#been on a s1-10 thought train recently
mimicha-arts · 1 year
Date: 09/13/2023 In my previous post, I wrote that time in s2 is broken and dead. I was curious if this was true for s1, too… For me the main problem of the last month was the dates in the files (character intros), the date of Emma's death + September 9th mentioned in episode 3, so I tried to consider these as related things. I always was confused by April-September thing, I thought that it is a mistake, but. Probably not. So. Let's break down the first episode! It was a deep dive, I'm not sure how real any of this can be, but (c) Let's divide everything into three parts:
It's not about Quede
April is not April
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April 16, which we see hours later that day. Qiao Ling receives an order from an unknown customer.
The goal is to get financial core data of Quede company. Information has to be obtained by diving in Emma, during the last financial settlement meeting before the release of the financial report, 2 days ago, on the April 14th, photo was posted at 10 pm.
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Additionally, it is mentioned that there was an earlier photo, but they start with the most recent one so that the information is not “outdated”.
Events take place from April 16th to 17th in the present for Lu Guang. From April 14th to 15th in the past for Emma and Cheng Xiaoshi.
April 14th: 10:00 pm - start of diving. As Emma, Cheng Xiaoshi lived through the events in the company's office and stayed for overwork.
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April 15th: About 2:45 a.m. Emma's parents text to her, Cheng Xiaoshi decided to reply.
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9-10 am, morning, the meeting began. A conflict situation occurs, the laptop falls, Emma!Xiaoshi is on the floor. Lu Guang records data from the screen - Cheng Xiaoshi returns to the present time.
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Later this day. Somewhere later that day, information about the company is leaked, involved people are arrested (news from April 17th)
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Before 10 pm: Emma comes home after this day, she realizes that the situation with Quede is a stain on her career, because she was Mr.Zhu's assistant, there is no way for her to find a job in this field anymore.
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Lately she discovers messages (02:48, that Cheng Xiaoshi texted) with her parents - this becomes her motivation for a call. It's the same day, still today (今天)- April 15th. This is the reason why we know that the disclosure of the company's affairs occurred on the same day after the meeting.
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After 10 pm, before 10:30 pm Emma goes to the train station but runs into Liu Min, agrees to go with him.
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About 10:34 p.m Liu Min attacks Emma.
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Somewhere between April 15th and 16th. An accident occurs, Liu Min will be left paralyzed.
April 16: At the moment of dawn, Emma jumps from the bridge.
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Later this day, Quede Company was suspended (news from the 17th)
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Later, Emma's body is found in the river in the evening (mentioned as "yesterday", news from the 17th)
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April 17: present 9-10 am: Lu Guang gives instructions to Xiaoshi, they successfully obtain the information, Xiaoshi returns to the “present” time.” Evening, the same day: We receive information about the disclosure of financial fraud in the past tense until the 17th from the news at the end of the ep. Additional note: in these events, there is another Cheng Xiaoshi from the "future" (events of October 22-23), who hides first in Liu Min's trunk, and then on the bridge with Emma. The chronology of events can be written as follows:
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So it's clear - Lu Guang himself receives the necessary information about the company on the 17th at 10 am. By that time, Mr. Zhu had already been arrested 2 days ago and the company's activities had been suspended 1 day ago. Precisely because of financial fraud.
Also his reaction to Emma's death is interesting. Okay, that's a guess, but I always had the feeling that he knew she was dead from the very beginning of the case.
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2. It's not about Quede
And so, we know that data about the company and financial fraud were already published on the 15th. The question remains simple - why did the mysterious unnamed client need the data, since he would have received it only on the 17th, after information about the fraud in Quede was already made public before they (the client) offered this task/job. So what other events are happening on nearby dates? They're not in the episode, they're in the characters intro. Obviously, the unknown client was unknown for a reason. As we also know, there is a character (or characters, there are 2 signatures on the documents) who are collecting dossiers on the main trio. There is a high chance that all of this is connected. This event takes place from the 14th to the 17th in total. Date on Qiao Ling's file: april 8th Lu Guang's file: april 10th Cheng Xiaoshi's file: april 12th
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Documents for Lu Guang should be destroyed on the 17th, for Xiaoshi - on the 19th. This timing is kinda perfect. In my opinion, this task/job came as part of an "investigation" so that the unknown could better study the process of trio's work, understand the abilities of Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang, probably, what their time limits are. So, yes. If we look at it from this side, this is not about Quede, it is not about financial fraud, it has never been about it. This research is to answer questions about the abilities of Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang that remained on the files.
3. April is not April
April is a lie. Events take place in September. Although it’s more likely that the time has already been broken since the first season, and we technically don’t know which one is correct. Although Lu Guang's watch and documents (character dossiers) point to April, real events cannot possibly take place in April for many reasons.
1. 3rd financial quarter This is the main reason. This is stated in the first episode by Qiao Ling, and should immediately raise questions. The third quarter cannot possibly be April, absolutely. Because the following months are considered the third quarter: July, August, September.
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2. News, 3rd ep Qiao Ling listens to the news on her headphones. We are not given a name, but the circumstances are the same - we learn that Emma's "suicide" was most likely a murder. Once again, it's September.
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3. Cold weather is coming Emma's parents arrive to bring Emma warm clothes and mention that it is getting colder. If it were April, on the contrary, it would only get hotter, but everything is different when it comes to autumn.
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4. Murders I am firmly convinced that the numbering of victims does not correspond to the real chronology. Yes, we know that there were more victims, and Emma was never "first", I mean those cases that were consolidated by the police and are in Xiao Li's documents. We have dates for an early murder in April, Emma being somewhere in the middle of that "break", since she was killed in both “April” and “September”, and there were murders after her, where the month was not indicated. Which once again points to the fact that something is wrong with these two months. Now things are going to get confusing, we consider April like September here. I can't see and understand details, so I'm only able to find the dates, since the numbers can at least be distinguished. Emma is considered the first murder only by number (died "April-September" 16th), but number 4 (Zao Cai, a blond man) died before her, "April-September", 2nd. In the folder, her documents go after his case. I think the fact is that initially the police believed that Emma committed suicide; at first, her case was not classified as a part of a series of murders, so police did not assign a chronological fifth number, but later, with new clues, simply moved her old documents in the "correct" chronological order to fifth place.
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This technically makes Emma a 5 case… Or even a 6th. Because case 6 (Nan You) is also not without mysteries. The date of death is 14. I'm not sure why they put her file after Emma. Maybe they're unsure of the date or something and it's just an estimated date? So her date of death also “fell out of space.” But if 14 is correct, then this girl died 2 days earlier than Emma herself, and Emma technically becomes case 6.
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The eighth case (Zhao Lin) occurs on 25th. The mystical 7 case is somewhere before that date, but we don't know how much of this is actual April or September.
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In addition to mysterious 7th case, we also have 3 other earlier victims. They had to die before "April-September" 2nd, so the time of their death is roughly "March-August". We haven't seen their documents, but we know about their cases because of the photographs (the girl in the pink suit is probably the girl with the dog from ep11, since the BG is the same)
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And also Xu Shanshan.
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Who technically didn't die due to the time loop, but most likely "died" (since Lu Guang was thrown out) in the original events, which was still visible for Lu Guang in the unaltered photo.
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I mentioned this in the post about s2 - the interesting thing is that Xu Shanshan's phone, as shown in s2, does not have a single photo from May to the end of October (current events with unknown date), which is quite. Strange.
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All the murders had to happen with the similar style and certain time frame that they could be connected as a series. Given the news about Xu Shanshan: it was written - no new murders had occurred for several weeks (数周未出现新的受害者), which fits the September-October period (s1 ends at October 23). So we know for sure that the last cases with unspecified months should have occurred in September.
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So. Obtaining financial information as a goal does not make sense, "someone" studies our main characters at the "perfect time", and all the dates are intertwined and have inaccurate implications. Like, almost half a year was literally “stolen” from time? Or something similar. The dates are so deliberately strange that I am speculating solely that time was broken from this point already, not even in s2 - what happened can only be speculated for now until we are told the background of Lu Guang's story. And who is the real 7th victim if April and September are mixed up, and the time has been “changed”. The funny thing is that everything also connected to the birthdays: April 15th - Cheng Xiaoshi's birthday September 16th - Qian Jin's birthday October 23th - the day Lu Guang was stabbed, exactly before his birthday Maybe I understand something incorrectly and I'm going down the wrong path altogether. No conclusions. My CPU is blown up. Thank you @wrathyforest for discussing this with me, trying to find connections, completing everything with time points, you are the best!
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chococrystal · 3 years
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She’s been through a lot huh
Anyways, some Nya appreciation over here amirite? (long worded appreciation under the cut haha)
 fr I really love her, as a character and her values that she struggled with throughout the series. The value of Identity and Failure is something that was handled very maturely imo, and I esp love that she’s badass without being mean at all. I really like how Nya is just cool just because she's self made and fights her way to the top without that mean personality that’s associated with badass female characters sometimes... (I also see the appeal in cool hardcore girlboss characters haha I have some favs that are like that too, it’s just all I see sometimes like bro... ;-;)
Rewatching recently made me appreciate her even more, ignoring the funky love triangle stuff in s3 ahhahahaha, I liked how she was really mature as a friend at the start of Skybound just outright rejecting Jays feeling so he wouldn’t be lead on. She regularly has her moments in the show, and I love her relationship with everyone on the team (albeit lacking in sibling bonding ahu). I like that she has so much personality beyond being the inventor or “the girl”, she’s hotheaded at times, can be a bit impatient but overall a competent member of the team.
She literally brought herself up by being samurai X, and holds a special attachment to it. Someone on twit pointed out the scene in s7 when she’s packing up the samurai X gear and is legitimately sadden by inheriting her powers. Like you feel bad, along with the fact someone else took up samurai X also proved she can’t even go back to it even if she really wanted to was a huge step for her as a character.
I will always find her dying breath in s6 stuck w/ me,
 “It was always a boys club” 
like zamn, you’re dying and that’s what you really feel. None of that “girl wants to be a part of the team trope” at all, she wanted to be her own person and it shows. 
Which is something viewers kinda feel too? Crisis on what defines us as a person, is it our interests/hobbies (samurai X)? our professions? (water ninja) whether self imposed or forced upon us, what dictates a pass or fail to as a person? We want to be in control of our lives despite everything else is out of our control, we have to learn to not dwell on it and let it drag us down. I think out of most of the characters she’s the only one that is really cared for?? like she gets developed and goes through her arc consistently despite not having a focus season until seabound.
So speaking of HAHA I enjoyed seabound, was super stoked that Nya got a focus season but DAMN! Do I wish(haha) her end quote wasn’t the cookie quote but something similar from Maya and the Three:
 “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me” 
 bc that was her whole arc, fighting to define herself from what she WANTS to do against what she HAS to do. 
The cookie quote just had a layer of being so defeatist about the whole thing when that’s not Nya at all, I really just wished her final tie in as a character was resolving this identity value in her own way and not giving up her everything just because “that’s how the cookie crumbles” like zamn. :(((( It felt like the whole Nyad sacrifice thing was supposed to be a “I chose this” moment, not because she was supposed be like nyad, not because she’s the daughter of maya, not because she’s the water ninja but only because it was her choice in the matter to become Nyad, save ninjago and those she loves over her own future. Would’ve been a perfect call back to skybound too (in EP The Last Resort) when she threw Jay into the travelers tea:
Nya: But if I'm ever gonna have a say in our future, it's me who has to protect you because it's you who has the wish.
Jay: What are you doing?
Nya: I'm speaking up for my future. And it's never felt better... (then the whole save me Jay stuff)
because she’s once again back into that position of having a say in her future, along with saving Jay, but at the cost of what she holds dear since the beginning, her own Identity. And it just so... AAAAAAAAAAA really love Nya man. ;-;-;-;-;
Anyways, this is long now and I don’t want this to turn into a full on rant about seabound HAHA bc i still enjoyed it and teared up at the end too ahu 
SO yea, Nya is great and will always have a special place in my heart. I miss her greatly ;w;)b 
girl literally gave up her identity for the world guys, that’s real girlboss AHHAHA
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von-frappe · 2 years
what are some overrated characters in your opinion, can be from any show/movie etc.
I'm mostly just gonna do glee because that's what my blogs mostly about, but I'll complain about other characters at the end for funsies.
also I think the term "overrated" is weird but these are basically just the popular characters that I personally don't fuck with as much
Sam Evans
he is fine, but when I see the excessive praise he gets for literally anything and how people sweep over some pretty bad character moments, I'm left thinking "he really not that good"
he can be lovable, I like some of his relationships and he has some interesting storylines but I'm just not on the sam dick riding train really.
Quinn fabray
For my taste, Quinn just lacked that special something that would have compelled me to want to see more of her because by the end of s3 I was completely fine with her leaving for good, and I wish she hadn't returned in s4 because the way she acted was borderline the same way she did at the beginning of s1 which made her whole story seem like a waste of time.
idk I get the appeal in some ways but she doesn't appeal to me, and I feel like they just kept on rehashing the same three points with her which just got annoying and exhausting to watch after a certain point
Mike Chang
the unproblematic king. Call me old fashioned but a character having flaws is what actually makes them interesting to watch, or even idk... if the character does literally anything. sure he doesn't do "problematic" things... but he literally does nothing to all which isn't fun to watch
that being said I like harry shum jr. and think he's really talented and it would have been nice if he got more, but he didn't.
Sebastian Smythe
this little rat man is awful truth be told, he's a mediocre villain at best who's whole "redemption" consists of him realising that maybe calling someone a fat unlovable bastard is actually not very nice, not that it matters because the next time we see him his personality reverts to what it was like when we first saw him.
Brittany Pierce
are we surprised?? I get that there's a healthy dose of brittany slander on Tumblr, but not liking brittany on tiktok is like kicking a puppy, there's plenty of "what?? how could anyone not like brittany??" and it's so weird to me that brittany get's viewed as so universally loved and nice, when she's really a massive cunt to everyone half the time
now I don't mind so much that she's cunt, I just find it annoying that both the show and the fans are doing some next level gaslighting to convince me she isn't one.
now I'm going to quickly complain about other non glee characters
lola pacini (degrassi): 80% of the time she just reads like a manic pixie dream girl bc she mostly just supports other but doesn't have much depth with her own character, has literally one singular enjoyable storyline
Simon lewis (the mortal instruments): I read these books a while ago and I hadn't thought about them much since but I was recently reminded that this incel, pick me, 'nice guys finish last 🤓" bitch is my enemy
s2 & 3 cat valentine (victorious): she's basically like brittany pierce, which is an insult, s1 cat my beloved tho x
rose Tyler (doctor who): loved her season one but the way she progressed in season two made her really grating to me, and I wasn't a fan of her with 10,, rose with 9>>>>
Paige Micalchuck (degrassi): I loved her in the first three seasons but after that it was an aggressive decline of character
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[CN] Season 2 - Chapter 13- Victor’s phone call
📞 Calm before the storm
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Well, that's not the name of the phone call. The call doesn't have a name, since it's an in-chapter phone call. But it sets up the premises for the events of CH 17. (...and unintentionally for everything that happens from CH 13-17 until they meet again). So I just gave it a title according to what happens LOL~ ಥ_ಥ
✧ P.S. ✧ The context of the CG I used from CH 27 of S1 is VERY MUCH important to CH 17. I'm just trying to be dramatic to prepare you guys in advance. *wails in a corner*
For the context:
While being out investigating the Hunter Game, MC meets Shaw and they co-operate.
In the process, MC breaks the rule of the game several times. For which the youth who hangs out with Joker takes MC away to an old building.
MC one-ups him and retrieves the information that Joker has once visited the former site of the BS research centre.
She manages to get out of the building, wanting to return to the city-- but realizes she’s in downtown.
She starts getting nervous. However:
At this moment, my phone suddenly rings, interrupting my train of thoughts.
Leaping on the screen is Victor’s name.
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MC: Victor?
Victor: Was it unexpected receiving my call?
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MC: No, no. I was just wondering how could you be calling me at this time.
I laugh and lift my head up. Simply by hearing his voice, I can easily set my mind at rest.
Victor: I expect that you haven’t done anything reckless recently.
MC: No, of course not, and I’ve had multiple unexpected acquisitions too!
Victor: Good. I’ll be waiting for your complete report.
....This man really touches on the sore points.
Victor: I don’t have anything in particular to say.
Victor: Remember, regardless of what happens, don’t panic.
Victor: Don’t always be reckless, running into dangers....
Victor: And trust my judgements.
Only the sound of his light breathing remains on the other end of the receiver. I blankly stand rooted in place, for a moment being unable to determine why is Victor abruptly telling me all these.
I vaguely feel my heart thumping, as if having some bad premonition.
Victor: Why aren't you replying?
MC: Victor, what's wrong? Why are you telling me these all of a sudden.
Victor: What could happen to me. It's just the sudden realization that you haven't been urged on for a while, and the worry that your ability of judgement and execution might have dropped to some extent.
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MC: ....Thank you so much for taking the trouble!
MC: Don't worry. I'm already a mature MC.
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MC: If there is anything, you must tell me about it. Don't underestimate me.
A soft laughter drifts to my ear, as though he has received the answer he wanted, exhaling in relief.
Victor: That's it then. I've got matters to attend to. I'll hang up now.
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MC: Alright. Don't let your guard down these days.
Victor: (softer tone than before™) ....Dummy.
[Extra tidbits]: Victor makes this call on the same day as the NW takes him away, and a day before MC gets shot. And, according to CH 17, even though they texted very often- it's the first call since the events of CH 10 and also the last form of communication in a while. ಥ‿ಥ ~ ♡
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henpendrips · 3 years
2021 Retrospective
Thought that 2021 was as bad as 2020, if not more so? Don't worry, things WILL continue to get worse. Predicting 2028 will be peak Clown World Decade, starting out seemingly okay but going max bonkers past half-time. Precedent's been set, after all.
Now that the doom and gloom's out of the way: without repeating anything I said in previous yearly retrospectives, 2021 wasn't that eventful for me. Probably the biggest blunder might've been not using the Huion Kamvas that I got last year, even though I got it working properly in January. Not a single drawing was done with it, so a waste of money; and I had no excuse, I was locked in the house for the first half of the year, I had plenty of time. Also, my movie list being empty for the first time in over ten years was quite the bummer.
Instead of more demoralizing drivel, figured I'd just recommend some of the cartoon shows that I've (re)watched in recent years which I find to be worth a damn. Maybe if more people watch decent shows from yesteryear, they'll realize why all the horseshit 'content' that's been coming out is fucking atrocious. Not all of them are good, and they're not properly ranked in terms of quality or preference, but here they are:
.Spectacular Spider-Man - One of the best iterations of this IP, and a wonderful example of writing doing proper set-ups. Yes, I'm sad it didn't get its full run. No, I don't want it to continue, even if everyone involved were to come back;
.Futurama - Latter seasons are a bit poopy and less imaginative, but everything pre-movies is top notch comedy and sci-fi storytelling;
.The Batman - The first three seasons are fantastic in establishing Bats and how he handles the job and the Rogues Gallery. Has a weird thing where either character designs or their personalities don't work too well, and the quality drops hard in the last two seasons.
.Johnny Bravo S2 & 3 - Still fucking hilarious, every single episode. S4 was dogshit, so don't watch it, but S1 might be okay, I didn't bother;
.Wakfu - Watch the french dub. Transitions between each season is a bit lacking, I bet they tried to tie the show to the game. Characters are loveable, animation is great, story beats a bit 'ehn' when it comes to powers and reveals;
.Samurai Jack S1-4 - A lot of leniency has to be given to style, but most episodes work really well. One of those shows where it felt like it told every story it could, but hadn't outstayed its welcome (pre-S5);
.Ben 10 (2005) - Fuck everything besides the original series. Has a great blend of all things paranormal, and a kid hero who's properly characterized as a little shit with a heart of gold, learning and training to be a hero;
.Kim Possible - Surprised how decent the characters are, for teen caricatures. Not all episodes work, and some villain confrontations become slightly repetitive;
.Codename: Kids Next Door - Very absurd, especially watching it now, but the world is consistent for the most part. Worst episode is unquestionably the mini-golf one;
.Megas XLR - Pure satire of mech/kaiju/sentai media through an all-american lense. A good enough serving of what we get;
.The Mummy Animated Series - Alternate reality version of 'The Mummy Returns'. Less funny than the film, but the first season's pretty decent;
.Jackie Chan Adventures - Outside of its finale, S4 is the best, S2 is horrible. The show itself is not good, but entertaining. Shame its namesake is no longer with us, RIP;
What I DON'T recommend at ALL: The Mask Animated Series... it's so fucking bad. Not just from the writing, but also from the horrendous pacing and low quality animation in a lot of instances. Don't suffer like I did, just stick with the Jim Carrey movie, because the show isn't worth it. And Freakazoid, to its credit, gets better as it goes on, but not enough to recommend. Sucks that both of these toon-type hero shows don't work out.
Lastly, there's one more thing. One that I probably would consider one the best shows of the previous decade, in spite of its flaws. However, out of principle and spite (30/70 split), I'll never mention or acknowledge which show it is.
1And that's about it for my once-a-year vent session. See you in 2022, only 200 years for the roulette to pay off.
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flamehairedwritings · 4 years
Happiest Season Of All
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Characters: Chief Jim Hopper x Female Reader
Rating: M, 18+ ONLY
A/N: Happy Holidays! Phew, it’s been a while. Here is a kind of drabble, and also kind of a sequel to Pain In My Heart? Set the year before S1, there’s no mentions of family, no use of Y/N, and it’s just a gentle, kind of angsty little story.
This story contains broken hearts, swearing, alcohol and embarrassment.
I hope you enjoy and have a lovely week!
Summary: Broken up with just before Christmas? Fantastic. The only thing that can help is returning to your home town, old friends... and an old love.
Please don’t copy, steal or repost my work; credit does not count.
23rd December 1982
‘... There'll be parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting, and carolling out in the snow...’
You quietly hum along absent-mindedly to the cassette someone’s playing from a boombox, gazing out of the window. Usually, you’d have been annoyed but, hey, it’s the holidays.
Besides, you haven’t had much of a chance to get into the festive spirit or mood recently. With the classic Christmas song playing, the train rumbling gently and the twinkling lights in the darkness slowly growing brighter, you’re finally starting to feel it. Inhaling a breath, you lean your temple against the cold glass, your fingers lacing together in your lap as you gaze at the lights.
Hawkins, Indiana. Your hometown.
It’s been a few years since you were here for longer than a weekend but, oh, boy, this year you just need to be here. You’re retreating, you’re not too proud to admit, coming home to lick your wounds and be surrounded by all things familiar, cosy and boring.
You almost laugh. You’d left this place because it was so damn boring and now here you are, craving it. If teenage you could see you now. She’d be giving ‘that’ look which you’re told you still give to this day. 
Ah, well. Time’s a bitch, baby.
The train slows as it pulls into the station and you start to gather your things while a few others around you stand and pull their bags down from the overhead racks. You pull your suitcases down as the train comes to a stop, all three of them, with their different colours and patterns. Pulling on your scarf, coat and rucksack, you haul the suitcases down the aisle as best as you can single-file, muttering under your breath as they catch every few steps against chairs.
The wheels clatter onto the concrete of the cold platform when you step down, one suitcase twisting onto its front and tangling with the others as it nearly falls from your hand. Muttering under your breath again, you right it and continue walking down the platform, two small groups of people reuniting having to part for you. Making eye contact with a grateful smile, you’re relieved you don’t recognise any of them; you’re really not in the mood for your own reunion right now.
“There she is!”
Well, just the one.
A smile spreads across your face as Karen Wheeler trots down the platform in her heeled boots, grinning and her arms open wide. The suitcases drop from your hands as you throw your arms around one another, rocking from side to side slightly.
“Oooh, hello, sweetheart,” Karen murmurs, pressing a big, wet kiss to your cheek.
“Hey, Karrie.”
Your smile lingers, and it’s the first genuine one you’ve had in a while. Karen has worn the same perfume since high school and it puts you at ease instantly. God, you just love her. You talk on the phone every other week and have done since you moved out of Hawkins; she’s been the most consistent friend in your life and you love her with all your damn heart.
“C’mon, give me those, let’s get out of here, it’s freezing...” Pulling back, she takes two of the suitcases from you before you can protest and starts striding down the platform.
You have to do a quick little jog to catch up with her, marvelling, not for the first or even fortieth time, how she can go so quickly in those heels. It’s a short walk to the exit, made shorter by Karen’s pace, and she’s parked right outside. Wonderful. Opening the trunk, you both bundle your suitcases in, tossing your rucksack on top of it, and then do a speedy little walk to the doors, yanking them open.
“Oof, coldest winter we’ve had in years,” Karen shivers dramatically in her seat as she rubs her gloved hands together before buckling her seatbelt.
Buckling your own as she eases out onto the road, you blow out a breath. “Yeah, definitely feels that way.”
“So, how was the journey?”
“Oh, the usual, long but fine. It was a lot emptier than I expected.”
“Well, we keep hearing there’s gonna be a blizzard, so some folks have come home a little earlier.”
“Well, that’s smart.”
“Yeah. Means I keep bumping into people at the store that I wish I could avoid, though, and on the street.” She snorts as she glances at you. “Ugh, I bumped into Peggy Dawnes the other day, remember her? She would not stop talking about her perfect life on her perfect farm with her perfect husband and her perfect kids and her perfect lawn. Well, there were ten bottles of wine in her cart and I know for a fact her mother doesn’t drink and her perfect husband only likes neat whisky, so, there.”
You cringe internally at your short reply, but you really can’t think of what else to say. Karen glances at you again, pausing. You look over at her and find the sympathy you’ve only been able to hear during the last few weeks. She reaches over and pats your knee gently before returning her hand to the wheel.
“Oh, sweetheart... How are you doing?”
You release a breath, raising your eyebrows slightly. “Better for being here, already. But, y’know...”
She gives you a sympathetic smile as she pats your knee again. “Don’t worry, toots, like I said you can stay as long as you want, it’s no trouble at all.”
You return her smile, relieved that you find you don’t have to force it. “Thank you.”
“No worries.” Her smile widens as she tilts her head. "The kids are looking forward to having you with us, you know how much they love you. It’ll do us all some good.”
You don’t ask about Ted because you know not to.
“I can’t wait to see them, too. How have they been?”
You gaze out of the windshield as she tells you how Nancy and Mike are doing at school and how many words Holly can say now, your eyes flitting from house to house. Decorations are out in full force, as they should be, they’ve probably been up since the 1st of the month, and it makes you smile to see them, remembering how you and Karen would go from house to house when you were younger and rate them out of 10 candy canes.
Ah, the simple life.
She’s still chatting about Mike and his friends when she turns down onto their long drive. It’s lined with various Christmas lawn ornaments, most lit up. Lights line the inside of some of the many windows of the house, too, making it look gorgeous and cosy and warm. A curtain is yanked back suddenly and Mike’s face appears, grinning. He waves frantically and you smile instantly, waving back with your eyebrows raised.
My favourite, funny little kid.
He’s already at the wide open door when Karen parks, still grinning. Unbuckling your seatbelt, you open the door and step out only to have him nearly slam into you before you can straighten, hugging you tightly.
“You’re here!”
You laugh, wrapping your arms around him just as fiercely. “Hey, buddy. You okay?”
“Yeah. C’mon, I wanna show you this book I got...” He’s already out of your arms and waving you towards the door, which Karen is muttering about the heat being let out of.
Chuckling to yourself, you help her with your suitcases and rucksack, feeling vastly different to how you did ten minutes ago; they never fail to raise your spirits. Nancy greets you as you enter, smiling widely and also ready for a hug. You give it gladly and just as fiercely as you had with Mike, asking her how she is. She shrugs and just says “Fine,” with a smile as you remove your shoes and coat, and you marvel at how she’d once been as talkative as Mike when she was younger. You hear the boy himself calling from the basement, telling you he can’t currently find the book but it’s around here someone and you’re gonna love it! You follow Karen up the stairs to the guest room with a wide smile, calling back your thanks to him.
Passing walls lined with family photographs, it’s a short walk down the hall to the room you’ll be staying in for... well, who knows. Karen opens the door with a trilled, “Ta-da!” and you laugh as you take in the sight before you. It’s completely decked out in Christmas decorations; tinsel on every bit of furniture, snow-globes on the window sill, a polar bear stuffed toy on the bed, fairy-lights around the headboard. You’d roll your eyes at the excessiveness of it if it wasn’t so damn sweet.
“Wow, it’s like Santa’s Grotto in here...”
“Eh, close enough, I wanted fake snow on the ground but Ted vetoed that idea pretty quick.”
You snort, hauling the suitcase you’re carrying onto the bench at the end of the bed and dropping your rucksack onto it before sitting on the bed, your fingers running over the blanket Karen’s mother had crocheted. Nancy lingers in the doorway, and after leaning your other suitcases against a chest of drawers, Karen turns to her, making a shooing gesture.
“All right, go on, Nance, us hot young things need to get ready.”
“Ugh, Mom...” Nancy just about manages to stop herself from rolling her eyes as she turns away and heads back down the hall while you stare at Karen.
“Uh... Ready for what? Bed?”
“No,” Karen laughs, and you suddenly notice she’s going through your suitcase on the bench, rifling through and pulling various items out. “We’re going out, to the bar.”
“The bar?”
“Yes, the bar.”
You’re still staring at her. “Where everyone we know goes?”
Karen shrugs, looking at you like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Yeah, ‘cause it’s still the only good bar in Hawkins.”
“I thought you wanted to avoid everyone.”
“Eh, yeah, but... y’know, only good bar in Hawkins. And...” Oh, no, she’s looking sheepish, her head bowing slightly as she glances from you to some of your clothes she’s pulled out. “... Uh, we’re kinda having a party here tomorrow, anyway, so...”
Her eyebrows shoot up, her hands raising. “It just kinda happened. It’s been years since we’ve had one and Ted and I were talking about it and then I saw Mary-Lou at Mike’s school and I just happened to mention it and she got so excited and then I got excited and it just, it suddenly happened.”
Your lips press together as you exhale a short breath. “Well, they were fun...”
“Yeah, they were, weren’t they?” Karen sits beside you with a nostalgic sigh, shaking her head. “We had some of the best times of our lives at ‘em.”
“Yeah... I remember the one after you gave birth to Nancy, I thought I was gonna have to take you to the hospital.”
“Ha! Thank God my Mom came over to look after her. What about the one where you set fire to the tree?”
“Oh, please don’t remind me, and that wasn’t actually my fault, you know,”
“Ha, yeah, sure, that was great...”
You both sigh together, a smile finding its way onto your lips at all the memories that come flooding back. They had been fun. You hadn’t been able to attend every one over the years but the ones you had had been so great they’d almost made you want to stay in Hawkins. Maybe... Maybe a return to a beloved tradition is exactly what you need.
Turning your head to her, you arch an eyebrow. “You didn’t think to tell me it was happening, though?”
Karen shrugs as she smiles. “I didn’t want you to talk yourself out of enjoying it before it had even happened. Same as tonight.”
“Oh, Karrie...” You huff out a breath. “... You know me too well, it’s so annoying. Ugh, I was so looking forward to just curling up on the couch, drinking and watching some of the classics.”
“I know.” She pats your knee, nudging her shoulder against yours. “And we’re gonna do that the day after Christmas, and every day that you want to while you’re here. But tonight, we’re gonna get fancy and go out and get a little bit drunk. It’s Christmas, c’moooon.”
You just can’t help but smile. “All right. All right! Fine. How long have I got?”
“An hour.”
She’s already on her feet, pointing at you as she heads to the door. “Take a shower while I cook us and the kids something up, and then we’ll get ready. okay?”
You know you have absolutely no choice in the matter. “Okay, fine.”
 “Great!” she beams, reaching for the door handle to close it behind herself. She pauses, though, resting her weight on one foot as she clears her throat. “Oh, and uh... he’s probably gonna be there.”
You don’t have to ask who she’s referring to.
Staring at her, you manage to keep your features expressionless. “Oh. Really?”
“Yeah.” She’s watching you carefully, teeth grazing over her lower lip. “He is nearly every night, apparently, according to Marian.”
Raising your eyebrows slightly, you smile. “Well... maybe he won’t be.”
“Yeah, maybe he won’t be...” She’s still watching you, a gentle smile pulling at her lips. “Shower, toots.”
“Okay, okay...” You wave your hand as she pulls the door closed, hearing her move down the hallway.
The moment you hear her heading down the stairs, you release a long breath, lying back on the bed.
Oh, shit... 
You stare at the ceiling as the realisation suddenly dawns on you.
I might see Jim Hopper tonight.
James Hopper. Jim. Hopper. Hop. Chief, also now, not that you’ve ever been around to call him that.
You’d been friends since you were kids, best friends actually, at one point closer than you and Karen had been, and then feelings had developed when you'd become teenagers and then you’d taken the leap and had started dating and then...
You’d broken up.
And you’d been the one to initiate it.
And you’d done that because, well... It was because of a lot of little things. Mainly, though, you hadn’t known what route you wanted to take, college or work, you hadn’t even known what you wanted to do, but you knew you wanted to get out of Hawkins. And Hop... hadn’t known what the hell he wanted to do either, but he hadn’t even thought about it. He’d spoken once or twice about joining the military, or just starting a job, too. College hadn’t even crossed his mind. The conversation had come up and, well, it hadn’t ended well. 
In fact, when it ended, that has been the last time you’ve spoken to him. As you’ve returned home over the years you’ve heard he did join the military, fought in Vietnam, came home, married, and lived in New York the same time you had. You’d been heartbroken to hear from Karen that his daughter had died, and he’d divorced and moved back home.
Now, he’s Chief of Hawkins Police and, well, you’d love to avoid seeing him at all costs. There can come a time when, having not seen someone in decades, you can’t even have a casual conversation because all both parties are doing is screaming in their heads.
Well. Like you’d said yourself. He might not be there.
Hey, as Chief of Police this is probably a very busy time of year and he’ll be off doing something.
It’s gonna be fine.
Absolutely fine.
After showering, you throw on some clean, comfy clothes and head downstairs to eat with Karen and the kids.
Holly sits at the table in her highchair, silent as ever, well, being two years old she only knows a handful of words, but she just stares at you as she has done since she was a baby. Mike talks non-stop about school and his friends while Nancy chimes in every now and then to talk about her own friends, saying names of people in her class that you take a moment or two to remember, and to mutter insults at him while he mutters them back.
Karen half-heartedly tells them to stop in between telling you what she might wear, and you somehow manage to keep up with all conversations. Frankly, it’s also quite nice after being surrounded by mostly silence for the last few weeks.
Whipping your plate away from you seconds after you finish, Karen is up and striding to the kitchen, calling over her shoulder.
“C’mon! Let’s get sexy!”
Your lips twitch as Mike and Nancy groan, the only thing they can agree on right now being that their Mom is a complete and utter embarrassment.
She practically shoves you up the stairs, trying to get you to move faster, and from then on the next 30 minutes feels like a whirlwind. She tries on six outfits before settling on her usual favourite, and changes in your room while you rifle through what you’ve brought. Luckily, even though you can’t really remember packing, you’ve brought some of your own favourites, and, after scrambling to find some shoes to go with them, she helps you decide on an old classic.
Gazing at you, her hands on her hips, she beams with delight.
“Well, look at you, huh! Fancy lady!”
You give a twirl as she whoops, and then her arm is looping through yours and she’s practically dragging you towards the door.
“Bye, guys, we’ll be back late!” she calls out, though no one answers, too busy doing their own thing. 
You haven’t seen any sign of Ted and, once again, you know not to ask.
“Late? How late is late?” you ask with an arched eyebrow as she hurries you down the stairs.
“Oh, come on, not that late, we’re not gonna get wasted, we’re not teenagers anymore.”
“... God, I hate it...”
The stall door slams against the cubicle wall as you pull it open a little more forcefully than you had intended. Holding it for a moment, you exhale a short breath before moving towards the sinks, only swaying a little. Washing your hands, you glance up at Karen, watching her try to reapply her lipstick as neatly as possible.
“And did you hear Julian is engaged? And Andrea has a new boyfriend? Is it me or is everybody getting into a relationship?”
She snorts, rubbing her lips together. “It’s that time of year, folks hate being lonely at Christmas.”
You scoff, turning the tap off and drying your hands. “Just sleep with people, then, doesn’t mean you have to get into a relationship and hog someone all to yourself.”
She laughs, slipping her lipstick back into her bag before turning to you, a hand on her hip. “Oh, babe... C’mon, let’s find you someone to have meaningless sex with it.”
The bar has been heaving from the moment you’d arrived. It usually is, but tonight the place is rammed, perhaps because of the time of year, but maybe more because, it turns out, there’s an offer on drinks, it being the holiday season and all, and happy hour has lasted more than one hour. More than two. It’s nearing three now.
Each sip has helped you relax, even as Karen gasps and points out old high school classmates, filling you in on every detail of their lives she’s learned. So far, incredibly gladly, she’s not pointed out a certain Chief.
Returning to your table, which a guy you don’t recognise has been guarding for you, as in literally guarding, he has his hands behind his back and is saying, “Nah, move along, this ain’t free...” to anyone who looks like they’re going to swoop in. At spotting you both, he grins and holds his arms out wide, gesturing at the table.
“All free for you, m’ladies.”
You’re unable to stop a smile because there’s something so weirdly charming about this absolute goofball of a man. He takes a seat beside Karen as you sit, the two of them having been exchanging small talk that verged on flirting. Heck, it was flirting. Sipping from your drink as you watch them, you feel a small, familiar twist in your stomach.
Karen is more like her teenage self when she’s with you, but when you see her with Ted, no longer Teddy as he had been in high school, and the kids, she’s Karen the mom, like she’s caged her personality in and doesn’t quite know how to bring the two parts of herself together. When she’d come to visit you once last year, you’d gone out to a bar and you’d watched her flirt with a couple of the men there. You’d thought it was harmless at first, just a bit of fun for her, she’s a charismatic lady, but then something had changed and, as a guy had held her hand, stroking it, and she hadn’t pulled away, you’d felt a twist in your stomach.
She’s gonna have an affair one day.
The thought had come to you so suddenly and so sharply that you’d shoved it away with all your might, horrified with yourself. No, Karen wouldn’t do that... Would she? Since then, you’d become more and more unsure. You’ve stopped asking about Ted when you talk because she’d just sigh heavily and spend the next ten minutes pointing out every flaw he has, how the romance has gone, how she’s tried and nothing happens. You know she’s unhappy, but you just can’t see her doing it. You hope not, anyway.
Looking away from them, you watch a few people dancing, Christmas music flowing out of the speakers above.
Karen laughs at something the guy says, and in the corner of your eye you see her place a hand on his arm.
“Oh, that’s too funny! You’re really funny... Sorry, what’s your name again?”
The man is unfazed, still grinning. “Callahan. Phil Callahan.”
He says it with such an atrocious Sean Connery accent, making Karen burst out laughing again, and it makes you smile, too.
“Oh, big James Bond fan, huh?” she says, her elbow on the table, chin in her hand.
“Oh, yeah, it’s why I became a cop.”
Your gaze darts to him. “You’re a cop?”
He raises his hands as he laughs. “Yeah, but, hey, you go on and drink as much as you want, I’m off duty now.”
Karen laughs and you make yourself join in, but your heart has started to beat a little faster.
Oh, stop it, he’s not here.
You take a quick sip of your drink again to cover the fact you aren’t laughing anymore, and then Callahan looks up, his grin widening somehow as he waves his hand frantically.
“Hey, boss, over here!”
The entire room seems to slow down as you turn your head and see a man, who’s stopped for a moment to shake hands with someone, with brown hair and a neatly clipped beard, wearing a brown leather jacket, plaid shirt and jeans, his eyebrows raised—
Oh, God.
Oh, shit.
Oh fucking Lord in the manger.
Callahan is slapping his hand against the vacant seat at the table, that happens to be close to you, practically shouting, “Hop’, here, saved ya a seat!”
You swiftly turn back around, staring at Karen. She’s frozen, staring at you, and for the next three seconds you somehow communicate an entire conversation with just your eyebrows and eyes.
Both of you seem to agree on fuuuuuuck.
You can’t just get up and leave, that would be the most obvious thing in the entire world. What if he doesn’t recognise you? Yeah, maybe you’ll be so incredibly fucking lucky and it’ll be a Christmas miracle and you’ll somehow have just disappeared from his memory.
Swallowing hard as you hear him move past a group behind you with an “Excuse me,” you rest your hands on the table, gripping them together.
“Hey, Callahan, where’s everybody else?”
Oh, his voice has changed. It’s deeper, rougher.
“Oh, well, Powell said he and his wife are gonna come later when he finishes his shift, and Jones, Davids and Williamson are over there, they’ve been waitin’ to get a drink for ages.” Callahan laughs delightedly, and Karen joins in, giving a slightly nervous one.
It draws Hopper’s attention and you don’t dare look up to see his expression but there’s a note of surprise in his tone.
“Karen, hey, you doin’ okay?”
“Yes, thank you.” And then she panics. “We’re just having a night out.” And then she panics more when she realises what she’s said, and that she’s gestured at you, her eyes as wide as her now somewhat manic smile.
Oh. God.
Lifting your head, you automatically smile, your features frozen.
He looks from Karen to you, and you’re suddenly subject to the full force of Jim Hopper’s gaze for the first time in decades.
Oh. God.
You can’t help it; the memories of the last time you saw him flood your mind.
“Hop’, are you even listening to me?”
He swiftly puts down the ball of rubberbands he’d been picking at on your desk, his eyebrows raised as he looks to you.
“Yeah, yeah, course I am.”
Your own eyebrows rise even higher, your hands lifted. “What, then?”
He tilts his head slightly, grazing his teeth over his lower lip. “’What’, what?”
“You weren’t fucking listening—”
“No, I was,” he quickly says at your weary sigh, leaning forward in the chair and resting his elbows on his knees, an easy smile pulling at his lips. “C’mon, just repeat the last part.”
You’d once found this all charming and endearing.
Your hands going to your waist, you exhale another breath before folding your arms, managing to calm yourself.
“What are you gonna do after school?”
Hop’ shrugs, leaning back again. “I don’t know. What are you gonna do?”
It was just the answer you’d feared, and expected. Licking your lips, you glance down at the carpet before steeling yourself and meeting his gaze again.
You can do this.
“I’m thinking of moving.”
He nods, his smile returning. “Okay, where?”
“I don’t know. New York, maybe. There’s jobs there and I have a friend there, I could stay with her for a bit.”
“Or we could get a place together.”
You stare at him, feeling your stomach twist.
“So... you’re, you’re just gonna follow me where I go.”
“Yeah.” His brow dips slightly, the smile still there, though it’s hesitant. “Aren’t girlfriends supposed to be happy when their boyfriends say that?”
“Yeah, but... What do you want to do?”
Hop’ shrugs again. “I don’t know. I know I wanna be with you, though.”
You’d once have quietly swooned at that and given him a fond smile. Now, though... You want more.
“Hop’, I don’t... I don’t wanna be one of those high school couples that just sticks together because they’re together. I want you to actually want this.”
He’s frowning again, confusion starting to set in. “I do.”
You say it quietly. “I don’t think you do.”
He stares at you, all traces of his smile gone. Then, he scoffs, leaning back in his chair a little more as he folds his arms.
“So now you’re tellin’ me what I do and don’t feel?”
“No, I just, I want you to have some drive, some ambition, not just go along with what I say and do.”
“I go along with it because it’s what I want.”
You can feel tears stinging at your eyes but your mind has also been made up.
“I don’t think it is, I just think it’s easy and safe for you.”
“Stop tellin’ me what I’m feelin’!”
His voice raising makes yours, too.
“Am I wrong?”
He looks at you like he has no idea who you are, and for some reason that really pisses you off because you don’t really recognise him anymore, either.
“Why are you pushing me away?!”
“I’m not, I—”
“Where has all this come from, then?!”
“I don’t know if I want this!”
Silence falls.
You swallow thickly as he stares at you, your voice cracking slightly.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, but... y’know, Karrie and Teddy, they... I look at them and at Joyce and Lonnie and they’re so happy, they know what they want, and they can’t wait to get married and settled down, here, but...”
“You don’t want that,” he finishes for you, quietly.
You speak after a moment, your tone matching his. “I don’t.”
“You don’t want me.”
That sends a knife through your heart because honestly? You have no idea. 
Shaking your head, you close your eyes for a moment. “No, yes, I... I don’t know. I care so much about you, but... I just think we’re on different paths.”
His gaze drops as your words linger in the air. Clearing his throat, he glances up at you again.
“What if we just take a break, for a bit. Or I can come up and visit you, in New York.”
He’s just a boy, you suddenly think, your heart breaking.
Biting at your lower lip to stop it from trembling, you give a small shrug. “I think that wouldn’t be fair on us both.”
He nods slowly, his jaw moving, and you’ve never seen him this distant. Raising his eyebrows slightly, he stands.
“Seems you already had this all figured out.”
“No, no, I didn’t, I just don’t want to be unfair to you—”
“Could I have said anything that would have changed your mind?” His quiet words silence you, and you have to stifle a sob.
“... No.”
Hop gazes at you, and after several moments he nods. “Good luck with everything.”
You’d burst into tears the moment he’d left your room. The front door had slammed shut and as you’d sat on your bed and cried and cried you’d heard his car door slam, too. You’d cried for days, going between telling yourself you’d made a huge mistake, and then that you’d done what was best, that he didn’t appreciate you like he used to and it wasn’t your job to fix him and coach him through life and that... yeah, you’d fallen out of love with him.
You hadn’t just lost a boyfriend that day, though, you’d also lost your best friend.
You loved Karen but there was just something different about Hop’, something that made you feel safe and like you could tell him anything and he wouldn’t judge. As you’d moved away and the months had gone on, several triumphs and bad days had happened, and all you’d wanted to do was just pick up the phone to call him and tell him. You’d stopped yourself every time.
Then, at some unremarkable point, you’d just stopped getting that urge, and life had moved on.
Oh, it certainly had moved on.
You stare at him, trying to look without looking. You can still see the face of the teenager you once knew, though with the beard and the lines at the corners of his eyes he’s very much a man now.
God, is he a man.
He was tall when you’d known him, but is he taller now, somehow? Had he had another growth spurt in his twenties? His hands are huge, too, and he’d been confident back then but it had come from cockiness whereas now he just seems quietly so, more sure of himself.
And you have absolutely no idea what he’s thinking. He’s staring at you so expressionlessly that you believe for a moment or two he actually has forgotten you.
Then, he speaks
“Hey. Been a long time.”
Hey. Been. A. Long. Time.
Said like you didn’t once whisper “I love you” to each other and share every single secret you’d ever had.
Then again, all you’d been able to muster up was a ‘Hi’.
You’re still smiling and you don’t know how to stop.
“Yeah, it has.”
“How are you?”
“Fine, thank you, you?”
“Yeah, good. You home for the holidays?”
He runs his fingers over his mouth as he nods, and oh my God, he’s attractive. Is he, or is it the alcohol?
Wanting to banish the thoughts from your mind and distract yourself, you quickly continue.
“I’m staying with Karen.”
“That’s nice.” It’s said absolutely expressionlessly. “Just ‘till the new year?”
“Uhm, indefinitely. I’m, I’m working, uh, going through, uh, I’m moving, at the moment.”
“Okay. Well, I hope it goes okay.”
Oh my God, he’s winding down the conversation. He’s gonna go.
And you’re still smiling.
“Thank you.”
Nodding, he glances at Callahan. “I’m gonna go and check in with the others, see how they are.”
Callahan just nods once, his gaze flicking from you to Hopper and back again with utter confusion.
Rising, Hopper glances from Karen to you.
“See you around.”
“Yeah, bye, happy holidays,” you answer, Karen possibly unable to speak.
His lips move slightly, possibly into a faint smile. “Yeah, to you, too.”
And then he walks away, heading for the bar. Staring at where he’d just been sat, a slightly strangled sound releases from the back of your throat.
“Oh my God, oh my God...”
Looking to Karen, a whole range of emotions are flashing across her face as she tries to find the most comforting one. She fails.
“Oh, babe, oh God, that was horrible.”
“I know, I just, I forgot how to have a conversation, my voice got so high.”
“It did, I don’t know why you did that.”
“Neither do I, oh my God...” Putting your head in your hands, you then quickly lift it after a moment, pressing your lips together as you raise your hands. “Whatever. It’s fine. Let’s just, please, move past it. It’s over, I got it out the way, it was civilised, it’s done.”
“You’re right, you’re so right, please let’s forget it. Let’s drink.”
“Yes, please.”
You tap your glass against Karen’s as she raises it, and both take a long drink.
Oh, God.
That had been... so uneventful you don’t quite know what to do with yourself. In all the times you’d thought about how this exact moment might go, you’d never thought it would be uneventful. You’d imagined yelling, or crying, sometimes even laughing, but this...
Well. It was really like it had meant nothing at all.
You don’t know why it’s getting to you so much. You broke up with him. Of course he’d have moved on and left it all behind, God, you have as well. You’ve both lived your lives, gone through so many things and come out the other side and... A break up when you were teenagers kind of pales in comparison.
Yeah. It’s all fine. In fact, you know what, you’re relieved. It’s mature. It’s done. That’s it. You don’t have to be best friends with him again, for fuck’s sake.
Lowering your drink, you don’t realise your internal monologue has played out on your face, eyes widening and narrowing. Looking up, you find Karen and Callahan staring at you.
Licking your lips, you shrug. “It’s fine. It’s fine. Who wants another drink?”
You’re out of your seat and heading to the bar before they can respond. Karen sits back in her chair as she blinks, watching you stride away.
“Can someone just please tell me what’s going on?” Callahan bursts out, his hands raised.
“Oh, God, sweetie...” Karen sighs, reaching for her drink again. “... I have no fucking clue.”
24th December 1982
“Ughhh... Oh, God...”
It’s not your own groaning that wakes you, but that of someone else.
Cracking open an eye, you stare up at the ceiling as the groaning continues.
Uh, my mouth is so dry...
Licking your lips, you turn your head and find Karen on the other side of the bed, her hair bedraggled and spilling across the pillow, mascara halfway down her face, lipstick smeared. Turning her own head, she looks at you and groans again.
“Am I alive?”
“I think so,” you rasp, and she groans mournfully.
“Ughhhh... I don’t even remember how we got home...”
Closing your eyes, you scratch at your forehead, trying to remember yourself.
You’d gone to the bar, drank, drank a lot, maybe danced a little, spoken with your old classmate, Jessica? Justine? and then... Oh, what was his name again...
“Callahan,” you murmur, your throat aching. “Callahan brought us home.”
“Oh, yeah... Didn’t we ask him to turn on his lights?”
Your lips twitch as you recall how you’d both screamed with joy and whooped and cheered as he’d turned on the lights, waving your arms from side to side.
You snort and she glances at you. A laugh escapes you as you think about the absurdity of it all, and then she’s laughing, too, her cackle loud and delighted.
“Oh my God... Ugh, that was fun...” she sighs, her smile lingering.
“Yeah...” you murmur, stretching your legs out.
“We’ll have fun tonight, too.” She pats your hand, exhaling a breath. “If we just... If we just sleep ‘till noon, and then we can start preparing the house... Maybe even two, it won’t take long...”
You hum, closing your eyes, and, yeah, sleeping a little longer does sound like a good idea... Besides, when you’re unconscious, you don’t have to think about a certain embarrassing event that happened... 
You focus on the softness of the bed as Karen snores lightly beside you, already fast asleep... Yeah... the joy of unconsciousness...
“... Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock... Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring... Snowin' and blowin' up bushels of fun... Now the jingle hop has begun...”
Adjusting a plate on the table, you straighten and blow out a breath, trying to stifle a yawn.
I really can’t handle a night out anymore.
Brushing your hands together, you turn, surveying the party that’s in full-swing. It’s only a couple of hours in but it’s already a success. People are talking, laughing, dancing, singing, eating, drinking, having a merry old time in general really. You feel more proud than you would have thought as your gaze drifts across the room.
You’d had to shake Karen awake at half one, both of you practically dehydrated and feeling not so fresh. After drinking copious amounts of water, showering, changing and finally eating, realising you were both starving, you’d flown around the house together, tidying, cleaning, cooking up food, putting drinks out and decorating. It had been another whirlwind but a wonderful whirlwind. You’d had so much fun, and hadn’t thought once about The Incident. An hour before the party was due to start, you and Karen had gotten ready, selecting slightly more festive outfits than the ones you’d worn last night.
Now, she’s in the kitchen, laughing at something a neighbour is saying, while Mike and Nancy talk in separate corners with some of their friends who have turned up, and Ted, who’d you’d finally bumped in to and greeted, was sat in his armchair, talking with a guy who looked slightly desperate to get away.
The doorbell chimes and you catch Karen’s eye, waving your hand and mouthing, “I’ll get it,”, as you’ve done so for the last few chimes.
You have to carefully push your way past people on the way to the foyer, which is surprisingly empty. Moving to the door, you grip the handle and pull it open, a smile already on your lips.
You cut yourself off, pausing as you stare up at the man.
Hopper stares back at you, shoulders slightly hunched from the cold, hands in his pockets.
"Hi,” he says, glancing behind you briefly.
"Hey,” you repeat, your heart pounding.
... Whaaaaaat is he doing here?
As if he’s somehow heard your thought, he clears his throat and raises his eyebrows a little. “Uh, Callahan said we were invited.”
Oh, fuck, yes, you’d forgotten Karen had insisted he come, and you, jokingly, had said, ‘Hey, why not invite Hopper, too?’
Haha. Ha. What a hilarious joke. What a hilarious little joke that Callahan clearly hadn’t taken as a joke so it is now real.
Just as you realise you haven’t answered him, he clears his throat again. “Should I—”
“Oh, no, God, sorry, come in.” Holding the door open, you step back, gesturing with your other hand into the foyer.
He steps in, glancing at the party beyond before he turns to you as you close the door, looking up at him.
You’re staring again.
Swallowing, you point at the stairs. “Uh, coats are up here, I’ll show you.”
Before he can answer, you stride to the steps and ascend, gripping the bannister.
Ooh... Ooh, what’s happening... What am I doing...
You’ve shown the last few people up to where the coats are being kept, just in case you can’t see them out, but this is... This is rather intimate.
You hear him behind you, following you up, and you make yourself exhale a long breath to try and calm your heart.
Be an adult.
The coats are being kept where they usually would at a Wheeler party; the guest room, AKA your room. It’s one of the reasons you’ve been basically escorting people up to it, not wanting them to linger in there or have a stranger possibly go through your things.
Pushing the door open, you step in to the dimly lit room and gesture at the bed that’s piled high with coats, scarves and jackets.
“Just here, leave it anywhere.”
He stands in the doorway, hands back in his pockets.
“I’m actually not stayin’ long, I’ve got a shift soon.”
Your hands drop. “Oh. Okay...” You can’t stop a slight frown from crossing your features. “Why did you come up, then?”
Hopper meets your gaze, his jaw moving minutely. “‘cause I want to talk to you.”
You’re sweating, your fingers flexing by your side.
Okay, here we go, he’s gonna yell at me and tell me everything he’s been holding back, here we go...
Shifting his stance, he leans against the doorframe, his gaze holding yours. “Listen, last night, I... I’m sorry I left so abruptly. That wasn’t, uh... polite of me.”
... Well, that’s not what you’d expected.
Your lips parted, you gaze at him. “Uh, no, no, no, it’s fine, I, I completely get it. It’s, uhm...” You pause, swallowing. Then, you smile faintly, and just say it, your voice dropping slightly. “... It’s weird, isn’t it.”
“Yeah. Fuck, yeah, it is.” He lets out a laugh, and for some reason the sound of it warms you. “I was a little taken aback when I saw you, I was totally unprepared.”
“Oh, me, too.” You exhale a laugh, your smile easing. “I wanted to say so many things but my brain wasn’t quite connected to my mouth.” You laugh again, though it’s more nervous this time, because you know if you don’t say it now, you never will. Your tongue gliding across your lips, you raise your hands a little. “Look, Hop, I...” Fuck, it feels strange saying his name again. “... I’m sorry for how things ended between us.”
Hopper’s already shaking his head before you’ve finished, a slight dip to his brow. “Don’t be. I think it was the kick up the ass I needed, and I knew you were right. Took me a little while to admit that, but, yeah.”
“Still, I could have given us a chance—”
“We were kids,” he cuts you off gently with a light smile, shrugging. “Neither of us knew what we were doin’ or how to handle somethin’ like that.”
You snort. “I still don’t.”
A corner of his mouth lifts a little higher. “Yeah, me, too.” Grazing his teeth over his lower lip, you watch him as he seems to consider something, your cheeks heating slightly at his intense gaze. “... Stop me if I’m, uh, treadin’ where I shouldn’t, but, and I’m just connectin’ the dots here, you said you’re stayin’ in Hawkins indefinitely, is that because something similar has happened?”
You give a faint smile, pointing a finger at him as you raise your eyebrows. “Yeah, you got me. I, uhm...” Here we go... “... I broke up with my fiancé. Or, he broke up with me, actually.” Your smile widens a little more. “Good connecting, you must be a great Chief.”
“Well, I do my best.” He looks sympathetic in a way that is mercifully not pitying. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Thanks. I feel like shit every day, but, it was for the best. He was an asshole. I just didn’t want to see it.”
“How come he did the breaking up, then?”
You fold your arms, exhaling a breath. “He met someone else. Didn’t even bother to hide it or save my feelings. Just told me.”
“That sucks.”
“Yeah, it really did.”
“Still,” he nods his head at you, “you seem much better off.”
You feel a little proud at that, because, actually, you feel like a mess. “Thanks. Karen’s letting me stay here until I figure out what I wanna do. I don’t even know if I like my job anymore or if it’s just everything that’s going on making me feel like I hate it, or maybe I have hated it for a while and I just don’t want to admit that to myself either.” You catch yourself from continuing, releasing a sheepish laugh. “I’m sorry, I’m just rambling on now, you can go back down—”
“Nah, it’s okay, I like listenin’ to you.”
He says it so sincerely, holding your gaze, that you don’t quite know what to do. Biting at your lower lip briefly, you look away for a few moments, your fingers twisting together.
“Well... Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
You can hear the smile in his tone, so you look up, and God...
You’ve missed that smile.
His expression is so soft, too, so gentle and...
No, no, no, no... No, it’s just because you’re sad and it’s Christmas and—
Clearing his throat, he leans an arm against the chest of drawers beside the door.
“Y’know, I... I’ve thought about you over the years, thought about reachin’ out. I heard from someone years ago that you were in New York and I... I told myself I was gonna look you up but... I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Didn’t know if you’d even want to see me.”
A smile pulls at your lips, your chest aching slightly. “I think I would have.” Biting at your lower lip again, you take a breath. “... I’ve thought about you, too. Sometimes I think about if I made the biggest mistake of my life in leaving you.”
He blinks, before quickly smiling, shaking his head. “Like I said, we were just kids. We didn’t know any better.”
“I know.”
You’re gazing at each other again, quietly.
Clearing your throat, you make yourself smile. “I’m so sorry, I should have offered you a drink, I—”
“Would you like to go out for a drink?” he asks, so swiftly that it’s as if he’d been waiting to. “So we can catch up properly?”
Staring at him, you feel something quietly ignite within you. He looks somewhat nervous, and for some reason it calms you instantly.
A softer smile returning to your lips, you nod. “I’d like that.”
One corner of his mouth lifts a little higher than the other as he straightens, his hands falling to his sides. “Good. Okay. I’ll call. I gotta head out now, sorry, I just wanted to drop by before my shift.”
He wanted to drop by... to see me.
Trying to contain your smile, you move towards him, heading for the door. “It’s okay, I’ll walk you out.”
You head down the hallway and stairs in silence, your heart fluttering wildly. You’re suddenly very aware of your body, and of his right behind you, and oh my God, when was the last time I felt this way?
Pulling the door open, you hold it for him as you smile.
“Well, I hope your shift goes okay.”
He’s stood before you, a hand in his pocket, and he doesn’t move.
Then, his other hand moves to rest on your arm gently as he lowers his head and presses a soft kiss to your cheek.
Oh, fuck.
His lips brushing against your skin makes your heart stop and every inch of your skin warm. It’s brief, far too brief, and when he pulls his head back to look at you, you desperately hope you don’t look as flustered as you feel.
Giving a slightly breathless smile, you hold his gaze. “Merry Christmas, Hop’.”
The smile he gives in return has you feeling a way you know you haven’t in years.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 62 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 314 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 303 Responses
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There was an interesting contrast this week between anime only viewers’ and manga readers’ reaction to the episode. Anime only viewers overwhelmingly felt positively about the episode. But for manga manga readers, many of the cuts in the anime dampened their enjoyment of the episode, and for some ruined it entirely. Still, overall, the episode got positive reception, even if it wasn’t overwhelmingly enthusiastic. 
a little rushed but still very enjoyable. it defo got the point across about Reiner's struggles
It was... Fine. I'll give it a solid 8/10 on emotional value and finally seeing these chapters animated. But accepting that the anime and manga are not the same and that there will be cuts is hard.
Wasn't very good. The cut scenes really hurt the pacing and overall story.
i thought the pacing was way too fast :(
Stunning. Beautiful 
Another great episode. My only criticisms are the music that was used at the beginning of the episode, which didn't really work, and the cuts but I understand why that had to happen.
Impeccable. The adaption was both efficient and emotionally effective. Zero misses so far - I'm officially a MAPPA ho. 
Really great! Feels different from the manga and makes me excited for future episodes, because even if it's not perfect, we will always have the original material + some fun new scenes that the anime is adding, can't wait for more
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The much-anticipated scene where we learn amputee-kun is actually Eren was the most favored of the episode, with 37.5% of the vote. Following behind that with more narrow margins were the introduction to Marley’s titans, Annie and Reiner’s fight and Reiner’s suicide attempt. 
The first part was very rushed and I wasn't as impressed by it. But I was very impressed by the second part of the episode once the warrior kids made it to paradise. I also very much enjoyed how they animated the scene of Annie taking out her anger on Reiner after Marcel's death. There was just something about the use of colours that really appealed to me. 
The Reiner and Annie fight and Reiner's suicide disturbed me a lot more this time around, partially because I haven't read the chapters in a while, but this is easily one of my favorite episodes now.
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The majority of the fandom are enjoying the new ending, with 65.6% loving both the song and the animation. 11.2% are enjoying the song… but not so much the animation. 11.9% feel that it’s “just okay.” Some are enjoying the animation, but not the song, and a few more dislike both. 
The song and the animation are truly beautiful and gorgeous. I couldn't imagine better. It is always so peaceful after the full of emotions episode. 
Beautiful song, although the bit with the streaks of shiny animation look like 480p and are a little boring. 
I didn't see it 
Bold of you to assume I watch the EDs and don't just skim ahead to the preview.
i'm not interested in the ending
There was a half ED?
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A very tiny fraction of voters weren’t impressed with the way MAPPA executed the scene that introduces us to the Marley titans and why each warrior was picked for the titans they received. However, the majority of respondents felt very positively about the scene, with 221 even feeling they, too, will become a titan as a result of the awesomeness. 
I really liked the marley titan montage but why the hell were the female titan's boobs so big? It looked so out of poportion
It was awesome and I loved the introduction to the Titans
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Whether it’s for practicality or aesthetic reasons, we all have different titans that appeal to us more than others. This race was a close one, with the Female Titan holding on just slightly over the Jaw Titan in terms of favoritism. The Armored Titan came in at a distant third with the Beast Titan and Colossal closely behind. Only a very small fraction would like to inherit the Cart Titan from Piku-chan.
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Overall, the majority (29.1%) wouldn’t want to adopt any of the OG warrior crew, whether because the responsibility is too much or because they don’t like kids at all (or perhaps, a missing third option being they don’t like any of them). But for those who would happily take on one of the OG warrior kiddos, 24.1% would most like to take Reiner home (and probably give him lots of hugs). 21.1% adore little Pieck and would shower her with parental love forever. 9.7% probably want to pinch little Bertolt’s cheeks, and 8.4% wish they’d adopted Annie instead of her father.
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The majority of respondents felt positively enough about seeing WIT’s S1 style mixed in with MAPPA’s, with 42.9% feeling it flowed together well enough, and 26.4% understanding why they didn’t reanimate the event (despite preferring it if they had). 11.2% don’t care at all, and 8.6% think it was way too jarring. There are some who are reminded that they miss WIT’s style, and others who have a continued appreciation for MAPPA.
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Overall, nearly everyone seems to be pleased with Kaji Yuki’s more “mature” sounding Eren, with 76.4% feeling he is portraying an older and more jaded Eren perfectly. 11.6% are lost in their lust for a 2D drawing and are focused entirely on that (we understand lol). A few are simply indifferent to the lower tone, and a smaller percentage just prefer Eren’s voice prior to the timeskip. 
Anime onlys can spot him more difficult, which I like
Made sense to me, he’s not a teenager anymore after all, plus works better for this “new” Eren who’s less angry and shouty all the time.
I didn't even notice lol
Eren is adult so changing his voice was a very good choice. I like his new sound.
It was stupid that he ever talked so low before now. He was fifteen and he sounded like an adult, well they all do that bc it's standard anime shit but it makes it even harder when they become real adults.
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Seeing Marcel get eaten 2000 times seems to be a running gag at this point, so naturally we had to include this question. Whether it’s recency bias or objectively true, 44.6% feel that MAPPA’s take on Marcel’s death was the best. 30.4% feel that Isayama’s more recent art style truly does Marcel the most justice. 14.2% liked the way WIT Studio portrayed the scene and 10.8% like Isayama’s older, more grungy art style.
RIP Marcel
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In the hypothetical scenario that Reiner hadn’t convinced Annie and Bertolt to stay on the island, the majority feel that Reiner was wrong in his assessment that they would be executed practically on-site. 55.1% believe that the idea would have been out in the open, but ultimately rejected. Though, 35.6% feel that Marley is too ruthless and uncaring toward Eldians to care what the situation is, and would absolutely hand over their titans to others deemed more capable. Very few felt Marley would be understanding by default. Many write-ins feel that Reiner is the only one who would have been executed for the failure. 
Depends on if B/A emphasize that it was Reiner’s fault rather than their own.
If all of RBA got eaten then I think they wouldn’t use kids for their next attempt. Maybe teens around the age RBA were after training in Paradis military
Magath would have pointed out how wasteful it would have been, but probably even him couldn't have saved reiner
He was wrong. What would be the point of feeding them to other children, if they were the best candidates? Too much of work. 
Reiner said that there's a possibility that they couldn't find Ymir even if they try. He has a point. But I don't think Marley would have RBA eaten even if they lose Jaw.
They wouldn't go through with it because they seem to lack other qualified warrior candidates.
I think Magath and maybe Zeke would have tried to convince the government to not go through with it and that Reiner might have been the only one sacrificed.
Obviously. They would have indisputable proof that sending a bunch of kids to carry out a massively important mission is the dumbest shit they could have ever done and immediately they'd put the titans into older soldiers.
They'd let them live a few more years just for propaganda and used them for other battles, then they'd have them killed around their midterm.
Possibly, but they put a lot of time, effort, and money into training their warriors. It would be a big decision to execute all of them and start over. Maybe they would have executed Reiner as an example.
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In our least-serious question of the poll, we asked you guys to try and predict the weather based on Bertolt’s sleeping pose. 18.3% believe his legs-on-the-wall pose means clear skies, 13.9% are certain it means rain. 13.6% are confident in an overcast night. At 11.5% foresee storms coming and 11.2% think it’s gonna be snow. 18% are probably just annoyed with the question. A few write-ins pointed out that Bertolt was, indeed, sleeping in the Hanged Man Pose.
It’s gonna be partly guilt ridden old man with a 90% chance of suicide by hanging
Blood and guts
Let's just call it hail
Hanged man posture, dreamed about the old man
raining titans
No one can make me like the warriors even if I don't blame them for what they were forced to do as kids. idc what quirky habits they have.
There'll be clear skies for some time but don't be deceived, heavy rain is incoming
This was amazing because it's a reference to The Hanging Man on Tarot cards: he's willingly being hanged for his sins. Look it up, it's so cool.
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With only 20(ish) minutes to fit in all of Reiner’s backstory, cuts were inevitable. MAPPA made the decision to nerf most of Reiner’s struggles training as a Warrior Cadet (among a couple other more lengthy scenes during and after the wall breach). 62.9% are sad that some of these scenes didn’t make the cut, but also understand that we can’t have it all. 13.2% actually preferred seeing Reiner’s backstory in MAPPA’s condensed version, while 12.9% feel it completely ruins the characterization of the warriors.
I don't even remember what was cut 😂
Slightly ruined the warriors’ characterisations (especially Reiner’s)
I thought they could have shown a bit more about Reiner's underdog, it's something that really made me sympathise with him in the manga. 
Kinda disappointed, since some scenes were essential for a little background on their lives
Honestly, even after all the cuts and the restrains it tells the story of a "warrior", Reiner.
Mappa fucked RBA backstory and I would bet it's because they are biased towards Eren and 104th...
I wouldn't say it ruined their characterisation, but it did leave it a lot more shallow. I would've loved to see those scenes animated, but I also realise that things will have to be cut to fit everything in, and I think these cuts still preserve the forward momentum of the story reasonably well. 
The important scenes were animated, so it's good that way
MAPPA cannot animate every panel and the best will be, if fandom finally understands that. Every episode has limited amount of time and MAPPA is doing everything they can to make episodes good and easy to understand for anime onlies. I was fine with cutting because I know that episodes aren't long and there are more important stuff to animate than every part of training.
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MAPPA completely glossed over Annie’s role in the wall breach, showing her being choked by Reiner and then waking up in the refugee camp later. 40.9% state they would have preferred seeing Annie play her part in the mission, though they accept that it isn’t there. 34.6% are concerned that those who don’t read the manga will just be confused as to where Annie was during all of the chaos (Oh no! Did RB leave her passed out in the fields!?). 16.1% are simply just disappointed altogether. A small fraction felt it wasn’t necessary anyway and have no problems with the cut. 
I feel kinda iffy about it because that was one of my favorite parts of the chapter, but oh well... it is what it is.
Kenny's scene should be eliminated.
I mean it's not like the female titan could destroy the walls herself. I think nobody expects it and then her absence makes sense
Yams did an oopsie in the first place retconing 
It really confused me lol for a moment I completely forgot what she even did in the manga and had to reread
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We learn after Annie comes out of the crystal that her father is actually an adoptive parent. Annie, in an attempt to cover up why she’s stalking Kenny in the underground, claims (or jokes) that she was born to a brothel worker and is Kenny’s lost daughter. We asked if this made the joke any less funny to readers, though most of them didn’t think so at all. Only 14% of respondents say the new knowledge actually makes it a little sad. Some people forgot entirely that Annie is adopted and voiced their confusion in the write-ins. 
wait,,,,, she.,,,, she's adopted ??? wha- how did i completely forget about this
Kenny's gay anyway so it's impossible! Sorry, Annie :/
I don't really get this joke tbh 😅 Do people think she and Kenny look alike?
We're all Kenny's lost daughter
It just brings into question her true parentage, like how she can scream summon other Titans and if that’s a royal blood thing or not. But probably doesn’t matter since it hasn’t come up in the manga yet 
I hadn't thought about it before today.
She's adopted?!?
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With such a weighty scene, execution is of utmost importance. So we were curious if you guys felt that MAPPA hit the mark. Overall, MAPPA’s take on this scene got positive responses from the fandom, with 42.4% feeling they felt about the same as they did when the scene came up in the manga. 26.5% actually thought that MAPPA did a better job with the scene, whereas 26.2% felt that Isayama’s original take on the scene is still superior. 
I think that while the manga's intent is for the reader to feel Reiner's pain and emotions during what he thought were his last moments, the anime focuses much more on making it disturbing and depressing (both taking into account the same things, just choosing to highlight different aspects of the scene). Not a bad change but I prefer the manga's portayal, it made me feel so much more attached to Reiner
Actual scene was good, but the build up was lacking.
I really liked the flipping back and forth 
Not nearly as emotional as I expected
The lighting was so good in the anime version. 
Bruh we needed the flashbacks cause they depicted Reiner's journey and regrets
I think it was more impactful in the manga, but MAPPA did it amazing too
The scene looked more serious but the building of the characters didn't live up for the moment. 
It impacted me differently than in the manga. I prefer the manga scene, but the anime's was still really good
I was worried about it being overly censored so I’m glad it wasn’t 
The execution was about the same, but it had a bigger impact when you read it for the first time
The drool was a great touch
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While we shouldn’t dwell on cuts too much, there will still be things that people are disappointed didn’t make it into the anime. The scenes which were most missed this week were Annie’s role in the wall breach, Reiner passing along a tired Annie over to Bertolt atop the wall, RBA discussing their infiltration plans in the field (also known as the tree-uprooting scene), seeing Bertolt, Annie and Marcel surpassing Reiner in their training, and Reiner breaking up Eren and Jean’s fight (noticing Annie is exhausted). Well, at least the manga still exists, right?
I wish they didnt cut some of the flashbacks right before Reiner tried to kill himself. 
Really great episode, but Bertholdt looking up at the wall before breaking it was such an iconic panel, I'm a bit sad
Any cuts are a negative. I dont care how much it makes sense for the anime onlies, I just wish they somehow incorporate some of the small slice of life scenes that made the Marley arc special.
Truly loved it despite cuts and pacing, but just wish we could’ve seen that tree uprooting scene!
I still hold the sentiment that Mappa is cutting way too much from these episodes. The amount of small details getting cut from every chapter/episode results in losing out on smaller moments that in my opinion have a real impact. While I understand a 1 to 1 replica might not be possible, the amount of cuts is too much imo. Missing out on nearly all of RBA assaulting Shiganshina was a huge disappointment, and less Falco and Gabi scenes makes it tough for me to connect to them. Talking to my Anime-only friends though, they are very into this season, so I'm glad to hear it works for them. 
I'm not necessarily sad they cut so much, I feel like as an Anime only I wouldn't have noticed! The only thing I wish that had been kept was Annie's involvement in the destruction of wall Maria. 
I was sad they cut stuff but that’s inevitable.  The only cut I’m sad about is the scene before Bertholdt  breaks the wall.
some of the cuts made sense, some made other scenes kind of occur out of nowhere, like annie with kenny.
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While the Falbi romance isn’t a major focal point of the series, it does play a big part in their storyline and overall character development as their involvement in the plot increases. MAPPA has had to let a few scenes go, so we were curious if manga readers felt it would lessen the impact of Falco’s inevitable confession just before the rumbling starts. 31.4% feel that the anime is doing just fine at portraying Falco’s feelings. 28.4% feel the impact will be lessened, but that it’s fine due to it being a minor plot point anyway. 14.5% are upset about the missing pieces and 11.8% think MAPPA will make up for it later. Smaller groups of voters either don’t understand why Falco likes Gabi or just don’t care. 
I'm more dissapointed about Zofia and Udo getting cut than those two.
Kid romance is lame anyway
It's not gonna hit like the manga but it's still pretty important plot imo
What works on paper doesn't always work animated, they're doing ok 
I hate gabi gahh
It is obvious he likes her anyway
Not really, they've established he has a big crush on her since he pretty much came out and told it to Eren
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We failed to ask this question last week, but it still applied well to this week’s episode. When it came to anime only fans, we wondered whether manga readers felt MAPPA did a good job at making him as mysterious to anime watchers as Isayama did to us manga readers. 40.1% felt that MAPPA did a great job, as many anime watchers didn’t seem to catch on. 25.6% feel that they didn’t do any worse or better than Isayama did. 13.8% feel MAPPA did not do as well as Isayama, as some anime watchers easily caught on. 9.4% think they did completely awful at pretending it’s not Eren. Some write-ins felt we couldn’t objectively judge this as we already knew it was Eren anyway. 
I think the voice gave it away the most. The sneaky animation was great! 
Hard to answer because chapters were a month apart while episodes are weekly and I’ve already read the manga when it came out
well, I can't say much about this. since I know he is eren, I was just focusing on how Kaji Yuki will handle this important speech
They even didn't try to hide him. I'm disappointed because I wanted anime onlines to feel what we - manga readers - felt, when after few chapters we found that the hobo man was Eren. 
I honestly didn't even realize he was supposed to be hidden from the readers/viewers at this point. It was so obviously him in the manga and the anime. Genuinely confused by how many people did not catch on. 
Watching some reactors they were like "...wait...that *looks* like Eren...but his leg is amputated...his leg would've grown back??" but as soon as you heard his voice it was instantaneous 
I, being a manga reader, had a hard time getting how you couldn't see that it was Eren, but some of my friend only got it at the last scene.
Hard to say. WIth the manga, it took me a few reads to catch on, but now that I KNOW, it's hard to say anything.
Yes, I'm watching the episodes with my anime-only friend and he still hasn't figured it out
I think they did a good job, but with anime being the medium it was easier to guess due to both hair/eye color and voice.
It was nice, I was actually surprised that some of my anime only friends didn't even realize that it was Eren talking to Falco this episode
When Eren was finally revealed in the manga, I was *shocked! I had *no clue that was him! I think the anime did a great job, but of course had to reveal him sooner. It was perfect both in manga and anime imo.
It's obviously him once you see his eyes, but I don't think that the animation team were trying to make it a big shock reveal, they want this scene to say "this is probably Eren, but can you be 100% sure" to keep anime onlys engaged and reassure them that the main cast is still relevant.
Yes, but the manga hid him better, it took me way too long to realise it was him while reading
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The vast majority of respondents were very pleased with Kaji Yuji’s delivery on one of Eren’s most prominent speeches. 38.1% felt it was exactly as they had hoped it would be. 28.1% were extremely happy, and feel that any delivery by Kaji Yuki as Eren will be 100% spot-on. 24.7% are simply just content with it. Smaller fragments of respondents just wanted to voice their thirst, or felt that the delivery could have been better. 
Better than I could have ever imagined
I don't really care
Eren is the best main character ever
Not my native language so I can't really tell how good it is, but Kaji's delivery seemed about right
It was a bit fast but good
Very good. You get a real sense of how clueless but trying to be tough Eren really is.
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Eren already knows he will bring destruction upon the world, so it’s a wonder why he would bother telling Falco he hopes Falco will have a long life. 64.8% believe that he truly means it from the bottom of his heart, despite knowing his future actions will likely affect Falco. 10.7% believe he said this because he has already seen that Falco will survive the Rumbling. 10.1% aren’t really sure what to make of it at all. Smaller numbers of people think Eren was only trying to gain Falco’s trust and didn’t mean it at all, or believe that Falco will take part in Eren’s eventual demise and Eren is already aware of that. 
He saw him in his memories so imma believe what he says
I'm sure there is part of Eren that hopes for a good long life for Falco. Just like there was part of him that couldn't help but save the refugee kid. But that doesn't mean he isn't any less dedicated to his plan to genocide a whole lot of people. He has his conflicts, but in the end he's still going ahead with the attack on the square and later with the rumbling.
I think it's the same deal as him saving the immigrant kid when he knew that he would die in the rumbling.
In an ideal world Eren would want *everyone* to live a long life--he's been portrayed as someone who cries and disassociates while he commits his genocide so we're meant to understand he doesn't enjoy it. Sadly it doesn't matter what he hopes or wants when he's decided murdering everyone is what has to be done..
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Many of our respondents seem to be looking forward to Pieck and Porco’s inclusion in the daytime festival. 47% are hopeful that this will mean some wholesome bonding scenes between the Warriors and the kids. 26.5% don’t know what to make of it, but are looking forward to it nonetheless. A handful of people think it will be similar to how WIT included Sasha in the Clash arc - adding minor details without changing anything in the story-line. 7% wish that MAPPA wasn’t doing this at all, and 5% are hopeful this means that MAPPA will find a way to repurpose Pieck crawling on all fours next episode. 
I still want Pieck butt
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Who wants to place bets on the contents of next episode? While the largest chunk of people don’t know what to expect in episode 4, others are happy to speculate. 19.8% feel (or are at least hopeful) that MAPPA will fill in some screen time by repurposing already-skipped scenes. 19.1% feel that there will be minor additions, but not too much. A solid 16% feel that there will be a few anime only additions during the daytime festival. 10.9% are placing bets that episode 4 will actually bleed into chapter 100 before the end.
Mappa won't have to cut a lot of stuff like they did to ep 3
The title "From One Hand to Another" immediately made me think we would actually be getting Eren grasping Reiner's hand and transforming at the end (meaning chapters 100 and 101), but that's just so much. The title may just refer to Magath and Willy's handshake. 
What about just enjoying the show?
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As expected of the fandom! Reiner and Eren’s reunion is the most anticipated scene for episode 4, with 74.8% having voted for that. 17.1% are most looking forward to the daytime festival, and 6% are excited to meet Willy in anime form for the first time. One commenter is very invested in the banquet and how it’s executed. 
Not this ep but if they cut the Udo and Kiyomi scene I'll RIOT!
I'm upset so much was cut from Reiner's backstory but the cinematography is freakin' excellent I can't even complain
*cheers MAPPA animators for their hard work* ... Perfect for anime onlies, I think. Made me almost wish I hadn't read the manga so I wouldn't have missed the cut scenes.
Cuts aside, the animation was much better than the previous episodes. 
"The one scene I really wanted was Bertholdt looking over the wall and seeing the EMA trio. Of all the cuts, I think that was the only one that was damaging to the story. I also kind of wish that MAPPA animated the reused scenes. I kind of like comparing and contrasting the animation styles of both studios so its a bit of shame that we didn't get anything new from Episode 1.
I'm really impressed with how much MAPPA is managing to squeeze in each episode and I'm content that Reiner's flashback was covered in a single episode rather than two. It just makes sense pacing-wise. The only real criticism I have is that in the flashback scenes where everyone is supposed to be 12 years old, they don't sound 12 at all. Their voices are way too mature, especially the males, and I understand they're voiced by adults, but I feel like they could have at least tried to sound more like kids. Other than that, great episode.
Elaborating on the missing content: they really shouldn’t have cut Annie’s transformation prior to wall Maria being breached. It makes it look like Reiner choked her out and then a minute later bert was kicking the wall through. 
I'm in the boat, where i think it wouldve been better if Mappa didnt cut out so much, but considering what there is to cover, we will live,but i hope they dont end up butchering everything Also the bit with reiner’s dad would be confusing to anime-onlies since it cross-cuts between that scene and him on the parade. I’ve seen some reactors think it was a daydream, or that he left during the parade. 
It was quite rushed, but I understand why they did it, the flashback wouldn't have been as impactful over 2 episodes, and I do think when the Marley arc was first introduced in the manga, manga readers were quite inpatient to get back to the main cast, so they might be feeding off that feedback. 
Mappa has become my favorite studio of all time. Not just in regards to anime, but studios in general. Their discography is on another level (imo) and the fact that on top of every other masterpiece they’ve made, they’re doing an outstanding job with my favorite series of all time just solidifies them as the first and probably the only anime studio that I can truly Stan.
Lots of (I think) Important stuff cut, but the meat is still in place. I like my meat to be juicy and marbled, while Mappa cut out all the fat that makes for a flavorful meal. I completely understand why and I am apathetic about it.
disliked the fact the wall breach was so quickly glossed over, and the transition between mappa and wit style was jarring to say the least
Regardless of the cuts, i think it flows together nicely. The anime has always been more speedy than the manga so i kind of expected this. I don't think it'll get as bad as s3 part 1 in terms of pacing. I trust in Mappa, so far i haven't been disappointed at all. The animation and backgrounds are absolutely stunning. That warrior titan sequence was incredibly well done. Props to the animators!
It was a bit confusing mishmash of scenes, but there were some good moments sprinkled in like the introduction of all of Marley's titans. The emotional reactions, however, just weren't the same as they were when reading the manga, to be honest.
I’m really glad they cut the part with RBA hanging onto Female/Armoured neck by a rope. That whole thing seemed stupid to me. Doesn’t match up with previous chapters and I feel like SOMEONE would have noticed two kids hanging onto the Armoured Titan’s neck. 
I think MAPPA is doing a really good job so far, can't wait to see the battle in Liberio. I'm not bothered at all with the CG titans because firstly, they look really good, and secondly, I understand why they had to do it. I also hope they don't censor many things or cut out some dark scenes that are important to the season because I would love to see everything animated. 
Felt like watching a recap episode... And it wasn't supposed to be one, so
I'm really dissapointed that mappa cut so many things from manga. Reiner's backstory is my favoure part of snk. Suicide scene completly lacks impact. 
I really dislike the fact that MAPPA is trying to show only bad side of the marleyan officers. They removed the gate guards, they removed the scene where Magath is telling RBA to stay safe (on Paradis). One of the best parts of the manga is showing that the both races (Eldians and Marleyans) have good and bad sides. By removing positive aspects of Marleyans MAPPA is creating totally different picture. This way the anime onlines may find the whole rumbling even more justified. The episode was pretty good and the OST has made some scenes to feel more dark and serious (especially the moment where the new titans are introduced), but sometimes I feel like the characters are speaking and acting way too fast. I was waiting for the scene with Kenny and Annie, but it took only like few second and was cut. I love MAPPA's version of Kenny. He has more serious aura and looks more like his manga counterpart. In other words;  wrinkled grandpa with skinny neck :) 
It honestly wasn’t my favorite, but I still loved it. I feel as though they skipped around a lot and there wasn’t a lot of scenes that actually tied together and I’m worried anime only watchers might get confused. Definitely some of the stuff I wanted to see animated didn’t make the cut, but I still love the animation style, the characters and the story!
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Thank you to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again next episode.
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pinkyshy101 · 4 years
Hi tumblr, Maria here
I'm busy right now, but when I get the chance I want to watch a show. What show? That's why I'm writing this post that will probably get very few, if any, notes. So, my options are:
- rewatch a show
- watch a new show
(Tl;dr: I'm thinking of rewatching Gravity Falls, She-Ra, or possibly The Owl House, Kipo, Infinity Train, or maybe Steven Universe, leaning towards one of the first two. I'm also maybe thinking of starting a new show, which could be the Legend of Korra, Adventure Time, Clone High (I say half jokingly), the Tangled show whose name idk cause I think at one point it changed?, Glitch Techs, or maybe Carmilla. Any ideas? Lemme know!)
Lets start out with that first option, rewatching a show. Now with shows I want to rewatch, there's a few categories. There's 1) shows that I've watched for years and have seen numerous times, but I want to rewatch them because it's been a while and I like them and they make me :) and 2) I've only watched them once, probably binge watched it so maybe I don't remember all the details, but I liked it and I want to rewatch it just cause.
What are some of these shows I want to rewatch, you probably aren't asking? Well, there's
- Gravity Falls - I first started watching this show around Thanksgiving/late November 2014, and I've loved it since. I've tried to rewatch it every year since it ended around the date of the last episode airing (February 15, 2016), but last year for whatever reason I didn't. And now that somehow it's about 2 weeks since the 5 year anniversary of it ending somehow, I'm thinking I may want to rewatch it at some point
- She-Ra - this is fairly different from my experience with Gravity Falls - I had heard about it and wanted to watch it for a long while, but for whatever reason put off watching it until.. About a week or so after it ended, so probably May 20something? 2020 of course. I binge watched all 5 seasons in about 6 days, and I haven't fully rewatched it since (I've rewatched a handful of early s1 episodes with a group I'm in at school, but we don't get to do whatever things super often). Also, when I watched it the first time I was dming my friends who had already watched it the whole time, so I'm sure I didn't soak everything in. I've just really been wanting to rewatch it lately, and I don't have the time at the moment to really binge anything, but regardless, it's up there on things I want to rewatch.
There's possibly a few other things I might want to rewatch, like The Owl House, Kipo, possibly Steven Universe, maybe Infinity Train but I feel like its been recent enough since I watched them that they're still in my memory, and a few I watched more than once (Steven universe doesn't really fit in the same categories as those other 3 lol those all I started watching I suppose fall 2020 and SU I've been watching since 2015, its just... Wow I haven't rewatched it since future ended, and I binge watched the whole show up to that point, finishing within a few hours or less of the finale airing... Wow. I haven't watched it since then though, but that's also longer than the other shows I listed, so that's probably not as much a priority at the moment. Plus, I've rewatched it a ton.
Ok, now onto shows that for some reason or another, I still haven't watched. Maybe it's something that I've been meaning to watch for years and years, maybe it's something that would have made sense to watch when I was younger, but I didn't grow up with cable so I never had the chance to watch it, maybe it's a newer show that's been on my radar but I still haven't gotten around to watching it. Regardless, here's my list,
- The Legend of Korra - this and ATLA were on my list to watch for SO LONG, and finally, through a few irl friends convincing, I watched ATLA last october/november. I haven't really binge watched anything since then, except Hilda when season 2 came to netflix, so Korra is definitely pretty high on my list of things I want to watch; I know waaay less about it going in than I did about ATLA, but I'm still excited to watch it eventually!
- Adventure Time - I know I know, how have I not seen this show? Well, there's where the "I didn't have cable growing up" category comes in. I know it's pretty long, cause it aired for what almost 10 years? And I know theres that newer thing on hbo max too; idk exactly how long adventure time is, I just know it's probably gonna take me a very long time to watch. At one point a few years ago I tried to start watching it on hulu, but I got maybe a dozen or so episodes in before whatever reason I stopped. I do still wanna watch it though! I think the episodes are like steven universe where they're only 11 minutes long? I could be wrong. Who knows. But since they were both on cartoon network... I'm willing to bet that probably the majority of the episodes are around 11 minutes. Can't say for sure though. Either way it'll take a long time to watch... Which I think I already said but it's late 😂
- Clone High, I say, mostly as a joke - some of my more chaotic memey friends have wanted me to watch this, especially when memes from it were going around, so I suppose it's on my list, as far as I know it's short but eh. Not insanely high up on my priorities at the moment, but it's there
- and now, a few others that I don't feel like writing in depth because it's 4am and I've been typing this way too long and just want to hit post 😂
- Glitch Techs (watched the first episode, liked it, got busy and so far haven't continued)
- Carmilla - not a cartoon, but same people from group I watched some she-ra with (it's a wlw/nblw group at my college, thus the gay lol) have been wanting me to watch - I've seen some of it with that group similar to how we watched she-ra, but it's easier for me to watch new things on my own at my own speed, so I'd have to rewatch it
- whatever the Tangled series is called - I've seen a handful of the first episodes, but I keep getting too busy to continue it
- oh yeah, one other one that I'm eh about watching idk, some volleyball anime two of my friends are trying to get everyone else in the friend group to watch? Haikyu or something like that is what it's called, idk. I've only seen one anime, ouran high school host club, and recently while doing some art assignments for school I had it on half watching it for the first time in years. I didn't make it all the way through, but eh. I'll finish it eventually, I've seen it all the way through at least 2 or 3 times since I first watched it in like 7th grade lol)
I'm sure there's more, but like I said, it's 4:05 am as I'm typing this, so I'm very no thoughts head empty right now. Any suggestions on what to watch/rewatch when I have time? Lemme know!
Watch I bet this is gonna get no notes/interaction at all, then I'll just look silly
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clownkiwi · 3 years
anyways, yea, adventure time s1 retrospective (except rubys tired n will most likely rewrite this at a later time)
i remember the exact time when i first heard about this show. it was when i was watching recordings of the clone wars, and i remember seeing ads for this show. it was either of the show actually or this live action campaign where it was of a kid cosplaying as finn running around, asking everyone "WHAT TIME IS IT???"
so as you could tell from great advertising like that, i was hooked. and so was my mom actually!! this was one of my moms most recent fave cartoon shows (she also likes gumball, gravity falls, wander over yonder, star vs, amphibia, & the owl house; u can kinda notice a theme here over what channel she preferred)
but, yea, despite how childish the show was, i still. couldnt believe my 9 year old ears when i heard these cartoon characters on a kids show say "sexy" alot, i was really quite surprised about it back then!! and even now im a lil surprised, esp when u remember how cartoon network now isnt really like cartoon network 10 years ago
quick tangent, i always thought it was weird when in the second episode, lumpy space princess would yell "WHATEVER ITS 2009!" bc my braind would think "huh???? isnt it 2010, why didnt she say 2010???" bc thats when the first season started. of course, that was before i realized how long cartoon shows actually take to make
anyways, if you've been a longtime fan of adventure time, then its defo weird watching the first relatively chill and laid back first season again when you compare it to like. the fourth-fifth season and how intense they get (esp with the story)
anyways uhhhh season 1 both hold up incredibly well and have aged perfectly well. they're a relic of a long gone era of cartoons and internet humor, esp considering the og pilot was as popular as say. the infinity train pilot
my favorite episodes of the first season: the inagination one, really tons of fun. uhhh ig i liked the recurring jokes of the billy episode, and it had a p good moral. i liked how the neptr episode was one of the early episodes where they gave more depths to the characters
overall, rewatching season 1 was like a blast to the past, not only bc i remember watching these episodes as they aired, but i believe we also owned the first season on dvd. so my mom would just play it in the dvd player on our old minivan and we just saw that alot. which ig contributes to my nostalgia
and again, may i remind u, when this show started i waa like. 9 years old, and in 3rd grade
of course i was a big fan of it back then, and i still like it p well now. defo inspired alot about me, and of course. we all never couldve imagined how huge of a hit it would be
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flamingodingo · 4 years
Merlin- S1:E1- The Dragon’s Call
Hey so I decided to rewatch Merlin because I never quite finished it and don’t remember what happened enough to pick up where I left off, and I thought I’d blog my thoughts about it! All I really remember, besides the obvious, is how remarkably shippable Arthur and Merlin were despite that clearly not being the writers intention. I have a feeling I’ll come to the same conclusion with this rewatch, especially since I’m starting out with my gay goggles on, but who knows?? Let’s gooooooooooooooooo
**obv this will not be spoiler free but A. The show has been over for a long time and B. all spoilers will be under the cut**
Hey so now that I’ve done this, I’d decided I don’t want to continue because I simply don’t care that much about this show. So, sorry if you enjoyed this, don’t expect any more.
Colin Morgan is honestly the most adorable little nugget of a man <3
Ok this CGI effect for the reveal of the kingdom is .... not good actually .... 
The score, however, is gorgeous. I mean we all know the main theme is a bop but just listen to the music as he looks around here, it’s so grand and fantastic.
All of this video quality is actually just not great, when the heck is this from again? *googles* It aired in 2008. I feel like 2008 TV looked better than this but I was also only 10 so what do I know.
I love Uther’s style of crown. It’s very simple and dignified.
I truly can’t imagine why people would choose to attend an execution. Like, what compels someone to go witness something like that? I know the past was boring, what with the lack of television and the illiteracy of the general population, but how do you get so bored you go watch someone get beheaded for a bogus crime like “conspiracy to use magic”?
LMAO these effects are corny as hell actually- re: sorceress disappearing in the wind.
What a weird welcome to Camelot for Merlin.
I like how Gaius just interrogates this stranger in his house about his magical ability with no idea whatsoever who he is.
Gaius is like a million years old and he still has a better hairline than me, honestly how rude.
Loving Morgana’s willingness to tell off Uther.
Uther says Morgana wasn’t around 20 years ago, how old is she supposed to be?
Traveling in the past must have been fucking terrifying. Even with guards, I can’t imagine just pitching a tent in the middle of the woods on my way to wherever and sleeping peacefully. If you’re out there traveling, who knows who else might be?
It’s so incredible how far we’ve come with special affects. That sorceress melting into the singer lady must’ve been relatively impressive when this aired and now I just chuckled at it.
Arthur is such a dick and I hate it but fuck he’s so handsome.
Merlin is such a good boy to stand up to Arthur. I mean, even not knowing he’s the prince, that’s still a pretty bold thing to do to someone who is obviously still wealthier and more powerful than you, particularly when he has a whole gaggle of idiots to support him and he’s just proven he knows his way around a weapon.
“Do you know how to walk on your knees?”  “No.”  “Would you like me to help you?”  “I wouldn’t if I were you.”  “Why? What are you going to do to me?”  “You have no idea.” Who wrote these lines and then let them say them so remarkably homosexually? Like really, truly, who watched them act this scene and went “Ah yes, this tension is exactly perfect and does not feel at all sexual”?
Do you think Uther knows his son is a gigantic asshole? Like, do you think if he found out Arthur had Merlin thrown in jail just for calling him an ass, he would have had him freed because “well he’s right, you know”? Probably not.
Gwen is so incredibly beautiful <3 And she’s kind, too. What a lady, I love her.
Interesting, the actors are saying Guinevere, but the subtitles are saying Gwenhwyfer.
I can see how throwing food at people in the stocks would be fun, actually, especially if it’s like someone who pickpocketed you.
Choosing to keep one dragon “as an example” is basically asking for someone to come free that dragon. It is immensely hubristic to assume that nothing would go wrong with that.
Ok I know that doll in “Lady Helen’s” room is kind of sketchy but especially as someone who doesn’t know anything about the materials required for magic, I have no idea what prompts Merlin to start going through her stuff.
“Lady Helen’s” purple dress really does something for me. That’s a great cut and color, thought tbh the material looks kinda cheap.
I love Merlin’s little neck scarf thing. Maybe I should get one of them. It’d look exceptionally queer on me.
Alright so that bit earlier with the blind man was questionable but this whole “deaf as well as dumb” comment really isn’t necessary. I know Arthur is an asshole and also it’s 2008 so I don’t really expect better, it’s just still gross. We’ve taken some big steps in the US re: LGBTQ+ folks and recently there has been a surge in the push for racial justice, I hope the next movement that gets some extra traction is disability rights. So much ableism is embedded in our language, culture, and comedy and it’s really not ok. We have a lot of work to do.
“I could take you apart with one blow.” “I could take you apart with less than that.” THIS IS VERY GAY IM SORRY IT IS JUST INCREDIBLY GAY
I have no idea where Merlin got all his audacity but I really enjoy it. Like, “How long have you been training to be a prat, my lord?”? That’s gold.
“There’s something about you, Merlin. I can’t quite put my finger on it.” THIS IS ALSO QUITE GAY
Merlin is SO dramatic, how old is he supposed to be?
I mean his dramatics are a bit, uh, dramatic, but he really is just sweet and lost and scared. I can’t imagine having all that power, totally effortlessly, and not having any idea why but knowing I can’t use it.
Merlin sleeps in a room, but Gaius sleeps in the middle of his workshop. so, did Gaius give up his room to Merlin could have one? That’d be incredibly sweet.
There is a candle burning on Gaius’ nightstand while he sleeps. That’s a fire hazard? 
Why the fuck was the gate to get down to the dragon open?????? 
I’m so distracted by the quality of these special effects. They’re not like truly horrible but they’re not quite good yet either and I think it’s the inbetween state here that’s getting me.
Merlin has this habit of entering rooms really quietly and it really seems to be how he gets himself into trouble quite often.
While I am on the Arthur/Merlin train 100%, I see and respect Gwen/Merlin shippers. They’re both horrendously awkward, it’s very funny.
Morgana’s dress is so hot.
“Lady Helen’s” dress is fugly
I wonder what language this song is in.
This lip synching is really bad omg
Imagine being so out of touch that you think making someone your son’s servant is a reward. Like I get that working in the royal household is an honor or whatever but he’s still literally a servant
Ok but how is calling Arthur Merlin’s destiny NOT gay? I mean come on. 
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calliecat93 · 5 years
Top 10 Favorite Female Characters
Happy International Women’s Day everyone! For many years now, there have been a lot of strides made in women’s rights. It’s still far, FAR from perfect, but we’ve still made many strides and fiction is no exception. So I thought, in celebration of today, I’d talk about some of my favorite female characters of all time. I had a LOT of options and narrowing it down was tough, but I think I made a pretty good list. So let's get on with it~
10. Kimberly Hart/The Pink Ranger (Power Rangers)
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I don’t talk about Power Rangers a lot on here, but let me tell you all. Kimberly is one of the first female superheroes I ever saw, and I love her so much. She begins as a one-dimensional valley girl type, though still a good-hearted person. She’s the token girly-girl while Trini was more of the token tomboy. But Kimberly over time developed form being the least willing to be a Ranger, to devoting herself full-heartedly to her duties. She could kick just as much ass as her fellow rangers, and look pretty while she did so.
Kim was a fantastic character, especially in a boy-aimed tokusatsu adaptation. There have been many other great Pink Rangers since her time. Heck my actual favorite Pink Ranger of all time is Jen from Time Force. But the reason Kim is on here and not here? Kim is the one who started it all. She and Trini defined kickass female Rangers and none of the ones we have now would have existed without the original ladies. And as much as I also liked Trini.. well... I think that Kim is the clear stand-out among most female rangers, especially since she lasted so long. I was so sad when she left and especially how Zeo screwed her character over with that stupid Dear John letter to Tommy as well as how the 2017 movie wrote her because it just made her incredibly unsympathetic and unlikeable. But she left one Hell of a legacy and I love her.
9. Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
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Despite my feelings about the author in recent years, Harry Potter is still a series I grew up on and love. Albeit I’m one of the few who got into the films more than the books, but still. The one thing that got me into the series? Hermione. She begins as a bit of a snooty know-it-all, always rubbing her knowledge int he faces of others and coming off as kind of a brat. But we soon see that she really doesn't know how to make friends and is a serious student and good person. Once Harry and Ron befriend her, we see how much of a brave, loyal, and determined girl she is, using her brains and talent in academics to get all the info they need. They would have died multiple times without this girl.
Hermione is someone we grow up with and kind of the representative of young girls. We watch her as she struggles with her status as a Muggle-born witch, how her pursuit of knowledge can overwhelm her, and of course what happens when she realizes her feelings for Ron. I... am not a huge fan of the pairing for many reasons, but her frustration and struggle feel very real. She makes mistakes, some more called out than others, but she does genuinely strive to do good And through it all, she is loyal to Harry and to the fight against Voldemort, growing to be proud of who she is and of her heritage as a ‘mudblood’. Even n the final book, where she’s forced to erase her parents memories to protect them, Ron abandoning her and Harry, and getting tortured by Bellatrix, none of it stops her from fighting for what she believes in.
Looking back now, Hermione has her problems both in the books and the films. Some of Ron's better moments got lost because the writer favored her which I can see whyt hat annoyed many people (I’m not one of them, but still), and the whole House Elf plot in the book has some... not great implications. But it doesn't stop Hermione from being a strong female character who is intelligent, brave, and Emma Watson’s strong performance really helped bring her to life. She ain’t perfect, but I still grew up watching her and I will always be grateful for that fact.
8. April O’Neil (TMNT 2012)
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Screw the people who hated on her, April is awesome!
Really April in any incarnation of the Turtles is awesome. 2k3, Rise, the films. heck despite her being kidnapped every episode, even OT April was determined as Hell and you wouldn’t get in her way! But since I’m only picking one here, I gotta go with her 2k12 self. Her 2k3 self is also a close contender, but this was the version I spent the most time watching and for any of you who have follow me long enough knows, I spent a LOOOOT of time defending her from ship haters.
Looking back now, yeah there are some problems. Her limited screentime in S1, some of the Kraang stuff got rushed/crammed in, her missing mom story went nowhere, her being Donnie’s love interest. there’s plenty of problems. But those are more story issues than actual character issues. The last one especially si more an issue with Donnie’s character than April since she herself was NEVER defined by the ‘love interest’ card. She never existed for that purpose, and it shows especially by the end.
April began as a helpless, but very determined girl hoping to save her father after their abduction in which only she got saved. She spends most of her time getting intel for the Turtles while undergoing training from Splinter. She slowly, but gradually, grows into a capable kunoichi who can hold her own and gradually becomes an equal to her reptilian companions. She’s friendly, takes shit from no one, and she is probably the biggest Determinator in the entire series where ven when utterly helpless, she will STILL be defiant until the bitter end. he goes through Hell, and every single time she finds a way to pull herself together and forge on.
Despite how I fell off the series by the end, I was very happy with where April ended. From a girl just wanting her life back, to accepting her reality and making it her own. She trains herself in both ninjutsu and her new psychic abilities and becomes a kunoichi in her own right with them. She was even able to hold her own against Shredder! This girl became a badass and while there are issues here and there, I think she by far had some of the best development in the series. She remains my favorite character in 2012, y favorite April, and she has more than earned her spot on this list.
7. Avatar Korra (The Legend of Korra)
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Another character who got unnecessary hate! Oh wait, that happens to every female character ever. Silly me!
Korra is what made LoK so great to me. She is a bull-headed, somewhat arrogant girl who has devoted her entire life to being the Avatar. She is the anti-Aang, so much so that she is terrible at Air Bending. But she’s also a very determined girl and went to Republic City to make Tenzin train her. Over the course of the series, we see how despite her arrogance, she is a good person who is truly devoted to her duty and genuinely wants to protect everyone. But she’s faced with her own vulnerabilities and flaws as a person as she has to learn to allow others to help/guide her and learn from her mistakes. And HO BOY does she make MANY mistakes.
Over four seasons, we watch Korra grow.  She’s faced with the fact that she is vulnerable in S1 and while she doesn't fully overcome it, she does so enough to face Amon despite knowing what’ll happen to her. In S2, she faces the worse of herself but in doign so, truly improves herself and puts things right while letting go of most of her arrogance. S3 has her a much more well-rounded person trying to do what’s right, but it ended in her torture, poisoning, and she is just broken by the end. S4 has her slow recovery both physically and mentally and the road is long, hard, and just painful. But by the end, she accepts what happened and is able to find the balance to restore her power, return to her duties, and save the world from utter calamity.
I related so uch to Korra, moreso than I did Aang. She got a lot fo hate for her attitude and... well, not being Aang. But she grew so much and I loved how much of a badass and fully layered character she was. Yeah, she wasn’t Aang, that was a good thing. I loved her form the beginning, and I loved her even more by the end. She’s a great example of a female protagonist and shows that yes, a female action heroine CAN work. The Avatar franchise has many outstanding female characters (Katara, Toph, Suki, Azula, Asami, Jinora, Kuvira) but to me, Korra beats them all and I love her.
6. Wonder Woman
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Well I couldn’t leave off the most well-known female superhero of all time now, could I?
Wondy is awesome. I first saw her on Superfriends back when Cartoon Network reran it. While it is a super campy show, Wondy was a true hero who stood equal to her male companions and was just as capable of saving the day as them. She was pretty much the only main female, so of course she was the one I was drawn to and I loved seeing her in action. But she could fall into the Damsel in Distress role cause... well, girl and lie I said, Superfriends is super campy. But I took what I could get int hose days!
Fortunately, Wondy has had much better media rep since... and in fact before with the Lynda Carter series. I hadn’t seent hat when I was a kid and while it’s cheesy, Wondy was still a badass there who easily held her own. Her Justice League DCAU self was when I really fell in love with her. Kind, beautiful, righteous, and an utter powerhouse. Seriously, I think she kicked more ass than anyone in both the original and Unlimited series. She has two animated DC films, which are both pretty dang good. Bloody, but good!
But of course, we have the Gal Gadot film. This was the film that arguably has saved the DC Cinematic Universe, and for good reason. While I’m not a big fan of Wondy being a demigod, she still showed why he’s so good. She’s a true hero wanting to do good, and in a setting like World War One, that is hard to find. She’s caring, devoted, strong, and is just a shining example of a true hero. She inspires hope in a cinematic universe that thrived off of grittiness, and Thank God we have her. I can only hope that the sequel holds the same quality, but nothing will take this away.
Wonder Woman is awesome. They screw her up sometimes, both ina nd out of comics. But there is no doubt that she earned her spot as a beloved feminist icon, as well as her spot here on this list.
#5. Kim Possible
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You do not know how obsessed with this show I used to be. It is probably my all-time favorite Disney animated series of all time. Why? Because of it’s clever writing, fun humor, great action, and of course it’s characters. Kim especially.
She is the girl who can do anything, and she lives up to that claim. She’s a cheerleader by day, crime fighter by night, and she handles those worlds flawlessly... for the most part. She’s tough, smart, and a badass who uses her cheerleading skills to aid in her crime-fighting. She faces mad scientists, monsters, and everything in between and she ALWAYS comes out on top. 
She’s now flawless, mind you. She’s bossy, smug, and can over-react when she faces things that she can’t do such as cooking or.. really anything normal/standard teen problems. She’s especially bad at maintaining dates. But whenever she faces a problem, she finds a way tog et through it whether it be with help from Ron, or finding her own way in solving it. She doesn't cry or mope about things like... well, the live-action film has her do. No, she gets up and finds solutions while still saving the day in the process. That is what makes her great, she’s a character before she’s a girl. Hence why she is a great female protagonist 
Kim is someone I strived to be like when I got that age... with varying success. But hey, it just proves that Kim Possible can indeed do anything. Call her, beep her if you wanna reach her, and she’ll be there. just like how she’s here for this spot.
4. Ruby Rose (RWBY)
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When I first got into RWBY, I wasn’t sure what to expect. But the first character I fell in love with? Little Red here! I adore this girl to pieces. She gets a lot of flack form some for being ‘flat’ and ‘underdeveloped’ and I don’t have time to go into every reason why that’s not true. You can read this for some examples of why shes awesome. But let me summarize the gist of it as best as I can.
Ruby is a teenaged girl striving to be a Huntress like her mother, wanting to do good in the world like the heroes in her storybooks. Over time, as he overcomes her own flaws and the burdens of leadership, she learns how colossal of a task doing good truly is in a world that is harsh and cruel. She loses friends, her school gets broken apart, and the world seems to become more and more divided. And she’s right int he middle of it. So what does she do?
She gets up and continues on.
She decides to fight because she wants to help. She wants to make the world a better place because that is what a Huntress is supposed to do. She puts aside her own feelings in hopes that she can help do something. Even as she is pulled more and more into the true realities of her world, she stands firm and continues on. And when everyone else seems broken and on the verge of quitting? She grabs the reigns and pushes everyone forward herself.
Ruby may be a somewhat standard protagonist, but her determination and quirkiness help her stand out. She’s goofy, naive, and a socially awkward klutz. But she’s still a good-hearted person who always tries and in a world full fo monsters that thrive on despair, this is a very admirable trait. She’s gone from a girl afraid of being viewed as special, to taking the lead int he war against Salem all because it is her duty as a Huntress to protect everyone. She inspires those around her and also inspires me. She’s what got me to stay with this show, and I have yet to regret it.
RWBY has MANY great female characters. Weiss, Blake, Yang, Maria, Nora, Penny, Winter, and many others. But Ruby was always going to be my first pick. What can I say? I adore this girl~
3. Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls)
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The Powerpuff girls was, and remains, my favorite cartoon of all time It was funny, action-packed, great characters, and great animation. I adore all three of the girls. Bubbles is cute but certianly no pushover, and Buttercup can be a jerk but she kicks a LOT of ass. But the one who I always loved the most was the commander and leader of the group, Blossom.
Blossom is the most mature of the girls, being very intelligent for her age. She’s smart, confident, and a natural leader. She’s also rather bossy, full of herself, and can be obnoxious at times with her egg-headed nature. From what I can tell, she was the leat liked... which sucks for me. I loved Blossom because of how smart she was and because of how good of a leader she was. Sure she had the occasional slip, but she was usually fairly reasonable, strategic, and always tried to look after her sisters and break up their spats.
I still remember the episode that made me love her. It was Princess’ introductory episode. In it, Blossom tried her best to be as reasonable with her as she could, trying to give her the benefit of the doubt since she was new and probably didn’t know how to make friends. It especially makes since if you’ve seen the movie and know how much the girls themselves struggled. But once it became clear that Princess really was a despicable little brat and she pounded her sisters, Blossom was pissed but still calm unlike the other two. Due to this, she easily thrashed Princess, destroyed her power suit, and gave her the mother of all The Reason You Suck speeches, telling her what being a hero truly means and how she’s nothing but a spoiled brat. It remains of my favorite PPG moments ever and after how much Blossom tried to give her a chance, it was very deserved.
Sadly, Blossom hasn’t gotten the best rep in other incarnations. Her PPGZ self while fine... wasn’t Blossom. Like... at all. And the less said about the 2016 series the better. Still, I remember how much I looked up to the original Blossom and enjoyed seeing her kick butt every Friday. I even still have one of my old dolls that I cherish to this day. Allt he Powerpuffs are great, and I will love them forever.
2. Sailor Moon/Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
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Speaking of childhood heroines!
Ah Sailor Moon, We’ve had a long history, you and I. The first show I ever kept up with. The first fandom I ever got into. The first anime I ever got into. nd of course, the first heroine I ever truly loved.
Usagi (well... Serena when I was a kid, as the 90′s) is someone I still hold close to my heart. She is a klutz, crybaby, and far from an ideal heroine. She can be rather immature and at times selfish, preferring to sleep or eat sweets than worry about her Sailor Senshi duties. But as he grows, we see that through it all, she is a pure, caring young girl. I think the manga/Crystal anime did a MUCH better job at portraying that side to her, though the 90′s anime presented her more heroic side as well. They just sometimes forgot that he was past being a crybaby...
Usagi loves everyone. Her lover Mamoru, her fellow Senshi, just everyone. She doesn’t like fighting, but she will if she has to. She goes from crying in the middle of fights to being able to face God-like entities with just a magic crystal. Despite not having wanted to be a Senshi to begin with, she accepts her destiny and tries to save everyone, even her enemies. It just shows how despite her flaws as a person, she is a true hero who can always be relied on.
Sailor Moon did a lot when it came out. it helped revolutionize the Magical Girl genre, helped give anime a standing in America, and showed how femininity is not a weakness. There’s many other great female characters (Ami, Rei, Makoto, Minako) and all are their own character. But Usagi has always been the one I loved most and so she claims the Number Two spot.
Honorable Mentions
Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura) Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender) Twilight Sparkle (MLP:FIM) Agent Carolina and Kaikaina Grif (Red vs Blue) Lois Lane (Superman: The Animated Series) Hawkgirl/Shayera Hal (Justice League/Unlimited) Gosalyn Mallard (Darkwing Duck) Webby Vanderquack (Ducktales 2017) Rapunzel (Tangled franchise) Anna (Frozen) Cinderella, Ariel, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Tiana, Moana (Disney Princess) Kida (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) Meg (Hercules) Esmerelda (The Hunchbakc of Notre Dame) Jane (Return to Neverland Princess Elena (Elena of Avalor) Hikaru Shidou, Umi Ryuuzaki, and Fuu Hohouji (Magic Knights Rayearth) Nami (One Piece) Misty (Pokemon) Winry Rockbell (FMA) Ran Mouri (Detective Conan) Kagome Higurashi and Sango (Inuyasha) Pretty much all the Pretty Cures Nancy Drew Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games) Ms. Frizzle (The Magic School Bus) Daphne Blake and Velma Dinkley (Scooby-Doo) Calico ‘Callie’ Briggs and Felina Feral (SWAT Kats)
And I’m sure there’s more, but we’re gonna be here all day if I keep going. So let's go ahead and get to Number One. Which tbh... this was a no-brainer.
1. Mulan
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Yeah, this probably shocks no one. I’ve talked about Mulan like... a billion times by now. But there was no other option for me.
Mulan is my favorite movie of all time, and the title character is my favorite character of all time. She’s a young woman who wants to bring her family honor, but struggles to do so in the ways she’s expected. She goes to war in her father’s place to save his life, and she struggles even more. She’s someone who doubts and is ashamed of herself, but over time she decides that she’s done hating her refection and tries to prove her worth. She not only becomes a better soldier and earns the respect of everyone around her, but even after she’s unmasked, she goes on to save all of freakin’ China! The whole country, including the freakin’ Emperor, bows before her because of this. You do not get more respect than that.
I’ve only grown to love and relate more to this story as I’ve grown older. I’ve learned to not define myself by society expectations, but just as who I am. Mulan struggles with expectations, family, warn, and most of all her own insecurities. She wants to see something worthwhile when she looks into the mirror, but she always just feels shame. But by the end, she puts it aside and becomes the best version of herself. She returns home with more than enough to honor her family... and her father tosses it aside to hug her. He’s just grateful to have her home, the greatest girl and honor. She’s someone who we watch grow and her journey hold sup even today. Argubaly even moreso.
Mulan was a film that changed me. Shaped my beliefs and values into what they are now. Even today, I see it as a flawless movie, and Mulan a flawless heroine. he’s a perfect example of a female protagonist, or heck just a protagonist in general. I love her and because of how much she shaped my five-year-old self into who I am now, se is my favorite female character of all time.
And that’s that! Well that was fun! Thank you all for reading and to all thw women out there, whether you were born as one or made the choice to identify as such. Whether you love men, women, or whoever. Whether you care about love or not. I hope you all have a lovely day and stay true to who you are. Happy International Women’s Day everyone~!
6 notes · View notes
aspiestvmusings · 5 years
THE MASKED SINGER SEASON 3  GROUP A/ GROUP 1: (contestants 1 - 6)
EP 3x01: CLUES & MORE: RECAP for remaining 5: 
Location: Outdoors: “Australia” 
Location: Next to a /in a yard of a “peach coloured” building with arch/vault-style architecture 
Sign: OUTBACK (with the U being in the shape of horseshoe)
Sign: Yellow “road sign” with an arrow pointing down (”spiraling down”) 
MIB as papparazzi/press following her - taking pics, media attention (for “the wrong reasons”) 
Gramophone on a tree branch 
Boxing bag -  the kangaroo boxing/hitting the boxing bag 
Jump rope - the kangaroo jumping over a jump rope (made of a vine...held by MIB)
”Like most of you watching, I’m a survivor.” 
“I recently lost a person, who held my familys heart together. Then, by my own admission, I found myself in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.” 
“But I’m here to do what kangaroos do best - bounce back.”
“I have to fight for my family. And show them that bullies never win.”
“I am beyond terrified - I’ve never done anything like this before. But I’m not about to lose the chance to realize the dream I’ve always had.” 
“To all the survivors out there -- This one’s for you.” 
Song choice: “Dancing on My Own” by Robyn 
Look/Costume: The kangaroo has a pouch (indicates female), but also has a red/silver boxing outfit & gloves (indicates male). Outfit colours: red & silver. Important: there is a crown on the back of her robe. 
Stage: hexagon-shaped mirrors (5 of  them) surrounding her/behind her [if my other guess is correct, then that stage design is a “clue”] 
Height: Tall-ish...almost the same height as host Nick. A bit shorter, around 175cm, probably.
Mic hand: Right 
Talking:  “One of my greatest fears is being vulnerable. And this year I’ve had no other option than to be vulnerable. But...with this kangaroo costume I feel like I can get my superpowers back.” +  [breathes in/sighs heavily before the song starts]
I HAVE NO NAMES OF MY OWN. -- I thought she was this certain female artist, because the voice kinda seemed familair (sounded like hers to me), but none of the clues and other things seemed to fit. And after checking the clues it seems to confirm it cannot be her, cause nothing matches. Also... to me she doesn’t sound like any of the singers I thoughts she could be based on the clues, so... I havent actually figured her out...
I think people online are correct, and it’s a certain “reality star” (gramophone = reference to her dad being a sound engineer on a well-known past TV show) Though I am considering a few more options - mostly other reality stars/youtubers/family members of celebs... particularily one name. If my guess here is correct, then just like Llama, she would have a connection to a previous TMS contestant...but since I am not that familiar with her singing voice, I cannot be sure. But she has lost family members in the past few years, she has been in a media scandal, and you can even explain the australia thing kinda... so...until I hear more of her, I’ve got one name mainly in mind. But I wont name it until I’ve heard her sing at least once more.
Survivor = the title of a “Destiny’s Child” hit song
Lost a family member recently = either her family member (parent, grandparent?) died or they parted ways (were cut ouf of each others lives)
Gramophone = possibly a reference to a Grammy nomination/win. Or just music/sound/audio
Outback = possible connection to Australia
“spiraling down” road sign + papparazzi following her = she’s been in a media scandal “recently”
Crown = King/Queen 
Location: Radio station/Mixing studio - mixing console (close up) 
Location: Pottery making “class” 
Mixing console - close up of a studio/radio station mixing console 
23.3 The Wool (name of the radio station/show) 
Red lightbulb in the studio 
Photo of a bull (the animal)
Playing cards: Ace of Spaces & Jack of Spades). Two black suit cards showing (Jack Black)
Sounds of Seattle - title of a vinyl album 
Romancing a llama: pottery 
"Mi-Mi-Mi-Mi-Mix it up!”
“Good morning, Nerd herd! You’re listening to The Wool. Where we’re all cool. No Bull.” 
“I’m here for one reason only - to have a laugh. And what’s funnier than a Llama? (laughs at his own joke)”
“You may call me a joker. But I’d like to get serious for a minute. The song I’m singing tonight is my favourite track for celebrating love with that... special someone. There’s nothing like being swept up by it’s deep, profound lyrics. It’s a tune that really gets me in the mood for romance. I can’t wait to sing it for you tonight.”
“Llama out!” 
Song choice: “She Bangs” by Ricky Martin 
Look/Costume: Dressed as a tourist - “hawaiian” style shirt,, photo camera around his neck. Llamas tongue out of his mounth, on the side. 
Height: he is around 180cm - about the same height as host Nick (their shoulders are on about the same height)
Mic hand: Left 
Talking: “umm.. This whole costume just spoke to me... My vibe... I wear digs like this in real life.” (answering the question about his costume & it’s looks) 
Drew Carey (TV host/comedian/actor...)
23.3 Wool = His show (The Drew Carey Show) had, during it’s 9-season long run, a total of 233 episodes. 
Photo canera prop = His hobby is photography. Actually, it’s more than just a hobby - he has been accredited press photographer during many (sports) events.  
Radio = He was a radio operator during the time he served in the Marine Corps. Also..he’s hosted a radio show (radio DJ) during his later career 
Red light in the room = photography reference. In the DarkRoom red light is used when developing photo film/photographs.
Buddha figurine (Dalai Lama/Llama joke) = He is a buddhist. 
Joker = he is a joker aka comedian 
Seattle = He is the co-owner of a Seattle Football Club. 
Playing cards = He took part in the celebrity poker game in 2003, where he did better than Jack Black did (played against Jack Black)
Nerd herd = He did take part in Zack levis (Chuck) “Nerd herd” lightsaber race one time at a Comic-Con convention. 
Nerd herd = his show (DCS) & character were/was about nerds/was a nerd
Llama’s side tongue = early in his stand-up comedy days he had a joke with a side-tie (it looked visually very similar to what the llama’s tongue looks like - he just added some wires & tape to do “the trick” of swinging the tie to the side)
BONUS: He knows last years winner, “The Fox Mask” - they did “Whose Line is it Anyway” together, so... connection... 
SPOILER ALERT: Llama is the mask who will be voted off next - in ep 2 (on Wed, Feb 5th). But while his voice might not be as trained as some other contestants, I loved his stage energy, and the comedy/fun he brought! One more song coming from him! And no, I am not sharing some secret info - they “accidentally” revealed the first two contestants, who get unmasked, so it’s been revealed by the network...for those, who notice small details...
Location: Lady’s restroom/bathroom. The moster getting ready (coming hair, applying hairspray...) 
Location: school hallway - lockers 
Sign:  (image) ladies restroom 
Itmes on the counter in bathroom/dressing room: Furspray (hairsray) can,  pink bottle of some beauty product, three crystals (stones), a piece of sequin fabric 
Key/Keychain: a single (old style) key with a keychain that says “FUN” #FUN #KEY = FUNKY = “QUEEN OF FUNK” 
Purple furry diary/good luck charm/cosmetics bag/pencil box (with a face + kitty ears & unicorn horn) + a glittery pen 
Lockers: Lockers numbered 10 (the ones she opens) & 11 (the one next to it)...with no other lockers having numbers on them 
Miss Monster Locker: filled with images of S1 Monster, scrapbook flowers..etc...
Piece of paper on the locker door: Monster Hits.
Photograph of a cityscape (skyline with many skyscrapers) on the locker door [if I could only see the image better to know which city it is on it, that’d be one more clue]
“When you become famous, people  want you to look or act in a certain way. They forget that you started off as just a shy little monster.” 
“It didn’t take long for me to be misunderstood. So I’m here to set the record straight. Just like my favourite creature in Season 1 did. The Monster. He made me feel. He re-wrote his story. It was fire!" 
“And now this performer in pink wants to follow in his furry footsteps, But darlings... I’m nervous. Will you still love me without knowing my name?”
Song choice: “Something to Talk about” by Bonnie Raitt
Look/Costume: pink & purple/violet furry costume with a bowtie
Height: she is short-ish (shorter than host Nick). She looks very short (barely 5 feet - more Dolly P. height 152cm than Chaka K height 162cm)
Mic hand: Right 
Chaka Khan 
Dolly Parton (since the total number of Grammy noms that the 18 contestants have in combined in 69 & Robot as the first revealed one has had 24-25 of them, that leaves only 44-45 for everyone else, that rules out this person, because she alone has had 46 nominations...compared to C. Khan’s 22 noms)
Number 10 = She has 10 Grammy Awards/wins. (interestinly: both D. Parton & C. Khan have 10 Grammy wins!)
Monster Hits = she has had (many) hit songs during her career 
He made me feel = She has a song by the title “I Feel You” (1984 hit)  
It was fire = She has a song by the title “Through the Fire” (1985)
Will you love me - that is (word for word) the title of of her her hit songs, “Will You Love Me?” (2007)
It was fire = She wrote the hit song “Fule to the Flame” (1967 hit) for Skeeter Davis. 
Will you still love me? = She has/wrote a song titled “I will always love you” 
Furspray/Hairsray = he was/is known for her big hair/haircut (managing that probably takes lots of hairspray)
FUN = FUN(K) #FUN KEY [FUN:KI] - she’s kinda the “queen of funk” (one of her albums is titled “FUNk This” (btw: Pun intended by her!) 
Location: school’s track & field event (Balzano Track Field) - contestants getting ready to run. The slow turtle surrounded by fast bunnies, all preparing for the event. [Slow & steady (turtle) wins the race]
Location: Schools track & field event - BANG! The race begings. The three other contestants (MIB as bunnies - wearing pink bunny ears - starting the race with a head start, all jumping on their blue bouncy balls)
Turtle vs bunnies 
BANG! in comic style - to mark the start of the race 
The others (three bunnies) bouncing on blue balls whe n the race begins 
Surf board - the turtle poliching/cleaning his poink & blue surf board 
Pins on the track...popping the blue jumpy balls 
Grilling burgers on an (outside) grill...on the track field. 
Turtle crossing the finish line first (bunnies just going in circles, being stopped by pins on the way, or other reasons), as he has time to do other things & take it slowly, and then still get there first...with a burger in hand & winning the golden medal.
"At the starting-line of my career I was surrounded by other hungry new-comers. It felt like everyone around me was fighting tooth-and-nail for the dream. And I watched as many of those stars burned too brightly, too quickly, and then fizzled down”
“I’m a turtle, because I’m always taking it step-by-step.”
“Slow and steady wins the race. But now I feel like I’m ready to break out of my shell. After years of preparation I would love to make a big splash. So I don’t want anyone to cross that finish line before me.” 
Song choice: “Kiss from a Rose” by Seal 
Look/Costume: Punk/Rock-style, dressed in leather (pants, jacket), has a spike (hair)
Height: Short-ish (shorter than host Nick) - seems around 175cm. Small in size.
Mic hand: Right 
Talking: “It’s hot. It’s really hot. And it’s heavy!” (when answering how doesn it feel to be in that costume and perform in it)
Jesse McCartney 
Joey McIntyre  PS. I tried connecting the voice to any boy-bands (of 1990s & 2000s), but I coukdnt. Even after some “research” - listening to each possible candidate...and IMO it’s none of them. The voices dont match, the heights doesn’t match---But it did sound like someone, who for me was a one-hit-wonder. Yeah, I only know that one song (and one more) from him... but voice seemed familiar.
Surf board = that he is a surfer;  that he is from Cali/Australia/somewhere which is known as being popular among surfers; that he has won Teen Choice Award(s) (this award in in the shape of a surfboard)
being surrounded by other new-comers at the start of his career = either he got his start through a (singing) competition and was one of many contestants fighting for the win AND/OR he got his start in a “boy-band” and was one of the youngsters looking for fame...
Surf board = Teen Choice Awards - winning several TCAs for his first/biggest hit song/album in 2005, and more. And he’s played a surfer character on a TV show
BSB references/connection  - he was the opening act in 2005 for BSB during the European part of the tour. 
Dream = he started in a boy-band with the name “Dream Street”
on stage presence/body language (movements) = very similar to J.M. 
Location: Football field. Tiger striking a power/winners pose. 
Location: School hallway, lockers. Tiger walking in, shoving everyone out of his way. 
Locatrion: School library (sitting behind a table, with his legs on the table) 
Location: School hallway, lockers. MIB trying to get him to audition for TMS. MIB (fans) taking selfies with him. 
Golden plate/sign with text: Ultimate champion for clam shucking: 51 clams” (next to a golden clam shell) 
Sign/ad on the wall: “Masked Singer tryouts 5/3.” + images of three past masks included: Eagle, Lion & Raven. Plus the text: “Hurry. Not for long" also written on it. 
Sign on the all with images of past US presidents, including Abe Lincolns & the text/quote “Four Score and Seven Years Ago...” 
The TMS golden mask throphee shown next to the lockers (as Tiger says “let’s party!”)
“Ready to meet your next champion? My entire life I’ve sought out perfection, so choosing a mask with unlimited power like the White Tiger was a no-brainer.”
“I’ve had a giant career full of accomplishments. But when I imagine being on stage (and) singing, I’m a big old scared cat.*
“It’s been a while since I did something that scared me, so I’m here to concour yet anither challenge.”  
“What’s my motivation? My fans! I don’t wanna let them down." 
“So now I’m ready to get in that ring and smash the competition.” 
“Let’s party!” 
Song choice “Ice Ice Baby” by Vanilla Ice 
Look/Costume: Dressed in “Egyptian style"
Height: very tall & big (much taller than host Nick) - over 190cm, looks about 2m tall
Mic hand: R & L (alternates)
Talking: “It’s the most powerful I’ve ever felt. Like I can concour anything. I never wanna take it off” (when answering what did it feel like when he first put on the costume/mask)
He played during the 51st  (51 clams) & 53rd  (5/3) Super Bowl games. 
The three past TMS masks shown are all animals that are parts of  names of existing football teams: Ravens, Eagles, Lions. Meaning he is an athlete & specifically plays american football (NFL) 
The Lincoln quote translates to “87 years ago...”, so number 87 is the clue here. This could be a reference to player No. 87. 
He has had a very succesful career in his own field (sports). Singing is not his main job.
IF the voice-overs were done later, not during initial filming, then it’s possible that “smash” relates to the person smashing a lego-statue of a TV host during 2019/2020 New Years. Which in itself was supposed to be about his famous “Gronk Spike” during football games. 
A tiger (albeit “regular”, not white) was one of the characters & costumes + name of the sports team in the Katy Perry video “Swish Swich”, where this athlete also appeared. 
The Golden (Golden Mask) trophe - most likely a reference to his many wins (the trophees he/his team has won)
Rob Gronkowski (Gronk, athlete, 198cm) = 99% certain it’s him 
Because of the height alone (seems to be around/almost 2m = 6 feet 5) there are not that many possibilities at all. Even if we don’t listen to that voice or consider the clues. Based on height alone it can basiclaly be only one of these names: Dave Bautista (198cm); The Rock (196cm); Hulk Hogan (201cm); Tyler Perry (196cm); Brad Garrett (204cm); Joe Manganiello (196cm); Jeff Goldblum (194cm); Jason Mamoa (193cm); Tom Brady (193cm)..or the likes...
Even other possible names, like the ones listed by the panel, are not valid guesses, because of their height: John Cena for example is actually only 185cm tall. Also... several of these tall men are bigger/more muscular, so that makes it even easier to determine the name based on only the physical appeance...without even listening to the clues. 
First mask to be voted out in ep 1
Havent listed his clues, cause there’s no use for them anymore, as he was voted off. 
With his 86 tattoos he makes up for about half of all the 160 tattoos the 18 contestants have combined. With his 24-25 Grammy nominations he makes up about 1/3 of all the 69 noms the 18 contestants have combined. And quite many of the 88 gold records the 18 contestants have combined,  belong to him (I don’t know the exact number, but most/all of his 10+ albums have gone gold, I think) - exact number depends on how they count it for this list.
BUT... unless I decide to cut some sleep time to do this again, I am probabky not gonna do this after every episode. Possibly for the first episode of every Group (so beside ep 1, also ep 4 & ep 7)
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hvnterism · 5 years
2, 3, 8, 10, 11, 18
2. if you HAD to choose, who’s your favorite muse?
it would be a tie between HARLOW and ALISTAIR. the reasons vary, fuck this question i’m not choosing. 
3. which muse is the trickiest to get into character for?
8. what is each of your muses otps? notps?
KOL-- tbh i think that anyone besides DAVINA would feel like a crackship. HARLOW-- hands down. CLAUDIA is the best ship for harlow. someone that is too good would definitely clash with her and the polarity would probably cause an imbalance that could turn toxic very quickly. now, with someone that is the same as her? it would be CHAOS. while it would be an interesting dynamic, i don’t think there would be actual feelings. NICOLE-- because the idea is absolutely interesting, i enjoy her and LUCIFER. their dynamic could go in different directions, especially with the plans i have for nicole in the long run. as for someone else. i feel like nicole is pretty flexible when it comes to terms of shipping. ( i had always thought though, that she would either end up with an angel or a demon. and well. )BAIRD-- toro jk. i’d say DAPHNE but we know that’s v complicated because he is trash. personally, i don’t see him getting in a relationship. he’s NOT longterm material. unless someone is into that................................ ALISTAIR-- in an absolutely no homo way-- JAIME. other than jj,  i think someone who is morally gray would fit great with him. preferably also someone who WON’T DIE. VICTORIA-- while it’s an infinitely complicated relationship, i adore her and ADAN. tbh, i think victoria is one of the trickiest to settle with someone, simply because she refuses sdrft and most of them would end up being chaotic as well. i will put the blame on her tbh. ( shout out to c who once said all the gangbangers are in some odd relationship with each other though. i agree. ) SEBASTIAN--  listen, homeboomer is head over heels with CASSANDRA. so much, he saw lizzie and went haywire into unconsciously thinking about cassandra. in general terms, it would have to be someone highkey patient and that understands the struggles of being a boomer baby in a gen z world. but nah, man-- it will always be cassandra. NATASHA-- so ngl, she came with an integrated otp sdfgh and that is no other than SAM. ( let’s break the curse of the dick, okay? she’s only technically dead. ) while i think generally speaking, she’d be also pretty flexible to ship with someone. most of the others would have to be in the neutral or good/lawful spectrum. funnily enough, thinking on a healthy relationship for her, sam does fit the description.  they’re both hunters, try to do good rather than evil, protect those they care about, keep their promises, and just that good kush. overall. 
10. which muse is the most fun to write for?
BAIRD and HARLOW, just because i can think pretty much anything. write it, and it’s still ic.
11.   is there another muse you’ve been thinking of adding or writing for? who?
yes, and no. the base of natasha’s character was one i had for months. since i had missed natasha 2 days after dropping her i was like-- why not use that idea for her? and voila. she came back as a remastered version. there are also three ideas i’ve had in mind, but that i don’t think will come any time soon. the first one is an angel that recently fell from grace because of something minuscule and i’d be playing them as they slowly transition to being a demon. the second one, is a krysten ritter fc who is a hunter who lost all of her family, and while she’s not looking for revenge, for some reason or another, she gets stuck with responsabilites like... idk training younger hunters or whatever. and she’s just an eternal ben affleck meme mood. ( while i like the idea, i don’t think i’d ever bring her becase i get bored with human-ish characters + she’d end up being a jessica jones insert lmao ) finally, i suddenly got the appeal of playing your stereotypical werewolf who is highkey protective of his family and friends, and is ready to throw hands just because someone breathed the wrong way near any of them. ( no, i totally did not get inspired after rewatching elite s1 and having a new found love for guzman. nope. ) 
18. would you ship any of your muses together? who?
on a superficial level, i think ALISTAIR and VICTORIA would fit. and would probably be beneficial for her character. for his....? not so much whenever she dies. 
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steve0discusses · 7 years
Yugioh S1 Ep 25: Yugi Has (Another) Melt Down
It’s the weekend, so lets sit down to some Yugioh. Recently, our protagonist has had a pretty big break up--with himself.  Pharaoh was either just so exasperated or just so drained that he didn’t even show up this episode, I gather because he’s still pissed that Yugi didn’t do a murder.
Yugi’s voice actor, I’m sure, breathed a sigh of relief because sometimes it’s super apparent that this is just one guy arguing with himself in a sound booth and he sometimes doesn’t fully flip form person to person as he’s jumping up and down 2 octaves.
So, Yugi does what people do when they break up, by flopping down catatonic at the steps of Generic Castle.
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If you’re the same age as the kids I work with who think Greenday is “retro,” first of all, how dare you, and second of all, you’re probably too young to know the most emo album of the 00′s, Transantlanticism, AKA the album that gave America depression for about 4 years. I guess you too-young children don’t get know the sound of slowly sinking into a tar pit while beautiful little birds cry on your face.
Anyway, I just erased about 5 rants about smol kids calling the the Killers “retro”, so I’ll segway back to the anime at hand before I do it, yet again. Uf, my weakness.
Yugi’s friends are doing whatever they can to try and reach Yugi without actually doing the emotional labor of trying to reach Yugi. They can physically move him around (and my guess is that they’ve just been picking him up by the scruff of the neck like a kitten and just walking him place to place.) When they straight up ask what they can do, he has a predictable reply of no reply at all.
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(read more under the cut)
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Like I make fun of this show a lot, but this is some interesting stuff. I have seen so many people wax long about Sailor Moon for their college theses but, very few get on the Yugioh train despite the fact that there’s some good literary action going on here. You have to parse through some voice acting but, I mean--we’ve all seen the original Sailor Moon dub.
It’s also completely--sorry I’m listening to Transatlanticism as I type this and they just got to the cowbells. Gotta live in the moment for a little bit. Ugh, so good. OK, cowbells over--anyways, this show is also completely nutballs, but it’s a shame that it’s reputation for being a wacky nutballs extravaganza distract from the fact that there’s some clever subtle(-ish) stuff going on underneath it.
So, lets dive a wee bit deeper. Not super far mind you, most of those waaaay too deep college anime papers are nonsense that the student wrote at 4AM on 5 redbulls (SO ENTERTAINING THOUGH), but, lets step back about 3 or 4 episodes from here.
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I realized something kind of obvious that went right over my head until this episode. It’s a riddle:
A boy walking through the woods comes to a crossroads. Two twins are standing there, and they explain one lies and one tells the truth, and one way down the fork is certain death and the other way is the way home. The boy decides “Oh, yeah, I know this one,” and starts solving the riddle, but then realizes very quickly that both the twins are liars. The riddle cannot be solved. Either fork in the road will always lead to death.
At the time I didn’t understand the riddle, I looked online and got only other confused people, but now it makes sense why there was no real answer. Yugi and Pharaoh are the two lying twins at the crossroads. Yugi and Pharaoh are a type of twin: they look the same, they finish each other’s thoughts, they both can’t stop withholding information, they also share the same body.
The riddle of ParaDox wasn’t really about how to get out of the labyrinth, it was to illustrate this choice that Yugi will never be able to make. He cannot be cured. He can’t escape his mind-labyrinth. While Yugi could choose to completely become the Pharaoh or completely become Yugi, both choices would end in a type of death for the other.
And apparently, Yugi deciding to go full-Yugi is a lot like watching Windows reboot itself on safe mode.
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Bless this story boarder.
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Nice of Mai to show up just a few minutes too late. She could have just given 5 chips to Kaiba but whatever. Speaking of Kaiba.
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And that’s where Kaiba’s gonna be for the rest of the episode. Kaiba’s walking speed must be at an ants pace to explain this season.
Meanwhile, Mai decides to show off her own strange form of tough love. It’s very similar to Joeys, and very much not what Yugi needs right now. Can anyone on this show recognize what a break down looks like?
At least everyone else’s weird approach to self care does make for good TV.
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Maybe it was poor animation but I really think based on other people’s reactions that she was trying to fake punch the kid. Seems to be a normal reaction in the Yugioh universe to just punch punch punch until it all works out.
Also Mai is way more productive than the rest of them combined. It’s kind of unfair that the clearly best player here is clearly not going to win this tourney. I’d do the math exactly, I exaggerated for this panel, but I believe she won 10 chips in one day? About?
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The show never actually has Yugi say “I don’t want help, leave me alone.” but about ten episodes back we saw this same exchange with Mai and Yugi but in the reverse. Interesting parallel. Of course, now it’s got the added element of no one wants to be the first to tell Mai that Yugi nearly killed the head of Kaiba Corp. Youknow...the people who are, in fact, funding and hosting this tournament.
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I mean I guess it would be weird to bring up that 10 minutes ago Kaiba was standing on a ledge and Yugi was flinging a hologram yo-yo at him but what could be weirder than this already is?
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Tea can duel!? I mean I guess we saw her deck once, back when Bakura talked shop before he youknow...turned them into cards...but man, I thought everyone on the show would end up dueling before Tea does.
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So, they decided to hike all the way to platform 15. I haven’t been keeping track of their numbers but like...how many are even on this island? How many are hanging out never to be used again because No One Lives Here?
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So is Tea any good at cards? I mean she’s not NOT not dating a card wizard Pharaoh.
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She’s not. She’s not good at cards. I mean...she’s Tea.
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Also, Tea never shuts up about the power of friendship through this whole fight. It was like...girl there comes a point. You passed the point. This is past the comfortable point.
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Why, Tea?
I get the feeling that this show was written by writers who knew their forte and it was not romance.
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This shot right here is the closest we’ve gotten to romance this season. Incredible.
And again, I don’t want it to happen, I’m just surprised that the writers didn’t, either.
Joey kinda leans over to Yugi after a while and is like “IS ANY OF THIS GETTING TO YOU!? CAN YOU HEAR ME LIL BUDDY!?” and Yugi’s like “I’m standing right next to you!”
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It’s during this that Mai delivers some hard to swallow pills. Things that aren’t necessarily wrong.
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We got the only two girls on a show that funnels girls into the emotional support role fighting it out to see who has the right form of moral support. The honest answer is they both do, in their own weird way.
Tea standing up to Mai inspires Yugi to stand up to his dark side, because apparently Mai is just a darkside version of Tea? Kind of a weird thing to inspire him but the episode needed a clean solution to this problem that they’ve already told us can’t ever be solved.
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Yugi’s eyes dilate back to their normal scary hell state, he makes eye contact with his friends again, and he is ready to move this plot forward.
Because...Tea? I dunno.
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So lets get this straight--he hasn’t spoken a word to Pharaoh, he’s just decided "Well Tea can’t be wrong so we’re good now” and booked it straight for card wizard Magic Palace? Again, this bizarre heel turn would actually make sense if these two had shown any sort of...wait...
Did they have to edit out the romance in post? Is that what happened? That’s what happened, wasn’t it?
Anyways, next week, on Yugioh, maybe we’ll get an actual resolution to this problem. Also:
Who will Yugi almost kill next? Will Kaiba have to walk down yet another hallway with a big ass endless rug? Is Bandit Keith just lounging in Pegasus’ infinity pool drinking strawberry juice out of a wine glass through all this?
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Winn Schott - He Protects the Stars Masterpost, [P1 S2 E1-11]
Being a ramble of thoughts concerning one Winn Schott Jr., the tech genius and undervalued hero, with much appreciation for his character and reminders of how much they all need him.
Missed Season one? See S1 episodes 1-10 and episodes 11-20.
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Without further ado, episodes are under the cut.
2x01, The Adventures of Supergirl
A decent Winnisode by all accounts
It was pointed out to me that Winn is always the one to pass Kara her drink when they’re out in a group. #idon’trecallmyhashtags. #supportive friend #priorities whatever
Winn chiming in on the “to family” toast, because this is his family. #space fam
Friendly reminder that Winn learned Kryptonian because he “got bored.” and that Alex requested his help at the DEO. #genius
“Find out something that my team of highly trained alien experts can’t.” “Challenge accepted.” AND HE DID. #genius
Aside: he promises to figure this out. To Kara. Because she is important to him.
Fanboying over Superman. I don’t have anything intelligent to add over this. Just watch the smol son freak out, it’s beautiful. #protect him
Winn handy translator helped him read the alien pod’s computer and discover the craft’s trajectory, giving them important info on their guest.
“You look Fantastic.”
Is the one who pays attention enough to find out where the explosion originated, that it was directly under a seat, and to realize that seat had significance: it belonged to Lena. This allows Kara and Clark to rush to Lena’s aid, who they thought was a suspect, not a victim, and they arrive just in time to save her life, and thereby contact the villain and find out his plans and save other lives. #hero
the murdery drone reminding him of his dad’s work. Look at our boy casually tossing around what was held as his deepest, darkest secret; making sure his friends don’t see him any differently now that they know. He’s come a long way.
-and immediate concern for Kara. Always. #supportive friend #priorities “always” should become another hashtag here.
Kara immediately asks specifically for Winn’s aid the minute they’re in trouble. And he delivers. #always
One minute Alex asks J’onn to let Winn help on a tiny bit of decoding, and suddenly Winn is in the thick of things, like he saw stuff going down and just grabbed a computer. #hero
Already making Space Dad smile by his antics. Space Dad needs this tbh.
Welcome to the DEO, Winn. You deserve this.
2x02, The Last Children of Mars
Open with sass: “Grumpy”
Quoting Yoda, the second Star Wars reference in as many episodes. Also, aside, it is obvious that Star Wars is Winn’s favorite fandom, it has the most nods and references from our boy of any he mentions. #nerd
“Hey, new kid, go get the alien tech from storage. Ya know, the stuff that almost made everything really bad for us last time. And see if you can improve upon it.” Winn isn’t there more than a day and J’onn already relies on him an incredible amount. Might be a test, might just be resourceful with his assets.
Entrusted with making Superman (and Kara) a specialized suit.
Our favorite non-super hero is loving this DEO tech, locating the Prometheum in seconds.
Those suits aren’t ready because the former IT guy is obviously preoccupied doing... everything else tech wise at the DEO. #give him a break
Winn and science and his big sis, Alex. #nerds #brotp
“Think with less stabbing.” Good advice.
Here’s a bit of backstory: Winn grew up in foster care after his dad was jailed and his mother took off. And they are not happy memories, probably especially because he’s the child of a crazy murderer. But what he’s taken away from that is beautiful. Family is about showing up. Probably this is why he always shows up for his friends, his family. He understands the importance of that.
Does anyone else require much, much more of Winn being a nerd with Clark? Give the boy some quality friendship time please.
Also: the slightly ironic swell of the soundtrack as the camera pans around Winn to reveal his emotional expression. It’s earned though: Winn is a hero.
“Thank you, Winn.” Clark is one of a small handful of people on a small handful of occasions to show appreciation for Winn or his efforts. Even though the quickly assembled armor was not ready to withstand the attack, it was helpful, and Clark appreciates it here. Bless.
He’s happy to see Space Dad and Clark finally getting along, and sad to see Superman leave. Also, that hug. Winn is very much a hugging person, and it’s a great bit.
“Next time.” Let there be a next time, yes? Yes.
2x03, Welcome to Earth
Look at that flame-retardant cape helping Kara save the president's life tracking Mon-el.
Just kind of, left on his own while everyone else squees over the president?? Winn honey, I know that in the past episode and a half you have become the single person who gets asked to do everything at the DEO but take a break for a minute
Finds Mon-el. Bravo.
Look at the other, older, more experienced DEO agents behind him, literally just staring in awe and confusion as he works. #genius
Somehow not only finds the signal Mon-el sends, but also tracks down its origin to a dead planet whose existence and name hardly anyone even knows about.
I feel the need to point out here, with Kara's reference to a Kryptonian slur for the Daxamites and her farewell to Clark in the previous episode, that Winn's ignorance of their meaning does not mean he doesn't actually know Kryptonian. Languages are hard and complex things, and Winn probably learned everything he knows from texts, not from oral teaching. A deeply personal phrase like the one Kara uses for Clark, which they say has no easy English translation, and a random curse, are not likely to have been in his vocabulary - but for what it's worth, they are now.
Pretty low on the Winncontent otherwise.
2x04, Survivors
Disappointed Earth doesn't have dragon soccer. Me too, Winn. Me too.
"awesome" and "amazing" are Winn's favorite terms, in case no one has noticed. #give the guy a thesaurus
Hold the phone. Casual mention of "shall I get a strike team to gear up?" after he identifies and locates an alien assailant??? The man has been at the DEO for what, a few days, maybe a week? And he has the authority to call up a strike team for Alex?? I'm not complaining, but, just how tight a ship is J’onn running here?
Just assumes Mon-el is going to use his newfound power for good, to be a hero, because whether it's with his friends, or even with his dad, or with Siobhan, Winn has a steady history of looking for the best in people.
I've been asked to point out the times Winn gets manipulated into things, and here's a good one: Mon-el promising Winn he can make his supersuit and name him, if he'll just let Mon-el do what he wants. Should Winn have listened? No. But he, too, has been cooped up at the DEO for a fair bit and temptation is too strong here. Thanks, Mon-el, for setting up how this relationship is going to work.
Drunk Winn. Oh dear.
Again, Winn cannot keep secrets or tell lies. He's hopeless.
This whole follow-up scene at the DEO is golden. All of it. I love him.
Winn traced J’onn’s phone. No big deal for him, but he did that.
To be fair, Mon-el at least puts in a good word for Winn, admitting he baited him into the whole thing.
Winn and Alex being concerned for Space Dad is an ongoing trope. I love Space Dad and his kids. #space fam
2x05, Crossfire **Winnisode**
Winnisode is how I’m officially labeling episodes with a fair amount of Winn
"Any of these [guns] look familiar?" is in the weary tones of someone who has asked this question multiple times in the past hour.
Displaying, again, concern over what could have happened to Kara in this most recent fight. #always
"I was into Kara." An important line. I don't think this is completely honest, but he's also not good at lying so who knows. In any case, his friendship with Kara is still important to him, and that's good.
Winn never should have let Mon-el watch television.
Playing with a toy gun, are we? After the incident at the toy convention and everything else?? Hmmm. I choose to read this as our irrepressible hero bouncing back, and maybe intentionally moving past fears, maybe because he thinks being an agent in the field would be cool.
Repeatedly going over the Cadmus broadcast, looking for clues. Detail-oriented.
Another instance of Winn being manipulated? Here we go. James here, showing up to "check in" on his friend, when instead all he wants is to trick Winn into giving him info so he can go be a haphazard vigilante. The second he has what he needs, not two minutes into their conversation, he just leaves. He wasn't there to see Winn at all.
This entire scene where Winn confronts James is golden. James is completely valid wanting to do important and worthy things and feeling out of place, but Winn is making total sense. James will get himself killed on this. He isn't a superpowered human, he isn't bulletproof. Winn obviously already worries about his other best friend getting herself hurt, now he's trying to protect his second friend.
“To fight with knowledge - there is no shame in that.” #hero
"Or you can end up just like him" is harsh. However, coming from the guy who is terrified that his own interests and skills will make him turn out like his father? He's not wrong.
Winn trying to remind James that you don't have to don a suit and punch people to be a hero.
Helping Kara implement her plan. Complete dork bumping into Lena. And still trying to protect James, whose actions in this scene, do not help btw. #supportive friend
Saving the day with his new Science Friend, Lena. #more of this please
"We stopped it!" #hero #sunshine child
1) acknowledging James' side of things, and 2) "I would feel kinda bad if you went and got yourself killed and I could have helped you, blablabla." You watch this scene and tell me which one is the more relevant reason for his decision. “Do not run into the line of fire until [the suit] is ready.” Winn will always want to be there to protect the people he cares about when he knows he can help them.
Also just a little bit excited to be a hero, who can blame him.
2x06, Changing **Winnisode**
(not as much screentime, but some solid moments)
Calling the agents to arms (is that also his job on top of everything else? what exactly is in his job description anyway??)
Distracted by Drunk Kara, a new thing. And you can't convince me of "was" into Kara when here he immediately deflates into saltiness about Mon-el partying with Kara.
Alex and J'onn just... leaving Kara for a bemused Winn to take care of lol.
Winn analyzed the laptops. All of them. Literally what are the other agents doing when they are at work?
Identifies and names the alien parasite. #genius #nerd
Another manipulative scene with James, and I was so angry with James here: He has absolutely zero right to demand things of Winn. They're both upset, worried about Kara, but that doesn't make his angry demands warranted. And he realizes he's gone too far, but it's too late. I think they both very much needed this conversation. But Winn is not yours to use, James, and he's doing this completely for you, so back off sir.
Aside: I will never not have feels over the way Winn immediately checks himself when he gets angry here. He confessed to Kara that whenever he gets angry, he wonders if he'll snap and do something terrible. So he doesn't let himself get angry. #protect him
"I'm better at this kind of stuff than anyone you will ever meet." It's nice to see Winn not selling himself short. Is it a little grandiose of a claim? I dunno, so far, he hasn't been wrong.
"Your IT Prophet has a lead." oh Winn. XD
Left to look after the two people who have come to be his family.
While I wish Winn had found a way to convince James not to do this, I appreciate the solemnity he handles the moment with. Yes, James, you need to be sure.
Friendly reminder Winn makes all of Guardian's arsenal. That bomb that just saved Mon-el? His. That shield? This boy is good.
Excited to see Kara. Sorry James, your Man in the Van will #always have a favorite super.
Designed James’ suit so that Kara specifically couldn't discover that it's James.
Feels wrong keeping the secret from Kara. Yes, good.
He hoped that James would take a shot at the hero thing and realize his mistake and be done. But that's not the case, so he'll continue to support James and enjoy being a hero along the way. #supportive friend
2x07, The Darkest Place **Winnisode**
Honestly, S2 holds a promising amount of content for Agent Schott, or at least it does when you know you might get scraps.
Winn Is Not Subtle.
“Three versus one.” Try three versus two, James. Don’t forget about your partner. Partner, not sidekick.
"in every situation Guardian seems to be one step ahead" that is one hecking good "sidekick" Alex
Nice grappling device, Winn *cough* I mean, Guardian.
#highpitched panic
Terrified of going to jail? Gee, I wonder how much thought he's put into that scenario...
Fantasy football: something James is into and invited Winn to get into as well, but not really Winn's thing - something he would do for an excuse to hang out with his friend? Yes.
Alex. Those eyes. He doesn't stand a chance.
That jump.
Offended by her slap. Such a little brother to Alex's big sister. #brotp
Too worried about the James/Guardian situation to be worried for Kara for once, having no idea she could be in danger. He does know she can take care of himself, honestly he probably shouldn't worry as much as he does, but this time it would still be warranted.
“Genius takes time.”
Winn figuring out things no one stopped to think on: noticing the one guy the vigilante let get away and wondering if there was significance to it, following through, making connections, digging up exactly who they need to look into. Call yourself genius anytime, sir, because at least it's not an empty boast.
James trusting Winn's direction when they're in the field. He needs Winn like the rest of them do. Can you imagine Guardian without his man in the van watching his back? (Spoiler, when Winn gets distracted, James ends up with a bullet graze.)
A little offended on Kara's behalf with the whole "hitched" conversation with Mon-el, but mostly amused
Kid in a candy store when his bff uses her powers.
2x08, Medusa
"Casually drop" the revelation about Guardian. Winn, dear, you can't casually drop anything.
"Eliiiiiiza's glazed carroooooots??!"
Okay, but petition Winn gets like... one, just one happy normal safe Thanksgiving someday?
Shoves James forward to make his confession. Pulls him back down when the timing is obviously not right.
Mon-el gives his speech, very similar to the one Winn tried to give last year, and Winn just...sort of freezes... and then just downs his wine. Poor dude.
"One slightly less intense than last year's Thanksgiving." SEE WHAT I MEAN Warring families are definitely worse than ripping holes in space, I agree.
Listen to Kara or do the smart thing? Or try your best to do both?
-Not Winn related, but I just have to point out in the Monopoly scene you can see one of the crew got careless with those glass doors and you can see their feet as Kara goes in to help Mon-el.
Watch Winn's face when Cadmus declares "every alien will die." You can tell his heart just dropped. His bff? The boss who will also become probably his healthiest relationship? Hundreds of innocents? He can't take it.
Calls the strike team anyway, because he would rather take action (and listen to Kara) than err on inaction.
At the end, he was totally going in for a hug there with Space Dad. Just saying. #space fam
Lastly. We were so close, sooooooo close to a Winn and Cisco meet. *sigh*
2x09, Supergirl Lives
I have a love/hate relationship with this episode, but Winn is amazing.
Quick thinking Winn, clothes-lining the baddie with the van door. Bravo. #hero
I can’t watch this scene. 10/10 cannot handle.
“Winn, you okay?” No James. He isn’t. But thanks because this may be the last time anyone asks.
James had free time so he went home and wrote a fluff opinion piece on himself?? While his best buddy is in need of medical care and a friend. *sigh*
Can we talk about how Winn, regardless of keeping Guardian a secret, chooses to try and cover up his injury rather than seeking sympathy with his “mugging” story? #too pure #a good #protect him
“The future is very bright.”
.2 seconds of concern for Winn being the victim of an armed mugging is over, now we switch to finding out why Alex looks so dang chipper.
I’m sorry James. Not everyone gets a gun pulled on them. That doesn’t happen to normal people. Give Winn a break.
James may truly want to help, but somebody please give him some pointers: Good things to do for your friend: give them a break to recover from a trauma, go visit them for the express purpose of seeing them and being there for them, listen to what they have to say. Winn is always the #supportive friend, but he could definitely use one of those himself.
“It’s Stargate!” #nerd
Tracing the portal trip to its base planet. #genius
Tooooootally a Captain America shirt right there. #nerd
I could talk about this scene for days but just kudos to Jeremy for brilliantly portraying a panic attack with all of Winn’s little mannerisms here: flight instinct, pushing his sleeves up, trying to breathe normally, stammering, all of it. Bravo.
“Kara needs you. I need you.” #hero
Alex is just amazing in this scene.
Winn + Space = the only OTP
Please tell me whose bright idea it was to leave an untrained agent by himself on a dangerous alien planet with no means of protection other than a bulletproof vest and what appears to be a completely empty weapon holster. ???? #protect him
You are not the red shirt.
“You brought WINN to space?” I hear you, Kara.
Winn taking on a murderous alien with only his wits and a space rock is amazing. #hero
LOOK AT THIS BRAVE CLEVER HERO. Yeah, you had better be watching Kara, look what your friend can do.
“Start the car!” is like my second favorite Mon-el line of all time, just have to put that out there.
Sometimes, being a genius means aggressively hitting alien technology until it does the thing. #genius #sorta #desperate times
Did anyone else notice that Kara pushed Winn safely through the portal and then suddenly he’s still with them at the end? Terrible continuity, but I’m just going to choose to believe that the little space nerd didn’t want to leave it forever quick so quickly.
#no hugs for Winn. :(
Look at him. He is over the moon. Well. Close. ;)
When did he get the space rocks? Collecting samples while fixing the portal? Or from shaking out his vest and shoes and finding space dust there?
2x10, We Could Be Heroes
Winn. Is. Tired.
It’s a tossup whether the fact that James is injured or the fact that Winn’s suit failed is the reasoning for him wanting to tell Kara immediately.
“This is officially the first time I have ever asked you for anything.” ..... He has a point. And all he wants is to tell the truth.
“Maybe she’ll turn all the girlfriends evil again, I don’t know!” Winn Schott is the saltiest, most extra cinnamon roll in the world.
Cries out in anguish when Kara breaks a computer. XD #nerd
Pretty sure if Kara had maybe had a heart to heart with her best friend, it probably would have kept him from going behind their backs to help Guardian again. He wants to prove a point, and prove his worth.
Jack-of-all-trades #8?: Man in the Van. He has too many trades. I’ve lost count.
“Short answer: science,” is the best techno-babble replacement line.
Stuff goes wrong. Calls Kara. Winn isn’t an idiot.
Space Dad lecturing Winn and Winn thinks he’s this close to being dead. XD Bonus of Space Dad complimenting Winn and James and acknowledging their work. Kara, take notes.
When Kara lectures them, James leaves. But Winn waits. He waits to see if Kara has anything else she wants to say. And he looks so disappointed as he walks away. :( #always?
2x11, The Martian Chronicles **Winnisode**
not the most development, but some thrilling heroics
“Didn’t know I’d be seeing you tonight.” “Why wouldn’t you be?” Kara, some people do actually have work schedules that they try to stick to in order to keep their jobs, and most humans actually benefit from them.
That sad smile of his when she says “you could have been killed” It’s the thing he worries about with her. He knows, Kara.
“Have you ever thought that maybe I have a calling too?” This is one of only a handful of times Winn directly stands up for himself, and I want to stand up and applaud.
Gameplanning with Vasquez. YES. Also, good to see at least one of the other DEO agents actually being allowed to do noticeable work.
Confusion and horror in reaction to seeing the White Martian double. #protect him
They just.....wreck all the computers. Winn is really going to have a lot of work.
Spoilers: Everything from this point is not Winn, but the Martian. But that Martian has access to Winn’s memories, including learned abilities and general knowledge, and uses that to his advantage. Also, little note: Winn was probably physically the easiest target in the room. He’s not tactically trained. Maybe that’s why the White Martian took him out, because it needed a hiding place and Winn was a safe bet. On the other hand, the other one also took Alex, so. It may have been more than luck that led the Martians to selecting Winn, the genius whose mind and access they could use to implement their plan.
“Teakwood and tobacco.” I need the story behind this. Current headcanon is that this smell is associate with a foster home.
Martian!Winn noticeably nervous about J’onn’s mind scan.
Covering his initial offense at M’gann’s insult by turning it into a very Winn-like quip.
There is thinly veiled contempt in Martian!Winn’s glance at J’onn. Nice acting, nice directing there.
#whatEvenIsThatHandThingy ???
I...I really hope Jeremy enjoyed this as much as it looks like he did.
Winn has access to the whole system. That’s great. Uuuuuntil an evil alien gets to the reactor.
“We need the real Winn to unlock it.” I love that Alex doesn’t even question if anyone else can beat Martian!Winn’s encryption. However, I’m not sure if this is the real Alex here or not...
Also, seriously Kara, why has it taken you this long to show concern for your friend?
non-Winn-related commentary: #this is not the time for a meaningful chat. #you are going to get blown up.
“Whhyyyyy??!” is me when my alarm clock goes off. Probably Winn too.
“OOooHhHh wegottagetouttahere” XD XD
....Recovers faster than Alex. Maybe because he’s already ‘been there done that’ with someone being in his brain?
“About four minutes?” Love him.
Psyching himself up, assuring he can do it, right before seeing the battle going on around the reactor.
Warns J’onn about Armek. #hero #space fam
Space Dad’s priorities: protect the children, stop the bomb. #space fam
Has the courage to move through the fight to the core. He has his fear well in control here, just getting to work. #hero
“Whoever encoded this was a genius.” You. You sir. You are the #genius.
“This did not used to happen at CatCo.” Sweetheart. It wasn’t a lot better.
“Close? We had like twelve seconds to spare!”
“Can’t believe it’s still nighttime.” It’s ok, no one knows how time passes in this town buddy.
Put it on record: Kara just showed appreciation for Winn doing his job and saving the day. He couldn’t have done it alone, but no one else could have done it without him. #always #hero
“Unless you object.” He’s giving her a chance to make amends and she takes it, not giving him any reason not to go with Guardian. #supportive friend. “Be Safe.” She also shows care for him, which has become rare.
Alrighty, that’s it for this post! I’ll add the rest of the episodes to a second part, which I shall link from here as soon as it’s posted. :D Hope you enjoyed. Winn Schott deserves the world.
23 notes · View notes
syndianites · 7 years
How Do You Feel
Ship: Syndianite (Tom x S1 Dianite)
Summary: ♖: Soulmates can feel each other’s emotions
AN: +10 points for cheesy, super bad title. I started this in, like, September. It is very much not September anymore. Also, if you don’t know how old Tom is in whichever part, don’t worry, neither did I XD Had to write it for myself at the beginning of each ~~~ break. I’m just going to say in advance, its rather long
@syndcates Remember when I said I was going to write you a soulmate fic, like, months ago? I wrote it :D And actually finished!?!?!!!
Dianite was ungracefully slumped in his seat, wings pushed out in a jumble against the back. Beyond the tight flick of his tail, he was still. His gaze was full of ire, set upon the same spot it had been hours previous. The report that came in today. It told of the growing numbers in Mianite’s army, of the aggressive prodding at their shared border. Even their sister was apprehensive of his forwardness, Ianite seeing his haughty actions from a closer perspective. Being the bearer of peace and balance, she could feel when it was disturbed, when a great injustice to it was drawing nearer. And she prepared for a war.
So this, of course, irked him. Not only was he at a low point for his following, quite a number having exceeded their lifespan, he could clearly see a massive size difference between his and his brother’s people. If Mianite was in fact gearing up for battle, the god could do nothing but attempt to recruit more soldiers, and to intensify their skills. And despite her natural preference against conflict, he worked to gain the favor of his sister, to add more allies. If he could partake in any advantage against his brother, he would.
Though he wished to oversee the training of his warriors, he relinquished the responsibility to Furia, trusting both his own skills and leadership capabilities. Similar to the standard practice of his army, the fire demon worked into finding and exploiting weaknesses, when and how to fight dirty, drilling in loyalty to both him and the kingdom, as well as those fighting beside you. Of course the adults weren’t handling it well. But he was determined to have a cohesive army above anything else, to maintain flow and to cover one another. To prevent casualties.
Except, in the middle of his thoughts, stopping him from going to assess their progress, he felt… something.
It was small, a glimmer of feeling. But it was growing. With each passing second, it developed into a fuller experience. This small glimmer became… awe, almost happiness. A giggle bubbled up in his chest, baffling in its sudden appearance. His wings fluttered, releasing their cramped position, as he made an aborted, choked off sound. For the first time in hours, he sat up. With a hand over his mouth, he waited for the feeling to settle.
But almost as suddenly as it had appeared, it took a drastic turn. The urge to bawl, to just wail out into the air burst from nothing. A prickling sensation became seated behind his eyes, moisture building up in the front. Biting his lip, he took a deep breathe, trying to calm the splurge of emotion. For all the years he had lived, none had ever came upon him so spontaneously.
Surely this wasn’t what he thought it was.
For millennia he had been alone. He hadn't bothered with the trifles of love, of someone within this world being the one for him. But these sudden mood changes? They had to mean something.
His tail swayed lightly as he peered over the scouting reports, set to a light hearted rhythm. These reports were awful. Yet he couldn't stop the content feeling growing in his chest. The even beating of his heart. In the face of such wretched news, he never felt more relaxed. Despite the bitter acceptance he had made many lifetimes ago, he had to face the truth. He had a soulmate.
Even in such an uplifted state he couldn't resist intrusive thoughts. Why must he be bound to the fragile emotional state of a mortal? Surely, by the end of their lifespan, he'd also be subjected to the pain of their death? But he stopped himself.
Who honestly had it worse? This being, surely only a child, was bound to the God of Chaos. Not only would their life be influenced by his base instincts towards destruction, could they not be used as a sort of bargaining chip? If someone were to discover their link, what was stopping them from taking advantage of it?
But while such ideas were of serious concern, the quirk in his lips betrayed him. Even with his family, those he loved and cherished, and those he didn't, it was as though a weight had been taken off his chest. Beyond his sons, he knew that he would never feel the fabled eternal love and devotion for another. He had been certain he'd never have the chance. But as his wings smoothed out behind him, the quirk of his lips threatening to grow, it turns out he was wrong.
In the face of looming war, it should have been frustrating. He needed to focus. His people, his soldiers, his son, they were all looking to him for guidance. But here he was, carelessly lost in thought. It even showed beyond the privacy of his home. Most soldiers were too afraid to say anything, afraid they'd turn his mood for the worse. However, Furia had no qualms against pointing out the shift in demeanor.
In fact, only a few days prior, he was called out on it.
“You know Mom,” he addressed suddenly, “You’ve been a lot less upright recently. Almost distracted. Something is up.”
“I-I’ll, um, tell you at a better time.” Having been caught off guard, that was the best he could come up with. Of course, the observant child had chosen a time when his mind had trailed off, caught up in the trickle of curiosity from the bond. And his hurried response only served to heighten Furia’s curiosity.
And for the majority of the week after that, he still struggled to keep his attention on bettering his army. They, of course, were relieved by the dulled obsession with training. While they knew they needed to be the best, the edge of the devised training sessions were starting to wear on them.
Even with his small moments of distraction, they maintained continuous efforts. But they could sleep easier, rejuvenate faster now that the intensity had rounded out. Ironically, they improved faster.
Ianite, in her rare visits, noticed almost immediately. At first, she had simply assumed he had been given better news about the upcoming confrontation. But with each sudden twitch of his wings, phantom pull at his lips, bleeding of tension from his shoulders, it was clear this wasn't the case. And while she had her suspicions, she had no clear idea as to the source of his change.
Perhaps he has finally found something to live for.
She left it alone. It had been quite some time since she had seen him move between his people with such ease, one that spoke not of discipline or command, but of familiarity. This was looking to be an improvement. As long as this kept her balance set, or even strengthened it, it could stay.
Despite the Nether God’s best efforts, he couldn't help but notice a strange sort of… attachment growing for the being. He knew so little of it; what being was it, what gender, what kingdom? But, perhaps out of the nature of their bond, he grew fonder with every passing emotion.
It was almost exhilarating to experience the first time they'd feel a new one, just the knowledge that they were growing, becoming more aware. He just hoped that this wouldn't be his downfall.
But then Mianite made the first push into his territory.
The assault was sudden, giving them barely enough warning to soften the blow. They had run the risk of losing not only a string of towns along the border, but a trading hub as well. As it was, they only lost a smaller border town. And a good chunk of his army.
But as he paced the hallway outside his office, the small space unable to contain him, he couldn’t help but let his emotions slip. His tail slashed through the air, at times catching on the tiled floor, leaving small chips. Each hint of sound was met with a swift flick of his ears, straining to hear any approaching people.
His emotions bled across the bond.
At first it was met with a strange silence, eerie when contrasted with the steady stream of noise from the other end. But then a chilling, uncomfortable feeling came back to him. The effect had his wings pulling up, feathers puffing out. He could feel himself go rigid with discomfort, the base feeling of something being so undeniably wrong.
For the first time in the young being’s life, he felt them experience fear. All the rage that had settled into his bones earlier was flushed out with shame. What good would his anger do here? Ripping through his halls like an angry drunk, getting pissy with anything that moved, what did that help?
Shaking his wings out, he let out a huff. He need to give his people the assistance they needed. So many factors played into the perils of the attack, but one stood out in particular: a notable lack of healers.  He’d need to employ the wizards to the east, with their vast magical capabilities. If his people were already determined to protect each other, those under captivity being as useless to their Mianitee enslavers as possible, then he must be as well.
As he strode off, purpose set in his gait, he tried to soothe his soulmate. He would not let them feel such wretched emotion again, especially of his doing. First, he would remove the arrogant god from his kingdom, then he’d set about keeping his a place that his people could thrive in relative peace.
After all, if he couldn’t let his people thrive, how could his soulmate thrive?
It took three years to drive his brother out.
Most of his kingdom suffered from the conflict. But along the border, they felt the worst of it. Towns, in fits of rage, had been pillaged and sacked, a number of residents beaten and left for dead. The roads were left in disrepair, demolished in attempt to stall relief forces from the center of the land. Families had been ripped apart, adults taken for labor and children used for tight space jobs. For a kingdom built upon justice and order, they pushed dangerously past the moral line between necessities and war crime.
For the soldiers that made it home, they carried the burden of their experience. Of seeing their brothers and sisters in arms fall around them, of the promises they made to each other. Promises that they would look after family, friends, for themselves. It was a weight they carried both with weightless determination and heavy despair. For many years to come, they would not find peace alone.
Even the wizards, so vibrant and mysterious in their power, returned home as less than what they had been. Some were eerily void of magic, their reserves depleted, the spark close to flickering out. Others were haunted by each surge of power that coursed through their veins. For them, there was no greater strength than the combined magic of your allies. But in this fashion, their very allies, each precious soul, sacrificed the last of their magic, their life force, in their final moments. These sacrifices, a blending of magic into their brethren, would lead to a generation of powerful wizards. A generation haunted by the loss of every individual.   
Ianite, naturally neutral, suffered from the conflict. Each attack pushed at her balance, clawed at her mind. She had chosen to keep her people free of the battle, but it had come to them.
In secret, she had been supplying Dianite with food and living essentials. From her perspective, Mianite was the one who had disrupted the precarious balance. But once he found out, he determined her to be a threat. With no warning, he had sent a portion of his army to devastate the border between their kingdoms, making the mistake of letting them assualt those on Ianitee land.
This was the deciding factor in their struggle. Once Ianite was pulled in, she spared no mercy to right the wrongs done against her people. Where Dianite had felt the full force of Mianite’s attacks with each conflict, Ianite had only suffered minor casualties. Despite being a goddess centered on peace and balance, her army was of lethal capabilities.
Mianite, already weakened by the attacks in his brother, stood no chance under their combined efforts.
Now, the gods focused on recovery. Though they put a number of restrictions on Mianite and his kingdom, they gave some support to his efforts, to ensure that he wouldn’t desperately return to war as a way to scrape up more money or supplies.
While Dianite’s own merchants and soldiers were reluctant to send much assistance, Ianite’s people, bound by their beliefs of peace and fairness, gave no hesitation to go to their aid. Having suffered the least amount of damage, they had labor and resources to spare.
So Dianite divided his attention between dividing resources for recovery efforts and maintaining a steady stream of advice and orders for volunteers. His biggest focus was on border towns, those ravaged the most. Not only were they key to security, but they played a role in keeping up trade. Though many didn’t boast much trading efforts, they did enjoy the profits of supplying and entertaining passing tradesmen. If he wanted to rebuild his economy, he’d need to get his trade network back into high gear.
He had assigned a group of upper class volunteers, looking to positively add to their reputation, the task of renovating the trashed roads throughout the kingdom, when he felt the familiar presence in his mind.
Over these years, he had been held together by one thing: the growing conscience of his soulmate.
When the first inkling of fear wandered across their bond, he was quick to assume the worst. War had caught up to his soulmate. But even as it grew, it was dulled by the curiosity growing around it, the awe. But in that moment, after his heart had frozen in terror, he promised to destroy whoever invokes such a feeling from his soulmate.
While he had kept his own horror away from the bond, he couldn't get rid of the nasty taste he had been given. Where most other emotions left a lingering touch, fear had invaded more of his senses, a foul, rotten taste stuck to his tongue, a cold, slimy ick on his skin, the metallic, deadly scent of battle. It was horrific.
But as the curiosity turned to glee, he felt the sensations melt off his being. The bright, warm feeling settled back into his chest. It steadied him. And while he had only sent small snippets of feeling to his tiny soul, he hoped he did the same for them.
Though that had happened almost a year prior, it had stuck with him. And though they had small, purposeful exchanges of emotion, they could hardly communicate. So as time passed, he focused on making sure they never felt his rage, his sorrow, his agony, that they never felt anything but love and acceptance.
Right now, however, he battled with those very emotions. Despite his best efforts, his kingdom was still in shambles, his people suffering and weary. Though the anger had long since dimmed down to simmering in his chest, waiting. But such trifles were unnecessary, a mere obstruction for the ongoing plans for reconstruction.
The border towns were not recovering well. Once Mianite found them to be of no service, he took it upon himself to force them into submission. The results were horrific.
Families were torn from each other, forced to slave away for the good of his brother, left to survive in hardly livable conditions.
Such brutality could not be so easily rectified. Some traumas edited long past their happenings.
Disgust strung itself into the rampant blend of emotions. What was the point of such wretched deeds? If his land had been conquered, that would have been only a reason for rebellion. His people, let alone any other human, would never take such punishments lying down. A god of justice should know better.
Even as the burning ball of raw emotion twirled in his stomach, he could feel remorse sneak in. He should be able to fix this, he should have been able to stop it. He is a god after all.
Guilt and shame worked their way in, creating a volatile mixture of feeling. It had no release. There was no outlet for it. It had nothing to destroy but himself.
As it threatened to choke him, a timid feeling pushed at his mind. It was slow, shy, but it shone bright and settled the building storm within him.
The hesitant brush along his mind was clearly his soulmate. It was a familiar presence, a comforting one. But this was different, it held a purposeful, directed force. Gently, he reached out for it. The connection seemed to sharpen, to clear up, and one though rang throughout his mind: “Don’t be sad”
And if someone, something out there, so innocently wished for him to feel better, someone who barely knew him, he wasn’t sure whether to accept the thought. But the persistence of this tiny being held strong, and he begrudgingly let himself relax. Perhaps he should be more concerned that any mortal could have this much effect on him. He wasn’t.
A month had passed, and there was still no definite victor. Mianite had won nothing, but Dianite had still lost many. Even Ianite had lost something, and her mental state was not… on the best track. Once he had his kingdom in a better place, helped enough people for them to stand on their own, he would see to her.
He does admit to a grim satisfaction, however, when his scouts, closer to spies, returned from surveying the condition of Mianite and his land. While Mianite was in a similar position to himself, he was left with a rather large portion of his empire encased in ice. Surprisingly, it was in a place with less people, yet holding most of the god’s army. There was no trace of the perpetrator, and few actually knew who would have such capabilities. Most assumed Dianite had done it, as Ianite had yet to be fully pulled into the war. It wasn’t, but no one needed to know who it truly was. The gods and Furia knew, and that was enough.
Beside that, he was interested to note that most of his army had returned to their original practices, with the majority remaining had only ever been apart of it. From this information, he lightly assumed the god held no intention of another attack anytime soon. Though both had guards stationed along the border towns, Dianite was more focused into rebuilding, where Mianite was looking into establishing his kingdom’s economy and reinstating many forgone practices.
His sister remained more of a mystery, though the most obvious stance she was taking was fixing the damage done by Mianite’s surprise assault. While on a smaller scale than most taken on Dianite, as it was meant more towards a diversion, many of her people were still suffering the effects of it. Beyond that, the only happenings he was aware of with her, were the basic functions of her kingdom. Trade had not faltered, their relations had not changed, and her economy remained strong.
But a gut feeling told him something was off there. He hadn’t the time to investigate, however.
Four years in the running and the scars of war were still slow to fade. Communications with Mianite had been reestablished, and while merchants were only a tad hesitant to restart their trading, many of their people were content to avoid the other kingdom. Border towns were beyond hesitant to reestablish contact, they mostly refused to. Few believed in the healing relationship of the gods.
Despite slow developments, all seemed to be going well, even Ianite, who came out of the years closer to herself again. (Something in the back of his head screamed that this was wrong, Ianite is not herself). But even with all this progress, nothing made him more delighted than to feel what his soulmate does. As the child seemed to grow, so did his feelings. From the more basic emotions came more complex, happiness became euphoric or lighthearted, anger became irritation or rage, hurt became humiliation or insult. Even these branched off.
It was a journey of sorts, to feel someone’s range of emotion spread over time, when he had previously been in the thick of it. He found himself encouraging the positive emotions and trying to alleviate the negative ones. In a strange twist of events, they worked with each others feelings, trying to keep the other content if nothing else.
The very nature of their bond, however, was starling. Where most soulmates only felt vague emotions until they found one another, the two of them had been experiencing some far stronger than the norm. Hell, when they directed and focused hard enough, they could even convey simple thoughts. So, to one another, they were Tom and Dia. (The god didn’t want to reveal his full name, worried about the consequences of doing so. Little Tom was confused by this, but wasn’t too keen on asking).
And now, with how everything seemed to be fixing itself, he felt peaceful. He could tell that made Tom happy, judging by the cheerfulness coming from him. The recovery efforts were working out well, and many of the families disrupted by the war have finally been stabilized. Distantly, as he was supposed to be paying attention to the weekly report in the state of the kingdom post-war, he wondered how it affected Tom’s family.
Even throughout Tom’s younger years, he’d imagine that if they’d went through any hardships, Tom would have reflected that in some sort of confusion or distress. Surely, if he’d lived in his kingdom, the family would have been at least alarmed. God forbid (hah) that he lived in Mianite’s lands. Perhaps he could live in Ianite’s? No, her kingdom, with its rather closely tied, smaller span, would all be affected by the attack. Was he outside their area of rule?
He supposed it didn't matter. One day, he was determined to find the mortal and bring him here. If it's alright with him of course. Perhaps even invite his family. As long as Tom was happy.
But one of the presenters asked him something, and his thoughts were broken off.
It had been a prosperous year, nearly two, when it happened. One moment, he was contently teasing Furia about something or another, the next he was doubled over, practically punched in the gut by pure panic. There, in some small hallway, he felt the worst experience of his life.
Furia was crouched beside him, and he could vaguely make out words escaping his mouth. But his head was swimming with alarm, confusion, fearfearfear. It was hard to distinguish his own thoughts in the torrent of emotion.
He was torn between focusing on Tom, trying to figure out the problem, and on Furia, the warmth of his hands set upon his shoulders, to keep himself centered. The only response he could manage was a wave of concern, trying to get it through the mass swarming between them.
Nothing new came back. Just an ongoing stream of hurt and confusion, of terror and anguish. Furia did his best to man handle him back up, trying to drag him somewhere better than the corridor. He tried to focus on the world around him, but even his vision was blurring, his mind muddled. Putting on foot before the other, he struggled to stay upright.
This was terrifying. Though he tried to fight the feeling, to keep it away from the already panicked Tom, he could feel it seep into him. On one hand, he didn't know anything in regards to what was happening to Tom. He didn’t know where he was, or how to trace the bond. Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t bring Tom to him or help him from here. It was as simple as he didn’t know what he looked like or who exactly he was. The entire concept was frustrating.
On the other hand, he was not used to feeling so… useless. Well, more so powerless. It had been a long time, too short of a time to his liking really, since he had felt stripped to this extent. Memories he has long repressed were the last hint of such disastrous emotion. Yet here was this mortal, who felt so very helpless in his own right, taking the god down so far. The pure force behind his emotions was enough to make Dianite feel crippled in a way, and this horrified him.
But as Furia managed to get him to his room, settling him on his bed, he was pushed farther towards the pure worry for Tom. In the short time he had come to know him, mere years to the centuries of his existence, the child had wormed far into his heart. And to lose him without even meeting him? To lose the supposed other half of his soul? He would not stand for this.
With the fiery being curled against him, trying to offer any comfort his words could not convey through the haze in his mind, he tried something different. With their bond, they could share feelings and thoughts, however vague they were. Being a god, what is to say he couldn't siphon part of his power, the energy of it, to Tom, in hopes of ending his woes? REgardless of whether the child would appropriately handle them, if it solves the problem, why not?
Trying to sort out the wave of horror pushing towards him, he made the best path in the backlogged connection. His efforts rewarded him with a steady stream pushing through the torrent of emotions, finding its way to Tom. With that, he sent one thought, pushing to keep it clear. And once it reached him, the flood in his mind ebbed, a solemn determination ringing through instead.
‘Use this power to save yourself’
At first, despite the child’s resolve, the pull on his power was hesitant, as though he wasn't certain of his actions. But then, with a jerk he was convinced Furia must have felt, it was pulled on. And somewhere far away, unknown to his distressed senses, chaos was created. It was its own storm, an experience of unstable proportions through both ends, but it was centered. Somehow contained. When Tom cut the flow of energy to his creation, both minds rang silent.
Dianite could sense more than feel Furia beside him, but now he could hear connecting phrases, words forming to convey a message. As his mind focused back on his body, he could feel the light fingers brushing through his wing, the firm hand pressed against his collar, keeping him upright. Looking into his son’s eyes, genuine concern shone up at him. “Better?” Furia helped him settle further into the bed, resting against the may pillows at its head.
He wanted to say yes, but with the echoing silence from his constant companion, he wasn’t too sure.
The answer was no. Abso-fucking-lutely no. While the tempest was quelled within his own mind, Tom’s was quiet, brooding. For a child full of such mischief and energy, this was more of a warning than the previous experience. And for yet another time, Diantie felt helpless.
Was he in shock? He had no way to know. Asleep? Even in his slumber aborted feelings brushed against his mind. Drugged? Surely even in a drugged stupor, some feeling would shine through. The state of unknowing was killing him slowly, and this wouldn't help Tom.
So while he outwardly remained infallible, he did his best to keep his emotions and thoughts softer, trying to convey comfort and stability. He hoped it was working. So far he received only mute emotions, too muddled with others to mean much.
But it was progress nonetheless.
This continued for days, weeks. After a month and three weeks, something changed. It was a spark, small but powerful, of hope. Beyond the minute responses of happiness he could occasionally drag from Tom, there was actual joy. Whatever it was, he was glad Tom found it.
But Dianite knew it wouldn't be that easy. Even with the reluctant growth of happiness in his soulmate, he still held onto an unshakable grief. It lingered in every blip of feeling that wandered over the bond.
Though Tom had tried to mask what he felt over the past year, from before the accident, he wasn't good at it. So even in his calmest moments, grief rested on his shoulders as an armor against the world. The more he felt it, the less he experience other things. When blocking out his despair, he rage, his hopelessness, it wasn't a bad thing. But now, when love or joy tried to sneak back into his life, it was snuffed out by the ever present grief.
As time wore on, he started to notice a change. It was less heavy on Tom’s side of the bond. Albeit begrudgingly, he seemed to take comfort in this new presence. With Dianite still streaming bits of feeling and thought to him, he was given one back, for the first time in months.
‘I like Adam’
While god chose not to read too much into that, when his first assumption was rather unlikely, he poked more at Tom.
‘Who is Adam?’
His first response was a small peek of excitement, before a splotch of frustration followed.
‘Not supposed to say’
The god raised an eyebrow, casting a curious look towards the wall, in place of his companion.
‘Oh? Well, where are you then?”
The frustration flattened out to make way for irritation.
‘Can’t tell you that either’
Dianite let out a sigh. By now the god had found himself seated in his throne once more, only having gotten out of it mere moments ago. Flicking his tail back and forth, he rested his head on his fist. If Tom’s new… friend didn’t want to be described or have his location revealed, he could be a criminal. Or, perhaps, from the war. Countless Mianitees had been outraged or ashamed of the act. Some had been publicly criticized. It was only after the war that anyone outside the kingdom heard of the internal riots and insubordination over it.
But as Furia strode into the room, nodding at the guards to let in those with an appointment, he knew he didn't have the time to ask. Straightening up, evening out his expression, he gave one last thought to Tom, before focusing in.
‘Just stay safe love’
Over the past few years, Dianite could say many things in his life were improving.
His kingdom had risen from the destruction and re-entered the world economy with relative ease.
The wizards that had assisted him, though not apart of his kingdom, due to their own mysterious happenings, were recovering from the traumas of magic. Quite a number of them stayed connected with their army comrades, partially as a way to cope, partially to feel more connected to society. He found that the magical population within his people had risen.
In terms of former and current soldiers, a good deal were trying to keep centered in the midst of their memories. IT was evident that many were haunted by their recollections, but most found solace in the companionship and assistance of their peers. If all went well, Dianite could better establish a system to get them readily available professional help. His people were, after all, his priority.
Ianite seemed to have gotten her kingdom in well working order, almost as though no trifles had arisen among her people. Only if one were to look closely could they seek the cracks were things had been put back together, the faint scars of what had needed to heal. And though she looked strong, Ianite herself had her faltering moments.
Mianite, despite having taken the most damage, reestablished his kingdom rather well. Though his siblings had taken it upon themselves to assist in the rebuilding, so that his people didn’t suffer, they assumed he would learn from his mistake. Really, he didn’t. Instead, it took the effort of his people, who were in favor of those who had helped them, rather than the god that had instated such disaster, to get him to a better place.
Once they had settled, they were quick to press for change. First, they had focused on removing the people currently holding office. While the disgruntled aristocrats were able to keep their land and holdings, those of ‘lesser’ status had been tasked with replacing them. Many of these people were, not surprisingly, generals or commanders in the army. However, they were picked rather carefully.
It was no secret that some of the soldiers took sick pleasure in the chaos and destruction they had caused. (It was rather ironic, for they assumedly followed the god of order and justice). Most of the selection power was given to those of lower command in the army, the simpler soldiers. The throwaways, the footmen, those who were the barrier for the more elite, or for the ranged. Whether this came about from the sheer number of them, or the peculiar disappearance of a number of higher standing army men was left to speculation.
Regardless, under the supervision of his people, Mianite worked focused on supporting his kingdom.
And Dia was focused on none other than his soulmate.
Ever since he found this mysterious ‘Adam’, he had gotten happier by the day. Exuberance popped up without warning, spots of pure mischief growing until pure joy burst from him. (Sometimes it was followed with alarm, as well as humor. He assumed he was finding trouble for his fun). It was so much better than the wretched period of emptiness and despair. And for a time, he had forgotten that Tom was allowed to feel such negativity.
Until he received another taste of bitter pain.  
Unlike his early encounters with it, this was more closely entwined with hurt, betrayal. To make it worse, it had been slow. It was a creeping sensation, one that happened as a slow realization. A slow burn that tore at his insides, making hard for him to quell his rage.
Before he could start any response, Tom hesitantly sent him a thought.
‘Adam says it's for the best. That he leaves me. That people were coming for him and he can't let them get to me.’
The god was startled by this. Not only had Tom said more than ever before, but the information he gave was enough for him to connect the dots. His soulmate had been taken in by none other than Seananners, well known black market dealer, pirate, and thief. He lived in infamy, keeping his allies under strict code to ensure safety. Many times, he has teased authorities with false information of his group.
Seananners was one of his favorite criminals.
But Tom was clearly distraught over this. Though he knew Seananners only let his people go when there was serious danger, he wanted Tom to have a safe group to be with. Too many times, kids were picked up by abusive people, those who chose to use their smaller size to their advantage. And Seananners was far from that.
He had to make sure his soulmate stayed safe.
‘Did he say anything else?’
Tom gave off mild confusion.
‘He, uh. He said… something about Optic people?’
Of course, Adam would suggest another criminal group. In all honestly, he was partially surprised that they had any relation. Due to the size of his land, they mainly operated on separate areas. Very rarely had he heard of either crossing into one another’s territory of sorts.
Though, he should know better with Nanners.
‘It’d be best for you to seek them out. Do you know your way about the kingdom?’
On another note, Tom was in fact in his land. As long as he kept his kingdom safe, he could keep Tom safe. His people, while not the samaritans Mianite had boasted of his own, were against the poor treatment of children. If all else, they would find great consequence in hurting his soulmate.
‘Yeah. Mostly. Adam said to keep to the main roads, so it should be fine?’
Dianite idly reached up to tug on a horn. Stroking his nails across the grooves, he let out a huff.
‘Be safe. I’ll do my best to help you.’
A pang of longing echoed in his chest as he felt Tom unfocus from their bond. He felt so far from him. The urge to have him safely wrapped in his arms, by his side, just… with him. It felt wrong to be without him, and even though he pushed the feeling aside with practiced ease, he knew it was there.
But as he felt Tom distance himself, his way of cutting off emotions, he could only let himself mope for a little longer. He had work to do. If he wanted to make sure Tom was safe, he need to make sure his kingdom was safe. Furia would be delighted.
Some days, Diantie wondered if letting Tom join the Optics was a mistake. As he peered down at the growing number of reports piled at his desk, he slumped in his chair. Today, the answer was a sure fire yes. Blowing a loose feather out of his face, he distantly watched it float to the ground. With a flick of his tail, it was push up towards the desk, to land precariously on the edge.
Groaning, he reluctantly pulled himself up, settling into a more rigid posture. The particular paper on top was of the most recent offense. It was “An Attack of Most Ridiculous Resentment” where the victim was at the tail end of a revenge crime, “for such a petty reason as one of the men having been allegedly ‘abused’ by me in the past. I swear I have no idea who he is-”. This was one of the more boggling cases, where the others were a mix of robin hood attempts and everyday mischief. To be honest, he had a hard time getting mad over it.
Collecting the papers and stacking them in a semi-organized pile, he stood from his seat. He stretched with a groan, his wings followed his moments, gently and carefully brushing against objects in the room before stopping at the walls. Pulling his wings back in with a grumble, he set upon himself to get some sleep. Furia wouldn’t have to gripe at him that way.
The trip to his room wasn’t long, but exhaustion seeped into him gleefully with every step he took. The perks of being a godly being came with boundless energy for long periods of time, gifts beyond mortal comprehension, and a mass of followers. However, it would appear such luxuries did him no good against the natural processes of his own body.
As he settled himself into the silken sheets, shifting to lay on his stomach so as to keep pressure off his wings, he sighed at the low hum of joy in the back of his mind. Despite the rampant chaos the group chose to cause, he didn’t regret leading Tom to them. The past five years have been so much better to his soulmate, his emotions so much lighter. Though he was initially wary, a mixture of anxiety and fear floating through their bond, Tom seemed quick to make friends.
It was a nice feeling, knowing that Tom was safe. The he had people that were there for him. People who were going to stay. The Optics were known, in the underground world, for always taking care of their own. They were a band of outcasts essentially, those who lost their family, who were turned away at every door. Together, all these people made a family for each other.
He could feel his eyes starting to droop, as he let himself relax, curling an arm under his pillow. With the pleasant buzz in the back of his mind, he let himself drift off. He knew Tom would be safe.
The sun was barely peeking above the horizon when Dianite was awoken by a sudden rush of panic. In his groggy stupor it was startling, and forgot for a moment that it might originate from the bond. For the few moments after his eyes shot open, he switched from immediately surveying his room for threats, and frantically trying to determine what he may have thought of to cause the panic.
When he felt a cold spike of terror, he snapped into wakefulness. This wasn’t him, this was Tom. Tom was in trouble. Pushing himself up, giving his wings a quick shuffle, he clenched his teeth. These were the times he wished to be able to be by Tom’s side. To defend him, to keep him out of trouble. As it was, the best he could do was get up and see if the trouble was something he could stop from his end. It likely wasn’t
Though he found himself an impressive stack of paperwork upon arriving to his office, not one sheet mentioned anything about the Optics. And with a generic name such as Tom, with no last name, he had little way of knowing whether he had been caught as a regular civilian.
He received no news concerning Tom until much later. The sun was finding it's way back down the sky, and his head was a mixture of unpleasant emotion, with the occasional stroke of defiance. It was during one such instance, where he could only assume Tom was digging himself a grave, that Furia entered his office with a rushed gait.
“They captured two Optic members,” he began quickly, “One under the codename of Nadeshot, one under the name of Syndicate.”
Furia let his breath settle, before continuing, “I told the men overseeing them that you would like to have a look at them, since you know,” he gestured towards his own head, “That lovely connection you have.”
The fiery demon had barely finished saying the last bit before Dianite was out of his seat. Carrying himself with purpose, he took long strides, Furia muttering irritatedly under his breath as he half jogged to keep up. The younger being would miss for very few things in the world. After all, he could get to meet his Mom’s soulmate.
The corridors seemed to stretch on forever, but in reality the god made it to the holding cells in mere minutes. The guards, who were casually talking amongst each other, hastily stood attention when he strut inside. He waved a hand at them before they could say anything, dismissing them. With flustered bows, they exited the room.
Waiting until their footsteps faded into the distance, he motioned for Furia to retrieve one of the men. Rolling his eyes, he found the gate keys inside a desk pushed into a corner, and approached the man dressed in white robes. He stepped out of the cell after exchanging a wary glance with his companion. There was an almost unsettling quiet through the bond.
Leading the human into the questioning chamber, a room much kinder than the interrogation chamber a floor below, he pondered what to say. Giving himself time to think, he motioned for the other to take a seat.
Deciding on his words, he calmly stated, “As I’m sure you’ve figured, my name is Dianite, though some know me by Dia.” He felt no change in emotion from his bond, so surely this man was not Tom. “I am here to ask only one question: Are you part of the Optic group?”
The man hesitated for a moment before answering, “I… yes, I am.”
With a small nod, he jerked his head towards the door, and the human hastily exited the room. Moving to stand by the doorframe, he nodded at Furia to release the other man once he had locked his most recent companion back up. A few clicks and clunks later, and he was making room for the next man to enter. Still, the bond was quiet.
Shutting the door, Dianite began in the same fashion, “I am Dianite, as you surely have figured out by now, though some know me as Dia.” He bit back an overjoyed smile as that brought a reaction through the bond. A thick shock and surprise.
“Is your name Tom?” he finished, holding his breath. At the wide eyed, disbelieving look on his companion’s face, he couldn’t stop a smile from overtaking his own face.
“I’ve been looking for you.”
(AN: First off: Sorry this took literal months to write DX. Second: This is. Seventeen. SEVENTEEN. PAGES. Third: I was editing it, but I may have given up around the seventh page since there was just so much more to go through. I hope you like it! ((Though the ending feels rushed rip)) )
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