spent listening to classics, exploring underground music, and expanding his knowledge and love for all things music. as he grew in age, so did the number of time his parents continued to reinforce that he wasn’t allowed to be a musical celebrity, he was a rothschild, he was bound to the family name, the family business, that’s what he was allowed to be famous for, and that alone. any other unnecessary unwanted attention to the family name would be grounds to cut him off and be disowned, so he learned to conceal his dreams, he learned to conceal his true thoughts and feelings from them, he finally understood they would never understand him.
bleu fell in line, or so his parents think. all he really did was learn who he could trust and who he could be his true self with. this caused bleu to rebel in other ways, ways that wouldn’t necessarily get him in too much trouble. he started skipping school, and though his parents weren’t happy about it, it took them months to realize. they were hardly ever around unless they were forcing him to make an appearance at some high end gala or attending a highly secretive family meeting. most of bleu’s time was spent with his nannies, tutors, or music teachers. sometimes they were more real to him than his own parents. bleu was eroded from a bright vibrant creative child full of life to a sullen, private, withdrawn teenager, isolated and wanting nothing more than to be ‘normal’.
bleu’s true rebellious streak bloomed as he got into his 20′s, his parents were starting to lose their grip on him, even they noticed he wasn’t happy and therefore forced him into therapy, a private one inside the family circle of course. this only made him resent them more. there were countless fights over him not living up to the du pont name and as soon as he could he moved out on his own, still tending to his du pont responsibilities and duty, but finally he had his own sense of freedom and individuality, his own space to be who he truly was without his parents having direct access to breathe down his neck at all times. moving away actually helped his relationship with his parents and he thought things were going in a new direction. he was sadly mistaken and realized his parents were still the same old stuck up rich narcissists they’d always been when he brought his first ‘real’ girlfriend to a family christmas gala. girlfriends in the past have always been set up by his parents, he was encouraged to date girls who were in the circles of the du pont’s or at least had similar stature. none of these girls ever truly interested him, they were shallow and only cared about material things, he craved something genuine and real, something that these  kinds of girls weren’t capable of giving him. his girlfriend wasn’t up to their standards, and they made it very clear when he tried to introduce them to her, this was one of the most hurtful things he’s experienced from his parents and he’s been battling his role in all of this ever since.
soon after the christmas gala girlfriend fiasco, his parents made it clear that he wasn’t allowed to see her anymore, they started to see how close she was getting, they started to fear that she wasn’t just a fling that he’d grow out of, they started to see how serious bleu took the relationship and they wanted it to end. they’d already arranged for him to start seeing their new pick for him, but that wasn’t the extent of it, they’d actually arranged for them to be engaged, it was a slow process, but the entire time, he’s been seeing his girlfriend still in secret. he’s completely against the arranged marriage and the two only get along when others are in front of them. other than that, he’s with his actual girlfriend. bleu is slowly starting to get tired of the ties to his family and is getting to the point where he’s contemplating breaking off of them completely. he’s saved up all of his trust fund money without his parents knowing, and knows he could be well off without them. it might not be as extravagant and privileged of a life, but still far more than other people could ever imagine. so what’s holding him back?
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dicmondskies · 2 years
☆ & * .   ♡  i n t r o d u c t i o n  . . .
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[          ◟  KAY. ◝           ]     ⸻     have  you  ever  heard  just a stranger  by  kali uchis ft. steve lacey ,  well  it  is  IVORY ROTHSCHILD  to  a  tee  .  the  twenty nine year  old rothschild heir has  been  spotted  wandering  down  portobello  road  markets  just  last  sunday  ,  do  you  know  them  ?  would  you  say  he  are  more  aloof  or more innovative ?  anyway  ,  they  remind  me  of silver spoons ; trust funds  ;  vacation homes in prague  ;  arranged marriages ,  maybe  you’ll  catch  them  around  yeah  ?     ⸻     [          ◟  HARRY STYLES. ◝           ]  
ivory rothschild was born an heir to the rothschild family,  the rothschild family is the most famous of european banking dynasties, dating back as a banking house to the late 18th century., conspiracy’s whisper about how they are part of an elite 5 family’s who control most of the world through wealth. they are among one of the most powerful old money influences in the world. ivory has two younger sister’s but is the eldest son and first born. this makes ivory particularly important to his parents as he will one day be responsible for their part of the rothschild fortune and is expected to remain in the family business and politics. from a very young age he’s been trained and groomed to be the next powerful rothschild male heir. each branch of the family has different rankings in regards to how deeply tied they are to the family business, how much they know about the secrets kept within the family that are not allowed to spoken about to outsiders, how involved in politics they are, and how much of the rothschild wealth they have inherited. some parts of the family are more important and involved than others, and others like to distance themselves from it as much as possible and enjoy a somewhat regular life, enjoying the fortune they have instead of choosing to be involved. unfortunately for ivory, his parents are high up in the rankings and are important members of the family and how the business runs.
from the moment ivory was born, he had his entire future planned out for him. he was always set up to have the very best the world could offer. he always lived in exquisite manor’s, had the best education could buy at fancy private schools that only other families of his caliber could afford, and by the age of five he could speak three languages. he now can speak over ten fluently including, french, german, spanish, portugese, chinese, russian, japanese, korean, italian, and arabic. ivory was always incredibly curious about the world around him and his parents were ecstatic when they realized he was exceptionally gifted when it came to his intelligence level. still, even at a young age, he knew he was different from his parents. they lacked emotional depth, and he never seemed to be able to connect with them on a deeper bond, they provided him with everything he could ever need or want materially, but what he truly craved was that one on one attention that they simply just didn’t know how to give and didn’t have the time for. and though he always sensed he was different than them, they didn’t understand until he started to voice his dreams about being a musician, something he didn’t have the luxury of choosing for himself. sure, they encouraged it as a hobby, but it was more than that for him, he wanted it to be his life.
piano, violin, guitar, flute, the harp. it didn’t matter what instrument it was, ivory could pick it up and seemingly play it from pure instinct. he was naturally gifted and could play things strictly from ear, though he had the best lessons money could buy. Ivory held onto this talent and any alone time he had was spent listening to classics, exploring underground music, and expanding his knowledge and love for all things music. as he grew in age, so did the number of time his parents continued to reinforce that he wasn’t allowed to be a musical celebrity, he was a rothschild, he was bound to the family name, the family business, that’s what he was allowed to be famous for, and that alone. any other unnecessary unwanted attention to the family name would be grounds to cut him off and be disowned, so he learned to conceal his dreams, he learned to conceal his true thoughts and feelings from them, he finally understood they would never understand him.
ivory fell in line, or so his parents think. all he really did was learn who he could trust and who he could be his true self with. this caused ivory to rebel in other ways, ways that wouldn’t necessarily get him in too much trouble. he started skipping school, and though his parents weren’t happy about it, it took them months to realize. they were hardly ever around unless they were forcing him to make an appearance at some high end gala or attending a highly secretive family meeting. most of ivory’s time was spent with his nannies, tutors, or music teachers. sometimes they were more real to him than his own parents. ivory was eroded from a bright vibrant creative child full of life to a sullen, private, withdrawn teenager, isolated and wanting nothing more than to be ‘normal’.
ivory’s true rebellious streak bloomed as he got into his 20′s, his parents were starting to lose their grip on him, even they noticed he wasn’t happy and therefore forced him into therapy. this only made him resent them more. there were countless fights over him not living up to the rothschild name and as soon as he could he moved out on his own, still tending to his rothschild responsibilities and duty, but finally he had his own sense of freedom and individuality, his own space to be who he truly was without his parents having direct access to breathe down his neck at all times. moving away actually helped his relationship with his parents and he thought things were going in a new direction. he was sadly mistaken and realized his parents were still the same old stuck up rich narcissists they’d always been when he brought his first ‘real’ girlfriend to a family christmas gala. girlfriends in the past have always been set up by his parents, he was encouraged to date girls who were in the circles of the rothschild’s or at least had similar stature. none of these girls ever truly interested him, they were shallow and only cared about material things, he craved something genuine and real, something that these  kinds of girls weren’t capable of giving him. his girlfriend wasn’t up to their standards, and they made it very clear when he tried to introduce them to her, this was one of the most hurtful things he’s experienced from his parents and he’s been battling his role in all of this ever since.
soon after the christmas gala girlfriend fiasco, his parents made it clear that he wasn’t allowed to see her anymore, they started to see how close she was getting, they started to fear that she wasn’t just a fling that he’d grow out of, they started to see how serious ivory took the relationship and they wanted it to end. they’d already arranged for him to start seeing their new pick for him, but that wasn’t the extent of it, they’d actually arranged for them to be engaged, it was a slow process, but the entire time, he’s been seeing briar still in secret. he’s completely against the arranged marriage and the two only get along when cameras are in front of them. other than that, he’s with briar. ivory is slowly starting to get tired of the ties to his family and is getting to the point where he’s contemplating breaking off of them completely. he’s saved up all of his trust fund money without his parents knowing, and knows he could be well off without them. it might not be as extravagant and privileged of a life, but still far more than other people could ever imagine. so what’s holding him back?
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alienateus · 9 months
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a fandomless, original character named kim daehyun
these are memories.
he can recall rich kimchi and tobacco from his childhood. he can recall the taste of it on his tongue and the stench rolling off his father’s cigarette pipes. grass stuck to the soles of his feet as he explored his neighborhood, too-hot summers, and sunburnt skin. 
they’re not his, but they are his. he opens up connections to learn and to observe. humans need purposes. he once existed to exist and was intimately connected with every piece of stellar remnants. pulsating, thriving among countless structures. hot-wired with no individual identity, becoming self-aware through the memories and emotions of these humans. he feels contained.
001. pinterest 002. dossier 003. playlist
inspired by themes of science fiction, primeval past, and cosmic horror. kai, she/her, black, CST, 21+. faceclaim, song kang.
001. selective, private, i'm bringing an old muse back from the dead. if u recognize me, no you don't. 002. very busy, i be teaching college and stuff. 003. she/her, black, call me kai. 004. he's a damn alien, don't let the vagueness of him as an unreliable narrator fool you. he is an ALIEN. don't tell him that though. 005. prob iconless idk.
basics. full name calls itself kim daehyun date of birth 12 january xx sexual orientation bisexual, biromantic gender cis male species unidentified occupations mechanical engineering assistant professor at seoul national university freelances for the korean military former aerospace engineer/astronaunt for nasa (retired) current location seoul, south korea previous locations cambridge, massachusetts; houston, texas; moscow, russia; cologne, germany; tsukba, japan linguistics korean, english, conversational chinese education mechanical engineering with an emphasis in aerospace specialization and a minor in physics at kaist. aerospace engineering and physics dual masters at mit (aeroastro) financial stability  well-off/wealthy, compensated by the US government for missions, profited from creations on missions, and a steady income mental. zodiac capricorn. year of the rabbit mbti intj enneagram type 5, the investigator temperament melancholic summary he lives in the world of theoretical possibilities. he values knowledge above all else. his mind is constantly working to generate new theories or to prove or disprove existing theories. he approaches problems and theories with enthusiasm and skepticism, ignoring existing rules and opinions and defining his own approach to the resolution. daehyun seeks patterns and logical explanations for anything that interests him. he is usually extremely bright and able to be objectively critical in his analysis. he loves new ideas and becomes very excited over abstractions and theories. occasionally, he might come across as dreamy or distant to others because he spends a lot of time in his head.
leaves home to attend daewon prep school, where he would earn a perfect score on his CSATs, combined with extracurricular activities, and high grades pushed him towards the top of his class. loneliness. liked by most. incredibly studious, throws himself blindly into his academia. restless. suppression. free moments are filled with noraebang singing to ost ballads and sky gazing. accepted to KAIST and majors in mechanical engineering with an emphasis in aerospace specialization. earns a name for himself. interns under the world’s smartest individuals. somewhere between logical and emotional. IQ measured at 135.
completed the graduate program at MIT – america is fast-pace. everyone is moving around him. bar-hopping and programmed hookups. forgets their names. hangs music posters on his dormroom walls, in-between constellation maps of capricorn and orion. calls his mother twice a week. from then on, he undertakes an apprenticeship program at NASA before accepting a job offering. almost fails his first stress test. settled down. rejected three times for the astronaut program. fear. failure. sweaty hands, adrenaline rushes. applies again and is accepted.
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sorairokakera · 2 years
some sentiments about Tamamori Yuta's acting journey - part 2
*💛 : drama main role || 💛💛 : movie main role
Grand Maison Tokyo & Grand Maison Tokyo: Hirako Shohei no Yureru Omoi (💛) (2019) as Hirako Shohei
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The drama that made me interested in Tama again (after 10 years+?), I thought I already retired being a fan (I stopped updating any idols in 2015) but Tama changed my life ; ; I was escaping from reality by watching some dramas, but also unconsciously trying to find myself by watching dramas about job/work. I heard many good reviews about this drama, watched it at the beginning of 2021, and it is indeed, a very good drama! I enjoyed it a lot~ Tama acting with Kimura Takuya is a great point but his character here also interesting. I'm team Miyu so his ending was pretty good (though it would be nice too if he didn't end up with any one of them). Tama looks so good in that デコ出し short black hairstyle!!✨ He got a very nice role in this drama~ 「本気出せ!」
Be Love (2020) 💛
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I'm not sure what to say about this 笑 one thing I'm sure is, as Tama's fan, it's a MUST watch! 😌 Based on MiyaTama unit songs 'Be Love', 'Hoshi ni Negai wo', 'Unmei', this 4 episodes short drama is interesting~ (I probably very biased in this) たんまみ〜や fantasy is uniquely adorable and fun to enjoy~! (their real friendship is really, really special, sometimes it's overwhelming and attacks my heart wonderfully)
Oh! My Boss! Koi wa Bessatsu de (2021) as Horai Junnosuke 💛
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I like fashion-related theme but I'm not sure whether I enjoyed watching this or not >< I'm not fond of main female character (again?!) and their romance, even though it supposed to be キュンキュン drama, I don't feel it. But there's one great point, visual! Tama's visual as Jun here is sooo great✨ Kakkoii fashion style, ikemen(?) hairstyle, and he did very well in his 子犬系男子 character~! I like Tama's character as photographer, taking pictures that embrace human touch is very nice. His cosplay(?) as white dog and black dog are a bit too much but he's very adorable so o..kay? 笑 This drama has a very lovely theme song, 'Luv Bias' by Kis-My-Ft2. I really like it and there is 'another' version (played on a certain moment, episode 7) which also very lovely~!
Nice Flight! (2022) as Kurata Sui 💛
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After a long wait finally, Tama in a drama as main role~! And pilot role!! Though again, I'm not fond of the romance which a big part of drama ;_; There are few Sui-Mayu nice sweet moments, but some (big) parts are irritating which made me feeling off about their relationship. Tama acted as puppy-type man in BossKoi, here in NaiFura he is big-dog-type man, adorable and kakkoii pilot✨ As a job drama, it's pretty nice. Miyata Toshiya cameo on the last episode was a wonderful surprise! Nice Flight's theme song, 'Two as One' by Kis-My-Ft2, is very nice~ The timing of the theme song plays around the end of drama's episode also nice.
Inori no Karute: Kenshui no Nazotoki Shinsatsu Kiroku (2022) as Suwano Ryota 💛
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Tama acted various emotions here and he did well! Actor, Tamamori Yuta. 🥰 I usually enjoy episodic drama too but this drama, not sure whether it's because too rushed or kind of messy? when watching this, I felt like there are something missing or lacking >_<) It's nice to watch Tama acted with various actors and actresses here~ '想花' (omoibana) by Kis-My-Ft2 is a heartwarming theme song and wrapped this drama gently.
Watching Tama in uniforms, pilot and (intern) doctor, main role in two seasons, 2022 was great✨ Hope I can watch Shylock no Kodomotachi (2023) soon~
I wish Tama will get more chances to explore grey or darker roles on thoughtful and meaningful projects/works. Without romance, if possible (idol actor tend to get more romance stuff I guess). It feels like he can be more interesting and remarkable as an actor, with roles that have zero (or maybe a veeery little) romance. He gives me a feeling that he has high potential to be one charming versatile actor, which is the type of actor I enjoy watching the most. I really like his subtle, yet profound acting and I am excited to watch how his acting developed~✨
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